August 16th, 2018 • 2h 55m
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she has another facelift she's
gonna end
up with a goatee
Adam curry Jhansi Devorah
nation media
assassination episode 10 this
is no
agenda the gun valley where we
turn to
show and joey post the set for
show i'm
jessie divorce I've had many a
post SEPA
sewed yeah but we went from a
effort to a post cuz it ran
down the
tracks just as you as you got
cut off
okay well mark it down in your
book did
you get the serial number and
registration everything for
male number
foamer you tail number has ever
set big
tails well the news cycle of
changed dramatically just
overnight yeah
Aretha Franklin died oh yeah
rip it rip
everybody rip love and light and
everyone's posting selfies yeah
he's me with Aretha
I never worked with her but I
with a lot of people who worked
on big
shows with her and she was
universally hated as a diva and
very bossy demanding fairly
just not
very nice and that's my eulogy
it's all
I've heard all my life about
her was
like I'm like I'm not gonna
fake it I'm
not the same thing about Donna
who windows it she shops
I disagree Donna Summer I did
work with
what a sweetheart now this is
not the
case when she got older maybe
well one
of our producers played the
bass on I
feel loved okay well maybe he'd
know and
he says van Morris is supposed
to be
hard to work with
yeah who wants to work with Van
anymore anyway so you know that
make a difference in the in the
cycle everyone's because I hear
minute there was an
announcement she was
sick everyone's putting
together their
retrospectives what we'll see a
lot of
respect puns oh yeah oh yes
P ect yes now I the funny thing
this particular one first Mimi
tells me
about all of everything's gonna
die and
then Jay tells me about it and
it's like
nope yeah a lot of people die
during the
year that are old and face but
she spans
for decade the for generations
almost of
listening audience Brown but
nobody told
me he was gonna die when he did
he died during plastic surgery
which is
and not a good way to go no
it's like
you expect waking up fresh and
looking with some bruising for
a couple
of days yeah but not dead no
great guy
you don't expect to wake up
dead you'd
never want to wake up dead
let's see I
did a lot of you know Turkey is
a problem we've been looking at
for years have always
identified its its
growing issues and but what is
interesting to me is that
the Ottoman Empire I think is
taught in
school as a timeline with a big
around it you know and here's
Ottoman Empire and then after
Ottoman Empire all this
happened but
really what went on during the
Empire and in that turkey or
Constantinople which is now
Istanbul was
that the center of the universe
I don't
think it's really taught in
I certainly didn't get an even
more than
a summary of what was going on
do you
know it would be part of world
courses taught and caught at
the college
college level yeah and in the
ones that he made mentioned in
in high school level and it was
a friend
of mine said oh you should
watch the
promise which I think came out
last year
this movie it's about the
Genocide love triangle type
story and
it's a personalized story but
gives you
a pretty good impression of
what was
going on when the when the Turks
massacred yeah the Armenians
which has
never been officially
recognized by any
Western leader I don't think I
Trump may have touched on it hmm
well he would be that he would
be the
first according to the book of
but holy crap man that that was
that was not oh and we just
kind of
stood by big world powers then
thank you early 1900s we didn't
want it
is drawn in anyway yeah but you
that there was a lot going on
where we
had naval fleets that could
have done
something probably not anyway
here's a
report about Turkey it's more
than most especially coming from
euronews the financial turmoil
for turkey investors are
heading for
safe havens and markets in the
US and
some in Asia have been losing
amid fears Turkey's crisis
could spill
over into the world economy the
lira has been in freefall
whit's lost
almost more and on Monday as
the US
dollar and in the past year
it's fallen
by more than 40 percent or
central bank has acted to get
more money
into the banking system but has
calls to
crease the main interest rate
currently stands at 17 point
seven five
percent an increase could help
investors who've taken fright
growing debt and deteriorating
with the United States well as
of May
turkeys private companies owe
more than
two hundred and forty billion
and it's this debt that's
helped private
consumption grow the economy at
a pace
that many now believe is
well that means that foreign
banks could
face big losses if those
companies can't
repay their debts Spain's BBVA
is the
most exposed with Turkey
accounting for
thirteen percent of its loans
UniCredit the netherlands ing
BNP paribas are also well and
truly on
the hook now is this in any
analogous to Greece I don't
think so
no Greece is being squeezed by
central bank of the EU rise
stage which
was through a spiral
I guess maybe more that there's
banks that have interests in
them and
they're going yeah that's gonna
be the
case of any of these countries
always everybody's intertwined
with this
trigger they could this trigger
Armageddon they could this
trigger the
you know I personally somebody
asked me this one of the Lib
Joe's okay
and I said I don't think they
have the
leverage as an economy to
really trigger
it yeah it's not big at all
it's not no
we already looked at this
decisive so bigger in Argentina
but if the if if they go that's
trend that's been in and out of
for years that's never triggered
anything but I guess contagion
would be
what people are worried about
if it
catches on to other countries
investors start pulling their
money out
that could that could then
maybe start
to affect the euro
I don't think so they're not in
the euro
they're not in the euro zone no
I say if
it goes to other countries
I don't see it happening okay
well good
what but we just I'm looking
for the
trigger you know you've you've
this you know you've you've
yeah yeah I'm a downturn - I
just don't
see this being it I mean if
you'd be
convenient timing would be good
yeah I
just don't see it it's just the
a weak sister so doesn't have
oomph to really could cause an
well a lot being written about
it now
it's been more about China
yeah we're Shane is really the
I think
China is the one that keep an
eye on it
because they those guys and we
even know what's going on there
they fake their numbers you
can't tell
it's a black box this is but
yes exactly
right okay I had a report on
this from
CBS and I know you ran that
with the CBS
report sucks you're right
where's your
CBS report oh here it is
brouhaha this
is an economic war according to
and the enemy is America its
NATO ally
the Turkish lira has been
falling in
value for months but last week
plummeted 20% because of a
dispute with
Washington over this man Andrew
an evangelical pastor from North
Carolina who's lived in Turkey
for more
than 20 years and is accused by
Turkish government of terrorism
spying pastor Bronson has been
here in Turkey for nearly two
years the
US says it's seen no credible
against him I have a message on
of the President of the United
States of
America the President of the
United States of
release pastor Andrew Brunson
now or be
prepared to face the
consequences those
consequences are US sanctions
and a
doubling of tariffs on Turkish
steel and
aluminum announced by President
Trump on
Friday in retaliation turkeys
tariffs on US passenger cars
coal and
other goods and announced a
boycott of
u.s. electronic goods these
angry Turks
tore up fake dollar bills in
many people here believe this
crisis is
all the fault of the u.s. even
experts have been warning of
signs for months blaming
turkeys or
storeit aryan president reject
iota 1
there was a video going around
about a
couple of Turks smashing
iPhones with a
hammer did you see that yes I
did and at
the end you hear an iPhone
it's like we're smashing these
except for the one I have in my
yeah very very funny I did get
a note
from one of our producers who's
extremely in the know on Turkey
and I'm
not gonna mention his name
because I
don't know if he wants this
to him but I'll share it
because you
know we have a couple things in
here the
the failed coup this guy who's
pastor who may or may not see
Brunson yeah who may or may not
be a spy
but here's what our sources
does the
economic the current economic
chaos in
Turkey seem like a soft coup I
love the
methods outlined in the
economic hitman
short answer yes can everyone
keep the
Turkish economy upright without
support now maybe not banks in
France and Spain we pushing for
loans to back up the Turkish
they have large loans on their
books to
Turkey which we just heard I
think said
banks and others would welcome
stable leadership in the
country enter
the Gulen movement there he is
friend in Pennsylvania and
Poconos while
roundly hated in Turkey they
have strong
support in Germany in the USA
may be
seen as more easily
controllable this
actually makes things come
together for
me earlier this year I talked
someone involved in the Brunson
and America and I was told that
Pence and the Turks had reached
a deal
but factions within the CIA and
Department were working to
their agreement in order to
make air21
look as bad as possible
I heard last month while in DC
Brunson would be released from
after Trump himself had
negotiated the
release of Turkish Hamas courier
tourists being held in Israel
which I
think happened yes the Turk was
but erawan only released
Brunson to
house arrest in Turkey not what
envisioned about 10 days ago
formally announced that Turkey
join the BRICS
I missed that news
did you hear this
no not at all so be the bricks
it bricks
bricks it I would guess that
these two
things that may have personally
Trump enough to impose
sanctions see
what else does he say here
arrow and his
government are very still very
off at Gulen has not been
extradited back to Turkey
repeatedly stated Brunson will
have to
go through the Turkish judicial
when the DOJ here blathers on
about lack
of an evidence of how the
process is still under review a
tit for
tat situation it's likely that
had some interaction with the
movement he lived in Izmir for
25 years
the city in which Gulen first
gained a
following given the Gulen
movement use
of interfaith dialogue which
has been
very successful in recruiting
sympathizers and religious
around the world I wouldn't be
if Brunson was caught up in some
nefarious gluttonous BS however
seen no evidence that he was a
spy or
working on behalf of Gulen
during the
coup attempt in 2016 under the
emergency in Turkey a lot of
testimony etcetera has been
gathered but
is not released providing an
to prosecutions of this type
[Music] prosecutions of this
so it's it's see just reading
this it
seems to me that now we know
Gulen is
was put in the Poconos by the
CIA they
took care of his paperwork and
