January 27th, 2019 • 2h 46m
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do you have your gaffer tape to
fix that
again Adam curry is no agenda
northern Silicon Valley where I
be doggone I'd be long gone I'm
alright who's writing your
openings now
damn cook Wow from the grey
way to go hey nice yeah Manju
jean-claude hello Bonjour in
the morning
to you yes Morey all ships at
sea limit
an exactly well well well what
interesting series of events
yes again
show's over we do two days it
but hectic excitement yeah and
it almost
result a lot of it resolves
itself again
I've had so many calls from
from our
producers in DC although most
of most of
our producers who are really in
the know
of stuff they're much more
interested in
talking about Venezuela and
most of them
say pay attention because you
that's where we're headed
that's that's
what it's gonna be like for us
yeah well
yeah well like Bernie and that's
probably true yeah Bernie came
out made
a big stink about this whole
together we should be back in
Maduro I
mean come on now let's just
let's just
back this up for a second what
what a
fantastic oh is what it is what
I keep
hearing the term guys with guns
well yes
it's just I get it's you know
what's the
difference between is soft coup
and a
hard coupe I think Trump is
more of a
soft cool no it's just no soft
coup is
until the military takes over
oh yes
well that's the definition I've
and I think
very close as my my sources
sources say
sources familiar with the
situation the
United States has offered visas
to all
Venezuela military personnel -
one guy
yeah that was in the embassy in
or the
consulate in Washington who
when he
refused to be called back and
he was a
military guy mm-hmm he's kind
of hung I
actually have a clip which I
covers all of this it's not a
bad run
down this is the Venezuela run
down on
NBC the Secretary of State Mike
today putting the world on
notice now
it's time for every other
nation to pick
a side no more delays no more
Pompeyo urging action at a
tense UN
Security Council meeting to
address the
unfolding political and
crisis in Venezuela if you
stand with
the forces of freedom or you're
league with Maduro and his
mayim i
forgot about forces of freedom
that's scrumptious freedom
brought to
you by forces humanitarian
crisis in
Venezuela either you stand with
forces of freedom or you're in
with Maduro and his Mayim those
Pompeo spoke of led by 35
opposition leader juan guido
this week
was named interim president by
venezuelan parliament drawing
from president Nicolas Maduro
calling it
an American orchestrated coup
tweeting no one is going to
subdue us we
will never surrender the split
plunged Venezuela further into
Maduro handpicked by former
Hugo Chavez is largely blamed
for the
country's economic decline with
inflation rates up to 1.3
percent according to a study by
opposition-controlled National
Maduro has support only from a
of countries including Russia
and China
more than a dozen nations are
behind why
though after the u.s. announced
Maduro lashed out expelling
diplomats from the collapsed
testing that states are
resolved to
protect our own people the Trump
administration maintaining a
hard line
as protesters in the u.s. pick
sides we
can't be sitting here
complaining about
interference from abroad in our
while we're supporting the one
that is
essentially creating a coup and
word tonight the Venezuela's
ranking military diplomat in
has broken with the Maduro
regime i gotta tell you man
Pompeyo and
whoever else was involved in
this did a
good job on teeing everybody up
you know 17 countries
immediately to
recognize guido as as the man
I'm not
quite sure who's the same way
Intel roll
out the Itanium the what just
you'd only
remember this do you know know
the type
so they had this super chip
that they
were gonna roll I was gonna
replace the
x86 series oh okay yeah
and they they did this they did
all this
pre you're gonna be with us
you're gonna
be with us you do this we're
gonna do a
joint announcement and it was
very well
orchestrated probably the best
ever but
it resulted in so much
that never never happened again
quite at
that level but that's what you
do it's
just it's like it's a mark form
marketing you just yeah well of
that's that's what politics is
is all
marketing there was one extra
thing about the voting machines
that got
Maduro re-elected these were a
bunch of
I think British machines
cybernetic huh who I'm not sure
if they
still had Maduro in their pocket
thinking okay this is all good
here we
go in March 2018 Smartmatic the
electoral product company which
participated in the majority of
elections under the Bolivarian
government ceased operations in
Venezuela as said they could no
guarantee the validity of
results through its machines
as if they ever could well I
guess they
had their their outcomes
and maybe someone got wise to
it and
changed that around but this is
important for for United States
oil as
and you know more about this
than I do
but it's my understanding that
refiners in the u.s. like to
get this
Venezuelan crude to mix up with
Texas stuff that I've ever
heard of is
Bolivian mm-hmm and so I have
to assume
that a lot of the crew down in
America's is so the stuff is so
the the
problem with crude oil is the
and they not so much though as
amount of sulfur that is in the
and they had stuff coming out
of Bolivia
that they would run through
this little
refinery they created over by
the Union
refiner on the coast here I
remember the neighbors Pacific
I think
and they just took nothing but
they had
they had this refinery was such
that it
didn't even need any equipment
whatsoever just put it through
the pipes
sulfur out and yeah and I was
told by
somebody when I was in there
working and
up there
that you could take this
Bolivian crude
and put it right in a diesel
truck and
drive it off nice right right
out of the
ground right out of the ground
into your
truck but I'm assuming that
this dis
Venezuelan oil which is right
next door
is similar it's a really
product right yeah
but but are you familiar with
the with
the mixing that that's what we
know it
makes sense yeah but that's
the way it's not generally the
way it
works you don't mix the oils
before you
put them through the process
you're just causing more
trouble it's
just doesn't seem sensible Oh
hmm if you
give you get refined
Texas crude you can refine
Texas crude I
think I refined the other stuff
too it's
just a it's almost like CMOS
yeah this is from I got this
from oil
price calm ever since we started
pipelines you know was looking
pipelines I follow a lot of
energy stuff
so I had no idea what what
validity this
has but they said one reason
Gulf Coast
refiners continue to rely on
imports of
Venezuelans heavy oil despite
collapsing oil production
scene exports of crude oil to
the UH
well shit where was it now I
lost my
place anyway it was the
refiners needed
it I don't know well I don't
know you I
don't know why they needed more
need any other oil but maybe
maybe has
some properties that are good
for some
other byproducts so who knows I
do know
this I was looking at the list
of the
countries with the most oil
reserves in
Venezuela's number one Saudi
Arabia and
for sure what we don't want is
more of
these four hundred consultants
Russia who have been sent in
you know
that means consultants code
name for
Special Forces the Chinese are
all there
now the Chinese are in there
and they're
they're pissed because I think
owes them forty or fifty
billion dollars
for stuff that they never
expected to
get paid for but hey that's how
works like okay you can't pay
for it
that's ours so this could come
to an
interesting conflagration yeah
that is
an interesting situation right
this play
they have a long clip here from
Democracy Now which takes a
angle on this and I I think
there's some
justification for some of these
some of
these assertions but actually
let me
jump to the clip right that
would follow
this but let's play the short
clip first
which is Venezuela the
professor Toki
tundra Velasco let's begin with
you your
assessment of what's taken
place so far
are we seeing a coup in the
making yeah
I mean absolutely there's no
question on
the other hand
the Maduro government lacks
amount of popular support in to
significant extent also legal
and as you just mentioned I
from a couple of weeks they're
just on
Tuesday and the level of
especially among popular
sectors that
have previously strongly
ludo and certainly beforehand
Chavez is
palpable that has to do with
prices it
has to do with public services
that does not translate and it
hasn't in
the past and it's unclear
whether it
does now to support for the
which on its own terms has
certainly these last few moves
and has
advanced an agenda that that is
Venezuela into tremendous
degree of a
political and social uncertainty
now in the the now in the long
clip but
what he's saying is that
ready for this in the long clip
bring something up I hope it's
in here
it's not I'll talk about it
this whole
situation of the collapsed
economy in
Venezuela which the Socialists
are upset
about because of the Bernese
and the AO
sees and the rest because they
like to see something social
that that
was pure socialism actually
work now are
they also but please tell me
certainly Bernie has also got
to be
saying hey man maybe we
shouldn't be
doing these coos he's he's
talking about
that at all I was just saying
leave the
socialist so she hasn't got any
clips okay I do know that he's
all in
for Maduro sure but let's play
overview from Democracy Now
President Nicolas Maduro
Republic of
Venezuelan defense ministers
came one day after President
announced the US would recognize
opposition leader Hwang Guido as
Venezuela's new president why
doe the
new head of Venezuela's National
Assembly declared himself
president on
Wednesday during a large
protest on Thursday US
Secretary of
State Mike Pompeo pledged to
send twenty
million dollars to the
opposition in the form of
aid to address the shortages of
food and
medicine caused in part by
harsh US
Pompeyo made the announcement
speaking at the OAS the
Organization of
American States right the time
debate is done the regime a
president Nicolas Maduro is
his regime is morally bankrupt
economically incompetent and it
profoundly corrupt
it is undemocratic to the core
I repeat
the regime of former President
Maduro is illegitimate we
consider all of its declarations
inaccurate and actions
illegitimate and
invalid Secretary of State
Pompeo speech
was interrupted by code pink
Medea Benjamin who'll join us
later in
the broadcast in other
Venezuelan president Nicolas
Maduro has
ordered the u.s. to remove all
of its
diplomats by Venezuela from
but Washington is ignoring the
claiming Maduro no longer has
to take such action while the
US Embassy
in Caracas is staying open the
Department has ordered
diplomats and embassy staff to
Venezuela meanwhile Maduro has
all of Venezuela's diplomatic
staff in
the United States to return
home the
crisis is happening just weeks
Maduro was sworn into a second
term following his victory in an
election last May that was
boycotted by
several of the opposition
groups the
international community
remained split
on the situation in Venezuela on
Thursday UN Secretary General
Guterres are urged all actors
to quote
lower tensions and pursue every
to prevent violence and avoid
escalation Mexico and Ottawa
have urged
all sides to hold negotiations
Thursday Mexico's new president
Manuel Lopez Obrador
spoke out against for
intervention in
Venezuela in politics today
most day we
should conduct foreign
relations with
the principles of
non-intervention of
the self-determination of
peoples of
peaceful solutions to disputes
but many other countries in the
hemisphere have joined with the
States and supporting the
attempted coup
this includes Brazil Canada
Argentina and Chile here in the
States the leaders of the
Party have also largely
Trump's actions you know we do
have a
new actor on the scene who has
really come up yet in in any of
the news
reports although I think they
could have
a field day with it el
Abrams do you remember Elliott
yeah he was he was the and he
involved in iran-contra he
worked for he
cropped up and he was I guess
National Security Adviser forums
administration's what I can't
sorry didn't he just get put
