February 13th, 2020 • 2h 55m
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gotta move gotta move back atom
John C. Dvorak it's Thursday
February 13
20 24 20 get my nation Media
assassination episode 12 is no
agenda in
the morning everybody
I'm Adam curry and from
northern Silicon
Valley where we're we're dead
against the hanging of Roger
stone I'm
Jesse to correct all emotional
over it's
very difficult they gonna hang
the guy
yeah exactly
no you know what this was you
know what
this was don't you this was a
setup yeah
I heard that theory before
couple times
well then let me mention it on
the show
where you haven't heard it the
idea was
that the law fair group lawyers
so what
is presented as long term civil
and working for the Justice
yeah I know this was
impeachment lawyers
who came from the loft law fair
they decided oh here's a good
idea why
don't we get another
impeachment thing
started we're gonna ask for a
amount of time for Roger stone
and then
we'll resign and exactly what
wanted this will just be added
to the
impeachment 2.0 case well the
problem is
his mind-reading involved here
the idea was to get Trump to do
something about it all he do
note we are
something to do something about
it was
born it was tweet about it and
Bart had
never heard didn't bark and go
they're gonna bring him in he's
gonna go
testify he's gonna they're
gonna say did
the president tell you to do
this and
they used to say no John you'll
see it
and you're confusing logic with
what the
m5m likes to use in the machine
this is
all over the place Oh bar
should resign
the Trump oh no this is
it has nothing to do with with
logic or
with truth or facts it's just
let's just
do something everybody come on
that's to
me that seemed pretty obvious
getting sick of it well no
there's that
there's that uh before we go oh
finally got the I so um the
President of
the United States I have all of
power I just I can't I can't see
anything else being used than
this it is
so dynamite good old burns to
coal it's
what an idiot see where are we
at when
we have to talk about Oh
Oscar's I guess
Oscars is all-time all-time low
well done well done they weren't
particularly fond of watching
celebrities that they go to
spend money
on it the movies lecturing now
about how
he should act well it wasn't
much of it
I mean there was only Brad Pitt
out and bitching about not not
Bolton testify so I didn't see
that as a
huge anti-trump slam it's like
okay that
well but what do I think there
was a
what was interesting there was
the fact
that he said he only had 45
seconds yes
or did so the so the acting
award I mean
the makeup artist spent more
than 45
seconds thanking people well
you know
these speeches are even though
Brad Pitt
denies it there are companies
that write
these speeches for people and
write something funny for you
or give
you a little political message
you're looking for so I think
this was
maybe it's the the Norman Lear
group who sends out some
okay we got another thought
here maybe
they're on staff at the Oscars
who knows
but above all it is painfully
obvious to
me that just like in politics
where we
have an old guard and I'm not
aegis but at a certain point
you know
it's wearing this in this
period where the we live longer
are you know
70 is the new 50 but you know
the lot of
the old ideas and thoughts and
ways and
means and racism to I'm sure
kind of
sticks and then we got the new
coming in and they all they all
woke 'no sand they want
different things
and they also communicate
and how many Oscars were won by
shows hello is this telling you
Hollywood so you know they're
so deathly
afraid of having a host because
controversy yet I think it was
the the
comedian's who kind of made the
bearable to watch they paired
him up and
with Will Ferrell and what are
Saturday Night Live gals you
know it's
the that was kind of funny but
it's just a dumb boring show
with to be
honest I don't think you nope I
saw a
parasite it's good movie is it
the best is it I'm asking I
haven't seen
it I've only watched the
beginning of it
I like the beginning oh it's
okay but
for all the hype I heard about
it once I
saw it and went oh you wait
until you
see what happens and then
something it happens in the
movie like
okay that's cool that's that's
a good
twist and now you know just I
don't know
well I do have the one clip I
got which
is not the whole thing because
because for the 45 seconds
Joaquin got to speak for Best
Actor yeah
the Joker yes he spent 3
minutes and 11
seconds and never played him
off or
anything he went rambling on he
off by saying you know the
great thing
about being in this business is
that we
get a platform I never thought
that was
part of the deal but ok he
thinks he's
got a platform to go on and on
and on
about what he thinks is you
know what he
thinks is important and what we
need to
be hearing from him he said
actor he
should be reading lines and I
believe anybody wrote this for
him it's
too discombobulated but do you
want to
play this is a short less than
a minute
of him going on about whatever
we go
into the natural world and we
plunder it
for its resources
we feel entitled to artificially
inseminate a cow and when she
birth we steal her baby even
love her
cries of anguish are
unmistakable and
then we take her milk that's
for a calf and we put it in our
and our cereal and I think we
fear the
idea of personal change because
we think
that we have to sacrifice
something to
give something up but human
beings that
our best are so inventive and
and ingenious and I think that
when we
use love and compassion as our
principles we can create
develop and
implement systems of change
that are
beneficial to all sentient
beings and to
the environment we are the
world we
think we have to sacrifice
something to
give something up isn't that
redundant is that what you do
and your
sacrifice you are giving
something up
what is he talking about how
does it
what does that got to do with
milk in your cereal you should
not be
drinking milk why do you drink
pus from
the cow it's crazy I've heard
it all my
daughter's big on that too
she's like
we're not meant to drink that
okay all
right yeah I guess baking with
it's okay
though is it all right to bake
with nope
with milk no how disgusting you
horrible person you don't care
about the
earth and the world and all his
creatures this is very bad very
very bad
that you're doing yeah yeah you
that the the Irishman that
costs a
hundred and ninety million
dollars why
on what were they drinking that
much on
CGI man so I got a look at
numbers I don't know if you
discussed it
with with Horowitz at all but
so they
currently they just raised
another two
dollars in with a bond which I
would be a junk bond probably
or jump on
status I think that's what all
messaging was so they're total
debt is
14 billion dollars like a
studio but check this out their
their content budget for 2020
just take
a wild guess
10 billion 15 billion dollars
outrageous well they should at
least put
animated no agenda on their
channel I mean come on oh yeah
maybe we're not spending enough
on it
hey guys this is our demo and
we really
need a ten million dollars to
produce it
properly whereas this is
exactly what
you want Thank You Jennifer the
recent one the yes quite good
yeah this
is a 16 thousand lies
oh I tagged the president in it
everybody would please retweet
all we need is one retweet from
president one one I think this
is the
one that he might that he might
like or
might catch his eye it's a
video you
know dynamite idea yeah I mean
if we say
yes everybody go retweet this
to the
president yeah in fact don't
reach we
just tweet it copy it tweeted
again make
sure the video shows yes
between again
and retweet it let's see if we
can make
it happen I mean it's it would
fantastic that would really put
show on the map and I as I was
through the list again came
done some phenomenal work we
have like
15 of these things out we were
dynamite you look like a real or
operation illusionist don't
look over
here plates spinning exactly
love the
plate spinning alright I found
that the
event the oscars were they were
dull and
yeah and by the way what with
this set
we were every year we kind of
about this set looked like a
black hole
to hell it looked like this
gonna suck you in and you're
gonna be
gone for like a black hole
it was knees movie the black
hole was a
black hole yes that's true
that's true I don't even
remember that
much from the show it was just
boring I mean even then Elise
came over
here she's a super film nut you
know the
kind they'll be like well I
don't want
him to win for Best Director
because he
also directed that movie was a
piece of
crap and he's homophobic that
really deep deep deep into this
and even she was only there
because none
of these kids have television
she won't
she hasn't hung up the antenna
I gave
her for direct over-the-air so
she just
comes here it says yeah hey
I'll come
over and cook like mm-hmm
and because she wanted it watch
which was fun but man right
after the
the best movie oh well the
shows not
over oh well I gotta get up
tomorrow she's gone you know no
no interest in the show
business around
it it's just none it's it I
think it's
they should really get rid of
this do
something else with the airtime
in the
Academy what is the Academy
it's just
slowly gonna grind down to a
stop it's
gonna kill itself yeah it's not
I don't
know there is nothing good
about it
no next year they of course
could ask
the creative or a consulting
group I'm
sure we could spice it up a bit
but even
then I'm worried about it it's
all right
so we had what else did we have
ah yes
well we have a some kind of
horse race
going on in the United States
for the
Democratic candidate for the
the 2020
election and it's it's getting
fun and hopefully you have
decided to unfollow the
operatives you place so much
trust in
because Joe Biden has been
dropped enemy
has been dropped all support is
gone I
told you he was only necessary
for the
impeachment because if he
wasn't if he
wasn't the front-runner then
he's not
really a political opponent now
and now
is he so they need mine's gonna
South Carolina Joe
Vytas not gonna win South
Carolina in no
way well you know what he's
given it a
good old try yeah this is a
this is from
a speech he gave I think it was
morning or yesterday we don't
feel tired
we've come too far from where
we started
and I don't believe he brought
me to
this farm to stop now
so he's speaking to a crowd of
a dose
and there where we heard that
before I
don't feel no ways tired
I don't believe he brought me
this far
you cannot tell me that there
is not a a
mole in the organization that
is is
messing with this sound that is
him false information hey Joe
just tell
them we're in Nevada hey this
is great
Joe the blacks will love it Joe
just do
this just recite this job we
don't feel
nowhere he's tired maybe it was
a was a
gag please
there's no time for joking
