Cover for No Agenda Show 1313: Q Victims
January 17th, 2021 • 3h 50m

1313: Q Victims


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Unknown: Buy. Adam Curry,
John Dvorak,
Adam: Sunday, January 17 2021. This is your award winning gitmo-nation Media assassination Episode 1330. This is no agenda, looping the whole broadcasting live from opportunity zone 33 here in the frontier of Austin, Texas capital of the drone stars thing in the morning, everybody.
John: I'm Adam Curry in from Northern Silicon Valley where we're all watching Sumo this morning. I'm Jesse Devaraj.
Adam: No, you're not.
Unknown: I was what, what?
Adam: What channel is Sumo? Even
John: on? NHK
Adam: this was important show prep, obviously.
John: Every every I liked what? I've watched him up for decades. I
Adam: really, really.
John: I didn't know this about you. Yeah, one time we were the full family who went to Paris. We stayed at the Intercontinental and they had a sumo exhibition thing going on in Paris. And they're all staying at the same hotel. So I got to meet a lot of these superstars. These are those techies they are they they are the superstars indeed. So it was funny because I got their autographs a couple of guys. One of them was an American, and the other one was Hawaiian. But it was American, I guess. But when I get to see the Japanese, just freaking out when I go up and ask.
Adam: Oh, it's so not done. So wrong. So what's the appeal of Sumo? What I mean? Yeah. What is it just once a bat guys.
John: It's very tactical. It's very, it's almost it's got it's got a level of technicality that is fascinating. And much the same way as Nascar Racing is extremely technical in the way they pitch. That's a good that's a good comparison. Think about that. Wow. Comparison,
Adam: almost, you know, we're on 14 years together. I don't think I knew this is a big Sumo fan. Yeah, I liked it. You keep the relationship exciting.
John: is always bothered me, as always believed that America would go for Sumo. Oh, yeah. before they go for soccer? Sure. I think so. For that, you know, for soccer.
Adam: We need to read book this Sumo. Before soccer. Okay, I'm gonna write this down for a second. Okay, Sumo. Before I don't know how we're ever going to settle this bet. I don't know what success would be. But yeah, it's just a red book. And congratulations to all producers present and past for continuing to ensure your no agenda show is safe from canceled culture because you support it with your time, your talent and your treasure, as witnessed by the recent AP article about the loophole that the terrorists are taking advantage of in podcasting. Yeah. This story was dumb, but for it to come from the I agree for the Associated Press fishing for stories. Yeah, I mean, it wasn't even fishing for stories. It was more shameful than that. This was trying to bring attention to something that needs no attention. Because you know, right off the bat, it's saying, oh, oh, Apple, Google. Oh, you guys do and oh, yeah, I mean, extremists exploit a loophole in social moderation. This is the part that people need to pay attention to. Why do we need social moderation? Who died and made a peaking of the universe? don't mean it was social moderation. What does that even mean? Social moderation.
John: That means cancel. Cancel culture means I'm right. You're wrong. Yes.
Adam: Exactly. Conspiracy theorists have peddled stolen election fantasies Coronavirus, conspiracies and violent rhetoric. Oh, yeah, this violent race violence was vile. And we're into bitcoin to
Unknown: that Yeah.
Adam: Did you see the article This was hilarious to see if I have it here. Large Bitcoin payments to right wing activist a month before capital Riot linked to foreign account. So now, this article from Yahoo is probably also an AP story. I think about it missing claims that sources know exactly which wallets belong to which domestic terrorists Yeah, sure. You can create a wallet in five seconds you can create 1000 of them yet you are tracking the very one. Come on lies. It was lies and it's it's an obvious crackdown. Um, the two things that I think represent freedom you won't agree on both but podcasting Yeah. And why can't you take it down? Number one? Well, in our case, no advertising, it is truly the root of all evil. Now, I'm not against advertising but don't expect free speech to go to coincide with it doesn't exist. It's not possible. advertising is censorship by default, you can't talk about the competitor. So that would be a form of censorship right there.
John: It is illegal in Germany when you do advertising to the comparison ads. Always that I didn't know that was illegal. But I didn't know that I think it's always been outlawed in the EU. I don't know if it's the whole EU, but we whenever a PC Magazine doing advertising, we did lectures on the topic, because we had discovered all the mechanisms you want to advertise and PC Magazine to be effective. And I was gave some of those lectures It was fascinating. So can the comparison add like, you know, Microsoft Excel does this, this this for the checkboxes, and then the other competitions and x x x.
Unknown: That's verboten? That's not good.
Adam: And here's how you can tell when something will probably have longevity. It's just a little tip. It's the difference between a platform and a protocol. RSS, which I mean, Google had a great reader, the the Google Reader, they got rid of it because they had no control over RSS because RSS is a protocol doesn't belong to anybody. So there was they couldn't really turn everything off. And for some reason, now, a number of companies think that they can do this, and the AAP thinks that it should be done. But now, you can't get rid of a protocol. It's just not that easy. So if there's any stop jumping from service to service to people, oh, my goodness, what is wrong with you? Oh, there's this one over here. Look, this is a great one. Yeah. Oh, these guys have a better Oh, look at their site, it works. Get away from centralization.
John: Well, wait, since you're talking about right wing nut jobs. Yes,
Adam: that's exactly where I was going with a couple of clips, which you got.
John: I got the jack Vorhees clip from the Sgt report.
Adam: Well, hold on, hold on. I know what that is. Before we get to that, let me just do two things that highlight the thinking right now of the purge, which is clearly clearly taking place. And there is a hidden exit strategy in this for us, john. Finally, we can do that Hunger Games reality show. We just need one camera, we can walk anywhere. Let's start in LA. It's gonna be so beautiful. So this is the Lieutenant Governor of Pennsylvania lieutenant governor Fetterman. And just listen to the thinking, and then you'll understand where these actions are coming from.
Unknown: So this idea that saying that Pennsylvania was rigged or that we were trying to steal the election, unquote, that's a lie. And that you do not have the right that is not protected speech. The second news tweets went up, they should have been blinded. That's not the platforming someone it's it's deleting lies that are yelling fire in a crowded theater when there is none. And there's a difference. Don't fire in a crowded theater.
Adam: Hold on a second. Let's go back let's you gotta hear that it's only it only 12 more seconds. But listen, the whole thing in context is insane.
Unknown: So this idea that saying that Pennsylvania was rigged or that we were trying to steal the election, unquote, that's a lie. And that you do not have the right that is not protected speech. The second those tweets went up they should have been deleted. That's not deep platforming someone it's it's deleting lies that are yelling fire in a crowded theater when there is none. And there's a difference that is not protected speech. He can talk all day about what his favorite football team is or that he's the greatest president in the history of the world but no one republican democrat whatever has the right to say those kind of incendiary lies.
Adam: Okay, is this is truly the thinking then we have a problem.
John: Wow, that's pretty good clip.
Adam: I mean, the equivalency of yelling fire in a crowded theater versus saying the election was stolen on social media is beyond me. How does that how does that work?
John: Yeah, I know you're baffled to know we were talking about this, you know, meaning are talking about this the other day about the the you know, because I always like to refer back to the woman in the green. That green green outfit on her knees screaming No. Yeah, that's the one that that's she's iconic. She's iconic. I can just write the other side has got the same number of crackpots. Sure. I mean, you don't you didn't notice it during the Trump years because they're all assuaged. But once this thing happened, they all came out of the woodwork and and it's, and it's discussed this, it says if we're surrounded, it's almost like Green Acres where there's only one same character. There's a very interesting structure for a story. There's one same character, that's the guy at Albert, and everybody around him is completely bonkers. And he's in this environment where everybody's insane, but him and it makes for a very funny sitcom. But that's what's going on. It's like everybody's nuts. Well, I'm convinced that people are seeing exactly what they see that and what they see is 100% true to them right or left. And it's all been influenced on the left mainly with mainstream television, which is also displayed on social media and YouTube, because there's not a lot of right right wing nut jobs. They get their own version of it. And this is distorted reality on both sides.
Adam: And we're the Eddie Albert's
John: is what it looks like. Luckily, there's a lot of people like listed Well, actually a lot of people like Washington Green Acres to without knowing what the Albert or the the nutballs. Here's where it moves into territory that needs to be looked at. And again, for me,
Adam: I don't give a crap what Twitter does there a bug? There's a bug in the network. There's plenty of other places you can go talk. If you if you feel disturbed that you've been taken off of Twitter or you or your shadow band, what do you get? What do you care? It's your ego that's in the way. You want people to listen and go somewhere else. do plenty of people listened to you. So Twitter is going is really it's doing a purge. And if you've seen your numbers, I've seen my numbers. People are leaving people or maybe a lot of them are bots. I don't know, but the pruning is in place. And this is the Project Veritas with kind of a decent audio, it's been sweetened somewhat of jack Dorsey talking about shutting down President Trump's Twitter account. And that this is just the beginning. And everyone's probably seen a clip or two this is as far as I know, the full 130 131 minute 33 seconds. We just need to listen to what is going on.
John: Well, you can't hear anything. No, you can hear it but it's so attenuated that it's just a meet meet meet meet me meet Meet Me, me me meat. Well, crank it up.
Adam: Yeah, I can crank it up.
And that was internal Twitter communication. So that's that's their internal you know, it's jack, given the given the crew, the lowdown on what's going to happen. But here's what we really need to realize. It doesn't work. It makes no sense to have a global Town Square. There's no reason for it to work. Of course, it's going to be a big cesspool, particularly if you algo eyes it and make it you know, heat it up a bit wherever you want to. If people are tribal, they want to be in groups, you know, Bumble, which is, I guess, kind of a dating app. From what I understand it's more a hookup app than a dating app. They had to disable their politics filter, because people were saying what kind of your Republican, libertarian democrat and people would fill droughts they all look at all these republicans, and either they would block them pre pre block them before they ever showed up. Or they would, you know, start messaging them horrible crap. And it's Yes, you may not belong together if you believe in fundamentally different things might I think my sister in law went on a date wasn't my sister in law. She somebody, and now I can't remember who it was from one of these apps, and the guy turned out to be like a real 1000s of sealed indictments. 10 kind of dude. And, and he got pissed when she said, hey, look, this is never gonna work. Clearly, we have different political differences. And let's just call this date. You know, let's just call it off a good try. And he tried to get her
fired at her job. So it happens on all sides, you know, and so people are spinning out of control, but we need to step back and go into our own little cubby holes, like no agenda., which is, you know, it's a nice cubby hole. And there's other people that you can interact with and chill out. It's not important. Who cares? That's that's the simulation everybody's caught up in.
John: That's not going away anytime soon now, it will be corrected during an economic catastrophe.
Adam: Did you see the city group analyst about Spotify? I read the article. Yeah. That their, their multi million dollar bet on podcasting may not be working out. Hello, I
John: saw the interview. There's an interview on CNBC. I didn't record I'm on crypto doll as you see it. No, no, I'm looking at the article. I didn't see any of that was a CNBC interview with the woman who is the head of content. And she's behind all the buys of all this stuff. And what she said just happy as a clam. Yeah, this
Adam: is great. Well, the animals I mean, the killing numbers are that there is no increase in premiums, nothing accounts zip and no increase in downloads. That's a fail after a full year. That's a big fail. And this is what I said. They're so arrogant. They think they can own a protocol. You can't. You need all the apps, you need the whole infrastructure, idiots. How much how much we could have exited this whole damn show. If they just brought us in. And for 1%, we advise them.
John: Please advise them not to go ahead.
Adam: I would have said here. Here's some advice for a better app is what I have said. We could have managed that. Come on, we can manage that. It would have been great. Now, that'll be the day. It was to to not wrapped up in their own Yeah. wrapped up in smoking their own dope. You bet. So let me get back to the SG Sgt report.
John: And if you ever listen to this podcast know
Adam: what it what is it?
John: I have no idea. Okay. It's the propaganda anecdote. They call it an antidote. I'm sorry. Yeah. It's probably three the guys I don't know who it would Sgt. But they got bumped. They have kicked off at YouTube. And they got deep platformed from Patreon, so they're onto something. So they got something going for him. It gets them go on. So they had this guy jack Vorhees. This is the end of the inauguration is on Wednesday. So we get to do a show on Thursday next day. Yeah, but these guys, these guys is the chetniks and all the people that are on that side of this argument, they queues the queues Well, hold
Adam: on. It's It's It's not just queues. That's not fair to say. It's people who really see other things going on, but it's not all q anon. That's all I say. Well, I
John: know a lot of queues are involved. Sure. And then there's just the latest little gimmick is the last mover advantage. Oh, I've heard a version of this that I can't wait to tell you. But let's listen to your clips first. Again, got five short because one of our producers gave me these clips. And I will have to say, do we need glass? I want to just do we need glasses.
Adam: No, please. No. You don't need the cue glasses. Okay.
John: I don't want cue glasses on. Okay. I just want to say something about this. These clips. First of all, this is a producer who took five clips all very short, from a very long podcast. Well, I tried listening. We'd like that.
Adam: I tried listening to the podcast and I say I balanced you I'd get out of it. I could not possibly do any better. These clips are short and sweet. They're nailing the points needed to be nailed and I would hope that all producers could fall Do you remember I couldn't get I did I took no clips myself because I I couldn't top his clips. Do you remember his name? I had guy go look it up but he wants to be named Well, it's like I like I have Neal Jones all of a sudden who showed up. And who does eight to 10? Fantastic one around one minute clips. And do you not know that saves me almost an hour? Yeah, an hour. It takes at least an hour, minute and a half for a minute and a half clip as example. You got to record it minute and a half. You got to edit it, then you got to spin it off. You know, that's five minutes. 10 clips. 15 minutes is this that's that. That is what no one has been able to do except us. We have 1000s of producers.
John: It's a true is the truth. Let's go up to this jack Vorhees on podcast is with no number I just as the opening little, little ditty, and then we'll head you're all under a minute, mostly under 30 seconds. But let's start with this one. We're in the middle of a standoff. And what's going to happen
Unknown: as a result of that is going to be a communist purge. A lot of people don't understand communist purges and how they work because the MSM has done their very best to cover up this actually fairly frequent occurrence that happens in pretty much every developed country in the world. At some point they get the communists that takeover. And right before the country falls into their hands. The military does an uprising and arrest doesn't mass arrest. And that's what the United States is about to do. Yep, this
Adam: is pretty consistent what I've heard. Yep. And may I say the reason why I say it's not Q is because Tina's girlfriends from 2530 years ago, reached out to her. You know, does your husband know anything about this? They're hearing this stuff, and they're not cute. They're not cute. Did just, you know, there are a lot of them from Florida. So they may be conservative. But not all, and they all have kind of like please does. Does your husband know anything about it? Like it like I'm the art like I'm the Oracle. Yeah, you're the nutcases. You know, Tina, hey, how can we figure out what this is? I call Tina. She married that nut job. Yeah, that guy. Yeah, with the Tourette's, that one part is to the shaky head
Unknown: to where you really want is you really want for the history books, an air tight case, that proves that that the baddies had in common that they were doing really horrible things like regular election, like human trafficking, like drug smuggling, and trafficking and money laundering. And and in some cases for the high ups, human sacrifice.
Adam: You know what the problem is? This is this this particular clip is completely believable and provable to a certain degree, almost in every category that he mentioned. Now, does that mean that there's a global cabal of elites who are doing this on a daily basis? That's pretty much all they do? They live for adrenochrome. And, and kitties and power. You know, that's where your your fantasy can spin out of control. And yeah, I can totally see that. But when you have some verifiable things, I mean, like, even just the Catholic Church, just like, what happened there turned out to be true. Turned out to be a little bigger than just apple. Yeah. Yeah. Okay, let's, let's
John: do a couple things. You should know this guy was the guy with the Google whistleblower who wrote the paper. Alright. Right. Very famous Google whistleblower. And his buddy that does the Sgt report that's talking to him is interviewing him. I don't think we're here in this in these clips, but he is also some ex Googler. Who was who quit the company is suing they're both suing Google. They're both in the process of suing Google good for them as as their
Unknown: to win the lawsuit. Google exists to play a few these clips. But But who is that for me to say let's go to clip three, knowing now that this is a communist realizes that the military is going to wait it out and do their move at the last possible moment. Why? Because we are in a phase called last mover's advantage. So the last person to make a move gets all the advantage. And right now what we see is we see a build up to this final chess move that's about to come down. There's 20,000. There's 20,000 National Guard troops that are moving into Washington, DC. There's now National Guard troops that are flooding into every state capitol in the United States. And what can explain what's going on? Well, you know, they're getting ready for the left to lose their freaking minds. When the situation doesn't turn the way that they thought that it was going to turn out.
John: That means that was confusing? Well,
Adam: I think I think what he's trying to say is, it may look like the military is being called in to guard. The elites. Oh, yeah.
John: Not that I understand, which is they're not being called into guard to set the event, some people that are hecklers there to arrest them. They're there to arrest them. But they're building some structure out in front of the White House. Did you see this bill? Oh, yeah.
Adam: Well, first of all, just the truth of, or the, the apparent truth of the military, being there to protect the elites, on its face is already hilarious if you have if you need the military to protect you, from the people. Because they say, Hey, we don't trust this election. Maybe we elected the wrong guy. It sounds like this should be some kind of, you know, some kind of French Revolution warning or something, you know, if you need that to protect yourself, do you should reconsider What's going on?
John: As we continue on our merry way we're going to clip for I do believe that we
Unknown: are about to go to war. There's two divergent timelines, two divergent narratives. They're mutually incompatible. Trump is throwing evidence in both directions. And the reason why is because like, these communists are brainwashed. And if they are given information that confirms their worldview, they're going to hold on to it, you're going to see information that confirms that Biden is going to win, and that China is going to, you know, is going to be the dominant force. And it has to be this way. Because when Trump does his last final move, it's going to be the one that is the game changer. And so one that's going to flip the board completely around, and put them in charge. And when that happens, there's nothing that China's gonna be able to do because it's going to be over. This is what it means to have the last mover advantage, the last person to make a move wins.
Adam: Now a little disappointed, he didn't really explain the game plan, as I've heard it, but but this maybe was just one more clip. Let
John: me borrow sorry, I'm sorry. This was just to change the name a little bit is jack v five. Oh, okay. Just to make it easier. Got it.
Unknown: If it does not, God forbid,
it doesn't go the way it should go to save the Republic.
What is your plan?
Adam: What would you suggest people do?
Unknown: I'm going to leave the country where you go when the communist takeover? We're going to go time to prevent a communist takeover is before the communist takeover. After they take over to become a counter revolutionary, and you're lined up against one your shot.
Adam: Wow, listen, jack isn't up jack. Don't leave your country, you pussy. Lame. And where are you going to go? People I've got people emailing me. Hey, you know good country where I can go in Europe like yeah, go enjoy that. You have no idea. They got 50 years. headstart on what's happening here? No, no, no, no, no. This type of talk was accentuated by the mainstream media to show how even crazier everybody is who even uttered a sympathetic word towards President Trump. And this was the accidentally snapped photo by the Washington Post no less of Mike Lindell the my pillow guys notes as he was joining the circus inside the Oval Office.
Unknown: That is the circumstance without the pop that Donald Trump is going to have and always be will always be remembered as he leaves office.
John: And Jim I understand Kaylee McInerney has now flown the coop she's gone, I guess off to Florida and is not coming back. Who is visiting the White House these days? I understand there. There was somebody who visited today. Yeah.
