June 2nd, 2019 • 2h 50m
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tiptoe through the tulips papa
papa Adam
Curie Jhansi Devorah
Nation Media assassination
episode 11 43
this is no agenda Madame Curie
and from
northern Jhansi Dvorak responds
you have nothing else to say
that's it
done just didn't it was
possible and I
just said you know it's too
okay well I do have an idea
it's a big
one it's a money-making one we
even use it as our our exit
just to start the show off with
that I
can bring football/soccer
to American screens in a
viable way by not running it at
all no I
mean this is the biggest
problem why and
in our biggest probably soccer
in the
United States the way there's
biggest problems the biggest
problem is
it stinks as the game and
don't like playing it that's a
that's your opinion okay
prob the real problem is of
because there are no commercial
it's very difficult for
networks to make money off of
the games
well they must make money in
Mexico they
must make money in England they
make money and down the
continent no
actually they yeah they do but
more people who want to watch
but they
also they also buy more trucks
they also
have different broadcast systems
different ways of making money
but now
finally after having seen the
of the Champions League the big
game in
in in the champions of Europe
Liverpool beating out Tottenham
I think was 2 nil even it was a
was a crazy-ass game but there
is now a
way to monetize I have a little
which we I'll just play it it
really explain immediately but
at a
certain point something
happened on the
field we had a good
streaker from one side of the
pitch from
one goal to the other Kinzie
who you must do a quick Bing
search on
because she was well worth
running from one goal to the
approximately 3.2 change three
nine seven million dollars a
worth of advertising for the
company she
wore on her shirt which has
retired on
well whatever was left of the
shirt that
she had on what was her name
again -
Kinsey its Kinsey ki NS ey WA
Lansky and
this she had a t-shirt on for
uncensored estimated just under
million pounds worth of
value this is the way to go
just once a
game no one knows when it's
gonna happen
we don't know what she or he is
going to
look like but everyone knows
once a game
someone's gonna Street pretty
butt-naked from one end to the
we're gonna see their
advertisement we
take one advertiser and one
only we could expand it to two
one for
each half of the game later on
this is
finally a way to monetize and
the crowd
loves it have you seen her yeah
beautiful yes this is a
well I know who talked her into
this but I just got her name
right what
do you mean that she has a
sponsor this
you know she's an Instagram
gained a million followers
after this
stunt but look at the t-shirt
the teach
that was a sponsored t-shirt
now she
didn't get 4 million pounds for
it but
she got paid for it and the
value is
boom you're not on board with
my idea
actually she actually crashed
my browser
and she crashed a lot of old
browsers believe me there you go
anyway I thought I thought it
was an
interesting way to do it yeah
yeah you
should you should move back to
and become a member of the FIFO
the hell that group is FIFA
Alisa even
I'm not corrupt enough to join
FIFA it's
just not gonna happen
anyway that was my my big idea
now on to
the news then there is a little
okay well you got nothing I do
I got a
bunch of Assange stuff which is
kind of
interesting yeah I think did I
anything Assange yes I did I
haven't I
have a his lawyer talking to
the BBC
about his health do you want to
that do you want to go through
we'll go to my stuff alright
this was
actually this was posted on the
Vimeo service by Pamela
Anderson which
is why I got a lot of attention
his lawyer speaking with the
BBC about
his mental health I cannot
reveal the
patient-doctor confidentiality
diagnosis but we can see that
Assange showed all symptoms
that are
typical for prolonged exposure
psychological torture now
recently my
understanding is he has been
to the healthcare unit off the
prison that currently there
should be
some as I understand dramatic
loss and also a grave
deterioration of
his capacity to concentrate and
engage with the lawyers has it
since they first carried him
out now
this kind of also makes me
wonder did
they carry him out because he
walk because of his already
weight loss which it didn't
appear to be
his face seemed kind of full
did he lose
all this weight in just what a
time how long has it been six
I don't know the whole thing
seems very
strange but I mean I'm
wondering how
much of yeah well let's just
play these
clips types or more on this if
you want
to hear this a little bit very
to her room she should have
done a clean
up that audio a little bit
that's the
BBC man a grave deterioration
of his
capacity to concentrate and
engage with the lawyers it's
royal or
not it seems that she was not
able to
stand trial this week because
of this
medical incapacity to be
present in
court it doesn't surprise me
that this
is the case the psychiatrist of
companies my mission said his
state is critical he urgently
access to a psychiatrist that
is not
part of the Prison Service
someone that
he can fully trust and if he
doesn't get
that and if the pressure on him
is not
alleviated rapidly we will have
expect a rapid and serious
of his state of health what
does he say
now to you what was he saying
to you
when you went to visit him well
he is
extremely afraid of what
happened to him
he said I cannot count on the
institutions in this country to
be fair
I cannot count on fair to
seedings in Sweden
everything is biased against me
I have
no voice and I don't have
enough time to
prepare my defence in any of
proceedings the problem for
Assange is that he has multiple
legal proceedings that are
expanding as
we speak to various
jurisdictions and
new charges are being added all
the time
and he has no chance to prepare
a proper
defense for these cases pretty
similar coast but they're
audible let's start with the
sons being
tortured democracy now
by Neal's Melser the UN Special
Rapporteur on torture welcome to
Democracy Now why don't you
begin by
telling us the results of your
and describing your visit to
see Julian
Assange wait is this gonna be
the same
damn guy yeah but you can hear
him yeah
we got you we heard you the
first five
times are you still pissed
about your
clips that sucked last time is
that why
you're so passively aggressive
of course
stop Belmarsh prison in London
no thank
you Amy
well I did oh yeah the buckets
well done it's a mr. Assange in
Belmar prison on the 9th of May
in the
company of two medical experts
and my
primary concerns really are
that I'm
extremely worried about his
state of health which was
already when I visited him and
seems to have to terrier ate it
since then to the point where
he's no
longer even able to stand trial
and to
participate in in court
hearings and I
must say that I'm appalled at
sustained and concerted abuse
that this
man has been exposed to at the
hands of
several democratic states over
a period
of almost a decade and I'm
concerned about the prospects
of a
possible extradition to the
States as I have indicated this
in Geneva I I worry that he
would be
exposed to a politicized show
trial in
violation of his of his human
hmm I don't know about that
how's that a
violation of Human Rights
okay suspicious yeah this is so
I'm good
there's gonna be this argument
first of
all a piece came out this
morning saying
well why is that the CIA and the
government going after him
about his
revelations about vault 7 right
supposedly gave up all the CIA
techniques well just the
techniques not
just techniques but tools as
well I
understand tools tools tools and
techniques many sources and
methods and
then the article goes on to say
I don't
we don't get this whether I go
in after
him for that but they're gonna
go after
him on espionage and then in
the same
sense they say which is gonna
be very
hard to prove which brings us
back to
your thesis that this may all be
well now I'm thinking the best
for everybody think mainly for
intelligence services and I'm
looking at
you five eyes is to have
Assange die
the best way WikiLeaks is still
WikiLeaks they can it can still
controlled by whoever and I'm
not saying
Assange would actually be dead
but what
a what a perfect perfect setup
right now
he's sick not going well we
haven't seen
him he's gone oops sorry would
throw a
casket in the ground and
possible I I
don't know if he'd go along
with it but
it'd be better than what he's
doing well
it's a song Assange is not
anymore now it's really about
which I mean you tell me
remember when
that they were literally deep
platforming wikileaks.org from
internet by hijacking you know
the FBI
got the DNS they were jamming
everywhere then you had tons of
everyone was registering a
WikiLeaks domain to help spread
the load
and now it's I don't see any of
just wikileaks.org that works
they're on Twitter got Twitter
do you
think they're saying coopted
yeah I
would say by us so let's take a
look at
the it's I'm not gonna argue
that let's take a look at this
guy goes
on this Niels character who's a
torturer guy and he's supposed
to be
able to go in and say you're
somebody stop it I want that
job great
but before getting to his other
I want to play because there's
implication that well you know
you can't
get a fair trial because
there's the
jury pool has been tampered
with I think
I think of a lot of her based
on our
lousy results from the last
which were where we discussed
Assange I would guess that a
portion of our audience all
think Julian
Assange is a traitor and should
be hung
or mm-hmm I don't know about
it doesn't take a lot anyway so
listen but you just to get a
feeling for
what the public might believe
is going
on I have some clips from the
we're trying to decide which
ones to
okay well let's go with this
one which
is a gem this is a this is
introducing the the arrest of
Assange wouldn't happen and
enjoy Behar
jumping in and joy brings us
back up to
speed on exactly what the
situation is
in the society and all around
Assange has been arrested he
charges what she says Julian
with the wait with the name
like Whoopi
what he expects Julian Assange
hospitalized he faces charges
in the US
for conspiring to hack into a
government computer WikiLeaks
that he's won dozens of
awards nominated for a Nobel
Prize every
year since 2010 and this is
just a
campaign by the CIA to
delegitimize and
do you mean if you humanize
yeah I was
almost a dehumidifier so what
do you
think it is what why did he
break the
law wasn't a problem well
remember what
he did originally yeah well he
he hacked
into the Democrats computers
and haven't
elected basically by exposing
just his emails and then and
