February 6th, 2020 • 2h 53m
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oh I have to stand in line now
Jhansi Dvorak's 2024 winning
game on
Asian media assassination
episode 1214
this is no agenda morning
I'm Adam curry from northern
valley where we're molding all
kinds of
things I'm Jesse tomorrow
you're mulling
not pulling over Oh Molly Oh
we're Molly I'm Molly isn't
mulling this
is something you do with wine
so let's
start with this Super Bowl
you almost had it
I know and remember that I said
that I
still wanted to root for the
Chiefs but
that I felt I truly felt and if
you look
at the expectations the way
they set it
up it was going to be
empowerment for
women there were women all over
place co-owners were women
coaches were
women we had the the big
rock nation Shakira JLo
halftime and I blew it but you
me you
didn't actually I mean you you
didn't go
with your gut you have you saw
wearing a trump shirt yeah that
should have been the clue I
blew that
what's the clue because the
idea was we
have Pelosi versus Trump Pelosi
Trump and Pelosi represent San
well I also thought you know the
president would get impeached
yeah hey
that was a good game though I
enjoyed it I didn't care much
for it oh
I the thing that bothered me 21
nothing in the fourth quarter
when I
mean is that comfortable to
somebody fold I mean this guy
the coach
of the 49ers did this before he
was who
he was the offensive
coordinator with
nobody cares joked he was the
coordinator for the land of
fall cuz
what was the biggest fold in
Super Bowl
history the the problem I had
with it
was the technical aspect I was
down waiting for
I want my player stats flying
in Windows
I want Telus traitors I want
all Kai
want to feel good good about the
technical production of the
show and it
was sparse now maybe football
fans like
that more but I thought it to
be very
almost low-budget I'm not
kidding you
didn't get that at all I didn't
about it but because I prefer
just no
sound I think you're probably
and I think for the bulk of the
who doesn't really follow
football that
close they just go to watch
this one
game and then there watch the
show and then they say to
themselves oh
there's the second half yeah
you bring
it up yeah it was it was just
also the commercials were I
have a list
of might of some of the
issues I had we have to talk
about this
at least for a second or two it
is yes
and then who does a podcast a
a radio show or anything in
between this
talk about Super Bowl
commercials oh
that's right that's kind of the
isn't it we have to talk about
it it's
early FCC well I there was I
don't think
there was anything I like
nothing stuck
out like wow that's so great
no none of it okay here's the
what was with all these
callbacks to the
60s and 70s how old was this
audience no
that's a good question
I don't maybe that's what they
sold it
on an older audience this I
mean they're
for sure we know that it didn't
do any better than last year
which is
already down from the year
before so
it's kind of I mean 98 million
this is not bad for anything
well maybe
it was all although all the old
million people but they had
they had a
lot of screwy stuff too and the
Google ad was creepy that was
enjoyable as it was so bad wait
one was that which oh oh oh my
gosh that
was horrible try it
that were I think it was the
worst dad
yeah explain it again I don't
all I remember I just have my
horrible word creepy Google and
uh was
not effective in terms of
memory no then
there was the couple to couple
things what was the point of
Ric Flair I mean there's a
reference to
the 70s there's a reference to
Fargo the
movie well that's because the
new series
of Fargo is coming out there's
just I'll
take that there then there was
the whole
Snyder's whole references these
references who I've got written
here whose live l IV peanut add
oh yeah they were gonna drop
the peanut
dead peanut add for the baby
peanut yeah
cuz it Colby but they didn't do
oh they also startin to call
this is
this is ok let's well I'll just
wrap it
up with this please all of a
sudden I
see this as a bunch of 5g ads
whoo 5g
yes a lot of 5g and then
everyone was
touting that they're going to
the country but here's what
bugged me
there now touting 5g as ultra
huh ultra wideband is a versus
no is there something very else
little it's a spread spectrum
style of
communication and it's very
it's also used for
radar it's the protocol it
should go
with 5g right so hook an
different protocol everything's
yeah so they're stealing the
because they can't get any
traction with
5g yeah possibly I mean do you
it was that Verizon or was a
who was touting that I don't
recall one
of the two I don't know either
I didn't
write that part down hmm
I was just so earth by this
they just
robbed my bra all right that's
yeah I mean it really really
aims like
the ads like what about the
show was very I mentioned to my
that it was a bunch of because
I saw
the analysis of the of the
woman who
does these analysis is who I
think is
the amazing Polly to be honest
about the
same voice she breaks down the
Bowl halftime show as a cult
satanic the
whole satanic message to get
people into
global governance
well the well part of that was
there I
mean the halftime show was part
of this
jay-z deal that the white
racist NFL
owners put together you know
they had
they kind of rub out the
stuff and they brought jay-z
and and
rock nation so he was the
consultant and
and here's the only thing that
uh and I
spoke to many different women
about this
including my own wife they say
I kept
hearing empowerment empowerment
empowerment empowerment and I
give to
men to me it's like doesn't
seem really
empowering when you're hanging
on a pole
I get the idea of JLo's movie
which I
like was a pretty good movie
and I and I
without a doubt the physical
effort and
still being able to sing mostly
all live
certainly on Jennifer Lopez's
part was
incredibly talented incredibly
professional really good but I
just like
if you if you're setting us up
to be
ready for an empowerment mesh's
literally had a promo or
where there's two teen football
once kick of the other ones
asked that
the helmets go off it's women
you know
there was a lot of this and
then just
seemed like okay and from the
perspective that I've spoken to
well yeah that's that you can
be sexy
and be empowered I'm like okay
all right
makes sense I guess it was nice
to look
at for me otherwise the US women
displayed as sex objects once
again yeah
but if you say that to any
woman and you
get real pushback yeah I didn't
get any
pushback from me me well I
never said it
to read that has beside the
watch the game I was kind of
right I enjoyed the game she's
stunned when I gave her the the
satanic message yeah yeah well
there was
there was some stuff there with
Puerto Rican flag and the
American flag
and so yeah I don't know if
part was
that all about nobody explained
well Puerto Rico's well I can I
connect some dots if you want
Porto Rico
we actually got a a note from
one of our
producers let me see this would
be under
2020 yes you got a note here
Adam as you
know Puerto Rico in Puerto Rico
American we are American
citizens who
cannot vote for the President
of the
United States but here we can
vote in
the primaries to select the
this year let me cue this up
this year
we will have the Democratic
primaries on
March 29th and Puerto Rico will
send 51
delegates to the Democratic
that's more than Iowa a
larger than the delegation of
20 states
at this moment Bloomberg is the
candidate which adds in local
with ads
in local TV and radio and it
seems he's
investing a lot of money since
you can
watch and hear the ads
frequently on
shows with the best ratings
really bad I mean even I know
that's really bad Spanish he
had an ad
in which I thought was also
kind of weak
so maybe that had something to
do with
it but you know the whole it's
Miami has a different vibe my
question was if you have JLo
and you
have Shakira both very
accomplished who
was the dude who came on I
didn't even
look it up they're so annoying
like what
is this douche bag
haha I can go up there and do
invite me I'll put on the
silver suit
I was wondering about that the
guy shows
up and out of the blue and it
wasn't even supposed to be
there let's
think about it I think I think
he went
him up Mike him up see who was
the guy
in the Super Bowl I would
expect the
troll room to have that for me
but no Jay J Balvin ball that J
was his name yes yeah well he
everything if there's anything
that we
going on with that but the you
know that
dancing and then singing I
would that's
good I mean that's that was
I couldn't understand a word of
it we
got we had snow last night here
Austin everybody in the world
saw your
wife who Tina were the snow to
keep her
trying to make us she's from
throw it what was that all
about I think
what you saw was a a very
snowball to still kind of give
it a
little idea that there was a
and she just tossed it she's
very she
can throw a ball she's from
Chicago she
will kick your ass so be
careful yeah
well know are they are I
wouldn't get
that impression from this no
ball toss
of hers
gosh no yeah it's freezing that
about I don't know man global
likely must be something like
that I I
don't understand it's crazy
yeah we
never get snow here we're at a
latitude so one other thing
that was
just odd but I guess it's never
been a
thing in the NFL is a home
Mahone the
the quarterback for the cheese
which is
named against my home's you you
at my
home my home yeah my hands my
home back
to my homes he he's black but
he was not
touted as the third black
that quarterback in history to
win the
Super Bowl at all I don't
believe that's
true that he's not black
oh I don't believe it's true
that he
wasn't tired because I remember
couple of ball notice you know
what I
mean compared to previous Super
has been a huge they keep doing
fourth the fifth the sixth now
this was
the third to win yeah I know
but this
has already been a couple of
guys before
him yeah - yeah you gonna do it
the fourth guy comes at some
point you
gotta just give it up and say
hey you
know blacks can play
quarterback - it's
not like a crazy idea that one
would win
if just tonight okay the dot
you know
what whatever fine I really
don't here
for sports well I really don't
care yeah
I'm surprised you watch the
game no I
love you didn't even get his
name right
so there you have it that's on
what do you mean yeah
what's his name bill dick
alright so
then we had oh man what was the
event was the next event was
the the
Iowa caucus of course what a
fiasco hey
listen that you want to hear a
fiasco I
got a one of the clips from the
caucus under and asked Adam oh
okay good
ideas you got a chef's quick
you can
come up with this guy's name
this guy I
well count out something more
that let's assume it's Pete
Buddha judge
okay hit it you know something
you know
something if you had told us
one year
