February 16th, 2020 • 3h 1m
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cholera awaits Adam curry John
C. Dvorak
2020 this is your org wouldn't
get my
nation Media assassination
episode 1217
this is no agenda in the morning
I'm Adam curry and from
northern a
Silicon Valley where everybody's
disappointed I'm John C Dvorak
wait a
minute who's disappointed about
Bernie didn't show up here I
was talking
every place but in the Bay Area
that I
know I'm sorry I have no idea
loop which
is always possible I have no
idea what's
going on what's happening what
Bernie's it's Bernie mania did
you have
a clip yet can you back this up
I'm at
Texas we don't have no Bernie
mania here
oh they don't Bernie's not
gonna go to
Texas again they'll hang him no
he's welcome in Austin Bird
bernie is
very welcome in Austin you know
than that um so what he was
supposed to
show up for something didn't
know I
never supposed to he's up in
the Tacoma
Dome oh by the way that won't
covered by him I'd like to I
somebody in Washington I don't
know I
think it's maybe today hmm or
might have
been yesterday but if there is
anyone go
to this event in the Tacoma
Dome I'd
like to know if he actually
fills it hmm
there's any empty seats how
many it's
always bragging about
there's no empty seats allow
of people outside Tacoma there
usually a big line outside I
don't know
why they're staying there that
you can't
get in 23,000 seater to Tacoma
Dome yeah
it's a big venue yeah 23
thought I'm
just looking at the well you
said what
23,000 seats yeah that's a big
venue for
a little dome and be supposedly
for rock
concerts rock concerts yeah hey
rock bands have been there
concerts The Rolling Stones
2020 tours
coming through it is of course
it is I
can't believe those guys are
still doing
it either it's amazing them up
they get on stage seeds well I
guess we
could dive right into that but
there was a I want to do this
up front
because this always is at the
end of the
show and I want to put it in
the in in
the beginning this is we talked
about it
maybe one or two episodes ago
this Ninth
Circuit Circuit Court ruling
camping in cities which was
by Idaho and it went to the
Circuit and the the problem is
there is people were saying we
just take these people and take
tent and move them away because
that is
equal to taking their home and
is cruel and unusual punishment
and this
is what's been used in Austin
and many
other cities around the country
to say
well we can't ban this camping
which of
course is happening on
completely you
know in places where you're not
to camp and the so the Ninth
which braced by the way which
opens up
another Pandora's box of if you
go to a
state park or whatever you do
and you go
you're actually camping yes can
you just
go camp anywhere now because
you know
you can't stop any from camping
well that's only if you're
above the law
and and as we learned on the
episode if you have a job and
you and
you are functioning in society
then no
you can't do that because then
we'll you
need to find you and take your
money if
you have no money
yeah blenheim camp so the Ninth
tried to figure out what what
this would
be because this is cruel and
punishment is a constitutional
issue it
is what a part of what
amendment is that
do you know offhand it's in the
Constitution I believe
I think it's an amendment I
don't think
yeah let's see no I think
you're right
here it is cooling is the
phrase or the
eighth amendment now I'm right
eighth amendment to the United
Constitution states that cruel
unusual punishment shall not be
inflicted so it is it is an
eighth amendment anyways the
Circuit couldn't figure it out
kicked it to the Supreme Court
here's an update today the
Supreme Court
denied without explanation the
city of
Boise's petition to appeal
what's seen
as a sweeping ruling in the
Ninth Circuit from last year
that lower
court ruled that Idaho's
capital city
was in violation of the
ban on cruel and unusual
punishment when
police here ticketed the
homeless for
sleeping in public now cities
in the
West from Idaho to Washington to
California can't enforce such
against the homeless until they
shelter for everyone who needs
it and
most cities in the region don't
enough shelter beds on any
given night
which means if they ticket the
now they're in violation of
federal law
attorney thean a Evangelist
Boise in its appeal and these
hands are
tied you want to say something
yeah well
they make it sound like there's
some law
that's been written it but
violation of the Constitution
okay by saying federal law you
instead of I think they
actually mention
at the end and don't have
enough shelter
beds on any given night which
means if
they ticket the homeless now
they're in
violation of federal law
attorney thean
a Evangelos representative
homeless no
it's against the law you can
ticket them
but not for sleeping I mean
camping in
public so no you can't leave
them is not
cruel and unusual punishment is
it take
that meat does that mean all
tickets are
cruel and I know no you're not
then I
might have to start the clip
over they
very clearly say that if you
don't have
a space for them to go then
it's cruel
and unusual punishment that
would that's
different than ticketing them
listen again then today the
supreme by
the way what are you and I
arguing the courts today the
Court denied without
explanation the
city of Boise's petition to
what's seen as a sweeping
ruling in the
federal Ninth Circuit from last
that lower court ruled that
capital city was in violation
of the
Constitution's ban on cruel and
punishment when police here
ticketed the
homeless for sleeping in public
cities in the West from Idaho to
Washington to California can't
such rules against the homeless
they found shelter for everyone
needs it and most cities in the
don't have enough shelter beds
on any
given night which means if they
the homeless now they're in
violation of
federal law so this is
interesting is
only if you can provide beds for
everybody can you then start
them so it can't be just hey I
got a bed
for you know I have to bid for
attorney thean a Evangelist
Boise in its appeal and city's
hands are
tied now by the 9th Circuit's
because it effectively creates a
constitutional right to camp
major West
Coast cities like Los Angeles
grappling with growing tent
cities and
the public health and safety
fall outs
from them
many filed briefs in support of
Evangelos says everyone agrees
solution is more low-income
housing and
services but she says this
makes it virtually impossible
for cities
to do anything in the interim
and we
have an outbreak of diseases
and a very
dangerous situation for people
who are
living on the streets and for
and the city needs to have the
available to deal with growing
encampments in a statement
outgoing Mayor Dave beter said
he hopes
the city's next administration
to fight in federal court to get
clarification about how to
comply with
the law that scene is unlikely
at least
here the mayor lost in a heated
this month to a more liberal
who had criticized the city for
criminalizing homelessness maria
foscarinis heads the National
Center on
homelessness and poverty which
represent the Boise homeless
who brought
the case she
as the court has now affirmed
ticketing or jailing homeless
isn't working
the solution is addressing the
root of
the problem which is that
people can't
afford a place to live people
don't have
access to the services they need
foscar eNOS hopes this news
will force
cities to stop turning to the
courts and
start finding long-term
solutions there
you go
how about rousting him that's
him to be
specifically about ticketing
them by the
way it also brings up the kind
of the
logical conclusion of this sort
thinking which is like I'm
driving my
car around there's absolutely
no place
to park can I just double
parking and if
you ticket me it's cruel and
punishment are you homeless
no I'm talking about Mike I'm
taking the logic of the
argument that if
you can't there's no housing
there's no
way that these people could
find any
place to sleep or live then
they can just park themselves
they want well is that
different didn't
me double Park you want I can't
find a
parking so I think that's a
great idea
you next time you're up in
you're visiting the fam you
should try
that and let me know how that
goes for
you I will of course this is
it's crazy
but there you go
cholera awaits and the worst
part is
this happened three weeks ago I
found out about it now they
don't want
people knowing about this we're
obsessed with that so boring
the other
complaint sighs I saw some
complaints I don't like I liked
it when
we had more European news so I
got you
some good European news today
too but I
need to start with late and not
European news because it's all
Trump Trump and it's not it
appears that
way what we have in front don't
need to
get any Trump today I got one
maybe I am I got out of the
kind of
Trump and slurry news like this
is kind
of funny avenatti news is good
yeah the
here we go okay Michael avenatti
rocketed to fame two years ago
as the
attorney for porn star stormy
Daniels in
her lawsuits against President
Trump but
his meteoric rise was matched
only by
the speed of his catastrophic
fall today
a jury found him guilty of
attempting to
extort millions of dollars from
Nike by
threatening to go public with
that the shoe company was
paying high school basketball
Nike denied that claim and said
the verdict speaks volumes he's
in a bit
of a state of shock a vanadis
say he plans to appeal a vanadis
avenatti and he's a strong guy
obviously he's disappointed but
he's a
fighter avenatti used his fame
Daniel's attorney to dominate
spotlight as the excoriated
Trump for allegedly having an
with Daniels and then paying
her to
cover it up but for the fact
that he's
president he would be indicted
numerous criminal charges he
suggested he might run for
president but
now it's avenatti who faces
criminal charges in addition to
guilty verdicts for which he
could get
more than 40 years he is
accused of
defrauding Daniels in a book
deal and
defrauding other clients of
millions of
dollars avenatti has been held
bars since January for
violating his
bail conditions his attorneys
say he's
reportedly in the same solitary
confinement cell that held El
Chapo the
Mexican drug lord they say he's
treated like a caged animal
what a story
no no that's only half the
story CBS and
I'm glad you played that so
that I can
play you the compa lodge of the
lead up
to the the rise and subsequent
fall of
michael avenatti that's
somebody put
this together of course I've
cried free
beacon y'all I gotta love the
beacon they got nothing else
but time on
their hands and this does fit
in my rule of the media
boomerang if you
abuse the media for your own
gain it will eventually
back and hit you with at least
equal but
often multiple times the force
