Unknown: The podcast story that you picked up on your vacation. Oh, it wasn't that great. In hindsight,
Adam: I saw Oh no.
Unknown: Adam Curry Jhansi devora
Adam: 2021 This is your award winning gitmo-nation Media assassination Episode 1339 and this is no agenda 19 ounces and broadcasting live from
opportunity zone 33 here at the frontier of Austin, Texas Capitol up the drone Star State. morning, everybody. I'm Adam Curry.
John: And I'm from Northern Silicon Valley where we've noticed the news is over. It's over pungency devorah
Unknown: was killed.
Adam: Do you mean the news is over? If the news is over, the show is over. That can be
John: the news is over. They've ended it. What happened?
Adam: What did I miss?
John: Well, I watched it. I did the three. I don't do it on Sunday, but I did it anyway. Yeah. The three networks. Ah, getting out of Afghanistan or
garden. Maybe we have to go back. Maybe we have to go back.
Adam: Wait a minute. This was the news this morning.
John: The news what they're doing. Oh, y'all. There's no news on Sunday morning. It's Meet the Press Face the Nation. Some other show on ABC. Right.
Adam: Right, right.
Unknown: Okay.
John: Anyway, it was it seems like the news is over. They don't really have anything to talk about sip. COVID getting out of Afghanistan did going
back with may have to go back. But we're not even
Adam: we're not even gone. What are they talking about? Have to go back and I have to go back. I understand how that was.
John: Oh, we have to go back.
Adam: I don't understand how any of that works.
John: And they also had Whitmer was on
Adam: I saw her Yeah, I saw her. Actually, I think I have
John: not much to say no, she had something she got it. She's getting a very North North Dakota accent if you haven't noticed.
Adam: She had something really stupid. No, I actually I didn't clip her it was so stupid. She was blaming it all on the rest of America. Oh no,
America didn't didn't act fast enough. So yeah, repulsed Ramzi
Unknown: Trump,
Adam: but you know, something happened Friday night since you kind of bring it up unless you want it was there a third to a third observation from the
news that's over
John: now they're pretty much it was No, they didn't get anything worthwhile.
Adam: I well, Bill Maher of the bill maher show shootings. They were shooting snow they were shooting Well, there's a lot of that news. The Bill Maher
who's very left
John: very left kind of guy. Yes. I watched this show myself and I didn't clip it. And I'm wondering what you got.
Adam: Oh, I only clipped Well, two parts. He had a whole seven eight minute rant in his new rules. I don't know if you watch the new rules part. Have
John: you ever gotten that far? Okay,
Adam: okay, cuz I didn't see the beginning of the show. I got this one. Like you gotta watch you gotta watch this watch.
John: Well, let me tell before you do that. I'll just give you a brief Yes.
Adam: What's the briefing on the show please?
John: Sharon RS Osborne on.
Unknown: Oh, brother.
Adam: Was she any good?
John: Just rag on the talk and how Sharon was right. All she did was defend her friend Piers Morgan issue is called a racist for doing it and Bill
Maher went on and on No, I That's terrible. That people get called racist for no good reason. And then they they left and that was the end of it.
Adam: Okay,
John: well as in a nutshell.
Adam: If so that's that's actually not too bad. It's admirable. Yeah, exactly. Okay, so Bill Maher has been cancelled before we know after 911. With
his show politically incorrect. He lived up to the name of the show, and said things that were deemed incredibly wrong and
John: I'll explain what it was. Yes. He came out and said that the American American
Adam: No, he said to hijack our hijackers he said we're not cowards. I think that's the
John: hijackers are not cowards, because they had the guts to go blow themselves up. And the American military who was sending missiles in from long
range, cruise missiles, we were they cowards. Mom is off the air
Adam: was off the air. Well, what was interesting about what he said on Friday show, well, by itself was interesting. I just cut out a couple of
pieces. It's about the media and COVID. And what, you know, this are the politicians. He conveniently skips healthcare professionals, but okay, but
also the media and how they are, in effect, helping us get sicker or certainly stupider. But what was most interesting was the crowd response, and I
think this is a true crowd response. He has he has audience by he's back with an audience. So I don't think it was canned and you can You know, the
biggest problem I'm seeing certainly around places like Austin, where everyone knows that there's all this crazy crap going on, but people are afraid
to say it because that's what the canceled culture does. You know, if you are cast out of the group that's horrible for some people, for some it could
mean economic demise. There's all kinds of reasons in there, you know, so everyone's waiting for someone else to clap. You know what I mean? It's
like, well, if one guy classmate, maybe I could just clap along. Yes, maybe I could clap along. So here's Bill Maher. And this is his, his intro here
to politicians in the media and medical reporting over the past year, the COVID pandemic has prompted the medical establishment, the media and the
government to take a Scared Straight approach to getting the public to comply with their recommendations. What By the way, everything you hear as a no
agenda producer, you're going to be like, so like, we didn't know that. But the point is, it's Bill, Bill Maher saying, I'm from a different school,
give it to me straight doc. Because in the long run, that always works better than you can't handle the truth.
Unknown: Already that kind of like in it. Now, I get it. doctors tell people lies because they don't trust you to finish the antibiotics after your
dick starts feeling better. And that by itself, I mean, your doctor lied to you, john.
John: No. And the other thing is, that is a very poor thing to say. Because the reason you finished antibiotics is to was not because you feel better
and just feel like stopping. There's a real sound reason for finishing the antibiotics, right.
Adam: And I've not shown that since I've said I was seven years old, you always know you have to finish your antibiotics.
John: So to wipe out the the little bitty bugs that are just hanging in there because they can resist a little bit, right, and you got to get rid of
them, because those are the ones that could resist the next round of antibiotics. So if you don't finish your antibiotics, you could easily just be
creating a worse bug. Right? Yes. responsible. It's like to think well wear the mask because you're being responsible to other people. In the case of
antibiotics. This is actually true.
Adam: Well, he's acting like doctors lie about that. I don't think they lie about everyone knows this. But it doesn't matter. Media. Well, I think we
all know if it bleeds it leads, the more they can more they can get you to stay inside and watch their panic porn, the higher the ratings. Oh, they're
recognizing that. Yeah. When all of our sources for medical information, have an agenda to spin us? Yeah, you wind up with a badly misinformed
population including on the left. Liberals often mock the republican misinformation bubble, which of course is very real. Ask anyone who works at
Hillary's pizza parlor. We do know conservatives have some loopy ideas about COVID like the third of Republicans who believe it couldn't be spread by
someone showing those symptoms. Isn't that true? Am I a republican now for thinking that that is asymptomatic spread was indeed bullcrap.
John: Well, yeah, you're a Republican.
Adam: I thought that it didn't spread. Wasn't it? Wasn't that like we had a study that said this is total just like the surfaces that I've denied Mr.
John: Fisher's one is a good one. There's a lot of stuff if you read enough studies that you can pretty much Yeah, but now he's he's bigoted. That's
Adam: okay. But then, but the next part is really cool. But what about liberals? You know, the high inflammation by the science people. In a recent
Gallup survey, Democrats did much worse than Republicans and getting the right answer to the fundamental question, what are the chances that someone
who gets COVID will need to be hospitalized? The answer is between one and 5% 41% of Democrats thought it was over 50%. Another 28% put the chances at
20 to 49. So almost 70% of Democrats are wildly off on this key question, and also have a greatly exaggerated view of the danger of COVID, too, and
the mortality rate among children. All of which explains why today the states with the highest share of schools that are still closed are all blue
states. So if the right wing media bubble has to own things like climate change, denial, shouldn't liberal media have to answer for? How did your
audience wind up believing such a bunch of crap about COVID?
John: Ah,
Adam: I didn't even know this statistic. That's fantastic.
John: I sense that this was true for my neighbors, Yeah, the doctors that you just think you don't got it. They haven't left their house for a year
Adam: term, the doctors, their doctors.
John: Mimi's now thinking and maybe they're quacks.
Adam: Yeah. Well, there's a second part to this. A new report in the Atlantic says the media won't stop putting pictures of the beach on stories about
COVID. Even though it's looking increasingly like the beach is the best place to avoid it. sunlight is the best disinfectant. And vitamin D is the key
to a robust immune system. Texas lifted its COVID restrictions recently, and there infection rates went down, in part because of people getting
outside should let the sun and wind do their thing. Look, listen, listen. But many liberals, that can't be right mattering because text is mattering.
Beach loving Florida have Republican governors. But life is complicated. I've read that the governor of florida reads I know we like to think of
Florida as only middle school teachers on bath salts having sex with their students in front of an alligator. But apparently, the governor is also a
voracious consumer of the scientific literature. And maybe that's why he protected his most vulnerable population, the elderly, way better than did
the governor of New York. And clapping again.
Unknown: Those are just facts.
Adam: I know it's irresponsible of me to say them. I'm not saying I was wildly enthusiastic. But at least people are hearing something here. That's a
different message. Especially when you need to Santas, you can even say desantis has good hair, you get canceled for that.
John: And I've never heard anyone at that level of PR even Horowitz won't do anything about
Adam: now, the governor was also a part of a controversy. The controversy this past week, as Twitter was not allowing anyone to post video or audio or
even articles about the roundtable that the governor of florida put together regarding COVID. Because Oh my god, you know, it's this information. We
can't have that we can't be posting that on social media. So let's play two quick clips from it. so that everyone can see what the reason was why this
just could not be allowed. And let's start with the children. Martin Folder View agree and school, there's no no need for them to be wearing face
masks. Children should not wear face masks. No.
Unknown: They don't need it for their own protection. And they don't need it for protecting other people either. Okay,
Adam: I mean, I think schools How do you teach a child to read with face masks?
Unknown: On on zoom?
Or, you know, I
think I think the what children developed by watching other people,
Adam: and I think is developmentally inappropriate, and it just doesn't help on the dunsey spread. I think it's absolutely not the right thing to do.
Yeah, so we can't have that on Twitter. That would be completely wrong. We need to ruin the children. That's thinking of the children.
