John: You want the city to clean up the poop?
Adam: Adam Curry Jhansi devorah 29 2021 This is your award winning chemo nation media assassination Episode 1342
Unknown: This is no agenda
Adam: and broadcasting live from opportunity zone 33 here in front of Austin, Texas capital of the drone Star State in the morning everybody.
John: I'm Adam Curry from Northern Silicon Valley where we just missed an eight cars effort. Things are just moving along swimmingly, and Jhansi
Adam: Wait a minute, do we need official Zephyr reports? It was eight cars. What does that mean?
John: It means it was a nine cars effort. They carried the male car, luggage car whatever they used to carry, which is big deal. It's a lot of cars.
Adam: Ladies and gentlemen, I have night.
John: But I want to get I want to get well you can do the rest of your little bit there. But there was so yesterday there was one today, five engines
pulling this thing there was one yesterday or the day before I decided to count the cars. Yeah. So we had three engines and front and lugging along
and then there were two more engines in the middle of this array of container cars each one holding two there's two container no two containers on a
car 140 cars.
Adam: Ladies and gentlemen, this is no longer a Zephyr report. This is a former report at China may be moving their gold out of the United States
Bitcoin currently 53,688 Oh my god.
John: I mean, not only was that at that many containers, yeah. Which would be 140 280. Almost 300 containers. Yeah. But they were from the number two
different shipping companies. I'm starting to see. I mean, besides the old the old regulars, you know,
Adam: like Mary Maersk and those guys? Yeah,
John: yeah, Maris is one of them. There's a bunch of them. But there's now there's you know, CMA CMA, there's lob just letters I'm doing put anything
on him. It's there's just a lot of new Chinese shipping companies. It's like a way to make money. Hmm.
Adam: Is it possible that it contains chips, chips for our cars? in Austin, car lead car dealers are going out of state to find secondhand cars.
There's no inventory. If you buy a new car in Austin, you're not going to get it delivered. You have to wait. But so they're going out of state to
find second hand cars. This is nuts.
John: I found that I find this whole chip shortage thing to be somewhat. There's something something amiss with the reporting on it. I watched, I
watch all these shows the financial shows and they keep talking about well, is unexpected, unexpected. There's an unexpected. Oh, crap. That's what I
say. Oh, expected demand has created the chip shortage. I
Adam: don't believe that for a sec.
John: They're lying to us. I don't believe that either.
Adam: There's gambling going on there. Yeah, but this is this. I mean, but there's no one's really saying anything. Just like oh, well, there's chip
shortage. You have a way to the chips come from from China. Well, what
John: kind of chips? Are they? Well, they're actually not that important. Some of them are a lot of entertainment chips. for entertainment systems,
some other embedded things, maybe all you have to do is find one chip. That is a bottleneck. Yeah. You take a look at today's cars. Yeah. Which is a
good reason to buy a 10 year old car or older. You look at today's cars, and they have so many chips in them. Yeah, that if one loan little chip, it
could be anything. It might it might be a one if there's a one source supplier of one specific chip. And that chip is necessary for the car to go off
assembly can't go up. Can't go out. So
Adam: we have the millennials car who moved to New York, which is bought and paid for and no, actually we were just waiting for the title to come in,
so that we could then go turn around and sell it. I think maybe we'll hold on to it for a couple more months when people are really really it's a
monster three, but it's low mileage. It's a 20 I think it's a 2016 or 20 2016 thing's worth a fortune only has 50,000 miles on it. Yes, it's worth a
fortune. I think it is. And it started last night. I care so much about our second hand car that I went out and put a moving blanket on the roof
because the rain stick did its business. Here's a note for one of our producers Mr. Adam Curry. It's coming down in Southeast Texas right now. Grandma
Said golf ball sized hail in Del Rio Brackett Ville area. Thunderstorms and hail is definitely the sign of the no agenda rain stick. And yes, you know
that two days after we shake the stick it's always going to have weather in Austin. In fact, grandma just got the the back end of the stick. I can't
help it. That's and it came up towards Austin. We didn't get the golf ball sized hail. But I saw the no agenda producers group for Texas. And they
John: were so is that the normal operating procedure? We don't have hail like that. Yes. Yeah. Put
Adam: it you put a moving blanket on the roof,
John: which is a padded blanket. Yeah, exactly. So that prevents the damage to the cars.
Adam: That's the theory. You know, Tina's car was in the garage. My car's in the garage. And this one just sitting outside like golf ball sized hail
will damage any car or break windows. Yeah, yeah, that too. So it did rain. I have a very wet blanket on the car. No dents. But there was no did I
mean it was thunder and lightning all night but and rain but no, no hail. Yeah. Anyway, that's the rain.
John: So everyone in Texas has these moving blankets.
Adam: It's very common to see that in the back of a car or truck. Yeah.
John: Yeah,
Adam: yeah, I think we've talked about that before but
John: that that's something I would want to remember because I've always been fascinated by these hailstones, that bus get the shit out of push. Some
guys got a car and next thing you know it's ruined.
Adam: And you'll see pictures if you look now just say se you know, Texas hail. You'll see pictures of dented cars everywhere.
John: Yeah. Could be a look, though, you know, you could have this thing being maybe fashionable. Yeah, sure.
Adam: It's very fashionable. It's the steel drum of cars of car design. So now, there's a whole bunch of different things we could start with.
John: I think we should tell you we got a few COVID things to get out of the way cuz?
Adam: Well, not just a few. I got some India stuff. Producers came in big.
John: So yes, I got some of these notes from India. And I've got some. Well, if you want to go with COVID, India, we could I want to actually start
with this instead. Okay, mainly because I want to get this out of the way.
Adam: Yeah, these are the bonus because it's just burst. It's just goosing all over your hand. And you just don't want to
John: know because it has a lot to do with what we're going to talk about. I know what we're going to talk about. All right, all right. So I've got
this note, this thing just came out in nature April 29. PAGE 661. This guy who's a famous pro via of pro vaccine guy, incredibly famous. And in fact,
he is on the these two bonus clips. I'll give you an example of him. But you can listen to these clips. It starting with the setup clip. There's a two
parter on there that you can play the setup question with this was this guy showed up on Earth Day on Democracy Now? And then I'll talk to you about
his little editorial that he wrote for haggis. I
Adam: have no clip called setup, but
John: what it's named the one that's got the misspelling.
Adam: Oh, that one,
Unknown: Dr. Hotez. Very quickly. Before we conclude, I'd like to ask you about a recent article you wrote for the BMJ journal, a saying that the high
death toll from COVID-19 has not arisen from SARS COVID to transmission alone, but also anti science forces promoting defiance against vaccines. And
you talk about the globalization of this anti vaccine movement. Could you just explain what that is and how that happened and how to counter it.
Adam: All right.
John: Now I wanted to put that first of put that out, before we played his response, which goes on forever. By the way, this guy's a chatterbox. I'm
pretty convinced I may show it later in the show. I have a third clip from him that I believe Bill Gates gets his material from this guy. Because
there's a bunch of parallels that I can identify. All right, but this guy who talks and talks and talks he's on CNBC all the time he's got his
background is in vaccines. He's a vaccine expert. He's got two or three understudy that he's developed. He even has a vaccine for worms. Hook worm or
Adam: ivermectin into your veins
John: because I don't know this would seem this would be the easier way to go. But he makes a big stink about vaccines being the anti science aspect
which is not true. And in this journal, or the nature I'm not everybody, they mentioned that but I just wanted to just came out of nature magazine,
April. 29th there's a call pullquote right in the middle, it says accurate targeted counter messages. what he's doing here is his title. This is COVID
vaccines time to confront anti Vax aggression and aggression, no less. No. Yeah. So he says, and then there's the pullquote is accurate, targeted
counter messaging from the global health community is important, but insufficient. Now, what? That's an interesting thing to say, because most of the
stuff that I think people are, he would identify us as being I don't know if you can call us anti vaxxer. But skeptical of some of these?
Adam: No, I'd say that we are at this moment anti COVID vaccine. Not if it was a traditional vaccine, but mRNA.
John: mRNA Yeah, but but the point is, is that what he says here in this poll, quote, is, is bogus. Because you and I, I'm just using ourselves as an
example, are getting most of our information from the medical people
Adam: did the wrong ones. You're listening to the wrong guy.
John: He has he went, he's the one who went off against Rand Paul. Rand put this guy yeah. And Rand Paul is a doctor, that people that
Adam: we know john, I'm sorry, he's a he's a doctor
John: doesn't count yet to go through the same process of any other doctor. He and he's a scientist. And most of the people that we've been, I've got
a couple clips, I got a whopper today. That's a doctor very well, distinguished doctors, now the enemy of the people, but still a doctor. So this guy
is everything's fine. If you listen to me, I'm the only guy that's right kind of guy. But I want to just put this out there. And I think it might be
cruel of me to do it, but I'm going to do it anyway. This guy's a fanatic. And he has become so and i believes because his life's work has been in
vaccines. So he's in a cult perhaps, is let me finish this because this is somebody don't like to accuse somebody of being who I'm gonna say. He's a
vaccine guy from the get go. I don't think he even practices medicine anymore. Because he's on too many boards. He does all these things. He's not
involved with vaccine companies, except in India, trying to make conventional vaccines. So I'm not I couldn't find him with Pfizer. He's not like a
bad guy. But what happened if you have to imagine yourself being a vaccine guy, and then your daughter, who's now seven gets autism?
Unknown: Oh, okay.
John: That'll do it. And he has to write a book. And his first book that he wrote, he's written I think four books, is my daughter has autism, and it
wasn't caused by vaccines.
Adam: Otherwise, you can write a book but it won't get published. So that's how you that's how you get it
John: published, that book got published, but it's beside the point. And, and then he brings this up in this little of comedy is going to make now I
think he may have been a turn into a fanatic because he's in denial in some ways of the possibility just, I don't care if it's just a long shot, that
maybe vaccines his life's work had something to do with the situation with this poor girl. So let's listen to his answer to the question about the
anti vaxxers. And, and by the way, he can't stop talking, they have to actually cut them off at the end and end the show. But here we go.
Unknown: The Quad, I think was able to relax some of those constraints to support biological II and allow some of those raw materials through so I'm
very happy that that they did this is the wrong clip.
Adam: Well, this the only other clip I have is finales. That's it. Okay, that sounds to me like the last clip. So
John: it was the last clip of this series. I didn't intend to run these two clips right at the beginning. Okay, we'll play it.
Unknown: Yeah. Unfortunately, the other hat I wear is a leader and going up against anti science groups, not by choice but sort of by default, because
in addition to being a vaccine scientist, I'm a parent of four adult kids and my youngest daughter Rachel has autism and intellectual disabilities and
a few years ago I wrote a book called vaccines do not cause Rachel's autism which made me public enemy number one with the with the anti vaccine
groups they call me now the Oh gee villain, which I had to look up it means original gangster villain and and and now I'm what was sort of a fringe
element. And you're seeing this play out nightly now on conservative news outlets. They're now mainstream, and among the conservative parties in the
US, our republican party, and that's really scary. And then you've got the Russian government, launching an entire program of what's been called
weaponized health communications, trying to discredit Western vaccines in favor of Sputnik five, Sputnik V, or Sputnik five, and son and now this is
globalized and you're seeing the same kind of far right us q anon foe get around the anti vaccine movement now appearing and protests in Western
European capitals. So I call this an anti science Empire, I tend to be a bit out there on this in the sense that there's not by any means consensus in
the global community that it's reached that stage. But, you know, I'm of the opinion that when so many lives were lost in the United States, not only
because of COVID-19, but of deliberate defiance to things like mass and social distancing. And now we have four Independent News polls, all pointing
to the most vaccine hesitant group in the United States, or what are what are being called Republicans. Some polls call a white Republicans. And that
is, there's been a politicization of the anti science anti vaccine movement. And we have to figure out a way to dial it back, bring it back, I'm
trying to reach out to conservative groups, whenever I can, just because we've let this thing get out of hand. Neither the US government or the United
Nations agencies has really wanted to confront this and really call it out and, you know, express concern to the Peruvian government and confront them
on it express concern in the us about how we've allowed this to globalize. We have to figure out a way to dial this back.
Adam: Wow. It's so it's not it's it's republicans in Germany, white republicans and Cubans, which is global. Clearly, it's not just America to
everywhere, it's q1 on. And White Republicans, let me say republican introduce you to some black Republicans who are very anti Vax. Wow. Yeah, he's on
the he's on the hit squad. He's out there. He's uh, he means business. He's out there to Well, he's
John: on CNBC all the time. He's on you. We don't get to see him much. In fact, I didn't even know about him until I saw this piece of nature. I'm not
familiar looking into him because I figured as all of you know, Usual Suspects I checked whether he's a board member of Pfizer or anything like that.
No, nothing. He's legit. I mean, in terms of he's honest, he's, he's, I'm sorry. He's sincere. Because when he says that, when he sees sincere, but
when he says that at the beginning, when the The question was asked, yeah. And he kind of implies that the reason we have such a high death toll
500,000 is because of anti vaxxers. You have to remember, we had no there was no
Adam: vaccine when people were dying. We had a half
John: a million dead, supposedly, but let's just assume that that's an accurate number, even though we would, I think it was it's exaggerated. They
the vaccine, the vaccine, people think it was the other way around, it was underreported, but whether it was under reporter is still a lot of people,
but there was no vaccine that was the vaccine came out the numbers started to change. But he is a he's a, he may be sincere, but I think is a terrible
guy. And I don't think he practices. And that's another difference. Because he's if you look at his resume, if you look at him in Wikipedia, this guy
is too busy to practice medicine. He heads up a department at the in Texas, one of the hospitals. And he's in this and he said is doing this stuff.
And he's and he's developing for vaccines that I could figure. And he's doing a COVID vaccine in India, that's supposed to dose out which I have at
the other clip about, but I'll but that has to follow the Bill Gates clip. And if you want me to play that one, get this guy out of the way. Yeah,
sure. Okay, there's a Bill Gates clip on the list. And it says,
Adam: look, weird Bill Gates
John: will be Bill Gates. And this is what makes me think that Bill Gates is in touch with this guy. Because this is a weird Bill. Bill is when is
asked of us stuff he doesn't know about he tries to bluff his way out. Yeah. And he starts contradicting himself and saying stupid, crazy stuff. And
this is the will weird Bill Gates clip where he does that. And I think he got it from this. This whole cap a guy
Unknown: has been some speculation that the changing intellectual property rules.
Adam: I mean, Hotez not hosting.
John: Oh, I'm sorry. I said hotep. Yeah.
Adam: You know, if he's listening to hotep Yeah. Now, we know,
Unknown: there's been some speculation that the changing intellectual property rules and and and allowing these vaccines, as you say, the the recipe
for these vaccines to be shared, would be helpful. And do you think that would be helpful? No,
why not?
Well, there's only so many vaccine factories in the world. And people are very serious about the safety of vaccines. And so moving was something that
John: was he laughing about there? There? Let
Adam: me hear it again.
Unknown: No, why no.
vaccines to be shared, would be helpful. And do you think that would be helpful?
Why not?
Well, there's only so many vaccine factories in the world and people are very serious. I don't hear him laughing.
John: Where's he laughs No, no. When he says people are very sure she's laughing. She goes, Oh, this one is in line laughs Where's God? People are
Adam: serious and that serious? That's obviously
Unknown: no, why not? Well, there's only so many vaccine factories in the world. And people are very serious about the safety of vaccines.
Adam: It's about the safe people are very serious about this. It'll hurt just super painful.
Unknown: And so moving something that had never been done moving a vaccine from say j&j factory into a factory in India, that it's novel, it's only
because of our grants and our expertise.
Adam: Hold on a second laughs again, it but he's also lying. She's lying
Unknown: can happen at all. The the thing that's holding things back in this case is not intellectual property. There's not like some idle vaccine
factory with regulatory approval that makes magically safe vaccines. Yes, there is, you know, you've got to do the trials on these things. And every
manufacturing process has to be looked at in a in a very careful way. There's all sorts of issues around intellectual property having to do with
medicines, but not in terms of how quickly we've been able to ramp up the volume here. You know, I remember how shocked people were when we said we
were going to do second sources in these developing country factories.
John: Wait, stop, stop. He just said a second ago you can't do it, please and now now he's saying that would everyone thought it was crazy that we
were doing it What could he make up his mind who this is where he goes off the rails cuz he's not original source of this thing? He's also He's lying.
It's this whole cap guy when you hear hope after this, all right, we'll play
Adam: this and then the hotep guy
Unknown: Madison's but not in terms of how quickly we've been able to ramp up the volume here. You know, I remember how shocked people were when we
said we're gonna do second sources in these developing country factories. You know that that was a novel thing. We got all the rights from the vaccine
companies, they didn't hold it back. They were participating I do a regular phone call with the pharmaceutical CEOs to make sure that work is going at
full speed.
Adam: Oh my god. Okay, after the next step. You have to let me in because I've got new information now. Oh, you play
John: that clip? You I know what you're you got to you already got complaints. Complaints I want to hear. Okay, the way I am going to call the other
podcast is right after this to make sure everybody's agreeing that you're you're you're doing things properly.
Adam: What complaints are you referring to?
John: I don't know. I'm just saying bill calls already apparently calls or says says he calls all the CEOs. things, right?
Adam: Yes, of course.
John: I'm going to call all the podcasts are you going to try to keep up anyway going?
Adam: Well, shoot. Now I now know. Now I have to interject a clip. Because if you're going to call all the podcasters make sure you call anti vaxxer
podcast or Numero Uno. And now the popular podcast host Joe Rogan facing backlash ever made. sanchita claim that healthy young people don't need the
vaccine without evidence. He's not
Unknown: a doctor. You should get vaccinated if you're vulnerable. I think you should get vaccinated if you feel like my parents are vaccinated. I've
encouraged a lot of people get them people say do you think it's safe to get vaccinated? I've said, Yeah, I think for the most part, it's safe to get
vaccinated. I do. I do. But if you're like 21 years old, and you say to me, should I get vaccinated? I go No. You healthy. You're a healthy person.
Like look, Don't do anything stupid, but you should take care of yourself.
Adam: But medical experts say Rogan is wrong. They say adults of all ages should get vaccinated. I got it. I got to do the clip where Fauci actually
addresses it. It's just too funny. Fauci. Of course,
John: this guy Hotez
Adam: is the main guy who came out against Rogan that triggered this whole thing. Yes, this they are in full panic mode. Because the Joe Rogan is
still recognized as incredibly influential Spotify or not. So when Joe Rogan said this, and he was being, as you recall, from March in 2019, now to
2020 when I was out there, his handler was osterholm. And the more I think about this guy, that Yeah, now he's the he's the all gonna die when the
monster right in the mouth of the monster, it's gonna be horrible. And, and he just looked at the guy he has douchebag spook written all over him. And
he was and what the hell was he doing on the Joe Rogan show in March of 2020? How did he we'd never heard of the guy. Why was he the guy to show and
to get on Joe Rogan? You got to have some kind of angle You don't just, you know, I don't think it was necessarily Joe's choice at the time. But
anyway, put it this way. If the situation for us as normal thinking human beings with normal size to make lists, if the situation was hopeless, all
this propaganda would be unnecessary. So there's clearly room here to stop some of this insanity. And Joe Rogan inadvertently probably put his foot
right in it.