Adam: I love that intro. I understand somebody like yes. We just asked him to tell the damn story. The next line on the script Anderson, these days I understand there there was somebody who visited today. Yeah. The Star Wars BB characters continues to Star Wars by Andersen.
Unknown: We saw Mike Lindsey, the founder of my pillow, which is a pillow manufacturer. I'm sure you've heard of it. Maybe perhaps you talked about Michael Dell on your show. He has been espousing the same silly conspiracy theories about the election that the President has. He met with the president for about five minutes. I confirm this with Michael Sandel on the phone earlier this evening. He said that he brought some documents in for the President to see the claiming to be evidence of election fraud in the 2020 election and he says that President Trump took that material and gave it to some As staffers The other thing we should point out is that Michael Sandel said that, you know, at no point in any of these documents doesn't do the words martial law up here, Anderson, if you look at a close up of these documents right now, the words martial law do appear, it's one of the strange, you know, fringe, you know, type of things that are said in these documents. And, Anderson, it is just another example of how the president despite everything that happened on January 6, the fact that people died because of these lies, spewed by the president, welcoming people to the White House, who are reinforcing these crazy ideas about the election. And I hate to say it Michael Sandel is one of those people. And when I was talking him on the phone earlier this evening, he just wasn't making a lot of sense. Just like everything else that's happening with Donald Trump these days.
Adam: So we've got the crazy my pillow guy with martial law. And I have a picture that have that picture in the show notes. And the word martial law appeared. Oh, yeah, does let's see insurrection act now as a result of the assault on the illegible martial law, if necessary, upon the first hint of any, and these are just half half pages. But he said something else in there, I'm going to take a quick detour and I am going to reveal to you how it's actually going to go down. But since you brought up Q, there were some there was an interesting piece on NPR, about the victims of Q anon see now. Actually, now let me start with this. Jim, what's his face? Who's the douche from from CNN? The guy who was Acosta? Yeah, Jim Acosta. So he brought up the big lie. And this big lie is now being propagated and it's really, really, really nasty what what they're doing with this one? NPR on Trump's big lie,
Unknown: it's not just historians who called Trump's fiction that he won the election at the big lie. President Elect Joe Biden used the term to slam Republicans in Congress who've amplified Trump's falsehood.
They're part of the big lie.
And Biden noted the term originated in Nazi Germany embodied in Hitler's propaganda minister Yosef gurbles By the way,
Adam: she says it incorrectly gurbles there's no R and gerbils and PR. And Joe Biden says it correctly and people are probably laughing at him. The guy can't get a break. They are
Unknown: eating Hitler's propaganda minister Josefa gerbils. were told that you know Goebbels in the great lie you keep repeating the line repeating the lie. One of the Republican senators Biden was referring to Josh Hawley called the Nazi comparison, disgusting. Hitler used the phrase big lie in his manifesto, mind comp. The Nazis big lie blaming Jews for everything wrong in the world fueled anti semitism and the Holocaust. There are lies that if you believe in them, rearrange everything Yale history professor Timothy Snyder specializes in Eastern Europe. He writes about authoritarian states and tyranny. How to
orient the political thinker talks about the fabric of reality and a big lie is a lie, which is big enough that it tears the fabric of reality.
In his cover story for this coming Sunday's New York Times Magazine Snider calls Trump the high priest of the big lie. As for where big lies lead, Snyder writes, Post truth is pre fascism, and Trump has been our post truth president.
Adam: So there's a no boy number of things. To report number things really wrong with this. So
John: Trump hates Jews Is that what it comes down to?
Adam: It's even worse. The big lie was not in mind comes but listen to how she describes it. Sorry, no startup
Unknown: person disgusting. Hitler used the phrase big lie in his manifesto, mind cough. The Nazis big lie. Blaming Jews for everything wrong in the world fueled anti semitism.
Adam: I don't believe that to be true. He didn't say we're gonna do the big lie. We're gonna blame everything on the Jews know his book may have been a lie, Dude, why would he do that? Even she I mean she said it so matter of factly and when you're dealing with this kind of subject matter and you're accusing people anybody of being a Nazi and and hating Jews were funny enough. Funny enough, NPR lady, I think you're projecting it is yes, the big lie is what you're propagating. candidate and you're gonna round up people who don't agree with you first on social media. And then Moses, you know, however else we need to start rounding everybody up. Yeah. So,
John: here's what I've heard. While you're doing this, by the way I am looking at I'm looking through a PDF To the mind comp wiki available online, to find the big lie in there even the use of the word lie. Well, I'm
Adam: going to give you 27 seconds to do so as, of course Fox Television is also stoking the fire, although it's stoking the fire coming from the president. Breaking news now, not just the news editor in chief john Solomon reporting, President Trump has declassified major Obama gate documents. The President's sweeping order includes everything from dossier author, former FBI agent Christopher Steele, and debriefing reports from Stephen Harper's role as FBI spy the documents are expected to be released to the public as early as tomorrow or perhaps Monday. Whatever is available is in the show notes for today. But I'm sure there will be some goodness in there something juicy will pop out of it. But that gives more more credence to the idea of the final move. As far as put it. This is what I understand. This was so good when I heard it, that I happen to have a zoom call with our producer Dana. Dana, the Hollywood producer, because he wants to do some podcasting 2.0 Productions. And I said, Do you think we could get this funded this idea of how the election how the election changed at the very last minute? Are you ready, john,
Unknown: you gotta love it.
Adam: So in the next 48 hours 17 Yeah, 48 hours, so I'm not sure when it starts, the cracking in fact will be released. And the cracking is not what you think it is. The cracking is a flood and this is why there's been so much deep platforming. Because the the virtual networks inside Twitter and YouTube etc have to be broken up so that this cannot go viral. These videos will contain the truth and the truth will be presented by prominent figures in the public eye, and they will Polly and they will be testifying as to the atrocities and the corruption and the illegal activity they have seen and the public the world in fact will believe everything because this will all be revealed by one star character. Jeffrey Epstein
John: who's still alive Yep.
Adam: Now think about think about the setup. If this were true, this setup was true. It would be fantastic out of this world Yeah, but
John: this is why did they bring john kennedy back from the dead while we're at it? He came out and
Adam: I only gave you one name on the list this evening JFK Jr. Yeah, possibly.
John: Now, back to the mind comp. Yeah. Combination Where's big lie do not exist within the document. And so the big lie is what that PPR will be PBS. And they are a liar. Yeah, of course she's a big I'm gonna send her a note. I'll get her address I'm asking where specifically in mind comp is this? Or are you just propagating a big lie a phony? And she's gonna say
Unknown: no, give me me.
Adam: whoever's in charge of that now. NPR is one big podcast company now. So clearly after the election after we've purged everybody and and put people into a virtual and they do a digital Hunger Games of speech. I'm so happy y'all that we have our we got our whole infrastructure set up. Then there will be victims. There'll be Fallout, you know, people need to be helped and NPR once again to the rescue.
Unknown: A while ago, I stumbled on a Reddit group or a subreddit, called q anon casual. And what I found were stories, mostly from family members of people who have gotten wrapped up in political conspiracy theories like q anon. And many are adult children who say they can't really have a civil conversation with their parents anymore. And then it wasn't always this way. Now, when it comes to the stories, they told there's a pattern and it starts like this.
We used to sit and argue about stuff,
like in good faith, have good conversations with each other. And he says it wasn't that long ago that she could talk politics with her mom without things getting heated. But when the pandemic started, she says their conversations were peppered with conspiracies. Others like Andy agreed. It kind of seems normal at first and then all of a sudden something will just be out of the blue that just seems so far from anything that could be true.
You know, she she slowly crept into it during the Trump administration, but especially with lockdown
their parents stuck at home with a lot of time on their hands for into q&a, and specifically,
he gets home from work. And he puts his earbuds in. And he watches these videos on his iPad until it's time to go to bed. She's spending 16
to 18 hours a day consuming this. And the result of all this is a detachment from the facts. It just very quickly became clear that she like did not think that Joe Biden won the election.
Adam: I thought it was interesting and I believe this to be true that a lot of children have a new who of course are under informed and over socialized so already ready to be triggered at the drop of a hat and completely miss educated. They got the parents who really aren't, you know, they're my age, I guess. And they're unfamiliar with the situation and the technology and how you know what social media really is that didn't grow up with it in their DNA. And I think that that contributes to being very easily indoctrinated. And it goes for both sides only. We need to face that and stop with the it's the left. It's the right it's just bullcrap. I have two more clips. But that's just shorties shorties.
Unknown: Which leads to the next phase for these families a breakdown.
When Joe Biden was confirmed president I texted him, and I was intended to be good natured, but I texted him you're not gonna be a little crybaby snowflake, Aria.
And he just texted me back.
MIT he's never said that to me before.
You know my father's calling me a stupid liberal and telling me I can't be trusted.
Adam: something can be done there's there's a way to fix this within families, the clothes might have some clues for us
Unknown: using scientific evidence, argumentation, etc. that comes through the very institutions that they have been told not to trust, that is going to backfire. Because now they think that you are the dupe because you trust these institutions, etc. Young says it's smart to acknowledge that the world does feel pretty crazy right now. And all of us are a little confused.
Adam: And it's one of those Perfect, perfect situations where every generation looks at the generation before it says that you're old Boomer, you don't know what you're talking about Shut up. And it's and that's being taken advantage of.
John: I think there's more to it than this. Okay. First of all, if you're so easily swayed, and I'm not gonna I'm gonna push the parents aside and focus on the kids. The parents, I think are familiar with the situation they get duped into, you know, because they're, it's on the internet must be true. They, I'm not saying that's true for everybody, that's your age, or even my age, I'm older. But we were brought up. We're techno techno nerds. We were brought up with the technology. We've covered it. Been with it. We've just nothing's surprising, right? But the older some people, they're just unfamiliar. They can't even boot a computer half the time. Well, there's also no there's no education. When I when I see someone looking at their browser on their phone and saying that's my Google, then they don't know shit about the internet. No, that was a doll kid that which brings up the point I'm trying to make, okay, which is the education system is going to be used as a propaganda mechanism which is being done to to in in kind of brainwash the kids, let's just take it to that level into believing certain things and voting Democrat, which I've said before that the education system is basically a system is teaches kids to be Democrats. It did the kids or don't have the foundations necessary to support any sort of fundamental, you know, rigid structure. And they can be swayed and pushed in all kinds of different directions because they've never been, they don't
have a foundation and educational foundation on which to rely. And so we have a whole country full of these types of people, and no end it's just like a giant rudderless ship and so they go floating around bouncing around from one side to the other. Some are liberal, some are conservative as a summer. You know, the few people that are go to church a lot, they tend to be a little more foundational, but most almost nobody is foundational. They don't have any grip grip grip on reality and they get pushed around in the news media, manipulates them and you have this mass hysteria of the COVID thing. It's just a pathetic. It's solvable by this fixing the education system and getting these creeps out there that are teaching kids by gender studies rather than math and science.
Adam: Yeah. Yeah, well, that's gonna happen. Well, to some degree, it is a lot of communities. Just say I mean, the former New York bankers taking his kid out of school can do. I mean, I don't think he's gonna homeschool. unlikely, but you know, everybody sees it. Everybody sees the problems, especially the social justice warrior. Everybody gets a participation ribbon stuff. And you know, the banker is very liberal. You know, so at a certain level, people see it, but stuff has to be done. You just can't send your kids to school anymore. Anything that the state is controlling, you just got a question no matter where you are in life. So it'd be nice if we could fix that podcasting. I'm sure we'll fix some of it. Now, let's take a look at the actual threat. For Inauguration Day, here's
John: the Pixie girl Okay, before you before you do that, you did say when I played these clips earlier, that you're you you knew what this supposes scenario was exactly just told you I told I told you exactly what it was the Jeffrey Epstein video. You thought I was joking. Oh, okay. Oh. Oh, I thought that was just a joke. No, that is the actual scenario that is expected. Okay, nevermind. Nevermind. Go continue on. I didn't know it was that ludicrous. But okay.
Adam: And that's why I liked it. Because that would show enormous planning. The whole world can say Jeffrey Epstein didn't kill himself. You know, Maxwell was still floating around. I mean, it would be so beautiful. So I'm sticking to that one as a possibility, but I prepared for both things to happen. Whatever it comes down. Here, CBS Evening News telling us about the threat here of terrorism, domestic terrorism on Inauguration Day.
Unknown: This new york police department intelligence report obtained by CBS News draws heavily on social media that indicates a threat of violence to state capitals as early as the 17th. With state capitals already taking precautions the Intel report warns domestic extremists including individuals motivated by extreme right disinformation campaigns and conspiracy theories will continue to pose a significant threat in the days leading up to the inauguration.
Adam: Mind you that they are putting blame on people. You have to see the combination of saying here there's
Unknown: fear See, theories will continue to individuals motivated by extreme right disinformation campaigns. Most of
Adam: these people who will come armed are motivated by people on extreme right with conspiracy theories. All she has to say is podcasts. What she said was
John: extreme right disinformation campaigns, that means is coordinated.
Adam: Which makes it even worse. Yeah. extremists, including individuals
Unknown: very motivated by extreme right disinformation campaigns, and conspiracy theories will continue to pose a significant threat. In the days leading up to the inauguration. There's a law enforcement term bumper shot terrorism or bumper shot violets, which simply means if one target like the Capitol is too secure, too difficult to breach, domestic extremists may shift their focus to the so called soft targets.
Adam: Okay. In New Jersey, we picked up a report that was a whipsaw of sorts,
Unknown: as we've been reporting protests are being planned across the country ahead of President Elect joe biden's inauguration. In New Jersey armed protesters are expected to storm the state capitol building in Trenton on Sunday. Anthony bolano, an editor for patch has been reporting on what New Jersey officials are doing to prepare and he joins us now. Anthony, what are authorities in New Jersey doing to prepare for these protests? And what are you hearing about potential protests or worse scheduled for Sunday? Well,
for each day that they've been talking about this, Governor Murphy has stressed that there's no specific or credible threat to the Capitol at this time. But they are to make sure that there is no violence like we saw last week.
There's no threats more than a bit of a whipsaw.
John: All Hell's gonna break loose bill? Yeah, yes, nothing's
Adam: gonna break loose. Yeah, so that seems to be kind of where that is heading. Although there is an alternative final move, which is a very, very go I do not like it at all. But I would, I'd need to mention it to the if the Biden camp the globalists have the final move, their final move would be to assassinate Biden to make Kamala Harris president and once and for all to put the republicans back in the jar. Which I find a very frightening scenario that would really, really suck.
Unknown: Now let's just remind living for more years people put that in the book.
Adam: Let's just remind ourselves of the last inauguration we had 2016 Now do we recall why I know we recall that Trump had a much bigger crowd than Obama was like number one ever. Do we recall any other problems during the 2016 inauguration?
Unknown: It was cold out. Not everyone gathered here in Washington today came to celebrate President Trump's inauguration. Protesters lying part of the parade route and in some parts of the Capitol, deeper confrontations with police. The anger reaching a boiling point in the nation's capitol after President Trump took the oath of office. police in riot gear facing off against the protesters, just six blocks from the inaugural parade. Publishing pepper spray, concussion grenades all to disperse the crowd, burning cars
and smashed windows. A small group of protesters dressed in black their faces covered armed with hammers and bricks. facing off with 1000s of officers on site, many in riot gear confronting them with flashbang grenades and pepper spray. Before the swearing in ceremony even began, protesters tried to block checkpoint entrances. during President Trump's speech, several demonstrators were escorted out of the area. Several officers injured during the protest today and more than 100 people arrested the night 1000s of protesters remain in downtown DC occasionally facing off with police. We have seen many people injured both protesters and police officers
Adam: as your incoming blue team, everybody. I mean, come on. Let's be realistic shit happens. This is what happened four years ago, it was a mess. And no one remembers. No, no one remembers no one cares. Now instead remember that either. Instead,
John: we got a pink pussy hat thing the next day? Yeah,
Adam: that was that came later. Now instead, we got to go after small business owners people are trying to stay alive to go after the podcasters and we're coming for your Bitcoin.
Unknown: So Frank and I are currently being fined personally. Governor Murphy has has attempted to pierce the LLC. He has fined us $15,497 is that gym owner and in New Jersey who is keeping the gym open despite the lockdown isn't 76 cents per day. So as of yesterday morning, my partner and I checked the bank statement in the morning and we had no money in our bank account. The state emptied out every single dollar that we have. This is in the middle of an appeals process and ongoing litigation in the matter of the fines and several other matters regarding the state, including a lawsuit against governor Murphy and Jill, Judith Percy Kelly herself.
This is as simple as I can put this is an interference with our right to counsel. This money in our bank account does not come from memberships. We have not charged our members since April 1 since we originally shut down.
This is donations and this is t shirt sales that we have used to pay our bills and to fight our legal battles. And it is a clear and it is a a blatant violation of our constitutional rights and our ability to defend ourselves in the court of law.
How long do you think they'll allow cryptocurrency to exist?
Just a thought
they can't seize it from you. No, they
can't. And that's actually one of the most frequent recommendations for people who want to continue to donate is to set up a crypto account. Yeah, no, while you still can
Adam: ever the optimist Tucker Carlson
John: doesn't recognize his voice for some Yeah,
Adam: that's gonna be interesting. All of this is coming down at the same time. There's a lot of reasons they will go after crypto and Bitcoin specifically a lot of reasons for that.
John: Particularly as we heard, they were the same. What's the difference between the reasons and this reasons? They always were there. Another I mean, from the what's the name of that operation used to sell drugs? And
Adam: well, the reason why, and that's something that we played the Christina guard clip, if you listen carefully, I'll play this a little bit of it again, if you listen carefully, she says that Bitcoin gives people an escape hatch, she literally uses a word lab templates, listen to speculate
Unknown: it's a speculative asset, by any account, I mean, when you look at the most recent developments, output, and now the most recent downward trend, it's for those who had assumed that it might turn into a currency very bit sorry, but this is an asset and it's a highly speculative assets, which we just conducted some funny business and some interesting and totally reprehensible money laundering activities. I think that there are criminal investigations that have taken place that I'm sure will continue to take place that demonstrate it very clearly. And there has to be regulations and and this has to be this has to be applied and and agreed upon. It's a matter that needs to be agreed at a global level. Because you know, if there is an escape, that escape would
Adam: be used. If there's an escape, that escape will be used as an escape from what, Madame Lagarde from your financial news that you're going to tighten around our necks. What escape could she mean maybe I'm Miss reading her
John: I can't know what she said. Yeah,
Adam: she means escape from the coming system whatever she's planning the systems in place what's coming the central bank digital coin everyone's gonna do it they can't do it I'm
John: writing the M Marino or whatever the Americano was that Camaro the narrow the narrow, the narrow.
Unknown: No, no, no
Adam: that man the narrow that we had, we even knew what it would look like. He America
John: was designed.
Adam: Now I think the central bank digital coins are reality. I think they will happen. How it works exactly. I don't know. But they don't want you to escape their system, whatever the system is. You can't escape that. That to me was pretty telling. Okay, let's see. I think I mean, I what we what we will know is what we will know for Thursday show. I mean, we're either in martial law and we're all looking at Epstein. Or Joe Biden is or Joe Biden is hobbling into the into the into the residence in the east wing. Yeah, who knows?
John: I shareholding shuffling is the proper term.
