April 23rd, 2020 • 2h 48m
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what down 2020 Adam curry
Jhansi devorah's your
Gitmo Nation Media
assassination episode
1236 this is no agenda curry
northern Silicon Valley where
the Zephyr
just went by that's good news
I'm John Cena for economic
chart and we need to know how
many cars
were hanging off the Zef today
seven who and what is our
benchmark nine
is our benchmark is it not yeah
nine is
is spot-on
10 is above 10 and above is
above it's
nine is the baseline the
baseline so
where it is seven which is
better than
no train at all because they
were gone
yes I don't even dad I don't
them saying it was coming back
but there
it went
we call that green shoots
grinds green
shoots of optimism that we're
back green shoots yes green
shoots of
often like the end of the movie
idiocracy oh man how many times
has mentioned that movie to me
in the
past month or two well we're
living it
we're living the dream we are
you know
the keeper I were just talking
about the
the Jen I would say Millennials
Gen Z yours is more and more
fair they
don't want to go back to work
well mentioning that let's go
to the
Alexander Cassatt Cortez clip
so in
other words we're fishing from
the same
pond again Dvorak
I think when we talk about this
idea of
reopening society you know only
does the president when the
tweets about liberation does he
mean go
back to work when we you know
have this
discussion about going going
back or
reopening I think a lot of
people should
just say no we're not going
back to that
we're not going back to working
70 hour
weeks just so that we could put
food on
the table and not even feel any
sort of
semblance of security in our
I guess the checks have come
through huh
so supposed to work in 70 hours
a week
even Silicon Valley guys
they're working
their asses off 60 fuckin 70
what's he
talking about we work 70 hours
a week
well if you count watching
television to
get clips yes that's a big part
of the
job and it's not what she's
it's okay but still there's but
didn't quite describe what is
going on or what is being used
as a
reason for not wanting to go
back to
work is more a fear absolute
fear over
getting sick and what's gonna
happen and
we're not ready and oh my god
is it what
part of the country you're in
yeah we
had that that website that we
presided a
few shows oh yes well yeah if
you live
in New York yeah you're gonna
be scared
of that
I don't think so I I'm sorry I
think so I think this is it's a
and by the way that was not
this age group I'm talking 25
25 each
group was variable on there I'm
anecdotally from what I'm
hearing around
me it's surprising is what I'm
saying so
it's not so much about what I
read in
that it was a good it was a
good piece
of research we could see that
women the Karen's in the burbs
in the in
the metro areas were more
afraid than
the rest but now I'm talking
about kids
who don't want to go back to
because they think the adults
are stupid
and are trying to kill
themselves and
everybody else this is what's
well this is our education
system at
work it's also the information
we're being given is so it's
not even
there this is why I spend the
entire day
watching c-span and it's not
waiting for the for the corona
there's a lot going on in this
in in in
Washington DC in general there
always is
but you cannot get the
information that
is discussed there on the news
no it's
so so we have to do it it's
pretty sad
when you need a VJ to do that
for you
and the most interesting thing
happened since our last show on
was the hot mic episode with
Roberts of Fox News in the
briefing room
which was interesting for a
number of
reasons I don't know if you saw
this but
oh yeah I think it's either
before after
the the the press briefing John
comes in he's the he's the
reporter from
Fox the White House
correspondent and
you'll hear him very clearly I
tried to
clean it up a little bit this
this audio
so we could listen all the way
and he's talking to I think
either audio
engineer or camera tech a
technician and
there's a couple of things that
are said
after what we'll just go
through it I'll
step through it it's easier
here's John
Roberts on the hot mic and and
this is
how this works you know the the
video is open they leave the
mics open
and anything anything goes
so what he just heard coming in
as they
say says to this tech hey man
you can
take off the mask no worry it's
about a
point 1 to a point 3 according
to the
new data from this study in in
Angeles this was the weird part
this camera tech out of the
blue says
everybody has got a vaccine
anyway what
do you think that was about the
that was the weirdest and maybe
misspoke or maybe just thinking
of the
mistaking the flu vaccine for
the vet
for a corona vaccine perhaps I
that might be it well there are
vaccines that are done and I
have a case try giving him the
man let's face it that would be
first guy you want to give it
to yeah
yes it's called the trial Jon
we don't
call that experiments anymore
called the trial all right so
that was
weird and we don't and and no
one has
come back to that no one has
found this
guy no one's tracked him down
asked him
what he meant of course and all
roberts also doesn't really
respond like
what do you mean so that is
very odd
we'll continue
any 121,000 important for 2,000
so that makes it 0.1
it suggests my calendars
- right exactly
the hose so what he's basically
is that the actual infection
rate can be
forty to eighty times higher in
in this
in the LA County area than
expected which means your death
rate is
incredibly low or much lower
than then
discussed and much lower I
guess as as
codified in the models which
would make
sense because that's you know
reduced those models tenfold
ten folds just to get to
something that
we're not even looking at
anymore now
we're just pretending we're
looking at a
chart and it's influenza-like
--is and so the camera guy
says oh there's just all a hoax
no no not a hoax but this kind
of looks
like it was the flu season
which you and i had already
here so this is this is the
most tweeted
video it's all over the place
getting it on emails there's
there's only one moment when
this is
brought up in the coronavirus
which was baffling to me so
here's John
Roberts he had the information
it's his hot mic he's gonna ask
Burks what is going on and do
you think
she'll answer University of
California in the LA County
Health put out a report today
suggests that the penetrance of
virus is as much as almost 40
times what
it was believed to be that as
many as
four hundred and forty-two
in LA County many have been
which suggests two things that
that you have a lot more people
there who could be spreading
the virus
but it also suggests that the
fatality rate is more in line
with the
2017-2018 flu than what we've
seen in
some other areas of the world
but I'm
wondering if you've seen that
what your
thoughts were so he actually
quite nicely and says hey you
looking at these numbers that
we just
got yesterday it appears this
is no
worse than the 2017-2018 flu
when it
comes to death right what do
you have to
say to that so we're looking in
those studies very carefully
and I think
you will remember over the last
weeks I've been talking about
the level
of asymptomatic spread and my
about a symptomatic spread
because with
flu and other diseases when
people are
sick it's easy to contact trace
people are not sick and
shedding virus
you have to have a very
approach a very different
surveillance approach of
monitoring approach which we
outlined in
the guidelines and it's why the
guidelines took that very
seriously I
think the way you categorize
this John
is the love is over Burke's so
she not
only does she not answer the
she completes immediately pulls
up ends
she pulls up ends moves right
over to
immediately to another topic
goes on and
then wait for the kicker at the
end what
we don't want to do and I'm
just gonna
do another 30 seconds on
testing these
tests are not a hundred percent
it's a
sensitive or specific and I'm
gonna go
over this over and over again
so if you
have very important what she
says here
not 100 percent sensitive or
100 percent
specific it took me half an
hour and
five plays of this to
understand what
she means when we get to the
end I'm
gonna go over this over and
over again
so if you have one percent of
population infected and you
have a test
that's only 99 percent specific
that means that when you find a
50% of the time will be a real
and 50% of the time it won't be
okay so she throws some math
out here
which makes zero sense it makes
sense and I'm gonna play that
bit again
and then play it the last
twenty seconds
and let's see if we can figure
it out
but she's trying to beside not
the question which was simply
because of
this test it appears so many
more people
are infected your death rate is
much lower what's going on with
that can
you address that she doesn't do
that she
says there's asymptomatic and
yet black
black Koopa and then comes this
stuff about the testing mind
the words
that means that when you find a
50% of the time will be a real
and 50% of the time it won't be
that's why we're really asking
people to
start testing in among the first
responders and the health care
and it may have had the greatest
exposure because that's where
the tests
will be most reliable so it
took me a
while to figure this up it took
me a
while to figure it out what she
telling explain it to everybody
cuz I
didn't figure out what she just
what she said was malarkey what
okay so
the math equation is bullcrap I
what she's trying to say is
even if you
have ninety nine percent so
let's just
say a hundred percent test
she says fifty percent would be
and the other 50 percent would
be a real
positive I know what she's
saying it
finally hit me this test does
discern between influenza and
coronavirus that's why she's
saying we
have to test the first
because they're the ones that
will get
the coronavirus so all this
testing in
LA it could be influenza at 50%
and 50%
coronavirus which even destroys
whole bullcrap argument even
that we were shut down over
this well I
I'm gonna disagree with your
interpretation why because
there's no
evidence that this test would
influence or how about just a
I'm sorry the common cold I'm
the we specifically looked at
the test
from producers who have
involved in the
assays and none of them