ago that we were gonna come in
third in
Iowa we would have given
anything for
that and you know something you
something not only are we going
to New
Hampshire Tom Harkin we're
going to
South Carolina and Oklahoma and
and North Dakota and New Mexico
going to California and Texas
in New
we're going to South Dakota and
and Washington Michigan
then we're gonna Washington DC
to take
back the White House the yeehaw
course the Dean scream gave it
or gave
it away yeah I didn't realize
that was
in Iowa Oh interesting yeah I
either really hmm why you know
why witch
scream now it's something that
I kind of
bumped into it by accident when
when of
course we and actually I spy
sat through
the entire from start to finish
start to polls the the caucus
polls or
whatever they call them closing
and I
watched its many different you
know it
breaks I'm switching around and
course I watched more MSNBC it
probably MSNBC CNN then some
Fox but
MSNBC I think they really had
the their
top crack team on it because I
wanted to
really understand that there
were some
rule changes and it's it in a
way I kind
of liked it it seems like it
seems like
a very democratic process where
you're arguing with you and
sometimes it's groups of a
hundred people with your
neighbors you
know people from around the
and you come in with your first
and your second choice it and
it's kind
of like a horse trading market
type idea
and I'd like watching that and
they had
interviews with some young
17-year olds who will be
eligible to
vote in November so they're you
coming up on 18 and they were
excited and like oh this is
really cool
is that kind of democracy in
process and
and then of course it all
started to
fall apart as the results
didn't come in
now we we know a lot more about
probably happened at least
and what I was lucky in finding
was a
January 15th interview on NPR
or a piece
actually with it with a couple
journalists which specifically
this app and how it was
incredibly new in fact here's
the intro
to their piece the upcoming Iowa
caucuses represent the first in
year of big tests for America's
democracy a big test big test
America's democracy to Russia's
interference in the 2016
election in fact NPR and Iowa
Radio have learned that Iowa
Democrats are going to use a new
smartphone app to help run their
caucuses we're going to talk
more about
that now with two reporters I
want to
start with you first just to
remind us
how caucus notice I cut the
introduction out it's so
annoying you
first just remind us how
caucuses work
and how an app would be
involved this
time around yeah so caucuses
are very
different from a primary there
are no
ballots there are no voting
Iowans will physically go to
community centers all across
the state
and physically show their
support for a
candidate by standing in a
part of the room and so as far
as this
app the party is hoping that it
help precinct leaders be able
to report
their results more quickly
those leaders
will be calculating how many
each candidate wins based on
the support
in the room and so having an
app the
intention is that process will
faster and local leaders will
have help
and calculating those numbers
by the way
it was working fine before this
app came
along well yes this and I don't
think we
can add much more commentary or
color to
the to the issue of the app and
what was
working or wasn't working in
fact I
believe that the most damage
the the
Democratic Party did with this
is to their befriended news
media who
were super annoyed they spent
four or
five hours the first night alone
fiddling time and and you know
like I was supposed to be out
of here at
11:11 I could be out here I got
plans and the s and there was a
this is under under this is not
taken into account you you're
right they got they had they
got grumpy
they got fine Iowa you got you
got a
schedule you know what's what
now it
normally goes and now because
of the app
you're gonna get out of there
be able to float around the
but NPR and Public Radio
to their credit in this in this
from January 15th they already
had done
some work and there were
questions about the app miles
talked a lot about
cybersecurity since
the 2016 election given that
attacks were part of Russia's
interference how big a deal is
this that
our Democrats are going to try
and use
this approach in 2020 it's one
thing to
introduce a new piece of
technology without really any
beforehand and then it's
another thing
to introduce that piece of
technology without giving any
details about it we know very
about the specifics of this app
we don't
know who developed it or who
wrote the
code we don't know what sorts of
security tests have been
performed on it
these are the two basic
questions that
any security expert would ask
confronting a new system and the
Democratic Party says basically
not going to provide any of this
information because they're
scared it
would help hackers but experts
say that that secrecy doesn't
against hacking at all here's
Cooper she's a cybersecurity
expert at the Aspen Institute
transparency around how it was
how up-to-date the security of
the app
is and how it's been tested all
could be
made publicly available with
little cost
to the DNC and this is probably
one of
the main things when we talk
democracy online which John you
and I
are really against for well for
reason being one of the many is
just not
a good idea and typically you
do want to
open-source your code you know
at least
have enough available so people
can see
that this isn't especially if
it's an
app something that could be
this I think is is the gem here
they going to talk about this
amongst themselves and I think
with the
with the Iowa Democratic party
Kate how are these concerns
addressed as you said this app
is focus
mainly on reporting caucus
results could
the election results be for
changed remotely so because of
the way
the caucuses work there are
thousands of
witnesses who are seeing the
play out in these caucus
locations this
year the party is also using
friends cards so there will be
a paper
trail involved that could be
so the idea of the results being
tampered with that could be
there will also be contingency
that the party has set up Troy
Price the
head of the state party in Iowa
so there
will be a hotline for folks to
call in
if the app doesn't work for
reason if there is a challenge
we'll be
ready with a backup and a
backup to that
backup and a backup to the
backup to the
backup I mean we are fully
prepared to
make sure that we can get these
results intact this is the
potential end
of show I so a backup and a
backup to
that backup and a backup to the
to the backup but fired you're
dude that's what you are backup
to the
backup and a backup to that
backup to
the backup backup and a backup
to that
backup and a backup to the
backup to the
backup are you kidding me this
guy what
a moron
does the approach since the
approach Bernie then that
enough people
to do this had a Bernie man a
Bernie bro
yet each of the caucuses taken
notes so they could you know
verify that
they weren't gonna get screwed
paranoid about this it turns
out that
they were screwed over by at
least 500
votes here and there I'd like
to pull it
all together got one last clip
from this
NPR NPR piece and then I think
I may
know what's going on there's a
other things we should look up
but this
let's close this out there are
a couple
scenarios look out for here a
attack could potentially lead
to the
wrong winner being announced
and then
having to be retracted which
obviously lead to a lot of
about the elections legitimacy
an attack
that didn't even break into the
could still potentially bring
it down
which would obviously lead to
delays and
reporting and a lot of
confusion at all
these individual precincts and
there's the possibility you
have to
remember that this app is going
to be
downloaded on the phones of
almost 2,000
party and caucus leaders across
state these are personal
devices that
have emails passwords text
photos and Russia has already
shown an
ability to weaponize
information that
they have hacked and stolen
they did
this leading up to the 2016
hacking John Podesta email
account and
weaponizing those emails we
do not have enough security
about this app to know how it
protect against that same sorts
hacking this time around yeah
I'd really
love that not once not a single
that anyone even speculate for
a second
that it could be Russians isn't
exactly what we were told they
would do
well they could have been the
guys who
designed the apps for all we
know well
either they kept it such a
secret thank
you Democrats I do have one
clip about
this and this is a kind of
another clip
that kind of wraps things up
with the
ending that makes more sense
anything this is a guy who does
show in Iowa the PBS hour the
Iowa or something like that and
being he is being interviewed
by Judy
anything you want to add about
Elizabeth Warren or how Joe
Biden did
Yeah right this is bad news for
and it explains why his
campaign is
complaining the loudest about
delegate count today fourth
they've never been four tickets
out of
Iowa this is not a good showing
maybe it will change and this
is all
tentative as you've noted that
62% maybe
he does better in rural areas
but it's
not very good news for Biden
this isn't
give him the the momentum that
he needs
to raise desperately needed
money to
stay in this race in Elizabeth
I think this halts her slide
she had
peaked at one point and then
took some
hits and debates and so her
campaign was
really trying to get some
momentum again
so the third place she lives is
to take
the argument on to New
Hampshire and
just in a few seconds she I
heard you
say you do think this may be
the end of
the caucuses in Iowa yes I
think you the
criticism all over the country
is this
is not a good way to do this
they should
go to a primary system I expect
there to
be a big discussion nationally
in the
Democratic National Committee
and I
think there'll be a discussion
in Iowa
as well about whether this state
shouldn't in fact go
primary like most dates it will
have to
see what happens in New
Hampshire but I
it appears that my prediction of
impeachment over were dropping
Joe Biden
could come true I'm fearful
that this is
true yeah now let me just
reiterate the
idea is they kept Joe in there
the bumbling and everything
else and he
really was not running on a lot
of money
apparently a lot of he doesn't
have a
lot left I had to have no idea
that's what the word is
and once the impeachment is
gone you no
longer need the political
opponent of
the president to be involved in
story so now they toss him and
so they're tossing him right
back where
they where he should have
stayed to
begin with it's sad but come on
again I am going on the basis
of the
people who are in the
Democratic Party
at the upper echelon who I
follow on
Twitter and they're all backing
into an extreme and I still
they're gonna try to shoehorn
him in now
