October 13th, 2019 • 2h 47m
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turn off the fountain Juve's
Adam curry
John C. Dvorak 2019 this is
your award
winning combination meet the
assassination episode 11 81
this is no
agenda in the morning everybody
I Adam Curry and from northern
Valley I'm Josie de bourree
okay you had
me completely confused with
hook em
I know what that means
I do man it was the game
yesterday the
game the game yes we lost I
know we lost
that OS OS you UT what a great
just want people to know that
even at my
age you can still brush up a
bit and get
into sports especially if it's
local by
the way it's not OSU to game
you lost
what was it Oklahoma no that's
what I
meant Oklahoma University Oh
Oklahoma State so I said OSU
State University no it's not
State does it different school
well okay
if you think you know better
than an
Austin resident that's fine for
me yeah
now you sound like a Lib Jo
said the man
who finally followed me on no
social Wow what's up with that
okay you checked in for the
first time
in a year 24/7
but I I checked myself out so
when I
rechecked myself in I realized I
couldn't find the right Lincoln
so I
clicked on the one of the
links that happen to be your
page so
check me into your page and I
said oh
okay I can get in from here and
then I
said what I'm not following
Adam because there's a little
there I said oh I doubt it I'll
that immediately and I clicked
on it and
I put myself back in there and
I did a
clip blitz you did you did a
little clip
blitz of gifs or whatever that
is jiff
blitz that's what it is that's
one for
the records a giblets well then
let me
let me just stay with my
favorite topic
which is sports
yes yes I have said I'm
interested well
I was watching my buddy over
there on
fs1 Jason Whitlock as usual
guys great
Jason Whitlock is great and he
to explain to everybody
something we
kind of already knew this is
the the NBA and China but for
those who
have not followed outside of
the United
States one tweet from one guy
who said
hey I stand behind Hong Kong
sent the
Chinese into a tizzy who knew
there's like 300 million
basketball fans
in China and very popular and
Whitlock explains it just a
little bit
further Nike is in control of
the NBA college basketball High
Nike is the real person driving
conversation and this thing
with China
if you go back to not much
connected to
politics in 2015 in May of 2015
President Barack Obama went to
headquarters in Portland Oregon
yes and
announced his defense of the TPP
trans-pacific partnership
that's what
great deal it was gonna be very
favorable for Nike for China
who's the
president that came after Obama
walked America away from the
TPP Donald
Trump who is the shoe company
employs LeBron James Colin
and these other athletes that
Donald Trump is racist who are
people constantly criticizing
Trump MBA Steve Kerr
Gregg Popovich the NBA answers
to Nike
Nike say 40 billion dollar
business the
an 8 billion dollar business
Obama the basketball president
relationship with the NBA went
to Nikes
headquarters to announce his
defense the
TPP this thing is very simple
this is
about money this is about a
that won't cooperate with what
wants done
Nike is using the NBA and its
over the NBA to go after this
because they disagree with him
about his
policies as it relates to trade
in China
yeah I want you to credit
whoever it was
that sent it to you I I mean
when you
really just you know when you
use your
skill at sports you can you
know and you
can figure stuff out now I did
a lot of
searching for this show today
I'm going
back in our archives and it's
always fun
to see how much we covered and
I used
Bing it I owe the bingette I
owe is
where all of the show notes you
can even
search by at the mp3 level you
can get
anything you want from this
show going
back at least six seven years
now I
think all nine years on Bing at
dot IO
and I found a piece of that
speech from
Obama in 2015 at Nike
headquarters in
Beaverton and it becomes very
apparent I
don't know if we caught it at
the time
because we would we just didn't
like the
TPP and its secrecy in general
and it
was very I mean we couldn't
really find
any sketchy very very sketchy
but when
you hear this all of a sudden
it will
become very clear what it was
about to
trans-pacific partnership that
working on and this is at the
Nike headquarters on campus
it's the
biggest trade deal that we're
working on
right now has to do with the
asia-pacific region and it
reflects our
values in ways that frankly some
previous trade agreements did
not it's
the highest standard most
trade deal in history it's got
enforceable provisions for
preventing things like child
labor it's
strong enforceable provisions
on the
environment helping us to do
things that
haven't been done before to
wildlife trafficking or
deforestation or
dealing with our oceans yeah
always the set up but actually
before we
get to it who would be in
with China when it comes to
and the NBA
it's not that obscene in the
NBA the
Europe of course is the big
well yeah oh
no no when it comes to
manufacturing it
becomes obvious and these are
enforceable in the agreement
and Nike
operates in the Pacific region
so they
understand the competitive
pressure is
there under Nike has factories
around the world and let's face
it mark
I think doesn't mind me saying
it he
looks to mark the CEO of Nike
oh is ok
if I say this is alright mark
mark you
don't mind do you there on Nike
factories all around the world
and let's
face it mark I think doesn't
mind me
saying it but some of these
they don't have the standards
for wages
and labor conditions that we
have here
so when you look at a country
Vietnam competition to China
when it
comes to manufacturing country
Vietnam squash him squash those
so when you look at a country
Vietnam under this Agreement
would actually for the first
time have
to raise its labor standards it
have to set a minimum wage it
would have
to pass safe workplace laws to
its workers it would even have
protect workers freedom to form
for the very first time that's
great for
China that would make a
difference you
can't have unions in China no
of course
not no unions in China so Wow
yeah there
you go and Vietnam very
advantage go biz
--it this really fantastic
place by the
China is s Ho calm goes to no
show calm man now this is
and so now it's coming out you
know all
of these little bits and bobs
which companies are really at
the at the
behest of China
Apple of course who told
multiple Apple
TV plus show developers haip
stand don't
piss off Chinaman Riot Games
league of legends pros to shut
up on
sensitive issues and let me
just give
you a list here of 12 companies
owned by
the Chinese in the entertainment
business AMC Theaters Dick Clark
Productions Dick Clark
Productions I
mean they did the Golden Globes
Music Awards new year's ball
New Year's
rockin Eve of course they don't
do the
Golden Globes I don't think s
they do
yeah they sure do Dick Clark
produced as the Golden Globes
entertainment see anything else
actually know here both their
hands and
all the big Hollywood studios
yeah yeah
Cirque du Soleil they own all
that what
yes they buy out Cirque de
Soleil yeah
they bought him out last year
they they
acquired a majority stake for
billion dollars I'm bad for a
good investment bunch of people
around in tights that's pretty
good but
we did have some actual stuff
before we get to I'm sure you
have a
report of the probe the
Stanton his new stand-up
routine I have
the Minnesota stand-up routine
where he
was doing is I think it's a
little his
new set yeah we'll get to that
after we go through the China
because apparently it was very
underreported the president did
do an
oval office presser on the
matter that
we've reached some form of
with the China's we've come to a
deal pretty much subject to
getting it
written it'll take probably
three weeks
four weeks or five weeks as you
where we're going to be in Chile
together that's a big summit
and maybe
it'll be then or maybe it'll be
around then but we've come to a
deal on
intellectual property financial
a tremendous deal for the
farmers a
purchase of from 40 to 50
dollars worth of agricultural
and to show you how big that is
would be two and a half three
times what
China had purchased at its
highest point
thus far so they were
purchasing 16 or
17 billion at the highest point
that'll be brought up to 40
billion to
50 billion so I'd suggest the
have to go and immediately buy
more land
and get bigger tractors they'll
available in John Deere and a
lot of
other great distributor on sale
now go
down honest Joe's tractor sales
before we write this all down
then it
turns out maybe a little
different but
would take in the purchase of
agricultural products from 40
to 50
billion meaning in that
from 40 to 50 approx billion
and what
they've been doing now I
believe this
about eight billion right eight
now it's eight the other thing
I will
say is over the last two weeks
a lot of
purchases have started going
back to our
farmers and you've been doing a
lot of
business with us which we we
very much yeah there's nothing
like a
little bit of fresh Steve
botanic meat
when when something like this
happens in
fact I heard about it from
patch annex
YouTube channel before anyone
on it Washington Post has has
on it today actually from
yesterday it's
because you don't have to wait
clearance exactly the control
had not
issued clearances yet SOPA
genic a two
parter for him to clips cuz
he's always
long but just cut it a little
bit in the
beginning and then the end
first he is he really was
lauding praise
over everybody on the team
this is dr. panic and I want to
gray kudos to kudos to minuchin
to Ross
to lift IO Brian to President
Xi to Vice
President Vice Premier Li and
all the
members of the negotiating team
on both
sides it was an amazing moment
phase 1 of negotiations had been
successful as I predicted
instead of going head-to-head
in a
conflict which is not what
Trump wanted
it's not what I wanted and it's
not what
Republicans wanted we instead
went into
a negotiation that was very
and at times he thought and I
thought it
wouldn't continue but I had
faith in Trump and his team
because I
knew that historically these
were not
politicians these are
businessmen every
time you think that Trump is
irrationally or erratically or
he's not
appropriate I want you to think
one thing he's a businessman
he's not a
politician the people he
appointed and I
got to get kudos to Kushner and
Melania through having brought
up the
whole team and supporting that
because it was not easy this is
business family this is a
family that
deals in numbers and outcomes
and I want
to particularly thank our
civilian and
military intelligence that did a
brilliant job of manipulating
controlling the dynamics of
Hong Kong
and they resolved it at a
time yeah the keeper and I were
about Trump and his attitude
because of
