February 19th, 2023 • 3h 8m
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Adam Curry: Well looks like a
woman, Adam curry Jhansi Devora
Sunday February 19 2023. This is
your award winning combination
media assassination episode
1531. This is no agenda, using
my blowhole to broadcast live
from the heart of the country
here in FEMA Region number six
in the morning, everybody. I'm
Adam curry here
John C Dvorak: from Northern
Silicon Valley where we're
hoping you're going to shoot
down some are hobbyist balloons,
bastards of Jhansi Dvorak
Unknown: and buzzkill
Adam Curry: it wasn't just
hobbyists. It was a ham radio
hobbyist balloon.
John C Dvorak: Well, that was
one of them. Yeah, yes.
Adam Curry: Just one. You know
how I have always joked about
plastic surgeons who say just a
few days of bruising, ma'am. You
know that. Turns out oral
surgeons are very similar, but
they're all surgeons. Just a
sore for a day or two jaunt my
mouth is is so taut from the
swelling is like I'm talking to
John C Dvorak: blowhole. Paul
used to blowhole Joker. Well,
Adam Curry: didn't say anything.
So I wanted to make sure you you
heard it.
John C Dvorak: i You sound huge
sound 10 by 10 Yeah, five
Adam Curry: by five. I know. I
know. But it hurts by six.
Square when it hurts when I
laugh so let's make it oh yeah,
let's make it a just kind of a
regular old show. Do you mind
just not too funny.
John C Dvorak: Very little shows
are pretty humorous. I do have
my book here out a book called
Book jokes, puns and riddles.
No, I David Alan Clark. Hola.
Let's not do that. No, this is a
book that I'm I'm gonna tell you
some interesting. 9668. So this
is hippie humor. And I'm going
to tell you I could read
anything from this book and I
guarantee you won't laugh.
Adam Curry: Oh, that would make
sense. Hippie humor is generally
just not funny.
John C Dvorak: Question. Okay,
when is spanking like a hat?
Adam Curry: I don't know when
his spanking like a hat. John.
John C Dvorak: When it is felt?
Adam Curry: Oh, man is this did
Marty write this book? Oh, I
hurt myself.
John C Dvorak: Your day? I
didn't do it. All right. All
right. Well, maybe you're wise
and hammer one liners should be
dead put a halt. That's what it
Adam Curry: is. The Munich
Security Conference is on. I
have a clip diver clip too. But
since I called it, I'll do the
overview and then we'll see what
you have. I got a couple of
things here. This is the the
annual conference everyone gets
together in Deutschland. Last
year, of course, the Lensky was
there in his civilian suit, to
recommend that everyone get
ready for the war. And now we're
one year further. And here's a
couple of years an overview of
what the leaders had to say
including hair Zielinski
Unknown: We Solinsky set the
tone comparing Ukraine's fight
against Russia to David and
He will definitely fall already.
This year. We can make it all of
us together just as David did.
We can make sure that there is
no alternative to our victory.
Ukraine's President urged
Western leaders to act quickly
we need
to hurry up we need the speed
speed of our agreements speed of
our delivery to strengthen our
slink speed of decisions to
limit Russian potential was the
Linsky pushed for
speed. German Chancellor Olaf
Schultz argued for caution. By
last, we will continue to
maintain the balance between
providing the best possible
support to Ukraine and avoiding
an unwanted escalation.
But shorts also challenged
Western countries to deliver on
promised weapons.
This means that everyone who can
supply these battle tanks should
actually do so now. Emmanuel
Macron from Ukraine remains
firm. No, absolutely
not, we must absolutely
intensify our support for the
resistance of the Ukrainian
people and army for leading the
counter offensive, which alone
will enable credible
negotiations under the
conditions chosen by Ukraine.
Authorities, its people.
Adam Curry: So that's the
overview sounds pretty boring.
Although Zielinski is almost.
John C Dvorak: He's almost my
overviews a little better than
Adam Curry: Okay. I'm glad I was
just going to finish by
John C Dvorak: this is an actual
overview. That doesn't really
bring in any details like were
you just that's more detail this
is Munich Security Conference
Unknown: The Munich Security
Conference kicks off today in
Bavaria, Germany. The meeting is
an annual gathering of experts
Senior Policy missions and heads
of state for talks on global
security policy. German
Chancellor Olaf Scholz and
French President Emmanuel
McCrone have arrived at the
venue to meet with other
European leaders. Their speeches
will follow opening remarks by
Ukrainian president Volodymyr
Zelensky. Also among the guests,
our UK Prime Minister Rishi
Sunak, European Commission had
Ursula von der Leyen and NATO
Secretary General Jens
Stoltenberg representing the US
is Vice President Kamala Harris.
Adam Curry: Rah rah Oh, I see
why you were so jacked about
playing your clip, because now
John C Dvorak: why do they What
is she doing there? She
Adam Curry: was there last year.
If you recall, she is the
represent she is there to say,
with the passage of time. And
Solinsky is almost quoting song
lyrics, we can make it we can
make it looks like we made it
I'm telling you this is almost
over. But not until we shake
down the people of the United
States, the UK, the EU, and back
home, we had the representatives
telling us how they're going to
take it from us
Unknown: and then deliver much
needed humanitarian assistance
as well as food, water,
medicine, shelter, and other aid
to Ukrainians, displaced by
Russians war, and provide aid
for those seeking refuge and
other countries from Ukraine is
also going to help schools and
hospitals open. It's going to
allow pensions and social
support to be paid to the
Ukrainian people. So they have
something something in their
pocket, also going to provide
critical resources to address
food shortages around the globe.
Adam Curry: No, they need their
pensions. We don't need our
pensions giving them cash. Yes,
screw you, America with your
pensions. We're giving them
cash. We're giving them food
when you're hungry. You're
hungry, you should go to
John C Dvorak: So that the
homeless situation around here
that I know they have the best
of homeless in DC.
Adam Curry: Oh, a lot of
homeless in DC. It's been bad
for a long time once you crossed
the border of Foggy Bottom.
Yeah, so here's Mitch McConnell,
leader of the Republicans are
listening to the Ukrainian
saying they don't have enough
and by the way on Fox News with
Dana Perino are listening to the
Unknown: Ukrainian saying they
don't have enough ammo. And even
our defense department is saying
we might have to figure out a
way to get more funding so that
we have an ammo for ourselves
and our allies like grant
Adam Curry: funding. This is
such a scam. We are being stolen
from right before our very eyes.
Oh, we don't have enough
bullets. Not enough ammo. We
need more funding. Wait, but we
have, we haven't figured out the
debt limit yet. Oh, it's gonna
be so fun.
Unknown: What is Biden's
responsibility and trying to
make sure that people in America
whose support for Ukraine is
softening? We'll want to
continue to try to help them.
Well, I'm going to try to help
explain to the American people
that just feeding the Russians
and Ukraine is the single most
important event going on in the
world right now.
Adam Curry: I don't care what
you think is the single most
important thing in the entire
world. Even if you're hungry,
even if you're safe. If you have
no jingle jangle in your pocket,
it's all about Ukraine. That's
the most important thing.
Unknown: It will save us an
enormous amount of money down
the road if Ukrainians can
succeed. They're not asking for
any of our personnel.
Adam Curry: It's an investment
people this it'll save us money
down the road. If the Ukrainians
can succeed. It's an it's really
you should see it as an
investment in your children in
the bank interest in your
children's future. It
Unknown: will save us an
enormous amount of money down
the road if Ukrainians can
succeed. They're not asking for
any of our personnel are asking
us for financial help. Europeans
are stepping up.
Adam Curry: By the way,
financial help. Dana Perino just
opened by saying, Man, we need
money for the military
industrial complex, we were out
of ammo, they're out of ammo.
And then he says, well, we need
money for them. No, no, this
we're we're being robbed. We're
being robbed by the military
industrial complex, and they're
just gonna keep going until
someone stops it we're not
Unknown: asking for any of our
personnel are asking us for
financial help
Adam Curry: us keep saying yeah,
they are. What are they asking
John C Dvorak: You're asking for
our personnel. They'd love to
have our personnel over there.
They have our
Adam Curry: personnel are some
of this money is going to the
mercenaries that's our
John C Dvorak: not only just
mercenaries, according to that
clip that I played last show US
Army. Yeah, that guy wasn't a
mercenary he was talking about
Adam Curry: No, he was an
advisor. Oh, yes. Advisor with a
gun and advisor cannot be
neutral. Here's our ghost. Let
me show him advise you how to do
this. You point over there. Now
I'm going to pull the trigger.
This is just advice. Okay.
Unknown: Culture makes choices
in times like the
sorry, down the road if
Ukrainians can succeed. They're
not asking for any of our
personnel or asking us for
financial help. The Europeans
are stepping up to They've
gotten an awful lot that seems
not to be recognized, for
example, handling like enormous
numbers of refugees.
Adam Curry: Man, I keep doing
it. They were not recognizing
how good the Europeans are. The
Europeans are really actually
better than us. Because we're
just not recognizing how much
they've done an
Unknown: awful lot that seems
not to be recognized, for
example, handling enormous
numbers of refugees. In terms of
the cost of a Dinah, it's about
point oh, 2% of our gross
domestic product. Oh, we'll
Adam Curry: give that to
Americans. Because it's just a
little bit. So was $130 billion
is just Oh, point. Oh, 2% of our
why don't we give another 0.0
point 2% of the GDP to
Americans. This, I cannot
believe that anyone sitting at
home going? Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah.
We really got to help out
Ukraine. I just does. It seems
like this must be falling on
deaf ears.
Unknown: We are also monitoring
very carefully that money that's
being spent. There should be a
bipartisan why
John C Dvorak: I said bullcrap
you don't even they can't even
audit the Pentagon, let alone
figure out where that money's
going to descend it if you
remember when this war first
started, and they started
shipping money over there. They
lost track of it immediately was
Adam Curry: 400 million 400
million. I don't know, even
someone pointed out to me the
clip you played on the last show
about running out of ammunition.
They actually said the
ammunition is lost. They didn't
say it's it's like missing. It's
missing in this. It is so
obvious that
Unknown: we are also monitoring
very carefully that money was
being spent. It should be a
bipartisan support for this my
biggest criticism of the
President as he seems not to
have done enough soon enough,
more, more rapidly, we might
have been able to help the
Ukrainians have even more
success than they've already
had. But it seems like these
weapons systems tend to get
there. A little too late. on
every occasion. I'm sorry.
Adam Curry: Dana Perino
representative news model for
the military industrial complex.
Unknown: because they're a
little too late. on every
occasion, exactly. Public
opinion, slotting but I want to
reassure the American people
this is this is enormously
important. We need to stay
together on a bipartisan basis
in our country, and defend these
people who are bravely fighting
for freedom and for democracy
and you're crying.
Adam Curry: Alright, so this is
this is the new narrative. By
the way. I didn't hear Dana
Perino say anything in this
report, even when she when she
asked the question about support
sliding. So support is sliding.
He's aware of it. They're aware,
but he just brought that in
without any prompting. The same
is happening in Europe. And
Queen Ursula gave an interview.
She had a very stressful
interview. It was kind of a
stand up thing at the Munich
Security Conference. I think
someone stopped her on the
buzzer. strahd. That's a
international speak for a
balcony. And then she got a
whole bunch of mics jammed in
her face and she couldn't get
away from it. And if you look
closer at her, she is her. Her
lizard reptile mouth is starting
to show. She has all the little
creases lines all around her
mouth know when she could seem
easily saw with some injectables
just a few days of bruising. But
now it just looks really makes
her look like a reptile. So a
couple of questions here. And
the first one is of course the
people of the EU who have
millions of refugees who have
come into the EU countries.
Poland would be number one I
would say but they're in the
Netherlands they're in in France
or they're everywhere. And
support is sliding people after
a year of having this go on.
People are starting to get weary
and luckily she has a solution.
Unknown: Europe has taken in
millions of Ukrainian refugees
and towns have been very
supportive. They want to help
these people but they are saying
they are straining under the on
first flooding of refugees. What
can you do to help them because
they are saying they are
reaching limit?
Christabel? Yes, I want to
acknowledge and thank from the
bottom of my heart. All these
people, Europeans who have
opened their hearts and their
homes to the Ukrainian refugees
is amazing. And I understand
that this is straining over
time. This is why we introduced
the Temporary Protection
Directive, which means
basically, direct access for the
Ukrainians to the labor market,
to the schooling system to the
health system and to Social
Adam Curry: Oh, okay, so it's
gonna get some It's better
Europe. Now, the EU has decided
apparently through this special
mechanism that the refugees can
get access to your children's
schools, to your, your social
services and and your social
money. Okay, so don't worry
about it. Is it going to be
there for a while, but we're
going to take care of it. We're
paying for them with your money.
Unknown: What's the Temporary
Protection Directive, which
means basically, direct access
for the Ukrainians to the labor
market, to the schooling system,
to the health system and to
Social Security? Also, to help
Adam Curry: why wait a minute,
Social Security? Wait a minute,
Biden said we need to give them
money for Social Security? Is
this our money? Bonus? Let me
just go back and listen to the
end of Biden there. Where is he?
I mean, we heard that right. Let
me just check here. Last bit of
Unknown: at people so they have
something something in their
pocket. It's also going to
provide critical resources to
address food shortages around
pensions and social support to
be paid to the Ukrainian people.
So they have something
Adam Curry: pensions Okay, now,
not the same thing before I
thought we were paying for it.
Unknown: Direct access for the
Ukrainians, to the labor market,
to the schooling system, to the
health system and to Social
Security, also to help take the
burden off the shoulder of the
ordinary people who did a great
job. So when you see is coming,
because the Lindsay said at this
conference that
John C Dvorak: she said for the
ordinary people who did a great
job, is that what she said? Yes,
Adam Curry: they did a great job
of flee. Great job. Okay, I hear
you This is gobbledygook. When
you see is coming? Oh, here we
go. Here comes the piece
question. Now we've been paying
attention to the piece when this
piece coming at this conference
Unknown: that he was thinking
that the next Munich Conference,
that will be a post war
do you also believe that this
war will be over within a year,
I will not make any predictions,
because this is not to put in
words for me at the moment being
important is, as Ukraine is
fighting for our basic values
for the respect for the
international law, for the UN
Charter. And for the fact that
today, you cannot send tanks
across a border and unleashed
that's an aggression. So Ukraine
is really fighting for
Adam Curry: what do you think
that means? We can't send the
tanks across the board. I'm not
quite on anything, because he's
talking about here.
