April 5th, 2020 • 3h 29m
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but the podcaster podcaster let
through let me go Adam Curry
Jhansi Dvorak's 2020 this is
award-winning get money should
assassination episode 1231 this
is no
the drone star state in the
I'm Adam curry and from
northern Silicon
Valley where I'm remembering
the ones
king of the online services I'm
John C
Dvorak you kill me man
this is what you're thinking of
genie service from General
Electric back
in the days of prodigy yeah
prodigy is
another one
yeah well prodigy was see hers
wasn't it
Sears there's a it was three
they were doing a joint as a
venture with Sears and two
others I
can't remember where they were
all right
and that but then Jeannie
Jeannie ever make it past the
discs well they went what do
you think
what would you think their
years of
existence were gosh I really
don't know
but that's a good I know a o L
we know
prodigy I think it closed out
for a
couple of years had the weird
but Jeannie no I don't remember
1985 it
came out it ended until the end
of 1999
huh yeah who still has a genie
do they
even have email back there's
just it was
just an account it was not it's
not even
an email address at the time no
they had
a whole system it was very much
CompuServe hmm another phone
before all
of them went graphical I mean
once AOL
came out with the G GUI which
the Internet I mean the web
came out by
then it was rolling alone to
say the
least because he had the
dot-com crash
from the web right and at the
same time
you had these other services
that were
kind of struggling with how to
how to
incorporate the mouse on how
that gets
traction and then AOL just kind
of wiped
them all out and AOL it was
thought to
be the
operations gonna take over the
web was a
joke oh no that's even a even
thought that you've got mail
like ah you don't want that
Internet well here's a here's a
way he
work he will Jen he words the
way to go
exactly I got these new
headphones which
I'm still trying to get used to
right one of our producers
turned me on
to the nura headphones in ura
and what's
interesting about these is now
supposed to deliver an
immersive experience with music
they do 100% the reason why I
have them
is inside the they're over the
headphones inside the cones they
actually have two tubes that go
into your ears
yeah which they'll like my
hearing aids
which is what I need because
then I can
crank it up as loud as I want
any feedback zero feedback down
well that's a plus yeah only
only they
sound a little different than
the other
ones so it you know it takes a
getting used to
yeah your tubes man it's the
no you're drilling in your
brain you
would like these headphones
they don't
like it I seriously liked
because of the
sound or a pair and I still
have one
pair of these had two pair at
one time I
get one pair way of Sony
would they leak
you can't crank those up really
they leak
well electrostatic sensitive to
everything I know but I have a
issue so I need crutches man
well past
couple of days have made it
clear to me
all data we're seeing is bogus
I thought
that was make clear to you
earlier no
it's it once I hear the press
questions in the corona
team the corona virus was a
corona virus
task force briefing and the
question is
hey you're gonna publish that
data and
everyone's look at each other
going like
home and a home
hamona no I don't think so we
trust government we can't trust
the the
hospitals there's just endless
from our own producers as well
of people
being declared having died from
coronavirus and it's just not
true well
they actually have at least two
of our
producers that have discussed
this one
of them they don't discuss it
the way I
looked at it which was yes my
whoever it was died and he
didn't have
corona but after he died they
him again he had corona right
we had
another one he says just to
tell you
guys that just summarizing
these notes
just to tell you guys we I took
her own
is real my brother or somebody
close to him died and even
though he
didn't was he tested negative
for corona
just before he died
they tested them again he had
corona and
so I'm thinking they're just
throwing everything in that
corona bin
when we have now and I
suggested this to
me me we had one of the worst
seasons this year that was the
a and
then the B he had both of them
that was
not a pushed back by the flu
shot the
flu shot was ineffective and so
talking about that nobody
started might
you know if you remember year
after year
right until June yeah you
should still
get a flu shot I just sent you
on the
Skype messenger I'd like it if
you could
just go in there and click that
I found
this yesterday and this is a
chart from
I think it's from the CDC and
it shows
pneumonia deaths weekly for the
past for
the 2014-15 season the 15 16 16
17 17 18
18 19 19 20 do you see it yeah
so if you
look at the 1920 you see these
20 yet
2019 2020 I'm sorry 2019 2020
redline yeah
around January it starts to
diverge from
the past five years and goes
significantly I mean just a
anomalous trend to every other
year and
all I can think is and these are
pneumonia deaths that you're
looking at
is that a lot of these got
attributed to
coronavirus yeah especially
with the
very severe flu season you'd
expect the inverse to happen it
is exactly the inverse of the
of the
reporting of the cases and
deaths well
also I think that as I've
suggested and
Trump suggested this in the
conference when he was talking
about the
empty Mir the ship that's in
New York
harbors when I got like 20
people in it
yeah he says you know if
everyone's told
to stay at home and do social
the flute everything's gonna go
colds yes traffic accidents you
know all
these numbers are gonna go
through the floor and I guess
you could
and I suggested in the
newsletter that
well maybe if you know this
graph being
a good example well maybe we
should just
all shelter in place from
January to
like I don't know maybe June
first as a
country and we won't you know
happen what you know have less
well okay probably it's a mess
so the
data is a mess I'd like to talk
the testing but kind of came
just out of
left field showed up yesterday
doctor from New York who claims
to be an
ICU doctor in Brooklyn the name
out the picture looks the same
so I can
only presume this is the same
guy young
doctor and he's been posting
he's posted
three different YouTube videos
definitely reading parts of it
off of
his screen now I'm just being
because it's you know this is a
guy in
his in his kitchen who knows
but he
looks like he checks out and he
has a
very disturbing observation hi
this is
dr. Cameron Kyle
Aeon critical care doctor from
New York
City we are working extremely
hard under
extremely stressed conditions
stressed not only over concern
of our
own health but because we are
people dying of a disease we do
understand of a disease we have
seen before right now it is as
if the
Train is slamming down the
track at an
extremely high velocity under
stress conditions but we don't
where we're going we are putting
breathing tubes in people and
them on a ventilators and
dialing up the
pressure to open their lungs
I've talked
to doctors all around the
country and
it's becoming increasingly
clear that
the pressure we are providing
may be
hurting their lungs that it is
likely that the high pressures
we are
using are damaging the lungs of
patients we are putting the
tubes in it's not our fault
we didn't know this is how we
treat a
RDS this is how we've treated
it for the
last 20 years two days ago the
came out with a letter stating
the same
thing that we are running the
ventilators in the wrong way
right now
other news is saying that 100
to 250
thousand people in this country
may die
that means 100 and 250 thousand
may be put on a ventilator
that is programmed wrong we can
those protocols we need to
change those
protocols kovat positive
patients need
oxygen they do not need
pressure they
will need ventilators but they
must be
programmed differently the
protocols in
this country in every small big
medium-size Hospital in this
must change they can change the
time for
us to change them is rapidly
but we do have time but that
time is now
we have to change the protocols
spread the message I find that
concerning well I have a
report then oh very good
because all we
seem to care about is are there
how many will anyone die
without one but
no one's really talking about
protocol used it may be a more
- there's
maybe more to it than just that
let's see what got me on this
is that
Trump again he had a very
strange very
strange ventilator commentary
this is
the clip Trump versus the
which kind of got me triggered
finding this other clip
as if you do have a ventilator
what do
you chances and I just hope
that hydroxy
cleric win-wins
coupled with perhaps the z-pak
as we
fall it dependent totally on
doctors and the doctors there
you know the answer to that
question if
you do have the ventilator you
know the
answer to that question and I
giving the answer so I don't
want to get
them there I don't want to get
there there's a possibility a
possibility and I say it what
do you
have to lose I'll say to get
what do you
have to lose take it I really
think they
should take it but it's their
choice and
it's the doctor's choice or the
in the hospital but
try it if you'd like the other
this is some creepy shit he's
doing here
out of context without the
video it's
like hey kids know better
there's no
better that's the best with
what with
the z-pak as we call it kids
want a
but hydroxychloroquine try it
if you'd
like the other thing if you
have a heart
condition I understand
probably you stay away from the
but that's an antibiotic it can
out the lungs the lungs are a
point of
attack for this horrible virus
but when
you have a ventilator don't ask
answer because I hate it if you
have it
and it's working beautifully
I don't like the answer because
it's not
a very high percentage so I
want to keep
them out of ventilators I want
to keep
them if this drug works it will
be not a
game-changer because that's not
a nice
enough term it will be
wonderful it'll
be so beautiful it'll be a gift
heaven and it works because
when people
go into those ventilators you
know the
answers I know the answers and
I'm glad
you don't write about it a mic
holy crap so that that confirms
ventilators is a death sentence
well he's glad nobody writes
about it
but apparently that's not true
with NPR
clip wanna hear about it goes
this is
the ventilator report from NPR
intensive care units at
hospital in st. Louis are
filling up
with coronavirus patients and
Tiffany Osborn has been caring
for many
of those who've been placed on
ventilators to keep them alive
it's very
concerning to see how many
patients who
require ventilation do not make
it out
of the hospital how many of
them died
Osborn is a critical care
specialist at
Washington University School of
she says doctors in China and
Europe and
elsewhere in the u.s. are
death rates from about 50
percent to
more than 80 percent we're not
sure how
much help ventilators are going
to be
they may help keep somebody
alive in the
short term we're not sure if
it's gonna
help keep someone alive in a
long term
patients end up on a ventilator
their lungs can no longer
deliver enough
oxygen to keep the body going
Bourn says it's an extreme
measure we
give sedation so that the
