June 28th, 2020 • 3h 5m
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oh you know we're so sorry here
in Texas
Adam Curry is no agenda curry
and from
northern Silicon Valley where
we say
search merge I'm Jessie Dvorak
I thought
you were indeed the Celine Dion
of of
podcasting you blew out the
settings their honor on that
one do you
do it do you do it in the
morning to you
I'm glad you're here in the
morning to
you and in the morning all
ships to sea
I'm glad you're here I had
boots on the
ground I was worried I was a
little why
all cuz of the search well yes
we have the surge and then your
didn't show up this morning and
I put
two you know two and two
together and I
just see you slumped over your
at night you know it's like he
buzzing around my head oh my
god they
got him the Rona finally it
happened in years that I haven't
received your clips well I sent
him yeah
I know I know can you turn down
speaker's just a tad yeah this
new setup
is so sensitive that how's that
yeah I'm
sure it's much better
what would you say before we
start I do
this every it seems 2 to 4
years way
stop what you're talking about
one thing
to stop what happened how can
we didn't
get the clips that you're using
I sent
it to your jima your secret
account and Gmail as always is
the most
reliable mail system in the
world I've
never said that and they oh
I've never
said they're no maybe it's not
you're making an accusation it's
no it never arrived and then
every once
in a while something like that
with Gmail there's just you
look it
never arrives it never gets
there mm-hmm
you're looking to spam it's not
nowhere right and this happens
on the
newsletter a lot yeah yeah it's
well maybe it's your name I
don't know I
think Google Google definitely
deploying all kinds of filters
and I
can't blame them the most
recent one it
was kind of interesting one of
producer says oh I can't
believe it I
put a copy of the John Bolton
book PDF
on my shared Google Google
Drive and
they deleted it it's like you
don't underst
yes I archived this myself is
it on your
shared Google Drive he doesn't
get it he
doesn't get it it doesn't get
it and
like please understand it's
you know you can't be doing that
it's bad enough I even told the
that I sent you that PDF that
was sent
to me but you had already
received it
because it was buzzing around
it's like
one of those things but don't be
surprised if someone if if a
Valley company is scanning for
yeah they don't get busted and
doing the same with DMS if
certain words that you use
it'll say
we're having trouble processing
this DM
request or they said to me yeah
yeah of
course it's happened yeah I've
seen that
missus horse of course it's
and we'll get into some of that
because there's some some
developments but the first
development I
need to speak about is
performing writes
every couple of years I don't
know why
you you old as I'll stop to
show for a
second and mentioned everybody
you have
explained this at least five
times over
the 10 years you do it at least
every two years and it's
pathetic that
people don't know this and it's
more pathetic that the bands
who moan
and groan about the system that
signed up to be in make it seem
though that they have more
control than
they do so they can just do
signaling because they don't
like Trump
you may continue there is
something different this year
actually trying to pull a fast
one and
I'm on to him and
the Trump campaign could
possibly be in
in trouble depending on what
they blow
you better explain the whole
thing from
scratch is exactly what I
intend in this
case we're only talking about
rights performing rights is
part of the music business the
industry and it is to ensure
that when a
copyrighted work whether it's a
that someone is performing live
singing out loud whether it's a
is all based on the term
whether you're playing a record
playing the song through
speakers to an
audience it's all venue based
if you
have a radio station and you're
rate as songs on the radio that
is a
performance right and now
there's many
other ways that money is made
in the
music business but just keeping
it to
this for this moment the the
for that performance right is
50-50 between two parties that
own the
copyrighted work 50% goes to the
composer so if we say the
Beatles that
could be Lennon McCartney
because it's
you know it's part song it's
part lyrics
so both of them will get credit
and the
way depending on how they set
it up back
in the day that each get 25% so
half of
the 50 but 50% goes to the
writer and
the composer the other 50% goes
to the
publisher and the publisher
this is what
all musicians always get
screwed on
taking my Paul McCartney
example he
didn't owned the publishing
rights to
his catalogue in fact Michael
owned them and it's incredibly
because this enables you to
license the
song for any type of use
commercials you
name it
by law do you have a anyone has
right to perform any
copyrighted work
that is the law certainly in
the United
States and because it would be
a free
speech issue if you just want
to get up
and sing a song now if you do
that in
front of a large enough
audience which
is specified in the law as over
square feet there's a couple of
parameters and how many people
would fit
into that space you have to pay
royalty to the composer and
50% and the publisher 50% by
law there
are only a couple of
organizations that
are allowed to be
intermediaries between
two venues
so that's concert halls radio
etc bars you name it and the
and and the rights holders the
publishers and the writers and
in the United States we have
and SESAC and as a owner of a
song you
register with one of those
and and how that works and why
three of them and but you can't
start a new Performing Rights
organization they're all
nonprofits and
they collect money from radio
could be about 2% of their
they'll collect either a per
case or a
revenue basis of large arenas
and they
get what is called a blanket
license you
can play any song from their
so in the case of Tom Petty
that would be ASCAP in the case
of the
Rolling Stones that would be
BMI they
both function more or less the
same it's
political there's reasons why
people are
with one or the other the venue
needs to
have deals with both of them
and again
that's how you get a blanket
license you
can play anything you want it's
important because the blanket
means that you literally can
anything you want
there's no no take-backsies
it's like I
can play it and and we already
know what
I'm paying for it to the part
of my
revenue or ticket sales etc and
and you
can play whatever you want they
can't go
back say no no you can't have
that the
only way that can happen is
this as if
is is when the rights holders
composer and the songwriter and
publisher say stop we're
pulling it from
the catalogue now that will
never happen
in a million years that pop the
as let's say Tom Petty or hit
his estate
can say shit we want it taken
they're not going to because the
publisher will never do that
not stupid he said he all he
sees is
controversy and this is great
the songs
getting airplay people are
talking about
more money's being made it is
statutory due
you have to explain why you're
using Tom
Petty is the example because
Tom Petty's
family also just recently
Trump with a lawsuit over using
I won't
back down there's two cases now
and is
that that's why I mentioned
Tom Petty Tom Petty estate has
through ASCAP for performance
and the
Rolling Stones through BMI so
it's two
different organizations but
they're both
trying to do the same thing or
they both
would like to do the same thing
which is
make as much money as possible
with that
little hassle as possible but
really in the middle they have
no say if
you give the rights to the song
or you
don't give the right to the
song there's
no in-between okay so a venue of
remember this is always for the
oh sure
let me jump in to where you're
on your
hmm this there's logical
reasons for
this and the one main one is
you don't
it that way you don't have to
every damn thing that happens
oh it's
impossible it would it would
never would
be it would not be possible
nobody make
any money
and there's reporting
requirements you
have to you have to report
which songs
were played and that
information is then
and this is always
controversial within
the music business ASCAP BMI or
they have some magical formula
and so
they take in 2% of the biggest
stations of their revenue in
the United
States and they say well and
this goes
to this person that person and
a lot of
people feels like no one really
how it works but successful
people seem
to get more successful through
system this is always
throughout history
been based on the venue the
venue is the
conduit it is the arena it is
the bar
the club it is the radio
station it has
not been the person that's why
as a band
you can go perform at a club
and ask how
BMI is not standing there
saying hey you
play you sang these songs man
you gotta
pay us money
no the club takes care of that
how it's always been it's
always been
venue based to my knowledge
never been an a single person
or entity
who has received a performance
license so I it would it would
interesting but I would love to
be able
to go to ask how BMI and say hi
could you please license me so
I can
play whatever I want wherever I
want it
and and I'll pay you directly
they'll be
very interesting but it doesn't
cuz it's never been that way
until now
there's two changes which if
slips in or
they're trying to slip in for
the first
time and coordinated ASCAP and
BMI are
both creating campaign and a
entity licenses so they horses
they are
trying to change the burden of
performance from the venue
which would
be what's the big arena that
Trump was
in in Tulsa I can't remember if
some all
right so whenever there's a
there you know a band shows up
they play
there's twenty thousand people
whatever fits in the arena
eight hundred
thousand a million who are
going to come
they fit in that arena the
venue pays
the band doesn't but now ASCAP
beyond BMI both have said no we
that this is different and I'll
tell you
why in a moment
and so the venue might have to
pay but
really you the political entity
has to
pay even though you're
performing it
just like a band who could be
you choose a political band
they play
political songs lots lots of
did Dixie Chicks I'm sorry the
chicks if
they don't have to pay for but
and BMI have come out with these
licenses and I'm going to read
you the
pertinent language from the
license this license is issued
to an
individual's candidate specific
and extends only until the
candidate is
sworn into office not for the
for a full term in office I
have no idea
where they could have had in
having such licenses in place
guarantee that no matter where
you have
a campaign stop the
performances of
music at the events would be in
compliance with copyright law
so what
they're I think what they're
trying to
say and this will go
to court is that if you have a
stop like a stump speech that
would be
and then all of a sudden you
are the
venue you're the performer and
the venue
which has never been done
before I don't
think it's even legal but
that's what
they're trying to say even if
they say
here under can political
campaigns rely
on venue licenses because
licenses for
venues such as convention
centers and
hotels generally exclude rights
perform music at events
organized by a
third party political campaigns
their own ASCAP license to use
the works
in its repertory this is very
language but it they're they're
