December 19th, 2019 • 3h 39m
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smoke enough dope anything has
Adam curry Jhansi Devore
Nation Media assassination
episode 1200
this is no agenda broadcasting
live from
opportunity so 33 here the
frontier of
Austin Texas capital the drone
state in the morning everybody
I'm Adam curry there from
Silicon Valley where we're
talking about
is the impeachment I'm John
congratulations John
we made it yes 1200 episodes of
the best
part for us for the impeachment
Oh why
straight Pelosi said knows know
celebrate know celebrating so
episodes and to think that 1100
ago I said hey I think we had a
good run
yes to dredge that show up
shows Manas
goods it's like let's just call
it a day
I was I was honestly thinking
and that
was done at the time yes you
were sadly
mistaken I was mistaken sadly
mistaken but
just looking at my goodness so
many so
much feedback this week it
really has
been incredible I've also been
I've I've
taken because new I have my
Linux set up and I've got claws
which is the most configurable
client you've ever you've ever
seen in
your life so I've got all these
ways of
responding I've got templates
and you
know I can add things and
and so of course I'm replying
to people
hey thanks Jason that was great
and what
that really creates is more
because then people say oh we
let me reply you're welcome
yeah stuff
like that it's just another
email I have
to deal with but so many good
coming in was adamant clause
mail calm
and there you go
try that please
and people are even tweeting me
about things you've said well I
admit it's a witch's curse the
yeah put on you to bless in my
load as if you read all your
anyway well still they still
so just to put everything into
perspective yesterday we had
the what
was it the whole day was 30
seconds of
this guy one minute of that
lady in this
get back and forth and it was
just like
ping pong ping pong ping pong
now I went
out no he doesn't you suck I
went out to
run a couple of errands you
know and
found myself in the midst of
the people
shopping let me tell you
I didn't see anybody looking
all worried
about impeachment I didn't see
standing around monitors
watching this
take place this historic event
people don't care I don't think
if you
walk down the street right now
say I don't know are they done
with that
yet I haven't figured it out
yet it was
it was you know cuz I remember
the Nixon
impeachment of course I remember
Clinton but Nixon was WOW man I
the the the Watergate tapes my
grandmother would send
cassettes to my
mom but the whole world was
really tuned
in then Clinton I think was
much bigger
than than this although I don't
specifically recall the
impeachment vote
do you remember when was it as
as just
unimportant they seemingly to
well the it was more of up you
know the
be honest about it Clinton
committed felonies and and
Trump hasn't
so even so the felony was like
protecting the you know
protecting his
little mostly estate at a with
Lewinsky and so it was like it
there was
teetering yet he you know
because what
happened and this one was kind
of like
it was kind of semi semi delude
and kind
of an embarrassment and then
Clinton had
already been known as a kind of
Rambler you know he's been you
know but
but were people you know
thinking about
it talking about it is I would
say was
very equivalent yeah only it
was more it
was that it was the can he well
you also
we had sex involved which was
much you
know much cooler actually for an
impeachment I mean this is the
most fun
things yes we learned that
isn't sex yeah which helped a
big the
economy but I can sum up
yesterday with
four phrases
for phrase for phrases here we
go I took
an oath National Security the
solemn day
you got that one no one is
above the law
and my favorite integrity and I
stop my brain from flashing the
Park Tegrity weed every time I
someone say that's a genius
phrase those
guys came up with integrity
lots of
integrity national security and
are actually saying that
security was damaged because
Russian is
our enemy and some javelin tank
was going to save us from
Russia I mean
the whole thing is just the
security thing is lame but my
one is the Law & Order
oh no is Bowie law and order
meanwhile this is the same
party that
condones 11 million illegal
sanctuary cities bring nation
of laws
yes no one is above the law I
mean it's
ridiculous in fact no one is
above the
law except a large portion of
immigrants they're pretty much
about the
law in the United States there's
something else I noticed okay
we had a
switch switch and it was kind
of it was
creeping up for a past couple
of weeks
but we switched from founding
fathers to
the framers
and yes yeah that's that there
you go
there were cuz they were
framing yes
it's in their mind they were
the founding footnote the
framers the
and I think differently only
framers is
are these Democrats it's shift
and Pelosi they are the actual
framers I
don't know if that was
subliminal I
think that's a 10-point catch
high just
and it hit me it's like oh my
this this is this is something
in their
deep deep consciousness that's
out the framers it is the
framers of the
Constitution but that's not or
wasn't used as much that I can
over the founding fathers
nobody used it
and then well let me see I I
will say
and of course we'll do some
stuff from
the past couple of days but
last night
um Nancy Pelosi man she had a
dress on I thought she was
perfectly her hair she had the
did you
see she had the the mace she
was wearing
the mace pin which I didn't
even I
didn't had to learn about this
you know
the mace in in the House of
Commons in
UK Parliament they have that
staff power
artifact and they had to bring
it in and
out and it has some symbolism
yeah it's
I think it represents the Queen
she's there or in power it's
it's it's
the it's the power stick
there's one of these in
Congress which I
didn't realize and it
represents the the
power stick of the Speaker of
the House
and that yeah and now you'll
see it for
the for the speaker to her
right in the
background but for us
television viewers
to the left and it was a
replica of the
that has a special name I think
the mace
it's a ceremonial thing but
anyway she
was she was wearing her her
power stick
and everything was great except
she was
once again chewing her cud or
was in her mouth
and I mean I don't know if you
want to
start here but she basically
laid out
the lawfare group strategy
which is
going to draw this insanity out
further by not sending the
articles of
impeachment to the Senate and
I'm kind
of kicking myself because
someone had
sent me the rules of how this
supposed to work with the
managers we
heard this term yesterday the
impeachment manager and I think
impeachment manager takes the
articles of impeachment in a
important looking briefcase and
walks it
over to the Senate but the
minute the
managers I think are appointed
not even
the delivery of the documents
that are
appointed the Senate has 24
hours to get
their ass in gear and start
whatever they're going to do
and so
while I have the clip here of
almost and it was very messy
people I guess someone was
already onto
this and and they knew to ask
question so well what are you
gonna do
now are you gonna send it who's
manager who's gonna course
it'll be chef
or Nadler or whatever we gonna
point so
we can send this over to the
Senate and
I'll just spoil the clip a
little bit I
said oh no no no no we're not
anything until we know it's
gonna be a
fair trial so she has Expo she
strategy has expertly taken
this and
flipped it on its head to blame
Republicans now is specifically
McConnell for not either ace
facilitating a speedy wrap-up
of this
this event or really trying to
justice and it's not going to
be a fair
have a listen we all won't make
decision as to one we're going
to send
it when we see what they're
doing on the
Senate side but that's a
decision that
we will make jointly
okay you got to listen to this
what she
says here you're starting to
act like
another country don't shout
okay so the
reporters are yelling and then
she says
stop stuff that you're sounding
to light
sound like another country
don't yell
what is she what what was going
on in
her mind what other country
who is she referring to
well you've obviously got to
slip you I
don't know no no I don't know I
have no
idea what she's talking about
maybe the UK but anyway you're
to act like another country
don't shout
okay she's not going to yes sir
I'm not
been our intention but we'll
see what
what happens over there it's
not you're
asking me are we all going to
go out and
play in the snow this that has
not been
part of our conversation that
has not
been part of our conversation
no I've
never raised the prospect you
asked the
question I never raised the
process I
said we're not sending it
because it's difficult to
determine who
the managers would be until we
see the
arena and which we will be
so now she's saying we need to
know what
your process is going to be
before we
know who are going to a point
kicks off the 24-hour period so
this is
a very interesting twist that's
all I
said I never raised the
prospect well
we'll see what they when they
it's up to the center to set
this and
say what what their rules will
be my
colleagues do you want to say
about this because it is you
know what
this is a serious matter
even though the majority leader
in the
United States Senate says it's
okay for
the foreman of the jury to
cahoots with lawyers of the
accused that
doesn't sound right to us but
let's see
when they understand what we
have acted
now aren't they'll understand
what their
responsibilities are and we'll
see what
that is but I never raised that
so she can now hold this for
months all of a sudden
trigger trigger it when it's
when you
know when she wants to but in
meantime it has given the media
more raw
meat and the nightmare is not
going to
end it's just going to continue
bickering the back-and-forth
and now
it's gonna be Schumer and
McConnell it's
disses it's a mess
the shifts show with someone
said that
yesterday I heard someone
actually says
L shift show shift actually
when they
went back to him he's like I
saw that
little episode mm-hmm he had a
smile on his face okay I'm
complemented oh yeah but my
favorite of
what happened in the media was
letter of the Trump sent to the
of the House which multiple
emailed to me and said wow I'm
this it's it's almost like no
agenda as
I think that's good but yeah
covered all these top if you
see this
letter this is five course page
it was and it's a classic
example of the
two dimensions oh yeah oh
everybody thought it was a
letter of
genius on one side oh this guy
told her what told like it is
in the
university oh my god it's just
a litany
of excuses lame and it was it
amazing the response to the
letter was
much more interesting than the
itself guy hello when I read
the letter
I read it thinking okay this is
a major
letter that's gonna go into the
I'm in a hundred years from now
it gonna be like when somebody
reads it
and I think it's damning there
was a lot
more drama no there was a lot
in there
it was I mean it was pretty much
everything I think that we've
looked at and I guess that puts
firmly in one dimension
but it just seems so
cut-and-dry to me
and then when you hear the the
the the
m5m response to it of which I
have two
separate montages and that
really bore
no resemblance to what was in
letter I mean it was it was
serious stuff and he also ran
down a
list of accomplishments but
this is
Supercuts one of the media
unglued by this letter he sent
absolutely unhinged deranged
tweet like letter the tone of
letter where is so discordant
so I'm
dubbing it a rambling ranting
street of
rage and the letter was nuts I
mean it's
just bizarre cuckoo for cocoa
puffs just
bizarre it is the letter of a
wild man
that letter is not so what
scares me
about the letter he's written
it's crazy town he's trying to
burn down
the house and a letter for the
ages and
this is not rational and so out
of line
it's so completely
inappropriate he is
impugning her honestly this is
like a letter that kim jonghwan
road not
even Steve King I'd say the
kinds of
things that he did bring sort
of like a
bad breakup letter I don't
think he
wrote this letter it doesn't
even sound
like him I haven't I have
another series
of that in a minute but I like
what the
New York Times did was very
they published the letter and
marked it up with little with
orange number dots so in the
of this letter he says the
articles of
impeachment introduced by the
Judiciary Committee are not
under any standard of
theory interpretation or
they include no crimes and
orange dot
let's look over orange dot to
articles charged mr. Trump with
abuse of
power and obstruction of
Congress but an
impeachable offense does not
have to be
a specific crime thanks for the
editorializing then you know it
unfortunately there was a
transcript of
the conversation taken and you
know from
the transcript which was
made available ant stops as the
New York
Times this is misleading mr.
