July 7th, 2019 • 2h 46m
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he's going down this is no
agenda it's
60 and we've been having 98
days here
it's been freezing all July
yeah well
yesterday our air conditioner
went up oh
okay alright Dvorak it's what I
afford on the donations we get
okay I'm
surprised you can afford to buy
so first of all let's just
start with
important news how was your
with the quake
did you like no quake you
didn't feel
you know this is the funny
thing this is
the classic you know there's
some fires
like if you know a hundred
miles from
you guys okay oh yeah look I'm
saying that people in Vegas
felt the
quake yeah they sure they did
yeah yeah
well feeling the quake is just
like some
just little a little nothing
it's not
you know I suppose you could
feel it
that's because the quake was
closer to
Vegas than it was to Los
Angeles I don't
can't get over these okay oh oh
California Southern California
this is
the middle of the Mojave Desert
no it's
150 miles minimum from Los
Angeles this
is like for me having a quake
and having
its you know
Sacramento to San Francisco Bay
Area is
90 miles 150 miles is another
60 miles
further okay it's ridiculous
that people
are making this okay it's just
can i litter you did you touch
the nerve
I did get on Twitter and Rach
about it is very peculiar that
you never
heard about which I have a clip
oh well
this is going on there's been
quakes up
in Canada around BC I get the
BC quakes
clip three earthquakes rattled
the BC
coast today all of them
significant and
all of them classified by
as aftershocks to a quake that
earlier this week on Wednesday
so that
quake here was a magnitude 6.2
hundreds of kilometres away and
early this morning there was a
4.7 a 5.6
and a 4.6 all within the space
of about
10 minutes and all that comes
less than
a day after another quake an
one rocking Southern California
it's a
reminder that on the west coast
bad news
can always be right around the
corner so
this is Jesus and you Fletcher
just how prepared we are
restrike food
its pre built survival kits its
filtration or storage this for
is our Xenia platen cells
hits at the total prepare store
Victoria she says sales tend to
go up
every time there's a significant
earthquake yeah we've been
seeing a bit
more foot traffic and a few
more phonons
with questions and things all
my traffic
sticked up a little bit yeah
quick cirhappy it stems from
the series
of morning after shocks off BC
Coast enough to jolt some out
of bed you
know since they changed the the
scale we
really have no idea what it
because I recall the the
Washington DC
quake no yeah I was there um
yeah it was
it cracked the Washington
Monument what
do mean you don't remember this
I remember the cracking of the
Washington Monument yes so
didn't we
just see what what cuz I
remember that
one I wonder these quakes down
in the
Mojave they showed us some
videos and
this some of those videos are
violent yes of the store say
and I'm
thinking this was supposed to
be a 6 2
or is this the 5 5 7 1 7
one is what they said it was
seven once
bothersome that that they
change well
I'm looking at the August 23rd
magnitude 5.8 earthquake now
does this
before they changed to the new
it changed for years and years
well this
is eight years ago so I'm
asking was it
like I think it's still after
the change
it changes but I said the 5.8
was pretty
significant I remember that one
I was
there so a seven point one
change yeah we've talked about
it for
all Z we haven't talked about
we bitch
about it constantly so you have
a six
point two in BCE area it's off
the coast
but that doesn't mean anything
to we just useless the thing
that is
interesting is the location of
quakes in California it's not
the San
Andreas Fault
no it's nowhere near it is
right near
the actually not it's almost on
China Lake weapons test site
yes I'd
love to say it what are we
doing there
are we testing the earthquake
again or did you guys bore too
many's up
too many tunnel see the DC
thing I kind
of understood you with all the
train tunnels everywhere and
some even
claim that they've you know
tunnels the
trains that go all the way to
to the yeah the backup site
yeah we've
heard this we don't know if
it's true
but if you start drilling
around in the
earth yeah you know you can get
going back II look at the
northern part
of Holland throwning it that's
of this fracking right that's
because of
fracking yeah yeah so anyway
control up
there in that Holland area
where the
fracking is just going no
nothing nothing nothing like a
nothing like this seven point
what I
spoke to people in California
who you
know I lived in Los Angeles I
lose in
San Francisco I don't think
I've really
witnessed any earthquakes when
I was in
San Francisco and Los Angeles
and yeah you get real blase man
is a quakes fine well you
witnessed some
you still get boys a but the
people I
spoke to were like
this was a little more than
then the
blase type feeling some people
rattled by this one well there
were a
lot of people were rattled by
the 89
remember this story but with PC
computing was a major player
back in
1989 with a Loma Prieta
earthquake and
which hit the peninsula quite
most of the peninsula and it
hit the bay
area in general and it was a
and but
people who've never experienced
any sort
of earthquake there's a low
note with a
big quake uh-huh that is
it really shake is a Bolton
rattler and
it makes you very uneasy and
there was a
whole bunch of people who were
from New
York that were in the offices a
piece of
computing on that day and they
flew out
as fast as they just get out
god it
sounds funny they would refuse
to come
to California after that and it
had to
be because the effect of this
low note
that occurs in many it's like
loop resonance it's a horrible
light it
goes through your bones because
it is a
vibration that your body gets
in tune
with yeah it's a harmonic
residence it's the one that
they use to
kill people
yeah the who you wait a minute
who uses
that to kill people with well
we have
the evidence that there's been
developed that developed like a
cycle node or something at very
frequencies and it shakes
people and
kills them blows up your liver
something like that oh wait I
think I
have an example of it I know
hey it's
it's July what can I tell you I
have that oh yeah here it is
this is the
one okay everybody get ready
we're going
to kill you
that's another problem this
energy chime
we can kill you with that one
for sure
definitely gets your attention
anyway anyway I'm always
bothered by
these California State as the
state as I
got into 800 miles long or
something and
it's isn't something happens in
California it really only
affects a very
small area of the giant state
yes giant state so you're not
about anything happening up
there are
you no I think still think the
big the
big whopper that's gonna be
dangerous is
supposed to hit Southern
according to all the eggs oh it
won't it
won't hit Northern California
not know
the next one what eventually
gonna hit Northern California
I'm lining
a backup host so I'm just want
to get
you just gave you our net hey
if anyone
could do this showing it quake
it's me
yes if you live i'm nests yeah
hey I
think we both may be wrong a
occasion well as we had to wait
referring to the fish yeah the
shoes out
of it I'm sorry go on no I'm
not my
research has not stopped we
have a small
disagreement John has the
feeling that
Nike set up the controversy
over the
Betsy Ross shoe with Kaepernick
as a PR
stunt to sell more shoes Ivy
disagree I believe it was
blackmail that
they were shamed into doing
this and
money might have been paid or
it should
have been paid it was blackmail
we both
agreed that if the shoes go on
sale then
John would be correct if not I
would be
correct I think we're both
wrong and
that is based on a podcast
because gosh
you can't get anything from the
mainstream I kept trying to
find out who
actually brought this into the
media and
again it's unnamed sources
familiar with the matter from
Press from PBS from The Wall
Journal all three of them
reported on
this story none of them have
any quotes
Nike did not mention Kaepernick
in any
of their communications
Kaepernick has
not publicly communicated
regarding the matter but of all
Adam Carolla sometimes confused
with me
the actual pod father does a
with Mark Geragos and his
client as we
discussed in the previous
episode is
Colin Kaepernick copper Nick
amongst other prominent people
Jesse small at so fine fine guy
to do a
podcast where they do it it's
called the
what is this podcast called
it's called
reasonable doubt and Carolla
asked Gera
go straight up what's going on
with this
I would be wildly inconsistent
if I
didn't scream at your boy Colin
Kaepernick for this how racist
is that
sorry but you can't this is
cracking me
up right away just say your boy
Kaepernick unless he's not
black I don't
know what's going on Corolla I
would be
wildly inconsistent if I didn't
at your boy Colin Kaepernick
for this
stupid Nike tweet but or
whatever he did
by the interesting point the
I know this but Geragos is
gonna come in
and he has some interesting
data points
how does that work why does
Nike cave
why does he give a shit and
what's going
on I'm asked I just saw an
article that
Nike increased their market cap
by three
billion dollars since dropping
it now
he'll repeat this and we'll
talk about
this maybe later but this was a
that was propagating very
quickly Oh
Nike 3d they made three billion
no one seems to understand what
cap is about anymore so hey man
they did
a good job they made three
dollars three billion dollars
everybody getting paid no the
price went up a percent like a
point and
a half
oh so it's it's market cap
value and it
can go down by five billion
tomorrow but
this was it's interesting that
this is
now brought up and let's
explain just
short market cap is short for
capitalization which is for all
practical purposes which has to
separated from enterprise value
people can do and they're
digging look
that one up but market cap is
if you
sold all if you took the stock
price of the stock and
liquidated it at
that price at that moment
that's what
that number is right and
they're about a
hundred and eight billion
dollars the
stock went up over over two
days went up
about a point and a half it
goes up it
goes down it goes up it goes
down here
they won't report on you know
the love
losing billions of dollars cuz
not what you do the only time
interesting is when someone
hits the
trillion dollar market cap such
as the
Apple and then you know they
drop below
it and it's not like anyone
