July 9th, 2020 • 3h 22m
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what a Sunday Adam Curry is no
and from northern Silicon
Valley where
everybody's wearing a mask and
everybody's going to work it
looks like
it to me I'm Jesse - Bryce well
you guys
are lucky the traffic jams are
they've been historically oh
yeah no
it's I think everything's just
kind of
open but you guys don't have
going on here oh yeah we do we
got a
governor thinks we do is he's
trying to
keep up with the Joneses oh man
well we
have a we have a mayor and city
you remember I told you on
Sunday that
they were you know it was
Sunday of the
day before they were
considering either
everybody mandatory masks which
on show day or a 35 day
lockdown and
then a lessons-learned
program if they remember
lessons learned
this is lessons learned well
today since
of course our cases case cases
have gone
up so significantly to be
discussed in a
moment today city councilors
meeting and
all is on the table
I think we're going for another
35 days here's the latest from
morning okay the Austin City
will consider some bold action
to slow
the spread of co19 it's going
to be a
tough sell Fred can do is live
at City
Hall now Fred Austin's business
community will have to be on
board to
make this happen yeah and before
coronavirus came along a lot of
by the way this guy
yes mascot the end of the
report clearly
someone went dude take off the
mask your
knee will have to be on board
to make
this happen yeah and before
came along a lot of people just
more crazy stuff from the
Austin City
Council and I have to point out
standing at night in the middle
of an
empty square right in front of
City Hall
which is a big you know a big
square and
there's no one there and he's
there by himself with his mask
sounding like a thing down this
or on
the virus on the city's
overdressed chart we are now in
the red
area which would trigger new
restrictions to slow the spread
of the
today council members will hear
experts to help them decide
what to do
and they're gonna tell us
whether we're
screaming into it or not and
what the
indicated action is but it is a
now that we're above 70 now at
75 we
need to figure out what those
trajectories are and the same
will also explain a proposal to
down the city voluntarily for
35 days
mayor Adler is among those who
that it'll allow the corona
virus to
subside enough that we will be
able to
reopen our schools for fall
also on the
agenda an ordinance that would
businesses a nuisance if they
don't take
more action to prevent the
corona 19
spread the business
requirements would
go beyond enforcing masks use
they would
have to disinfect twice a day
information signs and limit
groups to 10
or less among other things the
declared would be declared a
and if they did not fulfill
requirements that they would
face a suit
filed by the city attorney
owners may not like these added
regulations on their business
apparently it has support at
the top do
support at the top if we're
going are
going into shutdown I can see
what is
this what what's the top does
this got
to be the mayor what else are
talking about I mean what do
there's a
top business proposal so it had
support it to talk oh no no yes
not the
mayor's proposal it's that one
guy some
medical guy who comes on the
council meeting for ten minutes
the last
time he said here's your options
everybody masks or 35 lock day
followed by lessons learned I
they're too happy about giving
us the
lessons learned we're gonna get
fuckers hey one of our friends
Dale he had the closest but
he's closed
his bar for good now because
the bars
had to close again
in Texas he's done he's out of
half the restaurants famous and
otherwise in San Francisco are
gonna be
going there's no way they can
be so
imagine if you got that double
tap like
we're about to witness when
they close
you down against the bars are
screwed but restaurants if they
down which is what will happen
and that
will also mean retail closes
are we
gonna get unemployment again is
that an
example what kind of you was
give me one
example of retail closing know
if the
35-day lost our an example just
give me
one days have a what a witness
store how would you define just
tell me
a retail store that would be
closing the
entire mall what kind of store
and I
need a store not I'm not an
area just
give me one example one store
stores wait wait stop that
makes no
Walmart's open isn't it I know
I go buy
clothes at Walmart no no no no
so why
are they closing the other
stores that
sell the same thing walmart
sells well I
love that you play this game
with me but
obviously because they're
assholes and
the full of crap and this is
and this
can only may be this is just
politics again I think there's
else going on though because
Texas is
being targeted and I I think
we're about
to enter phase three Republican
yes oh yeah no but you're also
Florida hold on which is what's
commonality oh yeah no not just
Arizona no they're targeting
states that
quote unquote open too soon we
didn't do
it right of course we did do it
unfortunately with the
increased testing
and what we've gone through
this many
times why people are being
retails open young people are
tested people young people were
faking the numbers for faking
symptoms just to get tests
because they
want to get tested we're also I
doing pool testing here
specifically in
Austin and this is how that
works let's
say we had a meet up than the
meet up
there were ten people and
someone says
oh man I don't feel so good I'm
sick the
pool testing and it's easier to
do this
at retail obviously but a meet
up would
work they test one person I
mean I'm
sorry they yes they test one
person and
if that comes out positive that
all of
those people have to be tested
essentially at that moment you
got it
they're counted as a positive
case so
these numbers are I mean let's
get Chi
it's beyond sketchy but what it
when you have this many tests
and by the
way case is not sick and of
course I've
heard of many young people who
have who
were positive and they were
back on
their feet in two days kind of
like yeah
I know it's unpopular to say it
but kind
of like the flu so what does
this do is
this shows us that the
infection rate is
much higher I don't think it's a
question of age spreading right
now the
infection rate was already
quite high
we're testing we're finding it
out which
blower's the death rate
but this is an unacceptable
happiness we
cannot be happy that the death
rate has
declined no we cannot let me
ask you to
look at these two images
because we're
about to talk about the
question to the front clip
across the country
Supercuts it's good news that
it's just
younger people because they
have a
better survival rate that is
the fallacy
the president also points out
coronavirus death rate is down
true for now but the death toll
can't celebrate it right now
when you're
seeing people heading into the
because we've seen this story
before in
some ways it never really ended
in a lot
of ways it is worse than ever
and of
course as we see other people
and going onto the ice used it
to older populations that death
will change these people go
home these
people infect their parents and
grandparents those people get
sick they
end up in the ICU and they
either die or
they take it from somebody else
could have used it has become
dangerous it can infect more
people it's
more easily they're able to
take root
into communities so it's
changing in a
worse way this is going to be
catastrophe about catastrophe
just to
say hey look at the death rate
now is
extremely superficial does the
US need
another stay at home order if
the virus
continues to rage like this we
have no
choice the White House and their
calculation this is about
trying to
instill a sense of normalcy
then and we
all know that life can't really
like it's back to normal I mean
it can't
feel Americans can't feel that
they have
the virus under control we
zero chance and by zero chance
I mean
zero zer a movie with Donald
Trump in
that job
all these Flores infractions
and dr.