phone call with president
zalinsky of Ukraine occurred on
25th the White House released a
reconstructed transcript of that
conversation on September 25th
it just
goes on and on they couldn't
just print
the letter they had to mark it
up here's
more of the unhinged miss from
the m5m
wouldn't say about president
fitness for office on the eve
of his
impeachment the audience is at
home read
the letter as if Saddam Hussein
Gaddafi would actually have
written that
letter just have their voice in
head to read this like an
it's as if an authoritarian
wrote it
okay let's try that we have to
do we do
this Mussolini or Hitler or
Hussein do we even even even
hear Saddam
Hussein speak
in English this was interesting
you and everyone I'll do a
dictator everyone you included
what is really happening your
candidate lost the election in
2016 in
an electoral college landslide
306 to
two to seven Patrick Falls New
Times jumps in false mr. Trump
won the
electoral college with 304
votes to two
hundred and twenty-seven votes
defections did you even know
that were
there defection oh yeah so they
check false him and say he was
hundred and four one of his
many lies
that's like an authoritarian
it's as if
an authoritarian wrote it yeah
I think
right now he's gonna go down as
a you
know a letter from a two-bit
dictator at
a banana republic it has that
kind of
quality to it some might kindly
it as fiery others would call
it at
times unhinged there that
letter that
Donald Trump's said today was
wackadoodle it was gibberish it
was ugly
closely responded calling the
sick I mean what is it about
powerful women that really puts
trouble over the edge what what
is a strong powerful woman and
why it really put him over the
edge and
why he had to you know why he
had to now
part of that part of this is
intended to not you know to
front to
frame to use the phrase to
frame your
opinion of the letter because
we know
you're not going to read the
letter no
one's reading the letter
you know you John you read it I
read it
I don't think many people in
the troll
room read it just you know
really read
the whole thing so I may cuz it
is after
all no agenda but the whole
idea is make
it and that was clearly a
talking point
it sounds like an unhinged
dictator Kim
jong-un Saddam Hussein I mean
they all
got the same man they're trying
to group
him in with dirty dirty
tomorrow now the funny thing
the only
thing that was kind of made
some sense
in that medley of complaints
was Chris
Matthews in there you tell
these voices
I'm not hardly telling you yeah
Matthews says I don't even
think he
wrote that well I don't think
you wrote
it either it was professionally
which actually kind of makes
them sound
unhinged that letter
I'm taking this from an
perspective course Hammond and
of course
yes is extremely well written
professional professionally
letter he there's a team that
put that
letter together would you say
that Trump
was one of those game shirts
from as
long as I might be wrong but
Trump seems
to be one of those guys who
wants to go
over everything make sure he
may have
added his own flavor would you
say in
fact it was a perfect letter
just just
to accentuate the point I'm
though this and and it's just so
disappointing that this is what
come to and I know this is
going on
people send me links to
articles they I
know they didn't read them you
know how
I know that because you sent me
something based on the headline
and it's
not actually the story there's a
paragraph and a link to the
story so I know that you didn't
read it
you saw a headline that night I
don't be
interested let him figure it
out and
that's the profit weed by the
way we
really hate that I hate it when
I run
into it myself I ran into
something the
yesterday it was an article in
one of
these crappy papers that said -
it was
Tony Blair says they'd Labor
Party has
done its through right and
there was a
video clip down there so I said
oh this
is interesting it might be good
for the
show well I'm playing it wasn't
anything it wasn't even close
I want to accentuate how bad
this is
with a clip from The Daily Show
went to a trump rally what do
you think
about this engagement bullshit
shake why is it bullshit why
cause he
didn't do anything it's
bullshit it's
bullshit it's total bullshit
total nonsense and Trump has
grooming his supporters to push
back on
any impeachment talk with this
demands what you have to do is
read the
transcript read the transport
read the
it's all about the transcript
read the
transcript right transcript I
have not
read it but we should read the
first we
should look at the transcript
right yeah
look at the transcript
have you read the transcript I
about right now I read the
right yeah yeah absolutely
did you read the transcript all
right I
I mean I've read most of us
just to give
the transcript yeah time for
you know
reading all the you know
impeach me all
that bullshit you know but how
long have
you been waiting out here for
Trump since 8 o'clock hours a
lot of
free time yeah did you read the
transcript I don't have to I
can read it
if I need to but yeah but it's
that everybody reads the French
it is
very important pay attention
and think
for yourself yes you have but
to be
clear you have not read the
time I
haven't no right but it is just
yeah don't be a sheep think for
but again just to be very clear
you have
not read I have no room you
just trusted
somebody else right now I'm
sure people
at the Trump rally read the
but how can you as a hardcore
who literally says read the
not have read the transcript
because that's the world we
live in
no one gives a shit and that is
we're here after 1200 episodes
we will read it and we will
tell you
what's in it from a different
perspective like you just just
did John
with your editorial perspective
it was a
great letter it was beautifully
well surmised I don't know
about this
factual mistake of the number
of the
electoral college and my but
no one's reading this stuff
it's so
disappointing and and but all
sides of
the of the equation well you
have to
rely on that especially the
actually both sides do it hmm
but it's
like you have to rely on people
actually looking that's why
this slam
against this letter a six-page
which is actually a very
well-structured letter
written was not what they're
claiming is
it was very straight down to
earth yeah
but if you keep saying it and
these did
the Democrats who just think
nuts anyway and this whole
place should
be blown up and all Republicans
die they hate Republicans for
reason because they misgender
people I
don't know why the real reason
is but
this is what's this how they
get their
job done the job gets done and
what the Daily Show did sir
yes exactly the job gets done
and and
it's up to everybody well you
know what
as I always say every country
gets the
government she deserves and
this is this
is your own issue right here
you're not
reading shit government it
deserves your
misgendering the country no
it's a she
it's a she well so I know
you're dying
to play a couple of clips
because I know
you you dope into it you you got
something out one more
observation as I
was listening because I was
watching but listening all the
time man
there's a lot of old coots in
yeah well here's the one the
old coot
clip this is impeach this is
Sensenbrenner a old coot it's a
longer than I thought I was it
was but
it's they all give everybody
one minute
they took to the beginning of
the whole
thing they gave Nancy Pelosi
one minute
we'd like to go to Nancy Pelosi
for one
minute she took eight and a
half minutes
you know and I saw the same
thing happen
when they brought the majority
or the
minority house leader
I guess that for the
Republicans and he
also got one minute he also
spoke for
about eight so I guess the
rules don't
apply if you're the the wanna
if you're
the big boss right I guess
given leeway
leeway when I scored leeway
Sensenbrenner so let's look at
these two
phony articles of
so let's look at these two phony
articles of impeachment
first of all abuse of power the
call in question had the
president say
our country has been through a
lot I
want you to do us a favor not
me a favor
us a favor and there he was
referring to
our country the United States
of America
not a personal political gain
he was not
afraid to let this transcript
go public
and he released the transcript
immediately after the call now
second article impeachment
of Congress it basically says
unless the president gives us
we want and when we want it
that he's
committed an impeachable
offense that's
a bunch of all the president
has certain
individual and privileges by
virtue of
his office that whenever there
has been
a dispute between the executive
legislative branches heretofore
gone to court and the Supreme
couple weeks ago said they
would take
jurisdiction over deciding
whether the
president had to comply with one
subpoena relating to his tax
now here any Democrats have
been bent to
impeach the President of the
States before the court decides
this and
this means that there is a rush
job to
do this and why is there
because they
want to influence the 2020
elections and
they spent three years doing it
spent millions of taxpayers
including the Muller report
together this impeachment and
they also
have had this Congress wrapped
impeachment and not doing their
until the dam broke this week
stop this
charade vote no and I yield
back these
people need media training this
is so
horrible everyone's eyes are
/ if they saw it at all and it's
certainly not going to be a
anywhere else but here media
training -
locked media training this is
because what he should have
said is you
know uh Nancy Pelosi talks about
co-equal branches of government
it's not just the legislative
and the
executive ie Congress and the
House there's also the judicial
they're the ones that are going
determine what can and cannot be
introduced and that's not an
of Congress which is a pretty
new term
I you you wouldn't be much
better that's
thanks for the confidence first
of all
first of all I'd be there I'd
be doing
this on a podcast anyway I do
newness who did a pretty good
job here's
my favorite one this is from the
Democrat side and this is
impeach and
this guy this is what you got
to hear
this is impeach in Spanish
ireneaus para mejor de nuestros
comunidades a nuestra querida
patria los
Estados Unidos Americanos and
today I
pray for God for his guidance
in uniting
our great nation and without
mr. the
gentleman from New York I yield
gentleman gentleman will be
required to
provide a translation of your
remarks I
heard that too what are you
doing that
for seriously and if you if you
can vote
