September 30th, 2018 • 2h 47m
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I'll take the opium and warm
juice please
Adam courage Jhansi Dvorak's
2018 this
is your award-winning Gitmo
Nation Media
assassination episode 73 this
is no
agenda Silicon Valley where
waiting for the another preset
for show
everybody we're on the money
we're here
no it's three in aronia three
three three neuro a three in a
man things late I cry for
humanity why
is this no this is what's going
oh the cabinets oh I cry for
Humanity no
one knows what how destructive
really has been it's very very
very very
destructive probably yeah I
mean beyond
what people read no one has
even thought
for two seconds about what this
kind of
conversation does to people
and there were people on c-span
abuse I mean there was people
were reliving abuse this this
I'm not
kidding this was really I
thought it was
very irresponsible um what took
here did you hear this woman on
c-span I
was watching c-span why some IO
deed on
c-span and in one of the
recesses they
took some callers and it was a
heart-wrenching and a Valley
Missouri Democrats line yes I'm
a 76
year old woman who was sexually
in the second grade this brings
back so
much pain I thought I was over
it but
it's not you will never forget
it you
get confused and you don't
understand it
but you never forget what
happened to
you without my family I would
never been
able to go through this and now
I'm 76
years old and I thought I was
over it
until I heard that happened to
else and it's just how old were
you at
the time you know have you
around the school because back
because it couldn't let you out
and I
would see him I would get so
upset and
get so upset I've had a weight
my whole life because I was so
and we've talked about this you
people have severe weight
problems often
comes from abuse and they want
to be
seen as being unattractive as
so no one will mess with them
and all
this stuff is coming up because
what's going on and this is
jamoke here
sitting there yeah when I was
growing up
and they had sensitive topics
on the
radio of course this was Dutch
government-run radio I remember
would always say periodically
any program where there's
something that
might might affect you they
would say
give people standing by if you
want to
talk to somebody you can talk
off air
you know if you you want you
can give
you a referral
to someone else now no no no
just how
old were you what happened and
married I have a wonderful
family I have
a wonderful husband and a child
of great
great grand children and
and I thought I was over this
and I have
not brought this up for years
until I
heard this testimony and it's
breaking my heart
bring - thank you thank you
very much
for sharing a story there's
some abuse
right there thanks for sharing
story there thanks for sharing
great now you lost next give a
Republican sob story but I do
mean that
I mean sensitive severe lack of
file you know it's one of those
because it's c-span they
usually usually
they're used to crank calls
yeah but
they're not used to that and I
think the
guy just choked yeah yeah but
it but my
point is yeah I'm not gonna
have fought
him the way you just did
because I think
he just choked ok drawer stuff
I don't
know if the c-span got some
ratings I'll
tell you but but the overall
point has
got to be made is that the
Cavalier news
with which people are speaking
this particularly politicians
pundants and other giant heads
television he's really without
regard there really doesn't
just no
thought went into it zero which
you know
which is par for the course but
I think
it used to be different like
there's no this is good then
think about this stuff you know
at least
give me a hotline number of a
place to
call if I'm if I have something
to say I
like right but to let that
little bit
there you might be right about
it's like
why are we doing this without
some you know a safety net yeah
not a what's the whole thing it
be giant
it's a giant joke oh yeah it is
I would
wager to say there's not a
single woman
who has not thought about some
event in
her history during this
this shit show that's been
going or if
you were not just women but you
talking about the go through
the darts
and you're it's pretty gross
yeah I've
been groped by a man I've been
I've been
a assault a sexually assaulted
by men
yeah no no you didn't do it
that happens in Amsterdam you
know like
I was a I guess I was a a
looking guy in gym guy come on
like hey
yeah okay yeah yeah get off of
me which
I have another question
um do mom's no longer teach
daughters the old knee to the
trick I haven't heard this come
up in
the conversation once and I
remember my
mom very clearly telling my
sisters but
also me if there's anyone if
anyone ever
is doing anything you need them
right in
the groin as hard as you can do
it yes
as hard as you can
yeah you have to do with
enthusiasm yes
sure like you mean it
is that not taught it anymore
is that I
just wonder dude I don't know
millennia never thought about
it but it
should be taught it's a very
methodology for but you know
unless the
guys wearing a catcher's
baseball cup
yeah well I remember my mom had
two that
she had that sitting up is
anything you
just need a guy as hard as you
can in
the groin apparently works with
women as
well and she also had this
really she
had a a charm bracelet and I'd
fascinated me I didn't and
while I was
thinking of this yesterday this
came to
me I wrote it down she had this
charm and like it was probably
about um
I'd say half an inch by half an
square and it was a little
silver box
with a lid and in it was
folded into this very small box
a $10
bill which you know back in the
70s Wow
in $10 bills you know I was
like a
hundred bucks and were more--
much more
in today's money and that
wasn't you
know it's like yes I have this
charm and
of course I don't need it
anymore but I
hate always had this charm
bracelet on
when I went out is if I ever
needed to
get a taxi back I could take
care of
myself and I had my own money
in my
charm bracelet and I would need
the guy
in the groin if he got fresh
with me
none of that is is discussed
madam maybe I'm wrong I just
don't hear
it yeah maybe that's part of
the new
the new voice you have a nice
proper you
have to be nice to me you can't
miss him
and roaring it in the groin no
so I did
I don't know I
I did go I watched everything
I'm sure
you watch just about everything
I watched just about everything
couldn't take it I I listed the
entire how long is seven
minutes of her
her testimony with that up
speaking 100%
vocal a little girls voice
yes yes well you're right the
girl's voice was very for a
doctor in
psychology and also for a
doctor in
psychology to do a polygraph
isn't isn't
that like a medical doctor
going to a
witch doctor I mean isn't there
you're if you're a psychologist
according to the intelligence
just kind of something it
easily be
defeated but apart according to
at least
one of the documents about this
a lot of bullshit flying around
really annoying is that she was
asked about Cavanagh specific
specifically she just asked
about the
incident and she seemed like
she may
have been hypnotized or
something well
I'm gonna tell you this junk
I'm just
saying up front the only the
only thing
the only question that matters
right now
in America today and I've seen
it in
Europe as well I follow the
publication's is who do you
believe like
it's a binary thing I'm with
you oh no
you know the guy the guy is is
no question if you look at him
you know
he's got the Roche rosacea
cheeks the
whole thing the guy isn't I
didn't think
about this at the time it
doesn't I
don't know if it's gonna affect
judge if he's an alcoholic or
he I know
he's worried he was he may not
anymore worried he was he may
not be
so let's just establish we both
the in this when regardless of
happened or did happen they
both were
lying about all kinds of stuff
and and
the discussion of buffing or
both Falls
or whatever there's much in
terms which
at the time referred to to
having drinks
up the butt
oh is that what it referred to
yeah oh
god if you remember the 80s
barely if
you remember the eighties you
didn't do
them right okay now there was
discussion that kids were doing
because they didn't want to
have alcohol
on their breath and they had
all these
issues and so they turns out
that you
could take alcohol up the butt
and that's what his references
were I
love how you I love how you say
it turns out like some massive
you can take out all of the but
yeah you
can get so good a buzz without
you know having a drink and I
guess they
were employing this practice
and in high
school or wherever and it was
it wasn't
really discussed in detail uh
at the
hearings which by you had to do
a little
research to find what the hell
they were
talking about the guy said it
was a bit
of flatulence joke
yeah the flatulence joke right
that was
a that was the
get-out-of-jail-free card
to say that but it was still
does not
what it was it was taking
alcohol up
okay now do you have this on
authority yeah and I'm blue or
dictionary ah well there you go
after page about it and in
that's exactly what it was I
mean if you
think about it in context of
what these
guys were doing and I love beer
and all
the restaurant right it was all
these guys were a bunch of
they're a bunch of prep school
this is a
I don't want it i we have prep
people list of the show very
few of them
made the Eagle Scouts let me
start with
that premise right prep school
boys were
and I know we have something
listed the
show and they'd like to show
but I'm
gonna say this anyway many of
them know
I'm right
generally jerk-offs yeah and
drank too
much they were privileged they
privileged they're part of the
you know you know I'm gonna play
something that supports what
saying and it was something
that I
didn't really consider and he
called me
about it but he actually
recorded a
video one of his famous video
botanic had a thought on this
thing which is not what anyone
thinking at all he of course is
our our
psychological warfare expert he
has some
standing in in the matter but
yes listen
to his take on this whole
circus this
week we have witnessed a total
circus of
buffoonery on both the
Republican and
the Democratic side this was
not about
alcoholism this wasn't even
about the
rape of women but this was a
death was
about collusion of people who
went to
the same schools and had the
religion let me be very
specific among
the Democrats and Cavanaugh
every one of
them almost almost every one of
went to Yale University among
Republicans four out of eleven
that 36%
are Mormons let me be more
when amy klobuchar was asking I
like his
clover chariklo boxer that's
her new
name by the way it's not Clovis
Club Locker yeah it's Steve
he's in the
rough Locker yeah it's Steve
he's in the
Mormons let me be more specific
when Amy
Club ocker
was asking questions of
Kavanagh who
went to Yale Law School I was
why is she so adamant she went
to Yale
then I looked at Tori Booker
