July 5th, 2020 • 3h 15m
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I think is an insult to my
manhood from
the Silicon Valley where I saw
the best
fireworks display in my life
and it was
done by the public I'm John
Cena more
typically fourth of July if I
correctly in San Francisco is a
big dud
it's a big loser because of the
hanging cloud and you can't see
it and
it's just no good and that was
a limit
yeah I go yep yep yep except
for one
thing every 20 years or so the
fog never
shows up and this was the year
huh this
was the year you look at it was
clear it
would have been a great
display but the idiots canceled
it on
the one day where you could
actually see
it's the one the one time in 20
yeah and so there was no
display because they're all
cowering in
place yeah and meanwhile the
town of
Richmond who are guests they've
kind of
had a wink-wink nudge-nudge
going on
there must have been 1,000
shooting off fireworks and it
would and
it was sounded like just a war
zone it
was constable bum bum it looked
like a
finale it looked like a finale
of a
regular fireworks show only it
was for
three and a half hours yeah
it's just
nothing but nice non-stop bombs
and I
guess la had the same
phenomenon because
there's a music there's a video
around or some helicopter
flying over la
that looks like a war zone
and we had a lot of a lot of
fireworks a lot of booms going
off for
most to me this is very
reminiscent of
Amsterdam around New Year's in
Netherlands where you can't do
you can't have gone
nothing it's everything is for
in the Netherlands anything fun
can't have but New Year's then
everyone's allowed to go crazy
and so
they they buy up just so much
in a week
before up until sometimes two
days after
New Year's it's just all day
long as if
you live and it's traumatizing
for some
people and now you know this
dogs oh
yeah some guy I was outside on
the deck
this morning pitchblack Boston
I hear
right whoa hello and his dog
had run I
jumped his car and crossed the
Greenbelt and felt kind of bad
it was
only a 8 month old German
Shepherd so
it's like uh don't know if that
gonna be okay but otherwise
uneventful here in Austin if
bit just demure and sad why
well it
wasn't the road any more sad
than normal
it wasn't a great 4th of July
you know
it was just it wasn't it wasn't
a lot of
fun I mean certainly not
compared to the
evening before when we went to
cocktail party here in Austin
yes this
is a photo I put your photo in
newsletter yes there you were
did you
not like my photo well I'd like
to have
been it was it was it looked
like kind
of a if there was any such
thing as a
full body mug shot that's kind
of what
it looked like okay you wanted
an all
that was missing was like to
behind you how hot and tall you
were you
didn't want an accent you
wanted an
action shot or something I
wasn't an
action shot I wasn't gonna put
my I'm
not gonna okay let me tell you
going on because this was quite
interesting experience so to to
we had received an invitation a
nice couple we're good friends
with them
now they happen to live in
here in Austin that now they
they have
about 100 employees they've got
I think
six different locations for
business throughout Austin and
I believe
maybe Houston so it's always
to find out how they've been
especially with a lot of
employees and
you know limitations etc so
looking forward to seeing them
but we
were told hey you know if you
come on
Friday then please when you
pull up to
the house park down by the
garage and
then walk on the path that is
their kind
of month built on a hill it's a
multi-million dollar home built
on a bit
of a hill so you're kind of
down below
and please walk on the path to
the left
all the way around to the
and as I think I'd reported
the the male of the two and I
conversed privately and he said
man were
full-on hazmat suit here so we
ready we had our masks on I had
world's best dad cup on a
string around
my neck as promised and so we
we walk up
and there and they're out there
in the
back and it's just it's just
the four of
us and there and they have one
side of a
picnic table and there's
plastic glasses
and we're on the other side we
you know hug or shake hands or
but they said oh you don't need
the mask
and take the mask off now
and they weren't met wearing
masks now
July 3rd in Austin Texas at 8
p.m. it's
about 93 degrees and as the Sun
to go down the mosquitoes come
out who
love my the keeper she is so
so I'm a and I have my no
agenda neck
gaiter I have that around my
neck still
and so this just this just sweat
dripping down my face I'd look
at him
and he's his sweats dripping
down and you know finally and
and Tina's
getting bitten by mosquitoes
it's like
it's what it's it's not a great
vibe and
and then she's complaining like
how it
was his nose oh good and he
says I vote
we go inside I'm like oh okay
can I vote
to understand what was
happening long
story short this whole charade
because of the neighborhood the
neighborhood which it's called
town I affectionately call it
Karen town
the neighbors are consistently
monitoring everybody to make
sure that
you don't have people in your
house to
make sure that everyone who
arrives at
your house is socially distance
they have Matt this was because
of the
neighborhood not them the
we went indoors like it was
nice and
cool you know we drank out of
glasses we were chatting we had
a great
evening until we had to leave
and then
I've been there many times I've
come and gone through the front
door but
no we were taken downstairs
through the
basement area the mudroom to
leave via
the garage so no one would see
walking out of the front of the
that's what this was all about
pathetic ah but that
neighborhood man
there's stuff going on there
there were a couple of like
fourteen-year-old girls or
they've done some video and
they were
singing rap songs and you know
fourteen year old white girls
they they
know all the lyrics and they
got all the
they know exactly what they're
they can mimic it complain this
is what
tick tock is all about
but of course every you know
every other
of five songs in hip-hop has
the n-word
in there and so you know kids
are now
supposed to sing along when the
comes then they stop they just
they don't say anything then
continue with the lyrics right
that except one of them did the
n-word in the background and
this went
viral and one of these girls
dad is a
neurosurgeon at UT fired fire
the girl
who said that boarding school
this is
boarding school obviously she
made a
mistake and but you understand
kind of
how these things happen and I'm
trying to make it right but he
Annerose was a neurosurgeon at
UT fired
holy crap yeah I you know it
sounds like
wrongful termination if you ask
me well
I'm not I don't know the the
details what what they did say
to me our
friends is that they had gotten
a lot of
pressure from their employees
to say
something to post something
black lives
matter and and they didn't do
it they
stood up to the employee said
no no no
here's all the things we do
because a
very social oriented company in
but said now we're just not
participate in that we're
trying to keep
our heads above water here
that'll lock
down for three months yes I
thought that
was pretty brave and and they
through the storm they did not
anyone quit in a huff or
somehow they managed to manage
communicate what they were and
gonna do and that you need more
of that
but holy crap in your own home
that you
have to be afraid of what
you're doing
because the neighbors will
think on you
man yes that's tough Wow did not
disappoint in my opinion I
thought it
was pretty good
I thought it was worthwhile but
a creepy
area yeah but this may be the
same in
many areas John I mean you and
I sure it
is we don't get out yeah we
don't get
out you know so what do we know
we don't
know what's really going on the
world except the supermarket
well it's
not going on in my neighborhood
I can
assure you yeah well hopefully
not here
either as far as I can tell but
it was
it was a real that was a
moment I thought it was I
thought they
were the ones that were freaked
out that
wasn't it at all so bizarre um
I thought
we go inside
mosquitoes everywhere it was a
event once we were inside it
was a great
evening was we had a really
good time it
was fantastic and of course
when we got
home then spent spent a little
watching the president's
performance at
Mount Rushmore which thought
was quite
interesting in fact the jingle
everybody the most wonderful
speech of
the year
completely divisive and putting
on notice but I don't know if
you saw it
but before everything started
there was
a flyby video of Air Force One
did you
see this no I didn't see the
thing at
ah so I was watching the PBS
on YouTube and no one was really
carrying anything but there the
streaming and the events
started quite
early and they had a now it had
to have
been prepackaged but it was Air
One doing a fly over Mount
but John this was a five minute
Top Gun
danger zone type video I mean
the 15
year old boy in me went holy
Air Force One looms up out of
distance it does it does like a
bank and
then thunderstruck ac/dc starts
goes into Guns and Roses
welcome to the
jungle I'm like I just couldn't
myself that was for every boy
in the
world is like and hopefully
some girls
like that was just a bad ass
display of to go see a american
penis I just didn't I have a
they did
networks refused to play any of
it would