in general elections you have
citizenship you have taken the
test you
can speak some basic English so
it was
just panel boating showboating
well it
worked it worked
to a degree didn't work for me
I didn't
understand a word he said here
you are
playing it so it worked the mat
gets has
one of the this is I believe I
ordered this because I got it I
got a
nice so out of this mm-hmm yes
this is
mat impeach mat get stops this
is not
about the Ukraine it's about
Donald Trump has it and House
want it and so with no crime no
no evidence no proof no agenda
yeah yes
in fact I got that I so - let
me see but
I got the I so I so did you get
the ISO
of it yes I see you do let's see
no crime no victim no evidence
no proof
no agenda now wait a minute I
have a
different one hold on a second
where is it
yeah check this one Democrats
No Agenda I don't that's not
the same
clip but I got that one too I
think that
is gates it could be yeah well
here it
is in context if you want to
hear I know
agenda really worked out is
impeach Matt
Gaetz in context and so with no
crime no
victim no evidence no proof no
for America this impeachment
marches on following no rules
adhering to no sense of honor
Democrats have no agenda I
think that's
the end of show I so right
there a
Democrats have no agenda yeah I
good I think it says freedom is
than mine let's play mine again
okay so
you have no crime no victim no
no proof no agenda it's too
long it's
it's four seconds oh my god yes
down the
other day which was six seconds
and you
bitched about it you just can't
take note actually stop this
show right
now I can be pleased and you
pleased me
I babe excuse me you have
pleased me as
we are in receipt of our
wedding gift Oh
wedding and I have to must tell
everybody my partner John sue
I've sent
him one gift in 12 years I
think it was
a pizza stone a block of iron
block of
iron I totally remember why I
said that
maybe because I just thought
was funny
you'd have to slip that thing
comfy Oh box but what shows up
at our
door and I'll cut to the the
chase of
it's a beautiful D Walt drill
with with
a nice a very nice 32 piece set
bits now besides that being a
gift for newlyweds and home
owners this
gift is the gift that keeps on
and I will explain it came in a
box and
when you open this box there
was an
object wrapped in the most
bows and silver and xuxa's and
I mean this was honestly a
little more
exciting than the gift itself
wrapping was outstanding
now it's the gift that keeps on
because the wrapping paper or
of tiny minuscule bits of
glitter which
will be in our house for the
rest of our
thank you very much close now
did J wrap
this for me me who write a
Steamies wrap
job good job she's one of the
rappers I've ever run into
of course we saved everything
you know I tried open bows are
that's the cool thing we got
some boys
from five six years ago give
this wrapping paper with the
you're absolutely right it's
yeah well the bows you don't
need the
paper this be the same but
and though J learned to rap I
think Mimi
was a rapper at Macy's or some
she's younger she got into
rapping and
she does these very elaborate
gifts and
to the point where it's like
too much
it's too much J got into a tuba
J has a
lot of art to hers and so it's
like even
worse but people at Rome's like
wait a
minute Mimi's a better rapper
than jay-z
what is going on for sure do
you ever
see gotten a gift from jay-z
know what he's doing yeah thank
you very
much it was it was highly
very nice gift and and I have
some stuff
took so long to get to you the
rapper he
was working no she had to rap
wrapped it up but then she had
package it so the wrapping
wouldn't get
damaged in the shipping it's a
thank you thank you thank you
that was
very much appreciated all right
back to
the ordered hands only have a
few more
of these because but I had one
really got my attention
so c-span was swamped and they
had their
their feed was down yes they
had all
kinds of issues
my favorite issue and this is
how long is this clip think
it's so
funny this is only a
fifty-three second
clip yeah this is exactly the
way it
came across but it's so
because you get you're gonna
hear you
you think oh my god this is
terrible I
can't listen to this but then
you get to
hear like overlays of one thing
another and it's actually kind
of a
fascinating exercise to get
these 53 seconds the two are he
and which is a large were
warrants and
our nationally evidence shows
president mode inevitably patter
can I stop I know exactly how
happened and it's it's we can
do the
exam one just left a fader open
with rid
the return and it came through
and then
it goes through again and it
back I mean yeah but the
question is
which one that you leave open
so there
must have been a sound engineer
out oh my god but at this
part of this clip was so it I
to it a couple of times it's
entertaining because of her
points they keep coming to the
fore and
they'd like the emphasis point
either one of the two feeds
jumps ahead
of the other one in some funny
way it's
a very interesting clip it put
in the
show knows people should listen
to it
carefully of course it's always
there's some green washing
thing you can
do with stuff like this yeah I
listen to
a lot of it on c-span radio as
well and
that's how I heard some of
these these
problems this is the look at
this my
last one I'm just gonna play
this one
because I I like the newness I
did the best rap and newness is
it like
two grand enemy of shit and I
didn't put
the whole thing in coz I ship
it maybe I
caught it I don't think so but
newness goes on and on and on
it is very guys I was very
Trump's are not sorry wait wait
stop at the answer this is over
shift says well thank you for
that go
listen to this
inauguration when the Democrats
semi-official mouthpiece the
Post declared the campaign to
President Trump has begun
for years the Democrats tried
to expel
the president with the
accusation that he was a
Russian agent
as detailed by IG Horowitz
intelligence officials used fake
allegations spread by the
Democrats to
gain approval of a spying
against the Trump campaign as
falsely accused the Trump
campaign of
colluding with Russians the
themselves colluded with
Russians to
manufacture these allegations
in the
infamous steel dossier they
even tried
to get nude pictures of Trump
Russian pranksters with the
collusion hoax the Democrats had
everything going for them
investigations run by Trump
haters an
endless supply of media
cheerleaders and
a galaxy of left-wing interest
amplifying the ridiculous
message and
yet even with all those weapons
at their
disposal the Russia conspiracy
collapsed so they quickly
concocted Plan
B the Ukraine hoax was based on
supposed whistleblower who
beforehand with the Democrats
Democrats then prevented
Congress from
intervening interviewing the
whistleblower while conducting
secret depositions and
leaking testimony to discredit
hacks the Democrats showcased
the most
useful witnesses in public
hearings that
somehow reduced support for
it's not easy to make a coup
boring but the Democrats found
a way as
it turns out the American
people don't
think a routine phone call with
foreign leader is a good basis
alcian a US president the
Democrats also
put forth ever changing
against the president including
finance violations quid pro quos
election interference bribery
eventually they ended up with
ridiculous charges we consider
abuse of power and utterly
term an obstruction of Congress
Democrat has pronounced the
guilty simply because he won't
with their plan to
I wrote him did you have a
chance to
speak with your Lib joes not
about this
but I do remember we talked
about this
some time back and and noonas
kind of
mentioned it in passing which
was the it
was campaign finance or some
other thing
they're trying to nail Trump on
from the
Southern District of New York
oh there
was an inauguration inaugural
fund I mean I mean I don't have
to go
very far to find a Lib dev and
and how
this is all working on them
my co-inventor of podcasting
dave winer
I will it's easily cuz he's
kind of but
he's a very smart man John he's
obviously incredibly smart
sweats a lot
I hope just read from his blog
one of
the Republican talking points
during the impeachment debate
is that
the Dems lost the election and
want to
undo it
this is incorrect the Democrats
won the
last election and that's why
Trump is
impeached as they say elections
consequences I mean that's a
head shaker
that's a good one
I give him credit for being
impeachment is not a horse race
really doesn't matter either
way stop
stop not you mention it I think
a lot of
Democrats think this is just
because he did lose the
election he's
the improper not my president
yes he's a fraud he's a fake
he's not
he's not the president
impeachment is
not a horse race it really
matter who is president after
Constitution is gone it can't
be anyone
but a Trump they will rigged the
election so it always works out
that way
as a preview in the last
Putin won in a landslide
percent of the vote Putin's
was not allowed to run
welcome to the United States
Trump is not removed from office
you know the funny thing
there's another
irony here besides my favorite
irony of
ironies which is the word the
demonstrations yesterday the
day before
and I got to remind me about
that but my
favorite irony is Trump's an
bone he doesn't know what he's
doing but
somehow he can rig elections
subvert the
entire political system he said
but no no no he's an idiot
is he an idiot or is he a
genius is the
same thing you heard with Bush
Bush was a moron but he was all
he was
scheming morons don't use these
but my my favorite irony is the
one they
had all these these tweeted
about this
is a bunch of these riot not
riots but
just demonstrations all across
country there are a couple in
the Bay
Area in fact I think I have a
list of
them here in fact I have a clip
oh let's
play this clip now maybe I'll
give you
my thing this is the impeach
this is the democracy now rap
on the
impeachment plus the riots the
House of
Representatives is set to hold a
historic vote today on two
articles of
impeachment against President
Trump the
article is accused President
Trump of
abuse of power and obstruction
Congress they Center on how
Trump withheld military aid to
to pressure the Ukrainian
president to
investigate Trump's political
rival Joe
Biden and how Trump then tried
to cover
up his actions to thwart a
inquiry after a six-hour debate
on the
House floor the Democratic
House is expected to vote for
impeachment by the end of the
day which
would mark only the third time
in US
history that a president has
impeached today's vote comes
after the