John: Yeah. Well, you get jack Dorsey hates kids. Yeah.
Adam: There's a second one, from Scott Gottlieb. But I think the problem became the fear, the fear and the public Wii, it was sort of like the fear
was another contagion to say, because we have a dramatic impact of the need to get tested the rush to get tested this sort of obsession about testing.
Whereas testing was very valuable. It just that the point of testing is to save lives, not touch to document every infection and low risk people.
There's your mass hysteria. It's also obvious even quacks like us can figure it out.
John: Well, I never thought there was much to figure out there was some sort of a scam going on. It was at some different level and it was begun and
run by a level that we're run familiar with. We didn't ever see anything like this happen before. Marketing and everything was just fine tuned for it.
Well, well, it fell for it. I
Adam: will say yeah, we you're correct. It has been done before, in precisely the same manner. And it failed and we did pick up pick up on it and we
did not fall for the scam. But now
John: we didn't fall for this scam.
Adam: No, but I want to play a flashback where I show what? And it's uncanny when you hear this by the way. This is we're going back to the no agenda
show. I think this was episode one. Oh, Nine. And this was back when vaccines were all in play. Remember, this was the the anti smoking vaccine, the
anti cocaine addiction vaccine, the anti drinking vaccine, none of those came to market, of course. But it was it was the big the big thing back in
the day, and then we had the swine flu. That's why we go back to July 3 2009. And listen to what we were discovering.
John: His stories are all over the place. And the one that really got my attention this morning somebody sent in, I don't have in front of me, so I
can't credit him. But I'll actually blog it and credit him that might have it. The 600 million doses of full swine flu are needed for the US.
Adam: I'm looking at this. That's that's exactly what they're doing in every other country to for each individual. 300 million people. two doses,
forced vaccinations come in your way.
John: That's ridiculous. You're not going to pull it they're not going to get away with it.
Adam: Well, do you mind if I play you a little piece of video from this is an official speaking on behalf let me just get her name, then I'll fast
forward to the relevant bit because she actually explains how the forced vaccinations will take place. What rights the US government already has, as
of today to enter your home to quarantine you and to give you a forced vaccination. Are you interested in john and hearing how that works?
John: I'd rather talk about Britney Spears, and Okay, so
Adam: we were we were great even back then. But do you notice Do you notice that the swine flu they were trying to push the two vaccinations? They
might have had the mRNA lined up then they tried to do it?
John: I don't think they did that. I don't think they had the mRNA mRNA for a long time. Yeah. But well, a couple of things. I remember most of this,
the two things, the two vaccines, no one was going for that they didn't like the idea and there was never really a good reason for it. And then
somebody broke ranks that thing was there was not a unit unified front. This is the problem they had back in the day, right 2009 back in the day, back
in the day, the unified front was in there. So somebody broke ranks and said, Well, we can combine one shot we can do one shot and we can combine it
with the regular flu vaccine. Remember they did that at the various Yep,
Adam: yep. Yeah, I remember that. That
John: made the whole thing. Wait a minute, then you're scamming us to tell us that we had to have tu tu tu tu tu he kept talking about to and now you
can do one and combine it with their regular vaccine, which they did. By the way. They put the H one n one flu vaccine. they
Adam: wind up doing that. Did they wind up putting that on the market?
John: I believe so.
Adam: Yes. I seem to recall something like that. Yeah. PDFs.
John: And it didn't make any sense that you did, which is bullcrap. Anyway, so and but the thing that triggered the other thing was the triggering
mechanism of the of the of the virus. It was came out of Mexico. Yep. Now all every backs every bump. So every flu and screwball disease, with rare
exceptions, at least we were always taught this and it was and I'll tell you, and I will remind people what it was they had not mentioned this once,
during this epidemic, because now it's coming from bats. But they all came out of China, because people would mix to have their pigs and their poultry
mixed together in their farms. And they these things would be Zoo IQ, or was it I can't remember the exact word where it jumps from animal demand
animal and when one animal to the other and creates some bug and it gets out. And there's always the way all the fluids come from this.
Adam: We never we never enough. No one was ever creative to bring in pangolins. I mean, that was new. That was a new writer. They had a new writer for
that one that was good.
John: Well, they came up with a bad idea because it was a Coronavirus. It wasn't a flu. Yeah, basically gave up on the flu, influenza even though
that's what the Spanish pandemic was. So they created something in a lab and released it. That's, let's summarize. Yeah.
Adam: So talking about the two doses, add two doses may be going to one dose. Yeah, I don't think so. That is not in the interest of anyone like
Pfizer tonight, the CEO of Pfizer saying a booster shot will likely be needed within 12 months of getting fully vaccinated. And it's possible people
will need to get the COVID vaccine yearly, just like the flu shot, and likely scenario is that there will be likely a need for a third dose, somewhere
between six and 12 months up six and 12 months. I love Andrew Horowitz his response to this news. He's on Twitter. He's nothing but sad face. Yeah,
Andrew, it's time for your next shot.
John: Come on up. Come on. I suggested. I suggested to him in an email. Maybe it was a tweet. I think it was an email though. I said, Well, here's the
deal. What if this is the situation the mRNA screws with you so much? With your own system so much that now for the rest of your life you have to have
these boosters to keep it from going out.
Adam: Oh my goodness Wouldn't that be harsh right out
John: of this good science fiction story?
Adam: Yeah, the shot you need the shot otherwise, you know, the mRNA is gonna kill you.
John: Yeah, see these these counter shots? Keep going. You gotta have one every year.
Adam: What we what? We're kind of finding out and it's a little confusing, but people who get the shot are apparently shedding spike protein. Even
though that is not the Coronavirus, but they are shedding it around people. We heard that from the from the Belgian guy, the boss's name.
John: How do you shed it?
Adam: Well, the same way that when you when you're
John: like protein, so what's like, it's like, it's like sneezing out a bunch of cornflakes. I mean, what there is, is a make,
Adam: what I understand is that if you're next to someone who has that you can get the spike protein, your body responds to it as if it's the virus
John: was this is not gonna kill you. Despite protein it's not, right. It's just a random spike protein. Well, so what? Well,
Adam: I don't know, I'm, I'm just throwing it out there. I'm trying to figure stuff out. And what I do know is that when someone if you're vaccinating
someone who has certain illnesses, which is not really being discussed now, there's something called the antibodies dependent enhancement process that
takes place we can which can make you very sick. And this may be some of this blood clotting some of this other stuff that's taking place, which, by
the way, is not unique to Johnson and Johnson, of course. But here's Fauci in 2020 addressing this in a very short clip, this should be played or
replayed, and people should pay attention to what he's saying here,
John: does the vaccine make you worse, and there are diseases in which you vaccinate someone, they get infected with what you're trying to protect
them with, and you actually enhance the infection, you can get a good feel for that in animal models. So that's going to be interest both at the same
time that we're testing, we're going to try and make sure we don't have enhancement. The worst possible thing you could do is vaccinate somebody to
prevent infection and actually make them worse. So that
Adam: you don't hear that discussion anymore, do you?
John: But what was the key in there?
Adam: Well, the key is it there are certain diseases and people should not be nice. No.
John: No, that was the overall theme. What do you Well, what
Adam: do you mean that what was the key?
John: You need to test it against animals. Animals and what is the one thing they did not do?
Adam: tested on animals? Yes, Adam Curry, Austin, Texas, he wins. Well, we all know what's going to happen with this thing and the Australian near
CHANNEL SEVEN news, they know exactly what's going on with the vaccine.
Unknown: And Australian biotech company has developed a new treatment it hopes will prevent people dying from COVID
vaccine. Okay.
Adam: Australia trying to save us from dying from vaccines. But this story that came in from Arliss, one of our producers, is fantastic. He says, I
have an anecdote about one of the Chinese vaccines, not sure which one but my best friend's mom lives in the Dominican Republic. She's a woman of
almost eight years old. She like many older Dominicans was unhappy that her only option was the Chinese vaccine, she was ranting to my friend,
doctors, nurses, anyone who had listened to the Chinese gave them the virus and now they were giving them the vaccine. She made the connection didn't
like it. So when the big day came for first shot, my friend called her to make sure she was doing okay, she seemed much calmer, less agitated, she was
no longer ranting about the Chinese. She claimed no real side effects except ours. Remember, she's 80 years old. hours after getting the vaccine, she
had an orgasm. And then the next morning another one without any sexual contact at all years of having not had any sexual pleasure. She's having
orgasms on a regular basis. Now this is some marketing because she's standing around. Yes. I guess just by standing around, I don't have the details.
But yes, a spontaneous orgasm. There is an affliction that there is something that some women have, or I read about where you were, this happens all
John: time. Yeah, no, yeah, no, I'm not gonna say any more. Yet, I've heard is such a thing.
Adam: But I thought that was a very interesting side effect. Something we did not consider jet.
John: Well then would be the way to do it. Put it into some whatever that is that you did put in the vaccine me Everyone will just flock to that one.
Well, it's
Adam: kind of interesting that you know, the Chinese again ahead of Pfizer on this. They're the guys that are supposed to have the boner pills and the
libido stuff. Now the Chinese are horning in on the female side of the action, you got to be careful with these Chinese. And then what they got all
kinds of good drugs
John: from pangolin story
Adam: pangolins. Let's look at some of the marketing. Now. I can't say that these are specifically Pfizer related money, but we know that there's $3
billion the US government has is giving away to market against vaccine hesitancy. Here's one influencer on tik tok, who explains how that works,
Unknown: debate or anything, but I've just seen, obviously, the vaccine
tab and it keeps her out if you want to get the vaccine, get the vaccine to eat your own. But I did just want to make a little note that I received
two back campaigns paying 1000s of dollars to go and get a vaccine or go get the vaccine and record it and take a selfie while getting the vaccine.
