Unknown: That's so funny. What else did you do? Adam Curry, John Dvorak,
Adam: 3 2021 this is your award winning gitmo-nation Media assassination Episode 13 109 This
Unknown: is no agenda wrapping
Adam: the rabbit broadcasting live from opportunity zone 33 here in the frontier of Austin, Texas capital of the Lone Star State. Good morning,
everybody. I'm Adam Curry,
John: here from Northern Silicon Valley where I just got back from the biggest rave in France. I'm John Dvorak did
Adam: you raise the roof? Did you do some
John: MDF 1000s of people? I don't remember.
Adam: Was there a rave and rant in France that I was not invited to?
John: Oh it's a monster apparently there's a was a big scare. That's a big scandal. Yeah, they covered a little bit on some of the news here but
actually died really but the French Yeah, I actually have a clip
Adam: Oh yeah, I need I need to hear about a
John: see worse today
Adam: by the way is that bonus clip is that can I play that at my discretion?
John: That's the Happy New Year.
Adam: Is that see adorable?
John: No. I lifted it off for somebody Facebook.
Adam: Ah so cute. It would have been better if it was the adorable
John: Yeah, get him to say anything as a mirror. Can you say douchebag I and it would have been a net you know they were over the other day for dim
sum. Yeah. Outside covered with big glass wall between everyone. No, no, no,
Adam: no. Wait a minute. Yeah, hold on, hold on. I just said this is actually very sad and because I know you and I know how important your family is
to you and I know how important sanity is to you. So now we have a couple of conflicting issues one, both JC and Jesse had the Rona. So they should
not be shedding at this point and they certainly shouldn't be able to get it again. theodoropoulos
John: three had it and we're shedding there were a das
Adam: right there was this was months ago and see adorable mountain kids fine. So they came over. Everyone had to mask up be outside on the deck and
there had to be a plexiglass.
John: We did I exaggerated the plexiglass. Okay, but it was still had to be outside. million miles away from each other yelling. So what did you do
yesterday? Well, a
Unknown: Happy New Year dead.
John: ludicrous.
Adam: My daughter's, meanwhile,
John: is running around like a maniac.
Adam: Of course he's a Dvorak. What do you think?
John: Is a maniac So
Adam: do you have a clip of this of France 24
John: this France, France big French rave from France 24. And
Unknown: staying in France and investigation has been opened after a massive rave was held violating COVID curfew and other restrictions. Seven people
have been detained including two alleged organizers 1000 had attended the party in western France and police issued more than 1200 fines ranging from
breaking the curfew to not wearing a mask and illegal drug use.
John: Now if you wish to report wow apparently there's this giant sounds illegal drug
Adam: use at a rave What?
John: What are you telling me? By the way, I wondered about the accuracy of the report because of that. Yeah, because I never heard of such a thing.
Adam: The French raves though they're not the same. Like Well,
John: they have these like three story speakers that
Adam: are no that's that's right. Yeah, they do that it's just that the chicks man they got hairy legs. It's very different kind of rave.
John: I'm glad you give us the details. Now. So they apparent somehow and I almost said it somehow. The speaker systems which are on these back I
guess of these semis got away for No way. No way. They
Unknown: rolled away. Yeah, they
got away.
Adam: Oh, they got away with it when the cops came and the cops came. Or they just drive in with three foot three story speakers or
John: something like that. They're
Adam: lucky man because in California, they don't mess with that stuff. New images from Los Angeles County showing a super spreader Task Force
breaking up New Year's Eve parties doesn't sign it for violating stay at home orders. I wonder if they got those cool jackets that said super spreader
Task Force. Like the FBI. You know DEA those jackets?
John: t shirt alert. Yeah, really?
Adam: Hello no agenda shop.com Exactly. Super spreader. Was it super spreader? response team knows what they call it again. I forgot what
John: I like super spreader response
Adam: Yeah, I think that's what it is new
Unknown: images from Los Angeles County showing a super
Adam: spreader town Task Force.
John: No I think we're Task Force
Adam: I think response team is better. But we can use task force to keep it and you know when you need a blue kind of vinyl vinyl jacket, lightweight,
has an emblem on it should be black. You know how you have an emblem for all of the agencies Yeah, should be black has yellow letters, super
spreaders, bogus emblem the emblem will like when you look at it closely, he will be finally finally the artists can get their Coronavirus image on
the logo.
John: They'll be the only time when it should be over the breasts of the jacket.
Adam: You know, I was someone sent me the clip from Channel Four from 10 years ago. And we've talked about this several times. So it's not any big
revelation. But what was interesting about this, this is the this the SARS or the swine flu 10 years ago and of course we lived through that I got it.
I lived it. I didn't smoke for a while but I did live. And in this report, right there on the screen is a huge red depiction of a big ball of a virus
with spike proteins. It looks very much like the Coronavirus images. We've seen the spike proteins were really spiky though they're like little cubes
with four squares on it. But they were they were using actually, I think about it imagery. Now I think about it. It looks a lot less dangerous because
it doesn't have the actual spikes. It's almost like they put a like a square piece of styrofoam on top of the spike so it doesn't look as spiky and as
dangerous but they were using it. And it was a scandal
Unknown: is one of the greatest medical scandals of the century. According to a leading health expert in Brussels. The Council of Europe Health's
chief has accused major pharmaceutical firms of organizing a campaign of panic and unduly influencing World Health Organization decisions. And with
European countries now burdened with bills from millions and unwanted doses of the swine flu vaccine. He wants an investigation. science correspondent
Tom Clark has this report. flu viruses can spread to 64,000 people dead 10s of 1000s hospitalized, a country crippled by a virus sound familiar
doesn't it? The predictions of the impact of swine flu on Britain were grim. The government's response, spending hundreds of millions of pounds on
antiviral drugs and vaccines, adverts and leaflets. But 10 months into the pandemic, only 355 Britons have died globally. The virus hasn't lived up to
our fears where governments misled into preparing for the worst. Politicians in Brussels are now asking for an investigation into the role of
pharmaceutical companies played in influencing political decisions that led to a swine flu spending spree. The Council of Europe committee want the
investigation to focus on the World Health Organization's decision to lower the threshold required for a pandemic to be formally declared sounds
familiar yet the world is now at the start of the 2009
influenza pandemic,
Adam: when this house that the woman Margaret Chan. After this failed, they kicked her out
Unknown: and nine just pull it off
no pandemic. When this happened in June last year, governments had to activate huge pre prepared contracts for drugs and vaccines with sound
familiar yet.
They also want to probe ties between key who advisors and drug companies. Britain is now trying to cancel orders for 16 million doses of the jab. But
we're not the only country awash with vaccine. France ordered 94 million doses. It's now trying to cancel contracts for 50 million of those Germany is
trying to cancel orders for 25 million doses, and the Netherlands has announced it will sell 19 million of the 34 million vaccines as ordered last
month and investigation by Channel Four news raised serious questions about the government's decision to order millions of doses of the drug Tamiflu
and the possibility of pharmaceutical industry influence on decision making. Today the Department of Health defended its pandemic purchasing decisions
telling us in a statement they were based on independent scientific advice to ensure the country against the worst possible effects of a pandemic. Now
Adam: obviously we didn't hear too much of this this was all kind of got buried in the in the annals of the Annals of the European Union they're in
Brussels and they was a bit of an outrage but how quickly we forget all these things. Luckily, I subscribe to London real if you watch London real the
podcast it's pretty good guy got some good guests. I've
John: heard it a couple times. Yeah.
Adam: They did a deep dive investigation which I broke up into two just minute long clips for the crux of it. And this goes back to something we did
this report. I wasn't planning on doing the sequence but this report you just heard were clearly the pharmaceutical industry and health oriented
healthcare organizations, World Health Organization are complicit in some form of scam. And it was known and it came out no one went to jail and and
shut up. Everybody won't talk about it. Now London real dives into an issue which you've discussed previously. And I think he did a pretty good job
here with the patents on Coronavirus and has an interesting conclusion in 1999. patents on Coronavirus,
Unknown: started showing up and thus began the rabbit trail.
March 2000.
grips Hong Kong has a deadly new virus to sweep through the city.
In 2003, the Center for Disease Control saw the possibility of a gold strike. And that was the coronavirus outbreak that happened in Asia. They saw
that a virus they knew could be easily manipulated was something that was very valuable. And in 2003, they sought to patent it. And they made sure
that they controlled the proprietary rights to the disease, to the virus and to its detection and all of the measurement of it.
We know that Anthony Fauci that Ralph Berek that the Center for Disease Control and the laundry list of people who wanted to take credit for inventing
Coronavirus. We're at the hub of this story. From 2003 to 2018. They controlled 100% of the cash flow that built the Empire around the industrial
complex of
Adam: So that's the registration of the virus but there's a real problem with patenting a virus. If it's a natural occurrence, it cannot be patented
by law. So London real explains why
Unknown: something's up on April the 25th 2003. The US Center for Disease Control filed a patent on the Coronavirus transmitted to humans under 35. us
Code Section 101 nature is prohibited from being patented, either SARS Coronavirus, was manufactured, therefore making a patent on it legal or it was
natural, therefore making a patent on it illegal if it was manufactured. It was a violation of biological and chemical weapons treaties and laws. If
it was natural, filing a patent on it was illegal in either outcome. Both are illegal. In the spring of 2007. The CDC filed a petition with the patent
office to keep their application confidential and private. They actually filed patents on not only the virus but they also filed patents on its
detection and a kit to measure it. Because of that CDC patent they had the ability to control who is authorized and who is not authorized to make
independent inquiries into Coronavirus. You cannot look at the virus you cannot measure it, you cannot develop a test for it. And by ultimately
receiving the patents that constrained anyone from using it. They had the means they had the motive. And most of all, they had the monetary gain from
turning Coronavirus from a pathogen to profit.
Adam: I think he nails it passage into profit. That's what
John: explains a lot including the fall explained in the last show, which is well we can't No one's ever identify or no one's ever isolated it.
Adam: Oh, I haven't I have an email about that. Because if you can't if it's patented, right, you know, you're well fringing it gets even better.
Based on this email. I have a PhD in virology and Immunology. I'm a clinical lab scientist and have tested 1500 supposedly positive COVID-19 samples
collected here in Southern California. When my lab team and I did the testing through Cox postulates and observation under an SEM a scanning electron
microscope, we found no COVID in any of the 1500 samples, and these were all positive. What we found was that all of the 1500 samples were mostly
influenza a and some more influenza B but not a single case of COVID and we did not use the BS PCR test. We then sent the remainder of the samples to
Stanford Cornell and a few of the universities of California labs and they found the same results as we did no COVID. They found influenza A and B.
All of us then spoke to the CDC and asked for viable samples of COVID which CDC said they could not provide is that it did not have any samples. We
have now Come to the firm conclusion through all our research and lab work that the COVID-19 was imaginary and fictitious, the flu was called COVID.
And most of the 225,000 dead were dead through comorbidities such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes, emphysema, etc. And when they and when they got
the flu, which further weakened their immune system, they died, I've yet to find a single viable sample of COVID-19 to work with. We at the seven
universities that did the lab tests on these 1500 samples are now suing the CDC for COVID-19 fraud, the CDC has yet to send us a single, viable,
isolated and purified sample of COVID-19. If they can't, or won't send us a viable sample, I say there's no COVID-19. It is fictitious. Now, in light
of this, oh, actually, there's a little more this little more interesting bit here. The four research papers that do describe the genomic extracts of
the COVID-19 virus, never were successful in isolating and purifying the samples. All the four papers written on COVID-19 only described small bits of
RNA, which were only 37 to 40 base pairs long, which is not a virus, a viral genome is typically 30,000 to 40,000 base pairs. With as bad as COVID is
supposed to be all over the place. How come no one in any lab worldwide has ever isolated and purified this virus in eternity? And of course, there's
the obvious conclusion from that.
John: I will mention that our mutual friend Yes. Kind of says the same thing.
Adam: Yes, that person does. Notice I keep the gender even nonspecific I'm so good at this.
John: Well,
Adam: and this is exactly the same story, the same storyline, HIV AIDS,
John: let's do the right scenario.
Adam: Thank you. Same scenario. They never really now, years, years, years later, they have some paper that says yeah, that guy discovered it's not
Horowitz You stupid trolls. It's not he's not a lab technician. lab tech, it's someone who works with viruses immunology, RNA,
John: where he is the stockbrokers. Now, it does work with viruses.
Adam: Stupid trolls. But in with HIV, no one ever isolated the virus. It's what Kary mullis was saying. And what's happening is the PCR is picking up
fragments, which is only only base pairs like 30, base 37 to 40 base pairs. It's not a full virus anywho doesn't matter if you've got I said it You
said it we got a vaccine on the way we got all kinds of
John: I was got to know for some it just make this even more complex. Okay, by the way, this is good stuff. People should realize what a great show
this you know what,
Adam: what fat was fantastic producers we have.
John: It's a great show.
Adam: We're also humble. That's what people like the most. It pays
John: off. So there's some issues about you know how to get to two shots. A second one is in three ways. But you know, if you miss it, you you start
listening to these guys. If you missed the three way cut off, just take it when you can right for this? Yes. We have a clip of it. Someone suggested
the possibility and then it was funny because it coincide with something my wife said out of the blue at the dinner table. How about this, they really
don't have a shot. Now there's no shot, their shot is coming maybe in three weeks if they can get it finished, but maybe not. Because when I my wife
out of the blue, she says, Oh, they just shouldn't be able to say lane. taught you know this talking about
Adam: this fits this says hold on this fits. Let me find the note. Here we go. This is from the UK. Wow, I'd like this john wall's from the Daily
Mail. So call it what you want. So they have a new jab policy jab as they call it in the UK, because we don't have enough of the vaccine instead of
after three weeks. Dad, don't worry, you can wait 12 weeks, that's fine. So all of a sudden, this vaccine which needs this double dose to boost
efficacy and you have to come back after three weeks to get your second shot. They're just saying that don't worry about it. You can wait 12 weeks is
fine. We need to get more people get this shot. That doesn't sound very scientific for this thing that has to come in 90 below zero has to be thought
out and use within an hour and a half can sit out Oh, we've got a very special what what are the odds that that's just all total crap.
John: Just distract shots and each vial sometimes Yeah, they don't even have the right amount well she says this and then this guy's goes on with this
I'm thinking what and maybe that's why there was was that the show was okay, I liked it and you know, I feel better. And every once in a while someone
does pass on my daughter will pass out from a shot.
Adam: I don't do too well. Anything No,
John: no, a lot of people they get a shot Do you get woozy? Oh, I'm gonna pass out gets dead, but that could be shooting him up with saleya doesn't
make any difference. Something fishy about this whole thing? And by the way, the mass hysteria is largely which is what they would say if there's well
there's not just a bunch of variations of the flu and normal comorbidities killing people which because it is mostly older people that are dying
everywhere it's not many people in their day high schoolers
Adam: you know what also bugs me is that Oh, wait, let
John: me finish my thought. With all this going on, is it possible that the new what's the very what's the variable they didn't do with the swine flu?
They did this time. They try the same scam let's say with the swine flu they had
Adam: we got gave me
John: the image. Well, that's one thing. That's a good point. The image was not as scary. Go lock downs.
Adam: Yes. Oh, yeah, that's a big, you locked down. Everybody
John: freaked them out, freaked them out, they can't go out. If you remember the first couple. That was great. By the way, if you weren't like paying
attention. At the first week of the lockdowns when it first started back in the beginning of the year, there was nobody on the road.
Adam: You can't go anywhere. That's right. That's right.
John: And so and people were getting freaked out and it was creating mass hysteria. Yes, they didn't do that with the first swine flu.
Adam: What also bothers me is that the at the point of entry into the arm, which will be at CVS and Walmart, etc, are this where it is in doctors
John: They, by the way, hold on, let me stop you again. Who can expect CVS I know pharmacists should be able to do this kind of work. But to work with
something in sub zero temperatures.
Adam: This is my second point was they also have to mix it they have to mix it on the spot. Remember this coming in diluted form? That sounds like a
recipe for disaster if it's really this very sensitive vaccine that needs to be stored at these extremely cold temperatures and has limited literal
limited shelf life? Why did these people have to mix what and what are they mixing in the ceiling? What are they mixing? What are they mixing in
John: Let us know that? You made that point? Because I have not heard what what the mix consists of? Well,
Adam: we have people at pharmacies, I know that for sure. We got a lot of them. I haven't heard from them, actually. Mm hmm. For those of you who are
new to this show, you are not a listener to this show. You are a by default, a producer of this program. And I'm doing this specifically because we
have a lot of new people who tuned in this year, and we have for 13 years of history of tradition, which is pretty much morphing all the time. But
this one our producers because that's what they are sent me Episode 10 of the no agenda show. And in that the genesis of our discussion about the
listeners doing the work, including Supercuts, we were already talking about Supercuts back then and Supercuts of us even. So I wanted to share this
just to set the stage. So you know what your responsibility is, and why
John: I think it'd be more than a few volunteers for that.
Adam: Interesting. Well, it certainly could be done. I mean, and so if we were able
John: to participation, it would mean like participation broadcasting, that's the term we'll call it. And that didn't live.
Adam: That's the term we'll call it. Thank you, Dr. devore, Echo cola participation. broadcasting.com
John: I mean, like participation, broadcasting, that's the term we'll call it. And participation broadcasting because nobody uses will use it. Because
it's like, you're you're actually doing the editing out there.
Adam: You really liked that name participation, dissipating the sounds like they don't like the name.
John: You don't like the name. Now.
Unknown: We gotta have a good name, man.
John: Well find a good name, whatever the case is, I think you can get an audience to do that. And then you'd have like a variety of shows you have
like to just the by and large rants every time we mentioned by enlarge and have somebody edited all together. So it's a nice package and people can
listen to it when they feel like it. And you'd have an infinite number of things. You could do with all this with just with the raw feed of the whole
thing. Interesting,
Unknown: huh?
Adam: Well, I'm just mulling it over I'm pretty objective is at all costs to avoid any type of work.
John: Yeah, no, absolutely just not as well. You just sit here yakking away what we think with some experience,
Adam: we got some knowledge.
John: We were aware. We have a knowledge base with the elders. Our elders and elders don't have to do work. We're not supposed to do work.
Unknown: There you go.
Adam: We worked it out in one minute. Let's see, we have everybody participate, because we don't want to do work. Yeah, good idea.
John: It turns out that we end up doing more work. Well,
Adam: yes. 12 199.
John: The actual work we have to do because of all the participation. Yeah, it becomes twice as much work as the normal dipshits yakking towards type
of podcast where you just have to be funny. What else did you do?