have been a good show for anyone
consider what else their
offerings were
which was nil I mean the only
thing I
think it ever got played by one
of the
next was John Legend you know
but that that just I just
really loved
it and I simultaneously I
understood how
many people outside of the
United States
and certainly inside the United
would look at that and would
choke on
their own vomit which is the
part that
saddened me immediately after
that this bravado is what some
have been trained to hate and I
know the
training to hate is out of
that's the thing I have clips
about it
to good
I do have what I thought was
the most
important thing the president
said from
that speech if yo interested
sure what
wait first of all I have some
meat no I
says plate Trump yes here we go
I think this is what hit home I
this is what his base liked and
I was
total totally based and and I
think it
puts some people on notice just
it was
the only thing I thought that
really was
the Nugget of what he was
besides all
the patriotic stuff schools our
newsrooms even our corporate
there is a new far-left fascism
demands absolute allegiance if
you do
not speak its language
rituals recited mantras and
follow its
commandments then you will be
banished blacklisted persecuted
punished it's not going to
happen to us
make no mistake this left-wing
revolution is designed to
overthrow the
American Revolution in so doing
would destroy the very
civilization that
rescued billions from poverty
violence and hunger and that
humanity to new heights of
discovery and progress to make
possible they are determined to
down every statue
symbol and memory of our
heritage it's too bad I've
listened to
this several times maybe the
troll room
can decipher it I have no idea
what the
person yells but the president
liked it
symbol and memory of our
oh not on my watch
okay thank you trolls
that's very true actually
the only ad-lib I could catch
that is
why I am deploying federal law
enforcement to protect our
arrest the rioters and prosecute
offenders to the fullest extent
of the
law uh okay I thought that was
clear what he was saying there
well if
you looked at Google News just
was all
negative well only thing was
about that
speech was negative had a
thought about
this I read the New York Times
and I
read the AP and both of them
here's they
read there was a lot of words
and you
know words like fiery rally
bass the
bass part absolutely fiery no a
rally no
in fact I think there was a ban
on on
Magga hats and magog ear I
didn't see
any of it it's my thinking and
discussed this before I'm sure
that at
the Times and AP it's a fourth
of July
weekend they write up the
template or
they just take one off the
shelf which
or at shit yeah no one wants to
work and
then you have an intern who
plugs in
almost no one had masks that
kind of
stuff so it was all
pre-programmed there
was no reporting of what he
says far as
I know what did I get here I
guess I
didn't watch this Trump likes a
crowd it's going to be I think
a more
divisive speech than that where
going to attack the left-wing
trying to divide the country
Trump clearly thinks this will
work to
his advantage there are many
who would
beg to differ
I think it does work image let
me let me
read from Google News that the
here please
headlines we've got to do
Republican rebels come together
to take
on Trump this is a top top
listing boom
right the top and where's it
from it's
from The Guardian horse oh geez
and the
fourth of July remarks Trump
goes after
radical left and
Media Washington Post how trump
biting has helped oh this was a
mug this
is New York Post they got a good
headline here
let's see rat Richard man a
former GW
Bush appointee supporting Biden
embraced socialist policies why
observer view on Joe Biden's
presidential campaign okay well
vows to uproot systemic racism
in the
July 4th remarks you know and
by the way
his remarks I do wanted to play
clip out of order then alright
this is
from the PBS Newshour mm-hmm
and they're
they're kind of recently
applying it it
kind of fighting white and
fourth of
July message yeah yeah okay
presumptive Democratic
nominee Joe Biden tweeted his
fourth of
July message today using images
recent and historic protests
the former
vice president said the country
has not
yet lived up to its founding
it's been a constant pushing
between two parts of our
character the
idea that all men and women all
are created equal and the
racism is torn
apart wait wait a minute wait a
the Pb Pb s just presented that
something Joe Biden said and
then they
play a part of an ad too bad
you can't
be watching this for one thing
I and
this is the truth
I had to boost this little
segment 5 DB
5 5 that's a lot of dog
biscuits man
it's a lot of dog biscuits and
so I
boosted at 5 DB and it still
sounds like
crap and if you if you play and
played this like I guess
somebody put
this package together for me
this is
this is what you think and so
they got
music and and the first thing
Biden says
in that clip if you go back to
tell me
what it is you tell me what it
is I have
no idea what he's saying he
something I have no idea I
don't think
the chat room can get this one
well only
the trolls could let's play a
little bit
of the outro intent by former
president said the country has
not yet
lived up to its founding ideal
American history is not fact we
said not
fact that fair American history
it's been a constant push and
between two parts of our
character I
think it's I think he's saying
not fair
American history's no fair it's
confidence his I think his
dentures are
wobbled after he said fair and
it sounds
like fish here trying up
cheese new friend it's been a
pushing tour between fairy tale
about that could be fairy tale
that's the latest from the
troll room
yeah listen listen listen
history's newfound America see
Esther is
not a fair tap that could be
could be
could be anyway
it's horrible it's not good for
Biden it looks really bad for
announcing like he made oh he
made some
great statement and then you
roll out an
ad because the guy clearly is
capable of making any great
I don't know if these are good
or not I
kind of like him not could you
understand that jingle it's no
no really
it was getting this it seems it
was a
joke Joe Biden's health but
play it
no all right I'd already taken
it away
as a fail I'm sorry has
Australia more
or you can late joe biden's
hell or you
could choose this one I think
it's hard
if you don't know exactly what
singing I don't think it I
don't think
it picks up real quick I maybe
just be
me no no it's not just well
they play so
they play this stupid thing and
like I just was a head shaker
no yes
they've lost it they've lost
the plot I
was reading Matt Taibbi and he
had a
fantastic quote he has this he
has a
hole that really a good article
condemning everybody in
anything kind of
like his fourth of July happy
message to
the world and he said we are
an obscene malfunction of the
messaging system and I think
that a spy
I think that's really spot-on
we're always talking about how
certainly the older politicians
used to doing an interview with
Times it's all everyone's all
buddy-buddy do a post you know
something for CBS maybe do 60
you know okay will do Meet the
Press if
we have to and then we're done
then the
slaves understand and the
message has
been conveyed but that is broke
this is
a good example I think this was
Pelosi and it's completely
unrelated to
the fourth of July of course oh
about the the Taliban being
paid by
Russia to kill American
soldiers and iam
that was their trying to ride
this day
so lame what they're trying to
do here
intelligence has come out and
said no
it's unverified that doesn't go
up to
the level of president so the
the the
mainstream media and his
opponents are making it look
like he
doesn't care doesn't read his
presidential daily briefings is
uninterested people don't even
come to
and anymore with important
he wouldn't care it just went
on and on
and Pelosi really took the cake
this one what are you expecting
in your
meeting later this morning but
we will get the truth the fact
is is
that force protection
protecting our
troops is the first
responsibility of
intelligence and that there
would be
this idea that there would be a
on our troops paid by the
Russians to
the Taliban is something that
was so
necessary to be pursued why
would they
have not told the president
because he
doesn't like to get bad news on
and again yeah that's exactly
why mr.
Pelosi that's exactly yeah he
like bad news so people don't
give him
the bad news on Russia that's
working why would they have not
told the
president because he doesn't
like to get
bad news on Russia and again
why hasn't
they taken action these months
later so
when we hear from them today
they will there'll be a level of
participation that knows the
facts and
that we will have a gang of
eight that
is open to the truth
the President himself keeps
calling all
of this a hoax and has said
about Vladimir Putin or Russia
possible sanctions if the
president even
learns more about it just hopes
well his hoax uses a hoax
because he'll
say this is a hoax and it's a
hoax that
they are 24/7 trying to disrupt
election as they did in 2016 he
says a
corn of virus is a hoax the
fact is the
President himself is a horse
play play
this play this clip this is the
Afghanistan makes sense report
Washington's envoy to
continues to push for the u.s.
