March 15th, 2020 • 3h 0m
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find out your boring water
people Adam
Curry John C. Dvorak Sunday
March 15
2020 this is your award-winning
Nation Media assassination
episode 1225
this is no agenda March and
live from opportunity zone 33
here the
frontier of Austin Texas
capital at the
drone star state in the morning
I'm Adam curry from Northern
Valley where the freeways are
I'm Jesse Devore I admit I'm
loving the
traffic sitch yes the traffic
stitch is
the best Wow hey so we we were
on Thursday how we were so
about all this panic shopping I
seen it you hadn't seen it but
I guess
it none of that happened until
after the
president's disastrous
Wednesday evening
performance which apparently
was written
by Jared Kushner we're trying
to read it
but I don't believe this is
true that it
was written by Jared know about
about this happening after the
announcements well every
Thursday well
he did it Wednesday evening and
Thursday okay what the national
emergency was called on Friday
no I know
I know but the the nutso buying
products because I went out
Friday and I here in Austin as
well I
ran into empty shelves so you
know it it
kind of I think it right after
president had crappy d-minus
that's when people went and
then the
stock market was dropping like
well I
think that's what happened and
it went
up no we're talking about
Thursday Friday but Friday it
skyrocketed of course so we
have the so
we had here a and I'd gone at
the start
of the day before and it was
Trump's thing but it wasn't it
wasn't it
didn't seem to be the disaster
was on
now on Friday we had and this
reported in the news the
traffic is
backed up on the freeway mm-hmm
backed up on the freeway for as
far as I
can see and I thought I was a
wreck as a
wreck that's correct somebody
and no and it turned out that
traffic was backed up for the
purpose of
going to Costco which is yes we
had the
same at some of our Costco's
but on
Friday not not like Costco what
does Costco done to the public
hypnotize people well first of
Costco has big carts which is
makes you
feel good and powerful because
gonna get lots of stuff I went
I went to
the supermarket and indeed we
had no
paper products no cleaning
products and
no frozen food lots of fresh
produce low
on potatoes but I I would
listen line
for about an hour and I just
looked at
what everyone was buying John
the two
things one this was around two
Austin time so people were on
phones watching the president
in the
Rose Garden this was kind of
there whoa yeah president's
talking all
right yeah he's doing this is
how pizza
you hear yeah he's doing the
State of
the Union that's what I realize
curry you're way too deep you
know way
too much about this stuff this
is the
level people understand he's
doing the
State of the Union okay but
they have 15
bags of chips five boxes of
elite brand
mac and cheese all these no can
no tuna
fish normally they can't sell
the tuna
fish and tuna fit and the only
that was left was you have
boxes that look like they might
be Asian
that contains some tuna fish
can or
something but the great toilet
scare is a fractal this is a
fractal of
1973 and I was living in the
so I don't recall it but maybe
you do in
73 people started to freak out
and buy
toilet paper because Johnny
cracked a joke about it on The
Show actually I read the same
there's actually it predated
that cars
cracked a joke because it was
in the
newspaper wasn't it newspaper
yes right
so somebody had announced and I
know where that by the way and
I just
read this and to kind of answer
earlier question that I might
this I don't remember this but
okay okay
I don't even know that it
happened but
maybe that's where my mom's
thing came
from him might have started
right there
and that's the first thing I was
thinking of 1973 that would be
a time
when your mom might have said
oh the
Chinese and it was a Chinese
wasn't it was the or Japanese
and then I
was a Japanese shortage I think
there's a shortage somewhere
and then
Carson made some comment and
then it was
all over and it became
according to the
same article or one of the
articles like
you read it became like a big
thing I
don't know if there's it is a
fractal of
that but it well here's the
front what
the triggering mechanism we go
Stephen Colbert Procter &
Gamble says
17600 products could be
affected by
coronavirus in China over 17,000
products including Charmin dawn
and Crest toothpaste so get
ready to
start brushing your teeth with
a hygiene
product still made in America
Daniels I it's possible that he
may have
kicked that off that was the
of the week
maybe something kicked it off
but it did
Meany about it is laughable yes
it's not
it's sad it shows you how how
dysfunctional people are
minimally and
the thing is they're not
nobody's ever
even thought to stop
toilet paper and as I've
mentioned when
we talk about toilet paper
which we
apparently do of once a year or
so the
because I talked about Z the
brand Z and
I since like get some toilet
paper from
Grocery Outlet mainly because
there goes
to Zephyr let's go one two
three four
five six seven
8:8 economy stable all things
we're gonna short it should be
nine oh I
thought oh you're right nine is
no we
are short economy down economy
trying to be down economy down
down only eight cars on the
zephyr now
so I I realized by doing that
buying it
at this place there are
probably a
hundred separate brands of
toilet paper
and I don't know how many come
in from
China which seems unlikely is
kind of a
wasters or its kind of a stupid
thing to
do but there's a lot of
different but
nobody is stopping the
manufacturing of
toilet paper anytime soon if
not if
there's not a glut on the
market so the
people who went out and bought
baskets full of toilet paper
it's just
it's beyond comprehension
I think there's that there's an
OP going
on well before we get to ops
listen to our Secretary of the
and fellow Tourette's sufferer
he's much better at suppressing
Steven minuchin only recently I
know but
I got to get his tips I got to
out what he said I think he's
injected he has he still has it
I can
see it when a question comes he
does he
moves his head in his neck a
certain way
and of course I recognize what
that is
it's a stifled tic but he's
good at it
and he weighed in of course on
economy and very interesting as
we kind
of thought this buying would
affect the overall economy and
it has
there's there's area the
economies that
have been hurt very hard
area of the economy is the best
that's ever has occurred so as
you said
people are shopping from the
data I have
from the credit card companies
and what
we've seen is although travel
is way down spending on
supplies food
medical pharmacy has almost
offset that
in the short term and again any
chain issues the task force is
on and we'll be dealing with
don't see
that as a major problem at the
moment I
think as you know people were
about China China's opened back
up China
opened for business and thank
you for
helping the economy the overall
of course because it's starting
to hurt
and if you noticed this I don't
know if
it's the same with you I'm
emails and texts and calls from
lots of
friends and families like I'm
Oracle now like hey what's
going on do
you know what's happening yeah
the kid
came home from school saying
from was
you know heard that China
created this
to kill us all you know so this
is now
this is what's happening with
11 12 year
old kids the hearing is at
school so
everybody needs to feel
somewhat better
eating anything at school
around here
schools been closed yes and as
I have
family in Italy in food ends
willow and
everything is they're not
freaked out at
all of course her husband who
was an
entertainer will have no work
for a
delete he's had no work for two
he'll probably know there for
because he's a comedian and he
in public so that's done and
it's just
kind of a ghost town it's like
just aren't really going out
except to
go to the the grocery store or
yeah or if you need to drive to
restaurants and bars curfew
a Tiffany in the Netherlands and
Christina of course in Rotterdam
Rotterdam is is really
completely shut
down and they're expecting
curfew to be
installed by this weekend so
they say or
this coming weekend maybe even
and the shit and then the
shelves there
it was rated just the panic is
real in
the lowlands people are flip
and they're just buying
anything that's
it to buying the shelves gonna
buy this
show I mean I might need a
shelf give me
the shelf I want this shelf by
the shelf
and that you know the there's
no one
calming anybody down there's no
doing any good work actually I
I thought
I don't you saw the whole Rose
speedo by the president as bad
as the
Wednesday night was I gave this
a solid
a finally finally he does what
he's good
at doesn't use the prompter
comes out
with his his kind of people the
CEO from
Walmart from Target from
Walgreens when
I'm missing their CVS he's got
all the
big guys at hey hey Don come
over here
okay Pete you get right Pete
you got
this under control
and he had he had it together
and he was also not taking any
shit from
the reporters if someone just
dreaming on about did you take
a test
have you been tested then he
just had
the mic taken away from him but
you know didn't do his typical
shut up
your fake news the best though
which you
didn't see on your Evening News
why would you we were too
obsessed with
claiming the president lied
Google isn't
doing anything Google isn't
building a
website by the way how about the
president giving a shout out
for Google
yeah we just had Google build a
which will see slips in a little
political bullcrap
which it hasn't happened with
website launched by the
government okay
that was unnecessary I hate it
when he
does that
but then he brought on promised
done it he does it too much now
doesn't need to do it he
doesn't need to
so he brought on Deborah bricks
Bri Eck
Burks I'm sorry BIR ex she's
Department ambassador-at-large
and she
has she was in government
starting with
the Bush administration PEPFAR
she is
the I'll just call her the AIDS
czar as
she has shepherded that
throughout the
Bush administration and she
laid out and
said this is
a little bit longer clip three
but she lays out exactly what
exactly because it all we've
heard is
we've got no kids we're not
testing the
truck is killing us oh wait I
actually play the lawrence
clip let me see where is that
here we go this is Lawrence
Alton this
is your mainstream media more
people are
in America tonight because
Donald Trump
is president more people are
dead and
dying in America more people
are dead
and dying because of Donald
Trump thanks
we feel really horrible now so
comes out and she I think she
it incredibly well
she even addresses the fact
that it may
have been confusing for the
press and
for people at home but he and
she has
actual credibility and she in
the Aged
days and the heyday of the aides
although we've learned that
aids still
kills 2,000 people a day
she was always up front and
center as
she's very well respected then
of course
that's why no one talks to her
no one
interviews her they don't even
put this
segment on television but I
think this
really tells you what is going
on and
where we're at dr. Burks please
You mr. president Tom it's a
pleasure to
be here with all of you I think
you know
at the beginning of this
epidemic HHS
through CDC proactively
developed an
assay built on the existing flu
surveillance system that
system was then converted to
system but last Tuesday seeing
spread of the virus around the
globe the
president realized that our
approach to testing was
inadequate to
need to meet the needs of the
public he asked for an entire
of the testing approach he
called the private sector
to the White House as noted and
them with developing a high
quality platform that can meet
the needs
of the American public we are
to LabCorp and quest for taking
up the
charge immediately after the
meeting and
within seventy now at 72 hours
additional testing access
to the outbreak areas
of Washington State and
California and
now across the country we are
also very
grateful to the universities in
hospital systems that took up
the charge
developed their own quality
tests made
available by new dep new FDA
this has resulted in expanded
across New York California
Colorado and you see sometimes
dried through options that have
made available through these
throughput options following
the meeting
last week major commercial
equipment and diagnostic
companies took
immediate action to adopt and
new testing systems last night
initial company Roche received
sta FDA
approval moving from request to