everything he's got his
compound up
there he probably was used for
failed coup attempt which i
think is
universally recognized was a
botched job
somehow on our the CIA's part I
and maybe they just no I'm not
sure that
that's universally recognized
it makes a lot of sense it's
by everyone here the one a lot
of people
think is the whole thing up to
blame the
CEO that was certainly
something we
looked at as well yeah but
everything I hear from you know
that we talked to it's in in
intelligence circles that reach
us which
is the outer crust crumbling
crusts of
chalk but okay as we touch it
at least
that crumbling crust of chalk
is better
than most people yeah exactly
exactly so
maybe they you know maybe they
do want
to try and you know another
maybe a soft coup get some
Gulen people
to take over huh I mentioned on
the ehm
plug show that I thought that
there was
an economic hitman model at
work here
that's what it sounds like
that's what
our source just said but
meanwhile this
poor pastor stuck there and if
the guys
correct which had done some
surprise me the CIA is working
the administration because
that's all
they do which is too bad
yes a mess I don't think it's
bringing the economies of the
world down
or anything else it's just
gonna shake
things up in Turkey all righty
yeah talking about you not you
the see we haven't heard any of
stuff of course by the
mainstream media
I mean they're more concerned
about the
you know the Smashing of the
iPhones yes
yes I got this other thing from
out you mentioned euronews and
one listen to this this
happened on the
day of the show this our show
day news
yeah a Sunday and tell me you
know any
of this you even have heard of
any of
this stuff this is the
unreported oil
and gas agreement from last
Sunday funds
that fall to the Caspian Sea
say they've
reached agreement in principle
on how to
divide up the oil and gas
resources of
the world's largest enclosed
body of
water Russia Iran Kazakhstan
Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan say
the bulk
of the Caspian will be treated
as a
common resource that they will
together and the five say it
will be
given a special status putting
outside the jurisdiction of
international law governing
lakes and
seas no agreement was found on
the more
contentious issue of where the
border should be traced but
President Vladimir Putin
welcomed the principle of
governance you read things
available if
it fixes principles of military
political cooperation of the
states he said and guarantees
absence of the Armed Forces of
regional states in the
the Caspian is believed to hold
some 50
billion barrels of petrol and
billion cubic meters of natural
gas now
was a Serb Rochon in in that
lineup I
didn't hear yem yem
and so is Iran and Russia
Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan
that's an
interesting little little group
there no
kidding they got they got to
say they
got resources they got the raw
they got the processors and
they got the
sales force and I was a brush
the whole
thing and then you just the
through Georgia but a bing bada
very nice no I hadn't heard no
idea the
Caspian Sea was that either
yeah no of course none of this
reported no you know
one more windmills in the
United States
there's no pani don't pay any
to that going on over there
stay cornered the market on
natural gas
jeez the thing is just that
thing is
loaded with natural gas yeah
God his
ridiculous this is ignored that
is that
you know well again yeah as we
off today is that the whole the
new cycle is gonna be RESP ECT
there's that and then also you
know like
get get go vote vote oh yeah Oh
yeah so the latest bomb the
latest is
smart missile eatin air quotes
is a
Moroso yeah and this is very
easy to
understand and do you have any
clips I
have one or two I think I have
likes it
that we should play right away
it's lawrence o'donnell stop the
hammering get it ready yeah so
here is
lawrence O'Donnell on amarosa
today the
people who follows me on Twitter
Patricia McCleary tweeted if
you talk
about Omarosa tonight when
there are 700
children still separated from
parents then I will turn you
off but
Omarosa is one of the reasons
that those
children were separated from
parents and are still separated
their parents tonight those
were separated because of the
cruelty of
the people working in the Trump
House especially the presidents
thought it was a good idea to
them Omarosa and everyone else
for the Trump presidential
campaign knew
they were supporting a
candidate who
believed that the one thing
that we
didn't have enough of on the
border was cruelty that cruelty
going to be one of the methods
Donald Trump would use at the
border to discourage
immigration Omarosa
knew that all of the Trump
workers knew that and now
proceeds with her TV interview
of her
Berndt trial as she does that
she wants
to use the defense the world
frequently during the Nuremberg
of Nazis after World War two I
know I would agree actually
pretty funny
especially guys insane that's
that's great and she's treated
seriously and taken him to such
it was
so much respect I saw her I
tried to get
a clip from The Daily Show
Trevor Noah
and she was on and she was
flirting with
him and she was like a queen
diva but
nothing interesting nothing of
any use
at all now I do have a clip
from NPR
where NPR has a gotcha they've
got a
gotcha on Omarosa as they asked
her to
read to start off in this
interview by
reading a passage from her book
and I'm
pretty sure she already
recorded the
audio book as she will they be
able to
discern from her
from her read on this phone
I was told exactly what Donald
said yes the n-word and others
and a
classic Trump goes nuclear rant
seems pretty clear she didn't
hear the
tape but was told what was on it
but that's not what she said in
interview with Morning Edition
and once
I heard it you hurt you have
heard this
tape you heard the President of
United States President of the
States use not only the n-word
but as
Bill Pruitt described during
interview other horrible things
the production of The
Apprentice you
don't mention that in the book
you've actually heard the tape
is this
new oh no it's mentioned in the
book but
what Manigault Newman points to
is that
section she just read about the
call in the interview Rachel
presses her to clear up the
forgive me though that sounds
like you
just heard his account of the
tape did
you actually hear the tape I
did she did
read the book so did I it's not
there in
the book Manigault Newman makes
claims about President Trump
and others
in the White House that would be
shocking if true that he has
that he referred to people of
color as
those people that he wanted to
be sworn
in on a copy of his book the
art of the
deal rather than the Bible
there's a lot
White House press secretary
Sanders put out a statement
that says in
part quote this book is riddled
lies and false accusations it's
sad that
a disgruntled former White House
employee is trying to profit
off these
false attacks and even worse
that the
media would now give her a
after not taking her seriously
when she
had only positive things to say
the president during her time
in the
administration unquote those
days are
clearly over Donald J Trump is
not only
a racist but a misogynist and a
but the things that I heard
come out of
this man's mouth
on the tape that I described in
book it completely shattered my
in him being a decent person
but a big
question now hangs over at all
did she
actually hear the tape as she
claims now
or did she simply hear a
description of
it as she says in her book
mmm-hmm thank you Omarosa by
the way for
the fantastic I so I think this
is a
contender for the end of show
contender so this is very easy
the no agenda lens is not that
hard to
figure this out because I'm not
she didn't write this book she
sat down
with someone from Shuster and
Simon and
or the other way around now
well hold on
Schuster and Simon owned by CBS
hates Trump Moonves redstone
it's a
bunch of haters and she came
out they've
had this book they wrote it up
and she
probably told the story one way
and he
they decided not to write it
that way
because there wasn't it sounded
vague or they didn't it you
know just
tried to not get sued into
oblivion yeah
you'd only get sued and so they
you know
it's just it's it's a horseshit
this is
totaled just it's it's a
horseshit this is
it's just political stuff you
know and
everyone's taking it seriously
doesn't see it for what it is
particularly the Simon &
Schuster tie-in
hello the Simon & Schuster
geez yeah that's pretty bad
well I I've
told I don't I think I've
talked about
this on the show for when you
get ghost
riders there's a bunch of
different ways
you can go
generally speaking you do ghost
gets his name or her name on
book cover
I haven't seen this book cover
so I
don't know if there's another
name on it
is there do we know anybody I
seen it and I have not read it
so and so
that's one way of doing it you
say so
and so near the author width or
author and yes and then there's
a third
way of doing it where it's
apparent that the author didn't
anything by the way you should
called me out it's Simon &
Schuster not
Schuster and Simon you should
called the other way around
oh now I understand what you're
okay now I get it sorry anyway
so the so
there's these different models
and then
there's the what the real
whopper of a
model which is maybe what they
did which
is you you have a ghostwriter
write the
whole damn book you got nothing
to do
with it except you tell a few
tales and
then they embellish them you
just done
from an interview you interview
person and the ghostwriter is a
ghostwriter literally there's
no mention
of the person sometimes there's
a thank
you or something in the in the
and that's kind of the person
who wrote
the book but that that in that
case this
almost like you get you have to
sign a
nondisclosure you never get to
talk say
that you wrote the book if you
nothing to do with it and you
get paid
more you get paid like a lot
more you
make most of the money
so I don't know what they did
but you're
right she's there's no way she
this book I've written the
outline for
my book oh yeah you want me to
write it
no well I want to Beto
other people vying for this
spot okay we
just give it to them I really
don't have
the time to come now in my
lifetime I
don't want it to be you know
after the
fact I don't wanna be posthumous
publication I don't wanna be
point well-taken yeah it's a
novel by
the way
oh good it's novel yeah the
books that
we ever published it would be
novels yes
it's a novel so far so be novel
yeah ought to be very novel
yeah but
it's so I I just took all of my
stories and and baked it into a
novel and it works frightening
me well
oh good yeah yeah all right
yeah I'm
calling it unglued a tech colon
best suit I miss it again
well today front page or not
from penny
but if it was the front page
but in over 100 newspapers no
it was
more than that I think let me
see that
the New York Times said here
