Unknown: Life is a scam. Adam Curry John C. Dvorak Sunday September 12 2021. This is your award winning gitmo-nation Media assassination Episode 1381. This is no agenda, looking for 98 more podcasters
and broadcasting live from the heart of Texas Hill Country. We're in FEMA Region number six in the morning, everybody. I'm Adam Curry, and I'm from Northern Silicon Valley where nobody's celebrating
912 Why not? I'm John Dvorak.
Adam: Gee, I don't know why. It was my sisters. Both my sisters celebrate their wedding anniversaries on 911.
John: where their wedding where their marriage is a disaster.
Adam: No, no, but it's just it's a weird thing. Yeah, because Tiffany got married first on 911. And then we'll Oh got married. Oh, it was the other way around. I don't remember. If it was all pre pre
2000 ones is really weird. today. Congratulations, guys. Yeah, lots of flags out in the hill country yesterday.
John: I as I mentioned the news, though, I thought this was over gonna be overblown. I didn't see any By the way, there's no terrorist attacks. To celebrate the fact that for 20 years, the media has
been predicting terrorist attacks on 911, the first anniversary of 911. We can expect terrorist attacks, the fifth anniversary of 911. We can expect terrorist attacks. You always can expect but was it
has embedded that's what you should be celebrating. To meet that 20 another 20 years, actually 19 next year will be the 20th anniversary of the media being wrong for 20 years. There was two clips by
the way.
Adam: Well, again, good. Let's do that for a sec. There were there were a couple of highlights. I thought the the highlight of the day was President George W. Bush had a rousing, rousing speech, in
which he said the following
John: the security measures incorporated into our lives
Adam: are both sources of conflict and reminders of our vulnerability. And we have seen growing evidence
Unknown: that the dangers to our country can come not only across borders, but from violence that gathers within
Adam: there's little cultural overlap between violent extremists abroad and violent extremists at home. But then they're just saying for pros and their disregard for human life in their determination
to to file national symbols. They are children of the same five spirit and it is our continuing duty to confront them.
John: You got that that that shows what a douchebag this guy was from the get go.
Adam: Unbelievable what he just said there.
John: I know and what he I guess he was referring to the Capitol policemen who shot Ashley Babbitt in the head. It's already started at first I
Adam: was at first I thought he was talking about black lives matter who were destroying symbols, you know, symbols. He said, national symbols. They were destroying statues. I thought it was black
lives matter. But the general consensus is no, no, it's you and the hill country. Yeah, you want your children of foul spirit. Foul spirits. Good one, by the way. It's a great term follow spirit.
John: Well, he was pretty good at coming up with that kind of thing, you know, the axis of evil. Also,
Adam: everybody was out yesterday, everybody was on the TV. Everybody came back, everybody has something to say. And the two most egregious ones were Condoleezza Rice. And Mike Morel and Mike Morel is
John: making another he's making a third comeback telling you waiting for his trophy for Comeback Player of the Year.
Adam: Let's listen to Mike morale on CBS n terrorist groups are in which of course, is the JV CIA.
Unknown: terrorist groups are incredibly easy organizations to degrade. When you have that intelligence. And you have that capability, that military capability and you use it when you take your eye
off of them. Right when they've when you've degraded them. And when you take your eye off of them. They're very easy organizations to bounce back. Oh, so in the immediate aftermath of 911, we degrade
al Qaeda, but we take our eye off them when we go to war in a row and they go back and so by 2006, they're as capable as they were, on September 10. a crappy job being this with ISIS. We've seen it
with al Qaeda in Yemen, so extraordinarily important that we maintain those defenses that I talked about, and we maintain that until And military pressure on these groups going forward because this is
a generational fight Emery. My kids are going to be fighting this fight and my grandchildren going to be fighting this fight. Oh,
Adam: what's the guy looking for a new gig and this is your military industrial complex ramping it up. Let's get ready because you know we're focusing here is going to happen.
John: Let's talk about the competency of this by minute skip. I have my two 911 Plus, but let's play this versus would you just play that guy? There's the missile story update from Fox,
Adam: the last known missile fired by the United States in the Afghan war on August 29, which the Biden administration called a righteous strike might have actually killed 10 innocent people,
including seven children, and the US aid worker. The shocking report basically shows step by step videos of Mario Monti reportedly loading canisters of water into his trunk to bring to his family. The
US military was surveilling the man and thought those jugs of water could be explosives, and that Amani was communicating with ISIS, so the US launched a hellfire missile, obliterating the man's car
in his driveway in a dense residential neighborhood. Military officials said the drone strike might have killed three civilians, but the New York Times now tallies 10 innocent people killed. Army
General Mark Milley said the strike was valid because there was reasonable conclusion that there were explosives in the white Toyota and that the US had very good intelligence that ISIS was planning
some type of vehicle attack. But the New York Times reported spoke to witnesses on the ground who say Mr. Amati had multiple passengers in his car that day that denied loading or seeing any explosives
and that Amati was not related to ISIS Amati had worked as an electrical engineer since 2006. Here's what I don't understand about this part of the story. I thought it was the special the X r x nine
that had the razor blades flip out and and slice everyone to bits All I saw was a big crater and explosion this was supposed to be this very little collateral damage just sliced everybody to bits.
John: Well, let's just take a couple of things here. One, this intelligence a debt morels bragging about is apparently piss poor.
Adam: No, no, it's spot on us. It's spot on. This is New York Times passing on the CIA's message to discredit Joe is to discredit to
John: military intelligence because I don't see Joe being I mean, I see Joe coming out smelling like a rose with after you think about it. But the second thing is the other part was just lie. That was
a lie about this chopper device wherever the hell it was. Yeah. This is Morel should, why are they even putting him on the air?
Adam: Well, again, CBS n. And he had more to say john this he's not done the military industrial complex. in this, in this case, the CIA version of it is just back. It just it's fear porn is never
gonna happen anywhere whack a mole was gonna happen. This is what how it goes.
Unknown: So it brings me now to Afghanistan and the Taliban. I think that, you know, many would consider the Taliban a terrorist organization. And now it is forming the government in Afghanistan and
the EU.
Adam: I love that many, many would, you know, I think many would think the Taliban is a terrorist.
John: And I can stop right there and and ask yourself, when was the Taliban a terrorist organization? This has been dropped onto public now is this concept. The Taliban is a terrorist. What have they
done outside of Afghanistan? And what have they done in Afghanistan besides rule the country with an iron fist? And and using methodologies we don't approve of, but what where's the terrorism part of
the formula here? Well, they are first asking you You must Yeah, no,
Adam: I think what the the only stretch you can make is that they harbored terrorists and
John: that is not the same. I know.
Adam: I know but that's
John: your Mr. deutscher is the Germans the DOJ Icelanders, they've all had the most of the 911 stuff came out of Hamburg.
Adam: I read all the read everything Did you see the new Saudi report heavily redacted? That came out? Yeah.
John: So what? How would the Taliban ID a terrorist organised?
Adam: Well, I'm gonna tell you if you just let me speak. The reason we speak we reason we know that the Taliban is a terrorist organization is because we found a passport not far from the blast zone.
Just like on 911.
John: Oh, okay, what that would do it. Remember,
Adam: you remember the passport, the magical passport,
John: loan passports in the middle of this? That was my favorite. My favorite actually was never reported but a friend of mine who was one of the editors at PC Magazine, lived in a town In a pie rise,
not too far from nine other than the nectar 911. Target. And on the roof of the house, it was the pilot or somebody had it. Oh god To hell with the helmet on.
Adam: Nice weight with a helmet on.
John: Yeah, W there was a helmet on the guy. It's way I understood what yeah,
Adam: I wish this was someone in the aircraft.
John: Yeah. Hmm.
Adam: That sounds
John: kind of an anonymous anomaly fallen from outer space, given a Russian cosmonaut.
Adam: Let's do a quick 123 from Condoleezza Rice. And she's also completely cut off from morale. If you I was going to skip morale. Do you want to hear him? Do you want to hear? Okay, all right.
here's here's my, his morale.
John: So he's got messaging going on. He's worth listening to.
Adam: This is it? Here we go.
Unknown: So it brings me now to Afghanistan and the Taliban. I think that, you know, many would consider the Taliban a terrorist organization. And now
gana, Stan and the US is maybe not negotiating, but certainly in talks with the Taliban in order to get American citizens out of the country. What role do you see the US playing and in particular, the
CIA's involvement moving forward when it comes to Afghanistan,
CIA's involvement in Afghanistan is pretty simple. We have to figure out a way CIA has to figure out a way to continue to collect intelligence on the terrorist groups operating there who might pose a
threat to the United States. When we were in Afghanistan, when we had a large military and salient presence in Afghanistan, it was easy to collect that intelligence. We're not there anymore. But now
it's going to be much more difficult to do. Director Burns has has said that in in congressional testimony, but difficult does not mean impossible. So we're going to have to figure out how to collect
that intelligence, particularly on Al Qaeda, watching them their capabilities, are they rebuilding them and watching their plans and intentions. And if we see them rebounding to the point where they
again, pose a threat to the homeland, then we need to tell speak, speaks out loudly to the administration and to Congress. And hopefully, then the President will ask right to degrade them before they
can attack us. But that's the CIA's fundamental responsibility going forward here
Adam: fundamental is to kick it off again. That's their fundamental responsibility.
John: Now, they got to worry about the poppy fields as
Adam: well, yes, that that is the bottom line. Of course, here's Condoleezza Rice.
Unknown: 20 years ago on 911, then National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice was inside the white house when the US was attacked. We spoke with her a short time ago and asked her if America is less
safe. With us troops out of Afghanistan. We are safer than we were on September 11 2001. But we're not yet safe. Nora, save ourselves 20 years, there was not another attack of anything like that
scale, where we developed intelligence assets on the ground. But of course, it said that on this day, the Taliban is back in Afghanistan and in control. I don't think it had to be that way. But It's
Adam: slammed Joe, let's ask, let's find out how terrorism has evolved. Because that's really what we're supposed to be worried about.
Unknown: And how do you think that terrorism threat has evolved? September 11 2001,
the real danger is that al Qaeda reconstitutes itself in the highly disciplined, extremely capable organization that was able to put together the attack 911 they actually defeated that organization.
If they can reconstitute that, then we've got a different kind of day. Then we have current al Qaeda,
Adam: she's, it's all I'll kinda
John: know they've been, they've been defeated. They're gone.
Adam: No, no, we knew they we kinda, we took our eye off the ball. They're back. That's what Morel said. Looking back 20 years, there were a number of missed warning signs.
Unknown: The 911 Commission said that the CIA and the FBI had failed to detect the plot. And of course, then CIA director George Tenet said the system was blinking red,
do you wish that some things had been done differently? I wish we had been organized differently. And we had a pretty hard boundary between what the CIA did and what the FBI did the FBI worked
intelligence internally, the CIA externally that in fact, you have to think about how threats outside and inside merge together. We're in a better position now through the coordination of the National
Counterterrorism Center through the way that The CIA and the FBI can now cooperate to share intelligence.
Adam: Wow. How about a tell there, huh? This talking about the FBI and the CIA coordinating terrorism. The CIA and the FBI can now cooperate. Yes, I
Unknown: wish we'd been organized. I will tell you that anybody who was in a position of authority on that day does feel remorse for what happened that we could have seen it coming. I believe that we
did everything that we knew to do on that day. But by definition, we didn't know enough.
Adam: My uncle my uncle taught me a lot about CIA interrogation really about lying I can't remember I was young. And he said there's there's a couple ways you know, the COFF is always a tell but
something Misaki has been doing lately is sticking the tongue out. Even if it's just a little like john kerry does this a lot? Oh, Kerry
John: does it constantly looks like a lizard he does it so much. And
Adam: that is your body going bullshit. Just trying to spit out the ball.
John: What is there? Is there any way trying to wash your mouth out? Yeah. Is there any does he did he ever discussed the ways to defeat this? Because there are plenty of people that never have tells
they just lie. Like a rug? They just go on and on? Yeah.
Adam: Oh, yeah. No, you know, we're URLs a
John: good example. Never been ever has any tells. No. The
Adam: bottom line is the join the CIA will teach you how to lie. That's what it is. Never forget the two towers. Just forget that third one.
John: Yeah, they didn't do a bunch of tape. Well, I have only two clips. You had a bunch. Yeah. But my two clips gave me new information. I have come to light. Oh, okay. I didn't know any of this
stuff. Although I did. I did Be honest about one of them, I think was one of these Mandela Effect differences.
Unknown: I've gotten that nation man. New shit has come to light.
John: So I have 911 tidbits. But play the second one first, which is number two.
Unknown: So is the us safer today than 20 years ago, we asked several former officials who served in senior positions over the past two decades. Their collective answer could be summarized as Yes.
But we are safer. We have done a lot to prevent another major catastrophic attack.
jane harman was a Democratic Congresswoman from California, a leading member of the House Intelligence Committee. She was walking to the Capitol dome when the 911 news broke that dome where I was
headed was the intended target of the fourth plane. Oh, one that crashed in Pennsylvania. So you know, this kind of person? No.
Adam: Oh, that was never my understanding. My understanding was the White House or
John: I didn't understand it this way. I mean, this is like new information, this come to light. But now I don't know. That's true. Because my understanding during that era, which was the first three
or four months of the event after the event, when there's all kinds of interesting stuff going on. There was the thought it was it was headed for some bush compound that was out in the middle. Oh,
Adam: I hadn't I hadn't even heard that one.
John: I heard that's the first one I heard. But it anyway crashed in the middle of nowhere. And if you and there's a bunch of anomalies with that flight, yeah.
Adam: Like, like a, like a very, very, very small hole in the ground with absolutely zero baggage, limbs, wheels, engines, anything. In fact, there was a debris field spread out over Was it 10 miles
or something?
John: Well, we had to clip that you had discovered where Rumsfeld said they shot the plane down. Yeah,
Adam: I think I might have that. Here we go. Yes, I do. Thanks for reminding
John: me imagine the kind of world we would face.
Adam: If the people who bombed the best Hall in Mosul
Unknown: are the people who did the bombing in Spain or the people who attack the United States in New York, shut down the plane over Pennsylvania, Pentagon.
Adam: And then of course, there was this beaut, the day before 911 September 10. The same Donald Rumsfeld, then Secretary of Defense Pentagon, the
Unknown: day before 911, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld declared war not on foreign terrorists.
John: The adversary is closer to home. It's the Pentagon bureaucracy. He said money wasted by the military poses a serious threat. In fact, it could be said that it's a matter of life and death.
Rumsfeld promised change. But the next day, the world change.
Unknown: And in the rush to fund the War on Terrorism, the war on waste seems to have been forgotten.
Adam: My oh three budget
calls for more than $48 billion There's a new defense spending
John: more money for the Pentagon when its own auditors admit the military cannot account for 25% of what it already spends.
Unknown: According to some estimates, we cannot track $2.3 trillion in transactions.
Adam: And it was so crazy that the airplane that crashed into the Pentagon to hit the hit the office that track that money. That was crazy. And what's
John: really crazy about that, as we recall, everyone remembers all this stuff, reminding him which is that that gas station near the Pentagon which was added outside recording, it was recording had
cameras. It recorded the jet coming in and sliding along the ground and slamming into the Pentagon. And that tape has never been released and never will be released and they will not release that
tape. Why? Oh, is there somebody sitting on top of it? Is there it was King Kong throwing it what what's the reason for not releasing the video,
Adam: national security man what's wrong with you?
John: what's what's and what Okay, national security? Do we I think we can dredge all this stuff up and you're talking about it forever. So let's go to the other clip, which has new information.
Unknown: Just after the 911 attacks, President George W. Bush tried to reassure a shocked and terrified nation. the resolve of our great nation is being tested. But make no mistake.
We will show the world that we will pass this test. So now 20 years later did the US pass that test? NPR national security correspondent Greg miry has the story.
As President Bush flew back to Washington on Air Force One following those remarks on September 11. He was accompanied by Michael morale. The CIA officer who briefed the president daily morale was in
touch with CIA headquarters, which had given him heart stopping intelligence that he had to urgently relay to the President.
John: The message was that what happened that morning was the first of two waves of attacks against the United States.
Unknown: In the end, there was no second wave. And in the past 20 years, the only deadly attack carried out in the US with a direct link to al Qaeda was a 2019 shooting by a Saudi Arabian aviation
student that killed three people at the Pensacola Naval Air Station.
John: So morale relaying define intelligence which missed the first attack completely predicted a second attack and that never came to pass. What is wrong with the What is wrong with this group who's
running the operation?
Adam: Well, we're just gonna have to presume that all of this is misinformation and disinformation, just for the sake of doing it. But But war on terror 2.0 it's going to be very interesting to see
the media who has to make choices now. Between the pharmaceutical industry pushing, pushing, pushing, pushing boosters, boosters, boosters, boosters, and their actual informants, who are all
intelligence within the government slash deep state, whatever you'd like to call orders we
John: should mention.
Adam: Well, that's it. But that's my point is that they get all of their information from I mean, look at what do you see on television? How often do you see someone from the military as abundant?
Zero times? It's always FBI, CIA,
John: mostly CIA.
Adam: Yeah. Basic. Now they got a couple of FBI guys, but they're they're so bad. They always look really collegiate. Really snazzy and snappy. faces spook.
John: Well, that's a good point. This I mean, maybe it's just a it's just softening us up the whole vaccination and booster things as well. It blows we haven't Boom, boom, boom and punch in is a punch
in the public damn beating them up. Making them weird. You know? Oh, the unvaccinated plague of the unvaccinated punch, punch punch and then they come in with something else. Maybe and here's why. But
here's the kicker because morale still in play cuz he was in the in that last clip from 911 and that he's now he's still floating around saying stuff is that if something happens, like let's say five
years from now, that will you know that there's is the second wave we predicted
Adam: planting the seed or it should come now. While what's happening now is we have a mass amygdala hijack underway. Because I mean, the pain of being isolated locked up and not wanting to go back to
that that is what part of the mass formation ingredients, the the pain of isolation, but also the pain for many people. The millennials to you know have of 911 the fear. And Whoa, man, we're just
going to be everyone's next gonna be bulgin Miguel is going to try and come on in. Come out of your mouth bumped your head on the back. Yeah. So you can pretty much do anything with people now
anything and I think I'm susceptible to it a little bit too. But I see it everywhere around me. Oh, people are bad
John: That's the promise of reason this show exists.