into some
job a special envoy for
Venezuela like
two days ago
like hello yes contra the guy
exactly what to do we're gonna
use local
South American assets which
will be you
know some kind of some military
mercenaries and they're gonna
finish up
the job yeah wait from finger
number one
know what they've China here to
everybody if you listen to
enough of
these whoa whoa did they come
for you do
we need to stop tape Johnny you
mention these reports my okay
what's your mic did you Mike
fall off
yeah okay all right problem
what it did
was knocked over my volume
control like
really well no go ahead turn it
up I
can't wait do you have your
gaffer tape
to fix that again from the last
time it
that's test test yeah of course
this happens it never falls on
musical instruments and
destroys them
forever that's too bad never
does that
get does the recorder get
destroyed ever
anyway so what they're leaving
out is
that the United States and
embargoes the
sanctions it'll work you know
so much in
Europe or places that were even
that mean they do work to a
point but
they really do work they worked
well in Venezuela and what made
it work
and it's the sanctions that
brought the
economy down over there yeah
and and
what really did the trick was
told citko which is owned by
the it's their outlet for the
products gas stations all over
the place
so when you're putting Citgo
gasoline in
your car you're using
Venezuelan crude
as the base you're actually a
when you use it so when you
were so they
toss it go because of the
sanctions they
couldn't send any of the money
back to
Venezuela that all the profits
from the
gas station right so we're so
it stayed
here yeah we are so good at
this well
it's true it's really well
here's the
thing but what's the
alternative some
people bring up the fact that
we don't
play fair and this particular
which was a good one just to
freeze the
assets you know make them I
mean right
we're not stealing the money
let's put
it that way it still belongs to
but it can't leave the country
right and
that is like over a billion
dollars that
Venice or that could probably
use the
way but no they don't even have
to the way I see this is it's
it's kind
of a non-starter choice yeah
either we
do it or Russia does it or the
do it somebody's gonna do it it
is in
South America it's kind of
close to us
so I understand I understand the
thinking it doesn't make me
feel much
better about the New World
Order I I do
understand where they're coming
yeah it's our it's our we have
this is
ours I'm kind of that's like
that's why
you can see what China gets so
about us dicking around in
Asia and places like that
that's very orchid the Chinese
although they are very involved
Brazil but now that we got our
guy in in
Brazil another pet peeve of
now and the Socialists that may
ending and we really may have
better relationships with yen's
Brazil jumped on board with us
on this
Venezuela thing yes so
Olsen ro is gonna be likely to
be a good
a life to us and he make you
know help
us okay here's what I'm gonna
this because this is much
bigger than
just Venezuela of course I
think that
we're going to see a deal with
Trump and G very soon to smooth
whatever those guys the Chinese
need in
Venezuela for their investments
I think
that this may be a leveraging
point the
Trump would use to get the trade
agreements in place feels like
what's gonna happen Russia I
have no
idea what they're doing other
anything Russia's cares too
much about
this has said that means that
that oil but they got four
Special Forces I don't know I'm
not Jade
like to know what the what's
going on Oh
whenever someone sends in
you know what that means
they had they had gold mining
rights the
Russians in fact they've
received it not
even too long ago I think oh
that might
be gold let me see yeah the
got a gave Russia a permission
to mine
gold which is another issue
wrapped up in all of this but
Russia's maybe just sending
people in to
protect their gold assets
that's that's
possible but the Chinese there
really irked about it some of
Venezuelans actually yeah but I
that Professor that was at the
clip I played mm-hmm now were
one of the
early clips whose Vinc he's
and he teaches a talks about
this heat
it's the upper classes of
Venezuela that
have been when Chavez was
running the
place did he think he kept them
yeah Maduro has not and he's
run him out
of town basically made him
that's part
of the three million people
that can
afford to leave the country or
there's a
lot of poor people but there's
also many
of the upper-class
an intellectual class in the
country was
forced out and once they you
lose that
group it could be problematic
they have a lot of influence
other elsewhere and this was I
think is
part of what's going on now
also have
the feeling that the president
the Trump
knew nothing about this or was
unaware of it and just that he
just you
know Pompeo it might be his baby
I mean this is that this is
what CIA
does and that may not be so
that we also have this Roger
fracas which is dominating the
news I
would say the ratio of
Venezuela Roger
stone news as Venezuela one
stone nine
just in weight of what
attention that's
given oh yeah that and that in
at least as much stone coverage
was the
the Trump caved coverage you
get all
this very kind of almost the
tonight's that style of stories
Venezuela yeah exactly which is
a real
story yo it's the only real
story yeah
no it is not as entertaining
and as weak
as you'll find it when we get
to the yes
stone stuff well what else do
you have
on Venezuela cuz that's about
all I got
that quickie this can been
actually been played well what
is the
end game what is the end game
Venezuela we have to get much
Maduro up everyone has to
accept Guido
Bhama once we've accepted him
then we
can start doing the deals and
making the
Chinese whole and and give the
whatever mining contracts they
want that
seems like it would be
something to that
order which as long as we
control the
oil you know like Iraq what
possibly go wrong
well I would like to know what
this because we know that Java
this is pretty much the story
of the
book economic hitman yes
economic hitman
which is one of them I think
of an economic hitman is one of
primary books that this show
uses for
theory the first book the first
of early release after he got
compromised now the as the
story goes
that you know it was Chavez who
wanted to wouldn't play ball
with us and
what that means as I guess
turnover and
half the country of the United
interests and he would just
wasn't gonna
do it and they tried to kill
him and
then he really got he ran
outside all
the journalists and everybody
out of the
country because they were all a
bunch of
Stooges for the CIA
and then he took firm control
of the
country and at some point we
kind of
gave up hmm let's sit go in you
still has all these gas
stations and
there nobody does anything
about that
sister but you know we kind of
gave up
on and then when the heap and
Maduro to take over it's so I
that's when they put those
section no in the in these
intelligence agencies was we're
on Chavez problem they started
up again
and I took him about this long
to get to
this it took six years cuz
Maduro has
been in for six years right he
just got
reelected so six years have
gone by and
now we've decided to go ramp it
up again
so see no see no visa casino
Venza I'm
sorry is crude oil producer in
Venezuela and in September the
announcement came that Maduro
they'd sold nine point nine
percent of
seen a visa to the Chinese
Petroleum Corporation
who after that owned 49% of
Cena visa
the that's a problem Chinese
will have a
real issue with that well that's
probably what triggered that
whole thing
that would be the catalyst we
do sell anything to us
cuz we're trying to get in
there yeah
and they're telling us a pound
sand yeah
I'm so they let the Chinese
waltz in and
take 50% of the main refiner
yeah over
the past 10 years China's China
over 50 billion in Venezuela
in oil for loan agreements
energy supplies for its
economy right okay so that
would be the
issue right there and I think
China is a
little too far from home to get
us now god this is so evil it's
it's just evil yeah but what's
the evil
part oh just how the world
works and
well it's nothing new to us but
people really understood you
know just
take a random college kid he
said hey
you know this is actually how
it still
kind of works I think they
would I mean
they can't even have me read
they can't even handle a red
hat I mean
just yeah just nothing changes
changes it's all the same well
know one big thing no China no
college kids are stupid yeah you
certainly are getting an
education that's for sure
that's you're
sure coming out to be I guess
that makes
sense that the the joint
venture and the
sale giving China 49 percent of
crude company is a problem yeah
has every right to do that and
I didn't
have every right to have that
but I guess for us is just we
just can't
handle that so we have to go
down and
mess everything up we don't
trust the
Chinese no they're not to be
just look at your look at your
individual interactions with
them the
Chinese believe that everyone's
space is
get out of my space is my space
your space that okay whose
space it is
they're rude they think it's
funny when
they can steal something from
us I'm not
saying anything else and that's
Chinese are that is their
culture and
they and they admit it well
that's why
they have such harsh penalties
in China
first what we would think of as
infractions right hang some guy
this still doesn't help well
with that
one guy of mine sorry
well if they hang one guy for
that one
guy it might change but not
okay all right now what we're
closer to the - it's good but
it's gonna
fall apart this is just uh this
is this
is a coup and we're gonna this
like one that they're that
they're the
agency or whoever's behind the
activities it's not going to
botch it
looks like it won't be botched
no I also
think it's not necessarily the
Intelligence Agency I think
this is the
geospatial-intelligence agency
where you get that from but oh
maybe I
can't maybe I can't tell you
where I got
it from but why what's there I
care where you got it from but
would be the rationale these
are these
they've grown their
capabilities way
beyond what CIA does they they
they are
the true spy agency now in my
estimation because they're
looking from
space they got everything going
in there
they change their name from
geospatial agency to national
geospatial-intelligence agency
gives you
a clue really space force
thanks for just think of all
things think of all these
things coming
together yeah they have they
incredible capabilities and I
think it
may go beyond their military
you know who's running the show
he's the
CIA running the show
I don't think CIA is running
any show
anymore yeah the Roger stone
show that's
what they're running well let's
about the Roger stone show yeah
who pops
up after months of being quiet
he's not anywhere to be found
stone gets arrested who pops up
Brennan propped up to you IU
was not I
didn't see one instance of
anywhere right there on the
morning Jose
mr. director good to see you I
know you
haven't read through the
we're still reading through it
but what's your initial
reaction is the
broad term that's being used as
unsurprising I mean everybody
expecting this Roger stone was
it as well but like many people
in the
mr. stone has an established
record of being unethical and
unprincipled and now this is
catching up
with them and now a seven count
indictment I think it's a very
start the clip over and tell me
they booked that everybody in
discussion admitted that they
read the indictment
oh no this goes this keeps
going this
like oh I didn't really read it
I didn't
read of course they all read it
it's Liars his Liars it comes
plus it comes back and this
this I
didn't read it comes back in a
moment so
instead of starting it over
I'll just
continue it comes back you're
right about that but it shows
that the
special counsels office is
the evidence it needs and so
just like
mr. stones indictment I'm not
gonna be
surprised by the other
indictments that
are gonna be coming down the
pike very
soon recently I will never
against Donald Trump you think
calculus has changed this
morning I
think it's changing and will
change you
know if he decides to go down
for mr.
