February 23rd, 2020 • 2h 57m
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let's scupper the deal skipper
John C. Dvorak Sunday February
23rd 2020
this is your award-winning
Gitmo nation
media assassination episode
1219 this is
no agenda
slummin on the a and
broadcasting live
from fort lauderdale jewel of
Sunshine State in the morning
I'm Adam curry and from
Northern Silicon
Valley where I'm not smelling
hotel plastic container coffee
I'm Jesse
Dvorak which is why you should
appreciate Who I am and what I
do for
this dying show not dying well
it is
today it gets worse the only
coffee that
was left was that just in its
pods decaf
but that makes it just that
much more
insulting oh you've made
yourself oh
wait a minute
so this we're talking about the
your hotel or a motel room it's
a room
where you're doing the show
it's a hotel
okay a quote-unquote hotel yes
they have
one of those cheap plastic
yeah security have they this
bucket no this is a newer
version this
is a Keurig is that actual
Keurig yeah
well it's not one so you can't
you can't
actually clean a Keurig so
broaches get
in there next thing another
thing is so
I wonder what that spice was
that's nice
well this is actually a hotel
just to be
honest here this is a haute or
come let
me descriptive this is a hotel
where you and it's very clear
instructions press the button
that flips
open you put in the pod you
close it
then another trapdoor opens and
supposed to fill up your cup
with water
pour that into the trapdoor
close the
trap door place the cup hit the
the problem is they give you
two regular
two teas and to decaf and of
after all the prepping this
morning I
thought I had for coffee but
this is one
of the to decaf so I'm Sheva
tea well I
had already committed to it you
right there no hurry tea I mean
come on
trying this is part of why I
didn't have
the tea I mean you seriously
want me to
put a tea pod into a coffee
that's been just leaking coffee
for the
four months on end no I don't
think so
and also you're drinking decaf
today's show yes now I know
what you
mean yeah exactly
there goes the Zephyr by the
way how are
we doing on car count for the
I've six seven eight they're
normal nine
so it's nine okay so economy is
it's good to know yeah stable
economy so
we here in lovely Fort
Lauderdale for we
originally we were here for a
one of Tina's best friends that
you wait
for their meat out what we
created the
meat up before a whole day
before the
wedding because we were coming
here it
made so much sense so it became
the meat up but of course it
was real
and you know you know a Susan
you met
Susan at the at our wedding
yeah yeah
she married no her daughter was
married oh yeah but it's
because this hotel it is actual
hotel it
was sold so it's in one of those
transition periods where
there's half of
the hotel was under
construction and
then you know this is closer
pounding nails all the time the
side here yes
the hotel is transitioning so I
you'll respect its choices and
leave it at that
but it was a beautiful wedding
fantastic do the ceremony
because of course you know you
got to be
in Florida you got to have a
when it rains and it's near
windy and
that was yesterday and today
beautiful of course which is
isn't that already three always
the way
always the way it goes
but now yes you are mentioning
that this
hotel is being bought and sold
by some
new company yes you notice that
hotel the old place used to go
to all
the time they're owned by me
they're owned by Hilton and
owned by shares in the mirror
button and
Renaissance yeah just keep
ownership what is the deal with
that you
said you have some insight into
this no
you're know I thought you had
into it I have no idea I had
into the phenomenon I I mean I
I don't
even know about the inside I
know about
the phenomena but I figure
there's some
tax scam involved and I've
never heard a
good explanation for it I have
no idea
what's going on and maybe
someone else
will know but this and this is
a group
it wasn't Marriott it's being
sold to
some other group which had
never heard
of before so I don't know it's
uh it's
it's perfectly functional it's
great it's Florida they've got
to complain about here in fact
people in
Florida should not complain
about much
it's pretty generally don't
accept it
weirdness in Florida cuz
there's a lot
of weirdos down there there's a
lot of
strange news stories
well Florida Nexis screw
baldness it's
true so after it so a Friday
morning the
keeper and I flew flew down to
Lauderdale pretty uneventful
checked in
and then yeah we had a couple
hours and
then we went off to you gave
no of course not but I did learn
something you paid for
pre-check no no
it doesn't matter it doesn't
matter if
you pay for it they only give
it to you
if they feel like it and
because we're
flying back on American because
doesn't you know doesn't have
the times
or that or even direct flights
that we
wanted when you do a one-way
flight it
doesn't matter who you are
you're not
getting pre checked they
they'll never
do that on a one-way ticket
ever but I
did learn and this was
because I it wasn't all that
busy nough
had a good chat with the
friendly TSA
agent or TSO the TSA TSA officer
and he said well you know
because I said
well I'll take the mic out so
what's in
here so that's so much studio
gear and
he says can I take Italy just
before we
went through the x-ray she's
gonna take
a look yeah sure this is a lot
of wires
it will do have any gear in
there so
well really I've got the audio
interfaces well if you take
that out and
the microphone and the mixer
but but
leave all the wires in then they
probably won't have to open it
up on the
other end and that turned out
to be true
so I'm gonna try that on the
way back
because there's nothing worse
having someone else
open up your studio bag and
because the
wires and it's mainly wires
that are
rolled up or then they pull
these wires
and that takes me and you know
a good
half an hour to figure out
where what
goes back into what so that
maybe yeah
maybe so those three pieces of
gear out
yeah and then and then I don't
see a
bunch of wires it look like it
to a bomb
yeah no problem no it's not a
let that slide right through
went right
through not a problem
so we we had the meet up and
this was I
have to say one of my favorites
there were so many people and I
think I've ever done a meet-up
this far
south and there's a lot of
people that
we have in our in our merry
little group
who are in this general area
some even
flew in from wow I think we had
people flying in from New York
but a lot
of people who were from Florida
and of
course who's the first guy we
see when
we show up there he is
Patrick oh yeah Cobo what are
you doing
here he says hello I'm the duke
of the
south this is my protector
I'm in-between his trip to
Langley who
knows well I did inquiring I
said are
you still the penetration
expert he says
yes I still get paid to
penetrate so not
much has changed in that regard
I guess
that's a plus but this is a
this was organized by
crystalline david
and their dad or David's dad
was here as
well he's his name is dick
culpa does
this ring a bell for you I know
sister Mia it's with a cake
dick culpa
was for several years the
editor of
cracked magazine cracked which
I mean I
remember reading cracked when I
was a
kid and I love dad which
they've only
competitor damn ad it was a
little it
felt more radical than Mad
Magazine it
was a little more maybe
politically edgy
if I if I can recall correctly
possible glad to know that we
got that
guy as our one of our guys well
yeah and
more producers well he so he
says you
know I listened I guess he only
just heard about the show
because David
and Krystal of course dragged
him along
to this to the meet up he says
you know
listen to this said you guys
are you
know you're you're very similar
to what
we were doing with with the
yeah you got humor but you're
you got a
sharp edge to you and any just
we were cool which were then
magazine of podcasts don't need
to have
a better endorsement than that
and so he
signed that he brought along a
nice I
guess an anniversary edition of
magazine he signed for me he
also draw
two caricatures one of the
keeper and me
and one of you and me me which
he also
signed and so I love nice I
will send
that to you as soon as you send
me all
the stuff you still promised to
send me
I have a thing right here I
just need
your address of course you do
of course
you do so we had about I'd say
50 60
people and you know we'll talk
some of them in the donation
segment but
they could looking crowd very
good look
at Florida crowd well also and
I know
you saw it they had made
printouts of
you the animated no agenda
version of
Jhansi Dvorak and these were
like little
kid height they're very pretty
let's see
and everywhere there's there's
Dvorak just looking over with
glasses and then we do of
course you did
the picture there was two of
them made
even funnier they had really
printouts of our heads and I
felt very
well Florida can do it right
yeah I see
Tommy Ramirez was here at Tommy
I don't
think but no I'd never met him
in person
but he remember when I did the
the first
pitch enok special on the show
he went
over there to mic him up and so
it was
nice to meet Tommy and sir
captain Pete
of the seven equatorial oceans
he's a
yacht captain and kind of like
a gun for
hire and so he's waiting for
catamaran to dock and then he's
around the world with the owner
and it's
really interesting people who
who were
there yes sounds like a very
crowd when you got a guy like
that we
had one of our insiders one of
our ins
excuse me insider did not I
think she's
not registered as a lobbyist
because she
she stays just under the
threshold so
she can be a consultant to the
industry and she gave me a full
on exactly on the scam oh yeah
Bloomberg is you know apparently
Bloomberg's output a hundred
and sixty
million dollars in to pave P AV
e which
is parents against vaping so
vaping and
east cigarettes I guess is what
it would
be but sounds like Bloomberg
and yeah
and also just where
everything's at
Bloomberg is the new Soros I
don't know
if he's even that new I mean
briefly on that people say he
unlimited money but eventually
not true I mean you you can it
possible to spend and a lot of
this is I
think is is what he's worth and
it's not
necessarily liquid I think they
count a
portion of his ownership and
what he's
going more money technically
than Soros
doesn't it is unlimited if you
the fact that the kind of money
out a hundred million two
million here and there
is really what it amounts to
hey and
considering how fast is his
total nut is
well yes cash flow I think
that's the
you would it's probably it
is unlimited I mean if you
dropping five and ten billion
dollars on
something yeah it's not
unlimited if you
start doing that but he's not
he's just
doling out like a million here
a million
there a couple million ten
million it's
unlimited well it's not