to hoodwink you convention
centers no
tells generally will not
license music
because they don't want to pay
for it so
they say hey are you gonna play
music at
your event no okay
then we'll just call ASCAP and
there's no license for this
that's not because they don't
they pay
licenses differently when
they're in a
hotel they don't it's they just
say we
don't want any music so don we
won't pay
for a license that's very
because it can get very
expensive if you
have hundreds of thousands of
attending an event and if it's
hard to
count etc now it's set now this
is great
because licenses for venues
such as
convention centers and hotels
exclude rights to perform music
events organized by third party
political campaigns need their
licenses to use the works in its
repertory this makes sense it
because the third party
organizer is the
main beneficiary of the
performances not
the venue and is in the best
position to
control the performances for
this reason
event organizers in this case
campaigns have traditionally
responsibility for obtaining the
permission from rights holders
I know
it's kind of smoky legalese but
the point it's not true it is
not true
who is the beneficiary of the
rally in Tulsa I ask you John
well I'm I
kind of fell for their language
I think
Trump should have been so the
campaign does not pay the venue
money bullshit they may pay top
for the venue it's no different
arrow Snider right the venue's
okay you got me you got me
that's what
they're trying to you I'm I'm
mm-hmm the venue is not giving
the space
away for free no of course not
and they
never have and they never will
furthermore just was the same
as a rock
it's exist any different it's
different different all nuts a
moreover in seventeen us code
Section four limitation on
rights exemption of certain
and displays so we're it true
that the
venue did not get any money did
benefit at all and only the
campaign benefited because he's
to become president I guess
that's a
benefit I'm not sure before you
know it
every every Republican will be
because they got a benefit for
you know
of some something but
specifically if
you have a performance in a
venue of
non-dramatic literary or
musical work
otherwise than in transmission
to the
public without any purpose of
direct or
indirect commercial advantage
without payment of any fee or
compensation for the
performance to any
of its performers promoters or
organizers then No Fee would
have to be
paid so their argument doesn't
stand up
they're saying or the venue
benefit okay
but then someone has to benefit
if no
one benefits monetarily
commercially then no
performance fee has
to be paid so they're doubly
full of
shit here's the here's the rub
and this
could have happened
BMI who have a very similar
license and
these are all new I've never
seen these
before these are coming out of
The Rolling Stones our legal
team is
working with BMI BMI has
notified the
Trump campaign on behalf of the
that the unauthorized use of
their songs
will constitute a breach of its
licensing agreement if Donald
disregards the exclusion in
persist he
would face a lawsuit for
breaking the
embargo and playing music that
had not
been licensed what BMI says in
article is that the Trump
campaign has a
political entity license from
BMI if
that's true and it's very
possible that
some bonehead some douche
dickhead went all Russia buff
then I think they're in trouble
if you sign its it will
supersede the
blanket license if you sign an
license agreement with BMI
which states
that you have a blanket license
however any of their members of
performing rights organization
publishers songwriters
composers can
refuse their track their works
to be
performed and that would have
to be with
a written you know a seven day
written whatever but then they
pull that so if the Trump
campaign sign
of deal with BMI as they state
in this
in this interview then they're
with BMI if they didn't I think
they can
keep going or as long as they
want but
right but I think these two new
are do not hold up to the codes
this is all written in the law
it's all
copyright law they're just
creating new
shit out of thin air and
everybody's on
board with it so there you go
so in this
case if something may actually
but I'd have to see that the the
campaign actually had I don't
think they
have one with ASCAP cuz ask how
say that but ASCAP kind of you
lifted their skirt thereby
saying well
you're the venue does it it's
really the
campaign that benefits so they
should be
paying which would be the same
as Taylor
Swift's and well Taylor Swift
is really
quite rich and she Oaks
is really benefiting from this
she should pay instead of the
arena let you okay well I think
it you
got it right that's done yeah
got it fortunate brings a
couple of
questions nobody hate to
belabor no no
no go ahead
questions are good is this is
complicated people that don't
seem to
understand that a band for
example I
must you're a singer or a band
and you
play somebody else's written
and then when it goes on the
radio the
publisher and the right or get
money but
the band gets nothing in the
States the band gets nothing
don't seem to understand that
well and
it's so when you listen to
well well here's okay here's
well first
of all let me give you one
other piece
of information the the the
campaign the
political entity license would
about 60 cents per person and
just let
you know what what's what's on
the table
here so you know is that a big
data set
normally there's no normal
that's the
thing it's all this is one of
the big
problems people have that
they're 60
cents per person is too high
that's but
that's what they calculate this
to be
for the political entity it's
very high
expert person yes it's really
out there
listening has cost them 60
cents to
listen if you're at the rallies
just nip
it of a stone son well it would
cost the
campaign 60 cents yeah was for
the whole
events not not per song but the
event for the whole event and
just for
being there anything that was
played for
the whole event yes 60 cents
per person
yep a quarter constitutes a
whole event
just from beginning to end you
know what
music what about the beginning
of the
campaign to the end of the
campaign in
November well I think so that
no it's
there you're right that this is
a good
cash all everyone ever says is
Trump all
Trump campaign so he's
that's a very good point but I
they still do that venue based
how many
people were in each venue or
each stop
at each time when the meter
running who the hell but the
people who
go to venue after venue this a
bunch of
grupe yeah they gotta pay again
now this
is where it got complicated
artists were getting screwed in
deal yeah and this is
historical that's
why you you know you got the
the famous
old blues singers hey I'll give
you a
Cadillac shut up and I got all
rights and they got screwed out
of out
of everything but they got a
Cadillac so
that is just the way the music
was set up when they set up
this is where everyone tried to
in and change it and this is
where a
carve-out was made for artists
artists who were to perform on
the song
and this is why it's a
carve-out because
it's not just for the singer no
gonna go all the way down to
the guy who
cleaned the keyboard so that
gets split
up at whatever piece it is and
different for each different
venue and
that whole thing is a complete
I don't think anyone is really
with with how that's done and
numbers are so low that no one
seems to
make any money certain the
artists don't
seem to make any money even
publishers still do okay but
those are
direct deals with Spotify etc
it's an
it's you don't have to go
through the
the existing performing rights
organizations anyway that's a
story for
another time the bottom line is
before has it been possible to
to lot to
license the person performing
for the
performance right apparently
that is now
taking place and if Trump
signed it
they're boneheads then I think
he'll have to still have to pay
it which
won't be possible because the
would say and I think they own
their own
publishing they say hey you
know pay us
a million dollars or whatever
so that
was little stones yeah they're
picky about who gets to use
their stuff
I mean Bill Gates and it up in
years ago with Windows 95 tried
license the stones thing as
part of
their advertising campaign
start me up
for a while
I thought I thought he did that
wasn't too full and they wanted
it for
our whole advertising campaign
and they
couldn't get it or maybe they
did get it
for something I think they got
it for
some venues and for savings
well that's a performance right
why they go that's how they got
but they
never got it for there you can
display the advertising case
that's all
that's a whole different venue
that is
by the way the publisher the
does have control over that but
then you
have mechanical rights sink
rides a
whole bunch of shit that run
that you
wrote into it it's a mess so
whole thing
is a giant mess is a good way
wants to sing a song for God's
sake it's
exactly exactly
well welcome to Texas where
we're dying
get your mask on they'll say if
one of us hold on before you go
to the
master you just play this
little duel ad
that's going around this is not
a mask
so you get in the mood get in
the mood
this is not a mask this is
it's for getting out and working
anywhere other than home this
is not a
mess this is solidarity it's
for opening
the door to a friend and
keeping the
doors open to your favorite
places this
is not a mask this is a sign of
please are you kidding me it's
love baby
mask is love mask is love
get enough of those all right
what's going on this is all
it's 100 percent bull crab ink
we're not
dying we're okay here in Texas
either emailing me we are going
to live
and thankfully one articles is
some traction I tweeted it a
couple it's
from when is this from this is
from June
25th so this is already three
days old
this is from the CEO of which
services I see and this is a
thesis from
Reuters Texas hospital CEO Coe
impatient count misinterpreted
level of
alarm unwarranted and a lot is
in this
article but the main point of
article is that people who
before the
lockdown could not have
elective surgery
and this is not facelifts it's
you know
stuff like there's artery
surgery these
are these are called elective
and people are going back in
and they
are getting tested and if
they're there
for a heart valve and of course
need to be tested because in a
the most dangerous place to be
if it's
positive then they're listed as
a kovat
case even though they are
asymptomatic completely
asymptomatic and
so we have people in the let's
see the
chief executives of Houston
Memorial Hermann Health System
Luke's health Texas children
they all said hey the number of
hospitalizations are being
misinterpreted and quite
frankly we're
concerned that there's a level
of alarm
in the community that is
right now now why are hospital
rooms and
emergency room stacking up
people are going in now now
they have
other illnesses and they look
at the
lines for testing that's
testing it is young people who
are going
to get tested because
they're afraid they're all
protesting or
they're working in retail and
they want
to be safe even the CDC the CDC
is saying this is not a big
deal but you
haven't heard this report
except if you
were watching CNBC which as you
you're podcasters do hey Kelly
let's start with that CDC
briefing the
remarks just coming just now
from the
call that just ended the CDC
really taking a different tone
we've perhaps heard from dr.