John C Dvorak: Tariffs play it
Unknown: basic values for the
respect a little bit. Alright,
for me at the moment being
important is, as Ukraine is
fighting for our basic values
for the respect for the
international law for the UN
Adam Curry: Okay, there it is.
This is important respect for
international law, respect for
the UN Charter here we got the
Unknown: being important is, as
Ukraine is fighting for our
basic values for the respect for
the international law, for the
UN Charter. And for the fact
that today, you cannot send
tanks across a border and
unleash such an aggression. So
Adam Curry: yes, that's what
she's referring to Putin sending
track tanks across gas. Yeah,
Unknown: is really fighting for
existential values that we have.
And therefore full support from
our side. Putting imperialistic
plan must fail
a little bit more on the
timeline. Are you going to be
proposing this formally Is that
what's the next steps in this
proposal? And one of the
problems has been that even
though there has been money, for
example, through NATO, countries
have not signed contracts. And
that has slowed the whole
process down. How can you ensure
that once you have the money on
the table, this the contracts
are signed and production can
Adam Curry: Okay, that what she
just throws out there, this
ladies in the know, somehow she
works for Deutsche Bella
production can start, I think
this is about more weapons. But
she's saying there's no
contracts to said, you know,
what's the timeline for, for
kicking Putin his ass, because
the contracts have not been
Unknown: It is important because
of the lack of contracts to give
a certain amount of certainty to
the defense industry. And these
are the advanced,
Adam Curry: they want long term
contracts. The defense industry
doesn't just want like just a
little thing, not enough, we
want long term certainty and
Unknown: of contracts to give a
certain amount of certainty to
the defense industry. And these
are the advanced purchase
agreements that we have good
experiences with ya. And for
that it needs a European
approach because it cannot rest
on the shoulders of one country
for example. So this is the
approach. The second is we have
DNS tuition is in place. So we
should not create something new,
that we should use the European
peace facility, which has an
coordination mechanism with
Ukraine, or
Adam Curry: the European peace
facility, which funds the
military industrial complex is
Unknown: we have the
institutions in place. So we
should not create something new,
that we should use the European
peace facility, which has an
coordination mechanism with
Ukraine already in place, we can
use the so called AKA, which is
a procurement institution that
is knows all the mechanism. So
for me, the practical be fast.
And these are the ingredients
that we're going to put
Adam Curry: Alright, be
practical, be fast, let's get
the money to the military
industrial complex as quickly as
possible. Now back to the peace
process. It looks like they're
the pieces are coming together.
And what I see happening is not
a not an actual victory. You
know, it's all up to Ukraine.
Not not a victory on the field.
But there will be an agreement,
there will be a negotiations,
and that will end the war. And
we're getting pretty close to
mechanism seems to be the IPCC
the international criminal or
the ICC, International Criminal
Court, special tribunal. But one
question you mentioned, Vice
President Harris's speech is
this a change in tone from the
White House?
Unknown: This is significant in
that the US now does formally
consider Russia to have
committed crimes against
humanity. But how to actually
hold Russia accountable is a
huge question that countries are
grappling with right now.
Ukraine is calling for a special
international tribunal to try
Vladimir Putin. But that seems a
long way off for now.
Adam Curry: Maybe not, maybe not
we go over to CNN on on poor and
company Christianna on him poor
globalist extraordinaire, they
have on Bill Browder, who,
himself is a very interesting
figure who got basically kicked
out of Russia. And if there's
money to be had, I'm sure he
would have an interest in
hanging around to get some of
it, he can probably prove that
he deserved some of it. So he is
telling the on poor CNN and
company exactly what the
mechanism is how it's going to
work. And why.
Unknown: Explain to me the
mechanics of confidence skating,
that central bank was,
Adam Curry: this is Russia. $600
million, add to for starters.
Unknown: so at the moment, those
reserve billion I'm sorry, herds
are protected by something
called sovereign immunity.
Sovereign Immunity means that
anything that belongs to a
country, a state can't be taken
away, you can't like just move
into the embassy because you
would like that property,
because it belongs to that
country. And normally, that
would be a reasonable thing. And
that's how international law has
worked for the last many, many
years. Now, Putin has redefined
international crime, he has
redrawn the borders of Europe,
he's invaded a foreign country
he's killed. He's been a mass
murderer killed the unimaginable
numbers of people. And so we're
sitting there in this situation
where he's reading, redefine
international crime. And we're,
we're sitting there saying you
and your money is still
protected. We need to redefine
international law, to elevate it
to the level of his the way he's
become an international
criminal. And what does that
mean specifically? That means
that that laws have to be passed
in a number of major developed
countries, which says that
sovereign immunity always
applies in every single
circumstance, except in the
circumstance, when a country has
invaded a neighboring country
and committed an act of
aggression, which is how this
war is being defined under legal
terms. So that's the one narrow
circumstance where sovereign
immunity no longer applies. If
we do that, if the United States
and the European Union and Great
Britain and Canada and Japan
rewrote their laws to say that
sovereign immunity applies, in
all circumstances other than
those, then we could then
confiscate their money. We
wouldn't be doing any legally
we'd be doing it based on a law
that's been rewritten to adapt
itself to the current situation.
Adam Curry: Easy, which,
John C Dvorak: of course, yes,
she brings up the point that one
of the staples of Western
civilization is the avoidance of
ex post facto laws, right? No,
no, no, I
Adam Curry: don't think that was
in there. For some reason, it
just didn't come up. Now, this
is what's so beautiful. Is there
yet, what you just said is okay,
we're going to convict some
somebody based upon a law we
wrote after the utrust Well, I
guess they could just wait,
change the law and then say all
crimes against humanity because
as you know, invading another
country is a crime against
humanity. It's not like, like
any of our president would fall
under that, but Putin would, and
it looks like we just might have
a venue for the negotiation, as
we have the trial going on in
The Hague. In the Netherlands,
under the joint investigation
team, the same team that
convicted Putin of being behind
the Malaysian downing from a
from a rocket shot off from in
Ukraine, but of course that was
Putin. It looks like there may
be a venue for peace
negotiations, which I think
would leave Putin with whatever
he has with Crimea, the DOM
boss, he keeps all that he just,
you know, just stays on that. On
that border. We cover that up
with a whole you know, with guys
with with black and white tunics
on in the court. And we'll have
a big show trial that probably
have his head on a stick in the,
you know, in the docket, so that
we can looks like we actually
have him there. And this is
where it looks like the peace
negotiation may take place.
Unknown: But the war in Ukraine
end sooner than expected. I know
we have been asking this
question for quite some time
now. But some unexpected
developments have forced us to
ask this question again.
developments like these
Alexander Lukashenko inviting
the American President Joe Biden
to men's waterfall, to end the
Ukraine war for the unverse
Lukashenko is the president of
Belarus and one of Vladimir
Putin's closest allies. In fact,
they are best friends of sorts.
So when a man like this extends
an olive branch to the west,
when he makes offers like these
to the US president, one has to
take them rather seriously
Adam Curry: that Putin won't
even go he'll send somebody else
they're going to end this after
we've signed the long term
contracts, we need two years
worth of ammo and training, etc,
etc, etc. And I think that
signal is now gone out to the
military industrial complex one
more time boys would do a two
year long term contract and then
we're just going to cut it down
and stop it slowly move it over
to China, which is where the the
new which is where the new focus
belongs. And the only problem is
we have a couple of a whole
journalists that's that's the
that's the the problem we still
got to fix. Because our buddy
Matt Lee AP Diplo writer is
back. He's back, given people a
hard time at the State
Department, in this case, Matt
Lee grilles Rear Admiral Kirby,
on who actually is the aggressor
here. Did Russia get closer to
NATO? Or did NATO get closer to
Unknown: say the reason that the
Russian army is on NATO? The
Russian army is at NATO's
doorstep as Because NATO has
expanded rather than the
Russians expanding that in other
words, NATO has moved closer to
Russia rather than Russia moving
closer to NATO. Is that not an
accurate way to look at this?
That's the way President Putin
probably looks at it. It's
certainly not the way that we
look at it.
You don't you don't think that
NATO has expanded eastward
toward Russia.
NATO has expanded and they
expect good thing for
the reason that the Russian army
isn't NATO's doorstep is not the
fault of the Russian are not the
it's not the Russian army that's
done it. It's NATO has moved
closer to move here. It
wasn't NATO who was ordering,
you know, upwards of 15
battalion tactical groups to
within 10 kilometers of the
border with Ukraine. And I'm
pretty sure it wasn't NATO, who
put little green men inside
Ukraine to destabilize
eastern city sure that Ukraine
is not
Adam Curry: a member of NATO.
That was Victoria Nuland, who
put little green men inside
them. Hey, Don,
Unknown: so unless that's
it's the movement by Russia,
NATO. NATO is moved east. The
reason that the Russian army is
closer or on NATO's doorstep is
because NATO, NATO is
not an anti Russia Alliance.
NATO is a security
fit 50 years it was an anti
Russia Soviet Alliance. So what
do you not understand it? It's
totally if you don't understand
how can you not even see how the
Russians will perceive it as as
a threat and the fact that it
keeps getting closer to their
border while their troops? I
mean, the places where their
troops are you say their troops
are and made may have been in
Ukraine and Georgia are not made
I don't have I'm not going to
pretend to know what goes in
President Putin's mind or
Russian military commanders. I
mean, I barely got a history
degree at the University of
South Florida where I can tell
you only stopped
stopped. How about that? How
about that?
John C Dvorak: Why would
somebody this is like the guy
says, Look, I'm a D student. So
I don't understand this sort of
thing. Well, then what are you
even doing in this position? We
don't want D is this that you're
an equity hire?
Adam Curry: It seems like it at
this point. He's really
struggling. He's really
struggling with this. Well, he's
John C Dvorak: now he's claiming
to be a dummy from South
Florida. Admiral Rear Admiral
Adam Curry: retired.
John C Dvorak: By the way, I got
a note from someone saying when
we did the discussion about
Kirby being a woman
Adam Curry: when you when you
brought this up, yes.
John C Dvorak: Despite I think
it was a woman who wrote and
said I until you started talking
about I always thought he wasn't
or she was a woman. No, yes. i
Wow. I I believe you know, the
void. This happened to me, by
the way, with the Laura Ingram,
when she was on the radio,
Adam Curry: Oh, you thought Frau
Ingraham was her Ingraham. When,
John C Dvorak: when she's on the
radio, I don't know how they
miked her or what they did or
how the equal eacute or I don't
know what it was, but that was
just an accident. I'm driving
around and actually turned her
show on. I thought it was some
Unknown: years it was an anti
Russia Soviet Alliance. So what
do you do not understand how can
you not even see how the
Russians would perceive it as as
a threat? Now?
Adam Curry: That's the question,
his answer is even more baffling
when you think about what the
simple question is,
Unknown: and the fact that it
keeps getting closer to their
border, while their troops. I
mean, the places where their
troops are you say their troops
are and they may have been in
Ukraine and Georgia are not made
I don't have I'm not going to
pretend to know what goes in
President Putin's mind are
Russian military commanders. I
mean, I barely got a history
degree at the University of
South Florida.
Man, that
Adam Curry: is so stupid. What I
can tell you is that
Unknown: is that NATO is a
defensive alliance, it remains a
defensive alliance.
But it has moved east, correct.
I mean, that's just expanded.
Exactly. It's there's no
reason for anybody to think the
expansion is a hostile or
threatening. And we've been
saying that throughout the last
years now. You're, you're moving
closer to Russia, you're blaming
the Russians for being close to
NATO. That's exactly what
we're blaming the Russians for
violating the territorial
integrity of Ukraine and
destabilizing the
security system. Which is not a
NATO. I see other countries feel
Adam Curry: Yeah, goodbye. Way
to go, Matt. only guy left. I
John C Dvorak: I barely got a
history history degree at the
University of Florida.
University of Florida, it was
South versus South Florida.
Whatever the hell that is.
Adam Curry: one more clip here.
Luckily, we know we need to keep
the German people happy. Now we
got to keep them involved
because, well, you know, they
actually have maybe still have
some capacity to make some
weapons. I would say they except
for Airbus. They pretty much are
that what's left of the defense
industry in the EU. So let's
bring as Alinsky and Sean Penn
into a film festival Shall we
Unknown: be neutral. Culture
makes choices in times like
fees. The words of Solinsky at
the opening gala of this year's
Berlinale Film Festival.
Today, Russia wants to build the
same wall Ukraine, a wall
between us, between the US and
Europe to separate Ukraine from
its own choice that is on
Now in its 73rd year, to build
an Al's route, a deeply
political in nature, its
foundations laid in the first
phase of the Cold War. In
addition to Ukraine, pro
democracy protests in Iran will
also feature at the festival.
Guests from the world of show
business and politics shared the
red carpets with Iranian
demonstrators. This year 19
films will be competing for the
golden and silverbear awards.
Outside the main competition,
films do to be screened cover
topics from race and history in
the US to gender transition and
sexual identity.
Adam Curry: Oh man, I can't
believe we missed that Film
Festival. Sounds like some
great, great submissions this
year. Gender identity,
John C Dvorak: LGBTQ, there's
nothing more entertaining than
Adam Curry: One other thing
happened at the low business.
Somehow they still have this,
this feeble idea that we can
reach the people and convince
them through celebrities and
show business. I think that left
somewhere mid pandemic
worldwide. People are not just
not interested anymore. But what
else happened at the Munich
Security Conference is the the
canceled meeting between Abe
Lincoln and Louis I think it is
the Secretary of State for China
kind of took place but there
were some jabs back and forth.
Unknown: US Secretary of State
Antony Blinken met with his
Chinese counterpart Randy during
the global security conference.
This is the first face to face
meeting between the two leaders
since the US military shut down
a suspected Chinese surveillance
balloon earlier this month.
taking to Twitter Blinken said
that he warned Vandy against
violations of its airspace after
a Chinese spy balloon flew over
North America. Lincoln further
asserted on how it was
unacceptable and irresponsible
for China to send a spy balloon
into the American airspace.
Earlier on Saturday, Vandy took
a swipe at Washington a accusing
him of violating international
norms with what Beijing calls
unbelievable and almost
hysterical behavior. Beijing has
also denied using spy balloons
and says that the balloon was
the weather research.