then call
me when after Hillary and
remember that
listen to that last bit again
what did
Assange do computers and hacked
into Wow
two years of Muller report and
this is
what you took away from it joy
helped Trump get elected
basically by
exposing put Zeppo just his
emails in
and then call me went after
Hillary and
remember that
since 2010 Wow Wow
oh my goodness well she does
not pass
the Muller test so so now
Assange hacked
into the it's no longer the
Russians it
wasn't the internet research
agency it
was Assange but that's another
clip the
view on Asajj would working
with the
Russians okay there is a
different sunny
and being a whistleblower and
being a
straight-up hacker and what we
found out
with us with Assange as he has
conspired with Russia to meddle
in our
2016 election so it was if that
is not
committing a crime yes sir I
don't know
what that is
I fail to say that under the
freedom of
speech I can't get in
here's what I would tell you I
says oh so it was him no let's
review for a second I don't
understand I
know they have producers on
this show I
know that they're constantly
into their ears I know a lot of
watch this show and take what
women say it is gospel this is
sad everything she just said is
everything everything they
boasted those
are two different women yes
well they
all said it that they're wrong
so let's
see what McCain has to say
prosecutor the politics of this
always been a completely
hypocritical on
both sides Eric Holder under
decided against pursuing
persecution of
Assange of concerns that
WikiLeaks was
quote a journalistic
organization that
would raced First Amendment
Chelsea Manning was granted
Chelsea Manning in 2010
released 750,000
classified and sensitive
documents that put our national
at list under the Obama
she was given clemency yeah
a lot of people who put national
security at first I put myself
in that
category had been warning about
warning about and warning about
and the
only time the Democrats started
is when I started affecting them
politically and Hillary
Clinton's emails
were released and John Podesta
Z mails
were released does gonna happen
with him
that's myself here's the debate
he'll well there you go pirata
gets a round of applause we
don't even
need to extradite him he's
guilty done
and rotten in hell already
matter just bring a piece of
hair yeah
we got a scalp girls that's
pretty low pretty low so let's
go back
to our UN guy this is the a
what's his
name again
Nils I got two I get first of
all let's
have a short clip that kind of
what the view people think in
words the the jury pool has been
poisoned to the point where
it's even if
the judge level play this
little thick
clip here Nils on not guilty
plea the
same day he was dragged out of
embassy after more than six
years and
the same day he was pulled into
a UK
court he was given reportedly
less than
15 minutes with this defense
lawyer to
prepare a defense and then in a
short hearing was convicted for
violation and and and and the
judge even
insulted him as being a
narcissist who
cannot get beyond himself now
as a
lawyer having worked at court
myself I
cannot imagine how a judge
could come to
such a conclusion when the
didn't say anything else in
that hearing
then I plead not guilty no no
that's a
kangaroo court then obviously
you think
well of course we do have
standards here in the United
States I
give you the example is brought
to us by
former CIA chief John Brennan
people are
innocent until alleged to be
involved in
some type of komal activity
okay just so
you know it's like we're very
similar to
the International Criminal
Court at this
point Neil's talking about
getting a
fair trial
in the United States yes I'm
Greg wait
stop stop I I'm just wondering
what this
I I write cues for myself on
these clips
uh and the cue in this case was
and I forgot what it was before
I just
threw the clip out amy has just
him what was the potential for
getting a
fair trial in the United States
okay yes
I'm gravely gravely concerned I
almost you know certain that he
not get a safe fair trial and
and a safe
treatment in the United States
public prejudice including on
the part
of former and current officials
in the
United States has is so
predominant and
for for several years now and
and so
that that it would be almost
to have an impartial court
hearing where
he could actually be heard and
concerns when we see that
charges that
have been added now recently
under the
Espionage Act most of them
really relate
to activities that any
journalists is conducting every
day so
is really a reason for concern
for press
freedom around the world then
we are
also with the United States
unfortunately dealing with a
that in the last 20 years has
not shown
to be consistent in enforcing
prohibition of torture with its
officials we can speak to the
committee report that has not
led to a
single prosecution contrary to
obligations under the
Convention Against
Torture obviously the
Collateral Murder
video has not led to any
either the only person that is
prosecuted here seems to be the
one that
actually exposed all of these
that's our culture bro that's
what our
elites always do Daniel
Ellsberg with
the Pentagon Papers room
Espionage Act
of course that that's that's
what we do
we are horrible that way yeah
well it
tends to work a little bit I
did get
McGee I dug up the old McGovern
ray mcgovern the ex-cia guy
about and and I'd left the
beginning of
this clip in it has something
to do with
this an obscure way but mostly
to do
with what the view said about
hacking no a Julian Assange
hacking not
Russia Julian Assange hacked a
D&C yeah
McGovern makes an interest
income this
was done in middle of 2018 and
he says
he says he says we don't hear
hacking anymore in 2018 he was
in a
moment in time where that might
been true but it's not true
anymore and
this particular information
that he goes
on and on about which we've
discussed on
the show a lot mm-hmm
which is that it couldn't have
hacked it had to be a thumb
drive and
that which brings in all kinds
of other
possible oh I do have some new
information regarding that but
listen to the govern and you
can you can
update us you don't hear
anything about
Russian hacking anymore right
hmm that's
interesting huh that was a big
deal well
suffice it to say that with the
help of
our two former technical
directors of
NSA bill Binney and Ed Loomis
we've been
able to prove that the
celebrated hack
end quote of 5 July 2016 which
blamed on the Russians and the
alleged to have given it to
and that of course was the DNC
that this was not a Hank not
by the Russians no not by
Russians it's
not a hectic anybody know has
worked think of the Internet as
a pipe
okay now we know what the
capacity of
the internet was in July of
early July
for 2016 the information said
to have
been hacked could not have been
because it was downloaded onto
a thumb
drive at a speed three times
what the internet pipe would
have been
able to tolerate given its
capacity this
is physics
okay now what rate was that
that was
downloaded well I happened to
be exactly
the same rate as the thumbdrive
tolerate so less thing here is
that we
know and have proven from
forensics that the FBI did not
against that the celebrated
hack on the
fifth of July was not by Russia
anybody else
it was a download you can say
it was a
copy onto a thumb drive because
speed at which it was copied
the capacity of the internet by
times here's the problem but I
do have
information I want to talk
about here's
the problem I have with this
and we've
repeated this and I want to
believe this
I'd like to know exactly what
they're looking at for if it was
transferred through so they
have a
server log somewhere which
shows a
transfer is that is that
correct and who
has this and how do we get this
log in the first place I don't
know okay
nobody seems to explain it well
this is
why I don't like it if if you
have law
if you have access to logs that
can show
you the speed at which it was
then you also know what port
and what
protocol was used I never hear
talk about it except for
because of the
speed it had to be a USB don't
say thumb
drive that's kind of like 1998
I'll say
USB Drive however I've got
man new shit has come to light
lacking of any evidence that it
was an
actual thumb drive I now have
much proof that it would have
worked and
could have easily been a power
connector could have been
anything and
I'm a little
people repeating this it had to
be it
had to be it had to be without
how did
show me the log I know what
logs look
like I know where the logs come
honest was it a UNIX server was
it a
Windows machine was it a
Windows 2000
server yeah find it difficult
to believe
that one of the security blogs
have all this information I've
not seen
of course now we have the troll
posting all kinds of possible
which I'm happy because we need
to know
it's well you said you had new
information that's what I just
said it
could have been a powerline
adapter that
what you're just throwing it
okay that's
not new information that's
yes of course it is and of
course you
brought the powerline thing and
you because this is a theme
when you
need to explain my jokes it's
bad okay sorry
what I'm thinking of what is he
what is where is he going with
this and
then I then it's just a joke
the yo power line technology if
think about having a power line
connection oh there's all kinds
possibilities all you have to
do is just
drop one in somewhere or you
have to
press two buttons at the same
time to
pair him no it's not at the
same time
you they have to be near each
and push one button and it
blinks and
then you push the other button
and then
you're they're paired you have
to be you
have to push them both you have
to you
have to have access to both of
and within the same timeframe
yes okay
so it's not a great way anyway
not true is the way it would
work you
you have your master and your
slave and
there your simile in the office
and you
put them into plugs and your
param and
then you take the slave and
then you
stick it over at some places
now you can
put it anywhere you want okay
it doesn't
send out a blip through the
through the
potty why am I even asking you
this I
don't want to know anymore it's
fine it
was a it was a thumb drive I'm
with the powerline ID how do
people get
these transfer ties I see it in
troll room hey there was no log
time escape transfer where do
you get
transfer time from just magic
out of the sky I'm sorry I'm
not I'm not
buying it anymore until someone
can show
me where this information comes
from and
this is this is the Binney
group so I
hold them in pretty high regard
should do more than just say
I will look into it okay you
have a
second clip for
McGovern yeah this is the boob
this is
that I don't even know what
this clip is
