August 22nd, 2019 • 3h 4m
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this is no good hmm it's not
supposed to
be balmy there that's probably
just a
cloud of steaming poop it could
be and
will you please stop tweeting
that we do
you keep tweeting send people
tend the
homeless to Austin I'm doing
them a
Austin is opening its arms why
are you
such a grumpy Gus he's opening
its arms
to them to the poor homeless
and they
you know and they welcome I'm
right I'm just trying to get
the word
out oh you do not want you're
and by the way that you come
here and
you'll bake on the street you
there's a glimmer of hope in
Austin you
know a slight glimmer of hope
you know
if you live in Texas and you're
but Austin someone says hey
what are you
from and you say I'm from Texas
they say
yeah we're in Texas you say
Austin the
same that's not Texas it's
exactly what
they say but I think the
liberal Austin
local government mayor and the
Council I think that they're
just not as
when we say liberal they're not
California liberals that they
and maybe not yet maybe it's
not even
them maybe it's the people of
they're revolting against
what's going
on here is you recall several
weeks ago
the council voted unanimously I
to remove all city ordinances
of camping
where you except for of course
in front
of City Hall or the Capitol
building but
you can pretty much camp
anywhere else
not in a sending city park but
else you want to on the median
on the
right side of the road you can
whatever you want you can
Panhandle in
front of bus bus stop school
grounds anywhere you want and
that was a
man freedom actually that was
50 days
ago as longer than I thought
but now things have changed two
after voting to allow sitting
lying and
camping in public places city
are tweaking the rules no one
anybody camping anywhere in our
today Mayor Steve Adler and
members sent out a six page
aimed to solve problems of
experiencing homelessness in
the city
I've lived in Austin my whole
life and
my beautiful city is a mess man
and is one that's funny you say
that I
heard this the second time I
played it
and does sound like her doesn't
it but
no it's not my whole life and my
beautiful city is a mess
ken bouncer Mullen is one of
hundreds of
outspoken Austinites asking
council to
change the sit like camp
she says it's caused a public
risk and health hazard where is
it that
that people should should not
be camping
and sitting in line in the
report mayor
Adler answers those questions
increased restrictions on
people who
camp adjacent to roadways or
medians on
sidewalks near creeks or in
front of the
arch he also suggests a renewed
focus on
creating new housing options
but says
the changes won't be possible
community input and support are
really ready to do what it
takes to
actually solve this problem
this guy
gets my goat you know all he
ever says
are we all ready to solve the
problem do
we do can we come together
fuck you Adler go do something
oh this guy is so annoying can
we all
come to get you're supposed to
dipshit it won't be possible
community input and support are
really ready to do what it
takes to
actually solve this problem
rather than
just chasing it around the city
hiding it in the next couple
weeks it E
Council is expecting more
proposals on changing this
also tomorrow morning at 10
there will be a public town
hall right
here at the Austin Convention
Center it
is open to the public it's your
to ask a city leaders questions
about this homelessness issue
try look
at this six page proposal in
clueless outline proposed
enjoy what is this you play in
background but what are you
hearing I'm
not hearing anything oh must be
on my
machine do we need to stop tape
are you
okay I'm good I thought it was
just playing a little bad for
reason proposed principles and
goals for
pros community agreement
direction our
community needs multiple
housing types
and services for individuals
experiencing homelessness next
point we know what works yeah I
bullshit no clue what works oh
here it
is new programs expansions and
housing capacity on the horizon
places from among which to
restrictions on camping sitting
lying ordinance standards
interpretations and
applications rules
regarding camping where it
occurs as we
build up more housing and
services non
policing tools to encourage
people to go
to better and safer places this
six page document has nothing
mental health nothing about
abuse or addiction until the
very very
very bottom under those non
help people get assistance for
to the
bullet point one sobering
center melv
mental health assistance
shelter /
bridge home navigation center
community court and everything
else is
about appropriating apartment
or old hotels to turn into
housing this is this is not
going to
work it's your cells your
solution well
sure well there is one I talked
this there's one solution that
seems to
be working that's the community
village September 9th I'm going
to go
over there
gonna see what they're doing
and I shall
report back and maybe I'll do an
interview with the with the CEO
running it hmm this was recently
featured in People magazine's
got a lot
of attention as something that
seems to
be working but geez they have
here just nothing no no no not
them to Austin besides that
that's a standing standing
offer gee
thanks no we're gonna just
everybody oh oh yeah I read
about this oh yeah
what you got let me read you
read some
of this I don't have any clips
according to San Francisco
from now on a convicted felon
or poor
other offender or released from
will be known as a former
person yeah justice involved
person or
just and they did prefer this a
returning resident no they're
gonna use that as returning
resident of justice that would
be even
better just a returning
resident oh my
goodness oh my goodness you
know now
called a young person with a
system involvement or a young
impacted by the justice
juvenile system
a young person a young
person impacted by the juvenile
system who is experiencing
and just happens to be gay and
addicts abusers use that for a
while Wow
will become the oh actually
changing that's that that whole
thing to
a person with a history of
abuse nice and if somebody was
one of the supervisors was that
we don't
want people to be forever
labeled for
the worst things they've ever
so we just give them labels
should give
new let's give them a new label
a new
yellow star good work everybody
there's nuts yeah he nice yeah
it's hard
to be nice I went to dinner
with my
Jamaican friend ah and and did
he smoke
the ganja he smokes the ganja
but he
don't eat the meat so he's at
pescetarians right and I'd
selected this
cool restaurant on the east
side that's
a butcher shop he's like don't
remember crap yeah alright so he
selected the corner the corner
bar at
the JW Marriott which is
actually kind
of like nice location but you
got to go
into town so I'm a mean town ID
and I
walked three blocks up in three
over three blocks down near
it's gotten worse
so yes
since we've left I see
congregations now
it used to be you know one or
homeless people I'm sorry people
experiencing homelessness in a
or on a part on a bench but now
four or five of them sitting
with lawn chairs no tents out
yet and
then you know just like in
Chicago or
San Francisco on Congress like
corner of second and Congress
or third
and Congress is people just
sleeping on
the corner I don't know
I don't saying how people don't
can just
step over it it bothers the
crap out of
me as you can tell to step over
yeah I find that very from that
challenge I mean it's better
jumping on him but you know I
understand my dilemma it's not
cool not
cool anyway keep everybody
updated we
were we were right on a lot of
things or
nor ahead of the curve on a lot
things that have been taking
place over
the past couple days sure well
always astonishing to me how
how far ahead of the curve we
are but
this one is were too far headed
curve has become as problematic
my last
story of my life this is
absolutely true
I should be a billionaire but
I'm always
ten years too early with
everything no
well which so I had the
interview with
Poe I talked to poach enok and
who did
he say would be on deck to be
exposed in
the Epstein scandal do you
recall know
Bill Gates part of baffling
history of
Jeffrey Epstein is how he was
able to surround himself with
some of
the world's most powerful
people even
after he pled guilty to
soliciting an
underage prostitute and became a
registered sex offender for
Prince Andrew was photographed
out of Epstein's Manhattan
mansion in
2010 two years after Epstein
served jail
time and now we're learning
founder Bill Gates not only
spoke with
Epstein on more than one
occasion about
philanthropic spending but also
flew on
Epstein's private plane from
New York to
Palm Beach though Gates
refuses to say why and we
should note
the plane was not the so called
Express which allegedly was
used to fly
underage girls to Epstein's
island but still critics wonder
why one
of the world's richest men
would need to
take philanthropic advice from a
convicted sex offender
considering what Melinda Gates
and the
couple's foundation does for
young women
around the world separately a
science advisor for Bill Gates
was named
as one of three executor zuv
Epstein's 577 million dollar
will 49
year old Boris Nikola
says he was shocked to learn
Epstein named him and says he
has no
intention of fulfilling the
meantime Attorney General Bill
Barr gave
an impromptu news conference
today where
he maintains that there were
irregularities in the death of
Epstein but Barr says so far he
has been
given no reason to question the
of the medical examiner who
Epstein's death a suicide
though Barr says the
investigation is
moving forward
there you go Billy Boy and this
that's guilt by association
again yes
but um if he went to the island
I'd be
more suspicious all I'm saying
is this
is what pachán ik predicted he
said Bill
Gates has a problem he says he
took a
known a known sex offender of
girls with
him to the girls charity he and
Melinda maintained so yeah yeah
it was
just after he was convicted of
a sex
crime yes 2013 this happened
all in 2013
2014 2015
that's the part that's
problematic okay
well that is a problem
yes now how about I should be
untouchable after that you
shouldn't be
dealing with him no of course
not and it
wasn't and that wasn't on the
express to the island but it
was to Palm
Beach Palm Beach where gates
also has a
house and it was and it was on
it was on
the the Gulfstream not the ES
727 anyway
it just found that interesting
now more
interesting to me and perhaps
to you
because this is a guy I've met
a couple
times I'm sure you have Joey
Ito do you
know have you ever met him I
know Joey
yeah well well Joey okay well
good he
posted a public apology he's
now the
director of the MIT Media Lab
yeah he's
always yeah yeah I mean I met
him with
who was the the French guy who
ran a Gus
a the French guy ran Apple yeah
Louie yeah yeah I was raising
money for
pod show I remember we had a
with him and Ito sat in on it I
had me a
John Luke essay during the same
era for
a friend of mine mm-hmm and some
somebody else who I know very
well so
why'd you have a meeting with
him for so
he gave us a bunch of tips and
stuff he
says you know he has zero money
in that
when I saw Ito I'm like I'm in
the wrong
room this is not we're gonna
get money
so he had posted a public
apology for
taking money from Epstein for
projects at MIT and for his
funds two scientists have now
or are publicly announced they
leaving the Media Lab they may
not leave
MIT but want to leave the Media
because they find it untenable
so I
think that they probably don't
one of the one of the guys in
the papers
in the 2000 that word 2000 word
page document 2000 plus pages
Marvin Minsky big shot at the
Media Lab
major major guy I remember