development to approval in
record time
in less than two weeks together
we have
developed a solution that we
will meet the future needs
testing needs
of Americans I understand how
this has been I was part of the
response in the 80s we knew
from dying
from first finding cases in
1981 it took
us to almost 1985 to have a
test it took
us another 11 years to have
therapy it is because of the
learned from that that we were
able to
mobilize and bring those
that were key to the HIV
response to
this response I understand that
a lot of
this behind-the-scenes action
over the
last couple of weeks was
invisible to
the press and the American
people but
this intense effort has not only
resulted in innovative
solutions but an
automated high throughput system
bringing the availability of
quality Korona viral testing to
American people at
unprecedented speed
finally I want you to know in
Korea they did have large
number of
tests available over the last
weeks their positivity rate is
three and four percent with
LabCorp and
quest expanded testing their
rate is between one and two
percent so
we want to also announce this
approach to testing which will
start in
the screening website up here
facilitated by Google where
clients and
patients and people of interest
go fill out a screening
move down for symptoms or risk
yes they would move down this
and be
told where the drive-thru
options would
be for them to receive this
test the
labs will then move to the
high-throughput automated
machines to be
able to provide results in 24
to 36
hours that is the intent of this
approach we have seen it work
just in
our own United States and we
want to
bring this across the continent
you very much so a couple of
things we
learned I think none of this was
reported except for the Google
is going
to build the website which I
even see
the troll room people believe
that's not true at Google of
course came
out and said yes we are doing
that it's
through our act you know one of
companies that they acquired
and we have
Google engineers who have
volunteered to
get this up and going by Sunday
that's what the press focused
on well
actually they focused on
something else
in addition to that if you was
tested or
not well three things three
this is
Trump's slamming slamming a
niche else
indoor PBS really played this
up at all
the other places did too saying
that her
question was nasty
yeah so he's a racist oh of
it's yummy Sh when he's a race
racist we know because she sees
used the
word nasty and and we're on PBS
NewsHour they and I don't know
when this
started because reporters aren't
supposed to be part of the news
but the
news crews nowadays on the
networks the big networks they
they put
the camera on the reporter
asked it
usually their reporter yeah
they never
you know their reporter asking
question so they had the camera
on you
know the Yami SH and she's
asking the
question you shut down the
pandemic unit
and it's just the reason we're
so far
behind you know what did they
have an
answer for that because I've
looked into
and I know exactly what
happened well
you can tell us what happened
after I
tell you what the president
said he
speak kind of passed it off
saying you
know these other people have
done things
it's not nothing really I know
you're blaming me for that was
a nasty
question because it was it was
a nasty
question in terms of just a
question yeah and dad became
the big
news right so what actually
happened is
it was John Bolton that
reorganized that
what was it blamed he mentioned
yeah but what happened was
pandemic was
replaced with the but the
banned bioweapon team so it was
replacement upgrading it in my
mind to
something much better
and there's though in that in
2018 the
same timeframe that the
documents in the
show notes you can see the
entire layout
for the bio weapon team that
the pandemic team so yeah and I
sounds like something Bolton
would do
that makes a lot of sense but
what we're
hearing now from dr. Burks is
the entire
system was not set up for this
type of
testing and also people really
have some
kind of fantasy about you know
you just
swab your cheek and and you're
good to
go and you beep you get a green
light or
a red light you know it's not
like a
23andme DNA test spitting the -
well it
is actually it comes back
faster than
the 23andme but it's not an
test and apparently it took a
while to get the test to be
right which
of course is just an outrage
and people
have died because of this but
the CDC
failed and Trump did something
interesting he went something
straight from a socialist
actually you got to be you keep
your eye
on it he said all right let's
bring in
everybody else and he said and
and in
Europe the word is oh my god
only in
America would they come up with
a genius
idea of a drive-through testing
you have
to understand this is unique to
United States drive-through
was a big deal in the 70s when
we heard
about it over in Europe
so this hit so we look like
like the
coolest people in the world
we're gonna
do that in a drive-thru format
that's really an important
thing because
you don't you don't want to
fill up the
doctors offices hospitals and
ers with
people wanting a test
yeah the drive-thru is a great
that's genius but I don't know
if they
still have this in Texas but
they used
to have drive-through liquor
stores and
and beer vendors don't know of
especially around these parts
you know
we have Sunday can't even sell
liquor so
as I'm sure it's weird but I was
encouraged by hearing that and
also a
South Korea remember we talked
these numbers would probably be
numbers that would matter and a
pet they
sure they had tests but their
test gave
worst results than our tests
could our
test be fixed rigged bugged
whatever I
don't know I don't think so so
the test
is getting better it could be
flattening the curve though I
think we
kind of nailed that one I heard
over and over this past week
flatten the
curve we got to flatten the
curve and
yeah it's kind of expected and
people have started to hunker
down a bit
I think it's gone a bit too far
retail is cutting hours
restaurants I
mean we went out to a
restaurant last
night where you know pretty
much empty
although other ones were full I
think it
kind of hit and miss but just
trying to
keep the economy going and one
thing from this Rose Garden
speech kind
of set me on a path of looking
at a
couple of things and I want to
that here's what the president
about the virus Americans are
strongest and most resilient
people on
earth and in the coming weeks
we will
all have to make changes and
but these short-term sacrifices
produce long-term gain and
again I've
said we're learning a lot for
the future
and future problems like this
or worse
or worse it could get worse the
eight weeks are critical we can
and we will turn a corner on
this virus
some of
the doctors say it will wash
through and
will flow through interesting
terms and
very accurate I think you're
gonna find
in a number of weeks it's going
to be a
very accurate term all right
things I pay attention when he
says look
eight weeks he's putting real
out there I didn't see this
clip played
anywhere either eight weeks and
they say
go look at number doctors say
it's gonna
wash over it could be just a
couple of
weeks and that's what the
doctors say
that could turn out to be pretty
accurate you're gonna see I
mean he
couldn't message it any stronger
and I was looking around at the
you know
because of course there's this
comparison between influenza
and what it
does and how many victims it
takes every
year and versus the corona
virus the
symptoms etc and it's very hard
to go
back and find stuff in any of
the search
engines Google is useless
actually if
you want to find something from
even a
few months ago that contained
the terms
influenza or or sick or
anything like
that and the first one I hit
was Time
magazine from January 16th and
this was
a weird flu suit flu season it
turns out
then time well time the rag
says flu
season is always unpredictable
viral strains circulate each
year which
makes forecasting a deist the
disease is
spread and formulating the
annual flu
vaccine and educated guessing
game even
so the 2019 2020 flu season has
particularly unusual influenza
B the
viral strain that usually
toward the end of flu season
emerged first this year
shifting usual
transmission patterns a vaccine
met mismatch and reduced
immunity to
influenza B may have
contributed to the
early and severe start of this
season but what at what all
articles say
including this one is that it
would be
milder than other years the CDC
and see what is the date of this
publication they published what
expect for the 2019 2020 flu
and this page was last reviewed
on March
13th so it it's still accurate
and let's
just look at the numbers for a
CDC estimates that from October
1st 2019
remember'd started early this
flu season
through March 7th 2020 there
have been -
not there will be there have
been 36
million 251 million flu
illnesses 17
million to 24 million flu
medical visits
370 thousand to 670,000 flu
hospitalizations in my favorite
22,000 -
55,000 flu deaths so this is
this has
happened in this period that we
are just
looking back on these numbers
could have
could have easily been reported
something incredibly scary yeah
22 -
55,000 deaths I mean that's
that those
are scary numbers if you hype
it up the
way this has been going but it
but what we do see if you go
back to
January now January 25th or
23rd is when
the news first started
reporting it here
in the u.s. seriously with
deaths in
China in that month and I
remembered it
because of my daughter my so I
something in December but if
you go back
and look in timelines people's
on Twitter or just any friends
see that they had a lot of them
flu-like symptoms
felt like crap went to the
diagnosed with influenza but
did not
test positive with an influenza
told to go home took about ten
days and
they felt better I have a
personally listening to the
from the president and looking
at the
numbers that this thing has
washed through us and the only
why it appears to be building
is because
we're testing we're testing oh
my god
but is it you can't tell me
that this
only we only have these cases
now after
this was already killing people
January we have direct flights
Wuhan to Toledo Ohio
enough a hundred thousand cases
predicted to be in Toledo Ohio
why well there's a million
coming back and forth all year
with all
the factories that they that's
American Factory the Obama
is about about that exact area
in Ohio
come my feeling is the symptoms
yeah of
course is gonna kill people
just like
the flu you've got the numbers
I think
it's already people have
already had I
think it may have come and gone
it just
looks like it's incredibly bad
the numbers are now starting to
come in
from testing we probably have
forty fifty million people
infected most
have no symptoms some get some
some people died like the flu
we have to
remember that the corona virus
is night
alongside of rhinoviruses that
is the
cause of the common cold thank
you and
that seems to have been lost in
shuffle well and so back to
your op yes
this I think this is an op for
multiple angles this is
financials I
mean the money that must be
made right
now in the markets for some
must be
astronomical if you know what
doing you've got to be cleaning
up I
mean this and we've we've got
to have
acquisitions coming soon there
are there
companies you know down to a
buck two
nokia nokia is a like a buck
and a half
a share of Nokia this is gonna
accurate it was already on the
acquisition block so there's
all kinds
of stuff that's going on there
is my fear we see now in Israel
have an app encouraging all
citizens to
download the app will you you
report and
of course it tracks you and
it's very
very open about it it tracks
you it then
so that you can say okay either
I'm in
quarantine I've had it I have
it you
know you show up on the map and
you're walking around somewhere
Israel and you're you go and
you you are
virus free and you come in
proximity of
someone who might have it you
know your
phone's go careful citizen
warning Will
Robinson danger yeah so there's
a lot of
tracking that will be put in
place this is the surveillance
the way
they the way they speak about
it who
knows what else will will come
of this
but this is the never let a
crisis go to
waste moment and I think we're
going to
only when this subsides a bit
will we
find out exactly what has been
put in
place there are things we could
about the green new deal in
Europe in a
minute but I just cannot see
this as the
panic driven crisis that is
explained to us and you know I
like dr.
