June 23rd, 2019 • 2h 50m
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arrest him Adam curry Jhansi
Dvorak this
is your award-winning Gitmo
Nation media
assassination episode 11 this
is no
I'm Adam curry and from
northern Silicon
Valley where I'm awaiting the
ten cars
effort to go zooming by any
minute I'm
John C Devorah that hasn't been
ten it's
been less or it hasn't been a
10 cars
ever been nine it's been nine
but I've
noticed above starting a couple
of weeks
ago during this summer yeah
it's been
ten what is that all the
producers who
aren't donating that are in the
car they're on their way
somewhere else
is that what's gonna is that
happens in the summer huh
they'll jump
in car number ten and off they
go yeah
yeah it takes forever geez yeah
hey I
got some soundproofing panels
finally oh
how do they sound why you tell
me how
does it sound
I can't hear him exactly they
don't make
noise they take it away these
are huge
sir Blake is his smoking-hot
had just I guess she works at
company that does sound
proofing yeah
and she had a whole stack left
over and
these are she wear these like
one two
through their four feet by two
and a
half I think oh yeah and he
sent me
these six of them and so
they're just
leaning against the wall now
but when
they're up on the wall to be
even better
there's need to lean this I
pray better
habit I think it'll look better
they're hanging I don't know if
you fall
down or something the thing
there it's gonna flow you gonna
you'd fall and you'll be okay
you want
to break your hips it just
looks better
if it's against the wall now it
now it
looks like it's still a
temporary studio
it is oh it's not no we own
this place
we're not moving feet first
baby we're
stayin room to the wall well I
look I just got home and there
are two
big boxes
with three each and suddenly
after I
rebuilt the studio for the
fourth time
in ten days man that you know
we got
what don't you just do the
podcast on an
iPhone what do you work for the
IRS no
this gear for it makes it makes
you shoes an iPhone I heard you
do it on
the I fought some people do it
on the
iPhone you don't need this gear
need no deductions for that
exactly yeah
so we got home yeah yesterday
landed why
don't we land we landed it too
but it
took a long time to to get out
of the
International Terminal Austin's
international terminal which
consists of
a small hall and in a baggage
you through a direct flight to
yeah you know we went through
this no
way you always went through
Atlantis no
Norwegian air remember
Norwegian sorry
good from guy we actually
didn't take a
step back so we flew from Faro
Portugal on Friday so the day
after the
show you know took down the
studio once
again I put it in my bag and so
we took
easyJet to Faro because we had
saturday 10:00 a.m. flight from
and so we we stayed at the
airport hotel
first of all to say in Europe
our experience with Gatwick and
Belfast and with Faro
at any point when you are
entering or
exiting the air side of the
right so you're going through
customs or security or both
they force
you through shopping oh yeah
but not a
little bit it keeps the airport
you know I know people who were
to perfume they would probably
just puke
and die and you you see you
walk out of
the security area or the
customs area it
doesn't matter whether you're
the country are leaving or any
that these airports are all the
like a walk through here you go
about a roundabout and then to
the right
and then finally you're in an
open area
and there's more shops but the
you through the duty-free went
to true
Gatwick less time and I noticed
there's a lot of shopping there
but this
is and you have to walk through
it it's
like they have to have some
from casino yes like many of
the Vegas
casinos to get to the hotel
desk you got
to walk through the casino
exactly like it's almost like
IKEA well
you can't just get something
and go you
have to go through the whole
path and
yeah you live a path so that
was just
odd and so we decided to stay
at a hotel
at the airport and there's
three of them
three Gatwick there's a Hampton
there's a hotel which I think
you stayed
at a hotel last time you did
York I think in new I think it
wicker wasn't a hotel something
little very small rooms but
so we we've stayed at the Block
hotel maybe where we stayed
now I love this idea because
basically renting this highly
locked with technology little
block of
space which is completely
designed for
aesthetics the shower which is
a no ho
wait a minute was a it was a
shower not and I forgot it was
like a
very convenient right over the
bed this
shower assaulted me I got in
the shower
and and it's very dark
everything's dark
marble or whatever the dark the
you can't really see very well
there's if four knobs and you
turn one
is like
right in your face you'd change
it's coming from from above you
can even
see the extra rain shower on
top and
then Alison scalding-hot is
just not
built for it's completely built
for the
way it looks not really for
yeah I'm tripping over stuff
it's but it
was cute I like the idea I mean
did you
check in you check out done
right into the right into your
check-in check-in I'll and
Norwegian air
I got to tell you I like him
but now
that should give you a free
flight for
this promotion no I don't think
so I'm
gonna meet free anything
that gives you they get here
the thing
about these are if they gave
you a free
flight they'd be in the red
probably it
was the Dreamliner
which is nice that I have to
say for a
plastic airplane it's a very
comfortable aircraft so that
was really
really quite good actually
Horowitz called me yesterday he
had some
just messing around with his
setup again
and broke it or whatever yeah
good call
Adam I've never seen a guy futz
with stuff as much as he did he
me of me actually cuts around
and then
you break stuff and like how do
I fix it
and it's he's wrestling but
he's like
well I yeah I just moved
everything to
Windows and I put problems I
said what
yeah it's it you figured you
just move
from Mac to Windows on a you
know on a
Saturday and you it'll be easy
is that
what you thought anyway that
wasn't what
it's about I asked him the same
I'm gonna ask you you've been
away from
home where the kids stayed home
or one
kid stayed in your house you
came back
right you been now does your
kid then
have something you know like
something in the in the fridge
a little
stock just a couple things like
a little
sandwich or something because
you flew
and you're hungry and you know
thought about you do you kids
ever do
that three out of three I just
won four
oh it's at the same answer I
was just
wondering I had high hopes
you're a dreamer I'm an idiot
like you get picked up at the
not even that yeah oh well so
it's not
just me good it's good to know
all right I do have a lot Oh
while we're while we were
talking about
airports you know again all
this facial
recognition stuff that that we
through it all of the all of
the the
European airports and it almost
seems a
little unsophisticated when you
back to the States and you know
it's just not it's just not
well and an Austin Bergstrom
Airport has
it they had a luggage problem I
saw in
the council meeting that they
there's two million dollars
for the new baggage handling
system and
I figured out why they had for
international flights come into
this new
international terminal which
really ready yet it's kind of
off in the
corner and the bags got clogged
up they
were clogging up down at the
bottom you
know this bags literally flying
the air as they popped down hit
bag and then the thing stops
and then
there's no one to unclog it so
passengers are clamoring up up
the the
baggage carousel and tossing
stuff and
people are cheering when it
starts again
it was a nightmare nightmare
and then we
got one of our two bags and
they're like
so we waited like didn't extra
minutes just for one bag
because it was
clogged somewhere else not
prepared here
in Austin I'm ready for the
but Delta who I used to love
flying you
know I used to fly Delta from
Austin to
Atlanta Atlanta to Europe but
to people and then from people
you can
get anywhere you want and now
that we
had the direct flight which is
than the Delta / Kayla I prefer
to go to
the UK but there was an
interview with
the Delta CEO at Bastion and I
know if
you saw that they had a problem
where they couldn't board
anybody their
village yes it was was a glitch
their boarding or their app
which most
people use these days I don't
we I like
to print them off and I don't
have a
phone with an app to use anyway
so just
scan it from my piece of paper
I did
test those people using their
phone for
this sort well it's pretty much
fare now the app was no longer
up boarding passes so they had
to they
had to resort back well do you
have can
you prove that you're on the
leg you know that huge delay big
problems but oh don't worry
we're the
with the technological aviation
we're an airline of the future
F is our latest international
we put it up a number of years
ago and
we've just converted it to a
biometrics way facility so when
you get
out of the car you never have
to show
your papers you know cuz we use
recognition on the way and you
can check
check-in you can check your
bags all
through facial go through
security by
the way I cannot get through
this clip
without laughing every single
time this
jamokes as facial he just keeps
well we we do facial this and
that does that guy ever watch
porn does
you know that this is just not
an okay
thing to say before the
little plane and then go off to
international destination and
when you
return you have those same
the next big thing for us
obviously is
the domestic TSA and we're
working with
TSA on checkpoint you know
anything we
can do to expedite it's not
only more
effective it's also more
efficient clear
we have already with
pre-check but this is this is
this is a
separate technology that we've
together with CBP on we're
still rolling
CBP is Customs and Border
Patrol so
they're in cahoots they're
with the government on facial
international but I think
they're gonna
be fast followers okay so it
sounds like
it might be a three to five
year journey
on this part are hard to put a
on it cuz it's really the
needs to needs to own the
that they own the actual asset
operate this any pitfalls that
we need
to be aware of going into
something like
that after like that no I think
is facial I could tell you
right now right
this guy has a bet with
somebody else
one of his buttons and even
crack a
smile man they'd be so cool
people do it
man yeah 50 bucks you're on but
went over the top and he says
we're very
sensitive about facial I was
like no man
I'm so good extra beer yeah any
that we need to be aware of
going into
something like that a chapter
no I think everyone is you know
you know
sensitive about facial you know
certainly you know with privacy
top of the list for technology
wide wide scale video facial
falls into that facial for this
with the
CBP though we never actually
that that image that's all you
through the government the
obviously has has facial
already because when you go
through with
normal passport screening
you're the
matching against against the
figure when were we asked as
citizens of
Gitmo nation that this was okay
for them
for them
them's being the government to