Falchi again is doing what he's
doing from the beginning he's
telling you the truth and you
want to hear it so whatever is
going on
the the fact that less people
that the
mortality rate is so low is not
celebrated on the mainstream
let me just
give you some statistics in
1918 we had
the Spanish flu the world
then was a little under I think
it was
lunch under million people that
counted at the time so the
Spanish flu
took out 15 it was a billion
was no no
I'm sorry the no the world
was a billion I'm sorry a
billion a
hundred and ten year I think
about right but a billion the
flu killed 50 million people
which of
course was a tragic event
according to
the experts
that is a 5.26 percent of the
population died during the
Spanish flu
five percent more than five
percent in
2018 the world population was
then 7.5
billion the seasonal flu killed
people flu killed 650 thousand
worldwide that is 0.009 percent
of the
world population and the
experts of
course say that's a typical
year kovat
nineteen world population up
seven point seven billion
counting to
date five hundred thousand dead
that is
0.06 percent of the world
population the
experts tell us this is no good
especially not with Donald
Trump in the
Oval Office this is this insane
but okay
part of the clip okay by the
way I think
might be true thank you
and this at this point is purely
political so you already you
noticed that what states have
the surge
it's the not just Republican
but it's all
those that opened up early and
it up clearly although there's
mortality rate evidence for
that and if
you look at the hospitalization
rate we
are at 40 percent I'm sorry we
are at 80
percent of the 40 percent beds
that have
made have been made available
and if you
do the math and and you needed
actually bring in a whole bunch
of kovat
19 sufferers we're pretty much
right now
at 30 percent of our available
ICU beds
but because they say we are
they cordon
off and say well of the 4500 we
have 1500 available oh my god
world 80%
90% we're all gonna die they
can just
easily shift those beds around
so this
is clearly political and the
reason for
it is the vaccine we're getting
for the vaccine and it's going
to be
deployed in Texas of course
Austin is
not really the hotbed it's
Houston and
this is a public service
running on KHOU 11 Houston now
played a
major role in the effort to
come up with
a vaccine for the corona virus
Houston a research firm has been
selected to conduct vaccine
here's Ron Trevino the
researchers at
the Texas center for drug
and diem clinical research have
received any potential corona
vaccines just yet but they will
arriving soon then they can
clinical trials in the big push
to get a
vaccine to help end the
pandemic but
they need volunteers you have
to be at
least 18 years old and they
want a
diverse pool of people in this
trial in
order for trials to be shown to
effective and safe in all
all different types of people
genders and races need to
Houston's diversity is one of
reasons the clinical trials are
held here researchers say the
vaccines have already passed
phase one
and testing and they say they
are safe
if you want to volunteer go to
fights Kovac com2 apply back to
you Bucs
you thank you very much this
Hall did they go through the
checklist notice there's you
have to be
18 or older it could be any
gender any
race in you have to have it and
the last
one is you have to very low IQ
this tack
list this package I went to
that website
of course Houston fights kovat
packaged use the entire b-roll
was video
from what's on that website so
this is
this is not like a news story
this is
pushed in there hey we need
people the
test please do a piece and
point them to
our website they have a video
there what
explains which will happen I
just cut it
down to a minute so you can
kind of get
the idea
part of sorry I'm just saying
did they
did they mention how much money
gonna pay all this information
for you
yes you're part of the Houston
five scho
bid movement by volunteering to
participate in the kovat
vaccine trials
those who qualify will schedule
appointment to come to one of
our two
clinic facilities in the
Greater Houston
area Center for drug
development we are
here to make your experience as
safe and
efficient as possible the
experience is
much like a visit to your
practitioner we ask you wear a
mask upon
arrival and as you enter our
lobby the
receptionist will greet you as
you check
in your temperature and prepare
for your
our clinic follows a strict
sterilization process before
the vaccine
that's part of the program while
investigational the vaccines
have been
approved by the FDA for Phase
two or
three trials which means that
they have
gone through earlier rounds of
trials where the safety data is
after the vaccine is
participants will be carefully
by our doctors and staff for at
least 30
minutes to ensure their safe
by participating in this study
you could
help end this current pandemic
prevent future occurrences this
is your
opportunity to contribute to
the process
of helping us sea life in
Houston return
to normal again
join the fight at Houston
fights Koba
comm girl puts a smile on you
oh yeah
very very happy so the way it
well let's
let's just step back for one
second you
identified that the targeting
all the
messaging about the testing
about the
death about the destruction
about the
second wave third wave opening
up too
soon dumb Republicans was
targeted at
young people and this is not a
coincidence of course they're
young people and this is meant
to bring
out young people listen to this
get a minimum depending on the
length of
the trial a minimum of $1,000
and you
get to go anywhere you want
you have the cloak so because
they need
you to be exposed exposed to
see if it
works and I think we're moving
into act
three of this way that is a very
tempting offer even the $1,000
forget that I can go any I
don't you may
not even have to wear a mask
well you
could also become a member of
the media
and then go anywhere you want
to but
that's another so act 3 is upon
us we're
about to go into into the
testing into
the in the wild we're talking
people a month and it's no
that there's a new actor on the
and I'm and I identified this
act while
he's bursting on the sting and
he's being introduced a big PR
blitz it
started this weekend when I saw
New York
Magazine in the headline
anthony foul
his boss
why things could be much better
soon and
this is a new guy dr. Francis
sounds kind of almost like a
Fauci Francis Collins they go
like peanut butter and jelly I
highlighted a few parts from
interview this piece about him
one of
the few Obama appointees still
in a major role in the Trump
administration Collins who rose
prominence in the 1990s as
leader of the
human genome project this is no
this is the guy who led the
human genome
project and the decoding of the
our DNA
he is the head of the National
Institutes of Health the federal
government's gargantuan hub for
research with an annual budget
of 42
billion dollars the NIH is
unrivaled in the world as a
center among its 20,000
employees is dr.
Anthony Fauci who runs the
focused on infectious diseases
she was a mentor to Collins
when the
latter joined the NIH decades
ago and
they remain close talking at
length on
the phone most evenings now they
highlight here that dr. Collins
recently won the $1,000,000
prize from the John Templeton
which by the way give this very
doctor approximately two
hundred to
three hundred thousand dollars
per year
to his foundation already
they've been
doing that since 2007 so
they've been
feeding this guy money he has a
foundation on the side called
so the guy that has been
receiving grant
money from this foundation now
also was
elevated to the Templeton Prize
Templeton Prize I might add
he's not for
douchebags sister Teresa was
the first
recipient other recipients
Desmond Bishop Desmond Tutu so
now this
guy is in here he's obviously
here's a one code from him and
this is
how I come up with Phase three
he says until we have a vaccine
that can
be widely applied and provide
most of our country is still at
this is not a time to relax
there are at
least four vaccines that we'll
getting into such large trials
summer beginning as early as
July each
one of those trials will
involve roughly
30,000 volunteers who get paid
half of
whom will get the vaccine half
of whom
will get a dummy placebo now I
have a
problem with that sentence
isn't it just
a placebo what is a dummy
placebo does
that mean it's a placebo that's
really a placebo your your
is absolutely correct the
placebos of
placebo there's no such thing
as a dummy
placebo that's messaging and I
know what it's about but I
think there's
something there's just calling
a dummy now check this out
those trials will have to be
in areas where the virus is
spreading because that's the
only way
you're going to know whether it
protective hello red states
that have
been over tested opened up too
soon and
you are that's what's going on
here and
this guy is out to get PR he's
out to to
show himself to the world he
showed up
on NPR he need a little bit of
well what's the best way to do
that talk
about some some social justice
NPR is always gonna highlight
you for
that it is time to end the
tradition in
science of all male speaking
that's the word from Francis
Collins and
he should know Collins is the
head of
the National Institutes of
Health people
at the human genome project and
he has
been to a lot of all-male
panels or
pointed aside in previous shows
turned out to be the worst of
the group
they're worse than CNN at this
honestly I didn't even hear that
this first time I played it the
time I clipped I didn't hear
them that's
a great one ball mail panels or
seriously it's so common there
multiple nicknames for the
including man Frances and
compose eum's
man Frances and what was the
other one
impose eum's impose iums as
imposed hymns and what was the
other one
I've missed at first the second
one man
you might mom hold on I think
was man
Frances hold on man for
instance now and
then attempt to break down that
tradition he is vowing not to
speak on
panels that do not fairly
scientists of all backgrounds
nice to be
with you audience so you've
been in this
business a long time what do
you think
has prevented women or
diversity in
general from these panels I'd
like to
think that there's not an
bias going on but there
certainly seems
to be an implicit bias when
people are
setting up workshops or panels
symposia they kind of pick out
oh I know
this person and I know that
person and
all too often the people they're
thinking of are the men and
then you end
up coming to one of these
events and
being embarrassed to be part of
something when we have a
diverse scientific workforce
and it
doesn't seem to be getting
and I just decided that's
already not
good I'm sorry guys making me
Oh like the racist thing you
know you go
to these things I've been on
many of
these and he's in tech and
there's women
sometimes there's not and
nothing you know this is the
last thing
you're aware of your you're
going to
these things you're not
thinking about
this you're thinking about what
gonna be saying and what kind
of person
is gonna be leading the thing
is they
gonna ask good questions are
you gonna
be annoyed I mean this this
guy's full
of crap this is nonsense oh you
have no
you have no idea how dangerous
this guy
is you have no idea but I'm
going to try
and show it to you back to this