Adam: It's definitely got a lot of moving parts.
John: A lot of moving weights. Like we're keeping a lot of spinning plates going. Oh, yeah.
Adam: All right. I do have a quick series of special clips. We have vaccine or saline or vaccine vaccine. That's what vaccine is. It's sailing.
Unknown: vaccine.
Adam: Wasn't that we have a we have a vaccine jingle.
Unknown: Actually, yeah,
vac? Yeah, it was we don't Yes, no. Yes.
John: I mean, I like the word but I don't think you hold on, hold
Adam: on. Hold on. Hold on. Listen to this.
Here we go. Little Stone Temple Pilots for everybody. Stone Temple Pilots.
Anyway, I'm played in the show. That's a good song.
John: Nailed it.
Adam: No, I didn't nail it. Thanks for noticing. So we have the vaccine coming. Lots of you just kind of wonder about our health professionals. Do
they want to save us? Do they want to kill us? Do they know what they're doing? What is wrong with their brains? Okay, you know, where I'm you know,
well, you know, and let me get let me let me ramp into it. Let me ramp into your favorite segment.
John: I went to the doctors recently. Yeah. And I think you the point you're about to make, I think is pretty well, there. I don't know if they want
to save us now. But Doris, as panicked and hysterical as anybody that I've seen, at least in these operations. I go to Sutter Health. And it's like
now, they're clueless.
Adam: That's not what I was going to mention.
John: Oh, sorry. I just shaking my head. You have to imagine me sitting here going how these poor people?
Adam: Well, let's listen to Fauci response about the vaccines expected mutations they believe this variant spreads more efficiently weakness, right,
we have the variant problem. This is this Oh, the variant standby because of changes to remember to protein, which can more easily dock onto human
cells. The evolution of the virus does not appear to make people sicker, or the illness deadlier. Not long after official sedatives spread widely in
London, the variant was detected here at
Unknown: home, it appears from
John: what we learn from the UK. And what we'll prove here is that this particular mutation does in fact, make the virus better at transmitting from
one person to another.
Adam: I found that to just be a weird comment, it makes it better. I think more infectious would be a term. But if you're like it, it spreads it
better. Get ready for the vaccine, you fools. And you know what you got to do with the vaccine. There's only one thing to do with the vaccine.
Unknown: And then we heard a lot about vitamin D. Zinc, flu shots being helpful tools to fight the virus. Can you give us an update or perspective on
on these opinions? Yes, so
the most effective thing to fight the vaccine right or fight the virus.
Adam: Fight the vaccine, people fight the vaccine. You know what to do? This little switcheroo. I like it. Now here's my favorite. This is from the
World Economic Forum podcast. I'm the pod father. So I'm allowed to listen to these and consume these and critique them as ever as well as I wish This
is in fact, the great reset podcast. Oh, I
Unknown: have an add finally. And finally, I almost forgot. So if there's a light at the end of the pandemic tunnel, maybe that light is the vaccine
or indeed vaccines, who would have thought that in less than a year from that press conference,
I played you right at the start, we'd have two, maybe three viable viruses that are actually going out
John: right now. And again, unbelievable. It's not just ever end
Adam: but but in context of the variants in context of the variant, we'd have
Unknown: two maybe three viable viruses that are actually going out
right now. And again, even less
Adam: so you tell me does the truce want to come out?
John: A little bit too much that for my taste I mean, keep them coming. Stop doing that. keep evolving and just get is starting to really get me a
little worried about what I mean that this keeps coming out this this?
Adam: Oh, it's because the truth is coming out the truth wants to come out
John: judge really wants to come out desk. You you are collecting these you have so many now
Adam: I have about 10 so we're gonna put together a supercut but I'd like I'd like 10 more. So thanks to the producers who are who are out there
searching for these new year's eve that we're keeping it with it with the Rona. First a BIG thumbs down and boo hiss to the mayor of New York City. De
Blasio, who forced everybody to stay home and then was danced and cam dancing romantically with his wife on Time Square. These people have no clue Do
they? do not understand how horrible that looks and how I've gotten emails, text messages.
Unknown: Turn on the TV. Tv deblasio is out there dancing.
John: He wanted to place to himself.
Adam: Yeah. And the Chinese will usually own that whole ceremony. Every year Guangdong in the UK, the BBC. they're okay with all this new New Year's
Eve. This is the new New Year's Eve ladies and gentlemen. This is how we're gonna live. They love it over there. But did we ever really enjoy New
Year's Eve that much? Oh, my God, I sense that we should be having the best time ever. For many the burden of expectation has been terrible. But now
that pressure is off.
Unknown: I'm relieved because it gives me an excuse not to go out. lockdown. New Year's Eve is absolutely perfect for me.
Adam: Tash Bell is a features writer for The Telegraph newspaper,
Unknown: and probably New Year's Eve as you always have tomo, which is not that you're skirting around your kitchen trying to have fun, but your fear
of missing out. And you're always convinced everybody else is having more fun than you are. And this year you know that all starless you and I find
that quite comforting. You know, nobody's going to post a picture on Facebook showing the wonderful time that having in some great nightclub, but to
in the morning, they're all going to be at home in their slippers, sobbing quietly into a Coco that they're probably laced virgin. And that's really
how we should always do New Year's Eve. I think we should all be at home in our slippers drunk
around the world, people have different ways in life.
Adam: In Romania, they dress up as dancing bears in Denmark, they dropped plates. And in Johannesburg, they throw fridges out of Windows. But whatever
you do, this year you can sit back and relax because that non stop party feeling that many fine depressive is off the agenda. It's off the agenda.
What let's look at the statistics everybody as we check the economics of the lockdown in the UK these prices are in British pounds so that that could
be zero. Who knows. This is the latest beer sales during the lockdown in the UK up by 792 million pounds. wyness sales 717 million more tobacco sales
684 4 million more in sales spirits, which is your gin and more $566 million increase Water Water went down in sales by 149 million pounds. juices
went down in sales by 50 million. And my favorite and this will define our fine British friends who which which when we have a special relationship
the sales of deodorant decreased by 47 million pounds. So in the UK Clearly the future of New Year's Eve is drinky and stinky.
John: Dog you went a long way for Thank you unless you you have to read, do you want to? I don't want you to play it again. But you have to in your
minds at least think of these two people that were making this commentary. One of them that made the guy himself was a dud, he was appeal he was just
some sort of, he's the kind of guy known as revite to have a beer. Right? So he should probably be fine at home. The woman was a depressive. Yeah,
have some sort of columnist for The Telegraph. If that doesn't make you depressed that just in this day and age nothing Well, that's what it is. And
so she and she thinks that everyone should be sobbing in their in their coffee. gin laced coffee. Yeah, you know, that's that's a that's her idea of a
celebration and she sounds like someone nobody would ever want to be near
Adam: would correct game. No, no, no, no,
John: it's not like a misogynist. I
Adam: got no tingle from listening to her. Nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope. Let's go down under we have a situation. It's a bad situation in
Australia. It's back in Victoria we have we need to send in the super spreader Task Force. As we have found five people tested positive. Oh my gosh,
good evening. There's
Unknown: chaos and anger.
Adam: checkpoints as Victorians make a desperate dash back from New South Wales before the midnight cutoff. queues of cars stretched for kilometers,
with frustrated drivers accusing the government of putting lives at risk. Johnny Lee begins our coverage
Unknown: in a frantic rush to get home but going nowhere COVID-19 once again robbing Victorians of their interstate holidays. And they were more
chaotic scenes today with the border to New South Wales set to slam shot to everyone at 1159 tonight.
I think it's a bit ridiculous, because I don't think there's been that many cases so far.
Adam: So this is only based on cases a handful of cases. You were not even allowed to transit through the state of Victoria. I think if you went 150
miles an hour with the doors locked and the windows up then it was okay. But Oh don't you stop for a rest stop holidaymakers are rushing back from old
parts of New South Wales,
Unknown: forcing many on marathon drives, or
five hours, seven hours.
We spent 13 hours on the road, Adam Nell and his family from Warren Butler returning from New Castle. He says Victoria's health department told him to
drive home via Bathurst
because we're not allowed to drive through the red zone. Not even to go via the highway. We're told that the cook bars can get in through the events
of the cow.
Victorians returned other parts of the country through New South Wales with strict conditions,
up to 15 minutes tops, wearing a face mask socially distancing, etc. Under certain conditions, we'll be able to make that some cross state journey.
Adam: They have not well, they should have an idea because we've told them when you hit your fall and winter, you're going to be locked down again.
You can't stop these cases. So you're going to get ready for it. And you have no influence during the summer. So you're fine. So no one's dying. It's
coming back. You guys are about five months behind us. Now, lots of stories. And this kind of leads me to believe that we may have a skewed view, lots
of stories about vaccine hesitancy, and those are backed up by numbers. Who knows what the numbers are. But the story goes like this, the president
orange man promised 20 million vaccines by the end of the year, and the 20 million vaccines have been dispersed but they're not getting into arms.
They're not jumping up and flying into arms fast enough. And this is being sold in the mainstream is vaccine hesitancy on one hand, on the other hand,
that's being sold as Operation warp speed. Trump sucks. Yeah,
John: Trump sides Trump sucks. Operation Trump sucks.
Adam: Now I know that you see only evidence that people will be lining up for this.
John: Oh, I've got more today. I got tons of I got clips. Goodwin, why don't
Adam: I play the hesitant hesitancy clips. And we'll see where you get. Where
Unknown: are you getting these?
Adam: ABC, CBS, CNN?
John: Are they all couched in a certain way to make it's safe to be hesitant? No,
Adam: no, no. Oh, yeah. Is that a mistake to be hesitant? Oh, yes. Oh, of course. But they're giving explanation. So let's listen first to ABC. And in
Maryland, in less than a fifth of the shots provided have actually been administered. The rest still sitting in freezers, the government now making
plans to start an educational campaign to encourage people to get the vaccine
John: by the time we get to the early full We will have enough good herd immunity to be able to really get back to some strong semblance of normality.
Yeah, well,
Adam: we'll talk about his bullcrap later. Here's ABC World. News Tonight that blaming at least some of this lack of vaccines getting into arms on the
frontline health care workers
John: with the country facing limited supplies, a substantial lack of infrastructure and an already overworked roster of health care workers.
Nationwide, only about 4.2 million Americans have been vaccinated so far, almost 80%, short of the Trump administration's goal of 20 million by the
New Year,
Unknown: so it's just not working. And there's no state that's got it right.
John: four states have still not yet vaccinated one half of 1% of their populations, including Ohio, where officials say they're less worried about
supply and more concerned about convincing people to take the shots available.
Unknown: We've had some folks that say basically, they want to wait and see see what happens with a vaccine.
John: In Knox County alone, half the health department and 60% of MS workers have elected not to get vaccinated right now. And again, we're
Unknown: not gonna make them but we just you know, wish that they had a higher compliance
John: and it will likely take mass compliance to return to normal life affect Colorado Superintendent Scott Siegfried is using to encourage his staff,
the school's nurses receiving their first shots Friday.
Unknown: I can't require I won't require that employees
get the vaccine. But I said once you have the opportunity, then we're going back to school full
time all kids.
Adam: Mayor, Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti went on CNN with Jake Tapper to blame it on the health care workers. According to county officials,
between 20 to 40% of frontline workers in LA County, are refusing to take the vaccine. What is it? What is it what's being done to convince what a
conundrum? These are the heroes? They're in the heroes act? They are they we clapped for them every single night? And now what do we do we call them
douchebags is it's tough for them that they need to get vaccinated.
Unknown: That was in some some areas, I
Adam: think that number is better. In the city of Los Angeles, for instance, our firefighters, we had a survey I was out with my firefighters getting
them vaccinated, over 90% of them said that they're going to get the vaccine. And as soon as they talked to a buddy who got it know that there's a
sore arm, maybe a little bit of a headache to treat with Tylenol. We're seeing people come in record numbers. So I think we have to build that trust,
especially were received federal government that's played politics was so much of this crisis. There is a lot of mistrust and distrust out there. But
I do believe that we will be able to and we're sprinting, by the way on our vaccines here is quickly for spring, they are putting them in the arms of
our medical workers in the arms, firefighter paramedics. And of course, now we're surging them into our surging nursing facilities, our skilled
nursing facility that's interesting, key surging into the nursing facilities, and of course, our surgeon guide into our nursing facilities, skilled
nursing facilities. So we're not finding as much into it. But I think there's a lot of folks out there who have question marks, simply because there
hasn't been Unified Messaging on this, but I can't wait to get the vaccine when it's my turn. I'm not going to get you
John: on the line yet. But I certainly will do jumping the line all
Adam: of us Yes, so that we can get back our economy and get back. This
John: is the real message.
Adam: Yeah, the jumping the line I liked. I liked that a lot. One of our producers sent us a note with a couple of additional vaccine cop outlines
that were famous for helping the entire Gitmo Nation utilize these things to get around all kinds of government bullcrap. And we already launched this
on the last show. Here's some additional little additional ones. And this is a producer Joe, I'm glad someone else thought of doing this. I was
approached as part of the staff at a hospital and offered a free vaccine. I simply looked the doctor in the eye and said, I cannot in good conscience
take a vaccine when there's so many hundreds of 1000s of people that need it with type one diabetes, heart problems, serious medical conditions,
permanent disabilities.
John: Now,
Adam: I'll go to the back of the line. And the philanthropic approach, he suggests goes as follows. No, I'm going to wait on my vaccination. There's
so many people that just can't afford to get this and they need it badly. So I actually was thinking of giving mine to someone else. These are good
baby. These are good CBS
John: has where the producers Really do come in handy. There's a creative, a kind of a collective creativity that is really something beyond the
abilities of any one or two individuals.
Adam: But I'd like the combo of saying maybe you start off I gotta take the vaccine. Now, man, I don't want to jump the line. In fact, I think I
should be at the back of the line. And here's why. And then you use any one of those options.
John: Yeah, you do a bunch of virtue signaling. But the jumper line
Adam: is this Yes, reverse virtue signaling
John: virtue. Yours virtue signaling in a way that is unexpected.
Adam: Yeah, it's our vs.
John: Orpheus,
Adam: Ross Emerson, CBS has a shorty, but man, they're
Unknown: on it with 2020. Behind us hopes placed in vaccines are already plagued by confusion and long lines, vaccine distribution has been anything
but warp speed in several states. So far, just 12 and a half million doses have been distributed. And less than 3 million have actually been
administered, not even close to the 20 million vaccinations pledged by the end of the
Adam: year. Now, there's a number of problems in that and that Moe and I were taping on Monday, but we were talking yesterday for about an hour. And
he says that they're going to start replacing the black celebrities that we know today, because they have not done their job. They are not able to
motivate our a das brothers and sisters into into taking a vaccine. And, you know, most information comes firsthand. He says no one, no one he knows
no friends, no way. Sure, sure some people may say it and get it anyway. But the distrust in the American descendants of slavery community, also known
as the black and brown communities, is so high, especially after the nurse with the bell palsy, whether it's true or not, it doesn't matter. And to
take it all the way his mother, Mama facts, who is a pastor who you know, to have her not go to church was a big deal. But she's all in on that. And
she's doing church on zoom. But when it comes to the vaccine, a hard stop not happening. And you don't hear it anymore. You don't that they did that
for a little bit. And now now they're they've tried the force thing like, Hey, hey, black and brown communities, we're gonna do you first. That didn't
work. Oh, that's never
John: gonna work.
Adam: Those zip codes emptied out immediately. But when it comes down to it, you need to trust the right sources. If you if you're just out there on
the internet, you're going to get very bad information. And this is why Dr. Katz of the halo team at the World Health Organization and united nations
who are out there on the TIC tocs giving you the information she tells you what to do. Hey,
Unknown: Dr. Ken epidemiologist, today we're going to learn about levels of evidence. So as you can see, behind me there's a pyramid and the quality
of the data is ranged from best to least as the quality of the data goes down, the amount of bias in the data goes up. So when you see a Facebook post
like this saying somebody died after taking the vaccine, but you can't find it anywhere else. Or if you see a tweet like this saying someone that was
in a car accident was miscoded as COVID-19 these levels of evidence are down here where it says anecdotal. However, for the vaccine trials, randomized
double blind placebo controlled trials in a peer reviewed journal, those are up here. So just make sure that when you're looking at information on the
internet to draw conclusions from that you're drawing it from good quality sources
Adam: and a good example of a good quality source is a doctor on Tick Tock
Unknown: Yes, Dr. Cat we believe in you
John: take the vaccine ironic and idiotic about at the same time about what she's doing on Tick Tock what she's describing as how to analyze
information and quality of information. And she's doing it on Tick Tock Yeah,
Adam: exactly. The Chinese own Tick Tock Whatever happened to that deal? No, I don't know what you have. I have one more thing which we can just
listen to a bit or play as much as we want. Because after I have a special report on free the vaccine was let's do this free the vaccine free the free
the vaccine free the vaccine. Okay,
John: now let's go into way start with dough into proper this one here we'll do with the vaccine under Oh brother. p ROPLRV. Is I got it that that's
our opener, it's
Adam: vaccine. Even even wrote it there.
Unknown: This is one of Fred Bayer NEMA, Executive Director of UN aids in a video produced by the people's vaccine Alliance.
Huge pharmaceutical companies keeping the vaccine research a secret. They're deciding how many vaccines
get made,
how much to charge for them,
and who gets vaccinated.
This will no doubt leave billions of people behind.
Adam: Well, part of that's true what we just heard on the patent stuff. They can't make this is
John: this well they're they're going against this and they're making a big deal they want this this whole organization so well here replay free the
vaccine for a little background
Unknown: has the United States, Britain and other nations begin unprecedented mass vaccination campaigns to combat the covid 19 pandemic. Other parts
of the world may not have access to vaccines for months, if not years. A new report finds as many as nine out of 10 people in dozens of poorer
countries could miss out on the Coronavirus vaccine until at least 2022. Because wealthy countries including the United States are enough doses to
vaccinate their entire populations between three and five times over. The report was issued by the people's vaccine Alliance, which includes Amnesty
International frontline aides global justice now and Oxfam.
Adam: Okay, how come I didn't hear Bill Gates Foundation listed in that? People
John: obvious reason vaccine Alliance, because Bill Gates wants to make money and these people want the vaccine to be free. And public domain
Adam: doesn't mean that he wouldn't be in that group. You'd be surprised
John: he wouldn't be in that group in a million years. Huh. Bill Gates and Oxfam very rarely on the same operation. You know, they used the word
Adam: Yeah, by the way. Yes, I heard it. I heard it.