share our
facial with commercial
companies was
there an inquisition
was there a petition right oh
it must
have been when you sign your
IRS forms
there's probably thing in there
a user
agreement yeah so wrong
I'm really not forth and I
don't know if
there's any way to stop before
it or
guess it doesn't make any
this is a foregone conclusion
nobody said nobody's bitching
about it
so if there's nobody bitching
there's no protests what
nothing going
on except you complaining
you're lone
voice you're done well I'm
gonna vote
with my feet I'm not gonna fly
Delta now
I'm sure this is a losing
because everyone will go for it
but no
yeah people love this sort of
thing it's
so sad
it truly is and and I can see
writing on the wall it's going
we're getting to a point where
I with my
Nokia e75 I'm now suspicious
what does
always been we're getting now
getting to this point where you
will be
deemed suspicious if you don't
carry a
smartphone in fact that you
know I have
a beef here okay
Joe Rogan had some guy on
Google guest
worked at area 51 and they're
about technology and how it's
unavoidable and
extraterrestrial stuff
and how we're all gonna succumb
whatever whatever our overlords
want us
to do with smartphones and all
stuff and and you know this is
just a
part of modern life this is
Joe's take
it's a part of modern life
where you
know you used to have to fight
off lions
and tigers and now you have to
fight off
the facial I'm not exactly sure
I didn't
follow the whole conversation
but I
pulled the clip which was very
to me I don't think so I think
I think
when it comes we're gonna
embrace it
we're gonna embrace it the same
way you
embrace cell phones
the same way you embrace
there's gonna be a few holdouts
I don't
even know an email address man
those are
those there's a few and far
between the
good luck with that fuckface go
move to
the woods Ted Kaczynski yeah
was right
this is something that I think
sometimes when I get really
high that
Ted Kaczynski was a part of the
LSD studies this has been
proven Ted
Kaczynski they cooked his
fucking brain
when he was at Harvard and then
when he
went over to Berkeley and
became a
professor his goal
to make enough money so that he
could to
implement this program and live
in the
woods and then write his
manifesto and
start killing people that were
in propagating technology yeah
Joe no
Joe stop stop stop stop yeah
his brain
was fried it was an MKULTRA
program that
he was in he did not go to
Harvard to
get rich to live in the woods
and kill
everyone implementing the
technology I
just want to set you straight
on that
being a a student of professor
Ted and
you might want to read his anti
revolution book which came out
- two
years ago what happened is he
saw he is
saw the writing on the wall
that the
technological society would
fail in such
a spectacular fashion that
hundreds of
millions if not billions of
people will
be affected and died and we're
well on
our way
see facials it's just it starts
with the
facial it ends with your death
and he
wrote the manifesto no one
would publish
it no one would publish his
and then he said if the New
York Times
and Washington Post do not
publish this
I will start killing people and
started by sending letter bombs
university professor Dean's and
administrators and airline
Unabomber not because these
people were
were propagating the technology
and they
eventually published his
manifesto and
he stopped killing people
that's the
true story well these stories
stories these stories always
morph that
pisses me off because whatever
becomes yeah no it's okay what
okay well
that's interest I remember I
used to
throw these parties that the
shows massive parties tea
sponsors sorry then what kind
of parties
just a giant parties you you
parties three people that we
did with me
Jerry Pournelle and will Hearst
we've found sponsors partners
now that
sounds like a party
it was pretty pretty good and
so we have
these massive parties we have
party to have like three layers
it was
almost like the this limelight
New York
no there's a back room and
another one so what so these
kind of came and went there did
him for about six or seven
years and
then so one day this guy's
telling me of
all yeah these parties used to
they're fantastic and he's
going on and
on about one of the parties he
says it
was really spectacular when you
came in
on the helicopter and I'm I
can't even
imagine what he was saying I
mean I for
one thing I've never come in on
helicopter to a party I think
it's cool
I wasn't gonna deny it a good
idea it's
definitely cool but I'm
thinking would
somebody this became a thing
where it's
always party so this became a
where hey man remember Dvorak's
with a helicopter and everyone
goes yeah
that was the best yeah just
become they
take on a life of their own
it's just
like the watch it just morph
something that's total bullcrap
you just saw that within a very
way with Rogan there yeah and I
like Joe
but come on when he does that
he has a
huge audience everybody hears
him and
that's what that's what they
that's what they repeat they
exactly so you have to be very
responsible as a podcaster you
responsibilities you know be
responsible if you've got
responsibilities and
obligations yes
okay I got a little expose I
want to do
but I'd like to I'd like you to
something first and if I gonna
ease into
it so what do you got give me
that's gonna go a long ways you
have something stupid no just a
zero no
the idiot that is going to now
go after
the head of ice
mr. Albans would you send your
child to
now wait we have to set this up
Hirono is issues senator
she's the senator from Hawaii
yeah she's pretty dumb
I believe that Tulsi gabbard's
running for president so she
can take
her job the next go-around
because she
should somebody needs to
replace this
woman yes she's asking somebody
the hen
advice whether he would send his
children to the cut to thee not
concentration camps which is
the word of the day yes to
these camps
like it's like asking somebody
that you
would you sent your children to
I mean or would you send your
to sing-sing why is she asking
this got
nothing to do with it she's
that we have these block hotels
be LOC
at the border you know where
it's a nice
little little cool you got your
technology you can hang out and
so your
paperwork is done yeah that
makes sense
mr. Albans would you send your
child to
FRC's again I think we're
missing the
these individuals are there
because they
have broken a law there has to
be a
process they have broken on
Lonnie as
deemed so by the president with
his no
ma'am they're there for
violation of
Title II of the immigration of
the US
and Nationality Act okay
they're 8 USC
1325 that's illegal entry is
both a
criminal and civil violation
they are in
those frcs pending the outcome
of that
civil immigration process they
broken the law well these are
mainly my
understanding is that under
zero-tolerance these are no
longer civil
civil proceedings but in fact
criminal proceedings
they're both they were criminal
proceedings when the board were
prosecuted them but at the
conclusion of
that process once the
individual came
into ice custody they would go
administrative proceedings I'm
by saying the only reason that
picking people up at the border
it's not
because they're breaking any
there's no law it's because
Trump said
to pick them up oh yeah of
yeah the II mean the the Hitler
guy yeah
Hitler yeah that guy well she
is she is
part of a very big problem in
fact all
of this immigration because if
pretty much all that we keep
about or we the m5m it's just
all I mean
it's been immigration
for how long dishes Trump got
in he's
that kind of yes since from God
and kind
of the top story it's all
immigration immigration and
it's all
about a class of people who and
it's not
a not a you know a single color
anything it's a class of people
who come
in claim asylum and because of
a very
fixable law very fixable
they can't be detained after a
amount of time and and then
they have
the absolute legal right to be
into the country on their own
what's the
word I'm looking for
recognizance thank you their own
recognizance and they just have
to come
back for the court date which a
percentage never does and so
that's how
you get a lot of smart was come
back no
lots have lots of lots of
immigrants in the country and
Democrats have been using this
as a
major talking point a major
strategy for
really for one thing as far as
we can
see I think you'll agree John
is for a
new class of voters yeah and
that's why
they want to give them driver's
so they can say show the
license with an address on it
and the
voter registration if people
just let
them vote and it's just to get
votes and
its really is a crach strategy
really that cynical it's really
cynical that's kind of a
question yes
there's no other reason it's
not really
for compassionate reason a lot
of the
real dumb ones like Maisie yeah
probably sincere when it with
some of
these thoughts of theirs
because there's
naive and they don't see it
that way and
it's just people being people
we don't
need borders anyway no borders
no walls
what do we need borders for
right you
know if somebody wants to come
California and work cuz they're
gonna be
working and paying taxes yeah
there's no
reason we shouldn't let them
just waltz
in well Disney borders and
controls and
people you know people aren't
yeah yeah there's a group like
that sure
but I'd say that I'd say the
smart was
the Chuck Schumer's and the
Pelosi's know exactly what
they're up to
and do you think that this
any groups in the United States
that who
are yeah the ones who could
went through
the hassle of becoming citizens
or maybe some existing citizens
and this
is this is I got kind of a I
got an
interesting DM Friday as as I'm
up the studio and I get a DM
producer mo mo mo e most from
he's also mo facts on YouTube
but I
didn't know this at the time
and Mo's
black he's a black producer
over the no
agenda show you always got a
break for
that because what do we have
three that
we know we have the incog-negro
fails and goes we donate
anymore and he
hates us I think he hates me
wasn't that
what your conclusion for some
reason he
might he might I don't I think
it's just
general some you know Momo's an
most 38 he's got four kids you
know he
has a high tech job and but he
DMS means
is Adam I need to talk to you
and a
little bit about mo he found no
just before the around the 2016
before it and get this he found
the show
by googling news with no agenda
and so
he found the show and they said
to a couple and then he says I
said you
had me at reptile people so he
was all
in once we started talking
about reptile
people but he's he's been a very
faithful listener and I think
he sent me
a clip or two way back of a
years ago so
he kind of reintroduced himself
and said
I want to explain a little bit
of about
what's going on with this HR 40
in the
reparations and this is what we
on the last show we talked to
in fact I
played Burgess Owens the former
football player who was one of
the two
Republican sponsored
black people testifying and
this HR 40
was intended to to determine
two things
one should there be a a full-on
reparations hearing and - what
reparations look like is it an
amount or
you know who is it for etc etc
he says