running into
him if I te personally he threw
me out
of a meeting we need to hear
this that
tells us first who Marvin
Minsky is and
then Marvin I staked out of
meeting one
of the famous artificial
from the 80s the first go-round
maybe even the one before every
30 years
or so this artificial I didn't
he kind
of write the book on artificial
intelligence wrote a book at
least he
published it well you got me on
that so
I got invited as a lark by will
to go into the Media Lab with
executives of the Hearst
Corporation who
are getting ate at or that you
worry to
have to sign a nondisclosure
uh-huh and
I was like first and I were just
wondering we're in the kind of
wandering we're just in the
there's about 1 2 3 but maybe
eight nine
people including the CEO and
Hearst and all these other
people we're
going through this thing and
getting to see the dog and pony
that they put on which is where
I found
out a number of interesting
things I
used later and certain columns
because I
could I didn't have to worry
non-disclosed being non
disclosed on any
of it and so we're going from
meeting to
meeting where these guys are
just full
of crap and they're showing us
everything in the place got a
great tour
and either a few wry bald
comments to
make and so we go into this
meeting and there's Minsky in
there with
the guys they had at the time
whose name
is eluding me involved with
magazine and Minsky sees me he
knows who
I am
and he says what's this guy
doing here
what's Dvorak doing here pretty
this guy and everybody's
looking left
and right never this stupid
smile on my
face and they asked me to leave
yeah yes
so will actually will left with
me the
two of us left oh that's cool
it was
from what I could tell yeah so
we left
we it was at the end anyway so
who cares
and we went out and did
something Boston
somewhere and then as you left
that's the mascot well screw
those guys
guilty by association I say
well there's
a lot of that going around
with MIT Media Lab what do you
there's a lot of that going
around at
the MIT Media Lab guilty by
your report you got Joey
okay this immediate levy got
the Media Lab yeah a lot of
media lab
guys seems to me yeah well you
know one
of the theories this may be an
Polly theory one of these one
of the
theories is that Epstein exedoc
yeah man
well Epstein was into
transhumanism and
all this weird stuff and
things and hybrid I already was
big into implanting yeah we got
it the
first time hey-oh
and that he you know because he
said he collected humans that
he might
have been supplying supplying
for testing too many of these
esoteric research projects at
MIT and
Harvard that he was apparently
there's now also another
connection you probably
about or saw the video of
Prince Andrew
at Epstein's house in Manhattan
with a
young woman leaving did you
know I did
what was the picture describe
it again
so it's the Epstein house in
it's the mansion and the door
opens up
and a young woman walks out and
then in
the door opening waving her off
Prince Andrew of of the Germans
there in England and so that
turns out
to be the daughter of former
Prime Minister Paul Keating
just to make
it a little worse I can't
remember it
wasn't Paul Keating a
problematic prime
minister for Australia you
don't know I
can't this is not even in the
banks it's possible well she is
now a
sustainability campaigner who
works for
a show business talent agency
represents among others Sir Paul
McCartney and u2
and she also previously partied
Jasleen Maxwell and presented a
interview with the alleged
calling her a philanthropist so
just makes it that much more
juicy when
we can add those tidbits you
know yeah
I'm not saying anyone's guilty
however a
dutch former model taisiya
house mum who
was discovered by jean-luc
Brunel this
was one of the you know this
was the big
fashion the modern else he's
thrown a
drone darts at him yes so she
says that
she was drugged and and abused
abused when she was in she
doesn't know
where the apartment was but she
does say
she thinks she also remembers
being there so you know people
are just
coming out and a lot of this is
people coming out and just
whatever they remember my
though is Carrie Kennedy and
she is the Robert Kennedy
daughter who
do you remember she think you do
remember this story she was
arrested for
driving under the influence and
defense successful defense I
might add
was that she had accidentally
take an
ambien instead of her
progesterone or
something like that and so she
was all
walked out and she you know she
into it a trailer tractor so
she has
always been good friends with
jizz Lane
as she offered her lawyer left
when the trouble started
between Epstein
and the law and left Court of
course was
is someone who worked on his
defense but
it's even more juicy to know
that Kerry
Kennedy at the time was married
Andrew Cuomo no which puts the
quit create back in the in
focus which
is really always fun if we can
accuse him of anything so you
have any
clips from the Wendy Williams
Show uh
gee I forgot to watch and I
forgot to
record why did you have any no
I'm just
thinking of where you're going
that's all I got
I will say something else when
it comes
to things that we've that we've
been out
ahead of and this comes back to
pipe two
pipelines I don't remember
exactly which
episode was when we discovered
important pipelines are to the
to the
geopolitical state of the world
and of
course this was when a lot of
were being built we were
discovering the
old ones things were changing
was changing Russia was
changing the
stance towards Russia it
quieted down a
little bit then we had the big
field which we'd known about
for not
geez at least eight years and
started pumping so we've
tracked that
we've been tracking the North
stream too
which is a secondary route from
that is intended to pump just a
lot of natural gas into your
which once again we'll go
Ukraine but it goes along the
coast of
several countries and it kind
of came
into view what has been going
on the
past week when I read this
report from
Reuters that the Nord Stream to
LED gas pipeline project across
Baltic Sea to Europe could be
delayed by
up to eight months and cost an
extra 660
million euros due to hurdles in
the necessary permits from one
particular country and this is
the last
country that has to sign off on
permits and they've been
about it for a while and that
may make
sense that we had someone come
out of
the woodwork to perhaps delay
decision a little bit longer
this is Denmark so now you can
understand why Trump was going
Denmark now you can kind of
why he wanted to make a big
deal about
Greenland owned by Denmark just
they are in direct competition
to the
natural gas we are now
exporting this
pipeline in particular is in
to the gambit we have running
which is
more expensive of course for
Europe but
we are going to be the net
exporter of
natural gas and maybe you want
to cause
a ruckus around Denmark and
then if they
decide that they are going to
the Nord Stream 2 across in
territorial waters maybe you
could think
column out is Russian Stooges or
something or you know enemy of
think that may have been the
play all
along it's a good theory I
think he
actually wants Greenland it is
that we
did get a boots on the ground
from one of our producers which
I don't
mind sharing from Wouter he
says for the
Danish government he feels it
is indeed
absurd and he agrees with the
Prime Minister's assertion of
offer and he has the following
one for the Danish government
sell any part of Greenland
without the
approval of the green Landers
think we
knew that this is determined by
UN rules
passed after World War two so
why asked
Denmark he should have made an
offer to
Greenland directly and let them
negotiate with the Danish
well I can again I think my
theory works
here because it's not about
per se and maybe about stopping
Russians you know with the
final link in
the chain to the Danes are very
sensitive about every square
metre of
what is left of the realm of
this is some good history here
Denmark lost the southern part
to Sweden
in 1660 a piece to norway in
1814 and
the northern part of germany
which also
used to be theirs they lost
that in 1864
which they didn't even manage
to get
back after World War one on top
of that
they sold of course st. John
st. John
and st. Croix in the Caribbean
in 1970
to us for 25 million and
thirdly Denmark
may be small and relatively
insignificant in the greater
scheme of
things but they're not stupid
there's a
great potential in Greenland
and they
will never just sell because of
short-term perspective the
leader of Greenland Kim Nielsen
had the best response saying he
could be
interested in buying the USA
quote it was the Vikings Leif
the happy
who discovered America and his
Eric the red who discovered
and stayed there therefore it
is only
logical that we get the USA
back again
he has not yet decide on the
price but
expects it to be quite low
taking the
deficit of the USA into account
and if
Trump we part of the deal if he
is then
the offer will be lower all
right well I
love having producers
everywhere in the
world I'm sure that's exactly
feels the point is that they
already sold us something in
the past
yes st. Croix and st. John and
say Jan
and so they could you know so
it's not
outside the realm of
possibility and
it's been done
I mean Truman asked to buy
after World War two and was
yeah and somebody in the 1800's
believe made the
yeah so it's not completely
nuts it's
not absurd which you know but
what bothered me so she said
this is
absurd now it's not absurd but
response is she's a nasty woman
which I
can only I've been looking
never said
that he never said she's a
nasty woman
Oh What did he say he says it's
did you use the word nasty
referring to
her her comment but he never
said she's
I don't believe unless somebody
get show
me a quote I well that explains
because I thought he said nasty
and I went looking for some
between this new Prime Minister
Hillary maybe he was making that
maybe I just misheard it but his
response was well you know if
just gonna respond like that
then screw
you you're not nice I mean what
is that
about it's only I'm telling I
think the
Russian pipeline thing is what
it is is
number one or that says that's
what he's
gonna use now that's why I
didn't go to
Greenland that's why I didn't
ask them
this is all about Denmark let's
play a
couple green link clips we got
one from
democracy now Greenland on
Sunday Trump
confirmed to reporters is
interest in
purchasing the autonomous Danish
territory and did not rule out
trading a
u.s. territory for the island
Trump said
essentially it's a large real
deal Danish politicians across
political spectrum expressed
over Trump's sudden
cancellation of the
state visit the Danish Prime
met the Frederickson called his
idea to
purchase Greenland absurd she
also told
reporters thankfully the time
where you
buy and sell other countries and
populations is over
actually I had an idea why
don't we sell
California to Greenland
yeah the commutes too far no
then you
can put all your homeless on a
oh no Boston there with open
yeah the people up did their
fries the
deserts number two there's a
bit of new
information in the clip two on
Trump tweeted a photo of shiny
Trump skyscraper photoshopped
onto an
image of a Greenland town and
wrote I
promise not to do this to
Trump is said to be interested
Greenland's abundant natural
and geopolitical importance but
island is also at the center of
climate crisis earlier this
Greenland's ice sheet
experienced its
largest single-day melt in
history in
July the hottest month ever
Greenland's ice sheet lost 197
tons of ice the equivalent of
around 80
million Olympic swimming pools
say in addition to rising sea
around the world the receding
ice could
expose toxic nuclear waste left
at u.s.