Trump it's going to be you know
his loss
but I think there many people
who have
that a position and then change
it very
quickly when as was
the federal guidelines and
tend to wasn't getting to them
so so he
shows up all of a sudden just
months of being very quiet says
hasn't come on the air sure I
mean I've
been so busy having that time
but you
know for Roger stone I think I
got this
massive massive importance
nothing about
no no just about Roger stone so
exactly are these I know you
read the indictment but oh my
gosh what
are these indictments and what
and who else is gonna get to
how many more indictments would
expect among the senior Trump
official listen to AB laughing
any more
indictments would you expect
campaign officials that are
in here stone told senior Trump
officials about materials
possessed by
organization one WikiLeaks so
that's in
the multiple and then also
there is a
trump supporter that stone was
interfacing with about the
drop well I expect that over
the next 60
days you're going to have a
fair number
of a significant number of
indictments I
think people are waiting for
the report
that is coming out from Muller
but what
I look for most is the
indictments and
it's just so rich in detail to
me I
think all of these indictments
are going
to be is basically the
Compendium really
so all these indictments that
he has of
process client crimes pretty
much and
crimes outside of the scope you
know for
tax evasion that's going to be
Compendium ie the he's going to
have a
binder filled with all his
and that will be the report
it's the
compendium sounds like a great
you got
the right term they're
processed crimes
exactly as they were processing
crimes took place but let's
listen to
you know non-reading indictment
patients so I expect there to
be a
significant number and it's a
number of names that are going
to be
quite familiar to the average
who everybody who has a name
familiar with the American
people beyond
there at you worn running as
you kind of
watch the Muller dominoes fall
and you
said more to come very very
soon who's
the next Domino on the spot
when Jimmy
the Greek here who's the next
time I
don't know Oh big names house
what names
oh I don't know because you
know people
are innocent until people are
until alleged to be involved in
kind of criminal activity just
listen to
the new laws of the nation
please until
their alleged no because you
know people
are innocent until well alleged
to be
involved in some type of this
is the
former director of CIA who has
this high
Muslim has nothing to do with
these if
he's a Muslim or not you just
tested him
now no because you know people
innocent until well alleged to
involved in some dr. Brennan I
in leafing through this
indictment we've
only just gotten in Ted it
Pierce Roger
stone is only indicted for
things that
happened after the
investigation began
but you said an investigation
sounds like someone was able to
read the
indictment this sounds like no
one read
it and then this guy read it no
castigation began but you said
investigation was underway back
in 2016
can we read from this
indictment that
the special counsels office
that what Roger stone did in
2016 before
he committed these lying to
investigators or whatever that
that was
all legal
no again I haven't read the
and I know that in the summer
of 2016
I had numerous conversations
with Jim
called me about what was
happening in
terms of what the Russians were
what was being pushed out
publicly how
they got access to the
information who
might have facilitated the
release of
information and so whether or
not you
know Roger stone was involved
again I defer to the special
office but it was an ongoing
intense investigation at that
time to
see what US persons or
officials might
have been working with the
either wittingly or unwittingly
interfere in the election and
attention to the words
wittingly or
they will be very important I'm
convinced of it it propped it
crops up
with the Brennan but the person
initially used it in a lie was
who was asked if the NSA ever
has any
kind of eavesdropping on
citizens and he lied and he
said well no
at least not wittingly what is
the exact
definition of wittingly explain
Muslim comments I'm going to
calling him a Muslim to calling
him a
Salafist okay okay which is the
sect yes
that is the radical one and we
think we have one Salafist to
list so
the show may be but I'm sure he
donate let's all just stay with
Salafist cuz he has to be a
Salafi he
supposedly became did went
through the
process in Saudi Arabia which
is a
Wahhabist generally speaking
which is a
Salafist offshoot so yeah
Miriam Webster
definition of wittingly is
it's interesting chiefly
dialectal huh
I'm not sure why that strikes
me as odd
that that props up is so it
means that
you knowingly knowingly did
but it's it talks about
dialectal I'm
not quite sure how I'm supposed
interpret that that means yes
or no so
it's a dialect here is pure yes
or no
so really or unwittingly yeah
it's that
term I hear these terms hearing
one from
Roger stone which he started
off with
with his first getting arrested
right after the arrest yeah I
had I have
the CNN the live stuff was like
about a
minute oh and he when they
actually was
CNN got tipped off that he was
gonna be
it's not it's not even tipped
off I mean
first of all they call it
because it's exclusive they're
there they're waiting they know
happening this is part of the
set up
everybody involved in this from
Mueller side and I'm sure
Brennan knew
as well this was set up listen
this is
just remarkable it's just
remarkable to
watch you know what they call
that's an
FBI open the door and now
they're about
to say another warning sure
seems to
know what's happening FBI
warrant this
is called you know the the grab
vernacular and it is that
cetera is I've
never heard of the grab shot in
television vernacular but I
guess they
have it the have you ever heard
of this
the grab shy no I haven't but
it doesn't
mean it doesn't exist in some
organizations never heard he's
ball to watch this all unfold
you can
see Roger stone right here a
little bit
stop this 6:00 in the morning
they brought their SWAT team
out a bunch
of tanks and vehicles I don't
know about
you but it's 6:00 in the
morning if I'm
sleeping I'm in a back bedroom
someplace you know don't know
how big
that house was yeah but I can't
pop up
and open
the door it would take me five
or longer and they didn't give
him five
minutes I'm surprised that he
got to the
door as fast as he did I have
no idea I
mean he's yes the whole thing
is sketchy
and you heard brevis D even
hers you
heard you heard Brennan say
even Roger
stone knew this was going to
happen he
said it right the beginning the
clip Roger stone it was gonna
everybody knew it was gonna
happen so I
guess that means no surprise
you know it's listened to the
rest of
this you know stand it off for
procedure for the FBI to show
up heavily
armed and right here like this
but they
didn't do this for other people
connected any investigation so
it gives
me this wicked what they didn't
do that
for what's-his-face for Miller
metaphor didn't they do the
exact same
thing I think it was done
different first they busted
into this
place at 3:00 in the morning to
just go
through his papers no okay and
then I
think they arrested him but
they didn't
arrest him with with the armored
vehicles and they've been the
jackets so it is remarkable
that they
did this without warning
without any
indication of stones lawyers
that this would happen we don't
also if they executed a search
on that I mean as an just told
us the
reason they do that is because
they fear
that the person's gonna be a
flight risk
so they want to do it under the
cover of
darkness with a surprise or
they think
that there's so much evidence
inside the
room inside the house that they
want to give anybody a lead
time a heads
up to try to hide some of that
so that's what we just watched
morning all right let me if you
mind I'll try and piece
together what
I've discussed with some of our
producers over the past couple
of days
because this really is just
show it's
all for show and what the
reason is is either this is
some kind of
em end game which means that
what you
heard that the compendium of
this type
of activity would be Muller's
it's it's very possible that
the fall
guy for all of the non provable
collusion Trump stuff could be
it's very conceivable he will
he's also
the perfect guy for it if you
about it he's a villain he's
creepy he's
got all the elements that that
could be
you know used as all well
clearly this
guy was no good we got to get
rid of him
here's what I bet here's what I
understood we have to take a
basic principles of the No
Agenda show
into account one there is a
war two between military
and central intelligence and
intelligence or military
either one of them will quote
run the president
so of course bush senior
probably Bush
jr. it's all CIA Obama CIA for
Trump has been dia Defense
Agency you want to say
something just
say you left out Clinton I'm
not sure
about Clinton I'd probably CIA I
wouldn't think would be in be
else it's what I would think
running drugs that's what they
do okay
so you need to take that into
now you also have to know about
Roy Cohn
does this name ring a bell yeah
Roy Cohn
is the old lawyer that was
lawyer he was the adviser on the
McCarthy trials getting rid of
yeah in that was he was also a
attorney in New York yes and he
was in
all the bathhouses with Roger
stone with
you'll love this Bolton
what's-his-face John bolt John
gay gay stuff gay bath houses
george w
bush and yeah as mentor and who
what else to Donald Trump and
stone so this is like this gay
going on in the 70s pre-aids
mind you
and so everybody knows each
other and
there's a lot of stuff going on
always is weird kinky sex stuff
gets everybody in trouble but
stone is has always been
person like CIA FBI just look
at his
history with Nixon who said we
know what
he what he's doing we know what