yeah and after listening to the
show he
said I really want to help you
understand a couple of things
and this
wound up being a we really
didn't stop
right i direct messaged him for
five of the nine hours on the
flight i
had Wi-Fi in the free Wi-Fi in
flight we and so we were just
messaging and he really rolled
out for
me what's going on what i think
probably one of the most it's
interesting maybe important
stories of this very moment in
time not
covered by the m5m at all in
fact if
anything it's being obfuscated
and and
and in with intent to confuse
people who
certainly people who are not
black to
understand what is really going
on and
I'll say upfront I understand
the irony
of a white man trying to
explain the
black man's problem so I'm fully
prepared to take some shit and
this is
just what I understand and how
I and how
I read this story and I have
some clips
and stuff to kind of back up
going on here but this is such
and such
that's a term looking for this
is about
black America but the real
black America
and there's distinction because
problem for the Democratic
Party right
now as we speak is there's no
unity in
the black community which is no
to you and I and we've been
saying this
about LGBT qqi apk for years
that you
know this is not you can't just
say this
group of people here is one
group and
they all think the same and
this goes
for black America as well and
he started
off by saying I want you to
Adam that reparations in this
is not black people looking for
handout this is not an Obama
moment this is for services
rendered to
the Democrat Party and once he
said once
he gave me that line I'm like
oh okay
what exactly are we talking
about here
he says the Democrat Party has
black Americans and and I'm
going to
define what that means in a
moment on
and I'm a lot of these words and
actually I wrote a lot of this
down on
the show no she can go back and
take a
look at it they've kept black
black people on the Democratic
plantation this is not like any
that you haven't heard before
new yeah you know you don't
have to make
too many excuses for this just
roll this
out because I think everyone's
on board
with you doing this so black
people want
to be taken seriously as a
voting bloc
just like every other voting
bloc and
they feel like they're not
being taken
seriously they'd actually like
to see
how bad the Democrats really
hate Trump
and and this is not the handout
some people are thinking it is
but what
are you really prepared to do
for black
people this time around because
been with you we've stayed with
we've done everything we can
and the
past the Democratic candidates
could just show up to a black
church on
Sunday before elections and we
got the
black vote covered everybody
it's all
good but the black people have
taking granted by the taking
for granted
by the Dems for such a long
time and
Obama as you and I would have
was the absolute last straw and
were so done with the Democrat
Party and
in fact hears that Reverend
Manning I
think this is a clip we've
played in the
past our good old Reverend
explaining exactly the problem
people have with Obama we gave
everything to heal slavery we
and we gave him the Nobel Prize
Peace we so this is the problem
and they
realize Obama was not a real
American has no African
American roots
from slavery or the term that
and this
is I think where it kind of
him to reach out like I've
heard this
term do s a descendant of
slaves turns
out that full term is a do s a
however you want to say it
which is
American descendants of slavery
which is
you know I think most people
can point
to their descendants from
slavery and
say this is who I am I'm a black
American so at 2016 we have
Trump he
wins the presidency the
Democrats are
making black Americans feel
that it's
kind of the black man's fault
for Trump
getting in and if you listen to
Carnell who we've played her
clips on
the show previously I think in
it was it came down to one
thing Trump
said in his campaign one thing
what I
want to talk about today is
Donald Trump
you knew it we're gonna take
Trump for me to have a
today and I really am
disappointed I
can't even say I'm disappointed
at the
reaction to what Donald Trump
because I'm really not I really
black people to go in on Donald
when he said that we're poor
part of the problem is that
delusional like we don't
believe we're
poor we can give you all type of
statistics talking about you
can give
you should give black people
opportunities you should help
people but the minute Donald
Trump says
you're poor what do you have to
black people had a problem and
it makes
no sense Donald Trump said
black people
are poor he said your schools
failing what do you have to
lose and
that's just the truth and you
know I was
watching MSNBC earlier this
week and I
saw this woman I don't know who
she was
and MSNBC I don't know if I've
seen her
before I obviously didn't
remember her
but I saw her say well you know
being condescending to black
people and
not all black people are poor
I'm kind of sick of hearing it
most black people are poor or
in the
working class like des poverty
we don't
have any inheritance we have
schools there are no jobs that
that we're a part of a permanent
underclass I don't care what
the girl or
msnb tells you where is it nice
weed I
don't care what she says
we're in part of a permanent
right now and you don't have to
don't have to trust what I'm
saying to
you the only thing you have to
do is
look at the data don't look at
me just
look at the data so this was
2016 and
Yvette Carnell along with
Antonio Moore
who is he's a lawyer black
lawyer and
he's he's done some
documentaries and
together they started the ad OS
there's ad as Atos 101.com
and they have an actual agenda
and they
and the whole point is hey you
want to
keep us voting Democrat after
all these
disappointments what we need is
we need
something real something
tangible show
us the money and that's how
came into play but if you were
look at
the agenda it's please give us
that is only for black
Americans who are
descendants of slavery who
helped who
built help build the United
States and
the end the and the argument is
reparations are paid to many
groups Jews
Palestinians that right now the
New York
Times wrote about gay
reparations for
all of the troubles the gays
have been
through so there's always talk
paying people and it's actual
being paid we pay don't weep a
survivor still doesn't the u.s.
Holocaust survivors money what
did I
know yeah yo yeah Obama put
millions of
dollars out there for reparation
payments that Palestinians
there's all
kinds of money we're always
somebody and everyone's and
very open to that but when it
comes to
this specific group and they
want to be
identified as such which is
they want to be identified as
descendents from slavery not
Camilla Harris who's black or
whatever you want to call it
but just
people say oh she's
african-american no
she's not
she's Caribbean and from
Jamaica and
what were West Indies and from
India so
they come up with this concept
and the
first thing to say is we have a
big ask
and our ask is put us in the
category as these other other
groups who
do get money or other types of
and we're not talking
affirmative action
because although affirmative
never was specifically meant for
descendants of slavery it kind
of got
hijacked now in you know now
your day
you can get affirmative action
all kinds of stuff it's really
affirmative action I think is a
never-ending Lucy in the
football yes
yes exactly so something
happens with the Mulla report
the Mulla
report was supposed to really
you know
do in donald trump so we don't
have to
worry about it for 2020 and of
that doesn't happen so now
there's panic
because whoa whoa what are we
gonna do
and we have this annoying group
people who are you know calling
stuff and then they're saying
we're not
gonna vote Democrat we're gonna
home tonight not it not saying
they go
vote for Donald Trump or the
it's like we're not gonna vote
for you
anymore we're sick and tired of
here's Antonio more explaining
this is
this is kind of the crux of of
argument so I just wanted to
come to you
real quick just YouTube
obviously can
speak on this mother report
that just
came out do you know I want to
speak to
it from a lens of being a black
America and particularly found
in the
Atos movement of America
descendants of
slavery and no way do we
support Trump
and largely we represent a
base that votes for Democrats
above 90%
rate you saw that in Texas in
and Georgia during the
governor's races
and that's just our consistent
in voting now what I see is an
to make a do as something it's
not it
doesn't support Marga it's not
a white
nationalist supported
organization one
of the things that the mother
brings about is the Democrats
failed in terms of how much
they were
going to dedicate to this they
the energy that you needed to
go into
2020 with with policy into the
rapport Russia Russia Russia
Russia one
of the things that you see is
that now
that has failed nobody wants to
hold the
Democrats responsible for
failing so bad
if Trump wins again it's
because the
Democrats failed they fail to
how much was there they failed
to tell
their surrogates how much they
need to
blame other people I want to
again we don't support Trump
we're largely trying to push the
Democrats which we have done
you read
the Vox article what it quotes
and what it says is that
basically we
don't want another Obama we
voted for
Obama and rates on scene and
turned out
at rates unseen many black
particularly American
descendants of
slavery and so what ended up
is that there was an
expectation for
agenda and then everybody said
well you
never gave him an agenda now my
folks giving him agenda through
us at
the merica decision so
everybody says
well you're forcing the
Democrats to
actually commit to an agenda
then they
say don't don't you know don't
Trump don't give the agenda to
try they
don't want us to have an agenda
origin attacks the very core of
it makes America acknowledge
that you
built a group to fail you have
black men incarcerated than our
women on
the planet in America out of 20
Atos men 4 billion women with
celebrity cheating scandal
white women
committed crimes that are tax
fraud that
are uh mail fraud and they're
about they might not even get
prison we
get jailed a litter for a black
man for
a small level that's to eat and
we don't
know these white women they
don't get
jail or prison this all hinged
the whole
democratic approach to Donald
going into 2020 hinged on the
fact that
mother would come back with
if not on a Trump that at least
on his
son and Kushner and they're
also and
they're also you would have a
statement that there was that
there was
a conspiracy we need to focus
on a black
agenda that we need to focus on
reparations I'm not talking
about voting
for Trump I'm talking
about the Democrats ignoring us
and then
focusing on things like
immigration and
doctor we are citizens here
living under
America and we built America so
start this movement and kind of
Magga it catches fire
now you what you and I would
know it
because guess what we're not on
Twitter we don't see this it
trend for us and even though it
be and they have an actual
agenda and
people start liking and there's
a it's
in the show notes just couple
of the