Adam: Yes. Can you and i, you and i keep each other in check.
John: as best we can. This also to allay is also the audience and they've been the producers. Listen for the same reason, which is the Yes. And it works triangulate on this bullcrap. And it freaked
out on constantly except the ones who go overboard and and they go nuts. Well, well, it's shame
Adam: if we're done with the 911 Afghanistan it's such I think so.
John: I'd like I think I may have more Afghanistan. Let me take a look. Okay, you're going to bear from Afghanistan.
Adam: a funny story.
John: Now I got the resettlement whole series we got a three clip that's report clip on the resettlement and there's a woman who's an expert now this is I was this wasn't so this is resettlement of
the honey stani Yeah, they got I guess all these different religious organizations that you always Yeah, athletes.
Adam: They get money from the government to do this billions of dollars billions.
John: I want. I got a three parter. Here. I want you to listen to the great NPR reporter who they discuss it the money there's money, but not one time does the reporter and I don't understand what
they're thinking says how much per person they don't want to. I think they're actually told not to ask these sorts of questions because people would be upset. Oh, by by knowing how much per person was
Adam: Remember? Do you remember when Obama came to Austin because Austin has headquarters to one of the largest receptor Christian based reset or was Catholic religious religious
John: based there all right, this one here is religion this
Adam: way all our this this is the big scam and and they love it because it is truly billions of dollars is an unbelievable amount of
John: money. And of course, it's never brought up in this discussion. Well, no, I but if you're a reporter, you're out. Why don't you because the first thing you bring out how much money you getting
per refugee, because these people come on, and this woman is a good example, this woman who comes on that you'll hear she is the sweetest thing ever. She is just sweet. And she's kind of, you know,
she just seems like you know, a little sweetie. And it's like, there's no mention of them. You know, all we're doing it for the good of humanity elders is though, who knows what good you're doing it
for? And why you're doing it if we don't know the amount of money. Reason why is this this should be at the front in front of the question, but let's just listen to this. This is a little sappy. But
let's go with resettlement or org one. My name is Julie pennisi. And this message No, no, no, no, no, I'm
Adam: sorry. It says I'm so sorry. That was a complete mistake on my part.
John: Do you play her?
Adam: No, no. No, sorry about that. It was I was confused as
Unknown: the Pentagon rushed to fly Americans out of Afghanistan ahead of the withdrawal deadline last month. The US military also evacuated 10s of 1000s of Afghans, many of whom worked with American
and allied troops during the conflict. So far more than 20,000 Afghan refugees have arrived in the United States, where a number of organizations are helping them begin the resettlement process. To
learn more, we called Kristen Peck. She is the CEO of Lutheran Social Services of the National Capital Area, a nonprofit that helps newly arrived refugees in the Washington DC metropolitan area.
Kristen Peck, welcome. Thanks for joining us. Thank you so much for having me on. Could you tell us a little bit about how your organization works with Afghans who left the country in the past few
Absolutely. As you mentioned, LSS NCA is a refugee resettlement organization. That's one of the core services we provide. And through that program, we've been welcoming our Afghan allies. We've served
approximately 500 individuals since the end of July. By the end of September, we expect to serve upwards of 1000 people for an organization that in the past four years served approximately 500 people
a year. This has been a significant upscaling of all of our staffing and processes and systems. We're meeting every morning to rethink how we're doing things so that we can ensure we're providing the
best services possible.
I just want to mention just to sort of amplify what you just said that under former president, the Trump administration slashed the number of refugees allowed into the country to just 15,000 President
Biden has raised that cap, because just over 62,000, and the former president also slashed the resources to pay for resettlement. So I'm just wondering, Well, first, I just want to hear about what
what you Okay. Now do. And has that change in administration sort of changed how you do things or what you're able to do?
Adam: Yeah, no, no, no, no, there'll be none of that. So hold on a second. The President Biden raised the cap to 62,000. Well, that was the first weekend.
John: 15,000 Yeah.
Adam: So these are called. These are called vo lags. A refugee refugee voluntary agency. And I have some data for you on this. There are nine of them. Well, nine refugee settlement grants went out.
I'm looking at 2018 is about $1.5 billion. That money is very good money. And that was that was just for the children. That was just for the children. Yeah, well, this but it's it's an epic scam. It
really truly is. And these I'm not against nonprofits making, you know, the the officers making competitive rates with with commercial business, but this guy is making bad. It's like, or I think it's
I think the one the one case I remember was just making millions and millions of dollars.
John: The it goes on she's, of course, this is never brought up in the conversation. It's mostly Oh, these poor refugees. But you will hear if you remember a clip from about two or three shows ago
where they were somebody says these guys, they were sending them over there they expect to get a free house. Yeah. Remember? Yeah, sure. Well, this there are the free houses are involved in they got
the word is out. And if you're and also the beginning of this clip, the woman says that many of which helped us during just random people met him just as randos got managed to get on the plane. clip,
clip to sorry, think
Unknown: that context is really important. In the last year of the Obama administration, for example, LSS NCAA serves 1600 refugees, approximately, that was our record year. And then in during the
Trump presidency, due to the more restrictive policies, we were serving approximately 500 individuals a year. And so that was a significant downscaling of our program staff, our support staff, all of
the infrastructure that we have to support program and service, the services we provide. They include things like picking up allies or refugees at the airport, or at Fort Lee or wherever they may be,
may include providing temporary housing while we look to identify long term housing, we provide housing assistance in terms of rents, we have people who've been walking into our doors who have been
traveling for quite a while. And they're arriving with just the clothes they have on their back. So we've been providing clothing and food and just other basic needs.
Adam: Can you share any anecdotes from people who have what's gonna happen to these? I don't care. Okay, sure that being taken care of. But then what's happening next, next, next, next, next, where do
they go?
John: Why don't we have homeless in this country? And they're all over the place? Yeah. What's being done about them? Do they get to billions of dollars if you find a
Adam: house Clearly, the way to go is is hop over the border come back. Follow Akbar crap and then get yourself a house and some clothes and send a meal, learn
John: how to put
Adam: learn how to code these are
Unknown: I mean, I don't want to turn people into a postcard right or you know, a picture on the wall but just give you you could just give us a sense of what some of their stories have been.
Adam: Oh, by the way, you got to turn off you're right. No agenda, social alert, Blip. It's coming. It's coming through your clips. It's really it's really almost unnoticeable. If you're not paying
John: I'm paying attention I noticed it and it's irksome.
Adam: Yeah, you can you can
John: look clips and fortunately date there one of these embedded clips. I can't find a YouTube version of this right to play it from the no agenda social player.
Adam: So you have to pee pee pee pee pee, there is a setting you know, there's a set and find it. It's at the top of your timeline.
John: So little have seen it this little like if I can find it. I'll turn it off. Okay.
Adam: I just want to help. I just want to help.
John: I know you're not helping. You're just annoying me. Believe me. annoys me enough.
Adam: I know. I'm just I'm just Give me a friendly tip we can help. I'm sorry to annoy you. Oh,
Unknown: sure, sure. One of the concerns right now are the persons who arrive who are being paroled in. And these individuals have also assisted us missions. But perhaps their visa wasn't completed
before the evacuation. So they're coming in on another status. And so these individuals are not eligible for the full range of services and benefits that our government offers to special immigrant
visa holders. The other day, we had 12 individuals walk into our office who had prov status. They had what status?
John: Yes. Did she say parole status, parole status, which means you've been stopped. And us you're not fully vetted or Yeah, you didn't fill out the paperwork. There's something wrong with you.
Adam: That's something wrong with your papers.
Unknown: You have Paul status. The other day, we had 12 individuals walk into our office who had prov status. They had identified a leader in the African community, who referred them to us but they'd
been living in a tent. for several days, they arrived with only the clothes they had on their back. They've been traveling for quite a while sounds like
Adam: East Riverside and Austin. their immediate needs were showers and food. Now we're talking really basic needs here.
Unknown: an NPR Ipsos poll says that actually most Americans favor welcoming Afghans to the United States right now. I mean, you're hearing you know, some criticism of the vetting process. You're
hearing some complaints in the kind of conservative media circles But what have you heard any pushback from people in the community who say this is happening too fast or we're not ready for this or
anything of that sort?
Adam: All right, I'm gonna ban clips like this from NPR
John: don't stepped all over the funniest part. Oh, well
Adam: there you go. Make them shorter lay
John: the very just play the very end again and just listen to the tone in this woman's voice
Unknown: complaints in the kind of conservative media circles, but what have you heard any pushback from people in the community who say this is happening too fast? Or we're not ready for this or
anything of that sort?
Adam: Sorry, I didn't know you had a six minute shaggy dog to the to the punch line was unaware that happened. This is you know what you're right. And I really don't care everyone's coming into
America anyways you it's not just it's not just South Americans coming in through the Mexican border with Texas and California. Everyone's coming in I'd probably rather have Afghans to the but but
it's much more grievous when you hear literally so it's this you're describing a homeless American on East Riverside in Austin. But they can't go to you.
John: They can't if they can claim to be daddy. Now that would help Yes. The thing about this whole thing and this woman is no Yeah. Which you ruined.
Adam: Jesus okay.
John: I have it as an ISO the the whole thing is like this is some it's like another level scam and there's and the reporting is so piss poor. They're never asked how much money they get per person.
And maybe they're doing it for the money. They're never asked about are these people tested for COVID? is writing and it seems like didn't top news item is in front of every news story. Wouldn't you
ask this woman or these Afghanis tested for COVID? We see him flying over there on these planes. You're not wearing masks. like them. They don't have to wear masks. There's none of these questions are
being asked. It's just all pandering. Well, it's disgusting.
Adam: Not only that, but Mr. President, what's up with your son with the hookers in the blow and the math? I mean, come on one question one. Why is one question? Just a little information
John: big guy. Yeah. Now,
Adam: it's hard to deconstruct when there's nothing there. That's really quite sad.
John: You can't You can't deconstruct but you can condemn, which is what
Adam: we do. Like, we do like doing that. Yeah. Well, overnight. JOHN bombshell breaking news, a big bombshell bombshell bombshell news out of the United Kingdom. Did you hear the bombshell news? No,
it's just gonna it's gonna blow you away. This is we get it right, the UK health minister. Where is he here? I forget his name. And he was on the BBC on on that late night talk show where the guy has
Mar I think his name is and he has one guest and that was the UK health minister with this
Unknown: information is trashed. I think most people probably instinctively don't like the idea. I mean, I've never like the idea of saying to people you must show your papers or something to do you
know what, what is it just an everyday activity, but we will write to you to properly look at it to look at the evidence, or you know, what, what I can say is that we've looked at it properly. And
whilst we should keep it in reserve as a potential option, I'm pleased to say that we will not be going ahead with plans for vaccine passport not be going ahead, you will not be going ahead it
is baffling for because the Secretary said just a day or two ago, it'll go ahead for nightclubs, it might go ahead for other big venues. The vaccines minister was in Parliament saying I don't much
like it, but it's the right thing to do. Now, you're coming here saying, well, let's not do it. Well, we I think we were absolutely right to look at other
John: stuff. Stop the tape. Is the interviewer who's a journalist? Is he actually worked at they're not going to do it. It sounds to me as though he's got a dog in the hunt.
Adam: Well,
John: if you listen to him, he says, what what would a man
Adam: he says it's just baffling. It's baffling. And the reason it's baffling is because the home minister
John: he did that, but it does. last comments were more like I don't get it. We should be doing this. is taking this site. Is that a reporting? He's taking a site in the in the on the issue?
Adam: Oh, that's a good point. Well, he's he's the voice of the people. Not the voice of exactly. Neither of these two guys is representing the people. I think that's pretty clear.
John: And just a day or two ago, it'll
Unknown: go ahead for nightclubs, it might go ahead for other big venues. The vaccines minister was in Parliament saying I don't much like it. But it's the right thing to do. Now, you're coming here,
saying, well, let's not do it.
Well, we I think we were absolutely right to look at other countries have used this measure or looked at it and discounted it. But to use I mean, they're very common in France, you know that they're
coming in that they
are but but but they should be looked at in combination with other measures. So many countries at the time they implemented it was to try and boost their vaccination rates. And you know that you can
understand why
John: we've been very successful with our vaccination rates. So so far, obviously, there's more to do.
Adam: So. So this is what it seems like is now that they have I think their numbers 83%. vaccinated in the UK, in the target groups or whatever, that so now that we threatened you with that? Y'all
went out and did it, it works, so we can just pull it back. He said exactly that. He said, The reason for doing the passports and all the other bull crap is to get more people to line up and get the
job. And then all of a sudden, it's not important. And then it's
John: not in which is what we've been predicting on this show since the beginning. I also
Adam: think it's very important for a government and this they still are representing the people to some degree, when you have you know, really only little under 20% unvaccinated, you've got to keep
some people around just in case. You can't be can you can't is 100% is a bad idea. If it all goes awry, right? It all goes awry.
John: And if everybody gets sick, you have nobody to blame but yourself.
Adam: So vaccination rates all you
John: want at least you want it I think 20% is a good number. You want to keep them on vaccinating and blame them for everything.
Adam: Yeah. And I think that they'll they'll be happy with 70% which we're very close to. And I predict this is going to happen with these mandates as well. This is a complete botch, but I just say
staying in the European region for a moment. So we have the UK announcing up it's done no passports Don't worry about it good to go. You have Denmark saying just is we're back to 2019 no restrictions
anywhere, anything whatsoever. They also have a very high vaccination rate. So they're they're also saying well, they although they're not coming out and saying it like this dope, but I think they're
saying we got it we got enough now. But meanwhile in France in Paris, this was yesterday.
That's not a small group of people who are yelling Liberte and the cops were losing to them near the cops we're being pushed back the cops just kept on walking backwards retreating every single time.
So we'll see if maybe they'll do the same thing when they reach that 80% I don't know how far they are. I think France is a lot further off than than then we would be led to believe and and this of
course is either gonna have to come clean and by them I mean the the Biden administration that okay, it was really just to get get us up to a certain number and we're gonna do the same as the UK was I
have to say, Oh, we got 10 more percent to go. Or, you know, you can't do this in today's connected world. People will be asking, I think maybe there might be a maybe We might witness a journalist in
the United States who says that, Mr. President, how come the UK is no vaccine passports and we're still doing it. That could happen. If it was obvious enough, what's going on?
John: They be asking Jen Psaki Well, yes,
Adam: excuse me. Exactly.
John: Me. Joe doesn't take he takes maybe one question a week.
Adam: Yeah. So the President came out yesterday after a trial balloon was led up early in the morning, I think. I don't think it quite made the show. Of course, this always happens on the show day.
And he comes out and and he slaps down the glove with some some fighting words against the unvaccinated.
John: fed up. Well,
Adam: first of all, he lies all the time. And he started off by lying to Navy My fellow Americans, why would he say good evening This was five o'clock it was two o'clock in on the west coast. It was
just dumb. The I'm sure you have some clips of him saying some stupid shit now. Oh, you don't owe any bind together. Oh good. Okay, well then I just have a few short ones. I have issues short ones and
then I have some important short ones. So just some of the dumb stuff like I thought this was cool.
Unknown: What makes it incredibly more frustrating is we have the tools to combat COVID-19 and a distinct minority of Americans supported by stink minority of elected officials stink
Adam: minority john he can't say distinct he comes out of stink supported by stink minority of elected officials. Ladies and gentlemen, your president then
John: minority as a show title far as I'm concerned.
Adam: Yeah. Well, I had already written down. Now this is where he's president started getting real,
Unknown: even patient. Put our patience is wearing thin. And your refusal has cost all of us. So please do the right thing because of what but just don't take it from Leave me. Listen to the voices of
unvaccinated Americans who are lying in hospital beds, taking their final breath saying If only I'd gotten vaccinated. If only
John: I was last week's meme. I was a couple weeks ago we had all the news reports of the day as a guy dying in the bed always skirt scripted and sometimes stage
Adam: oh my goodness, you have no idea cnn went all in on this all in.
Unknown: We want to continue our COVID coverage tonight by showing you what a COVID patient struggling to breathe looks like. This is what happens to people when every weapon in our arsenal is not
used to its fullest potential or even the most obvious one the vaccine. we warn you this may be disturbing to some but it's nice to see up close just what this nation is fighting patient by patient.
Yes. Randy Kay has the story. Oh, Randy, you are watching the desperate attempt to save a COVID patient's life.
This 75 year old woman is having serious trouble breathing and is in desperate need of oxygen.
So this patient was being maintained on non invasive ventilation. And unfortunately failed.
Adam: So they did the six minute piece on this woman and they said this showing the tube going down. They explained what it's called how it works. I mean, just really, really gruesome details. He's
horrible, horrible people. No, no, they listened to what the President said. But I listened to. And I have some questions. Let's just pretend that we could have a little Tet attached with the with the
Beijing Biden here. I would say Mr. President, you talked about some numbers. I'd like to run the math with you. Now, tell me about the odds of me having to go to the hospital if I'm even though I'm
Unknown: I know there's a lot of confusion and misinformation. But the world's leading scientists confirm that if you're a fully vaccinated, your risk of severe illness from COVID-19 is very low. In
fact, based on available data from the summer, only one out of every 160,000 fully vaccinated Americans was hospitalized for COVID per day. These are the facts.
Adam: A quick back of the napkin math edge. Oh, that's over 1000 people per day. Sounds a little different when you're poor reported that way. One in one in 160,000. That could never happen to me. But
Mr. President, you made it even worse when you talked about breakthrough cases people who get sick just get sick after being vaccinated if you get COVID-19.
Unknown: In fact, recent data indicates there is only one confirmed positive case per 5000 fully vaccinated Americans per day.
Here as safe as possible. sure we're doing everything we can to keep it that way. Keep it that way, keep you safe.
Adam: This was an amazing way he put this. He made it sound like after just talking about 160,001 in 160,000. He made it sound incredibly and we should probably listen to it again. That one in 5000
was even better than one in 60,000.
