September 15th, 2019 • 2h 51m
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12k lives matter man Adam curry
John C. Dvorak Sunday September
15 2019
this is your award winning
media assassination episode 11
73 this
is no agenda revving up the
drones and broadcasting live
opportunity zone 33 the
frontier of
Austin Texas capital of the
Durham Star
State in the morning everybody
I'm Adam curry - from Northern
Valley where it's foggy
unbelievable I'm
John Steed Evora in our world
today many
things are unbelievable foggy
and San
Francisco not one of them ah
come on
how can you call that
unbelievable when
because it's not July
unbelievable is
weaponized drones that fly five
hundred miles
well that's unbelievable
what kind of drone does this
yeah I find this whole story a
couple of
batteries of course I'm
referring to the
yes saudi was at oil refineries
refinery or processing what
exactly is
that a refinery that is
processing so is
everyone now waiting for the
oil markets
to open tonight or when i think
the open
late sunday to see if it'll go
to $100 a
barrel well we'll go to $100 a
barrel he
took out well for one thing
it's a
refining operation not a crude
production operation so the
will be done someplace else
right but
it'll it'll cause a a slowdown
it has to
yeah what is it
apparently it accounts for 10%
of the of
the production of the worldwide
production on a daily basis
right well I
mean what I'm reading in a lot
publications it's all oh this
is gonna
be a heart attack for the oil
industry the price is gonna go
the roof well they are gonna go
up yeah
they were pretty low actually
we were at
2 to 15 a gallon here
which is nice well it's the
same four
bucks a gallon here so how much
it's gonna go I just by cycle
if you
don't like paying $4 a gallon
use a
I just can't get over this this
reporting of what kind of
drones did
this I feel exactly the same
way what
kind of drones here's the CBS
this is
the drone strike a clip CBS
wrapping it
up multiple drones bombed Saudi
the largest oil facilities
today and
tonight Secretary of State Mike
accused Iran of launching the
attack and
ruled out a claim of
responsibility by
Yemeni rebels the attack
damaged the
source of an estimated eight
barrels of crude oil produced
every day that's about 10% of
world's daily supply of crude
here's Roxana Saberi flames and
smoke filled the sky over the
largest oil processing plant in
Arabia this morning spreading
so far
they could even be seen from
Saudi Arabia confirmed the abdic
refinery and her s oil field the
country's second biggest were
both hit
by drone strikes in neighboring
Houthi rebels claimed
responsibility for
the attack
republic min allahi ta'ala the
spokesman said the Houthi
struck the two
sites with ten drones and
warned of more
the iranian-backed Houthis have
been at
war with the saudi-led
Coalition in
Yemen since 2015
brutal conflict has pushed
Hammond to
the brink of famine and turned
country into what the UN calls
world's worst humanitarian
crisis lately
that war has stretched into
Saudi Arabia
with rebels repeatedly using
drones to
target oil facilities the heart
of the
country's economy and a source
of 1/10
of the world's crude oil the
attack hit deep within the
proving the Houthis ability to
carry out
increasingly sophisticated
strikes and
threatening to escalate
tensions that
are already inflamed in the
Persian Gulf
today's drone strikes could
have an
effect on oil prices but that
depends on
how badly the sites were
damaged Rina
the Saudis say Crown Prince
Mohammed bin
Salman received a phone call
President Trump saying attacks
like this
could have a negative impact on
economy in the US and around
the world
well I have a couple well go
ahead well
couple things first right by
the way
everyone just a quick aside I
do have
that I sewed I knew you'd laugh
at it
many you many I so yes so you
might like
it they probably mean a lot
this begs for a combo thanks for
somebody to translate it well
let's give
this a shot hold on a second
let's try
this I mean just rewind they
mean a lot yeah I would I
wouldn't mind
a little trans translation that
would be
nice yeah translation would be
let's try this yeah let me just
try it
we can do a three-peat come on
me a 3-way oh yes a three-way
that's what I meant let's try
it and
that'll be it then I'm done they
probably mean a lot yeah it's
a combination worth remembering
the thing that got me about
this report
besides the kind of vagaries
about how
much it was the damage the type
drones not do we didn't learn
nothing uh and then that the
last thing
he says Trump called Ben Salman
and said
hey you know the economies are
gonna be
affected by this really that's
not a
phone call he's gonna make and
that was
verbatim I'm sure it's bullcrap
but if
you read here's the New York
Times the
attacks immediately escalated
but even as key questions remain
unanswered where the drones were
launched from and how the
managed to hit facilities deep
in Saudi
territory some 500 miles from
soil Secretary of State Mike
accused Iran of being behind
what he
called an unprecedented attack
on the
world's energy supply and
asserted that
there was quote no evidence the
came from Yemen he did not
specify an alternative launch
site and
the Saudis themselves refrained
pointing the finger directly at
Iran I
just have a real problem with
the drone
part I can't tell you anything
about any other truth in this or
untruths what drones swarm
apparently a
swarm of drones with I guess
c-4 charges
auto home 500 miles I I'm just
baffled as you are as the first
that came to mind is what kind
reporting is this well there I
do it we
we do have one guy who's in
Saudi Arabia
that yes that did give us a
report I am
reluctant as I mentioned
earlier before
the show to mention his name
let's not
do that but we can read what he
sent to
us is a very one of our best
yes have it here gents hope
this makes
it in time for the conversation
indeed information beyond the
news still
kind of sorting itself out but
at the drone attack on the
Ramco sites I
chatted with some local
colleagues and
have actually we're not doing
this right
I just the way that CBS report
just went
we have to have sound effects
you know
they I heard this in the
background they
had that
like machine guns well know
that not
always need drones there we go
both sites are in the eastern
region of
the kingdom karai's I think
karai's is
about 100 kilometers east of
riyadh and
ab pike
ABQ aiq is closer to the coast
one of my
friends a local here showed me
a video
we found on YouTube ostensibly
by a guy in Kuwait the clip
shows a
night scene and what sounds
like a jet
flying over he claims that
that's one of
the drones that was launched
from inside
Iraq and headed from Saudi
Arabia sounds
like there were four that he
heard and
I'm assuming those would be
part of with
the apparently 10 drones that
were sent
out reported by the news here
if it was
a jet it may have been a cruise
vise drone
I'm familiar with this model
missile glice drone since Iran
transferred / sold Shabaab
missiles to the Yemen Houthis
I'm not an
unmanned aerial vehicle expert
and could be wrong sure truth
is out
there we'll keep poking around
I know
our clients have been visiting
out east
working to secure pipelines etc
another good reason not to
mention his
name so this is a little
sounds like this was a jet like
a cruise
hmm yeah Christmas is not the
same as a
drone no but a cruise missile
would have
blown up the entire facility
now you'd think you think it
would it
all depends on the on the load
on the
charge the payload the bomb
well yeah carrying nothing and
just fuel
it would did what it did but I
know it's vague and nobody's
here so well let's see who
oil traders okay well they've
they've been looking for this
for a
while I mean this this does
come as a
gift from the heavens for the
this also benefits the United
States as
our exports are now valuable
well that a
and B apparently China
according to this
guy Kyle bass who I've been
very closely I don't have a
clip from
him today but he's the one
who's looking
at China very closely and
China's oil
imports have just skyrocketed
over the
last few years and they're
they're real
and they're paying more than
they should
and now he's actually kind of
cool if it
wouldn't collapse the economy
but it
wouldn't do do them any good if
prices of oil skyrocketed we
probably take it because we
have most of
our stuffs internally produced
but the world market would jack
up the
price of jack up and the next
thing you
know the Chinese would be under
the gun
again so what the Hawks are
saying is oh
well this is it this is our
reason to go
to war with Iran I don't really
see that
and so that's this another
group that
would benefit doosh bad guys
eventually the truth will come
out yeah
in a rose or he sent the drones
in the
Rope yeah well you know could
be anybody
but if if this is the story
that they're
gonna hook the Russians make
out to
lists don't forget that they
make out
with their with their exports
sure there
but if this is the story
they're gonna
hold on to then we should be
worried about this drone swarm
incredible range capability
using our
the cheese I mean it goes
oh also our military industrial
might benefit as perhaps we
need oh you
know think of the timing of
this so we
have learned dome well if well
hold on
we have the little uh
these apparently are smallish
drones a
swarm of ten do you remember it
was I
was it maybe a couple months
ago that
drones were showing up at
airports and
shutting down the airports for
for 24-48
hours where they tried to find
them and
I think there are some drone
technologies that have been
touted in
the recent yes netting yeah
well there's
the nets there's the microwave
we can
essentially zap it and then
bring it
down and land it and you know I
like the
Nets myself I think that's
cooler to see
some net gulp deploy snag a
well okay hey get drone and
just snag a
drone and so we everybody wants
to snag
a drone I guess we'll just have
to see
what comes out this I find this
very odd
that it's so it's just tossed
away so
cavalierly I asked some drones
quite sure 500 miles happens
all the
it's like droning Los Angeles
from San
Francisco yeah think about the
House these things snuck under
the radar
presumably our radar don't we
sell all
our stuff to the Saudis I think
so yeah
it's a good point
mm-hmm well yeah the White
House would
be vulnerable from Baltimore
more info needed I would be
remiss to
not say that I'm very sad that
Money died yeah and money yeah
he's a
good guy or was he used to play
Berkeley free at this one bar
probably ten years before he got
discovered yeah he had a kind
of a
comeback in like 80 88 I think
and then
he came to MTV you know it's
such a nice
his family's all cops and
firemen and
well he you know he is you know
the coma right I think so
refresh my memory is and it