who that
what I called the pixie from
New Jersey
flitting around standing up
making a
drama of himself he's Spartacus
and then
I said I wonder where he went
to school
it was Yale University but
folks he got
a degree at Oxford now let me
tell you
something about Oxford you pay
for that
degree including Gorsuch you
can get a
PhD at Oxford University in
for a minimal son some and just
by the
teacher some liquor and you can
read a
book and write an essay that's
well I would if I knew about
this right
that's how you get a PhD but if
wasn't enough then I look at
Blumenthal and I looked at his
reconstructed face there's no
job his
face and I said my god
doesn't he look familiar I
wonder where
he went to law school it was
yeah folks
then I looked at Whitehead Sid
Sidney Sheldon Whitehead his
father went
to Yale Whitehouse Whitehead
white his
right house I think you know
what he
said was right running against
candidate in Rhode Island who
also went
to Yale and was installing
bones and
guess what Whitehead went to
Cavanaugh went to you so what
exactly do
we have here we don't have
we don't have Democrats what we
have is
a major geriatric unit with
Grassley 85
feinstein 85 other people the
age of both groups was about
232 but
then I noticed there were
Mormon women
for ethical behavior and they
came after
for Mormons one was Orrin Hatch
second one was I
it's orrin hatch Mike Lee Jeff
Flake and
Mike crap crap all from Idaho
I'm sorry
I didn't pronounce his name but
all four
Mormons on 11 different
that's about 36 percent of the
Republicans were Mormons almost
percent of the Democrats were
from Yale
University so I'm wondering
exactly is the representation
of America
from the south of west from
Texas from
Howard University it turns out
only one
woman went to Howard University
heiress I was gonna rap on that
only one
person may have gone to
Columbia I don't
know who it was but guess who
also went
to Yale University every one of
Democrats who said let's turn
it to the
FBI guess who went to Yale call
me went
to Yale and the present head of
the FBI
Christopher ray was also a Yale
now isn't this amazing that
most of our government
including the
Clintons the bushes john bolton
woodward dave martin all went
to you and
what i'm saying is this is a
school that
should cease and desist
exporting out
the second quality intellects
that we
have and the sociopaths that
are coming
into our lives
let me quote Abraham Lincoln he
said any
person can handle adversity but
if you
want to test that person give
them power
thank you and good night yeah
we got to
close this school this school
is the
problem this school this school
is the
well that's what someone from
might say yeah that's the other
school which seems have been
kicked out
of office and replaced by the
Yale ease
and that started with Bush the
skullenbones Colin bones you
love the
cheerleader literally yes skull
bones and skull and bones and
Kerry was
Mary yeah everyone was everyone
these Yalie guys and gals it's
a known
fact that Yale has been
dominating the
political scene so you also
think that a
lot of these young people would
know what was going on what
happened because Yale stories
are Yale
stories and don't they talk to
other they must of course they
do they
must they must of course they
do they
there were some things in the
that I found interesting for
according to club bucker
what's that what's a global
shark club a
car bike club occurs as lavaca
cat it
could be predicted out great
dr. Ford
sent her letter when there was
still a
short list
it was he wasn't the nominee it
was not
that's according to the timing
that we
know about which maybe we don't
anything that to be true or not
true so
if she sent it while he was
still on the
shortlist I think that's a very
that slanted a little bit more
in her
favor slanted a little bit more
in her
you slanted a little bit more
in her
okay don't you think dad no I
just think
it's the whole thing is rigged
something phony about the whole
deal it
really bothers him finally yeah
and I
finally found the I found the
nut and
you have a bunch of eclipses
yeah I got
some stuff you know just just
I'll do on
the letter for one moment this
was the
for me the funniest moment of
the entire
eight hours that I saw was at a
point points are made about
this letter
and the three parties that had
letter it was Feinstein it was
a shoe
and it was the lawyers and who
have leaked this to the media
so well
Diane it must be you and this
was just
the funniest exchange I've ever
mr. chairman let me be clear I
did not
hide chairman let me be clear I
did not
dr. Ford's allegations I did
not leak
her story she asked me to hold
confidential and I kept it
as she asked she apparently was
by the press felt that what
happened she
was forced to come forward and
greatest fear were realized was
she's been harassed she's had
threats and she's had to flee
her home I
was given some information by a
who was very much afraid who
asked that
it be held confidential and I
held it
confidential until she decided
that she
would come forward mr. chairman
would the ranking member
answer a question please if I
can I have
great respect for senator
we've worked together on many
topics and
I believe what you just said
can you
tell us that your staff did not
leak it
so she turns around to someone
her I don't believe my staff
would leak
it I have not asked that
question no I
mean how in the world that get
in the
hands of the press the answer
is no have
you asked your staff no my
staff did not
leak it yes one woman behind
her pardon
me well a Jennifer reminds me
I've asked
her before about oh that's true
somebody leaked it if it wasn't
you well
it was I'm telling you it was
not I did
not I mean I was asked to keep
confidential and and I'm
criticized for
that too
no I am yeah yeah I like that
what since Ford went right to
Washington Post because she was
concerned about confidentiality
that I
wonder who's really behind all
this and
the other element was what fine
now Trump calls her fine Steen
not on purpose what fine Steen
Feinstein is sad
apparently did she was being
stalked and
tracked by the press they were
her yeah well they argue about
it but
this is before yeah was so
somebody knew
about it before anything
because what
would the press be behind a
hurry of
course as I said this is every
race very
sketchy sketchy this is this is
the most
inauthentic piece we've ever
everybody was lying everybody
everybody it was it was purely
everyone was lying I think the
judge is
lying to save his ass I think
the the
doctor I'm not sure where she's
from but she's not telling the
mrs. everything's a lie
that's that is the only way to
look at
it it can't be she all I stand
with her
I believe
no impossible and will we ever
know the
truth probably not well the
FBI's gonna
do something they weren't gonna
find I
tell you this guy is not going
to be
confirmed not going well that's
the idea
yeah not going to happen
did that way you can leverage
election because when he gets
or not it's not beside the
point they
got a win they can't let the
take over the place so let's
see in fact
there was they can go a lot of
directions let's stay with the
cabin I
think I do have a little one
clip this
kind of ass and a side clip
which is how
the seventh investigation what
really gonna be about new them
it's this
is the FBI seventh investigation
background or what what what
what's in
what's it going to entail flag
joining us George Cavanaugh has
undergone six background checks
how will
this investigation be different
obviously those background
searches are
specific as to his character
first the
six times every one more
extensive than
the next as he moved up the
ladder and
this one though it has to do
additional evidence that was
at the hearing
ie people were named a diary
was used
there were other people that
have come
forward other people who have
allegations all those people
will be
interviewed as soon as possible
we know that dr. Ford was
administered a
polygraph test is that
something the FBI
will also administer the FBI
will not
administer polygraphs because
it's not
evidence it can't be used in a
case we don't use them in a
case it's an investigative tool
already passed that polygraph
but we
would ask those people who the
particular the polygrapher is
is this an
expert I don't know where this
was I don't know who the
polygrapher is
but obviously whatever was said
already been out there it's
they'll look at okay but we
would never
use it they're not going to use
it in
these interviews they're going
to go out
and conduct this investigation
in a
thorough manner as quickly as
and then they will report no
they will report that to the
people who
are on the committee worn flag
you very much for joining us
you what
does she say one flag worn flat
one fuck
so this polygraph thing is also
annoying you need to know what
questions are a polygraph is
not you
know there's not like a
test and you sit down there's a
they put
nodes on you take hey did that
happen yeah you pass no it's
not that's
not that's not how this stuff
works at
all that's not how this stuff
works at
and and I think there were only
questions that were shared with
from that polygraph test is
that's complete theater
posturing and
more proof that this is just
all kinds
of just more proof that
amiss about this investigation
following dr. Ford's statement
her attorney demper Katz has
just put
out a statement and this could
be a big
problem in terms of potentially
up this tentative deal we keep
about to delay this only one
because listen closely Denver
dr. Ford's attorney a thorough
investigation is critical to
all the relevant facts and dr.
Ford welcomes this step in the
and appreciates the efforts of
flake Murkowski Manchin and
Collins and
all the other senators who have
supported an FBI investigation
to ensure
it is completed before the
Senate votes
on Judge Cavanaugh's nomination
that all
sounds positive here's the bad
part for
the Senate leaders no
artificial limits
they say as to time or scope
should be
imposed on this investigation
what does
that mean
that means that dr. Ford's team
saying no to a one-week
deadline as the
president has ordered and
Senator flake
and others have have promised
to and
they're also saying no limit on
well what does that mean well
the Senate
Judiciary Committee said the
deal is
that they're only looking at
current and
credible allegations as in the
dr. Ford
allegations that are considered
before them and consider
credible even
the president said that dr.
Ford was
credible in her testimony
meaning if Michael avenatti or
else comes up with something
new over
the weekend or next Tuesday or
Wednesday that might not be
credible and is not currently
before the
Judiciary Committee they were
supposed to look at it dr.
Ford's legal
team is saying the opposite in
statement that it should not be
one-week limit and that they
should look
at anything and everything that
is just
what conservatives feared and
now dr.