drew and he's trying to sound
the same
Bell I guess hit the same
message here
he is on the CBS so you've seen
pandemics over the decades how
does this
one compare with every bad flu
season is
80,000 dead we've got about
18,000 dead
from influenza this year we
have a
hundred from Corona which
should you be
worried about influenza or
Corona a
hundred versus 18,000 it's not
a trick
and look the everything that's
going on
with the new are cleaning the
and everyone using Clarence
wipes and
get your flu shot which should
be the
other message that's good
that's a good
thing so I have no problem with
behaviors what I have a problem
with is
the panic and the fact that
are getting destroyed and
people's lives
are being upended not by the
virus but
by the panic the panic must
stop and the
press they really I somehow
need to be
held accountable because they
hurting people and I could just
see it
the way the innuendo and the
every every
opportunity for drama by the
press was
was twisted in that direction
let me
give an example
the World Health Organization
is out now
saying the fatality rate from
the virus
is 3.4 percent right every every
publication from the w-h-o says
percent and we expect it to fold
dramatically once we understand
the full
extent of the illness no one
reports the actual statement
right we go
three point four percent that's
times more than them whatever
five times
more than the flu
and yeah it's gonna be a little
more flu
probably so dr. drew trying to
some sanity I don't know if
people trust
him anymore do you think they
still have
some trust in dr. drew
no nobody cares they just
thought they
got to worry about the toilet
paper let
me just go back to that comment
if his
about the press I have some
clips I have
a second one from him about the
and then one played that real
quick and
then we'll hear you sure I
think there
was it was a concerted effort
by the
press to capture your eyes and
in doing
so they did it by inducing
panic there
there's you listen the CDC and
the WHR
they know what they're doing
contain pandemics that's how
they know
how to do and they're doing an
amazing listen to them what
about the
global implications of this
because we
were talking off-camera about
there's China well there's some
outbreaks where you should
avoid right
there there are that's I would
I would
look out where the flus out
Breaking Bad
- right I ended up getting the
bird flu
I got h1n1 oh really and it was
it was no fun how long have
that well
that was ten years ago and I
was I was
really sick for about two weeks
really sick and that's no
longer about
the press okay first of all
PBS Newshour woods tree
cirfairy knew
his name he this half is a half
hour on
Saturdays it started about
Corona it
ended with Corona it was an
entire show
Corona Corona yeah I'm sure
so the National on Friday which
is the
Canadian a Diaz top news show
it's there
CBC's news hour it's an hour it
was one
whole hour of reporting about
Corona in
one way or another there was
else there was not one single
story for the entire day and
what makes
you think what makes you think
this is
some kind of an operation why
would you
even consider that some clips
Canada which are kind of
mainly because there's one
fractal in
there but there's a the
Canadians they
stare panicky and you have to
that they it was well played
play this first clip is the no
clip number one intro no travel
oh okay
I see what you're saying
Colby 19 Zim packed on Canada
is getting
wider the number of cases
nearly 200 so
far and its impact on our lives
communities and our work is
massive the concern now that
outbreak in this country has
only begun
I know that you're worried
worried about your health about
family's health know about your
job your
savings about paying rent about
the kids
not being in school after a
week of
chaos from the stock market to
supermarkets the federal
government says
help is coming but also advises
Canadians not to leave the
unless absolutely necessary 200
well let's get real
193 oh he was exaggerating it's
here fleece is almost 200k as
an aside
just came out today the UK
police will
have power to arrest people if
and and this is like what if
you are on
the street and you are a virus
do you remember the Lisbon
Treaty this
is one of the things that can
now not
and out of the out of the EU
the EU
Lisbon Treaty if you recall one
of the
things that actually got me
started on
the path of eventually winding
talking to you about this stuff
led to the show was the
protocols to the
Lisbon Treaty which said
authorities in
the EU or the EU authorities
will have
the power to arrest people and
them if they have communicable
which was not even defined I
mean it
could have and I think we might
even joked on the show that
well you got
the cold bless you I'm
arresting you now
these things and they come back
people all of a sudden
that's a good one not if you're
in the
EU it's not now here's an entry
of a
plate clip to the second part
of that
tonight we'll look at ottawa's
plan to
control the spread of the virus
and to
support the economy including
growing list of restrictions and
cancellations and how panic is
making a
hard situation even harder from
stores to diagnostic testing
how quickly things are changing
many of
you are on edge and have lots of
questions while today we got
answers and warnings today from
federal government
David Cochrane begins our
coverage from
Ottawa the Prime Minister is
this virus on three fronts his
health the health of Canadians
and the
health of the Canadian economy
we will
be supporting the economy and
through this time because his
tested positive Trudeau will
work from
isolation as his government
tries to
stop the contagion today my
advice is to
postpone or cancel all
travel outside of Canada no
should leave the country while
government will limit the ways
can enter the country the
rivals from certain regions
will land
only at a few specified
airports this
will enable us to to
concentrate our
precious resources for our
Services officers and for our
health officers cruise ships
are banned
until at least July they won't
allowed to go to the Arctic at
because of the lack of health
in the north the border however
open as evidence shows a border
doesn't work I think what we
have to
remember is that viruses don't
borders a border is not going
to contain
the virus until late April MPs
of all
parties not wanting to be part
of the
problem when they visit they're
this globalist piece of crap
don't stop viruses yeah if you
stop the
flights they do if you stop
people from
walking across them it
certainly helps
in my nuts or am I just not a
you're not a globalist brother
well I
mean they stopped if they're
one it they
want nobody to leave the
country and
they want the screen all the
coming and that's kind of like
you know
and then but the border should
be open I
don't yeah this is your right
this is
part of the let's have all the
opening let them walk in from
well you know you you put me on
the path
man when you got that John
Hopkins who
actually ran the event 201
exercise that guy is now the
expert and
talking to God knows whoever
within the
media but they're their paper
as you
explain it they're result of
what has to
happen when we eventually hit
pandemic which we just hit is
globalism we have to teach the
world to
sing in perfect harmony you know
everybody has to do it all
together it's
you know it's the opposite of
people actually want to do it's
down hunker down and go away
evil man
they tell you is shut done so so
Canada's got the hoarding well
before I go to the hoarding in
which is exactly the same as it
is here
and the same in in the
toilet paper everything know
neighbor in the Netherlands do
not John
they're buying the actual
shelves here's
the here's de fractal this is
the non
testing of Trudeau listen to
this oh
oops hold on sec now well the
Minister today said he feels
fine he
also said he has no plans to be
for kovat 19 which has many
asking why not yeah these
actually advised against
testing since
he is showing those symptoms
and his
Health Minister Patti hi do
pointed out
a little later that is the
protocol there is no evidence
someone needs to self isolate
if in fact
they have been contact with
someone who
is asymptomatic and so it's
support to remember that that
is why the
Prime Minister has received
that more
oblique health and Phi City
doesn't have
to have a test I do also say
the Prime
Minister's wife Sophie will
extensively interviewed as
officials attempt to trace
everyone she
has been in contact with so
Sophie's got
got tested positive which is
different than Trump Trump was
room was
hounded for the same exact
reasons and
and at first used the same
exact excuse
which will my doctor says I
didn't need
it yeah and this which is
what's crudos
doing yeah but Trudeau you you
might be a little more inclined
finally gave in got tested
turned out to
be fine and Trudeau's gonna do
the same
thing but I just thought it was
at both these guys we've kind
of went by
the exact same playbook unknown
to each
other I'm sure well I I know
why why
Trump didn't want to do it this
is 25th
amendment Oh sick all right
boom move in president's no
good it's
gone to his brain Oh they'd
have him out
so quick your head would spin
and and
pence would provoke and we have
president who was infected and
would be right there pence by
the way
he's like dude I'm looking
pretty good
I'm getting some props um he
looks just
like the guy who plays him on
it's it's uncanny and Pence is
pretty presidential yeah Wow
yeah we
might have to we could deal
with him
could do that okay now play
this another
thing they're doing up in
Canada this is
they're shutting debt which is
what they
should do everywhere they're
down the government for all
purposes this is the killing
sessions clip the impacts of
copán 19
are also stretching to more
than 50,000
employees of the Ontario public
the province has asked
employees to work
from home beginning on Monday
April 3rd if feasible this
follows a
vote at Queen's Park to suspend
spring legislative session
the Tories are also determining
to postpone the March 25th
yeah they should Jim Oak should
go home
and by the way a hundred and
three cases in the entire
country and
they've gone completely nuts