around well
you know at the very beginning
I always
thought or at least I think the
two of
us agreed that he wasn't really
into it
that much and maybe never
really what
wanted to run because he's kind
of old
and this seems like a big
hassle yeah he
doesn't need the money yeah
and it and so he said was it
kind of
half half sincere about the
whole thing
and so he doesn't really care
but now I
think it's it's become kind of
a since
he's getting called out as a
I think he's maybe he's got his
up and he maybe will like is
that you
actually be sincere about this
actually run that's why I think
win South Carolina Wow but
you're right
I could be I should divorce
myself from
and following these guys yeah
they're not helpful they did the
constant theme is Joe's gonna
be the guy
yeah and Bernie's got to go
yeah well
that Bernie's got to go is
agreed to and
there's all kinds of crazy
theories on
the mainstream as well this is
favorite this is my top
we're back with Jerry Falwell
Jr and
Jerry we've got about 30
seconds here do
you believe
Mitt Romney should be thrown
out of the
party for going against the
president I
think he's gonna leave the
party I think
I've heard speculation this
week that
he's positioning himself to be
a vice
presidential candidate for one
of the
Democrats and I think there
would be an
honest thing for him to do
because he's
been more in line with their
beliefs for
decades than the Republican
Party so I
hope this is his move to come
finally I think what you hear
out there
I don't know if you can hear it
I can
there's a lot of applause out
there for
what you're suggesting
thanks so much here so the idea
the so-called unity ticket
between MIT
Romney as vice president and
John Kerry
as president I put it but I've
this in the newsletter I know
but that's
there actually seriously
discussing it
they both they're both deluded
yeah well
the m5m is so desperate that
pick up any story as long as we
can not
say Bernie then it's okay I
guess let's
just do a quick recap of an
event here breaking news now the
chairman of the Iowa Democratic
Party is
resigning in the wake of the
caucus process the technical
and delayed results there it is
we totally screwed over the
results we
couldn't actually give you the
the reason a glitch
thank you mainstream I feel so
better now that I know exactly
happened so that's it you
resign because
of a glitch no more questions
it'll never come up again and
never have the final tally what
we I
don't care a democrat party
yeah who
cares it's about time they got
from the debt perch what else
you get
well I think that there was one
interesting thing actually
pulled this
from Rush Limbaugh say I've
never done
before there's my first cuz
he's you
know no I did be maudlin about
it but he
did have this he did find this
little tidbit this is the clip
through 24
no okay NBC News exit polls
showed last
night voters between the ages
of 18 to
29 made up only is this voice
sounds higher it's funny that
you'd say
that because and I don't know
why this
is and it did a couple of
things I
noticed because I recorded a
bit of this
there's only a small small part
of all
the stuff I recorded never used
for one
thing he is his wave forms are
even close to being as
compressed as I
thought they were Oh
interesting it's
not like a compress to Andy's
am AM
radio generally and it's a very
uncompressed WAV form it
doesn't look
anything like a classic big big
voices I mean like the No
Agenda show
which is a block of flat black
block a
flat yeah also when you hear
him doing
it it sounds deeper than when
you do the
replay and when he replay
bitty replay some of his old
clips he
likes to do this you find a
clip from 10
years ago where he predicted
and he likes to harp on right
we hate it
too yeah we do that but anyway
he plays
his old clips and they sound
tinny it's
like what you know it sounds
like about
the reproduction of his show
that sounds
teeny it may be it sounds like
I've heard I heard this reason
it sounds
like someone who's been
intubated you
know if you and you had the you
knocked out general anesthesia
this is
usually your voice is up a
couple of
what can his voice might be up
I'm sorry for interrupting that
because I very interested in
this the
kind of audio that comes out of
guy's show and it's not like
anything I
NBC News exit polls showed last
voters between the ages of 18
to 29 made
up only 11 percent of the
electorate far below the 19
percent of
18 to 29 year olds who voted in
2016 now
we keep being told that the
have all this enthusiasts a
trump it's
just about beating Trump we've
got to
find anybody could beat Trump
gotta go Trump's gotta go the
Bernie doesn't care who they're
energized I hate Trump they
hate the
name-calling they hate the
may hate the tweeting they hate
they hate him they can't wait
to get rid
of Trump there is no such
well according to that poll and
by the
way who's gonna replace me I
don't want
to be morbid about it but let's
just say
he goes into a year of
treatment and
just won't be a
to physically work I'm not
gonna say
it's gonna die because I'm not
like that
I don't think that way my mom
had lung
cancer I'd I remain positive
till the
very end just how long does she
before after her diagnosis how
long she
get going go well they the
diagnosed oh
the she was fine of course
except for
that she had a shitty cough and
we all
heard it like a death rattle
she went to
doctor oh guess what hey no
happy way to
say is she got lung cancer oh
and by the
way it's the shitty car okay
and the
minute they put her on chemo
that's when
you know the chemo of course
deteriorated it because that's
chemo does then they decided to
take out
a lung and she was cancer-free
for a
year then it came back and it
was just
months it was like three months
so fast
yeah but there's a void and I
think Shaun watch on handy but
what's in
the Mark Steyn he's already got
his own
show none of these guys will
hold the
audience none of them are in
this guy
was a singular talent yeah and
but it
does leave a hole in that time
across the nation but when I
date I'm
probably gonna record a few
more things
before I hate to be that way
but I've
noticed a couple of things in
his in his
bit cuz I used to always
talking about
inside baseball for people or
anyone who
wants to be a podcaster should
be paying attention though is
that when
you listen to certain guys like
Jim Rome
who was a very interesting
talented and
he'll repeat stuff kind of say
the same
thing three or four five times
in a row
I never noticed until I
recorded this
some of this Limbaugh stuff and
listen to a second time and
then we
started editing it actually
that clip is
highly edited because he
himself the way Rome does a
couple of
times on the jib he says
something that
he's then he stops and pauses
and says
it again maybe adds another
word in
there so he he pads the show
with this
kind of repetitious approach oh
yeah I
don't know I'm gonna have to
listen to
Hannity and see if he does the
same oh
my god Hannity is unlistenable
I cannot listen I can't watch
them on TV
I can't leave I'm you know I
actually analyze it so we can
come back
and I can tell you why but it's
something about just his
yeah it's also a smugness I
think he has
the uber smug of the right yes
we get
that old style yeah it's like
uh he's
pretty much got the old smug
style not
that Limbaugh is not smug but
like Hannity he as Handy's got
that old
fashioned smug stop with the
yak-yak-yak approach who or
he's not
taking you know he's the old
smug guys
just take a lot of calls this
is the new
smug anyway if I had if I had
the time I
guess I would start by would
start to
show streaming every single day
noon to 3:00 Eastern Time I do
immediately and give people a
you can't do his exact stick
but you
there's a void there and it's
kind of
someone's gonna fill it up and
it's not
gonna be mark Stein it's not
even gonna
be the Rush Limbaugh Show
you know things do come to an
end but
that's pretty much keeping
thousands of
radio stations alive at this
point it's
gonna be a huge problem because
don't know you know these
a lot of them in dan bond Geno
is one of
them guys you can only listen
to him for
they're not it there's
something wrong
with these other guys and
compared to
Limbaugh who's can keep your
and he does good at his
analysis is good
that's the thing that's that's
interesting I've listened to
this guy
when I usually not up to
driving around
and listen to him but when I do
always impressed especially
during the
election season of his analysis
he had
an analysis I don't have a clip
of it
but he he discusses what the
Party is going to have to do if
wins and who's gonna be the VP
kind of
stuff we do know and he's got
theory that the Democrats this
is the
theory basically the Democrats
they're gonna lose the Trump
date the
insiders do hotshots the big
boys the
guys you follow so who are they
put up against Trump that can
take a
that can be beat up and without
the party long-term well he
thinks it's
Bernie because Bernie will be
beaten and
that'll be the end of this
crap we'll get it out of the
waste like
what happened with when they ran
McGovern right back in the day
well i
snicks i think that yes and as
discussed here it is the
America deserves you know hey
you want
this guy this direction you
want that
guy that direction that's what
deserve I think they're truly
that Bernie would win mainly
because of
the do anything to get Trump
out and I
think there's apprehension on
that on
their part for that
it's everything feels like it
but with
Biden out the question is I'm
sorry let me in my world Biden
out in the world of MSNBC
Biden's out
what's interesting and I
watched a lot
of this coverage MSNBC is hands
just the one to watch if you
want to
know what the party line is
because they
keep bringing people on your
pundits who
are either consultants or that
clearly right you know they're
surrogates that Fox does that
too but it
they're really they're really
to be just interested parties
here for
the discussion and the
conversation so
joy Reid who was not a Dawson
you know
she's not a an african-american
in the
truest sense of the word but of
she represents black America
when it
comes to MSNBC and here's what
she had
to say there's only room for
her or
Buddha judge in that Lane and
Biden is
really there's there freezing
him out
and you know what I was saying
in the
break is that this is you know
this is
sort of a focus group of white
voters in
the Northeast in these two
state and
great in these two states what
I see
there is is that the people
coming out
of New Hampshire
none of that none of those
people have
residents with black voters
none of them
do the one who has resident no
the ones
who have residents are Biden
was getting
crushed and if he doesn't work
out what
I'm hearing from black voters
consistently if Biden goes down
they're going to Bloomberg but
listen to
