October 25th, 2018 • 3h 17m
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Curry Jhansi Devorah
this is your award-winning get
nation media assassination
episode 10
this is no agenda in the morning
everybody is no agenda in the
I'm Adam curry where there's
one thing I
won't be doing for Halloween
and that's
wearing blackface I'm John C
Devorah Oh
disappointing your annual
moment to
shine what was they no really
do would
you normally put on blackface
Halloween and said I can't
you're not gonna do that this
11 years of the best podcast in
universe congratulations spoof
congratulations John yes
congratulations to everybody
who has worked on this show and
pretty much everybody
I wish still have a lot of
number of
people who started listening to
from the beginning Oh quite a
few yeah
more than there should be
then they're still alive which
is the
cool thing yeah yeah but we you
know the
the producers of the show we
don't have
listeners we have producers
this is your
celebration you have done this
you have
taken us from a 20-minute show
with no
jingles no nonsense no
commercials no
agenda to three hours twice a
week on
Thursday filled with media
deconstruction that's quite a
path we've
taken yes we didn't start off
that way
that's for sure no and I have
to say
John this was discussed I
should mention
on the grow America show I
haven't heard
it yet I haven't heard it yet
discussed what though the the
of the the no agenda show yeah
and what was the conclusion
that we
started what was the conclusion
that we
with number one and worth 1080
and I
today I am so happy John more
now than
ever in our 11 year history
that you're
the one that opens up all the
I'm just want to say and I
continue to
be appreciative of you hearing
story to tell your mails not
through no no no no no we have
bit since
Monday the entire city of
Austin and
Austin proper with many of the
areas have been under a
mandatory water
boil male awareness yeah but
that's not
that's a little more impactful
you'd first think
um but yeah but the likes of
you you
just drink Perrier whose Grey
yeah it's not so much about me
about what the economic impact
of the
city is quite severe Monday
night so it
happened Monday the afternoon
they put
the the which means you cannot
drink the
water you cannot use it for
cooking you
can't use it for washing
produce now
there's also a ban on you know
also water conservation
regulations in
place and we went out to dinner
with Ellen and Jesse this said
Tina's daughter who lives in
Austin her
boyfriend and already Monday
night it
was just a small restaurant the
side there was stuff that you
could not
get said you know we can we
can't do
anymore anything with
vegetables so
here's what we have on the menu
are many restaurants close now
close wash their vegetables you
cook you can you can't take the
because this is a contamination
that someone gets sick in your
restaurant or would just get
sick in
your restaurant whether it was
fault or not no one can take
that risk
so they're just shutting it
down people
have no paychecks and there's no
Starbucks beer as a benefit but
the problem our mayor mayor
Adler is a
douchebag you know and I know
he was
already on my crap list for his
you know
just letting scooters drive on
sidewalk people homeless people
everywhere but something went
wrong and
they're not telling us the
whole story
because no point as anyone said
water is unsafe no because they
up the the dams because of the
water has
been raining here for the past
two weeks
this is not the first time that
opened up the dams and yes this
is the
Lower Colorado a lot yes it's
not the
first time this has happened so
something went wrong and
apparently all
this silt clogged up the works
and from
what I understand now although
no one
has admitted that you press
and I've been really trying and
we have
no press in Austin I guess the
Statesman was bought by some
outfit doesn't there's no
there's no one
porting on anything discus
rewriting press releases
there's no
reporting in Austin there was a
issue that's the only thing
they said
and that's why we have a
mandatory water
boil what I understand now from
not from
Austin officials or any
reporting here
is perhaps we had an influx of
which clogged up the works
they lost pressure if the pipes
go below
I think it's 20 pounds per
square inches
and backs up then well the
worse then
the even little crack somewhere
in the
along the line contamination
could come
in I guess it's coliform and
that's well
first lash is bad actually you
about this stuff right you've
worked in
areas about this haven't you
yes okay
but coliform is not really the
California coliform is is the
is the an
aspect of the test mechanism in
words you have coliform that
you've got problems right but
it's not
like you're gonna die from
poisoning okay but if you have
that means there's sewage in
them in the
line pretty much you see
they're not
telling us what happened
and last year 2017 the citizens
Austin elected for a 311
million dollar
bond elected for a 311 million
to create this fourth water
plant which
is really only our second
because they
close to its supposed to do 100
gallons a day by itself and
failing weirdo we're using more
than we're producing the silt
clogged everything up what is
exactly and how does it in
since when
does it clog up stuff well you
know as
silt is not real is it just like
deposits like sandy salty
deposits it's
it's the fine particles of dirt
and that kinda forms like a you
know it
makes me a very nice mud and so
when it accumulates it becomes
a muddy
like substance so which it is
because I
silt and that can that could
then clog
up the I don't water
purification yes it
can it must be they have these
wouldn't be Buffalo in you they
talking about
they're there they're public
probably I would guess not a no
probably Democrats which means
they're honest people yeah
they're very
honest and they have an
election at a
run thing yeah and they have an
coming up in in 12 days but
here's one theory they'll just
throw out
there because I thought it was
kind of
interesting because in the in
the past
what couple of months when I've
awake learning how to wake surf
for the
former New York banker um in
Lake Austin
I noticed we used to have all
kinds of
green stuff in the water and
you know
you'd be in the water and like
that against my leg I'm not I
don't like
that in general
and it was it was a lot it was
a lot I
remember two or three years ago
just tons of this stuff
everywhere and
it was clogging up engines and
all kinds
of stuff happening because it
and it's
just not a nice thing and
people swim
and water-ski there etc so the
came up with the idea of
stocking Lake
Austin with grass carp and and
the last
time I went wake surfing I
saying wow there's none of this
stuff in
the water anymore and yeah we
were a bit
by a fish you know we were we
were at
the pier having a beer and some
were throwing like french fries
in the
water and these enormous carp
turns out of the researching it
about 40
50 pounds these things weigh
eaten everything they've eaten
all the
green they've eaten all the
other fish
that's all that's left and I
think maybe
when they opened the flood the
dam this
water just rushed through Lake
there's nothing left to stop
the silt or
whatever they expected and it
just you
know expand just blew everything
downstream maybe that's what
but any rate we're gonna be
under this
boil watch until the weekend
longer it could be a full week
could be
a month yeah this is Austin man
this is
not some shithole country yeah
not in Senegal but we're
getting bored
no but now that you mention
that could
be poop in the water it's we're
closer to San Francisco we got
everything we got the homeless
we got
this the electric scooter swoop
in your
water pooping
testing that's exactly what
testing would indicate yeah and
no one's
questioning anything is that
all you
hear is jokes you were doing
him here
like what like you just said
hahaha you
just drink Perrier all day
you'd be
amazed how often you interact
with water
on a daily basis in what you
thought of
the automatic movements you
have of well
just the splash of water and
your drink
a little from my hand after
brushing my
teeth oops there's a lot of
and help you that anyway well
I'm just
saying there's a lot of
different ways
you interact with water and
it's like
damn I appreciate it a little
bit more
though I appreciate it a little
bit more
well this is sounds like a
disaster it's
an economic disaster for sure
they said yesterday if it
doesn't rain
we may be able to lift the ban
at the
beginning of the weekend it
rained all
day yesterday so it's gonna go
the weekend it's gonna go into
the next
week I I don't know I'd like to
what do what just like a valve
stopped stuck open or something
wrong and then they're not
admitting it
that's the only I mean this is
how no
media there anymore so what are
gonna do you never find out that
probably the news to guys on
don't have enough oomph to be
able to
find out what's going on and
nobody's got any technical
expertise you
know all they have to do is
find some
sewage treatment guy who's an
and who knows cuz they gossip
themselves like every industry
does and
they tell you what's happening
but they
can't even find one of those
guys I
guess I think we must have one
in the
audience oh we we have several
who had
been I was tweeting with and
that's how
I understood the the pressure
because that was one line in a
in some
interview somewhere the guy
said we
haven't got a pressure issue
and then I
understood okay so there's real
contamination danger if you
have a
pressure issue and at the same
time it's
also just conserve water because
something has broken somewhere
along the
line something went wrong it's
just not
it anyway so yes we drink
Perrier and
champagne all day we don't care
the water crisis but there's
there's no
restaurants or closing
restaurants bars
how about you know we have craft
breweries forget about it they
brew their beer
all that stuff is closed well
they still
have beer in the tank
yeah but that'll be gone
yes it will
ship in your water yeah from
anyway so it's interesting
living under
this disaster finally something
happened really bad
yeah I've heard I was reading
about I
was hoping you'd had some
you got nothing well I got you
what I
think is going on which is more
what they're reporting here and
no one's
interested they're reporting
here and no one's
there's just no one's
interested John
they don't care I got my bottle
it's not
Trump's fault not yet not yet I
on it I wouldn't put it past
mayor Adler
