July 20th, 2023 • 3h 17m
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Adam Curry: Take your pants off
the public.
Unknown: Adam curry, John C
Adam Curry: 2020 23 This is your
award winning give a nation
media assassination episode
1574. This is no agenda
possessing the M five mn
broadcasting live from the heart
of the Texas no country here in
FEMA Region number six eat in
the morning, everybody. I'm Adam
John C Dvorak: I'm from Northern
Silicon Valley where I can say
that when I was a kid, computers
took a long time to boot. And
Jhansi Dvorak
Unknown: and Buzzkill.
Adam Curry: Well, yes, when I
was a kid, we had to boot the
computer from a cassette tape.
Oh, yeah. Do you go that far
John C Dvorak: Oh, yeah. Kansas
City standard.
Adam Curry: Kansas City
standard. Okay. I go back to the
Sinclair ZX ad, which I think
it's not
John C Dvorak: it's not that far
back. And it's still pretty
Adam Curry: It's not it's not
it's not. I mean, most people go
work. Now the Commodore VIC 20,
the precursor to the 64. The
Commodore PET. The trash at the
Tandy Color Computer, the trs
100. I still have that one.
Remember the trs 100? Yeah. I
love that. That little box. So
why did you say this? But I'm
trying to think of more
computers that I've had. Well,
then the 64 actually the when
the 64 came, and then people
start gaming. That's when I put
it away. And that's when I
became famous. So let that be a
lesson to y'all.
John C Dvorak: Put your
computer's away kids.
Adam Curry: That's the essential
lesson. Yes. Well, John, we've
been talking about it, I think.
I think he's in play to us.
Victoria Newlands terms, I think
we're in play. Bobby, the OP.
That's his new name, Bobby The
up and pop. Bobby the OP is in
play ladies and gentlemen. This
guy is is this a lot going on
with him. I've tried to clean up
his audio once again.
John C Dvorak: Uh, you know,
this is an interesting situation
with his voice making making it
difficult for that. And I will
use the word I don't like using
it. I'm gonna use fabulous Adobe
product. Yes. It was just as a
wonderful job of taking
background noise out taking out
wind taking out all these
things. But this guy's voice is
an anomaly to the software
Adam Curry: the minute so I've
got an even cleaner version. I
put it through the software, the
background noise is gone. But
now you can't understand him
because the Adobe product makes
him read you makes him sing into
Intel. unintelligible language.
Listen, tell me if you can hear
this version. This is Bobby The
K on the Ashkenazi Jew. Chinese
bioengineered weapon
can you understand it now?
John C Dvorak: A bit, okay.
Adam Curry: It's not good
enough. Whatever it is, it just
does every single time I tried.
It doesn't work. But here's
something interesting. So what
he's saying is he says there's
some studies he didn't say that
this was an air. No, this was
targeted to target everybody
except for the Jews. That's not
John C Dvorak: That's what they
want him to say. Well,
Adam Curry: let's just listen.
Before I get to my Redux clip.
Let's listen to Kareem Abdul
jumpier VanDamme. The way she
took it again, he said, Hey, you
know, from studies I've seen, it
seems like the AC two receptors,
like this thing was kind of
engineered so that it basic and
I think that's not even most
important part of the clip. At
the end of the clip, he says,
Now the Russians went in, they
found all these labs in Ukraine
that were connecting, collecting
Russian DNA, to target Russians
with bio weapons. And of course,
those Bio Labs, as we now know,
from Victoria Nuland were
American Bio Labs. So that's
maybe even more egregious than
the so called anti semitic
trope, which was not there at
all. It was in fact, in the
headline, the headline coming
from the New York Post, I might
add, so there's part of a
takedown there on behalf of the
John C Dvorak: child part of the
thing. Did you get the Naomi
Wolf piece I did
Adam Curry: I this Jewish agrees
nothing like a Jew is saying I'm
a Jewess. And I agree
John C Dvorak: with you nobody
uses force not
Adam Curry: are you crazy? You
can't use that but a Jewess can.
Good peace, and she
deconstructed it perfectly here.
So here's here's the White House
spokes, all the claims
Unknown: made on that tape is
false. It is vile, vile, and
they put our they put our fellow
Americans in danger. Think about
the racist and anti semitic
conspiracy theories that come
out of saying those types of
things. It's a it's an attack on
our fellow citizens or fellow
Americans. And so it is
important that we essentially
speak out. When we hear those
claims made more broadly, I want
to quote something that the
American Jewish Committee said,
which is the assertion that
COVID was genetically engineered
to spare Jewish and Chinese
people is deeply offensive.
Adam Curry: Why is that
offensive? Why is it deeply
offensive? And this, I'm so
tired of this, you know, like,
oh, anti semitic oats. He didn't
say anything of the kind, which
is, of course, lost to history,
because we can't actually play
it anywhere in any media where
you can understand what he's
saying. You have to watch the
video with subtitles, because of
the noise and his voice. And
John C Dvorak: yeah, it was
basically a Yeah, well, it was a
press dinner was still private.
Yeah, get it on, you know, the
offensive thing to me is is this
woman? Yes. I'll tell you one
reason why this is a little off
the wall. But the but the West
has been trying to eliminate
Africans since the 70s. Since
the Population Bomb, if you read
that book, again, that but that
book is not about having less
kids in the United States, even
though a lot of people took it
that way. That book was about
wiping out Africans. Yeah. So if
there's going to be genetic
targeting, it's going to be
against Africans, as she should
recognize that she's an idiot,
Unknown: and incredibly
dangerous. Every aspect of these
comments reflect some of the
most abhorrent anti semitic
conspiracy theories throughout
history and contributes to
today's dangerous rise of anti
semitism. And so this is
something that, you know, this
President and his whole
administration is going to stand
against when you hear that type
of false those false claims
against against those against
Asian Americans against Jewish
Americans are going to continue
to speak out. And we believe and
this is something that we just
heard. It's important to protect
the dignity and of of our fellow
Americans, it's important to
respect our fellow Americans.
And so it is, as you can
understand the core principle of
our country, blah, blah, blah.
John C Dvorak: Does she bridge
shit? Does she addressed the
fact that Biden snubbed and
Netanyahu in favor of this
President? No, of course, you
know, that anti semitic thing?
If anything, it was
Adam Curry: kind of funny
because what's her face? Her
face is Jayapal. So Jaya Paul,
made a statement about Israel
being racist. Oh, let's
Unknown: fix that. And top
Democrat in Congress is
apologizing after calling Israel
a, quote, racist state during an
event this weekend Congresswoman
Pramila Jayapal, the leader of
the Progressive Caucus said she
meant to say that Benjamin
Netanyahu is government has
engaged in racist policies, not
Israel as a nation. The
Democratic leadership has
released a statement of support
of Israel,
Adam Curry: okay. We're not anti
semitic, although everything the
Progressive Caucus does is anti
Israel because Palestine but
well, but not we don't think
John C Dvorak: that Israel are
not not Israeli. You don't think
anybody in that caucus likes any
Jew? Do you?
Adam Curry: I don't think so. I
don't think so. I'm just so
tired of it. Anyway, here's
what's interesting, I'm tired.
I'm tired of it anymore. I'm so
tired. So I used to being at.io.
It's like, we talked about this.
We talked about this in the very
early days of COVID. We talked
about this bio engineering
aspect, because if
John C Dvorak: you recall, I'll
just to remind people who may
have been listening back in the
day, it was initially thought
that this thing was targeting
Han Chinese, as you remember,
Adam Curry: listen to this.
Going back in time here. So you
all know it's back in time. I
don't know if this is true, but
I read a report and in fact,
it's gonna be likely untrue.
Because, you know, this stuff I
read and people I've talked to,
that so far really has only
affected Chinese or Chinese
Americans, in our case, but
Chinese and it's what appears to
affect Chinese and there are now
four cases in Israel. Which the
people I spoke to said it could
be that this goes by DNA and it
could be Ashkenazi. That will
also take too and I was just
thinking, how cool would it be
if it turned out that this virus
was really deadly, but watch
Well, that's why we're kind
John C Dvorak: of thinking is
this listen?
Adam Curry: Alright? It was
let's just say bring out your
Dad, let's put it this, let's
say that there was a particular
type of person that would be
more susceptible to carry the
virus could be Chinese, or could
be Ashkenazi. Could you imagine
how cool it is that all those
people have their DNA was 23 in
me, okay, so you get the idea.
But it was exactly the opposite,
which is interesting, that
change somewhere. I'm not sure
how that works. That was the the
initial reporting now of course,
John C Dvorak: the whole thing
was somewhat bogus. Yeah. Well,
as a as a as a pathogen.
Adam Curry: Yes, yes. correct on
that, correct.
John C Dvorak: That, you know,
misinformation was bound to
dominate this conversation.
Adam Curry: So Bobby, the
opposite in play, and he this is
a big up. And in fact, I think
we could almost say RFK Jr. is
the great reset, but it's not
the reset. We think it is.
John C Dvorak: That's my line.
Adam Curry: I know, I'm using
your line because you keep
fighting every state on the
show. Yeah. Because you keep
forgetting to say it. So I'm
going to say it taking ownership
now. Okay. So the Kennedy family
listen to this. The Kennedy
family members of the family
joined the White House. This is
a headline from the independent
Kennedy family joins White House
in condemning RFK Jr, anti
semitic COVID conspiracy claim.
But they all use a lot the same
line Joe Kennedy, the third,
what is AC 12? Who was Joe
John C Dvorak: I have no idea
that because you might as well.
I mean, there's so many Kennedy
said it's like ludicrous to hear
try to
Adam Curry: he says he tweets.
My uncle's comments were hurtful
and wrong. I unequivocably
unequivocally condemn what he
said. Then we have Kerry
Kennedy, Jennings area sister, I
strongly condemn my brother's
deplorable and untrue code.
deplorable and untruthful
remarks last week about COVID
being engineered for ethnic
targeting. Why would you he gave
scientific background and
present evidence at the dinner
John C Dvorak: tissues planted
tweets this this is reminding me
this Kennedy op which is rare at
this point because very early in
the game these are all hardening
tricks. This is like the title
of the test the bank stress test
knew I liked that I liked their
stress testing the campaign so
they're trying different things
to see if anything catches and
see how they can rebuke it and
then there's they're setting
then they're also setting the
stage for for debunking
everything so no, no, no, no,
no, this is a concerted effort
by people blah blah blah to
besmirch them as smear campaign.
Adam Curry: Yeah, okay, so
here's part of that stress test
BBC headline RFK Junior's
conspiracy theories and
Republicans supporters. See this
as the next part of it. Yes, a
good one too. Yeah. publicans
supporters. Let
John C Dvorak: me see gotta be
Adam Curry: Democratic
strategist Kevin walling told
the BBC and Mr. Candis poll
numbers are a combination of
nostalgia for the Kennedy family
brand, as well as a lack of
awareness about his views. And
then they have the more that I
strongly condemn now who is it
that they're claiming?
John C Dvorak: strongly condemn?
Is the interesting little code
that did all use strongly
condemn? How about condemn
Adam Curry: their good good
point and here's an here's
another headline. This is a very
right wing lawyers, guns and
money. RFK Jr's vanity rat fuck
is being mostly funded by
Republicans. Mark Dixon,
California who amassed a fortune
treating aluminum for the
aerospace industry donated
$450,000 You just donate to
Trump Of course. Of course,
Keith Sheldon, retired car
dealership executive from
Argyle, Texas. Oh my goodness.
So they're just pulling some
names out of the hat 5000 Here
6000. Republicans are funding
him Republicans. And but he's
hitting some interesting
targets. This one. So we have
Ron DeSantis out there saying I
will veto any cbdc that comes
across my desk. Well, you have
nothing to do because you know,
CBDCs you can't outwork them.
Yeah, you can veto it. But it's
Congress that determines what
the money's going to be not you.
But then this comes from the
street.com. So that's kind of a
that's a Wall Street
publication. Right. That's not a
that's not a Bitcoin publication
by any
John C Dvorak: nice it was just
it was a publication meant to
compete with market watch and it
was started by Jim Cramer and I
says pass it on to some other
people. Right.
Adam Curry: RFK Jr. announced
his bold plan to back dollar
with bid coin and Bitcoin taxes.
Speaking at the heal the divide
PAC event Democratic
presidential candidate Robert F.
Kennedy Jr. outlined specific
Bitcoin focused policies that he
would enact as president,
including gradually backing the
US dollar with Bitcoin and
making Bitcoin profits exempt
from capital gains taxes. Well,
that's you're gonna get some
people with that. So that's
interest there's also
John C Dvorak: another report
that his the same exact
template, he said there
Adam Curry: Yeah, for gold. Oh,
of course. Yeah, of course,
backed by gold. Of course, of
John C Dvorak: So this is a this
is a another part of the Odyssey
if you're bringing the
Bitcoiners bringing the gold
bugs? Yeah. So
Adam Curry: it's not done yet.
Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
John C Dvorak: no, no, no.
Listening, every angle you can
imagine, wait
Adam Curry: for this. So now
he's a member, he's going to be
the podcast president. So he's
doing every single pot. It's too
bad. We don't do any interviews,
because man, we would have fun
with him. So the Podcast
John C Dvorak: interviews wants
to Well, I could probably get an
interview with him, you could
easily get an interview with
them. It's like, you know what?
It might? Yeah, exactly. I mean,
the problem is, with our
approach to these things, this
interview would go sideways
really fast. Because if it's an
app, I'm not getting the
interview. That's I am getting
the interview, I'm gonna have
trouble with it,
Adam Curry: let's ruin our
chances for good by just saying
he's an up. And as far as he's
an OP is, and as far as I'm
concerned, he's a CIA op, really
is has to be has to be I mean,
he's so against military
industrial complex. But this one
blew me away at this. And this
part of the OP is nice, because
it brings in West Clark seven.
And one of my favorite topics
for 15 years. Here he is
speaking with Dane Wigington of
geoengineering.com. Listen to
this. We have
Unknown: for example, after 911,
we had
General Wesley Clark stating on
the record that the Middle
Eastern countries that were to
be targeted, a list that we
believe existed before 911 even
occurred. But my point is this
that those Middle Eastern
countries, every single one
subsequently underwent a once in
1000 year drought, that's
mathematically statistically
impossible to have that kind of
coincidence, unless there was
something else in the equation,
that's something else we would
argue is climate engineering.