made or lost
money except perhaps investors
who play
the stock market we continue
I'm asking
okay I just saw an article that
increased their market cap by
billion dollars since dropping
it and I
my guess as to what happened he
was free
by the way he's guessing he
knows damn
well are you privy to any of
this stuff
yes yes they showed they the
shoe was
shown to him he he had
expressed a
reservations about them using
the shoe
they decided to drop it
somebody at the
I assume in Nikes headquarters
apparently it gets gruntled
decides they're going to leak
it to I
want to say the Wall Street
Journal now
this is interesting so he says
presumes it was a disgruntled
no there was no mention in any
of these
articles a disgruntled employee
someone who was pissed off so
really making an assumption and
I think
he's full of shit here and
becomes a
firestorm all this week but
like he has
the last laugh because I just
this morning and they put three
on the market cap while Under
Adidas and Puma were all down
substantially in this market
how does
the process work where they vet
the shoe
with him you know he's the face
of the
just do it 30 thirtieth
campaign and by the way as
people people
with people I don't think
just about how effective that
has been
they they know what they're
doing I mean
they know who their demographic
is their
demographic is not Ted Cruz and
demographic is not you know that
governor why and I don't want to
mispronounce it is he trying to
say the
demographic is black people
what is he
trying to say
did he telling us who it's not
douche a
or do she that's not that's not
target demo the target demo are
who who have a whoever
viewpoint the
piece people have a viewpoint
their target
so social justice warriors
here's here's what I want to
say here's
my honest take on this I draw a
distinction between stuff that
is done
in public and stuff that is
done in
private and I do again I draw a
distinction now I don't I don't
that we live in a country where
we vet
shoes with Kaepernick and then
he gives
the thumbs down because they
have 13
stars on it I don't like that
what our society has become but
living in it and if people are
doing it
for publicity then I really
don't like
it if the if the intent is to
quietly go
about this and get on with our
lives I
have a different viewpoint of
the the
transaction and you are telling
me that
they show it to him he gives
notes and
then theoretically they quietly
go back
and implement his notes without
but like we would never know
that this
shoe existed if this person
from Nike
who is disgruntled didn't leak
it it's
all I can plug connecting the
because he certainly there was
no way
that he was the one who was
saying that
or releasing that or anything
else and
obviously you know the shoe was
for July 4th the the leak and
the story
went viral because of the 4th
of July
and and so that's I'm with you
right in
terms of if it's done quietly
look I've
got reservations about it which
exactly what was done he
wasn't the one who released it
yeah I
got an idea for you to pitch me
up so
he's talking about the leak I
don't know
for sure it seems that the
shoes were
already at retail yes that's
what I
understand and because that's
they're winding up on eBay yeah
and that
would make no sense which is
his basic
thesis is that the shoes were
kept in
this one guy leaked them which
obviously the case I would
posit we
could use my was it's my word I
say that I'm still sticking
with my
original thesis but it's
possible that
what could have been the fly in
ointment with someone at the
saying hey this looks if we
bring out
these shoes on July the 4th
this looks
like exploitation of the
American flag
and this is not gonna go over
we should
probably you know and they
didn't they
decided to pull the shoes or do
something and then maybe bring
them out
later and then maybe they
blamed it on
Kaepernick I don't know who
blamed it on
camera I think it's just I
think if
there's a disgruntled employee
the least
exactly why are they running a
shoe idea
past him
John George on John's oper
nigga see you
like this color John if you're
gonna run
something past a guy whose
input can stop the shoe yet
don't do
that when they're at retail so
it's just
happening may have nothing to
do with it
I'm pretty sure he doesn't I
think he's
been told to just shut up and
you know
we'll do it take care of it
later but
now let's look at this market
because this is what this story
viral like Nike rakes in three
days okay so let's just take the
stupidity this the stupid
of that like it was a good
thing for
them not to do this what does
that mean
for future social justice
movements by
this company or any other brand
that has
something to say here's the idea
personally I don't think it
anything is that it because
well some
people were all jacked up about
I don't
think the company killed one
well yeah I
know but it goes up and down
cons I'm
talking about perception this
is what
people are this is this is the
story now
the story is they understand it
but it
did company themselves I don't
you're missing my point
you're missing my point from a
justice perspective would it
now be in
Nikes true we know has nothing
to do
really with market cap if
people believe
that now so let's just leave it
as it is
from a social justice warrior
perspective is it good or not
good for
Nike to portray its brand
values in its
product and it and in its
based on the fact that the
market cap
went up when they clearly
showed their
brand values I don't know I
would I
would say it makes a difference
personally oh you're being too
about it okay it's alright I'm
I'm trying to ask you a
question and you just not
anyone I'm asking
well would you get certified
okay so
forget you think that my Nikes
gonna be
more reactive but Nike I'm
talking about
people people will they now
think we're
gonna give a shit about my
Nikes market
cap I don't know I completely
by what you're trying to ask me
never mind
now actually I'm annoyed by the
fact you
don't understand what I'm
saying we know
the market cap is bullshit the
perception is they made three
dollars that's just the
perception can
we just leave that as really the
perception amongst ayats I know
who do you think I'm talking
about will
the idiots make the claim that
justice warriors or idiots all
right yes
I am and here's Andrew Doyle
writer and
comedian and gay man at the BBC
complaining about the social
warriors and the brand values
who are
hijacking gayness and pride I
we're all used to the idea of
corporations and companies
exploiting gay people for a
quick buck I
think we I think yeah
absolutely it's
always been the pink pound you
know it's
a longer ongoing thing I think
what's happened though is
there's a kind
of critical mass and I I
completely take
on board what you're saying I
though we have to accept that
there is a
sense that this is diss slightly
distasteful this is a flag that
all is related to activism and
concept of pushing for equal
rights and
now it is being manipulated as
a kind of
a kind of indicator that you
are good
that you are virtuous in your
life -
that guy talks so fast of you
if you
could get it you can't do it on
the fly
obviously but if you could
tweak his
vote his his Equalization so
because he would suddenly ben
a british gay ben shapiro
there's a kind
of a kind of indicator that you
are good
that you are virtuous and that
you're on
the quote-unquote the right
side of
history and that's not what it
should be
about that's not what it should
meaning and i think a lot of
gay people
in particular are starting to
feel that
this is misrepresenting what
they stand
for them i know i went into a
popular japanese chain and
won't say
what it's called and the mats
told me
that they weren't were proud
that they
didn't discriminate against
LGBT people
am i feeling about they lose
well why
would you my default
expectation is that
you wouldn't we don't live in a
where that sort of thing is
and it reminds me of when
people started
a campaign where they wore
safety pins
to a broadcast idea that
they're not
racist again I would assume you
oh and I'd feel a lot more
about these corporations doing
this if
for instance they'd have done
the same
before the Equality Act in 2010
they've done the same at for
section 28
was repealed in 2003 if their
December before the age of
consent was
equalized in 2001 we have to
accept that
they've taken a market decision
to to
make as much money as alkylated
yeah I guess what I was getting
at is
is the era of brand values and
signaling those brand values
really aren't their values or
statement but their marketing
values is
that / or is it really just
starting to
ramp up big and so on one hand
I feel
that people feel vindicated by
see when you are social justice
and I see then then you you win
as a
company and here on the other
side is
the BBC I'd like the term the
pink pound
I thought that was a good term
who this
guy's saying hey we're being
and it's and it's disingenuous
she get
in line yeah of course it is
yeah but
where do you think I to me it
like it's just on the cusp of
worse that's I guess that's
what my
could be I mean it's possible
it's not
gonna get better
I think these guys would look
for it
would ever happen it would be
like Oh
market cap went up that's great
that means that we worked well
market cap went down oh that's
that shows that we have an
effect yeah
you can't win with these people
right by
the way I just safety-pin thing
I forgot
about that I was thinking about
I remember we followed that
movement I
remember the safety pin thing
we talked
about it but I'm thinking I
gotta get
everyone to send me lists of
things like
this short term phenomenons
that were
saddest and we've kind of even
not even
noticed our fetish they were
style I mean here's Katie
Hopkins from
2016 or the report on the
safety pins my
biggest rage this week has been
safety pins and a race hate so
I am sick
to death of hearing about a
race hate in
the wake of the leave vote I
think it's
entirely a conjecture that's
been dreamt
up by sore losers from the
campaign in order to try and
make it
sound like a race haters are
people that
voted leave that we are thick
that we
are stupid and that we are
racist and
frankly we are not you may
interesting I
I've completely forgot that it
around the brexit vote so was a
way to
it was a a way to virtue signal
you're not a hater like all
those brexit
tears where my safety pin we
used to
wear safety pins as earrings
back in the
70s and we'd have a safety pin
if the
song had through your nose I
had one of
my lapel it was it was all the