I should mention that this guy
predicted the end of the
caucuses this
is interesting because there
have been
other caucus states and they've
fallen by the wayside and this
may be
the last to go in it's easier
to control
to manipulate a primary I think
than it
is a caucus situation where you
see people saying one thing or
Bern that's why Bernie put his
there's a thing do a real head
count I
think primaries are more easily
and I
think this may have been the
goal if you
think about it was it possible
that this
app was designed to screw up
two things
so badly that they're gonna go
to the
more easily manipulate able
primary is
that possible well here's what
I was
thinking the app could be just
a total
distraction and you know the
fact that
they I think as of this this
broadcast I don't know if 100%
of the
information is eaten yet it
wasn't last
I think the fix was in with the
change and there were what was
new this
year what I understood is they
also have the raw results and by
everybody's account Bernie had
people turning out for him but
the way
votes were allocated if you
were quote
valuable and had 15% of the
first round
that's how the delegates which
is really
the only thing that was being
by the m5m was the delegate
count and
the percentages of Delegates
but not the
actual what you would call the
vote and I think that was to be
obviously or maybe there was so
focus was supposed to be put on
that no one would notice that
you know
they could definitely tap
Bernie down by
giving you know by taking or
operatives for all I care it
take much that to have someone
who's not
viable pop over to co-op Pete I
this is this is easy stuff and
it was in
plain sight I think that's that
was the
genius of it the app probably
meant to fail but it was meant
to focus
people more on the results as
ie the delegates and not the
new and transparent raw vote
which is
what the Bernie bros were
counting and
and what ultimately everyone
was really
pissed off about in fact it
became such
a big thing Symone Sanders was
she was grill for CNN as far as
we can
tell their job is to discredit
Sanders it started with the you
you told
Elizabeth Warren that a woman
want win the presidential
election you
know that canard and then with
campaign manager or one of the
managers for Bernie came out
and said we
don't trust that we don't trust
results at all and listen how
Sanders who used to be with who
she was
with before I don't know
but she would buy it maybe she
was with
Bernie and now she's with Biden
listen Miss confuse you believe
results the app that the I
William any
hard to be they're not being
waiting for two hours wide but
this is
interesting because the Brianna
Keilar I
guess from CNN just keeps
Junior say it was accurate but
she wants someone to go on
record and
say it was rigged and and this
piece of
chicken shit won't do it
reporters they
were unable to get the
preference cards ours aren't
important so all our campaign
has said
and and what K been located
among what
are the Mon Simone I am going
to I'm
going to gather up and you're
answering the question is this
correct in your view is it
look Briana I have not analyzed
the back
ends of the data what we are
saying and
what we have implored to the
Democratic Party are two things
one we
have to make sure we get it
getting it right means checking
again and triple checking I'm
sure that there is a paper
trail the
presidential preference cards
don't try
to paint this as we're trying
to say
this is some kind of conspiracy
okay you guys roll it right
what we
think you have a process where
you can't
be confident that the results
that are
being reported are reflective
of the
votes that people cast last
night in the
process that's a real concern
yeah I
think that was actually the
probably by the think she would
know the funniest part he asked
what was just hilarious and
showed how
the mainstream news media is
in ruining everything though
trying to figure out how to get
this information into command
they're on the phone for hours
and hours
and I I think this was one of
captains of a big precinct
trying to
call through to the to the
party and and
give his precinct information
and of
course he has to be on the
phone live at
the same time with broth over
on CNN
they tried I think promote an
app to
report the results the app by
accounts just like doesn't work
so we've
been recommended to call into
hotline and the hotline has not
responsive as to what's going
on no I'm
just waiting on hold and doing
my best
to report the results from that
what are you hearing I know
listening to a conversation
from the
Iowa Democratic Party this is a
coincidence wolf I just got off
well just so I've got to get
off the
phone to report the results all
now go ahead report yours what
can we
listen in as your report them
so on yep
okay hi hello waiting for over
an hour
except of the day here's a gear
that one catch
this guy's ahead on hold for an
that brawl for fixing it no
they hang up
on it this is the dammit this
is this is
the Democrats for the Democrats
very bad
very bad
they can't run anything if you
want them
to run the economy well and
this was you
know and that immediately was
the right
wing that's Fox News talking
point who
was these are the people who
want to run
your health care okay yeah sure
this was
a right-wing meme I think this
is a
pretty generalized meme that
when right
down the middle it wasn't like
a bunch
of right-wing nut balls
yeah there were yeah that's
well that's
when there were lots in the yes
but you
telling me no moderates thought
this was a little bit a little
bit hinky
I don't live in moderates I
live in CNN
MSNBC and Fox
so there's only that's it and I
hearing all of that on Fox and
certainly not immediately on
the other
channels but and I'm not not
you I'm just saying that seemed
like a
like an easy easy target you
know where
is really what was just odd
it's like
we're not going to question the
integrity of the security of it
it's all
they're incompetent how about
isn't isn't this who was it
that said
they're going to do it in plain
the Russians oh it was Malcolm
Nance he
predicted this yeah oh I won't
play the
whole thing goes a long clip
but I'll
take it about halfway this was
when he
was on joy Reese say well
that's just
too bad that's the result of the
election Donald Trump wins and
the other
party is left standing there
blinking at
a president who now believes he
can do
anything he wants in the natural
national interest so of course
all of
our opponents in the global
threat arena
that's North Korea as you said
Arabia has a very vested
interest in
keeping Donald Trump in as
president of
the United States and they use
is really
American and other
subcontractors to
carry out nefarious hacking and
intelligence activity
this nation is going to be
under attack
cyber wise unlike anything that
seen before not just this
information I
think we may possibly finally
see people
put their hands on those thumbs
of the
scales of American voting
machines or
tally machines at the state
wherever they can and it will
be sloppy
it will be so obvious that
again there's
nothing we're gonna be able to
do about
because one side will accept
the result
isn't that exactly what
happened it will
be sloppy it'll be obvious
Malcolm Nance now well this
just tells
me that it's bull crap the
whole Malcolm
Nance thesis is bullcrap and
the only
thing that we're ever gonna see
in terms
of like Russian hacking is is
orchestrated and not
orchestrated by the
Russians it's it's like just a
theater because you're you're
right and
this is why you've been so
baffled about
this they have not even brought
in the
idea that's the Russian that's
not once
which you you know did this
just screwed
up this caucus yeah and it
would be in
the it would be right within the
scenario because here's the
screwing up the Iowa caucus to
benefits the most Trump does
possesses it makes nothing but
sense but
since their script says the
are scripting this and it's
bullcrap the
Russians aren't doing any of
this they
can't they're not quick on
their feet
they can't ad-lib they can't go
script so they they were
they didn't know they had this
opportunity they were sharp
they would
have jumped on that immediately
someone should have at least
said you
know who's laughing tonight
Putin that's who's laughing
that there's
something yelling at one of
those in not
a single one that's because I
think no
offense I used to be a Democrat
but I
think the Democrats are stupid
information voters I have to to
independent things Emma from
The Young
Turks she was boots on the
ground and I
think she was mainly in the
Bernie camp
quite a connection there a long
time connection to Bernie
Sanders with
the Young Turks and here's her
feedback on the situation the
that I think should be coming
out of
this is this plays directly
into Donald
Trump's hands right so right the
Democratic Party has no
cohesive idea
when it comes to combating
Donald Trump
in 2020 they want to nominate
the status
quo candidate a moderate
candidate a
corporatist candidate like deep
blue the
judge or like Joe Biden but
unable to coalesce around
anything other
than that except for
kneecapping Bernie
Sanders every chance that they
get but
what they really needed to do
was show
that they were able to be
competent and
that they weren't the very
corrupt party
and part of the corrupt system
Donald Trump ran against
successfully in
2016 and when you have this
convoluted process an app
crashing that
they didn't test before and
then just
ask seven year-olds hey work
this app on
your phone as a part of the
didn't have any of the captains
people who were monitoring the
have any experience with this
app before
that just speaks to the varying
competence that trumps so
ran against in 2016 so we're
off to a
great start
applaud that line Oh swell
swell setup
yeah it was good so it can
really only
be a total incompetence which
seems the
easiest be it could be
nefarious stuff
from the outside or if one of
one of the
campaign's but when you see all
connections huge you know
Silicon Valley
billionaires Hillary Clinton
and when I say operatives Neal
paint campaign managers
surrogates it it
starts to become suspicious
enough that
you could just say hey
what's up with these people
involved in
the party to this degree and
screwing up
this badly and the woman who's
in charge
of this at not shadow but the
the seventy-five million dollar
PAC there's that was running
that built
this and she is supposed to be
the the
Democrat digital you know High
and she's the one that's gonna
make sure
that whoever the nominee is
that that
we're gonna out digitize Trump
and and
his team and sad is sad sad a
good start
exactly and and we can't we
have to
remember that just the day
before but
really just just was the day
before yet
because it was on Saturday or
Sunday the
poll the most important poll
from the
Iowa Register and again it
appears it