person goes to
sleep and then we provide a
that stops their breathing next
insert a long plastic tube
through the
trachea and vocal cords that
allows a
machine to deliver puffs of
oxygenated air to the lungs the
ventilator itself can do damage
to the
lung tissue based on how much
is required to help oxygen get
by the lungs and Osborn says
patients often need
Dursley high levels of both
pressure and
oxygen because their lungs have
so much
inflammation also ventilators
create a
path for a wide range of
infections to
reach the lungs doctor Nagin
Hodges IJ
is a pulmonary critical care
doctor at
hofstra North Wales School of
in New York
she says ventilators work
really well
for patients with common forms
pneumonia we treat patients for
days and then we get the
into the body and the patient
unfortunately with this kovat
pneumonia there are no
treatments that
we know work for sure so Hajis
Ida who
spoke to me from just outside
of an
intensive care unit says
ventilators are
of limited value Wow for the
amount of
noise the m5m has been making
about him
this is that's very creepy yeah
now we
know now we know a lot of
people are put
on ventilators very quickly
with a mass
not intubated with a mask in
order to
keep anything they might be
exhaling out
of the hospital air but once
you go to
intubation it sounds like
you're dead
sounds like it to me too
which is what Trump was
indicating Trump
has been really pushing this
drug and
trying not to be - he didn't
bring up to
80% death rate there's just a
more follow-up informations not
much but
it's part two here says
ventilators are
of limited value we have had
patients between the hospitals
the north wall Health System
that have
come off of the breathing
machine but
the vast majority are unable to
Aude says one reason is that
the corona
virus often does a lot more
lung damage
than say the flu there is fluid
other toxic chemical cytokines
we call
them raging throughout the lung
she says in some patients the
damage is
so bad that even ventilation
won't help
so they've tried an even more
measure called ECMO which
oxygen directly to a patient's
remember ECMO too is a life
treatment so it's a bridge
while we are
allowing the lung to heal
itself from a
pneumonia if it can dr. Tiffany
says that what doctors are
about severe coronavirus
should make it crystal clear
while we
all need to take steps to keep
the virus
from spreading I know that at
times it
gets frustrating but it's really
important not just for yourself
and your
family but for the the other
people that
you care about to shelter in
place until
this is over
Osbourne should know when she's
not at
the hospital she's living in a
camper to
avoid putting her family at
risk well
this is rather concerning and
I'll add
to that that the doctor and I
watched all of his videos he
said in
another piece he said that it
like the he says he's never
been to
Mount Everest but he said he
imagine the way people look
when they
get put on the ventilator is
that they
need oxygen like they get
dropped off at
you know 20,000 feet on the
somewhere and just don't have
oxygen they'd like to go and
blue in the
face and but he felt that the
was actually hurting their
lungs this is
concerning cuz this is new
that isn't official it's just
kind of
floating out there and now we
have to
find out about it and speculate
is that
the idea this is you cannot
trust the
government and the media
anymore it's
nothing really nothing now it's
it's just insulting to watch
especially after we had to go
this back and forth with Trump
and Cuomo
about all we need 30,000 40,000
ventilators which is you would
what you're gonna just death
for like you know 30 or 40
people and with no explanation
all we
hear is the word ventilator well
ventilated so it sounds like a
thing now you have to knock you
out with
a push in a semi-comatose State
and then
paralyze your lungs so you
can't breathe
and then shove this tube down
throat through your vocal cords
and then
push air in there but using
what could it do what could
yeah yeah well so let's just
with some of the complete lack
information so just back to
data testing
I'm starting to figure it out
I've had
we have as it turns out once
again many
producers who either work in
labs have
spouses who work in labs who
the assay the assays I'm
learning all
these terms the Eliza which is
the test
that we're currently working on
which is
the enzyme linked immunosorbent
ASSA why I say hey so these are
studies and although they are
now coming
with the PCR and the qPCR and
the now
what's the forget the other
name of the
test to date they pretty much
test for a
corona virus not specifically
the SARS
coronavirus - - which means a
lot of
this testing could be a false
for something that you have
that may not
be the actual corona virus
strain that
is apparently the killer so
that leaves
a lot of room for error in what
doing especially since it's
clearly the
Gates Foundation driving the
driving the numbers in fact
driving the
narrative this needs to be
looked at
very closely and we can't count
on the
media to do it so we can't
the media other than ok they
suck now
let's do some of our own work
and I got
four clips here from Burks and
birx who is also all in on the
Foundation so it's getting kind
disturbing when you see how
many people
are connected so testing ways
you know
we're trying to use testing now
understand who has it if you're
whatever that means I guess now
it's if
you have a sniffle and you have
maybe a
cold which could be a corona
virus not
the one we're talking about
not the El strange something
else that
is just not being tracked which
are people infected in with
the testing will also be used
to find
out who has had the the corona
virus and
if you've built up antibodies
and this
is important to understand
because this
is how we're going to be
released either
the miracle game-changer
hydroxychloroquine does the job
it seems
like there's a lot of pushback
entire with governors
forbidding an
entire state to use it and
Trump just
keeps hammering it over and
over again
there seems to be reluctance
that could
also be because there's
versions but I think that's a
plaque win
or palak win pack pack well in
which is
Hydra which is a
hydroxychloroquine by a
brand name I guess they don't
have it
who knows what's going on but
the other
part is the testing and testing
is very
inconsistent and is open to
interpretations not being made
Burks what we're trying gating
right now
and instead of working on our
are not
we're looking at testing and
triangulating testing test
cases hospitalizations I see
use and the
whole and the course the
because that's also very
important to us
I think it's very important
that the
American people know that there
equal number of states with
less than
five percent positives despite
levels of testing so there's
states that
are mitigating and making this
they're also the states that
you know of
the eighteen states that have
the larger
outbreaks and we're watching
them very
carefully triangulating for
them all of
the information to ensure that
who come to the hospital are
cared for
so this leaves an
interpretation open
she says oh it's because of
these states have a much lower
test rate I'm not so sure
that's the
only interpretation it's also
that there's a completely
strain in the eighteen city she
mentioned I didn't know this
was a thing
the eighteen cities she said
states go
state I'm sorry states
I don't understand how she can
that's just because of
I think it's possible we're
dealing with
port cities that may have been
with something more severe
strains something different all
other we know for a fact
there's eight
strains a minimum yes eight
this talk of
40 but the main to the keys
yeah well
mutate so that's that's to be
it mutates but you know the
main to the
S strain and the L strain maybe
that was
distributed and that kind of
fits the
theory of carriers were sent
out from
China into Europe and the
United States
could be I don't know but I'm
not just
going to dismiss mitigate
mitigation as
the answer to that there's some
news which one entirely
unreported but
the bottom line is and I think
into this weekend it's really
for the American people tough
to know
this Spain and Italy are moving
this they are seeing their
number of
cases drop they're seeing the
number of
people in hospitals drop we are
about on
our models and on the actual
data about
12 days behind them
okay so that should be
celebrated is
pretty darn good news if
there's a 12
day lag and we're gonna be in
the same
plate Italy's now talking about
lessening restrictions I that's
sounds like a really good news
to me no
one really picked up on it I
guess we
want the terror to continue uh
the yeah here's the yes in
order to get
this is there gonna be a common
this is this was also from the
that was this was the Steven
Hahn he's
the FDA I think is a head of
the FDA and
he spells out very clearly that
probably going to be a test
anybody can go back to work
you can use antibody tests to
who can go back to work
well I don't know I'd rather
leave that
to the doctor doctor do you
have an
answer to that we think it'll
be a tool
to help us get people back to
work it'll
be additional information
because as you
know if you have an antibody
that means
you were exposed and have
recovered from
it that with the information
diagnosis should help so as you
know a
couple weeks ago we provided a
deal of regulatory flexibility
this a lot of great developers
have been
working on this dr. Burks put a
call out
to the academic labs around the
to do this and we've been
working very
closely with a number of
so we think that it can be
scaled up
relatively quickly there you go
so we'll
have machines if you want to go
back to
work if you maybe if you want
to go to
the grocery store you'll have
to be
tested on the spot maybe you'll
some kind of proof that you've
tested so you will have to have
minimum an antibody test that
shows you
are know that you are immune
from it
that you've had it and that
you're a
safe safe human resource safe
this is so
dystopian Trump even hits at
the hints
at it occurring in more places
testing possibly restricting
flies from
hot spots we're looking at it
seriously right now we're
dealing with
governors we're dealing with
we're dealing with a lot of
factors it's a very difficult
we're also doing testing
getting into
planes very strong testing
state to do a
testing of people that leave
because they don't want to have
coming in who are infected so
understanding that and the
level of
testing has been enormous we're
with the governor's ready
using testing domestic travel
or people
coming some states are doing
when they
land they're doing very strong
powerful testing please go ahead
did you check up again this is
going to
be horrendous well the thing
that got me
about that particular I he
answers the
question the guy asks him and
then he
says then the reporters I check
with the
airline so they don't know what
talking about the question
hasn't been
asked yet so they don't even
know what
Trump's saying but somehow
before he
even asked them the question
doesn't know what he's talking
makes no sense in fact that
conference was an abomination
in many
ways I have a number of clips
of him
giving it to the press if I
want to hear
those right now but I a well
and I want to point out that