Donald Trump's worst nightmare
joining us once again is Michael
avenatti let's bring in Michael
Michael avenatti Michael
Michael avenatti thank you very
he's out there saving the
country maybe
the saving of the Republic if
you are
something of a folk hero now
avenatti an apology I've been
enough already Michael I've
seen you
everywhere what do you love to
say I was
wrong brother you have a lot to
say I am
just dying to hear what you
think as
people all like you I'm the
only person
right here Donald Trump fears
more than
Robert Miller we think you guys
are the
tip of this beer that's going
to take
down Donald Trump he's a beast
that's true he has a great
calling here that being a
lawyer is
minimal compared to what he's
doing no
one has talked tougher directly
Donald Trump on TV than Michael
and Donald Trump is afraid to
his name
that's fascinating Donald Trump
terrified of Mike 11 on the run
for his
anybody else Michael vanadis
threat to the Trump presidency
Democrats could learn something
for you
you are the mess of with drunk
a lot
more than they are he has no
created sheer panic and Donald
very fragile mind
Michael avenatti is laying down
the law
as just go home
really thinking about running
president one reason why I'm
taking you
seriously as a contender is
because of
your presence on cable news you
look at
the field of Democrats right
now and are
not each the one who stands out
if they
decide they value a fighter
most just
people just foolish to
underestimate my
glove and Adi we said that they
need a
fighter look I mean we're gonna
to use the media I think we've
used it
with great success all of my
fantasies involve handcuffs
therein lies a potential end of
show I
saw all of my sexual fantasies
handcuffs just putting it out
we'll see how how you feel
about that
why did he even say that he was
off the
rails he really thought he
could say and
do anything and thank God for
YouTube I
will say it YouTube truly is
much more
important than anybody realizes
not for
you know everyone to go on
there and
yelling left and right about
what they
feel or think
no it's for documenting the
because you can get almost
anytime pretty much on demand
and you
can see you can see the the
over weeks months years it's it
really a would say it but it
does need
to be protected it's an
resource for the world
otherwise how we
get all this they would never
get this
put together no sin Ponzi
youtubes and
you heard in there Joy Behar
over and
over and you also heard Nicole
O'Donnell there I mean it's
speaking of film actually I'm
I'm I'm
worried I'm a little worried
about our
fellow American citizens and
yeah and
this I think my my observation
of this
started and I believe I told
you about
this when was a young woman who
does my
she started off like you know
Trump you
know he's a dictator aren't you
that he won't leave the White
House even
if he loses or even at the end
of his
second term do you recall this
that oh
yeah there's a lot of again
then I
retorted with my common retort
to that
which is yeah they said that
about Bush
this is that about Nixon they
said that
about Obama yes yes there there
is and
by the way I believe your Lib
friends also say this or they
have they
mentioned the not leaving the
House bit oh you know I don't
have that
one document it's possible
maybe you can
throw that one out and you know
that grenade see what comes
back and I
think what's going you know
they've been
kind of on to me recently okay
I was
saddened and I think what's
happening is
the the leaders of the people
who really
I'm not gonna say the left but
just the
people who really despise Trump
and are
afraid of him for all the
reasons have
been mind-controlled to such a
that now they see that their
leaders and
and their leaders are Bill
Maher you
know the the view it's not it's
not polo
it's not politicians they look
to and I
know that people watch The Real
with Bill Maher and they I
think they're
seeing that there's despair and
broken and and and I watched
the the
reason I watched the Friday
episode was
because Amy Klobuchar was going
to be
the interviewee at near the
interview right but what
happened there
made me watch the entire show I
pulled a
couple of clips
it's really sad what is going
on here
listen to Bill Maher with Amy
so okay I'm gonna ask this
because I asked you to every
politician comes on here I'm
saying you
win okay you're wearing I'm
glad great
that's different then
him leaving mm-hmm that's what
I want to
know what is the plan and I
think we
need to start talking about it
because it's very hard for me
to imagine
you winning the popular the
vote fair and square and him
sending out
a congratulatory telegram great
day so
glad you won we had a good
match and let
me tell you where I keep the
you know
important papers he's not
leaving these
people are not going to give up
what is the plan if he says I
irregularities the people who
ran it in
Iowa screwed it up again
I have to stay it was rigged
already said this many times
what do you
do then the first thing you do
is now
you start now and that is to
win big
which I believe will help now
just don't
secondly come on you win all
states in the country sorry
friend to
say secondly you make sure that
we have
backup paper ballots you push
for that's
those are my bills you do
everything to
protect our last thing in the
era of
fake news okay and not there's
no facts
anymore it's just about power
you have
always had a peaceful
transition of
power and this always have had
we have
correct and no in a different
world you
have the people on your side
and in a
big way he has a lot of people
on his
side the ones with the guns I
think will
do this I think that the law we
hope for
what we have to unite on as a
country is
that the rule of law cannot
handle four
more years of a guy that thinks
above it tomorrow will you at
start asking the people in
power like
the police in the military what
you do if he said he wouldn't
would you at least ask start
asking them
get them on the record
this is sad that he's I don't
know if he
actually thinks this is like he
does he
sounds sincere and this ashamed
that she
didn't say bill you're acting
like an
idiot this is not gonna happen
whatever happened before and
why are you
thinking this way luckily when
he sat
down with his panel right by
the way
this Trump have his own army I
think so oh I think you need to
to some clips when he sat down
with the
panel which was comprised of
Van Jones
who I like I like Van Jones he's
interesting and he has
contrarian views
sometimes some other nudnik I
forget his
name and Katie Couric former
Today Show
a big NBC yes host of the CBS
she CBS what a flop of a way
why do I
think she was NBC she was
always CBS
no no she was Jonas yes Lord
her weigh
anchor and then she went to
Yahoo and
then we lost her for a couple
I'll give props to Katie Couric
she jumps in at the minute he
sits down
with the panel he starts again
and and
she kind of pushes back okay I
know I'm
the crazy person because they
say he's
not leaving I just were
obsessed with
this bill it's only our country
sorry I'm a little obsessed
what is what
has made you so focused on this
everything donald trump has
ever done i
laid it out a couple of weeks
ago he
said it in himself in 2016 he
said if
heath when he thought he was
gonna lose
it's rigged he doesn't accept
any I
guess the question I ask is in
where they pull that kind of
stuff off
the generals turn out to be
traitors I
have not seen any evidence yet
generals are actually
unpatriotic if
that happens I think we're in
bad I think America's military
would be
happy to walk in there and take
him out
you'll see
it's all great that we're so
happy with
the hypothetical bestowed
hoping and
smiling so you think okay that
might be
enough no no no he can back up
his his
fear he backs it up with
become back up his fear that the
military won't take Trump out
if he
refuses to leave okay so let me
let me
just say what the way dictators
over his they buy off different
you buy off the donor class
like with
tax cuts you buy off the
with getting rid of regulations
you buy
off the military you're right
with some
of them don't like him but he
gives them
everything they want a lot of
money goes
to the military and then
there's the
police here's what I don't
what he what he the list he
just gave
there that's how you win an
it's not how if you convinced
military to keep you in power
these are
all things that are very
obvious that
yeah people would like these it
they like their their forces
properly they want the police
but and that's to get them to
vote for
you but Marcy's that as none of
how dictators work he's bought
them all
off we'd bought him off I don't
exactly how it needs to be
checked out
Van Jones very erratic yes this
is what
I'm saying his problem the
sickness is
really gone too far Van Jones
back again he loses but he
won't leave
and then who gets rid of him
the police
this is the police well I mean
like I I
understand your concern and you
can bad
things happen to countries and
have taken democracy for
granted for
wait yeah we're not that
special exactly
and I think we forget a
republic is the most rare and
form of government around human
they almost never work right is
true no why would he even say
that what
I didn't quite understand what
is a rare
form because people don't like
because you can't
you things like Mars describing
literally can't stay in the
office if
you're kicked out or if you're
voted out
and not kick that butt voted
out they're
trying to kick him out you get
voted out
I mean why doesn't even you say
the same
well if he gets impeached and
guilty why did why doesn't he
stay then
- I mean it none of it makes
any sense
because the problem is the way
system works if he stays and AW
he's not
gonna stay in office and his
office is
not you know he's not could
maybe under
some nutball circumstance if
assuming he's crazy stays in
the White
House and they just wait him
out they
starve him out meanwhile
Congress does
its own thing it's passing
bills and
there's a the new president
signs the
bills and this all that it's
you know
everything else continues cuz
you can't
stop that process whether the
president's there or not I mean
Wilson was was it being a coma
for like
a year while his wife was
acting as
president the this is just
completely insane yes not a
system is a very very strong
system it's
just that people don't like to
it and fragile form of
government around
human history they almost never
fragile and that's and that's
why we
have to be to be vigilant but
about 90%
of police support Trump yes
and when he mentioned he says
outright he says we have the
people and then he mentions I
love this
the military the police and the
like like if you had the whole
military and the police that
wouldn't be
enough let's bring in the guys
Donald Trump knows about the