things on the black agenda
action streamlined as a
program only and specifically
American descendants of slavery
want 15% of Small Business
Administration loans to be
to ados businesses and they can
go on
and on the idea is they want to
recognized as an actual group
that is a
minority group that got screwed
many other groups and they'd
like to
have some benefit from it
they've been
promised all this by the
Democrats never
received it so this group
starts to grow
and this is a problem because
oh my
goodness we can't have we can't
them getting all uppity I'll
just say it
and and and ruining our whole
over the black community so the
mainstream media comes up with
interesting little little
narrative that
ados the hashtag ados is
something done by the Russians
here's joy Reid black woman
with Shireen
Mitchell black woman talking
about the
trending of this hashtag they
appear to
be human but they don't leave a
big gap
as Adam just said in the time
they've tweeted and they tweet
should you respond to them
generally no
I mean off the back you should
stay back
and just sort of watch their
how many times they're tweeting
they're tweeting about and even
topics in particular and a lot
of the
ones that are pretending to be
people a black women in
particular who
are focusing on black identity
these sort of aspects in the
ways that
they are talking about language
if we
saw the other day there was an
that was supposed to be for
Howard Schultz that account was
eventually pulled down but that
was a
prime example of someone trying
to mimic
support from the black
community for a
particular candidate so these
kinds of
things that are happening at
this moment
we have to pay a little bit
more close
to attention to it because
there is
nuance but there are also
factors for example right now
from the
black identity framework
there's a new
sort of hashtag and/or identity
in their BIOS called ad OS or
do s which
is standing for descendants of
slaves so
it's the indication that they
are up
they are someone who was born
and you
know as as a descendant in the
States who's representing black
and has the the vernacular in
language that people would
believe is
someone who's a part of our
who's either debating about
Camila or
debating about Booker because
that's who
just announced and I'm trying
to say we
know who's the most you know
who's who's
black in America and and making
that they are you know so
talking is vernacular that
makes it look
like that they are more
American and
yeah yeah and we I mean I I did
see a
huge uptick in broad activity
when it
came to when Connell Harris
it's like it just dropped like
a bomb it
just happened really quickly
and she was
accused of being not not really
not really you can see that
but actually there was an
uptick of
those BOTS just before she was
about to
announce so they were preparing
for her
announcement so here are two
black yo
yeah PR to black with what
there's a
bunch of bots waiting for the
it's worse than that
two black women who black
people call
boule which is you got to look
that one
up Bo you le boule and they are
saying that the people who are
with this hashtag were BOTS
they're not
they're not people and they're
- they're
more black than Kamala Harris
they're black Americans Kamala
Harris is
not a descendant of slavery so
when you
have all this talk about
immigrants coming in and Trump
is has
said this many times there
taking the jobs the sanctuary
they get all kinds of benefits
Americans are getting screwed
this is
from a California council
meeting just I
think two weeks ago to give you
an idea
of how pissed off the black
really is about the Democratic
towards illegal immigration
going to
legal and the nomination that
is wrong
you're not gonna be able now to
get away
with it
your time is gonna be up you
wants to
feel for your families but you
feel for our families again the
community has literally been
destroyed by racist illegal
and we're not gonna have taken
a mistake
it benefits and they're not
paying taxes
okay publication publication
IRS during Darrell down you
people to
blame people in Mexico I can
even claim
people and do our wing when it
will flow
I can claim my people I end up
down there
yeah - imagine imagine that you
are quite aware of what's going
on you
see these are replacement
blacks this is
just like the clergy plan in
these are replacements for
actual black
Americans who are descendants
of slaves
who built the country and you
call their
kids dreamers abusing Martin
King's words can you imagine
how pissed
off you would be that's insane
so the
idea is we've got a whip
everybody in
the shape you gotta shut up if
talking about this stuff
because we need
one big black community because
otherwise we'll have all these
will be coming looking for
their little
handouts we can't have that
make them
I'll make all people of color
make em
all black and this is why
people like
Candis Owens have to be beaten
down this
is Candis when she was in that
in that
congressional hearing let me
ask you
something you hate Americans
with black
skin color absolutely not I
love Americans with black skins
color so
much that I'm willing to fall
on the
sword a thousand times for them
to wake
up and realize that we are
being lied to
abused and used by the Democrat
I'm baffled because in the
opening statement he said that
openly associate with purveyors
of hate
yes purveyors of hate by his
is anybody that supports the
president I
support the president because
he's done
a tremendous job in helping the
community despite all of the
from the media and leftists
just do not
want him to be successful tell
me a
little bit about how the
president has
helped the black community if
you would
please well he's lowered the
unemployment rate it's the
lowest it's
ever been in the history he's
getting us
off of our feet we see I
believe the
last number I checked was 3.5
people are off of food stamps
the Black Caucus sat down and
applaud neither did any other
applaud because they want a
system where
blacks are dependent on the
they are people that put in
place the
policies that broke down the
family and the biggest problem
facing our community is father
in every room that I've been in
with the
president he talks about real
issues and
he doesn't pander to us he
doesn't do
Alexandria Ocasio cortezes
drawl accent and speaking to us
we're slaves he asks us
questions and the most important
question you could have asked
was black
America what do you have to
lose because
we were already losing under
leadership so again what do you
have to
lose according to producer Moe
vibrated throughout the black
they all went holy crap that's
not a bad
thought the guy had right there
Candace Owens is one of the
drivers now
although not an ad OS mm a
at all she's the driver behind
blex it
and I don't know if you saw in
the last
48 hours hashtag black not
Democrat and
it's a very similar type of
where black Americans are
saying screw
it I'm no longer on the Democrat
plantation so here's the
conundrum the
Democrats have they're stuck
between a
rock and a hard place
they failed to have this
discredit ation
of Trump and they need to show
American descendants of slavery
really care but they can't
because they
have this whole immigration
thing which
goes exactly against what the
want so they can either they
could fix
this in 15 minutes as it's been
just change the asylum law and
would be such a huge thing and
I think
the blacks would hop right back
on the
on the plantation it's like
okay great
you're so - I thing is they're
not gonna
do that because there's not the
are one they're a voting bloc
they're only so big the Latino
community's bigger yep yeah and
if you
keep letting the illegals in
and letting
them vote especially in places
California Southern California
particular that's a bigger
voting bloc
and so what so we lose a few
blacks in
fact most of the half of the
blacks if
half who you lose half of the
blacks you
do a calculation on this or is
calculus you do a calculation
on these
numbers and you you have to
finally come
to the conclusion that you know
most of
the blacks are gonna stick with
anyway because they just don't
have any
other place to go they don't
like Trump
we just call him a racist and
take care of that they won't go
because he's a racist right and
they and
so they do the numbers and they
say nope
exactly do anything for the
community the ados non-raid us
no you're right and if it
talk is just what it sounds like
yeah it walk now how disgusting
is it
that the two founders of the
Yvette Cornell and Antonio
Moore were
not invited to the reparations
HR 40
hearing they started the whole
they stay pushed for that
hearing and
they were disinvited it was
hijacked so there's where the
Tea Party
was hijacked Lee so they are
pissed off
now the Democrats I think
you're right
they did the calculus they said
screw it
so they don't care but black
America is
waking up and I'll tell you if
wanted to secure his presidency
he all
he has to do is this illegal
is hurting all Americans
Democrats don't
want to change the law you know
could do it in 15 minutes but
you know
what I'm all for a das to do oh
yes to
do forever do you figure out
what a das
is someone could write it down
for him
American descendants of slavery
hey gosh
hey das spaceforce
hey das he would he would he
clinch it in a heartbeat yeah
that's not happening yeah well
maybe not so anyway this is
just some
ground groundwork for us to
the movement that's taking
place and and
I was most surprised by the
Negroes as as as Moe would call
them who
literally are at the top of the
on MSNBC and you know and and
keeping the rest of the black
down with calling them BOTS
I actually that woman you
played I had
that clip but I had an extended
of we played it about a year I
have it
and I have the extended clip
it's one
where she goes off and says
like joy Reid doesn't speak for
she goes off on I think this is
it here
you know we have a community and
collapse and why I despise the
that go on MSNBC like joy Reid
and the
people that she has on her show
because day in and day out they
lots of
black people they say no Donald
Trump is
wrong you're doing better than
that look
at me I'm on TV
look at me I'm this woman I'm
interviewing she has a company
and they
say we're doing better than
that and the
truth is they're lying and they
lie to
us every day and that's why I'm
so sick
I'm sorry I try not the person
I'm sick
of joy Reid I'm sick of the
people to
see who bites on her show I'm
sick of
her speaking on behalf of black
I'm sick of Charles blow
speaking on
behalf of black people I don't
black people and neither do
these people
the data represents you though
so what I
want you to do is just get
involved in
the data everything out
everything I've
said on here can be proven
I've said on here there's a
data that
supports it don't just listen
to people
who are lying to you and don't
believe because you went to
brunch on
Sunday that you're a part of
the middle
class yeah that was your plea
yeah but DM so the the what's
problem now is the replacement
Caribbean blacks and and you
know if you
really have to dive in I'm not
going to
do that be really to dive into
to understand who was really
doing the
slave trading where the slaves
cuz I
didn't just come from Africa