they all banded together at the
at the suggestion of the Boston
Globe as
they called for nationwide media
response to Trump's attacks on
the press
this has never happened before
in the
history of American politics no
president has ever attacked the
do you remember first the guys
as a
trailblazer well I
I remember when over a hundred
newspapers agreed to run
editorials on
the same day defending a free
against Obama when he spied on
Associated Press hack cheryl
got phone records of reporters
tried to
jail the guy yeah didn't the
do it then - I don't think so
no I don't
think so either
but what's interesting they
took a very
because everyone could write
their own
op-ed well great their own
reporters writing op-eds well
I'd well
this is from the editorial
board okay it
was different I'm sorry yeah it
have said that properly I'll
just read
the the first two paragraphs
because I
thought there there there they
it from an interesting angle
and you may
know more about this in 1787
the year
the Constitution was adopted
Jefferson famously wrote to a
word left to me to decide
whether we
should have a government without
newspapers or newspapers
without a
government I should not
hesitate a
moment to prefer the latter
that's how
he felt before he came
president anyway
20 years later after enduring
oversight of the press from
inside the
White House he was less sure of
value nothing can now be
believed which
is seen in a newspaper he wrote
itself becomes suspicious by
being put
into that polluted vehicle
Jefferson's discomfort was and
understandable reporting the
news in an
open society is an enterprise
laced with
conflict his discomfort also
the need for the right
he helped enshrine as the
believe from their own
experience a
well-informed public is best
equipped to
root out corruption and over
the long
haul promote liberty and
justice and
then comes this interesting bit
discussion is a political Duty
Supreme Court said in 1964 that
discussion must be uninhibited
and wide open and may well
vehement caustic and sometimes
unpleasantly sharp attacks on
and public officials that kind
describes a Supreme Court
against the purge from social
yeah the way I took it so why
have anyone pick that up
because nobody
wants to be here's the thing I
wrote a
column this week and I don't
know if it
came out yet I saw it yes I
liked it and
that makes it was very no
agenda go
ahead the publishers these yes
20 to 30
basically what set me off on it
was a
article I forgot where it ran
and some
somewhere by Jeff Jarvis
Twitter and Facebook as you
know not
publishers but Jeff Jarvis
forms oh yes
oh that was Jeff Jarvis who did
yeah sure so I read this thing
I said
this is a load and so I decided
must go to the other extreme
and I
started thinking about it load
as I
started thinking about it
that we're calling a platform
based on a
dictionary definition and what
I know to
be a platform is bullcrap the
is not a platform the Internet
is a
network not a platform the
Internet is a
you know they had that
remembrance sun
microsystems used to say the
network is
the computer network is not the
it does no computing it's not
computers no way it's the
computer but
we had but Silicon Valley's
dreamed up this crazy stuff so
they can
kind of market stuff and these
douchebags that run Facebook
and Twitter
and every but all these other
that aren't platforms they're
houses they've refused to take
responsibility for the evil
deeds that
they do
and they get they hide behind a
cloak of
this bullcrap oh no no we just
people push that's just not our
we got
nothing to do with it
we have nothing to do with it
well I
think that the best argument in
piece was advertising that a
does not need advertising and
that's one
of the touring tests if you
will to see
if something is a platform so
your your
computer does not need
advertising yeah
and it's a platform but face
bag now to
some developers it may be a
platform but
it's it's not it's just not the
thing then certainly not when
it comes
to the definition even to some
developers is not a platform
it's a
mechanism that they can use to
put their
code in play but as a plat is
not a
platform per se they have no
over it if you have a platform
you own a
platform I have my PC I own I
can throw
it out the window
I'm not vardaman your brother
I'm a
slave to Facebook's API
[Music] to Facebook's API
no I mean it's just as far as
concerned is just the
definition and
it's done for legal purposes so
they can
flirt yes they can skirt the
law yes so
they can't be sued because well
that was
what made the internet grow and
these websites license to grow
which I'm
not saying is bad with that
Wikipedia as well by the way
they also
are under the same they use the
section 230 legal argument but
point is right they are at they
are they
are publishers because they're
the output and that's not just
editing the output their
publishers they
should be editing the output
just not editing it well and
and the
point I make in that column is
if you
libel somebody on Facebook it's
different than if you libel
somebody in
the New York Times right New
York Times
can be sued why can't facebook
mark school man don't do that
pretty much where it boils down
to so
about this you know the editing
they do
the the AI artificial
intelligence that
they you that they deploy to be
able to
find all these offensive hate
posts here is a note from one
of our
producers who is an uber driver
now I'd
never considered this
but you know because you know
how I like
to talk to the uber driver and
it would record them because
they have
interesting things to say
they're always from a different
at least in Austin they are but
it works
the other way around to our spy
many of them drive in ubers to
pick up a
few bucks here and there and
you hear something in the
morning Adam
says Brian quick sidebar to
your recent
discussion on face bag in Texas
other day I gave a ride uber to
paralegal that was traveling to
she worked at Facebook campus
of Playa
Vista la Facebook and Google
have slowly
been taking over the area
Google took
over the old Howard Hughes
hangar and
converted it to their space
didn't know
that during the ride she
mentioned her
travels face bag and her tasks
while in
Texas of course I inquired for
Intel this is why I'm talking
about your
analysis of Facebook in Texas is
accurate her task was to go to
Antonio and train the Facebook
on how to grade all videos that
posted on Facebook and Instagram
she says someone actually
watches all
those videos yes AI at its
finest she
also mentioned Facebook is
guidelines for Hollywood
houses their next play will be
and Netflix so there's
guidelines that
they're creating that they're
going to
hand the Hollywood this is
Facebook mm-hmm it makes sense
that's a
diversification of their
business that
makes a lot of sense to me if
they can
become the de facto filters of
crawl they have more data than
else they can at least claim
their they
know what they're doing
well while you're on the topic
University of California thinks
it can
be the arbiter of hate
and a clip of what a clip this
were they
describing one of their
programs is this
the clip that I played just on
the last
show is it
yeah probably 80 element yes
okay were
you there last show I don't
this clip we talked to you were
like why
the creepy music I even
remember what
you said about it I did say
computers but I don't remember
being the
same huh okay well I'm sorry no
okay we're gonna play it again
ADL in the University of
California at
Berkeley ste lab have been
working to
develop a new approach to
tackle online
hate using the latest methods
the goal
of the online heat index is to
help tech
platforms better understand the
amount of hate on social media
and to
use that information to address
problem by combining artificial
intelligence and machine
learning with
social science the online hate
will ultimately uncover and
trends and patterns in hate
across different platforms
we've just
completed our first phase of
and we found that the machine
model identified hate speech
between 78 and 85 percent of
the time in
the next phase of our project
we will
look at specific targeted
populations in
a more detailed manner
we'll examine content on
multiple social
media sites and we'll identify
strategies to deploy the model
broadly to deploy the model more
while there's still a long way
to go
with artificial intelligence
and machine
learning based solutions we
believe the
online heat index will help tech
companies better understand the
of hateful content on their
platforms by
creating community based
definitions of
hate speech that clip actually
filled me
with hate you know the thing I
must have
been distracted by the music so
well yeah v12 comes to mind I
just took some okay good the
bow there's
a race PC there's a race on
John and
this is a huge opportunity arms
race yes
this is a race to beat but
there's a
race to be the de facto go-to
place we
have the independent network of
checkers which includes Tucker
outfit the Daily Caller
foundation right
yeah who said the whole thing I
believe he's doing that douche
bags yeah
total douche trying to be you
know the
arbiters of truth have really
that very disappointing that
Snopes there in there as well
so you got
those guys over there
no she's also promoting
yourself now as
a news source you notice this
now I
really really don't visits no
become a
newspaper really don't visits
no become a
so let me see if I can do this
I've got
a couple clubs here so Alex
Jones got a
timeout a timeout from Twitter
you need
a timeout go sit in the corner
they were hounding I think
Dorsey so
much that they well what I want
to do is
I have Dorsey responding to it
then I want to play the
accepted language as to why he
kicked off and then we I
actually have
the the real verbage and clip
form of
what he actually said which
makes things
even more interesting
because this is all about the
rules and
the terms of service and the
Guidelines here's jack dorsey
alex jones
on twitter posted this week what
essentially is a video calling
people to get their battle
rifles ready
against the media okay remember
this a
essentially said get your
battle arms
against get your battle arms
against the media
you heard that I heard that yes
we'll just keep that in mind
Alex Jones on Twitter posted
this week
what essentially is a video
calling for
people to get their battle
rifles ready
against the media saying it's
time to
act it's got to be done now move
criminally against people send
a chill
up my spine how about yours hmm
they did I mean there's a
there's a
number of actions did send a
chill up
your spine man John I never
heard it I
just heard from him well well
he when
you hear it chills will go up
and down
your spine I'll bet believe
help a call
to incitement to violence and
those are
the things that we need to call
incitement to violence okay so
far so
good to violence okay so far so
battle arms against the media
calls of
incitement to violence make
sure that