was a digital problem that some
different wrong fonts were used
therefore sometimes Pete's name
omitted Jake Tapper actually
explains it differently it's
not just
Trump is doing his own thing
and then
you also have a series of
events leading
up to even before we get to
Iowa that I
think understandably made a lot
of not
just Bernie supporters but
supporters of
all Democratic campaigns
skeptical you
want the Des Moines Register
pulled not
the one of the most important
coming out before Iowa deciding
not to
get pulled out because they had
this so
when it happens in the
advantage of the
other party it's Russian
hacking when
it's your own party it's a
glitch I just
want to understand the the
terms to
glitch and then last night or
it was
like I was last night I don't
it's bids
been so many days it really
didn't get
the coverage and I only heard
about it
through this YouTube channel
status quo
who reported on it and you know
that was
again a data integrity issue
two days
after the caucus what the heck
happening with the results from
the Iowa
caucuses I know I started this
video off
smile on my face I promise you
I'm not
really smiling because it's
absurd at this point I I just I
even know what to think the Iowa
Democratic Party released
results after
we've been waiting and waiting
they released results that got
us up to
85% of results then all of a
sudden they
said they had to pull the
because there was there were
discrepancies oh my god what is
going on
here okay let's take a look at
what they
said before I get into what I
about it this is the Iowa
Party there will be a minor
to the last batch of results
and we will
be publishing our pushing and
momentarily what what you're
telling me
it's here two days after the
caucuses you had two days to
these results I usually take
about an
hour to report so normally in
past years
we would have had results
pretty much
right away on the night of the
here we are two days later and
not only
are you slow trickling these
results but
you're screwing them up in a
really shady way so this they
went from
62% to 71% then to 85 and then
had to
retract that additional that
got them to
85% because the data was wrong
I mean if
this wasn't at some level
corrupt and
then I got a wooden leg or I
deserve one
it was there is corruption here
is clearly doing one or two
certainly trying to tap Bernie
down the
final results like what 1/10 of
a point
of the delegates
okay got it got the message and
Biden is you know sayanora he's
out see
yeah and that's the narrative
now oh he
can't raise money there's no
money Joe's
talking about a punch to the
gut Don
he's over so this this was but
it was
just like Malcolm Dan said it
was so
blatant so obvious and everyone
just go
oh well New Hampshire
that's it well the if Biden
Biden can
sneak through he will win South
and if he sticks around even if
doesn't advertise and I think
if we're
invited like this campaign I'm
giving up on you no no that's
okay but I
do want you to know that the
don't think Hillary's doing
this should
jump in but I'll take Joe next
cuz I
don't think bhootish - let's
face it is
not gonna get it cuz nobody
wants that
guy but straight but he doesn't
Bernie but Buddha what Buddha
judge is
the story he came out with a
speech and it really was Amy
it was the first one to say
screw it I'm
going up and saying we did
great see in
New Hampshire I thought that
was a bold
move and I thought it was smart
media company completely
covered that up
and went all in on the Peabody
judge the
taking taking the victory lap
and then
he arrives in New Hampshire the
next day
he takes another victory lap
and you
know it I don't think it's
related but
it's bad optics to have both
the Buddha
judge and the Biden campaign
and the
Bernie campaign it was it the
Bernie I
think so using parts of this
services more like text
messaging so
just money flowing it's just
it's it's
sick it's sick is what it is
very very
sad for the Democrat Party for
who are just I mean I've been
to Iowa
and the people in Iowa by the
way racist
everywhere MSNBC in particular
they kept
having these Clinton people on
women primarily well you know
the caucus
is a really racist because who
has time
on a Monday night to go out you
that's white people black
people don't
have the time because they're
babysitting for the white
babies that the white people
are going
out to caucus that's truly the
they were sending so it's sad
it's an embarrassment that's
for sure
yeah how sad it is anyway I'll
be blow
over a little just go away
after the
next round but then they're
gonna have
to get to reanalyze that but I
Pete will do well the next
round but
it's gonna be Sanders and
Warren that
looked like they're gonna take
Indian bitin is gonna be again
oh yeah the Biden's out he's
done he was
knees no and that's that's
that's me I
know I know you fought Hey look
I was
wrong about the Super Bowl and
happens and you'll be wrong
about Joe
and I won't rub it in your face
happens yeah you will Warren
I'm still
waiting for the Hillary swoop
I'm still
all in on that that is so good
Bloomberg is gonna come in to
do and you
know I think people take him at
his word
well III if I don't win I'll
whoever is and although bring
him in
he's got money let's bring him
in maybe
and he knows apps oh maybe he
maybe you know she knows apps
man he can
do it was before he does he'd
know that
a lot about apps
Hillary still on the periphery
anyway that wasn't the end of
the fun
then we had the the impeachment
this way
this was a jam-packed week yeah
impeachment was good it was I
got it we
got to do the
simply not reachable
simply unimpeachable so it went
planned and they wrapped it
around the
State of the Union address which
probably should be discussed
really either stretch to three
events of
three events to plus one let's
do it in
timelessness five minute
speeches or ten
minute speeches by each
yes gal you mean senator
senator yeah
yeah every senator got the act
for five
to ten minutes and they all did
and it
was you know it was like the
worst it
would took up a whole day or
more and
then they went to the State of
the Union
address they took a day off and
they went to the vote for the
where they could yak some more
everything went kind of
according to
plan the Democrats were
showboating as
much as they could and it was
exaggerated by the news media
in that then when they got to
the State
of the Union address we got to
see wait
a minute wait don't why do you
want to
do it out of order I think it's
important I'm giving the right
giving the rundown what we're
gonna talk
about well we got to the State
of Union
address we got to see the
president at
his best in terms of producing
a reality
TV show and it which had the
drama but
you still pass it you're just
gonna do
it your way you want if you
want to talk
about state of the unions is I
have all
these clips anyone not talking
state you know just come let me
stop cuz
I gotta finish and then we went
to the
vote where they let him go and
that was
the end wait a minute
yeah you're right I guess I
guess you're
right their boat was then yeah
true true so let's think well
it was I
want to just stick with with
this with
the final speeches I thought
there were
some interesting things going
on there
but that's where we start with
yeah do
you have anything I know I have
I don't
have much about anything to but
final speeches which was day it
Monday yeah and what I have is a
breakdown of Lisa de Chardin
from TV
acting the coverage on PBS to
such an
extreme that
that everybody that's ever been
associated with this show is
dead is
rolling over in their graves it
extremely one-sided and this
was on
Monday before the vote and
before the
State of the Union and I want
to play
these and show you just how
and slanted PBS has become
without Glen
Eiffel well Gwen and then her
yeah but let's listen to this
is the
beginning and I want you to
listen to
the Sheep what she does is she
here's what happened today and
doing it this is like before
the State
of the Union so this is the
first day of
the three-day event and she's
gonna play
some of the clips of the people
that are
doing their 10 minute
discussion and she
what she does and I'm gonna
show it here
she plays Democrat after
Democrat after
Democrat after Democrat
condemning the
president a couple of
Republicans not
supporting the president but
kind of
condemning the Democrats for
the president and that's the
way the
report went sounds fair
so let's start with impeach
Lisa dj1 PBS
congressional correspondent Lisa
Desjardins our coverage at the
the impeachment jury is silent
no more
so I may begin mr. president
thank you
one by one
mr. president I rise to voice my
opposition to these articles of
impeachment I will vote to
convict the
president because it is the
constitutional responsibility
took turns processing two weeks
arguments during which they were
forbidden from speaking into
ten minutes
of remarks each
all right so she starts off
with the
intro to the to the
presentation and she
has two clips in there one guy
says I
object to the articles and the
woman who is the Democrats the
president's guilty so that's a
sloppy there and so would now
we go to
the gist she write rattles off
seconds worth of Democrats and
you'll hear after that clip 29
were the Republicans and listen
to her
how she goes on clip to the
Senate must
now ask do these charges meet
standard for impeachment for
Democrats the focus was sharp
president and a conclusion that
his push
to investigate a political
rival was a
high crime Donald Trump did it
he did it
he did exactly what he was
alleged to
have done he abuse his power he
committed impeachable crimes
he's guilty
there's no question about it
President Trump took this
action to
benefit himself personally and
not for
the good of the nation what the
president did was wrong
unacceptable and
impeachable Democrats have
waited days
for this honing thoughts in
hallways and
in private and so have
Republicans okay
now so you can hear the vitriol
on the
side of the Democrats now she
to balance the report she
switches to
the she switches to the
Republicans and
and their counter to what the
have done and she's already put
in the
mind it was starting with the
the mind of the viewer the
press is
guilty it's pretty obvious and
so have
Republicans their focus largely
House Democrats impeachment
process the
house chose to skip the basic
steps of
judicial adjudication and
instead left
straight to impeachment as the
resort there is no doubt that
the House
impeachment process was partisan
politically driven and denied
Trump some of his most basic
rights of
due process
so we have no defense of the
it's a process problem and they
say that
we're trump defenders its
listen to this
and they're getting paid now we
go to
the mixed at the end she wraps
it by
mixing back and forth back and
forth a
little back and forth and again
see the slant completely