actually does
the coronavirus kovat you know
the SARS
starts to not point to version
3 beta
version 1 beta so I think what
saying is it justit s okay
maybe it's
not I think it has to be
because that's why she doesn't
want to
address it because the test is
people positive whether it's
corona a
different corona virus or
influenza what
she's saying is there's - it
can be
either A or B and half of them
will not
be the right one you're looking
so whether it's a different
corona virus
or influenza B or whatever this
does I think the tests are
that sounds like it to me so
that's why
she wouldn't address it she
can't say
the death rate is because the
death rate
is likely even lower than that
if half
of if half of this is something
else or
it could be higher the things
to joke
what it is man so we've been
meeting a
Miss well none of the data none
of the
models they don't they don't
even show
the chart anymore there's no
charts it's
just scarfs no charts and so we
get very
very disappointing but again no
young people they're not even
this then are getting this
you know is anything do
whatever they
whatever cutie pie says what
PewDiePie say what is the
latest advice
we've received once we get sued
radar the videos the the
briefings have
been pretty funny yes I have
briefings that I pull a few of
them that
I thought were funny actually
you had
different ones because the you
know it
goes on forever yeah and I
this sure does my face my I got
do you
see what I have here I got a
couple that
are pretty funny the oh yeah
this is one
of it the Surgeon General goes
up yes
and then he starts asking you
know the
guy first he asked us a
question about
why did you say that was you
know was
you know what to wear a mask
now you
have to wear imagine where I
mess with a
guy call it the reporter calls
them back
out and then kind of berates
him and the
Surgeon General takes a fence
and then
then Trump comes in and Dan has
a punch
line at the end the
changed the information changed
that's what you want from your
health leaders no argument made
that you
do about these systemic
answer to you if no we did not
that was
a recommendation of the World
Organization and the CDC and we
gave you
the best information we could
at the
time so I actually a little bit
that implication because I work
hard to
try to protect the American
people and
we are always going to give the
people the best information we
available at the time we don't
humble enough to say look if we
know we're gonna change I got
recommended a wise guy question
all so the president besides
handing out
in the beginning of the
briefings actual
information is spending a lot
of his
time defending the time line
and and
defending the facts he's doing
fake news
call-outs consistently
consistently now
there was a couple things that
I think it was maybe Monday he
wanted to
show that all was well with
with Cuomo
and everyone's in a love fest
and he I
don't know who is in charge of
the video for him during these
shows but
someone really messed up
royally I think
that he got bite him Biden's
old guy his
bites bent
well hold on maybe there's a
rotation I don't know but
somehow he got
the Biden guys in the room the
idea was
to show a video of Cuomo during
press conference saying
something very
flattering about either Trump
or the
White House or the federal
and I don't know it's one of
things if you don't do it
yourself it
will never happen right in the
end the
kicker the punch line the payoff
whatever it was was just not
there but
it started off pretty bad it'll
take two
minutes and I think you'll find
interesting but we appreciate it
and let's see if we can do that
turn out the lights and we'll
see if we
can do that thank you the first
sounds a big mess anyway so I
caught all
that part out we'll go to the
see there's no sound
heroic efforts on behalf of
people as
facilitated by government
federal and
state and it's over he's
waiting for the
payoff great job fellas
they did a better job on
something else to say that was
nice but we won't go through
that but he
really him it was really a good
statement you want to put the
rest of it
up or do you not have it I just
it's so good because it's
massive it's like three minutes
everyone's just going what the
hell is
going on if you're gonna DJ
with clips
man you got to know what you're
doing or
gonna have somebody around who
can do it
now he went on to the Wall
Journal article and this Wall
Journal article praised the
effort and the president
brought in the
paper version of The Wall
Street Journal
held it up and said here's what
should be doing The Wall Street
wrote a fantastic piece of
respected gentlemen Christopher
and this was just it's
DeMuth at all known and or a
respected gentlemen I don't
know if it's
in The Wall Street Journal
weekend edition and Trump
rewrites the
book on emergencies that's
happened to and we just read one
paragraph he's given pride of
place to
federalism and private
lauding the patriotism and
of our fantastic governors and
meaning I do call them
fantastic when
it's appropriate and our
business leaders and genius
companies I
guess I probably use those
terms too
when they're doing a good job
they're not doing a good job I
don't use
those strengths doctors and
nurses and
orderlies and our tremendous
they have all done good jobs by
out many of them by name and
their deeds on a fully daily
basis and
wait for the kicker
he has vivified the American
Way in
action once it was reluctantly
it was hard to get it aroused
and it is
hard to get it aroused but we
got it
aroused it was hard to get it
and it is hard to get it
aroused but we
got it arrived he did a good
job though
he nailed it finally he's hard
to get it
aroused and it is hard to get
it aroused
but we got it aroused he has
viagra as
the country
thank you very much prayers
then this
was yesterday I can't put he's
man that is just gold thank you
yesterday there was actually
was the
past few days big oh my god the
director he says it's gonna be
when this thing comes back
we're all
gonna die in fact I have a
headline here
from the Washington Post here's
what the
Washington Post headlined
second wave of
coronavirus winter outbreak is
likely to
be more
devastating CDC director warns
Steve bannon's podcasts were
trippin out
they're like oh my god it's
gonna be
worse it's gonna be horrible
we're all
gonna die
and within three minutes of
briefing the president brings
the CDC
director up on stage to refute
this fake
news I do want to mention man
has done a
very good job for us dr. Robert
was totally misquoted in the
media on a
statement about the fall season
and the
virus totally misquoted I spoke
to him
he said it was ridiculous he
was talking
about the flu and corona coming
at the same time and corona
could be
just some little flare-ups that
take care of we're gonna knock
it out
we'll knock it out fast but
that's what
he was referring to coming
together at
the same time and I think
rather than
waiting I'd ask dr. Redfield to
come up
say a couple of words just to
that out because he didn't say
it was a
big big explosion the headline
in the
Washington Post was totally
the statement wasn't bad in the
post but
the headline was ridiculous
which is as
I say that's fake news and CNN
is fake
news like crazy and they had
totally the wrong saying which
they knew
they were asked to change it
and they
wouldn't do that and it was the
fall so
I'll ask dr. Redfield who is
I have to come up and explain
thank you thank you mr.
president and I
really do think it's important
clarify this as we build the
of the American people when I
yesterday that there was a
of the fall winter the next
fall and
winter it could be more
difficult more complicated when
we had
two respiratory illnesses
circulated at
the same time influenza and the
virus 19 but I think it's really
important to emphasize what I
didn't say
I didn't say that this was
going to be
worse I said it was going to be
complicated complicated because
have flu and corona virus
circulating at
the same time now the press
went nuts
quote is this what you shot
well here I
got the CBS version of what
talking about
ooh nice hold on this is a clip
odd Rick
brightstart they they're also
the Rick bright story the
charge came from Rick bright
who said he
was dismissed yesterday after
for a more thorough vetting of
hydroxychloroquine a malaria
drug the
president has pushed as a
breakthrough for coronavirus
bright said
the administration has
pressured me and
other conscientious scientists
to fund
companies with political
connections as
well as efforts that lacks
he added that sidelining me in
middle of this pandemic and
politics and cronyism ahead of
puts lives at risk
the president has touted the
promise of
hydroxychloroquine many times
despite questions raised
previously by
many other health officials
about its
effectiveness based on what i
see it
could be a game-changer as the
praised states who were moving
to reopen
their economies new modeling
used by the
White House now predicts nearly
could die by August a
increase from what the
president claimed
earlier this week it looks like
we'll be
at about a 60 thousand more the
president's own Robert Redfield
warned a
second wave of the virus that
coincide with the opening of
flu season
this fall will actually be even
difficult than the one we just
through mr. Trump said Redfield
had been
misquoted I didn't say that
this was
gonna be worse I said it was
gonna be
more complicated
he stumbled on it on stage
instead of
saying difficulties had
difficult he did it here again
the guy
is no good and potentially
because we'll have flu and
corona virus
circulated at the same time but
epidemiologists agree that a
second wave
is possible and that it could
the health care system I just
want to
say again I don't want to hark
him back
to the testing but he's saying
this for
a reason he's saying it's not
complicated because we'll have
with x and patients with y but
we may
not be able to tell them apart
I have a
feeling this
is more behind this and the
probably rightfully smells it
that's why
they're trying to you know
that's why
you write a headline like that
but why
no one asked to follow why why
is it
more difficult well why if we
have an
overlap of co vid patients
arising Kovac
patients at the same time we
horizon flu season that could be
difficult for hospitals to
manage dr.
