Adam: We do a pretty good job. You know, we check out our Adam Curry Jhansi devora June 13 2021 it's your award winning gitmo-nation Media
assassination Episode 1355 This is no agenda 5888 and counting and broadcasting live from opportunity zone 33 here in the frontier of Austin, Texas
capital of the drone Star State in the morning, everybody.
John: I'm Adam Curry. Dan from Northern Silicon Valley. We're an eight car Zephyr just went by. Is that something on a Sunday? I'm John Dvorak,
Adam: Holy crap. We have an economic report from the Zephyr we have eight cars on a Sunday Bitcoin currently 36,409 Oh, my God. Baby, baby, baby. I
love my job. What a great job to have counting trains.
John: Cars, go and there goes about their two minutes, one minute late maybe.
Adam: I thought I thought to come on doesn't come on Thursdays normally.
John: Day said it used to be daily. Then during COVID, they went to three times a week. And now I think they've gone back to normal. Well, that well
that in the summer, they broken record every day. Well, that
Adam: is a true economic report. I mean, people don't know. But after the show, when I'm, you know, post producing, and John's just telling me what to
do. Hurry up. Yes, exactly. That's what I'm talking about. Like, Holy moly. Momo. God, there's 50. No, wait 25 cars. It's all from China. It's going
that way. I mean, you really track this stuff. I think there's
John: validity to 44 cars from China on a daily basis coming in that each one of those cars has to have the two of the trailers on it, or demote by
the modal. So how is unbelievable,
Adam: it's unbelievable. But this is more than you've seen in a long time, right?
John: Oh, yeah. Ever since the COVID thing kind of broke down these cars have been put these carriers, cargo containers. Be specific. The cargo
containers have been pouring in, like nothing I've ever seen ever.
Adam: So how can that how can supply and demand be an issue then that makes these prices go up so high? though, if everything's coming in scam,
Unknown: many manufacturers of food and household items are reducing the sizes of their products, but keeping prices the same. This process notice
shrink. felician is a result of heightened cost to produce raw materials during the pandemic.
Adam: I love that term. shrink inflation shrink inflation. Yeah, well, we know this is being done. It's like at Whole Foods where you'd buy the crab
cakes, and they were six ounces. And they kept the price. No, they raised the price like 50 cents and all of a sudden was five ounces. shrink
inflation. You get it on both ends. Mm hmm.
John: Well, this reminds me of the they always trade real or some term to explain this phenomenon. I don't know. Something's up.
Adam: We had an interesting weekend here in Austin. With a qualified as a mass shooting.
John: Yes, I was almost getting a clip of that. I teased it in the newsletter. And yes, and I expected a boots on the ground report from you because
you will be hanging around.
Adam: Yeah, this is dirty 6/6 Street, which is the party zone of Austin. Which is being well during the the lockdowns, etc. And a lot of stuff just
not being open. Because they're bars and if you didn't serve food, you couldn't be open. And there's just no vibe. There's no scene. It kind of filled
up with homeless people, vagrants and other things. And these are as I've said before, the people who are outside of City Hall these are not all just
purely unhoused citizens. These are troublemakers and I don't know no one really knows much because they did not get the guy although they apparently
this morning they have one suspect in custody. So here here's the basic some someone opened fire shots at 14 people now. Two of which critical I think
everyone is still alive. The guy got away. The news here has heralded the Austin police as being super quick to respond. They were doing tourniquets
and they saved everybody's life. Meanwhile, do not focus on the fact that there were no other cops anywhere in Austin. I mean, if I'm what I'm looking
for is what robbery took place when this happened because we have no police We have police Of course, but we don't have enough to cadet, you remember
the cadets were were sent home, we have $150 million budget cut for the police. No one wants to be police. So that was the main news. If you look at
what people are talking about the thing that
John: that of course, did they send a few social workers in there to hunt the guy down
Adam: well, so here's kind of how it was spun because we don't know exactly who this was. Initially, the chief of police described the suspect as a
black male with a black shirt, skinny build and dreadlock type hair. But he told reporters that the description wasn't very detailed based on the
chaotic nature of the incident. So the Austin statesman, which is our our local newspaper, which has been bought up by some we should know this, it
was bought out by some publisher who, you know, they have one or two people, I think part time to write some local stories, and the rest is all
produced elsewhere feeds. So they highlighted the fact that the Republic of Texas biker rally was being held in Austin this weekend. him kind of
making it sound like Well, that was clearly one of those rowdy aihole white bikers trumpers. And they made it even worse by saying in an editor's
note, underneath their coverage, the story that it declined to publish the description provided by the police. The one I just gave you, saying that it
was too vague at this time to be useful in identifying the shooter and such publication could be harmful in perpetuating stereotypes. That said that
in the pain, the newspaper a note from the editor
John: so it's not specific enough a black guy with dreadlocks, which is not that usual,
Adam: white guy with gun is is that not a stereotype?
John: Yeah, with a white trumper with a gun. Yeah.
Adam: I mean, they totally stereotype I realized
John: that paper gun down the tubes like that.
Adam: Oh, no, that happened several years ago, when, when they were bought out. I have to look it up who bought them. But that to me that was like,
oh, man, seriously.
John: So it's a wonder nobody wants these newspapers. I mean, they just bring it on themselves. Who's gonna pay for that kind of coverage? A bunch of
woke bullshit.
Adam: Exactly. Yeah. So like, I guess that's kind of it. If you look online on on the Twitter's to two stories immediately politicize It was either
because of the local leadership in Austin, which I definitely placed blame on them for an unsafe environment and what they've created and defunding of
police. And on the other side, it was, of course, our governor Greg Abbott, who, yeah, who's he's the governor of a Texas, of Texas, the state that
has guns, you know. But republicans GOP. What cannot be ignored, is the timing of a bill sitting on the governor's desk waiting to be signed for
constitutional carry. This was passed here in Texas, and that will mean that anyone over the age of 21, who has no previous felony convictions and a
couple other stipulations, can purchase and carry a gun, any kind of gun handgun concealed or open in the state of Texas. And he's had it for I think,
two weeks almost, why
John: would he sign it?
Adam: I think book Abbott is is just as big a political aihole as any is a democrat governor, it makes no difference. So he he understands the optics
of this is not good. There's been three shootings since this bill was passed, including this one. It's, you know, he knows what will happen when we
pass this boom. No one he doesn't want that aggravation. You know that right? Yes. Yeah, of course.
John: It's not not Rhonda Santas.
Adam: Is there open carry in Florida? No license.
John: If they would rent a bill like that enemy probably sign it. Speaking
Adam: of such john Charles Dvorak. By the power vested in me as a professional radio amateur operator under the Communications Act of 1934. I am
putting you on notice, sir, that you are as of November 2020, no longer licensed to operate equipment under FCC regulation part 15 and
John: 43 is two year leeway.
Adam: Damn it always has an answer. Why don't you go here? Why don't you go for your general and then we'll get you hooked up with a with a with a
proper rig with a manly you know, I
John: tried I thought about it, but then I thought all state was still going to be better.
Adam: be that way. Would you like me to remind you from time to time over the next year and a half?
John: Yes, I think you should because as you know, the possibility exists that you will forget it. I'll forget. I have two years to remember. And I
could forget it's possible. I'm not without you know, I'm I do. I know my I know myself enough. I know
Adam: you too. That's why I
John: effect screw that pound me.
Adam: Okay. All right. I'll take that. I like it. Okay, I think we should just a little bit of COVID stuff. Before we get into the J seven.
John: I have news. Ooh, news, ladies and gentlemen. I have no COVID stuff. The first time in probably a year that you did not get even one. One mirror
clip. having anything to do with COVID
Adam: I got a few. And we start off with some important news. That's right. Our hero David Hasselhoff. The Hoff is all on the Vax train. Mmm. Oh,
Unknown: that's right. I David Hasselhoff. I'm supposedly a hero because of Baywatch and Knight Rider and the Berlin Wall. But I found freedom with
vaccination. You can to puff
John: off. Oh my God. He does take credit for the Berlin Wall
Adam: is my hero because of Baywatch night writer on the Berlin Wall. Let me just throw that in there. I love that guy.
John: He's got a lot of nerve.
Adam: Yeah, but that's okay. You know, he's just, he's just that way. We need these colorful people. headline from Bloomberg. I am shocked. Shocked
Bloomberg, I think the only one support reporting this. The Miami Bitcoin 2021 gathering was a COVID hotspot. And here's how they start the story.
cryptocurrency podcast or Luke Martin said he caught COVID-19 during the Bitcoin 2021 conference in Miami last week, one of the biggest events to take
place in the US since the pandemic began. Larry cermaq, research director at the block the cryptocurrency news and information website said he hadn't
gotten it but everyone whom he hung out with during the three days of conferencing and partying did exactly that's their proof that there was a
John: Did you get it? No. Did it Eric to show yet it
Adam: Not that I'm aware? Of course not. Dave Jones already had COVID so he can't get it again. Now, this is total horse crap. But it's Bloomberg
reporting this as if Whoa, whoa, wow, super spreader hotspot, and they interviewed a podcaster and a blogger. Come on, insulting. The open verse
database or the various database has updated the vaccine adverse event response reporting system, which is run by the our national health system.
John: But that was the CDC.
Adam: It's NIH, NIH, CDC falls under that, you know, he falls into that.
John: Did you know that? It's a felony?
Adam: Yes. To? Yes. Yeah. But I get emails from time to time and and people say, because anyone can just report whatever they want. They're, you know,
not true.
John: You can get thrown in jail for Miss reporting on that thing. It's a it's, it's enforced.
Adam: Yep. And we know that from Peter McCullough, who says it takes about half an hour to put it in, and you've got to do it. Right. So they have
updated. We're still a week behind, but they have updated through June 4 2021. You recall the week ending may 28. We had 4000. Like somewhere four and
a half 1000. I think maybe 4600. Deaths reported
John: the vaccine.
Adam: Yes, one week later that has now jumped to 5888.
John: Hidden hidden to six.
Adam: And I'm going to keep counting. I'm going to keep count of this. This is This is unbelievable. And what we're seeing is real problems cropping
up with young people, particularly men who received a I think it's only the Pfizer and moderna vaccines that are causing Myo carditis and other types
of heart inflammation issues. Yesterday during the Euro 2020 football match by Danish. 29 year old Danish player Christian Eriksen collapsed on the
field. They had to do emergency CPR on the field. Yeah, his doctor has says never had any heart problems. It's still unclear whether he was vaccinated
or not. It seems some of She'll say yes, the coach is a known anti vaxxer. So we're not quite sure. But I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say Yeah,
John: Yeah, that's what I'm guessing Germany has
Adam: temporarily halted vaccination of young people. Same goes for Italy after big headline news with this 18 year old Camilla, who died after the
vaccine, and that was from AstraZeneca. So maybe they'll get their shit together here in America. The only clips worthwhile on this. And again, we
don't have all that much. This is just keeping trying to keep the kids safe. Everybody is CNBC, where we kind of get real information because people
disclose stuff, and there's rules and regs. It's still a lot of promotion. Bye. Bye, bye. Welcome in Scott Gottlieb. We know him former FDA,
administrator, Commissioner, and current board member of Pfizer, Dr. Gottlieb, this is pretty concerning report. What do you think of it? Look, it's
definitely a signal and it needs to be investigated by the FDA. And I'm sorry, I should probably have set that up better. The CDC sent out a news
alert over the weekend saying there seem to be a high occurrence of heart issues with young people and their studying
Unknown: the matter. They see at this point, there does seem to be a clustering of cases around six to 24. About 8.8% of all the people who've
received the vaccine are between those ages, and about 53% of the reports of pericarditis myocarditis at the FDA has received have been in that age
group. So there does appear to be a clustering of cases in that age group. Most of the cases of mild and self limiting, they've been treated with
corticosteroids and then said there's a handful of people who've gotten more seriously ill and had been hospitalized with this condition. But it needs
to be looked at. And the question is, what could be between the vaccine and these observations of the vaccine creating some kind of inflammatory state
that's in the design leading to this inflammation? And if so, what is the what is the approach going to be? I think at this point, the risk benefit
still favors vaccination, certainly in this age group. That's what CDC and FDA.
But if in fact, you find a link between the vaccine and these cases of heart inflammation in younger patients, it could open questions like do you
formulate the vaccine at a lower dose, which is already being done, we gave them too much for much younger patients. So you want to you want to get to
the bottom of this. So you can with an approach that you need to give him a shot anyway. There is a preponderance also in men versus women. So it's
about 8020. in favor of men, so 80% versus have been in young boys versus and young men versus young women. So that's another observation that we need
to take into consideration.
Adam: An item he takes, I think they take it very lightly. Very, very lightly, the way he's talking about this, yeah, you just have to determine. And
remember, he's on the board of Pfizer, so he would never throw Pfizer under the bus. But when it comes to Johnson and Johnson, yeah, yeah, I
Unknown: think so. You know, with the cases that we saw with the j&j vaccine, the AstraZeneca vaccine, that was what we believe to be an autoimmune
effect. So the vaccine itself was triggering some kind of immune notice how now it's the vaccine itself his vaccine. Again, we don't we have yet to
see if there's any kind of correlation there. But j&j our they caused it, they caused it, they did it that was triggering some kind of immune mediated
reaction that was causing those clotting disorders was causing destruction of platelets. And we believe it was the vector, the viral vector that was
being used to deliver the viral construct that was in the vaccine that basically the vaccine construct,
Adam: what the hell did he just say? We think it was the viral vector of the construct in the in the vector of the victor of the construct of the
vaccine. That's what we think.
John: What is this from
Adam: CNBC?
John: Why do they have this guy on? He's a stooge. he's a he's a Pfizer stooge, he's delivering Pfizer stooge information.
Adam: Pfizer stooge info, yeah.
John: So what do they put him on? What is CNBC putting him on for
Adam: to make sure the stock doesn't drop? Oh.
Unknown: And we believe it was the vector that used to deliver the gene construct that was in the vaccine that basically the vaccine construct
infection that construct
Adam: in this case, when you say vaccine construct doesn't mean it was put together shitty. What is vaccine a construct is,
John: I think he's referring to the screwball technology they're using for that viral vector vaccine from j&j is one way of describing it, I guess.
Adam: So here is a competitor slagging off that product,
John: but next thing they did, CNBC Brian Johnson and Johnson guy. These cases of pericarditis, we don't know what the relationship is, is it an
immune mediated?
Adam: Okay, those guys sucked. It looks like they made it wrong, shoddy product, but In this case, you we don't really know
Unknown: the pericarditis. We don't know what the relationship is, is it an immune mediated reaction from the vaccine? Or is it just a general
inflammatory response? We know the vaccine induces a flat and inflammatory response. That's why you get either that's why you get injection site pain
because you're getting your immune system stimulate this and reactogenicity, just from the vaccine itself. So this is this
inflammatory response from the vaccine that's localizing in the heart in some patients, or is it something that's more direct with the vaccine itself
is triggering some kind of very targeted immune reaction? And it's manifesting in this way? We don't have the answer these questions, you just still
low numbers. And remember, even people who speculate that there must be more cases, and we're just recognizing a small number of cases, that may be
true, there may be more mild cases of pericarditis that we aren't recognizing, but we are probably capturing most of the severe cases, we do a pretty
good job in this country of capturing what are likely severe adverse events, people really
Adam: know, I'm sorry, that goes counter to every narrative I've heard on the mainstream. No, that's just a self reporting database. With that said,
anyone can put it in there, it's not really good. And now here is we do a pretty good job. You know, we check out
John: mild cases of pericarditis that we aren't recognizing, but we are probably capturing most of the severe cases, we do a pretty good job in this
country of capturing what are likely severe adverse events, people who are getting very sick or might be hospitalized from this condition. And when
you look at the number of people who are having severe cases of pericarditis, it's very small numbers right now, most of these are very mild cases
that are being picked up some Incidentally, let's just take a look and see. You know, if all the things you want to get you know, I get your heart
swollen up for damages the heart and you're gonna see it's probably gonna cut off 20 years from your life, or you collapse on the soccer pitch. Oh,
you collapsed on the soccer field, you end up in a coma.