course we well I didn't see all
of in
fact then I'd had to watch most
on the
re-run of his speech in
Minneapolis but
rich truly rich successful
people you
know them to John and it's like
just I'll mention one Hearst
cuz you've
talked about them before these
are typically very crass very
complete assholes and that's
just who
they are they're the opposite in
demeanor of politicians which
is well I
will say let me say there's a
defense of
Hearst he's the least of that
type of
guy that I know
douchebag I've witnessed it of
course he
was saying something to Ron
bloom which
is you know is of the same ilk
I've seen
I've seen there are guys that
are way
way beyond it's it's the best
example of
this I think it used to be
there was a
60 it was a 60 Minutes and one
of these
specials that was done on
DeLorean Oh
John DeLorean sure who was he
was a
model and he was a big shot and
they did
this thing and it was just
profaned from
the get-go yeah I mean it I
mean it's
just like oh and I've run into
guys all they do is cus yes
yeah and and
but they're just crass they
don't care
that or they certainly they
speak like
oh yeah we board meeting or
it's like we'll get the fire
yeah well
too bad yeah yeah and and and
what pachán ik is saying and
most people
don't have that experience but
interesting to note how we love
big business families when
dramatized you know the Ewings
you know
in dynasty we had the
Carrington's we
have now we have succession
which is a
huge hit we love these dine
family business people when
dramatized and we root for them
and hate
them at the same time and when
dramatized they downplay it so
just so
you know that's what you're
seeing and
that's what you're getting but
are either achieved wildly or
are of course massive and
that's the
same with Trump ease had wild
and and massive failures now to
details pachán ik knows a
little bit
more than what the president
at that Oval Office presser now
let me
explain to you what elements
agreed on number one we've
agreed on
technology transfer that means
that the
United States and China will
work on
artificial intelligence on the
5g on
every other component that we
have with
various companies including who
away and
other companies where we need to
exchange our intellectual
property and
their intellectual properties
doesn't sound like a win to me
but okay
well what is who away that's
that's the Steve pathetic
of huawei aren't intellectual
and their intellectual property
intellectual property comes in
to the
technology transfer that means
whatever we have in the
narratives and
content and whatever we have in
application we will also share
with the
Chinese number three we have an
agriculture relationship which
that we went from five or eight
dollars in exports from the
Midwest to
about 50 billion in soybeans
and other
products that means Nebraska
Idaho Utah all the Midwestern
countries are going to do
well as he and his Trump says
so will
John Deere and our farmers so
they will
start exporting a lot the
thing to understand we have
instruments that will do very
well and
we will have transparency that
that China cannot reduce their
and you played it or devalue it
at a
given time so that we have to
exorbitant fees in turn we will
these American Express in all
credit card companies that will
accepted into China as well as
Stanley Goldman Sachs whoa
that's new
all the credit card companies
ah that's a pretty big deal for
financial sector once taking a
while to
break down five weeks to write
it down
the deal yes we heard it takes
a while
to get it written up we'll
suppose yeah
figuring out what the good and
bad sides
of this are I mean there's
gotta be the
trades aren't stupid they
didn't sign
off on something that they
can't benefit
from and as I was researching
some of
this and thinking about it I
I'd like to make clear that
when when I
say you know the China is the
I'm like any country I'm really
about their leaders they're not
representatives but their
leaders and
you know we've talked about
in Chinese culture and they Wow
man they
really have a different vibe
personal space and as it's been
explained to us that's because
there is
no notion of personal space in
China and
I actually and find that out
when you
get in a queue yes yeah when
they when
they cut in line and push you
aside but
today's modern Chinese or I'd
say the
Chinese who were leaving it was
this guy who was in in Hong
Kong that
made me realise that you know
just they're just young people
like us I
mean that did it for me
so they got humor they got
going on over there I don't
think the
guy was trying to be funny
trying to
make nice with it with our
donors getting so much trouble
which one
which one of the one yes who
who's the
John who yeah anyway so that's
it and I
thought in a fruitful
interesting update
on the China's
and then the president went now
night after the show I rallied
and I
went to the local first local
512 meetup
in Austin so it was actually
really nice
sir Scott of the armory had to
it and about I think 18 19
people there
and it was made very clear to
me that
it's it's always going to be on
because they really don't want
me there
that was the interesting part
so that would they don't want
me to feel
obliged that I have to show up
to every
single Meetup
well you you would never feel
that way
anyway no but it would that I
kind of
appreciated so now when I go
it's like
oh now it's a super big treat
and I was
funny you could show up as a
exactly well do you want to
I don't even know if people
expected me
to show up yeah I have a meet
up live
read the report and it seems as
they like oh well we're unhappy
that you
despite curry showing up the
vibe didn't
change I think was the was the
celebrity two-bit celebrity
really xv0 in the spot man send
us Pauly
Shore get us something funny
exactly I do have a media
report later
on we'll talk about that but
Andrew Bullock also lives in
Texas she does have a house
here I think
she may live in Moore in
California but
she certainly has a house here
and she's
from here
she let me think of the reason
this year
I'm like Jennifer Aniston she
has a
place in this fair she's moving
again for South by she's moving
and if you think about I was
really what
it was what I was I thought
about it
you're your actress in
Hollywood most of
your shoots are gonna be in
Vancouver or
who knows where why do you want
to pay
especially if you're making
like five
million dollars ten million
dollars 20
million dollars a year or more
why would
you not want to have a place in
a text
and a personal tax free state
doesn't pay income distain
income tax
yeah you'd be nuts to be a
resident when you can have a
nice place
in Austin that's right
that's right
you know Jen Aniston has made
some bad
choices letting Brad Pitt go so
you know
that's she's not smart enough to
actually own something it was
Joe Angelina Jolie offered him
sex sure that's right when well
then she
should have countered well she
have the chops so what I didn't
get to
see although I saw it later and
I saw it
the next day in Louisiana which
was I
think was similar in scope but
we've we
have a a bit of a format change
now with
the president stand-up routine
bringing a whole new Act yeah
he's also
bringing up local people not
just the
politicians but local you know
like he
had some it was a little
different I
thought there was something you
local heroes onstage I don't
think he
was doing bringing them up as
often as
he has now well I mean he has
changes it
but this act is completely
revamped to
all new all new material
watching it gets stale I mean
he's been
doing so much
even Fox wasn't showing it in
in its
entirety was you know there was
no there
was no danger he's like oh he's
said all this we know we needed
something new and he I think he
delivered I have a bunch of
clips from
the Minnesota speech and the
thing is
this obvious that this some of
this and
by the way the Lib Joe's yes I
have I was gonna print out some
of the
they're nuts they've gone
over the top they just think
that you
can tell if you read The
Washington Post
in The New York Times and
that's all you
ever read the first paragraph
of all
their articles about Trump all
we start
off with the guys that corrupt
right of course and I mean it's
that's your lead graph and so
they go on
from there and so these guys
are sucked
it up and they're all I'm
almost at the
you know the one Lib Joe says
quitting he's gonna be
resigning by
Christmas so I'm putting that
in for a
bet and they both poopoo my
that Hillary's jumping into
this day cuz
they still haven't seen any
information so well
there's money to be made it has
great it
has cooled down a bit around
hills so
she needs to wait for this
tomorrow and then strike bait
is the
yeah okay hey I'm with you I'm
with you
I'm with you first of all let's
with not the speech itself but
Hayes the the resected lesbian
runs that
all in with Chris Hayes God she
had on
this professor fried who he
sets it up
in his male persona he sets it
up as the
professor some sort of fabulous
conservative that is now turned
on Trump
because that's what they're all
everybody who's a conservative
on Trump and so you get to
listen to
this guy didn't I that's why I
this guy appease the professor
yes and
he used to be a conservative
but he was
in the because he was in the
administration the guys
80-something and
so he was against the
conservative but
he was in the Obama
administration is a
huge Obama supporter refused to
vote for
John McCain hated Romney
nothing wrong
with that but is this not a guy
classic conservative you're
gonna roll
out to slam Trump and I think
what he
had to say was kind of very
typical of
what the Lib joes are thinking
and this
is clip is Professor fried on
that's afraid you're a
legal legend I think it's fair
to say I
mean you you you have had many
throughout the years you are
highly regarded you have been
part of
American conservatism for a
very long
time G what are the
conversations you
have with people that you would
you know for lack of a better
cheekily fellow travelers about
what is
happening with this president
in the
rule of law they are horrified
it is the
very opposite of the great
the great replot Republicans
like Ronald
Reagan like Dwight Iseman Dwight
Eisenhower speaking the way
this man
speaks or Lincoln I mean or
Roosevelt this man is ignorant
and foul-mouthed Wow
you know this guy needs a
little lesson
on eisenhower
Eisenhower was the president
who warned
us in his farewell speech to be
of the unmitigated power of the
military-industrial complex
well he wasn't foul-mouthed say
though he was to his room he
was but he
didn't do it in his speeches
and I guess
everything it's all that's
important to beat to be
anyway this guy you know I've
fellow mountain what Trump has
done is
added at ass and bullshit yes
yes two
words to his vocabulary that he
uses in
the Trump on the stump Trump
stump each