Adam Curry: So you want you have
to go to W IO n to get this
information. I don't think we'd
hear anywhere in the US media
that the Chinese Foreign
Secretary said, Man, this is
like you're hysterical, is just
hysterical behavior. Stop it you
woman. That's basically what he
said. And added to that it was a
weather balloon, which we also
have an All I heard was oh, the
Chinese said, sorry. No, it was
it. They say they say clearly
it's a weather balloon. So what
is it?
John C Dvorak: Versus or dig in
pieces of it up? Or trying to
from the bottom of the 40 or 40
feet down? It's not that far.
We'll find out I think that
they've been just been going on
for a while now. So I think it's
been I think the information is
being suppressed.
Adam Curry: Yeah, we'll find
out, huh? Sure. I
John C Dvorak: said this
information is being suppressed.
Adam Curry: I got a note from
same producer who told me about
the Why the f 22. did what it
did. And by the way, the F 22 is
the most sophisticated aircraft
I mean, this this, this whole F
22 was almost the way I picked
it up as a sales job. Hey, look
what our plane can do, we can
shoot balloons. The PRC balloon
engagement was at the ragged
edge of the F 20. Twos
operational envelope that means
the altitude the higher altitude
is harder for the airframe to
maneuver. Therefore, that
engagement required one Mach 1.3
The other engagements in order
to fly because there's almost no
almost no air up there, you need
speed, and otherwise, you're
going to fall out of the sky. So
that's why the Mach 1.3 The
other engagements weren't much
slower speeds since they were at
lower altitudes, but still too
dangerous to use guns for the
aforementioned reason, because
you could actually wind up
flying through the debris at
that speed. A pilot, our sources
told me that the F 22 Not being
able to use guns above 50,000
feet. I'd say look for some
other references, but pilots
were too busy creaming
themselves over robbed
demonstration of air power. See,
this is what it was it was a
sales job. But it appears that
you just can't use the guns at
50,000 feet because you're going
too fast and you have to fly
fast to stay afloat. Or
John C Dvorak: Well, well, this
these random assertions are one
thing I can't it's
Adam Curry: not a random
assertion is from someone who.
Okay. Yes, you contacted who
John C Dvorak: is the Defense
Adam Curry: where you get the
truth. Did you talk to Kirby say
John C Dvorak: I was gonna get
the truth. I also contacted
Lockheed and the woman to watch
to be on vacation over the
holiday. Yeah, the Defense
Department said that information
is classified?
Adam Curry: No, of course it's F
22. We can we can It's
John C Dvorak: That plane is 25
years old. How long is it going
to be? How long is everything
going to remain class?
Adam Curry: The F 22. I thought
the F 22 was like the brand new
hardship machine. Yeah. That's
25 years it
John C Dvorak: is. Doesn't mean
it's new.
Adam Curry: Are you sure this is
a fifth Gen?
John C Dvorak: Well, the fifth
Gen. Yeah, they keep upgrading.
Yeah, I'm not saying it's the
same version they made 25 years
Adam Curry: Okay. All right. So
my answer versus yours. I have
an answer you get It's
classified. No, that makes
sense. Right, I'd have
John C Dvorak: to assume that
there's I don't know why they
just does this make I told that
fact the second guy got a hold
of me and he said he wanted to
try to get me some answers, but
he couldn't do it.
Adam Curry: Right on cue we have
China also being dicks to our
neighbors to the north. This was
a big story big story in in
Canada, if people send me links
about it the whole time.
Unknown: It was exactly the
result Beijing wanted
you or sending us back to work,
at least
according to a Globe and Mail
report. It said top secret CSIS
documents detailing Beijing's
sophisticated strategy to
influence the 2021 election.
According to the report, China
targeted specific conservative
candidates in hopes of a liberal
minority government.
Justin Trudeau knew about this
The opposition accuses the prime
minister of covering it up
Adam Curry: he is perfectly
happy to let a foreign
authoritarian government
interfere in our elections as
long as they're helping him.
Unknown: Trudeau said he's never
hidden China's attempts to
interfere You're we have,
like I said, known for a long
time that China and others
engage in foreign interference
in Canada, including during our
Adam Curry: People are upset
about this. Rightfully so.
John C Dvorak: And right, are
they why don't they just vote
this guy out then? No, because
Adam Curry: there was they can't
because the election fraud was
was manipulated by China. They
said it's impossible. When when
Russia does it to us Trump wins.
You know, when when China does
it to Canadians. Trudeau wins.
It's, it's it always works.
Apparently. Anyway, right on cue
China as if they are playing
along with the script does this
Unknown: tonight tensions rising
after the US National Security
Council says North Korea
launched an intercontinental
ballistic missile that landed in
Japanese waters. This new video
released earlier today showing
what Japanese military officials
say appears to be a missile
falling from the sky. This is an
outrageous act which escalates
application against
international such a piece of
symmetry unacceptable. The
United States also strongly
condemning North Korea, saying
this launch is a flagrant
violation of multiple UN
Security Council Resolution.
Japanese officials say the
missile was launched from the
suburbs of Pyongyang flying for
nearly 66 minutes and roughly
560 miles before falling into
the Japanese exclusive economic
zone west of the island of
Hokkaido. So far no reports of
ships or aircraft damaged.
What's extraordinary about this
video is that you can see the
actual flames when it zooms in
on the missile body falling.
That's just that this came
awfully close to landing on
Japanese soil.
Officials say today's launch is
the first ICBM test since back
in November, when North Korea
fired the powerful class on 17
Adam Curry: So I think we're
probably going to kick this off
earlier than 2027. I mean,
that's also a little bit of
wishful thinking, because I'd
like to retire before 2027 from
the show.
John C Dvorak: What do you
think's gonna happen in 2027?
Adam Curry: you say oh, no,
that's what everyone's that's
what the CIA guy the bill. The
bill, William Bill from the
chiefs of CIA said China will
attack in 20 years
John C Dvorak: because of some
something China's wrote or
something we deciphered. 2027
Submit deal. Yeah. Which is
doesn't really match with
anything else. But no cropping.
Adam Curry: Because Because this
this Ukraine thing has to end
and it seems like they're
positioning the money. We know
where the money is going to. The
money is already there. We just
have to make it legal. To take
it. And then we can start with
then BlackRock and JP Morgan can
start rebuilding. And as the
Lansky will do a big piece
thing. We'll do it in Minsk
which sounds official. Putin
himself won't show up because he
will be convicted once. Once
he's no longer they'll say, wow,
you know, once he isn't elected
president again. Then he will be
convicted and we'll throw him in
the brink so he'd be he'll be
charged and convicted in
absentia, and we'll just keep
doing news reports about how the
next election that's going to be
the one that's gonna go pick him
up and he'll pay. I think they
can sell this. I think they can
sell it. I think Zelinsky is
he's a great actor. Give him
some lines. No problem. I
John C Dvorak: got a line from
Zelinsky this one I went to
Lenski clip. Oh.
Adam Curry: Hold on. Here we go.
Unknown: There is no alternative
to speed. Because it is the
speed that the life depends on
Adam Curry: the speed
John C Dvorak: alternatives to
Adam Curry: There was
John C Dvorak: was this guy
gonna get a voice coach.
Adam Curry: I think this is
actually better than it was. I
think he's, I think he's doing
better. I had one to somewhere
that someone sent me that I
normally would not have played
except you played that listen to
Unknown: Come in the name of
Adam Curry: Did you see that
one? Come in the name of Chris.
All right. There you go. He's
kind of entertaining. It's
entertaining me. All right. I'm
sweating. Now what you got you
got to hold it. You got like
this whole row of things.
John C Dvorak: My stuff's all
Adam Curry: Now. Well, that's
good. I'm tired of this foreign
John C Dvorak: I do have a
couple just to be clear if I do
have an atom and you do I do,
do. I do have a clip that's
called Adam and NTD hate where I
can kind of understand why you
hate and TD so much. Okay, I'll
Unknown: another train
derailment more hazardous
materials. Same company, a
Norfolk Southern train carrying
hazardous materials derailed
outside of Detroit, Michigan
yesterday morning. Six train
cars crashed off the tracks in
Van Buren township just before
9am local time.
Adam Curry: Now, why would I
hate that?
John C Dvorak: Oh, so you also
pronounce it Nora Falk?
Adam Curry: This is Dee Dee. I
tried to Norfolk that didn't, it
really doesn't bother me.
Listen, we just listened to
Zelinsky say, come with this. So
I think norfork is acceptable.
In this case.
John C Dvorak: For people out
there who want to know is
pronounced Norfolk Norfolk.
Adam Curry: Yeah, I probably
have the most stories about
John C Dvorak: Let's go to Mike.
Yeah. All right. What you got?
Okay, so there was this train
wreck? They can't get off Trump.
No, it's very hard. And so the
thing is, is that listening to
NPR, I got two series of clips
are all from NPR. And NPR has
become, it's become first once
they last, when I fold it became
partisan became shit this and
really went down. And we've
never seen one. And we never
thought we would we would miss
Gwen Eiffel that much wrestling.
We didn't know we did. But you
could tell us that when when
that one important person leaves
and that everything changes. You
know that one person? That was
the person that was keeping it
together when Eiffel? Yes. And
then Judy came along, and she's
just like some sort of a lackey
for the Democrats. But when she
left now, it's worse. Now you're
talking about PBS or NPR now and
what EBS PBS just said, Okay, I
thought you said I say NPR made
a mistake. I get it mixed up
with the fact that Gwen aifa was
never really with NPR. She's
always PPS. And she's an old pro
from the network's Yes, she was.
It was Judy. But Judy was
Adam Curry: the problem we had
with Gwen IFO. The reason why we
turned on her, stupidly, was
because and I learned a new
word. This is years and years
and years ago, because she wrote
a hagiography of Barack Obama.
Yeah. And that was it was so
wrong for her stature. But we
should have, we should have let
that slide because now we missed
well, then
John C Dvorak: she became the
host of a debate with Obama up
there. Yeah,
Adam Curry: that was that was,
yeah, she was captured and it
John C Dvorak: But she was still
kept going. And so now we've
got, I think the group is pretty
much turned progressive, and
Adam Curry: And the difference
John C Dvorak: well, it's just
makes it worse. They date they,
they're more blatant. Their
coverage is really so slanted. I
want to play these clips. This
is more or less about the
Georgia coming back from their
grand jury. And oh, and Trump
was you know, mentioned but you
know, Trump didn't really do
anything, but he, he could have,
Adam Curry: what am I what do
you owe the Georgia vote thing?
What is this about?
John C Dvorak: Well, there was
a, there isn't it was a number
of factors. But this all gets
back down to Trump's claims
about election fraud. Okay. Now,
they use a loaded language,
these clips are all very short,
because I have to stop them
after the guy says three words.
But let's go to the word Trump's
claims and change it to Trump's
false claims. And this has
bugged me to know and for years
now, what is a false claim?
asking you a false claim. I'm
going to say this. I'm going to
make the claim that you dyed
your hair black, somebody told
me that and so I'm claiming your
hair your hair is dyed black,
Adam Curry: So you are you are
claiming something that doesn't
mean that you have proof. And I
understand what you're saying.
So a false claim would be if you
said I'm dyeing my I dye my hair
black, but you actually thought
it was blonde. That'd be a false
claim. But that will be inside
your head. There is really no
such thing as a false claim.
It's a claim.
John C Dvorak: Yeah, that's what
I think it's a claim unless
you're totally insincere. Right?
In other words, if Trump's
claiming and by the way, this
information that these clips
mostly come out of the Dominion
lawsuit against Fox News,
Adam Curry: ah, yes, this is the
big one. Okay, got it. So
John C Dvorak: sues Fox News.
And as we all know, if we know
anything, that there's a thing
called discovery and that's why
people try it. Avoid suits.
Yeah. So Dominion started
digging and digging and digging,
and they got a bunch of
information that indicated that
some people at Fox were
insincere during this era when
that during the election 2020
election and they were saying
one thing to the viewer is a
public Yes. And they were lying.
Adam Curry: This is the Fox News
takedown that we talked about on
the last show Tucker Carlson
texting with Frau Ingraham and
talking about Sidney Powell
being a nutjob.
John C Dvorak: Well, here's the
report of this. From NPR. I'm
sorry, I did it. You're gonna
have to excuse me for doing
that. But from PBS. I got NPR on
here too. It's all PBS.
Adam Curry: Oh, okay. You were
confusing me? Yes. It's all PBS
got it. That's why
John C Dvorak: it's all PBS. I
don't have any NPR clips on
today's show. So this is the way
it starts. And here they're
gonna get into this the suit and
they think they've got Fox over
a barrel. And here we go.
Unknown: A new point filing
shows top executives at Fox News
and leading network
personalities privately
dismissed former President
Donald Trump's false claims of
voter fraud in the days that
followed the 2020 presidential
Adam Curry: Yeah, here. I see. I
see what you're what you're
pointing at false claims just
just claims you could just say
John C Dvorak: Yeah, it's
journalistically, I think, and
wrongly and everything is wrong.
Adam Curry: It's like they
should have said claim without
John C Dvorak: That would, that
would be even better. But false
claims is loaded language
designed to make you look make
Trump look like a jerk. But this
clip, they start off with just
the premise. This is the whole
premise. Roseanne wants to play
this short clip play one more
Adam Curry: Oh, number one one
more time. Yeah, okay.
Unknown: A new court filing
shows top executives at Fox News
and leading network
personalities privately
dismissed former President
Donald Trump's false claims of
voter fraud in the days that
followed the 2020 presidential
Adam Curry: which to me, is I
heard all of this all week long
on MSNBC, CNN, et cetera, was
really them trying to take down
Fox News, the clear winners in
any ratings race by any, any
observation? Yeah, any measure
John C Dvorak: they do mention
that in passing, so. Okay, now
we're gonna that would you just
heard the premise. Yep.
Throughout this report, which go
I only have parts of it. The
whole thing, they never bring
out any evidence, and then they
finally bring out two examples.
And both both these examples are
bad. But let's go to now this is
clip number two of the series,
Unknown: even as they pushed
those same lies on television.