Adam: He's right, though. It's not really big numbers. You know, we have almost 6000 dead according to those extremely well documented and pretty good
system we have in the United States from that same weight.
John: There's not a lot of numbers. When did they start? First start giving kids the vaccine? Compared to vaccine to the general public? It's only
recently Yes, yeah. So the numbers aren't gonna be small. So it's bullcrap. The way he puts it,
Adam: I have the number 1087 myocarditis, pericarditis cases,
John: that's a big number, considering they just started giving the shot.
Adam: 2190 heart attacks 652 miscarriages 15,050 to severe allergic reactions. And 5483 disabled. Damn, what does that even mean?
John: Oh, there was remember early on, they've suppressed most of these stories. Remember early on where the person got, like, paralyzed from the die.
Or they had like a stroke.
Adam: It's crazy. Alright, let's talk about let's talk about some incentives. The way
John: I think you already did the incentive well, instead of not dig
Adam: Well, that's CNBC now we have CNN, Eric, Erin Burnett, or Bernie as we'd like to say. Now her down her job is to just call anyone who questions
anything crazy. And shake her head a lot and frown and she's unwatchable is unwatchable. I used to watch her all the time when she's in the morning
this thing?
John: I've actually worked with her a couple of times,
Adam: but she was really nice, too. Yeah, but she went sour man, something happened when she moved to see
John: her a lot of money and then they I don't know. Yes, I have a couple of CNN clips. I want to I am questioning my slippage today. And I after
you're done with Burnett, I'll run it by you.
Adam: Okay. So this is Dr. Sherry tenpenny. And she is convinced that the
John: Sherry Okay, go ahead. Sherry tenpenny, which I enjoy. She's on bitch shoot,
Adam: among, amongst other find video outlets.
John: amongst the most obscure video, she's a bit much for me. I enjoy her because I think she's funny. We play clips from her. She's very good at
isolating certain kinds of things. But it's like the old trick I've always thought was a great old trick. If you're going to do a debate. You say
you're the you're the Republican. And when you're putting out of the debate, your your group is putting out a debate so you instead and you're going
to debate some issue. So it's so instead of bringing on somebody that could actually debate the issue on the other side, you have your republican goes
normal, you'll find some crazy person wears a hat, a beanie and it No matter, they just blather about all kinds of crazy stuff. They look like they're
nuts. Yeah, that trick is used all the time. Of course, and Penny, I think is brought in for this purpose. She's kind of nutty.
Adam: Well, what I have seen and and the point here is that erin burnett is going to completely annihilate her for the magnetic arm thing. Which I
have seen, you know, the two girls who confronted Beto and said, Hey, you know, are you whatever it is? Are you are you a Marxist came in what they
said, but they were messing with them. They did a thing on Sixth Street couple weeks, like two weeks ago, a week ago. And they were sticking
refrigerator magnets on everybody's arm asking him what vaccine they had. And it it does seem to work with some people. And but but the thing is, your
arm isn't magnetic, you can put a magnet on the on the shot spot. And it stays most of the people who I have had emails from say it doesn't work, but
doesn't matter. Let's let's just make everyone crazy.
Unknown: Health officials in the United States are trying to stop the dramatic decline and the rate of people getting vaccinated. But this message is
facing stiff headwinds, because of Frankly, I don't even know how this stuff even happens. And somebody who says these things would be testifying that
someone who says these things would be a doctor, but this is what you're about to hear. A doctor who was called to testify by Ohio State republicans
trying to pass a bill that includes blocking employers from mandating vaccinations and banning requirements that unvaccinated people wear masks. Here
is Dr. Sherry tenpenny.
I'm sure you've seen the pictures all over the internet of people who've had these shots, and now they're magnetized and put a key on their forehead,
it sticks they can put spoons and forks all over them. Because now we think that there's a metal piece to that.
Adam: I have not seen any of this key on your forehead and spoons. That is a she is really certifiably stupid.
John: She's out of control.
Unknown: Turn that right? That just happened, timoni, by people who are elected to serve in a state government. That was a doctor from a state where
less than half the population is even vaccinate to find that getting the vaccine turns you magnetic,
Adam: stupid republicans now it was so bad the CDC had to respond to this horrible disinformation
Unknown: lest there be any doubt about what's happening here. The CDC actually had to knock down this and its website. I mean, this is like people can
go out and say, Hey, the sky is green. And you know, I have to like somehow prove that it isn't green. That's the world that we're living in now. Can
receiving a COVID-19 vaccine cause you to be magnetic that actually got put on the CDC website after this the answer? No,
Adam: that's also not what people are showing. It's showing that
John: mag gets different. What's she talking about? A website was taken down because it had information that was no no no, she
Adam: said the CDC had to publish on their website and take that conspiracy theory down. Oh, yeah, it was a little convoluted
John: the way she said it the way she said it sound like a website was actually removed by
Adam: the government. But what you just said about you know the old trick you get the you get the numb nut from the from the opposing party. Yeah,
Burnett's producers, they went a step further
Unknown: look, you know, it hesitate to put people up and make them look foolish, but they made themselves look foolish. They said these things. It's
it's not okay. It's wrong. It's made up. It's completely inaccurate.
John: Hold on, stop. Is it anything like the US Surgeon General saying that a natural immunity is not as good as a vaccine that kind of made up full
crap? Is that what she's talking about? Yes, she
Adam: actually took him down in a whole Expo say in the next hour. Sure.
Unknown: It's, it's not okay. made up. It's completely inaccurate. And people are believing it. It's causing people to be hesitant about getting
vaccines. They're not isolated incidents either. At least
Adam: unlike kids falling down dead on soccer fields. We're not dead unlike myocarditis, but none of that caused it now it please pay no attention to
the children's heart inflammation. Please look at the nut jobs. I'm showing you on your telescreen
Unknown: as attended about getting vaccines. They're not isolated incidents, either. These kinds of things are being spread like wildfire thanks to
social media. And Tonio Sullivan has now heard from a vaccine skeptic. The vaccine goes into our child
she'll just die. That's all there is to it. You taught if your daughter took the vaccine, she might die that she would die. It's not my just like,
that's one. Okay.
We've also found these conspiracy theories are running rampant among some white evangelical Christian.
John: Why I like it. I like where she's going. But where's the conspiracy? What's the conspiracy theory? Oh, yes. conspiracy. theory. The woman says
my daughter gets a vaccine she she's gonna die. Yeah. What where's the conspiracy here? It's just an opinion. It seems to me that the woman thinks her
daughter's gonna die. Where's the conspiracy? I got a bunch of people that are conspiring to for her to say this. What is she talking about conspiracy
theory, you make
Adam: a very good point. And that is the trigger word used to just tell people to shut up and not listen to what you just heard because it's dumb.
Stupid. Not true. Can't be true. That person is clearly out of their mind. Conspiracy Theory. No, you're absolutely right. onward. Okay. Oh, by the
way, she could have said, You know, I understand as a mom, you're really worried but you know, it doesn't sound like she has the facts, right? Instead
she says,
Unknown: okay, okay. And our Ellery also found these conspiracy theories are running rampant among some white evangelical Christian
Adam: Republicans. Are you gonna get the vaccine? No, it's detrimental to your health. It starts going into conspiracy theory type stuff, but I do I
believe it's Bill Gates in there trying to kill us.
Unknown: This has real consequences, right. I mean, it comes to the same day that President Obama is now.
Adam: Oh, did you hear a press? Yes, I did. Yes, he did. This has real she was so shook up by that by that clip that she threw in an O Biden. Gotta
love it. Classic.
Unknown: This has real consequences. Right? I mean, and it comes on the same day that President Oh Biden is now.
Adam: We haven't heard that mistake for a long time.
John: No, that's a good one too. I'm gonna effect for that alone. You're getting clipped as a day after you're done with these. Take. I'm
Adam: taking it right now. I know how that goes. Let me see when's the last time we had an OH Biden was Jen Psaki with an almost, and that was January
of this year. But the last real good one was shields, one of your clips. And that was November of 2020. So it's been several months. It's our it's our
quarterly Oh Biden update. I love
John: it. The one Biden two quarters. But I didn't expect it to come from her. No,
Adam: no, no, it's beautiful.
Unknown: has real consequences. Right. And it comes on the same day that President Oh Biden is now vowing to supply 500 million doses of vaccines to
countries that are desperate desperate for these vaccines, right? They can't they have people dying. They do anything to get the vaccines yet in the
United States. You have people saying things like you just heard, you know, worried about turning into magnets instead of getting a vaccine.
Adam: Okay, so she's really trying, she's got her marching orders, and that's the only way she knows how to do it is to is to roll her eyes and say
these people are crazy. If you really want to make people feel good that they don't have to be hesitant about the vaccine. You might consider this
Unknown: tonight the race to vaccinate the FDA announcing it will extend the expiration date for the Johnson and Johnson vaccine by six weeks.
Adam: Honey, get me some of that over the Nate vaccine. He says expired now. We'll give you six more weeks man is fine. Just come on. Come on get
Unknown: Tonight the race to vaccinate the FDA announcing it will extend the expiration date for the Johnson and Johnson vaccine by six weeks. For
parents nationwide. There's a mixture and I'm sorry,
Adam: what is this like? It's
John: just like Elon Musk's flipping a switch and all the Tesla's to get 100 extra wells this work who
Unknown: knows for parents nationwide, there's a mixture of worry and hope, a drop of more than 50% in New COVID cases among kids last week compared
to the week before. And today Madonna applied for emergency authorization for x vaccine in children as young as 12. But new data shows a
possible link between a second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine and mild carditis and pericarditis heart inflammation. The CDC says it was a higher number
than expected but the cases mostly seen in males are rare.
Adam: But the cases mostly seen you know, I think they're gonna just move this along like it's just guys anyway. Just males just males
John: could be that they're emphasizing the males.
Adam: Yeah. Weird about that. I don't know if this is an incentive but it was fun to listen to.
Unknown: As we've been reporting cruise ships are setting sail once again, but more passengers are testing positive. Two people on a celebrity cruise
are in isolation. They tested positive even though they're vaccinated and tested negative before the trip
John: oopsie that work? I don't know. Does that work Surgeon General? Yeah.
Adam: Well, it's only 95% that it works, man. Now we move to action. Scandinavia, Manitoba, and they are doing their best to get everyone all pumped
up about your freedoms coming back with their brand new vaccination card,
Unknown: the launch of a new secure immunisation card that will be available to Manitobans. Two weeks after they've received both doses of a COVID-19
vaccine in the interim, until all
Adam: I have a feeling that in Canada, and maybe in the UK, they've somehow slipped in the people, it's good for people to get two shots of Johnson
and Johnson as well.
John: You know, this, this double shot thing, I think Johnson Johnson figured they'd, you know, here's your marketing guy, let's say we're in a
Johnson and Johnson are having a meeting and it goes, Well, you know, these guys are getting our shots are only 10 bucks, it's like half the price,
and you only need one. I thought it would be a way of selling more because people say, Oh, you only need one and it's cheaper. And you know, once you
want it done
Adam: baby one and done,
John: one and done. But now it looks as though that was a mistake, because they making it sound like it's great to get two shots. And you know, and
also if you're dealing with the sales part of it, you have to realize that people really balked. If you remember, we were doing a show during this era
during the swine flu. And there's 2003 years before maybe they were people were balking at the two shots. Yeah, no, no, no, no, no, we had to have to
No, no, no. And then next thing you know, it was just blended with the regular flu shot.
Adam: Well, there's a lot of is a lot of articles in the Daily Mail about it really, two shots being needed. I recall. Trudeau saying that he was
getting a second shot of Johnson and Johnson that may have he may have picked the whole thing off just by making that mistake. Because of course, you
can take any any shot whatsoever. So yeah, I'm getting my next shot. What didn't you have Johnson and Johnson? Yeah, but it's better, something like
that. I thought,
John: well, he probably just screwed up
Unknown: back to Manitoba interim, until all public health restrictions are lifted. Manitobans will get certain benefits with this cart
Adam: benefits row. We're getting benefits with the card, everybody. Let's listen to your freedoms.
Unknown: So we hope this is a temporary measure of courses, we get to the point where everybody is vaccinated, we don't need to worry so much about
this. But in the interim period, this is an important additional thing that will benefit you with this card.
John: Use the benefit anybody?
Unknown: Well, well listen to the benefits with this card to travel within Canada without having to self isolate upon your return to Manitoba.
Adam: Benefit one,
Unknown: you will be exempt from the self isolating requirements if you're emulating the close contact by public health. In other words, have you got
a call from public health notifying you've been in close contact with someone who said COVID because you have this card and because it's evidence that
you've been vaccinated twice, you won't have to self isolate as a result. And thirdly, with that card, you'll be able to visit family and friends in a
personal care home or in a health care facility as well. And that's good news for those we care about deeply who are in those hospitals and in those
personal care facilities. Good news for you Good news for you.
Adam: That's it no freedoms you don't have to self emulate for five days. You can see your your your granny and they got a tough up there. They really
do this delta variant bull crap that just just all in on it anything related to the to the to the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, Canada is
all we'll we'll see if the UK is going to open up. Now. This is the last of the incentive clips. In New Hampshire in the United States. We don't mess
around when it comes to segregating people. Parents of exit or high school students are upset with how the school did contact to Tracy during the
senior prom. State Representative Melissa Litchfield says parents started reaching out to her last weekend following the prom, which was held Friday
night outside under a tent at the high school. Okay, so this is a prom outside, outside, so very low risk of any transmission. And here's what I did.
The school district says students who were not fully vaccinated or unable to show a vaccine card had a number written on their hand.
John: Representative Litchfield shared these photos sent to her from parents.
Unknown: I just think that in this day and age, it probably wasn't the best choice of how to handle things. Simply because it's a matter of show your
papers and produce your papers. We're going to brand you every few songs
the students were asked to raise hands so it could be determined who they were dancing around.
The district says this was all part of its contact tracing system. Exit or high school principal Mike Monahan reports, students and parents feedback
has been positive. Sure. He says we hope the community will understand that while no model is perfect, this model let the students enjoy a close to
normal and highly desired experience to cap off their senior year. That's the memory we want to leave them with. So they marked him
Adam: with a magic
John: molecule on their own.
Adam: Yeah, well, just 666 that's the only number I want if I was at the prom.
John: Yeah, you know what's missing from all these stories? And it's just kind of surprises me. Especially these this more recent ones are do
remember, this is probably thinking in the late 80s. Maybe that little toy that came out of Japan. That was a little Tamagotchi? Yeah, bear that.
Adam: Darling. I know how to talk to you after all these years. I read your mind. Yes, the tama gottschee.
John: Yeah. Well, that would be contact tracing mechanism. That would be dynamite.