the exact word she's saying
she's saying he's getting
squeezed she's
she is repeating line she's
Biden's getting squeezed he's
not gonna
make it black voters and then
what I'm
hearing what I'm you know and
confusion of course is all
cheap team is
black so she must know what
Americans are thinking what I'm
know what she's hearing is from
Hillary Kent Clinton clamp a
camp or
maybe it's Hillary in Bloomberg
camp I
actually tried to register
Clinton 2020 it's been taken
and all of
those are gone Bloomberg
Clinton dot-com
also gone so she's she's
instructed to
tell black people that they
should go to
Bloomberg there's no other way
to see
this and of course she did
massive black audience MSNBC
has it's
not you get my point
yeah she tried to push the
there on behalf of Hillary well
was one other message that came
in on
behalf of Hillary and let me
see where
was this lady hmm well okay
that sucks
but while you're looking for
continue I do have a wrap up of
the New
Hampshire thing and this is off
a Fox
radio this is the New Hampshire
rap from
Fox radio former Massachusetts
Deval Patrick suspends his
campaign becoming the third
Democrat to
drop out following Andrew
listen again
former Massachusetts governor
Patrick's to Spain right at the
he should have been there for
America oh no no no no I mean
the third
Democrat to drop out following
yang and Senator Michael Bennet
the New Hampshire primary New
went for Bernie Sanders we're
going to
Nevada we're going to South
we're gonna win those faces but
a close
second was former mayor Pete
in this election season we have
told by some that you must
either be for
revolution or you are for the
status quo
but where does that leave the
rest of us
now Joe Biden who finished in
place left early to campaign in
Carolina and Super Tuesday
states and
beyond the senator Amy
Klobuchar said
she's headed to those states
coming back with a third place
Elizabeth Warren who came in
predicted a long primary fight
ahead I
found my clip another person
who showed
up with Chris of Chris Matthews
Adrienne L door and if you saw
her you
be oh yes I know who this is
Elrod I'm sorry Adrian Elrod
she's a
shell rod like Elrod Hubbard
Elrod echo
Lima Romeo Oscar Delta Elrod
and let me
see if I can find it now she is
daughter of lifelong friends of
of parents of lifelong friends
of Bill
and Hillary as she was Hillary
America strategic director
communications and surrogates
your first name again
Adrienne ADR Adrienne sent me
cute she's
like 40 you know your typical
she would
actually do well on Fox she has
been a
commentator on Fox News Fox
Business but
you know I'm looking at she's a
blonde I
don't recognize her
hmm well I watch more MSNBC
than you do
so and for good reason yeah I a
premature death so she she's
held a
variety of positions at 2008
Clinton presidential campaign
let me get
the point she is not just has
not been
working not just working for
Clinton but
she is also family friends and
so she
and she's on the same the same
with a joy read and listen to
what so
I'm just gonna presume
everything that
comes out of her mouth is
coming from
the Clinton camp it seems only
to believe this a lot of money
I think
you can spend a billion dollars
it probably makes a billion
during the course of this
seriously he's just dipping
into the
tail as it comes in
what happens if he's the
against Trump is he gonna would
he be
able to leave the Democrats
while he's
running the Democratic primary
and he's
doing pretty I wish that was
the ad that
I saw Joe Biden closing with a
Hampshire so she's right away
he's running the whole camp
something's up interesting
analysis how
could it be anything else so
the the
thinking I have is first of all
3rd which will be an
interesting date
because that's when I'm on
Rogan is
Super Tuesday and I think we
will see
the equivalent of an atomic
nuclear bomb
of money being dropped on Super
by Bloomberg it's just gonna be
and by
the way the guy is running it
it looks
as if he was the vice president
Obama have you seen the ads so
yeah well
that's one set of the ads where
do we
see all the ads okay well I've
seen the
one Rees with Obama here he's
in the
helicopter with Obama he's in
fact when
he says I'm Michael Bloomberg
and I
approve this message
I at one point I thought I
heard I'm
Barack Obama and I approve this
it was just it's crazy and kind
insulting towards Joe yeah I
they're meant to be insulting
Joe no joke and not yet Obama
help him no and Obama's not
gonna say
anything until there's a
candidate I
think that's why he's not
making a big
deal out Joe's using some Obama
now as we already know he's
already on
the hall you know the Biden
administration sad man it's sad
to watch
so static but I'm happy about a
me you
know I'm a big fan she's she's
got a
little juice there she'll uh
she's on
the radar she will not become
but she will but she will have
her status I think she's
probably a good
a good senator I think she'd be
good at that
she doesn't have to do much
more people
like her and and she she
brought what
was necessary to the to the
to kind of shake it up and then
that's left is this amazing
surge for
SIOP Pete who I spoke to poach
yesterday ah briefly and and he
what are your clues that
because I said
I'd mentioned the conversation
the SIOP
Pete says Oh what do you think
it was
just clearly he's a spook he's
he's been
he's been planted just like
Obama you
know CIA handlers he says
what's your
clue I said well Rhodes Scholar
elite a Notre Dame he said yeah
the other one I did think for a
and then it hit me
aiya Mackenzie of course and
that's really the giveaway
Mackenzie these guys they are
consultants to the
complex they are the
consultants to Wall
Street today that it's the big
and they're they embed embed
with these
organizations and if you listen
if you
listen to him speak it's like
not a word
is out of place not a single
word is
wrong nothing that could be
as anti anything it's just it's
I'm actually I'm not even sure
he's gay
that may be an act to you know
is his
husband is an improv artist
that's what
he does improv oh that's a
funny idea
why not it's perfect
don't focus on Mackenzie kiss
yeah don't
focus on Mackenzie focus on me
being gay
yeah well somebody posted a
picture of
him in Afghanistan and then
noted that
he he had it look like I've the
picture was a fake the intro
badges nope
attaches no there's no name tag
nothing he wasn't standing over
a dead
Iraqi digging Jerry read one of
too that's funny that he's not
yeah well I just I mean I don't
know I
don't want
take anything away from him
it's just
for a moment then like well if
wanted to distract from your
spook background which is rarely
mentioned the it's it's it's
just so
similar to Obama that you know
organizer whenever they say
mayor Pete
it was and I get he's no longer
mother the media is in on this
deal I
mean they're they would never
they never
it wasn't even harped on that
George HW
Bush was actually the director
of the
CIA for for a while and in
Dallas I
guess during the shooting of
Kennedy and
who which may or may not be
true but it
seems like a good story but
that was
never discussed much it seemed
fine oh
yeah oh director of the CIA's
police is run in the country
that makes
sense why not what's wrong with
what's your problem
nobody's recept bringing up the
that Buddha judges a spook yeah
well it
just seems like seems
abundantly clear
to me abundant that clear
so what else it but Jenny got
to say
well actually it wasn't what he
said but
we were talking and then an
idea hit me
and I actually want to do a
presentation if you don't mind
oh whoa
it's a little the structure of
the show
well no no that's not true from
time to
time we do presentations okay I
it's I just wanted I was
looking at
Trump and China and China China
China and it probably the first
that got me going was this
front line
special on Trump and trade
Trump and
trade and China this'll this'll
set it
up despite the uneven
President Trump was all in on
the tariff
it's a strategy he's been
talking about
for years as far back as the
late 1980s
when he first tested the
possibility of
becoming president
I guess the fame developer
Donald Trump
of New York back then the
Trump's target
was Japan for what would its
practices the fact is that you
have free trade we think of it
as free
trade but you right now don't
have free
trade and I think a lot of
people are
tired of watching other
ripping off the United States
this is a
great country
he believed from the beginning
there's really nothing worse
than being
laughed at
they laugh at us behind our
backs they
laugh at us because of our own
by the way here's Trump with a
higher voice - which of course
is due to
age and this is the 80s this is
1988 and
he came to see the Japanese as
at the United States a taking
of the United States by
stealing the
jobs by dumping product here we
Japan come in and dump
everything right
into our markets and I mean
it's not
free trade if you ever go to
Japan right
now and try to sell something
about it out but just forget
about it
it's almost impossible after
economy crater Trump shifted
his ire to
a rising economic power China
they are
ripping us like we've never
been ripped
before if you look at Japan if
you look
at China where we lose a
hundred billion
dollars a year with China she's
saying the same thing for 30
Donald Trump has a very binary
view of
life and certainly of the world
and and
so to confront China which he
as America's most important and
dangerous rival and to be able
to use
blunt instruments against them
and to
come out and at least be able
to say
that you're a winner and
they're a loser
there's it's hard to imagine
more appealing to the core of
personality so I've been
wanting to play
clips of him talking about
China decades
ago so and I had to even
forgotten that
he cuz I was in New York when
he was
coming up 87-88 and everyone was
everyone loved Trump half those
interviews are from Oprah and
he even
said of Oprah you should be my
president anyway that's when
still loved him so clearly he's
had a grasp of the issues with
the trade
imbalance and it's when Japan
was no
longer a threat he shifted to
China it's
not just the media that is
this his his number-one guy
when he when
he ran the campaign Steve
Banyan says
the same first time ever met
Trump I was
you know coming out of Goldman
Sachs and
and and and being somebody
they've been
in finance for a number of
years I was
set to be unimpressed I was
very impressed and he didn't
know a lot
of details he knew almost no
policy but
what I found most extraordinary
was when
we got to the section on China
which I
kind of threw out there of a
meeting almost 30 minutes or
more was
all about China we have a 500
dollar deficit trade deficit
with China
the only thing he had formed as
worldview was China because we
continue to allow China to rape
country and that's what they're
it's the greatest theft in the