And to back that up, we have
leaders of some of those
countries in the case of Iran on
the floor of the United Nations,
stating emphatically that NATO
was cutting off their
precipitation, destabilizing
food production, that's
destabilizing populations. We
know that Iran is the target of
NATO, it has been for a very
long time,
even my mind is open to
John C Dvorak: this
Adam Curry: is because Woody
Harrelson one time was at my
house, and he was talking about
this, this is probably 10 years
ago, and I was saying, Come on,
that's just that's ridiculous.
That's impossible. And he said,
I'm outside with me. And we went
outside, and we sat on a
hillside. And we watched these
planes fly in a grid pattern,
weighing out this, you know, a
grid of contrails. And then it
turned into clouds, and we had a
cloudy day. And I don't know,
you know, I've looked up many
times since then, and seen that
happening. And I don't have a
good explanation for it. But you
know, the things that you're
saying Are, are consistent, or
internally consistent, and
they're consistent with things
that I've observed. It's amazing
to think that they can keep it
secret now well, for this long,
but you know, I've seen them do
that with other things as well.
To me, that is really you know,
I'm not gonna say dispositive,
but really hard to explain is
that I've seen all of this data,
you know, that about the
aluminum concentrations,
dramatically increasing in
national forest lands, and other
places that are completely
remote from any Smelter. And as
you say, aluminum unlike Mercury
precipitates out of the
atmosphere within, you know,
100 200 miles from a smelter,
oh, if you're on the West Coast,
and the nearest smelter is in
you know, upwind smelter is in
Japan or China. The aluminum
there's no explanation for that
aluminum, aluminum
concentrations in national
forests on the West Coast. It
doesn't make any sense. Wow,
Unknown: I am really high.
Adam Curry: Sounds a bit like
that guy. So of course he's
talking about on he's taking it
to the aluminum That's deep. And
I hadn't even connected I don't
think on the show ever to Wes
Clark seven. So we can almost
predict what What's next what is
it that you already got the
frogs are gay because of the
what they're putting in the
water What else can we can
almost predict what is that's
John C Dvorak: the Atrazine yeah
but easy one though. That's been
good but he's not even something
you can border that's a real
Adam Curry: I know but you
didn't hear Trump do that.
John C Dvorak: No Trump is he's
not know exactly guys just like
those some of these writers who
write the 800 page book find
Reno here somehow doesn't have
those guys working for him.
Adam Curry: 5g I think 5g That's
a that's a prompt from the troll
room. I think it's a good idea.
John C Dvorak: says a good time
to use the troll room forever.
What what's up? What's next?
What's on deck as the term we
play in baseball?
Adam Curry: I like 5g. I like
that it
John C Dvorak: should be on the
list. Come on. What else? No,
Adam Curry: have nothing. That
they're caught off guard. Oh,
wait a minute,
Unknown: but we have to do
something useful.
What to do? No man.
Adam Curry: I know weather
machine know, the weather
machine. He basically just
talked about talking about the
weather machine. It's great.
He's hard, but I don't harp is
part of it.
John C Dvorak: That's all part
of that say,
Adam Curry: yeah. Birds aren't
John C Dvorak: Yes, slowly,
somebody says humor
Adam Curry: aliens UFOs. I'm not
so sure he's it's got to be a
little more tangible than that.
It's got to be something more
tangible, flat earth? No, I
don't think so. But I'm pretty
sure this in some way has
something to do with
Unknown: this morning. A recent
decision by President Biden
concerning documents related to
the JFK assassination is raising
new questions about what the
government knew and when the
President late last month issued
a final order certifying
documents from the JFK
investigation to be released.
But the New York Times reports
4684 the files remain either
partially or fully withheld from
the public's eye on
June 30. President Biden washed
his hands of the JFK matter and
said that this would be his last
order about JFK.
Jefferson Morley is editor of
the blog JFK facts he says some
of the files being withheld
could shed light on the CIA's
investigation before JFKs death.
What remains is about 4400
documents from a variety of
federal agencies, primarily the
CIA that still contain some
redactions ranging from a word
to a paragraph to a page to the
whole document.
More leases. There's one name
that's been a mystery all these
years and was made public in the
files, Reuben Ephron, who worked
for the CIA, and was
intercepting Lee Harvey Oswald's
mail. In the months before the
assassination, Rubin
Efrain died 30 years ago. So
they're not protecting the name
of a living person. They're
protecting the operational
activity that he was engaged in,
which was reading Lee Harvey
Oswald mail. What it shows is
that the CIA was running some
kind of intelligence operation.
We don't know exactly what
around Lee Harvey Oswald, the
accused assassin while President
Kennedy was still alive,
Adam Curry: I don't know if this
is like an alley up like Bo K.
Now you can go out and say when
I'm President, I'll release all
the rest of the 4900 files. Or
if there's something else at
John C Dvorak: but get that will
get that's another sub segment
of the electorate that he would
grab seems like a lot. There are
people out there that would like
to see that. We vote for him for
that reason.
Adam Curry: And there's one
other thing that needs to be
examined, because we have some
of the players here and this and
we're just coming in, we're just
spitballing everybody this is
you know, we don't know anything
for sure. But we've been around
long enough. And I will say
finally something interesting is
happening. Now, this is it gives
John C Dvorak: us something to
take is just something to do. We
were like amateurs. Amateur hour
here. Yeah. Pretty much oh,
we're good.
Adam Curry: And it gives us I
mean, even Tina, it's she said
this morning, I can't believe I
am now watching C span early in
the morning because Bobby the
opp is is sitting there on the
the censorship hearing, and he
was censured for this. They
tried. Debbie Wasserman Schultz
tried to censure him at the
censorship hearing, which is
this hilarious. And so he's
sitting I mean, this, there's
some good stuff happening. And
of course, it's all part of the
Biden crime family. But there's
one other thing so our thesis so
far, CIA, DIA, it's always been
CIA versus the military. The
military is just getting their
budget just getting the you
know, it's been passed by the
House so they're big $800
billion budget is coming through
CIA Who knows we have no idea
how much money they have.
John C Dvorak: But in fact I
have a series of clips coming on
Ukraine and the CIA's involved
which will maybe shed some light
on this because I have a theory
okay so
Adam Curry: I'll play one clip
before that and this is I think
part of the democratic party up
because they have to do
something and and the way it
would be um just again just a
little thought Joe dies I think
he has to die is the only way
you can go and CIA could do that
so Joe dies camera comes in
brief died
John C Dvorak: CIA doesn't kill
Adam Curry: if you think they're
good guys now all of a sudden
John C Dvorak: No, I never said
that. I just say they don't kill
presidents they they find other
ways to get rid of somebody like
do with Nixon for killed Nixon
Adam Curry: with baton was never
officially elected president
he's a bogus so maybe they can
whatever Joe keels over Jove
exit stage left for whatever
reason Kamala comes in for
briefly just for a few months.
But she'll have to run and of
course, she has no chance. Roger
Stone is also no longer to be
trusted. He's out there. Oh,
it's gonna be Michelle Obama,
which would have been my Big,
Big Mike 22.
John C Dvorak: He's not the only
one. There's somebody else that
came up with one. I didn't clip
it. I didn't it was a tweet or
something like that. And, and it
was by somebody credible. And
they said it's going to be
Michelle Obama with Gavin Newsom
as the VP.
Adam Curry: Wow, that's
dynamite. Well,
John C Dvorak: that's gonna get
huge votes.
Adam Curry: So the Democratic
Party wants to keep their really
wants to keep their power base,
of course. So it would make
sense for them to run some kind
of interference to break
everything up. And that is this
No Labels thing. Have you been
following this than my own
labels party? Of course, here we
go. Listen to this
Unknown: Democrat Joe Manchin,
the West Virginia Senator known
for often bucking his party
openly flirting with a White
House run as an Independent. Are
you taking it off the table?
We're not taking anything off
the table. Let's
see where everybody goes. Let's
Adam Curry: see what happens.
Unknown: Mentioned publicly
joining the organization no
labels in New Hampshire today.
The group is launching a massive
$70 million effort to create a
third party presidential
campaign, a bipartisan ticket
with a Democrat and a Republican
Joining Forces. former Utah
governor Republican John
Huntsman also hit the road with
the grip today prompts for us to
do the same old same old thing
is like a little bit insane. The
group will not say who else is
under consideration. Nancy
Jacobson is the leader of no
This is the one moment that this
could it be possible to why not
why not give people a choice if
they don't want these two
but many will oppose to a second
Trump presidency. Fear a third
party ticket could siphon votes
from Biden and boost Trump.
William Galston helped found no
labels 13 years ago, but he left
the group in April. I
don't think that I wasn't
tempted by it, because I was but
in the end, and as a Democrat, I
felt I had no choice but to walk
No Labels it says it intends to
qualify for the ballot in all 50
states before its convention
next April. That's when the
Group says it could announce its
ticket. I love that Huntsman's
Adam Curry: back in the game top
blue tiny algae geocaching
Shane, yeah, we
John C Dvorak: can use our
Adam Curry: So you know, that's
a potential democratic spoiler,
I guess because mansions in
there Huntsman? It suddenly
things are getting interesting.
I'd love to hear you Ukraine
stuff. If you've got a
presentation on that. I think
that is this appropriate time to
do that.
John C Dvorak: Well, we have to
stay tucked a little bit more in
unless you get more stuff.
Because I mean, it's it's
related to both Ukraine and CIS,
not necessarily about what we're
talking about.
Adam Curry: Well, then let me
throw out one CIA clip.
John C Dvorak: So before you do
that, let's talk about Nancy
Jacobson. Nancy was mentioned
she's supposedly started this
thing up. Yeah. I don't know who
she is. Do you know who she is a
hack for the Al Gore. She was
the head of the Al Gore
campaign. And she was on Bill
Clinton. She's Bill Clinton it.
She's a Clinton Knight. And so
she represents that part of the
Democratic Party. If you look at
her at her page, she's very
important. Important. If you
look at her page, on the wiki
page, it's one of those pages
that lacks
Adam Curry: certain things.
Wait, what's your name? What's
your name again? What's your
name? Nancy.
John C Dvorak: Nancy Jacobson.
Chico. Is lacks too much
information she has. She's also
married to mark Penn. Who is the
another kind of Democrat hack.
He was. I mean, listen to this
guy, bad president and managing
party Under the stag well group,
former Democratic pollster and
executive from Microsoft and
Burson Marsteller. Oh,
interesting. A couple met 96
when Evan Bayh, then governor of
Indiana, introduced him at a
Democratic Leadership Council
event. They married in 99. And
they have four kids. This is a
follow up in itself. So, yes,
there's not there's a lot of
intrigue. That's what makes us
this, where we kind of do do our
this Why think people like this
show, because we will bring out
the intrigue, and try to
deconstruct it so we can so we
can see the lay of the land.
Adam Curry: Well, I have a quick
transitionary clip then, from
the CIA podcast,
John C Dvorak: which is very
entertaining. It's extremely
Adam Curry: It's I mean, it's
very entertaining. Why we
invented podcasting. This is
good, because
John C Dvorak: it brings people
out of the woodwork. I don't
know what they're thinking. But
Adam Curry: well, if you wonder
why people are so distracted,
CIA knows exactly why
Unknown: a lot of people assume
that we're just like Hollywood,
and we got somebody in a chair
all day long, applying things
and makeup and spraying and all
of this and gluing. But really,
I mean, we are there to train
the officers to be able to
independently disguise
themselves, because they're,
they're working quickly. They're
walking down the street, they're
turning the corner. You know, we
train them on how to take their
pants off in public without
anyone even noticing and then
changing into something else.
That's very interesting. And
Superman and the telephone booth
visioning. Plus,
people don't see what they don't
know, they're looking for. So I
mean, for us, that's to our
advantage. The phone usage
today, right? Like people are
looking at their phones
constantly. And so that has
helped. Like, okay, they're
distracted, so you can get away
with pretty much anything you
So think about today. Do you
remember every single person you
walked by today?
No, I was thinking about this
interview us.
Distracted exactly like everyone
is the most important thing in
their own universe. And so we
take advantage of that. And we
also teach our officers to
remember that mindset, because
it's very counterintuitive,
especially if you're going to
start taking your pants off in a
Could you say that? Today is
tougher than ever for disguise
based on the amount of tech
that's around, but it's also in
some ways, paradoxically, better
than ever, because people are
distracted, fixated on their
I think it's kind of better than
ever. And also, we've never been
more important. Yeah. Because of
the rise of technology.
Adam Curry: Arrogant much. Very
arrogant, and constant taking
your pants off in public. What
is that these guys are obscene
their sex fiends. And they're
taking advantage of distraction,
which everyone screaming foon
just CIA learn how to take your
pants off in public. It used to
be jump out of airplanes, save
the world now CIA take your
pants off the public.
John C Dvorak: So there's
another series that I sent you
one of these because I thought
it was so interesting. But
there's a series of podcasts
again, that foreign policy
doesn't foreign policy is kind
of the competitor with foreign
affairs, which is the magazine
run by the Council on Foreign
Relations, foreign policy is
owned by the Washington Post.
And they have they have a series
of podcasts called Ice spy. And
they do about eight episodes a
year a season. And within those
eight episodes, at least two
people are CIA, ex CIA or CIA.
And they're interesting and one
of them went on about this this
disguise thing. discussing the
fact that he was when he was
being recruited and and he, he
was they said they were gonna
teach him how to, you know, glue
on a mustache as a woman. So my
blue glue glue on a mustache?
And he says this is in Jesus.
Yeah. And he said, what this
this things don't work. And so
they take in a literally going
to him glue on a mustache, give
him a pair of glasses, and much
tussle up his hair and go back
to work. And he says no, he
says, This is dumb. I look like
myself with a glued on mustache.
And he goes, goes back into the
office. He says no one
recognized him he got when he
identified himself. They refuse
to believe it was him. I need to
the simplest of stupid disguises
Adam Curry: I need to read. I
think I've told recount the
story of two of my family
members. And now we're talking
1967 or 1968. They're married.
And the man brings home a new
colleague from work. The wife is
cooking dinner, and I'd have a
nice dinner and then they're the
you know, they're drinking
coffee and having dessert and
then All of a sudden the
colleague whips off his mask and
it was someone who the wife knew
extremely well 1967 Imagine what
they can do now
John C Dvorak: yeah, they can
you have a fake Joe Biden,
Adam Curry: anything you want
anything and, and there's also
once again a real campaign in
the media and I'm just going to
presume that nothing changed
from the church committee that
CIA was still running the media.
