April 19th, 2020 • 3h 7m
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Adam curry
Jhansi Dvorak April 19-20 25th
Gitmo Nation Media
assassination episode
1235 this is no agenda in the
hi Adam Curry and for northern
Valley where they're forcing us
to wear
face masks Jessi Dvorak is that
in your
your rules you get away face
everywhere now not today but
soon really we already have
that I think
we our face masks stuff is
already in
place here we have the the new
the new
guidelines we're opening up
Texas is
going to be leading I'm very
we're getting out of jail yeah
I noticed
you guys are evened out you
weren't even
down for the count
yeah we're yeah we've been kind
locked up before we do anything
since I
figured we'd turn the tables
for a
moment since every mainstream
outlet is
at home and they're
broadcasting from
their house
sounded like crass sounding
like total
crap but that's what their
broadly this
were their broadcasters all
right yeah
why don't we show them how we
can do
their job just as well you know
studio audience the opening
like the
view would like take the view
for a
moment you know how they open
up and
they've got all got all their
topics and what's going on
let's show
the view how no agenda does it
and the
morning foundation on today's
the gentlemen of the No Agenda
show will
the United States to discover
who's the
next to protest so exciting
also half the elites continuing
to abuse
the terrible Rona data to take
away our
Liberty now that President
Trump has
outlined a three-stage plan
those are
the facts of this world and
halls a
render to them you pigs and
clothing and you slaves should
get used
to your crappy mac and cheese
most of
your favorite restaurants are
just not
going to make it that will have
international perspective on how
countries outside of the US are
continuing to deal with Corona
Corona of course there'll be
plenty of
humor and media deconstruction
to keep
your amygdala healthy now let's
from John Cedar Park and there
we go
thank you Dave Jennifer I
thought that
was pretty good developer chops
she totally totally gets it yes
that's exactly what it is well
no sooner
had our show ended on Thursday
but yes
we got the announcement with the
multistage approach to every
state maybe
right down to the county level
and rejoining American society
amidst all the excitement about
that a
fast one was pulled on us with
the data
and no one really talks about
it this is
where I'm waiting to see if you
anything about a lot well gone
were the
models the health data org
model was
gone the and that is the the
model and gone were the other
there was
no mention of the models
nothing at all
we have a new chart and it
happened just
think it was like a magic trick
so well
performed because it happened
right in
front of your eyes no one said
no one questions it
it started with pence after the
president did his typical thing
great we are
and pence just threw it out
governors at every level or
health care
workers and our fellow
Americans we've
saved lives
and every American should be
by that and we can see it in
the numbers
in the charts that I'll present
these three maps track
illness which in this instance
is mostly
coronavirus across America the
first map
reflects the total number of
cases on
the week ending March the 28th
the next
map reflects our data about the
number of cases on the week
ending April
4th and we stand here today
with the
final map reflecting the total
number of
cases across America as of
April the
11th with these trends underway
President Trump has the White
coronavirus task force to
develop new
guidelines for opening up
America again
now I'm real happy that we're
gonna get
new guidelines for opening up
again but these new trends
you can't just introduce a
whole new
chart with different data and
say it's a
trend Saveur created baby and I
took the
liberty of posting this chart
John so
you can take a look you can
find it at
Co vid bullcrap calm somebody
got smart
board I did that I did that Co
bullcrap calm so you definitely
go there
and you can see this chart I'll
bring it
up myself here and we're going
to listen
to dr. Burks walk us through it
now what
you're seeing here and visual
for the
people who aren't seeing it is
different influenza cases
starting in
2012 a 2011 to 2009 to 2010 all
the way
through to the current cycle
and it's
interesting because this is the
chart that I got so much flak
when I asked on the tweeters
and Scott
Adams went berserk over the
question I
said hey if this is the
influenza for
2019 2020 it's dropping off the
what happened and of course
had a reason to question and lo
behold this exact chart is now
used as the trend line for
getting rid
of it but has nothing to do
with kovat
19 this is an established
system it is
called the influenza like
reporting system or network
which is
it's been in place for a long
time and
doctors and have systems and
ways to get
the information and very
quickly very
easily proven over time which
is exactly
what was lacking with
coronavirus just
Chuck chatting everybody at
everybody up is died from
corona virus
just propping it into some
somewhere more money in it of
there's more money which is
actually one
of the perhaps side reasons why
might have done this Melissa
listen to
dr. Burks explain what's going
on here
no apology for disappearance of
previous models or any of the
the the
trends that we were waiting for
or peak
or flattening the curve this is
completely surged nice it's not
even the
same data all right follow
along at
kovat bullcrap calm in addition
the CDC
has the influenza like illness
distributed throughout the
United States
very useful in the wintertime
that first
peak is influenza B in the red
this season I showed you all
the seasons
here so you could see the
seasons as
they are just
the first peak is influenza B
peak influenza influenza A and
then you
can see the corona virus hold
on a
second that's a good one this is
unbelievable so we're looking
at a trend
line which by the way is not
the highest
2017-2018 season was to people
to end
the 20 2009-2010
oh yes the 2017-2018 season we
know that
the hospitals were stretched
and there
were news articles about it but
no one
yelling and screaming and
crying for
help the way we saw with corona
masks so what she just says
there is and
this is the influenza like this
surveillance network and if
comes by the way it could be
that based on the influence of
illness that means that during
three peaks at which that she's
about the a the B and the
corona yeah it
all because the mix could all
be corona
it could all be influences yeah
all well
let's let's but Burke's finish
and then
we'll have the CDC director
really punch
at home you can see its decline
and it's
declining towards baseline this
allow us again city by city
community by
community state by state to
look for
variations in an early response
mode in
those at localities that I
described so
I'm fine with this but if you
look at this data so you're
telling me
corona virus was not around
even though
we see this spike which they're
oh that was influenza B I
thought one of
them didn't show up at all this
maybe that was corona virus and
that was the controller they
had the two
things they had a and B both
listened to
the CDC director going a little
bit more
depth about what how what what
reported here remember it's
just an
influenza like illness it's not
influenza like could be drippy
nose a
sore throat
I now have an influenza like
report but we've also developed
a system to monitor for upper
respiratory tract disease I can
get the
first slide there this is an
because when we talk about what
we know
about this current pandemic the
is we know a lot because we've
these monitoring systems up on
the slide
is a system that we've developed
initially for flu and what it
does as
you can see there's a multiple
flu seasons and they track them
over the
course of a year I want you to
look at
the red line and that happens
to be this
year's respiratory season and
you see
there is a peak there up over
the 50
52-week so that's the peak
right at the
end of the year in December
when lots of
people were sick and they went
and got
tested wasn't influenza but
they had a
lot of symptoms similar to
Kovach but
can't be that and that peak was
when we
actually had a peak of
influenza B this
year was a little different
after that viral syndrome came
down and
you can see it that actually we
another peak and that's when
influenza A
was active through our country
and you
can see influenza A started to
drop but
then you saw a third peak that
peak was
you were looking at the corona
virus 19
just because I say so
so we have systems all the way
down to
the county level that we can
see where
there's respiratory tract
illness which
is not the same as the actual
virus it's just respiratory
illness it's
just driving me crazy
and so it's not just just
taking a test
it's monitoring these systems
that have
been developed over the last
decades and we have multiple
ones we
have another one this that is
in emergency looking at syndrome
diagnosis and they show the
same thing
so we're well equipped to
monitor to see
when respiratory tract viral
will come and becomes a very
for when you can begin to
that we need to start looking
ideologically about what's
going on
ideologically what does that
mean it is
a word
ideologically I've never heard
that I
think it's AED I think it's AI
something is to some term I've
heard it
like ideal as an ideal no no
he's got
something just got nothing to
do with
anything that you did stop the
to do with ideal it's something
it's like I'll try to find it
disease will come and becomes a
good surrogate for when you can
begin to
understand that we need to
start looking
more ideologically about what's
going on
you can see now in week 15
we're really
coming down to the baseline
in terms of our flu
surveillance system
from the overall coronavirus
right now etiological ET i
that's it
thank you trolls of relating to
or based
on etiology or etiologic
treatment of
disease seeks to remove or
correct its
cause don't use those words and
I'm over my anger because
Thursday I was
just like it's clear we were
we were conned with your
bullshit or
angle shit data
yeah well it's it comes and
comes and it
goes exactly how I feel
they put us into this based
upon a a 2
million death model that model
was revised for timely and
time four times that this has
and and now we got 60,000 and
don't look
over here look over here look
at this
chart that red lines going down
based upon this chart now so
just well
not only based on this chart
but this
will be a big factor in getting
everybody back to work because
it's safe
and although the mainstream
late now
although the mainstream
keeps pushing that we can't go
back to
work until we have a vaccine
and all the
testing testing testing because
they got
to keep this economy so it's in
the tank
the election they don't care
about you
no of course not of course not
testing pouchy did doctor Falchi
america's doctor also known as
the angel
of death he did a long thing
testing on friday at least
minutes and after you woke up
like huh huh because you got
testing and
this is important so he he's I
know if he was intentionally
everybody but it's completely
stupid the
key metric this is the only
metric you
need to look at interestingly
it's not
on this chart the key metric is
tests upward testing and
positive cases of those tests
and that
divergence will show you you
actually what's going on at
least that's
what they're telling us but some
interesting data has showed up
in a
homeless shelter which the CDC
reviewed and is quite excited
about at
Pine Street in in Boston's
South End
Universal Kovac nineteen
testing leading
to new stunning evidence about
the East
symptomatic spread of the virus
it was
like a double knockout punch
because the
number of positives was
shocking to us
but then the fact that a
hundred percent
of the positives had no
symptoms was
equally shocking dr. Jim
president of Boston healthcare
for the
homeless program says broad
testing was carried out of this
about a week and a half ago
because of a
small cluster of cases the
findings now
actively being examined by the
CDC 146
positive cases about 36 percent
of the
shelter's population all
asymptomatic it
probably frankly raises more
than it answers Pine Street
Lindy Adani says the results
prove the
previous screening method of
testing though showing symptoms
to be
ineffective I think there are
so many