military sites during the Cold
War John
John John John look out your
quick the mudflats they're
still there
another thing has changed at
the end
what we dumped a nuclear way
yes well
that's not exactly true but in
91 she
said yeah that's well I I
actually got
this on no agenda social calm
them guys
like that's exactly what he
sounded like
yeah and we had a secondary
base there
and we did have some so-called
nuclear testing so I don't know
about the secret nuclear
testing but
apparently there was there is
waste and
other toxic shit from just
having a base
there and then Alameda and they
just let
it all snow under cuz it was
hard to
keep it clear anyway and then
abandoned it so it's just
hidden under
this layer of I don't know ice
now melting and it's going to
that and the woolly mammoth and
and and
bacteria the smallpox the black
death that we haven't seen
since 1918
all that's gonna come when that
when the
ice melts
surely you know about this
science man
not to mention the amount of
that has been accumulated by
the ice
somehow yeah this from the
mammoth farts yeah stinks in
that ice
for some reason well on the
topic of
this of the of the nuclear
waste so
there was a explosion of nuke
went off
in Russia yeah it hasn't been
as much as it could be a little
bit I
mean there's all kind of the
same like
from what I remember the
Russian said oh
don't worry and then they said
maybe we
should leave then come on back
and it's
okay it was very unclear well I
have the
clip from NBC that kind of
explains it
not completely but it's not
really a
Derek testing and I thought it
interesting because we've done
this in
the past I think in the 50s or
60s there
was some oh wait an antigravity
well maybe but that wasn't what
Oh nuclear engines Oh new
nuclear jet
engines nice and they they're
work because we've tested them
they're promised are very
dangerous you
have to have a really long
garden hose
for the water turbine I hear
but they
have they go you know like
seams so if
you get one going you could fly
around the globe two or three
times they
just keep going and going and
flying and
flying so you can have these
things just
flying or constantly here of
course is
you shoot one down it becomes a
subscribe and keep flying on
the ground
blows up yeah so this kind of
happen this thing blew up and I
know what's gonna happen with
program but they kind of
explain it here
and on another global front
Russia is facing new questions
over the
recent explosion at a missile
site after telling a nuclear
group to stay out of it we get
more from
NBC's bill Neely
a growing mystery tonight about
what happened
days after a nuclear explosion
killed five Russian nuclear
at least four radiation
stations nearby went silent and
transmitting data Russia told an
international nuclear watchdog
mind your own business
Russia admitted radiation
levels did
spike briefly after the
accident which
was tied to the testing of a
missile engine yesterday there
is no
threat no risk of increased
but the Kremlin is also furious
international nuclear watchdog
this map of a potential
radiation plume
spreading across Russia the
calls that absurd warning the
to back off claiming it can
withhold any
data nuclear experts say
Russia's real
aim is to hide secrets about
this a
nuclear-powered cruise missile
president putin boasts could
American defenses Russia
concealing from
the US exact data on its
nuclear fuel
two of the Russian radiation
stations are now working again
Russia has proved once again
that when
it comes to its national
security it
will hide what the world might
want to
know I don't know man we got
Russia with
the nuclear engines we got
France with
the hoverboard we don't have
any cool
shit anymore no drop the ball
yeah they got troops on
hoverboards they
got nuclear engines we got
Tesla well
thanks Obama I think I remember
seven hundred and sixty billion
last year what are we doing
with it
just boondoggles yeah annoying
but the president finally
caught up on
his no agenda episodes
it's about time well you know
it's a lot
of people always talking to him
so he
can't always get some time to
and this was three days ago a
tweet wow
report just out Google
manipulated from
2.6 million to 16 million votes
Hillary Clinton in 2016
election this
was put out by a Clinton
supporter not a
trump supporter Google should
be sued my
victory was even bigger than
thought so
thanks we we did a quite a
detailed dive
on this dive on this research
and the
guy got into a beef after this
Elliot guy or whatever his last
name is
Epstein Robert Robert Epstein
Epstein he with Hillary because
says as part of a debunked
stuff let me
read it
the debunk study you're
referring to was
based on 21 undecided voters
for context
that's about half the number of
associated with your campaign
who have
been indicted so I knew that
this was
the messaging that went out
and this I just flipped to CNN
was on MSNBC they didn't have
the story
yet flipped to CNN and yes sir
there's another conspiracy
Jeffery that he's on to he took
Twitter today to accuse Google
manipulating votes he said
manipulated from 2.6 million to
million votes for Hillary
Clinton in
2016 election this was put out
by a
Clinton supporter not a trump
Google should be sued my
victory was
even bigger than thought in a
day of
wackadoodle claims this is the
wackadoodle of all and John we
through this research and you
know this
21 unjust undecided voters yes
and I'll
talk about that in a second but
was thousands of pages and
underneath all that research
flowed up until this final test
so and I
thought the research was pretty
and has been published and the
been put in as a it's a it's
this is
Phin ative work important
there's not even any claim that
manipulated votes
there's no that they didn't go
in there
and change votes no one claims
except Donald Trump the the
idea is what
he's doing there tells he
talking about
he's trying to make it sit now
first of
all Trump was wrong
he says Google manipulated from
2.6 to
16 million votes for Hillary
that is a
well it's a very poor way of
what happened what happens is
that bias
in their system or bias within
people we don't know
put more Hillary favorite links
at the
top two positions so and that
swayed the
2.6 to 16 million according to
Epstein's research into voting
Hillary they were indeed
undecided but
it was very important and the
is very conclusive and has been
replicated but this jamoke to
first the
first woman says aw this bad
let it be
debunked that and then Toobin
comes in
he's saying well they didn't go
in and
manipulate votes what he's
implying here
is they didn't go into the
machines and manipulate them
exists literally what he's
which is such a douche move
there's no that they didn't go
in there
and change votes no one claims
except Donald Trump the the
idea is that
searches were ranked in certain
that help Democrats rather than
than Republicans this too has
been long
discredited but it's all that
part of
this incredible nervousness
about this
political standing no one they
just say
it's long discredited by who
know by
Slate Magazine who discredited
that's if
I was sitting there at a Stuben
just a stooge I say Toobin
sources man
one report you can show me
studies and
sources okay shut up I was
wrong about
2016 I don't know if he's gonna
win or
lose in 2020 but what today's
you know
of craziness tells us is that
really worried about losing
that's the
real message not any of the
subs now
listen to the the final woman
on the
panel you're nodding here
Sabrina well
look i think that is no
coincidence that
he picked out this 2.6 million
from the range that was
provided in this
unsubstantiated conspiracy
because unsubstantiated this is
not news
this is election TV the public
number from the range that was
in this unsubstantiated
theory because that's also very
close to
the margin by which Hillary
Clinton won
the National popular vote and
we've seen
the president on multiple
throw out again conspiracy
theories that
votes worse to nearly three
votes were stolen from him in
the 2016
election because then that
helps him
push back against the notion
Hillary Clinton in fact won the
vote which is a big a sort of
point for the president Robert
actually posted a very long
regarding this in his battle
either even
included a picture of him and
cuz and he's very disappointed
with with
Hillary Clinton and he even
show he even
pulls out WikiLeaks emails to
show how
Google's Eric Schmidt offered
to run
Hillary's tech campaign and in
effect me
of course he funded the
groundwork which
was this little tech company
whose only
purpose was to put Clinton in
the White
House and after all that last
night I
saw late he posted a picture of
a beach
and written in the sand was I
love life
and he posted I'm I'm not going
to kill
I don't want to die I am very
happy with
I guess he the Clinton body
count got to
him well if you looked at his
red and the response to it 90%
of the
response is related to be
careful you
gotta get killed I mean that
great what is fantastic it's so
entrenched in the public
is I it's a I'm actually
stunned by it
oh and there's always just
that without you ten years ago
was just
some sort of a running gag yeah
yeah a
few people prefer to talk about
it we
talked about it earlier
yeah but now it's like jeez I
forgot to
mention on the other Epstein
I'm pretty
sure that looking at Bill bars
connections through his dad to
which is very clear I think bar
is is
cleaning up he's not going to
unseal the
thousands of CF indictments but
gotta have a couple people who
go down
and I just feel like all eyes
on bill
cuz then you know the Clintons
go down
do you just all you have to do
is step
back and watch everyone else
who matters
tumble you don't think it's
gonna happen
no no immune is that were
immune or he's
got he's protected a it's not
happen they're not gonna do
that to any
president well let's check in
with the
Lew and Joe show let's see what
dojo de
Genoa says if we've gotten any
any information about the sealed
indictments thousands of them
three years of investigation we
know so little and and guess
why if it
hadn't been for the corruption
at the
top of the FBI and the
Department of
Justice to swing the election
Hillary Clinton we would have
all of
these answers but when you have
world's premier law enforcement
the FBI becomes so politically
and corrupt that it cannot run
investigation the way it should
that's why it's important that
clean house and that's why it's
so sad