And that's just what they've
been doing. They think it's
gotten worse of course it's
gotten worse so they don't even
have to pretend that put their
agents in
John C Dvorak: into another
country guys, these experts they
bring in my CNN and MSNBC CIA
guy, former CIA says right in
the lower thirds Yeah, and if
it's not sources
Adam Curry: say sources familiar
with the matter sources familiar
with the President's thinking
they just put the CIA guy on CIA
guy we even have the podcast CIA
guy, the one with all the bushy
hair, former CIA former right
now they're just they've
infiltrated everything including
podcasting. But now we get these
anti military industrial complex
Unknown: symbols. Hypo has
misdirected millions of US
military emails to an African
nation that's allied with Russia
instead of being sent to
addresses ending in dot M I L,
they were actually sent to
addresses ending in.ml That is
the designation for the African
country of Mali. Some emails
reportedly contained sensitive
information, always check
the spelling.
Adam Curry: I mean, the mix like
Dumbo I think that's purposeful
with this story. And this is
really funny. That's
John C Dvorak: a very good
catch. I think you're right, I
think is there's something going
on in the CIA. This Okay, here's
my basic theory before I play
these clips on Ukraine, it turns
out the CIA is more involved in
Ukraine than we think. And I'm
of the opinion I'm let me play
too close before I give you my I
have the appeal. Right.
Adam Curry: All right. All
right. So that's familiar with
John C Dvorak: These he has a
little teaser. There's Dan, you
know, this is Bill Arkin, who is
a investigative reporter and he
feature he's an intelligence
oriented guy so he tracks these
things because he is and he's on
a you can play the Democracy Now
clip if you want
Unknown: where's my morning AMY
GOODMAN flippin bound
John C Dvorak: to this is
Adam Curry: this guy Bill Arkin.
Now this has to be a different
guy is a guy on wiki pedia with
a Gilligan's Island hat on now
this can't be the guy.
John C Dvorak: We love this guy.
He lives in Sweden right now.
Okay, it's not the guy so he's
and this is the intro to him.
This is that we don't get into
it. In this first clip of it. I
had to play the intro because I
wanted to give some basis for
believing anything he has to
Unknown: A recent cover story of
Newsweek revealed the CIA
shuttling weapons into Ukraine
using a quote grey fleet of
commercial aircraft that criss
crosses Central and Eastern
Europe. CIA personnel are also
going into Ukraine on secret
missions. According to one
source CIA agents are assisting
Ukrainians with new weapons and
systems. One senior military
intelligence official told
Newsweek quote, the CIA has been
operating inside Ukraine under
strict rules and with a cap on
how many personnel can be in the
country at any one time and
quote, The CIA is also using
Poland as its clandestine hub to
coordinate its operation led
crane. After the September 11
attacks, the CIA also use Poland
to house one of its secret black
sites we're prisoners. We're
joined now by William Arkin,
senior editor at Newsweek his
investigation for the magazine
is headlined the CIA's blind
spot about the Ukraine war.
Today William mark is joining us
from Sweden he's a prize winning
national security reporter His
books include top secret America
the rise of the New American
Security state the Larkin
Welcome back to Democracy Now
it's great to have you with us.
Why don't you start off by
telling us in this many month
investigation what you did what
surprised you most and don't
speak in sound bites
Adam Curry: but hold on hold on
hold on it's Arkin with double A
that's why couldn't find it. Who
owns Newsweek? Let me just let
me just preface this by saying
Newsweek was, without a doubt
the spook weekly magazine of the
CIA in the 70s and 80s. That's
what all the spooks would read.
To who Oh, it's IBT media. Who
is your
John C Dvorak: business times to
Who's that? Those are these
guys? Listen to my Barry Diller.
Yeah, I believe it is.
Adam Curry: No no, no, no, no,
it's not homeless. IBT who owns
John C Dvorak: IBTs
International Business Times?
This is that operation that
cropped up, I think just before
the Trump administration and
Business Times I think is part
of it. But it is a messaging
system. I don't trust it at all
as as a medium No, no. Well,
Adam Curry: Interesting. Okay.
All right. International.
John C Dvorak: The big could be
still connected. I don't know.
Adam Curry: It's good to know.
All right, because that
John C Dvorak: guy is obviously
done some work. I don't know
what the point of this whole
thing is. But this report, and
the very end of what you played
there, she says, Yes, don't
Adam Curry: talk any sound
John C Dvorak: What does that
mean? She's never said that
before. It was she said she's is
she joking? Or
Adam Curry: oh, no, it's because
she knows this guy is an opera
an operator. And he is trained
to talk in sound bites. She
knows she
John C Dvorak: knows. I think
it's the other way around. I
think that? I don't think so.
Okay, because I don't think he
doesn't talk in sound bites. I
think he's long winded. And
she's just joking with him
because she's familiar. So
there's a familiarity with her
and him Amy
Adam Curry: needs to work on her
John C Dvorak: Oh, she's, she
blows. So let's go. She's no
good. And
Adam Curry: he blows. Let's be
honest. So here,
John C Dvorak: he laughs about
the soundbite thing, and then
discusses some of this.
Unknown: Thank you, Amy, for
having me on again. You know, I
worked on this question of what
the role of the CIA was in
Ukraine. And I wanted to know,
particularly whether or not all
of the Hollywood rumors
surrounding the agency. It's
possible involvement in the
attack on the Nord Stream
pipelines, it's possible
involvement in other sabotage
attacks inside Russia, a lot of
the news that I was hearing
about the presence of the CIA on
the ground, and its covert
assistance, I wanted to know how
much of it was true. And I went
down this path to try to get to
the truth. What I came up with
most importantly, and really,
this is most importantly, is
that the CIA is an intelligence
agency. And so it's number one
mission in Ukraine is to collect
intelligence collect
intelligence, not just on what
the Russians are doing, but also
on what the Ukrainians are
doing. And that's the biggest
blind spot as I identified,
which is that the United States
knows as little about what the
Lensky is up to and what he's
thinking and what his views are
about the future, as it does
about Vladimir Putin and his
future plans and intentions. And
so this might come as a surprise
to some people. But as my
sources explained it to me
sources, the reality is that
Ukraine is not an ally of the
United States, we have no treaty
obligations towards Ukraine. And
the United States is not at war
with Russia. So this is a
particularly unique Battlefield,
in which the CIA is playing an
outsized role, but it is playing
an outsized role, because the
Biden administration has been
firm in saying that the US
military will not be involved in
any direct way in that fighting
on the battlefield, or indeed
inside Ukraine. All right.
Adam Curry: So here's what I'm
thinking now. I like this good
job getting these clips. This is
a CIA famous for funding their
operations with black
operations. Let's just think the
Iran Contra so and what a
willing beautiful idiot would
Hunter Biden be who they
protected by saying all this
Russian disinformation when they
fully everybody knew that that
was that laptop was real. So
they they've been running all
kinds of things through Ukraine,
most likely drugs into Europe,
weapons, cyber operations,
probably prostitution, who knows
what else? So it would make and
we know that we know that the
CIA director was all over there.
I mean, just this makes nothing
but since Ukraine is one big
corrupt piece of crap country,
everyone's known this for
decades. It makes nothing but
John C Dvorak: CIA would use
most of my thinking and my
thinking is the following will
play the third clip in a second
blog as six of them know. The
drug will we always knew that
this did the CIA never got
enough black funding from our
own government. No, they were in
fact they were quite pissed off.
That's why Iran can never could
more than a year they could just
just can't get enough money. So
they're they took over a lot of
the drug, the heroin trade, you
Adam Curry: know, they got a
podcast to support so yeah, they
took over the heroin trade,
which I'm sure ran through
anything could run through
Ukraine. Anything.
John C Dvorak: So the HIPAA
heroin trade has been ruined by
fentanyl? Yeah, they need
another source of income. What's
better than dealing
Adam Curry: arms? Right? Yeah,
that's what they do.
John C Dvorak: And so they're so
they're, you know, so we're
talking about, we're throwing
all this money at the Ukraine.
And we well, we can't really
keep track of how many anything
we can't keep track of know,
Adam Curry: probably setting up
the next Theater, which is
Africa where all these
foreigners are wandering,
thinking that
John C Dvorak: the things are
being is a great, we're creating
a gray market for arms. Well,
who better to deal the arms and
take the piece of the action,
which is substantial than the
CIA being over there just kind
of hanging out and then making
sure that they're part of any,
any, any monies that just all of
a sudden appear?
Adam Curry: And they've been
They corrupted all of Washington
through Hunter Biden?
John C Dvorak: They pretty much
did in a funny way. Yeah, it's
got a clip three.
Unknown: So you have the
situation where the CIA's
primary mission, which is to
figure out what it is that the
Russians and the Ukrainians are
doing, as well as now it's
augmented mission, which is to
play a greater role in the
provision of arms to you or
Ukraine, a greater role in
Counter Intelligence, a greater
role and in corralling all of
the neighbor states to Ukraine
so that they stay firmly engaged
in the war, some countries of
which the domestic population is
not as enthusiastic about war
with Russia, as is say, for
instance, Poland, that this role
really stretches the CIA quite
thin in terms of what it's
doing. But also it's it's got
its hand in a little bit of
everything. And I would say that
I would give it low marks on
understanding the intentions of
Putin, or as a Lenski very high
marks on understanding what's
going on in the battlefield. But
the most high marks are in
moving the billions of dollars
worth of weapons that the United
States and NATO has pledged to
Adam Curry: Okay, so let's just
stay on the weapons for a second
just going to interject since
you have six of them. The call
was made Monday by actor George
Clooney and author John
Pendergrast, who also served on
the National Security Council
under President grass that's
that guy that's the guy that guy
he's a handler they said there
was an unprecedented opportunity
to counter Russia's influence in
Africa by going after Wagner
Unknown: cloning is a spy
John C Dvorak: Clooney
Adam Curry: so all we really
know he they're calling him in
the calling him back. They're
calling him for Okay, I
John C Dvorak: can't like then
they wrote
Adam Curry: this in a column for
Economist magazine.
John C Dvorak: Oh, yeah, that
thing. So
Adam Curry: that so clearly the
weapons are we know the weapons
are moving to Africa, but
they're there. There's all kinds
of war going on, which is great.
It was great. It's great. Let's
be honest, it's great. We got a
war down there. Very fuzzy no
one understands it. That so that
would be a couple of clips here
but the word Ukraine is over
they've got to end this Ukraine
thing and
John C Dvorak: that is lies as a
conduit for for guns and money.
According to if it's a conduit
for guns and money this could go
on for a long time.
Adam Curry: Developed quotes pet
that Pavel check Prevot
president and a retired Army
General that Ukraine This is
from where's this from Euro
intelligence are calm that
Ukraine has about six months to
finish the job not because of
the winter weather but
introducing political events
elections in the US both in
Russia Ukraine territorial gains
Ukraine will have made by then
will form the basis of a
negotiated armistice with Russia
developed noted that this was
one of the few unscripted
comments from the NATO summit in
John C Dvorak: So so so okay,
what they will look at the six
months timeline. When is that
when is that can that be be
during Christmas would be the
Christmas or the Christmas
miracle Christmas miracle to
Christmas? Yeah, it'd be some
Christmas angle.
Unknown: Is miracle miracle
John C Dvorak: Cool. reelect me
your President Joe Biden. Okay,
we're on clip. Four. I think the
Unknown: is no stranger to
Ukraine. Clearly in the post
world war two period. It was
involved in developing right
wing groups within Ukraine that
were opposing the Soviet Union,
a lot of them former Neo Nazis
and as you write, the CIA has
been central to the war, this
war even before it began, when
Biden intact our director,
William Burns as his global
troubleshooter Could you talk
about burns his role and this
historic connection between the
CIA and in groups in Ukraine?
Well, when Joe Biden became
president, he appointed a number
of his close associates, Antony
Blinken and Jake Sullivan to be
his main national security
actors. But the person that was
appointed to be the Director of
the CIA, a former ambassador to
Russia, William Burns, and as a
Foreign Service officer in his
career, but was somebody who was
much more considered to be the
senior statesman of the
administration, if you will, the
person with the most experience.
And so when Russia invaded
Ukraine in February 2022, it was
no surprise that burns became
the central figure in this in
this war, and that he had both
the superior knowledge of Putin
and of Russia, but also he had
had a long career specializing
in Eastern Europe. So when he
was appointed, the sort of the
the Biden administration's back
channel negotiator, diplomat and
main spy it because it felt to
him to handle relations with
keys. Remember, the US Embassy
was closed for a long time it
felt to the CIA to handle the
clandestine relations that
existed with Poland and other
countries, relationships, which
had been built up since 911. And
since even the end of the Cold
Adam Curry: oh, this is great.
So while the entire country that
considers themselves awake,
myself included, is watching the
IRS whistleblower. Look at the
Biden crime family look at all
given all that money. $70
million to all of us. It's all
since you cray. They're all its
hunters going down for Ukraine,
Biden, he might take his dad
with him. Parts of the family
who knows? They're all focusing
on the IRS, while the real big
crime is this. This is the this
is the huge crime. And it makes
total sense. That's why we've
got the cyber guys in there who
protected Hillary, what's it
called? The Ukrainian outfit?
Who got her server? I can't
remember the name of it.
John C Dvorak: Oh, yeah. What is
the name of that group?
Adam Curry: It'll come to me,
you know, the, their, their so
called legit company. Where are
you trolls? trolls, TROLLS are
trolls are dead.
John C Dvorak: Bolts are no
good. It's got a clip, we're on
clip five. That clip it was an
optional clip, cloud bursting
and cloud strike cloud strike.
So William Burns was the guy who
said that NATO shouldn't move
any further east. So he's kind
of in between on the on on the
policy side, it
Adam Curry: doesn't care. He
just want he just wants to run
them the weapons down to Africa.
He don't care. doesn't care.
Everybody's winning. And they're
laughing at the stupid military
industrial complex. You guys
think you're making all the
money, but we're making the
money, pure profit, baby, no
John C Dvorak: we sell it to the
Adam Curry: And by the way, your
John C Dvorak: guys actually
have to develop machine tools.
We don't have to do any of that.
Adam Curry: And by the way, you
know not to send emails to Molly
we're selling them guns. gumbos
yep, I like it.