and whereas children who grew
up during
the Bill Clinton era learned
blowjobs are net not sex
they're not sex
now bullshit is not a bad word
you can't
say in public it is a approved
but it's foul-mouthed according
to this
old fart okay so let's go on
with it
let's go with a that there's a
they're all short except one
let's start
with that this is the Trump
himself going off-script and
this is
where he's a moment of
because he does have a prompter
up there
which people should call him
out on cuz
he made a big stink about it
Obama uses him but he used it
but he
doesn't stick with the prompter
these impromptu speeches the
audience is
really going nuts over
everything he
says it and he comes to the self
realization thing it was pretty
this is Trump catch yourself
but have you refused to bow our
bend to
the Washington swamp which I
could do
very easily I'd be much more
folks I'd be it would be so
much easier
isn't it much better when I go
off-script is that better yeah
so yes he
gives a little Riya Riya
formation cuz
he does he does go off-script
so here
now here he is talking about
Pelosi and
he's really irked with her and
all this
all these investigations was
slowing him down when which I'm
they're designed to slow him
down but
he's worked with it and so he
is so he
goes right at he says some of
the he
gets pretty insulting when
Nancy Pelosi
was on television the other day
I have to say I have to say I
was very
proud of George Stephanopoulos
I was
very proud it's not often she
said no no
shifty shift old the truth when
he said
that Stephanopoulos it no I
read no no
it wasn't the truth it was a
false step
no no was it truth he said no
and then
she really believes it so she's
got one of two problems she's
really stupid okay oh she's
really lost
it or maybe there's a certain
of this up but they spear you
they spy
on you and they target your
friends your
family you stand for harassment
abuse for destruction and I
noticed that
in that little bit he does a
little a
little bit of little acting
but he started started to do
more stick
as I like to call it and he'll
go into
characters and he doesn't do
voices yet
but that's coming I don't know
if he's
gonna get here by the election
that he
came pretty close with some
things I
heard I thought he was doing
like this
bit between struck and Lisa
page yes
where he's he's he's mimicking
having a conversation and he
goes into
them call it you know saying
how much
they love each other and he
goes on and
on and he's doing the kind of
but he's not he take it a step
up by
adding a little of female
going you know talking like you
this isn't a higher pitched
voice to
make it a little more obvious
what he's
up to but here is the 34
seconds a part
of that a little loose I guess
it would
be a drama dramatization of text
messages sent between Peter
struck and
Lisa page I love you Peter
I love you too Lisa police
hello Lisa
Lisa oh god I love you Lisa and
if she
doesn't win Lisa we got it
policy Lisa who get that son of
a bitch
we got an insurance car and
we're living
through the insurance policy
that's what
it is the phony Russia hoax
police I
love you now to do nothing
Democrat con
artists and scammers are getting
desperate the whole bit was
very cool
really quite funny curious with
this is a party that do nothing
because I don't know if this is
redundancy or not but this is
Trump do
nothing Democrats they do
Democratic streamers have gone
so far
left that they believe it
should not be
a crime to cross our border
and it should be a crime to
have a
totally appropriate casual
accurate phone call with a
leader I don't think so now did
last bit
I have here is this when he
goes after
Biden um I think it can stamp
from we
can do we can start with this
where is
hunter clip which is 16 seconds
oh yeah that's his new thing
oh by the way whatever happened
hunter where the hell is he
hunter hey fellas I have an
idea for a
new t-shirt
I love the cups but let's do
t-shirt where's hunter now in
in general
is like who gives a crap but
he's I
think he I think he's making
the point
that the the news has not done
with hunter yeah I think it is
interviewed him I don't believe
well they talking about him all
the time
want somebody go and interview
him I
think that's what what Trump
was was
referring to it's like how come
and he's
just not on the scene no one's
to him and you don't see anyone
out his house
now I have these last two clips
in this
bug Biden and hunter with some
snide remarks I can't remember
the order
now we did is there a timecode
on those
no but I think the hunter is
the first
one I recall okay yeah okay
well let's
use that to start with the
hunter clip
this is pretty fun hunter being
by sleepy eyes Chuck Todd or
some of
these people hunter so great
that you're
here sir
hunter I know they're giving you
approximately a hundred and
sixty eight
thousand dollars a month
I hear they paid you a big
check of
three million dollars I just
want to
speak on behalf of NBC who's
one of the wars I just want to
tell you
Hunter hunter I just want to
tell you I
couldn't be happier for you and
family and I I know you don't
anything about energy and I
know it's an
energy company but I I think
they made a
great deal hunter
and I'm dealing with people
right now
they're tough as hell those
negotiators and hunter who's
not too
smart hunter
he goes in he has a meeting he
walks out
in his fund with 1.5 billion
would it be
1.5 billion dollars
these aren't the same Chinese
negotiators that I'm dealing
with I can
tell you these are not the same
ones but
we are doing very well in that
negotiation now think of it
hunter located get it so where
is hunter
I want to see hunter Estes but
you know nothing about energy
you know
nothing about you know nothing
anything frankly hunter you're
a loser
why didn't you get one point
billion dollars hunter hey
where's the
hyung what did you record that
off of
the hummus is outrageous that
was that
was record that believed that
was in the
feed really that's shit
somebody screwed
up it was in Minnesota hello
you know once again we had one
of these
phony baloney virtue signal
from Prince's estate yeah we'll
get it
we'll get to that because I
want cuz I'm
gonna do specifically have you
do your
bidding okay all right okay
good good
yeah hold on so this is how it
fit this
is the one where he goes from
calling hunter a loser I mean
if you
have a sense of humor and yeah
I guess
it's unpresidential it's
jazz calendar people 2019 it's
not 1860
when they used to duel it out
that they used to actually
shoot at each
other who did that wasn't a
who who dueled with with a
Hamilton God we got into a beef
someone so here we go with this
is the
last clip I have of this cuz
they're all short but he's on a
roll the
whole time he's got the
audience in the
palm of his hand he's getting
big laughs
he's got the same set up behind
there's always one or two but
usually at
least one big smile blonde
always describe very attractive
even it
was kind of fuzzy the shot was
not good
in this patootie did you see the
multiple jobs jobs jobs banners
everywhere yeah I just know
that we've
been saying jobs jobs jobs for
eight years Rick Rude the day
first set it
and yes jobs jobs jobs so here
he isn't
if he's just gonna give a
little needle
to Biden and I think Biden is
from because he has he doesn't
look he
looks worked I mean he really
looks mad
when he speaks now it's gonna
be fun to
watch him in the next debates
because he's gonna he's gonna
go off
with off-topic completely and go
completely if' after Trump and
I think a
lot of it has to do with this
and this
also got the attention of the
of the
deep state and your father was
considered smart he was never
a good senator he was only a
good vice
president because he understood
how to
kiss Barack Obama's ass it's
unpresidential but also funny
ruining the country Oh No stand
up to
make a comeback I gotta tell ya
I'm old
55 it's old buy it for a lot of
standards I find the beautiful
I find
very funny we used to be the
Joker's of
the world we lost Joe's are
themselves yes I know people are
outraged by this how can you
speak like
this is not normal no it's not
but I don't know this also not
go so ballistic over it Obama
had really
really really good intelligent
sophisticated deep digging
jokes with
fabulous timing they were just
jokes but he could be just as
crass and
and and he was done yeah but he
understated his craft sinister
what this which is very British
is more
acceptable to the elites yeah
which are
British and cons Obama would do
nasty stuff oh i've need I
remind you
well at least I became
president Trump
you know that when they were
doing the
Correspondents Dinner there's a
justified dig at Trump Trump
booth had
been a dick about the birther
stuff so
what so what we're all such
assholes in
real life but oh no this has to
different you know what's you
what's funny is the this lack of
presidential is not
presidential is not
and they say that on the one
hand the
other hand they say he wants to
be king
he wants to be king they must
be a
dictator but being presidential
being a
big phony not being himself
mm-hmm is
really more you know appeals to
more of
the people that would like a
monarchy is
there's something you know
while you're
on that this is good I told you
I was
doing some old research
the thing about Syria really
bothered me
because this is another huge
issue that
the Washington establishment
has most of
the mainstream media m5m
including Fox
like oh my god we can't do this
completely wrong and you know
we've been
doing this show for a while so
and I
have a reasonable memory when
it comes
to things I've tangibly held in
my hands
or I guess not completely
tangibly but
I've I've recorded clips I've
the titles for clips and you
stuff after a while and there
was and we
followed this very closely and
there was
a promise and that's why I don't
understand why people are
talking about
our troops
pulling our troops we don't
have troops
in Syria we do not have combat
troops in
better known as boots on the
ground I do
not foresee a scenario in which
boots on
the ground in Syria American
boots on
the ground in Syria would not
only be
good for America but also would
be good
for Syria I will not put
American boots
on the ground in Syria I will
not pursue
an open-ended action like Iraq
Afghanistan with respect to the
situation on the ground in
Syria we will
not be placing the u.s. ground
troops to
try to control the areas that
are part
of the conflict inside of Syria
resolution we've submitted
today does
not call for the deployment of
us ground
combat forces to Iraq or Syria
so then
of course we sent troops to
Syria yeah
but it wasn't really troops it
special advisors and the
Jim Acosta was in the press
room making
waves back in the day for a
good old
Josh there which is this
president in
this White House the officials
here at
this White House would