Unknown: Real quickly, I want to ask you popular podcast hosts, Joe Rogan, you may have heard about this made comments about young people getting
vaccinate, vaccinate is getting a lot of buzz. He said, like it's
Adam: getting a lot of buzz. That's code for shit. He's going viral.
Unknown: 21 years old, and you say to me, should I get vaccinated? I say no, if you're a healthy person, and you're exercising all the time, and
you're young, and you're eating well, I don't think you need to worry about this, saying young healthy people shouldn't get vaccinated just quickly
your response?
Well, that's incorrect Savannah. And the reason why is that you're talking about yourself in a vacuum, then you're worried about yourself, getting
infected in likelihood that you're not going to get any symptoms, but you can get infected and will get infected if you put yourself at risk. And even
if you don't have any symptoms, you are propagating the outbreak because it is likely that you even if you have no sim points,
you may inadvertently and innocently then infect someone else who might infect someone who really could have a problem with a severe outcome.
So if
John: you want to only worry about yourself and not society, then that's okay. But if you're saying to yourself, even if I get
Unknown: infected, what if you do damage to somebody else, even if I have no symptoms at all? And that's the reason why you've got to be careful and
get vaccinated. So
you're saying young healthy people should get vaccinated?
Absolutely. Okay,
John: guys up against a pitch man, rogue is just talking. Well,
Adam: that's a big problem for Joe, that that's a real third rail, that's going to be an issue if he keeps it up. Now, you will. No, I don't think you
will either. Absolutely not. Okay, but
John: let's go. Okay. Let's go back to what we were talking about, which was that in the old case is discussing how these vaccines could be made
overseas. This is patent speed. Well, this is where this comes from. And this is again, Botez talking about. The question came out, what is the deal
with with getting these vaccines ramped up? What about the patents is the patents a big holdup? Same question is almost exactly the same question as
to Bill buffaloed his way out of it. And this is this is what the Hotez says
Unknown: the quads, I think, was able to relax some of those constraints to support biological II, and allow some of those raw materials through. So
I'm very happy that that they did that. Now, the patent issue is one that I'm often asked about, and patents are important. One of the things I like
to say, though, is, you know, the model of patent loosening patent restrictions was very much around small molecule drugs during during the height of
the HIV AIDS pandemic. And, you know, companies like Cipla, they needed the freedom to be able to make antiretroviral drugs. And patents are important
for vaccines. But the most important aspect of vaccines is actually knowing how to make vaccines and knowing how to do it under a quality umbrella
with quality control and batch production records. And also having adequate regulatory authorities and tax that actually tends to be a bigger hurdle
than the patent. So everybody, you know, focuses on the patents based on based on those earlier models for for small molecule drugs, but the forces
and the barriers that are around vaccines is a bit different. What we really need is to train human capital people who know how to do vaccines under a
quality umbrella, and the National regulatory authority and help with the capacity building. So the The point is, even if you relaxed all the patent
restrictions for all the vaccines tomorrow, and I'm not certain how quickly that would translate into vaccines for the world for this pandemic is a
long term issue. Definitely, it's important. But right now, we think we have to focus on one making low cost, easy, easy to use durable vaccines
available to people in resource countries, as I say 5 billion doses number one, and number two, let's let's start working out that long process of
building capacity right now there are no vaccines made on the African continent are essentially no vaccines. Not not much better in Latin America a
little bit better, but not much. All right.
Adam: Now luckily, we have some of the best producers in the universe. I made a I did a call out I said I want our Indian producers to step up. We
need to know what's going on and I think I said, we have two producers. I know that so I need to hear from you. And we got two emails. So 100% of the
no agenda gitmo-nation audience in India has weighed
John: in the end of 1.3 4 billion people, we got two.
Adam: Well, actually, the first one is not even in India. But it's important that I read these in sequence. And this is, this is just a short note.
And we don't have to go through the whole thing, because you'll know right away what happened to him as he says, I've done it a few times, I feel a
need to comment about the skepticism from you and john, recently on the situation in India, first off, I was born in Bangalore, India, I've been in
this country, United States for over 30 years now. And a proud American of Indian origin. I work in pharma. And while I generally agree on a number of
things you guys have accurately reported on. There were some errors More about that later. But I do want to speak about the recent situation in India,
this is no hoax. I lost my father in law last week, exactly. We could go from today, my school senior of about 53 years, and my brother's childhood
friend whom I knew well of 42 years and a number of other acquaintances, age 26, and 32. So right there, to me, this is like this is like the people
we knew in Manhattan. And there are people dying around them. And they got very angry at our skepticism. So I understand. But he does say right after
that, the variant Lee currently impacting is a different strain, and a few of the people listed above were fully vaccinated from the AstraZeneca
vaccine. And then he goes into most cities, towns in India disregard common sense, there were excessive parties, events, social events, no
precautions, the population is to blame. sounds totally right. And people weren't careful. I think this producer is a little bit under the spell. And
that's logical when you have dead people around you. So let's go straight to the actual numbers of India. One of our producers, tracks the death rate
and produces daily charts based on the john hopkins raw data. India currently is in 84th place in the world for cumulative deaths from covid 19. So if
you look at the deaths per million population, number one, New Jersey 2866 Yeah, Jersey strong. Number two Hungary 2793 deaths per million, United
Kingdom 1873 followed close behind by the United States 1727. And then India 146 deaths per million population. So let's just all shut up a second
about this being crazy. And what's going on? This is oh my gosh, no, Benny's charts are in the show notes, you'll see the deaths are flatline cases
spike like crazy, and he even has a death versus new deaths, then there's a little increase, but it's nothing like the news media is reporting. So
that's really some information that has to be taken into context of over a billion people population daily itself. Huge. Now, the next note, and by
the way, I'm sure that they're, you know, it's all the propaganda that we're seeing, and I'm just going to call it propaganda. Again, it's look at
makeshift cemeteries, you know, no hospital beds, no oxygen cut the video of guys carrying an oxygen tank to cut a video of flame burning bodies. You
need six, six crematorium sights. We have seen this movie before. And I'm sure somewhere there's an Indian truth or trying to get on Tick Tock me, I
was like, Oh, this is all bullshit, but and you may you might have two dots in his forehead now for all I know. So we're not getting any information.
Really, from the media or even social media from India, there's just no way we don't understand the context. We don't understand anything about it. We
don't know about India. But this next producer, this is the one and I have to keep him anonymous. He is for I've checked him out his his name, his
email address. He is someone in the know, you know, in India, there's a caste system. I would say he's in the highest caste and he is from a family
and he can back that up Brahmins.
Well, the Brahmin caste but regardless, I believe this producer to be telling the truth. So I wonder if he has a couple sections here. And I think
it's just important to go through stop me whenever you ever questioned the origin. He says India is mainly a protectionist country. What that means is
when any outside company, for example, Sara Lee wants to do business in India, they must partner with one of the multinational families in India.
That's just, that's just like China. So if you want to do automobiles in India, you got to hook up with the Tata family tractors. It's the Mahindra
family telcos, the Ambani family with vaccines. It's the poonawalla family, which owns the serum Institute, and this is a real vaccine company. It's
known as the serum Institute is TSI in 2020. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation gave the serum Institute millions of dollars to manufacture the
Kovacs mRNA vaccine. Now, one must remember the poonawalla family are billionaires by themselves and traditionally do not even believe in mRNA or
other unproven technologies. But what the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation know Gavan in donations is kind of peanuts for this family but the Son of
the Father is the Cyrus he's the he's the patriarch, and he's getting up there in age and the son a dar is now starting to run parts of the Empire.
And so he took the bill Melinda Gates Foundation money. The dad Cyrus is a doctor by trade has been supplying traditional vaccines. These are the ones
they make in India, MMR, mumps, rubella, measles, mumps, rubella. They've been doing it with the patents in hand to do this, or what Bill Gates was
saying was total bullshit. They make them native in India, the serum Institute does this and they do it from the intellectual property, which they
have However, they doesn't even matter how they got it. So what Bill Gates says just bullshit to Uncle Bill Gates got in touch with TSI because he's
one of the largest donors of the World Health Organization. And this Cyrus the dad is an old school guy. He's been, you know, like the old world
health organization 20 years ago. Cyrus didn't want to deal with him. But he let the kids take the lead and a Darcy had started dealing with the Bill
and Melinda Gates Foundation. Okay. So when COVID-19 hits, Bill Gates comes along and wants to play the game with TSI, since he's already paid for
access by giving them money. And he says, okay, we want you to develop Kovacs for GAVI, that's the the vaccine Alliance. So the old dude, the old guy,
Cyrus doesn't like it. He doesn't believe in the mRNA. And he was also very chummy with health Don Mahler who apparently is important in the World
Health Organization, who was anti China. But then the, let me see I'm missing it here. So then they decide that they're going to do the Oxford
AstraZeneca vaccine, and not deal with anything Bill Gates has to do. And they got the actual IP from the Astra Oxford AstraZeneca vaccine, and they
start producing that that's what they've been giving to people. And another chart from one of our producers, interestingly enough shows at the very
date when the Vax vaccination starts with the the AstraZeneca made locally. That's when cases start to spike. So I had a headache called COVID. Shield
there, and it's not mRNA. So
Pfizer comes along and says, You know what, it's time for us to do a deal with you. India says, Yeah, this is good, give us the patent and we can
develop the vaccine ourselves. Pfizer says No way. You're not getting our IP, which of course, was backed up by by Joe Biden and putting embargo on
intellectual property to all they do is they focus on the Oxford's vaccine. But then after this denial of producing the vaccines, without the
intellectual property cases go through the roof. And this producer says right here, he says, Now, I've only listened to the show just recently don't
know how much you know about it. But this is an arbitrary factor, because all they have to do is change the PCR test to a higher setting. Yes, higher
count. We know that. So this is someone in India who knows exactly what's going on and says the same thing. The media, he says took over starts to
show dead people in the streets. And he says, guess what, a lot of people die in India in the street every single day. And if you look around on
Twitter, you'll see multiple pictures, pictures that today are shown as Oh, this woman just collapsed from COVID-19 she's dying in the street. And you
can see the same picture from three years ago where she was dying from something else.
John: Yeah, they will classic reused photos.
Adam: Yes.
John: Yeah. All over the Middle East where all our coverage there just kept these pictures. So
Adam: it makes it so we have some some additional benefits. Modi Modi is clearly a trumper he's he's you know, he's No good. He's got to go. So we're,
you know, we're pressuring him. And also, and also know that who's right next door is Pakistan, Pakistan, deeply wise deep investments from China. So
you know, who knows what's going on just across the border to influence the media. But now it goes International. And and while we're here was India
wasn't prepared, they were not doing they didn't know what to do. And our producer says India is in fact very prepared and was in India mankind
designed these a virto kit which contains ivermectin oxacillin and zinc. We've seen them we have to had pictures of those. Every citizen is issued
that and supposed to take it. The president in Goa demanded every resident and tourists take these pills as a precaution. The only side effect
apparently was sleep sleepiness. It reduces the cases and deaths to almost zero However, when Indians watch CNN, he said this is what you have to
know. They listen to CNN, instead of listening to the government. I know you want to listen to either one. And they are and this is the they're
completely mind controlled. The mainstream media is calling for Modi's head demanding is stepped down. Media is king and now brainwashing everyone who
was staying home, staying at home as we know no sun, no vitamin D you get sick, it perpetuates. In comes Uncle Joe Biden to the rescue. Joe Biden
places an embargo on raw materials needed to make the vaccines and these and most of these raw materials are for special kind of glass to transport
these that was the test tube thing. April 22, India back in talks with Pfizer for the vaccine, April 28. The Indian congressman ro Khanna steps into
quote help. Yes, this is a Okay. We'll go down to his final two. According to Reuters, there have been approximately 200,000 deaths in India due to
covid 19. So let's take 200,000 deaths divided by 365 is 580 548 deaths a day compared to 2019 levels of 26,197 deaths.
So people are less people are dying because they're locked at home apparently, and they're not dying from COVID. His conclusion? As of today, Modi has
given the states the power to institute their own deals with any of the pharma companies just move he says because Pfizer wants to deal with just one
customer the Indian government. So Modi preserves his protectionist agenda by saying no to on a federal front and forces Pfizer to deal with the 29
individual states, which makes it much harder on Pfizer. But now we wait and see what each of the states will do. In a nutshell. The ironic part in
all of this is that India's protectionism clause is what hurt India to begin with, to protect itself from foreign companies is what eventually hurt
itself. And I said, I'm sorry.
John: I said, Yes, the protectionist thing in India is a real problem.
Adam: And I can totally see Pfizer coming in saying you got to take our shit. And then they say, okay, you will produce it. No, no, no, you got to buy
it from us. And they said, Well, now go pound sand and then they just crank up the marketing, crank it up, because it came out of left field all of a
John: well, with India being as producing 70% of the world's vaccines already, I surprised Pfizer doesn't have a plant, they're making this stuff.
Adam: I mean, this is their Bonanza, this is where they're going to make all of their money. So they don't want to let anything slip out and who
knows, you know?
John: It's I have one letter to okay. And this is a based on this guy had did little documentation. I won't say who he is again. This is it. This is a
summary of an Indian doctor claims that things were okay. In Indian two. There's a big propaganda push against ivermectin in January,
Adam: haha.
John: That led doctors to stop prescribing it. And additionally, and you and you had this, this comment he gets this is unverified. We don't have any
doctors in India and for Sheila's no show we don't. And then you mentioned the AstraZeneca thing resulted in a bunch of cases. And he mentioned that a
lot of jobs were administered around the same time in January which basically annihilates the immune system for about 10 days. I don't know how those
those those virus vectored vaccines work and thus increasing the number of infections and leading to the perfect storm. But if they, if they I can see
the, the, the ivermectin thing taking place just sure for whatever reason. And that would be a serious problem if ivermectin really does the trick,
and it seems to according to all the research, I wrote a substack about this, pointing to the research papers. There's 280 of them. I believe should
play a factor a factor?
Adam: Well, I'm going to keep it at the at the great marketing reset. And Pfizer is just relentless. They do not care. They have no regard for human
life. And part of one of your theories has also been mass hysteria. All of these things come into play. And yeah, I'm sure that when so apparently,
and I said it, they started vaccinating. That's when cases started to spike. Now part of that is going to be high PCR count, I'd love to get a
confirmation on that from Indian labs. But also, if you're told not to take the ivermectin, you're told to wait for the shots sit at home, to be
afraid, people get sick, and people actually die from that stuff. We've learned all this is probably
John: in fact, now going back to Dr. hotep. The the idea that, you know that the anti vaxxers that somehow resulted in all these deaths are
contributed to it is probably less so than the people who've been like you said locked up, kept out of the sun, don't go outside, you know, is
probably contributed to more. But then again, this is not we're not just we're not all we're doing is wrong. In fact, we're not even taking sides on
this, or you are I'm not my site is that the information is poorly presented. They're lying to us. That's my side. They're
Adam: lying. But the marketing continues, a lot of it is free. For just free based on virgin, most of us free but not all of it. We know.
John: It's free. It's this part is free, but they've already paid their dues. Lipitor and via Viagra, those two products have which they marketed to
death. That's they can always go back to the wall and say, hey, look, look what we will look at the Pfizer drops. 11.5 I believe is 11 point 5 billion
I could be wrong could be $11.4 billion in advertising a year. And that's all goes to the media. Yeah, that's a lot of money for a small newspaper, or
a big newspaper.
Adam: So when you add to that the government carving out $3 billion to indoctrinate the American people again, if the situation was hopeless, you
wouldn't need $3 billion to convince everybody. So I feel pretty good that they're still trying. It flows through to all parts of the government and
we saw NBC you know, they had their big big gala hasn't even happened
John: yet and hear anything about it. Maybe there's you know, we won't have to deal with a gala already. They had Oscars.
Adam: Well hold on a second. They had at least the not Gala. We had the horrible with Dale Jarrett NASCAR promotion, also part of NBC. You know what,
why don't we just where does Robin Roberts work cuz she worked at ABC. I think she's
Unknown: i.
John: t bought. I think she's been in a couple places. I think it'll teach us at ABC. I don't know. Let's look it up.
Adam: Now. She's African American. She's a doll. She's black. No.
John: She's a doll said a do s there's no network of that name.
Adam: Yeah, got it. She's, well, she's she's definitely still working. I think it's ABC. And she also was doing a podcast. Let's listen to this
podcast podcast. Why would you just need to do a podcast? Well, maybe. Well, hello, everyone.
Unknown: I'm Robin Roberts.
He sees Good Morning America, ABC COVID-19 immunity and our community
and innovative Podcast Series brought to you by the US Department of Health and Human Services.
Adam: That's right. So it's the COVID-19 in our community. This is targeted at Black Americans specifically, like anyone's gonna listen to this
podcast. And so they just they just pay for an extra little podcast to convince black Americans through the, the the mouth of Robin Roberts that they
really need this vaccine. And we'll bring in all our buddies, you
Unknown: talk about COVID-19 and those that have had it? Well, some people want to know I had, so I don't need to get vaccinated. true false.
Well, the reason
Adam: this is this is I think the core question. And not just that, actually, this is one of the core questions do you need to get vaccinated if
you've already had it, and
Unknown: why? So you talk about the COVID-19 and those that have had it? Well, some people want to know, okay, I've had it so I don't need to get
true, false.
John: Well, the reason the reason it's false, right? And is that we have found in now and we're getting more and more information, that the immunity
that's induced by prior infection is not as powerful or durable, as the immunity that you get from a good powerful vaccine is do
Adam: you think that a lie total horseshit, that cannot be true? And I don't know and show me the studies on
John: that. It's not as mentioned a couple of things. First of all, we already had clips on this saying that the that this, if you had MERS, for
example, or SARS, you you're 17 years in, you still have enough material to keep it going with this thing. With this vaccine. They're already talking
about six years, six months is craps out. You're gonna have a booster I mean, well, how does that jive with that? Now while that's going on, I don't
have didn't get the clips. But I because they were boring, but I'll tell you what was going on in England. They're actually studying this
specifically. And what they're studying is the if you hadn't How long is it going? How they're putting they're actually infecting people with variants
that have had the disease and who have been vaccinated is that the see is that Dr. Mengele
Adam: who is conducting
John: Dr. Mengele in England, they're doing this study at Oxford as a matter of fact, to be
Adam: sure. All right. And
John: so this is bullcrap. Totally. So he would he would this is this is a great clip, because he is saying that a vaccine does a better job. Why do
you have boosters Then why do you Why do people who get the disease never get it again? It just does. It just is unbelievable, is not as powerful or
durable, as the immunity that you get from a good powerful vaccine. In fact, a really, really interesting observation was made, that if you get
infected, and recover, and then you get a single boost of either the mRNA, from Pfizer or mardana, notice how you can now intermingle doesn't matter.