in New York magazine he's
laying out
he's justifying how the testing
is going
to work so we have four trials
thirty thirty thousand people
per trial
half of which are dummies as he
himself and he goes on to
explain that
this is a huge investment and
prepaid this is prepaid through
prepaid through active which is
cartel of the National
Institute the NIH
and the eighteen
pharmaceuticals he says
this is an investment in
tens of millions of doses of
vaccines even before we know if
going to work to prevent long
delay at
the end because it would be
really sad
if we were celebrating in
saying hey we've got a vaccine
works and then there were no
doses left
to offer to people who need it
so that
has to wait what here comes so
that has
to be planned for even if it
throwing out the doses of the
that failed we're prepared to
do that I
want you to remember that he
said this
and then he goes into just some
about the vaccine but this guy
is very
very interesting he wrote a
book in 2007
called the language of God
a scientist presents evidence
for belief
before he went to the NIH he
started the
foundation by a logos which
makes the
case for a harmony between
science and
Christianity this guy is he
went into
med school by his own admission
into med school a complete
atheist came
out an evangelical Christian
and so take
into account the Human Genome
Project he
led that he is the guy that is
attempting to meld science and
and I have a very short clip of
one of
his speeches just to give you
an idea
what you're going to see is a
slide with
two pictures on it and they
both look
like they're a stained glass
window in a
church round you know kind of
with the
spikes you know what it's like
a round a
round stained glass Church
window and
this is just the beginning let
me ask
you to look at these two images
we're about to talk about the
I think this is a provocative
way to
begin to think about that
because what
you see are two images that look
somewhat similar to each other
but they
stand in for somewhat different
worldview perspectives this
being of
course a beautiful
stained-glass window
the Rose window in Westminster
and this is an unusual view of
DNA not
looking at it from the side but
down the long axis of DNA so
you see
that radial pattern and the
that many people pose and which
I pose
to you tonight is okay those
are two
worldviews the scientific and
spiritual do you have to choose
do you
have to basically throw in your
lot with
one or the other and neglect
the other
one or is there a possibility
here of
being someone who could merge
these two
not necessarily building a
between them but actually
having both of
those perspectives within your
experience I think many people
today are
arguing that these worldviews
are at war
and that there is no way to
them that has not been my
experience now
mind you this guy is the DNA
expert he's
clearly trying to bring along
and Christians evangelicals
into the
scientific realm so I guess
he's still
very he's a believer but we'll
find out
but what is the main vaccine
that is
being attempted is the mRNA
which is a
DNA altering vaccine it's not
really a
vaccine in the traditional
sense so this
is the guy who clearly has been
this if only for the fact that
he was
behind the Human Genome Project
and I'm
reading this article I finish
it up I
might I go to to search for him
and what
pops up top link is at that
very moment
zoom between this guy francis
and anthony Fouts she completely
unsupervised just the two of
and you know they've been
friends for 27
years so there he's yucking it
they're getting boners over
things I had to clip this it is
how these guys just layout the
strategy for act 3 and we'll
start with
obviously letting everybody
know red
states suck we were averaging
20,000 new cases a day and then
a series
of circumstances associated
with various
states and cities trying to
open up in
the sense of getting back to
some form
of normality has led to a
where we now have
record-breaking cases
two days ago it was at fifty
thousand five hundred so within
a period
of a week and a half
remember people cases just
tested just
tested positive more testing
he's making
it sound like the world is
coming to an
end we've almost doubled the
number of
cases so in answer to your first
question we are still knee-deep
in the
first wave of this and I would
say this
would not be considered a wave
it was a
surge or a resurgence of
superimposed upon a baseline
that really never got Francis's
ago if you look at them at the
from Europe Europe the European
Union as
an entity it went up and then
came down
to baseline now they're having
blips as you might expect as
they try to
we went up never came down to
and now is surging back up so
it's a
serious situation that we have
address immediately okay
bullcrap even Burks showed
yesterday in
the briefing the testing it's
like looking at co2 and global
let's stop for one second and
kind of
remember those Bakersfield
doctors that
were yes banned from YouTube
they had predicted all this and
said there's a detect the
testing goes
flying up the cases go flying
up and the
deaths start going down and
because this is the ending and
I put
three charts in the last
newsletter yep
same thing showing that the
cases were
going up but but
testing was skyrocketing and
but the
deaths were going down is that
and this
if you just looked at the
deaths and
just look at that chart alone I
know if the cases you don't
look at the
testing you'd say this thing is
good is
going away and you didn't hear
foul to
your Carlin's even mention the
rate nothing at all no because
they're unveiling a strategy
for phase 3
this is act 3 this is the
vaccine stage
and let's make sure that we
know that we
are communicating to the right
remember we have to get the
young people
it is the case now that a lot
of those
new cases are younger people
yeah you
can you can hear the script I
mean the
guy knows this and he's
pretending to
ask his underling foul Chi
rolling out a script and they
are so bad
at it let's I want to go busy
so you
stumped this was a zoom thing
that was
open so people could watch it
was live
on YouTube it was located
screams he's
alive on YouTube that was have
you're supposed to be a big
dummy not
realizing that this is scripted
laugh your ass off how scripted
this is
so it's scripted for it they're
on a play for their anyone who
wants to
listen in and so you feel like
oh I'm in
on this I got no I understand
that cuz I
I listen to these two people
talk to
each other when in fact this is
a scam
scam in the sense that they're
money on the spot but it's but
but this
is a scripted yes presentation
to sucker
you and to think in a certain
exactly yeah and and it was it
was an
NIH USA Today livestream
I said zoom just to make it
clear you
had two boxes USA Today is a
yeah very popular people look
at USA
Today and so I'm sure they
tuned into
so again of the USA Today stuff
let's roll out the script of
hey Anthony
isn't it young people it is the
isn't it now that a lot of
those new
our younger people yeah been
willing to
go to places like bars which
are not a
good place to be if you don't
want to
catch this some people are
saying well
we'd have to worry so much cuz
people don't usually get that
sick by
the way saying catch this is I
this is racist you're only
supposed to
talk about you spreading it but
society problem well there's a
problem with that Francis first
right the average age of people
infected now is a decade and a
younger than what it was a few
ago particularly when New York
and New
Orleans because they were out
or because there's more testing
I don't
know this is the best of Hope
about these always younger now
why it's different it would
change what
exactly changed and by the way
Adam how
often do I call you Adam when
talking to you well John that
in fact is
one of the things John that you
hate the
most you don't even like it
when I say
hey John you are correct thank
you very
much John ago we're getting hit
badly that's the first thing
the second
thing that we're trying to get
messaging across the young
people should
not feel that they're
excuse me when someone says
we're trying
to get the messaging across was
a bad
scriptwriter there that's not
just just
the beginning there listen there
unsupervised there ad libbing
freewheeling their own deal hey
we've done this for 27 years we
can do
it again yeah we could pull off
let's do it on that newfangled
yeah let's do a stream okay
if you see the video kee
Collins is in a
very impressive office with
lots of
books messy pouchy he's sitting
in this
pristine kind of space and
there's a
there's some kind of artwork
that is
behind him and it's sticking
out of his
head but it it's almost exactly
as wide
as it head it looks like he has
a pope
hat on it's very Illuminati as
kind of
symbolism I don't know if that
intentional but it's odd to
look at that
we continue oh we're getting
hit very
badly that's the first thing
and think that we're trying to
get the
messaging across young people
should not
feel that they're invulnerable
serious consequences the more
we learned
about this disease Frances the
lies that many young people may
necessarily get sick enough to
go to the
hospital but they can get very
sick put
them out of action for weeks at
a time
this is the messaging the other
thing is
they should not think that even
if they
get infected and they have no
at all that they are in a
vacuum they're
not because by getting infected
they are
propagating the outbreak because
inadvertently or innocently
they could
infect someone who'd infect
someone and
then all of a sudden someone's
grandmother grandfather or aunt
getting chemotherapy for breast
gets infected I could infect
someone who
affects someone else who goes
infects someone of then infects
grandmother who is under
for breast cancer and she dies
Thank You
so although you think you're
isolated in
a vacuum you're not you're part
of the
propagation of the pandemic so
it's your
responsibility to yourself as
well as to
society to avoid infection
shame that's
the message I know it's
difficult to get
out to young people but they
really need
to understand that yeah I saw
Surgeon General's public service
announcement which is a good
way to say
this which is put on your mask
and then
kovin stops with you and if we
all can
think about that it's up to us
each of
us to stop this pandemic it's
not some
decisions going to be made the
governance pension it's about us
deciding that this is our
okay so your acting classes are
do not
really hurt it's fantastic okay
you're right you thought that
was bad
acting wait for this one well
let's talk
about vaccines the world is
abuzz Tony
let's talk about vaccines
the world is abuzz about the
girlfriend this is just a Raja
Oz well
let's talk about vaccines the
world is
abuzz Maxie this guy runs a 42
dollar health budget
everybody's abuzz
about vaccines Tony well let's
about vaccines the world is
abuzz about
vaccines does the way in which
we might
ultimately get past this and
have a
chance to go back to something
approaching normal life where
we can all
be back together again because
this risk
won't be so high where are we
Tony with the vaccine efforts
that have
been moving forward at
speed hey Tony where are we
with the
vaccine efforts that have been
forward at unprecedented speed
but of
course they were full of
yeah I think the first thing
Wow did you
hear that that was Tony foutch