military in
which he refused to serve
because when
you think of Jim mattis when
you think
of general Kelly the so called
people Moline and and Marine
these are people everyone I've
known in
the military van is absolutely
they are sworn to uphold the
Constitution of the United
States they
are the most patriotic Americans
understand that the
Constitution is not
a formula for a dictator he
says that
Trump doesn't understand these
and he says he refused to serve
he didn't refuse to serve
refusing to
serve is refusing to service
I'm not
serving he got off on some
that's different so of course
these are
people everyone Gershon from the
Washington Post I think yeah a
nerd with
with glasses
funny-looking glasses yeah man
absolutely right they are sworn
uphold the Constitution of the
States they're the most
Americans understand that the
Constitution is not a formula
for a
dictatorship or point did I not
go back
far enough to catch that bit
the Washington Post thank you
good point
these are the same people who
have the
lie database on Trump just a
blatant lie
yeah it's a Constitution of the
States they're the most
Americans understand that the
Constitution is not a formula
for a
dictatorship or for a man to
extend it
we're also sworn to follow the
commander-in-chief there's a
chain of
command what is one thing it's
one of
the great achievements of
democracy that that our
military swear
allegiance to the Constitution
not to
the commander-in-chief and we
and we do
it all the way down didn't they
swear an
oath I'm sorry it was a brother
goes off
the rails with Bret Stevens
oh it's Bret Stevens in the New
Times yeah oh wow the exact
loans yes
thank you troll room although
he didn't
have to be a dick about it
wrong again thanks trolls yes
exact same
voice is the other guy cuz the
other guy
was just on news hour
well thank God and this would
be the
last one from the marsh oh thank
Van Jones brings everybody back
sanity kind of but already I my
head was
mic mouth was open watching
this like
holy crap he's saying with such
conviction this is not the Bill
Act he means this he he truly
has some
fear and you hear the audience
you can
hear a pin drop they're not
hooting and
hollering the whole time
they're like oh
they're worried entervan you
know the
thing I like about what this
conversation is this you you're
that the Democrats can win and
then he
won't leave gonna take when
you're first
part 44% of Democrats think the
Democrats will win no we can't
80% of
the Republicans think they will
win and
also I saw polls it's Bernie
Biden and
Bloomberg it's three 78 year
old white
guys so this is very depressing
people i but this is depressing
and a
lot of people watch Bill Maher
and a lot
of people have been sucked in
and I
think that they're seeing the
throwing up their hands saying
we're never gonna do we got all
people they're never gonna win
Trump is
never gonna leave we're in a
dictatorship and smart people
are are
going nuts enter my Lib dev you
have the
Lib joes I've got a Lib dev a
and I know him quite well he is
co-inventor of podcasting dave
winer and
his most recent podcast
included this
bit think he was talking about
Rachel Maddow Show but just
listen to
their being poisoned by these
shows it's
very concerning to me I don't
care if
you hate Trump hate I don't care
you're an American and you're
sick Rachel Maddow she
Timothy Snyder who was a Yale
who's written a couple books
about tyranny and about what
we're going
through and what history tells
us is
going to happen and how we
should fight
it and so she is very fixated
on now it
has happened and it's no longer
a threat
but we're living in a lawless
now and she's right we haven't
seen the
full effect of it we will each
of us
will and it may take a while
but we're
not going to get off this path
or not it really doesn't seem
like we're
going to get off the path we're
put in a good fight because
Bloomberg is
is the next thing after
impeachment as
you've got a guy with an
infinitely deep
pockets and the will to fight
and the
intelligence to do it
intelligently but
it's it's really it's probably
it's too
late because they'll stop him
they can
put him in jail and they will
put him in
jail or they'll deport him and
will go we live in exile
somewhere and
Hillary Clinton and anybody who
potential opposition to trump
either go into jail or will go
else so that's where we're
going this is
an illness and that's
concerning gonna
deport Michael Bloomberg
deported what
we're deport is any familiarity
anything that's realistic or
the law
itself or the Constitution or
country and yes yes of course
they do
they're very intelligent people
something has snapped
and it's think they're gonna
Michael Bloomberg do you said
it right
they've been poisoned they
continue to
be poisoned literally poisoned
their brain is being poisoned
is being
poisoned by Rachel Maddow he
named her
lawrence O'Donnell is a good
example he
was in that prominently
represented in
that last clip of avenatti
a bunch of them joy Behar's
another one
she was a big hater she had her
own show
for a while now she's on the
view and
she's terrible person she's the
same age
as Bernie I had a thought about
some of
this particularly when it comes
social media and it was just a
thought but it made some sense
to me you
know what what a lot of
forget or they I think people
in general
forget that we are the United
States and
the United States is you know
it's it's
different territories and when I
election of states yes not ik
not the
United people of America United
if you're in New York and if
you're from
New York and someone starts
about anything and I know that
from New York or there's
context that
like Dave Winer who lives I
think he
just moved upstate but he was
in New
York City for six or seven
years I have
a little more context about his
if if you know when you see me
Twitter which you will now
because I
changed my profile name you see
- Texas you know I'm in Texas
you know
I'm going to have a certain
view people
have forgotten this in it's
certainly on
social media so when someone
says yeah I
hate the Bulls you know you
know well
let's see where he's from you
know and
then you can maybe he's from
the from
Texas or maybe from Florida you
know the
Miami Heat whatever it is and
immediately have context but
because we
don't have that people
immediately just
start freaking out over shit
and I think
it should be mandatory and I've
done it
to put your place in your
profile name
the people have context what
saying I think it will actually
make a
little difference in the
online I think it'll make zero
difference because I don't
think people
understand the basics I don't
think a
person for who I mean Trump's a
example he's from Queens they
talk a
certain way there and he acts a
way the same isn't nez
Manhattan by the
way not though it not even
close and
Brooklyn is also different so
that's my
point he's from Queens which is
the real
middle-class kind of brag about
everything area where they have
a sir
patter a certain way of talking
very identifiable and it offends
everybody not from Queens right
but I
think it would be a little more
of people identified where
they're from
I don't think it would help
myself say
it again I like a difference
well I am a
social engineer so I'm thinking
it will
work you're hopeful is what it
is I have
compared found this very
depressing not
distressed Mars by the way if
Trump goes
blows in with a landslide in
2020 when
he's gonna have to quit they're
bring up the topic again what
if he
doesn't quit well you know it's
by the way now I wouldn't put
it past
Trump to do this just as a joke
comprise breath pass the law
we're gonna
run again yeah try to repeal the
amendment that prevents the
from running more than twice
and they'll
put you know somebody by the
way there's
a guy in Texas that puts that
in or a
couple of people Congress
people that
put that they were putting it
in during
the Obama administration yeah
of course
we heard the same it's exactly
the same
exactly the same I'm just
concerned I've
never seen people who I know our
intelligence smart learn 'add
I've never
seen this type of behavior so
it's I'm
not I'm not just calling the
shots I'm
not they didn't even say that
what they're thinking but it's
truly a and they are being
poisoned you
said it that was the best the
best way
to look at it that being
poisoned yeah
and of course it happens on all
but you know maybe people
hearing this
will uh will take note your
portable one of the reasons
that we do
this show is to try is who are
yeah well in some cases the
that's I think more than
anecdote than
the antidote yes so on the
other side of
course you know there's a how
sealed indictments there are
more than
100,000 yeah we're getting
close now
we're getting real close
Brennan showed
up because you know now we have
Durham report oh it's got all
its it's
the thousands of sealed the
hundreds of
thousands of sealed indictments
going to
jail Brennan shows up on I
think CNN or
MSNBC of course because he's
poor she's
paid unpaid on hardball and so
allegation is so by the way the
New York
Times at an interesting article
the allegation that and I'm
CIA knew what they wanted and
they just
kept poking and fishing and
until they got enough pieces to
together to to try and make this
collusion Russian collusion
stick and so
the in this piece the New York
actually buried buried the
that some of these stolen
emails that
have been recovered included
emails from
President Obama it's buried in
story which is of course it
should be a
huge one guys are corrupt
buried and but here's a Brennan
appearing on that Christmas
Matthews - of course laughs off
this nut
nutty investigation now the New
Times is reporting that the
investigation into the origins
of the
Russian probe itself also
appears to be
driven by Trump's political
according to people familiar
the US
attorney leading that inquiry
Durham it appears to be
pursuing a
theory that the CIA under its
director John Brennan had a
notion about Russia I was
trying to get
to a particular result and was
nefariously trying to keep other
agencies from seeing the full
however FBI and NSA officials
quote have
told mr. Durham and his
that such an interpretation is
wrong and
based on the misunder
how the intelligence community
let me ask you I mr. director
how do you
respond to this inquiry well I
it's kind of silly
is there a criminal
investigation now on
analytic judgments and the
activities of
CIA in terms of trying to
protect our
national security I'm certainly
to talk to mr. Durham or
anybody else
who has any questions about
what we did
during this period of time in
2016 and
so I don't know what I have not
I've not talked to him yet I
that I'm on his list of people
to be
interviewed but clearly I think
another indication that Donald
Trump is