but as I put it here for uh I
got three
clips apparently clay McGovern
no I got
two you're right play the
second clip
sorry this is motive and Scott
information dole Benny is still
on this that shows that GU
surfer 2.0
who is said to be working for
Russians are very much involved
in this
that it's a fraud that
everything is
he's been saying it is
suspect because of various
principles now why is that why
is that
of importance well let me just
tell you
that we have a new Nuclear
statement revealed on Friday
and the the
really new aspect of this says
that we
can we can go to war with
weapons or these small nuclear
on the on the occasion of any
kind of
enemy act including cyber
attack whoa so
eighty percent of the American
according to my informal poll
my family believe that
everybody knows
the russians hacked into our
everybody knows that just like
knew that their weapons of mass
destruction in iraq it's not
true that
they did it's the monster bleep
but you know the next time this
around next time there's a
cyber attack
by the russians or anybody else
so-called this was still on the
well he hacked into our
election they
tried to undermine a democracy
in 2016
or they're doing it again yeah
and this
is you know anything McGovern
anything we say once the
information is
out there and I'm really I'm
demure and
disappointed and somewhat
depressed by
the view clips that is now what
will believe Julian Assange
hacked into
our elections hacked into the
Clinton just into Clinton don't
have to
say anything just hacked into
and published everything that's
state no one else will give a
shit no
one else will remember anything
no more truth to be had it's
over and
done with and Assange will
never stand
dead man walking sorry they're
kill him they got it the
message is out
they got everything they need
in place
off him continue with WikiLeaks
great co-opt well that's what
you do
you'd coop it and it's been
done I don't
know how they're gonna deal
with Asajj
if he does get killed and urn
is not
that big I mean you can kind of
put it
anywhere but if you've got the
that they view going off like
they did
with this unbelievable bullcrap
yeah yeah nobody will care be a
lot of
good riddance or all visits I
mean the
other thing I don't I didn't
bitch about
so much in the last show but I
continually bitch about is the
fact that
massage isn't an American but
yet they
call him a traitor
yeah well did they call him
that on the
view I didn't hear that the
t-one no she
just wanted him to rot in hell
but they
could just if they did it would
would have fit right in
right but others have I mean a
lot of
our senators a lot of Republican
senators have called him a
I think even Trump may have I'm
not sure
but he's been called a traitor
on and on
and on and it's just beyond me
how can you be a traitor if
you're not
even a citizen no you can be an
enemy of
the state well that's yeah a
lot of
people can be a enemy of the
state I'd
like to talk for a moment about
something I think it happened
on show
day I believe it happened on
the president threatened Mexico
with 5%
tariffs on on all goods from
Mexico as
of June 10th if they don't slow
down the
wave of
people seeking entry into the
States without proper paperwork
to my
new term for illegal and I have
to say
to about two things first I
think it's a
brilliant strategy this makes
makes so
much sense I think Mexico
quite quickly but also and I
heard anyone mentioned this not
even on
Fox where I expected it to pop
up this
will be the way he turns around
and says
there you go
and Mexico's paying for the
wall no one
has said this yet it's so it's
obvious to me like oh we know
so what is
it 300 billion dollars a year
so Jack it
up Jew yeah every month 5%
every month
yeah it's fantastic they'll be
for the wall I mean I don't
know how
he's gonna turn around and sell
it but
you know he's gonna know he's
gonna have
to say that it's perfect it's
if he doesn't did you get was
now I
guess you couldn't talk about
this with
Horowitz since that happened
Tuesday's show I guess or did
it I don't
don't remember no it was no
exactly it
was that after the show so what
do you
think about this about the
about the
tariffs well I haven't really
given it a
lot of thought I didn't think
was a bad
idea if it works because all
yeah the
idea is that you're gonna ding
until they put their foot down
in it if
you remember if you remember
let's see
probably during the Obama
we this was discussed because
it was
discussed a lot by the
right-wingers oh
no as I think was I don't know
what site
what political site discuss
this but
you'll remember soon as I bring
it up
Mexico supposedly said well you
we're dealing so harshly with
Mexicans or a little harshly
with the
Mexicans and everyone's saying
counter was you're being too
harsh with
these Mexicans are coming over
well Mexico on their southern
anybody comes over they beat
the crap
out of them send them back
they're very
harsh they grab them and they
you pour them they do not let
come up to southern border and
they made
a big stink about it all this
was a big
point of discussion probably in
2012 maybe mm-hmm and it kept
going on
what happened to that debt
policy where
the Mexicans all of a sudden
saying well were you will you
over we're gonna beat the crap
out of
you if you're gonna stay here
and they
say no no we're going the
United States
oh okay
just take this up the coast to
once the Soros dollars came
everything like I asked George
of George Visa debit card
friend of
George yeah off you go
no problem so with that in mind
think that something that the
obviously have a little more
over the situation and it is
New Mexico
the way it's shaped it's kind
of you
know it's like a funnel and so
it's not
that easy you know you just you
have a big border like we do
with the
United States you have a very
border down the south and it's
very easy
to control and that's all I
think I
think the Mexicans can do it if
want you because they've done
it before
well it's it seemed that that
after this this threat went out
then the
Mexicans say well let's send
some people
over Friday listen I don't have
a little
chat we can work something out
and of
course we see all kinds of
gearing up to get the courts
and it's
illegal and you can't do it he
has no
power and uh I am so done with
all of
this I'm looking at other news
the world
everything here is it is a
sideshow of outrage and people
to emotion sad yeah it's very
sad it's
and it's not funny isn't
there's nothing
interesting excited I do that
funny moments for example for
today I've
got the Trump genius I so I
think it's
really a funny moment well is
something that maybe I can use
for end
of show let's see I'm an
stable genius
it's not a new one no of course
it's not
I bet I've been itching to get
alright we can talk about no
let me grab
the the wheel here let's talk
about some
of our 2020 candidates just to
get it
out of the way and then we have
a lot of
other things to talk about yeah
been some there's been some new
information we're learning
things about
people first of all yes I okay
I have
some news I haven't put it on
the page
yet but I have some new
thoughts on this
and I you should yeah okay tell
me what
you got okay well I'd say the
number two
candidate is Hillary Clinton we
think she will uh according to
cosmic weeny she will re-enter
she'll fly right in and no
evidences she
won't and of course this came
across our
desk so get this folks hillary
is set to serve as a keynote
speaker at
the 2019 cyber defense summit
security company fire I
tweeting this
flyer out and saying the event
designed to inform executives
about how
to quote mitigate detect and
respond to
cyber attacks but is the
figure who really came to define
mismanagement of cyber security
right person takeno to cover
its on
cyber security bones yeah I'd
say she's
the perfect one-two keynote
that and
it's interesting that it's fire
I um
since they were they've always
with CrowdStrike
Bing Bing I think yeah and fire
or fire
I really the pew pew guys are
they the
ones with the ribbon lamp you I
know I can't recoup track of
these bony
head believe so well the troll
knows the troll room knows is
it is it
the fire I guys who have the
the map you
I think it is yeah yes we hear
you with
your pew pew
no that was Norse let's see I
do have
the pew pew here I think
that'll be a big hit for her
I'm sure
she's getting a lot of money
for it and
I think people will enjoy that
have some funny one-liners
it'll be a
pretty good show I wonder how
much she's
getting this is really and
I'd love to find out I you
gotta have a
good payday if you're gonna do
like this I mean it's it's
self-deprecating which is funny
totally getting the awareness I
it's really she'll play it too
play this over yeah hating part
yeah so
you got to get a payday for
that it's
got to be good these guys have
not fire I think fire eyes
public well
talking about candidates there's
something that was brought up on
yes news and public company so
give to
give her some stock give her
options it's beautiful oh yeah
would work well give me some
stock okay
that's how they get rich in
yes stock options so this it
was kind of
brought up on the NewsHour and
when they
brought it up I didn't think
too much
about I do have a clip which
talks about
one aspect I will play that but
let me
just tell you what the theory
is there's
a bunch of Democrats and David
himself says I don't know why
people are even running because
it's I
don't know what to think and
this is
crazy but there's a bunch of
and no one has noticed this
trying to talk about a little
bit but as
you hear from the clip that I'm
play it doesn't go anywhere but
are certain candidates say our
issue this is very
old-fashioned type of
politics single issue candidates
Gillibrand is for women's
rights and
pro-abortion that's it
Erik's wall well from
California guns
gun control gun control and
more gun
control Inslee the bonehead
from Washington State climate
change and
only climate change he's
running on a
climate change platform I don't
that I can isolate more of
these well
now I'm yes what I was gonna
say is that
I can answer the question why
people are running they're not
because they believe they have
chance they're running to raise
profile so they are preparing
for the
next step it could be a Senate
seat could be no I totally
agree with
that and I think even I've
mentioned and
I may be in that new in the
cosmic weeny
piece that Tulsi Gabbard I
think is just
after that idiot senator from
Maisie whatever her name is
amazing her
own oh yeah mazie Hirono she's
but I think these single issues
they it's not as though there's
crossover which makes me wonder
they're test-marketing these
ideas okay these different
out there you see which one gets