John C Dvorak: So, okay, now all
of a sudden, the false claim is,
as long as the lie
Adam Curry: I like it. I like
John C Dvorak: So this is where
they're headed. This is the kind
of loaded report we're now
getting from news our nice, it's
slanted as hell and is loaded
with it's got loaded language is
very poorly done. Let's go to
Okay, let's go to number three.
And this one, this is where this
this is actually not them
talking. These are clips that
supposedly exemplify this, but
they don't. They don't exemplify
the hypocrisy that they're
claiming. they exemplify the
kind of the narrative that
they're pushing. And here's a
clip from Fox that they played
tonight. Every American
Unknown: should be angry, you
should be outraged. You should
be worried you should be
concerned. What has happened in
the election,
the Dominion software system has
been tagged as one allegedly
capable of flipping votes.
How for example, did senile
hermit Joe Biden get 15 million
more votes than his former boss,
Rockstar, crowd surfer Barack
Adam Curry: Rockstar crowd
John C Dvorak: Now, that last
clip, which was Tucker Carlson,
was from Thursday of last week,
Adam Curry: yes, but we might as
well use it now.
John C Dvorak: So it's got
nothing to do with this case,
which is about the election two
years ago. So why are they
playing these clips now that
they continue to kind of push
the same narrative which does
just I don't know. That doesn't
prove that Tucker was saying
well, I Trump's full of shit. He
never does that Daniel crew it
throughout this entire report.
Well, they just asserting it.
Adam Curry: Can I can I make an
assertion of my own, which could
be a false claim? Because you
mentioned discovery. And what I
picked up not a clip but I just
picked up some reports. That
Dominion discovery documents
show employees of Dominion
admitting their products are
quote, riddled with critical
bugs that could due to incorrect
results, maybe the Navy that has
to be shut down a little bit.
John C Dvorak: By going in the
other direction you think it's
maybe it's just a thought I
shouldn't bring that point up in
this report that's going to clip
Unknown: the court filings
reveal that behind the scenes,
many of the network's top stars
and executives. derided Trump's
election lies is quote, mind
blowingly nuts and quote totally
off the rails, even as they
criticized colleagues for
pointing that out on TV. The
filing is part of an ongoing
defamation lawsuit filed against
the network by Dominion voting
John C Dvorak: Okay, what name
names? I heard that quote who
you quoting people named Anna,
who said these things?
Adam Curry: Surely they say that
somewhere else don't say or the
lower third Chiron that said has
nope, no,
John C Dvorak: nope, nope. And
nope. Let's go to I'm just
waiting for the names. Where's
the names you give me a day
finally bring some stuff out.
But it's got nothing to do with
what their assertion is. Let's
go to clip six.
Unknown: Joining us now is David
Adam Curry: And I'm sorry, this
is clip five is not the right
one. Yes, five. Joining us
Unknown: now is David
Folkenflik. Who covers for NPR.
David, thanks for joining us.
First explain how we learned
about these text messages how
they're part of this nearly $2
billion defamation lawsuit filed
against Fox right. It's a
blockbuster case that's been
filed by Dominion voting
services systems, an election
tech company that is at the core
of a lot of these fraudulent
claims of fraud
Adam Curry: fraudulently claims
John C Dvorak: of fraud.
Adam Curry: So that actually
means that it is fraud because
it's a fraudulent claim of fraud
than it was. Then it was not
fraud, but it was fraud.
John C Dvorak: I don't know. I
tell you this is folk and folk
whatever this guy's name is. I
looked him up I think that's
German guy has a hard on from
Rupert Murdoch, like nobody he
shouldn't even be allowed to be
on TV focus. And I was thinking
about this because if you look
at his all his old works, he's
just after Murdoch. He hates
Adam Curry: hates him. And who
is this guy who what is he is?
John C Dvorak: He's a he's just
a kind of a hack journalist has
been doing? Not a lot.
Adam Curry: I'm reading I'm
reading the discovery. And I'll
just I'll Intersperse your
report with a few brief things
Mark Beck strand. This is from
the discovery document, Mark
Beck strand, who probably has
sex with Folkenflik but Dominion
sales manager confirmed that
other parties have gotten a hold
of Dominions equipment illicitly
in the past, and identified
specific instances in Georgia
and North Carolina and testified
that a Dominion machine was
hacked in Michigan. This is in
the discovery so it's not such a
wonder that this this is
John C Dvorak: to these guys so
this is a key while you're there
you have here is it this is a
smokescreen for the real story,
which probably is cover up Yeah.
But meanwhile so this is Falken
guy I was thinking about this
because he just had you can look
at his old material and because
he's you know, it's on the net.
And it's just hard on for for
Murdoch, like there's no
tomorrow, I have to assume
because I've seen this happen
here and there. And I have
examples of it from real life
situations in the Bay Area with
guys who tried to get a job
someplace got refused or kicked
out or said no and they get out
there on the rampage against the
company. And so they're just so
I think that's what's going on
with this guy. So he's useless
as a as a correspondent in this
in this arena. It was proudly
fraudulent claims of fraud with
this beat. Well, let's question
Adam Curry: Do you think it's
possible fraudulent frame cloud
claims of fraud? Do you think
it's possible that really all
they want is just one thing they
just want Tucker Carlson off the
John C Dvorak: I think that's a
big part. It's
Adam Curry: gotta be Sean
Hannity is is basically he's
harmless. Frau Ingraham is the
same. They go after both of them
John C Dvorak: I know what their
next human products entertained
next two clips are they go after
Tucker and this is the example
they cite. This is a read of
some memo they cite of Tucker.
Showing that he's a phony. Oh, I
don't see it. I want you to
listen to this and tell me what
it what makes you think he's a
phony. This clip seven clip six.
Oh, okay. What did we get to?
Adam Curry: I'm off Folkenflik
one more time. So shortly. Okay,
John C Dvorak: let's go back
with Folkenflik fraudulent
Unknown: of fraud that were
ventilated on Fox News in the
immediate aftermath of the
November 2020 elections.
John C Dvorak: Okay, kept adding
because their use of the word
Adam Curry: Ooh, a kind of like
John C Dvorak: fraudulent claims
of fraud that were ventilated. I
think he meant vented. But I
liked the whole sequence
Unknown: claims of fraud that
were ventilated on Fox News in
the immediate aftermath.
Adam Curry: This is what you
should try Your wife, you know,
you're just ventilating
fraudulent claims of fraud. See
how that works? Yeah, your
marriage works out.
John C Dvorak: It did all these
clips are just to point out the
bad journalism that you have
that you're getting from the
nation's one of the nation's
treasures, and use our
treasures. Yeah, it's really
out. It's out of control. But
let's go into here's their
example about Tucker,
Unknown: a brutal, brutal
portrait that we have seen about
the cynicism, the sense of
crisis, the fear and the anger
that was generated inside of
Fox, in reaction to their
audiences recoiling from the
network's own call of Arizona
for Joe Biden on election night,
the first of any major network
to do
so. What becomes clear from
reading through this filing is
that Fox knowingly peddled
election lies for ratings.
There's a text in particular
from Tucker Carlson, and he is
suggesting here that a Fox News
White House correspondent should
be fired. For fact checking a
Trump claim about the election.
He says, Please get her fired.
I'm actually shocked. It needs
to be stopped immediately. Like
tonight, it's measurably hurting
the company, the stock price is
down. Not a joke.
Adam Curry: Not a joke. He's
using Biden stuff now.
John C Dvorak: So it shows there
was some woman on the staff that
was doing the kip tech, typical
Washington Post style fact
checking, oh, he said six and it
was actually seven fact check.
So she was this she was doing
this and some Tucker said she
did not a good look. But no,
Adam Curry: that's very bad.
Look what he does.
John C Dvorak: But what's it got
to do with the original premise
that taught did nothing claim
that Tucker was saying that the
election was fraudulent. But
behind everyone's back, he was
saying no, Trump's nuts, it's
not fraudulent at all. How does
that example prove that point?
Adam Curry: It doesn't at all.
The only the only one I heard is
probably the next clip that you
have. That's the only that's the
only text message that could get
John C Dvorak: next was an extra
day. I think they they actually
Oh, no, this another text
message. This is about a Hannity
now. Oh, I
Adam Curry: thought this was
John C Dvorak: It's about
Hannity and Powell. No. Okay.
And this is another did another
one of their examples. And
again, I'm not seeing it play
this and you tell me how you're
interpreting this because
Trump's not even in the
Unknown: As Sean Hannity, even
as he was giving her airtime. He
later said in a deposition,
quote, the whole narrative that
Sidney Powell was pushing, I did
not believe it for one second.
John C Dvorak: Oh, no. I
listened to Sidney Powell. I
didn't believe anything she said
either. I also didn't believe
Steve BitFenix. nonsense about
the military taken over anybody
else. I thought I thought the
election was sketchy for other
reasons. Like you know, people
not getting to go check on
things Debellis disappearing,
ballot harvesting and things
like that. You. So what they're
trying to imply here is that you
have to be all in on everything.
So if you question Sidney
Powell, you're a hypocrite.
Adam Curry: Yes, that's what
they did with Tucker Tucker had
a text back in exchange with
Frawley Ingraham from Ingraham
says Powell was full of shit.
And then Tucker says, yeah,
she's totally full of shit. And
what was it? And we need to not
be putting her on the air
because people are people, our
viewers, believe us. I mean, it
seems like Tucker is really he's
very concerned for the for the
for the organization. Now that
we have that talking about the
stock price being down. That's
kind of that is actually more
telling about Tucker than I
didn't expect that he would be
so concerned about the company.
Folkenflik is the author of
Murdoch's world, the last of the
old media empires. So he wrote
the book, he wrote the
John C Dvorak: he's just so he's
no good that this whole report
was bad. So the show the news,
our show keeps going on and they
bring on late in the show.
Brooks and Capehart Oh, no. Oh,
no. Two guys again, you know. So
they bring them on and they
breathe, visit the topic.
Unknown: It's time for the
analysis of Brooks and Capehart.
That's New York Times columnist
David Brooks and Jonathan
Capehart, associate editor for
The Washington Post with a
welcome to you both. Let's start
with this revelation late last
night in this court filing and
dominion voting systems lawsuit
against Fox News is that showing
that Fox executives and hosts
didn't believe the election lies
that they were peddling on
television. David, what do you
make of this notion that Fox
determined Is that telling the
truth and being straight with
its vote with its viewers was
not good for its bottom line?
Yeah, I don't know whether to
feel relieved or not that Tucker
didn't really believe what he's
saying. Like, he maybe has some
core and that's actually honest.
Adam Curry: What? Donors, yeah,
Unknown: that's a watch.
John C Dvorak: He goes on takes
then picks up the cudgel and
goes on with this thing that
Tucker was insincere about the
company know about the election
Unknown: You know, all of us. I
mean, here in sainted PBS, we're
gonna go after prophets. But at
the New York Times, and most
other news organizations, we
have two missions, we want to
sell the truth, we want to live
up to the ethics of our
profession. We also want to
attract readers and serve our
viewers and make money for our
company. And you know, dealing
with that tension is not unique
doctors, do it, lawyers do it.
And but until you find the
balance, and you try to hew to
the code of your profession, and
do it the best you can and hope
that readers will will
appreciate that at Fox, that's
apparently not how it works.
John C Dvorak: Can you believe
these guys?
Adam Curry: I love it. I want to
have a drink with them. This is
John C Dvorak: And by the way,
well, let's play the last one, I
have a good comment about their
great ethics over there.
Unknown: And that the ethos of
following the code of honesty or
reporting, telling the truth,
which is our only job, our only
job is just to tell the truth,
and not be partisan. That's our
job. And if you can't do the
basics of the job, then pretty
soon you you lose all Barrett
Warren more moral bearing. And I
think not everybody that agency,
a lot of people really left but
a lot of people who used to be
friends of mine. They lost all
their moral bearing and shows.
Adam Curry: And yeah, that
sounds like your friends. The
Lib Jos lib Jos Yeah, that's
exactly what you would say,
Unknown: but a lot of people who
used to be friends of mine, they
lost all plans, crying and
And Jonathan this, in many ways,
reaffirms what critics of Fox
News have believed all along
that even though it has news in
the title, that that is a thin
veneer at best.
Yeah, very thin. It's more like
carpaccio, if you want to give a
culinary analogy. Look, look
what this Dominion paper the
filing shows is that the big the
big lie is indeed a big lie. And
that the people who were
perpetuating it knew it was a
lie. And yet they still went on
air night after night after
night, perpetuating it to the
detriment of our country. And
yeah, they they lost their
balance. They lost their moral
core if any of them had any
John C Dvorak: law. If any of
them had any. There are a bunch
of creeps. This is the most
dishonest reporting you could
possibly have bigoted bias name
calling. And meanwhile, we'll be
going on and on about this when
they're so great. Today even
discussed during the K part and
Brooke segment, the fact that
the Cavanaugh accusers, two of
them so far have reneged on
their accusations about rape and
all the rest of it. I don't
recall that. No, of course not.
Nobody's covering it. But the
Kavanaugh accusers are now being
referred to the Justice
Department by Grassley for
perjury this is a this is a
repressed story. Look it up.
Google it.
Adam Curry: Oh, I Neva stuff.
John C Dvorak: So so this, I've
just found it. The worst kind of
reporting biased and bigoted,
dishonest, and that's what PBS
has become fraudulent claims
against fraud.
Adam Curry: Yeah. Are you
surprised, disappointed?
John C Dvorak: No, I just like
to get worked up. Well,
Adam Curry: that's successful.
Here's the actual text that I
was referring to. Tucker Carlson
tech, Sidney Powell was lying by
the way I caught her. It's
insane. Laura Ingraham. Sidney
is a complete nut. No one will
work with her Ditto with Rudy
and Tucker. It's unbelievably
offensive to me. Our viewers are
good people and they believe it.
What a horrible thing to say as
a television journalist.
Horrible, horrible to protect
the good people who are the
viewers. Tucker's a real
company, ma'am. That is that
surprises me. He must. I mean, I
wonder if a lot of his
compensation is based on options
now. And now I have to think
about that.
John C Dvorak: You know, that
could be that'd be a good way to
pay him.
Adam Curry: You can read the 183
pages of the of the filing.