repeatedly over
and over again made it clear to
American people that there
would be no
combat role for US troops
fighting Isis
that appears to be changing not
only is
there this announcement that
talking about today
which you say they won't be
involved in
a combat
not ruling out the possibility
that they
may be involved in some sort of
operation but on the Iraq side
you have
Pentagon officials this week
we're in combat so I'm just it
would be
great if we just have a moment
clarity here and you can
that yes this mission is
changing it is
not what it was said it was
going to be
at the onset that's I mean I'd
say that
it's clear to say that Jim
would only
confuse the situation the fact
of the
matter is the mission that the
commander-in-chief has given our
military personnel in Iraq and
now in in
Syria is a train advise and
mission train advise great
lengths to
make clear that that is in no
diminishes the amount of risk
that our
men and women in uniform will
be facing
we've also been quite clear
that there
actually have been situations
combat boots have been on the
inside of Syria we've been
quite candid
about that the President
ordered a
mission involving US military
putting boots on the ground
inside of
Syria to try to rescue American
have been taken by ISIL that
more than more than a year ago
so but
still there's no combat boots
on the
ground somehow we have
thousands of
troops boots on the ground now
the Trump
the horrible horrible man is
taking away
so the Kurds will get
slaughtered but we
have no boots on the ground I'm
I'm sorry no yes no if yes we
have to go
back to Admiral Kirby who was
questions from Matt Lee and guy
and there was never this you
know there
was never this no boots on the
ground I
don't know where this keeps
coming from
I'm just curious if this is
like part of
some kind of devious grand
strategy to
say one thing and then do the
opposite of it I just don't see
it that
way for months and months and
that the mantra from the
president and
everyone else in the
administration has
been no boots on the ground and
all options are on the table
boots on the ground that was
that that
was the I never said that but
can the
president send any number of
forces without calling them
troops they are not ground
troops in the
in the sense that they are not
conventional ground troops
combat operations on their own
this Special Forces being sent
to Syria
going to be engaged in combat i
job would be in keeping with the
original 50 which was advise and
assistant there's no point in
the boots on the ground rhetoric
absolutely no point in I'm not
the fact that we have troops on
ground and there weren't buds
so I don't
know why everyone's all up in
there's no troops there there's
advise and assist we've advised
assisted we can step back now
forget very quickly but not
your no
agenda show we have a long
especially when somebody goes
and digs up all this old stuff
yeah it's
easy to do we have a whole
search engine
just for it yeah well that's
the benefit of doing something
for a
long time and value for value
we've got
you know it's all because Dave
started the freedom control or
structured XML data because I
output the
show notes as OPML it can be
pulled into
anything and it's served us
quite well
anyway these these are
technologies yeah it's our
version of AI
very artificial yes it's right
micro-service that's the
problem it'll
all fall down if one little
thing breaks
the whole No Agenda show will
fall apart
I don't know I just I just
wanted to
remind people that and you know
could have easily have said we
have we're not pulling any
troops out we
got advisors this is what Obama
said it
it would have been much smarter
Trump's advisors so not up to
par I mean
they're all ready for their
lives now I
mean are you really I mean
you're gonna
be stunned when you hear the
stuff that
they live dohsa written stunned
well I
gotta say I read this
indictment from
the Federal Election Committee
the two
Ukrainians bozos I mean yeah it
pretty pretty shady those guys
they got
they were donating to
committees they're
donating to the state elections
mainly to get weed licenses
that's the
funniest thing of it no one's
about that there's one clip that
mentioned it but I thought that
funny like we've licenses okay
yeah and
they used a credit card this is
what every campaign does
Obama's foreign
credit card receipts were
so yeah throw these guys in jail
absolutely makes Rudy Giuliani
look like
a shitheel well you know
Juliana he's
always been a douche bag
yeah but you know he's not
gonna go to
jail or anything why just a good
backstory on the Giuliani
associates the
backstory from Democracy Now to
Associates of president Trump's
lawyer Rudy Giuliani have been
and charged with campaign
violations the men left par
Ness and
Igor frohnen were arrested at
International Airport Wednesday
trying to
aboard a one-way flight to
Vienna where
they were to be meeting with
according to the indictment the
florida businessmen pressured
Texas Republican Congress
member Pete
sessions to push for the ouster
of the
u.s. Ambassador to Ukraine while
simultaneously funding his
campaign the
Ambassador was fired in May
interesting I didn't really see
spelled out in the indictment
that's one of the things they
say that a
lot of the stuff the indictment
purely about the election
contribution fraud which is
clear from
that by the way they are three
s I think
it's five these only two of the
four of them are US citizens
one was a
citizen or wasn't at some point
there they were born in Ukraine
but the
only thing I could find in this
indictment was illegal campaign
donations there's and the the
licensing I know anything about
pressuring maybe it's in there
I'll look again yeah look again
but I
just got this this ambassador
liked her anyway
and so Trump got ended up
getting rid of
her and maybe fuss about it but
when a new president comes in
don't they
usually put their own
ambassadors in all
over the place anyway yeah and
always so why is this a big
deal well
because now you get to say out
because so-and-so donated a
dollars he or she is ambassador
which is
exactly how every president
does it
that's the whole idea
why for example a lot of the
big donors
massive donors especially the
they only donate to get an
ambassadorship and you want
Paris you
want London you want one of
these you
know that's that's the
you want yeah I can tell you a
Silicon Valley guy that you
know I know
we both know from kleiner
perkins who he
keeps betting on the wrong
horse over
and over again millions and
millions of
dollars he keeps doing it
and I said what is he giving
her the
money for was it was he
donating this
guy oh he expects if the guy
wins he's
gonna get the ambassador
France I saw on the Forbes
richest 400
list which came out this week
John Doerr
is has eight billion dollars
according to the list yeah
dollars all goes the Democrats
that's Frankie but he still
doesn't have
an ambassadorship no he's not
gonna get
one either cuz he doesn't can't
pick a
winner but he's probably all in
Camelot for all we know mm-hmm
worse I should just play the
quick camel
a clip it's just a quick aside
you want to go to the donations
no no
big big props to the Cuomo kid
for that
very funny
but what you it doesn't
translate in
audios when she said my
pronouns a teen
her hands and she looked at the
she did one but maja yeah
that's right I
got pronouns my pronouns I I
know I know
we got all the pro nigga just my
pronouns know she's you
signaling of
this largest hold herself far
away from the black community
she pulls
this bullshit and which is like
oh well
I'm glad you told us cam like
as we had
no idea I thought you were a
guy you
know there was something I
wanted to
play maybe it's appropriate
here because
I presume you're not gonna do
the whole
diversity thing or you want to
do that
in and before the break or do
you want
to imagine what diversity thing
well the
the CNN Town Hall I presume you
got some
more clips is that all you got
from that
thing no I got to I got the
other one
which is the transgender person
well let's just set this up for
a second
this aired as competing
programming to
the President's speech in
and the of course the next day
I go look
at the ratings yeah I mean I
don't know
why they're doing this it was
the lower
the whole light was the lowest
of all
the cable channels Fox had an
average of
3.7 million viewers during the
president's the Minneapolis
speech and
CNN was just around a million a
viewers and you know three
hundred and
twenty-five thousand in the
target demo
so you know it's why are they
doing this
is it do they I mean they
clearly don't
they must not care about
ratings so it
and they had all the superstars
on it
was all the all the candidates
it was
all doing what their whole
league celebs
yeah but this it's it's suicide
I think
I mean I have I picked one or
two clips
from excite
I figured you might you might
have a few
what do you have yeah I have
the one i
have the one good clip and I
also have a
glow game we can play okay well
let me
play my clips and then I will
go into
yours in your game how does
that sound
sounds good so we'll start with
Joe who
just you know he has a little
bit of the
Trump sickness where he's
dropping whole
words and trying to keep the
flowing and just omits entire
now you know your Trump doesn't
do it
that so much that it's an
orange doing
it right you're wrong you're
doing it
right now right well I'm
thinking of Ron
Paul my head and Ron Paul will
he'll drop whole sentences
right but now
Biden is doing the same thing
and this
is just 27 seconds of what went
on there
it's normal it's normalized
it's not
anything strange it's not
strange that's
the generic point and the more
know that the more they
understand it
remember Anderson back 15-20
years ago
we talked about this and in San
Francisco is all about well you
know gay
gay gay bath houses and having
it's all
about around the clock
he's looking at Anderson
Cooper's like
gay a gay a gay a gay Cooper's
backing off each time he said
it was
Biden in the band physically
backwards now that he said hey
Anderson talk about this just
goes all
about well you know but what is
actually saying he's trying
would I
understand what he says I can
him just tell me because I have
no idea
what he's trying to say is it's
okay to
be gay it's okay to be whatever
you want
it's okay to be transgendered
what he's saying and the way
he's trying
to say that is worse way of
saying we're
saying it's 2019 remember
Anderson back
in the day and I think this is
what he
really meant to say was 20
years ago not
10 15 while he was know it was
15 years
ago and you know Joe Biden only
in 2004
the bathhouses were shut down
in San
Francisco in 2004 completely
but the
Obama administration through
joob joob
it--and sorry Joe Biden she was
the one
I didn't it just came out I
didn't mean
anything by Biden Joe Biden did