John: Did you catch that? Yes. And it's it's so off of the wall because one in 5000 is a super high now
Adam: 35,000 people a day will have breakthrough cases in the summer according to the data fact.
John: What are your odds of getting COVID because I looked into some of this to do some some extrapolations. Mathematical extrapolations is around one in 1000 unvaccinated getting a positive test is
just being a PCR
Adam: plus sign.
John: You got a you got one and 1000. So if one and 5000 are vaccinate then your odds Yeah, you you've improved your odds from 1000 to one and 5005 to one, give a five and five to one better. You're
better off by a factor of five. If you get the vaccine, which is reasonably tight. I think that if he said that it would have been
Adam: less dubious, I think you're confusing the numbers. One you have a one in 5000 chance that you will get sick. Not hospitalized but sick even though you're vaccinated. Yeah, that was said. Right.
But that means that there's 35,000 people a day who experience a breakthrough case. This is not small.
John: No, I didn't say it was small.
Unknown: The vaccine is a dud. We need it probably is a duck. Yeah, it's a dud well, and then don't worry about it. Because you know we're ahead of the curve. Stop, stop.
John: I want to remind everybody that before this whole when this whole thing began a couple there's a couple of memes not memes but absolutes that were floating around a public domain. One was
Coronavirus is similar to a cold virus. There has never been a vaccine that's ever worked against Coronavirus. And this was but this came up in the conversation early on before the vaccines were
developed. And to this day, I think it still may be true that you can't do a vaccine against the Coronavirus that works. I agree with and and Dave and Biden himself. He says we've been working on this
for 20 years. Well, that
Adam: depends on how you look at it. I am now thinking Yes, you can create an mRNA quote unquote vaccine. And no matter how you administer this mRNA and it will pretend that you know they're going to
do the whole I have it here because I just announced this. Madonna is going to do single shot vaccine booster for COVID and flu and and RSV so it'll be a triple a triple treatment. What's RSV
Respiratory Syndrome? rvsm I'm sorry, it's RV s i guess respiratory viral syndrome that all the kids are having after the mass debacle. So maybe, yeah, it works for three months, six months, maybe
nine months.
John: Yeah.
Adam: But then you have to get it again. It's it's immunity as this as a service. That's what they're offering here.
John: No good.
Adam: They're offering that here and mind you people when the boosters are approved and we'll get to that you will be unvaccinated immediately. You will be not fully vaccinated you will be just like
just like the lepers like we are cast from society. unvaccinated creating pandemics. But don't worry about it because the Presidents figured it all out. We were doing testing we've we bought a
crapload of tests. I wonder if it's the one that Bill Gates and George Soros purchased not too long ago just wondering if that company might have something to do with it
Unknown: will also expand expand free testing at 10,000 pharmacies around the country. And we'll commit we're committing $2 billion to purchase nearly 300 million rapid tests for distribution to
community health centers, food banks, schools, so that every American no matter their income, can access free and convenient test. This is important to everyone.
Adam: How many unvaccinated are there, john that you understand this number that they keep getting? Bandy million 80 million 300 million tests for 80 million people. It'll work great for three and a
half weeks, Mr. President, then you're out.
John: nobody's getting it tested over and over and over.
Adam: Okay, everyone has to be tested at least twice a week. Twice a week. That's the rule. Now this this is this is truly the email the emails that I've received from all over the map and it's it's
about five to one, five, say, holy crap, look at this note that my work sent me. I'm done like, what am I notice, I'm getting out of here. There's always one that says, I have to choose, you know,
pray for me, I'm going to get my going to get my jab today, because I just can't afford not to do it.
John: Now, there's a lot of those. Well, let's listen to this woman who is this poor. And the only thing that makes this interesting, it's not the most clips you won't like it's a little maudlin. This
is the woman who is is all over the net. This is one of those been passed around. This is Professor Julie fired one.
Unknown: My name is Julie pennisi. And this message is about mandatory vaccinations. I am a professor of ethics at Huron college at the University of Western Ontario. It's one of the largest
universities in Canada. Today, I'm going to teach you a short lesson on the universally accepted ethics of coercing people into medical procedures. I'll be the example.
My employer has just mandated that I must get a vaccine for COVID-19. If I want to keep working at my job as a professor, I have to take this vaccine. Here's my conundrum. My school employs me to be
an authority on the subject of ethics. I hold a PhD in ethics and ancient philosophy. And I'm here to tell you, it's ethically wrong to coerce someone to take a vaccine. If it happens to you, you
don't have to do it. If you don't want to COVID vaccine don't take one End of discussion. It's your own business.
But that is not the approach of the University of Western Ontario, which has suddenly required that I be vaccinated immediately or not report for work. So with the school year, beginning, in a few
days, I am facing imminent dismissal after 20 years on the job, because I will not submit to having an experimental vaccine injected into my body. I've had plenty of vaccines in my life. But I've
never been forced to take one. It's always been my choice. I don't work in a high risk environment. I'm not a doctor in an emergency room. I'm a teacher. I'm a university professor. My job is to teach
students how to think critically to ask questions that might expose a false argument. Questions like Says who? Who is the authority giving this order? Should I trust them with control over my body?
Adam: Allow me to interrupt with a quick one minute clip from Justin Trudeau about this very person.
Unknown: We know that the only way to move forward as a country is to move forward together and to listen to each other and to learn from each other not to fix labels. Not to allow hate to fester in
corners of our society, then yes, we are seeing
vocal hatred and intolerance rising in some pockets of our communities. And the question that all the rest of us have to ask is what do we do? Do we sit back and say, Oh, well, let's
leave them space for their anti Vax beliefs for their misogynistic beliefs. Because we don't want to ruffle the boat ruffle, ruffle feathers? Or do we stand up?
Do we say no, not in Canada? Not in our Canada. We leave room for everyone and we stand up for each other in
That's what we've done over these past six years.
That's what we will continue to do so we don't
Adam: put labels on people. And and we listened to people even if it's those evil anti vaxxers where they're massaging this message. Holy crap Canada
John: was he talking about about massage and
Adam: his message is well because anti vaxxers hate women. They're in sales. They're republicans they live in Texas even though they were active in Canada.
John: Rough guys off the rails he said ruffle the boat. And he says rough.
Unknown: Rough on the boat.
John: doofus.
Adam: Do you want to play more of this, Julie or can we? Well, I
John: you know if you can cut to about two thirds of the way Through the second clip, so you can hear her her the way she finishes. Okay, I got it right here. Yeah.
Unknown: When a person has done the same job to the satisfaction of her employer for 20 years, is it right? Or is it wrong to suddenly demand that they submit to an unnecessary medical procedure in
order to keep their job.
In this case, the procedure is an injection of a substance that has not been fully tested for safety. It has not yet been shown to be effective. It is designed to prevent an illness that poses little
threat to the employee. The employee is not allowed to ask questions. She may only submit to the procedure or be fired. Do you might know you're
Adam: actually wrong. This is this is what's going on? Do not being fired? No, no, no, no. No, you just you're told to quit. This relieves they're really trying to get the same with the nurses. No,
you just have to quit. No, you have to fire me. No, we're not firing you. You have to quit. It's a crazy situation. There
John: are plenty of people to get fired. Yes, but this is one of them. get fired,
Unknown: or be fired. To my first year students, Is this right? Or is this wrong? I already know the answer. That was amazing. Julie.
Adam: Yeah, there's a lot of pain out there is stupid. And that's typical government. You know what, no one is finally happening though. I'm really happy. I've always said, Who's gonna save the world?
Not the hams. But seriously, it's the dude's name Ben. And the dudettes named Bernadette. And the term is let it burn. I've seen this from several IT system administrators who surprise surprise, you
know, they're sitting there in the back room and they have their own world and they probably don't even agree with what you're doing at your company. They're very anarchistic, often, and they love
freedom. And here's an example my company wants me to develop a vaccine passport website that developed a site to display results of COVID testing early on in the pandemic, but now they want to expand
it to include a vaccine passport section. I've notified my supervisor, this is not even about the vaccine, that it goes against my principles. I won't do it. I'm the only person in the building who
can code and if it weren't for me, this place would burn to the ground. Let it burn dude's name Ben are gonna walk off the job. And it's gonna be very sad for a lot of companies, particularly, you
know, the just over 100 which is not a smooth company.
John: The funny thing about the dude's name, Ban lots of them. They're used to not working. I mean, they cannot work because they know they can always do something on their own. They can freelancers,
a lot of things dude named Ben who's talented can do come in and save some other company. So they could do that they can stay can that a place burned to the ground or just yeah, throw a wrench in
there. A lot of them throw wrenches or wrenches if you haven't heard about this much lately, but in the past, many of them have thrown wrenches into the works. No, yeah, yeah, I have a Deadman switch
or some crazy thing that happens maybe a year later, after they're gone. They can't be traced back to them kind of thing is do some some, some terrible
Adam: it'll, it'll help accelerate the inevitable which is clear. These are the government of the United States. But I think all these douchebags around the world, they want to cripple everything,
although this is what makes the UK so weird. Like, are they just gonna bounce back? 100% Is it possible? Do you think that the data from Israel that shows that only 25% of people in the hospital are
unvaccinated? airgo 75% are do you think that that data might have freaked them freak the UK out? And they went oh crap. We might as well just stop right now instead of saying hey, this thing isn't
working the way we expected. Let's just bounce everybody back to freedom and hope they don't they don't see what's really going on.
John: Was something's up but the talking Zephyr the UK something's up with Israel and the fact that now we're hearing Oh, we shouldn't be looking at Israel. Yeah. No, of course. By the way, go over
there now. No, no, no, no, no. I was fully vaccin no doubt forget as well that's so the talkie while the Swedes won't allow anyone to go there. can't visit Sweden if you're from Israel, and you can't
and Portugal just threw the hammer down. Yeah, yeah.
Adam: And that's unvaccinated. It's weird. Anyway, what we need to look at Yes, it is falling apart. This is very It's very stupid but he I think this is 20/25 amendment level stuff. This is a you
insane. He's This is breaking the economy luckily not the really small parts of it, which, you know, restaurants and bars. They're not 100 people. But it's Anyway, what the here that he used to people
we got to pay attention to CNN is they are just he vole and this talking point went out far and wide. This is the the x Planned Parenthood lady Lynn way, whatever her name is that who's always on CNN
John: she's on it. She's terrible. I have a clip?
Adam: Well, well, we might have the same one. I'm going to play it now. Because this is the talking point that everyone is supposed to throw at the end. By the way, this is 100% political has nothing
to do with anyone's health.
Unknown: I absolutely think we should have that requirement. I think it was a major oversight on the part of the Biden administration to not issue this yesterday. And we have to talk about the reason,
the reason isn't so much that we need to keep our train travel and plane travel even safer, they are pretty safe. Although I definitely think that having a vaccine requirement would make it even safer
and probably encourage many people who are vaccinated are full of young kids and want to protect them. Maybe it'll help to encourage them heavily again. But there's an even bigger reason to which is I
think we really make need to make it clear that there are privileges associated with being an American, that if you wish to have these privileges, you need to get vaccinated, traveling and having the
right to travel interstate. It's not a constitutional right as far as I'm as far as I know, to, to to board a plane. And so saying that if you want to stay unvaccinated, that's your choice. But if you
want to travel you better go get that vaccine
Adam: is very wrong about that. I think
John: a couple of times decided that there's a constitutional right to travel you can't be restricted. Yeah.
Adam: Now so she, but she thinks it's good. And she calls it encouragement, which would really be he said she is a horrible person is the biggest creep on television. And unfortunately, this message
is going out far and wide and it even showed up in a that's right in my hate clip. It's back. This is the liberal intellectual elites from the pivot podcast, Kara Swisher. And I haven't had a hate
clip in a while because her partner Scott Galloway was vacationing in Ibiza, as you do as a middle aged bald man. Oh, yeah.
John: No, you're just No, I'm not joking. No,
Adam: no, no, it's true. He
John: went to Ibiza. Wait, that guy went to water to pick up the chicks. And oh, yes.
Adam: He's now he's divorced. So he's, he's he's roaming around. He's. That's what makes him so great. And he is great. You're right. Okay, great. So, so, you know, so they come. So they're back and
they're back together for the first show in in a month since he's been cavorting around.
John: Let's start a party. Yes. mentioned that's the backup. Ibiza is a lot of people don't know what a bisa is. A BC is this party island? It's a party Island. off the coast of Spain, I believe. Yes.
And anyone who you don't go there for anything other than to be stoned? Oh, yeah. I heard he was talking about you throw a lot of money around. Oh, yeah. Spray champagne is mostly a bunch of, you
know, good looking guys and gals that are you know, younger. And then there's a bunch of old farts with a lot of money and there's a bunch of whores. Hello?
Adam: Yeah. Well, he's very rich. You know, he's a, he's taken all of his, his teachings as a professor, and he's invested very wisely. So he says himself. And he's a consultant for the same companies
investment I don't. Anyway, he was back. And so the first thing they talk about is the mandates like holy crap, what do you think, Scott? What do you think of the mandate? So what do you think? What
do you think about this guy while you were away? You were saying? Did I do that right away? Nailed it.
John: Wait, you're traveling? Well,
Unknown: we did say about eight weeks ago. That was one of our predictions was the vaccine mandates in the corporate world were coming. And people said, I can't do that. It's illegal. It's absolutely
happening. And unfortunately, everyone's mad at these mentally ill people showing up at school board meetings. And I understand that everyone's mad at Facebook, and other media companies for spreading
misinformation. People are mad at podcast hosts who've been dewormed but the thing that Trumps all of them and and this just on an equal opportunity hater here. I think Biden's shown a tremendous lack
of leadership. We need to ask Americans, the government is here to be our connective tissue and the government embraces something called Science and they have resources. Why is Biden well he's been
very strongly pushing this he is much harder you want to get on a plane and want to cash your Social Security and Medicare unemployment check fine. We've decided we've decided you want to show up to a
public school you want to for God's sakes when I go to Africa I have to take tons of action
you know a lot of government mandates have not worried they haven't gone through in California even like they these these these requirements have died in local and state legislators.
I just don't buy it. I think the government if they wanted could find a lot of ways but carrots and sticks.
Adam: Now you see why I hate listening to these people. Wow. I mean, he goes all the way from be on welfare and get a vaccine slave cashier's check can't cash a check without a vaccine. Do you want to
travel with people
John: what kind of mentality is this? It's beyond me.
Adam: It's very dangerous.
John: There's nothing but sincerity here
Adam: garden a garden of the beast john garden of the beast right here.
John: Yeah, yeah. And he's dead serious. And he's just thinks he's so righteous self righteous. And, and she's the same way and she's Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, it's a great idea. We should we should make
sure you people can't catch it. They should be shot. Why don't we just go out and shoot him? You didn't get vaccinated? Boom, no,
Adam: no, no, let's not. No, they won't go that far. This is not going to stand it's not going to happen. This is of course it's not
John: it's not the point. The point is to discover these people is the point well, this really have to be identified. These are dangerous people. Well, here's what here's you're not Americans. Here's
Adam: the problem I have because you're right. They're not what I plan to do with the with the with the big collaborators. As I plan after we figured out all out, we're kind of a hoax. This wasn't
really it's all going to be media. I mean, the doctors, that whole system is going to break and they're going to try and I don't know have the guff it's going to be universal health care, whatever.
Meanwhile, people are decentralizing getting concierge medicine. They're doing their own schooling. So we have a real rift between what the government wants to provide. But when you collaborate in
World War Two with the Nazis after the liberation, they shaved your head and dragged you through and paraded you through the street with Scott Galloway, I don't know what to do. But a ball for Kara
Swisher that's your joke. I got it. Kara Swisher is she's gonna be shave her she'll be shorn she will be shorn. It's these people have. I think that once they come out of the hypnosis if they ever do,
I think they'll be deeply ashamed. years of therapy for the shit. They said.
John: Well, here's my little couple of clips, which I stole. This is COVID not enough. This is not really a true super clip cut. But it's not bad. COVID not enough. I don't think the President went
far enough. I was hoping that he would ban travel by unvaccinated people beginning in November.
Unknown: I also thought the president should have embraced a digital difficult to counterfeit verification system.
There's more mandates I wish he would have given I think mandating vaccines for air travel, train travel or interstate. State bus travel would also be important.
I don't think it goes far enough. I actually think that what Zeke said about interstate travel was exactly right. I will say he didn't go far enough. If you add I would have loved to have seen him.
But I know it was a step too far to have a domestic travel mandate for vaccination. Yeah,
Adam: it didn't go far enough. Same thing, it's all the talking point. All of them all of them need to be the head shaving. Now, Australia, Australia, I don't know what to say anymore about Australia.
Yeah, it's so so pathetic. By the way. They do have big discrepancies in Brisbane. There's everyone's walking around free. Everyone's fine. Everyone's happy. So it seems to be only certain states. And
John: yeah, the ones run by the by the the commies, the commies, communists. Yeah. So this is Chinese sympathizers. Those are the guys that are they got elected. Hey, I mean, he's always bitching
about Governor Inslee being such a turd up there in Washington. I said you could you know, as even though she didn't, but I throw it at her. You voted for him. You got him in. I didn't vote for him. I
didn't vote for him. You didn't vote for him. But what did you do to keep him from getting anyone else from voting for you?
Unknown: What did you do again? Nobody
John: did enough to do against him.
Adam: Here is an independent senator from Canberra. So I'm not this This might be like the AOC of Australia, not quite sure where she is. But man that she makes it clear.
Unknown: I think people are getting quite agitated right out there now outside paid and those anti vaxxers out there that 20 30% are the ones that they are protesting on the streets and doing that
sort of thing. I think you're gonna find the rest of us coming at you lock, stock and barrel. And we're going to be putting the pressure on you fairly hard because the rest of us that are trying to do
the right thing by the country and our kids and get vaccinated and do the right thing. I think for you, we're going to start to get even more agitated and we're going to start to get more hardcore and
I think that's what you're going to see massive division out there in OBS on the front foot. That's what I think's gonna happen. I think the tide is going to turn on those anti vaxxers out there and
you are really gonna feel the hate.