there's a
term for this that's going on
which I'd
heard before I kind of ignored
because I saw a lot of people
and laying out whatever it's
the what do
you call this
you call this the
dunning-kruger effect
you familiar with the
effect no no tell her well it's
something called the
effect no Danny Kruger effect
is a
couple psychologist dr. Danny a
Kreuger realize that there's a
distortion for people that may
really know the landscape of a
particular topic it's what
allows people
to get up on American Idol and
sing and
sound like hell or go don't it
great they don't know good
they're not exposed to it and
the same
thing is true in many areas of
and so right now everybody
they're an expert on everything
not that is done in Kruger
people that
are real experts feel like
which is the opposite of with
inquiry because you realize on
fast the
top because I'll complicate it
is you
never feel like you know enough
but in
social media Danny Kruger is a
wide yes
and that's part of the problem
oh my
gosh I'll say this at the
people that
listen to this show aren't the
getting the toilet paper I can
you there are probably very I
mean it's
not that somebody in the
family's not
doing it but I don't see
anybody I met
didn't run out and get a bunch
of toilet
paper we got toilet paper it
lasted I
don't know weeks where the
toilet paper
how much do you need and they
restocking it it's not as
though the
stuff is gonna disappear for
all men
forever there's always tissues
you said
why nobody buys the Kleenex
Cristina let
me get my last Canadian exit
but this is
just so we get some perspective
on the
hoarding you already gave it in
and this is the Canadian
version well
some public places have been
out grocery stores are jammed
customers they're loading up
supplies to make sure they
don't run out
and in the process emptying the
Thomas daglow went to find out
fueling this panic
on a quick trip for essentials
good luck
consider this coronavirus
fuelled panic
buying empty shelves lineups
that keep
going and going and going not
to mention
a tight squeeze in that crowd
even as
public health experts urge
everyone to
avoid contact that seems a lot
a little
bonkers in there now today
there is lots
of people and more than normal
even on
their busiest day indeed with
so many
users sharing pictures online
toilet paper shelves empty
fears of a shortage run rampant
paper isn't the only thing
running low
in some stores like
non-perishable food
items tomato sauce and pasta in
a store
it's nearly all gone
but stores are restocking
everyday and
officials across the country
right now all trucks are
goods and we don't expect any
so what's driving the panic
this medical
anthropologist blames the fear
of a
mysterious virus and the need
to do
something to help hoarding
behaviors in
the context of an outbreak are
helpful problem is over buying
others from grabbing their own
but it gets worse like those
cleaning wipes online at
prices I'm profoundly
disappointed in
people who are hoarding and
then selling
online III think that's just
that you see that guy who the
New York
Times did a piece on know he
had 17,000
bottles of hand sanitizer Kenny
price gouging him on eBay and
then eBay
blocked him and now he can't
sell any
and he's crying about it just
tell me
about you Tito's vodka is the
answer so
the thing there's a slate
article that
was written showing they did
document documentation of what
actually are grabbing off the
but more interesting what
leaving and what there's a for
the meat counters are all
emptied out in
some places but the pork
products were
left because at the end of
thinking is
is the pork is this thought of
a swine
flu and Chinese and pork it's
also sunny
pork of course all the vagin
stuff is
there if you're a vegan you
don't worry
not actually food so of course
buying there's a rack of meat
that's all
missing except beyond meat
that's all
there oh no one's buying the
which is a sign for you
investors yes
yet bail bail now this is no
joke and
then and then all the water is
except design
for some reason it sounds
Italian well
no no no it's because it's
noses because even on the
bottle its
coca-cola water that's just tap
that's been filtered yeah the
thing is nuts especially but
let's say I
got a couple clips because
playing some
Italy stuff since you did
mention it and
I thought this was interesting
this is
the rules clip Italy rules and
I wrote it down I don't know
what it
says Italy remains on lockdown
officials and health care
struggle to contain the corona
pandemic special correspondent
Christopher lip say joins us
now via
Skype from Rome Chris we had a
conversation a week ago what's
well the lockdown that was
limited to northern Italy the
hotspot here in this country it
to cover the entire country so
first of all when he says it's a
lockdown it's bullshit this is
a prime
example of the type of shit
that the
mainstream media is doing it's
not a
seems to be locked down he
won't leave
his room dude this guy is full
of crap
as far south as Sicily and
including the
capital and rum where I am and
then in
the past couple of days they've
heightened those restrictions
and so
you're only supposed to go out
if it's
absolutely necessary
I see a little bit different
than a
lockdown no you can go out to
go to your
job you can go out to the
grocery store
legit if you need to go to the
if you need to get food and
that means
that the types of services
you'll find
once you do go out are also
limited it
means that cafes and clothing
they're all closed now as part
of this
ban in place pharmacies you
will find
open grocery stores you will
find open
but if you want to actually be
of your home you have to have
proof that
it's a good reason so that means
carrying up with you this self
affidavit in which you explain
and if you don't have this on
you and
the police stop you you can be
fined or
even arrested and by last count
5,000 Italians had already been
for for breaking these rules
that are in
place okay well great this is
the this
is the thing you print off the
the fill is your self play play
second clip these are limited
a ventilator can cost tens of
of euros and you have to be on
devices for six to eight days
at times
and if you're in your 80s your
chance of
recovery is very low so in a
lot of
hospitals it's become a wartime
situation in which doctors have
decide whether to give it to the
eight-year-old or whether to
give it to
the fifty year old or thirty
year old I
mean whether there are reports
now of
the dead not being able to be
from their homes because the
services are three parts
overwhelmed and
you can't get a funeral home
willing to risk going inside a
where there's coronavirus
because they
don't want to get infected I
mean it
conjures up images from the
Middle Ages
when you had the Black Death
through this place where I'm
talking to
you from this is what's so
where are that they had the
pictures all
the pictures where the pictures
where are the pictures budget
but still
what he described what it was
actually describing I just
hated to
bring this up they're just kind
of as a
call back he's describing a
death panel
yes who just who decides oh
it's a death
panel well and thank you would
please put in a little Google
tracker for the National Health
in the UK people are flipping
out it's
underfunded we're already ten
doctor short mm-hmm
yes and who's going to decide
who gets
in who doesn't get in this is
exactly why you don't want this
kind of
centralized control on Italy
then this
this is the same for Ojai when
I heard
Ohio Ohio's number a hundred
and all the light bulbs went
off and
that's when I didn't know that
you could
fly directly from Wuhan to
well you can't now but they've
you know
this is this is a hotbed of
activity no wonder if they were
in and December January
bringing this
virus with them of course
everyone there
is inflect doesn't mean people
are dead
and you have to lock down Ohio
Italy is
different for a couple reasons
well the
main thing is Italy was the
country in the European Union
the wishes of all two of the 28
27 other
member states who joined up and
had Zhi
Jing ping and all the
muckety-mucks from
the CCP a year ago almost to
the day in
northern Italy we're part of
Belton Road
yes it's great there's a hundred
thousand workers Chinese
workers in the
factories in northern Italy are
people who have died were they
workers who maybe even be in
Western standard housing
situation we
don't know no one's told us who
people are for what I spy the
way I this
is an irritant
an irritant with me from the
from the
get-go I've mentioned before on
the show
I don't see why we can't get
the ethnic
information or age or age even
how about
ethnicity would be very
interesting I'll
take age absolutely so but the
tip off
the tip off to this well
there's two
pieces that there was supposed
to be a
big meeting a big launch of
something on
the 23rd of March with the with
Chinese that of course is off
the table
the tip-off came do you
remember willow
sent me the voicemail message
which we
played on the show and she was
about you know the racism
against the
Chinese and they were going to
restaurants to try and show
solidarity I
looked into this and they went
further there the government
instant the
local government instituted the
hug a
Chinese and they had Chinese
people on
the streets of Italy of
I saw with a mask on with the
on and it had with the sign
says please
hug your hug of Chinese and
this is the
Communist Party who are insane
Taiwan even being called Taiwan
on the
map in fact Taiwan isn't even
Taiwan and
Wikipedia it's the ROC Republic
of China
they want they they're out
there telling
the Italians you better have
people of
love in the Chinese and so then
come up with all these crazy
things like
hug a Chinese go to the Chinese
restaurant don't be racist and
this is
what CNN is doing now oh you
can't call
it Wuhan no that would be bad
racist that's that's xenophobic
horrible CNN is owned by Warner
Warner media is owned by AT&T
AT&T has
huge deals with Huawei and
telecom companies the call went
out hey
hey hey hey hey stop calling it
Chinese stop calling it Wuhan
and then
all of a sudden the CNN anchors
are all
telling you that it's racist to
say that
if the Chinese have time for