to come up with something like
that all
right come up with something
like that all
that I was again you're still
tweeting a
lot more than you used to which
pretty entertaining as you show
up in my
feet a lot yeah and I need more
followers you got plenty of
really get none are you okay
man I mean
it's hard when you lose a gig
you kind of fall into a black
hole uh
yeah I'm fine okay um it's fine
man I'm
fine man I'm okay just leave me
you what talk about it yeah you
you thought that the caravan
was the
biggest story of the moment
yeah and all
bunch of weirdos just a lot of
on Twitter I'm probably gonna
have to
quit it eventually because the
number of
guys it's like yeah felt like
crap and
they did and you look this guy
with one
follower and he obviously just
last week all right and maybe
he's got
50 accounts and the one
followers this
year they follow each other
yeah yeah
and it's like they're just in
there to
make commentary that is useless
and this
doesn't help and also if you
want more
followers by the way being on
Twitter a
lot you're right I probably
tweet 1/3
more than I used to and I'm
blocking X
you're just gonna say if you
followers quit blocking people
plugging like a madman okay
it's not
healthy you know this right is
you know
that Twitter can become a little
unhealthy activity I don't know
that oh
okay when you say by the way I
look at
these years and here's the
dilemma so
you got some jerk-off he says
stupid and you go you look good
I'm not
gonna respond the guy's got two
followers and he just joined
last week
he's got a picture of you know
Fawcett as an avatar yes I'm
looking and
then I think follows you
I'm thinking she's if I block
this guy
lose another follower so I moot
Oh mute yes that's the way to
go you did
because the follower number is
important to you does that keep
checkmark status does Jack send
you an
email from time to time and say
hey keep
your keep your numbers that
will take away your check mark
the yeah
the other thing is I didn't
notice this
because I've been muting you
can mute
entire conversations as mute
conversation you get these
going bad man yeah
and the worst part is you're in
argument where you're not even
in the
argument you're just CC that
you're like
one of the guys that the ads so
you get
I don't want to be listening to
two guys going at each other
you can hit
mute conversation takes the
whole thing
off your string fantastic what a
discovery yeah I'm learning a
lot yes I
can tell I can tell so I think
the big
news actually is not to care of
it I
think it's the the speed yes
I'm very
confused by this because they
seem to
sometimes move 500 miles a day
to news reports and the same
drone footage of the of the
bridge and
all these tight shots tight
shots of
people sitting down and that's
they're interviewed because
then they're not moving they're
hanging out and it's this is I
reeks of wagged the dog type
production with some
elements but otherwise who the
knows what I'm looking at
doesn't look
like a caravan I mean I don't
know it
could be stock footage from
Europe for
all I know I really don't know
what this
is the only person I've seen
on-site in
the tightest shot ever was
Jorge Ramos
from universe from Univision he
was he
did CNN and he did I think he
did frat
boy CNN and he did I think he
did frat
Tucker like we need a nickname
for him
the only way I could come up
with frat
boy Chuck frat boy Tucker
I like that nickname yeah frat
Tucker he looks totally like a
frat boy
by the way I saw an interview
he didn't
need to because he's promoting
his book
he would did an interview with
Corolla and if you can find
this it's
pretty easy to YouTube I have
to say
first of all I I've never been
a fan of
Adam Carolla I like him very
I thought it's very funny and
dude thought it's very funny
and various
very intelligent in this
Tucker on the other hand frat
boy Tucker
he reminds me of Christopher
Buckley and
Christopher Buckley was married
to my
cousin Lucy that's William F
'he's a junior son yeah and
this was the
guy who famously said of you
with your
internet no one's going to want
to read
the news on the computer another
insightful observation from the
family and he later late he's
20 years
later said well you were right
that but that's exactly it Fred
Tucker has this is it it's
Emilio thing
from Washington and he's very
but it's this millio thing
where within
three sentences always like and
the meaning of life come on is
don't you understand what sees
us it
always ends that way and like
he has
figured it all out and just the
people don't know what it is
yet and you
and really is apparent in this
so it's worth watching anyway
was I
talking about oh yes right
Jorge Ramos
would be because the everybody
in the
Latin American recognizes him
and so
they will get behind him and
jump up and
down and put you know ears on
his head
and all that sort of thing so
they they
have to keep it tight yeah but
that's my
guess that's not showing you a
that's just showing him amidst
a few
would look like professional
tents with a couple people
walking by
I'm I just don't know what to
believe is
gone from two and a half to
seven to
three to fourteen thousand now
come on
show me this for real I'm just
seeing it I'm not I'm not so
sure and I
if it's now the whole thing has
to be a
Republican GOP some some
Banyon Roger stone I don't know
came up with that and it was
it's perfect the timings perfect
they got people being shuttled
around on
flat beds it makes nothing but
since and
in the cynical world that I
live in the
minute these phony baloney clock
boy-type dildo
bomb show up like okay that's
that's your answer
okay Democrats very funny
that's that
that is the way I see it today
yeah well
I'm not gonna argue on any of
points it could be the dildos
were sent
around by the Democrats and the
could be by the Republicans you
know let me say let me tell you
what I
do know it's very unusual and
all in 11
years very unusual you get
pictures of the package and the
bomb and
close-ups with the clock still
operational and the wires
attached this
is very unusual
the dice if you cut too early
you do have Debbie
addresses yes it's spelled
for the whole thing is just too
done let's let's go in this
let's talk
about the bombs with this
starting one
second if let's just say this
is some
left-wing Democrat you know
Soros I don't care who came up
with the
idea don't you think that if
you and I
were strategizing
all right here's we're gonna do
gonna send these bombs gonna
make them
look this way and here's how
actually gonna put stamps on
them we
won't actually mail them we'll
mail a
couple because we want those to
stopped by the Secret Service
but we
really got to make sure it
looks like
it's coming from some
Republican nutjob
I know will misspelled the Jew
s's name
because that's how they think
and men
will do a typo on Florida then
totally looks like it's coming
from some
redneck crazy guy Republican
be reasonable mm-hmm reasonable
let's go
bombs PBS rundown okay yeah
agents are working tonight to
get to the
bottom of a rash of bombs up
and down
the East Coast the targets are
prominent Democrats as well as
CNN and
locations range from stop this
is the
part of the story that kind of
which is
a lie and everybody said it
there was
never a bomb sent to CNN they
sent one
to Brennan at CNN and that's
not where
he works it works at MSNBC so
they were
I mean if you want to count
that but
they make it sound as though
CNN was
some sort of a target did you
see the
Cuomo kid and Don Lemon outside
they're doing the back and
front hugging
each other stay safe brother
it's good
it's tough being a journalist
yeah they
totally put that shoe on like
it was
made for them no it was for
anyway so let's finish that but
they day
they actually have that part of
the L
CNN vacating the place nobody
else did
that by the way but CNN did
they vacated
the premises and no Johnny when
you and
I were Zucker we would do the
same thing
you play this up this is
fantastic this
is rating targets are mainly
Democrats as well as CNN and
range from New York to Florida
amnon of Oz begins our coverage
after a
string of explosive devices
were sent to
two former Democratic
presidents senior
officials and a high-profile
party donor
President Trump today pledged
actions he
promised the full resources of
government to bring to justice
responsible for what he called
despicable act in these times
we have to
unify we have to come together
and send
one very clear strong
message that acts or threats of
political violence of any kind
have no
place in the United States this
is so flat I'm so disappointed
in this I
mean this sounds so insincere
is that no
one telling him to play this oh
I have
the long version of this which
is a way
which is he I think he had to
do this
way to kind of twist the story
to kind
of blame the Democrats it's
lame you try
this your skip to this this is
the Trump
plea this is a book buck 57
hour 1
minute 57 seconds trump plea
bombs this is the whole this
whole spiel
is done in that same all right
analyze it let's analyze the
government is conducting an
investigation and we will find
responsible and we will bring
them to
justice and we will bring them
hopefully very quickly any acts
threats of political violence
are an
attack on our democracy itself
no nation
can succeed that tolerates
violence or
the threat of violence as a
method of
political intimidation coercion
control we all know that such
must be fiercely opposed and
prosecuted lately what he tends
to he'll
say something and then yeah
this is one
of his persuasion things he says
something and then he backs
himself up
with being the chorus AG like a
chorus saying we all know that
I think
that doughnuts are good we all
know that
we all like doughnuts right
what is
darkness or coffee is even
better what
all love God or one of these
what is
also true is doughnuts are
fantastic yes
another way of doing it as a
way also be
for free this is he's giving a
speech in
front this one of his rallies
so it it's
it is which is where yeah which
is where
I would have expected him do a
better than this
coercion or control we all know
such conduct must be fiercely
and firmly prosecuted we want
all sides
to come together in peace and
harmony we
can do it we can do it we can
do it
it'll happen
more broadly there's much we
can do to
bring our nation together for
those engaged in the political
must stop treating political
as being morally defective I
have to do
that I have to do they have to
say that
that's what they're doing - may
have to
do it the language of moral