that Christopher Rea has never
any of these problems and as
I said when he was Attorney
General for
a couple months he says I have
questions now than before I
Attorney General boy that tells
something no it tells me
nothing does
just something man
no it's so disappointing it was
weeks ago it was gonna be any
day now
Wednesday know what know three
weeks ago
is gonna be Wednesday uh I
can't even I
can't even get Tina on board
anymore I'm
like oh she's like I don't
believe it
for a second I've heard this
all my
married life with you which was
months a few days ago yeah
she's finally
wised up I'm sure this I'm sure
everybody heard it but since
we've had
this exact same issue back in
the day
I'll say we haven't had this
happen in
many years the bill de blasio
skype fail
was pretty fun oh I don't know
this oh
my goodness yeah it was it was
the Iowa
I think the union workers and
de Blasio
admissible crap excuse there
was and so
he came in on skype and we knew
it was
Skype because you do you
remember what
used to happen sometimes only
on your
end I might I might add with
Skype what
was happening on my end you'd
get the
helium Voice oh yeah yeah that
happen here's Bill DeBlasio
calling in
hey thank you everybody with
you and I
apologize I couldn't be there
in person
I had a canceled flight and
could not
get you by my time slot but I
want to
just stay before get into
anything about
why I'm running for president
what we
have to do in this country I
want to
thank you and the audience is
and he does he has no clue and
it was I
mean his whole statement is just
hilarious and last night Tina
said it
who does he sound like for the
fight you
know way doing everyday
organized labor
in Iowa what does he sound like
sounds like one of the female
no man fighting a really really
no but you've been doing it in
a way
sure there's someone who sounds
like Ben
Shapiro you know you're a
racist sexist
bigoted homophobic hates the
poor right
that's what they know about you
that's not they think that
about you
they know that about you so much
strength Ben Shapiro fancies
should pick
that out it's a bit like Ben
yeah more than a bit yeah honey
Ben Shapiro is on helium that
would make
sense that would explain
something see
you have a couple other 20/20
oh yes
well Elizabeth Warren finally
to ya
American Indians I'm kind of
quasi heartfelt I know that I
have made
I am sorry for harm I have
caused I have
listened and I have learned a
lot and I
am grateful for the many
that we've had together it is a
honor to be able to partner
with Indian
country and that's what I've
tried to do
as a senator and that's what I
promise I
will do as president of the
States of America that was
pretty good
people thought it was me do it
again I
want to hear I want to hear it
Elizabeth what you're crying
that was
pretty good didn't do anything
oh okay
but here here's a here's a
groovy one
from another guy I got my eye
on Andrew
yang this he's all spiffy on
that stage
man but he's a little pompous
Valley ass in the background
however he
went on a podcast it's always
dangerous when you go into
podcast I'm
not talking Joe Rogan I'm
talking on the
podcast were you're chilled and
relaxed and this is the h3
podcast and
you feel like you can kind of
whatever you want no surprise
the debates are rigged and it's
filtered and removed and even
debates like you pointed out
just feel
like you're watching a reality
actual and not even a good one
are certain nightmare I mean
they ask
you complex questions and
expect you to
answer in what like 30 seconds
and then they cut you off and
they focus
so much on the drama it's like
they want
it they want you to get into an
with Joe Budden and yeah and
you know
one thing I'll share with you
all is
that some of the campaigns are
in touch
with the TV network ahead of
time to
talk about what sort of attack
wanna the stage attack on by
around yes
this question would be would
play really
well yes the campaign says hey
gonna make this attack against
Biden and
in the network I was okay
like we get it and then they
help create
that opportunity what a
nightmare I mean
what a farce yeah it's it's
quite a
disaster and I want to share
with you
the perspectives like I'm I
think like a
lay person who happens to find
on the presidential debate
stage being
like what the hell conference
call so
that's quite the accusation Wow
that's a
clip that's a clip that's a
clip of the
day thank you somebody sent it
to you um
no no I found this myself Jim
let me just say as a part of
our value
for value system it's not just
the money
yes that enables you and I to
do the
work but this I was thinking
just again
this morning is like without our
producers there's no way no way
we would
get the amount the quantity and
quality of clips and
information yeah
inside I got a note to read
then okay
from one of our guys is a
little long
but I want to read it Hollywood
guy in
the morning keep me anonymous I
had to
share an event that happened
this spring
and an immediate and it will be
annual event and he's got some
link it's
called I saw this I saw this
organizations such as
changed to find Americans and
which has been offering story
and script integration services
Hollywood for years we only
know that
the one we've talked about of
course is
the familiar Hollywood Health &
USC they're participating in
this event
and this event was called
conversation people can look it
up on
Google it will be available
interactive sessions for
writers who
want workshops specific
storylines or
characters they're working on
says it's all participants will
be all
participants were provided with
resource guide and contact
for these groups so they can
deeper relationships with them
on an
ongoing basis as an unquote
this is an
extravaganza of mind
programming insider
trading training sorry we're
the top
producers directors and actors
and coercing the new recruits
to learn
the new narratives for all
genres of
entertainment think Lear
foundation I
don't think this would pop up
on your
radar if nobody's sent it to
you you
might be able to deconstruct it
in a
novel way Hollywood is no fun
it's just virtues signaling in
the CNN
agenda at every job I'm
struggling hard
as a middle-aged white guy in
entertainment industry and
trying to
escape this whole mess before
they put
me out to pasture this
gathering makes
my skin crawl and it's a clear
signaling attack on everyone
but the
triple disgruntled status
people I would
contribute again today but I'm
in a bad
place financially and says
great show
keep up the good work so
there's a bunch
of these things going on yeah I
took a
look at where's the right I
took I took
a look yes well I took a look at
unreasonable conversation org
he's usually 501 C 3 s but
there's a lot
of money pumping through him
there's a
couple of them another one he he
mentioned I also looked up and
that was
me see who was that what was
their name
image of darkness define
America and
define America in America
anyway so they in March they
have the
big meeting this is where they
together with show runners with
producers and what's great
about it is
you know Hollywood being the
signaling community that
community that
it is they do not want to make
mistake so for instance there
was an
article linked to one of these
study immigrant TV characters
as criminals and less educated
so just
like you don't want to get
caught up in
some kind of bullcrap
controversy as an
advertiser you certainly don't
want to
make a misstep if it comes to
daca kids
or if it comes to racial issues
it is you want to bring in the
who look very expert and we'll
get to
that in a moment and there
should be a
non-profit and by the way I
don't think
it's free and they may be
paying them or
into the nonprofit but it's
like hiring
IBM yeah you can't go wrong I
brought in
the unreasonable conversation
people I
brought in the Defiant American
people I
brought in the lire Hollywood
to help
Society people I brought in all
people so you can't blame me
and they
will be very careful that they
you properly so on the
conversation program this year
or as panelist America America
remember her as Ugly Betty
Sullivan who is credited as a
contributing editor at New York
of course a very famous blogger
and the
Puddicombe though I don't know
let's see bara Tunde Thurston
people who
have seen him before on Twitter
know that he is who he is
bus M Yousef dubbed the John
Stewart of
the Arab world let's go down
some more
here a lot of names I don't
know let's
see Geena Davis we know her
Heather R a
very famous Hollywood producer
John Legend well when John
Legend's in
anything you know that that has
to be a
completely left organization we
legends famous for saying
there's no
such thing as a creative person
of any
sort who's not a Democrat yes I
this was the clip it's John
Legend here
I'm hosting a virtual phone
bank for
swing left this weekend to help
get out
the vote ahead of the special
in my home state of Ohio that's
I'm from Ohio and Ohio has a
special election on Tuesday
working to elect Democrat Danny
to the House of Representatives
I think
Danny is campaigning on
expanding health
care and proudly promotes his
from the NRA his Republican
is state senator maybe it was
else and that's okay
call voters from anywhere all
you need
is internet access and a play
anyway we
had a clip somewhere we said
people can only be Democrats
so John Legend is in it Kerry
very famous actress
who else do we have here Marsh
Gessen do
you know her she's the
troublemaker who
hates Russia and of course
also hates Trump she's written
10 books
she's on staff at The New
Yorker Megan
Smith hello we know Megan don't
we I ask
used to be at my silicon spin
show all
the time yeah isn't she a spook
possible I don't know that okay
um let's
see who else do we have mayor
of New
Orleans Rasheed Robinson makes
that he's in there Stacey
Abrams General
Stanley a McChrystal they've
got the
military guys in there too you
know to
advise on the proper way to show
anything Steve Levine the
future editor
at Axios yeah you know you're
so Valerie
Jarrett oh hello Val she's in
there so
that is what is polluting your
products that is what is
happening to
MCU is these people are I have
fingerprints all over it
how'd you like that little
comic book
reference huh I didn't get it
MCU it's
the Marvel cinema cinema tonics
cinematic universe or some shit
that the Marvel Universe yes
MCU yeah
I'm sure it's generally
influenced by
these folks that way that's why
creativity is kind of leaching