his ties
are to intelligence or were or
they're still there I don't
know now
where does Rogers don't work
Roger stone
right now his only gig or his
gig is Infowars Alex Jones you
have to
be of the belief that Alex
Jones is
quite possibly his rise came
through the
Defense Intelligence Agency
it's not
like they're sitting there
writing him
checks but yeah I think there's
that they can make that happen
and so as a dialectic I guess
so there's
you know you have your your
media which amigo Jones have
been doing
this for 15 years Austin Texas
definitely a military
Stratford all these places
Bobby Inman
lives here
yeah but he's CIA Bobby Inman
is still
ultimately military
tee's army he's a military guy
he's Navy
ok militant but military we
just got the
Air Force you know the Future
coming in with billions of
dollars this
is not an accident this is
Austin is
military military intelligence
and I
would say it's not out of the
realm of
possibility to think that Alex
came to rise after his cable
show with
the internet through military
intelligence maneuvering things
seemed to work for him and okay
now wait
I want you to continue your
thinking and
this thought but I want to
throw just a
random clip in because you did
what you
said it fits in with the I so I
selecting for the end of the
show that's
two second click okay okay
Roger there
is a war on alternative media
there's a
war on alternative media oh for
sure for
sure now here here's what and
problem is Roger stone and
again this is
just what I've pieced together
and you
know I'm I'm shooting from the
hip but
with some the input from our
producer so
you kind of take these
assumptions into
account so we have this military
intelligence Alex Jones thing
along and then all of a sudden
we get
Roger stone involvement and
this is a
big problem because what if
this is like
the enemy coming into the camp
why is he
there and it's very and there's
also all
this weird gay sex stuff going
on with
Roger stone and that just look
and see what's going on with
Alex Jones
and stone and a couple other
people at
Infowars I can't accuse anybody
anything but it you can kind of
there may be something odd
happening so
Roger stone is not only a
problem for
the Defense Intelligence Agency
but for
CIA as well it's like we can't
these guys working together
doing pillow
talk I don't know now who what
from that and made and I don't
know if
it's coincidental that Tim Cook
is gay
but he's the first one that deep
platform Alex Jones some
message goes
out we this has to stop this
guy has to
stop we got to stop the stone
we've warned we've warned Alex
boom he's gone and it just
just kept on going so this is
the next
step because they really have
nothing on
him yeah they got some yep oh
he lied
about this or that it's really
invites great to read the
indictment I
want to mention a few things as
an aside
in there they can you know that
keeps talking about how he told
some guy
to lie you're one of his
buddies to lie
to Congress when all he did and
is very
clear in the indictment was
tell him to
plead the fifth
yes that's not talking so on
the line no
so what I think you're seeing
here is a
very easy fall guy maybe we can
say well
at the time this Venezuela
stuff is
happening why don't we just
drop Roger
stone into the meat grinding
that is the m5m cable news
media and
Twitter and everything and just
let it
chop up and let the blood and
the guts
and the bone pieces fly around
we're off there making our deal
Venezuela and let this be part
of the
Compendium and to then have
Brennan of
not to come out for the
Venezuela story
no Brennan comes out after
Roger stone
he's swatted for an indictment
and of
course you know he didn't even
have to
pay an actual an actual bail
assigned and he walked out so
all of a
sudden we have the the former
of CIA after months of missing
in action
he pops up is obvious and I
would say
anyone near Alex Jones he go
away you
should back away from the
operation I
don't think that's going to end
well well that's a
now let's listen to the the
fourth or
the third clip I have on
Brennan and
it's a good question from the
Joe people with with it's it's
kind of
leaning as well with these
what is the story Bob Miller is
to tell us what's the story as
you see
it that mauler has begun to
tell with
the public information that we
have that
there was an extensive effort
to try to
influence the outcome of the
that involved the Russians that
us persons and that may have
gone to the
very top of the Trump campaign
and so I
think the shoes that are yet to
drop are
going to be the ones that are
going to
be the most profound and that
will hit
the people at the at the top of
organization who that is the
organization meeting Donald
Trump it may
be a family member well I think
you know
clearly that they have been
talked to
they've been interviewed by the
think there's a fair amount of
vulnerability that they might
have on
this but again I defer to the
counsels office to make the
determination about whether
what they
did cross that threshold from
which i think is quite evident
criminal conspiracy it's past
threshold that is going to lead
them to
an indictment of individuals
that are
close to mr. Trump that are
part of his
family I want to be very clear
what I was saying earlier about
the gay
cabal again go look up Roy Cohn
look at what he did look at
where he
came from
eat it he's a Jew is a Jew
Jew homophobic gay guy it's
it's an
incredible story my
self-loathing is
this self-loathing
okay self-loathing loathing yes
understood what I was saying
the bath
the bath houses and it was
Trump Bolton
who is oddly right there and in
Trump cabinet the Lord knows
why maybe
we've figured it out Roger
stone George
W Bush and if you doubt me go
look for
the Washington Post
page story about my uncle my
Donald Greg giving midnight
tours in the
White House to gay prostitutes
president george h worker bush
i mean
this is this is not like in
like a big
thing I'm making up here this is
well-known but never really
because it's always the sex
stuff that
brings these people down every
time they can't keep it in
their pants
the other board yeah that's
probably a
part of it well I have a bunch
of Roger
clips that I thought were worth
through good good good
now he went on Tucker
immediately after
they arrest and it was one of
moments on Tucker where although
Tucker's always got this kind of
flabbergasted look on his face
all the
time with the kind of mouth
open it's
like just kind of like oh my
god have I
hearing what I'm hearing the
sad dog
that look but it's one of those
where Tucker wasn't like trying
to be
trying to start a fight or
anything he
was actually the letting stone
go on and
on so he could display that
look of oh
my god he's taking it a little
he's kind of like you're so sad
it's oh
my god this is horrible I can't
this is happening that's you
know it's
bankrupting you that's the take
he's i
Tucker is very compromised in
his own
I'm little disappointed in some
of the
stuff he's doing but okay but
he does
get he did get stone on and
nobody else
did and so let's start with the
Roger on
Tucker on arrest a clip when
he's the
only one that has stone on no
one else
did that's when you want to ask
questions and we saw the very
number of armed federal agents
you out of the house is there
we don't know do you have an
Arsenal at
home had you made threats
prosecutors sorts of violence I
mean is
there context that we don't
have no
first of all it's disconcerting
that CNN
was aware that I would be
before my lawyers were informed
that's disturbing if it was a
situation which would merit the
team well then CNN's cameraman
would be
in danger I don't know why they
would be
allowed to be there by the way
point if you watch the video
this the
cameraman are like right up in
grill it's not like a huge
distance shot
there in the bushes they're off
to the
a fair point about that being a
setup I had no firearm in the
house I
don't have a permit for a
firearm I
don't own a firearm things I
would never
say on television Wow no that's
something go rob that just
don't admit
these things a firearm I don't
own a
firearm only my wife my two
dogs and my
three cats were at home I'm not
a flight
risk in fact I think my
passport has
expired or it will expire in a
few days
I have no record of criminal
past and
frankly they just could have
my attorney and I would have
turned myself in the proof of
this is
that only hours later the judge
me a $250,000
surety bond meaning on my
signature with
no funds put forward because
I'm not a
flight risk and as far as the
government's contention that
they were
concerned that I would destroy
they've been in my email and my
messages and my phone calls for
years probably longer because
the New
York Times reported on January
20 to
Gerry 20th 17 that I was among
people in the Trump campaign
active surveillance it believe
me a lot
of people were reading his
email and
listening to his phone not just
agency well that brings up this
here this is the Roger war on
the press
clip which is kind of a kind of
interesting this was probably
between him and Tucker but it's
good so it's clear I mean it's
from reading the indictment and
been saying it for at least a
year that
the feds were spying on your
there's no question about I
think I
agree based on based on the
that they released today so
they're reading all of your
texts you
text with a huge not happen to
know a
huge number of journalists
including me
and some of them you know work
for CNN
and even maybe all of those
texts were
being read by a federal
prosecutor what
do you think those journalists
some of
whom are talking about this
case right
now on TV think of that you
know the
that's the amazing thing is the
press is
not coming out and standing up
this war against free
expression this
war against the First Amendment
which is
really a war against the press
flabbergasting really why I
believe they're not fighting
this he goes on with this
thesis I think