unlimited but it seems like
quite a ways
he's gonna die before it runs
out let's
put it that way oh happy
let me think well well it we
will thank
some people in the donation
everybody was I mean we had one
of our
producers who drove I think
five hours
from down south he is the the
guy if you
if you see any picture of
oranges he takes those pictures
he is
for the you know the Florida
Growers Association whatever it
is he is
the guy who does the picture of
oranges and gave us a box of at
fifty oranges which we've been
trying to
plow through and giving him out
people here waiting I trust him
check damn also I met anonymous
millennial and the anonymous
you you may recall is a lawyer
turns out
she's a prosecutor and she
us on how how well we interpret
the law
and again thanked us for for
her for the
no agenda show notes which she
used for
one of her paid important
papers which
she got published and it was
there's a finder's fee there it
about AI and Al goes and she
used a lot
of the knowledge in the show
notes and
the paper got published it was
that good
with the legality of al goes I
she's got hopefully she'll send
the copy
it would be nice to see it was
anything else that I can think
of I mean
it was it it was you know how
things are is like you're in
non-stop people just talk and I
there were so many so many nice
and smart really smart and
smart enough to move to Florida
well it's not a bad place here
I don't
mind I don't mind being it
being a
little bit nutty I mean I wish
were a little nutty like this
Austin is
just become stupid you know
it's like
what's going on what's going on
is not
okay but I did have a chance
you know to
tune into most stuff that was
going on
and it was quite interesting to
you know
go to the wedding which started
o'clock here East Coast time
and then we
were back in the room by around
I guess
11:30 midnight and I look at
that I flip
on the the channels say oh the
results were at 15% are you
kidding me
CNN gave up its airports at
midnight CNN
just stopped reporting this
they played
the road to the White House
special like
we're not even gonna do it you
know this
was really in the Bing Crosby
Bob Hope
movie no it's you know exactly
what it
is it's just one of their filler
specials that they throw in
there so
MSNBC was at Fox
they weren't covering anything
they were
they were running gosh they
were they
were at that point in the
repeats I
guess but whatever they whatever
long-form program and they have
an only
one really following was MSNBC
and their
heads were just blowing up and
we just
flipping out those guys well
they hate
Bernie so why but it's it's it
even that let me see I think I
have a
Supercuts someone gave me yeah
and so
this will give you a little
super little
idea of what was happening and
this was
in the afternoon it was a great
for Bernie Sanders I thought it
was a
great I guess it wasn't the
night for Donald Trump I
thought it was
a terrible night for the
the truth is Bernie Sanders
he's on a
trajectory to be the Democratic
to me he just don't see him
having any
shot in a general election I'm
I am
no one but Bernie Stephanie
come on he's
an anarchist he would love to
burn down
the United States if we
nominate a
socialist like Bernie Sanders
gonna lose it'll be like George
it'll be a blowout nobody just
says the
obvious Bernie you're full of
it they're
just pandering to the Bernie
people and
you know what pandering gets
you nothing
it certainly doesn't get your
Tom Perez needs to step down
he's a joke
he's a clown he can't run the
Party anymore it's lost its way
I don't
say how Democrats do anything
but bleed
out when they put a socialist
at the top
of the ticket it is a death
sentence for
the party and it will lead to
Trump's reelection if the loser
Leslie put it there the
they've got to get out and say I
disagree with socialism I
believe in the
markets I think he's wrong I
you'll never get it done and
country will never go that
direction by
the Levellers 49 states corvid
work in England Bernie ain't
gonna work
in the United States anyone but
now before we actually dive
into that
something happened Thursday
after the
show on a show day of course
that was
that so fit into what I call the
national security bureaucracy
this was
the breaking news and it was
around 4:00
or 5:00 in the afternoon a show
day of
course and it broke on well all
cable news networks but
we had CNN and MSNBC two
people who had worked on this
story CNN
got Maggie Haberman and MSNBC
got Adam
Goldman both of them worked for
the New
York Times and so I wanted to
play what
each of them said because
Haberman is
she's very slick in fact
looking at her
I was looking at her Wikipedia
to see
kind of where she came from
and she she's really like Ann
she came
from the New York Post and kind
of the
gossipy side of news but she's
very good
someone just gives her the
story and
packaging it and she sounds
like a spook
I mean she's so slick it maybe
she is or
just like someone feeds her
stuff and
she rolls it out and and I
let's just
listen to to this breaking news
now of course we find out that
oh my
gosh oh the intelligence
community which
is a total horse crap term
because we
have what 17 not including the
the State
Department's a little little
deal over
there as its 17 intelligence
yeah so it's like who said what
apparently there was a briefing
here's Maggie herring the
Habermann very
slick explaining what this is
about the
New York Times just now
reporting that
US intelligence officials have
members of Congress that Russia
interfering in the 2020 u.s.
presidential race hoping to get
president Trump re-elected
let's bring
in our political and legal
Maggie Haberman of the New York
one of our political analysts
is with us
as well the co-authors of this
what does this give us the
upshot sure
but what is upshot I mean is
it to be good news for the show
or some
psychological problem here yes
okay well
and of course you caught it
sure sure
this article sure well there
was a
briefing given by intelligence
to the House Intelligence
Committee last
week on February 13th and in
briefing officials said that
believe or one official said
that their
intelligence is that Russia is
interfering or attempting to
in the 2020 election with the
goal of
reelecting President Trump this
Republicans on the committee
who pushed
back and when the president
about this briefing he was very
and berated McGuire who until
was the head of he was the odni
overseeing the National
office and they had never
gotten along there's been a lot
speculation that this is why the
president moved in the last two
days to replace Maguire with
Grinnell a loyalist look the
was Adam Schiff the debt ranking
Democrat on the House
Committee would use this
against him in some way that was
basically his main complaint a
lot of
administration members argue
that same
thing that Republican House
argued which is the that you
know they
can point to a lot of areas
where they
suggest the president has been
aggressive against Russia we
also have
obviously seen a lot of
commentary from
the president in public where
he has
sounded appeasing to Russia has
the intelligence community's
that Russia interfered in the
last one
and we know the president sees
this as
some kind of an asterisk on his
election in 2016 but it really
tells you
a lot about how the president
is viewing
intelligence and how it is being
presented and handled in the
context of
his reelection campaign so
total opinion
piece as far as I'm concerned
not a
single piece of factual
evidence other
than someone briefed the Senate
committee from the now House
size committee from the ship
intelligence community which is
not a
community they're all really
compete in
competition with each other but
also collaborate this is why I
see it as
as the the true evil
bureaucracy but she
really doesn't have that much
other than
well here we go again
and when it wasn't until I and
I flipped
over and so I didn't get the
lead-in on MSNBC but I'll get
I'll give
you what I have of Adam Goldman
he now
this is a total truth wants to
come out
moment you'll hear him correct
continuously when he says that
he thinks
or you know and then he even
slips in a
little other piece of
because thinking logically
Russia sure
Russia wants to influence our
and you know by now the typical
if you're on the street you say
Russia do something
yeah they changed the votes
that's how
that's how it's been drilled
into people
you know meddling or whatever
these wishy-washy terms are but
course Israel probably has an
agenda and
maybe even the EU and there are
lots of
countries that would like to
our elections as we do in other
countries but know we have to
do this on
the eve of the caucus which I
there was a specific reason for
which we'll get to but first
listen to
Adam Goldman the same business
they did
four years ago Facebook Ads you
know is
it russian bots on social media
do we
know for sure what it is right
off the
listen he'll do this
continuously I
think I mean I was told I think
I was
told I think I was told it's
gonna be
the same playbook from 2:16 and
and added concerns about
Russians going
into you know possible voting
infrastructure you know there
separate concerns about the
getting in the disinformation
that's he
I don't think he was supposed
to say
that but apparently the
briefing also
contained information that the
might want to do that so this
sounds to
me like a pretty standard
briefing hey
lots of people want to do stuff
but no
one else reported on China
except this
guy who keeps messing it up
you know there are separate
about the Chinese getting in the
disinformation campaign but you
know I
think what Russia is gonna do
is going
to be am i misinterpreting this
the guy
keeps correcting himself from
his own
made-up story too I'm told are
hearing it that way yeah I am
it doesn't
sound like the guy knows
anything well I
think he's making it up but
then he
corrects himself by saying oh I
was told
I think what Russia is gonna do
is gonna
be what I'm told what Russia
intends to
do is flip from its 2016
playbook and
chocolate let me just make an
interesting point here you know
had been grilling sorry
Republicans have
been focusing you know the Obama
administration for not being
enough right that's really main
points not being tough enough
sounding the alarm fast enough
not doing
enough to prevent Russian
right the 2016 election and
here we are
it's you know it's a reduct we
were now
now the republicans are getting
the same
information and you know what
in this hearing was quite
concerning to
people the republicans just went
ballistic they went crazy they
they they
were furious that somebody
would have
suggested that there was a
that would favored trump any of
from so this is the House
Republicans at
hep-c when they were getting
briefing they didn't believe
the Donald
Trump Intel officials know you
know some
of the toughest questioning of
this DNR
hostages are I was done by mr.