peace deal despite recent
reports that
Russia may have paid bounties
to Afghan
militants for killing American
and NATO
soldiers US Special
Representative zelma
Khalil Asaad focused on the
benefits of the deal today he
wrapping up a week-long trip
included a stop in Qatar where
representatives are based in
February the US
signed a peace deal with the
that ended nearly 20 years of
Afghanistan the deal has
encountered new
political opposition and doubts
whether the Taliban can be
trusted since
news of the intelligence about
Russian bounties became public
well that
comes no that completely
confirms that
we were talking about this
whole thing
is just it's queer the deal yet
to ruin
the deal and have more war
that's that's
accessible crystals involved
with a
Lincoln project those are war
and they launched it at the
same time as
their ad and every way I mean
this is
coordinated it's so obvious
think and it
shows up in this PBS cheaper
when PBS is
all in because they'd be and
the way he
says it as matter of fact he
says at the
very end no he says
intelligence reports
what intelligence reports this
is a
rumor that was printed in the
New York
Times it has nothing to do with
it's all too queer the deal
because this
Taliban thing was gonna end
we're gonna
get out of Afghanistan there
goes the
poppy money all these things
happen that
is ridiculous and you're right
about the
this idiotic Lincoln project
huh yeah I
was just looking at thing called
Republican voters against Trump
it's a
it's a feed you can see it on
right then there's a bunch of
hacks on there I'm Joe Schmo
and I hate
Donald Trump I used to be a
but I don't like him anymore
especially what he did to John
and they're all such guys
wearing a
McCain shirt with McCain's been
dead I
mean it's old this old wing of
Republican Party it was a John
wing which was the war monger
party yes
total war monger and the one so
if you
want more war vote out Trump
yeah yeah
they just that's exactly what
we thought
it was and now they're just
it that's even better it's so
these people I really want to
hear you
you had said you had some clips
schooling and all and and all
that but
maybe we just touch on Elaine
for a moment
yeah I didn't get any clips
about this
but I'd feel you might yeah I
have well
of course I have a couple
things that
are relevant but just some
thoughts in
general there's a lot there's a
lot of
things going on and yeah this
is like
cue level stuff
of course it's so easy to see
all these
dots that you can pull together
just give you a couple of
headlines that
I've that I've seen today so on
the day
that they quote unquote arrest
Guylaine maxwell was casually
sitting in
a place up in Vermont or New
sandy woods thank you when you
are on
Ashley there she's at home when
you are
on a 150 acre property with a
home you are not hiding out
it's called
a safe house that's obvious to
me that's
a safe house now why else would
she be
there and she bought it through
anonymous foundation or
something so we
don't even know if it's really
hers safe
house I'm just gonna call it a
house now do I know I like that
I like
that I I'm in I mean it's not
like they
didn't know where she was give
me a
break and then she's in New
like that that was her
brilliant plan to
hide out is New Hampshire no so
happens on the same day she's
one of the judges orders the
eps one of
Epstein's accusers through the
lawyer to
destroy all files they have
because they
were acquired improperly so now
judges orders to destroy I
don't know if
it's evidence but files it's
irritating things then we get
all these
little little like nudges in
the media
and I'm just looking at purely
from a
very conspiratorial viewpoint
Germany is
investigating now suddenly
thousand potential suspects in
this huge
pedophile probe as they put it
I think
that's a very funny headline
by the way 30,000 people not
just in
Germany then you have a brother
well then you have this this
which just
came out in the British papers
of key Layne Maxwell with Kevin
sitting on the Royal Thrones
and that in
a pub this is you that is a
huge that's
like taking a dump on the
desk in the Oval Office you do
not sit
as a commoner you do not
certainly not a
Yankee you don't sit on the
throne of
the British Royal so that comes
out now
all of a sudden but wasn't that
just a movie set
I don't know that isn't that I
read that is that is that was
this been
debunked as well I assume
because I saw
Kevin I've saw a Kevin Spacey
before and there's a number of
sets that have the sure royal
I'm glad that you are defending
Spacey it's now someone needs to
yeah thousands thousands of
indictments are coming in
Alan Dershowitz he pops out of
with this article to defend Gil
Maxwell saying that you know
anyway and
of course he's a constitutional
yeah we
respect him everyone is
innocent until
the until proven guilty
although you
know Dershowitz that's not
exactly how
it works I should have had this
ready before we know exactly
that as
John Brennan says the former
chief of
the CIA people are innocent
until well
alleged to be involved in some
type of
activity I don't know maybe so
he's out
there defending himself really
of this Jennifer Griff ray then
he has I
think solid documentation that
that what she claimed is
because he was not it was he
was in a
different part of the world on
that day
which doesn't mean she didn't
maybe have
her timeline wrong but I know
it's just
its perks him to hear
Dershowitz talking
no one asked him for his
opinion why is
he inserting himself in this
and he was
on the BBC and here is the
first of of
these two clips and you can
kind of hear
I don't think I've heard
sound like this was just a
little bit of
just a tinge of I think fear I
think and
he pronounces but you have Lord
the Ross
child you know his wife is
Evelyn de
Rothschild right no no no
that's his
name Lord Evelyn de Rothschild
oh okay
right listen to how he
pronounces it I
was introduced to her by the
Lord evil
in and the lady Rothchild evil
evil in
am I missing something Belinda
Rothschilds is Lord it's I
think it's
Lord Evelyn and the lady
Rothschild his
the guy's first name is Evelyn
but he
says evil in
I don't know if that if that's
his real
name or just you know that's
just how
they call him behind the dark
curtain I
don't know I was introduced to
her by
the Lord evylyn and the lady
I met her several times not
several times in the presence
of very
prominent people Hillary
Clinton and
Bill Clinton's prize-winning
the presidents of major
universities I
never I like how this somehow
means that
these are all good people
Marvin Minsky
somehow did clearly we had all
fabulous people here that she
be it could be wrong we have the
Rothschilds we have Nobel
laureates we
have the Clintons how could
there be
anything suspicious happening
here I met
her several times not dozen
times in the presence of very
people Hillary Clinton in Bill
Nobel Prize winning scientists
presidents of major
universities I never
ever saw her engaging in any
kind of
inappropriate behavior my wife
and I met
her my daughter met her we
never saw any
inappropriate behavior in fact
I went
and volunteered to the US
Office I went in on my home and
to the
DA's office more than a couple
of years
ago and said I want to tell you
everything I know about
involved in this and I did and
I will
continue to do so but I saw
inappropriate on her behalf at
sounds just like a regular old
with a bunch of elites and yeah
no big
deal nothing at all um now this
is where
I thought it was interesting is
he is
very quick to offer his opinion
legal opinion which I feel is
still by
me as respected by me as is it
just as a
constitutional colleague but
why does he
have to go and you know really
say that
she's safe this may be the
this may be one indictment it
may be
followed by subsequent
because this indictment ends in
1997 and
I think the government will
have some
problems with statute of
limitations and
so with the plea bargain that
gives her
immunity if they accuse her of
actions that took place after
the plea
bargain that would give them a
okay so I suspect that we will
hearing from some of these
witnesses who
lack credibility and I'll have
resupplying feel really bad for
him Wow
cuz look I don't know if this
works even anymore yeah but he
is he's got a tit in the
wringer that's
exactly what it is in the
wringer if
there ever was a good a good
analogy for
it this is it my goodness I
think I want
to go through some of the stuff
you were
talking about I have some
look at what's happening with
coronavirus but I will do that
in a
little bit I think what I am
everywhere Korona virus step
out of the
way cuz that's really front and
really because just I got the
idea that
people a little tired of
hearing it
front and center okay then
we'll move it
dip back just a little bit make
second row yeah yeah look
here's what
I'll say about coronavirus
before we get
to the real segment even during
Blitz of World War 2 when the
were bombing the Brits bombing
vomit and they were for three
three weeks only not three
months three
weeks there were in the subways
in the
Underground's in the tunnels
and even
though the bombing continued
they came
out and start to win just went
back to
life and that is what will
happen with
us - people are not having it
California John from what I
people are just ignoring the
rules now
it's gotten to the point of
scofflaw is
king yeah okay so we had the
things we talked about that and
were all over the place and it
was just
because they cease when doing
when they
had their opportunity right new
new new
you don't want to do that then
people coming out and now
people they're
showing a whole specials in San
especially where they're opening
reopening of these little
restaurants in
they're ignoring everything and
reporters go down there
they get their cameras and like
let the
Karen's yeah reportage Karen go
in there
look you guys aren't separated
oh yes
well and they so the guys
around get back back back
they're trying
to fix things whether reporters
filming and then they
apparently go back
back to partying exactly they
go back to
partying okay we'll go through
some of
the some of the current
thinking and
stuff we should be looking at
in a
minute but yeah I'm interested
you said
you had something about the
school I do
it's a little I think it might
be too
little tedious but it does get
to a
point don't mind tedious it's a
okay well this is gonna be the
educational this was a
democracy now on
Friday I had a special a 4th of
show and it was it consisted of
a first
two started off with a speech
from 1852
done done a copy of it you know
just did a Jeff a Frederick
speech from 1852 about how
rotten this
country oh this was the 4th of
celebration democracy now style
everybody yes okay got it
so they start with that and
then they go
to a long like it was long
with Angela Davis that's the
right one
to have yes was they bring her
on to
tell us tell us how miserable
country is so I picked up
unfortunately I picked up where
I got
five clips and couple of were
short but
did the last couple of them are
long ish
but very well worth it and then
have now now you understand why
I wanted
to move my corona clips later
because I
have five clips one of the
longest I
just wanted to have you go
through that
pain first I'm ready here we go
with the
pain let's start with the
in the discussion with Angela
Davis one
okie-dokie defund the police
becomes a
rallying cry of the movement
well for
more on this historic moment we
turn to
the legendary activists and
scholar and
the University of California
Santa Cruz
for half a century
Angela Davis has been one of
the most
influential activists and
in the United States and an
icon of the
black liberation movement I
her in early June and asked her
if she
thought this moment it's truly
a turning
point anything like the
conditions we
are currently experiencing the
conjuncture created by the
nineteen pandemic and the
recognition of
the systemic racism that has
rendered visible under these
because of the disproportion of
and black connects communities
Wow she
goes she just a point of
observation she
pulls in the Latin ex
communities oh yes
is trying to get that's not
accepted with the a dose group
it's like