all that
then certainly things are not
as dire as
they appear to be here is China
top virus expert this is the
man who
shepherded China through the
outbreak China Sina medical
advisor Joe
Manchin says the corona virus
may peak soon and may be over
by April
in an interview with Reuters
mr. song
said that the prediction was
made based
on mathematical modelling the 83
year-old is known for combating
the SARS
crisis in China in 2003 but
this comes
as the death toll from the
corona virus
epidemic in China hit 1016 so
expecting it to be over in a
few weeks
as well could be true could not
be true
I don't know I hear the
president sneak
in those words in there stuck
in my mind
I always think he knows
something that
he can't say and could be wrong
but I've
said April 6 because April 6
would be
exactly 30 days after the
initial eight
point three billion dollars was
and I think when everyone has
initial money then things will
die down
not so for New York City Mayor
DeBlasio who showed his true
color red in this little ditty
with joy
read the testing thing I think
it is
really and you know maybe I'm a
obsessed with it because at
this point
it seems insane in a modern
country in a
great city like New York City
but it
seems almost impossible for
people to
get a test can a New Yorker or
in this city that is
symptomatic in some
way get a test if they need it
and if so
how joy there are people can
get a test
it is according to a priority
and it's not enough testing
it's just as
simple as that
we have been pleading with the
government for weeks publicly
phone calls get us testing so
we could
get ahead of this
it's here's the reality this is
a war
like situation we're in a
yeah with a mar-a-lago attitude
accused by the federal
government right
it's so laid back and I don't
it and by the way testing how
ventilators where is the federal
government making sure that our
hospitals have the ventilators
going to need where is the
government when it comes to
masks getting them distributed
this is a case for a
literally a nationalization of
factories and industries that
produce the medical supplies to
this country for what we need
so instead
of doing what the president did
which is
call everybody and say hey
let's get on
the stick here this douche bag
wants to
literally nationalize these
okay you seem like a stable
person and
we don't have factories that
make those
products anymore the silver
lining to
this all is that we'll bring a
lot of
that manufacturing back and I
have to
say it again I cannot believe
coincidence of the past three
Donald Trump says China is a
problem no
one's ever talked about China
don't cares yet China and
China China China comes in
first thing
he says let's get our own steel
going we
can't trust Chinese steel we
need to
have our own steel without your
steel you don't have a country
you can't
defend yourself then let's bring
manufacturing back
then the trade tariffs then the
break which repatriated all the
with the pressure on the
Chinese economy
and then by coincidence wow man
we saw
Han has to shut down well it's
crazy how
that works John Hopkins seems
to be in
the middle of a lot of this as
pointed out with the event 201
and we
got a note an anonymous note
from one of
our producers who operates in
in the
John Hopkins system
John is correct John Hopkins is
central though I have not heard
about involvement from US
agencies what I have heard for
the past
few months my department of the
has been dealing with the
fallout from
at least 10 research doctors
who were
found to be spying for China
one of them
was specifically brought over
with money
from an endowment set up via
donation that is specifically
to be used
to bring over postdoc fellows
mainland China there's been a
push for
more funds like this to be set
up in the
department with the loudest
coming from the docs who are
nationals so this wasn't just
this is rampant you just got to
it's coincidental how all these
happen I really love your your
booby-trapped theory but John
continues to put out webinars
interesting factoids and
podcasts about
the corona virus and sometimes
the truth
just wants to slip out here's
the most
recent panel discussing it and
so we we
saw a lot of rumors about
conspiracies in our dataset and
now on
the novel coronavirus there's
rumors about government
conspiracies can
you talk about what you're
seeing is
you're looking out at the
landscape right let's
information yeah
we have here you know we have
an example
of that coronavirus might have
originated in a lab linked to
bio warfare program that's
it's the interesting thing
about this
misinformation is that if you
go to a
different country it blames a
country so this is a
coordinated effort
to to sow discord and division
when we
need it the most when we need
to have we
need to have
cooperation come on this is a
coordinated effort to sow to sow
confusion when we need it the
exactly this is what happens
when your
spy inside John Hopkins
System is you get confused
that's a good
one I don't really have
anything else I
do have the New Rochelle clips
with the
update they got that yeah they
talking about this programming
let's bring the National
Guardian so
we're used to seeing the
military on the
streets the mobile testing
center will
serve all residents of
but officials are prioritizing
people in
New Rochelle the town where
it's located
it's one of America's hot spots
kovat 19 most of the city's
originated from young Israel
of New Rochelle earlier this
week it was
made the center of a quote
area by the state of New York
for two weeks for one mile in
direction large gatherings
would be
banned that meant closing
schools local
colleges and community centers
as well
as religious institutions the
National Guard would also be
it's a sensible means of
controlling the
spread of the virus in an area
where it
has a high concentration but
it's not an
exclusion zone it's not a
no one is prevented from
entering or
leaving no Brant is the mayor
of New
Rochelle office he says the
National Guard's role in the
area is limited the guard is
your inner
shell to provide logistical and
operational support principally
delivering meals to students
who cannot
receive them at the public
providing supplies providing
services to large facilities
these are
things that will be entirely
beyond the
capacity of a municipality the
size of
nura shell so we're grateful to
their support but they're not
here in a
military or police on function
and I
think it's very important to
draw that
distinction this is interesting
this was
what day did they talk about
this the
National Guard being there this
have been on either on
mmm okay because no that can't
be I got
a note for on Thursday from
Andrew and he says hey I'm on
my way to
New Rochelle for a service call
apparently the National Guard
is there
and I don't know why he's email
his clip
is from mr. doesn't mean it
okay it's a and I don't know
why he's
really mailing memes like I
hear the
National Guard is there I'm
like I don't
and so I follow up I said hey
man you
ever make it in he said yeah it
here's nothing to see I don't
know where
the containment zone was but
was normal I could travel
around had to
pick up some auto parts yeah I
took some
pics of a Chevy and New
Rochelle the
head take look it's all in your
head now
you think containment zone
Guard you know I immediately
see the you
know like a Will Smith movie or
a Brad
Pitt movie with the National
gosh sorry
sir I can't come beyond the
no this is at this point
warfare at best by the media
itself for
ratings but probably a hell of
a lot
more this is crazy we could do
about anything what's in the
second part
of this report on a plant of
course we
have any idea how the virus is
in New York right now what we
know and
this will certainly change is
that there
are over 500 confirmed cases in
New York
State the majority of which are
in New
York City and just this morning
New York
State reported its first death
an 82
year old woman in New York City
who had
been suffering from emphysema
did indeed
die from the karana fire of
course you
know what this actually reminds
me of
War of the Worlds
this is like an Orson Orson
Welles thing
man 83 year old woman suffering
emphysema on her last legs yes
yeah what
mark down another killer killer
I will say I like that I like
the kids
who have given it the
coronavirus a new
nickname the young kids the gen
Z kids
is called the Boomer remover
like that
you know funny thing is when
they were
walking by you can't rip them
and then
we had the the families first
coronavirus response Act which
lauded as some huge great thing
that was
being done although as I read
through it
it seems like very poor people
will be
helped and rich people or
people who own
larger businesses will be
helped and
everybody in the middle can go
suck it
you're not getting anything so
and it
was about something many people
getting anything if you let's
go back
and listen to what he said they
let the
last clip New York City what's
population seven eight million
yeah is
it not more than that I don't
exactly I mean the chatroom
might have
the newest numbers but as it's
up there
it's in it's in the you know
close to
ten million and you have five
people that have been infected
there's one death I mean so
there's a
quick response team
there's no does nobody has this
is five hundred out of ten
people right so I'm yes and
even if you
took the the Chinese example
one point
five billion people you know
it's a very
small fraction of the overall
but we're being SIOP we're
being we're
being just frightened by the
numbers and
online that propagates
you're not being frightened no
saying I'm not being funny our
are being frightened to the
pocket Lord
this why is there only a few
voices of
reason out there because the
site struck
by the way yeah because we
don't have
any commercial interests a we
take no
money from China because
China's asshole
and we've we understand the
media and we
can do simple math and I think
we inherently are distrustful
of experts
telling us something and we go
and do
research and compared to other
and you know we've been we've
been this
show has been looking at this
for eight
weeks we were talking about the
economic impact only from a
China from