There's a lot of you remember a
Coomer Eric Cooma, Director of
Product Strategy, but just a
couple weeks before the
election, he acknowledged that
quote, our shit is just riddled
with bugs. Our products suck,
that almost all dominions
technological failings were due
to our complete effed up effing
up the installation. He
identified critical bug leading
to incorrect results. I mean,
this is the it's the cover up
this is exactly the way and I
guess he wanted to bring some
clips now of how all media
except maybe a talker or some
some Fox reporting, but
basically they're all they all
suck up the Twitter files. You
know, the all you hear on on and
you should probably look to PBS
and NPR as well. Oh, it's just a
conspiracy theories is saying
the FBI was running Twitter.
That's crazy talk. And they just
play a couple of clips of
talker. You know, they don't
actually show you any of the
documents that are coming out.
And though this is this, the
problem is, it's not even the
media anymore. It's the medium.
I think podcasting is the only
place you place you can get it.
Get it do
John C Dvorak: that. That was
good. That was funny. Sorry.
We're gonna bitch and moan about
people. I do have a couple more
clips. I'm glad you do. Don
Adam Curry: I have thoughts
about Don Lemon. Yeah, can I
just give you my thoughts off
the bat. And then you got your I
have no clips. But I think Don
Lemon is a genius. Don Lemon has
taken this. He's not he knows
that he has a job to do. He
knows that he failed in his
primetime slot, more or less
primetime. He knows that he's on
his last leg. And I know that
you're thinking, according to
the newsletter, is that, you
know, this is brilliant that the
new boss of CNN is trying to get
him out. I think Don Lemon has
grabbed this and said, You know
what, I'm gonna get everybody
watching because that's the
result of this was everything he
says more people are going to
watch. This is how you run a
cable news show. You need to
have controversy. So people show
up. And I think he's doing the
right thing here.
John C Dvorak: Well, you know,
that would make a lot of sense
if he showed up after the fact.
And he just went on vacation. So
he's not going to be there. But
so that kind of blows that
theory. bonus clips.
Adam Curry: Oh, I'm sorry. You
didn't alert me to any bonus.
John C Dvorak: I forgot to alert
you earlier. You should always
have them so I never do that.
Adam Curry: Oh, this clip
activity. Oh, no. You all you
always say you get the bonus
John C Dvorak: I know. I always
say it and you always say yep, I
got him. What do you think?
Adam Curry: That's right. I
decided to
John C Dvorak: call Google
double fail. Were you the one
time I don't ask is the one time
you don't do it makes me wonder
if I ever do it.
Adam Curry: No, but what's
really cool is that you and I
know how this works. So you gave
me enough time there to rack
them up and I'm good to go. All
you need to do is just tell me
which bonus clip you want
because I haven't right here.
John C Dvorak: So I have two Don
Lemon clips. One of them is
what's what are they netlabel
because I don't have in front of
Adam Curry: Beadon I got beat on
beat on a beat on lemon blonde
air. B Meyer on CNN B mooch como
be mooch opener.
John C Dvorak: Okay, be Don
Lemon, whatever it was
Unknown: this all the talk about
age makes me uncomfortable.
John C Dvorak: Okay, great.
Let's stop. I do have to set it
up. You do. So on the morning
show they This came after Nikki
Haley. Yes jokingly said de I
don't understand why they don't
give everybody a cognitive test.
After these, you know, he took
his physical and he passed it
and flying colors but he never
took a cognitive test even
though finally the same
Democrats are the ones moaning
and groaning about Trump getting
one he did get one. But Biden
hasn't gotten Hey, you are
Adam Curry: like listening to
Twitter. This is great. All
right. Yes. Oh gee. Oh, you
should try Tim Poole. This is
John C Dvorak: this is exactly
what we finished this are now
you can just gonna go
Adam Curry: I want to. I want to
antagonize you to get more out
of you. This is great.
John C Dvorak: So so she brought
this up and so this rubbed Don
Lemon the wrong way because Don
lemons a Democrat, he's pushing
me in over Biden to get
reelected and he didn't think
this was much of this of this
idea, you know, and then it
didn't call out Nikki Haley and
hilarity ensued.
Unknown: This whole talk about
age makes me uncomfortable. I
think that I think it's the
wrong road to go down she says
people you know politicians or
something and not in their prime
Nikki Haley is in her prime
sorry, when a woman is
considered to be in her prime in
her 20s and 30s. And maybe 40s.
That's not according to me for
what it depends on it's just
like prime if you look it up,
it'll if you look, if you Google
when there's a woman in her
prime, it'll say 20s 30s and
40s. I don't know That's how I
got it. I agree with that. So I
think she has to be careful
about saying that we, you know,
politicians are under their
primary qualifier
you're trying for like child
facts or Google at everybody at
home. When there's a woman in
her prime, it says 20s 30s and
40s. And I'm just saying Nikki
Haley should be careful about
saying that politicians are not
in their prime. And when they
need to be in their prime when
they serve, because she wouldn't
be in a prime according to
Google, or whatever it is.
Adam Curry: I'm just going to
counter you. I think you should
be a little more pragmatic about
this. It's not because of the
Democrats because he's gay. He
hates women. He's surrounded by
beautiful women. He's the kind
of gay guy that hates women.
John C Dvorak: I agree with
that. I could have brought that
up. I didn't, because a lot of
gay guys are still a big Biden
man. And yes, he hates women.
And there are gay a lot of gay
men who hate women. There's a
lot of gay women who hate men.
Yes. And so that's why I thought
it was genius to put him in that
show genius to carping women who
would just go after anything he
says, because I don't think they
like gay men. No,
Adam Curry: and this is what I
am in agreement with you I think
they're doing their job but
somehow it's looking at the
ratings it really isn't catching
on but it should the formula of
gay guy hates women to women who
hate gays, gay guys, I agree
winning formula, but somehow
they're not able to execute. So
that just comes down to seeing
and management Don lemons doing
his job as far as I'm concerned.
John C Dvorak: By being a dick,
yeah, he took off now he's in
Miami, so he's not coming back.
Adam Curry: he's in a red state.
Are you kidding me? He went to
John C Dvorak: Well, he's in
some where,
Adam Curry: where you can't say
John C Dvorak: That's where he
went. So all I can say, Oh, see,
Adam Curry: a hypnotist. So.
John C Dvorak: So anyway, but
then the joke of it. I'm not
good. This is not a great clip.
But this is a clip from the
marsh show. We're one of the
women on their on his. This is
the show that played on CNN. Mar
Adam Curry: This is the Drew
90,000 viewers. Yeah. We
literally have 10 times that
amount listening to this blather
we're doing right now. That's
the best
John C Dvorak: Mark goes on. He
gets his gig gets money. He's
getting more money for this
90,000 viewers and we are for
our nine I hope you didn't take
stock. So he goes on CNN and
this is the after show that he
used to give away for free on
the online now it's on CNN.
After is It is Friday show he
does his Friday show they do an
after show. And you can watch
that if you want and nobody did.
So CNN looking for material
said, Hey, Bill, give us that
show. And we'll you know, we'll
just put it on the air. And
here's some money. Sorry. And
anyway, so he puts this on here.
And so he's got has to have
mixed feelings about the woman
that's on there kind of
convention about CNN itself.
Adam Curry: Nikki Haley has
called for politicians over 75
years old Z Oh, yes. To be
required to take a mental health
competency test. I wonder who
that's aimed at? Both of them,
Unknown: I think it's both I
think she's trolling it allows
her to draw attention to Biden,
she's in Republican primary, but
it's a subtle hit on Trump.
They're both older politicians,
they have every right to run
people. The competency test is a
really long campaign. And people
will assess how they seem. But
shouldn't we do that for
everybody? Why just over 75?
Because, I mean, my house of
representatives, there's only
one age requirement, the
Constitution has a minimum age.
And that was because they were
so worried about people passing
things on to their famous sons
at the time. There's no maximum
age, but we have that for pilots
and other things. But again, I
think it's hard if you've
covered these things, you know
how it is, it's hard to run for
president and we're gonna see
how they do and then you're
gonna decide at the debates and
other forums whether they seem
like they got it?
Well, as Don Lemon told us on
CNN, women actually can't run
for president because he's never
past our prime once we get to
our 40s. But since you have to
be 35 to run it's like this
really tight window between 35
and 40.
Adam Curry: Now tell me the show
doesn't have music under it.
John C Dvorak: I'm hoping it
doesn't. I picked it off of
somebody who clipped it.
Adam Curry: And yes,
John C Dvorak: I was sorry,
Adam Curry: did I refuse to play
that if there's music under it?
John C Dvorak: I couldn't find
not going to go to CNN and dig
through the archives to find it.
So I took the clip, I say rip
the clip off. So
Adam Curry: there's there's
there's something that goes
along with this particular story
about Cognizant cognition of our
politicians. And of course, you
know, we ha It's Haley. Hi, it's
orange MAN bad. But here's the
real story.
Unknown: Also at Walter Reed
today, President Biden who was
there for his annual checkup, a
matter of high interest as the
president who is now 80 years
old is expected to run again.
ABC is definitely Ramos at the
White House for us and
Stephanie, what are we learning
from the President's Doctor
Well, with that five page
detailed health report released
right before our show, overall,
President Biden getting a clean
bill of health today he spent
three hours at Walter Reed
undergoing many tests. In that
health report, the President's
doctor says Biden continues to
be treated for for different
conditions, a type of irregular
heart rhythm, higher
concentrations of fats or lipids
in the blood, also known as high
cholesterol, gastro esophageal
reflux and seasonal allergies.
The summary says Biden did not
experience any long COVID
Following his bout with the
virus in July of 2022. His
doctor also says that Biden is
fit to successfully execute the
duties of the presidency,
Adam Curry: where's the brain
John C Dvorak: Well, they also
left something out that everyone
else kind of brought up which he
has an awkward gait. Yeah. And
the doctor brought it up. And I
was thinking about this because
this goes back to the our show's
been on for a long time. Yeah.
And we used to do a segment
about Biden called and we have a
jingle for it. Called drunk or
not drunk.
Adam Curry: I don't think that's
true. Did that start with Biden?
Yes. I don't didn't really.
Where's the jingle? Oh, here it
is. Yes, we do I just showed.
Was that about Biden?
John C Dvorak: I'm pretty sure
it was about but I'm not pretty
sure I'm convinced it's about
Biden, because we had a lot of
Biden clips because he was
always slurring and could be his
energy was off and we'd play a
clip of Biden and then it would
be drunk or not drunk. And but
we haven't
Adam Curry: for Nadler for
Kamala, we do have him for Oh,
George Bush.
John C Dvorak: Yeah, Bush is
always tiny drunk, too. But
there was a lot of Biden clips
and Biden goes way back with
having this kind of high, you
know, energy and then having
this drunk sound. I think he was
an alcoholic. And I think that's
where that gate comes from.
Because I that gate, I have seen
that gate. A number of times
from out and out drunks that
lived in the neighborhoods
they've been in. I think he's
Adam Curry: old and senile. I
mean, why throw it on the drunk
thing? He's just old.
John C Dvorak: Saying you get
it. Get a gate like that. You
now okay. He is now old and seen
while I'm on the domestic beat
condemning things. Yes. Yeah. So
he just Anthony Scaramucci has a
podcast now.
Adam Curry: Yeah. Really. You're
really digging at the bottom of
the barrel when you're going to
the to Anthony Scaramucci, his
John C Dvorak: And I think I may
have had some influence on it
because he did one of his first
podcast technically with me
Adam Curry: while he's also
friends with with Horowitz
John C Dvorak: Yeah. Oh, they
are? Yeah. Yes, they are friends
because of the investment angle,
but he's also super good
friends. Super good, super
Adam Curry: good. Friends, Trump
John C Dvorak: Cuomo with Cuomo.
He's on his podcast. And this is
because I wanted to get this
clip since we're bashing Don
Lemon and Cuomo saying that when
he got fired from CNN, he wanted
to kill everyone and then kill
Unknown: Good time is going to
go away. Wait, wait, wait, wait.
Adam Curry: You're giving me
John C Dvorak: Yeah, I'm sorry.
But so the thing is, I got two
clips here. First, I've got the
opening clip of his show, which
got an undo Columbo. I just want
to point out to it's out of
phase. Now, not everybody knows
what that means. But you do
Adam Curry: I do. Yes. It sounds
like you're talking through your
John C Dvorak: is out of phase
and you get that you can get out
of phase using stereo mics.
There's a lot of different ways
you can achieve the sound. But
it's not wanted. It's not the
idea. It's not the idea. And his
so his he and the thing is is
local he's out of phase, and his
does guests not aren't
necessarily which makes it even
more rinky dink madness, but I
want to play the beginning of
him so you can hear what I'm
talking about with an out of
phase situation where the
Adam Curry: music is good.
Unknown: I am Anthony
Scaramucci, and welcome Oh, good
book where I talk with some of
the most interesting and
brilliant minds in our world
today. In this show, I'll bring
on guests in business, politics,
entertainment and more to go
deep into a piece of their work.
Whether it's a highly
anticipated book, an in depth
feature story or an opinion
piece that has captured my
attention. We'll dig into why it
matters to you and how their
work is shaping our future.
Adam Curry: Now how about little
detail on your investment with
FTX their motion Yeah, that was
that was a really
John C Dvorak: they also he also
pops his PS what kind
Adam Curry: of what kind of mic
does it maybe the mic maybe
using a weird mic that he's
John C Dvorak: mic so using
contribute to
Adam Curry: people have like
these you get these USB mics
that people run through a mixer
that could be
John C Dvorak: yeah what there's
a lot of possibilities whatever
the case is he hasn't got a pop
filter and he's popping his
piece and is and he's and he's
awkward. He doesn't feel
comfortable. You can tell he
doesn't like doing this. I don't
know why he's doing it. But he
did have Cuomo on and Cuomo
here. And it's not as
spectacular as I'd hoped. But
Cuomo does say he was wanted to
shoot everybody as CNN and then
kill himself after he got fired.
And by the way, if people want
to hear a self absorbed person
of being interviewed, go find
his Scaramucci podcasting and
listen to Cuomo just talks about
himself excessively and he's
like he's just he's just really
must be insufferable in person.
But this is the part I it's not
as great as I'd hoped. But he
did. I'm thinking now he's
working for this other operation
news, reality or news? Whatever
Adam Curry: newsletter news
newsletter news, and
John C Dvorak: I would say I
would be really skeptical about
being a producer for him if this
is what he thinks, but here it
is for people who want to know
Adam Curry: as producers were
child Fiddler's
John C Dvorak: is that. Okay?