what is
happening with the press and a
lot of
these journalists I think
there's some
second-string younger ones you
know the
old ones are all at home doing
their own
makeup and want to make sure
that they
don't die so send the young
kids out but
they are not being journalists
there debating the president
debating him he'll start saying
interrupt debate now but you
said right
but this is not right
how can you go to stuff but how
is it
it's like shut up for a second
really yes it's disturbing what
doing and it's not productive
and the
questions are insulting if not
completely stupid
yes it's an embarrassment that's
question I want to hear on what
you got
this plane well I got a couple
of them
let's play let's start with
Trump calls
out media for panic okay I
don't see
that one they're under Trump
yeah you
said AHA calls out media ah
okay this
odd it's not an alphabetical
order I'm
sorry okay here we go
clearly our sole consideration
we want
to save lives we want as few
I've lost as possible it's
critical that certain media
outlets stop
spreading false rumors and
creating fear
and even panic with the public
it's just
incredible I could name them
but it's
the same ones always the same
ones and I
guess they're looking for
ratings I
don't know what they're looking
for so
bad for our country and so bad
people understand it these you
look at
the levels and approval ratings
they're the lowest they've ever
been for
media it's so bad for for our
country so
bad for the world you know put
together for a little while get
over with and then go back to
your fake
news I'll agree and disagree
with them
yes is very bad so bad for the
world but
the ratings are off the hook
yeah he kind of suggested that
yeah they
are off the hook
tried this one Trump news
blast reporter yes schedules
the banks
have been great through Morgan
Bank of America they're so far
this is typical with you in
we hear they're behind what
they're not
behind it's been a flawless
it's been
flawless so far far beyond our
you should say I hear you're
doing well
but maybe I don't even hear of
glitch they've done it billions
dollars of loans to small
and these are great loads these
loans that get immediately paid
these are loans that get
businesses back
I wish you could answer ask a
where something's working so
well now
maybe things won't work well
and I don't
mind that kind but where
working so well
and you ask a question in such a
negative way it's doing great
yeah did
you get the clip of the
reporter I
forgot to get this one of the
there's a rumor that the Czechs
going to be delayed for four
because you insist on signing
them no
this one is under the word
funniest this
is funniest truck that I
thought this
was the absolute the moment of
you guys ever stop do you want
to keep
going for a little while huh I
mean do
you ever stop how many times
yes and in
many cases it's the same
actually a lot
of good questions go ahead but
going yes so you're not gonna
blame me
that I kept it going too long
said all we kept every time
you'll ask
it no I mean no it's amazing
nothing every can't wind up I
we've gone through a little
every I
think every single hand went up
the last
time do you know what it shows
you it
shows you that you love what
you do go
ahead you do know you're doing
some of
you do it well if I can insert
one I got
one from Jim Jim Acosta from
CNN and and
try and I'm playing this for a
reasons one so you can hear
again just
insult to the public to the the
does watch these I think that
maybe the
maybe the journals forget that
they're sitting in the in the
room like make sure you get me
on camera
but don't worry about it's just
for the
package for tonight or whatever
people watch it and they come
across as
douchey and Trump has been doing
something very consistently
which I want
to ask you a question about you
said nobody could have seen this
pandemic coming but in fact
are at a bio defense summit in
29th at force the people of
course the
thing that people ask what
keeps you
most up at night in the bio
world pandemic flu of course I
everyone in this room
he shares that concern your own
and Human Services Secretary
was aware
that this had the potential of
being a
very big problem around the
world a
pandemic of this nature drop
the ball
well I always knew that
pandemics are
one of the worst things could
there's been nothing like this
probably 1917 that was the big
one in
Europe it started actually here
and went
to Europe probably I've heard
about this
for a long time pandemics you
don't want
pandemics and I don't think he
talking about a specific
pandemic he was
talking about the threat of a
could happen and it could happen
so a douchbag gotcha question to
literally say who dropped the
okay thanks Jim Acosta but why
when the
Spanish flu is commonly known
to have
started in 1918 why is the
president so
consistently saying 1917 this
has got to
be some kind of message that
were not
understanding well there is a
there is a
alternate theory that's been
around that it actually began
in the
United States yes I that theory
is also
listed on the wiki page yes and
if you
there's a number of problems
with that
theory one is how to get over
there when
everyone's coming back from
from there
which may it's a logically
inconsistent modern theory is
the theory
only showed up in the 40s I
think or the
50s or even later maybe the 60s
but this
is you know somebody did some
and found somebody drop dead
you know
some Kansas bunk somewhere in
the army
and they I don't know how to
spread in the opposite
direction we have
I just think it's bogus and I
somehow he's gotten he bought
into that
thesis and he's just going
along with
that well say well ok wait the
well I take these he doesn't do
accidentally I agree that's
that's a
fact so he so just taking the
at face value if you look at
the wiki
page which may be the source of
information for all I know
19:18 is the date that the if
you look
at the united states a theory
that it
started in 1918 in kansas if
you look at
the united kingdom theory as it
in the united kingdom it says
in late
1970 military pathologist
reported the
onset of a new disease with high
mortality that they later
recognized as
the flu and this was at viola
gist john
oxford and they had a camp of a
thousand soldiers and that's
where they
studied it or they introduced
it i don't
know but that's me so maybe
he's trying
to say yeah some people say we
did it
but we know it really started in
nineteen seventy how about that
is that
well i mean what else are we
gonna do i
mean it's it's just odd and
that he can and when he first
saying it people were laughing
like what
an idiot he's staying it all
wrong now
they don't do that anymore but
continues to say it so i'm just
to figure out the small stuff i
have no
idea the 1917 doesn't bother me
as much
as repeating it to kansas well
which is
less isolated and all the
sudden becomes
a worldwide phenomena i just
don't see
it now as to the question of
the the
Health and Human Services
director being
well in the know over a year
ago he knew
it was coming how did you drop
the ball
you stupid orange man idiot
hears foul
in twenty is America's doctor
America's pandemic doctor the
in 2017 at
George Washington University
it's just
interesting the way he phrases
much the same information given
as you
heard from the introduction
that I have
been around for a while and
have had the
opportunity and the privilege
and the
pleasure of serving in five
administrations I thought I
would bring
that perspective to the topic
today is
the issue of pandemic
preparedness and
if there's one message that I
want to
leave with you today based on my
experience and you'll see that
in a
moment is that there is no
question that
there will be a
Challenge the coming
administration in
the arena of infectious
diseases both
chronic infectious diseases in
the sense
of already ongoing disease and
we have
certainly a large burden of
that but
also there will be a surprise
can I hope by the end of my
short presentation you will
why history of the history of
the last
32 years that I've been the
director of
NIAID will tell the next
that there's no doubt in
anyone's mind
that they will be faced with the
challenges that their
predecessors were
faced with so I like this
because he
says surprise outbreak like
okay I mean
just interesting that he would
use that
term surprise outbreak but more
interestingly if you really
listen to
what he's saying
I think what he's saying after
that is
if you look at my history
you'll know
you're gonna be scared shitless
again to the second part listen
to it
but also there will be a
outbreak and I hope by the end
of my
relatively short presentation
you will
understand why history of the
history of
the last 32 years that I've
been the
director of NIH so he's saying
history of my being a director
for the
past 32 years not the history of
pandemics know his history
that's what
I'm hearing him say the history
of the
last 32 years that I've been the
director of NIAID will tell the
administration that there's no
doubt in
anyone's mind that they will be
with the challenges that their
predecessors were faced with
seeing as
he seems wherever he goes
pandemics show
up maybe that's true
five administration's and his
tentacles reach much deeper
than I ever
imagined and his job is to
scare people
witness dr. Drew who is
backpedaling a
little bit he is now saying hey
you know
for all the things I said I'm
but this does seem to be a
different than the flu and I've
following dr. drew very closely
you know it would be
for me to not to stop believing
he's saying now he's being
cagey but he
reveals something about his
to doctor foul cheat which is
I've been trying to stay
optimistic the
entire time I would say the
main thing I
think that she thought was the
sort of
the philosophy of this illness
the fact
that it's able to you know
really cause
a crash all of a sudden out of
the blue
even in young people and that's
what's a
feature of this illness that I
where till it sort of landed
stateside I'm still optimistic
I still
believe no one's more
innovative and
responsive of the US healthcare
system I
believe we're gonna start
knocking down
the hospitalization rates and
the inactivity I'm still
optimistic and
being optimistic is something
that makes
people angry I'm sorry but I'm
very optimistic in spite of the
that I'm you know completely
signed up I
was in from the beginning I've
also been
saying follow dr. pouchy
whatever he
says that's what we got to do
the reason
I got on the radio in 1983 is
because I
was part of the army that
doctor foul
she put together back then I
was working
on the frontlines of the AIDS
and we were chanting about 10
deaths 10 million deaths
there's gonna
be millions of dead if we don't
you know
talk to educate people about
illness and how its transmitted
now we
were off by a factor of 100 in
terms of
our predictions then and we
congratulated ourselves for
scaring the
hell out of a generation and
change their behavior but
really what
changes of course that illness
therapeutics the fact that we
came up
with effective treatment to
turn AIDS
from a death sentence which is
what I
was dealing with my training
and early
career to a chronic illness and
I think
we're gonna get the same thing
here are
just a great faith in our our
and at US healthcare so did dr.