or described before that at
last clip
because that was near the end
but play
Roger on the war on free speech
charges against you which are
for lying to Congress and one
of the
things you're accused of lying
Congress about is whether or
not there
was any evidence you had
evidence of
communication between you and an
intermediary and Julian Assange
given that you knew that they
had your
electronic communications and
would know
the answer already
wouldn't that be a stupid thing
to lie
about what is this charge yeah
yeah yes
and dude it's really simple I
did forget
that I had text messages from
an old
cellphone that were entirely
which proved that everything I
had said
about critical being my source
the significance and the
October release
date of the WikiLeaks material
I believe he lied to the grand
about that that's been reported
but he
appears not to be being
prosecuted for
perjury but I forgot exculpatory
information and therefore I
will if
anybody had bothered to read my
website the stone-cold truth
they would
know that I'm basically refuted
documented the refutation of
every charge
this indictment the indictment
is thin
indeed so what is this about
it's about silencing me there's
a war on
alternative media there's a war
they're trying to criminalize
expression there's a war where
trying to criminalize free
speech yeah
yeah I like that - I like you
of our
producers independently said to
nothing in this world ever
happens by
accident and I think that that
makes a
lot of sense in this case and
you know
Roger stone it may just be the
Hail Mary
for Mueller like do use this guy
everything about him is wrong I
got one
more clip I'll play shorter
than a
Porsche which is him whining
about going
broke it might be he might be
yeah yeah
but you know he might come back
it is
kind of a shame that the system
just break somebody but they
can this is
his use of the term and I ain't
he used
it a lot when he first got
arrested he's
gonna continue to use it and I
he's either using it to to send
message to some Christians who
are going
to be told to testify or
something yes I
like to use this term over and
over he
never says the word lie he uses
the term
and this good clipped on it has
example of it of bearing false
the efforts to shut down my
show at
Infowars the efforts to silence
Jones who's one of my greatest
supporters and proponents are
part of
this war so I intend to plead
not guilty
I believe I will be vindicated
funny to watch Preet Bharara on
CNN say
this is a slam dunk calls me a
here's a guy who a federal
judge lashed
for lying in the William Walton
you're the liar Preet so and
watching reporters jump to
Tucker and say oh well the the
were the
Trump campaign official who
stone to find out about
WikiLeaks was
no it was not there are several
in here in the indictment that
certainly not true so who was
it if it
wasn't the president who is
well I have
to speculate about that because
since it
never happened it appears to me
they have composed testimony
for someone
perhaps Rick Gates perhaps
Steve Bennett
perhaps someone is bearing
false witness
me but knowing what's in my
email and my
text messages
there is no corroboration
whatsoever for
this yeah you know there's so
much more
when it comes to specifically
these guys
in Florida and Broward County
sheriff Scott Israel from the
the school
that got shot up Roger stone
friends with him
Trump mar-a-lago Maxwell the
member the
the billionaire with his
daughter who
then you know all these these
sex cults
it's a mess and Trump is in it
he's in
the middle of the sex mess in
and I think there's Epstein all
of this
stuff it's it's it's the more
you look
the more you want to look away
and I
think I think stone really had
to be
she's probably lucky they did
it this
way to be honest I think he's
such a
talker he's got so he has so
much so
much information he's a he's a
liability for all parties all
see none of the truth can
really come
out about all any of this
because all of
that stuff has to come up again
coincidental that the Miami
Herald does
this huge expose on Epstein you
know the
Broward County up in arms or
all these
different things yes said that
looking forward to this case
going forward cuz he wants to
see cuz
this worth a lot of money gets
chewed up
too he says he wants to see
what they
have on him in Discovery uh-huh
gonna start asking the moon the
these these cases don't get
resolved and
people like doesn't some guy on
NBC by
age he's gonna be guilty
for sure because these
indictments are
well-written he's the MSNBC
analyst once the chief of the
DEA is
tough guys talks like this
there you go
and he went on about this and
thinking I doubt it because
they for one
thing the indictment is lame
and very
lame and it's gonna open up a
can of
worms if it actually goes to
trial I
think they just could this was
that you
probably right this was you
indict him
to have him sign this surety
bond go
home and now he has to shut up
especially he's cuz he's gonna
plead not
guilty I'm sure they're sure
cuz he
doesn't want to bear false
against the president and so
he's gonna
but then it just stays there
like that
and he can't do anything he
can't go
talk in because it's all gonna
be used
you know you just can't he did
shuts him
up then and all with the
community doesn't like that
what does
for stone is doing don't like
these kind
of people you know they like
drinking no
drugs booze and women
that's the intelligence
community we
don't do any other of the crazy
house stuff that everyone
wanted this
guy out of the way I'm telling
lucky to be alive in my opinion
and he
may just be the fall guy this
is why
Brennan comes out and says halt
it's the
Compendium here it's all gonna
together and for those of you
who who
tune out after we say goodbye
and don't
listen to the end of show
mixers I'll
give you a little tease of what
Chris Wilson has put together
there down
I mean do we have the best
producers or
do we have the best producers
yeah well
we do have the best producers
and with
that I'd like to thank them but
like to thank you and say in
the morning
to you John crude Texas tea
Dvorak well
in the morning to you mr. Adam
in the
morning to the troll room no
stream calm which is now pretty
24/7 a great place to hang out
morning void zero did a little
show if people are doing more
and more
live stuff more producers
getting on the
stream it's heating up we like
that so
thank you for joining us this
also in the morning to Mike
Riley who
brought us the artwork through
the no
agenda art generator for
episode 1106 a
type of that was smart wall and
we could
not have been more timely with
because that's pretty much
exactly the
only words people were talking
about the
wall for the two days after
that show
and this was the gpo ite the
goat power
the greatest podcast of all
time with
the ram's horn on the front
just a nice
piece of art and there were
other fun
pieces but they didn't have the
composition they just didn't
have this
brought pops major league yeah
really popped and so Mike thank
you very
much Mike Riley dad no agenda
generator comm where our
artists are
always uploading fantastic
pieces of
artwork we change it on every
show not every single podcast
app will
show our brand-new art and I
you go get a different app if
they don't
because it's we're in spec we
adhere to
the spec that's right being one
of the
creators of said spec we adhere
to the
spec yeah inexcusable all right
how'd we
do on value for value well
people that
came in big
okay you said that two times
now yeah
word of the show no I really
don't think
so do you not think so big ly
no I think
it sounds lame ly
did Dear John it starts the
note from
dame cathy and sir greg
oh this baroness of the Fox
River Valley
nothing to manage Aaron of the
portage and where are they and
why am I
thinking they're in Sammamish
Chicago oh okay all right and
they came
up with $700
holy crap it's 350 this is the
family I just named Kathy the
family of barons it's fantastic
royalty in Chicago it is West
yes it's a different town got
it it is
our opinion that your deserve a
clip of
the day for president truth
last Sunday let me read that
again it's
Arkin that cuz I didn't read it
with the
right emphasis it is our
opinion that you John deserved
clip of
the day for president truth
last Sunday
hmm so her for her request for
the 700 our donation is that
you play
clip of the day jingle even
though it
won't count no I won't do that
donation from two barons I'll
play play
just ecliptic so we can just
listen to
the clip it doesn't refer to
you said I have to play the
clip of the
day jingle yeah it wasn't clip
of the
day would I know but you're not
it for the clip of the day
you're just
playing it gratuitously as the
clip no I have a right I'll do
it but I
have a real problem with it I
feel that
this is this is the beginning
of the end
if that's how it's gonna go if
you only
won it it'd be a great end oh
true you got a point
and then give them some karma
oh they
want that too yeah number-one
today what do you got against
them what
do you hate them no I think you
like Chicago clip of the day is
something sacred that only you
or I
could hand out and there's
plenty of to
enjoy because you know what'll
I'm telling you what's gonna
every single you oh you should
have had
clip at the day keep them
clipper today
usually Koopa everyone has an
opinion on
the following take place I feel
selling any donation of $700
why anyone
can request that you play that
for whatever reason okay deal
yeah not
7:01 not six nine nine seven
yeah seven
even okay donation level yes
feeling it's gonna push
yourself I am
predicting will get not even
one more of
these requests you're
addictions are kind of iffy
lately I I
do have my ups and downs but
prediction that we will hold
you watch
we will not see another $700
hey no don't not only that but
you will
not see a clip of today ever
yes sure Patrick Debbie in
Kansas 33333 ah I have the
notes for him
- Patrick Patrick Patrick Pat I