Hurd you
know former CIA official the
representative the Republican
representative from Texas who
is who's
not running for reelection but
he we are
told was was was one of the
questionnaires to do I
appreciate you
taking a few minutes and get in
front of
a camera for us oh yeah really
reporting to do please it's you
very was reporting for who is
the skin
New York Times he co-wrote the
with Haberman that's why they
had this
dual college they just yeah but
all of
this forgive in marching orders
yes and
this was a set up for the story
I don't
think he broke it but swallow
well now
with some kind of five o'clock
Don Johnson beard going on
which doesn't
make him look any more
masculine I think
he kind of broke the true news
this which was maybe a plan B
or maybe
even a Hail Mary because oh my
Bernie's going to win the
reporting is
is that Donald Trump was was
not only
was briefed that both he and
Sanders that Russia was trying
to assist
both he and Bernie Sanders that
is the
reporting that we see this we
that we
have this evening then I and I
absolutely understand and
that you don't want to talk
anything that occurred in a
but as you mentioned since
Sanders confirmed that he was
briefed do
you have any question any
reason to
question the reporting that you
all were
briefed on this as well again I
won't go
into that other than our
committee has
consistently for the past year
looking at what Russia is
trying to do
in our elections and we believe
that the
upcoming election should be
free from
interference the voters voted
for that
in 2018 when they gave us the
election was that they wanted
oversight of the elections but
just oh yeah what's going on
here at
Bernie Sanders you can't hold
it against
Bernie Sanders that this may be
preference of Russia but you
can hold it
and ask questions about Donald
Trump if
he again is working as an agent
Russia by seeking not only one
to tweet
at Bernie Sanders and try and
his campaign to get him as a
election opponent but to if he
is indeed
firing people on his staff who
telling others about Russia's
preferences again that's Donald
trying to cover up things to
help Russia
so this this is what I saw after
midnight hashtag Bernie knew
blowing up
Bernie has to drop out of the
because you know he's
misleading he
didn't tell anybody that the
were also helping him he should
disclosed it he's disqualified
now this
was a very pathetic attempt to
someone that actually brings me
to the
bonus clip yes indeed because I
and I have a new interpretation
of this
clip okay and this is the boys
Lawrence O'Donnell goes off off
the deep
end into the point where even
Ted Cruz had to comment on it
and he
makes again this is new and
this is a
crazy crazy crazy clip played
but we
begin tonight with another test
America's ability to be shocked
Donald Trump who has very
shocked America to the point
where he
hopes that shock has been
replaced by
acceptance the president is a
operative that sounds like the
description of a bad Hollywood
screenplay but it is I love
that edition by the way yes it
does real
and it is Vladimir Putin's
achievement decades after
victory in the Cold War and the
of the Soviet Union the
President of the
United States is now helping the
President of Russia help the
of the United States to get
reelected so
that the President of Russia
will have
four more years of the
President of the
United States who he wants in
the Oval
Office this is one of those
news days if you retain the
capacity to
be shocked in the Trump era by
the Trump
regime which might be better
labeled the
Trump Putin regime and it's one
of those
breaking news situations that
makes recent news make more
sense like
the recent news that Donald
Trump has
outdone himself by appointing
one of the
most ridiculous incompetence
fujas in
the Trump administration to be
less than the Acting Director of
National Intelligence the
president gave
that job to his current
ambassador to
Germany Richard Grinnell who
intends to
remain ambassador to Germany
while being
the acting director of national
intelligence and Richard
Grinnell will
be replacing Joseph Maguire who
serving as an acting director of
National Intelligence and he
expected to
be nominated by the president
to be
confirmed by Mitch McConnell's
Senate as
the official director of
Alliance until Vladimir Putin
Donald Trump that he needed an
even more
incompetent Director of National
Intelligence because Vladimir
Putin is
working hard to reelect his
President of the United States
that was I love that clip it's
a it's an
evergreen we must keep it and
cherish it and so I'm looking
at this
slightly differently now this
clip was
completely off the rails or so
it seemed
yeah but this is actually an
anti Bernie
clip yes
MSNBC hates Bernie yep
push the truck Putin thing as
hard as
they can which is old
nonsense and I don't believe
that the
public thinks except ice does
to the Lib
joes and the people I had
dinner with
it's at all Putin's calling the
shots I
there's no evidence of this
there's no
connection between Putin and
Trump they
don't they rarely communicate
they do
all the things that we've been
considering oil pipelines and
the rest
of it is all anti-russian it's
ridiculous but okay let's just
say that
Putin is really running things
but the
real point is is to make it if
it's so
bad that Putin is supporting
Trump it's
even worse with Bernie yes but
you have
to put do you have to connect
the dots
yourself because certain
MSNBC's already
spent that we spent the wad on
this now
I want to play since we were
about this Grinnell and that
was appointed what is the first
you're gonna do if you're the
new guy on
national security because
there's no
evidence that any of this
really took
place is good all be made at it
can I
just give you a data point last
show on
Thursday I had because I saw
this on
Monday I think I saw some
notice about
this Grinnell guy and he was
going to
replace Maguire and from what
what the
article said and I put him back
in the
show night show notes for today
but the
article stated that it was kind
of a
known thing that Grinnell or
McGwire was was you're gonna do
something else and he was kind
of on his
way out and this and the
Grinnell guy is
interesting first of all he's
the at
this point now the highest
ranked openly
gay official in the
administration not
that we could mention that it
only works
if it's Democrats I guess also
you know
he he and his partner he had
cancer and
he went into remission after a
years this is you know maybe
four years
ago and he and his partner made
this app
that helps people with
chemotherapy you
seem like a really nice guy
he's also
not a total slob I mean he was
you n me see he was the he was
spokes whole four four
ambassadors the
United Nations he worked it
we'd always
been on a Republican but he's
not just
like all of a sudden some
dipshit who
shows up the way they make it
sound now
he has been around and on the
international scene for quite a
including hanging about he's
got some
intelligence connections
anywhere he
wouldn't be the ambassador to
that's what embassies are for
it's what
they do
let's go from the point where
he gets
the job the first thing he's
gonna do is
check out this bull crap that's
leaked from the Intel committee
of the
house which is a leak central
as where
to Adam Schiff is and he leaks
everything he can make stuff up
he has
anonymous sources he does all
things and they heard from
someone the
deputy Republicans are saying
this is
bull but that gets leaked out
that you
know the Russians are working
already are already working on
twenty20 elections and this is
all about
the same time that it turns out
to the
real intelligences that Bernie
is really
one that the Russians like
let's just
ignore that for a second so
gets the job the first thing
he's gonna
do is cuz Trump says go check
into this
sounds like a bunch of hogwash
there's just promoting the same
Russian name so he immediately
it's the first thing you do you
get the
job you start poking around
around what's going on turns
out that
one guy did interview him about
specific thing and this is the
asking the new guy about the
Intelligence Committee this is
reported as the national
adviser to the president have
assured the president that this
intelligence finding is real
well I have
not seen the finding I think
what he's
referring to and what folks are
about is a briefing that took
place last
week at the House Intelligence
now that was leaked to the press
and I have not seen that report
and and
from what I understand about
the report
is that there was no and again
I get
this secondhand but from
congressman that were in the
there was no intelligence
behind it I
haven't seen any intelligence
to support
the reports that were leaked
out of the
house but it's just hard to
comment on
that because again I wasn't
there and
and these are leaks that were
from a house Intel committee
here and I
haven't seen any intelligence
that would
would back up what I'm reading
in the
papers in fact part of the lie
that the
m5m was propagating was that
Trump went
nuts and bitched out McGuire no
no it
was even what happened was
we'll heard
who we know we'll heard is a
you know
he's on his way out he's a CI
he's a
little to boast II for a CIA
guy but
he's done a lot of covert ops
and he was
really grilling cuz he didn't
buy it all
this is bullcrap as this
briefing that
you're doing I think he was
kind of onto
it but to cover that up you
know oh yeah
Trump was livid oh my god it's
I mean we
are at peak peak nuts now
MSNBC now MSNBC the rest China
out but I mean just just to add
to what
you were saying here this is
Matthews who you know all we
know he hates Bernie he's he
Bernie to you know that back in
Cuban Missile Crisis it would
turned out differently they
would have executed Chris
Matthews in
Central Park I mean he says all
things is a horrible so here is
him got
nowhere near did his job he got
than a majority more than a
that 67 percent that is the
name of the
game it is pretty much over
unless that
changes I was reading last
night Brian I
know you're a history guy too
I'm reading last night about
the fall of
France in the summer of 1940
and the
general run no calls up
Churchill and
says it's over insurances of
how can it
be you got the greatest army in
how can it be over he said it's
over so
I had that print suppressed
feeling I
can't be as well as Carville
but he is
damn smart and I think he's