kind of
ruined his career that's why he
had to
make a comeback because
everyone what
happened to Eddie Money anybody
got some
bad coke that's believed that's
what it
was or something you some he
something and went into a coma
for a
yeah I do recall that and he
was out of
commission ER he was just in the
hospital for a year was kind of
like a
who's the reet petite Jackie
Wilson he
Wilson Jackie Wilson went to a
coma and
stayed in a coma and died in a
coma and
he was one of the real great
rock and
roll or early rock and rollers
from the
60s but Eddie Money the same
thing it
looked like it almost happened
to him he
was out for a year and then he
had to
make a comeback and you had
them it was
that member he's partially
paralyzed the
part of his face and never came
back a
little they was a joke yeah and
so but
he's always said that that sexy
from probably from polyps well
he died
of esophageal cancer yeah yeah
anyway I'm just sad 70 that's a
young for Eddie although he
lived 15 years past this time
he think
about it yeah including taking
that one
year away probably did okay uh
yeah so
we got back last night around
time back
would you go ah Tina took me to
after the show Thursday
what should you drive well
alright drive
from us but we almost did now
she had
scored tickets to Bruno Mars
and so and
Oh was it that she was that
first place
or second place was two tickets
to Bruno
Mars you're so funny
and we had we got hooked up by
Angela there in in Las Vegas
she got to
say basically a comped room one
Compton one night reduced rate
at the
Cosmopolitan the hippest hotel
on the
strip ladies and gentlemen but
required to say that for the
free room
oh yeah I don't think so and
I'll tell
you why in a moment cuz they'll
give me a free room again but
we almost
did wind up driving as we went
we went
out we went nice and early you
know with
the show would we would do and
I were
done on time got out there we
had at
least an hour and a half again
we didn't have pre-check so we
needed a
little bit of extra time for
some reason
that didn't show up and then so
it's six
o'clock and then we get a she
gets a
text message oh I'm sorry your
is the latest flight is delayed
9:30 like we're gonna see the
for three and a half hours so
okay we're
ten minutes away as they will
pop back
we can watch the at least an
hour of the
debate which I was gonna miss
and we're
almost home and the text comes
back oh
sorry your flights on time in
after all
which meant we had you know
about 37
minutes to get back and get to
the gate
through the nope recheck TSA
I thought you paid money for
good money
for free check yeah well you
just don't
get always get it you know and
you can
run askew and in bitch all you
want you
don't always get it so needless
to say
we did make it that worked then
we got
to the hotel you know by the
way people
shouldn't met know this
just because it says it's delay
two things that happen when a
gets delayed and then just a
quick good tourist tip we love
things happen one you look up
you start
talking to people and you find
that this
delay is bullcrap it's not a
half an
hour delay it's gonna be our
three-hour delay yeah it's
Jenny but
they keep giving you they make
it they
want to keep you're near the
gate the
other one is when they do a
long delay
and then they pull the plug on
it late
this can happen all this
happens all the
oh we're got lucky we took a
new plane
we got a new plane we're gonna
leaving in an hour before you
know we
said we would and what you're
to do you gotta stick around
you can't
just do what you did which is
logical thing to do which is go
home yeah and we only live as I
said 10
minutes from the airport but by
time we're going back at 6
o'clock we
hit rush-hour traffic so you've
got a
little got a little interesting
there as
well and white-knuckle e so we
of where we're at to check-in
for the
hotel and and the checking lady
says oh
I'm going to upgrade you oh
well this is
Vegas is starting off perfect
yes yes
where we're upgrading it to a
one-bedroom suite hi I'm a high
baby and it's the second time
the second
time it's happened
it's the disabled suite
you know with which has a
closets that
to hang your clothes about
waist-high if
you're in a wheelchair this is
room but you know the shower I
have to
bend over to if you get
disabled sweet
more than once it happened once
ago it
happened to I remember then but
never seen one of those sweets
but this
but they call it an upgrade
it's like I
want I should have called
Donna's excuse
me did you run out of disabled
people to
upgrade I mean surely there's
with a hump or half a leg who
could use
this you know better than I can
or maybe and this is the scary
part they
looked at me and went damn we
give this guy a disabled suite
put them
over in that room we don't want
anywhere near us it's just it's
very odd
you know I'm sure they have to
fill up
the rooms and there's some
there's some
logically outdoor rhythms but
why don't
you move I mean it's not an
upgrade for
me it's yeah so you get a
little more
space and you can everything's
handles your bum I mean again
if you're
disabled I can totally dig the
vibe of
this suite but if you're not it
makes no sense
and moreover no one else could
use this
over me I don't understand this
was also
my first trip in Vegas with my
aids this this was over
stimulation to
the max never thought about it
you're right yeah I guess is
noisy yeah
and I think especially the
is and I don't know maybe it's
me that
it is it just that they've
ramped it up
and again it's with the hearing
aids you
have to the way I have my
hearing aids
programmed it sounds like this
everything in my ear sounds
great you
know it's nice compression and
perfect but when you throw slot
and people and music and all
this added
it sounds like I'm listening to
recording of someone reporting
on Vegas
it's just it's just one big
noise and very confused is
overstimulation moreover the
them you
said twice what did I say Laura
/ well
if you say moreover you
automatically it
means once again the mr. Olympia
conference was in town oh this
is how
you're talking 45,000 muscled
muscle-bound dudes
oh no no couples women couples
oh yeah
everywhere couples I didn't
know that
was a competition oh my
goodness yeah
they're all jacked up now and
they seem
very nice I mean but it's a
hobby it's a
little intimidating Tina's like
I don't
think I'm gonna go workout this
why not well Olympia people of
there who the hell wants to
work out
near them you just feel like
yeah that's interesting within
elevator etiquette we're at the
hotel oh yeah all over our hotel
everywhere all right and but
big-ass people you know just
yes they
get pretty big if they make
that life
and speaking of sports she did
it again
the keeper got the two of us
basically one carry-on bag I
don't know
how she does it
that's that's that's how she
got her
name but man she should do a
tutorial on how to pack
especially how
to pack how women should pack
yeah I
can't pack like they're that
offenders it's not it's not an
you know Tina's like what get
the small
suitcase well I don't mind
slepping a
bigger one just no okay oh yeah
loves it she loves doing this
it's a
sport and she succeeds it's
after my talented wife so you
so how is
Vegas Vegas is uh besides noisy
you do buy did you just turn
down the
hearing aids each other yeah no
yeah I
do I went to a very narrow band
side to filter everything out
so you can
basically just hear someone
talking next
to you and everything else is
like an ad
in Bruno Mars was fantastic
this was at
the the park the MGM the park
it's like 4,000 seater yeah I
think they
have boxing matches in there
yeah what a
gig that guy has man he shows
up in his
basketball shorts his baseball
cap does
an hour and a half
crowd loves it's fantastic
tight guys
hit after hit yeah it's just
and millions of dollars you
know that I
was talking to Dame Angela just
the the
money they make on alcohol
alone covers
anything they pay him in Vegas
cannot get a drink for under
$18 of
anything with alcohol any what
$18 to
give you free nuts
oh yeah maybe in the
high-rollers that's
over those days are over
no there's no more free booze
and when
you're playing the slots no no
no no now
it's it's crazy expensive I mean
obviously we're on the strip so
makes sense but still the hell
really have a need to go back
was our
hmm he didn't get to the
restaurants you
told me about although I did
find out
that the I was right the
Waldorf Astoria
which is a new hotel
in Vegas used to be the
Oriental the
Mandarin no the Mandarin a
flopped yeah
that didn't work I don't know
if this
Waldorf is gonna work either
it doesn't look shitty like the
looks too nice the way the
Waldorf in
New York is a dive I mean I
think so at
least whenever I've been there
well I
was there once maybe twice and
it's did
it's a shabby is the only where
you can
describe it mm-hmm and it's
like it's
got a lot of old gold leaf and
flaked off I mean this is kind
of to me
I've always reminded of the
colors gold
and black hmm
and it's just had but it's it
is the
hotel has got that underground
rail road
tracted Frank yeah there's a
armored vehicle train car and
then they
admit as an elevator takes you
into the hotel yes
and for years I guess reporters
understand how Roosevelt was
getting in
and out of the hotel well I
guess they
figured it out now yeah I
wanted to
bring an update on the VAP Wars
and then
I would love to hear from you
about the
debate I was able to watch some
of it
before we took off and you know
you have
the Southwest Wi-Fi in flight I
watch it but eventually I was
able to
get an audio stream just the
radio some
radio station was broadcasting
it so I
heard I could not really
experience all
of it it seemed
what I heard was like kind of
this more
the same I guess I'm sure there
some gotcha moments there's
just well it
was more well I was kind of
and I wish I had this clip
which was one
of the CNN people or I think
was CNN we
said well at least there wasn't
you know
at least they focused on the
issues they
really got down to brass tacks
on the
issues instead of just bashing
yeah it was bellied it was
bashed Trump
I can't believe they still call
it a
debate let me do this this is a
update first because there are
a couple
of developments to talk about
the vapor
wars and the first one I mean
we've done
a couple reports on it and I
like that
the No Agenda show is now
becoming a
show prep for other podcasts
back everybody wealth power and
influence so glad you're here
I'm Jason
Stapleton with me as always as
we'll be talking a little bit
about the
debate today we laughing at
some of the
people who were in it and then
going to talk a little bit if
we have
some time about the vaping
industry Amy
came in this morning while we
were doing
show prep and played about a 20
clip from was the name of the
podcast no