John C Dvorak: There probably is
some disdain at that level.
Sure. Clip five.
Unknown: But it's not altogether
clear that does Lensky has full
control over the Ukrainian
military or the Ukrainian secret
services. Nor is it necessarily
the case that the United States
is in a position to really exert
much leverage against Ukraine at
this point, it's like too big to
fail, that the United States has
invested so much in the Ukraine
war that it can't really
credibly. Say it is the Lensky
if you don't do x, we're going
to stop supplying you with arms.
It's just not a tenable policy
anymore. So the CIA represents
these many interests, the
interests not to escalate with
Russia, the interest not to have
Russia resort to the use of
nuclear weapons, trying to
understand what Putin's position
and Putin is thinking is, but at
the same time, it struggles with
the question of whether or not
it understands well enough what
it is that Ukraine wants and
also what it is that Ukraine
will accept beyond its public
rhetoric in trying to end the
John C Dvorak: Okay, all right.
Well, that was nothing clips
that was like that there may
have been something there but
they're letting the next clip is
kind of more interesting because
it introduces some facts. If
true, that are disconcerting to
say the least, US intelligence
Unknown: also believes that the
Russians, the the FSB, the
Russian intelligence services
themselves are not really privy
to how the arms are moving into
the country that they're not
really they don't really have
the intelligence ability to
track arms as they're coming
into Ukraine. And as a result of
that, the CIA insists that this
is a secret that it's an actual
secret of the divulging, some of
which would have a deleterious
effect on national security. We
were willing to not mention the
countries and not mention the
name of the airline that's
involved. But the truth of the
matter is that it's quite
interesting that the assessment
of the agency is that the
Russian intelligence is very
limited in what it can see. And
to some degree, that is, that's
proven and in Russian attacks
and Russian re attacks, where
it's clear that despite all of
the money that Russia spends on
its FSB, on the ex KGB on on
satellites, etc, that it just
isn't up to the quality of NATO
or the United States and its own
intelligence collection.
Adam Curry: Oh, there you go.
John C Dvorak: That's
Adam Curry: Go our guys. Yeah,
well, oh,
John C Dvorak: what's the what's
the deal with that? I thought,
you know, Putin was like ex KGB,
and you know, he's gonna be all
in on this thing, and they
dropped the ball.
Adam Curry: Oh, please. You
know, so this plays into so
okay. I like this Christmas
miracle. Six months, CIA's
gearing up. This is also
probably the one area that Bobby
The Op knows nothing about. I
don't think he's any expert on
Africa, in by any stretch of the
imagination. Oh, I agree. And so
what do we have next away from
the fighting a huge effort has
been made to help Ukraine carry
on exporting its grain. And
that's not just to keep the
country's economy healthy. It's
because so many countries around
the world rely on Ukrainian
wheat and other products. For
the past year, a deal has been
in place which meant Russia
promised not to attack Ukrainian
cargo ships as they sail through
the Black Sea, the main route
for exporters. That deal expires
at the end of Monday, Turkish
time and Russia having kept
everyone guessing, has now said
it will not be renewed, the
Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov
did hold out hope that an
agreement could be reached in
the future.
Unknown: Great agreements cease
to be valid today. Vladimir
Putin said earlier, it comes to
an end on July the 17th.
Unfortunately, the part of these
black sea agreements concerning
Russia has not been implemented
so far. So in effect, it's
terminated. As soon as the
Russian part of the deal is
fulfilled, the Russian side will
comply immediately.
Adam Curry: Now, why was this
because the CIA did one of their
favorite things. They blew
something up they blew up the
bridge. And like, oh, okay,
well, there you go. No more
deal. And who does that affect?
Mainly? Well, prices, although I
even heard you in Horowitz on
DHL and plug talking about how
little the prices moved? Up.
John C Dvorak: that's where it
was nursing. That's very
Because the other guy, the basis
for this, this deal falling
apart was not that bridge at
that. I think that was
misdirection. I don't know what
the bridge it helps. It helped.
It helped. Well, it helps for
the excuse, but because debt
ignores the real issues versus
the UN never followed up on
their deal with Russia
Adam Curry: to reconnect the to
fix the ammonia exports and to
put them back into Swift. Yeah,
amongst others
John C Dvorak: was the promise.
They didn't. They went they
reneged and so this bridge thing
blows up. Next thing you know,
that's being blamed do have a
blank tab about the bridge.
Yeah, I've
Adam Curry: got a couple
actually. But go ahead. And
John C Dvorak: Scott Ritter on
this one podcast likes to do
Adam Curry: Scott Ritter has
been he's been doing some
interesting stuff. I'm really
John C Dvorak: I don't want to
say the FSB has got anything to
do with it. But Scott Ritter is
on this podcast a lot. And it's,
and he's talking about the
Ukraine bridge here.
Unknown: Hold on a sec. Yes. Got
it. Russia has called this a
terrorist act. The reason why is
that Russia is not at war with
Ukraine and Ukraine has not
declared war against Russia,
people need to understand that
there's fighting going on. But
from a from a legal structural
standpoint, Russia is not at war
with Ukraine. So from the
Russian perspective, this bridge
which connects us in the dark
region of Russia, which is a
peaceful region, no martial law
declared part of Russia with
Crimea is a civilian structure.
And it was struck. Two civilians
died. And they call this a
terrorist act from the Ukrainian
perspective. It's alleged animat
military target. What's of
significance here is that the
Ukrainians by attacking this
bridge may have pushed Russia to
a point where it reconsiders.
Its its approach as bad as
things look in Ukraine towards
the Ukrainian government,
Ukrainian people, people need to
understand this. Russia is not
treating and it has not treated
Ukraine as a nation that it's at
war yet, meaning that there's a
lot of things that are allowed
to continue to happen in
Ukraine. That would not happen
if Russia was at war with
Ukraine. And by attacking this
bridge, the Ukrainians may have
actually created some political
impetus to push Russia over the
edge and start considering
actions that up until now it has
not been willing to undertake
like dropping strategic bridges
across a member river.
Adam Curry: So do you think that
Russia, Moscow, Putin, Putin,
you think that he is actually
not in the loop that he can't
see what's happening that this
is all going down to Africa
where he has a lot of important
John C Dvorak: Well, if you
listen to the other guy, who
says that the FSB is
incompetent? Um,
Adam Curry: yeah. Well, so this
makes total sense there. There
John C Dvorak: was a report to
Putin and tell him what's going
Adam Curry: This makes total
sense for the.
Show while we're moving guns
down to Africa, where Al Qaeda
is now fighting ISIS for some
reason. I mean, it's crazy stuff
in the world I've heard going
on. We have the CIA broadcasting
systems, doing interviews, of
course, it's the pixie girl the
spook extraordinaire,
Unknown: Do you solemnly swear
or affirm this Special Agent
Joseph Ziegler is a 13 year
veteran of the IRS, a registered
Democrat, and until now a
confidential whistleblower.
Today he publicly testified
about his role investigating the
president's son Hunter for tax
I'm the main case agent. I
worked 95% of this tax
Adam Curry: By the way, now that
I think about this. Have you
seen this guy? This Ziegler guy
looks like
John C Dvorak: there's you're
glued on beer? Yes.
Unknown: Let me show you. An
exclusive interview with CBS
News. Ziggler told us he
believed the evidence he
gathered during the five year
probe supported multiple felony
and misdemeanor counts,
including allegations Hunter
Biden wrote off personal
expenses as business payments,
hotels, he was blacklisted from
payments that were made to
escorts payments that are made
to no show employees.
Ziegler said he drafted this
memo recommending Justice
Department prosecutors charge
Hunter Biden accordingly. But he
said the Trump appointed US
Attorney David Weiss told them
there was resistance to pursuing
some of these charges by other
officials at the Justice
It's a matter of are we treating
all taxpayers the same? And in
this case? And in this case? No,
I don't think so.
Adam Curry: By the way, this
interview, if you really look at
it, all her questions were asked
later, they were all noddy's and
pickups. It was not a real time
interview with the guy.
Unknown: Today Democrats push
back on claims of preferential
There is no evidence that Hunter
Biden has received any kind of
official favoritism in this
prosecution for being Joe
Biden's son,
but Ziggler describe to CBS News
a series of roadblocks that
included his efforts to
interview Hunter Biden's adult
children about the legitimacy of
his tax deductions. What did the
Assistant US Attorney tell you
that that's gonna get us into
hot water?
Ziggler also told us prosecutors
would not sign off on pursuing
leads that might involve
President Biden,
anytime we potentially wanted to
go down the road of asking
questions related to the
President. It was that's going
to take too much approvals. We
can't ask those questions.
It's a politically sensitive
case, wouldn't it require
additional approvals? Yes, I do
understand that. But it would be
like, Well, let's think about
it. Let's put that on the back
burner. And it would now move
down to item number 50.
Adam Curry: I gotta tell you, I
was looking at this interview,
and there's a couple of clips on
it on Twitter. And I come from
television, I noticed this
immediately. These are all not
easy. These are all questions
she's asked. She may have had
the real interview, she may have
done that with them. But for
some reason, they decided maybe
the lighting was off and they
can think of a million things.
But it seems like such an
obvious CIA thing to do to
meticulously edit it together.
You didn't ask the question just
right. Why don't just pick that
up, just get a little better
question. Because we really need
to sign up the American people
and it's it's very effective.
The things they're saying, well,
not everyone's treated, right.
Everybody in the world who pays
taxes in America is like Yeah,
screw those guys. What's
happening in Africa, St. Louis
Unknown: described as news a
series of roadblocks that
included his efforts to
interview Hunter Biden's adult
children about the legitimacy of
his tax deductions. Can you get
the assistance Hmm.
John C Dvorak: Back it up again.
You know, for some reason I keep
hearing yet and I don't know
what the effect of it is but the
way she says add dolt is sounds
like interview hunter or
somebody a hunter Biden's adult,
add adult. Like disabled that's
like Biden himself is disabled
Biden Joe Biden is adult
Adam Curry: I was just looking
at the troll room and digit up
and bull moose both posted that
before you even said it. Listen
again St.
Unknown: Louis describe to CBS
News a series of roadblocks that
included his efforts to
interview Hunter Biden's adult
Adam Curry: your right adult
adult children about the
Unknown: of his tax deductions.
What did the Assistant US
Attorney tell you
that that's gonna get us into
hot water.
Ziggler also told us prosecutors
would not sign off on pursuing
leads that might involve
President Biden,
anytime we potentially wanted to
go down the road of asking
questions related to the
President. It was that's going
to take too much approvals. We
can't ask those questions. It's
a politically sensitive case.
Wouldn't it require additional
approvals? Yes, I do understand
that. But it would be like Well,
let's think about it. Let's put
that on the back burner and it
would now move down to item
number 50.
This probe was ongoing during
the 2020 election when Justice
Department policy limited some
investigative steps. The US
Attorney in Delaware has told
Congress twice he had the
ultimate decision making
authority. President Biden
denies involvement in his son's
business deals. And Nora Hunter
Biden's legal team said any
claim the probe wasn't thorough
is quote preposterous.
Adam Curry: So all of this is
just distraction. And then, you
know, they threw in some other
stuff. I thought this was kind
of funny. It was cute. Like,
hey, what else can we do? Just
to throw everybody off
Unknown: tonight, a picture of
Travis King coming into sharper
focus. The US Army Private set
off a diplomatic crisis when he
dashed across South Korea's
border with North Korea Tuesday.
Adam Curry: Who cares? Who
cares? Why is this big news?
Whatever do defects to North
Korea? Oh
John C Dvorak: boy. I fully I
don't know he defected or
anything. We don't know
anything. He
Adam Curry: was on a tour bus
and then he stepped in and the
whole thing is weird.
John C Dvorak: Yeah, that's that
is a weird Yeah, it's that's uh,
something's very bogus. And
Adam Curry: then to add insult
to injury tonight former
President Donald Trump is
bracing to be indicted as soon
as Friday I mean come on. You
just flip what what do we look
we do we look don't look at
Ukraine. Don't look it in
Chrome. Don't look over there.
We're setting it up setting up
for Africa. And now it makes me
question representative clay
Hagen Hagen Hagen Where's Hagen
from? No. Clay look him up.
Yeah, I'm going to clay Higgins
representing the third district
of South oops, way you missed
this. Skate Southwest Louisiana
old guy. Yeah, the bald guy. He
had a he had a good little bit.
There was a hearing now just to
disk Louisiana, just to
discredit the military
industrial complex or more. And
to solidify in the minds of I
don't know podcasters that it's
not the CIA. No, it's not the
CIA. Your problem is the
military industrial complex
Unknown: on the year of my birth
1901. In his farewell speech,
President Eisenhower said the
following this conjunction of an
immense military establishment
and a large arms industry is the
new American experience. Yet we
must not fail to comprehend his
grave implications. In the
council's of government, we must
guard against the acquisition of
unwarranted influence whether
sought or unsought, by the
military industrial complex. The
potential for the disastrous
rise of misplaced power exists
and will persist. I have a copy
of the NDAA of that year. In
1962. NDA was drafted in 1961. I
have a copy of it on my desk.
It's one page long.
Adam Curry: I heard there's like
oh, this is great, because the
new one is 800 pages long.
Unknown: Seven and a half
billion dollars
Adam Curry: is now at 100 times
above that. Of course, you got
to take inflation into account
but one page versus 800 pages So
yeah, we're all focused on those
things. But CIA and now with
what we've learned about from
this arcane dude that puts this
into this is older clip puts us
back into perspective. We
Unknown: turn now to the
director of the CIA offering
some rare insight into how the
agency recruits spies. Director
Burns says the attempted revolt
against Vladimir Putin by
Russian mercenaries last month
has provided a unique
opportunity for the US
intelligence community agencies.
Edwin is here to explain that.
Um, good morning.
Good morning Lionel. That
avoided rebellion happened about
a week ago when though it ended
within just hours. The CIA
director says it's still making
an impact. This morning, US CIA
director William Burns,
capitalizing on the short lived
mutiny in Russia by Wagner group
mercenary boss Yevgeny
Prigogine, stating Russian
frustrations with the war in
Ukraine is making it easier to
recruit spies,
disaffection with the war will
continue to gnaw away at the
Russian leadership that
disaffection creates a once in a
generation opportunity for us at
CIA, at our core, a human
intelligence service.
I mean,
Adam Curry: that's gotta have
Putin a little freaked.