Adam: Oh, give them a little tchotchke
John: Yeah, it'd be cool because people get aware of the thing. They wouldn't feel that they were marked.
Adam: Except by a nice Hello Kitty Tamagotchi. Yeah, I'm not mark. Well, john, you have a job in the government waiting for you. You're filled with
John: government before I know how it works. You, you got great ideas.
Adam: You got great ideas.
John: gushy it'd be called a COVID gottschee. There you go. Right in the naming right away.
Adam: And a little update on the nurses striking here in Texas at the Houston hospitals that do the judge threw the lawsuit out. He said you can't sue
them over in his right to work, you know, they can fire you. And you can leave. But you can't sue them because they mandate this. Okay, the judges
this shitty one, I think Well, I'd say so this is an experimental drug. You can't force people to take it. Well see the thing. They didn't even get to
that the judge just dismiss the lawsuit. without really even you know, that's the whole point is to get into something like that. So this judge I
don't just think didn't want to touch it just like no, I like none of that. None of that at all.
John: There's more ways to skin a cat.
Adam: Yes. And I think that's it other than a recommendation from several producers. If you have I've seen one episode. And I really do. And I've seen
a pertinent episode, which was produced and released in two at the end of summer, mid 2019 British TV series called utopia, which must be seen when it
comes to predictive programming, particularly considering the timing. And this is literally a corporation that releases a virus to create demand for a
vaccine that sterilizes the world's population.
John: Yeah, I know. I know about this. Have you seen it? Have you seen it? No. I haven't seen I haven't gotten around to it. Yeah, I get it. I get the
idea. I mean, what do I need to see it for? It's pretty funny.
Adam: Oh, I see. there's anything else we haven't thought of yet. It's still coming. Up. You get get a lot of inspiration. Just like the men in black.
Yeah. Pick up the trades. And okay, do you have one final clip to round this out? This is a continuation of the distraction is this? Is this a bat
virus or lab virus? And we knew a year ago more than a year ago that the Canadian researchers were involved. We followed the Chinese researchers who
were ceremoniously kicked out unceremoniously kicked out of the lab. And this little update from Canada in
Unknown: 2019. Django to her biologist has been kidding Chang and her Chinese students were stripped of their security clearances and escorted from
the National microbiology lab in Winnipeg. Just months after to send a shipment of Ebola and henna viruses to the Wuhan Institute of Neurology
John: will acknowledge espionage was involved in the Winnipeg lab incident. The public agreed. I'm sorry, guys sound like Bill Gates. Oh, no.
Adam: Listen to that. involved in the Winnipeg lab incident. As a bit of that Seattle thing going on there. I agree. Apology will acknowledge
espionage was involved in the Winnipeg lab incident.
Unknown: The public health agency has agreed to give unredacted documents to the national security and intelligence committee of parliamentarians
which has the highest security clearance. This work can't be done without teamwork in 2018, to receive the Governor General's Award for innovation,
for her work on a treatment for Ebola, some of that work was done with scientists affiliated with the Chinese military.
This needs to be a wake up call for Canada, it appears that you know what you might well call Chinese agents infiltrated
one of the highest prize national security elements when it comes to biosecurity. This security expert
agrees if there's information that's going from us to a hostile foreign state that is something that has significant ramifications.
Despite regular visits to their to Winnipeg homes to and sharing have never been reached for comments. The two scientists remain under RCMP
investigation. their whereabouts are unknown.
Adam: You want to get the feeling. You have the Chinese, I would say they're the main thing they're good at is copying stuff, the copy stuff, they
make it and they sell it real cheap, and they steal intellectual property. Do you think that maybe they just have stolen everything they need. And
maybe that's why the Hollywood thing is falling apart. They've got all the studios they've got, they know how to do it. They were trained by
Hollywood. Maybe they're just pulling back, they've got it and now it's gonna blanket us with everything.
John: I've thought about this too. They also have a In fact, one of our producers whenever I think he's a knight, his works for one of the Chinese car
companies lives in Oakland, or somewhere around here. It's electric, they I've thought about this a number of times, the Chinese have stolen so much
stuff up until now that they pretty much caught up with everything we can do. They don't need us anymore. Exactly. But they still as if you read the
story about the breakup with Hollywood, they still have an issue with creating stories they can't do. This is I wish I managed to reclip some of this
stuff that this guy said but he says their storytelling is still kind of an overhang of government oversights. aiyana You can't say that it's like the
guys who did the movie they did a one of those Hong Kong. You know, there's movies used to be made in Hong Kong. When the film industry was big there.
They now they try to do a story where where the police don't catch the guy. And they it gets pulled from the script. The guy says the Chinese
oversight guy says no, we always catch the guy. You can't show that. Right? Exactly. You can't so if you always catch the guy, and everything's
perfect, what kind of storytelling can you do? Yeah, they can't have corrupt police. Right? You can't have anything you can't have boneheads you can't
have anything. And so they so they have an issue with storytelling. So that's a part of, and that's what makes movies so they Yeah, they can still the
technology, they can make a movie. But is the storytelling just is vapid?
Adam: Well, it's not just the storytelling, but they won't they just absolutely won't allow certain things.
John: No, and they won't allow most things right. So there's that that in terms of stealing, like making cars and doing all the stuff that we do.
Yeah, they can flood us with probably good quality cars if they wanted to. The dishes waiting in the wings at Boeing seven, you know, seven, remake
planes. Everything should be doing drains pretty soon.
Adam: But I guess what I'm saying is they don't really need to be here. Performing espionage anymore. Oh, we got kicked out. Oh, well, we got all we
need that.
John: No, I think that's probably true. But the thing that always kind of gets me as you get some foreign agents doing espionage in this country. How
come they're not in jail? They just they just kick him out of the country. They should be in maximum security prisons. Yeah. Well, we're lined up and
shot like they do in China, like China did with all of our CIA. Good old fashioned firing squad. Yes,
Adam: yes, yes, yes. Hmm. Yummy. As long as it's televised, and we get the rights to produce it all in that that's the television goal. That's what
people want to see. That's what people want to see. I'm telling you, they love that stuff. Man, they do they line up. I'd like to play one clip to
lead you into the g7 since you seem to be on the beat.
John: though. I do have the g7 stuff yet.
Adam: I have an opening clip. This is the promo. Boris Johnson doing a much better job as a promoter of the event as a television host. This is a
little one minute clip they put together to make get everybody all jacked up and excited about Cornwall. I've lived in the United Kingdom. Yeah, it's
hard to get jacked about
John: friends in Cornwall.
Adam: Yeah, but it's not like Oh, wow. Cornwall.
John: But sounds good. Yeah, it sounds good.
Adam: And he set the tone and it was exclusively your no agenda show that caught the tone for this g7. well over a year ago, a year and a half ago,
Unknown: this year's g7 summit in COVID, will be about how we build back better. The pandemic has been the biggest test the world has seen for
generations. And as the most prominent grouping of democratic countries, the world will look to the g7 to apply our shared values and diplomatic might
to the challenge of defeating the pandemic and leading a global recovery. This will be the first imperson gathering of g7 leaders in almost two years
and UK has invited leaders from Australia, India, South Africa, and South Korea, to deepen the expertise and experience around the table. This is our
opportunity to set out how we respond to the global problems we all face to improve the world global health, tackling climate change. Every child in
the world of quality education and building a coalition for openness, bring prosperity to our people. And the world
has long been the catalyst for decisive international inaction in this year's summit will be no different. By working together, we can build back
better and for a better life, beyond your freedom back.
Adam: For someone else, they should have hired us, we could have done a much better job. We got the songs with a damn classical music driving people
into a crescendo frenzy build back better, it's all about the build back better.
John: Yet our jingle for build back betters worth a million dollars,
Adam: at least, at least, and residuals forever. And Beaujolais and I'll be quiet voted to double down during the press conference just to reiterate
how he believes in building back better that's what they're there for. And he is he's all in he is the man
Unknown: building back better together and building Matt greener and building Matt Farah. And building back more equal and
Adam: you're gonna miss it. You don't want to you don't want to talk over this. This almost done
Unknown: equal and actually more in a more gender neutral and perhaps a more feminine way.
Adam: What happened to him in a more feminine way? Well, thanks. I feel a part of the part of the team now. bojo gentle new gender new gender neutral
build. And then he went into but perhaps more feminine. Maybe it's just me. Yeah. How's
John: that? Right,
Adam: good. Good. It's just me.
John: No, it's your right. So this I don't even know what they did this meeting for because it said you got a lot of mixed messages. But I thought the
best probably the best rundown of it. In terms of what we are supposed to believe happened would be from CBS. Okay, and they did the rundown on
Saturday with this bubbly black woman. I can't remember her name. She did. I can't remember her name. But she's on the weekend beat and she is just
happy as a clam. Did she smile? It's like happy news from the 70s this is really old fashioned. Now this blind is telling us what what's going on with
the g7 is she's just jumping for joy and and Biden's kicking ass over is totally kicking ass. So this is g7 CBS one
Unknown: Good evening. Today President Biden declared the US is back at the meeting of g7 leaders in England. Once again allies are being embraced not
alienated. And officials are praising common solutions to global problems. But their united front is already being put to the test over how to best
check China's ambitions and stop Russian meddling. CBS says Nancy Cortez is at the g7 covering it all. Nancy Good evening. Adriana. We
learned today that the President will not be making a joint appearance with Russian President Vladimir Putin after the to sit down in Geneva next
week. The White House looking to create as much contrast as possible between that conversation and the ones taking place here in Cornwall. Repairing
alliances one handshake at a time. Today President Biden met one on one with French President Emmanuel Macron
Adam: on a second you saw this you saw this video where they shaking hands. Yeah, well, why did they do all that elbow bullshit then for the photo
that everyone was playing? They were
John: shaking hands left or right
Adam: but then what? Okay, that's odd. Hearing alliances one handshake, stop, stop.
John: I will say if you if you listen to 10 different reports you're going to get 10 different impressions. It's almost like an elephant. And but to
CBS, which is the mouthpiece for the government. I think this is the report that they want us to believe. Okay.
Unknown: Repairing alliances one handshake at a time. Today, President Biden met one on one with French President Emmanuel Macron is saying back in
the States, we're on the same page, all of the g7 leaders came together today to announce a new global infrastructure initiative called the build back
better world. Yes, that is a reference to a frequent White House slogan,
Adam: we're gonna build back better, we build
Unknown: back better. seven countries are vowing to work together to marshal hundreds of billions of dollars of infrastructure investment for low and
middle income countries in the coming years. It's a move designed to compete with a well financed Chinese infrastructure initiative in 70 countries.
That's known as Belt and Road.
I think it's great to have US president, part of the club and very willing to cooperate.
Adam: It was August of 2020. When we got the first clip from Antonio gras, the Secretary General of the United Nations for build back better.
John: The way is presented by CBS to the American public in that particular clip, was that Biden invented it the White House did is our guys, we hit
it, we didn't everyone's copying us, because we're the leaders that we're back to being leaders without being a bunch of bags.
Adam: Trump was right. We're back on the map. We're making friends with everybody sharing our brilliant marketing. Yeah,
John: that's it. That's when they when they played that clip, and they had Biden say, Bill back there, and they had Bo Joe said, Oh, yeah, as though
he can't copy
Adam: unless now this bubbly black woman. What's her name?
John: Adrian, Adrianna or Adriana.
Adam: Did she at any point, mentioned the obvious fact that if you look at all of these g7 leaders, that that's pretty much the white supreme gang
right there, that she mentioned that there was not a lot of, I don't know, diversity?
John: No, she didn't mention that she's not allowed to say something like
Adam: those are the true white supremacist. That's including the queen.
John: No, that's overlooked, but let's pay part to her to see.
Unknown: Looking ahead to next week, the White House announced today that President Biden will not hold a press conference with Russian President
Vladimir Putin following their summit, as his predecessor did at the last summit in 2018. He just said it's not Russia. In a statement, the Biden
White House suggested Putin can't be trusted to tell the truth in such a setting.
Adam: Quote,
Unknown: a solo press conference is the appropriate format to clearly communicate with the Free Press the topics that were raised as needed,
especially in areas where we have significant concerns. In a new interview, Putin said the Russia us relationship has hit a low point. President
Biden, of course,
is radically different from Trump because President Biden is a career man. He's spent virtually his entire adulthood in politics, and it's my great
hope that yes, there are some advantages, some disadvantages. There will not be any impulse based movements on behalf of the sitting US president.
As the g7 talks draw to a close here the leaders were treated to a dramatic flyover emphasizing the red white and blue. Tomorrow, the President and
the First Lady will take tea with Queen Elizabeth at Windsor Castle before he flies across the English Channel for a NATO summit on Monday in
Brussels. Adriana
Adam: wash this red white and blue flyover. Was it our guys or was it the arrows from the UK?
John: I think it was the arrows.
Adam: But Red White is kind of us, isn't it?
John: The way they put it? They they did a little needling of Trump in there, but they left out the part where Putin actually complimented Trump for
being you know, not as funny like, Well, of course, Biden. Of course. Now, leaving that in there, and their game and they make a big deal about how
important it is to do this press conference with the output and because it's to serve the Free Press, guys, I gotta control over there but with it
with just nothing but blatant bullcrap. But let's listen to a version of this the same kind of different actually doing some. I think Miss messaging
This is the mixed message NPR not the climate one the regular 149 sex is the NPR is report on g7 is it's kind of different than the CBS report.
Unknown: The White House says Group of Seven leaders support President Biden's push to call out China over allegations of forced labor and shinjang as
NPR is Franco Ordonez
John: mentioned in the report. I'm sorry, that wasn't even mentioned in the CBS report. The CBS report made it sound as though everything's just below
Back better, hunky dory the Biden's back. He's leaned away and you know, they don't bring up let him do they get one short quote from him. Yeah, where
he still can sound
Adam: cognizance. No, he know NPR is very serious.
Unknown: As NPR is Franco Ordonez reports, there are signs that leaders are leaning towards speaking out
John: how aggressively to confront China has been a sticking point between g7 leaders, some of them worry about damaging crucial economic ties with
the Chinese government. But Biden officials told reporters that leaders now seem ready to call out China's malign practices, including human rights
violations and non market economic practices. The officials wouldn't say whether leaders would name China in their final joint statement of the summit
that comes out Sunday so far that g7 leaders have agreed to donate vaccines to less developed countries, and also help with big infrastructure
projects to counter China's Belton road initiative. Oh, okay.
Adam: This is very interesting. And I'm glad you got this because no, of course didn't. It's so hard to get anything. It's not like they have a
webcam, like this streaming this shit live? No, that would be too transparent. Again, it is viden has quite an anti China's stance now from a PR
perspective. Yeah, that would make sense. I wonder how much if this is coordinated with with China that, that he's doing this, that he's saying these
things? If you're saying so I'm gonna go a little rough on you guys. Just to make it look make make appearances?
John: Yeah, I don't think the Chinese are into that.
Adam: They're in a lot of weird crap, but not that no. So they could retaliate possibly?
John: Well, I know, they, I'm sure they will in some way. I think they're probably doing it now by shipping tons of stuff to us. Yeah. Let's go into
it. There's another thing that they brought up on the NPR which is the other mixed messages clip which is on climate.