asymptomatic people right now
that if we
could do universal testing
their number may look close to
this I
don't think we know the
testing at Pine Street in and
testing of
the homeless at BMC bringing
South End to number one in the
city with
the highest rate of kovat 19
of the 146 people at Pine
Street in who
tested positive health
officials tell us
only one needed hospital care
and many
have not experienced any
symptoms so
that's pretty interesting if
you've got
this kind of spread that's 36
percent of
this homeless shelter had it
symptoms we have the situation
developing in the South County
here in
Santa Clara where they're
starting to
test people to find that which
is the
hotspot in the area yes I have
a clip we
also this is actually governor
Ron de
santis of Florida talking about
you're mentioning here we also
one of
the most important studies
that's been
done just this week came out at
University where they tested the
antibodies in Santa Clara County
California and so these are
people who
have the antibodies from the
virus the thought is that they
acquired the virus many of them
may not
have known that they had had it
but they
look to see how prevalent those
antibodies were in that county
and they
determined that between 50 and
80 times
more people in Santa Clara had
antibodies than had actually
positive in Santa Clara County
yeah just
I see this as extremely good
news yeah
but we can't do we can't stop
now this
reducer surge coming it's gonna
peak in
a couple of weeks and however
hospitals are gonna be
overwhelmed and
you should keep stay stay social
distancing close to the
restaurants and
and everything and stay home
because you
can't take a chance
you can't take a chance so you
know I
think the the Democrats who are
full-on politicization mode
obviously trying to get these
together and whatever whatever
groups to
impeach the president and it
will be
impeached because he acted too
late he's
too sure he was too slow and he
good things he said there
wasn't gonna
be a problem
and it was a problem he said
there wasn't gonna be a problem
so he
has to be impeached because he
there wasn't gonna be a problem
yes I
think I had Kamala Harris saying
something similar to that if
she's still
vying for the VP job with Joe
she's a
good woman that's a pretty good
job I
think there is no question
that his failure to take this
from the time of calling it a
hoax to
getting rid of the Obama
administration's focus through
the White
House on pandemics whatever
that means
Camelot is that is that your
version of
the guy who got kicked out who
retiring anyway from the
Security Council a guy to
the issue including the
importance of
social distancing tribulation
frankly his lies let's continue
to today
there is no question then that
hardly a
president in charge who
actually took
their responsibilities
seriously that we
would probably be looking at a
lot less
damage than we have incurred
and yes and
the damage is measured by that
ticker we
watch every day affected and
the number
of people who are dead dead we
are every
day hearing and watching
stories about
body bags stories about body
bags of you
see trust me if there was a
body bag
story I'd be playing it I think
had one guy mention buddy Biggs
and that
was a Ted Ross is the only one
mentioned body bags
Ted throws body bags so the
and there is no question that
it is
actually I believe not a
debatable point
about he's a that has abandoned
his role
of leadership and meaning the
role of
the President of the United
States he's
not gonna act like a president
doesn't understand the job so
you know
yeah I
I absolutely I'm gonna do
everything I
can to elect Joe Biden me Joe
pick me
it is so transparent what she's
up which
is all about their of course
the that's
that's the narrative from the
politicized narrative Trump has
blood on
his hands acted too late
trivialize it
lied and Trump is pointing
squarely at
the World Health Organization
which I
think the more and more people
seeing the validity in that but
he also
answers questions directly
about now
which i think is he's now common
knowledge not completely
confirmed that
this was leaked from a bio lab
which I
think we were called conspiracy
theorists not job tinfoil hat
for just two months ago it
appears that
that was true I haven't I have
a article
I want to read I can't get
anybody to
run this as a as a voice that
had been
such a short article and this
is the one
that floated around just
recently the
2008 and by the way the Nobel
winners are coming out of the
to commentary on this real own
this is a 2008 Nobel Prize
winner for
he says Kovan 19 was
manipulated for HIV
research and this is the best
article I
found that it kind of explains
because it does kind of put all
pieces together because we've
seen a lot
of dots about this and that and
it did
the L and then really well and
then that
we have all these variations
that are
showing up out of the blue this
kind of explains it you mean
like the
different strains yeah the
range that according to
professor Luc
montagnier winner of the Nobel
Prize for
medicine is he discovered HIV
is the
cause of AIDS he knows this he
says that
the Stars Cove to response for
the kovat
peg dem is a virus that was
released from the lab and Wu
Han was the
last quote and it says when
he'd known
knows about this he says this
was the
claims that this was a
modified for the purposes of
AIDS value
HIV vaccines and so there's
many times
you have to do something to
some other
organism they get more HIV out
of it
for the lab yeah that's that's
the what
do you call that the term I
just forgot
grow it you got to enhance it
no enlarge
some term for it yeah okay it
says in
order to render certain HIV
gene molecular tools are needed
only be done in a lab the good
news is
nature does not accept any
tinkering it will eliminate
unnatural changes and even if
nothing is
done it will get better but
unfortunately after many deaths
yeah he
did a podcast unfortunate in
French so
he says that this thing is just
deteriorating naturally yeah in
the wild
because it's not meant to be in
the wild
and it was done for a for a
purpose it
wasn't a bio weapon and and you
accounting for ice he doesn't
say this
but it seems to be accounting
for all
these variations these various
Richard all over the place now
via which
is the tech more as it is as
the thing
that they graze it is
degenerative yes
the term for growing it is and
well this is interesting and if
you send
me that I'll put it in the in
the show
notes because that would
implicate foutch he and his
because that's what they do
that is that
is their wheelhouse
all of this HIV research is is
foul Qi
and yes and Burks it's I think
there's a
lot of people that know about I
want to
play a series of clips from
Now with the because here's
what bothers
me why is everybody getting so
bent out
of shape why do you get bent
out of
shape with the suggestion the
suggestion that a lab in the
same area
where this thing popped up Mike
just might be responsible and
it so
happens that the lab is working
on Co
good night working on that on
the corona
virus and other things why is
it so bad
for you to even consider the
that that this is but what's
wrong with
that so let's listen to origins
one here we are in democracy now
amy has completely bent out of
about these theories the White
House is
unveiling new guidelines today
aimed at
rolling back states stay at
home orders
protecting against the spread of
coronavirus president Trump's
call to
wind down social distancing
came as the
United States recorded more
than 2,400
deaths in just 24 hours the
highest one
day death toll for any nation
since the
start of the pandemic across
the United
States there are nearly six
forty thousand confirmed cases
of Kovach
I thought we had a forty seven
day death just last the next
day after
okay all right thanks do
believe me she
milked out with a dedication
since the
start of the pandemic across
the United
States there are nearly six
forty thousand confirmed cases
of kovat
nineteen though the true number
likely far higher due to the
shortage of tests at least 31
people have died of the disease
in just
a matter of weeks
despite this president Trump
spent the
last few days waging a war on
journalists public health
experts and
science on Wednesday Trump
without evidence that Wells
Organization officials
conspired to hide
the truth about the corona
virus his
comments came one day after he
the US would begin withholding
of millions of dollars of
funding for
the UN body at the same news
President Trump fuelled the
theory promoted by Fox News
that this is
Fox News reporter John Roberts
questioning Trump at
Wednesday's press
briefing multiple sources are
Fox News today that the United
government now has high
confidence that
while the corona virus is a
occurring virus it emanated
from a
virology lab in Wuhan because
of lack
safety protocols an intern was
who later infected her
boyfriend and
went to the wet market in Wuhan
where it
began to spread does that
with what you have heard well I
want to say that John but I
will tell
you more and more we're hearing
story and we'll see when you say
multiple sources though there's
a case
where you can use the word
sources but
we are doing a very thorough
of this horrible situation that
wow this was a laden with all
kinds of
goodies wood wood wood which he
out there at us including she's
unbelievable and the thing but
but you
heard what he said he actually
kind of
poo pooed it and downplayed it
gee he
doesn't get credit for that
listen I do they have the clip
one a
which is just her again going
on about
how how somehow what you just
heard was
fueling the controversy he
the controversy at the same news
briefing President Trump fueled
fringe theories related by Fox
News that
the virus streams alive in
Wuhan China
this is Fox News reporter John
questioning Trump at
Wednesday's press
briefing now we had that clip on
Thursday we played it because
it was
obviously a setup and then I
think we
presented it as such just to
bring us up
to current context quick clip
here was
Trump yesterday when asked the
about China's culpability or
responsibility you would do do
you think
there should be some
consequences if in
the end
China was responsible for all
this well
if they were knowingly
certainly if they did if it was
mistake a mistake is a mistake
they were knowingly responsible
then there should be
so there's your out she yeah
just say it
was a mistake but they won't do
that's not in their nature they
like to admit they could ever
make a
mistake but let's just in the
part two
as Amy goes on deep you know
pooh-poohing any thought and
again I'll
bring the logic of this up
there was a
lab there and it did work on
viruses and
it was in new blood by Corona
and fout
she somehow is involved because
he's an
aged age hold on there was a
3.7 million
dollar grant from the CDC
during the
Obama administration and that
was all it
was all part of it we were
together was not unknown this
is not an
unknown entity to the United
States so
here we have Amy bringing on an
who works at that lab or at
doesn't work there but he works
them and he's just going nuts
about any
implications now I'm started to
about as I listen to these
clips you
know they're trying to protect
this lab
and as much as they can it must
be doing
some very interesting work but
yeah but
just to just to go out of their
way to
like take what is obviously
something to
think about
mm-hmm and slam it so harshly
as you heard Amy in that last
clip yeah
it really makes you wonder but
listen to this this came just
one day
after the Pentagon's top
general mark
Milley said the corona virus
client came from natural
sources not a
Chinese lab on Thursday China's
ministry spokesperson responded
see my
millou analyst position on the
and means of transmission of
the novel
coronavirus creator Sega could
always is
a scientific issue should be
studied by
scientists and medical experts
I would
like to remind you need to
either share
the head of whu-oh has your
there's no evidence that the
was made in al-ameen she won
well-known medical experts in
the world
also believe that claims of the
so-called laboratory deeds mean
have no
scientific basis the scientific
the lancet has said the virus
seems to
have come from wildlife there's
a lot in
the lances might in The Lancet
my dear
you might want to read the other
articles that have been
published why
why why is it that when we have
I mean a
goat on YouTube there's dr.