now it was
the West Africans who were
selling the
slaves there's different
inside of Africa and a lot of
Caribbean slaves you know they
shipped off the lil London got
education and so all of these
Caribbean blacks they are now
at odds
with the direct descendants of
and Kamala Harris is a perfect
and then there's just the
loaded term of
people of color you know
imagine that
that Elizabeth Warren the first
woman of
color at Harvard and I imagine
how you
got to feel if all this is
coming down
it was
noth-nothing I didn't know or
but it was an eye-opener and
then when
you start to look at these
hashtags the
this new one which is hashtag
black not
Democrat there's something big
going on
and it is not being covered and
it's not
being covered on purpose
yeah it's not being covered on
because the mainstream media so
is a is
the mouthpiece for the
Democratic Party
let's face it I mean we can
people deny
you can go and give I've given
plenty of
talks to journalists only and
I've done
head counts and there's like
one dammit
I mean sorry there's like one
of the roomful of Democrats
yeah and my
favorite story still one time I
was up
with some little group up in
and this a-hole it's one of
companies and almost like you
know 20
local regional papers and I
asked the
question to this group and I
get no
Republicans it's like everybody
her hands or yeah we're
Democrats and
one Republican comes up to me
later says
you could see why I didn't lift
my hand
and they're at the point where
won't even admit that the
anymore yes is that bad and
that it
media is just rife and that
goes to the
New Yorker magazine New York
all the but the book publishers
Manhattan did this is just a
takeover it's it's astonishing
but it's
a weakness on the part of
people in
general and we were in a cab on
the we
go into the airport from
Belfast and the
driver you know he's chatty
like guys
what do you think of Trump and
you know
the keeper and I are like well
you know
it wasn't Hillary Clinton and
they see a
lot of good things this
presentation is
very problematic from time to
time he
says wow you're the only I
can't do an
Irish accent you're the only
two the one
of two Americans who have said
that they
that they have some support for
Trump I
said yeah I think the other
ones are
just too embarrassed there's
such an
embarrassment that's been
rammed into
people's heads they did they
just can't
say anything positive because
do you
know of its embarrassment I
think it's
Barriss ms not the same as fear
that's a
good point
well the blacks have a problem
according to mo he says you
know people
don't have a big problem with
Trump he could be rid you know
they in
fact four more years of Trump
they feel
be good but they have fear for
the same
reason they have fear of saying
it and
it's Trump by the way it's not
the it's
not the Republicans it's only
Trump they
say see something there and you
again he had one quote that
that seemed
to really resonate it's the
same thing
so there's so much fear that no
honest and then the mainstream
just runs on and programs
everybody fear
is freedom remember yes well
this is not
going anywhere anyplace it's
good for
our show yeah it's great for
our shows
that we have at least something
else to
pay attention to because I'm
please this
is pretty sick of the no
collusion I
mean any collusion did you mean
didn't clip it I didn't know if
didn't clip it cuz you didn't
want to
play it or thought everyone
already seen it but this Rob
video that that his wife
produced and
that he directed holy crap
with with all the celebraties
in it yeah
all all of them needing makeup
well it
wasn't just that
I mean how pale is Robert De
Niro looked
half dead he is literally white
as a
so there's Robert DeNiro Reiner
what's-his-name no no the Star
Trek guy
he does that all the time too
Sulu come on yes Rosie Perez
they dug
her up Christine Lahti
but then you know Laurence
Fishburne and
some some respected actors and
when they
what they did is they went in
they lied
the hope that what they were
trying to
do say here's what you didn't
read in
the mullah report cuz you're
stupid and
you didn't read it you should
read it
but don't really read it
because justice
and us will tell you what's in
it and
it's so
just full of lies we play a
little bit
and just deconstruct it as we
go along I
you know I would have been
willing to
record the whole thing I just
you're probably right it was my
well you know people have seen
this I am
that know if it's it's really
important in the scheme of
because generally speaking these
celebrities it turns out by
studies that
have very little influence on
and especially when they gang
up like
this and it's just looks like a
bunch of
Trump haters I just didn't
think much of
it but but it is entertaining
from that
perspective this is well
there's some
parts we just stop and we get
tired of
we bail out in 2016 the Russian
government attacked our
democracy they
interfered in the presidential
in sweeping and systematic
fashion yeah
there's nothing like having an
actor who
played the president doing this
that's always great when you
get sheen
in there so yeah the russians
hacked our
democracy right off the bat
it's like
that's a meaningless statement
why it's
an outward lie they may have it
they did
the difference between doing
some what I
would call fooling around and
having an impact and all the
intelligence agency said they
have an impact so how come they
roll out these guys to say oh
they did
this they did that according to
intelligence agencies but when
the same
intelligence agency said the
had zero impact on the vote
they never
mentioned that and then they
lie about
it I mean this is it's
abhorrent these
people these people should be
beyond it's beyond shameful
myself when I just listen to
this Rob
Reiner tweeted yesterday we're
up to 78
House members calling for an
inquiry at this rate the most
president in the US history may
never be
held accountable for his crimes
I gave
up on the GOP cult long ago I
hate to
say it but I'm starting to feel
that way
about the ineffectual Dems so
demure he's downtrodden he
feels like
he's losing he's giving up he's
at a
breaking point
in 2016 the Russian government
our democracy they interfered
in the
presidential election in
sweeping and
systematic fashion they hacked
spread lies and social media
made hundreds of contacts with
the Trump
campaign all is a part of a
covert operation to help Donald
become president in May 2017 the
Department of Justice appointed
FBI Director Robert Muller as a
counsel to investigate Canadian
oh so
disappointing to me I like
queer I
I love the queer I show but now
they got
the the make up queer who now
has a
handlebar mustache for some
reason they
got him in this video now I
just got to
hate him for this and I can't
watch the
show its disappoint actions
Russia and the Trump campaign
delivered his report on March
22nd and
it contains the most damning
ever compiled against a sitting
president I mean are you
kidding me how
about Nixon how by the way it
contained the fact that the No
show is the best podcast in the
if you read it yeah read that
that's right how come you
didn't say
that huh Takei yes virtually no
one has
read it and virtually no one
has read it
because you're too stupid and
you don't
care and we're here to save you
it was
even released Trump's Attorney
William Barr lied about its
this is the whole message like
didn't hear it right you didn't
understand it right it wasn't
right you got it wrong he told
American people that the
president had
done nothing wrong and Trump
was more
than happy to echo that
complete vindication
that is an outright lie Muller
plenty of evidence of collusion
the Trump campaign knew about
illegal attack on our election
welcomed it and encouraged
their help
that's collusion recently
Donald Trump
seated in the Oval Office
that collusion in fact he
admitted that
in the future election he would
the law and do it all over now
this is
this is where it really irks me
this is
now they're gonna go into this
Stephanopoulos interview which
was about
opposition research Oppo
research it
wasn't about this secret you
know help
from governments he was about
if I think
the exact question was if
someone came
along said he I got some Oppo
and Trump said yeah I take it I
take a
look at it of course you know
what to go
run into the FBI when someone
gives you
some Apple research it happens
all the
time in fact that's how we got
here is
because of Clinton funded Oppo
but what are these jamokes do
they cut
all the oppo part out and just
make it
sound like he will be happy to
with the Russians again knew
Russia's illegal attack on our
they welcomed it and encouraged
that's collusion and recently
Trump seated in the Oval Office
acknowledged that collusion in
fact he
admitted that in the future
election he
would break the law and do it
all over
he admitted he would break the
law and
do it all over again and that's
quite what he said yet I think
you might
want to listen I don't there's
wrong with listening I think
I'd want to
hear if you want that kind of
interference in our elections
it's not
an interference they have
information I
think I'd take it but we knew
that here
are some other specific
examples from
the Muller report one in the
spring of
2016 a Russian operative told a
advisor that the Russian
government had
dirt on Hillary Clinton this is
George Stephanopoulos case
they're just
rehashing stuff with lies in
the form of
thousands of emails the advisor
worked to arrange a meeting
between the
campaign and the Russian
that's collusion
- in June of 2016 Donald Trump
received an email offering dirt
Hillary Clinton as quote part
of the
Russian government's support
unquote of
his father Don jr. replied
minutes if it's what you say I
love it
especially later in the summer
four days
later on June 9th Ygritte could
be run
out of steam here yeah the only
thing I
was waiting for but we don't
have to
play it is I want to say
something about
this thing overall all right
it's good
this is counterproductive for
people I don't think I think I
yeah if you're all in you know
30% of
the public is gonna go Democrat
it is there are as they're
Trump's at worst guy ever any
would be it doesn't make any
who it as Bush was the same way
the way
they present this it's so
arrogant that
I think they're literally
turning people
the other way it's like what is
problem it is beyond the pale
it's over
produced these people look
insane none
of them by the way are
attractive we all
know and you think that people
in show
business would have a clue
about this
yeah you got you got to look
kind of
good for good show DeNiro looks
like the
death warmed over yeah he does
and all
these guys but maybe the
exception of
Fishburne look terrible yeah it
sickly and they look kind of
decrepid you know what De Niro
what he
looked he reminded me of like a
the cat puked up is that they're
violating all their own rules
that they
know better that you bring
people out you make you know
you sell
you sell your cell you're
selling the
sales way you don't do this
this is
Trump derangement syndrome you
insane and with that I would
like to
thank you for your courage and
say in
the morning to you the man who
put the C
Jhansi well in the morning to
you mr.
