September 22nd, 2019 • 2h 56m
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is no agenda the drone star
state in the
morning everybody
hi Adam Curry and from northern
Silicon Valley where we watch
the score
run up to 67 to 63 and compare
it to a
soccer score of 1 nil and ask
which is
more interesting I'm John C
Dvorak I
think you asked a question but
I fell
asleep it was so long what was
question again is it more
interesting to
watch a soccer game where the
score is 1
nil yeah as opposed to a
football game
that goes
67 to 63 was there a game that
I was
supposed to watch oh who knew I
know there was any game on
Saturday they
have a number of these games
college teams you have a
college team
near your house yes yes yes
they haven't
been to great house they're in
middle of town too it's not
exactly the
middle of town you don't think
the Texas
campus is in the middle of town
downtown is the middle of town
okay well
you're in any other burg it
would be
considered mean pretty close to
okay well
that's great you know you sound
like a
very old white American guy who
does not understand does not
soccer soccer soccer I've been
to the
great soccer stadiums in Brazil
proceedeth no that doesn't mean
that you
understand it otherwise you
talk like this
well maybe you might be right
you're onto something yeah
that's okay
and I I don't condemn you but
there's no
reason to be so hateful we're
going to
have a very important soccer
here in Austin you have this
big giant
Texas complex watches use that
again it's like eat all you can
be is
just negative about sports in
in in
Austin and Austin and and
football and
soccer is live so where's the
stadium going up wherever
housing was supposed to be
usually we like to put our
stadiums oh yeah yeah well
something for the homeless yeah
well we
can talk about that later I do
have some
updates on the homeless but
it's too
depressing to start with let's
with the green New Deal and the
March oh the climate March I do
I think
I have a summary clip so there
was well
actually there was two things
we had the
school strike with all strike
yes the
school strike with led of
course by
create the do you mean that's
official Mary let's know this
is how Amy
pronounces it I'm keeping it to
the pros
Maddie that's how she
pronounces it and
if they were very unoriginal
this is
pretty much the whole March and
wasn't hundreds of thousands it
was tens
of thousands in New York so it
was kind
of I don't know if it was any
good for
what it did but this is all
that I heard
that's all they got it's
another blob of
hey hey ho ho so I'm feeling
the blank
has got to go I couldn't
understand it
like I heard the hey hey ho ho
this is
pretty hard to miss but what
would had
to go climate change climate
change got
to go yes climate change has
got to go I
know not co2 not oil not gas no
change yes I'm on board with
this this
bullcrap climate change has got
to go I
agree with them there
jeez hey hey ho ho our chant
have got to go we got to get
better ones
in there
and the whole thing was odd
Greta Greta
spoke before the the General
the the United Nations General
and reading from a piece of
paper she
said this I have not come to
offer any
prepared remarks at this
hearing read
verbatim instead attaching my
it is the IPCC special report
on global
warming of 1.5 degrees Celsius
the SR
1.5 which was released on
October 8th
2018 I am submitting this
report as my
testimony because I don't want
you to
listen to me I want you to
listen to the
scientists and I want you to
put you
nights behind the science and
then I
want you to take real action
thank you
what a gyp
she sailed all the way from
to come to New York and this is
this is
45 seconds is all we get of and
then she
submits the
Hey note to her that they
already have
this report I hope so
she's resubmitting it yes he is
resubmitting it the contrast to
that is
Alan Jones in Australia Oh No
here we go
again yes you can take one of
friends in Australia for this
clip yeah
we have a minute this is Alan
reason and fairly somebody sent
nasty note in to him about how
kids should grow up and he
decides to
read it and there's an
fashion prompt of this pace
that someone
sent to me I thought I'd share
it with
you it's called growing up few
commentaries on this global
warming hoax
have had greater relevance than
this I
think I might send it to Al
Gore and it
says this to all the school
kids going
on strike for climate change
you're the
first generation who've required
air-conditioning in every
classroom you
on TV in every room and your
classes are
all computerized you spend all
day and
night on electronic devices
more than
ever you don't walk or ride
bikes to
school yeah if you arrive in
caravans of
private cars that choked
suburban roads
and worse than rush-hour traffic
you're the biggest consumers of
manufactured goods ever mm-hmm
an update
perfectly good expensive luxury
items to
stay trendy your entertainment
from electric devices
furthermore the
people driving your protest are
the same
people who insist on actually
the population growth through
immigration which increases the
need for
energy manufacturing and
transport the
more people we have the more
forest and
bush land we clear the more of
environment that's destroyed
how about
this tell your teachers that
switch off
the aircon walk will riders
switch off
your devices and read a book
make a
sandwich instead of buying
fast-food no none of this will
because the piece says you're
badly educated virtues
signalling little
turds inspired by the adults
around you
who crave a feeling of having a
while they indulge themselves
in Western
luxury an unprecedented quality
of life
the piece ends by saying wake
up grow up
and shut up until you're sure
of the
facts before protesting as an
old white
male I applaud this yeah the
lame-ass chance
how about turn off your iPhones
for a
day you know don't charge him
for a week
go clean up something on the
there's something dead I think
it was a
bust I think the whole thing
was a bust
and then to make matters worse
they had
that we are the weird the
people March
the next day
which made it very confusing
what are we
supposed to focus on who are
people what is this crowd I
don't know
did you see any of the we we
are the
people March no none none
this is while they were out
there for
sure well they lost the
competition if
there was one four four
mindshare well I
looked into this we are the
people March
it's not the first time they've
though it's basically we hate
Trump that
is is they could have called it
we hate
the term we hate Trump March
but they
call it the we are the people
March and
they're these are some rookies
there's some big names behind
it first
of all we are the people March
2019 org
that's their website rookies
you should try we are the
people March
20-19 dot-com
that now goes to no agenda and
i did them in the favor of
we are the people March 2020
org so I'll
be ready for him next year what
a bunch
of morons you don't even know
what if
you're gonna do some kind of
you know
campaign register your domain
well yeah you had to do an
advance for
the next twenty years that's
way you
don't want to put the Nate that
year in the in the domain name
is always
a mistake unless you got
nothing but you
know time on your hands to get
all these
domains yeah which I have some
whatever I see stuff like that
let me
just check your C's the dot-coms
available ok snag wait come was
available in they used it org
yeah they
wanted to sound like an
yeah so I got the dot-com and
dot org
for 20/20 thinkin if they can
talk to me
I was looking at the show might
that might might I don't want
to be a
black male or anything I hold
hostage so there were
professional signs
and the professional signs
pointed to
Rev comm dot us that Rev comm
dot us yes
relics that one's got me
Buffalo welcome
to the revolution now this is
this March
was sponsored by the voice of
Revolutionary Communist Party
USA no I
don't nobody played it up and
who is the
brain force behind this Soros no
although he may be in there
Bob Avakian does this name ring
a bell
to you
he sounds familiar it sounds
familiar yeah Bob Avakian also
known as
be a that's how they come he is
chairman of the Revolutionary
Party of the USA he's been
around for a
while is born in 43 let me see
he was
the guy behind the new left new
communism born in DC grew up in
he was involved with the
students for a
Democratic Society the Free
Movement I think you were
around those
parts at that time and the
Black Panther
Party the Peace and Freedom
Party the
revolutionary youth movement
the weather
and this guy oh yeah he's one
of those
guys who puts his attaches
himself to
all these things he has zero to
do with
the Free Speech Movement I'm
sure he I'm
sure he had nothing to do with
it but
boy these these people over at
the new
Communist Party they really
love him and
he has his six resolutions of
Central Committee of the
Communist Party USA it's really
interesting that they really
think you
know communism is the answer
um I know let me see if I can
reek of
the it nearly six resolutions
it's in
the show notes you can go take
a look at
if you want but PA as they say
in the
it's it's that's that is how
they call
him the name-calling Bob's BA
is greater
than the party this character
of greater
than as the principal aspect of
relationship we have emphasized
leadership of BA in the new
synthesis of
communism that he has brought
provides a theoretical
framework the
scientific method and the
approach for a
whole new stage of communist
so their thing is somehow they
will use
science to show that communism
is the
way to go and they don't really
that anywhere that I could find
but I
did find an interview like it
was a
conversation onstage between
Bob Avakian
and Cornel West to kind of give
you an
idea what these guys are all
about and
this is from 2016 I don't know
it was
just before the election or
four was
after but that people are in the
audience communists our new
a scientific communist perhaps
asking you know whoa what we do
voting voting is basically
doesn't work
voting is not the way to go in
a society
and we'll just listen to a
little bit of
that so you get an idea of why
you don't
need to go to these marches in
to voting is there no value in
to abolish the system while
participating to minimalize the
immediate damage it does at the
time and then someone else asks
if we
avoid voting because no
represents the left how can we
avoid enabling the rise of the
worst of
the right I think it was in
with Goldman
who used to say if if voting
would lead
towards fundamental
transformation it
will be it would be illegal
so we're not against we're
never against
reform we fight for reform we
just don't
we're not seduced by the
illusions of
reform that's all wouldn't is
that a
characterization what you were
much yeah but I I think there's
I guess but I also think
there's another
point here which is the logic