after just
as an example not to take you
away from
the topic this doctor after
saying hey man I had fifty
they're all doing great gave
hydroxychloroquine why is that
not doing
at this hour Adam curry
reporting good
news we have people surviving
the Cova
death why why why why why can't
it all
do one of those just one that
was easier
to explain than this not really
yeah compromise well yeah but
all compromised all these
journals are
come for some reason and maybe
it's all
Chinese money I don't know
maybe we've
missed out yeah we got it we
got it or
me we got to maybe not use some
stop ignoring the fact that the
are got their hands deep into
to our
media yes very deep so let's
listen to
the last clip this is a doctor
- ik who
Amy brings on to discuss this
thing it's
under dr. Dr - ik gotcha for
for more on
the origins of the corona virus
response and where we go from
here we're
joined by a zoologist who has
studied diseases that cross the
human I have to stop please
correct Amy
on the on the pronunciation
here you do
not it's zero is not just
it'd have to be three OSes
it's zoology it's not zoology
for for
more on the origins of the
Trump's response and where we
go from
here we're joined by a
zoologist with
long studied diseases that
cross the
animal human divide and over
years has
been sounding the alarm about a
pandemic dr. Peter - Jacques is
with us
he's a disease ecologist the
of eco Health Alliance a
nonprofit that
works globally to identify and
study our
vulnerabilities to emerging
disease eco Health Alliance has
studying coronaviruses in China
the end of the SARS outbreak in
this coronavirus holycrap does
the guy
ever talk was she just gonna
blow him in
the introduction this
unbelievable this
is what she does
39 seconds already still
haven't gotten
just the intro in China since
the end of
the SARS outbreak in 2004 this
coronavirus is really called
stars -
he's joining us from the Hudson
Valley in New York welcome to
now it's great to have you with
so if you can unpack what we
just heard
it goes to the issue of the
origins of
the coronavirus especially
that President Trump is raising
this now
as he's being seriously
attacked for the
United States lack of action
and delay
and so he is striking out at
his many
sectors as he can but talk
about the
origins of the coronavirus dr.
- and we
have about 30 seconds left holy
take off your edits a minute
and 15
seconds and what do we have
left 34
seconds for the douche yeah
great to be
here look first the the the
idea that
this virus escaped from the lab
is just
pure baloney it's simply not
true I've
been working with that lab for
15 years
and the samples collected were
by me and others in
collaboration with
our Chinese colleagues there's
some of
the best scientists in the world
there was no Varro ISIL in the
lab there
was no cultured virus that this
related to Sanskrit virus - so
it's just
not possible and while you say
really a politicization of the
of a pandemic and it's really
unfortunate okay science
completely unchanged in the in
laboratory that failed its
safety rule
no may as well be a
spokesperson for the
CCP yeah gosh as she brings him
on maybe
she just all she had to do was
say yes
sir as you wish of course I'll
have him
on so I don't think she's I
don't think
there's well not it's not Amy
of course
it doesn't work that way but
Wow Wow
yeah we have to keep reminding
how incredibly deep the CCP is
into all
things media yeah they're not
stupid no
these guys are easily bought
Rice is in the picture again
I guess she's on the president
her to be on the board of the
board on
the reopening board and she
works for
the or she is now with the
yeah we're hearing yeah so
she's toeing
the line of that office at the
Institution it seems it's just
to let it
be known that China responded
in the way
that it did or didn't respond
let me put
it that way because the Chinese
going to treat try to create
even trying to do this out a
counter-narrative well when we
found out
about it we got on top of it
look at how
quickly through social
distancing and
quarantine look how quickly we
and all by the way we've been
the rest of the world by
sending PPEs
and by sending help and a to
all of the
the world they're gonna kind of
the narrative from their initial
responsibility for not fessing
up to
what was happening to we got on
top of
it and then we helped the rest
of you
that's how they got shipped
don't let
no I'm but it is happening and
I'm not
letting it happen is seems
just combined with the perfect
storm of
hate of total bitter utter
media hate
towards Trump and he's so
bitter and so
hateful that you can't even for
seconds think about your
audience the
the public today hey hey you
know think
about us tell us how we're
doing give us
some useful information by the
way the
President did give us a very
detailed a report
report if you will of the
initial test
now you know now the testing is
going to
be quick swab 15 minutes I
think they're
talking about one even faster
than that
but the first one is where they
Jam that
thing up your nose through your
through the back of your nose
bend it
down it really goes from three
rows down
your throat now this was the
test that
the president had to take
because if you
recall the media kept saying
God hopes
that he would have it they
wanted to
make calls 25th amendment here
he tells
you how that initial test went
just like
with ventilators we're building
now the
best ventilators just like with
ventilators our testing is
better and better I took the
first test
the first test was not pleasant
this was
not a pleasant thing I said you
got to
be kidding to the doctor you
got to be
up your nose and then we hang a
and it goes down here and then
wiggle it around here under
your eye and
then we'll pull it out and
we'll say I
said no that's it's there's no
way that
can happen is that the way it
goes you
sure this was a very unpleasant
test and
then I was tested a few weeks
later with
the new test that just came out
abbot where they just touch
your nose
basically and they put it in a
in a literally a few minutes
later they
tell you if you're fine and I
was lucky
in both cases and it's funny
how he
described that because almost
what you
did except he had the up your
nose hang
a right under your eye there's
some well
there's a lot wrong with with
sitting at home there's a lot
of wrong
thinking and I think people are
disconnected from reality so
when you
hear this is that is actually
what the
test entailed the first test
when we
need everyone 350 million tests
a day
but you sadist for some reason
this belief that a test is like
lickety-split and it's like a
pregnancy test you go by it at
the at
the drugstore you take it home
pee on a
stick and you know where you're
at yeah
this is and I and that is
partially a
complete lack of media
immediate work in
general the news should be
this much better I don't do any
of that
go on and on yeah yeah I know I
just go on no no no and it's
starting to
actually before we get there so
with I'm
happy Texas is going to be the
first one
of the first states to open up
Tuesday all retail will be able
to open
but you can't go in the store
as a
customer you could order on the
phone or
online you can pick it up
marginally interesting the
parks are
going to open you can now be in
the park
five people at the same time yes
face masks is still going to be
a thing
it's you everyone is wearing
one and if
you're not wearing one you get
stink eye
so I don't there's no official
word on
that actually then on the 26th
so that
will be what is that Friday
Friday or
Saturday yeah Saturday or
Sunday then
we're going to go to the next
phase and
I think that's where will the
announcement will be that as of
week Monday
can start 6 is Sunday what is
Sunday so
as of the 27th we'll be able to
do more
and I think they'll go either
to the I
hope straight to the 50 people
where you can do 50 people in a
in a
group but we'll have to see
abbot our
governor here very similar to
what the
president did you know we're
doing this
on data as here's the list of
all the
health experts nationally
internationally known and he
also has an
advisory council which
immediately made
me question everything Abbott
says our
medical team will work with an
committee of a successful
business and
community leaders who will share
information and innovative
ideas to help
businesses strategically reopen
also containing the spread of
coronavirus they include
like Kendra Scott and mattress
Megan mill world-renowned tech
like Michael Dell and Robert
economic development leaders
like Ross
Perot and Bob Roman small
leaders like Marcy Leah Costa
and masty
Villarreal now do you think
that he
actually got confirmation from
all of
these people in particular Ross
who had no Ross Perot is still
alive he
died last year
oh he's on the committee what
is this
all about did he say okay did
you alive
I didn't I die new or I thought
he was
yeah you do it wasn't sure he
actually dead last year July of
2019 hey
listen Kendra's gone although I
do like
mattress mat Jamaica Ville I
that's cool that he's hot no I
it's one of those crazy Eddy
type stores
mattress mat you know what if
Kendra is
gone and Kendra Scott is a
designer so it wouldn't make
Kendra's gone
Matros Matt - Megan mill
tech leaders like Michael Dell
Robert Smith economic
leaders like Ross Perot and Bob
row I
mean that's messed up that is
really bad
that means he didn't even call
and by
the way I'd love to be on that
call hey
can Ross can Ross come up and
play you
know I get the sense that did
list was
given to him by one of his
staffers who
probably just made it up just
made it up
I it's very damaging very very
well I don't think anyone else
hey you
won't be laughing when they
roll his
corpse out well he was known
for his
holding him up one waving his
arm he was
known for his innovation you
never know
what good old Ross might have
might have
figured out okay we can't be on
coronavirus as much as we
usually do but
I still have a few things when
we it's
people and write that write us
say that
one of the things that we're
doing for
them is keeping them up going
not during
this moment probably have
another week
or two of material and we keep
coming up
with stuff that's true I have
piece of material
now with this clearly very
global shutdown something's
happened I
mean there have there's been
resets of
has been digging some holes and
some bombs exactly stuff has
been going
on and if you look at the
current stock
market I'm just looking at the
at Wall
Street it's really quite
where that is compared to the
reality on
the ground which should be over
completely stops really stop
the economy
and we'll talk about some of
the issues
there in a bit as well
Trump explains the genius stock
because the stock market is
talking to us look at us we're
greatest economy in
history of the world better
than China
better than any country in the
better than any country has
ever had we
had the highest stock market in
by far and I'm honored by the
fact that
it has started to go up very
substantially that's because