throat wheezing it was some that
challenges inhaling sound very
himself yeah the first thing
people need
to understand but although time
are given well are you dealing
there the vaccine the area
there's never
a guarantee that your candidate
will be
both safe and effective so
always the big question mark
assuming that there will be one
and may
be more safe and effective
here's where we are with the
time line
okay there are multiple
candidates using
different platforms several of
which the
United States government and
the NIH
itself we are involved in
helping to
facilitate the development
directly or indirectly with our
sites if
things go the way isn't he
the head of the NIH what the
head of the
NIH should well no I mean be
familiar with
yes but they divvied up the
script in
fact do you recall
well I reminded you or I asked
you to
keep something in mind when I
reading from the article I'll
just give
to the next clip we are now
working with
the companies Bauder by their
to start making dosas before we
know whether it works or not
get ready
so that when we get to the
winter in the
early part of 2021 we will
start to have
a large number of doses that
people will
be able to use if it turns out
to be
safe and effective the big if
so does
that mean if one of those
doesn't turn out to be safe and
effective you just have to
throw out all
of those doses that were made
they've wanted to be ready but
it isn't
always going to work he's
asking this
question Toni does that mean
that we
have to throw out the vaccine
doesn't work doesn't this guy
this guy know the answer to this
question well he knew it in his
the play he knew it and his
over the weekend he said
literally we
have Paul right that's what I
asked you
to remember I know I got me on
that one
yes he already said that but
now he's
playing dumb let's listen to
that dumb
part again the big if so does
that mean
if one of those vaccines
doesn't turn
out to be safe and effective
you just
have to throw out all those
doses that
were made how can this be I
wish I knew
I don't run or forty six
billion dollar
budgets if wanted to be ready
but it
isn't always gonna work oh well
stop for
one second this is one of the
things that probably hurt me
the most
and I you see with broadcasters
somebody knows something knows
answer they know the answer and
of posing the question as if
they know
the answer which you can do and
get away
with you can say well as we
know or so
you know if you input you can
see it's the Late Show
question so I heard that you
had a
really interesting experience
last week at Disneyland which
of course
is a known story that's the
worst case
yes exactly but I have run into
that are that do tech for
example and
they're very knowledgeable about
something but they feel obliged
to act
completely stupid about
something so to
ask because they can't ask the
any other way they don't know
how to do
it I guess but to hear somebody
that at
this level running the NIH
acting stupid
with questions that he knows
the answer
to it's a humiliation this guy
should go
they should get rid of him this
guy is
only just breaking on to the
scene we're
gonna see a lot of him foul she
can't do
the vaccines foul she is too
he's the wrong guy for the
vaccine this
is the guy that's bringing in
vaccine that's why he's in the
that's wise on NPR that's why
they did
this little script and I will
say as a
little aside if you look at
and you look at the Antichrist
revelation says the Antichrist
will come
he will look just like you
there's a
significant portion of our
religious believer and believing
producers who think this guy
will be an
excellent candidate for the
because you agree with them
he's good
for example just what you
played there
this is for a very evangelical
this is basically blatant lying
oh yeah he's handling this he
is a he is
a liar this guy oh yeah oh yeah
he's lying here pretending he's
certainly being not being
pretending he doesn't know
about how
anyway so I'll skip paths rest
that clip
we we got out of what we needed
the end
of it they just say hey this
will be
just as safe as any other
vaccine which
I thought was kind of funny but
now now
now now now we need to go after
people here to sign people up
we need we
need to get people we need to
get people
to take this test we are
determined that
these have to be young people
people got a message to the
young people
here's the messaging I want to
get out
now let's get this going we
to get people to sign up for
the trials
and it will be important to
people to enroll so people are
this right now my intention in
two or
three weeks to announcements
that there
might be a vaccine trial
somewhere in your neighborhood
like we
just heard in Houston because
we will
depend on the public to sign up
and help
us figure this out let's be
clear these
vaccines have already gone
through phase
one and Phase two trials so we
know that
they've been safe significant
number of
individuals and we know that
they seem
to be capable of raising
antibodies but
we haven't actually done the
testing in the field that it's
going to
be in the so-called Phase three
but particularly Toni it seems
to me
because this disease cope at 19
best hit particular group I
mean even
that you know John it seems
kind of to
me like hey John in particular
it's so
contrived to so contrived gonna
be in
this so-called Phase three
trials but
particularly Toni it seems to
me because
this disease Kovac 19 has hit
groups really hard I'm talking
older people people with
chronic disease
african-americans Latinos we
want to be
sure old old man it's not
Latinos bro
but we'll let you slide before
with chronic disease
Latinos we want to be sure that
vaccine enrollment includes
those folks
as well are there ways based on
experience where we are sure
outreach will work and we will
people to sign up for those
groups do we
have the messaging right Tony
well done Thank You Francis
what was dr.
Collins was referring back to
Francis leading me into the end
for what
thank you even thank you very
much never
even says you're leading me here
oops well done Thank You
Francis what
what dr. Collins was referring
leading me into the answer to
question was that
but why are they laughing it's
because of the question its he's
I believe this guy is secretly
the answer this is something
that we've
done with all our HIV trials
there is an
analogy here when you're
dealing with
HIV there's a disparity of why
the hell
is he laughing about this so
talking about are we reaching
the right
he says you're leading me right
into the
answer they crack up laughing
thank you Francis with what dr.
was referring to leading me
into the
answer to the question this is
that we've done with all our
HIV trials
there is an analogy here when
dealing with HIV there's a
disparity of
susceptibility of involvement
13% of the
American population is African
and 45 to 50 percent of the new
infections so whenever we do
and prevention trials through
networks we outreach through
representatives and community
we're going to use that same
model to do
the same thing for the
latina and Native American
in fact Francis and I right now
are very
heavily involved in making sure
that the
trials are quite well
representative by
the individuals who are most
not only to infection because
of certain
circumstances in their life but
because of the fact that they
are more
prone to complications because
underlying comorbidities it's a
goal of the trial to be properly
represented and that's what
we're gonna
make certainly high priority so
what I heard yes just like
remember how
much fun we had trying to find
the gays
to take them to take the tough
now we
gotta get black people
can't wait to try that's what
hearing and I'm not kidding you
man I'm
not gonna argue the point they
are evil
and will this thing even work
back to the vaccines I keep yes
Tony ok
so suppose this all looks
really good
and you have a vaccine that's
safe and
effective and we start
immunizing people
how long will that protection
last when
you glass are you gonna need to
take it
again uh-huh you're like I mean
like the
flu where you have to have a
shot every
year or where you get a booster
now what
do you think Wow we hadn't
this at all in many meetings
before we
went out and spent hundreds of
or maybe billions of dollars
pre funding
vaccines we might have to throw
water you think about well this
Francis a great question and
it's the
reason why we have to be it's
not a
great question it's not a great
by any means this is Francis a
question and it's the reason
why we have
to be humble about what we do
we do not
know the answer to that we do
not know I
mean you can assume that you're
get protection at least to take
through this cycle when you
look at
natural infection it's anyway
six months to a year however
with this
spike protein that's being
presented in
the way that we do it with
primes and in
some cases boosts we're going
to assume
that there's a degree of
protection but
we have to assume that it's
gonna be
finite it's not gonna be like a
vaccine how does an mRNA
vaccine which
is intended not to have your
produce immunity against future
infection from this dead end
host you're
dead and the virus you receive
but it is
intended to change your actual
DNA why
in god's name would you need a
boost or
a booster for that it just
doesn't make
it well even if it was let's
just assume
yeah let's
that's a mm-hmm B if it's a
disease I mean the reason
you're gonna
have to have a flu shot every
year cuz
the flu change
every year right so is this
thing gonna
change every year oh wait it
changed once from the
czars which disappeared
magically what
where did that ever go no one
ever talks
about the disappearance of cold
SARS no that came and went and
it which
was deadlier diverse now we
have this
this is a this is a blab
created product
that will just naturally go
away and
they're just trying to get these
vaccines out it manufacture
tons of the
vaccines as fast as they can
and they
already made their money it's
they want to get their money
out of this
thing and they got to do it
before this
thing completely disappears as
is shown
by the death chart which is
falling off
the cliff final two clips
they're short
so we're signing off now and
Collins pulls up a ball a model
of the
corona virus so he has like the
size of
a softball with all these spikes
sticking out of it it's green
it's green
it's not purple red it's green
and model
of the corona virus Tsarskoe b2
with all
those spiky proteins and that
just is
the way that it likes to get
inside of
your cells we are going to
vanquish this
guy for a whole lot longer okay
gonna vanquish this guy and now
answer your question about this
religiosity listen to how he
goodbye and you tell me if this
is a man
of faith a man who fears God
then hang
on because science the best
science you
can imagine led by amazing
people like
Tony Fauci and many others is
gonna come
forward here with what we
believe will
be ultimately a chance for us
all to get
back to the kind of lives that
we were
Lily leaving leading in 2019
and you
know what all of us in a few
years will
have parties where we talk
about what
did you do in 2010 agent
our grandchildren
well tell their grandchildren
what they
did in 2020 we were counting
the money
this is unlike anything we've
before but we're up to it we
encouraged to strength of
vision and the
energy to make it happen and
I'm sorry
if you're a man of faith if