pouchy in
the hearing earlier this week
we're in a very different
position now
in the pandemic than we were in
and April now he said he is not
playing the significance of
these new
cases but he did point out that
many of
the new cases are in younger
people who
he said quote in the past I
don't think
we diagnosed these infections
he said
that from the CDC's perspective
only 110
to 120 counties in the US are
hotspots are having significant
transmission pointing out
that's just
about three percent of the
counties in
the United States and we also
noted that
the CDC has been doing ongoing
surveillance of antibodies
using blood
samples to try to tell who's
exposed to the virus and he
said the
estimate now that five to eight
of the American public has
infection whether they
recognized it or
not they may have been aged
he said that some states that
were less
hard-hit could have prevalence
of under
two percent whereas areas like
the New
York area that was harder hit
would have
fewer susceptibles so perhaps
number of those with antibodies
he said
that the CDC currently
estimates 10
people have antibodies for
every one
case now he did reiterate he's
downplaying the risk and that
we could
see a follow-on increase in
hospitalizations and deaths
within three
to four weeks and part of the
risk of
younger people getting infected
those who don't know that
they're sick
is that they could pass it on
to more
susceptible people but Kelly
happening as of course we're
these headlines from Texas
about the
state pausing its reopening
where it is
and in four counties that are
hard hit
telling hospitals that they
can't do
elective surgeries to make sure
they have capacity for kovat 19
this is we're seeing headlines
Houston that they are exceeding
ICU capacity so quite
concerning but the
CDC director saying a very
situation now from back in
March and
that's the point it's a very
situation now but we're doing
the worst
thing possible we're choking
people with
muzzles and sending them back
indoors is
well a couple of things here
first of
all see CNBC tests do this
because they are the rest of
gonna play NBC stuff I got NBC
just the opposite of this it's
the same
org is it organization for
reasons or sec because they're
trying to
tell people about how to invest
in the
stock market and they have to
give them
closer to the truth the truth
you can't
start bullshitting them and
it's also a
violation of sec and all the
rest of it
yeah you can't you know if
you're gonna
be doing stuff about the stock
market is
very richly controlled and you
can't be
bullshitting the people without
into trouble yeah NBC of course
which is
not talking to those same
people they
can say whatever they want let
me play a
couple these clips here's a
good Horror
Show clip this is the one in
this is the cove SS Kovac AZ
rap night
Arizona hitting a record number
of new
cases the state is one of the
coronavirus hotspots in the
Jasmine's mother Lorena is one
of over
20,000 new cases this week
despite the
staggering numbers the governor
resisting adding new
restrictions but
urging people to stay home but
we talked
about the idea that we want to
lives and save livelihoods all
this will
demand for testing that was
Adler wasn't
it wasn't our stupid mayor
Adler no that
was no that was she all sound
the same
death day we talked about the
idea that
we want to save lives and save
livelihoods all this will demand
protesting surgeons long lines
of cars
it's people wait for hours the
acknowledging the shortcomings
we want
to make it as easy and
convenient as as
possible it's not gonna resolve
overnight in Darrell Brandt
unable to
secure a time slot at any of
his nearby
testing locations sometimes
people have
to wait multiple days to even
find a
testing slot and that of course
it's not
ideal because we need to start
tracing immediately hospitals
are now on
the brink ICU beds fill to 87
capacity dr. Natasha boo-yan
giving this
dire warning I'm really worried
where this is going in Arizona
I think
people are starting to take it
but we are seeing this surge in
we're not seeing it slow down
Orange man
bad just provide a report bring
up which
is one they show waiting lines
that are
have to be five miles long for
for testing because everyone's
jacked up is the same here
sneaking around parking lots and
everything yeah why are you
tested if you have no symptoms
I'm gonna
ask you this is just a
question what I'm gonna tell
you go
ahead ask the question I'll
tell you
okay a couple you you have zero
you don't know you've even been
you have nothing going on and
you and
you feel the urge because of
you feel the urge to wait in
literally for hours and hours
to get
tested John tell me give me the
explanation for that kind of
behavior well starts with an M
ends with
an L Millenial there are there
are young
people I have to call them just
for ease
Millennials because Gen Xers
hate the
Millennials and the genders hate
everyone hates the Millennials
right now
are quitting their jobs because
don't feel safe okay
just let that sink in not even
take it
not even waiting for a furlough
er and D
quitting their jobs and this is
happening in retail because
they don't
feel safe oh my god so-and-so
was at the
protest and they have they have
it now
they they're sick so I'm gonna
go get
tested was that person tested I
know but I'm gonna get tested
and yeah
and they'll sit in line for
five hours
with avocado toast and their
and their
yeti coolers and whatever it
takes to
get tested yes that is what's
going on
this is nothing else to do half
of them
are still unemployed yeah the
right the
spin studio closed down again
because of
this and I was there on
Wednesday and
was filled this to urge the
surge and
remember we they're only
allowed to have
11 people in these classes 11
riders and
one instructor only five showed
up of
which one was me come on people
distanced by 12 feet in the
studio and
so a second point is when they
people should listen to this
when you
listen to these reports when
they in
other words don't listen to
talk it doesn't mean anything
if there
was one case and then there was
cases oh it's gone up 500% so
they say
in that report and I got to two
more of
these to play which are all
from NBC the
same people who I think it's
it's the mic all right so the
point is
to get back to my point which
was fight
you know you don't go by
percentages so
when they say to you in this
last report
and I still think is absolute
gem that
you had to see and be supported
works beautifully I love others
I see
yous are 87% full well you want
percentage rate fold to make
money don't
well that but how many are
there yeah
that's our they are there ten
million I
see a I see you units that are
87% full
or they're ten of them yeah it
kind of
gives you the impression like
shit this
only let me see like 13 left 13
left with anything but in your
you're going that could be 13
beds who
knows we don't the point is
they don't
if you tell somebody you have
87 percent
full yeah full from what base
is it a
base of there's 10 total a
hundred total
a thousand total it doesn't mean
anything does not so this is a
kind of
crap that NBC does it let's
listen to
another before this is NBC this
is the
surge kids getting scared
Arizona and
Texas where Kovac cases are on
the rise
primarily among young people in
miami-dade County the number of
coronavirus cases among 18 to
34 year
olds increased fivefold in just
month communities are now
tracing these
out one to five restaurants 21
Adrianna Carter in San Marcos
Texas went
out for a few drinks with
friends that
report didn't go well let me
let me let
me explain how this is going to
this is this is how they should
done the report durant's 21
year old
Adrianna Carter in San Marcos
Texas went
out for a few drinks with
now she's dead what harm could
that do
you know um just one night and
came home
with Kovac passing it on to her
the rise in cases is coinciding
with the
rise in spending data from
Chase Bank
shows that Millennials spent
more money
last month than any other age
health experts say places like
bars are
a perfect storm for
transmission people
in close proximity poor air
people not wearing masks or
having to
take their masks off to drink
or eat
this video shows what happens
when two
people are talking as one
person speaks
particles enter the air and if
carry the virus it could spread
in Kovach cases since bars
without crowd restrictions I
wasn't taking as serious as
Jacob hansel
a student at the University of
Iowa says
he was exposed when he shared a
with others at a friend's house
if we
just wore masks spaced out a
little bit
farther and not shared a jewel
your flow
but I just had a brainstorm I
just had
an idea how we can fix
everything in one
go so the Millennials you're a
millennial if you're using a
jewel for
those you don't know that's a
the VAP
the jewel VAP and they're
sharing the
jewels which is such a thing
with the
Millennials we can turn this
whole thing
around the Millennials what we
want is
herd immunity we want people
antibodies we want young
healthy people
who can withstand the
coronavirus Cova
disease and a fan by the way I
mention that it would
throughout this
report none of the people were
sick they
just had tested positive and
they're all
freaked out and and the report
with the other one report and
reports like Goodell will play
from NBC
to are targeting the
Millennials too we
have to note that to me
is targeting the Millennials
specifically mentioned them in
report is a very good point but
doing exactly the wrong thing
about this we want her to
immunity we
want that with the ten to one
which we heard in the previous
from CNBC it's important that
we have a
lot of people who cannot spread
now would be the perfect time
and we
could turn the Millennials from
despised group of shits to
heroes I
would personally decorate them
metals be an American go out
there go to
bars we're opening up share
your jewel
swap some spit do all your
stuff get
that get the virus and we'll
reward you
know what we're gonna give you
money we
will reward you for doing this
trillion dollars of modern
theory money for the
Millennials to
create herd immunity amongst
the entire
country that would be the
heroes they
would the whole thing would
they would
go down in the history books as
saved the world even was