Just gonna throw that out
Adam: there. Now, should that be some kind of FTC violation that you're paying influencers, to just go film themselves getting the vaccine as a
stealth native ad without disclosing,
John: you have to remember let's let's go back again on a little machine of ours, and realize that if you recall around, I'm thinking six years ago,
the FTC and somebody as some of the group was during the Obama administration made a huge fuss about people on Twitter and specifically, yeah,
pretending to like something because they got paid to pretend to like it. Right. And that was supposed to now they had to be disclose you had to
disclose doing this? Yeah,
Adam: that's what I thought. Well,
John: I don't see any disclosures going on on Tick Tock. That woman's blurb blast out there, which I thought was admirable on her part, I would say
indicates that there's a bunch of people that you see him going or showing up taking the vaccine and getting paid. Yes, it's against the law.
Adam: That's what I was thinking that that's not the way it's supposed to work.
John: Where's the enforcement? You know, what am I
Adam: the enforcement, he
Unknown: said, We need him for forcement as such a law.
Adam: We need to follow the rules.
John: It's a law. It's not a rule. It's a law and it's being broken left and right and nobody's doing anything about they should be arresting people
left and right and throwing them in jail. That's where I think
Adam: the United States Center for Disease Control and Prevention has reached an agreement with popular video game deals Twitter account warrior Oh
64. Yes, what
John: is 60 this coming
Adam: Oreo 64 has about 900,000 followers on Twitter. And they've come to an agreement. So that the Twitter account not saying that's a person to
company, I just the Twitter account, warrior 6464 will not be paid to announce COVID-19 vaccine availability nationwide. And these are good little
deals you can get from the government today. Shit man exit strategy would just reverse everything. Take some dough and tell everyone vaccines are
great. And then we'll split it on we'll make everybody hold on the back end. As we exit
Unknown: by
Adam: state see rise in unused vaccines as demand flattens Yeah, this is what our producers are reporting everywhere. But the best part of the
marketing or the Pfizer marketing that is coming undone is a story from Norway. And as you know, we have producers everywhere, including Norway, the
Norwegian Dr. Pan Andre Houma, who first published the AstraZeneca vaccine, blood clotting side effects, which led Of course to the stop and overall
distrust of the AstraZeneca vaccine in Norway and other Northern European countries. But guess what he didn't disclose that he has about $100,000
worth of reimbursements from Pfizer. This is this is so blatant.
John: They don't even you're getting careless.
Adam: This very careless but the thing is, it doesn't matter. There's
John: no if the governor you know, somehow they've talked to government. They get the did the corruption goes. Every must be everywhere. Yeah. Well,
all levels in cluding the enforcement arms. Yeah. And once you get enforced and what's the corruption hits enforcement, which is obviously is done
yeah. Then you're doomed. I mean, this is like you know, trying to get justice in Mexico. Yeah, yeah, it's
Adam: pretty sad. Because if it's it is you right? It's just sad. Well, you know big pharma it's they're really
John: they're really powerful. Well, they got the media already in their pocket. So once you get the media in your pocket you got it made. And the
media is shameless.
Adam: Yeah, they are. Here's a commercial one of our producers picked up this is how bad it is in the United States. Now as you know, we have
pharmaceutical advertisements are allowed here and is it also New Zealand? Is that the only other country in the world that allows this? I believe
it's New Zealand. So I
John: don't know that they do. Yeah, that we were the only ones but
Adam: while we're there, we're the only one that matters because we're big. So it is so bad in America with the pharmaceutical industry with the pills
and the and the potions and the stuff that people are jammed with by doctors just jammed full with it now. Now we need to have commercials like this
Unknown: tired of sorting pills.
This has been my nightmare. 19 different medications that I try to sort every week, taking up to an hour sometimes at an hour and a half. What a pain.
JOHN discovered hero, this smart device that helps you manage your meds loaded up. It pre sorts them and dispenses them at just the right time.
John: So easy to use and saves me so much time. I
Adam: never miss a dose. I'm
Unknown: never late for a dose anymore. I will highly recommend this machine to anyone
for just 2999 a month hero can help you or a loved one say
Adam: 95 open the machine and dump in 90 days of small pills. And I'm good to go.
Unknown: We are so confident you will love hero we offer. You don't believe this?
John: No this either Saturday Night Live sketch or something else. Man that spends an hour a day certain pills.
Adam: Highest I believe this one. I'll get to the bottom of it. I believe this. Yes. This take you've been had? No, I don't think so. I don't think
so. Baby. Well, okay, here's one that's definitely real. And this is for the children by Cincinnati Children's Hospital. The various COVID-19 vaccines
work differently,
Unknown: but all do the same thing. They stop COVID-19 for making you sick. When someone usually gets sick from a virus, that virus has been able to
get into the body cells and force them to make more of the virus. And until a body has had enough time to make antibodies to fight the virus, that
person will stay sick. So when you get a COVID-19 vaccine, it tells yourself to pretend to look like COVID-19 cells. And because your body's defenses
think those are COVID-19 cells, even though they aren't your defenses are preparing the antibodies to fight the virus. That's how it works. And your
body won't attack yourselves to look like COVID-19 now with your body fared the real COVID-19 virus comes along, your body is ready to stop it
Adam: right away.
Unknown: So you won't get sick. All because the vaccine prepared your body. So your vaccine will get it Your body is protected. A message from
Cincinnati Children's?
Adam: Uh huh.
John: Well, we've explained this mechanism on the show a million times. And that's exactly how it was supposed to work. The problem is Does it ever
stop producing, you know, there's issues? Yeah. Which is Does it ever stop producing protein spikes, you go and send a messenger RNA and there's a
make these spikes. And they're a bunch of cell sales. I don't know I got nothing else to do. Draw, I'm gonna do that. I'm going to make spikes and
starts making spikes. And it starts making more spikes and keeps making them and then Meanwhile, some other cells probably got the word from this mRNA
vaccine is is I make spikes do I can make more spikes than you. And they started making all these spikes and pretty soon eurosystem was clogged up
with spikes. Is that possible?
Adam: I think that what is what is happening if you take these you know this, this first, this 2030 minutes into account? Is that even people who
really are all not all because there's going to be a segment that had just completely lost. I think people are starting to wake up and you see this oh
what a booster six months What what? Every year and people as you pointed out in the newsletter, people are down to comparing the the side effects of
each vaccine. Well, I know I can handle pain better than nausea. So I'll take the Pfizer and this is insane the level that people have gotten to and
John: this thing can perish. It was on a TV we had it we have TV shows now and we have zoom conferences and people are comparing side effects. Yeah.
This is not when is this ever happened in our lifetime.
Adam: Yeah, never side effects
John: are supposed to be rare. They're supposed to be a side effect of maybe the You know, there's just something that could happen. And it's the
little thing at the end if there if, if side effects are now normalized, I don't know while anyone's out of these drug company ads are going to work
because of their side effects or normalize. Pretty much everything you take is going to kill you. It said they say so in the ad.
Adam: Yes, if they actually have to do side effects, you're so right. Because that when you're an officially when you're an officially approved, FDA
approved medication, non emergency youth use authorization, I think you do have to put all the disclaimers on the TV ad, so they just won't do it. And
why will
John: they look? Do they have to?
Adam: They just won't do ads? Why would they look at all another? Yeah,
John: I don't know what you're gonna do about this. Look at free, I've created a monster.
Adam: And let's just remind ourselves of what Dr. Bill told us could be the possible side effect, nothing more, nothing less.
Unknown: The data that everybody with a high dose had a side effect.
Yeah, but some of that is is not dramatic, where, you know, it's just, you know, super painful. But yes, we need to make sure there's not severe side
effects. The FDA,
John: I think will do a good job of that. Despite the pressure.
Adam: Well, no, the FDA has not done a good job. We have women all of a sudden menstruating when they haven't. We have women getting orgasms when they
haven't. I'm not saying it's a bad side effect. But
Unknown: yeah, diabetes, diabetes,
Adam: blindness, temporary blindness.
John: You know, a lot of people just drop dead.
Adam: The super painful part seems to be just part of the overall equation for everybody no matter what. So, yeah, well,
John: I do have some COVID clips. And but they're all wrapped clips. They're all clips of you know, trying to get things wrapped.
Adam: was good. Let's do that. Let's do that.
John: Let's let's start to wrap things up. Even though By the way, it's not gonna
Adam: it's not a wrap
John: on COVID by any No, I'm gonna give you that. I'm going to kind of give it away. But the wrap is that this is going to continue. Oh, geez.
Yeah. Just go with COVID reports. CBS one
Unknown: staggering new milestone more than 3 million lives now taken by the virus for context. That is more than the population of Houston for the
latest tie. Hey,
Adam: start What is this? Why Houston in there? Why are you thinking on Houston? That's not cool.
John: I you know what, you when they do something like I'm always thinking is this code? Yeah,
Adam: this is code for republican
John: now is just culture. We're gonna be some bad things gonna happen to Houston again.
Adam: I think so. Yeah, sure they are. You know, right now,
John: now's the time to disinvest from Houston, you remember that? Story Rubicon, which is now a, I guess they're replaying it somewhere on one of
these networks. They it was all the whole skate the whole intelligence scam, quote, unquote, from all these small intelligence operations were was
just to find good investments.
Adam: So here's what here's what I say. Governor of Texas Abbott came out two weeks ago now I believe, and said, Hey, we're close to herd immunity.
And we're all good. And if you look at the New York Times from me see the date on this. This is April 11. So last week, headline has Texas achieved
herd immunity. There's no way on God's green earth and experts is so they're going after Texas because he just like Bill, Maher said, with Florida
too, but yeah, I don't think I had that in the clip. But yeah, maska mass mandates dropped cases went down. You know, it's counterintuitive. We can't
have that. So maybe they're planning a super spreader event who's Houston is great for that. We have a very diverse population. A lot of obese people
in Houston, just anecdotally from having been there recently and being at the airport in Houston recently, which is probably the biggest health
problem we have. So yeah, maybe, maybe a notice they've gone from half a million people dead in America to 3 million which is the worldwide figure.