and destructive routine these
arguments and disagreements
that have to
stop no one should carelessly
political opponents to
villains woohoo
stop calling me and not say
she's done
often lurks and all the time
gotta stop
we should not mob people in
spaces or destroy public
property you
know you're right
you're so right I think he got
figured out it's one way to
settle our
disagreements it's called
peacefully at
the ballot box that's what we
want yeah
so he basically what his way of
everybody down was saying hey
stop calling us names
that is very that's it that is a
persuasive technique for sure
and you're
doing it with all his little
tricks hey
oh no come in the comet there's
a little
mumbling under the breath which
actually a sales pitch but he
does he
doesn't seem freaked out about
it so I
guess he knows it's Bogard up
as well
you know he's not freaked out
at all did
he get what he I was watching
his body
language recently and I'm sure
I finally
I noticed something interesting
when he
is like Burke or Sun or really
by something he crosses his
arms and if
you if you look at any of his
about Saudi Arabia he's sitting
in a
normally you know he's like in
his chair
leaning forward he's got it
he's not
behind the desk he's in the
leaning forward so it doesn't
look like
he's fat but in this case all
of Saudi
Arabia chitchat his arms are
crossed and
tight and he's been giving his
about the Saudi Arabia
situation and
he's he's very annoyed I don't
he's annoyed unless he has his
crossed you know they keep an
eye out
for that ted kaczynski of
course is this
rolling around in his cell
they're going
like what an idiot nothing
exploded this
makes no sense I'm referring to
Unabomber and I and I looked at
at the at there's a presumption
that I just like to question
for a
moment I look at the list of
people we
have Democrats and one
person not being Brennan so it
just so
this is clearly the deme bomber
I think
that would be the appropriate
name since
we're never gonna find out who
did this
it could it be that this is not
to the elections could it be
that this
is related to Saudi Arabia
being very
pissed off about all of mainly
and John Brennan all calling for
suspension or severing of ties
the US and Saudi Arabia
I don't know that Brennan did
that no he
played pieces the long interview
well he's like well maybe I
remember him they specifically
that hey you let's play the
rest of this
and I have a couple of
follow-up clips
so you can you can drop out of
the PBS
or go down I know I need it
okay so what
are we playing that the rest of
the oh
you rested the Trump thinking
oh that
was it that was done that was
the end
well then we have I had to get
this this
was the bomber I got both the
Townsend we know her yes the
spook but
but we have I've been missing
him for I
don't know we haven't heard a
clip from
Jeff Pegues ah the poop man and
some time but yet here is
multiple law
enforcement sources Sam I
nailed it
multiple multiples of multiple
enforcement sources multiple law
enforcement sources say one of
the bombs
consisted of PVC tubing and
used a
digital clock connected to a
battery as a possible trigger
pyrotechnic powder was the
explosive and
in order to cure pyrotechnic
powder you
mean it was like a flash pop it
was like
this stuff that you put in
flash pot keep it magnesium
yeah wait
glass was used as shrapnel
think whoever put the device
was trying to keep the weight
down so
that it could be put in a
without having to appear at a
office for mailing Ron Hosko is
a former
assistant director of the FBI
what does
it say that they didn't explode
well it
may say that that they were
prior to their ability to
explode it may
say that they were never
capable of
exploding even though they may
have had
black powder in them the six
all consisting of a large manila
envelope with six American
forever flag
stands will now be analyzed at
the FBI
laboratory in Quantico Virginia
investigators will deconstruct
looking to trace the origin of
wiring and the other components
to see
where and when they may have
purchased and by whom on the
itself look for fingerprints and
potentially the suspects DNA if
stamps the suspects DNA if the
licked as they're gathering this
information all these
investigators how
does that information filter up
to the
top that information filter up
to the
what markings are on the
outside or on
the inside of a piece of end
cap to see
who's the manufacturer where is
product distributed is it
unique in some
way looking at the tape looking
at n
cuts on the tape if I tear
something off
and a piece of that tape is
left at my
on the subject at my house they
may be
able to match ends in police in
Angeles are swarming the
central postal
facility there we're told
have discovered another
package addressed to
Maxine Waters if it turns out
to be real
this would be the second
address the
waters and the seventh package
yeah we yeah we haven't seen a
statement about the actual bomb
which is interesting I'd like
to know
who did it work was it real
what was in
it what was the mechanism well
there is
a guy on Twitter who's a bomb
guy ah and
he said I got to go back get
his tweets
but he said this was bull crap
he says pipe bombs for one
thing never
have wires coming out of both
sides is
idiotic right and he went on
and on
about how these bombs were
phony he
thought they were all just
props props
props well well I did hunt
because you know most of these
did not
reach there and that this is
reported very by omission very
Hillary Clinton and Barack
Obama they
never got those bombs they
never got the
envelopes they were stopped at
central processing which is
Service that handles and there
was a
pretty interesting interview on
NPR and
there was about you know this
screening of packages for
people under
federal protection by the
Secret Service
and there was a little thing in
that I thought was interesting
at the
end well so the the common
practice of
the Secret Service is to screen
mail at
an off-site location typically
and this
has been going on for the last
30 35
years where they have available
a number
of different sensors that detect
biosensors radiation
and other gas known gases and
in this
case if it so if it was a pipe
would have been easily detected
in an
x-ray machine or a trace
machine on site that's just why
I was
gonna ask you if you could give
us a
picture of what that mail
process is like I mean when
Service agents sift through the
Mail how do they handle it in
case it
could explode or be toxic you
an x-ray machine what else well
if it's
determined that it's of risk if
it's a
device that's suspicious
they have containers they also
have they
have container robots that will
come in
and actually look at the device
so that there's not a human
involved in
the examination process so it's
detailed the Secret Service
goes through exercises where
their own
try to place devices that might
be at
risk and test the the the male
24/7 that's what it sounds like
to me
this looks exactly like some
test thing
they want to send through let's
see if
they catch it
I like the way that yo he
pointed this
out before but the use of the
device yes
seems to be very nice device
before we
go to Fran let's go I figure
out we do
have a second half of that
Trump plea
this is where he is continuing
on this
spiel at the front of the large
and he kind of really starts
twisting it
even more toward the Democrats
as part
of a larger national effort to
our divides and bring people
the media also has a
responsibility to
set a civil tone and to stop
the endless
hostility and constant negative
oftentimes false attacks and
stores have
to do it they've got to stop
this stuff
bring people together we're
just 13 days
away from a very very important
it's an election of monumental
just if
you look at it monumental
isn't it wouldn't you say
importance there are dramatic
differences between our two
parties that we know it is
essential for
democracy to draw a sharp
between the two different
platforms put
before the American people and
we have a
chance to do that right now in
states and on November 6
we need more not less debate
policy issues in our country
but what we
cannot do is let our
disagreements about
matters of policy tear us apart
as a
country can't do that we must
accept the
verdicts of elections and
remember that
America's greatest achievements
always been those endeavors we
on together we have had great
achievements yes he could have
said the same thing but done it
in a way
that got the crowd really
excited and no
one's excited there's an that
that was
that's what's wrong with the
it's just wrong
no he's not that's what you
need for
everybody but you said worked
it into
his routine it's not party he's
come to the conclusion that his
routine which is what he does
where he's you know
rather than sounds like he's
which is what he's doing here I
don't think he's had time to
this is all new
right is like you're given a
and a new look new lines like
and if
you've no watch we used to go
to there's
a place locally that on Tuesday
would have a lot of the famous
comedians would come out and
Williams was there all the time
Carvey all these different
and they come out to practice
material and Carvey I think
less so but
Robin would always come out
with a
yellow notepad and he just write
material from the notepad and
to get the
response and they was and it
was not
smooth it was not like it's
talking it
was like let me try this joke
and then
you start reading this is
reading he's like reading jokes
though they were more
complicated I
think that's what's going on
here by the
way just thinking from a
standpoint it would probably
smug be
smarter you know and said well
we're seeing now is all the the
bomb is
all Trump's fault you know cuz
he said
Oh enemy of the people so
that's why it
was sent to CNN and he's a
really make
it that's a stretch the CNN
thing yeah
but they're pulling all the
stops out it
would be much smarter from a a
perspective to blame this on
the Saudis
that's what everybody wants
that's the
big news we'll get to in a
everyone wants Italy without the
Russians cut no no no no no the
it's now Saudis everything
switched to that no that could
be but
let's get the frame I want to
because I
like let's get the frame but
before we
get to Fran do have a little
snippet I want I want you to
play it's
very short it's only nine
seconds but I
I wanted to see how fast you
are on the
draw okay
you should be able to figure it
out by
the name of the clip you know as
president is to protect and
defend and
uphold and defend the
Constitution of
the United States of America mr.