bloody meat let's talk briefly
about the
fourth of July which was
celebration which it was a real
let's start with the the the
just before the celebration
from the m5m
who were pontificating about
what they
expected it to be sorry did you
that it took two million
dollars away
from some from the National
Parks yes
those bastards hijacked the
previously non-partisan fourth
of July
celebration justifying or is
anything dangerous about it's
obscene and the speech is going
to be
dreadful they're gonna have
Confederate flags flying
license plates
and all kinds of troublemaking
then look
here criticism of his critics
you will
hear a celebration of self
don't be a
lot of other people are gonna
meet like
in a storm and you're gonna
have a real
consoling there's all kinds of
catastrophes they're not sure
if the
bridges over the Potomac can
handle the
tanks he's hurting a
nonpartisan event into a Trump
campaign style rally sure looks
like a
partisan re-election rally on
space Donald Trump's campaign
rally in
Washington paid for by the
taxpayer I can't pay an event
some kind
of a campaign speech a
political rally
Hart is an event combination
Trump rally
and Kim jong-un story close
to the chest-thumping displays
put on by
authoritarian regimes this is a
kind of
military display that we were
used to
seeing from the Soviet Union
hunting in Red Square
North Korea Egypt the hope for
would be of course treasonous
not to
expect it would be naive oh
they were
also disappointed
these people are outta control
by the
way I'm gonna give you a
borderline pig
I know where you got that you
stole you
that you didn't put it together
now from
a production television
standpoint what a piece of shit
that was horrible head did no
one think
that the ballistic glass would
get wet
and looked like he was should
singing the rhythm of the rain
I mean it
was three for small what's the
deal with
the ballistic glass that's new
I have no
idea Boyle is just as one of
situation where I guess I don't
know is
the snipers secondarily
secondarily if
you use the Lincoln Memorial as
backdrop don't put people in
front of
Lincoln you could not see
sitting there the grand
majestic shot
that it was supposed to be this
was a
botch a total botch it looked
like shit
there it made the president
look very
weak behind this glass the you
could not
see the statuesque Ness of the
the weather was sad I don't
know if the
tanks didn't roll out because
of the
weather no they were never
intended to
roll out that was all that was
all that
was all conjecture my MSNBC
gonna be rolling tank I did
like seeing
the stealth bomber that was
cool like
that thing that's I don't think
seen one fly that close to the
that's a beautiful place that
was badass
yeah I think got the Blue
Angels and
they did they're the little
angels here
all the time I don't see what
we got the
fleet week I mean they have them
whatever we cost more money
than that
event did apparently every
football game
we have these flyovers
but it really you know the
speech was
very man III understand what he
trying to do now luckily
luckily he made
it a little bit more exciting
with this
massive gas and seized victory
Cornwallis of Yorktown our army
man the
end it Rand the ramparts he
took over
the airports it did everything
it had to
do and I'm like did he say
their ports
did I didn't just come out
wrong no he
said the airport reports he
said they
took over the airports now
there's now
of course you know this was not
fault as you can imagine number
falling oh there was an excuse
yeah the
teleprompter went out it kept
going on
and then at the end it just
went out it
went kaput so I could have said
that and
actually right in the middle of
sentence it went out and that's
not a
good feeling
I guess the rain knocked out the
teleprompter so but no it's not
I knew this speech very well so
I was
able to do without a
teleprompter but
the teleprompter did go out and
it was
actually hard to look at anyway
it was rain all over it you
know well
I'm not buying it I'm not
buying that I
don't know but here's what
we're missing
it hit and this is something we
cuz we
never I don't think we
collected any
clips of this effect I'm pretty
sure cuz
I don't remember him but I do
the moment where he rants and
raves and
goes on and on and on about
Obama and
his teleprompter
yes and then this and now we
got him all
addicted to teleprompters out
of the
blue bitches of you know
are what they are but it's
worse than
on whitehouse.gov it has his
speech and
he says our army man the air it
the ramparts it took over the
it did everything it had to do
come on
I mean it's either in the
correctly or it's not it's
either in the
speech correctly or it's not he
either sabotage but I doubt a
little bit
of rain now it made Twitter fun
cuz I
just love the memes now you
have George
Washington in a you know fly
trying to
board an airplane when you
bring it up
as sabotage or is it done on
sometimes you have to wonder I
think this was over he really
this to be a great salute to the
military he loves all that
stuff and he
was narrating the flyovers he
this to be a great show the
weather was
crap and the setting was crap
was a shit
show it was horrible well I
don't know
when where the other because I
think I'm
like most people unless I was
there in the audience I never
saw a
second of it I didn't see one
second of
it was at the wrong time or
this for the
West Coast I had other things
to do for
the show yes I did I covered it
for the
show I liked seeing I like
seeing our
stealth bomb or I always yeah
I'm an air
and air guy aircraft guys I'd
seeing that now any all this
crap over to what it cost
please give me
a break you know and now
they're all
butthurt that he didn't they
didn't go
off and make it into a campaign
and now they well I didn't clip
I got bored of it but they were
it Schoolhouse Rock explanation
of our
history okay fine who cares
it's a Gangnam style but then
we get the
news drop in all of a sudden
always seems to happen on show
Jeffrey Epstein has been
arrested on new
sex trafficking charges a
source tells
CBS four federal agents took
him into
custody yesterday at a New
Airport after he was indicted
on one
count of sex trafficking and
one count
of conspiracy to commit sex
trafficking federal agents also
his home Epstein has long faced
accusations of sexually abusing
underaged girls he'll be in
tomorrow now this is going to
have a
long tail well the thing is what
happened what changed what did
they do
they to someone bust into his
place and
grab the evidence against all
highfalutin folk that could be
you know
embarrassed by the Epstein
which would definitely occur
there's two things
there's something else that
took place
last week and that was the
unsealing of
all of these court cases which
is about
two thousand documents one of
which is
very very clearly in Deitz
Trump then Donald J Trump the
businessman as a pedophile
rapist the
man you know it's a it's a Jane
Doe and
a Tiffany doe and I these are
not being
relitigated there is apparently
an two
new indictments against Epstein
will be open to the public
tomorrow but
you know the what you're
reading on the
social media just to show you
derangement is haha he's going
down the
pedophile the headphones going
down and
Acosta his lawyer who should go
because the deal that that
Epstein got was clearly an
bullcrap punishment this guy
should be
behind bars for the rest of his
with his cohorts uh what's the
daughter she was the recruiter
it all
ties into even I think it even
ties into
that nexium sex cult it's a
it's a mess
now he's Trump involved in it I
know it seems doesn't seem like
style well I think he's not
afraid of it
and I and I can I think this
this shows
proof 2015 CPAC when he was
being vetted
by the CPAC for the role of
Sean Hannity asked him
about Bill Clinton here was the
Bill Clinton a nice guy got a
lot of
problems coming up in my
opinion with
the famous island with Jeffrey
Epstein a
lot of problem now
he wouldn't say that if he
himself to have a lot of
problems I
would agree with that so who'd
I mean
but he probably was the close
enough to
the to it to know that Clinton
has a lot
of problems yes and he was on
the plane
or he's a he knew Epstein I I
think Trump was ever on the
plane I
think he flew his own plane I'm
sure he was there at least once
oh yeah
you're probably right about
that if he
ever went there why would he go
on this
is one of those things where
you want to
go to dinner with some friends
there's a bunch of people gonna
go oh
we'll pick you up now I'll take
my own
car cuz I want I don't want to
stay so
just to reiterate for people
who are new
to the case Jeffrey Epstein
very wealthy
hedge-fund manager he had a and
he has I
think still an island and
that's where
he allegedly flew underage
girls down
there that were recruited and
then they
would wind up having sex with
with his
guests prince andrew has been
who's the the prince from Monaco
whatever his name is
Grimaldi last name Grimaldi
Bill Clinton
now there's a lot of Bill
Clinton in
this he apparently took 25 or
26 trips
on Epstein's private as 737
known as the Lolita Express but
would really come down to who
who was
blackmail about and who do they
have on
camera because that's the part
that that
is interesting and all this
paperwork is
Epstein had cameras everywhere
presumably to blackmail
politicians and
other rich folk yeah it's a
technique so
I personally don't think
gonna come out of this except
Epstein will go to jail for a
long time
where he belongs but I don't
think we're
gonna see anything massively
come out of it I not gonna
argue with
that ounce but I probably even
Clinton stuff won't come out
we still have the opportunity
for ya the
opportunity for what
well Bill's gettin old it bills
time is
this the embarrassment that
just goes a
little bit too far for the hag
s hillary
assassination group that we kept
bringing this up and i'm not
gonna bring
it up anymore so i take it you
have any clips or anything on
this no I
have not I do have except good
up to the Trump flub okay I
there was a
one of the big stories that was
week was the census the census
as to the yes are you a citizen
of which
has become a scandalous
question and so
I have two clips on this and
and one of
them is funnier than the other
but let's
start with the PBS version of
this of
this story which is an
important story
President Trump said he is
issuing an executive order to
get a
citizenship question added to
the 2020
US census this after the
Supreme Court
ruling last week to block the
government from adding that
question mr.