we're taking action on you have
taken action against him in this
instance what can you tell us
what it is
we I believe we put him in a
timeout removing his ability to
for a for a time period that
seems juvenile seems minor
compared to
the implications of someone
suggesting a
call to arms against it but all
of our
media the media how do you
respond to
that well I feel you know any
suspension whether it be a
permanent one
or a temporary one make someone
about their actions and their
and changes behavior based out
of you
might be Lester Holt actually
it sounds
a little like him yeah and that
it does
have the potential to change
impact and
change behavior so whether it
works with
in this case to change some of
behaviors and change some of
actions I don't know but this is
consistent with how we enforce
them okay
thank you jack so Jack did not
with I guess that is Lester
Holt with
his assertions there that Jones
for a battle-axe battle rifles
I believe
he said against the media
incitement of
violence against the media
let's listen
to the actual video which I
chopped out
some silences so it's a little
shorter silences so it's a
little bit
and I guess when you're
policing words
over hate speech I think we
really listen to the words and
let's see
if we can discern any actual
hates with
didn't even mention hate speech
incitement to violence and
battle arms
against a group of people in
this case
the media it now stands with you
and the US military so I know
understand who the cha-cha my
at the traders are to
understand who's
trying to take the First
Amendment okay
this is where I usually to now
but we're
gonna keep keep with it guys
stay with
it now come on come you can do
it who's
trying to bankrupt the country
trying to shut down everything
wanted to admit it they wanted
bankrupt health care in America
to bring
us to our knees we're under
attack and
you know that you've pointed out
mainstream media as the enemy
but now
it's time to act on the enemy
they do a false flag I know the
Department's crippled a bunch of
followers and cowards okay so
we got it
maybe dissect this bit by bit
so he's
saying you know who the enemy is
venom is did he say fake news
or the
media he said the media said
the media
and we have to be careful
they're going to come out with
the false
flag the media and I think what
implying is that someone in the
will get hurt and it will be
back to someone like Jones
saying go
hurt the media
so so far he has not told
anyone to do
anything but there's there's
there's grand juries there's
you call
for it each time politically and
economically and and and
judiciously and
legally and criminally to move
these people it's got to be
done now
any-any called the violence
there yet
not by my definition no not
mine either
not yet get together the people
you know
aren't traitors and our cowards
hedging their freakin backs
like all
these other assholes do whoo
and let's
go let's do it because they're
now in your wisdom you may be
possum and waiting for them to
come in
but America needs to know that
got their little pathetic
commie red
team's ready and they've got
targets picked out the
sheriff's the
judges the police chiefs the
the veterans the talk show hosts
everybody and everybody's gonna
amazed when they come when
those cowards
come and it's gonna hit in the
middle of
the night and they're coming
yeah and
they're coming say it again and
coming yeah they think they can
take down America so people
need to have
their battle rifles and
everything ready
they're bedsides and you got to
be ready
okay bedsides and you got to be
is that incitement to violence
yet to
have your battle rifles ready
by your
bedside with your with your
with your
nightcap on I guess and your
gown is
that incitement to violence
no it's an incitement to public
I guess yes because it's not
even in
citement cause it's just
telling you to
you know all right
let's we got 14 seconds less
maybe it's
here the media show discipline
of their
deception and Aoife attacked
all these
people to our house beat up
beat up women children no
coverage and
they got discipline folks
they've got
criminal discipline because
they're a
bunch of followers that's it
that's why
he was given a timeout for that
for those words
well Lester Holtz is the liar
complete liar and Jack just sit
one uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh
so that's just not true
Layton's NBC law
but it will go down in history
that Alex
Jones called for people to come
to arms
against the media he will go
down in
history that way with weapons
yes that's
how it's gonna go down that is
truth from now from this day
more yeah cuz they'll just harp
on it
yep yeah cuz they'll just harp
on it
yeah I know we've done this a
times on this show reality
versus what
they decide to make a meme a
lie it's a
lie it's not a turn into a mean
the lies
have turns into a meaning they
hold all that Jones is terrible
you know
what he did yeah yeah exactly
good catch I'll give you a clip
of the
day for the deconstruction
[Music] for the deconstruction
here's NPR's here and now a
little bit
more about the topic boy Kurt
senior editor of social media
for recode
people have just been ferocious
in their
criticism of Dorsey well Jack
Twitter have been really the
platform that still allows Alex
operate and so Twitter has a
history of really defending
this idea of
free speech and you know when
Dorsey came out last week and
said Alex
Jones has not violated our
rules but all
of the other companies found
that he did
it kind of opened himself and
Twitter up
for criticism so yeah he has
taken a lot of heat over the
last week
well how much is this
complicated by the
fact that Twitter is the main
service of our current sitting
I mean this is speculation but
how much
are people speculating that
Dorsey and
Twitter might be uncomfortable
banning someone for violating a
like let's say threatening
violence when
you have the President of the
States who's used Twitter to
violence against whole
countries yeah
hey man I think you know
comparing to
what we just heard from Alex
yo get your get your battle
rifle your
musket put it next to your
bedside with
your with your nightcap on vs.
saying I got a big red button
and it
worked jabroni yeah she made a
there you have the President of
United States who's used
Twitter to
threaten violence against whole
countries well I think it's
very clear
that Twitter is afraid of
this you know very very
group is that so that's what
it's called
really in some regards it's
it's a group
I think that's probably crossed
a line
at the same time it has said in
the past
that President Trump gets you
basically special treatment on
platform and that because he is
president and everything he
says and
does is newsworthy you know
they were
going to kind of hold him to a
standard than everybody else
and well I
think that does unfortunately
as it
creates this approval for stuff
maybe would have otherwise been
you know even if you know it
makes sense
that the president shouldn't be
off Twitter because he's the
he kind of provides the air
cover if you
will for other people who
probably are
skirting those rules a little
bit okay
no that's your NPR analysis
look at the
pressure tactics that we're
going on you
know for um sorry well I'm just
say before we leave that topic
I'm not seeing the time before
we leave
the his assertion standing
there like
that yes ah that the president
special treatment what about
Rob Reiner
I mean this can also get special
treatment he gets obviously
treatment cuz I know myself and
everybody else is complaining
about him
constantly in one of his tweets
recently he's got oh it that
would be
autocrat strikes again John
Brenner's a
patriot stripping the former
CID Ettrick
director which shouldn't have a
clearance for sure should've
frighten all Patriots when did
left wingers or be all into
in the flag this is always
another one
don't you think that was making
well John hello welcome to 2018
and the
other one he's got when he says
he calls
he calls president Trump
garbage garbage
defended as criticism calling
garbage especially the
president the
United States I think is rude
calling somebody garbage is not
criticism somebody garbage is
No what are they what do they
say when
the president does it
oh yeah they jump all over it
yeah but
they have a word for it I'm
sure yeah
well anyway yeah it's not they
don't use
they don't say he criticized
that's for
sure slammed
that's pretty much
pressure tactics why did Jack
do this
because clearly there was no
if he actually listened or read
transcript I think even the
he couldn't get confused about
being incitement to violence
against its
particular group this in this
case the
media Lester Holt know a couple
of ways
the first one this is the one
that I
find interesting is there's a
version of
a Media Matters group out there
and they
use something called block
together and
block together
funny this is a coincidence I
bring it up on the show but I
ran into
the block together woman
Shannon can
occur yeah
Oh tell as I didn't run into
her purse
they ran into her on Twitter
you wanna
explain what it is first
they're doing
or do you need to she's got
this program
I haven't it's an app looked
into now
she's got this what it's an app
yeah program app what is an app
what is
app shortcut is what is the
application software it's
growing on
this is a program yes a phone
and so what you do is you plug
it in and
you push the but you've got a
block list
of about I think it's 453
advertiser you
can imagine yeah and you push
button and now you've blocked
them well
what they do is they select a
number of
them who are advertising
currently on
Twitter or whoever they're
they'll and then everyone
blocks that
advertiser on mass which I
think does
show up in their best
statistics I think
they will see a loss of well
certainly but views or whatever
the the
measure is so they probably
notice it
and then they certainly hear
about it I
don't know how effective it is
but I
think this thing works I think
type this proves you cannot
monetize the
network by the way because no
matter how
big you are people are bigger
and so I
have to say although I disagree
with it
I think it's a pretty cool idea
I thought it was a really cool
idea I
don't like it either and I
don't like
what they're trying to do and
just a bunch of lefties that
are just
you know I mettlesome HAP but
this kind
of stuff it can't be stopped
this this
is is what I mean by you can't
the network you can't do the
same thing
on the other side this yeah
it's not
what you would call you know
it's not gonna land a Brockett
on the
moon it's just this little
piece of code
that anybody could rewrite to
put other
lists together oh yeah that's a
idea should be like a whole
bunch of
these yeah we could have the No
block list enough very short we
everybody there's a lot of
people we're
not blockers now there was a
claim made
which I believe to be true by
Marco is the guy who does the
app which is heralded as the