of the world talking this kind
vernacular that kind of hit
people in
the gut and particularly we
talked about
trade and jobs and jobs shipping
overseas was his message to
these people
on trade china's to blame yeah
message is very simple is that
the elite
ship the jobs overseas and I'm
bring it back and if I if I
look at our
show clip archive we had stuff
China before before the 2016
but it wasn't really much it
wasn't on
our radar unless you can
remember some
specific instance where we were
about it in the past before
Trump came
on the scene I think you'd only
passing yeah there once about
growl a
little bit like everybody did a
bit but nothing nothing big we
really care so Trump comes out
comes on
the scene and during the the
election process in the
campaign you
pretty much this is it let's
say China
China China China China China
China China China you go over
to China
China China China China China
China you take China China
China I love
China China China China China I
have to
have my China right China China
now he ran that into
everybody's head
and he of course connected it
to the
complete removal of
manufacturing in the
United States this is before the
before the campaign this is mm
are you
eating something no trying to
through these papers I'm
looking for
something keep going okay what
your own presentation I want to
sure you're not bored that's
that's my
biggest fear my biggest fear is
second stop stop if I'm a
little bored I
usually say something to get
you to move
along a little bit and then you
get mad
at me but it's not for me never
to say
something I've always say
something no
but I heard you rustling papers
so I'm
like resting papers I am I I
can move
the mic so won't you wanna hear
it I
just don't want to be bored for
you okay
you're doing fine go back to
except for these interruptions
here's what Trump had to say
you know we
don't manufacture anything
anymore in
this country we do health care
this is
1010 years ago let me just
remind you
ten years ago you know we don't
manufacture anything anymore in
country we do health care we do
lots of
different services but the big
is manufacturing everything's
made in
China for the most part between
India and others but China in
and frankly they're sending
stuff over
here and we're paying for it
and you
know sort of interesting very
little tax
if any paid and yet you can't do
business in China you're not
allowed to
do business in China it's almost
impossible to do business in
China yet
they take our business from
Carolina from South Carolina
Alabama they make boys they
then sell
them to this country they make
tremendous profits and they
then they
loan this country money in the
form of
Treasuries and I think it's
terrible so
what do we do about China this
is an
issue that you're obviously
passionate about you know look
at what
Google has done taking a stand
in China
I think we're not going to do
this way you know you've got
that's how
long ago this was when Google
to take a stance against China
I think
we're not going to do business
this way
you know you've got big
businesses with
very different takes on China
lots of
different businesses but when
it comes
to manufacturing China's making
all of
these products and they could
be made in
North Carolina they could be
made in a
they could be made in lots of
our places
and right now they're not
personally I'd
tax China because it's not a
free trade
country I would tax China very
heavily and the money that
you'd get
from that tax because some of
products would still get
through even
with the tax but it would
create jobs in
this country
so what Trump is saying ten
years ago
which is the most recent one
where I
found it we put it all together
because of the imbalances
because of how
China doesn't play fair and
makes their
product so incredibly cheap
below cost
of what we could do it here
everyone has sent everything
over to
China and the more I look at it
the more
amazed I am at what has
actually gone to
China in fact I'll just stop the
timeline this is rosemary
Gibson she
wrote a book called China rx
which you
won't hear about because no
media outlet is going to let
you rail
against the pharmaceutical
industry but
it's pretty bad it began in the
90s when generic drugs really
came came
out strong President Reagan was
bipartisan in the 80s let's
have a
generic drug act and that made
a lot cheaper for people the
products would go off patent so
make generics and so over time
how do we
make these cheaper and so we
sourcing the ingredients to
make them in
China and then once we opened
up free
trade this was a real real
stunner so
when we opened up free trade
and trying
to join WTO the next year we
lost our
last aspirin plant we've lost
ability to make vitamin C we
don't make
the ascorbic acid anymore
that's when
the last penicillin plant
closed can't
make the core components the
acetylsalicylic acid in the
ascorbic we
cannot make it here and that's
not just opening quote free
trade but
China cheats it with our
medicines and
cartels they form these cartels
dump it on the global market at
market prices and they drove
everybody I
didn't know that we don't even
make our
own aspirin or vitamin C
anymore or that
we apparently don't even have
capability to do it
and this is well you probably
the capability oh we could but
not like
you said hey I want it tomorrow
course we know well that would
take you
would take them you could do in
a few
months though but it is also
it's your
you know what people don't give
a shit
about this because you're not
sick I'll
tell you if you knew that that
we can't
make viagra in America people
would lose
their shit what China's
controlling my
dick a lot so it's just a
matter of what
you know and what you don't
know so
Trump gets in his main messages
build a
wall which he also connects to
jobs etc
and meant we got to bring
back that was this consistent
before China really it was we
got to
start the manufacture I got to
steel we got to have our own
steel we
don't have a country it's
Security need manufacturing and
it's twelve thousand factories
or twelve
hundred I don't know he started
something we will pour new
concrete lay
new brick and watch new sparks
light our
factories as we Forge metal
from the
furnaces of our Rust Belt and
beloved heartland which has been
forgotten it's not forgotten
anymore we
will put new American steel
into the
spine of our country American
will construct dreaming new
lanes of
Commerce across our landscape
they will
build these monuments from
coast to
coast and from city to city we
embark on a wonderful new
journey into a
bright and glorious future we
will build
again we will grow again
we will thrive again and we
will make
America great again right so
then he
gets into the whole it gets in
and then
this is I think that's the from
a State
of the Union his first one and
then he's
talking trade wars tariffs
we're gonna
finally he's got the power he's
gonna do
it he said I'm gonna screw what
been promising for all these
years I
would tax him I would tax him
China of
course calls his bluff very
US President Donald Trump says
he wants
to hit China with a big fine on
put in the capital Beijing
experts and
insiders say there's little
sense of a
crisis voices in the US business
community have warned China
that the US
president is serious about
tough action
on trade and he told Reuters in
exclusive interview a potential
damages are on the way however
Michael Martina in Beijing says
officials think Trump is
bluffing so
here in China the sense we get
is that
Chinese officials aren't overly
concerned about the threat of
action by the Trump
administration for
one they feel that perhaps the
administration doesn't happen
to be the
political standing and sort of
will to
endure the economic fallout and
well we
did and he did and he put the
tariffs on
too much the grinning of the
markets and
it was I mean we forget these
things or
at least I do and the oh shit
yeah I
remember we almost pissed off
about it
what's going on do we have a is
there a
trade wars a no trade war and
seems to be okay we still have
but then there were a couple
things some economic blows ZTE
like now you can't sell here
Android you can't have that 5g
we're not so sure we want you
in our
networks so this is pushing
these are
economic economic warfare
pushing down
pushing back and then we get
phase one
of the trade deal and phase 1
has some
very specific things that China
must do
although of course they have an
under the force majeure clause
says well you know if something
and we can always figure it out
but that takes place then we
have bar
who is the Attorney General
we have Pompeo the Secretary of
going out into the heartlands
to talk
about what we need to do about
encroachment on pretty much
so I think this is the clip
that I
played the way this is this is
he's setting them up here this
is the
National Governors Association
winter meeting which was just
held last
year I received an invitation
to an
event that promised to be quote
occasion for exclusive
deal-making it
said quote the opportunities for
mutually beneficial economic
between China and our
individual states
are tremendous
Tendo quote deal-making sounds
like it
might have come from President
Trump but
the invitation was actually
from a
former governor I was being
invited to
the us-china governor's
summit it was an event
co-hosted by the
National Governors Association
something called the Chinese
Association for friendship and
countries sounds pretty
harmless what
the invitation did not say is
that the
group the group I just
mentioned is the
public face of the Chinese
Party's official foreign
agency the United Front work
now I was lucky I was familiar
with that
organization from my time as the
director of the Central
Agency but it got me thinking
how many
of you made the link between
that group
and Chinese Communist Party
what if you made a new friend
while you
were at that event what a few
new friend
asked you for introductions
political politically connected
powerful people what if your
new friend
offered to invest big money in
state drafts in your pension in
industries sensitive to our
these aren't hypotheticals these
scenarios are all too true and
impact American foreign policy
significantly indeed last year
so is he expressing this as
though this
is a new phenomenon now he
stumbled upon
and everybody else was
oblivious to know
even though no Warner was he
when he was
a head of the CIA and this was
going on
this has been going on yeah
that's for 20 years that's the
point bar
is probably introducing this to
governors who are a bunch of
looking people in this audience
and he's
saying hey we know this has
been going
on we know what's happening
he's doing
it rhetorically because of the
that he's speaking to he
doesn't want to
say hey you shitheads
are you insane Akbar those
correct he's what he's saying
is hey you
shitheads look at what you've