Adam: Okay, so fighting against her potential constituents even.
John: No, no, no, they're not good constituents. They've got to be killed, shoot them.
Adam: A couple updates I have from Australia currently in New South Wales, the churches are closed they will reopen when 70% of the adult population is vaccinated against COVID. But then, of course
only for the vaccinated. unvaccinated people will not be allowed to attend churches or religious gatherings and any unvaccinated person attending church will be in breach of the public health orders
and people are breaching all the time this is a New South Wales itself Bondi Beach This is hilarious.
Unknown: Line. Please remember, you are in breach of the public health. If you are not wearing your mark,
Otherwise times will apply. Also remember, social distancing is fine.
kilometre LGA. Again, you are in breach of the public health order.
The LGA say
Adam: people on the beach this beautiful day on the beach in the yelling at them to put your mask on. They get girls in bikinis with a mask is crazy.
John: They get used to Bikini Bottom.
Adam: I heard I got a rumor from one of our downunder producers. The rumor is that hospitals are using ivermectin on patients with COVID in the hospital who have had the vaccine, but not an
unvaccinated, which would be truly evil tisby Well, because they would heal people who would got sick from the vaccine, but not the one night.
John: That's a funny bit.
Adam: I wasn't sent to me as a joke. It's a joke, though, if you think about Oh, it's a sick joke. But yeah, it's I guess it's a joke.
John: It's a joke.
Adam: I got to let me see. I have a couple of
John: let me play these two clips again. Lara Logan was on the Tucker show.
Adam: Am confirmed pass.
John: I saw it a good bit on what's happened with OSHA.
Adam: Oh, yeah, this is the trick that the Biden ministration used. Does he explain the whole tree? I think she does. Right how it
John: worked. He explains the whole thing. But this is a two parter. I you know, she has a couple of things that she's she as an anchor, she her script wasn't well written. So she's fumbling with the
prompter. And she also has she has the tendency to not keep her head in one position.
Adam: That doesn't bother me what bothered me was the lighting and the makeup because makeup
John: was bad the lighting was bad and
Adam: when somebody doesn't like because you know, and there was makeup down to her you know the bottom of her neckline but she had a like a V kind of the open outfit on and just underneath everything
she leaned over or spoke it would just go dark and it just looked like shit. I'm just saying that this would not happen on our network john.
John: No, no, definitely not because somebody would get fired. It would be the makeup artists are easy to come by. And they get fired easily. So go on
Adam: Instagram, you can find a whole bunch of them.
John: Yes, and to some of them are quite talented. But she kind of she does have some material. Of course, whether you know this is all written by that staff. These got a good staff over there. She
just presents it. But here we go. This is an old This is a good story.
Unknown: The Occupational Safety and Health Administration or OSHA was established in the 1970s to inspect workplaces and establish standards to prevent industrial accidents. But starting this summer,
the Biden administration gave OSHA a new role. Joe Biden told OSHA to start hiding information from the public to promote the COVID vaccine. Until this summer, OSHA required employees to retain
records of any worker who suffered a serious side effect from the vaccine. Then in June, OSHA's guidance suddenly changed to this, quote, OSHA will not enforce federal record recording requirements
that require any employers to record workers side effects from COVID-19 vaccination. That was a major change, especially since we're still learning so much about these vaccines and their possible side
effects. Just hours ago, for example, the telegraph in Britain reported that quote, teenage boys are six times more likely to suffer from heart problems from the vaccine, then be hospitalized from
COVID-19. And in Israel, where more than 80% of adults are vaccinated. COVID cases are spiking. Israel now has one of the world's highest daily infection rates
Adam: is really a.
John: So it continues to part two.
Unknown: But let's look at the facts. On average, more than 98% of COVID-19 patients in the United States survive. That number is well over 99% for every age group, except for the very elderly,
whether they're vaccinated or not. Meanwhile, we know that millions of Americans have natural immunity from previous COVID infections. Studies show they have far greater protection than the vaccine
can provide. Tony Fauci was just asked about this on CNN, if people have natural immunity. Why do they need the vaccine? He couldn't answer.
As we talked about vaccine mandates there. I get calls all the time, people say I've already had COVID, I'm protected. And now the study says maybe even more protected than the vaccine alone. Should
they also get the vaccine? How do you make the case to them? You know, that's a really good point, Sanjay, I
don't have a really firm answer for you on that. That's something that we're going to have to discuss regarding the durability of the response.
Discuss the durability of the response. I don't have a firm answer for you on that. So why are we forcing people with natural immunity to take the shot for that matter? Why are illegal immigrants
exempt from Joe Biden's order? The Biden ministration won't answer those questions either. Of course our media is fine with all of this
Adam: that's such a groovy spot on the dial man it's like one hour a day with no advertising of any significance for drinkable vegetables. Did you do the same super whatever that's the end. And then
Larry elder This is the most twisted Larry elder always popping up with a relief factor when that relief factor Have you ever seen those ads they have they gotta be very successful they pay people
these are not cheap people
John: to get very elders not expensive.
Adam: Oh come on. It's got to be at least 500 grand for the for the flight of that campaign.
John: I really don't know what kind
Adam: of horror is this guy then? Well, it's
John: another issue he's a right wing talk show host on the radio
Adam: he's governor commands soon to be your governor.
John: They're not gonna vote up
Adam: sir Nathan Lee while it
John: was just a just a change just you brought it up. I think the Larry elder things is a red herring. I think he I really need I don't trust the guy Why is even running because he's he is in the
league because he's the biggest name even though all the other bonehead republicans are are trying to run and the Republican Party from this from the national level and the state level refused to put
throw any money into this into the campaign to get rid of news some they just refuse to do it. And john, I think his name is john Cox, the guy ran before it was a doofus as a few lousy ads. And
meanwhile, they got Obama they got Michelle, they got everybody out here doing democrat ads. I think California has the republican party has given up on California or they actually liked the idea that
California is all is a one party state it stays that way so it can be used as a bad example. Everybody's in on the scheme. This thing is a scam this whole thing California
Adam: well, life is a scam. But now back to the life is a scam. Now back to the death and destruction caused by the pharma bio security state and and our elected representatives. Sir Nathan Lee
reminded me of the Hippocratic oath. And we did a little bit back and forth. Now the Hippocratic oath, which I mean if I asked you what is the Hippocratic oath, you'd probably say what I would say
something like well, you know, I won't do no willing known. I will not harm anyone on purpose to kind of sum it up. Yeah. Some like that. Well, the true full Hippocratic Oath which doctors swear to is
somewhat longer.
John: When do they where did this? Where did this they do it at college?
Adam: I think they do. I think they do what you know, I don't think you take I think what you take the Hippocratic oath, I'm quite sure they have to repeat it.
John: I don't think so.
Adam: No, they should. What should I rewind?
John: Where's the evidence of this?
Adam: I have no evidence, I'm just guessing. You have no evidence. It's not true. I don't know. We'll find out we have the best producers in the universe. I'd like to read the Hippocratic oath to you.
I swear by Apollo, the physician and Aesculapius and health and all heal and all the gods and goddesses that according to my ability and judgment, I will keep this oath and this stipulation to reckon
the one who taught me this art equally dear to me is my parents to share my substance with him or her and relief his or her necessities if required to look upon his or her offspring in the same
footing as my own brothers and sisters. And to teach them this art, if they show wish to learn it without fee or stipulation, and that by precept lecture, and every other mode of instruction, I will
impart a knowledge of the art to my own children and those of my teachers and two disciples bound by a stipulation an oath according to the law of medicine, but to none others, none others, I will
follow that system of regimen which according to my ability and judgment, I consider for the benefit of my patient, and abstain from whatever is deleterious and mischievous. I will give no deadly
medicine to anyone if asked, nor suggests any such Council and in like manner, I will not give to a woman, a pessary to produce abortion. I didn't know that was in the oath, with purity and with
holiness, I will pass my life and practice my art, I will not cut persons laboring under the stone. But we'll leave this to be done by those who are practitioners of this work into whatever houses I
enter, I will go into them for the benefit of the sake I will abstain from every voluntary act of mischief and corruption. And further from the seduction of females or males of free men and slaves,
whatever in connection with my professional practice or not in connection with it. I see or hear in the lives of people which ought not spoken of abroad. I will not divulge as HIPAA as reckoning that
all such should be kept secret, while I continue to keep this oath on violated may be granted to me to enjoy life and life and the practice of the art respected by all people in all times, but I
should but should I trespass and violate this oath made the reverse be my lot?
John: Yeah, nobody's nobody's reciting that. I think a lot of Christians. Doctors wouldn't recite it because of all that God stuff at the front.
Adam: Yeah, well, while it's the gods of of Greece,
John: it's all that's idolatry. It's beyond that. It's paganism.
Adam: Well, it's no good it is it is the Hippocratic Oath is the one referred to but as you read it,
John: because to be honest about it. I don't think anybody myself I haven't heard it. complaint is complete entirety. Me neither. And I don't think any of the producers have I think that you've done
us all a service. But it just proves to me that this is nothing that's it's just people, Mandy, it about,
Adam: I will say this is older than Jesus, this is pre pre JC. I would hope so. Me too. So just deconstructing what's going on around us? I'm not too worried about this long term, I think that people
will be will be desperate to get people back.
John: at the workplace pro Yeah,
Adam: the workplace. Oh, yeah, this is this is not going to pan out. This is going to this is so destructive. And I think we'll see workplace violence
Unknown: increase.
John: Once you get to the point of if you have 500,000 people dead from COVID. And you have and if you look at the start to do the calculations, how many people must have had COVID to have that many
dead, right? It has to be the population it has to be either. I'd say probably less than five to 10% of the public has not had COVID or a shot. If that many. Everybody I know has had COVID Jaycees had
COVID he had the COVID cough as first time ever heard it and nobody had died. Jesse had COVID because she couldn't taste or smell anything. My Mimi had COVID she was down for a week and a half and she
couldn't taste or smell anything. Everybody said myself and j have had COVID Yep.
Adam: I know that everyone in our family except to keep her nice. Everyone's been vaccinated. Some have gotten COVID after he's vaccinated. But I
John: think it's over not at herd immunity. I don't know what your herd immunity is. It doesn't exist herd
Adam: herd immunity. You only can get with vaccinations john The only herd immunity is only one 100% of all 7 billion people have been vaccinated. That's what Bill Gates said.
John: So, the this thing is, is pretty much I mean, yes, the Delta variants going in there and it's getting people sick is not killing as many. They don't like to discuss that but
Adam: let's just just go beyond the vaccine for a second in the garden of the beast, I bring it up because that's I think you disagree but right book, but it's, it's written by a diplomat in in Nazi
Germany ramping up to the Second World War. And he it's a diary of him and his family and what they witnessed. And it really explains how you get it. I don't think it's it nowhere does it talk about
how this really was mass hypnosis? That's kind of the question throughout the whole book. But what I'm seeing now, and I'm hearing CEOs and I'm seeing them all, you know, obviously it's part of the
ESG they can't be left out, they have to virtue signal. Now, there's 200 CEOs saying, Yeah, we're all in on this. We got United Airlines, everyone has to be vaccinated. And this is the thing that's
really evil about them. Almost second, I have this two parter quickie from NPR friendly
Unknown: skies of United Airlines are working to be the Coronavirus, free skies. They were the first US airline to mandate the COVID-19 vaccine for its employees. And yesterday, United said that they
will put their unvaccinated employees on temporary leave starting October 2.
Adam: Yes. So if you have an exemption, you will also go
Unknown: on leave well for those employees who remain unvaccinated. Some of them are getting exemptions right from the vaccine mandate. Either medical exemptions like they had
it already in place for granted one of these accommodations will still have to go on leave starting October 2.
Let me ask you is that paid or unpaid leave.
So for all of our employees that have either a religious or medical exemption that cannot be accommodated in the workplace. They'll go on unpaid leave. It varies by work group but for customer facing
employees. Those employees will be on unpaid leave until the risk of COVID is low enough that we deem it safe Yeah, let's
Adam: see how many people want to come back work for you then. This this this mass formation this massive gnosis this can be used for anything right now. It's just vaccines and we know that the
pharmaceutical guys they want to do booster after booster after booster and mix it up with new stuff for next year. So get your get your mRNA booster for Pfizer, the Pfizer for the flu and for
Coronavirus. And it's a dirty one. Yeah.
John: By
Adam: the majorna. And everyone will do it.
John: Of course it's a good idea.
Adam: But this this type because now it now it's melding into the political landscape in the United States worse than anywhere else. I think although maybe Australia, we're just trailing by a bit.
Much. How do we get out of this? Do you have guns do? Well, people you're the one that says that'll never happen?
John: What won't happen?
Adam: Dad's always guns, guns, guns. You're the one that's skeptical if you if citizens in America will fight the government with their guns?
John: No, but it's just it's the threat. I don't think we will fight the government with our guns.
Adam: Well, when do people start snapping?
John: I mean, Australia is out of control. There's no way we're going to do what Australia has done. Those. It's out of control. It's ridiculous what's going on in Australia. And I'd say Canada's
second with that Trudeau guy that guy's off the rails. We don't have that here where people do have some pushback
Adam: when people are losing their jobs.
John: Or the jobs thing is interesting. Yeah.
Adam: This is interesting. This is this is where people start to freak out and now the VA Biden ordered the Veterans Affairs administration to VA to withhold health benefits from unvaccinated
veterans. Are you kidding me? That's a lot.
John: The other thing is our litigious systems are a lot different than than, than the Queen system. And yet Absolutely, absolutely.
Adam: So we we states rights, everything. We got a lot going on. He
John: will sue them. Yeah. And that's the lawsuit retina. That's not happening. There's no way the VA is going to pull that off. They're going to get sued. Anyway, what is all this about all we got to
you want you this is an example by the way, which does not help the government's case against universal health care.
Adam: Exactly is
John: a universal health care
Adam: death panel.
John: It's a death panel. So this is not working out. Why it's good to talk about and where at least somebody is discussing the no agenda show best podcasts in universe button as well a lot of lawyers
that are
Adam: and I'm with you there but meanwhile a lot of people are hurting because they are having to make difficult choices one way or the other. It's not this is not cool. I feel is the most important
thing we can do is remember and because their heads will be shaved and when it's time, but also Amazon Walmart, Home Depot 3pm you know, just we just got to stop frequenting these places stop buying
from them. This as hard
John: as it is taken over less huge segments of the economy. That's what that's hard not to buy from Home Depot. Now you can get it from Ace Ace is not just a place with the friendly hardware man
Adam: aces the place with the helpful hardware folks know you see how commercials work every jingles work? How
John: know we love the jingles and a jingles work? Yes, well, me, they always offer there's always something wrong with the jingles.
Adam: I want to go into the donation segment. But I just want to say that no agenda social calm is a good place for people to
John: off steam.
Adam: Well you blow off steam, but also people are looking for work and there's there's opportunities and you can get it from any mastodon account. This is the time where the meetups are really
important. If you guys some decisions.
John: Yeah, go ahead and have dementia Sunday, but no agenda social. So there I'm not gonna say who this person is. But it was somebody that was just about to get tossed from Twitter on and off. And
she's just Jesus has all these crazy posts he just posted just goes nuts and she posts and post and post and post. So I said you got to go to no agenda. So I gave her the account totally over. There's
some time ago. So she goes over their posts and she goes nuts. She's posting like a maniac. But because there was no other use. There's none of the negative feedback you get at Twitter not good. You
don't get read. So you're taking you d planet. All the threats of D platforming much hate the maelstrom of hate. That's that is Twitter that didn't exist on no agenda, social. And if it even crops up,
somebody condemns it jewel shut to be here if you're going to be that way. She bails and I haven't seen her for months. She just saw no, this is no good. I don't have anybody pushing back. I find that
to be quite interesting.
Adam: One, one more clip before we jump out of this, because we just don't have any more at the moment other than deconstructing what these people are doing. And they certainly have no good intent.
But just what's happening around the world zooming out, it's unsustainable, what they're trying to do. And I agree with you, you know, all the lawsuits and states rights and, and this may be very
interesting time for states to say, you know, what, you know, shove your federal money up your butt, you know, we don't need you, we'll make our own rules the way it was intended to be united states.
But this is what they're doing to you. And it is the pharmaceutical bio security state. These are several senior doctors, and the marketing director in North Carolina hospital system, discussing the
COVID-19 numbers and what we have to do. And you'll you'll hear very, very clearly who the marketing director is.
Unknown: So those are numbers that we put out as far as this isn't Dr. get into details of floor. Does other numbers are certainly out there. I guess my
feeling at this point in time is maybe we need a completely a little bit more scary for
Adam: loop make it a little more scary for the people. This is what the marketing directors in the meeting
John: that was a hold on. I know this could vary by seeing numerous breakdowns of it. That was not the marketing director. The young girl was the marketing
Adam: Oh, really, this is this is the senior doctor. That's holy crap. That's even where I thought that
John: she was the marketing director, the marketing director is that young girl
Adam: because you get the the kind of a feminine doctor, he pops in for a second. And he's like, we can talk about that offline. I thought that he was talking to the marketing director. Oh, anyway,
doesn't matter. These old woman these, every single one of these people is sick in the head. That's what's going on here.
Unknown: Does other numbers are certainly out there. I guess my feeling at this point in time is maybe we need to be completely a little bit more scary for the public.
Then there's another comment is I completely agree there are many people still ask lies. There. We're considering post COVID but we're not accounting in those numbers. So How do we include those post
COVID people in the numbers of patients we have in the hospital?
So is that all the people who have been in the hospital since the beginning of COVID? Well, are those that are still in and that's something
that I can take to someone else. But I think those are important numbers of patients that are still in the hospital that are off the COVID floor, but still occupying the hospital for a variety of
reasons. And
Adam: you're hearing fraud in progress. Carolyn, we call those I'm sorry, we were calling those recovered. Now, if you look at the Melbourne health dashboard, they're listed as recovered. But I do
think it from our standpoint, we would still consider them a COVID patient because they're still building. Yeah. I think that that needs to be highlighted as well. Because once they're off isolation,
that job from the COVID numbers, that's
Unknown: exactly right. Can we can talk offline about the dashboard. So I'm just gonna say cow, and I think we have to be more broadly, I have to be more forceful. We have to say something coming out.