of the
vote of voting forgets one very
fact that in any kind of
profound social
change has come about it didn't
about by people playing by the
rules and
going along with the way things
are it
went by people stepping outside
of the
way things are and refusing to
go along
with the rules that mind you
this is
when Donald Trump was going
outside of
all the rules and stepping on
and and they're triggered by it
but are
advocating for the exact same
thing good
yeah even and by the way before
continue yeah that kind of that
that's the vacuum guy with the
voice ah yes yeah um probably
had a
vasectomy early on it does look
boyish for his age he this is
kind of
the stuff that you would get in
sort of left-leaning high
school civics
class I mean this is so
simplistic and
stupid it's just that the fact
people would listen to it is
beyond me
well I'm gonna pain you for
another 50
seconds if the way things are
refusing to go along with the
rules if
you think about for example
even some of
the gains of the civil rights
it the way things were in the
south was
it wasn't just something people
you know
white people didn't want that
people could go to a restaurant
it was
against the law that's right
the law
said that you had to have
segregation so
if you are gonna if you are
gonna change
that you couldn't say we have
to abide
by the law you have to say this
law is
an unjust law we have to step
and oppose that and every if
you think
about any kind of basic change
been brought about it's always
see people say you know I'm for
I gotta call his name Michael
Eric Dyson
you know in the last
election said well you know if
you don't
vote then you aren't in the
game you
know that the championship is
the San
Antonio Spurs and the Miami
Miami Heat
you if you don't support one of
two teams and you don't have it
don't you're not involved you
don't have
you don't have a dog in the
fight it's
actually it's not that much
from what I hear Republicans
saying or
we've said hey you know we
don't just
have two parties but these guys
just say
you're not gonna vote we can't
vote it's
got to be revolution firebombs
you know
whatever no voting we're not
but then
why does the guy throw at all
so then he
throws out a bunch of sports
cliches at
us he's a total douche a total
but anyway people got out there
they I
don't even think they know what
marching for they just hate
Trump y'all
March with the commies really
yeah and
you know the thing is I
because I read a lot of this
I'm very
interested why people follow
you know
there's six resolutions of the
Committee of the Revolutionary
Party I'm interested in these
things and
you know but why the younger
has been convinced that health
which really is health care
insurance is
a human right housing is a
human right a
job is a human right they just
want what
their what their rights are and
damned how it works just I need
my job I
need my health care I need my
food and
then you know when you wake up
one day
you're in the same box as your
doing the same dreary job as
neighbor even the same brown
food as
your neighbor maybe you'll
change your
mind but it's going to be too
late by
this is and it kind of folds
into that
utopian world you know that
Alan Jones
was talking about hey kids shut
up to
the biggest users of capitalist
I barely even want to buy a new
car any
might want to but yeah just
give me
something an old junker
yeah well that's us yeah well
that is us
I learned that from by watching
you okay
that's where I learned that old
that old
car stuff is better for sure it
anyway it's still something the
thing is
I'm gonna give a car buying tip
just out
of the blue here okay people
want to buy
a good used car
mm first of all don't be in a
never be in a hurry in other
words it's
put your sights on a car you
want I want
one of these and then just wait
it out
and it doesn't matter how long
you wait
there you're gonna find some
nut ball or
borderline that ball or
somebody that
has too much money and it has a
bunch of
cars he never drives and you're
find a brand new close to new
version of
what you wanted just wait it
out because
there's always some guy and
you'll fight
or you'll find some guy who was
like a
neat freak that's what you
really want
and he sells you a car the car
like it just came off the
showroom floor
in his 8 years old
I haven't seen many of those
but ok oh
yeah if Jay Leno is your
neighbor maybe
they're out there is that how
you got
your Lexus 26 years ago I well
they know
but I've got another car sense
that have
been following that procedure
and it's
just like what well what this
cars brand
new you know all right how many
miles do
you wait it out wait it out how
miles do you drive you here I
drive that many now me neither
speaking let's have a job yeah
which I
only partake in such things
about once
every decade holy Fran I'd only
fares a
learning experience generally
about 15,000 miles a year
Wow well you know that truck
that I have
three years 11,000 miles three
years I'm
the guy you want to buy the
truck from
yeah I saw that truck that
looks good
doesn't it and you are a neat
freak even
though you're in denial
that car if whoever buys that
car from
you if you haven't sold already
is gonna
get a beautiful product yes
you're like a target they're
me they're ready for me exactly
okay so that was Thursday and
what else haven't there's some
things going on we got this new
whistleblower kind of not
really well
the whistleblower thing is
funny because
there did this is deep this is
the holy
grail for the Democrats they
they're all convinced that is
unbelievable how important this
unless I got sick a couple of
clips here
okay let's go to the and you
gotta find
someone who can explain it to
ya yeah I
mean I can run it'll run over
it pretty
easily it's what can i connect
tonight can I give it a stab
because I
think I've got ya want you do
it cuz I
got the clips okay so here's
what I
think happened
the way I understand it the
Ukraine was
trying to the new Ukrainian
or strong wishes apparently the
guy who's nice comedians
running it the
comedians running he wants to
talk to
his colleague the comedian in
in the White House and and he's
nowhere we can't get through in
State Department which probably
has many
shields left over from the
administration they're holding
it back
because there's that what the
the new
Ukrainian government wants to
tell us
hey man you got some corrupt
doing some stuff over here
which I think
we kind of remember if you hear
this you
know Victoria Nuland you know
putting the new government in
place and
then there's the thing with Joe
we'll get to but they wanted to
communicate something it didn't
through there was no response
from the
US so the new the comedian
president in
Ukraine is thinking oh man why
do they
hate us they mad I can't have
this and
so they broker a deal where
they send a
lawyer and the State Department
Giuliani of course friends with
comedian you know to go
exchange some
jokes on we're on neutral
territory in
Paris and that's where Giuliani
out oh man hold on a second so
they were
investigating that Biden hunter
story good on you and then that
continued somehow and this is
the part
where I think it may have been
it would
be beautiful if it was a
from our comedian to let this
through to
a number of people you always
want to
find the leaker then thence
that leaker
goes Louis try to influence
again is do it again and of
course it
turns out this person didn't
hear anything firsthand and
then to save
face or whatever I'm a
whistleblower I
have protection or something
like that
and the whole thing is
hilarious because
ultimately it sounds like Joe
threatened the Ukrainian
government pre
comedian days hey get this
off my son's case otherwise I'm
going to let this billion
dollars come
through to you that we had in
guarantees how did I do well
better than I would have done
and I'm
glad you took the took took it
took it
okay um I think that analysis
which is a
not standard yeah but I think
more or less what happened I
mean it's
very what you said if you took
it over
just verbatim I think it would
it may be
actually what happened exactly
okay but
anyway so it with the result of
it no
let me give you the
reinterpretation of
it yes because this is the best
part so
so Trump decides to get on the
phone and
he's trying to clear the Joe
candidacy and by the way this
may also
be if you're gonna use your
thesis this
may also be a methodology to
put give
Joe Biden more strength so he
does get
picked oh that's a good point
yeah so let's just go after Joe
going after Joe early will do a
so we gotta get Joe in there
right but so supposedly gets on
phone code a bunch of people
cuz there's
a bunch of people in the room
all the
time when he's on a phone call
like this
and there's people listening in
NSA's I everybody's on the
people are on
the lines everyone's there this
was a
whole slew of people and he
says that
the guy hey to the comic or hey
I want
you to look into this Joe Biden
this guy is a criminal we think
and he's
doing some deals over the
that looks like they should
they need
looking into and if you do that
gonna be very generous with our
aid no of course and that's it
that's what the whistleblower
wait a minute is that something
akin to
the open mic situation where
Obama said to Medvedev hey tell
after the election I have a lot
flexibility is that kind of the
it's exactly the same thing
from that
perspective that you're coming
from now
so that we can assume that this
none of
this is true but they're using
favorite thing let's listen to
a couple
and read between the lines I
want you to
read between the lines on this
one all
right just as shields shields
comes up
because she did go right to him
shields the time.i Brooks and
the two the two Democrats who
supposedly reflect the two
sides of an
argument but they're both in
on everything on the PBS
Newshour which
has been taken over by the
Party ever since Gwen Ifill
left the
plan world but anyway shields on
whistleblower now see if you
can pick up
the subtext in this clip which
i think
is profound person is alleging
that he
knows that the president in a
conversation with now we think
it's the
president of ukraine urged the
of ukraine mark to investigate
Biden's son and we have a
there's still
no no the president denies it
and others
do but now we have several news
backing up the story and I was
handed and you've seen it a
statement by
Joe Biden he says if these
reports are
true there's truly no bottom to
president Trump's willingness
to abuse
his power and abuse our country
behavior is particularly
because it explores the foreign
of our country and undermines
national security for political
how seriously should we be
taking these
allegations I think they're
enormous ly
serious and the fact that the
Street Journal is leading this
laundered the New York Times The
Washington Post but this is
this is not
false no it was a fake news or