the Chinese perspective and the
the JIT
the just-in-time supply line
eight weeks
ago so this is no surprise most
are like hold in fact most
people watch
The Bachelor the other night
that was
what they were really doing
sitting at
home watching The Bachelor
that's what
most people do the drones and
if they do
watch the news all they're
getting is
Corona as I mentioned the
entire show
yeah the entire show yeah
so by the way there is other
news that
we do it yeah we're going to
get to
coming up Pelosi tried to do a
big a big
grand gesture here we are yes
we have to
put families first and she has
the same
problem I have although I've
it and and I can say
epidemiology to
understand the people that made
the a
biological status friend under
spread of the virus you gotta
you got to
practice these things and and I
the saddest part of her
presentation of
what this bill is was what is
in it and
when she I was in the car and I
this like oh woman seriously
you did
that the three most important
parts of
this bill are testing testing
before we take our break let's
just lead
we can probably lead into the
joke of them all
which was
Joe Biden and Joe wanted to look
presidential and he wanted to
do a
corona virus town hall meeting
so he
could of course do what towards
the best
do what presidents do is you
know calm
everybody down before before
started before they started
they had the
crack audio team that have we
have been
following and just appreciating
to no
end for their incredible lack of
professionalism or hearing
have completely screwed Joe
Biden time
and time again there's now
we're gonna
do right people we're gonna set
this up
we can't have this mess up the
no agenda
guys are talking about how over
modulated it is what is going
on fix
this get it right are we still
the heavy
we're gonna do the last final
Mic Check
for this one two three four
five yes
okay now again not a
professional Mic
Check we all know if you know
you're doing is check check
check one
two one two that's you never go
past the
two and then they kicked off
the wall
for the coronavirus with some
actual video from the Town Hall
no no
I'll tell you in a moment what
but this this was the audio
from the
actual beginning so here's what
and I'll start at the end you
heard Joe Biden say we'll be
better so the guy who can't get
an audio
sound right for the life of him
the life of his campaign is
going to
prepare better for Corona what
they did
what they did is they used zoom
and these amateurs and I it's
just as
egregious as streaming the
president pre
and post is his oval office
speech just
as egregious they set it up and
multiple ways to use it but
when you use zoom video when
starts talking it will switch
to that
person's video
so however they did it they had
people from the campaign
watching on the
zoom video the baby cries but
and of
course it's not muted so the
sound comes
through and then boom you get
picture of wherever the screen
to wherever the baby's coming
then some Indian guy pops up
and because
he's making noise and
everyone's trying
to mute their devices because
they had
no training didn't know how to
use the
product and were clearly
Joe ill-prepared and then with
all the
testing they did of his
microphone they
had an obvious you know
mismatch even either the the
bitrate was
it basically needed to unplug
and plug
the sound card back in again
figured that one out so they
gave Joe an iPhone to talk into
made him look anything but
providing for the additional
that would provide for no
hidden bills
etc and I can get it done I can
get it
done quickly and people would
be covered
but even I can't do that for
another two
year another a year between now
November are actually January
but to
become so incredibly sad a
those when he walks off camera
yeah well
it's not an audio gag
unfortunately but
yeah he just walked by off he
doesn't it
it was and and this was the
speech that
would show that he is more
prepared than
president Trump that's the
irony of it
all well the funny thing is is
the way
the Hollywood E's like Alyssa
comes out and says something
like Joe
Biden said he's loved loved your
leadership during the
coronavirus and
Rob Reiner is falling all over
about how Joe Biden is gonna be
such a
great president what is wrong
with these
people we will find out
momentarily but
first I'd like to thank you for
courage and say in the morning
to you
the man who
to see firmly in the curve we
have to
flatten Jhansi de bourree well
morning you Adam Curie in the
I'll ship see boots on the
ground feet
in the air subs in the water
all the
hockey refs and dames and
nights out
there yes in the morning two
trolls in
the troll room whoa
bingo I knew people would be
tuning in
wrong we're up to 1800 today
John that's
pretty big
that is no wonder people are
it's I've
seen this thing scroll by and
like lots
of people are talking
that's uh that's probably 25%
more than
we typically have nice to see
you trolls
and troll away very good no
stream calm it is truly the
best thing
you can have in your
coronavirus safety
kit is no agenda stream comm
because you
can listen to some podcasts no
commercials no corporate money
interruptions and you can't
roll away in
the troll room and all their
are small so you'll feel good
you feel
right at home no agenda stream
and then a big in the morning
to Mike
Riley who brought us the
artwork for
episode 1224 our previous show
Thursday the title of that was
caps and
I was asked to mention
specifically that
he wanted to share some of the
with comic strip bloggers who
had now
this was the the locust slash
look more like a cricket with
the sign
has said free food and a little
kosher and he had indeed
uploaded it
twice once without the cochon
one with
the kosher and that was a upon
recommendation of comic strip
blogger he
put it in I think it actually
did make
it I think that that made it
just that
extra bit better to put the the
on there and this was since we
know the
Israelis love eating locusts
they're kosher and it popped it
was a
great piece of artwork popped
out love
it and we thank you for your
Mike Riley is a part of our
value for
value network where everybody
contribute one way or the other
the art
is a huge contribution because
we are
one of the few podcasters album
changes with every single show
exciting it gets attention
people like
it it looks good in the podcast
that in
fact it makes the whole
industry look
and no agenda our generator
calm is
where you can upload your art
if you
want to participate or have a
look at
the tens of thousands of pieces
that we
have that people have done over
years also part of our value
for value
system is the executive
producers and
associate executive producers
financially support the show
and we're
going to thank a number of them
today episode 1225 starting
with Matthew
Janiszewski in Chicago one two
six one
curiously is to show one two to
Club donation Plus which is
to do it what didn't we have a
about that about what
backdating your
club donations well he's he's
not back
dating it he's giving it plus
the paypal
Vig all plus the Vig what did
thought Olli misunderstood he
says no
karma Wow what Wow I present
the grand
duke of the Pacific Northwest
says Wayne
Mellon song I'm on the ball
that was
I was stunned normally it goes
like this
and then I think you have
special to them doing something
to play
here no no this time I nailed it
300 $33.32 he's into a tight
guard or
again he by the way Alan beans
up there
now should Baron the Baron they
have a
lot of people in this area
presides must
I have to look I think I've
been through
there I think it's in the wine
area or some place in northern
no or
again it could be could be
mistaken i TM
gents i sold a bottle of hand
i'm splitting the proceeds with
you self
quarantine eing is better with
no agenda
to distract me by the way a
jingle and by the way a carotid
jingle and Kenya you see that
juice with
karma for all producers please
we can do that
you thought karma Dame Laura
3:14 15 a
happy pi day John and Adam had
to donate
to register my frustrations
about the
enumerate numeracy of the
elites in
numerous I'm not sure what what
she's using this term of the
regarding coronavirus and
celebrate the circle yeah
314 PI the circle a numerator
number donation John your your
idea I know but I'm getting
with the elites a circle I
don't know
you've already reviewed the
numbers but
what hasn't been discussed are
unintended consequences my
family has
been hit in ways by the way you
they also closed all the Apple
well that's a plus I mean that
that's a germ pit just waiting
to spread
all kinds of nastiness Apple
equals germ pit next next
family has
been hit in ways that I could
never have
anticipated I'm a I'm a doc and
the AAA
a conference American Academy
of Allergy
Asthma and Immunology 's
canceled their
conference in Philly for this
week and
this was a minor inconvenience
and if
that we're all that was
affected it
would be minimal however my
Asian son is now stuck at home
another three weeks this is a
yes yeah come on Rose by the way
somebody pointed out the dinner
they expect a lot of two things
happen besides maybe a baby
boom you
know it yes the corona big
horse boom
you want to invest in some ik
attorneys you have I'll invest
in baby
stuff I'm a much more I'm well
optimistic I'm a glopped amidst
the idea
of the mom and dad having to be
with each other with the kids
at the
later ages yeah this is not a
recipe for
success now
and especially when they lose I
talking about this too when
working from home not everybody
how to work from home
it sounds oh I get to work from
home a
lot of people think it's a cool
but when you do it it's it you
can't do
it a lot of people can't work
from home
and stay safe very difficult to
do I
mean I've been doing it now for
full time from home what the
eleven years maybe of the 13
years of
the show maybe 10 yeah and
what's great
goes like this you get up do
some email
then you still got your
housecoat on and
then around one o'clock you
like the
first joint you're like you
know I
should probably get but I bring
a-game every Thursday I've kind
worked from home since 1985 so
I'm uh
I'm pretty easy which is why we
don't have any virus so we
don't get out
that's why we're not sick it's