president Keep America
that's not what you do is what
we do now
hold on hold on hold on hold on
he gets
a firm and solid lies lies he
lies ashen
I hate that Fran Townsend
homeland security advisor to
George W Bush she is now senior
security analyst for CBS News
they knew
what they were doing enough to
make a
bomb Fran but certainly not in
a very
sophisticated way that's right
it's what
we're hearing from law
enforcement is
it's a crude device it would
have been
lethal if opened and detonated
but it's
not a standard recipe and so
what we're
hearing from law enforcement
sources is
this is an individual who
didn't go on
the internet and just pull down
standard al-qaeda recipe which
seen before so he's left his own
signature right there's a
unique about the way this has
been put
together which will very much
be very
helpful to investigate but the
that it's PVC and not metal and
potentially could get through a
detector is is a little
that's right this is you
thought about
it he'll listen that's also the
you have all the return
addresses being
debbie Wasserman Schultz to all
Democratic leaders thinking
that perhaps
it wouldn't be screened because
it was
familiar they would have
something from her you think
that arrest
happens quickly in a case like
this I do
I think there'll be lots of
breaks this
is somebody who's who's made
plenty of
mistakes the wrong address to
Holder misspelling John
Brennan's name
John Brennan doesn't work at
CNN he
works at NBC and so this is
who's made plenty of mistakes
along the
way all the outside packages are
identical 6 6 stamps two tiers
lables this is somebody who's
likely left a lot of clues odd
but still
scary yeah Fran Townsend
amateur an
amateur I tell you amateur I
think it
what you know the possibility
mmm it was
debbie Wasserman Schultz all
along well
you know to be honest and I
know you
tweeted about it but they
really should
have gone to her first and said
let me
just check out what's going on
I mean
that just because she's debbie
Schultz doesn't absolve her
from any
possible she could be the
bomber wrong
well it's come you came from
her that's
what says
regardless I think your point
is valid
they should at least have said
hey you
know there was I don't know
that anyone
went to her right away
no I don't think so anyway this
whole thing is I don't think
gonna find anybody I think this
just in unless they can paint
it on the
Saudis and therefore Trump
somehow they
get they could get they could
get him in
there may have Apache already
lined up
could be I mean it's possible
it's what
he is somebody pointed out that
when the
bomb team first cropped up cuz
I had
mentioned it six weeks ago yes
it was to
the day wasn't it that there is
six-week cycle underway once
again right
and to the day is when the
bombing thing
came up which indicates if it's
an FBI
deal that means they probably
have some
sucker already in custody who
was a
suspect yeah and another one of
guys was really dumb and you
know and
he's going to be the guy
they're gonna
pin it on uh and they probably
would had
him do what do you know
actually do the
bombs I mean it's possible let
me show
you how to do these bombs okay
first you wear these gloves and
he won't
touch anything and by the way I
Jeff Pegues when he said they
can check
and see whether the stamps were
what's the last time you let
your stamp
bought a stamp you had you late
with the
lake no I just bought stamps
the other
day yeah you don't you don't I
have envelopes that you lick
yeah yeah so there's no stamps
to lick
there hasn't been formed I
don't know
how many years by the way went
to the
post office to buy stamps cuz
they got
some really cool stamps out -
yeah I got
the Elvis stamps the Elvis
stamps are
cooled well yeah the airmail
stamps are
the ones that are going fast
did you
find those they're done in an
old-fashioned style and they're
huh raved and they will last
longer oh
they will fade like that Elvis
will you know I sent I sent my
my IRS
check to the Treasury yeah and
I only
had one stamp left and it was a
and I'm like oh man I don't
feel I'm
gonna put this on there
someone's gonna
open this up with that asshole
putting a
snake stamp on it just you know
I just
had that feeling yeah I was
yeah that's
why I got the Elvis stamp
but the I was told because I
they're already talking about
because you know they've
scammed the US
Postal Service in the American
with the way they're doing their
everything nobody else in the
world has
to do this but they have to
prepay all
their retirement benefits and
so they
they're talking about the
dollar being a
dollar being the cost of a
stamp and
maybe within the next year Oh
screw it
we're just gonna jack it up to
a buck
you know I I was at the post
office I
just send a box off to
Christina and it
was an about it was only one
one person
one one woman was working there
and so
I'm chatting her up cuz you
know I just
you know I don't get out of the
much so I want some human
I'm ass tonight and I late this
I mean
you guys really always begin
with that
you guys really got screwed man
that pre-funding of your
pensions and
they bitch about you yeah so
the post office worker loves
you cuz
they all they all know it but
that's right and I said is this
uniform she said we just got new
uniforms they suck balls
they're so
horrible so they don't fit
right and
they do look horrible the US
Postal you
have a look at him the shirts
aren't are
no longer meant to be tucked in
just hang out they got you know
like really trying to ruin the
pose yes
say you guys got a general you
got a
general do with the Federal
Express eggs
and anyway they put my post
woman said
I'd asked her about the stamp
I said should I just be
stocking up on
these forever stamps because
forever she says yeah you
should buy as
many as you can because when
the price
goes up is gonna be very hard
it's gonna
be hard to buy stamps
yeah so expense I'm gonna ask
for the
stamps that don't get don't get
cancelled when they go through
machine I'd like those stamps
please you
know like the ones that got
sent to
Brennan at CNN Oh
so anyways back to the original
of you know this Caravan very
perfect Republican talking
point is wide
don't belong to parties because
this is
the asshole stuff that goes on
in these
in these outfits people become
horror these outfits people
become just
and so I think this whole
caravan thing
is exaggerated at best and
there's just
a lot of its imagery you know
we're not
really getting much else but
we're just
we're just not and then you
have maybe
this as the counterbalance like
oh you
know these guys are unhinged
crazy you got to be against
Trump and
everybody he supports and so
then we
have this you know this Caravan
which is it's really well
here's Pompeyo
here's Pompeo setting the stage
as to
what we will and will not allow
migrant character of caravan is
violating Mexico's sovereignty
laws and
immigration procedures
president Trump
will not stand for this to
happen to the
United States to those who say
say this
is a hard-hearted stance let's
forget that the United States
is a
historically generous nation
when it
comes to immigration
we're 1 million people per year
granted permanent legal status
here in
the United States over 33
million people
total are currently here I
always love
the 33 name who have immigrated
to this
country to those who want to
come here
come here legally now let's
just stop
one second just so we all
understand if
you're of the opinion these are
who are being threatened where
their lives are being
threatened at home
they are fleeing this if Mexico
biz will
not have them they're fleeing
they're here for asylum okay we
have a
procedure for that you must go
to a port
of entry you may sit there for
a month
as well but that's the
procedure not
just going to the border and
saying I
request asylum that it's in it
there are
multiple ports you can go to
ways to do it a lot easier ways
what they're trying to do right
illegal immigration is the
surest way to
obtain the better life you're
for here in the United States
of America
from a security standpoint
there is no
proper accounting of who these
individuals in the caravan are
and this
poses an unacceptable security
risk to
the United States moreover many
of these
people are ripe targets for
traffickers and others who
would exploit
them we don't want that to
I've spoken twice in the last
two two
days to my counterpart foreign
Peter gray we trust that
leaders know what the best
steps are to
resolve this situation and we
timely action on their part the
States also has a message for
those who
are currently part of this
caravan or
any caravan which follows you
will not
be successful at getting into
the United
States illegally no matter what
I repeat
the caravan will not cross our
border illegally under any
if you seek to come here go
through the
normal refugee process if you
apply for
refugee status a permanent
solution is
possible in Mexico or in a
third country
but I can tell you with
certainty we are
determined did you hear that
you can
also request your Asylum status
Mexico let me just play that
back you
process if you apply for
refugee status
a permanent solution is
possible in
Mexico or in a third country
but I can
tell you what you can apply for
when you're in Mexico certainly
we are
determined that illegal entry
into the
United States from this Caravan
will not
be possible and just to show
you how how
this is being abused or used
for its
only purpose today what's in
mccallum whoever's who's on
frat-boy Tucker's at martha
mccallum No maybe yeah so
Martha is
going to be doing her show from
border with DHS secretary
Nielsen with DHS secretary
this is that is nothing but
this Caravan Juarez or San
Antonio for
some food I don't know what she
do as
she wants to get out of the
office but
then you read like yeah we know
your den you know Jenni yeah of
yeah so Jenni is a technology
we know her professionally
we've met
were there several times here's
what she
puts on Twitter that's right
I'm doing
Jenny's voice to a tee by the
way that's
right terrified white people
the brown
zombies are a thousand miles
from the
southern border and they're
coming to
mow your lawns wash your
cars harvest your crops pack
your pork
raise your kids mop your floors
your office and pay taxes time
to flip
out like that is such a
colour-blind thing to say well
it is
also extremely racist well it's
rate this is the old well if you
remember I which goes on the
view when
some one of the women on there
one of
the left wit left wingers it
was Jenny
would be I says who's gonna
clean our
toilets yeah this is like
like that's what that's what
dealing we're just gonna get a
bunch of
immigrants you know who used to
this before they're good for
the toilets it used to be the
Irish the
Irish are doing that kind of
stuff this
when I hear a Jenny's your den
like this
and somehow it's there's this
attitude that we should be
really happy
these people want to come in to
do the
jobs we don't want to do and
have no
problem cleaning my own toilet I
actually find it somewhat
therapeutic in
an odd way it's it's placing
anyone who
was of a certain color into a
position and and by hiring
someone to do
that to pack your pork you can
then say
help out the brown people look
putting them on the ladder to
success in
America aren't I good to see
them on the
ladder to the roof yes there's
really disturbing about it yeah
this is
fritz always bended and again
it flows
so easily from us so easily and
just they don't even understand
realities you were asking who's
these people out or what is
going on and
I have seen it actually there's
video this it says subtitles
it's just a YouTube video from
on their phone some lady going
her town saying well this is
what they
left cuz you wanna know where
was the
poop in the trash well it's in
that town
in Mexico and they said they
did they
just left - half-eaten food
they'd none of the clothes that
collected and put out for the
for the
caravanners to use none of them
took any
of that so you know that's not
the the way you'd expect people
behave if they're on their way
freedom if they're on their way
but there's something else
that's going
on coming up why the UN raises
refugee agency has increased its
presence to help the migrant
that's heading towards the u.s.