you're a man
who went in an atheist in the
mid school
came out and the evangelical
and you believe in God and
professed this and you believe
science has a role under God
why is the
last thing you say an
afterthought oh oh
yeah some hope listen again
this is
unlike anything we've faced
before but
we're up to it we have the
courage to
strength divisions and the
energy to
make it happen and the hope
come on man
he would have said with God's
help yes
or how about even hope he said
hope you
forgot to say hope thanks Tony
and the
energy to make it happen is
upon us this
is the important phase I you
know they
can play it any way they want
everybody up with water for all
we know
dummy placebo we don't know we
have no
idea but by the way show title
I think
you're right but how the way
the way I
the way I interpret these guys
and what
is happening is let's target
those those
idiots the rednecks the dummies
and and
of course they're not wearing
masks so
we can blame them for it they
open up right anyway you're not
my haha they're the target you
could do
this any any city in America
except for
New York possible but any city
America you could do this now
you can
test more find this big group
of people
and then you can set up your
trial and of course Houston is
one of
the first of course it is I
heard about any vaccine trials
California which has more case
than we do we have it we have
it we have
a Democrat governor leaves from
you're so lucky with that I
guess so
he's a good man he wears a mask
in his
he's now on Twitter he's got
his picture
with a mask on ah that's
because when
you're on Twitter if you don't
have a
picture of the mask on you had
covert updates around the world
I want
to get them out of the way we
get the
show hood report done
yeah for sure uh let's start
there's only four of them here
kind of combined it with a
bunch of
yours we got to remember the
Brazil cuz Brazil is the worst
scenario because you got a dis
sanera guy taking his mask off
though he's he's positive with
the guys
he said he's a plague on
socialism so
let's play covet Brazil in
Brazil bars
and restaurants also reopened
in parts
of the country this week
despite the
second-largest corona virus
outbreak in
the world behind the United
States on
Friday Brazilian President John
ro vetoed parts of a law that
would have
required face masks indoors
when large
groups gathered Bolton ro has
the severity of the pandemic
increasing numbers of
infections and
deaths in Latin America's
country yeah yeah sure to get
that in
there okay let's go to uh Cove
oh here's
a good one this is the kovat
versus deaths comparison which
is I like
to wear the underplay the
deaths and
here we go
nation why there were more than
new confirmed cases reported
according to Johns Hopkins
researchers new daily cases are
increasing in 39 states with
upticks in California Arizona
Texas and
Mississippi according to the
New York
Times data Florida reported
thousand four hundred and fifty
new cases today a new record
for daily
cases while the number of new
cases is
increasing new deaths per day
experts say the numbers reflect
treatments and the fact that
people who are less likely to
severely ill account for more
of the new
cases oh really
there's the memes yeah it's all
in there
young people and this other
thing this
little mystery I am that keeps
in there and I've heard it a
lot I've
seen it a lot the new improved
treatments oh yeah which means
any one
of these new and improved
anything except the
hydroxychloroquine I
do have a new treatment hold on
a second
and I have the guy here yes
this is of
course a doctor from Texas he's
West Texas finally what do we
have or
five six seven eight eight
eight cars
stable we're stable stable
okay safe we're stable no up no
down on
this efforts extremely late
well I don't
know what that means so there's
a new
treatment a new cheap treatment
means this will be the first
and last
time you ever hear of this guy
his name
is dr. Richard Bartlett he
treats his
patients in West Texas he's
been doing
that for quite a number of
years and he
has a very very simple protocol
which he
says is the exact same one that
Japan and Singapore have used
incredibly low mortality rate
in all of
those countries I'm pointing
them out
because the people in Texas in
need to hear good news in
Dallas they
need to hear good news and I
have good
news I'm sure you do before I
am blown
away by those numbers I gave up
to write them down pop but
you're gonna
tell us somehow eventually
where we get
to this point that in these
countries they're doing what
I'm doing
Debbie okay they're doing what
I'm doing
which is not hydroxychloroquine
that works and so what they're
doing is
an inhaled steroid and so my
Bullet is inhaled budesonide
the brand
name originally was pulmicort
now it's
generic it's super cheap it's
about $200
for the total treatment if you
pay cash
with insurance many of my
patients are
not even having to pay for it
and you
use a nebulizer machine
it's an asthma medicine that's
it's a
respiratory anti-inflammatory
fork ovid
which is a respiratory
and it works a hundred percent
of my
patients are alive I've been
this since March and and you
you use it
for five minutes it takes five
to do a breathing treatment you
plug it
in the machine and the machine
in the
wall you put the medicine this
pre-measured from the pharmacy
into the
little reservoir you push the
on button
and you breathe it during five
we don't even have to have a
mask you
can use a little mouthpiece
that you
hold in front of you and you
breathe it
for five minutes and and I have
let me
tell you what I've heard from
when I started using this they
tell me I
feel better during the first
and so their chest pain goes
away their
shortness of breath goes away
fever breaks so the only way
that this
of course could work is if the
comes out today and says don't
listen to
that guy Trump came out and
said that
you're right this would be the
rage but
no it would be you know it's
it's cheap
which is not a good thing they
want that no of course not
all right back to your world
nice nice pick up on that yeah
we are
together we are really way too
tight for
this market you realize that
don't you
for the podcasting market they
were too
tight let's go to kovat report
UK this
pub in Cumbria in the north of
has probably never been as
clean but it
needs to be businesses in
England will
be open for the first time in
from Saturday but that doesn't
mean the
pandemic is over yet we aimed
for July
the fourth we wanted to set
ourselves a
target we think we're in good
shape but
my message is let's not blow it
folks we've done a fantastic
job so far
in bearing down on this disease
collectively let's not blow it
dozens of patients are still
dying every
day in British hospitals and
facilities such as gyms and
pools will remain shut
Britain's have
also been warned that they
continue to social distance
while out
and about the British
government has
also become embroiled in a
round with
their counterparts in Cardiff in
Edinburgh currently travellers
the united kingdom must
quarantine for a
fortnight but London's decision
to soon
exempt people arriving from 59
from quarantine was met with
fury from
the Welsh and Scottish
Government's both
of whom have decided to opt out
of the
plan but dealing with the UK
over the last few days has been
utterly shambolic experience
if ever there was an example of
an announcement first and then
trying to
work out what you meant by it
that is
what we have seen since this
announcement was first trailed
in the
press Boris Johnson has also
warned that
further localised lockdowns may
needed one has already been
imposed on
the city of Leicester in the
Midlands all in all it adds up
to the
strangest British summer in
memory 40.00 Shambala like
about ten
years ago if you remember we
did a whole
show on it yeah shambolic you
this I thought it was bullcrap
word and
then we went looked into it
it's a very
useful word shambolic look it
up while
you're looking it up you know
play the
lesson this was the Russia -
first but I'm not playing it
lastest at
the code report UK PBS one in
pubs and restaurants open today
for the
first time since March it's the
step yet in the country's
gradual easing
of coronavirus restrictions
patrons need
to stay one metre about three
feet from
each other and no one is
allowed to
stand at the bar but
mask-wearing is
optional barber shops museums
libraries also reopen today we
social distancing restrictions
but not
all of the United Kingdom is
each of the UK's four nation's
Scotland Wales and Northern
Ireland are
lifting restrictions
independently the
Netherlands also has they don't
call that a mask I was talking
to a
buddy of mine I said do you
have masks
their masks wouldn't be masks
which is
mooches Musker in dutch they
don't have
they have mouth caps that's
they're called multi copia
mouth caps
now only on public transport
no world's different virus
there's definitely a there's
got to be
some the left who's trying to
get rid of
Trump would love to you know
let this
thing linger on forever but
they've got to have some mixed
about this whole event and
transportation which is a big
carrier of
this thing because they're
always old
we'll get rid of cars we should
bikes and take buses and we
should never
have our cars are bad that use
and they're bad things we
should not
have which have less and less
cars and
more and more buses and more
and more
public transportation like they
do in
Europe yeah and this has got to
driving him nuts because nobody
wants to
get on a Muni bus anymore in San
Francisco if in fact they've
canceled 40
lines forty lines have been
taken out of
Wow there's also no one needs
to go
anywhere it's nothing going man
but if
you need to go you you know who
wants to
take a bus and bit BART is like
and it's still running I mean
you know
they closed they closed so much
in in
Los Angeles - it's like I mean
there are
like I heard that The Comedy
probably will not come back
they're just
gonna be broke done yeah not
gonna come
backs crazy I have a few uh
like three
lingering clips that just
pertain to the
cove unless you have something
else and
we can wrap it up now those are
that's all I got so with all of
taking place which is
ultimately the
goal of a vaccine is to create
herd immunity means that enough
are have the antibodies or
cannot catch
it and therefore transfer it
that it
just really dies out because
there's no
one to pass it on to and
whether you do
that because everyone got it
was some in
fact the UK wanted to do that
probably would have been a
strategy it's what we do with
we just wait until this herd
immunity we
try to do herd immunity with
the vaccine
that often doesn't even work at
who knows dr. Ron Paul who I
since 2007 says that we're
pretty much
there hundreds of pumps
immunity is
something that we've been
yeah nature support set herd
immunity to
covet nineteen it's just around
corner new studies say
suggesting humans
are rapidly building natural
against the virus that's
according to at
least two new studies by the
Institute in Sweden and the
Hospital Tuebingen in Germany
studies finds at least 30
percent of
humans now have kovetz specific
antibodies which means they've
exposed to weak samples of the
virus and
effectively equals a natural
essentially here it's coming
yesterday when you put up the
show where the DES levels were
from the
crown of iris which is standard
zero I