slant and this is how she wraps
as it
did in the trial the witness
and the decision not to call any
permeated the air with
Democrats bluntly
critical if the Senate abandons
responsibilities when it
blocked efforts
to get the complete truth here
in this
chamber as a result there will
be a
permanent cloud over these
it makes people believe
correctly in my
judgment that the
administration it's
top people and Senate
Republicans are
all hiding the truth they're
afraid of
the truth to that high power
Republican leader Mitch
responded with his own volley at
Democrats I can certainly see
why given
president Trump's remarkable
achievements over the past
three years
Democrats might feel a bit
uneasy about
defeating him at the ballot box
but they don't get to rip the
away from the voters just
they're afraid they might lose
that party divide is evident
even in the
search firm meaning Democrats
for the future unchallenged
evil spreads
like a virus
Republicans eager to get to the
work together we must we will
strong unchallenged evil wins
disappointing for viewers like
I thought that was the most
reporting and I've seen from
them and
she did just a terrible job she
cherry picked the most vile
stuff she
could through it on there and
then had
the Republicans sound like a
bunch of
wimps that really didn't like
the guy
and they're just worried about
process they're all process
there's nonsense
I thought shifts final uh final
ditty was interesting and I
kind of knew
why he was doing it which
turned out to
be true this morning and this
is just a
piece of his final his final
plea this
has become the president's
defense and
yet this defense proved
if abuse of power is not
even though it is clear the
considered the highest of all
crimes and misdemeanors but if
it were
not impeachable then a whole
range of
utterly unacceptable conduct in
president would now be beyond
Trump could offer Alaska to the
in exchange for support in the
election or decide to move to
permanently and let Jared
Kushner run
the country delegating to him
decision whether to go to war
those things are not necessarily
criminal this argument would
allow that
he could not be impeached for
abuses of power of course this
would be
absurd more than a third it
would be
dangerous so what he's saying
is is just
absolutely absurd but he's
saying it I
kind of figured it out but it's
this is what you want to do you
that setting although it's the
worst set
the worst television set in the
looks like you're in somebody's
bathroom with that marble
behind you
it's just a bad set Lighting's
bad shots
wrong but it's really so that
he can be
turned into many many many
political ads
it is midnight in Washington
the lights are finally going
out in the
capital after a long day in the
impeachment trial of Donald J
Trump you
can't trust this president to
do the
right thing not for one minute
not for one election not for
the sake of
our country
you just can't he will not
change and
you know it
history will not be kind to
Donald Trump
I think we all know that not
because it
will be written by never Trump
errs but
because whenever we have
departed from
the values of our nation we
have come to
regret it and that regret is
written all
over the pages of our history
if you
find that the house has proved
its case
and still vote to acquit your
name will
be tied to his with the court
of steel
and for all of history he has
our national security
he has compromised our
elections and he
will do so again you will not
change him
you cannot constrain him truth
riddle to him what's right
matters even
less and decency matters not at
all we
have proven Donald Trump guilty
and now
impartial justice it's going to
be scary
this election season orange man
bad I
did not throw the Bing Bing
bong bong in
there that's in there the
visuals of
course are fantastic throwing
up Martin
Luther King and Obama you know
all the
good way okay that's a
political ad
against Trump for but produced
by whom
you're right by the way
everything that
shift did and everything he said
especially when he was had the
behind him was written as
though is
gonna go into an ad it was 11
films is
the name of the outfit that did
they're in Portland I don't
know who
paid them I don't know there
was one
little funny eye so that came
out of the
the Schumer as Schumer did some
kind of
stand-up presser and he was
orchestrating the press and
this came
out of his mouth I'll do you
okay thanks
I maybe someone would want that
for this
part of it this is because I
have the
end of it is I also have us a
nice oh
this is where's my Schumer clip
is astounded no mistake about
it the
drip drip drip of evidence is
going to
keep coming out with each new
Republicans are going to have
to answer
for their votes
they chose to turn their back
on the
American people and stand for a
they chose to use that hominem
and finger-pointing
leader McConnell couldn't even
say bring
himself to say what the
President did
was wrong when you asked him a
minutes ago that's astounding
astounding it's pretty good
with the one you already pre
picked for
yourself yeah but the oh
there's a
10-car train today I have this
ISO which is just played and
then I have
the yargh old no that doesn't
come on
you cannot I'm sorry there is
nothing that personally I think
can go
above my eye so lit okay I was
wait to play it at the end of
the show
again where it belongs but yes
here it
is a backup and a backup to
that backup
and a backup to the backup to
the backup
I mean that's legendary that
needs to be
codified well you know this
will wait
we'll see what comes up what's
the clip
length it's the three seconds
it is it
is on a long side it is on the
long side
those you're gonna want to set
precedent you know what's gonna
we can't we have a choice we
can thank
some people or we can go as
State of the
Union then thank some people I
like the
t's but it's up to you I think
that we
can let me think for a second
if we
thank some people time is it
okay just
averages we're playing our
ladies and
gentlemen we are making
two decisions these decisions
do not
come easy what what if we're
gonna thank
some people that there's one
issue that
has to be this tree has to be
at least
acknowledged I'm not supposed
to say
yeah what's that I'm all ears
I don't have the spreadsheet up
let's go to the thank you for
courage and say in the morning
to you
the man who put the C well any
to you I also in the morning to
ships to see boots on the
ground feet in
the air subs in the water and
all the
games and nights out there yes
hi James
Knights all right don't you have
something to say about the show
art or
something yeah I was just
making sure
you were aware that I was
sitting I'm
good to go in the morning to
the trolls
in our troll room that's no
stream comm is where you can
join in
troll away we have over 1,000
tapped in jacked in mainlining
to our
livestream as we speak no
agenda stream
comm is where 24 hours a day 7
days a
you've got great podcast
many on the value for value
system you
can discover them there you can
to people doing them live you
could chat
with your fellow trolls you
control just
troll just go in and it's gonna
I feel
like trolling who gives a crap
about the
podcast that's what it's for no
stream comm and then a big
hearty in the
morning to the artists for our a
previous episode that was 1213
1213 tied
Levitt Kong flu Mike Reilly who
is a pro
as well and we have many pros
who stop
by no agenda our generator calm
created the most obvious i
think piece
of art which was a super bowl
helmets but really nicely done
with the
the logos you had the 49ers jcd
helmet I
had the Chiefs AC helmet it was
it was
perfect for the Super Bowl a
piece pop like crazy I don't
recall if
had any did we have any other
that we're listening really no
I don't
think so either I mean all of
them are
good you actually were thinking
his variation one of the same
art were
used Miami Vice right yeah I'm
kind of
colorblind so I think I can't
that can't see the you know
there's none
that the dots you're supposed
to see the
numbers yeah no I see nothing I
see dots
I can't not see the numbers so
have you
tried those glasses those
I guess not know what glasses
are you
referring to to colorblind
glasses for
colorblind people no I got I
got glasses
just for blind people and I got
aids and pretty soon I'm
crutches and
I'm just deteriorating it's
just what I
have to look forward to John is
this is
this what it won't happen i
crutches and
yet I'm not gonna be I was on
when I was a kid and I really
actually that when I was a kid
was who I
was actually working for the air
pollution district and I broke
my ankle
playing pick-up basketball
during the
day during work day yeah
no agenda our generator come is
you can find all of the artwork
Riley thank you so much good
work it's
appreciated everyone else who
participated and we always look
to once again solidifying our
and all the podcast apps many
of which
do support the different album
art per
episode because we stand out we
pop it's
it's a fact it works very well
it's a
great piece of value that we
from these artists in our value
value Network and also thank
people contribute monetarily
often with
their coded messages in the
numbers they
send and we're gonna thank some
of those
today right now with our
starting off
with our executive producers
for episode
1214 surest of hell gates at
the top of
the list three and $33.33 from
Grants Pass Oregon which I
believe is
Hell Gate thank you very much
says starts off his note he
sent a noted
hello crackpot busco thank you
very much
for your regular dose of sanity
keep on
doing your great
deconstruction of the news I
see no
let-up in the insanity but we
either we wouldn't be doing the
please some Karma for all the
no agenda
family for this new year
jingles oh
sorry should play this response
or do
this so aren't your pencil yes
we go out
and hit people in the mouth and
I'm this
was gonna be a hard one to find
but I
think you can find it I'm
shocked to find gambling is
going on and
my favorite personally and also
his can
you stop the hammering sir Russ
Hellgate kg7 zpf 73's
and it's Russ Williamson in
Grants Pass
Oregon okay interesting combo
formula is this we go out or
hit people
in the mouth
I'm shocked shocked to find that
gambling is going on in here
stop the
hammering I love it when
parents abuse
their children for this show
appreciated Thomas and I is
next on the
list from Los Gatos the lost
cat or the
cats and 333 please forgive my
long long
delay between donations a
proper deed
douching is an order you've
been deduced
karma I would be blessed keep
up the
great work you've got sir pound
you get
the puck in her order comes in
with $300
from carnation Washington and
he just
says yo-yo thank you sir
Patrick sir de
viral of America's heartland in
Arabia we know who this is
yes he says go chefs
this actually came in for the
last show
it was came in late we didn't