Trump spoke to reporters this
before he left for a weekend at
his New
Jersey golf I don't like it
when the
president says quote we're
finding out
everything about everybody I
don't like
that that's not what the census
supposed to be it's very simple
to be a head count but they've
got it's
gotten carried away because
they use it
as marketing information is
what the
precise what it's used for
yes marketing you're so right
it's juice
for marketing yeah alright so
NBC decides to do a story on
the census
story and now you have to
listen to this
just complete presentation
classic NBC
which is you know part of the
operation the way around button
the same
thing so why do they present
now this is
a dis story specifically about
census question and but listen
to the
way that's presented and what
spurious information because
they had no other outlet for
information so they decide to
slam Trump
in a awkward way with this
story I just
was beside myself in Washington
President Trump is engaged in a
new war
of words tonight with former
President Joe Biden and
refusing to back
down in his battle to get a
about citizenship on the census
Nichols has more tonight fresh
off his
military themed salute to
America the
future belongs to us the
blaming this flub about George
Washington's army it took over
airports it did everything it
had to do
on a teleprompter snafu and
today the
president announcing he's still
to find a way to ask a question
citizenship on the census after
Supreme Court had stopped the
administration's efforts
mr. Trump's comments come as
lawyers scramble to find a
legal way to
carry out his orders
despite their conclusion
earlier in the
week that no such pathway exists
meanwhile in the race to take
on the
President Joe Biden telling CNN
he was
not ready for those debate
attacks from
Senator Kamala Harris on race
and busing
in the 1970s I was prepared to
after me but I wasn't prepared
for the
person coming at me the way she
came at
she knew beau she knows me I
don't know
anyway I brought insisting that
wouldn't be caught with his
guard down
against the man he wants to
replace the
idea that I'd be intimidated by
Trump he's the bully that I
knew my
whole life he's the bully that
always stood up to I don't
think I'm a
bully at all I just don't like
being taken advantage of by
countries you look at what we
out the I call it the Obama bye
as for that citizenship question
administration lawyers told a
judge and Maryland today that
they would
be pursuing all options but the
government has already started
census forms without it this
whole clip
was like a ratatouille Trump
from saying
airports and then they got this
part about hitting Campbell I
hear it's
gonna beat him up this have to
do with
the story well they had to fill
a minute
and 54 seconds apparently it
was my jaw
dropped when I watched this of
package it was like how about
about the story and not Biden
and Harris
and Ben Trump in the airport
this is how
bad NBC has become that was a
piece of
crap that report NPR did a
piece on the
census and they brought in the
from 2000 who did the 2009
census so the
former census director I guess
call him Kenneth Pruitt and I
have three
short clippy's to a share of
his his
interview they remarkable
fighting about
what happened in 1942 basically
using 1940 census state over
the roundup
of the japanese-americans on
the west
coast is that we're still
talking about
it 70 years later every sense
as it
comes along once again the
Japanese case
gets brought to the surface and
argument always is you can't
trust the
Census Bureau look what they
did back in
1940 so yes it cast a very long
shadow this is going to be a
census as
its shaping up right now which
leave a partisan marker on the
census I
think for a very long time now
something very straight because
heard this Japanese roundup
Americans it was super
egregious because
they were Americans and you
know they're
conflating now a question about
citizenship which has been on
many many
census questionnaires with with
this absolute stain in American
unfairly and here's here's why
this is
all a problem would you talk a
bit more for people who still
this issue why it is that a
like that could suppress
willingness to participate in
current environment in the
United States
is one of mistrust of
government having
nothing to do with the census
and also
anxiety about privacy again
nothing to do with the Census
having to
do with the Facebook
revelations and so
forth and so on so it's a
setting right
now a political setting in
which is kind
of very hard to do this job
there's only
one definition of a good census
that's one that counts everyone
correctly only wants and only
in the
right place that's what makes
for good
census and I guess that means
you count
everybody you even if they're
illegally and the problem with
that is
it's not just about
redistricting or a
number of Representatives it
does really
all evolve around money if the
census is
inaccurate what effect does it
well if there's a differential
undercount that as some groups
missed of higher rates and
other groups
are some regions geographic
areas are
missed at higher levels in
other regions
the amount of money that is
tied to
census results is in the
billions the
amount of that money does not
only its allocation changes so
a state
or a demographic group which is
counted in the census will get
less than
its fair share and by
definition those
which were totally counted at a
percent they will get part of
an unfair
share because they're getting
the money
that's left over from the
people that
were not counted so that's a big
consequence because you're
talking about
health care you're talking about
transportation systems you talk
disaster preparedness a large
number of
things which get federal
support or
allocated on the basis of the
fundamental census count and
now you
understand why politicians
don't want
any segregation because then if
someone says hey I'm not a
citizen but
I'm here Bobby
great thank you very much you
do not
count for extra money or
something like
that no no there's no evidence
of that
you still get big money if you
are there
one reason you may not get the
representation in Congress okay
which wouldn't which is also do
yeah I
don't think the money is part
of that
now correct me if I'm wrong but
the Supreme Court say look you
guys are
it's a mess come back and ask
again when
you've got your shit
straightened out
I'm paraphrasing to an extreme
well maybe that's exactly how
said it but I don't think they
said that
but I think this what this
meant okay so
can they come back in time from
this is done or according to
the NBC
report which is executive or
they're already printing the
without the question on it well
what's the problem but we don't
well because we'll first of all
we don't
know that if that's true
because the NBC
report was so poorly done it
could just
be a pack of lies I don't know
I mean
they can stop the printing
process and
start over I mean I have no idea
I know Trump is adamant about
this yeah
it's something like 19 billion
pages or
some crazy amount of paper
that's going
to be yeah use forests just to
go back
to Joe for a second and I think
was that
possibly the same interview
yeah Joe is
a-- is a nice source of gas
material not
unlike Trump really it's all
Dwight guys
but take us as an example can
be very funny the question was
NATO and see if you can find
the gap the
Chancellor the former
Chancellor of
Germany stands up she says we
have to go
too long we can't count on the
States why did we set up NATO
Chris so
no one nation could abuse the
power in
the region in Europe that would
suck us
in in a way they did in World
War one in
World War two
it's being crushed look at
happening with Putin well he
well Putin
is trying to undo our elections
he is
undoing elections in in Europe
what's happening hungry look
happening in poem look what's
oh look what's happening do you
that would happen on my watch
of Barack
watch you can't answer that but
promise you it wouldn't and it
okay well I don't know I mean
I'm sure
there was something in there
really just
blabbing away it's pretty hard
to follow
if he said anything just say
you did
call Merkel the former
Chancellor I
don't know if that was the gaff
no no I
think I'll pinpoint it here for
Europe look what's happening
hungry look
what's happening happening with
well he well Putin is trying to
undo our
elections he is undoing
elections in the
first he's saying while Putin
was trying
to undo our election now he's
doing this in Europe but listen
when he
said in Europe look what's
hungry look what's happening in
look what's happening you think
would happen on my watch or
watch yeah it actually did
happen on
your watch Joe Biden the
meddled in in the elections on
watch he was pre he was vice
at the time yes very good catch
and I
did slip past me I had to get
would have
caught that I'll play it one
time in
context and it was their watch
it was
bought by this watch when it
happened Oh
Biden's it's being crushed look
what's happening with Putin
well he well
Putin is trying to undo our
elections he
is undoing elections in in
Europe look
what's happening hungry look
happening in Poland look what's
happening look what's happening
think that would happen on my
watch or
Barack's watch you can't answer
that but
I promised you wouldn't it
didn't I
think he realized that that's
why I said
you can't answer that I think
realized that like you're right
can't answer that you were
trying to
cover the flood
I'm trying to figure out did
you know I
watched the first half USA
versus the
Netherlands is this game over
to the did
who won because I've been
voting for the
USA well I'm asking the troll
room I was
hoping that would give me an
yes okay it's over game over
two to nil
for the US
an expert that predicted the
score of to
nil really because apparently
the u.s.