damn right
on this one so they have for
the younger
amongst us he's referring to
the capital
halation of France against the
Nazis I
mean what is the man thinking
when he
does this stuff that's not
healthy behavior and he's
referring to
not referring to James Carville
this I
think this is a two parter clip
guys off the rails well I
really loved
the first clip which I'll play
for you
because here he admits
something very
important to Nicole Wallace
another otherwise that you know
used to
be the intelligent human being
has just
gone off the rails of idiocy
and he lays
down the line for her and tells
exactly what the problem is and
I think
he's right James you Mary Lynn
of the media hugs I mother of an
eight-year-old I interact with
a lot of
people outside say media life
is part of
the blame John do you ever get
a chance
to live outside of your media
life I
mean it's not it's really hard
we're some girls they're fun to
with it's way outside my media
life it's
part of the blame that the media
shoulders in this is that we
respond to
the squeaky wheels I learned
I knew as a press person from
the war room and from starting
Clinton games but the the
campaign and the Trump campaign
taken these things to dark art
abusing the price of bullying
the price
I mean what what do we miss in
terms of
paying attention to a squeaky
minority and ignoring the
majority I
don't know everybody complains
me in the
media and the press that said
I'm going
to tell you this the press has
no not
near as much power as they had
when I
was young remember Lyndon
Johnson said
if I lost the war because I
lost Walter
Cronkite yeah I mean if you
lose well
but say you're not gonna lose
anything I
mean that's just a way America
and I
don't mean to pick on what I
like him I
would say - yeah you did mean
to pick on
wolf but I think that's that
that is the
most salient point he has ever
in this election cycle and
probably ever
will is you don't have the
power anymore
mainstream media you don't have
it you
don't have the same powers it
used to be
and these people
haven't figured it out same
thing about
any of our hosts own my own
right now it just had this
diffusion of
media power and Media Authority
you're right Trump and Bernie
are able to and what about
would the
happiest person right now it's
about 115
Moscow time this thing is going
well for Vladimir Putin I
promise crazy
are you I mean do you think
they really
believe this yes this
frightening it's
like they're clinically insane
take the second part of this
exactly what the intelligence
they think is going on great
that Putin
is helping him and plants out
gonna primary does watch
Putin's the
only reason why would radomir
would be helping Bernie Sanders
course because she wants Donald
Trump to
I mean it's a straight line
it's a
straight line by the way I'm
sorry I
kind of missed that like a
straight line
I mean it's a straight line and
I don't
think that the Sanders campaign
in any
way is collaboration
I think they don't wipe this
story but
the story of the back and the
that the story is the fact is
that's doing everything that he
can to
help Trump including trying to
Bernie Sanders the Democratic
if you remember what Bernie ran
in 2016
his chief strategist was told
now Ford
sidekick an inkling I mean this
thing just didn't start right
and it's something that people
need to
know about then they could be
made aware
of it the candidates on the
debate stage
in South Carolina on Monday
night need
to quit attacking each other
and start
talking about where where this
is and how do you push it
forward under
some some real choices that
have tonight I mean and this
was really
truly an MSNBC thing and I and
I don't
know why no one else really
in it to that degree
they were just is there
something that
that I'm missing why it's so
to them specifically maybe they
maybe they're in there closer
to the
spokes holes for the Democrat
Party okay
that makes sense and the party
look like Bernie and so there's
just no
clean honest no kidding
especially I like the kind of
stuff now that one I did get a
good clip
that relates to the first
Bernie clip
you play but also to the this
last one
too and this is I it was one of
the few
times that that David Brooks was
somewhat insightful being a
Democrat he
even though he's posing as a
on the PBS Newshour on their
phony-baloney back and forth
with with
Mark shields as a Democrat he
would make
this observation and I think is
pretty I
think it's borderline profound
though it's hard to say this is
discussing both Bloomberg and
and he makes a very salient
point then
partly it's practice I mean you
know he
doesn't even do media interviews
particularly well and so and
he's been
Guardian furnace and all the
candidates have been playing
this game
for a year now yeah and when
you're up
on a debate stage
you're not thinking you're
something you said 50 times
before and
so he didn't have any practice
he didn't
have any of that what strikes
me also
about the party first Sanders
tells a
very clear narrative
screwing us that's just a very
narrow everybody gets it
resonates with
a lot of people I don't think
else on that stage has a
that's quite that clear and so
if the
power that Trump had a very
narrative those cultural elites
ruining life for us and having
that very
compelling clear narrative
the great advantage the second
that struck me is Democrats
growing up
in where the party is now have
mental equipment to go after a
it's like baked into the belief
of the party they do not have
the mental
equipment in categories to go
after a
socialist and what struck me is
they they don't really quite
know how to
take down Sanders and so there
they let
him go now they regret it I
guess he's a
monster of their own creation
here's joy
Reid finally seeing the light
joy Reid
of course though also on MSNBC
I think
that the rest of us that sort
of look at
politics of underestimated the
unadulterated rage the anger of
working-class people especially
people who are living in with
roommates and have a lift job
and an
uber job and they can't make it
they're looking at my
generation gen we
could have it all in the
Clinton years
and we were living well in our
and grandparents and they're
like throw
the tables over there turning
the tables
over and they don't care what
potential results is they are
hungriest and he only had to
them and the moderates the sort
of mushy
moderates think that they have
luxury of luxuriating on
whether they'll
have someone who can speak six
you know maybe today I want
just one
who's from the Midwest and you
maybe I'll go with the vice
even african-american older
voters they
are like we're gonna go with
the we know
no one else is hungry angry
enraged and
determined as Sanders voters
need to sober up and figure out
what the
hell they're gonna do about that
because if he's the nominee for
races House races everything
what she's
saying is and that means aoc
rashida to
leave is the whole new that
really the
new democrat party who we saw
come in in
2016 2018 just as democrats yes
it's now
so Bernie's a problem what are
we going
to do about the Bernie problem
this is a
serious problem they didn't
expect it
somehow I think even though it
obvious well to us to us I
think well I
want to play one more clip then
this is
again Brooks and shields shields
and he makes he's a stammers
and the
Hammers point out that Brooks
shields is a you know this is
it's almost like public
broadcasting and
other company like the BBC when
on PBS yeah no it's not true
but that's
the that's the illusion is the
impression you're supposed to
get yes
so shields is not happy about
either and he also has a bit
kind of the
commentary I thought thought
was worth
Barry playing on the show just
one thing
about the Democrats that is
just what if
the kind of fits in here and
that is the
Democrats I think after that
debate are
in danger of fragmenting and
themselves and I think there's
a page in
American history the the the the
Revolutionary War the
sought the active alliance with
Charles the 16th of France
Louis the
16th and and Charles and
started in
Spain monarchies to help them I
mean but
one thing they a single
objective and
when that was to defeat the
King of
England to get independent
monarch that
the devil demonic the Democrats
say that they better come
together in a
hell of a hurry if because
they're all sole purpose in
2020 is to
defeat demonic to defeat Donald
and I just I think the danger of
fracturing is severe well yes
and the
message went out Brian Williams
delivered it
listen hey Chris I'm not above
Chris Matthews and I have this
down on my legal pad from your
segment about Bernie about his
exposure as the frontrunner and
how they're gonna come at him
gonna kill him but they may not
stop him
which is unique to politics a
fascinating quote I think you're
probably hundred percent right
what Wow
that's a good one this guy it
matter he's nothing he can do
to protect
himself it's not gonna be small
it's not gonna be the hot tub
it's not
gonna be canoeing somewhere he
has a heart issue it's so
simple this
guy is a walking dead man I'm
sorry but
I do you hear stuff like that
oh that
was just a metaphor can you
imagine if
some metaphor Tucker Carlson or
Hannity or judge Jeanine or any
shoe man imagine if I had said
that you
did I did I'm just explaining
they're gonna do it they're
gonna kill
they can kill and they're gonna
kill him
but they won't stop him that's
right the
well they're not gonna kill him
after I talked about this at
the dinner
table mm-hmm and my thinking is
if this
is if it's and it's gonna have
to be one
of this I don't knows you have
to be an
intelligence agency that just
fed up her
I don't know how it's gonna
happen I how
they're gonna get away with it
but they
will cuz you're what you said
is the
premise is fine he's Yellin and
one of the clips I didn't have
shields again saying and
there's this
all like all is set up you know
he's old
he's this he's that you know
getting set up for something
bad to
he's kind of and so yeah well
that was
expected that was expected is
she'll says Bernie Sanders is
the most
angry politician he's always
mad he's
raging mad he's shouting he's
he's at the top he's at the top
of his
lungs during all the speeches I
Trump is too but for a
different effect
and it's just like he's the
angry guy
all he saw angry is too angry
was it got
to him it's just that the whole
looks like a setup to me but