John: Do they have a website you're looking for that you won't find any evidence of it? Okay. This, there's one woman they brought another woman on
who started complaining about everything. And it was just funny to listen to her because she must have been hard to find someone complaining these
days. Well, complaining about the fact that these vaccines cause money. And it costs money to develop. And of course, this is completely on a
different track everything I'm playing here on a different track of what to track you are on with the Fauci and this thing's patented and all that
kind of scheming going on in the background, these people that naive believers,
Adam: or are they? Are they controlled opposition?
John: And not controlled? I can tell you that. Well, that first of all, let's start with what cadrage has to say this is people's facts. He even
brings it up.
Unknown: People which one bovec Yeah, Ted Ross got it. We simply wait. Let me just practice, there's millions of deaths, okay, we simply cannot accept
a world in which the poor and marginalized are trampled
by the rich and powerful in the standard for vaccines, the standard
this is
I like
Adam: to I get a kick out of not Stampede, no Stanford, which is actually better and more descriptive, you're getting stamped out citizen
Unknown: in the Stanford for vaccines. This is a global crisis. And the solutions must be shared equitably, as global public goods, not as private
commodities that widen
Adam: Ah ha, I feel a patent lawsuit coming.
John: I feel more than that I feel this is a prelude to a socialization of all kinds of things is socialism. Yeah. And they're bringing it they're
they're starting to promote the idea that, you know, all countries are equal.
Adam: Yes, no matter what all people are equal, john,
John: and all people are equal. And so you end up with this, this woman who comes on and I think she mentioned her name is the people's vaccine
complaining woman. That's part one. It doesn't say one just that's what it is. And let's give a listen to her and and her logic. And the and I kind of
think this is a future way of looking at things for the, for the social justice warriors in this country and for the Justice democrats and for the
Democrat Party. And it just, but it's some of it is just like why Okay, here we go.
Unknown: Dr. Moga, come out in a joined us from Oxford, England. She's policy advisor to the people's vaccine Alliance. She worked for decades on
access to medicines and health care in developing countries. I asked Dr. Moga, camellia nae to talk about the call for people's vaccine.
What the people's vaccine is a coalition of organizations like amnesty, frontline aids, global justice, Oxfam, its NGO, led by Oxfam and un aids and
it has so many people you know, academics, health activists, health experts, NGOs, patient groups from all over the world, the United for one A, which
has a people's vaccine, not a profit vaccine. So we want a vaccine basically we're calling for vaccination that You know, that is available for all
people at risk. And then for everybody, once we have enough those days, but not the way it's happening now, where if you happen to be born in a rich
country, you get the vaccine if you happen to be born in a poor country don't. And yesterday and in the UK, they started vaccinating older people, and
there was some clapping. And you know, it was a lot of joy. And of course, that's brilliant, you know, that there is hope, that this this problem that
we're all suffering from, will be, you know, like this, there's a light at the end of the tunnel. However, that joy is only limited to people living
here. I've got friends and relatives and people that I work with in other countries in developing countries who are saying, Yeah, yeah, what about
them? So this this is really a big problem. There's just so many it's kind of dividing the world between those who have and can pay and those who
don't and can't pay and therefore, while you can stand in the back of the queue, we don't know when you can get the vaccine and that is just not
right. It's not right.
Adam: Wow, I'm looking at un aids because these are the these are the people behind this. Yep, it's it's all chicks man. Listen, it's just no chicks
man. Here's their here's their. Here's who they are. The governance Here we go. I have the co sponsors. It's a lot of you. It's all un UNHCR, UNICEF,
WP f World Food Programme UNDP. That is un FPA. The UN ODC UN Women i l o UNESCO, who in the World Bank and then the ambassadors are some of the
ambassadors I can't mention them all. These are is interesting. First Lady of Rwanda first lady of Cameroon first lady of Chod. First Lady of Cote
d'Ivoire, Cote d'Ivoire, first lady of Namibia. See Victoria Beckham first lady of soccer. Well, so we have bucuti Vera Britons now. So it's a whole
bunch of women. Huh? Hmm, very interesting. This group, I like future people. Now I like it. That's a very interesting group.
John: This group is I don't you know, I think in probably years ago, I probably would have said sounds like a bunch of dingbats. But it's just, it's
cruel. Well, here's, here's
Adam: what bothers me. This group is literally the UN aids group. So yes, and we found it but but here's what here's what bothers me they buy into
every this propagandistic nonsense promoted by I think your first clip of the show, that whole idea that the Big Pharma is using these people as
Stooges as as useful idiots, because if this was a real group, and if they really cared about AIDS, what they would be saying right now is, Hey, Fauci
this Hello, saying people from the 80s and 90s. Hello, you same people, you could get a vaccine together in less than a year for something that was
said to be impossible. And where are we on AIDS? Exactly? Not Not a word of this.
John: That's a good point. I like that. Yeah. What about AIDS? What
Adam: about AIDS?
John: I remember when aids first showed up in the newspapers in 1986. I think I
Adam: remember when friends of mine died in the hospital because they got AZT.
John: And the first thing you read well, this is dealt with AZT came a little later. But the first thing you read when this thing cropped up in 86, at
least it was earlier, but
Adam: it was early 80s 86 is when they started dying at
John: Studio 486. When they started that's when they started noticing and started writing articles. And I remember reading the first article I read
was, well, don't worry about it. It takes seven years we'll have a vaccine, and then the year then was seven years to develop a vaccine.
Adam: And I think they've spent $300 billion. Yeah, well, it's you know, same people. Same. Talking about same people. Let's
John: go back to that woman. Yeah, who was yakking away worried about the rich and the poor and the rich get more
Unknown: and that's unfair on moral grounds is not right on public health grounds because everybody's saying nobody's safe until everybody's safe
here. Okay, how do you make everybody safe? So a vaccine nationalism will not get you to everybody's safe. And also an economic ground is not you're
not going to get the economy growing, if just one or back to normal. If one country vaccinated population and the rest of the world they think you
can't trade with people who are sick. For the people who have a high level of infection, so, you know, it's it just doesn't make sense we're doing
John: it. Now
Unknown: the point is that this is not kind of fact of life that all we have limited amount of vaccines Actually, that's not, that's not the case.
There are other options that will enable the world to produce more vaccines, and therefore vaccinate more people. So basically what's happening now,
if you can imagine that we have a small pie. So that's one vaccine, a small pie. And so basically, the rich can have the biggest share of it, and then
would have just crumbs left for developing countries. While the idea is that one Why don't we increase the pie so everybody can have a decent share of
it, rather than fighting owner for own a little, little one,
Adam: because we're better than you. were number one,
John: don't get it, you just make a bigger pie. That's all it takes. It's that simple. Just a bigger pie. Let's just make this bigger pie.
Adam: Pie grow the pie. Alright,
John: so that dad was that and that's what's going on. Now. Meanwhile, India, which has three children, what's returned? What for? 10? Probably four
times our population. Yep. And half the deaths Dez that we've had the deaths. So they have four times as many people as squalor, a lot of squalor in
India, are they stumping for the vaccine, they'd be they have squalor, they bathe in the Ganges. They ride on the
Adam: outside of the train.
John: They have three they have like a 1234 times a population and they have one half the number of cases we have because we're number one,
Adam: and they don't even eat cows.
John: That may be what the reason Yeah, but so I was just skipping there's a little oddity In this clip, huh?
Adam: This is the Indian vaccinations.
John: Well, they are going to use the AstraZeneca jab, jab now how many how many distancing this guy he's gotten me how many companies have developed
a vaccine? Oh, can we name can we name them?
Adam: I think 15 but I cannot I cannot name them all but I can give you a Madonna and you gotta count in bio in tech cuz I think that counts as a
name. We've got Pfizer. We've got Johnson and Johnson we've got AstraZeneca I miss Russians got one the Russians got one. The Chinese have two. That's
John: Jays have to
Adam: Yeah, they got to Sanofi disegno I think don't the French have one? You know what the answer is? None of them. They all have the same sailing.
John: That's how it may be. Yeah. But there's even another one I never heard of that they brought up in this region in the play. This is from France
24. This is on the vaccinations going on in India.
Unknown: for an upcoming vaccination Dr. clinic staff and goodly patients gather at health centers in India. No one is receiving a COVID-19 vaccine
just yet.
Government of India guidelines we are doing that. today. Our arrangements are satisfactory. We have waiting room or vaccination room on monitoring
area our teams are in place.
Saturday, India protect vaccine delivery system to the test. checking if it's health infrastructure is ready to deal with transportation, cold storage
and mass inoculation, the chance for staff to test an online database and federal participants to look towards the future.
I'm not afraid.
And this pandemic we have to get vaccinated.
For years I've been working in public health, and I'd like to get injected and also motivate others to do the same.
The nationwide rehearsal took place the day after India's drug regulator recommended emergency use of two Coronavirus vaccines, one made by
AstraZeneca and Oxford University, the other by India that ferrets biotech to more on trial in the country. Barrett
John: biotech
Adam: when it comes to medicine and doctors my first choices would be Indian and Iraqi I'm kidding I'm not kidding the Iraqis are really good doctors.
John: does a lot of good Indian doctors know about
Adam: lots of them
John: I still kind of prefer the good old Jewish doctor
Adam: Yeah, yeah. I can see why you'd like that like a
Unknown: kind of like a
Yeah, I got you
John: know what you're getting at but
Adam: I don't know either but I can just see that can see that you like you'd like to chicken soup guy yeah.
John: So bearish biotechs another one to put on the list to how many of these guys are they just crazy is how they control which makes me even more
suspicious of the sailings shot. I'm telling you, there's something going on this is just some No, no,
Adam: no. Yeah, no, there's not something going on. There's some
John: going on.
Adam: Mm hmm. Let me see what I have. World Economic Forum fewer people say they take the COVID-19 COVID-19 vaccine and three months ago pregnant
John: They gotta suppress that kind of data and get people to take take the jab.
Adam: Get it in your arm. Pregnant women in your arm pregnant women they agonize Washington Post over whether to get the Coronavirus vaccine 42 people
in West Virginia mistakenly given virus treatment instead of vaccine that was a good one. 240 Israelis 240 Israelis found with COVID after
vaccination. California Hospital busted for giving COVID vaccine to relatives I think that's that could be a planted story. Let's make it look like
there's an undead everyone wants to so bad so bad. I agree. Elan musk though is unconsolable I have big mad respect for Elon Musk serving the military
industrial complex
John: and big way
Adam: and virtue signalers across the world. With his cars, Elan musk slam slam slam you got Bill Gates as a knucklehead and a stupid person and
defense is vowed not to take Coronavirus vaccine. How does musk musk yeah right on Ilan welcome that
John: Musk is gonna have to start shutting up. No I don't like What's his name? The billionaire in China who starts condemning the Chinese government.
Ali Baba guy
Adam: whoa jack Ma
John: Ma Yeah.
Unknown: Oh they shut up dead
Adam: but this is this is different. It's possibly as so many
John: musk thinks he's he's musk thinks he's beyond is above
Unknown: it all he did.
John: Was he he? Yes,
Adam: he is. I love him for it. You go a long
John: accident too happen.
Adam: Wow, read book everybody. Cool. That's uh, that's it. I can't go get on board with that. Let's see. Oh, yes, I did. There's a story about the
mink. I can't get off that story. You told me he loved the mink. I can't help it. A wild American mink in Utah is tested positive for the coronavirus
Oh no. Oh, that is a good. We gotta we gotta do it properly. Oh.
Unknown: With a red dash alpha message and
the first wild animal to test positive for Coronavirus.
Adam: The Wild mink was infected with a variant, a variant of the Coronavirus, a variant I can't help but recognize the word variant popping up with a
mink, a variant of the Coronavirus that was indistinguishable from viruses taken from nearby farmed minx that suggests that wild mink acquired the
infection from farmed animals. That's why they have to die. They're coming for your pets. They're coming for them. They're going to euthanize your
John: It's about time is your you're all for it.
Adam: No, I love dogs, you know, at least moved to New York. She left yesterday. She's moving to Brooklyn. She's starting her and she's she's going
against the trend. She's going
John: why would anybody at this point in history in history? Yeah.
Adam: I go way back. Yeah. moved to New York. Because she she's 24 she couldn't she shouldn't be doing this. If you want to do something crazy and
nutty. Do it when you're young. I'm all for that. But that's not that's not really the point. I don't know what my point was now.
John: What we're talking about as she was moving to New York, I was about mink, right I got it.
Adam: So Tina and I now we're not we're really empty nesters. My daughter is 6000 miles away. We have one my stepdaughter is in Illinois, Chicago,
blocked down and my other stepdaughter is going to Brooklyn. So we're now talking dogs, john.
John: Oh my god.
Adam: Yep. And the problem is not even getting dogs the Problem is not having dogs. The problem is what to name the dogs? Well,
John: before you go on with this, I would do a couple things. You have to know that my daughter is a dog walker and a professional about dogs. Mm hmm.
So she knows the breeds.
Adam: I don't really mind which breed it is. Oh, you will,
but I don't want a dog named. Here's the names Tina. She says at least one of the dogs has to be named. Paul Anka. Whoa, whoa, stop. Stop. Stop.
John: New information. One of the dog
Adam: I told you didn't you didn't listen. I said to dogs. We're thinking about getting
John: to park Yeah. So yeah, I can't have one dog cuz I don't know.
Adam: Yeah, exactly. So dog number one by the way. Dog number one is Paul anchor and anchor dog number two, the Doris Day.
John: I mean, what does this mean your dog after celebrity dead celebrities. Paul may still be alive dead.
Adam: Now the Paul Anka is because the dog in the Gilmore Girls is named Paul Anka. So I think I'm gonna have to reflect on Paul Anka, so I need a
better dog name that can show superiority over Paul Anka.
Unknown: Brutus
Adam: No, that's not as
John: spike.
Unknown: Duke
Adam: Rocco
Unknown: being
John: their king hair King. Kings
Adam: is out playing with the dogs walking in the neighborhood going here Paul Anka here, Doris Day. I mean, we might as well put the assless chaps
John: Put a big sign on your head
to two while you're walking the dogs,
Unknown: Paul Anka, Doris Thursday.
Oh, my goodness. I
John: can't name a dog Doris Day. I said dogs don't usually have two names.
Adam: How about I just call them orange. That would kind of work yelling that up and down the street. Doris Day and Paul Anka.
John: I think you should named a dog shithead
Adam: Oh, you had a cat named dickhead. So I
John: hear shithead a shithead. kind of done that
Adam: one. That's not really I don't think that's gonna be Yeah, yes.
John: You have no sense of humor? Oh,
Adam: no, no, I got no sense of humor. Uh huh.
John: You're gonna hate having these two dogs.
Adam: Let's go back to the clip. I wanted to play at least some of because after nine months, 10 months of us. And this is important. We deconstructed
so much along the way so early, that I'm just getting a little tired of people sending us clips we played three months ago, because they recently
recycled the the the simulation that we're in, can't come up with new stuff. So then oh, here's that clip.
John: They've run out of material run out of material. And I think that science slide the swine flu stuff. You played it. The beginning proves it.
Adam: Yeah, the recycled material. Same thing, same player, same actors same bullcrap. But our liberal friend who has meal I think is a true liberal,
not a crazy Democrat. Democratic Party. operative.
John: Do you know about the banker? No. Jimmy Dore or Jimmy Dore,
Adam: Jimmy Dore. Jimmy Dore is a classic liberal.
John: I see him more as a classic progressive,
Adam: okay, progressive hates Trump. We have been showing the numbers since day one since the 2 million people are going to die and the and the
Imperial College model and we've pulled everything apart and we've put we've ripped all the everything to shreds. We saw the switcheroo with the
numbers we saw the combination of the all of it, all of it, and the lying and the lying by one man in particular the King Fauci, St. Fauci. Jimmy
Dore. Welcome citizen. We've been waiting your arrival. It's interesting how he does all this after Trump loses an election, or at least momentarily.
Now, Jimmy Dore is coming out and saying, oh, that guy's a liar. That guy's full of shit. At least he's doing it and I could have deconstructed this
clip myself, but I thought it was more interesting to listen to Jimmy Dore, do it. Let's talk about some of the solutions is Dana bash with Fauci
Unknown: in terms of Coronavirus. You acknowledge to the New York Times that you've moved the goalposts in terms of what it would take to reach so
called herd immunity in the United States. Here's
what you said you said.
When poll said about when poll said only about half All Americans would take a vaccine, I was saying herd immunity would take 70 to 75%. Then when
newer survey said 60% or more would take it, I thought I can nudge this up a bit. So went to 8085. And then you go on to say that it may be as high as
So my question is, Why weren't you straight with the American people about this to begin with?
John: No, no, actually. Danna, I don't think it can be interpreted as being straight or not, we have to realize that we have to be humble, and realize
what we don't know, these are pure estimates and the calculations that I made 70 75% It's a range, the range is going to be somewhere between 70 and
85%. The reason I first started saying, 7075, I brought it up. So he's lying, because he first started saying 60 to 70. So now he's actually again
trying to bullshit you by saying he started by saying 70 to 75, which he didn't, he started by saying 60 to 70. So he's even lying in his middle of
Adam: Welcome citizen.
John: This is the guy in charge of our healthcare 85 that's not a big leap to go from 75 to 85. It was really based on calculation was that was funny
to listen to this guy, you know, I said, it'd be me going. Well, I said, 70 I think 70 or maybe 60? I could have said 68 is possibly 70. Maybe was 71.
Not sure, but it's 7172. It doesn't really make any difference, because there's not much of a jersey going 7172 73 to 7475 76, maybe 76, maybe 77,
maybe 78 I don't know. But I remember saying 71. But I was thinking 77 or 76 or 75. I don't know your higher numbers. As you listen to this guy,
Adam: you're hired. And this is about the vaccination rate we need in order to achieve herd immunity. And it's it's a fantastic piece, but I just
liked it extra was Jimmy Dore deconstructing it, because he's mad. He's finally waking up and seeing the bullcrap that's been shoved in our face,
particularly from Fauci and friends, and wait until Jimmy Dore really discovers what's going on.
John: This is the guy in charge of our healthcare 85 that's not a big leap to go from 75 to 85. It was really based on calculations and pure
extrapolations from measles. measles is about 98% effective vaccine. Now, I
Adam: would have stopped the clip here and said, you're gonna tell me that measles is more infectious than COVID-19. Where was the lockdown then?
Where was that lockdown?