Adam: What did I say? hobbling. I know shuffling is much better. Yes.
John: He shuffles he barely shuffles I'm waiting for him. Now I'm gonna I I wish you would this would happen sooner than later because it's not going to be much fun watching four years of this. I mean, I hit Frankie did a thing he announced a bunch of new scientists for his new science advisory board because robot science, science science. And I took a clip, it was like so dull, that it's almost like there's no real clips, I just took a medley of do certain things that he said, I'm going to be doing by the way for the next year. I'm going to take Biden's Bryce, slow and he's got no energies is terrible. I'm just gonna piece together a bunch of stuff that's in there that kind of goes together. And it sounds kind of silly, and it at least is entertaining. And this is a 48 this 48 seconds from about, I think it was on for 20 minutes, I got 48 seconds of this policy science and, and
Unknown: sciences and society tinkering with the early computer products, computing products. And when I wrote that down, I thought to myself, I mean, how many kids? You know, anyway, as co chair of the President's Council of Advisors and science technology, I appoint Dr. Francis Arnold, growing up in coal country, not far from heaven, Scranton, Pennsylvania, in carbon County, in Pennsylvania, about 50 miles south where I was a kid. She dreamed of exploring outer space. I could have told her she just go to green Ridge in Scranton and she'd find where it was. I shouldn't be so flippant, but I'm so excited to
look it up.
Adam: Oh, you better than I did. I got 13 seconds. You got 47 I only got 13.
Unknown: Here's what I got. Vice President Harris and I we just received a briefing from our COVID truthfully, we remain in a very dark winter. Yeah, infection rates are up 34%. Now we have infection rates. Oh, you mean positive PCR test? Joe?
Adam: I call him president once he's president, but he's Joe now. Joe? He's Joe. Yeah, no, you're right. He's gonna be boring. Why do you think he's gonna be around for four years? The man clearly is not cognizant that just gonna keep them as a figurehead all that time. Yeah. Huh.
John: Dinner went to laughing hyena in his precedent. Nobody does.
Adam: I'm sure hope you're right. Because you man.
John: that'll let her run Delta she'll run in 2024 because they're gonna have the democrats are kind of gonna know what they're gonna do in 2024 they're gonna have to run her because she was like putting deposition to be the first woman president. And so she'll run there may be some competition with COVID char, and some others. Then republicans in my in my foresight, I visualize a Tom Cruise, Tom Cruise. Tom Cruise Tom Cruise would be great. Yeah, but Ted Cruz would be the guy and with his beard, yeah. badass beard that's working. The beard is working and everyone else has got a beard betas got a beard now.
Adam: The beta is not gonna make another run Willy. No, I think so. Because you got the beard. Oh, that isn't that is a signal. How about a OC? a sheep sporting a beard? Yes. She's
John: gonna she's gonna get a beard. Yeah. She I think she's already a beer. Hey, hello. Hello.
Adam: We've all seen her boyfriend.
John: I don't know where it's gonna go. But cruises got the way I see cruise. I'm gonna actually write this up as an essay. The way I see Cruise is the guy who we got, sees himself and saw himself as a great debater, a master debater. And he when he ran into Trump, the juggernaut he had his ass handed to him in all kinds of different ways. And I think he decided to say, Okay, this guy is gonna kick my ass. I'm gonna learn from him. Why should I just sit around stewing in my own juices. And I think he became kind of a not a true protege. But he I think he picked up a few things that the way to deal with things the way Trump deals with him. And I think and he's a lot smarter than Trump, he may be one of the smartest guys in the Senate. And that's why I think they're trying to get him kicked out of the Senate. Because I think the democrats know that he's a, he's gonna be the guy that makes the move.
Adam: An important correction. It's amazing that people are so surprised that the guy who admittedly and for years has proven to have zero understanding of sports. Yet everyone was quick to point out that the quote republicans by Nikes to was Michael Jordan, not Magic Johnson. I got corrected. Yes. I mean, more people emailed me about this, then about 1000s of sealed indictments. I mean, that's how we've gotten this news was very interesting to me.
John: Well, what's interesting, I could have probably figured it out. But I didn't care. I don't care who said it. It was just a good quote. But the point somebody didn't make is that Mike Michael Jordan, is that real spokesman for Nike not Kaepernick. Jordan really is the is the guy and, and Johnson was a convert.
Adam: Wrong shoe. That's why everybody knows that can't be
John: we just get yours. That's what I like to know.
Unknown: Skechers.
Adam: How about these companies that are that are supporting the purge. And by the way,
John: she's another one that just came up Loews hotels.
Adam: What are they doing?
John: They decided that to Holly, or one of the republicans who signed on for the protest? Can't stay their hotel anymore?
Adam: Yeah, well,
John: I am putting the I'm gonna put together a list. Well,
Adam: I think we should. Here's the list. I have the start of a list. We need a listicle. We asked listicle. Now what are we going to call this list so we can get the domain name? douchebag corporations? Oh, douchebag. We get it. We should think about this offline. I don't want to do it. By the way. Tim Cook was big announcement. And it was this huge virtue signal, which they had already announced. of $100 million for black and brown entrepreneurs. How insulting how insulting. We got lots of brown entrepreneurs. Oh my god. Two racists racist. Just how can you even say this? How about entrepreneurs? Disgusting. All right, Amazon is on the list. The Professional Golf Yeah. What do you mean? I mean, they are. I'm back to companies that are helping with the purge.
John: Okay, Amazon, I was thinking where were they at? Yeah, you're right. Amazon has to be on the list. Yeah, parlor right. Okay, Amazon, I'm
Adam: gonna I'm gonna write some of the Here we go. Professional Golf Association of America. As you know, they're pulling away all the 22 PGA championship games from Trump
John: face back Loews hotel and
Adam: I put that on there, put logos on it. We need categories. And this will be a reverse Green Book. So this instead of this being the book of friendly places, where African Americans These are places to avoid Exactly. We're making it we're making our own book, Twitter, Shopify, which is that's a that that is more than a web shop. That is a free Financial deep platforming needs a checkbox for financial plan D platforming.
John: I didn't know that Shopify had done anything.
Adam: Oh yeah they took all anything with Trump merchandise stores all gone. removed immediately. Oh that didn't he had to stripe has to be on stripe is right is next. That's right. Also payments. Reddit has been cutting off subreddits Snapchat. Yeah, but unlike Reddit being on there's not like a store or something you can both interesting in light of $300 million worth of Chinese investment in the past year. So yes, I'm on the list, China's Chai comms Snapchat, Twitch. The high University. Wagner college, Middlebury College and I believe Harvard students are now calling for any student who has a degree from Harvard who has supported Trump not not went not on insurrectionist just supporting Trump to invalidate their diplomas. American Express? Yeah, they will no longer support any congressional member who voted against certifying the election, MasterCard, who they do, they will be cutting off donations to any politician who tried to hold up the count of the electoral college votes. That's that's MasterCard is a big deep platforming. Morgan Stanley has cut off donations to any congressional member who voted against certifying the election. And that's at least they're doing it out in the open. We know how it works. But at least you're fair about it. The New York State Bar Association who are going to be investigating Giuliani and when banish him from the group, at&t, no more donations for republicans including 17, Texas State republicans and art your
boy Cruz beard boy. And they're, they want to end Citizens United. So that's a pretty, pretty big group. So they're all basically the platform from that Comcast will be cutting off Republicans who fought the election results. Now Comcast are big when it comes to financial donations because that is NBC Universal NBC TV, NBC local, NBC. Yeah. And they couldn't you could just see local stations being discouraged from giving any type of coverage for political campaigns or anything of the like. And remember, these are your representatives. These are not just a little douchebags who can be the platform that your represents you is your representation in Congress is being de platformed Dow Chemical. Doudou cutting off any Republican who did not support joe biden's Electoral College victory, Blue Cross Blue Shield, no political contributions to Republicans who tried to stop the certification of the Electoral College, Marriott International. And all of its sub brands. also understand Starwood Starwood Yes. And they are cutting off the GOP. I'm not sure what that means. Probably donations, but who knows, because of code destructive events at the Capitol, which undermined a legitimate and fair election. Scrap Marriott off the list. I'm not gonna stay with them anymore. Hallmark cards are shitty anyway. cumulus. Well, we know, although there's dispute now whether that memo went out that Ben Shapiro couldn't talk about certain things. I think it's true. That's the start
of a list. Oh, wait,
John: well, don't get Forbes.
Adam: Oh, yes. Well, Forbes, Ford Motor Car.
John: Four to pass because they, they didn't really do anything. Well, how
Adam: did they get mixed up in the
John: how'd they get mixed up and everything? They said that they were looking into it? Well, it was it was just a virtue signaling. Hey, we were concerned we're looking into it. They didn't do anything.
Adam: Apple computer needs to be on the list. Yeah,
Unknown: I'm afraid so.
Adam: It's just the beginning. But I think it's short sighted. It's very interesting to hear you know, people talk about podcasting. 2.0 is a well, it's useless man because they're gonna ban all apps that connect to stuff that isn't approved. So yeah, that may be right. But you know, you can get other other phones. You don't need to be sucking off apples. People are sick and they give up they give up to give up. Well, you know, apples gonna rule anyway. You are weak, weak, weak people. Know I'm feisty. I'm ready for another 10 years of this show. Yeah, because it's gonna be crap for that long. It's gonna be a lot of fun.
John: So I got to go on. No, I
Adam: was Go ahead. I
John: just I have one other thing that came along the line of it wasn't really a correction. But a lot of people were able to find the crazy lady who confronted Schumer in New York I shot by the way, there's more than one video that got to c span had the the definitive video. Yeah. And that day, and they have Schumer walking up the street and setting up shop which I have to ask you. Why is Schumer walking up the street? Somebody carrying a podium, and then he just drops the podium in the middle of the street or sidewalk and start giving us a press conference? What is this?
Adam: I believe I can answer that. Because again, I was watching MSNBC, they cut to him, and they had the shot. And the shot is is really a beautiful New York. Focus pulled shot. So you do it from that sidewalk vantage point. They've got I can't remember what Avenue or street he's on. And that's all focused polls have a lot of depth in it. And it's a beautiful shot, and I had no idea where he was until the crazy lady popped up. And then the camera pulls back and then I also said oh my god, you're just you plunk that shit down in the middle of the street man. But I think they they know that's a good looking shot. They probably researched it. Why else would you do it? I'm
John: sure they have some research that that shot is I thought it was idiotic. It was a pretty shot. I'm not gonna argue about this siren police siren goes by and you have to stop for five minutes. And anyway, so now I'm confused crazy late.
Adam: Well, this crazy lady to me. Sounds like Maj. Weinstein. doomer. Maj. Weinstein from the pod show days manage the bloated lesbian? No. Oh, yeah, he'll do. Ah, she was she was a hit on the on the network match? Yeah. No, I guess you don't remember. Oh, my God. Oh, it was Maj. Weinstein and the tech hippie. I mean, come on. So let's listen to Christina. She says some pretty good things. And it's it's nice to hear a citizen Speak up, regardless of the message confront the power, quote, unquote, to see that they are completely power less when confronted with our man truth to power.
Unknown: Remember this? Hitler was a socialist, and that's exactly who you are. I actually got sexually excited over it. After all, she doesn't care about monuments and neither doesn't say that you have to protest peacefully and politely. As long as there's outrage and unrest in our hearts. There's going to be unrest in the streets.
Have you got protection? Why don't you tell them to stand down? Did you tell the Capitol Police to stand down? Did you tell them to stand down?
Seattle, Portland, Chicago, Boston, New York, Los Angeles and San Francisco. And you know what? These Trump supporters are gonna go to your house. They're gonna go to Pelosi house. they'll destroy her vineyard. And I will be right there to support
Adam: and I'm sure she's a Democrat. As my match Weinstein is Yeah,
John: I think she's uh, she probably is Yes, you may. She has she has all the checkboxes for being a Democrat. She's just an annoyed Democrat. Or democratic doesn't like Schumer and I'm sure there's plenty of them. She sounds so fantastic.
Adam: I wish we had better audio. Did you get better audio from the c span? People when you're doing this stuff, Mike yourself people.
John: So I thought one of the persons from the other side looking at Her mostly had a better audio had really good audio from a phone
Adam: Ah shit. Just a quick few things on the OTG tip as people are looking for, for solutions and preparing themselves, we now have a video site called no agenda tube, no agenda which is part of the peer tube, web torrent network. So no cost really to upload. When you're using it, you're probably supporting the torrent part. Somehow I haven't really looked into how to how web torrent works. But thanks to our producers for setting that up, and it's already populating people like it and it's fast. To amazing. I got a note from Producer Tim and no agenda Not this is so we're trying to just do something we're trying to go around the beaten path. We want to get surplus Google Pixel phones, D Google the crap out of it, put graphene OS on it. So you can have an enjoyable premium phone experience. Without with minimal spying. You still have to do some firewall stuff if you're using it for whatever you're using. But you have control over this device. And so I got a note from Tim he says, Google decided I was violating their sales terms, by purchasing phones outside of the US with payment billing and address and shipping address both inside the US. So they clearly understand that he's buying cheap phones to resell them in the US. And I guess they picked it up with some algo. And that's illegal. For some reason why? I don't know he says it's it's against the terms of service. So they cancelled a whole bunch of orders that he was
waiting on. He had to rush to find a new avenue to order replacement devices. Good news is first batch will be in on Tuesday. And he's also updated the website with detailed information instructions and links for anyone who has familiarity with the command prompt and what an environment variable is in Windows to successfully install graphene themselves. Off claps for that. Thank you so much, and help each other. And this morning I got a direct message from Brendan Eich. I did not know he was a listener. Brendan Eich who founded brave, correct. I can't remember that's the brave guy. Maybe? Yeah.
John: Could be the brave guy.
Adam: No, it is the brave guy. Hold on. Let's do a quick Brent. Yeah, I mean, please, we know what to do.
John: It's Brendan.
Adam: Yeah. Brendan Eich bi ch. So I guess he's a listener. And producer. I don't know if he's a producer, but we appreciate him checking in. He says, Adam, I'm not here to attack gab. Oh, this is about the dissenter browser that I'm using. But the fact is they didn't maintain dissenter either as a fork of brave. We keep up with security updates from chromium prompting promptly at a high school to us or by going to Google chromium open source and porting the updates themselves. There's no sign that they can maintain it or catch up now either. This is fatal to browser security. as Jonathan Sampson who works here at brave writes, I recommend not using any browser, this unmaintained? And I think this is good information from Brendan and I and honestly I haven't really looked at the brave browser in a while because when I went on dissenter when it came out, and brave was just acting weird. So I'm sure that's fixed by now but that that's a little PTSD. I
John: have I use brave I'm actually using brave right now show. Yeah. Because you remember when it was kind of wonky? A little bit it has some issues also a scaling images. Right. So it's all that fix now because I go back in a heartbeat. I
Adam: do want the dissenter guys to.
John: I know they listen. I'd love for love to hear what they say. This is so that's good. He I didn't realize a couple of things I read from his bio. he's a he's the creator of the JavaScript programming. The plague of the internet. Yes, higher internet. He plays parts of the internet is thanks to him.
Adam: We love him for that very reason. He's a radical. And then he obviously co founded Mozilla, which is where he got kicked out. Yeah, because it comes from the social justice warrior man talking about a real deep platforming when you get kicked out of your own browser company. You start with your house, which was already meant to counter deep platforming and, and other spy issues. I mean, how nuts is that but Okay, yeah, I
John: think I may have. I may have met him at a trade show some time ago. Actually the most the Mozilla people gave me a fire. Fox stuffed animal. Oh, that's a true collectible.
Adam: I think so. Cool. Look into you had one from Netscape that would be even better.
John: I got a Netscape t shirt.
Adam: Cool. What we didn't have was Netscape stock. That was the problem. Netscape IPO and look at my T shirt. Yeah, well, good. And I appreciate. I appreciate the info Brendan. I got to revisit brave no matter what. The idea was so cool with the built in VPN pie hole type stuff. I like that. Well, good enough. And then the only other thing you have a couple of minor little things you can play before they Yes, yeah, I was just gonna say one other thing that you should be no, it should be known is that this is TechCrunch reporting. That facial recognition has a 70 over 70% accuracy. According to a Stanford University Research Paper, of identifying political party. Oh, that's like identifying gay. It's good at that too. And maybe there's no difference. Wouldn't that be crazy? that would that would make a couple heads blow up. All right.
John: So I have a grumpy old bands want me to come on their show and they're making a fuss about it? Oh, they've they obviously look up to you as one of their fellow grumps. Yeah, I'm, well, I'm the proto grumpy grumpy Frodo us yet the correct proto Graham protocol now. So I'm listening to the show. Now this is not the first time I've heard this. And I want you to play this a Darren O'Neill clip I want this I'm concerned about this. Oh, this Deron you know and he's just gonna say something I want you to see if you can spot what what it is and believe me what you're going to hear. This is just one example out of five that I've heard throughout the show and I've got Darren O'Neill one which is which is what you're gonna listen and then I have the ISO but play Darren O'Neill one Hey guys sorry.
Adam: I thought that's how that's how his show sounds well and what we are seeing all these troops that are just flowing into Washington DC people were thinking well this is because there might be those crazy right wing violent people with the inauguration the inauguration
John: play the ISO the inauguration I have never heard this he said it five times exactly the same way I do have for his benefit.
Unknown: Oh my way I oh my Why? Why
this shit.
Adam: Let me just understand what we're doing here. they've invited you to come on the show. They're clearly annoying you about it because you said so annoying.
John: But I had to go I had to review their show a couple of times. coloration thing Yeah, this is a problem. And I'm thinking Wait a minute. I'm thinking did did Darryl go? Or Darren go looking for a job at a radio station come home Hi, honey. Another radio station. Wouldn't law hire me and when I last them while a lie. They will a wooden sleigh so here's I got this right here. The inauguration pronounce it says on here. This is what? Oh, you did some homework. Well, this is very kind of you. Let's see.
Adam: What is it titled? gyration I got it. I got
Unknown: a inauguration
in Ah,
thank you, Ray. SHAN
in all you ration inauguration.
Adam: Wow, man. Let's check Darren the inauguration close. Close. I can't believe you're doing this. He's such a nice guy. And by the way, he's not on welfare. Okay, you know, you could accuse him of everything. I don't know they should. They should block you from the show.
John: Oh, you know, I here's the thing that got me about the inaugural is why does bemrose let him get away with it.
Adam: Paul Do we have bemrose saying inauguration do they
John: does not say inauguration but he doesn't say anything about but he must be He must be cowed. Coward by Darren. He's got the big big voice damn big.
Adam: All right, stop, stop. With that. I'd like to thank you for your courage to say in the morning to you the man Who put the CD in the final chess move? JOHN c devorah. Back in the morning to you Mr. Adam Curry also in the morning to all ships and seen boots on the ground of Indian subs in the water and all the dams and nights out there. And in the morning to all the trolls who are having a grand old truly time and no agenda hands up trolls. Let me count you let me see how many right whoo 2418 2418. That's not bad for for Sunday, is it? 2418. That's it. That's pretty good. And I think it's Episode 1313 I think is a lot of people needed some, some pure sanity, that kind of bouncing back and forth, what's happening and what's going on. And a lot of you showed up in the troll room, and that's where it is a good, safe place to hang out. That meaning that you can't actually get hurt. But people say all kinds of crazy crap. And you can say it to no agenda. is where you can hang out with the trolls listen to the show live any show, including Darren O'Neil, he comes on live before every single no agenda show.