is very good defensively and
they wear
the other team out and they
score early
and then they can keep they can
shut a
team out very easily but they
did not
score early we're all talent
they did
not score early not in the
first half I
thought both teams were very
very strong
and I've and I would I strong
is scoring
no points I have but I have in
incredible adversity now
against Rapinoe
the USA captain just because
you know
she's just one that hates
America yes
she hates Trump that's for sure
and she thinks the White House
is no
good that's two but I'd like
Alex Morgan
a lot from from the USA team
and and
yeah but I feel bad for the
Dutch but
they can they can do it next
time they
this is their first time in the
they'll come back I think the
itself won a lot of people were
about women's soccer women's
and I'm and I'm happy about that
and I'm glad in my home country
one good
try Holland huh you mean you
was glad
that they lost my home country
America oh yeah you always
confuse the
audience no the audience has
misinformation I'm American
have always
been American I've never had a
passport I've never had dual
I had nothing to do with it I
didn't ask
to move there I enjoyed it but
speak fluent unaccented Dutch
hmm and animated and animate
the back
started wit yeah you didn't
know that
did you
well congratulations to the
Dutch team
for putting up and putting up a
fight kind of doing the best
they can
and of appearing thanks for
coming oh
boy alright well I'll have to
watch the
highlights okay oh yes I did
want to
just mention that the big
I started July 4th the
mastodons gab
feta verse fight oh yes this is
one of
your this your beat yes so we
have the
Fed averse which is a
Federation of
social social media servers we
have our
own it's called no agenda
social calm
anyone can join you'll have to
get an
invitation from the troll room
so go to
no agenda scream calm to get
that and
any server with this open source
software can it's like your own
Twitter only it doesn't have
the owl
goes in there to mess with your
it's all you know last in first
pretty or Mia most recent it's
at the
top reverse chronological order
and then
you can you can follow and you
can send
messages back and forth you
know tweets
although they're called toots in
Mastodon world across servers
and it's
been it's been very very fun
because we
have our own little quadroon
around we got a couple thousand
who were members and then
people from
other servers can follow us now
immediately upon us joining the
Federation we were blocked by
some of
the largest instances because
they are a
complete social justice warrior
I will just use the word and
out of control and are now
the mastodon project with some
kind of
philosophy and social justice
which as far as I'm concerned
has no business being a part of
just that is just software and
so gab
probably couldn't handle their
anymore and they decided that
they were
going to change their entire
system they
were going to fork the mastodon
which is completely legal to do
in in
the open software open source
world yes
and you can do with it as you
want you
can change it you can add stuff
you can
remove stuff and you know if
you do add
stuff you do have to
to publish that and you you
have he
kills opens comes open source
that's kind of like a virus you
know so
if it touches the open source
then it
has to become open source as
now gab which was started as an
alternative to Twitter mainly
for people
being kicked off Twitter and
who are of
a conservative mindset in
although certainly having an
that you have an account there
doesn't seem to be as nutty as
expect it to be like it's just
swastikas and Heil Hitler
in fact I haven't really seen
any of
that so they decided to
federate they
did that on July 4th now the
scale of
this project for them must have
quite immense I know the
troubles we've
run into with our little server
bandwidth discs issues images
just you
know just filling up disk drives
terabytes at a time it's it's a
it's a
big pretty big project so they
without a couple of features
with a
couple of timelines I have you
ever paid
for gab do you have to pay well
your for
your account it was just really
ok cuz
because I I supported them by
getting a
pro account I don't know what
you get
with that but I said I'll get
these guys
50 bucks and I know they need
help and
that's how they apparent you
there's a value for value model
for all
intents and purposes
now I July 4th they start to
federate it
doesn't work really well it the
back end
is slow I tried to send a
message to
myself on gabs server so I did
it from
No Agenda social calm took
about a day
for it to show up and some
things went
faster some things were slow
yeah now
however the Mastodon and Aetna
and this
is the philosophy and the the
community which we've been
blocked from
not the software itself these
open arms
and they are so mad about the
coming into the Federation that
have pre blocked everybody and
everything you will never it
will never
let you communicate with those
over there but they're
disingenuous and I and I
figured out
what they're really mad about
I'm gonna
read a little bit from the state
on gallery you're going with
this the
statement on gabs fork of
Mastodon is completely a patna
so now
they're Mastodon I know if
speaking as the software if
this is a
software that all of a sudden
can talk
or if it's a bunch of guys who
it but they say Mastodon
Mastodon is
completely opposed to gabs
project in
philosophy which seeks to my
way way way
wait were you reading this from
me it
sounds like you were reading it
from the
gap site memory no I'm reading
it from
the join Mastodon org oh you
talk it is
the social justice warriors yes
couldn't you tell from my SJW
voice yeah
that would have been better but
what I'm doing oh I'll amp it
up a bit
Mastodon is completely opposed
to gabs
project and philosophy which
seeks to
monetize and platform racist
while hiding behind the banner
of free
speech and right off the bat I
knew what
the problem was these little
fucks are
pissed off that someone is
willing to pay gab money to use
server and I've been getting
hate toots
all over the place and it
generally is
the same thing it's they're
people money for a broken
they're they're taking away
features and
charging people to put the
features back
in and I and all I can say is
so who
cares what if they can get
money to pay
if they can get people to pay
money for
their version of a server which
could they could join no agenda
calm and they could have more
and we wouldn't charge them
anything but
if that's what they want to do
who cares
no but they're veiling this and
and and
I think this is an overall
issue with
the open source movement the
someone takes open source
software and
monetizes it they get their
panties in a
usually people create open soft
open-source software to fight
against an
established an established
system such
as an operating system Linux so
the girl Kim
who started the the enterprise
prize company based on Linux
already had
what red hat yeah red hat
that's what
I'm saying red hat so she got
so much
hate they're taking our work
that's was
a woman that started Red Hat
yeah was
Kim Kim police he I think no
yes yes yes
yes keep talking
well maybe she became the CEO
later so
the so right off the bat I'll
read you
this first sentence again
Mastodon has
come out without the voice
Mastodon is
completely opposed to gabs
project and
philosophy which seeks to
monetize and
platform racist content while
behind the banner of free speech
Mastodon remains committed to
up against hate speech for
example our
new server covenant means we
only list
servers on join Mastodon org
that are
committed to active moderation
racism sexism and transphobia
the master
young the mastodon community
does not
approve of their attempt to
hijack our
infrastructure and has already
steps to isolate gab and keep
speech off the Fed averse do
they know
what open source is well they
are so
again and let's go down to the
to the
final paragraph in addition to
isolation gab can expect from
the Fed
averse it is clear that their
choices offer users no
incentive to
choose their platform by pay
basic features that are freely
available on Mastodon gab puts
itself at
a disadvantage compared to any
instance Mastodon remains
non-commercially structured and
features are available to users
from the start they are so
butthurt over
the fact that these guys are
donations then I think they're
willing to take people from gab
just to
get them on their their
full-featured no
charge servers
it's it's so transparent that
that is
the essence of what these
people are
angry about that they're making
doing this is a stretch it's
all I'm
reading it well I think it's
rationalization and this at
this point
for them to bitch about that
cuz they're
gonna bitch about everything
but even if
they okay let that la chaleur
rhetorical question if there
was zero
money being made by gab do you
these people would put up with
it no I
take your point I think you're
it's rationalization of their
behavior yeah there you go
thank you
I'll take that thank you that's
real-time analysis all right
Bob Young
and mark Ewing who started Red
Hat Kim
places never had anything to do
it where
was Kim policing
she's at Sun and then she
became she's a
West Coast girl this was an
East Coast
operation I thought Kim police
he ran a
big open-source software
company yes
bike source okay anyway so for
reason people who wanted a free
system that was not beholden to
Valley have decided that
they're going
to be the heroes of the
Internet and
they're going to block and
against racism sexism and
and I'm thinking to myself self
people are the dumbest idiots
in the
world people want the danger
Mart idiots
that are out there
people want danger they love it
want to have the danger of
something not I mean you look
at our our
federated timeline it's a mess
but it's
the world
it's you see what comes through
from China and Japan and the
culture it's a mess but you can
block it
you can mute it you can get rid
of it
you don't have to look at it at
but people love that danger and
will gravitate towards this
going to run away from your
closed off systems it's it's so
counterproductive to what
otherwise is a
great idea
and just to finalize my rant
here the
Federer of Federation does not
mean that
everyone should have the right
to be
copied and propagated across
all of
these instances or server so
sees your message like quite the
opposite the beauty is you can
block it
off so if you're not interested
in in
what what happens on No Agenda
calm or people who post there
either mute it block it block
the whole
server that's fine live in your
little world
there's no whoever said it had
to be all
open that's the whole point is
like now
you can connect who you want to
and if
someone doesn't like the policy
or the
order they call this the
covenant of
their instance like the simply
government if you don't like the
covenant think for five bucks a
you can start your own and be a
part of
the federal however you want to
be a
part of it it's just it's it is
a an
unbeliever people need to study
this as
a and this is something that
yeah what
was the word I'm looking for
who studies
human history human behavior
no now it's psychology okay
you're not
helping I don't need to be king
anything but but this is what's
going on
here is much bigger will be
much bigger
than Twitter and Facebook and
all this