John: The COVID-19 vaccine is about 94 95%. When you get below 90% of the population vaccinated with measles, you start seeing a breakthrough against
the herd immunity. People starting to get infected like we saw in the
Unknown: source and
John: in New York City with the Orthodox Jewish group
Unknown: that blame it on the Jews
John: when we had measles outbreak. So I made a calculation that COVID-19
Adam: totally unnecessary. He did that Mr. Jesuit, I think was unnecessary for him to say we saw that with the Orthodox Jews. I think it's unnecessary
that he did that
John: in New York State in New York City with the Orthodox Jewish group when we had measles outbreak, so I made a calculation that COVID-19 sauze
COVID is not as nearly as transmissible as measles. measles is the most transmissible infection, you can imagine. So I would imagine that you would
need something.
Adam: Wait a minute. What about the new variant? Isn't that more transmissible and he imagines that he imagines he's imagining things on top of things
he's imagined
John: aliy as transmissible as measles. measles is the most transmissible infection, you can imagine. So I would imagine that you would need something
a little bit less than the 90%. That's where I got to the 85. But I think we all have to be honest and humble. Nobody really knows for sure. But I
think 70 to 85% for herd immunity for COVID-19 is a reasonable estimate. And in fact, most of my epidemiology colleagues agree with me.
Unknown: Exact
I guess my question was about polling. It's it seemed in that quote, to suggest that you were basing your your recommendation on polling and what
people could accept. Is that not what you meant? No, it means that I
John: want to encourage the people of the so when he just said no. And then he immediately said, Yes, it's a bit of that. No, it's a bit of that. Yes,
Unknown: that means yes.
Dr. Anthony Fauci and I've said this on the show. I'll say it right now. I
love this.
John: He's a pathological liar.
Unknown: Oh, Jimmy Dore
John: and should not be heading the Coronavirus Iris response. Dr. Anthony Fauci
Unknown: is a pathological liar. He can't do
an interview where he doesn't lie. He just like twice in one sense. She knows he's lying. Yeah.
What does that look tell you?
John: She knows he's full of shit. She's talked to people like him all her life. She knows when someone's obfuscating. They're cheating. And he is,
and she knows it. That's why she asked that question a second
Unknown: time,
John: and it states and globally to get vaccinated because as many as possibly get vaccinated, we'll get closer to herd immunity. So the bottom line
is, it's a guesstimate I gave a range. And I use any discussion like we're having now data to encourage people to get to that goal of 70 to 85% of the
people vaccinated. That's where we really want to be.
Unknown: Okay, and just to put a button on it, no sugarcoating. You're saying 75 to 80% is the goal, in your view as of now based on what you know,
when it comes to herd immunity, not 90%?
Right. Right, right.
Adam: Wait until Jimmy Dore discovers Kary mullis? Because he will, because I know people watch Jimmy Dore, you should send him this clip. What is it?
What is the inventor of the PCR test? And
Unknown: it talks specifically about Anthony Fauci from the days of aids the days What is it? What What is it about humanity, that that wants to go to
the all the details and stuff and listening, you know, these guys like Fauci get up there and start talking, you know, he doesn't know anything really
about anything. And I say that to his face. Nothing. The man thinks you can take a blood sample and stick it in an electron microscope, and if it's
got a virus in there, you will know it. He doesn't understand electron microscopy, and he doesn't understand medicine and that he should not be in a
position like he's in. Most of those guys up there on the top are just total administrative people, and they don't know anything about what's going on
the bottom. You know, those guys have got an agenda, which is not what we would like them to have being that we pay for them to take care of our
health and someone. They've got a personal kind of agenda. They make up their own rules as they go, they change them when they want to, and they
smile. Tony Fauci does not mind going on television in front of the people to pay salary and lie directly.
Adam: I mean, this is not new information. And I look forward to Jimmy Dore finding this out. Every show should play this.
John: They should. That's a good clip.
Adam: Every dad now. Unfortunately, he passed away at the end of 2019. Just before this all kicked off.
John: Yes. Is he getting it and he's cleared to clear the decks it happens. Who do we have to get rid of before we pull this one off? Hey, where's
that shortlist? Yeah, that
Adam: most is pretty annoying.
John: That guy it could be a problem. What are we gonna do about it? Yeah. Don't worry about it. We'll take care of it. That's just the way I see it.
Adam: yeah, I'm with you. I'm with you. Now Bitcoin this morning. Actually has gone past 34,000. But I got a picture I got a picture of it.
33,333 3333 33
John: doesn't get much wiser.
Adam: doesn't get much better than that. Oh, my goodness. It's on fire. I tell you, it's on fire. I learned a new word which is a word that exists I
just never I never thought we I don't think we've ever discussed it even though we've discussed the topic many many times for a long time. And let me
say that we kind of gloss over the amount of mac and cheese that is being consumed these days. Very, very, very early on we identified mac and cheese
as the as the treat of the future the slave food for depression for depression food and and then it happened it happened.
John: And now we're right before our very eyes. There's actual mac and cheese shops. Yeah, that is opened and open for business within the realm of
our show.
Adam: Luxury mac and cheese to normalize it with the elites and then just shatter and shitty pasta melted together. And it's been a big favorite. It's
been a staple of the lockdown. Easy for moms to do that we've looked at other trends, which we've just clearly identified early on. And one of them is
the consumption of bugs. And and you are being particularly disgusted by it.
John: I am particularly and my daughter seems to like the idea.
Adam: Oh well that makes sense. The term is entomophagy entomophagy, eat entomophagy entomophagy e entomophagy mafa, je, e n t o m o p HAGY
entomophagy. And I have the definition of entomophagy.
Unknown: Right here
Adam: entomophagy describes the practice of eating insects specifically by humans. And this is an interesting ad from rain total body fuel. Some I
don't know if it's a sports drink or something doesn't really matter. But there's a two parter one is
John: I prefer to drink my bud.
Adam: Exactly. So Part one is, is the background or giving you all the facts and then the pitch.
Unknown: fuel is often thought of as energy or oil. But the most important fuel and food, it's time to start thinking about what are you using to feel
your body and how does that impact the world.
The current environment where tech and fitness are emerging together, it's totally changed my mindset about fitness.
coaching, it's always getting smarter. It's always learning more about you. That's how you get a leg up on the competition.
Brain portal body fuel really hits. A mission I'm trying to get at that fuel is for your
total body. Your mind is the driving force behind your total existence,
which you believe is what will become.
I started blogging about adventures and coping with bugs today is a hope and a goal and now obsession for taking on the challenge of making people
comfortable with change. Insects are what we'd consider a functional food functional food. Basically nature's little vitamins, a vitamin you will get
about the same amount of protein, and the protein will be more bioavailable, which means that your body can actually absorb it and use it more. When
you think about fitness and fuel insects come to mind immediately. The industry is seeing a lot of success working with competitive climbers, runners
and other athletes because bugs were built for athletes mindset, the willingness of athletes just to do whatever it takes to get the best fuel for
their body. In fact,
Adam: insects are now you can see that they're appealing to your daughter's. She's the target market. They've got the up talk and millennial. We've
got all kinds of dubious claims. It's functional food. It's like little vitamins. And they have an argument which you can use against people like you
and I john who would say to Jay,
Unknown: no.
John: Not much of an argument.
Adam: Well, no, that's, that's the start. Here's the argument.
Unknown: This is page rangeela. And this is a black forest Asian scorpion. So where the tarantula is more beef jerky, the scorpion is more crab or
lobster. savory, both really not intimidating once you give it a try. If you look at the prison Ledger's in Maine, you can actually find that it was
illegal to feed prisoners lobster more than a certain amount of times per week, because that was cruel and unusual punishment. lobsters with these
giant sea bugs and bottom feeders and super abundant after marketing positioning lever framing techniques we have today where lobster is this
expensive, serve it with your finest wine dish. We do have a playbook and it's been done before. Rain total body fuel really hits at the mission I'm
trying to get at that fuel is for your total body. Insects are not a new health trend. They have been eaten for 1000s of years as long as hunter
gatherers have been around the fuel the future needs to perform. This means meeting the evolving demands of the fitness industry.
John: So what she's saying is like boo.
Unknown: Yep.
John: Is that a lobster is a crustacean? It's very specific. It's
Adam: a bug. It's a sea bug.
John: It's not a bug. It's a crustacean, but she says it's a bug. So So bugs are crustaceans. Is that is that what she's trying to? Is that what she's
aiming? Yes, I
Adam: love the part that I love this. It used to give lobster to prisoners because it was a stinky, nasty bottom feeding bug and it was cruel and
unusual punishment, but they didn't know instead of so what she's really saying is nasty ass bottom feeding crap. creatures with marketing can be made
very, very expensive. That's what she's really saying. Now, and I'm saying this,
John: cockroaches are in the order vlatko dia latonia, I guess, which includes termites. About 30 cockroaches species that are 4600 are associated
with human habitats. So, uh, so blato T, blood blood Odia. But tau DHEA is not the same as a crustacean, but she's making the claim that it is so so
she's scientifically. She's a scientific idiot. And science is in. She's this. You're bothering me with this report. Continue, please. Well, aphids,
there's another thing they like to eat.
Adam: I'd like to turn a fit. I'd like to turn that frown upside down and introduce to you a surefire 100% you hear how weak how weak it is, how
unprofessional, how it's just the messaging is all wrong. This is our exit strategy. We can we can come up with tomorrow's caviar. And it's cheap.
It's cheap. We can have producers all over the world all over gitmo-nation keeping bugs will they'll be licensed. There'll be there will be licensed
affiliates. You know we were a franchising it. And there will be approved bugs, but we marked it as tomorrow's caviar.
John: Never seen the movie snowpiercer
Adam: In fact, they Yes. I have seen the movie snow periods. It's it's trending again, believe it or not, is trending.
John: They made a crappy TV show.
Adam: They did. They did. They did. What about
John: it? They ate cockroach that was their meal.
Adam: Have you ever seen the puppy? great movie the puppy. Oh, Dustin Hoffman, a
John: cockroach this to you? As a kid. I
Adam: saw that movie. My dad took me to see the puppy. Oh, well, he's on the Prison Island. And he's when he's just in there. He's so hungry. And then
he's chasing after a cockroach. And it's a it's a as a child. It was a very, very disturbing scene. But I think we can turn that around. Just think
not. Let's just leave it here. This is a good first meeting. But tomorrow's caviar, the caviar of the future. Maybe we tie in Ilan with the Mars space
food stuff. But I think we can make a killing. It's so easy to keep bugs. In just mash it up and we just say as
John: bugs whatever. It's always special. Tastes like pepper. I still think you could do desiccate ants and makeup pepper spice that would actually be
used by people. And it would be just a pet look like pepper. It looks like pepper coming out of the pepper shaker. Here's
Adam: an idea. Why don't we put pepper in a pepper shaker and call it and pepper. And here's our misleading Oh, you mean like water like bottled water
Really? Special Arrowhead spring water comes from the tap? I think I think we have I think we have a shot.
John: Well, yeah, probably I've got better food ideas if I wanted to go into that business.
Adam: Okay. All right. I've offered it to you. I'm open for new partnerships.
John: Adam curry.com anyone interested in selling weblogs?
Adam: And here's our jingle. You're gonna love our bugs. Listen
Unknown: to what the lizard people say
you go everybody. Mm hmm.
Adam: Anything else?
John: I want to get I do have some other COVID clips that I was gonna.
Adam: I thought we were done with COVID. Okay,
John: you you moved on? And I'm just
Adam: tired of COVID. So done. Yeah, I'm done. What do you got? Well, I
John: wanted to get to talking going back to the people's vaccine. And this is my fault, because I didn't highlight it properly. I should have played
this. This was kind of a this is kind of an interesting commentary, what they really want to do, again, think socialism, and think China think
China's. And you know, we have a lot of when you want to make something public domain because they want to make everything they want to take the
intellectual property of the backs of the vaccine manufacturing, and they want to make it all public domain so we can have plenty of vaccines for the
poor people in Malawi. So
Adam: they have an issue with the patents. They literally have an issue with the patents that we just talked about.
John: It kind of but they're more interested in just dropping the whole thing. And this is the movement they want to they want to suspend intellectual
property for a short period of time.
Adam: Okay,
John: Peace you receive this benefit, I don't know. But let's play this good. But in suspending intellectual property,
Unknown: this piece you recently wrote in The New York Times want vaccines fast suspend intellectual property rights. You're joining us from
Bangalore, India. Can you talk about what that would mean, if you suspended intellectual property rights, talk about trade secrets, talk about
patents, talk about government subsidies of these private companies? And how does what's happening now the development of this vaccine compare to
people's access, for example, to the flu vaccine, how that was developed and financed? Thank you.
Firstly, it's
great to be here. Thank you for having me.
The piece that we wrote in The New York Times was geared around any event that's unfolding this weekend, the next, it doesn't look like it'll get
resolved anytime soon or successfully. But that event is a proposal that South Africa, India made at the WTO at the World Trade Organization to
temporarily suspend a trade rule called trips, which is an agreement on trade related aspects of intellectual property, the super governance of
intellectual property worldwide, which the WTO takes on. And the reason India and South Africa suggested that all member countries of the WTO should
be exempted from provisions of trips, is so that everything that we required to survive the pandemic, the masks the test kits, but now especially the
vaccines should be free to be made in as much capacity as possible to get them faster and cheaper to as many people as we can around the world. The
there is an overwhelming support from developing countries for this proposal. But the WTO works on consensus, which means that even if a final six
very rich countries oppose the proposal, it actually won't pass. And that's exactly what's happening. The US, the EU, the UK, and a few other rich
countries, as well as inexplicably Brazil.
Hmm. This now,
Adam: you really think these people are just in it, because they're really socialist, I want this.
John: Yes, I think that's part of it. The other part is, I think the Chinese may be involved too. And that's because she says, I read the beginning
tell us about trade secrets. trade secrets are not patents, nope. Their secret. Secret. And you have to maintain them. As such, I worked in a lab, and
anyone out there has worked in a lab knows that you have a lot of processes that the lab developed. We had a test for led tetramethyl LED and
gasoline. That was a trade secret. Only we're the only ones that could do this test. Because we had the test. We developed a tested data first Ellis's
that union oil. And when they had the competitions, which they do every day, it's weird what goes on behind the scenes and these in the world. But all
the all the refineries on the West Coast have these competitions between each other, they have a bunch of standardized things. To give a bunch of
standardized bottles to everybody's like a blind tasting at a wine tasting. You get these standardized bottles and say, Okay, now this we want you to
test for sulfur, we want you to test for this, and all the labs tests for these various differences. Are you how much sulfur is in this sample? How
much of that is in December? How much is this? How much is that? And all the labs do the tests. They're using their specific trade secret testing
procedures? Yeah. And then they submit them. And one lab wins, right? You win. You nailed it, and you got a vaccine. And we won very consistently with
lead, we had the best test and nobody else can even come close. And that's why you know, did the point for there's a lot of stories about the slightly
unleaded semi unleaded gasoline and the whole process is there. But but this is the same I would when I went to the Soviet Union that one time I ran
into some guy, we're talking about intellectual property. Couple things with this guy, he says, you know, you they said something about all
intellectual property should be free. But we've maintained certain trade secrets and the Russians apparently, and I said it. The Russians can well
tungsten in a way that no other world nobody can do. And it's a trade secret. So trade secrets are extremely important. And for tonight, easily think
that you're going to just give up your trade secrets, which is part of your competitive structure, right is stupid.
Adam: Well, maybe she's just stupid with the question. She just doesn't understand what patents are and how intellectual property works, and she's
conflating the two. It's possible. Amy Goodman is a ditz Just saying.
John: It's more than Yeah. Okay, I just wanted to do a little thing on trade tickets, I don't think
Adam: there's no they have no idea. It's very that's valuable information, very
John: important trade secrets, or, I mean, some companies can do things that nobody else can do. And nobody knows why or how and it's not patented,
because they can't let the patent out in the open because then people can do blocking patents, then you have to trade, you have to trade your patent
they already have because you want to improve what you're doing. That's already the best in the world. But they blocked you somehow. And so a hook
I'll give you are you can use our patent we have to we need to get used a block to get around it. And, you know, the crazy example, one more example.
I understand. And I've been told this from a number of sources that the Taiwanese have developed, injection molding techniques that nobody in the
world can duplicate. If you want some plastic injected molded into some sort of a form or some crazy thing that looks like it's impossible to do.
Boom, you go to Taiwan, I don't know. Anyway, I'm done.
Adam: No, it's we have trade secrets. But the sad thing is, no one wants them. They won't invite us to conferences. They don't
John: invite us to the podcasting. We do trade secrets. Yeah, we're
Adam: happy to divulge them, but nobody wants to hear them. That's the sad. It's like, hey, invite us. We'll tell you how we do it now. No, none of
John: Don't care. We want to No, no, no.
Adam: All right. We have this is a tease coming up after we thank our producers. There will be a rundown of what to expect or not expect this week in
in election politics in the United States. But first, I'd like to thank you for your courage and say in the morning to you the man who put the CD in
cockroach caviar.com john C.
John: Bull in the morning do Mr. Adam Curry also in the morning all ships and sea boots on the ground feeding air subs in the water and names and I
thought they're
Adam: the morning. trolls in the troll room. Stick those hands up those three fingered claws. What do we have? We're doing a troll Count 1994 1994 in
the troll room. They are trolling along. Good to see you all there this morning trolls and Merry Merry Christmas. Happy New Year to you. Happy Happy
New Year.
John: Please. Happy New Year
Adam: the trolls they spent
John: you can play that little clip.
Adam: Yeah, I know what you've seen that you did not you blew it. If you're gonna kill me like that. Now let's we'll cut it out. We'll do again. Happy
New Year everybody. And you say the
John: New Year.
Adam: Hey, go seamless. squeaky seamless. The troll celebrated the the kicking out of the old bringing in the new on live no agenda stream.com where
you can find some of them are still there. Oh, they did. And everyone went to sleep? Yeah. Oh, yeah. It was a big live stream the big live show. It
was a big live show. That's
John: a great idea. Yeah, I would I would have been up for that.
Unknown: Well, we talked about it on the previous program. I wasn't paying attention. You went?
John: Yeah, I probably said that. Yeah.
Adam: trolls. But the trolls are fun to hang out with especially if you're a troll yourself, go to no agenda stream.com this week and hang out with
them. 24 seven, we've got live shows, as you heard, this show goes live. There's a lot of things that happen that don't get on the podcast that you
can witness when you're in the troll room, around 11 o'clock Central, central time in the United States on Tuesday on Thursdays and Sundays and
whatever other day. And while you're there, ask for an invite to no agenda social.com It is our federated social media network without algorithms and
we are connected to all the other mastodon instances around the universe. And that's a great way to hang out with people we got I think we have 8009
maybe 13 I got to look at it. Maybe it's 13,000 people who are registered, and you can actually have a conversation and if there's an argument, this
thing doesn't, you know, spur, spin it all up and put it in everybody's face. Everyone gets needs to comment that just scrolls off. And once you're in
you'll have a good time no agenda social.com Have a look at all of the brand new podcasting 2.0 apps if you want to see a live transcript of this
program and artwork changing continuously throughout the episode throughout the episode with relevant art and links, which is which pertains to this
particular segment where we thank the artist for Episode 1307 we call that made oh crap eight. You're right. That was titled The Swiss cheese model.