brother a high school junior
has been
most affected black face Ralph
aka the
Virginia Governor canceled
school for at
least two weeks yesterday
because of
this my son's my son's SAT
scheduled for
today Saturday was canceled as
well he
now gets to take the classes at
home as
he prepares for multiple AP
tests in a
month and a half in addition to
continuing SAT prep for the
test that
was canceled his class trip to
New York
City was canceled he finally
varsity soccer and that's been
at least two weeks the fact
that any of
my kids could make a varsity
team is a
cause for a huge celebration
the kid is
17 if he gets coronavirus he'll
twice and keep on doing what he
yeah he has had the influenza B
month despite the vaccine hello
and this
by the way you learn about
Tamiflu and
that this time is greater
health impacts
on most people then the corona
ever will anyway I apologize
for a
warrant piece but this has been
such an
overreaction to what should be
with hand-washing and staying
home a bit
we don't recommend no sex as a
prevention of hiv/aids only
safe sex
upon hiv/aids will kill people
by many
orders of magnitude more than
covet 90
never will
that's a bungled yeah well no
maybe has
it been bungled or is it on
that's the question well we're
we're on
this fence about that will
close with
Lord what fools these mortals
be from
Midsummer's Night Dream and as
for Karma
for my son as he preserved
prepares for his exams this
also allows me to become a
baron ectis
Oh should be on the list
okay I will put in Dame Laura
becomes a
bear anything else or yeah and
I am
yours with much I and I am
yours with
much appreciation Laura you've
got karma
1415 the pie donation we have
two of
those that that that that paid
off big
sir Kevin McLaughlin Earl of
Luna locus
North Carolina three four he's
the other
one three fourteen fifteen
jingles jobs
camera glues goat karma ITM
Adam and
John thank you for your courage
this pie donate with this PI
I'm extremely close to becoming
a Duke a
few questions for the peerage
I had one becoming a Duke does
that mean
I get a sash if you want to go
Michaels you can buy a sash
there Yeah
right take a picture when
you're wearing
it and send it though we
definitely see
you use you're allowed to you
allowed by the rules to create
and wear
your own decorative sash
ceremonial sash
or medals ribbons but you must
send us a
picture of you in full gear
will there be any small-batch
limited-production night rings
purchase in the near future
don't know
the regular ones are available
my plan
is to forgo the standard ring
purchase one I missed the boat
on the
last round the beautiful it
takes you
know they these are they're
made made by
Erik's does though it's yeah
and he it
takes and he does them only
like once a
year so they come and go with
regards to
the additional lands I'm
thinking of
claiming that I'm thinking of
that given the giver of light
the ever
radiant Saul if that's
applicable with
the committee us accepting it
so yeah I
guess is a next donation to my
to the greatest party cast
University in
the moolah report sure Kevin
Earl of Luna yeah so he wants
to go he
wants to go change Luna this
all is that
what he's thinking I'm having
definition regards to the
lands of this is so he's
talking about
his dukedom when he gets there
yeah he
wanted he want claiming the
giver of
Luna now he was this the dog he
this if it's a big one but you
are the
peerage committee John it'll be
in it's
a it's a it's in in committee
oh wait I
just be one of the jobs with
that jobs
jobs jobs and jobs that's what
there's the luge Cartman oh it
haven't we got it oh yeah we
got it for
you all right
first I thought that this donut
donation was a joke I mean the
name was
a joke because you always say
Ingraham yes ingre ham yes this
is David
Ingram actually is ingre ham
$233 and so
I looked him up on the squirrel
mail and
before you could even play the
uh-huh it popped right up so
yeah and a
hundred David ingre ham Dhingra
ham yes
beautiful said please attribute
donation to anonymous do I need
to set
an edit point here please
attribute this
donation to my sister Kayla
ingre ham in
terms of producer credits okay
we got to
remember that one you might
want to
write it right what's her name
Kalon just give me now Laura KY
la yeah
Kayla got it
greetings Adam John in the No
producers this donation
represents this
show share of my Christmas
bonus yes
it's a little late but I
finally got
around to it reminds me of the
comes with the meet up with an
with a stamp on it addressed to
the no
agenda show from like months
ago and he
hands me this is I have meant
to put it
in the mail it's like the check
was like
sixty days old I still take
that at the
bank they take I said Bank
usually cuts
it off at about forty five I
was gonna
say so you gotta be careful
will they
even take your checks when you
go cuz
you know people don't know but
John you
know he goes to the bank with a
I go to the bank with his
checks with a
Polish won't they be worried
about the
dirty checks Oh Corona Corona
Corona cash yeah well checks I
see anything about checks but
it's only
the cash that carries Corona if
remember that's why they're
washing the
cash in some parts of the
yeah where they ended was in
China there
were again Emery they're
getting rid of
it so he only would use digital
come on
we all know this is part of it
it's a
little late but I finally got
yeah I have for Human Resources
another on the way
mmm-hmm keeping his wife busy
and my
wife stays home with the kids
so scram
huh yeah there's all kinds of
here we got your set up notice
scribe scraping together with a
can be I know it can be
difficult but
you are worth it you too thank
me my wife and my sister drove
Omaha to Des Moines to meet
Adam and
Tina at the meet up and it was
one of
the great highlights of my life
that's so nice yeah well Tina is
exciting to me to understand we
await a visit from John to
Omaha it's in
Terry the the Corn Palace I
think isn't
nearby anyway lately you've been
enjoying hearing how listeners
started with the show so I
thought I'd
share my story I'm a tech I'm a
loving millennial
tech loving millennial named
Ben dude
named Ben yes and way back in
2012 I was
watching twit previously I had
John talking about the show uh
that he
was doing twice weekly and kept
myself I need to check it out
as John
was the only host on twit who
ever said
anything interesting hell yeah
hell yeah
but I never did until John's
co-host was
on twitch and brandished not
just any
gun but a judge this is a long
time ago
this is nine years ago a twelve
years I
immediately subscribed to no
agenda and
started listening five minutes
into the
first episode I stopped the
show called
my sister and told her
to clear her podcast schedule
we have
been listening ever since and
the family
that no agendas together stays
uh and he's got a couple PSS
here or I
have a human resource on this
so please
send some new human resource
karma shut
up already a science and the
wtc7 won't go away so we got
karma which
we got lined up shut up already
science and wtc7 won't go away
hit it
shut up already
you've got karma thank you
thank you
dude that was perfect I could
not have
asked for a better podcast
partner at
that time Landon dalan in
Ontario to 29.99 thank you for
all you
do please accept my donation of
3.33 CAD just buy the rest to
be but
this yes Landon will be an
producer that's our agreement
with the
dollar at Scandinavian New
Zealander or
Ozzie we accept them value for
value at
face value so about three
dollars a dollar was where the
once and it was once and you
didn't okay
you know I've given you more of
them it
was budgeted for toilet paper
for the
last I got to the store that
were bare so I figured I'd
forward it on
to the only two gentlemen I
know that
it's something more than
Charmin ultra
soft in this time of absolute
please keep doing what you do
and send
me and my wife some baby-making
mmm okay well this is the time
for it
the corona baby boom single
request that
sounds pretty good and Amen
fist bump I
think that sounds pretty good
amen fist
you've got karma Emily gather
in Eau
Claire and she writes in ITM
gents this
donation is from my husband
Jed's 37th birthday on the 17th
if he
could get some foamer would
think of the children and a goat
flavoured jobs karma that would
be much
appreciated he also needs a
healthy D
douching if you've been deduced
you please call out now you get
call out sir
alright douche bag call outside
give me
your one at a time all right
jj-just and lastly Emily douche
thanks a million for everything
love and
light Emily jobs jobs and jobs
vote for jobs we've got okay
now we have
a note we probably should at
least see
if we can find it this is Levi a
princess inferencing PRI NZ
IMG's kovat
oh wait I thought you're
looking for the
note you can't just like you're
me short you said you're gonna
look for
the note I am I'm gonna go now
that's right ladies and
when we need a note there's
only one
place that we can find the
email because
this is not some Microsoft
Exchange this
is not my OS email no this is
like it this is the one and
only that
actually works and we'll bring
the mail
to the top I don't care who
talking through me because we
have the
fitness the jingle because john
boric we'll find the mail from
particular donator and he finds
it with
the best program in the
universe we call
okay did you find it I found it
is that the type in the name
you want
too many times where the name
is Mossad
I know first you guys are great
says or
she I don't know if she r he
leave I I
think mail more male than
female maybe a
couple of women around here
first you
guys are great I wish I give
more often
next covet nineteen panic seems
to have
hit Minnesota
I work as a maintenance yes guy
named Ben okay this is
definitely a male
for a retirement community and
bay area
I wouldn't say that necessarily
in every
time we came in and today we
moved to
basically a lockdown status the
retirement community yeah they
trying to
and and that that's where you
lockdown in the retirement
community is
exactly that is where you want
to be
careful and the regard flew to
just be
careful there of course clean
out your
boring water people yes please
use it in
your spaghetti sauce it's