traction with whatever issue
running on and then you
incorporate that
issue into the platform and
none of
these candidates of course have
a chance
and I think that's pretty
obvious when
they talked about done Newshour
talked about Gillibrand a bit
to here
play this clip is Mark shields
abortion and Gillibrand and now
we turn
to the analysis of shields and
that is syndicated columnist
shields and New York Times
David Brooks hello to both of
you so we
are trying to work our way
through a
conversation with each one of
candidates mark there now as we
said 23
of them we talked to Eric's
wall well
tonight kirsten gillibrand last
I'm not gonna say they're one
candidates but they are in his
case you
heard him talk about gun
control Kirsten
Gillibrand emphasizing women's
what are you hearing from them
is is it
smart for them to seize on one
issue or
not well we'll find out whether
it is it
just strikes me that abortion
as an
issue has been that way because
Gillibrand is probably most
identified it is an issue where
who seek it it's hard to it's
hard to
imagine and and I just say that
the UH
the uneasy consensus I mean
it and that's this and and that
you know
to me if you start to it's it
just did
it changed that which I think
Republicans are fighting all
right now
when you've got it I think it
tells you
something about the politics
then I mean
it was summarized come on you
that the guy does not sound
like that
he's bad but he's not that bad
anyway I
think it brings it right will
not have
this this this this fake fake
news these
deep fakes taking place without
you come and clean well I will
say that
I Krim dit for us to make it
concise okay I went out of my
way to do
a specifically better job so
the ear
can't won't hear ya know it was
undetectable John I don't I
don't know
how you did it alright
Kamala Harris is not a single
candidate she is a no issue
she here's what she says you
just bring
up an issue to me John any
issue so what
is your take on gun control
I think gun control in this
country is
something we ought to have a
conversation about try me again
what do
you think about abortion yes we
need to
have a comprehensive
conversation about
women's reproductive rights and
don't think that this is
another one of
the test marketing strategies
no I no
issue candidate no I think
she's sitting
there waiting for the other
jamokes to
come in with their reports and
like well
and this didn't work really
well Kamla
I'm trying this one well and I
know how serious she's being
taken as a
candidate she was on stage at a
was to
move on conference all of a
sudden some
man bun pops up on stage grabs
her my
you got a mic and they cut him
off well
he talk so you can hear him a
little bit
for your big idea so there's
there's 15
so I could let it run for a
there's 15 seconds between this
man bun
popping up on stage cam Allah
gets up
walks away slowly and after 15
some kind of security guard
jumps the
guy and from behind you know
pushes him
away how serious can you take
candidate if she has zero
security any
douchebag can pop up and like
here we go
I'm just grabbing the mic and
right in
your face nothing but also what
kind of
a leader is camel a Harris I
mean she's
gone now she's off the stage
and this is
going on this okay it's okay
folks it's
okay people have their own big
they have their own big ideas
so she
could have easily come back the
guy is
off the stage to our folks that
come here to speak she didn't
have to
leave it all she was never in
any real
danger after they got him
they have to chant to bring her
this would be the leader of the
world in our country a pussy no
you know
this is peach annex pic well
then he's
picking a pussy she's she's no
she's a
she's a coward she didn't
really even
want to come back on stage even
this guy had been gone for a
minute well
I remember that objects in my
in my view
bad optics for someone who
wants to be
President and leader yeah yeah
you can
step back for a second but
maybe even
say something address it she
was gone
she was that he was in the limo
I remember in the years past
when gene
McCarthy was running for
president and
he showed up at the Berkeley
campus and
he's just so he was just like
showed up
and he was walking around with
security really and some maniac
like this guy and only an older
or a different version this is
a hippie
version as opposed to the man
type who's a creepy looking guy
by the
way they start yelling at him
McCarthy he gave as good as he
he just just stood there stood
ground and started jacking with
the guy
and said oh you're wrong about
wrong about that
sure he you know he was I was
impressed by this you know yes
off you know and in fear is not
the way
to do it you kind of have to
see the
video to just see that you know
she sits
there the guy comes right Yanks
the mic
out of her hand she's like oh
and then
you know the guy's yappin he's
and then you just see her go
tip to
through the tulips put a paw
patrol and
the thing is she had this she
always he
kept that kind of shit eating
grin that
she always has a conversation
about that
I think just keep the smile on
my face
as I move out of the way it's
conversation about that man
bond and
then we had Elizabeth Warren
I went on the The Breakfast
Club which
is power 105 in New York who
have no commercials I don't
make any
money but they interviewed her
for 44
for almost 45 minutes not a
commercial break was just for a
show is pretty good but it also
really gave time for us to get
to know
the candidates and they are
honest you've probably heard
snippets of this I figured it's
agenda why don't we play the
piece in context where they
asked her
specifically about her mistake
thinking she was of Native
heritage and I want to clear up
stuff there's a lot of
criticism that
said about you something can
you speak
on these things the Native
they do you regret taking the
DNA test
oh look I can't go back mmm but
you know
you got explain to a lot of
people that
don't know now you came out and
that you were Native American
long ago
in the island out that you
weren't and
people were very upset about
the same
for the people who don't know a
lot of
people notice that well notice
she's also fighting the same
issue that
we were talking about with you
know what
the what the public believes
these guys
do and she's not answering any
obviously you know so oh you
are do you
do you regret taking the DNA
test she
didn't say no no she's like
yeah you you
claimed falsely you didn't
American no long ago she in the
minds she's a liar and I don't
think she
can break through it I grew up
Oklahoma I learned about my
family the
same way most people learn
about their
family from my mama and my
daddy and my
aunt's and my uncles corn
flakes bucks
and it's what I believe but I'm
not a
person of a collar I'm not a
citizen of
a tribe and I shouldn't have
done it I
can't go back you know but I
should mmm
but what I what I can do is try
to be a
good partner and that's what I
do every
how long did you all on it I
could there
was some report that said you a
working on your Texas ball
license and
then she said you a Native
American on
some documents when you have
at Harvard like why'd you do
that so
it's what I believe you know
that's like
I said it's what I learned for
my family
when do you find out you when
did you
find out you want
well no it's I'm not a person
of color
I'm not a citizen of a tribe
and tribal
citizenship is an important
and not something I am so was
benefit no Boston Globe did a
investigation it never affected
about my family ever affected
any job I
ever got um didn't get a
discount in
college now it's kind of like
original Rachel Dolezal she
needs a
crisis management she's better
come back or she needs yeah I
can give
some ideas of what she should
have done
okay first of all she's right
off the
bat she could have killed this
thing in the Richard Rachel
thing at the beginning when
they said
you regret taking the DNA test
should be more aggressive and
say look
look Lord with that look I was
it and then maybe you could do
a sidebar
here and say do you remember
there's a there's a black woman
YouTube that took her DNA chess
SS used
white and she's very upset
about this I
was convinced I was Native
American I
have some features that look
American I was told I was Native
American and everybody's
ridiculing me
for cuz I'm white so I decided
to take
the DNA test because I took the
DNA test
cuz that's what I thought
once it proved that I was a
American I said okay fine I'm
out of
yeah but see the problem there
is that
if you recall I'm actually
looking for
it when she did the DNA test
she had a
friend of I think one of her
friends and he is part owner of
company that did the analysis
and he
called her on the phone and
they had
both sides of it
well looks like you're
definitely Pocahontas and you
know so
she can't get away from that
that of
that mules done I'm sorry is
what I
described if she you're right
actually there's two things
involved one
and this she should she doubled
down was
her problem when the test came
there was something about her
having some Peruvian or some
south south
south america South American
American Indian maybe and so
she went
with that and as soon as she
did that to
that the Cherokee Nation or one
of the
Indian tribes today a just got
to do with nothing and they
brought up
the thing about you're not a
member of a
tribe and the whole thing is
bogus and
so sending this you just kind
of stuck
in the middle she should have
used the
DNA test to escape from the
right of her being Native
American right
could have done it you know I
guess it's
not true there's some evidence
it's South America but she
didn't do
that she double done that's the
she made she probably should
have gotten
to consulted early yeah no she
up she's complete yeah there
was no way
she's gonna get anywhere
gosh I wish I knew what those
were that's right especially
that of DNA
she pander abuse that is the
ice over
the end of the show
you're like though she pandered
quite a
bit every day every time she
could turn
around and say reparations or h
you historically black colleges
and you
know well we got to give more
there she's just a panderer but
then she
she talked about her trip to
the border
a year ago and I found this to
be quite
disingenuous no doubt the
border is
messy and yet detention
facilities that
go to any jail any place where
are detained it's it's not
pretty you
see human beings behind bars
but there's another way you can
that picture if you're
Elizabeth Warren
I went down to the border it's
been what
probably about a year ago right
now when
it first came out about
separating mamas
from their babies and picture
an Amazon
warehouse only its dirty and it
bad well wait a minute how is
different from an Amazon