podcast app I think he has some
of the
best features I'd like that
he's an
independent developer I like a
lot about
him a lot about his product is
too for
pay product is very inexpensive
and it's
extremely good he actually came
up with
a new idea to put a little a
new tag
into the RSS definition Oh as
an as a
what do you call it as a
namespace for
donations so that now any
podcast feed
will be recognized by overcast
and it's
catching on so I think other
apps will do it that there's a
dollar sign button or if you're
Europe a euro button and you
click on
that it'll take you right to
that shows
donation page regardless of
what it is
whether it's like us with a
Dvorak org
slash na or a patreon page I
that's good I like that he's
doing that
stuff good I like that he's
doing that
but I don't like is that he was
the Apple podcast directory so
as we
discussed in the previous show
when app
will remove something it get
room it
gets removed all the way down
the line
because these developers of app
sorry phone podcast programs
don't have
the via the ambition I guess to
create a
directory themselves and I have
ideas on
that which we talked about
time but turns out Marco had
overridden the Apple API and
banned Alex
Jones before Apple did it and
in this
snippet from his from his own
you'll hear that he starts off
by saying
well you know some person who
was upset
but listen to the pressure that
was put
on this one single independent
guy what
happened last week is the Alex
Show there basically would
happen is it
crossed a whole bunch of lines
of like
things that you know it things
like hate
speech and by the way he's an
lefty and didn't even hear the
obviously he didn't hear what
what the
line crossing was but that's
okay that's
his religion and you know
violence and things of that
nature that
like that are against Apple's
terms for
what they allow in a podcast
and are in many jurisdictions
actually illegal and so a
emailed me saying hey I'm
leaving your
app because you host this con a
tent and in you know it's
horrible I
looked and I'm like you know
this this
should not be allowed like this
clearly a violation clearly
it's not
you're full of shit of Apple's
content guidelines I do have a
in overcast that I can override
a feed
that would otherwise show up
and I can
say this feed should not show
up I
haven't used this mechanism
very often I
used it once before for NRA TV
similar reasons that I believe
that it
was violating Apple's own
I used this flag on these
properties because it was very
that they were violating Apple's
guidelines but Apple was not
removing it
from their directory and I was
about it from a lot of people
oh and now
it's a lot of people I went
from one
email to a lot of people gee I
you know a few days shooters I
heard did
that Apple pulled him from the
and so did everyone else
basically and
so you know I think I was
proven right
it was you know had I known
Apple was
gonna pull them a few days
later I might
have just waited for them to do
it so
that way it like I'm not
involved in
this and I really try I hope to
use it
as little as
because I don't want to put
myself in
this position but sometimes you
have to
be in this position like
something this happens where
people are
you know demanding immediate
action oh
this is really escalated in the
of two minutes and you look at
problem and you're like well I
kind of
don't like that I'm seeming
that I'm
being kind of bullied into a
like this but if you look at
the you
know look at the actually I
think he
used the word the the term he
bullied into doing this
that sounds like a pressure
group to me
and you're like well I kind of
like that I'm seeming that I'm
kind of bullied into a decision
this but if you look at the you
look at the actual situation
it's like
yeah this actually should be
solved like
this is a problem this does
action so they're correct like
the peep
that people ask me who those
are correct
so it's important not to think
defensively in that time and
just say
okay actually yeah this is
right I
should take action and just do
it anyway
so going by favorite topic so
deep so so
so going by favorite topic so
deep so so
Wow yeah now that is a chilling
clip to
me it is he got bullied now bit
within his purview and the lies
that he
was largely happy to do had the
that he believes in and he said
looked at it and he said yeah
clearly violate no it didn't
have didn't
violate anything I don't think
violated Apple's Terms of
Service either
not that it matters but it is
just the
line needs to be pointed out I
there's plenty of stuff you
could get
Jones on wait for something good
you know wait for something
good don't
don't do it like this is stupid
but the
purge flows through a lot and
we don't
think about this but here well
is now closing accounts at the
behest of
MasterCard now closing accounts
at the behest of
they are they say hey
MasterCard has
said we can't process for this
particular podcast or this type
content for your patreon we're
your accounts closed buh-bye so
the power of MasterCard who did
the same
with WikiLeaks and then a dude
named Ben
working for a large
organization he just
discovered that the firewall we
use Palo
Alto Networks has flagged
Infowars as
having questionable content
that is now
blocked on our internal network
he was never blocked before so
it seems
that firewall providers have
just jumped
on the bandwagon along with
Apple etc
yeah that's what happens it's a
it's a
domino to Scala about this two
weeks ago
yes the net yeah to cascade and
blacklisting my blog was
over and over again until I
changed the
title line on the HTML from
yeah line on the HTML from
so Wow so this is this is
horrible so it
go it can go pretty deep now
happens at a certain point does
were students neutrality
everybody saw
about net neutrality we got
palo alto
networks net neutrality we got
palo alto
well this locking some guy well
this is
it this is net neutrality this
is what
this is what we would have seen
on a
massive scale
i think we dodged the bullet
but that but this this type of
and it
really is almost a an invert
well yeah
it's like an inverse of them of
micro-services you know
although it's
still human fed people here oh
that guy
have ban him okay click and
then it's
firewalls that are deployed all
corporations thought tens
hundreds of
thousands of corporations click
free Wi-Fi outfits that won't
provide it
anymore that we've had that
happen and
as you said with your blog
we've had it
happen in other ways my mail
sometimes that gets on a black
list and
I have to beg and plead to get
taken off
so my my email isn't sent to
you know this this is a little
serious than just getting
kicked off a
Twitter than just getting
kicked off a
well than just getting kicked
off a
hmm that's really interesting
well this is what it is these
guy means
promises the tech community
turned left some time ago
mm-hmm I never
could put my finger on why I
can tell
you this much I remember one
time going
shooting with a CEO from one of
the a
well-known company and he says
to me he
says whatever you do don't ever
anyone you went shooting with
me I said
oh yeah that's like ray Lane
was the
same at Kleiner Perkins yeah he
didn't a
nice because people be freaking
out that
he had guns yeah and so I said
okay I
have a problem with that and
then he
specifically mentioned John
Doerr mm-hm
as going kind of apeshit at a
party because somebody was but
their kid
dressed up as a cowboy without
the rod
with a cap gun guy I mean this
is where
the whole in the whole of
Silicon Valley
I mean the the tech community
and the
venture capitalists who are
many of whom
are billionaires which is just
up our thesis that the Democrat
Party is
the rich party trying to keep
down which I don't diminishment
so long as the black community
recognize that they're gonna be
in them in in trouble they just
everybody in place because you
want any you know things to get
you know what you want to talk
a big
game and do nothing which is
what seems
to be the case with these
they don't they don't want to
anything any possibility of
losing any
money right and so the
Democrats always
blame the Republicans oh
they're making
the rich richer and all the
rest of it's
always the Democrats doing that
and and
the whole Silicon Valley is all
fight they were number of
there's minor is probably 20%
well that
well that was Ray late ray Lena
perkins who was the guy who put
the the 500 million dollar
grant for Fisker
he didn't work in the business
that one
he went shooting all the time
in Japan
talk about it here and people
don't like
that so much
a John Doerr he's a card he
went he was
invested in my company at this
one point
took me aside yes and his 16
year old
daughter was completely
unhinged and he want me to talk
to her
see if I could fix her like no
gonna do
that yeah but you understand
people no no I'm not qualified
for that
John sorry not qualified and
with that
I'd like to thank you for your
and say in the morning to you
John see
you I see Sam's for our espec
Hank any morning you mr. Adam
curry also
in the morning all shifts to
see boots
on the ground subs in the water
pores and all the Dames
tonight's out
there yes in the morning to the
room one second um that's
interesting it
seems like my website is down
yeah you
get shut down by the blacklist
surprise me
hey troll room how you doing no
stream calm you guys are always
doing good for me and the show
and I
appreciate it trolled our VCO 5
Dave garlic a cult fan dying
monkey and
there's always Doug and I also
want to
say a hearty in the morning to
O'Neill who brought us the
artwork the album artwork for
10:59 the
title that was barrel roll and
this was
the roundup bottles with great
no agenda
font and a star advertising
smash pop
out sticker that said now with
cancer yeah it was very good
very good
done he's done good work in the
past but
he's one of those guys I wanted
mention and then that he's one
of those
guys if you look at his cuz you
click on the artist to see all
work he's one of those guys
like Martin
JJ that went probably for more
than a
year or two without getting
picked and he's starting to get
a bunch
of stuff picked yeah and then
all of a
sudden he had to stop he was
getting picked well Martin JJ
did yeah
yeah there's too much women
picked every
week it was too much winning
ouch remind me about my curious
email I want to say something
about that
later I want to say something
about that
ooh well okay let me write it
curious Monsanto email yes I
think I
think they have an army of
shields out
there trying to convince people
oh yeah
of course they do well I think
I got one
oh well that's good cuz they
never got a
hold of me alright let's thank
a few
people Furby producing and
executive producing executive
show ten sixty yes
starting with AHA now I have to
there's a few it's a lot sounds
like a
lot more in some ways because I
picked up the mail this is the
this is
the mail for three shows oh
okay gotcha
we got a lot of office yes I