bullshit but it
would have it would be fantastic
everybody wins are you nuts
except the globalists now of
it'll never happen I'm just
saying good
point how does it help get rid
of Trump
of the country stupid I'm an
idiot there
you go all right let's let's
play some
more of this idiocy I'm liking
it what
you got okay
I had one more yeah definitely
kovat Florida newest this thing
Floridians are a little
because even the Millennials
down there
are kind of arrogant about
their health
it just kind of actually falls
into play with you what you
just said
which would be good and they
said they
don't have a good they don't
because Florida is not like
or Texas where you have a bunch
people that are hand to ringers
you know
and worried about everything so
this is a night breaking for
nearly 10,000 cases in a single
day on
the heels of 9,000 the day
the surging numbers in
positivity rates
prompting the mayor of
miami-dade to
close the beaches from July 3rd
to 7th
if you didn't close down the
beaches for
the July 4th holiday
what would the potential
outcomes be
well look what we've seen we'll
be seen
in other holidays like Memorial
Day two
weeks later we see a spike and
so this
is something to stop that not
on board with that decision
thanks for me like now pretty
eat healthy work out you know
I'm not
worried about it
honestly I just think it's all
and as the number of cases
testing in some areas blocks
long in the
last two weeks more than 10% of
tests in Florida coming back
with young people in particular
those higher rates Governor Ron
santis ordered bars across the
shut down bar owners breaking
the news
to patrons yeah what this will
result in
is more bankruptcies the bar
but one of
our restaurants here mongers
now they
were planning to move just
before the
they stayed open for curbside
they've carefully opened up
supposed to move to their new
this weekend and they got
locked down
again I'm think they may not
make it
it's it's it's stupid and I
didn't have
one tensional John seemed so
yeah it does that's exactly
what end
Andrew horowitz's sister thinks
play this little drama this is
like this
is not an ISO clip but it's a
blurb from NBC a virus invading
areas of society forcing new and
immediate action with human
life hanging
in the balance human life all
human life
hangs in the balance
compare that clip of the CNBC
clip it's
the same organization this is
now do you remember that
Australia and
New Zealand they were the
smartest mofos
on the planet like they're not
gonna get
it they locked everything down
they knew
what they would do
and surely you've heard this
how come
her come to you
and what Weaver's I know I
should crush
it mark that time cooked that
what we
have learned from many different
conversations one of them with
the dog
Maurice the dog is that this is
more dependent upon the climate
where you are in which
hemisphere etc
because it's just rolling like
and when I saw the following
Australia caps toilet roll
sales after
panic buying I knew that the
it's game
on it's game on Down Under and
they're spiking there people
dying it's
happening but even worse it was
with plenty of promise that is
Australia's ticket ticket to
freedom so
we can get back to the things
we love
but so far the 1.5 million
dollar app
has hardly helped there haven't
been new
contacts identified through the
use of
the cove adapt Victorian New
South Wales
South Australia and Tasmania
yet to pick
up a single close contact from
the app
who hasn't already been
identified by
contact tracers and in
Queensland and
Western Australia not one
confirmed case
had downloaded the app
recovered 19 app
is not working as we hoped it
because too few people have
it other states say tracing has
easier because cases have been
in hotel
quarantine bars in Victoria the
virus is
spreading in the community and
of the
568 cases confirmed cases was
just over 30 had downloaded it
it will
help protect you it will help
your family the UK government's
convinced that apps are the
right tools
and no country that currently
has a
functioning trap-and-trace I
can't speak
to those comments Australia's
doesn't notify users only state
governments when someone has
been in
contact with a patient and nine
news has
been told in some cases the app
gather any data at all
the federal government is
adamant the
now we really know it's broken
the country's law case numbers
limiting how effective the app
could be
and says it will be more useful
as more
restrictions are lifted and
more people
stand around each other so
guess what
we're moving into Australia's
you know
moving past the I guess it's
fall now
and we're moving into the into
warmer weather in Australia
weather I'm sorry and so now
gonna get the New Zealand test
case it's
not a lot then there's no no
number on
sheep but the yeah people have
died in
New Zealand that was never
gonna happen
couldn't go no they were so
smart they
locked everything they did it
alright then I'll sit down on
it will do
ya know because it's like the
cold man
this is such bullcrap to tear
me up from
what's happening it really
really pisses
me off
it really does and you know my
you know
that our dinner on Friday or
the the
cocktail all right is that we
need we
need to stop here it's this
Friday this
Friday but you know it's gonna
canceled I already have world's
best dad
mug with my string I'm ready to
do it
I'm tight cuz I don't care I'll
exactly see this is exactly what
wouldn't my tribe told me to do
I forget
about the string strings I have
to bring
my own glass so I don't want to
track of my cup so I need to
drag the
world's best dad cup that's for
sure the
world's best dad cup because
the world's
but as world's best dad you
have to keep
that cup around ss word starts
but I
don't know I'm very very
surprised that
that our governor fell for this
this hard yes your governor I
almost had
the clip I didn't get it mmm
cuz I
didn't I don't know why I
didn't take
that clip cuz it was kind of
dull I
don't have a good clip is the
reason but
he said yo you know we're so
sorry here
in Texas yeah we probably did
things too
soon or too you know
he gets suckered these other
they're listening to the New
York Times
and that was the The Washington
Post in
CNN and that's you get to your
news from
those guys you you might as
well just
shoot yourself a CNN which I
now call
news media let's see in noose
news media they got a lot of
news to
tell a quick a quick little
super cut
just so we can all remember
that this
really is some bullcrap
we have 33 confirmed positive
today we have 33 cases as of
today we
have 33 confirmed cases we have
Pennsylvania's who have tested
there were 33 confirmed cases
in North
Carolina there are now 33
cases of the corona virus in
more cases of the corona virus
confirmed today in San Luis
County bringing the total
number now to
33 right now Georgia is
reporting a
total of 99 cases in 19
counties that is
33 new cases from just
yesterday there
are now 33 cases in Louisiana
the number
of cases of koba 19 jumps a
total of 33
people in our state have been
tested and
are confirmed to have the
corona virus
bringing the total number to 33
latest steps is the number of
kovat 19 cases in Rhode Island
jumps by
33 overnight
now I played that clip for a
we didn't get to it on the last
show if
you go to any search engine but
will work just fine and type in
random three-digit number plus
the words
new cases you will see
thousands if not
tens of thousands of results
of what number did you see this
around it was pretty viral John
no oh so
if you just open up a browser
page just
any it doesn't matter you can
use Bing I
know your preferential to it
and just
any random three-digit number
I'll do
561 and then you type new cases
and you
hit return and you'll just see
one after
the other of that exact new
stories new
stories of 561 new cases so you
can try
any number you want have you
tried it no
I was just listening to you I
you were gonna try it yeah just
it's amazing when you see it
and I want
you to see the results all
right and six
six six oh yeah classic go
ahead man
it's there they're all in cases
now yes new case it's all there
so you
see it right um you already see
results now here's it took me a
bit to figure out what was
going on and
people are blaming Google and
it's fake news well that's not
what it is what we're seeing
here is how
propaganda works in the modern
age and
I'm going to explain it if you
look at
these results almost every
single one of
them is a mainstream and m5m
outfit that
is essentially taking a press
from a government office and
it I believe this to be in many
completely automated
this is not like groundbreaking
that's been going on newsrooms
are empty
there's no there's no human
being doing
this there's just a template it
rolls in
and it's as well according to
County a new Daily Record was
set with
561 new cases it is my belief
but the way this works and it's
our entire news ecosystem is the
government our agencies do
updates and there it's just
pumping out
its that is really it's almost
at this point one case two case
case four case five case four
666 cases
667 and all the news outlets
pick the
feet up and republish it on
website and that's how
propaganda works
and that is unfortunately our
news it
comes from central sources in
this case
it's coming from maybe the CDC
could be
the county whose the county
agencies government agencies
and many of
them get their information from
tanks etc and this is how it
works so
you can type in any number you
want and
it will pop up it's kind of
messed up
what's happening here now when
do you
get blanketed with this stuff
well the
yes I agree that this it's a
problem but this is a little
to me then targeted blanketing
which is
what they're doing with the
right now totally not I'm just
this up as as something that
needs to be
looked as background it's
noise that makes things worse
but your
your point about them targeting
Millennials it's working it's
working and it's sad I love his
story it
could be heroes they could your
absolutely top-drawer but it
would take
it a concerted effort by the
machines all of them all the
m5m s would
have to be in on it someone
would have
to come up with oh i have a
bright idea
because it wouldn't be you maybe
somebody thought you brought
somebody oh
god it has to be somebody and