warehouse only
it's dirty and it smelled bad
and I walk
in and on the left its cage
after cage
after cage
okay age about 10 feet wide
about 40
feet deep toilet back in the
corner and
they're just jammed one after
after another same thing on the
only cages of women then you
walk into
the main space and there are
these huge
freestanding cages out in the
lot of that cages in cages in
cages and
the way that conjures up its
images of
actual cages but of course it's
you know
it's bars it says sell no her
and the reparations thing and
all the
rest of it these impractical
ideas she's
full of crap she's always been
full of
crap and so she did that
hearing about
Rachel calling on the phone the
calls and she we have to put a
stop to
it it's worse than ever
she is a do-nothing senator a
person who just was very
ambitious I
have a clip here just because I
see it
from 2011 it says Elizabeth
elitist shall we just have a
since it's an old clip and you
know what joy could bring us
I'm sure it's fantastic you are
problems we had an agreement
for a later
hearing your staff asked us
yeah that's
just not good can already tell
it's not
going to be good without
knowing what it
is all right then I have
brexit yes I didn't get any
clips or
anything of John Cleese but you
know it
was not that good
no it wasn't I did get a good
clip from
Elton John which I thought was
there it
shows exactly the problem with
people in
this case who are with the
and and virtue signal and claim
but really are behaving in
exactly the
opposite way the Elton John is
in the
news now not only because
there's this
movie out about him called
Rocket Man
which is in theaters now and
I'm very
much looking forward to that
and of
course they've got the
publicity machine
ramped up you know wall in
they're showing it they're
cutting out
the gay scenes well that's just
so you
don't have to pay a fine who so
cutting out the gay scenes so
don't lie
about that but then he's on
stage and
this is what he said just the
night love John love compassion
healing powers down love yeah
write it
down because you're gonna need
it in
about 30 seconds love and
in the world today I agree
let's show
some level there's some love and
compassion love and compassion
correct me if I'm wrong he's
saying I
love and compassion but I'm not
a stupid
imperialist English idiot who
brexit am I missing something
or is he
missing the compassion of
people who
feel different than he does in
this case
he just said 20 seconds ago he
just said
20 seconds ago and he comes
back to it
more love just like that I'm
sick of
these Imperial English idiots
more love
and compassion everybody Amina
it sounds
like DeNiro when people don't
even see I
mean did they not see this
it's like oh man and I know he
can just
say I'm sick of what's
happening but
he's really really calling out
who want to who are pro brexit
imperialist idiots his own
yeah that's pretty that's
pretty bad
what happens you guys get a lot
of money
they think they're you know
they get
there's a lot of guys welcome
John is a
whole whole nother level he can
whatever he wants as far as I'm
concerned but he's got all this
and he and immediately the
first thing
they do is they eschew their
own nation
because they consider
themselves above
it all he lives in the great
international people he lives
in Atlanta
his main house is in Atlanta
he's trump - yeah you know we
just call him Sharon from now
yes his
gay name is Sharon Sharon yes
this is
the thing with a lot of gay men
probably more 80s 90s thing I
don't know
if it's still done yeah then
it's when
he's hanging out with his with
buddies didn't hang out with
him but
AIDS Project Los Angeles I did
work for
them way back in the MTV days
and that's
that was his one of his
charities and
everyone just like her I'm like
what the
fuck who Sharon that's his name
and this
ode but you have to think you
have to be
a gay guy to be able to call
him that
Sharon huh
well there's a dude but you
won't get on
any other show well I realized
after 11 years we probably
should start
repeating some of our stories
not everyone has heard them and
definitely mentioned this one
for sure yeah for sure it's
nothing I
would forget mm-hmm you may
have to know
even after the show I've never
this story before maybe I mean
possible but I know all right
so we want
to let's take what I got one
more thing
talking about love and hate
CNN brings on this guy
professor Allan
Lichtman and Lichtman is the
who predicted the last nine
he's got
some list of criteria and he's
supposedly although he's only
known but he supposedly is
last night presidential
elections nailed
him which could make a lot of
money if
he parlayed that it seems to me
so they bring him on you think
gonna bring him on to discuss
Trump as a
you know the potential
candidate that he
is and know kind of but let's
professor Allan Lichtman one but
professor Allan Lichtman has
also made a
name for himself by looking
into the
future of the historian has
predicted the last nine
elections look at all the faces
on your
screen he called from Ronald
Reagan in
1984 all the way through Donald
and in 2016 biggest political
upset in
modern US history
now Lichtman says I'll be it
with some
cautions since obviously
nothing is
final yet but the Trump will
win again
but the professor also believes
Democrats do have a shot if
they impeach
him so let's talk about that
Allan Lichtman so you called it
times nine and you say now and
I know
we're still early and this is
not your
official prediction but you
think the
Trump is it in 2020 unless what
the Democrats grow a spine and
do their
constitutional duty and move
into an
impeachment inquiry and I think
evidence will show ultimately an
impeachment it's a false
dichotomy to
say Democrats have a choice
doing what is right and what is
constitutional and what is
right impeachment is
also politically right right
now based
on my system there has to be six
negative factors against the
holding the White House to
Trump Party
to predict their defeat they're
only three but an impeachment
would nail
down the scandal key a fourth
key it
might trigger other keys like a
challenge to his reen ama
nation or a
third party enough to defeat
him and
let's not forget impeachment is
not just
a vote in the house it involves
hearings as part of the
inquiry and what everyone
forgets a
public trial in the Senate in
House prosecutors present
present documents make opening
closing statements you know
Nixon before all the public
was at 67% approval it was the
revelations of his misdeeds
that drove
him down to 25 percent but
here's the
but professor because if you
look at it
the other way and you by the
way very
well may be correct but if you
look at
the other way if used to
consider that
Trump is daring Democrats to
impeach him
right the he sees this as this
galvanizing moment for his
party and
also those importantly who
who've been
on the fence ahead of 2020
might that
not backfire on Democrats
absolutely not
oh really okay absolutely not
and then
of course then I get so that
because I'm
already disappointed this guy's
giving us any insight
whatsoever is just
another Trump hater they bring
on CNN he
goes on and on about he should
impeached and so he throws this
in and
it's like you after you listen
to the
joy behar rant and these other
that we've heard on the show so
far you
hear this and you just go why
are we
even what is the point of
anything if
this is the way things are
gonna go this
is part two it's a short nine
all the evidence against I'm
not just
talking about obstruction of
we're also talking about
something Mulla
did not apply on possible
collusion with
the Russian
please Muller did not applying
on he
says collusion with the
Russians now
that was the news media the
very station
your what the whole report was
about you
know CNN has now or Turner
I should say subsidiary of Time
is now moving all freelancers
to a 90
day billing cycle yeah that's
not a good thing that's usually
accounting trick yeah yeah when
you have
issues with your pay roll it's
a great
and they're offering people
yeah we got
a special deal through Citibank
give you a loan in the meantime
sounds like a groovy way to
work well
someone else who was in the
Nixon era
was Tom Brokaw he showed up on
morning Joe's to really express
displeasure at the ease at
which these
impeachment discussions are
even being
held and I'm going back over
that period
of time and the great great
is it was so much more
methodical than
on both parties they knew how
this was this is not just a
well let's
put it on the calendar for
Monday an
impeachment means that we
remove the
president from office and
that's there's
no more dramatic instance in the
American Constitution or an
political way of life than
doing that so
they want to add it both
parties in the
most methodical thoughtful way
and so
they crossed every T and dotted
every I
they had discussions back and
forth in
public and privately now they
just throw
the word around like oh let's
take a
break and have an impeachment I
that's really really
inappropriate and I
think it cheapens the process
and I don't think that it
advances our
interest in moving this country
at a time now
when we need to be paying much
attention to what the
Constitution says
what the process is and who we
are you
know we've got three branches of
government the president still
is the
strongest but if you're going
to take a
president down you better take
him down
in a way that you can defend
that a
hundred years from now based on
not just
the evidence but I'm following
the rule
of law yeah I was actually
stunned by
this clip because it was on
Morning Joe
and he's a known Trump basher
yeah and
he didn't really do the caught
off guard
by this they actually cut away
from him
kind of when after that
sentence they
you know didn't even say thanks
Tom just
went to some other guy who is
kind well
yeah but for our for people
outside the
United States but also many
inside the United States
you know the house isn't
doesn't impeach
that's not really how it works
you know they they come up with
articles of impeachment and
then they
send that to the Senate as a
recommendation for the Senate's
remove the president from
office which
seems unlikely at this point
but in the
pantheon applause he went on to
to sell her message and she was
on for
court she got a long long said
through I
think three segments to do that
15-20 minutes entertaining she
said some
funny things I did pull one
clip which I
wanted to share but she was
really there
to you to give the message to
the to the
populace that you know it's
really not
prudent to do this and and she
just look she doesn't want to
do it she
knows why it's a smart thing to
she really just wants to
prolong this up
until the election you know