agenda podcast when they were
about the the vaping industry
now was
the name of that you know the
name don't
pretend what was the name of
podcast I can't remember was it
I used
to do that all the time here is
latest from Utah as the PR
continues all
we have to do is just keep
vapes Grant Heller owner of I
VAP says
he became deeply concerned after
Representative Paul Ray's press
conference on Wednesday out of
the 12
bottles ten tested positive for
PCP barbiturates and THC and
talking about vape juice not
about th th
C capsules or anything vape
juice from
the store pillar believes the
tests used to get these results
is not
reliable and shouldn't have
been used
the fact that they were done
with the
ready strip tests shows me that
was a different agenda than
in public health yesterday
so what they did is and just to
gasoline on the fire they took
this vape
juice and took you know you
know what a
ready strip is John no I don't
maybe I do but I don't know
doesn't ring
a bell the ready strip is
essentially a
drug test that parents can use
that you
tell your kid pee in the cup
and you dip
the strip in and then the strip
will tell you I think by color
what kind
of drugs your kid is taking but
it's not
meant to dip into vape juice
and then
say oh yeah it looks like
there's kratom
in there come on he an
with peak vape met with
diagnostics on thursday the lab
the test result ABC 4 News was
inside but they asked us to
turn our
cameras off I wanted to sit
down and
obviously be transparent and
try and get
some transparency out of them I
think we
achieved that today in the
meeting the
owners of beech tree said they
endorse the panel test which is
only 40
percent accurate ray says he
acknowledged that in his press
but still chose to use them as
a warning
to the public to be sold in the
state of
Utah health officials say the
state has
not decided how that rule would
enforced yet owners with beech
trees say
a formal statement will be
later today and the attorney
for beech
tree Diagnostics decided not to
weigh in
saying in part we've determined
not to
respond in a formal way
regarding the
comments made by representative
Wednesday afternoon beech tree
has no
position either for or against
vaping if
you're concerned about this
issue please
contact the representative to
share your
concerns but the damage of
course was
already done it was already out
there uh
there's this THC and kratom and
in your vape juice thanks well
done well
those test strips like anything
that's a
test strip is usually designed
for one
specific purpose yes and it
would and if
it's designed to read your
something in pee it used this
is very
because it has to be pee mainly
because there's pH levels and
things that the way the
chemicals work
they have to be you know it's
just not
you just can't dip it in
gasoline you
don't expect to get any kind of
unless you're running this
stuff through
a chromatograph it's not really
bullshit of course I mean I
just I got a
report apparently vape juice
traces of ranch hand I mean
it's crazy
what's going on these days well
pretty slippery now here's what
a couple
of European publications even
picked up on this hey how come
this is
missing in Europe where's the
sickness no one's dying
nothing's going
wrong with vaping in Europe
maybe it's because they're
safer were
there with the actual THC
could be but for sure that's
wrong with the vape juice over
now in this global world these
tend to matter a little bit you
yeah there's a scam underneath
it all
well we we know that obviously
I got the
patent information oh yeah on
vaporizer this was patented by
Herbert a
Gilbert in 1963 it's way way
past due
and it it expired it's it's an
patent so it's pretty much open
all right it was the trades you
got one
other thing
well it sounds like you're not
interested in no I'm interested
well you
made your point well there's a
documentary about which it came
out in
2016 called a billion lives and
documentary I have the trailer
I'll play
a little bit for you then this
documentary which you know is
an award
winner in one of these palm
showed how the tobacco lobby
was willing
well of course that's the
was willing to put a billion
lives in
jeopardy by trying to stop the
industry and it's well worth
the watch
I'll just give you a couple
seconds of
the trailer here my whole life
I've been
told that smoking is bad
smoking will
kill you smokers deserve to die
I smoked
for forty years fifteen years
I'll go to
my grave smoking I pretty much
that smoking wasn't thing in
the past
part of history I was wrong
billion people dying from
related diseases
seventy percent of current
smokers want
to quit you trying to fail you
trying to
fail I was shocked when I found
out that
many people are using new ways
to quit
is one of the biggest public
breakthroughs we've ever had
okay we'll
do this electricidad it's gonna
go to
the savior alternative to
fighting out
about day I stop those ways
were being
banned in
or in more countries easy to buy
cigarettes than to blind a
that makes no sense
governments worldwide are the
shareholders in the revenue of
cigarettes dangers of
e-cigarettes and
the public health communities
about those chemicals this is no
evidence to back that up abroad
are gonna die we don't know but
we don't
know antifreeze and other
antifreeze I'm spent almost a
shipments right in my hands
nobody wants
to talk about the public needs
to know
the truth about these products
and then
you public health people
telling the
truth about the risks at least
forest and West recipients were
responsible a few days
chance you get the idea it's a
documentary to see how the
tobacco lobby
was all against vaping and
until they
were until they were the vaping
and now it's just about getting
small guys out yes okay now I'm
let's talk about the debates
well I did
want to mention the debit slip
is stuff
like anti-freeze into that that
dialogue that's a propagandistic
neuro-linguistic programming
this should be abhorrent don't
remember that that was out
there though
oh ha this is antifreeze and
vape juice
I remember it I don't I
remember a
member of a pinnate man debates
so let's
start with the thesis that they
bitch and moan about but Trump
bright at
all mm-hmm so like I just have
short clips they gave my minute
or a
minute and a half to open and I
four of the opens here that are
kind of
interesting that the most
and I don't have the whole
generally except for koalas but
this is
uh here's here's bado
does the base bado opening it's
an honor
to be on this debate stage it is
wonderful to be back in Texas
in Houston
back here at TSU
on August 3rd in El Paso Texas
things became crystal clear for
me and I
think produced a turning point
for this
country the first is just how
Donald Trump is the costs and
of his presidency a racism and
that have long been a part of
was welcomed out into the open
directed to my hometown of El
Paso Texas
where 22 people were killed
dozens more
grievously injured by a man
carrying a
weapon he should never have
been able to
buy in the first place inspired
to kill
by our president he fries and
vape juice president don't
worry they
don't apparently didn't hardly
Trump at this debate this is
just part
of the Sanders is the base
opening let me be blunt and
tell you
what you don't hear much about
Congress or in the media and
that is it
goes without saying that we
must and
will defeat Trump the most
president in the history of
this country
I'm glad they didn't bitch
about Trump
no they didn't and so now we
have this
is kamala and this I believe is
her a
whole bit and she just goes
kind of introduced maybe
something they
were involved with like even
talking about gun control and
later you
know Mon didn't grow anybody
we're gonna
take we're gonna take your
guys's with
the Republicans and said that
but here's
Kamala and her bit and it's
just all
Trump senator Kamala Harris
thank you
it's great to be back at TSU
tonight talking with you about
my plans
to address God the way the way
she talks
I don't even have to see I
promise it's
what is that what is it I'm
hearing I'm
hearing a it's it's it's not a
laissez-faire it's a it's a
district attorney yes
patronizing yes
condescending thank you I'm
tonight talking with you about
my plans
to address the problems that
keep yep
night but first I have a few
words for
Donald Trump who we all know is
so president Trump you spent
the last
two and a half years full-time
trying to
sow hate and division among us
and that
is why we've got nothing done
you have used hate intimidation
fear and
over 12,000 lies as a way to
work from your failed policies
and your
broken promises what 12,000
lives I
didn't understand that 12,000
lies Oh
lies I thought lies documented
lies is
it 12 thousands this is the
number under policies and your
promises the only reason you've
not been
indicted is because there was a
memo and
the Department of Justice that
says the
sitting president cannot be
charged with
a crime but here's what you
don't get
what you don't get is that the
people are so much better than
this and
we know that the vast majority
of us
have so much more in common
than what
separates us regardless of our
where we live or the party with
were registered to vote and I
plan on
focusing on our common issues
our common
hopes and desires and in that
unifying our country winning
election and turning the page
America and now President Trump
you can
go back to watching Fox News
now I give
her a point for saying our
country I
give her a point for that you
don't hear
that often from a Democrat
thousand lies comes from
Washington Post
or Trump has made more than
12,000 false
or misleading claims 12k lives
man you know we go to what the
one guy
didn't really bash Trump never
spent too
much time on bashing Trump
else did which is Gandy's
weakens their
whole position that's okay let
them do
what they want but this one I
was really rude this was Andrew
yang who
comes out and even he z4 he
starts off
by suggesting he's gonna if you
go to
you ain't Andrew yang 2020
dot-com or
org one of the two you can sign
up and
maybe be one of the thousand to
people ten people that will get
thousand dollars a month for a
year to
see what you can do with it
this was
highly anticipated because he
had been
telegraphing mainly on podcasts
the only
place that he can still be
heard that he
was going to do something big
unexpected and you know I think
it was
it completely expected he's the
universal basic income
candidate and his
idea was to show people that
you can
really make it you can be great
if I
give you $1,000 a month but it
reported anywhere I saw as
linking back
to the universal basic income
they saw
it purely as a campaign stunt
it wasn't picked up properly by
press well the press was going
with the program because the
starting on the other side of
the all
the way over he was on the far
right on
the far left the most furthest