the market
is smart the market is actually
brilliant I've seen it and
viewing it like we've done a
good job
they view it that way because
if you
would have told me that we're
at 24,000
or beyond and the highest we
were ever
was we never hit 30 we were
close to 30 so let's say around
we're 24 we were heading down I
bet I
start to say oh well we may be
into territory where I started
I didn't
like that now we're way up I
that's all the caps the stock
market is
telling us we're doing a good
job that
is what people that are market
stock market folk they always
say that
this is really commentary from
a guy
he'd think was a stock broker a
estate guys I didn't know where
into the stock market as much
as he is
pretty interesting yeah but okay
yesterday kind of in a in a
I would say the World Health
Organization United Nations
and a lot of really big
advertisers such
as IBM Cisco Sony gosh I didn't
count all of them they had the
big alone
together global six New World
concert yeah
it was hosted by Colbert and
the to
Jimmy's actually one of our
took some notes if you saw it
then you
probably saw the same thing did
you see
any of it John did you watch
any of the
show look at these things and
just like a million people on
the screen
and you can't look at any one
of them
and and they and they're all
it's just
stupid well a lot of it was
kind of the
idea of a live aid only you
donate there was no money they
raising anything it was really
just to
talk about that seamless well
no bill
Melinda Gates Bill and Melinda
they came
on the talk about vaccines
Ted Ross came on that talk
about how
important it is that we're all
in this
together and then it was
and some of them were very they
mainly done at home but some of
were really professionally done
at home
you know like multiple cat if
multiple cameras multiple angles
some of these guys broom Sarma
stuff was really good but Elton
outside with a multi-camera
shoot no it
just none of that worked for me
on his
basketball court for some
reason look is
known for his hoops a lot of
the audio
still really really really crap
and just
odd just you know Stevie Wonder
okay you
know Stevie's great and he did
lean on
me but Bill Withers and does
really care do we have any
ratings for
this thing actually that's what
I should
have looked at anyway should've
imagine anybody watched it
listen to the
latest World Health
Organization public
service announcement as is now
across the globe from professor
really doctor not kind of a Ted
many of you watching this are
now at
home to protect your health and
that of
those nails you
but there is much you can do to
healthy at home like eating a
and nutritious diet avoiding
drinks not smoking and being
active take a walk if you can
go outside
to an online workout or yoga
and don't
sit in the same position for
periods getting up and moving
for at
least three minutes several
times a day
helps caring for your mental
health is
also key I can't even take that
guy any
man just matches something here
for it
because I know other people are
triggered by this guy's voice
who are
older mm-hmm and this guy's
exactly the same voice as a guy
played the translator the
translator in the Woody Allen
bananas woody is coming off
down the
plane ramp and he's got a Fidel
beard on and this translator
comes out
and as Woody says anything in
this guy supposedly translate
he's not
translating he's translating
into pidgin
English with this exact same
accent huh
and I would try I will try to
get a clip
of it because every time I hear
this guy
talk Alesi this character who
then is
rushed off because it turns out
that he
was in the scape Ephraim an
asylum hey you know I I don't
have any
ratings I don't see any ratings
for this
together at home that's quite
what the
ratings were how would they
have to
report there were big ads on
this thing
John I mean like really it's big
advertising people a lot of
network to
know I think the ratings on all
shows must have going through
the floor
because I'm not gonna watch
Colbert in his house I'm not
gonna watch
Jimmy Fallon on his front porch
it was
bad sound I'm not gonna watch
the view
it's unwatchable and so people
watching Netflix or watching
they're watching old TV they're
anything but what's going on I
took a
YouTube video which had been
around and I tightened it up
and I
realized that it would work
really well
for audio at least that's how I
about it this morning
this is a supercut a compa
lodge if you
will of every single big brand
coronavirus commercial running
television right now did you
see this
thing nope good because it'll
work they
all start off with the same
GarageBand a somber piano music
and this
does a little montage you'll
hear it and
then they all go into the exact
format of programming you based
on your
emotions to buy their product
they're your family they're
loyal to you
gosh darn it
have a listen to every single
commercial today
all the intros are like this
when we
first opened our doors since
1926 since
1978 for 60 years for 75 years
for over
80 years in 90 years over 100
nationwide has been on your side
restaurants have always been
there for
you Nissan has been with you
second time
we will do what we've always
done that
took care of people we're
people people
people people people people
family family family family
family family family families
families families is it now
now especially now right now
and now
more than ever more than ever
today more
than ever today more than ever
in times
like this at times like these
these difficult times in these
times and challenging times
trying times
in these times of uncertainty
this time of great uncertainty
these uncertain times during
uncertain times and uncertain
uncertain times uncertain time
pressure dated times
unprecedented times
unprecedented times this
moment in our history's time of
distancing while things have
slowed down
as we turn more notice the
octet well
doors may be closed while the
between us has gotten bigger if
the more
we stay apart still find ways
to stay
close even when we're apart
even if we
can't stand closer than 6 feet
there's still ways to touch
each other
all without leaving the comfort
safety of your home without
leaving the
safety of your home from home
your home
at home
home that's the key Buick and
GMC we're
here to help
Kurtis and this is gonna help
here to
help my teams are here we are
here we're
here we're here here for you
here for
you we're here for you we are
here fee
we are here for you we're here
for you
we are here for you we'll be
here for
Runnings is here for you we're
here for you we're with you
we're part
of your community so you can
trust us
you can count on us and we'll
through this together
together together together
together together together
together together together come
together together together
together together together
together okay we're not done
yet because
now we have to go up-tempo
towards the
end of the song everyone's happy
we're skateboarding in the
house and now
we have to clap we have to clap
for the
first responders
and you've probably seen every
one of those and that is what
has been
programmed into your without ROI
together hmm who put it
together writes
I have it in the show notes
who put it together well I'm
gonna give
you a clip of the day for
finding it
nothing is real fabulous clip
it really
works I mean it's just because
it's so
it's so manipulative it is
it's it's stupid manipulative
actually evil and that's what
being pumped full with on a
daily basis
if you're watching television
of course
but if you watch the global
together new world order a home
yesterday that's what the
were and they were from the
same big
brands yeah trying to engage a
corporations now they don't
give a crap
they just like you except about
bottom line and they're worried
about this they do not give a
crap now
the other things that are
running are
these I think they're mainly
sometimes bright green full
screen just
words on the screen and it's
from the
CDC or the locals and Ezio's
there's one for Oregon which
I'm going
to play live so I can read
along if we
don't stay home it's a big
yellow screen
we will continue to spread the
coronavirus 1.4 percent of all
Oregonians could die an average
knows 600 people which means
five people
you know could lose their lives
kids school teacher your
neighbor your
teammate your barista your
doctor your
uncle your sister your mother
stepbrother your partner your
child it's
up to you how many people live
or die
don't accidentally kill someone
and stay
home save lives I'm sure that
is not the
tone that was meant to be
that's what it
sounded like to me when I read
so this stuff is pathetic No
thank God
people are listening to
podcasts holy
crap is so so damaging to your
now we go to not the podcast no
no no
all this other stuff is very
damaging so
if you know basically we're
locked up
and I think that you're seeing
now the
rest of the world is seeing I'm
calls about it actually one
call who
calls anymore I got one phone
call and
some text messages from
overseas they're
seeing Americans in certain
saying okay I'm done with this
and you
can't keep me home and I'm very
tired of
you treating me like a slave
and telling
me to shut up and I can't do
things that I'd like to do and
the most
important one which is a topic
conversation and it's necessary
for this
to be discussed is the religious
gatherings the First Amendment
to the
United States Constitution it
has a
number of freedoms in there
really you know they'll
remember the
freedom of speech they'll
remember you
know the freedom of the press
but it's
always good to reread it so
this is the
most important Amendment to the
States Constitution is how we
do it here
and it starts a little
differently it's
not what you're allowed to do it
actually is telling the
government what
they cannot do so the First
starts with Congress shall make
no law
respecting an establishment of
or prohibiting the free
exercise thereof
just as the First Amendment is
in all the amendments because
it's first
what's in these amendments
first is
important to in a hierarchal
way so
religion and free exercise
prohibition is an inhalable
right that
cannot be taken a list top of
the list
then we have abridging the
freedom of
speech or of the press
or the right of the people
peaceably to
assemble and to petition the
for a redress of grievances
every single
one of those line items was a
part of
these protests that are taking
there's one in Austin today
going on in Ohio they're going
on in
Michigan there's and people are
tired because they're seeing
through it
they're seeing through the
bullcrap and
they would like to get back to
lives I don't want to kill
other people
like this phony-baloney
Oregonian the
PSA was telling of course I
don't want
to kill other people but we do
have to
take risks in life like getting
in your
car and driving on the highway
Governor Whitmer of Michigan
she took
some extreme measures you know
you can't
it just I'm sure you've seen
all the
things that she said you can't
completely abridging all kinds