Unknown: Max Lawson is disappointed that leaders aren't doing much on climate change. He's head of policy at Oxfam. He says climate change has been on
the g7 agenda since 2003. With fewer results. It is
great that Joe Biden is given new impetus to climate talks, which are crucial happening at the end of the year in the UK. But the g7 needs to do a lot
more if we're going to stop climate chaos. He says developing countries need financial help in the fight against climate change.
Adam: He said climate chaos Yeah, climate chaos. That's that's that's old verbiage. I can't believe that someone didn't. didn't call him on that.
John: Please an Oxfam you know.
Adam: Oh, yes. I have a g7 clip about climate from Prince Charles. Oh, God. Yes. And Prince Charles is one of the architects of the great reset. One
of the architects of build back betters the slogan I'm sure. World Economic Forum master along with Klaus and just listen to what he
John: says in the UK the environment took center stage at the g7 summit in Cornwall, as the Queen hosted world leaders at the Eden Project, an
exhibition showcasing the world's ecological riches. safeguarding global biodiversity is a g7 theme, with the leaders aiming for agreement to protect
at least 30% of the planet's land and oceans by 2030. That's a topic that's always been close to the heart of Prince Charles the fight
Unknown: against this terrible pandemic provides, if ever one was needed, a crystal clear example of a scale and sheer speed at which the global
community can tackle crises when we combine political will, with business ingenuity and public mobilization lizard and we are doing it for the
pandemic. So if you don't mind me saying so we must also do it for the planet.
Adam: Did you know what that means? locking down baby. lock them down. I
John: wonder if these if these monarchs understand that globalization doesn't benefit them in any way whatsoever? Maybe it protects some of their
wealth. Maybe it doesn't.
Adam: But they're just playing the role. I mean, I don't think that the monarchs that they've just been going along for a long time now it's all the
money people. It's the money people who run everything. You got the money, you run everything. You know what I'm hearing? What's cropping up again in
conversations when when you see these kinds of globalists and talking about this stuff, the Georgia guidestones
John: Oh, not again. Yes,
Adam: the Georgia guidestones are popping up. They want to kill us all 500 million, that's all they want to do. Instead, what you probably won't hear
at the g7 is the 130,000 people who became home During the pandemic in the UK, when England I should say 130,000. That's a lot. Yeah. And and then the
complete takeover of the housing market now. I'm just putting this here in this g7 because it's globalist horrible crap. When we were looking at
moving, I immediately came with a report that it looks like investors are buying up all the homes, they're paying 2030 40% over price. They're they're
not going to flip them. They're going to turn it all into rentals, all part of you will own nothing and you will be happy. And that was poo pooed. Not
by you necessarily. But it was no I wasn't
John: Pooh poohing it. I
Adam: need to say going on the former New York banker poo pooed it? Oh,
John: that's interesting that he also he's also the one who predicted the Goldman Sachs was going under does that happen yet?
Adam: That one that I'm seeing him on the 23rd. That may happen if you look at the reverse repos, there's some that we have the same. But first, let
me play this. And then I'll want to say something about about Goldman Sachs. So this is the CEO of BlackRock. And as it turns out, everyone has been
emailing me this BlackRock has indeed been doing this exact same thing with their real estate investment fund. They've been buying up these houses and
in in Austin as well. And when they have like $7 trillion under management they truly love along with Vanguard, these guys really own control. Yes,
John: 7 trillion? I don't think so. Okay,
Adam: hold on a second, Black Rock assets under management. This is how you do it. People say Google
John: are you doing a my favorite things to do? People say, hey, what, you know, this asked me a question on that. I know email. Yeah. So I'll do the
Google search that they should have done and then cut and paste the Google search. So when it when they click on the link, it brings up the Google
search page with the with the search term in the box.
Adam: That's why that's why I have let me Google that for you. It's the same thing you go to let me Google that for you. I think it's dot com. You do
the search. And that gives you a link that comes back and says okay, you lazy ass Here it is. By the way I was wrong. I was wrong as 8.7 trillion
assets in assets.
John: They have 8.7 trillion in assets. They should be nationalized.
Adam: Well, let's see about Vanguard because that's the other one. That's what all the politicians are in Vanguard. The 7 trillion.
John: Well, you must have mixed the two up.
Adam: Together, these guys have almost $16 trillion of assets under management. And they're coming for your house kids, hello millennials. But by
Unknown: another way to do it. Today is we have things called private reads. We at Blackstone have a vehicle called be read, which today owns
primarily logistics and rental apartments across the southeast and southwest of the United States. It is a product that we're very proud of because
historically, they people did not do a great job offering private real estate to individual investors. And we really focused on trying to deliver a
first class product and done by our people in the right way.
Adam: Yeah, the right way. It's huge wealth transfer. Do you even said it, this should be maybe legal, this should be outlawed this practice this is
very, very bad.
John: It's bad for the country. It's really bad for the country. It's just bad.
Adam: I mean, when you don't have a house that you can build up some equity in. You're screwed. I mean, it took me I didn't start seriously doing that
until my 50s. But okay, I'm way behind on the ball. So I speak from experience. This guy's just, that's those and they own.
John: There's a good good report on one of the networks the other day, and it was some couple well to do couple, they had a really nice place in
Connecticut, and they wanted to move someplace else. And they got caught in this thing and they got a good price for their house in Connecticut, and
then couldn't buy anything. Because whatever they tried to do. It was being bought up by BlackRock and it was specifically BlackRock that was buying
in this area that they were looking into so they end up moving into a trailer. Now, they're nomads. The family
Adam: moves into a trailer.
John: Yeah. Yes, because they can't buy they couldn't buy a place. And so they actually no, I take it back. They got a special one. They had to start
renting and a one year deal. And now they got screwed. They got they got. could it happen to you, by the way?
Adam: It could have Yeah, well, we kind of go ahead.
John: Well, I'm going to say in the olden days, I mean, I've been in and out of real estate since the 70s. And it was always it was always a no
brainer Do you sell by re aged Trent everything would transfer over a lot of paperwork to sign but you would sell a place and then buy a place It was
not It wasn't like you sold and then you couldn't buy a place
Adam: you know what I'm most sad about that I had to sell my Airstream years ago that thing that thing it would cost a lot of money but that thing is
now if because they can't get him it'll go for 120 $130,000 there's wow the the big RV maker I forget their name have a backlog of 4 billion
John: and I think a billion dollars Yes. $4 billion
Adam: $4 billion. And I think I think a lot of people are are are choosing to just think Americans are nomads. But Americans are all we're good at
nomadic stuff.
John: We're kind of like well that the movie Nomad land, which won the Academy Award is worth watching. But it's about pretty much about people stuck
in these trailers. There's
Adam: a inspirational piece of work I understand. I haven't seen it yet.
John: Know about that. It's got a depressing, and you got that woman that actress McDermott, whatever it is. Yeah, she's great.
Adam: She must be
John: depressing. It was depressing person. Yeah, but okay.
Adam: That's what I haven't seen it every single time Tina like, yeah, we'll watch that movie. And then we're sitting on the couch like, I don't want
to be depressed. I do that for a living. I don't want to really, I
John: wouldn't say as depressing, depressing, depressing. It's, it's interesting. It's a very interesting movie. Because it does have it does bring
out a subculture that you never you're, you know, it's there. But you never thought about it much. Yeah, it's quite
Adam: well, I know that because I traveled around the country with the airstream I saw this is people live like this. And they're very happy.
extremely happy. They got a nice RV. They got a car park next to it. They got outdoors. They can cook outside. Go from here to there. It's safe,
independent. If you get if you're paying for a place. It's safe. Yeah, and it's kind of an American thing. But yeah, if we hadn't found something
outside of Austin, you know, the pflugerville wasn't there. pflugerville wasn't there. It would have been a problem for us to it isn't. We couldn't
buy anything back here in Austin. Not that we want to but you can't This is Forget about it. I mean, one bedroom. I think a studio apartment is going
for 1.4 million.
John: What Yeah, it's nuts, man. Well, that's the same thing. And what that has been going on even over MVNO, San Francisco was showing those things.
Because they're down the street, there was a couple of real estate places. They had all this stuff in the windows and you go by it and you look at the
listings, and it's like studio, one bedroom, condo and some building has got no just like 900 square feet. 1.1 million to who's gonna live in one 900
square feet for that kind of money. And people were standing in line outside of the shop to buy an $8 grilled cheese sandwich.
Adam: Remember, remember, st eight bucks for a grilled cheese sandwich? But that's exactly the that combination is why I personally did not want to be
here. It was the tech bros coming in talking about their spax stepping over the homeless people not really caring prices going through the roof. So
you know what's next is going to be overrun with homeless but they still have not changed anything in Austin. They they're talking about a three year
three to five year plan to purchase enough housing for the unhoused in order to to fulfill the reinstatement of the camping ban. They haven't moved
anybody. They don't
John: buy any housing at all with the rates taking it over there. Well they're buying.
Adam: They just bought a hotel. And they had a budget up to $9 million. It's a it's a $4 million piece of property and they paid $9 million for it.
And remember our mayor is is a real estate attorney. This stinks to high hell with these people doing everything is political. Disgusting. So Austin
will become San Francisco I'm sorry to say it. So we're leaving and re entering the state of Texas that's how we view it. And with that,
John: I'd like to say actually becoming a tech.
Adam: I'd like to thank you for your courtesy in the morning to you the man who put the C in the CBS government news john c
John: devorah. anymore you Mr. Adam Curry. Also in the morning the shifts is seeing the bare feet in the air the subject of water the dames and
knights out there in the morning to the trolls and the troll room. Hands on trawls
Adam: someone I can't do and I'm logged in. Did I get it? And 1946 that's pretty good
John: for Sunday. Wow.
Adam: No 18 and 18 for Sunday typically
John: No, no, no Sunday is where you get the 22 Oh,
Adam: there you go. Darn it. Well anyway, we'll take these sub 2000 trolls and say in the morning to them they are hanging out in the troll room you
can find that at no agenda stream.com where they are now all listening to this show live. They listened to Dan O'Neill before that. And last night I
think it was on last night but there's always a live show. If not, you get a podcast running everyone can hear it at the same time. He didn't have to
do that. Just go in there and chat around troll troll your fellow trolls or follow us at no agenda social calm that would be Adam at no agenda social
calm where John Dvorak had no agenda, social comm you can no longer sign up for an address. But you can follow us from any mastodon server, which are
typically free to sign up. And if you can't find one that you like, you can make one yourself you can get one hosted for $5 a month, or federate from
your own instance such as justice warrior dot social, we have a new one Finally, justice warrior dot social federates completely with no agenda social
comm that is the only way we'll be able to build out this social network and and you know, people keep saying Well, why don't we just donate money in
and we'll keep it running. And to them I say you are not a dude named Ben, you have no idea where you're talking about one hiccup one glitch, anything
goes down, who's gonna handle that the amount of data that we're storing, it's off the hook. You do not want centralized systems. So just Justice
warriors.com a Dutch social is isn't the one to sign up to, to see if we can fill those guys up. So we get another one. And while we're at it, let's
say in the morning to the artists for Episode 1354. We titled that one fax for hacks. And there wasn't much discussion over this piece of art, which
was done by rad 1x showing the COVID-19 vaccine jab by date as July 4 2021. It kind of hit all the boxes. For us. It was a very nice piece.
John: What was interesting is that it kind of predicted that one of the stories today we had this deadline to write
Adam: the expiration date. Now a lot of people did fax for hacks. But we really liked that as a title. And so we try to keep the title and the artwork
John: Well, we should explain that if somebody can came up with a terrific mind. We would have bumped the title. Yeah, but the art for facts for X was
not that good.
Adam: No one else where you had the there were several, but yeah, nothing quite there. What else do we have? We had the Acme COVID testing kit, which
you used in the newsletter. We kind of liked Kenny Ben's vaccine shipped to Africa with the expired stamp on it. That was good. Yeah. I like Darren's
gitmo-nation variants.
John: But like the box with the bat on the side. Yeah, that's
Adam: the Acme COVID test. Oh,
John: yeah. That's the one you I think I use that.
Adam: newsletter. Yeah. Only later. Did I see the Obama as Karl Marx. I hadn't seen that one. I might have mentioned mentioned that one had I seen it.
That's a really good. That's pretty good. More effectually
John: nailed it. Yeah, sure. did. I,
Adam: there's so much that came by on the last show art wise. And if you are using a podcasting 2.0 compatible podcast app, you can see that right
now, some sometimes even a link it'll take you somewhere you can see the transcript, you can search the transcript looking for that perfect spot in
the show you want to play to someone you can make clips. These are just a few of the I think by now. 20 different improvements. We've made the
podcasting try new podcast app today. Go to new podcasts apps.com you probably won't be disappointed, he said with a great marketing pitch. And now
let's thank the people who brought us much joy by supporting the show with some of their treasure our executive producers and associate executive
producers for Episode 1355.
John: Okay, sorry, I'm digging up some emails for some people that that Well, what do
Adam: you want me to start it off then and get us going?
John: No, I can do that. I got the ones I need. Okay. I'll tell you to take it you're actually you can take the Baronet let me do the anonymous
freight dog. Okay 135501 anonymous freight dog comes in from Parts Unknown it looks longtime listener, yada yada yada, please de-douche de duced wants
to be knighted as sir anonymous freight dog so actually right now he's only anonymous freight dog. But he'll be sir adding a penny for the jar Adams
stay safe Keep up the great work love peace and hair grease.
Adam: All right now he is also a rare episode club member.
John: Yes, this is less rare for some reason nowadays. reasons unknown to me.
Adam: Yes. Well, I love it when people do that. So a special double credit and a knighting later on looking forward to it. Then we have Baronet has
Laura from Danville, Virginia 523 70 interesting number almost happy almost Flag Day. What is it Flag Day?
John: You know? I when somebody said that I think it was her note. I said oh man flag is something we use great promotion,
Adam: great promotion. But we did nothing. We missed it. Dammit. Happy almost Flag Day. It's been way too long since my last donation more than a
year. But as we're almost empty nesters, it's time to contribute to the best podcast in the universe. Just a couple of favors first. JOHN, could you
please add me to the wine list? It would be greatly appreciated.
John: I'm not I put up a wine list subscription link eventually.
Adam: I want to be on the list. Why? Why? So I can read it. But why?
John: Why? Because I tell you everything just directly. You can you're one of the few people that can contact me when in a restaurant. Yes, because
everyone $1,000 by the way.
Adam: Oh my god, I so want to make an app for you. Because you always will pick up if there's money involved.
John: Yeah. That tend to be that way.
Adam: We've enjoyed wines from SAR loose and sons and the Verity wines based on your recommendations. Yes, I
John: have that as well as you that you bought that Wait, hold on a second. You bought some of the Veritate wines those things are not cheap. He
Adam: sent it to me.
John: Oh, you
Adam: Yes, me? Yes.
John: Oh, I thought you were real. She said oh,
Adam: I am. I am sure we've enjoyed wines from saarloos and sons and Verity wines. And I said I have as well as what I said. Oh, no,
John: I'm talking about them. No, they bought it. Yeah, you got some free this stuff is not for the weak of heart.
Adam: No, it's a special vintage got all kinds of writing on it that makes it look very important.
John: It's very important line.
Adam: We've enjoyed wise for starters and sons and Veritate wines based on your recommendation. So if you have any other thoughts, we'll continue to
drink Well, we're in Virginia and the wines here are many but not necessarily spectacular. As it stands. Our favorite Virginia wines are rdv and
Barboursville for what it's worth comments
John: to share it neysa from Virginia are very accept acceptable.