Redfield confirmed that quote
he gave to
the Washington Post was
accurate so what
why more difficult is it more
that haven't we just solved
that with
all this capacity that we can
start up
at a moment's notice why somes
I think
it's a test it's also the way
they ended
that story I don't think you
heard it
but she said that he
reconfirmed what he
originally said yes you never
used the
word originally no but if you
listen to
just that last chunk again it's
a very
you know it's almost as though
the media
has decided that well we're
gonna we're
gonna stick with our guns they
want to collapse the entire
system let
me get trump out of office
that's the
only thing I can think of let
me try
that last bit again let's
listen to it I
have an overlap of co vid
arising Kovac patients at the
same time
we have a rise in flu season
that could
be difficult for hospitals to
tonight dr. Redfield confirmed
quote he gave to the Washington
Post was
accurate yeah I think some
people would
like to just see a bad economy
trauma to see him fail and this
there's absolutely people who
want that
and don't care Bill Maher's
tell people
not to go back to work but this
the the
assault on the
hydroxychloroquine is
coordinated and the president
had a
response to it here's one of
coordinated little bits from
CNBC time
now for a corona virus brought
update with Frank Holland Frank
there Sarah here's the very
latest and
one of the first organized
looks at a
drug that's been praised by
Trump hydroxychloroquine it did
not help
in the treatment of Coppa 19 in
a study
of 368 patients and veterans
there were more deaths among
those who
got the malaria drug than the
who received the standard
treatment the
study has not yet been reviewed
by other
scientists it's not
peer-reviewed it's
the study was taken not with
the control
group just with people from
different ages and it's done by
a guy
who was tweeted and blog
about how much he hates Trump
and it's
not peer-reviewed so it's it's
just it's
not there yet but it's quite
it's quorn
ill go with this of course
though it's
coordinated and the media is
happy to do
that because we all know who
really runs
the media and the
pharmaceuticals are
not having this cheap generic
drug being
any kind of Wonder middle for
it must be the official new
stuff which
is likely remedy severe from
Gilead and
now there's 29 others but the
is ready for this
he continues to promote it it
has to be
I think according to him in a
combination of with zinc at
least I
don't know that's what everyone
says dr.
drew even though he's back on
the foul
chief ear army bandwagon he had
following to say study finds no
there's been many mixed
benefits on
hydroxychloroquine so that's
you know I
will tell you the doctors are
using it
routinely so it has some
benefit in some
cases I have yet I've treated a
of cases now of kovat and I
have not had
I've only had one where my
peers didn't
put the patient or I didn't put
patient on hydroxychloroquine
and in
some cases it really seems to
make a
difference the problem is we
don't know
for whom that is and it's
risk free it is risk free the
out of the
there's rheumatologist here in
Angeles that has something like
thousand patient ears collected
and he
said he's never seen a single
side-effect from him so it's
you know
it's chloroquine has a
different don't
conclude confuse chloroquine and
hydroxychloroquine chloroquine
is a more
risky patna risky deal with
more cardiac
stuff hydroxychloroquine I've
used it
for 30 years and never seen
never even
thought about worrying about
the cardiac
stuff it's so rare if somebody
we're on
methadone with a prolonged QT
then we might think about it
but it's in
a normal heart situation no
No aah and so there you have a
this guy
a small data point that yes you
can say
about chloroquine but
is a whole different deal so
just something to keep your eye
but Trump felt the assault
coming and he
has an interesting response
he's putting
everybody on notice because of
course we
know how this works and I do
have a few
clips about the the business
model that
were looking into so here's the
Trump who all of a sudden out
of the
blue just starts talking about
then PEPFAR is the presidential
fund that is I think mainly
administrated by CDC in the
now throughout Africa but
around the
world and this has been keeping
alive who have AIDS that's the
story and
they're sticking to it and the
thing he does is he calls out
the good
work that some of the money
that is made
available to the NIH in their
budget is
doing and I think he what he's
here is by is isolating dr.
Burks from
what is about to come experts
at the NIH
is actually now recommending
against the
use of hydroxychloroquine in
with z-pak which is something
you always
willing to take a look fret
was the question I'm sorry here
we go
PEPFAR we're spending the
United States
for that help to the best of my
knowledge mostly in Africa six
dollars a year and that's one
age what
we've done for AIDS in Africa is
unbelievable we spent six
dollars a year that's been
going on for
a long time nobody knows that
never heard that I've never
heard that
six billion dollars a year
millions of people are living
right now
and living very comfortably
because of
the fact that we have found the
to that horrible horrible
plague that
was a plague but we spent six
dollars a year and from what I
hear it's
very well spent
done by professionals including
great professional right here
that was
the thing that you worked
hardest on and
something that was very close
to her
heart so it's you know it's
that I think people should
start hearing
the World Health Organization
we're just
finding more and more problems
and we
spend this money really well
there are
other ways we can spend the
five hundred
million dollars so that's his
wind-up so
he moves from and it's out of
the blue
there's no question about
he just says PEPFAR really good
hey it's
six billion dollars no one
we're the
ones doing that would keep up
people I
that's pretty good then he goes
into a
whole spiel about the World
Organization ridiculous that we
five hundred million dollars a
there the money's better spent
and then
it arrives but we can find
other ways
suspended where people are
going to be
helped we think it a much
greater in a
much greater way we're doing
research on certain people that
take a
lot of credit for what they do
and NIH
is giving away a lot of money a
lot of
money we give away for years
for many
years they've give away a lot
of money
and some people complain and
some people
don't some people are extremely
happy so
we're looking into that also
they're giving away proximately
as I
understand it recently more
than thirty
two billion dollars e thirty
two billion
and so we've been looking at
that for a
while and we're gonna be having
statements to be made about
that thirty
two billion dollars a year it's
a lot of
money and we want to make sure
being spent wisely and we've
been doing
that by the way and
we'll have some statements on
that we're
investigating certain people
who take a
lot of credit but they're spit
there's a
lot of money and a lot of money
looking into this money where
is it
going holy crap he put people
on notice
with that I'd say NIH which is
such a
cesspool yeah well that's where
moved this guy they move this
yeah yeah the guy who got to
push bacon
off of one thing and move to
the other
end maybe but did there was a
moment in
the press conference and
they're talking
about which somebody kept
bringing this
up and Trump finally got Kirk
and he to
me what he does in this clip is
he pulls
a Joe Pesci and he starts
saying you you
what do you know what way and
he just
goes after this woman she this
is the
gift the gifts clip where this
reporter comes out and she says
this man you think because he
has all
these gifts and he's his gifted
and she
keeps emphasizing this word
gifts until
a Trump can't take it anymore
jumps into
the into the into the fray dr.
and knowing what his gifts are
country's leading
experts on Maxine gifs best
suited at
NIH rather than Barba what's he
gonna be
doing with you what is he going
to be
doing it at the NIH are his
gifts best
suited to work rather oh yeah I
really think I can come in on
relative gifts I mean he's
gonna be at
the NIH and he's gonna be
from what I hear again this is
what I've
heard that he's gonna be
responsible for
the development of Diagnostics
which is
very very important the NIH is
going to
be involved in trying to
develop new
generation Diagnostics which we
feel is
going to be very important for
future of being able to
facilitate the
kinds of things that now are
problematic has great gifts or
what do you know him
no no but have you read it have
studied him have you reported
on him you
said his gifts his gifts I mean
but they
can't hit 150 that you talk
about his
great gifts he's well-endowed
many great gifts yeah you know
thank you
for bringing that up because it
how they're pulled their
circling the
wagons hey hey hey hey you got
way too
far in front of this man you're
the flag too much pullback
retreat stick him in
Diagnostics I don't
know what that was going out
with that
guy well he got out she pulled
him back
or someone in the NIH because
the Trump
is on to them he's a hunter
he's like
okay I didn't know about this
billion dollars for PEPFAR okay
reasonable how about the the
other 22
billion well at 32 what was
that's the
total so there's 30 there
should be 26
left after the after the six to
PEPFAR and then the 500,000 to
the w-h-o
I look forward to seeing what
he'll be saying about it in the
next day
Media is just gonna keep
attacking but
he'll do it in the briefing we
get to
see it we get I don't give a
crap about
you I don't give a crap do
gifts what is
this with this gift you know
this guy
you know this guy he's got
gifts that
was the gift seized that was
the gifts
that was the same reporter who
two days
earlier was she's an activist
although she she's been in the
room several times she's from
CBS and
that woman
well--there's yes this is not
the one
who worked for the Phoenix Hong
media but she her name is Wei
Zhang Wei
Xiao Jiang reporters oh listen
to this
exchange which is this is not
questions she has been sent in
to debate
the president and I'll hand it
to him he
debates her and I think the
whole idea
was let's send in a woman who's
anything he says will rip him
apart well
you can go look at the headlines
tell us woman to quiet down not
so loud
calm down racist Asian
something else on
TV today I have a question about
something you said on Thursday
which is
that you were angry because
about the virus should have
been told to
us earlier and a lot sooner
so what's interesting here is
she is so
there's really two there's
three tactics
one well used to be mass and it
ventilators now it's testing so
the testing and then there's the
timeline we still want to
through the CIA Broadcasting
this time that you dragged your
feet mr.