John C Dvorak: Well, the other
thing was, I think that was a
response to the Mi six guy
coming on TV.
Adam Curry: You get a clip on
Hey, man, we
John C Dvorak: need more spies
on our agency, our doors always
open, just show up.
Adam Curry: Oh, man, this is
this is it's fun to have a new
direction. A new direction.
John C Dvorak: The guy who does
arc in character, he did mention
that in one of the devasting
went on for half hour. He did
mention that the CIA, there's
two groups. There's the old and
actually no, as mentioned one of
these people from the I Spy
podcast that the CIA has lost
his way since the Cold War and
they're looking for something
else to do. Yeah. Got nothing to
do. Really, there's no you know,
the day and there's no
competition from Russia and
China, you know what to do about
that. And the Chinese killed all
the CIA operatives in the in the
country, they can't figure out
how to deal with that. Yeah. And
so there Look, there's kind of a
rudderless ship according to him
or according to this other
person. And so they're, you
know, flailing about.
Adam Curry: Then, of course, the
State Department is filled with
spooks. And all those creeps
like Blinken. And did we have
that clip where they all have,
they all have consultancies, all
consulting about whatever to do
in Ukraine. It's just the whole
thing is so sick. That I think
we're real ended up I think this
is this whole Biden crime family
wild true. Is is really the SIOP
and then the CIA says It's a
Christmas miracle this will be
over in six months and will be
set to God and of course it's
annoying because who knows what
about Africa? Africa is
complicated. We're not
John C Dvorak: very good at and
months is no it's like three
United States is considered a
continent. Now let's watch while
we're on Ukraine, let's play
Claire daily bitching and
moaning good
Unknown: all the bravado about
the vibrant European industry
the chips Act actually is just
another example of Europe
scrambling to respond to you
lateral that's
John C Dvorak: the wrong one.
Adam Curry: I'm sorry, I just
picked Claire daily. Yeah, it's
John C Dvorak: up there. Sorry.
I said keyword was Ukraine.
Adam Curry: Ukraine clear daily.
Oh, let's we'll cut it out.
Don't worry. By the way the ASAP
John C Dvorak: is that is
something about arms you know,
loading up with arms and sending
it the ASAP bill that was
passed. Or the EU just rubbish.
Adam Curry: yes, yes, yes. Well,
no one will ever know because we
cut it out of the show.
Unknown: Thanks very much
President so here we are at the
quarks must be popping into the
arms industry boardrooms all
over Europe. A plan Ross through
behind closed doors, no public
consultation, no public debate
presented as a fait accompli
just waiting for our rubber
Adam Curry: I think we already
played this. Is this an already
John C Dvorak: ASAP was pretty
pretty new bill. But how would
you know with her? Good point
Unknown: he was waiting for our
rubber stamp. A unilateral
declaration by an unelected
Commissioner that you're at this
now a war economy, not a war on
poverty or homelessness are on
climate change, but a tiktoks to
the public of Europe that they
have to accept another 1 billion
euros being laundered from their
pockets. back into the fat
wallets of the global arms
industry. The workers in those
factories have to soak up the
suspension of the working time
act. And if they don't, they'll
be brandished as traitors or
Kremlin agents. And if that
wasn't bad enough, it won't be
just our arms industries because
our friends in the US and Israel
can dip into the past flog off
bits to their European
counterparts. They'll do the
final assembly, put a stamp and
a premium on us. And it's
champagne all around. And why
wouldn't it be a three to 4000
euro per show, and we're
expected the workers of Europe
are expected to pay for a
million of them. It's absolutely
outrageous. If you really cared
about Ukraine, you'd be pushing
for peace. But the EU hasn't
lifted a finger to push for
peace in Ukraine. In fact, it's
done everything to escalate the
conflict and prevent peace
because for the EU, it's all
about the war profiteers, and
the catastrophe in Ukraine is
nothing more than a global
opportunity for your friends.
It's an absolute disgrace. It's
about time to start to work for
peace. Yeah.
Adam Curry: Good luck with that.
Good mistake. And what did you
say next? Well, I have one more
clip and we'll take a break
because we got a lot of fun
stuff to talk about. If this
wasn't fun enough, all of a
sudden, out of just, you know,
thinking State Department CIA.
Let's just think Hillary
Clinton. Let's bring Clinton in.
For some reason. Anthony Weiner
is out on podcast land. What?
Exactly what I said, Anthony
wiener is doing podcasts
interviews, and he's doing it
with that he is on the PD b you
know, the Patrick bet Davis
podcast accountability you do.
It's kind of a weird podcast.
That's the one that McGregor was
on everyone going on that
podcast now. And so he gets
Anthony wiener on it. I mean,
just listen to it. wieners the
guests listen to what this guy
does to him.
Unknown: When you go through the
list of people that have been to
Hillary Clinton and the Clintons
and the Deadpool. This is not a
conspiracy. You got the names of
James McDougal Clinton's
convicted whitewater partner,
Adam Curry: he's talking he's
going through the body count the
Clinton body count is a Clinton
death kill list.
Unknown: Item an apparent heart
attack. You know Mary Mahonia
former White House intern was
murdered July 1997. Out of
Starbucks coffee shop and George
Brown died in a crash Vince
Foster was Vince Foster was the
next one who by the way the
James Google was a key witness
in Ken Starr in a plane crash
Why is he on the list? Ron Brown
is another one but it was a
close person to this Victor
racer, you got Paul Tooley Ed
Wait while you're reading a list
of people that Bill and Hillary,
you they're, they're seven women
and here's I'm asking you this
question. I'm asking you this
question and answer at the end.
So you got Jerry parks Jane
bunch James Wilson, Kathy Fergus
and Bill shelter Mandy bow,
you're better than Florence
Martin Susan Coleman. Paula
Grober. Danny Casimiro. Paula
Wilker, John Walker, Barbara
Weiss. We should verify this
yourself because you're running
a radio show. You should look it
up. Dr. Stanley Hurd. Barry
Beale Barry seal here Johnny.
Can you read me the URL? Should
we send you the most credible
With a link below we'll put the
link up so I know what
Friday Kevin Ivey, Dan Henry
Keith Kalani, and these were
part of the ivy Henry case.
Keith McCaskill, the ivy Henry
you can look it up Ivy Henry
case so Gregory Collins Jeff
Rhodes, James mill and Richard
winter and then you got the
close bodyguards major I'm
saying well you Mark Lee Captain
Scott Reynolds a Brian Handley
Tim sable General William Brown.
List of how is this dance
courses however, Kelly Colonel
Gary Rhodes, Steve wills, Robert
Williams Conway love blue Todd
McKinnon I'm done the show. It's
46 names and a
list when I read the URL list
when I
when I finished this when I
finished this still in the
storm.com you can look
it still in the storm.com big
moment guy. Yeah, so you can go
and talk about chemtrails at the
end. Just reading the article
he's reading I was reading a
list of names so even ask the
question it's a list
of facts that you're getting
nervous as an answer. Nervous I
just makes us sick as well. It
doesn't because the
establishment question but
reading a list of will your
reaction isn't answering
spirits. I know these things
make me sick and someone went
into a pizza parlor in
Washington because they believe
this shit and you're making an
echo chamber reaction
is an answer. So let me go to
here now.
Adam Curry: Why is wiener out
there and why is he defending
the Clintons on this? Why is he
why You see anywhere. Carlos
John C Dvorak: So some guy comes
I say, I mean, I go on this
podcast I'm associated with the
Clintons. Yeah. And this guy
starts reading this this list I
first thing I'd say, Well, you
can read this list all you want.
Most of what you're going to
claim has been debunked. I mean,
they just say something like
that. It's been debunked in the
end. I have no idea about any of
it. I'm not dead yet. So that's
what you would say to say yes.
Say Yeah, well, you can say it's
very funny or humorous. You're
really funny. Oh, yeah. laughing
Adam Curry: your hands your your
reaction is an answer. And with
that, I'd like to thank you for
your courage in the morning to
the man who put the sea in the
Clinton body count and the
Christmas miracle say hello to
my friend on the other end.
Ladies and gentlemen, Mr.
John C Dvorak: in the morning to
you, Mr. Adam cranium ownership
secrets and graphene near suns
in the water, and all the names
and nights out there.
Adam Curry: In the morning to
all of our tools in the room,
you can find the control room.io
Put your hands up going around
2101 2101. That's Wow. That's
big right for Thursday
John C Dvorak: for Thursday.
Yeah, yeah. All right. 1800 on
Thursday. Yeah, so we're
Adam Curry: above avarage
fantastic. The trolls are a
troll, troll room.io You can go
there just with a web browser.
What we recommend is you go to
podcast app.com get a brand new
podcast app pod versus the one
that gives you an alert when we
send out the bat signal. You tap
that and of course you can
import all your existing
podcasts. You get no agenda
there. And then you get the
troll room chat with the live
stream. If you're using fountain
it has the live stream as well.
What are you drinking today?
John? Look Wha The qua Yes.
Liqua very nice. So that's one
way to track us and listen and
be a part of the show. You can
also always throw us at no
agenda social.com Follow Adam at
no agenda social.com John C
double or I could no agenda
social.com If you're lucky
enough to have an account while
you're probably posting memes.
So welcome to that.
John C Dvorak: The great meme
Adam Curry: The great meme hater
Yes, that's me.
John C Dvorak: Now you say the
meme about you know, what is it?
Ah, beauty.
Adam Curry: What is it? Tell me.
John C Dvorak: My my I put it in
the next newsletter.
Adam Curry: But you said you,
you so you don't really remember
is what you're saying? No, I
John C Dvorak: know what it is.
Is you standing there in front
of a big screen giving some
lecture and there's some anti
meme. A meme hanging on the
Adam Curry: me made our few our
I hate 99% of all memes are
dumb. There's a new one. There's
a new one on C span which one of
our producers have picked up on?
And I have not clipped it yet.
But I think it's a Reddit meme.
And instead of saying good
morning people say good morbid,
good Morgan, Mo RBI N Good
John C Dvorak: would say got to
do with anything. What does it
mean? It's like
Adam Curry: it's some some dumb
group on Reddit that, that, you
know, the I guess they're more
morbid. They think the world is
ending. And so they say like we
have in the morning. They have
good Morgan. And, and they keep
saying that. Yeah, that's very
John C Dvorak: See what they
want. I don't see why it's a big
deal. It's not funny.
Adam Curry: It's not funny. It's
not funny at all. But it's just
curious. Thank you all very much
for supporting us. I think the
passionate plea I made on the
last show and my mistake,
because I'm sure we're gonna
have a lot of long notes today.
But people certainly stepped up.
In fact, because this is value
for value, you know, value for
value means whatever you get out
of the show, please just send
that back to us in time, talent
or treasure. And I'll give you
an example. I was allowed to
read this one. We never read
anything under 30 and under $50
But we got a note 3333 Head on
the John I discovered your show
listen to Canary Cry news talk
you guys my favorite podcast
now. I'm always laughing and
cheering you on with the
analysis and hilarious
commentary you bring. I know
it's not a huge donation. But
for now I'm committing to be a
monthly donate or to you guys,
given the 3333 per month. Thank
you for all of your hard work.
pilfering through the news to
keep us in the know I appreciate
what you do and I want to
support it. God bless Denise
who's a teacher for the deaf and
hard of hearing. Matt long,
actually kind of a famous guy
here in Fredericksburg. He does
every morning show from nine to
10 on Patriot FM. He said Hey, I
heard you that no one in
Fredericksburg is donating to
the show.
John C Dvorak: Oh, that's right.
Yeah. The Fredericksburg plea.
As I called him,
Adam Curry: so he chipped in
with $10 a month, I think is
what he's doing. Good. And it's
not about the amount. It's just
the fact that you do something.
So now we're in that seesaw
effect, where it'll be great
today. It'll be Yeah. And Sean
John C Dvorak: did it big again,
because we bitch and moan
Adam Curry: it would be great if
everyone just kind of evened it
out, but we appreciate it. Thank
you. I mean, I'm the treasurer
came in great today. But we also
have people who commit their
time and their talent. And the
artists are always there for us
in droves bringing us many, many
choices to choose from. We
believe this is an important
piece of the no agenda
promotional system, which
includes the newsletter, sign up
for the newsletter if you have
not already every single show
notes has a sign up for the
newsletter link. This will help
you remember to listen to no
agenda. You know, there's a lot
going on in your world. You it's
easy to
John C Dvorak: find that
everyone's thinking about the
show all the time. I'm happy
that we have a local radio guy.
Adam Curry: Yeah, I'm going on a
show on Wednesday even to
promote it even more. And I'm
going to vote today
John C Dvorak: but then didn't
scold the local Fredericksburg.
It's called the locals.
Adam Curry: Hey, Laura Logan,
why don't you donating? And
Roseanne Barr she's here think.
And the moms for liberty. Moms
for Liberty a little mad at me.
Oh, yeah. Why? I know Adam
doesn't believe in Adrenochrome.
But it's real. By the way, time
for our donation clip. I'll play
it now. People have pointed out
to me that was it now that I
made this clip somewhere. That
Adrenochrome is indeed real.
John C Dvorak: Okay. As I know
it's a chemical. Yes, exactly.
Adam Curry: And it was
prominently featured in the book
and the movie Fear and Loathing
in Las Vegas, which I did not
see it with Johnny Depp. But now
I'm gonna have to see it but I
do have a clip in 32 seconds of
the mention which is from the
What's his face. The author
wrote that the crazy how to read
hundreds Thompson Yes, Hunter S
Thompson. And here is Johnny
Depp's portrayal of it in Fear
and Loathing in Las Vegas. As
your attorney I advise you to
take a hit out of the little
brown bottle in my shaving kit.
You won't need much
Unknown: just a tiny taste what
does it ship that stuff? Makes
pure mescaline seem like ginger
beer man
Adam Curry: Audrina Chrome,
the whole scene is pretty funny.
Yeah, and I just want to say
just like kratom which you know,
I'm learning a lot about kratom
if you're thinking Kratom is
what you the powder you get at
the local head shop and know
your vape store and you put that
in water. Yeah, that's not
really what Kratom is. I mean
sure it's kratom but you know
there's kratom leaf I'm willing
to try some Audrina Chrome, so
send it to the PIO box. If it's
if it's if it's so prevalent in
society since Hunter S Thompson.