then they
would make it become a thing
and the
Millennials would all get on
board cuz
they're kind of bandwagon so we
think of a way to do that but
at the
same time make Trump look bad
then we
have a winner
doing both those things
to go make the Millennials
heroes by by
creating herd immunity for
saving the world
okay okay I know that one way
it would
work but it is pretty hard to
Trump himself would have to
suggest the
opposite nailed it
now can we get Trump to do that
likely unlikely okay I did have
more I thought I had some more
ovince I have a series of three
clips if
you want to do them now boom do
Corona Corona :
no no not code these are
apologize Oh a noodle gun stuff
might as well get it ready
we've got the noodle gun out
and there
is a lot happening you wrote
about it in
the newsletter and I I am very
about some things that are
with a new you have some I hope
you might have a lot of news I
three noodle gun things but
it's mostly
not it's much new a gun as it is
apologies people know what's
going on
and apologizing for so that's
noodle gun Oh totally because
you take
yourself out of the picture and
the one
that's the most important I
think in
terms of culture is the is the
appearance of jenna Marbles
yeah explain
Janet now because I saw this
and I've
heard I think you talked about
Marbles she tell me about jenna
I don't know the back jenna
Marbles this
summer with like a subscriber
base on
you to us on like 20 million
she's one of the most famous
personalities and she always
she's a
character and she plays this um
who plays her and she's an
actress but
she doesn't get any work so she
Millie literally literally
limit rooms
of dollars Oh doing doing this
hands so
she now came out without her
makeup or
anything anything looked like
her and
came out to apologize now I'm
thinking I
had two thoughts on this first
one was
is this just the same girl
playing a
different character what is she
apologizing for she's
apologizing for
some for being mean she's like
a actor
her character is a mean girl by
the way
iliza shlesinger yes has got to
come out
and apologize because she is
the same
character that this jenna
Marbles has
been right which is slamming
relationships talking smack
about your
dumb girlfriends and and bad
boys and
all the rest of it now that
married married to the chef to
the cook
he's like some chef isn't he
celebrity chef yeah he's a big
shot yeah
there's a couple of these where
are the smart actresses smartly
because they know for one thing
have a dinner party and we have
a dinner
party if you're on the upswing
of the
downswing this makes burritos
according to the troll room but
okay so
she comes on apologizing for a
number of
things and she says she doesn't
want to
hurt people's feelings and
she's not I
know a lot of my date and I
this could be bullcrap but then
again it
might not be I don't know and
apology is not enough of a
to convince me but did you play
this out
where people will watch
something and be
offended now I don't want it to
exist so
I primed it a lot of my old
because I just don't want
anyone to feel
upset about anything I don't
want to
contribute to that I don't want
I don't
care I don't care I just don't
care I
don't want someone to watch
and feel hurt or offended now
for any
reason at all the first two
things that
I would like to address is the
fact that
there are people that were
then I did blackface as Nicki
Minaj in
2011 and I'll show you this is
has been private for quite some
time but
it looks like this and I do
just want to
tell you that it was not my
intention to
do blackface this is the end of
Wow does she blackface the
blackface she
put but she but showed the
video she held up a computer you
couldn't see it where I took my
wig off
I don't know how else to say
this but it
doesn't matter because all that
is that people weren't offended
and it
hurt them and for that I am so
unbelievably sorry that this
isn't okay
and it hasn't existed on the
for a long time because it's
not okay
noodle gunned well she's gonna
altogether I guess she's
important did
she quit altogether is that
what she I
don't know it it's nothing well
when you
went to the bank here's the but
here's a
funny one though this is from
page six
is podcast I want to pay some I
want to
do some just read some and then
do a
clip oh you got stuff to read
there's I got a whole list here
of stuff
to read go watch you go over
the reading
stuff sure my next one has got
a zinger
in it okay cuz I want I want to
intersperse it okay we have the
Chicks of course officially
their name to the chicks Oh
what wait a
minute I understood they're
gonna change
their name to the dicks Dixie
that's not true no that's not
true but I
appreciate the sentiment Mount
needs to be removed this is and
now the
Oglala Sioux leader is calling
for its
removal certainly as the
president is
going to be there I think next
employees at condado tacos walk
off the
job after refusing to fill
orders for
Ohio police there you go
condado tacos retiring the
banner is all over the news
and then we have Mike Henry
it's been an
honor to play Cleveland on
Family Guy
for 20 years I love this
character but
persons of color should play
of color therefore I'll be
stepping down
from the role a guy who does a
voice for
a cartoon good one white actors
in fact
no law will no longer be
characters of
color aren't they all of color
on The
Simpsons there's no actual
white people
in the Simpsons they're yellow
all yell news reporting white
will no longer voice characters
of color
on The Simpsons so I guess
there goes a
poo he just got fired
nice knowing you bro I thought
it was
very fun to see Princeton
Woodrow Wilson's name from the
ballot he
skipped that one okay we'll
skip that
one from now did I have yes
this this
just started this morning the
Association of Realtors is now
changes to its room
descriptions on its
online database replacing the
master with primary master
bedroom and
master bath will now say
primary bedroom
and primary bath particularly
in the
South we we've had master slave
so in a plantation you would
have a
master of that domain who would
exercise control and dominance
enslaved or an injured servants
and so
to say that the master lives in
certain place then sort of
creates a
tone that minorities are
test for racial equality yeah
this is
complete horseshit
the term master-bedroom didn't
until well until the 1900s when
were actually were big master
there's a whole etymology of
the whole
thing is that's a book I want
to point
something out that was in that
mm-hmm the use of the word
enslaved oh
yes they're starting to you
starting to
see this crop up and do I
remember when
I first got worked by it was
Jefferson had enslaved three or
four our
we had many how many people had
determine technically speaking
at the
time was Shadle which was not a
to him either but the idea of
isn't it doesn't make any sense
you these were commodities the
were commodities and they were
and sold and bought so you you
enslaving them you were simply
purchasing an enslaved product
it to be
ought to be yeah to be blunt
about it
yes okay you weren't in so the
idea that
you were actively this the idea
is to
use the language to make it
seem is that
you were you were taking part
in a
market not buying and selling
who cares
you were you personally
Washington all of founding
except you know most of them
but the
ones that did have slaves they
were they
were enslaving them as if there
was a
choice the person was
technically a
slave durs indentured services
a lot of
white and they were traded like
they think businesses do today
I would
recommend people going out and
that web page I cited in the
newsletter the Unilever or Lou
well let's go back I want to
get to that
in a moment I want to get to the
Unilever stuff but go ahead I
just say
read that page and you can see
how these
giant corporations buy and sell
and buy
and sell and Ben you've seen it
at your
local areas where there were
the hotels
a Hilton one-year as a holiday
in the next Dennis if something
else and
something else and this was
what the
slavery system was very similar
that you
were buying and selling Unitas
you know
the some slaves for some moment
could get rid of them sell them
back in
them to the market it was
terrible but
you were not technically
enslaving you
weren't actively oh there's
somebody let
me grab them and now I'm going
enslave you as there was some
sort of
bondage scene as some hokey
porn movie
this is not what was going on
it but the
use of the word enslaved is a
key word
you're listening to
propagandists when
they say that that's an
excellent point that you're
making there
that is so true it may I point
out one
other term we need to be on the
for problematic everybody is
using this
now and I use it too much - we
need to
rock against it it's either a
problem or
it's not a problem when someone
well the No Agenda show is
you say why well so please say
the No
Agenda show is a problem
because they
are this or that or say this or
that but
just saying problematic is
actually a
problem people's problematic so
but this
this this change of or this
interpretation of words out of
context you know that will not
end if we
let this go then of course the
listening services have all
changed at
yeah master bedroom was now
bedroom okay fine not and not
is it has to be seen as slavery
every single thing or racism
etc no it
doesn't ill I'll tell you what
does I I
know exactly when this will get
after the election rushmore
after the
election now here's something
working and then i'm i'm a
little torn
about a but not really facebook
is in
ruble and and this is not just
a minor
thing that can just be set aside
people are very dismissive of
this story
but I come from this world and
what is
happening is problematic
Verizon is the
biggest name yet
pause advertising on Facebook
for the
way the social network handles
speech Thursday the US carrier
dozens of companies boycotting
Facebook's lacks approach when
it comes
to harassment misinformation and
incitement to violence ice
cream brand
Ben & Jerry's and the outdoor
companies Patagonia and North
Face were
among those who also backed the
heap for-profit campaign
announcement had joined the
boycott was
a bigger blow to Facebook's
efforts to
contain the growing revolt u.s.