think it
my glasses uh Sir John and
added my son
hit me in the mouth about three
ago but I did not listen to you
regularly until around and
after the
presidential election I've been
astonished at the change in the
reporting over the past two
years you
have convinced me that the news
is a business supplying what the
customers and advertisers want
the same thing yeah yes
advertisers equals same thing
yeah of
course it's a business that's
problem with online news
reinforcing our
own beliefs
I fear the dimensions will
divide more
and more completely over the
next few
years and the fake news is our
well I think that's been
documented your
analysis has been a breath of
fresh air
for me my wish is for the new
year that
more people listen to the
podcast in the universe no
agenda I'm
sorry to admit that this is my
donation please deduce me
Graham wolves
total to knighthood to the
total first
night what he's not doesn't
make it yet
I would also like to request a
call out for him on January
29th Kansas
Day which we put on the list
many good
wishes to you both could you
play that
we are the world Trump parody
thank you
both hmm I don't even remember
that we
are the world Trump Perry I
don't we are
the world we are the Trump's I
doesn't ring a bell
this does not ring a bell to me
Trump we are we are the world
yeah I
know I I didn't I know that but
I don't
that was we are the world it's
it's not
something I'm sorry I really
remember I need to tell me what
lyrics were of it then maybe I
know I don't remember it either
but so
with anyway so Pat we'll get
what we'll
play that yeah actually yeah if
figure out what we know lets me
what it is it'll be a while Rob
Sanderson in Annapolis Maryland
and he sends a note these are
that came in which saved the
show I was
planning to send you a donation
month for my birthday February
which we put on the list today
we're good for it and but the
truth in the year-to-year
support you
cited in last Sunday's
newsletter yeah
last January was fantastic and
January stinks called me to
desperate times call for
measures here's my donation at
three three three three four
the best
podcast in the universe I don't
what I'd do if I didn't have
you to
provide me with the most
honest and entertaining
of the half-truths spin and
that the m5m spews every day
unlike them
you definitely have no agenda I
can have
the following jingle requesting
sorry they didn't give you
these earlier
but follow the followings would
aim any
collusion which is you got at
them ready
fact-check false shut up slave
adil is e-version okay any
fact-check false and what's the
one shut up slave little kid
yeah that's I'm always getting
that run
wrong I got it here okay also
what I found this is interesting
it's love Trump's hate now we
are the
world there we go
and I'll play the full version
at the
end of the show it's amazing
how he went
from we are the world to the
jingle the person wanted Thank
You troll
rules you've got karma
anyway continues this note I
continue to
look forward to each and every
and savor the time I spend with
the two
of you each week keep up the
good work
thank you oh and then he has a
PS which
I need to read their jobs karma
works a few months back I was
to a different manager and it's
made a
world of difference in my work
Thanks oh you're welcome and
just thank
the Karma not us yes we got
nothing to
do with it it wasn't even our
idea no
most of the show is not her
idea come to
think of it right yeah we're
conduits for the collective
of the producers yeah man
conduits it
would conduits man for the
unconscious man finger snaps
small badge
uh Samuel cook 3:30 3.00 hammer
screw no jingle no karma
okay hammer and screw he's
referring to
us hammer and screw well it's
rhyming slang Brits code oh it
could be
rhyming slang yes hammer code
no wait
hammer and screw oh I know what
it is
hammer and screw shape-shifting
it's just a guest John the
Jonas astrum
parts a node it relights parts
nobodies in Sweden greetings
from Gitmo
nation flat-pack shows late
please give
a good karma to all the no
listeners yeah Thank You Jonas
of course
we'll do that you've got to the
executive producer starting
with Laura
Wilson and Sammamish Washington
$250 my
husband and I have been
listening to
your podcast for over two years
he's sir
Austin of the snowy Cascades
you're the best real news out
there and
you have changed how we watch
sometimes laughing out loud
I was very shouting at the TV
which is
what I do yeah you guys are
killing it
this donation gets me to Dame
hood and
in thanks to the fabulous jobs
requested on my behalf
I've landed a new job and I'm
ready for
the next chapter of my career
to begin I
start tomorrow and feel this
will be my
good luck charm
thanks for the help because
it's so
thanks to karma because it's so
please play some hilarious al
tidbits your choice and please
anyone who needs it
some Nancy Pelosi Jobs karma cuz
seriously guys this shit works
nice please allow me the round
tip with
the title Dame Laura of this
cascade so we got a demoness in
it and a
sir of the snowy Cascade we
must we must
they are all giddy about a
shutdown the
tortise in the race then
co-author of
Kubrick's you to lead singer
Bono friend
righteous weaves my favorite
spec jaha's
lyov rush limbaugh rush
limbaugh rush
limbaugh the show rush lombard
Supreme Court Justice Sonia
this night is Mike McCurry
Antonin me you know that
particular one
of the many compilations is I
think the
funniest and I love that he was
about a shutdown cuz that's
when this
clip was from from the last
yeah just every shutdown just
record al
he's very giddy he's all GD
with it you
know I say this in normal life
and I
forget that not everyone knows
that no
agenda show vocabulary and I'll
say oh
yeah getting all jiggy with it
do you
look at me like this is going a
bit far
enough you know I had this
theory the
way he said Gitty cuz he's
reading off
the prompter yes is the jet he
giddy GI ddy but he pronounces
Jeff yeah
correctly I suppose the gift
Jeff correctly so he sees that
G thinks
it's a soft G and he says Gitty
of giddy yeah yeah well he's
anonymous is so silly well
Kansas $240
you sent a note in by the way
two notes that came in both of
them on
the exact same kind of weird
the scrap
paper it's very strange
feels good to get clean keep it
anonymous too lazy to write
more 240
okay I thought I read his note
thank you
very much anonymous not much to
Lynch in Brighton Illinois 200
he'll BLS
so she executive Houston he
says thanks
jet jets or against depending
on how you
pronounced jiff yeah against
used that a jobs karma with a
side of
goats cream is much appreciated
jobs jobs
jobs and jobs let's vote for
jobs things
that concludes our a list of
executive producers and
producers for 11:7 1107 1107
thank you
all for being so goat you goat
it's nice we are pro goat here
on the
show greatest of all time which
the Rams will win the Super Bowl
so thank you our executive
producers and
associate executive producers
these are
valuable credits and we
recognize them
they recognize any where
credits are are
accepted but we didn't just
them unlike Hollywood wait for
Oscars wait for lets you tell
me if any
executive producers get an
award or even
mention no they're not
mentioned we
understand the importance of it
many of
you do other things for our
value for
value network the financing is
executive and associate
producers do what a lot of
producers do
we'll be thanking more of them
$50 an
above in our second segment and
we do have another show coming
up on
Thursday just remember us at
org slash and I think you have
a few
things deconstructed which you
can take
out and propagate as a formula
formula is this
for here people in the mouth
and before we go any further I
must stop
and say that I'm very curious
as to your
response and perhaps even your
vote now that you know that
Warren has proposed would you
have been
a proponent of for as long as
I've known
you wealth tax on rich
Americans this is
something you've always been
for yes but
I've been for a generalized
wealth tax
with the elimination of income
altogether because the income
prevent you from accumulating
wealth and
if you don't accumulate okay so
the caveat as you feel that as
long as
we abolish income tax and we
just do a
wealth tax that's that I never
remember you saying that but I
did I
believed it I'm not the
argument is you
can't accumulate wealth if
you're being
taxed for your income and you
want to
encourage people to make as
much money
as they can possibly make
income wise
you don't want to discourage it
so you
want to encourage that and then
they start accumulating to the
where it's like a little too
much money
and they're not spending it on
except even if they're spending
it on
yachts and houses those are
that's part
of their wealth and if they're
it into this back into the
system by you
know hiring a lot of people and
all these other things that's
not wealth
you know you're not you're not
accumulating wealth if you got
it gosh
okay well then I'm okay so
perhaps you
should say a wealth only tax
well I was
implied maybe it's been a while
we've talked about it so I
wants to
imply here's what I think is
she brought it into the
conversation yes
that's why it's a gap I heard
taxes gouged the rich and
charged them
to 2% of all their assets and I
that's unfair but
it's a start it starts the
alright and people say well you
know you
can't do a well text because
you it's
impossible people hide no later
can't hide that much wealth you
hide you bureau houses you
can't hide
your yachts right it's really
on your
your your worth your net worth
really yeah your network your
is the IRS knows what it is if
you start
cheating on where you're
putting your
money hiding it in the Cayman
you know they don't like this
so you
have to you're your wellness of
property and your portfolio and
bank account yes and that's it
I mean
we've never had problems
property tax no it's a big
building yeah