Unknown: Good. Time is going to
go away the bad time is also
going to go away. I'm is
immutable. No question.
Adam Curry: Totally crap.
Everything's out of phase this.
This whole thing is out of
Unknown: right? But it's very
subjective. Just because a long
time goes away, doesn't mean you
gotta be doing the right things.
You got to make things happen.
There is no luck. There is no
fate, there is no destiny. What
happens is what you make happen
and how you deal with what is
made to happen to you, for
better and worse. And, you know,
I make a lot of mistakes.
Sometimes for good reasons,
sometimes for bad reason. I'm
very flawed, there's damage,
there's damage that's relatable
to people, there's damage that's
unrelatable to people that I
have to deal with that I tried
to deal with that I do the work
on, I still fail. And I have
learned to accept that I had to
accept because I was going to
kill everybody, including
myself. Things can consume you
Italians are so passionate, and
I really had to fight against
that. Because, you know, just
like you did. I got too many
people counting on me.
Adam Curry: Does he? I got so
many people counting on me. Does
he is he have a book out about
him wanting to kill him. That's
probably this is a setup. Either
it's out or he's getting ready
for it. He's promoting a book
about his IOMMU I wanted to kill
everybody wanted to kill myself.
It's all about me. Look at me
because Italians are passionate.
Screw this guy. Don't close.
John C Dvorak: Close. Close. But
believe me, you're close. But
the thing is, he had a book deal
that was killed after he was
fired. And he's suing the
publisher. So he's got no book
coming out and you start suing
publishers. You're gonna be Oh,
yeah, you're never gonna get a
book. That's like
Adam Curry: saying I was
discriminated against as a
woman. I didn't get a raise.
That's right. You're never
working in television again.
Natali Morris?
John C Dvorak: Well, I need it
better was cat Sadler down an E
Adam Curry: All right. Back to
gay. Because you tell me since
you're the expert, is this a man
or a woman speaking?
Unknown: One example would be
the quote unquote don't say gay
law in Florida. You know it.
Studies show that one supportive
Adam Curry: man or woman, man.
And what is the man's name?
Karen No, Rachel.
John C Dvorak: That's Rachel.
That's Rachel lovey. It sounds
like a man. Well, looks like a
Unknown: One supportive adult
for an LGBT actually this is
Adam Curry: a pretty interesting
clip. I've carried this over for
a few shows. This is what Rachel
Levine had to say. And it's
about Florida. This is why I
play it the don't say gay law
but just listen to what P she
you think used to be Richard.
I'm just gonna dead name because
this I don't even believe that
Rachel Levine is transferred
because because he believes he's
trans. I just it's hard for me
to believe that seems like a
John C Dvorak: Kind of like,
like the guy like to teach
Adam Curry: with the big boobs
Exactly. Feels like a gag again.
Unknown: One example would be
the quote unquote, don't say gay
law. In Florida. You know it,
studies show that one supportive
adult, one supportive adult for
an LGBTQ plus kid can make all
the difference in terms of
preventing suicide in terms of
them, being able to navigate the
world and to adulthood and
leading a you know, a happy,
successful, productive life.
Once sort of Dove. I'd love it
if that was always the parent,
but it's not always apparent.
Frequently, it's a teacher, or a
guidance counselor or some other
coach or another school
personnel. This law forbids kids
essentially from from talking to
these people, because they also,
it means that the that if you
tell a teacher, the teacher has
to tell the parent. And so it
really is, is a gag rule, it's a
gag law, to to to hell, and that
to two kids from accessing
supportive adults.
Adam Curry: So really is better
if, if this is just one, you
only need one supportive adult,
this is. Yes, I think if a
teacher, whatever your child is
going through a teacher should
talk to the parents about it
shouldn't be just and especially
not if teachers just have the
capability to enjoy. Let's go
talk to this doctor over here.
Anyway, that that's your
Assistant Secretary of Health
and Human Services. So now let's
listen to de Santos. As you
would say, Ronnie, I do not like
the directions he's headed. This
sounds like a good idea. But I
don't like it. So
Unknown: what is the digital
Bill of Rights? Well, we want to
protect your right as a
Floridian to have private in
person conversations without big
tech surveilling you, if you
want to consent to let them have
this information. So they can
fashion advertising based off of
it, it's your right to consent
to do so. But it should only be
if you consent, and they don't
have a right to have that
information. As a matter of
first principle, we also are
going to protect the right to
participate in online platforms
without unfair censorship. We
want free speech, we want more
speech, not less speech, we want
to protect the right to know how
these Internet search engines
are manipulating search results,
transparency, in terms of what
we're doing so that you can
evaluate whether that's a search
engine that you want to use. Or
maybe you want to take your
business elsewhere. We want to
protect your right to control
all your personal data on the
largest and most common
platforms, they take that
personal data, and they make a
fortune off your personal data.
So you're talking about Google,
Facebook, just a handful these
companies, they should really
get Express authorization from
you before they're able to
monetize that or use it in any
way. And then finally, digital
Bill of Rights aims to protect
children from various online
harms. And as we see, that's a
huge issue.
Adam Curry: Yeah, yeah. Somebody
Think of the children, there
should be no legislation. This
digital especially called the
Digital Bill of Rights. No,
these are all rights we have,
instead of what they want. What
DeSantis wants is he wants
control. He wants to control the
internet. This is why they all
put but it's net neutrality is
the same thing. I mean, this,
this debate will not end well.
You don't really want this you
want education. You want to tell
people, here's the here's all
the crap that's going down.
Here's the systems and here's
the companies that do it. Here's
what they do. Just just educate
people continuously. That's what
they need. Not to Oh,
government's going to save me
government's going to protect
me. That has never worked out.
I'm hoping you would agree with
me on this.
John C Dvorak: Well, just to
take the other side of it,
because you do that to me now
every day. Well, you deserve and
I would pray. I would say it's
just blather. It's just he's
just talking out of his ass
because none of this is going to
happen one way or the other. Oh,
that's digital. Right? That's
just Italys just bullshit.
That's just as good. I'll take
Adam Curry: Look, okay, I want
to move to climate change
because there's stuff happening.
Yes, yes, there's good stuff
happening and climate change the
Unknown: means
Adam Curry: a war on me. Let's
make meat look bad. We
Unknown: also learned today that
a Wisconsin company paid more
than one and a half million
dollars in fines for violating
child labor laws. The Labor
Department says packers
sanitation services had more
than 100 children, some as young
as 13, working at more than a
dozen meat processing plants in
eight states.
Adam Curry: Now when I was 13 I
had jobs like that not
meatpacking. But
John C Dvorak: I wouldn't think
so. No,
Adam Curry: but there were
there. I worked. I did work for
FAR. I worked for a butcher. I
did some stuff and I didn't
actually pack the meat. But I
was around I mean, you're not
allowed to have a job when
you're 13
John C Dvorak: like a Saturday
jobs when I was 13. I had jobs
Adam Curry: when I was a
paperboy. Same with me. Is that
not allowed anymore?
John C Dvorak: I said I said I
think it is but I think when I
was a kid and I wanted to work
in a factory and I wasn't which
is, you know, in high school,
for example, you had to get a
work permit.
Adam Curry: Oh, okay. I've never
gotten that.
John C Dvorak: So I got a work
permit to work a full time job
and during the summer, and I
think you had to be 14 to get to
work permit or 15 to 14,
probably. And you get these it
was really just a rubber stamp.
Adam Curry: Exactly me well, by
Nike. There's no children
involved in gluing that
John C Dvorak: All right, well,
that's a good point. It's kind
of hypocritical report.
Adam Curry: Let's go down to the
electric vehicles. There's a hit
out on EVs. It has to it has to
happen because we're moving to
clean hydrogen, which just will
not work 56,000 hydrogen
vehicles already on the road in
America. So they say, Here's
Bloomberg. Kind of setting the
narrative. This was a podcast,
by the way, setting the
narrative with this guy, Steven
schork about just how bad
electric vehicles are for the
environment. This obviously
revolves around the battery.
Unknown: You said a line there,
I think it was EVs are certainly
not that environmentally
friendly. Explain that to us.
Yeah. I mean, this look what's
happening in California right
now, we're at the first
lifecycle ending of those solar
panels. California does not
never had a plan to dispose of
those solar panels. So now all
the heavy metal that was sold
pens was sitting in a dumps with
potential of all the heavy
metals in there leaking out into
the environment. And now when
you factor in the fact that EVs
are such a small percentage of
the global market, when we talk
about the amount of Earth, and
we're talking about something
about the size of the state of
Arizona, and Nevada, just here,
the United States to see our
demand, the amount of Earth
you're going to have to rip up
to get to these heavy metals. So
that's we're ripping up China,
we're going to rip up the Congo,
which we already are, we're
going to rip up Argentina to get
to the to the cobalt there, when
we have to rip up that earth it
will make 120 130 years of coal
mining and oil drilling look
like a pinprick of the amount of
environmental degradation we're
gonna have to do to get those
virtue signaling and heavy
metals into that evey battery
states and why don't we have in
that conversation more? I don't
know. I mean, it's what we're
doing because we're such a
fractured political donation, if
I'm seeing something 49 50% of
the people watching this think
I'm nuts and think I'm some kind
of pushing some sort of agenda.
I'm just looking for a meeting
of the minds and I want to I
want to I want to really promote
my hybrid. It's the best of both
worlds. It's a little bit of
fossil dough going away there.
And it's a little bit of
electricity. It's a little bit
of both compromise.
Adam Curry: Yeah, there it is.
The war is on and this is my
favorite one. Oh, Tesla recalls,
Unknown: voluntarily recalling
more than 360,000 vehicles
warning that it's experimental
Driver Assistance software may
cause crashes. Federal
investigators say Tesla's full
self driving beta software can
send cars straight through
intersections where there's a
turn only lane failed to come to
a full stop at stop signs or
blow through yellow lights. It
says it will update the software
in the impacted vehicles.
Adam Curry: So the choice here
for the term recall is very
interesting for
John C Dvorak: very
controversial NPR locally, I
didn't have the clip, but I was
gonna get it it just seemed a
little long and boring. But they
made a big fuss about it Tesla
made the first it was must be so
why we're not nobody has to
drive their car indices and over
there were software fix. Why do
you insist on calling it a
recall? And NPR persisted on
calling it a recall as though
they were in on it. Here's ABC
Unknown: CEO Elon Musk
is taking issue with the word
recall saying using that word
for an over the air software
update is just plain wrong.
Adam Curry: Yeah, but she's on
the losing end. He's on the
losing end while
John C Dvorak: he was I doing
clip for this series Tesla crash
Unknown: is dead after
Adam Curry: a Tesla slam into a
fire truck in the East Bay
happened this morning. A
northbound six ad Firefighters
say the Tesla hit a truck that
was blocking a different crash
driver died at the scene.
Passenger and four firefighters
were taken to the hospital. They
have all since been released.
Yeah, I love the Super Bowl
commercials. Most people who
hate Tesla was not Yeah, it was
Tesla, right. They're out to get
them they're out to get they're
out to eat well, ever
John C Dvorak: since Musk said
vote Republican. And ever since
he began ever since the
Adam Curry: Twitter files. Of
course. Maybe he's only maybe
he's not that smart. Oh, what
did I just say there?
John C Dvorak: Maybe this is a
part of a bigger play.
Adam Curry: No, no, he just made
each. He's just not impressive.
I've met him he's not
impressive. He didn't start
these kinds. Companies he was
put in there by Sequoia Capital.
Roelof, Botha is the CEO another
South African. It's the Cabal.
And you know, and his hair is
fake news. I hate I hate to do
it, but it's just like. And he
was really, really unattractive
and balding, and now he's just
not balding and unattractive.
And it just doesn't seem smart.
He just talk talk talks,
interestingly. Alright, the view
had a scoop. She didn't come to
see them, of course, because she
no longer flies. But I guess
Greta is back on the scene.
Unknown: In the last five years,
Greta Thun Berg has gone from a
solo student activist to an
international icon and the
movement to combat climate
change. Now she and more than
100 experts are sounding yet
another global warning on the
crisis in the climate book,
which is right here joining us
from Sweden. Please welcome
Greta Thun Berg.
Thank you for coming on the
show. Congratulations on the
book, we should point out that
it's been 60 degrees here in New
York this week in mid February,
just saying
Adam Curry: just didn't we have
like a an Arctic bomb? Oh, gosh.
Just Damn. Weather is not
Unknown: I wonder how would you
describe where we stand today in
terms of climate, the climate
crisis? Are we better or worse
off than when you began striking
five years ago?
Adam Curry: Now what would the
answer be to this question?
John C Dvorak: In your worst
self, of course,
Adam Curry: is that really all
your full Ramsar? Is that the if
you're Greta, that's all you
would say? We're just worse off?
John C Dvorak: How dare you say
that very dare you.
Unknown: It depends on how you
see it. If you see it. From one
perspective, the concentration,
the level of co2 in the
atmosphere is higher now than it
was before. We are seeing more
and more natural disasters, more
people are displaced more people
are losing their lives and
livelihoods due to the
consequences of the climate
crisis. So in that,
Adam Curry: who's losing a job
over the consequence of the
climate crisis.
John C Dvorak: craniums are
Unknown: more people are losing
their lives and livelihoods due
to the consequences of the
climate crisis. So in that
sense, we are far worse off than
we were before. But also we can
see that more and more people
are starting to stand up and
speak up, speak out about these
issues, and more people are
mobilizing so but it's going
wait way too slow. So I would
say we're both better off and
much worse off.
Adam Curry: It's better and
worse. Wrong. My question would
be, what do you think of those
stickers on? On gas tanks and
gas stations of you? What do you
think of that question? No, no,
no, we can't do that. We have to
bring in some culture and Greta.
I'm sorry. Go ahead.
John C Dvorak: I was gonna say
if I was gonna ask her stuff. I
asked her if she was okay with
all these private jets that fly
into these climate meetups.
Adam Curry: Well, she doesn't
fly anymore. You see, so you
didn't fly out. But
John C Dvorak: is she okay with
everybody else flying in and
it's private jets?
Adam Curry: Did I play the Bill
Gates? answer to that question.
John C Dvorak: I don't think
like the Jeffrey Epstein is dead
Adam Curry: known. Know about
the private key of the BBC asked
gates that very question.