That's kind of fun to do. PS want to scare people,
Unknown: staggering new milestones. 3 million lives now taken by the virus for context. That's more than the population of Houston for the latest. Tom
Hanson joins us in New York. Tom. Good evening.
Hey there, Adriana will help officials are concerned over a spring surge. The United States has reported nearly a quarter of a million cases in the
past week alone, even as vaccinations accelerate.
Tonight cases on the rise with several states across the country. battling new infections. CDC blames dangerous variants and relaxed
Hold on.
Adam: Battling new infections. No, no, no, no, no. Your cases count can go up. People do PCR testing. They get it. You're positive. You're not
seething with infection lying dead in the ICU. There's no battling. People are getting testing positive to go home. That 97% will be fine. They're not
battling anything that is certainly not infection. This is discussed Who is this again? Na CBA
John: broadcasting says Oh,
Unknown: tonight cases on the rise with several states across the country battling new infections, the CDC blames dangerous variants and relaxed
restrictions, including ending mass mandates for the increase in cases
Adam: all roads to defeating the pandemic go through the path of successfully and quickly vaccinating the country.
Unknown: It's a race for shots with nearly a third of American adults now fully vaccinated. 50% have received at least one dose we're trying to get as
soon as possible, because that we want this then as soon as possible. But with the variants infecting young Americans and more than 37,000 people
hospitalized nationwide, experts warn the US strategy to out vaccinate a mutating virus could derail progress. Oh, my goodness. This report.
Adam: I mean, it's it's even like yeah, battling the Coronavirus, really, really
Unknown: bad. You know?
What the title?
John: Did that last little thing you said at the end there was kind of I don't know if you can call it a non sequitur maybe? It's It's It's like self
contradictory? I'm not sure. But can you play just the end of this? Listen carefully to what he said as a conclusion.
Unknown: Now fully vaccinated. 50% have received at least one dose we're trying to get as soon as possible, because that we want this then as soon as
possible. But with the variants infecting young Americans and more than 37,000 people hospitalized nationwide, experts warn the US strategy to out
vaccinate a mutating virus could derail progress.
Adam: Wait out vaccinate.
John: Trying to out vaccinate the virus could derail progress to stop taking vaccinations.
Adam: Last bit one more time
Unknown: that allies nationwide. Experts warned the US strategy to out vaccinate a mutating virus could derail progress. Oh, I
Adam: understand. Oh, no, I get it. This is this is a new meme. The The idea is
John: no. And I said Please explain.
Adam: The meme is and I think Whitmer is the one that's at the front of this. We have to lock down again, the variants are we cannot out vaccinate the
variance. It's time to lock down again. That's what's going on here. Oh, okay. Now listen to a
John: very by the way I'm gonna say it. Normally I'd catch stuff like this. You caught it. very poorly executed.
Adam: Let's listen to it again in context. Now, the variants infecting young
Unknown: Americans and more than 37,000 people hospitalized nationwide. Experts warn the US strategy to out vaccinate a mutating virus could derail
progress. Progress
John: Okay, well, it still is still an issue here with that commentary it could derail in other words taking all these pushing vaccinations crude like
crazy because we're number one could derail progress. What progress
Adam: Oh, economic recovery or great reset?
John: crappy it's very poorly done.
Adam: Well, it No, it's well, it's what network was that? Is that CBS? EI?
Unknown: That's
Adam: their standard. I agree. They usually are better. Well, that guy will. He'll tell if someone's gonna have Yes. And when I've been talking with
John: Now Okay, well, we're still staying with this with these series because it turns out to be a series that goes on and on. Oh, so they go they go
right from there to the part two and in the same report. And this time we're talking to Justin Trudeau. For some reason, Trudeau just shows up and now
we're talking about of course
Adam: we know why Trudeau shows up you know, it's about lockdowns Canada is the king of lockdowns,
Unknown: numbers are higher than they've ever been before. In Canada officials are sounding the alarm. infection rates now outpaced those in the US
and threatened to overrun hospitals in the provinces of Alberta and Ontario, where police now have new powers to curb the spread.
John: This wave is different from previous waves in Because the variants of concern
Unknown: are more communicable and more serious and better news here in New York hospitalizations are at their lowest point since December in the
state of New York City's Mayor Bill de Blasio says 5 million New Yorkers should be vaccinated by June. Adriana.
Adam: Okay, variants of concern great term. I have the health officials from Ontario explaining the rules if you'd like to hear those real quick.
John: Okay, then then I go to we go to one more country after this.
Adam: We'll stay in Canada, then we go to the next country. Here's the intro of the officials of Ontario, explaining the lockdown rules. We've
implemented the strictest measures in all of North America. Yeah, difficult truth is their number one you see, every public health measure we have
left comes with a massive cost last two people in their lives. But we have never shied away from doing what's necessary.
Unknown: We have made the deliberate decision to temporarily enhance police officers authority for the duration of the stay at home order. Moving
forward, police will have the authority to require any individual who is not in a place of residence to first provide their purpose for not being at
home and provide their home address. Police will also have the authority to stop the vehicle to inquire about an individual's reason for leaving their
and our inspectors will also be ensuring that those who absolutely must come to work are strictly following the public health measures for our
employers and employees. Take note, this is your last warning.
Adam: And then they had a q&a
John: was the first warning. You guys just This is your last warning that can't be just about Canadian dick.
Adam: Yeah. When people were not employers were not taking this seriously. They were allowing their employees to come to work even though they were
not deemed essential enough to do such activities. And the q&a came in. And you know, obviously, you'd like to know what kind of what happens if you
don't if you don't play
Unknown: along, I'm wondering about these new police powers to just randomly stop someone walking down the street or to pull over a car. What happens
if, if a person refuses to answer the police questions.
So by issuing these new additional enforcement measures, it allows police officers to ask the person why they are not at their place of residence and
what their place of residence is. And specifically to your question, if you are not willing to comply, then you are breaking the law.
Adam: wrecking Canada, what have you allowed to happen? The law that they just put in place?
Unknown: What happened?
Adam: I'm sorry.
John: It was why don't they get rid of these people?
Adam: Well, maybe they will after this next one, which is about snitching
Unknown: if someone sees their neighbors are breaking these these new regulations and having a party in their yard, that sort of thing? Should should
people call police on their neighbors,
in terms of people calling to snitch to inform?
Look, we
all have a personal responsibility. If it means saving lives, then I think we have to think about what your social responsibilities are as an
individual to make sure that you don't empower other people and invite a whole bunch of individuals to your home.
Adam: Man, we talked about America becoming China. But Haku Tata Tata ching ching over there a US Canada, what are you allowing to happen? Gee, this
is pretty extreme. And
John: well, the thing about the Canadian is I've had this theory by the just to the Americans to the Canadians, at a base level. And at the base level
begins with the American Revolution where we just we do what we do, we pull out a bunch of guns and rousted the British, the Canadians never did this.
They let the British they left them there, but they got their way by complaining a lot. If you go into Canada enough, you know, you start to notice
that Canadians are really good at complaining. And they bitched and moaned Okay, okay, okay, whatever you want, and they get their way often. So this
new moment seems to be a challenge to the Canadians that can they complain their way out of this mess?
Adam: So you're saying Canadians complain and then the government eventually relents and says, okay, we won't do that because you're all complaining.
That's what that's that's what you're basically what I'm saying. Yes.
John: complainer's That
Adam: sounds reasonable
John: compared to Americans, we pull out a gun. I wish
Adam: we were still doing that
John: we don't Well, we're still doing it enough that everyone's worked up about it. And but we're not. We do complete, I have to say, the complaining
methodology is not a bad one if you do it, right, because that's what a lot of the protests and the like and such tend to be focused around and we're
trying to make ourselves more complainer's and we are violent, but it may or may not be working.
Adam: So we're becoming Canadians.
John: I think what we're trying to become,
Adam: because they're so peaceful, it's so nice making it
John: if you notice a lot of Canadians, especially Canadian actresses, and actors, they're all in on the whole all this protest anti Trump stuff. And
it's all a good dance that Trumps all could based on complaining with Trump never did anything one way or the other. But let's bitch about him.
Adam: Yeah, yeah. That's interesting.
John: That's just the thesis. Hmm. Onward onward with the final COVID
Adam: CIA broadcast systems,
John: the CIA Broadcasting System, what are they trying to tell us? This is a jump, they keep going. They get plowed right through Canada. And now
we're going to the real good one, the one that we can't prove because nobody's down there to report now. We've had our producer reporting that there
were Chinese vaccines as it was okay. And that no one's dying in the streets. We've had I agree, and we have we have foods, foods on the ground that
tend to give us the straight up Straight Dope, but not on our networks and American pub. They don't know what the hell's going on Brazil might as well
be on Mars. So let's hear our Brazilian report as we continue on with the CBS is COVID rundown,
Unknown: deadly COVID variant tearing through Brazil has that country's
medical system
Adam: tearing through Brazil tearing through Brazil. I love this
Unknown: deadly COVID variant tearing through Brazil has that country's medical system at a breaking point. The US News team traveled there this week.
And as my
situation is dire, dire
velop and the other hospital in Sao Paulo is not only for it no longer accepts anyone but COVID-19 patients. Dr. Daniela de su says the viruses
victims are getting younger. And once they are here, the odds are against them.
John: In your experience. How
Unknown: many of these nine people in this one room will recover or not? Man
less than half will recover. You really get the sense of worst case scenario. Being in the hospital different people are being intubated. in the other
room, we saw someone getting chest compressions.
John: It's exhausting work emotionally to
Unknown: discuss it this past year inches ocean IV zone.
I mean,
you're the last person they see before they die. Some of them
are many here. Suffering is taking different forms. The virus's economic toll means food and security is surging, especially in the favelas, lower
income settlements.
This young man Antonio
made it clear to us what he'd have to do if it weren't for the daily community lunches distributed here. If he did this meaning throbbing people would
be the other option.