was gone
yeah and so did anima scam in
Iran a
missive dog passion loris
LeBeau via
with an 888 888 dollars which
marked our
8/8 the anniversary and
everything in
between so he says I'd like to
listeners to subscribe during
Dogpatch days of summer agree or
disagree this program offers
analysis of the political
press for profit is great but
biased reporting is designed to
listeners to agree and an
person is more likely to buy the
advertised products
yes which is which is the model
is what
the true you try to do get
people you
find out what you know yeah
yeah yeah
they're not in their head just
once you
start nodding their heads
you're and
then you sell him something
you're in
glitch during a return flight
last month
I trans transited through Dubai
and by
the way I didn't notice any
warming there when I turn on my
and connected to their service I
received the text welcome to
I always keep the location off
my phone
but does the UAE sometimes turn
on its
location but it turned its
location off
too it was a first for me and I
left me wondering how that
could happen
in the eighth month of 2018 and
the sum of all our currently
paper currency is 188 dollars
$100 bill
$50 bill $20 bill $10 bill $5
$2 $1 how
could I miss an 888 opportunity
I also wish to add all the
happy Eid
al-adha and encourage Adam to
try John's
goat recipe this month if he
already recipe this month if he
it's the perfect holiday feast
and J and
K is the way he wraps it as
usual sarong
sword anonymous is our guy
thank you
very much and thanks it's great
Eight opportunity I would like
for him
to come back with his next
and see if he could figure out
why it
says welcome to Canada when he
was going
to Dubai you never know how
that goes
he has some like a little PS at
the end
just for me but he mentions he
makes us comment at the end
about he's
talking about social media and
how the
cookies and all the stuff does
work and
he just has this kind of I want
to read
it this is basically zip code
plus for
COMPETES pretty well with
cookies and
algos but it's just not as sexy
if snail
mail didn't work you wouldn't
get so
many catalogs we drop at 9
follow the
rabbit catalogs we drop at 9
follow the
all right he's talking in code
okay onward um yep I'm sorry
when they
moved to the email and I've got
to come
back to the email and I've got
to come
Scott Scott and Mary Beth McKay
McKay or
Mackey Scott and Mary Beth
McKay McKay or
but smack a McCain okay okay
okay 288 26
from st. Mary's Ontario and we
another note written in here it
was a
good nice donation isn't canon
AV and
money so I had this funny one
that comes
in you have to send it through
collections collections what
are we here
we are we repo man now it's a
process color selections oh
that's to be settled yeah has
to be said
long live Bitcoin Bitcoin would
greeting Jon and Adam thank you
for you
how's it gonna help the bank
take it
nevermind this has to be
settled I have
to convert it so that's the
same thing
as what I'm doing with this
check ok I'm
not only the difference is I
just give
this check to say hey look
settle this just give it to
them they do
the work jump it went okay are
you it
I'm not I'm not going to get
into it
with you
thank you for your good work uh
and Mary right I can't tell
which is
writing the donations for my
birthday August 26th Mitch
McKay get the check it out to
make sure
it's on there my wife and I saw
show this is our second
donation towards
my son's knighthood and you can
you send
some common sense karma to all
politicians here in Kanda
Naevia it's
getting really frustrating here
bright light seems to be and
the only
bright light light seems to be
Peterson and he's not exactly a
politician yeah he's not a
thanks again he's gotten
married right I
shouldn't mention I wrote an
essay in
the last newsletter which I
people to look at and in it to
some what I was gonna discuss I
put a
Jordan Peterson paragraph from
the wiki
page yes and so somebody wrote
Twitter says I stopped reading
when I
saw the Jordan Peterson Court
it wasn't
a Jordan placeholder you get
pushback on
this it was I don't know how
they call
that pushback from it's just a
hmm yeah so I blocked him yeah
he said Jordan Peterson is a
Nazi didn't
you know that no I didn't ask
Canadian Nazi the best
anonymous $333
he's anonymous I'm donating for
after hearing John said he was
into Apple censorship I love
you guys I
love the show and both shows
are the
highlight of my week for
jingles I would
like a random jingle preferably
Manning or Sharpton oh nice
sorry I'd
cued up a Manning and a
Sharpton I
misread it okay keep going it's
and plug China uncensored for
its news
Corsi nation which is trying to
citizen journalism I would like
to plug
Alex Jones for inspiration but
doesn't need due to
circumstances I love
the show so much I'm trying to
out how to donate a sustaining
weekly so to pad your numbers
on Sunday
where it seems to be needed the
hang in there guys we're doing
work despite donations and as a
guy not
making much in in tone of the
States in Gitmo nation and
going to
college part time let's just
say money
as tight as one commentator I
listen to
says put your money where your
mind is
and you guys are worth it
anyway karma
for all especially for my
friend who hit
me in the mouth and karma in
Hope set
low unemployment will
eventually raise
wages to something livable for
a slaves
hear hear uh I would like you
guys to
take on a homebrew theory of
mine with
inspiration from you guys
Jones and a few other journal
sources I'm just hoping I'm
nuts so I
haven't seen this a look at the
before we continue I forgot to
give out
the Canadian politician karma
this guy
this guy needs some random
clips and
karma for everybody yeah see
what I got
for you
you thought karma okay
onward thought karma okay
Barun net tests check out that
link and
tell me if it's interesting
baronet test
Susan Johnson and Newberg she's
a for
power associate executive
producer for
today's show
$280 since she sent in a note
lots of
notes ITM Jon and Adam around
April I
asked for her house selling
karma I am
now in the middle of moving
I am moving to Hillsboro Oh
Oregon which is a wine growing
area by
the way one of the first I've
ever said
near the Willamette village of
Valley I
don't know that it is okay maybe
somebody can look it up right
always order wine from the
Valley because that's how you
it lamb it yep well amat had
been that
cruise to that area is very
very very
interesting wine growing
Mitchell Kaufman the Grand Duke
of the
Pacific Northwest and the rest
of what
happened to Baroness that was it
no he's she just said she's
moving to
Hillsboro she didn't need karma
for that
no I'm sure still reading the
oh I'm sorry Mitchell Kaufman
the Grand
Duke of the Pacific Northwest
and the
rest of you at Portland area
it's time
for a meet up I get it okay
this donation is for a sir
carnage whose birthday is the
you'll be turning 28
as always thank you for doing
what you
do baronet this Susan Johnson
soon to be
of not to be of Newburgh but of
Hillsboro okay okay Joe some
karma out
for her you got moving drama
you've got
karma Charles aka sir optician
Mankato Minnesota to 60-59
Charles this actually
pronounced appeal
Charles Peele from Mankato
Minnesota a
case or a petition surreptitious
surreptitious get it yes she
night at the tenth anniversary
since it's my birthday today
and I had a
minor mention on show 1058 I
figured it
was the sign that I was overdue
another donation to 60-59 is
dollars a week for another year
fantastic shows plus another
fifty nine
cents for my age today hmm all
right I
always said it's good good bit
mm-hmm I
always keep one podcast in
reserve for
entertainment while mowing the
lawn my
neighbors probably think I'm
nuts as I
write around the yard on my
laughing and commenting to
myself about
the show we need video keep up
the shows
keep the shows coming gentlemen
I would
love to hear the old classic
don't look
over here and words do matter
along with some general goat
karma thank
you don't look over here
[Music] don't look over here
you've got Austin Wilson at two
thirty three dollars and 33
cents from
Sammamish Washington I joined
that and
keep up the great
deconstruction of the
m5m I'd like job karma for my
wife Laura
we would have been at the
Seattle meetup
last week but we were dead out
of town
looks like it was her it was a
time for all jobs jobs jobs and
let's go John karma okay
and when we're to Jeremy I'm
looking at
they have to look at his email
okay great
Jeremy tossed 22222 I have it
you know I
was sneaking it in let's just
do that
over again yeah you have the
note this
is gonna happen a lot yeah the
that should be effectively d
douche me
following as much deserved call
out from
fellow producer Ellen Sibley a
few shows
back to the ring Sibley please
send out
some very special human
resource karma
for my good friends fill in Ali
Schumacher as baby one is
scheduled to
drop today she work on music
business whatever better gift
could I
ever missed or than arranging
aspiration from uncle uncles
and buzzkill hey if I can also
ask for
some house selling buying Karma
myself I would appreciate it
thank you both there's so much
what you
do finding your show many years
ago and
listening faithfully ever since
impacted me to an extent that
my entire
trajectory has been altered
oh I'm eternally very grateful
for that
and owe you both a portion a
portion of
something for my sanity well
thank you
very much that I that I
hearing that he says your
biggest mouse
hitter in Grand Rapids Michigan
right so we got human resource
drop in
karma and some house karma for
him was
that what it was it's like
you've got
karma and now we have and this
one I
haven't gotten to there it is
ladies and
gentleman's looking for that
note can you find it before the
over he can because he gets no
spam his
name is the one and only
[Music] is the one and only
ya know curiously you don't
have it let
me try something new wow that's
it's Dave man is Dave for
Rosato it
maybe it's Davis is his date
David is
Dave he's not here looking guns
at oh
let's see why I can't keep my
spot you
did without looking right out I
I'm not obviously smelling food
is odo
correct here it is gentlemen
encloses my
latest contribution to further
ongoing mission by the way
that's Dada
Dada Dada Dada outlook okay it
closes my
latest contribution to further
ongoing mission of media
excuse the length of the
comments below
but thanks for indulging us
members of
the peerage we started a new
year in preparation for a
lesson on communication I came
across a
note on the importance of
listening and
specifically how difficult it
is to be a
good listener
one of my most important
aspects of the
No Agenda show is that it helps
me be a
better listener I am forced to
pay close
attention to get the most out
of each
show and the lingering effects
of the No
Agenda mindset also improves my
thinking skills and by the way
I don't
think it works so well when
running in at one and a half or