House Rules Committee approved
the terms
of today's debate which will
allow no
amendments on the floor
Trump lashed out directly at
the vote
Tuesday calling the attempt to
him an attempted coup they know
it's a
hoax it's a witch hunt and it's
just a
continuation it's been going on
now for
almost three years and it
started before I even won the
based on what we're finding out
with the
insurance policy quotes and
other things
so it's a disgrace Trump lashed
out at
Democrats Tuesday a six-page
letter to
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi
accusing her
quote of declaring open war in
democracy Trump
the impeachment process and
partisan attempted coup he also
claimed more due process was
afforded to
those accused in the Salem
witch trials
meanwhile protesters held
calling for Trump's impeachment
cities across the country
Boston New Orleans Houston
Philadelphia Charlotte Tucson
seattle des moines and here in
new york
yeah the impeachment parties
according to banyan is
orchestrated by
the forthcoming Clinton
campaign I
thought that was an interesting
observation well the official
that were responsible for
making sure that was
coordinated cuz I
asked on Twitter I some guy
said this
thing guys know it doesn't work
you know
it makes a difference
because I like to know I just
just point of order I mean what
difference does it make to you
who was it nice wow it was
right which is it is a Clinton
motivated and funded this thing
move on
started with a hoe back to the
Eric who I discussed this with
didn't know the iron nobody
knows the
irony of this wasn't after
impeachment yes
thing was
move on from him yes man we
don't need
to talk about impeachment
thing is ruining the country
let's move
on let's move on let's move on
and so
they're good one that's nuts
well I also watched a little
bit of I
did I watched PBS newshour
actually I
someone sent me a screen
capture which I
put in the show notes under 25
for 45
the PBS Newshour was doing a
periscope so you could watch
periscope video of the
debate now there was a caption
so I knew
when you first fire it up then
give you the title
of whatever that periscope is
if you do
for Scott Adams he might say
you know
like impeachment derangement or
what if
that little title will be there
as it's
connecting to the feed yeah so
I don't
know which millennial did this
for the
PBS Newshour and here I'm gonna
this caption as the caption is
of the
periscope actually connecting
to the
feed the caption is watch a
treasonous manchild get fired
hashtag impeachment day hashtag
Trump on
PBS news hour and he the PBS
Newshour is
right there did you get a
screen yes I
told you have a screencap of it
pretty cool right oh that's
no bias here ladies and
gentlemen with a
no biased thing we also extends
to the
Washington Post who had a
party they had to take it down
to post
from Twitter yay and then the
other one
was was this Reuben woman the
one who
claims to be the conservative
blogger on
on the Washington Post she says
that we
should make dissent and this is
clipped this one too I took a
of her as a tweet she said that
should make December 18th a
holiday as impeachment day
people should
be required to read the
articles and
piece of impeachment in the
squares across the country Wow
just for
yucks I'm gonna give you the
link to
that in the in your Skype there
if you
have time to take a look at all
going in the newsletter now oh
my god
now that I need to get back to
the it's
just really bad put it in the
troll room
too it's like fantastic now it
also have been someone at
periscope I
don't know because they've had
screen things before you know
like when
you started up if you look
really you
have to look real quick it says
proudly by immigrants in
America or
something there's all kinds of
justice warrior stuff around
and this is a real problem when
you have
social justice warriors that
have snuck
into your company the worst
part is that
they will just bring more of
friends in so you you can
emanate yes and I hate this
just block
out a whole group of people but
I think
it's easier to do than it is
blocked by
sex or by gender or by anything
else or
by pedophile it is social
warriors are self identify you
can you
can always figure out who they
are if
you if you do the right kind of
questioning and with legal
is really important in
because you get sued if you
don't hire
somebody but you got to keep
people all of them the noodle
boy types
you have to keep them out of
company they should not be
employed it's
very important I'm telling you
it's very
important these people are
they're not
sick people they're bad people
it will grow like a sickness
inside your
organization mmm I'm gonna go
back to
the m5m first Judy just a quick
funny funny sound bite this was
congressman crow and he kept
saying at
the end of the day throughout
interview at the end of the day
at the
end of the day but then after
one at the
end of the day he said
something even
funnier the constitutional law
who testified before the House
Committee on behalf of the
wrote today that this is the
impeachment process to go
without in his words a
recognized crime
having been committed well you
there certainly are some folks
that I
think could have that debate
but the end
of the day let's not be
distracted by
what actually happens what we
happened don't be distracted by
actually happened did I hear
that wrong
at dinner today don't be
distracted by
what actually happened don't
your lies no don't don't don't
in all that
but I thought Jeffrey Toobin on
CNN was
funny was the funniest because
he's now
coming to the realization that
there is
an actual story out there about
yzma and hunter Biden and
perhaps Joe
Biden but hunter this is a real
and Jeffrey Toobin has now
become a he's
gone from a constitutional
lawyer to a
journalist and as a journalist
doesn't know what to do he's
torn you
know what do we do with this
story you
know what struck me about this
was how Donald Trump in a way
already won how much did we
hear about
hunter Biden over and over
again about
hunter Biden that's what the
are talking about constantly
and you
know there are questions about
Biden's behavior and so I mean
incredible shift of emphasis
and you
know it's going to be a real
for us as journalists to decide
follow along with this I can't
get over
him saying for us as
journalists please
and you know it's gonna be a
challenge for us as journalists
decide how much to follow along
press to suppress this
obviously good
story this fabulous story that
we could
really make a career it's gonna
really tough for us to not to
take it up
listen you know it's going to
be a real
challenge for us as journalists
decide how much to follow along
this but the idea that we are
here debating the the country
the the
House Judiciary Committee is
the impeachment of the
President of the
United States and over and over
again we
get how all these questions
about the
behavior of hunter Biden the
perhaps most likely opponent
the son of
the and and you know I I just
don't know
what our responsibility is as
journalists because it's not
the point
but this is the news and this
is what's
there yeah and there's
journalists what
to do well I'll tell you what's
happening MSNBC CNN Fox
you're all being run around by
an actual
news organization who was doing
reporting and they are doing
reporting and people will
walk away from your bullshit
seriously I
mean it was truly - the same
movie on
two different screens just
from Fox to MSNBC or CNN you
know Fox is
that is the one side it's
regardless of
what you believe it's not
really just
giving opinion it's not news
opinion you know who's doing
news one
American news they they
interviewed the
fired be a prosecutor from
Ukraine and
they're learning some
interesting stuff
I'm Joe Biden and Hunter Biden
pop up
tell us how their names are
involved in
these criminal cases you were
into how is Joe Biden and
hunter Biden's
name involved Thank You Budhia
smoke our
company Turkish goes at length
about the political context in
which BER
yzma was operating evading
taxes and
giving away illegal licenses to
individuals at the end of it
tax dollars were stolen and
laundered through charisma
presented before ukrainian
parliament an
official indictment showing a
trail of money-laundering going
bir yzma and to hunter Biden
der cosh
also mentions how it has been
from the prosecutor's office
that an
open case currently is looking
$900,000 found paid to Joe
Biden from
Ukraine for quote
consulting services but the
case is
reportedly still ongoing and we
yet have access to this
document just
days after the Brisman
announcement the
prosecutor was fired
clearly BER yzma is still being
protected okay they got the
little just
creepy music there which I
could do
without but that's a little
more than
I'm getting from anywhere else
they're actually sitting down
people and talking to them the
actors who are mentioned in
this whole
saga I have to assume there's
meetings going on at the big
in the big boys offices yeah
and they're
beside themselves about this
story and
what one American news those
guys are
gonna scoop the New York Times
in the
Washington Post and then they'll
everybody yeah the one American
news is
gonna scoop CNN and NBC and ABC
and CBS
one of them one of those big
boys is
gonna break ranks and they're
gonna go
after this story and everybody
else is
gonna be left flat-footed and
will begin why didn't you do
this you
heard about it the president
brought it
up it's been in the news
they've been
talking about it during the
hearings and
you what did what sit on your
ass and
did nothing well New York Times
this is
gonna be a massive scandal if
and I
believe it probably is true
because it
doesn't make sense any other
way in its
and these people are gonna have
to pay
the piper I this is not gonna
be fun to
watch for them well it's gonna
be fun
for us oh yeah well again Lindy
Hop Graham is still saying very
I'm going to tell the president
no to
his witness requests Lindy Hop
does not
want a show trial and of course
doesn't there's pictures of him
John McCain and the the the
who was fired the redhead you
getting medals from the from the
Ukrainian government and
hanging out
having a good time of course he
was he
was buddies with McCain and he
along for the ride and you know
he got
sucked in and he is his head is
on the
chopping block so he doesn't
want this
trial I don't know what midget
telling you that the the seven
dollars of US taxpayer money
whatever it
was that went in and got lost
has gone
into pockets of family members
Democrat Democrats and
Republicans and
it's end let's not even start