left was
Amy Klobuchar and she started
and then Cory Booker was pretty
laughing out loud but he had
turned away
from the mic but he was de
falling over
there and then cam Kamala was
it sounds
like Kamala laughing but from
from what
I could tell it was really that
group and it was its Amy
Klobuchar whose
laughs sounds a lot like
Tomales so she
was laughing at ya hear it
you'll hear
it today wait wait wait I'm
she's laughing Cory but Cory
Booker said
something to her I'm sure
because they
showed up a long shot they
showed her
cracking up and Booker turning
his face
away from the camera so you
hear him and then Buddha Jed
just next
to them and he's cracking up
he'll cook
and he'd finalizes it with some
to kind of quell the the joke
that was
that nobody knew about it was
really I
thought incredibly rude well
you know
they're really just laughing at
that could be the element use
in America
today everything revolves
around the
almighty dollar our schools our
hospitals our media even our
it's why we don't trust our
anymore we have to get our
working for us again instead of
other way around
we have to see ourselves as the
and shareholders of this
rather than inputs into a giant
when you donate money to a
did someone throw up the Yelp
like a
hyena sign I have no idea what
that was
giant machine when you donate
money to a
presidential campaign what
happens the
politician spends the money on
TV ads
and consultants and you hope it
out it's time to trust
ourselves more
than our politicians that's why
going to do something
tonight my campaign will now
give a
freedom dividend of $1,000 a
month for
an entire year to ten American
someone watching this at home
right now
if you believe that you can
solve your
own problems better than any
go to yang 2020 calm and tell
us how one
thousand dollars a month will
help you
do just that
this is how we will get our
working for us again the
American people
now people judge
she's hi again its original
I'll give
you that
the American people are divided
they know exactly what he's
doing that
was rude they know his whole
program was
unbelievably rude tease
okay well I was very taken
aback by that
that's your Democrat brethren
yang e
cheese so then we had this
back-and-forth there's a couple
of short
clips here this is uh this is
where bite
and calls his point it's
talking to
Sanders and he's pointing to
he's talking about and he calls
the president taxpayer I hear
this large
savings the president think the
friend for Hamas thinks that the
employer is going to give you
back if
you negotiate his union all
these years
got a cut in wages because you
insurance but where did this
before but he called Sanders the
president no he called he
called Booker
the president this happened
before I
don't know that I don't
remember that
two debates ago I'll see if I
can find
it while you continue and then
goes ageism and he Castro fuck
himself he's out of the race
now after
he went after Biden for
forgetting something said Biden
Castro thought Biden said
something that
Biden didn't say and everybody
documented this and all the
news media
got all over Castro what could
here's here's what I heard read
just not
having seen this part that he
apparently Biden said something
and then
Castro said what you don't
remember what
you just said two minutes ago
and then
and then he kept on hammering
about it I
didn't know that it was to me
I'd like
I'm sure Joe Biden said
completely dumb that he that
contradicted himself this case
no Wow
Castro just heard something
that didn't
exist and he started hounding
about it and he did it in such
a way
that was again incredibly rude
and he's
trying to make points that dead
and old fogey doesn't remember
and so I just would have
sounded like
from the Castro site goodbye
you just
said that you just said that
two minutes
ago you just said two minutes
ago that
they would have to buy it and
if Paulo
fire you forgetting what you
said of
Maddox would be in four
the crowd clearly thought he
was not
doing something good there no
and so
then it was very very rude and
then we
have we have this is bado on
I thought never wrote this is
about but just play it but you
the debates bado on immigration
uh debates bado and immigrants
oh here it is yes sir but I
think the
larger question that we're
trying to get
at is how do we rewrite this
immigration laws in our own
image in the
image of Houston Texas the most
city in the United States of
America in
the image of El Paso Texas one
of the
safest cities in the United
States of
America safe not despite the
fact that
we were a city of immigrants
because we are a city of
immigrants Cano
Samos Chios Muni Dada's us Lopez
necesitamos Tata cada persona
respeto Edina Darin they
probably mean
Allah Allah for one thing he
says we got
to rewrite the immigration laws
in our
own image what does that mean
it sounds
we have to rewrite the
immigration laws
in Houston's image he's
speaking in
tongues I tell you what's wrong
with him
oh there's something wrong with
that guy
now in terms of you something
wrong with
the guy I do have this is that
none of
the basis says Joe Biden this
is Joe by
Joe Biden this is an I so I
suggested I
saw her out of the blue Joe
Biden says
you should put your kids to
sleep in
debt and and and play the
record player
make sure so a record player on
at night
yeah now this got a lot of
discussion I
had a record flavor it's got a
lot of
Acts how many people in the
even know what a record player
well I
saw I saw Symone Sanders who is
consultant now she ran Bernie's
last time around now she with
Joe Biden
and I could I had no way to
clip this I
think it was on joy Reid was
filling in
or something just saw it in the
and she was saying oh you don't
about the vinyl vote that's
that's their
that's their witty comeback is
apparently there's a vinyl vote
who like that - Joe's familiar
with this
is a vinyl vote more like final
vote for
him is he still is he still the
what a front-runner yeah of
see so the last I had last two
clips or
both the camel a Harris she's
going off
on the camel Harris on Medicare
everybody on this stage I do
believe is
well-intentioned and once that
I gotta
hear that again body on this
stage I do
believe is well-intentioned and
that all Americans have
coverage and
recognizes that right now 30
Americans don't have coverage
but at
least five people have talked
repeatedly on this subject and
not once
if we talked about Donald Trump
we need to we need to low Joe
up with
some more anachronisms like
would you
like to take a picture with
your Kodak
disc you know you gotta have
some more
things like that even though of
just during the era of the
Kodak disc
maybe they can fish with the
brownie the
lubuto so here's cameras
follow-up to
her we don't talk about Trump
enough no
no not at all so let's talk
about the
fact that Donald Trump came
into office
and spent almost the entire
first year
of his term trying to get rid
of the
Affordable Care Act we all
against it and then the late
great John
McCain at that moment at about
o'clock in the morning kills his
health care from millions of
people in
this country fast forward to
today and
what is happening Donald Trump's
Department of Justice is trying
to get
rid of the Affordable Care Act
Trump's administration is
trying to get
rid of the the ban that we
placed on on
denying people who have
conditions coverage
that's all she does and then
again we go
back to the CNN pundit who says
well at
least they didn't talk about
thank goodness
yeah well that would have been
that's kind of it it was I got
no real I
mean I think Castro's I think
everybody's pretty much out of
it except
for the big for the polls to
vote for me
that's my ISO of the day so Joe
and and he's still the
front-runner war
yeah this is a part I know this
is great
they just wanted these Democrat
decided he's gonna be the guy
and the
Vice President will be the one
who takes
over and get in next so it's
gonna be
interesting how they're gonna
make this
ticket Julian Castro was
thought of as
one of the potential vice
presidents but
he's done now after this
display of arrogance so here's
here's the omission that is
obvious and
I think it's been obvious from
reports it's been obvious from
here a
summary report nothing from Liz
she was
if this was supposed to be her
moment to
you know to outshine everybody
and I'd
hear nothing did she not have a
of did she not have a she did
not do a
Trump bashing it and her
opening so I
didn't get that mhm and she did
Liz stuff yeah and she followed
as she's
blue all in with Bernie's uh
for all and then she was not
out to me well not to anyone
the same
old same old Liz I mean there
nothing specific that she did
that was
now can you crimpable now why
do you
think that Castro is over and
out just
because of that
it's gonna be a bite and ticket
not gonna put up with a guy
like that I
mean he's why couldn't Castro
beat Joe
Castro can't beat anybody do
recall when before before Trump
by the
way stop stop I gotta get
design I gotta
go get my notes on this Castro
at the
end of his little beginning he
puts on
this I don't know if you ever
seen I
should go back and clip this
and or
screen you save it Castro has
creepiest smile it looks kind
of like
the Joker in the Batman movie
smile it's
incredibly creepy it's went
when he
thinks he's done something
great he
pulls that smile I've seen it
creepy hat is it's a maybe it's
like a
lizard smile reptilian perhaps
could be
good it could be could be I
think we
both have this clip so I'll
just play it
since I thought I have a
question about
this is marianne williamson who
was not
at the debate but who was
caught on a
mic this is the question I have
ethics she was interviewed on
Fox News
and here's the guy who was
her on Fox News introducing the
that he is you know that was
done out of
context off air but he's gonna
make it
said well she was Mike she was
a hot mic
so it's fair game let's play
the clip
and then we'll talk about that
so last week I interviewed 2020
candidate Marianne Williamson
just after
the interview while still on
camera with
a hot mic this happened what
does it say
that Fox News is nicer to me
than the
lefties are what does it say
that the
Conservatives are nicer to
bizarre world man
it's such a bizarre world you
know I'm
such a lusty I mean I'm a
serious lefty
there's so I understand why
people on
the right call them godless and
I mean
it's like I didn't think the
left was as
mean as the right heart so I
find that
this is a borderline case I mean
obviously Fox is doing this to
because she says hey the
lefties are
a-holes and they're mean but
it's really
insulting and to Marianne
Williamson who
was dumb
you got you got it you should
better and she's clearly not
honest in her own public
otherwise she would have said
publicly but ethically I don't
it's a very cool thing to do
with the Aster
yeah hmm I don't know if they