John: And at least until now.
Adam: We don't know what's gonna happen after the inauguration, but we hope he'll continue to provide the service. We should be we are the ones to make fun of it to, like, especially me, we have all kinds of dumb things. And just we have a bigger microphone, which is funny. I kind of enjoy that power. While you're in no agenda Why don't you hit somebody up and ask them for an invitation link
John: to go to no agenda where you can register. Now this is a good experience. And this is what I was talking about earlier. There are little places you can hang out and there's enough people to have discourse and conversation and other people from other little communities can join in a bit. Yeah, it works cross cross mastodon install and sneak in once in a while Sure. drop a bomb and and though Yeah, which is how it works with tribes that's the way it's supposed to I will tell you this I will say this that the mastodon no agenda social is it's just like Twitter was in the early days. You get responses he asked the question people answer is not like Twitter is nowadays where you can just say throw in you know, you're throwing it into the wind you got many more people supposedly following and nobody's following you. And because of all the shadow banning and they don't do it, right. And it's it's very it's almost quaint. It's very cozy. It's a dynamite system. It's where you want to get this out of your out of the if you got to get these chats and deep things out of your system. This is the place to do it. Not only that, but a place where you can get help and advice on that from D dudes named Ben.
Adam: A lot of dudes name in this whole graphene OS OTG type of stuff. But also sometimes I've seen people just Hey, man, I'm feeling down and feeling lonely. How's everybody doing? And people jump on? And it's a it's it is yeah, the early days of Twitter. You're right, but still, even the early days of Twitter. And it was just a lot of there was always strife who needs it? It's fun if someone comes from another place and plants a bomb and then we all laugh about it and a little bit of argument and it's easy to to mute that conversation but it just goes away because there's no algos. Anyway, do yourself a favor if you'd like the entire no agenda Gitmo Nation producer community check out no agenda and then Big thanks to I believe a first timer Parker Paulie, who scored a rare double hit. Not just with the teaser image before we started the live stream but with the artwork for Episode 1312. We titled that one iPhone II as a tap at the tip of the hat to Tim Collins cook over there at Apple the iPhone he phony and there was there was just no doubt what what a beautiful and it was so well executed the Trump's double impeachments spewing gum. Only 33 cents 45 sticks 50% more charges. Come on. That was well done.
John: And Parker did send us a note saying it's he's a he not a she okay. Which I think I know what we said on the show. Yeah, I
Adam: liked this piece a lot. We missed anything on the show because we didn't pick it until after the show.
John: Oh, I didn't know what he's talking about then.
Adam: I don't know either.
John: Maybe he's listening into the after show.
Adam: I just hope not. But it was a great piece. It was a great I liked it. I'm scrolling through to see what else we liked. Which someone complained to me and said you're talking about the artwork is to me and see me. Okay, one new and improved on podcasting two points. You can fast forward through stuff you don't like. I know it's crazy. Give it a shot. It's
John: usually two arrows to the right is cool. The one okay the one I liked was the blue make China great again hat.
Adam: Yes. Yes you did. I am was just to me it was just easy.
Unknown: I don't know.
Adam: I thought that it was it was nice but it was not a no comparison to the to the spearmint gum. There was something else that we looked at and you are seeing these if you're using an app from new podcast I like pod friend and hyper catcher. Oh yes. And we already discussed the no more hammer and sickle stuff or the Twitter bird and all that because remember that someone had done that? Well, that's because it was stolen. Oh, that was stolen. Okay. Well, maybe there wasn't anything else.
Unknown: Hmm.
John: Well, you try by gruesome art, but that was it. No, no, that
Adam: was that was gum. Gum was good. Well, thank you very much Parker Paulie, and to all the artists who always participate in this fabulous exercise that that is not quite an afterthought. It is actually the the end of the show. Once we have the art, then we've been like, okay, now the title will come. And we're good to go. And we really appreciate that. And thank you all all you artists for for submitting. Thank you, Dred Scott for making them appear magically. And Lest I forget, thank you, Eleanor, who did a full on transfer of our entire no agenda infrastructure to a new, more secure location. all on his own dime, he refuses to take any, any value for value support. If that's changed, Aaron or don't be shy. And we really appreciate it. Thank you.
John: Now what? What was insecure about the original location? Well, he
Adam: was moving from that place. And since he would no longer be living there, it would make it pretty insecure. Oh, so where he was living? Yes. So he's moved on his house. He's moved to a new house, but it's a better situation overall. I like really, like really a lot better and he has a buddy with a redundant backup now that this is what he does. Kind of. So he's good at this and it's just appreciated because I know how much resources go into this forget just the disk space and, and, and CPU cycles. That you know, it takes some time to maintain it. There's always weird upgrades. It's open source, so stuff can go funky. So if you see at Aaron or say hi to him. And now let's thank the people who brought the treasure in larger amounts to score a coveted title of executive producer or associate executive producer of Episode 1313 of the no agenda show.
John: We take a look at our list and who can we start to think today. And then we also have 1313 Club members. I
Adam: think we all agree Oh nice.
John: We haven't had a Club member like that in a while. anonymously comes in with 13 1313 from garland Texas to celebrate show 1313 1313 if possible nightmare so Sir George of the Southern Carpathians. No Jingo, stinky cheese and Bordeaux for the ceremony. deducing is optional.
Adam: Optional. You get that by default.
John: He couldn't find a link for this sending a proper note Cheers. Okay. You got it and somehow you want to read the next one is too long for me to read.
Adam: You get you got it. Robert Buell view l view el view from Seminole, Florida 13 1313 hi guys and in the morning from Seminole, Florida. It's not down by Captiva Sanibel. That area could be wrong. I first found no agenda when Jcd plug the show on the cranky geeks and or twit I'm not sure if the crackpot percentage of the show has been turned down since then. Or my crackpot percentage has been turned up since then. But I'm finding the show much more of an echo chamber for my thoughts and I no longer have times when I rolled my eyes when listening. I used to find it difficult to make it through the two long shows. But now I listened with delight all the way through, I carve out the time to listen to no agenda by no longer listening to the too long twit over the years by podcasting software has been cancelled several times. Oh, wow. which required me to manually re enter all my podcast streams into other apps. Oh, that sucks. And I'm sorry to say that several times no agenda did not make it back on the list, at least not right away. When all the COVID crap started to hit and it looked fishy to me. I decided that I needed to see what you guys were saying about it. And oh, Brother, what an echo. But anyways, I decided that after all this time, I should be deduced.
Unknown: He
Adam: I assume that I get to claim an executive producer title a knighthood, or whatever you call a donation that matches the show number I want to be sir Bob be of Sunset Beach by the bay. And I'd like popcorn and oops, just lost my place. And I'd like popcorn and sparkling wine at the roundtable. I'll let you decide if it's pronounced Bobby or Bobby. Okay? And it's shift for Jingo, preparation, I'd like Biden's full load Trump's huge dumps that's true and a double karma. I also decided to become more active in the no agenda communities and show has helped me think through a lot of issues this year. So I finally got on no agenda social, I have to say to any listeners who have not checked it out, you really need to do so because it's always entertaining and sometimes enlightening. Maybe you can shorten that up a bit next time you put in a note because we're not done any roads. Even though this note is getting long with no real substance. Sorry, not sorry. If you I need to tell you what pushed me to make this donation now. Thank you. My piping, smokin hot, white hot keeper and I were married twice once in a civil ceremony on a Saturday of the seventh and once at a church on the following Friday the 13th 234 months ago. So 13 is one of our lucky numbers. I tell our human resources that the repeat was to make sure the marriage stuck. I've been indoctrinating our twin human resources and ideas to balance what they get from the lib tardes at public school and now they
want to start a podcast Oh, yes. All the kids should be doing it that was struggling to figure out how to get started with that effort then podcast to the rescue. So thanks again for that in advance. I'll budget some advertising for no agenda when we get started. And finally, a linguistic question. I read somewhere that we in the USA think of as the British accent did not start until after the founding of the USA. So back at that time, the American English or British English sounded the same and that the British accent change in the 1800s not the American accent. The change to British pronunciation apparently came from the highbrow educated intelligentsia around Oxford has spread like a virus from there. Do you believe this is true? If so that it seems like this group of pricks has historically been very successful in changing the structure of fabric or society through changes in language and history repeats itself. Robert, thank you very much for this note, I suggest you start the podcast with your kid. If got a lot to say. It would be very good to hear this in a podcast in a podcast
John: as opposed to a note.
Adam: Yeah. So Biden whole load. What else was it? Trump dump? Yeah, Trump's
John: Trump dumps and
Adam: then after that there was something else that's the problem. That's true and a double car but there's no such thing as a double car. I'm always interested by people who think that exists. I'm gonna give you the whole load today.
Unknown: They did. dumps
they call them dumps big massive dumps.
That's you've got karma. Rusty.
Adam: Rusty today the notes too long, Rusty. Rusty rusty rusty.
John: Grand Duke Nussbaum Hey, 1313 dead rat or we need a Yeah, yeah. Now I feel stupid about this. Here we go.
Unknown: Nose mo
John: Grand Duke Nussbaum at 1313 and he and the note is simple. Grand Deuce Grand Duke Nussbaum presents Dame Kiley, the keeper on behalf of Sir Chris Wilson.
Adam: Oh, wow. Well, that's that's incredibly nice. So that's Chris Wilson's keeper becomes a dame on behalf of Wow. on the list. She under list I believe so it was a little incestuous. But okay. If Kristen and Miss bomb have it all worked out. Huh. That's interesting. I do not see it this way.
John: Hmm. Let's take a look at this. And it's possible that it wasn't put on the list because it's confusing. Okay, run the list. Yes. I am putting her on the list. Another member of the 1313 Club.
Adam: Yeah. It's crazy.
John: I think there's another one down here that gets upgraded. The Mike Brewer Brewer.
Adam: Yeah, keep reading.
John: Sorry, a crash EMT is next on the list. 1313 and other one Holly Springs, North Carolina. Want to thank these folks for this sort of thing. Happy number lucky number 1313 or crash burn of Holly Springs in Fuqua a very Marina. That's a few few quais john few, quite a few, quite a few crank to Thanks for 13 plus years and 1313 shows. Here's to the fun times coming in the next four years. Yeah. As the Chinese say, maybe we live in interesting times a little calmer for those who need it. And some non aggressive principle a non aggressive principle for us all. Love you.
Unknown: You've got karma.
John: evergreen $1,000 in one sent from Indianapolis, Indiana palindrome we have no note from him. No. So Trevor, you get one a sense up men Senate. Yeah. I i By the way, I should tell people if you're gonna send a note in by email, make sure you put donation in the subject line. Mike Brewer who does put donation in the subject line in waterpark Australia 968 13 I need some gold karma for vintage 2021 with this donation which is 1313 $13 reduce. So we have to put him on the club 13 Club in the club. My goodness, this is incredible. What's happening here. I know 1313 hit it nailed it. I bring out my knighthood Could I please be known as sir Mike? Yeah. Could I request that for the dawn? Like he's got it on there. Yeah, sure. My request that for the roundtable, the mountain be upgraded as salt bush mutton. Okay. And I'm also like to request a 1962 Penfolds been 68 Oh, I don't know about the Penfolds been 60 A is pretty much the 1945 Mouton Rothschild and Australia. Thank God we have that. And that would be I think that one is only been produced twice. It is in the history of Penfolds and it's pretty unusual. Anyone even knows about it. Be honest about why he's showing off our little mic on me, like that could work. He's curious as a kid, I know what it is. It's a Cabernet Shiraz blend. Everybody thinks it was one of the great wines of Australia ever made. And Cabernet and Shiraz goes together very well when it's executed right. But it's pretty rare around the
world and but there is a Swanson in California as a wine cola Lexus where they specialized in this blend is always a terrific product. Another tax deduction in the pocket. Yes.
Adam: All right, I'll do the next one. Because people have sent some long notes we love the donations love the support. The long notes you'll have to reckon with your fellow producers. Brian young from Tulsa, Oklahoma, and comes in with the half of the 1313 with a 13 twist 666 dot 13 could only be good on this day. load them up have them ready just send you cash thanks Obama Atlas Shrugged our two D two karma today I will achieve knighthood. Oh, another one. In my rapid ascent from the deepest, darkest depths of douchebaggery. After John's outstanding interpretive reading of my first donation letter I've been I've been eagerly awaiting the symbolic double 13 to contribute and write again, john, you got some pretty great laughs out of Adam. And that made me a very happy man. My kids were both born on the 13th and it has become a wonderful number in my life and to bring it home with knighthood in your 13th year is just too good to be true. That's true. I've successfully hit at least one guy in the mouth in 2020. Hi, Doug. And can't tell you enough just how important no agenda has become. It has become an allowing me to ignore so much of the five M's litany of lies. I'm just waiting for the Ministry of truth to be born and hopefully we can all end up in the same gulag together. We're keeping your bench warm. All that said, as a physician producer of this fine program, I do have a brief medical report I feel must be shared during the peak of the 2020 election how I
developed a rare case of no agenda induce paradoxical and megalo hyper hypertrophy, hypertrophy, hypertrophy, hypertrophy, listening to no agenda. The more I listened, the more peeved I became at the shit show our nation was becoming and I could feel the swelling of my Mugla starting all over again, drastic measures were necessary to have no choice but to turn off everything for a couple of weeks, and it worked. And as amygdala neuroprotective characteristics have returned, and I can listen without any symptoms other than occasional, incredulous and uncontrollable laughter. So fellow listeners feel the blood beginning to boil a little too hot and a little too long. Don't be afraid to shut it all down a few days and reboot. Thanks, man. Thanks for telling people to not listen to the show. It's really appreciated. This really demonstrates is the Amazing resolve the both of you have in deconstructing what can only be qualified as madness these days It impresses the hell out of me that you can digest so much garbage and it doesn't erode into your very souls. I think john has elder protection and I smoke a lot of weed you're both truly a gift and I thank you please dumped me sir Brian of the green country and have a barrel of bourbon and some Macintosh apples at the round table if you please he's not on the list john is this did we just missed this one somehow or? Hello?
John: Which one were you I'm sure I'm looking at something else.
Adam: Oh, okay.
John: not on the list to be knighted
Adam: I don't believe so. No, let me just double check it's
John: now Brian yonder Brian of the green country. I don't see him I got another thing.
Adam: Let me let me do his jingles then first. I
Unknown: know a lot of people want to send blankets or water just send your cash
thanks Obama.
You've got Karma
Adam: Karma
John: Oh my god. Yeah, well, you
Unknown: know when people ask I do it gives me the creeps that
John: one Okay, I got one here that's more interesting than that last one being not on the list. Because this one's on the list at least a birthday and you might want to make an adjustment to this because his name is his last names not on the birthday list. But this is an $800 anonymous donation that for I don't know why it's not on the spreadsheet, but I do have the note okay. And it's page one of the of the PDF please read and close find 800 bucks is a down payment for future knighthoods for me M and read Matthews of waxhaw North Carolina weed has not read has nothing to lose so feel free to say his name is all you want. Oh, I know what it is. Nevermind you know what this is the squinty eye he actually I don't know it's not there either. Ah, here it is. It's okay. This is okay. This is the page three this is yes I see it page three. Okay, it should be page one but okay. I'll read this no dessert for the tune and now go back go back and read the you did Brian already so this is Yeah. I'll just do the colonel after this. Anyway, read is turning 50 on the 15th if he could put his last name on that birthday list. It just says read Yeah, he's there. On the give be great have Adam Curry wish him a happy birthday during the appropriate time. Reed is my best friend and I'm a better person for knowing him. I shared no agenda with him during a recent camping trip and I think it has been an active listener ever since. I've been listening since Rogen.
Adam: Too tight for this market divorce.
John: I may send a longer note at the time of my knighthood which will be the Ides of March. Anyway, I appreciate the time and effort you put in this show sincerely, soon to be searched son of the fort. And he and that came in as two separate $400 donations which is on the list got one for him and one for research to do separate accounting for separate knighthoods. Okay, next is john McCabe, Colonel, US Marine Corps retired or I'm sorry, reserve Marine Corps Reserve. And he sent it we had a lot of marine colonels write lists. in California. As you can't say that listen to marine sorry, you can say Semper Fi. Okay, you learn a lot when you watch NCIS about the rules thank you for encouraging you right specifically thank you for wading into the M five m cesspool fishing out all the negative pool pure bullshit and turning them into gold. Not only keep Gitmo Nation sane, but you keep us sanitized. I'm greatly sincerely grateful that you guys continue on with this unpleasant but important work week after week, year after year. Yeah, thanks. Thanks for reminding us. You guys are amazing Thirteen's my lucky number has to be credited as executive producer for Show Episode 1313 It also seems fitting to keep up to knighthood with this suspicious episode. Please dub me surfer of the shark attack capital of the world. I
Unknown: believe he's on he's on the list.
John: I respectfully request Sapphire martinis. This kind of grossed by the way that's gin, isn't it? Yeah. Sapphire, Sapphire, gin martinis. And Twizzlers.
Adam: Oh my. Get those Red Vines out of here. It's got to be Twizzlers.
John: Get put the twizzler in the martini. And yeah, ready to start and then you suck the twizzler Okay, now here's where I'm sorry, I'm gonna have to do this. Well, you have to you have you had a copy of this so he wants to jingles. folmer plus OMG. That's amazing. Pretty good. And that's true and karma. I wish everyone and Gitmo Nation a happy and prosperous 2021 john McCabe, Colonel US and US Marine Corps Reserve retired in Florida.
Adam: What was the third one on the list after amazzing?
John: This goes folmer Yeah, OMG amazing. Very good. And that's true. Oh, pretty good. And then karma. Okay.
Unknown: Okay.
Adam: Oh my goodness, so much to do.
Unknown: Oh, my God.
That sounds pretty good.
You've got karma.
John: onward. We had the two donations from the Georgia folk. Yep. William Grantham in Phoenix, Arizona. 333 3033. I witnessed a zc rally on January 6 in person and wanted to give a more detailed report but can't figure out how to send a longer No, shucks.
That's a shame. Bottom line is loss of an Tifa masquerading as Trump supporters. It seemed like a false flag event thanks to no jingles no karma,
Adam: I would say well, we
John: got a lot of those up. I
Adam: would say about half of the emails I received were of this and Absolutely, I mean, and I see that. But every narrative can be spun out of that video. Which a little aside is the reason why the no agenda show catches so many douchebaggery things is when you're not distracted by the video then you actually hear what's being said and sometimes it's funnier than anything.
John: Yep. To see things go on the inauguration. Christopher Wright Meyer in Green Bay Wisconsin go Packers Hi boys. First time caller longtime listener great shows of late this donation is way overdue please de-douche me
Unknown: you've been he
John: can't wait for the Green Bay meetup. Go Packers. I'm always I'm always proud of how well does cheeseheads understand value for value. Shout out to Lee who hit me in the mouth. That boy is a douchebag even when he does donate any who's How about an LG why and that's true. Chris Green Bay
Unknown: you've got karma
John: seralini of Weybridge in London 333 33 we have by the way we have a long list today's show is gonna be long but we've got a good show is 1313 is a big deal. Sir Raleigh Crystal Palace Slayer of the concrete dinosaurs here it's been a while so I thought I better make a donation possibly my last for a while. I've quit my job. So my smokin hot and extremely brainy wife can start a new role researching and modeling the effects of climate change how it has what the effects are an economic risk Don't worry. I'm very gently get it hitting her in the mouth. Anyways, we moved to DC from London to move from one expensive place to another right now at the end of the month and it'll probably be a while before I receive authorization to work in an actual paying job some jobs karma would be much appreciated your choice. Also some good karma? Believe it is not believe it believe it or not. Believe it or not, I guess Believe it or not either not probably believe it or not. It's actually what drew my attention when I first listened to your podcast must be some subliminal programming thing. What the goat wasn't john Oh, yes.