And if you want to see that piece, go to new podcast apps.com choose one there's plenty of them. And we have someone to thank for that. Who do we
thank for this piece I remember Yes sir. NET NET This was a very enjoyable piece. We both liked it. It was a little baby with with a celebratory New
Year's Eve hat, you know, Big Top Hat 2020 glasses, like blinded with 21 sash, a mask trailing in the baby's hands. He's got a little diaper on and
running straight into an iron fist to the face. It had all the elements low hanging fruit violence.
Unknown: It had everything we love is is fun, and
Adam: it pops it pops with every single piece we love. There was a lot of art. We looked at a number of things. It was even
John: by the way we looked at we look up our art, we do image searches. Yep. And so I looked this one up because the net net normally doesn't do
cartoons. Right. And it was some clipart it was genuine clipart but it was the stuff you can buy or I think it so we just assume you have a
subscription to it to the service. Yeah, so which clipart is fine, you can use clip art. You just can't use stolen cartoons and things like that.
Adam: We appreciated that sir. NET Ned had done two previous versions and then decided that a multi culti skin colored baby would be safer.
John: Yeah, but you didn't even know he call it orange. Or Donald Trump.
Adam: It was a little little joke in there. I there was a couple I liked I liked the comic strip blogger baby sitting in the fire was like the kid's
head what else did we look at? Goodness Do you remember anything else? That was a content No,
John: that was really not I mean, it was a lot of art. It could have been actually I did like the one I liked the Hippocratic goes my own drawing by
Sir Moulton cheese. Uh huh. Who did a Saturday Evening Post cover with a you know, I don't know what it was not you couldn't see Adam Curry and John
Dvorak. It was unreadable even at blowed up right so that was just too hard to read anything there and if the William gates Hippocratic Oath they had
Bill Gates getting a kid in injection is cute, but it didn't wasn't all the material that was funny was not visible at small sizes and looking at the
next page I
Adam: recall that I liked the delete key the Delete 2020 key I thought that was cool. I thought it would be yes but the baby the baby was just better.
It's not a baby. What's the best What did the delete key that was cesium 137 outstanding work artists. Good way to close off 2020 I can't wait to see
what you guys are going to bring us for 2021 tell me today that starts today. Happy New Year everybody it starts today. No agenda generator calm.
Thank you very much sir. NET Ned. You are in our prayers and dreams, my friend. Now let's look at the treasure portion of our Thank you segment as we
welcome a new executive producers and associate executive producers. And they will be receiving that title for this episode 1308 of the best podcast
in the universe. And we start with sir Matt of Northeast Ohio.
John: Yeah, and it would have mentioned here that we got we had an opportunity to do a palindrome of 1200 $21 and 12 $121 which is the date
yesterday's date. Yeah. Nobody really went over 375 and that was out of Northeast Ohio and I find it unusual not to have any big donors today. But
that's the way it goes maybe 75 or mentor Ohio we don't you don't that's you that's how that's how the model
Adam: that's how the model works.
John: And whatever goes on goes on sir Matt night in Northeast Ohio. I hear I have been listening since 2008. I've heard many times. Time producers
asked for F cancer and health karma and follow up notes stating that karma has worked until now I've had I've not had to invoke such a request New
Year's Eve I took my wife to the ER after she fell was excruciating head pain and initial CT showed a mass on the right side of her brain. And we were
subsequently transferred to another hospital neurosurgeons and MRI PR firm yesterday revealed and he goes on with all kinds of details. Yeah, surgery
is scheduled for Monday to get tumor removed and then we'll find out what happens after that. Please get my wife and cousin NF cancer jingle and his
wife's issues with conservative cousins that are 13 and is pregnant with her first child found out she has stage four bone cancer. So we got two
cancers going on here. My wife was successful surgery give an F cancer karma and that the pathology report comes back benign and the donation brings
me to Baronet yes is greatly hope and tidal change adds additional potency to the karma. We don't know if that's true or not but now
Adam: you go and here we go. Big dosage.
Unknown: You've got
Adam: Go for an extra measure for extra strength.
John: So magewell in New York, New York 333
Adam: Oh, let me do this one. I know this guy. He's been he's been chatting with my wife.
John: Really?
Adam: Oh yeah. In the morning Adam and john what's good my ninjas, blessings kings. Okay, I can tell you right now a DOS. Happy New Year's wishing you
all health, happiness and peace of mind. First off, I'd like a hit of jobs karma queued up. You forgot to give me the last time I wrote. I'm sorry.
You made it up to me the following show but I never received the job. I've been unemployed since March. And here he is giving us $333.83 to keep the
show going. I have an interview Monday morning to be an inspector with the fire department of New York and if I don't get that job, I don't know what
to do. Truth be told. It's the last chance Hail Mary throw for me. New York City has been so fun since everything went to crap. The gentrified have
fled in and cops won't bother you unless it's a life threatening issue. The weed smoke is in the air street vendors are out stronger than they've ever
been dice games in the streets have bigger pots than ever before. In fact, in September, the pot got to 50,000 before they got robbed. Yes, shootings
are up and people are scared but it could turn into the 80s the only people scared of of that are those who didn't grow up in it. My people minority
used to be exact. don't give a damn about that. I spent New Year's partying in an underground spot. It was wall to wall with people unmask and having
a good time. That's what the goody two shoes don't understand that minorities will find a way to make shit happen legally or illegally when COVID was
wreck and crap. I still got my haircuts in the basement of a video game store that became a salon. I hope you and Tina the keeper come to New York
City soon I know y'all will though. I've spoken to her a little on the i G on the gram. And she I must say is the nicest person. Yes, she is truly the
nicest person also a hit of karma to my only form of making money currently which is scamming I'm killing it out here on the streets. The government
is so inept and are giving away money without even checking to see if it should be given out or not. God bless the American government. I love y'all
put me on the birthday list. That's why you got the donation that was received March 3 1983 love y'all ninjas serve me well from Washington Heights
and I'm glad that people like this are in our in our gitmo-nation universe because I know if if the stepdaughter needs anything good only girl will
fix it first show
Unknown: jobs, jobs, jobs and jobs.
John: kilowatts Next on the list from battlement Mesa, Colorado 333 3333 webalizer aka sir ready killer I'm doing my usual $200 yearly donation and
adding an extra 133 33 to keep the lights on over the no agenda social for their value added to my life from from the gang 2020 wouldn't have been
bearable without the no agenda social and you guys guys could I get some drone karma and my one hit wonder webalizer jingle
Adam: drone Karma
John: drone karma surge ad our buddy from Silicon Valley Baron in Silicon Valley as a matter of fact 333 dot 21 from San Jose, I keep it a great work.
What do you build back better in 2021? Please provide some f cancer and COVID Health karma for grandpa Donald birthday wishes her sister Francis and
mom Marian. They're both Marian Marian and they're both on the list is three by three and 21 cent donation is to help kick off the year. I'll be
encoding messages and donations this year. So please end with a 33 number station webalizer
Adam: what are the chances of that?
John: Zero random number
Adam: the guy who made it followed by a guy who wants it That's great.
John: Yeah, and me saying it a couple times already in the show. Rob allegedly helped kick off this 2021 art and tech project steam is greater than
Adam: Sir JD Baron of silly combat
Unknown: 33
out jobs, jobs, jobs and jobs. That's your job.
John: Next on the list is Eric Leonard 333. From Parts Unknown, he says that he sent a note to this address I looked unless you have it
Adam: No I look at which always is possible. We both looked I was not able to find it.
John: The possibility exists that he says somebody sent us a note saying, Molly sent in a note Gmail on Thursday and she says my message wasn't read.
I wasn't sure it was sent correctly and then she noticed is sent to John dvorak.com. Go. I will read this note at this point, as a substitute. My
husband's a fan of this show and wanted to see if I could get a shout out for him. smokin hot hubby Ryan Mo, from Escondido, California. A it's a busy
show. It being the last Thanks so much, Molly Mo. So Molly Mo, says a shout out to Ryan Mo. Yeah, that's now taken care of. Under the list, we got
Mandy B. And she's from Bennington, Vermont 333. flat. I do not expect to make a donation of this size so soon after being deduced a couple of weeks
ago, but this compelled me for a couple of reasons. First, you both have helped me retain my sanity. These past few months in second. I asked her
healthy karma and wanted to share that not only did that work for my three year old cancer checkup, my CEA number went down by point six, which was
the biggest drop since diagnosis in 2017. The kicker it was at 3.3 I knew in that moment I could get a lot of details about things I have no idea what
they're talking about.
Adam: Cancer numbers T cell counts diagnosis
John: Yeah, like I said I don't know anything but it would be supposed to be never heard of this. I don't know what at me I just reading it. I knew in
that moment I could not only delay another minute if I wanted 2020 to start it with a high note no jingles but more karma would be welcome for a new
business venture. I would be in brick parking on the coming weeks. And if you could give a shout out to my tiny little podcast re routed or rerouted,
I would appreciate it immediately immensely. Link Below and then she's got a link to a podcast thank you again for all you do. And know that even if
my donation amount needs to drop a little I am here to support the best to check out my numbers. Best podcasts the universe as long as I'm able, most
sincerely Mandy
Adam: Yeah, I'm just putting a link in a proper LinkedIn to her to her podcast because she put a direct link to the mp3 of the pod fathers hooking up
hooking up man not too Right. That's right. And she needs a car just yes to become a business venture.
Unknown: You've got karma
John: on where with anonymous 333 this donation is for a math whiz from the anonymous family math was turned 33 years old on December 28. A lot of
people do that this year on this show. On December 29 2020. You get two family members in the mouth his longtime listener, first time donor requested
D dosing and he wants to get the magic number jingle 33
Unknown: the magic
the magic number.
John: spiral pop power, polos, polos, polos, not sure. p o u s is St. JOHN, Indiana 333. My wife Tammy and I enjoy the show too much not to donate.
This is also a birthday shout out to my wife and I like to request jobs karma for our recent college grads son Nick. Keep up the great work jobs,
jobs, jobs and jobs. That's
Unknown: karma.
John: And now we have Tony from Brisbane, Brisbane, Brisbane, Tony from Brisbane rose to 4333 he gets bumped up because this is actually $233.33
Australian money.
Adam: Yes. Wow. Look at that. Look at how low that is. I know you for so it's 100 so it's a third their their third lot less than our dollar ah
John: it's unbeliev eyes are
Adam: getting screwed over there.
John: Ah, get your pen out. Sorry. I forgot about this. Okay, it's my 50th birthday on the sixth day of January, which falls just before the Thursday
show, so I'm sending it earlier to get it on the Sunday show was
Adam: so he's Tony from Brisbane and his 50th on the sixth. Sixth. Yeah. Okay, got it. I've
John: been listening to your show since early 200 episodes but I have never gotten around to donating until now over the years I've been punching my
wife in the mouth who I am proud to say is becoming more and more critical of the M five M No, that's good. After five to 10 years Okay, go figure.
Additionally, my almost five year old daughter whenever hearing somebody say in the morning on the TV or radio or an event in real life repeats those
words to the tune of the in the morning jingle.
Adam: Well, hold on a second. Get your kid kid right now. Your kid let's teach the kid some language. Okay, this is English. This is Spanish but yeah,
this is French. This is German. And your future language Chinese. Yeah, we just made that kid multi multi lingual
John: good. uh whatever her name is she should have told us anyway he says this will bring me one third of the way tonight who would the 333 33 and
he's got some trays to do you do your own bookkeeping we advise you to do that because we're not doing it. I know you don't generally give douchebag
call us what Yeah, we do. I know you generally don't give douchebag call outs but please give me one for having waited so long to donate returns now
again I I'm remiss in this regard because I did not give you this in advance which I should have although I just found it two minutes before the show
and I was in a rush he wants some jingles
Unknown: Oh okay.
John: He wants to wt c seven won't go away by it in the whole load to do they had and look at the juice now. He also wants to delicious to believe if
you can get that in there too but this is too many we try to keep just for max three is better you can tell a story with four jingles and then he says
a screaming goat karma for all the people
Adam: etc seven whole load see that juice what was the fourth one he wanted?
John: Okay wt c seven the whole load to do they have to do the head
Unknown: of then
John: look at the juice
Adam: makes nothing but sense
John: as kind of get in there and then into delicious if you can slip that in.
Unknown: Oh yeah,
John: I think that's been pre produced a dozen times. Finally a screaming goat karma for those poor people struggling Ah, please keep up the excellent
work and here's wishing you never find the exit strategy to ensure the continuation the podcast well into the five figures show numbers. Oh yeah. I'll
start with show 10,000
Adam: cockroach caviar.com baby that's what I'm going for. Not gonna go into the five digits.
John: And that's regarding Tony. Tony.
Unknown: Give me the whole load today.
Oh my gosh.
Can you see that juice? almost too delicious to believe
my friend. You've got
John: a we got to have this note. Wait, wait, wait.
Adam: You have different notes. Okay. Do you have a note?
Unknown: No, no,
I'm see. No, I
Adam: look I do not have OC.
John: Okay, I do. So let's go with that. I found it ocls she's in Austin, Texas. She came in with the $200 Mm hmm. Thank you. And she sent a note for
the dude smsu there's any jingles here so we can get that. This is interesting. Changes type fonts here for the stuff she doesn't want us to read
good. This is a short notice easy enough. I know jingles that I can see. For the douchebag who has everything your son and daughter are donating to
wish you a happy birthday. This will have to be put on the list. deduce you and annoy you with some Nancy Pelosi jobs calm as many times as we can get
it along with that whoosah so you can take a chill Congrats, Cliff. See Bobby on your first place finish at Kota co ta this year. Happy birthday. We
love you Even though you're a douchebag
Unknown: also
Adam: Also,
John: also please add Rachael rush my sultry, seductive girlfriend to the birthday list. Okay, so we have two birthdays Apparently, the douchebag who
has everything? And this is your son and daughter donating to wish you a happy birthday and Didi do he also needs to D Do
Adam: we ever get his name? No. So we don't so what do we just call it? Yes. cliffy,
John: Bobby cliffie Bobby cliffie. Bye, guys. Maybe it's not I don't know this is now I'm confused. For Rachel rush gets on the birthday list.
Unknown: Yeah, committed deeds, whatever. Give me the deeds and deeds of Rachel. Hello, de la.
John: You want to hear the last complication is the reason
Adam: I'm writing stuff down. You're confusing me keep writing. I'm kicking you out of the group.
John: When you're done, let me know.
Adam: I'm ready. Rachel rush. Age de.
John: No age no date. Clifford Elliot or Cliff Elliott, I guess is what it would be is the birthday boy.
Adam: Also no age? No age, no day.
John: No age, new age.
Adam: Good work.
John: Now it's not my fault. No,
Adam: no, no, no, I'm not saying it's your fault and good. Right.
John: here's the here's the complication that we're gonna have to pay attention to. She wants to donation to go to Cliff Valley and he wants to give
him credit.
Adam: Now I can do that. That's easy. Done.
John: And that's that okay.
Adam: So and there was a jingle or was that just
John: say just Hello?
Adam: Hello? jobs. colosi jobs calm and I thought there was a WUSA
John: I don't know what WUSA is.
Unknown: jobs, jobs, jobs and jobs. That's
John: I do. Well, what is it?
Adam: Oh, that's a that's a mo facts thing. Oh
John: two shows together. Well, you're trying to get me out. You said a minute ago. You want me to take a break?
Adam: I didn't say anything of the kind. I said I'm throwing you out of the WhatsApp.
John: Yeah, you draw me out you're bringing mo in? Yeah, well, you can see this coming out
Adam: Ebony and re Oh, yeah, this could be the future. Yeah. deconstruct. JOHN. Don't say these things that makes me just gives me the creeps to even
just hear you say these things. Not about mo that would never bring someone else in How
John: can I do that? You keep digging a hole you do all the money? Let's go Paul No, a call no or no no. III? I'm not sure it's just Knoxville,
Tennessee along with everybody else in Tennessee. There's tons of
Adam: the recommendation. Horowitz
John: Horowitz Horowitz you move into Horowitz Horowitz get together more than I do with him. ITM Jensen Happy New Year Miss both to your birthdays on
the 1300 episodes so making a larger donation to cover it all. Crawling my way to knighthood. God bless. No agenda. Thank
Adam: you. So nice. It's nice.
John: And last on our list here is Rachel Epperson and Chicago 200 bucks. Turning you on. Turning on to your early 2020. turning those early 2021. But
okay, that people have put this under checks is a real problem. I've never had that problem. I'm swimming in M five m junkies and I have know where to
turn. I now restore a sliver of my sanity every Thursday and Sunday. xO x. Oh, oh no. She turned to us first in early 2020. Maybe a Rogen night. And
thank God she said
Adam: she's in Chicago. No wonder no wonder we give her SOS Chicago Chicago
John: a toddling town. It's the worst. You know what
Adam: they drink in Chicago?
John: Neff Beetlejuice running that town.
Adam: They drink milk.
Unknown: Milk.
John: Yeah, they do. That's what they drink in Chicago. They drink milk.
Adam: Oh, we're not done. This is not the last donation we have a Candida avian sir Spencer Sumner. Who gave us 200 Ken avian dollar Rhett's he gets
bumped he does he gets up to associate executive producer ship Hey, Adam and john this donation of 200 Canadian dollars puts me over the line into
Baronet territory please update my title to Baronet sir Spencer Sumner, thank you for helping many of us stay sane. No jingles no car Mr. Spencer,
summer Edmonton. Now we did we have we have a couple of Just briefly we have to discuss cuz we have a lot of new listeners, we've picked up a lot of
Reaganites who have been just dynamite people get it all immediately jump in have been donating. And I and but of course, as we stated earlier,
there's a lot of things that are just tradition with no agenda. And we often do a poor job of reiterating stuff like how and when your note is or
isn't read, in which donation segment?
John: Well, we only say it's a poor job because it doesn't seem to be listened to. Right We do it a lot. Right? The only notes that we have, by law
are required to
Adam: read international law, I might add
John: pi international podcasting rules. We are only required to read the notes these are trade secrets.
Adam: trade secrets, don't tell anyone how we do it.