Adam: Also, I'm not worthy compared to many other producers. I always look forward to hearing from Sir-onimous of Sir-onimous Sir-onimous of dogpatch.
And I hope he's doing well. We heard him from we did we hear from him this month yet?
John: Not yet. No.
Adam: We always hope he's doing well on the producer who asked for the nothing but a dame song which was spectacular. If others more talented than I
could come up with an introduction to honor Sir-onimous it would be appreciated. Otherwise, I just want to thank you for keeping me sane over many
many years. Thank you again for everything you do and john don't stay safe but live dangerous late. No jingles no karma. Love you both bear netis
Laura. Nice. Sweet No, Laura. Very sweet.
John: She came in from 523 17 Dale Ville. How about Michael Rulon in Austin, Texas. I have a note from him already as I was looking up and I have to
switch to my email and when it gives me right here Michael rule Mike. In the morning I realized that my recent surgery the total number of lymph nodes
that have been removed from my body is 33 I know he had that many lymph nodes in the way that no idea about that. So I knew it was time to donate once
again and finally take the plunge into knighthood. Accounting below
Adam: Oh, okay. Hold on a second. I don't believe he's on the list then is he? I wouldn't think so. Okay. All right.
John: He likes to be called sir hair. He'll have Austin. Okay, sir hair pleases the peerage committee. Well, whatever you want.
Adam: don't have a problem with That.
John: Sure here he'll have Austin Could I get some f cancer karma? And I would appreciate some non alcoholic bourbon. But not the magical kind that
actually tastes good. What? Nah alko
Adam: all lick bourbon
John: that the lousy stuff he wants the
Adam: lousy stuff okay
John: with a glass and some ice cubes
Adam: okay
John: okay thank you both for your courage sir here he'll or would you do be sure here he'll have us is he'll
Adam: with the EA L or
John: L e h e l Okay, like a shoe.
Adam: entity. Do you need an F cancer?
John: Yes, f cancer.
Adam: For him? Yeah. You've got karma? Well, sadly, that's two in a row. Because Quint Newell comes in with 333 Parts Unknown ITM dude's been
listening for a while around the time Trump smokes solomani so long overdue. Giant deducing please. You've been de deuced and he says an F cancer got
some shit news about my mom this week. Appreciate you. Peace he says from Cuba. Sorry. I'm sorry to hear that man. But you never know. To do this.
You've got karma.
John: Sarah Burch in milwaukee wisconsin comes with 33333 just the same amount of popular number I've been listening shamefully for several months now
and have decided I'll remain a douchebag no longer de-douche me please. You've been de deuced on the topic, although I love them both dearly. Please
call out Adam. And Aaron as big old douchebags. Thanks john and Adam.
Adam: Now Brian Lewis sent in 333 from receita California. ca we know who lives in receita you know who everyone knows who lives in receita
John: great from receita here
Adam: she moved to the good old club 33
John: burned the place down she left I don't know where she is anymore.
Adam: So he sent a note but you know I looked at the whole spreadsheet and I saw down at the bottom with one $1.33 a secondary notes I'll read his
first note let's do it let's do this brother sister all black Oh wide I'll brow love Asian and all his love you Americans love you people of the
earth. It's like a pod a and then he followed up with his second donation. Hey, this is the same Brian Lewis that donated 333 late last night please
don't read the note attached. I was drunk. I need to de douchey deuced love the program. You guys rock. Thanks, Brian.
John: Appreciate it. Looking at is definitely drunk. Alex Mason $333 and she's from Parts Unknown, it seems. Hey guys, I'm stepping up after months of
mooching the best podcast in the world. To get that straightened out. I sent 333 separately and would like what does it say here? how she's got one of
those No. One of those knows that never. Never Ends. Never. Yeah, I would like some and then it goes on and on off the page. To the right never has a
carriage return. Okay, when he says something and you'd like to you to play a song I found months ago during a late night search for is okay. I'm
going to have to reformat this note. This came an email she sent to know she said another's I don't know how to get a note into you guys. And well you
Adam: to you want to reformat that while I read the next one. Yeah, let me do that where it's called wordwrap. Copy paste in the notepad wordwrap All
right, well, John's doing that. We have the bridge keeper from Michigan to 6767. You guys are doing interesting numbers today. Korean Dvorak
insemination group has gone. Wait a minute. The Korean Dvorak insemination group has gone above and beyond my tab drinking sister is pregnant with
twins. And we're responsible, I guess, tat maybe that tab is now discontinued by Coca Cola and it's selling for $25 a 12 pack on eBay. Oh yeah, great
info. On the flip side, my wife and still is still in need of some jobs karma she is talking about quitting her job which is an hour drive from our
home. After we have our second child, please give her the most hellacious jobs karma mix you can to conjure to her aid in finding a job closer to
home. But we can certainly do that. And what else do we have here? I was going to bring CRISPR up and and why you guys have not brought that into the
Coronavirus vaccine conversation we have a couple of times. But I just heard, but I just heard a snippet of CRISPR as I'm listening to the live stream
of 1354. So you sent this on Thursday. The other topic I was going to bring up is CERN and how I have a feeling that their nuclear research is somehow
linked to the global reset. Hmm. My guess is there's a development of new nuclear power technology which will diminish the need for fossil fuels and
will centralize the production of all energy. I'm not so sure about that. Seems to be kind of counter to any narrative that is out there. Could be
what we'll do is we'll we'll lay under that heap of jobs karma for you girl jobs, jobs, jobs, jobs, jobs, jobs, jobs, jobs. You've got karma. Yeah.
John: The note now from Lexus. Hey, guys, I'm stepping up after months of mooching and the best podcast and the best podcast in the world. I sent $333
separately and would like some good karma for the whole world. We need it and you can do it. I would like you to play a song I found months ago during
late night search for is Bill Gates, Satan. You might be humming it for days. It's my new favor. And she has a link, YouTube link now. Thanks. Which
we will look at maybe in a later show. We'll get to that because it's it's impossible to do it this way. No, we can't thanks from a loyal listener who
appreciates real news Alexis Mason from St. Clair shores, Michigan. That's where she is. My friends. Call me Lex. Okay, Lex, thank
Adam: you for that. Dame Adrian from Calverton, New York does a classic 23456 we love it. Please call out my amazing hard working husband Joe. As a
douchebag do the work she says Get your knighthood already. Please credit this to his knighthood. He is so close. xo xo Dame Adrian. Okay, we'll do
it. Does he become a knight today or are we unaware?
John: I'm better check.
Adam: Huh? Okay. Well,
John: you check. I'm going to talk about Brendan flammer slimmer. That's a great name. flammer. Brandon flammer here with a
Adam: brand new slimmer private.
John: tu tu tu, tu tu from Bismarck, North Dakota and I have been the Bismarck. First time donor, humbly request the de-douche. Got it. You've been de
deuced I've been a longtime listener and started hitting my smokin hot wife in the mouth. When the kung fu fiasco started. After some time, she would
ask, have you ever donated? I would have to bow my head and shame and say no. Which she then followed up with. You probably should. Good Woman. Now my
birthday has arrived June 11. And she has taken it upon herself to correct this wrong by giving me an associate executive producer ship Thank you,
dear for the great gift. And thank you no agenda for the content you continuously provide. The following is a note my wife wanted to include my
keepers note below. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for several reasons. This from the wife. I have finally suggested a birthday present for my
husband that he's excited about no more unwanted clothes or useless electronics for him this year. He is instead receiving dollars for being a no
agenda associate. Producer. It's the number two it's the gift that keeps on giving. It's really it's historic, to keeping because you always be the
associate executive for this show forever, always keeping us well informed and grounded in reality over this past year. Three, I was one of the
fearful and anxious masses until my husband started having me listen to segments of your show with him.
Adam: Stop stop stop providing this with
John: talk about after 19 years of marriage. Including is john irritated or just cranky or how many f bombs will add a drop today. My keepers note
ends single request boogity a man the short version that is attached and karma for all hoodlums. donated Brendan lemmer
Adam: Oh, man. So two things, three things. One, if you're if there's something you're attaching, which we typically won't play, you have to copy me
on the email or just definitely not get played. To thank thank you to all the men who had the insight and the relationship they have with their with
their partners, men and men doesn't matter. But partners who listen to the show brought their other partner in. And it has not only helped the
experience of this past, you know, a year and a half. But as you can tell here, it strengthens your relationship. They got stuff to talk about again.
John: Yeah, they're not all wired and jerked out of control from the COVID. hysteria.
Adam: Exactly. And in fact, and I love seeing so many women show up in the donations in the emails on mastodon Oh man, what is that? I'm parched. What
are you drinking? liqua you're back to those hosers who sent you nothing.
John: What can I do? It was on sale.
Adam: I am reliably informed by the way that it is pronounced lacrosse.
John: I don't care what how people think they pronounce it. I'm pronouncing it the way pronouncing which is Lacroix.
Adam: Okay, Brendan, here is your jingle request. You've got karma. And I guess I'll grab this one. It's interesting how the lower the amount the
longer the note. It's very funny how that works. Greg Rubio from a last note
John: is this note is too long. I'm going to tell you right now.
Adam: chugiak is an Arkansas
John: chugiak Kubiak I think that's Alaska. Isn't it? AK
Adam: is AK. It was Arkansas as AR oh you're right. It's so it is Alaska. You're right. Well yeah, here we go in the morning from the last frontier
Hello. I have never donated before so I'd like to use ben de deuced it is crucial that I donate now in the amount of 213 33 two plus one three dot 33
while I'm still 33 since I turned 34 on the 25th I was hitting the mouth a little over a year ago by my sizzling simmering fiery fiance so I would
like to dedicate this donation to her. Ah, here comes now we should have done we have some room romantic music or something.
I was thinking more like the battle music. Laurie let
John: me find if I could find my recorder. There we go.
Adam: Oh, when this will work. Okay, the romantic john romantic. Come
Unknown: on dude, romantic.
Adam: Laurie. You are the love of my life. And you make me a better man. I can't wait to spend the rest of my days resisting the globalist bullcrap
with you by my side. When I first started listening to the show, Mike mignola was already a healthy size as I never believed anything the five of them
said, anyway, listening to your show made it enlarged because it showed just how severe the propaganda has gotten, how many of my fellow countrymen
are blindly falling forward but this temporary amygdala enlargement quickly subsided when I realized how many new folks are being awakened every day
greatly attributed to by your show and its producers. Thankfully, this new hope brought my amygdala back down to a healthy size. Beautiful. I mean, we
just could not could not do any better than that. I mean, there's nothing like a serenade from James recorder. Yeah. Wait, wait, he had no he had some
requests. Do you want to jobs karma? Baby making karma is not a job by itself.
John: Double jobs.
Adam: And that's true and a quick answer, right. You've got karma. jobs, jobs, jobs, jobs
John: to go. Tim Wirth is number one from Overland Park $200 in two senses makes me a night Sir Tim
Adam: Nice, nice.
John: Al Sharpton medley, please call us an F another f cancer. Thanks. This
Adam: is a good one.
Unknown: We must bear all giddy about a shutdown. This is this is our greatest hits the tortoise in the race then co author of CO briefs. Lead singer
Bono friend Dr.
Weaver, spec jahaz. And if rush limbaugh rush limbaugh, rush limbaugh, the show rush lumbars hosts Supreme Court Justice Sonia Santa Maya, Mike is
Mike McCurry yesterday and Tony enthroning Scalia, Kim Kardashian and the Republican candidate okay roll ad Ben Ghazi we rank behind latvija Allah
kazakstan Kazakh Stan to college students in Beijing is getting lunch for lay in Iowa pain is appropriate the GOP tax day giveaway to millionaires why
was traffic problems email sent to projection agency and what sequesteration has done you've got Carmen other
Adam: national treasure and our national we
John: pronounce a lot of words but we don't get paid he gets like a million dollars just to be unseen. msnbc I know Harvey Cody's last on the list
from Houston Texas 200 bucks and he just says in the morning Keep up the good work and we love your note Thank you Harvey
Adam: then we have a make good from john MacPherson for 1354 I think we couldn't find that here it is in the morning Adam and john longtime listener
please do do shows. You've been de douche and he's got douchebag call outs for Dan Dean beers and Travis Webster sending support to the greatest pod
all uppercase cast in the universe please shout out our podcast to Jays in a pod you guys help keep us sane and if you'd be so kind please say
alright, okay he wants me to do a promo Okay, sorry for the long note love and let justice and john from the two J's Okay, so here's what he wanted me
to say he wants a jingle jingle How should I do this jingle Johnny's inspiration. This is like a typical it's the pod Father Adam Curry. Listen to the
two J's so what do what? What?
John: I think you nailed it.
Adam: Here we go. Every bus pop Father Adam Curry you're listening to to Jason apod.
John: It was better the first time.
Adam: Thank you all very much for being executive producers and associate executive producers of the best podcasting universe specifically Episode
1355. You can place these credits anywhere credits are recognized or not, you can just impress people with and put in a business card, your LinkedIn
profile. And you can always as we discussed earlier, it is the gift that keeps on giving. It's forever. And believe me the amount of people that copy
this show the copies of the mp3 will live on long, long, long after the Great reset will be thanking more people $50 above in our second segment. If
you would like to support this program, become an executive or associate exec yourself here you go. This is the website to visit to vo rec.org. Slash
and a thank you again for your time, your talent and your treasure for the best podcast in the universe. Our formula is this. We go out. We hit people
in the mouth.
John: You have a note I want to read which clarifies some issue we had in the other show. Okay. This is from Rhett or Loretta Vandenberg. And she
writes, I retired as a colonel in the US Marine Corps in 2018. I received my joint specialty officer designation, which means I've attended joint
professional military education as well as served as a joint command. I worked in washington dc in the Pentagon for eight of 28 years on active duty.
I point this out to show credentials that I'm qualified to answer the question. What is a pacing threat? Ah, good. We
Adam: got several people answering this and let's compare them go ahead.
John: Oddly enough, there is no formal definition of the term in the joint publication one dash o to hold on to the dictionary of military and
associated terms however,
Adam: should we So we just play the pacing clip real quick, just so we can remind everybody what that was three of them. Yeah. Which one? Do you want
Kirby secret pacing.
John: In Alabama, they just he mentioned it every time ago
Adam: is that the task force's work was sort of a, this is the spokes hole for the Pentagon down in in Herbie at the way that apartment is organized,
the way it's structured.
Unknown: And the way we think about the broader issues of China from a security perspective, it wasn't meant to be an up and outlook. So it's not a
strategy that is produced here. Really, it's an assessment of how the department's doing with respect to truly treating China as the number one pacing
challenge in the task force found some some gaps in themes some things that we could be doing better. And back to your question that the directive
issued by the Secretary lays out some
Adam: notes so the pacing issue that was we were both questioning what that pacing,
John: thread pacing, challenge pacing, pacing, pacing. Okay, so she continues, military is not in the book. However, the term has been widely used for
at least a decade to describe a nation or state actor that can plausibly contest the US defense strategy or capabilities. Typically in colleges
assessment from the highest level intelligence community is presented to the President and the National Security Council. This Intel assessment is
needed to grade the President's national security strategy and SS which is used to develop do DS defense national defense strategy NDS, in which the
DOJ should prioritize threats and the ends ways and means by which they will encounter those threats. The short of it is the highest level threat is
the pacing threat, and it should drive budgeting, program development, technology, development, etc. These there are always classified parts to these
documents. They are not released to the public. It can be a complex process, but I have simplified it for clarity. I hope so I live in a very rural
area and cannot stream the show live Otherwise, I'd have answered it in the troll room at Rhett. I've enjoyed your struggle with pronouncing Provence
Saul kinetically it's pronounced Provence, Saul.