The amount of protection you get increases, many, many, many, many folds
Adam: science, many, many, many, many, many for what is that science,
John: so that you get this extraordinarily robust immune response of protection for six months. So if you want to be the most protected person would
likely be somebody who had a mild infection and then got vaccinated because the level of protection goes way, way, way when we do any mailings, that
people who have been infected and recovered, ultimately get vaccinated many, many, many
Adam: way, way. very scientific.
John: Why, why specifically? We did I'm sure she asked him this question, because it's the first thing that comes to mind. Why is the most protected
person, a person who got a mild infection, then the vaccine as opposed to someone who got a severe infection? And then the vaccine?
Adam: Why are you Why are you asking questions? Shut up.
John: Why is the most most protected person is what he said exactly what he said most protected person Yes, is a person who got a mild infection and
then a shot as opposed to someone who got a bad infection. Why is that person I think what he was the mild, the infected person, one more protected
Adam: what he didn't say, but what I feel he was alluding to, is if you get a mild infection, you only get mild immunity, which I don't think is
John: No.
Adam: But see, when you ask these questions, this is exactly the reason why we're here doing this podcast. But Robin Roberts is doing a podcast and
making a million dollars. Because you're not on board with the program.
John: I think I think she's because she's on Good Morning America. And she does this by she makes I think she makes well over $5 million a year.
Adam: There you go. Make me feel even worse. Sorry. But here's what I'd like to recommend to the powers that be to the government and to the
advertiser. The buyers, whoever put this deal together. You're idiots. This is not going to help anybody. This is not how you market vaccines to
people. You know what's really working? You know how we always say I know half of my marketing money is working. I just don't know which half I can
identify for you which half is working. Now this is part of the tick tock influencer campaign that Pfizer has been conducting we know we've heard
influencers themselves say relentlessly, they receiving 1000s of dollars to create fun content. Show the jab going into the arm. If you want to know
what works with America. Today, this is your dollars well spent Pfizer,
Unknown: Pfizer you got any head for shots,
sleeves up
are having so much
to do this again for my second shot.
Adam: Then there you go. That's, that's marketing right there. That's how you do it.
John: And you're right, it was probably $1,000 it could be a little more I mean, I instant they produce it,
Adam: you know, you can bear the video to go with it. So they could probably spend a little more
John: I've seen a highly produced tic tocs that are done for free by people that are just, there's people out there that are bored. And they can and
they got these tools. The tools are unbelievable. Yes, board and you can produce these there in the house or in the house. I get the tools. Give me
1000 bucks, I'll do this. All right. I mean that company Fiverr you can get pretty good stuff. Guy for five bucks. I
Adam: mean, come on. Alright, let's look at let's look at some of the free that there's a huge topic we need to talk about. I just want to run through
some of the free marketing or as we say, you know, just the additional that you just kind of get it because it's a good story in your mind as well.
ABC clearly got some cash. So let's go to ABC this week with George Stephanopoulos. And he is talking with Dr.
John: Fauci. We have seen vaccination rates level off coming a little bit off their highs from last couple of weeks, and you still see pockets of
people resisting the idea of mass vaccination. One of the most prominent skeptics is Republican Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin, let's show what he
had to say
Unknown: goodbye tells us that vaccines are 95% effective. So if you have a vaccine, quite honestly, what do you care if your neighbor has one or not?
What is it few you've got a vaccine and his science is telling you it's very, very effective. So what why is this big push to make sure everybody gets
a vaccine?
John: What's your response to that? Well, the fact is that people who have been infected in this country now and have died, if you look at the
numbers, there's been about 570,000 Americans have died. We have a highly efficacious and effective vaccine. That's really very, very safe. That is
the reason why you want everyone to get vaccinated. So I don't understand the argument. If I get vaccinated, George, and I'm protected that you George
don't have to get vaccinated. It doesn't make any sense. Really. The more people you get vaccinated, the more people you protect, and there is the
issue. When you get a critical number of people vaccinated. You really have a blanket of protection over the entire community.
Adam: It's called herd immunity. And it's not just from vaccines, but this is now changed, even scientists. He didn't say it outright herd immunity,
but we've heard it. Oh, no, you can only get herd immunity through vaccination. They're so desperate with a decline in people wanting this that they
brought out Collins underweight. First, they brought out Scott Gottlieb, who's, of course former FDA Commissioner, and CBS Face the Nation disclaimed
it. We go down
Unknown: to former FDA Commissioner Dr. Scott Gottlieb. He
sits on the board of Pfizer as well as
Illumina, and he joins us from Westport, Connecticut.
Adam: Not bad, not bad. Let's get into it. Can
Unknown: you give me your thoughts on vaccine hesitancy? There are concerns How concerned are you about those who don't want to get the vaccine,
including the second shot? Some
people aren't doing?
How concerned are you? And
Adam: what do you think can be done?
Unknown: Yes, I need to I think we need to break this down a little bit more. There are people who are clearly vaccine hesitant. People who you know,
are skeptical of vaccines worried about the safety of vaccines, I think some portion of those people we can reach with better education and getting
the vaccines in the hands of people that they trust, like their local physicians to try to encourage them to get vaccinated. But I think that there's
also a large group of people for whom getting a vaccine still isn't convenient. People who work all day take care of families at night. For those
individuals, we need to create more 24 seven vaccination sites, we need to guarantee them, they're not going to wait more than 10 minutes when they go
to get vaccinated. We need to encourage businesses to give people time off to get vaccinated. And then it was just softer demand. There's marginal
customers like there are for any other product. There's people who say, you know, I'll get vaccinated, but they're not as anxious to get vaccinated as
those 65 and seven year olds who lined up back in January, and for those individuals, look at it more aggressively to them. We need to put vaccines in
the hands of pharmacies that know how to market healthcare products to individuals, maybe pay pharmacies a little more over the next couple of months.
Bonus to get fascinated, do things to try to create incentives in the market to get more information out to those more Customers we will get more
people vaccinated but the rate of vaccination is going to slow. That's not a bad thing. We just need to recognize it. Yeah. And incentivize
Adam: it recognize it. They're worried they are worried. So they brought out Francis Collins, now he is Fauci, his boss, and he is on the Vatican's
Commission, the science commissioned to convince religious Christians, Catholics, evangelicals, that these vaccines are completely okay. You don't
have to worry about it all he is melding all those worlds together. So he comes on meet the press, and he gets the herd immunity question. I know, all
of you public health officials are resisting all of our questions when we say, what is when do we get to herd immunity? Right, I
John: understand a
Adam: moving target. It's a bit subjective, due to variants and things like this, you know, it only became subjective when Fauci was lying about it
and said, over first, I think was 55%. And he said, 95 and 7585, somewhere between 70 remember the whole Savannah Guthrie interview where he's just
all over the place, he started the confusion about what is enough herd immunity. But how risky or how much risk Do we have of not hitting herd
immunity? If we continue to have these vaccine hesitancy, right?
Unknown: Well, we have a serious risk. And the reason nobody will give you an answer, Chuck is because we don't really quite know with this particular
virus variants that are happening exactly what that number is, but it's up there around 70 85%. Better yet, you can see some places in the country
that are getting close to that, with a combination of having had a lot of cases COVID, which also provide you with some immunity plus the vaccines.
But there are other places that are way behind. And those are the places we all worry about as the next hotspot, you can see Michigan has gone through
a terrible time in the last month, they are now getting past that, which is really encouraging. But what's the next one, you can look at the map and
say, we're a vaccines lagging? Those are the places to worry about. And we could change that if we can really inspire everybody to get engaged. And
we're doing everything we can to make it easy to get vaccination at 90% of the country now lives within five miles of a site where you can get a
vaccination done. It's out there in the pharmacies, doctors are getting more engaged. It's not that difficult as it was at the beginning to get
yourself an appointment and to get into this immunized group, which is where I think most people really want to be.
Adam: You'll remember a long time ago, maybe maybe four years ago, people used to send their kids to parties so that they could get the measles. That
was how we created herd immunity. Instead of shooting up your kids, it wasn't even that long ago. And now Yeah, well, I know we had a lot of cases why
but you really everybody wants to be in the vaccinated group, don't you? You really do. So when will this thing be deemed safe when we when we
actually know when it's when the trials are done. Or we saw some announcements this week of a couple of university systems that are going to mandate
the vaccine in order to come on campus in order to things like this. And we know that there are other entities that would like to have vaccine
mandates, which you can't have a mandate under emergency use authorization, vaccines. What is the timetable, at least particularly with Madonna and
John: stop? They just go right through to a plow right through it. They say, Oh, the University of California, by the way, in Berkeley over here,
where I'm an alumni, they've done this. It's against the law. And they right there. He says, Well, you can't do with an emergency use authorization,
which is all these vaccines. And so yep. Why are they doing it? How are they doing it? Why is he not wanting to get away with it? Because no one? Do
they address this?
Adam: Let's listen to can't have a mandate under emergency use authorization for these vaccines. What is the timetable, at least particularly with
Madonna and Pfizer? Here generally when we should expect this to go from emergency use to formal approval?
Unknown: That is not a timetable that's been precisely just yet. Again, permanent approval, you need a certain number of months of follow up to look
at any possible late safety signals. There have not been any for Pfizer and moderna. But FDA is not quite there yet. I think that's a question for FDA
about when will they say this is enough? They need some other data. Also, it's kind of nitty gritty technical stuff about manufacturing. regulation
has to be provided. But we're not there. We will get there in the next few months. Meantime, I think if private organizations decide they want to put
forward a mandate, I'm not going to disagree with their approach. After all, vaccines are good for you. I'm certainly encouraging everybody who works
for me at the National Institutes of Health to get vaccinated, but I'm not mandating it. Think about it, though in the future though, for particularly
for people who are in healthcare and have interactions with vulnerable patients. We have been able to go in the door of saying you should get your flu
shot, I suspect the same will need to be the case for COVID. Once we're at the point where we no longer have this block about it being emergency use,
so people who are involved in health care, I expect that's where we're going.
Adam: So what he's saying is, who cares? Who cares? Just go get it. But the trials are not slated to end until 2023. And this is this is pretty well
known knowledge.
John: No, oh,
Adam: yeah. It's in all the documents. It's all there. But
John: nobody reads that I've never heard, oh, I've never heard expressed by these guys on meet the press. Well, I've never heard about animal trials,
Adam: also probably not going to ever hear it because we've lost something very important in the long term studies of these of these vaccines. And
these are not just willy nilly studies, these are studies that need to be done and completed in the proper way to get to that full authorization or at
least that's what is supposed to happen. That's what the process is. But turns out, we've lost the control group. The control group is the people who
did not receive the vaccination received a placebo to see how they do versus all the other people down the line. That is that is the correct way to
perform a long term study
Unknown: vaccine. Scientists hope that the volunteers will stay in this study for two years. Participants provide periodic nose swabs and sometimes
saliva samples to see if they've been infected. And they also give blood So scientists can better understand how the vaccine is providing protection.
Matt was one of about 650 volunteers who took the experimental moderna vaccine at a company called Johnson County clinical trials in Lenexa, Kansas.
Dr. Carlos Fierro, who runs the study there says every participant was called back after the Food and Drug Administration authorized the vaccine.
during that visit, we discussed the options, which included stay in the study without receiving the vaccine. And amazingly, there were people, couple
of people who chose that he suspects
those individuals got spooked by rumors about the vaccine. But everybody else who had the placebo shot went ahead and got the actual vaccine. So no
Fierro has essentially no comparison group left for the ongoing side
it's a loss from a scientific standpoint, but given the circumstances I think it's the right thing to do.
Adam: Are you kidding me? Given the circumstances
John: the same guys who pound the drum for science pound pound pound the journal Science and this is science to them?
Adam: A given the circumstances it was the right thing to do to lose the control group so they can possibly effectively determine
John: over they've the whole study is dead. It's no good.
Adam: And there may be good reason for that because there's a lot of weird crap happening so weird. In fact, this is happening in Florida this
morning. A new challenge and the race to vaccinate. A private school in Miami says it won't employ teachers who get the shot and email to staff saying
if you want to get the vaccine, please wait until the school year ends. And you will not be able to return to school until clinical trials are
complete. If a position is still available at that time,
Unknown: this is completely irresponsible. It is
Adam: spreading rumors about something that is completely unfounded. The school's policy is based on false claims about the vaccine. Some parents say
is too late to pull their kids out because they already paid the $30,000 tuition. flabbergasted. I was wondering if it was even illegal. The school's
co founder says recently vaccinated people to be near our students until more information is known. Just man
John: are you gonna run into the Northrop Eclipse Northrop.
Adam: Now I don't know what Northrop is.
John: I don't know what that's about because I I've got to follow up tips to what you just played. No,
Adam: I need to I need to go in here now. Is this about Okay, is this what is what is just towards the north sort of clips are what is
John: this that it's the core rationale for keeping the kids away from that vaccinated? teachers.
Adam: Okay, let's leave that. Let's do that. Where is it?
John: Well, first of all, I got to play a prelude clip, which is this clip, which is a nut ball podcast or going on about stuff. And this is the pie
says podcaster on COVID shot. And then we go to the Christiane Northrup clips, by the way, yeah, play the podcaster.
Unknown: So this was a post that I saw on Facebook, this was the start to actually for me of realizing that something was going on. So like I said,
it's anecdotal But someone posted this and it said hundreds of 1000s of women are reporting having very unusual menstrual cycles after being around
someone who took the jab multiple periods in just one month blood clots, excruciating pain, not having a period at all. And even women in menopause
are now starting to bleed, which usually indicates cancer. I'm gonna pause right there and ask you guys if you remember I pet goat is circa 2003, I
think was the first time I saw it. It blew everybody away. It's a prophetically strange channeled piece of art, the author and creator of it even
said, he doesn't even know why he created what he created. It just came to him. And there is a pretty significant moment in that where an elderly
woman is struck by something spiritually profound, it seems, and starts bleeding again. And I just kept thinking of that scene when I was reading
this. But anyways, I just wanted to throw that out there for those of you who know. So people, women in menopause are now starting to bleed which
usually indicates cancer. I having had pre cervical cancer, know that that's true. I also have other women who just bleed at random times. Cervical
cancer and other problems that women are carrying like crazy miscarriages or up to 400%. Okay, stop before and I'm not gonna
Adam: do any clips. I'm gonna let you go straight into it because I think we disagree on this. I'm basing that on an email thread that went back and
John: Good. I hope so. But I this woman, though you just played is the exactly kind of screw ball that comes on and just goes nuts or something.
Adam: Okay, okay. Okay, so had ad No, ad Tina, the keeper to the screwball category? Because, and she's been hearing the same stories from people she
sees during the day. All she is and you and I have no we don't we don't talk to women that way. We we don't we know who the hell that we're the only
women we see our wives and daughters. That's it. And, and just as a as a side note, I pretty much know that almost no one who really had anything
really severe from COVID. I know a lot of people who have had something severe from the vaccine. But this idea that unvaccinated women went around
women who are vaccinated are having weird things happen. Anecdotally, Tina was at her health professional. And there was a new rule change that you
cannot show up at the office unless you have been fully vaccinated plus two weeks. The reason being that just just this week, one of her patients 67
showed up she's clearly postmenopausal. He's now bleeding. And both of the unvaccinated receptionists in this office have been bleeding, clumping
things that you've been hearing about. clump, it's I mean, you know, when women have their cycle, it's not just Okay, I know, I know you don't like
it, but it's important. No, I'm
John: not. I'm not arguing against this. You're missing my whole point. Okay.
Adam: You have no point yet. You're gonna make it.
John: I'm gonna make the point. But the point is, is that they're crazy podcasts. And you at this point,
Adam: no, and my wife could go at my wife and your wife, your calling are crazy.
John: Are all exhibiting the problem that we had with with Dr. Ho TEF, which is that you're not doctors. You got nothing to do with it. There's no way
oh, this is all bullcrap.
Adam: Oh, well, of course. Then Tina is completely unqualified to speak about menstruation, menstruation,
John: or menstruation,
Adam: or men's men's ratio. So
John: let's go to this woman Dr. Krishna and now she is just let's just go start with the four partner. This is Christian Northrup. This is hard to
find By the way, this is her background or this is clip one and this just tells us who she has. Yeah, maybe she's gone nuts because some people call
her a quack now but let's listen to this. Just hear who she is just so you know.
Adam: Yes, I have these clips will do all yours. I appreciate that. We are on the same train. The ob gyn physician
Unknown: went to Dartmouth Medical School did my residency at Tufts, New England Medical Center in Boston. I was a clinical assistant professor of ob
gyn for 25 years at the University of Vermont College of Medicine. I'm at the I'm the author of three New York Times bestsellers including this Bible
of women's health called women's bodies women's wisdom, loaded with peer reviewed literature and my experience on the front lines of Mind Body
medicine when it comes to women. For many, many years I was on The Oprah Winfrey Show 10 times I did eight highly successful public television
specials which raised millions of dollars for Public Television. In 2013. I was one of the Reader's Digest 100 most trusted people in America and now
into 2021 I am one of the 12 disinformation dozen along with those of us accused of 70% of the disinformation about vaccines on the internet, which is
an astounding fall from grace until you understand who is determining what grace
Adam: is. So clearly she's completely this woman talking about that she's part of the disinfo dozen, which is a list I'd like to be on.
John: Do we have that list?
Adam: No. But we need it.
John: Didn't know who they are. Now the problem now here's where the problem comes in. But Dr. hotep Db makes a stink about the fact that this
information is coming from God knows who the the Russians. Yes. And he says that accurate targeted counter messaging from the global health community
now this woman seems to me even though she's again, maybe practice a little bit too much natural medicine. To be a good doctor. She should just be
drug oriented. But she seems to be in the category of someone that we can play clips from without worrying about it
Adam: cuz she's a science. She's She's she has Crick, she's,
John: she's been around the block and she seems to be a practicing doctor, unlike Dr. hotep. New, I do not believe is practicing. I could be wrong,
though. I may give him that. But he's a scary looking guy with a bow tie.
Adam: If I may, for a moment if it if anybody, CBS News, a dozen anti vaccine accounts are responsible for 65% of misinformation shared online. So we
do have the list and I'll put it in the show notes includes Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. He's part of the dis information doesn't.
John: Yes, yes. Yes. Okay. I think I've seen that. Let's not you mentioned it. Yeah. All right. So let's listen to what this woman has to say.
Adam: nutjob the crazy woman who was part of the crazy one with
John: all the creds she's got. She's got a bio that's as long as your arm.