delicious and
to get today we just move
basically a
lockdown situation unless it is
the end
of life or emergency situations
we are
not letting anyone other than
and some contractors if they are
screened onto the campus also
in the
community you can barely buy
hand sanitizer or any or any
people what is this we have a
name we
have to have a name for these
paper hoarders this we got to
give him a
name so they can be identified
so we can
put a little sticker on them
they can
have a sticker on their head
you're a
toilet paper hoard any basic PPE
anywhere what's PPE P personal
protection equipment personal
yeah I
don't know yes for personal
equipment masks goggles gloves
he says
he says it sucks within the
and care centers you can't get
equipment they need to keep
and patients safe because
a bunch of morons make runs on
so we can't do our jobs yeah I
got it I
got it I got it I got it
toilet Preppers toilet Preppers
I think
that's pretty good one
well if nothing else is a show
title for
sure toilet Preppers toilet
prep damn
toilet Preppers okay
deposit them I'm kind of uh I
kind of
buzz at the moment didn't stock
up on
the TP but got a few cases of
because I'm locked in my house
with five
kids three teens and two
toddlers for
who knows how long since they
canceled public school - they
will other
districts have already done so
sorry for
a long note love you guys keep
the great
no jingles or anything or like
the jingles prepared prepared
on the No
Agenda show onward
Sophia Pena Sophia Penn delay
in San
Jose California you're the only
of news I trust thank you for
doing what
you do if possible asking for a
car of course we have that for
you Sofia
thank you for your courage
you've got karma baba seguida
he wrote a
note I don't have it in front
of me it
was a note saying that he sent
money in I will read see if
another note because I asked
and you
want me to say something on the
mm-hmm and I haven't heard back
or maybe
I have and if I have I'll put
it on the
second half of the show Bob
you're good for 200 Justin
Monroe in
marionette Wisconsin Justin
surprised he doesn't know no
it's a
surprise because this is not
really from
him Oh in the morning justice
is from
his he
his wife Amanda Monroe oh oh oh
like more of these in the
morning gents
the enclosed donation is to be
towards my husband Justin I
felt that
making him a producer for an
episode of
the best podcast in the
universe would
be an awesome birthday surprise
he turns 34 on three twelve
which two
days ago he'd be on delenn he's
on the
list thank you for that is and
by the
way awesome awesome birthday
yes we don't use that word
lightly No
thank you for your courage and
awesome show twice a week Wow
karma and
dealer's choice for jingles
choice I mean what do we give
for a
birthday boy no I would think
well I
guess what we were missing in
this all
these selections and nobody
asked for a
sharpton for the first time in
hmm well then we should do a
sharpton teleprompter I feel
and let's
do a let's do a teleprompter
that was Anna karma and the
birdies on
the birthday list yes of course
all day two we are watching
that was
upturned II General Eric Holder
biddies about some Republicans
already beating the drums of war
today the pentagon refuted that
and he said the American people
do not
want him to quote briteling he
did not
want him to twiddling his thumb
you can
get a gig as a clock
intravenous fluids and pills
coated or
with galette Gillette Lee we
don't leave
our women or women women on
men in uniform behind the
monument to
the Eucharist of Dick Cheney
representative role our
Labrador years
of a brute of abuse I personally
apologized to mr. peepers just
as soon
to be former Congress with
Democrats are
outright GD C counter tourism
counterterrorism center Veteran
Secretary and steady why do I
mess up the name Shinseki I
love my
critics laughs for that
oh dear God please please spare
Reverend Al in this horrible
we need him you've got karma he
is the
gift that keeps on giving do
not let him
do not let him go down
there'll be our last associate
producer for short 1225 yes
before we
before I thank everybody a sad
note I
got late just before the show
morning in the morning crackpot
message is with the heaviest of
an hour ago my dad bill aka
babo passed
peacefully as I held his hand
after a
massive inoperable stroke he
was so kind
and gentle I can't overstate how
influential he was in helping
me become
the man I am today he will be
missed by
so many people
totaled a wrecker no agenda is
like no
is an extended family to me and
it truly
gives me comfort that any
producer would
sympathize with such a loss
thank you
for the properly sized amygdala
it helps
more than I can express love
and light
dad rest in peace barren sword
Baroness Dame bangbang lady
Simona Sir Andrew and sir Emmet
and we
certainly share in their in
their loss
for today and thank you all for
supporting the show our
producers and associate
producers it is a privilege to
working with you on this great
production we call the No
Agenda show
and we'd love to see more help
for our
next episode which will be on
go to this website Dvorak dot
org slash
a-and you can now safely roam
streets knowing that you're not
die our formula is this we go
out or hit
people in the mouth
and just a general karma
therefore the
slammer family's dad with a go
with the
go you've got we all love a
goat hey I
got a viewing tip since ok if
stuck inside and you want
something to
watch we just finished it last
night on
Netflix cheer this is about a
small town
in Texas Corsicana Texas who
has the
award-winning cheerleading
squad and
it's a five-part or six-part
it is really interesting to
watch it
sounds good
like it is it's all these kids
who come
from broken homes I mean the
messed up situations just
dropped off
and live in this trailer I'll
be back
next month that kind of deal
and they go
and yeah it's really really is
there is
that ah it's and and there and
such a fleet very feel-good
pretty good
a feel-good type of series and
I think
you'll enjoy it it's and also
just the
athleticism is you know now
that hey
what else you gonna watch this
no sports
on TV might as well watch
while they're showing nothing
showing old games it's pathetic
almost sad yeah cuz they got
all these
games the basketball college
games are showing old games NBA
games you know old playoffs oh
can you
man can you imagine the hit to
advertising business the TV
business I've done imaginable
and not to
mention the empty stadiums and
all the
rest of it yeah it's just
yeah that's why April 6 we're
done with
this shit April 6 we open-to-buy
I'm not arguing the point yet
haven't you haven't been proven
yet well no on April 7th I'll
be the
first amend it because
somebody's gonna
tell you meanwhile of course
what we did
miss or you may have missed I
don't know
who missed it because the
they've decided to put all
production on hiatus oh yes but
they had
to get mayor Pete on the Jimmy
show oh oh he's hosting it you
this oh gee John I forgot to
watch some
lame-ass show oh I didn't miss
it I want
you know I watch David Spade on
so unfortunately because I
would like to
have seen mayor Pete in front
of an
audience instead of in front of
an empty
auditorium with a bunch of his
there wait a minute so what's
chemo off
he just wasn't more Kimmel Kim
was doing
a pilot for the Who Wants to Be
Millionaire or some new show
which made
Regis Philbin a millionaire
yeah and so
the kimmells got Dan and so he
had to
take the debt night off but
they could
have just killed the showrunner
but now somebody came with the
idea cuz they're a bunch of
this is CBS ABC OH
maybe soon ABC is them somebody
back and forth with somebody on
about you know we know who's
you know
NBC comcast is a bunch of damage
basically affront for the
Democrat Party
CBS is the CIA
ABC News ABC is the big mystery
it's a
Disney who knows what they're
up to not
be ia that could be Russians
for all we
know and it is and it's got a
sum of gay
undertones throughout the ABC
empire and which makes nothing
but sense
of you things that they brought
Pete on like so you could talk
about his
husband being in the audience
of 10 by
the way the audience made a lot
of noise
so I have three clips oh wow
mayor Pete must have killed it
short okay now the one is
Melissa here's
how he opens on the show and he
have just as you didn't see I
wish I had
seen it because to just analyze
how I
think he was you know he had
that dumb
smile on his face the whole
time I
thought he was I didn't think
he was
very good and he had
professional joke
writers and but the
with if you're gonna be a host
on one of
these shows you got more
writing team
maybe of six maybe ten people
they've had more sometimes it
had less
but the key to success is not
writing team it's you and the
they come up with all these
pitches and
you're the host whoever you are
you're you have some come
comedic chops
for sure sure it's a it's a big
gig it's
not a small little thing I
would be very
nervous about doing that yeah
and he had
well he was he wasn't nervous
at scene
but his selection of material
which is
was his choice was piss-poor
and and then he had as his
guest I don't
have any of those clips I just
have this
opening he had Picard Patrick
Stewart on
and they basically creamed in
his pants
because he's a huge Star Trek
fan mainly
of the next generation series
he's not old enough to be a fan
of the
original series and and so he
everything but talk about Pete
he did
all the talking he was just
with the story and he did
everything but
discuss his collection of the
figures was weight weights and
now I
know why you caught the show
you were
tuning in for Picard weren't
you oh yeah
I got you
I really disliked Patrick
Stewart but
okay let's play mayor Pete is
opening my
name is Pete but a judge and I
running to be the next host of
Kimmel Live
now this is a strange night for
us not
only because this is my first
hosting a talk show because we
are doing
it without a regular studio
audience due
to public health concerns over
coronavirus we have canceled
the studio
audience tonight but a few kind
staffers and some friends my
Chaston all here instead
everyone is
spread apart at the CDC
distance this was not our plan
we just