Ford's the team is opening the
door more
stalling oh yeah oh yeah this
is just
going to continue and it's
really you
know this country America was
divided I mean you go over to
Europe and
everything ever was like ah
sure boy yeah Republican Trump
he did it
but here this division and now
dividing men and women and this
kinds of long-term goal it must
be a
goal because they're succeeding
succeeding you can't you can no
one can
have a conversation if someone
says to
you hey who do you believe you
said I'm
sorry I had a root canal and I
everything doughnut bit on the
fall for
this trap don't answer the
question I
really I'm really I'm not
educated I had
a root canal I'm sorry I missed
why don't you bring me up to
that's the only thing you can
say no you
don't need to say that now we
have this
say just sound of sod off sod
off now we
have this other meme propagated
radio talk show guy is in
michael michael savage savage
well whatever but it's he it's
being tweeted everywhere and he
read it
very seriously on the air and
so i
presume there's something to it
dr. Ford
happens to head up the CIA
internship program at Stanford
University which is very
honored to
itself how did you get the job
listen carefully Christine's
Ralph the third interesting
that the
word Ralph comes back for some
reason I
don't know why I just tickled
me he used
to work for the international
law firm
of Baker Hostetler the firm
that created
fusion gps which is the company
wrote the Russian dossier Baker
Hostetler is located in the same
building with the CIA operates
companies called Redcoats Inc
security services and data
watch who
runs them they are operated by
Blasi ii he happens to be the
father of
dr. Ford and Ralph the third
but it gets
even deeper Christine and Ralph
thirds grandfather was Nicolas
deke form
former CIA director William
acknowledged dekes decades of
service to
the CIA a spa the spook spot
even this
sounds like a great conspiracy
theory to
me I have not been able to
any of this no in fact I had a
little back and forth to some
idiot on
Twitter mm-hmm know if you saw
it was
pretty funny no I did the note
which was
had the outline of this
information I
said I don't know this doesn't
sounds like a very convenient
explanation and it needs to be
yes and the sky chimes and he
says well
that's very unprofessional of
you to
post this you should post it
only after
you verified it and so I went
off on I'm
saying professional I'm what am
i a
professional Twitter guy I do I
get paid
by Twitter I'm a professional a
check that check for
didn't treat something give me
a bra
John I hate to break it to you
but since
you lost your your column
you're not
even a professional anymore
just a
podcast podcast get off a
Twitter you
podcaster I will say this at
the savage
is pretty good not taking in a
lot so I
don't know where he got this he
says he's got no references off
the top
of his it wasn't off the top of
his head
cuz he read it right and I have
no idea
but he's got a lot of context
he's been
doing this gig for a real long
unless somebody really special
but he's
got like five five massive
things in
there one she she buggers
master train
spooks at the undergraduate
program at
Stanford I mean what Oh such a
ID but she doesn't she's not
even listed
it on staff okay that but
that's what I
mean all this stuff is not
healthy it is
in fact I got a very nice note
producer Lisa Adam this whole
thing with
Kavanagh has triggered all my
be friends again
it's like the hash tag me to
switch was
flipped back on again so much
has even organized a
get-together to
literally flip tables and punch
thank you
I got a readers too but she
just thank
you for your sanity because
without no agenda I'd be a mess
now along with all my friends
there's this eventbrite that
she sent me
the link to it's called the
rage room
it's scheduled for October 14th
flip a
table flip a district and here
we go
description who who should come
rage-filled women who would
enjoy a
chance to let it all out and are
committed to changing the
status quo and
electing women into office that
rage against the patriarchy
tickets $25
all proceeds go to Emily's list
what we're gonna do
it's on Sunday October 14th
from 2 to 5
we're doing this in time to
for the midterm elections where
house in Evanston you don't
need to know
you don't need to know her to
come let
out the raid she is
and has rage how show up please
bring a
bottle or bottles of something
to share
alcoholic or not mingle and
hang with
radical ladies we will have
some light
snacks it is an awesome chance
to meet
aways amazing women and more
beat something you'll be able
to take a
turn at smashing the shit out
of a
pinata punching the hanging
punching bag
which is a face of some
horrendous old
white politician that will be
bring gloves if you have them
flip a
kid's small plastic table
scream into a
pillow many pillows will be
provided and
burn the names or pictures of
that represents the rage you
have had
burning listening to old white
politicians respond to dr. Ford
listening to Trump and just
moving through the world as a
I dropped into a bunch of
dimension B
people just to you go on
Twitter you
just click on their thing you
know you
do not interact no I warn any
ones not
know how to interact no
interacting no
it's just like being in a
different it
is like being in a different
you just float around and don't
trouble you go through there is
massive anti patriarchy thing
going on
yeah and we and there's a very
few man
that are buying into it which
is we get
be a traitor against the
patriarchy it's
the patriarchy and it goes on
and on
about how subscribing to its I
know yeah the funny thing is I
did the
real irony to this is that most
of the
people involved with the smash
patriarchy movement are Muslim
really yeah and in fact Linda
saw Sam
sewer finally shows up uh or my
punching bag because she's just
obnoxious in in the in the
about this woman here and then
she comes
out screaming into the
microphone like
she does with her headdress on
and she
just shouldn't have Sharia law
anything else but but there's a
lot of
this anti patriarchy thing a
knife and
it's a major major major and I
hate this
do that undercurrent that I
think is
gonna crop up here and there
and it's
gonna it's gonna get rejected
there is no patriarchy keepers
say women
aren't completely if you just
those if you're just right but
if you
just heard the rage room it's
all about
the patriarchy and somehow in
the fifty
years I've been around a little
longer you know I was taught to
don't make a right
but somehow it's gone from well
do you
guys suck the world sucks it
was run by
men therefore the patriarchy
and screw
you we hate you we're gonna
pretend to
hit you we're gonna hit you
with sticks
and screaming the pillows and
yell at
you and so I'd like to be a fly
on the
wall in that thing yes well
this is
being fomented yes yes yes the
fomenting it
many of them are Muslim women
radical Muslim women I find it
to be
very peculiar interesting well
there's a
there's a lot going on a lot
dude let's
play some more clips yeah the
clips are
kind of funny yeah let's play
it yeah I
got the trump clip he comes out
of the
helicopter where they're you
asking her
stuff and I thought this was a
revealing this is Trump and his
in disguise commentary this is
the end
of it uh hold on a second bless
all are
under the cab stuff oh okay oh
yes I got
it here at the top of the list
and I
hope everything works out great
but I
will say there are a lot of
people going
out right now working very hard
well I
think it's fine I think
actually this
could be a blessing in disguise
because having the FBI go out
do a
thorough investigation whether
three days or seven days I
think it's
going to be less than a week
but having
them do a thorough
investigation I
actually think will be a
blessing in
disguise it'll be a good thing
I'd like
to find out who leaked to the
papers was
it senator Feinstein because
her body language was not
exactly very
good who will they answer that
so really I would like to find
out as
part of it who leaked the
papers which
Democrat leaked the papers
thank you
very much everybody
hey scoring some point hold on
a second
since when is he talking about
language I said no that was
revealing that's new because
possible that he might be at
for all we
know cuz there are courses you
can take
uh and if you're a sales guy
which he is
at the core of everything body
are quite important to be able
to read
well that's like
micro-expressions you
got to be able to catch those
there's like a fact there's a
famous professor over here at
University of California San
Francisco I
think is emeritus he's retired
I can't
don't have his name but John
it's not
about what he said in the clip
about what he didn't say in the
there was nothing about he's a
good man
I believed him earlier yeah
yeah listen this is this thing
has been
a setup the whole thing is
disgusting we
know but I'm saying that I'm
going to
the revelation but there's
here one is the body language
the huh
aspect and the second one is
that he
wants that he wants the FBI to
find out
who leaked this thing it
started this
this disc because it wasn't
part of his
script disc because it wasn't
part of his
yeah I'm not so sure about that
hey let
me tell you the Judge
Napolitano did
some kind of course somewhere
it was
like in an auditorium he was
about is it back in July
someone sent me
this this video and there's so
July I
don't think there was a
shortlist yet
but there was a shortlist there
was no
final peek maybe was I don't
exactly the date but Napolitano
made two
points about the Fourth
Amendment and I
think I thought they're very
in context of Kavanaugh and his
nomination by Trump which I
believed to
be a complete red herring meant
to fail
he probably hates the guy and
here's why
Judge Napolitano is talking
about the
Fourth Amendment how important
it is and
then he mentions this story the
right to
be left alone which of course
today we
call privacy the fourth is the
unique one because it says the
doesn't say the citizens it
says the
people shall not be interfered
with in
their persons houses papers and
persons houses papers and
effects except
by a warrant signed by a judge
based on
probable cause probable cause
probable cause of crime it
doesn't mean
probable cause that you're
talking to a
book agent in Florence a real
case in
which the NSA was listening to a
conversation in Italian they
they were hearing a terrorist
they were
just hearing a guy in New York
trying to
buy a book from the book agent
Florence case came to court the
said well there's no
prosecution here
they didn't come after you for
you said therefore there's no
of the Fourth Amendment
who wrote that opinion now see
if you've
heard of this guy so he writes
on the board which of course is
violation of the Fourth
Amendment and
then he closes with this one if
government really believes that
our laws
are natural that how could we
have the
Patriot Act which permits
federal agents
to write their own search
forgetting the requirement that