people aren't watching so much
stuff I
mean there's too many shows on
have them are no good yeah and
just a
lot of this stuff is just
garbage and
just when we finished up the
Roger Ailes
loudest voice six-part
miniseries now
there's going to be a movie
with Nicole
Kidman and what's-her-name mmm
the little blonde from Suicide
Robbie Margot Robbie yes he's
one of
yeah and then the other one the
the dear
woman - what's her name
yes Cherise Charlize Theron
Sharon girl
she plays Megan Megan Kelly
making it
and everyone says aw she looks
just like
her I don't think so I thought
she did -
I didn't think it was like okay
did a
pretty good job but the thing
is in the
show I saw the trailer and it
was just a
elevator okay this is not
exciting bum
bum bum bum bum I mean it was
just done
junk trailer you know this
movie's gonna
I love how you do trailers bum
ba-bum ba-bum totally yeah I
don't know
if there's gonna be any
goodness I mean
the Roger Ailes thing was that
like it did the job it was a
pretty good
series there was a Russell
Crowe did a
good job that was fantastic but
no now
they're going to trying to do
jazzing it
up with some legs well I'm not
that thing again but with more
think about how meta that
really is to
do a document or do a drama
about Roger
that has more legs than the
other one so
they can beat it out that is
very meta
when you think about it yeah do
a little
movie girls yes hit with that
I'd like
to thank you for your courage
and say in
the morning to you the man who
put the C
in crying Pocahontas John C
Dvorak and
morning to you mr. Adam curry
in the
morning I'll ship sassy boots
on the
ground feet in the air subs in
the water
and all the Dames tonight so
hello hello
hello hello troll room in the
morning to
you everybody at No Agenda
stream com
that is where we congregate
twice a week
both on Thursdays you can
listen to the
show live you can chat along
troll as
much as you want and not just
for no
agenda there's many shows that
you can
find at no agenda stream com it
is well
worth your time to go check it
out and
hang with the trolls also a big
in the
morning to Darrin O'Neill back
with a
very sophisticated piece of art
we loved
it this was the Greenland Chop
was a good piece we had no
argument over
that one
there was a just nice and for
bonus the fortune cookie had
the fortune
America bad it was I think it
really had
all them elements were we're
looking for
than a great piece of art yeah
that will
draw attention and get people
and it worked we not only got
people also showed up to
support the
show this is the other
important part of
what our producers do and we
love to
thank our associate secular
produces and
executive producers up front
just like
Hollywood like Hollywood mm-hmm
we do have a lot of people to
thank in
fact extraordinary number
because which
makes up for the last show
which was
yes top of the list is Chris
from Cheshire Connecticut it
was six six
6.66 I could have to do with
numbers with this donation I I
make it
to the rank of I count I've
been a
listener since the show was in
digits and it's been a great
ride I've
noticed that you too you no
longer I
have the dimension a B segments
well not
as much no we did one I think a
ago well quite honestly it's
it's it's very sickening to go
into B
and get dizzy and nauseous I
you know
I've never said this before but
when I
when I snap into dimension B
after that
that crazy
yeah voice you've got this
happened I
actually throw up oh wow well
you're a
trooper you have to grab it I
have this
little stinks to high heaven
but it's a
large coffee cup
all right you're really
stretching the
gag become much more than
dimensions but different
planets with
very little in commits in a
comment on
how they see the world this
makes things
particularly painful for those
of us
somewhere in the middle at
least on some
fronts I knew I needed to
donate when I
saw my page-a-day calendar a
of the founding of podcasting
by adam
and dave winer whoa wow he's
got it
artists you get a royalty for
that I'd
like to see
well the show-me that paid your
calendar he's probably throwing
it out
oh damn it even mentioned that
this was
an edition of audio files to
the RSS
format Wow so your legacy is not
completely obscured by the
likes of Adam
Corolla Corolla and Joe Rogan
well there
was you know there was an
article I
think was at People magazine or
put Conan O'Brien on the front
here's the inventor of
podcasting pretty
much yeah go podcasting is
vikon I plan
to extend my Protectorate to
FEMA region
1 and pledged to honor my duty
promote good and Migdal health
throughout the region also I'm
up for a
big promotion in September and
asking for some jobs karma to
put me
over the line jobs jobs jobs
and jobs
that's the job the suburban
comes in next with 606 dollars
Westchester Pennsylvania
scissors and
jingles here
I stumbled across your show
years ago I'd tempting to find
he does
something to blow myself asleep
battling insomnia that's
interesting I
quickly found your show to be
useless for this purpose
instead of
getting bored and quietly
falling asleep
with my headphones on I would
laugh or
continuously yell out exactly
only to
annoy and wake my wife up as
well after
a little research on the show I
surprised to find a new both of
you from
being an early consumer both
MTV and PC
Magazine in the mid eighties
please keep
up the good work and grant me a
deed douching by accepting this
you've been deduced the initial
of 606 which represents the
national anthem I look forward
I don't
know what that means I look
forward to
someday achieving knighthood
thank you
the suburban Mennonite ladies
gentlemen I present the Grand
Duke of
the Pacific Northwest
since Wayne Mellon song Grand
Duke got
the Pacific Northwest that's
pretty good
you caught it uh sir Dwayne it
came at
four hundred forty bucks ITM
gents this
donation 440 brings me over the
line for
my 40th knighthood oh thank you
always for the value for value
in your
analysis and the consideration
of so
many sources
consideration of so many
sources of
I'd love a lone wolf and a
karma to all
producers past and present oK
you've got
karma right in Ha Tinh hava in
or PIN knocker you know fine
another one's IgM gents I'm
running a
bit behind on listening due to a
vacation and a spotty internet
connection but on reading one
last in
one last sad puppy news letter
I felt a
need to step up and show some
support your hard work analysis
contributions to my mental
health is
much appreciated the donation
pushed me to knighthood but as
I haven't
thought up a witty name yet sir
Roy will
jingles needed
but I said it will take and
we'll take
it I said no jingles needed
about a
large dose of cancer karma for
people next to me will be much
appreciated thanks again Roy
you've got
karma Craig Kutner in Atlanta
388 66 Barron Craig here
upgrading to
vite count well now we got to
counts of this - yeah - that's
ITM to the No Agenda nation sure
I'm toughen - MS m5m
manipulations but a
sucker for the puppy I drumming
on the
newsletter the show is
outstanding I look forward to
season 2020 for you for you hit
it out
of the park I'd like to expand
Protectorate from North East
Georgia to
include all of Georgia if I can
because jingles please club 33
double speak of the week and
Obama you
just might die karma
you've got karma Brian Martens
you say how you can just say
slick I
never I don't remember the
doubles I
mean the double speak thing I
haven't heard for over 800
longer than
that and maybe years you're
John and
Adam let's back up and start
over Brian
Martin 350 Dear John and Adam
started my jingle requests for
requires some queuing and he's
got a
list there you have them yes
thank you
for everything that you do
thank you for
everything that you for me okay
you for everything that you
what's the
matter you can't read what it
says thank
you for everything that you
yeah you
well you will I was hit in the
mouth a
little over a year ago and no
Jen has
become a future a fixture of my
life it
is apparent that two of you are
yeah yeah babe you pull together
relevant and thought-provoking
without massive producer
budgets yes it's a testament to
talents into the product
Network I'm happy to provide
back second
annual contribution and request
douching you got you've been
state of the news out lesson the
supposed journalists that work
them is now close to impossible
where the truth exists doctors
and first
responders treat an attempt to
save the
lives of those that have
committed such
foul acts that one could
question whether they are worth
lawyers provide legal services
to defend
those who have conducted acts
that are
seemingly indefensible each
does so
because they are committed to
principles of their practice
that all
life has the
you that each person has rights
that are
to be defended this is what our
media is
supposed to be an organization
committed to the principles of
and truth regardless of the
think about what kind of
society would
become if special political
inserted this money and control
emergency rooms or to public
offices to define what was
it's a scary thought in the
last episode
you made mention of the New
York Times
meeting where the
editor-in-chief as
well as the staff were actually
discussing how to shape the
news I could
not help but shake my head and
here's a group of people who
have been
unwilling accomplices to one of
greatest news misfires ever the
Russia collusion time and time
they pushed stories that found
support when the evidentiary
finally came out they're
responsible as
well we were just caught
flat-footed and
time and time again they push
about a very real rah rah and
they won
Pulitzer Prizes for their
work we're couple of movie
where the characters needed a
totem to
tell whether the oneself is
actually in
a reality dream it's with a
coin yeah or not in another
dream journalists have been
wrong about
so much for so long I'm
convinced that
they have lost themselves
several layers
deep in someone else's dream
they need
to a totem to bring themselves
back to
reality your gentle sirs or my
kindest regards sir Bryan Martin
parkland Florida well thank you
much that's very kind of you
yeah well that's exactly why we
take corporate money you can't
be is any
form of truthful you just can't
self-censoring and I think it's
clear we're not very self
people are innocent until well
to be involved in some type of
haha you've got karma and
there's a
sequence thank you very much
Brian Joe
torrential trench Oh torrential
I think
in Pueblo calif colorado 3s3