Drew get
a recall into the foul Chi army
did he
get a little knock on the door
say chill
out we got it you're making it
sound too
easy this is no good and Salix
changed and and he's slipping
therapeutics in there but that
is also
not really the message of dr.
Fauci or
anyone behind him
which we've now determined the
they're presenting dr. Burks is
presenting is from health data
org 100%
funded by the Gates Foundation
from its
inception in 2005 up until the
recent funding round of a
quarter of a billion dollars
from the
Gates Foundation and of course
is run by
Chris Murray who used to work
for World
Health Organization Rhodes
Scholar he
has all the qualifications
that's the
data that's being presented to
us for
the curve that was that we had a
switcheroo first we were using
Imperial model then Neil
Ferguson had to
say well you know is gonna be
something's made up about
because we
didn't take mitigation into
account okay
so now we've gone from 2
million dead in
the u.s. to 200,000 now it's
160,000 is
what's expected because the
models are
just overestimating everywhere
and all
of this points back to Bill
Gates and
Bill Gates has been very active
in the
media of a couple of clips but
the most telling was shown by
Hayes and just to set the stage
of how
much Bill Gates hates Donald
Trump that
on a recent foundation video
chat which
for some reason Chris Hayes is
to put on television
Bill Gates spoke extensively
about Trump
and none of it was flattering
as you can
imagine some of it just well
what you'd
expect you ever wonder what
who've actually met Donald Trump
especially powerful successful
people in
American business and Beyond
who've had
to try and interact with him
he's leader the free world say
those encounters behind closed
doors all
in has obtained some
footage that gives you a good
idea of
what one of the wealthiest men
in the
world Bill Gates thinks of the
Bill Gates took questions
during a
recent Gates Foundation meeting
staff and he talked about
meeting Donald
before he was elected there was
a thing
during election where he and I
were at
the same place no matter how
rich you
are you still got a virtue
signal isn't
that interesting the one of the
guys in the world still has
this need to
virtue signal to his audience
to the
driven away grand entrance and
anyway so on I first talked to
him it
was actually kind of scary how
well he
knew how much you know about my
daughter's appearance
oh let's just point out he's
creepy in two young girls my
our vaccine safe the Kent the
wanted to know and he's talking
somebody I don't know some guy
Anna Robert Kennedy jr.
something like
that nobody who cares about you
know I
can't remember the guys name
okay so you get the idea not a
lot of
regard for the president he's
just an
idiot I'm sure that's exactly
what he
said hey is that HIV the same
is HPV
just a different letter that's
what happens so let's see what
the gates
plan is I think we need to set
it up
let's start it off with Bill
Gates this
is from a CBS interview he
doesn't want
anyone to go back to work he's
on board
well of course he's propagating
to foul
Qi we really need to just keep
the whole
country shut down Microsoft
and billionaire philanthropist
Gates is urging the federal
to shut down the entire country
to save
lives so far the Bill and
Melinda Gates
Foundation has donated 100
dollars to fight the corona
they're focused on detection
and treatment of the virus and
finding a
vaccine Kate says the u.s.
failed to get
ahead of the outbreak but it's
not too
late to make up for lost time
yes he
wants the entire country shut
down and
this is a big problem because
don't understand why this can't
happen I
mean can we just shut down the
country I
mean this is no easy here is
Guthrie on The Today Show
asking dr.
Fauci about it
pouchy disciple and business
partner of
gates can I ask you about that
you know
more states yesterday started
these stay at home orders but
not all
states do and even the states
that do
some have exemptions Florida
religious services in some
cases I
thought New Hampshire had
florists at one point Arizona
exempted Hair Salons at some
point I
mean with all due deference to
shouldn't there be a national
order a
national lock down or
requirement rather
than this hodgepodge piecemeal
you know you have a point there
sivanna but it's one of those
that in our country there still
is that
issue central government versus
ability and the right of a
state to make
their own decision but again I
with you when you see things
like some
it's just
irritating we have this issue
when can
we get rid of that stupid issue
with the
states I mean are you crazy
people do
not understand the Civic's of
the United
I doubt Savannah Guthrie can
even find
any state on the map it is and
and and
foul she has been saying this
in other
places again he's been I think
he's been
asked to roll back a little bit
but he
it's it's coming out as about
this I
can't believe what are we so
we don't have health care for
we can't tell the states what's
to do
you know and and this is
pushed by the Democrats there
are the
national government they want a
globalist people yes they want
the they
want the national lockdown
martial law
essentially because you have to
it and they also want the
production act to be rolled out
every single country every
company in the country they
just keep
pushing for these truly
fascists yes
that's also socialist demand
economy we
want to build this we want you
to build
that we want you to be where
the central
authority we want you to build
this we
want you to get to work on this
that'll solve everything
so has Bill Gates actually ever
to the president amidst all of
seeing as his dad is being used
companies are being used his
people are
being used his disciples are
being used
you've been in touch with
leaders in
Washington have you talked with
president about this I've not
directly to the president our
is trying to be as helpful in a
constructive way as possible
and that's
why I've talked to the head of
pharmaceutical companies we've
talked to
a lot of the agencies including
CDC and
NIH about how we work together
on the
vaccine and the drugs I don't
like his
little laughter anywhere in
that at all
it's like now I haven't talked
to the
president but I'm talking to
I'm talking to all the agencies
or the
farmers I'm like the president
really the president I know
what's going
on oh yeah
thanks Bill
let's see what he really would
like back
in 2015 you warned that we were
ready for the next epidemic
why have I have aren't we better
prepared well in fact very
investment was made for example
able to ramp up diagnostic
capacity very
quickly our foundation and some
governments did work on some
new vaccine
platforms which are the most
but you know sadly because you
estimate the risk and it was
something I
was you know trying to talk
about and
you know thought we had some
on but then actually the
personnel in
this area were were cutbacks
you know I
think let's just revisit what
saying he's saying hey man we
were all
cool we had the vaccines ready
we could
have been saving people right
now but
unfortunately Trump defunded
that part
within the CDC which was
exactly what
what the solution was going to
be set up
big set up from Bill Gates here
diagnostic by the way before
you go on
he also equates his foundation
with with
with national governments of
course of
course what he said he's got
and other why aren't we better
well in fact very little
investment was
made for example being able to
ramp up
diagnostic capacity very
quickly our
foundation and some other
did work great catch probably
has more
money than most other
governments on so
no vaccines which are the most
but you know via the vaccine
that were the most promising
but no
sadly because you can't
estimate the
risk and it was something I was
you know
trying to talk about and you
thought we had some engagement
on but
then actually the personnel in
this area
were were cut back you know I
think this
time people understand that
this is a
trillions of dollars event it's
going to
be hundreds of thousands of
lives on a
global basis
I think now people understand
why those
alarms were raised and that for
the next
one we will be far more ready
than we
were for this one okay well
what is
opening up look like to you
bill can we
all just get a test just a
simple test
that says yeah you've had it
clear you're an uninfected human
resource you know it's really
unprecedented even the issue of
once you
get the case numbers down
what does opening up look like
you know
which activities like schools
have such
benefit and can be done in a
way that
the risk of transmission is
very low and
which activities like mass
may be in a certain sense more
and so until you're widely not
that those may not come back at
he wants us all to get
vaccinated he
really doesn't want people
having it
getting over it no no no no in
fact he
wants it to be kind of like the
if he could be the hero do you
we're we're gonna think about
differently from now on well
that is for
sure I you know there were a
few movies
they weren't that popular about
this and
to make them at least a little
popular they usually had some
happen at the end where some
hero you
know invented something and boom
everything was back to normal
no the awareness of this is a
threat and
probably the biggest threat to
you know
kill tens of millions of people
did he say the awareness of
this is the
threat that's exactly what he
said he
said the awareness is the
threat which
is the threat that's a panic
instead of you know yeah let's
the last part and probably the
threat everything was back to
no the awareness of this is a
threat and
probably the biggest threat to
you know
kill tens of millions of people
will be permanently embedded so
time I do this is also gonna
kill people
yes and it's but it's
embedded now that will be
embedded so this time I do
think we will
get ourselves ready for the next
pandemic oh it's just a test
run okay
we'll be ready for it next time
it'll be
firmly embedded in our psyche
that we'll
all flip out these people do
not have
humankind at the front of in
front of
mine for them this is not what
this is
about he's deluded at this
point the
Chinese are are already doing a
we have all kinds of
initiatives of
course but the the qr-code may
be one
way that we start to get back
to work
this little QR code is a lot
powerful than it looks
it helps collect data about
your travel
history health status and more
China's using it to track
citizens and
stop those infected with the
first you fill out a
questionnaire it
asks for details like your body