president you have blood on
your hands
that's what they're getting set
up with
the with the committee's for to
another impeachment many
Americans are
saying the exact same thing
about you
that you should have warned
them the
virus was spreading like
wildfire the
month of February said
according rallies
with thousands of people why
did you
wait so long and why did you
not have
social distancing until March
16 for
yours wheat judging with CBS
News so if
you look at what I did in terms
cutting off or banning China
from coming
in national she's got it off
yelling everything at him
or banning China from coming in
Nationals but by the way not
who are also I have to admit I
would not
I wouldn't say that to anyone
let alone
a woman nice and easy just
relax wait if
while you're interrupting me I
gotta try
it we should all try this man
is a good
idea if your wife is talking
just say
hey hey nice and easy relax the
rest of
this or not oh no I didn't know
is no
it's just it's I gotta stop was
funny people were amazed these
everybody was amazed that I did
it we're
21 people in a room everybody
against it but me doctor fell
she said
had I not done that perhaps
tens of
thousands and maybe much more
than that
people would have died I was
very early
very very early and we just saw
you so
Britt bear making a statement
they had a
debate well into February and
not even
mentioned it wasn't even
mentioned the
Democrats is this normal
behavior when
you're in the in the press
briefing room
with the President to just
interrupt him
and say and by the way I've
never no ban
you from being a getting
credentials for
being at all they're not gonna
do that
I mentioned it wasn't even
mentioned the
Democrats yeah okay you know
how many
people when I issued the bed
how many
cases a virus were in the
United States
when I wish you'd the bed you
know the
no no how many pieces remember
I said
one person how many cases were
here when
I issued the ban did you know
no no do
you have to be a researcher
that you
knew this was going to be a
pension tell
you what I did know it I did
know it all
I have to do is look anybody
knew it
just are you ready how many
cases were
in the United States what I did
my band
how many people had died in the
States he said loudly cases
were in the
United States I did a band
where I'm
closing up the entire country
how many
people died how many people
died in the
United States and yet I closed
up the
country and I believe there
were no
deaths zero deaths at the time
I closed
up the country nobody was there
and you
should say thank you very much
for good
judgment go ahead please she'll
be back
I predict this is not the end
of this
one I saw you like once this
but CBS
takes it to another level I got
to play
some clips yeah please this is
CBS just
a short clip nine seconds this
is the
kind of slant we're getting off
of CBS
this is the CBS slant as
protesters in
Richmond Virginia some link to
conservative groups descended
on the
state capitol they demanded
Virginia be
reopened for business what do
you mean
some link to conservative who
are the
other ones linked to oh man it
goes so
much further than this well
let's play
another one here let's go with
Nora with
the misleading opening good
evening and
thank you for joining us there
are two
major headlines as we come on
the air
tonight putting scientists at
odds with
the Trump administration
behind one of the leading
models one that the White House
repeatedly cited now says most
of the
country should not consider
stay-at-home orders until the
end of May
the new model comes as protests
reopen are growing and just as
southern governors are already
their restrictions meantime
tonight the
scientist in charge of
coordinating the
and search for a corona virus
says he has been abruptly
ousted from
his job because of what he calls
politics and cronyism dr. Rick
the head of a little-known
agency called
Barda says he was sidelined
refusing to push for what he
calls quote
on-demand access to
that is the drug that President
has repeatedly mentioned as a
for covin 19 even though it
hasn't been
approved for that use now all
of this as
the death toll in the u.s. has
passed 46,000 Wow this is worse
to this one this is the famine
clip yes further tonight the UN
warning that the pandemic is
putting the
world at risk of widespread
famines of
biblical proportions there are
concerns about food supplies in
country especially in America's
industry an explosion of
cases is forcing some
meatpacking plants
to shut down we've got more now
from CBS
2 Janet shamlian a major pork
plant is the latest to close
Tyson Foods
in Waterloo Iowa where 28
workers processed nearly 20,000
hogs a
day it comes after an outbreak
of at
least 180 kovat 19 cases there
and after
Iowa lawmakers failed an OSHA
even though the state's governor
resistant we can work with
processing facilities across
the state
to keep the processing plants
up and
going a USA Today investigation
150 of the nation's largest
plants are
in counties where the infection
rate is
spiking threatening not only
workers but
potentially the food supply any
plant or
factory across the country
could become
the number-one hotspot next
week if not
take this issue seriously
plants can be a breeding ground
for the
virus because many workers
spend their
days side by side this man who
from Kovach 19 and as we not
use his
name works at Smithfield Foods
in South
Dakota we are very close we can
use a
social distance at that place
I have a thought about this
again it's it's pork is only
pork it's
we're being now told be afraid
be afraid
and it would are we did have a
on the last episode who said
hey we got
nothing in the freezers so this
could be
true but I've received a couple
emails one of them Brian the
producer and it is also
possible this is
a complete price gouging scam
that buy
the meat pet by the Packers
because the
Packers have a lot of control
I guess contractually or maybe
I don't
know exactly how it works with
size of
animals you know much more
about this
than I do Jon so I'll tell you
what I
think I've understood and you
correct me so when it for
instance with
beef I think it's 1,400 pounds
is the
max this the animal has to be
slaughtered if you take that
animal to
market and it's over 1,400
pounds you
get dinged in the price because
doesn't fit in the right amount
of boxes
or something like that and what
apparently is happening is the
packers because of this but
because of
the slowdown they're taking
advantage of
some animals growing above size
pressuring the the ranchers the
cattle producers to move faster
either slaughter or get things
into the
system they're creating this
art and I'm
just jumping around here they're
creating an artificial lack of
because they're getting it you
they're getting this stuff for
two cents a pound turn around
and say $6
a pound limit to per customer
and now
all we why not close a couple
of plans
to jack up the price I don't I
think there's any reason for
this other
than good old-fashioned
American price
gouging well I I'm not saying
that's not
a possibility yeah in fact it
sense from the perspective of
what what we do i but i I don't
the media is involved in that
I think the media would like to
down the food supply to start
the public get out of office so
it's a it's a copacetic
relationship so
the media doesn't need to be
tipped off
they're all yes exactly
yeah yeah and the meat packers
mind getting some more money
for their
product and at the same time it
is the
product by the way note they're
going after they mentioned in
report goes on the Indiana they
go they
dare with their hounding a
woman that
the Republican governor of Iowa
just making her life miserable
she's a Republican I'm telling
you this
is so political this won't
covin 19
thing to get to just screw the
they don't care about the
country they
just care about their power
base and
they're worried sick yeah that
gonna get reelected just to
finish up
the the pork thing what better
item to
Jack the price up on than the
product that China desperately
needs has
promised to buy tens of
billions of
dollars worth as per the trade
that's exactly the one you want
to jack
up well they
also as a report that chicken
which is also part actually the
don't eat that much chicken
lead duck
and pork and the dr. Bob bats
are much
tastier and bats
why-why-why mess around with a
fry you got some bats hanging
around you
got a little wing in this one
so I don't
know well I'm just it's very
it's just
depressing to watch to listen
to this
a year yeah I don't think it's
depressing I find it highly
to be depressing cuz it's like
you were
these guys kidding and they
just keep it
up no we gotta yeah I know
where to go I
got Jimmy Kimmel's monologue
then and I
want to play that cuz you
triggered it
by saying you know you stay at
home it
was a conservatives Kimmel took
this to
a whole new level in his
monologue the
other day I cut it down cuz I
left some
in it's important enough to
still jokes
person for Disney in the
Chinese ABC
absolutely people are getting
especially people who are too
bright in
Florida on Saturday
I saw the hashtag Florida
morons was
trending and I tell well and
that could
mean a lot of things but what
it meant
was this the governor of Florida
reopened the beach in
Jacksonville and
of course no one followed the
fortunately there are no old
living in Florida who might be
at risk
so the governor of Georgia is
to reopen tattoo parlors and
alleys this week which I think
that's on
their state flag right and
thousands of
Americans in more than a dozen
have gathered to protest stay
at home
not too far from us in
Huntington Beach
this brave woman fought
passionately for
her right to all 31 flavors
there was
some very which now he's going
through a
couple of pictures most of
which are
jokes or not true so yeah a
woman says
she wanted her right to 31
flavors okay
creative signs that Illustrated
plight many are experiencing so
powerfully like I need a haircut
massage is essential jesus is
my vaccine
and Buddha is my personal
trainer I
think I know in Denver Colorado
was a standoff but protesters
and an
angry health care worker now
this was my
favorite I saw this go down
this is
total astroturf actually it's
worse it's
a photographer who would
licenses their
photos and their and their
videos this
was a health care worker no it
someone dressed in scrubs
completely plain scrubs very
for any hospital environment
standing there all kinds of
high-five and Adam looking look
across the street
just and in fact the woman in
the car
who's yelling at him she might
have been
in on it too this was total
setup and
the guy I'm sure made several
dollars sending this video the
buying this video and pictures
of the
so-called health care worker
bullcrap but okay Jimmy
Kimmel's all in
well you know what they say it
over till the fat lady screams
right wing talking point a
professional who's trying to
save their
so that's right wing talking
family's lives I'm sorry you
think these
characters who support Trump