Unknown: Having studied the menstrual cycle, our connection with creativity, our connection with the moon, I am rather horrified at what's been going
on around this. Now I already knew this is a report here from lifesite News 1000s of reports of menstrual irregularities and reproductive dysfunction
following COVID vaccines. So the media is focused on blood clots. But then we had suddenly, all of these women and a friend of mine today literally
sent me a picture of what came out of her body, she's a woman in her 30s entire decidual casts they're called meaning that the entire inside of the
uterus just sloughs off decidua meaning like deciduous trees that shed their leaves. The menstrual cycle is one of the indices of health. So we know
that a regular menstrual cycle that's every 25 to 30 days is considered one of the ways that we determine a woman's health. And when suddenly, you
have 1000s of people all over the world, many of whom have not been vaccinated but have been around those who have, we begin to wonder Now we already
know that polysorbate 80, which is included in these shots can adversely affect ovarian function and it shut down ovarian function in rats. We also
know that many, many women have become infertile as a result of the Gardasil vaccine, which I spoke out about in 2006. For Winfrey Show, there are
things called pheromones that are secreted by the African sweat glands in the pubic area and under the armpits, those regulate women's menstrual
cycles. That's the pheromones are why we think women have periods at the same time when they're all living together in close proximity. There's so
many things that affect the menstrual cycle
Adam: science. I love it.
John: I may have had a comment here, but this has moved to clip three.
Unknown: But the reports that we are getting are not only swelling of the genitals or erectile dysfunction in males, what scrotum swelling problems of
this nature breast irregularities, all of that. This is from the the yellow card voluntary program in England. But we don't have any database right at
this very moment. Formal database for these abnormalities that are occurring when you're simply around someone who's been who's had this shot. So My
feeling on this is that there's some kind of bio weapon. weapon that that the body is now succeeding, transmitting as it were, as you said, Sherry,
from somebody who's had the shot, because what here's what we know, this is not a normal immunization, it is in fact, something that causes the body
to make a synthetic protein against a SARS, COVID to spike protein, it is a synthetic protein that's never been seen. And the body begins to produce
this as a factory. It doesn't shut off. I mean, I've had people say, Well, you know, maybe in two weeks, that will stop, there is no way this is going
to stop because it's made your body into a factory for an aesthetic protein, protein that's never been seen before. That theoretically, can be in your
saliva, urine, feces, sweat, seminal fluid, blood flatus, maybe. And so when you're around a person, then I think this is coming out of their bodies,
and possibly adversely adversely affecting the most delicate hormonal system, I mean, to get pregnant and stay pregnant. And nor is an enormously
complex problem of system. And we know that that spike protein antibody, cross reacts with what's called since seiten, one and two. And those are
proteins absolutely essential for the placenta for fertilization for maintaining a pregnancy, we now have women who are miscarrying. They are unable
to get pregnant, they're having heavy bleeding. We don't know why.
Adam: You know, for 14 months, whatever it's been, I have not been worried at all. But now to know that this is happening, and nice to add in the
erectile dysfunction, now I'm freaked out. And I'm most worried for my from my wife and my daughter, my step daughters.
Unknown: What the hell Well, you're
John: one step daughter's got the shots. So she's worried.
Adam: So that's the next question. If you if you get the shot, then you don't have any of these problems.
John: Well, if you get this the way her theory is, well, let's listen to the last thing we'll discuss. Okay.
Unknown: Something is being produced by the body of a vaccinated person that is possibly adversely affecting others, and it is of great concern to me.
Adam: Oh, man, what to turn the tables. What? flip flop,
John: we get to call all the vaccinated the infected zombies. Now, the thing is, that's what this is what it counts, because there was no other reason
for that school to do what it did.
Adam: Other than that, no, no.
John: So what we have here is a situation that is frightening. And it's
Adam: your team has been saying this for two weeks. He's saying, Hey, I'm hearing this stuff. I don't I don't really want to be around vaccinated
people right now. And most of our friends are vaccinated. And I was just hugging a vaccinated person yesterday.
John: Oh, you'll never get a hard on again.
Adam: Let me try.
John: Now, you open it, sorry, I am sorry. I apologize to the audience. Personally for even thinking that was a funny joke. But this is this is not a
good situation. And this is probably the most repressed thing and this woman to go back to Dr. Hotez is the classic example of the community of
educated doctors. She's She's not a slouch. She even Robert F. Kennedy Jr. I could say okay, well, he's an expert because he's been involved with
this. But he's, he's know much more of a doctor than Dr. Bill Gates. You know, neither one of us so we can just take those two and throw them in it
throw him on to the to the curb. This woman that does not qualify as just a slouch. She's too well educated and she's too experienced and there's
others. The doctors in the Fresno rely at places these days, the women doctors and men, doctors, all doctors that have come and gone and come and gone
and had been kicked off Twitter for saying different things. Now we have this and again, what do we what more I mean, on our show, for example, all we
doing is playing clips from from experienced doctors.
Adam: Yeah, no, no, there's a disinformation doesn't So that doesn't count. No, no, no. Q anon bro. Get your get your head together man.
John: So this bio weapon being exuded by people who've had the Madonna or Pfizer vaccine one or the other.
Adam: That's a scary notion. Damn.
John: That's a great idea for a weapon. So it's it's almost a science fiction. It is a science fiction story and a good one.
Adam: So now what do you do? Well, so now we need to understand what you know. So now we have these vaccinated human pheromone exuding spike protein
factories, which will be that way for forever. Unless they get a new mRNA system upgrade or can you roll back your key go back to the previous version
of your body ugly
John: tech? I think technically you can I I've talked to Jean guy and people that are talking about gene therapy toys, I think, Drew another shot
Adam: that maybe that's what the maybe that's what the booster is. Oh, wow. So how about this boosters? Okay,
John: let's turn this baby off. Oh, Mike, we've done the damage, we need to do this. We'll drop the population by 20%. We can now we can kill it now.
Adam: And we can't even prove it because we've cancelled the control groups. Maybe this is why they're so desperate. It's like. So there's two ways to
go. No, maybe there's only one way to go. Everyone has to get vaccinated so we can force the booster on them. Because that turns it back. Now I'm just
being a conspiracy therapist here. But this not being addressed. And
John: again, conspiracy theory therapists. Is that a new term that you just made up?
Adam: No, I've used this several times. That's what I am.
John: Oh, I like the term.
Adam: Thank you. I again, I heard so little about people having we had a few people who had COVID were sick, recovered, okay. To around us who died,
you know, and there was all kinds of underlying conditions age being one of them. You know, so this is what happens people die and it's all amplified
and what happens with the flu and so that to me, felt relatively normal higher than than then than typical. But the amount of people I know
personally, who have had severe issues after the vaccination bad Chad in Colorado, I mean, she's just like, many strokes his his partner is now
permanently diabetic with all kinds of stuff happening and then this I've heard this so many times in the past few weeks. Now it feels pretty real.
And, and if that's not being reported on then for the first time, I think ever I really think that there's some trouble here that that that could be
pretty bad.
John: Well, if any of this is remotely in play, the media is going to have a lot he has a lot to answer for. There'll be no as all pushed by the media
Adam: be no one to answer for God knows what's gonna
John: happen with this a good point. Yeah, I know. So but with men was like ruin the vaccine first came out. I said, This joke on the show God, my
wife, Mimi says, No, she says, I'm not taking the vaccine. I saw I Am Legend. I know how this is gonna end. Well.
Adam: Oh, my goodness. Well, that's interesting, because I thought that I saw an email thread and you were pushing back, but maybe I just misread it.
It was this morning. Because I had not for I had one clip of these doctors is I guess we probably got the same email.
John: I know. I've got an email. I know I got Yes, I got the email linking to this woman. I picked up another clip on the same site on rumble. rumble
This was on the hidden knowledge. Oh, no, I
Adam: got it on rumble.
John: We may have had,
Adam: but her her her credentials are there. she of course has been discredited. And you know, obviously if the mainstream is going to report on this.
Well, she does she know she does moon medicine because she said something about the moon.
John: Yeah, yeah, that's what that they've done the same thing with that friendship. Nobel Prize winning guy who first identified this, this COVID
thing is a lab lab based virus. And they do the same thing with him. They because he has some ideas that are not mainstream, but he's got the creds.
So what we do now don't By the way, you writers who's who science writers.
Adam: So what what will happen now, seeing the high incidence of this happening around me as a sample of one very small I'm a hermit, I don't get out
much so something's going on. It won't be long before we have a Judy bleeding or we have Savannah Guthrie clumping, or someone's going to speak up
about this because it's going to happen to these women as well.
John: They've all been vaccinated. So when
Adam: you vaccinated it doesn't happen only when you get only when you have the
John: you have your normal COVID bad reactions from the vaccine and everything else is normal. But this situation they're talking about and the one
that you anecdotally discussed about the two unvaccinated receptionists it's happening to them they're not vaccinated, so fewer aren't vaccinated.
Well, that happens issues.
Adam: Well, now all of a sudden I think it's very important that we have vaccine passports everybody should have one because I want to see if you've
been vaccinated or not. Yeah, so Show
John: me your card your hand I wouldn't even do a fist bump.
Adam: I mean, wow. Yeah. It's a bio weapon. Holy crap.
John: Well, I have to say it's nuts. And that's why I put honk the horn in there. Which is by the way, I thought you had the same clips because you
did say you thought you had these clips but you didn't I didn't have my clips will always have a production note that might
Adam: I didn't get I didn't get to the bio weapon part that that part I had. Didn't get to. Wow, yeah.
John: And that great.
Adam: No, it sucks balls. But there you go.
John: Balls who needs this activity? And with that, I'd like to thank you
Adam: for your courage and say in the morning to you the man who put the sea in the clumps. JOHN c. devorah. You're gonna catch me off guard. I mean,
after the after you throw all that crap at me. I don't think so. I'm good.
Unknown: Blue Ribbon. Yay. Yay. Yay. Yay. Yay. All right.
John: Almost 10 o'clock time for a paps? Yes. Hey,
Adam: it's it's 10am somewhere
John: in graphene, the dames and knights out there
Adam: band in the morning to the trolls and the troll room Hey, trolls, how you doing? It is actually it is actually a 1111 which is kind of nicely
where you are. The trolls are the troll room. No agenda stream calm. They hands up trolls. Let me count you for a second what we have today on this
Thursday's 1758 56 trolls. All in attendance. They're listening to the stream. And that's how it works with the troll room is a 24 seven chat room you
roll up there no agenda stream calm. Yeah, just sign in. And you can troll along chat along to anything that's live. But there's also podcasts that
run on that in between the live shows. And you can comment on that or just chat and hang out and talk about whatever's going on in the world. It's a
great place to be and you can always move the conversation over to no agenda, social calm or federated mastodon instance, which we're allowing to be
open for new registrations up to 10,000. So far, everyone seems to be playing nicely. It seems that. Yeah, just the community has grown. We will cap
it at 10,000. And then we'll wait until we have a few more accounts to purge them. We'll reopen it. We want to keep it at that to keep it small enough
to be manageable and we need to have more. More instances that are connected and are federating with us Gitmo dot life is one of them. But I see more
and more people who have a mastodon account, who just started following you and I at John Dvorak had no agenda, social comm were follow at Adam at no
agenda, social calm, and then you will automatically start getting a lot of these threads and conversations is how the Federation works. So please
check that out. Then while you're doing that. Seeing as the apple database is still wonky, podcasts are falling down all over the place. They're not
accessible in apps. There's a whole bunch of podcasting 2.0 apps that you can try out that use podcasts index.org Today, I'm just going to highlight
one every every show just to tell you this other stuff out there today pod friend comm check that one out. And the next show will tell you about
another one. We just need to get exposure to these apps because podcasting is under pressure CAC. I don't want to say apples attacking podcasting. But
yes, it podcasting is under attack is under
John: an overt attack. It's just by accident,
Adam: it is by accident, but there's a lot of money,
John: like if you get into World War Three by falling into the red button, you know,
Adam: that's, that's an interesting analogy. So please support some of these new podcast apps new podcast apps calm. And then we want to thank the
artist, which you can see now in any of these apps for Episode 1341, the title of That was bunny hugging. And as I open up the show notes here Oh
yeah, I'm actually surprised that this didn't get us that this didn't get some kind of deep platforming somewhere and this was done by correct direct
card it was the correct vaccination site and funeral home is one of my favorite pieces. I love the no agenda font and type I love the little ask us
about our combo deals insert our names in the flowers and flowers up daisies we saw this is like well, and I think we even said what if anything gets
us kicked off Twitter? I think I'm so shadow banned on Twitter that it doesn't even Yeah,
John: they don't even notice it don't give a show. No, we did we did discuss with cuz we picked it because it's just stands out because and this is
one of the This one was picked because it's so funny. And so we picked it out. And it was all the little details like that little combo deal. I didn't
even notice until you pointed it out. But that's the first thing I said this has got if anything's going to get us at least bumped for one, one post.
It would be this because it's it's making it implies that you get a vaccine and you're dead. Which implies
Adam: that would be in violation of some standard violation of
John: the rules. Say that nothing
Adam: happened nothing happened.
John: I think images help so yes, that was a very funny piece Now there were some other pieces that were good but
Adam: well honors Yes. honorary mentioned for no mask land. We have a newsletter. Yeah, very nice piece.
John: No mask land, which is a reference to Nomad land, which is a movie you should watch. It's a very good movie. Yeah. Is was a good piece and I
used it
Adam: and let's see what else we have COVID Dodgers and there were some other knives and bunny stuff it was it was perfect. It was and I think other
artists saw it and went Oh, okay. Alright,
John: I don't know what that means. They artists stills you know or who they are.
Adam: Artists are who
John: they are man. One of the things there's you know, I can be funnier than that.
Adam: be digested I can I can take care of that. So we thank correct to record very much. You can see all of these pieces of artwork at no agenda art
generator comm for Paul couture kindly runs that for us. And we're very appreciative. And this shows up often on mugs, t shirts, hats, all kinds of
stuff over no agenda shop.com who sent me? Let me see what they sent me. They sent me two of their masks, which are the double mask imprint over them.
John: It looks like two masks. That's the greatest mask ever.
Adam: It's a good mask. It's a very good mask.
John: It looks like to mask, by the way was Parker Paulie who did the no mask land.
Adam: And thank you, and thank you, of course correct to record, you will receive credit as do and that is part of how the show has worked for in our
14th year now. It's the value for value model. You are the producers. You're not listeners. We stopped calling you listeners like show five I think so
No, we're producing, you're producing we're doing it together. And that has set the tone and you deliver time talent, treasure, whatever, you have to
offer the three T's of the V four v model and we'd like to thank our executive producers and associate executive producers now who are coming in with
the treasure and support the show financially, which keeps it all rolling along helps us pay bills. Alright, so
John: we have first starter and you're going to read this note. This is from an incident Baron crack came in with $3,333.33 which is a handsome
number, a very handsome number
Adam: and does he have a reason for this? Is it in his note crapola?
John: Yes, it is he he's a Bitcoin millionaire so
Adam: Oh, that helps. Let's see Baron crack that way you will be barren. Phoenix Arizona. Hey guys, needs to be retired But hey, okay, Baron crack
here loser. Oh,
John: and by the way he wrote he wrote he wrote that
Adam: Baron crack here lording over Arizona and Cabo Cabo baby Cabo. It's been a long few months, I've missed the donation I had planned for show 1333
So I hope this makes up for on show 1342 my whole family got COVID my wife went to the hospital for a gallbladder issue ironically after the Poke,
just like what her father had happened to him when he came down with COVID and got the poke at the same time. Coincidence? I think not. My 92 year old
father with fast moving memory issues ended up in the hospital after passing out as well. Non COVID related. Well, those are some images I'd love to
forget. I thought that Reaper was coming but thankfully he's And okay and with the memory issues is like nothing happened according to him which is
one small upside wanting to wish you guys love and light and thank you again for being the most real thing out there it truly feels like Twilight Zone
episodes that won't end anyways and he says retire that one too well i think that i don't think we can that's up to you. I'm going all in on my
independent Pre Owned fancy word for clunker haha luxury car company and expanding it to go nationwide nationwide online retailer like carvanha and
room but luxury cars looking for that penny stock for a reverse merger and raise limit but luxury cars. I'm looking for that penny stock for reverse
merger and raise capital any thoughts Adam? No, buy my Mazda. Any great karma for success would be appreciated and dealer's choice and other clips.
Also an offer to any and all of your fans if they want an honest to my detriment car dealer and a great product. I'll offer your devote as a cost plus
option to buy a car of their choosing. We can usually find anything get it delivered to their door. Scottsdale Auto group.com is my company Scottsdale
Auto group.com I never knew how bad almost everyone in this business is when I started five years ago, a deception lies etc. So I'm here to help
anyone even for advice buying cars. If it's at another store good karma goes a long way. Oh, and I thought of a way to shorten these notes not mine.
Apparently, you get to write a note but it can only be $2 or word or $2 from millennials. But in my case, I could have written a Glenn Greenwald note
so I get credit. Hi. Love you guys. I'd love to meet for the Obama beer summit at my shop in Scottsdale Arizona and host a no agenda meetup. I'll
cater with food and DJ just find time where you too can attend. We can make it a blowout. Now. How did you how did you oh wait there's more here. Oh,
today April 29 is my birthday so akarma shout out to all your producers and listeners we only have producers Baron crack on the way to Grand Duke or
bust. So how do you know he's a Bitcoin Millionaire?
John: Uh I did note I saw had some reference Oh, I could be wrong I could be wrong, but but he's got some Bitcoin action. And let me say this if
you're looking for penny stock reverse merger Horowitz and I can help you out with that as long as we were in on it Yes. Hello
Adam: Can I be friends and family on that deal
John: on OTC penny stocks What are you doing? You don't even have to be friends and family. That is not how you do it you do it by being via first
getting in early getting in before the spec is formed. And
Adam: the spec Yeah, he's talking spec right ladies and gentlemen back baby
John: you they're already starting to die off but there's still a good idea it's still it's you could still kill with it.
Adam: Ladies and gentlemen you came for the deconstruction you stay for the penny stocks back. So we'll give you some massive karma and this one will
probably help you you probably ended all hell is gonna break loose and you're gonna need a Bitcoin.
Unknown: You've got karma. Wow.
Adam: Thank you so much that that makes my day.
John: You know, I just he didn't specifically say Insta Baron on there is even on the list. Oh, Crikey.
Adam: I would think so.
John: I would think not.
Adam: He's not well, this will not stand. That's weird. Well, I'm putting him on.
John: But I mean, I don't think he's a Baron already.
Adam: Is he not doing what it? No,
John: not that I know of? I so I think it should be barend Insta Baron today. Yeah. That's what he's getting. Which means you have the knight him.
Yes, first. Yeah. Okay. Okay. All right. I could be wrong, but it doesn't hurt to do these things.
Adam: No, no, it doesn't. Not.