judges can issue sir
warrants under the Fourth
could tell you stories about
the Patriot
Act but not only does it permit
agents to write their own
search warrant
so FBI agent a writes a search
authorizing FBI agent B there's
got to
be at least two of these
involved in this and then B can
the search warrant and when
they serve
the search warrant they say by
the way
you can't tell anybody that we
this on you that's another
violation you
can't tell anybody the
going to enforce silence what
Congress shall make no law
abridging the
freedom of speech
what young lawyer was the
Scrivener when
they were putting together the
Act there he is
Cavanaugh I'm telling you John
sees this guy as a bush
loyalist a Yalie
a Yalie sink pier and he wants
this guy
crushed and a message sent to
all Yale
ease all Yale ease are going
down he
wants this guy crushed in
exactly the
manner in which it's happened
maybe not
exactly this man has gotten out
control but this guy needs to
easy and I
don't like him either
he wrote this for the Patriot
Act screw
this guy can't be surprised I
can argue
with you about any of this the
that he's gonna be users set as
example to the Yale it's a
little new
it's new it's a little new you
got that
from pige Enic yes of course
makes it more interesting yeah
so that
means that we're all we're
gonna see is
more stuff more suffering some
women coming out oh yeah this
guy is
going to going to it's sad but
when he
was so angry I think he
realized he got
double-crossed now he blamed it
on you
know uh because of you know
revenge for
Clinton losing which by the way
was the
mistake of his career the
mistake of his
career to ever say something
like that
that made him look small and
petty and I
don't know why he said that but
when he came out guns blazing
he knew he
had been double-crossed I don't
think so
hmm I don't think no here's
what I'm
saying I don't think he thinks
he's been
double-crossed because you're
the only
one and I mean I and I will
agree with
it but you're the only one
making the
thesis in such a way I don't
think he's
thinking that he's thinking
exactly what
he should be thinking which is
getting screwed over by these
Democrats and his gonna disobey
these crazy women and he's got
to it'll
take revenge he said nothing to
do it
Trump in his mind maybe and in
fact if
the whole thesis of Trump being
his being uses a big yaeli exam
certainly he's right yeah he
didn't know
he didn't it is pretty obscure
it's real
I can argue that point is good
possibility but there's no it's
mainstream media's not on us
now yes I
am no no well
so I don't think he thinks he's
double-crossed I think he just
got mad
because he's hot-headed Irish
which of
course was completely the worst
you could do and and this clip
blows me
away in context of your
frequent telling
and retelling of the story of
Boxer you do not have to get
back into
the story again but I think I
summarize by saying we know from
firsthand account that Barbara
Boxer if
you were a man would have been
seen as
sexually aggressive and with
advances can I say that is that
slanderous or can I say that we
by the
way I'm not bringing this story
up over
Tory you are telling me to tell
us no no
I know I said I just said you
don't have
to talk about I just one night
no I'm
just saying you're implying
that I love
the story no no no you put that
shoe on
man I didn't present that to
you I just
said you've told the story I
told it
once and then you made me
reiterate it
numerous times you didn't
you've Chadd
me do it you like the story I
love the
story but I don't want you to
tell it
again just say he's not telling
it again
but you know with that in mind
what it
most people have heard the
story at
least twice so with that in
mind what is
it you're where you're going
with it
well when is someone who in it
as we
know professionally was a
issed professionally was a
that's what she was she was just
flirting okay but if you
weren't nice I
preface by saying if she were a
man she
would have hung from the
highest tree oh
yeah that's my point it would
not be
good so how does she talk about
situation so how does she talk
about this
well let me say was an
exhausting day I
think for everybody and
especially for
women who've had this
experience and for
women who have had
relationships with
very angry men and I think you
know I've
listened to your commentary I
you're right all of a sudden we
see a
man transformed from a choirboy
who up
to now has said after hours in
committee he lived this very
life all of a sudden his anger
triggered and what we saw today
someone who you could now see
a woman it's very frightening
and I
think your guest who was so
good and
said temperament is a
temperament is so
important for who you put on
the court
this guy not only showed this
belligerent anger but he had
like a
personality transformation now
what do I
think will happen we all know
it's a few
Republicans who really hold this
decision on their shoulders I
don't know
anyone who didn't think that
dr. Ford
was credible and when she said
I am a
hundred percent sure who this
was I
believe her it's up to them do
believe her and the last point
I'll make
is if you are undecided there's
only one
way to know and that's to get an
independent background chest
anyone who doesn't support that
want to get to the truth and
includes judge Cavanaugh so
there you go
then we know where she's coming
from so
I find that quite she's
she's just another phony now
just one
thing if you have a chance next
she's on take a look at her
eyes there's
something she's gone and like
full beast
mode shape-shifting eyes she's
a lizard
no she
has drawn her eyes with black
because they're much smaller
than I mean
they're turning into little
beady rat
eyes might be losing control of
shape-shifting you should take
a look at
it it's very odd what she's
doing with
her eye makeup now she makes a
point and I think this is the
point that
they should be making again the
Democrats can't focus right now
focusing on stalling and they
be doing that they should just
let this
thing slide because it takes it
it takes
their argument and weakens that
argument should be exactly the
temperament argument I when he
went into
his load most of the time he's
calm he's
fine but then he went nuts and
a couple
of times and started screaming
yelling yeah and and crying
which was
you know but sincere it wasn't
anything he's faking but it was
it's a temperament thing I
think is
enough enough because the one
they're gonna they're gonna
lose if you
want a prediction mm-hmm Susan
maybe but that's not the one I'm
thinking I'm thinking Bukowski
Murkowski you've got to remember
Rakowski is a Republican and
she's the
51st vote but Murkowski was
screwed over
by the Republican Party mm-hmm
yes she's
not that loyal she is not the
one that's
gonna say well you know yeah
you could
she's not the type that it's
going to be
anything but independent cuz the
Republican Party man it was
mainly the
Conservatives and the
Republican parties
that railroaded her in a
primary and
kicked her off the ballot
mm-hmm and she
said this is bullcrap it was
some Tea
Party people and she said this
nonsense people and she said
this is
I'm gonna run I'm gonna run as a
write-in candidate and she won
the state of Alaska as a
candidate how often does that
happen I
feel like wow I can do whatever
I want
no one's gonna touch me so
she's gonna
vote no
votes no then Collins will vote
no yes
now if she votes no and Collins
knows it
Collins will vote no because
she doesn't
want to be yes on when one
person no
woman in politics would vote
this they had that Meno would
vote for
him we put it that way there's
no way do
you you'll never get reelected
this is
about men and women this is
this is
nothing to do with with the
capability as nothing to do with
Republicans or Democrats is
just men
women men shit women not you
think the
tech I think the temperament
think if
they focused on that they've
got a
winner but there's too stupid
to focus
on anything now
I ran into a couple of inches I
do have
I thought Lindsey Graham has
become very
interesting as a character yes
you know his his was a sugar
they passed recently and so
he's now on
his own and so he's decided to
become a
tough guy and so he's yelling
screaming constantly and it's
entertaining I do have his
little tirade
here and that gorgeous tirade
affect again the woman from
Alaska this
Lindsay Lissa's lanzi hears
about it you
could have come to us what you
want to
do is destroy this guy's life
hold this
seat open and hope you win in
2020 you
said that not me you've got
nothing to
apologize for
when you see Sotomayor and
Kagan tell
them it Lindsay said all
because I voted
for them I like that that's the
part I
like the most me I voted for
them I
wouldn't do this to them I
never do to
them what you've done to this
guy this
is the most unethical sham
since I've
been in politics and if you
wanted to know the truth you
sure as
hell wouldn't have done what
you've done
to this guy I cannot imagine
what you
and your family were going
through boy
y'all want power god I hope you
get it I hope the American
people can
see through this sham that you
about it and you held it you
had no
intention of protecting dr4 No
she's as much of a victim as
you are god
I hate to say it cuz these have
been my
friends but let me tell you
when it
comes to this you're looking
for a fair
process you came to the wrong
town at
the wrong time my friend to my
Republican colleagues if you
vote no
you're legitimizing the most
thing I have seen in my time in
you want this seat I hope you
never get
it I hope you're on the Supreme
that's exactly where you should
be and I
hope that the American people
will see
through this charade and I wish
you will
and I intend to vote for you
and I hope
everybody who's fair-minded
will now
with Lindsey Graham's newfound
testicular valour there's a lot
of jokes
being made you just made one
which you
know coming face book I've
known you for
a long time you're an old white
dude so
you say hey is he lost his
sugar daddy
and we all chuckle about it
because it's
us here there's a little no
agenda show
but when you're a staunch
liberal and
you are all in on LGBTQ
actually let me
do it properly LGG be LGBTQ Qi
AAP ke if
you're all in on that and all
about and
you know black lives matter and
patriarchy sucks how the hell
can you
start doing stuff like what
Bill Maher's
doing baby he was turned around
he was confronted when he was
getting on
the elevator play gun
[Applause] elevator play gun
all right we're all for women
assault doesn't matter here
I've been
seeing a guy take it in the
like that since Beyonce sister
jay-z oh and then they tried
Lindsay Graham but he but he
got away
because he's familiar with the
back door
I think it's funny but are you
to tread of lease it is it is
yes I know
exactly what you mean for these
he's up but these women gauge
your girls
to be using jokes like that
just beyond
some believe what happened to
the LG BT
community that G is no it's
just to be
made fun of now there's there's
a clip