Central America we think that
state should take any measure
that they
consider necessary to defend
border it but what we really
appeal is
like if you open the space to
the people
to open their territory to to
open the
right their Asylum system and
to the
people that they really are in
need of a
protection so the UN High
Commission on
asylum what is it the actual
Commission for Refugees is
helping this
Caravan and saying you should
let them
in the globalists appear to be
this not just our own
globalists in
America but the ones that the
Nations the very New World
Order global
no nations no borders head
orders so are you stunned by
this I
think it should be discussed but
nobody's gonna discuss it
because the
globalist won't allow it
let's face it the globalists
have taken
over the media yes well and now
brought up a point that I
thought this
was Amy Goodman this was one of
the most
interesting clips and it's a
because the second part is
funny to it I
and Ike and I would like to
it a little bit okay but the
first part
this is Trump Trump Trump
this is she goes nuts about
this this is
like the big scandal on laughs
Trump is
a nationalist yeah oh yeah I
got some
clips for that too all right
good good
good good play the Houston Texas
campaign rally for Republican
Ted Cruz Monday evening
president Trump
declared that he's a
nationalist is a
person that wants the globe to
do well
frankly not caring about our
country so
much and you know what we can't
that you know they have a word
it sort
of became old-fashioned it's
called a
nationalist and I say really
we're not
supposed to use that word you
know what
I am I'm a nationalist okay
Trump's comments Monday aligned
with his
populist america-first rhetoric
the label of nationalists is
more often
associated with extreme
ideology and fascist regimes
by reporters Tuesday Trump
denied the
term nationalists was used to
racist movements saying he was
proud to
use it and that a quote should
brought back I thought that she
aghast at this because we can't
even use
the word because the word
implies all
kinds of other things oh yeah
and no no
actually this is what it is a
nationalist is like saying
white bread
you got bread by itself
nationalists by
itself but the moment you put
else in front of it which is
what we've
heard for the past three years
really if
you take the campaigning into
that the anchor of the word
is now anchored into these
heads for sure as white
nationalist yeah
it's a word trick which then
also goes
to white supremacists and of
Hitler oh they like to do this
sort of
thing not this second part of
this clip
he's got some it's got some
usage I
don't like and I'm gonna
explain why
okay and then it's also gonna
that pants believes that art
Venezuela's behind the witch I
said on a
couple shows ago is behind the
of madness proud to use it and
that a
quote should be brought back
the wife of
white supremacist leader
Richard Spencer
playing the wrong clip well
it's number
two yeah yeah you're right this
is the
wrong series my fault okay this
I wanted
to do you have the other clip
you were
just talking about no no no I
want to
play this clip first because
this is I
just lost track of my my my
sorry lost track of my my my
like a fine wine with some
duck so we just talked about
nationalism white supremacy
white you
know I'm not done with that so
translate but this could this
clip now
so she just played that clip
yes and
what then what does she
transition into
right no other stories she goes
from the end of the Trump clip
with her
quote yes is right to this and
listen to
this to me a subtle creepy
proud to use it and that a
quote should
be brought back the wife of
supremacist leader Richard
Spencer has
accused him of regularly
physically and
emotionally abusing her during
a very
dirty trick very dirty trick
well omma
this was on oh this is the
Cuomo kid
just just so you can laugh
Steve Cortez
who I think is brown by the way
he's a
Republican and they're talking
to each
like Ana Navarro's on I don't
have any
of her but just listen to him
say hey
this is just a nationalist does
not mean
Nazi or white supremacist
listen to what
the Cuomo kid evokes is that
just the
straight truth trumpet is a
and with all that word carries
no no he
is a nationalist I am too but
you don't
understand what it does carry
when you
try to compare American
nationalism to
Nazis for example you're
mistaken because the Nazis
their their
perverted nationalism was about
purity it was about blood and
American nationalism which by
the way
defeated Nazism American
nationalism is
about shared ideals it's about a
constitution that's not nothing
to do
with race for example yes it is
well by
the way you don't get Chris to
decide nobody made you CEO of
English language you know
better than to
me you know better than Jordan
you know
what that is yes I do yeah
don't you
know who George Orwell is
now George Orwell is he's
determines the
word nationalists
god I think that's what words
like yup
Trump is like 1984 man he's
like the
pigs it's the pigs man I have a
clip but we stop it whenever we
want but
it's Nicole Wallace
and her band of people on MSNBC
yesterday that I and I cut all
kinds of
unimportant stuff out and it's
just minutes of of just insanity
unhinged stuff would you like
to play
along oh yeah
today he doubled down on being a
nationalist he is and the
tweets you put
up earlier from barber caster
right this
is a little bit of an evolution
for him
this is phrased as evolution I
first he didn't really want to
it and a key moment was
actually after
the exes hollywood tape i think
some of
us would cover the campaign
remember it so a week or so
later he
gave a speech in um in florida
i believe
and it was the one where he was
a real
screed against globalist
that afterwards was a lot of
chryses her
middle name semitic and that's
sort of
it felt it felt anti-semitic
came to
tone that he followed through
the stress
run as a campaign says the non
Jew and
has now kept sense he's
withdrawn from a number of
agreements it is very much a
you know
America first more than that
just sort
of like you know America first
and last
the biggest only to be
not perhaps honoring what
country's role
around the world has been now
in the
Oval Office just now we saw him
splitting hairs a little bit
like he
tried to suggest that he didn't
even he
wasn't even aware of the
connotations of that term you
know anything about history
Baker do you
think he knows that some of the
nationalists of all time
included off
Hitler I mean every dictator
pleaded for
their constituents beginning we
them that their subjects in the
in the
case of Idi Amin and others we
brought an IDI I mean this is
Idi Amin was he a nationalist
not that I
knows the dictator run by the
CIA wasn't
he well this wasn't excuse but
bring in
Idi Amin is know you sort of
to their nationalist impulses
well you
know I think what he there's a
why other presidents don't use
phrase nationalist in the sky
they use a safer term Patriot
patriotism is something that we
mostly people can agree on as a
politically is a more unifying
were the
nationalist nationalist I know I
disagree nationalist I know I
don't you think the word
Patriot has
also been completely tainted
down into
racist to say I'm a patriot it
can be
did I think you're getting you
say that
I think it's not your I says I
think you can still stand up
and say I'm
a patriot because you're here
oh yeah
public obviously as you say is
through history but we've seen
with this
president before that he
doesn't care
what history says if he likes
me not he
not no do you think pounding
you think
he has any idea the history of
World War
two no and Nazism you think it
came for
a cut from a call for
nationalism well
let's look at let's look at the
presence of America first which
we just
talked about it mean the
America first
he might not have known first
associated with the pre-world
War two
isolationist and Nazi
sympathizers but
clearly he learned that at some
along the way but just they
just can't
stop it's like he doesn't know
history of World War two he
does know
the history of Hitler he
doesn't know
the history he doesn't know
history didn't matter to him
because it
were conveyed what he wants to
similarly with the phrase enemy
of the
people right he uses that
against some
of us it doesn't may not have
known at
first that was you notice how
they just
slipped out in he uses that
against some
of us know no fake news
different is by
Stalin as part of the mass
murders but
certainly by now must know that
must have told him that he must
read that someplace doesn't
matter but
it conveys what he wants to
convey he
doesn't care if history you
know conveys
the meaning with these words or
maybe he
does and it's it's okay with
him because
the message he's trying to get
out is
one that says he more than
anybody else
is standing up for the United
States and
it resonates with the crowd
last night
in Houston I was there they
loved it
they G they booed the word
they cheered the word
nationalist when
he said I'm a nationalist they
USA us
this is a galvanizing language
for his
core supporters going into a
election two weeks from now I
watch The
History Channel to know that
cheered at Hitler too I mean
divorced from capacity to cheer
a crowd
it doesn't make it right it
doesn't make
an American and it doesn't mean
Donald Trump isn't totally
ignorant of
the history of the word
Donald Trump doesn't rounding
this one
point he's ignorant no what
he's doing
he's like it moron he hasn't
doesn't know what nationalism
isn't divorced from the
capacity to
cheer a crowd it doesn't make
it right
it doesn't make an American and
doesn't mean that Donald Trump
totally ignorant of the history
of the
word nationalism Donald Trump
read books from Donald Trump
the history of Nazism or Charles
Lindbergh for any of Charles
why are we bringing Charles
Lindbergh in
now this is awesome no idea I
Lindbergh was a nuts Nazi
yes for World War two in the
mid 30s so
maybe that's the reason they're
him in I don't know just like a
back that nobody cares about
for some
reason they just throwing that
does you know Neil Sedaka is
these other
hateful trans donkeys that's a
good line
by the way going into the
midterms he
understands that the base that
got him
elected in 2016 is still the
base he
needs now and that is
white it's predominantly male
and it's
non college educated and he's
doing in
other words dumb Fox racist
let me just defend dog whistles
silent these are loud let me
read this
to you before where's the
Post greg sargent writes what
would make
his claim controversial as if
actually meant racial
nationalists which
of course is exactly what he
did Mean
Joe no he said he said I'm not a
globalist and now they're just
this and this is a lie by
claiming to be
breaking a taboo but using this
particular n-word
from the N word there we go
confirm that without saying it
out loud
you on board with that analysis
well I think that's exactly
right and
some people have described this
great she's the last one the