that little tired if the age
group is
not gonna buy to any of this
crap Angela
Davis is a Marxist from the
get-go she
was original one of the members
of the
Black Panther Party and the
early days
and she became a professor and
picked up a over the years
because I
heard her speech speak in the
in the 70s
she's picked up at Maya Angelou
yeah no talk with the course
this is
Sunday ending teas and a little
bit of a
it's a little also a little
preacher in there but she's got
very haughty style of speaking
now and
she's a professor or was four
years at
Santa Cruz where she would
blow out anti-american Marxist
to the students there and it
was allowed
and it was it was ago this is
easily harassed was in current
we have
yes it was encouraged and this
are just pathetic
anti-american institutions at
this point
they don't do anything positive
I'll say
nothing positive about the
country's all
type of snow oh yeah we're
terrible it
was a lot of bullcrap thrown in
just it's just lies but let's
go to the
second clip long been a leader
of the
critical resistance movement the
abolition movement and I'm
wondering if
you can explain the demand as
you see it
what you feel needs to be done
defunding the police and then
prison abolition about
funding for law enforcement and
nothing else and it appears as
if this
is the the rather superficial
understanding that has caused
by them to
move in the direction he's
moving it
shifting public funds to new
and new institutions middle
counselors who can respond to
people who
are in crisis with arms it's
shifting funding to education
to housing
to recreation to create
security safety
wait a minute did she say arms
as in
weapons yeah respond to people
who are
in crisis a arm she said arms
that's kind of interesting
seeing is
that she threw the Black
Panthers was
directly responsible for the
Mulford Act
which banned the guns in
which Ronald Reagan signed
that's kind of an interesting
that she's
now calling for guns which I'm
against of course no no no no
you'd me
misunderstood her arm she says
she wants
a service without arms uh but
she was
her hope her whole history was
to be for arming poor people
people and now she's against it
she's a traitor to her own her
own arms
arms arms uh I think that's a
RM - a RM
- za I think is um so let's go
now the
third clip is actually Angela
feminist and this one I thought
was the
most fascinating of the clips
except for
the last one which is the best
but this
is another this is by the way
and people
want to do some research on
this you
look up revolutionary
movement right that's the ones
the one and you try to find out
these guys are about they're a
bunch of
they've they've taken Marxist
and by the way Marxist ideology
back to the 1860s that's how
old this
stuff it this is old old and
ideas but we're gonna go back
to them
anyway but this is not your
boomer socialism you got it all
it's a different kind it's just
like gay
means something different now
here's a little interesting
little twist
she wants to put on things
she's even doing feminists this
is a
very interesting accent this is
this is
like a lot of control really
disorder feminist demands are
the pivotal influence of
feminists of
series and practices
feminism not only as addressing
of gender but rather as a
approach of understanding the
intersectionality counters
which has unfortunately assumed
issues such as violence against
can be effectively addressed by
police force by by by using
as a solution and of course we
know that
Joseph Brighton in 1994 wow
this is also
I'm sorry to interrupt but I
find this
offense is not tedious this is
you've got it you've got to say
Biden this is a decision this
is a trend
things are happening unfolding
very eyes using police force by
imprisonment as a solution and
of course
we know that Joseph Biden in
1994 who
claims that the violence
against women
after was such an important
moment was
couched within the 1994 crying
Clinton crime actor actor what
calling for is a process of
decriminalization not Rick
that the threats to safety
threats to security come not
from what is defined as crime
but rather
from the failure of
institutions in our
country to address issues of
issues of violence education etc
rethinking the kind of future
we want a
social future the economic
future the
political future I would argue
oh okay
and the revolution is brought
to you by
Nike and a couple others and a
others I do like what she said
if I
understand her properly she's
kind of
steering it away from a color
issue to
an economic issue which is what
problem is she's not wrong
there but
then carrying it away from well
yeah economic issue and the
issue as you will hear in the
last class
people got a listen yeah of
course it's
gotta go I understand to read
that's the way to do it we just
do what
we should be like Venezuela we
should be
like all the other socialist
socialist societies know that
have all
failed but that's they have
because there's something wrong
something they haven't fail for
any it
doesn't mean anything that they
fail we
can do it I lived in socialist
socialist systems and the
problem is the
I tore the idea is everyone
shares we
get along and we understand
that you
know there's some shared burden
shared upside the problem is
nature's human are dicks
they're bags of dicks and they
play along by the rules so you
have to
have a different system that
lets people
who play along win and people
who don't
crush how's that for an
explanation of
capitalism versus socialism
well it's cruel people are
horrible they
they don't play along they scam
everything and so it never
works and
that's because of the education
Adam if it was if we were they
better educated and a better
train and
they didn't have the this need
constant need to go out and do
some true
yeah if they were counseled if
were counselors they helped
those that
you're complaining about and
get them on
the right track and reeducate
them as it
were in reeducation camps we
have these issues as things
would be
fine they'd be done be good
Johnny your Mandarin teacher is
let's go to clip 4 okay this is
doesn't need to setup order
into it died ever remember this
setup we
have to recognize the
negative rolls at that history
played in charting the the
subjective of
the United States of America I
that these assaults on statues
an attempt to begin to think
what we have to do to bring down
institutions and re-envision
reorganize them create new
that can attend to the needs of
people and what do you think
should be
done with statues for example
slaveholding founding fathers
George Washington and Thomas
we need to figure out which
people can
understand the nature of US
history and
the role that racism and
capitalism can
you talk about racism and
capitalism you
often write and speak about how
they are
intimately connected and talk
about a
world that you envision hetero
patriarchy what is what do you
that is about white
heterosexual Missis
males let me just say well here
we go
hetero patriarchy it has a has
a wiki
page in feminist theory hetero
patriarchy is a socio-political
where primarily cisgendered
males and
heterosexuals have Authority
over 600
but please if I have it I give
it back
immediately I have no desire to
this burden miss authority okay
no I got
you all right I have lots to say
what's our what's our fine line
there's a long thing I'm taking
here and there that are I
relevant I
like that so I'm waiting and
I'm waiting
waiting for the shoe to drop
when it
which is what I'm looking for
then I'm
waiting for Amy to push back a
bit I have that so I do have a
I think it's on there called a
or something like that you see
that on
their response yes I do
yeah okay what that's that'll
be the at
the very end not gonna do the
next she
asked her a question and that's
where I
cut it because now she's
finally gonna
she's got her own she's right
her oats and she's gonna like
tell what
we need to do to fix the world
waiting for it in two minutes
and 15
seconds I'm very excited in 2
and 15 seconds you're gonna get
it this
is and to me this is the entire
situation that we're dealing
with thank
you colleges and universities
for making
this possible
let's hear her say again what
were your
protests all she's she's got
this thing
about you know she's trying to
make a
point that's not not makeable
it because
if you look at the history of
which goes back in Western
societies to
1400s is actually probably
before that
another like the Romans had
slaves and
but the point is is that
slavery was it
was in full force until the
Revolution once the Industrial
Revolution exactly yeah it had
didn't need slaves anymore
except in the fur in the United
and the South Dunedin because
they had
to pick cotton because there
was a
confluence of a couple of
one was the cotton gin which
allowed us
to produce a lot more cotton
and usually
needed more people picking the
the cotton is harness so and
and the
British had a textile
revolution thanks
to the Industrial Revolution
where they
were making textiles by the
tons they
needed as much cut as they
could get so
we were kind of you know forced
to kind
of up the slave ante so the
slavery the
input of slavers went up until
the Civil
War how did the but how did the
get away with I mean that the
trade at the height of the the
Empire it was a commodity if
you could
buy stocks yes anyway slaves
once the
Industrial Revolution took hold
Britain in the 1820s or even
somewhat but when it really
took hold
that's when they decided the
slaves he's
got to go and so they had the
others the
slave abolition Act of 1833
there was
slavery slavery was abolished
in England
and they kind of washed their
hands of
the whole thing meanwhile
cotton from us but it was it
was a
disaster for us and so far as
we having
to maintain the slave holders
down in
the south but for her to say
that the
Industrial Revolution was that
was built
on the backs of slaves as nuts
full of shit this woman and she
giving a course on whatever she
courses are at Santa Cruz our
word they
you know she's now retired and
going on with this nonsense and
get to the point by finishing
this clip
to see what she's really after
the production of capital was
enabled by
slave labor in the u.s. so I I'm
convinced that's the ultimate
eradication of racism is going
require us to move toward a more
Shoeless organization of our
of other institutions I think
we have a
long way to go before we can
begin to
talk about an economic system
that is
not based on exploitation and
on the
super exploitation of black
people Latin
next people and other racialized
populations I do think that we
now have
the conceptual means to engage
discussions popular discussions
capitalism occupy gave us new
the notion of the Maestri
complex requires us to
understand the
globalization of capitalism
consciousness helps us to
understand the
predicament immigrants who are
from the you ask by the that
has been
created by the during which we
need to
begin that process of popular
which will allow people to
the internet interconnections
this is the New York Times 1619
this is what this is all about
historic literally rewriting
do you think amy pushback
listens into
her response drinking water
so I guess Amy was lapping it
up we have
the same sharp comedic stylings
what can
I say you know there's
something about
you editing clips - for the
funny that
is just so endear you really
love it
yeah this is this is very very
she should probably crack open
once in a while and see what
what other
black Americans are saying you
know and
what what they're feeling about
defund movement and you pretty
can't get I mean of course we
have m5m
clips today but if you really
want some
information you got to go to
you got to go to YouTube
then in the 4th of July weekend
media is not working at all
it's just
running on autopilot is one big
algo and
the algo you start the algo and
basically goes I'll go just runs
throughout the weekend but if
you look
at what people for instance in
New York
City are saying about DD Fund
and what's
happening particularly New York
where the crime investigation
unit has
been it was it dissolved
they'll walk
off or is it both do you
they won't the media will not
play these
stories exactly so we don't
even know
really what's going I don't