might be
suicide and now it's the
characters who
support Trump you see how you
do that
you go through wing and then
characters who support from
lives I'm sorry you think these
characters who support Trump
might be
suicidal they seem to fight
hardest for
the things that will kill them
they want
freedom to gather in large
groups during
an epidemic they want guns they
pollution I figured it out they
want to
die and they're taking us down
with them
it's like if the Titanic was
towards the iceberg and half of
passengers were like can you
speed this thing up
and I have news for a Jimmy
Kimmel what
you and your colleagues will
supporters or Trump supporters
you might
want to try the actual term
which is
voters you stay away from that
part but
I think it's the voters you're
afraid of
maybe not the supporters since
brought it up a disney-abc
Jimmy Kimmel
completely towing the CCP party
line as
he should let's have a brief
little look
into the Disney Imagineering
which aired is airing now on
Disney Plus
Bob Iger who right around the
time when
this whole thing came down
resigned as CEO of the Disney
Corporation I'm thinking more
and more
now he knew what was really
coming down
the pike with his coronavirus
and was
just way ahead of it smartly so
cuz he
really has quite a bond not
just with
China but with President Xi
before a
rare public meeting with China's
president Bob Iger learned that
Jinping's father a
revolutionary leader
had visited Disneyland in 1980
pressed his staff to find a
and presented it to Xi as an
symbol of their future
I could tell he got very
emotional about
he didn't cry but tears welled
up in his
and he said to me at the time my
interest in Disney is not
rhetoric it's
from the bottom of my heart I
had never
heard a Chinese official echo
like that injecting their
emotion into a
discussion it was a big deal
such a big deal how do you dig
up a
photo from 1980 that
coincidentally cuz
it was the only Chinese guy in
the park
but there's more let's find out
what Bob
Iger really did with China for
Disney Corporation above all the
acquisitions of content and
above all
the advancements in technology
Bob Iger
staked his personal legacy on
opening an
ambitious new Magic Kingdom in
China in his eyes the company's
depended on it no wonder he had
to get
out yeah the company's future
on it oh really so in other
words if it
wasn't for Shanghai China
they'd be out
of business is that what he's
trying to
convey here as an idea that's
what if I
was a shareholder I'd bail out
immediately that has indeed
what the
Disney Plus streaming
suggests yeah I'd be out of
there if
Disney cannot survive without
Shanghai Disneyland
they got issues again Igor did
maybe for a reason well but
Disney is
still all in on it let's keep
the little
ones little human resources
let's keep
them fully engaged over there
on Disney
jr. pals Pluto and I have to
stay home
was pulling together to help
each other
get through the storm we help
each other
we're in it together and we'll
figure it
out together to my friends and
family I
can call them or imagine it's
all the time
anything is possible when we do
I've got your weight can make
it feel
better your family I won't let
you down
each other's hearts I'm going
to need
you guys as part of my team
we'll be okay as long as we
together stay for a patient
been kind
and remember we're all in this
kids fireworks we're all in this
that's pathetic yeah that's
what it is
is what we're pumping the kids
full with
now and it's pretty much all
you can get
everything else has been
siphoned off is
marginalized censored reminder
when this
started when was this this clip
this we
first played this clip on
beginning of
March some of the tech world's
names announced they are joining
together to combat the spread of
misinformation about the corona
virus on
their platforms that's right so
all working together how is it
out let's find out from YouTube
Susan Wojcicki
and she is very clear about
what they
will and will not tolerate on
youtubes about that is raising
authoritative information
raising but
then we also talk about removing
information that is problematic
yes of
course anything that is
unsubstantiated to people
saying like
the take vitamin C you know
take tumors
like those take tumeric like
those are
all will cure you those are the
of things that would be a
violation of
our policy anything that would
against World Health
recommendations would be a
violation of
our policy and so remove is
really important part of our
policy it's
a very important part it's
another tool
we have in our tool chest our
watch is
kind of bothersome but there's
a couple
of things that works I'm about
one is the you know ice there
was a
little tweet going around
naming the
three best newest podcast and
only ours
was the news podcast the other
two were
more philosophical including
frankly who I really like mm-hmm
this guy Frank and he's got a
else just to watch him work a
sure seven
be really matter I gotta get
just to
watch this guy work a mic but
he's so
good anyway what do you mean
work a mic
it's like he he's just the way
he just
weren't the mic he's like it's
you just
have to watch him work the mic
cuz he's
like it wasn't is he holding on
to it as
he's stroking it is he swinging
what is he doing he might be
something but it's not the mic
the he
goes off access but you can't
even if
you watch him and listen it's
like he
never really loses the volume
unbelievable I'm sorry I just
want to
hear this a little more about
this what
he's doing it was hard to get
it aroused
and it is hard to get it allows
okay his
podcast isn't the red pill
podcast is
the other one that was listed
yes I have
a clip from these guys and
they're doing
something called quarantine and
it's you
know it's kind of a millennial
aghasura hipster
but the way they start off this
is the
part of their podcast and this
because they're on YouTube and
I have to
ask the question of some of
podcasters is that do you
really is this
you are you just gonna be
beholding to
this YouTube operation because
not gonna let you do anything
really interesting if you have
to if you
have to if you have to do your
presentation like what we're
gonna hear
yes and before we start that I
would say
for many maybe the majority
half of the
whole objective is to bitch and
about YouTube's policies and be
able to
raise your own awareness by
being to
monetize it's a badge of honor
at a
certain point and I also don't
these people necessarily
podcasters but
yeah they think of themselves
so the
story of the day the most
story that we have to discuss
is the
story that we can't directly
talk about
okay you guys remember what
happened to
HRC in the DNC remember when
personal communications were
by probably Seth and then they
handed over to a journalistic
organization well something
similar to
that has happened think about
situation we find ourselves in
there's this large international
organization devoted to your
health and
well-being okay it's a
three-letter word
who could that be I don't know
you guys
can figure it out women he's
not allowed
to say Bill and Melinda Gates
got hacked that's what he's not
to say on YouTube is that what
hearing that's what he thinks
he thinks is the case so
they're beating
around the bush and they beat
around the
bush because they're on the
platform I mean it seems to me
that did
these guys should you find
their own
platform or this find some
other way of
doing this but I find it kind
of I don't
know it just bothers me that
subjected to this but continue
you'll see what they're talking
right and others say I own it
this clip
is too long they long for six
without really saying any
I stand corrected it is a
podcast I
didn't like a Doggett right and
while he's explaining this
think about
what the Susan Wood's whatever
that runs
YouTube think about what she
came out
and said yesterday about what
she's not
gonna allow to be on this
platform any
information about this company
so that's
why we're doing verbal judo
around this
stuff to make sure it's okay
but go
ahead but yes that's so the the
CEO of
this platform came out and said
that if
we talk about anything on this
that is in direct conflict with
that this global information
ization has
to say then we'll get our
videos deleted
so so we can't come out and say
something that contradicts
anything this
global organization sent has
said so we
need to be very careful well
they have a
patron somebody who was the CEO
of a
large tech company we'll just
call him
bill okay so the the the
foundation that
bill runs and this global health
organization who you might know
in contact with another and
then there's
another person who's an artist
her name
we'll call her MA
okay those are her initials MA
now she's
famous for a type of
performance ritual
she's got a lot of spirit to
her yeah
also she also really enjoys
cooking I
mean so they can't say Maria
and apparently perspective they
say anything so you show the
poor viewer
or listener and depending pay is
tortured by this and it just
seems to me
that this is not the way to go
it's not
it's kind of counterintuitive
well the
problem is the they have no
model I got
there you know I got no model
that's too
I I will help them out a little
since they have trouble saying
the Bill
and Melinda Gates Foundation do
you know
that that is not the original
name of
the foundation I do know that
it's not
the original name and I'd the
name was something dumb I can't
what it is there's a YouTube
video from
2008 and in this dr. Laurie
Sabin is
receiving an award and the
inducting her or ramping up for
award is talking about her
in all the different places she
and in 1989 or 98 it's on the
clip she
worked at a very interesting
agreed to meet with Lori's even
in her
colleagues at Johns Hopkins and
Institute for population
control well
that's not good knows Johns
again oh yeah if you're looking
for that
name it's been successfully
away from everything do we know
that's a legit clip yeah oh
yeah yes
it's very legit clip absolutely
you know
it's not like this is out of the
ordinary as seeing as bill
senior was
one of the founders or the early
participants of Planned
Parenthood this
is not not unexpected from
these guys
it's just always a little
jarring when
you hear it population control
that's ultimately where it's
all going
you want do vaccines you want
to take a
break because it kind of can
take us
right there now if you want
let's take a
I'd like to thank you for your
and say in the morning to you
the man
who put two seasoned vaccines
blenny morning to you mr. Adam
curry all
those ships at sea boots on the
feeding the air subs in the
water all
the Dames a night set in the
morning to
our trolls in the troll room
all on
lockdown I presume let's do a
count and we'll see trolls we
have today
oh here we go troll count is
1673 and
all of you hairy and ugly good
to see
you here no agenda stream calm
there or
they come from under the bridge
into our
troll room and this is a live
chat room
where you can listen to the