Adam: Hello success.
Unknown: jobs, jobs and jobs for jobs.
John: Sir john of the Dunkirk mudflats in Blaine Minnesota nuts 333 33. When I turned on the bills ravens game they said it was 33 degrees. I do remember that. It reminded me that it's been over a year since my last donation. I'll give it up to you if that's a douchebag douchebag double offense or not. Not at all. No, not really. Congratulations. Congrats on show 1313 last Thursday show is especially well done. Keep up the good work you keep mentioning a exit strategies I thought you're doing this show was your exit strategy. What would you rather be doing? Keep it short. Nothing is what the answer to that
Unknown: I would like hanging out. Hanging out. Yeah, enjoying Netflix or something. Just thought yeah, yeah,
John: I'll keep it short. If I could get the boogie Boogie Boogie, amen I'll be good karma to all the producers of I don't see some artwork referring to 1313 Mockingbird lane. I'll be disappointed. Artists attention 1313 Mockingbird lane. I guess that outs me as a boomer Yeah, thanks, sir john of the Dunkirk mudflats.
Unknown: You've got karma.
John: Chris, Burnie and Austin right down the street from me Oh 333 dot zero in the morning. I first learned of your show in January but finally started listening when I was repeatedly hitting the mouth by my mother in law Marianne Burkett. I've been listening ever since and enjoying the benefits of a shrunken amygdala well done. Please credit this donation to my smokin hot wife Kelly. And de-douche her
and I like to get some jobs coming from my mother in law Marianne as she was recently canned by her douchebag media company employer
Adam: absolutely I think if I've met his his that's what met Marianne sounds familiar. Maybe meet up somewhere. Of course we're gonna get jobs,
Unknown: jobs, jobs and jobs. That's karma.
John: Anonymous 333 just donated after laughing when it became up as a default just donated after laughing when it came up as a default I have no idea what 33 means numerologically but I get to joke No need to acknowledge this donation don't want my name to be used especially these days. As the reign of terror begins among the jacobin left you guys are utterly indispensable now and you and john have a chemistry that seemed to be in trouble when we were the relationship was rocky was we had to go to counseling
Adam: well once you finally learned how to listen it turned out okay didn't it?
John: I dry I dug myself Lord of the absent mind in the past when I donated I become a douche It's been so long I haven't contributed to up the ante but in times of trouble my money flows your way. Okay, I doesn't care Have you read the note I
Adam: did the rest of it. It's just kind of well the one thing he put in here could you please explain in the podcast or just you're an email dude here what ISO stands for is it isolated sound object. Now it's much simpler it is ISO isolated ISO it comes from I think we probably use it more in television, whether you have an ISO camera, that means it's one camera that will stay on the subject all the time, which is recording a separate real separate disk, separate channel. So you can cut to that later in an edit and the for us. ISO just became an isolated clip of a clip. So it's really a video clip of a clip clip of a clip. And thank you very much anonymous. won't give you some karma. But you deserve it.
Unknown: You've got karma
John: I believe his name is Natasha Finley in London, UK 333. Well, after listening and not donating for far too long, the universe began to send me signs. The number 33 popped up. And then they were to mix ups of vaccines with virus all in the same day. Now proudly a donor to this and the mo fax podcast Adam and john, you have created a new product here. And I think I will switch to a monthly donation from here on if it's not too much trouble. Could you explain how you both met? I haven't been listening long enough to hear that story. And how do I subscribe to the newsletter? If you go to no agenda there's a newsletter link right there. You click on it. Hopefully it's going to the new the new the new link get put in I sent it to Tim, Sir Tim. I don't know. Check. Okay. Well, you can just go to get mo slash signup dot htm
Adam: Ah, it's true, right? It really works. Is the HTM uppercase No, no, no, no. Do
John: that. Making him to be a real douche. They do that.
Unknown: make it even better. All right.
Adam: Wait, wait did the question here? Wasn't there a question?
John: Oh, yeah. How we met when we met on the set of on the set of the c span auditions? Yes. That was. That was the first NICs man, CNET seaspan. Did I say c span You did? Well, yes. He's been on the brand, I guess c span clips. Now a C net was doing a start up in 1992 93. And I owned the domain name because they didn't even have email. It was pathetic. Yeah, they weren't this because their whole thing their whole idea was they're gonna do interactive television, which was a trending bullcrap notion at the, at the time. If you recall, we got to tell a bit of the story. So I was working at MTV, and I was in on the almost on the cusp of leaving, and I was way into the internet. And then my agent, my Hollywood, Matthew lasher.
Unknown: perfectly.
Adam: And we went out to the studio. Remember, they had that train, which was an office, it wasn't an actual dream. moosh
Unknown: boxcar?
Adam: Yeah. And that was great. And it was halsy minor, who had made weird balls. He made his money. He made some money to get started with this. It was the family. No, he had no Shelby was the guy Shelby, right. It was Shelby was halsy minor. And Shelby was Shelby's last name. I just always think of Miss Shelby Shelby. And then they brought in Kevin Wendell, like a hot shit. Brandon window later. Well, that's when I went when I when I got there. That's that was the day of the pilot. Wendell was there. Okay, well, then Wendell was there. And they were trying to do this real slick TV stuff. And it was there were a couple of interesting people. JOHN, you were doing? was it called silicon spin? Was that what it was called them? No, no, it was they were trying to do a roundtable they were trying to develop a silicon spin like show. And I and I remember being very intimidated, like, oh, that guy's professional. I didn't really know who you were. But I knew I recognize you from the columns. I didn't know if that was your main thing. And I was pretty professional there. Well. Guys, stay out of his way seem to be really busy. He was she was shining me. You didn't I mean, it was bullcrap. That's not like embellish the story. No, that's not where we really first met real talk was on Skype. He, I think after we did twit together. That was when we first that was where he first and I remembered very well, you went? Hey, Curry. What's your deal? But you rich people don't
seem to like you. That's exactly what you said. It's on tape somewhere.
John: Now and while you're getting the story mixed up, because the first time you're thinking of it was not on twit. I got you on twit you got it was on. It was on cranky geeks.
Adam: But it was it was I was I was not on set. It was a you're on. You're on the set of cranky geeks before this. We I was onboard with Yes. No, maybe you're like unbelievable. Okay, I'm sorry. Oh,
John: well, I'll tell you what, I can do some research on this because twit keeps track of everybody's appearance. Yeah. On twit and what show they were on and I'll check this out if it could be true.
Adam: I believe I was in the condo at the time. And this is it makes sense. Because that's when we connected because I remember you saying something kind of disparaging your typical Dvorak way. And the reason I remember that is because I said yeah, I hear people don't like you either. We should probably have lunch. That's what that's what happened. This before you were working at pod ci or any of that they all lead up to it. All I know is grooming. For sure grooming me to get a job and Poncho admit, yep, it worked, didn't it? I didn't regret it for a second.
John: Now, that story is kind of a story. I will say this I get misquoted a lot in my life. Yeah, but that was the best. That was the best you've ever heard. No, the best I've ever heard some genius Smith. She claims when I went to PC is that PC computing magazine. She was one of the executive editors. She says she'll tell this story. And every time she does she'll tell it in front of me and I say is full of shit. That's never happened. She says that when I first met her I said to her Are you a prostitute?
Adam: Compare compare to the first thing I remember you said to me, which is how you really rich people don't seem to like you. I mean yeah, I think that could come close to prostitute Yeah. You said no such thing obviously no such thing is what what does she say?
John: I just do she ever finishes No. And she did. She said we somehow we got into a conversation. But I don't know what she's talking about. Because I wouldn't do that to anybody. Doesn't matter. I love it.
Unknown: It's a great like it's too so I let her continue like the two things I haven't heard in almost 14 years 13 years. prostitute.
John: Rob Allen, true story and $33 from Washington is just notice Rob Allen from Washington. Thank you very much. Yeah. Anything else you want to contribute? In terms of commentary? Let us know. Carlos? Oh, brother. That's what I would guess. 3333 333 from Rogen demo facts, no agenda. Yeah.
Adam: Thank you for all your service.
Unknown: organ donation,
Adam: but I think after you've gone you got a full rownum Oh, then you really don't need a Rogen donation jingle anymore. You're in the wrong man.
John: Riley feels in Springfield, Tennessee. 333 in the morning, in the panhandle of the Lone Star State where I'm working out of town away from the so called rohner written streets of Nashville Tennessee. First things first, I need an official deducing you've been de deuced I was hit in the mouth by one of my good friends Mike, who is still a douchebag The show has provided me with much needed information consistent amygdala shrinkage just and for that please accept this donation as a small token of my appreciation. Also, please call out Mike we just did that think yeah yeah we did and yeah, this is this the douchebag was good friend Mike says call out Mike we did and I as other good friend. Oh, mic and eyes as a good friend another mic from hermitage Tennessee.
Adam: Oh he's also a
John: nice to my mic. Yeah sure, fellas, the end a few jingles please don't eat me bow giant and massive dumps the whole load and Fauci wheeze.
Unknown: dumps.
They call them dumps big massive dump.
I'm gonna give you the whole load.
John: Oh, no Priester, and sust. When I'm pretty certain Yeah, that she sends you he or she sends you a note. I did not see any from Oh no. Usually on are usually male or female names a male name. Okay. Let us know. Send us your note. We'll get it on. Peter Egan in Glennon Valley, New South Wales 300 Oh brother, not another one of those cheapskate Australians no jingles no karma just popped up to get my knighthood in some divorce ISOs if you don't you ain't cheap. Oh, desert divorce ISIS as you ain't cheap Not that I know of night sir. Sneaky blah blah blah roundtable squeaky salmon and dry salad is the end of the list? Yes,
Adam: I put them on the list. We discussed them this morning pre show before I gave you the whole load now Okay,
Unknown: we'll give this guy the whole load he's gonna get a full load You bet.
Adam: Thank you. Thank you Peter. We'll take care of it we got it all I even squeaky salmon and dry salad which I believe we served at my wedding.
John: Yes he did only to you that's true. That's why I'm the one who pitched him on about the dry salad
Adam: it was only your salad though. I had good salad. But I but I listened I made a point of that with the catering
John: all the good it did Kurt Butler in South Bend Indiana. It comes in at $250.33 ITM part of the government. My government bribe that would be appreciate people do that, by the way. Yeah. Thanks for sharing knowledge with us by by or by.
Adam: Remember to smash that like button? Yeah, links in the description below.
John: Jacob Bilodeau bellotto Milhaud. bellotto Bilodeau 222 Jake in Minneapolis gents longtime Boehner first time donor this donation is in response to Kevin in Metro Detroit who called me out call out our hardest group on show 1311 I figured if is cheap ass was donating to the show. Better step up to the plate. You guys have shared a special place at the dinner table with my wife and I for over five years, and we could not be more thankful for your relentless deconstructions shout out to my good friend Nathan, who introduced me to the show in 2010, who I know has never donated to this show, as well as the remainder of the boners in our hardest group stepped up to the plate boys. No jingles no karma, just a deed.
Unknown: You've been deed deuced
John: Taylor butcher in Lewistown, Montana, to 22 It's time it's time for me to claim a seat at the illustrious and exclusive roundtable with the rest of the dames nice with my donation. Did you doo doo doo along with a penny from Adam? Oh,
Adam: here it is.
John: I've reached the $1,000 mark. Please note me as sir Butch foul mouth electrician of Big Sky Country. Can I get some cold smoke and Copenhagen at the Round Table please. But I recently attached and no agenda Mita attended and no agenda meetup. This is attached here but I in Bozeman, Montana last week and I have to say it was awesome. And I can't wait for the next one. A big thank you for your courage to cert Chris for investigating the shenanigans. The beers are flowing along with the non triggering conversations. Though the brewery limited the amount of producers at each table. We still had a great time. Only as I was leaving I was told to put on a mask but some soft dipshit I was leaving anyway so I did not comply. Our newly elected governor Greg ghee and forte Jian forte is trying to sell us to set us free from the last Governor's bullshit mandates but he's getting pushback from the communist unelected head of the health department here in Bozeman. We'll see how it shakes out. Thank you for your courage, love and light loving lights. Taylor butcher of Montana Ed Warner 22 a tu tu tu tu tu
Adam: Columbia falls another good number there, Montana, Adam and john. Hi,
Unknown: guys.
Adam: I was formally hitting them out the first time john and john was on the JRE Wow, that must have been a great episode. JOHN. When you're on Rogen fabulous. That was good. I love that episode. And I thought since you only get to donate once for such a special show. I better stop being a douchebag and donate Could I get a deducing please? Yes.
Unknown: III do so I will be
Adam: motivated to continue on my way tonight who congratulations on 13 113 shows looking forward to many more no jingles but kind of get a karma for everybody who needs it. Ed Warner Columbia falls Montana and ends with byeeeee
Unknown: worse
you've got
Adam: sir Nick of the Black Forest control. 2133 Heidelberg, Deutschland, hello, Deutschland. Here's the half naked the blackforest Here I am from Heidelberg, Germany last time The location was read as London Germany not sure where that came from? came from the back office. keep tabs on the spreadsheet that comes from the back office. Well, speed will you protect Heidelberg to London and Germany? Nah, that's what it is. Can I please have some relocation karma and a shot of job karma for my wife Natasha.
Unknown: Thank you sir. Nick of the black force you bet jobs, jobs, jobs and jobs. That's your job. Karma No, grab
Adam: one more. Mic of the rising elevator Laguna Niguel, California 213 13 hitting that club nice in the morning gentlemen, I'd like to thank you for your courage and for the routine amygdala shrinkage that you both provide. I was a Jerry convert after seeing Adam second appearance before all hell broke loose, and have been listening to every episode since that first donation originally occurred on your 13th Anniversary Show Episode 1289 However, in the excitement of giving you guys your due value, I hit send before writing my notes as such, I requested deducing and a heaping dose of karma for all who needed e juice I'll spare the time and you both from all the praise I'd like to sing upon you and simply say thank you for the work you do Words cannot describe the relief provided by not only the level headed discussions engaged twice a week within the deluge of insanity that seemed to be our everyday but also the community you both developed which see the insanity for what it is. For jingles, he will take a boogedy boogedy boogedy he wants a two to the head and I've got to to the ground and a little girl Yay. And he needs a karma and thank you very much she ends up by saying thank you gentlemen, All the best to you and everybody out there.
Unknown: You've got karma
John: Linda? Geeta, Geeta, GA eta in Santa Monica to 1333 in the morning donation email to be sent well no I did not see it. Now, a lot of people say that and they don't write the donation but if you got something to tell us let us know later we'll do a make good on it. We haven't made good to read to, by the way, anonymous to 1313 please keep my email anonymous. Okay, we just did that haven't listed for several months now. I couldn't pass it the lucky 1313 show number for my first donation. I'm keeping my identity private due to the nature of the message, modest amount of 213 it's just a sliver of what I would hope to donate in return for the value for value I've received but alas, my treasure has all been completely wiped away by these went past 10 months. I was furloughed at the beginning of last spring for my industry where I've been working for over a decade, and I'm currently working looking for a job about a third of my normal income. While I'm grateful for the work I spent long hours completely alone at night away from my family. As our debts began to accumulate, my hopes were being called back to work dissipated, I was faced with the awful truth of being worth more dead than alive. Life Insurance being paid up I found my mind wandering to very dark places not exactly suicidal but certainly not wanting to be alive any longer. I will confess to a time or two where I would fantasize about how I might be able to expedite my final exit. pretty gruesome
note and when I found the best podcast in the universe, I've been listening faithfully the East each new episode. Then I went back and started downloading older episodes. Sometimes listening to a night. Wow. The insights you both provide have given me a renewed conviction and determination to overcome these challenging times and not let these evil scumbags who capitalize on this pandemic for their personal political agendas to get that better of me right on. I will not only survived this, I will lead my family into the greatest period of prosperity we've ever known, and one day become a Grand Duke. No agenda show. Doing a soundtrack is good on a more somber note. As I reflect back on my period of darkness I'm overwhelmed with sadness of the unspoken 1000s who have committed suicide since the beginning of this pandemic shutdown. The politicians speak often of empty chairs around the dinner table. That's Biden due to COVID but to fail to mention the ones who took their own lives and as their livelihoods and dignities were stripped away from them by those same politicians in their honor I'd like to request Obama's you might die Django feel best represents the cold callous and flippant attitude our leaders have towards those of us who felt the brunt brunt of their policies i'd also request the more effective jobs karma you have the most effective and I'm also pulling out hope to be called back to my industry this spring If not, I may need to start making plans
to move that family out of state.
Adam: Thanks for all you do the anonymous survivor and this is exactly what I was talking about earlier. I mean you got family you do no agenda social is a good place plenty people there who've gone through similar things I know I was talking about I think we mentioned my daughter's you know several people have committed suicide and and it's bad it's bad and the rest of the world in the states is even I think we're doing okay comparatively speaking. So feel you definitely thank you for sharing that. You might not
Unknown: you've got karma
John: Christopher Puggles Puggles Puggles. I don't know pa GLS and he's in minima and the mahna mahna mahna mahna mahna mahna mahna mahna mahna. It was phenomena Wisconsin 201 $200.01. The Christopher Brogan ID douche me
Unknown: organ donation.
John: You now have a shrunken amygdala thanks a lot guys. I hit my mother in the mouth. And she's now a regular listener. JOHN. Did you get my two cent SF postcard? Yes, I did. And I said two cents on it. True. True. And save me camela noodle gun and goat gets right to the point.
Sir Richard garritan Thunder Bay Ontario 200 bucks. I don't have a could not find a note from Me neither. Andrea Johnson in Newberg, Oregon. Next to Oldenburg 200 bucks to john and Adam, my sizzling hot spouse Mark has been listening to your podcast for years. I thought it would be fitting to make a donation in his name in honor of his birthday on January 21. It's coming you getting it today. I'm also setting up a night layaway plan for him because he listens to every single minute of your podcasts. Would you please give Mark some birthday love TPP jobs karma with a sprinkle of goat would be great. I'd also like I also think he would use could could use a deducing says he's a longtime fan, but never donated.
Adam: He do this this is this is a great partner in life.
John: And last she continues. I think Mark needs a second dose of karma because he has been hitting me in the mouth for years and I have finally started listening to the best podcasts in the universe. Thanks for your sane commentary during these crazy times. Keep up the good work. Sincerely, Andrea from Oregon.
Adam: And this should be credited to Mark Johnson. And he'll get the associate executive producer. Yes, we will make sure that happens and what a beautiful birthday gift and the fact that you started listening. What I'm missing is so do you are you sad that you weren't listening all along? Or inquiring minds want to know
Unknown: if that's true karma
John: then is pricing. pinegrove Kelly, California we're wrapping now we're getting it Yo yo yo. Dennis writes,
Adam: I just do I just did donations for a whole different I did a sequence for a whole different donation.