but please credit carol and
affectionately known as meemaw
for this
donation for show 1166 Mima is
celebrating her 60th birthday
on the
23rd of the month and I would
think of
no better gift than to support
the best
podcast in the universe in her
name mee
maws an awesome mom and a grand
who's raised equally awesome
family that
practices kindness and
generosity on a
daily basis I've been lucky to
have been
adopted into the family and
it's my
privilege to make this donation
to wish
me my happy 60th all right
please send
her some respect and karma
followed by
that's true I didn't know the
celebration of she wants some
respect it
would give grandma some respect
we got
our ESP ICT thanks geez you've
got karma
Michael Conti comes up next
with 33333
again hmm hello Jon and Adam
taking the time to put together
a great
show your blend of humor and
along with the bantering give
us the
show a unique character that is
enjoyable to listen to nice job
I would
also like to shout out to my
wife happy 35th anniversary was
the day we met with my best
friend and
soulmate I am looking forward
to many
more years ahead but another 35
may be a bit tricky okay Mike
respect my
Chris my Chris now you know you
really bought this one you made
me play
those jingles for the previous
donor for
Mema and I didn't question it
because I
didn't see it on the
spreadsheet but it
was actually for Mike
who wants respect that's true
when goat
Karma do you see what happened
looking at the one that I gave
you G
sent her some respect spelled
differently than this other
note she
ever noticed well I don't have
that on
my spreadsheet they sit at the
bottom of
the yellow oh it doesn't fit in
the cell
huh so this is random number
theory and
it's the exact same request two
in a row
no goat karma was not in the
reference okay it's a topping
of goat
but still it's pretty amazing
random number you've got
conspiracy theory ah yeah yeah
disproven Mike poplars in
Massachusetts 300 $33.30 please
d douche
me you got all pitch in and
donate for
the children I would like to
call out
Jeff H and will s as douchebag
I would
like to know Obama no no no
Family Edition and little girl
yay with
some goat karma call for goat
Karma yeah
I don't think I can find that
oh no no no and I know which
one it is
but mm-hmm well I feel really
because I don't know which one
it is
I'll just play one
different ones I'll make good
on it one
of these days sorry
it's a good one right that was
Robert sharp in Holly Springs
Carolina 3 1992 this donation
brings me
halfway to knighthood thanks
for your
efforts thank you oh it's Holly
doe jingles no karma Baroness
Amole in Hillsboro Oregon two
and fifty dollars and she
becomes our
first associate executive
producer for
this long list Dear John and
Adam in the
morning the last you heard from
and she
writes in longhand that is
readable mm nice it looks like
she took
penmanship in it unless she was
school I had just adopted the
name Wacom
all for all the troubles I had
experiencing with my recent home
purchase John seemed
disappointed I had
not given specifics as to my
trials and
Adam was moving at that time to
my story I purchased and moved
into my
new house last August unpacked
furniture hung pictures and
made it a
home then in February I found
out that
through a postcard in the mail
and a
subsequent City open house that
construction was planned for
the road
directly in front of my home no
this will include adding a turn
bike lanes made possible by
taking home
owners land and increasing the
speed of
35 miles an hour creating a
thoroughfare between two major
during a bit of doing a bit of
I discovered that the homeowners
affected had been received a
letter of
explanation in the spring of
2017 so the
seller sold the house to me not
disclosing by the way it's
illegal in
California to do that this
and you could sue them and my
did not do due to diligent do
the due
diligence to discover this
though I had clearly
stated I desired a quiet row
with a
nearby green space no I found
out April
18th in another city meeting
that the
nearby green space will be the
site of a 19 home development
uh-huh so
here we are exactly a year
later and
last Friday I closed on this
sale well
this house whoa and have a
pending offer
on a new one on a done'
dead-end street
this whole process has been one
challenge and a difficulty
after anyone
I hope you didn't go through
the same
real estate person thank you
for keeping
me saying through it all
yes these include a sir American
Carnegie on the birthday list I
think I
didn't put this I didn't side
instead of
stearic I don't think I did sir
carnage on the birthday list
turns 29 of
18th checking and no so this is
Dame no baronet whack Amole oh
okay sure man
like a mall sir American
carnage when
turns 29 on the 18th
okay got it we are good to go
and she
says we closed find an amount
close to
1% of the realtor and title
fee's I paid
thank you
is it deductible no fur is a
deduct the donation as it's
just 1% of
the fee I guess not huh
probably not but
that's not the idea it's to
help support
the show I know I know but
thank you
thank you very much Baroness and
congratulations it's a story
out of her
that was nice
yeah of us kvetching and boom
story good
story - David suga's ohto yeah
234 Sir
David add two three four five
no jingles no calm no no Karma
thank you
thank you sir Brian Ferguson
the Baron
of custom a cat may SOT - 33 33
the sad
puppy got to me score one for
the pump
the pup does this job the
broken in the
morning barren of custom make a
karma and residence karma died
for a new place
oh and my favorite Reverend
Sharpton -
oh it cracks me up
there's no real con jobs jobs
jobs and
jobs that's Paul Dortmund San
Texas 22222 the San Antonio na
was my first and brimming with
interesting people my wife who
expecting human resource number
didn't attend because she
thought it
would be a sausage fest what
pregnant so maybe she just was
not funny
these pickles John at Dvorak
org hey
pickles pickles and ice cream
anyways sad I learned about
hams guns that's
about Massa dot ham radio and
guns okay
she's right it's a sausage fest
wait for
the next at least they didn't
talk about
a hot rod revering Manning
please and
thank you very much
sending that one in that's
funny I like
that Caesar Baptista in what is
exhorting Sonya Saugerties New
Saugerties it must be a job to
some words - OH - OH - hello
Jon and
Adam eye swollen amygdala feels
inflamed in with every
installment of no
agenda thanks to your hard work
exist installment towards my
in exchange for some jobs karma
and that
clip montage of sharpton tongue
Baptista it's at least us is
the measure
of whether the country begins
in the
state of Wisconsin a national
drive to
push back or whether we have
more to go
to build a movement of
resistance but
resist but that's not the
montage I'm
sorry you want the money I want
to do
the montage here we go resist
we much we
must they are all giddy about a
the tortise in the race then
of Kubrick's lead singer Bono
Russia's big annoy Weaver
suspect Johar
tsarnaev rush limbaugh rush
rush limbaugh the show rush
lombard host
Supreme Court Justice Sonia
Sotomayor is
Michael is Mike McCurry
yesterday Antonin II Antonin
Scalia Kim
Kardashian and the Republican
for Cairo
Advan Ghazi we rank behind lot
V or La
Veta the first stop kazakhstan
kazakhstan two college students
in the
James is getting lunch at
for lay the Senora in Iowa Bane
the gops Tax Day Giveaway to
millionaires why was traffic
email sent viola mental
agency and what sequestration
has done I
could not stop it it's just so
once in a while you got to roll
out the
full Reverend out that's rather
healthy list of executive an
executive producers for 1166 we
want to
thank each and every one of
them to help
and produce this particular
show a
healthy is right man that's
and since we're here anyway let
welcome a new human resource to
the No
Agenda nation this is from
Richard your
road slave just thought I'd let
family know we have new human
name is Artemus Kendon Johnson
eight nineteen nineteen for 57
p.m. and
coming in at six pounds ten
ounces he
was born after a sudden
c-section in
Temple and is currently in the
NICU for
a stay as he is four weeks
early oxygen
and feeding tubes are in we are
struggling but there for him
every day
if you get a chance we could
use some
Karma for the little one in the
that he gets healthy and out
soon pics
below yes rich I think he
tweeted me this morning says
we're about
to go into the Ronald McDonald
what should I know well I can
tell you
what you need to know you're
gonna be
close to your child you can be
taken care of
because the motto is keep
together so you will be just
fine and
let us know when you guys get
congratulations and thank you
to our
executive producers an associate
executive producers I mean like
thank you this evened out the
it's always sickening when we
go through
these these rollercoaster moves
but I
always have faith and it paid
off once
again thank you for supporting
the show
and we have more people to
thank $50 and
above in our second segment
after more
deconstruction and of course
you can
support us by going to this
dot org slash and a formula is
this we
go out we're here people in the
I probably should play this we
got a
deep fake deep fake deep deep
deep fake
witch and you know there was a
deep fake
machine out there and people
like to do
stuff and I I hear it I mean
well if if
you tell me to find that listen
is this
the person is the real person I
can hear
no because it still sounds a
bit choppy
and not completely natural but
when it
comes to this particular guy
and his
already interesting cadence
well you get
this hello
I'm not Jordan Peterson like
the news
you get from the m5m I'm a deep
faith I
am an all go made up of skip
logic and
the odd glitch that requires
you to
jiggle the handle manipulated
by a
nameless douchebag producers
cheap love it is more important
ever that you don't it to no
unlike me for manmade climate
causing the mudflats to
disappear there
goes this effort to no agenda
show is
real and needs your support
especially from you Jeremy in
Bondi you
douche bed please go to Dvorak
org slash
and Aid and donate now I may be
fake but
this shit is real it's pretty
good isn't
it yeah couple of glitches in
their move
but I liked it yes sounded
exactly like
him except for them little
don't say glitches but those
glitches where something goes
like makes
a glitch yeah wasn't you right
it was a