live stream
no agenda stream calm during
any of the
shows that are live on our
network of nutjobs no
commercials no
corporate interest you can find
great podcast as well no agenda
com no agenda so and you can
get your
invite for no agenda social
calm there
which i think is growing in
just looking at the numbers as
are looking for alternatives
where they
can say things like wow those
guys like
to control the population and
you can
say that and anywhere you want
the Federation you don't have
to be a
member of No Agenda social calm
to be
able to connect with us I'm
Adam that no
agenda social calm you can get
it right
through the Federation through
mastodons instance that
supports freedom
of speech and then a big in the
to Nick the rat for the artwork
Episode one two three five are
sequence episode the title of
that was
Corona fest now an annual
were very excited about Corona
fest then
Nick did well he had a combo of
much everything that we we
thought was
interesting for either a title
artwork this is the sign sorry
we are
closed due to the planned emic
knock the Finks yes it worked
there are
some websites cropping up that
demand that people get busted
the cops about their neighbors
being in
the yard my neighbors in the
yard you
know the so we have social
and that is social legend
well that's social snitching
yeah it's
knitting and there's I'm
looking at this
news story here a in st. Louis
used the sunshine law to
request the
actual emails of people so in
New York
Cuomo did it and all he got was
pics and Nazi memes I think
it's very
these guys don't think about
this stuff
hey everyone will do this
that's right
just send me a picture and tell
me where
the infraction is occurring dig
dig dig
dig dig
I got your read fraction right
you read through these emails
people are sending to the to
the NARC
line people are saying oh
there's a car
dealership is open there's an
auto body
shop they're too close to each
it's just it's it's crazy yeah
the media has caused this this
absolutely and this is what I
talking about earlier I think
this is
what the kids have got because
only getting snippets of it
they're just
getting seen clips pass by here
no one's watching news at all
that's true actually the kids in
particular yeah they're getting
no information or you know
unless they
listen to us you know I tried
to get
Mimi who still has her Facebook
and no matter what she says she
goes on
it but she I tried to get her
to give me
some of these rants that you
used to
read oh the Facebook rants yeah
she says
she can't get through one of
them she
just can't do it
it's like they're not funny
Terral I missed really I do
well so if
anybody out there has a says
run into a
facebook rant about some psycho
hysteric just going nuts
in May we read it well how
about this
hi I live on Revis the pawn
shop on
LeMay Ferry Road next to the
old Dairy
Queen plant it's still open
yes it was packed with people
coming in
and out non-stop there's no
reason a
pawn shop is essential in fact
amount of people and lack of
is going to spread fast also the
harley-davidson store has been
constant clouds during the day
now with the nice weather Joan
isn't sanitizing according to
employees no one needs to be
the virus on the fabric
touching it I fear for all of us
something like that yes I'm
exactly like
that other thing that was a man
you see
probably I was thinking of doing
competitive readings but it's
gonna be
hard to top you're kinda like
reading is
thank you thank you thank you I
I thank
God for giving me this gift as
you know
I've many gifts you know gift
I've many
gift many many gifts well let's
thank a
few people starting with for
show 1137
starting with ben ben sterling
and he
came up with 408 well first of
that's what I'll tell you what
okay let
me read a note that we didn't
get to
even though he did the
knighting ah this
is our Black Knight yes our
Black Knight
but we never read his note and
so we're
gonna start with his note yes
from the
front two shows ago it said
it's the one
two three four show in May in
morning from Charlotte whereas
a March
31st Charlotte PD has received
300 calls
from nark citizens reporting
stay at home order violations
mark I've
been a listener for a couple of
and this is my first donation
what's a
nice first donation by the way
one two
three four five may have addy
you've been deduced I dedicated
to my
dad Phil ko NX 73 I assumed to
died last
July of dementia no I
discovered the
show at a time when the disease
him to lose interest in a lot
of things
but I know if he had heard the
absent the disease he would have
appreciated your views on
globalism and
the mainstream media a lot of
people do
I unfortunately have employment
reliable income right now but
may I
please have a jobs kamar for
the Dames
nights and listeners out there
who need
it yes absolutely
you that's it we're done no oh
I'm sorry
I was I don't know why I was
Scobie we gave him the
knighting unless
show thank you for the
perspective it helps a lot when
I speak
with friends and family who
follow only
m5 mm-hmm it happens he said
and then he
said then he's also sent a song
in which
I'll send to you okay that
should do it
all right here's your jobs
karma jobs
jobs and jobs that's yeah
people who
have got nothing better to do
than call
in because they take everything
you know
it's I don't know what to make
of it
anyway let's just go on with Ben
sterling at $480 in Grapevine
Texas and
if I find my keyboard just here
on the
he writes howdy John and Adam
I've been
a listener from early on in
2013 I
started a sustained donation
removed my douchebag status
this donation brings me to a
belated knighthood I am the
dude named
men named Ben that hit sir be
Joe in the
mouth or below below below I
think yeah
yeah below be Joe below when I
heard his
donation on show one two three
four I
was ashamed that I didn't make
the trip
to the round table first
I can no longer wait please
Knight me
sir dude named Ben defender of
I'm sorry megawatts protector
of the
electric grid please add a
hookah and
hummus to the round table also
wish Serb below happy belated
for 22 jingle requests wt7
AOC 1984 - they had shut up
slave do we
have him on the birthday list
I've put
him on the bread you sir be
below yeah I
put him on the birthday list he
on yet okay and Jobs Karma's
well at the
end here is that what do you
want yeah
yep okay here we go jobs jobs
and jobs
Davis is up next from Lake
Washington 33333 I'm coming to
you as my
second donation bringing my
total up to
a devilish 666 not 66 across
the board
on my way to knighthood and
the fact that I'm finally
returning to
work building airplanes that
currently fly it's a few months
ago I
was punched in the mouth by a
who has listed who has listed
for some
time who was listed for some
time and
not donated so please call
Jeffrey Adams
out as a douchebag
keep up the good work and
please play
this jingle in order if you
don't mind
Biden whole load get out of my
you might die and that sounds
good thanks and is there a karma
associated with all that I'm
gonna I'm
gonna do it even better I'm
gonna add to
your sequence so he's hard to
get it
aroused and it is hard to get
it aroused
but we got it arose I'm gonna
give you
the whole load today
you might not I think that
sounds pretty
you've got Karma where's
executive producer Sir Charles
Knight of
the coin-operated laundromat in
Bloomfield Colorado two three
four five
six your crackpot and busco te
I think
free courage to make this
donation for
my smokin hot wife Courtney in
hopes she
can reach Dame hood before our
child comes in November hmm uh
ominous animus I'm sorry sir
animus if
you're listening and still
Dame dries please consider
helping make
Courtney a dame I'll even try
to get
slobozia or Dogpatch as the
middle name
for our first board
Amanda dog patch critic Amanda
dog patch
laundromat and then please call
these douche bags ready yeah
Anthony bag
check on Kyle and Aaron who
both tell me
they are subscribed under $50 a
but I am skeptical
oh we had the douche bag check
didn't we
douche bag douche bag
jingles old time rock and roll
ooh ham
flu baby growing goat karma F
cancer for
my cousin Heidi and jobs karma
for all
producers and listeners who
need it
peace alright sir Charles
Knight of the
coin-operated love the night
jobs jobs and jobs let's vote
for John
John kress ik parts unknown
22222 and he writes for show
1236 which
should be Thursday April 23rd
which is
12 yes this is the one thing I
saying you know I say 7 because
I put it
on the clip list Adam and John
our son
Andrew acress ik kress ik is
his 19th birthday this week
here on the
list can they accept
tu-tu-tu-tu-tu for
his next installment payment on
the road
to knighthood end was the first
engineering student he has met
some new
friends on campus and has
already hit
people in the mouth the show is
fantastic product can you
please play
two to the head goat scream and
can you
see that juice can you see that
about that one Nelson Mullins
in East
Lake Ohio - OH - OH - forgive
me pot
father I have douched although
smoking-hot wife first I had
all my
smoking-hot wife donated last
year not
donated since I did so in
person during
the 2008 Hot Pockets tour
that's this
when you stopped in Cleveland
which is
actually held in Akron in 2009
if memory
serves formerly maintained the
No Agenda
words web page over a decade
ago but
became disenchanted when I saw
the page
was drawing it less than a
hundred views
a week hmm consider yourself
please give a shout-out to my
shipmate Grand Duke Thomas
Nussbaum oh
we should do a proper shout out
for him
let's do it by the way John how
do you
manage to suffer through
listening to
Amy Goodman she's the most
voice on radio she sounds like a
munchkin who and
haled helium is speaking while
is standing on her chest
please d douche me you've been
karma for all producers now i
have to
mention the just jingle
requesters this
is again the third time an
example of
the random number theory jingle
can you see that juice and hot
and get out of my vagina I mean
really excelsior
oh my gosh can you see that
juice you've
got karma we only have five
today we're
back to lower numbers yep after
enthusiasm that people found
for our
corona coverage but now they
were taking
it for granted
folks take it for granted what
did I say
that's thing I want to thank
these folks
for producing executive
producing and
associate executive producing
show 12:36
yes and these are credits that
are just
as good as the ones in
Hollywood in fact
they're a little better because
work right now Hollywood is
dead there's
nothing going on Hollywood your
gets you nowhere your titles
here your
credits there for real executive
producer or associate executive
of the No Agenda show episode
one two
three six display it loud and
proud and
again thank you for keeping
afloat during this in a proud
2020 lockdown and will be
thanking more
people $50 in above in our
segment but a lot more show to
go please
consider supporting us and the
we're doing on Sunday show by