gonna happen until after South
which bite in can salvage yes
and I have
laughing well now I have some
numbers of
course I'm not laughing at you
with me you're my partner let
me give
you the numbers
okay because as Biden will have
to win
South Carolina and then that
because of the a das boat and
this is
this is from the hill so very
the entrance push to all they
are in
this article the entrance polls
there was one thing Biden was
about when talking about his
in Nevada is it Nevada or
Nevada its
Nevada okay if you say in a
Nevada its Nevada because in
the vine no
your friends I know if you say
it that's
the wrong way people scoff at
you so I
always thought it was Nevada
yeah it is
Nevada okay if you're living
Nevada is
Nevada if you live outside the
Nevada which is a lot okay
so talking about his coal is
called his strong lead with
black voters
Biden received the most black
whatever that means but I think
in this
context a dose 39% a
demographic which
sander trailed the former vice
winning 27% so not that far
apart but
Joe even though and are the
results in
is there a final tally yet I
even seen I know what I know
you know
this 59% of all Hispanics are
voting for
Sanders yeah this the brown you
need to
say brown community the blood I
at it said specifically
Hispanics brown
community well I'm just like
committee may be different to
the m5m
men that this is this is this
is the
issue I believe this is the
this is
where the presidency will be
won or lost
is on this particular
demographic and
unless it beckons straight for
a second
over to let me finish my point
yeah okay
I was saying that Biden has to
win South
Carolina we're talking about an
unfortunate accident yeah that
happen to Bernie but it's not
happen to him if Biden win South
Carolina and then they go into
Tuesday and it gets all jammed
up now if
Biden loses South Carolina and
super to
have to wait to see what
happens on
Super Tuesday then after that
then all
everything's everything is up
for grabs
are you gonna keep everybody
there nobody wants to drop out
they want to create a brokered
convention and they made a
point of
asking about this at the could
at the
debates Bernie's the only
ministers if I
get the most I'm in I don't
care about
the convention rules are it's
he's asking for trouble and of
course he
would get screwed because that
would be
the idea and then it burned down
Milwaukee which was the threat
of the
creeps that are behind the
Bernie you
know campaign so I will remind
you that
I out of control I will remind
you I
floated the idea of the brokered
convention very early on I was
kind of
scoffed at kind of not by me
okay so
here's here is the problem for
entire Democrat Party and
anyone else
who was running I don't know if
supreme is running again I hope
he is
it's always good to have the
independence in here this is
Tim Scott
Tim Scott is a Republican black
were a
das Republican from don't want
to say
easy from Arizona Carolina so
he is the
architect behind the
opportunities owned
he is the one the president
called out
amongst his many black friends
wall-to-wall black friends
Kanye there's
no the state that many if you
got conned
yet the State of the Union he
had the
Tuskegee Airmen all the black
were out there this is Tim Scott
prediction president Trump will
see a
50% increase in his
support it will go from 8% in
2016 to a
minimum of 12 percent in 2020
he may
even get to 15 percent of the
african-american say and in a
game over
well listen to what the listen
to what
the Democrats are saying that
they have
top tier candidates that say
was a good thing having a
impact on African American
and what does President Trump
during the same time simple he
said he
had an executive order to
increase of
ability of home ownership an
african-american homeownership
since he
took office is up about two
think about having a top-tier
candidate that talks about
african-american males through
stop and
first compare that against
Trump's criminal justice reform
that are making the justice
system more
fair for african-americans
disproportionately that it has
been in a
long time at least 30 years
think about
the conversation you had with
Clyburn around full employment
slavery versus higher wages
more jobs 7
million more jobs during this
administration more than half
of those
jobs going to African Americans
Hispanics the wealth gap closes
as the
home ownership goes up
President Trump
is not just talking a good game
he is
walking a good game and the
icing on the
think about this President
Trump got
permanent funding for HBCUs for
first time in the country's
history I
think he's got the numbers
right and I
think that's going to determine
election no matter what anybody
does I'm
not gonna argue with his with
his points
I mean you still see the
adamant left
liberal black voter there that
activists there hate Trump and
never gonna like him anyway
there's there's a core group
that was
always gonna vote for Trump no
what as a core group is always
vote Democrat and socialist if
they can
and this that huge group in the
that makes all the difference
and that's
part of that is a large black
that sometimes doesn't even
bother to
vote because they don't like
Trump has done a good job of
people in fact although I have
to say I
was a little scared some Trump
from his his speech he's been
giving a
speech a day in one place right
Rylee thing Riley rallies big
and they're pretty funny I want
to play
two of these because it's the
greatly with what the Democrats
doing and one of them is he's
about how the all these voters
came in
from all over the place to vote
for him
in the last election it's gonna
be even
bigger than next time but he
praises a
funny phrase in this particular
this is Trump and Colorado and
I can't
say bigger coz what was bigger
than that
they came from the hills they
came from
the mountains they came out of
rivers they came all over the
place okay
get your mind out of the gutter
what anyway so now meanwhile
NBC of all
the places they clipped a bunch
and I
would I would listen to the
same speech
I believe this was the I think
this is
the Colorado speech to I saw
yeah I saw
part of this he they clipped a
bunch of
excerpts that were all kind of
funny and
they put it together as a
package NBC
did Lester Holt intro did and
it's not
exactly what I would have
clipped out of
this but I was actually stunned
at what
they did clipped out a lot of
stuff and I'm thinking they
were doing
it to kind of ridicule Trump
thinking oh
look what a hole this guy is to
say all
these nasty things but play
this clip
this is the recent Trump
stand-up on
debates and I don't know if
watched last night's debate it
got very
big ratings and you know what
many Mike
didn't do well s
I was gonna send him a note
saying it's
not easy doing what I do isn't
it how
about Klobuchar did you see her
jumped she job she couldn't
Alfred he
knew middle of dinner and said
slightly derogatory and she
said are you
accusing me of being dumb who
would make
it safer like that because
that's really
what he was doing but he
doesn't want to
say that
Alfred E Newman Buddha Buddha
touch bad
little Buddha chase leaving
Donald Trump
in Texas these people
how about sleepy Joe how about
performance what what it's
great to be
it's great to be with the great
of Ohio
Joe Joe you're in Iowa you're
in Ireland
five times Bloomberg made a
fool out of
himself last night each other
another one who's gonna ha oh I
breathe I can't breathe
don't ask me the question
please I look
at my wife I said let's send
them a
little note it's not so easy up
there to
do what I did right I did great
in the
debates I became president
because of
the debates because unlike
Billy Mike I
could answer questions now the
gag he did a sight gag in there
nobody no I guess they didn't
know you
didn't get in your laughs for
me but I
saw it and I've seen it a
couple of
times he says he says Pete
Buddha jizz
I've had it up to here with him
and by
His grace this chest to
indicate I've
had it up to here and it's a
short guy so he's indicating
yeah it's a
funny sight gay done it a
couple times I
think he's gonna drop it cuz
he's not
getting any response from it
because the sight gag did
doesn't work
on the No Agenda show so he's
like what
away there you go what a waste
what do I
leader but so Trump does his biz
stick and we either you either
appreciate it or you say well
no this is
unpresidential this is not right
that we have us a one of me I
mean I've
heard better stand ups but he's
not bad
considering worries for his
position and
what he's doing so we have a
comic has President of the
United States
and some people are very
offended by
this oh oh yes very I find it
to be
great I think it's it's a it's
a it's a
rough respite from what we've
had in the
past the seriousness the phone
enos and
the rest of it the yin to the
yang of
course here at the at the
a lot of anti-trump errs half
it was a
half Jewish wedding which was
so we were
on the on the bride's side the
part some boots on the ground
just some
you know some anecdotal talk
Bloomberg hate Bernie
yeah Warren's kind of
interesting which
I found fascinating why was
she's doing
yes she's fading well I think
because of how she attacked
for some reason that that hit a
lot of
anti-trump errs here there like
that and
you know Bloomberg has not seen
favorable well the Bloomberg is
a trump
and in Democrats clothing here
as far as
they're actually what they
accused Trump
of what I'm seeing he truly is
little little frightening guy
who has
absolutely no compassion for
beings that's the way I see him
she's not likable and I and I
didn't get
I didn't get any clips but all
of a
sudden there was this little
blip of
problem in the afternoon at the
caucus and they were talking to
Makati McCully I think his name
is the
second with Cuddy he's the the
chair of
the Democratic caucus in the
Party in Nevada and a first of
african-american and he was
there was
what the what's his name the
the chair
but Perez Perez and and all of
a sudden
well so we hear that people
have to sign
an NDA if they're if they are
and they'll be reporting and
some people
say I'm not signing this nday
and so I
can't say anything about even
if it goes
wrong and of course that's why
they put
it in place but John their
responses as
if they listened to the show
they said
oh it's a non disparaging
agreement it's
not a nondisclosure agreement
we all
know what NDA's are now because