interview and said yeah well
I've I've
reassessed my thinking on
yeah the Friday before Obama
was going
to announce this big change he
Obama's thunder from him which
Obama I think he's still mad
about it of
course he is and now here's Joe
hey hey oh people thought gays
were just
like has sex and then no man
it's normal now remember don't
remember it was just sex and
gay better
ah nah sad man
sad Joe Biden who okay then we
have this
is oh yeah
this was bait Oh O'Rourke whoo
and I believe this is in the
backdrop of
a forthcoming Supreme Court
over title 7 of the Civil
Rights Act
which we discussed that the
hearing was
held on October 8th and I guess
we don't
have a ruling yet and the idea
question is can a company fire
you for
being gay now that is not any
that there's addressed in title
7 it
says you can not discriminate
male and female so if you fire
some guy
because he sleeps with guys you
have to
also fire a woman if she sleeps
women it's it's that stupid but
telling you that's what the law
is the
law says you cannot interpret
this law
any differently if you want to
change it
let's do that but but the
is not something that can be
you can't
derive that from the actual
written text
is only about that sex not
preference or gender and yeah I
employers need protection too
the way
this is turned around though is
I was
fired for being gay it may not
necessarily be exactly what
happened but
you can easily use that excuse
and maybe
someone was fired for being gay
I wouldn't visit that businesses
business anymore but I think
it's still
their business anyway that's
what it was
about and Beto has his remarks
companies and organizations
this is from
your LGBTQ plan and here's what
write as a quote freedom of
religion is
a fundamental right but it
should not be
used to discriminate do you
religious institutions like
churches charities should they
their tax-exempt status if they
same-sex marriage yes
there can be no reward no
benefit no tax
break for anyone or in any
any organization in America
that denies
the full human rights and a
full civil
rights of every single one of
us and so
as president we're going to
make that a
priority and we are going to
stop those
who are infringing upon the
human rights
of our fellow Americans which I
mean it
would be great if if these same
organizations weren't ageist
and and
don't hire people based upon
age which
is rampant throughout all
industries oh
yeah yeah I mean it's just take
it from
us we were already unhireable
if we're not hire about because
too old now I was Silicon
Valley seen
what you got on you had some
this one where the transgender
comes out and she goes nuts
this was
actually compiled by some one
of the
networks and and this is a
leads me to a
kind of a it's actually a truth
two different people that were
kind of
attacked by by some transgender
comes out and this is the trans
I think
this is the transgender at 9:00
Warren and Cuomo clip play it
ah yes I got it SIA and his mom
who's an advocate for
transgender youth
and active with the Human Rights
Campaign Jacobs Annabelle
school student from
Massachusetts likes
to play hockey stop stop stop
stop okay
this is not what I was thinking
I have
another one here this is a good
though and I have to set it up
they bring on this little girl
become a transgender boy mm-hmm
at dance
and the kid is 9 and the mom is
there as
a the mom and we know people
that in the
big item we were those people
here she proclaims herself as a
transgender advocate mhm
and the kid is 9 is a cute
little boy
but it's really a girl
apparently but we
don't really know the details
of that
and this seems a little a little
aggressive to start doing
hormones on a
kid who's not fully developed
but she's
good with it and apparently so
Elizabeth Warren who just sucks
up this
question with that you know
Cuomo's this
is the question-and-answer
period and
this is I found it disturbing
Percy and
his mom Mimmi who's an advocate
transgender youth and active
with the
Human Rights Campaign Jacobs
elementary school student from
Massachusetts likes to play
hockey Jake
right Jacob um my name is Jacob
Ireland nine-year-old
American my question is
what were you doing your first
week as
president to make sure that
kids like me
feel safer in schools and what
do you
think schools need to do better
to make
sure that I don't have to worry
anything but my homework how
did she
answer it she just went on with
one of
her spiels about you know
bullying and
the rest it wasn't really that
interesting but I just found
that the
appearance of a little
that has been transitioned at
that age
with a well here well here's my
on this I if you're going to
put your
child through transition or
help your
child transition at this age
prepubescence and the kid is
you know
has either been told you're
gonna be
bullied or has been bullied I
think if
if the child is old enough for
that for
the hormones that will stunt
growth then
I also think in order to keep
the child
safe you should train train
train this
child with a handgun and make
the kid
carry the handgun packing heat
clearly old enough for all of
this stuff
so give the kid a gun and
that'll change
everybody's view yeah that's
gonna work
I'm just saying what's wrong
with it and
it's no less wrong than putting
it then
putting a kid on growth stunting
hormones and then getting a big
round of
applause from the audience for
doing it
yeah so I would say that's
disturbing and open-carry I'm
talking concealing I want a big
with a Glock 9 okay so here's
the gears
the one we're talking to the
cook that I
wanted to play this is a
complaints of
dog sight this is the black
trans woman
this is from democracy now she
it and put a little package
this is the black trans woman
presidential candidates
attended a CNN
hosted Town Hall Thursday night
on LGBTQ rights the event was
disrupted by activists demanding
attention to the epidemic of
against black and brown
women South Bend Indiana Mayor
Buddha judge was interrupted
by activists holding a banner
trans lives matter as the
openly gay
mayor was being questioned by
Cooper in another interruption
blossom C Brown took the mic
another tonight yeah I saw some
of these
clips and I'm not quite sure
what what the controversy was
other than
apparently CNN did not schedule
black trans women to speak or
to ask
questions so that's the only
thing so
that's why she's mad at CNN for
them I guess I think so but
then the in
that clip there was actually
two that
you can feel it splice together
first one was with Buddha jej
the second
one was with another guy up
there and
that's part of the quiz I think
you know
who it is but he tried to do
his normal
thing of trying to sway age and
do his
no and he got like one small
little bit
of his voice in there and that
was just
enough to should be able to
tell you
exactly who this person was
because even
when he just goes up its
enough that you can tell who it
is so I
want you to get now it was in
there you
have to play the whole cookie
and just
play the little I clipped a one
where he tries to jump in okay
I know
I'm trying to hear who it is
what it
sounds like bado
right it was they know all
right yeah it
was bait oh yeah I could I can
hear that
what do you want to say did he
say anything I don't know he
never did
interrupt her cuz she's right
rattled prattling on he doesn't
interrupting because it's rude
yes and I
think that I don't know if it's
the same
woman but I caught a funny clip
from her
which I just thought was funny
so I want
to know how is our next present
this is
a different one yeah this is
so I know this sounded like a
question and she was in in the
light on
a you know in in a good spot so
I think
that this was a question that
she was
allowed to ask so I want to
know how is
our next president going to
black trans folks that's what I
want to
know nineteen is one too many
night is one too many as well
kind of well so what reverse
logic there
we have several trans women if
women for
sure I know if we have trans men
listening to the show I'd like
to know
what exactly is the issue are
women black trans women being
more often than white trans men
or more
often than straight women I
mean I just
want to know what the
percentage are and
what's going on if there's a
war against
anybody I want to know and
who's doing
it is it white guys I want to
know who's
killing black trans women this
is the
this is what pisses me off
about it is
all this bitching and moaning
but no one
tells me exactly what's
happening it's
like oh yes that's true I don't
oh yeah information community
if there
is such a thing the people
within the
groupings that were discussing
in this audience knows exactly
Ali she's
no she's the official no agenda
maybe that's what she does
that's how
she labels herself by the way
that's what she yeah she's the
one who
made a big fuss about us make
fuss about using the word
tranny yeah
transgenders fine well she said
well if
if she really had said it was
fine I
would have made a joke about
Oakley but I decide it's not
because she says never mind it
was the
kid in the gun so long story to
back it doesn't work anymore
we'll cut
this out of the show and put a
there no reason with that
though I want
to thank you for your courage
and say in
the morning to you the man who
put the C
and coming out John see Wow
well in the
morning to you mr. Adam curry
also in
the morning Jill all the ships
to see
boots on the ground feet in the
air subs
in the water and all the Dames
nights out there and in the
morning to
the trolls in the troll room
you can
join them if you just want to
lurk a
little bit that's fine to go to
agenda stream comm you can
listen to our
show live but there's always
streaming live at No Agenda
stream Crom
we have oh my god just so many
shows to
listen to 24 hours 7 days
you're let's
say what but it's it's it
really shows
you what is possible with just
who were all on this kind of on
the same
page like hey man let's just
keep the
amygdala small and let's have
some fun
and it's ok to troll each other
I mean I
enjoy it to a certain extent so
don't you join in the fun join
us at No
Agenda stream comm join in the
fund and a big in the morning
to Nick
the rat who absolutely nailed
it with
the not just nailed it on the
for episode 1180-1186 s we
should make
this shoe and sell it that shoe
looking good his looking
it is it's a great design the
colors are
spot-on I love the little logo
on the
tongue it says NBA go away of
course we
hold no oh hey no it doesn't
work I know
I go dude go hey hi hi hey hey
oh-ho the NBA has got to go hey
hey hi
ho ho the NBA has got to go
yeah that's exact this is an
strategy I forever saw one so
if anyone
has any friends in Vietnam
flagship get
the Betsy Ross you out I
thought that
was all promotion what are you
about divine Hey
oh yeah and besides these
people these
people who always help us
trolling and