going to
Borat dot org slash and
and I'm ready to talk more
vaccines you
should love it too
our formula is this we go out
we hit
people in the mouth
one two spring something yep a
I'm sorry a shout-out hope they
do right
yeah walk down 2020
Wow John this is spectacular
yeah a little oh TG for a
moment not
enough to do the whole the
whole spiel
the whole song but I've always
against this let's encrypt and
anywhere that Google solely was
responsible for pushing that
single webpage everything has
to have
encryption and otherwise well
why well
I'll tell you why control and
all in on it Silicon Valley and
I have a
real-world example that I
wanted to
discuss this is specifically
these certificates and what
Google does
as kind of the the 800-pound
gorilla is
they put out statements from
time to
time and they say all right
we're now
supporting and I'm not going to
use all
the technical terms we're now
using this
version of encryption and it's
the same
stuff that's just a new version
you have
to end your certificate which
probably heard of if you have
any type
of web server you have a
that has to adhere to this new
if not then the website using
version which can be one
version older
than what Google is demanding
will be
downgraded in their search
and they're very clear about
this and
your senior do us all a favor
so avoid
zero who is of course does does
entire back end he's really the
honcho the the knight who
manages the
racks he he says okay I'm gonna
do a
full system upgrade and you
know this
happened a couple weeks ago and
you know
it's just periodic maintenance
he's got
another kid coming to he's got
kid here he's working on
getting a
bigger house but he does all
that in the
meantime fine everything works
and I get
a couple emails from people
saying I
can't I mean it shows up in the
app on
my on my phone or on my
computer I have
two examples in particular in
this case
actually Apple examples but it
download I get an exclamation
mark and
there's one or two other
podcasts that
also have this but all the
other ones
work this is always what is
your podcast
is broken it's not downloading
so we go
this here we go through a and I
do this with people my cell go
them multiple steps okay
delete everything Reese absque
Ribe okay
try it with the with our direct
URL you
know it's old all these
different ways
that I try and help people
could not get
it to work and so the best
example is
one of our producers has an
iPhone 5c
which he uses only for podcasts
guess what the internal
workings of that
system are not compatible with
the new
version of the certificate
upgrade and
this is how everyone is pushed
into the
upgrade chain
because we had to make a choice
we let ourselves be degraded in
algorithm which does result in
all kinds
of unnecessary bullcrap for us
or we deprecate so that people
older systems can can still use
functionally and sadly I have
to say we
we downgraded one step to make
sure that
people with older machines will
be able
to get this I mean it we were
without any encryption it's
just an mp3
file you're downloading that
was no good
we got D ranked we got all
kinds of
issues all kinds of warnings
and so now we upgrade and then
we start
breaking older devices this is
the trap
that we're stuck in and and I'm
squarely at Google clearly with
kind of collaboration with new
Apple and
other device makers oh yeah
yeah let's
just not do that isn't let's
break it in
those older systems buy a new
one slave
so that's what's happy to be a
yeah I'll get right on that
suing Google
to restraint of trade
antitrust its antitrust I'm
sure I'm
sure there's some class action
but that's not how I prefer to
what the
lawsuit can't do a suit cuz you
beat it Google anyway to just
stall yeah
good luck I find it very
disturbing that
they do this it's just for your
own day
you know you're better off with
a newer
device anyway I don't know what
problem is yeah man what's
wrong with
you yeah let's talk vaccines
for a
second I promise that just it
won't take
too long to get through this
report let's let's listen to
two clips
the first one is a recent one
with Bill
Gates he's the guy driving all
of this
who I think has also been put
on notice
by the president with his
looking into
NIH that's where all the money
is and
Bill's money is fungible who
the hell
knows where it's all going but
are claim and
a lot of things we're looking
into that
so we'll have statements later
on this
so for opening up there's you
there's a couple of ways to go
the one
that scares all the children
and I think
the vaccine is a big part of
that is you
can't actually fully go back to
without a vaccine this has been
Gates's yeah we can't really
concerts ever again until we
have a
vaccine hard
Inuk he doesn't bring up the the
passport and this one I don't
think but
just a broad overview of where
he knows
that we have to go it's it may
not be
where we wind up but it's good
to good
to hear him out and what about
trade-off you just mentioned
the economic pain what do you
think the
right balance is between the
of protecting people's lives
and the
economic hit I mean do you see a
situation where the global
economy could
be virtually at a standstill
for a year
or even more
well it won't go to zero but it
shrink global GDP is going to
take you
know probably the biggest
that's his
tilt because he he thinks it's
funny that's why he's always
year or even more
well it won't go to zero but it
shrink global GDP GDP is going
to take
you know probably the biggest
hit ever
you know maybe the depression
was worse
or 1873 I don't have a baby in
lifetime there I'm sorry what
was 1873
why did he say 1873 well I
don't know
what happened I mean I know the
and the big one was 1854 and it
destroyed the next one was the
next big
hit was in 1893 so 1873 I know
happened in 1873 I'm gonna look
it up
what you're doing that version
of 1873
1873 was that cholera
yes others talk about the
economic situation well he says
outbreaks in North America too
some 50,000 Americans I don't
know in
1873 oh the panic wait the
panic of 1873
you look up the panic of 18th
and exert
panics come and go you know
probably the
biggest hit ever you know maybe
depression was worse or 1873 I
know but yeah that's the point
this will
be the greatest economic kit
but you
don't have a choice people act
like you
have a choice people don't feel
going to the stadium when they
might get
infected you know it's not
saying okay
just ignore this disease and
you know
people are deeply affected by
these deaths by knowing they
could be
part of the transmission chain
and in
old people
their parents that grandparents
could be
affected by this and so you
don't you
know you don't get to say
ignore what's
going on here there are there
will be
the ability particularly rich
to open up it things are done
well over
the next few months but for the
world at
normalcy only returns when
we've largely
vaccinated the entire global
again the
laughs he lasts when he say it
about money or vaccines when we
vaccinated no I'm sorry he
lasts when he
talks about destruction of
lives and vaccines only returns
when we
largely vaccinated the entire
population and and so you know
there's a lot of work testing a
lot of
work on drugs that were
involved with
you know trying to achieve that
ambitious goal which has never
been done
for the vaccine that rises to
the top of
the list
I think he's laughing when he
does that
because he feels so superior
that he's
he's like you dumb fuck that's
what he
fuck you know the vaccine
vaccine is the
only way out
well guess not gonna go to zero
from cum
fuck it's gonna be bad for you
with a
little little peon hate this
guy now I
don't hate many people I'm
starting to hate him I think
you're not
the only one a lot of people
are really
showing a lot of ill will
toward Billy
and I don't think he knows
because he's
kind of isolated kinda I don't
think he
knows how bad it's getting I
see it
online I mean it's almost like
the other
hate the yeah the good he's
like he's
completely obliterated his good
will and
one of the reasons he's done
here he
hold on I'm sorry what good
will Windows
is a piece of shit no he's not
even at
micronet admit at Microsoft for
you know he just resigned from
the board
but the point is is that his
know his
good will as a philanthropist i
john d rockefeller did the same
everyone hated him when he was
Standard Oil but then because
he started
giving money where they loved
him and so
bills kind of picked up the
slack he's
kind of modeled himself after
john d
rockefeller and and he was i
thought he
had accumulated a lot of
goodwill and
now it's turned sour because he
has this
tendency to want to be on he's
on he's
too visible he's coming on
he's telling people they want
to get
chipped they wanted to put you
get a
card so you've been vaccinated
and he
pushes this I mean he just
seems the
evil to to many people he's
ditch this
is ruining it he's gonna be
sorry he did
this to Accenture to accentuate
point I want to listen or play
that intro to dr. Laurie Schwab
to what the in the introduction
about Bill and Melinda Gates
it's exactly what you just said
and doctors even got a call
from Trenton
Seattle about a potential
funding source
from an organization that would
focus on
international population and
reproductive health bill and
gates with just a little money
to spend
but a lot of skepticism about
academic approach they had just
a little
bit of money to spend
I'm all moist because I can get
with that money for my research
that's that's why that's why he
had all
that standing as a
philanthropist there
jizan over his cash right there
in the
intro I know that but now he's
everybody else's cash it does I
did pull
an ISO from that clip by the
way you
don't have a choice people act
like you
have a choice
it's pretty authoritarian what
do you
say in there you know yeah you
yeah this is really gonna he's
gonna be
I don't know yeah he had this
last time
he was promoting himself to a
to an
extreme when he was a little
approachable you could find him
you know
and wandering around town and
you can't
see that anymore
he got pied yeah three times in
a row
and that was the end of his
being public
a public guy yeah now he's
showing up
too much and he's got that and
little laugh he's got when he's
about certain things has really
got it
anyway yeah death and
destruction that's
when he laughs it's so dead
this is just
not a good thing for him to be
doing I
just don't understand what he's
what is
you know if you want to be a
philanthropist first of all get
out of
the way and start giving money
away work
on that you're not a big public
not supposed to be like a big
of a big public figure you know
your weight around I mean he's
responsible for the misery
called common
core yes we forgotten about
that another
winner the Vista of Education
ladies and
gentlemen yeah well that's just
fine and
dandy I'll have none of his
thank you very much I do want
to play
two minutes of a much longer
that I will have more for y'all
Sunday of Robert Kennedy jr.