using the Department of Justice
to go
after his enemies in any way
that he can
people are innocent until well
to be involved in some type of
activity words to live by words
to live
by mr. Brennan we'll play that
people are innocent until well
to be involved in some type of
activity yeah that's the
American Way
thank you John Brennan yeah so
the the
New York Times article
headlined Justice
Department is investigating CIA
resistance to sharing Russia's
now they've kind of made it
that well we
didn't want to share because
you know
you don't want anything to leak
that's a good one and the funny
and I
don't have a clip but I've
heard many
people say that this said this
investigator he's like some
dude from
Connecticut you know Trump
threw him in
there as like who is this guy
it's worth
looking up John Durham and he
is indeed
des was appointed in February
2018 to
the District of Connecticut
States Attorney but he's known
leading an inquiry into
allegations FBI
agents and Boston Police had
ties with
the mob that's the Whitey
Bulger case oh
yeah 2005 CIA interrogation
destruction that is the current
of CIA I was a Gena as it has
Paul now
what's her name yeah so that he
he's he's a crime buster he has
some significant cases
significant here
the whitey bulls also the also
torture investigation yeah the
you know
the enhanced interrogation now
doesn't mean that this guy
isn't you
know I mean I it sounds like
he's a guy
that can do the job yeah I'm
not so sure
that bar is clean I mean he I
seeing people saying oh no this
is great
he's gonna do it thousands of
indictment you know no bars dad
higher Jeffrey Epstein at the
school he
was principal of her director
I mean his connections with bar
Muller they worked together of
they did these are cover-up
artists he
works together eventually the
is who they're gonna have one
or two
were gonna go down and everyone
will be safe so there's gonna be
sacrificial lambs well since
you brought
this up I have one annoying
clip I must
get it other oh yes we love
it's annoying to me so I'm
watching the
PBS news hour and they have
shields and Brooks Brooks is
out he's
taking the day off and they put
the guy
from The Washington Post in who
thought was on the Bill Maher
because they have exact same
coincidentally there's a guy in
The New
York Times who you were called
out for
he was making the mistake even
it's my mistake and I should
mention the
fact that they have the exact
same voice
and they were the same goofy
they were
easy lessons music melee oh yes
so they're both the same kind
of guy but
so but shields at the very end
of the
thing I got a tube is a
two-parter but
and this will begin release
you've just played shields says
following this is shields the
worst this
is the worst part one PBS and
listen to this these guys and I
mark shields is 82 years old
he's an old
liberal he can't they can't get
this out
of their craw they can't get it
out of
their craw what is it play the
clip mark
just a few seconds a few
seconds Trudy I
mean his a man is pushing
to prosecute James Comey and
McCabe and intervenes for Mike
Flynn and
in for Roger stone why Roger
I think this open speculation
and very
Roger stones the one person to
could tie
Donald Trump to WikiLeaks into
Russians in the 2016 I mean
after all
that investment all that
investigation I
mean he that's what he did
that's what
he was lying about that's he
was the
intermediary and I think that
it's not
out of loyalty or affection I
think it's
out of vulnerability he's still
concerned with that 2016
election rather
than worried about 2020 there's
defined link between wiki links
WikiLeaks in stone is there
well yeah I
contacted him once and it's
possibly get
some some relationship but it's
nothing to do with anything
this is all
dreamed up the Russia collusion
they can't get it out of their
Trump is more concerned about
2016 and
2020 yeah right you think
that's true
what kind of nut are you
well he's spreading and you'll
get by
the way this guy is getting
paid good
money by PBS to spew this this
unbelievable paranoid garbage
this is
like this is conspiracy theory
to the
max it's unbelievable that this
would be
on the air and it's part of
these it's
it's like a virus it's part of
sickness he's spreading he's
part of it but listen to the
second part
and you can get a better clue
and you
get the resignation part of it
which is
what you've been observing the
resignation that were we're all
subject to this tyrant the
with the red hat Judy how about
how do
you feel if you're Susan
Collins if
you're Rob Portman if you're
Joni Ernst
and said oh yes we voted to
acquit but
he's going to change he'll be
he'll be chastened I mean if
this is
that this is the new chastened
Trump I
mean he's unburdened and
unfettered and
and scary
orange man bad very scary
it's I'm laughing but it's
really sad
it's the this is PBS these are
these are
people that matter when they
say stuff
by the way I didn't know he was
82 he
looks pretty good pretty spry
for 82
I'll give him that mr. shields
well no I
think he's erudite for 82 so
there you
have it I mean except for the
fact that
he's he's lost his marbles yeah
and he
can't think straight and he's
just a
trump hater and he when he
shaking when he talks about
Trump I mean
these guys are just there
unhinged well the what happened
the way
I see it is after the Senate
vote and
not guilty verdict then it was
everyone just went even though
they knew
it was going to happen I guess
still had some hope that maybe
you know
there were there was some
coalition and
maybe Mitt Romney even said hey
gonna do it let's see if I can
anyone else on board or what
happened they was the letdown
was much
larger than I expected it would
be for
certainly for media types I
mean I
watched Rachel Maddow I I mean
I did it
wasn't even clippable it would
take 30
minutes just for her to say
boohoo I
mean that's really what it came
down to
and it's it's it's distr a feel
bad let
me bet an element of your thing
you finish which is these are
the people
that are supposed to be
decoding things
for the public at large yes and
supposed to be doing it in an
way but they're so blinded by
their own
prejudice and bigotry that they
can't do
it no I mean they're supposed
to be the
ones telling us no here's
what's going
on and I go back to work I
think that's
what it's basically what the
news media
is supposed to do here's what's
going on
now you feel should feel better
you can
go back to work you know what's
going on
that's it but they can't even
do that
the simplest of jobs they can't
do it
meanwhile I believe it's only a
balloon but I pretty sure I
said that we
needed to be on the lookout for
to invite Hillary Clinton to be
his vice
president and that's exactly
what the
rumor was according to people
with the matter without which I
took -
there was a million tweets
about this
and they were going oh you guys
right I get some credit I guess
I don't
remember doing it but you did
they're going and then they
always play
the clip he says Michael bloom
Hillary she's once Hillary but
it but if
you read what actually happened
all the
reports say he's considering
yeah that's it's a trial but
mean anything I'm considering
but I'm not arguing that if
you've heard
what I said I'm not talking
about you
know I'm talking to the public
all jacked up about this it's a
balloon and I think it went over
reasonably well actually I
think it
really happened I think it okay
I think it went over pretty
well you're
not gonna get two people from
New York
well no that's that's actually
unbalanced it's not even
allowed I think
there's a there's a
constitutional issue
but being from the same state
okay I
heard that too but I don't see
evidence of it yeah besides
that she
just happens you know just take
a move
to bark and solve for that week
yeah but
it's beside the point there's
no way
that two New Yorkers we already
first of all doll these
liberals in
particular bitch and moan about
he's a New Yorker were they
gonna get to
now instead of one we had at
least we
had a little bounce with pence
from Indiana
thank you you're making my
point for me
it's ludicrous why is it
ludicrous look
at who is saying they're
unhinged they
have lost their minds I mean
here's to
contract well not contract two
clips one
from MSNBC one from CNN and
this is
really the the title of these
should be what are we gonna do
Bernie because they're already
and positioning what is going
to happen
now there were some changes
made to this
process the Democratic primary
whereas the super
delegates who are the elites
who screwed
Bernie over in 2016 they don't
come in
and tell a second round and no
one has
explained exactly what that
means but
from what I understand you have
to have
your 15 hundred delegates or
the exact number is if you
don't have it
then it goes into a round of
chat and if
we don't if we don't fix it
then we go
into around another chat but
that's when
the super-delegates come in and
so the
the goal of course is to have
super-delegates or the elites
determine who's going to run
for the
Democratic Party that's that's
what it
it's look at look at who these
super-delegates are so here's a
Todd cast and the panel talking
Bernie this is a part of the
that we never had to worry
about four
years ago I think the question
what if we get to the
convention and
Bernie Sanders does not have
near a majority but he has a
he has thirty five thirty seven
of the delegates and he goes to
convention says I want more
than anyone else I have more
than anyone else
I dare you to deny me you don't
super-delegates anymore you
don't have
the members of Congress who
would be the
elders I mean that was exactly
the oh my
goodness and that was Andrea
that's Andrea Mitchell saying
this elder
totally she and her hubby
Greenspan they
are yeah they're both in their
80s and
they're at both elders they
themselves to be the the
village elders
they will take care of it but
now it's
after wait a second round let's
see how
CNN does 60 remember the last
nominee to
go in who actually had the
majority was
John Kerry if you remember 2008
had to send her votes over the
thing happened 16 Sanders
Henderson the
last one who's actually gotten
this on
the first ballot
people forget he's John Kerry
in 2004
but of course the change in
relative to super-delegates not
a say on that first ballot this
time but
having a say for the subsequent
if it comes down
to that this is more of a
mythical thing
on these super-delegates surely
but let me say if someone goes
in and
has the most delegates and the
super-delegates change that
that's a
yeah but that's exactly what's
happen and well I think you're
they're setting us up for this
yep that's why they're
discussing it
almost exactly the same way as
some memo went around as often
happen so they're setting us up
so that
so the convention they expect
to be a
brokered convention