John: Well, we just go by those podcasting rules. They're very I would the trade secret is where they where they are on the internet, you have to go
to the dark web. We're gonna say
Unknown: yes,
John: and, and $50. and above, we just read your name. And I've now read a note once in a while if it's Yes, it's
Adam: Yes, yes, we do pick stuff out.
John: Don't make a policy of it. We don't. And this stems from that I'll give you the history for people out there who are still listening. When we
started this show, we started reading the names of everyone who donated when we started taking donations and you know, quick very quickly got into a
number of people. And they we commented on the fact that they would give us crazy numbers like 1997 I was my birthday or that there was all this
Adam: numerology interesting
John: numerology became part of the show. And so then we started getting out of control with people writing everyone writing and No dad gave five
bucks here's a note you know, they write a 10 page note. So we could at some point like a year later, we said no, we're only going to read and
credited names $50 and above everyone under that's gonna be considered anonymous and that's where you put your anonymous things and then we read all
the notes and we read the $50 notes and then pretty soon they were writing two or three page notes each person gave 50 bucks and so then it was taken
up an hour and a half of the show just reading all these so we said okay, no, we're not reading any more notes under 200 bucks we figured that was a
good cutoff point. And because these everyone else is just abusing this abusing the the ability to write long notes and have them read and that's
where we stand today. Now it's becoming old today's no and not an example. But some people are abusing the 200 and up note writing and writing notes
that are too long though today again, it didn't happen so we haven't done anything about that. But so now as we stand here notes over 200 bucks get
read. And they all get rid that's it. Anything under that doesn't get rid we just don't have time. It ruins the show. He's still there.
Adam: Yeah, I'm listening are you doing a fine job of explaining something that people will completely see what I get next.
John: Generally speaking again to an explanation I can't follow anytime I can't do an explanation like that. It's a clean feed just cuts me off right
in the middle of it on purpose because I sing at the company
Unknown: No. pull the plug. Am I
Adam: six over there in the UK now So did we hit now we had to make good for Lindy Fatima
John: yes for fun but yeah it's awesome Bach we did she's gonna be knighted today.
Adam: She's gonna be we don't we don't get we don't we don't night dame's we named them
John: yeah well she's gonna be named okay. Except the surname was there anything we did night is your night with sir Dane have we fulfilled him
Adam: sir night have we fulfilled every obligation then on that? Are we good? Good. Now
John: I'm looking to see if often by often often but I do have a note from I'm going to say this. This is from Praetorian who came in on Wednesdays
This is an I have not made such a rookie mistake. We didn't do this. I made a donation for my wife to start a new neighborhood I forgot to mention her
name Michelle No. donation and my name is Chris Kincaid, but it's it's it's for Michelle but that's for the last show and we know that the change
here. I'm Chris Stewart. We did I think here it is Lindy Lindy funbox Puffin buck neighborhood donation follow up make good with the title this and
she wisely put the word donation in that subject line very smart. It sounds like my deeming was missed on Sunday. Details are below. Dear john and
Anna my remarkable husband gave me the best Christmas present in Episode 1306. a donation to finish off my dame hood my business gleaming, no
gleaming, gleaming glowing I think maybe? I don't know.
Adam: I don't know. It's fine.
John: I'm gleaming, knowing that I that I now lording it over him. Maybe that's what he's angling for. Henceforth I shall be known as Dame Lindy of
squirrel nut acres. For the roundtable. I'd like freshly baked chocolate chip cookies and a milk stout. I work in media. But I work yes course. I
could ship shoes from Chicago. I pronounce it differently. I work in local media. Now this is where it gets interesting. And this year has tested my
will but I have somehow remained sane with the support from you. This community and my extraordinary husband. I urge everyone to start on a
subscription and support this work. Thank you for all you do. Karma is always appreciated. Lindy fluffin. Buck.
Unknown: You've got karma
John: caught up with her. Which I think is good.
Adam: Is there more.
John: That was a couple I'll just get this out of the way this was. This is a Rogen night. I think she came in with Nicole Nicole Nicole,
Unknown: Nicole, Nicole,
Nicole and Nicole Nicole who
John: says psi escaped New Zealand 21 years ago. Thanks. Thank God. And she says she sent a gift at Christmas gift for a smokin hot boyfriend Chris,
Chris Patti, but as he gave me so many gifts I felt the need to send it further 7777 is my government crumbs in his name please for his Patreon I had
okay here's another little tidbit for you. You do the bookkeeping on these things yes so if you're getting giving money to your you know just keep him
keep keep track when you get to the 1000 let us know we it's almost like the honor candy bar. We trust that you will do the accounting correctly. And
she goes on with some commentary about him ASAP if you have time can you please play a dumps there was massive dumps. Yours sincerely Nicole Nicole
Nicole. Nicole
Adam: course Nicole Here you go.
Unknown: They did dumps They call him dumps big massive dumps
John: yeah we don't get enough requests for that one.
Adam: We got it all people were open for business.
John: Okay, this was I'm sure was covered. We got Mara to came in with a note. She made another one that Rogan i think is modest donation. But that
was enough to get a mention on the show is Mara Ingles, Ingles, mon Ingles man. She just want to know what happened when she didn't get mentioned.
Adam: organ donation, just thrown it in there.
John: And I think that's probably why she wondered, but she just got her mentioned. And I think that should cover our main goods and all the people
that are going to be listed today for the knighting Gaming ceremony. I which is tough and buck.
Adam: I have one thing to discuss before we move on. I got a query from the former New York banker. And he and I both wondered, do we not get any
credit for the checkmark recovery chart?
John: But check mark recovery chart.
Adam: Have you seen the stock market? It was a check mark recovery that's what the prediction was it was going to be a K it was going to be an L we
held firm to check mark recovery. I see checkmark.
Unknown: Okay, so
Adam: is that just clearing it? Okay,
John: that and that and 20 bucks will get you a cup of coffee. I'm just clearing it gratulations
Adam: Hold on. Oh, did we? Yes, he does. Did we not have a bet? Did we not have a wager on this?
John: What was the wager? I don't know.
Adam: Hold on. Let me get the Red Book. Let's see. The Red Book says
Unknown: Let me see.
John: I still been waiting for Goldman Sachs to collapse. I think that was part of his prediction too.
Adam: Yeah, but this is this is separate. This is one thing, huh? June? No, I don't see it would have been in March. I don't know if someone else has
to find a mate. This is I think
John: Yeah, I pay on my wagers. Yeah, I usually don't. I usually don't wager. I guess I'm gonna lose. I don't.
Adam: I don't think we put money on. I just thought it was a red book. I could be wrong. Anyway, thank you all very much. This is great. Good start
for us for the new year. Really appreciate It's always good having some money to start with in the new year because 2021 could get pretty harsh and
hard for everybody. And we really appreciate these producers who came in and immediately scored their title of executive producer, or associate
executive producer. We treat our producers much better here than in Hollywood. You can take it from take it from from producer Dana, he knows we treat
our producers far better than your typical Hollywood studio and
John: the other studios. According to him, if you're associate I'm not even going to say you can't
Adam: even you can't even there's no award for producers in Hollywood says enough, says enough. There's no award for producers. If there's any issue
if anyone ever questions you, you just let us know you can show them on IMDB that serious producers have this credit and have taken it but we will be
happy to vouch for you. And thank you again for supporting the very first show of the new year, the no agenda show for those of you who feel left out
you'd like to jump in. Here's what you do. Go to John dvorak.org. Slash and a thank you again for your time, your talent and especially your treasure
for 1309. Our formula
Unknown: is this. We go out.
Adam: Okay,
John: I was thinking that you would already have some report or something special on the proviso in the guesses in the NDA or the COVID thing, one of
the two that they're going to have to release to flying saucer data?
Adam: Yes, you have it. They have 180 days to declassify all UFO reports and data it was slipped in? It's in the National Defense Authorization and it
John: was slipped in the second.
Adam: It was it was no I didn't know. Yes, I didn't know. But this but that. Did you see an eclipse? No one was really talking about it.
John: No one's talking about it because they're afraid. Yeah. And the second thing is, who slipped it in? Do we know this?
Adam: I don't know. I don't know. However,
John: whoever Brian, you would know that. Oh, somebody slipped it in?
Adam: Yeah. Well, this whole the whole thing was very interesting the way it was done with the with the stimulus were? And I've noticed a couple other
things when mitch mcconnell who is the senior dude in the in the Senate, he said Oh, no, no, we're not going to sign this. And what he was doing was
trying to placate to the President's wish, because when the President signed it under this special provision where he says, okay, you can pass it, but
you have to do these things. And one is the section 230. protections, readjustment realignment rejiggering of that whole clause to stop the social
media companies from needlessly censoring people and the 1400 extra dollars. And Mitch McConnell said, Okay, that's great. We'll put it into into one
bill, which sent Bernie Sanders off the deep end. And and Sanders actually played right into this, and gave everybody an extra five days to go on
jabber about it. And then before you know it, you got weird stuff showing up in bills, I think, yeah, someone took advantage of it. And put that in,
is the way I see it
John: needs to be looked into.
Adam: I'd like to give a little rundown of the final piece of evidence that will be most likely certainly discussed and maybe presented honor about
the sixth of January, and what to expect from a constitutional process in the coming week. If it happens or not, we really don't know. And this is
Unknown: I do.
Adam: Now. Yeah, we know, we know your stance, nothing's gonna happen. And I appreciate your newsletter, where you said, they're just a minority of
people who think Trump's going to pull a rabbit out of a hat. I'm not even that. I just want to give everybody the rundown of what could happen. We
know you don't believe it, we know you think nothing's gonna happen. So the evidence that I believe will be used is, and there's a lot of similar
evidence, but the only one that makes any sense to be used in any type of presentation of election fraud, is actual voting machine trickery that can
be proven. And only two clips, with a third analysis by a third party at this and all And what was interesting to me is now the news is out that
there's this group of over 400 intelligence community, community, people, military law enforcement, who have been joined together for several years
and this is where I've been getting a lot of my, you know, crack and related information, which is why I'm very interested to see What happens because
so many people who I really have respect for, put their reputation on the line with me about the truth of what is going to happen, how this will play
out. And one of the several of these experts are, have been at these hearings around the country, Georgia seems to be where the focus is. Here is a
real data scientist. And he gives us the basic layout with some video presentation, I think of the votes switching that went on between Biden and
Trump in Georgia.
Unknown: We've also put out a series of videos that help translate some of our more complicated analysis, which we're going to play here that will
hopefully reinforce the message and maybe a different point of view that will help make these concepts more digestible, receiving over 90% in a
precinct is a marker for fraud. in Fulton County alone,
we can see that more than 150 precincts voted 90% or more, or by the statewide race that was decided by less than 13,000 votes. These 150 Fulton
precincts alone accounted for 152,005 votes. This is a clear indicator of suspicious or outright fraudulent activity, you're just seeing a few
examples of statistical irregularities and impossibilities. Now we'll take a closer look at both manipulation within the election database and putting
explicit vote counts switching from one candidate to another. You can see in Dodge County, there's a lot of strange activity going on. The left side
of the screen shows the incremental votes as they were recorded for both Election Day and absentee. On the right, we can see the total vote counts,
which would only be incremental, moving as the county reported in real time. Again, here we're focusing only on Donald Trump's votes. So this wouldn't
necessarily be captured the state totals as they're reported on TV, it's one counties deduction and votes can be offset by another counties reporting
of equal or greater votes. The first question you're going to want to ask or already have asked is, why are any bars going negative? And the answer is
they shouldn't. Unbeknownst to the general public vote for Donald Trump will being switched and removed from his total, which often coincided with
other precinct updates that simultaneously offset deductions so that they appeared to remain neutral. It's outside observers. Across the three
counties of Dodge, Daughtry and Putnam Trump has over 30,000 votes that simply disappear.
Adam: So here's why it's so intricate, the way this particular fraud was done, is the vote switching was done across different counties, so that you
would have the switch going on. But you would, it wouldn't be that apparent per county and how they count. So they did that, at an abstraction layer a
little bit higher up, which gave them I think it was eight seconds to do these types of switches. And that would show negative tally, on the on the
records and they have all the all the official news feeds, these are public information. Here's one more clip about it.
Unknown: We've also put out a series of videos that help train Oh, sorry,
Adam: it's exactly the same one I just played. As this one. Now,
John: we've also put out a series, Okay,
Adam: forget that the information remains the same. And it was deconstructed shortly, in a short manner, by the guy who can't remember the name of our
show, even though he's been interviewed on it, Scott Adams,
Unknown: here's what they did.
And you haven't seen it yet. But when I describe it, you're actually going to feel something physically.
Adam: Mind you. This is Scott Adams, trying to hypnotize you. And I'm not sure why he did this. But this is a classic hypnotic move to tell you that
whatever you're about to hear, you're going to physically feel it. This is interesting that Scott did
Unknown: this, here's what they did.
And you haven't seen it yet. But when I describe it, you're actually gonna feel something physically. So get ready for this. You're gonna feel this
They simplified.
They simplified? Here, they brought it down to one question. Here's the question.
Is there ever a reason that the cumulative vote count could turn negative under normal non hacked conditions? And indeed, that's what part of the
testimony was, they can show you the cumulative count. And I believe they were looking at the logs. There must been some log flows. And you can see
that the total, the cumulative total, went negative for Trump has exactly the same amount not approximately, but exactly the same number that
immediately went to Biden at the same time. They took the whole ball of allegations complexity, fog Most of us bullshit. Most of the allegations of
voter fraud 95% are just bullshit. And all of this, they took down to one verifiable question. They did that. That's your fucking crack and you're
cracking isn't big here cracking just that simplification. Well, we
Adam: love Scott Adams for explaining that. And that would indeed he says, if that comes out and it's done in the right way, then the election would
just have to be called null and void. And he even titled The, in that particular episode of his of his little podcast, Trump one. So what will happen
this week? I don't know. The only thing I can do is give you a historical lesson in civics as it has taken place in the United States in the past,
just because something happened. One two, well, gee, 200 years ago, doesn't necessarily mean that it can't happen again, or that the same path is not
constitutional. We've had this exact situation, which and I'm referring to the pence card, where Vice President Pence can make Trump president for the
for a second term. And I have two examples of historical civics in the United States, where this went down specifically, this is from Barnes law. The
first example is john adams. We next have the example of actual vice presidents in the role where their vote decision would dictate whether they
personally became president. Now whether it became vice president, whether they became president, that happened with one of our founders, one of our
framers, john adams himself in 1796, because the state of Vermont was the decisive vote to get him over the top to elect him president,
Unknown: the first president to replace George Washington. However, there were issues raised about Vermont's vote about whether Vermont's vote was a
regular vote whether it was an authentic vote whether it was a constitutionally conforming vote within the meaning of the electors clause, the precise
legal constitutional issue we have today. And what did it what in who was presenting the argument that Vermont votes, electors could not be counted by
john adams, it was no less than Alexander Hamilton himself. He said that it was mostly a technical issue that the Virginia state legislature had been
the one to choose the electors, but that the manner in which they had done so was not consistent with the electors clause, because it was done by
resolution rather than by law. And the Vermont legislative action to be binding had to be by a statute, rather than by resolution. So there you see
the same constitutional issues in Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, and Nevada to varying degrees, particularly in Pennsylvania,
Michigan, and Wisconsin and Georgia, applicable here, where there was some question about whether the electors were choosing in a manner that was
constitutionally considered a legislative action under both the state constitution and the electors clause of the Constitution by no lesson authority,
then Alexander Hamilton, and who did he say should resolve it? First, he said the electoral college should resolve it. But if they don't, it should be
the Vice President of the Senate. That could resolve it. That was the main official that was it was left to decide. And it was john adams who did
decide. So when it got that time to open account, john adams opened it. john adams counted Vermont for him. And no objections were heard, nor was any
opportunity for objection meaningfully give it. There are some people that interpret the fact that he sat down that he was opening the door for an
objection to be made. But that's a historical interpretive argument. The reality is there's nothing in the diary of the record that shows any
opportunity was explicitly and expressly given for an objection. So in the very first time, there was an electoral contest challenge, the pence card
was played by the then vice president john adams, a founder and framer to make himself president
Adam: twist is my favorite example. I think if that were the situation now with pens, and that happened, I don't know man, I think there'll be blood
on the moon. But here's the The only other example we have is also was applied by Thomas Jefferson
Unknown: happened again, just four years later, by no less than Thomas Jefferson himself, one of the writers and crafters and drafters of all our core
principles of constitutional liberty, including the Declaration of Independence itself. And Thomas Jefferson, again, was in the position as being
President of the Senate as the vice president, Thomas Jefferson was again in the position of deciding whether he himself would be in a favorable
position to win, because the question was whether the electors from Georgia should be opened and counted because of the nature in which those electors
were sent in have a raising constitutional question and clearly not being in conformity with the statutory or regulatory requirements to accept them
as regular authentic electors. But if Georgia's electors were not counted, then the net effect of it would Be Thomas Jefferson would be in a five
person run off in the House of Representatives where he was considered a likely loser rather than a two person run off where he was considered the
likely Victor. What do you think Vice President Jefferson as President of the Senate did, he played the Penn's card too. He said George's electors
absolutely counted for Thomas Jefferson afforded no opportunity for anybody to object, or even the impression that could be the case he didn't sit
down or any of that he moved forward and marched right on, because by golly, he was not gonna forfeit and forego his chance for the presidency, a
second election cycle in a row when john adams had denied him the presidency in 1796. By His unilateral declaration that Vermont's electors counted
despite Alexander Hamilton's and others objections, Jefferson would return the favor in 1800 by unilaterally declaring and determining the Georgia's
electors counted, even though almost everyone that has looked at the Georgia electoral certificate admits it and acknowledges it did not conform to
the constitutional requirement for an accepted certificate. Apparently, the tellers in the senate objected at the time, but Thomas Jefferson just
pushed it right through.
Adam: So that's the path which is being approached a little differently. From what I can tell. Based on the joint statement from senators Cruz Johnson
Lankford, Danes, Kennedy, Blackburn bra, Braun and senators elect Loomis, Marshall, Haggerty, and Tuberville. And they position this as Hey, we need
to know if our elections were done fair. This is not about Trump. Of course it is. But that's what they're saying. Some members of Congress disagree
with the assessment, as do many members of the media. Whether or not our elected officials or journalists believe it, the deep distrust of our
democratic process will not magically disappear. It's your current concern all of us and it poses an ongoing threat to the legitimate legitimacy of
any subsequent administration's what they asked for specifically, is Congress to immediately appoint an electoral commission with full investigatory
and factfinding authority to conduct an emergency 10 day audit, which I just can't help but noticing we had the 10 days of darkness that was predicted
the 10 day audit of the election returns in the disputed states. Once completed, individual states would evaluate the Commission's findings, and we
convene a special legislative session to certify a change in their vote if needed. Accordingly, we intend to vote on January 6, to reject the electors
from disputed states as not regularly given and lawfully certified. These are the statutory requisite unless and until the emergency 10 day audit is
completed. So that's pretty much the only way it can go. I don't see any other path. It seems like. In today's world, people have no idea they think
that we live in a democracy and that they vote for the President. People barely understand the electoral college. And if anything, I would say the
democrats would be smart to throw Joe on the trash heap and then use it to get rid of the Electoral College, which they've wanted to do, which I don't
think it's possible, but this at least could show that they feel they got screwed by it. And well, less than I have three clips. Oh, good.