Adam: I've enjoyed your I've enjoyed you struggling.
John: I hope that this helps. Thank you, Adam, for what you do. And john. It's been exhausting for years trying to find any type of unbiased news your
program has been a breath of fresh air for me just as much as the clean rural air I breathe daily now, I'll be listening Semper Fi.
Adam: We have the best producers. This is this is what's so beautiful about this this show. This is retired colonel.
John: Yeah. Marine Colonel.
Adam: Yeah, he's no slouch. And giving us the real detail. Well, I
John: bet she was in the Pentagon for eight years. So yeah,
Adam: send us some challenge coins. That?
John: Yes, give you some more.
Adam: I have a similar note, although a little little expanded here and there. From last artists thing. Think of a pacing item as a baseline of
technology the capability of employing appointment of technology and or operational or strategic development. We are starting to see China catching
the US in reference to the rate of development deployment of technology in their military. The other pacing item is the way China incorporates its
propaganda army of the CCP into their military operations. They've taken the total war concept to incorporate the political side of government to
leverage their effectiveness. This is a little different. The US military have a real difficulty with this as senior leaders in the military are
scared to death of not rocking the boat. Social media responses from code leaders is often unplanned or thought out as how to deal with information
and propaganda. We're still 15 to 20 years ahead of China militarily, and we'll continue to lose our lead at the rate of change in pacing items with
China as they grow. The D o T is unable to affect how we are more and more dependent on China for manufacturing and economic growth. China's military
is involved in that level of strategic development. So they help shape how adversaries our adversary adversaries are approached holistically. Okay,
well, we our military industrial complex clearly has a manufacturing component that's about all that we do. And This to me is pacing things seems like
a very nice kind of term a fuzzy term to use when going for funding. Well,
John: yeah, it's a fuzzy term is pretty obviously there's not in a dictionary book that she cited. Hmm. Then it's immediately fuzzy. It's used for
Yeah, it's probably you just get more money and get we already spent a lot yeah. Okay, that's that. Yes.
Adam: And what else you got?
John: Well, I do have something here that I want to. I'm dubious about playing because it's one of these things that you're going to hate.
Adam: Oh, how do you know what you don't know? I
John: can tell I can watch because because it's a little tedious. I'm not gonna like it that much myself.
Adam: Let's just forget it. Let's move on.
John: But jeffrey toobin.
Adam: What do you mean? I love this? That guy got off so easy. I don't know that he did. That was that was. That was my one. One joke of the day and
it didn't work on you.
Unknown: Oh,
Adam: some of the trolls got
John: it. Yeah, well, I I should have been on the ball. That's alright. I should have Yeah, I'm excited to jokes from the five. This is five on
getting fired. This is the best they could do. Talking about tubing. So the number five?
Adam: Oh, I gotcha. Do you think given that that the punishment fits the crime? You know, I'm I
John: am the one Oh, no, no, this
Adam: is five on getting fired. This is exactly the clip I'm playing. That's the clip.
John: Yes. 17 seconds. Yes. Okay, play it again. Do you think given that that the punishment fits the crime? You know,
Adam: I'm I
John: am the worst person to ask that question. That can't be right.
Adam: How about toobin? gut failed jokes? Is that what you were going for? Yes. 13 seconds.
Unknown: The best part about the interview is that you could see his hands. So that's important. I was told by an insider at CNN that they had the
whole interview on a seven second delay in case he started frantically masturbating. Oh, God. That's the best they could do. That's my joke was your
joke was better. Thank
Adam: you. Thank you.
John: Which is let's listen now, shall we? Here's what here's the way I have it separated up. This is clip number one. This is where she asked if she
brings him on the show to talk about some keys the legal guys was to come on. And she never asked him about the story she's doing she just starts
grilling him about this. He
Adam: says who is who was uh, who was interviewing him. Do you know,
John: I have her name and said the other day I can go grab it during great playing this clip not tell you. So he goes into this long apology. He, by
the way, is smirking, and he's smug. This is not going to fly. I heard it was marking the whole time
Adam: I heard was a really touching interview.
John: I got that one. You just got that from the troll. Of course. Of course. You cry. I
Adam: don't have to pay for him
John: to get off. onward. So he apologizes. And then after he's done with this long apology, she comes right back at him. And he gives another whole
apology. And then she comes right back at him. And he gives another old apology. The funniest thing? I only have five of them she did seven times
Adam: now. No. Okay. So what happened? Is they they let him come back? Is he back at is the new york times he's Is he back? There wasn't a New Yorker
at the New Yorker. Is he back in New Yorker? No. And And has there been any statement is an official like press release and says, you know, we feel
that he's had a long enough time out.
John: No, just he just shows that he hears is the whole thing. And the thing is the follow up joke to me is that well, they wouldn't take him back to
the New Yorker. But cnn would take him back because they're all jerk offs. And yes, so here we go with clip one.
Adam: Let's bring in cnn chief legal analyst jeffrey toobin to talk about this and more. Hi, Jeffrey Allison cammarata. It's been a while it has been
a while Indeed,
Unknown: I feel like we should address what's happened in the months since we've seen you since some of our viewers may not know what has happened. So
I guess I'll recap. I'll do the honors.
Adam: Help yourself.
Unknown: In October, you were on a zoom call with your colleagues from the New Yorker magazine. Everyone took a break for several minutes, during
which time you were caught masturbating on camera. You were subsequently fired from that job after 27 years of working there. And you since then have
been on leave from CNN. Do I have all that right?
John: You got it. All right. Sad to say.
Unknown: Okay, so let's start there. To quote Jay Leno. What the hell were you thinking?
Adam: Well, obviously,
Unknown: I wasn't thinking very well or very much and it was some thing that was inexplicable to me. I think one point I wouldn't exactly say in my
defense because nothing is really in my defense. I didn't think I was on the call. I didn't think other people could see me. So I thought that you had
turned off your camera. Correct.
I thought that I had turned off the zoom call. Now, that's not a defense. This was deeply moronic and indefensible. But I mean, that that is part of
that that is part of the story. And you know, I have spent this seven subsequent months miserable months in my life, I can certainly confess, trying
to be a better person, I mean, in therapy, trying to do some public service, working in a food bank, which I certainly am going to continue to do,
working on a new book about the Oklahoma City bombing, but I am trying to become the kind of person that people can trust again.
Adam: Okay. This is I love this, I think, is that Alison cammarata? I think that's who that is. I think so. So did
John: you and by the way, defi brought this up. This poor woman has given this chore
Adam: it's it's the Michael straight hand gig man
John: is the Michael stray and gay. And so given the short, this is the reason I believe she stretched it out so long. If you're gonna make me do this
with this guy, I'm gonna go all the way. I'm gonna take this. I'm going to just keep this going. As long as I can. It went on for a half hour
Adam: tell me that she have since we've, you know, she's been very explicit. You were caught masturbating on zoom. So we're there. Right. So now we've
gotten kind of the uncomfortable. Thing is out we're talking about did she then say? What exactly was it? That got you all worked up? Was it one of
your co workers on the zoom? Were you looking at porn? I mean, that's what that's what I want to know what? What is it that in a business call you
like, oh, man, I got it. I just got a jack off right now. I that's that would be the information? that's a that's a good question.
John: It's a great question. I rarely use that. Yeah. Holy moly. But that's the question. She should have asked somewhere there. Instead, she just
mostly wanted him to swing in the wind. There, you know, inherently. So it seems to me that the question has been asked and answered already. But
let's go to part two cuz she brings it up. Okay. I'm on here. You have to do this. Here we go again, one more time.
Adam: I'm sure you've replayed that embarrassing moment over and over? Oh, if only we had video
Unknown: many times. Have you ever thought about what it must have been like to be on the receiving end of that zoom call? Well,
I haven't just thought about it. I spoken to several of my former colleagues at the New Yorker about it. And, you know, they
John: were shocked and appalled. I think they realize that this was not intended for them. I think they realized that this was something that required
a partition Party, which I think we probably can't see right away.
Unknown: ever tried, and I'm trying now to say how sorry, I am. But sincerely into in. In all seriousness, above all, I am sorry, to my wife and to my
family. But I'm also sorry, to the people on the zoom call. I'm sorry, to my former colleagues at the New Yorker, I'm sorry, to my current
fortunately, still colleagues at CNN, and I'm sorry, to the people who read my work and who watched me on CNN who thought I was a better person than
this. And so you know, I got a lot to rebuild. But I feel very privileged and very lucky that I'm going to be able to try to do that.
Adam: Wow, you know, of all America is it's was doing this show for as long as we have, we know that you American men really only get in trouble for
one thing when they're in politics or media. It's it's for their penis, they're putting it in the wrong place. This is the first guy who really got
you know, this getting this this whole this whole Shakedown for this this is it this is a whole long segment. I mean, is this now at this point anti
man I mean, did they have psychologists come in and talk about
John: why men masturbate? They should they should have died that I'm interested but as you heard that clip which I took a big part of it sped up to
get through it, it was long and apologetic and he apologized again he's done. This is the ante finally after one apology now he's done another one.
But no, she's not happy. So she cuz she has to do the segment. So she or she comes again.
Unknown: I mean, one of the ironies of this whole incident is that for deck You have covered the bad judgment and sexual proclivities of public
figures and politicians,
Bill Clinton and Anthony Weiner and eliot spitzer and Donald Trump and I could go on. And so you know, of course, it begs the question, why didn't you
have better judgment?
Because I didn't have better judgment because I'm a flawed human being who makes mistakes. And I, you know, I there is no defense for my conduct.
It was wrong. It was stupid. And I'm trying to be a better person.
Adam: That's not enough.
John: But no, that guy heard that was okay. He's apologized, apologize, apologize, then he kind of gets right now he's starting to get weaker with his
apologies. So this brings up here she comes again,
Unknown: I do want to get to what the New Yorker decision was and the consequences. So after you had worked there for 27 years, you were fired. They
said after an internal investigation. And in internal memo, one of the executives there said, I am writing to share with you that our investigation
regarding jeffrey toobin is complete, and as a result, he is no longer affiliated with our company. Do you know what else they found?
I do, actually, I was told very specifically by the people involved, that they looked at my entire career at the New Yorker, you know, 27 years, and
found that there had been no complaints about me.
Adam: What?
John: So he, now this, by the way, continued, I read this point, I'm sick of this, and I'm trying to wrap it, because she does this two or three more
times to get him to apologize more. And then finally, and this is that five clip that you were playing earlier that I didn't really categorize
properly, which is going to be the last clip. I cut it off there. And then I said, Oh, he now he's like, hemming and hawing. And and this last clip,
the five clip, he actually defends himself, and I think he drops the ball here.
Adam: Do you think given that, that the punishment fits the crime? You know, I'm, I am the worst person to ask that question. I mean, I know I mean,
obviously, I
Unknown: love the New Yorker, I loved working there. I felt like I was a very good contributor to that magazine for a very long time.
Adam: Do you think that our people up in arms are our social justice warriors saying, Oh, you bring him back? We're going to cancel our subscription.
We're gonna no longer watch CNN. Is there any of that?
John: I don't know. I don't think so. I don't think anyone wants to see an indicare. But I think it's ridiculous that they brought him back. He make
money doing other things. Yeah, it also invites the joke that I did earlier, which is this a bunch of jack offs anyway, the whole operation. So why
wouldn't he be there? He's like the number one jackoff. So
Adam: who is his publisher? Hearing that he's writing a book about the Oklahoma City bombing, bro? This is what a missed opportunity. He could have
written a best seller. I'm a shitty ass white man. Beat me. ticket. That's the book. He needs to write this this. This apology stuff is lame. It would
be a best seller. Now, he could really drag himself through the mud.
John: And really, that's what they that's the debt is your best bet. Yeah, buddy. Right. None of that viewers is a if you were his agent, you'd be
giving him good advice.
Adam: Yes. I've been given all kinds of advice. First, I say well, you're watching.
John: That's it. I know that build a bed watching. That's the best observation. What caused it? I don't know. You know, the more I think about it,
that really is overlooked question.
Adam: It is I look, I'm a guy. But I don't think that is anything like that. Even
John: though you're doing something you're in a big meeting, and all of a sudden you get this urge. Are you kidding me? What we even like, I gotta
walk out. You know what I think it is? What I think it was I think he had a crush on one of the women to editors and yeah.
Adam: Digi guru troll, reminds me that Alison cammarata left fox news because of sexual harassment that was going on there. That's a good data point.
John: Hey, that's a great look at
Adam: that. Now, typically, you'd say no, she's just triggering for her. She shouldn't have to do that. Or maybe she started this. You're exactly
John: right earlier. This is the stray hand effect. Now. Let's give her this assignment. That's what I would do. Yeah. If I was the editor in chief, I
would do stuff like that.
Adam: No, I would ask Don Lemon, that would have been much funnier. Imagine Don Lemon
John: is at the point at that operation where you could just say, No, she can't. She's new. Yes, true. And he would he wait, maybe they may have tried
to pull that stunt with him. This is no I'm gonna have nothing to do with it. When he knows that seniority can say that and not do the do the bit.
Adam: Don Lemon really does have a lot of say over there. Yeah, is baffling.
John: me Oh thing is baffling. Meanwhile,
Adam: while cnn was grooving on tube and the rest of the news finally had some more Trump knows Trump, Trump Trump. Oh my God, we got some on Trump.
We got to talk about him. Let's see his own logs date back to 2000. By the way, this is our boy Jeff. He moved to CBS. Was he always in CBS?
John: I think so. I think there's always on CBS. Oh,
Adam: he's really constipated in this one.
Unknown: Let's see his own logs date back to 2017 and 2018. As the House Intelligence Committees Russia investigation was underway. We're gonna find
it and Trump wanted to know where the leaks were coming from. Justice Department prosecutors secretly subpoenaed phone information from Apple for
Democrats, Eric swalwell, and Adam Schiff. And people close to them, including a minor.
Adam: It's a nother terrible abuse of the Justice Department, including a minor, another shattering of the norms since Watergate.
Unknown: Schiff had been a frequent target of the President did Schiff have minors around him?
Adam: Schiff has no he has no children, but he has some he has that creepy kitty. Yeah, charity. And the other rubbing charity where you rub children.
John: Oh, geez, I don't know about this.
Adam: Yes, we've talked about it. It's called
John: blanked it out.
Adam: It's called kiddie something. Hmm, I can't remember what it was the troll room. We'll find it for me. Yeah, he has this really weird charity and
they're also in where's the where the earthquake took place? Haiti Haiti. He went there there's pictures of him with kids on his on his lap and he's
and it's it's rough. It's children rubbing therapy, which may be completely it may be completely valid, but it's creepy when?
John: No it's nice Adam Schiff.
Adam: It's not kiddie crave with someone please go look it up. So when I hear this that they were they were investigating Schiff and a miner, and I'm
sure that's not someone digging for coal. I thought that was telling
Unknown: most of them including a minor. It's a nother terrible abuse of the Justice Department. Another shattering of the norms. Since Watergate.