of the sort it's not a political
vendetta of any sort wait a
minute there
was a lot there that he said
that was
confused was The Washington
Post is on
it and what was he saying about
that or
this have nothing to do with
the subtext
no that was the stuff yeah the
is the following and I want you
to play
the clip again it's short
enough but the
subtext is the following the
Wall Street
Journal's leading the way so
this isn't
the Washington Post or the New
Times who are
full of crap he's saying it's
in a
subject who are full of crap
and have a
political vendetta no it's not
papers no Washington it's this
new ties
to the Washington journal
Street Journal
just confusing myself The Wall
Journal they're okay they're
not a bunch
of douchebags like the right
let's hear
it again for political purposes
seriously should we be taking
allegations I think they're
enormous ly
serious and the fact that the
Street Journal is leading this
story on
during the New York Times The
Post but this is this is not
the fault
it was a fake news or anything
I think
that's a keeper this clip we
should keep
that around that's worth it
that's that
is the essence of what no
agenda is
about catch these people sit
just tell
them the truth it always wants
to slip
out doesn't it so he goes on
here this
is part two is this short
little clip he
continues a little bit with this
thinking this is really serious
this is
totally totally
exploiting the national
security of the
end of putting at risk the
security of the United States
please for
narrow really how is it putting
national security at risk if in
fact the
reports are true and I guess
the most
disturbing thing to me Judy was
president accused the
whistleblower who
normos risk and and required
considerable courage from what I
understand this whistleblower
is not
really a whistleblower didn't do
anything under whistleblower
but once it turned out that the
that the
leaker was identified and that
came through the Wall Street
then the leaker goes to of all
the Department of Justice and
says I'm a
whistleblower but that's not
how it
you're supposed to go to the
general there's a whole path
for that
and yes we have good thing good
in place for with reasonably
procedures in place for
but that is that someone say
you know
and that's someone who met who
messed it
up big time
someone very wrong with this
leaking so
now I want to point out a what
seems to
be and I was called it a mean
but a word
that you're gonna start hearing
it's just to try to get you in
the mood
this is a mood word I consider
it a mood
word and you might be able to
pick it up
on the S Brooks response this
is Brooks
coming with his supposedly you
know we
have these two guys are
supposed to be
arguing with each other and one
to take this sigh you know one
side and
it takes the other side they
can't do it
they can't bring themselves to
do it so
they in total agreement
because they're both a bunch of
lackeys and so here we go
here's Brooks
is response to see if you pick
up this
one word the people in the
White House
were making fun of all this
maritza gonna be a he-said
situation going forward well
the call was listened to by
others and
recorded so you know I'm an
quarter but certainly listen to
calls are not it's not just a
one on one
call there's people on line you
know III
think it is pretty grave most
go into the White House
thinking I'm
here to serve the office I'm
here to
serve America Donald Trump was
America to serve him grave I
like the
word grave yeah and that's it
too and
because shields also use the
word I have
us just a short clip of him
using the
same exact word to describe the
situation as grave who it's
grave III
think it's enormously gravely
they're not evenly in agreement
using the same scripts yes the
script so I think we're gonna
seeing the word grave you know
if you
think about it from a public
perspective it's a great word
to start
throwing in there cuz for one
thing it's
the word grave is you're the
first thing
you think about is a deuce
yeah this is the end of Trump
yep graves
on yes it's a grave situation
so I think
they're gonna start using this
word to
try to get us to think that way
but let
and in fact Shields is already
introducing the impeachment
thing and
this is the last eight second
clip and
this is how he finished his
little his
little spiel if it's true
Judy's and I I
don't I don't see how the
Democrats can
back off on the impeachment
yeah no
that's obvious cuz AOC whose
nickname is
sandy by the way I think we
should start
calling her sandy yes in her in
I see
like the little squirrel on
more like well when I hear
sandy people
of my age
why you think of Sponge Bob I
think of
grease but okay sandy yes sandy
nice cool sandy sandy was a
very popular
name when I was in school
mm-hmm and
surround Elvis's kid state you
know its
grammar school and high school
the girls were always the same
age and
as I because as I got older
they did so
the sandy but so sandy is it
and I think
sandy is a type and then
doesn't absorb
is not sandy does not conjure
up a OC in
my mind's eye exactly concert
up a blonde surfer girl
mmm-hmm over the hill little
bit maybe a
little too much Sun just cuz
skins kind
of leather little leathery yeah
a little
leather because she's been too
much Sun
she doesn't even know she's a
worshiper named Sandy she keeps
her hair
dyed bleached blonde make sure
no gray and her nails are
perfect good
nice nails and and she said
puts on a
hell of a party and knows how
to set a
table we're gonna die you and I
gonna kill us
at the end of us can't be
talking like
that I don't know do we have a
lot of
any Sandy's that listen to the
show that
they can write in and tell us
if we're
right yes and pictures so sandy
tweets out sandy says at this
point the
bigger national scandal isn't
president's law-breaking
the Democratic Party's refusal
impeach him you can tell that
she lost
her her brain and the guy who
left oh no
that guy was he the it's the
water yeah
she's dead in the water she's
nothing and and especially with
Omar lying real low these days
she's in some trouble so they
got the
squad is kind of headless but
yeah but
this is the thing and and a lot
of it
was based off of Rudy people
lost their
crap over Rudy Giuliani on the
Oak Creek quit show Cuomo kids
show with
his giant head next to
everybody else
it's a short clip but you it's
just like
okay so yeah it sounds like
exactly as I
explained it went down did you
to ask
the Ukraine to investigate Joe
Biden no
actually I didn't I asked the
Ukraine to
investigate the allegations
that there
was interference in the
election of 2016
by the Ukrainians for the
benefit of
Hillary Clinton for which there
is never-ending anything about
Biden this by the way is is
kind of even
I glossed over it that was part
of their
message was to say hey there
was some
stuff going on here and you
guys need to
know about it
you know who's from Ukraine the
of CrowdStrike
you know the guys who got the
DNC server
or not the SBI so you know the
going on there Ukraine is not
in a
vacuum on its own radians for
benefit of Hillary Clinton for
they were already as I'm never
anything about hunter Biden you
asked anything about Jovi only
thing I
asked Joe Biden is to get to
the bottom
of how it was that would senko
who was
appointed right dismissed the
against anti you did ask
Ukraine to look
into Joe Biden of course I did
you just said you didn't know I
ask him to look into Joe Biden
and it
wasn't the allegations that
related to
my client which tangentially
Joe Biden in a massive bribery
so you know Cuomo kid's head
over that but Joe Biden was
very clear
about exactly what happened
some of you
have seen this some of you
haven't but
this is the No Agenda show we'd
rolling out whatever evidence
we have
and this was just a regular one
of those
Aspen sessions you know where
you know
you can ask whatever you want
and it's a
small captive audience and they
video it and most people don't
watch it
cuz it's boring now but here's
telling you exactly how it
happened with
the usual Joe Flair and so I
got Ukraine
and I remember going over
convincing our
team or others to convince he
says so I
got Ukraine you know that's the
one that
I was assigned Ukraine I'd do
the dirty
work over there you got yeah
you got
Ukraine so you go over there
and you got
Russia you go over there yeah
hey Joe
don't you kid I've something me
all right you're on point on
Ukraine go
Joe and so I got Ukraine and I
going over convincing our team
or others
to convincing us that we should
providing for loan guarantees
and I went
over against the 12th 13th time
to Kiev
and and I was going supposed to
announced that there was
another billion
dollar loan guarantee and I had
gotten a
commitment from poroshenko and
yachts and hook that they would
action against a state
prosecutor and
they didn't so they said that
they were
walking out to Prescott said no
I said
I'm not going over we're not
going to
give you the billion dollar
they said you have no authority
not the president the president
said I
said call him billion dollars I
you're not getting a billion
I'm gonna
be leaving here I think it was
watch six
hours I look at I said we leave
in six
hours if the prosecutors not
you're not getting the money Oh
son of a
bitch got fired and they put in
someone who was solid at the
time notice
he says at the time because
there's some
it's not quite as rosy as Joe
would like
it this is cover I put in place
who was solid at the time well
still dates so they made some
substantial changes
institutionally and
with people but and one of the
institutions there's now some
backsliding the courts are
there and in
the north and they had made that
commitment that they wouldn't
do that
and so when we left the first
thing I
spent a lot of time as did Mike
this was his territory as well
people like Charlie caption and
anyway sorry other good people
we had
working on this yeah Victoria
who said
fuck the EU
yeah Swanson they'll do
whatever we tell
come on Jo's coming in we're
cover from Joe now he played it
all all
the phone calls and you know I
even really mine that much
I mean Jared Kushner's all over
world cutting deals and yeah of
Trump's gonna have hotels in
Iran and
North Korea Bobby obvious at
this point
if you really want to talk
about some
bullcrap then go after this win
operation that Jared Kushner is
a part
of who texts me twice a day
asking for a
hundred dollars for the
president and
they got quite an operation
really uh really amazing and
the ants
and that skim an eight percent
off the
top and it's of course
son of a bitch son of a Biden
what it is
sign up son of a Biden that
should be
the new swear word son of a
Biden so
Joe's in trouble with that
because the debt sounds
completely like
they prosecutor was being nasty
his kid and he got him fired
but it
sounds like yeah but don't but
this don't pay th this Trump
Trump Trump
huh just get him in Peach gosh
golly yeah well but you