now I wonder you know I think
Bernie can
be went out right but not if
gonna keep it not a Bloomberg is
involved this is the guy that's
screw things up for everyone
yeah he's
coming he's not gonna debate
cuz he
probably can't debate if we were
advising him we tell him not to
do whatever you can to not
bankroll don't do it yes and
though somebody was talking
about in
Virginia where he's also
dropping lots
of money for his campaign he's
running those Obama ads which
is the
ones he's running those a lot
here it
looks like he's vice president
president hilarious well we
have the now
already and I hate hate to
burst your
bubble we'll know by Tuesday
Biden is
not going to win South Carolina
just not and I can tell you
that the
main problem is again the
Michael Bloomberg he is out
there with
Mike for black America I mean
huge huge
signs he's meeting a boss
Mike Mike for blacks whoa Mike
way to go
and by the way I want to
mention I was
white watch the mic for blacks
uh-huh and he in the
backgrounds all
blacks a blue baby one Chicano
and then
I better start noise in the
I'm talking about
I just want to savor that you
said the
blacks are one Chicano it's
just an era
love John that's a guy and
there was all
blacks and they're all like
Adam you
know there's a lot of a
they're all little older I saw
a lot of
whites in the Blackfoot America
- a lot
yeah I was gonna take em up and
take a
screen shot I might look at it
again but
the one that really got me cuz
started noticing the
backgrounds and I
don't know if it was I think it
Regan who first started doing
this and
their speeches where they would
put a
background of people were
saying every
used to do but you never saw
that with
Kennedy Nixon eisenhower nobody
man but
Reagan started to make it more
business you put the background
back here yes he started by
military and then he just made
everyday people and Trump is
taking it
to the next level
Trump always has at least four
women who
are attractive or at least
catch your
eye not wearing the women for
shirt got it they got a trump
hat and
they got a Trump Trump sure
they have a
Trump sign maybe there's
usually one
blonde who's pretty
good-looking and
she's right there and give you
round his head so you have and
rightfully so it's much better
than you
know exactly so and there's a
others usually and they're just
enthusiastic and they're been
they're very tend to be and
often quite
pretty so I checked out
Bernie's group
behind him I'm telling you if
you look
behind a Bernie thing this last
one in
particular it's everybody's
over 70 and
they're all old farts it's like
I should
own ton of old farts and old
and they're all behind Bernie
their fists every time Bernie
says we
got to stop the 1% I have a
clip from
Bernie's little thing here
which is
where I saw these battle-axes
hold on
let me play a little jingle why
there any say no I don't that's
wrong one I'm sorry never mind
mind my jingle but what was it
gonna be
what it was we had a song I
can't find
don't worry don't worry about
it we'll
just keep going
well I don't see the Bernie
except on
here you don't see it no well
then well
why don't you let me just while
maybe looking no I'm looking
and looking
I'm not seeing it on here well
I just
wanted to say that
Bloomberg is going all out he's
as you
said he's got he's got the ads
he's vice president to Barack
Obama and
he's getting endorsements
ADIS former Columbus Mayor Mike
Mike a big endorsement for
Bloomberg who has ignored early
States and focused on states
like Ohio
former mayor made sounds like
she could
be it's his past relationship
with Bloomberg's experiences
mayor of
New York that has him sold on
billionaire candidate the thing
being a mayor you're the
closest to the
people people pick up the phone
come to you they say this is my
this is what's going on but it's
Bloomberg's time as mayor that
has drawn
criticism from voters
particularly the
city stop-and-frisk police
policy that
disproportionately impacted
people of
color I think it's a fair
criticism but
you know the true test of
leadership is
to own up to your mistakes
and to take responsibility for
mistakes you've made in the
past but
some don't think he owned the
soon enough it took years after
his time
in office for Bloomberg to
apologize for
the practice Coleman says he
wishes the
apology came sooner but still
it's a sincere one and believes
african-american voters who any
Democratic candidate will need
in 2020
should feel the same not only
has he
owned it he has said we're
going to go
after the african-american vote
we're going to make a
difference in
african-american communities in
positive way there was one
little bit of
know if you found the clip yet
one bit of David remember
producing it I
just don't have an on happens
so one bit
of data and I tried to clip it
Giuliani on its
when elses podcast but just
forget about
it it was not where to be 20
minutes and
you still wouldn't get what
he's saying
Giuliani started stop question
and frisk
in New York City and it was very
and the numbers are is what's
interesting the contrast between
Giuliani and I was in New York
Giuliani cleaned it up and I
did a
fantastic job it was stop
question and
frisk and they stopped and
questioned a
hundred thousand people in a
year and
fifty percent indeed had a
weapon on
them were in the process of a
committing a crime or you know
had some
reason to actually be frisked
subsequently taken in fifty
percent and
that was a very successful
program when
Bloomberg came in he started it
from stop question and frisk to
stop and
frisk and no one remembers that
was stop question and frisk in
fact I
think that's one of the
egregious parts
of Bloomberg's tape is that he
said you
gotta throw him against the wall
cuz he's you know he's a
horrible person
thinking that yeah but the
numbers is
what bothers me the numbers
went up to
600,000 people stopped and
frisked in
New York on an annual basis but
only 10%
so marginally a little bit more
than the
hundred thousand would stop
question and
frisk but he just threw it all
the wall totally harassed
citizens and
and really got the same results
but but
six times as many altercations
the law enforcement and citizens
Bloomberg is a dick he does not
he is
the Nazi does not now think
it's their
Savior he does exactly he
doesn't give a
shit about anybody I don't
think he
cares about anybody no matter
what color
they are it's just that you
know they
stop drinking sugary drinks cuz
you know
I gotta tax you because you're
too dumb
he also took salt off the table
if you
remember this because you're
too dumb to
regulate your own diet stupid
people dumb that's that's who
now all Gd about very
disturbing it's
more than disturbing and they
see him as
a great Savior cuz he's got
deep pockets
he's got money yes that's the
worst way
is definitely again again we
have to
stop for a split second and
realize that
a lot of this slant is because
of the
money and because of the media
because of the media's need for
money absolutely so we may be
you know
fooling ourselves with his
seemingly what it is because
media's gonna push the guy
promote the
guy because the media gets some
money he
has single-handedly raised the
price of
advertising rates around the
country yes
he's buying up time left and
right and
now if he goes to a couple of
or yeah I guess he'll be in a
he's gonna be in the county and
he just
bombs out and he's just as I
have done
it's just a waste of my money
pulls out
the roof will cave in and the
heel would
be explore you well you know
what what
everyone is hoping is that he
continue just like in 2018 and
when he
poured one hundred at least a
million dollars into 24 House
races and
23 of them flipped from
Democrat to
Republican I mean it can be
done I mean
from a Republican the Democrat
it can
absolutely be done he Americans
I love
us but we elect our leaders by
representatives the same way we
buy our
washing powders like I saw that
together I was talking to I
works I was
talking to my Mexican friend
Mexican met
well he's he's he's not
American yet but
he's Mexican and I always and I
like to say okay so what's got
you know
I'm Jose he was it the way they
say Jose
what's going on who were people
about he says well
Mexicans and and that's our in
language that means illegals in
construction business in Austin
they don't they don't like
Trump they do
not like Trump says
mexican-americans he
says like my son yeah they kind
of have
some not everything but they
like some
trouble and I said okay how
about Bernie
yeah young people are excited
but older
people not so say how about
Bloomberg yeah Michael
Bloomberg yeah I
hear good things
how about Pete Buddha judge who
I said
Pete Buddha judge no I said the
gay guy
no no it hasn't even heard of
so Bloomberg come with the
amount of
advertising and exposure he's
been able
to purpose he is already beyond
Buda J
in my of course my completely
but very small he was
representing a
whole a slew of people Chicanos
I hear they're they like to be
so I mean I really think blew
things got legs and they're all
in and
that they're hoping and I don't
so a
long way to say I think there
is real
consideration for Bloomberg
Hillary I
know you disagree with me but
unhinged in any other way so
why would
this be so crazy to think that
wouldn't go all in for anything
to get Trump out because if we
even if we do we need a strong
who will then dragged him from
the White
House he's some bruisers to get
him out
of there and with that I'd like
to thank
you for your courage and say in
morning to you the man who put
the C in
Chicanos John curry also in the
our ships to see boots on the
feet in the air
subs on the water and all the
Dames a
nights out there in the morning
to our
trolls in the troll room there
at no
agenda stream calm little
brazen today
but at least let me see how
many do we
have in there this is the
weekend and oh not bad 1350
trolls I
mentioned the newsletter scan
of a
four-day holiday yes it is with
Presidents Day tomorrow and and
I guess
in some places people actually
Valentine's Day Off I'm not
with this but I know people
take it off
you know people take it off
yeah I mean
I used to do that you take the
day off
again making a for a day
take a sick day and you know
the fellow
sick day okay my god you know
there is
no coincidentally I'm always
taking my
sick days off just before
weekend there is a controversy
controversy controversy with
the art for
episode we've seen well allow
me to read
what came in so we chose a
piece of art
which we both liked I'm ready
oligarchy the choice is clear
there is
none and it was a known to look
like a
original piece we didn't
actually check
it we often will well you can
imagine I
got a note from comic strip
blogger duh
correct at this 14th February in
Eurotrash continent now but
was unlucky number day so I was