to look at
the China thing with hunter
because that was a little bit
bigger so
corruption is what they're all
afraid of
people are in on it
the the FBI look the FBI is
still j
edgar Hoover leopard doesn't
change its
spots is still a bunch of
sex-crazed nut
jobs who want a honey trap
people get mentally retarded
people and
Jack them up with fake bombs
and then
string them along for months
and then
call whoa another win against
CIA is taken over many parts of
Pentagon this is not my uncle
anymore these are operatives of
you know
whatever mission they're on to
everything globalist let's just
call it
that make it easy just
globalist and
they didn't shut everybody else
up and
it's I think you need another
terms of Trump maybe to uncover
it all
but a little bit would be nice
instance one American news once
about the so-called
whistleblower yeah
it's a very interesting case
how this is
unfolding image something that
the press
generally is not really digging
into the
way they should but mr. chair
actually came out of Yale which
of the
one of the Ivy League schools
are are
the traditional recruitment
grounds for
the agency at least in the past
that has
evolved somewhat recently but
he came
out of that background and also
was one
of the like street protest guys
so he
was dedicated left-wing street
protesting guy that was was
discovered in supporting
protesting for
a Muslim Brotherhood professor
at the
University right and that's how
he came
to the surface from there he
was picked
up and recruited back into the
into the
CIA where he eventually ended
up at NSC
along the way in his career
he'd had a
little bit of experience with
nothing in depth but some
there and so from that based on
while at NSC he became their
go-to guy
for Ukraine that was how he
came on to
the scene and got involved in
process when he was picked up
brought into the CIA and
on the fast-track that he was
by former director John Brennan
we've all talked about John
before he had a friendly
attitude to
Muslim Brotherhood during that
under the previous ed Bhama
administration's and so this is
this is
a young man that would have fit
career track and type of
that they were looking for so
he was handpicked by John
Brennan to go
from the CIA over to that White
NSC National Security Council
is is a
White House job so to have made
transition it would not and
cannot have
been done without that least of
knowledge and acquiescence of
the then
director of the CIA John
Brennan nice
little Muslim connection there
well done I'm surprised these
guys are
doing something that's real and
that's information that is be
usable I
was a former CIA guy actually
who was
although now a consultant so
god knows
what he's into meanwhile what
what is
the m5m doing well Rachel
Maddow had to
have something going on oh
here's her
in-depth reporting as she
brings on Lisa
page one half of these shakes
one half
of the sexting duo of the FBI
and she's
just got with I mean listen to
minute and a half of her
bravery clip
yeah just telling telling
Rachel holy
crap yeah and Rachel's okay oh
I get it
yeah sure does furtive eyes
where their
brows are in and kind of turned
up in
the middle and you're that
looks is guy
who well it has little to do
journalism as far as I'm
concerned in
terms of the text messages and
allegations that have been made
you you've sort of explained
yourself in
time and putting these those
messages in greater context in
terms of
what they meant and the way
they were
used please tell your story put
them in
greater context please give us
bullcrap that you're gonna do
against you can you explain to
tonight what was meant by for
the insurance policy text
message so
this is you and Peter struck
about the prospect that
President Trump
is going to be elected the
prospect right I mean it's an
first of all it's not my text
so I'm
sort of interpreting what I
believe he meant what she says
is an
analogy that cracked me up how
in any
known world is calling
something an
insurance policy an analogy
well it's
not I mean it could be a
metaphor could
be a simile there's things it
can be
yeah could be symbolic is it
but it's
not an analogy an analogy to
what does
she ever really say no no she
actually except it's not the
of an analogy but she will tell
you what
she meant
it actually means insurance
policy it's
not an analogy it's exactly
what it said
Peter struck texting about the
of that President Trump is
gonna be
elected the unlikely prospect
right I
mean it's an analogy first of
all it's
not my text so I'm sort of
what I believe he meant back
three years
ago but we're using an analogy
talking about whether or not we
take certain investigative
steps or not
based on the likelihood that
he's gonna
be President or not right you
have to
keep in mind if President Trump
become president the national
risk if there is somebody in his
campaign associated with Russia
you're not so worried about what
Russia's doing these would be a
of his campaign if he's not
because you're not gonna have
access to
classified information you're
not gonna
have access to sources and
methods in
our national security apparatus
so the
insurance policy was an analogy
like an insurance policy when
you're 40
yes she's a lawyer and she
doesn't even
understand the meaning of
analogy that's
the sad thing she's a lawyer
expect to
die when you're 40 you still
have an
insurance policy so don't just
hope that
he's not going to be elected and
therefore not press forward at
investigation hoping but rather
forward if the investigation
just in
case he does get in exactly
Rachel what
she's thinking good one yeah
well she's
totally leading the reader
yeah expect to die when you're
40 you
still have an insurance policy
so don't
just hope that he's not going
to be
elected and therefore not press
for it
if the investigation hoping but
press forward if the
investigation just
in case he does get in exactly
about the text message that in
which you
instruct we're talking about
fear that Trump Trump would be
and he said no we won't let it
happen I
mean by we he's talking about
collectively like-minded
sensible people who were not
going to
vote this person into office
John Legend
back to die when you're 40 have
insurance policy no I'm sorry
somehow I took us back you mean
to do
that to me Trump Trump would be
and he said no we won't let it
happen I
mean by we he's talking about
collective we like-minded
sensible people he's not gonna
vote this
person into office you know
obviously in
retrospect I wish he hadn't
sent it yes
it's been mutilated to death
and it's
been used to bludgeon
institution I love
and it's meant that I've
countless people but these this
is a
snapshot in time carrying on a
conversation that had happened
in the day that reflected a
broad sense
of he's not going to be
we the Democratic people of
this country
are not going to let it happen
oh that's
what it meant we are a
democratic people
what does that even mean the
people of the country I don't
know law
Republicans didn't like him no
but what
is the Democratic people not
she said the Democratic people
who believe in elections and
people who
don't which would be the
Republicans I
don't know it means nothing
when she
said her whole blather and by
the way
she was made up so much I
looked at her
and I couldn't recognize her
we've seen of her roaming
around the
halls of whatever the FBI that
did look
a a different person I'm not
even sure
this was her yeah that's good
point it
was her though I'm pretty sure
meanwhile uh tonight what is
the point
what is what what does she gain
coming on oh well dumb no I I
think it's
a it's a precursor for a
possible Senate
trial she's also apparently
somebody over these today I
think she's
doing the FBI over the text
being released so you mean the
organization that she just said
loves so dearly
yeah I'm suing that the
organization she
loves so dearly I believe so yes
yes meanwhile tonight we have
democratic debate
which is just it's like
was cancelled what well I
thought it was
canceled I thought that Tull
she bailed
out and then everybody else you
can look
across the picket line it's not
though oh it's tonight it'll be
in Los
Angeles believe me it's not
canceled if
it's in Los Angeles and we have
seven on
the stage now Biden Sanders
Buddha judge Klobuchar Yang and
quite a quite a white group
there the
nice things not white no but I
quite what there is an Indian I
to say that yes well anyway the
the the
mainstream press is deeming it
very very
and in order to be on the stage
actually Kamala Harris qualify
but of
course she dropped out to be on
stage you had to have you have
you must
have contributions from 200,000
donors you know over a 12-year
period we
probably have a have had
200,000 unique
donors so we could kind of
qualify it's
just not in the right period to
you must be polling at at least
6% well
you can buy that C's dire for
polls at
4% what is this bullcrap
Jesus anyway now it's so stupid
it is so
dumb so and I'm sure tonight
will all be
about be about Trump and about
impeachment and about of course
we have 1 2 3 we have what 3 4
now that
we have 3 senators who will be
in there
what Klobuchar as a senator
warns the
senator Sanders as a three
three senators who will
eventually and
this is mind-blowing talk about
meddling in elections so you
have a guy
who wants to run for
re-election in 2020
so that's an election and three
who are running against him
will now
actually be deciding if he's
thrown out
of office and in jail
altogether oh
they'll recuse themselves I'm
sure I
don't think so somehow but
that's how
insane you know it's almost as
insane as
something else I realized
around this
time once again you get the
stories of
package thieves and even the
guy who did
the glitter bomb he's done
another one
of these videos and it's quite
disturbing how many people
steal Amazon
packages from porches but what I
realized is how twisted is it
they were
watching news reports about
stealing Amazon packages
recorded on a
camera owned by Amazon yeah in
remind blowing shit that's
going on they
got it on all in someone is
really doing
a good job there so that yeah
it's it's
it's kind of bizarre and once
again the
machine is in full overdrive
the problem
ladies and gentlemen is the
black vote
and when black when I say black
I mean
african-americans I personally
prefer to say a DOS something
learned here the American
descendants of
slavery that's the vote that
can make
all the difference certainly
Wall Street
Pete has has gotten a lot of
Wall Street Pete got the heat
the black people don't like him
according to the mainstream I
don't know
if it's true or not even
Saturday Night