meanwhile Nancy
Pelosi no no and no the people
want it they have no case no
they have
no case a and really don't the
don't want it a lot of
Democrats do but
that's probably the minority of
yeah and they know it's a setup
just a setup it's just to give
more publicity he give he's
like a yeah
he's unbelievable getting
attention and
publicity and fries like they
said it
was like five billion dollars
or the
free media per day I ran it yes
per day it was he's getting
nothing but
more free media with these
people they
don't understand resist
it's like irresistible yeah it's
baffling it's truly baffling
and and you
see all these puppets like
Schiff all of
a sudden pops up again we
haven't heard
from shift for months no white
apparently is good as you get
older it
takes longer and longer to shed
well Nadler is on deck for that
man it's
he needs to take a few a few
days off to
shed it and get the new skin in
yeah and
reptiles not crazy
then we said go ahead well I
was gonna
go on through with what you
were headed
no I was just gonna change to a
different topic so I don't know
if you
had something else well I was
gonna kind
of switch to the humorous part
of the
show oh okay which is about
half the
show but I've decided I'm gonna
try to
do the gaffe of the week from
Joe Biden
no cuz that's my assignment but
I also
have this week I do have a
stupid clip
from your buddy Sheila Jackson
my buddy
just because Texas know each
aren't they're all friends I
that woman I saw this I saw
this clip
this is one of our producers to
turn us
on twist isn't they this is a
great clip in the for the
people who
know anything and you know most
know more about guns than Sheila
Texas woman why deconstruction
of what
she says and I think I know what
happened but because if you
listen to
what she does and what she says
it's very but here make sure
obvious what happened but this
is her
and somebody caught her in the
hall yeah
and she's complaining about
weapons and so here's what she
had to
say about the ar-15 I don't
know what
else it takes I don't believe
that we
can stop at the door of the
States House I believe they
will have to
be an emergence of members of
the House
flooding the United States
sinning for
sin and Connell to understand
that these
initiatives today my gun
storage bill my
bill that I've introduced
dealing with
was a callable weapon I've held
an ar-15
in my hand I wish I had it it
is as
heavy as ten boxes that you
might be
moving and the bullet that is
utilize a
50 Cal for these kinds of
bullets need
to be lifers and do not need to
be on
the streets the ar-15 shoots 50
Cal is
that what she's saying 50
bullets which need to be
licensed yeah
and and the rifle
apparently weighs what ten
boxes of you
know a moving stuff of stuff
stuff which so some somebody
put a 50
caliber in her hands somebody
put a 50
caliber machine gun yeah
exactly which
are heavy
ar-15 if anyone's ever been
around what
a shot one you could lift it up
your pinky it's a very light
well hold
on you talk and I'll go get
mine I'll
now is a very light weapon and
so what
she's describing is a machine
somebody said oh yeah
they were putting her on
they're kidding
her okay so oh yeah your hell
today are
15 new Sheila oh no I never have
oh we got one here look at this
and they
drop a machine gun in her arms
it was probably weighs about
Janos 50
pounds or whatever and and did
you look
at the bullets look how big
they are so
I go home I got y'all freaked
out she
didn't give me away so much so
she's an
idiot so I got my ar-15 and I'm
it by my pinkie it's the
pinky's I mean
you can hold it it's it's
little it's a
little on the heavy side for
that but
it's it's not it's not no it's
not ten
you're two for your two fingers
pointing finger and middle
finger you
could easily hold a gun with
that yeah
you're right you're right you
can't do
that with a machine gun
welcome to 50 caliber doesn't
fit so odd
50 calibers it's a 23 or 22 to
23 I
but ever yeah typical so she's
a moron
many the way I said somebody
pulled a
prank on her and she fell for
it now on
to Joe Biden Oh God for the
weak we need
a jingle I mean II think you
need a
drink'll somebody Joe Biden's
gaffe of
the week this is Joe Biden's
gaffe of
the week about prisons yes and
by the
way in prison in prison the
determination should be that
your sexual
identity is defined by what you
say it
is not what in fact the prison
says it
is and in that case you should
entitled also to OGB wine anyway
questions likely to either I
guess so
Joe Joe listen I gotta do a
briefing I know it's gonna
sound weird
Joe but someone's gonna ask you
if women
who are really men who want to
be women
who are transgendered if they
can be in
you know if they can be the
thin or and
you know orange is the new
black Joe you
know that okay they want to be
there and
you're gonna say that's okay
and then
then he goes out and does that
and he
said you can get an obg and was
what what he's saying is that
anyone can
say what so in other words your
um any
male you really have to be just
identified as a female you
don't have to
even be going near changing
your your
sex or anything yet no
operations just
like some dude yeah and you and
you get
to choose your own sex and you
go to
that jail yeah but there won't
anybody in the men's prisons of
not ah yes I identify
differently of
course how about it so the guy
is what's
sad about it because he's just
along with ever someone tells
him he
doesn't really he's not really
in it
it's it's abusive at this point
really abusive you're abusing
elderly I mean I don't want to
be ageist
about it but yes I mean some
people who
are in their 70s you know get a
more frazzled than others some
people in
the 50s get more frazzled Joe
is not
here him - the older person in
group of of old people
competitors which
is Joe is Bernie Bernie's a
couple years
older than Joanie's much
sharper yeah
Bernie but didn't Bernie just
get voted
off the island by everybody
this this
weekend know what happened
where I fact
that just I haven't knew if
people go to
the contenders the website I'm
send a note out what is this
website I got this essay that's
consonant about what I think
who's gonna
be taking the nomination but
what is
this contenders website what
happened to
cosmically not a web site is
the web
it's a page as a PDF file or HD
is a
cosmic weenie thing isn't it
yes it
okay it's on cause it's the
on cosmic weenie you scared me
yeah okay
yes big week yes let's get that
so I've finally I concluded now
everybody except those three
Warren and Bernie are off
they're gone
they're done there's nothing
they can do
they fell off the face of the
Camelot special on actually her
off they're over over so you
have those
three left but Bernie that we
know they're not gonna let him
do it
because he's you know too many
so it's only there's two people
left and
it's Warren and bitin in the
ticket I'm
predicting his bite in Warren
they can't get along and there
it would
be a ticket that has a
man/woman balance
but it's got no geographical
like the Democrat Party you
know with
all their social justice and
justice and justice now came up
with the
two oldest white people they
could find
two old white people from the
these two white people should
be doing a
podcast that's about it like us
we know
our place we know our place so
they're a
band they're both from the
Northeast at
least you and I we were always
geographically except for a
very short
period of time geographically
so give us a little more
angularity to
the podcast you're in Texas
which is
to California in some ways or
you were
an in England for a while you
were here
you were there but they're both
neighbors close enough I had a
disappointing moment this
weekend with
my favorite candidate Marianne
Williamson I know that you know
has no
chance but doesn't matter I
mean I voted
for the build the dome and
Austen guy I
mean I vote for people I
believe in
Marianne Williamson had a good
rap I
liked it but then she was asked
question on this MSNBC climate
what are
this called
MSNBC climate forum the climate
about nuclear I believe in
nuclear I've
kept up with nuclear technology
we have many professionals and
who are producers of this show
if you
look into 4th Gen Y a backyard
new to
this all kinds of stuff
happening every
day I will say this to most
bitching and moaning about
nuclear don't
are bitching and moaning about
technology of the 50s the 1950s
yes yeah
so here's Marianne Williamson
who could
have done a lot better on this
one so
you say they in your
crisis plan that I have to
mention I cut
out all the long pauses because
I just
didn't want it to take two
minutes you
want the United States to stop
all use
of nuclear energy
what do you identifies the
problems with
nuclear energy and what do you
say to
those who think it simply gets
a bad
reputation well I know Germany
had said
at one point we're just going
no nuclear
but then when they said no
nuclear there
was a problem because they had
a hard
time keeping up with the other
they agreed to what is wrong
with that
if something goes wrong with
I don't think people have
really stopped
to take in a horror see we need
integrated politics we need to
go beyond
hard date and we need to talk
thinking about the facts she's
she's taking a page out of
playbook facts don't matter
heart date
it doesn't matter
no no see we need an integrative
politics we need to go beyond
hard datum
we need to go beyond just
thinking about
the facts so what do I think
about this
with your heart something goes
there what do we been talking
about how
can we even consider it and so
so what
maybe we'd all be a little warm
or a
little cool I mean Americans we
have to
decide that's the problem I
have with
nuclear okay well no get out
that's it
she has no just say you know I
haven't looked that much in the
I don't know how to the new
but I'm still kind of wary
about the way
it was portrayed in the past in
like the China Syndrome and and
documentary HBO did on
Chernobyl people
see it think that's a
documentary it was
complete dramatized it's not a
documentary so she's still oh
no no it
will all die if something
Fukushima people died from
these tsunami
is what happened okay Three
Mile Island
is shutting down forget
something else
that she actually put in there
why do all the climate
alarmists which
is the word I like promote Oh
science science even though
talking about computer models
computer simulations they don't
know what that means but that's
okay but
they're gonna promote science
Sciences whatever the science
says the
science the science about
nuclear is
extremely positive and
formidable and
and established but she herself
well I don't care what the
signs are the
facts who cares about that it's
what make up your mind are you
gonna be
all if you're gonna be all in
on science
science science and do some
song hands
see all in on nuclear yeah I
was in when
I was in the Netherlands for
Lexus book