John: And they got double Alright, keep going. No one will notice I'll cut it out in the implies slightly belated donation for the new year. Thank you for everything you do. And for those of us who to help those of us who are reluctant to believe politicians in the media and the media. It means a lot. Danny pinegrove in the Sierra foothills,
Adam: thank you. I'll read it now because this is from be one zero m in the Netherlands. Not to be confused with four out the Netherlands de-douche me pod father for if you've been d deuced. I got hit in the mouth by Sir rod of the TPO podcast in early 2019. He has just kept mentioning the no agenda show over and over and over in his show. I have not stopped listening since anyways, given him a cheap Dutch douchebag and not a Rogen. I think a donation wasn't expected to begin with. So I think this is pretty good. No one likes Tolstoy novels. I'll just stick to my jingle requests with a little goat karma for all that need or can use it. And surprisingly, once exactly the same jingles. As Andrea Johnson requested for her smokin hot spouse mark. It's fantastic.
Unknown: Hi, my name is
John: Deborah Cornyn in pincher Creek, Alberta, Canada $200 second to last. And this has to be re credited to my son Brandon who hit me in the mouth two months ago. I'll be forever grateful that he did. I wanted to get him started on his knighthood and as an early birthday gift for February 5. He though needs a deducing and goat karma.
Unknown: Karma.
John: And last is James and Julia choo choo. In Andover, Massachusetts $200. No note, I can find nothing with this subject line donation, so we'll await their commentary later.
Adam: Thank you very much for your for your courage and thank you for doing that. Yes, I got it here in front of me. Do you know what? Okay, this is from Mark Drinkwater.
Unknown: Yeah.
Adam: And when did we miss this? Amy said Amy sent a note kind of a note and said there was a note coming out and I think there's Amy's donation. This donation of 432 USD dollars. 900 628 New Zealand dollars Wow. And for my 41st birthday takes me to the Round Table provided Your generous dollar for dollar deal it flies to our piss poor dollar. Yes, of course it does. I'd henceforth like to be known as sir mark of the grass fed dairy. I've been listening since DJ t got inaugurated and if donated this is gonna stick now you know, that's gonna happen. And I've donated in the past but never sent a note please de-douche me.
Unknown: You've been juiced
Adam: a dairy farmer in the North Island of the People's Republic of New Zealand. I'd like to visit you that I'd like to visit all hell. Okay, and things are as bad as they seem. PCR tests run up to 45 cycles antibody tests are illegal to import as is hydroxychloroquine. Our government took on more debt and Australia to weather the storm but as far as the five ms cause dermed concerned, we are the envy of the world bringing that tourism being the tourism has been devastated by border closures. Our country on one hand relies on us exporters to survive economically on the other hand to crisis as environmental and colonias red bags. But on the bright side, we have had summer rains, the cows are happy. And if you stand still, for too long that grass will grow up your trouser leg. I'd like to thank you both for your tireless work and producing the best podcast in the universe and the sanity in views on us all. Shout out to all producers large and small, Big thanks to the love of my life. My smokin hot wife and Chief Financial Officer Amy, a big boom shakalaka to my beautiful daughters Emily Alba, Abby and Aviva colostrum and clover for the round table. What is colostrum? I'm not familiar with this.
John: Yeah, I should know what that is.
Adam: Is it a colostomy bag?
John: No. Guide? No.
Adam: I'm just asked, you know, one
John: protein thing is like protein. Well,
Adam: it's colostomy bag. I'd love to come and taste your milk. But for now, I will just have to see you at the roundtable. And I will have your recommended and requested items on display. Thank you to these executive producers and associate executive producers for the very lucky number. Show number 1313 got a lot of credits to put out there a lot of donation. Club donation. I
John: knew what this was. colostrum is the first milk that comes from a mammary gland first, nearly following delivery of the newborn is kind of a gooey
Adam: product. And as he wants to drink that. You think that's really it must be the freshest of the freshest.
John: I don't think so.
Adam: You don't have a drink, you just could be at the table. But hey, I want to sample all the things from foreign lands. Well, we'll see you there. We've got a number of days and nights to bring into the round table. So that'll be in a little bit. But thank you all thank you very much for really getting this year started off. Well, we enjoyed bringing you the value. It's nice to see that you value it so much in return, we will continue on our quest towards a never ending exit strategy. And we'll do that by doing the show again on Thursday. All you have to do to join in this Mary party is go to John Slash and a value for value model. You bring us your time, your talent and treasure in return for the value.
Unknown: Our formula is this. We go out. We hit people in the mouth.
Adam: Children are crying. They're afraid of her children. It's possible that children actually are afraid of her. She's scary. Scary. Scary. So scary. That's right. Yes.
John: So I was listening to some different podcasts already know you're a big fan of Tim Poole.
Adam: Oh, can I tell you about Tim Poole for a sec? Sure. My wife the keeper. I'm losing her to the pool man.
John: Well, she wouldn't like Ben Shapiro then. Tim Poole and Ben Shapiro should have who can talk to fastest show he no longer likes ben shapiro
Adam: that not that she doesn't like just Liz doesn't listen to him and that's because of the squirrel gold she couldn't get over the his high high energy transition to gold commercial. She got tired of that. But the poor man Yeah, she's like in the pool man. And but I know to which you refer This has been emailed to me several times. We shall play it now. Andrew Mickelson says in the morning everyone in the morning. Love the bipartisan media coverage.
Unknown: Does anyone else feel like 2020 was a giant psyop? Shout out to the no agenda podcast,
the propaganda report podcast and grim America podcast.
Shout out. Thank you very much.
Adam: Yeah, for your courage. Nice.
John: Well, I thought that when he said in the morning What the hell's he talking about what is in the morning? That means he never listens. He's never listen to our show. He has no clue. I have to sit through him every single day.
Adam: Listen to the poor man. She's laughing now. Because I'm just a little jealous. Not too much. It's like, Well, I haven't listened to Thursday show yet. Yeah, but you spent three mornings listen to the pool man.
John: Yeah, it's good. Give her some grief. She does, trying to get me a copy of the of the screaming gypsy woman. And they sent this instead by mistake. And I said why don't you watch this is an old clip from some of the impeachment stuff that took on into Nadler committee. Yeah, but it's got a funny bit in here. I'd never had this clip before. This is gates. You know, the guy from Florida is from Florida. Yeah, the congressman is He's, uh, you know, competing with a couple other guys are big Trump supporters. And there was just a line in here that they couldn't help it think was funny. She had some professor, a female professor, get a bunch of professors, and he was grilling him about how much money they gave to Hillary and all the rest, trying to you know, make him look like douchebags. And so this funny gates gets
Unknown: my mind, sir, and for your testimony, Professor Carlin,
you gave 2000 bucks or you gave 1000 bucks to Elizabeth Warren, right? I believe so. You gave 1200 bucks to Barack Obama?
I have no reason to question that.
And you gave 2000 bucks to Hillary Clinton?
That's correct.
So much more for Hillary than the other two.
Because I've been giving a lot of money to charity recently, because of all of the poor people and
Adam: what she said
John: he didn't have time to get into what she meant. But why did you give Hillary more money? Because I've been giving to a lot of charities because of all the poor people. was she thinking Hillary is poor or the stupidest thing I've ever heard. That's interesting. But Hillary is a charity case.
Adam: I mean, that's for sure. But I don't know if she meant that was weird. That's what I thought. I think we need to do a little bit of COVID stuff. Because there's still you know, I was I COVID. Clip all my COVID clips about the vaccine. Good. Okay, then I'll do a few before we get to the vaccine. I do have some important vaccine clips as well. A lot of people have come to the show during the the past one that we're going on 10 months, 11 months, five years. A lot of people come because we were able to give a pretty stable view of what's going on with the COVID. And what's really happening. Well, we can first tell you what's coming up.
John: I mean, this is this will come look forward to NBC Biden tonight announcing he'll issue an executive order requiring everyone to wear masks in places where he has the authority to mandate it. Yeah, I think that government buildings, they must have explained where that was, didn't they? Because there's a report from NBC or one of the networks. So where was it that he's got this power?
Adam: Well, in a much longer clip it had the only place he has the power is in government buildings and government agencies. That's the only power he can't he can't do anything else. So he's just showboating. Yeah. But everyone will go along with it because and another Pabst Blue Ribbon splits open during the no agenda show. You cannot hide your problem divorce. It's okay. It's okay. We're friends here.
John: If you're gonna call me out of that, then you have to deal with this. Here it comes.
Adam: Okay. And whenever you do that,
okay, now that that's over,
Unknown: ended up spilling the water on the pop screen. Oh, I got a little bit of boiling water in the back of my throat. So already
Adam: off that out. There we go. Oh, someone What sent me this clip from 2017? I don't know this movie. The movie is called Did you just drop your ashtray?
John: I threw the can into a pile of cans.
Adam: I thought you would crush the can on your forehead man might get a cheaper microphone. microphone is right to good. Killing me the movie unlocked from 2017. Do you do you recall this movie at all? No. It's Michael Michael Douglas. Michael Douglas. Listen to the 20 seconds of dialogue.
Unknown: What's needed for the next time enforced isolation of all contacts, quarantine camps and the troops to secure them in real time access to private medical records.
medical loss
keeping up with Mother Nature,
Adam: medical martial law. Yeah, baby. The pre programming.
John: Wanna watch it?
Adam: Yeah, me too. It's called the surname unlocked. with Michael Douglas 2017. You
John: know, name is Richard about this in Washington State. This idiot Inslee, you know, the guy wanted to be a president. He called your governor. Yeah. Yeah, the governor and he wants to pass a law where HIPAA, the HIPAA thing where you can't go into medical records, you can go into all medical records. If the person owns a gun. Oh, they've been wanting that for a long time. Excellent.
Adam: Yay. Idiots vote guys like that in. But I like the idea of the medical martial law because we are kind of living under that. And I have a few emails from our producers around gitmo-nation. Our Los Angeles nurse is back with boots on the ground. She's in Southern California in Los Angeles. And she writes in we continue to have high numbers of COVID patients in the hospitals. Are we seeing unprecedented numbers of patients and pulling out hair wondering why if it will have enough ICU beds to take care of our loved ones? will absolutely not. We are very, very busy. And yes, there are a lot of COVID patients. But as I've mentioned before, we're always busy between November and February. My speculation from my vantage point as a single physician slaves, the numbers are slightly worse than a bad flu year. And when I say bad flu year, I mean the last one in 2009. Not since an interesting observation in Southern California is that the vast majority of our hospitalized COVID patients that are not elderly are Hispanic. This has been the case from the beginning. I treat patients in a community that is 48% White, followed by Hispanic than African American. However, the vast majority, I think about 90% of the patients we're seeing in the hospital are Hispanic. This has been consistent from the beginning and quite striking. But it's never mentioned in the news. I wonder why why are they not mentioning that? Because they're all illegal?
Unknown: Oh, well, maybe.
Adam: I mean, it seems like if you're going to virtue signal about the brown and black communities and all that crap, that maybe you would mention what's really going on? Or maybe not
John: possible.
Adam: Super spreader swinger party busted in South Los Angeles doing a swingers party and they sent in the super spreader taskforce busted those suckers right
Unknown: up.
Adam: Crazy wingers swingers here still swingers out there. Oh, it's bigger than ever. The community is thriving. American Airlines will be the first US airline to introduce a health passport for all international travel to the United States. And as they the material says itself, was the were the first US airline to introduce an easy way to provide results from a negative Coronavirus test and other completed documents required for international travel into the United States. The Vera fly app. Oh, oh, Vera fly. How? How much did the consultants make on that? Do you think? They both got a great name called verifier and a mobile health passport that helps customers understand and verify their travel requirements, which will be available for travelers starting Saturday, January 23. For travel from all international destinations. I received a note. I cannot divulge we know the person but just forget about that part. This person was listening to me complaining about the troubles traveling to the Netherlands. And the person said, Oh wow, I'm just getting off the plane in Amsterdam. Damn, I have an invite from the Ministry of Cultural Affairs. And it was a bit of an issue boarding Delta in New York. But everywhere else once you show that paperwork everybody's like oh call it's obvious if you're going to entertain the elites that you can get an easily so I'm going to, I think I will be very necessary for a radio show that someone will invite me for. And you'll see all the hoops I
had to jump through a media pa at exempt COVID the UK COVID-19 passport trial has started this is now this is a different system. This is backed by the innovate UK and this is developed by I prove an M vine to British companies who got some nice government checks to do that for the NHS. So that will be yet again a completely different system. But unlike some other digital solutions for COVID-19, this technology reduces the burden on frontline services and cost effectively assures a secure and safe way to enable the return to work, return to school and return to the kind of life that people want to lead. I call bullcrap. And I have here the list of things that you can and cannot do, based upon having the vaccination. And as far as I understand, if you get vaccinated, can you stop wearing a mask? I believe the answer is no. Do you concur? JOHN? That's what I've heard. You have to keep wearing them? Well, not only that, but if you get vaccinated, it seems as if it doesn't last for very long. Can that will they be able to reopen restaurants and have everyone walk work normally No. would not be resistant to COVID? Maybe we don't know. It will make symptoms less severe if you get it. Why would I not be contagious? No. You can still be contagious. If we vaccinate all the children can school resumed normally, of course not. Come vaccinated. Can I stop social distancing? No, because you can spread it from vaccinated Can I stop disinfecting my hands? Absolutely not you germ
carrying freak. If I'm vaccinated. If I'm back if I vaccinate myself and my grandfather, can we hug each other now? No. I mean, why are we even taking this thing? Why is anyone take it? You can't do anything it doesn't guarantee shit. Speaking of such a clip, I
John: have a clip this guy unfortunately didn't get his name. I had his name. I lost his name. This is one of the podcasters that put on Dr. Martin and a bunch of these other guys. Yeah. And he goes on a rant.
Unknown: He goes on a rant about the British about the British and the rundown of the roses. a two minute rant i thought was pretty good. I clipped it is just under COVID British warning that the lives of our friends and families depends on us sticking to the rules. Here we go again, with that same world war two Chilean bullshit narrative trying to invade legal people guilt trip the proletariat into a mind control narrative rules unveiled today by Boris Johnson, the Prime Minister of Great Britain include the following. When you do meet one person from outside your household, you should stay two meters apart, or if that's not possible, one meter with extra precautions, and that presumably is because little bugs can't jump further than two meters. Another another regulation support bubbles allow a single adult household or a couple with the child and the one to permanently bubble up with one another. With another one other household of any size, they can act as though they're in the same household you hear that they can act as though they're in the same household. This is government telling you how to live your life when you can walk, when you can talk when you can breathe and when you cannot. It goes on to say funerals can be attended by a maximum of 30 people just like tier four, but weeks can only be attended by up to six people. So the government now gets to decide who amongst us suffer from a broken heart and who do not. This takes administrational sadism and
perversity to a whole new level. Finally, the regulations include the following. You cannot stay overnight away from your home, even in your own second home or caravan. Can you believe what we are listening to? We are adults 95% of us listening in are grown adults, some of us in our 70s 80s and 90s. Well, the good news is that the elite football is unaffected.
Adam: Who was who was this guy? I like him,
John: I use an X rock. I'll have to dig his name up. He's pretty good at rants. But he did point that you can't let go to your own second home. Or the caravan? Yeah. Which, you know, trailer,
Adam: it makes no sense. Well, okay, couple things on this. Now first, I'd like to point out that a lot of governments seem to be collapsing. And when a government resigns, I mean, it's, it's a big deal. But it's really a political issue, too. Of course, Angela Merkel stepped down, we knew that was already coming. The entire Russian Duma has resigned. I believe in order for Vladimir Putin to become Uber Putin. And he could be president forever. He has an exit strategy similar to ours, just keep doing it for the rest of your life until you fall down. Italian government in trouble and closer to my home, the Dutch government under guise of something that they could have, that I heard about the scandal many months ago and has been going on for a while. And the government could have dealt with this at any moment. But now right around the time where they're locked down tight, they've got all kinds of propaganda about the new variant. Well, we're just gonna step down because I think they just want to leave it be for the next couple of months until the election in March. Here's the prime minister of the Netherlands Margarita, we felt the need to step down because of the extreme seriousness of the report by the parliamentary committee, which has studied thoroughly and in depth, what happened. And we came to the conclusion that it's unavoidable at every step down and at the same time that we are still capable, we think, with full support of Parliament's, we respectfully ask
for the support request for the support. And we think we will get it, of course, within the parameters of all the debates and discussions you will have with parliament to be effective in fighting the current crisis. Okay, I think they're, I think they're afraid of what's coming, they'd rather get out of town now. And just be kind of keeping the wheels turning and not be responsible for anything. Although what they did was horrible, because they had, they claimed they had overpaid people, child support, and they were forcing everybody to pay it back. And people were losing their houses, and they're in their vehicles and all kinds of horrible stuff. And they were wrong. And so they ruin people's lives bad too. But the ruining they're doing here and they're stepping back is I think, inexcusable. I have three clips and then I want to go into all your COVID stuff. I think it's important that we listen to the propaganda of COVID before we get the propaganda, because that no, that's what you have. We start with the official voice of COVID-19. That is Dr. Cat on tik tok. You may be smiling if you're new to the show, but she is part of Team halo of the United Nations and the World Health Organization organization. She has been trained and is paid to tell people the truth about the government Ministry of truth about COVID-19. And the first clip is about the deaths in Norway. And what we've seen in a nursing home senior citizens, I think it was 75 got the vaccine and 23 died.
And the story went out pretty quick. It went global. So Dr. Cat breaks it down for us to tell us what's happening. Hey, Dr.
Unknown: Cat epidemiologist, I've had a number of people asking me about the 23 Norwegian people who passed away after they were vaccinated with an mRNA vaccine. These are being investigated by the Norwegian medicines Association, or Noma. And they are finished with 13 of the investigation so far, and they've concluded that these deaths were adverse reactions that are very common to the mRNA vaccines like fever, nausea and diarrhea. And that these would contribute to poor outcomes in people that are old and frail. And these people were all elderly and very frail with a lot of underlying severe disease. He went on to say that they are not alarmed or worried about the vaccine in younger healthy populations, and that they are going to continue with their vaccination program in Norway as planned.
Adam: Okay, Dr. Cap, let me understand the common side effects known to the vaccine were given to elderly people who likely we could have known that some of these common side effects could have killed them. And yet, Oh, well. I think we're gonna we're gonna find out 90 to 95% of all deaths are related to the elderly this is this is insane. She's just walking over it like it's it's just the common side effects that killed them of the vaccine.
You're awfully quiet story now. Pathetic. And then the she's going to debunk, it's almost better if you see this in video she's going to debunk debunk the death rate, which is pretty consistent over the past 10 years. It's about 0.9%. Correction 0.8% in the United States, that is death rate. And I think it was 0.9 for the past two or three years. And we're coming out at about 0.9 again this year. So Wow, I mean, look at all the trouble we and all the hassle we went through for pretty much the same death rate. Dr. Cat Tell me what's wrong.
Unknown: Hey, Dana, friends, Dr. Cat, I haven't made a friend that we need to debunk. This table is trying to show that COVID didn't have a big impact on deaths in 2020. Because the percentages year over year are the same. So this was based on provisional data, and it was not up to date. So I fixed that problem. The second problem is, so this column is a rate per 100,000. So how many deaths per 100,000 people, the far column is also a rate, but it's a rate per 100. And we don't need both columns. And it's misleading. And I'll show you why. If we look at 2017, there is a rate of 865 per 100,000. They casually rounded that 2.9. And I'll show you why that's a problem. Rounding may not seem like a big deal. But in a population of 330 million, that rounding error is actually 113,000 deaths. And they do that for every year to make these percentages look the same. So we have 105 per 100,000 deaths more than last year.