you've compromised possibly
national security you've let
them in
you've taken money from them so
it's a friendly way of saying
this is
not good what you've done and
people what if your new friend
to invest big money in your
perhaps in your pension in
sensitive to our national
these aren't hypotheticals these
scenarios are all too true and
impact American foreign policy
significantly indeed last year
a Chinese
government back think-tank in
produced a report that assessed
all 50
of America's governor's on their
attitudes towards China they
each of you friendly hardline or
ambiguous I'll let you decide
where you
think you belong someone in
already has so you know he's
setting him
up he's setting him up teeing
him up for
what he's got to say meanwhile
the same
week this is just last week the
week Barr talked up the to a
bunch of
entrepreneurs and captains of
about 5g in other countries
that do not
want to put their economic fate
China's hands are not going to
always infrastructure we have
to have a
market ready alternative today
you need
a system that will allow you to
seamlessly migrate your
installed 4G
base to you to 5j there's been
proposals that these concerns
could be
met by the United States
aligning itself
with Nokia and/or erection so
that was
his and this is the this is the
General out there doing these
they've been sent into the
field the
final clip which makes it even
a little
bit more clear nothing we
haven't talked
about since almost the
beginning of this
but Pompeo again reiterates to
governor see FBI director and I
the Attorney General to talked
about something called a
talents plan its plan to recruit
scientists and professors to
the know-how we have here to
China in
exchange for enormous paydays
program is probably targeted
campuses in
your state indeed the
Department of
Justice has indicted professors
in my
home state at the University of
at a Virginia Tech and at
Harvard a
Texas A&M investigation
scarred more than 100 academics
participating in Chinese talent
recruitment plans only five of
them had
declared that they were
participating in
this program and goodness knows
else we've not discovered there
aren t
very credible reports of Chinese
government officials pressuring
students students studying
right here in
the United States of America
monitor fellow Chinese students
and to
report back to Beijing many of
you are
familiar with Confucius
Confucius Institutes purport to
have the
sole purpose of teaching
language skills and Chinese
culture a
bipartisan Senate committee
found last
year in 2019 that the Chinese
Party controls nearly every
aspect of
the Confucius Institutes
activities here
in the United States over the
past few
months the University of
Missouri the
University of Kansas the
University of
Maryland have independently
decides to
close down the Confucius
after conducting their own
reviews in
schools in 22 other states are
doing or
have already done the same
sadly China's
propaganda campaign starts even
than college China has targeted
through 12 schools through its
classrooms the ccp's program to
influence kids in elementary
middle and
high schools around the world
do you
know that we have no ability to
establish similar programs in
China I'm
sure that doesn't surprise you
president Trump's talked about
reciprocity and trade we should
reciprocity in all things today
have free rein in our system
and we're
completely shut out from theirs
as of
2017 there were five hundred and
nineteen of these classrooms in
United States
Beijing knows that today's kids
tomorrow's leaders to China
is happening it's happening in
States and it's a competition
that goes
to the very basic freedoms that
one of us values
so to summarize Trump has been
on to the
for decades he sees the threat
he sees
what the seeping in of the
Chinese all
throughout our everything our
our economy our manufacturing
manufacturing is is was gone we
even make our own
pharmaceuticals if we
needed to but at the drop of a
hat he
he's he just doesn't he's I
think he saw
it as war that we were attacked
so he
sets up a new manufacturing Ben
boom I
don't know how far it is but I
we're doing something we got a
we got a
plant here or plant there then
it's like
oh the Chinese are gonna be
money here Jack Ma is gonna put
money in
this so we can handle some of
manufacturing we get a trade
deal in
place the economy is starting
to have a
problem in China mainly just
their own
financials you know they they
lie about
everything so they have this
whole IOU
secondary money flow that is
stopped right now all of this
stuff is
set up and then all of a sudden
China is arguably a little bit
Wuhan flu now tell me we are
not at war
with China and whether that was
targeted strike from us or a
coincidental happenstance this
is war
and we just may be issued a
kill shot
well I like the presentation
thank you
I'm not going to go as far as
you went
with the conclusion I think
there's a
there's no proof that the Wuhan
flu is
anything other than what it is
a another
corona virus which the tax
Chinese just
naturally and they're but can I
can I
just interrupt you I didn't say
this was
a bio weapon it's just a flu I
think it
passes I think it will be gone
just a lot of Chinese and maybe
he just
took advantage of the situation
the belt 19 man maybe this is
all media
hype maybe it isn't all that
bad maybe
all the stuff we're hearing has
manufactured maybe there's not
half-a-million dead and these
photos maybe that's not bodies
maybe it's all just media and
what it is
done successfully is you know
bike parts
are no longer being shipped
there's an
actual steel manufacture Skol
Mazurek just summarize what
you're gonna
say just but whatever the
reason or how
this ever came about which is
uncommon in China for these
epidemics to
take place exactly the fact
that it they
had to shut down the city of
that's the only thing we can be
sure of
I don't believe any of the
stuff it makes no sense and but
they did
do a complete shutdown and it
in shortages that American
now have to deal with yes is is
the the
warning shot is hey this is
what you
guys have done to yourself
you've become
so dependent on this one
channel that
what happens if this child goes
completely that have excellent
that's I'd like that even
better as the
conclusion that this is more
this is
what I'm sorry well I didn't
get to the
second part which is a warning
shot to
US manufacturing that part I
hadn't but
that makes total sense this or
those people but while we were
looking at Russia and
impeachment and
Ukraine this has just been
going on in
the background has just been
just like I guess now that in
the in the
latest spending bill there is
money to build the wall which
you know
no one is out there yelling
that he
can't do it they have other
other things
that are more powerful because
they know
that most Americans want some
kind of
border protection so that's why
you know
vid Minh you know like whatever
was in
men I hear he purged seventy
from the
national security council
seventy people
yeah no he's trying to what get
with no kidding 250 or
something like
that is a bunch of people that
should be
like you used to be like 20
people total
yeah now this is like all these
that Obama shoved in there as
you know
kind of like almost like it was
patronage he's from Chicago
yeah and patron is just the way
to go in
other words you got you create
just keep stuffing peep
they don't have anything to do
they just get a paycheck yeah
and that's
what Dubois Chicago politics
used to
always be it was called
patronage and
that is when you wonder you
became the
mayor you got the people
there's all
these empty slots and you get
to put all
your buddies in here you see a
bit of that in places like
where when one of the mayor's
got you
know got in he first thing he
did was
take city money and build a
bunch of
housing and put all his pals in
it's what you do what you do
old-fashioned way of doing it
and that's
what Obama did quite nicely
a little Trump sees no reason
patronage he just says his
family and
they sort of get rid of all
these jokers
so anyway it'll be very
interesting to
see what the next moves are but
how I'm looking at it I'm
looking at it
from a I this and part of this
p'chenk is very adamant about
we're not gonna have kinetic
anymore it's not going to be
it's just
not he's is gonna all be cyber
his space
is very important although he's
down on the idea of the Air
initially Manning the space
force he
thinks they're no good like
really it
really thinks they're no good
he's all
into the National the the
geospatial agency which changed
name to the geospatial
agency yeah recently they had
to do that
for their pride because that's
what they
were doing all along yeah until
else came in were there stupid
what the hell man you with your
spying that's no good I'm just
look at it that way that that's
what a
lot of this is about and you
know we're
all running around take it to
the next
step with the secondary
okay why are the Democrats and
specifically the Liberals and
swellest socialists even all of
them are
so dead set against Trump
what he's trying accomplish
well that's
what is it the benefit what is
he that's
easy that's easy money there is
I mean
Washington DC is just filled
lobbyists who have
tons of Chinese money they own
China owns most of Hollywood at
point and one of the main guys
in DC is
ambassador cui Tiankai and this
is a
mover a shaker he's at all the
parties he's got tons of dough
you can
register it and most people
don't but
you can register under Farah a
agency registration foreign
registration act and you can go
just be
in bars talk about China talk
him up how
about New York Times Square
where's that
money go there's money there's
tons of
money going into campaigns it's
it's rife of course corrupt
from the
check it's Chinese corruption
has taken
over the Democrat parties that
saying and I'm not just the
Party come on let's be honest
about this
at all politicians are
susceptible to
this but the Democrats yeah
Obama bowed
when he went to check on fellow
about soullow oh they were all
China because that's where all
the money
was you know there's a lot of
sins are
also about China they give the
secrets yeah and then I can see
being all up in China because
of his you
know connection to bain
Chinese money of course
well we're doomed I do have a
clip from
Face the Nation me gather some
bo la
daredevil clue we're getting no
money thank you how good life
would be
listen China we've got your
number Joe
you want us to let up you know
org slash na we'll talk so
here's the
Chinese ambassador was on Face
Nation with a very interesting
way of
evading the question about the
enlasa the coronavirus being a
biological agent listen
Senator Tom cotton who sits on
Senate Intelligence and Armed
Committee suggested that the
virus may
have come from China's
chuckle warfare program that's
extraordinary charge how do you
to that