John C Dvorak: What do you say
to the charge that if you are a
climate change campaigner, but
you also travel around the world
and a private jet, you're a
hypocrite? Well, I, I
Unknown: by the gold standard of
funding climeworks to do direct
air capture that far exceeds my
family's carbon footprint. And I
spend billions of dollars on on
climate innovation. I'm so good.
So, you know, should I stay at
home and not come to Kenya and
learn about farming and malaria?
Anyway, I mean, I'm
uncomfortable with the idea that
not only am I not part of the
problem by paying for the
offsets, but also through the
billions that my Breakthrough
Energy Group is spending that
I'm part of the
Adam Curry: I'm good, I'm
virtuous, I spend money
John C Dvorak: i There should be
a follow up question. And I
could have been the one to ask
it. Even though everyone else
should have asked it. Bill. You
used to refuse to fly in private
jets and only go commercial
Adam Curry: coach and you fly
coach. That's right. I remember
they always
John C Dvorak: flew coach, in
fact, and the thing of course,
the gimmick there was he flew
coach, but he always got
upgraded by the airline, because
he was so rich. So they always
move in the first class and I
ran into him once on a flight
and I went in first class where
he was and chatted with him for
a bit and I went back to coach
afterwards, where you belong,
where I belong. Marriage. So, so
he used to always do that he
refused to get a private jet
until he married and Melinda is
the one who got him to
Adam Curry: No, no, I think once
he was on that Epstein Lolita
Express, he's like, this is the
John C Dvorak: I think that's
what happened. I think he got on
the Epstein plane after he got
Adam Curry: I'm going to skip
the credit because just not
interesting because now that
Africa is I just need to play a
couple of Africa clips because
Africa is so on deck. Now, we
are going to not not that we
haven't been already but the EU,
China, United States, Russia,
all positioning to rape Africa.
But we got to change a few
things. First, here's Antonio
Contreras, who is the Secretary
General of the United Nations.
Unknown: Well, after the opening
of the African Union summit, the
UN Secretary General Antonio
Guterres said that the African
countries are being denied much
needed debt relief, he sought
reforms to the structures of
international finance to better
serve the needs of developing
Investing in Africa best ways to
prosperity requires finance and
developing countries are
repeatedly left in the lurch.
The global financial system
routinely denies them depth
relief and concessional
financing, while charging
extortionate interest rates. As
a result, vital systems are
starved of investment from Elson
education to green technology,
social protection and the
creation of new sustainable
Adam Curry: Now this is the
thing we keep hearing is that we
need to change international
finance. This is not being done
the right way. We've heard we
need to change the leadership at
the World Bank because we need
everyone to come together and
finance Africa for climate
change. And they got their wish
it's not the
Unknown: business Kate moody
Jones has sided with the news of
the precedence of the World Bank
is stepping down.
Early Malpass will be leaving
his post by the end of this
June. That's about a year before
his five year term would have
expired. The reasons for his
departure were not made clear
Adam Curry: and probably to
spend more time with his family.
Malpass was appointed
Unknown: by the former US
President Donald Trump in 2019.
He's overseeing the distribution
of aid to developing countries
as well as war torn Ukraine, and
just last week, an initial $1.8
billion for Turkey. He has the
courted controversy. Last year,
he declined to say whether he
believed human activity
contributed to climate change.
He later said he had been
misunderstood. The World Bank
has made the green transition
and fighting climate change a
key pillar of its mandate.
Adam Curry: Okay, so there you
go. We got rid of the problem
guy, we can now put everyone's
money to work. And we now have a
clear signal. Whenever war is
coming to a country, you first
get this report.
Unknown: The satellite based
internet soon to be provided by
billionaire Elon Musk's high
speed Satellite Internet venture
is expected to give students and
teachers in Rwanda access to
educational resources and
digital tools. The program is
expected to begin this February.
Adam Curry: Yeah, don't ever
Elon Musk deploy Starling to a
country war is coming. Because
that's the sales job. Once you
have it deployed, then you just
flip the switch and sell it to
the military under what's it
called? Defense link or
whatever. Yeah, same thing.
Yeah, same thing. Only 100 times
as expensive. So Africa for and
luckily Dave Ackerman is
scouring Africa news every
single day. That because that's
the only news we'll get about it
except that everyone has been to
different African countries. The
Russians, the Chinese, we have
the Brits, everyone's everyone's
going to Africa getting it all.
John C Dvorak: You're giving it
up behind the scenes somewhere.
Adam Curry: What do you mean
they're giving it up? Divi?
Divi? Divi? Oh, yeah, possible
very possible. We say
John C Dvorak: well, if you join
my climb, it lets you play this
whole clip of mine. NPR clip on
DeSantis you have to look it up
because it's from a couple of
shows ago DeSantis and climate
Adam Curry: after Santos came
back into the picture. Got it.
Unknown: Florida Governor Ron
DeSantis has touted it
Adam Curry: was DeSantis we're
doing it wrong. We said DeSantis
de Santos its DeSantis Florida
Unknown: Governor Ron DeSantis
has touted a record amount of
spending to help his state
prepare for the effects of
climate change. But his policy
on that front is coming under
scrutiny by many residents still
reeling from Hurricane Ian. Amy
green of W MFE and Orlando
Jason Diaz awoke in the middle
of the night to the sound of
trickling water.
When I stepped up. I was already
ankle deep in water.
The next few hours were a blur
of evacuating family members and
neighbors Whereas in swimming
through five feet of water. A
few days later, Diaz sat near a
noisy idling bus outside the
Kissimmee Civic Center, which
had been turned into a shelter
for the displace like him.
Virtually everything he owned
was swamped back at his
Massaro about losing my stuff is
just that I had. And I might get
emotional. I had a collection of
collectibles for my grandkids
that I've been collecting for 30
years. And that's all gone.
When Hurricane Ian hit Florida.
It destroyed coastal communities
in southwest Florida, before
causing widespread flooding
across the state's interior. The
hurricane show is what states
like Florida faces climate
change leads to more extreme
weather DeSantis has focused his
climate change policy on
resilience. Under his
leadership, the state has put
more than a billion dollars
toward hardening infrastructure
against rising seas and more
destructive storms. The governor
Republican faces reelection next
month and is considered a
potential front runner for the
GOP presidential nomination in
2024. During a stop in Daytona
Beach, DeSantis said he's
noticed that newer
infrastructures seem to fare
better against hurricane Ian,
the stuff
that was new same with some of
the homes you do see the impact
of that. And so I think we were
right to to do things like we
have with the resilient
DeSantis this program was signed
into law in 2021, which means
it's unlikely to have had a big
impact on infrastructure before
the hurricane. Environmental
groups say the governor's
climate change. Okay.
Adam Curry: That was really
pretty boring.
John C Dvorak: It was very
boring. That's probably what
wasn't played.
Adam Curry: What was that
actually about? Wait, he was
John C Dvorak: climatologist was
going to be a good guy to vote
Adam Curry: was that MTD? told
me it was?
John C Dvorak: No that was NPR?
Goodness. Which makes no sense
if you think about it.
Adam Curry: Oh, that rule
actually kind of hurt. Yeah. Did
you have something else before
we? Here's I'll tell you what
we're gonna do. We have not even
touched on Ohio. I know
everyone's so excited to talk
about Ohio. So we'll have to
talk about Ohio, Ohio, Ohio,
Ohio. Because that's all we can
talk about because it's the
political gambit of the hour.
Abused by every every politician
almost from the get go. And also
about Turkey a turkey ADA semana
news we should talk about there
but before that, I'd like to say
in the morning to you the man
who put the sea in the
fraudulent claims of fraud
ladies and gentlemen, please say
hello to my friend on the other
end Mr. John C. davara.
John C Dvorak: Morning to you
Mr. Adam curiosity in the
morning all ships to see boots
to the ground feet in the air,
substance and water and all the
days and nights out in the
Adam Curry: to the trolls over
there in the troll room. We've
had a lot of trolls hanging out
in the troll room and you can be
one if you want troll room.io
You can log in right that you do
need an email address that
actually works. Some trolls
thing to oh, I can circumvent
this by doing a fake email
address. No, because you have to
confirm that you're that you're
there. So we have so we can
register trolls and track you
down and shoot you. So let's
2294 I think that's a good
John C Dvorak: Yeah, you know,
it's pretty standard for Sunday.
Adam Curry: Well, that's not
bad. It's been worse, that's for
sure. trolls, TROLLS, you can
also become a troll in the
following manner get a new app,
a modern app that actually has
all these capabilities and we
have a new website it used to be
new podcast apps.com still in
play. Now we have podcast
apps.com These are the ones you
want. And guess what not on
their Apple Spotify podcast
apps.com You can find many
modern podcast apps where you
can actually get an alert go
straight into the troll room
troll wrong here the live stream
and you get all your podcasts in
there as well at pod bursts
podcast attic Casta curio caster
all of these work perfectly.
Yeah, now let us Oh, of course
we also have no agenda
social.com where you can you can
follow Adam at no agenda
social.com Jhansi Dvorak at no
agenda social.com No digital
bill of rights over there. You
do whatever you want, pretty
much just Don't piss me off
because then you know, I can
kick you off if I feel like it.
Or if John tells me to, which
happens a lot. John will say
kick that guy off. Okay.
John C Dvorak: I'd like twice
okay. All right in five years.
Adam Curry: Now, let us thank
the artists. The no agenda
artists who are incredibly kind
with their value they contribute
to the show every single show
while we're doing it live they
are creating art. We will use
one of these pieces will choose
it right after the show was
done. We thank the artist for
episode 1530. We titled that one
red queen Roger roundy had it it
just made us laugh. It had kind
of it had a nice appeal to it
too. was the what are those
flowers of those like? Those
yellow flowers?
John C Dvorak: This is a flower
of some sort.
Adam Curry: Like a water lily of
some sort. Yeah, it looked it
looks a bit like a lily. I'm
sorry about your pipeline love
CIA and curry Dvorak separated
by a little cartoonish bomb. It
somehow it struck the right
chord with us.
John C Dvorak: It definitely
made you laugh a lot. Yeah, I
Adam Curry: did. Well, I laugh.
That's kind of what I'm looking
for. I'm always looking for a
laugh that makes a cheap laugh.
Yes, that makes both of us.
chuckle is even better. There
were a couple of ones in there
that were that were pretty
cheap. Let's see. A lot has been
added. I can see now. We
actually debated quite a while
about the the aircraft with the
John C Dvorak: With the preamps
I use it for the newsletter. I
saw that now. What was at issue
with this? Well, for one thing,
it's not an F 22 Raptor. Yes, I
believe that's an F 16. So that
Oh, Pa of epic proportions.
Obviously. It's also clipart
which was fine. He's probably
licenses, but it's been around a
little too much that clipart
I've seen too often.
Adam Curry: Yeah, it was really
good. We always do the Google
Image Search and but the
John C Dvorak: pins were
dynamite. Yes. I mean, we could
have used it
Adam Curry: but we're just
really afraid of comics or
Blogger giving a shit so he's
John C Dvorak: go off. It's
really fun is really so who
created the comic strip blogger
had a really good piece, but we
both knew just by looking at
that it was done by AI so
Adam Curry: automatically off
the list. We thought the was
that Kareem Abdul Jabbar Top Gun
by networks. Very funny. very
racist. We figured that wouldn't
work. Oh, she had her. Which one
was this? She's the pilot. She's
the Top Gun pilot. We knew that
we would be called up for
racist. We just saw it like nah,
that's not gonna work.
John C Dvorak: Yeah, that's no
Adam Curry: l Biden, which is
kind of funny, but we don't like
del Biden. We don't like and the
green el Biden.
John C Dvorak: Well, that's the
comic strip blogger, one that
obviously can't draw. That's
right. That's the one that we
hated because it's a and I liked
the one next to it to this
sneaky Bearcat. But it's a
little bit very obscure,
Adam Curry: very obscure,
obscure. Then there was some
poker stuff. Some confusing
stuff. What was this lien which
I still don't understand still
talking about balloons.
Capitalist agenda had a red
queen rising, I'd say semi
cheese cake. Which we like, but
no one would understand it.
Everything seemed messy to me. I
mean, it was
John C Dvorak: it was it wasn't
a show with a lot of material
that would be amenable for
Appspot art.
Adam Curry: So you're saying
that we failed. We fell down? We
didn't have we didn't have a
show that has good to topics? Or
good gags or good job?
John C Dvorak: Well, yeah,
that's what I'm saying. It's
possible. It's possible.
Adam Curry: It's possible. But
anyway, Roger roundy I think it
was very surprised himself. Oh,
John C Dvorak: No, his he's the
pieces that when he's one. It's
never for his good art.
Adam Curry: Right. When he when
he swing into swing out of his
cleats. It never happens. Just
throw something out there. Yeah,
we'll go for that. Thank you
very much Roger round and we
appreciate that. And the work of
all of the artists who support
no agenda with value for value.
We ask for your time, your
talent, your treasure. Go look
at Gitmo, the Gitmo list.org You
see all of the things that
people have put up websites,
including a no agenda show.net
including no agenda meetups.com.
I mean, the only thing we've
actually done ourselves is
DeVore act.org/na. And it's
problematic. So and by the way,
it's changing out here getting
the change in first quarter,
first quarter. Now we'd like to
thank our producers we have
Yeah, let
John C Dvorak: me let me do the
first one because the second
one's by special request. Okay.
And can I just one here just
Adam Curry: finish my rap about
producers? Sure.
John C Dvorak: What was it?
Adam Curry: Well, our producers,
they bring the treasure part of
time, talent and treasure. In
addition to that, they get
credits so we have Associate
Executive Producer $200 or above
$300 above gets you an executive
producer. These are forever
credits you can use wherever
credits are recognized and
accepted. IMDB is a good place
to go take a look and we have
some very nice donations today.
We're quite happy with you go
for it.
John C Dvorak: We're already
happy with this one for sure.
This is Kim keep keeper of the
nutty fluffers who's been around
and she's in Hubbard, Oregon.
She says right Since she even
with $2,000
Adam Curry: Whoa yeah we are
happy with that one man
John C Dvorak: came to this
conclusion after the deep fake
of Joe Biden rapping at the end
of show 1528 pushed her over the
edge. I knew then in there I had
that I do listen. Emphasize on
due to the best podcast in the
universe. I also need to call my
dad John and my mom melody out
as douchebags. One more I will
continue to harassment until
they donate individually nice.