Live made jokes about it it
take much loss of let's just
call it the
black vote
to screw up any Democrat and
you recall
that when that Kamala Harris
she was running the a das
movement was
kind of born and they started a
campaign and and YouTube has
real people
YouTube campaigns saying hold
on a
second she's not African
American she is
Indian Jamaican that's fine but
not gonna represent us like we
let Obama
represent us who also wasn't
african-american and
immediately joy
Reid and MSNBC came into action
and what
did they say oh yes these
tweets are by
BOTS these are just BOTS this
real it's just bought Russian
probably just BOTS trying to
bring down
the black woman so they're back
now even
with camel are gone and it is
mission is to promote black
women as
being in charge of the vote of
household black men you don't
know what
you're doing you know the black
are the ones we got to go after
and just
last week it's the same woman
what's her name again the joy
it was joy
read with Shireen Mitchell so
you know
months ago they were talking
about it
being BOTS who were these a das
against camel ax that now it's
box once
again apparently is that one of
things that you talk about
rapport and I was talking with
you about
this before is pushing out in
information about a candidate
been selected you know to be
targeted to
turn black voters against them
but it's
who they're using as the voice
quote-unquote the digital voice
supposedly also black people
who are
spreading that message and
here's what
you write about these about fake
accounts that are not
necessarily really
black people seem to be black
people hey
Tom as a cop word this person
is bad for
black people quote fake accounts
pretending to be black women
matter not
only in the distant formation
but in every election there has
been a
constant number you write of
accounts posing as black women
2013 these fake accounts which
to be black women seem to be
real people
with real concerns they connect
with the
American black community online
attempting to learn black
vernacular and
key issue areas will be the
point of
creating fake accounts who
appear to be
black women specifically so
this can't
be real because of course no
black woman
ever would go against a
Democrat and
this cannot be it must be a bot
somehow they've learned it must
be some
of that AI we've been hearing
they've learned how to actually
just like black women it's
because if we
know as we've seen that the the
what the
ones who are the most valuable
to the
Democratic Party is black women
we have
identified at least five
campaigns rather focus on
getting black
people to do only one thing
what would
not know for the Democrats and
can you
name one of those five
campaigns I mean
we put up from the report that
saying that rep this there's a
conversation about reparations
that has
to do with it there's a
criminal justice
can't conversation there's an
immigration mmm-hmm reparations
immigration and and and sorry
reparations immigration and
that has to do with the
criminal justice
system so the reason that the
targeting of Cibola around
being a cop
is important it's because
that's the hinges on criminal
becomes a divisive issue
exactly we're
out of time but how can people
tell the
difference between the real
genuine and
thing a black lives matter and
the ones
that are just all pay attention
designed to make you not vote
how do you
even tell you tell right away
by that by
the language that they use most
of the
time but if you see anyone who
basically tangibles or or you
you're not
getting our vote without us
something back you should start
to pause
and take a better look at what
saying better look at those
accounts and see what they're
saying so
the term tangibles is an
absolute thing
in the black community
tangibles means
if you're gonna talk
reparations there's
got to be something tangible not
something you give to a whole
bunch of
people and i know this because
i do a
show with mows I've learned
this so
these are two black women
regardless of
their actual cultural heritage
matter they're black telling
black women
don't listen to those other
they're BOTS I mean that is
what is
happening did to me it's very
that this is on television
son CNN now ms it this was MSNBC
what's rumors on CNN no joy
MSNBC us that there was joy
read it is
joy read MSNBC is being
interviewed but
what way joy read is on MSNBC I
this all day yeah you do yeah
well dry that juror you was on
CNN never
he's never been on CNN and the
Mitchell is she's part of the
sistas now major support from
Society Institute no come on
it's we all
know what's going on here but
no maybe
maybe maybe maybe this election
American people figure it out
but I'm
not holding my breath
and well you shouldn't brother
all right
the other thing else for around
a couple
just kind of funny clips is
still relate
to the impeachment oh okay I
thought you
had maybe some 20:27
impeachment is good
too well let's play a couple of
clips this was this clip is
just because
it's it's but part of the I
guess just
the hypocrisy of everything
this is a
Adam Schiff this is chef shift
early on
this is Schiff at the beginning
of the
year I think this is in March
before the
anything started up and talking
how you couldn't really do an
impeachment if it was was just
you need everybody on board
sure and
he's very thoughtful about all
this and
he makes it he goes on and on
and it's
just like a head shaker I cut
through the trauma of a failed
impeachment an impeachment of
process would have to be
clear and compelling I don't
forget the
possibility that the
investigation will
produce that more than our own
will but
I think the speaker is
absolutely right
in its absence an impeachment
becomes a
partisan exercise doomed for
failure and
I see little to be gained by
putting the
country through that kind of
experience as I've often
remarked in the
past the only thing worse than
the country through the trauma
of an
impeachment is putting the
through the trauma of a failed
impeachment what an idiot
and then we have this one
thanks just an
idiot is
unbelievable then we have this
one which
is jamie raskin the Canada oh
yeah with
that I would with that with the
I'm just
gonna say pubic hair on his
head I'm
just gonna say it
he is this is before this is
before the
inauguration this is you know
people say
well they you know the
Washington Post
they ran an article you know
three days
you'll be you know right right
Trump was inaugurated
impeachment began
it was on through to two days
later this
is before the inauguration I
want to say
this for Donald Trump who I may
well be
voting to impeach
oh wait but wait
I wanna I want to say this
so they got drowned out by the
this is why Pelosi is so
worried about
the Democrats spiking the ball
on this
impeachment vote because it's a
no it's
like very it's not a good hook
it's not
a good luck it's not a good
look is
rooted here's a guy the guy
hasn't even
done one thing in office and
Raskin is
already voting to impeach him
he's worse
than the than the Al Green and
Waters of the worlds I mean
that to me
is just irresponsible
especially for a
legislative guy while we're on
topics as it get ease out of
the way
this is Al Green who come came
democracy now we don't impeach
president he will get reelected
if we don't impeach him he will
say it's
Houston Congress member Al Green
repeatedly calling for
impeachment from
the House floor joining us now
on this
historic day many are calling
impeachment day oh do we have
Al Green
on the show yeah what many are
impeachment day welcome to
Democracy Now
Congress member green your
thoughts on
this day well thank you for
having me
miss Goodman this is a day for
us to
reflect upon love of country
know we are
at the crossroads of
either we will hold the
accountable for his impeachable
or we will be held accountable
but as
important as that is it will
also mean
that we will lose some of our
a president has to have
guardrails a
president has to know that
there are
boundaries if the president
that there are no boundaries
and does
what he has concluded is within
his all
power granted under Article 2
then I
think we will lose some of our
and we march toward a monarchy
we didn't buy into a monarchy
we bought
into a democracy and as
Franklin said we
have this republic if we can
keep it I
plan to do all that I can to
help us
keep the Republic that I love I
what's interesting Congress
greenness you have been calling
for this
repeatedly for the last two
years for
different reasons among them
racism can
you talk about what it means at
point that it has been narrowed
two charges against Trump to
abuse of
power and obstruction of
Congress are
you satisfied with us initially
Goodman the call was for his
as it relates to the
investigation into
his campaign the Russian
intrusion into
the campaign and into our
election you
might recall that mr. Comey was
summarily and the president
went on
national TV at primetime and
that he was considering the
investigation but I then moved
because I saw the level of
emanating from the presidency
I saw the various and fitty
phobias that he attended to
project them
to push I saw how the country
starting to become more
unsettled all
right I'm going to say one more
80% of Congress and that's the
House of
Representatives and the Senate
of people 65 and older
so I'm in there deep in their
they still think this is how
you run the
country you give an interview
you tell
them some bullcrap you go on is
given in
to the New York Times do the 60
and you're done
unfortunately for quite a while
we've been able to read
ourselves get stuff on the
internet they
still think that this writs run
that way
they don't realize that it's
changed now
it may not have changed enough
for this
upcoming election but I think
that a lot
of people didn't get railroaded
out I
hope so
get these people out some of
them some
of them like Al Green are so
locked in
this is like these the
Republicans who
are so oh we're gonna vote out
Pelosi Nancy Pelosi's District
in San
Francisco it's a shithole
it's yes and they all vote for
Pelosi yeah that's that can't
get me to
an extreme on run against her
and it
would be 75% for Nancy Pelosi
isn't that
munch Hoeven Munchausen disease
when you're when you you love
captor and all they do I mean
this is
just hot coals syndrome okay
one of
those missing them up munch
munch hose
and Stockholm Syndrome it's all
bad it's
all bad yeah well these people
are bad
well with that I'd like to
thank you for
your courage and say in the
morning to
you the man who literally just
put the C
in CNN's joy reach Joe John C
well in the morning to you mr.