I think it's true that a lot is
unknown and our scientists
scientists American scientists
scientists of other country are
their best to learn more about
the virus
but it's very harmful it's very
dangerous to stop suspicion
rumors and
spread them among the people
for one
thing this will create panic
another say
that it will send up racial
discrimination xenophobia or
that will really harm our joint
to combat the virus of course
there are
all kinds of speculation and
there are people who are saying
these viruses are coming from
military lab not of China maybe
in the
United States how can we
believe all
these crazy things do you think
crazy where did the perhaps
crazy where did the virus come
from we
still don't know yet it's
according to some initial
outcome of the
research probably coming from
animals but we have to to
discover more
about it it's interesting he
actually deny it he doesn't say
no no no
that's not possible
he says well you know it's very
to have these rumors some
people say
it's from America like never
say no
rumor well the interesting
thing about
that interview is that his
first phrase
when she asked the question the
first thing he says and this is
a truth
wants to come out I know yes
it's true I
know let's listen again you're
so I was
ready Senator Tom cotton who
sits on the
Senate Intelligence and Armed
Committee suggested that the
virus may
have come from China's
warfare program that's an
charge how do you respond to
I think it's true that a lot is
unknown I think it's true still
there you go
and of course if you're going
to be
asked a question like that this
is just
to how all the elements of a
lie if
you'd otherwise you just say no
that would be the simple way to
do it
did you have anything on Wuhan
or no
nothing new I mean I might have
see what these what's on the
list now I
have I have this one which is
not really
new but it's worth mentioning
here we go
we also have a new name for the
the World Health Organization
Ovid 19
Benjamin Newman is professor of
biological sciences at Texas A&M
University and he was on the
considering these new names he
told the
BBC what's involved in choosing
a name
for the virus I'll just stops
you for
saying this is so disappointing
to me
yeah it sounds like a birth
control pill
you know we named hurricanes we
gave him
girl names boy getting boy
names why did
we have to do this Cove in
we're trying not to name check
a person
a place and on the coronavirus
committee we decided not to
include 2019 in the name as the
did when they were naming the
the idea was that there
actually five of
the Koala viruses that have had
outbreaks this year including
coronavirus and so the year
particularly indicative okay
blah blah
blah you guys are not good
that's that's the bottom market
the clip I have is the who
about the
World Health Organization covet
this is
whe oka vat19 clip the World
Organization is warning the
corona virus
poses a grave threat to the
world as the
death toll in China tops 1,100
with more than 44,000 confirmed
infections worldwide with 99
percent of
cases in China this remains
very much an
emergency for that country but
one that
whole is a very grave
for the rest of the world
unless we use
the window of opportunity that
we have
now meanwhile at least a
hundred seventy
four people have now tested
positive for
coronavirus on the quarantine
ship the diamond princess which
docked off the coast of Japan
there are
3,600 people aboard the ship
where crew
members say the workers aren't
protected from infection yeah
that'll go on for a little bit
until it's just dropped and you
that they changed the counting
methodology so now it looks
like we had
a huge spike in in cases and
deaths so
that that the thing that
probably hurt the market a
little bit
this morning but it's back up
again so
this is all you're being played
you're just being played this
is not I
just don't see this as being
any like
kind of when we started I would
we've been through this we've
we've been through this movie
John we've
we did the swine flu h1n1 SARS
haven't we seen it all and it's
like no
old people die from pneumonia
people who
are dental or come out that
just a
regular old-fashioned flu yeah
yeah so I
think there's a lot of playing
going on
but at least now we can pay
and maybe some companies will
their lesson you know Apple
might have
learned their lesson they
brought some
minut manufacturing back to the
we'll see who else learns a
lesson but
for sure there's gonna be stuff
that we
don't have anymore for a while
I think
that's this it's almost
impossible that
they can get things going fast
enough to
just you know it's all jazz we
about just in time so we're
people are
gonna start losing missing out
on and
parts missing out in time
exactly thank
you for your courage say in the
to you the man who put the C in
basilar Sean C Dvorak in the
morning you
and mr. Adam curry in the
morning all
ships to see boots on the
ground feet in
the air subs in the water and
all the
names tonight's out there yes
in the
morning to our trolls who have
been very
trollee super trollee totally I
very trollee you know I'm doing
my whole
presentation and they're just
racist jokes at least you can
do it here
that's kind of what the troll
room is
for so we're glad that you
having fun
let me see how many people are
in there
trolling at the moment live
troll count
1087 trolls doing their job
also a big
in the morning to the artist
who brought
us the artwork for episode what
were we
twelve fifteen and let me just
that up for a second the title
of that
was omni pocalypse which I
still think
we've titled another show on the
apocalypse somewhere in the past
no never help I want to thank
O'Neill that's right the man
with the
Darren Oh from the radio and he
us the artwork it was I mean he
ask for more intelligentsia
with the
appropriate nerd smiley face
joined the
Intelligencia the artwork pops
it was
funny it was relevant to the to
what was
discussed and I don't think
there was
even a second that was one and
done I
think yeah do you remember you
remember I don't remember you
remember well it was perfect
and we
loved it and again when you
look at your
podcast app and you see that
change and something fresh is
there it
invites you to listen the whole
part of our value for value
thank you very much Darren
O'Neill then
we have people who support the
financially these are our
executive producers we start
with our
executive producers at the top
of the
list indeed and at the very top
of the
list today is Dave fuga sotto
ah the
girl the Earl Earl Dave and he
said a
feature-length film script with
lighting directions yes he
for 28:20 and this course is
he's one of
our top guys at the moment
so this script I have the
treatment here
oh yes joins it a little bit
aside as we
call that I got my side here
and I'm
gonna read it I tried to edit
it but
it's one of these stories you
know he
likes to tell these tales of of
and they're interesting enough
that it's
probably worth reading I
skipped a
couple of things but not too
my Dame's are traveling for
competition so bunches of
flower would
just be another thing to topple
while driving and drop petals
and leaves
around the hotel room is
troublesome therefore because I
them I'm donating 214 dollars
in 10
cents to eat for each of Dame
should be
to 14 22 if I put 10 or 20
another thing
for each Dame melody and Dame
is Abella
for a for 28 20 donation of
eternal love
this is the Valentine's Day
that's of
course it's beautiful as I'm
sure a by
the way nobody else what
everybody hates
their lovers they and they hate
moms and dads according to our
show our
research has indicated kinda
knew this
didn't we as I am sure it said
relationships tree if you
really love if
you really love me there's a
quota here
is if you really loved me you
donate to
no agenda
no I'm sorry I'm off script
it's true
Valentine's and now a
cautionary tale
here we go I'm late I'm late I
did it
myself to travel karma for my
work trip
worked perfectly and I was once
smuggled into the her harem
zone for a
delightful supper at a classy
establishment called T G
Friday's TGI
Fridays in Saudi Arabia I have
a photo from the inside for your
amusement however I looked I
asking for travel Karma for a
short trip
the following weekend to a
place called
Al Houla I went there to see
the ancient
tombs of
Medina's Sal a mid mid ain saleh
sometimes referred to as saudi
saudi arabia's Petra it's the
name NAB
Allah is the same NAB alayan
Kingdom but
further south the karmic lapse
in numerous avoidable
inconveniences I
had a request no agenda nation's
indulgence as I recount this
for the benefit of all
producers okay it
was long it was longer than
this this is
an abbreviated version
well I only took out a few
things oh my
pre booked a lodging was
apparently a
date palm Orchard there was not
building in sight and it would
a place to lay down after a day
of priam
relations fortunately a random
from which we asked to rest
from who I
asked directions and offered to
let me
stay at his rest house so it
worked out
and I wasn't murdered in my
or anything wait for you got to
read the
whole script if you want me to
be on cue
I took that one out by the way
there are
exactly zero taxi cabs in six
Ebers in
the entire town enough for a
festival winter at tentura has
going on for several months
those ubers
are also conveniently uber
vintage Land
Rovers and one gets the
privilege of
paying two to three times the
rate anyway he goes on about
that but I
will say look at it gets a
little better
he says these boobers didn't
didn't run half the time and so
he was
didn't want to miss the whole
reason for
the trip the tombs of made the
allez I'd figured I'd better
walking this time our after
about three
kilometers another kindly
stopped and offered me a ride I
what he's wearing
inconveniences aside
the place is amazing
jewellery worth most amazing
parts in
his white pants and sport coat
suspiciously like tulsi gabbard
let's remember Yanni well this
is what
got me to stop for a second I
did a little work on this
letter married
to mutt Evans
I went to to Dubai for some
event abysm
but at least 10 years ago and
determine Jani was bandied
about as some
sort of an insult and they
would call
you a Yanni really yeah and so I
remember this very distinctly
and so now
all of a sudden through his Oh
going to see Yanni and so I had
to look
up just I'm working find that
indeed was playing in Saudi
Arabia and
he was playing at this at this
the same
place al Allah which is a
Palace entertainment a venue
which I
find it hard to believe you
can't get a
cab or something to go there
and back
and forth but according to I
you're not supposed to be there
I'm not
sure what - why it's so hard to
get -
and so he was playing there it
was it
was there this last weekend Wow
thinking who's gonna go see
Yanni and
Saudi Arabia SAS screwiest
thing ever
this is screwball letter I'm