did of
but what if they didn't sound
but if they did ask her hey can
we use
this clip you know well yeah
sure I'm
not in the thing anymore
yeah I think she'd probably
agree what
he says yeah when I said man
happened no I don't think so I
think she agreed to it and and
disappointed because you're
objecting to
it she would have come out and
something let's well we'll keep
our eye
on but she's definitely not
going to be
in the fourth debate
she's out forever she'll never
even make
it on CNN or MSNBC again ever
probably not but she never made
it on
before I never heard of her
so it's not as though she was
ass on the MSNBC wall for years
years no no but I know her from
the No
Agenda show so she's she's my
candidate yes she was there's a
lot of
people say but I want to
mention a
couple of things that are
about the debates overall one
is I don't
know but the psychological
effect you
know this is a problem having
too many
people up there all yelling at
other you're yelling and
their their time and doing all
the rest
of it is besides doing that
which makes
him look like pet makes him
look bitchy
only because they can't stop
bite and call them out on it
once is
that you're watching this thing
going on
somebody's talking and they
stay strays
their hands like they're
to get their hand in the air
and yeah
Bernie's got his you know
moving his
hand around like I mean like but
everyone's holding their hand
up call on
me teacher call on me call on
me I mean
it looks juvenile it makes them
unpresidential I mean you're
not a
president if you're a holding
your hand
you never saw a trunk do that
and with
all those other care he would
just say
something funny into the mic
can me
teach me me me me me yeah but
you don't
have these guys holding their
hands up
in the air and bite not bitin
but Bernie
someone who started that years
ago even
when he was just what
mano-a-mano with
Hillary Clinton last he's
always stick
his hand up yeah exactly
like sixth grade fifth grade
yeah it
calling me calling me well
you're gonna
get called on that's where
you're up
there you don't have to hold
your hand
up how was it just for my own
edification compared to the
cable news
guys how did ABC do with
production did
you like production in general
I mean I
didn't hear of any audio issues
everything looked it sounded
pretty good
everything was smooth
I thought it was you didn't
have any
flaws and if you does what
looking for it was more
yeah than CNN all right
well Friday night all hell
broke loose
on the Bill Maher's Bill Maher
show on
HBO they had to bring out the
big guns
after the debate they bring out
Moore of course I got a couple
here just so you can hear how
the the
big guns so this is Michael
Moore and
Bill Maher together they
represent a section of the
Democrat part
of the Democrat voting base and
I think
the well Bill Maher's actually
to be a little more
level-headed in this
as you listen to what Michael
Moore is
saying about the Democrats and
what they
stand for and what's gonna work
country is for raising the
minimum wage
of course the country is not for
Medicare for all is so did you
ask the
question get rid of private
insurance I mean Barack Obama
said if
you like your doctor you can
keep your
dog into insanity not true for
only 2%
of the population and the whole
went apeshit about the 2% right
now are
you gonna take away everybody's
completely get rid of arrived
it even
though there are so many things
to fix
the bottle bomb you don't like
that'll don't like that no they
like the
fact that their 26 year old can
still be
covered nice Obamacare that's
Obama like the things about
but right but they didn't go
far enough
and and we've got 30 million
people that
are uninsured we've got 50 more
as net are underinsured that
that is
velocity points out Obamacare
is a
better benefit the Medicare for
doesn't play for pay for
you got to do that you built
we're going
to be true we're going to do
trunk well
that's not I'm going to say no
and I'll
see if the election okay say
let us the
election were tonight Trump
would win
how about that woo
all right this how dangerous it
is does
every would be so you see look
at the
same reaction when I said that
years ago
ya know now don't say that you
have to
respect the evil genius of this
he's gone crazy now the evil
gee he's
using Trump's words which is
how deeply embedded that is
yeah and
this wait a minute the guys I'm
supposedly a moron who doesn't
even have
any money but now he's an evil
did the same thing with Bush
Bush was
the either a moron or an evil
genius of
an antichrist I mean come on
make up
your minds about these images
in the
next that clip here is about
the squad
which i think is universally
that trump has been doing a
pretty good
job of positioning them as the
face of
the new democrat and the
democrat party
which logically i think it
turns off a
lot of voters not according to
Moore though he wants to make
the squad
the face of the Democratic
Party I know
one other person who wants to
do that
you yes will win let me tell
you 70% of
the people who are gonna vote
next year
are either women people of
color or
young adults between 18 and 35
70% of the electorate women
people of
color young adults we should be
appealing to them and if you're
okay you don't like those women
they're you know you don't see
thing yes
exactly but what do you say
they are not
power to hate they're not
populist I'm
true always love them people of
love them women love them this
is the
most bigoted conversation I've
heard he's literally saying
they're women women love them
they're brown people of color
love them
is this guy on drugs
he's bigoted who thinks like
anymore uh they're brown people
of color
will love them it's a head
shake the
entire electorate one of them
has an
approval rating above 25% so
making this up they're not
beloved these
people because they don't
believe in
things that a lot of people
believe in
like what not Medicare for all
and people do believe in
Medicare for
all people do believe it if
you're out
there with people this people
do believe
this that's why all the
candidates have
tried to sign on but they did
when they
called Nancy Pelosi a racist
you know
they think they go too far and
I think
they're good too for another
bitch yes
what and and young people go
too far you
know always romanticizing the
people everybody looks good
when they're
young because they're not
enough to make decisions you
know when
they get to our age they'll be
too yeah Michael Moore really
the squad can do it ladies and
this squad can people love them
love them because they're women
of color love them because
they're brown
I'm come on bigot Mario throw
stuff into he had this thing
earlier in
this first clip where he said
that the
Obama you can keep your own
doctor thing
which turned out to be bullcrap
this is that he says but it's
affected 2% of everybody that
couldn't keep drone die he's
that only 2% of the people
could don't
keep their own doctor yeah I'm
I'm sorry
couldn't keep it on target or
else could keep drone that's
it's in California which is a
good part
of the entire public the entire
population of the entire
country which
is more than 2% you can't it is
based on networks yeah you have
to be in
the network if there's your
doctors not
in the network yeah you can
keep him but
you're gonna have to pay him
and in
California that's not even true
let me
maybe another places but in
cuz we had a good my daughter
wanted to
go see a dermatologist that we
used and she's part of Cal care
whatever the Obamacare
networking the
Obamacare implementation is in
California she's part of that
and not
only did the doctor refused to
take her
I said well what if I just pay
cash too
you know in California is
illegal too
yes Wow I didn't realize that
yeah if
you in other words I got a
doctor I just
gonna hey if I was if you're
not part of
Cal Cal kid whatever it is Cali
however they call it Cal man Oh
cuddles whatever it is if
you're in that
system which is the Obamacare
uh you
can't do that you can't pay
cash if you
weren't in the system you're
just an
individual like me you could
you can you
can't do it but if you're part
because they want to discourage
from going outside the network
well as a
discourage it by fining it the
and dead throwing him out so he
says no
no no no I can't even touch
this this
client as we discussed when
was just cranking up that the
companies are such rat bastards
they squeeze the doctors down
to 30
cents on the dollar and I have
personally witnessed if you go
into the
doctor's office not in
apparently and you say you know
I'll pay cash I'll pay you 30
cents on
the dollar they'll usually
settle for 50
they will because they have
that it
takes them weeks phone calls
emails you
know they have to show pay all
paperwork just to get paid I
mean while
you've already paid your you
basically paid for it with your
your deductible because that's
on a
hundred percent not thirty
percent so
you're paying for everything
you're paying double but that's
legal here I had no idea that
that was
outlawed in California you
cannot pay
the doctor directly how can
that be
that's that's why it's is it a
law or is
it just the insurance and
whether the
way the laws are written cheese
well if
you want to hear something I
could look
into it more and write
something my god
you know it's really it is
because the guy refused to take
appointment you can't you can't
allows someone from enacting
commerce pretty you can well in
California everything's possible
he thinks possible in
California final
clip just to hear some more
fact free
stuff and just how off the
rails this
group is gone they had that
little end
discussion so we have Michael
Moore was
the guy that used to run the
the RNC
the black guy yeah yeah steel
yes do is
on a crystal ball and they're
about uh what is this clip oh
yeah this
is this is mainly about Mahler
and about
you know the molar report and
how that
all fell apart and it's just
funny to
hear the heads explode they
built up
expectations so much when the
came you were like oh no big
deal with
like anything shortness he
taped with
nothing right well the person
shipped the bed was Robert
he can't even go after the taxes
seriously that's your
technique don't follow the
money this
hero and shit the bed shit the
bed I did
the campaign manager the deputy
manager the hook the
presidential mo
fucking memo not a law not in
Constitution just a memo we did
a whole
thing on this remember that
night right
after can I agree with you but
he laid
it on a platter from he didn't
have to
sir got the taxes legal genius
of Rudy
Giuliani was able to protect
Trump the
whole thing is the taxes the
reason why
he may be a Russian asset and
just he's
the worst businessman ever so
at a
certain point the only people
who give
money of the Russians that's
you know
what while her mother didn't