it's the
same thing we just went through
which is which is why there's
no wonder
that CNN is going to a net 90
building I
mean all these guys you can't
pushing this on people it's
like the you
know it
the Malaysian airplane that
went down
people get tired of it even of
this but
Kimmel called her in and she
said some
interesting things let me just
say this
immodestly so she's going to
boast about
herself in a way I I it's like
yourself the highest almost the
credentials in the country it
was odd
let me just say this immodestly
probably have a better idea as
to what
the president has to be held
for than anyone
have you read the mole report
yes I have
very calling for that we won't
ever they
would show it to me but I said
why I'm
not gonna let you show it to me
you show it to the whole country
oh you also see how uninformed
Kimmel is
he doesn't even know he's I the
way he's
speaking I don't even know if
he knows
that there is a report that has
published he's like it's not
there oh
I'd like to see it but you can
read the
whole thing except for five
the only person who knows
better than I
why this president is not above
the law
why this president must be held
accountable the only person who
better than I do is the
President of the
United States
he knows Wow did Nancy she
knows no one
knows better than her except the
perpetrator himself
so Nancy is putting herself
right up
there no one knows better you
have to go
through me I know what's right
for the
country I know what's right for
party and I also know what's
right for
young people in in poor
knows what his violations had
been yeah
I don't think he even knows
yeah I think
sometimes they do things and
they go oh
that's not allowed and then
they kind of
go back and try to figure out
what it
was and how they can keep it
yeah really bugs me about that
when you see what they said oh
I didn't
know I didn't know it was wrong
to talk
to Russians about this I didn't
know I
said yeah why don't how it is
had to
explain that to kids in the
hood when
they're approached by law
and I said well I didn't
realize it
alright let me just get this
Nancy is talking about kids in
the hood
how do you explain this to kids
in the
hood but if you could find the
hood miss
Pelosi that might be a good
start kids
in the hood talk to Russians
about this
I don't know I said why don't
how it was
had to explain that to kids in
the hood
when they Buddhist they're
approached by
law enforcement and I said well
I didn't
realize that I was supposed to
do this
or that we're supposed to know
but these
very wealthy isn't that racist
I'm sorry
I just I can't get past it I
can't get
past her saying how do you
explain this
to kids in the hood I can't get
past it
isn't that racist
is there a hood that she can
she point
to the hood and maybe we should
something about the hood it
bothered me
just like eh she's just like
almost she died I would say she
pulled a
I would almost want to say she
pulled a
trump but no Dan Quayle oh yeah
it was
close to a quail wasn't it yes
yeah just
kind of a gaffe of gaffes well
be no impeachment yeah they'll
be no
impeachment just a lot of noise
and a
lot of wasted cycles and I
think it's
quite a shame because there's
so much
else going on in the world
which we can
discuss and we shall do that
but first
allow me to thank you for your
and say in the morning to you
the man
who put the C in the Champions
John C Dvorak in the morning to
you a
mr. Adam curry in the morning
all ships
at sea feet underground boots
in the air
subs in the water and all the
tonight's out in the morning to
trolls in the troll room
we've been trolling today some
some real
but also some helpful trolls no
stream comm I wanted to mention
something about the stream no
stream dot-com where you can go
you blog
into that page you can get into
chatroom that's where the true
what it says chat probably but
really where the trolls are but
you can
also listen to the stream and
this is
24/7 and there's a lot of live
shows I
was listening yesterday it was
cool he went from void 0 who
was doing
all kinds of interesting music
and then
all of a sudden our good buddy
Rhino the
bearded popped back on with
this double
o countdown which you know it's
it's a
it's fun to listen to it's
there's just so much
interesting variety
of stuff that you should check
it out
and certainly on both Thursdays
when we
do the show on Sundays and
Thursdays no
agenda stream calm and it's a
good to
have everybody there in the
troll room
this morning also in the
morning - I
believe me see I believe this
is Sir
Andrew Gardner who brought us
artwork for episode 11 42 we
titled that
corn again and this was Bob
Muller as
Moses with the tablets it was
wasn't the
best Photoshop job but it was
the right
intent it had all the right
made us chuckle and therefore
burst out
with the with the honor of
us in pod catch apps all across
nation where this new image
popped up
and we certainly appreciate it
and all
of the work our artists do no
agenda our
generator calm you too can
and win fame and fortune by
having your
artwork chosen thank you very
much to
all of our artists now executive
producers associate executive
our value for value model who
do we have
to thank today John well first
of all I
want to mention I did use Mike
piece for the newsletter which
one was
that it was a really nice
piece that I thought was just
and I can't it's just it was
just the
art our last hard to describe
but let me something I can't
is executive producer
christopher massey
who came in with $400 who's a
top guy
for today's show a 4 for 1 1
for 3 and
he says hello Jon and Adam I'm
to get this donation letter
in time for the Sunday June 2nd
show you
dis momentous day is when we
will be
celebrating the high-school
my first human resource but
first ID
douching is an order about two
years ago
after I got hit in the mouth by
a friend
I listened only sporadically as
I found
it hard to find the time to
devote the
requisite amount of hours each
week 5 to
the amount of conflicts the
mouths 5 requisite amount of
content you
provide slowly-slowly however I
the time to listen more
regularly and
ultimately later hit my son in
the mouth
as well the recent
deconstruction of the
Russia Trump carnival has been
tremendous and although I was
doubting Adams theory about
Muller being
a coverup guy at first I've
come around
to at least accept that as a
possibility okay my son and I
have been
spend a lot of time on the road
we were
frequently traveling for this
tournament stroke cases and the
speeds such is the tradition
for us to
throw on no agenda for our long
and we always find something to
a conversation either right
then or
later on he is now a regular
listener as
well but he's leaving our nest
soon in
order to play sports at even a
level prior to going to college
hmm and
I know we will both continue
what does
he do he's this kind of sports
as you
play I'd like to know yeah as
just split this donation into
half for
me and my son do that you do the
bookkeeping is an easy thing to
do I'd
love some of our favorite
jingles goat
Karma for his next year that's
because I say it to him all the
time now
which is a real problem most at
least we
have did we have the issue here
as well
yeah true you know and at full
sharpton resist we much
resist we much we must and we
will much
about that be committed
you've got ha all right Chris
yeah let
us know what your son what kind
of sport
your son does so Jeffrey's Tech
parts unknown 393 93
what a strange time to be alive
this many dollars make you play
the no
agenda anthem then he says oh
dear I'm
human resources and servants in
lands emotions have seen
we are happy distracted
you've got caramel well there
you go
thank you for requesting that
with a
very short note Sir Geoffrey
love doing that
the Gitmo nation national
anthem Joseph
lies Lee you think Lily is SLE
or lies
in New York maybe lies all lies
all lies
Lee could be lies all could be
but it's Eli's Lee would be
makes sense
to me
333 42 I'm a douchebag no more
didn't ask for a deduction but
he should
get be given I will give him
one sure
I've been listening for two
years now
since my smoking-hot wife hit
me in the
mouth but this is my first
another first-timer yes very
good karma
for our brand-new human
resource the
world you two and your fine
work well
thank you very much here's the
goat for
you you've got your brand new
resource do tell more Mike
sir my carriage into most
people Grand
Canyon Arizona 33333
gotta be a great place to visit
little town first I wish to
ad him on his recent marriage I
wish you
and Tina all the best because I
do not
I've not donated since last
October I
requested e douching recently
accepted a
permanent position at the
National Park
Service in the Grand Canyon
doing the
composting and in honor of show
1 1 1 7
composting people I humbly
request that
my knighthood title be reverted
he has
another title - sir compost
Ranger okay
well we'll put that in today's
it gets on there I would rather
with the vertical and
challenges of Grand Canton
compared to
the grizzly bears at Glacial
Park where I worked last summer
anyone out there wishes to
visit Grand
Canyon please stay away from
the edge
stop with the selfies ladies
the shows have been phenomenal
as of
late and I especially
appreciate the
attention gaming did topics no
one else
will cover No Agenda certainly
helps to
keep me sane and in essential
it is
essential my well-being as I
like the
heck I hike around the canyon
during my
job I cannot tell you how many
I've passed on the trail
look at me strangely as I as I
burst out
in laughter while listening to
download of the show whenever
asks why I'm laughing I tell
them I'm
reacting to my podcast and that
invariably presume I'm
listening to some
douchey and elitist TED talk in
fact we
should we should make a
separate feed
for people who just want to
listen to no
agenda covertly and have them
and will
tell like caught TED talk will
something yeah
TED talk to you okay you know T
talk will have like Ted logos
and so
people you know it can feel
safe safe
using a listening to our show
little do
they know I'm listening to the
broadcast in the universe
please keep up
the good work and know that
YouTube both
are very appreciated I request
cover for all in a good old
Reverend al
thank you for your courage
we but we must jobs jobs and
jobs every
time I hear that I think to
myself I'm
pretty sure that Reverend Al
jiff like that as opposed to
gif if
that's why he said Gitty yeah
maybe if
we ever encounter him that
would be the
number one question dad didn't
if anyone
meets the guy ask him how he's
it show him the word I've got
down a piece of it don't say
it's just
how do you pronounce this word
how do
you pronounce this word don't
say it