other bull crap combined this
is where
it's going and in the
Federation the
genies out of the bottle and
and I think
it's much healthier so now you
can have
all the social justice warriors
in their
little corner blocking off
else and then no one has to
deal with
them they can root around in
their own
little River that's fine
it's like it would actually be
preferable yes exactly it's
exactly the
way it should be so although
people over
here I'm sorry yes Jade Evie is
yes normies no no in fact I got
I got
called armies like army
the fucking Normie yesterday
you got
called the Normie a fuckin
Normie not
just the Normie fucking Normie
why would somebody use the pro
pejorative fucking to describe
a Normie
and what was on his mind is it
than just a regular Normie I
guess if
you want anyone on to say you
know don't
you want black penis stuff like
that's that's that's mastodons
yeah you know please block our
server I
don't want to be any part of
that that's
all you got to say go away who
gives a
crap I'm glad you're adamant
about this
you may be on to something
you should check I know you
have an
account you might go on it all
the time
and with that I'd like to thank
you for
your courage to say in the
morning to
you the man who put the C in I
know I haven't I'm out of ideas
John CDs
and gentlemen you have a list
boots on
the ground feet in the air subs
in the
water and all the cows and
dames and
nights out there did you say
cows did I
I think you said cows and dames
there cows and dames and
knights yes
cows and knights and dames and
dames and
ice yes in the morning to the
trolls in
the troll room let me see what
we got
here it's been a it's been a
slow week
oh we saw over a thousand
that's nice
it's good to see people there
that is no
agenda stream comm 24/7 we have
running live shows you can
comment them
comment on them you can go and
get your
no agenda social come invite
we're going
to no agendas stream comm and
we had
Dara know during the pre stream
morning and it's always
something fun at
No Agenda a stream calm
that's right we want to thank
Mike Riley
for the artwork for episode
1152 the
title of that was vegan very
title for most people probably
the way
we spelled it but if you read
it out
loud you knew any huge spoke
German or
understood any German you know
exactly what it meant or if you
to the show you'd probably know
what it
meant if the show is very clear
very gayen
Mike Riley gave us the artwork
now there
were several choices once again
clearly didn't think any of the
stuff was all that great
it was pretty you know like
low-hanging fruit type stuff
but the
wasn't it was too obvious the
Mike Riley
piece was nice it was it was
clearly a
an original piece
it was a fourth of July Fife
and drum
trio with one of them I guess
that's you
with the with the buck teeth
saying I
got ants was there anything
else in me
was there anything else we
needed to
discuss it was just an it was a
that we'd got to do I was
looking for
what something had to have the
flag and
some mentioned the fourth
besides just
fireworks so the flag was like a
prerequisite to me and so I'm
around and that was one of the
and that
was a cartoony thing which was
new was
light-hearted and Riley can do
that sort
of thing constantly means it's
just kind
of that guy yeah and so it was
just a
no-brainer actually to pick
that piece
well I'm and we may have issues
we'd even have a pre-show art
people on
vacation people nobody's
listening we're
just talking into a void avoid
that seems to be a lot of
people on the
stream those people probably
didn't by
the way what a dud the
newsletter a
total dud oh yeah I was a total
dud and
we had I'm never gonna provide
personal pictures ever again
there are
some good shots in there too
and I went
through the trouble of
producing a big
giant photo with Photoshop to
the number of
photo so wouldn't get stuck in
spam yeah
there's only one photo instead
of five
or four whatever it was and but
and it
kind of worked
seems but nobody was there to
pick it up
cuz they're all floating around
you know
living it up in this good
economy so
what are you gonna do I guess
so I guess
well if you're gonna be away
thought it
was funny oh I think yeah I
realize and I sent you the
picture of me
dancing with my sisters which
was very
funny and and then you
commented on it
like I'm not sure what Adams
Tiffany is doing but it's not
good now
willow of course listens to the
show and
subscribe to the newsletter and
immediately sent it to Tiffany
of course okey-dokey
there was no one no one even
photoshopping my air guitar I
mean that
thing just screams Photoshop
now nothing
no traction zero so sorry and
that was
also reflected in the way the
works as it's a reminder that
you have
your show is being produced
once again
another one will drop tomorrow
people typically take that as
their pick
it up and run it pick it up
pick up but
what do you mean whatever was
what did you have for breakfast
sorghum flakes no actually I
had a
Danish we'd like to thank a few
for today's show who did step
up and
support us we'd like to thank
people at least at this at this
level we
have another ten people to thank
afterwards let's start officer
overall Nightrunner three
hundred thirty
three dollars and seventy seven
from Victoria BC so our top
donor is a
Canadian Nick Adam John this
force episode 11 53 which is an
number in numerology from Sir
overall night runner coming to
you from
the lake by the caves on
Island and beautiful
British Columbia Canada and by
the way
that is a beautiful part of the
yeah where he lives is probably
prettiest city on the west
coast no
matter what anybody says about
Francisco with or without the
Victoria is absolutely just
it's a very very just dynamite
I'm out camping with my boys I
mean I
catch the show live I really
hope it to
read goes well since half of
the time
I've donated my notes do not
come come
through properly for some
reason and I
have to ask for a make good
donation is
my favorite bleu cheese
dressing recipe
which can be found on page 33
in my
buddy's cookbook manfried in
the kitchen
easy to prepare munchies
available as
sexy food in the kitchen
dot-com I've
got to pick that one up that
sounds like
a good one yeah sounds good
congratulations do you add them
on your
nuptial Stettin of the keeper
thanks to
all the great reports from
Gitmo East a
bit late for Canada Day and
July 4th but
this day is so much more
important after
all it's my birthday
this donation includes some
lucky sevens
as today is my double nickel
birthday on
7-7 please add me to the
birthday list a
note to Adam I am with you as I
plan to
be here another 40 or 45 years
and laugh
at them all from my rocking
chair please
finally please mention my
podcast WP
plugins a-to-z a weekly
podcast you look that up on the
on the
Google or the Bing WP plugins 8
is 8
which is becoming an 8 year
success that's how that's how
works my friend overnight 8
year success
yes that's all overnight in the
of things is definitely
overnight I
nepeta think of the dinosaurs
on episode
415 as I moved towards episode
420 in
one short month please play
6969 dudes
99 glitches go podcasting
please handout
relationship podcasting and
karma for all well sir john
Nightrunner thank you for
we're stepping up and being
here for us
in our in our low lowest of the
lowest of the year week and
I'll for
sure I'll check out episode 420
if you
have a tech problems I feel bad
for you
son I got a 99 problems but a
you've got karma sir Don
Sullivan you a
beach Hawaii of 220 bucks when
he sent a
check in with a note a very
short note
I've been neglecting my duties
as a No
Agenda listener
oh but better late than never
thank you
for your lovely show the good
cheer and
the news in J&K just your good
vibe and
thank oh yes thank you for your
Aloha we
need an Aloha that's Hawaiian
isn't it Ferguson Ferguson no
I'm sorry
no but why am i blanking on
this I don't
know but you know notice I'm
not making
fun of you yeah well you should
black two hundred thirty three
and 33 cents uh hello gents
Chris black
here from Gitmo nation region
calm Caribbean
all right Kara calm Pera calm
is the
carissa like NORTHCOM it's
caribbean command it is it's an
the military acronym oh I
appreciate the
dedication and hard work
now I'm thinkin Fletcher
that hood net and forget
Fletcher I have
a new calling you know he wants
to do
help in the radio show yes
let me guess tape he does about
14 and
15 absolutely stunning
different voices offbeat voices
and why
does this not surprise me and
all good he's also has a deep
voice not
the boomer that I like but it's
it's definitely a narrators
voice but he
does the hippie and he does a
dipshit he
does a great dipshit um kind of
a you
know just in-between dipshit
guy can't
quite do it neither one of us
it and a whole bunch of
guys and and wacky wacky sounds
and he
sustains them this to me is the
part yeah keeping it going mine
who does
a lot of this sort of thing he
sent me a
tape of stuff and and every so
when you listen to do blah blah
blah blah and then you look you
hear his voice gaining a
different voice good party is
very hard
to do I mean I can do Freddie
firewall but that's about it
and you and you probably
sustain it through of like you
know a
people haven't pitched my boys
know many
people rubs people the wrong
with a lot
of people want it they want to
want a radio play of a Freddie
firewall I've received I've
notices about this yes anyway so
Fletcher I had no idea that he
had a
it's a repertoire is absolutely
phenomenal good so but he could
do the
aloha and s in the scream oh
yes yes yes
yes anyway have a problem with
our donor writes continues to
say Chris
black you mean yes yes that's
who it is
I have a problem with something
repeated on your show Jamaican
is not a
race whoever said that I don't
think so
I tonality my entire family
is Jamaican but I was born in
the US I'm
the only one of my family who
voted for
Trump and I can articulate my
for doing so I recently went on
a eight
hour road trip with my uncle
who hates
the president it was an onion
trees an
interesting trip but I think
that did I
think means James got confused
when they
run into blacks who support the
quote-unquote but ultimately
justification is I hate myself
also yep so about mrs. Harris
her dad
Donald Harris is Jamaican of
and African descent thus the
issue of his ancestors owned
slaves the
Caribbean is full of black
quote-unquote who were
descendants of
slaves brought over from Africa
technically Blackstone Jamaica
can also
be descendants of slaves sure
descendents of American slavery
no Jamaica has black/white
Indian and
Chinese Jamaicans which are all
races even growing up in South
the African American blacks
referred to me as being black
even though I looked just like
what a mess classic
before you do the PS I have a
coming right up after this
break which
will delve even deeper into
that because
he doesn't really say anything
he has a
beef but he doesn't he just
says hey we
we could we can also be slaves
yeah sure
this but this comes back to
camel Harris
when you say in America I'm
black that
used to mean up until two three
ago pretty much you were an
descendant of slavery you could
be half
black enough a white mom you
have a
Chinese mom anything you want
but if you
you were a black you were to
set him am
i misstating this John I mean
been around a little longer nice
something I don't really want
to get