said well maybe the epidemic is
Church shows what I was talking
exactly not just an old kook
yeah you
and you and Ron Paul same old
cooks and
curries that he's training to
be one
however there's more cool data
that we talked about here such
as the
spread through the air we had
the top
dog Modi's to halt the dog he
says this
thing is being spread through
the air
you need to stay out of
conditions air
have air but you have to have
ventilation because it still
needs a
viral load so if you're talking
someone face to face it would
take about 10 minutes before
you had
enough viral load until you
know a copy
I think like I don't bury March
at least
we had a clip of a guy who
would your
doctor who said the only way
gonna get
this is from hand contacted
with the
actual viruses that you bring
to your
face or you have to be in the
of somebody with it
for a long time like 10 minutes
so we're
not as this continues we're
nothing new that we haven't
already on
this show discussed in great
detail back
in February March that's
exactly that's
exactly what I was going to
point out
that's kind of the point is
like we have
been related if Austin if they
say shut
down for 35 days I am defying
and I'm
gonna make a big fucking deal
about it
because you want your media
services I
got you can go look at you look
at the
order and you're gonna find out
exempt so you're dead you're
defying it
is is is is a Pyrrhic victory
I'm going
to stand outside my
hairdressers salon
while she remains open and I
will be
armed with my ar-15 or do you
believe me
I have we've done the work
we've done
the research we we're not just
we just
not gonna buy into the
reporting of it
and to the scam that is being
pulled I
mean the wool being pulled over
eyes no
no and just to prove it exactly
what we
said through research with
other types
of researchers who were deep
and thrown off mainstream
because they
didn't have the right message
but it
turns out yes indeed it spreads
their hundreds of the world's
doctors Elizabeth are now
warning 239 of
them signing this letter saying
want more public
acknowledgement that
the corona virus can float and
transmitted through air
droplets but I
have to say when I read this I
to myself we already know this
hold on wait for it why masks
are so
important what this gets very
and sort of the distinction that
scientists understand but
sometimes it's
hard to really get it so let's
about this yeah you know that
you're stupid whatever you're
now you're stupid
mostly what authorities have
about you can see it on the
CDC's web
page is that it's friends
sneezes and coughs in other
words there
has to be something propelling
however there's been a lot of
talk that
even just breathing can spread
it then
you don't really need that kind
propelling to get it to get
that just to
spread the virus and this is
not a big
secret the National Academy of
told the White House this more
three months ago that they
think just
breathing can spread this virus
and so
now these scientists more than
200 of
them are telling the World
Organization let's talk about
openly the word airborne is
scary but
let's talk about this only that
does spread more easily it
seems that's
what studies are showing than
people had
first thought okay so no it's
not scary
you only need to be exactly
where the
government tells you not to be
you need
to be outside if you're inside
especially if the conditions
are of
humidity are there then it's
going to
hang in the air and then you
walk around
for 10 minutes if someone has
it you are
probably going to get it if
that if you
have if you have a sick person
put them
in their bedroom crack a window
sure there's enough ventilation
going to be okay
mass do not work against this
you are
breathing air it's not like
your little
cloth mass that you've been
told is okay
is going to protect you though
all going to get it because
it's meant
to be gotten that way
it's it's there in fact I
believe that
having a cloth homemade mask is
worse but it's not super scary
definitely not true it's just
not super
scary I think the mess is good
it gives people a mild case of
dioxide poisoning does quite
actually a zoo does it quite
quickly it
buzzed me what the mask is only
it's all about one thing
controlling the politics being
able to
identify the assholes showing it
according to whomever showing
that that
that Republicans are idiots
because they had didn't have
the masks
and with increased testing it's
sleight of hand it's a trick
hey you you opened up the suit
you did
it wrong Austin by the way did
not open
up too soon we've really waited
than most but okay and then you
the testing you only talk about
huh now we've got to shut down
but now
don't worry help us on the way
vaccine is coming and they're
people they're destroying
people the
European Union it's trying to
pass a law
that says that in addition to an
pandemic the world and the
Union specifically has suffered
from an
info Demick of misinformation
kovat and they're writing up
against anyone saying something
doesn't agree with the
scientists and they call it the
Demick Wow now I want agreed be
on that
list I'm sorry
would we be put on the list of
verboten podcast the verboten
podcast I
think they're gonna make it a
easier it's just going to be
you can't
say certain things and
otherwise you'll
be de platformed removed and
mean they
have all that control over the
media companies they already
tell them
to delete all kinds of stuff in
the UK
you can't say anything about a
politician on social media you
could get
I'm so happy to live here
however am I
really do you remember the
state senator
Scott Jenson from Minnesota
yeah you
will when I tell you who said
hey man
this coating of people is he's
a bonanza
it's $39,000 to coat him as a
CO vid
positive he was the first one
we played
we played all right that was
her old a
clip a very old way back when
he's back
Justin I represent this is one
of the
most important videos I've made
and one
of the hardest frankly it's
been a very
difficult decision to make
whether I even wanted to do it
listen a
week ago I was notified by the
board of
medical practice in Minnesota
that I was
being investigated because of
statements I'd made they listed
allegations they said I've been
spreading misinformation in
regards to
the completion of death
certificates on
a news program which happened
to take
place on April 7 and you could
find that
if you want to do the other
was that I provide advice in my
willingness to compare my
family I mean
I'm in hospital yeah so he's
maybe upset
about the the process
occurrence maybes
upset about the process but the
point is
the medical community and the
which includes pharmaceuticals
education they won't allow this
guy to
speak they eventually his video
be off
YouTube they're investigating
and me
it's making lots of trouble
making his
life difficult like we heard the
professor from from the Nobel a
saying no one wanted look I'm
at data
that just said stop talking
like that
and of course this never gets
to the
mainstream media because when
it's not
an election year what are the
running on the mainstream media
if I may
be a pharmaceutical ads they
control the messaging and who
are the
pharmaceutical companies I'll
spoil it
China they have
complete control not is getting
less now
they have incredible control
over our
medication they have control
over the
actual base materials you need
even if
you want to assemble or produce
in India
it was also China who showed
the world
the shutdown which had never
been done
before on that scale we in my
mind are
under psychological attack with
complicit complicit behavior
several large organizations
Comcast and it has to stop we
we should
learn as Americans to channel
bigotry and the hate and the
feelings we have for each other
at black
lives matter to the CCP well
gonna be my whole lust after
the break
presentation and with that I'd
like to
thank you for your courage I
can't wait
for you it's in the morning to
you the
man who puts the C in the block
the CCP John C Dvorak oh well
in the
morning to you mr. Adam Curry
also in
the morning do all the boots on
ground feet in the air stops in
water and all the Dames tonight
set in
the morning to art our roles
let me count them they seem a
quiet today no that's about
right 14 70s
about 1500 what we we expect on
Thursday the second Sunday of
the week
in the morning to you it's a no
stream calm that's where you
can hang
out alive in our troll room
while you're
listening to the stream and it
keeps on going from there after
the show
there's another show
sometimes a podcast no
commercials it's
all fun and you get to hang out
cool people and troll the host
the show yell about this is
really a
free-for-all and it seems to
work and
while you're there ask for an
invite for
No Agenda social calm this is
our a
social network which runs on the
Federated mastodons network
from all other social networks
very high
signal-to-noise ratio that is
no agenda
social calm and then finally I
like to thank our artists for
1257 we tied
that one doggy DNA I feel which
probably an uninspired title
which it
was but a lot of that was
because of the
artwork which was we found in
evergreens it was an incredible
piece of
work from the j-man 33 orange
man bad
Trump's profile with the orange
man bad
words showing his that that's
his face
and his neck I mean it's it's
background his Cheetos we got a
lot of
compliments about this one it
was a nice
throwback piece dating is like
a film or
poster they can feel more east
or west
still more film or film or a
film or
yeah first there was the film
or then
there was the Fillmore East and
was the Fillmore West and
and the original film war was
the place
I'm referring to it was a video
was a
nice piece said don't know I
would I
don't know we don't know this
guy and it
probably worked a few of our
artists I know they were
talking about
it on the Twitter well let's
this because no one hit the
mark the way
you know and just no one hit
the mark so
he went to the evergreens found
this I
can't believe we missed it or
there must
have been something much better
at the
time that happens we normally
don't look
at ever grace unless we're
stymied right
but that just just it's
everyone's stuff
is really busy sticking stuff
all over
it you know now with 33 I mean
you gotta
be careful you know it's these
pieces are really really good
and just
by looking at the the the
response on
Twitter I think it does that it
does to
show a huge benefit when you
have so I
wouldn't think by the way I
also picked
another mountain JP's for the
two in a row no no but this was
this was
not Mountain Jay this was no
there's the
other Jay yeah yeah just we
don't know
this person so I don't want
anyone to
think this is a failure you
know it's
that's how it goes sometimes we
have a whiff we with the ball
shows that sometimes are hard
to do art
for this is also true and
we're just tired there was an
element of
that involved so that's no
agenda art
generator calm please go have a
look you
can participate you can upload
there's many ways that this art
utilized show album art
newsletter art
people print it out put it up
in their
homes it's so good and also no
shop calm where you can always
find some
cool pieces and now let us
thank our
executive producers and
executive producers for episode
what do
we add one thousand two hundred
eight one two five eight well
we start
with Julianne Lee and Boonesboro