John: Now with this kind of money.
Adam: Thank you so much, man. That is. I'm kind of speechless. That was
Unknown: very rare. He
John: saved the show. I would say thank you. Why if it were a vermes vacuums, or worms, but I think very, very Burmese or Burmese could be a lot of
different things. Because he's if he's in Germany, I pronounce it correctly. But he's in Phoenix. But he's not in Phoenix. And if it was in Phoenix,
Arizona, I'd pronounce it correct. But no, no. He's in Phoenix, Oregon. It was says me I didn't know I had no idea. I never heard of Phoenix, Oregon.
But he came in with $666.67 which I think was memorable. I know john hates long notes. I'll keep this short. This donation will bring me to knighthood
by one penny.
Adam: Oh, I'm gonna take that one for once I get to put it in my pot. Okay, yeah, put it in the other go and go
Unknown: the other way with it. I got it. I
John: would like to be titled as sir. worms. Where's w e r m e s of Rocklin. Also one question, what are the three most important things when trying
to woo a woman? Thank you for your courage. No jingles, no karma. Kay, thanks. Bye, he. Okay, those
Adam: are the three things right there. If you want to move woman today, a woman you know, then all you have to say is Okay, thanks. Bye. That's what
seems to work the Instant recognition. I'm going to give him some karma anyway, even though he didn't want it. I'm giving it to him.
John: In karma,
Adam: there's a woman willing Whoa,
John: whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Adam: Wow, that that reminds me of something.
John: Whoo.
Adam: Yeah. Yeah, it reminds me of this. Once you put together Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Unknown: Whoa, whoa,
Adam: whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Chris, what's his name? Chris Haynes.
John: Yeah, that will will will. Nicholas Vega volgen feller, another Deutschen name in Havana. degrace Maryland. 33333 Thank you for your courage
good karma for the Gypsy gang.
Unknown: You've got
John: dirt farmer in Genesco 333 Genesco Illinois. Sir dirt farmer checking in here jingle request cam trails Obama you might die and Boogie Boogie
Boogie with some more two D two karma ITM jets after receiving a pop up reminder. On my work computer of 33 reminders photo attached. I took it as an
indicator to donate to the show this indicator was good that I've been collecting these photos by the way at 333. This indicator was cemented as the
bill from our family dinner takeout the same day was three 333 35 close enough. As a part time farmer I'd really appreciate some farming karma for the
year for myself and the other farmer producers. I greatly appreciate the show and all your efforts that helps me stay sane in this crazy world loving
lit, sir dirt farmer.
Adam: So you're collecting those photos. I'm thinking what a beautiful tashan Coffee book that would make the book of 33 Oh, a nice nice big exit
strategy. Anybody?
Unknown: You've got
John: to let you have this one. Yeah,
Adam: I'm not gonna read it all because he goes into a lot of numbers which just are not pertinent. But this is Mr. Da Ballina, Mr. Bob da Ballina,
who we missed on his last note. I attempted to send the note last week, but pay pal was giving me a hard time limiting what I could cut and paste.
Yeah, there is a limitation for a reason. Anyway, you gentlemen are doing God's work. And I'm grateful for the effort and insight you bring to each
show. Now let's talk. I was perusing a multitude of data points in an attempt to contextualize the miniscule amounts of murders annually committed by
rifles, which is less than 400. A year by the way, when it came upon some numbers that may be ill and horrified question, how does this country
pretend to be giving a flying f about the number of COVID deaths when we as a nation abort? Roughly 1 million babies a year please? Yeah, last year,
probably because of COVID was down a year to 865,000 deaths, our biggest years were nearly 1.4 million. I mean, they're asking us to wear masks get
vaccines and get Vax passports, while Planned Parenthood is over here aborting over 350,000 babies a year, and where the hell is BLM on this issue?
You sound like Twitter now my friend, okay, just saying you sound like Twitter, nearly 3040 30% to 40% of all babies executed are black babies. So he
goes into a very, very long rant about this. And I think there's no no argument from our side. And I'm in fact, I'm a little surprised that he's just
now kind of realizing this. More Moreover, and I think I didn't play the clip. Let me just see if I even had one. But Planned Parenthood. It has not,
you know, played here this this will. Instead of reading two minutes of the rest of your note I'm going to play 45 seconds of this clip.
Unknown: Planned Parenthood of Greater New York is removing the name of Margaret Sanger, a founder of the national organization from its Manhattan
clinic. The abortion provider says he made the decision because of angers quote harmful connections to the eugenic Movement pro lifers are responding.
In a statement Susan B. Anthony list says quote, the next step for Planned Parenthood is recognizing that Margaret Sanger, his racist legacy continues
Adam: Know how many times we talked about that on this show dating back to maybe Episode 10 that we were called out as horrible people and full of
John: But the fact that Margaret Sanger was a do gooder, who was largely invited by the black community to help promote what she did when she began,
it was all about rubbers. prophylactics Hmm, you couldn't get them they were illegal and all this is her. Her game was prophylaxis prophylaxis, and
then she you know, and it was birth control. That was the whole game. She was wrangled into becoming like looking like a boakes hole for the eugenics
movement which is again American. And it was bullcrap. She was never that person. She was actually a nice guy type of person. If you read a roll
Wikipedia entry, you get a good get some sense of this. And that's what she was received was misbranded by the right wingers.
Adam: But that's what's
John: the target. There's no reason for it. And now they're your own organization. Yes. Is Yes, it's kicked her out to the curb, as the board says
like, this is exactly like, like Amy Goodman, kicking Glenn Greenwald to the curb. After all the good work he did for her show.
Adam: Let's just, I'll just finish this because they take it a little further continues
Unknown: today, as abortion continues to disproportionately impact minority communities, especially the black community. Joining me now on Skype to
talk more about this is Dr. Angela Franks, author of the book, Margaret Sanger is eugenics legacy and professor of theology at St. John's Seminary in
Boston. Dr. Franks, welcome to the show. So glad to have you. Let's start right there with the legacy of Margaret Sanger, for people not familiar with
the term eugenics, what exactly is it?
The eugenics movement divided people up into either the so called fit or unfit based on their genetic health and capability and Sanger completely
bought into that movement, it really had its heyday between the 19 teens and really up through World War Two, and she was an active part of that
movement. Oh,
Adam: I know why they have to do this now. Because they don't want anyone thinking about eugenics when it comes to the vaccinated to the vaccine, it's
much easier to see, I am not I again, I'm pro vaccine passports. You cannot approach me unless me You show me your Vax pass. Mm hmm.
John: If you don't get a vaccine is what is what you why, yeah, yeah. What does that what you're saying, you're gonna have to take this little further
choice. I'm
Adam: saying I want if someone approaches me, I want to see that. I want to see their vaccination pass, so I can keep them away.
John: No, but you want it they should be able to have a vaccinate nation pass it says I did not get the vaccine.
Adam: Yeah. How about just I'm happy. I'm not wearing a mask and I get a T shirt with a big smiley face. And I'm looking at you like I'm still shocked
by that. Anyway,
John: Aaron, and I almost said it yesterday. Didn't.
Adam: We do want to thank Alexander Pellegrino very much for his donation. He's from San Diego, California can't be easy living there. And we clearly
and you probably there's some good episodes we've done on Planned Parenthood. And we appreciate your support of the best podcasting universe gonna
give you a little bit of goat there. You've got
Unknown: karma
John: they pull one of those cancer culture things on Sanger, you know, canceling somebody in the past. I find it to be discussed. It is my word.
Adam: I know who this is.
John: Oh, I'm sorry. Did I miss it?
Adam: No, no, no, no, no, I this is the gay couple that we had dinner with when they were in Austin.
John: Jake missing a note.
Adam: No, no, Jacob, Jacob. It was Jacob and not Jacob or
John: Oh, I'm sorry. Okay. Jacob Kitson? Yes. in Provincetown, Massachusetts. 330 333. He says, As a former CTO and Silicon Valley employee, one of my
favorite segments of the show is OTG OTG. Going OTG. We got some we need more of these. Yeah. Regardless of any we should do more unboxing regardless
of any personal stance on social media, studies have shown that taking a break for a while can be good for your health and your mood. That's the
science I'm inviting everyone to join. Just unplugged just unplugged challenge and just let the social media go dark for two weeks. Could you imagine?
No jingles, no karma all the best? Well,
Adam: we wholly support that, of course, and go without television for two weeks while you're at it that might help. Thank you very much. Kelly
Santini $300.33 from St. Joseph, Minnesota. In the morning, gentlemen, please de-douche me ben de douche to my second donation which is somewhat of a
protocol violation but Okay, thanks for keeping it real with your awesome insight and much needed deconstruction. I'd like some new job karma and
continued relationship karma couples that no agenda together stay together a john please add me to the wine list. And if you have any recipes for
cocktails that include Gropper, I'm all ears my dad passed recent passed away recently, and I inherited several bottles. For jingles. I love it when
JC D says Oh brother, and Adam says fantastic. You guys have the best Kelly Santini from St. Joseph. So we can we can do that and essential needs some
new jobs karma. I have a new jobs karma which is put together for us. So I guess you do the old brother I say fantastic. And we hit the jobs karma.
John: Oh, brother
Adam: fantastic. jobs, jobs, jobs, jobs, jobs, jobs. You've got karma. We got to do Joe and then Joe, Joe. By the way, the best. The best promotion
for this show was what happened last night at twitter. My Twitter exploded when President Biden did jobs.
Unknown: jobs jobs
Adam: he didn't he didn't job job.
John: Love it taps jobs jobs. Right. Thank you. Sir Donald the fireballs. Meanwhile, in Spokane Valley, Washington 246 90. sends a note in dear john
and Adam I feel myself drifting towards douchebaggery. To stop this I enclose a check for double 12345 which is his normal donation to send in on
Federation letterhead. I'm a bit older than john but have not received a COVID vaccine due to their ethical problems. baiser Madonna and j&j have all
been tested using cell lines from aborted fetuses, j&j is manufactured using yet another cell line from another aborted fetus. Okay. I would get,
you're going to be ethical, and you're going to do it that way. It's what you have to do. I would gladly receive an ethical COVID vaccine. Why?
Several in several in are used around the world but the FDA has not authorized any of them. To Donald with fire bottles. You always get to go to
Mexico. I think you can get the
Adam: anything in Mexico. Whatever you want. ivermectin Cialis, take
John: it together. Sir. Donald the fire bottles that count. The Count. I say the eastern Washington. Thank you. David fukase. Oh, you should read this
because it's actually I'll read it. Okay. David Fergus
Adam: is the what is he now? He's the Duke of
John: now. He's the bear. I'm David B. Middle East and
Adam: look it up
John: the Arabian Peninsula. This is horrible. Yes. 23123. I know you Oh, we know him personally. Yes, there you go. But now he says Gladstone. missin
please queue up the more you know, and john infests our dreams jingles. Apparently john C. Dvorak is not just a wine connoisseur. Sure, Costco, Davao,
Tay, and a man about town, but a stone cold killer to boot.
Unknown: Oh,
John: what else did you learn as an air quality Inspector? Perhaps my amygdala is now too small because I'm pretty sure this dream would have been
disturbing. still figuring out our future. But Rumor has it that word of our mass sacking has reached the ears of MBs himself called no one want to be
the guy that made that decision. They do have to place a downtown, nicknamed chop, chop square. So he had a dream. I thought it was in this note that
involve me. I'm gonna have to go We'll dig it up and read it later. But he is you can play the jingles. And when you find the note about the dream,
Adam: I'm sure it's not in that wholesale there somewhere.
John: I don't know. Unless my cells
Adam: not have the same key is of course the Duke of America's Heartland and the Arabian high. That's what it is. Well I got ya Missouri so I got both
of these lined up forms there is no jingle about you haunting our dreams. But there was an entire show mix. I'll play a little bit of that. The more
you know, in the morning stuff the show because you haunter dreams. That's the source of
John: everybody.
Adam: Oh my god, maybe true.
John: Good. Hunting dreams. Yeah.
Adam: It shouldn't be but it says in the show mixing. It needs to be clear, but it's very funny.
John: Yeah, exactly. That is the message you get when when I when the hunting happens. Day, I guess it happened to FUBAR zotoh and it upset I
Adam: heard now, you know, they're trying to figure out where to live next. And there's a possibility I heard that there might be moving to San
Unknown: Which that'd be nice. Yeah.
Adam: And cuz I know at least I'll have two friends who haven't been vaccinated. Make me clot clump. Whatever.
John: Sir Tim Knight of the JIT shenanigans, JT what is
Adam: the JIT is the jitsi so that's the that's what the social comm uses that it's the open sources zoom.
John: To 22 f cancer karma from my best friend Shan teen please. Tim Knight of the jet shenanigans.
Unknown: You've got karma. shirt on your
John: night in Milwaukee, Wisconsin to 1337 here take some money. Time has come time has gone last. Trent is to is not a dentist is a douchebag.
Unknown: You got it. Wait,
Adam: wait a minute. Oh, I'm sorry. I missed something can tell? Yes.
John: That's for cringefest was not a dentist. I see. To be fair, he can use some newborn karma. Sure. Onion night. So I'll give him that you? Yes.
Adam: By the way. JIT is just in time. Of course. I'm sorry about that newborn karma.
Unknown: You've got karma.
That makes more sense.
John: Yes. Just in time. Thank you, hp. Sir Richard the light HP made the we're the ones who popularized that. inventory control. Sure. Richard the
Lionheart and all Burg Vermont to a one on one. figured I would do a birthday call out for good old me, Sir Richard the Lionheart on April 28. Also
for my granddaughter who I donated birthing karma and she was born during the show last year. Yes. So now it's a one year birthday call out for the
little Brielle. I don't know if he's little Brielle? Yeah. Yes.
Adam: Ria. I
John: also miss my adopted son, Adam than the other one. You had that Adam in there? Who's 17 per day was in March. He would love to hear you say
happy birthday, Adam. As he listens to the show with me. Often he listens often. No jingles no karma?
Adam: Yes. Happy birthday, Adam from Adam. And he hasn't. He is on the list and Brielle is also on the list. So that's Oh, that's just good news. Next
we have Matthew Lance $200, Associate executive producer in Nashville, Tennessee. In the morning, I first listened to Adam on jQuery and haven't
missed the show since organ donation. I am an elder millennial leaving for army basic training on Monday for 26. I could use a de-douche standard
double jab of health and jobs karma wild west pimp style. Thank you for all you do. I'm going to give you another try of that, that brand new jobs
karma and we'll give you a wild west pimp style. And thank you for your courage and supporting the show
Unknown: Wild West tempstar jobs, jobs, jobs,
jobs, jobs, jobs, jobs, jobs.
John: be interested to see if that actually work. Yeah. Well, he'll
Adam: let us know.
John: Sir William Wallace of the Palmetto State and Spartanburg Palmetto State. Did I miss Matthew lancel you just did that I just did. in
Spartanburg, South Carolina. I want to call out there's a call out. Yep. Stephanie noble as the douchebag. I hit her in the mouth a couple of months
ago and found out she still hasn't donated also on cash for clunkers. I was selling cars during this during this that moment, and it was a mess 2000
customers received 2500 to 4500. But many warrant junk cars they were just cheap. Many classic cars were being demolished to which was actually sad.
Then the used car values went through A roof. Of course, what do you expect? And people who needed a cheap car couldn't buy one and we
Adam: called that when it happened like this?
John: Somebody 40 $500 for a $400 car that runs Yeah. And you've you've screwed up the market on purpose to try to hurt the poor. That's what they do.
Thanks, Obama. Thanks, Obama. And right now use car prices are insane already, because the new car inventory is so low due to COVID. The show is
wrapped around chip shortages, etc. This affects the poor people, most of all who need cheap transportation. I guess liberals care more about climate
change than actual poor people. Hello. Anyways, thank you for your courage. Stay safe. And stay safe john. Sir William Wallace Knight of the Palmetto.
So I call
Adam: that that is what true systemic racism is. But it's not. It's just a bunch of elitist douchebags in Washington who don't care about you don't
care about the poor, they don't care. And they're all colors black, white, brown, they don't care.
John: I have a clip from the Biden's speech that nobody noticed that his speech is pretty much the biggest headshake I've ever heard ever.
Adam: You want to do it now or do you want to wait for after this? Nope,
John: nope. I'm gonna wait because people are fast forwarding and they're not going to hear it.
Adam: Right. I have one too. But
John: until I'm done with Valerie Steen's land a in Kirkland, Washington.
Adam: home with my favorite wine.
John: They cook the Kirkland Bordeaux, superior
Adam: 2016
John: did you get no did you get into 2018 you missed out? No, no, I
Adam: did not haven't had an opportunity to go shopping. I'm waiting for the new new edition of the wine list. Oh, I'm sorry. I haven't seen one at
all ever.
John: Hello she writes. Can I be Dame Valerie just added it up love the show have a spreadsheet that while says she did by email because it won't care
copy to pay pal. Okay. Yeah, you will be Dame Valerie today.
Adam: Yes, definitely.
John: It was another new wine and I ran into that was at Costco. Think about it. But I don't have a date my fingertips. I don't know why I forgot it.
Okay, anyway, onward. That was our group of executive associates.
Adam: Okay. Oh, beautiful. We're
John: done. We're done. We're done. All right. Got a big list? No.
Adam: Although big help there at the top. That's very much appreciated from the show today. I would say yes, I think Baron crack did had Yes, Valiant
their valiant effort. Thank you so much. But really thank you to everyone who produces the show. We have so many people working behind the scenes, on
servers on websites on shops on making clips on doing chapters sending in notes. everyone participates that's why it's the best podcast in the
universe. We span the entire universe devalue from value model works, we can talk about anything we want to we do not have to worry about D
platforming. We don't take any commercial money, corporate money, creepy Chinese money, you put something new in the newsletter about some other money
we don't take. Forget what it was, but it was it was a variant variant of money. Remember what what we don't take any of that all we do is we we
accept value for value. You listen to the program. Hey, that was valuable to me my time whatever it is. Put that into a number that's meaningful to
you. That's what it is. It's not me pricing it for he's not Apple telling you to subscribe to it. No. It's like when you feel like it. When you get
the value you send it to us. It's that simple. It seems to work. We're still here and proud of it. And if you'd like to participate in our value for
value model, you can go to our website, which is easy to remember by the jingle ball
Unknown: rack.org
Adam: slash and a once again, thank you for your time your talent and treasure producing Episode 1342. Our formula is this. We go out
Unknown: hit people in the mouth.
Adam: Alright, quickie on the Oscars.
John: Yes, quickie on the Oscars. I was going to I went I got the whole thing recorded and I was going to take some clips and I realized it was such a
dog that it was Shani they played it in 24 frames per second. So it looked like a movie. Yeah. And so it's very noticeable in certain screens. Mine in
particular, they have a OLED and it's just like oh what is this? It looks like it so look at all I was missing was like the noise noise on the film.