little glitchy my favorite part
was this
there goes this if that made it
feel real to me that was
beautiful thing
oh my goodness who's our
producer that
did that oh well it's Chris
Wilson put
it together but there's the knot
uh not Peterson not Jordan
Peterson calm
deep fake isn't how people
selling deep
fake algorithms it yeah you
know that
was available yeah you can just
anything anything you want and
yeah this
sounds pretty well yes I would
say it
sounds pretty good pretty good
yeah I
get a kick out of that
oh you know this Iram I thought
I had
dreamt this and then I went
looking for
it and indeed I had seen it and
it did
happen but it kind of passed
over with
with the shootings and God
knows what
else just the election news
it's so hard to get news like
news even news from the
president who by
the way I think Trump is done
very smart he noticed he never
Sarah Sanders as far as I know
certainly didn't replace anyone
in the
briefing room so his new shtick
fantastic it's just whenever
walking to the helicopter you
know out
of the oval across the lawn
he's got a
news pole camera set up no
on camera which is why you
never see Jim
Acosta anymore just no
journalists on
camera only him answering going
back and
forth bantering and I think at
point he must have spoken to
the press
more than any president ever in
comes wandering out sometimes
he wanders
on through the over the grass
yeah a lot
of grass in these shots
yeah well he's coming from
under grasses
they're coming up from a
chopper and
he's going to a chopper it's
somebody's on the move that's
right yeah
that's good but I liked it you
know he's
taking away the whole idea of
briefing it's just gone that
was just
him and it's probably the best
way to do
it although holy crap man no
matter what
he says it's just another
scandal of the
day for the election TV
channels it's
despicable but anyway one of
the things
that we always talk about when
you of
these mass shootings is was
any were there any
involved now we know that the
Ohio shooter had xanax and
cocaine and
alcohol not a great combo not
but not a great combo but you
really hear about this and it's
discussed on the news channels
the election channels are
sponsored by
big pharma in general they
spend most of
the money Silicon Valley doing
good as well and as we've
talked about
mmm several times on the show
but going
back many years the closing of
mental institutions in the
United States
now could you do it like a brief
reminder because this was the
Reagan era
was it not when we closed that
what we
used to call the nut houses
well yes but
it's I get the briefing here
this was an era that I was this
was my
era and what had been going on
I was a
Democrat during this era of
because I was Democrat so there
was a
good constant carping by the
mostly the left if you want to
call them
that today but the Democrats
just some
Democrats and it was in the
schools when
you're in high school even
School or anything they always
all the horrible thing they do
is look
at these insane asylums it's
not the way
you treat people they don't
need to be
locked up and they made it just
it was
the beginning of the social
warrior movement I believe
maybe it was
and they just moaned and
groaned and
moan and groan and moan and
groan it was
never gonna end and what was
the main
what was the main complaint
about the
these mental institutions they
locking people up man oh man I
need to be locked up and so
they were
looking these people up and it
was bad
they should be out and about
most some
weren't even nuts anyway as far
arrogance needs some counseling
and so
is just this idea and they kept
on it and they're just like we
and this
one Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
largely about written by Ken
Kesey and
he was a functionary of the of
the of
the moment and he put a book
about it
was just horrible big dishes
lock people
in the Gitmo electroshock
therapy and
drug them and so they're
zombies is
so Reagan comes into office and
he says
he didn't want to have anything
to do
with all these people moaning
groaning for this whole six
years or
however longer he's gonna stay
as the
governor and he just closed all
places he didn't you know he
did what
they wanted and you know and
they oh now
they're looking back or they
blame him
were these this what were these
institutions state and Reagan
had the
power to close they were like
today they
got real all of them got
disappeared we
had Agnew state hospital down
in San
Jose locked up we had the
nuthouse in
see I refer to it no Napa is in
house in Sonoma both of them
were pretty
much shuttered I think one was
kept oh I
think the one for the
criminally insane
whichever one that was I think
was kept
for a while because they need
to put
these guys somewhere during
their trial
it would be worth going back
and looking
at some articles from that
period and
see if if people were talking
about you
know the equivalent of people
experiencing homelessness
you know people experiencing
issues or some crap like that
well the homeless this thing is
something that does been
written about
has been studied a little bit
it really
relates back to Jimmy Carter
when he
changed some federal rules about
subsidizing housing let's stay
with the
with within nut houses for a
second and
I remember growing up they were
wrong with Timmy no they took
his mom to
the nuthouse
yeah that would be the way it
would be
for referred to well President
heard it going to be focusing
strongly on mental health
because here's
a case of mental health part of
problem is we used to have
institutions and I said this
we had a mental institution
will you
take a sicko like this guy he
was a sick
guy so many sides and you'd
bring him to
a mental health institution
institutions are largely closed
communities didn't want them
didn't want to spend them on
for them so you don't have any
intermediate ground you can't
put him in
jail because he hadn't done
anything yet
but you know he's going to do
so whether it be talking
seriously about
opening mental health
institutions again
in some cases reopening I can
tell you
in New York the governor's in
New York
can a very very bad thing when
closed our mental institutions
so many
of them you have these people
living on
the streets and I can say that
in many
cases throughout the country
very dangerous they shouldn't
be there
so we're gonna be talking about
institutions and when you have
person like this you can bring
them into
a mental institution and they
can see
what they can do but we got to
get them
out of our communities so the
with with doing this today in
2019 and
if it hasn't already started it
will is
mental health and the
definitions of
that have changed mental health
is I
mean now you at school you can
take a
mental health day at work you
can have a
mental health day John you and
I don't
know this but this is the fact
there's a
you know this is something that
is a
part of your benefits package
you can
you know you get this many sick
days PTO
and then here's your mental
health days
mental health is described very
differently and and it is much
inclusive than you're right for
funny farm or the nuthouse and
with the
SSRIs and I learned a new one
SS are n
our eyes know what you'll hear
in a
moment these two people who are
depressed who are really
depressed they have been life
savers so
you know you gotta walk you
gotta tread
very carefully in today's media
landscape of what you call
mental health
and mentally insane etc and as
if on cue
NPR had an hour-long special
celebrating 30 years of Prozac
and I put a link to it in the
show notes
it's it's worth listening to
although at
the end it comes all the way
around to
well they're pretty good we
should keep
taking them the woman who did
the piece
did this did the interviews and
host the
piece has also been on prozac
for most
of her adult life and I just
wanted to
play a clip from this we've had
30 years
of Prozac so why are we still
which I'd like to have is an ISO
candidate for the end of the
show I
think it's a very valuable
we've had 30 years of Prozac so
why are
we still depressed I have this
physical memory of the first
time I
opened the bottle and shook
this tiny
green and cream-colored capsule
out into
my hand I remember being scared
at the time I thought it was
going to
make me somebody else and what
did you
think I vividly remember you
know the
first time I took it but I
better the third and fourth
time I took
it because I was stunned I was
absolutely stunned at first I
this couldn't be I'm just
having a good
moment but that moment turned
into a day
in that day turned into a week
and that
week turned into a month and
I'm someone
who lived with psychiatric
since I was 10 years old and
even before all of a sudden I
was better
and I had to reckon with what
it meant
that this pill was making me
into a new
person I came to believe it was
what I
called a psychotropic Drano it
my mind of all of the guns of
and the gunk of depression and
underneath was the person that
I was the
most miraculous thing that's
happened to me and I've had two
so I'm not supposedly
miraculous and it
was miraculous but it wasn't as
miraculous as being cured in a
matter of
days by a pill what's been the
effect on you um prozac stopped
for me it wasn't like it's kind
dwindled down I just stopped so
I had to
switch to effects
I'm permanently on an SSRI RSS
booster I can't get off I've
tried to
get off and it's not possible
for me to
do I don't see that I'll ever
be able to
get off of it
in the meantime no one knows no
really knows what the long-term
effects of the SSRIs are I've
taking them you've been taking
them for
30 years
we're walking experiments but
scarier thing than that is that
no one's
experimenting on us they should
looking towards us our bodies
carry the
signatures of these drugs but
no one's
asking us are looking at us or
in us to find out what might be
long-term effects why are they
so hard
to get off of and what happens
to the
brain if you do get off of them
and what
happens to the brain if you
don't get
off of them I mean something is
happening to the brain and
after 30
years of marinating your brain
in a
serotonin booster clearly the
brain has
changed but no one knows how or
why and
apparently no one gives a crap
that is
that's outrageous that is
outrageous and
these women have a point that I
think is
well made by that one that one
yeah what gives yeah it's like
years to build yeah I mean this
is just
like chantix you know just
today are you