Adam curry also in the morning
all ships
and seat boots on the ground
feet in the
air subs in the water and all
the Dames
and all the nights out there
and in the
morning to the trolls on the
poles in
the troll room that's right
it's no
agenda stream com that's where
we get
lots of feedback you can check
in there
24 hours a day seven days a
week we got
it's coupled to the No Agenda
stream so
you can chat you control you
can just do
whatever you want it's it's a
free-for-all place it's a lot
of fun and
we like to stream live when we
record the show they get a lot
of good
feedback and it's often good
from the troll room no agenda
stream com
it is appreciated and then also
an in
the morning to cesium-137
created the
artwork for that episode
11:48 which was titled twitter
actually I have a clip on that
later on
which was what Trump was doing
Iran and there were a number of
different cool pieces of
artwork but we
really had to go with the no
agenda wine
in a tube since since we talked
about it
a lot and he he nailed it
picking this
art who did what was one of
those there
were other ones that we could
use at
another point or repurpose for
else and this was kind of one a
show and you could really use
this one
time at one time only you have
a few
people think for show this is
11:49 yes
no agenda art generator calm
that's what
I wanted to say and thank you
starting with John Bassano in
Alabama three 33.4 two I T M
you'll be our first executive
great shows lately always
really Adam
get some Sharpton Clips queued
up please
birthday shot to my smoking-hot
Traci on June 23rd love you was
so much
let this donation count towards
her Dame
hood almost there keep up the
great work
guys John and Tracy Bassano
he doesn't really request
anything but
he gives Sharpton yeah well
give him
some car
- is this crown Hall day - we
watching that was upturned
General Eric
Holder ad DS about some
called are already beating the
drums of
war today the Pentagon refuted
claim and he said the American
people do
not want him to quote driveling
if they
do not want him dwindling his
karma misfired let me give it
to you
you've got Karma thank you very
much and
Tracey's on the list
booty a no jingles no car might
$333 he
is somewhere I don't have a
where is no
G a great work here from yet
thank you
and now we need a sound effect
oh hold
on a second yes I'm sorry I'm
and I think we'll try this one
no yes
it's the Grand Duke that's well
calling himself
Archduke Archduke sorry Archduke
nussbaum three fourteen fifteen
a drunk
donation smiles and love
continue with
abundance yes thank you
JC de jcd may the mudflats be
there the
chair squeaks squeaky squeaky
and you
and yours be blessed I truly
talking to Eric in Austin I
reached out
to Fletcher and the P goat
no Ike Pig it I pick it for my
Pickett for my call-outs and
for the
life of me I do not know why
haven't not sure others will
Wilson Fletcher and many can get
involved as do my Grand Duke
man humming soon he's very
naming the of the studio my
opinion it
should be limited to the
executive and
associate executive producers
for the
following week the Sunday at
show announced from the studio
during those episodes ideas are
and something something's
picked live or
later at some point one of you
will get
the aha moment and it ends as
says so it goes I appreciate it
per say
I don't know what he's talking
well I
did have a thought about this
we were
talking about studio naming
rights and
you know what we don't want
this we
don't want to have like some
kind of ads
non-commercial because then
before you
know it's like you didn't read
the name
right you didn't say the studio
right and let the meetings and
said we
don't want either the hate but
I was
thinking how about it's in a
basis so like this morning just
as a
test I said this is the sir got
his name
already so much for that so
much for the
naming rights this is the Sir
soundproof studio because he
sent these
things over so this to me would
anyone who donates and you know
that has
a note fifty fifty dollars or
but we
don't read all the notes but
you could
nominate you can nominate
something or as some kind of
name for
the studio and and the
committee that
would be you and I John we have
meeting which will take about
minutes and we'll say okay well
all the nominations and maybe
someone it's an Eagle Scout or
did something whatever it is
and then we
just keep the studio name for
one month
for that person just as an
extra thing
just something nice to do okay
that's one thought okay we'll
another meeting later is what
hearing you say a vente halt ed
lady dum-dum of the drylands
Dec or dry
dry dry land ech dryland dick I
it's bench the hell's medley I
it's been too helped Ed Lee
lady dane dame of the trial on
deck yeah
dryland deck and Whelan's not
that far
away she's an executive
executive producers from
Switzerland at
$233 I want to thank you and
all the
producers for the jobs Carm I
asked for
last month for my lovely
husband the
mainframe DBA dude named Ben oh
hold on so that she said her
husband is
a mainframe database
there's not a lot of jobs cuz
filled up by old dudes who can
still do
that work and she said we're
looking I hope he can find some
can you
give him some job karma and I
think we
had two or three producers who
us and we put him in contact
with them
because they said we got a gig
for him
so it's something worked out and
couldn't be happier
he says his worked as magic
he's got the
job and he starts work on
Tuesday 8:15
very odd time I know but we
complain and I would like to
ask for
some special karma to send to
him for a
good start to this new phase of
his life
I nearly went I really want
this to be a
success that you once you're in
a job
like that all you seems to be
good to be
set if you're good to go
because these
big systems are very difficult
yep thank
you for all you do and for
keeping me
entertained while I commute and
Moo and
mow the lawn loving lights and
banty a
lady Dame Dame of the dryland
I love the introduction of Lady
it makes
so much sense thank you for
that thank
you to the Dame who introduced
you to it
it's great
yes all right lady Dane and
here's some
comment you've got Karma Jim
from Toronto Ontario comes in
at 212
dollars and 12 cents
gents home from the home of the
champion basketball Raptors now
by the
way today Jim you and your
Raptors can
go over to to get to the
Toronto a gay
parade heads up today's the day
a Canadiana davia can only be
the wellspring of environmental
while this is true on Sunday the
government declared a climate
a situation apparently unworn
warranting nuanced steps still
to be
determined by the likes of
Minister Catherine McKenna Jean
a maniac
by the way yeah we played a
clip from
we played plenty we played more
than one
maybe she would just yell
through the
legislation in Parliament for
the clip
you played a few shows ago when
she told
intrepid Bar goers that the
best way to
get things passed was to yell
than everyone else
exactly but wait sunrise on
Tuesday saw
the same band of Trudeau
announcing the approval of the
mountain pipeline expansion you
this is
a big big scandal oh I haven't
this oh yeah yeah good Trudeau
under to the pipeline folks
climate crisis I thought were
green mm-hmm they were already
sharpening the pitchforks and
necklaces in response to the
carbon tax fight we hear today
from a
CBC poll that the overwhelming
of candidates are only prepared
to pay
100 dollars annually to counter
act any
outlandish global warming
cooling hold
on a second 100 aghast it just
came up
by my screen which we don't
want to deal
with you know bruh what
happened you
okay hang on hang on
sounds like a windows issue to
reboot my
Jerry stop tape no don't know I
didn't need to click a couple
you're already sharpening the
as he goes on they only want to
pay 100
bucks in Canada huh what WTF he
those of us in the economically
claims of Ontario are now
seeing why the
rest of the country donned
yellow vests
and descended on the nation's
Ottawa weeks ago this
ridiculous game is
up here people smell a rat
right Nick
pretty manage the game is up
yes yes
okay Jim thanks thank you very
much good
good work with your Raptors
people they
have fun at the parade
Stephen Lynde in Cape Town
Province zyre nor actually in
Africa two oh three oh four I
donated a little while so d
douche me
right away
Austin San Fran dog idolize
errs but I
do have a dog and he is epic
he travels everywhere with me
two long commutes each day to
and from
work in my car about a year ago
listening to your show on their
way to
work during a donation segment
which I
always listen to at 15x peace I
think I
think it's simply 1.55 this
started howling profusely from
the back
seat it wasn't after your dogs
people to jingle which ends
with the howl but rather after
the goat
karma jingle he began to do
this every
time the jingle played and
eventually it
became every time the karma
played especially the jobs
karma Hilary
it's not Hilary that's action
blessings saying that it is
difficult to
capture because na from my
phone it's a
play na from my phone and I
activate the camera and continue
but my beautiful new wife
helped him
help film him a few of these
events and
have attached him I have to
look at
these right I can play one of
the sound
bits cuz they're all pretty
much the
same and in video they're much
but here we go here's Bailey he
that consistently whenever the
jingle comes on Wow isn't it
great yeah
I'd like a better reason it's
like a
better that's a nice doggies
house I'd
like a little better recording
so we can
do it could be a Bailey Karma
it's it's hilarious he does on
cue every
single time good dog working
knighthood I like to request
that from
you a Bailey karma which is a
jobs goat
karma followed by Bailey's howl
from one
of the attached videos give me
what in
other words where you get it
will get a
better copy of this and then
we'll do it
will create what create that
given the
fact that I'm a dog owner you
are you
are you are Adam a John
described dog
hey I hope you see the glory
and the
attached a few clips an amazing
coincident or occurrence
otherwise I
love the show as always
Congrats on your
wedding hearing your travel