Adam: This is common core, I think Common Core response to this type of logic by saying because you round it up in a country of 330 million. That's still 113,000 people. Yet that's the point lady and 3 million people a year die. Okay, we had a little blip. You know what this people died of COVID and lockdown COVID and depression, de COVID and alcoholism, please you insulting twat. All right now the best propaganda piece of I've seen in a long time. This is Mark from else he's the Belgian Commissioner Health Commissioner responsible for all communications about flu. He is in effect, a cross between the entity Fauci but really more the Deborah Burke's of COVID-19 in Belgium, and he was very happy at Chatham House to tell all the little fellow elites, how he did it, how we convinced the Belgians, they were all gonna die. And he's not bashful about doing it, who to tell you about my experiences, being the crisis manager, the flute Commissioner for for Belgium, and highlighting the communication aspects there. And then you have one opportunity to do it right. In day one is so important. In day one, you
Unknown: start your communication with the press with the people, and you have to do it, right. I mean, you have to go for one voice one message. In Belgium, they chose to appoint a non politician to do that. And I have no party affiliations. And that makes things a little bit at that time, at least a little bit easier. Because you're not you're not attacked, politically, majority minority that doesn't come into play. And that was a huge advantage. The second advantage is that you can play in Brussels the complete naive guy and and get a lot more done than you would otherwise be able to do. You have to be only present that first day or the first days so that you attract the immediate attention. You you make an agreement with them that you will tell them all and if they call you will pick up the phone when you do that, then you can profit from these early days to to get complete carpet coverage of the field and they're not going to search for alternative voices there. If you do that, that makes things a lot easier. And then you have to say okay, well, we will have h1 in one depth, of course that would be unavoidable. I use their sir Donaldson's quote, where he said that in the UK, by the peak of the epidemic, 40 people would die per day, at the end of the summer. So 62 at that time, million people in UK 40 that's today I worked it out for Belgium, that would be seven that's the day at the peak of the epidemic. I used that in the media, seven Belgian flu, that's
per per day at the peak of the epidemic would be realistic. That is true. Every year even in for pandemic Li. However, talking about fatalities is important because when you say that people feel Wow, will new mean people die because of influenza. And that was the necessary steps to take. And then of course, a couple of days later, you have the first h1 in one debt in the country. And the theme was set and it was already talked about. And then you have to pick who is going to be vaccinated first. And then all women and children first whatever I mean, the risk groups they were important and then I misused the the fact that the top top football soccer clubs in Belgium inappropriately and against all agreements vaccinated there, they made their soccer players priority people. I can use that. Because if the the population really believes that this vaccine is so desirable, that even the soccer players would be dishonest to get their vaccine. I said, Okay, I can I can play with that. So I made a big fuss about this. This is some rounds. This is raving mad.
But these words
Adam: sound familiar. How it works? Yes, it works. It's, I hope people understand how that what really happened there. You know, you just take some bullcrap stuff you put the word death in it, take a number that is factually right, because seven people die a year anyway, from any flu season and you freak people out. I love the one about the soccer team. So there you go. But I don't know. I mean, we you and I disagree on the efficacy of this, of these campaigns to get people to take the vaccine. last note from me. From our nursing home producer boots on the ground hope all as well want to send a quick update from the nursing home world we're still fully locked down and held hostage by force testing and endless feeds of propaganda. Despite what the media may say vaccination is not being well received by either patients or health professionals on knee deep in CVS and Walgreens federalized gulag vaccination clinics and it's a shit show to say the least. I'll provide a summary on all the nonsense soon. And after working through about 6000 combined vaccination opportunities thus far we are finding health care worker acceptance is below 50% and patient acceptance only marginally higher. And then he attached a document which I put in the in the show notes which was sent to health care facilities from state health departments in multiple states this week to be used on staff and patients to quote change the conversation about COVID vaccines because nobody wants
the damn thing. The only people taking the shots are those who are visibly scared by all of the propaganda are those giving a virtue signal our tax dollars are paying for COVID pr consultants it shouldn't be a surprise I guess. And you know my sister in law She works in a clinic and she just got her second shot and knocked her on her ass should for a couple days she didn't have you know heavy walking had to sleep a lot. It's great this vaccine but she take it if everyone's resistant taking it if she's in a small clinic and this is not the same person it's not the same person as the nursing home vaccination update. That's my sister in law
John: well the way I see people love this vaccine
Adam: thanks for coming with no evidence baseless claim
John: I got it we have photos from the scrim Washington with the cars that go to the as far as the eye can see like to get shot while driving by I know. hours I know the shot is supposed to be shots well they've had them from all kinds of including independents that have their own drones but the shots supposed to make you weak and you know maybe dizzy so but people are driving through to get the shot does that makes no sense? Makes no sense. You get diarrhea dizzy, wobbly,
Adam: fall down Bell's Palsy death. Drive on through.
Unknown: I don't understand. Race home. Do you ever see the other end of the line? You only see the tail you never see where people drive away and crash into trees because they passed out. Well, that's coming. Okay. So vaccine France this i thought was a good code. This is about the skeptics of differential The only skeptics it seems in the EU but it's not they're not that skeptical but is skeptical. Francaise, meanwhile announced that for more than 4000 413,000 people have been vaccinated against COVID-19. Then this comes as EU countries have had outed plans by the drug company Pfizer to delay deliveries of the shots after problems with its supply chains. The US drugmaker said on Friday that the slowdown in shipments were down two attempts to boost production of the jabs. Pfizer insisting that the rollout would pick up again in March. Andrew Hillier has more.
It was an announcement that sent shockwaves across Europe. Now EU capitals are demanding answers from Pfizer, after the drugmaker said changes to its supply chains would slow down shipments of the vaccine. On Saturday, the US company insisted that deliveries would pick up again by the end of January. But what could be the consequences for Francis vaccine program as officials work on speeding up the rollout? Since the end of December, Pfizer has delivered 1.6 million doses. But it's now unlikely the company will fulfill its promise of shipping 520,000 jobs next week. In Leon Francis Prime Minister said the logistical challenges were huge that could Pfizer call on other drug makers such as Francis Sanofi to help them manufacture the vaccine. According to analysts, it's not as easy as it sounds to make up for the shortfall. The French government is relying on Madonna to deliver some 100,000 doses of its own vaccine. Paris can also count on the 5 million doses of AstraZeneca vaccine if it's approved by regulators. The Johnson and Johnson Brandt France vaccine skeptics clip
John: was I did I play the wrong one? Yeah, it's okay. It was a clip I wanted to play.
Adam: No, I'm sorry.
John: They're clamoring for the vaccine. Yeah,
Adam: I'm looking for Oh, you know why? I mean, just for show No, no, I know exactly. Why. Okay. It's the
Unknown: price discovery home of the enlightenment. Now leads the world in anti vaccine sentiment. According to the biggest ever survey on public attitudes towards Health and Science. 33% of people do not agree that immunization is safe. British Medical charity welcome teamed up with Gallup world poll to survey more than 140,000 people across 144 countries. And this study also found that France has among the highest levels of distrust of government.
Adam: Wow, what's the one study was that the magic number?
John: It was a magic study. It was a Gallup and somebody else and they did a huge study under 40,000 people now that is a country to country and France came out number one or number Canada last or first, depending with the 30. Apparently 30 of the population doesn't trust vaccines, but they don't trust the government either. So I don't think that's the I think that number is probably a basic, high number you're ever going to get even in this country. Maybe a third of the people won't trust the vaccine overall. But I don't I don't know man that high. I mean,
Adam: I see this. There's really three kinds of people. One is, yeah, I'm going to take the backseat. I want to travel. I don't want to hassle I've heard you know, I've heard that. The other one is not I've never taken that poison. And the third one is I'm not I don't want to jump the line. I'm going to let other people go first. who needed more than I do? And that would be a no agenda producer.
John: No agenda producer, but you left out the real bulk of the people which is the people say they're scared to death. Oh my god. Oh, yeah. Okay, you can get COVID I'll take the shot. Yeah. The lip, Joe. We don't have. We don't have those people here. You have them their offices filled with them. Don't hang out with them. No. Hello, the my daughter just went camping. With her friend from Willamette college and her and her boyfriend. They went up to the Mendocino just spend the night in a in a tent. And because the boyfriend is like one of those types, insisted that they wear masks the whole camping trip
Adam: outside to Oh, yeah. outside and did Jay comply? Is your obey. Well, she
John: didn't what you're gonna do? Say?
Adam: How about this? What's wrong with you?
Unknown: Yeah, yeah.
Adam: I think she's already gone past this. That's already dead. That ship has sailed. Okay. Because she, I mean, if people don't say anything, you don't have to be mean about it. But you can say, you know, I'm not gonna do that. You keep your mask on. You'll be safe from me. That's fine. Yeah. And I'm gonna I'm gonna open carry so I'm safe from you.
Unknown: Tell us No, here's
what here's a country that I'm surprised. I'm going to ask you about this after this clip. This is the COVID says Vienna protests. Around 10,000 people have taken to the streets of right. Around 10,000 people have taken to the streets of Vienna protesting Coronavirus restrictions and calling for the Austrian government to resign. The Alpine country is currently in its third lockdown since March with non essential shops, theaters, sports centers and schools all closed.
Adam: Okay.
John: We don't do that kind of thing here. Los Angeles has like been locked down 10 times it gets most of California on and off. I don't see anybody protesting being locked down in California or any of the United States. If I may be so free to say, when
Adam: you actually don't recommend that people stand up for themselves on the camping trip and say this is ridiculous. Then people just shut down and they don't say anything anymore. And they just go along with it. And Oh, don't worry, I'll get some fake vaccination papers.
John: I mean, that's that is my fault.
Adam: Oh, it's not your fault. Um, let's go to California his fault. That is the vibe out there everybody. Just don't say anything. Just stay home. Meanwhile, everybody cheats. Everybody cheats somebody's feelings. What?
John: Okay, let's try this one.
Adam: Whose feelings Did you hurt?
John: You hurt somebody's feelings anything you just say anything. You're hurting feelings. You're cold blooded. Okay, this one now this is what I was like. I was like, I really like NBC because they they good. They got the good tie ins. So how are they gonna do this one? This is the Sandy Hook tie in.
Unknown: All right, wait a minute.
John: Wait the time that into COVID? Yeah, well, she is mix it in he goes like tying in global warming.
Unknown: Oh my god, it's our nation plunges deeper into the darkest days of the pandemic. The end of this week marks the death toll 25% higher than any other week in the crisis. grim scenes are still unfolding in pockets of the country. The National Guard moving so many bodies, more refrigerated trailers may be needed. I didn't want to show this. But this is where we have the storage units. a morgue is full. The doctors and nurses who are trying to save lives are too often the only ones who can say goodbye.
I was the one that was holding his hand while he died and not his family.
While the global death toll has now topped 2 million. No country faces more heartbreak than the US.
So many people come through these doors and
they don't make it out. The other side
cases are climbing again in 27 states and so were hospitalizations back in October 36,000. were under the care of doctors inside medical centers. today. It's nearly 129,000
you had a 28 year old we had a 34 year old that. You have to walk their family in here to see them for the last time and they have young kids.
It's such an awful thing. Los Angeles County remains the COVID capital. One person is dying here every six minutes from the virus deputy fire chief Patrick dragon who lost his fight to COVID was a first responder at Sandy Hook. His most important title was Simon and brother
Adam: shameless these people and these sound bites, you can do that for cancer for anything.
John: No no dead cats.
Adam: And you know what, you'd get a bigger risk. If you said take this vaccine you'll save cats more people would take the vaccine. Take this vaccine you'll save a dog's life. People would blind up shoot me up.
John: Richard angle are the guy that we've always suspected is the CIA guy spook. Go before you before you go there.
Adam: Let me just insert a one minute clip
Unknown: about the variants since we're talking about, oh, that's what this clip is. This is a longer variance clip.
Adam: Well, I'll get like I'll get this started just one minute from CBS just to set the stage.
Unknown: A nation on the brink braces for another threat. The CDC now warning that the highly contagious Uk COVID variant could dominate the US by spraying.
It also estimates 90,000 more people could die from the virus in the next three weeks highlighting the urgency for vaccinations. It's just absolute shame on America that this is how the rollout of this vaccine is going operation warp speed is moving in slow motion, the release of more doses promised by the Trump administration not happening. governors across the country confronting the failure.
They were lying. They don't have any doses held back. They're
empty promises are literally playing with people's lives.
John: My guess is it's gross incompetence.
Unknown: Don't worry, we'll increase the supply because we're going to send you the second dose. Not true.
President Elect Joe Biden pledges to fix the Boche rollout that You have my word
and we will manage the hell out of this operation.
John: Yeah, didn't exactly I see. I'm sorry. That's a theme you hear in a lot of these reports. botched rollouts. And then they had then they're gonna rebrand they're going to rebrand basically they're going to rebrand operation warp speed into sodium, something that Biden can take credit for. Yeah. But the thing that you notice is they always hit you a little. They just have the same Democratic governors bitching. Except for Larry Hogan, the republican governor of Maryland, who is Trump hater number one, and they've all clip him put him on their bald, bald fuck that he is, john. Wow. That's what he is. So let's, I'll put him pushing angle off because what you played nice to have this play. I'm sorry. Okay. That's fine. This is COVID vaccine rollout rundown. NBC,
Unknown: as it stands, only a third of the vaccines available have actually been used
if you have a dose give it and don't be so rigid. As to those early designations.
local and state officials say the real problem is supply. governors angry that reserved doses promised by the federal government
are unavailable. They were lying. They don't have any doses held back and we were
John: stuck to clip. You noticing a similarity with your cbs clip? Yep, yep, yep. Yep. Yep. This is the strategy. This is how we're going to say the say it's the it's not exactly the same clip. But it's the same clip plan. Yep, you're right,
Unknown: promised by the federal government are unavailable.
They were lying. They don't have any gnosis held back. And we were lied to with plans of the administration to release reserved doses. He says
Colorado is getting less than half what they were told supply frustrations in New Jersey, do
we just need the supply from the feds to meet that demand? It is becoming increasingly apparent that we are ready but
they are not. But states are already struggling with the vaccines they have. Now in many places, adults over 65 and those with pre existing conditions qualify. The pool is millions larger, and websites and phone lines already underwater are now swopped. Annette Fisher can't get an appointment for her 90 year old mom, maybe we figured they don't want the vaccine. So we'll just move on. But it's not a case of they don't want the vaccine frustrated. She went to the nearest vaccine center in Brooklyn where a worker tried to help it was not going past a certain screen. So she said to me, Well, you need to go home and do this on your computer. I said, but that's precisely part of the problem. Anthony's in Florida called 300 times in a single day to get an appointment.
He knew this was coming. We knew we were getting this vaccine. Somebody should have thought this out
every time you get a notification that there's something available. You click on it, and it's already filled.
On top of that Barbara Nye has been hearing reports of snowbirds and Canadians flying down to get vaccinated, which is not against the law in Florida. Because I think it should be the Florida residents better to get the shots first.
Adam: if appropriate, I have an NPR report, which I think does the same thing from an NPR perspective.
John: Yeah, I want to hear that. I want to note one thing that your cbs clip had a little slam against the United States. Shameful, shameful thing that was missing from the NBC report. But when you have to play your clip I have to make good.
Unknown: Absolutely. Well, you were on the show on Tuesday laying out some last minute changes that Trump administration was making to the vaccine rollout. What is Biden planning to do with those ideas?
What is Biden?
Adam: NPR, people will stop listening to you with your phoniness.
Unknown: Well, he's following through with a lot of them. Actually, Secretary of Health and Human Services, Alex Azar said their administration was urging states to expand eligibility to people aged 65 and older, get pharmacies engaged and get mass vaccination sites launched and that they would be releasing second doses that had been kept in reserve. All of those things are here in Biden's plan more or less. One difference is the Trump administration urge states to open things up to 100 million people with underlying conditions. Biden makes no mention of that. At this point, he puts a new emphasis on essential workers like grocery store staff and teachers and transportation workers.
So a lot of those ideas are being carried over. does this represent a dramatic change to the current vaccination program?
Right. So even though the Biden called the rollout this far a dismal failure. The plan kind of seems like operation warp speed with a twist button officials say they'll be scrapping that name by the way, but they are keeping one of the heads of the effort, General Gus pirna and some of the policies just with more federal funding and involvement. It could be that public health officials will be relieved there's some continuity here. They're kind of midstream and a totally new approach might be disruptive.
Adam: reprints
John: It sounds like the only difference. branding. It will be the only difference and that's what's gonna happen with Biden gets in but let's play. Okay, so we missed the thing. Where are they? CBS report says that the United States should be ashamed of itself shameful, shameful United States United States. So how do you do it? And NBC didn't do that? But yes, NBC did it by bringing in Richard Engel, who's a supposedly foreign correspondent. What he does is he goes, I think he floats around, he goes to Brazil and he comes in, he goes to he's got some, he's traveling all over the place to do this report, which says good work if you can get it. And he's media exempt. He's media exempt. There's no this is. This is the long version. This is flaky reports on the very end he goes into this is the very off, off beat way to slam the United States and evidence most offbeat report I've ever seen Erie COVID is ravaging Brazil, hospitals running out of oxygen that's rising because of new COVID mutations. Today, the UK, already struggling with its own highly contagious variants banned nearly all travel from South America. I went to the UK main sequencing lab near Cambridge leading the world in hunting for various robots here select COVID positive tests gathered nationwide, the virus is fed into machines that reveal its genetic code. And if the code has changed with a mutation, Dr. Naomi Park manages operations. How often when you run these sequences, do
you find anomalies?
Unknown: It's just a normal part of evolution. But I guess, variants that come out which become more alarming, I'm really quite
rare. are Americans looking for variants and mutations closely enough
to say no, not nearly sufficient to be able to to be doing in real time surveillance and monitoring of these variants as they arise?
So Americans might not know the real kind of variants that they're facing.
Now, it might be that he realized once they see the effects of it, and that it's certainly too late.
The variants identified so far do not appear to be more deadly. But since they are more transmissible, overwhelming hospitals, and causing more deaths, Richard angle NBC News, Cambridge, well, interesting report.
Adam: I'd like to know his use of the word mutations right off the bat.