You know, you don't get back to you know, going back. I mean, let's be really blunt that these people.
Adam: So, I guess the context, we could put around this, what you're hearing is the medical version of Hollywood, when john and i and when we do our, our television, Hollywood producer thing. It's
disgusting for people outside to hear that, but you never know about that. And this is how this is how the hospital is running their their own version of Hollywood, their scam, that total is total
scam. And and
John: that old lady was just pathetic. And then the hospital sent a letter out defending her.
Adam: Of what?
John: Well, you know, it was just a mistake. And you know, probably it would I don't have the letter in front of me. But it was an apologetic letter, saying that the public was over, you know,
overreacting and blah, blah. They defended this, this battleaxe instead of firing her on the spot, which but she had all kinds of tenure. She's a very senior doctor there. So when it comes to North
Carolina, this is a this hospital should not be frequented. This is happening.
Adam: This happening everywhere. You know, this is happening everywhere.
John: Oh, no, it's common. I'm just got to be common. But the fact that it got out, we know what happened. The public got to see it. And then they defend it. No. No, they you just have to weigh it
works. When you when you screw up and you blow it like this, you get fired?
Adam: Well, that's because they know there's not going to be any news reports about this. There was no I don't have not yet to see a single news report about this video.
John: There was a news report by the local TV station, okay. It was written up
Adam: and that's where I figured out who is who and did that station catch fire overnight by any chance.
John: The station's report was borderline pathetic.
Adam: Yeah, of course, they had the follow up note from the from the hospital. Of course, they
John: did have to know but then they soft pedaled the whole story. It was but it was reported but it was pathetic. And there was no no man in the seat. There wasn't anybody over there the microphones
sticking in someone's face and ask a hard question. There was none of that. I know, which is the way it is with everything nowadays, because these guys are lazy. They're terrible. The American Board
of Pediatrics
Adam: released to their doctors a statement about the dissemination of COVID-19 information. And I'll just cut straight to the chase expertise matters board certified physicians have demonstrated they
have stayed current in their fields spreading misinformation or falsehood to the public during a time of public health emergency goes against everything our boards and our community of board certified
physician stand for screw the Hippocratic oath. The evidence that we have safe, effective and widely available vaccines against COVID-19 is overwhelming. We are particularly concerned about physicians
who use their authority to denigrate vaccination at a time when vaccines continue to demonstrate excellent effectiveness against severe illness, hospitalization and death. Not so much a transmission
or getting COVID at all. And they're threatening doctors with the with loss of their of their license to practice. Australia has banned ivermectin in the southern states of the United States. This is
according to Alex Berenson. monoclonal antibody treatments are being withheld. They can't they're not available. They're not saying I
John: don't move to Florida where they're going to have just clinics all over the place. No,
Adam: they're not in the southern states. They're not letting them go to Texas to Florida to Louisiana. They're they're specifically stopping that from flowing according to Alex Berenson. Yeah,
John: I'm not buying. That was happening in Florida. desantis. Should be making a fuss. He's getting enough. It's
Adam: brand new john. Maybe we'll find out Today I mean, it is a show day after all. I mean, we we are from the future. We're not always like everyone else yelling after the news. No, they don't want
to treat people. No, that's all we're talking about is treatment.
John: And Merck is one of the worst of this. So I called the guy okay. I phoned
Adam: up. You rang, you rang him?
John: I rang that 93 year old guy who was the one of the inventors of ivermectin and won a Nobel Prize.
Adam: Oh.
John: I find out where he lives. I found out his age. I could add to into our gut licking his phone number, the first try. Wow. So I chatted with her for a minute. He wouldn't tell me anything about
the defaming of ivermectin but said he would have a statement that would be released on Friday and I gave him my email address. I got his email address and send it to him. I'd never heard nothing
sense. Something is up. And
Adam: I'm kicking myself I thought I clipped it. The keeper sent me a clip. That ivermectin although a generic, the actual, I think the term bacteria, which ivermectin is made because it's not
synthesized ivermectin is grown.
John: It comes from I did some research and I was good. Oh, good. Thank you. It comes from the soil, some soil sample in Japan. That's where it was discovered. And by the way, I think one of the other
antibiotics was discovered some soil sample in South America. And I can't remember which one but somebody might remember. But it was a soil sample. They found this this this substance that was in the
soil that just killed everything. Right. And so they developed it. It didn't This was 30 years ago. Yes guy that I talked to. And his partner was a Japanese guy. And they came up with ivermectin, it
was you and it turned out to have very, very useful for river blinds. William
Adam: Campbell, who you talked to?
John: Yeah, I talked to William Campbell. Cool. He answered the phone.
Adam: This William Campbell.
John: Actually, he's he doesn't sound that way. He sounds like a guy who's tired to ship it for guys. 93 I swear, I want to sound that way when I'm 93. Yeah, who is this?
Adam: You probably fit right in. But I it's me. I wanna Yeah,
John: what are you talking about?
Adam: So apparently, Merck owns that? Yeah, that they may have lived with unclear if they'd licensed it to India to make it so cheap, but Merck has, they have, you know, it's not just, I'll go bake it
in the meth lab. You've got to have mercs cooperation. Now I'm sure there's another
John: way that would be as it's in public domain after 30 years
Adam: to get the actual that dirt. My understanding is Merck owns the dirt not gonna be not not the you know, like Monsanto owns other seeds. Not not the the process are anything you couldn't sell it
and market it. But I think you still have to wind up going to Merck to
John: get alerts. Merck made a big fuss and told people not to use ivermectin for COVID. Exactly. And so I am, which is, I think, which got this Campbell guy irked because he used to work for them. He
was still I think he's still on the payroll. And as one of their Nobel Prize guys, so I went to the Merck Merck website, and I'm looking at it. It is the most woke thing I've ever seen. There's
nothing about drugs or helping the public. It's fighting. A guy right now fighting for health equity from inside the healthcare industry is at the top of the whole Merck wept is the Merck website we
invent for life three ways to support LGBTQ plus community. What's that got to do with anything? harnessing tech to eliminate distance in a virtual world? Nothing to do with drugs? is one thing after
another about wokeness
Adam: ESG baby ESG because social goals and governance Yeah,
John: that's our future acting employees with NGOs for impactful three month assignments, and they send a bunch of people to Africa. This is not what I'm wanting from my drug company. These people are
just a bunch of woke
Adam: aihole Hey, how do you spell Merck? is an M er ck
John: Yeah, me rc k.com you can go to the website look at all like wokeness like this, people that get into these companies and create the situation. They're these companies are going to be ruined
Adam: I just registered Merck. dirt.com Come on, man. Come on, man. Merck dirt. That's we're gonna
John: call it now Mercury's gonna be Merck dirt will become a maybe a website for dirt on Merck.
Adam: Oh, well, we have it. So everything's good to go. And with that, I'd like to thank you for your courage. Say in the morning to you the man who put the sea in 200 collaborating CEOs ladies and
gentlemen Mr. JOHN c devorah.
John: Will in the morning, Adam Curry ISO in the morning ships to see boots on the ground feed the air subs in the water. And in the morning
Adam: the dude's name Ben and dudettes named Bernadette. Thank you for your courage for all you do. The hams are the backup to you so don't mess it up. In the morning to this rolls over there and the
troll room they've been very helpful today. Troll room.io is where you can join you can join a band of 1000s of trolls who they don't even have time to hide under the bridge anymore. Because there's
so many cool shows that just they got to get up and troll because that goes right along with no agenda stream.com and you can listen to the live shows or you can listen to some of the recorded
podcasts which all streamed 24 seven troll room.io definitely a place to go hang out with count the trolls for a second hands up trolls today.
John: Oh my
Adam: let's see 2171
John: low
Adam: decent is decent enough. It's Do you think it's low? Yeah. What's it supposed to be for Sunday?
John: It's just 23
Adam: Oh then the trolls are disappointing. bringing more trolls trolls place or meet us over as we mentioned earlier at the fabulous no agenda social calm you can follow john c Dvorak at no agenda
social comm Adam at no agenda, social comm from any mastodon server, and it really does work. And john gave a perfect example of the a lot of the benefits earlier and this is the place for community
right now. And the meetups people you got to get to meetups. This is where you can network with people who at least are not going to be nuts. I mean, well,
John: you know what I mean? Not in a bad way
Adam: not nuts in a bad way at all. Now let's thank the artist for Let me see Episode 13 At 800 we titled that one trans money and the artwork was the oh this was merch Mexican boy we go from merch
merch into merch dirt networks did this one. It was a classic no agenda, product pack shot. I think it kind of had everything in there. He did a lot of work I felt on the horse. You know it was kind
of a cool way to integrate the horse paste meme. Had the horse paste ivermectin for rectum so put that in there. I mean, it hit all the buttons on a day which was good. We had some difficulty.
John: Yes, well, I had like the piece by Sir net Ned. With the two cows in the field one of them with the devil head. I just thought that was hilarious. Neither but the particular devil head he used
was the same one that I had entranced William Shatner in a very old Twilight Zone episode. Oh, where he was stuck in the restaurant with his little machine predicting the future. And he couldn't get
out of there. Very good episode. But you did you hate it.
Adam: I've never said once I hate any art ever.
John: And then I also kind of liked another attempt by Darren O'Neal. And I want to say something about Darren O'Neal. So I listened to his pre show a little radio thing that he does. And it's always
kind of like and he does these little bits and he's got these little sayings and he drops this and drops that he's and he moves it along to please a lot of hard rock and and it dawned on me what it
was about Darren O'Neal on that show that that was that kind of rang like with reminiscent of something. And Darren O'Neal on his when he does his radio guy. Disc Jockey 1960s 70s disc jockey.
Adam: He's more like late 70s 80s
John: late 70s. But yeah, maybe. But he said he's about one inch away from sounding exactly like Wolfman jack. Hmm. And you listen to him the next time you then listen to the almost not quite like
this. He doesn't quite get to here. But he's around. he's a he's got a Wolfman jack quality. All right, though. I don't know if he thinks that's good or bad. Well, what
Adam: does that have to do with the art?
John: Well, because I'm talking about his piece and it reminded me that I wanted to mention these sounds like Wolf Man jacket. Well, he didn't and so this is the In the morning piece where he's got a
bomber and he's got some girl painted on the side with her leg up in the air and this is another you know if he'd blurred it so actually looked like it was painted on the bomber could use the blur
tool a little bit just
Adam: throwing shit against the wall He's like, let me see I might get lucky.
John: I get lucky. No, he's not sorry.
Adam: What was wrong with the no mean tweets by sizzle Tron I use that this morning for the live tweet there was the Capitol Building melting down in red goo. In hindsight, I kind of like that one.
Which one it's it's like three rows above. It's above the fear factor horse paste on the cracker. It's above it above and to the left. We see that when we saw that one. I
John: don't see what you're talking about. Okay.
Adam: I don't know what you're looking at. You're wasting I'm on. I'm on the different page then. I
John: don't know. I don't know what you're talking about. Anyway, we looked at a couple different ones and correct the record also had a package that wasn't bad.
Adam: I like the wicked the the the the witching stick, but that was kind of cool.
John: Yeah, I just thought that was just too bland. You would get that line there which you stick very rarely is that thick.
Adam: It was not anatomically correct. Nor was the
John: like the the guys really did. Like it was like it's a stick with a dick on it.
Adam: Yes. CIA tried to do was was this nice Fox tried to do the CIA, Ken doll was none of that works. None of that worked. Now, comics blogger trying to fool us into putting up a picture of a female
genitalia. Stop that.
John: Natalie? Yes.
Adam: So in all, you know, I think we're all a little lost right now. I don't I don't feel like we have a good a good direction so
John: that that last batch of art was not up to par.
Adam: I feel now it's all up to par. But it's just we're lost. We're struggling. We're flailing with our arms.
John: It must be really a lot of it has to do with the content of the show. Oh,
Adam: I thought it was the art director. Namely, you
John: know where the directing job with you. Okay.
Adam: Right. I'm the guy that hates the hater. Well, we think we can networks wasn't networks. I will make sure I got it. Right. Yeah. For the album art for Episode 1380. Those of you using a
podcasting 2.0 app. And oh, I might want to say that. Oh, there's two new apps now. One is cast ematic and Brees is updated. Now you can boost with a message. So there's lots happening there. And all
of them are able to display artwork as chapters and Dred Scott always does a great job putting that together. And you probably saw them flipping buy right now, if not rewind to take another look. You
don't know what you're missing, along with the good content in the donation segment. You know, many times I'll say to Tina, I'll be talking about the show. And I say yeah, when we talked about this,
and I didn't hear that. I know why she thinks that donation segment is just donation segments sometimes. There's
John: just no nation segment has so much original material. It's pretty hard to imagine Exactly. If
Adam: you if you think it's just I'm not saying she thinks this but people will say Oh, no every 45 minutes
John: to shout, donates. I don't care. I'm gonna run through it. And they miss out on there's a lot of anecdotes in the donation segment. There's a lot of the new memes that come up that crop up that
people start to use stem from the from the donation segment. I want to I want to make sure we debug anything I want
Adam: to make sure everyone knows that the keeper has a lot to do. So she you know i don't blame her for skipping
John: the earbuds and she could put the nah man
Adam: Do you think listens to all the other damn podcasts in the house and tells me what's going on?
John: Well, I know one guy who doesn't that's Tony Cabrera. He's at the top of our list ah for our executive producers and associate executive producers indeed. Yes, Tony came in with 1336 and he's
actually the guy one of the guys that runs the no agenda shop the a and this is a a share of the no agenda shop profits. is finally ready as promised. He says Ooh, nice just spending hours to get
their cut this morning. You'll get a check in the mail nice. So you do artists will be getting the check as well. He says thank you file your amygdala shrinking work you out. You can't an ISIS ISIS
baby and a goat karma porfa. Unfortunately, none
Adam: of the artist will be able to cash the check without being vaccinated.
John: I think a lot of artists maybe You've got
Adam: arm It's been a while since we heard that.
John: This is true and Andrew portsmen comes in next and he is in Kansas and I couldn't get ahold of him I tried to write to his email address was dubious it didn't work that he put in his note or in
the not the note but in the PayPal entry, but he did get a note into the page pal think for any contributed $1,000 I just asked him Do you want to be an instant it to some sort or give a knighthood to
somebody? never could get a hold of him?
Adam: I was too bad. He
John: says in the morning. Thanks for deducing me. Well, did we get met?
Adam: I think we deduced him previously. I remember this name, proximate.
John: Well, let's de-douche and
Adam: let us know if there's something you'd like to share. Jeffrey, our debt in Erie, Pennsylvania 409 12. Let's see what that's about numerology matters. Hey guys. Today's show date. 912 marks my
40th trip around the Sun Happy birthday and since the episode ends in 81, my birth year it was great fate to donate. I agree. I've been listening since November 2020 after being hit in the mouth by my
smokin hot wife Danielle and haven't missed an episode since Forgive me pod father for I have sinned. This is my first donation please de-douche me in exchange for my trans money. You spend de duced
we love your show look forward to the immediate deconstruction twice a week. May you never find an exit strategy. May I have a biscuit on my birthday? Yes. Sleepy Joe whole load. Look at that juice. I
think we all got that and and a jobs karma for anyone being forced out of work due to refusing the shot. Yes, actually, I think we should do a Job's a TPP job that needs to be a big gig. Well, they
Unknown: always give me a biscuit on my birthday. Go Oh my gosh. Can you see that? Choose? jobs? jobs, jobs. jobs, jobs.
Adam: Jobs.
John: Dan Fridays up, shoreline Washington 33344. That must be something to that ITM. Gentlemen. I have noticed there seems to be many listeners here in the Pacific Northwest. This is true. That's
refreshing. He writes. I have an exhibition at the Museum of Northwest art in La Conner, Washington up for two more months. And would love to have some jobs karma. Thanks, Dan. At Friday, glass, calm
jobs, jobs, jobs and jobs for jobs. I would I would go to see that but what kind of art are we talking about? No, no, he's more details. Yes. Leah Hart blob in Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio. 33333 go
reds. My smokin hot husband and I have been listening to you for just a couple of months and I want to show our appreciation for your hard work and splendid analysis of the news and political speak.
May you be blessed in everything you
Adam: do. Oh, thank you. Very kind of you. Do we have a noteflight Jeffrey Berg
John: I looked for a brick note and I found nothing you can take the next one and Okay, yeah, anyway well, we I'm sorry that Jeffrey Berg did contribute 333 33 from Chandler Arizona.
Adam: All right. If you got a note send it to us and try to get the notes in it. Try and do it on the Pay Pal people it is possible. It's just weird if you're doing on the phone the note goes above
the the amount. Sir deli it's 333 33 Who says I donated 333 33 this week first off please give me a good deducing it's been way too long. You've been de douche last time I donated I asked for job
karma from my daughter. Well, she immediately got a dream job as a millennial working for the new techno overlords. I think that's a good thing. She's now in New York City doing even better boy your
Juju is effective. Thanks to you too. I can somehow keep staying keep saying between the woke idiocy of the current overlords and the Looney tune right you guys are the only place help and keep things
real. Finally if you have some sort of health karma would be greatly appreciated for my wife thanks for all you do. Sir Delhi it Yes, we have some specific health karma for her here you've got karma
John: and I did find a note from pa gu So Geoffrey Burch who donated 33333 from Chandler Arizona he writes ITM john and i had no agenda is truly the best podcast in the universe. Thanks for all your
hard work may please hear a resist we much Reverend Al question mark. I would also appreciate karma for all the family and friends I have hit in the mile. Thank you for your courage and stay safe Jeff
k f seven vo w
Adam: 7373.
John: We must. We must and we will much about that. You've got karma.
Adam: Nancy Murphy checks in with an entry in blue that means something good 333 from San San Bruno California. When I learned my trans daughter's facial feminization surgery would cost $33,000 I knew
it was time. So here's the balance 333 towards my dame hood I would like to become Dame Nancy of the confused all as well. My trans daughter is now beautiful and since she's a very talented senior
software data engineer her transition is a plus career wise Silicon Valley loves her as much as I do. Request Southern banana pudding at the roundtable and karma for all loving lit from Nancy Murphy
thank you very much and congratulations happy to hear that
John: you've got karma Allen son and
Adam: by the way I'm just reading that because i i think it's true it could be a troll could be you know the the troll room is now almost claiming it but believe it or not. We do have trans listeners
trolls have quite a few. Yeah.