make an artwork we also have
in our value for value network
who send
us very much needed funds so
that we can
pay the bills and this
experiment has
been working we've been hanging
in for
12 years almost 12 days yet
today today
until today you're right we
could have
done a little better today can
I just do
my yep can I briefly do the we
only had
a couple donations at the at
the meet up
I just like to do those rubra
yeah yeah
because I do want to thank
everyone who
came up this was the local 512
and we'll have we'll have a
report in
the second segment Kevin Roma
who was
there $40 Baran Gordon Walton
one hundred and forty dollars
Catherine Waltons dame hood for
today so
I hopefully I don't Ferrara put
that on
the list and also Robin Jamaica
Boston Ernst comm member I told
their story from the last
Austin meetup
their house burned to the
ground in a
horrible fire and they rebuilt
life and they quit all their
all their
jobs and they just decided to
do stuff
with their hands and they
started making
custom urns
you know for for remains of
people and
they're getting incredibly
people love having custom urns
for their
loved ones turns out so awesome
dot-com then they sent us they
gave us a
check for $33.33 then of course
it was
just it was a good meet up and
them you
know it's good to hang out with
everybody and I drank a beer
and drank a
beer yeah you are wasted yeah
after the
show I pretty much was so yeah
so those
are the donations and we'll
have a
report later on but let's thank
executive producers Anderson
well wait
only executive producers today
sighs yes sir this is the
second time
with in recent memory Wow that
we have
no associate executive
producers this is
troubling this is not something
that has
happened but it's better than
nothing well bump up some guy
donate $150 true which has
happened but
not this year
baronet Chris of North Austin
as a
matter of fact is at the top of
the list
with 333 dollars and he is in
yeah so you must know him was
yet to
meet up the celebration of my
58th trip
around the Sun on Monday
having seen Adam and fellow
knights and
dames at the South Austin
meetup this
past Thursday I'll take some
Karma to -
they had a smack in the mouth
and a
Reverend L respect Chris of
North Austin
all right
the long version is getting
lunch the
tortise in the race they're all
SPI CT there's no real
conference we
much we much we must and we
will much
about you've got karma alrighty
and now
we have a little I was ready
for you
three fourteen fifteen from
Grand Duke
Nussbaum uh today is my birthday
he says and with the blessing
of the
peerage committee I would like
to claim
the title of Grand Duke
Nussbaum who
already was a Grand Duke
there's an
abeyance in abeyance well now
is for
real knows will place you right
up there
on the highest pedestal Grand
Nussbaum and you know bringing
extra hookers and blow and
rentboys and
Chardonnay for you
Thank You Sundays Earl of
heartland and Saudi Arabia $310
and 14
cents Michelangelo and Garibaldi
referring to us yes donation in
honor of
my second favorite Italian
Columbus and the annual
celebration of
Italian Pride Day but it is
also in
honor of my favorite Italian my
old man
David fugu Soto David fugu Soto
who shares it with with this
with the
day of his birth who shares it
with the
Davis brothers that is he
absolutely Soto's birthdays his
dad his
fugu sudo fugu Sato senior
shares his
birthday with us in your
Columbus well
why isn't Ruby soda on the
birthday list
okay a lot of deconstruction
yes what do
you mean I think he is on the
listen when I say yes
yes sir Dave to his dad Dave
fugu Zotoh
ah whatever the case give him a
shot on
his birthday segment I made it
back from
Ethiopia thanks to the travel
karma and
alas the place is apparently
completely without uber uber
with whom to discuss my entry
earldom and since they have a
contentious and undecided and
unwell kiss turi of Italian
in the past I feel I must
refrain from
forced recruitment I will as
Maxine says
stay woke Grazia Grazia tutti
keep up the great work
a little karma porfavor grazie
ciao a true love sir day Earl of
America's heartland in Saudi
Arabia it's
so odd to get all this Italian
from him being in Saudi Arabia
Ethiopia is a very confusing
note but
that is the nature of many of
producers they're all over the
doing incredibly interesting
things and
have boots on the ground
reports from
the most interesting places
that you
just won't get anywhere else
that's you
know what I'd like I agree and
I'd like
to get a report from him about
the new
honoree for the Nobel Peace
Prize who
was that character is the
premier prime
minister of Eritrea oh really
here a tree yeah whatever you
call it
yeah you're a tree who bumped
apparently it was all bent out
of shape
about this he bumped off the
podium I
don't know if Greta had any
chance I
mean oh no she was second I
think she
ran second oh my goodness yeah
it was
pretty pathetic well sir Dave
Earl of
America's heartland and Saudi
thank you thank you Grand Duke
and Thank You baronet Chris of
Austin for keeping us skimming
by today
it is incredibly appreciated
but it's
you can tell it's the guys who
peerage who are coming in to
help us
there is a 98.5% of the rest of
you that
clearly don't assign any value
but some
do and
we'll be thinking more of those
later on
the second segment and you can
join this
experiment that we call the No
show it's your podcast all you
have to
do is go to the following URL
with a
handy jingle so you can
remember what it
is Lauren org we go out for you
in the mouth
super short segments super
super short
so you know you're getting spam
witness address the DNS at you
got you
got something addressed to DNS
at Dvorak
org yeah mercy message from
MailChimp oh
no I didn't pay or something I
they sent three of them went to
Gwen did NASA Des Moines Oregon
oh and
you're not paying something
else and it
was which is not the email just
like I
mean that none of those were
the email
just used for the account but
but I
think they just do they assume
their just mailing us out to
and they assume that's if you
happen to
have a mail chip account you're
fall for this gag well back in
the day
when people sent mail and
postcards you
could you could literally put
Adam Curry
New York and it would arrive at
you're just like Santa Claus in
the day
that's right
that's just how mail used to
work well
it still does to some extent I
know if you can just do Adam
Austin I don't think I don't
think that
arrives anymore
that's cuz you're not a big
shot anymore
thanks yeah you the PI was this
guy Adam
Curry you ever heard of me yeah
successful like the dumper he's
on the
best podcast in the universe he
lives in
here in this town somewhere
successful where do you think
Adam now
fairly successful podcaster
let's just
put general delivery is another
that nobody uses anymore you
can get
this I still think does work we
test it okay the test day I
bleed to
death I just sent you a note
and you
could have to go get it at the
office you just said it had to
have one
how do you address it it goes
Adam curry
general delivery Austin Texas
and then
the poet Austin Texas post
office in the
post office of ID in other
words what's
the zip code of that post
office okay
and then you can go to the post
and you can ask them do there's
any mail for me to general
delivery for
me okay and they will go over
to a box
that which will be empty except
for one
letter which would be the one
to you because nobody knows
this I'm
pretty sure this still works
right well
let's try that out so address
it to Adam
curry general delivery Austin
I'm not
going to give you a zip code
because I
could give you a zip code but
that may
not be I know if it makes any
so now if there's ten post
offices in
Austin it's gonna go to one of
them yeah
how many are there
you think I don't know
but we'll figure it out yes I
will do
this if you actually actually
would go
check yeah I'll go check and
for those
of you who just want to send me
it's P o box 18 to 0 9 Boston
seven eight seven six zero well
there it
is seven eight seven six zero
that's the
zip code I'd use but now I made
it easy
for you to see now I have to go
to that
post office I could have said
eight seven zero one and then
would have
been a different post office
well yeah
but isn't that the post office
gonna go to any way to check
your box I
don't want to inconvenience you
yeah the
idea was they could just send
it to me
that's okay
I'll bet you I'll bet you this
week I'll
do two tests now you brought it
made it
more complicated I'll bet you
that if I
wrote adam curry general
delivery austin
texas with seven eight seven
six oh and
people can do this everyone can
do it
they would put it in your box
that would be my guess because
post-office out at some point
they get
enough mail you know it comes
through a
jealous guy oh yeah he's got a
box okay
alright good
yeah we're will I'm gonna do
that you
miss post office has lots of
that people don't take
advantage of oh
yeah like heartless could use
the bus
the district in credit
incredibly fast
service only only waited three
for a mailbox the actual box
for them to
look I didn't they didn't exist
let's not go there
Greta you mentioned Greta Berg
punching back at people like you
Johnson boy yeah people like
you huge
fan a gratis no you're not you
said this
is horrible I date that don't
like that
child you said these things you
these things and here she's
just listen
up she's talking to you one day
they can
do something good but I guess
they must
I feel like their their
worldview or
their interests or whatever it
is is
threatened by us and that is
that we
should take the compliments
that we are
having so much impact so she
does not
amending her then she yes yeah
thanks for the compliments
exactly what she said but now
after that
little aunt Ramona I have a
clip from
one of the cofounders of the
rebellion and I've been wanting
to get
some information on this outfit
and find
out where what's what they're
thinking of now your general
of the protests and some of
them have
been quite radical they'd like
to shut
down train stations and plane
terminals and but really shut
them down
by laying on top of stuff and
it's kind
of annoying and you just can't
kick them
off easily what are they
protesting for or what are they
or what what is lying is you
have the
clip of the founder claiming
that a lot
of this has to do with that
we're all
gonna die Oh where's this clip
this is
extinction rebellion co-founder
this is
the woman that we have the
exact same
clip oh you found it on the
website it's
on the Guardian oh no I got
after her
website oh well let me play
mine first
okay and then see if well let
me listen
to your songs there's a code no
play yours first because I have
the code
I have a code in mine that you
took me aback your only reason
I made
this clip is well then I want
to play
yours first I'm gonna go with