even know
what's going on with the New
York police
here's the center of the media
you know
New York well you don't think
any obfuscation going on do you
I think there is yes here's a
New York
City youtuber and he's and he is
identifying some very big issues
yo they get rid of anti-crime
in New
York City that's my crime was
a plainclothes unit that went
around and
dealt with you know felonies and
robberies whatever shit like
that you
know heavy shit by the way
probably not
safe for work to play out loud
you know
dealing with the real fucked up
this society you know not even
got rid
of that shit you know I mean
now we're
dealing with everything you got
a bunch
of you got a bunch of cops they
want to do nothing you know I'm
nobody don't want to do nothing
naturally because you know why
don't want to lose their job
they got a
family to support then you got
community like fuck that this
or that
you know so it's like a whole
back and
forth battle but at the end of
the day
you know what
lose you know I'm saying
because now you
got a bunch of fucking people
that think
they calvo's running around
fucking guns all over the city
and ain't
nobody to check them you know I
mean you
got fucking criminals running
around now
your host shit is like fucked
up so now
you looking for Batman the
Batman and the Avengers aren't
lights on vacation you don't
realize that with the New York
City in
the past couple of weeks so
many people
have been murdered and killed
but you know what this is just
the tip
of the iceberg you ain't seen
now as the table goes on its
gonna get
you know right now they
complain it over
the fireworks and the fireworks
like gunshots you know so now
you mix an
oil at in you know now you got
full of fucking people partying
these are people that don't go
to work
don't do anything don't give a
about the quality of life don't
give a
fuck about themselves so you
know what
man now you can't see now you
really really see what it is
you know
I'm saying I think that's a
accurate report of what's really
happening in some New York
and it's it's probably is
probably it's
raised now there's a real
classy owes
oblivious doll this guy's crazy
a there's a huge contradiction
or weapon
before you go on blood the
blaster would
buy into the Angela Davis ideas
just reeducate and he's the
popular he's
drinking he's drinking tea and
hash with her right now what
are you
talking about would buy into it
he was probably directing the
here's the cannoli sorry you
know here's
the conundrum and we saw this
with the chopped Chad's what
was the one
thing that no democrat could
endorse ever anywhere for any
whatsoever on you know american
yes guns so what did we see we
saw lots
of ar-15s yeah i mean if you go
the show notes you just want to
hear a
couple of different clips from
the past
about the you know how this is
horrible weapon in the world
has no
business being an American
streets is
it's just it's unthinkable but
it's okay
it's jazz and they can add
those go
ahead so there's very confusing
that are being sent and I'm not
sure what the leadership is
thinking but
I do know what black America is
because they're saying it out
loud and
this was in the New York Times
I did not
expect it that a huge article
I'm a black American I need a
gun to
feel safe in this country and
that and I
just took a little piece of
video of
course they're producing some
fun video
to go along with their writing
I grew up
really high gun I grew up in a
liberal California family I
wasn't into
firearms I was kind of opposed
to them
my parents were never really
firearms I actually really
don't like
but I'm 100% for certain we'll
be buying
a gun or two or three owning a
is important to me when you
look outside
you can kind of see that
there's a need
for people protecting
themselves buying
firearms being conscious black
people we
live in a very violent country
and this
country doesn't give us good
parked my bike over here to
take a break
real quick got a white guy out
pointing a gun at for black man
look at
this are we doing standing here
lady Lily just pulled a gun
because we
out here have reservation
guns are dangerous I never
wanted one in
my home but a month ago I
bought a
handgun and I learned how to
shoot it
right now I need a gun to be
safe in
this country by so while I
and support everyone purchasing
a gun
what the New York Times is
doing here is
a super asshole move because
taking the pain of the so called
white cops killing the black
and they're now transferring it
to your
white fellow American who's
just fucked
up himself so it's not the
police no no
now it's the white I did that
the whole
piece went from police to white
and of course we had the Ken
and Karen
in Louisiana which if I may say
thought it was very funny that
our heads
were photoshopped on on Ken and
Karen I
feel like I feel I did it I
feel I did
get the raw into the stick this
time I
mean the way she held the the
weapon is
really RINO it may be bad not
that not
that you were photoshopped onto
a woman
problem now I have no problem
with that
the prom was the way she holds
yes you
got a favorable again like that
you got
a booger finger on the trigger
which is
very I mean especially I think
I look
like a Walther PPK I couldn't
tell that
can go off gotta be careful
with your
finger on the trigger lady make
sure you
know what you're doing and and
he also
he was lefty which it's kind of
weird to
look at anyway it's very
that this is happening in lieu
of the
Angela Davis clip that you play
that was the Black Panthers
came out
specifically to protect their
neighborhoods and of course the
response to it in this case not
Democrats but the Republicans
Reagan was to shut that shit
down and
now it's being promoted it's a
different tactic and it's
because and there's a maybe a
number of
reasons why this is happening
I'll just
say one is it possible that
they want a
repeat of the Black Panthers
so we have the
more Mulford acts for all 50
states to
really get rid of guns that's
possible I
don't I could that's very very
but it could be happening it
may also be
to capture some of the NRA
money that is
loot that is on the downside
NRA is
definitely not loved by
everybody in the
United States and now we have
new a new entity the NAAG a
firearms is registered with the
NRA the
organization has a tight grip
on the gun
industry offering benefits to
owners like Geneva get to neva
turn to
another gun club for a sense of
belonging it's named the
african-american gun
Association or
Nagas some call it the NRA for
people to buy what's in the
estate direct district wow that
could be
an end of show why so do you
hear that
two to the body one to the head
play it again okay home I think
check it out here we go two to
the body
what's in here yeah okay
California dr.
Rashid IV is one of magaz
newest members
I love what Naga is doing and
he loves
our positive they were how much
were really devoted to teaching
how to be positive non-owners
changing the skin and our
have gun ownership are you also
a member
of the NRA no why not stigma
with them is that their race
gets a
racist organization mm-hmm so
shifting some these are big
moves that
are coming and of course what
is a gun
club really for it's not just
to help
you learn how to shoot your gun
nada is
looking at possibly forming a
PAC why I
think it is selfish at a
minimum not to
look at other avenues to help
our people
are you going to be looking to
candidates or focus on issues
gonna focus on issues well
there's some
african-american minutes but
specifically in certain parts
of the
country they have a very
difficult time
getting a gun license for
reason they don't have any
issues Racing has clean credit
they have
a good job but for some reason
they get
we would like to be an advocate
those type of individuals are
that if Navajos political some
people are going to be afraid
that it's
the new Black Panther Party I
don't care
what they think why have a
African American gun
Association why not
just join the NRA well this is
right we can create any
that we want and why shouldn't
we create
an organization that we're
prideful of
an organization that is focused
on our
community and organization is
focused on
education why not right so I
don't care what anyone thinks
it's not about them it's about
us if we
focus on them that's what they
want the
way this is being played I also
and I'm
just putting out there what I'm
could I also be seeing here two
clubs being created as rivals it
certainly is playing that way
in the
media will the NAD aga be the
new Black
Panthers no I don't think so we
have the new Black Panthers
called NFSA and they were out
on Stone
Mountain doing some drill
practice fully
decked out full-on
military-grade type
at least look in here now all
ar-15s the
NF r NF AC which stands for not
around coalition look it what
the fuck
you need to meet blacks come
out I don't
see you know white militia so
to the
boogie boys the three four
centers and
all the rest of the scan as
rednecks we
streets are lighting up man
streets are lighting up there's
kinds of stuff happening but
I'm a
little worried about what in
the House of Representatives the
Democrats and their cronies in
in in
many states I'm just worried
they're thinking about doing I
to me
it's like now you're really
getting two
different groups set up with
guns on
each side but you're doing
under the
guise of the cops were killing
us and
now it's shifting shifting uh
yeah but
if you can let you guys are the
well there's there's also
there's also
that here's um of course now we
can just
go to some more normal sounding
the officer Tatum who is a
african-american police officer
and he's
very tired of all of this crap
and this
is very reminiscent of what my
one black
friend tells me as well I have
enough I've had enough I made a
earlier about my son getting a
notification on his EA sports
game talking about black lives
and oppression of black people
which is
an opinion by some it's not
unequivocal facts but yet they
push it
on young people and then one of
my good
friends who happened to be
white and the
funny thing is we have the same
name we go on rides together
and he
showed me on the App the
Stryver app
then you just upload your eyes
everybody have a good time you
people stuff if you see their
eyes their
impressive pro riders are on
everybody's having a good time
why on God's green earth do
they feel
they need to give an advisory
about how
they've been erased this
all this time and that black
people need
to be special treatment and you
need to
give us handouts and worried
about black
athletes listen man as a black
man in
America and I've been black for
33 years
I am sick of the pandering I'm
sick of
the false equivalence I'm sick
of people
painting the picture like I am
less than
in my own country this country
to me just like anybody else
I have never experienced racism
America I haven't that doesn't
mean that
other people haven't but I
don't have to
walk around with my head down
around acting like a victim
when I
haven't had nothing to do with
that and
none of the people that I know
racist I don't know a racist
I've never
been around racist why do I
have to be
subject to idea that people are
on me just because the color of
my skin
it makes no sense to me and
that's a
very common comment as well it's
insulting at this point stop it
your venmo payments people send
black people five dollars sorry
racism like I told Moe about
that you
know what he said he said what
if you're
gonna give black people guns is
what he
said just give him that that's
that's what we really need so
don't give
me five dollars it's insulting
everywhere sending me five
bucks I'd be
taking it now I have one more
clip okay
this is something a guy said
I've got
lost it already never going
okay well
I'm staying in the and he was
about sports about EA Sports oh
that's what I'll just say what
did he
say that there's somebody boot
it up
Madden there's something and
there was a
black lives matter message oh
yeah oh
yeah what is that all about
well okay
check this out Call of Duty has
removed the okay gesture so you
just you're okay to your to your
teammates because racist that's
gestures just gone gestures
never meant
to anything but okay but it's
gone more