have his
note read turns out that
Obadiah the
emotional support octopus is
indeed male
but identifies as a hamadryas
baboons a
my dress baboon who knew okay
pot pox
FUBU xoto and we've got your
you're much
better half-day melody here in
Saturday we're going out to
dinner today
dinner that's right we're gonna
get all
the lowdown on on sir Dave
straight from
the from I can't say the horses
would be rude fists straight
from the
sores yes Alison Bram to 1420
associate executive producer
ITM gents
police accept his early
Valentine's Day
donation we had Valentine's Day
up we should mention that on
behalf of
my smoking-hot wife Allison
please d
douche her
you've been deduced Ellis's
numbers 14 since 214 is not a
show day I
figured donating to the show
1214 was
the next best thing that sounds
reasonable not bad
it's one of the ways you can do
it she
works a thankless job as a high
science teacher oh man most
days putting
on in hours before and after
what she
gets paid for then she comes
home to
feed the kids and help them
with their
homework and finally getting to
sit down
and relax herself my job
requires me to
work away from home most of the
time so
she doesn't get much help for
me I
figured a donation in her name
to the
greatest podcast in the
universe was a
good way to let her know how
much I
appreciate all she does for our
that's sweet hopefully she's
any of the number of small
things could
help our situation so a general
karma would be greatly
appreciated and
dealer's choice of Al Sharpton
his shirt
to be enjoyed
thank you John and Anna for all
you do
and thank you for Ellison for
being an
amazing wife I am still a
ESP ICT you've got thank you
very much
allison is his wife or was his
guy credit for this donation
but in fact
c is no you don't have a name of
Allison's husband no all I got
is a C
that's not telling me much C
maybe Charles Karl Karl leap
gold olie
polie polled lap hold a 210
dollars and
33 cents whatever however you
his name I've been an avid
since August 2019 being hit in
the mouth
by my smoking-hot girlfriend
and partner
the show has opened my eyes to
the ways
of the world and how much the
public is being misled yo
forget every
forget every having and okay
forget ever
having an exit strategy the no
show is just too important well
you go John you're stuck with
me for the
rest of our days in honor of my
I'll let that slide in honor of
birthday cuz they have nothing
funny to
say this is not a request addy
as this is my students is too
yeah in honor of my birthday
February 9th I request a deed
this is my first donation
towards my
upcoming knighthood you've been
play a few random jingles and
get some
carpet everybody oh okay I can
do that
that's what mother I'd like to
by I read you've got karma just
a couple
of Brando's and Christopher John
Benefield in - OH - OH - OH -
ITM John and Adams Sunday night
I was
listening to show 1213 - while
some ammo load you might has
listening to show assemble 30
and looked down at my dwindling
of bullets to find three three
there's no combined this
combined with
it being the 33rd day of the
year I knew
I must act and break my
freeloading ways
this being my first donation I
requesting a much-needed D
douching yes
sir you've been deduced I was
the mouse by a co-worker four
months ago
and have had my amygdala
shrink twice weekly sent us
ever since
please call out Casey of tme
land as a
well intended douchebag this
case is
never donated I would love some
Pelosi jobs karma and a little
girl boom
Shakalaka for good measure keep
up the
great deconstructions signed
combat Rock
of the Idaho Idaho hi Lance
didn't he ask for addy douching
as well
I thought I saw that maybe I'm
right you
need requested you d douche him
in the
I thought we'd we did it maybe
I did
yeah I we need a douche bag we
did just
in case stuff is hard okay
what is it Trump Pelosi Jobs
karma and
what else do we have a little
girl boom
Shakalaka okay all right we got
it we
got it together jobs jobs jobs
jobs and
jobs let's vote for job you've
got karma
okay now we go to Steven storm
and he
sent a note in with his
donation of 200
and it says hello Jon and Adam
Thursday being my 33rd birthday
thought I would we don't have
him on the
birthday list oh okay
naughty Steven storm storm and
it will
be his 33rd yeah that sounds
after eight
years this is interesting he's
to show for eight years and
this would
be today yet today okay eight
years I
thought I finally after eight
years stop
being a douchebag and donate
I appreciate what you guys do
and hope
to achieve knighthood by the
end of my
33rd year being that I'm on the
hunt for
a new better job some jobs
comer might
be help me do a cheese that
so he was the next jury wants
to get
there okay that's good you can
do that
on the subject of birthdays my
Mary's birthday happens to be
so if you'd be so kind as to
put her on
the birthday list to marry
storm is a
storm is a lesson it's a great
name Mary
stuck Mary star Mary Storm c100
and how
old will marry Bay Mary be
doesn't say
okay probably doesn't want us
to know as
a way to hit my dad in the
mouth I
badgered him into listening to
the show
for my birthday so hopefully
they both
hear this and her birthday is
or today is well tomorrow
tomorrow okay yep got it well
again for the many years of
assassination yes it's what we
do and
that is the our last donor for
all right
yeah our last donate by the way
he's in
Washington that's our that's
our group
of executive producers and
executive producers for show
thank you very much to these now
officially accredited executive
to associate executive
producers because
not only do you get to feel
good about
supporting the show through our
for value network do you have
message read but you also
receive an
official credit then in this
case it's
executive producer or associate
executive producer you can use
anywhere credits are recognized
is the place where people have
the most
success with them particularly
if you're
looking for jobs that seems to
be a good
spot and works for a lot of
people and
we thank you and will be
thanking more
people in our second segment
that you
guys kept a-rollin we
appreciate it and
of course you can help us for
our next
show on Sunday go to to
Vollrath dot org
slash and a yes do that
backup and a backup that backup
and a
backup the backup to the backup
oh yeah I did want to do one
rush limbaugh announced that he
stage four cancer lung cancer
and which
is my mom died of lung cancer
so I have
some experience with it from
close up
not good what what disappointed
though is that everybody
immediately is
like well you know they put it
in a
different way I really didn't
anyone say hey man let's beat
this you
know you've overcome incredible
odds try
it it's like everyone's given
up the
eulogies are already being
written I
found that I found it very sad
well I
actually tracked a lot of this
Twitter because I wanted to put
a newsletter that shows a lot
of the
hate oh good oh my god I hope
he dies a
slow and painful death so he
birtherism is exactly what I
read like
died that but there's someone I
one person put it everybody
saying I think about rush it
all has
never listened to his show and
never have I mean Rush
Limbaugh's show
is not they've listened to the
show it's
they've listened to the format
pioneered because it's it's a
format he
pioneer you listen to you know
progressive you know any of any
of these
talk so channels it's all the
same he
pioneered an incredible format
let's talk about that for a
quick second
talk should moderate I noticed
this when
it happened is because I used
to I
worked a lot of radio as a
bluesy a
substitute host here and there
in the
Bay Area and did you go by that
John C
Dvorak was that your honor and
the old
school talk radio was you get
on and you
take a lot of calls yeah and
there'd be
phone calls and every phone
call centric
people would call right in and
didn't do that
Limbaugh didn't do that he came
up with
a new theory and I think it was
based on
the fact that he'd done talk or
for a while or it worked in
he did some other things
he noticed two things first of
all of
course he became very partisan
the Fairness Act was was
repealed and he
could to just be a Republican
but which
is what he did and so he didn't
have to
balance the show like you
supposedly had
to do in the past
but the other thing was he
noticed that
call-in shows which is what
most talk
radio was during the 80s early
especially in the late 70s
where you
take a lot of calls and you'd
kind of
interact with these callers and
you'd be
at get gek and they'd talk he
that there were most of the
call ins
weren't as interesting as he
was and
what and they were they were
boring in
many cases and they were to
ramble and
they were hard to cut off and
some of
them are entertaining guys who
did talk
radio would hang up on guys and
make a
big scene by arrows suck and
they hang
up right and that was always
but it was again it was a
gimmicky thing
so Limbaugh found that he would
if he
just talked it was talk radio
of one guy
talking and yak-yak-yak he
talking talking then maybe take
a call
to take a break right repeat
himself a
lot over the three hours a day
but it
was mostly hamming talking and
his opinions and that seemed to
be more
interesting than taking a lot
of phone
calls so he never took a lot of
calls the other guys who came
after him were the same way
that they
pretty much wiped out the call
and part
of the show and that includes
Savage who just could talk for
days and
the big chatterbox mister
chatterbox who
can't stop talking is sean
hannity and
then guy i think he'd go three
without taking a call and that
changed the structure of talk
radio and
turned out to be what the
wanted they just wanted to hear
a voice
that was consistent and Jachin
atom and
that's rush rush made four
million dollars in one contract
and we
are of course the No Agenda
show and
when we have anyone that is
through this we have something
for that
and it's called the f cancer
and I'd
like to send one out from for
me and I
think from you as well John to
you've got karma so I get to
meet him
once and there was a just
casual he was
ironically smoking a cigar I've
met him
several times we had the same
syndication company and a very
nice guy
and this guy and it was very
clear in
the pecking order at the
company there was rush limbaugh
and then
really a whole lot of nothing
then below
the whale poop that's where I
came in
that I mean Rush Limbaugh is
in radio business is
unparalleled the on
all levels all levels the Union
there's a couple of I don't
have any
clips of one and but not from
the State
of the Union I just have some
observations I thought I
thought it was
reality TV we had his finest
well hold
on that's too easy that that's
you know
like it was reality TV this was
call it what it is what is the
one show in America what does
it every
one show in America The
Bachelor but