submitting artwork yesterday at
however I've noticed that
awkward that
one is 100% stolen not even
mash up
proof it links to it so you can
giving credit to the thief I
myself am
creating original art using two
apps for
iPad and I use elements from
for mashup do not give credit
funny he
got credit for that that their
art some time back where they
had the
Santa Claus if you remember
that well
interestingly this came from a
titled called Liberty mechanic
Liberty maniacs calm and I got
a tweet
this say right after the comics
blogger tweet it says hey this
art is
taken from my brother site
maniacs calm but we're both no
listeners so it's very meta
value for
value so that that blew my mind
kind of
I tried to get ahold of McCall
is the
artist McCall and he I never
got B never
got back to me I told him what
wouldn't wanted to do was you
know it
was a mistake yeah and we would
plug his site
Liberty maniacs commies a
libertarian by
the way and he was sued over
that art
because he actually fought for
it yeah
I'm sued by the Hillary campaign
because it's derivative of one
of the
campaigns for Hillary and but
they won
or the there was no no as far
as I can
tell is one of those two hollow
sued it
was a threat yeah yeah but but
they were
what I liked about it is first
of all
now the the the art is credited
to chai
boo desh and you know that
remains still
this way that should change
that I just
looking at chai boo dishes other
submissions you know I think we
looked at and said well it kind
of hit
the mark with this one the
other ones
yeah yeah comic strip bloggers
make one point he said he
looked at his
other works is just generally
artists have a style hmm and
it's very it's a big style that
has a
lot of range and sometimes
usually they
don't have much range the style
usually pretty straightforward
and and
if they then so they make their
they get
theirs are chosen because of
they hit
them they hit it on the mark
was within
their style yeah this guy's
style is not
this no no it was it was all
and that's
what comic strip bloggers said
he knows this too which is the
style is
everything and so he said this
is not
this it's not the same guy and
okay well
we are sorry about that error
it doesn't
happen just happened twice I
think or
three times but what I like the
most is
that a these guys like hey no
problem by
the way we're both no agenda
like wow I mean no now we're
bad a
nationwide I love that well it
can even
make sense because I think I was
surprised when I saw the art
gooo I went
to their website I said this
guy should
be no agenda listeners or this
yeah exactly
and lo and behold there you
have it well
we'll put that what poster it's
even you
look it up it's Liberty Liberty
calm Liberty maniacs they got a
lot of
nice shirts they do they do
yeah oh wait
anyway no agenda art generator
you talked to Paul co2 er
recently I'm
trying to get a high note
somebody could not get on their
account yes I know Paul might
be out of
commission at the moment so
will I
haven't heard I've been
concerned about
the art generator and I'm going
to raise
my concern again as people can't
register new accounts they can't
participate it's it's hurting
the show
yes so we need someone to take
that into
consideration yeah Paul will be
back I
hope so
it comes in and out of
commission every
so long all right why it's it's
a great
resource no agenda are
generated are
comments it's important to the
to the
show so I hope that we can
worry I'm
sure people be happy to help
him or take
over some admin duties switched
from Drupal to something else
and I
think it should get probably a
glitch go
please don't even go there with
me your
glitch a glitch
well so no general generated
our comm is
one of the many ways that
contribute to the value for
network that's how the show
runs I mean
be impossible to pay artists
hey I want
15 guys to pitch us for the
artwork yeah that would not key
just like you know we don't
toss stuff
over our shoulder to be edited
someone else or edited at all
you got to do it yourself
that's the
only way to survive in this
business a
little tip pro tip pro
podcaster tip you
got to do it yourself if you
want to
survive we also like to thank
executive producers and
executive producers who come in
their higher donations for the
and we mention them more at the
beginning of the show pretty
much like
credits of a Hollywood
blockbuster which
each episode of the No Agenda
show is so
who can we thank as our
producers for today it's at
least as
long as a blockbuster the
Irishman ya
Irishmen is maybe half hour
longer yeah
Sean McColl and Bloomington
starts us off at 333 dollars
and 33
cents he's got a note here RI
tweeted at him regarding a
oh did we get to steal their
art but
they gave us mine life is good
America this is only on the new
show and probably only in
yeah I'd say I'm overdue for a
contribution so I thought now
was a good
time to show that there's no
ill will on
this end in fact I'm sure a
plug of a
noun announcer voice Liberty
calm here is easily far more
than any paid ad on the social
feed bags
like a blurry vision today yes
you guys
have brought together our best
into a text group who all
listen to no
agenda and talk about the BS
news that
said I like to call out Mike
I'm sorry
that was Mike Colin I think
Mike is the
guy it was the artist Scott aka
provided the show art a few
weeks back
so I think that counts as value
value so he's not gonna call
him out
thank you both for the
persistence and
sanity it's changed our lives
for the
better Shawn in Bloomington wow
so nice Shawn thank you thank
you very
much so so nuts and adding
producer to his credit list for
and we really appreciate it
thanks for
y'all being cool curiously John
and sunrise Minnesota nuts is
next Oh
300 with the same amount of
money huh
33333 very strange random
number theory
ITM chances are early second
donation on
the road to the round table two
of the way there I produce show
and had planned to wait till
summer for
my next installment but when
the well
when the men are dumb bird yard
receipt receipt hit three three
3.33 I
knew it was time
there's a lot of stuff well a
lot of
people and they'll often tweet
when they get a table 33 you
parking spot 33 receipt every
time yeah
it's it's usually a sign from
universe yes say hey those guys
doing No Agenda they need your
help yep
anyway he says he's digging the
of the sweet and sour sickness
oh here
it is this is what I read it
kind of
missed the Euro updates maybe I
the Euro updates there you go
maybe Adam
needs to make a trip filling
out my
nephew's already gone too much
Kurt and
Matt is douchebags two of them
needed health karma from my dad
and f
cancer for Becky top it all off
with a
China is asshole and a just
send your
cash I love you guys keep up
the good
pitch in slaves Sean Waldorf
Esquire I'm
trying to I think it's not just
your cash it's haven't played
that one a
long time isn't it water yeah
blanks I don't remember this
Bush fight
under play no but I what if I
find it anymore
no no this never happened no
let me do
the look for that now that's
completely gone I don't know
happened to it well let's do
the here we
you've got karma it's gone
Dennis Garcia's next on the
list we'll
get back to that one later
33333 is in
San Francisco
I'm turning 33 today February
15th and
decided to get myself a no
producer ship thanks for all
the media
deconstruction you do you keep
amygdala small and healthy
contribute I'm sorry please
continue to
keep an eye on Europe there
you're going
number two right after the
other one
this is again conspiracy no
France in
particular is having a rough
time I do
have a France clip of one that
no wonder
we'll deal with this guy
actually I did
I killed like I pulled a couple
Europe clips to the protests
stopped since the yellow vests
to demonstrate I'm also
becoming a
knight see accounting yeah I
think he's
on the list I would like to be
known as
Sir did pronounce deed sir deed
sir deed
data janitor of the Noe Valley
can I
have some rib eye and Bourgogne
at the
round table also you need some
relationship Karma is it
Bourgogne or
Bourgogne that's poor golden
we're going
yeah we're going this burgundy
you want
some burgundy money what some
Pinot ok
ribeye him we're going I
thought you
said oh yeah ribeye amber goon
poor go I
have to remember this stuff
because I
got to serve it at the table
for them
yes relationship karma of
course you can
have that you've got karma by
the way
regional pronunciations may vary
it could be Bourgogne somewhere
but I
don't then just think so in
hmm whatever in Bordeaux they
the t's that the French
Normandy don't
speak so when you say you get
if you go when I first went to
they decks you can speak French
it's the
70s can I be just H cross tank
you know
what I mean 30 you know 5 yeah
constantly which said they
would look at
you and stare at you and they
do the
typical French correction
taranta saying
oh really I learned Tong sank I
look like everybody that's
Parisian and they needed the
in Bordeaux in fact when I
first was in
Bordeaux I'm driving around a
rented car
that I rented in Paris that I
drove down
to Bordeaux and so I'm driving
you know being told to say
taranta and
yeah so you're clearly your act
driving around
urgh well no I'm David running
me off
the road left to right these
guys are
punking at me and just give me
finger I'm thinking a terrible
I was talking to one of the
Boyne guys
Darren he says I was expressing
disgust with the drivers he
says really
says people don't drive like
that around
here and then he looks at my
cars oh
you've got Paris plates there's
a day
our DS won't number at the
beginning of
the place where the where the
cars from
and I had I was driving around
a Paris
car and so they that's why yes
by the
way I found this danger cash I
even remember that one it's not
the one
I was looking for but we have
so much we
do remember we do have associate
executive producers in the
first one is
Jacob forest wait he needs the
relationship Karma oh yes Denis
Denis Garcia Denis Denis I
guess one
but it says in Denis that might
relationship Karma with the
goat twist
like they could be appropriate
you've got my pronounced
innocently is a
guy yeah yeah cup forest or
Forester - 6-9 6-9 Jake
Forester Hebron
Kentucky jingles don't eat me
Bo Jayden
we must eat the babies that
pretty good China is asshole
this is the
clip see once random L go car
me got too
many clips we don't actually we
actually have and eat the
babies I so it
never was nice so it's a minute
50s so
oh yeah don't eat the baby snow
it's out
I'm sorry I can't can't do that
John is
my first Oh John where's that
Oh Adam
and John I see Adam and John
this is my
first donation and thus I would
like to
be properly deduced we can do
you've been deduced when I
pronounced it
deduced deduce ah I was hit in
the mouth
this past summer by my brother