smoking now it works who cares
if you
tried to kill yourself or your
who cares if you woke up naked
around in horse crap with a gun
cares if you're a celebrity
chef and you
kill yourself while in France
so yeah
I find that to be immediate
grounds for
halting sales until until we
fight well
that that wouldn't be fair
people these people really need
it and
and it didn't it stopped
working and I
mean isn't that reason enough
for the
makers of Prozac to go find out
why it's
I don't know if that's a
manufacturer but she went to a
brand and had to add a booster
huh yeah
it's just very distressing yeah
and I'm
sure lots of people will send
me emails
about their experience and I
they'll be feel be interesting
to read
but and of course in this case
well okay well let's see we got
something a little more
exciting if we
got tons of things that are
exciting I
was just sometimes like you
know I got
to put something on blast you
know let's
see we got what is the
interesting odd
with Cuomo and the REA oh yeah
yeah this
is interesting now this is this
something I recorded I knew
about this
and I thought it was as a topic
it was
this woman calls out whitey you
there's just some screeching
that's that's giving some guy
crap for
being white mm-hmm but that's
not what I
ended up with with this clip
was not
about that this clip turns out
to be
about something completely
it's nothing to do with the
message of
the of the clip this has to do
with the
pitch of the woman's voice like
to drop
their register down and talk
because you know like you mean
like when
he's running when you're
running a blood
company this woman who's
bitching about
she was talking over two people
tones and the pitches and the
response of her voice or the
of her voice not the response
frequency of her voice pretty
much wipes
everything else out and I'm
wondering if
this is not the most effective
person to
have as a spokesperson in a
broadcast or
televised argument Jessica's
her voice
let's listen to this clip and
you the
clips been around but just
listen to how
her voice dominates this is
politics is about elections
this is
about great authorities to have
over the Democratic Party
hijacked it
from their own speaker you
think they've
taken it over interesting it's
this is Angela Rai yeah but the
would have been very different
for me
but okay let's listen
well let's because I don't
care about this bullcrap this
is just a
bunch of people bitching and
moaning at
each other I don't care about
message he has to say but I do
about her voice and how it
easily steps
all over both Cuomo and the
other guy
thing that you do at the same
time you
the time you chose hijacking I
beg to
differ because they hijack the
party I
remarked retic party you can
and that's
what you are do but the bottle
are white men white men who
think like
you that is the straightest
absolutely right it's all
because of
guys like me that's silly
rhetoric it
doesn't get it you know knowing
dangerous times are right now
this nonsense
calling people these folks that
was my
favorite yes she has a great
she's a very annoying person
she is full
of crap she is boules yeah and
been on CNN for a long time
with this
annoying voice and I think you
hire as your personal
spokesperson it's
astonishing her voice I mean I
didn't I
just cuz I've resisted for the
and that's why I didn't clip it
for that
I mean the idea that you can't
use the
word hijack because it's a it's
demeaning to just just to add
to that I
mean you did hear the point
where she
keeps saying that white men are
problem I mean you heard that
okay that pisses me she does
racist but it's the way it cuts
everything else that's what I
impressed by this
screechy voice of hers is
perfect it's
the perfect voice that's why
she's there
they have selected her
forged she was just a runner at
black Congressional Caucus she
anyone's important and then she
got on
CNN she's good at yapping over
and she's good to go she's got
a career
I love this part now I don't
today's television standards
but back in
the day when I was on that on
television if you were an
interviewer or
you had a panel of people and
resorted to pay who shows it
you got a
talking-to how much very
amateurish its
it is it shows you have no
control you
don't know what you're doing
and it's
it's pathetic maybe it's okay
these days
I guess but you know do you
talk to us
like this done on purpose
there's no
reason because the control room
can cut
people off they can do a lot
but it but
because she is getting her
she's the one
who's dominating the company
she must
give her the show and she's
been wanting
her own show for a long time
I'd say Don Lemon be on the
watch your back watch your
index finger
that would be a good person to
lemon would be good to get a
place with
her the promise I get the sense
she's stupid and I'm sorry Don
Lemon is
the shining light hello let's
get back
to the program
she's a da me and probably
couldn't do a
show yeah yes or she's a prima
that would be horrible to be
running a
show well I'll tell you this
she would
be a good hate watch people
would be
totally into it more hate
watching than
than lemon lemon is too is you
these names
ambi yeah he better watch his
finger she's coming for him
speaking of
old white guys being the
problem this
carries over into the business
news Fox
Business News you can
just carve out those that are
good for
the environment social and
that don't have board members
of a bunch
of old people guys white guys
around the table fallen asleep
they we
need to upgrade we need a
facelift I
think to some degree this is
they're saying but they're not
going to
shift away from profitability
for sure
investors today especially
are looking for this type of
representation in their
portfolio and
you can get that anything
you're saying
there is a genuine shift on the
part of
society which wants capitalism
to be
less gung-ho for profits no I'm
saying that it's profit number
one as
you say however we're under more
scrutiny if you have been
running a
fortune 500 for a long period
of time
and your board members on
average are 78
years old and they're all white
guys and
they don't have diversification
don't have younger thoughts
you're gonna come under
scrutiny from
investors okay fair point at
that point
hold on a second about you in a
oh yeah I guess we're screwed
we'll be under scrutiny bogus
too of course it was you one is
the most
experienced people you can get
and you
just just randomly throw a
bunch of
diverse people onto the boards
various companies you know
don't you
know that most companies do
better when
you have women and scene
management who's where's the a B
comparison worse to proof of
oh-o-oh false equivalency what
about ISM
you find it I find that you
like my lip
tart false equivalency man back
off with
you what about ism
oh it's you know I think you
have a
better voice to do that
character I do
no no
shit for it but dogs are indeed
too I cannot stop being on this
tip we
have replaced dogs that we've
children with dogs certainly
here in
Austin Texas we've replaced the
money you know what somebody
wrote in
and said the reason our
donations done
the less because you condemned
dead dogs
I did not condemn dead dogs but
I did
make fun of the constant
comparison of
dogs to children specifically
babies you
never hear this is my toddler
you never
hear this is my teenager no
it's always
my baby how old is your baby
Oh in eight years stinky old
people and
I love dogs that's no pain I
have no
problem with dogs but owners
and oh my
god anyway I could go on
forever it's
fine it's fine but I am right
about this
we are replacing children with
dogs and
channel 4 in the UK has made a
about it trainer Joe racing is
coming to
the age of desperate parents
for the
controversial approach to
parenting I'm
putting my neck on the line I
believe in
the concept of the liens at
this for
where it is
using job training technique
they will
want to be good boys but can
you really
train your baby like a dog she
said a
channel 4 there you go yes can
you train
your baby like a dog yes and
brought in the dog trainer and
it's this
is one time when video would
have been
she says sit you here there in
the clip
sit and the dog and the kid
both sit
down this is phenomenal
that's just wow yeah yeah it
was here I
think can you train your baby
like a dog
when I see a choke chain around
baby then I'll wonder well
you're no
stranger to the leash no that's
true but
that's not for training it's to
them from running and on the
tracks his
life-saving measures yeah it is
a big
difference breaks it I this
would fall
under the header of I don't
know but we
were talking about this I'm
pretty sure
I said what are you laughing
about what
are you ho humming well I had I
get it clipped this morning
from near
this network Joe and I do so
I'm glad
you brought a brexit because
now I can
talk about I didn't clip the
clip but I
can talk about their latest
scheme okay
well he want here's what I
heard Boris
was hanging out with Angela and
the fact
I have the clip and he's like
and she
goes and then he goes yeah I
think we
can still come up with a deal
in 30 days
it's aggressive but I think we
can do it
this guy is not taking the UK
out of
yes of course I think there is
scope to to do a deal and I've
I think pretty clearly what
needs to
happen we need to remove those
of the of the withdrawal
agreement that
simply don't work for once we
get rid of
it if we can change it then I
there is the the real prospect
of making
progress very rapidly the
dumbest thing
does person I think what we
need to do
is is remove it hole an entire
the the backstop and then and
then work
as as Chancellor Merkel says on
alternative arrangements and
there are
abundant solutions which are
which have already been
discussed I
don't think to be fair they've
so far
been very actively proposed in
over the
last three years by the British
government but I may say I'm
very glad
listening to you tonight and
gather to
hear that at least the
conversations on
that matter can now properly
begin and
you've said a very mister in
there for 30 days if I
understood you
correctly I'm more than happy
with that
this you know what's gonna
they're not really right
they're not
gonna breaks it they're gonna
kick him
out and Nigel Faraj will become
Minister they're out of control
what Boris Johnson is if Nigel
becomes Prime Minister I would
love to
go back I think probably 10
years nine
years for sure and find the
notes that
we got from our British
listeners back