temperature it then generates a
code and at checkpoints popping
across China green means go
it's my
first time to come outside
after the
epidemic but I already use the
QR codes
several times and I think it's
good it's
proof of your identity our
country is
upgrading and I think it's good
to carry
it out the codes are being
everywhere from restaurants to
blocks major cities and more
than half
of China's provinces have
started to use
the color codes a way to make
down infected people easier for
authorities precipitating
change this is
this is the 911 of this age
things are
gonna change you're gonna have
marks that say you're good
you're not
good you know you're gonna have
shakes you're gonna have to
some have
some kind of certificate which
Gates of
course would love for that to
be you
know for that to be digital
there it is
listen this eventually what
we'll have
to have a certificates of who's
recovered person who's a
person you hear that that's
very is very
distinct difference he wants to
certificates that show not
healthy no no
if you are vaccinated which
means you're
the best human being or if you
recovered eventually what we'll
have to
have a certificate sub who's a
person who's a vaccinated
person I
suggest yellow stars I think
these have
worked well historic just break
that out
we haven't had that in a while
so where do you what do you
think John I
mean it's it seems like there
is some
real sickness there's some real
conflicting information on
happening with people how
they're being
treated at the same time
there's this
incredible agenda to push us
towards and
we haven't really discussed it
because of such an old trope
vaccinations but testing
testing testing
has been the mantra from day one
certainly from Nancy Pelosi
so maybe the idea is everyone's
got to
get tested so we do have you
down we got
you down we got your cell phone
is not bashful or saying that
handing over the data to
everyone who wants to use it
every state
every County any municipality
and that's
not cell cell tower
triangulation it's
Google Maps and all their other
ways of
doing it and the apps that are
on your
phone so where does this leave
us it
means what completely leaves us
in the
indirection they've been trying
to push
us before Trump came along and
kind of
upset the applecart which is
one of the
reasons I'm sure case is not
too happy
with Trump it has to make up
story how
like a HPV HIV same thing yeah
so so you
keep trying to get us back on
toward the one-world government
because there's a lot of
messaging about
well this would be better if it
coordinated worldwide and we
have the
devout she and gates going on
about to
be better if there was one
government because the national
government could make everybody
home in the whole country
even though certain states like
said in the press conference
there are a
number of states when he was
about this that have not put to
stay in
place order in because this is
state and
I don't know which states they
are but
he says there's eight eight or
more of
them and I'm guessing it's a
state like
Montana where this you know
there's not
even very few housing tracks I
there is some around some of
the cities
but generally speaking it's
wide open
there's no reason to shelter in
when you're in an area like
that and and
then there's and then the the
the other
thing which does not mention it
course is this Trump promoting
this this
drug that much he resisted at
first is
that he continues to resist it
honestly he keeps deflecting
yeah he
does he just does not want
people using
this drug which apparently
works and
Trump keeps dropping these
little bombs
in there yeah and I don't have
the clips
for this but he talks about how
patients have never gotten
cuz that's the drug that they
use yeah
and and and that Africa doesn't
have it
because there's such a high
proliferation of anti malarial
yeah and this anti-malarial
drug that
keeps and the other one is the
though the one that's going to
be the
one that has to be studied it
has to be
looked at eventually is India
India's the place that
manufactures that
drug it's the main manufacturer
of it
and that they could have it
they have
the easiest access to it and
they are
also the most crowded cramped
there's no stay-at-home order
you don't
think you even get one right to
work if
India doesn't you have at least
a I
don't know half a million dead
by the
end of this thing you'd like in
words in two or three weeks no
not something's wrong
something's up
yeah they're trying other
things as well
this is my favorite country
should be
prepared for mail-in voting a
lot of
people cheat with mail-in
voting I think
people should vote with ID
voter ID
I think voter ID is very
important and
the reason they don't want
voter ID is
because they intend to cheat
and you get
something when you buy
something you
look at your cards and credit
cards and
different cards you have your
and many of them not all of
them but are
many of them you should have a
on your on your voting it
should be
called voter ID they should
have that
and it shouldn't be mail and
excuse me
it shouldn't be mail-in voting
it should
be you go to a booth and you
display yourself you don't send
it in
the mail okay yeah who wants
now someone
actually pushing for mail-in
come on in Washington State
there's only
mail and voting has
historically it's
been I just long as I know huh
thirty forty years I don't know
how long
it's been going on I didn't
realize yeah
I think maybe more station just
Washington says rural states
they no way
the thing that I can't quite
put my
finger on but what concerns me
the most
is how the how the fear really
sparked how it really started
to spin
out of control and I think it
was the
moment when the media flipped
basically agreeing with Trump
although they were pushing back
he had instigated the China
travel ban
they're like us it's not much
pretty easy we
had Pelosi out in Chinatown in
Francisco saying at DeBlasio in
Chinatown in New York saying
come on
down party it's not a problem
so it was kind of they were
pushing back
on the president because he had
don't trust China and he had
cut off the
China flight so it's almost as
if that
was the problem is China
then suddenly it flips and and
I think
it was when Trump started
saying China
virus Chinese virus then the
media went
all-in against him first with
your being
racist and then within a matter
of a few
days you were slow you messed
it up
people are gonna die hey I can
think China had a hand in this
flip and
if they did they're powerful
man cuz
that was coordinated and it
went fast
Fox News was was was
fear-mongering as
well tucker carlson has been
fear-mongering from day one
discredits these lawsuits
against fox
who say that you know fox was
irresponsible whatever well
let's listen
to the on the Nightline show on
ABC you
want to hear something kind of
those lines this is first I'll
play the
opener so you get it well
actually I'm
not gonna play the only let's
play the
real deal this is Byron Pitts
and he
this is what you just said this
is kind
of what the accusations are now
throws a zinger one of these
at pence who's on his show and
I have to
say Pence is the old-fashioned
style of
politician sorry he's the
kind of politician don't get to
see it
much he did not only do flex
but he
answers a different question in
a very
slick way and and the thing is
that this
is so obviously scripted I have
example of it it's so obviously
that this Byron guy he just
reads the
scripted question and doesn't
care what
one's pants says because he
doesn't do
any follow-up and let's go
through the
Vice President I have a final
question for you hi and I asked
us not
us in a political way but for
you sir
like so many of us in our
nation you are
a person of deep faith no one
that when you talk to God in
moments alone now find yourself
at all that people you
represent and
care deeply about have died and
will die
who did not need to because of
steps the
federal government did not take
enough well thank you for
that we are talking about one
at a time and I promise you
that's the
way President Trump thinks of
this it's
the way I think of it we wanted
American people to see the
numbers so
that we understand the
challenging days
that lie ahead but I want
people to know
that our future is in your hands
that if every one of us will do
and put
into practice the guidelines
for America
that that we can bring those
down I really do believe him
we'll get
through this and we'll come out
than ever before vice president
Pence thank you sir God speak
to you pen
Pence is showing what he's made
of these
days in fact I think the
Democrats are
more afraid of him now because
he does
know how to do this kind of
stuff and
he's a crazy Christian man
Mooney's it
so this here's this earlier in
the in
the conversation this is the
one of the early Byron Pitts
questions I
this called the opener and this
is again
showing pence answering a
question and just getting
blowing right
by the guy and it's like so
slick I mean
that last one you heard him
said well
thanks for that because this is
what we
you know he's such a deflection
it was
very good yeah it did a good
job but yet
governor's both Republicans and
Democrats say they don't have
what they
need on our air every single
night sir
we have doctors nurses foot
soldiers on
the ground who with tears in
their eyes
say they don't have what they
need how
do you explain that discrepancy
we're leaving no stone unturned
to make
sure that our health care
workers on the
front lines have the protective
equipment to be able to do
their job
stay healthy while they do it
speaking regularly particularly
governors in New York and New
Jersey in
Washington and California in
areas where
there's been significant
outbreak we've
been surging resources into
those areas
whether it be the the n95 masks
health care workers need to
wear or
whether it be ventilators or
gowns or
gloves and I promise you we are
delivering those by the
millions we're
ordering them by the millions
he does it
was such an interesting cadence
urgency that by the time he's
almost at
the end of his answer you
forget what
the question was
yeah it's really good that's
that is old-school and they're
not used
to it apparently well not in
this way he
does it he has a singular way
of doing
it it's very and his eyes are
eyebrows are both pointing
toward the
middle and you know there was a
browser lifted towards like a
dot you
know like the dike the sad dog
where I
you know it goes up in the
middle and
he's yeah he drips on the right
yeah he
makes good use of that oh I
just feel
like petting him went back to