it's not it is the tone I mean
President of the United States
the only
thing that was the child is
missing from that speech in
Houston last
night was the tiki torches and
khakis United States
understands what he
believes he needs to turn out
his bass
he's using that it's xenophobic
racist and you know that
coupled with
the caravans and even the
defense of
Brett Kavanaugh the beleaguered
man under assault by the rest
of America
all of these players to what
believes is a way that his
voters are
gonna turn out and it is the
possible thing and so the
president is
doing this on purpose and I
think we
shouldn't get you know fooled
thinking well maybe he doesn't
understand what he said he
full well what he said and he
meant it
yeah use the n-word that Hitler
Wow this
bad man I made deals with the
that's right deals with the
comeuppance that is the worst I
mean I
can't give it up no I don't why
I would
refuse I would reject it
because it's
just so offensive it's so
offensive as
drivel but yet the CNN should
be ashamed
of itself for putting MSNBC Oh
what am I
thinking yeah I mean I'd listen
to this
all day I mean that's that's
really my
NBC has well NBC and we should
the core of course like because
isn't think I want to read I
don't have
any clips although I could get
plenty of
him was is the Miz the megyn
kelly thing
yes was is the Miz the megyn
kelly thing
now she's NBC this is very very
cool now
what happened with megyn kelly
and if
you've been watching my tweets
when I
first saw the first article
come out
because he she had gone on her
show and
said you know she naively did
this but I
can I kind of understand it
from her
perspective you know when I was
a little
girl and you know she's was one
of those
he's a cute little girls that
could do
anything nobody gave a crap
mm-hmm you
could wear a black face and go
trick-or-treating and I don't
see what
the big deal is and she has no
you know
she's the one who was you know
just dick told her off on the
show and
we can get some clips from but
I can
show more than that on the
Sunday do
have some not on today's rundown
um but Jay said no you know
this is bad
you gotta apologize what
well she apologized this is
eyes but that would then it
wasn't good
enough an L Roker who was I
think a hit
man for the for the network oh
sure came
out and said now it's the
apology is not
good enough it wasn't this it
sleeper that I wish I could
have heard
that within and I'll get these
yeah and then he she came out
in repel
just again with the damn near
crying and
then they condemned her for
having fake
tears and all this other stuff
which is
we go she's a woman and they're
up on they've been waiting to
take her
down this was already they had
paperwork ready they were just
for a moment and if you're
doing a live
talk show of that moments gonna
come oh
it comes a lot but most of time
get it gets ignored or you get
out of it
I mean you know with
Letterman's a good
example but they didn't want
her and so
I watched the articles come a
just was lambasting her with
and they lived varieties nearly
a stooge
for the for the network but
Megan cab
this is CNN opinion piece at
ran on MS
and Microsoft Megyn Kelly's
comments show her true face by
Jones and then this is
interesting did
I'm gonna read you the first two
paragraphs sometimes I'm sorry
doesn't cut it a hard lesson
that NBC
Today Show host megyn kelly now
understands reportedly Kelly's
show megyn kelly today may be
according to CNN sources and
reports Kelly who never really
like a good fit for NBC this is
the this
is the part that always cracks
me up
this is that and anyone who's
worked in
a company has seen this
in many forms but it's always
the it's
always takes the same form you
got an
employee the guys at kick-ass
sales guy
or he does something really just
spectacular and he's everybody
likes him
some happens either someone
gets fired
then in all the meetings the
guy was
never any good I fit in didn't
fit in
we're glad to get rid of up it
was a and
he see this work I said wait a
you guys love this guy a month
ago but
now you hate him and it's just
like a
corporate thing you have to do
this I
guess it makes you it makes the
mechanism work better yeah cuz
people would say why don't you
get rid
of bill please no good oh she
never she
never really found her footing
at the
network now did she
you got a man she never really
found her
footing she was doing fine
Kelly you
never seem to be a good fit
this woman
writes for the NBC Morning Show
overplayed her popularity
earlier this
week when she passionately know
passionately demanded people
who don
black costumes for Halloween
and that is
she was I saw the segment she's
talking about black traditional
blackface with the exaggerated
red lips
and all that that is not what
she was
talking about but she used the
term no
that's all that happened all
she did was
use the term she's and then it
goes on a
thing that most Americans
understand is
definitely not okay unless their
intention is to offend I don't
know that
it is okay to offended the
Minister this
makes no sense this article
quote but
what is racist Kelly asked on
her show
because you do get in trouble
if you are
a white person who puts on
blackface on
Halloween or a black person who
puts on
white face for Halloween back
when I was
a kid that was okay as long as
you were
dressing up like a character
then it
appears that you can't even
discuss it
no even though you may be
discussing it
from a screwball perspective
wasn't right or it wasn't right
today's politically correct
standards it
would have been right in the
50s or the
60s have been right in the 50s
or the
she looks like kind of like a
character but they were
looking for something was a
trapdoor she
fell into it now they were just
in wait and no matter what she
did her
first apology was no good
according to
Roker her second apology was a
apology with fake tears
according to
these other people and it's
just now
she's done she is going to be
off the
air within a week the way it's
they'd have wasted no time of
tracking her and I think she
already got
a subtle Bolivian I think the
news is
out 69 million dollar
settlement to
leave 69 million dollar
settlement to
should take it starting take it
start a podcast
Conan got like NBC does this
and he is a
screwed up company for throwing
away like this NBC I think it
was 80
million cuz when Coolatta
moment the
Tonight Show and then they
bounced him
out because Leno wanted to the
show back
that was sucker by the way
before he
went to CNN you know sucker is
the place that he had this
bright idea
of doing Leno show at 10
o'clock during
primetime bumping off Law &
Order and
all the dramas and putting Leno
on every
night at 10:00 wasn't working
out is
killing their ratings almost the
network's never recovered the
wants to go back to the Tonight
Show big
have to fire Conan who has
promised the
show they give him 80 million
dollars to
go away and I mean what the
kind of did
was these guys there's a
terribly run
company no the Comcast owns
them now I
don't know how Comcast puts up
with this
the management at NBC it's
beyond me
well the good news is now
there's a slot
open for the return of Matt
Lauer and
with that I'd like to thank you
for your
courage the man who put the C
and clean
my toilet John Seymour ass well
in the
morning to you
Adam curry also all in the
morning to
all ships at sea boots on the
feet on the air subs in the
water and
all the Dames tonight's out
there and in
the morning to our troll room
which used
to be known as just the IRC
channel and
later became the chat room
avoid 0 set
that up thank you very much
running for
pretty much all 11 years I
think close
to it
troll room and no agenda stream
comm you
can go to that website on
Thursday and
Sunday mornings where you will
hear us
do the show live which is
pretty much
the same as the podcast with
just the
you know if like the ending
tightened up
in the beginning with a little
otherwise that you hear the
pre-show and
things that are going in the
showed go
south in this we lose
connections or
something we get to hear you
cut or hit
the wall it's bonus some people
see it
as a bonus but the troll room
is also
very important for me they do
on the fly
fact-checking check falls they
feed me one-liners they tell me
something's wrong and they get
a lot
wrong too when they troll but
that's the
beauty of it no agenda stream
comm thank
you in the morning to you
congratulations on 11 years was
other feature one-liners also
in the
morning to Darren O'Neill he
brought us
the artwork for Episode 1079 a
that was expand ovations I
should say
properly expand old vision well
I should per say it properly go
[Music] should per say it
properly go forth
beautiful should per say it
properly go forth
this was the jar of Grey Poupon
which was the no agenda Grey
Poupon yes
Dijon mustard now with more
oomph 33
ounces and there's a little
thing on the
on the jar top things got a
little joke
on their best buy 3 3 I can't
quite see
it something like that yeah I
finished my Grey Poupon story
but we'll
leave that for later or another
they did
know now I never finished the
story it's
ok we'll get to another time
it's a it's
a you interrupted it was a
shit yeah now we just you you
took over
mid-sentence and it was ok I
was just
like God you said something
so I'd I left it and then I was
wondering what the Grey Poupon
story is
it's not all that great but
it's I'll
tell at a different time it's
where it's
a showbiz story it involves show
business people like you only
often rails will usually it's a
lengthy for rougher here ok we
do have
some people to thank for the
show 11 years show 1080 and we
have show
1100 coming up pretty soon by
the way
which is another breakthrough
number all good numbers I like
very strong numbers very strong
love it and we have the top
donor is we
have a bunch of in so a couple
least one
or two instance Troy Thomas
with one one
one 3.31 o lot it that came in
as a
cheque and he came in with a
note in longhand and then he
went back
to all caps printing for good
I haven't written I haven't
written in
cursive II rice
and it's yours you gotta read
this in a
long time but I am trying to
how I bed like I am in fourth
grade 44th
our shirt just side again great
4th grade again I got a C in
so I will stop now it is
getting easier
as I write this but I will stop
now ok
back to all it happen it's just
back to something we can
I love no agenda I don't
remember how I
found it
but I remember cranky geeks so
about the column John but most
writing is shit now anyway your
messed up my podcast listening
I used to
listen to dumb stuff like her
idea cast
and career tools but I only
have so much
podcast time as my commute is
ironically you mentioned the
old Agnew's
hospital that closed my house
this is
the mental hospital I talked
about yeah
my house is now on the old
hospital land
it's called river mark and it's
master-planned community that is
actually walkable with safe
with a safe
way dry cleaning restaurants
and a