John: Owl and sunlen dal and we handle it as appropriately as anyone would Yeah, there are producers of did no agenda show Alan Sunland out of Boulder Creek, California 333. A to the best podcast
universe we plan to donate and slow. We plan to donate slowly and often. Till the personal short fall notice here 11 months of treasure in one fell swoop. We're on 911 Thanks for thanks for making it
harder for petty tyrants to take away our freedom. Well, Aiden Shen woman, Sunland, Dallas it Dr. and Mrs. Future for future Ks k. o. k can't follow any of it.
Adam: Thank you very much, Alan son, our son
John: for rien de su and by the way, we've just son, Alan his son,
Adam: fluorine barwani from Toronto, Ontario, Canada navia 26446 in the morning, thank you for your courage Please accept 26446 scandanavian and kindly de-douche me ben de duced I would be extremely
grateful for your best ghost jobs karma for all of us online ESL teachers who lost our jobs September 1 due to China's crackdown on foreign teachers This is not reported
John: I could have reported this myself because this happened with the Jays friend club.
Adam: I mean, I do have a china segment coming up later about the crackdown, but I didn't know that they were removing I wonder how Professor JJ is doing he's in he's in Beijing as an ESL teacher I
got to get us some boots on the ground. anyway back to foreign political out it's something going on there thank you so much for existing for an continues I don't even want to think about what my life
would be without you guys. Thank you very much as marine jobs
John: jobs, jobs, jobs, jobs, jobs, jobs, you've got karma
Adam: and a goat that'll do it.
John: Sir triston banning in Toronto Ontario 26426446 little switcheroo their accounting notice 264 46 ca D Hey guys. Thank you for the media deconstruction and conspiracy therapy sessions. Been a
producer since Episode 100 ish. Wow. And if cancer karma please, cuz fuck cancer. Thanks, sir Kristen banning in Toronto.
Adam: You got it. You've got karma.
John: All right. We are honored with sorry by count Bob. Hey byte count Bob from the Piedmont triad to spare 678 is favorite ITM from Vikon? Bob of the Piedmont tre triad celebrating my release from
nursing home prison and finally home again.
Adam: Nice cool Scott.
John: You have nothing from Jacques Cousteau like I can't find a who's got or and I can't find a Chris jurkat jack who's who came with 234 from Fairmont, Minnesota and Chris Durkin in Chicago 2322 I'm
sorry to 1212 which is nice number, so I don't I don't know. I haven't got a
Adam: I didn't see him in mine either. Gummy nerds by count of the troll room. Hello gummy nerds wave to everybody from Green Bay, Wisconsin. 20101 this donation says gummy nerds is an honor of all
for all gitmo-nation hashtag LOVE, LOVE LOVE from gummy nerds via count of the troll room. Yeah, absolutely. Thank you. Aaron Grayson loveless parks are known but in the US 233 There's our magic
number in the after the decimal decimal the decimal just had COVID it was very very disappointment. The loss of smell was the worst part anyway, I like to call out Christopher as a douchebag he's
getting married so give them some marriage karma. Okay, that's harsh man. Yes to sink. The sink the
John: sink is the is the is the variable when it comes to losing your sense of smell and taste.
Adam: We we actually I should mention, we got to note a review more frontline doctors. Not a good review.
John: Oh yes, we need to read this note. Have it?
Adam: I do. JOHN an item I called COVID mid August after blackhat conference in Vegas. As soon as I tested positive I went to America's frontline doctors.org to get a prescription filled out a form
entered my information. There was no direct contact with any doctor or PA. They wrote the prescription and forwarded it to a pharmacy that will fill it and mail it to pharmacy called me let me know
the prescription was going to be nearly $400 they even tried to slip and zinc and vitamin D and C into the prescription. So I save money by not feeling those the whole process took five days before
the ivermectin arrived, and by that point, I was feeling a lot worse and taking it did not seem to have an effect. I decided to not take the rest of it and keep it for families so they can use it
early after diagnosis. He says my advice if you plan or if he or she if you plan on using ivermectin get a hold of the medication now so you can use it as soon as you need to. So you won't have to
wait five days, five days like I did. Also ivermectin may be cheapest, somebody's making money on it. And I will say I've heard that there's been a split in the frontline doctors group.
John: If this scam of gifts selling ivermectin for 400 bucks, and we have pictures of the blister pack you can get it was in the newsletter, not the last one. But before that, a photo of the brand and
everything else is three bucks. So there's a difference between three bucks for a complete regimen of ivermectin plus doxycycline plus zinc. And for three bucks, and now it's 400 bucks. Come on.
Adam: I mean, if you go down to Mexico at the airport, it's 100 bucks.
John: And that's high.
Adam: It's way high. I appreciate it. But there's there's there's been rumblings frontline doctors, I think, think Simone gold may have caught a little bit of Hollywood fever. Oh, yeah, she's living
with an actor and they've got all kinds of plans and they're building studios worse than a Hollywood fever. Yeah. ivermectin can't can't can't cure that. Sadly. Yeah, yeah. So yes, the idea would be
to get it sooner rather than later. There are I think free doctors.org or free doctors.com.org probably
John: there's a couple of years we have to find these guys so we people can bypass this. Which we need to get to a scam from the sounds of it. Yes.
Adam: If it wasn't already. Okay. I lost my place here. Yes. Where were we? So that was me. That was Aaron Gracie Lovelace. Lovelace. Yeah, now we're Eric constable from Jacksonville, Florida. 233 and
Eric says no jingles no karma. Thanks Eric constable Jacksonville, Florida. Perfect. Love it.
John: Did we do we do a call a douchebag call out for Christopher desk. Yeah, sure. No, okay.
Adam: Yeah, and gave him a marriage card while we make sure I gave him the marriage karma. He didn't want the douchebag call. You've got karma.
John: Don Francis and Chandler, Arizona $200.33. Very popular donation today. By the way I did. We did come in low at the beginning of the moment when I was doing the newsletter and when you unleash
Adam: sad puppy
John: With the sad puppy and I just boosted a little bit. Yeah, I know we haven't seen the sad puppy for a year, but I think there was a moment where I threatened it. In the morning he writes Please
accept the offering of treasure and allow me a seat at the Round Table accounting below. I would like to be known as sir Don sir dodges so karma love is lit stay safe
Adam: stay safe sir loud pipes from Charlotte North Carolina 201 Penny I'm gonna take that one Thank you. This is my brings me to Baron plus A penny for the cup already took it. If it pleases the
peerage committee and is accepted I would like to be known as sir loud pipes Baron of Mecklenburg County. By here no objections and he would like the titles are changing for the title change segment.
It's interesting, because I love that title. I love that one so much more.
John: I like both of them. You'd
Adam: like both watch Good. Good balance. We're fair and balanced over here to no agenda show.
John: Amy Harmon in Biltmore forest North Carolina just outside of she Ville I've been there 200 bucks. I would like to be de douche. You've been de deuced like to make a call out to my super sister
in law. Suzie. Who got me listening to no agenda she needs to be de de-douche herself. You've been de deuced read if possible, like a shut up slave and a karma red pilled forever hallelujah.
Adam: Oh my god something weird just happened john I got a pop up. And it said how to search with Microsoft COMM And it was obscuring the screen. Ever seen this? Like a brick the size of a small index
John: This sounds like an invite for I
Adam: don't know what that was.
Unknown: Horrible. You've got karma was really, really weird.
Adam: I don't know where that came from or
John: how that happened. Keep aware. Dane. Okay, you go ahead do these two and I'll do the day four and later before Baron net test dacula let me do the next two because there's a long one up ahead.
Adam: Yes, I'm gonna do.
John: I'm gonna do Dane four and the lady before Baronet is of dacula 200 ITM gentlemen, she writes, I humbly submit my donation for associate producer and request only in our 2d to karma for my two
horses showing next week at the Arabian sports horse nationals in Ohio. Wow, that sounds like an event
Adam: I'm sure the two horses are named crackpot and buzzkill
John: cheers to you both Dame foreign lady before a Baronet test of dacula. Interesting. You've got karma next is Kayla Robinson. And curiously I did find her note good. She came with 200 bucks. And I
clicked to her note which is says donation like I should. Here's my donation note. Hey guys, I just really wanted to hear john say it. It's been a while actually wants me to say Hey, guys, ICM first
time donor please de-douche me. You've been de deuced as the commie grip of dictator brown closes ever more tightly around our throats? My family she's an Oregon. She's from the chase compound in
Coburg, Oregon. And she's dealing with the commie grip of dictator brown ever so my tight leg around our throat my friend of my family of about eight no agenda listeners have decided this time we host
the southern Willamette Valley meetup. Oh, we couldn't live with ourselves if we hosted as total douchebags. By the way, wow.
Adam: I'd love to go there.
John: Oh lamis the best now beautiful
Adam: as I got my license, my fixed wing license a lot of wineries
John: Pino my donation today will kick off our stream of donations to come therefore please call out the chase compound as douchebags. Please also give a special call out to my smokin hot fiance Cory.
He is my best friend and a favorite person on this earth but sadly, a douchebag you're up Cory. We will soon put in our pitch for the meetup bet our favorite gas station winery. She makes it sound
like a joke. But there's wineries that are just so small as ridiculous. They have a killer dry Sauvignon Blanc I like to call it a good glass of wine with no pretense. Until then, thank you for your
courage and the joy you've brought to our family. Families who no agenda together stay together. Love and Light. Kayla from the chase compound in Coburg, Oregon sounds
Adam: like fun.
John: Yeah, it'd be great.
Adam: When I was there. The Spruce Goose was nearby was near the airfield when checked out.
John: Well, it's not there anymore. is down in Long Beach. Yeah. I mean, I've seen it. It's big. It's huge. It's
Adam: huge is huge. I tell you. final one. Vikon dirty dig bags of DC 200 bucks saw the Beagle knew what to do. might be worth you guys mentioning what the Beagle means for Rogen. Nice and newbie
nights. Oh, yes. It's the canary in the coal mining. JOHN kind of explained it.
John: Yes, the sad
Adam: puppy sad puppy is
John: supposed to. It's encouraging you to feel sad about the fact that the show could be doing better at the moment, and you might want to help us.
Adam: Yes. And if you are not subscribed to the newsletter, what are you waiting for? You can get it from any show notes page. And if you're ever having trouble with the show notes updating on no
agenda show.net.com in a show notes, com always has the kind of bare bones ugly back end version. Sometimes stuff breaks with the microservices architecture. So anyway, yes, that's what it's about.
You'll read if you see the sad puppy you know as a call to action. I'm calling out the only person and his family since they listened together I've successfully ever hit in the mouth since I started
listening 11 years ago. I live in DC so the deck is stacked against me. Yes, I understand that. I'd say William Alexander gearin you are a douchebag and worse you've made your beautiful wife Nikki and
your little ones Avery h3 and Liam age one douchebags against their will. That's Nikki Avery and Liam child abuse do the right thing and donate we'll do it for the children can't have you raising
douchebags. Now I'd like new jobs karma for all. He's figuring out what he's going to do long term career wise but has some great options on the table. I'd also like a big sales karma for me got a
couple of big deals I'm working on and karma works. My example for the newbies have successful common requests in my life one f cancer requests. My mom beat cancer four years ago and has remained in
remission to human resource karma three times and 1517 and 19 years old, new house karma twice in 13. And in I'm sorry, the human resource karma work three times in 2015 2017 and 2019. We are very
regular with our new human resource karma. We are good at that we keep the the two year separation policy, new house karma twice in 2013 and 2018. And big sales karma. Lastly, shout out from a human
resources team ABC Archer Campbell bangs who loves ghostwritten coast screams home on the go stream wasn't entirely for this. Where's my where's my no agenda? My no agenda drone? I'm always gonna want
that when I got to do it for the for the dirtbags Barrett, Alexander bangs. Yes, he loves the drone sound effects. And Colton Reed bangs loves goats as well. So we're gonna roll out a big heaping of
TPP jobs, karma for you and for everybody else who needs it. And thank you for your courage and for being an associate executive producer of Episode 1381 of the no agenda, show
John: jobs, jobs, jobs, jobs, jobs, jobs,
Unknown: job. Karma. That's it.
John: I want to thank all the people that produce the show that executive producers and the associate executive producers in particular,
Adam: and make sure you keep the sad puppy at bay. If you'd like to become an executive producer, associate executive producer of the show, you can do it twice a week. It's fairly simple. And we'll be
thanking more people who did a very important job of sustaining donations and over $50 in the second donation segment, but for those of you who want to try it out for the next show on Thursday, go to
John dvorak.org. Slash and all we ask for is your time your talents, your treasure. Any one of them will help with the no agenda show. Our formula is this. We go out for hit people in the mouth. All
right, where were we? Yeah, well, I think we're done with Kobe for no
John: can't play bite.
Adam: Don't think I have that much more Biden, I still had some booster stuff. But that's not interesting. But the other than the timeline Actually, this should be known for people because it's a
Unknown: materna said that it started its application for its booster dose of its COVID-19 vaccine, this is actually going to be a half dose 50 micrograms compared with the 100 dose level. For the
first two shots, no saying that it tested this in a small study of about three or 44 people in sound, robust antibody responses and more than 40 times against the Delta variant. So this will go to the
FDA ahead of that September 20 timeframe that the White House and its health advisors have put out as the week they plan to start offering booster doses broadly to the general population. And just
yesterday, the FDA Advisory Committee, I set a date of September 17. That's the Friday before that week to meet to discuss Pfizer's and biontech booster dose that application coming in just at the end
of August for that vaccine. And so we'll hear that public hearing about boosters. And guys, it's gonna be a really interesting discussion, because the FDA is advisory
ated right now, because the vaccine is here to hold up so well against severe disease. So that will be a very interesting meeting, we'll see if they vote in favor of this. And that puts the regulatory
process in place to start this. And then we'll see how they handle Madonna's application as well, which is just starting to come in Johnson and Johnson folks might be a little bit further behind as we
need to see those data. And the j&j shot got started rolling out a little later than these two.
Adam: Yeah, prediction for me. No booster Not gonna happen. No booster? What? I don't think they're gonna do it. They're not meeting about the button is the FDA Advisory Committee. This is the ones
who have a problem with it. They don't want it because of apparently because of the Israel data. These are not you know, it's it's an advisory board. The same happened in the UK advisory board, three
people quit. They're walking away said no, you should not be doing these boosters. Meanwhile, murderers doing half a dose so they can sell twice as much. I I don't I have a hard time they're not going
to meet until the 17th. So do you think
John: they do have a lot of pressure from the Debye a show and the UN who don't want it at all
Adam: that they can always use that as an out?
John: dairy? Exactly. If based on your thesis that Nick could use that as an out because the World Health Organization and the UN in general and a lot of the other China no drinking clubs, they've all
decided they Wow, you guys are just hogging everything to be sending it to Africa. Yeah, send it to Africa. And of course, you know, I Brazil, you know this and other places. Your Brazil's an
interesting target of the media, because now they're going after Brazil for most route.
Adam: What's his name? What's the scenario? Yeah, they hate they hate that. Ah, yes, we're moving into climate change. Good.
John: I've got some so here's Brazil and is drought.
Unknown: As we've reported many times in this podcast, Brazil is dealing with one of the worst COVID outbreaks in the world. The government has struggled to keep Latin America's biggest economy afloat
during the pandemic. And now it faces a fresh challenge. One of the most severe droughts in Brazilian history. water levels in the Parana river, the second longest in South America have reached their
lowest point since 1944. Camilla Mata from BBC Brazil told us more about the drugs.
They're very common in the north eastern part of Brazil, near the equator line where it's usually very hot, and in some points, climate gets closer to desert. But that's not the case here. The Parana
river you mentioned is located in the southern part of Brazil, which is going through its worst drought in 91 years, especially say this has been caused by the Alinea effect which usually cools down
the ocean surface in this part of the country and reduces the amount of rain but climatologist argue that climate change is making these natural phenomena more extreme. So that might be the
explanation here might be a reaction from listeners listen to one.
I'm matava Schiavone. I live in canovas Uganda, so Brazil. So in regards to the drought, what I'm most afraid of is the impact it might have on inflation. And to make things worse, one of the measures
the government has taken to fight the drought is to add a tariff on our electric bill in order to discourage energy consumption.
Adam: We know we haven't really been paying attention but ever since we were talking about transmission lines underwater or overwater overland or underground, but specifically underwater, a lot of
people emailed me the There's a lot of high voltage DC cables underground being pulled all across the United States as a part of the green New Deal, I don't know how they financed it, but it's maybe
it's private. It's also part of this very possible. But there's there's a lot of DC high voltage lines getting run
John: this series about this. Where are they using DC they got I still converted over to make it so works in a house. We don't have dc in our house.
Adam: Yeah. Well, this is a long argument that neither UI are qualified to have. There's a lot of pros for doing a DC if you believe the wind power is a way to go. I personally looked at it. I don't
see how it makes any sense. financially.
John: It doesn't make any sense. It makes sense to somebody knows how to make money. Yes, the second part of the Brazilian thing.
Adam: Okay, almost like Brazil, too. So, of course, I
Unknown: cannot ask the government to make it rain. However, I would be glad if they could take measures to curb inflation.
I was struck that Camilla, I can't ask the government to make it rain. I did think well, he could try. But it wouldn't be much good. Is this what people are talking about in Sao Paulo?
It is. Inflation has been a main topic here in Brazil, it has gone up over the past few months. And not only because of the energy prices, the increasing tariffs that he mentioned, it was announced
only this week. So people are very angry about this. But as the drought also affected crops, it also had an impact on food prices. So you can imagine what we're going through
here, Camilla Mota speaking to James Reynolds, climate change is also having a profound effect on animal life. A new study published in the journal oceanography documents how the number of North
Atlantic right whales has plummeted in recent years.