little Yanni music to the
background for
you the experience reinforced a
things for me while travelling
embracing the moment keeping
your sense
of humor and keep going with
the flow is
essential I have the same
advice for
people my advice is to keep
moving just
keep moving just keep moving
you'll be
although let's be honest a
melody would
not have been amused by for the
experience yeah at one point
had to walk
seven ignore by Yanni believe
me oh yeah
yeah although to be honest
being manly
would not have been amused most
importantly travel karma only
works if
you ask for that's right so
douchebags get some karma of
your own
having learned a hard lesson
please give
us a wee bit o Irish dance
travel goat
cover for the girls and a bonus
dose of
goat scream for me as I
traveled to
Bahrain for Friday's most
Middle East meetup in Manama
Mahna Mahna
Mahna Mahna Mahna Mahna Mahna
dududu it's gonna be magnificent
all right well I I wonder if
when he's
back stateside if he'd be
going to a John Tisch concert
with me I
I think I found a good look
you've got
very much sir Dave the Earl
with the
script okay we got an anonymous
hundred thirty three dollars
and 33
cents for Norman Oklahoma I
said he has
a note and indeed he does but
his note
he says he doesn't want anyone
to read
now this is if you thought that
was long
this note is three times longer
times three X is reprinted
anyway he's
just no jingles no karma so by
the way
this is a very entertaining
note tooth
and I enjoy it Brian McDonald
hundred dollars to forty nine
next on the list greetings gents
longtime listener an infrequent
donor I
love the show and the amygdale
which has resulted from
listening I am
trying this is interesting I'm
trying to
wean my wife from m5m by
pointing out
pointing out can I make a
if you're trying to wean
someone off of
something if you want to
introduce them
animated no agenda give him
that just
say hey check this out that I
that's that is your gate by
animated no
agenda is a gateway drug to the
I agree anyway I'd like to
request a
bowling Karma for my human
resources a
big tournament this week in Las
Vegas I
think that's good
yes it's interesting you left
off the
point that he knows you're a
bowler so I
don't know if people realize
that bill
when I used to be you have a
ball you
have a ball and he says that he
was old
you get $300 and 49 cents and
so he in
case it gets a 300 game or
conversa for
nine split hmm minutes nothing
split in the world 7:10 okay
it's the
worst split well I think
actually a five
7/10 which is the worst split
it's also an embarrassment that
you left
it not that you're a bowler or
I left a 5 7 10 once in my life
and I
was just I was I was I felt so
that's our that's our associate
executive producers we have to
drop down
to associate executives now hmm
so we
it's not a big day for us so
patting it sir Donald Sylvan it
would be
you a beach Hawaii comes over
250 bucks
and sends a very short note and
on a
card yes he says at 83 I don't
have many
more opportunities to donate to
agenda I'd I'd like it all that
you do
mostly the great podcast Aloha
hey done
first of all Aloha to you my
friend and
thank you and I wouldn't worry
too much
but I saw a vet the other day
on TV 104
and you know we live a lot
longer these
days so we're hoping to hear
from you a
lot more and I'm giving you a
for that you've got karma must
committed Nadine is an OD in
California comes through with
250 bucks
and she sent a card another car
with a
heart drawn on it unless she
that's pretty happy Valentine's
Day to
the best podcast in the
universe instead
of chocolates etc I decided to
donate in
a expensive something I can
pretty an
expensive producer title - the
best part
- the best husband ever
Oh Aaron Marino because of him
I have
become a listener an avid
listener so he
writes in a in an old-fashioned
handwriting that is beautiful
I'm sure
it's pretty but hard you're
hard to
reach yeah
avid list because there's like
the avid
for example looks like a our ID
so he's
either an avid list or an arid
I'm not sure I think so he he
it oh yeah she also does the
tease the
funny tease that I don't just
European he did not have to
beat me up
by or I mean hit me in the
mouth smiley
face but he needs to donate
otherwise a douchebag call out
is on the
her agenda
just saying yeah I had my
finger on the
button it's hovering happy
Day to everybody
happy Valentine's s you would
like goat
karma for everyone Cureton 18
thank you
for your courage
you've got she's followed by
two three four five six please
keep me
anonymous thank you for the
you provide the donation as
long ago
overdue as I've been listening
to assess
the DSE days daily source code
like in
seconds is still no longer
please d
douche me
you've been deduced I was
compelled to chip in after
hearings from
Michael Garrett donate and
realize that
there was no agenda royalty at
this at
the same small law firm I'm
working in Canada the
deconstruction you
provide is absolutely
invaluable keep
them to good work and I use
some Nancy
put I could use some Nancy
Pelosi Jobs
Carmody helped me land a summer
law job
for jingles I'd like if you
it'd the
innocent committed a crime
thing that
one that's Brennan Brennan
pretty good
and that's true thanks people
innocent until well alleged to
involved in some type of
activity I
think that sounds pretty good
it's jobs
jobs very good not like the
combo to
cooter kayui ter in Vora Berg
borough a 4-4-2 burg
Netherlands two
hundred bucks there john and
anna i'm
utter douchiness behind an
knighthood sometime in the
future give
them a good work and all the
best from
stinkfinger AKA the plague from
hague district g the hague
thug nice very very gangster of
you ever
I think rhenium
that tweeted me about this well
you for your courage just
appreciate it
very much so in fact okay good
didn't ask for a deed douching
but you
gotta give her one oh okay well
might be a dude so oh oh it
could be ya
know it's probably is a dude
but it's
not as popular woman's name
okay well
here we go
you've been deep dude there you
mm we'll see you at the
roundtable soon
enough then I guess very nice
very nice
and I'd like to say our group of
well-wishers associate executive
producers and producers
producers for show 1216 yes and
I'd like
to say happy Valentine's Day to
beautiful wife Tina the keeper
saying Valentine's Day to my
and my wife and all the
relatives that
are women and the ships at sea
you know boots on the ground
that just
as a quick aside yeah so Tina
wanted to take my last name and
be Tina
Curry this is shit give any
idea how
hard this is to change your
name on
stuff these days it's insane y
ou could
you can't it's not just like
okay here
I've changed it here Social
office yeah that's not enough
oh no no
yet you've got to sit at the
DMV and
then you've got to go to the to
title company for the house and
and then
the passport which is another
it's it's
never-ending credit card oh I
change it's it is it's almost
not worth
it it's really really insane
how hard
that is how hard is it to keep
names what do you mean keep her
name and have a it's like two
names yeah
please when you travel like you
know so
she done everything she's like
oh shit
we have tickets to Florida it's
her maiden name or under
previous name
but she but now she has a
license with Tina Curry on it
that's a
non-starter so luckily she
hadn't done
the passport yet so you get and
you just
got to think of all this stuff
it's like
they it's like they don't want
you to do
it really shut up slave keep
your name
or something like that I don't
easier to
track it's yeah well it seems
like it's
an opportunity to change your
name you
can't you can't be tracked as
easy they
definitely don't let you change
name very easily
but yes Valentine to her and
we'd like
to thank these fine producers
who had
their own valentine's notes for
themselves thank them for their
and for the support of the best
in the universe after all this
podcast you're the one
producing at
someone and maybe that was REME
on twitter said holy crap how
do you
guys do that how do you do you
do your
own research where you get the
from do you have a producing
staff I
said yes thousands when you
stopped I
think I forgot to mention miss
Jamie of
the highway 214 dollars and 33
cents oh
no yes you did because I was
looking at
same time funny nobody else put
in 214
dollars for Valentine's Day
then I look
I'm looking I see miss Jamie of
highway oh well it says on
there on the
line which is just as I D miss
Jamie of
the Highway 214 dollars and 33
from somewhere in the USA well
Miss Jane
you have been yes yes good I
see what we
got here this is a Valentine's
call-out to miss Jamie from
going through is awkward and so
we don't
know miss Jamie you know who it
we hope so 12 16 and we thank
executive producers and
executive producers alike we'd
like to
thank them at the beginning a
more or
less the beginning of the show
like Hollywood does you know
you open up
the show and then you have your
and these are the people the
movers the
Shakers that make it happen but
we have
a lot of other people to thank
who made
this episode possible do that
in our
second segment for now please
your titles and our gratitude
thank you
for your courage and if you'd
like to
participate in the grand
known as the No Agenda value
for value
network very simple for our
Sunday show
all you need to do is go to the
org slash
and with that you're up to
speed on
everything you look so smart
when you're
talking about China our formula
is this
we go out we hit people in the
I have a couple of randos Oh a
Rando I
got a couple of randos for you
I got
three quick randos this is a
new term I
guess the first Rando is the
latest diet
commercial from the diet
company Jenny
Craig yeah Jenny Craig is a like
Nutrisystem like Weight
Watchers it's
crappy food in the right
portions and I
think it's really portion
control that
they send to you it's a food
company and
they only send you enough to
the kind of
like starving you out and if
you just if
you don't cheat then of course
you will
lose weight but they've added a
twist to
oh yeah I just got my results
back and I
literally am so excited getting
your DNA
tested gives you just straight
it creates a very specific plan
for you
who doesn't want to get the
edge and
figure out how we do this by
the plan
and get a free DNA weight-loss
kit DNA
weight-loss kit Wow
I had no idea that DNA was
there so
advanced do you look at the
fine print
of course it's nothing there's
there's no DNA gene that says
oh well if
you only cut back on that so
yeah that
would be the message hey eat
the food
you did you're lost cause you
got the
fat so gene I don't know what
what that
is about maybe it's just trendy
but they
are the DNA weight-loss kit
please sure
when I got a short one - this
is the
unfortunates under the letter
kyang did we it didn't play
this but we
shouldn't feel it never heard
it this is