Maryland $400 and she sent a
check in
wrote a note thank you for all
you do
the No Agenda community needs
you more
than ever and we love you
dearly the
rest of this note is for all the
producers and douchebags out
there old
and new one if you think you
need to
agree with Jon and Adam 100
percent of
the time you're missing the
point the
show exists to teach you how to
independently hello yes to
don't think
shrinking our amygdala is
enough you
need to increase your frontal
cortex as
well keep thinking rationally
all the
time 3 if you haven't yet
please go back
and listen to episode 850 208 3
that's 200 point 8 I will give
you group
you know Gregory great insight
into No
Agenda show and it explains a
lot of the
inside jokes that's a show to
hook 100.8
yes it was actually show 850 oh
ok 200
point 8 all right good
yeah it's to show 200 we've
done eight
times yeah I think we retired
it didn't
we I think we're kind of done
well we
kind of did but we've been
talking about
doing a new 200 and rebooting
it yeah we
have thought about it anyway
she says
helps you explain a lot of the
jokes if you're white you're
racist by
secret-agent Paul is an order
and an end of show is find if
segment's already too long love
light Julianne Lee I was dancer
requested yes racist yeah I
have that
and did she want a karma or
it's just I
would get I would request karma
for her
sure Miguel Espanola from New
York New
York New York a what's poppin
and Jose he says this is Senor
from Washington Heights I'd
like to
first and foremost thank you
for just
being some cool-ass dudes y'all
Rock I'm glad I'm reading this
word yes
y'all ninjas Rock broseph this
amount has an extra fifty cents
my birthday is three three
eighty three
in his amount is 333 and 83
cents as the
covert scare continues to grip
country I'd liked I'd like you
to see
things from the hood here in
Heights this is very helpful
let's call
it a boots on the ground
Dominicans are back to partying
and making all kinds of noise
the only
thing that's changed is the
fact that
some people wear a face mask
now with
the cops not really doing
anything about
crime it is inching way up and
I must
say good I don't like the
that was occurring maybe this
will scare
them into going away for a
while doubt
it though the amount of luxury
high-rises and office space is
built is evident that all this
rambunctious acts are just until
November and after elections
it's going
back the way shit was and the
cops being
the dicks that they are and I'd
like to
give a shout-out to Alex and
Athena for
inviting my fan
and I entered their home last
we smoked weed ate pizza and
just vibed
out this is your No Agenda
profile crazy
shit is that Alex and Athena
are the
only white people I know my
whole life
I've only known white people in
positions of authority teachers
principals cops thank you for
giving my
father Karma's he's out of the
had tracheotomy surgery and
lost 85
pounds but as having the tube
next week he's a lot stronger
he and I
rarely spoke and Rona has
helped us
become closer in life I'd asked
her some
jobs karma I lost mine with
was replaced by someone who
made a lot
less and the company is
suffering for
doing that which makes me smile
I live
on an extremely tight budget
and get by
by hustling weed products
throughout the
city follow me on the
instagrams for
those who need medicinal needs
NY state
of AI NY sta te o f ey e please
give me
a my best friend brother Glenn
D out
there in Austin some Karma for
family with the passing of us
grandmother I hope to meet you
Jen soon
blessings blessings to you
saying you
owe me well and thank you for
that boots
on the ground report that is
quite good so jobs karma jobs
jobs jobs
and jobs karma Michael Conti
follows up
from Mansfield Texas with 300
here's my long overdue
contribution he
writes ice kept spending the
contribution before I reached
the PayPal
app I finally got in the app
with a
little cash so here it is
thanks for the
great work I'll try it to be
responsible a more responsible
but now I'm having to buy masks
for work
exercise shopping travel
driving social
you should have a mass for
social events and now the beach
so I
don't know when I can afford my
visit to the PayPal dealer's
choice on
the jingles Michael ice will do
you've got Mariella null fo in
Oregon 3 3 3
a lot of Oregonians that listen
to this
show there's more meetups well
under in trouble I would happen
but what
happened to our Grand Duke
melon son he
seems to be you know you don't
say that
because every single time you
say that
he starts posting pictures of
looking just fine okay good
he's fine
ITM Jon and Adam well I didn't
know this
the executive producer donation
takes me
half way to Dame hood where's
he post
them on tweeter
I said I'd used to we know I
know oh you
really you're done huh not good
well I'm
not completely done but I would
people who are on Twitter to
put good to
follow me so I can get my
numbers back
Oh real Dvorak hmm oh man what
is whenever you post people
unfollow you
because you post off them no no
not have following me there dad
I just
post me about the show they've
they're gonna follow me for
that they
should have done it a little
time we go
okay at the real differ coming
Jay ad me
getting somebody at there's a
hacker out
there they can jack me no bet
my numbers
up 2,000 extra my hacker you
are getting
deep play you're getting deep
lots come
on hacker you're getting D
Twitter Oh
Dvorak at the real Dvorak was
saying he
wants hackers turns up his
numbers who
said odd though something about
you're canceled I did you're
Prineville Oregon again we're
going back
to Mariela null fo yes she just
her halfway to Dame hood I make
it today
in celebration of what my
calling the deaf dumb blind
night how we
know him my rebirth day to the
day I'd
survived the death sentence of
a brain
aneurysm on July 8 2017 oh yes
we know
Mariela yes well it turns out I
have something in common with
Bo Jaden
when I donate on this day in
2018 I
wrote that no agenda was a
crucial part
of my recovery through a
hospitals stand to brain
surgery just
like Joe yep
listening to it with my husband
kept me
connected and engaged with him
while all
of the other memory and body
were failing me but the brain
benefits didn't stop there as I
on my third rebirth day I can
say that recovery has not been
easy I
still suffer from chronic
migraines as
my skull knits back together
short-term memory loss and
exists but thanks to this show
one thing
I definitely do not suffer from
is this
terrible sickness the m5n M is
inflicting on society
overcoming the
ability of everyone I know and
love to
think and feel rationally so
while you may struggle to get
access to
hydroxychloroquine for that
pesky covin
19 remember that the
prescription for
m5m disease is simple listen to
thank you both sincerely for
being my bastions of sanity as I
navigate through the rest of my
difficult he's given me one
thing less
to worry about special thanks
also to
Adam for sharing my exposition
on my
auditory processing research
with the
show earlier this year just one
way this
amazing community has shown
that it will
uplift you and give you true a
platform for great thoughts and
ideas no
special access required no
access required jingle request
Tom saw a
rush version of the OTG kind of
guy okay
turning the frogs gay Alex Jones
followed by Jordan Peterson
that's wrong
respectfully Mariela
don't see the Florrick bakelite
he's an OTG kind of guy
I don't like putting chemicals
in the
water to turn the friggin frogs
wrong I
wasn't Peterson that was just a
that wasn't Peterson what's
wrong I
don't know what happened to him
Peterson that's wrong that's
wrong no we
don't have that anymore for
some reason
who knows Oh in fact here it is
course you knew it was coming
that's wrong boom wow did you
just as an
aside did you see the latest
from his daughter and Peterson
no yes so she did a family
update but
it's her and her dad and he
looks pretty
pretty good and they're in
Bulgaria and
they tell the story of what
and oh my god I mean it's it's
it's it's
crazy what they went through
and he's
still not out of the woods but
the just
the spoiler what happened you
know I
don't know any of this what
happened I
know I guess yeah so his wife
got you
know basically cancer that was
and apparently he had already
been on
SSRIs for about ten years but
then you
know he said all this grief and
a lot of
things were happening and so he
prescribed benzos which is you
know the
benzo I don't know the full
proper name
but it's basically it helps you
get to
sleep and lowers an anxiety a
lot of
people are on this here's the
thing that
we now learn from the Petersons
benzos that diazepam is an
example so
anything that ends in Pam is
going to be a benzo there yes
there's a
mental addiction that is
possible but
the actual physical dependency
is insane
and if you try to stop and you
taper off I wasn't prepared for
this but
there's something called a
kenosis or
something and it feels like
like you
don't know if you want to stand
up sit
down you rock
and forth which reminded me of
Gates and and you can feel like
skin is burning and it's this
horrible state and and und and
you can't
stop it unless you continue to
take the
the benzos and it's just a
never ending
story and then on top of that
they leave
us with the fact that Heath
Whitney Houston Michael Jackson
men Anna
Nicole Smith
they all died with benzos in
system so it's something that
needs to
be looked at it could actually
be worse
than opioids it could be it
could be
anyway it's something to be
seen it's in
the show notes I just saw any
clips or
anything that's terrible it's
really but man that daughter
what an
angel she took him around the
Moscow in the middle of a
pandemic she
was not gonna let her dad die
I'm very
impressed and I hope I get the
treatment from my kid
why what do you got going on no
worry if I ever needed it ever
needed it
snow of course I got nothing
going off
well Alex Brewers next on the
associate executive producer
from Kill
Devil Hills in North Carolina
dollars and 58 cents in the
you're both tis I Alex the
Ignite films
a Hollywood Southern Hollywood
you know anything maybe I can
come down
I can you know just play a
barkeep I
could pay I'm a cashier at a
John's like they shoot him have
never had a bit part in
anything how
I've been in a couple of TV's
yeah but you want to be in a
picture you want to be in a
property I
sent this on the big screen on
the big
screen the silver screen your
name in
as my father mentioned we will
hosting the first-ever Outer
Banks of
North Carolina meetup and we
couldn't be
more excited a quick note for
don't bring blankets or water
just bring
your cash this is a cash-only
bar we
look forward to a totally hinge
evening of beers conversation
general debauchery John and
Adams thank
you for keeping our amygdala
small and
our third eyes unsheathed amen
fist bump
that sweet sweet Karma Alex
Brewer Oak
Hill Devil Hills North Carolina
you've got karma now what is
this we go
from Alex Brewer
- Arthur Brewer Arthur Brewer
is envel
it must be boy look at the
numbers so
they did two three four five
seven hello
I think they wanted to have his
first he should have had the
five eight
instead of the five seven well
here we
go I TMZ has fourth time
produced a long
time listener loved to show no
indeed the best podcast in the
I would like to shamelessly
plug our
upcoming meetup on July 11th
7:00 p.m.