China for
a second so we just saw another
CCP Communist Chinese Communist
Party PR
move with the Nets owner and
you know in
collaboration with Jack Ma and
the other
co-founder of Alibaba bringing
over you know all China sent
this China
I said this is what everyone
wants you
to hear China's helping us so
that's the
MBA china owns the MBA
practically but
the media John I mean is it all
that I know them Chinese money
everywhere but maybe it's much
than we realize I mean for all
the media
suits which on a dime within
maybe 48
hours week and it's always
something about China he's a
disheartening I mean I know
that they're
all pro-china and you know
Trump sucks
but I mean that's a total
takeover of
our information channels
well ABC again which is where
you heard
that pence the two pence clips
ABC is
very in trying to achieve for
having amusement parks over
there yeah
Disney and having a lot of
production of
the movies Disney movies you
know being
paid by the Chinese the Chinese
infiltration is quite good
I think they've infiltrated
probably all
the major media's because
there's not
one major media out that
doesn't have an
entertainment component but
also recall
the governor's you remember
speaking to the governor's do
remember that you're saying a
lot of the
Chinese have a file on you they
which of you governors are are
Bowl which of you are not
let me see maybe I have that
that's a good clip we should
play that
again yeah what was that again
I'll be
George got Pompey owes me yeah
yeah it
does of course but oh here does
Governor's Conference maybe
this is it
here US Secretary of State Mike
had a warning for state and
lawmakers Saturday as he
addressed the
National Governors Association
be weary
of China when it comes to doing
I'm asking you to adopt a
mindset Pompeyo a sharp critic
of China
said Beijing seeks to exploit us
openness and freedom to
undermine the
United States
he said China is trying to
expand its
influence at the state and
local levels
not just the federal level it's
happening in your states with
consequences for our foreign
policy for
the citizens that reside in
your state
states and indeed for each of
just last month US prosecutors
Harvard University chemistry
chair Charles Lieber with lying
his alleged links to the Chinese
China has denounced pompey's
comments targeting Beijing and
party as vicious attacks
China's foreign
ministry said his remarks
reflect fear
and arrogance it's the thousand
program that's that's what that
professor was arrested he was
part of
that the China's thousands or
thousand taught talents program
governors are doing deals it's
it's Belton Road initiative
type deals
so maybe some of these
governors who are
making odd decisions or
decisions or I don't know
hydroxychloroquine who knows
what kind
of deals I think it's much
worse than we
ever even imagined I mean I
don't see no
remedy B or one showing up in
our PayPal
but we'll see I do know one
thing we
don't dare get in Chinese money
we don't
even get it I don't think we've
even had
one donor from China in the
history of
this show we might have had one
someone who was in China at the
time but
it's this this is this is what
no one is
of course if no one's looking
at it
because they're I think they're
all a
not even de Blasio how can you
trust the
Blasio how can you trust Cuomo
went for
the past was it seven years
China has
owned the New York The New York
Square New Year's Eve
they've owned it yeah literally
I mean
with their promos they're
people on
stage they're ambassadors so is
really that bad and can I have
a message
for our friends of the CCP
you've got me
I cannot defeat through any spam
filtering mechanism your
incessant need
to spam me with your cheap-ass
thermometers I can't block this
stuff I
know you don't get any spam but
never got Nats the no touch no
thermometer it's like it's like
a it's a
plague you can't get rid of it
no matter
unless you blocked the term
so they're doing a good job on
that very
good job well so the show
tentacles into the American
media in
particular it needs to be part
of the
post-mortem so to speak of this
whole operation that's taking
place and
it's not just the New York
Times that
does insert in fact maybe the
New York
Times is Ground Zero when you
about it the New York Times is
compromised because they have
that big
China Daily insert and then and
probably a big part of their of
revenue certainly now when
there are no
more online revenues because
the the
blacklist filters have put
in everywhere so no one can
advertise on
the single page legitimate or
not but
the New York or the Washington
Post also
has a Chinese insert made us
yes maybe
maybe a Washington Post near
Times run
the chip both run the China
inserts maybe if you can
compromise the
times and that's not an if by
compromising The Times all news
from the New York Times these
days it
doesn't seem like there's much
reporting going on though it has
historically the New York Times
always been to page where they
say paper
right they're not joking about
it right
so perhaps what it's clear that
has business relations the CCP
I'm just
gonna say it properly because I
got no
beef against the Chinese people
yet but
the Chinese Communist Party
yeah so they
have influence and they change
the news
in the paper of record and that
out to everybody else you have
I mean
they're all of these these two
publications the post and the
times all
the pundits come from there
they're on
MSNBC they're on CNN sometimes
they make
it to Fox News rarely lot a lot
of them
a PBS loaded with a PBS loaded
up with
them so that's your connection
and the New York Times which
needs to be
discredited somehow yeah well
good luck
good luck with that I mean they
have a home delivery yet to
remember the
worst part is they also have
syndicate because most
newspapers can't
afford there enough writers or
or columnist so they just
subscribe to
the New York Times and
Washington Post
syndicates and they just run
New York
Times so they run three you run
the New
York Times stuff so we have a
lot of New
York Times articles in the San
Chronicle you use the
Washington Post
you run a lot of their articles
in some
other paper and then you have
Associated Press which is also
compromised in some way or
another but
they have a lot of anti Trump
stuff on
and the what and The Associated
and when you read it when you
read some
of these the way these are
written with
the the vitriol aimed at the
it's just it's screwy and I
think a lot
of these reporters have been
unbeknownst to them yes I think
a lot of
them are sincere when they
think that
you know the they have these
thoughts oh they have a great
source who
knows everything and that
source feeds
them you know the people
familiar with
the president's thinking yeah
no it's bad hmm did you see the
article in the business section
of the
New York Times bailout the
put a lot of links in the show
notes the
easiest way to get is go to na
notes com
you can go to no agenda show
calm and
click from there but na show
notes calm
newspapers are failing at
record pace
right now there are papers that
going from seven days a week to
two days
a week but mainly news rooms
are letting
their staff go they're letting
staff go it's hitting everybody
the New
York Times is no exception and
journalists are now feeling it
and so
here is a sense I guess on
behalf of the
journalists and this is in the
New York
Times the time is now to make a
but necessary shift abandon most
for-profit local newspapers
business model no longer work
and move as fast as possible to
national network of nimble new
newsrooms that way we can
rescue the
only thing worth saving about
gutted largely mismanaged local
newspaper companies the
journalists and
then go on to say well this
should be a
non-profit funded by you know
like kaiser Health News because
no conflict there there it
should be
perhaps funded by Facebook and
who you know who have taken all
advertising or maybe it should
just be a
rich sugar daddy you know maybe
we could
get someone with a lot of money
like I
don't know maybe Gates can fund
that or
Warren Buffett not for a single
even in the whole article does
it come
out the people think of well
maybe if we
made something people would pay
because it's worthwhile no no
they just
want money because this is
business what we're doing here
Editors screw them publish our
scrum now
this is this is curse this has
attempted before with thinking
of the
sites like patch yeah a
backyard there's
a bunch of these over the fence
a bunch of these little
operations that
try to indicate nobody goes
online that
much I mean we do have a fairly
successful online operation
around here
called Berkley site and it's
it's a
little left but it's but they
do real reporting and of local
stuff and
it's generally pretty good yeah
but that
except for you know these kinds
exceptions and it's still I'm
sure I'm
just barely making out any
money because
you just can't write you well
it's just
not doable the mistake that
made making I'll just say we're
living proof of it the mistake
is that
you can have networks of
anything you
can't monetize these networks
it does
not work we've tried it it's it
with with content today the
value for
value model at a local almost
local geographic level or
geography of
is the only way to go I do not
see I do
not see another way of making
it work
and the distrust that people
will now
have in anything mainstream is
going to grow what's getting
worse and
worse I mean I had a link in the
newsletter people should look
at that
linked to a video and I hope
it's still
up I'd be surprised if he
didn't take it
down of some woman you've seen
before she comes on she does
fairly well-structured video
pieces on
YouTube showing all these hot
they play a news clip from
somebody and
then they showed they go right
immediately to the hospital as
crowds supposed to be there's
there and it shows hospital
hospital and who danced some
some German guy around who went
into some Hospital roamed
around there
was no code yeah I know yeah
and there's
and there's lots of
documentation to
show that this is being
exaggerated by
the mainstream without
explanation by
the way we don't know why
they're doing
it I mean maybe I mean I we
both know a
common reporter who and I could
say she
works for one of the news
magazines and
she said that they were sending
her out
to do a some la coverage about
corona virus and they kept
going from so
you got to find a street that's
that went out of their way to
find some
area in LA where there was
nobody went
it you know just for the scene
set up
and she says it took all day
and but