credit union there's a Wells
Fargo but I
would never bank with those
dumb shits
there's a piece to John here's
donation old-school way check
one one
13.3 one for show 1 1 1 3 okay
clear the
douchebag status for me and
send me some
jobs karma I first deduced
you've been
deduced karma I first deduced
you've been
he says we put the jobs come at
the end
of his note my staff and
engineering got
moved into IT and management
there there
sucks it's me it's time for me
to move
on it's me it's time for me to
please Knight me knight of
river mark
best you can choose a few clips
of olds
at the end of the show I think
or old
school anyway that was so
looking them a
little jobs jobs karma jobs and
that's that's for job by the
way you've
got karma one-dimension that
the the
void 0 IRC network was alive a
months before the show actually
I did not know void 0 then we
just this
is the beauty of this show and
we just
came into our lives and it's
still here
well for the troll to avoid
zeros at
bibs just a special person that
roses to
I have to give them credit for
but we
have lots of special people but
guys yeah yeah those get
further for the
dudes named Ben I'm sure
there's a few
others very literally sitting
in our
engine room all the time just
sure the engine is cranking and
other way we would we I mean
we've go so
broke on bandwidth costs and
they've you know they figured
it all out
they figured out how do we know
the most
effective way yes they're not
keep us safe certainly safe is
a lot a
lot cheaper than pod beam yes
all right
you've exceeded your bandwidth
I tried
getting your podcast man it
says your
band was succeeded what are we
to do now I can listen to the
because band was succeeded
sloth Marin often Trabuco Canyon
California one 11.11 which is
special associate executive
special for this particular
show 11th
anniversary I don't have a note
from him
Oh I don't have a note from him
hmm that's strange and it
doesn't seem
to have shown up in the
donation so I
will look for that and we'll
talk we'll
read his known in the next show
we can find it because he does
write in
oh yeah let me just check
I'm checking real quick here I
mean it
could be in the PayPal thing it
come through or is lawful let
me just
see if he shows up and I got
him in
anyway you know I don't I do
not have
more famous nights yeah okay
we'll get
him you get you later borislav
sir Craig
Porter and Council Bluffs Iowa
is the
second one one one eleven
eleven dollars 11 cents special
executive produced for show 11th
anniversary show Council Bluffs
Iowa a
john and anna i always feel bad
so many other producers write
such great
notes and all i can really all
I really
have to say is happy 11th
and please keep up the
excellent work in
media deconstruction I like to
ask for
some jobs karma in abeyance as
I may be
terminated from my current job
at a
major tech company due to
boneheaded that I did oh boy
won't find
out until Monday you always
have to have
anybody working at any level
where you
can write and cover your ass
memos just
do it constantly follow Mayor
example in Austin it's fine
administrative leave this whole
yeah your doom yeah doesn't
sound good
unless you're some situation
where you
can't fire because you know Tim
blame Trump blame Trump just
blame five
don't work any tips on how to
deal with
the meeting with my manager
about my
termination or appreciate yes I
stop I was so upset
by the lack of compassion our
has for the caravan and then
that he has
incited all this violence with
bombs I'm
sorry I must have temporarily
lost my
mind but I'm seeing someone and
I think
I'll be okay I need one more
week of the
paid leave and there's my idea
you can find some way to show
that you
had pointed whatever you did
wrong that
you had pointed out some issue
that was
never resolved that's a great
out that
got me out of a jam once like
two months
nobody said not enough about
your first
marriage what else does he say
may have
a please have an L Sharpton
thanks for
the full sir Timothy Scott
Lynnwood Washington becomes in
executive producer with 300
this is 11-11-11
times three one for myself one
for my
wife and one for expecting human
resource coming in April of
next year on
the show has helped me and I'm
others keep an even keel between
dimensions I've been a big fan
of Yeezy
for a long time this clip
showed me how
introspective he is in business
as I'm
linked to a youtube 24 is if
you want to
check it out f-bomb it at endo
attend ok I follow nanog and
American network operators
group fairly
closely you this year there was
computer science professor from
Wisconsin giving a speech on how
ruined our network
infrastructure will
be with mass flooding and more
storms which providers are at
risk really like the watch
talking about
global warming oh no I can't
Netflix now it's a problem in
for some jobs Carmen my current
is far below the greater
Seattle area
median for network engineers
Amazon thanks for keeping the
show going
11 years so Timothy Scott jobs
jobs and
jobs let's vote for jobs you
know you've
got karma just about Amazon my
my I have
resentment towards bazo's with
just what
he's doing and connecting
everything and
the advertising and the
tracking and so
I'm like you know I'm not gonna
go to
hole it was much closer Whole
Foods is
close by I'm gonna go to h-e-b
and we
have a real ghetto h-e-b which
I kind of
enjoy its way south on old Torf
and I was already I'm like I'm
make scallops for dinner and
with the
risotto never done in risotto
is my
first risotto I'm very excited
what are
you doing you said why I'm not
a big
risotto fan that's not nice
it's kind of soupy rice making
a risotto
got everything I go to the fish
for the scallops because of the
boil no ice no fish no scallops
nothing I race off to piano
like a real
Texas h-e-b or any of these
beasts is
another chain I've seen down
there that
are just big supermarkets that
are kind
of like appeal to the locals
that know
how to cook yep they're
fantastic stores
they got all kinds of stuff
you'll not
get it Whole Foods absolutely
true and
at a fraction of the price yeah
and and people are much happier
and just
there's a whole much better
but I did have to go to Whole
Foods they
- they only had they actually
had some
scallops still out they were
they can't
put any more fish produce out
it's done
no more fish products they
can't keep it
they can't ship it
so we'll be eating beef
barbecue well
maybe it's just a little plot
to get you
back on the meat wagon yeah we
have sushi on Thursday nights I
think that's gonna happen ain't
happening I don't think so in a
hoity-toity the Austin sushi
bar she
barchi sushi is famous in
Austin I don't
eat sushi anywhere if you're
not within
10 miles of an ocean coast just
habit of mine it's just there's
a belief
of mine hey you know what you
are banned
from coming to Austin okay
you're banned well not so with
Andrew snoops Magoo Bentley
he's in
Tacoma Washington at $333 leg
way nice I
like it congratulations on your
here anniversary Elevens my
lucky number
I was born on the 11th hour of
the 11th
day of the 11th month it wasn't
in 1911
nohow keep up the great work
Sir Andrew
snoops Magoo Bentley jingle
request any
Al Gore gloom and doom soundbite
followed by Obama saying you
you might
die and it now traps as much
extra heat
energy every day as would be
released by
500,000 Hiroshima class atomic
exploding every day you've got
to get
Karma I like it Arthur coonass
in parts
unknown $250 excellent product
he begins
his note thank you that I enjoy
much there are so many lies miss
directions hysteria and complete
nonsense to the MSM mainstream
that your show is an island of
from my weary soul nice for
your needed
work keep it up for another 11
thank you very much we love
being an
island of repose for your weary
soul and
thank you for your support of
the show I
don't know about another 11
years though
yeah we both had the same like
kind of
like wait the way you think
about my
risotto wait the way you think
about my
well maybe thing about your
resort I've
never had your risotto I'm
talking about
risotto in general okay I don't
soupy risotto balls dollars so
this kind
of suit a little soupy and it
loses its
it's whatever bird jet in El
Paso Texas
$250 he writes in a note damn
it use
this note he's apparently
sitting in
like a number of notes oh yes
sir bass I
think is like three I don't
know if this
is on there you're gonna do
that you
would take a note sir bomb hits
bourbon back in the saddle
living down
in sunny El Paso home of Beto
been a couple of years since
donated due to my many excuses
to common
and boring to repeat here since
been corrected in the proper
term in the
proper term of bong rips and
because I
have graduated a single malt
I would like to retire my
current title
and request a new one oh okay
hey baby
Eric may have it on there let
me surpass
night of the Sun City yes we
have it sir
bong had some bourbon goes to
night of the Sun City yes that
is on the
peerage notation list now shout
out to
my smokin hot wife who thinks
you two
are annoying hey shout out back
at ya
I'm slowly winning her over
probably not
doubtful the garland clan and PA
Washington including Brielle
Dame Elise
hot fisherwoman and cousin Ian
as well
as my mana Seattle jinda whoever
unfortunately call out as a
for not donating I have to call
out as a
douchebag for not donating get
me just a
big giant family
yeah people related to the
garlic that's
insane that's did they I what
I'd like
to know is did Dame at least
get other
people to listen or was that
is it something that runs in
bloodline it something that
runs in their
I think her brother is a
natural for the
show and this is just one of
the many
people that we have come to
adore over
the years who just don't you
ask his
Dame Elise gives us free things
okay I was going in a different
way but
yeah send this free shit we
adore you
man send this free shit we
adore you
speaking of adoration just cuz
it came
up Beto Beto this is a 12
second clip
and there's something wrong
with this
you can't go 10 feet without an
interruption from a Beto backer
watch I
love you too thank you all
you're a
rockstar you too thank you all
you're a
no no it's just when is the
last time we
actually had a quote-unquote
rock star
hello 1980s stars a look of
that lead
guitar player lead the lead of
the cars
Oh Riko cassock he has a Ric
goofball look it's not a rock
star rock
star we just need to you know
it's no
it's just an anachronism rush
don't you
play that clip because this
note goes
like this a few things from my
perspective down here before I
get into
the main reason I'm able to
support you
two and your stellar work one
every house in El Paso has a
Beto sign yard oh it's
criminals going
door-to-door selling solar and
amazed the level of support
this town
throws one of it at the one of
their own
that being said they're mostly
hypocrites as many of them
don't have
solar or even want to add it to
homes regardless of Beto you
change your pitch hi I'm here
on behalf
of Beto by the way that was