freedoms listed in the First
and so people came out and
but they didn't just come out
with just
in their cars and honking their
horns no
they came out with their guns
and that's
why you'll hear this response
Whitmer the way it is because
the Second
Amendment did its job
and it continues to do its job
people in
Europe Germany France the
the United Kingdom what happens
to them
when they say hey I'm tired of
the shit
I'm going outside they get they
jailed get thrown in jail
picked up
beaten and heard it in drones
overhead that's why we have
guns I want
you to understand that not to
people and you're tired right
now Adam
is talking to the Europeans not
Americans exactly so here's the
people came out some reason the
Europeans you get these piers
against these other guys and
they float
over here they just don't get
it no and
and I think this is a great
moment to
actually get it when you're in
in the
Netherlands or Germany or
France and
your government is telling you
to shut
up and you can't even walk
outside side
by side with someone else
regardless of
the danger they don't have the
to do all these things in the
States and when they do it then
we come
out with our guns slung over
our back
and saying hey I don't think
this is a
good idea we're kind of tired
of what
you're saying and that's why
Whitmer of Michigan responds in
manner very meek and and
rightly so so I
think about the demonstrators
here today
and I understand the
frustration that
people are feeling I'm
frustrated too
none of us wants to be here in
moment but we are and we have
to do the
best that we can I know that
people are
angry and that's okay and if
you want to
take it out and send it my way
makes you feel better that's
fine I
support your right to free
speech and I
respect your opinions I just
urge you
don't put yourself at risk and
don't put
others at risk either I was
disappointed to see people
not wearing masks I saw someone
out candy to little kids
barehanded you
know when people are flying the
Confederate flag and untold
numbers who
gassed up on the way here hey
by the way
I totally agree with your
freedom of
speech but what's up with the
Confederate flag you're saying
that you
were flying the Confederate
flag is that
illegal are you not allowed to
fly the
Confederate flag in Michigan is
illegal in general cannot fly
that not
that I know of is efficient if
what she's saying it well just
peak for
the black voters in the state
so the
game keeps Dickey boating for
her you
know when people are flying the
Confederate flag and untold
number some
gas stopped on the way here or
grabbed a
bite on the way home we know
that this
rally endangered people it was
not a
rally I think that's very
rally but okay it endangered
people this
kind of activity will put more
people at
risk and sadly it could prolong
amount of time we have to be in
posture so she really is
although she understands very
well she
knows her limitations I guess
MIT maybe someone else wrote
this for
she understands her limitations
cannot push it but there is an
lacking of civics engineer an
understanding of civics even
from the
people who were supposed to be
to them and I caught this on
Carlson show on Fox he was
talking to
Phil Murphy the governor of New
and Tucker brings up the same
point but the answer that comes
from the
governor makes nothing but
sense so you
made that decision and as I
noted before
15 congregants at a synagogue
in New
Jersey were arrested and
charged for
being in a synagogue together
now the
Bill of Rights as you well know
Americans right in shrines
their right
to practice their religion as
they see
fit and to congregate together
assemble peacefully by what
did unify the Bill of Rights in
this order how do you have the
power we
were that that's above my
Tucker so I wasn't I wasn't
thinking of
the Bill of Rights when we did
this we
went to all first of all we
looked at
the day against a science and
it says
people have to stay away from
each other
and that is the saddest answer
I've ever
heard thinking of the Bill of
when I locked down people in
their in
their homes
that's the don't governor's OS
that guy
Phil Murphy governor of New
holy mackerel and then but he
laughs it off when Tucker says
you weren't he's like who
that's above
my pay grade it's not above his
grade that is exactly what he
should be
doing when you take these
measures don't
you sit down and say is this
constitutional can we do this
do we have
the right to do this do we have
though that kind of thinking is
is a
real problem
democrat or republican I'm just
wondering I think he's Democrat
yeah I'm
pretty sure he's Democrat now
of course
we this is the tri-state area
the United
States now we don't have people
protesting in New York with
guns on
their backs we don't have people
protesting in California with
guns on
their back because of the
complicated local state gun
and rules and regulations so
where crazy shit happens
San Clemente California what's
government going to do when
they hate
you a popular Orange County
skate park
is now covered in sand the city
of San
Clemente made the move to
skaters from using a part
during social
distancing with a nonprofit
that manages
the park to the OC register the
made the move without telling
them first
but look how the skaters that
he cleared
the sand out of the way
so they didn't like what the
were breaking protocol so they
the whole skate park with 27
tons of
sand and then in New York this
is not
unique to unique time life
it's a funny bit and they
screwed up
they should have filled it with
dog crap
cleaned it up or a combo kitty
Oh kitty yeah use the clumping
kind now
in New York and again these you
know not
every state in America is the
same New
York and California have a lot
in common
but we certainly don't want you
disobey orders citizen New
Yorkers you
have been extraordinary that
distancing this is a Mayor Bill
and let me tell you it is taken
fiber of our beings to figure
out how to
do this because we're
warm emotional people were used
to being
close to each other we're used
to being
packed into subway cars and
we've had to
do the exact opposite and
figure out how
to keep distance it's not
natural for us
it's not normal for us but
you've done
it you've done an amazing job
now look
thank you everyone who's done
it the
right way but we still know
there's some
people need to get the message
and that
means sometimes making sure the
enforcement is there hey let's
get some
muscle over here show educate
that can make clear we got to
social distancing so now it is
than ever when you see a crowd
when you
see a line that's not distance
when you
see a supermarket that's too
anything you can report it
right away so
we can get help there to fix
the problem
and now it's as simple as
taking a photo
all you gotta do is take the
photo and
put the location with it and
bang that
with an e think think what does
come from him what does the
think come
from think Don me probably goes
back to
the 30s or some old term from
jail or
prison I'm not sure Vic I think
nineteenth century perhaps from
literally Finch but also a
term students started to refer
non-members of fraternities as
probably by association with
the freedom
of wild birds as opposed to
caged ones
the term was later generalized
to denote
those not belonging to
such as trade unions hmm so
maybe it
came from from trade union
stuff that
makes sense yeah they're very
popular in
the 30s so the Blasio wants you
to think
to be a Fink and gnarrk gnarrk
on your
neighbors cuz we got to teach
they're gonna learn it a
picture will
take care gonna take you take
picture what they care the guy
well it could be worse I do
have that
think I'm gonna pull one out if
you want
to see her good news and bad
news this
isn't play The Cove in Nigeria
if you
want to hear an extreme
National Human Rights
Commission says
security forces have killed at
least 18
people while enforcing social
measures aimed at stopping the
spread of
the coronavirus that's more
than the 13
deaths so far attributed to
kovat 19
across Nigeria the Commission
over a hundred incidents of
human rights
violations in 24 of Nigeria's
36 states
no so they killed 18 people
through net social distancing
that's the
expect you go now you're
talking that's
what de Blasio wants you know
people shoot him you will learn
something I'm still a bit
about the Smithfield pork
plants they've
closed another one so this is
the only
meat processing plants in the
States closed down to date are
both pork
and both Chinese owned
Smithfield when
there are definitely other meat
facilities that I've even had
deaths and
have not been shut down well I
like to read the note that we
received from Mitch okay I work
for a
smaller USDA inspected meat law
and by
the way this note people should
play pay
attention to because it would
kind of has a implied
it's yes it does it does which
is buy
some meat put it in the freezer
yeah by
I'm going out today to buy some
meat yeah fulfill your freezer
up anyway
let me read the note I work for
smaller USDA inspected
inspected meat
lock into 20 25 employees or so
we're a
drop in the bucket compared to
the large
slaughterhouses but nonetheless
we have
a USDA inspector and I know the
my initial kovat concern was
that the
USDA would pull their
inspectors and
we'd be largely shut down
creating this
not for sale only meat
situation which
you'll see the USDA and has
had the good sense not to
cripple our
meats a plan and kept us open
so far
these close quarters
with hundreds if not thousands
employees are rampant with
our inspector has quietly told
me that
one of the other big local
refused to shut down despite
confirmed employee cases to
make matters
worse an inspector was confirmed
positive and our inspector was
that he was going to get pulled
to cover
that infected plant as well
exposing us believe me when I
tell you
these plants will be shut down
and the
food supply will disappear you
want to you might want to read
that one
line again to the food supply
with this
body by the way there'll always
be vegan
food and I can't believe it's
not meat
we've been checking in with our
truck drivers from our retail
one of our drivers has been
for us for decades and has
never seen
their warehouses this empty
everyone is
scrambling to meet demand and
not enough meat to go around as
is when
these plants get shut down
there is no
excess sitting in the
warehouses our
freezers are the same way when
we cut it
be for a hog it is picked up as
soon as
it is frozen that is not
normally the
case and you can't even find a
freezer for sale the coverage
has been
phenomenal gentlemen yeah now
talking about us my wife is
listening for the first time
you are
bringing us hope and a positive
she knows about the hwo gates
and the
whole racket keep it up and
with her new
blessing I will no longer be a
bag signed a meat cutter so
there you
have it I think this is an
report I believe it you know
and I would
say that if you're for the next
week or
so if you want to stock up on
some meat
you might not be it might not
be a bad
thing right I thought it was a