we heard
about that from Michael
Bloomberg and he
won't release them even though
released three which are very
very mild
they're probably another we
another fifteen million dollars
spent on that pain paying
people off an
extra extra five mil per NDA
but they
took it straight to non
agreement okay fine
the producers around the world
attention to this stuff this
type of m5m
propaganda is coming your way
too it's
not unique to the United States
I'm sure
I'm sure this template will be
used and
we've got elections coming
it's it's something to sit back
enjoy because I think it's
once-in-a-lifetime we go
through this I
think well is a cup maybe not
there's a
couple of things that kept you
up one in particular was that
the or no
is something one of the guys
talking to
Chris Matthews one of those one
of the
Talking Heads and you know the
mainstream media is not as
important as
it used to be right which is
true but it's only not as
important as
it used to be by a notch or two
the whole idea of the putin's
the shots that you hear at the
table or the lib dozer oh these
guys are
all glued to the mainstream
media it's
still important to them yes yes
that's at least half the public
well I
think maybe half the public has
gotten a
clue because it's been brought
out and
hounded pounded that the New
York Times
and The Washington Post in
and Emmas
BC our Stooges for the Democrat
and but if you look at their
circulation they still have a
lot of
influence because they get
there you
know they're radio stations
pick up on
their stories and and then
replay it's
still it's still NBC I mean
still the NBC big network part
of it and
there's a lot more than just
yeah NBC's part of it too yeah
that's the main cable model for
that's the comcast comcast it's
mother lode exactly well with
that I'd
like to thank you for your
courage and
say in the morning to you the
man who
put the C in MSNBC Jhansi -
good morning
to you mr. Adam Carolla in the
all butchered ground feet in
the air
subs in the water and all the
nights out there yes in the
morning to
the trolls in the troll room ha
ho this
is up there 1408 i don't think
we've had
it quite that high recently
that's a
good number very good no no all
trolls good to have you here
and of
course this is no agenda stream
where you can listen to our
show live
many shows are live you control
in real
time and also discover great
that you want to listen to it's
kind of a it's kind of a
fabulous little
deal there and it's cost zero
to you and
you meet interesting people or
also in the morning - Darrin
second in a row he's going for
the hat
trick he brought us the artwork
episode 1218 the title of that
quite often at the meetup
people enjoyed
saying existential and this was
the the
marbles the UK the Elgin
marbles that
had been spilled and it was
obscure now
we agree was obscure but it was
what there were like two or
three that
we liked I think there was
actually yes
there was quite a few they'll
be kinda
like yeah let me see what we
had there
we had the marbles the the
cupcake from kamasutra blogger
was nice
except he screwed up on the on
the on
the branding he used you know
the could
have used the better no agenda
so you know it just didn't
promote the show as much as it
have you liked the my crate
Mike Reilly
fake nuke cloud yeah you didn't
see it
that was you say oh it looks
like God
that was Lisa Simpson yeah I
did and so
that was enough for us to say
no john
was just tired of putting
people on on
the cover arts not necessarily
a great
idea yeah we've used bolton way
too off
there we have so Darren O'Neill
you very much for bringing us
artwork that is highly
appreciated it is
part of our value for value
system where
then people are who don't
listen to well
they listen to the show but
they're not
listeners they're producers
chips in in their own way
Darren does an
incredible amount not just with
streams and his own life shows
podcast and does a lot but the
is and guys multi-talented he
will be
missed when he finally keels
over so
thank you Thank You Darren
O'Neill we
gotta be careful of these
people I tried
to warn them John you and I
have been
doing this show for it this is
our 13th
year we've seen people burn on
and keel over oh I see what you
yeah that's what I mean it's
it's more
of a protection Airy things and
you know
make sure you're okay man man
man it's
no I mean that actually with
super love
no agenda our generator calm
that's what
happened to Martin JJ yes well
chasey went years and years
getting picked and he got it on
a roll I
started getting picked all the
time well
and then he stays I'm getting
picked too
much they started backing off
but this
is like anybody else even if
you're a
performer people or
professionals know
this you'd back off
you don't yeah you just stop
doing it
realize oh my god I've been
myself doing these things yeah
JJ's by the way he's still in
single he during every show
he's live in
the troll room yeah so but this
was a
it used to be you're talking
about me
now do I go through the Delray
meet up donations first cuz
Eric did not
integrate them into the original
spreadsheet that's what he
have done because we don't want
a big
mix cuz you'll be in and out in
and out
Laura okay very easy then so
let's let's
just do this one and then we'll
take us
we're gonna do three breaks
today whoa
okay the del Y del great thing
before the last donation
segment okay
that's fine it's perfect yep
and we do
have people that are in that
segment the
del ray group that will be
executive and
associated executive producers
they'll get mentioned and even
even a
knighting I believe so yes
let's see
they're knighting new Chet put
on the
he is the top of this main list
which is
he comes in with $60 a 91 sets
Brackley North Hampton sure
Britain alright thank you for
the sanity
530 3.33 and real money pounds
pounds yes just karma please
love you
guys thank you for your courage
sir Jean
yes thank you for your courage
oh gee you've got karma thank
you very
much $33.33 machetes Castle Rock
Colorado I cannot find a note
from her
and I've looked up her first
name or
last name and then the word
donation in
the subject line using squirrel
fabulous search features can't
anything yeah I don't have
either from her so sherry you
anything you wanted let us know
let us
know separately thank you thank
you very
much Dame drea in Albany Oregon
$333 she
said oh that's the notes I had
to get
play the squirrel mail song
ladies and
he's not the only one because
there were
definitely some dudes named
then at the
meetup here who said that
they've been
using squirrelmail with an
equal amount
of successes your very own John
C Dvorak
so now watch how within the
span of 45
seconds he can go find the note
belongs to this donation all he
has to
do is go to his very trusty old
system it's known as the one
and only
it's actually a handwritten
note on the
desk no man ITM john and anna
first off
please give a birthday
shout-out to my
smoking-hot sweetie M of the
Mid Valley
I believe he's on the list I
will check
today we celebrate his big 44
and it
also his birthday apparently the
enclosed check and associated
ship should be credited to him
ok ok so
he gets the credit so M of the
Valley is there gonna be the
signal you
got it yeah oops is your mic
falling off
again a little about the show
like check
your equipment you might get
falling off the stands come on
what's next do you want to put
it back
on holding it now fast I am the
pro man
ok she's right I was back on
before you
start bitching
should be credit to his to him
february he purchased my dame
hood and I
eagerly await his presence at
the round
table oh so she's buying your
for him nice there you go
because she needs some good
health karma
to you too and all the
listeners out
there fighting off viruses
that's nice
yeah corona or otherwise thank
you for
all you guys do all the best
Dame drea
and then yeah 333 dollars and
32 cents
and she also has a yeah that's
it that's
it you've got John Soltis so
this is a
DJ power boy who has been a
part of the
show for a long time he always
tunes and stuff for pre streams
and yeah
he's been around for quite a
while I'd
say yes a good six or seven
years maybe
he's now a knight it's gonna be
named me mr. sir power is her
power boy
mm-hmm a knight of the
subatomic realm
if I would like dab hits and
duck at the
round table okay
jangles and duck dab hits I got
to write
that down
yeah space force to the gate to
the gate
to the Climategate and to to
the head
and a karma or I would think so
I hope
so okay you've got okay let me
just dab
hits and duck all right oh this
is Nexus
surf face replacer that
replaced her
joe in austin texas $333 mm-hmm
haven't donated since my
knighting last
year and the smell of douche
douche has
been detected by the smaller
one I'm not a plastic surgeon
Adam so I
can't help you
guess you wrote him I don't
know what I
www mutual wyndcomm it's a
gamer tag I
play FPS games at faceplace
with no
agenda as a note and I'll
friend you on
ps4 yeah okay that'll happen was
somebody out there to please d
douche me
you've been deduced he line up
following clips
I'd like 69 dudes and that's
wrong for
my Catholic upbringing Michael
of mutual
wins oh yes yeah he's the guy
with the
tiny house a community that is
win he's the tiny house
producer in a
smart and focused dude he's
smart and
focused he and I connected this
week and
we hope to build a network of
people in helping communities
travellers with the concept of
affordable modern living please
our big dumb mouth as a podcast
we have
a ton of crossover fans that no
Joe thank you very much and
nice that
you mentioned Michael their
mutual wind
calm I think it is here's what
requested that's wrong
you've got Karma Jeff from
Porte de
Gaulle in borns and Great
okay so 278 he's associate
reduced to $78 and 39 cents i
TM gents
from Jeff and Portugal please
sirs can I
have a random Sharpton followed
by Bush
just send your cash thank you
asking for that again now I'm
on the
road so it makes total sense to
ask me
for that no man on the road
again I
don't I don't think I don't
think I can
find that okay but I do have a
brand new
Rev al ah that's even better 35
the state Democrats had me and
established Democratic Party
back off Bernie because they
were for
the underestimated I also think
a lot of
people were intimidated by the
at all the trawlers he's trying
to say
trolls but he says trawlers