rights groups are urging brands
to join
the boycott the anti-defamation
said in a letter to advertisers
it found a Verizon ad on
Facebook next
to a video laced with
rhetoric from the conspiracy
queuing on Facebook said it's
with civil rights organizations
Carolyn Everson the company's
president of global business
said quote
we respect any brands decision
remain focused on the important
work of
removing hate speech and
critical voting information
this week
advertiser said outreach to
them has
intensified as Facebook work to
damage without pledging
specific changes
earlier this week Procter &
another top Facebook spender
said it
would carry out a review of
where its
ads were showing up and stop
buying ads
where it found hateful content
so that
is an overview what is taking
place here
is it may not be reversible for
because well eventually it will
but it
will not be reversible until
after the
election because this has an
element to it and it starts as
you can't
allow Trump to put lies in his
ads on
Facebook and we know that
Twitter said
political ads okay so now I'm
gonna make
any money this time around
Facebook said no we're not
going to do
that's when the woke woke up
and they
said oh really well yes you are
we're going to go we're going
to shame
brands that are fun that are
through their advertising
dollars hate
cuz orange man hate and you are
hate propagate and we're going
after the
brands and the problem Facebook
specifically on Instagram time
and again
they have said we've got the
we've got the algorithms we've
got the
technology with scanning we
millions of hate shit per per
mega week
per user hour we got this
covered yo no
they don't and this is again
the reason
why we have canceled culture D
monetization is not necessarily
political thinking of the
it is the advertisers who want
controversy now some people are
well this is really convenient
they need
to cut back on spending anyways
just covering it up like this
person is real they have talked
to me
many times no let's go to
advertising ad
week actually this isn't one of
Bible's of the advertising
industry I'm
gonna read this so in general
just some
numbers so we understand the
pandemic is expected to shave
11 billion
dollars in US aid revenue from
and digital properties this
year from
224 billion to unexpected 213
billion o
year over a year the media is he
meanwhile advertising on social
media is
expected to grow by 7% this year
according to the forecast but
to win
over media buyers publishers
must assure
advertisers that brand
messaging likely
crafted with special attention
to appear
genuine at times will be in a
brand safe
environment now we have some
quotes here
from some industry people if
you want
your brand to be loved by
people you
have to stand for something
more than
making money or making a
product yes we
know this Facebook brought in
billion dollars in ad revenue
yet last
year when in doubt most clients
going to
spend their money in safer less
controversial places because
there are
so many choices today
typically look to attract and
use the
brand equity of tested
properties that
audiences have already chosen
do you
think that audience levels will
then your value is diminished
shaming is what is taking place
these insiders are saying the
conversation has to be loud
enough has
to be meaningful enough to the
advertisers and Facebook is
trying with
a counter-offensive yes we're
label Trump's post we'll do all
that but
the list of companies that have
said they are pausing stopping
for hit
level just go down and hear
coca-cola no
social media advertising for 30
Honda stops all spending as of
July what
else do they have we have a
Unilever you
had in the newsletter I believe
but the
list but the list here that has
targeted by sleeping giants who
will not
you see they will not relent
facebook says we're not putting
kicking Trump off basically
only then
will they relent they will keep
after any advertiser and
they'll do
screenshots oh look man your
age has
showed up next to hate they
don't even
care if what it shows up next
to they
don't want to be in a press
release they
don't want to be in a viral
campaign run
by anybody listen to this list
I'm just
trying to pick out the big names
actually the Atlas pet company
is pretty
big Blue Shield of California
let's see coca-cola we have
Kraft we
have Unilever we have Dockers
Bauer these are all pretty big
ad this
is real money we heard we heard
Verizon I got Honda in there
they have a
Google Doc which is updated
yeah yeah they're all the big
are doing it because it I agree
phrase they're afraid of their
shadow and heaven forbid but
it's gonna
give an opera
I know what you're thinking
Facebook but Facebook's
mechanism is
that one of the most powerful
presented to advertisers and
it's been
the whole it's kind of this
on the holy grail of
advertising where
your ads go out to specifically
the same
exact people that you wanted to
see the
ad based on their interests or
and these guys are hurting
themselves as
far as I'm concerned these
who knuckle under to this this
at sleeping giants with a
clenched fist
the Socialists clenched fist
isn't this
behind the whole thing
your capitalistic kind of
companies get
a clue figure out how to deal
with this
apparently they can't and of
their millennial employees who
willing willing to quit walk
off the job
oh yeah they're willing to walk
off the
job because they don't really
know how
to what money is and they what
is this
they are there to encourage
companies to knuckle under then
fortunately there are good
and bad millenials sensible
Millennials who have some
common sense
and of course some goods have to
actually had good schooling
maybe which
is rare so disability or no
seems they seem to do better
it's a
minority but they're there and
they are
the smart ones you have to
figure out
who they are and hire them but
other ones are pretty dangerous
and once
they're in your company when
they have
to because it's a whole age
group that
needs to be hired well hold on
and they
want to walk off at the drop of
a hat
they'll tell you no no no we're
walk off if you don't stop
into Facebook because sleeping
giants is
that they're they're they're
pro Trump
or something oh I'm going to
say to you
right now
that the yes they are afraid of
own shadow CEOs of these
advertisers of
these brands are very afraid of
position they've seen what's
they're not going to take the
risk at
all I don't think that they may
hurting themselves in fact they
are but so is Joe Biden who is
on board
move fast fix it tell Facebook
real news not fake news quickly
viral misinformation and the
pre-election lie period
enforced voter
suppression rules against
everyone even
the president
and move fast fix it Joe Biden
he's on
board with this so this is now
this is
part of the political process
Facebook I
hope and that's why I'm saying
I hope dies I hope they are
shrapnel to
death yeah this would be great
would be such an improvement
for life it
is a danger to everyone's
health I'm
thinking it could happen it
could only
happen unfortunately if you
look at the
history of Facebook in terms of
cultural impact its stems from
LiveJournal and other forms
that were
first being as forums and they
commercializes LiveJournal and
then they
went to MySpace and then they
went to
Facebook and unless there's
another step
on the ladder which I don't see
not gonna happen people need
this sort
of out they need this sort of
thing they
need a system it there's also
just a Facebook had the it
had the ability to also kind of
away the whole AOL experience
and moving
into into its domain so AOL
died because
the Facebook sucked it sucked
it out
it's like it's just like the
sucking monster in the old Star
show well so you're saying that
alternative is out there for
people to
move to the next phase even
there's alternatives but no no
apparent yes that's what I'm
saying okay
if I see one yeah
oh man so if you're actually
you will
see before I do because you're
optimist more than I and you
because you
think mastodons gonna kill
twitter you
know no I said Federation
Federation federated well
Federation of
the social networks could would
do it
too but then again that doesn't
open to
the to the what's what's
missing from
that is that Facebook really is
they get seventy billion
dollars in
revenue they have a mechanism
that the
newspapers don't have they're
don't be glad to see Facebook
go away
the newspaper
yeah screw Facebook they're not
anything positive about any of
this all
Facebook horrible yes exactly
we love it
it's funny and the same with
the TV
stations all at Facebook I
don't know
Facebook has sucked 70 billion
away from these other greedy
pricks with
that I'd like to thank you for
courage and say in the morning
to you
the man who put the sea and
impact John C Jack well into
yoshipro Feeny ourselves no
water in the
morning to our trolls who have
spanked during the show today
at the
troll room let me do a quick
control control count Wow
18:54 not bad not bad for a semi
lockdown the trolls hang out at
agenda stream calm once you're
in there
which is a live troll room and
now you
can listen to the stream it's
kind of
synchronized he goes to the
stream at
the same time troll around chat
each other just roll around and
around truck yeah and while
you're there
asked for an invite to no
agenda social
calm where we have a federated
network of our own no ads no
talk to the entire world and
and follow anyone from
everywhere unless
they've blocked us but who
cares it's
what happens democracy
democracy I love
yes it's yes we're we don't have
advertisers that that can be
around and that wouldn't in
turn have to
tell us what to report on what
discuss what to analyze and and
who realize that this is in very
important because there's not
that many
sources left that it can be
honest and the stuff that we
had in the
first half of this particular
show you
wouldn't hear any of it
contrasting CNBC's reporting of
weather and we didn't plan that
just how it goes sometimes not
just a
coincidence everything's a
then I want to say yes
Easterling is not
a coincidence hold on you're
the art I love how you art yeah
we had
some really good artists last
your segue
good but it just you popped the
sorry I loved it I loved it but
unfortunately it's no good
let's do one
more precise do one more for
safety yes
I'd like to thank the artist
for the
artwork on episode 12 54 of
course that
was titled vaseline vaseline
now also
memorialized for all eternity
in a
fabulous animated no agenda
thank you very much name
laughed my ass off the cover
art was
done by Darren O'Neill I
believe that's
two in a row for Darren this
time around
and I mean how first of all the
art is
great his artists just oh
something about it it pops I
hate to say
it but it pops it was the stare
moralist the Darren under on
his podcast
and then look at his art and
I'm convinced that that what
should do is he should give him
cut his
hair bald give himself a very