at the blue crab javanese are
meetups this is the same one
the same
one shirt blue clear Christmas
okay okay
Kill Devil Hills right my
lovely and
gracious wife Debra and I are
over from Tennessee to join
producers and our son Alex
Brewer and in
hosting the Meetup hope to meet
other free thinkers drink some
beers and
have a great time anyways
anyways take
care and keep on truckin ah man
keep on
truckin no jingles no karma r3
you are
once and fugitive king from bro
fugitive Oh What's in fugitive
King no
future King oh I see Brewer
medicines in
that fugitive future Nikolas
Fargo two
hundred and ten dollars
place unknown United States Oh
Ohio goat Karma first of all
please do
you've been deduced it's all he
I'll be attending the no agenda
in Northeast Ohio on Friday and
I can't
bear to face it without
supporting the
best podcast on earth according
to some
undisclosed sources familiar
with their
thinking I would like to thank
you for
the twice weekly amygdala
shrinkage that
you provide me and sometimes
begrudging fiance hmm I would
also like
to thank Sir Joby Wong for
me to the No Agenda show after
a rant I
gave him about the lies of the
m5 n cube
the hard work and please give
me a
helping of goat karma got it
you've got
look at this barren mark 10 or
dollars from Whittier California
it comes in every two weeks
with a a
smaller donation but he comes
in two
just to say this this is a
return for
Adam's anniversary call-out
thank you
Baron mark is no nice yeah what
was nice
of you Sarah
safar ik in Grand Rapids
longtime listener first-time
donor D
douching is an order my smoking
husband hit me in the mouth a
few years
ago I only was listening when
he would
play it now I download the
myself and try to listen to the
even before he does so I can
beat him to
the punch lines of the jokes
the show
has given us quality
together you have been the
breath of
fresh air that we need in our
society I didn't realize how
much I
genuinely enjoy my time
listening to you
with my husband until there was
a week I
was too busy and missed a few
thank you for the shrinking of
amygdalae find myself saying
that's true
at work we could use a little
conversing how my smoking-hot
starts a new job in August now
I need to
find myself a new adventure in
the job
world myself Thank You Sara
jobs jobs jobs and jobs
now Kelly from Minnesota sends
a 200 our
chicken and a note and I will
say this
she does mention it in here she
some pottery Oh three pieces
and you
were dated differently and you
can tell
that she's become a really
professional Potter and she's
gonna send
you some pieces and she
mentions that in
the note her large bowl I will
for her benefit is outstanding
accept my first donation I've
listening for five years now
and ever
since a dear friend introduced
me to you
this is a long hand that is
it's kind of
it's it's pretty but it's hard
it's not
necessarily hard easy to read
we were
together for five years old oh
the first
year wasn't exclusive for him
and the
last couple have had some rough
Mother's Day he is a special
man who has
a privileged place in my heart
so please
send him some relationship
karma this
fall I am entering a new a new
look says
new district full-time teaching
language-arts new school
district I
guess I know she needs some job
her for that Johnny sent you
pottery I started to sell this
year at
the farmers market every
Saturday if I
could also send some pottery
making ants
and selling karma so she needs
making and selling Karma that
would be
great next time I'll send some
- Adam no
jingles but John if you could
say oh
brother followed by Adam saying
fantastic that would be perfect
both of
you feel like family like every
listener I'm so bigoted so
grateful for
the work you guys do keep it up
big hugs
and Kelly so we have to sad to
say old
brother and then you say
fantastic okay
oh brother
fantastic all right one take
one take
everybody but she did this for
some car
then she said she didn't I want
to make
sure she gets in just in case
you've got
karma that is our last donor
secular associate executive
producer for
show 1258 we want to thank all
executive producers and
executive producers for helping
this show possible because you
did make
it possible yes and I have two
here first is I got from the
back office
although I don't see it
reflected from a
lady when Miller according to
my records
my thirty three dollars and 33
cents a
month started about three years
ago with
other monetary computers the
contributions over the past ten
years qualifies me as a dame so
that so
we wouldn't read this during
the segment
I want to make sure we do if
could this be done around July
8th my
birthday well isn't that a
how cool is that yes what a
present this will be words
express my deep humility and
how and the
great honor that I feel to
finally wear
this lofty title I offer my
solemn vow
to always live up to the many
expectations that come with it
daunting as they may be the
game name
that I chose is Lady whent of
the lakes
if you wouldn't mind I'd like
to have
spicy Mapo 2 to Mapo tofu if
you do if
you wouldn't mind I do you guys
that what is it I don't know
Mapo tofu
and mojitos at the round table
ordered please send an F cancer
and Jobs
Karma for us with gratitude
when Miller
of course we can do that for
you jobs
jobs jobs and jobs let's vote
for jobs
you've got karma and yeah this
is kind
of interesting tear call a
couple shows
ago I had someone had sent a
bunch of
Herrick Vicki had sent me a
whole bunch
of haircare products that make
your hair
grow with a two hundred dollar
check now
she sent the check to me so
that's been
mailed off to the PIO box so
she'll get
her official associate executive
producer ship and I and I
mentioned this
to you
I must have received 10 emails
of people
saying doo doo doo dude
what was it tell me what we're
foots who
reps I want stuff that makes my
grow so I feel obliged to say
that the
happy hair formula.com is
personal website and let us
know how
that works out for you that
could be
kind of interesting we could we
eventually have the official
hair care
product of the No Agenda show
if it's
any good no agenda hair care
hair care
product it's nap for Humanity
there's some other guys who
were talking
about some coffee I just want
to make it
clear now hey man we'd like to
put that
no agenda logo on the coffee
and we'll
give you a third no no no no no
no if we
like a product we may endorse
it I don't
know about having our logo on
it I don't
think that's the right way to
go what do
you think well a couple things
we had we
had a no agenda beer out of
Australia as
you recall yes that's true yeah
and he
had our logo with kind of a
logo on it
and we've had other products
that all
the t-shirts are number this
shop it got
the logo all over I don't see
why it's a
probably all of a sudden we
hate coffee
I don't I would like to test
the taste
the coffee before it becomes
official no
agenda coffee is that close now
different yeah that's I will I
will say
this I will agree with that so
we need a
couple pounds of coffee and
then we you
can put yeah I mean a little
micro brew
from Australia I mean oh by the
way it
wasn't even that Mike Road made
it all
the way to the US it was selling
it was a monster kiss a biggie
sexy big
microbrewery a big microbrewery
fantastic it makes no sense but
there it
alright everybody thank you so
these executive and associate
producers have here by the
title of
executive producer for the no
show episode 1258 you can use
anywhere titles are appreciated
recognized I always of course
your resume and your LinkedIn or
anything else or maybe just
print up
some business cards you can
flash it at
chicks in the bar it works
and if you'd like to consider
becoming a
producer or executive producer
associate executive producer we
will be
doing this again on Sunday we
forward to it and we'll look
forward to
support all you have to do is
go to the
Vollrath org
but I caught at just this last
Christopher Rae gave a lecture
at the
Hudson Hudson Institute
now wait Christopher Rae is he
the FBI
boss now yeah he's the FBI box
now what
was this guy apart I'm always
was he a part of the scam with
Comey was
he in that group was he one of
cronies running around I mean
not that
anyone can tell he came in late
in the
game Trump brought it banned
put him in
there he hasn't you know it has
busted you know gone through
and audited
the FBI or anything but he's
on board with this anti with
this not
anti but this China stuff ah
good and so
he gives a lecture here and
this is a
little long it's got there's
six parts
to it but it's a couple of more
short -
a couple more long
unfortunately but
it's so good okay because he
names names
he names cases and a lot of
this stuff
we've never heard about that he
the m5m
doesn't discuss it to any
extreme like
they remember every time there
was a
terrorist some dumb you know
some blow i
cubed guys in florid after you
recall it
will blow up the White House
and they've
you know they bust these guys
big cycle
all over of course is not over
any of
this what you're gonna hear
here is all
set for a couple items is
fairly new to
me and the media doesn't cover
because the media as we visit
mentioned earlier is controlled
by the
Chinese the CCP for sure
and so we're gonna hear a
little bit
about how how controlling they
are with
it with that this went on for
about a
good maybe an hour I don't I
don't have
like you know maybe ten minutes
of it
but I tried to pull out the
best stuff
this is rayon China Hudson
Institute one
the greatest long-term threat
to our
nation's information and
property and to our economic
vitality is
the counterintelligence an
espionage threat from China
it's a threat to our economic
and by extension to our national
security as national security
O'Brien said in his recent
remarks we
cannot close our eyes and ears
to what
China's doing and today in
light of the
importance of this threat I
will provide
more detail on the Chinese
threat than
the FBI has ever presented no
nice in an
open forum this threat is so
that the Attorney General and
of State will also be
addressing a lot
of these issues in the next few
which is true
Pompeyo just did this huge
thing on the
ingre ham show all about China
I didn't
clip it for today because we
already full but yeah there's a
push from the administration
doing this
but if you think these issues
are just
an intelligence issue or a
problem or a nuisance largely
just for
big corporations who can
largely take
care of themselves you could
not be more
wrong it's the people of the
States who are the victims of
amounts to Chinese theft on a
scale so