night-night who is a douchebag
as I have yet to hear him
donate since I
began listening wait a minute
he's a knight how can he be a
I don't understand sir knight
clearly is not a douchebag
right but he
asked his brother's called him
out so
you better run it and then let
him fight
the two also called my future
brother-in-law boo Vasquez as a
douchebag months ago and have
yet to
hear from him in the in a form
of a
donation get it on men anyways
as a
newer listener I truly enjoy
all the
info Sain meant you both
provide on both
Thursdays of the week at first
I was a
bit confused on the inside
jokes and on
topics however he picked up on
the word
agree he's got it more I
listened and
the easier it was to catch on
one item I
still struggle with are the
numbers if you could make any
time to
expand on this I would greatly
appreciate it a few things that
okay a
few things I enjoyed the most
it's a
long story
now a few things I enjoy the
most about
the ins and outs of the show or
the way
Adam says the word major no I
stole it
from you
John John butchering in a
European name
no no it pretty much any name is
although before I began to show
a decade
ago or more I prided myself
with the
ability to pronounce almost
anything and
and I have to say that when I
hear you
mention kind of offhandedly odd
a little blurry today I'm happy
I'm like
oh this will be great can't
wait to hear
how you read stuff and the non
community that the show has
cultivate I truly believe that
this if
there are more No Agenda
listeners the
world would be a much better
place we
agree by the way totally I am
trying to
spread the word about the show
as much
as I can I recently shared
animated na
to my dad and and my manager
Trump's 16000 lies according to
the wopo
they both enjoyed the
commentary and the
visuals provided by dame
Jennifer I
figured I can ease them both in
this way
ease them both knew the show I
listened to any other podcast
before but
I am so grateful my brother hit
me in
the mouth so I can enjoy the
podcast in the universe
according to the
molar report nice catching on
thanks thanks Chris my 2020
goal is to
gain knighthood and attend a
meetups are all over to attend
one as
soon as you can please keep up
the good
work and Jeffrey Epstein didn't
himself okay so we don't have
the must
eat babies and but I think
everyone else
everything else I can do for
you so
thank you very much Jacob and
ESP ICT you've got Sean Sean
Browns next
up 234 dollars the newsletter
me to empty my PayPal account
not worse
finally yeah I have been
listening for
years and never donated hmm
keep up the
great work and thank you Thank
You Sean
from Salt Lake City thank you
so much
he's not green McClane he
didn't ask for
addy douching so I guess we
just leave
that as it is yeah well if you
did me
maybe he doesn't want one okay
what I have to assume Zachary
and Cottage Grove Minnesota
nuts 22222 a
lot of Minnesotans and today
listening for stories about a
me feeling
inadequate ITM feeling
inadequate not
donating in a few weeks go
chefs like
what's that jingle go chef we
don't have
a ghost chef jingling no no he
just says
go chefs then he says jingle :
okay he
just throws that in because he
it was funny
deep fake John there goes the
doesn't exist
oh wait there is one no that's
that's not true I'm whole deck
let me check there goes this
effort only
seven cars though oh my god
that's he
really wanted that that's the
deep fake
of Peterson yeah Peterson yeah
Bernie I have all the power the
power or
the present joke one that's a
good way
yeah it's a good we have a big
about that one I did for him to
mixture last show and a real
time mud
flex check from Jon hold on oh
they're bigger than ever there
like the tide must be out oh
torille it's just mud mud
everywhere all
you can see is I might a black
yet to claim and we'll wait not
necessarily I preached the scam
of tests
by the way you can wait all you
that doesn't mean you're a
Black Knight
I preached the scam of Tesla on
freedom to the Zero Hedge Elon
killed Epstein yeah
do we need to disclaim that
this so we
don't get sued by the thing so
by the
estate something like that
zombies the
high humor yes it is indeed
high humor
no jingles no no karma got one
for you all of the power yes
you do yeah
you do burning also wanna dig
the jingle
- I play Zephyr I played it oh
you play
but you played it in line is
linearly ok
good enough
Joe no brother no joke bisetti
Alba ceci
you make pitches a little
- oh five ten I'm excited to
take part
in the Dame driving gift my
wife or Dame
hood on the No Agenda nation
nice lady
Cara of the Wicca POG is an
mother wife and I'm quite happy
to have
her at the round table pickles
sticky green at the round table
what's sticky green I don't
know hmm
okay from doesn't say I'm
probably some
locals I'm putting in the order
now there's $150 for the Dame
accounting below and 5510 for
the make
Chris Wilson a dude I'm sorry a
Drive it was these songs are
ready Chris you keep them track
keep track of this Chris I mean
otherwise you're never gonna
get it I
would like to ask a few
questions and
hopefully add some content I
saw a
headline on Fox News that the
company of the flight where
Kobe died
was not cleared for the
weather is this real we did a
thing on this and Adam I think
it probably better than anybody
in the
news networks especially Fox
seems to me
if you're cleared to fly weather
shouldn't matter since it can
sneak up
on you mid-flight okay yeah
you should listen to that
because the second part of your
sentence there means you try
listen or understand it no they
did no
actually we don't have the
number handy some in the
chatroom might
it's they did not it's a part
135 which
means they can do helicopter
but not on instruments and that
pretty much 99% of all
transport companies or really
ones that
operate and lease them out they
have that so yes but it doesn't
why you need to listen to it
because the
situation that took place it was
mistakes were made way before
he got
into the weather you don't just
get in
weather and like oh I'm on
I'll live No so and there are
issues with this many a nature
customers in that service that
was the
most interest yes exactly that's
something you don't we don't
consider I
must ask for clarification he
regarding your explanation of
of a versus being a rhesus show
thought dimension a was FoxNews
believers in the mentioned be
with CNN
and MSNBC no dimension a is
reality dimension B is is
unreality and
it could be on fox news it
could be on
CNN all of those people are
over in
dimension B dimension B can be
crazy on
both sides of the political we
that out quite all the time but
there is
a base reality this the you
know the
reality isn't the show teaching
us to be
straddlers know if anything you
want to be a straddler of the
you want to be subtly in the
dimension okay
is this not right no in a
dimension segment you made it
seem like
the show was dimension a and
the m5m is
dimension B
yes yes there you go you got
that part
what if someone came to your
door one
day and had proof that they
were your
brother or sister would you
slam the
door in their face after saying
do you
know where your data is now
slave what
is this
de sentence that I were reading
wrong what if someone came to
your door
one day and had proof they were
brother or sister would you
slam the
door in their face after saying
do you
know where your data is now
it's like
I'm not quite sure this mad
thing has to
do with the 2023 and me maybe I
have no
idea what it means
anyway I I wouldn't say that
anyway this
concludes my questions the last
one were
pretty odd and we'll you just
having you
straddle this concludes my
I'll leave you with the fact
that I love
this podcast both facts too
just going
back to the question about the
numbers now we didn't actually
that the 33 is the magic number
and we
just noticed a long time ago
whenever something was weird in
the news
30 the number 33 is always
mentioned for
no apparent reason and you just
start to
notice it cropping up now
there's also
42 which is the most important
number in
the universe for that I I point
you the
answer to everything in the
everything the universe thank
you for
that I point you to the
Guide to the galaxy and there's
also 11
and 7 which are lucky numbers
and K is
the Chinese lucky number yeah
so an 88
is even more lucky eight eight
eight is
even more lucky an eight eight
eight is even more like the
place in Hong Kong or sold for
of dollars with those numbers
on there
so the interesting thing about
is once we started doing value
for value
it didn't take long before
started sending codes in their
numbers yeah such as Jews like
to send
something with 18 in it very
lucky for
them and they do that at you
weddings at bar mitzvahs bat
it's like 18 dollars and 18
cents you're
pretty stingy but okay
so everyone has a relationship
to a
number and when it's an
executive or
societal and that is often
explained to
us why that is important
exactly and we
are all when we start noticing
it was it
like there's a pension for
amongst listeners of the show
and every
users really everybody has
with and everybody in the world
has a
favorite number is probably
true but we
exploit it that's right we
just be honest about we exploit
and with and it's turned out to
work out
which is even more interesting
people like they like these
anyway and then if you get a
bill for
$33.33 yes tell that cause the
it's the trigger yep Christiane
Allen is
her last associate executive
I'm assuming pronouncing that
maple ridge BC $200 my Tristan
is 16 on
Monday and he and has asked me
to donate
snow agenda I did this last
year for him
as well yeah helping him work
knighthood he and I both love
No Agenda
and he would donate on his own
if he was
working hello is his letter I
love this
and I please have some Karma
for me and
my family as well if I'm if it
is all
right a few jingle requests
they are
rubble Iser George Clooney's
the spy and
Vladimir's don't worry be
happy' on a
Putin also please add me to the
list as my birthday's on Monday
you so much for the great
podcast you
produce every week twice I I'll
be checking on Wednesday or
Saturday to
see if there's a new episode
because I
always look forward to
listening it's
always a new episode I'm always
about topics not covered in the
news or
in school either for that
matter I like
know how old our friend is here
turn 16
but Oh a 16 dog yeah I want to
thank my
parents are being the best I
could ever
ask for always being there from
and teaching me important life
without them I wouldn't be here
and I
wouldn't I would have very
direction in my life well yeah
nice just keep up the amazing
work sign
Tristan there you go yeah we do
have we
do have one make good I wanted
to read
did he guess for jingles yes he
did and
I'm I'm looking for the number
the rubble eyes are out it's
another one