they found it and it she says
most of
these reports were exaggerated
she's kind of a probably more
of a right
winger than the typical media
and it's just a lot of this has
been a phony DUP I mean if you
listen to
just you just listen to the way
presenting this stuff I have it
let me
play these clips this is Lester
Holt uh
Lester Holt I got three I got a
bunch of
clothes from him here's Lester
using words more people have
died in New
York in the last day that a
nearly the
whole of March
death toll doubling since
Tuesday - more
than 3000 and tonight new hot
erupting across the country
with still
no national strategy or unified
plan we have the national
strategy we
also have the the usage of the
we've had more deaths than
almost almost
the whole of what does that
mean this is
almost in other words it's just
a weasel
word you know and so he's play
this putting this report
together with a
bunch of weasel words let's go
Lester Holt New York anger but
here in
the epicenter the plea for help
piercing in its urgency and
with our
team in place New York is where
we start
tonight with Gabe Gutierrez
this is the
emergency room inside
Maimonides Medical
Center in Brooklyn doctors now
call it a
battle zone everyone that's in
today is here due to breathing
almost uniformly all from Kovan
growing anger from the nation's
coronavirus epicenter we are
afraid for
our patients we're afraid for
families we are afraid for our
lives at
another hospital these nurses
calling it a daily suicide
mission with
a lack of PPE personal
equipment yeah again we just
have more
of this this is what we were
about earlier in the show I
might get
through these try and clip to
Andrew Cuomo has now signed an
order allowing the state and the
National Guard to take
ventilators and
PPE from hospitals that have
too much
and redistribute them to those
who need
it most
am I willing to deploy the
Guard and inconvenience people
several several hundred lives
damn right I am
wait wait a minute
I got a play a follow up to
that did you
hear gavin newsom yeah he's all
in if
you want to establish a
framework of
martial law which is ultimate
and enforcement we have the
capacity to
do that but we are not at this
feeling that as necessity
necessity oops
yeah gavin newsom governor of
martial law we can do it you
know the
finish of it - clip three
Governor Cuomo
says that more than 20,000
medical volunteers have signed
up to
help but late today an
emergency alert
rang on phones throughout New
asking for more luster but how
people are infected that leave
people I mean now you want
emergency we need more than
20,000 this
guy this Cuomo guy is really
getting out
of my nerves
well yeah you know they they
love him he
should replace Joe Biden he
should be
the newer than the new canid
now only
three shows ago I think we
talked about
how these celebrities are all
on their
on their lockdown and they're
cutesy stuff and that's over
the hashtag Hollywood just
found out has
been trending and people are
sick and
tired of Hollywood celebrities
complaining and it's like oh
lose your house right the irony
of it
all I got a stay at home in my
square foot mansion yeah
there's a lot
of a lot of hate for the for
the celebs
let me see what the latest is
just found out they are
Hollywood just found out no one
how they look without makeup
just found out celebrities are
essential donate some money to
make an actual difference
Hollywood just
found out we can do without you
again so
you know this the backlash is
and combined with the stop the
instantaneous stop of revenues
gonna get the chinese attention
soon then it's all it's only
good for
alternative media I think
people are
sick and tired of what they're
and what they're seeing is the
production wise is so poor that
basic run-of-the-mill podcast
is better
oh yeah and more entertaining
we figured
out how to talk with Skype lags
and gaps
and double Enders and
reach-arounds and
we figured out how to light
stuff at
home we figured out how to make
a room
that is Bhoomi sound like it's
NPR with
noise gating we figured all of
this out
where you guys been
you know Hari Srinivasan who
does the
weekend a PBS show from his
basement on
a on a he's got his back wall
keyed it's
not green screen but Sachi if
starting together and he's lit
in such a
way that I swear to god you
look at me
oh my god he looks like Boris
Karloff in
in a Frankenstein movie he
doesn't know
how to light his own face no no
have no idea the law talking
about that
here's listen to the here's a
check I've got a bunch of bill
Lister this was under Bill
Maher this is
the way his is
show came out cuz he's doing it
from his
now is this an actual is he
doing an
actual soundcheck or is this
you no no
no this is my soundcheck of his
this is
the real on the air sound here
we go
alright we are delighted to
have the
presidential candidate an
senator from Vermont Bernie
Sanders is
with us as he has been many
times on our
show never under such
Bernie you are a guy who has
seen a lot
of things where do you place
this crisis
in American history never in my
bill what we're looking at now
absolutely unprecedented
Bernie's Mike sounds pretty good
actually actually Bernie
sounded pretty
good stuff he had us some Skype
break up
yeah and here's now we're gonna
go and
dead these are the mark lips
isn't Marv
but wait and this there's two
of these
clips apparently somebody is at
residence violating the rules
no and
they adjusted his mic because
now it
sounds sounds pretty decent he
somebody at the studio was
they're mixing this thing said
oh my god
bill can you go on Mars Mike
and fix it
move his lab somewhere and so
now he
actually sounds reasonably okay
and he I
know he didn't do the
adjustment but
let's go and play this clip
which one is
it this will be the Marv on aid
Trump which really irked me I
find one
of the Wow stop I can tell you
what happened he had he had a
love on
but the sound card selected the
microphone instead of the law or
whatever that's exactly what
happened on
the laptop or whatever yeah
podcaster knows but no not not
the pros
I find one of the most galling
parts of
this is that the president is
certain states over the others
who aren't nice to him as he
calls it
get a lot of attention and all
equipment they want to me this
is even
more of an impeaches of law
why utilize or Russia how do
you stop a
president who is blatantly not
president of every state
equally how do
you stop a president who sends
aid to
Florida for example because he
likes the
governor there but not here to
California or Illinois oh
people are not
stupid anymore they see through
stuff you know what's that big
ship in
California where they said that
they did
the president's done everything
he can
and the presidents complimented
him back
so then that's California
Marcinko here in California
bullcrap that's a blatant lie
so we're
late it's Bernie jump right
into well
it's crazy I can't believe it
Bernie so we can play the
second part of
this if you want this I've been
for a number of years that if
loses the election he's not
going to
leave now I notice a lot of
people are
talking about this very issue
if you are
elected president and Trump
gets out
there and says well there were
irregularities and it was
rigged and it
was this and it was that and
I'm not
going anywhere until we find
out we're
on them on what do you do well
mobilize the American people in
a way
that they have never been
before to essentially remind
president that whether he likes
it or
not we live in a democracy and
that the
majority the American people
through the
electoral process will
determine who the
next president is so you know
you're describing is a
scenario with regard to
democracy in
America do I think you're crazy
off-the-wall I suspect not oh
they said
it about Obama
they said it about Bush they
said Nix
every president gets the and
we're now the closest towards
law he's gonna delay the
where's that one we need that
one to pop
up and yeah I'll be popping up
everything pop ID by the way I
have a
virus I so you want to play
this yeah
yeah let's see what we got here
we're always looking for a good
eye so
it's going straight into the
end spot
here we go
coronavirus coronavirus
coronavirus yep
yep I don't think I have
anything that
can beat that that's good I
like it a
couple things to mention ah
sadly we
lost James Maggie Majella s'
he's the
world war two vet that I hung
out with
if you remember John he he
turned 103
not too long ago he fought at
the at the
Battle of the Bulge and alright
he's one
of the most decorated 82nd
paratrooper and he passed away
contracting whatever it is and
of course
didn't last too long in the
hospital so
that's sad that we lost Maggie
but of course paratroopers
never die
they just slip away and the
former New
York banker this is something
we haven't
talked about too much is what
will the
markets do when we start to
come back
and I have a new recovery
pattern for
you as predicted by the former
New York
banker we were looking at if
this is
replacing his V yes we are
replacing the
V recovery now it's not going
to be the
L was L your pick there's
Horowitz I the
L you had the you was your idea
no the
form of your banker goes from a
recovery to a checkmark
recovery it's
gonna be a V and it won't stop
well when it goes if it starts
going up
past a certain point past the
old high
into thirty thousand range
should go to
forty yep so he says checkmark
yeah well I'm glad he's feel
and that when does it begin
stampede we
wait the more it's likely to be
the L
and with that I'd like to thank
you for
your courage and say in the
morning to
you the man who put the C in
sixty eight Jhansi
Dvorak Oh in the morning you
miss Rama
curry Olsen and Marnie ships to
boots on graphene the air subs
and the
wondered Dame's and ice out
there in the
morning to our troll room at no
stream comm we do a quick troll
here see we got crow oh we
haven't quite
hit the 2000 1960 again today
nice well
I'll see you trolls and there's
a lot of
them in there I see some
welcome no agendas dream.com is
you can listen 24 hours a day
to the
best podcast no interruptions no
commercials no commercial
interest it's
our media tribe we have overlap
you will
enjoy it come in hang out with
trolls no agenda stream comm
and while
you're there ask someone for an
invite -
no agenda social com oops hold
on a
second my headphone just came
and I can give you out but he's
to plug himself back here and
seem to I
will do this
get it reconnected I can't even
what you're saying you just I
come back
and then all you're doing is
playing the
recorder I was doing a song
yeah for the