John: Now, yes, well, she says that, which is what it is, but I have the second sub clip of that report, because if you listen to it carefully, Brazil's gets out of control, and they're dying more because of the variant. And I'm going to use their term and then he goes to England what a what a budget. Yeah, goes to England to visit a woman in a lab who says Oh, it's very rare that these things ever mutate. And but but we could be doing a better job here in the United States. Oh, yeah. You suck. And then it goes back to well is this then he says it's less deadly after saying is more deadly in Brazil, and then follows but it creates more cases dust is more deadly. I mean, this is idiotic report. But let's see here I had I just clipped out the the main parts of it in the in the deconstruction clip of 14 seconds, death is rising because of new COVID mutations,
Unknown: but I guess, bearings to come up with become more alarming. I'm
really quite rare. The variants identified so far do not appear to be more deadly, overwhelming hospitals and causing more
Adam: You know, right before we get to the finish line, but I think you deserve this idiotic,
John: idiotic report. Wow, I have one last back. Richard Engel Varian Hunter. Okay. Guys flying from Brazil there. Yeah. We don't know if he actually went to Brazil but I bet he did. I think if I'm not mistaken, he was reporting it looked like he's from Brazil. He was in Brazil but maybe not as possible. He wasn't in Brazil, but he was he was dry labbing that but here's the India update so I can keep up with the second vaccine batch which seems to be getting everybody upset to India made vaccine is not going over
Adam: the COVID Yeah, no, I'm
Unknown: yeah, no, yeah, no. Yeah, I found it first of a three phase nationwide vaccine drive. A vaccine drive has begun in India. Two vaccines have been approved for distribution so far over there. One by Oxford extra AstraZeneca developed in the UK and manufactured in India under more controversial second vaccine developed and produced by the Indian pharmaceutical company, Bharat biotech. With more than 10 million cases and over 150,000 deaths India has been badly hit by the pandemic correspondence Dr. Gupta and Toma Denny report
in New Delhi. All eyes are on the country's first recipients of the COVID-19 vaccine
that is also made in India.
to approve vaccines are being administered to frontline workers free of cost. The government now faces enormous challenges in safely transporting these vaccines to over 3000 sites across the country. After months of struggle. Doctors at this hospital are relieved. We won
this fight.
Adam: And I was a little bit emotional.
Unknown: But one of the vaccines has raised alarm bells. Barak biotechs co vaccine touted as India's first indigenous vaccine was approved before trials were concluded. Following the death of one of their clinical trial participants. The company stands accused of conducting trials on vulnerable communities without consent. Last month, 800 people in this neighborhood were offered eight euros and injected with what they believed was an approved vaccine. The most important document in this thing is missing, which is the informed consent. There are many people in this house who took the vaccination and who are feeling sick after that. But none of this is being recorded. None of them are being monitored. There has been no follow up. We are not against the Indian vaccine. We are not against any vaccine. I we are against the procedure, the violations and the trial. Despite several concerns, Prime Minister Modi has announced that India is ready to share its vaccines with the rest of the world.
Again, I think that's a quagmire. Yeah,
Adam: I think so you
John: do it. That's it. Gates knew that they did a lot of testing in India. Sure. Eight euros, take this shot. The numbers are really low, though. The death numbers almost nothing for the country that size. You know, the country is four times bigger than us and they have one half our deaths. How does that work?
Adam: That Well, they have different tests, less testing and a lot of things are different. Yeah. It This is but this is not to be freaked out population. Part of this has got to be common core. I said it earlier. People don't understand math how to how to look at numbers, how to judge size and risk and Whoa. We need an app for that. Just wherever you go, you're at this much risk right now.
John: Yeah, pretty pathetic. It's
Adam: very pathetic. It's kind of discouraging to hear this. Most of the world is dumb. Except for the podcasters No, actually, that's not true. The media is extremely dumb. And sadly, a lot of this is starting to slip into podcasting, which only gives these people more fuel to fire their hatred of our loophole. Luckily, Dr. Richard wolf peed on the Jimmy Dore show. And now I'm just gonna say, watch out Dr. Richard Wolf, you got to be careful. And that's what we have. We weren't ready for this virus.
Unknown: We weren't prepared. Once it hit here. We couldn't contain it. And now we're not even able to roll out the virus. vaccines. Ooh,
Adam: you gotta. You gotta be careful. You gotta be careful because before you know it, you'll be sounding like the mainstream guys like this guy from sky in the United Kingdom.
Unknown: France vaccine can't be made fast enough. But we've also heard some contracting the Coronavirus are younger and sicker.
Adam: That is right. I think it's in part, it's because the vaccine itself is adapting to find more holes, obviously. I don't think I don't think anyone heard that.
John: I didn't hear at that time. Okay.
Adam: I'll just, I'll just play the dude.
John: It's hard to hear him. They Okay. Well, you'll
Adam: hear it now. That is right. I think it's in part it's because the vaccine itself is adapting to find more hosts obviously. The vaccine itself is adapting to find more hosts.
John: Yeah. Oh, that's the prey it couldn't understand it. He's He's mumbling and kind of a bit of an accent. No, no,
Adam: it's he's Indian vaccine. The vaccine is currently looking for new hosts. He's not actually lying. I'm going to show my son a little bit Jonah.
Unknown: Imagine all the people who could do Oh Yeah, that'd
be fun.
John: Yeah, we do have a few people to thank for show. Lucky show. Lucky show. Good luck 1313 Hmm. And we begin with Daniel knouse of the new houses in Marietta, Ohio. 133 33 but now he's got a call out for somebody. He needs a D ducing. We
call out douchebag Dave in the grove who hit me in the mouth
Adam: but we have to douchebag him
Unknown: yes
Adam: sorry I didn't understand.
John: Casey Garrett no wah wah wah wah wah Hitchcock I've never seen this town this name before. We why Hitchcock we watch we'll watch we'll watch guy watch something like that. 131 33 This is the video a lot of 131 it was just part of 1313 and though these are the people that gave that amount that she asked for a bunch of bunch of clips and stuff, but this is not the segment we do clip so sorry. I would add him say you're the name of this town. Oh, that's what she does want to know. Oh, that's easy. We're watching somebody cheated. No I didn't I only just Jennifer Sayers Next on the list 131 31 these are all 131 now when I get done with these are data take a penny or something. Daniel distinct chisel is what Daniel chiseled distinctly. Now is that a real name? I don't know would be called tomorrow will be current 3131 great. Rory Bush, boost booshka. Bush guy and Michigan Novi Michigan, Michael Greer. And this is the official 131 30 donation and these are all people who contributed 131 30 I just named their names and locations. Hold
Adam: on one sec. Hold on one sec. Michael Greer, who we known for a long time from 16. He Pennsylvania says hi guys, with the arrival show 1313 and the gap between me and an official knighthood as a paltry as a paltry 1308 seemed like a 131 30 a donation was close enough. So please Knight me Sir Michael of the five mountains of Northeast Pennsylvania. I would like shawarma and Chardonnay at the roundtable. Oh my. That's a combination. Greetings from Shrek shinny. Pennsylvania and a shout out to the producers in the ne pa and the Philadelphia local 76. The doors on the cabin on the lake are always open. The counting of pass donations below. This is the log cabin house. You remember I stayed on the first hot pockets here. You stayed there. Yeah. Congratulations. Michael. I can't wait to see you at the table momentarily.
John: Daniel booth, and by the way, he's in honey showed up as hon lock Creek. Daniel booth in Las Vegas lost wages Nevada Joe price in McKinney, Texas. Derek Chanel in Parts Unknown Michael Stu lac and Hobart, Hobart, Indiana. Chad psyker in owensville, Maryland. I'm hoping that's right pronunciation Salem, mag, mag Gen mega Gen 131 30. Got a birthday call for a smokin hot wife. Sean O'Leary in southern pines North Carolina. Daniel Williams in Mount Shasta, California. Nice area. Karl Schneider in Lake Bay was Washington serve server server of the dude's name men in sparks Nevada. These are nice. Alexis Mason, parts of no Dave fuka zotoh they do come America's Arabian peninsula comes in with no note. But there he is. Brianne ferny. And that's the end of our little list of 131 30. Now we could continue with eireann phirni 113, which is similar, huh. And it was a birthday call out for her or someone. Kevin Fitzpatrick and Brianne also needs a D Do
you have Maggie Hopkins? epic after Kevin Fitzpatrick in Houston comes in 10101 and she needs a deducing for her boyfriend Roberto bacon and Gomez
Unknown: you've been
Adam: for I forget rianne wanted a biscuit.
Unknown: They always give me a biscuit on my birthday.
John: Sir roll, sir roll a scale of the Paris of the prairies and Saskatoon which is 131 30 Canadian William Elliot and le le le IE, IE Hawaii, Avi
Adam: 75 Toya Harold 6969. And other birthday for her below to read is just donations from my smokin hot husband Steve boots are out who is celebrating a birthday January 18. From your awesome wife Tanya Hmm?
John: Tim polen 6969 Sean brown in Ruskin, Florida. 5510 Daniel Marino in pflugerville, Texas 5510 Stephen King 5335 in Charlotte, North Carolina Matt Roy in Wichita, Kansas 52. At john Camp 50. The following people are all $50 donors, and I'm just going to read off their names and locations, since it's easier. Jamie Hilliard in newnan, Georgia. David chaloner in Madisonville, Louisiana, Chris sir Chris Lewinsky up there and search Sherwood Park, Alberta. Jessica young in Yuba City, California. Jetson noble in Oxford, Mississippi. Sarah Gordon in Tucson, Arizona, Brian Bowser and King George Virginia. Marine Lab brewery air in Kennett square, Pennsylvania. Anthony, Purdue in Leavenworth, Kansas, Oklahoma Leavenworth, robert bennett, in Massillon, Ohio, Sir jarier wing and rothen, Saugus, California Sir Andrew Benz and imperial Missouri. Eric Solano and how old New Jersey and last but not least Daniel Galloway in Marietta, Georgia. Oh, there's a deducing needed for Anthony Purdue.
Adam: And David shallowness, who came in with 54 Madisonville said his mom was diagnosed with cancers tumors in both kidneys, please send out an F cancer for Sonia as she undergoes surgery one of two on January 25. And then he has a birthday for his youngest human resource the ones duck listing t all on the way to school, celebrate her 14th birthday on January 12. Please include her as a belated birthday. Yes, and, and we'll also add a smokin hot jobs karma to everybody who needs along with that F cancer. Thank you all very much for participating in the 1313 Club. In all those different variations may bring you lots of good fortune. And we wish the same for everyone who came in under $50. You're on our subscriptions most likely. Please go look at those at John slash na. Or maybe for reasons of anonymity all of it is appreciated because the value for value system is whatever value you get out of this show. Please send it back to us with your time your talent or your treasure and thank you for producing the no agenda show.
Unknown: You've got karma. You've got karma.
Adam: All right, we've got an interesting list. Number of birthdays today. We just heard David Kelowna says Happy Birthday to his daughter. She turned 14 on January 12. Bernie celebrated on the 13th we've got anonymous, who says Happy Birthday to Reed who turns 5050 on the 15th. Salem magnin is celebrating now let's see Jane. Jane. No, that doesn't make any sense. Eva Magnus celebrating today. 17 and Salem Magnus.
Unknown: Happy birthday was
Adam: smoking on wife Meg. I don't know man. There's something missing something here that Meg if it's your birthday, it'll be January 18. Toy Herald Happy birthday. We're smoking hot husband Steve's oats.
Unknown: Tomorrow.
Adam: Maggie Hopkins Happy Birthday to her boyfriend Roberto bacon Gomez on the 19th Andrea Johnson tour sizzling hot spouse mark on the 21st Deborah Cornyn, her son Brandon celebrates on February 5 and finally happy birthday to Justin Edelman. From all of us here at the best podcast in the universe. Blue Man long lists some confusing names in there. Now we get to the knighting naming ceremony. Another beautiful list so we'll need extra sharpened extra length blades.
John: I just sharpened it yesterday. Wow. It glimpse it gleams in the sunlight.
Adam: robertville john mccain Mark Drinkwater Dame, Kylie Taylor butcher, Michael Greer, Peter Egan and Brian young. All of you reserve your spot here for the podium at the round table the no agenda knights and dames I'm very proud to pronounce the game be as sir Bobby of Sunset Beach by the bass surfer of the shark attack capital of the world sure mark of the grass fed dairy black night of course. We've got Kylie the keeper Dame Kalia on the behalf of Chris Wilson surfboards foul mouth like fish in the Big Sky Country
Sir Michael the five mountains of Northeast Pennsylvania sneaky blah blah blah sir Brian of the green country. And for you we've got a whole mess of things. In fact, I'm gonna give me some more music for that. Because we've got hook us and blow we've got brand boys. We've got Chardonnay. Oh, my goodness. The swords are just crashing all over the place. But we have an interesting layout of stuff for you. saltbush mutton 1962 Penfolds been 60 a barrel of bourbon and some Macintosh apples, stinky cheese and Bordeaux popcorn and sparkling wine, squeaky Salomon and dry salad, cold smoke and Copenhagen shwarma and Chardonnay and colostrum and clover, Sapphire martinis and Twizzlers and if that doesn't do it for you, how about some bong hits and bourbon some ginger ale and jerboas or the plain regular mutton in me is here for you. Thank you all for supporting the show go to no agenda slash rings you can pick up we'll actually help Eric the show. Send this beautiful momento and proof that you are a knight or Dame the nogen roundtable along with your sealing wax and your official certification that everything is on the up and up and real. Again, remember us at the slash and a
meet up reports before we give you the listing. This is where producers get together all around gitmo-nation that is global, hang out with each other Have a drink or two no triggering good conversation. And at the end they also throw their cans in the trash like you hear my co host doing Dandridge meet up report from dr. john Cummins, aka vagabond recon report our most excellent meetup last night in the dangerous Brewing Company. I don't know if I don't report the stuff I do. Anyways, we had all 18 all non muscle people in attendance and a great ratio 11 male seven female Uh huh. We had a dude named Ben even I don't know if we had any nicer days we had 12 regular listeners to the show to newbies and for that have not listened but we'll we had a super time for four hours drinking beer eating food getting to know each other. It was indeed like a pot it all agreed that we need more parties sooner rather than later in the same venue. We had diversity of people their Christian libertarian libertine crypto and I'd say our common theme besides the show was that we all obviously love freedom. And I'd say love America. Next time we'll have some audio But sir seat sitter who attends regularly was unable to show up so we look forward to that and thank you very much glad you guys had a good time. Kansas City meetup always trying to outshine everybody with their very nicely produced reports you know it didn't nation and sir Spencer wolf Kansas City here at Don Toledo's mask free
in a face friendly environment.
Unknown: Anyways,
this is Matt from Wichita in the morning guys and by the way, what happened with Jeffrey Epstein
Hey guys,
this is Liz from Wichita love those awesome promos Kansas City
in the morning from an oasis of sanity in the middle of the map.
This is Matt This is sir see Mike and I'm here with my smoking hot wife the future game black hammer.
I'm still doing
all the work and I could really use some help
Adam: the soon to be newly deduced Reverend cyber charter in the morning jets. Hey,
Unknown: john anatomists dude named clim from Wichita come up to hang out in the morning.
Hey, game DeLorean and we are having a blast and a friendly restaurant.
I learned that term tonight.
Adam: Child Abuse. Here's what's coming up on the calendar today. Two o'clock. central time so it's underway. I presume they're in Sioux Falls. South Dakotans of Gitmo nation at granite city hope you having a good time. On Tuesday, the North Dallas Fort Worth super spreader loss of freedom celebration will commence at six o'clock at snickered billiards and bar in Frisco. We have the ski doing and curfew in Quebec City area four o'clock on Wednesday, January 20. The venue will be announced but make sure you look out for Pablo posted no agenda meetups calm next Friday the international na sedition meeting four o'clock at the rooftop sunset lounge Miami Beach and coming up in January and the 23rd Pennsylvania Carnegie Park, Missouri the super spreader event flight oh one one of the no agenda Anaheim California on the 24th Philadelphia PA local 76. The 29th drinking in sky Because Minnesota nuts still locked down new on the list for the 30th of January local 404 shenanigans protests Atlanta, the 30th also sunset in New York, the beginning of a new beginning, the end of a new beginning, and Puget Sound convergence zone. Melbourne really free on the 30th titletown Green Bay, Wisconsin and looking ahead February 6 to love and light winter Boston, Massachusetts. These are no agenda meetups for the next coming weeks. It's a good place to hang out. It's a good complement to the show. It's good for the amygdala, good fun, and of course it's just like a party.
Unknown: No agenda
want to go hang out with
Adam: And to show ISOs
John: I have one okay.
Adam: Wash
Unknown: see we got here remember to continue to wash your hands and stay safe. Too long
Adam: kind of boring
Unknown: huh?
John: But what do you get this better?
Unknown: Are you out
Adam: of your minds? got that
John: little profane we
Adam: have the inauguration that's a good one. Oh, I have this one. All right. Well, I get
Unknown: to manage the hell out of this operation. I
Adam: think I think I think inauguration is kind of doing it for me. How about you?
John: I'm in Okay, so
Adam: yet you did get more than one ISO
John: me for that one to be at and to show it so because I didn't I thought it was given ragging on poor Darren enough. But if you want to keep pounding I'm sure.
Adam: You know, twice a week I think about how I'd like to pound him the inauguration. Okay. Haha. Yeah. All right. That means it's time for us to go cuz now we're talking total crap. Unless you have one last clip you want to play to keep everybody on the up and up to make them feel great about coming back on Thursday after they support the show at devore slash na. Well,
Unknown: I do believe I do. You said it. You said you do believe that 21 second clip on the Hondurans are back on the move not being discussed in our media and 1000s of us bound Hondurans have flooded into Guatemala, hoping that Joe Biden will take a less hardline approach to migration than his predecessor. They'll soon arrive at the Mexican border where soldiers and riot police have been deployed for Guatemalans are fleeing poverty and violence in a region battered by a pandemic. And back to back hurricanes late last year.
Adam: Whoo. Actually, Tina showed that to me this morning. It's she probably got it from the pool, man. Well, they're on their way. Yeah. So we're gonna let him in. Right?
John: You tell them by whatever bite and once Yeah, well, I mean,
Adam: isn't that exactly what I mean? This could be total propaganda bullcrap. I don't know. Do you think it's true? I mean, some of those caravans came from France 24 they don't really push that kind of bullcrap. They have their own bullcrap. That's right. And France. Feel free to tell us about some of your bootstrap. We don't hear much from friends. They hate the government and they hate podcasts. I don't know what's going on over there. The anti podcast they might be in the show mixes Jessica Nelson, Tom starkweather. And I went back and I check I thought I'd played this but the noodle gun out. alpha n g. It's like the man with the noodle gun. It's extremely good. And I was reminded I had not played that. Coming up on no agenda the actual episode of grumpy old Ben's where Darren O'Neil says inauguration doesn't get much better than that top entertainment for you. Coming to you. from Capitol The Lone Star State Austin, Texas opportunity zone 33 FEMA Region number six in the governmental maps in the morning, everybody.
John: I'm Adam Curry. And I'm from Northern Silicon Valley where it's a beautiful 72 degrees out. People are out and about driving around even though they're supposed to be shut down, hunkered down, locked down, but
Adam: they're not time John Dvorak. We return on Thursday right here on no agenda, remember us at the slash na until then adios mofos and such a terrorist by definition is not the same. It's
John: not the same as that
Unknown: No,
Navy Buster gun.
It's a big club. You ain't in it.
There will be a smooth transition.
So about that smooth transition, promising a smooth transition,
more people may die.
We don't coordinate. My focus now turns to ensuring a smooth, orderly and seamless transition of power. At what point does it delay hamper a smooth transition pose a risk to national security. There
are many details, loss of coordination, Every Day Counts and every step counts. And we owe it to Americans to have a smooth transition to make sure we don't miss a step.
What we want to see in China is a smooth transition and a continued growth of our bilateral relations. There will be a smooth transition to a second Trump administration.
So about that smooth transition.
His Facebook icon is
JW the second to none. To buy whenever she wants to.
Know Me and county Burger King
gets slash n A
0:00 0:00