just how do you pronounce you
he'll say Gitty but Bob Welsh
is next on
the list is associate executive
producers - six - five - thanks
Adam and
John the blank blank we're man
and woman
overboard Bob and B Belleza
bellies um
bill Melissa okay pronounced
Melissa but with a be coming
back to the
fray we needed douche D
douching for
many years for many years back
let's do some
you've been deduced here's a
contribution to further the
work for the
atom curry school of dancing
for seniors
upcoming John Z Dvorak cookbook
for fake
meat and farmed salmon
it's a beautiful birthday on
June 21st
you'd like to get a goat scream
that's true a squirrel and
maybe Hot
Pockets who can dredge it up
Congrats Adam on your recent
wedding Bob
and Melissa know and will throw
karma in there for you as well
let me do
that again I missed up the
sequence I
can do that better gosh darn it
you've got karma Nicholas
Robinson in
Somerville Massachusetts
- oh 102 I humbly request some
karma as I transition away from
in apartments and into my first
thank you for your courage and
keep up
the good work
no guards yeah congratulations
carries congratulations
Nicholas on the
on the new house here's your
moving farm
as requested you've got karma
LaRue's boom Rozsival imp
Ananda lick
crimper close
Rosenbaum crimp Ananda lick
very good
Rosa boom he's in the
Netherlands you
can challenge the accent yes
after years
of donating $5 per month I'm
closer to being knighted this
is a giant leap into this goal
and a
contribution to the best
podcast in the
universe Monday the 3rd is be
celebrating my 50th birthday the
old-fashioned dutch way we know
how that
come on everybody let's go with
birthday circle listen to each
boring stories I've heard this
a number of years yes so the
birthday experience has
multiple facets
the main way it works is you go
over it
and I know this may have changed
throughout the past 20 years
that I
haven't really actively been
there but I've no evidence of
having changed there's no
evidence of it
having changed you go over to
person's house and everything's
decorated they have a chair the
are nuts about birthdays their
will be decorated with balloons
and all
kinds of stuff from the early
morning on
by the way you get up in the
your chairs already decked out
presents are there and it's a
big very
festive that all the family and
friends come it's the same
people you
saw last week if someone else's
birthday party and then they
have all
the chairs in a circle in the
room and we're all drinking and
chatting and we talk about
things like
you know morning wood bad
breath you
know your your wife's bad
breath and
it's the same stories and
everyone kind
of does it the kicker though is
when you
go to the bathroom in a Dutch
home there
will be a calendar on the wall
height for men and women women
see the
calendar more often and the
calendar is
a birthday calendar and you can
because of course you're at the
house oh it's their birthday
here today
you can put your own on and you
can also
look ahead and see where the
next circle
will be it's a wonderful
experience that I recommend to
only once
it sounds dreadful no it's it's
quite okay it's really nice of
the way
the Dutch I like the birthday
calendar I
still think it's a great
item but there's a very funny
idea that
should you put some new agenda
propaganda in there yeah we
should we
should have a rubber stamp here
we go a
pocket rubber stamp that says
no agenda
show the best podcast for
damp of a pocket type the kind
you can
put your pipe carry right stamp
it on
everything that doesn't sound
like it'll
be very beneficial to the show
he would
like to request the goat karma
dr. kiki
and science and an F cancer and
he says
the gratin is that what it's
the fruit
including crimping and elec
nail this
you've got karma that wraps up
executive producer list and
executive producer list for
show 1143
want to thank all these folks
helping keep them the show
alive yes it
is highly appreciated
seeing everyone coming in with D
douching since they haven't
been around
for a while it's nice to see
that nice
to know that people aren't
because it's really no other
way we know
there's no way to check
statistics we
don't know really how many
people are
listening we don't care because
we don't
have to tell any advertisers
all we want
is for you to be happy for us
to be
happy and to be able to pay the
rent and
thank you to everyone who
donated under
the executive and associate
producer ship level will be
thanking you
coming up in the second segment
these are of course very
valuable titles
they are real production
credits you can
use them anywhere credits are
if someone calls you on it
questions it
will be happy to hop on the
phone and
vouch for you and remember
another show
coming up on Thursday you can
support us
at Dvorak org
and a you've got it all you
know how the
Dutch birthday is worked go out
propagate our formula formula
is this we
go out for your people in the
in science
kind of like that Liz drop you
gave me
that kind of works everywhere
it's a
good one thing you can drop it
we were talking about
impeachment a
little while ago I did have one
that I wanted to sneak in mm-hmm
this was on MSNBC and this is
dumbest thing I've ever heard
and of
course it would most people but
too impressed but this is Donny
let me just hi this is how it
works at
the Curry household which I can
say now
Donny Deutsch will be on or
like I watch MSNBC a lot when
I'm here
during the day and mrs. curry
will say
isn't that Donny Deutsch an
guy what is he doing with that
voice by the way Donny Deutsch
ad you're
getting I'm getting it's a lie
it's not
true it's a lie so Donny
Deutsch comes
on and he is a notorious I
don't know
how I got this way a lot of
people are
these they're beyond the pale
when it
comes to Trump hate yeah and
he's one of
them and I don't it has to
stand back
from you know the guy Trump is
has a
insulting character most often
I think
he would in his years of being
in New
York and running into people
everyone being in New York
running into Donny Deutsch back
in his
ad days everyone knows him yeah
so I
think Trump ranch woman and
here's what
his thinking is about
impeachment and
this is like probably an
idea but this is still just
I don't think would work and I
think it
would be condemned but here's
what he's
say hi politics on MSNBC Donny
so Donny what do you make of
argument this is the political
versus the base argument and
you want
the word impeachment out of the
conversation explain that I
want to
rebrand the fight you have to
fight the
Democrats have to fight to the
point what you don't want to
fight that
you're gonna lose
you're gonna lose an
impeachment fight
for two reasons because Donald
gets to say they're coming to
take me
away they're gonna take your
not gonna go anywhere in the
Senate so
you do look like sore losers
and you're
setting up a losing fight does
that mean
you would fight don't fight no
rebrand the fights step away
impeachment and change it to
the Trump
criminal investigations already
him a criminal you say Robert
basically said he obstructed
justice we
know that that was a criminal
he just couldn't indict because
of the
guidelines we know he's an
co-conspirator with the Southern
District we know we're gonna be
at his taxes his philanthropies
Nancy Pelosi you Jerry Nadler
you Adam
Schiff you Elijah Cummings
start and
initiate the Trump criminal
investigations impeachment
maybe part of
it brand him a criminal already
you have
already had an AG that has gone
on a
branding exercise the head of
judicial system is waiting on a
exercise successfully the
Congress needs
to rebrand impeachment the Trump
criminal investigations have
him saying
I'm not a criminal
that is the simple winning
fight we
brand that impeachment is not
the right
word for you
hmmm rebrand it talking like an
ad guy
brother there's rebranded
brother so
what exactly does he want does
he mean
by that
he wants to pivot he wants to
pivot yeah
all right do I know what he
wants this
is stupid it's just like this
and start this is not gonna work
and it's a bad idea in fact I
don't know
why it seems to me all there
did all
this is turning out and he says
Democrats have to fight they
have to
fight yeah they have to fight
when the
elections come around to spend
years whether there's a
president you
don't like you don't like the
guy he's
in office you don't like him so
you're gonna do is fight for
three years
and maybe four years do nothing
Elizabeth Warren can do that
what they
do with their hands with this
guy do you
who Donny Deutsch go back to
his old
business he's not an interesting
character but okay well look at
Donny do
it just to give you an idea
he's like
saying Donny Deutsch reminds
noise he
reminds me of Larry cobalt who
you don't
know I don't think anyone in
the ad
business will remember Larry
cobalt and
he's one of these guys who
either winds
up being the creative director
or the
CEO or sits like president that
always my favorite title I was
want to
be the president of some
and co-founder because I
co-founded that
so I'm cool but I'm presidents
have no
fun no responsibilities it's
like I
don't have a C title to do
whatever you
he's the president of stuff and
he's the
guy who will go into the client
Oracle and explain his vision
rebranding their you know their
product that's that's what he
does or
used to do and I see the
children from
all over the world and I see
how Oracle
is making the database bring
joy to the
children and everyone goes oh
yeah yeah
Donny and he's a legend
that's the kind of guy he is
yeah well I
figured it out I figured it out
Joe mock
him they mocked him yeah I'm
gonna move
away from politics for a moment
good I figured it out I figured
out what
and now I really figured it out
and it
was something we could have
known tucker
carlson had a guy on this past
week and
this guy's name is hmm lewis
and he is billed as former
Intel officer and I'm quoting
lower-third verbatim former
Intel officer sounds impressive
impressive and when I heard this
interview about the tic tacs
the flying
tic tacs the flying saucers all
Air Force pilots military
pilots coming
out and being very open and not
an issue at all about talking
these very strange I mean are
they among
us are the aliens here are they
are they
just flying around and it's
just it's
flustering so bring in the
expert the
former military Intel officer
Louise we
have the most sophisticated
systems right now on the face
of the
planet and we can identify not
only a
737 or a MIG 25 or f-22 we can
tell you
even what airline it is and and
difference between the models of
aircraft within that type of
aircraft so
I think it's highly unlikely
that a
foreign adversary was
successful in
developing something like this
so let me