curry although in the morning
all ships
to see boots on the ground feet
in the
air subs in the water and all
the Dames
tonight's out there in the
morning to
all of our trolls in the troll
room who
have been with us the troll
rumors walls
the troll room has been with us
for over
a decade almost as long as the
itself exists and you can find
by going to Noah's gender
screen comm
where you can also listen to
the the
same thing all the trolls are
to at that moment and troll
sometimes you can have some fun
you pass
a message on to whoever is
Takei ting it's a fabulous
place to be
and it's a great community and
let me
see how many trolls we got here
let me see you on the stream
nice 1068 not bad for the second
Thursday of the week and thank
trolls for everything you've
done for us
over the past twelve hundred
also a big in the morning to
the artists
for episode eleven ninety nine
we titled
that slack off' ID that this
was brought
by Larry Dane who has done
submissions I don't think we
ever chose
one of his pieces of art and it
was a
very interesting one it was a
of clearly Hillary Clinton
which by
itself I don't think I've seen
in an
iconic Hillary silhouette
anywhere this
was why it was interesting this
weed had
trouble picking art for this
show and
but Adam kept gravitating
toward this
piece not because he liked it
but but he
was fascinated and I have to
agree with
him I wasn't at first but he
was because
I just kind of took it for
granted but
when he mentioned it he was
by this silhouette because this
silhouette really brought
Hillary it was Hillary yep and
it wasn't
like a normal silhouette like a
some head or anything that you'd
normally think of it was a body
silhouette and for some reason
it just
said Hillary and then the blood
splatter i way to go yeah so we
it imagine doing that on a show
you have advertisers hmm gee
somehow I
think that wouldn't last very
long thank
you very much Larry Larry Dane
no agenda
art generator calm is where you
can find
all the artwork art are
artistes work on
diligently and if you want you
submit your own
a lot of this is used as John
mentioned in artwork for our
use art for the pre announcing
the show
when we go live and some of it
appears on merchandise t-shirts
hats mugs and more at no agenda
comm which I think that they're
doing a
whole new overhaul of the shop
so I'm
excited to see what they come
up with
and in that case everybody gets
a piece
of it the artist most
importantly as
well as the shop guys and even
the show
itself receive some of that is
part of
our value for value network
we've been
doing this since pretty much the
beginning of the show it's the
only way
that we have seen the only way
we saw
the only path we saw really to
be able
to discuss the topics we want
to discuss
because it's inherently not
brand safe
and it's not brand safe to have
patient point a silhouette of
with blood splatters it's not
brand safe
funny yes brand safe no so we
chose a
different method it's a very
long slow
road it took us a while to get
up to
speed we're sustaining and I
forward to at least another 10
episodes of this podcast in the
after this 1200 episode for
which we'd
like to thank our executive
and associate executive
producers right
indeed starting with the sir
animus of
Laurel Bovie of of Dogpatch and
LeBeau via causa
always looking forward to his
notes came
up with a note a note and an
offer gonna
work I'm gonna read this you
read it
already and I don't fully
understand it
but I'm starting to get it
we're gonna
have to analyze this because
important because you donated
hundred and one dollars another
is this
the same amount or is this
another code
amount I've never seen this
before ever
one 301 yeah we should write
these down
screw you writing down the code
the minute he came on the scene
on a
Code Breaker thank you thank
you to all
the producers that keeps this
program running the v4v model
works for
many years I have copied
promotions if
you want to improve attendance
in your
small third world village
schools do
what the madrasahs do offer a
free lunch
so the father does not have to
feed the
children especially the young
mm-hmm Walmart's you tell
something but
I'm not sure Wow wall Walmart
pay off of lay off debt layaway
debt is
an idea worth copying this is
where it's
gonna lead by the way okay
any woman girl /female donating
at least
fifty five dollars and ten
cents and not
a smoking hot wife girlfriend
sent by
others but actually sent by the
woman to
be titled will be given credit
from my
monthly donation beginning with
donations through December
twenty twenty
Wow so wait a minute so this is
a Dame
Drive essentially as part of
the Dame
driving he's gonna give away
twelve Dame
hoods and so what what are the
bonds oh
this is good this is good copy
yet one
caveat well I will not insist
on an
abaya a B aya nor a hijab at
the round
table to retain the credit the
nd we
wait he's not gonna bring a
into the into the equation
that's what
he's trying to say okay always
the madrasah gambit which i
think is
actually a pretty good idea one
while I will not be able go on
tried to retain the credit the
individual must donate at least
fifty dollars within a month
I would do a lower amount but
we need
transparency for all the
producers what
if there are no women donors
the random
week I donate go back one week
and so
designate one otherwise it is
just and
this is like this is like the
instructions on Parcheesi it
also sounds
like a trumpet the donation
pitch time
match I don't understand okay so
otherwise it's just another
credit for Dogpatch ian's and
LeBeau viens divide the credit
if there are more than one
woman donor
with the requisite donation but
again each must donate another
at least
fifty dollars within a month to
the credit from this offer
this will increase in of her
damn lady
producers separately and for
fun I am
sharing a presentation preamble
I had
vetted for a specific situation
this is
part of a speech of his now
that we're
gonna have to talk about this
for a
second different ways up yes
then here's
this thing attention ladies and
gentlemen terms I used to
reflect social
behavior in this presentation
and not
gender looking as just making
the excuse
is already going rogue with
ladies and
gentlemen yeah I am going to
to each of you a list of
from a computer-generated
printout that
came from your administration I
understand the identifiers may
no longer
be valid however to be on this
computer-generated printout I
was told
the identifiers were extracted
verified sources authorized by
beings on the printout I have
24 beings
listed using these identifiers
if the
identifier is no longer valid
correct the identifier for my
for those using symbols or
that are not easily understood
pronounced please provide a
pronunciation that the
instructor may
use okay and jnk this is
alright could
you break that down to me in
something I can pop in my mouth
understand know how does it work
well I don't know what the
point of this
last part was
uh which was apparently
something gives
at the beginning of some talks
he gives
somewhere whatever he talks
about we
don't know this guy or anything
him but he's but he wants to
give a damn
hood a month out okay that I'm
and so he's really expecting
the Dames
to contribute a fit double
nickels on
the dime plus fifty dollars so
in two
separate donations okay and
they have to
be within a week one side or
the other
of his donation when it comes in
okay so if you hear Dogpatch
and is this
the first one no no it starts
in January
so if Dogpatch comes in with
donation and you hear it you
come in
with a double minimus by the
way says
nay not die I just call him dog
pet hey
I'm on first name basis with him
Dogpatch so dog patch comes in
sir sir
on emissive dog patch and Louis
via then you within a week
you've got to donate
essentially a
hundred and ten and then he
grant you
you know one hundred five ten
hug in
five double nickels on the dime
yes okay
I think well he's being very
it's very
sexist well he realizes that he
these donations you know a lot
and when
he does them he's just there's a
knighthood that could be
granted and so
he's decided to grant I think
from time he does one of these
gonna grant a dame hood so he's
basically this is our version
of the
madras so there's free lunch
here come
on if i understand what he's
saying yeah
follow the success that would
be the
symbol is to follow the
formula well thank you very
much sir
anima s-- of Dogpatch and lower
also known as yo dog to me
you've been
such a strong supporter of this
show i
hope one day i do get to meet
you to
thank you in person
yeah every every way you
suggests to me that'll never
happen but
it does happen you won't know
exactly well thank you all
thank you
Brian a mish mish all right
onward will
the world get that worked out
and bright
it up as just gonna give him a
go karma
just because he's there you
know you've
got I don't think that's too
much to do
onward with Borislav Maranatha
ooh poor
slow loris lost another name
that's been
around for years and yes
another name
has been around for a long time
another guy we don't know 12
1919 which
is tall 1919 is just under just
load $19
over 1200 we'll put him in the
club oh
yeah oh he's just a show date
12 1919
which is exactly right
1290 was coincidentally we
could put
that in the newsletter another
gambit we
yeah well please send some
winning car
let's send some winning against
frivolous lawsuit karma and
some jobs
karma oh my goodness well we
need to
pile it on for you they're jobs
jobs and
jobs that's karma by the way we
got a
new jobs we know we have four
we've got the one you just
heard we have
two different Trump jobs errs
and we've
got the Nancy and Trump jobs
and now add
this one to it which we recorded
yesterday jobs jobs jobs
that's pence so in case anybody
wants a
VP jobs karma we have that now
as well
okay good to know
how many years have we been
using this
at least ten yeah it's and and
ever and
these politicians still come
out and say
it like it's like they just
invented it
variation on if you're gonna
take it is
like the way jokes operate you
know you
do variations this is the
variation on
the location location location
you know
yeah which is the classic Gold
Line well
how do you pick a good
real-estate spot
location location location then
evolved and evolved into
developers developers Oh God
Ballmer I forgot about that