collusion per se because it's a
technical term he showed clear
coordination between the
campaign and
the other I think he did his
job could
he have done more sure he do
and they're not alone right
there are
plenty of people who were
involved in
the overhyping of this but then
what he
did find the facts were not
enough for a
public that expected like Barry
that they were gonna get the P
tape my
quick take on all of it was
everybody said is absolutely
right but
here's the rub at the end of
the day
the Democrats in Congress the
allowed the Attorney General to
come out
and define the narrative before
yes so
at that point folks it didn't
what was in the report because
we were
told there's nothing here
follow what is
this bullshit about like we did
not find
out of control
they're mad and and Mahler and
what is
this I've heard the term but
what is the
etymology of shit the bed and
what does
this come from debt apologies
but it is
an old term yeah let me just
you know
your screws yeah so that's
where their
heads are still at oh they're
you're ready doing that Migdal
is too
big yeah whatever happened I
thought you
meant just that crystal ball
she you
know she works for the hill she
some online video stuff she is
and she's
lost her she's anti MSNBC now
that she's
no longer there yeah she got
kicked off
and she's yeah and I think Mar
not because she's kind of his
style cute
and oh right
that meet brings these women on
brings Hannah Coulter on a lot
he's got
some thing about her too but did
reminded me whatever happened
to that
guy - ray remember him yeah
where is -
ray yeah okay enough thinking
about it I
only thought you think about
him for a
second or two - ray he was the
worst and
she was on the show with him
right he we
had an a he even had an didn't
he have
was that show MSNBC show yeah
miss MBA
miss NBC show - ray I don't
know he's
not what I see here as a former
MSNBC host just a quick little
oh wait
Ghent Dateline January 11th
former MSNBC
host to raid niblet accused of
harassment I have learned and
grown how
he got me to do
oh well that didn't get much
much girl
interesting that didn't get
much play at
oh I don't recall it I don't
recall it
we would have recalled that if
we even
got a hint we would have
bloated but no
so yes we would have bloated me
got me
to doubt that's interesting he
the hell out of here and with
that I'd
like to thank you for your
courage and
say in the morning to you the
man who
put the C in Castro is out John
C Dvorak
well in the morning you miss
Corolla in the morning all
ships at sea
boots on the ground feet in the
air subs
in the water and all the Dames
nights out hello trolls I see
you there
in the troll room a in the
morning to
you that's right no agenda
stream comm
is where you can listen to this
live I'm gonna see how many
trolls we
got in there today it seems
like oh wait
that's the wrong one let me see
got today oh nice nice crowd
hundred and thirty six trolls
with their
polls handing off one-liners
appreciated you can listen to
that 24
hours a day seven days a week
that's the
stream and chat along with
troll along
as you wish also in the morning
to our
artists who brought us the
artwork for
episode 11 72 the title that
was vape
this was Nick the rat who's
back and
were happy to see him that he
has been
submitting for a while and he
just he
nailed it with his NPR national
propaganda radio with the logo
and of
course that was meant to play
into our
reporting of the new CEO of NPR
who is
clearly a spook and worked for
spooktacular Voice of America
and Radio
Free Liberty which are
stations the United States
operates the
broadcast Board of Governors
and there
was I think there was some
stuff we
needed to discuss because there
some other
candidates let me just check
the artwork
real quick we had a couple
there was
just one the CIA one that Deb
O'Neil did
but I always thought that the
NIC one
was the best it was a little
more subtle
yeah it was it's just it worked
it wasn't very subtle but it
was CIA
less true it's more subtle than
yeah there were other stuff
that was
just the one that jumped out we
liked it immediately so and
worked well
and we've been happy for Nick
thank you
of course to all of our artists
submitted artwork and they do
it while
we're doing the shows it's
quite amazing
how how they get this work done
and you
can check it out for yourself
but no
agenda art generator calm and
you could
submit if you want to and if
it's not
used in album artwork these
things often
make it into newsletters and
even on
t-shirts mugs and caps at No
Agenda shop
comm and you could make a piece
of the
money of those sold so check
out no
agenda our generator , Thank
You Nick
the rat and all of our artists
there for
your valuable contribution we
have a few
executive and associated
producers to thank for showed
starting with Tony Cabrera with
dollars and 89 cents and this
is the no
agenda shop we just mentioned
in with the latest share of our
sales 3
dollars and 33 cents for every
item we
sell is donated to the show and
dollars and 33 cents goes to
the artist
whose work is featured on that
thank you for the little
involved it's good for
delivering a
priceless show that motivates
me to keep
the shop up as long as the
realities of
capitalism allow that's three
years in
County so far just requesting al
sharpton quote followed by
that's true
and no karma I'm gonna give him
a karma
because they've been operating
the shop
and we appreciate it thanks Tony
great work over there no agenda
okay next is Heather futanari in
Fullerton driana $33.33 she
said please
accept it she actually sent it
let me
see this email differs from
what does
she got here she sent an email
claiming that the note wasn't
taken I'll
read this while you're looking
for it
yeah please oh I got it
please accept this payment is
my flesh
as my last towards name hood as
we close
our palindrome week and ready
myself to
reconnect with some amazing
folks we met
during the infamous or Orange
Meetup I thought this was the
time to seal the deal for five
years of
donations also it's been a year
since my
last donation of 3 3333 which I
made in
desperation of jobs karma a
year later I
find myself flourishing in that
films camera works though
jingles no
karma just a side of hi-yah
ayahuasca ayahuasca what is
don't worry I'll put it at the
roundtable just stay away from
it it's
not for you at the already
round table please anoint me
swagger Prince of the orange
73's Heather kk6 Mme ah 73's
kilo 5
alpha Charlie Charlie with a
twist the
you've got ayahuasca was noir
karma she
asked for by the way no she
said she she
I thought she wanted a karma no
no Jane
it was no karma I'm sorry I
can't take
it back now I don't know how
you'd take
it back I can't I can't
I've ruined we do this that
karma is for
David Julien congratulations
for $333
know he says n J and K he
doesn't want
Chloe he doesn't want it either
no email
sent to Adam
kisses sir Julianne Earl of the
Bay and autonomous cars you
have the
email let me see I believe I do
mmm you should send a email
about the
recipe yeah no I I don't see it
I know
that I for I forward everything
comes into Eric's oh no I don't
see this
I'm sorry I do not see a note
from him
well O'Dell what's David Julian
sorry that'll make it a little
and let's try
and who knows how the hell
these systems
work you know all I have is
notes from
the shill saying he would send
the note
I don't have it
sorry so send it again David
Brady's next on the list with
the two
hundred thirty four dollars and
six cents two three four five
six in
Pittsburgh Pennsylvania here's
lowdown on the Pittsburgh meetup
provided with the donation
because I
felt bad rambling too much
chipping in I flew a bit too
close to
the Sun trying to combine a
soccer game
and a bar meet up into one so
the day
before we decided just to go to
the same
bar where producer ma held the
meet up we ended up with ten
people nine
adults in the fat first child
in Pittsburgh meetup history
well even
though four of the nine adults
attending their tried take
notes even
though four of the nine adults
attending their first meetup
within ten
minutes we were all talking and
like we had known each other
for years
there's something truly magical
the people bonding over calling
another douchebag had to own up
hitting my mother in the mouth
during a
car ride back from Nashville
Doug fitler was kind enough to
the high-res heads on sticks so
we got
some great group photos with
both of you
into them we also informally
decided to
make the meet up on a
occurring event and are going
to keep
the notebooks we brought four
letters to
you two until we fill them up
then send
them no I think my fellow
producers from both meetups or
with me
wholeheartedly in expressing our
gratitude for the show and what
it has
grown into hell I even got a new
shooting range buddy out of
this Meetup
good I think I'll go to
Pittsburgh to go
shooting think about this
though there's
ten people
who not only like the No Agenda
show in
Pittsburgh enough to come out
to a meet
up but also like soccer and
this is some
news right here
I find it distressing
personally I think
it's great it's probably a
smart idea
they went back to the original
these things kind of tend to
unless the yeah unless the
venue was
really bad for some reason but
I'm glad
a good one in Oakland we're
never going
back Sir Peter the high powered
ham in abstract the high
powered vanilla
hammerheads Oh al I guess ham
hammerheads a two 3333 from
Holland and
he says dear Guardians of
reality from
behind the great Chinese
firewall always
in China
I finally had it my smoking-hot
girlfriends douchebaggery must
stop now
at first she thought the show
was lame I
support your show is saying
that show is
lame I support your advice
would never
mentioned this show on any
first date
but now she keeps me awake with
laughter and comments until I
she hasn't
even though she hasn't
supported this
show so in other words it was
lame but
now she thinks it's hilarious
okay which
it is this must come to an end
currently we are on a four-week
trip in China
Yunnan and Tibet whoa and almost
everything is firewalled wait a
this is like hikers in China
where these
guys spooks
yeah we're cycling well maybe
glove they're cycling near the
Korean border I'd be more
suspicious but
no I know people that do this
sort of
thing let's go to China and
cycle ah I'm
sure our producers don't sound
like that
well they can't hear us in any
because they're in their their
firewalled yeah so hard to get
decent information is beautiful
by the
way and the people are nice
that's true
that's true love and lights
repeat at
the high-power vanilla
and aim to become Inga I think
I can
insult weird characters it's
true China
asshole asshole yeah true China
and goat Karma now I want to
something people go into China
in China
it's and I've said this on the