ask you one last question do
you believe
based on your decade of serving
in the
US government on this question
that the
US government has in its
possession any
material from one of these
aircrafts oh
I do yes do you think the US
has debris from a UFO in its
right now unfortunate uh crime
I really
have to be careful of my NDA I
can't go into a lot of more
detail than
that okay but simply put yes
okay let's
just review that last minute
there Oh
Tucker Oh Tucker I really I
really can't
tell you too much a
we'll break my NDA listen to
this guy
the USB this is all debris from
um Oh in
this possession right now
fortune Tucker
I really have to be careful of
my NDA I
really can't go in okay so the
is do you think the US
government has
debris from an alien spacecraft
Tucker I I really can't it's my
it's it's my detail in that but
put yes yes okay so I guess I
can break
my this guy is full of shit so
I go look
him up Louis Elizondo former
employee of
the office of the
Undersecretary of
defense for intelligence do
even know
what that is
he currently serves as director
global security and special
programs to
the Stars Academy of Arts and
Science oh
and you go to their website
which is
very cool it's to the Stars
and there's a video we can
listen to and
watch have you ever had the
desire to
look outward to the edge of
what is
known and unknown we have the
chance to
do something revolutionary
that I think has never been
before what if I told you I
found a
group of like-minded people who
senior positions in the US
from the CIA to the Department
Defense to the most advanced
engineering groups within our
security establishment people
who have
life skills in collecting and
illusive information and they
all wanted
to do something ambitious
something that
could help change the
conversation about
who we are through an
search for answers that can
forward today we are presenting
me with
to the Stars Academy of Arts
and Science
a public benefit corporation
the first
transparent partnership of its
between the fields of aerospace
engineering science and
entertainment a collaboration
of global
citizens to explore the outer
edges of
conventional thinking targeting
mysteries of the universe and
using them
to help unify mankind so the
video is
much longer but let's just
review that
as you heard them say they it's
technology military and
entertainment making
entertainment let's
see what they're doing over
here as a
public benefit corporation
which is just
profit is a profit to come for
company our goal is to inspire
and apply discoveries in a way
that can
advance human knowledge and
have a
profound impact on the future of
humanity we accomplish our
through a dynamic collaboration
three divisions in science
aerospace and
entertainment so if you go take
a look
at their partners which we have
here and their partners our
channel because it seems these
guys have
just produced the History
Channel the
latest UFO series aliens but
also one other little thing
right now
you really think a black suit
it's going to solve all your
problems no
but looks damn good on you
only as deja vu and dismissed
just as
quickly time to prove yourself
agent in
London welcome to my bean you
will be
with Asian Paints one of the
best ever
to weather soon we are the men
and black
that's right out in theaters
just now
just in time for all the hype
men and
black international yes another
box-office Bonanza money-making
with some advice and some
from the to the stars
academy.com this
whole thing has been about a
promotion from the get-go and
we missed
it well I don't think we missed
didn't bring it up I don't
think that's
it either I mean did this whole
Carlson thing was it even
promoted on
there well the gang comes on he
does he
does a crap job of promoting as
is well
no no no no no no back up back
up all of
this let's go back to these
tic-tac videos that's all in
of the movie it's not just this
guy the
whole thing has been a setup
like we
always say this is something I
some producers have noticed
about us
we used it more thematically do
point out that just whatever is
publicized and all over the
news is just
a prelude to some crappy movie
and we
have not really made a point of
that as much as we used to five
ago or six years ago right and
I think
this valid I think this is
where this is
what it's all about
particularly when I
see this guy showing up
talking he's talking about the
blips and he was and he was
yeah but
yeah and see what is shown here
Lewis Elizondo reviews details
Pentagon's hidden UFO program in
stunning New York Times front
expose so we could use drip x
gaben okay
native add yes exactly exactly
the whole
thing is one big native ed yeah
for the
movie yeah or is it a new no it
it's not with Will Smith it has
young hip actors and it also
has what's
what's the spin has opposed to
man yeah what's his name the
the liam
liam neeson son get kidnapped
what's the deal
no no he's he's he's playing
the Tommy
Lee Jones kind of like the
older guy
showing the younger kid the
ropes that's
the format of the movie but I
but I
can't tell you Jon because you
know I
don't want to break my NDA oh
you're just boiler lady too
much about
the movie so there it is
everybody did
we even I was confused I
thought well
maybe it's about the the next
phone more
of a Mia culpa it is an actual
that's interesting I think
you're right
somehow we've missed out on the
we don't
do this enough I think somebody
said to
us and we should have we should
be more
alert yes and that and all crap
yes the
Hollywood the Hollywood
influence and as
you know we believe in science
so just
want to make sure that we're on
up-and-up yeah of course well I
have an
interesting just something that
we wouldn't cover although I
have a
thesis that you know these some
of these
events that many of them which
could be
described as false legs I think
good reason for it because the
issues I have I have a couple
of clips
on the Virginia Beach gunman
this is the
big story that broke on Friday
I think
yeah some guys gonna just from
the streets just shooting people
randomly like it did like a
maniac but
he worked there no Danny was a
that most of this is covered in
this NBC
report let's start with part
one part
witnesses said a man was firing
at the
Public Works building next to
City Hall
part of a sprawling downtown
government complex second floor
detectives coming through the
Sallyport as first responders
flooded in
and city employees ran out
stormed the building and found
what they
said was a single gunman who
was subdued
and taken into custody the
entered building two
he's a longtime employee of
utilities and he immediately
began to
indiscriminately fire upon all
hello what's it in there yeah
32 second
clip that's all I got here oh
my god
this is the Karma you get for
saying my
stuff don't sound good yeah I
think so
but let's go to part of
Virginia be okay
I still had luckily I saved
part of it
Virginia Beach gunman - does
finalist least six people were
rushed to
local hospitals one man who was
saw a shooting victim on a
flight of
she never shot that says she
coulda shot
him he knows it we don't we
don't know
she was on the stairway coming
up or
going down
she was on a stairway the city
in nearby buildings were warned
to stay
away we heard shooting but we
think it was that close that
close like
in proximity of the building
this is the
most devastating day in the
history of
Virginia Beach the people
involved are
our friends co-workers and
neighbors as
police went room to room to
make certain
it was over city workers waited
for word
on their fellow employees still
in shock
at a deadly turn to the final
hour of
the work week and pate joins us
what an awful turn of events
what more
do we know about that firefight
with the
suspect paper well police say
that one
of the shooting victims was a
officer but they say his life
was spared
by his bulletproof vest they're
saying anything tonight about
the motive
of the gunman who was killed in
shootout with police Kate all
right Pete
thank you okay well here's what
I was
left out of the first clip
which is the
as they continued on that is
part three
found what they said was a
single gunman
who was subdued and taken into
yeah dude you didn't this is
what I was
hoping for you didn't notice the
difference oh the the
difference I'm a
little confused now the
between two and three you mean
yeah let
me listen to it again don't say
at least six people were rushed
to local
hospitals one man who was
inside saw a
shooting victim on a flight of
Shoshanna says you could
Machado he
knows it we don't know she was
on the
stairway coming up or going
down she was
on a stairway the city workers
in nearby
buildings were warned to stay
away we
heard shooting but we didn't
before I didn't they kill the
guy wasn't
he one of the victims isn't
that what it
well listen this probably
wasn't that
close that close like in
proximity of
the building this is the most
devastating day in the history
Virginia Beach the people
involved are
our friends co-workers and
neighbors as
police went room to room to
make certain
it was over city workers waited
for word
on their fellow employees still
in shock
at a deadly turn to the final
hour of
the workweek and paid joins us
what an awful turn of events
what more
do we know about that firefight
with the
suspect paper well police say
that one
of the shooting victims was a
officer but they say his life
was spared
by his bulletproof vest they're
saying anything tonight about
the motive
of the gunman who was killed in
shootout with police okay yeah
there we
go and then this clown what
they said
was a single gunman who was
subdued and
taken into custody
yeah and we also by the way I
want to
say couple of things this was
in this
exact same report that's crazy
he said this is the same
reporter Pete
uh saying that he was taken
into custody
in one hand and he was shot and
on the other and you wonder why
think this and you then you
listen to
the mayor talking like a robot
and there
was a woman there that was
talking like
a robot you wonder why people
get upset
with the news media
this just looks like some
bullcrap was
he shot or was he taken into
eventually the shooting stopped
police were able to confront
Craddock in
an office they broke down the
door and
engaged him with fire when the
was subdued 36 minutes
after the first call to police
went out
offers attempt attempted to
render aid
to save kradic's life he died
on the way
to a nearby hospital that's the
story I
have from waffa waffa waffa
waffa waffa
would be the way you'd modify
this mess
and the guys name does he have
names do we have a first middle
and last
name no Dewayne is that his
first name -
Wayne de w.a why any yet Duane
is a is
he as in Duane as in Duane
Duane could