well also
any time you say something
apparently then it sticks into
and sticks in people's minds if
you say
it does but the original Nancy
breaks the rules and it's four
jobs jobs jobs and jobs you're
it's an and jobs that may be
the power
of it now they think about
everyone else
just does a a three-peat but I
you're right
it's say it's the breaks the
rules man
that's one yeah man well good
luck with
borislav and thank you for
supporting us
baron sir Dred Scott of the
Elbe Express
who actually gave two twice in
show he's gonna I don't know we
had to
keep probably double credit him
but he
gave 1200 to become member of
the 1200
club and to celebrate this 1200
shows I
always ask for no jingles
Nakamura about
my last donation I mentioned
coming out
of the fog of war of new twins
to go
along with a two-year-old three
under three at 40 years I
wanted to
thank you for the oh I'm sorry
let me
read it again he's got three
kids under
three and he's 40 years old
it's no joke
I think that's why I gave him a
tortoise karma providing me
with karma
even though I didn't request it
and I
wanted to thank you for the
well with recently at work I
had to
write my annual self appraisal
yes it's
called a 360 review actually
did you
know this no I did not yeah
it's a 360
where you you write about
yourself you
also review your direct manager
which is
always a fun thing to do and
then the
manager also of course will
review you
360 yeah this sounds like a
part of a
stack ranking scheme which is
the worst
thing for companies I've never
anything like this I've always
been in
companies where there's just
old-fashioned reviews if at all
it seems
to me instead of reviewing
somebody you
bring him into the office tell
me what
you think
just tell him hey you know
you're doing
a pretty good job well that's
right stop
right there I just need to
bring it up
we'll come back to it later
after all
these segments are also content
the heading slack off I'd at GE
at General Electric the way
your boss
reviews you is with and I'm not
sure if
they're actual digital stickers
or if
they are just words but the
under in
there in the review category
insights you can send someone a
or a continue so continue means
you did
a good job continue doing your
consider means you need to work
on it a
little bit and that's it's two
it's either continue consider
this is
probably I don't know this I'm
saying I know about General
early experiments would stack
that Jack Welch implemented
that was the
beginning of the end for General
Electric I might add and they
pulled it and I know Microsoft
stack stack ranking I've
written about
this a lot and it's a very
methodology it makes yes men
show up it
makes the real creative types
quit the
company or you get kicked them
out and
it's it's detrimental to most
in fact Microsoft was sliding
until they
got rid of their stack ranking
General Electric is still in
the tank
and this sounds like a
modification yeah
well it's it's part of the new
the new
way we communicate just one
word or an
emoji I personally I think it
should you
should just boil it down to a
face or a poop emoji that's the
way to understand
yeah well this idiotic I've
never had
this happen to me and I glad um
back to the note recently at
work I've
had to write my annual self
which is dumb I was really hard
myself I didn't think I had
well this year due to the fog
of war
mentioned above twins kids
whatever my
manager had the complete
opinion he wrote me a great
review and
noted that I exceeded
expectations he's
kind of crediting this to the
car might
think this that phase is only
used at my
company when a promotion or
significant raises on the way
Oh code
that's greens no it's great I
received two bonus checks from
departments for work I
completed on
projects we worked on together
nice I attributed this directly
to the
Karma thanks again for the Karma
dropping the t's yesterday I
headed to
Costco with my three-year-old
she loves
going there and recognises the
route as
well as the sign for the store
when she
said yay Costco gospel without
the tea I
had an oh crap moment I
realized I've
been dropping the tea from
Costco for
years I quickly corrected her
and now
pronounced at Costco by my
accounting my
donations this episode bring me
to fight
count status but I have yet to
claim the
Protectorate if the peerage
approves and I did and the
committee I've just checked
with them
they approve immediately read
this note
earlier and it has been
approved if I
count it large see what I'm just
laughing I didn't even get
anyway I didn't get even get
invited to
the meeting but I'm you're not
on the
peerage committee I know okay
by count
it large seems appropriate for
me my
accounting is villo anyways I
count at
large thank you for the amygdala
protecting deconstruction twice
on Thursdays keep up the good
work and a
note about that as we I don't
know if
it's because of the animated No
or why exactly people are
talking about
their amygdalas more often
these days
and donation notes that is a
byte and
you know John I didn't start
out to we
didn't start the show so hey I
got an
idea let's heal people was not
original intent of the show but
that it
happens and that people feel
much better
and and we do have some science
with the
amygdala behind it but when
people say
this that it makes me feel
really good
about what we're doing I guess
almost no thank you for
mentioning that
and thank you for your for your
a very
long support barren sword Rebbe
Scott of
the EOB Express soon to be by
count it's
I know word oh yeah it's very
appreciated we should mention
amygdala thing it turns out
that if you
sit around we've discussed this
we had a
whole almost a whole show about
it it
turns out medical evidence
about people
who sit around like that woman
in green
who's screaming cuz Trump got
and the people they'd all bent
out of
shape because we you mentioned
Trump all
they will their amygdala swells
up yeah
and it makes it more
animal-like and I
my phone is ringing and when
it's and
I'll take over Mir and when you
get into
the animalistic state or some
would say
reptilian with an enlarged
amygdala you
are very sensitive to danger
and so
you're going to respond in a
very primal
way to anything that you
perceive is
danger of course we know what
danger is
Orangemen bad and then it is a
thing that takes place and you
become a little more unhinged
than you
typically might be with a
healthy sized
amygdala there hence we are
with keeping people's amygdala
sizes in
check and I'm you know exam
professional I'm proud of that
we should play one on the show
with Sir Darrin O'Neal deidara
know one
of our guys 365 from Mokena
Mokena or
Mokena one of the two probably
Illinois hello Jon and Adam in
honor of
my anonymous benefactor helping
me to
get my knighthood a few
episodes ago I
wanted to play it forward this
is be credited to and I wanted
out there take notes on this
because we
don't do this sort of
accounting no it's
$65 goes to net Ned
and he becomes a knight today
he was
submitting a note with his
round table
request I don't know do we have
Eric said there were forty
knows it was
a mess let me see if net-net
I don't the or dizzy no no I
don't see
him on here
well I don't have a note from
him that I
know I don't have a note either
well we can do it on 12:01 let
me put on
the next show sure yeah well
what one is
good okay great
the $150 ITM om underlined oh ma
aka Omaha
and $150 to prof war yeah borr
he's a you find him I know
agenda social
calm most of the time he's a
good guy
well geez this is nice yeah
that is nice
yeah and it was an anonymous
donor who
brought sword Aaron oderno
kneel up to
knighthood adaran for those who
know if you've listened to the
stream which you should try to
do if at
all possible no agenda stream
comm we do
it live on thursdays in the
Thursdays we do live he does a
for about an hour before our
show and
gets it gets me into a good
mood it
doesn't matter where I am like
I'm just
kind of jamming out and you do
him I
putting my final touches on the
prep and he's always playing
good and he's another driving
force in
our value for value network
thank you
very much sir Darren O'Neill
and net Ned
we'll take care of you on 1201
congratulations on 1200
episodes he
continues the show is more
vital now
than ever dare I say you're
hitting your
stride just good we're just
something stop the hammering
your hard
work is appreciated thank you
for all
you do if time persists remind
people to
listen to the grumpy old Ben's
old Ben's calm Merry Christmas
Christmas sir down David fuga
Zotoh 360
33 and he starts off by he by
the way is
the Baron of Saudi Arabia and
and he's got quite a title yes
he's got
a big title yay he says
congrats on all
the another milestone thank you
for your
courage all the producers fubá
soto yes
dave melody de mesa Bella thank
you very
much David push 3 3333 today I
give in
the name of my best friend pain
giving PA why any kid please
give him a
birthday shot I did it back
dated to the
seventh I don't know if we got
that or
yeah I got the date which will
live in
infamy I waited the birthday
what I
weighed the birthday and the
1200s and
decided that he could benefit
from more
than 12 the 12 hundredths show
as his
executive producer ship claim
okay he
gets it I hit him in the mouth
during a
ramp up to the impeachment 2016
he can
have credit but I'm claiming
the D do
Shing so they do now to
contradict the
whole note he says please call
him out
as a douche bag before throwing
goat style karma new human
Karma his way you've got special
executive producers for the
1,200 show
the extravaganza yes please
please we
have a couple more of these and
there won't be any more until
July yeah
these special so explain
explain the
special how it works well this
is a this
is a the idea is we notice that
showbiz they have all these
they do and it's not just you
as the Bob
Hope Christmas special and
being an
executive producer the Bob Hope
Christmas special is a little
interesting than being the
producer of
show 11/10 right just a times
so we
offered the special things you
can use
this as a title in your job
thing you
say executive producer for show
12 days
extravaganza show 1200 of the
No Agenda
show and that's a special
that you get for this for very
few shows
that's your name the
extravaganza that
that's traffic has is good you
come with
something better I mean that