John: This is the rundown from the Epoch Times. Mm hmm.
Adam: The China, Cheyenne, which is anti anti China,
John: anti China, I
Adam: gotta say it,
John: I was gonna say that I was at the anti China Epoch Times. But I said, you know, I'm not gonna keep qualifying them as the anti cheat because
they're pretty good journalists. You know, they're good journalists. They are. But yeah, they're anti China. Let's they got a rundown here is kind of
interesting. It's not quite what you just did, because this is a little older before pants bail out. But let's just see what we got here.
Unknown: Giuliani, who is of course, President Trump's lawyer said that election related lawsuits are going to blow up after Christmas, which is I
guess, starting this week, in a podcast from just a few days ago, here's what he said,
John: starting after Christmas, this is really gonna blow up. Because the evidence that
Unknown: all these crooked television networks, newspapers, big tech,
and the leadership of the Democratic Party, well, I think have been giving you is false, and you're going to find it out all at once, can be very
shocking to the country.
And then after that, he went on to further say that there is considerable movement in Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, towards
decertifying their election results. Now, how plausible is this actually happen?
let's discuss it from two different angles. First of all, there is a new lawsuit right now that's working its way through the courts, which is seeking
to block the counting of electoral votes from five contest that states the premise of that lawsuit is basically twofold. First of all, it argues that
under Article two of the US Constitution, presidential electors must be appointed by each state in the manner that's prescribed by the state
legislature. However, in several of the swing states, there were laws enacted, which unconstitutionally delegated the authority to certify these votes
from the legislative to the executive branches. Secondly, this lawsuit argues that state legislators, many of which are adjourned until June Worrying
basically next year are being prevented from meeting and performing their certification duties. That's because in order to conduct a special
legislative session, they need basically one of two things, either a supermajority or the governor's permission. However, this lawsuit alleges that
the governors in these states are preventing lawmakers from meeting. And here's the question that I had when I was reading that, given the fact that
the constitution places exclusive authority on running elections into the hands of state legislatures, how could it be constitutional for the
governor's to have the power to prevent the legislature from meeting?
John: All right, so that you know this blow up of all these things, it's gonna happen. Giuliani predicted course, nothing's come of any of it. So far.
I didn't we just go. Okay. I know the point to make is going to clip to
Unknown: now according to the president of the Amistad project, who is the one leading this lawsuit, he said that these states are having their
constitutional rights violated, just listen.
So the very body that is responsible for how these electors are selected, can even meet. Yeah, after the election, up through January. So that's
unconstitutional, in that it's a delegation of authority to a governor of a legislative function that is not allowed.
So basically, he's saying that these states that these states are violating the Constitution, because only the state legislators are supposed to
decide how elections should be conducted. But by shutting down the legislators and not allowing them to meet, these governors are acting essentially,
as monarchs. Listen,
kings and queens shut down parliament. governors don't shut down legislature.
Furthermore, he later added that some state officials even went further than that, and have been outright hostile to these lawmakers. For example, in
Michigan, the state attorney general over there considered criminal investigations as well as prosecutions for lawmakers who are seeking to
investigate voter fraud and overturn the election results.
Can you even imagine that threatening to throw lawmakers in jail because they are willing to look at and acknowledge voter fraud? That sounds like
some George Orwell type stuff to me. So here's the question, what is this lawsuit looking to actually achieve?
here's what it's looking to do. It's seeking to prevent Mike Pence, who is of course, the President of the Senate, from counting the votes from
Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, until their state legislators are able to meet and certify the votes. Now, will this lawsuit
succeed? Probably not. For two reasons. The first one is that these types of lawsuits have been thrown out of court all over the country, no matter
how cogent the constitutional arguments seem to be the judges, they seem to be dismissing them left and right. And that's likely what's going to
happen here.
John: There's a kicker in this third part of this clip now that
Adam: there's something there's something with the note that a lot of these states had alternative slate of electors, and they convene them, or they
could or they couldn't, but that is, I think, also some constitutional thing that was done.
John: I've heard this too, but I've seen no evidence of it, I just hear talk. Me as possible, something happened.
Adam: That was the idea. The idea is pence could say, Oh, no, I'm taking this slate of electors. I don't know how he
John: does that. But that's what it is, isn't gonna do it. Pence is gonna head to Europe or the Middle East The day after this comes down on the he'll
be gone out of the country. Okay. So let's go to the third part. And there's a little kicker in here, I thought was interesting, because this really,
I think that some eventually this will come out that this was a scam of some epic proportions. And it'll be in the history books. And it will be on
our merry way with Joe Biden is President, I don't know what they're gonna you know, there's just gonna be a build back better than neoliberal crap
that goes on, and he'll keep them alive. I think they're gonna keep him alive. I'm not thinking he's gonna die anymore, because they can't afford to
have komla get in there. But the don't keep them alive in camela, run, you know, on our own and 2024 and lose, probably to Ted Cruz. That's my early
prediction. But let's go with the final thing in this a little tidbit little piece of information here, no agenda, listeners should go roll their eyes
when they hear this one. And here we go. Second of all, even if this lawsuit is successful, and these legislators are able to meet, the electoral
college votes are still not likely to be decertified, because in order to do that, in order to make that happen, you will still need the support from
at least a couple of Democrats in each of these states, which is very unlikely. And the reason for that, among other things is take a look at this.
This is a recent poll that just came out a few days ago. And it found that 96% 96% of Democrats believe that Joe Biden won the election
Unknown: fair and square. So with polling numbers like these, you're not likely to get any Democrats to flip in my opinion at
Adam: would have been better if it was 97. That would have been spot on 97 97% would have been much better. Yeah, it is true pence does have a trip
plan the day after I think he's going to the Middle East or at least that's what I set out as just talk we don't know for sure
John: he's going to Iraq.
Adam: Well, it's going to be fun to watch and I fully expect still the the the crescendo the arc, exploding in some kind of Trump final acts We'll
see. And it may not even be this week, we may get through the six and a half, 10 days and Lordy, Lordy, who knows. We will stick with it. We have not
been on break during this
John: segment. But we'll be on the air on the Thursday A day after this most all of you know whatever gets triggered gets triggered if anything. We'll
be talking then
Adam: we certainly will and for the quote unquote wild protest. On the six which a lot of people are going to we even have a meet up on the fifth.
There was only see where they have that there was a note from one of our producers here. Sorry, I scrolled past it. Yes. This is from reproducer.
Robert wanted to relay a personal story that may affect other producers going to DC on the sixth and impact the no agenda protest on the fifth. My
wife and I booked a Hyatt Hotel in DC on booking.com. I was checked. I was checking the booking this morning and to my surprise, it was canceled. I
called the Hyatt they looked it up then confirm the reservation was cancelled by booking.com request. Michael booking.com had two conversations. The
first ended with the agent telling me to call back and then hung up on me. The second ended with a lady telling me her supervisor would not speak to
me. Yes, it was canceled. No, she doesn't know why your credit cards fine. No, I don't know why we didn't email you about the cancellation. Looks like
someone took that option off your cancellation action. Can I make a different reservation for you, sir? That could be social justice warriors inside
companies messing around
Unknown: would be
Adam: Yeah, exactly.
John: I think Rob really far as I'm concerned. That's exactly what happened. Yeah, probably do your own booking. Yeah, don't use booking.com There you
Adam: I never use any of that stuff Expedia booking.com. I mean, logically, how can it be more cheaper and more efficient to go through a third party
instead of directly dealing with the airline or the hotel?
John: It's baffling me baffling to me. It's baffling to me. It's easy to do. I need you and you when you deal with the airline or the hotel, you're
dealing with them and they're, it's in their machine right away. It's not going through here and there and, and getting this example is a good one.
You go there and you wouldn't have your reservation it would be it would be a nightmare. It'd be like the out of towners with jack Lemmon
Adam: especially on on the fifth the evening of the fifth in DC is going to be pretty booked.
Unknown: An update social
John: justice warriors there's people in every company that doing this as a subversive little twits that really needs to be fired immediately. An
update on the can do by the way, debt booking I don't care. I know this kind of software is used for this stuff. They know exactly who cares. You can
Adam: it, you can track it all the way back.
John: You can track a right to a person who did it
Adam: an update on the Nashville bomber which confuses everybody even more. Now what I personally missed is more than just a DNA of this guy who was
vaporize That would be nice. With his two dogs I
John: might add
Adam: everything's vaporized we luckily we got some DNA zoom in enhance rotate. Now and it was what else did we see? no bomb crater. We have a weird
anomaly before the blast, which some some would say and I'm knowing that they exist could be a laser directed energy weapon, anything from a drone, a
bomb a satellite, who knows. And at least we do know this that the explosive used by Anthony Quinn Warner was incredibly rare. In fact, this was new
for authorities. So this guy who do our knowledge has never built a bomb, was able to build a thermobaric device, which is the same technology used
with the mother of all bombs that Trump dropped on Afghanistan.
John: Yeah, that was a thermobaric. Dave Williams, who
Adam: conducted the FBI on scene investigation says we've never seen an improvised thermobaric device before in this country or any country. The
reason is, it's very difficult to get the timing down to get an optimal mixture of air and liquefied car bonus carb carbonaceous fuels such as
propane, methane, acid to lean or natural gas. We couldn't have done it. The heat couldn't have done it the first time and made it work that had to be
a test area. Well, this sounds even more sketchy than this whole thing was never built before never used in our country any other country only
military use thermobaric explosive device? The Wow. Anthony Quinn Warner man, he did it. So we'll never know. We'll never know. But I did just want to
report that to put more fear and doubt into your mind about what the hell is going on in the world.
John: Yeah, that's a story that keep you busy for a couple weeks. Hey,
Adam: I have a fun little Hollywood update.
John: Hollywood.
Adam: Yeah, Hollywood is dead back.
John: Your real news.
Adam: That's right. We have that somewhere. Where's my real news? jingle? We haven't played that in so long. And I don't know how to do it. No, that's
newsflash. Here we go. Back to the Real News is this. Did you know Mel Gibson has a movie out? You did? Right.
John: I didn't know I did not
Adam: because Hollywood hates him. And digital? No. Did you know that Mel Gibson not only has a movie out, but he was in the hospital for COVID.
John: I did not know this. You had COVID earlier this year, Mel. And you were hospitalized? What was the worst part of that? Had there been any After
Effects at all?
Unknown: No, not so bad. I mean, it was in fact my whole family got it. And they were just they were out of it. Like two three days the kids and and
women don't get it as bad. The guys that seem to get other older guys. I don't know why I got it. But I don't know. Either. And so I ended up in the
hospital for like, you know, a week and it kind of left in the same amount of time. It came on in and it it leaves you fatigue was the main thing
about it. Getting getting vitality back.
Adam: Really interesting. Not a single story about Gibson having COVID you think that will be something people would tout around? It would kind of go
like this. Will he finally die? Will we finally be rid of him?
John: Yeah, drives couldn't do it. I'm in total agreement with you maybe just kept it quiet. his publicist kept kept the lid on it. Yeah, want to use
it as sort of leverage. And by the way, that fatigue thing is what JC
Adam: Oh, yeah, that's that's what Dave Jones said the same thing, everybody, almost everybody. I know that if they got it good, then it's the fatigue
that that lingers. And now, what has COVID done to Hollywood, I believe we've been pretty clear, Hollywood is dead. Hollywood is over. It's all going
to streaming apps, which is great, because the COVID generation being born now. After 10 months of lockdown, they're being born now. They will not
understand the full weight of studios behind the little app icon. They will just as easily click on the no agenda app to get some fun entertainment is
they will have a an HBO Max, they won't. Well.
John: I was going to do go on keep it I'm sorry, I didn't I missed your pause. Finish your thought because I have a thought about this because of the
Wonder Woman woman movie.
Adam: Go ahead. Because while I want to play the clip, because he addresses this, and we'll talk about it. Hollywood is going to die.
Unknown: How COVID changed Hollywood do you think? I mean, these theaters have kind of out of the question, at least for the time being.
Yeah, I had a friend. He was a an exhibitor. And I asked him, he was from Texas, and I said, how you doing? And they're in this, this COVID thing?
What's it doing to your exhibition business with the screens? And he said, he says I'm bleeding for about $48 million a month. That's pretty hefty.
That's, that's, that's hefty for this guy and for anyone. And so it's gonna change the lives. I mean, you've seen where Warner's have just taken their
whole slate and moved it over to you know, HBO Max, right? And a lot of stuff go into streaming that didn't you know, it wasn't conceived that way but
that's where it's gonna end up i think i think it's easier this way and I look I think storytelling if it's a good story and you do a good job and you
executed well in your original I think you're always gonna you know, the cream is always going to rise to the top and I think there's more of an
opportunity there on streaming now with okay make well
Adam: and I agree the opportunities for the independence who have the technology know much better how how to use low budget facilities. You can
there's going to be a couple several Well, probably 1000 Bitcoin billionaires will be happy to invest in your movies. And you really don't and look at
Amazon look at Netflix, to look at everything including HBO Max, one, maybe two things you want to watch the rest is just pathetic. It's pathetic
actors, pathetic titles, pathetic movies, pathetic writing, and, and Wonder Woman 84 I watched I kind of liked it. I don't know how they're gonna make
all the money. They used it they did $20 million in the opening weekend domestically, total of 40. with international streaming sales, it's only on
for a month, compared to the last blockbuster they put out, which was 200 million in the opening weekend is
John: about a 10th. Yep. As I've gotten reports, I haven't seen the movie. Nobody wants to watch it here that tells you something. It's
Adam: a fun movie.
John: People, some people said they fall it couldn't get through it, it fell asleep. The thing when you go see a movie like that at the theaters, it's
really designed for the theaters, it's got t th x, you move it gets boring, boom, huge explosion if you're in the seat area, receiving all these bass
notes is Oh, my God, and your body wakes up and gets very alert because of the noises and all the things that go on. And these clashing in the
blinking giant screen. That's a lot different than watching it at home. Even if you've got good speaker systems, most people just use this crappy
sound bar. And the sound bars got no bass, because there's no bass speakers. Maybe there's a subwoofer in the room somewhere in a boom, boom, okay,
it's just a lawyer knows, but they're not knocking you on your ass. The whole thing is such a different experience that it's like I always tell
writers this, you know, if you write for online, it's one thing if you're writing a newspaper or something else, if you're writing in a magazine is
still something else. Again, it's all different style of writing, if you write for the teleprompter, which I don't do, it's a totally different kind
of writing, you have to write three pieces for somebody to speak it. And these are all different things. The same thing with presentation. If you
present on a TV, it's going to be a different effect. And if you're presenting a giant screen with a booming speakers, it or the or the small screen,
or the people watching it this Wonder Woman on their phones, huh, it's out of control.
Adam: A lot of that is solvable. And a lot of people have have put significant effort into the sound. Because you can get it THX Dolby I mean, I think
I'm not sure what the best platform is to do that on. You know, it goes back. It's
John: not the general public. No,
Adam: I agree. But for me, I'm sure there
John: is some guys got at home theater for me pretty for me, john, this
Adam: goes back to our previous discussion when mp3 came out, which are clearly inferior. No one gave a shit. Even at title, which is a high end,
which was just sold a high end streaming service Jay Z's streaming service, these things were high end. 200. And was it like 300? clicks? Yeah, 250
say a whole bunch of kilobits. And then went out of business. Because people don't care. They don't want to pay extra for quality. They just don't
seem to care. Because we're dumbed down. And it's been going on for a long time. The screens have dumbed us down. We've been watching. We've been
watching video online since real video. We're used to crap, we don't care. I just don't think humans care anymore. I understand what you're saying
that the experience is there. It's an arachnid ism, and an anachronism at this point.
John: I'm just saying that if you're going to spend the kind of money you spend on a movie, like Wonder Woman to get that big booms and the sound,
work, yeah, that's over. You're wasting your money. Yep. And it doesn't work on the small screen anyway. So it's the whole thing. Do finances. This is
like what happens when the newspapers and magazines go online. All of a sudden their income streams completely changed the way it works. It just
doesn't happen the same way you don't have the big $50,000 one page ad on page 13. It's just that there's all different and so yes, it's been
Adam: Oh, yes. And also it will take a long time. We have been killing radio for 1516 years. It's starting to paint them. Now they they have an
attitude of you can't beat them, join them. But it's over. It's really over for them.
John: But again, I want to mention what happened on the first which was Michael Savage, the one of the top three top four, talk radio guys retired
from radio and went podcasting. 100%.
Adam: And you know what I say to that? You're welcome. I'm gonna show my little boy Joe. Nice to know again,
Unknown: Imagine all the people who could do. Oh, yeah, that'd be fun.
John: I will continue with that story. Because it's interesting. I'm sorry. After taking a few people.
Adam: I'm sorry. I thought you were done. Now let's continue that I had no idea on
John: I know I want to do it after then because it's so interesting, okay. In my at least in my opinion that I'm going to use it as a teaser and 13 on
a tease old broadcasting idea
Adam: old school everybody.
John: Spencer Sumner, we mentioned him already he is moved up to associate executive producers from Canada, where all the money used to be Edmonton
fine town. I liked Edmonton. I always like going I've been there a number of times. Gerald Preston Bennington, Nebraska 120 to 10. Sir Austin barren
of the Puget Sound and Kirkland, Washington home of Costco. 122. Actually home of a Costco brand. I think Costco is another town. Sir Christopher
Kessler. Baron Sir Christopher Kessler in Marshfield, Wisconsin went 20 to 10. Now 120 to 10 was one of the gimmick donations for this show. Cuz it's
the palindrome, yeah. 1234 people, including Kevin McLaughlin, Duke of Luna in locust North Carolina and he's on there too. That was it. Okay, so that
didn't work. Redman in San Joaquin County $120 niche niche niche I don't know what you think niche sec or
Adam: it might, it might just be Nick, possibly from Redmond, let me read this f cancer karma requests. Oh, Nick, C chord. There you go. Nick C chord.