helpful note as well yes just
just to
know but as I said there have
multiple meat plants that have
many positive cases and even
related deaths but it's only the
chinese-owned ones maybe that's
I don't think so somehow well
I'm told
by a source up in the New York
area that
they've already been told that
meat supply is gonna be over in
one week
slowly really yeah they're just
tits in public knowledge crap
well I'm
definitely gonna fill up the
freezer not
a bad idea not a bad idea I can
tell you
what the mean will be though
I'm seeing
it everywhere now and and I'm
trying to
force myself to go to the New
York Times
every day and see what they're
saying so
that I can understand what what
onslaught of bullcrap will be
for the
next day in the next 24-hour
that's where you'll find it and
I think
we've moved away well so that
using South Korea as the model
for our
app for the or an app for any
and tracing there is no official
government sanctioned system
nor should there be so South
Korea is
going to be the example for
that it's
the trace together yeah
actually I have
a clip here just to accentuate
here's Australia who are no
it's hit I
think this is all voluntary
until it's
not the everyday act of
downloading a
new smartphone app now being
dubbed our
team Australia moment if we
want to
release these and loosen these
restrictions we've got to be
able to
have an effective tracking
mechanism a rallying cry to
embrace the
platform jus to be ready within
fortnight what we really want
is for as
many Australians as possible
well over
40% to download the app and
committed to make that
available as part
of the protection of the
public as well as it's
something that
could be assist of assistance
to our
public health authorities the
app would
allow anyone who test positive
for the
virus to alert the government
their phone health authorities
then be able to trace their
and ask anyone who has come
into contact
with the infected person for
longer than
15 minutes
to be tested but Australians
are being
assured their privacy wouldn't
compromised the app itself
covert race
simply digitizes a manual
nothing more nothing less
it's based on an initiative in
but just 20 percent of the
there has signed up to use the
technology the federal
government has
already conceded it'll be a
tough sell
but it's hopeful Australians
keen to
return to their normal lives
embrace it look it's new we get
it's something different but
got a fine no I don't have a
phone I got
a flip phone not gonna work on
me so the
way this I've looked into this
a little
bit deeper it's just going to
everyone used to the idea of
and tracing whether it's a good
implementation or not but just
so you
understand how it works you
enter your
own information into the app
who knows
what it is whenever you're
anybody it's continuously
through the
Bluetooth low-power system
which can
measure to some extent distance
you've been in the neighborhood
someone else for 15 minutes or
more then
and you exchange Bluetooth keys
you you don't know what's
that's that that's that the
part I don't
like there's a hold on a second
so your
phone is just loading data all
day as
you walk around boiling boiling
filling up your memory notice
do it no
know what it's doing is it is
the physical addresses of the
devices that you have been near
all day
so it's a it's it's a list but
gonna be it's not like filling
up your
phone with tons of data it's
just a list
of Bluetooth devices and so the
idea is
if you change something in the
saying oh my god I just got
tested I'm
pregnant I'm positive
then you put that into the app
then the
back end will look at every
single one
of those Bluetooth IDs that
you've encountered in the past
14 days
and will trigger a message on
their app
saying oh my god
curry was near you he's
positive go get
a test or stay well I think no
it'll be
good go get a test but
yes for instance so you have to
quarantine so what I would do
if I was
you had a sense
I know exactly I want to meet
you're a horrible man for that
you have
a false positive we thank you
you have
just cracked the weakest part
of the
entire system that is exactly
what can
be done yeah unless which
somebody will
do unless they have some
codification to
put in your your positive
status so Fred
the real hackers will break
into the
system break into the database
and add
times to make sure that
everyone is with
you at least 15 minutes loaded
up yeah
so everybody's been in contact
with you
for 15 minutes or more event
with the
false information in there sit
back and
laugh that's what hackers do
they love
it the good ones the old-school
used to do that son yeah what
Netherlands is doing their app
plastered across the newspapers
morning it leaks data you know
of course
the way that's reported is it's
been hacked whatever that means
but for examples of whodunit
right who
is the bestest in the world a
surprising country's being
pushed to the
can you guess who who is going
to be
held up as the shining example
of doing
it right I don't know the UK
Holland no germ
Germany yeah pocket either
and orderly Germany can handle a
pandemic you think the Swiss
really go to the top of the
list by the
way but little one listen to
this a
bloomberg opinion piece picture
opposite of the u.s. under
Donald Trump
during the kovat 19 outbreak
Germany under Angela Merkel oh
thank you
Bloomberg well we know that
Michael hates Trump so there
you have it
in a nutshell but I'm reading in
everywhere New York Times and
are so good yeah because it's
written at
the New York Times and then it
passed around everybody now
Merkel's but she'd be a better
than Trump so absolutely she
much much
calmer and although the death
rate is is
going up in Germany let's just
not take
a look you know the thing about
the Germans are they know how
to take
orders that's just a store call
they're very clean I think that
a lot of
Germans cleanliness and
sometimes now
they're very the Dutch have
this too
very very cleanliness treats
everything's got to be clean I
that makes a difference in
stuff like
this but for some reason
they're going
to be shown as the shining
example of
how to do it and of course we
are here
with our dumb
orange man we we did all wrong
wrong oh yes because we took
too long so
okay do you have any more clips
like to share with us maybe
around the
world one more time well we
could do
around the world but I'm going
to put
that I like to put do that to
the ant or
closer to the end I'm sure
anything that needs to read we
have a
couple of things here we got
some nurses
suspended California nurses
for not because they made them
do stuff
they didn't want to do in
Providence st. John's Health
Center in
Santa Monica suspended ten
nurses who
refused orders to treat Kovac 19
patients without n95 masks and
personal protective equipment
yeah do I
really have to believe this
story I
think it's bull crap
yeah I do here's a story that I
think is
probably true that you would
only get on
Democracy Now and they said
right and I
believe this to be a true story
this is
the USA bank stealing money
giant USAA which serves former
members and their families said
it'll no longer sees the
stimulus checks
of people with negative account
USA's reversal came after the
prospect reported on a disabled
whose family had $3,400 and
cares act
payments rerouted by the bank
to pay an
outstanding debt yeah that's
not USAA
alone there's other banks who
have been
doing this well but for one
thing I
think the story is misreported
and I'll
tell you why what's happening I
and I don't and the bank
stopped doing
this is immediately once they
find out
but I think it's just automatic
you have a negative account
balance in
your account the check comes in
immediately gets sucked into
negative account balance and
it's all
automatic because if the
computers do it
there's not somebody sitting
wringing their hands and going
there's some money I could
steal from an
old man well I'm gonna have to
with you on that point I'm
looking for
the note from our producer who
me about this very subject I'm
a dude
named Ben who works for a
National Bank
top priority emergency project
is to
clear all accounts of negative
and reverse any fees that were
previously assessed
what does that mean I think
that's what
they're doing with the money
well I
think that doesn't that doesn't
my thesis
no no projects usually take at
eight weeks this was mandated
Friday and must be done before
Wednesday when the next round of
stimulus money is released the
it will give a huge injection
to the
cash on hand numbers for the
bank so
there's all kinds of agendas at
play as
usual things are working that
we haven't
gotten our checks got no money
here one
one eight got her checked she's
first one I know of yeah at
least got
hers and but now the end the
frigate by that's it that's it
no one
else got checks in the
Netherlands you
know it's like now and that
she's been
locked up for a locked up for a
for a month just ridiculous
that's yeah
well you know we're lucky John
we we
have a we got a gig and people
supporting the gig they are and
so it's
almost impossible to understand
than through other people I see
the kid
the kids then you feel it
really really
feel it with that cuz they're
you know
they're confused but they also
it's bull crap and they don't
know and
but the meanwhile they got to
pay the
rent so it's bull crap all they
want but
they still have to rent but
then when
they have no money no cheques
then it becomes very
complicated so but
maybe that is a perfect cue for
me -
Thank You mr. dvorak for your
and say in the morning to you
the man
who indeed put the C in the
China's John
C Devore
in the morning mr. Adam curry
also in
the morning all ships to see
boots on
the ground feet in the air subs
in the
water all the Dames the nights
out there
trolls there in the troll room
I see you
it is a Sunday so let's do a
count of
the trolls 1936 and we get I
don't think
we've cracked two thousand ones
have we
gotten really close a couple of
times in
the morning trolls you can find
them if
you're a troll if you'd like to
how to be a troll if you smell
control you live under a bridge
control head on over to no
agenda stream
comm and that is where you can
trolls galore they listen live
to many
of the shows that are on the
stream at
the time which is 24/7 you can
new podcast learn stuff and most
importantly you can troll and
now a huge
in the morning thank you -
O'Neill who brought us the
artwork for
episode one two three four are
one of the most exciting
numbers in the
numerical sequence for this
show and our
media tribe who love numerology
Darren did a piece of art which
was just
so outstanding this is the Shi
NN logo
with taking the CN n removing
the C and
putting a capital X and then I
in front
of it becoming XI NN which was
smart and
genius in so many ways and I
think it
really helped people clicking
on this
and podcast apps I was a beauty
in fact
there just jumped out at the
two of us
now he credits the idea to
Donald Trump
jr. oh really yeah he says
apparently in
one of his tweets Trump jr.