members on that TV show with
the kind of
the hoity-toity political talk
that's on late-night every
night and on
that same show was yes a claw
for he's a
leading left-wing or the young
left-wing politicians who in the
Netherlands are now talking
trillions of euros that they
need to
spend this little little
country they
need to spend on saving the
climate and
after the show I'm like hey man
looking doesn't the new nuclear
you know there they eat the
waste of the
old guys they eat their own
poop is like
there's no there is no waste
and though
I'll look into that what you
just spent
an hour on TV talking about
science and
you've not looked into this
well because
it's not about it's not they
really care and marianne
williamson is
off my list off my list that's
like her cuz she was funny
while she's
funny i'm not against a little
bit of
feel-good I think we in fact our
politicians could use a little
bit more
of that but then to say oh well
now use
your heart ignore the facts
take it a
little too far
this is not gonna work
de Blasio is de Blasio was out
he's done
what she was he ever not uh I
guess I
yeah the Three Mile Island is
down for good
this Friday and of course we've
about this many times Three
Mile Island
there was a reactor event no
one died
you know they shut it down
there two
more it did happen the same
week or
within three days of the movie
the China
Syndrome coming out which just
like when
Reagan had to close all the
hospitals One Flew Over the
Nest was right there to
solidify our
thinking you got to think if
wonder if that's coincidence
but the
researchers ratchet yeah she
looks a
little like Virginia Virginia
or Newland
to huland woman a little bit
juicy fruit
my favorite but the reason unit
one is
shooting is shooting down the
down is not because of any
problem other
than money because natural gas
kicking its ass
can't compete
yeah well be getting a lot of
gas from the frackers yeah not
a fan of
that personally but no no
anyway yes so
I do have something on a side
note yeah
I did pick up oh there goes my
once you explain something to
the sewer
grate listeners as I go take
this phone
off the hook okay well great
listeners I
don't usually talk to you I
usually talk
to John I let you guys listen
it stopped
ringing okay all right so let's
go to I
ran into this clip there's a
guy there's
something there's a lot of weird
there's a lot of weird stuff
ever since
we you got to muckraking or
whatever the
thing was that you call the die
not bad hey a mukbang mukbang
see yeah
that's what we told you about I
yeah why did bring it up on the
show I
didn't have any clips I brought
on the
show about the gau-8 you know
and moan
and groan about his eating and
then they turned into two or
three other
things wait wait can I ask a
yeah were they familiar with
the term BJ
I didn't bring VJ up no I
didn't ask not
VJs BJ it was the the broadcast
the muck amuck bang broadcast
jockeys be
far as they're concerned
mukbang is way
way way over the hill oh well
it makes
sense that we come in now
there's a new
thing called AAA I think it's a
mrs like
there's no ASMR that's the ASMR
really whisper that's what we
did that's
we don't you remember the other
there's another one is that the
connoisseurs are into now
besides I
think I was watching yeah you're
misunderstanding it's not just
whispering it's making I'll
give you an
example it's like and then and
I'm gonna
rub on some paper yeah I know I
this they make a lot of racket
just a scratch things that try
to make
your skin crawl but that's kind
of like
at its peak and a scrubby we're
at peak
when its peak ASMR Kapiti ASMR
now the
other thing that's kind of
cropping up
are the dudes the dudes yeah
you don't
know about the dudes maybe and
I don't
know how do you spell that di
DSD idds
di d di D yeah alright
something disorder your
divid it's where you have split
personalities hmm so this is
kind of
like took the place of what the
Tourette's guys used to be I
had to show
them the Tourette's guys that
are on the
youtubes there's a million
Tourette's guys expressing
I've met your kids they didn't
see me I
wasn't good enough that because
not even
close okay you're like a um
borderline normal
borderline a Tourette's phony
Oh God
no no sense oh man I wanna be
dreads wanna be compared to the
great Tourette's people I mean
this show
would be so entertaining but
but it's
people have have split
personalities or
multiple personality disorder
which is
what it used to be call now it's
dissociative disorder and so
women on there it's actually
compelling that have all the a
lot of
them are fakes by the way you
can tell
you can kind of the guy guess
the game
is you watch them go on and on
and then
you try to determine if they're
a fake
or not but they it's it became
like an
obsession so I I'm watching
these things
were saying this this is these
people and then they you run
into a lot
of shrinks that are in the same
and I ran into this one guy who
and this
is the clip by bleeding too in a
long-ago roundabout way this
one guy who
talks about low
he talks about a high IQ low IQ
and he
says what we don't talk about
emotional quotient blow EQ low
high EQ
yeah most and he has a list of
that make you a low EQ or high
EQ person
I I'm probably falling into the
the low
EQ seems your negative interest
rates on
your EQ my negative personality
but he
did bring this one one of his
he has his
ten nine nine of these better
nine or
twelve of these things he says
if you
say this or you do this your
low EQ I
can get the list and I can read
it later
but you have to listen to this
one I
think this is number six this
is the low
EQ low EQ people in other words
insensitive and you have an
Lee you're just you're no
that's it the compassionate
desk deficit
yeah you're no good okay listen
to this
now a sixth one and this is
kind of an
interesting the person with low
EQ might
say something to the effect of
everything is great right now
let me
give you example what I mean
there it
might be that I'll say hey
you've got
that new job everything
great with it right and when I
that word right on the end of
it the
implication is there's a
certain way
that I want to hear you respond
I want
you to tell me that things are
well and then if you come back
and say
well it's not all that great
then it
makes you look like well then
doing things wrong and you're
not giving
the right reaction and so
you're more of
the negative kind of person I
of course
I'm being positive right and
it's it has
a real subtle put down towards
person who might not give the
response well that's interesting
yeah and so I'm of course I
thought of
Mike Morell immediately who
can't not
say right and the insertion he
right right wow that's
interesting well
it we kind of knew that we and
we know
why people are saying it and
the way I
read it was not from an EQ
but an IQ standpoint because
where did I
hear this the most was in
Silicon Valley
would you have to up talk and
end with
right so we know that the
are really it's the future and
you know
the Moore's law is that right
which to
me was always a way of steam
over someone saying you don't
know you
don't know shit I know
everything right
but I guess you could look at
he says is
is an EQ thing it is it's an
a subtle insult to you because
you have
that person and Silicon Valley
would be
filled with people with low IQs
I mean
they can't even look women in
the face
true so you'd end up with this
phenomena which you say right
at the end
every sense and I think by the
way in
that same categories okay what
say yes right it's this way okay
and I went over the store okay
and then
I went into busting some food
okay yeah
that is very similar to me and
it also
would be low EQ and I think you
know is
it also yeah that came from
there sure
and I think those are all
people who say
you know you know you know and
you see
that a lot of sports with the
player counted out you can't
express himself but football
players are
low EQ Silicon Valley peoples
are low EQ
all these people are
emotionally damaged
they need to be space nothing
but sense
and then you have a guy this is
lifer who you know can't say
without saying right at the end
of his
sentence which is uh morale
yeah anyway
I just thought it was
interesting I said
wow that's the explanation I
heard now here we have ham
radio guys
ham radio is the public service
of last resort when the
apocalypse comes
we're the guys who are going to
save the
world right right Jill Abrams
does the
best one bright right hey about
agenda hams I have good news
okay yeah well as you know I'm a
community organizer
next stop presidency for me or
mayor yeah oh yeah mayor of
that'll work so I mentioned
that I you
know I was getting back into
the into
the ham stuff camp right and I
did you
know I cup D star and so was
talking a
couple people said we're on
reflector 33
Charlie anyway this kind of got
a life
of its own as I hoped it would
at no
agenda social calm there's a
there's a
sign-up link for no agenda
social calm
in every show notes now I put
it there
so you could join in the fun
and Mike from he's kilo 9 Mike
Sierra he suggested all-star
linkage I
had you got your ham radio nice
that sounds like your your icon
your icon you got everybody is
a do it's
not the I come I come I keep in
the box
a car alright this is your your
bail thing anyway so it like so
just give you an example let me
see kilo
5 alpha Charlie Charlie any
hams there
on 33 Charlie let's see if
anyone's out
there anyway so we're talking a
bit and
then Mike mentions this canine
MLS he
says we've got to do all-star
which is a
derivative here we go
was this missed it which is
of Asterix do you remember
Asterix the
the PBX open-source PBX
technology no I
do not I was a big thing back
in the I
in the late night yeah was it
was every
new companies like oh we don't
have to
buy expensive the phone
switching we can
do VoIP sip I think it never
took off
because the SIP but actually
it's used a
lot and highly adaptable highly
programmable so bottom line
setting up a network which is
called on the internet but you
essentially connect it to
anything since
its asterisks where anyone with
a with a
$25 Chinese handheld rig can
all you need to do is get your
license and and people are they
find that daunting but I have
to remind
them if Nellie or could get her
license I'm sure you can too
it's not
that hard and we're gonna build
our easy
and we're gonna build this
that's gonna
be on just over and over of
course it's
gonna be on 6 meters when to H
F it'll
be on VHF UHF and right now we
seem to
be congruent well he's so my
kids and
his guys up there in Minnesota
putting together a rig they're
send it to me so I can I don't
have to
do all the setup and then we'll
have the
node we'll have the master node
you can
everybody can link in man
and you'll have a map you can
look where
everybody is and we're gonna
save the
world right mm-hmm I'm excited
about it
yeah you are I'm not quite sure