You know? phony noise like junk? Yeah, and this whole thing about noise you're the dirt. The
Adam: hair in the corner that's
John: American hair. That that was missing that way
Adam: you texted me and you read we rarely communicate via tax. you texted me probably 15 minutes into it all caps worst Oscars ever.
Unknown: Comic Book guy and that
Adam: now Tina had already given up on me. She was she was and we used to be while we were away award show lovers award show horse if you will, guy
watch, I could see
John: the two of you cozied up in the couch went around the others hold her head leaning towards kind of to your on your shoulder and you're watching
breathlessly these bullshit. And you're saying to her Oh, I know that person. Yeah, well,
Adam: now at least I know what you think of me. So that's really nice. Thanks, john. Know typically, we're talking about the outfits and the hair.
It's not all loving divorce now. But for Tina to give it not Tina p a. Free atom or ba. She used to go home and save her her her People Magazine. And
what has happened. And so now we just have to refer to the ratings down almost 60% year over year from last year. But under 10 million. Now we if we
had actually guessed much lower, but this was even this was quite spectacularly low for the Academy Awards.
John: It was 30 million I think the year before 25 years. Yeah, easily.
Adam: So this and it's worth just stopping for a second say what is going on here? Because the reason why no one wants to watch it is because it's not
fun. You know, there's no entertainment is completely stupid. What people want from an Academy Award is Billy Crystal jumping, dancing. We want dance
routines, we want big, big things, you know, just like Oh, this is so much funny one good jokes. We want to we want a show. Exactly. That was nowhere
to be seen. And if anyone who watched any of it, and I bailed I bet I didn't even make it 45 minutes. What it appears now to be is the Hollywood is
trying to rebrand itself to be something and let me explain Wolk Well, well, they're taking that but the issue was they don't give it. Okay. We know
Hollywood doesn't give a crap about BLM or any notion. It's like they don't care. It's all virtue signaling and woke. Why? Because they are very
upset. They lost their jobs, their studios to big tech, big tech runs them now. And they have to suck off a whole new version of person to get
particularly to get work. It's Netflix is Amazon. It's partially Hulu although there's some you know, all kinds of different agendas at play there and
ownership. So so their their business the way it was done. The the connections who knew who has all changed that's very upsetting to them. Along with
back in the day when you know 15 years ago when Tina would couldn't get wait to read her People Magazine. There was a Mystique. You never saw the
celebrities Oh, maybe a blurry photo of, of Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt on the yard. We couldn't really see it. And you can't see above the high
gauge. Oh my god, we're seeing the slept and the red carpet and they speak and then sometimes they would say something that was of great influence.
And they lost this to big tech and the cheap, low rent influencers. They are beside themselves with grief. They have no influence. So now they're
moving towards this quasi work. We're almost as important as politicians bullshit, which is
John: almost as important as an instagramer.
Adam: And that is what is happening with celebrities. celebrities have no influence. It's the stupid chick with the COVID girl song she has influenced
its doctor cat on tik tok. She has informed she's getting paid. It's Joe Rogan. Oh my god, he is influenced by podcaster they are beside themselves.
And you know what? I'm enjoying watching them. I'm enjoying watching these virtue signaling decks just just twist themselves in knots and horror that
they know it's over. The game is over. All that's left is your sad friends and a bottle of adrenochrome that's all that's left. And they couldn't even
bring themselves to say Best Director for Chloe. Did you notice that? The oh they say The award was best directing. Not Best Director best directing.
John: Oh, that's interesting. I did not catch that. Uh huh. Well, they didn't know what you were sorry.
Adam: No one caught it. No one caught it. Here Actually, this I did. This is one of our producers got
John: to go back and find that clip and clip it that that's that's humiliating.
Adam: It was even on the cards on the
John: job, obviously, it was on the cards,
Adam: but I mean, like they had the title cards pop up best directing, best direct, so I've never heard Mr. It's always best director. So now whether
she gets an award that says Best Director on it or not, is irrelevant. You didn't say Best Director all everyone reported it. But it said best
directing to I'm not sure. Now this happened. As as we know, you probably heard that in China. They muted the sound or did something that all we can
do. We can't have any of that amazing that she wanted all but we can't have the evil Chloe, you know, we can't have her evil, anti CCP, we have to
suppress her. So this was discussed on Fox Business News. With an interesting twist.
Unknown: The Great Firewall in China is not letting people in China know that one of their own Chloe Zhao won the Academy Award. It's interesting
because that
okay, we lost Brett there. But it's great to have him on for these conversations. And of course, we've talked about censorship on this show before and
China's messaging So this seems to be another example of that. But we will
read on another night this week. That is going to do it for us on Fox Business tonight. The evening edit is going to start now.
Adam: She just say this seems to be another example of that as China's Great Firewall censoring the telecast or of red bear being kicked off the man
and he talks about it.
John: Well, that that you Okay, my initial thought and I think I'm I think it's the correct thought is that she was kidding around. But he did say it.
She did and kidding. And kidding around on these networks, especially those these guys that are got a lot of deep pockets. frown is frowned upon
Adam: frowned upon? For sure.
John: Yeah, so yeah, yeah. To get some we will discuss this with her. Eventually, not right away because they won't because nobody, including the
executives at Fox watch Fox Business. They don't
Adam: know ones. Yeah, exactly. No one's watch. So
John: but so it but it will be brought up by someone who did watch it, and then they'll bring it up. And then about a week from now she's going to be
called in and said, you know, we'd rather you not say stuff like that. And that would be that probably the extent of the conversation.
Adam: Do we need to talk about President Biden's State of the Union?
John: Yes, because I have a number of clips including one to me. A stunning a clip that nobody that I can tell picked up on. What he said is just in
the right wingers, in fact, should have picked up by this and nobody did. But let's listen to let's listen to some of these. This is
Adam: not just to set this up for everybody. President Biden took to the joint session of Congress last night, which wasn't really a joint session.
Only 200 people are worrying allowed in there was social distancing everyone.
John: Technically it was just said nobody showed up.
Adam: There's that everyone who was there was likely vaccinated. Still everyone had their masks on except when the President spoke he took it off.
Nancy Pelosi Speaker of the House vice president Kamala Harris behind him both mass stopped and fully vaccinated in the complete virtue signal. And he
laughed I would say he was about around the 37 minute mark, we started to slur and make mistakes. Before that he was reasonably powerful, but said
some to me outrageous things.
John: Well, let me play you I have 123 about five clips, plus a bonus. Let me play these clips because this is interesting. So I, I, I jiggered the
opening commentary from him and I realized that he's actually a slow motion, Obama, in his cadence, wait, I'm sorry. He's a slow motion, Obama in his
cadence. And you have to listen to this thinking Obama. And I'll tell you what, I'm going to tell you what I did is very simple process. I sped up his
first minute, his introduction to it, I sped it up by 50%. So if you speed up Joe Biden, he's that you can he sounds like the old Joe. So we know he
slowed down that much how much he slowed down is enormous. But he also if you if you speed him or you hear that you hear The Obama cadence the pauses
the wait, Obama pauses between what phrases in the sentence Listen to this.
Unknown: Remember the United States Congress in the cabinet, distinguished guests, My fellow Americans, while the setting tonight is familiar, this
gathering is just a little bit different reminder of the extraordinary times we're
Adam: in is
Unknown: right. Throughout our history, presidents have come to this chamber, to speak to Congress, to the nation and of the world, to declare war to
celebrate peace, to announce new plans and possibilities
Adam: in his head. He sounding like Obama.
John: Now, yes, and he can't get it out fast enough. Now. This I listened to this. When I produced it, I listened to what I came up with the idea. And
I realized that this there may be a key in here to people who try to do the embody Obama impression. It's the way he has put weird pauses between his
phraseology is very interesting.
Unknown: Let's continue. Tonight, I come to talk about crisis and opportunity, about rebuilding the nation, revitalizing our democracy and winning the
future for America. I stand here tonight, one day shy of the 100 day, my administration 100 days since I took the oath of office and lifted my hand
off our family Bible, and inherited a nation
Adam: of our family Bible. We all
Unknown: did. That was in crisis, the worst pandemic in a century, the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression, the worst attack on our
democracy since the Civil War. Now, after just 100 days, I can report to the nation. America is on the move again. Yeah,
Adam: I think you're right. Wow, that is well, this is a little fast. What would you know what the factor was? 1.7 5.5 1.515 50%
John: faster than normal? 50%. Slow, Joe. He slowed out then yeah, guy. But I was very, I doubt I think maybe I can work on on Obama and pressure
myself. Now I have these overlook Harris comments. Let's play. There's two of them here. Oh, there's a lot. There's long in a short. Okay, no, hang on
a second. Just put that aside. Let's go on to here's Biden on taxes, and the
Unknown: wealthiest 1% of Americans that just began to pay their fair share. There's their fair share. Sometimes I have arguments with my friends in
the Democratic Party. I think you should be able to become a billionaire and a millionaire pay your fair share. recent study shows that 55 of the
nation's biggest corporations paid zero federal tax last year. Those 55 corporations made in excess of $40 billion in profit. A lot of companies also
evade taxes through tax havens in Switzerland and Bermuda and the Cayman
Adam: Islands. How about the Netherlands, Belgium, England, Ireland.
John: Well, that stopped the whole thing he's using avoid and evade. These are not tax evaders, they're tax avoiders and is a big difference. One sale
legal UK tax evasion is an illegal activity attack
Adam: but the taxes he wants to employ have nothing to do with corporate taxes people.
John: Nothing he says has any makes any sense because what he says is that he wants to raise that. I'm just gonna summarize. I didn't have the whole
club. He's gonna raise taxes corporate tax at 28% plus. And then he goes on to this rant about these these corporations that paid no taxes. How is the
change in the rate? Let's put it retroactive 10 years ago to 28 are doing Trump to 28% How does that change this? If you're paying no taxes at 23%?
You'd be paying no taxes at 28% How do I mean that seriously? What's the logic here?
Adam: That math is racist so I don't know what you're doing trying to calculate something? It's true. Yeah.
John: Yeah, okay. You got it right very race. Now there was a thing about fact checking and they did it especial on NPR on Obama on this speech and
fact checking and I want to play this part of it because I have to actually cut it off. Because the question is too long it goes on forever. But
listen to this NPR. This is NPR NPR fact checking the president speech now and I want you I'll give you the I'm going to kind of give you the ending
they don't do any fact checking. They just talk about it.
Adam: What are you kidding me? There's no fact checking going
John: on. There's no fact checking going Oh, gambling up to show there. It's they say all we're gonna fact check you and then they just praise him.
Oh, that's Let's listen to this clip. up to $3,000
Unknown: per child.
John: No, no, no wrong clip.
Adam: It's just Biden. factcheck. No, no,
John: you went to NPR fact check. Oh,
Adam: I'm sorry. I'm glad
John: Biden's back check is my proof that they put no effort into I'm sorry, that will be the next clip.
Unknown: All right, here we go. Don't pin have also been listening tonight. fact checking both speeches. So Scott, let me go to you. First, the
President talked about the ongoing recovery in the US economy.
Let's listen to a bit of what he had to say. The economy created more than 1,300,000 new jobs in 100 days, more jobs and more jobs in the first 100
days than any president on record. International Monetary Fund.
Monetary Fund is now estimating our economy will grow at a rate of more than 6% this year. That'll be the fastest pace of economic growth in this
country in nearly four decades. America's moving, moving forward, but we can't stop now.
Scott, mostly what stands out to you?
Well, President Biden has been fortunate in his timing, unlike former President Obama who came into office during the Great Recession, and then saw
jobs continued to hemorrhage in the US. Biden took office at a time when the economy had already hit bottom bottom and was on the way up. You know, we
the US lost jobs in December when the pandemic was raging. But in the last three months, job growth has accelerated and we're including a 900,000 plus
jobs added in March, April's gains were probably even stronger. We'll get those numbers next week. So here we are on a strong job trajectory.
That said, we're still 8.4 million jobs short of where we were before the pandemic. So there's a long way to go to get back to full employment.
The recovery in GDP is coming more quickly. The
President mentions the IMF forecasts, they're similar projections from other economists.
We're gonna get the Commerce Department report on the first quarter GDP tomorrow morning. And that's expected to be a very strong number, thanks to
widespread vaccinations, which have made people more comfortable spending by default.
John: There's no fact checking here,
Adam: zero.
John: He's just going on and on about how great Biden is, they go on and they never talk about Scott's speech. This is a good fact check both speeches
another way to even talk about his speech. And then they just dropped the ball on him. So me Why so I decided, Well, you know, I'll bet you I could
find something that Biden said that was so stupid could use in fact check. Oh, yeah. Yeah, what do I want you to listen to his 12 second clip very
closely and tell me what he's saying.
Unknown: up to $3,000 per child. If you're under six years of age, I'm assuming under over six years of age, and $3,600 for children over six years of
Adam: He's very confused at that point.
John: I says played again, it's only 12 set what
Adam: are you saying he's he's he's a mess up to
Unknown: $3,000 per child.
Adam: Okay, that much makes sense up to $3,000 per child if you're under six years of age now he means if the child is under six Okay, I'm assuming
under over six years, but he meant over
Unknown: six okay small problem $3,600 now
Adam: this now he's just confusing the numbers over and
Unknown: over
Adam: so you get to 3000 if you're over six and 3060 if you over six and oh
John: he is this is a fact check issue. Yes, it's not enough in fact even below she kind of like ooh, did he
Adam: roll her eyes when he did that? He
John: had some now I did wrap this
Adam: I have a couple of buttons okay you can play a kill but I'm
John: gonna I'm gonna play this out because this I want you to listen to this alright. Nobody commented on this I have the short version I have a long
version is more extended in case someone thinks I'm trying to rig this this quote that he says this is the most egregious thing he's ever said I don't
know any right wingers that picked it up I don't know I think people just go Oh your catalyst this anymore I think it was like the Oscars they just
tuned it out.
Adam: I wonder if it's the same one I picked up on
John: Well here it is. You're gonna tell me because this is the bite bite them overlooked Alright, the short one eight seconds our
Unknown: constitution opens with the words as trite as it sounds we the people most time remember that we the people or the government.
Adam: Oh no This was picked up
John: to somebody pick this up
Adam: crews picked it up and crews was being interviewed about it.
John: Oh cool. I'm glad somebody wants
Adam: to hear what crew said I have I have
John: Yeah, I like to hear what Cruz said.
Adam: It's
John: we the people are the government is this is bullcrap. Tommy
Adam: boost this a little bit because it's a little low on Alright, check it out.
Unknown: You know I gotta tell you Sean
John: the most radical line tonight was when Joe Biden said we the people is the government's no Joe you seriously misunderstand the constitution
Unknown: we the people is not the government we are not a country of
John: dictators in Washington running the people we the people is the people dammit, who are in charge of the government whose freedom you're taking
away whose Liberty you're stripping away and they showed the arrogance of the hard left that they think that at last I said Why? He is the state is
what he said. And he's we the people. I mean, holy cow that was radical. And then and that's where we're today's democrats are Cruz. He picked up
Yeah, he picked up on he of course takes us to some some extreme obviously, that's what he does. But I thought it was pretty radical, but it wasn't,
it was more stupid than radical and I have the longer clip here, which, where he kind of like elucidates a little more than he does with that shorty.
And it kind of I know what he's trying to say he's not saying it well but he's really thinking that we the people are the government and if you listen
even to the longer version that just to show that I'm not just cutting this down to make it sound bad listen to the whole thing.
Unknown: Our constitution opens with the words as trite as it sounds we the people was time remember that we the people or the government not some
force in a distant capital not some powerful force we have no control over it's us
it's we the people
John: okay, I'm the government is that what he's saying? He says I'm the
Adam: government Yes, we the people
John: wouldn't get out of my yard. I beg workers get out of here. I mean, who I'm not the government. I am not the government is fully shit this guy.
Adam: Well, there were more things that he said that I found were very, very shocking. This is the next 190 percent
Unknown: of the time I have no
Adam: idea what the fuck I'm talking about. If that was a little thing you didn't pick up on ninja was right there in the speech.
John: It wasn't.
Adam: Here's two more this this one request just so convoluted.
Unknown: I had to clip it now we're on Mars, discovering vaccines gave us the internet and so much more.
Adam: Now we're on Mars, inventing vaccines. It gave us the internet.
Unknown: Now we're on Mars, discovering vaccines gave us the Internet, and so much more.
John: Okay, that now I'll give you that is a great clip. And I know exactly how it happened. He's reading for his problem is he can't not. He can't
talk he has to read from a prompter. Can't not use a prompter, right? So he doesn't turn he can't when he starts to have live you know, there's a lot
of people are holding their breath. And so he just it was like somebody left a comma out or they didn't space the prompter correctly. That's exactly
Adam: you know. That's exactly what happened. He's not coherent. We're going to give me something was like you said, I thought you were ramping up for
a clip of the day. But if it's if the moments gone, the moments gone.
John: Oh, that you want to cook. No, you actually got clips today earlier? I did. Yeah, very early. And then I let it pass. And then now I've been
reluctant to give clips and then when I came with my Northrup clips, which should have gotten a clip of the day, but I had to snap them about No, I
happen Civil War. No, no. Stop, stop, stop. I
Adam: did not snub them. I thought you were going to do something else based upon a previous email thread. And I then then you said no, no, we're on
the same page. So I
John: put in my mind you shoved my fact you were We were within a nanosecond of getting clipped in the day for that particular clip. It was good clip.
Adam: All right. It doesn't matter.
John: But I was restrained by my by my Nxd over the previous screw up on my part and then your failure to recognize a good clip and you heard one
right next time
Adam: we'll leave that for the post mortem. And we can just continue with
John: this show. Like we
Adam: do a post mortem. All right, we do. Now this is what shocked me. Now I'm particularly I'm interested in Afghanistan, ever since we discussed the
pull out of the troops being total horseshit. Oh yeah, we'll pull the troops out. But we're leaving 10 to 15,000 contractors there to protect the
poppy fields. And this is not at this point. I can just say it's a fact. There's a great article by my favorite Professor William Engdahl, called the
politics of heroin and the Afghan us pullout, which is in the show notes on the Afghanistan heading and it's Well discuss very well researched, and
lots of links. And it goes back to Hamid Karzai, you know, the brothers and the end the heroin trade. And the bottom line is dine Corp is there with
all of the contractors in there. And it's Air America, there's shuttling the heroin, not directly to the United States where I have some thoughts, but
I'm very interested in Afghanistan. And he tied this together with something that I thought was the most disgusting thing I've heard any American
politician say ever
Unknown: war in Afghanistan, as we remember the debates here. were never meant to be multi generational undertakings of nation building. We went to
Afghanistan to get terrorists, the terrorists who attacked us on 911. And we said we would follow some of them lying to the gates of hell.
Adam: Oh, man, do you remember that?