Someone's got to have some I'll
try some
John C Dvorak: brown bottle
somewhere in Fredericksburg. We
got to hold those ladies
Unknown: Fredericksburg.
Adam Curry: Give me some Fred
Andrina chrome I'm ready to try
it. I'm not afraid. So let's try
it out. Let's see what the big
deal is all about. I've never
been one to step back from an
experiment for the show. Yeah,
it was hear about it. Yeah,
let's hear about it people.
Meanwhile, let us thank the
artists who brought us the
artwork for episode 1573 We
titled that for not no youth,
which was a fun title about the
four note the four things that
youth in China are no longer
doing. But were they again
John C Dvorak: a marriage dating
children house home
Adam Curry: for no youth and the
artwork. And we there was some
dispute it took us a while to
decide on this one came to
John C Dvorak: us it was against
this piece. It was from
Adam Curry: Dame Kenny Ben I
liked it a lot. It was the clock
with all the all the numbers
that are that are falling down
because of course the new
generation has time blind is
time blind and can't tell time
on an analog clock. I'm
generalizing Of course. I love
this one right off the bat.
There were other choices but
congratulation to Dame Kenny
Ben. And let us review what else
we looked at the one you were
pushing for, if I recall
correctly, was correct records
evergreen TV. Which was then was
the television and heads
John C Dvorak: oh yeah I liked
that piece. It's like that but I
also liked the other clock
Adam Curry: yeah but I didn't
like it wasn't nice behind
John C Dvorak: blind clock you
didn't you talked me out of it
because I
Adam Curry: didn't like the
Braille was kind of making fun
of the blind
John C Dvorak: scrushy scruffy
nerf did it and it the problem
was the Braille was not
recognizable at at small sizes
Adam Curry: and we look briefly
at the aspartame correct the
record aspartame can which was
nicely done, but it just didn't
quite bring it home. We had I
liked although it made no sense
the network's tighten up your
nub, which was a beautiful piece
but made no sense because no one
would know what that is about
couldn't even guess it could
piece though. Something else you
liked. That we put the kibosh on
I don't know there are a lot of
pieces and it's so appreciated
what the artists do I mean pan
you guys really bring it home
every single time so appreciated
a lot of Mickey Mouse stuff
which we really can't do because
Disney is so litigious.
John C Dvorak: You put Yeah,
doing anything it's got any
Paramount Disney any of those
guys who are just a bunch of
dicks when it comes to this fair
use or not, and it's fair use
there's no doubt about it, but
they're not going to get away
with who needs the hassle.
Adam Curry: Nobody needs that
John C Dvorak: needs the hassle
there's plenty of other stuff we
can use don't start using Disney
Adam Curry: Thank you very much
Dame Kenny Ben for for the
artwork. We appreciate it. I see
that already. We have a whole
bunch of people guessing what
we're going to talk about and
uploading art to no agenda art
generator.com That's where you
can scroll along. Listen in real
time. By refreshing you can
always go back and check it out.
Of course a lot of this work
shows up no agenda shop.com on
to I mean, hoodies, T shirts,
hats, belt buckles, all kinds of
great products from the no
agenda shop, no affiliation, or
that they donate to us from time
to time the artists do get a
piece of the action very proud
of that. And then we love having
some treasure. Nice treasure
came in today. It's been a long
time. But Jean Harris from
Winter Park, Florida decided to
come in with a show number
donation 1574 This is
phenomenal. Really appreciate
that. Thank you so much. And
only as you'd really said, Show
number donation. I just have to
jingles. I have a spot to spook
and Victoria Nudelman great
stuff on the trans Mao is
discussions keep it up
Unknown: as the spook Spartans a
spook everybody wants to sponsor
Victoria K Good Nudelman yeah
Adam Curry: love that jingle
that may come in handy in the
next few months. I think
John C Dvorak: Monty money came
in with $1,000 Good for money.
Oh, dear John and Adam blustery
pot father for I have sinned and
have been a douchebag. As a
master procrastinator, it has
only taken me 15 years some 1500
episodes. The imminent closure
of bank accounts bounced checks,
the locking irate phone calls
and subsequent unlocking of my
accounts to get this over the
line $1,000 Wow. Should it
please the knighthood committee
I shall would henceforth wish to
be known as Monty the unbanked
All right. Looks good to me.
Thank you both for the best
podcast in the universe second
only to sex. It is the highlight
of my week. I remain is ever
your sincerely money he needs a
D douching.
Unknown: You've been de deuced
thank you
John C Dvorak: for coming close
the show now this has been taken
us 15 years 1500 episodes to get
this guy and here he is. Finally
Adam Curry: Then we have Frank
hulshof from Amersfoort in the
Netherlands $1,000, and no
notes. Could you find anything
from Frank?
John C Dvorak: I didn't find
anything. Then we get him a
double up
Adam Curry: and thank you so
much. He's
Unknown: got
Adam Curry: karma and I'll take
the next one.
John C Dvorak: Because of the no
notice time to remind people of
two things. Yes. Good idea. You
have a note. Put the title in
the subject line donation, and
even for birthdays. And if
you're really smart, you'll send
it directly to notes. At no
agenda show.net.
Adam Curry: And pretty soon
that'll be on the donation page.
Yeah, I'm reliably informed.
Yeah, like you
John C Dvorak: Yeah, Anonymous
is in hatchet and do it.
Adam Curry: Okay. Please do you
don't have your your
credentials? You can't you I
don't think you can actually
patch that. I can. Okay, we'll
check next week. Anonymous in
Issaquah Walden today, anonymous
in Issaquah. Washington. Also
$1,000 Hey, gents, please keep
me anonymous for employment
purposes and deduce.
Unknown: You've been de deuced.
Adam Curry: I started listening
in 2020 after Adam went on Rogen
donation. I can't thank you
enough for the alternative
perspective on world events. I
took the blue pill as a young
man, but you all gave me the red
pill slow drip. I recently read.
It's a good one. I recently
regained employment as a
geologist doing work on large
EPA Superfund sites after
refusing the jab. I'm giving you
a well deserved chunk of my
first paycheck after a three
year employment hiatus. Thank
you. I would like to title
Upserve pen tonight. Geology
nerds will understand Keep up
the good work. What's the pen
tonight? What is that?
John C Dvorak: Is that a kinda
geology nerd my wife was she's
you know, she is a geology nerd.
Adam Curry: Brilliant. I thought
she was an egg nerd.
John C Dvorak: Well, that too.
But that's only recent.
Adam Curry: Keep up the good
work jingle requests. I've got
ants and I like bugs. We'll give
you a little bit of the ants and
all of the box for you
Unknown: Again, ants forget
Adam Curry: about that.
John C Dvorak: Wow. Just like a
Adam Curry: Who's like 43 years
of practice will do that to you.
John C Dvorak: Yeah, I'll be
good at Ducha DJ Briggs talking
about DJs Yeah. Douglas
Massachusetts, six to four. Hey,
Guy eyes. The donation six to
four assigning a $4 week
subscription to get my gold
caught up and caught up from
when I was smacked in the mouth
by my buddy era Darien Oh, sir.
I haven't heard from him for a
while not No, sir. Hours era
three years ago. Thanks for the
great breakdown of everything
well, life. Also, unless cert
Thursday show 157 To chop shop.
You mentioned Brown University
having 39% of the students being
something other than straight. I
just wanted to give you a little
context. I attended Rhode Island
School of Design. Are I SDS? A
guy you know the guy who started
air b&b is from that school? Oh,
really? I didn't know that. And
he's worth a billion dollars.
Now schools got something going
on. So the guy who started
talking heads group was from
that school. That guy? That guy
Adam Curry: was talking heads
John C Dvorak: I guy in the mid
80s. And at the end at that
time, it was well known to us
that the school was pretty much
50% gay. Oh, no one era there
ever thought anything of it? And
actually, we all said yep, seems
about right. When you get all
this creativity in one place.
Brown University happens to be
the sister school for our ISD
and his students had got into
our SD take their academic
classes, math, science, etc. Ed
Brown had I continued there, I
would have had an art degree
from our ISD and a teaching
degree from Brown and you'd be
guy point is that 39% actually
seems fairly accurate and not
sounds low to me, at least based
on my history. And it doesn't
seem to me to be a byproduct of
the current culture. So their
ratio guys happy to finally not
be a douche bag. Well, we'll get
Unknown: You've been de deuced
you know, that's a very clear
Adam Curry: Sir Donald's Spokane
Valley, Washington. 567. I can
do I can. Five, six 7.89. And he
sent in a note we were just just
wondering how he was doing. And
he sends in his note on United
Federation of Planets Starfleet
Combat Command letterhead.
Gentleman, I was reminded I have
been overtaken by creeping
douchebaggery by the mention of
my name during the donation
segment of show 1572 Please find
enclosed my donation of five,
six 7.89. Perhaps this is a new
method to encourage donations.
Cheers, Sir Donald of the fire
bottle Spokane Valley,
Washington. No, we were just we
actually didn't even say that.
We just said How you doing? We
wonder if you're okay. We'd like
your letterhead.
John C Dvorak: We may have
suggested he was overboard.
Possibly, possibly. I mean, it's
possible possible. I mean,
there's others that they will
mention him right I still like
to know what happened to her
Lieutenant Colonel marine
retired down in Southern
California. Yeah. Semper Fi guy
who was having some Semper Fi
guy he was having some health
health issues hope he's okay sir
Bobby's up next in an SIR
Bobby's in Amsterdam 543211 of
my favorite donation numbers
from my tax return. Sigrid k k
God God God thank you for the
show sir Bobby the redo URL
Adam Curry: so you could catch
it is or was the Finance
Minister of the Netherlands?
John C Dvorak: I get it.
Adam Curry: Thank you very much
sir Bobby sir Jimmy James,
Oklahoma City Oklahoma 400 In
the morning this is so much
needed value to provide you to
for nothing else but the
outstanding season have show
content. That's right. Every
week we do a full Netflix season
six hours we do the outstanding
season of show can't show
content you did just this last
week. I hope you can both make
it to the Oklahoma who we who
this Saturday at chicken and
pickle bring the family it'll be
early who a good time. God bless
sir Jimmy James of the South
Central flatlands. Thank you
Well, I don't think I can make
it unfortunately but thanks
John C Dvorak: Gifford Alexander
in Athens Georgia. 333 Dots
three three ITM. This is my
second installment I wait a
knighthood since the first karma
you sent worked. So well. I
would like to request karma for
my wonderful girlfriend, Trisha
and some business karma for
myself. Thanks for all you do.
Unknown: You've got karma.
Adam Curry: URL Christopher is
in Marshfield, Wisconsin. 333
dot 33 and a lovely note he's
just says no jingles just some
Yeah, karma please from URL
Christopher. You got it, girl.
Unknown: You've got ah Harma
John C Dvorak: as we get this
Adam Curry: oh, want me to get
this one?
John C Dvorak: Because it blowed
up my blow down spreadsheet a
little too long.
Adam Curry: Brian Wolfram Dix
hills in New York. But here we
go. 333 33. First, I want to
apologize for not donating
sooner. I may have been in it
may have been an I have been an
incredibly longtime listener.
This is my first donation
please. May I be deduced for the
333 dot 33 adjusted
Unknown: D deuced.
Adam Curry: Alright, little
history list lesson here. When I
first started listening, I was
an oversensitive kid coming out
of college with dreams of being
a rock star loaded with credit
card debt and student loans I
got bloated from the beers I
drank got messed up from taking
SSRIs and I was on a horrible
path. My friends were into Noam
Chomsky scouring CNN never
questioning the content that we
felt was coming from intelligent
and righteous sources we sure
knew our facts. Is does this
sound like you? Now I'm married
two kids two dogs a house in
software development for over 10
years paid off credit cards paid
off student loans, working my
ass off every day, I turned to
endurance running and if
completed multiple 100 mile
races with an even bigger race
coming later this year. I'll be
fast tracking myself to get
tonight with through three
larger donations then switching
to a subscription model. I'm
going to end this note here and
continue with the next donation
to talk about my COVID stand. I
made the New York City mandates
for workers which also affected
what my wife decision was as a
teacher. Thank you for every bit
of energy you put into the show
the production and presentation
makes each episode unique and
enjoyable to listen to. The
resources like na shownotes.com
are incredibly credible truly
make this more than a podcast.
It's a full package. full
package. I say. I asked. All I
asked for is at Jill Abramson
vocal fry because the first time
I ever heard of it, I was
convinced it was actually edited
or from being not of this earth.
And some karma, please. Yes, of
Unknown: You know, obviously, I
re I read The New York Times
like all day long, mainly on my
You've got cameras Jill.
John C Dvorak: Jill back, he's
doing books if she hasn't gotten
a job again in newspapers that I
know of what she's where she
belongs. Oh, Baron CAG and Holly
Springs North Carolina 33333
short note here's some value
from the value Dojin goes oh
karma. Thank you for your
courage. Love is lit bearing
Cake. Cake of South way south.
South wake I guess. Wake south.
Wait, wait North Carolina.
Adam Curry: De Mandy Bennington,
Vermont. 333 33. Dear John and
Adam, as you read this, I will
be halfway through an eight hour
surgery. I will take any and all
prayers from Gitmo nation. And I
pray I am one of many executive
producers this week. Thank you
for all you do love Is day Mandy
of the Green Mountains please
everybody prayers up for day
Mandy right now thank you and
we'll give her some karma for
Unknown: you've got karma
John C Dvorak: going what's
anonymous in Aurora Colorado new
consulting business and second
trimester baby our two d two
karma keeping it busy and
keeping short she came in with
333 dot 13
Adam Curry: Our two d two karma
for you.
Unknown: You've got
Adam Curry: karma Do you want to
do these next for John? Oh and
I'll get the one I'll get John
Stanfield you do these for
John C Dvorak: Leroy Elliot in
done for line UK 5333 No jingles
no no nothing no no no. Double
Unknown: you've got karma
John C Dvorak: regime for Letty
in Bedford Massachusetts nuts
333 also developed coming from
Unknown: You've got karma
John C Dvorak: Kathleen Anderson
comes in from Avon, Connecticut
333 Thanks for all you do. And
thank you and last on this quick
rundown here is Renny Byrne
hards good router in looks like
a saint good gallon checklist of
I checked something Czech
Republic Switzerland Switzerland
oh she's in Switzerland she's a
Swiss Miss. Could she is Nick
tying lesson June's
Adam Curry: then cough nice
hanging last and Young's which
means keep your head up. Don't
don't jump out your head droop.