Schiff had been a frequent target of the president and shifty Schiff. How about this guy? Attorney General William Barr continued the leak
investigation and stumbled when asked by then Senator Kamala Harris. If the president or anyone at the White House had ordered him to open an
Adam: I wouldn't I wouldn't. Yes or no. Could you repeat that question?
John: I don't know. I wouldn't say suggests.
Unknown: I don't know. former republican Attorney General alberto gonzalez says the phone records subpoenas are troubling. So based on what you know,
was, was that contrary to DOJ policy?
What is being reported is certainly not contrary to policy certainly inconsistent with the finest traditions of the department. And Jeff joins us now.
So what will this independent investigator at the Department of Justice be looking for?
Well, the bottom line is, is that this inspector general will look into whether the Trump administration used the DOJ as a weapon against the
President's political enemies also noreau Senate Democrats won Agee's William Barr and Jeff Sessions to testify on Capitol Hill we'll see if that
Adam: Little kids is the name of the charity. Hello, man. Remember Trump once said Little he tweeted little instead of little.
John: Remember that sorry. Well, Trump wants tweeted a little instead of little What do you mean
Adam: Li d d l e instead of Li TT little? The charity is little Li de de la kids k DZ. Oh, he did. And he and so he did another thing I forgot Trump
tweeted out. Little Adam Schiff, our award winning educational courses of touch therapy. Stand Out with the professional skills that you need to best
educate families that you serve. Yeah. making a real difference starts with simple decision, rubber kid. And it may there may be a lot too. I mean, I
grew up I'm making light of something that may be an extremely successful program. Well, no doubt about it.
John: This involves something's up.
Adam: So over on, where was this? This was NP No, not NPR. Um, I can't remember what network this was. They brought in john Dean, who used to be White
House Counsel for Nixon. Because of course, you know, we have Trump abusing the the Justice Department of Justice, just like Nixon is horrible. from
Jeff Sessions, to rod Rosenstein and Bill Barr. One thing was consistent across all of them, Donald Trump did everything he could to use the Justice
Department. This is our post Erin Burnett, again, praise personal aims to fight his own political wars.
Unknown: It certainly was. And I must say that a lot of people are comparing that with Nixon, Nixon, kind of Department of Justice. I was just
thinking, as you were doing the setup piece, that during the worst leak of Nixon's presidency was the so called Pentagon Papers, a massive leak of
classified documents. I got a call from the Oval Office The day after he learned that and could the Department of Justice bring a criminal action for
this called over found out the short answer was, they could, but they won't. So Nixon couldn't use the department as he wanted to.
So in a sense, what you're saying is or maybe not, in a sense, you're saying this goes beyond what Nixon did? It is it is beyond Nixon on stilts and
John: Yeah. Who got arrested who got thrown in jail? If that's true? What came of it? If that's true?
Adam: Did you hear what he said at the end there?
John: Yeah, kind of was played again. Just play the end of it. Won't. So Nixon couldn't use the department as he wanted to.
Unknown: So in a sense, what you're saying is or maybe not in a sense you're saying this goes beyond what Nixon did?
It is it is beyond Nixon. Yes. It's Nixon on stilts and steroids.
Adam: I just like that bit. stillson steroids. Have you ever heard that phrase?
John: No, it doesn't exist. He does now. Show title was gonna be a Showtime.
Adam: That's right. Is there a whole reason for that clip was just to get the show title out there. Hello.
John: But a bunch of dicks. Guys, not even in office. They got rid of him. They I don't know what they what mortar they want. They it's just the
definitely for ratings at this point.
Adam: But what else? They have huge problems. Of course, it's for ratings. Oh, my goodness. They need ratings bad. real bad. costing
John: money, serious money. But it's not going to do it.
Adam: I got a fun clip this morning, which is just lovely. Roger Waters, Pink Floyd. Who is a he's a super activist. They still tour regularly. He's a
super activist, particularly in the BDS movement. Was it blocked, blocked, divest. And what does that what does it stand for? Again?
John: I forgot the BDS movement is to take business away from Israel.
Adam: Yes, boycott divestment, sanctions, Palestinians led movement for freedom, justice and equality. In this case, the setting was different. It was
for pro Julian Assange. And you know, Assange is still locked up somewhere. And a lot of people would like to see him free, I think including the
show. Oh, yeah. It's it's completely outrageous, particularly when you have this nonsense going on about the Department of Justice. And oh, my God,
Paul was he was, oh, they got data from reporters. Look what's happening with this reporter, or publisher, I should say, Julian Assange. And Roger
Waters started off this little session with an announcement.
Unknown: This is something that I actually put in my folder when I came out here today, you have no idea what it is. Nobody does because it arrived on
the internet to me this morning. It's a request for the rights to use my song, another brick in the wall to in the making of a film to promote
Instagram, so it's submissive submissive from Mark Zuckerberg. To me, right arrived this morning with an offer of a huge, huge amount of money. And
the answer is Fuck you.
No fucking way.
I only mentioned that. This is an insidious it's the insidious movement of them to take over. Absolutely everything you know. So those of us who do
have any power and I do have a little bit in terms of the control of the publishing of my songs I do anyways, so I will not be a party to the bullshit
soccer ban
John: was the what was the offer?
Adam: million? Well, he said an enormous amount of money to use another brick in the wall for an Instagram promotion. No. I like that.
John: Yeah, it's funny. Well, the guys loaded I mean, they they used to be referred to the whole group, the group of them. Pink Floyd group with
Floyd's of London because they Oh, yes,
Adam: that's right.
John: They invested so well, boys surance and other stuff that they were they're all loaded.
Adam: Yeah, he doesn't need Zuckerberg money.
John: He doesn't need to work but he likes it. I mean, artists are artists. You mean kind
Adam: of like us? Yeah. Okay, quick update on the bitcoins and the ransomware and the the fight the fight on the Bitcoin. Again, our wishes start to
come true. So bit by bits very slowly breaking
Unknown: overnight, the world's largest meat supplier has confirmed it paid hackers $11 million. ransom the head of JBS says the company made the
payment to avoid any potential risk to customers. The cyber attack shut down operations at nine beef processing plants across the country last week.
And just like the ransomware attack that crippled the colonial pipeline, the JBS search was blamed on hackers in Russia. The Justice Department has
now recovered most of colonials ransoms a cyber attack is also blamed for disrupting TV and radio stations owned by Cox Media Group. Computer Systems
hit last week are reportedly still shut down. stations and cybersecurity is one of the many issues President Biden will take up during his high stakes
trip overseas.
Adam: Yeah, man they got Cox Cox has a lot of local stations. Yeah, I think they have 200 stations or something. I'm crazy amount of station many, so
they still can't communicate. And let's see, this was a quick thing from NPR. Let me see what this was
Unknown: Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies made it possible to extort huge ransoms from large companies, hospitals and city governments.
Adam: I love this because that is such bullshit. It wasn't Bitcoin, it was the actual software that encrypts the data that makes it possible to, to
hold it ransom. Now, that's just that's just, that's just not true. What they're saying,
John: well, they're just they're, they're twisting,
Adam: of course, and per and on purpose. I understand. That's why play and gift the thieves live in countries like Russia, which many us,
John: Russia, showing you the likelihood of it being Russia to me is 00.
Adam: Totally,
John: I'm thinking bolgheri. I'm thinking Ukraine, I'm thinking China, I'm thinking USA now. That's where I'm taking our intelligence community. I
mean, Russia is low on my list of possibilities. The fact that they're harping on Russia too much, makes me even even more suspicious as our own
Adam: I have a I got a Putin clip. Regarding that in a minute,
Unknown: there's virtually no chance of getting caught. Ironically, crypto currency exchanges take place on what are called public Ledger's. This
means anybody can watch online, but the parties in a transaction are anonymous, disguised with a random number yonten strim Ahmed explains, you see
exactly all the way the money moves from one address in one wallet to another. However, there is no way for us to associate a person with these
wallets. And a lot of people would have not just one address one wallet, but can have dozens, hundreds. So hackers can keep moving the currency from
one anonymous account to another. This makes it very difficult, though not impossible to trace.
Adam: Now, there was no new information in here but what I like is how they're talking about someone infiltrating a network of a utility sitting you
know, sweeping through the entire system, getting ready laying dormant for months, maybe then encrypting everything and all I can talk about is how
the money moves from wallet to wallet. That is your Bitcoin hit that's ended all hell is gonna break loose and you're gonna need a Bitcoin. Vladimir
Putin was not invited to the g7 It used to be g8 he they got uninvited was that during Obama when they got uninvited, and it became I think so. Yeah.
g8 became g7. It's really nuts. When you look at Who's at the table? Who's in the g7, who is invited as an assessor, in a couple of countries are
allowed to come and hang out, kind of backbench it. And all we do is bitch about Putin. I mean, Hello, is this a bad thing? This is not Kumbaya, we
are the world did you Bapu that's all they do is like, oh, putting in this putting in that. And here's Putin responding to some of that
Unknown: Putin was also confronted with accusations that he's a killer. I want to play a clip of that. Let me give you some names and Anna
Politkovskaya shot dead Alexander Litvinenko, poisoned by polonium. Sergei Magnitsky, allegedly beaten and died in prison. Boris Nemtsov shot moments
from the Kremlin moments from here mackell lesson a died of blunt trauma in Washington, DC and all of these a coincidence, Mr. President? No way.
Look, you know, I don't want to come across as being rude. But this looks like some kind of indigestion except that it's verbal indigestion. You've
mentioned many individuals who indeed suffered and perished at different points in time for various reasons. at the hands of different individuals.
Adam: Verbal indigestion somehow that loses something in the translation I guess.
John: Yeah, I'm sure thought you might have to
Adam: ask me Jean I'm sure Jean has a can tell me exactly what that means. Maybe.
John: Well, I got the funniest story you follow? Because you're not sure more g seven No, no, um,
Adam: let me just see if I have anything. Guys. Now know nothing, nothing. We
John: got to get some some news out of the way. Okay. Let's start with this rails to get that Kate. I had these clips. I knew this was coming in. If I
did this Israel shakeup,
Unknown: the 12 year tenure of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is expected to end Sunday, his government will be succeeded by a coalition of
parties that include the far right the left and for the first time, a party from Israel's Arab minority. Under a power sharing agreement, ultra
nationalist Naftali Bennett will serve as prime minister for two years. Yeah,
Adam: yeah, that's quite quite the change.
John: He's out. Here's a story it did. Well, let me play this. This is the kind of the amusing story of the week people want to talk. Everyone talked
about I'm gonna play this the whale story from Boston.
Adam: Whale story from Boston,
Unknown: Massachusetts man has lived to tell an incredible tale. He was diving for lobsters when he claims he was the one who got caught by a whale
nprs Amy held has more. Michael Packard was in his scuba gear, dozens of feet down in the waters off of Cape Cod Friday, when out of the blue he says
things went black and he felt himself being squeezed
but it was like, I just get hit by a shark or no, it's not a shark.
Adam: I'm in a whale's mouth. He says he was in there for less than a minute before the humpback surface. He was shaking his head
John: trying to eject me out of his
Unknown: mouth, freeing Packard who's been diving for lobsters for years. Never before has he been on the menu. marine biologists say the humpback
likely took them in by accident as it searched for the tiny sea creatures it filters with its Beilein. Luckily for Packard humpbacks have no teeth. 58
year old Packard is bruised but says he'll be back in the water soon.
John: That has to be an experience.
Adam: It's a really must that now. I guess he could have been swallowed.
John: No, the thing that I don't think is digestible. I think the whale knew better. out of my mouth.
Adam: Get it out.
John: Yeah, guy got lucky. Then here's the This is interesting. I didn't know about this until I was listening to NPR. This is the right would Bezos
know about this.
Adam: Yeah. If you got 28 million
Unknown: someone is paying $28 million to go into space with Jeff Bezos. an auction was held Saturday to take a brief trip with the Amazon founder on
July 20, the 56 second anniversary of the moon landing by Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin. The winners identity has not yet been revealed. Amazon is a
financial supporter of NPR bases Blue Origin company is planning a space tourism business.
Adam: Yeah, this is being used, you know, because if you've got the three major guys, you've got Ilan with SpaceX, you got Bezos with origin and
you've got Branson with Virgin, and both and Branson and Bezos because he's going up. Yeah, they're real men. They're going up on their own rocket
ships. You are Musk is the cook. He's not going to fly in his own stuff.
John: I thought he was Ilan musk now. Yeah,
Adam: no, he's not scheduled to fly. Nah, no. Oh, no. He's been all kinds of PVC. They call me
John: the guy that's the most sensible the cook. Are you kidding me?
Adam: Yes, I am actually I have lots of reason for it totally. The most sensible No, he's a pussy getting your own rocket. Fuzzy once
John: you get into rocket,
Adam: hey, I'm gonna show my mood by donating to no agenda.
John: Imagine all the people who could do that.
Adam: Oh yeah, that'd be fun.
John: We do have a few people to thank for show. What is the show? 135513551355. That means 1356 is coming also. Father's Day is coming up next
Sunday. Maybe we'll do a well, this time. I think we did. Okay, the last Mother's Day, which is during the pandemic. Well, let's thank a few people.
The first one I just pull on a second. There he is. destroy the world came in with $169.69 Thank you obviously a Democrat. Philip Jordan 133 70. Less
botman oltman, I think oltman 100
Adam: Wait, wait, there's no there's no Adam we have puppies for sale. They are purebred German Shepherds. Okay.
John: That does dogs are expensive.
Adam: Yes. And tasty.
John: Anonymous, from Johns Creek Georgia. Taken from the beer fund $100 Douglas angstrom from Sandy Lake pa $100. Robert smiley from Holland
Pennsylvania loved the show. 100 Sir Robert of su v $100. From San Tan Valley in Arizona. In his jobs combo, give it to you at the end. Brian Taylor
6913 Thomas Hurtado, 6698 sir, not appearing on this podcast. From Richland, Washington, 56 785678, Baroness Monica, to defy 55. She's in Drayton
Valley, Alberta, I believe. Alaska. I'm sorry. No, Canada, Canada. Jeremy young and Glover Vermont. 5333. Wait,
Adam: wait, wait. He has a douchebag for Justin Daniels.
John: Justin Daniels is a douchebag he writes in Stephen Stephen Tuscany in Littleton, Colorado 50 to 80 loreta That was our Loretta Vandenberg is our
marine. Oh, right. Right, right. Right. From province sowohl. Louisiana.
Adam: June 14 is her birthday.
John: She's got she on the birthday list Good for her.
Adam: Yep. dollars there's nothing like a retired Marine Colonel saying loving lit. Cool.
John: Pentagon eight years
Adam: for fire loving lit.
John: Brian autonomous 51 the following people or $50 donors name and location. Starting with sir big pop up moose of the Ogallala Aquifer in liberal
Kansas. 50 Shawn de Santas in Fort Pierce, Florida. Philip Kim in San Francisco, Patricia Dame Patricia Worthington in Miami, a regular Georgia oshit
widget Brandon's Savoie in Port orchard, Kimberly redmon as Dame Kimberly in Toronto, Ontario, couldn't carry
Adam: her terrier like that from now on
John: on terrier, john terrier from now on fabulous fabric fabric. fabric. Elvis in moncks corner South Carolina. Evan Johnson Parts Unknown Arthur
St. in Olympia, Washington. And then we have a long
Adam: deal so says Happy Father's Day Arthur St. From Doug and Luke. So maybe it was from Doug and Luke this Happy Father's Day and it came a little
John: Could be but it says Arthur St. Right. Ian Johnston in Vancouver, Vancouver, BC $50. And it's a $50 dollar read well, okay. I'd like to read the
Rhondda list.