that I pulled John from this
show it is
so unhinged April Ryan is on it
two other people and it doesn't
matter who's on I'd like you to
to it because it shows you how
I mean
and it goes much further with
the gay
jokes and everything it's
really really
unhinged but we can't just
listen to it
we have to step into the
machine because
otherwise you can't you can't
get the
only stand by Veronica alternate
universe coming up
[Applause] coming up
[Music] coming up
they're Sparky Sparky made it
here we
are in the alternative universe
everything is funny he was
rehearsed the
president went off script when
he was
asked about the FBI he had all
righteous rage and indignation
and then
he was asked by Durbin okay
well you
really want to clear your name
over there ask for the FBI and
he went
from this to yeah oh that was
he was like Sarah Huckabee
playing to
the audience of one he talked
about the
press he talked about the clips
it was -
yes I want the bad breath right
I do not
want nice guy and this they
believe this
by the way they believe this is
happened they really think this
is how
in doubt this is a sad thing
that's not
a judge sorry no go ahead
that's not how a judge behaves
[Applause] not how a judge
supreme for I I believe that
was acting
yeah I also don't even believe
that his
ten-year-old daughter said
let's pray
for that woman do you hear
what's being
said here now I don't even
believe his
child's prayed for that woman
he's full of shit this guy I
mean this
is really low he cried so hard
when he
when they were when he was
talking about
they cried for we pray for you
want me
to cry now he's a crisis actor
why is not that hard we all do
it every
day I actually feel really bad
for his
wife watching her behind him
and I think
he's very selfish in all of
this he
wanted to go clear his name he
since the whole situation worse
Grassley who's the chairman you
never put his family yeah the
Party and the country through
all of it
but this is you know what did
bad is
this Trump off' eyeing of
people yeah I
mean the fact that Trump can
either find
people like him or make him
Graham I Lindsey Graham
extremes with
stabilizing influence of his
boyfriend because he is I mean
really my
joke but he said you said sure
says he needs the stabilizing
of his dead boyfriend yeah well
that's a
little worse yeah I wish I
wouldn't have
used that don't you know
[Applause] that don't you know
on you but I'm friendly with
Graham so I didn't laugh but
that was a
performance also obviously
acting or to
what end is he looking for a
position is that what that is
is equal
but he's also remember Lindsey
has always been the beta male
McCain was the Alpha he was the
and now he's lost his protector
he's lost his big brother and
he needs
protection that's the we have
this is a
gay guy by the way who should be
offended by at least some of
this but I
guess when you're all Queens
each other it's okay so he's
looking for Trump to protect
him now
because that's how he's always
been the
way he purrs the way he pushed
out there yesterday no matter
the acting
no matter the crying no matter
what it
was a sense of entitlement when
ask what is white privilege
right man
you know that this is a pageant
of it
Hillary no no it's only can
only happen
with men John white privilege
is now
exclusively for old white men
it's not
for women anymore it's just for
I mean let's be honest let's be
the one thing I think they go
too far is
when people say Brett Kavanaugh
we don't know what was in a 17
year olds
mind I think he definitely
attacked her
in that room these boy they
were drunk
it could have been let's just
scare or
let's roll on top of really we
know to go that far is too far
to me
right I don't know but he's
he's a bad
dude but also this this insane
notion of
the last 10 days have been held
[Applause] last 10 days have
been held
I mean it is it's a vulture
fest yeah
it's really really bad
if we make jokes about okay
it's awesome
podcast errs you know I will
say I do
reminds me of why when I quit
Democratic Party this guy gave
a million
dollars to the Democratic Party
I want
to point out I quit the
Democratic Party
around 79 because I realized
that the
Democratic Party was constantly
to kill me kill me in the
Vietnam War
they were trying to kill me and
not me
specifically in the Chicago 68
he was
the 68 convention daily brought
the cops
out and beat up Democrats in
the streets
mm-hmm and beat up Democrats in
the streets
and there's one every one piece
of thing
after that where the Democrats
tried to kill me and this is
example of it now they now the
as Democrats hate the whites
yes and
they want them gone they want
to kill
them it's just like well who
would be
who would be a belong to this
it's a terrible operation it's
a really
bad political party it really
it's the
party this got to go it's the
party of
memes all this really is just
party of
memes throw something up hope
it sticks
where's Ocasio cortez in all
this she
hasn't she weighed in yet with
no she probably has there's a
lot of
interesting stuff I have a clip
this is
the stuff that we haven't heard
this is
the Kate cab clip democracy now
this is
stuff that they're dead they
don't even
use any of this stuff
in a major development the
American Bar
Association yeah hold on the
Judiciary Committee to halt the
Cavanaugh confirmation process
until an
FBI investigation is completed
in a
letter to the committee the ABA
quote we make this request
because of
ABA is respect for the rule of
law and
due process under law the ABA
previously given Cavanaugh its
rating of unanimous
well-qualified for
the Supreme Court mm-hmm
editors of America magazine the
weekly published by the jesuits
of the
United States called for
nomination to be withdrawn
Prep that's Georgetown
school where Cavanaugh was a
when he allegedly assaulted
Blasi Ford
is a Jesuit High School
yeah and make no mistake about
the ABA
the American Bar Association
there's a
link in the show notes in a
show notes
com2 and you'll
see the
amount of money the law firms
who have
members representing the aclu
gave in
the 2017-2018 year to political
is over seventy percent
Democrat so you
know it's like it's just more
and more
of these people yeah bald it's
all we're
not we're just spectators we're
ratings that's all we ratings
for this
shit that's all we ratings for
nothing matters now I do have
one funny
what I thought was funny was
the fine
steam back-and-forth with that
one the
third woman the woman pulling
the Train
woman that one no there's play
play I
got me one there we go
you're saying if if I
understand it is
that the allegations by dr.
Ford mr.
Ramirez and Miss FET dick sweat
Nick are
are wrong that is emphatically
what I'm
saying fatica Lee the sweat
Nick thing
is a joke that is a farce would
you like
to say more about it no like
show me on
the doll where the bad man
really I like to say I like the
allegation is my favorite that
exposed his penis in front of
face I want a police sketch
yeah this always said we only
could be
so traumatizes not you're never
get one now I do have a kind of
deconstruction of the long and
unfortunately I could a guy do
have the
whole speech but for some
reason the
forces of the cosmos not allow
me to
clip it okay because every time
I tried
it's like seven minutes first
diatribe because every time I
did it
would put audacity into not
mode so I gave up after
rebooting the
computer three times but I did
get a
copy of this part of the speech
from the
from the teaser on Democracy
Now so it's
got a little music bed I
believe that
there was one message in her
or not a confession about her
there was a strong message for
which made me doubt her
sincerity or her
honesty and made me kind of
swing a
little bit toward the Michael
theory that she's some sort of
spook because this message is
message that they want it's in
the seven
minutes this is a and I would
like to
hear what Scott Adam says about
it a
subliminal little message that
I thought
was the real nut of what she
was saying
and what was would be soaked in
by the
female audience on the
Democratic side I
believed he was going to rape
me I tried
to yell for help
when I did Brett put his hand
over my
mouth to stop me from yelling
this is
what terrified me the most and
this had
the most lasting impact on my
life I
love the 70s porn music it's
fitting yeah so what she's
saying there
is the real trauma was from
essentially told to shut up
woman mm-hmm
and this is the message to all
the women
out there don't shut up you
know speak
up make your voices heard this
is a
constant beating drum and this
thing right in the middle of
her speech
that this was the most
important element
not that she was almost gonna
die not
that she was going to get raped
she had a bathing suit
underneath all
these other deeds
he's locking herself very
detailed shut
her up forcefully it's he shut
her up
and this she says it right you
played a
game ledian yeah I believed he
was going
to rape me
I tried to yell for help when I
Brett put his hand over my
mouth to stop
me from yelling this is what
me the most and has had the
most lasting
impact on my life
yeah yes that is the message
and it can
be interpreted in multiple ways
but I
think it has a strong message
yep now
most women under those
that's if you did that they'd
open their
mouth and bite - bite the crap
out of
your hand they should or lick
as him
they that works by the way
people that
would be quick but anyway you
can take
chomp down but she didn't do
any of that
cuz he didn't he didn't put
duct tape
over her mouth or anything he
had just
put her hand in there she can
open her
mouth and bite him why didn't
she do
that no no no that was this all
because the message is women
listen to
me I was traumatized cuz I
didn't say I
couldn't I was forced I was
forced not
to speak that gonna to scream I
scream I couldn't do I couldn't
anything gonna do anything cuz
he put
and that was the most
traumatizing that
was it that's number one on her
list yes
have the worst thing that
happened to
her this is just a son this is
a boast I
hypnotic met this is a hypnotic
suggestion yes oh there's all
kinds of
stuff going on that I like I'm
died I
totally agree with you I'd like
there what is it now almost a
dollars and GoFundMe I don't
believe the
money she's receiving yes this
is very
very good
um cavanaugh d avenatti
cavanaugh d oh
look you know money-laundering
GoFundMe it's gotta be dogs it's
fantastic yeah yeah says Alvin
odd he's
gonna be all pissed off we'll
see him
everywhere because I guess
right now
they're not taking his accuser
account it's just these
characters the
whole thing if the FBI's gonna
interview these people are also
indict him for lying to them
well never
asked so this is the the final
that I have questions about is
because it looked very bad that
the entire hearing why wouldn't
he say
yeah good to do an FBI that why
do why
wouldn't he say that I mean I I
can see
many reasons why but what do
you think
his who Cavanaugh was asked
most he
claims that he did say that
Atari began
bullshit he said that his