Could be a heat to Renee could
be a heat.
John C Dvorak: Renee it probably
is a heat because Renee is in
Europe is typically a male.
Thank you. Hi Renee goose got
Adam Curry: Josh Stanfield
Moreno Valley, California 333.
John I freely admit I've been
living the listener douchebag
life for a while enjoying you
and Adams banter to make the day
more enjoyable. This ended with
episode 1573 I was listening to
the donation section when Adam
started to talk about the lack
of donations when Charlie our
office cat jumped on the desk
and gave me that really look.
Then he whacked the screen and
gave me that look again at this
is a Charlie donation. At this
point Adam said something about
barely getting $40 Back at the
end of the month when he whacked
the screen again and looked at
me with what I can only describe
as a Don't be a douchebag
anymore. So here is my 333
donation by PayPal kindly
requested deducing from me and
they punch people in the mouth
for Charlie who has been show
who has shown me the error of my
listener mooching when
Unknown: you've been de douche
Adam Curry: give me the punch
people in the mouth in a moment
John C Dvorak: anonymous and
Henderson Colorado was jingles
cancel canon comic blogger
John's boost boost boost I don't
know that but it's a real it's a
real thing and a little karma
wouldn't hurt great product
great value. I've met two of my
best friend's through no agenda
social and I've met some high
caliber people at meet ups. I
hope more listeners will donate
join the conversation on
Mastodon and go to meet ups Good
job Adam keep going John you're
doing good dollars and 33 cents
Adam Curry: yes here's your
jingles God extra
John C Dvorak: boost boost boost
Adam Curry: and was there a
karma in there as well? Yeah.
Karma you got it.
Unknown: You've got karma
John C Dvorak: we have these and
you can read a note John
Brownlee and decor Iowa to to
chew no note, no anything
nothing give him a double up.
Unknown: You've got
John C Dvorak: two to two days
Martin rakia, which is a row of
ducks. We don't get up as much
as we'd like Martin red kowski
and Kingston, Tennessee
2120 2210 21 and double up for
Unknown: You've got
John C Dvorak: a long note that
you're gonna have to edit on the
fly for your lineal mom. And I
want to mention she also sent in
a cute little card, which was a
short note on it and they don't
have they did get moved around I
think is on the card wall. And I
want to thank her for that. Nice
cute, very, very thoughtful.
Adam Curry: Yes, Millennial Mom,
donate. Wouldn't you donate here
201 dot o one. We appreciate
that very long note. I'm going
to edit a bit on the fly. But
she starts off by saying that
she was a typical kid growing
up, had a typical kid diet lots
of processed foods crazy high
amounts of sugar, caffeine even
having a type A personality I
push myself in middle school in
high school signing up for
harder courses sleeping, little
stressing over everything. Right
after puberty hit, my body
started to fall apart, fall
apart. I ignored this till I was
at the point of not being able
to walk up the stairs anymore
without running out of energy.
So this goes on for years.
Although we're healthy and
improved somewhat, doctors never
really able to identify that
then when she had her first
child, she had a serious
infection, a horrible C section.
And her second child has severe
food allergies is really comes
from her own nutrition. And so
she looked into this and she
found that every single food
specialist she went to for
allergies weren't so happy. I
didn't give them any
vaccinations, you know, so she
tried to start to kind of figure
out what was going on with her
life. And she says, you know,
apparently milk is used as a
preservative in most vaccines,
which blows my mind because many
babies are allergic to cow's
milk to summarise, y'all rants
about food are true. People
please feed your children and
yourselves as well. Be cautious
with Western medicine they don't
have all the answers and
mistakes can happen don't walk
down the same path I did. Your
body is too precious to continue
to throw crap in it while
sleeping too little and working
too hard. Thanks for what you
do. Sincerely a Millennial Mom
and I would say this is the same
story that the meat mafia boys
went through. Go take a look at
the meat mafia podcast. When
they got out of high school
their bodies fell apart as well.
And they were athletic. It's a
good story and they they believe
beef is what just pure
unadulterated beef is what got
them back into health
John C Dvorak: there's a lot of
thought out there but we're
gonna think Millennial Mom
anyway yes
Adam Curry: we
John C Dvorak: do. John Clegg in
Sunset Beach North Carolina 200
No jingles no karma. I only
asked that you announce visit
the animal rescue.com and check
the purple button to give you a
free to give for free to benefit
Adam Curry: God gotta read over
again site.com And you did
John C Dvorak: a shitty retitle
it Okay, take two was the it's
the sentence itself that needs
rewriting. This is the Animal
the animals I can't do it now
visit the animal rescue.com No
and click the purple button
you're doing
Adam Curry: the domain name is
wrong it's Animal Rescue
John C Dvorak: This the animal
rescue site.com and click the
purple button to give to benefit
shelter animals
Unknown: take that call back
John C Dvorak: Thank you John.
John John says
Adam Curry: Deborah Jones is in
Bastrop Texas we get to the end
here of our Associate Executive
producers at $200 No note you
get to double up
Unknown: you've got karma
John C Dvorak: and last are
getting did last by burn grant.
Wessel in Cottage Grove,
Wisconsin. 200. You like this
one? Been a listener for about
two years after it was
recommended on video. Hello,
Adam Curry: Tock. Hello tick
tock. By the way, stop. What is
Have you seen this tick tock
live stuff? Not yet. Yes, you
have because you sent me a
recording of one with the weird
chick the rump roast woman.
John C Dvorak: Oh God,
Adam Curry: but this that people
are doing. So you can do live
tick talking consent people
money in real time. And they're
doing some weird crap. I mean,
dressing up. They've all got
kitten ears. It's all highly
sexualized. people covering
themselves in mud. I mean, what
is going on with the world? It's
like you're watching Walmart in
real time. It's crazy.
John C Dvorak: I'll look into
it. It's emotionally difficult
to frequently hear about few and
far between donations. Yes,
that's the idea. I'm a
freeloader. No more. That was
the idea. Maybe change your
economic model? No, no hybrid
donations and advertisers. No,
you haven't listened to show you
have to know that. The reasons
that won't work. Because of our
content. It's not. It's not
brand friendly. It's not brand
new. There you go. Yes. Not
brand friendly and
Adam Curry: brand new area or
brand suitable.
John C Dvorak: But at the end,
he writes, your audio quality is
Adam Curry: Thank you. 43 years
of practice, Rob Kirkpatrick.
John C Dvorak: the award?
Where's the award? Oh, please.
Adam Curry: I Give up on the
awards. You know, you have to
pay to the way awards work these
days is you can get in you can
get a nomination if you pay. You
got to pay
John C Dvorak: for it. Yeah,
it's true. And what is the
secret about awards? I don't
like this. You buy them.
Adam Curry: Yes. Rob Kirkpatrick
is in Colorado Springs $200 you
Adam and John. The no agenda
show has impacted my life over
the years. But today you changed
it. To John. John's tick tock
segment on episode 1573 opened
my eyes about a lifelong
struggle. Thanks to you. I
understand finally, that I am
neurodivergent because of time
blindness. What a relief to know
that I now have the
justification to believe the
rest of the world should
accommodate me. My pronoun is
mercurial sincerely, Sir Robert
Knight of the seven villages.
Beautiful, beautiful.
John C Dvorak: Cole Cole Candler
in Lynchburg, Virginia 200
Here's a little treasure to help
ensure the show continues. No
jingles, no karma. That's a
great note bowl.
Adam Curry: I think you should
do the next one because then
John C Dvorak: pat kins back.
She's in Lakewood, Colorado.
Jobs karma for a while we'll
give you that. And for a
competitive edge, go to Image
makers inc.com For all of your
executive resume and job search
needs. That's image makers Inc.
With a que.com or look for Linda
lapad Can under the show's
producer list and run a search
jobs, jobs, jobs and jobs.
That's karma.
Adam Curry: We see Eric Basinski
stepping up. He's usually in the
50s I think Midlothian, Virginia
and he's there with an Associate
Executive Producer ship $200. No
note so you do get a W
Unknown: Scott. Karma.
John C Dvorak: A lot of $200
Adam Curry: we do and this is
the last one we might as well
rounded out Troy Veeder Vader,
Rio ranchero New Mexico 200
associ executive producer, says
my son David hit me in the mouth
a couple of years ago, I really
enjoyed the podcast and listen
as often as I can please deduce
me for not donating. You've been
D deuced. Also, please give me a
birthday shout out to my son,
David Veeder, who turns 33 on
the 20th. And thank you very
much and wow, what a fantastic
list of Associate Executive
producers and executive
producers every single one of
you has rightfully earned the
title that is associated with
your donation. You can use these
anywhere that titles are
accepted and recognized, which
includes LinkedIn includes your
resume of course. Now I don't
know if it's going to do any
good with the strike button you
know, you could even get into
the Union if you put it on IMDb
you can prove that you have that
you are you can get into the
Producers Guild people have
gotten into the Producers Guild
by using these credits. Go to
take a look at IMDb, you see how
many people up close to 800 are
in there listed as executive and
Associate Executive producers.
Thank you so much for supporting
us, we appreciate it. We'd love
it. If everybody no one. You
don't have to come in this big
every single time. But we
appreciate if we can have less
of a seesaw and just even it out
throughout the year. Try and
keep it a little level. And
we'll be taking more people
later on. But first thank you
again for producing episode 15
Stoney we go out for yet people
in the mouth
My goodness something funny
happened. And I thought it was
pretty funny. And we were
playing on the last show. The
aspartame clips. And the main
crux of this was aspartame,
which the World Health
Organization had said well, you
know, it seems like it could be
a little bit of cancers if you
drink too much of it. And
immediately all the native ads
sprung into action like oh, it's
not true. You have to drink so
much it would take forever
before you get cancer from it.
And the main crux of the
argument for the doing this was
the following
Unknown: after reviewing the
data, the FDA in this country
saying it disagrees, insisting
FDA scientists do not have
safety concerns. There is some
concern that all of this data
could confuse consumers so of
course we'll stay on it.
Adam Curry: The problem was it
could confuse consumers. Well,
isn't it interesting that this
was a paid advertisement every
single news organization who
brought you This so called news
saying, Oh consumer confusion so
we need to report on this. It's
very important FDA told us you
know, consumer confusion we need
to report on this, the h3
podcast. Have, they've been they
have a doctor who's been on the
show many times talking about
weight loss. He's a Tiktok.
Doctor Doctor is. And they found
out the doctor is while talking
on their podcast, about
sweeteners, in particular s s
par team, and we call us
aspartame has been paid by a
lobbying group to do this. And
because he's so tone deaf, Dr.
AIDS explains how the whole
thing works.
Unknown: Alright, Dr. AIDS,
thank you for joining us. I
don't wanna waste too much of
your time here. They're my
friend. So there is a little bit
of a working we have a little
bit of some hard questions for
you is,
oh, yeah, of course. I'm ready.
Not now. Everybody's talking.
Dr. Heads is now sponsored by
the A B A, is that correct?
It's, well, yes. First of all,
it's true. But it's a short
term, three month contract that
ends probably in about a month
and a half. And the reason they
approached me is because they've
seen the dozens of videos I've
done on artificial sweeteners,
stating the evidence showing
they're safe. And they knew that
the who and Iok were going to
convene during the summer. So
they wanted, you know, medical
professionals, healthcare
professionals who understand the
data, to basically remind people
that the data does show that
aspartame is safe. So they
launched a new website called
safety of a spa team.com. And as
you can see that it lays out all
of the evidence, all of the
individual research studies,
they go through over 100 of
them, they go through all of the
health Institute's from across
the world, the European Food
Safety Authority jack for the
FDA, Australia, New Zealand, all
of the major health Institute's
from across the world, right.
All have their statements
showing that it's safe. So
basically, they're running a
campaign because they know that
some of these ridiculous
headlines are going to come out
and cause mass confusion amongst
people. Right.
Adam Curry: They knew it. They
knew the headlines were coming
out, they knew would cause mass
confusion with their product. So
they paid doctors. They paid
doctors to go to NBA. It's like
the aspartame lobbying group.
John C Dvorak: Why would they
need one? Well, you know to it
we have an artificial sweetener
needs a lobbying group. That's a
that's a red flag if there ever
was Yeah.
Adam Curry: And this guy but But
what gets first of all, it
proves that we were right. This
the key word that they were paid
to say. It was Oh could cause
confusion. The key term could
cause confusion. Oh, we're very
concerned. And the FDA are the
ones who fed that. And then half
of these guys, maybe all these
doctors are getting paid. And
this guy is just like, oh yeah,
but you know, it's because they
saw was doing good work
John C Dvorak: for them. You
know, they saw I already saw
that I was a stooge. You know,
I'd go along with any program
and they're offered me some free
money of God would have done it
for free, but you know, they're
gonna give me some money. Yeah,
fish is icing on the cake.
Adam Curry: So let's look at a
nother doctor. This one is a
doctor from Oregon. He has pink
hair, and he loves talking about
his fabulous work, which is
trans gendering children.
Unknown: So 80% or so of my
practice is gender affirming
surgery. So I do facial chest
surgery and genital surgery. But
the majority of my practice and
sort of where my passion lies is
really genital surgery cases. So
I do a lot of vaginal plasti and
a lot of phalloplasty.
Adam Curry: So that's turning
penises into vaginas and vaginas
into penises.
Unknown: I would just say
they're expanding in either
direction. So yeah, adolescents
presenting for surgical
intervention but also a lot of
people that are like in their
70s sometimes coming in for
general surgery, there's still
hope for your job, and then
everything in between. But the
adolescence for sure presents
some unique challenges.
Obviously there's great evidence
supporting pubertal suppression
for a whole variety of benefits.
But the one thing that is very
new is genital surgery and
someone that is under On
pubertal suppression,
Adam Curry: genital surgery for
someone who just went underwent
puberty pubertal suppression,
this this guy, he would fit fine
in the Nazi camp and World War
Two. This is a ghoul and listen
to how he's later on in about
tall he's happy with himself he
Unknown: Jide not so much an
issue and someone was assigned
female at birth anatomy that
undergoes a phalloplasty because
we're creating something with
you know, free tissue transfer a
flap anyway,
Adam Curry: we got flaps anyway,
so we can make them into a penis
as easy
Unknown: but much bigger issue
for an individual that's
undergoing a penile inversion
vaginal plasti.