Adam: So this is a horrible report. You think? And again, bringing Oh yeah, I'm the last person and I'm the last person they see before they die.
That's right. Look at me. I'm the angel of death.
John: This is you get to see your faces. I'll cover it up,
Adam: of course. So
John: this was Angel death. Yeah. A couple of things that were in there. One was the the, what was he call it he had some more for the low income or
the favela low income for the valley. It's not just low income, shanty towns, they were they were they're built out of nothing. They're just
Adam: what we're starting here in Austin. We're taking that model.
John: Yeah, the favelas model.
Adam: The favelas.
John: always buy Brazilian friends when I'm in, especially in Rio, they will want in particular, very kind of a famous writer down there. He would
always bitch and moan about the favelas, because the problem with the villas is that they're not managed by the city itself. They have their own
government. They don't have a government is official or one that is legal. No, but they have their own government. And it causes nothing but problems
and that's what's going to happen in Austin because you end up with some gangs taken over the whole favela. drug gangs usually, or robbery gangs are
strong. No,
Adam: no, no here it's just Democrats. Democrats have taken over the favelas. They have yard signs john, they have yard signs in front of their tents,
saying vote no on Prop B You don't get to have a yard sign. It's like, yes. Well, prop B is there's the photos.
John: Yes,
Adam: I'll get that for you. I know exactly. It's the it'll still be there. So I'll drive by I'll get a photo.
John: Maybe that is a fabulous. And I use the word judiciously. concept of a bunch of Democrats in homeless tents. This is what this is. And the party
chief, they're going you know, I think it's the future of our party.
Adam: We're gonna run the favelas,
John: run the favelas, and get them all to vote Democrat. They'll line up and we'll keep an eye on each of their ballots. And we'll make them all vote
Democrat. This is what it's all about.
Adam: It is sad. It is sad.
Unknown: Yeah.
Adam: Okay, so we'd really don't know this could be total bullcrap. It's just it just filling up stuff, just filling up news time. I don't have an
orange man to yell at. So let's show other people who are in dire straits and distress. Not only are they getting the COVID they live in favelas,
shacks. It's got to be so subliminal message there too.
John: You know, it could be you.
Adam: Whatever the case, which is the line I stole from you. You're not allowed to talk about this in Congress. And this is the outrage do Sure, which
is kind of cute just to listen to it, as I guess it was kalise and Jim Jordan and they had Fauci in a hearing. And I didn't clip all of this. In fact,
the Scolese thing although funny, he was holding up pictures of the the I would say asylum seekers you can't call them immigrants, the asylum seekers
the the inappropriate procedure asylum seekers at the border in their cells, you know, looking like hot dogs wrapped up in in tin foil with no masks,
no social distancing. And you know, they've been put on planes without being tested to go fly to other parts of the country. So it was very obvious
how how, how stupid it is. It's like you get yelled at if if you breathing for three seconds through your nose on Southwest, but yet it's okay for
people from all over South America to come in and not be tested to be flown around. So that's the that's the outrage on social media today. And with
that comes a couple clips, southerner
John: of our third largest state meets with with physicians and that and that's that that video is censored because they dare to disagree with now
Adam: this is about the de Santos roundtable that was censored
John: Fauci. So I just want to know when the Americans get their first amendment liberties back. No, I don't think anything was censured, because they
felt they couldn't disagree with me. I think you're, you're making this a personal thing. And it isn't. It's not a personal thing. No, you are, that
is exactly what you're doing. No, your recommendations carry a lot of weight. Dr. Fauci we decided the chair of the Financial Services Committee said
she loves you and you're the greatest thing in the world. Well, I recommend you are consistent. Well,
Unknown: the gentleman yield.
John: No, it's my my How can I answer the question, please? My recommendations are not a personal recommendation. It's based on the science seek. And
I'm asking the question, what measures have to be attained before Americans get their first amendment liberties badges told you that I know you
haven't. given anything specific. You said we hope when this certain you would tell me specific right now. Right now we have about 60,000 infections a
day, which is a very large reinfection. We're not talking
Adam: about again, we went from cases, cases of positive polymerase chain reaction, amplification process cases to
John: infections A, which is a very large risk for research. About liberties. We're talking about a pandemic that has killed 560,000 americans i
talking about, and I don't disagree with that. And I understand how serious that is. But also Stan is pretty serious when businesses have been shut
down. People can't go to church people can't assemble in their own homes with their friends with their families. People can't go to a loved one's
funeral. People can't get to their government petition their representative to redress their grievances. I also understand the first Amendment's
pretty darn important and it's been a year and I want to know when Americans will get those first amendment liberties back.
Adam: So Jim Jordan is a dick here to each grandstanding, too. And
John: you can say, I if I was Fauci, I'll be Fauci. Yeah. Like,
Adam: I'll be I'll be Jordan. Jordan. Wait, I'll be Jordan. I'll be Jordan. Dr. Fauci. Why
Unknown: don't we give you a First Amendment run liberties?
John: Hey, I got nothing to do with Twitter. I'm not even a shareholder. What are you blaming me for?
Adam: Twitter. I got nothing to do with Twitter is great. grandstanding is ridiculous he's I mean seriously Oh when do we when a you know we have
these rights we that's the way to look at it but now not not not this republican now he's he's doing it for a fact and for his own political career.
Oh, he's hoping to be president, but it's not. Well, of course, this is the moment for these guys. They want to shy
John: away from you watch. They're gonna get him to.
Adam: Ooh, I'd like it as a term. They're going to get some very nice you're gonna get,
Unknown: of course,
Adam: both sides of the aisle needed to speak up and this is what happened from the democratic side. Sparks
Unknown: were flying on Capitol Hill as Dr. Anthony fancy
clashed with the Republican lawmaker.
But what does it have to be higher? Sir,
if you need to respect the chair and shut your mouth? Congresswoman Maxine Waters ending the tax exchange telling republican Jim Jordan to shut his
Adam: You need to shut your mouth. Man. That's, that's out there, Max. He's,
John: she's a complete. I'm glad she's there. Because she's nuts. Yeah, I gotta play this now. So she brought up the numbers I want you to listen
carefully to this NPR report. This is the COVID worried numbers report that they're talking about the numbers and the talking about though the deaths
and all the rest. And I want you to listen carefully to what underlying bogus assumptions are made in this report.
Unknown: More than a year into the pandemic, the world has seen more than 3 million deaths from covid 19. According to Johns Hopkins University, and
Dr. Dave
Jenkins global death toll officially topped the 3 million mark as of Saturday, according to Johns Hopkins University. But many experts say the actual
count is almost certainly higher, with some deaths over the past year likely Miss attributed to the flu or other illness in the United States, the
viruses to blame for well more than half a million deaths. As the US and other developed nations have seen death rates declined in part due to
widespread vaccine rollouts. Some areas of the globe like Asia, Eastern Europe and Latin America have emerged as hotspots. leaders at the World Health
Organizations to the current rate of global spread is worrying. David Miscavige MPR news. Okay.
Adam: First of all, this guy is from the World Health Organization bill you. Who else says Dez? Does Ted Ross He never says deaths? Just Dez this guy
said Dez he did. He said Dez
John: You're right. It's a meal you so but he also said it's called a meal you catch
Adam: an MC? Right here there was something that he
Unknown: but many experts say the actual count is almost certainly higher, with some deaths over the past year likely mis attributed to the flu or
other illness.
John: bullcrap. Does
Adam: that mean that means it would be lower.
John: Now hold on. No, no. He said no. He know what he said is that the COVID death number should be higher because somebody died of the flu which
actually died at COVID Oh, but we know from the death counts of death as year after year flu after flu the numbers are in the 10s a tiny hundreds of
1000s they're down to nothing
Adam: there were no deaths there was no death no doesn't show
John: up with with more being attributed to COVID not flesh and fake numbers where guy got you know knocked over a you know, got killed on his
motorcycle. Give it a COVID death does and now you got Sandy ocasio Cortez going on and on about how you can fake up the numbers to get free money
from the government to bury the dead we're number one so this the COVID numbers have got to be bogus to an extreme take the high side
Adam: but that's but that's exactly how I interpreted it
John: the number you cuz you know the facts of the matter of the way they're telling it is, boy, those numbers are definitely not the real numbers
which are much higher. Give me a break.
Adam: There's no way they're higher. And I love the milestone, which is talking point they sell milestones. Now we get a milestone 3 million deaths. I
want to hear this report again, just to hear the deaths
Unknown: more than a year into the pandemic. Donald is seen more than make sure I'm not hearing from COVID-19 according to she doesn't rise
John: Stop Stop, stop, stop. You have to start over again and listen to her run out. She runs out of air.
Adam: I don't know how you can run out of air and tense
Unknown: more than a year into the pandemic. The world has seen more than 3 million deaths from covid 19 according to Johns Hopkins University.
Adam: She's practicing for that big gig. You know the Jeff Borges gig.
Unknown: NPR reports COVID-19 Global death toll officially tears DeLeon mark as of Saturday according to Johns Hopkins University, but many experts
say the actual count is almost certainly higher, with some deaths over the past year likely Miss attributed to the flu. or other illness. In the
United States, the virus is to blame for well more than half a million deaths. As the US and other developed nations have seen death rates decline in
part due to widespread vaccine rollouts, some areas of the globe like Asia, Eastern Europe and wait.
Adam: This is this whole report everything this reporting is all Ministry of truth. Let
Unknown: me What does he say here, as the US and other developed nations have seen death rates decline in part due to widespread vaccine rollouts?
Some areas of the globe like Asia, Eastern Europe and Latin America have emerged as hotspots.
John: Okay. No, anyway, fine.
Adam: The whole thing, his whole thing is messed up. It really is.
Unknown: Bad. Let
Adam: me see if I had any other important things. One of my producers is a Doctor of Philosophy.
John: Okay, well, you got plenty of doctors and philosophy, I'm sure that listen to the show.