answer was
continuously I'll do whatever
committee wants me to with it
they were
putting him on the block by
through one thing for one thing
it's not
his decision no I know but it's
president's decision but he was
point-blank why don't you tell
president's lawyers right over
there why
don't you say I want an
investigation I
mean it was a setup for sure
but why
didn't he say it why didn't he
just say
she I'll have an investigation
7th time
why didn't he say it I don't
know yeah
I'm telling you this the whole
thing is
the marks judge got nut I'm
telling you
the mark judge guy who wrote
his letter
under you know penalty of
perjury or
felony the guy who was an
alcoholic and
all these horrible and he kept
to well am i redacted statement
was also
one of the but drinkers yes I
think that
but I think something about the
drinking is in the mark judge
story and
that's where the gem is so to
speak but
this it's impossible I'm sorry
Kavanagh is not gonna happen
you're not
going through you did not pass
go back
to what's the what's the
woman's name
the true intended candidates
nominee Amy
Barrett bears Barrett or be
Barrett Barrett Oh Amy call me
Bert yes
Barrett yes
is there tendon Amin koni koni
not Koko
me koni koni whatever yes she's
intended nominee yeah and she's
a rough
customer and she'll be in for
40 years
yeah and and we'll have all
wasted a lot
of time and churned up a lot of
issues and problems correct
with the
Yalie thing and you want to put
the guys
hoist as petard on a yardarm
yeah then that actually makes
sense that
this would happen and we don't
anymore jelly's I don't think
let me
look at Barrett where does she
go to
school she's probably another
wouldn't surprise me and while
looking that up the only final
I'll say is that the problem
that we
have today and let's just take
argument that the patriarchy is
is it's
everyone's fault it's the white
fault okay let's just say it's
the white
guy's fault
though what we have not yet
come to
terms with is particularly with
open communication system that
we have
on the internet you know with
media and every way to
communicate we
are all capable of really
thoughts and really horrible
things and
we're seeing that now and it's
from its
everybody it's male female gay
what everybody has these
horrible traits
that seem to come out when
we're in an
anonymous mode and we can say
we want without the no fear of
repercussion and we have we
have a lot
more learning to do about the
psyche learning to do about the
yeah well this social network
know she went graduated from
Notre Dame
now well there you go
Notre Dame Law School there you
finally a Notre Dame er instead
of a
damn yaly yeah laughter I think
Don went
to Yale too they all do yeah
what is
that's like eating in the UK
it's very
it's just a thing that they
people go to
and they come out as part of
the ruling
elite so what are we gonna look
for this
week we're gonna I think we
should look
for definitely no limitation of
a week
there's no way that's gonna
happen well
I don't think we're gonna get
we except just fall out and a
lot of
again I'd like a focus by the
just a lot of hand-wringing and
hopefully there'll be other
kinds of
news we can cover before
Thursday oh
please well we do have some
other things
to talk about but first I would
like to
thank you for your courage and
say in
the morning to you John say
good morning
to you mr. Adam curry and in
the morning
names tonight's out there in
the morning
to the troll room
hello trolls No Agenda stream
calm or
and they show I'm doing the
wrong thing
here and no agenda stream com
is where
you can always find the trolls
when we
do our show twice a week on
Sundays and
Thursday some just see it as a
all the time it is quite
that way also I'd like to say
in the
morning to our artists for
episode 10
72 the title of that was adult
ISM is
real the title of that was
adult ISM is
and the artwork was the
skullenbones 5g
brought to us by Mike Riley was
just a
nice piece there are a number
of things
that we looked at there were
some funny
things it was a horrible one
with you
know me with darts in my shins
and that
was interesting artwork but not
quite as
funny but it was a gruesome and
by the
way we should remind artists
pictures of
the two of us either one of us
of the early days of the
artwork our
foreboding we don't want my
picture or
Adam's picture in the artwork
it has to
be something about the show not
about us
yes something about the show
not about us
yeah but all the submissions
are always
fantastic and we got a couple
of guys on
a roll right now that would be
good to
see some gals in there and
Illuminati oh yes she kind of
she said maybe she's gone
overboard you
know and she's all in with the
no gross
possible this awesome you like
would denote you red it's like
hanging on for dear life I'm
telling you
the illness is on all sides
right now
and you and this is I'm gonna
progenitor that this is the
psychological warfare and it's
perpetrated upon the American
people and
the world to a certain degree
at the
deepest psychological levels of
and not just abuse sexual abuse
but like
you said being told to shut up
at yo stifling power structures
all of
this and this is being just
ripped what
wide open in front of us
without any
regard for how the human psyche
to this is very bad very bad
yeah nobody
cares I do deeply yeah you do
why do
deep probably less than you I
nothing better through than
care all day
yeah you sit around caring that
care a
lot I try to care I'm sitting
caring but we do have some
people to
thank but very few we had a very
mediocre showing for today with
three as associate executive
meaning we bumped two of them
up to two
of them because they both came
with the
same amount the highest one
always gets
bumped up to executive so we
have for
250 bucks we got Sir Patrick
Knight of
the Southern California hills
and he has
a note and he came in with 250
bucks Sir
Patrick night of the SoCal
Hills this
income replacement for John's
from PC Mag what are your
thoughts on
Freemasonry it's great he wants
ferry it's great we'll talk
about it I
didn't we don't really talk
about it too
much it was maybe part of the
class before the jelly's came
along he
wants a clip of the foamer
ended any
Sharpton jingles okay and the
Karma as
well or just you know he
probably wants
to comment yeah I can imagine
you've got karma jonbi of
Corpus Christi
Texas or as he called him John
P of C C
TX $250 and he'll be the other
producer bumped up I sent a
note in is
this Vicki send a bunch of
badge holders
runs this operation in Corpus
cause real charming badge
holders and he
made a bunch of no agenda badge
for people you go to read the
note in
the morning I've been a faithful
listener for the best podcast
for about
a year now and my amygdala is
it's sporting a six pack with
2% body
fat the rest of me not so much
addi douching please you have
the wrong
impression about the amygdala
it should
be shrunken that you don't want
a big
amygdala as a problem yeah
that's what
yeah that's that's that's the
wrong way
to go
yeah upon retiring from the
Service I began to help out
with my
smoking-hot wives Amazon
business real
charming badge holders so good
I'm gonna
check that out I was shocked to
that we were spending $1,000 a
month on
Amazon advertising while only
boosting our sales this little
note for
you marketers out there surely
we could
do better I formulated this
proposal let
me take one fourth of this
amount and
plug it into the valley for
value model
of the No Agenda show huh check
for $250
in closed well I've always
received far
more than value from you guys
wagering that this I'm wagering
that the
good karmic vibrations of this
would produced as much business
as the
75 percent that we're going to
Bezos I'm
looking at right now they have
yeah I guess for your load a
lot of
conferences is kind of nice to
these as a Batman bat it looks
like a
copyright violation in process
plug our stuff I told my wife
of the
throngs of yeah would get it
while you
can of yeah would get it while
yeah for real my wife the
throngs of
hard-working folks in the no
networker forced by their
masters to
wear slave identification this
is for
people that have to walk around
office with a badge yeah yeah
it's very
cute you know tell us a bad
story years
ago it was always considered a
bad form
if you had to wear a badge on
your belt
or go out into public
odhh can't wearing your badge
wearing your badge it was always
considered bad form and I
always thought
you knew that you see if you
were out
with the badge on you stood as
pointed out take the badge down
and put
the badge in your pocket yeah
would not
be why was this why do you
think this
was why was that bad form
because you
look like a dork oh okay just a
now although I used to like
people who
left a badge on there to be
somebody and
that you get in an elevator you
somebody wearing a badge
Cynthia say hey
Cynthia yeah I haven't seen you
for what
how long has it been and watch
faces okay especially when this
dvorák guy goes hey Cynthia
you know I
don't do that with that voice
anyway you
always get it right you they
always get
startled and then they get
because they think they should
know you
they pointed their badges and I
just saw
your name
don't you remember from in
anyway so I
was I and then I went to I was
some speech of all places in
years and years ago and I
noticed that
in Tijuana if you people would
glamorize wearing the badges in
and I kept seeing this everyone
the badges you know displaying
prominently and I asked
somebody about
oh yeah I know if you got
you're working
for a county you're working
this means
you're working you got a job
and you're
better you know they're wearing
him at
the bar you know you get better
of meeting someone it was like
I some
sort of a signal and then very
that idea came up to the United
it came up the into cow
for me and I just still find it
incredibly offensive to see
walking around with badges Wow
man don't
come to Austin yeah well that's
what the
point is I think maybe these
guys were
the real charming bachelors
might have
something going it might have
an idea
yeah cuz there's I mean badge
is galore
downtown so they wander out
badges like
how would they like to love a
badge hole
that reflects their own
personality my
ass is on the line and a family
help a
brother out
visit us at and real
badges or our website who have
charming badge holders calm all
and then he sent me a bunch of
he wants
to have a Trump space force and
you might die for clips and
he's a
douche bag call out for Harold C
Jeanette the third in the mouth
it is
mostly overboard comeback it's
not too
late so he needed a space for
some well
said he want you might die my
karma and
a karma no problemo here we go
force you might die you've got
karma and
last on the list is the actual
executive producer DJ Fuji in
City New Jersey AJ forger 200
and he
says a note this donation is
coming from
DJ Fuji I would like one adidas
and then he wants a jobs karma
everything now or do you want
to read
the whole thing again yeah you