Joe Biden calling somebody a
pony soldier number one I was a
Democratic caucus there Ben
Dukakis no
you haven't
you're lying dogface pony
soldier very
bizarre well that come yeah he
took that
from a John Wayne movie
apparently oh
there's no evidence that John
Wayne yes
his old story from years ago
I've never
heard John Wayne say that I won
no I think he did Biden is just
silly it's funny when he says
like that is so well miked good
good point
here's another Rando which is
good news
for you and for me as it's good
news for
the president a big relief for
tall men
height may protect against
taller young men have a lower
risk of
the memory loving disorder
examined intelligence test
environmental and genetic
factors as
well as height through a
lifetime Elife
reports a study of more than
six hundred
sixty-six thousand men over 20
revealed the benefit height
offers when
it comes to a diagnosis of
finding ways to predict the
risk of
dementia may give doctors a
hint at
earlier diagnosis and
interventions to
aid patients hey let me hold
onto my
dream okay Amy goodness
Bloomberg ISO
and I could never had the clip
good enough to use but I
thought the ISO
might be good I can't find
Bloomberg is
racist hmm
close let me close I mean it's
I'm gonna
play it again because I'd like
compare we have we have
competing ISOs I
so number one
Bloomberg is racist I so number
okay here's the way I see it
the Bernie clip is lots better
I mean it's one of the great
it's a
classic I so it's a close oh so
that is
a Kleiss oh and so you can keep
that in
because it's always good you
don't say
the word abeyance somehow does
that mean
I'm screwed on this deal you
could do
what you want you do the Isis
is your
call because you're like
finishing the
show and then you punch up the
ISO it
just seems to me that you can
use that a
lot yeah okay so when I don't
have it so
we'll okay
I see your logic and this is
the end of
show Eisenberg is racist that's
beautiful beautiful the final
shorty Rando for you from Sandy
Cortez it's funny you ask this
because I
was just reading today about
how Milton
Keynes a famous you were
yapping through
it I'll play it again so you
can listen
it's funny you ask this because
I was
just reading today about how
Keynes are famous they
predicted that by
2030 u.s. GDP would grow six to
times what it is which would
allow for
everyday people to work 15
hours a week
love Milton Keynes I've read
all his
books she did not be Maynard
Keynes is
that not yes she's well she
just got
scott adams by the way thought
this was
a this was great that this only
solidifies her positions future
president yes yes he did say
that you
should be sharing his drugs and
I have a
another text message from the
from the win red outfit I want
to remind
everyone everyone everyone
everyone the
Democrats have share blue act
blue which
is a central clearinghouse for
a lot of
things but when you donate
money to the
chip in when it says chip in
you're not
sending it to the candidate
you're not
sending it to the blue
organization and
they then distribute it to the
there's all these different
ways it has
to be counted properly you
didn't know
that of course of course you did
but strongly it would be done
it was
there fooling the public trump
set up a
very similar system called win
read and
it is run by Jared Kushner and
an ex
buddy of Jaron co-chaired
Kushner's of
course I despise this whole
concept cuz
they're skimming money off the
top it's
just I don't like it at all but
must be doing something that's
for them because as you know
they have
been texting me that I somehow
membership has expired
I'd never signed up for a
membership and
this came in you are being
notified your deadline to
president Trump with 5x
matching funds
has been extended for four more
hours 5x
5x and if you click through is
doing the
matching that don't tell you
that if you
ask for a refund you get five
next I
have no idea but it's shameful
and I and
I keep showing him to the
keeper you
know who's in this business she
says I
can't believe they're doing
that it must
be working maybe we're not
maybe we're
not doing it right maybe we
should try
that hey listen you dicks I
know it work
I'm you read the newsletter yes
you go end of that all right
whoo man
and get warm when I do that
stuff oh
this was this was kind of
interesting I
got a note and got a note to
follow up
with this clip you recall we
have a mole
inside a prominent lobbying
firm in
Washington DC who gave us
about Lev Parnas and his yes
that Rudy
Giuliani was actually working
as a
consultant for LifeLock and he
was hired
to recreate that model for left
with his wasn't bankrupt
guarantee or
whatever that company and
laughed about it we're the only
ones who
really had the backstory on it
not that
it's that interesting but this
is a
little more interesting this
just a few days ago I'm here to
the indictment of Chinese
hackers specifically four
members of the
Chinese People's Liberation
Army for
breaking into the computer
systems of
the credit reporting agency
Equifax and
for stealing the sensitive
information of nearly half of
American citizens and also
Equifax his
hard-earned intellectual
property now do
we recall what happened with X
equal ax
do you yeah okay it's the
biggest hack
ever they stole everybody's
data yeah
but what was there was an
situation we knew it had to be
Chinese because they would
never showed
up on the dark web for sale
because it
seems like a mailing list
anyone would
want to copy up but what was
the reason
for the hack I don't remember
what the
reason for that yes what
readymade the
reason I'm sorry the good point
the hack
was done through a machine that
compromised because they had
not applied
security patches do you
remember that
vaguely okay so that when that
generally how most of these
hacks that
was spelled out broadly so
here's what
our mole in the lobbying
industry says
Adam our colleagues in the
business specifically at Akin
drummed up this indictment at
DOJ on
behalf of Equifax so Equifax is
insurance company would be
forced to pay
for the losses from the
lawsuit the whole thing he says
is fake
and I believe it I totally
believe that
let's not talk
the mistakes we made let's not
about how we allowed your
information to
be hacked let's blame it on
some I'll
use that word again randos in
China yeah
that's what they yep
bus like it's like the
indictments that
Moeller did against the randos
in Russia
yeah you can do that that's a
gimmick yeah I just like how
how that
works in DC with the lobbying
didn't get anything done as
long as you
got money China Saudi Arabia
all these
guys it's fantastic Kittinger
well the
insurance companies should
check into
this and see if it's a scam
that sounds
like but it probably was taken
to China
I mean that's very possible
sure nobody
I have a clip of your buddy joy
I am joy my buddy all right I
thinks I
feel good your buddy she's not
my buddy
I want you to try to decipher
this this
is a discussion with her and
some psycho
writer talking about Trump and
the media
and I listen to this I clipped
it in
fact I couldn't even clip it
down for
any shorter than this and I
just want
you to talk about theirs what
saying Tom she said the media
struggled to appear balanced and
objective and an era when the
behaves in shocking and
ways they need to find a
language to
convey vividly the unhinged
anger and
obsession with repetition
understand her
well what she's saying is the
media is
trying to find some way to talk
Trump's mental illness I think
what she's saying the unhinged
anger an
obsession with retribution the
occasionally and lisas in
public before
I'm gonna I'm gonna get Robin
but I want
to go back to hope your crop is
Dave okay there's a wonder back
to you
first really quickly because no
okay no I wanted you to have a
I'm to get you know to take
some water
but the media is still under
this you
know this is self policing that
that that that save the Union
which was
very unusual I mean that took
place in
the gallery of in the house
sort of sacred political space
and it
really wants show business and
the media
still struggled to fit it into
the norm
how so they're talking about
the State
of the Union there was to show
boots all
show business Noah's had an
no no content just show
business or
marketing you might call it of
what they
expect but even in Fox News The
Beast has a piece now they said
internal documents even Fox News
understands what this is
internal even
if they don't say it outright in
documents obtained by The Daily
fox's research team advises
to be wary of disinformation
several trump boosting on-air
including rudy giuliani so
even there some people feel a
queasy but in the writ large
Trump knows
that the rest of the media is
cover him as if he's a normal
no matter what he does yeah i
mean i
think you know we all talk a
lot about
fox news being the platform that
elevates donald trump but i
unfortunately i think it's the
quote mainstream media that
does the biggest service to this
president if you look at the
that was after his East Room
than in the New York Times it
about you know President Hales
no he didn't hailed his
acquittal he you
know raged for an hour and I
think this
sort of neutral language the
sort of
decorum and politeness that has
newspaper journalism for the
hundred years that that the
office of
the presidency is afforded it
doesn't work with Donald Trump
and I
don't unfortunately I don't
have the
answer I'm you know I'm a
reporter I'm a
writer so I struggle myself
with these
issues but I know the end
result is that
the public is not having an
view of who this president is
have you
ever looked at those papers
from the 20s
and 30s what these people think
so above everything it's
amazing to me
this is a problem this has been
problem with journalism some
British guy
described it best when he says
for some
reason American journalists
think it's a
when we think it's a trade
thank you
that's it no that's it find out
who said
that he's making a lot of sense
longer anybody could just go
online and
see anyone who's interested to
see this
hour-long rage no it was
actually if
Trump talked during that one
hour or he
was thanking his team and
everybody up for moving forward
the impeachment if he talked
like that
all the time we'd be like oh
pretty presidential yeah it was
but a rage it was not a rage at
all but
that so if you're wondering why
having troubles you I say what
you are I
am little well afraid
yeah but you're safe being
yourself but
you cope to the health that
phrase yeah
it applies Jacques Jacques
McHugh's in French yeah but
it's if
you're wondering why people
getting the message it's
because you're
not being truthful it wasn't a
rage I
mean with rage I don't know
maybe I'm
misunderstanding the the
definition of
the fool of the word but there
was no
rage there but you know the the
television version was take him
bullshit take him saying this
did put it