Adam: The right whales never heard of those. Well, you have now what's interesting is all this climate change talk with very little talk about the completion of Nord Stream two, which Dec dropped out
of the news. Oh, yeah. Well, it's been completed. That was a QA two days ago. That's
John: why
Adam: Yeah, so it's, it's completed, Gazprom announced it, of course, this is the evil gas is gas was from Russia. But more importantly, it's the gas that's flooding the market we like to say or used
to sell to. So I'm not quite sure how that fits into the climate change conversation. as good. How there was a couple other things that were kind of interesting. Oh, the Netherlands KLM. Here's how
you screwed up. KLM did this big promotion. Yeah, they're getting everyone's you know, they got to start flying people marketing. And they said, Well, you know, we're doing now we are going to stop
serving meals that consist of meat on all flights. Which by itself is an interesting message to give. Particularly if you only plan to do it in economy and not, not in first class business. I read
that in the Dutch newspaper. Oh, wow. That's, that's rich. But a bunch of idiots. How can they typical government? Yes, quasi government airline, Royal Dutch airlines. They always got to do some
stupid. some clarification from our president that when we were wondering what this meant,
Unknown: you know, the looks like a tornado column anymore. That hit the crops in in wetlands in the middle of the country in in Iowa.
John: I mean, it's just across the board.
Adam: So we wondered what the what he's supposed to call the tornado and many people answered. The correct answer was Jericho. And the President said Iowa and Nevada he meant Nebraska close though
Joe. Close.
John: Close. Oh, that's interesting. Well, he's got a prompter he's reading from
Adam: I think that I don't know if that no, that was actually getting a bad at
John: Nevada starts with an N.
Adam: I think that was off the cuff. I don't think that was prompter
John: as why they don't want off the cuff. But the sky's the limit for fucking up.
Adam: Toyota and Honda are getting very mad at the latest climate change a tax benefits. This is the new proposal and this is I think this is gonna be part of the $3.5 trillion or whatever it is.
reconciliation bill budget bill. In there is a tax incentive. So you can this is what what really made Tesla fly amongst the elite. When they first came out. Was it seven and a half or 5007 and a half
the first 7500 Yes, 70 $500. You could immediately deduct top line off of your income. That's why a lot of people went For the second car, or whatever, maybe for the fruit just, you know, also the
virtue signal you test, you could make
John: a case that the Tesla, the early ones, the newer, it's more expensive was not as much, but you can make maybe with the Tesla three, you can do this, but you can make a case at the Tesla doesn't
cost anything. Yeah, yes. And it looks like
Adam: Well, of course free will now the that diminishes after 200,000 cars produced. But in the in the new three and a half trillion dollar whatever boondoggle there'll be 40 $500 tax incentive, but
only for car manufacturers who make electric vehicles that have unionized workers. He says how Joe gets his good paying union jobs. And Toyota and Honda, they're, you know, they like to loot to use a
non union jobs, or the non unionized and there's things unfair. It is unfair, of course, it's unfair. But the President did promise good paying union jobs, you gotta hand it to him.
Unknown: And CBS This Morning. Did I did I did not understand the point of this report. After doing the math here in Iceland history is about to be made history world's first large scale attempt to
directly capture carbon dioxide and bury it underground.
This are the collector containers. So that's exactly where the air comes in.
usually goes. avez is an executive with this Swiss company climb works. Today, we'll start operating these 96 fans powered by a nearby geothermal plant.
Now as soon as the fans are on, every tonne of co2 that's we move is a ton that's actually helping fighting climate change and not contributing to global warming. But I have to say this is smaller
than I thought it would be. Is that a good thing or a bad thing?
Well, this is actually a very good thing. This is compact and can capture an install a lot of co2. Carbon Dioxide first gets drawn into these collectors and then sent here comes in here. Yeah,
processed in this room and mixed with water. Inside this domed building, it gets injected into the ground. It's trapped into stones. How long does it stay there? More than 1000 years. So how much
carbon dioxide is this thing to suck out of the air every year? Yeah, so the capacity of this plan is 4000 tons.
That's a drop in the carbon dioxide ocean. Nearly 40 billion tons of co2 are now released in the atmosphere every year much of it from fossil fuels
Adam: what kind of dumb ass machine is this push to get trained to kill us all for 4000 tons is nothing
John: Well besides the point Why would you do this? And by the way, carbon dioxide sec was seaquest stration which was developed by the oil refining companies and available and was ready to put it be
put into use during the crap and trade bill if you remember
Adam: Yeah, it's
John: nothing new but is taken from the effluent is not taken from the atmosphere.
Adam: Oh, yeah, this sucker. They're literally taking away from the plants.
John: Yeah, go a play. She just might want you to just get some nice Agent Orange and spray it all over the place that'll that'll, that'll do it
Adam: and so forth. Tons of co2. Can you get a carbon credit for each tonne of co2 right? I would think which is only $40 to talk about honey bucks is 40 bucks.
John: A bottle of wine
Adam: in a year this whole thing results in 160,000 bucks worth of credit card credit.
John: Wait. Where'd you get this bullcrap? CBS
Adam: CBS
John: CBS
Adam: CBS man, CBS Morning News not just any you know any old shuck and jive outfit.
John: Well, let's switch gears and go to this. commies in class, part one? Northern California teacher boasts about indoctrinating students.
Adam: I'm sorry, can you do that with a little more reverb or something? Can you give me let's do it right. Yeah, these appropriate setup.
John: commies in
Unknown: class, a northern California teacher boasts about indoctrinating students with communist values in this classroom. Another teacher in Southern California is under investigation for suggesting
her students recite the Pledge of Allegiance to the pride flag. We'll hear more from ntds Eileen ng
Project Veritas released a video exposing a high school teacher admitting he indoctrinates his students with communist ideas. Gabriel guide and AP government teacher in Sacramento could be heard
talking about turning his students into revolutionaries and revolutionaries. The public school teacher believes In a change of cultural propaganda and tries to convince people that socialism is
needed, he gives his students extra credit for creating an opposition at events. In a student news production called Tiger talk posted on YouTube, the political spectrum and images of Chinese
Communist leader Mao Zedong are the background. guys said there are three other teachers that share his view. And TD reached out to guide the school principal and natomas Unified School District but
did not receive a response by deadline. Was this from
John: the reports from NTD? New Tang Dynasty,
Adam: right?
John: Here's the only ones who cover stuff like this. Yeah.
Adam: Well, there's something big going on between the US and China, particularly in the media.
John: Yes, well, this is true. I think it's been going on. Well, I
Adam: have I have two clips when you're ready. Well,
John: I mean, we'll just play part two of this. And I do have a comment.
Unknown: in Orange County, Southern California. Another teacher is under investigation for posting a video on social media suggesting her students salute the pride flag instead of the American flag.
In the TIC Tock video, she said she took down the American flag during the pandemic because it made her feel uncomfortable. She packed it away and does not know where it is. My kid today goes, Hey,
it's kind of weird that we just stand and then you know,
we say it to nothing. And I'm like, Oh, well, you know, I gotta find it. Like I'm working on it. I got you.
In the meantime, I tell this kid, we do have a flag in the class that you can pledge your allegiance to. And he like, looks around. He goes, Oh, that was
in a public statement. The school district said we take matters like this seriously, showing respect for our nation's flag is an important value that we instill in our students and an expectation of
our employees. The teacher is no longer in the classroom. We follow due process and our investigation continues.
John: Hmm. So the teacher felt uncomfortable with the American flag in her inner classroom.
Adam: Yes, this has been taught this has been taught by the media that lots of American flags is Trump is republicans is magga is q anon is horrible is scary.
John: Yes, his American flag is frightening. So unless she's joking, she's that was her giggling about the fact that she got the kid that pledge allegiance to the gay flag. And she thought that was
hilarious. Yeah, she's out of work. This brings me to the point there should be cameras in classrooms. Yes, talk to you about it. I still believe it's true that cameras have been in the classroom for
the last year or two because all the zoom meetings and the rest of his camera in the classroom, for all practical purposes, I think they should be installed in classrooms. And parents should be able
to watch the teacher, teach the kids and see what they teach him. I think his parents, I mean, I would do when I was very my kids were younger, and they came back with some of these cockamamie ideas
about you know, Christopher Columbus was a slaver and as you know, should colonies should go, which is a very California thing. I'd like to hear the lecture on this.
Adam: I'm going to agree with you. And I'm going to tell you why. Because I was definitely on the fence about this idea. On the last show I had I kept an article I'll put it in for this. For this show
notes as well from Dallas Morning News. Texas schools are surveilling students online, often without their knowledge or consent. campuses are using technology to watch students email, web history and
social media posts in what they say is an effort to protect them. Well, if that is true, then that goes for you to pals. Definitely. I'm all for your idea now. And Who the hell are these people think
they are?
John: That's unbelievable what you just said,
Adam: telling me Well, I'm
John: glad you came around to the idea. So now I can use it as a theme. To School rooms today. School roses are run by not most students are there. I'm sorry, the teachers are fine. But there's these
bad apples out there. Give me a loud mouth and they're communists. And I'd like to identify them and you do that with a camera in the classroom.
Adam: Yeah, I think that I'm on board as I said I'm on board with this now this is this is crazy. Let me see what else this article said there was something more to it that I wanted to Yeah, the the
actual software The package is social Sentinel. Social Sentinel scans more than a billion posts on social media every day against more than 450,000 words and phrases that indicate potential harm. It
then uses artificial intelligence to identify potential threats of violence and suicide.
John: So do the kids how does it are they putting something on the kids machines or are they just monitoring the kids via social media,
Adam: social or unclear Of course social Sentinel, co founder by a mainstream media outlet Gary, Gary MAGA Margolis has said in interviews or not to the Dallas Morning News that the service doesn't
surveil or monitor students because it merely scans public social media posts. That is bullshit. And even then, so you're creating a list, you're giving it to a company and say check these kids make
sure they're not saying anything wrong. If they're if they're not doing the right thing. How many times do I have to hear this in my life now? Do the right thing. Do the right thing. You've got to do
the right thing. Everyone get a vaccination, do the right thing. Getting the right side of history, be it right day for people. So for some reason, CNN is on a complete anti China kick. They're really
laid it on thick to reports from CNN. On the same day, two completely different reports. This is about we'll start with the shorter China's growth
John: before you play it. So it's seen as not getting their cut. That's what I'm presuming. Yes,
Adam: well listen,
Unknown: China's ruling Communist Party having just celebrated its 100th birthday is implementing a series of drastic policies, up ending everything from multi billion dollar businesses to pop
culture, socialism with Chinese characteristics, as it's called here, the party's returning to its self acclaimed motto of serving the people led by an increasingly powerful Xi Jinping.
He really wants a discipline regime, or discipline people are dedicated to the party in many ways, and he making China strong,
and it means weakening some of the country's biggest tycoons in recent months, Beijing has targeted some of China's most successful companies imposing harsh regulations and fines on ride hailing
company DD and tech giant's Alibaba and Tencent. It's coincided with restrictions on materialism, and the flaunting of luxurious living. President Xi has gone a step further calling for a
redistribution of wealth to close a widening income gap. The crackdown has also extended to Chinese celebrities, those accused of tax evasion or simply being unpatriotic and sometimes even without
explanations, not only cancelled, but also erased from Chinese social media and online streaming platforms.
Adam: Well, they're not all crazy, they're like kinda like that, you know, put the celebrities on notice. Look out celebrities. Don't get too famous. Don't get too cocky because the party might take
you down. And this was just like a buck 15 have a much longer piece. Probably about eight minutes on China again from CNN,
Unknown: China's ruling Communist Party having just celebrated its 100th birthday is implementing a series of drastic policies up ending everything from multi billion dollar businesses.
Adam: Is that exactly the same? No. How's that
John: sound so far? Exactly the same on
Unknown: strong and it means weakening some of the country's biggest tycoons oh shoot
Adam: this is cut the same one twice
John: liked it
Adam: it's long as it must be longer kind of step further calling for a redistribution of wealth that wasn't in there. And tech giant Oh was it was what the hell yeah,
John: redistribution of wealth was
Adam: dumb, but this is longer on the check. The crackdown has also extended to Chinese celebrities. It is longer, but I don't know
Unknown: why. It's simply being unpatriotic. And sometimes even without explanations not only canceled, but also erased from Chinese social media and online streaming platforms inside of tag. You
can't get too high. You can't get too famous and you can't get to what
some are calling it a new cultural revolution. harking back to the 60s and 70s when then communist leader Mao Zedong led to purify the party as he put it, but many say an obvious effort to reassert
his control in a power struggle. It led to brutal crackdowns on Free Thought math, imprisonment and death. Though in today's China, there is no question Who's in charge.
Adam: Now my question to you is this is it really cnn who's all of a sudden decided, oh, we haven't gotten our cut. We're gonna point out all these horrible things, or is it may be just manifesting
what everybody wants here. We want to you know, have the social credit score we want to be good citizens. Ooh,
John: that's a pretty fair idea and that
Adam: it's the kind of a manifestation actually I
John: would say I would say you're half right half I'm gonna give you 50% Okay. It's what cnn would like to see they're definitely manifest douchebags as cnn would love to see. Yeah, they would.
Adam: But this but i was i lots of people are like, what do you guys haven't heard? Horowitz in dh unplugged in a while. You guys been talking about the Chinese companies that they just did they
really screw them over?
John: No, it hasn't been a topic of conversation. We've mentioned it By jack Ma, okay, that the Chinese are getting a piece of the action of these companies that should be free to make their money?
No, not really. Okay. All right, not in any major way. All right.
Adam: Well, it's, you know, kind of related. And this was a story that came out yesterday from was this Business Insider. Central Banks must roll up their sleeves and urgently speed up their work on
their own digital currencies before crypto up ends the current financial system, according to the bank of International Settlements, so now they're pushing like, hurry up, hurry up, hurry up. We got
to be like China. Got to get the money under control. We got to control these people. southfields No, no, then the Sputnik. So here's the Russian saying something about the Chinese. China us
relationship denigrated considerably. Here's he was the point. That Quinn gang China's recently appointed ambassador to the United States has reported reportedly urged American authorities to keep
quiet if the ongoing spat between the two economic superpowers cannot be resolved diplomatically and here's the quote if we cannot resolve our differences, please shut up. Queen reportedly said in a
private zoom meeting. can just imagine that
Unknown: Shut up.
John: I mean that we have a clip we have the guy saying Shut up.
Adam: Uh, it was why you laughing it is Dawn's rough. That don't have to shut up in here. Here it is. Shut up. There you go.
John: Here it is. So that's China's go with I got the commies to get the pope trip I guy to marry Trump is promoted I think on an input
Adam: to the Pope was to the Pope. I'm interested in the Pope. Yeah, the Pope.
Unknown: Pope Pope Francis leaves room tomorrow for visits to Hungary and Slovakia. His first foreign trip following intestinal surgery in July. As NPR is Sylvia poggioli reports. The Pope describes
it as a spiritual pilgrimage to two countries on the periphery of the European Union.
The Budapest leg of the trip will consist only in the pope celebrating mass at the International Eucharistic Congress. Vatican watcher suggests the brevity of the stop only seven hours underscores the
Pope's criticism of the anti immigrant policies of nationalist Prime Minister Viktor Orban.
The official schedule indicates they will meet but not in private. The three day visit to Slovakia includes encounters with its first female president Suzanna kotova, a staunch environmentalist who
shares the Pope's concerns over the fate of the planet. Francis will also meet representatives of Slovakia, large Roma population and leaders of the Jewish community decimated under the country's pro
Nazi regime in World War Two.
Adam: Bad use of the term decimated.
John: But okay, it's always a bad use of the term. We've never heard it done correctly.
Adam: Have we seen the pope get the jab?
John: Would you ever? Yes, actually, there was a photo of him getting the
Adam: jeffie there was a Okay, there was a photo. Alright, good. I believe so. Is he going to do a booster to them? I want to see him get jet I want everyone has a comma. Joe, everyone's got to do the
jab on TV again, too.
John: I think so. If it has to be not a salt solutions. It was an interesting port on a report on NPR about it. And you don't even remember this because I just Well, I just barely remember it. There
was a there was a group I think it was in Chile or Peru. That was a bunch of communists called the shining light. And they were based out of I think they were influenced by the Chinese just 30 years
ago. And they just killed a lot of people they were doing having nothing but problems just that kind of thing you run into with these radicals. And it would it could happen anywhere. Mostly in South
America is not gonna happen here. I don't think but it's just an interesting report. And I'm surprised that NPR wasn't more sympathetic, because there they are left wing, but they they played is
pretty straight story.
Unknown: The founder of the shining path guerrilla group in Peru, is dead at the age of 86 nprs Philip reams reports.
Nearly 30 years have elapsed since I beat my old Guzman was captured while hiding in a safe house amid a conflict that brought havoc and misery to Peru. He's been held ever since in a maximum security
unit built especially to imprison him in 1980. Because man a man is philosophy professor declared war on Peru's government and led 1000s of leftist insurgents in a relentless bombing and assassination
campaign. In the following two decades. There was 70,000 deaths, a Truth and Reconciliation Commission found just over half of these lives lost were caused by the shining path. Peru's government said
because man died Saturday after developing an infection, President Pedro Castillo described him as a terrorist responsible for countless deaths for the briefs and PR news.
Adam: But at least they reported on it. That's surprising. Very surprising. Yeah. I always look at obituaries. I was like, Oh, the first person to do this, I always have to go, I gotta read it, man.
It's like shit. If you achieve something, and it's imprint, you know, there it is. And then everyone's like, man, whatever, just read over it. Kind of socks. I feel like it's karma.