instead he
also say and emanated instead of
intimidate oh gee I hope so the
Democrats and me and the
democratic party straight back
Bernie because they were for the
underestimated I also think a
lot of
people were intimidated by the
he kind of says intimidate
thanks Rev al
to giving ya the trawler Scott
anonymous of colonial place
comes in
next with 229 dollars and 12
cents and
she sent in a card
we love the cards by the way
love them
it's got a nice dog running and
cover there in the morning
Saturday is
my niece's birthday Lexie
listens with
her mother dame looks like dame
and you
know Dame Anne of gray rock this
donation is for Lexie and I am
sure she
will be thrilled with this
present better than a toy yeah
I hope
you think this is better I sure
hope you
do like yeah that's great
thanks for a
birthday please play pretty
good it's
true and little girl yay Thank
You Damon
anima some colonial place ok I
quite ready for that pretty
good what's
the next one hood what's the
next one
pretty good it's true yeah a
little girl
yeah ok and that's with the
notes you
know it takes me a second well
because otherwise you was
that you get any of these
working so
quickly anyway ok we'll do that
again I
think that sounds pretty good
oh it's a
good combo I hope Lexi Lexi
likes what
she heard yeah and she's on the
list good and we'll make sure
to give
her this donation give her
credit for
this donation in Lexi does she
have a
last name
just Lexi this is anonymous
people right
so it's just Lexi ok I'm
changing it for
the for the administrative part
of the
show uh Barron Andruw Jones in
Mountain someplace Mountain
Colorado Colorado two hundred
twenty two
thousand twenty two cents
another note and here it is on
top of
the pile I organized this pile
zona to
scrounge through notes and
that's what I
why I left them on my desk
so they wouldn't be messed up
dear Jeb
and Alan brother I would like
the Noah
genders I would like to thank
the Noah
genders for waiting so
patiently for my
next book the new book children
of the
broken moon does and Jones our
yes seven years in the making
this book
is a rip-roaring fantasy
fiction bound
to amuse and us down and it
won't blow
your amygdala you'll find
you'll find no
sneaky social engineering in
this book
and the only agenda is mine
which is to
write the best piece of fiction
talking took up his pen of
course I'm
excited he says is it you be
the judge
the entire book is currently
posted on
em Andruw Jones em Andruw Jones
one more one words up and and
if you
find great value give value
like this
for Humanity oh I like this I
like that
he's doing that value for value
still napping for Humanity are
one of
our fabulous promotions that
PS the website also contains
what I
currently have of the second
book as I
slowly flesh it out and it will
house the bones of a third and
book as I place my notes online
for all
the world to see and follow
though I
imagine only my fellow word
nerd scribes
and grammar nazis will be
interested in
the slow process of writing
and editing so you can check it
out long
live no agenda and long live
the valley
for value model and does he ask
for any
jingles or Karma's no doesn't
matter I'm
giving it to him
you've got car much tough
enough as is
it's hard to publish a book
hard yeah it
is yeah you would know I would
know I
would know I would know yeah
you're the
one that knows I am I'm the one
Dave card Dania in Evergreen
220 220 ah this is our
promotion at 222
I was trying to guess how many
the word that would do it we
have one
two three four five I guess two
then the
five is actually four saw is
off by a
hundred percent so that's a
yesterday's palindrome yeah and
I would
see Andrew Jones would qualify
in some
odd way for that it's the last
palindrome until 2021 actually
gardenia jobs come at y'all I'm
you get to try get everything
Kermit please he writes just
got back
from India where I trained that
replacement for my team of
dudes named
Ben time to start the job
search 73
sir veto ke 0 INX
yeah 73 sk5 acc thank you for
courage jobs jobs and jobs
Stephanie Nora Lander 220 220
and she's
in Holland so it's partner
Lander inner
London stay funny nor longer
stay for
guy or a girl could be a stay
funding it
stay for a funny nor lumps day
funny yes
it forced me to finally stay
Stephanie she said I'm forced
to open a
PayPal account or else I could
donate it's annoying but the
show is
worth it most the time I don't
is it
true that in Europe because in
United States you can go to the
that are on the newsletter that
paypal links and you just put
credit card you don't have to
have an
account yes I I think that's
true I do
know that PayPal accounts are a
if you want to connect it to
your bank
it like takes weeks for that to
place but I think you can just
do a
credit card you know what all
the kids
are using and we and I think
talked about it this cash app
thing is
like crazy that's what people
like cash which is a part of
the PayPal
universe I think or is it part
of square
I don't know what you're
talking about
well this is this thing called
cash app
and that's what a lot of people
youtubers use it to donate
money and I
guess it's it has very low
friction it's
frayed low friction yeah you
talking about moaning and
groaning about
these dis scammers that it were
stealing all your data no oh
and you
know it might night mine yeah
no I think
cash app like square I think
they have
their own they because that's
what's his
face Jack Dorsey's other cut no
is it
not checked oh yeah Jack
Dorsey's other
company square yeah and so cash
app is
part of square so I don't think
part of the you know the the
Network give us your login
we'll do
anything but they might be I
don't know
all I know is that people like
money with it that's that's the
point I'm giving you all right
Sir John Knowles is next on the
he's the Baron of Murfreesboro
220 220 he's part of it I
always says
he's the baron of Murfreesboro
known message other than that
okay well
we know useless and no jingles
no car
man thank you for your child's
broken a
220 220 and he's from where's
the K our
work here is it is it I don't
know look
it wouldn't be too hard to find
out see
he didn't send a note and
there's no
note on paypal and there's no
note in my
email I'd have correspondence
from him
but it all dates back to 2015
Korea yeah kr is the iso 3166-1
w mo country code for south
korea nice
yeah okay well let us know
what's going
on yeah shut down the country
it looks
like yeah
be nice to know Charles
wilkinson to
2020 in Ottawa Ontario and he
says one
canadian dollar's eagles 0.727
three US
dollars thanks Trudeau love to
show guys
I've been listening for 11 years
Wow I have CP and other and and
use a
power chair
when I started listening I was
disability living on mac and
cheese when
I said fuck this I want more
enrolled in
a three year college program
four years
later I have a permanent job as
a server
administrator making money that
I had
never managed managed like I
imagined I could thank you guys
for the
work you do I feel as though
you guys
have been with me on my journey
thought I'd be able to send you
donation but here you go thank
you very
much Thomas that's very nice
story okay
I believe that the the dollar
seventy two cents to the US
dollar yes
that's bad drive site should
Americans to take little jeonse
well how
about shopping for clothes but
buy a
house or a car or something
houses are
really high oh yeah okay nice
and the
cars you know they're know what
what do
I know I don't know what you
know but
let's do we see what Chris
black knows
he's in Gitmo CARICOM he sent a
note in
great yeah I got it let me
guess you got
it yeah no I B's you know since
been sitting on the desk of
getting moved around nervously
he I sent
it to $200 even and he's I got
a note he
scented by a check by TM I've
been it's
been some month since my last
but I was curious if I'm
supposed to
track my donations yes because
I forgot
the shows I donated to figure
it out
anyway I was on my way to pay
my Fed
loan student loan and I thought
I would
put aside a few dollars for my
podcast I have to watch my
budget now
that I'm stocking up on cheap
supplies in case the Wu hen bat
shows up on a different note
second marks the election date
date to
see if the operation to oust
the current
administration of Guiana is
our version of Obama David
Granger was
elected in 2015 in ExxonMobil
and the
spooks followed I transferred hi
phile he's a yes this guy i
transport he
runs a he runs a limo service
that's that's where you can get
info i transport high-profile
and there's surely a lot going
between the u.s. and the
venezuela yeah so we will see
so he's
indiana but yeah he's got
livable places
all over the place he's got
apparently in georgia really
because i
will see if the chinese back
indian up
chinese-backed indian
opposition party
will get back in 20 after
watched the
documentary the great hack
cambridge analytical's influence
neighboring Trinidad's elections
enjoying the show and mo facts
did you did you watch the great
hack no
because I know we'd already
seen kind of
the there was the the document
or the
mockumentary not mockumentary
dramatized version of that what
was it
the brexit thing were they
added to the
same material and so I started
the the
great hacker like it's
repetitive there's nothing new
here and
I'm not that impressed with
analytic a well it was it was a
man okay yes but there's such
praise as
water in it praise is lauded
over this
this film like that I cut out
of it it
was like repetitive and it's
like okay
I'll check it out but you're
right yeah it felt a bit like
oh boy oh
yes is so smart over there
analytic mmm-hmm no no and if
those guys
were truly so smart why is the
administration who that would
learned so much from using K
analytic a why they still
sending me
nutty texts do you want the
latest of
course yes okay well now what
have they
been texting me for the past
few weeks
what is the issue or give you a
yeah yes but I have not renewed
membership which I don't know
membership they're talking about
I never saw some spam list no
this is
win read this is the oh you
mean their
spam list like I'm just a loser
that's why now this is this is
well they know they know what's
going on
because now they they said oops
hold on
here it is and of course I will
read the
things in all caps with
emphasis your
membership expired 131 you've
granted special open enrollment
11:59 p.m.