yesterday I got this I got this
message I despise this because
you know
I try not to be tracked at all
from a
737 number and it was hi Adam
George am with Beto for Texas
voting has started we're fired
up to
vote you can early vote based
on public
records we think you're
registered to
vote in Travis County check
HERE for
where to early vote when will
you vote
and so I texted back I said dear
georgeanna I'm so sorry to hear
this Ted
asked me last week and I've
already made
a date with him but maybe next
heart and she replied he said
oh that's
that's actually pretty funny
okay have a
nice day I was like oh that's
that's there's a real human
being there
I guess
so much money oh it's 33
million pegye
oh they got time to be texting
with me
all day all right anybody goes
on he
says not my business my company
energy and solar solutions in
El Paso
Texas Las Cruces Albuquerque and
Pensacola here currently we are
expanding into other markets as
we'll see if you use enough
energy to
benefit you get a 30% tax
credit goes on
he says here's my call to
action if any
no agender agender x' and these
surrounding areas go solar with
company I will donate 333
dollars to no
agenda in your name that's
right an
executive producer ship for
saving money
and the planet proudness and
the website
is a merica soem of noe m ER
aki sol
america soul uno em ER k is ola
solutions that comes as one
word merica
sold solar solutions calm oh
you are
something else a for Ike was
so it's Merrick ma ra k solar
not come all one word now you
get a free
estimate he wants the step of
poopers of the DOE says John
don't shit
on solar after you read this
piece o
door do put the link in the
show notes
thank yo jingles no karma okay
thank you
very much that's highly
appreciated Ryan
sir Donald Silva in E you a
beach Hawaii
Hawaii Mahalo he's check-in
kind of an interesting note I
know he's been of this nice sir
Soler forever
he's also an NJ in case I know
to get
prepared when my wife died in
93 from
cancer I stopped working I
helped my
mother for a while with her
finances but then I stopped
entirely I
was an optical physicist well I
came to
Hawaii what what does an optical
physicist do these are guy
deals with
the physics of lenses is
waiting for one
thing okay I came to Hawaii
where I
probably got more than to it
than that
I'm sure I came to Hawaii where
haven't I learned the healing
the heat I
can't read it was written
about lomi lomi healing aspect
of the
lomi lomi massage and I got
in metaphysics occult knowledge
that's way this is our show I
thought he
was for here for the lomi lomi
what is
it called Mira lo Milla now at
82 hello
I think it's over thinking I
would die
two years ago I found that I
have I'm
very much alive and thinking of
world about the world at large
the best
explanation is given by sounds
good for
me to get degree descends with
face even though we like the
guy the
best explanation is given by
David Icke
hello I love all beings except
the mice
that get into my house I live
in I live
10 feet from the water and it's
I've lost 20 feet of my
property to the
ocean soon the water it's
called erosion
will claim my home which is
which will
go first me or my house don't
know my
poor handwriting is due to a
stroke it's
actually good handwriting
compared to
most people stroke or not but I
you'll like you know I know you
handwritten notes
I'm sorry you lost your job
John your
column was a highlight reading
for me
also I made it to the end Aloha
Mahalo it sounded when you were
it sounded like your edibles
had finally
kicked in yeah
it's just I don't know I like
it now
it's funny
hey sir Donald Silva thank you
very much
it's highly appreciated we love
from you
David Icke and he's been around
for a
long time so now he's great
supporter four times
forth in Hendersonville North
two three four five six this
puts me
over for knighthood I'd like to
knighted sir puck of the
Western North
Carolina accounting
sir dick bangs of DC adequate
name for
Washington DC where is from
$222 doll
the Beagle and knew what to do
Heidelberg Germany I work for
work I was
interested in seeing Patrick
barracks where my grandfather
stationed when my father and
uncle were
children about 60 years ago
unfortunately now it's no-go
Somalia Somali refugee camp huh
if only get afyon is the
African refugee
immigration plug we're still
thanks Hilary and for that
knowledge thank you to need
resource Carmen number three
baking a
new car my sidebar I'm an Eagle
there you go do a DC Jesuit
High School
not many of us thanks for the
sanity not
to be read on the show and it
goes on
the little inside information
that will
yes thank you very much sir
dick bangs
and what he wanted human
resource karma
and new home karma it's
packaged in one
for you right here
you've got karma sure team of
tunnels two hundred twenty two
and twenty two says he's also
in Hawaii
in Waipahu uh keep this short
so happy
anniversary as a bag of Elevens
for each
of you if you Wizards 22222 we
good point if you can scrounge
up some
vintage seed man that would be
s's karma
for all sort immer the tunnels
these are pigs that one do a
one was it this one
[Music] was it this one
you was it this one
yeah this is a good one and
which which
Carmen did you need a goat
Karma right
okay my god for 25 years
they've been
growing babies and you've got
Josh de
Honi by the way Alex Jones
doing very
well in Austin now with his
murky water
sales just flying off the shelf
Oh a bet they are this is a
bonanza for
you yes then they laughed uh-huh
yeah they laughs I mean that
most of
these water deals are not you
anything to break the bird he
is an
outstanding product yeah it
does because
it's at folds a real deal it's
not like
a cheap piece not like just a
filter to
make your water taste better
right which
is what I use I use zero water
I think
is the best tasting water this
is your
water in there you refrigerate
it it is
absolutely delicious much
better than
ambien and much better than
risotto and much better than
you got us keep stirring it you
know I
know it takes a little aber
there is a shortcut methodology
actually works I've seen it but
something that one of these
chefs dreamed up and yeah you
got to do
it the official way keep adding
liquid keep adding stirring all
John forget it I'm not making
risotto in
Pennington New Jersey $200 ITM
thank you for the years of hard
research time and effort you
are my
standard for news there is no
podcast in the universe
please d douche me and send my
wife Melissa some job karma
thanks thank
you so much and that's very
sweet of you
[Music] so much and that's very
sweet of you
sure Bruce and Doylestown
200 happy 11 looking at what
doing hope you continue in good
this donation makes me a
baronet no
accounting below because they
remember any of it night in
2014 folder love the hair and
jnk sore
Bruce who will add your title
later in
our ceremony thank you at
Sunday list
yes think it is and last is an
and Lafayette California right
up the
street from me it's been about
a year
following the NA show I didn't
see you
at the meet up love it born and
in Holland Adams Adams English
with the
Dutch accent is the best hey
selassie Judy Medina but it
condone us was Cavill the hon
and I
agree with my dust my pure
Dutch close
to John for the past 29 years
and I have
a kid in UT Austin University
of Texas
right also a little bit of
junkie so between your show the
podcasts and no-spin news plus
your fun
San Francisco Bay Area and
Austin local
updates Francisco Bay Area and
Austin local
I'm happy camper thanks guys
thank you
very much I'm gonna give her a
about very nice you've got
karma come to
the meetup eat up eat up all
but the concludes are about
executive and and associate for
1080 of an especial anniversary
donations thank everyone for
helping us
out there today
it was great that was this very
list and I love reading the
stories and
what I like reading the most is
consistently saying you did
that helped me with my
psychology with
my with just living better and
that gets me up has been
getting me up
from bed 11 years long and
she's just staring and cries
right ladies curled up in a
ball that's
right stirring my risotto to
appreciate all of these
producers an associate executive
producers I think you should be
able to
say I am the executive or social
executive producer
of the 11th anniversary show of
the No
Agenda podcast that is your
credit for this one so go out
on display
display display that display
proudly wherever credits are
because they will be recognized
if not
we're happy to vouch for you
we'll be thanking more people
it's quite
a nice list for our Levant
in our second donation segment
and of
course we will have 11 years
and 1
episode 10 81 coming up on
remember us for that episode of
slash us for that episode of org
our formula is this we go out
for your
people in the mouth
[Music] in the mouth
and as usual for these kinds of
celebrations we will carry it
over to
Sunday so if anybody who still
wants to
get in and oh yes some phrase
from us
will definitely be look we look
to that okay we had what before
we waste
up yeah I'm stopping you know
okay okay
now you're gonna be stirring
this this
our Borah rice or whatever they
the right buddies that right
correct abour fishes yeah that
that Italian especially should
be from
Italy yes and then you're gonna
some very good parmesan yes
they have
very good parmesan you just
have think
oh I have parmesan willow sends
parmesan several times a year
fro from
Italy oh yeah oh yeah you
poopoo you're
not tasting my risotto ever I
don't care
okay tasting my risotto ever I
don't care
I wouldn't mind tasting never
parmesan she sends you she
probably send
you some if you're nice to me
maybe if I mean to you should
say your
relationship shot yes do you
have more -
well yeah you know that Oh God
please stir it and stir it and
stir it
endlessly this is not the idea
cooking to me it's the idea of
there's so many other route to
both the
French and the Italians to be
about do not know how to cook
rice the
Iranians are the people who have
affected how to cook rice okay
I am neither I'm done I'm you
okay bones
connected to the anklebone and
the ankle
bones connected to the shin
bone and the
shin bones connected to the
knee bone
and the knee bones connected to
thigh bone yep he's all
together looks
like that's khashoggi we have
official pronunciation we've
been trying
to figure this out now we're
here yes
wait oh we have the official
it a pronoun pronunciation of
you said Jamarcus - G was could
Kikuchi Jamarcus - casue G
there you go
Jamal cashew G is now the
official and
no agenda pronunciation of the
name even
though I asked is still on the
Jamarcus - G and so the
official way to
pronounce it is Jamal ha Scheck
schecky no come Jim out jamal
gee that's the official way
okay I want
you to pronounce it that way
from now on
I want to do Sharpton's way
okay jemelle
gosh after the keshavjee
kai-shek Yuji Kuroiwa shogi
versus Yoshi
it's not now your mom kai-shek
tomorrow suji Seiji okay
doesn't really