John: Oh, yeah. This is a second. By the way. He said that a couple of times in the last week or two?
Adam: Yes. So I just the gates of hell reference and I just want to see if I can get a date on the gates of hell I'm looking at. I'm looking at this
is so old, this goes back to Episode 799 of this show.
Unknown: Follow them to the gate.
Adam: That's how long we've been tracking this Afghanistan
Unknown: to get terrorists, the terrorists who attacked us on 911. And we said we would follow some of in London, the gates of hell to do it. If
you've been in the upper corner Valley, you've kind of seen the gates of hell. And we delivered justice to bin Laden. We degraded the terrorist threat
of al Qaeda in Afghanistan. And after 20 years of value, valor and sacrifice.
Adam: Do you hear what he says? Now this is a flub. But remember, in context of the heroin, the poppy fields being protected by the United States
troops soon just contractors listened to the flub
Unknown: gustas to Milan, degraded to terrorist read about cried in Afghanistan. And after 20 years of value,
Adam: valor value, he says yeah, 20 years of value hoppy value. That's truth wants to come out. I can't look at it any other way. 20 years of heroin
Unknown: granted to terrorists dread about pride in Afghanistan. And after 20 years of value, valor and sacrifice. It's time to
John: try to say valiant
Adam: No, but it came on as value so it doesn't matter. The mountain I agree the mouth is full of what the mouth flows over with the hardest, full of
Unknown: valor, and sacrifice. It's time to bring those troops home.
Adam: The contract is forever.
Unknown: Even as we do we'll maintain over the rising capacity to suppress future threats to the homeland to make no mistake and 20 years terrorists
as terrorism has metastasized. The threat has evolved way beyond Afghanistan. Those are the intelligence committees, the Foreign Relations Committee
defense committees, you know, well, we have to remain vigilant against the threats. The United States wherever they come from. Al Qaeda and ISIS are
in Yemen, Syria, Somalia, other places in Africa in the Middle East and beyond. And we won't ignore what our intelligence agencies have determined to
be the most lethal terrorist threat to homeland today. White supremacy is terrorism. We're not going to ignore that either. My fellow Americans, look,
we have to come together to heal the soul of this nation.
Adam: So the President does this whole rundown of the horrible terrorists all over the world and says, but we cannot ignore our intelligence agencies
who say the most dangerous terrorist, not not anyone who wants to blow stuff up or stab people or shoot people know, it's white supremacists. Right
here in America, I find that a shocking thing for a president to say. And for those under the spell of the democrats and the liberals, just like the
ones I encountered on vacation in Mexico, who within five minutes of speaking said, Well, you know, there's white supremacist, if they stop having sex
with their cousins, it'd be much safer in the country. That's what you're delivering President Biden, and he has the audacity right after that to say,
look, we need to come together.
Unknown: We're not gonna ignore that either. My fellow Americans, look, we have to come together to heal the soul of this nation.
Adam: This guy will go down in history as evil evil, that I mean and that got no play. Am I the only Only one who finds that offensive.
John: No, it's just I don't know why couldn't get more play but he said they said the point where they've said it this is like a setup. If you say
anything against that, it's like I don't know what is it? I've seen this before. It's like you can't say anything against it because then you're one.
Adam: No, it doesn't matter. I want to I want to talk about Afghanistan for a second was two supporting clips. So all right here we have the you know,
whatever's of Congress is in there. He got one general and everyone's hooting and hollering, yay, Afghanistan, they all know. They all know that the
heroin is coming from the poppies and the poppies is turned into fentanyl by China. That's killing us but it's medical. It's pharmaceutical stuff. You
know, we had Purdue pharma. No one really talked about it during the Coronavirus. lockdowns, we had other things to deal with but billions of dollars
in fines no one went to jail.
John: No one is is is is is Poppy. opium a base for event? No, I thought it was completely. That was completely synthetic.
Adam: That I don't know. But I do know that you need the bass poppy for opioids. I can't Yeah. I can't speak to fentanyl. But when you want to turn it
into heroin, or even if you want to turn to opioid you need a particular chemical that is mixed with the poppy SAP. And here is a clip about one of
the companies that makes that
Unknown: may 2019 a small counter narcotics unit was rolling down a country road in the rural part of Sinhala which was the center of the global drug
Empire created by an El Chapo Guzman.
They were overcome by a pretty powerful smell. They were literally stopped in their tracks. And it's one of the things that people on these counter
narcotics squads are looking out for smelling out for in this case.
They got out of their vehicles. And through a clearing of trees. They found five cauldrons that were being used to produce heroin. And they also found
four jugs of a chemical called acidic anhydride. That was made by a major multibillion dollar American company, and the product brand was JT Baker.
And that chemical is the only thing other than the sap from opium flours that he needed to manufacture heroin. And under international drug laws, it's
one of the most highly controlled of these chemicals sold anywhere in the world.
Adam: Okay, the name of the company is avantor. And that was from CNBC is hidden heroines hidden ingredients. And this chemical, as you heard is
highly regulated, but they find it in Mexico. And that's where the heroin is being made. It's highly regulated to obviously make opioid opioids with
it legal stuff that gets people hooked. And then of course, we get them on to the heroin. So let's talk about this. We've been talking about Indian
companies on this show. It seems to be a thing. This is a recent confirmation hearing of vanita Gupta.
Unknown: This Gupta is the daughter of a gentleman who heads up a chemical company produces all sorts of chemicals for a variety of legitimate
purposes. And it looks like from her financial disclosure statement. He's been very successful, and so has MS. Gupta and family trusts worth 10s of
millions of dollars, much of it, including the stock of aven core, the company that her father heads. Why realize Miss gooped is not personally
as a shareholder
in this company, but it is clear, I believe, from a investigative journalism story by Bloomberg, dated September 2020, that avatar was selling a CD
can hydride an essential ingredient in converting poppies to heroin for at least the last decade, she owns 10s of millions of dollars worth of that
stock. I've asked the Attorney General and the Securities and Exchange Commission to look into avatars conduct because of it night if in fact an
American Chemical manufacturer has been selling a seat again hydride in the country where they know that it will be available to the criminal cartels
and drug runners. And they should know that 92% of the heroin made in Mexico using the seadek anhydride. manufactured by aven tour and its subsidiary
in Mexico. That's a serious serious problem.
Adam: So vanita Gupta, it was confirmed narrowly and she is now our Assistant Attorney General. JOHN, the pharmaceutical I thought big tech was the
problem. If I look at Big Pharma, and whether you call it India, China, Fauci, just all the big pharma all put together, they control everything. They
touch everything. They touch, every issue that we're talking about, from COVID to Afghanistan, everything black lives matter. George Floyd, it's all
pharma related. It's worse than big tech.
John: And they it's a lot cheaper to produce produce this these products than it is to make chips. Yes.
Adam: So I think we need to keep an eye on what's going on. With these. There's a lot of bad actors, all farmer related who are hovering and and in,
in this administration.
John: Yeah, that connection, or the administration's got a lot of bad actors in it. We've already done a few and we haven't discussed that much on the
show. But there's a number of people that shouldn't be in government. Well, this venedig boop
Adam: dies top of my list.
John: Well, she is now yes, no fan. No, I can't find any evidence that Fenn has anything to do with.
Adam: No, no, no, it doesn't. It doesn't here, right. But China does.
John: But well, you know, most of the fentanyl is made in Mexico. I know. I didn't know that until five minutes ago. Looking up
Adam: with Yes, isn't it with the Chinese ingredients, though? Not the Chinese
John: know, maybe it doesn't say I can't find out the exact mechanism of manufacturer they keep this stuff off the internet. I can find out though.
It's possible as me with some Chinese ingredients. But it sounds to me as though China is getting a bad rap. When Mexico's providing most of the
fentanyl according to the documents
Adam: I've looked at just so there's your immigration issue. Is it really? Are we really looking at it? First of all, have you looked at any of the so
called asylum seekers immigrants? Have you really looked at the footage? What do you see when you and you probably haven't? Most people don't? Most
people ignore it. What do you see? When you see these people and children standing in line waiting to come into the United States? What you see is
what do I see? You see no luggage clean clothes, shoes, completely clean? white white sneakers?
John: I said they were dropped? No lunch,
Adam: not a lunch bucket or anything? Nothing. So what's going on? Are they just bringing the heroin and the fentanyl and everything else in? Well,
it's a comment coming from somewhere. All right, we need to take a break. But I need to update you on Prop B. This is Saturday is the big vote here in
Austin. proposition B is to reinstate the camping ban.
John: Good Dan before we take a break. I have a clip about Austin and we can put it in there.
Adam: Do you want to do that first?
John: Yeah, I think it might fit in. Okay. This is your buddy. A fellow podcaster lives right down the street boy
Adam: babies and cows.
John: Yes on Austin homelessness.
Unknown: Today driving to work. There are now homeless camps on every major highway on both sides everywhere. And I was looking at the homeless camps.
Adam: was driving here to the office and I saw crazy looking white people and I'm not giving black people have passed understand about crazy. I saw a
god drop like a Folgers tan on 290 some crazy old white dude climbs down in the highway almost gets run over on the other side of the trench crawling
back up the embankment looked like Day of the Dead. Looks like a zombie apocalypse. That's what the cops deal with all day. I would want to be a cop
during the collapse of America. But it gets worse. They want everybody's guns during this collapse. So we can't protect ourselves. All the democrats
all have private bodyguards and Secret Service and the FBI and federal marshals and they live behind big fences with the National Guard. By the way,
this footage I keep we keep showing. This is nothing I'm gonna go out with a camera. I could go out for an hour and I can show you 10,000 tents in in
what do they call that time lapse and you'd have to take an hour time lapse drive around Austin is so many damn homeless people and here's the deal.
These aren't like hobos are just drunk for people down and out or veterans. They are out of their mind on hardcore drugs running around like Dan the
dead zombie. civilization is collapsing. We're a demon possessed nation. Thank you, thank you that always lightens the mood. We have an alex jones
clip. He's the best. He's right. The current estimate we had about 2000 homeless several years ago when when we started looking into the issue that is
now estimated to be around 10,000 and austinites you can ask any one of them. They're not from Austin, they're from outside, it has gotten very bad.
And so we have a proposition, the proposition is to reinstate the camping ban. There are places these people can go, there are lots of services, but
most of them don't want to because they want drugs. And they want the drugs where the drugs are found, which is in their own community, when the only
way that I've seen work to get people out of the situation, just to beat the dead horse is the mobile Loaves and Fishes community first now village
where you're starting at $90, and they will help you with your disability or some other government program so that you can at least pay your rent and
your food and you live within a community and you're not policed. And most people need a safe environment and they need community to function. So
there are things that work this is not working for anybody. This has become so now we have the two sides in Austin, which is complete virtue
signaling. There's a whole section of people who are woke eight holes. Most of them live in West Austin, Tarrytown. Clarksville, which has no
homeless, surprise, surprise, no one is sleeping out there. And they are too afraid to speak up and say anything in general, because they're afraid
that they will be ostracized. So on one hand, we have save Austin reinstate the camping ban, and the counter messages. poms, not handcuffs. Ah, yep.
And the mayor is saying this is a very bad idea. We have a plan. He doesn't. We have a plan. His plan exists of taking $400 million that the federal
government is giving to Austin for COVID relief and buying hotels, our former real estate attorney Mayer wants to buy hotels to put the homeless in
there. It's a bad idea. It's never worked. Show me an example. You're stupid. And you're probably on the take on the back end somewhere of one of
these deals or something in the future. Yep. Vice magazine did a very interesting piece and nine minute piece. Very slanted, very, very bias, no
mention of any of the programs we have like echo or community first village. But they did sit down and talk to a couple who are liberal in Austin. And
they are right there on the east side of Cesar Chavez near the library, which has been inaccessible for years now because of the homelessness there.
But now literally, you have across your street on the corner tents. And they sat down and discussed how they were going to deal with it and how they
were going to vote on this proposition. I think it's mind expanding to understand where I'll say these people are coming from.
Unknown: It's hard because
I knew view the homeless people here as my neighbors. Where are they going to go? Like the city hasn't told us what the plan is
partly because they don't have a plan.
Now a group of Austin knives says the city made a mistake. The campaign
called save Austin now started largely by local conservatives has pushed a proposition onto the ballot that would force the city to reverse course,
voters will decide on May 1. For a progressive
like Knutson. It's an agonizing ethical question.
One he and his neighbors confront every day. lifting the ban was not a solution. But putting the band back in place isn't a solution either. I don't
think either one of them are solutions. What is the solution?
Well, a lot of money new
housing. I you know, I don't know. I mean, most big cities are having these problems. What do you think's going to happen with the vote? I don't know.
Cuz I mean, if you talk to Danny's friends, you know they're going to all vote against it most of my friends that I know and even some fairly really
liberal are gonna you know vote to reinstate the ban.
John: I think I'm gonna vote
Unknown: against it.
Just so I have
but I hope there's a lot of people that vote for it.
And that's weird say like it troubles me that I just said that.
Because you want to feel good about how you vote but you want it to go
it's messed up. I don't want them arrested.
I don't want them put
in a van and driven to another neighborhood because then that neighborhoods this kind
John: of problem. That's not the answer. Do
Unknown: you think if you had seen this issue happening in another city, and it wasn't happening in your neighborhood, you wouldn't feel differently?
Once you're in the middle of it, you change your mind of how you approach this situation. But as your safety declines, so does your compassion every
every time I have to pick up human shed, my liberal illness just got lowered what but one more notch.
Adam: This to me is amazing to hear these people. The one guy says I'm voting against the just so I feel good, but I hope it passes. That's Yeah.
That's mental.
John: That is The that's an issue that is fair that is while giving clippers day for this because that was a pretty damn good clip.
Adam: Thank you and this wasn't even sourced from somewhere else I do this all on my own.
John: Yeah, I feel bad that people are getting clipped to the day for or they're working or you're narrowing that whatever. I'd let's just go back to
the clip there man, this is well it brings us to some of these right wingers just say that, you know, liberalism is a mental disorder that was an
epitome of it there. It's like, I'm going to vote this way because I feel good. Even I wanted to pass that's just outrageous. And then she's picking
up human shit and thinking her liberalism is dropping a notch every time she does it. This is these people. I guess that's your austinites
Adam: and the guy has neck tattoos. And he's kind of burly. And I just can't I just look at that and think what is wrong with you? Why? Why are you so
afraid to just act on something that you feel is right, but when he says no, I won't feel bad about I don't think so. I think he's afraid of being
shamed. And so is she, but she's justifying it because why pick up poop. But you know what's next? like San Francisco will have a poop map and will
tell the city Oh, guess poopy is poopy come and clean up the poop. Ella said he didn't clean up the poop.
John: But you want the city to clean up the poop? I know. But if you don't want to clean up the poop you don't want to recognize there's poop.
Adam: Austin too much poop.
John: I'm going to show my son love by donating to no agenda. Imagine all the people who could do that.
Adam: Oh yeah, that'd be fun.
John: Indeed, we do have a few people to thank for show. What is the show? It's 14.
Adam: We do have a make good which
John: I want you do those?
Adam: Yeah, this is the anonymous make good from Episode 1341 666. You remember that donation? 666. Yes, it was. Yes. It was a nice donation and our
producer said anonymous I suck. I couldn't figure out how to send the note. Please leave my name anonymous the attached letter from my child's college
stating they will be required to vaccinate before returning to school in the fall illegal. Not sure if it's a scare tactic, but I'm looking to lawyer
up on this. Let's see. I would appreciate you getting the word out as I don't hear anybody talking about it. Well, you talk about all the time. I
request I know you don't read notes without a production donation, but I was hoping we could get a travel karma from my youngest son Asher, who turns
one today, he and his mother will be migrating to the Netherlands on May 2 to be with her Dutch boyfriend. We are going to do an open adoption so that
Asher can be raised by two loving parents in Europe and still know his biological father in the States. Love and lit see rock of the land block. Of
course we're going to do that some travel karma put a little tight. They bet you've got karma. All right.
John: And now I want to also thank him profusely for that. Yes, generous donation very generous. Sure. Addison meanwhile comes in. He's the CEO of
ship posts.
Adam: Yes, he is.
John: Yeah, Chesterfield, Missouri 133 dot 33. He's got a few notes here for some but CBD. Baron sir hugger of the kittens is next with 12345 and Zhan
Adam: Zhan DOM and he needs colon cancer karma for their friend, which we'll do in a moment You bet.
John: Scott McKenzie Scott of the Cheshire plains in Winslow Cheshire Uk 85 Donald Francis 7777 from Chandler, Arizona. Baronet sir arcane code aka n
for I XT, which I assume is a
Adam: no yes so 7373
John: l Yes, a donation of 73. That can is a giveaway in colombiana, Alabama. What is he talking? Oh, he says OMG Adam, you poor bastard. How can you
listen to the incessant drivel coming out of msnbc? Yes, I was. I wanted to be given an award.
Adam: I watched it all day long. I always it's where you It's where you can. Look, it keeps me sane. Okay. The minute I starts agreeing with something
I know it's time to go to the doctor.
John: Peter Chang meanwell in Lakewood, Washington. 6969 Happy birthday to me. Kevin McAfee mcity maca, t mek, t MAGA t and syntenic Centennial
Colorado 60 gummy nerds by count of the troll room in Green Bay go Packers 5678. Jai Anthony toes Thomas Zoo ski Thomas brewski in Montebello, New
York 5555 Zachary, the river rat, in Viroqua, Wisconsin, I'm sure that's not pronounced correctly 5555 I don't care. Sure, Austin Berna the Puget
Sound and Seattle, Washington, but the 510 bill solah in Baltimore, Maryland 5510 and he's on a birthday list yep their mile Hi Mike. Martin. Oh Hi
Mike it my Armada my hi monarch. My I'm sorry. I'm moved to scrolling. mile Hi Mark in Arvada, Colorado. 5510 he says something
Adam: he says I'm hoping you can send some Trump jobs karma my son Tom's direction at the end of the second donation segment. He was interviewed for a
job that he could seek that could significantly improve his family's quality of life. We should find out by weeks and he hit me in the mouth in 2015.
Okay, here we got a cancer on a job. You got it? Sure.
John: Eric pokel in maryrose. Deutschland? Deutschland, sir, Luke divide count of London in London, UK. 5123 Scott Nielsen, sir Scott Nelson, sir
Scott Nelson and Council Bluffs, Iowa.
Adam: He says my grandpa drank Atrazine for breakfast.
John: No, no, no. A 5001. We did a follow up those changes. Yes. Is a rich sex change thing there. Kelly Santini in St. Joseph, Minnesota is in at 50
these are all $50 donors name and location. Very shortlist today. Sarah Gordon in Tucson, Arizona, Aaron woo Weiss Gerber in Bend, Oregon. Greg nguzo.