okay no good solved I did come
up with
just staying with the 2020
election and
I believe this to be true you
know I've
had a bit of an issue with
Harris's uh uh well now she's
saying she
was raised as African American
so she
identifies as African American
I guess
that's valid by today's
standards she's
not African American I don't
believe she
had the pure African American
growing up in Ottawa but if she
says to
say if she says she was raised
as an
African American even though
her father
as you make and her mother is
okay I'm not gonna argue it
however it
is my belief in order to be
eligible for
president your parents have to
have been
naturalized for at least five
prior to the child's birth
could be
wrong but I think there's a
somewhere in there
so you think she's ineligible I
her father arrived from Jamaica
in 61
her mom from India in 1960 she
was born
in 62 so I don't think she's
eligible no
well she's not gonna win anyway
and they she's high on some
list yeah I've heard this too
and it's
just like you when you think
about it
I'm just covering the bases
here I
really despise this stuff
because there's a lot of guys
yeah I mean it's now it's
gotten to the
point where there's probably 50
Democrats that think they're
gonna run
for president yeah yeah that's
to it the only smart money he
seems to
be Gavin Newsom Newsom who's
our you
know one he's a wannabe
president but
they asked him if he wants to
against Trump in 2020 and he
said hell
no he's smart he's 2024 yeah
he's gonna
wait he's gonna wait no one
wants to do
this I just the morons want to
go up
against Trump well you have a
list of
them in there she's a long list
morons are the elites were all
I guess
are they done now are they back
Davao from there still going
tonight I thought last night
was a big
crescendo like a big climax
because they
had their key key key speaker I
this I think there were fifteen
sixteen hundred private jets
that all
convened on Davao to talk about
change amongst other things
about climate change
so this guest speaker whose
speech was about six minutes
long but
once I chopped out all the
spaces so it
has been modified for your for
and for your entertainment
this speaker did not come on a
jet this speaker took a 37 hour
to provide the sound bites that
craves when you're in the elite
because all they're talking
about is who
controls the spending and what
are we
spending it on to grow and I
think the
climate change is one that's
kind of
failing and 5g is the other one
get to that in a moment this is
Thumb berg this is the the 12
year old
kid and she had some really
things to say and I think it's
it's long clip up to this then
good it
is long but it's important to
because this is being said in a
that is intended to come across
alarmist of course we're
abusing this
child to do this you know we've
this with the the invasion in
Iraq we
use children to talk about
being thrown out of incubators
all lies
this child is being solved by
the way
she has showbusiness parents
did you
know that's like her mom's an
singer her dad's an actor
granddad was a
director so it's a total show
family and they propped this
kid up and
they let her terrorize her age
specifically I mean to say our
house no
kids ever worried when you say
the house
is on fire it's just they're
all they're
all fine with it according to
the IPCC
we are less than 12 years away
from not
being able to undo our mistakes
in that
time unprecedented changes in
aspects of society needs to
have taken
place including a reduction of
our co2
emissions by at least 50% and
note that those numbers do not
the aspect of equity which is
necessary to make the Paris
work on a global scale nor does
include tipping points or
feedback loops
like the extreme powerful
methane gas
being released from the sign
permafrost you notice how they
slip in a
couple new things here oh it's
methane gas being released from
melting ice and I'm not going
to die so
at places like divorce people
like to
tell success stories but their
success has come with an
price tag and on climate change
we have
to acknowledge that we have
failed all
the political movements in
their present
form have done so and the media
failed to create broad public
but Homo sapiens have not yet
failed yes
we are failing but there is
still time
to turn everything around we
can still
fix this we still have
everything in our
own hands but unless we
recognize the
overall failures of our current
we must probably both probably
stand a chance we are facing a
unspoken sufferings for
enormous amounts
of people and now it's not the
time for
speaking politely we're
focusing on what
we can or cannot say now it's
the time
to speak clearly solving the
crisis is the greatest and most
challenge that Homo sapiens has
ever faced I'm not quite sure
why she
keeps saying Homo sapiens I mean
obviously we know that that's
mankind womankind people on
earth people
maybe it's because of the
possibility of
using the word man oh yes
correct thank you the main
however is so simple that even
a small
child can understand it we have
to stop
the emissions of greenhouse
gases and
either we do that or we don't
you say
nothing in life is black or
white but
that is live a very dangerous
either we prevent a 1.5 degree
warming or we don't either we
setting off that if
irreversible chain
reaction beyond human control
or we
don't either we choose to go on
as I
civilization or we don't
that is as black or white as it
there are no gray areas when it
comes to
survival now we all have a
choice we can
create transformational action
that will
safeguard the future living
for humankind we can continue
with our
business as usual and fail that
is up to
you and me so say that we
should not
engage in activism
it said we should leave
everything to
our politicians and just vote
for change
instead but what do we do when
there is
no political will what do we do
when the
politics needn't are nowhere in
here in Davos
just like everywhere else
everyone is
talking about money
it seems that money and growth
are our
own only make common sense and
since the
chronic crisis is a crisis that
never once been treated as a
people are simply not aware of
the full
consequences of our everyday
life people
are not aware that there is
such a thing
as a carbon budget and just how
incredible small that remaining
budget is had you heard of this
budget that's a new term to me
yeah I
looked it up and the carbon
budget is
Bheema it's there it's kind of
a reverse
budget the amount of carbon
allowed to use but here comes
the next
piece which is very telling no
current challenge can match the
importance of establishing a
wide public
awareness and understanding of
rapidly disappearing carbon
budgets that
should and must become a new
currency this is very hot
future and
present economics so carbon
becomes the
new currency thanks kiddo we
are now at
a time in history for everyone
with any
insight of the climate crisis
threatens our civilization and
entire biosphere must speak out
in clear
language no matter how
uncomfortable and
unprofitable that may be we
must change
almost everything in our current
societies the bigger your carbon
footprint is the bigger your
moral duty
the bigger your platform the
bigger your
responsibility adults keep
saying we owe
it to the young people to give
them hope
but I don't want your hope I
don't want
you to be hopeful I want you to
panic I
wanted to feel the fear I feel
every day
I wanted to act I wanted to act
as you
would in a crisis I wanted to
act as if
the house was on fire I gotta
say I
gotta say
I think those Google guys are
good on their new AI it's it's
convincing you know I think
they you're
sitting in the audience and
you're one
of the guys who came in on one
of the
1,500 private jets yeah you're
there and you're listening to
her and
you think you're probably
talking to
your guy next so he said yeah
done a great job with the kids
you know
they we have them under
complete control
any any crazy notion and in
fact it's
gotten so carried away in
Europe and I
expect to see this here even
though it
did they try to do this here
but our
kids aren't quite this dumb but
this is
the Brussels big student strike
this yes yes yes yes and in
Belgium an estimated 35,000
held a one-day school strike
surrounding the European
building demanding urgent
action on
climate change it was one of
the largest
student protests ever in the
capital students said they're
ready to
skip classes once a week until
demands are met we think that
if we skip
every Thursday so we don't go
to school
that the big people in our
country and
in the world will say that it's
problem and that they will do
about it the students are
following in
the footsteps of now sixteen
year old
Greta ten Berghe from Sweden
who is
leading the school strike
globally she is now in Davos
dressing leaders at the World
Forum well she's 16 I thought
she was a
little younger dressing leaders
instead of addressing he's
dressing like
dressing them hey come here I
call your
those pants they gotta go she
said to
every one of them all of your
pants and
I was so hopeful I even saw
that nuclear
energy was on on a couple of
the on the
table a couple of conversations
in Davao
it's cropped up more and more
as a true
alternative and right on cue
I'm waiting
for our very own atomic sir
atomic rod
Adams to check in he should be
because he's the guy that
turned me on
to this lying scumbag
this is a former nuclear
regulator of
the United States Jack so do you
remember this guy no okay
so Jasco he he left the the
Regulatory Agency because he
was a dick
mainly towards women but it
matter he's back no one has a
with him anymore he's written a
book it
is and we gotta love the the
subtext of
the confessions of a rogue
regulator is the title of his
book which
I think is intended to conjure
up images
of confession of an economic
hitman and
of course nuclear is the
stupidest thing
we could do oh my god whoa no
today 98
reactors at fifty nine
nuclear sites in the u.s.