Because it's hard,
Adam Curry: so ghoulish, it's
much harder to make a vagina a
penis, I'm just gonna translate
because he's using the big
words, guys a cool version,
Unknown: plasti because we use
all of that tissue to basically
create vulva as well as lining
internal vaginal canal. And as a
specialty. Those
Adam Curry: Oh, John, he has a
specialty that he specializes in
the field
Unknown: and as a specialty.
Those of us that do it fairly
high volume of general gender
affirming surgery.
Adam Curry: High volume is my
specialty BIM. It's like it's
like a conveyor belt.
Unknown: You know, we've maybe
done a couple full of what
John C Dvorak: next, next
Unknown: paper really suppressed
adolescence as a field and no
one's published on it yet. OHSU
is we're just putting our first
series together as we're kind of
Adam Curry: Okay, so so he's
experimenting I'm gonna get this
right. He's experimenting on
children, because it's all new
and he's writing is doing a
series on it. Isn't Netflix
special. Maybe he's doing a
John C Dvorak: but he's writing
it up.
Adam Curry: While he's writing
it up. I think a Netflix special
wouldn't be wouldn't be out of
the out of the question. And
listen to what he saw. He takes
a adolescent penis turns it into
a vaginal canal and a vulva by
create Volvo's, in my spare
time, how you doing? And but
this morning,
Unknown: a fairly high volume of
general gender affirming
surgery. You know, we've maybe
done a couple a handful of
people really suppressed
adolescence as a field and no
one's published on it yet. OHSU
is we're just putting our first
series together as we're kind of
learning and figuring out what
Adam Curry: he's learning by
practicing on kids.
Unknown: Yeah, but it's really
changing. By the
John C Dvorak: way, he will be
one it says he does volume, he's
gonna be the one you'll be one
of the ones that one of these
misfits use that word which has
been lost through society. One
of the poor misfits that he
butchers will shoot in the head
probably or probably in the
nuts, I don't know where they're
going to shoot him. But he's,
he's walking dead men
Unknown: are series together as
we're kind of learning and
figuring out what works. But
it's really changing things,
because you don't have enough
tissue to align the vaginal
canal. So you either have to
take a skin graft or take skin
from elsewhere or use an
artificial product. The way that
we're dealing with it is by
using a robot, and we're
basically performing intra
abdominal components of the
surgery. So we're using
peritoneum, which is the inner
lining of the abdomen to line
most of the vaginal canal. And
by doing that, that allows us to
use all of the remaining tissue
externally to create a vulva and
try to make also an aesthetic
Adam Curry: And kids, it'll make
you happy. All your problems go
John C Dvorak: She have to have
been part of your stomach
Adam Curry: This is this is so
this is Mengele territory. This
is so
John C Dvorak: wise that says
bits Yeah, I know about this
clip. I didn't bring it into the
show. Yeah, I wouldn't have beat
it up. I wouldn't have done the
job you've done. You've done a
better job than I would have
done because I would have just
mocked it. Yeah. And it's sick.
It's just sick. And this guy's
oblivious. He's totally
oblivious. He thinks he's doing
good work and he's doing a great
thing that's the problem is he
literally is a sincere This is
not an insincere man.
Adam Curry: So part of the
reason for this as explained in
an excellent 12 minute video by
Christopher F Ruffo. We'll
discuss him and the origin of
this video in a moment three
clips from this which explain
why this is taking place most
likely why it is taking place in
the United States mainly it's
happening in other countries
although many countries are
seeing that there is no evidence
of long term happiness after
undergoing these procedures i
There are parents in my direct
sphere who have had the exact
opposite opposite experience
they don't even talk to their
child anymore the the the now
boy is couchsurfing can't hold
up a job as depressed suicidal,
okay. Pain care, doctor. Good
job. It's called transgender
empire and it starts with the
social construct.
Unknown: In order to understand
what's happening with the trans
movement, we have to begin with
a short history lesson in the
late 1980s. A group of writers
including Judith Butler, Gail
Rubin, Sandy stone and Susan
Stryker established the
disciplines of queer theory and
transgender studies. They argued
that gender was a social
construct used to oppress racial
and sexual minorities. He
denounced the categories of man
and woman as a false binary that
upholds a system of
heteronormativity the white male
heterosexual power structure,
these writers made the case that
these systems must be ruthlessly
deconstructed and turned to dust
and the most visceral dramatic
way to achieve this is
transgenderism. If a man can
become a woman, if a woman can
become man, they believed the
entire structure of Creation
could be toppled.
Adam Curry: So again, it's a 12
minute video just pulling three
quick clips from it. A trans
Unknown: manifesto is intended
as a secular sermon that
unabashedly advocates embracing
a disruptive and prefigurative
genderqueer or transgender power
as a spiritual Reese.
This is Susan Stryker, one of
the founding theorists of the
trans movement. In her best
known essay on performing
transgender rage. Stryker argues
that the transsexual body is a
technological construction that
represents a war against Western
society. I am a transsexual, and
therefore I am a monster striker
writes and this body striker
says is destined to channel its
rage and revenge against the
naturalized heterosexual order
against traditional family
values. And against the
hegemonic oppression of nature
itself. There's something
important to understand here,
the transgender movement is
inherently political, using the
construction of personal
identity to advance a collective
political vision. Some trans
activists even believed their
movement represents the future
of Marxism,
Adam Curry: and this is the
important thing to understand as
it pertains to politics and
right left media in the United
States. The political aspect of
it and a
Unknown: collection of essays
titled transgender Marxism, Rosa
Lee argues that trans people can
serve as the new vanguard of the
proletariat promising to abolish
heteronormativity in the same
way that orthodox Marxism
promised to abolish capitalism.
Lee writes, in a different era,
Marxist spoke of the
construction of a new socialist
man, as a crucial task and the
broader process of socialist
construction today, in a time of
both rising fascism and an
emergent socialist movement, our
challenge is transsexual lysing,
our Marxism, we should think of
the project of transition to
communism in our time, as
including the transition to new
communist selves, new ways of
being and relating to one
another. This is the great
project of the transgender
movement to abolish the
distinctions of man and woman to
transcend the limitations
established by creation, to
hitch the personal struggle of
trans individuals to the
political struggle of
revolution, all of society must
be reorganized to affirm their
identities and more importantly,
their politics.
Adam Curry: And I'm going to
disagree with what you wrote in
the newsletter. I believe the
Barbie movie is a part of the
transgender political agenda,
since they both have mounds they
don't have genitals they have
mounds, and I think this will be
a huge hit.
John C Dvorak: I will I will,
first of all, I never said it
was anything to do with a
transgender, my one worthy I
might what you're disagreeing
with is the fact that I think
it's gonna be a bust.
Adam Curry: Yes, that's correct.
I didn't I didn't say that. You
didn't say that I saying, I
believe no,
John C Dvorak: you started off
by saying I disagree with you.
Yes, comma. I can then you
discuss. There
Adam Curry: are two commas. So
the fall so I disagree with you,
in my belief that this is part
of the transsexual political
movement, trans Maoism, comma.
It will be a huge hit. The
minute I heard Kara Swisher
saying oh, I'm gonna go to the
premiere. And then I heard the
CEO of Mattel on what the CNBC
douchebags show. Cramer way away
John C Dvorak: Stop CNBC douche
bag show dundun
Adam Curry: Kramer. I think it
will be a blockbuster this is
it's totally against the
patriarchy. Ken is emasculated
is is you know it's just it's
the whole thing is messed up.
Anecdotally, I want to warn
parents of the pornography angle
what is happening here? It's a
twofer. Young men, not even
always young men, but mainly
young men are getting sucked
into COC holes, force
feminization type porn, which,
once you're bored enough with
all the porn, you can see, this
is where it leads. And then
there are ghouls out there, who
will start to feminize, your
man, your boy, your son, and
then set up an only fans. I've
heard this now from four
different people who've emailed
me, it always ends with a couple
of people who are also trans.
And they all wind up doing stuff
on only fans, which of course,
is creates an income there is a
there's a monetization angle to
this that is very real.
John C Dvorak: Well, it's like
the story we had about a guy who
was dressed up as a girl as a
joke, and he's made a career out
of it.
Adam Curry: Well, that seems to
be yes, Twitch is a part of it.
It's all a part of it.
John C Dvorak: And we'll have to
see how the Barbie movie does.
Adam Curry: I'm afraid it's
going to do really well.
John C Dvorak: Well, you know
that you've you've got your you
have the edge on on this, but
just Yes, like a turd.
Adam Curry: Well, I mean, I saw
some previews land. I'm not
interested in this. I agree with
you on that. But this, this is a
very, very, very dangerous
movement. And just one after
another, my brother went through
this, my son went through this,
my stepson went through this one
after another, it's proof. And
if you if you
John C Dvorak: look at the note,
we get too many notes. And if
you we get too many notes
describing the situation and is
disconcerting, or disconcerting
Adam Curry: concerning. If you
look at I put this link in the
show notes, the federalist.com
the people of Walmart account,
which is on Twitter and
Instagram. All you see is dudes
dressed up in bras and and shear
that yes to something people are
going insane.
John C Dvorak: Dealer going
insane out here. There's a
million sirens going, I
Adam Curry: can hear it, I can
hear it.
Unknown: Also insane as Bill
Gates, who has a new podcast out
when you're learning about
something instances is a
trailer. When you're learning
about something, it's important
to let yourself be confused to
acknowledge who I don't really
get how these pieces work
together. And then it's so much
fun when they start to make
sense. And I call that getting
We scientifically prove that
people retain information better
from celebrities and doctors
about AI that explained. Oh
yeah, it's so good at that. I
couldn't believe I was just
having these in the rabbit hole
conversation. You think given
how prevalent Alzheimer's is in
our society, mental health all
that is like people don't like
to talk about and feel afraid to
talk about it. I can now read
Chinese like a three year old
and that's taken what you call
prime unconfused. Yeah. Oh,
yeah, it definitely. Well, it's
fantastic. To hear him talk
about Alzheimer's or ever you
listen to podcasts.
John C Dvorak: Realize that,
that sizzle reel together.
Adam Curry: It's and so he has
different celebrities on his
podcast. The first one is Seth
Rogen, the government cook as my
daughter calls him. So so it's
called unconfused show with Bill
is the host Yes. What do you do
when you can't solve a problem?
I like to talk to smart people
like Seth Rogen, who can help me
understand the subject matter. I
call this process getting
unconfused. And I think it's one
of the best ways to learn
something new. In my new
podcast, I tried to get
unconfused about some things
that fascinate me. Join me on my
journey as I talked to brilliant
guests about Alzheimer's,
artificial intelligence, the
future of education, plant based
meats, the evolution of
language, marijuana, and more.
John C Dvorak: How's this gonna
get him to the goal he's angling
Adam Curry: I think he's out.
They've kicked him out of the
John C Dvorak: No, it this is
the one he's using this. I tell
you what he's trying to do here.
Okay, I'm just gonna look normal
for a while it's gonna be
crappy. And then the girls start
coming in. That's gonna be
interviewing the women.
Adam Curry: Laura is looking for
a new wife while he's
interviewing Seth Rogen and
Laura Miller Rogen so he might
have might take maybe I'm
involved in
John C Dvorak: this take a look
at her. She's She looks pretty
cute. Laura,
Adam Curry: Laura, Manila Rogen,
r o g e n. Laura Miller Rogen.
Yep, yep, yep, yep. Yep. You
John C Dvorak: oh G A and
Adam Curry: G and Hemet. Oh gee.
It's coming July 27. I can't
wait. Yeah.
John C Dvorak: Yeah, she's a
cutie. Yeah. 3d. Yeah. This is
where he's headed. may only be
one show.
Adam Curry: Yeah, because the
whole the whole world may our
whole world may crumble very
Unknown: UPS workers could walk
off the job in two weeks, but
negotiations remain stalled as
the union demands better pay and
other benefits. The head of the
teamsters union says he's asked
the White House not to intervene
if there's a strike. Analysts
say a 10 day work stoppage could
cost the economy more than $7
billion, making it one of the
costliest strikes in the last
Adam Curry: American Airlines
flight attendants are pushing
first strike vote also the
touring Broadway I add see
people are looking at striking
everyone starting to think about
John C Dvorak: a strike just
because people are sick of
working. Yeah, well
Adam Curry: that's not a good
future plan.
John C Dvorak: This is a trend
Adam Curry: this is how we get
universal basic income. And I
love CNBC. We just got to go
through this list. CNBC I think
the NBC is what created this
list. These are America's 10
worst states to live and work in
for 2023 Okay, number 10 Florida
and they have a little reason
for every single one what do you
think the reason is?
John C Dvorak: Bad politics
Ronnie your Republicanism
Adam Curry: Ron DeSantis hopes
to ride his war on woke to the
White House so it's woke numbers
John C Dvorak: that's so this is
part of their their list even
though people are flocking to
Adam Curry: number nine Arkansas
reason Sarah Huckabee Sanders
John C Dvorak: what list is this
Adam Curry: put this together
NBC well they're a bunch of
douchebag bigots waiting to hear
Number One Number Eight
Tennessee why will you know why
of course they publican ism the
ban on drag shows.
John C Dvorak: I started to get
the place Yes. I started my car
and I got it right away. Come
Adam Curry: Number seven,
Indiana. Why do you think paint
the Hoosier State is making it
hard for some families to fully
participate in the workforce.
There's no childcare they don't
they you can't have your mom at
home that she got to be working.
Number two work Missouri
Missouri what's wrong with
Missouri rolly
John C Dvorak: rolly the
Republican Holly
Adam Curry: know the trigger law
Roe v. Wade Come on. You should
John C Dvorak: know that I'm out
of Missouri. That's right.
Adam Curry: Number four,
John C Dvorak: That was always
on the list. Alabama.
Adam Curry: Alabama is always on
the list. Exactly. Oh, and it's
a tie number four a tie for
South Carolina.
John C Dvorak: The most
beautiful state in the country
Adam Curry: with with Alabama
because they're both so
unhealthy. Literally says that
number three because a lot of
fried food number three,
Louisiana. Again, childcare.
Number two Oklahoma where the
wind goes rustling
John C Dvorak: number one state
I can sense it. The sooner
Adam Curry: 1910 abortion ban
remains amongst the strictest in
the nation and number one
forefinger number on the great
state of Texas. Worst state to
live in Texas.