she's called
CNN CNN oh okay oh and so he
turned it to an art piece and
then a
number of other artists and
wannabes said oh man I heard it
thought it was funny too buddy
didn't think it turn into an
art piece
and so that's the genius man
that's what
it takes that's what you do you
got it
you got a jump on it and so on
and he
his will hang up
was whether he should make the
what the
color scheme should be decided
on he
wanted the you neither the
yellow he did
he was gonna do she and an
all-white so
it look like they logo but he
needed the
yellow to match up with the red
colors in there right right and
I don't
think he sucked unless he used
yellow which would have been
but I don't think would have
been as
outstanding he that that little
which Ani O'Neal is a triple
threat so
that this little thought of his
to make
it yellow I thought was a
moment of
sheer genius because it really
made the
thing pop and it gave the
symbolism it
was fantastic piece and after
three and
a half hours of show
and by the way episode one two
four the final time of that
episode was
three hours 30 minutes and 33
seconds to
which many people said could you
dickheads not have gone in
extra three
minutes but so you know that was
completely coincidental that
random dad
we finished the show we cut off
the end
we are at the end of the I so
we put the
clip in the beginning and then
I look at
it 330 33 but back to Darren
this is
this is top notch this is the
quality concept really good okay
enough suck it mom this is good
enough of that enough of that
dared we
love you thank you so much no
agenda art
generator calm is where you can
look at
all of the art that is put up
there you
can also participate it's kind
of a
contest it really it's it's odd
but it
works for people who listen
listen alive
yeah but I'm so proud because
we show
our tribe colors our media
tribe colors
every single episode and I know
just no one doing it like that
it's it's
if and I love giving this
because I talked about it with
keeper if you and I had
finished the
show or maybe halfway through
the show
in a commercial break because
of course
this is not our podcast this is
commercial show
in the break John John John I
got a
great idea let's have someone
in the
graphics department do a she
and n logo
and I would think that's a
fabulous idea
and then three three weeks
later after
several meetings about the
color should
be yellow and through legal I
blocked it legal we never
actually could
use it because of that and that
is what
makes us unique and that's the
future of
media and that's where we are
and we
also don't have those
commercials we
have producers who like to
support the
show financially we always enjoy
thanking our executive
producers an
associate executive producers
right off
the bat so let's get crankin
sir Chris
Baron of the Carson valleys at
the top
of the list with three hundred
three dollars and 33 cents
talking about
33s Gardnerville Nevada I don't
know where that is
forgive me pot father and bus
girls been
many months since my last
things have been a little rough
in my
barony and that was before the
threw a wrench in the works we
just sir
this is this is KJ okay Jay is
the baron
of those summer rows of Carson
Carson Valley nevertheless I
have gotten
so much value from the show I
pass up chipping in quote
unquote keep
up the good work guys jingles
through to
the head and Pelosi jobs karma
because I lost mine but because
working two jobs with an
average workday
of about twenty 2.5 hours times
days a week sir Chris shake at
he's working he's ahead of the
Thank You KJ sir Chris Baron of
Carson Valley
jobs jobs and jobs let's vote
for job
karma Jonathan Walker 33333
listener first-time donor I
request a
massive deducing deduced
starting this
thing during the 2016 election
when the
DNC primary rigging had
needle up massive until my good
parks hit me in the mouth he's
one of my
best friends and I'd like to
send him
some jobs karma you've got this
my dude
keep it also I'd like to offer
some help
to the no agenda family in these
difficult economic times I run
Texas trader a business
company well if you're gonna be
very well
yeah a unique position to help
business owners who are shut
down and
need to turn inventory or
equipment into
cash to stay afloat until the
cour in
place bullcrap dies down
if there's anyone within a few
miles of Houston who need help
reach out
to us at info at Walker ok did
you get
there well you can always
rewind info at
Walker TX trader.com all one
word and
mention no agenda for
discounted rates
our family really wants to give
back to
this community in any way that
we can
quick jingle requests see
something say
something two shots to the head
nothing to see here jobs jobs
and jobs
let's go
Parma they actually have
anonymous and
anonymous sent us a note uh
I've been
listening since last August
after my
daughter and her boyfriend told
me about
your show what's called hitting
you in
the mouth this is an anonymous
female it
would add that okay might make
better alright they said I
would not
like it and I'm not accepting
assumptions about me since I
loved the show and pass it
along to my
husband he gets me through
hours of
landscaping clean it gets me
hours of landscaping cleaning
cooking this donation brings me
half way
to my husband's knighting
figure it
should go to him not me since I
it was a little making mr.