provide power
across the country using a
heralded by proponents as a
savior from
climate change and the key to
the world's growing energy
needs but our
next guest says that nuclear
power is
more hazardous than it is worth
warns that it can its continued
use will
lead to catastrophe in this
country or
somewhere else in the world
chairman of the US Nuclear
Commission Bret Gregory Atsuko
joins us
now he's the author of a new
entitled confessions of a rogue
regulator and thank you very
much for
being on the show
wondering what the exact
confessions are
especially given your tenure as
commissioner ended in a little
bit of
controversy first why you wrote
the book
well I wanted people to really
understand how this industry is
regulated and how it works
because this
is a technology that's
hazardous it's a
technology that at any moment
could lead to the kind of
accident we saw at Fukushima so
thought people should
understand that
and you know as you said people
talking about nuclear power is
this a
view to climate change and that
me more than the risk of a
nuclear power
plant accident because I don't
think it
can rise to the wait a minute
what did
he just say he said something
their home
as you said people are talking
nuclear power is to save you to
change and that worries me more
than the
risk of a nuclear power plant
because I don't think it can
rise to
that challenge so in it so more
to him than a meltdown of a
reactor or
something else like that is
people using nuclear to combat
worse than that if you really
deconstruct what he said yeah I
got a
couple more short clips from
this guy
from this interview he's using
he doesn't even go back to
Chernobyl or
Three Mile Island fuck Ashima
and you
know he's conflating a lot of
things it was an earthquake
right off
the coast it was a tsunami the
is what triggered the meltdown
and the
tsunami killed the people the
made everybody move away but
okay yeah I
started in Washington as a
physicist and
so I looked at every issue
based on the
facts and made hypotheses and
those hypotheses as I learned
new facts
and the biggest fact that
changed my
mind was this accident in
I saw a hundred thousand people
evacuated from their homes many
of them
permanently evacuated and you
that's the kind of thing you
never see from from a source
generates electricity oh let's
do we ever had any problems
with oil has
that ever been a bad for the
or for people let me think
he would also are your oils bad
he did
we're talking about a guy a
change guy was all in on solar
doesn't say this but this is the
mentality Noah oil bad nuke bad
yeah you got and moreover we
promised and in the industry
pledge that
these kinds of accidents were
in the
past and here we had one in
front of us
which I simply couldn't ignore
and and I began to realize then
this is a technology that
simply was too
hazardous to really be a future
I am so just stop all
developments it
could never be any good it's
it's no
good it's you know it ruined
Japan yes
so there's really the area
around the
plant there
larger is the plant that are
uninhabitable most of those
people who
were evacuated can't return to
homes or won't return to their
homes so
lives have been disrupted in a
way that
we think about more with Wars
than with
with energy generations then
you have a
lot of radioactive water that's
stored at the site people
really don't
know what to do is so it'll be
before this really gets just
how likely
could this something like this
the United States you know it's
so hard
to predict there's plants kind
operate always on this
precipice of
normal operation on one side and
catastrophic failure on the
other but
what we know is the accidents
happen so it's just a question
of when
and where and it's it's hard to
which is why the industry often
that everything's fine
so his solution to sorry
because it
rarely happens there's a three
incidents at remotes are noble
Mile Island Fukushima yeah and
how many
years has it been I mean did
new nuclear
power probably began in the in
at least the discussions in the
late 50s
I mean Myka that could have
brought up I
don't know France shut those
down yeah
that's macron that guy
well our buddy here has some
and if I'm not mistaken isn't
energy subsidized by the
LA yeah I think it most of it
is Elon
Musk cars were certainly
subsidized by
the government so there's all
kinds of
electrical stuff that hold take
down of
the wind powers as subsidies in
museum and all the rest of it
listen to his last bit here
people who
as a part of Morning Joe I
guess they
bring in the BBC USA woman
Katie Orr
Kathy whatever his name is I
don't know
why she's there but she gets to
ask a
question so for people who are
trying to
find a counter to fossil fuels
in the
fight against global warming
nuclear power written off like
this is
kind of depressing because this
was the
hope right that nuclear power
could be
made safer and it could be the
in our effort to keep global
temperatures from going up if
you weigh
the risks of higher difficult
because of fossil fuel inquiry
usage and nuclear power you
still come
down firmly in the favor of
of non nuclear power so she's
got a she
got a good point here except
for the you
know the accidents even with
that I mean
this is not a good idea to try
this yeah
yeah I mean I think that's a
choice because the policies are
now in the marketplace cleaner
Sun wind
geothermal these technologies
actually in some cases cheaper
nuclear and they're getting
cheaper much
much faster so I actually think
future is pretty hopeful but
what we
need to do is really let the
decide and kind of get out of
the way of
subsidizing reactors to try and
them around because the reason
are doing that is to keep the
around they're not really doing
it to
deal with climate change
because we want
to deal with climate change you
have to let the market decide
and then
you need to do things with gas
to maybe
make gas a little bit more
expensive and
if you do that the things that
are gonna
fill in is really winds on in
it's not nuclear and that's
what we're
seeing in the market here in
the US and
throughout the rest of the
world except
it's not true god I hate this
guy it's
such a dick we've done a lot a
dude and
since he's back on the scene
I'm gonna
follow him because he was he was
expelled you know for be
basically a
me-too moment it wasn't long
after the
maybe was just before the show
I'm trying to think know is
2012 when he
announced his resignation but
it was
because you know people to
complain he
was a dick especially female
subordinates one woman told me
she felt
the Chairman was actually
irritated with
someone else but took it out on
her I
mean this guy would have been
and Mika Brzezinski just says
oh yeah
this was a little bit of
controversy oh
no problem all paid all big
it's a big
this is business your big oil
right here that's your big oil
that could be
there's a possibility that
exists that
oils behind this this guy you
think well
I mean some it does to be some
explanation he can't he doesn't
like a guy specially vism if
he's a
masher or whatever he was you
know a
kind of a crunchy guy that's
too logical
I got another
would you do something like
presence report I want to push
and I want to make a commentary
oh geez
checks we are we getting checks
checks let's start with let's
do the
longest one this dude no checks
FBI ATC Kathy Kalani is an IRS
worker in
Florida and I want to believe
and I pray
that the politicians in
Washington will
do this economy and everybody
right by
doing the right thing
hours before the president's
announcement the shutdown was
right on a brothel in the
air traffic reduced to a
trickle I
wouldn't be surprised if it
takes you
know another 20 to 30 minutes
before we
come become airborne after a
number of
air traffic controllers called
in sick
when they probably saw the
second and
zero paycheck that probably
puts so much
stress on them and they're not
fit for
duty if they are overstressed
New York's
LaGuardia Airport brought to a
standstill totally sympathetic
to them
because you can't operate a
that way meanwhile pressure was
building at the FBI it takes a
lot to
get me angry but I'm about as
angry as
I've been in a long long time
director Chris Rea today told
employees it was unfair and
short-sighted to make them work
pay an IRS backlash has also
building 14,000 workers called
in sick
this week after being called
back to
work without pay among them
Wilcox in Utah who fears she'll
furloughed again next month
we're terrified that we're
gonna lose
our house lose our cars you
know hmm
this was a this was a pretty
slick move
and I think this is why Trump
quote caved what I understand
that that
from the Union the air traffic
controllers Union and perhaps
more of
the well certainly air traffic
controllers that some liked a
quarter of
them or mid twenty to twenty
percent are working but they're
completely eligible for to take
pension and to retire and yeah
that I
think there was some noise like
oh we're
gonna have twenty percent
walk off the job and just take
pension and never come back
no that's a possibility but
that's kind
of not gonna be my point um
when I plays
another one of these clips this
is the
no checks report NBC belt
buckles and
Los Angeles furloughed FAA
Kurtis Calabrese is expecting
back pay
but says the political
tug-of-war should
have never happened in the
first place
this all began over debate for
a wall
right has it been worth it to
weigh that
against the safety of the
people that are flying every
day is that
worth it absolutely not in
Washington DC
some agree I don't think it was
worth it
what did it accomplish nothing
back in
Colorado single mom and Devin
Lintz lost
her job at the belt buckle shop
I don't
see myself going back to work
before the
end of February until something
is truly
signed and done families caught
politics turns personal Morgan
NBC News
let's go to this one I got a
note checks
again the FBI checks report NBC
this is
shorty federal workers like
Carla Davis
a grand processor at Housing
and Urban
Development need a little more
waiting on Backpage I'm glad
that's it
and then let's go to no checks
random and Democracy Now with
guard kicker
this comes as some 800,000
workers who've been furloughed
forced to work without pay for
over a
we'll miss a second paycheck
federal workers are
increasingly turning
to food pantries as they
struggle to pay
for housing food and other
basic needs
among them more than 40,000
active duty
members of the US Coast Guard
this is
Coast Guard commandant Admiral
Schultz I find it unacceptable
Coast Guard men and women have
to rely
on food pantries and donations
to get
through day to day life as
members ok let's just stop a
million of
them but let's listen to these
and now
analyze these things we've got
guys in
the Coast Guard guys in the FBI
everybody and they're gonna
miss a
second check and a woman did
one woman
as you heard says we're gonna
lose our
house we're gonna lose our cars
total bullshit and is it yes
yes it is
and I have I think I may or may
not be
but what they're there standing
is that
this economy is so weak and so
that you can't miss one or two
- let's
say two paychecks without
losing your
house your car and everything
in between
yeah that's what they said
that's the
case you can prove it's not the
case and
that would be fine because I
believe it is either you can
that's the case but if that is
the case
that these people are so bent
out of
shape about this over the one
or two
bloss paychecks which tells me
that too
many people too many people and
it I'm
assuming that there's some
truth to this
too many people
that are making good money
working for
the government it's not like a
paying job working for the
the federal government in
they're a living paycheck to
what happens if we have an