recently met three points if
you're an
NBA player exact same gestures
that's true
let me see I had something else
here it
was that there was something
else that
had changed it was really odd
about the we know about the
Redskins of course no I don't
know I
mean there's huge pressure for
them to
change the name again yes a new
no but
it's it's it's no it's not new
but I
know it's at a crescendo
they're gonna
have to change the name and I
ever I
already got an insight what its
gonna be
their Washington it's gonna be
to Washington from the
Redskins to the Washington
rednecks just
as an entre Mont here's a man
on the
street interview in DC about
the term
Redskin and they interviewed
two black
Americans and here's their
response to
the word Redskin today on the
streets of
DC is that true is is Redskin
to the n-word more recently I
thought I
guess I guess and this this to
me was
the clip of the week
just to see someone with some
sense it's
Marcus Wylie of course I was
Fox Sports 1 as I do my
afternoons and
evenings you know catch up on
going on with the new the non
sports is very interesting now
there's none so I can enjoy the
talk and
I'm very happy Marcus went oh
you know
of all the things people still
do like
to go out and party when
they're given
the opportunity I'm guys sick
of sports
it's just like now I think
about it why
don't we give care about these
they're dumb and there he is
you've crossed you've crossed
Rubicon you were on the other
side my
friend now you don't care about
now you know I know hearing
about sports
at one point you never cared I
about football football
football exactly
so Marcus Wiley of course I do
know him
he played with the Buffalo
Bills it's
just a great guy like to talk
about in
my house I've no idea but he he
of course to be
political and talk about black
matter and he did and I did
this would
have been great if anyone did
it but the
way he did it he's took the
statement of black lives matter
Inc so
the people who are making tens
if not
hundreds of millions of dollars
really only putting a six to
percent towards whatever the
cause is
and it was very poignant what
he said
and it comes right back down to
the real
issue which is uh-huh families
dads it's an interesting play
right here
I don't know how many people
really look
into the mission statement of
lives matter but I did and when
you look
into it there's a couple things
jump out to me and I'm a black
man who's
been black and my life has
since 1974 and this
organization was
found in 2013 I'm proud of you
but I've
been fighting this fight for me
and for
others a lot longer to things
my family
structure is so vital important
to me
not only the one I grew up in
but the
one I'm trying to create right
now being
a father and a husband that's
my mission
in life right now how do i
that what I just told you with
mission statement that says
quote we
dismantle the patriarchal
practice we
disrupt the Western prescribe
family structure requirement
we're not
no statistics when I know my
forget statistics I knew this
before I
even went to Colombia and saw
these same
statistics that I'm gonna read
to you
right now
that children from
single-parent homes
versus two-parent homes the
from the single-parent homes
this is in
1995 out of reading this five
times more
likely to commit suicide six
times more
likely to be in poverty nine
times more
likely jump out of high school
ten times
more likely to abuse chemical
fourteen times more likely to
rape 20 times more likely end
up in
prison and 32 times more likely
to run
away from home I knew that you
know why
I knew it because a lot of my
didn't have family structures
that were
nuclear like mine and they found
themselves outside of their
dreams and
goals and aspirations so when I
see that
as a mission statement for
black lives
it makes me scratch my head
when I also
see there
chin is to eradicate white
supremacy and
2020 white supremacy is the
mission whoa
that's a lot of digging through
right there I'm hosting along
another black guy who is
hosting Whitney
who replaced another black guy
that's just one example of it
so I
understand I respect your space
respect what you're protesting
for but
will you respect others who
support that same protest I
think that's
really spot-on with that
spot-on and and
all this hetero patriarchy
the patriarchy is in fact if
really doing it and I think
trying it's very destructive
you take
away the patriarchy I mean you
take away the matriarch either
both are
kind of needed no now if you
read the
Revolution abolitionist movement
commentary where they say
gender roles
have got to go now it's just
not that's
not normal
before we take a break I took
the test
this it's not normal it's not
normal and
I wanted to do it your
I'm sis heteronormative
I would like to take a little
test with
you I did it this morning and I
have my
results so I will share those
but I
think would be fun if you and I
can take
the test how to tell if you
have white
fragility this is of course
based on the
Robyn D'Angelo book and I think
get a kick out of the questions
as much
as you will out of the analysis
for you
would you like to play it's
only for
questioners no I wouldn't I
think this
is an insult to my manhood but
go ahead
I will sit I will I will I will
put up I
will tolerate this um thank you
understand it is it is not easy
to do
here we go question number one
which of
these feelings have you had
when someone
has suggested that something
you've said
or done might be racist and you
check all that apply so I'll
them if
want it I will I will click the
box so
again which of these feelings
have you
when someone has suggested that
something you said or done
might be
racist singled out guilty
mm-hmm no you
want to do one by one singled
out no no
guilty yeah judged no scared
no attacked no shamed no
accused no
outraged yeah
silenced no insulted no angry
no or I've
never had any of these feelings
no John
if you're not gonna play then
don't know
I played I've never had any of
feelings that's that I can't
say no to
that because I've had those
feelings but
not in that context okay we'll
go to
next we'll just stop you must
answer the
question I did no you have to
have I you
have to select one at least now
is this
break well in other words every
time you
select one then you're already
given a
point against oh wait I I can't
him I'd would be dishonest with
okay well I've never had any of
feelings as it pertains to this
probably what they mean so I
will select
that for you next
oh I see now you're a mind
I grow go on this use this used
to be
fun when we did this and for
some reason
you've become a grouch about it
used to
be we could laugh I'm giving
you my
honest answers geez how have you
responded when someone has
that sometimes you said or that
something you said or done
might be
racist again the same is the
question no no no no this is
different I
I don't see it well there's
answers so how have you
responded how do
you feel how did you respond
someone has suggested
that's something you've said or
might be racist did you respond
crying yes I'm just kidding
there you
can say no to that okay
responded by
crying but I can imagine
somebody doing
that which makes it funny did
you focus
on your intentions I'm sorry
what does
that even mean so if someone has
suggested you've said or done
that might be racist do then
focus on
the intent you have I guess is
what they
mean by captive leave that
blank yet did
you argue would you've argued
it yeah we
have one would you have denied
it no
would you have emotionally
yeah would you just have
avoided it
altogether what the person said
no I
you can't histor but the
premise doesn't
allow it did you physically
leave the
room eventually okay did you
absolution blue from the person
accused you I guess no it
doesn't make
that these questions and
answers don't
make sense wait until you get
to the end
okay so no to that and we'll go
to the
next question because we're
almost there
which of these statements have
you made
when someone has suggested that
something you've said or done
might be
racist so when someone says
this to you
this this quote this
questionnaire seems
very topic specific let's just
through it yes or no have you
said I
know people of color I've never
that did you say I marched in
the 60s
did you say that I marched in
the 60s
I'm not racist that's the idea
John yeah
I'll say that yeah I marched in
the 60s
that's just your opinion I'd
say that
you're playing the race card
okay yes to
that I'm not I'm on this you're
on a
roll now you hurt my feelings
yeah you misunderstood me
no the problem is your tone yes
that was
not my intention but yes yes
the real oppression is class or
or anything other than race
let's say
you would say that I say it you
say that your true true true
that's true
how about you don't know me
that's good I don't believe it
you said
that you don't know me marking
it off I
disagree you probably say that
one nano
that one note you are making me
guilty no I just said one little
innocent thing no some people
offensive some people find a
fence where
there is none yes it should be
question this should have been
some people find a fence when
there is
none , lesbian oh my god you're
this is a response I can't say
right no I would never sit and
finally I have suffered too
that's a
good line alright last question
I'm so
okay what beliefs do you hold
about your
relationship to racism good
well tell me about your
relationship to
racism here we go what is this
this is
psycho stuff wait for it I am
free of
racism so yes or no no racism is
intentional I only have good
no I am a good person
so I can't be racist I wouldn't
say that
racism is conscious bias I am
NOT biased
so I am not racist I'm going to
say that
I have friends of color so I
can't be
that's a dumb answer racism is
a simple
problem people just need to
open their
minds I don't know what that
means I
don't even know what that means
who thinks I'm a racist has
misunderstood me and I wouldn't
say that
I am the best judge of whether
has occurred no I have suffered
faced barriers so I do not have
privilege who says that it's
unkind says
that it's unkind to point out
racism who
says that I was liking that one
no yeah
but you've never said it no of
it's a good answer almost there
I was
taught to treat everyone the
uh I would say I can give that
a yes
there is no problem society is
fine the
way it is a Hitler tell
yesterday my worldview is
objective yeah
yet sure yeah okay
alright we're done I probably
have told you up front that
this is a
poll which is done by beacon
beacon press is the publisher
of the
book the publisher of the book
has done
this poll and I shall read to
you your
analysis and recommendation
here we go
don't worry you scored between
11 and 19
you have white fragility but we
all have
to some degree this quiz has
helped you
identify underlying assumptions
that you
hold about race that engendered
feelings behaviors and claims
you make
when confronted what can you do
now well
you should read Robin
D'Angelo's white
fragility why is this so hard
for white
people to talk about racism to
what you can do to engage more
it's a fucking ad for a piece
of crap
book by a dumb lady can you
believe this
yeah I can believe it's
marketing oh but
that but that isn't that you
don't do
that with a book that is like
to be revolutionary these
questions it's
a setup it's just like the
whole woman
herself she's setting everybody
up well
if people are stupid enough to
give her
money what are you gonna do by
the way I
got a good thing going I got
the exact
same advice I think I think that
everyone gets to say I doubt it
goes oh hold on we've got a
racist we
have track your IP address we
are coming
to see you now
it's yes it's so demeaning of
the topic
that she is already demeaning
with her
idiocy that's just crazy and
it's all
over this this thing is
everyone's taking it back why
they needs because they want
the same
standard response of course
we're in a
nutty world or whatever I said
the other
the other day what I say
whatever it is
but with that I'd like to thank
you for
your courage and say in the
morning to
you the man who put the C
insists hetero
patriarchy the one and only the
John C Dvorak any morning new
UI mr.