tells me you clearly don't
travel nearly
enough so let's do a Cape Town
good idea
I'd love I'd loved it - a Cape
meetup who wouldn't is that
where white
people get killed or is that
not capable
of then we're good to go
no Johannesburg is fine if
American Cape Town is a really
nice a
special class of Hawaii old
place yeah and they speak Dutch
no they
speak Dutch everywhere
Afrikaans for kid
well I can get away with it
most of them
speak good English if you and
John both
come I pledge to put you up and
your wine tasting once a day
once once
probably in the frosh hook and
I won't
be into Kurt what Vin took your
hook is is the main talk area
other places are within it
um and it means the French area
I'm his
world a French moved to make
wine most
of the wine until recently has
been a
crap but now it's getting
pretty good um
he won't swap your mic out for
a dildo
and hide it in your bag before
you leave
in other words look out all the
from rainy Capetown steveland
jobs jobs
jobs and jobs let's vote for
jobs you've
got karma
kind of later Bailey Ron you
wonder you added something to
that when
Ron would bury in parts unknown
urea less the social executive
enjoying your show in the
comfort of my
home he writes which is cooled
electricity supplied from a
clean coal
power plant meeting stake from
a methane
producing firm methane
producing cattle
which of course was cooked on a
gas grill this is how we start
summer in the flyover States
all the
best-run I use briquettes we
have over
this certain parts of the year
we have
these clearly clean the air day
whatever they're called oh he's
allowed to burn wood well it
turns out
so I went and looked at the
regs I'm
thinking you know clear the air
the air whatever the hell they
call it
something you're not supposed
to be you
can't use your fireplace you
can't do
this you can't do that but you
can use
your outdoor barbecue for
cooking you
cooking is exempt from the
rules so you
can go back there and torch off
your oak
and cook yourself a nice steak
i torture
off my this morning worried
about the
air pollution folk coming over
giving you a citation alright
it is that
it yeah that's it I want to
thank all
these folks for being executive
producers and associate
producers for show 11:49 and
these are
credits that are incredibly
they're not easy to come by
because as
you can tell you have to be an
or so exact you t'v producer
but they
are recognized by people in show
business people who look at
profiles on
LinkedIn and you can always put
it into
like your Twitter handle your
media it does give you standing
and we
really appreciate it because
just like
Hollywood would like to give
you those
credits up front and as early as
possible and thank you again
for your
courage and your support of the
Agenda show and thank you to
else will be thanking more
people $50
and above and we'll be here for
show on Thursday you can
remember us and
support us at Vollrath
dot org slash and a I think
learned quite a lot in this
segment including all about
Bailey our
formula is this we go out or
hit people
in the mouth
right Oh all right so what do
we got now
I don't know what you got well
I got a
couple of things let's go on
and talk
about you know we got this
where World War three almost
broke out
yeah then Trump backed off and
say he
doesn't he's gonna kill 150
people it's
not worth the trouble it's not
worth the
effort is not worth it because
of human
life somewhere valuable
actually never
before before we launched into
it on the
last show at the very beginning
we got
this you know it was just
breaking news
the trumpet tweeted that Iran
had made a
mistake yeah and in fact this
is where
the title of the show came from
rattling and I just want to
replay the
clip as we received it yes yeah
this is
a good yeah we did that we kind
analyzed this after the show we
to do a ton today showing that
I and I
wrote down a note to do this
and then of
course I don't know where that
note went
it's okay because I wrote the
note down
as well
maybe I just found yours so
here's the
initial reporting right after
the tweet
president's offering his first
now to the shoot-down of an
drone by the Iranians last
night the
president issuing a
one-sentence tweet
saying Iran made a very big
mistake that
coming just in the past couple
minutes at the same time we're
information that there is
scheduled to
be a meeting here at the White
House to
gauge response to the Iranian
shoot down
the president's tweet Iran made
a very
big mistake
of course begging the question
of what
the White House and what the
administration is prepared to
do about
it if anything any kind of
response at
all I spoke to Sarah Huckabee
the White House press secretary
just a
few minutes ago she said the
was briefed last night and has
briefed again this morning on
what the
US military knows about that
shoot down
so no indication at this point
of what
any potential US response would
be but
the president I don't think you
can call
this saber rattling maybe just
a Twitter
rattle but issuing a
statement on Twitter here in
reaction to
that shoot down guys there's a
in the market crude oil is
jumping on
this news WTI now up five
percent so we
took that the same way it was
which is oh they made a very
big mistake
I'm gonna kick your ass I'm
I'm gonna kill everybody and it
out it was really he it was
taken out of
context we had no idea what the
was of this mistake I think
Iran made a mistake I would
imagine it
was a general or somebody that
made a
mistake in shooting that drone
down and
fortunately that drone was
unarmed it
was not there was no man there
was no it
was just it was over
waters clearly over
international is but
we didn't have a man or woman
in the
drug we had nobody in the drug
so we all
kind of know what he said there
but I
just wanted to point out that
you know
this is a real problem with this
headline breaking news bullcrap
apparently all I wanted to say
goes well
they made a big mistake and
lucky could we didn't go and
well this brings me back to
called me out on Twitter for
doing this
again and I bet we talked about
this on
the show we try to not do it
and and
communications on these online
are is very flaky it's not a
good form
of communication and sarcasm in
particular doesn't work because
can't get that tone in there so
should never be sarcastic that
sarcastic in one of my tweets
somebody called me out and I
had to
admit that yes it was a mistake
in my
Park as I try not to do this
I'm not I'm
trying and I would try not to
do on the
show it's a form of humor that
you know
if you think you're clever you
sarcasm all the time and that's
what Ben
Shapiro's big problem is
because if you
take these comments out of
context it's
very easy to make you look like
a doofus
mmm and I and this was a
classic example
of being misconstrued yes now my
favorite line I did get a funny
outfit to wear when somebody
said when
Trump says I'm not gonna bomb
because I don't want to kill
150 in
somebody's comment was worst
Hitler ever
he didn't follow up with with
chip chip
Chuck uh Chuck chip chuck todd
todd cast
he did a follow-up interview
and i have
a clip so did you greenlight
or had you said if we do it
I'll do this
what was what was the order you
is green-lighted until the very
because things change right I
never gave
a final no no no no but we had
ready to go subject to my
approval and
they came in and they came in
about a
half an hour before they says
so we're
about ready to go I said I want
a better
dance in here we're playing
we're about
ready to go no but they would
have been
pretty soon and things would
happened to a point where you
turn back who couldn't turn
back so they
came and they said sir we're
ready to go
we'd like a decision I said I
want to
know something before you go
how many
people will be killed in this
Iranians I said how many people
going to be killed sir I'd like
to get
back to you on that great
people these
generals they said came back
said sir
approximately 150 and I thought
about it
for a second I said you know
what they
shot down an unmanned drone
whatever you want to call it
and here we
are sitting with 150 and dead
that would have taken place
within a half an hour after I
said go
ahead yeah and I didn't like it
I didn't
think it was I didn't think it
proportionate if that is the
truth it's
very interesting by the way I
have and
I'll put them in the show notes
I have
the flight tracks of the drone
and and I
have the Iran if I are that's
the the
flight information region and
you can
see that the drone definitely
over their airspace yeah I I
did and I think maybe they're
one of the
reasons I didn't do this attack
and even
though Trump has his nice story
I have
to ask the media just if they
anyone was listening
has the Iranian general had the
drone in
front of him and he was showing
it to
the media if it was over
waters where did all these
pieces of
drone come from and did anyone
ask the
president he wasn't well if it
was over
clearly as he said clearly over
international waters where did
all these
pieces of drone come from
because this
thing crashes into the drink
it's not
gonna float to shore it's not
made out
of balsa wood it's a big heavy
it's a size pretty much almost
the size
of a 737 at least in wingspan
it's the
big drone to predator and they
hits the
water boom it goes down to the
it's metal so where did all
these pieces
come from unless it was shot
down over
land and it landed did pieces
landed all
over the place did anybody
bother to ask
that simple question no why
would we do
that it makes no sense I don't
think the
president is truthful though
and I got
into light I think he's also
mislead I mean with the fact
that they
keep arguing that was over
waters when it clearly wasn't
let my
version of your tracking data
and the
fact that he had drawn pieces
in front
of him well let me play this
clip again
I've got information man new
shit has
come to light can't back it up
with any
proof yet but apparently as the
jets or bomber aircraft were
ready to
take off for their targets
Iran US intelligence
intercepted a quote
communication don't know
exactly what
that means that had a full
version of
the finalized target list they
ordered to destroy the version