times speed I agree or the
people have
it where it chops out the
spaces in
between I don't even know about
that yes
like ruining my art second I
had an
experience with one of the
phone banks
reminding me to vote last week
I was
amused because he made sure to
tell me
to get out and cast a vote for
specific candidates one of
whom's last
name he didn't know I asked
where he was
calling from and he wasn't even
in the
same state I told him and he
didn't give
me much confidence with his
lack of
knowledge and conveyed this to
supervisor as well probably not
fault as he was likely just a
kid trying
to buff up his college fund
with a
summer phone bank job still the
lack of
attention to detail was telling
and the
experience track closely with
discussion last show again I
get a lot
of these types of calls mostly
for the
guy who previously had that
number I
always use it as a chance to
hit people
in the mouth and I always ask
emily's list for good HVAC
recommendations they love it
keep up the superb
deconstruction thanks
for your courage yeah we you
that's an
interesting idea but you get
one of
those you know I get lots of
phone call
Nomad if you if you press three
to be
put on there do not call this
your phone
is ringing all day by the
horrible scams
where's Elizabeth Warren when
when we
need her she promised yeah
anyway you
know I think it's a good idea
so hey is
this is this Adam Carey I would
who's calling last how is that
why you
calling calling last how is
that why you
do you listen to the no agenda
show is
gonna be my next line D listen
the no
agenda show B yeah let's see if
works maybe I can hit some
people in the
mouth well what I do and I've
done this
I don't do it as much because
usually annoyed so I don't
remember to
do it as much as I should but I
do it I
said you got yours telling you
this buy
something or do something do
you have a
pen you have a pen and paper I
tell you something this is
great this
yeah I got a pen I got paper I
write this down www agenda show
com you
should listen to this show
because you
won't be able to you won't have
horrible jobs like this if you
just pay
some attention to you know
maybe get
back to a real reality so just
give it a
shot and then they're just so
then I hang up good idea I like
him write it down that's
yeah if they might be writing
in this
guy for all you know I mean
these guys
yeah that's why I'm still funny
funny right onward onward
wolf forth in Hendersonville
Carolina $200 a lot of North
coming in today the newsletter
reminded me of the value I
received from
the show and that while I do
have a
monthly eleven eleven for years
remem recently moved to 33 33
unacceptable that I'm not a
knight yet
I'm still not but as I've been
for years I soon will be please
throw on
a karma with a TBI tu at the
end of this
donation section for you and
all the
other producers
thank you very much Thomas and
I look
forward to your ceremony you
will get
there no doubt
you've got karma stay on the
air until
you do
[Music] do
Sir John Helmer and Shawnee
Kansas City
Kansas recent no agendas shows
have been
excellent recent no agendas
shows have been
John's abrasiveness aside
thank you for your tireless
efforts to
deconstruct the m5m can I get a
Sharpton dealer choice foamer
scream karma sir John
yes you can but resist we much
we must
and we will much about that the
committee apparently a new
amongst the ringtone crowd yeah
seems to
work well for them I'm reliably
nice sounds like a good
ringtone to try
out yeah that's it yeah that's
it that I
want to thank all these folks
the executive producers and
executive producers which are
are all
these folks for helping produce
show 10
60 yes thank you very much and
titles that you've received
today are
real titles so your executive
ship where your associate
producer ship is valid you can
put it on
your resume your LinkedIn
profile which
does seem to work people are
jobs go ahead and take a look
look for
no agenda producers on LinkedIn
see that they are experiencing
jobs I
think that's what it says
and we appreciate you keeping
the ship
running and the the show on the
will be thanking more people
who came in
at $50 or above in our second
and a reminder we have another
show on
Sunday we can always use your
support at
Dvorak org slash na or as we'd
like to
sing it at Vollrath org slash
and not
only do we can start for you we
make you
feel better and give you nice
tips our formula is this we go
out or
hit people in the mouth
[Applause] people in the mouth
[Music] people in the mouth
yeah so you have this thesis
that I've
subscribed to which is that
people say
things on podcast they normally
say and there's a lot of these
interview podcasts by we want
to be
interviewers and many of them
are very
well produced uh-huh does one
guy I
discovered as Patrick bettin I
this Patrick bet - David mm-hmm
interviews a lot of very
interesting and
many shady characters and he
did I have
four clips well can be I can
play one
two or many but I'll give him
I'm gonna
start with the teaser of the of
these of
this group this is Michael
Friends se
who is a ex mobster and a good
crime family when the Kennedys
coming up his father was not
the most
set up at the end of the clip
was his
idea he's talking about his dad
who has
a major majorly famous mobster
and his
dad who's still alive at a
hundred which
in effect he was just released
prison recently at a hundred
years old
Wow and he appeared he was big
during the Jenna Vaisey era
that you
know when all the families were
like all
together before they all got
taken down
by the various Rico action
until they
got into drugs and ruined the
and so he's talking in this
case in this
zero clip he's talking about
Brasco and the fact that it
took out
like a hundred mobsters that
and it was
made into a movie with Johnny
Depp and
who is he he's a law
enforcement officer
whoo Donnie Brasco of it was a
guy that was his name I think
he went by
right in the sea when he played
gangster he was an undercover
guy who's
was undercover with the mob for
years yeah and it did mob was
very upset
about it and now he's relating
I'm sure
he's talking about Brasco here
and and
how just one group of criminals
careless and let him in and
then he took
the whole group down a lot of
people and was very very
and then he says he almost had
a similar
experience of some creeps
coming in and
but but he avoided it and
there's a
piece of information in here
explains something to me you
know you
get a guy like lefty you get
some of
those guys that are really not
bigger owners and you get
somebody to
turn it could put a few bucks
in that
pocket they get a little sloppy
don't look that far back and
I'll tell
you I had that experience too
okay I get
contacted in a minute was a
huge case
they called it shadowboxing I
contacted by a guy that was with
Muhammad Ali the FBI took him
out of
prison and put him in this
operation along with an FBI
agent that
went undercover his name was
Quint Anna and he allegedly was
a drug
dealer at one point in time
they cleaned
up his act but had a ton of
money wanted
to get into the fight business
so they
come to me can you introduce us
to Don
King I'm with these people for
months I'm with these people
for eight
okay all the while they're
everything that I do
I had like 83 recordings on me
I take
them finally throughout
Sharpton now
shopping has it done for hire
with him a
lot right and I make out
Sharpton set up
a meeting with Don King to
bring these
two guys to meet King so we go
there and
first I check out the FBI had
set up a
bank account that had 15
million dollars
in a bank in the Midwest the
FBI said oh
yeah yeah I bring them to King
Kings office I go in there
first I said
Don let me tell you some I know
guys seven or eight months
there are
high rollers that drive in a
Rolls Royce
we went to Florida together
they want to
meet you I said but I don't
know him
past that I said so when we
talk in here
everything's got to be legit
I'll say
anything wrong everything legit
let me
keep looking for
and a meeting went great bottom
line is
they were asking for more money
continue the operation the FBI
said no
because after a year they could
couldn't do anything and then
the whole
thing fell apart we found out
later that
it was an undercover operation
Illustrated Wow huge deal on it
al Sharpton the Rev the the
out on the coast he'll take
some area
I look good into this a she
call him a
hit man ha ha
and they did dissolve this
operation I
read that article and then it
written 91 and it was about
this this
shadowboxing undercover sting
and what
comes out of it was is the
timeline this undercover sting
to ask a
question just because I don't
shadowboxing what when you say
that I
don't understand what that
means well he
said that was the code name for
undercover op okay got it
so he that was what the FBI
call it and
he said that in that clip okay
anyway so
you look into this and this
thing took
place from 88 89 or I'm sorry
82 to 83
and it ended they ended it and
he's the
way he says it he understands
that they
run out of money and they
didn't weren't
gonna keep this thing going I
believe that's what happened
what happened at the point that
is the
point where el Sharpton became
informant for the FBI
hmm because if you look into el
FBI informant he became an
informant in
83 which was right after this
event I
think the FBI went in there to
trying to
you know bust these other guys
Don King they found al Sharpton
what a what a Jim they found el
who was very well-connected I
guess and
they used him and in fact it
was Al
Sharpton who was responsible for
bringing down the Jena vase a
and I'm wondering why he's
still alive
and number two what's he doing
still has a weekend show there
how did
he get that job was at the FBI
that said
we should play some so you
think he has
clearance no I'll bet he does
interest something very
suspicious about
that guy I like I like this
I thought you get a kick out of
that one
yeah now this is on YouTube
this is some
some just some dude yeah yeah
you can
find it he doesn't have a
broadcast deal
not that I know of sign him up
now I got a cup I got three
other two
things one is about the
corruption in
France s he goes on just clip
to about
the corruption and I'm not
gonna buy
don't necessary want to play it
the FBI sis is more corrupt now
than it
ever that's all we have done on
yeah that's all it was just
been passing
is those of matter of fact he
was just a
man let's just all remember no
real con
free just remember there's no
conflict I got one as you
talked about
the Kennedy election being done
by the
mob and how they mob
assassinated can
yes yes yes let's listen not
the CIA the
mob that's what he says
before processes should that be
a very
interesting person to be
talking he goes
back to the days of Luciano and
gosh Italy betray about that
what he's
talking about his dad okay on
because he
was younger than but he knew
Capone came
out of New York so he know
right on it
stuck with absolute well he