your spray
it may be the same clip I don't
know of
all crises means that it's quite
possible their own life on
Earth 97% of
it is going to go possibly in my
children's lifetime 97% of it
there's a lot of 90 / 7 percent
of all
crises means that it's quite
their own life on Earth 97% of
it is
going to go and possibly in my
children's lifetime conventional
politics is it's pogs it's
fucked the question is not what
needs to
happen and what the problems
are the
question is how do things
change we've
got an ongoing tradition of
disobedience in this country
when the
suffragettes smash windows
which is what
they did they weren't directly
democracy they were saying we
are angry
and we demand our vote and
every other
form of reformist type of
approach for
women getting the voter being
tried and
they haven't succeeded our
really is our violence and our
separated from each other and
so what
we're doing in xington
rebellion is
saying it's time to really come
and express our power
now a couple of things she's
for violence mm-hmm in a not so
offhanded way and she makes the
that was in her child's
lifetime which
means in the next another kids
about 10 let's say in the next
70 years
within the next 70 years ninety
percent of all life boat life
gone just
will be gone does anybody in
the right
mind believe this
I like the 97% because that's
just now
become a number you just throw
out there
because oh yeah 90% percent of
all all
scientists agrees consensus we
all agree
world ever since have been
good number yes well I'd have a
different clip I think it's the
woman is this get was that Gail
Brook no Brad Brad
so she was interviewed and she
went into
a little depth about this and
what she
says here I believe is actually
background for a lot of the
issues that
were dealing with in our
society today
which I shall explain after the
clip is
it bakes in the insistence that
a repair of the harm that
happens which
includes compensating people
homes for people and actually
in order
to do this repairing of the
harm that
needs to happen you've got Sir
King the former chief scientist
of the
UK who's setting up a climate
center and saying that actually
we can't
even go to one and a half
degrees C you
know the ice is already melting
already over 410 parts per
million what
really needs to happen is we
have to go
into drawdown we have to be
carbon out of the atmosphere
and we
can't wait for these magical
technologies that are somehow
going to
sort of the carbon out of the
in the future I mean we can do
as usual and so what we have to
do what
we're going to need to do is
really work
with nature to repair the
climate and
that's also going to tackle
this evil
twin or evil triplets you know
biodiversity loss we've got the
twin of ocean acidification and
how we
reckon our oceans all of this
has got to
be cleaned up and what that
means is we
need like a lot of human labor
humanity has to rise up in a
beautiful way and tend to the
that we've done and that needs
all of us
and it needs all of us together
in the
places of the earth that's
going to
sustain life working together
this is all her gobbly gook
spiel but
hold on it's coming now to re
wild areas
to restore ecosystems to clean
up the
rivers to plant trees you know
to to
basically that you know sort
the plastic
outs in the ocean and so on and
actually think there's so many
innovations out there and
humanity could
do that together and it needs
all of us
and for me this is part of
reweaving a
human family back together
again it's
part of dealing with systemic
white supremacy in them and the
of patriarchy that want to
make us feel powerless okay so
it's that
last bit that I just wanted to
focus on
because and I will actually
bring it
down into one little thing
white guilt
I'm not even gonna bring
patriarchy in
or you know but white guilt
racism is that belief is what is
happening with everything I was
with Moe about this the other
day who by
the way finds it incredibly
insulting as
a black man when people say
well you
know we have white guilt so you
need to
have need to get a leg up it's
like I
don't want that from you but
the same
with the homelessness even
though the
majority of homeless here in
Austin that
I see are white or they're
white covered in dirt that's
true kind
of white if you wash them yes
the the
idea that all of this has
because of systemic racism who
we are
that we cannot change
but we've not been aware of it
this is
how we fix the situation by
acknowledging and oh yes it's
our fault
and so go ahead we can be
by your campaign it's all about
this and
you remember when this got laid
on me at
the at the Obama BOTS dinner
by the professor no less like
he will
have white you have white
privilege and
I didn't quite understand where
it was
coming from at the time because
this was
years and years ago but this is
what it
has done it has people have
been guilted
to feeling so bad and so
horrible about
being white
or being male that it's David
giving up
and they're just saying well
yeah I guess yeah you guys
should do
whatever you want and and I'm
all for
everybody cuz I've been part of
problem that's what it is yeah
leaving out part of that when
you go oh
yeah whatever you're leaving
out - okay
yeah I'm real - here take my
money oh
that's the best part that's the
part evening that part out this
really what we're up to here oh
oh yes
absolutely and it's my money
and I'll
tell you that when so somehow
this with
all of this is now responsible
for the
climate and you heard her say
it right
there this is not because of
oil or
industry no it's because of
white and
male so if if this is what the
extinction rebellion is about
is because
the patriarchy and whiteness
has created
this well yours is certifiably
lady get back on message but
you can't
because that is what is the
mess that is
the message and she said she
said it
right there clearly and it's
there's lots of fun here I have
I gotta
tell you there's it's stupid
but look
when you get to non-white
people who are
sick and tired of this shit for
in Queens
I believe that's sandy sandy
Cortez is district who now are
exactly what we're doing in
Austin is oh
now we I just have to build more
affordable housing I know let's
do this
shelter doesn't matter if the
shelter is
near near an elementary school
so here's
a Hispanic woman and she's not
any of it because she has no
white guilt
or male white privilege
I don't burn the place down and
literally said not in my
couldn't have gotten any better
she's allowed to say it you see
she's not a man and she's not
white but
that's how most people feel
because this
the oh this is so fantastic at
some part
of this whole process it will
be the
Hispanics and the blacks once
again they
will save the white man and
will take
all the credit for it we were
anticipating our brand-new
czar in Austin even my friend
Graham from community first
village who
I interviewed said you know
we've been
we've met with this lady we're
excited we think that she might
be even
though these guys get no money
Austin they do work together to
referrals so her name is Pam
peal Oh
Harris she was on the job one
day and
she quit one day and she said
this was
not a decision I made lightly
and have
had previous conversations with
immediate supervisor I'm deeply
appreciative of their
understandings and
willingness to work with me in
a way
that allows me to meet my family
obligations and continue the
work we've
started as she transitions into
consultancy role
she was recruited from Florida
I believe
Orlando big deal made about her
oh yeah
this was you know she was going
to be
the home is not the Czar dacha
but the homeless strategy
officer and
she quits after one day on the
job I'd
like to know why cuz I think
she looked
at the situation and went mm-hmm
no way not me I don't want it I
want the aggravation the
council clearly
Asian what I say
you said aggravation I read is
reason yes I don't want the
iGrow it's
too much odds it off for me
I get out you die from it that
Gras and
she quits and there's this is
my mind is
exploding over this what is
except for the mr. mark hall
sent this
to me the ID 2020 partners are
a deep in
Austin ID 2020 is scheduled to
to tag
and identify every homeless
person on a
block chain yeah baby yeah I
told you I
told you they should do QR
codes on them
but no no no it has to be pure
blockchain okay it's fine do I
think you
could expand that with some QR
codes so
you got a blockchain the
blockchain the homeless is a
good title
blockchain the homeless
blockchain the
bums I mean one of these let me
see yeah
we can't use bums because it's
correct but yeah that's no
changes so
far just keep it going
same old same old you I wish
you could
come to Austin because you were
just in May you would you would
see the
difference right away I mean
it's an its
proper camping it's not just
you know people got the
difference I go
to San Francisco probably twice
a month
to pick up you know things I
can't get
around here
Booker's no there's no hookers
ever seen
a hooker in San Francisco for
anyway so the I go to San
Francisco and
every and if I just make a wine
run to
pick up my wine from K&L
liquors one of
the best wine stores in the
country I
just go pick up a couple cases
I ordered I let it accumulate I
go pick
it up and I come back and I
always take
the same wrap and that's I go
into the
city or go to the the delis out
or I go
to the Russian district and go
just get
some Russian stuff I'll go
around take
the same route back and I go
past this
little phony little Park they
built some
time ago for some reason
unknown there's
a little monument to some World
War one
vets or something and they did
one or
two homeless moved in there and
dipped in tan and the last step
winter the thing was a complete
encampment and I know and so
I'm just so
I'm in Oakland now I'm going
Broadway to take a left on
they take of a certain freeway
which is kind of obscure but
gets you on
ahead of the pack and there's a
that's on the corner of
Broadway and
MacArthur over by the kaiser
centers and this park is a big
park and
it's already out of the blue
it's half
campers just half of the tents
but all
of a sudden Oakland has ed
libya's can't
do her job she can't get rid of
people and homelessness in
Oakland it
was really kept to a minimum
compared to
San Francisco but no more its
and now they're just everywhere
and they
can't seem to do anything about
Berkeley same thing and I just
want to
remind everybody and I totally
subscribed to Alan Graham's
theory that
the the homeless is you can't
fix people
you can't just fix people oh
homeless you're you're you're
you've of course really what's
going on
100% of homelessness is caused
catastrophic loss of family one
way or
the other and then everything
follows on that you can't fix
people so
you have to help them into a
but that's what nobody wants no
wants to do that no one wants
to get
near the smelly people well