received was not the finalized
list but
it was one of the lists mulled
prior to the final decision
some of the
targets on the list were sent
to Iran
we're actually on the final
selection list upon receipt of
target list US satellite assets
a hasty moving of anti-aircraft
surface-to-air missile assets
the targets to defend them it
clear to us intelligence that
pilots could be flying to their
if the attack was allowed to
Trump was advised of this
and he allegedly ordered the
aborted sounds a lot more
feasible to me
than 150 people he didn't want
to kill
well that tells you something
if that
kind of information is leaking
all over
the place they gotta do
something about
this problem they have a mole
yep and
that's if if true that's really
problematic that's a good story
if it's
true or not what I like the
most is Sean
Hannity who is a war monger
extraordinaire and what did I
Ron do to
Sean Hannity if they do they
rape him I
don't know listen to this he's
part of
that dead John McCain click you
bomb bomb the gate the gate
suitcase -
listen to his math we'll have a
B squared equals C squared
radical Islamic brothers
married to weapons of mass
nukes equals a potential
that's it we can't let that
that's it that's it what a dick
it's math people you got to
shoot some
rockets at Iran it's math well
the the overwriting the kind of
Trump versus Iran the
background Iran
PBS a minute clip see it gives
us what
we need to know in Tehran today
Revolutionary Guard Corps
showed off
their catch the charred remains
of the
US drone they shot down but as
invited camera crews to
document the
destruction general Amir Ali
Saudis that yesterday could
have been
domina is a can at the same
moment when
this aircraft was being tracked
spy aircraft called p8 was
flying close
to this drone that aircraft is
and has around 35 crew members
we could
have targeted that plane 6,000
away in an interview with NBC
President Trump described
options with military
commanders and
also said yesterday could have
deadlier they came and they
said sir
we're ready to go with like a
decision I
said I want to know something
before you
go how many people will be
killed in
this case Iranians came back
said sir
approximately 150 you know Homa
and just
in light of what we just heard
him say
or what we what we may be true
leaked information it's
interesting that
he says in this case Iranians
would you expect anyone else to
Russians possibly all surface it
couldn't could be anybody I'm
saying that that's interesting
president runs described
options with military
commanders and
also said yesterday could have
deadlier they came and they
said sir
we're ready to go with like a
decision I
said I want to know something
before you
go how many people will be
killed in
this case Iranians came back
said sir
approximately 150 and I thought
about it
for a second I said you know
what they
shut down an unmanned drone
whatever you want to call it
and here we
are sitting with 150 and dead
that would have taken place
within a half an hour after I
said go
ahead yeah and I didn't like it
I didn't
think it was I didn't think it
proportionate Iran says it used
interceptor missile to shoot
down the
drone the US military says it's
here along Iran's coast former
military officials tell PBS
newshour the
president was likely given
options to
attack that missile site it's
and control and its radar
systems and
those former senior military and
diplomatic officials say the
strike options presented to the
president would have included
estimates from the very
clear why the president
received that
information so close to giving
an order
to attack but those former
officials say
it raises questions about the
decision-making process now of
course of
course what you didn't kill
people what
yes give a look little needle
there was another analysis done
this is
uh on PBS's again Oh Silas on
the news
our shields on Trump and Iran
so mark
let's talk about what we are
with tonight and that is again
the tench
the tense situation standoff
you want to call it between the
States in Iran with the latest
being President Trump had
military strike but then or
authorized and then the last
pulled it back what do we make
of this
well the president is keeping
his word
that he made during the
campaign to be
unpredictable and I think
is what this qualifies it's
it's a
little it isn't you don't get
the sense
that this has been well wait a
minute he
could have said the president
kept his
word I don't want to get into
new Wars
but know I'm gonna be
unpredictable was
it was that a was that a
promise work of sarcasm you
think that
was sarcasm is fantastic I
think it's
sarcasm of course it is
man this now he goes into his
which is just a jaw-dropper
pulled it
back what do we make of this
well the
president is keeping his word
that he
made during the campaign to be
unpredictable and I think
is is what this qualifies it's
it's a
little it isn't you don't get
the sense
that this has been well thought
out and
the idea that and and how the
gets on board and as we for
example I
mean and this is that we are
that the president rather upset
found out so late in the game
where we are are you just
trying to get
this guy fired how much time do
spend on this it's a little bit
almost there
it's an 8 net solid 8 you
really don't
like it listen Alice you really
like that guy do you
yeah well it's fishy
this whole 150 people thing is
fishy I'm
now right now that I hear about
potential of that mole and
somebody you
know and it's almost in fact if
gonna take it you want to take
it to one
level more the shoot-down was
part of a
huge scheme to trap the United
doing something where we're
gonna get
ourselves into the bad guys
because they
probably have all the data on
the drone
actually being they shot the
thing down
for legitimate reasons and then
we go to
attack them and then we get
shot down in
the process the whole thing
looks very
sketchy well I'm just gonna
give you a
horrible scenario so we know
that there
are just incredible war mongers
in the
United States government in the
House gates - okay so then I'm
pale so
these guys they have their
people in
what if they said look this
Trump guy
he's not gonna do it he doesn't
what are we gonna do I got an
idea that
idea will fly the drone will
get it shot
down that's not hard to do just
fly it
over there and then we'll leak
some of
the info about the fighters so
that we
can get some some of our guys
boom you got a cocktail it's
and it's very disturbing I like
that one
the most
because that's exactly what
these creeps
would do yeah and they're in a
to do it so thank you president
Trump if
that's what happened lie all
you want
but tell us the truth at some
about these a-holes when you
when you
smoke them out
but those guys who got to go
yeah and I
mean and also the gold
Hannity's and all
these people that are kind of
with them they well they got
into one more of these stupid
wars that costs us trillions of
that we can't afford you know
Shapiro is on that list
yes yeah was he calling it was
calling for attack on his huge
what was
he actually on his on his
podcast saying
this attack attack attack I
don't I
don't listen to his point I
neither do i
but i'd like to know now well
let's find
out somebody oh I'm sure we
have people
out there that loved the ben
show and and and if you love
the ben
shapiro show do you listen to
him at 1.5
speed and how much coke do you
have to
do he talks at 1.5 speed exactly
but then the Washington Post
that President Trump approved an
offensive cyber strike that
Iranian Iranian computer
systems used to
control rocket and missile
launches even
as he backed away from the
military attack in response to
downing Thursday of an unmanned
you a
surveillance drone according to
familiar with the matter is
this true we
have no I don't know it sounds
that you
think you hear more about it
from the
community the White House
declined the
club decline declined to
comment as did
officials at US Cyber Command
spoke sole Alyssa Smith said as
a matter
of policy and for operational
we did not discuss cyberspace
intelligence or planning Missy
else say anything oh who is
this Thomas
Bossert and wouldn't the
Iranians be
bitching about this if
something like
that happened we'd be hearing
about it
from international news listen
to this
so we have former senior White
cybersecurity official in the
administration Thomas Bossert
look him
up John well I read this
Bossard be OSS
ERT why did he leave he says
he's quoted
in the Washington Post this
imposes costs on the growing
cyber threat but also serves to
the United States Navy and
rations in the strait of hormuz
saying that as if he knows
something he
continues our US military has
long known
that we could sink every IRGC
royal was it uh I don't know
IRG see
vessel in the Straits within 24
hours if
necessary and this is the
modern version
of what the US Navy has to do
to defend
itself at sea and keep
shipping lanes free from Iranian
disruption this is a former guy
there's no one no one from no
one no
official spoke on the record
about this
but yet the headline Trump
cyber strikes against Iran's
so that's more deep state shit
Bossard is some Atlantic
Council guy
with George W Bush
administration yeah
attended George Washington
yeah the only guy did he get
he's a homeland security
advisor to the
US president trouble he was yeah
and he's currently ABC News
security analyst no say no more
he's a fellow at the Atlantic
and then he's a deputy homeland
advisor to George W Bush in that
capacity co-authored the
strategy for homeland security
prior to that he had positions
in the
federal at FEMA yeah office of
Independent Counsel and the
House of
Representatives also appointed
director of infrastructure
under Bush overseeing the
security of
critical u of u.s.
infrastructure buck
spook he's got sprinting
although he
looks like one too except he's
wearing a
white shirt instead of a slight
well I'm gonna talk to I'm
gonna contact
the channels and see if they
see if our
idea may be right or not about
the about
this deep state really sickened
sickening to think but it fits
it just seems so odd Benford if
this guy
you know this guy quit when
Bolton got