into personally and so I can't
you're missed a day because
that I would
personally think that you're not
mistaken stating it but I think
this is
a can of worms no good well
I'll have
other people do that in some
clips I
have coming up good anyway
onward PSE
says I'm currently on my way to
us-mexico soccer match can I
also get a
divorce karma please oh I hope
anyway Chris say is ours as our
one and
only associate executive
producer for
11:53 yes well thank you to
these three
producers you receive the
credits which
are just as valuable on any
show day if
you're an executive producer in
case your executive producer of
Agenda show you one thousand
one hundred
and fifty three and of course
we have
our executive associate ecute of
producer Chris block you can
post these
credits anyway
people like to put them on
their social
media profiles LinkedIn appears
to work
and if anyone ever questions
you about
the validity of this we will
vouch for
you all you have to do is drop
us a line
and please remember we'll be on
for another riveting edition of
the show
and you can support us out of
iraq dot
org slash n/a well now that you
have all
the information on Jamaican
slave stay
tuned for more and propagates
formula is this we go out for
people in the mouth
I think that works would still
better a
Fletcher does it for sure yeah
he's got
the pipes so that was
interesting you
said you you wouldn't wanna you
want to discuss it or do you
uncomfortable discussing black
are uncomfortable discussing
I just think it's something of
a can of
worms that is not really what
the show
is about and you know this
racially I'm
sorry the 2020 elections and
then an
important demographic is not
what the
show is about no and that's not
what I
meant and I think you know it I
think that trying to to unravel
racial mess and its monikers
and who
calls what wad and reparations
and all
these other things and yes it
is part of
the showing so far as the
candidates are
gonna be bringing this stuff up
and we
have to talk about it yeah but
I think a
lot of it is a you know somewhat
something I'm not interested in
talking about I'm interested in
it I'm
not interested and you're doing
a fine
job by yourself okay good then
let me do
a little segment because Kamala
is arguably one of the two
at the moment and it seems in
many ways
from a racial standpoint that
we are at
a 2007 type situation where
Barack Obama
is being called an African
American and
he clearly was not African
American he's
black II Brown whatever you
want to call
him but not African American
and let's
just go back to the
conversation that
Don Lemon had with April Ryan
just to
refresh your memory so two old
guys aren't saying it but Don
Lemon is
saying it about Tamela Harris
unpack here number one what
does black
enough mean can someone give me
definition of what black is
enough is I
don't want to go down the road
of the
stereotype when people say
we're black
number one she is a black woman
she's a
mixed-race woman when you see
her you
see her blackness but she is
also South
Asian her mom is South Asian
and her dad
is Jamaican listen more power
to her and
well it's great that is that
should be
enough it is enough that she's
a black
woman you're not a model you're
where people are saying the
people who
are saying is she blacking up
bull that's BS but 202
distinction to
say is she african-american or
is she
black or she whatever that
which there
is nothing wrong with that
there is a
difference between being
african-american and being
black people
Latin people Latino people are
people of
color but they're not black
nothing wrong with that I'm
african-american that's it hold
on I'm
not falling into a many
Africans landed
in all these other Caribbean
I'm not
changing the subject okay I
think we get
the idea here you here to black
arguing about what is black
which is the
conversation you and I you're
we're not qualified to have
that but I
think as a lineage and as race
nationalities is very clear
what's what
the problem is that the there
is a I
think a large contingent of
what who is
call themselves a Doss American
descendants of slavery who are
tired of
seeing Democratic candidates
saying I'm
black I'm going to do something
for the
black people meaning people who
descended from Jim Crow type
laws and
situations you know
in my lifetime this I was
barely born
but it was just about ended one
after I was born and you know
here we
are things are much better but
if you're
going to ask people to vote for
you and
you're promising things for
community you got to be kind of
what you're talking about and
where the anger stems from as
african-americans feel they got
off by Obama and did not do any
even though he was supposed to
be the
first black American president
most will
still say african-american
although technically not true
so when Kamala Harris came on
the scene
the Atos movement came into
action and
said that's fine but let's not
that she's African American and
immediately became marred when
marginalized down - these
people are
Russian BOTS yeah yes now
here's how you
have to know the one thing
certain you bring it up Tamela
Harris -
people that don't listen - show
us your
name is coming what why would
support her what were the black
her she's a cop well there's
that she's
a mean-spirited district
attorney that
didn't do nothing for any black
that ever went you know that
we're she
was confronted with but she's a
cop and
so that's enough
she's not to be supported in
this other
stuff I think just derived from
well it's getting pretty heated
Martin on things this is maybe
CNN or
MSNBC he explains people who
have this
opinion that Kamla Harris is
doing the
same thing Barack Obama did is
to a das and saying no way I'm
take care of you but really was
sincere he is he he is dividing
this I'm
don't turn your spokesman told
the New
York Times quote that don't
sweet was
simply asking him if it was
true that
Kamala Harris was half Indian
it's not something he'd ever
before and then once he saw
folks were
misconstruing the in ten
he quickly deleted it what do
you make
of this Donald Trump jr. is
Fredo and he
clearly can't read a bio all he
has to
do is go read the bio senator
Harris then you understand her
background and so he is
probably the
dumbest of all the Trump
children but
but here's the real issue here
attacks on certain economy
blackness really started the
moment she
announced and where it's really
from this is black self-hate
cloaked in
black self-love there are
people out
there who are saying that
because she is
not a descendant of slaves she
can't speak to the black
experience they
dismiss the fact that she went
to an
HBCU they dismiss her actual
and that's what the real issue
here they
are black people out there who
are angry
that they say who say Obama
didn't do
enough for African Americans
and what
they're not doing is demanding
policy questions they're
questioning her
blackness you even have some
fools out
there who are black especially
a lot of
black men who are criticizing
because her husband is white
and so I
understand that folks are
talking about
Donald Trump jr. retweeting
this but
really you've got some asinine
folks out there who are the
ones who are
questioning her blackness and
they are
shameful and they are
despicable and
then they should be called out
at every
that's pretty loaded what the
what the
guy is doing there Democrat
when this is
what it this is what it's all
about it
the there is a a contingent
they call
themselves a do s and they're
we're not gonna vote for any
candidate anymore even though
traditionally do in the 85 95
range yeah until we see a true
agenda for black Americans
Americans so this is now this
honor has
still been bestowed upon
Camilla Harris
and she showed up over the
weekend at
the essence power stage for
essence magazine I presume they
black American african-american
traditionally she was
introduced by none
other than the Rev Rev Al
and she comes out to Tupac let
welcome senator Kamala Harris
now count
the time she says good morning
my name is mommy
the more
good morning good morning good
good morning my heart is full
morning good morning my
beautiful sister
now sounds like she's totally
stoned I
gotta tell you though she has
so endearing about her the way
I can't
explain it
she there's some I'll it's yeah
it's a
smile it's her storytelling but
then she
runs go straight into this
story about
her background because she
realizes that
a lot of controversy
there's we've got to talk about
background now what we know
what we've
researched before any of this
came up on the show like okay
her mom's
from India her dad's from
Jamaica she
was born here she grew up in
Canada most
of her life yeah but she did
get bussed
around and I think she's
younger than I
am isn't she what is she isn't
she's 52
she was born in 1964 okay so
she's my
age so you were born in 64 yes
so I'm
not I'm not so sure if what she
here is really is really
truthful so
about my background I am a
daughter of
the civil rights movement I'm
what I
grew up in a family and in a
of adults just if someone says
I am a
daughter of the civil rights
and you do not have a family
history of
Jim Crow okay I think that
people will
find that insulting but maybe I
said something even weirder
explain it again yeah so about
background I am a daughter of
the civil
rights movement I grew up in a
and in a community of
who spent full time marching and
shouting about this thing
called justice
so she kind of makes it sound
that's a sound right why would
no no so
it's and she's doing this mind
you at
the essence power stage 25 my
Maya and I we were raised by a
who was all a 5 feet tall but
if you
ever met her you would have
thought she
was 7 feet tall she taught us
don't let
anyone tell you who you are you
them who you are
well she's following mom's
advice that's
for sure she's a daughter of
the civil
rights movement can you really
that just to a daughter of
someone who
was actually in America during
Jim Crow
and the civil rights movement
I think that's horseshit on her
case so
now she goes into something
that I heard
the other day at the Whole Foods
checkout someone asked me
where's your
mom her mom is Indian yes and
her mom's
the one it ended up with her
when she
was 12 and I how many Indians
were that
involved in the civil rights
movement oh
she said that they were
screaming and
yelling and protesting it's a
lie John
this is why people are angry
this is why
people on on CNN have to tell
people of the same color shut
up I'm
just reporting so now she does
which is a phrase that I keep
over and over again people are
deranged about Trump
they can't even say Trump they
even say listen this is what it
is and
look we all know there is a lot
that is
wrong with the current occupant
of the
White House I hear this
everywhere at
the Whole Foods checkout well
current occupant at the right
house I
mean the guy called the
president they
can't say have you not noticed
this this
is your Lib Joe you know now
that you
mention I died haven't noticed
it but
now that you mention it I think
it does
crop up a lot and in the end
the term is
the current occupant of the
White House
demeaning its demeaning a
it's demeaning it's like this
like you
know it's like a squatter it's
like some
dude just walked in and it's an
to the people who voted for
as an aside didn't Melania look
on July 4th I told you just
already in
the show I have not seen one
frame of