Adam curry in the dress in the
all ships of Busan graphing the
air subs
in the water all the names and
is out
there and a big ass in the
morning to
the trolls in the troll room at
agenda stream calm where we
always are
hanging out together well not
always me
but everyone's in there and
listening to the No Agenda show
live on
Sundays and Thursdays but
there's lots
of shows that are live it's
24/7 and he
basically lists of cool shows no
advertising it's all good it's
all fun
and when you're in there please
somebody you can ask Doug who
runs the
troll roomies the head trug yes
Doug for
a for an invite to no agenda
social no
gender social calm is our
private well it's private but
it's open
and federated for the rest of
federated social network on the
which rides underneath all of
mainstream social media the
noise is
much better much lower at to
the signal
there than it is anywhere else
and that
is no agenda social calm and in
morning to our artists for
episode and
see was that
12:56 1256 we titled it white
can't see a sense the theme
these days
and this artwork was
immediately claimed
as a possible name for a new
sports team as Darren O'Neill
around again
with another winning piece of
art for
the Texas surge which seriously
a lot of
people thought there would be a
sports team name
yeah with specially is already
got the
logo yeah it's got a logo it
all with a
cowboy hat on them on a map of
it's what this is well you said
it you
said it this time you said it
pops and it does now there was
voice exact voice that's right
were some troubles with the
artwork and
I wanted to know if comic strip
is okay he was doing porn stuff
basically sending us a message
I don't
know what it is oh and by the
swastikas on art yeah we're
probably not
gonna post that just happen
just so you
know it's not really considered
a great
idea yeah we won't even get
published in
Germany we'll get you know in
that's right that's illegal in
completely for voting we do
love you
have a lot of German listeners
we love
the art that our artists do it
is part
of our value for value Network
can contribute in so many
different ways
and this type of work and now
I'm it's
like it's Darrin O'Neal does
the wins
the competition quite often but
just that good he's what is he
that other people aren't quite
out or that they're not what
exactly is that thing that he
relaxing his creative energy so
he can
just saw this that stuff comes
to my
notes I know exactly what he's
doing I
can't quite do it myself for
art but but
natural artists can do it he's
kind of a
natural artist who doesn't
think so he
doesn't know he's an artist
maybe does I
don't know hmm I want to see
also credit
Mountain Jay for doing the
art because I have to say I I
have to I
have to mention something here
which is
that he did a really funny
piece signing
of the Declaration of into a
chasing a
woman yes oh yeah who you just
gender and thank you I miss
gendered I
miss a dead named so mountain
not quite this thing she should
produced that piece without the
number yes that was the issue
you can do
one with show and one we don't
everyone doing one with and one
but it we know but I had to go
Photoshop and put the proper
show no oh
how do I didn't I didn't notice
off how did it look the result
well there's a couple things
there's no
shading I didn't have to I
don't have I
have minimum amount of time I
put into
stuff on Photoshop and I didn't
give it
a shadow then then 70 the show
she had a shadow and I could
have put
one on everybody would have
creating another layer and I
don't want
a few that didn't need it but I
had to
erase her number and then put
one in it's it took me ten to
15 minutes
of I didn't want a time I
didn't want to
spend so I'm just gonna mention
if you
have a really cool piece like
that and
it was a cool piece I liked it
please do
you want to do one without do
you think
of consider those without it was
limiting it to that show and
making it
been maybe throwing it over in
evergreen pile right is that's
evergreen piece was very good
so they
don't the only funny that may
be just to
clarify the only time we use
show number
art is during the pre stream
when we're
getting ready because it's nice
to show
people there's an episode and
what's you know as we're doing
the the
ride of the valkyries and Cinco
that's that's when I send that
out the
bat-signal so they're so
they're it's
good to have a number but not
for not
for the shows not for the
show's itself
it's really too bad because we
can never
use it again right but unless
I'm gonna
go open up Photoshop and then
take the
number out which is something
at it I
really not inclined to in this
case I
was inclined to do it because
the piece
was so funny yeah so thank
that's rare
Thank You Darren O'Neill and
mountain JJ
but really Mountain J but
really all of
our artists who submitted and
do not be
self gets used for all kinds of
including on hats mugs t-shirts
etc at
No Agenda shop comm where they
will cut
the artist in on their sales
and it's
beautiful and it's no agenda our
generator cotton we love seeing
all the
art we love using it it makes a
difference people I can get
excited by
it they click they listen it
helps the
product and now let's thank the
who've supported us with the
donations our executive and
executive producers for episode
well that begins with servants
the Baron
of flora Bama or a Bama $500
Madison Alabama and he says hi
John and
Adam I've been enjoying the
show since
the beginning over the years
I've made
small donations all I could
afford at
the time and that have added up
hood and beyond with this
producer title I've reached my
fourth knighthood in lieu of
this honor
on the first anniversary of my
barony i
want to give dame hood to my
wife oh
that's nice with all the
expanding 5m 5m news recently
this show
has been a blessing for us all
facts has been great my wife's
name name
is dame amber protector of the
she has a great passion to
children no matter the
situation they
are in wishing you a happy 4th
of July
weekend and a great second half
of this
crazy year servants Baron of
flora flora
been an excellent and we'll see
good Dame amber at the
a little bit later on the
protector of
children she shall be sir rod
is next
from Amsterdam I rode a coaster
$50 in Amsterdam John had been
a while
showing my support for the best
so respect for you both keeping
quality of the show at this
high level
twice a week fantastic John
sounds a lot
better lately is there a new
in the house
no we upgraded John's ID in DNA
and he's
just doing much better couple
shots it's
the case personally it's
actually a
here's the interesting thing it
was sir
rod Roderick who turned me on
to clean
feed which we've been using
since the
improvement that's the
improvement is
clean feed so thank you to
clean there
is a very clean feed melton
Cuevas in
Noblesville Indiana 375 bucks
he sent an
email and you haven't I do have
it okay
good I have it right here
somewhere in
the independent state morning
to you
both in a happy United States
of America
happy birthday the United
States of
America but this donation please
recognized okay I'm gonna give
you the
jingles before I read this note
anarchy goat Karma China is
good try scumbag I don't know
what that
one is
we have verse it says good try
sweep oh yes we do
okay I'm happy if you see
something say
something oh my goodness and a
okay read on non-agenda karma
should be
the go-kart with jobs jobs Oh
jobs okay
yep I'm good that's for his his
voluptuous and vivacious vixen
of a wife
he writes with this donation
me as Baron Zacharias aka the
okay so he's getting upgraded
this means
okay so he is but he's going
from a sir
or VY count or do doesn't
really matter
what he's going to okay I just
that sir Shawn connolley vikon
of the
Federal Reserve District seven
me as the sheriff and
magistrate of all
Indiana golf courses where the
masks worn are lust greed envy
and pride
golf material does we focus on
things Orange man bad
shenanigans continue please see
attached article the US Senate
led by flamingo Graham is
working on the
ernit Act eliminating abuse and
neglect of interactive
technology do you
know about this yeah they're
trying to
remove encryption everyone's
all Gd
about four
but it's not uh it's not hey
I'm sorry
is berrin name again
his baron name is going to be
Baron is
that zacchaeus za c CH AE us
Zeca bhabhi
za c CH AE us okay yeah aka
wait a
aka the taxman okay so there's
some joke
there I don't know what it is
he goes on
as a bipartisan effort to give
the DOJ
Moe more power to monitor
content it would seem this has
going on you know I've
witnessed this
for 30 years the government has
trying to eliminate encryption
this act
would be more equity titled
your eft
your own unconditional rice
from existence daily that which
is his
version of the it's funny as
always the
truth wants to come out
Graham's office
did not return requests for
comment but
it previously said his goal
here is not
to outlaw encryption that would
be a
debate for another day no ever
bar yeah
however bar who would be given
a large
amount of power under the new
Act has
been outspoken about his desire
to force
technology companies to a law
allow law
enforcement to bypass
encryption of