Adam: And he said, this is Adam. I like your new approach for telling people you won't be getting the vaccine. I've been doing the same thing. Only I
have a variation. Instead of saying, you know, I had COVID so I don't need to have a vaccine. You should say no, no, I'm a COVID survivor. Because it
immediately disarms people triggers this the nutjob brain and they and they switch to virtue signaling and of course their response to me oh my gosh,
you poor thing. How bad was it? Etc. And so then the whole then you the whole conversation is removed?
John: I love COVID survivor
Adam: Yeah. Co COVID. Yes,
John: we got buttons, and we got his shirt his t shirt to the no agenda shop. Yeah. buttons and T shirts. Yep.
Adam: Yeah, hats, hats, armband hat.
John: Three, the big three,
Adam: the big three. Mug for the happy smiley face. COVID survivor, you could have
John: won a COVID survivor mug you could
Adam: have you could have a variation. How about long haul or long?
John: Dead that's a little inside baseball. Most people don't know what that means. Okay, but COVID got to know for some long haul recently and I kept
thinking he was a truck driver. Yeah, no, I wasn't understanding what he was talking about.
Adam: I like this because you're not lying. You're a COVID survivor because you survived the onslaught of propaganda and bonuses. Exactly.
John: Not a Holocaust survivor. Okay. Okay, good. People don't realize but Holocaust survivor doesn't mean you were in the Holocaust means you're a
descendant of No, it doesn't mean that either. That's not a Holocaust survivor a Holocaust survivor somebody was that was alive during the Holocaust
is Jewish and was somehow you know in one of the countries that was involved in the war. Someone always call survivors not necessarily somebody who
was in a you know you I was always led to believe that Holocaust survivors somebody was in India that's in a camp.
Adam: Yes. That's that's what how it feels when you hear it?
John: Yeah, I was in a camp and I got lucky because the Allies came along and I was released at the very last minute I got away with it. And I got out
and the No, that's not what it means at all. So you can say COVID survivor because you're involved with it. We are and I believe is true. We are COVID
Adam: Yes. It's a fact. It's scientifically proven. I'm here.
John: That's his show title. Write it down. COVID write it down on my pen stop writing.
Adam: Is it just I'm a COVID survive or just COVID survivor i think
John: is all I need. Right. I think just as the punch here it's punch here as COVID survivor COVID
Adam: survivor. Yeah.
John: And then on the other side, world's greatest dad. Let's get our money's worth. And with
Adam: that, I'd like to thank you for your courage and say in the morning to you the man who put the C and COVID survivor john c devorah. Back
John: blend morning to miss van corral. So in the morning is shifted to seeing the feet on the ground and of subs in the water and the dames and
knights out there
Adam: in the morning to the trolls and the troll room who have been very good today. Very helpful and funny. Let's hands up trolls. Let me count it
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pumping that in your face. And, and as I said, you can register for a no gender social comm federated mastodon address today or you can use any other
mastodon server, that federates which means you're part of the Fetty verse, and you can subscribe to Adam at nogen at Adam at nogen a social.com. Or
at Jhansi Jhansi. Dvorak at no den social calm, and we'll see you there. It's a great place to hang out. It's dynamite. Then we'd like to thank
actually I need to thank our artist first for Episode 1335. This is the one you know since we always thank our artists on the show after the art was
chosen, we never were able to thank Kendra slash Kenny Ben, I'm not sure if it's Kendra or Kenny Ben, who got the artwork for Episode 1335. And I just
need to check and see what that artwork was to remind us. The artwork for 1335 was oh yeah, that was an Easter egg. Of course. That was the smiling
easter egg with a little goat and the 33 next to it if you recall.
John: I don't know what you're talking about.
Adam: The artwork for Episode 1335 the Easter special?
John: Oh, the Easter? Oh, yes.
Adam: Are you with me now I'm thanking the artists since we didn't sell you
John: a retrospective. Thank you for the artists that we never thank before because we actually didn't do a show. We just did a clip show. Yes,
exactly. Okay.
Adam: Well, I was just saying that was the cute easter egg we'd like that it was it was a bunch of Easter eggs and he had the really cute smiling kind
of emoji like easter egg and then next that an Easter egg with a goat and next to that and Easter egg with a 33 so it was a very nice very nice
effort. Okay, well I'm glad I did that. And then we want to thank the artist for Episode 1338 and that was done by Parker Polly. This was the better
late than never artwork with all hacks or from beginning to end nice piece.
John: Yes, it was a nice piece in fact they use it in the newsletter and I like that we've done this maybe three times total where the newsletter art
was the same as the show art very rare and
Adam: the newsletter got through which is also nice. Kind of a what did people have problems? Well, I
John: don't know I just seem like he could have had better numbers.
Adam: Looking at there were a lot of a lot of pieces of artwork now we didn't choose although we liked it. We didn't choose these stick it to the
champ artwork which which was very done and that was also a Parker Polly piece actually. We had like a row of bananas and it looks like the bananas
looks like a hand flipping the bird. Yeah. All good.
John: Yeah, that was the finger.
Adam: Yeah, the finger and lots of people coming in with artwork about hitting the bell against the microphone, which is indeed what broke it.
John: Yeah, you have a new microphone. You bought another one this year third. E Venus a great scam. They get a $450 microphone to one person three
Adam: I think I only paid 324. If there were 329 or something. I don't think it's
John: on sale.
Adam: Maybe it's the Chinese one. Although it came with all the paperwork and looked official.
John: Yeah, they always look official SCID.
Adam: No agenda art generator calm is where you can find all of the artwork is uploaded for every single episode. It is. Well actually, if you get one
of those fancy podcasting 2.0 podcast apps, you can see a lot of the art we talked about rotating also art this just use for chapter markers. Go to
new podcast apps comm to find that and thank you again, Parker Paulie, and that is part of our time, talent and treasure value for value model. That's
the only way that it can work that we can even start to compare COVID survivors with Holocaust survivors because believe me would be off the air
anywhere else in the world. Except here, oh, yeah. And done. And it's because you guys produce it. You are the
John: first half of this show. We'd be fired. I
Adam: had done we wouldn't be talking about art. We'd be dragged out of the studio by the scruff of our neck. Let's thank our executive producers and
associate executive producers who brought the treasure for Episode 1339.
John: Well, first we have to thank sir dog patch, or sir on amis of dog patch Oh, lower slobbovia memory sent in a cruel of 13 $107 in a cruel he
couldn't get us the money.
Adam: Oh, that's right, right, right. Right, right. I do remember because he was overseas and he couldn't send it. Yeah. Is
John: the plot thickens. Hmm. So we have him sending in the that amount, which is 1307. But then he also sent in he just wants acknowledgement of this
one by maybe the numbers important, I'm not sure. But he also sent in a February donation which he never would didn't go on the books at 1509.
Unknown: Wow.
John: And he sent a note what two notes one note, and then two separate envelopes. Both came at the same time. I am somewhat confused by these
methodologies. But he he sent in the note and money for the accrual, which was last month's donation, and so it's not on the spreadsheet. It's already
been honest. Okay, so let's just just set, the numbers aren't screwed up enough that we have to live with this. Now. I'll mention a couple things. He
bitched about the fact that he can't intercept and the other note, which I don't have, it's I put it somewhere, but it's just a short notes. And just
make sure you mentioned it, let me know that you got the February numbers. On both of these donations, this time, he added a foreign note of currency.
Oh, and some countries by the way to legally do that. But that's beside the point. Right. Now, the February note, I believe is the one that had 101 in
it, it has some Chinese money. And the one from last month 1307 had a Pakistani rupees or whatever it is a beat up Bill, by the way that was it just a
beatable bill? I don't know where he got it. So he is now thinking it if he's not in some sort of agency, researcher or he could be a salesman. He
could work for caterpillar.
Adam: Yes, he could.
John: So here's his here's his most recent note. He wants to read surf I'm sure on a Mr. dogpatch, lower slobbovia. Thank you to all the producers
that make this show. And by the way, once you look up those notes for this next owner,
Adam: yeah, I already have it.
John: Thanks to all the producers that make this show the remarkable produced product that it has grown to become keeping it short to speed up the
show. And because this is my late March donation, it was sort of an off the grid. I was sort of off the grid to relax and sending an envelope of cash
from some locations. I'm guessing Pakistan or China Hmm. Is and I'm not sure you want me to mention that. But he wouldn't put those bills in there.
Nobody ever says he was in either one of those
Adam: kinds of reasons. Now, john, hello, don't you understand you're missing the whole point. These numbers this this none of this is for us Rubicon
John: but has to be but he could be in Arkansas at a he could be a coin collector for all we know.
Adam: But we know that China and Pakistan. They're working together. So this is there's code in this code to the US intelligence agencies something's
going down.
John: Could be We'll see. Okay. And, and and, okay, let's put a little another little piece of information in there that may or may not be or should
be revealed. The Chinese one was a beautiful, clean brand new note and the Pakistani rupee or whatever it was, I don't know. I don't have it in front
of me. Was beat up to crap
Adam: that not even Oh, well. There's more code. By the way. I've been corrected. It's not it's you on? We've been pronouncing it incorrectly. I've
heard my whole life. I've heard one. But apparently it's you on?
John: Yeah, well, maybe it is you one. But when I I've been to China at least a dozen times. And it's pronounced one there. You've been to China
Adam: a dozen times. At least. Hong Kong doesn't count.
John: I actually went to Hong Kong first years and years earlier before the I went to Hong Kong. In Hong Kong doesn't count. Hong Kong is so
expensive. Nobody should go to Hong Kong. Oh, my advice.
Adam: So yeah, they all said one but for some reason now we're wrong. It has to be you Well, what were you doing there all those times?
John: I was always going for PC Magazine and we had a, we had PC Magazine, China of sorts. We had always actually PC computing. I went for PC
computing. And I went with PC Magazine PC computing. And I went, I got a couple of trips from the Taiwanese and then I swung around and went to China.
Okay, so Taiwan probably
Adam: Yeah, well there's a lot there was a lot a lot of business for to report
John: I was doing and I was I was, I was a big shot.