other than is it's the same
thing as a
basically it's a meet-up you
there's people you know and of
it's you know as the Millennial
would say it's kind of like a
chat room yeah that's true too
she's liberal but it's nice
it's civil
it's civil it's fun and that
there are
women there too and very
welcome we have
lots of female hands who are
the No Agenda shows I think
women should
all become hams I think it's
like I've
said before anyone who listens
to this
show and particularly likes the
OTG big
experience exactly can probably
pass the
test without even studying here
you can
even from your own node or any
node you can dial a phone
number you'd
have to go over but you can
make phone calls it's it's an
system and we'll have it
streaming I'm
broadcast to five and stuff
like that so
where this will go nobody knows
time we tried it it kind of
petered out
I think I went through a
divorce or
something and whole bunch of
changed but now the technology
changed it's better and I look
to meeting more of our no
agenda hams
all across no agenda nation and
that I'd like to take this
to thank you for your courage
to say in
the morning to you the man who
put the C
in channel 33 C John C Dvorak
well in
the morning to you mr. Adam
curry also
in the morning all ships to sea
feet in
the air
subs in the water and all the
tonight's out there yes in the
to our trolls over there at no
stream calm it's also known as
the troll
room this is where today we
have 1129
people listening along on a
Sunday why
are they doing that because
they can and
you can sit there there's
almost no
rules you can do whatever you
want but
most of it seems to be very
positive and
contributes very much to the
the entire experience of the No
show with all the people who
are making
that work specially void 0s or
BAM rows
Darrin Oh everybody's there no
stream calm then for our art
1174 was
the previous episode on
Thursday the
title of that was Soros hewent
get as much pushback on the
title as I
expected we would I didn't
expect to get
any pushback and I thought a
people would find it a little
College intrude while calling
an old
Jewish guy associating him with
Hitler Youth you can see was
the guy who
would work for this Nazi SS you
said it
I didn't he did it was the best
years of
his life he liked we must have
that clip
was the Train she wasn't people
on the truck okay you you group
going to duck boxcar five you
five you use boxcar six you
mister six
over this way um I wish I could
that offhand it's a good it saw
its out
on the internet it's definitely
around I
should see if you could find it
yes so I
wouldn't I don't think it would
it makes nothing but sense
right it
might offend him call he
doesn't care
you're right I laughed in your
direction as for the artwork
after every
show right after we're done
pretty much
we'll go and look at what has
come in at
no agenda art generator calm
and there
were multiple pieces but we
both thought
that what Darren O'Neill did
just was it
just blew us away he was such a
piece this was the Biden's Corn
Pops and
the the ear of corn with the
pad dude
for thee with a straight razor
wow it
just completely worked it was
it was a
pretty piece it was you know
and use
yellow as the background always
yeah well I always liked that
part for
sure it's always good for fork
and people look kind of stuff
in their
app hey what what happened
there hey the
art change that a new show it's
a new
episode then no and then they
before you know it
in which suck them in and
that's how it
works with our value for value
everybody is working towards
the same
goal to get people in to keep
engaged and hit them in the
mouth as
many ways as we can Darren
O'Neill thank
you very much great job no
agenda art
generator comm is where you can
find all
the art participate in making
arts and a
lot of it goes other places too
newsletters people post it all
Twitter no agenda shop comm
puts it on
mugs t-shirts hats boy no
agenda nation
is avast's Thank You Darren now
executive producers and
executive producers for this
these the people who came in
$200 above
or 300 ollars and above and we
like to
give them the special credits
deserve just like Hollywood
without the
hookers and blow
we're starting off with a 700
donation from the from Daleville
Virginia from Laura J Joe now I
have to
spell her name so people can
realize the
because I don't know what kind
of a name
this is I don't think she says
spelled easy i ad zio and the
pronunciation is JJ there BJ
Joe j Joe
then it says J Joe no but
that's for you
I I come from the region it's
that means grandpa so you're
from Poland
from the region I didn't say
I'm from
Poland I'm from the region but
you're near Poland I was in
that's the region no yeah to
the EU
thinkers mm-hmm I knew this was
you yeah
J Joe hey Jon and Adam is such a
douchebag but hopefully paid my
today this would make me a dame
which I
show which I should have earned
ago if I was truly worthy
anyhow I love
you guys that would be lost
without the
best podcast in the universe as
I hear
in the molar report anyway
anyhow no
jingles but some jobs come
would be
appreciated also if any
producers more
talented than then I could come
up with
a there's nothing but a Dame
huhhhh there's nothing but a
dame she
has she has some direction here
I would
be forever grateful my dear
departed mom
would probably not be in a fan
but may
have been converted with a
twist on
Rogers and hat and the Rogerson
Rodgers and Hammerstein tune so
tune is that nothing but what
would tune
what song is that nothing but a
dame but
I don't know I don't know off
top me I
like Broadway musicals but not
to that
point was it nothing but a
daydream what
was the original no I don't
think so
anyhow maybe somebody in the
chat room
knows anyhow you - is she says
anyhow a
anyhow you two have made
consumption of
the news close to palatable and
deserve extra special kudos for
soon to be de Melora
yuh-huhhh Davis thank you name
okay she is okay she's helping
us out
here in a second this is a
rodgers and
hammerstein there's nothing
like a dame
oh there's nothing like a dame
yeah from
the movie South Pacific and
who's in
that yeah that'll bring them in
not over
I'll roll them in hey I'll see
you at
the round table when you become
Laura very excited about that
good to
have you here as Yas Oh Laura
Jessie oh
yeah there's nothing like a
dame would
be from Guys and Dolls or
something that
moved musical like that is
where it fits
in better anyway mark Jasper
jobs karma
jobs jobs jobs and jobs let's
vote for
judge karma bark Jasper 500
bucks I'm
alive everything is possible
Omega project what does that
mean hey
thank you it's it's okay
message past
message received thank you
I think the I'm alive he refers
to the
computer becoming alive oh well
have all
computers become alive and
donate 500
bucks for in good shape Robert
meanwhile 354 dollars and 64
gentlemen and honourable Lords
are the
best of the oldest still
running podcast
in the universe I hereby put
forth my
contribution of 3/6 4/6 reached
five for
$64 sailor sailor thereby
upgrading my
own self to that of a baron I
would like
to claim Lapland in companies
encompassing the northern parts
Norway Sweden Finland and also
parts of
Russia as my territory all right
I approve if if approved yeah
actually ever been the Lapland
I have everybody every all the
Laplanders look exactly like
Williams that's the strangest
you've ever seen if approved I
henceforth be referred to as
Sir Robert
shining Baron of Lapland if
available I
would humbly like to request
reindeer and cloud berries be
added Oh
cloudberries Yuna will be added
to the
assortment of delicacies served
at the
round table
yes sir Robert I have indeed
those and they will be at the
table for you and for the other
and Dane we hope today as for
your title
change and I think we're okay
with the
the Baron of Lapland I don't
think we
have any any issues no other
from Dora and thank you Miller
next on the list
$350 I'm about to donate and
knighthood I want to make sure
the note
gets to you right so I'm going
to send
it after my donation tonight is
oh it's
a kind of a rhyme it's also my
good you got sent another note
you think
no I think this is the note it
like this it sounds like a stub
land well hold on a second
because Eric
did attach something let me just
double-check who was that from
that was foster yeah he did
detached at
PDF file of some sort
yeah I recall that and I didn't
look at
it hold on why can't I why is
it not
coming up now what the hell's
going on
I don't have his 1175 note
that's odd
didn't delete it did I
that would be oh no now and now
I got to
get to the bottom of this
because if you
sent us and here we go
no I have Nathe wait is it
Nathan Miller
Foster yes okay so we do have
it hold on
oh yes I do remember this you
know what
we usually call these notes
you know we call him yeah Noren
a Warren piece you wrote war in
peace he
really did it was it's a very
nice note
he let me just for some reason
it's not
let me see if I can open this
up because
he did have a few things that
were shoot
I feel bad we didn't
feel bad we didn't pre produce
this okay
here we go
we don't burn sem pod fathers
and buzzkill I love the show
it's a huge
part of my life in a very
positive way I
love listening to the show the
and the sundry contributions
from all
the producers thank you both
Adam and
John and the entire No Agenda
first of all I appreciate the
people who
appreciate this show's
entertainment as
much as I do also something
about a goat
I've got ants Chipotle mac and
that's true and that goes the
I've been listening to the show
since I
hit myself in the mouth
after I turned 33 I discovered
No Agenda
through the O culture podcast
through a
donation shout out there
while he stopped yeah what was
that term
he had in so tame and insane
what wasn't entertainment no I
think we
I think we made that up okay
well it's
not what I hoped go on be better
while in podcast roam o culture
was the
first show I was interviewed on
twice in
fact first about my writing the
gift as I mentioned when I
earned an
associate executive producer
credit for
show 1111 the other time I've
been on a
culture was talking about the
occult and
magic and Twin Peaks I'll be
again on
again soon talking about tools
new album
fear inoculum so now he goes on
quite a while with this note
and talks
about many different things but
he does
have his knight name and it
kind of goes
along with his note his knight
name will
be because he's getting
knighted Sir
Nathan Lee Miller Foster
chaotic good
night of the White Lodge and
Blue Orchid
of the gold heart mountain top
directory elf stone and bearer
of the
sword reforged and as his round
contribution cannabis and
coffee in the
following manner true - tin
Twin Peaks
we take this coffee as Kona
coffee drank
black as midnight on a moonless
with a slip of some post-rock
Mogwai made miss ki whiskey and
wraps each 1/8 of fine ocean