Kennedy jr. is really opening
up in
these days of of the Bill Gates
is really pushing back hard and
this is
it's a fault he's calling from
the car
do it and I think this is I
don't I
think it's a podcast this guy
rocky keeps calling um Bobby
Bobby hey Bobby Bobby the piece
I chose
for you today and there will be
from this interview is the
patents how that works how the
works as you start to
understand that
NIH remember the 32 billion
dollars that
there's a lot going on in there
and a
lot of people are
are making out like bandits and
a lot of power and control and
overlapping and conflicting
agendas so
here he explains the vaccine
patent rule
as it pertains to the Health
and Human
Services all in general NIH in
particular and certainly dr.
work on a
vaccine you are entitled to own
part of
the pack they're all developed
by the
federal government and they are
out the technology has been
to these four companies which
are by the
way either and like you are
allowed to
retain a royalty and so back
scene makes
it the market you were
collecting money
on every files Oh a couple of
years ago
they changed the rules you can
say and
thousand dollars per year per
vaccine Oh
Tony found she has many many
one vaccine that he has which
is a way
of packaging coronavirus for
some other
vaccine some other you know the
guts of
the microbe whether got to the
Irish father you can you can
package it
in a protein sheet in order to
it making the protein she from
the HIV
virus packing it with a virus
virus and then delivering it
vaccine and it very efficiently
you know your are only the
organs that
it needs to reach in order to
give you
supposedly Oh Tony found she
ended up
owning that pack that patent is
by some of these companies we
don't know
how many but we know of at
least one
that is using it to make
vaccines for
the corona virus if you look up
Fauci patents and you'll get a
page a lot of patents his name
is on 150
K a year if it's used per
vaccine that's
an that's a nice it's like
publishing business it sounds
like the
music business but better yeah
I know
especially if you're working
for the
government discovery yeah funds
for the development of the
patent give
me a break
yeah no never deal as justice
should be
a pub owned by the public yeah
all the
Justice Democrats on this one
yeah well
they're not gonna don't don't
hold your
breath waiting for those
douchebags yeah
they may it's interesting cuz
the way if
out she got his name on that
patent is a whole nother story
itself which I'm digging into
there was some other research
who was
working there and she figured
out and then thought she heard
about it
and she wound up getting fired
and his
names on the patent it happens
in the
music business - that's why I'm
swag I
kind of make that comparison
it's like I
played on the record now is
this guy now
don't you see that he's ID says
it right
there his name is on the on the
publishing so it's a big scam
going on
at NIH well maybe that's what
after maybe maybe he's after
the woman
letdown we'll see what happens
just gonna make more people
want to get
rid of him yeah there's a I
mean this
thing with the bright guy who
quit you
know got moving oh yeah
Democrat plant I
mean please yeah but it's all
all it's all related these are
coincidences was taking place
that guy
moves foul she protects him
hydroxychloroquine is being
shut down as
an even a potted is being
confused with
chloroquine purposely meanwhile
is making the vaccine which is
completely funded by NIH I
think they
gave him a day
680 million dollars to make it
which was
all it was the first thing that
foul she
said Gilead and moderna gee
what a
two months later they're the
ones that
have been chosen to make it all
um let's talk about something
stupid the green new deal in
which I
can't wait for everyone to come
back and
start telling us the models are
what us we're going to die by
2030 can't
wait for Earth Day which was
was that
yesterday before that was that
Monday was yesterday yes it was
earth-death day did you get it
missed it
did you get any clips from
Earth Day no
no no clips to get well Michael
Moore as
Earth Day promoter as as
producer dropped as we say in
the biz
dropped a dock dropped a dock
planet of the humans and planet
of the
humans it's directed by a
different guy
bill whatever his name is who
has always
worked with actually I think he
sound and music score for
several of
Michael Moore's documentary so
the way I
see this since it is what is
his company
rebel media whatever it's
called not a
rebel media and the media rebel
now it's
produced by Michael Moore it
might as
well be him I think he's very
smart that
he did this documentary without
it about him this is a must
watch tip
must watch tip for everyone
listening to
the podcast and I'm gonna give
you the
good in the bad right off the
because what this thing does
debunks Al Gore his bullcrap
Sierra Club
three fifty.org the end does it
like I
really it's beautifully done
and it
could undresses Al Gore and his
generation partners and David
blood and
all these assholes who live in
thing again planet of the
humans okay
and what the documentary does he
shows that the entire green
agenda of a
renewable energy is based upon
backup energy known as biomass
there's over I think it's
between 1,500
and 2,000 biomass power plants
in the
United States and it sounds
really great
because you know you need
something to
fill up the when there's no
wind or when
there's no Sun when there's no
light so
that's when the biomass plant
kicks in
what is the biomass plant it
is a a a turbine so it generates
electricity based upon burning
burning wood chips burning
trees so the
what the documentary points out
is that
we are cutting down trees at a
pace which also of course
doesn't help
the co2 problem and we're
trying to use
that to save the earth from
dying of co2
so and it does such a good job
of that
and everyone's advance the guy
Al Gore wolololo a biomass well
around because they know what's
going on so it really destroys
Al Gore
that's great it does not for a
address nuclear not there's one
shot of
a nuclear plant for two seconds
that not
even addressed as anything of an
alternative in fact it has no
answer to
it has no answer to what needs
to be
done but it is saying hey
here's the
problem and we have two general
as specifically talking about
the United
States in this case and you
have a group
on the right who say we believe
in God
and we'll take it the way God
and the group on the Left who
are like
science and what the
documentary shows
is we're all afraid of the same
we're all afraid of dying and
that's why
this is such a contentious
point some
people say hey I know I'm gonna
die I
want to go to heaven I believe
in the
Lord Jesus Christ
and they're probably much more
at peace
than the other half poor just
afraid of
dying and this has been rammed
their heads with science the
wonder kids
are afraid to come out of their
during this pandemic reopening
there is
but but here comes there is one
overarching message it comes
around 45
minutes into the documentary
it's the
only clip I will play from it
and you
will in tight you especially
John will
understand the thinking behind
this and
who Michael Moore is teaming up
with now
though each of them takes
climate change
seriously every expert I talked
wanted to bring my attention to
the same
underlying problem there are
too many
human beings using too much too
fast as
a global community we really
have got to
start dealing with the issue of
population population growth
to be the not the elephant the
herd of
elephants in the room ten of
species that's come to dominate
entire planet he's smart enough
voluntarily limit its own
presence is
there any precedence
Wow we have to have our
abilities to
consume reigned in because
we're not
good raining them in if there
seemingly unrestrained
resources species
hit the population wall a lot
and then
they crash I mean that's a
common story
in biology if that happens to
us and in
a way it's the natural order of
and I don't think we're going
to find a
way out of this one I don't as a
scientist what leads you to that
conclusion well because right
now the
large percentage of that that
number is
supported by industrial
which is heavily subsidized by
oil and
it's not sustainable and you
know and
there's no going back without
seeing some sort of major
die-off in
population there's no turning
what's the thing that nobody
ever asks
you that you want - nobody's
ever asked
me if I'm scared yeah yeah I am
actually am scared I lose sleep
over all
of this and we're back with the
Population Bomb those guys
never let up
they made a hole I mean started
in the
70s remember yeah these were the
original global warming dudes
started with the well they
start with
cooling but it was always about
population underneath it all
and then well and that's the
the whole thing is Al Gore is a
charlatan loved that because he
expertly undressed and exposed
for the
fraud that he is very well done
sadly it's like well talking
about Al
Gore being undressed
sadly the documentary leads you
to mouth
the Bill and Melinda Gates
for population control now
doesn't it
how could we do that I think if
we had a
vaccine maybe it's just a
thought okay
so you say asked if I had any
Earth Day
clips I do oh goody because I
to the Earth Day town-hall
between Biden and Gore oh no way
perfect what is what if what a
fest what
a celebration of earthing yeah
let me
just give you a classic example
of what
kind of clips I have here this
is a this
is the Biden Gore favorite gem
here's what he says I think we
have an
opportunity to turn the the
changing the
climate the generating a
green infrastructure he's on
point yes
well then let's go to the
longer rambles
okay let's go to the long
ramble look by
the way Donald Trump is really
stable genius indicated that
windmills caused cancer I that
was news
to me and everybody in and I
and I won
everywhere else around the
country is
doing this but you know I mean
hey come
on you know I visited a soul
and you've
done this all around the world
touching solar plant outside
Las Vegas
the ibw work is attention are
60,000 bucks a year clean
energy was the
engine of recovery for from the
Recession when I when the
asked me to get engaged in
dealing with
the Recovery Act
it's going to be even bigger
now a
bigger engine in terms of
recovery from
this economic storm that we're
through right now and it's
logical and
it's rational and so well the
one of the
things that I think is
happening now you
pointed out that American
business is
realizing they've got to cut
they got a
price in the car that they they
have to
have to price it in the price
of carbon
and the way they're done they
want they
are looking at their bottom
line and
reduce the carbon well you got
the major
unions in the country have
endorsed me
they now realize this
transition is
going to happen happen anyway
and they
should own it they should be
the people
who in fact have the access to
these new
good paying union jobs and so
look there
I'm getting too excited about
program man look look look okay
let's go
in with another well just want
to review
what did he just say there I
have no
idea this is so bad well here's
sewer ramble asked we would ask
me that
same question after this one
yeah now
we're looking to say my lord
you mean
that same person who who kept
my sewer
open and my basement not
flooding the