what are the probably the top
ten shows
in America you can you the
pundits can wrinkle their noses
squint their eyes and say this
was not
saying you were I'm not saying
you were
I'm saying the pundits you got
a pundit
I am a pundit I want to stop
it's certainly from us our
deserve to hear a little bit
more about
what was going on this could
not have
been a better structured
format because that's what it
was and I
think that once again
completely the
establishment because in the
establishment underestimated
severely with what he does with
things it's so obvious
beautiful stories from people
connect that to the edginess of
actually Wow he's taking
stories from
people and connecting it to his
and it's a beautiful trap
because you
can say it's much like the
rebuttal to the State of the
Union which
we can play three seconds up
but that
was pathetic
I will get to that where you
say well
there's Mary in in South
Carolina and
she's struggling but when you
put those
people there and then you say
and this
is their struggle and thank you
being here we had the
redemption story
hey man you were you were
alcoholic on
drugs you came back you've got
a job
thanks to the opportunity zones
stand up
other black guy who did that I
mean he
was going after the black vote
he was
saying it's and I think in an
interesting way also the Latino
vote who
are not for illegal immigration
the ones
that are here legally and you
know what
people said it well it was just
Oprah and Ellen with you gotta
K you got
a car you know what look at the
douche bags exactly and you
sound like
elitist not you jump you sound
elitist douche bags because you
stand that he did exactly what
American public wants this is
how we buy
our washing powder through
these types
of shows he did a brilliant job
and then
who oh my god he could the
Medal of Freedom to rush lab
this thing
has been given to Elvis Presley
to Oprah
Winfrey this is what this is a
presidential show business
ribbon and
it's nice it's a nice thing to
get yeah
I was like oh this is the bra
then he
had the Tuskegee Airmen who
coincidentally had been during
the he
did the coin toss at the Super
Bowl he
had the the Marine come home
this was
just a fantastic show people
loved it
and if I the only thing I
wanted to play
from a pundit tree perspective
his van
Jones he did this
same thing I think I don't know
remember it was before the
election he
completely sees what Trump is
doing from
the black vote and I think that
in the
numbers the way I understand
the numbers
the Democrats need the black
voting bloc
and if Trump can shave off
maybe even
three percentages of people who
show up
to vote african-americans
because a lot
of them didn't show up they a
big bigger
percentage than the Democrats
would have
liked to see in 2016 then the
can't win that is there that is
a very
important block they pander to
it all
the time
and here's Van Jones to explain
what he
sees and I think he put
everybody on
notice in the media as well as
like you
guys don't see it you're idiots
I think
the last 24 hours have been a
wake-up call for Democrats
that's what I
think the Iowa caucus was a
debacle and
this was a very strong speech
and it
shows what he thinks he needs
to do win
and I think that she's very
about this I think you're
exactly right
he knows he's got to give a lot
of red
meat to his base and he gave it
from religious liberty abortion
all of
it the military etcetera but
he's doing
something else and it has to do
with how
he's got a managed race in this
and there seems to be a
between the Latinas and the
african-americans that's what
you see he
went hard on the sanctuary City
that is very very disturbing it
out sanctuary cities are
actually safer
the non sanctuary City said
he's a cato
institute which is a
libertarian has
come out and said that
immigrants are
committing less crime so for
some reason
he thinks that doubling down on
anti-immigrant piece is a big
part of
this thing at the same time at
the democrats what he was
saying to
african-americans can be
effective you
may not like it but he
mentioned HBCUs
our black colleges have been
for a long time a bunch of them
gone under
he threw a lifeline to them in
real life
and in his budget he talked
about that
about the criminal justice
reform he
talked about Opportunity Zones
school choice sure yeah listen
wake up
he doesn't have to be effective
you have
to be spacious and the thing
about it is
and I think that we got to wake
up folks
there's a whole bubble thing
that goes
on we say well he said s whole
therefore all black people
gonna hit him
forever that ain't necessarily
and I think what you're gonna
see him do
is say you may not like my
rhetoric but
look at my results look at my
record -
black people if he narrowcast
that it's
going to be effective which
means as we
move through this primary
process we've
got to pay a lot more attention
both to
what's going on in with the
Latino vote
we're gonna get a benefit in
terms of
you know having them respond
and with
the black vote is there going
to be a
split off pretty especially for
male voters we got to be
clinical about
this stuff we get so emotional
about it
that was a rope that was a
warning to us
a warning shot across the bow at
Democrats that he's going after
black folks to cause us problems
he's not just a white suburban
voters he
wants black vote and you'll
second commercial in the first
commercial block of the Super
Bowl was a
trump prison reform ad these
matter to black Americans
Americans and also Trump
says historically black
colleges and
universities he's really trying
communicate to the ados American
descendants of slavery which is
which is
I think appreciated because so
often as
well black and brown know black
brown people over there that's
not what
African Americans want to hear
wanted to hear what Trump had
to say and
I think I think that was the
the killer
blow well I'll go back to my
reality TV
comment I think what was to me
the most
interesting part about it
wasn't these
yeah I had all these guests
come out and
they were all many of them in
tears for
one reason or another which was
again a
reality TV mechanism mm-hmm but
it was
the fact that he would say
like we have to end all crime
and he
would get all the Republicans
to stand
up and all the Democrats
stay seated and many of them
very well
defined because the women
decided to
wear white yeah yeah and so
there was
like this huge group of people
that were
seated with their arms crossed
and they
didn't show in other words they
want crime to be stopped well
there was
a lot of thought murder even
women's issues they weren't
standing up
they wouldn't stand for
anything he said
one or two items at Nancy
Pelosi in the
she was the cue she would be
the one
again she was a reality-tv she
would be
the director she would when she
clap they would clap if she
didn't clap
they didn't clap if she would
stand they
would stand and she shush them
too a
couple of times she did she's
something and I'm not sure what
it was
but she was because they didn't
that they were booing and
gasping and
sighing and I roll it that was
so she
between her horn
no you don't do that so she's
like the
kind of the stage manager for
unfortunately on screen the
whole time
and did you see pence because
he knew
that he wasn't squarely behind
Trump so
he was askew his his right
shoulder was
actually not even touching the
back of
the chair he was so tilted over
to make
sure there grumbling and this
she was
chewing on her stop doing that
chewing away she looks terrible
and so
that that to me was the best
part which
was the yes that yes yes we're
for peace
and prosperity yes we are for
peace and
prosperity while the Democrats
sitting on their hands no we're
peace and prosperity we're off
were for
murder they were I think it was
a sucker
that he played a sucker he
suckered them
you know what you know it was
it was
orchestrated so they would be
embarrassed oh yeah and there
was a
couple things first of all his
hair was
a helmet he would turn his head
and and
the back of his hair would
brush against
his shoulder and the whole
thing went
for look
I kept seeing his hair move
like oh man
just a little lighter on the
spray in
the back when he was talking
about the
two trillion dollars that that
spent on the military
industrial complex
and they cut to the generals I
mean this
should have had thought
balloons they're
like do you know what we did
with that
where'd it go man where's all
that money
they look shifty they didn't
look very
very confident in this two
dollars they've they put into
now there was another element
to this
which was the quote unquote
fact-checking and the
thing is getting really old and
and one of the things that you
if you
notice you listed the facts
again they
really didn't find a lot of
facts that
Trump said that we're wrong
they were
just kind of questionable or
or Trump would say something
like three
point nine million and they
said no it
was three point eight five they
like really really they're
about some of these facts you
know so
they get added to the twenty
thousand lies I know I'd like to
strengthen your argument
because I got a
little tired it's actually more
sixteen thousand lies this is
this is
the thing this it should be in
the Trump
rotation sixteen thousand lies
and and
we're and we'll get back to
State of the
Union I'll just play this
little little
bit of this clip when I saw I
saw this
clip of Jimmy Kimmel and that
made me
dive into it to find out the
Donald Trump put his hand on
the Bible
and swore to protect and defend
Constitution of the United
States that
was his first official lie as
and he just kept going from
according to the Washington
Post since
taking office
Trump has racked up more than
false or misleading claims
thousand two hundred forty one
lies and
that's just in public that
doesn't even
include the time he told Don
junior he
loves him that GZA so that goes
so I
went and found I wanted to find
out who
has tracked this since it's
such a thing
16,000 16,000 it's the
Washington Post
the number they are have tried
to have a
database and the number is
sixteen thousand two hundred
and forty
one and of course it's not
eyes they Titleist false or
claims just the first page just
to give
you an idea of what's in here
January 18
2020 Trump said I remember 2016
election the fake news they
said Trump
was going to have a hard time
Texas so that's one column
that's the
false allegation or the lie on
right-hand column they have
debunked statement literally
one line
Trump was always going to win
easily so that's a lie so what
he said
there is a lie because that's
fact-check Trump was always
going to win
Texas easily let's see a couple
others since my election night
stakes is
before you go on and I like
this list
I remember when some people
were talking
about both Georgia and Texas
switching over but this but
this is this
is my point is it's very
claims more Jenni okay January