grown Maui
Wowi and juicy JJ mango papaya
flavored wraps you make also
have a Kona
coffee and Maui wowie for the
yeah an N J and K sir Nathan
Lee thank
you very much sir Nathan Lee
and thank
you and so I guess he does he
does he get something today is
that his
on the list
think so for so
made all kinds of mistakes here
goes you put yourself in a hole
run oh
well while you're looking at
that you
can continue I'm gonna figure
it out I
will go on with sir Nick of the
Southside Baron of the DMV in
Virginia be a first associate
producer comes in with the fine
of two three four five six
like Adi douching due for a
lapse in
providing value the show is
excellent especially the deep
dive into
the brand safe content
I'd like some health cover for
in-laws and a rev l clip sir
Nick of the
Southside Baron of the DMV so
no yeah so
Nathan Miller indeed is is
going to be a
night today and I am putting
his Kona
coffee in Maui Wowi at the
round table
and what did
we what did sir Nick want he
under Nick one say yeah I got a
new out
I got a new Rev ala forum
anyone like
some health karma and the rebel
okay so the typical Rev al
would be
exists we much we must and we
will much
about that be committed but now
we have
a new one where good old owl is
to pronounce the word koala
familiar with the koala of the
bear the low koala bear that
calls the
bear that carries even if you
have pet
him you get chlamydia it's
great good
old rev up slows I got more
from rev out
later today so good you did
we'll look
forward to that sir Brian Baron
of Costa
Mesa two hundred thirty three
and 33 cents I donated a month
ago and
asked for jobs karma shortly
after I
made the donation I got a call
for a
full time job in Salt Lake City
work with people I know and
like Rojo
yeah Wow now I'm asking for
and travel Karma this is the
podcast in the universe
Brian Baron of custom ASA I'm
just gonna
say if only you and I could get
kind of job with people we like
gonna be great you've got karma
next the
lovely Loraine converse in
Westland hold
on I'm surprised anybody even
likes me
there we go yes sorry I am I'm
stunned by that
Lorraine converse in West Linn
tu-tu-tu-tu-tu ITM thank you
for your
valuable deconstruction by
updating my
Twitter settings due to John's
how-to and I'm waiting to see
how the
magic I know the magic L goes
filter my
feed thank you for your courage
to stop for a second and I need
to say
that there is indeed a you
tweeted a
another cosmic weenie genius
bit with
the complete diagrams on how to
do this
and you walked me through it
after the
Thursday show and I can tell
you that
since I did that nothing has
digestion I noticed that your
of the show are up by at least
were sent but at some point we
need to
go through the items that
Twitter thinks
I believe I'm interested in
includes a lot of sports by the
way we
went over this list with you
over the
phone yes I was
that's why I decided to do that
right up
because I said wait maybe I'm
not going
to tell anymore that's too kind
it I'm just gonna write this up
and I
sent an email out to the No
newsletter subscribers and the
ones who found out about it
first with
the detailed the description
and their
how to do this step by step it's
complicated and it's
non-intuitive and
so if you don't know how to do
it you'll
never figure it out but we went
yours you'll have the most
stuff click that Twitter thinks
interested in it's just beyond
me and
and I've and I've been looking
at how it
works it really it depends
because I
click on a lot of stuff that
people send
me so I think that's where it
comes from
but if you just look at I'm
in Android absolutely not
behavior and
beauty these are new John's
they keep so
again Beyonce my box for
Beyonce is
beyond the least I'm not
looking at
Beyonce yeah you are
no cardi B is the reason that
these are getting clicked
checked I mean
you have to be doing the rink
food experience herbs and
spices or
huawei ice cream no Instagram
no I'm
never on Instagram oh they
finally put
MTV but I uncheck that and they
rejected so they now they agree
I'm no
longer associated with MTV
mukbang I got
a much better you eating about
it I
don't think so
well how would did you get on
lizard Dave this is very
mysterious as
some of these things I mean
only from
YouTube not from Twitter I
didn't get
any of the mukbang from Twitter
may have tweeted me with a
mukbang and
that or still listening to the
show oh
yeah that could be
and why not vaping and got
vaping in
um reggae anyway if people
you've got
the newsletter you would have
gotten the
the instructions yes and you
can it's
all so amusing it's a very
process to go through and look
at what
they think you're interested in
fasten yeah well we went
through the
keepers there was just as good
as mine
believe me very funny yeah so
this whole
thing is screwed up now my
premise in
that I also wrote a short essay
on this
my premise and I talked to Adam
this I think that this is not a
banning for political reasons I
think it
that they're overburden I don't
Twitter can do what they
promised they
can't actually deliver this
their bandwidth they were
constricted well it's nothing
got the computing power to do
all that
they say they can do yeah I
about this and first I was kind
dismissive I said well I think
that but when you look at the
amount of
people they have and the amount
follows that people have which
i think
is substantial I don't know
what the
average is but I'd say people
hundreds probably on average
right it may just be that they
or that
they can't actually they may
be able to deliver it but I
have a
feeling the experience would be
so out
of whack and today or Monday I
they announced they're now
going to do
hide replies will be available
to you
which I think is going to ruin
product and the way it works is
if I'm
the original tweeter and I
tweet I can
and you reply to me with Carrie
Tourette's dick then I could
hide that
so none of no one else would
see that
reply even though they were
that original tweet of mine
I think ruins that ruins it
well amazed
you can edit mmm kind of not
really an
edit who was kind of an editing
know it's like letters to the
editor you
don't run everyone that shows
up right
but that was that's kind of the
of it as you can yell at other
people if
you're yelling and doesn't show
up then
people are gonna stop yelling
and the
product will go down that's
just because
people like the yelling exactly
why they're tainment
social medias are really
oh my god I got him Stu shut up
well that gay got burned I
imagine you
doing that yes I imagine you
there in your Duster your
crocks burn
burned put a timecode they're
something oh yeah believe me
four uglies
next on the list and she comes
in with
210 dollars and 25 cents from
Greenwich Greenwich Connecticut
yeah she
was a note good this is our
first this
is our first donation so this
is this
okay her husband's involved it
is that
she's not a did person
this is our first up because
most of the
did to people when they're
talking about
themselves like they always
always never
me or I it's our us and our
yeah it's
very interesting but this
donation of
200 $10.25 is for my husband
Matt as we
celebrate our 10-year marriage
Wednesday September 25th my
husband hit
me in the mouth
a little over a year ago while
traveling to visit family
usually when
your yes that's the way to do
it you get
somebody trapped then you make
listen you know what's next
you'll have
you trapped in the car and
he'll be on
the ham radio watch hey baby
what's this
can you believe that guys in
and while traveling to visit
usually I would just tune it
out but I
found myself starting to sing
clips and
laughing at things that I as a
borderline sjw should not have
funny that's not funny
thus so began my love affair F
for the NA show and instantly I
found my
husband and I fighting less and
less and
less and bonding over your
shrinking sanity so from the
bottom of
my heart thank you for saving
marriage and more importantly
my sanity
while in a family that listens
does in fact stay together I'm
proud to
announce I'm now recovering SJW
and with
that said I would like to wish
smoking-hot husband by happy
I couldn't imagine my life
without you
love you babe for him yes as he
graduated with a BFA Bachelor
of Fine
Arts with a concentration on 3d
design -
yeah he's gonna have a real
trouble of
finding work because
concentration of 3d
design and animation and
essence in CAD
CADD CAD a year early with
honors whilst
working to support the for human
resources we added to his past
years Wow to bring total to
five then he
better get a job all all of
which love
you all of which all the five
talking about the five kids mhm
love the jingles and sing them
especially my 12 year old
daughter she
likes him the most
hopefully the jobs karma works
and in
the past five years but what
the pet and
this past five years to bring
our total
to five all of which love your
to tell okay I'm sorry
didn't scroll and this just the
first of
many donations jingle requests
puke I
read that she has some jingle
proposition beginning again
yeah but
anyway I thought that was a
sweet note
yes and luckily her husband is
in a
field I don't know where they
live but
he's in a field of work where
he should
be employed for the rest of his
life and
be able to jump jobs if he
feels like it
nice is my thinking yes anyway
don't worry be happy
Obama you might die and China
favorite in our house though I
remind the four children that
are under
the age of five not to say it
in public
wait a minute Putin don't worry
be happy
Obama human diet what was the
the third
one China asshole Oh asshole
and I'm
gonna add one for the kids yeah
anyway she says keep up the
candy construction there is no
much love and alright kids for
your mom
you've got karma as cute could
sir Alex the knight of the
Launchpad came in with two
hundred two
dollars and two cents he says
and Adam sorry Alex sir Knight
of the
northern Launchpad is here
chipping in
sad puppies in the newsletter
palindromes net if you know
interesting about this last
if people can find it yeah I'm
not sure
why it's happened but even one
of our
Ike have these certain people
that check
in were telling me the where
where the
mail went they do a good job of
it yeah
and Mike in particular whose I
was gonna
kill tell him to stop sending
his notes
and I've done this to a couple
of people
because they don't there's no
but Mike had Nicolay Chuck he
for the he
always says I primary primary
primary no
this time I went into spam and
every I
did get not one note from
anyone saying
that I went into their primary
sees all these this newsletter
went into
spam even or this one this one
you had five animal pictures in
it that
could be I should have I mail is
overdoing and you had us a typo
on the
on the one thing you didn't
send to me
to check which always makes me
sad a
typo in a in a caption yeah
under the
side a puppy under the sad
puppy use