goatee and become an interior
with a lisp that because he's
got taste
yeah he has tastiest style and
he could
be very high-end yes very very
so he picked up on the stereo
goat cream
that was my brain fart and it
turned into a thing and we
liked it it
was funny and it looks like a
for something you can buy and
to be fair
about it we had already and
you know sometimes the the title
apparent and the artwork clash
and as
you know we try never to have
we have
three elements that are post
produced of
the show one is the artwork one
is the
title and one is the opening
clip that
we play and we've tried to have
them all
be different not relate to the
thing so even though there was
interesting vac saline art we
want the title to be vaccine I
yes we did we already so devack
arts pretty much got negated
and because it was a couple
good pieces
so like sorry it sucks
there's a nice club 33 piece of
though that I like there were
outstanding piece by comic strip
bloggers that I'll probably use
somewhere hmm
anyway that was the art yep yes
so that
is that no agenda our generator
dark um
that's where you can always
find the
latest pieces of art all the
things we
just talked about they get used
newsletters no agenda shop comm
guys and they put it on mugs
hoodies neck gaiters you name
it split
the proceeds with everybody
it's a
fabulous part of our value for
network love it mean it and we
like to
thank the people who support us
financially the ones who come
in as
executive producers associate
producers are titled as such and
mentioned in this segment right
at the
top of the show kind of yes and
I do
want to there goes the segue I
looking at the art sorry but
anyway Ross
mr. Lee is our first stop of
the guy top
of the order guy was 600 $66.66
and he
comes in from New Braunfels
since Adams appearance on JRE
sending six 66.6 sixes signal
dismay an
outrage of HR six six six six
Cove in
nineteen testing reaching
reaching and contacting
everyone trace
oh yeah I request the ISO
enough is
and please de Deus me I can
deduce right
away but do we have this I so
enough is
enough is that something I
should know
you've been deduced yes why yes
it is
yes nothing's enough there you
go I
think people know no better
than we do
Chris Blanco in Mayfield
Heights Ohio
comes in with 350 bucks this
will put me over the top for
counting below strict me a
while but I
finally made it so no gender
and listen to the show since
1:50 I'd
like to be known as sir release
estate of the North Coast
I would like grass-fed liver
cup by the
way really I've had grass-fed
liver or
it's it's really not very good
and pork
belly added to the roundtable
feast I
would like to wish my
beautiful wife you can take one
order of
the grass-fed liver off for the
roundtable John's not having
any give
him the vegan option yeah okay
I love livers of vegans Dame
Ashley Lady
of the lake a happy anniversary
June 28th we have been married
for six
years and I couldn't imagine a
wife I mean she likes action
science fiction sports sex most
of all
no agenda just like that
does she like guns this is like
though then then you know you're
shooting you know how we are
trying to
survive the terror which is the
reign of
the Rhino Emperor governor Mike
we are waiting on him to issue
the order
that makes masks mandatory all
over we
got that in California we have a
Governator that does that we
haven't he
tried once and then retracted
the next
day but I think he's going to
try again
it's so stupid here that's in
Point a large amusement park
near it's
just made mass mandatory
everywhere in
the park even on coasters and
rides we
canceled our yearly three-day
trip there
for that reason I cannot think
anything less appealing than
spending a 90 degree day
outside with a
I mean can you imagine being on
coaster going 75 miles an hour
someone spit and sweat so
masked flies
off and hit you in the face
it's outside
people stop with the masks
anyway said
it right this time Adam I will
by giving a shout-out to the
Ohio na Meetup we are having at
this at
the winking lizard in Peninsula
Ohio on July 10th Earl walkman
Buckeye at meadows his lovely
wife Dame
Ashley at Dame Ashley and I
Chris Blanco
or I and I sir real estate all
hope we
can get a great turnout thank
you for
keeping us sane and such no jet
jingle just karma Chris Blanco
sir real
estate of the north coast and
here you
go thank you very much you've
got karma
Jeffrey Lutz and Gaylord
Michigan three
three three
Boogedy Boogedy Boogedy goat
jobs karma
the original karma that's what
he wants
in the morning crackpot and
buzz kill
and no agenda family we
recently got an
unexpected windfall from the
sale of our
house last year my smoking-hot
wife and
I were talking about what to
donate and
I suggest I do a 333 donation
thinking that she would agree
she said you have been
listening to John
and Nana for a long time since
beginning you need to get
also thanks for the shrinking
of the
amygdalas the infotainment and
sheer enjoyment over the years
we are
hoping to bid on some jobs
somewhere in
warmer climates but the
agency I work for has halted
the job
bidding process due to the
virus so may
I have some jobs karma to see
what he
can get something moving
forward thanks
from the northern part of the
region five northern Michigan
which is
three hours north of Detroit
cold area
jobs jobs and jobs
Cory get E&L Bini albany
indiana 3 24 25
please deduce me from New
Albany Indiana
Falls superior to the town of
Knobs I also a Fed what about
what's my
favorite one I also a fellow
Eagle Scout
yes of course Joe Nall bone
that's my
favorite Indiana no ah Bo and I
there no I bone Indian eagle
scout for
jingles I need science Oh Elon
thanks for having me both I
also need a
jobs car because I'm enlisting
in the US
Air Force for saying pursuant
to chef
he's pursuing a career in
intelligence wish me luck
now good luck oh you see
construction is
unmatched no you can use our
material I
was looking I'll do the I'm
gonna have
to do the fold don't be a deny
or the
science isn't quite sure where
irregular science went
jobs jobs jobs and jobs let's
vote for
Carmen Elon is in the news here
there's left went out what did
leave out
growth oh I'm so sorry I did
but missed
that somehow broth which is
foul Chi
Durham broth hisses Falchi
thanks your
old here's broth good to be
here growth
ie lawns in the news here you
know he's
bought some land and wants to
put is it
a Tesla factory here and wants
60 I
think sixty eight million in
tax breaks
yeah of course I'm not so for it
I'm not old you should make a
fuss yeah
whoa yeah if I can get through
the face
mask thing first
notice how we suck notice how
we have no
numbers on ventilators either
like no
one seems to be on a bender
yeah that's
over isn't that crazy
I mean you think that would be
next or
where's the ventilator number
no no I
don't hear that been on the
no ventilators don't talk about
ventilators Joel Tucker and
sir-sir low
shipping low key been on sirs
sites Ursula Lebanon psilocybin
you go man - 69 69 from lar
Florida a PayPal cutting
message off
despite copy/paste donation
note from JC
e Tucker Gmail I think I have
it okay I
thought I had it - yes I do I
have it
you gotta have it good jingle
rub Eliezer China a hole and
that's true
and go karma okay my team
gentlemen over
the years I'll give you those
again rub
China that's true and go karma
over the
years you have helped me to
become an
active consumer of media
instead of a
passive consumer you're welcome
the critical thinking muscles
the fallacies of logic
otherwise you'd
be enslaved furthermore I am
for the community that has
sprung up
around you and the ability to
meet up
with such similar individuals
it pains
me to say this since you're a
recent JRE
crossover but you gave me the
light Melinda Melinda oh yeah
it's just
hard to phrase this the way
he's got a
written it pains me to say this
is your
recent JRE crossover but you
gave me the
green light Melinda you are a
oh holy moly dude these guys
are looking
for an exit strategy and I for
one think
it's too soon
so chip in citizens love and
light and
all that hippie stuff
psilocybin look
night of the Psychonauts
okay so it's rub eliezer
asshole that's
true and then go karma yep
you've got
soup they do their own material
on here
cat a Marine Highland Illinois
do five
six four two she sent in a nice
card and
this is really a nice card to
card me by
cat she made the card it says
on the
back huh
well I was says she could make
professionally ITM gentleman
this coat and she has a nice
she's very art she's artsy I
can tell
through this kovat craziness I
I have worked been employed and
back to work unemployed again
and then I
finally back to my regular job
since I
made more unemployed than
I decided to share the wealth
194 42 I'm
also including my savings at
blossoms dot-org dollars thanks
to Sir
Cal for his great products and
generosity love love love the
was rosemary jane salt I guess
lastly $50 from my birthday on
June 19th
I think she's on the list yes
she is uh
since a lady especially a
future Dame
does not reveal her age it will
unknown smiley face
no jingles but goat karma for
all that
needed keep up the good work
cat you can
and she's asked a question a
question at the end PS would a
Karen be a Kevin I don't know I
know here's your karma you've
nephews Olinsky in Shelton
is our last associate executive
200 $34 and 56 cents ITM
crackpot must
kill jingles Trump Abu Bakar
house-buying karma that last
show on
Thursday was one of the best
I've ever
heard Oh Millie that's quite a
compliment thank you I may have
been it
may have been those edibles
though have
been the edibles Atta me just
to make
sure it was the only place I
heard the
babbling bite and I think I
just made
that up you guys can have it
I'm course yeah it's not gonna
those things worse can't do
that you can
make bitin won't win I'm
looking to buy a house and
these by the
way the line of the day for
that last
show yeah was after I played
that crazy
clip yeah you said and there's
our next
Gilbert Godfried thing I'm
looking to buy a house that
needs some
of your sweet cream karma you
serving up also want to shout
everyone who is the first
count with the first Fairfield
meet up at the beginning of the
I'm keeping an eye out for the
next one
but I wouldn't mind setting one
myself you can do that go to
the website
resist we much mad resist we
much Matt
alright Matt is that not a
possible exit
strategy I mean what is wrong
having Cal alright lavender
blossoms why
couldn't he make up some self
that would
just call a stereo goat cream
or stereo
goat creating stereo goat karma
cream or
stereo goat cream and just it's
already got the art exactly
we've got
the art we've got the product
sheet sell
at least a hundred bottles of
it I'd buy
some just to give away as gifts
fantastic hey man before you
know it
boner pills Abu Bakar
al-baghdadi Abu
Abu a car a car Abu Abu a car
United States searching for
many years
he died after running into it