know give
him the Carpathian because he
does that
dogs are pee he wants these
jingles dogs
are people too yeah for his
friend Steve
who's had all of his dogs
sprayed by a
skunk oh that's all they
actually sent
him an email you use a big
giant cans of
tomato juice on the skunk on
the skunk
goo because it does neutralizes
work or
does it have to be plain tomato
juice PA
is not tomato juice this has to
tomato juice it's got a lot of
juice in it it's mostly tomato
juice but
you just tomato juice and that
we have skunk problems around
here and
our dogs have been sprayed
that's it
[Music] dogs have been sprayed
that's it
that's it so we got all right
so now who
moves up to executive producer
since we
have votes your pal Bojan P all
fantastic votes your pal Bojan
P all right
ty if one of them put an extra
buck and
they would have gone up people
used to
do that not recall yeah used to
be that
extra dollar thing kind of like
right guessing yeah well thank
you very
much to our now two executive
and one associate executive
titles that are official and
can be used
anywhere titles are recognized
use them in abundance they do
seem to
help with esteem and sometimes
gigs and jobs and we look very
forward to thanking more people
$50 in
above in our second segment
remember it
is your agenda and no agenda
show it is
your value for value Network
and we'd
really appreciate that and
support us at Duvall red dot
org slash
and A's Oh
do you know what to do take your
knowledge go out
credit our formula is this we
go out for
hit people in the mouth
[Music] people in the mouth
I did want to mention to a
couple things
one today apparently is the
international podcast de-what
which I
was unaware of yeah you think
you'd be
aware of it it was actually
worth worthwhile yeah it was
somehow named this
international podcast
day and there's lots of ads in
my email
for cool rigs based
podcast named by our mixer I
also wanted
to thank I came up with a
solution for the just
allergies I've been suffering
from of
late which may be ragweed and
this is a
new one for me it's not it's
not mold I
think the right of the worst
yeah it's
pretty bad and and I learned
there is a
cure and I'm not sure it and
I've only
had one version of this cure so
I'm not
sure we'll work with anything
else off
the shelf but after our
previous show on
Thursday of course it's always
do you recall what I had to
I know I don't I had a
reasonable glass
of Dame at least Garland's
limoncello oh
right right you were bragging
about how
great Tilda cleared everything
up I'm
cured what the limoncello is a
cure for
these allergies
I was feeling really rundown
and you
have any of the other older
available no no I only know
those things
don't last in this household No
so I
wonder it's just a peculiarity
of this
current batch I know it could
be it
could be but I drank probably
about half
a bottle and man I feel so much
I'm not kidding
drink a half a bottle yeah yeah
sound like Tina it's a small
bottle it's
not a you know I think it's a
liter or something about 375
mil yeah
yeah so it wasn't all that much
it was a
hefty glass but it really works
yeah for
the ragweed who might work for
era's he
may be just an
anti-inflammatory of some
sort I mean lemons are a
miracle product
no really I've never heard of
lemons is
a miracle product I mean yeah
with it
when you do people use lemon
juice and
honey and whiskey and hot water
and they
use that for when you have a
cold now
true and lemons in there and
lemons got
something to do with it maybe I
maybe I
should try buffing the
maybe he's just a lemon itself
night a lot of noise across the
way as
south of the river here in
Austin it was and by the way
morning he was torrential rain
and we
saw they were setting something
up on
the on the lawn of the Long
Center as
it's known here in which I
think the
Dells built most of and it was
concert and we were looking at
concert is coming we can't
figure out
what concert and then we found
out as it
went on until about 11:30
yeah Chris Willie Nelson is on
right now it's quite loud out
there's lots of people here and
estimates that over 10,000
people here
in Auditorium Shores to hear
Nelson better O'Rourke and Leon
Leon bridges took the stage a
after 9:30 better O'Rourke
after that to talk to people
and kind of
get them the whole reason
they're here
have a rally we talked to
people earlier
about why they came here there
were a
couple different answers
important to
support bata came to see Willie
kind of a bonus yeah for sure
tucked up against the Austin
thousands of people packed
victim acai
ashore Saturday night for music
Willie Nelson in politics by
O'Rourke Nelson in politics by
yeah he's got folks from me and
my wife
both he's always been
supportive of a
passel represented in the city
candidate for US Senate running
Ted Cruz Cruz in the national
this week sitting on the Senate
Judiciary Committee that heard
testimony from both Supreme
nominee Brett Kavanaugh and his
dr. Christine Blasi Ford the
has ordered a week-long FBI
investigation into the sexual
claims against Cavanaugh
meanwhile Cruz
cancelling his rally in Round
Saturday focusing on the action
Capitol Hill yeah now Cruz
making it
look bad here right now and
beto been
away that's their us attack oh
Austin of course but it was a
stupid it
was quite the turnout it was
quite the
turnout I've got people all
their badges oh man there's bit
Beto curtains I mean I can see
a lot of
it but we actually tried to get
pictures for you but they
didn't turn
out to I don't have a zoom
proper loom
lens on anything there's people
Beto in their window and it's
every car
driving around there must be a
headquarters they must have
some posters
I'd love to have a better
poster a
better okay last the former New
banker yeah he's although he's
he's all about the bet oh he
better I'm not gonna make a
doesn't have a chance but I
don't either
I don't know yeah well you do
say that
because you're right in the
bubble yeah
no I understand I'm in the
bubble I
understand I understand I'm in
the bubble I
um but I've just learned you
know crazy
things that happen you don't
well he's igniting hit people
on fire
John he's igniting the basis
the base everyone's man I'm
fire Beto
what's his name again Beto
robert francis puts rubber
francis said
oh that's his real name this his
nickname is Beto
I used to give him is Beto
she's whiter
than you Beto
it makes him sound kind of
Latino better
why are they elect him and they
be running a woman I would get
it well
he looks a bit like that too
there's a woman here effeminate
yeah so
Joe I got some clips from
Bannen came on
the Bill Maher show what here
you missed
it Bill Maher show what here
you missed
Banyon yeah Banyan nice all
so as a few clips I got four
actually I thought they were
I'm gonna skip the one that's
the weak clip and use the
shorter ones
but let's start with the
opening so we
can get an idea of what that
said the
setting was where it gets
introduced I
know you're not for this guy
but be nice
he is one of the most
influential person
around today he is the former
House chief strategist for
Trump Steve Bannon is over here
[Music] Steve Bannon is over
alright Steve well it took a
lot of
prepping to get the audience to
be that
nice deal but I'm gonna say to
you what
I always say to conservatives
when they
come here first of all thank
you I
appreciate it and it says
volumes why
the Republicans are in power
and we have
none Hillary Clinton never came
maybe she'd be president you a
confident victim yeah so and
and I know
that you know you had a little
there at The New Yorker they
had a
festival in fact I want to read
Gladwell's quote because they
were going
to interview you yeah and then
you were
disinvited I've been disinvited
times by the way it's a good
club and
Malcolm Gladwell said call me
old-fashioned but I would have
that the point of a festival of
was to expose the audience to
question Malcolm Gladwell I
don't think
everyone knows who he is
they most a lot of people know
who he is
he's the guy that's a big
African kind
of a white guy with big afro
hair they
were mixed race and he wrote
the tipping
point book and a bunch of other
books that were very popular so
I think
that like five or six of these
dollar bestsellers and he has
he behind
freakonomics was that him to
freakonomics I don't know if it
was I
don't think so but no I don't
think so
because he never had these kind
of Taos
his titles were we're kind of
phrased as
that rot in the public domain
that they
weren't made-up stuff I don't
think look
at my boy you're doing yeah I'm
doing it
right now
he isn't it kind of an
wannabe podcast or he's the one
played a clip about he's
starting a
podcast network and you have
working it
yeah any network he can't
monetize that
wasn't he and he bet he's a
natural not
a podcast but he's the national
PBS guy
because this hole is hole
everything sounds like Trump
sucks if
you only invite your friends
over it's
called a dinner party no what
are your
thoughts on that well they
chased me for
you know David Remnick chased
me for a
year to be on his podcast and
he came to
me and said hey we'd be honored
if you
were in this festival ideas I
said fine
I don't want compensation but I
going into hostile audiences
with a
tough interviewers I mean you
know I'd
do very little conservative
media now to
CNN BBC you know the Economist
I'd go
the toughest places toughest
interviewers and say hey no
holds barred
Rasta audiences let's get it on
again that's why the
Republicans are in
power so let me ask you but I
think it
does sharpen it sharpens the
blade it
does let me pick your brain
about the
Democrats because you're a
and you got your boy elected
but no one
said that could happen Donald
Trump got
himself elected I just I just
showed up
as being either aligned I don't
want to
get on this but you first you
were crazy
about Sarah Palin and then you
crazy about Donald Trump I
think you
look for morons who are empty
[Applause] for morons who are
empty vessels
every single person in the
administration has called him
an idiot
okay okay we're going that way
right yes now it kind of
then it kind of gave me a bent
bent it's
really good that these
interviews he
just kind of like puts up with
it he he
says no he's really smart he
goes he
says some positive things about
trying to get back on track now
a couple
of things that happened one and
gonna skip the clip - I'm gonna
go to 3
1 is bannin is starts to
practice what I
like to call and I think people
always be aware of this I I
this on an early show years ago
when I
think when when Obama's running
re-election which was in the
history and people kept saying
oh they
should run condi rice 2012 and
it was
guys like yeah 2012 it was like
like I or can't remember this
got these
these experts and they're and
they're Democrats and they're
say well we'd have the most
trouble if
we had to run against condi
rice what
what maniac thinks is nobody
right and
she was sitting behind Kavanagh
she was
just pointing something out
that wasn't
her pointing something out that