misspelled what oh no yes
oh here's how it goes keep her
and I are
out yeah well he's the
newsletter okay
do you see what I see
he never sends me the captions
I can't
check those I'd either captions
or last
minute into very less it was
what did
you expect
wuah T what did you expect I
think you a
lot he was going for Colonel
actually okay good now it's
good sad
puppy sad cat panda I mean
could it get
any better I got a guy that
said that he
only donated cuz of the sad
panda pandas
are important
anyway so okay where are we on
this note
outstanding job nor the wish to
keep it
where does it say stasis it's
right at
the top sad puppies newsletter
palindromes now okay
next line according to the
books with
this donation choice with this
I'm entering the realm of
double nights
where I wish to keep my title
as is a
lot of people don't like it the
in title yeah well same
reflection is
warranted that even after
coming to the
u.s. in 2011 it took me four
years to
run into a true example of free
exercise that and that was in
the year
2015 when I started listening
to the no
agenda show now there you go
I don't worry came from he come
northern Europe I know where it
from but there is no free
speech in this
country except to no agenda
show and why
is that Adam why can we say
what we want
because we don't take money from
advertisers or corporate into
that will if they don't tell us
to shut
up will have us self censoring
and we
don't have to do that at all we
can go
anywhere we want because of
this value
for value model makes it exact
because we don't have to worry
self censoring which you have
to do and
everybody does it and if you
working for
the newspapers or anywhere else
censor and if you don't self
censor we
get in trouble you see what
happened to
Brian brushwood should know what
happened to shlush would posted
he tweeted a screenshot of his
channel Nash would has a lot of
and followers and subscribers
magician he's famous yeah and
so listen
to this in the route alright I
I should
probably read it verbatim but
I'll give
you the synopsis in a review of
verified status we are we
regret to
inform you that you no longer
meet the
criteria for verified status
not not
like we don't like you we don't
want ads
running on your onion no we
don't want
to kick you off no you're just
not real
we're not verifying you're not
oh that's right I saw this just
from YouTube yes from YouTube
yes I
didn't know that this existed
their fight on YouTube because
sure sure but but I don't
understand if
you look I'm Adam curry that's
verifiably true if Twitter or
which I hope they don't cause
have to
leave the platform if they
verify me
then I'm verify you can't
Arif ID it just doesn't make
no it makes zero read it to you
means you were wrong at the
first time
here so high there they don't
even use a
first name hi there comma we're
to let you know that we're
updating the
eligibility criteria for channel
verification unfortunately with
changes your channel long no
meets the criteria to be
verified we
realize this might be
disappointing but
we believe these updates will
channel verification more
consistent for
users and creators across
YouTube I
don't even know what this means
yeah what does it mean to him I
know he said they can't run as
fuzzy sad
puppy is what it means I don't
know is
what it means oh no I don't
know what it
it's odd get off get off of the
platforms would
he's not gonna do - you got a
bitch you
and all the cool kids are on
bitch shoot
all right back to Sir Alec
sorry who
guys seems to these camps okay
doesn't not Europe in Russia he
nothing else even comes close
to the no
agenda show mind you I came to
the 90s
in Russia nowhere else in the
world was
such a show continued for 12
seasons on
a major distribution platform
anyone can
access outstanding job gentlemen
congratulations murica being
knighted on
the show nine hundred of Hmong
a dozen
of fellow sirs we were all
to miss an invitation to the
round table
festivities as the pronunciate
pronounced a cater that's you
Adam yes
ran out of breath as such I
would like
to request an opportunity to
partake in
the next ceremonial occasion
please jobs
car mature Sir Alex jobs jobs
jobs and
jobs let's vote for jobs you've
karma so that means he wants to
be at
the round table again is that
what that
means well he thought he got
that's okay but then I have to
put him
on because Eric didn't put him
on back
office I'll do that okay so we
jump to
you yeah well let's put him on
well just
uh so he's saying that he never
got a
proper knighting that's what he
says I
take his word for it I take his
word for
it you're in got it Lucia Mario
as Berto
in samosa
Czechoslovakia Switzerland
see she's in Switzerland from
Italian speaking part of
which is southern Switzerland
it's a
very different place from Italy
a country for a total total
mess I
escaped in 2013 when all
you're your best bet great
essay from
John about the Twitter interest
scam I
noticed that if you keep
rejecting the
most popular tweets first
putting the
newest first order after many
iterations and the setting
seems to
stick yeah these some of the
don't stick when you erase them
for the
don't I said this visit
crapshoot for
the donation I am using a multi
free revolute credit card that
gives me interbank currency
rates oh boy she might as
though she
should have moved to
Switzerland a while
ago wait aren't they aren't the
overnight exchange rates 10%
now paint
may not be advantageous no I
don't know
with no Commission's and no
spreads or
no Commission's no spreads but
insists that I exchange Swiss
francs for
US dollars for this donation
with the 2%
plus Commission that's big I
need to
keep changing the currency to
dollars but each time I input
new data
PayPal returns to their
exchange proposal since I also
have free
money this is a banking lesson
yes as
they also have free money
something hoid since your how
adding the shows bank
coordinates Iban
and Swift codes so that you can
get the
full amount with no commissions
jingles okay but no Commission
anyway we see if you can find a
way they
use pop money way zel do you
know yeah I
don't know you know John the
answer to this I hate to say
but is you
know what it is
this Bitcoin but Eaton will net
never take it I mean I know
against it
we should have started taking
it when we
should have started saying it
was at the
beginning we'd be rich we
wouldn't be
doing the show yeah you're
right yeah
why would we do that you just
put us out
of a job we'd be so rich from
Bitcoin it's better to do in
dollars the
best part when the government's
divisions go around the open
approaches the bike costs
anyway she
goes on and on about this I
can't take
it anymore she really goes on
and on
about this well this is why
people are
moving to crypto for this very
it's outrageous all the fees
they Tenny
you you wanna do a money bank
and I ban interbank it's gonna
be cost
you 25 bucks anyway no jingles
Carmen not expected but
appreciated and
I'll give some of your road
some karma I
love the end of the show aunt
song and
jcd playing the recorder songs
for the best podcast in universe
obviously according to the
moola report
yes and I'm gonna give her some
you've got exercise skip down
to dick
banks I was reading part of his
which is complaining about the
same sit
the same thing coincidentally
fit right
in so dick bangs does come in
from DC
dirty dick banks of DC 200
bucks you
know was at the end I hate
seeing the
Beagle especially when someone
the MSM
keeps hitting new lows shout
out to the
boys team ABC Archer Campbell
bangs Age
2 we recently learned Archer
cracks up
at those drone clips that the
close whatever the drone clip
is he'd
love that played draw own again
is that
it I think so what here we got
that very
Alexander bangs goat scream
usually gets
him and the caboose of team ABC
Reed bangs aged five months
he's just
getting along for the ride
thanks for
Baron dirty dick bangs of DC do
not read
the rest okay so yeah we need
to go to
I'll incorporate everything
it's got some other stuff about
it later
indeed the last donation is
from Ben
Smith in Greenville Texas two
and all he says as sad puppies
greater than palindromes ITM
Ben Smith
kf5 SWC that's right we'll meet
you on
three we'll meet you on 33
charlie or on
the All Star Link Network soon
kilo 5
alpha Charlie Charlie thank you
all of
our executive producers and
executive producers for
supporting the
show today of course we know
that it's
you you saw the puppy it's like
a bat
signal you know what happened
we have a
low donation so thank you very
much for
stepping it's always beautiful
to see
the the true peerage of no
agenda coming
to the task and people who have
around for a while and just
stepped it
up and will be thanking more of
people $50 and above in our
segment these people execs an
execs these are credits you can
anywhere some of you had
multiple maybe
you should rotate them out from
time to
time or just say executive
producer or
social executive producer and
list all
of the shows that you were that
produced on it means stuff it
something to no agenda nation
it means stuff to your
community and it means a lot to
us thank
you so much and you can always
go to the
Laura dot org slash that's
right you've
learned so much about puppies
and pandas
you need to propagate it now
our formula
is this we go out for your
people in the
now what what does this think
and got my jcd ISOs it's a good
one yeah
and while we're on it
you got something for end of
show I do
have one eye so uh-huh you're
on my list
of stuff for it ago here it is
this is
let's see I saw you have the
Lea grave ice all I got is
brave and then so I kind of
like this
one that because I can play it
and then
retire it I'm surprised anybody
likes me I just played at the
edge of
show then I'll never play it
again I'm
sure do you rotate you so
that's the one
I kind of like okay I need to
once again
Tucker Carlson going down the
tubes well
let's back up before you I mean
you have
to tell us more background than
that and it was part of the
promise he's
losing his advertisers and
losing his
mind he is losing his mind and
I'm and I
caught a piece on I was
Thursday or
Friday show and I had just seen
the full
actual session on the hill and
so when
he brought this report I'm like
man you
you did not see it you have no
idea what
was going on and as much as I
don't like
doing it I have to kind of come
Reverend Al's defense in this
one here's
the clip al Sharpton is a lot
of things
you have to say though he's the
hardest-working man in politics
there's a shameless hustle he
has done
it he's been an FBI informant
he's been
a corporate shakedown artist
he's been a
prolific tax cheat and all
while he's
been of course a very famous
demagogue but he's not attacked
for any
of this because somehow and
Sharpton has also become a
moral hero to
the left President Obama did
inviting him to the White House
than 50 times as a domestic