of the oh that one yeah that's
a good
one yeah it's a good one if I
could find
it what the heck is going on
with me
today that doesn't know that's
and even
if I'd look for rubble Iser I
got lots
of rubble but I don't have them
name something weird I know
that seemed
like I feel really stupid now
anyway uh
I will work on the other ones
first what
do we have and you wanted a
karma George Clooney is a spy
at that
yeah and don't worry be happy'
got that
and George Clooney is a spy
something's wrong I mean even
the the
Clooney is a spy bit was the
wrong one
what is going on did someone
touch my
machine it wasn't me
Mars aren't that long you have
one make
good donation notary which is
from 1216
miss Jamie see she's I'm
writing this
note because the donation show
mine was a $214 $0.33 donation
apparently lost its
accompanying note
apparently paypal does not like
a line
of emojis followed by Cliff
version of war and peace and
this was a
night that she's on the
knighting list I
checked and she's meant to be
night it
on but she's gonna be knighted
today if
and she wanted to be a Black
Knight but
that's not our fault so it
wasn't she
doesn't get it I told her that
okay you know I'd just be the
lady of
the highway anyway given the
government's having classified
a 40-ton vehicle amid a sea of
it of
insane 4-wheel drivers
hell-bent on
killing themselves a safety
function thus making me
eligible for
random drug testing I hereby
sausage and sauerkraut at the
okay sausage and salad I think
we've had
that before at the round table
no maybe
it makes sense this was just a
classic I
also have two questions for
Adam okay in
the propogate jingle why do
they say new
water order I think they say
new world
order that's what I thought
hearing new water so I think
you I think
you're miss hearing and when
you give
karma with the twist of goat
what part
of the goat are you twisting to
use your
imagination yeah you can tell
by the
sound hello inquiring minds
want to know
know jingles but I could use
patience Karma for dealing with
suicidal four-wheelers out
there running
the i-35 through the
construction in
Austin it's the war
yes it really just gave the
highway yes
no and she isn't she a ham as
well but
yeah she says 73 yes 73 k5 ACS
still not able to find that the
darn rub
Eliezer it's really bothered
but I did
find the correct clooney and
she wants a
karma which is still i just
want to play
the clooney one since we didn't
have the
right one
does she need anything else for
make good just like karma good
karma was
it goat karma or no I know she
say goat Karma okay so let's
stop the
show for a second and ask you
what was
it what was it labeled what
would change
I found it and I also found out
why I
couldn't find it and this is
this is a
good tip for everybody
this is this is yes a good tip
will alt and oh this is legacy
people just are just like what
are these
guys like are you with the
Fugees you're
just gonna repeat everything I
legacy legacy clip yes it is
if you send me a clip please
leave the
spaces if you're going to in
the in the
file name a lot of people will
underscores or at all that's
like hackers so you do that
each word is
capitalized so the reason why I
find this is I'm looking for
the string
and of course this is regular
expressions that I'm using and
in order
to get some reasonable hits and
not a
huge list I know it's like
number station but this is all
together no agenda number
station all
you know all one word so I will
that now after I play it
33 3333
Rob Eliezer out that's what it
was and
that does happen so then if you
just I'm
looking for whole words when I
do went
that's the way the search is
set up so
long way of saying hey just uh
descended to me with spaces
spaces are
valid characters no nowadays
not on
paypal but otherwise yes
that'll be very
nice anything else with that it
no I
wanted you know we want to
thank all
these folks for producing show
what is
it twelve seventeen twelve
that's right
and we will that's the heavy
lifting we
just went through yeah yeah
it's gonna
be much shorter the second one
will be
back of course with the more
deconstruction on Thursday at
this point
this is the first or second
Thursday of
the week and I or they'll be
just before
we go to Florida and the Sunday
actually be from Florida so
doing a
meet-up they're more about that
but the point is if you'd like
support us it is value for
value we like
crazy numbers just explain it
to them go
to to Vollrath org slash and
now let's
see if you two here
our formula is this we go out
we're here
people in the mouth
not even close to water I think
could here know if you want to
you could
hear right hi that could is
just because
of the world
water in that case it came
through clear
I know we're certainly an
and interesting
miss here I want to thank
Olaf's our
world whoa whoa whoa WOL wo
ice from Deutschland hello
Adam John air being a producer
of the
Noah Gem show and at the same
time a
member of the Content Marketing
Association in Germany called
the CMF
the content marketing forum I
came up
with an idea I would like to
donate the
submission to the best of
marketing award for the German
yes I would like to submit the
No Agenda show is a youtube
series to
promote the No Agenda show I'll
fill out
all the forms etc cover will
cover all
expenses as a way to hit people
in the
mouth what do you think should
I proceed
I said yes I didn't even ask
you Johnson
yes let's do it right away you
have to ask me and I think is
El what
I'd say of course you'd say yes
what a
great idea Awards it's a great
oh don't
get me started on awards have
followed the latest controversy
no so
there's been I think two or
different podcast awards and
yeah I
think I Heart Radio has their
podcast Awards just like
playboy used to
give awards to its writers I
mean come
on right so there used to be
called the podcast Academy I
don't I
don't think I'm a member but I
remember they put me in the
Hall of Fame
I remember that so now some
other some
other podcast network has
decided to
resurrect the podcast Academy
subsequently do awards and the
the thing
that was interesting is this was
announced partially in a
article where let me see if I
actually I have it here
if this is bloom it's very funny
actually yes Bloomberg podcast
are creating their this is
Bloomberg you know owned by the
who's who's not really running
producers are creating their
own version
of the Oscars danila the
podcast Academy plans to hold
golden mic
Awards in early 2021 Hernan
founder and chief executive
officer of
podcasting start-up wonder II
they raise money then one dream
a raise
like a ton of money maybe wants
create the Academy Awards of
Lopes has recruited 10 of his
peers to
form the podcast academy hmm
did you did
you get a memo yeah I guess
we're not
Pierce now a non-profit group
after similar organizations in
film TV
and music the Association will
host a
new award show the golden mics
in 2021
to honor the top shows and
in on-demand audio and I think
this is
where it comes born in the
halls of
public radio podcasting has
emerged as
one of the what exactly
johnny-come-lately suddenly or
did where
it all came from and no this is
this is
Bloomberg and you know I'm just
they're the Bloomberg is
claiming that
public radio had something to
do with
the origin story no no born in
the halls
of public radio shit let's put
it that
yeah go on well so the article
is just
kind of goes downhill from
there but
it's based on an interview with
him so
of course you got all the all
the old
school and came out of he's a
hack from
public radio is he he maybe I
don't know
might be hey I'm a hack from
radio that's a good point
that's a good
anyway I just wanted to say
public radio
you know they get the problem
public well no no buts
even do that let's just talk
awards yeah if I can just say
awards I mean seriously I love
awards I
like being the the award that
meant something to me was the
award in the Netherlands
because it was
it's a long-established true
Academy of
broadcasters and it was for my
contribution to broadcasting so
their words fuck Awards except
the one
you won no and it's an elitist
it's only for somebody has been
established it's like a big
shot award
but screw the rest of them so
should have no other awards
correct you
won one of the typical wars you
possibly that's exactly why I
bring it
up no mic sense no my point is
awards are meaningless
please look at award shows is
it if you
really think this is gonna make
difference in anyone's life
look at the
ratings the numpy pelant care
awards it's just a sad ploy to
commercialize your show and i
have my
worse when I received my award
it was
not for my show it was not for
the No
Agenda show with something else
and so
now they're going to have all
categories and this is where it
gets a
little more interesting he
plugged the
show I hope you saw the the
speech can't remember it I
thank you I
didn't thank the show I thanked
you I
did not promote the show well
thank you
for thanking me but yes okay and
unfortunately I forgot to thank
my my
wife and my daughter it was
pretty dumb
I did think Medicaid you know I
made bad
big bad choices in my
acceptance speech
it was it was a rush job you
need a card
but checklist the biggest oh
I'm reading
back to the back to the article
biggest award shows become an
onto themselves with
consultants getting
paid millions of dollars to
help win
awards there are months of
in hundreds of millions of
dollars in
advertising and the payoff is
sales of the latest Grammy
jumped 100 percent so it's just
it's a circle jerk and yeah and
the best it's like we want to
the people behind the mic who
produce and write the
wait a minute whole lot so what
article says the following
these awards
are commercial garbage and they
takes a
lot of work to win one of them
you have to hire consultants
and experts
and yes you got a load up Dan
then we
give an award to the stumped
guy who
were honoring because he's good
at his
now I mean there's something
from this de logic here if
you're gonna
give awards to people that are
good at
their job you don't need all the
accouterments you don't need
all these
consultants and and all the
rest of it
okay I'm sorry I don't even
know what
I'm talking about
it's just Exim it's just awards
are just
stupid no they're not stupid
they're very valuable they they
big take up places on a mantle
conversation starters there's a
lot of
value to an award you're
talking with
the actual award award having
it in your
hands the award yeah all right
it's just podcasting podcasting
is not
the same as the music business
television or movie it is by
not a mainstream medium so
there are
hundreds of thousands of
podcasts and
you're only going to honor
you're only gonna author the
ones that
are on the Wonder E network or
the I
Heart Network yet yeah I wasn't
for that matt