knew him I'm
not saying I don't know what he
yeah did but he knew him I
asked my dad
I tell you this
my dad was he got so much
publicity in
his 60s now he wasn't the main
around okay there was a lot of
doing Columbo everybody was
around but
for some reason they targeted
my dad and
I got to tell you this story
stop stop
is this clip one
I'm sorry I thought you were
ahead no it's not no I would
the kennedy
election that's what we're
talking about
an assassination clip oh I see
what I
did wrong okay apologies I take
all of
that back when the Kennedys
were coming
up his father was not the most
you know he was a blue you know
joseph kennedy who was a big
part of the
market manipulation I think when
Roosevelt hired him to bring
him in and
say listen what do we need to
do here
and they they came out with
fingerprinting for licensing
the guy
came out with SDC so it was
very much
involved in knowing how to
the marketplace he was involved
with the
mob based on some of the
stories you
read about strong personality
so they
you read and say well the mob
Kennedy get elected I don't
know that
I'm asking you so my first
question is
is the answer to that yes and
to once
Kennedy got elected the
follow-up is
it's been said that once he got
they try to distance themselves
from the
mob to to look like they were
good so
nothing would happen the mob
got upset
about it and when they got
upset about
it because they couldn't
fulfill their
commitments they made to the
map the mob
said we got to do something
about it and
they went about doing what they
did to
hire who they hire to shoot him
and then
etc when he walked off the mob
him now this is some of the
obviously a lot of this is
but one of the best
conspiracies to read
about is Kennedy people are so
fascinated by having said that
what do
you know about the JFK
situation there
well understand my father is
that whole era and many of the
guys that
I knew or through that whole
area so all
I ever heard and that I know to
be true
okay and there's no upside in
me saying
this I'm not writing a book
about it
nothing but there's no question
that Joe
Kennedy was involved or he was a
bootlegger you're not gonna
know cause
no question okay and I know for
a fact
that somebody wanted to kill
Joe Kennedy
during those times because I
heard that
he was robbing money wasn't
doing the
right thing and his life was
this is 40s this is those in
the 40s 50s
during that Iran he's a
you're not a bootlegger unless
dealing with us guys that's it
okay no
question also okay that threw
his father
John Kennedy was we wanted him
in the
White House and he was a
far as we were concerned so yes
Chicago through Louisiana he
was they
did help him get elected they
did help
I'm sure like the Union votes
and sorry
about this I know this for a
okay guy and now the
government's never
gonna want anybody to know this
gonna call me a liar and all
that kind
of stuff but that's the truth
and as far as the assassination
I mean
come on the Jack Ruby come out
nowhere I mean he had all of a
these mob ties didn't mean
anything if
you had mob ties with me they
would want
to say it all over the world
oh yeah you connected with the
mob what
was in Ruby who was connected
with the
mob not as saying he wasn't you
they never want it to be known
that the
mob had a hand in that
because it makes him look
government doesn't want anybody
that but I mean I've heard that
consistently throughout my my
tenure in that life all the
time you
know Giancana and Chicago and
and so
when he got killed you're
saying the
assassination is linked back to
the mob
yes now again it's been said
it's not
true he's a liar I have no
upside in
saying this other than this is
what I
know to be true throughout my
whole time
in that life I heard it for my
father I
heard it from everybody that I
know that
was in that era I was there I
younger obviously I mean I
wasn't coming
up at that time but but it was
after I mean I began I got
recruited in
the 70s it was a couple of
years after
he was killed so that story was
now forget about it
now if he has another size I
don't have
everything he has he knows
where hafez
buried he has he knows where
he isn't he buried in the
Meadowlands in
New Jersey yes is that's
definitely not
it Jersey yes is that's
definitely not
and where'd he finally he kind
of would
insane what the details but
what you
could deconstruct it and it it
sounds as
if Hoffa was given some cement
boots and
dropped off in the middle of the
Atlantic Ocean
Oh des wrecker yeah I pushed in
blood des wrecker yeah I pushed
in the
Oh God maybe they pushed him
off a boat
but it was a plane nice okay
now the
last one is that is the one of
talking about his dad again and
story is the real and he even
kind of
hints that his dad was kind of
full of
shit with his stories but he
kind of
says this story sounds kind of
because his dad was really
targeted by
the justice department over a
lot of
these other mobsters right and
he for
all these years he could never
out why and so this story which
is clip
three comes out before
processes should
that be a very interesting
person to be
talking he goes back to the
days of
Luciano and Costello God he'll
even tell
you about Capone because he was
than but he knew Capone came
out of New
York so he's right on it stuck
absolute well he knew him I'm
not saying
I don't know what he exactly
yea did but
he knew him I asked my dad I'd
say it is
my dad was he who got so much
in his sixties now he wasn't
the main
guy around okay there was a lot
of guys
don't come but everybody was
around but
for some reason they targeted
my dad and
I gotta tell you this story so
I went to
one time I said dad why are you
why he
was a lot of guys around why
did they
pick you he said my mom has
passed away
five years ago and he said I
wanted to tell you this I don't
want to
disrespect your mom but now
that your
mom has passed away I'm gonna
tell you I
said what he said I was dating
Monroe Kennedy fell in love
with a Bobby
Kennedy he was the Attorney
General at
the time she made him
understand that
she was in love with my father
from that point on Robert
targeted my dad because of the
Rolle went after him like crazy
sometimes my dad oh you know I'm
wondering okay dad you turning
me but it
made sense I said dad you tell
me he
says i dad was with Marilyn
Monroe yeah
and he got a little bit more
when he told me this I'm not
repeat it here but but yeah and
then you
know I'm starting to I said
where did
you meet her now I start
questioning a
me he says I I met her at the
Stork Club
that was the hot place back
yeah right
Costello had a piece of it and
I said
okay tell me how it happened he
told me
the whole setup and everything
else and
you know because Hoover wasn't
mob guys back then
that's right was a friend
because you
had information on him on that
information he was bisexual you
know he
got caught and blah blah blah
so he
never went after guys because
they held
it over his chest that there is
no mob
is what he said there is not
Yeah right
but Kennedy was a different
story and he
targeted my dad for that reason
you know
what sometimes I think my dad
but I
believe this one I absolutely
believe it
because I put it two together I
did my
little research it was true wow
this is
this is on my YouTube that's
pretty good
yeah I like that
and what's this what's this
thing he
wanted to play this last clip
or not
it's a lightweight clip
compared to the
other three but yeah play it so
let me
ask you as dirty as politics
was back
then how dirty is it today
more or less Patrick I have
never and
now understand something yeah
did I see
them when we were on the street
understood the government a lot
of times
crossed the lines with us we
got it but
you know what we were criminals
so in a
way can you justify it I don't
think so
I don't think the government is
supposed to act illegally okay
supposed to abide by the law we
criminals we broke the law but
supposed to use the laws
effectively and
properly to get anybody that's
feeling but you know what all
right we
were criminals and they cross
the line
every once in a while okay I
have never
in my lifetime seen the level of
corruption that is going on
today in the
political come Patrick I could
you know
more today than before hunter
and at a level that I can't
believe I
mean look I've experienced
you understand I've been
indicted five
times I've had two federal
cases I've had two state
cases I I've been in front of
Supreme Court on constitutional
in my dad's case I've been in
front of
the appellate court so many
times I've
been more grand juries than you
imagine more grand juries than
you can
this has been my life I
understand it I
know the law and I am Telling
You I've
never seen the law violated by
people in
power like I'm seeing now it's
to a
point where I can't even watch
anymore it's it's terrible
because it's
bad for all of America look I
cannot let
the gangster gangster says is
bad man
over there who authorities
cross the
lines of what's legally correct
we can't
let them do that because it's a
to everyone at that point in
time and
I'm not being biased I have
many friends
in law enforcement
many French and they were
honest kondal
tell you straight out we don't
of what's going on retired FBI
that I know now it's sickened
what they
see now Wow I mean come on this
is I
mean look I mean even call me
going on at his book tour I
mean did the
things that he's saying that it
out of his mouth it's an
to the FBI in my opinion
because there's
a lot of hard-working you know
legitimate agents that do that
job and a
guy like this in my opinion is
everything else I mean it's
terrible did
he work for the feds as well no
really John bend over well
oh just lump it all into one I
like it I
think that was a good
collection I got
very good that I agree oh man I
they don't I mean he said
something bad
about Al Sharpton he'll
probably get
purged from the platform this
is a bad
idea from the platform this is
a bad
to be talked don't put that on
platform all right let's shift
gears for
a second and just some light
some light
stuff local story local story I
told you
that that this happened and I
have some
proof that this happened and I
have some
Austin Texas now gone so crazy
that in
these City Council meetings we
no longer
clap we snap our fingers like
man like beatniks cuz this
really haters
hey you stop I'm gonna tell you
something this is bullcrap
what is there's no way that
what you're
saying cuz you told me this
already we
usually don't do stuff on the
show where
you talked about for I am not
buying it
if I'm gonna buy it did I gotta
the bongos out okay so let's do
this I
have two clips I have one from
incident that I was told about
a hand I
have the second one is from
just two
nights ago and I'll explain
that as well
so you can then sort of listen
first cuz
it's at the very end alright so
play your bongos because you a
miss it
because it's because the
talking is just short it's
short short
short briefer this is the
Council bri