That's the pronunciation. C chord in March of last year requested jobs karma said I would double my next contribution if the karma worked well sure
enough it did. So here's a two time double nickels on the diamonds I promised I knew I was long overdue for this donation but when the 30 threes kept
popping up, I knew I couldn't wait any longer. I would greatly appreciate a shot of F cancer karma this time for a smokin hot special someone if you
don't mind as we hope for a negative diagnosis so we always break for that.
Unknown: You've got karma.
John: Christopher Myers Next on the list from Wadsworth, Ohio. 103 21 mckaela king in Menifee Menifee California 100 Sure. fac bass in Houston Texas
under dollars. Sir john Robin 100 Wayne Woods Jr. 100 Gary Casper 88 in Tulsa, Oklahoma. He's a jr a Joe Rogan guy Rogen night Brian for this okay.
Adam: Typically you would say play the jingle and I thought I had it cued up and I stepped on it.
John: Brian forli in Littleton, Colorado double nickels on the dime and rulez. That's 5510 for you who are from Rogen show. Andrew la mesilla
messonnier in Colorado Springs double nickels on the dime Stephen Jacobson $55 Robert McClellan in Knoxville, Tennessee with a birthday for his
daughter adilyn first birthday. Oh, that's from Robin and Knoxville. Also a happy birthday to my wife Amy of the lab. And that's from Steven
Stubblefield and soddy. Daisy, Tennessee, another Tennessee and both one two in a row. Both birthdays. What a coincidence. 5033 from him game, foreign
lady before in dacula Georgia. 5021 Deb Carter 5005 in Waukesha, Wisconsin. And now we have the $50 donors and there's not that many. There's actually
a short show. Andrew oxenham in Knoxville, Tennessee, Paul Daniels in Dallas, Texas, James sheremeta in Napa noac. Dr.
Adam: Paul Daniels note, still can't believe I get most of my news from a former vj he was to comb his hair with a firecracker.
Unknown: Okay.
John: Thanks. Yeah. What was the brand new that firecracker James? Sure I met I sent in rapid oak. I pronounced that. I don't know if it's correct or
not Greg. Zeus, Ziggy, Ziggy, Ziggy, Ziggy. Saratoga sir toga springs New York. Bradley lead in Parts Unknown Donnie Bane in Great Britain, UK are to
gay. Not the art guy, not our gay john. It's art gay. Our guy is our guy. Anyway. It's a guy or a guy. I don't know. David beach in San Antonio, Texas
rounds this off and want to thank all these folks for contributing to show 1309 making it all possible got a year ahead of us and there's gonna be
more miserable news that deconstruction will be here to do it.
Adam: Indeed. And if you come from shows like The Rogen show or Tom Woods show, let us know.
Unknown: Tom Woods donation, okay, I
Adam: don't know. People send me stuff. I gotta let you know it exists. Thank you producers. Thank you for supporting Episode 1309, the first one of
the new year. We appreciate this incredibly Jon's cracking open a Shasta as we speak in celebration of getting through the donation segment. We would
love to see you return and if you can pick up one of those many subscriptions, which do help us a base, you've heard other producers plead for that
and we don't mention people under 58 for anonymous reasons. And also because there's people on the subscription so consider being a part of the big
experiment we call our value for value model go to the burek.org
Unknown: slash and a final
Adam: good karma for everybody who needs it with some jobs ticked off
Unknown: jobs, jobs, jobs and jobs. Let's vote for karma.
Here we go for
Adam: the third of January 2021. The list is fast. Mr. Andrew Jones is happy birthday to his sister Sarah she celebrated on the 31st sir Jackson Happy
Birthday to his daughter serenity turns five on January 5, Tony from Brisbane will be 50 on the sixth Tom starkweather our end of show mixer another
mix of him today will be 37 on January 6, Cliff Elliot and Rachel Russell celebrating Robert McKellen Happy Birthday to his daughter adilyn teachers
one year old on the 10th serve me well from Washington Heights New York City 38 on March 3, getting in early Stephen Stubblefield Happy Birthday to
his wife Amy of the lamb and spiral Paulus Happy Birthday to his wife Tammy and from all of us here at the no agenda show Happy Birthday from Adam and
No, we do not have douchebags here. We only have people who change their title sir Matt of Northeast Ohio becomes a bear net today, thanks to an
additional $1,000 pledged to the no agenda show as well as does sir Spencer summer, turning his knights dumb into a Baronet status and we thank both
of you for supporting the no agenda show then we have our mate good. We have a Dane who will be knighted. That's the way we do it here.
Unknown: And there
John: you go.
Adam: We got a dame and a nightblade perfect Get on up here girl. You're about to become a game of the Nerds in a roundtable and very proud to have
you here and to pronounce the name Lindy have squirrels not acres and for you we've got cookers and blow we've got rent boys and Chardonnay, we have
your special request freshly baked chocolate chip cookies and milk stout. We got to form beer and cold women goat jumps and goat milk. We got harvest
and handle we got redheads and rise we got Jim's RAM and jerboas bong hits and bourbon cases and sock a rubenesque women and Rosie and then finally
along with our breast milk and pablum just one addition today but we're very happy to see you here it's so nice. And thank you for supporting the no
agenda show
Unknown: your baby
Adam: they are indeed like parties it's the no agenda meetups which are scheduled by the producers of the no agenda show all across nogen Nation you
can do that no agenda meetups calm handily if you need to obfuscate what you're doing, disguised as no agenda protest.com so you can show anyone that
you're on the up and up. We have a number of meetups scheduled for the month. But first let's get a review of the Virginia very fine people meetup,
which was there was a lot of people there. Were at the
Unknown: very fine people meet up,
sir GQ, Baron of Maryland and
Lady Stephanie in Maryland. Hey, it's
Neil in the morning from Charlottesville, Virginia.
It's Dave.
Alice in the morning.
miles here at Trump winery in Charlotte, Virginia.
I'm glad I'm not in Charlottesville. I
hear that places crazy.
Adam: Thank you for the courage and bringing us together.
Unknown: in the morning. It's Dame and from grey rock. We've
already been broken up twice because our group is
Adam: so bad. In the morning Adam and john, this is Christopher recently off your naughty list
Unknown: and roselyn so hopefully
Adam: our donation arrived and will be announced on today's show.
Unknown: Thanks, guys.
Adam: Thanks. Thanks, guys. Hey, guys. Thanks, guys. I know what you're doing there. Thank you v very, very, very special people. Very fine. People
meet up in Virginia. Here's what's coming up. January 5 is Tuesday, Friday. have fair and honest elections DC meetup that will be at eight o'clock. So
do the first hosting that in Washington DC. January the ninth that Saturday, Bozeman Montana bring in the new year four o'clock. Isn't the new year
already here? Bridger brewing is where it takes place. Houston raging super spreader luncheon at noon on Saturday at the outdoors at rodeo goat. How
could you not go there and hang out with Brian Clark who's organizing and we have the NA local 512 post Congress count celebration or the build back
better battle planning. And there'll be a duck's backyard on Sunset Valley. I am going to make an effort to attend that because it sounds like fun and
I feel a lot of people will be there. And then we have a new one on the list for the 15th the Kansas City Full Frontal exposure edition. They are so
smart. They sent us a promo
Unknown: Oh, take it Ah
come on. Just take it off.
Take it off.
I can't understand you take the stupid face diaper off.
Oh yes, much better. Kansas City listeners join us the KC meetup public dining Full Frontal exposure addition
at the one restaurant Johnson County not being a bunch of mass Nancy's
de Angelenos in mission Kansas. It'll be Friday January 15. At 6pm please RSVP at no agenda. meetups.com.
Adam: Now that's a promo that is a professional promo that could have been done by any radio station on the radio could have been on the radio. Very
good. Very, very good. Thank you for doing that. No agenda meetups.com is where you can schedule meetups, more importantly, you can find them they are
everywhere all around the world. If by any chance there's nothing near you, nothing you can attend. All you have to do is set one up yourself as easy
go to no agenda meetups.com
Unknown: sometimes you want to go hang out with
Bom Bom.
You gotta be with everybody.
Adam: Before you return to your forment 40s to ISO 14 story I'm sorry. I'd like to go through some ISOs for some reason I have a lot of them today
sent in by producers. Unless you
John: got very few I had to get one and it's an old one. What do you have? What do you have? Or do you even have it? All? Yeah, I already sent it. So
Adam: Happy New Year. Okay, so this is which is cute. Let's see, we have Andy Cohen from New Year's Eve do
Unknown: something with this Saturday.
Adam: Another one from him.
Unknown: Honestly get
it together.
Adam: Kind of like that one.
John: That was lecture one to be
Adam: Yeah. Okay. He's off the list. This one Bill Gates is really cool. Okay, I mean, that's, that's a good one for the kids. Bill Gates is really
Unknown: And remember, it's okay to not be okay.
Adam: I'm striking out with you. Next one.
Unknown: Listen to what the lizard people say.
Adam: The only one? The only one I have left is
Unknown: so good and tasty.
Adam: I kinda like that one. It's also long this cute. It's
John: cute. Now who is the Fletcher cloning in? I
Adam: forget that name. Oh, that's Andy Cohen. He does the New Year's rockin New Year's Eve with Anderson Cooper.
John: They just pulled it from the show. Yeah. It's like what were they what were the two of them again?
Adam: Two drunk guys. Two drunk gay guys on New Year's Eve. That's, that's
John: no, I may play the clip. Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't need a description of that crappy show.
Unknown: do something with
that and honestly get
it together.
John: Honestly, get it together. It's not too bad.
Adam: I mean, I'm a little partial to so good and tasty is too long.
Unknown: It's too long.
It's too long.
Adam: I also like you know, the semester Okay, this
Unknown: is really cool.
John: Let's go with Bill Gates is really cool and have the little girl say Happy New Year.
Unknown: Okay. Okay,
John: the trouble is she's not she has not amped up enough.
Adam: Well, maybe it would sound better if we have. Well, that's not true. Maybe we do. Okay, let's make it really horrible. Where's your happy here?
See, let's see. Don't
John: forget first show the year set the stage. Okay, hold
Adam: on. Here we go and try again.
Unknown: Honestly get it
Adam: together. Or we can have some yelling at the kid. I mean, either way.
John: I think you did the one you just played. This is awesome. Standing
Adam: that combo.
John: Yeah. Okay in that order in that order good.
Unknown: We're good to go.
Adam: All right. JOHN has a final story.
John: Okay, so michael savage made a big deal of quitting radio broadcasting I there's gotta be a backstory here more than he says he just says he's
got fed up with the with the program managers, all the stations and everyone kvetching constantly and his main reason was, Well, the problem was
broadcasting is that you can't you know, you're going through a hard clock, which is the timer that tells you you got to go to commercial right now.
If you're working with a hard clock, you even a soft clock. You have to you can't go get into your stream of consciousness, you know, moments, and we
do it on this show. We will we I mean, we're true. podcasters there's no hard anything you just Yak.
Unknown: Yeah.
John: So you have to have some self control. You can't just Yak and Yak and like the giggling morons that are and half of these,
Adam: like every other show on Spotify.
John: Pretty much. It's
Adam: really true. It's a bunch of women lash out,
John: he quits. He does a cut. They do a couple of men's shows at the end of his run in the end of the year. Versus producers Come on, they go on and
talk a little bit. And then he comes on laments about Gray was and talks about him, but he did it, how it got started and all the rest. So he goes he
gets his first show is the one on the first. So I said well, check it out. First of all, he goes with he didn't have a clock because there's no
commercials he plays I think there was no commercials the whole show. I don't I didn't listen to the whole thing in great detail. But he there was no
hard clock, but he ended it at the right. You know, he ended it like Horowitz and I do our
Adam: day. Exactly. And you guys are always an hour. Exactly.
John: Yeah. It's designed to be an hour. But the point is, Horowitz likes it that way because he's I don't know. He just does. And it's fine with me.
I can do it. I didn't want to rant. I mean, this show is more true podcasting we just talked for. We did a seven and a half hour podcast once for you
folks out there have never listened to the show before. Me Well, after all this yakking about how different is going to be savaged as exactly the
hour. See doesn't do any of his bits is the most somber Oh, no. The whole thing was just that I thought it was one of the worst that if you listen to
that podcast, you'd never listened again. So bad it was it was really bad. His regular radio, where he's irked, you know, because he's on the radio in
the first place. He didn't have that did none of those, that tension wasn't there. There's a big difference between doing live radio and podcasting,
where there's no tension. And he says it is romance show on no radio that he's going to start, he's going to have a thought a great thought and he's
going to just pull out his recorder, ah, you know, zoom or something, and just put it in there. And so he did that. And he drops these, you know, so
you have the sound sound like this. Well, and then that way I saw it was this way, and then all of a sudden, and now I'm recording something out here.
And yeah, I've got people are walking around and the sound is like it goes from one bad thing to another. It was I thought it was a disaster.
Adam: What's interesting as I was listening to this story and watching the troll room, most people couldn't get past the fact that you just said that
michael savage has no hard clock, and people just couldn't get past it. Something about the way you said it that was just sexual.
John: You know, a lot of people see things that way. They're sick.
Adam: Well, that's why they're trolls. But that's sad. That's sad that the guy that no one again, don't ask our advice. Don't ask the guys that don't
ask us how to do it. Man. That would be crazy. No, we can't start with that not gonna happen. Well, he
John: was he what he was doing for a year. Yeah, what are we wrapping? Oh, I thought what he was doing for a year was was a repurposing his radio show
into a podcast. And actually when he did that, it was fine because it was the tension and all the stuff that was created by the radio show. But once
they pull the rug out from under that it's just him talking to a blank wall, not imagining people listening, even though they be just gonna try to
stream it live. It's just, it was just it was it wasn't good. That's not the way to debut let's put it that way. She's gonna debut debut big debut big
baby and
Adam: what you just heard was an example of us not having a hard clock. You said Are we wrapping and I know because after three hours and 20 minutes
of the show The first thing john asked after we're done is how long is the show? And I'll say, Oh, it's about three hours and 20 minutes.
John: Yep. This is a fact. Show is supposed to be around 245.
Adam: Would that's without COVID
John: COVID has ruined the count. All right, well, we're
Adam: officially going off the clock here, people. We're going to end it. We do have outstanding end of show mixes, which I'm very proud of great for
the new year for everyone who wants to see what we have in store. We've got search for Botha, Tom starkweather Jesse Coyne Nelson, and gs 1234. Who am
I missing here? We're missing get Tom starkweather.
John: Yeah, he did twice. john f. john
Adam: f. That's why this john the john f. Coming to you from opportunity zone 33 here in the capital, the Lone Star State Austin, Texas, FEMA Region
number six and the government of maps if you're looking for us in the morning, everybody, my name is Adam Curry. And from Northern Silicon Valley,
John: where we have less deaths per capita than Texas in Florida. But we're shut down. Thank you very much. I'm Jhansi devore. And
Adam: we returned for our second show after everything drops this week. It's gonna be a lot of fun and we're not even on the clock. Until then,
remember us at the vorak.org slash na adios mofos and such
wasn't the worst. The worst part. I decided to have one of their featured cocktail drinks. I like a little cocktail. Some frozen Margarita, okay. It
was a signature frozen Margarita. They put a metal straw in. Well, can I please tell you this is one of the worst ideas which I found out myself. And
you put the straw into the drink. You put the straw into the drink, you put the straw into the drink. And then when you put your lips onto the straw
to suck, your lips will immediately be frozen stuck to the metal straw. And like poor piece by lippies. And I couldn't get it off is a very dumb idea
is a very dumb idea.
John: Well, a couple things. First of all, I would never ever drink from a metal straw or restaurant. How do you get two things clean? I mean, they
have bottle brushes. They go through that I don't trust it. It should be disposable. So that's out. And the second thing is why would you drink a
margarita through a straw?
Adam: Was there and I
Unknown: want it to suck or something?
Adam: What's wrong with a frozen Margarita having a sip? It's not that weird. Okay. Just stuck into my mouth. It's not that weird. That's not that
weird just stuck in my mouth. I want it to suck. It's not that weird. It's not that weird. just stuck it in my mouth and I want it to suck on
something. It's not that weird. It's not that weird. Okay,
Unknown: this January.
The Last Stand is set for Wednesday. When Congress needs to certify January sixth,
that's the day Congress will count the electoral votes and declare
Adam: the winner. It all started with that nice group of ladies up there. And then this big cowboy got up on his feet. I
John: better get up to my January 6 at 1pm. Eastern Time.
Adam: 1300 military hours. What
Unknown: does that? I don't know.
the electoral college votes must still be formally counted during the joint session of Congress on January 6, lights up.
There's still one final in the 2020 presidential election on January 6. All right, Trump tweeted out. Quote,
John: massive amounts of evidence will be presented
Unknown: on the sixth. Okay.
I am actually very concerned that there will be violence on January 6.
Typically once all states weigh in and a winner reaches 270 votes. The election is
considered to be over, but not this time. So we'll see how it plays out. on the House floor on January the sixth at 1pm 2021
Adam: is when people will find freedom in Swiss cheese
John: the Swiss cheese model concept let's
Unknown: talk about Swiss cheese brows every woman needs
Swiss cheese you need to visualize it, not eat it perhaps and it's a good idea to get some conversation Swiss cheese socks. more layers of cheesy have
fewer holes.
You want regular Swiss cheese with all that fat cholesterol, sodium and calories. Swiss cheese for underwear
as a form of artistic expression.
John: The Swiss cheese model concept there are holes in it. We just
Unknown: need the underwear to be functional, comfortable and not show through our clothing. The holes
are not necessarily aligned in the same places on each slice.
Does that make sense?
John: Swiss cheese model concept is
Unknown: regarding Swiss cheese. Do they
use a special milk that has holes in it to
the holes come from a byproduct of some of the microbes added to
milk to make Swiss cheese Swiss cheese
feeling it and I don't want any woman to go through her whole life without exploring it so try a set on and just wear it on a random day.
Adam: She had a little diagram of the Swiss cheese model if you vary the slices that there'll be no hole but it's not layers.
Unknown: Oh god it's so good.
So good.
Adam: Good. Okay, let's try it out. Rice a Roni mac and cheese taste Roni and Dan brothers good.
Unknown: methyl methyl poly lactic acid. They get off the
internet immediately.
John: This is not good. You just don't understand. chemistry that is specialized. You can't make more of
Unknown: I love this.
Adam: Oh wait, stop right there.
Unknown: Hello, offices. Would
you like to join our prayer meeting?
is really really really,
John: really bad. It's
Unknown: a really good
way to go.
John: This is not good.
Unknown: Last time
Adam: mopho John dvorak.org
Unknown: slash n A
get it together