John: I like this, because it did the fact that they had to, they built a prison, entire prison specifically for him. That's
Adam: the boss, man. how it goes, that's cool. Just one before we take a break. This is something we talked about years and years and years ago, part of I think we were discussing the lightbulb
conspiracy, the planned obsolescence of manufacturing and how the United States is particularly good at coming up with it. And I guess China is really good at Well, they everything they make is
planned obsolescence one way or the other. But then there was also the right to repair and that keeps coming back every couple of years. As you know, everything becomes more and more difficult to
repair yourself automobiles, technology. And increasingly, the same companies kind of claim that, you know, it's like, it's not even your car, really, you know, Tesla is driving as a service you pay a
subscription for for certain features. Then there was a report a report about this
Unknown: on ABC in industries ranging from electronics to farming to medical devices, the right to repair is gaining traction, the basic premise, it shouldn't be so hard to fix things when they're
broken. In simple terms, how would you describe the right to repair? It's the idea that you bought it, you own it, it's yours to do whatever you want
with. And you shouldn't have to ask permission from the prior owner, like a manufacturer to be able to fix it. It's a familiar concept when it comes to fixing old cars, furniture or shoes. But it's
more products get embedded with computer chips and software. Getting a repair isn't as easy as taking it to the local corner shop. Anything that has a chip in it right now is probably impossible to
repair without using the manufacturer
predicts they some companies are setting up unnecessary roadblocks, and regulators are taking note. And a may report to Congress, the Federal Trade Commission, the FTC, warned manufacturers are making
repairs harder, like using adhesives that make parts difficult to replace, limiting the availability of spare parts or making software unavailable. The result can mean higher costs for consumers less
competition and more environmental waste
Adam: as little disappointed that they didn't I think isn't it Apple that actually makes it illegal for you to do anything to to open up your device? They have some legal thing in there in terms of
service, they will break it. Exactly. They'll break it you know, it wasn't so no speakers did that too.
John: That's disgusting. Now, I would this harkens back this began this whole idea which was a genius thought at the time was started by and and I credit Seymour Rubenstein and the guy who ran the did
the word star and some of these early products word
Adam: star holy crap. Going back in time with the sound of a nation.
John: The word Seymour Rubenstein, who was last I saw was a few years back. He lives in benicia. I think. I don't know if he's still around. I should find out. He and he gloated about this. He says he
invented the idea of the software license. And he told me once he said, I don't see why everything's not licensed. Why should anyone not why shouldn't everything be licensed that way you have control
and he went through Hey, when Brett rattled off all the benefits of licensing and why it's better for the company that licensed the product is then you can you could you can take liability and throw
it out the window you know because in the license it can say we're not liable if the thing blows up and poke your eyes out too bad because you signed off on it the EULA, the end user licensing
agreement and and when he's and he said that he thought everything should be nice to cars. Yeah, anything you buy oversized set of silverware. It should be licensed, that you don't want to buy it
don't sign the license, you can buy it. It was like it was a very weird form of Monopoly. If you think about it don't kit and this is what's coming to pass. Now I'm blaming him
Adam: He has so much so much. Bad news. Yes. Oh so much douchebaggery and throw a chip in is all licensable and they can cut you off, you know and also shrink flesh it. Here's something I wanted to
ask you for months Finally, I just remembered. Do you still consume from time to time from Central? Not from Central Market from Costco, the Italian sparkling water in the green bottles.
John: The Italian sparkling water in the green balls is usually I usually obtained from Whole Foods. Okay, Whole Foods, fine Whole Foods. Have
Adam: you had that recently in like the past month or two? No, I
John: have when
Adam: I wanted confirmation. I believe they have changed the carbonation. I think they're putting a lot less carbonation in as I set the glass down. I always have one during the show. And I know that
these things were it was always carbonated after several hours, and now it's a dud after about two.
Unknown: Thanks. I'm going to show my school by donating to no agenda. Imagine all the people who could do Oh Yeah, that'd be fine.
John: It was a poor talk. Go on. I'll buy some and find out. Yeah, let me know what you think. Because it's a scam. Well, everything's a scam. It seems. I'm getting a little tired of it to be honest.
Adam: I know. Time to quit the show and we'll do a report on
John: bringing up the sad dog. If I get my arrow on my screen to actually work. I will be ready.
Adam: I'll give it a shot by kicking it off with Pete Federici, who I'm sure is not related to the Apple Federici guy, or at least not after the he heard him on this show. 111 and we appreciate that
and he has a job offer karma for his partner. Yeah, we'll put jobs karma at the end there.
John: All right, I'm ready. Carson Grover's Next on the list. These are our producers. It's case.
Adam: no reason not Carson. casing.
John: casing. Yeah. casing and I think pretty cool name actually. nolensville Tennessee. $100.33 shirelle sherelle. I get that one right. sherelle Patterson $100 that Alexander Nuttall Natal in
Portsmouth, Virginia. $100 Rob Van Dyck, our buddy Rob in Netherlands $100 David wicker 9110 Jesse and birthday, Jesse Smith and Woonsocket my favorite town in Rhode Island. 8787 James foster 808 Ryan
wolf 7518 Gregory Shannon Shanaze in Lockport, New York. 74. Benjamin Johnson, don't call me Johnson walling Gong New South Wales 70 Brian Taylor 6913 sir camera sir camera Chris camera, Chris in
Grafton, Wisconsin. 6789 Brian Carter 6565 in Waukesha, Wisconsin, Jamie Buell in VISTA California. Jamie B. Steven crummy. Steven crummy with El Cajon, California. Christine pines in Manchester, New
Hampshire. Kind of a nice town. Thanks for reminding us that all the logic still exists. Please no exact eggs. No exit strategy. I hit my sister Nikki in the mouth. I also hit my IT guy, john. He is
now to a douche. Bottom Christie is a douche and so is our Nikki's a douche and so is it gotcha dude. You got deuces there in New Hampshire. nikka Nicole McCarter the $7 sir not Jake. 5678 Mark Mish
Merle. Oh mishmar boyson What do you think is a Dutch name?
Adam: No, it's not.
John: Michael rise riser in Ashland, Wisconsin 50 to 75 Ross Reynolds 5069 Jody, Frankie 5033 and Baron sir Economic Hitman. They're in Houston, Texas. To do one of the following people or $50 donors
name and location when I think each and every one of them. I'm just gonna read the names and locations Jonathan Faris, in liberal Kansas, Paul de bois In Kerr punks in New York, I'm sure that's
butchered. Byron Boone Patrick cannon in Cranford, New Jersey. JOHN Doyle and Woodstock, Illinois. Jeremy garst. ca. Garcia, CA in Bakersfield Collin Pettit. Kimberly redmon Dame Kimberly in Toronto,
Ontario, Philip Kim in San Francisco, California, assert George worshiped and a person known. Jesse Hall in friendswood, Texas, Steven Shu Mach in Xenia, Ohio. Michael painter in Paris, California is
spelt with an E. A lot of 50s today Yeah, St. Stephen's
Adam: puppy baby. That's what did it sad puppy hates.
John: Me MC work 50 David Usher winninger in wood, Woodbridge, Virginia. Michael wind down in Matawan, New Jersey. I'm Joe Chang. In jo jo Andre EUNJ o
Adam: Eun Jo Yong Joo Young Joo Young Joo Jang
John: Stephen powers margaretha e den would put which is a Dutch name in Orangeville, California. Elsa are a lot of great names are great. Orlando Dini in Miami Beach has a birthday for her Happy
Birthday yab Kirsten, the mom and son We love you. And last on the list of $50 well wishers and producers is Eric off in Edmonton, Alberta where all the money once was and now is gone. Just
Adam: rolling back for a few we had Jeremy he wanted to de-douche and give us ben de douche brewery Ambassador Ross Reynolds in unconsolidated Williamson County, Texas. We'll be turning 41 he's on the
list. Christine Hines way we got the de-douche in there was one more douchey thing was one more de-douche Oh, yes. David wicker. What was he there was a lot of birthdays for us as well. And this is
shirelle Patterson wanted a douchebag call out for Uncharted x. Uncharted x.com and we're going to give a jobs Congress everybody and a big karma to DC girl as her the sewers broken her block or a
house or something she has to live in hotels. These donations are support for this show. We do not take corporate money no advertising, we what we say is what we feel how we think you said something
really cool in the in the newsletter. You know that we invest? We've invested our time our building this beautiful community of producers. You know, we have technology that word we are the platform is
what you wound up saying and I really liked that. But I hadn't really looked at it that way. It's like we can't be the platform because we would the producers have no agenda nation Gitmo platform, we
are the platform. Yeah, it's badass. I just want to say, I really liked that. And appreciate all of the support that you've given us. You saw this ad puppy you came to the call and you see it there it
is. Whatever you think is worth whatever value you get out of the show. You just put that into numbers and you let us know and we're very happy to reciprocate with better shows every single time to
participate for the next one on Thursday. Go to John dvorak.org
Unknown: slash n A get some jobs, jobs, jobs and jobs. That's your job.
Adam: Let's take a look we got on the birthday counter Ross Reynolds 41. That's belated from the seventh of September. Elsa orlandini. Happy birthday to her husband he app curse his birthday was
yesterday September 11. Jeffrey on Dec. 14 today, Bob Butler 52 on the 14th and David wicker we say happy birthday to all of them as they celebrate congratulations from the no agenda show. Don't
John: around douchebag producer
Unknown: is we all thank y'all brothers and sisters who gave us some of them night.
Some of them day.
John: The title of
Adam: my request there. The titles are a change in search loud pipes topped up with an additional one $1,000 and becomes the Baron of Mecklenburg County and we congratulate him and thank him and
invite him to hang out because we've got two new entries to the to the roundtable today a day and a night so just need to double double play perfect. Nancy Murphy Come on. And Don Francis both of you
supporting the no agenda show in a cumulative amount of $1,000 thank you so much for supporting the show. And I'm very proud to welcome you to the roundtable the knights and dames and pronounce the K
v as a Nancy of the confused and third on for you we've got hookers and blow are in boys in short and a southern banana pudding by request. boba and stinky tofu diet soda and video games we got
harlots and hell doll redheads and rise vodka, vanilla bong hits and bourbon, sparkling cider and escorts gin drill and gerbils. We've got breast milk and pablum, ruinous women and rosae war if you
prefer. The staple we all consume here mutton and Mead. And Congratulations on becoming a dame and a knight and go to nogen Nation calm slash rings fill out all the information click it, Eric we'll
get it in the back end of the back office who will make it all happen for you with your wax to seal and sign with your ring along with your certificate of authenticity signed by your your your pod
father's here. Thank you for supporting the no agenda show.
Talking about the meetups throughout the show is so healthy, so good. This is gonna be a big one in backdrop. Do you remember our Instagram from a few weeks ago? She
John: actually has to come out
Adam: instra Insta wait. Yes. Yeah. So it's they've got a date. It's on the calendar and the keeper and I are going very excited about it. They've got live music planned. It's on the homestead.
John: Yeah, it's gonna be a monster meet at probably the biggest in Texas.
Adam: I think it might be Yeah, it's gonna be that big. I agree. Yeah, maybe. Maybe more.
John: You had a big monster a couple years ago before COVID but I think this will top it.
Adam: Yeah, they may even have a cotton candy machine. I'm just dreaming I'm sure.
John: painters I'm really putting tattoos on Yes, yes. We'll have him on boys. It's gonna be a bandstand
Adam: ride the Longhorn Ferris wheel a ferris wheel just
John: unbelievable roller coaster.
Adam: meetup report from till birth cap cafe Kandinsky from September 9 Adam and john seven great people attended our first organized meetup and cafe Kandinsky in Tilburg, last Thursday, all amygdalas
were healthy and small, great conversation without any tiptoeing around topics like COVID science local theater, which is the Dutch politics, the latest developments in the Afghanis skom climate
cryptocurrency no spooks by the way she Yeah, that's what you think. Ah. As always this book. It was closing time before we knew it thanks to all participants Tom, Tim, Bart Andre and sounder.
Remember if you can't find the meetup around you organize yourself at no agenda meetups comm from your host l do terace and sir Rob Knight of the philanthropic shareholders Federation. Second meetup
report from Vancouver Island bc Where were you the meetup report? I neglected to record a meet up report this time but I would like to thank in order of appearance Kevin, Jonathan, Mike Rachel and
once again Barbara for showing up to the no agenda meetup at the six mile pub in Victoria. BC. Special thanks to Jonathan because he dared to traverse the perilous waters of a specific ocean just to
be there. He was on a ferry for about three plus hours for that day. No joke. It was like a party. We shared our 911 experience stories and talked about human stuff. More Vancouver Island meetups to
come stay tuned. Same bat channel different bat time. Thank you for your courage Winston Smith out. Thank you, sir. And now a report from downunder the Sydney COVID safe meetup I give you sir Chris
ITM it's Chris here at the Sydney COVID safe meetup and we're at capacity with an attendance of one. Yep. It's just me because that's all we're allowed.
John: And it appears that they've just launched the
Adam: taser drones from the helicopter overhead. I think I'm gonna say in the morning before they spot me.
I've already spotted me
John: against my desk.
Unknown: Even while he's
Adam: locked down like a dog he still can be produced here. Here's what's coming up for today the corona Not to be confused with the virus California super spreader spectacular four o'clock at
storytellers brew and meet how brewery and meet house for Tuesday new one on the list Chicago North Side underground railroad weekly meetup weekly meetup 5pm. Its new at meetup at Grace and Leavitt
Tavern on grace Street. Look for sir Matt mug Vader Knight of Edgewater. Also on Thursday to Sacramento in person Federation at 630. That'll be pacific time Drake's the barn in West secto sacko sacko
sacko sector Sacramento gang Gant also on Thursday, Charlotte's 33rd, Thursday Thursday monthly meetups seven o'clock at Ed's tavern. And the final one also new Rapid City, South Dakota will most
likely be at the independent ale House of Rapid City. What you want to do is you want to make sure that you check out no agenda meetups.com and get get all the details from there. We actually use no
agenda meetups calm this morning. The keeper was up early says look look look. Here it is we've got we've got the first RSVP for the for the big backdrop meetup which is October something when is it?
It's October. Well, great promotion curry way to go on remembering that one. Hey, no agenda meetup calm is where you can find it. It's like a pot and sometimes you want to go hang out with all the
nice day. You won't be triggered. You wouldn't be Yeah. ISOs ISOs for the day
John: have a three. Okay.
Adam: Let's see. First of all, I
John: have the No
Adam: no, that's right. All right. I got it. It's
John: a waste. It's just the way you get No, no. I have so inspiring. so inspiring. This release to the show.
Adam: Yes. Yes.
John: There's Sure. Sure.
Adam: Sure. Well, you know, we might be able to do something maybe it because no was no. That would be good. If we could combine it with something. I think I have some possibilities. Oh, this is so
creepy. Kinda like, like that one. Like how creepy is that guy? That's your president. But get back stay with no. Yeah, hold on. We got a couple more. No, yo. Okay, that's child abuse from one of our
producers. What is this one stay
John: skeptical? Oh.
Adam: I like that with the fry at the end.
John: I didn't hear it. Oh, sorry. No, I mean, I heard it but I couldn't understand it. Stay skeptical.
Adam: Oh, stay skeptical and then we could follow it up with no but I think get vaccinated. No, that's that's the combo right? Yeah,
John: but to get vaccinated needs to be boosted by a by 510 D B's.
Adam: Okay, well, I got dog business. I got a whole ball of them. brah Stand by. It's just he's so creepy. Soft. No. What do you say it is fun to use those two? Yeah. Let's do any last clips before we
get out.
John: We have a couple I have I have that 1.1 minute 54 seconds of Eisenhower's giving a speech.
Adam: You know that will be great to end with because I know producers have brought this to our attention.
John: Yeah, it's it's part of this big speech about the in depth military industrial complex, but it's about technology and science,
Adam: and science, tech and academia.
John: Little bit. And we play that.
Adam: Well. It's interesting to listen to in context of Coronavirus and COVID. sickness and vaccines and others from the 1950s and he was a president and this was his farewell song, his swan song I'm
leaving and I'm leaving you with this knowledge and we never listened to it.
Unknown: I can do and live today responsible for the sweeping changes in our industrial military posture has been the technological revolution during recent decades. In this revolution, Reese research
has become Central. It also becomes more formalized, complex and costly. steadily increasing share is conducted for buy more at the direction of the federal government. Today the solitary inventor,
tinkering in his shop has been overshadowed by task forces of science
in laboratories and testing deals in the same fashion, the Free University versity. Historically, the fountainhead of free ideas, and scientific discovery has experienced a revolution in the conduct
of research. Partly because of the huge costs involved a government contract becomes virtually a substitute for intellectual curiosity. For every old Blackboard, there are now hundreds of new
electronic computers, the prospect of domination of the nation scholars by federal employment, project allocations, and the power of money is ever present, and is gravely to be regarded, yet in
holding scientific research and discovery in respect, as we should, we must also be alert to the equal and opposite danger, that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific,
technological elite, is the task of statesmanship, to move the balance, and to integrate these and other forces new and old, within the principles of our democratic system, ever aiming toward the
supreme goals of our free
Adam: society? scientific technological elite? Ain't that the truth?
John: And this reminds me to remind people to read the book, Jacques ellul. Well called the technological society and read it from beginning to end it's quite good.
Adam: And that is your homework. There will be a test everybody on Thursday so make sure you get here bright and early. Where your media deconstruction will have a test on Eisenhower. Only one end of
show mixed for today, but it's a good one there Scott. Knight of what is he the night of Scott is night. surname, sir Scott Knight of the knight surname? Oh, you're coming up on no agenda? stream.com
and of course troll. room.io we've got Oh, it's Episode 53 of podcasting. 2.0 fully tagged and notice what's happening. The latest. The latest the greatest new podcast that new podcast apps calm
coming to you from the heart of kill country, Texas in the morning, everybody. I'm Adam Curry,
John: and I'm from Northern Silicon Valley, where it's actually pretty nice out this is kind of neat.
Adam: I'm John Dvorak. We would love to see you back here on Thursday. Please join us for the next episode of the best podcast in the universe. Until then, then I do some more photos. Such
decentralization is freedom swear they're all so proud. New, good things are only allowed.
John: Good and I am canceled.
Your neighbor if they got the vaccine rules for the but not for
Unknown: the better not question or thing got dis
love free independence the risk
John: of hugging a friend instead, we read social distancing, no humanity
Unknown: central
John: central Good luck.
Adam: of the Facebook groups are being shut down. People are posting their own experiences on websites where doctors etc getting together and they're decentralizing away from Silicon Valley is
decentralized. There's no canceling. There's no algorithms, just pure unadulterated, fun.org slash and get maximum. No