18th 2020
Trump said since my election
the United
States has gained 7 million jobs
if I had said that in the
campaign trail
the fake news would have gone
crazy the
rebuttal cuz this of course is
Trump sites how many jobs have
created since the election but
not since
the beginning of his
we've got him since he took
office it
was six point six point seven
okay the next one Jan your
eighteenth twenty twenty I got
it the
unemployment rate is now three
five percent the lowest in more
than 51
years the rebuttal from
Washington Post
first I don't have to do the
voice for
some reason Trump always
stretches this
climb throughout 2018 and 2019
a low of
three point five percent
would be the best in 50 years
this is the shit that's at the
top of
the list yes
is 59-51 that's because they
lie because
they feel that when he said it
it wasn't
a year that didn't have the
exact number
so it really was the best in 50
and not 51 that's one of the
lies and
that you can go through all
16,000 of
them it's stuff like that it's
aunt fucking and it's lame
although very
entertaining to read it it just
you be
it's crazy it just points out
insanity these people it's the
Washington Post the Washington
Post is
insane here January 18th
they had to capture them they
migrants couldn't get over the
wall they
had to send trucks and ladders
they got
stuck on top of the wall they
get down loaded up the with
drugs on
their back the rebuttal news
reports say
there's no evidence to suggest
that the
migrants were carrying drugs I
mean they
take it so they take such an
odd stance
anything - yeah as a result of
reductions and regulations the
American household will save
$3,100 a
year just on regulation cuts
wrong it's
not 3,100 it's 3,000 you're
wrong you're
lying Trump okay he's doing
great for
everybody but he's a liar
because it's
not 30 100 is 3,000 an income
on to that
that kind of stuff that kind of
now yeah I loved how he did
some of his
own his own stories when and if
watch watch the video of course
I was
really only watching Nancy
he starts and she's reading
along stop
dad you know I never thought of
Nancy is what classic Hollywood
stealer yes yes you're right
who's your your eyes can doubt
mentioned that already remember
Trump's expressions cuz you're
you just
watching Nancy dance unless his
I saw that and then but Nancy
so he
starts he stand she's reading
along with
the with this with the script
around this point she pre-tour
I'm sure
you've seen that now on Twitter
there's pig there's video of it
everywhere she pre tore the
pages for
her dramatic tear at the end so
this is
probably half an hour before
the end she
already had decided that this
is what
she was going to do and he
reading this horrific story
about many a
criminal illegal immigrant
who's you
know and this rampage he went
on but as
he starts to go in like
California is
the worst with this and of
course what
he said was California passed
away just
law declaring their whole state
to be a
station we'll get into
sanctuary in a
moment but as he's reading that
you need
to go back and watch her face
you can see she's reading ahead
and see
that he's going to read this
story of people getting shot at
range and her mouth falls open
and she's
she's horrified that he is
going to read
this about her a jurisdiction
her her state and and that's
when the
whole getting ready to tear the
etc but the stang I was Tula I
immediately tried to register
calm it's all registered of
people much faster than me I
have a clip
Scott Adams actually I thought
did a
pretty good job of discussing
particular gaff which was it a
gaff was
it not a gaff and I thought
this was
pretty funny and my favorite
part is
that when the president
misspoke he
slurred a word he was trying to
sanctuary City but it came out
city to which I said to myself
he's a
natural he can make up a
nickname kill
shop for a person you know with
minutes of thought and it'll be
like a
permanent nickname that we all
use but
he came up with a San Francisco
linguistic kill shot it's no
longer just
the sanctuary city
that has human feces on the
sidewalk it
is quite properly
he's sanctuary city maybe it's
it sure
seemed like an actual flub but
maybe his brain is so talented
according to Scott Adams that
his brain
immediately recovers with
something that
the rest of the world will love
I don't
know maybe a lot of one-liners
that just
not I didn't mean to say that
came just
from my subconscious yeah and
then that
well subconscious is for a
thick pine
and when a job well and I'm
pretty funny
- one moment of the speech I
was shocked
horrified dumbfounded I mean
this was
the lie there was a huge lie
that I
don't see at the top of the
Post a 16,000 lie database this
was the
lie of the evening here this
it's a very brave man who
carries with
him the hopes dreams and
aspirations of
all Venezuelans joining us in
gallery is the true and
president of Venezuela Juan do
i do' he
is not the true legitimate
president of
the even of the council or
whatever he
was his his so-called term
ended he held
his own phony baloneys
ceremony he had to pretend to
hop over
the wall of the of the
Parliament to
make a scene about it he's not
he's just
not he's not the legitimate
that was a total CIA whatever I
know what he was thinking it
discredited a lot for me like
come on
and then grideau it was
literally Obama
he just looked like Obama it
looked like he did a Vulcan
salute yeah
and maybe Trump thought it'd be
funny to
have like an Obama guy in the
crowd that
he could wave to I don't know
but I was
up not the word I was appalled
by that
lie I was appalled by it well
this may
be he may have gone along with
program to get some Kudo
the New York Times who credited
as his
speech as a grand slam for some
reason I
think you could have just as
taken a of this speech and
taken to the
opposite approaches and saying
how bad
it was as a State of the Union
it's quite easy to do that of
with any of these things it's
of course since the New York
Times said
grand slam I'm thinking what
what was
the deal here what was the quid
pro quo
bruh maybe that was part of it
right the I only got just a
little piece
of the of the Democratic
response for
good reason because I don't
know what
and it must be something with
the the
sound engineers that the
Democrats hire
if they're not screwing up Joe
making sound all distorted one
this woman she is what's her
name again
John she's another of Michigan
yes she's Gretchen Whitmer yeah
it was
almost like you know there's a
videos where people you hear
them do
that and they're eating and you
stuff closed mic that's what
this was
this woman she had white
strands of
sticky saliva in her mouth and
the mic
was picking it up groundbreaking
legislation to finally give
Medicare the
power to negotiate lower drug
prices for
America's seniors and families
three bills and more than 275
bipartisan bills are just
gathering dust
on Senate Majority Leader Mitch
McConnell's desk
um it's just everything she
said every
word she needed a glass of
water or
something and of course you
know now the
Democrats are afraid to drink
because every single time water
comes up
in a in a rebuttal to a State
of the
Union it's always a big joke
you're drinking too much too
little your
spill you know it's just like
it was
the exact opposite of good
television it
wasn't even good YouTube ASMR
it was it
was really bad the funny thing
points out that there go the
sin is not
doing anything both course
involved us
an impeachment and immediately
I do have
this little this is a very
short 45
second version of what soon as
impeachment gavel slammed down
and thing
was over there was time left so
McConnell immediate at least
took over
the place as everybody walked
out and
this is a little bit of what
you got to
hear if you were listening to
the after
the impeachment just before he
he closed
the sanity's on all by himself
much doing the following
permission we
the undersigned sentence with
provisions of rule 22 is that
this is
what you're talking about yeah
have the
standing rules of the Senate do
move to bring to a close debate
on the
nomination of Philip M Halpern
of New
York to be United States
District Judge
for the Southern District of
New York
some by 17 senators as follows
I should
know just had to read an IV
without objection I ask
consent that the mandatory
quorum calls
for these cloture motions be
without objection I ask
consent the Senate resume
session be in a period of
business with senators
permitted to
speak for up to ten minutes
each he's
not objection since the Senate
to consideration of s res 493
earlier today so what he just
brought in
seventeen more judges what the
already do impress interviews
he's like
let me slip in a few judges
while we're
still here in there and just
blew away
everything I mean this well
this woman
was bitching a moan about the
same yeah
there are doing press
conferences and
he's in there running more
through the system with
consent yes not without
objection blah
blah Wow you have to know what
doing to manage this but he was
doing it and then he closed the
he said there would be absurd
tomorrow at 11:00 when I was
done with
all this stuff it was just it
unbelievable now so then we had
really the the scene
stealing moment without a doubt
which I
think was very effective in
that regard
Pelosi ripping up the the pre
speech that was just waiting
there for
her to rip
she had three piles so she
ripped three
different times make sure every
angle got one rip that's true I
saw it I
was watching very closely
that's what
she did and by the way this
snub you know he didn't shake
hand either yes and I wouldn't
shaken her head enemy a
sawed-off lady
and she started by not saying
traditionally it's my great
honor to
present the the President of
the United
States in you know in our house
didn't do that
so in who cares but the the
ripping of
the speech I thought was very
thought it attracts a lot from
message people are talking
about that
and not about some of the other
that happened according to this
c-span montage which of course
cherry-picked and you know the
has the call-in lines you can
call in as
a Republican Democrat or
independent and
they opened up the phone lines
after the
the State of the Union and this
is a
montage of Democrats calling on
Democrat line again it's
but it's enough of them see
kind of get
the idea of what people thought
of not
even the speech but of Pelosi's
I've been Democrat for 77 years
what I
seen tonight of the Democrat
Party I am
changing my mind I mean I
probably still
be a Democrat before I'm
elected for a
goddamn Democrat never again
I'm a
Democrat as well no longer will
I vote
Democrat I think it's
outrageous that
they sat there when all these
things are happening to our
country and
how much we love our country
and they
looked like they hated our
country and
Nancy Pelosi the whole time
sitting up there there was a
look on her face