Also, I need to ask for a little
upgrade or title upgrade. From
this point forth. I'd like to be
known as Countess Kim, keeper of
the nutty fluffers thank you so
much for all that you to do. I'm
going to show you an upgrade
list. I'm not sure I believe I
do. But classy count just Kim of
the nutty fluffers in Hubbard,
Oregon that she needs some
jingles. Okay. All right to D to
F cancer karma.
Unknown: Okay.
You've got
Adam Curry: no, I just want to
check because we have we have a
producer to thank then. End of
show mix producer for that Joe
Biden mix. Was it this one this
books? No, it was. It was not.
It was not the previous one.
What episode was it? Did she
John C Dvorak: Oh,
Adam Curry: I think was 1529.
John C Dvorak: Well, whatever it
was, there was a good rap that
was done by a Joe Biden voice.
Adam Curry: Alright, and I just
want to make sure we give props
as che Z. I think it was che Z
with a tweet Biden bops
infomercial. I think that's the
one. So we appreciate you go the
end of show mixers, producers
helping us out in all kinds of
different ways. Beautiful. Thank
you very much. And thank you.
Yes, she's a keeper. The naughty
fluffers is on the upgrade list.
Now we go to Philip Stasek, who
was specifically requested I
read this one out because he
says my sister would have
appreciated your sultry voice.
As a side note. This insert Dame
hood is a switcheroo and
dedication to my bright and
beautiful sister Jessica, who
tragically lost to the sea to
power of the ocean while
vacationing together in the Free
State of Florida last week. She
was the oldest of three siblings
aged 43 And the only daughter to
my parents she leaves behind her
loving husband Mike. They were
together for almost 26 years
highschool sweethearts started
dating at age 17. And they never
had a fight. My sister hit me in
the mouth, the beginning of the
nonsense, and they're still
trying to sell as COVID Back in
March of 2020. I've listened to
every podcast since and always
appreciated the conversation and
laughter with my sister while
discussing the latest episodes.
Unfortunately, I've been a
douchebag but I know my sister
was part of the Sustainable
donation for some time and
proudly contributed to the best
podcast in the universe working
towards her Dame hood. I wanted
this donation to ensure that can
sheet that she can sit at the
big table in heaven and
celebrate her Dame name Dame
delphinium Jessore. That's
$1,000 By the way, at the
roundtable Please serve up some
grass fed beef from the local
Ranch, pure h2o, fresh garden
vegetables and herbs and post
office some heavenly hunk chunks
whatever that is. This donation
also goes out as a plea to the
no agenda nation to help her
husband Mikey to try to navigate
and land back on his feet
through this difficult time. His
world has literally been flipped
upside down she was his light
and his everything please
consider donating to the best
podcast in the in the universe.
But also please consider
donating to justice GoFundMe
page from Mike please see links
below to her obituary and the
GoFundMe page. John see I still
hold the bottle of wine that she
has that she got from me for my
40th birthday based on your
personal recommendation. She was
very impressed by your prompt
response. This will now be
reserved for a very special day
to opened likely her birthday.
Lastly, please call out Steve
from work as a douchebag in the
obituary strong and a yacht
karma, please. Okay. Fantastic.
You got it man.
Unknown: You've got
Adam Curry: ah, Harmer and I
have ordered everything you
requested for the for the
roundtable for her. Thank you
very much sorry. And condolences
Of course,
John C Dvorak: sir Nacho
Alcatraz is up from Mexico. And
he says a poem he says no agenda
podcast oh so bright. Adam and
John bring truth to light. It's
good. News deconstruction
saintly, saved listen and learn.
Be truly brave. Sincerely, Chet
GPT and Sir Nacho Alcatraz. He
had a done by the machine is
that what he's trying to claim
your only Zippy can do Oh, and
he came in with $500. I'm gonna
go and read Brock Robinson's
Oxford, Alabama 333 76 I don't
have a note from him. I'll look
and I'll look Well, Adam reads
the next fabulous note as
Adam Curry: well give him a
double up karma just in case you
don't find the note you've got
Unknown: karma.
Adam Curry: Our next notes is
3333 dot 33. Our favorite
executive producer donation
number from the dirty Jersey
horror in Gladewater. Texas.
That's a guy by the way. No
jingles no karma. We'd like to
start off by saying no agenda
podcasts and no agenda community
as a whole has definitely
changed the trajectory of my
life not a joke, to the perils
of COVID and into the other
guiding principles such as sound
money, Bitcoin and sound food,
the beef initiative, y'all have
been a steady voice and constant
source of grounding. Thanks for
letting me ride along in this
fantastic journey. No exit
strategies for you. Yeah, he
wanted me to do that in the
voice of the soup Nazi. With
this donation I surpassed the
threshold to claim night status
I'd like to be known as Sir
dirty Jersey whore of the East
Texas Piney Woods. At the
roundtable. I'd like to request
Denver cut steak and a fresh new
england IPA from forgotten
roads. Ales quick shout out to
Texas Joe organized to meet up
in early 2020 at a brewery in
Magnolia Texas. I was there just
minding my own business. When
the subject of podcasts came up
in the tiny Taproom area. Joe
hit me in the mouth. I didn't
even realize it at the time.
Cheers Texas Joe. Now I host a
monthly meetup with the help of
Fletcher from hug story podcast
in hopes of inspiring some other
hapless victim. Thanks for being
awesome. Dirty Jersey whore. And
thank you, you know, he's like
six foot eight. The dirty Jersey
whore is yeah, it's quite quite
a dude. Quite a dude. Big, big
guy, big guy and
John C Dvorak: Agnes. Agnes Bay
log and a beer in Washington.
And he was ever been to Seattle
and rented a car and knows where
that is. Jared John C. And Adam.
This is my first donation please
de douche me.
Unknown: You've been de deuced
John C Dvorak: I was hitting the
mouse on the Barnhardt podcast
in December 2021. Your media
deconstruction probably saved my
life and it certainly saved my
sanity. I'm one of those
traditional Latin Mass Catholics
originally identified by the ER
that was recently identified by
the FBI as a possible domestic
terrorist. We must be doing
something right anywho I love
you guys. Thanks for making me
laugh and opening my eyes have
loved hearing about Adam and the
keepers faith journey. Lots of
Catholics praying for you guys
over the Barnhardt podcasts
including myself. There's
something you know, no Karna but
a Sharpton jingle Can you bear
it Christ is king. Big hugs.
Agnes from Buren, Washington,
Adam Curry: which is out by the
airport. Apparently there's no
real contract. Leon Atkinson
Martinez, California to 1870 and
I have a typewritten note here.
I've enclosed to 1872 Mark my
53rd NATO anniversary. Two years
ago, I felt nostalgic for
listening to the daily source
code I'm grateful to have read
just rediscovered a couple of
people who aren't totally full
of bull crap. Everyone else
seems to have lost their minds
of late Yes. Well, when you're
part of the no agenda, community
connection is protection. But
your conversations have been a
calming respite. I look forward
to them on my regular walks in
the hills above the Carquinez
Strait. I guess this offering of
value qualifies me for a de
Unknown: dee doo Oh,
Adam Curry: but I'm gonna pull a
switcheroo and give all the
credit to my wife Vicki 25 years
and we've never had a fight.
Aside from being the best life
partner she helps me run 18
intelligence 18 inc.com Our
humble internet consultancy Oh,
that's interesting. I should
look that up one eight i n t
18 inc.com. For jingles I
challenge you to dig up the
power of pure intellect I looked
for it. That's the daily source
code opener loss. I have no idea
where it is. I don't think it's
their follow up with some karma
that I can do. I will take that
as a signal to begin meditation
on loving kindness toward
myself. My family nights dame's
two of you, and even all those
people out there who are still
100% full of bull crap, aka
grist for the mill. And you
signs Leon Atkinson? All right,
I'm gonna make the switcheroo
right now.
Unknown: You've got
John C Dvorak: Aida in Richmond
Hill, Ontario, Canada, to 6453
just made a donation from Canada
for 373 So we should upgrade
this person to executive
producer. But the Pay Pal pays
didn't give me an option for a
short note. Tom Peroni is the
person who introduced me to your
show several years Tom Peroni
donation several years ago, I
haven't looked back since this
is the message I would like to
share. By the way, her interest
or her event I'm sorry, the the
intro into the note is longer
than the note. Yes. Just say you
just And the note is fine. Thank
you for all you do. This world
needs sanity. the sanity of your
show requests the relationship
karma for my daughter Emily, who
has been searching for an
injected partner for a while.
He's out there somewhere. Cheers
Adam Curry: Yeah, well that
means we gotta roll out the
goat. You've got the goat always
helps. Let us know if you find
him. Work fuller is in Batavia,
New York with a $250 donation
and writes in on very handsome
looks like Bicentennial
stationery. Buzz plus kill. Just
because it's the best podcast in
the universe calmer for all
Gitmo nation because we all need
it from work ie fuller.
Unknown: You've got karma.
John C Dvorak: Sir Jeremy chum
fatty in Oakville, California
wine country. 22233 ITM John and
Adam Great show have some money.
Sir. Jeremy.
Adam Curry: Thank you, Daddy. We
always love the ducks quarter.
ODEX Cory Tibbets, Westminster,
Colorado 220 dot 21. This
donation about
John C Dvorak: Bradley. You love
Adam Curry: I'm sorry, Bradley.
Two, two 2.22 Road ducks. That's
the road ducks. I was thinking
of Bradley Fox from pesky
Island, Maine. Thank you both
for all you do. Would you add me
to the birthday list for Oh 222
You bet. It's a little early.
But you bet. You're here. You're
on it.
John C Dvorak: Cory Tibbets, the
aforementioned in Westminister,
Colorado, to 20 dot 21. This
donation of 220 21 is an honor
my smokin hot girlfriend, Amy
Trevor, and our two year
anniversary. I love you. And I
look forward to many years of
adventure I had because the
surgery is now complete. And
we're living but to but
indefinitely. Thanks for being
my best friend and lover
relationship karma to all that's
Adam Curry: What kind of surgery
is that?
John C Dvorak: They've now
attached it to but
Adam Curry: I guess in some
Unknown: you've got karma
Adam Curry: over to Nashville,
Tennessee 220 from Kirsty
Barnett's first heard Adam on
Glenn Beck that donation hit my
husband in the mouth now we
listen to every show many
blessings to you and John
although I really hate the D
word. I suppose I must request a
de douching you know jingles no
karma actually a Dred Scott who
does our chapters gave me a new
word. You can instead of a
douche pouch you can say a
douche bag, a juice pouch.
That's what he said. That's
gross. D D pouching. And D
juicing D deuced
John C Dvorak: pouch. You know
if you don't like the word
Adam Curry: don't don't use it
at all. Yeah.
John C Dvorak: Sir Eric's up.
He's the last guy here on this
list of Associate Executive
producers and executive producer
season. Good old Murfreesboro,
Tennessee. Dear John and Adam. I
request all karma possible. All
karma for Melanie am in Texas.
Thank you, sir Eric Knight of
Sam hain.
Unknown: You've got
Adam Curry: Carmen now those are
the Executive Associate
Executive producers. Do you have
a few more to thank down to the
50s and John's gonna do that
while I prepare our meetup
reports and our Daming ceremony
which is on deck today?
John C Dvorak: Well, let's start
off with Christine in Raleigh,
North Carolina $133.33 followed
by Belinda Schreurs sch R e u r
s in Devon meadows, Australia.
And it's a switcheroo for
smoking smoking hot has been
mark for his 57th birthday which
is coming up on the list. Thomas
Baird, in Tilburg Netherlands.
Another birthday donation. I'm
not seeing any switcheroo or
anything so let's go to Kevin if
Na came in. One One roared
dicks. Kevin Pfizer burger Fagor
berg is 100 He descended a note
which is pastries just a short
notes and great show. Yeah. Ryan
Ronnie Chambliss in Attica,
Indiana 100. Another birthday
Mark handle in Vernal, Utah.
100. Sir Kevin McLaughlin, right
there following it up, he's up
to number 134 135 some
outrageous number of boob
donations of 808 followed by
Steven of the pop Qudra in Fort
Collins, Colorado, and 808 is
the first time on the boob
trainees a de douching. You've
been de deuced Jason maror 80
bucks and Vancouver Washington.
Raymond Bressler in Arlington,
Washington 6996 Serene minutes
Is that sir Rick? That's a good
one. Well, we have a new back
office and they don't know that
it was nicknames off the top of
their head has to be written on
the done the well he can't
because this is a bank check. I
think it sir Rick Ross, Mark
Rosinski and Los Altos,
California 6969. Impressed by
the show Blue Moon bossman
Bozeman, Blue Moon Bozeman and
Belgrade, Montana 67 Michael
Vivi errs and Sanborn 10 New
Hampshire 6633. Kevin O'Brien in
Chicago, Illinois 606. Michael
Myers in Mandeville, Louisiana
5510 Nisa de douching
Unknown: de deuced.
John C Dvorak: Dean Roker 5510
Armando Guerrera in Bandera
Texas, hey,
Adam Curry: you know these the
guy who when spelled inspired
mailman, Dan to donate on the
last show $500 And he used to be
my mail carrier in Austin. Guess
what? He's now moved 30 minutes
down the road to Carville. He's
following me he's stalking me.
John C Dvorak: He probably is
your handler.
Adam Curry: I hope so.
John C Dvorak: I want to Mondo
get donate 55 clays Henry in
Rancho Palos Verdes, California
5242 Andrew Benz and Imperial
Missouri 5005. Trent Trueblood
in Scottsdale Arizona 5001. And
onward with the $50 donors name
and location if I have both
gadget freak in Western Springs,
Illinois Andrew gusik In Sir
Andrew in Greensboro, North
Carolina Tatiana Prince in
Hollywood, Florida, Joe Oswald
and Lithia Florida, Nathan
Cochran in Franklin, Tennessee
Stephen Schumacher in Xenia,
Ohio Peter odo in Ridge New
York. Alexandre ver, ver de HO
and Gig Harbor, Washington Scott
lavender and gunnery, Texas,
Leanne Shipley and Covington are
Covington, Washington, Daniel
Galloway in Marietta Georgia
Allen Fletcher in Rio Verde,