Adam: You weren't? Well, john, you're still a big shot. Yeah, you're too big for all those crappy little magazines that are web only please. will not
do right for nothing less than New Yorker magazine
John: Vanity Fair or voting unboxing i can't i got a paper cut once I can unbox it.
Adam: I've been injured right? That's right. All all the beat all the beat reporters now do is unboxing Yeah, exactly. You know, for you and I'm gonna
manage you on this. They've not nothing lower than Vanity Fair or Vogue for you my friend.
John: Yeah, well,
Adam: I bet Vogue you could write killer articles for Vogue.
John: I probably good fashion, keeping it short and to speed up the show. Well, thanks. Thanks dog match canvassing and because this is my late March
donation, I was shorted by off the grid to relax sending in an envelope of cash from some location is either likely to be misdirected or confused with
poppy funds. So he was a little note Davey
Adam: Afghanistan.
John: Yeah, I don't know. Maybe.
Adam: Well, no, no, no, no, no. Afghanistan, of course borders on Pakistan.
Unknown: Yeah, yeah.
Adam: Down in the front in the problem. I
John: have no idea. We will never get to figure this out on our own. He's gonna have to have a beer with us and tell us All right, so I returned to
the US. My appreciation of our republic only increased by enjoy John's article on Alinsky is substack. Done substack, calm Alinsky and commonly used
number four, number five, to the many that defend art to quote unquote defend our democracy, my most successful response is, quote, so you don't
believe in our Constitution, followed by quote, you clearly know little of the founding in history of the US or the Constitution, if you somehow
believe we are a democracy unquote. structure was to protect the minority for the end, he says this, the structure of a democracy was to protect or
over the republic that we have, yes, was to protect the minority from the will of the simple majority, which is true, and that's what they're trying
to overturn in the Senate. We have a simple majority, just one vote 51 votes, running roughshod over the minority which is 49 votes and this then
having their ways democracy
Adam: man read about in the Constitution.
John: Our current senate unfortunately has become a simple majority ruling junta. And you know, as I said junta as opposed to judge or chicken I
expect it will end in two years but for now I find strength in knowing simple democracies have a long history of failure while Republic's including
those as flawed as Rome can last for centuries. No jingles, no karma.
Adam: Well, Sir-onimous have dogpatch and lower slobbovia Thank you so much. What was his final number that he came in? What was the what is the code
number for
John: Well, that was already revealed that was 1309 1307 and 1509 was something two months before so we have April coming up with the next code.
Adam: Okay, but so alright,
John: but he's if he's going to be in Pakistan and and he's going to be in the mid mid Urals his areas, he's not going to be able to get us any money.
Adam: No. I like it. Well,
John: just wait, we'll get what we get when we get it.
Adam: We appreciate it. Sir-onimous and we diligently will continue to pass on the messages as they are past us. Derrick Gnar lock came in with 55555
sacrifice fair Balt, Minnesota, and writes in a handwritten note in the morning gentlemen been listening since around Obama's first term and I admit I
did not immediately take debate however after multiple tries I finally got hooked haven't missed an episode since this donation sets me up as a knight
I would like the title sir Gnarls that gnarly nor lock pronounced like Warlock except with an end I got it. I would like to add to the roundtable
while I pulled from the rainy river and Gerber multi tools, man I got to write that down. The numerology behind my donation is in honor of my
grandfather, a Polish farmer in North Dakota. After his passing I inherited his wallet in it was one silverback $2 bill and a $5 bill with a serial
number with five five times on it. It was his lucky $5 bill, who I appreciate I appreciate this and he's passing on luck this is not to be taken
lightly. As an unruly young man I spent that $5 Oh geez sorry grandpa. Adam please give me some are 2d to karma so that I may find another please add
Derek Nazi lock NARS lock the birthday list for April 18 is on if you guys continue to kick ass after all these years and I'll miss you after you find
that exit strategy kind regards from FEMA Region number five of course. New you lm Minnesota nuts Alright, so we do have some our two D two karma for
you. I'm sorry you spent your grandpa's lucky $5 bill got karma repenting donation man.
John: Whatever works. Anonymous comes in from Sylvania, Ohio, Pennsylvania 350. And anonymous says I've been looking for replacements to the personal
technology that I use found a company called Oh yes, this guy he should this is worth looking into. He wants some opinions.
Adam: Okay, well, I'm very, very familiar
John: very familiar with curved purism. Okay. purism Todd Todd Weaver, the founder and CEO of purism did an interview with TSI are available on
YouTube with the title Todd Weaver founder purism idi a deep dive into the swamp but something swapped no bah bah bah bah bah. Maybe somebody might
Google that respectfully request Adam and or john to look into the company okay Adam already did. I did too I like what I saw but Adam I know it know
more about this because it's his thing I'm just the guy who sings the song The following is for you to read in your your discretion or constitutional
God given rights freedoms liberty and attempting to be turned into commercial communist fascist government base privileges at national and
international levels and alternative name for the deep state and global elitists Soviet slash Nazi co VI's so vas for short, are well in technocrat.
So Vaizey is politically Soviet medically Nazi the idea for the artist is to blend in the hammer and sickle Soviet and swastika and all the all seeing
eye. Okay. All right, so he's trying to coin your psycho bot.
Adam: He's trying to coin a new term by combining socialists and and Nazi and comes up with so Bazzi now. It sounds too much like a Greek dish.
John: It's not a I get some silvassa Would you like some some? Some?
Adam: Give me some saucy my Selassie Yeah. purism. If you're getting a laptop, I'd say purism is fantastic. And I'd love to hear what you thought
John: Well wait way blood was back up back up. What What is the point of this purism up he's a security oriented company Yes. And off the grid.
Adam: And what they do is though, the way they source the hardware is Of particular note. And they have switches to turn off any any external piece of
the hardware. They source only open source pieces and drivers. So it's very anal. And if you really think about it, if you want to be secure, yeah,
absolutely. That's where they really get in and through all the all the other nooks and crannies. Now I believe they also have a one of those Linux
phones. Which is is going to be a piece of crap. Maybe one day, it'll be great. But now, I mean, I've tried out all of these phones. And what was
that? The libram five. And again, they have the right idea. You have hardware switches to turn off every single piece of this thing. But the user
experience is not I mean, I tried to I wanted this. This is exactly what I hoped for. I can have a Linux machine in my pocket. Yeah, no, no, it just
doesn't work. It's It's a long way away. It took a long time to develop Android and iOS. These things are not easy. So they'll get there. Right now.
laptop. Absolutely. If you need that kind of that level of security. I totally recommend it phone. No.
John: How about a nutshell?
Adam: was anything else you wanted to add to that?
John: No, I think you're right on the money. Okay. Alexander Harrington is next on our Do you have any jingles?
Adam: I don't believe so.
John: No, Alexander Harrington. I think that's 333 33. And he does he's got a de-douche and he needs right away.
Unknown: deuced
John: 33 is the magic number in our 2d to karma birthday. Call out, lady. Get over it for 20 a bunch of threes from my room. rip the dishwasher lady
get over it for her magic number birthday Oh 420 and towards her Dame hood please de douche her
Unknown: van de deuced
John: and hit her in the mouth because of our two D two karma as she competes in the Emerald cup bikini division on April 24 You can find her at
training a champ on Instagram whoa Hold on a second and see her inspiration and progress love you babe hopscotch this code day
Adam: Please hold on a second when we see this training a champ There we go.
John: Yeah.
Adam: Oh sorry. This page isn't available.
John: I smell a rat I you spelling it?
Adam: Well, I copy Oh, here it is. I copied it straight from the Here we go. Oh, you don't do that sign. Okay, let's see. Oh, damn. What Oh, you got
it this she she has before now
John: stop the show for the show stopper.
Adam: She's before and after. Pictures. I guess she's a she trained real hard. know for sure. Dude. She could beat you up just by looking at her back
that's it I'm Tina has gotten seen at Lowe's following people like this. This is great. They're very inspirational. I agree. I mean, not for me.
Personally. I'm not. I'm like, Oh, I don't want to go work out at all. But you know, these these these training type people on Instagram? Yeah, they
inspire a lot of people. To looks great. Good luck in the bikini division of the Emerald cup. And here's your request the jingles.
Unknown: That's the magic.
John: The magic number
Unknown: you've got
John: onward to m f dx in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. 323. I'm sorry. 321 60. Happy pandemic gentlemen, please accept this donation the amount of 420
dot 69 in Canadian is a 420 donation will bump him up nice. Yep, it's good. Now you don't have to know he's already bumped. I've named this donation
amount the afternoon delight. Celebrating for 20 is a simple puff in the park for 2069 takes on a whole new dimension best enjoyed I've been around a
rooftop deck or secluded beach this year. The prospective keeper and I will play a simple game I've come up with called Fetch as you need all you need
is a drop of honey. With this donation I've achieved knighthood is changing the PSA. Please Knight me as m f dx of Anjou No sir please. Okay, well
good luck. Okay. I would like to claim my East End Montreal hometown as my protectorate appropriately. Pepsi and butene should be served at the
roundtable All right. Here at butina Ron,
Adam: we've had it before
John: for sure. Jingle request afternoon delight. This okay. It's like counting April 2 did blah blah, blah. He's got a bunch of numbers. Okay. All
Adam: Hold on a second. Why is this failing? Here we go.
Why people want that. I don't know.
John: There it is. We I don't even remember it. Yeah, I do. Sure. JD is back on the list from Barrett the Baron in Silicon Valley. Six 740 Yeah, he's
from San Jose, from the Baron or subside con Val. Better to be two times leet than never lead. Thanks for all the lows and keep up the great work no
jingles just goat scream karma. And oh is 101001 owes 110.
Unknown: You've got
John: more Cody than that. Cody today.
Adam: I wonder what that is? binary.