president Trump's allies need
you renew
today like it's baffling
baffling that
one company doing all the
Democrats and
all the Republicans know we
have the the
blue guys act blue share blue
they do
the same thing $3 chip in its
the codes
are all the same no these guys
don't use
chip in they do five time match
and they
yell at you I've got some of the
maintenance on stuff but they
don't yell
at me they just say hey you
know chip in
three bucks now we'll help you
out you
know I haven't even read where
they came
with the $3.00 thing it found no
research that indicate then
that's a
good number
well it's probably better than
to I mean
isn't that how they think and I
think it can be much much more
than that
no that's just lots of these
that are this big or highly
and tested regardless we thank
all of
our executive producers and
executive producers for episode
12 18
and 19 I'm sorry what
1201 two one-niner is the
episode and
you can put that into your
resume into
your profiles certainly
consider that
for LinkedIn as just an item
executive producer or associate
executive producer it makes a
world of
difference all the top people
who have
good jobs you see it is right
maybe not in their profile name
certainly on their on their
list of
achievements and an achievement
it is thank you it's part of
our value
for value system it is the only
way that
we can make it work and we can
these horrible things that are
place where they're talking
about taking
hits out on on politicians no
one else
can discuss that or at least
they joke
about it and we can dive into
it that's
because of you that's because
we all
produce this together and we'll
thanking more people including
from the meetup here in Fort
and if you'd like to help us
and I think
you should for our Thursday
show go to
to Vollrath dot org slash and a
no doubt
you're up to speed on all
things hashtag
bernie new thing our formula is
this we
go out or hit people in the
so we had a couple of
television moments again I'm
going to
contrast two of them on the
show we talked about rod
Blagojevich and
the reasons for the president
his sentence blog dough and the
way that
read to me was very simple we
went back
into the history and there was
a lot of
corruption it was interesting
how Obama
came to power was interesting
who was
involved at the time how he get
in power
when I say power when he would
got at
his Senate seat and what kind
of Chicago
politics took place to remove
his two
contenders event essentially
with sex
scandals or relationship
scandals but
the main issue being he was
thrown in
jail for so-called
even though the news reports
will say
for trying to sell Obama's
Senate seat
no it was for corruption for a
a hospital which is you could
say is
part of everyday politics but
is because it happens all the
time but
it when you when you after
someone you
can use that as corruption I
think it
was because the actual
mentioned was for a hospital
and at the
time it was President Obama
Obama who was on the Illinois
and I want to say Medical Board
I think
he ran the board and so he was
involved in this and that needs
to be
covered up and if you look at
the news
articles if when President
Obama was
about to leave at the end of
rod Blagojevich was there
saying hey
well I hope he does the right
thing and
pardons me and of course it was
that not
2016 I'm sorry that had been
the first
term 2012 yeah 2012 of course
President Obama did not had
pardoned him and now
Blagojevich is out
the president Trump is kind of
like yeah I know him a little
bit he
knows him better than that
they were in the in the reality
together but he did an
appearance on Fox
and he did an appearance on CNN
are you
like diamond and pearl here now
wanted to say until you get to
ten they
wanted to ten what lips max oh
you could have just number ten
by the
way he could have just said it
I mean no
no no no I was waiting for you
to stop
me on the bail I just wanted to
enough of him cuz I thought I
imagining it and so now I'm not
well thank you it could also be
I'm in a shitty hotel room I
have by the
way being in that shitty hotel
room I
wanted to mention something you
away from the mic or something
a little
while ago and got this beautiful
resonance this huge echo were
talking toward the bathroom I
don't know
what it was but it was like wow
stop getting something like
this like
this was I talking like this
yeah do you think that's
why no it's it just sounds just
cool cider it's under modulator
but it
sounded pretty cool wow man
my whole setup is you've
interrupted it
to such a degree I don't really
what to say I'm going I'm so
though I'm so sorry that I was
smacking I we're supposed to
call each
other I'll I called you out
it's not a
big deal okay do you remember
what I was
talking about
yeah blonde oh yeah dead the
okay thanks I hope I hope other
remember better than you do so
here he
is on Fox and this is Watters
Jesse Watters who who clearly
what's going on and this was a
clear drive and if you listen
you'll hear that it's in there
a drive
towards what we were talking
about on
the last show before anyone
else kind of
figured that out are you angry
at Barack
Obama I'm disappointed in
Barack Obama
angry Adam here an opportunity
a rock
Obama that you haven't spoken
to anybody
about wild lights let me say
generally I know a lot of
things about a
lot of different people who I
knew in
politics that I haven't spoken
about and
I would not exclude him from
that list
are you planning on speaking
about what
you know about Barack Obama and
how he
came up in that Chicago system
you know
obviously notoriously corrupt
city well
I'm interested in telling the
truth and
and and doing it without any
spirit of
meanness or malice but to be
and in talking about things
that might
be of interest and that
actually might
serve the public good is there
you want to get off your chest
about the
former president with regards
to that
that you haven't told anybody
yeah I'll say that the former
well let me just say this that
current president has trumped
the former
president when it comes to the
testicular of virility
necessary to do
the right thing and to undo
injustice I
went to prison and spent nearly
years in prison for things that
crimes routine politics a lot
of the
same fake stuff they that they
tried to
do to president Trump they've
done to me
and some of the very same
people some of
the same characters who did it
to me are
involved in doing it to
president Trump
President Obama surely must
have known
something like that that that
were the
circumstances surrounding my
situation I
think he could have acted at the
appropriate time considering the
political implications when he
office he didn't do it I think
it was
kind of leading the witness a
little bit
but it was clear what was going
on there
the the other side I don't
think I've
seen Anderson Cooper so mad on
before can you ever remember a
time when
Cooper was mad like just mad
and saying
bullshit and you have a clip of
maybe you'll join me in the
fight to
reform our criminal justice
something about the problem of
sentencing blacks and Latinos
I learned that when I was there
what's sad is that you hadn't
learned that when you mattered
when you
actually were the governor you
work you
talk about working for the
justice reform there's a lot of
in Chicago there's a lot of
people in
who actually like spit up when
you say
that because when you were
empowering when you were
governor and you could have
thousands what do you think
Cooper is
talking about there with a lot
of people
spit up when you talk about
that and by
the way Anderson Cooper is of
part of the national security
bureaucracy he was CIA it's like
everyone knows that at least he
there part of the time what is
what is
his connection to all this that
he's so
mad and people are spitting up
when they
hear him talk like this people
knew he
was he what you have to ask the
what is blog oh saying that has
set him
off on this tangent of of anger
what he
said is that no I nobody I mean
understand what he said
but why does what's it got to
do with
him what's he got to do it
would did so
personal to Cooper that is the
question cases he blew it off
governor after you inherited a
backlog nearly three thousand
petitions that you failed to
review in
fact you were sued by you were
sued as
governor by Cabrini Green legal
aid to
try and pressure you to
actually pay
attention to clemency cases
instead of
extorting people for money and
contributions so it's a little
and frankly a little sad and
and hypocritical and you
talking about
you know commuting and getting
a you get
a commutation of a sentence
which is
within the president's right
but you
ignored a whole hell of a lot
of other
people who are hoping you might
them clemency when you actually
so absolutely there wasn't a
person it
was a statement
I'd be happy to work with
people on
criminal justice reform but I
work with you then why why does
all of a sudden say he's happy
to work
with PZ a politician he's happy
to work
with PT ties it supposed to be a
supposed to be a journalist
host I'm
telling you this there's this
is someone
who's been told to take this
boy down is
what's going on
oh this is what it is and
question okay
and leader trust that when
you've been
put where I was and you have
all the
time that I was given to think
back on some of the things you
have done different that's
certainly an
area that you talked about that
certainly wish I would have
done more on
there's no question about that
Brno among my biggest regrets I
know how corrupt the criminal
system was until they did it to
me oops
oops oops oops this is now
pooper at
this point his mouth is
scrunched up his
eyes are spitting fire and that
was a
wake-up call having said that I
want to
say one thing about me as
governor when
the cases came to me and I was
files about people who were
clemency or pardons I acted
appropriately sued I mean that
is what I
did clemencies and I did
pardons I
didn't didn't do nearly enough
it wasn't
a priority I would acknowledge
that I
didn't go to the office every
day doing
that instead I was giving
health care to
all the children attention to
seniors and the disabled so you
were you
when I regret that much money to
hospitals in order to get
contributions but see that's
took that
that's a big lie they got eight
dollars from me and I'm proud
for you
letter lines they got it after
you had
promised it
I ordered it before that
happened and it
didn't they got it while I was
that is not factual okay
governor Blagojevich I do wish
you the
best I really I'm glad for your
that you're out and I don't
know by the
way you were asking me
questions but
just honestly I just look I
have no
problem are you getting out I
think you
know the president can come you
however you want
I just think I wish you know
perching prosecutors who
actually who
are no longer in the in in
but you know prosecutors are
in our system and you are going
the very basis of our justice
which has plenty of problems
but but you
know part of the thing is you
got out
you do have an obligation to at
admit what you did wrong and
you refuse
to do that and you're creating
a whole
new alternate universe of facts
and that
may be big in politics today
but it's
still frankly just bullshit
example shit
I lived it myself it's not so
is now the hero of prosecutors
hero of
the jumpa state you have to be
that had a
slew of people on death row and
two or
three young journalists I
happen to know
one of them went in there as a
project I
think at the University Eleanor
one of
the schools and they discovered
that all
these cases were all bullcrap
two cases
and a judge had to release a
ton of
people from the Illinois prison
for the phony-baloney
prosecutions that
were all all crooked ah so this
is why
oh of course I've got to
protect those
guys let's not drag anything up
quite disappointing
although fine just find it
and I give you ten points I
forgive you
I'll give you clip of the day
for that
oh you're just you're just
trying to
make me feel good what can I
tell ya
cottonmouth it's like I'm sorry
take a
drink of I've been drinking
decaf coffee
from a plastic machine yes
exactly and
all you can do it did not
commit a rape
but you can just call me out on
smacks it's a Smackdown so that
was that
was that's was a phenomenal set
well I got a phenomenal set of
clips too
okay this one I went to your
beat I
start which I decided to step
over there
that's okay now we didn't play
this I
don't think
but it's so outrageous that I
don't know
how we couldn't have played it
this is
the Asajj deal and call me it's
new nobody's covering this
except Oh a n
shine by the way find it
offensive what
that Oh Ian does it or that's
the only
one that both killed by Comey
in 2018
the hill reporter that FBI
james comey directly intervened
to kill
wikileaks his immunity deal
Assange is
legal team had reached out to
the Trump
administration to strike a deal
January 2017 and cut this deal
with the
US government
Assange offered to not release
the CIA's
vault 7 and was willing to