that's a great track and that
is the end
of our list of associate
producers and executive
producers and
want to thank each and every
one of them
for helping produce if not
producing show 12:55 yes and
for those
of you who are new although it
that people coming over or
crossing over
from JRE aren't you know they
get it
pretty quickly but people are
hit in the mouth all the time
this is
purely about value for value
it's the
simplest concept ever and we've
doing it for over a decade all
we ask is
that you translate whatever
value you
got from listening to it then
it's very
personal for everybody that's a
thing you can't judge anyone on
they find valuable or how they
value and so for some its
services yeah
we like the services but you can
translate it into numbers
numerology is
a big thing here as well and
just put
that in the paypal it's it is
simple and that enables us to
do the
kind of show that we're doing
there is
no advertiser or corporate
money or any
way that we'll be able to talk
about any
of these things if we had any
models so we appreciate you
keeping it
going for us because after all
you are
producing the best podcast in
universe he's executive
producer titles
and associate executive
producers titles
are the real deal feel free to
us if you need us to vouch for
them put
them anywhere where real
credits are accepted and
recognized and
please join us for our Thursday
by going to this website to
Dvorak org
slash and I can't get over how
we've learned already in just a
hour and a half but it's our
formula is
this we go out for your people
in the
it was kind of interesting yeah
what is
that when I started doing my
clips and then you started
reading some
apologies if somehow I never
got to do
my other two apology clips even
though I
called for him yeah we fell
away and
they will he start talking about
something else no I hate it
when that
happens let's know what was it
they were
talking about that was so
important that
we interrupted the the apology
tour I don't know let's go into
somehow well oh yeah yeah
that's yeah we
both and I jumped into I know
it's my
yeah so let's take a listen to
the last
two clips I have alright not
this one
here is an actress named Lea
okay do we know her who came
out with a
whole bunch of tweets about
black lives
matter and then some black
actress who
worked with her on the Glee
show slept
but slammed her for being a
actually was even worse than
that when
you listen to the very
beginning of this
clip and then you hear the
apologies here and then this is
from the
page six I love I love how you
have the
lingo of the kids so down John
slammed her for being a douche
about how
Lea Michele behaved on the set
of Glee
okay I'm already I'm already
done oh but
you gotta listen don't you
can't step
over there because there's a
point of information that you
will like
give me a piece of wood to bite
on all
right about how Lea Michele
behaved on
the set of Glee after one of her
co-stars that she threatened to
shit in
her wigs and made her life a
living hell
right Lea Michele had posted
about George Floyd's death and
then this
co-star from back in the day
came back
to remind her hey you made my
life a
living hell
on the set yeah oh nice
Samantha where
is that actresses name and she
Leah's behavior made her want
to leave
Hollywood so onwe she
apologized and she
said one of the most important
of the last
few weeks is that we need to
take the
time to listen and learn about
people's perspectives and any
role we
have played or anything we can
do to
help address the injustice --is
they face then she goes on to
talk about
when she tweeted the other day
support of the black lives
protests she hoped that she
could show
her support for her friends and
neighbors and quote communities
colors during this difficult
but you know this response from
ware was not what she was
expecting so
she continued with her
saying well I don't remember
ever making
this specific statement and I
have never
judged others by their
background or
color of their skin that's not
the point what matters is that
I clearly
acted in ways which hurt other
whether it was my privileged
and perspective that caused me
to be
perceived as insensitive or
inappropriate at times or
whether it was
just my immaturity and me being
unnecessarily difficult I
apologize for
my behavior and for any pain
which I
have caused it's a lengthy
apology it's
a lengthy non-apology this is a
fantastic case of the shit in
my wig and
I didn't know this was an
insult I am
not aware of this insult to
shit in
someone's wig did you look at
us she was
being literal I think so too
I'm reading
the tweet now of the accusation
believe you told everyone is
all caps
that if you had the opportunity
would shit in my wig hmm this
must be an
actress thing if you're honest
it's all around the show right
they're there on the show they
put on
wigs and makeup and maybe all I
know is
this this is the classic
example of some
dumb actress deciding this show
it was
the bike oh I should do that
and maybe
I'll get more rolls of ice if I
if I'm
in line with black lives matter
so I'm
gonna tweet something stupid
out and
then me raw an actual black
actress says
how you were as a dork jerk-off
and yes she stepped in the shit
to put a
wig now that I consider it
probably really a racial thing
considered a racist remark if
he if she
said it to a black woman they
think so yeah because black
women often
wear wigs yes they do now the
last clip
I have is the Woodrow Wilson
thing which is yet to me is
hilarious since Woodrow Wilson
actually the President of
Princeton yeah
before he became President of
the United
States yeah he was a racist in
1912 and
this is going back and now they
did go
oh well you know he was a
racist I guess
and Democrat Democrat don't
forget he
isn't he pretty much the
founder of the
Democrat Party no this goes
back my life
today Clemson University and
reject I
think Jackson was Jackson was
right what am I saying Jackson
what yeah
Jackson wrote about Woodrow
Wilson in a
book no no Jackson was dead by
the time
I'm pretty sure but wait a
minute wait a
no we played this clip it's
very short I
see today Princeton University
it will remove the name of
President Woodrow Wilson from
its School
of Public and International
Affairs and
from Wilson College in a
Princeton's president said quote
Wilson's racism was significant
consequential even by the
standards of
his own time that's bullcrap by
the way
but this beside the point
this tells me that Yale has got
to go
well yeah something something
has to
happen now I've come up with a
for Yale does it involve
spreading kovat because then we
can do a
twofer no it doesn't what it
entails is
that to have a ceremony to
rename Yale
to a different Yale guy another
another guy named Yale the guy
from who
isn't a slave guy the lock guy
don't but
maybe maybe the lock guy now
you can't
do that because lock wellmaybe
is now
on chains Olatunji slavery
slavery the
color of law by Richard
Rothstein is the
book you want to read if you
want to
read about how racist Woodrow
Wilson was
he segregated government I mean
that that's what he was known
for and he
did that 1912
well if it was beyond the pale
like it
was like not Navaratri whatever
they've gone and PBS said he
said it was
even beyond the pale and beyond
than anybody's Acura yeah if
that was
true then as soon as he got out
office that did that everything
have been reversed almost
instantly no
of course not it was because it
true what he said this was the
everyone's a racist like that
in 1912
well yeah that's the Democrats
yes make
that clear
yes yes but he did as president
segregate government the
offices the water he segregated
all of
that and he kept saying I just
want any friction according to
to this book I just don't want
friction you know but by the
same token
John Wayne Airport now has to
be renamed
because in 1971 John Wayne 1971
was just a few years after the
Rights Act was signed into law
he said
something incredibly racist in
either playboy or an Esquire
that he felt that the blacks at
the time
doublet didn't know I think he
may have
said Negroes that they were
they had a
lot of growing up to do when he
feel that they could be in
until that had happened and so
1971 when
he said that which granted
fucked up
certainly with the lens of
20/20 ooh but
now we have to change it that's
our only
lens the only lens we got and
now I have
to change the airport my
goodness anyway
there's a big
statue of John Wayne at the
right in the middle of yeah
just like
you just a drive around kind of
yeah small it's a very small
it's a cozy
Airport yeah and the statues
there's a giant statue so
they're gonna
have to tear that down and put
red paint
all over it yes immediately
yeah I don't understand house
that long we we got an email on
say was
a week ago but I think since
then I've
certainly heard more about it
and it was
one of our producers and she
interesting we she she sent us
thread of some message
conversations she
had had on I think it was
Facebook or
Instagram with a well maybe she
said this is a real Karen to me
and this
woman was who would know know
she grew
up with her went to school with
her and
this one was all about your
your white
you're a racist you're white
you're a
racist and she'd gotten into a
with her you recall this thing
that she
sent us no no well you will
because you
asked her to actually send a
list of all
the great material that that
remember this completely of
course I do
she's been giving us a lot of
right thanks links and and yeah
it was
it was someone who's just
saying you're
white you're racist get over it
the fact just shut up already
and you I
think you brought it back to the
resistance movement which the
wrote arm
a frock show whatever it was
the the
workers rights he was it some
organization that is that is
really the
world Workers Party out of know
you had
something else that you've been
there's one in Europe double
yeah I came
from a European that wasn't me
that was
her she came up with okay well
one of
the things that this ex friend
of hers
had said was you need to read
this book
do you recall that yep and the
book is
white fragility written by dr.
D'Angelo and dr. Robyn D'Angelo
just give little context who is
a white
she has a let's see from the
an American academic lecturer
and author
working the field of critical
analysis and whiteness studies
yeah she's formerly served as a
professor of multicultural
education at
Westfield State University and
as an
affiliate associate professor of
education at the University of
Washington in Seattle well that
sense she's known for her work
pertaining to white fragility
at term
she coined in 2012 okay I think
we know
enough about that side I'm not
sure what
whiteness studies are but she
is a she
she's a tenured professor in it
and she
was on the I guess The Tonight
Show or
Jimmy Fallon and guest on zoom'
and that
must have been thrilling well
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