Adam: I'd like to read this because it's he's again, bringing the women to the party Happy Birthday to my smokin hot Latvian wife, Christine. Let's
Let's it's lativa, by the way. Yeah, according to Al Sharpton, she is a TV.
John: Your Lotte Leen. Women are beautiful. So he's got a good look. In
Adam: fact, she is the most caring beautiful, funny and lovely person I've ever met and has become a loyal listener to the podcast since being hit in
the mouth a couple of years ago. Your words truly help us Both feel better about the crazy world we're living in. And she's absolutely the most
important thing in my life and deserves only the best on her 31st birthday on June 14, she also may be your first and only Latvian listener unless
others are hearing this and wish to make themselves known. Please credit towards a future date hood. I love you Christine says Ian Johnson Perfect.
Thank you very much to our donors supporters for your treasure your supports of Episode 1355 we always want to thank people who came in under that
amount not mentioned for brevity but also for anonymity. And many of those people are sustaining donors and they help us by regularly donating
something in the order 33 1111 we've got a lot you can find them all I do boomerang.org slash and just make sure before you
John: Yes, before you play that I want to mention that Ian Johnston is the producer of the drunk drunk or not drunk jingle Oh real and nap for
humanity Yeah,
Adam: let's
John: let's laying down on the job The way I see it. Yeah.
Adam: Jobs karma for everybody. jobs, jobs, jobs, jobs, jobs. Karma.
Well, the list is not too long. But let me see what do we have here? Scroll up, scroll down. Yes, the birthdays Brendan flammer. celebrated on the
11th Loretta Vandenberg retired colonel will be celebrating tomorrow. Ian Johnson Happy birthday was smoking hot Latvian wife Christine 31 on the 14th
and finally Greg Rubio will be turning 34 on June 15 Happy Birthday from everybody here the best podcast in the universe. No titles but we do have
three nice things always very exciting on a Sunday blade one Hello player two. Very very nice up on stage please anonymous freight dog Tim worth
Michael rolling the three of you join this great group of knights and dames with the no agenda round table and I am very proud to pronounce the Kate V
in the following manner. Sir anonymous freight dog Sir Tim and sir hair heal for you gentlemen hookers and blow rent boys and Chardonnay by special
request. We have non alcoholic bourbon the lousy stuff with a glass and cubes. We've got Guinness and prime rib by requests. We got cow girls and
coffin varnish through lumen and rosae gauges and sack a box in vanilla buckets and bourbon sparkling cider escorts ginger Evans dribbles breast milk
the popular man Yes, we've got your mutton and Mead. Right over there go to no agenda nation.com slash rings Eric will gladly receive your your
dimensions of your fingers so that he can get you your night ring out ASAP with a sealing wax it's a beautiful piece. It comes with a certificate and
please post it somewhere on the mastodon fediverse. So that we can all enjoy it and reboost or tooth whatever that is. Yes, very good.
meetups taking place all over the globe as usual. People love them. It's a good good way to get together to meet new human resources not the ones
who've been living in your in your abode for the past year. You've all been shut down. Get out there. Breathe some fresh air. And let's see how that
went in Houston.
Unknown: This is Brian at the Houston mask off meetup. We have record turnout of people with lots of Human Resources. Hey, john, this is
Adam: Paul wondering, wondering what to do with that vinegar book. So Hernando in the morning. This is a game fair with our human resources in Hi
John: Curry time Thank
Adam: you.
John: I shorted out we're having a great time. super old all trade dragon zero deity Jane in the morning
Unknown: with in the morning.
Adam: Married bunch there in Houston. One more report from Dayton Ohio today in the great here with a Dayton meetup report from the long shadows of
trash mountain hosted by Sir egghead about 15 turned out 10 or so which one to say Hi, this is Sergei in the great in the morning. This is
Unknown: welcome to the long shadows of trash mountain. This is Sir raigad this is sir fossa Cook Islands and as you can hear, we're all here with
brood x in the morning. This is Nick. I'm a douche Bell and tonight myself. The Fiesta ST is the Ferrari's of the hatchbacks. This is her lady fingers
Baron in the Miami Valley in the morning. This is Sarah deemed to be deemed to be
Adam: butter ski and married in the barren hood. So that's gotta count for something. Right? This is Joshua in the morning in the morning. We have on
the calendar for today 230 Boston time so that is that's underway. The Brandon Ellsbury Boston event at Castle Island brewery at SR Nathan Lee Miller.
Very good. On Thursday the dive bar douchebag and meet up in Memphis, Tennessee. 5:30pm lamplighter lounge, Ted O'Brian is your host and also on
Thursday. Charlotte's Thirsty Thursday seven o'clock at Ed's tavern, and on the calendar for the next few days in June the 18th Tacoma Washington
Denver, Colorado Peterborough, Ontario, the 19th Missoula Montana sunset Valley, Texas, Chicago, South Dublin, Ireland, Long Beach, California and
Barcelona, Spain, the 21st Minneapolis, Minnesota, the 26th, Northern Arizona, San Francisco, they'll be Oakland Tampa Bay and North Arizona. And that
is just June we got a whole slate for July already. These are the no agenda meetups, it's great for your for your, for your amygdala, it's great for
your peace of mind it you get to whet your whistle you get to chat no triggering. You'll love it. I guarantee it the no agenda meetup, so no agenda
meetup.com if you can't find a meetup near you, you can always start one yourself. They are after all a potty. Want to trigger a party? Man tell me
you got some ISOs? Nope. Shoot. I only have one. But is it wait no, I have to or does this so there goes Freedom Day. I have that. Like that. I have
that so good. Hear that one.
John: There goes freedom.
Adam: How about this? How about this one, but plugs should be discussed? Oh, come on.
Unknown: But didn't you hear? No.
But plugs should be discussed.
John: But plugs? Yes. No, that's
Adam: no good. Luck should be discussed. I
John: did take that with tubin.
Adam: Do you have a clip? I have a I have a final clip that I wanted to play. I have I have two three clips on it. But and you go Do you have a funny
one? Well, the funny
John: one, they're all funny. Oh, nice. So I got I got First of all, I got Biden giving his face and he's throwing it to his buddy. I didn't know his
his buddy, but the CEO of Pfizer and here's how Biden does it
Unknown: until the world has beaten this virus. I'm gonna thank you all now I'd like to turn it over to my friend, the CEO and chairman of Pfizer ever
out Albert Borla
Adam: is like my good friend my pal jet JJ, John Dvorak, jack. Wow. Where was this that he's shilling for Pfizer?
John: Yeah.
Adam: Where was where was this?
John: This is on the lawn. He was doing a bad dog presentation guys
Adam: come hang out Pfizer
John: guy and Pfizer guys there? Because he told him I want to be there. I want to get into Pfizer got nothing to say but it's okay. Now I do have the
to call in. So this is a because I feel I've been unfair to Biden. Oh, now I have to call ins that are pro Biden. They're part one and part two. Okay,
drunk callings on c span. Now you can play this at the very end because they're entertaining are you? Whatever your clip
Adam: is? Oh, no, I'll do my clip and then we can do yours. Okay. Now, this is a second half Show. I'm not really going to play the jingle because we
know that what is being this Tic Tac bullcrap is not UFOs it's not aliens visiting from outer space. The inside data that we have is that it's project
called nemesis. And it projects things on to sensors. So a radar sensor, a Ford Lincoln forward looking forward looking infrared, which is something
new, I'm working on the forward looking infrared device. Even the periscope, all of this stuff is it's you're not really seeing pure images, you're
seeing an image of something projected on a screen. And so I feel that what they're doing now on this report, which should probably be nothing at the
end of the month thing is coming out on the 25th. This is not really the UFO situation. And oddly enough, someone agrees with me. And that someone was
on Bill Maher Friday, and I think that Neil deGrasse Tyson He's so pissed off about these guys who get on Tucker Carlson and Joe Rogan, who are in the
entertainment business. And you look at these guys, you can see that Yeah, they make documentaries about UFOs and aliens, but they are now the
experts. And they get to go on all these shows. And I think Tyson is sick of it. UFOs I mean, what's the deal?
Unknown: It's their livers brims with mysteries. I think the way you should come at this is from another direction and ask if we are in fact being
visited by intelligent aliens from another planet? Why would they only reveal themselves to Navy pilots? Why would? Why would none of them ever show
up? In the 6 billion color? high resolution photos and videos human beings are uploading to the internet every day? Aren't up in space, taking
pictures where the Navy pilots are? And is that why is their best image of an alien? A fuzzy monochromatic Tic Tac on a display screen? I'm just
saying, Well, what, then what do you think it is? I don't know. And I'm happy saying I don't know. That's what the EU stands for. And when identifying
you can't say, you can't say it's a UFO and is doing weird things. Therefore, I know what it is. We're not you just admitted. You don't know what it
is? Well, that's the beginning of the debate. Agree. We all agree. There's definitely UFOs something we don't know. But now people who never came
forward before it's serious people, military people that doesn't matter. Are you human, you are equally susceptible to delusion to bias. To say it's a
Navy pilot was to
take care of the human. So what else could it be? I don't know. Because we don't know what else I agree. But it doesn't mean it's aliens from outer
space. No, but if there's none even one of the theory, it
loads the gun. I got one I got ready. Okay. Every piece of hardware I've ever seen and software I've ever seen, programmed, has glitches. That's not
John: agreeing with you. Not the glitching part.
Adam: But he agrees he agrees that it's bullcrap that it's not real. Do you
John: have an actual you actually have a better presentation? Of course. But But I said it's embarrassing. The guest should be ashamed of him said
Adam: I think he's angry that he is now I called in to do all those bullcrap things and be Mr. Scientists. And now he's like, Oh, that's just not
true. We must have a new agent or sigh who
John: knows he doesn't get work. No, no, he's annoying. I don't like him. No. All right. So let's play these will be done. Okay. This is the this is
the again, I'm only playing these to be fair. Because I thought clips I've been playing from c span Collins have been in many of them. You should see
the clips from Brian Stelter, when he was on Oh my god, you got to get given it to him, you got to get some of some of those. Don't get those next
time I gotta do something probate. So here's probate and this is a guy, sensible American who is pro Biden, good for him.
Unknown: Let's hear from IRA now IRAs in New York. Hello, Ira, you support the president? Hi, thank you for taking my call. I I just want to express
my my gratitude for what is being done and the compassion that President Biden has, he can't handle everything at one time. There are so many people
that have migrated here.
John: And the beautiful part of it is they're trying to match the people up with their families and find
Unknown: find them. So I think that,
you know, in terms of the President, he's,
John: he's very compassionate, and I did not want to see it. But you know, he spoke about his son. He's had so much tragedy. He's he as I said, he, he
he reaches out as best he can go from
Adam: good one, good one.
John: He keeps talking. So let's let him wrap to tell the world
Unknown: what has happened and in specific, because I think it's very important for people to know
you know, what a tragedy that was, and thank God our our democracy was threatening but mad Under very serious
gag race circumstances so on I'm so I see these things that I have
John: hope and I have faith in God and and the people and a lot of people don't like the mayor I think also tries his best
Adam: c span bringing you that brought to you by cable since 1923 Beautiful. All right we've got great end of show mixes we've got Bill mountainy with
a full on song classic brand new things really talented. Billy Bones Matt lazarey and Steve outlaw gonna try and get all these guys in our show mix.
We got the grumpy old Ben's coming up next on no agenda stream.com and we return on Thursday with another thrill jam packed episode then
deconstruction, just for you, if you're in gitmo-nation are coming to you from the capital of the drone Star State, Austin, Texas opportunity zone 33
and that's in FEMA Region number six if you're looking it up on one of the governmental maps in the morning, everybody. I'm Adam Curry
John: from Northern Silicon Valley where I remain and Jhansi Dvorak and
Adam: we return on Thursday right here on no agenda, remember us@dvorak.org slash na until then. And such
you will find out Joan, Joan, Joan Joan. vaccine
Just come back.
Hey, everybody. Thank you so much for being here. And please
John: stay safe Medley one of the msnbc hosts and this is what she does. Congressman Adam Schiff, thank
Unknown: you so much for being here tonight and pleased to see as it was a matter of course, and again, I'm reminded of people's reminding people that
Colorado's Secretary of State Jennifer is well thank you so much for being here tonight. Please stay safe.
John: Think of Heil Hitler, Hitler like to like to
Unknown: teach. NBC News correspondent Priscilla Thompson, thank you so much for being here tonight. And please stay safe.
Adam: Stay safe and German. Sounds good. Man, thank you so much for your time tonight. Please stay safe. Timothy O'Brien thank you so much for being
here tonight. Please stay safe.
John: Life secret. Representative Jeremy gray. I want to thank you for your time tonight and please stay safe while
Adam: my job stay safe. Get blurred. And please do please stay safe stay safe.
John: Kyle Hitler,
Unknown: a citizen those kids were harmed in the making of this get a long awaited massive invasion of potatoes is now swarming large areas of
the East and Midwest and these little bugs can be definitely THESE ARE LOOKING insects or inspiring art, fashion and the crunchy desiccated taco. They
were selling 30 borders, desiccated tacos every day.
John: About 50% of those that come in order a second round of tacos. And then it was time for my first bug bite, crunchy, nutty. That's what they
sound like but if they're anywhere near you,
Unknown: we don't have to tell you that this group of insects is called brood 10 and it emerges from the ground every 17 years. Yes, sir.
Adam: Yeah, they're gonna look at you. What's wrong are so big in the Baltimore Washington area, but they show up on National Weather Service radar,
crunchy cicada taco.
Unknown: noses, they won't stick around much
John: longer. Ben Tracy shows us
Adam: what the bugs are doing while they're here. And how
John: the rest of us get out of my dog. in the backyard of Jessica Helms, Maryland home regaining over 2000 a day. It is peak cicada season.
Adam: six year old Olivia started counting them many bags but
Unknown: quickly ran out of fingers and then buckets or sikita shells cover the ground and hang from
John: the trees. And this means purifying many adults. Do you think I'm kind of lame? Yes.
Unknown: is now invested in these insects, giving the cicadas names and rides on
all of her toys buy toys from China. China
Adam: has already said this many times.
Unknown: go live as it has been over. From this time forward. You will serve us in the coming weeks my administration is going to take steps to combat
the American people. It's destructive to the very poor. It is attempting to destroy humanity as human beings amentities is clearer than ever. The more
people we get vaccinated the more success we're gonna have are fighting us every single American people need to be terrified of those who are ordering
them to put their lives at risk.
Adam: We
Unknown: deployed over 9000 federal staff, including 5100 active duty troops help get shots at our government get away with suspending civil rights,
personal freedom
in an emergency, they will create an emergency in order to take control. Now's the time to accelerate the process. Today my tip joked a lot about how
easy it was to do.
Not just this year, but in years to come. America is headed in the summer dramatically different from last year. For instance, if you dial in from
this time forward.
You're unvaccinated you're still at risk of getting seriously ill or dying.
Adam: Why would the industrialized wealthy countries
Unknown: I said before we're going to continue encouraging people to get vaccinated with incentives and fun rewards to hell on our
fringe on your personal freedom. The bottom line is this getting the vaccine is not a partisan Act. The more people we get vaccinated the more success
we're gonna have our fight against every single American
Adam: mopho.org slash n A. So there goes freedom deck