before but apparently nobody
loses their
reason show and every minute of
it when
you're in China or most of
these Asian
countries I'll make sure you
have a
little notebook and you carry
that and
you have people write stuff in
on it in other words you're at
a hotel
you go to the concierge say I'm
gonna go
here here here in here here and
have them write it in Chinese on
different pages and then you
have a
little note at the bottom
saying what it
is like the stole or and then
they have
right and then you used that
notepad to
get around because in China
itself they
don't all speak the same
language that's
all dialects and they can't
each other necessarily but they
all have
the same written language so
it's very
common for even Chinese to use
trick of having the notepad
full of
little notes best to be small
and you
hold it up to it like a taxi
cab driver
and you just show it to him and
his fine
is good to go the more you know
in the
morning you've got Kevin Benson
Australia $230 long time
produced with six six six six
six so for
putting in Australian three
three three
and a few pennies to make the
final jump
into sanity would love a little
girl yay
to mark this moment is he gonna
be yeah
he's being knighted today yep
he's on
the list
well he's blue I thought he was
on the
list let me just double check
marks my move out of Sydney to
places and more time for
listening to no
agenda as I move to Kiama in
the south
of Sydney don't know where that
is I
would like to claim sir Kevin or
something protector of qiyama
yes it's
as you look it up no I've not
looked it
up but he's on the list I
didn't look up
his keyaki i'ma blow I'm not
gonna look
up any blowhole I saw there was
a blue
there's a blowhole in Iceland
fascinating there's a beer what
blowhole is it's generally
where a bunch of water rushes
in and
it's not a geyser per se which
is caused
by boiling water it's just such
comes in and in boom and
blowhole yeah
it's the water and I'm looking
at it now
apparently it's dangerous this
is a
danger always dangerous yeah
qiyamah blowhole just sounds
lewd it
does no special favors to
include I eat
most things that fall on the
floor I'm
also a cheap drunk but I do
call out
Bruce Johnson of Cape Town
South Africa
as a douchebag he listens he
keeps all
his ran tightly stuffed up his
well Kevin we'll see you at the
at the
round table and well I guess
we'll just
leave some scraps on the floor
for you
for you to enjoy along with
your hookers
and Lil Oh Kevin Benson $233
the next
one doctor sorry sir and your
of the bound book in Ann Arbor
200 $22.22 Sir Andrew of the
bound book
here nudging over every closer
- baronet
would be grateful for a booster
health karma to get past some
issues thanks for all the hard
you bet here it is ready you've
karma last but not least is
Roberts 211 dollars and 20
cents from
the US parts unknown this is my
executive producer contribution
ever and
I've been on a modest
subscription for a
few years now with larger
interspersed throughout this
shows value
to me is far greater than I've
been able
to budget for first I'd greatly
appreciated jobs come with a
dash of
goat as my current gig has been
tough lately
I sent both of you the
Childebert shirt he is our guy
that Adam mentioned Thursday
and I'd
like to offer a bit of
explanation yes
shelter Berg is a small annual
camping event that will be at
em along
Metro Park in Austin Texas May
23 to 26
on 2020 you have to go how
could I not
it's open to any
self-identified lover
of Liberty no no no maybe not
of political affiliation it
will can
coincide with the libertarian
Convention in Austin you have
to go to
that and there will be so
crossover I would be busy
well the libertarian party
nerds are
playing third string politics
will be
grilling having at the time
free to
chill children burgers but
we'll be
accepting donations for free
org he's
the Ross Ulbricht the the
Bitcoin drug
platform was that called again
forgot no I've forgotten to
Adam if you
want to swing by for some
burgers or
even camp tonight Silk Road
yeah you can
camp tonight in Austin anywhere
will be at least a handful of
in the tennis that I know of
who already
would love so much to see you
may be
enough for an impromptu to meet
up John
we'd love to have you two if
you wanted
to make the trek any was at
childer burg
on twitter yes yes I actually
did look
this up because I saw people
tweeting and mentioning me and
in there
tagging me about chill DeBerg
and how
funny it was that of course
yeah it's
can I bring my record player um
like a pretty fun event if
we're gonna
be you know thrown some burgers
on and
and in hanging out I'm not
gonna camp
but I can definitely go envious
I don't
know how far the metro price is
not that
far and get there yeah for sure
I'll go
I'll rep
that should be fun
the Silk Road was Ross Ulbricht
platform remember I even bought
off of there with Bitcoin don't
remember we did all that
hello yes you did I remember
that you
never said what the drugs were
well no I
don't want to go to jail or
didn't at
the time at least
well anyway Thank You Daniel
and you
become an associate executive
along with your other cohorts
and of
course our one two was pretty
even-keeled here we got three
producers very nice these are
credits because they're real
you can use
them anywhere credits or
recognize and
we suggest putting those on
your profile
certainly on your LinkedIn
profile you
are executive producer or as it
associate executive producer of
the No
Agenda podcast you can say no
show episode 1 1 7 3 and we
thank you
for your courage and anyone who
wants to
be in this illustrious line up
Sunday show can do so by going
to Duvall
red dot org slash and well now
at least
we know where Jill DeBerg is
you can go
out tell everybody as you
propagate the
formula formula is this we go
out we hit
people in the mouth
while we're talking about
Austin Texas
little unhoused update as the
war on the
homeless continues it looks
like in
Austin the people of Austin are
some headway
so council members and kitchen
and Kathy
tovo submitted one plan and then
councilmember Greg kisara and
Steve Adler submitted another
but the biggest takeaway from
both plans
is that there are more
agreements here
than differences
so both plans will limit
sitting lying
or camping on sidewalks in busy
parts of
downtown like sixth Street and
Avenue and around some of the
shelters but the kitchen tovo
plan takes
it a bit farther and includes
the drag
in parts of UT's West Campus it
includes Parsa parts of East
Austin like
11th and 12th streets I spoke
with both
council members cat kitchen and
tovo and
kitchen tells me this all boils
down to
ensuring safety for everyone
saying that
it is ok to camp or even or sit
and lie
in areas that are not saying
it's not
good for anyone and I don't
that that's not discriminatory
the plan that councilmember
kisara mayor
Adler support is based off of
2010 map
it shows where people can't
ride their
bikes on sidewalks now this map
primarily focused on the
downtown area
so it doesn't really include any
restrictions in West Campus
apart from a
section of the drag or in areas
in East
Austin mayor Adler tells me he
knows the
map is outdated but he says
it's still a
good starting point the city's
identified sidewalks that have
so much
traffic on them that they
shouldn't have
bicycles on them how sick is
all this
these people name just the way
I heard
it kitchen somebody's name
kitchen toboe
and Kassar I mean is there any
names in Austin where these
somebody named kitchen come
from I don't
recognize this you heard the
kitchen yeah kitchen and tobo
heard I
only know I know our our
is P oh let me see kitchen and
you're right and kitchen she's
5 and she I think is the isn't
she the
mayor temp or whatever it is I
she's tempera asking me he may
it may or
tempora she and I think her
tempura he's male mayor tempore
for the
Japanese exactly this is really
oboe or whatever that other
person is
there's another council these
are all
council members well but but
the what's
mind-boggling is how about the
being used for what they were
built for
we had I watched we walking yes
we have
the scooters on the sidewalk
riding on
the Skywalk part I mean they're
these rules about where you can
your scooter but go ahead if
you want to
pitch a tent and now the mayor
well yeah obviously you know if
really busily then we can't
help I'm
comping their hello
and there's something else
going on now Austin yeah what
if if I
ask you what is Austin's main
music no of course not
University of
Texas well that would be the
answer but where we've become a
conference town and part of
that move
when we think when we found out
the del
which is you know founded and
from Austin Texas could not
even hold
their annual sales the sales
because there were not enough
rooms there was a decision that
was made
okay we're gonna be a
conference town
and we are a city and we have a
conference city and a
conference center
and we have lots of hotels that
opening up now and so they're a
lobby surprise surprise they're
after the STRs the short-term
and so the people announcer now
the the
to come together were people
who were
doing air B&B or say well wait
a minute
uh I can't rent out my home for
to stay in it but it's okay for
to camp on the street I mean
you see how
this is not going to end up
well with
all these different groups yeah
for sure and at least they're
something and it looks like
this is no City no lie
ordinance will be
here will be reinstated which
is a
somewhat of a win it's not
fixing the
problem but it's somewhat did
you don't
you have any vagrancy laws in
that town
oh this is exactly what they
did they
said go ahead do whatever you
you're just camping they call
it the
camping laws it's no sit no
like camping
and then there's no doesn't the
homeless does not enter that
that that rule is just camping
it's an interesting workaround
that's what it is all right
well yeah
and you're welcome to it
so I have and I said then
saying so too
much I'm surprised you haven't
caught me
let's get them Felicity Huffman
yeah this was uh this was
which which one do you have I
have a
kind of a showbizzy version
listen to
yours for new details tonight
on actress
Felicity Huffman sentencing in
college admissions scandal
Hoffman must
turn herself in by October 25th
for a
two-week stay at a minimum
prison in California according
to prison
guidelines Huffman will be
allowed to
sunbathe at a certain time also
made her
own bed by 6:30 a.m. every
weekday I
have a longer report from
Inside Edition
we need the we need the real
news jingle
for this this is this is so
much better
although that was start and now
back to
real news Felicity Huffman was
to 14 days in prison for her
role in the
college admissions scandal
Huffman says
her daughter told her I don't
know who
you are anymore mom why didn't
believe in me why didn't you
think I