no anyway the point is is that
if you're
on one side of the fence and
you start
recommending people on the
other side of
French it's a red herring it's
yeah it's a red herring it's
and so he starts doing it Mars
just you
know lapping it up what Eric
Holder what
do you think about all these
people and
then I say Michael avenatti I
saw that
Tweety's wrote the other day I
said he
could be the Trump of 2020 the
guy who's
the outsider who like blows
through the
regular politician cause he
different in his if Bernie
Sanders had
an ounce of Alvin Eddie's
he would've been the Democratic
and we would had a much tougher
Bernie doesn't that fearless
and not not
like avenatti avenatti and i
have not
done any due diligence on this
I'm saying he's got a
fearlessness right
and he's a fighter he's a
fighter he
right yeah I think he'll go
through a
lot of this field if he decides
to stick
with it like a sister grass now
I don't
happen to think a professional
politician because I think
we're in a
new age I don't think a
politician is gonna be there at
the end
of the day I've always said
it's gonna
be someone like Oprah or in a
vanetti or
somebody that's more media
savvy is
going to be there but I think
one thing
people think that's good I
think it's I
think it's just a reality of
today I
think you need to know how to
NASCAR first if I can say one
thing I do
think this campaign after
November 6
which is really Trump's first
reelect if
we lose the house he's gonna
get in
Peach this is a referendum on
him if we
get past that if we get past
that I
think in 2020 you're gonna have
Trump on
the right a politician maybe a
Harrison somebody on the left
and I
think you'll have a Bloomberg
or Romney
or somebody in the center I
think it'll
be a three-way where I hope so
if it's a three-way they will
take away
enough votes to make sure a
Donald Trump
never wins again but all right
this is
insanity it's not even funny
and Bannon
is just playing him
he's throwing these names that
hair is another unelectable
person I'd
like it when she rattles her
that's the best thing is was
was Mar
being kind of dumb
and so they finished no no
that's not
being dumb he's all he's doing
is he's
using banyan as a crutch to you
show where he stands over and
over again
it's boring it's not funny it's
is Park about to come then and
I didn't
notice that this was going on
apparently Bannon has and this
is where
Mar is actually unhinged I
would love to
know what advice you would give
Donald Trump if he didn't leave
after he lost because I saw
Clinton you're obsessed with
this I am
obsessed gonna leave wait a
because this is insane
narcissus all the
time about how we should I be
for life let me read what
Hillary said
because Pete you're right
people have
been saying I'm an alarmist and
crazy cuz I keep saying he's
not gonna
leave even if he loses now
Hillary is saying she said you
the moment in the third debate
Trump refused to pledge that he
accept the result of the vote
where it started
he said it took my breath away
even the
moderator from Fox News
couldn't believe
it I felt the foundations of our
democracy tremble imagine if
Trump does
the same thing in 2020 what
happens this
is this the reason she's not
president I
mean this is the kind of this
is this is
the kind of gobbledygook so
yours will
go if he loses Oh at all takes a
question absolutely it made
it's not
even I mean that's that's
absurd so
there's I guess a large portion
of the
dimension beef folk that
believed this but I remember
this and
when you talk about well
worse than it ever was this was
the same
story that was going around
when Nixon
was president I verily clearly
Nixon was gonna stay in forever
was how a president for life
sure yeah
president for life he couldn't
be able
to get him out happened again
with bush
I used to put it on my blog all
the time
I had a special a little ad it
said vote
bush third term he's hanging in
third term change to change the
laws it
was you are of course
absolutely correct
it was satirical you're right
and the
Hitler meme has been laid on
bush pretty sure Nixon as well
xenophobe the difference is the
that's the difference you know
just what
you know we would have whatever
Mockingbird would come on in
the six
o'clock news like okay I guess
what's happening today and now
seeing you know the sausage
being not
just made but we're seeing the
of the beast that goes into the
it's all open it we see it now
so it's
it comes across as wow it's
unprecedented but I think it's
much business as usual and it's
the same
damn people who are now in
their mid 80s
well is pathetic
yeah what's Trump gonna stay
and how's
that gonna work I don't know
what how's
it work what does he do is your
a they really think that's yeah
that is
it stupid no I'm gonna stay
here because
I'm gonna stay here let's come
there's nothing's operate
anyway I have
a kind of an inner kind of a
off-the-wall clip that's worth
if you want to sure when it's
changing the subject a little
bit yeah
Lindsay Lohan it was another
Friday for Lindsay Lohan last
night the
actress live-streamed of bizarre
confrontation with what
appeared to be a
homeless family that Lohan said
Syrian refugees tell me your
so I can help you the Mean
Girls star
starts out playing nice want to
with me come with me let me
take care of
you guys speaking a strange
salted with some kind of foreign
language when the parents
refuse the
parent rap star pursues I won't
until I take you when she tries
to grab
the kids Lohan gets a hit the
lit up social media Twitter
calling her crazy and worrying
about her
mental health the star didn't
requests for comment Lohan has
a history
of activism on behalf of Syrian
visiting Turkey last year
there's no one
that's actually gone there
it gone to attempt to the
count even opening a pro refugee
nightclub in Athens called
Lohan but the
32 year old stars well-known
history of
alcohol and drug abuse has last
video fueling speculation that
history may not be entirely
behind her
the whole world is seeing this
right now
Matt Bradley NBC News yeah this
got a
lot of play that the video was
kind of
dark and yeah you couldn't see
much and
it's Lindsay Lohan I'm
surprised you
brought this to the show
well I couldn't help it because
besides the fact that she's
talking in
kind of pidgin English I think
should be understood yeah it
was that
was ludicrous but the other
thing that
got me about this clipping who
I brought
to the show was how does this
what's going on with this woman
that she
can afford to open a nightclub
in Athens
Greece in the first place which
she has
what kind of does she have any
money I
don't know so no no no this is
what is
going on with this nightclub it
maybe there's a native ad for
nightclub I mean I found this
would be a
very peculiar presentation it
was I
think it was on NBC yeah well
when you
get to a Lindsay Lohan type
situation I
think that you know you get
some guys
but hey we'll give you a an
and you'd be here and you be
our draw
for the club we're gonna open
up a new
club and that's what that seems
like and
so that means that she's living
Greece for a little bit or
she's going
back and forth and now this is
the whole
Lindsay Lohan story is sad but
it does
morph me to two other things
one about
Greece the other one I just
found out
last night by coincidence my
cousin sent
me it was a YouTube video and
it was an
audio interview of my
Renwick Eugene curry who was a
pillar of
society in the North Castle
area which
is no Armonk and he he was a
part of a
lot of things got roads named
after him
and a certain point he said
yeah when we
were in our 80s then Marjorie
that's my
grandmother we traveled around
and we
went to see all the kids and
you know of
course I was in the Netherlands
and the
Don was in South Korea and they
then we even had time to go a
Marjorie's family in Syria
like what I didn't know this my
grandmother comes while her
father was
lived in Latakia for many many
years and
I'm not sure if she was born
there or
not but I have a Syrian
connection in my
family which has been very
I've been just going and going
these rabbit holes trying to
figure out
who's connected to what and
Mike Mike my great-grandfather
is buried
in Turkey somewhere
doctor yeah so I've got this
to Syria which I didn't know
about now I
don't know if it's Syrian blood
or that
he was a missionary or I'm
still trying
to figure that out but
that was just a personal thing
that of
interest well you could figure
it out
eventually oh yeah yeah well
cuts where I've been looking now the other part
sites than that I mean there's
genealogists I'm sure in our
that can help you on this yeah
be great I mean it's that was
mind-boggling what I have a
connection and it you know my
the curry
side the family has been
interesting of
course with John Steuart curry
painter and never really
thought about
my grandmother there you go
so yes I'm John Stuart Stuart
paintings yes I have no I have
pieces by John Steuart curry I
have a
charcoal drawing of one of his
elephants in the circus tent
which is
kind of unique because it's
dgood and I
have a charcoal drawing that he
drew of
my dad as a boy so he has
sketches yes yeah
the collector doesn't so
interested okay
better hold on to that blue
Apple laptop
that's going to be more
valuable than
the Jon Stewart yeah there is
going on in Greece at the
moment and we
have discussed this throughout
the years
this is the Macedonia problem
who gets
to use the name Macedonia and
it's been
going on for a long time yeah
coming to a head once again but
time the Russians are involved
there are
new fears about possible Russian
interference system surrounding
critical referendum in
Macedonia this
weekend which may determine
whether the
country integrates into the EU
and NATO
the referendum is asking
Macedonia's 2
million people to approve a
plan to
change their country's official
name to
the republic of north of
macedonia doing
so would distinguish it from the
neighboring region in greece
and end a
name dispute that's been
Macedonia's route to EU and NATO
membership as a Europe
Damien grammatic us now reports
are concerns that Russia may be
to undermine Macedonia's shift
the west
Macedonia Macedonia they charm
this is
at a little rally less than a
people in the chilly evening on
the edge
of the capital Skopje and
behind them a
big banner Macedonia boycott
here taking
the stage Juncker batch if he's
leader of this boycott campaign
the man
who is Macedonians among
supporters on
his campaign bus young kabocha
have told
us NATO wants to erase
Macedonia he's
openly hostile to the West
our future is the Russian in
the Ural
Asian company like China Russia
not with
the European or anti campaign is
focusing on calling for a
because if turnout is less than
50% the
vote will not be valid so the
Minister Zoran zai of his
urging people
to vote receive crowd Macedonia
will be
better off integrated into the
he's done a deal with Greece if
he gets
his country's name changed to
Macedonia Greece will lift its
veto on
it joining the EU and NATO
somehow I
don't think is just about the