since I haven't worked outside
the house
in 25 years and he foots the
bills but
that could change now that my
skills are once again there you
go you
know you can work from home
can't wait
you know what I love is that we
actually put our hands on these
unique COBOL programmers that
we got him
what version do you want we got
it right
here this is cute way to tell
my son
that I'm not a dinosaur in the
world of
programming as he believes I
started out
30 years ago in the Silicon
Valley John
not far from you I thank you
for the
show as it is even more
valuable to me
since the kovat outbreak all of
our kids
are in medical medical
profession docs
and pas and work with the virus
both in the ICU and nine ICU so
frustrating to hear panic media
that differ from the actual
on the ground yeah their
hospitals are
empty except a modestly the
same report
we get all the time their
hospitals are
empty except the modest numbers
of kovat
patients I'd like to remind
DeWine that the reason he shut
down our
state was to ensure our
hospitals did
not get inundated all at once
with the
sick very good point
very good argumentation point
you're looking at your own
States I hate
it this is that the might
hospital is
doing tick tock videos can we
go back
now so now they're empty and
it's time
to open our state and allow
this virus
to work its way through the
as it will do anyway oh how is
one of
the first days to shutter all
non-essential business and as
yet as
this past Monday we have had
seventy one
hundred fifty-three tested
positive and
309 deaths that is eleven that
is out of
eleven point four million
people this
calculates two point zero zero
to seven
deaths on a per capita and now
Ohio has
the second highest unemployment
this is devastating to our
state my kids
do not seem worried going to
work and
caring for these patients they
are they
take precautions and go about
their jobs
and feel uncompromised and
other people
should do the same
thank you for your great
coverage I need
it more than ever because I
have now
completely stopped watching the
after being a fox news watcher
Tucker's early coverage was so
over-the-top fear-mongering
that I
decided I could go cold turkey
thank you
again for all your diligent
work to
bring real news to your
listeners no
jingles except China asshole
maybe a
couple times since it bears
happy birthday to my husband
Steve put
him on the list
Oh she almost Eve from Columbus
60 next week okay so Steve from
60 next week just whatever time
okay that's good enough for me
Steve from Columbus 60 next
week good
and China is asshole
that's pretty good karma I
think there
was a karma maybe well you know
thought she said no jingles no
karma no
I never said that okay well
we'll do it
again karma veces City which is
you're the snow stop here the
City is over-hyped
just for you okay well thank
you there's
plenty to see in China and some
beautiful things in the Great
Wall is
one of the things everyone's
witness but to forbid the city
really is it's kind of like
when I went
to Thailand to for the long
neck's and
the big sign longnecks this way
is that
that idea is kind of touristy
it's not
even touristy it's a good I saw
before the before the 97 I saw
it it's
not it's boring it's boring
that's what
it wall great wall okay that
one's good
all right so Tim of the tunnels
in wha
ye PHA who wahooo
Waipahu Hawaii ah who to 47:16
Hawaii yeah a Fibonacci show of
hibbe-dah Chi for each of you
thanks for
continuing to defend reality
and helping
to keep the amygdala a healthy
although among my fellow
co-workers makes me sound like
a movie
cliche I'm not crazy I'm the
only one
saying here yeah in this in
this case is
actually true
the Rona here in Hawaii is
apparently it
tracted the sand and this
affinity has
prompted our governor in his
president knows the beaches you
still use the ocean to swim and
surf but
God help you if you linger on
the beach
it would be absolute
pandemonium yes the
beaches are back up in
yeah you know because the Roda
lurking in the sand yes on its
tan and
such this is the governor that
wants to
cut state employee salaries
teachers by 20 percent because
the state
isn't bringing in any revenue
tourism is the basket we
decided to put
all our eggs and the fact that
the state
is sitting on over a billion
dollars in
this rainy day fund is
irrelevant you got a love
island living
it should be grateful I'm still
and count my blessings thanks
for rent
reading the rant no jingles
goat Karma
for those who need it sir Tim
of the
tunnels comes through thank you
much sir he's your good karma
you've got
she was just named just on the
last show
I believe she's now a dame of
crystal core and hilarous son
versum it's show biz city of the
Netherlands is it it's show biz
yeah over something that's
it's the Hollywood of Holland
yeah all
they would have Holland Dame of
crystal core with a humble
request for
good health and good spirit
Karma for
all the Dame who hasn't donated
yet is a
Dame douchebag so please douche
and then
d douche me you've been deduced
123 five
which adds up to the amount
which is to
devil of Fibonacci's yeah
which adds up to the amount of
time I
love my dear soon-to-be hub and
amazing kid 24/7 of course it's
also the
amount of time all this
listeners would
like to hear you doing a live
stream of
the best podcasts in the
especially nowadays but I know
dream on
I would like to use one 23.5 to
mark and his quest for
knighthood if
that's okay signing off with it
you you
keep the counting in this okay
with us
signing off with the big
digital thus
sterile and safe hug thank you
so much
for doing what you do love ups
always wanted to let you know I
thus rise of Skywalker sucked
gosh things I'm never gonna
watch write
me a member of the club what it
the sex club next on the list
onion Martin's in Milwaukee
Milwaukee Wisconsin - 1235
shout-out to
my smokin hot wife for a
birthday in
April 19th episode 1 - 3.5 here
our governor sweet governor
decided to
extend our safer at home locked
until May 26 what I don't have
the quote
in for May 26 that's not gonna
can you
believe it he's not gonna I
don't have
the quote in front of me but he
that nothing will go back to
normal in
this state until we have an
vaccine thanks dr. bill we
don't want to
go on a rant about how much the
this is but maybe a couple of
like orange China is asshole
and how
about some jobs , for everybody
unfortunate to be stuck at home
this glorified flu sign Tristan
muttons jobs jobs and jobs
let's vote
for job karma thanks Aaron Cole
came in
- 1234 Watsonville he says I
hope this
isn't whoops hopes this isn't
through too late but wanted to
donate -
episode 1 2 3 4 I have been
long why
wait came in too late it's been
a long
while since I sent my value for
value of
the show has been great as
always but
especially been helpful in these
interesting times big hello to
my fellow
slaves Julian and Alexis love
and light
shut up slave and wtc7 jingle
please do
you think he wants the not the
ones a regular shut up slave I
this is an example we get a lot
of these
notes I mean not just
and associate executive
producers but a
lot of people it's been good
and I think
that I think that's part of the
room being so full as well it's
it's cathartic people we're
doing a good
thing here you go read the next
one this
is from David Mouse in petroleum
petroleum petroleum Ontario
Canada Navia
and right off the bat has a
couple of to
see this is what you always do
to me
it's like okay I will do these
I'll read
this at the same time I'll be
the jingles it's very
interesting he's
got four arms
I really don't what does he say
candidate in government has told
families we are all getting an
$300 expert child during Corona
like her own invest like corona
is very funny so I thought what
way to handle it then to donate
julia Mouse's $300 towards her
dame hood
and on her 60th birthday which
is April
19th no less that would be
today I then
added the last $2 to put her
over the
limit toward her dame hood
although I
would like to claim the
producer credit of credit for
myself can
you come on you can deny vien
what else could you possibly
have to do
with your money but pitch in I
hit a friend in the mouth and
he is
thank me for balancing out his
as he was a hard lefty and he
tells me
that this show calms him down a
lot yes
it's the amygdala effect in
response to
that I think the only proper
thing would
be to call him out Jeremiah you
this was coming also to Trevor
and Max Collette you are both
placed on
notice as douchebags truly the
podcast in the universe
Dave mouse and OMA insists it's
pronounced nas like nas Oh Dave
nas like
nas yeah Dave nas and Julia
would be
like to call Dame Julia oh I
don't have
this yet Weaver of the words
first of
nas hold on a second John can
you give
me that order because I didn't
have all
of this am i she yeah sure
because I got ass in this cuz
little I mean they hate it when
I do
this during the show what did
they want
me to order for the roundtable
knows it's like a chai in
something I'm
not even seeing it on here yeah
yeah I want a cheese a chai tea
apples with peanut butter chai
tea and
apples with peanut butter and
okay so
that's in there and then we had
complicated jingles back up
back up back
up on the pretty good and
pretty good
was there any any other karma I
see the Karma requests okay
yeah we'll do it just in case
the backup
and a backup to that backup and
to the backup to the backup I
think that
you've got karma Nexus
Stephanie Simon's
Simon Simon's and she came in
at 2:04 20
in Brandon ton Florida a
donation of my
favorite podcast thank you for
me entertained and informed
during the quarantine I've been
lucky to spend this time with my
boyfriend who hit me in the
face that's
no he's a lousy shot that's not
I have normally gone for long
periods of
times at sea by the way she's a
maybe by the way I'm thanks for
good karma my crew and I made
it back to
the States safely we were
traveling back
from the carrot Caribbean oh no
not seated on a yacht yeah on
the yacht
that we work on oh yeah yeah
that's cool all burned out all
out well all mice are all
turned out
well and we made it to Florida
and after
a little shakedown they let us
stay the
main reason for reaching out to
you on
this episode is to wish my
smokin hot
boyfriend doing yuen yuen yuen
yuen yuen
yuen happy birthday April 20th
is the
big days extremely special to
me and I
am super grateful to be able to
the day with him
even if we on lockdown happy
sir ramen noodles love you babe
You Jon and Adam for all you do
XXX your
loyal listener Steph oh how
nice well
he's on the list so we'll do it
all over
again for you after the second
segment and our final associate
executive producer for today is
in I do
have one note to read before
okay so uh
Alex simcha San Burien
Washington which
is right outside the airport
200 bucks I
would like to make this
donation on
behalf of Conner and Christina
at beach
view farm so it can you make a
we'll put them on the big so
shit list
and said he listened to him yes
meeting was amazing and they
excellent hosts yes I have a
meet up
report for later oh good yeah
where else
can a group of misfit strangers
together and have such a good
time you
know I'm it's Fitz we owe these
two for
a good time on a Sunday
Saturday in one
of the most beautiful places
I figure they deserve some
credit for
their impromptu petting zoo
that also
functions as a burger fact what
has a
burger factory what
all right Wow cool does sound
oriental yes this'll beers his
last pit
his last pit yeah this is an
show you to do John and Adam I
that you
pulled together a bunch of small
amygdala big brains into a real
community this is more than
just a group
of people consuming the same
media keep
on keepin on keep on keepin it
real and
thank you for your courage PS
no jingles
little Karma let's get back to
dynamite content okay I do have
one more
note which refers to a 33333
donation it
had no note does okay Jesse
Dean my
smoking-hot husband and Jesse
writes my smokin hot husband
and I have
fervently been faith
faithfulness or
since discovering the show last
so I'm requesting an overdue D
for scoops
you've been deduced I'm so
hooked that
the wait between each show is
no it's indeed true value i if
current covet Co vid planned
demmick planned emic yes I like
I like it too
it's a planned demmick doesn't
slow down
things too much we're planning
to move