In warrensville, Illinois. And last but not least Sir Richard Gardner in Chicago, Illinois. That's our group of producers for show. 1342
Adam: Yes. And I just have a quick personal thank you to Leah. Who sent because I went to the PO Box. Finally. It's been months. I think she's donated
since she sent out this package or this makes cards that are unique about Austin. I wonder if you have a
John: Oh yes. I got a set of those. Dynamite. They're beautiful. Some of them are like little this little one here. This Congress Avenue Bridge.
Mexican free. Free tailed racks. Yeah, I got greetings from Austin. I this is frameable
Adam: Yeah, it's beautiful. It's really nice. And she can be found at Leah Louise lovies Yes, I remember this. Leah lovies. So it's LEHLOV i s e Leah
lovies.com. And I'm sure that I haven't looked at it. But I'm sure this way she has some more of this and maybe you can purchase some of her stuff
there. But it was just really nice.
John: She's, I would say she's like a poster artist. style. This style of art is modern poster art. And I would buy some posters from her. I'm sure
they're not that expensive most poster art today. You can get from the big boys Dry Creek. There's a whole slew of them that dry creek was running
Creek and can't remember the name of the big ones. The guys have Ames brothers up in Seattle is a slew of these guys. The art comes out at about $40 a
poster and it immediately increases in value. It's a very interesting art investment.
Adam: Then I want to thank finally sir Timothy of no fixed title from Plymouth, Michigan who sent Tina and I a beautiful book. That's how strong my
love is from rock and roll to James Dean, written by David lower ello ello e HR who also inscribed it with Adam and Tina. Tim thought you'd enjoy a
copy of my book. We hope to see you in Fairmont one day. And it's it's about his personal experiences in early rock and roll which is like pretty by I
think the plaster casters level. Wow. Yes, we've got all kinds of stuff in here and photos, which I'd never heard of this book. Never seen it before.
A really nice press. Yeah, yeah, you can imagine why. Thank you all very much for producing Episode 1342 of the no agenda show. Thank you to everybody
who came in under $50. That is always done for anonymity. So that's where we have 49 available or anything you want. And we have many subscriptions,
which keep things going when we have a lower day. Luckily, we had a great executive producer step in today. So that's fantastic. But if you'd like to
check all of that out, go to vo rock.org
slash n A and please feel free to share that with others and support the show as promised jobs,
Unknown: jobs, jobs and jobs. Let's vote for jobs.
You've got
Adam: is your birthday list for today Sir Richard the Lionheart is Happy birthday was son Adam, who celebrated on March 17. Bill sola. His birthday
was on the 25th Sir Richard the Lionheart himself celebrated yesterday 28th Baron crack it's his birthday today he will be an instant bear and
momentarily Greg nuzzo. Happy birthday to Brother Scott. His birthday is today. Kelly Santini says Happy Birthday to her friend Kevin Arnold who will
be 53 on May 3, and we could not miss her Richard Lion, the lion heart again who says Happy Birthday to his granddaughter Brielle who turns one year
old on May 3 Happy Birthday from everybody here had the best podcast in the universe. So we have we're gonna do him first we've got a Marin we've got
a dame well we have we have two nights in a game here today. So that one will do for me
John: Yeah, here's this one
Adam: Oh, that's that's a pretty one kills it
John: I did you just hit you're right it's got y'all notice the rubies on the top of it their
Adam: name Valerie and sir worms of Brooklyn. I'm pronouncing that right. Supporting the no agenda show in at least $1,000 and we have Mr. Crack
coming in with a little bit more so I'm very proud to pronounce the Kp as the Baron Baron crack. Dean Valerie and sir worms of Rockland we have
hookers and blow we've got red boys and Chardonnay that should do it. If not warm beer and cold women maybe boba and stinky tofu onion rings and ice
cream hardest and how the old pepperoni rolls and maybe sparkling cider news sports team driven dribbles penises and soccer breast milk or how about
some good old fashioned mutton and mead? That's right head over to no agenda nation.com slash rings that's where Eric show we're glad to take some of
your information such as your ring size that's the big one and address we can send off your no agenda night or name ring with your ceiling wax and
with your official certification and thank you all three of you for supporting the no agenda show.
Parties continue all across gitmo-nation all over the world people are scheduling no agenda meetups and no agenda meetups calm is where you can come
together hang out with people you've never met before. But you have one thing in common and it turns out you have that one thing in common which is
the no agenda show. Problems fall away. You get to have a good time. There's no triggering no one gets pissed off. Have we ever heard of anyone
getting angry at a meetup? Ever? Has there ever been a knife fight at me? No. I
John: don't think so.
Adam: No knife fights no no fisticuffs? Nothing?
John: Not yet. Not yet.
Adam: And, and for this certainly in the United States for the racist, misogynist, horrible country that we are. Turns out a lot of diverse people can
come together. It happened at Myrtle Beach. Hey, what's up this
John: is Sergio at the
Unknown: salt. The meetup here in Myrtle Beach. Hi, this is Frankie
Adam: and Danny. Hi, this
Unknown: is Sean search on the pit of useless knowledge in the morning.
This is Harrison at the Myrtle Beach meetup. It's like a party
Nick here drinking an ice cold PBR for our good friend john C. Dvorak
in the morning.
Adam: tell you, man, the PBR stock is going up and they should be sending you cases I can't believe that haven't done that yet. Santa Fe New Mexico
sir Jeffrey, I believe Hi, this
Unknown: is Jeff from the Santa Fe do gooders meetup, and we're here at Santa Fe brewing and we'll let everybody introduce themselves in the morning.
Hi, this
is Michael E in the morning.
This is Ynez Hi, this is damn Heather, currently of Santa Fe, formerly of San Francisco in the morning. There's somebody else here named Jackie who's
too shy to say hello.
Adam: Santa Fe.
John: Always good formerly from the NSA. Is that what she said? Santa Fe. Thanks, NSA. Well,
Adam: maybe you know what, either one would surprise me.
John: What there's always a spoken Yeah,
Adam: yep. There's a spot it. Here's what's coming up today. No Saturday I'm sorry. That may 1 the beer barbecue and axe throwing freedom. That's in
nisswa, Minnesota at the Roundhouse brewery. The Kentucky Derby meetup takes place in Salem, Winston Salem, North Carolina on May 1 at jugheads.
Spring Boston Red 33 Red 33, mayday, mayday. meetup 230 at Hennessey's on Union Square in Boston. dissenters of Ford and Fauci. That'll be in Toronto,
Ontario. Careful now. Don't let a Justin see it. It will no longer be at Oh, there's a new venue that Christie pits meet by the soccer field where a
rose and then Thursday. A week from now the Denver area mud season masquerade meet up at 630 Mountain Time at water's edge winery and Bistro. I'll
just run through the rest of my day of May the seventh Charleston, South Carolina and Pittsburgh with Houston hackers at Oakland County Michigan on
the Eight to 15 to San Francisco Philly on the 16th Durham, North Carolina as well. 22nd we have Chicago in Long Beach, Santa Ynez on the 28th Rhode
Island, the 29th and Amarillo, Texas, the 13th in Brisbane, Australia. And on June 4, Peterborough, Ontario, but that's how widespread This is no
agenda meetups. If you can't find one near you is a very simple solution. Go to no agenda meetup.com and start one yourself. No agenda meetups like a
Unknown: Sometimes you
Adam: got to bring it back. Got it. The dogs are back. We have something very interesting taking place. I thought it would happen with COVID I thought
it would be related to the mink. I thought that would be coming for your pets. I was wrong about it being COVID related because they're coming for
your pets now over the past year pet sales
Unknown: have sold it sold the UK dog population alone has gone up by at least 10% during lockdown No. Now totaling more than 11 million Wow. And
while most people have used the extra time at home to bond with their new pets many environmentalists are calling for people to stop having pets
altogether because that would save the planet in a debate that in just a moment.
By the way
John: they hate dogs in England, you know that?
Adam: Oh, yeah. But that doesn't matter. This is coming to a dog near you. Listen to the listen to the package and
Unknown: the debate that in just a moment with the details.
We're a nation of pet lovers. More than half of us
Adam: how that contradicts what you just said. In case you didn't know Britain is a nation of pet lovers, john.
John: You're spreading goldfish majors.
Adam: Spreading disinformation. We're a
Unknown: nation of pet lovers. More than half of us have won. But did you know our furry friends contribution to climate change? Some researchers have
found the Eco pawprint of a dog is twice that of a typical SUV 6000 miles a year.
Adam: I love the statistic. A dog has the same carbon footprint as an SUV you owe your Kia dog is killing the world
Unknown: to feed for one pet pooch emits nearly twice as much carbon the average UK household uses in a year for electricity. And according to
research by Victoria University and Wellington, a cat's eco footprint is roughly the same as a small car. cat litter is also full of mineral based
products which are harmful to the environment. And the growing demand for plastic toys also contributes to environmental damage. But it's not just our
pets. A single cow produces up to 120 kilograms of methane per year. And there's around one and a half billion cattle worldwide. And it's this methane
that's more damaging to our climates than the carbon dioxide produced by cars. So is it time that we give up our pets in order to save our planet?
Adam: I love the question. I love the narrative. I will propagate this I'm going to get a dog Of course when we move out of Austin, but if anyone says
anything about climate change, I'll be like, do you have a dog or a cat? Do you know that your cat's carbon footprint is bigger than that of a small
car and your dog is bigger than that of an SUV. Do you realize what you're doing to the environment? I can't wait. I'm very very happy about this
John: Well, yeah, you're gonna be a jerk everybody around me? Yes, that would be the perfect thing to do. I I'm thinking about how to deal with this.
I think is bullcrap began with
Adam: bullcrap. And I'm not saying that I believe in it. I say it's hilarious. That
Unknown: as a weapon you're using your weaponizing I am
Adam: weaponizing dogs. weaponizing dogs pets?
John: Yes. You weaponizing pets he has to be more specific. Alright. ISOs Wait, wait, I have a follow up which is more on the on these horrible
animals. Well, more on
Adam: the war on meat. Yes, absolutely. This this took place. I wasn't even planning on bringing bring it up. But the clip custodian sent me a clip to
check the false we began with a popular recipe website saying Baba Yes,
Unknown: that's right editor's Epicurious
have stopped adding beef recipes. As part of an effort to fight climate change. They
call me production quote, one of the world's most
worst climate offenders.
Adam: Some say the move will backfire but others say it could win the website a new generation of customers.
Unknown: It does signal that Epicurious is taking climate Seriously, this could give them some support for from the socially conscious consumers,
especially young people.
Epicurious says the beef recipes already online will remain available.
John: No, this is this is Conde Nast. Yes. Virtue switching in recent years has picked up some woke managers I pitch about this constantly. This is
the same company that brought you a feature article on Karl Marx and Teen Vogue. Yes. And that says it all right. Well, that's what you do. You're
working the whole all the angles, and they're going after after the youth, you especially the ones who hate beef. This is if it was something you
could subscribe to. I it's one of those situations. I first heard this said, Gee, I wish I could unsubscribe heal my subscription that I don't have.
Adam: Now do you think that this will bode well for Epicurious as a publication that this will increase their sales or their ads?
John: There's they're living in a dream world. It makes them look like fools this is the problem is just like I don't read recipes to be politically
correct. I read recipes for good ideas, right? I might want to cook for dinner. And the dead to do this. It's just it's it. It's showing disdain for
the audience. It's a disdainful thing to do. It's, it's, it's basically a Yeah, if you want most people who are vegetarians or vegans, there are
plenty of outlets for getting recipes. Yeah, there's books, there's websites you
Adam: go there. Do you think that maybe there's a combo to be made here if Epicurious would start publishing recipes on how to cook your dog, that
maybe they achieve the same result?
John: Well, after you work them over, yeah, maybe.
Adam: Alright, ISOs
John: okay, but I do have one final clip for this segment. Okay. But let's do the ISOs first. Yeah. I've got some bite in ISOs. And let's go with
civilization. Oh, no, I'm sorry. I got there. Alex Jones. Hi. So I could not get a good ISO from
Adam: he has no punch in the eye. That's right. Yes. Civilization.
John: Let's go civilization. Civilization.
Unknown: civilization is collapsing.
John: Okay. Okay. Then demon. Alright.
Unknown: We're a demon possessed nation.
John: Okay, okay, there's I like those. But then I had to go back to the well. Wait,
Adam: let me let me do two ISOs before you go back to the well.
John: Okay, good.
Adam: I have this one.
Unknown: podcast.
Adam: That no punch funny but no punch. This one I think is an actual candidate
Unknown: muffins and bacon.
Adam: Kind of like Muppets and bacon from Rachel.
John: When you go back to the well though. All right. You get a show closer. That is pretty hard to top. This is Wow.
Unknown: Wow. Okay.
Adam: Yeah, you're done. All right. There's no competition. We got it. All right. We have our ISO now final clip of the show hit it.
John: Okay, this was a this one I picked up off of the hidden knowledge site. This was from 2015 when Piers Morgan and I pretty sure we didn't play
this clip. This is when Piers Morgan was interviewing Johnny Rotten. And they refer back to a show done in 1978. When Ratan was on the BBC, spilling
his beans on Jimmy Savile,
Adam: we 30 years coincidence? We have, I've just looked, we have a clip from Johnny Rotten from 2017. But I don't think that
John: this one, no, this is from 2015. Okay, but and Morgan rises a lot because he's not on the BBC. This was done ITV and he gets to ride the break
because they buried they never, they never put it out there. And it was he was talking about Savile 30 years before he was busted. Because I guess it
was just common knowledge.
Adam: Yeah, everyone knew Jimmy Savile was was fiddling around, Jim will fix it and they were all in on it.
John: Play was completely
Unknown: turned left field here and I'm broadcast section of a BBC radio interview. You didn't 1978 recently came to light included on a pill album.
And you were talking about making a film where you kill famous people. That's never been played on television before. But it has a particular
relevance. This isn't to this.
So who else is on the gunner list?
Though it's endless, believe me. I just want to make a film of it. on film, I'd like to kill Jimmy Savile. He is a hip When I write an ad he's into
all kinds of saving us to deal no doubt we're not allowed to talk about I know some rumors. I bet none of this will be allowed out
fashion imagine libelous stuff or Ghana
nothing else said is liable
deathless there well, but you can get contentious in life just because you're bored or that project but but put aside that the rhetoric you were using
the fact that in 1978 the height of the Sex Pistols explosion, there you are saying about Jimmy Savile. He was in all kinds of Satanists that we all
knew about, weren't allowed to talk about it. I know some rumors. So you you had heard the kind of thing that we now know about him or, or stuff like
that. Yeah. I think most kids did to most kids wanted to go at the Top of the Pops, but we all knew it. That's the garment she was up. But I'm very,
very bitter that the likes of Savile and the rest of them were allowed to continue. Did you ever try and do anything about Southern? I did my bit I
said what I had to? Do they ever
know. It just got suppressed?
Yeah, for legal reasons. Yeah. And did you I found myself I found myself being banned from BBC Radio there for quite a while for my contentious
they wouldn't state this directly debate either. excuses. pretty shocking. Yeah, he got away with it for another 30 odd years. Not only him, but a
whole bunch of them. And these are the purveyors of good taste her. You were too offensive. Brilliant in it. Well, I'm still here and the rest of them
what was still alive. Nice to jail time for them. jail time.
Adam: Read this.
Unknown: The BBC has said it's a poor buy samples crimes. And the dame Janice Smith review is considering the culture and practices of the BBC during
that period.
Adam: Wow. How did you get this? Where does it come from?
John: When I got the Christine christianna Northrop's stuff I started looking around the
Adam: site and I found it What's the name of the site?
John: Hidden knowledge I think the name of it.
Adam: Hereby renamed to treasure trove.
John: Sure, there's a lot of gold gold in them. thar hills.
Adam: You got a clip of the day.
John: It was well deserved. It was interesting, because it just shows you what that that's mainstream media right there, the BBC. And 30 years in
advance, they couldn't get this guy out of there. I don't know.
Adam: Coming up next on no agenda stream.com the private citizen. Whoever heard that show, stick around for that. And their show mix is Jesse Coyne
Nelson, Tom starkweather. And, well, my request we're gonna slip in Andrew Andrew Andre Coleman, which is your dream sequence. You can hear that one a
little bit longer. And we will be back on Sunday to deconstruct it all for you again, pretty certain there'll be something to talk about there always
is. Hey, you let us know because you're producing it. India Keep it coming. Because without you we don't make any kind of show. And I'm coming to you
from opportunity zone 33 here in the capital the drone Star State austin texas FEMA Region number six in the governmental maps in the morning,
everybody. I'm Adam Curry
John: can from Northern Silicon Valley where I remain and Jhansi devorah he returned
Adam: on Sunday. Remember us at devore act.org slash na thanks troll room. Until then, adios mofos in such a ditch the
Unknown: moral
force of judo is a dictator and he's mad bad. He should be the leader of a Leningrad he looks like the model for Fenn. But that's why we are calling
weenie boy shots.
Adam: Everybody gets shots.
Unknown: shots. Pfizer came to Canada with the master plan. We're going to give a jet deliver woman and man, Canadians who travel will get locked away
and paid 1000s of dollars for the prison stage get shots.
Everybody shots.
In the Canadian lockdown block.
Everybody must get a shot.
Adam: This is what's going down in Canada.
Unknown: While more and more Canadians are getting vaccinated right now. It's also important to plan ahead for the future. We've reached an agreement
with Pfizer for 35 million booster doses for next year. 30 million in the year after
John: options to add 30 million doses in both 2022 and 2023. As an option for 60 million doses in 2024. There has been a Canada and
Adam: it's a good deal, man. He's got options for 2020 for
Unknown: Canada navia in 20 2014 has
been wearing masks right
now, James, of course, we
expect President Biden to come in and take that mask off
when he gets to the Dyess but
the optics are important to the Biden administration.
I come to talk about crisis and opportunity. Discovery vaccines gave us the internet. So much more dorms hacks, catastrophic failure. No wall high
We're not gonna seek us to ex ex.
John: escalation.
Unknown: It was time to bring up the people. You will
have some force in the distant capital. What else? JOHN?
john john
gates now 100 days ago. America's house was on fire America's moving. Moving forward.
We can stop now. Never ever, ever stay down. Americans always get up because of all of this clean water. You got to choose between a job and a
John: I'm hunting dreams. Not daddy.
Adam: We are committed complete your soul.
Unknown: He made a note on noted note in
John: Saudi Arabia
Unknown: all day. Get some
John: Saudi gold.
Adam: Silver
John: and gold you can mail the gold
Adam: and we thank them for the treasure. Your
John: producer turned me on and now you want to know agenda show has producers
Adam: and
John: lievable producers? Yes, we do. That she listened to the show. I don't think he listens. Maybe dominatrix types don't like the shirt. But the
white girl can't know
Adam: what it's not. It's not even a color thing. I don't think
Unknown: you do the
John: accounting we don't do it.
Adam: mopho John dvorak.org
Unknown: slash and a
wow, okay.