communities are self-forming
though they
weren't in Oakland they can
form a community you need
give them a space with a little
bit of
guidance and now I think you
should give
them a big space the way I'd
hate to say
this because it sounds I don't
know if
it sounds cruel or crazy or
backward or
I don't know what it sounds
like what
I'm gonna say but it doesn't
sound right
but it is right is it there is
in Auckland that is just
there's a bunch of it on 66th
Street if
you go down 66th or they go out
of the
airport there's a bunch of
areas where
there's just lot around the
ground the
Oakland Coliseum which is gonna
abandon any way because the A's
moving out the traders have
moved out
and they've banned the Warriors
moved to San Francisco tear
that area
down there you're going there's
parking lot there just give it
to the
homeless and let them put their
cats at
create I hear it is a shanty
town and
let them create a community
there is a
shanty town
I just no other way of doing
otherwise you just scattered
little mini
shanty towns all over the place
that are
completely out of control and
it's just
this it's not working one big
town called in this case the
shanty town they could have
Pride and they can have all the
you know
they could probably get a you
know it
could be it could be
interesting well
it's for sure see the
difference well
for sure proven by this concept
I've seen is if you add a few
things but
I don't know if it necessarily
has to be
shanty but the idea is real low
affordable rent but two hundred
twenty dollars is where they
start here
which most people can get if
they have
social security or disability
so that's actually almost
covered and
then you still have to go out
and make
your money and and get food
that's not
gonna happen
well it does happen because
it's working
here so don't say it's not
gonna happen
because it does it's talking
about the
hardcore homeless I'm talking
about the
same hardcore homeless Jon come
on Ivan
so you think that those people
that you
just made the argument that you
fix people yes yes can be six
no I did
not say that but now they're in
community and they look over
each other
they're still smoking crack but
they do
it in their own house and
they're in
there and they're smoking a lot
less of
it and they're still doing meth
less because they have
something to live
for community yes the hardcore
crazy nut
jobs that you're talking about
can live
productive lives in a community
not in
some facility where they're
being fixed
go listen to my interview with
well when you should win as an
of this happening in a way that
I see
nobody intense on any streets
then I'll
agree with you there's people
in Seattle
that have been offered pretty
good deals
but they refuse to go inside
any where
they want to stay outside
there's 230 people now doing
this here
in Austin with another 500
coming online
in the next few years it's
working so I went there I saw
it I had a
hour long conversation with the
guy it's
actually working so it's
putting a dent
in the homeless problem in
Austin the
total amount of chronically
homeless in
Austin is estimated to be mm
yes it's
putting a real dent in there
have 25 to 35 percent within
the next
year not that I'm not talking
transients who take advantage
of the
situation and they're that
they're the
assholes they're the ones
of problems but these people
community and no one wants to
be their
neighbor so they can be their
neighbors and that works out
just fine
we did give them a little bit of
structure it's working okay
you're just
proving my point
how did I prove your point that
in San Francisco Oakland and
should all move to Austin where
will get this soda service I've
saying it for years and you
know you get
mad at me when I do it but I
Austin's the place to go
yeah you know what it's fine I
the thing
is I can't laugh about it
because what I'm seeing is that
are getting so aggravated and
mad about
what's happening and these are
you know local property
taxpayers that
what is actually going on is
now being
omitted now it's just where do
we shove
these assholes not how do we
help them
it's like I don't want it here
I don't
want it I don't want to do I
wonder that
while there's perfectly great
places but
there's just that's not what
the city is
doing the seating is what I was
reading about to San Francisco
built a billion dollars worth of
affordable housing it's like
forever every homeless is a
dollar cost for every homeless
they want
to put in there yeah that's not
the way
to go so anyway yes it is the
way to go
if you have a corrupt
government that
wants to feed a lot of money
into the
well yes MLF dot org and you
can go see
what I mean by it working what
never fix this speaking of
money and how
much it costs I mentioned that
United Nations had a cash flow
and they had to do a big
meeting about
it it's really bad
and of course this was telecast
with the
secretary for management
strategy policy
and compliance at the United
miss Katherine Pollard please
attention the New World Order
is broke
thank you thank you Stefan and
afternoon everyone so earlier
today I
spoke to the fifth committee and
discussed with them the serious
financial situation that the
Nations now faces more
precisely the
liquidity situation of the
in terms of available cash that
is very
dire so this situation which as
you know
the Secretary General has
described is
the worst cash crisis facing
the UN in
nearly a decade it's not I want
emphasize it's not a budget
crisis it is
a cash flow crisis for the
successive year we've exhausted
all the
regular budget liquidity
despite several measures we
already put
in place to try and reduce
and to align them with
available cash
reserves just for context I've
been in
corporations I've run
corporations where
you have a cash flow problem
and if you
don't have access to capital
then there's only one thing you
can do
you can either fire people
which is
always the most expensive item
on your
budget in the budget on your on
your on
your balance sheet or you can
start to
reduce other things you're
doing well
obviously the United Nations is
such a
bloated hog of an organization
not gonna fire anybody on it
now we're
gonna do it in in other ways
but it's
quite telling about the elitist
these people really are as a
result of
this cash crisis the Secretary
informed Member States earlier
this week
about a number of measures that
being implemented I'll just
share with
you a couple of examples of
some of
these measures that will go
into place
from next Monday interpretation
meeting services will be
limited to
official meetings of the
calendar of
conferences so what does that
mean we
will no longer be able to serve
service meetings of regional
Gruen other
groupings that are what we call
available for services or
as required well I think
they're talking
about catering mainly oh here's
a great
room you can use here's lunch
she's some
breakfast bagel service table
of inter governmental bodies
outside of
regular hours regular hours
being ten to
one and three to six that
caught my ear
that's the regular hours they
work 10:00
to 1:00 and 3:00 to 6:00 we
will not be
able to support there's going
to be AB
delays in issuing official
documents we
have put on hold
publishing and translating
treaties and
publications we are curtailing
travel of staff to only
activities we are going not
going to be
able to host events such as
before is in the morning or
after 6:00
cooling and heating services
are going
to be reduced and some
escalators to the
floors already as will the main
in the circle piddling crap to
just stop
that you know by the way they
could have
installed the escalators that
have the
remote that have the sensors
for the
escalators not just running all
stops you step in front of it
then it
starts and it takes you to the
top and
it stop the turning the
fountain off in
front of the building and the
what's the difference ed you
because I'm still I brought had
to write
it down so you're telling me
that they
were unlike the rest of us look
at just
the way America operates we
tend to work
eight-hour days in general
industry that
maybe has some Union influence
Valley works 60 hours a week
easily and
and it's not a joke so they're
six hours a week they started
tan I'm
Anne I might have here it's tan
and then
at one o'clock they take a
lunch every day to martini
lunch not
ours martinis a three-martini
lunch most
two hours two hours drink those
martinis and then you then
you're back
from three to six those are
hours and that's regular hours
turn off the fountain Juve's oh
my god
they're not putting any work in
at all
they're not serious
no of course not and you know
they could
just fire some people but no
anyway the the culprit of
course is
America because we've slowed
down our
paying apparently and you know
behind that oh yeah I'm not
gonna but
but it's not just the US it's a
countries are in arrears
of their contributions to the
Nations even though is that
some churros
were in there at this briefing
well we
all know it's the US have you
called the
Trump administration yeah the
lady said
yeah we're talking to everybody
but it's
not that she was actually nice
about it
isn't that's not just the
United States
they are the biggest so but
this I've
been overpaying yeah but this
well yes
look at what they're doing is
oh but
Becky shut down the fountain we
have any catering for lunch
get out of here give it here I
looking over my clips and it is
an NBA
clip that I've pushed it a
played when
you had little NBA takedown yes
this was a this was a woman
from CNN who
was at a press conference with
a couple
of the top NBA players both of
them who
liked it you know bitch and
moan about
Trump and which is all NBA
apparently just for the reasons
cited or that Jason Whitlock
and this is what happens when
you bring
this question up at an NBA
official NBA
press conference hi Christina
CNN the NBA has always been a
that prides itself when it's
Claire and
its coaches being able to speak
openly about political and
affairs I just wonder after the
of this week and the fallout
we've seen
whether you would both feel
about speaking out in that way
in future
it's legitimate question this
is an
event that's happened this week
during the NBA and the answer
particular question has not been
any other question management
is the
joke was that the two players
talking to were the players
that worked
for the guy who made the one
tweet they wouldn't even stand
up for
their own boss and everyone's
now I mean
of course I don't know shit
about sports
but everyone's now calling from
Cuban where are you Cuban say
now Cuban they're goading him
that's a
good one to try to get because
always mister I got a big mouth
I know
it's a big mouth I sold a URL
for a
billion dollars and bought a
team I am somewhat envious of
well it's special when he found
it was
actually three billion oh god
that's how