course it does that's what you
do but I
just when you're in that
business follow
this I just need to say
something to
insert something you don't need
to be
going crazy what they're
talking about
is encryption when it's end to
end with
some provider so that's your
Apple your
iOS backup that's your what's
messages that you probably your
Gmail you can encrypt stuff
yourself and
send messages to people this is
the Silicon Valley portion of it
ot G go away from it I encrypt
email all
the time no one's gonna stop me
can they crack it yeah maybe I
there's all who the hell knows
gonna it's certainly gonna slow
down but there's no keys that
Apple or
Facebook or anyone else will
hand to law
enforcement so stop with the
get off those platforms learn to
communicate with something more
efficient and thanks for the
really appreciate it nothing to
see here
he writes move along and wear a
mask all
right here's your jingles man
is it done
that's it yeah Michelle Moore
in Raleigh
North Carolina it's three and a
thanks for all that you do this
will complete my name hood
she's on the
list I'd like to be known as
Dame of the
triangle my only request is
job's karma
you got it Dame Dame to be
today looking
forward to seeing it the round
jobs jobs jobs and jobs let's
vote Vince
it comes up in Lansing Michigan
at 350
bucks I camp odd father and
grumpy old
archivist this installment
finally makes
me eligible for knighthood see
accounting this is my
celebration of the
making of my 54 trip around the
which I will complete in July
8th we
should put him on the birthday
list ok I
would like to thank you - no
agendas not
nearly the best podcast in
Reverse is
the best source of information
sanity available anywhere oh
hello if
there are no objections I would
like to
be knighted and sir mr. French
fermented fermentation estab
Mirkwood I would like some
fresh some
fresh from French toast
whose blackberries and mellow
mell at
the round table brother and he
may I hear so you have to
it's very hard to get Mel amel
this time
of year it's just not really in
season you can get it frozen
come on we
all know that's did we don't
frozen crap to our knights and
dames but
okay once they hear somebody's
getting a
horn hold followed by sounds
pretty good
once french toast but wants
someone to
get cornholed our producers are
the best
sounds pretty good and then
great gig in
the Yoko Ono and maybe a little
trading karma okay he turns 54
on the
9th just want to make sure I
wrote it
down right is that what he said
yep okay
here you go and thank you for
courage Marc someone's getting
you've got karma Christopher
up next 333 74 from Denver
hey Denver yo Denver I need
some you may
die karma or you may die
Boogedy Boogedy
i TM from the hybrid hominid of
where a new girl has gone
vigilante and
a small business for cultural
appropriation as the business
owner is a
white woman in the shop sells
blanket no I want to thank you
for what felt like a personal
favor when
Adam announced that boogity
boogity had been made available
as a
jingle as it had not been
available upon
my first request I was so
excited when I
heard this news I pumped my
fist in the
air like a protester okay I'm
also very
pleased with the no agenda
tribe it will
give no no I'm sorry I'm also
pleased with the love shown for
Meade or as he was one of the
voices I heard exposing a stream
hypocrisy of the Democratic
I hope members of the No Agenda
will give his shows a listen if
nothing out more than the
impressions of celebrities and
politicians done by Austinite
McCrae I really liked his last
Thursday's what is this a
promotion yes
last Thursday's episode because
JC d seemed that he was in his
best mood
since I first started listening
Adams appearance on JRE you've
recently clipped one of my
podcast is Bret Weinstein who
excellent analysis of SARS
cough to
through his perspective as an
evolutionary biologist will
why JC d doesn't love him I
would love
to hear a take on Dark Horse
duo plant
from you all thanks again for
I'll tell you what the Dark
Horse duo
plan is it's everything so I
like bread
Weinstein's take on everything
up until
this point so in order to save
Republic his idea is we have a
ticket of and he mentions
an admiral and some other guy
and and
one would be
right-of-center won't be left
to center
that flip a coin one does
presidency for
four years the other vice
president and
they switch that one's vice
it's a stupid idiotic plan
you cannot I mean we have a
these things are arranged and
he wants
it's so weird you've got to see
got to see him talking about it
everything is so smart and then
it gets
this idea and he's really
pushing it he
pushed on Rogan and pushed it
on Tucker
Carlson and it he can't explain
it in
less than 10 minutes the unity
what does
it call the darkest duo like
there's two
brothers here which one are we
about this is the Bret is the
the one
from Evergreen so the the the
biology where she feed her teal
in this
Wesley I think this is this is
Evergreen guy who got kicked
out of
Evergreen all right yes dumb
Thanks and
that's our summarize that's
hard take
everybody you might die
do you mind diet thank you very
John caverns up next from
Nebraska 33333
he wants jobs karma China is a
Kim Jung yum-yum diss donations
for my
son I wanted to wish booboo
Eliot Miller
Cavor ik a happy 16th birthday
I'm sure
he loves being called booboo by
podcasters to my surprise the
only thing
he wanted for his birthday was a
producer credit ha your show
has been an
amazing source of discussion
between us
and I believe it's strengthened
relationship tremendously
uh-huh shout
out to our friends and family
helped make this donation
possible the
following is his note greetings
Bellevue Nebraska my name is
boo boo
when I guess he likes the name
please d
douche me I will be 16 years
old I'm
currently working on becoming a
thanks to my school's dual
opportunities that's good yeah
ever since my dad hit me in the
I've been listening on and off
and I am
proud to be a Zoomer with an
that is reasonably sized but
forget that cake is a lie and
we are 138
I think we just got trolled
somehow I'm
not sure exactly what the kid
is saying
you've got karma we continue
with this
33333 crazy with mr. e in San
California also send an email
to John
with a subject donation of 333
mr. e
yeah well listener since they
won with a
period overboard that coincided
with the
worst few years of my life
coincidence I
think not
this donation takes me to
please dump me sir if Silicon
Valley the
long-awaited dissertation war
and peace
that is all thank you jingle
shadow puppet theater keep up
the good
work signed he who shall be sir
II of
Silicon Valley that is so short
shadow puppet theater and we'll
see you
at the wrong table Thank You
mr. e sir
fishin Missoula Montana 3 again
3.3333 3 sir fish years has
been time
for me to finalize my baron
Hood who
this 333 puts me over the top
faithful listener says number
one and a
Dvorak fan senses computer
visits being a retired aquatic
I figured Baron von fish
protective of
our slimy friends sounded good
in light of the fact that my
spouse of
42 years still refuses to
listen and
refers to the show as quote
your stupid
radio program unquote I think
very fun
stupid is more appropriate i
had donated
over $3,000 it would mean Baron
von stupid divorced this just
in from
July 11 2020 yeah yeah July 11
as we
says that's what is Ghislaine
Maxwell is
kovin 19 positive and sent to
hospital not Jail Hall saw this
a crack in the matrix on
Facebook I was
removed immediately gone now
back next
week Baron von stupid out
alright baron
stupid and we'll give you that
title in our second segment
today thank
you baby go easy on the on the
on the
missus go easy
definitely don't tell about the
the the
donations if he thinks it's a
stupid radio program there's a
worse the great stupid radio
it's going over speakers and
his voice
it must be radio thanks sir Sir
dresnok Baron of the
Philippines and pop
popular Bluff Missouri Poplar
popular Poplar as in the tree
333 even
greetings Anthony Cruz Nick
Barron of
the Philippines I hear I wanted
to let
you know this donation goes
toward my
cottage core goblin princess
damming and I would like the
producer to
cred out to Britney trasmit
dutch trust
Nick okay the way she requested
a pic
together this is switcheroo
yeah I'm
doing it I'm already on it uh
by the way
she was a respect jingle she
requested a
respect jingle and I would like
a 69 I
would want to call out dildo
embalmer as
a douche bag for you OTG fans
out there
I want to direct you to
sovereign Tech
it's sov ry n quote the show
about how
to stay human and Mick amidst
all the
technocratic malarkey boom
that's that's
the tagline of this show I
don't know
the show about how to stay
human amidst
all the technocratic malarkey
are you
sure you're not moonlighting
you're the
only other person I know
besides Joe
Biden uses Malaika that's why
Biden uses it Joseph Biden what
am I
Joseph Biden thank you very
much and
Britney indeed shall receive
this and
here's what you requested
our ESP ICT classic okay you
might as
well read the next one cuz
you're right
you're doing that I will read I
will go
to associate executive producer
Robin a for two hundred
dollars a lot of people today
on the