for the people that was so
weird I was
because I'm completely deaf
with these
things with these ear tubes in
so I'm I
couldn't hear any I couldn't
even hear
myself anyway I was gonna say
yourself an invite to no agenda
calm of course anyone can
interact with
it through any federated
system which includes bigger
like gab and Twitter can't be
far behind
trust me
that's know which into social
comm but
first before we go any further
we'd like
to thank the artist for episode
1230 we
titled that avocado cartel
because boy
there is one the art we knew
yeah the
art came from Mountain J and
she it was
vector we violated our own
rules for the
second time in a row I might
add brought
us the beautiful piece which
pop really
nicely delivering essential
there was a truck a no agenda
and it did have one two three
zero on it
I can't quite remember how we
got to
this why we broke the rules for
a second
times it was the best piece on
yeah and I want to remind
people I've
said it before cuz somebody
sent a note
saying all day there are
generators down
again I said I don't know and
he said
here's the piece I would submit
it was a
picture of the kovat virus I
said it
once and I'll say it again you
put that
on your art you will not get
picked so
I'm not picking any art pieces
got a
kovat virus on it I think it's a
disgusting image yes
whatever you said damn it I'm
trying to
think there wasn't it there
were some
others I'm looking at it now
there were
some other things but yeah no
yeah it
just really wasn't it maybe it
was just
us I don't know it happens it
may have
been in bad mood no I think we
pretty happy with the mood
overall and
and seeing from the the content
of some
of the donation notes that
people seem
to be happy with the the work
with its
warming yeah well yes they're
doing a
yeoman's job so supporting the
mental health of the listeners
now I
want to thank Mountain Jay and
all of
our artists again no agenda art
generator calm where you should
be able
to upload I think Paul Couture
called Paul has got most of the
the bugs
fixed and it's definitely
artwork as we speak already
that is part
of our value for value system
who are very talented they put
up we can use it it's free for
us to use
free for you to enjoy it can
get added
to no agenda shop comm for
goodies which benefits the
artist the
shop and the show and it's also
just fun
to go and see what's out there
no agenda
our generator calm now we'd
like to
thank our executive producers
associate executive producers
of episode
1231 we have some big donors
today a
couple of them three for Sir
Francis of
SRQ Duke of Southwest Florida
comes in
with one six eight 5.00
and what what what is this what
is this
number signify I don't know
let's find
i TM gents you know the thing
it bugs me
is the is that little Skype box
cropping up you got to close it
I closed
it up crops up again we got to
make sure
that the main Skype window is
closed to
ITM gents reading from the
Sunshine State it would be a
understatement to say that your
work is
not an essential part of
dealing with
the with the dem panic my
donation today
will elevate me to Duke and as
such by
the power invested in me as the
now Duke
of Southwest Florida I'm
declaring that
no agenda show is an essential
as defined by the US Department
Homeland Security cybersecurity
infrastructure security
agencies sisa
men are an memorandum of
of essential critical
workers during the Cova 19
issued on March 28 2020 I
believe that
that the media services is in
certificate business car like
hey look
at podcaster true through the
podcaster let me through let me
go my
family operates a food
business here in Florida and
many of our
vendors can qualify as essential
suppliers I consider you a very
important vendor of critical
so I'm giving you the power to
freely within the state of
Florida sorry
that I am unable to help you in
California and Texas and no
jingles no
karma today as your plates are
overflowing with an abhorrent
media to
deconstruct I cannot thank you
enough for being keeping us
sane Sir
Francis of the SRQ Duke of
South soon to
be just go Southwest Florida
thank you sir Francis ya've I
he'll be a Duke in our title
today thank you for your
courage yeah
sir James Irvine from Foothill
California $1,000 in 68 1068
another 68
for my birthday
ah it's my birthday today I
know I said
happy birthday you know but
promise we
didn't promote it on the last
show at
all I thought was a mistake
that was my
yeah well I can't remember your
yes I knew it
I'm sorry did he wrote a note
in on the
email and he says I've never
found a way
to add a note I would have
added this to
my donation mm-hmm
congratulations John my number
68 is
next month we're the same age
you both have been doing such an
excellent coverage of this
or kovat in or SARS to Cove it
to our own government thank you
keeping our amygdala small Pike
TM Jim
Irvine knight of the RV no
thank you
that was that was very nice
she's Knight
of the RV good I'll put that in
sure we have that oh it didn't
show up
there Joanna I got it it's good
oh yeah
why would it did us Sir James
anonymous comes in followed
with $680 in
68 cents another birthday Anna
that's a
double birthday AB double ender
anonymous n jnk happy birthday
thank you
sir jelly had $405 happy
crankshaft make it that will do
uh I'll
take this next one we got a lot
to read
so sir Jobin of the visual
effects 33
333 33 from Astoria which is in
New York
I was knighted last year in May
haven't donated since it's time
for me
to show my appreciation again
and tell
you how much no agenda is
helping my
sanity during these strange
times living
in New York during the lockdown
awesome I went biking down
Fifth Avenue
last at rush hour last week and
streets were empty this crisis
has made
New York a livable city can I
ask for
baby-making karma if this
it'll be a lot cheaper than all
treatment we went through so
far without
any luck can I also get the
John's while
my chair gently squeak song at
the end
of the show actually what we
have a lot
of end of show
Diddy's to play all coronavirus
so I do have an excerpt for you
which I
will gladly play now thanks for
everything you do long live the
Agenda sir Jobin of the visual
and I think we should give him
baby-making karma because you
know we
might might have some luck with
the mass media deconstruction
and here comes sir calve
blossoms in Northville Michigan
$33.33 ITM folks please stay
strong and
healthy so you can help me help
us help
me so you can help with our
sanity could
you also please broadcast our
code again and it's ITM as I
see lots of
support from the No Agenda
thank you for that take a
blossoms dot-org shakal and the
Jason D Howard from Pittsburgh
Pennsylvania 333 dollars and 23
cents i
TM says Jason I'm trying to
keep this
short and sweet so you can get
back to
some more good stuff I just
want to say
I really appreciate your
independent and
brutally honest analysis as
well as your
courage during these
interesting times
notice people like to say
times please accept this small
value for
valued donation of 333 23 on a
side note
I believe this donation will
permit me
into your night realm presuming
that is
the case I would like to be
addressed as
Sir Howard sir henceforth he
you please
supplied the sirs and dames some
scorching hot wings and fresh
vitamin D
milk to wash it all down in
terms of
musical entertainment I hope to
another personally selected
jingle from
sir Adam and also prove up
please provide some positive
karma to my
family as well as my own
smoking hot
keeper who is dealing with a
lot of
unnecessary drama all the best
to you
and yours sir Howard sir yeah I
think we
can do one of these full babies
got Karma now we have $33 from
Taylor I just looked him up on
scroll mail I can't find this
note if he
has one he's gonna have to send
it in
later we'd appreciate it there
was I
looked up the Taylor's and this
all I
got was an a happy birthday
wishes from
a a Lori Taylor who happens to
be it was
an animated happy birthday from
Umpqua Bank I just take a look
real sad
quick what's his name this is a
what's his first name Robert
de y lr nope got nothing
sorry sir Kevin strange and
Norfolk UK 333 thank you both
for your
courage and service the last
few weeks
of the show have been
outstanding the
critical thinking skills you
helped me
develop over the years have
kept me both
calm and prepared during this
time of
media fuelled crisis hence my
value for
value donation before all my
money is
worthless due to hyperinflation
course this is not gonna happen
no I now
speculate that kung-fu is
either fucking
flu Kung Fu is either a
malicious lie
propagated by the government so
they can
overreach on the stupid slaves
achieve their totalitarian
tiptoe to the
New World Order universal basic
and sovereign sky space-based
cryptocurrency a incumbent
overreaction to new tests and
believe their own computer
modelers BS
because it suits their own
money and
power grab hold on stop and
stop here
while that all may be true it's
not this
time around you big things
happen they
take little steps a China to
the other
speculation a Chinese
weapon that has the LNS strains
as well
as the same three to six month
incubation period of hiv/aids
drugs that governments know
will have
devastating effects on the
masses in one
to four months time which is
why they
are preparing emergency
hospitals and
militarized police state
lockdown I am
hoping for option two okay
let's go with
his last point boots on the
ground info
from the UK my RAF reservist
received a letter asking him to
sign up
for six months work and was in a
briefing this week at a local
airbase my
Scout leader friend has been
called up
to the Army Reserves to help
Norwich air but the Norwich
being turned into an overspill
and his name is Chris Rock
Evans strange
house now surrender bear
the GPU I will mention that we
have a
friend who works in the
National Health
Services in the UK and she
reports back
that the there's nothing going
on in her
hospital yeah I got a number of
from the UK as well and I would
like to
point out I got a really nasty
from someone it's probably not
a good
idea right at this very moment
to say
the following to someone you're
to heat in the mouth if you say
to them
they've got all the answers
they've got
the best information they break
it all
down be careful with setting
people's expectations because
they come
into the show and then here's
like this and and people don't
get the
human right and they get very
mad and
think they've been duped into
to some whack-job show
literally had
someone say how come you didn't
do good
information in the last show
you went