anything having to do with that
event so
I don't know baby we all know
there is a
lot that is wrong with the
occupant of the White House he
says he
wants to make America great
well what exactly does again
mean back
before the Civil Rights Act
back before
the Voting Rights Act back
before Rovi
wish do that voice before the
Housing Act
well instance we're not going
we're not going back so natural
voice to
start talking like like that
kind of a
turn no displaced black no but
it was
also she's California she's a
if she's black she's she can't
get any
further than being a California
and they have a very
distinctive way of
speaking is they don't talk
will talk to
you they don't have an accent
that she's
portraying their the way
Hillary does I
can't even do it
yeah it she's a lot of that
stuff and her for sure big
student of
Hillary but just so you know
America was
never great because it was all
bunch of a-holes racist
misogynist just
horrible horrible people
thank you Kamla and now she
gets into
the census kind of because
there's a
second census that is being run
that you
and I for obvious reasons were
not aware
of and I'd ask that we take a
look at
and I urge everyone to read the
census project that has been
headed by
Alicia Garza and look at that
as our
guide so it's the largest
survey of
black people in America since
reconstruction and it demands
recognizing the many facets of
life that must be addressed and
in my
opinion it is a guide to right
what is
wrong in America so you know how
sometimes people will say and
they say
it's certainly to me often
because I was
of course the first black woman
to be
elected da of San Francisco is
the first
black person to be elected
General of California only the
black woman to be elected to
the United
States Senate I'm sorry
that's the third because
Warren was also sent her
in the history of our country
okay so
when you hear this what do you
this black census is and what
do you
think who do you think it's
about I have
no idea I never heard of it I
mean the
way she's just said that it
sounds like
it's go it sounds like it's
some way of
counting up the blacks and
getting their
grievances and fixing the
problem yes
unfortunately she told us who
running it Alicia Garza the
name may not
ring many bells with you does
it sounds
familiar black lives matter oh
okay she
started black lives matter with
she's a
Soros sister yeah Soros sister
she got the money from Soros
she started
black lives matters and I have
two quick
clips of her about this black
census any
questions about sexuality have
removed from the census she's
I'm sorry so she's giving a
here about the black census
we're missing all these things
in the
Donald Trump 2020 so wait a
minute so
what you're telling me is that
white or the census the census
which counts everybody which
to Trump is going to dig into
would possibly could know
doesn't have
enough questions digging into
and yes and she is running the
census project black census
project but
is it only about the black
people that
Kamala Harris was talking about
or that
the impression she gave you and
I like
okay it's about black people in
their grievances getting
screwed and how
she's gonna fix all this which
kind of
sounds like black like a black
agenda or
not maybe not reparations
money-wise but
some doing something for her
even though it's just really her
community and so here's Alicia
Garza her
sister as she just said and
she's first
gonna bitch about the crystal
giving a rationale for her
senses but
there's some interesting
gotchas in here
questions about sexuality have
removed from the census and
there are
already ways in which some of
questions on the 2020 census are
actually designed to discourage
communities who need the census
the most
from participating Wow we've
rumors and rumors have been
actually about questions about
immigration status and concerns
whether or not this
administration will
take those responses and turn
them over
to Homeland Security right and
so what
you can be sure of with our
project is that one we're not
any personal information and so
um and
we're doing that because we
think it's
important to protect people's
mm-hmm but it's also extremely
that people understand that
what the
2020 census does is it asks you
how many people are in your
house right
ask you where you live for the
of apportioning resources
mm-hmm our
census is asking you about your
experiences it's asking you to
sound off
on what you want to see for
your future
right and the way that you can
hold us
accountable to that is by being
with our project okay so it
sounds kind
of good although I don't know
about the
sexuality part but all right
that sounds
like you want to do something
for black
Americans with a census and
yeah I don't
know hopefully that information
data will be helpful it is it
only for American descendants
of slavery
or just blacks so we've taken a
lot of
steps to make sure that people
don't get
left behind and we're ready to
additional steps in any places
that we
missed so for example we've
talked about
really wanting to make sure
that black
people who are immigrants get to
participate in the survey okay
here we
go this process and that's why
translated the survey into eight
languages that are commonly
spoken by a
number of black communities
that live
here in the United States so
that nobody
is left behind Wow we hear that
you know
folks who are incarcerated
often get
left out of these kinds of
which is why we're partnering
organizations that work with
people who
are incarcerated in jails in
prisons to make sure that we
get the
census inside the walls so that
we can
really hear from people who are
directly impacted by the
criminal system
what it is that you dream of
for your
future so as it turns out the
census is for immigrants for
LGBTQ it is
for net it is not for just black
Americans in the traditional
sense of
the word
or the way it is implied by
Harris I don't expect a lot of
people to to catch this but I
think a
lot of black people are also
snookered by this and here's
the kicker
this this black census is so it
she does
this from her organization the
futures lab you know and here's
a little
trick for people who want to
find out
who's behind something always
click on
the donate button you always
want to
click on the donate button to
find out
where your money's going black
lab is fiscally sponsored by
the Chinese
progressive Association and the
which is a 501 C 3 tax exempt
organization I looked them up on
GuideStar they got about three
bucks there's no information on
they're really about so this is
front and why why this is being
the black census is being
sponsored by
the Chinese progressive
Association is a
mystery well that's not I don't
that that operation is the
Soros Front
I think it might be well that
source now
I'll tell you why I don't think
Soros has so many good fronts
that why
would he confuse matters by
putting a
Chinese anything in front of
operation it doesn't make sense
well we
can look at it through one of
his other
operations we can look at that
sound a
little more liberal well
founded in 1972
the Chinese progressive
educates organizes and empowers
low-income and working-class
Janey's community ie blacks
San Francisco to build collects
yes John
yes that's just what that's
what's going
on here Chinese immigrants are
now black
and don't you forget it and I'm
a little
and all the things that worries
me it's
the Chinese coming in not
against China I do
Chinese people seem to be ruder
most but they just different
culture so
I get it but do we really want
Chinese taken over everything
well I
find this they just would be
yeah it's well of course this
would in
the interview that you have
this woman
asked that about that and did
she find
it what I'll tell you what she
said she
said wow wow wow wow wow this
just wow
if I click on the donate of the
progressive Association see if
we get
any information here no no it's
all the
same but it's just why is why
are they
sponsoring this very very odd
anyway so
I guess we just take it at face
Kamala Harris is black she's
all for
blacks and Chinese are black
that's the
new black Chinese is the new
black I'm
sure the Chinese appreciate
that yeah I
got nothing against Chinese
except when
I'm vacation they seem to be
rude yeah
you've made that point and
there if you
go to China they're rude there
well they're not rude to you
actually less rude to you than
they are
to fellow Chinese well I've not
been to
China so I can't speak on that
well I
bumped into a lot but it's just
different culture they they
come from a
real communist background and
they think
every space is for everybody
and I'm
gonna stand in that space where
standing must be shared exactly
this is distressing you can
keep up on
it if you want to I mean it
seems to me
to be a common lie Harris is
not gonna
be the nominee I just tell you
right now okay what does your
ball say cosmic weeny
yeah probably Joe Biden do you
think so
do believe in nobody finally
gets a clue
and jumps in like I've been
saying mmm
no it's a total mess and I
still say
kama will be the Vice President
Biden's vice presidential pick
the thing
that was mentioned in that Glen
BC clip
that we had earlier word Biden
to where
they're talking about
everything but but
the topic yeah but the Biden's
says I was kind of surprised
how where
this criticism of me came from
because she's like a friend of
mine she
knows bow and then East End he
off and goes I he it shakes his
head and
goes I bet I get about goodbye
he just
says something stupid and it's
he was
really I think outraged by a
attack at that level on this
stage by a suppose it friend
because it's not the way you
operate his
opera you don't do that you
would have
you had this complaint why
don't you
bring it up sometime you know
I mean this was considered a
faux pas
and she's gonna suffer for it I
assure you and probably suffer
for it in
the next debate but she's not
that she
has zero chance of becoming a
nominee oh
man your first and I'm not done
not bad
at this well I
have a good track record you
have a good
track record of picking Pope's
and the
president well I wasn't into
well do you
don't make me play the clip
again the
same as picking the candidates
okay I
think comet is so far right now
for me
Camilla Harris is the
front-runner Joe
Biden is a washed-up loser at
this point
and he's coming unhinged and
people are
seeing it I don't see that
support for
him that's why somebody needs
to come to
the rescue somebody needs to
come to the
rescue someone pointed out a
movie to me
that is on Netflix that
actually came
out 10 months before the Muller
and as I was watching the
trailer for
this is called active measures
I don't
think we'd heard about this I
think we talked about it it went
straight to Netflix as far as I
know I'm
gonna go look at it next when
you will I
play the trailer when you
listen to this
trailer then you and you've got
to clear
your mind you've got to put
into Rob Reiner shoes I know
kind of stinky but just just
bleh but
because I could I'm pretty good
at doing
this it lay back and like okay
let me
just for a moment think that
Trump is
not the president he's the
occupant of the White House and
and all
of these guys were all in
cahoots there
was all this collusion the
Muller report
proved it I saw my favorite
actors telling me to read the
report I
read the report and it confirmed
everything I was afraid of and
then you
see this trailer