could do it on my own
the US attorney asked the judge
sentence her to 30 days in jail
Huffman's lawyer asked for no
jail time
Huffman was ordered to turn
herself in
on October 25th to federal
to begin her 14-day sentence in
surprise move she asked to do
her time
in the federal penitentiary in
California it's a much cooler
but the Bureau of Prisons may
choose to
send her to Victorville in the
she should not expect camp
cupcake she
is gonna be clinging back Holly
knows firsthand what it's like
Victorville she served 13
months there
for wire fraud she says
Huffman's time
behind bars will start with a
search that's not the only
that she's going to face you get
harassment you're done means
you are
yelled at Coleman who is now a
consultant says Huffman will
have a hard
time from the correctional
officers not
the other inmate they're going
probably try and rattle her
cage a
little bit more so they're
gonna be
really around her barking
orders at her
what was the food like there
you couldn't even really tell
what it was if it was chicken
it really
didn't look like chicken in
fact most of
the boxes would even say not
for human
consumption I chose this report
specifically to just show you
that this
has nothing to do with law this
is part
of the canceled culture shaming
humiliation it's very odd I
don't know
if I can really describe what I
about this but it's more like
ah you
have to clean toilets bitch
it's kind of
like that instead of instead of
what is
going on with an application
this is the
same as the olden days in the
1600s or
the olden days you put in
stocks yeah in
the stocks in the stockade lot
but in
the middle of town there'd be
some guy
in this bandage with his head
through a
hole and there's our life down
yeah and
kids who come and spit on him
it's kind
of what it is it's evil that
way isn't
it that's just a two week
sentence so
that's easy but there's no
there's no
real discussion of what's
actually going
on here and why this is
necessary and
what the hell CBS had so she's
living it
up except for the fact that she
has to
make her bed whoa yeah that's
so sad so
yeah well the idea was of
course is to
scare the other one Lori
yeah who's with Olivia Jade the
with the giving the finger to
they're gonna go to trial and I
think if
I was on the jury I would be
hard-pressed to find any of
these people
guilty they were suckered by
some by
more or less a scammer or a
system that
was a scammed system and they
know any better cuz they weren't
educated themselves and the
are should have gone to junior
like everyone else if they want
to go to
college at all they didn't have
to go to
some prestigious school like
Olivia Jade
needs to go to anything you
know above
you know Fullerton JC mm or
Long Beach
but okay but I still think this
is the
punishments not fitting the
crime here I
mean yeah there was some fraud
bribery and things like that
but it's
all it was all scumbag but also
this the
way the loop has not been
closed there's
no closure on okay is this still
happening and what was this
ring where's
the guy who was behind it we
don't hear
any of that zero we don't hear
about that guy it's it's it's
become the largest distraction
of the
week the end of pool just shut
up about
everything else don't worry
about it
still going on of course just in
different forms surely through
athletic parts of the of the
system ions
incredible disservice this is
academic industrial complex who
likely blocking stories however
is being done is its disservice
to the
people indeed all right gotta
break this
a brand new theme song
courtesy jean-claude this could
be a hit
Oh TG I'm an OTG guy come on
cut see the
t-shirts and the bumper
stickers yeah
well I'm all in a little update
you're off the grid why should
be off
the grid and why you should be
like me
and like John John has no phone
I have
the phone Yeah right you
haven't a nexus
one and good phones a landline
right made a bakelite I have
the cloaked
iPhone 5 which I realized I
still need
to put the instructions
together how to
do that it doesn't matter that
much if
you're on Verizon do not buy
the iPhone
5 from Amazon like I've done
they will
no longer activate it on
Verizon so that
phone is now being shipped out
pasture if a knife verizon uses
they use
CDMA don't they they don't have
the SIM
cards ok so that's just tough
I'm pretty
sure the F the iPhone 5 will
continue to
to function for GSM based
networks with
a SIM card finally we have some
reporting with questions like
apps share details of women's
menstruation and sex lives with
and other sites question as it
turns out
60% of the apps that track
cycle as
minster menstrual cycles or
cycles which of course
ultimately comes
down to sexual cycles the
minute you
fire up the app it sends off
all your
data to Facebook even if you
don't have
a Facebook account of course
has an account on you you just
participate in it the
iPhone 11 was announced there
was some
an omission in the presentation
where experts are now pretty
sure it
contains the you one that's
letter U one
location chip to facilitate the
tags none of this was mentioned
in this
particular special presentation
that Tim
Tom Collins cook did but let me
what it is the U one location
chip uses
ble which is Bluetooth Low
Energy I
believe that's the same
technology my
hearing aids use it's a 2.4
very low energy so it has a
field but incredibly precise
determination as possible and
the Apple
tags this is very interesting
they're selling them I guess
gonna sell them everywhere I've
them about certainly in the
phone store
it's a little sticker which of
isn't an eye an RFID type of
sticker you
can put it on anything you want
so put
it on your keys if you leave
your keys
on the and you're walking out
of the
house your iPhone will alert
you but pop
up you're walking too far away
from your
keys you so it knows that
you're in the
house out of the house but
let's say you
leave your keys at a bar
the Apple tag system will be
able to
locate your keys even if you're
at home
10 miles away or 100 miles away
doesn't make any difference and
how does
it work yes how does it work
Adam the
all Apple iPhones we are now
part of a
network of course encrypted we
can never
see what it's all about and
it's a mesh
type of network where they are
Apple tags anywhere in the
vicinity and
reporting it all back to Apple
on a
continuing basis so there are
words hold on a second I'm guy
just and
I'm stopping it so I can ask a
question so I've got an RFID
tag on my
keys and I left the keys at the
bar and
they're apples assuming there's
so many
people there at any given
public place
there will be a number of Apple
correct and those Apple iPhones
will be
sending out some some signal
to get the induction to work on
the keys
the ID and it say oh look
there's a key
number one one five five six
six brief a
b25 ba ba ba yeah let me just
take that
information and send it to
Apple and
maybe some other people can cut
triangulate on this key and
they'll at
least Apple now will know where
the key
is if the owner of the key
wants to find
it do you know now in the
process of
doing this the Apple iPhone is
signals to the headquarters and
conduction currents out to the
to the
RFID tag and it's wasting juice
wonder the battery doesn't last
for long
that was my problem with the
system but
you make a good point I'm all
for it
yeah that's not bad
that's exactly what it's going
to do and
but you can put these things on
you can put it on your kid you
put it on
your dog put it on your
neighbor you
could you can track other
people if I
slap a tag on you you know like
putting a you know you put a
kick me
sign on someone's back you slap
a little
tag on them so there's a lot of
implications about this but the
thing is going to be used for
is for
retail tracking and you better
Apple has all kinds of deals in
to help retail understand
exactly where
the customer is standing and
this will
be this is going to be very big
and I'm
sure Apple's not the only one
they're not really talking
about it all
they talk about is how how they
about your privacy and your
well I'm not so sure about it
but this
story as I was watching ESPN
I'm always
surprised it I flip on ESPN to
catch up
on sports as I do frequent
lights as I
frequently do imagine my
surprise when I
hear a kind of an OTG segment
show material regarding bama we
tried to
look it up I guess that's the
team Bama brother oh yeah
knows Bama yes I knew that
bomani Nick Saban has a
solution for the empty student
he keeps complaining about his
New York
Times reports that Alabama had
install a custom version of an
app named
fan maker that tracks locations
of fans
inside the stadium and the
reward is
loyalty points to be redeemed
for SEC
title game and college football
tickets so what does this app
sound like
to you
alright so I do like kind of
dig the
idea that you can be rewarded
staying the whole game because
they do
have a problem here which is
they be
beating the brakes off people
and not
everybody wants to be running
the risk
of getting skin cancer watching
foregone conclusion right so I
understand that part of it
however the
idea that they are tracking you
yes this
is the case with most apps you
use to be
clear most of them have this
power and
do that but it starts feeling
creepy when you start hearing
about it
in these settings it sounds
dystopian it
sounds like you are getting
paid actors
to end up attending these games
the players are not paid so
what do we
do we have to build the
around them that helps recruit
more of
those players and so the fans
complicit in that but for me
this all
strikes the privacy it strikes
to the
notion that we are just going
to let
schools universities employers
track you because where does it
where does it
you get your location well hold
on now
we're kind of burying the lead
to a
degree here now we're the lead
we decided to focus this around
but on our research coming up
to do this
show we found out that the
University of
North Carolina is using
tracking to make
sure that the players go to
class like
it's no longer enough now to put
somebody outside of the class
which you
can do when everybody takes the
classes and just to check if
they go now
oh no no no they are going to
be using
this to track whether you go to
which gets us to the point that
you are
making at what point do you
think they
are going to stop like once
they get a
little bit in here they're
going to keep
doing it why because they see
it as a
good idea why because it makes
sense if
one argument that we can't
continue to
use Pablo for justify things
it's simply
that they make sense because
then you
get to this stuff imagine my
surprise an
OTG segment on ESPN this is not
we're spreading this is a big
actually in the sports world
Alabama or Bama they are the
best well a
second best actually the second
college football team but but
always the best or the second
best and