John: Check it out. Well, I think I will. Alexander von Abel in Bronx, New York 233 18. Welcome back, gents. Please accept his mathematical donation
of 233 18. Fun fact the phrase conscientious objector was originally widely used to refer to parents who elected not to vaccinate their infant
children. Interesting, huh? And that was after the British vaccination act of 1898. It added a conscientious clause to allow for it. It makes little
sense to me that today's people can only opt out for medical and religious reasons. One may appeal to a holy book but not to rational concern. Of
course, anyways, can I please get a goat karma and a little girl Yay. Yes. And
Adam: I have solved the riddle of the hexer of the decimal code actually.
John: Yeah, and it was it mean it's 666
Unknown: you've got
karma john ketosis,
Adam: ketosis Josias ketosis, ketosis
John: 200. And you river Grove, Illinois. I've been a listener since 2015 hit in the mouth by so just the HMS pinafore but this is my first producer
ship. I'd been on a $20 a month subscription starting in 2016. But when it paid pal randomly cancel it it never got around to update every day. Oh,
happens all the time. Happens constantly. Therefore, I'd like to request an official de-douche
Adam: good reminders, people check your pay pals that's they've cancelled that and then blame it on us. Yeah, they trust us that's one thing we will
never cancel and cancel your your donation No.
John: You guys have been on the foundation of sanity and truth for all us over the years. And I don't know exactly how I'd be surviving the most
deadly virus in human history if it wasn't for you, too. I got like to request some house buying karma because the market here in the Chicagoland area
is wild. We're oh two on offers. Oh and two on offers and going in our third one today. At the are you buying always house buying is not buying.
They're buying? Oh, he's already at 21k over asking. Welcome to California. Not to mention we sold our house moved into my grandma's empty house
staying here with our two toddler human resources, but we find something and a big shout out to my smokin hot pregnant wife. I have three of who has
been a rock during it all. Lastly, I like to call out Matt. Shawn Shen known. Michelle and Michelle Krause has douchebags let's go donate to the best
podcast in the universe. Keep up the great work guys. And hey, glad to have you back. Hope you enjoyed the well deserved time off. jingles money shot
Reverend owl dealer's choice
Adam: alright something about this because these are young young people and this is what's happening and I was talking to a surgeon and I went to the
meetup yesterday the docks backyard the 512 no agenda meetup but it was it was cold so we didn't stay long no one really stayed long. And still that
we were still the the masculist who are pushed to the back in the corner to all the mass coals can sit in the sunshine when they need it of course.
And we had the the millennial couple were there and people know a lot about real estate and especially since I have made it known that we're moving
out of Austin proper that I'm getting a lot of people telling me where to go. But genius don't
John: they do that anyway?
Adam: What give me advice.
John: No tell you where to go. Yeah.
Adam: But Jean had a very good analysis of what's taking place in Austin specifically. Indeed homes are going for as you see here 21,000 over asking
the young people who want to buy homes cannot win because the homes are being purchased in Austin not by people but by banks. And the banks it's JP
Morgan it's golden they're buying up anything they can get they'll just throw 150,000 over ask if they have to. To get it because they know that they
can come in swoop it from the from the generation with two toddlers and one on the way and keep that jack that price up. They're not going to sell it
they're going to rent it to them and that is kind of what the great reset promise and it's really disgusting when I see this that here are you're not
bidding against another couple who want to buy the same house with their two toddlers and one on the way now you're bidding against JP Morgan you are
you have no chance is disgusting. But that's what's really going on here. Is that also what happened in California
John: well not in the home market. But in the condo market for sure. Yeah, this is all really over. If anything is overpriced in California, San
Francisco condos. Yeah. This
Adam: is a this is single family homes. Yeah.
John: Well, I don't think that's going on around here.
Adam: Yeah. Well, it's definitely going on around here. And it's been it's, it's quite disgusting. But okay, that's not shown up money shot. Jesus.
Unknown: That's a money shot.
Kellyanne Conway is a money shot.
You've got karma.
John: You know, there's always the opportunity for some, well, maybe not. And maybe not dad is the end of our project. We don't have a lot today we
had a very slow day, except for Artemis, which is really a make good. And I would think that the next show which is going to be Earth Day, which we
missed last year, oh, we
Adam: missed Earth Day.
John: Yeah, last year, their birthday
Adam: is the least successful of all of our promotions.
John: Now, well, Mother's Day used to be until
Unknown: until COVID. And everyone realized Mama's pretty pretty, they're really pushing effect that made
John: me have a clip on this. Now
Adam: we have to add Yes.
John: Broadcasting System is going full tilt on Earth Day. Okay,
Adam: well, let's do the clip. Then who cares about closing this down?
John: If I got the clip?
Adam: Well, you look for the clip. And I'll just tell everybody that we really appreciate what our executive producers and associate executive
producers do. They executive producers associate executive produce the program, as witnessed by these credits, which are completely legit, you can use
them anywhere credit to recognize, and we thank you for producing Episode 1339, the best podcast in the universe, we'll be thinking more people in the
second segment. If you want to get in on this fun action, all you do is you head on over to our very handy donation page, which we have a jingle which
is easy to remember vorab.org slash n A and we thank you again for your time, your talent and your treasure in producing the best podcast and
Unknown: is this. We go out. We hit people in the mouth
John: trying to locate it. And No, I didn't. But No, I didn't. But I'll just say that they're gonna have bunch of specials, they're gonna try to
promote the hell out of it. They did play some Earth Day kind of live. And I didn't think you're looking for that they made some sort of a offbeat
clip on. Yeah, they played this. For one thing. This is the China USA climate hellos.
Adam: Brother, the
Unknown: United States and China have agreed to cooperate with other countries to curb climate.
the agreement came after a two day visit to Shanghai by the US Special Envoy for climate john kerry. A joint statement said the two countries are
firmly committed to working together and with others to strengthen the implementation of the Paris Agreement. The US and China are the top carbon
polluters in the world.
Adam: Now that's not true. That is not true. I have new evidence who the top polluters in the world are and it's not China and it's not the United
States. This may come as a surprise to you. cuz I've been ever since the I'm sure you you read the blurb that Scientific American. The publication is
now joining the trend and we're not calling it climate crisis. The new term officially is climate emergency. Well, that was always in the in the mix,
right. But now they've made it official climate emergency. And if you and you're going to be shamed because the climate emergency and in Australia,
they're they're shaming you. But they're really shaming john and Adam grams of co2. The estimated emissions created by streaming the average podcast
on the mobile network. And if you love podcasts, 19 grams adds up. So what's your carbon thumbprint along carbon neutral mobile and internet to see
the impact of your mobile data visit belong Comdata you slash carbon thumbprint? So obviously a virtue signaling VMO a virtue signaling mobile
operator who wants you to know that when you download when you when you stream a podcast that's 19 ounces of carbon, which I don't know, I don't know
what carbon is that's not a greenhouse gas. But okay. So this show with what we think is an average of about a million people who, who consume the
program that's 41,000 pounds of carbon per show. Making us truly the most carbon polluting podcast in the universe.
John: Yeah, well, we're one of them. That's for sure. A bad boys. I wouldn't mention something in that clip, though, to get back to something else,
which is what they said in his NPR clip. Shane is still in the Paris accords. But they're they don't even do one bit of implementation till 2030.
Adam: Yeah,
John: that was the big deal. They made Oh, well, we're going to get into but we're going to set it up. And we're going to do it all on 20. And 2030.
Isn't the world going to come to an end in 2032? I mean, it's a little late to the game. Nobody brings this up in the conversation.
Adam: They do on Twitter, you go on, you got to go on Twitter and say, This is crazy, man. No one ever said the Chinese they could do. That's exactly
what this is Twitter feed. This is this is shit that people use to go on Twitter and argue. It's completely inconsequential.
John: Okay,
Adam: don't use all right.
John: That's the best I can do. I want to stop it because I got to get to something. Because before I forget, I don't want to forget, I got a reminder
from one of our producers, which I appreciate, by the way. And I normally this never happens. we very rarely execute this and make it work. I'm going
to remind you to talk about the podcast story that you picked up on your vacation.
Adam: Oh, it wasn't that great. In hindsight, I saw Oh, no.
Unknown: The only one time I've been managed to do this.
Adam: Now I saw the note two this morning, and I'm like, what was that story about the podcast? Like I don't think there was any good podcast story
there. Honestly.
John: Oh, my God. You mean you can't even remember it from one show to the next. So you were jacked up? Oh, yeah. Yeah, I got a story. You got to
remind me that tell you about this podcasting story I got on a vacation. Just remind me Oh cow, right.
Adam: And I'm trying to think what the story was because I didn't write it down.
John: That I thought it was a memorable story that you didn't need to write down. But you apparently thought so too. And I said, apparently,
Adam: I think it had to do with the brokens. Remember, I there were a whole bunch of brokens walking around the guys who looked like Joe Rogan.
John: But you talked about I know.
Adam: Do you want me to try and recall the story just gonna slap me in the face.
John: I'm so disappointed that I will never do this again. I'll never remember anything but maybe tell me to do.
Adam: Maybe I'll tell you the story and you like it and then you'll be very happy. But you don't want to hear it anymore. It's
Unknown: okay. It's fine. You did you did you Now recall the story?
John: I just
Adam: don't think of there's a big payoff. Okay, well
John: tell us where we'll see if there's a payoff I'll make the payoff.
Adam: But if there's no payoff, then you can't explore a me for telling a lame story.
John: No, I want it and I will not I will say great story Adam is gonna say
Adam: so there's this bunch of people and they were celebrating a guy's I think 40th birthday. And they all had kind of this bill build, you know,
like the Joe Rogan, the Brogan bill, right? And I couldn't quite figure out who they were. And it turns out because I spoke to the guy's dad, who was
a He's like, Jim, I forget his last name, but he started the metro electric electronic or Electric Supply Company in St. Louis. So well to do family,
but very, very Midwest. And, and he was telling me about his son that he had started this business called first form, I think p h o RM which is a very
popular supplement brand. And, and they do a podcast, which I had heard of called real AF. You know, you know, and you know what that stands for? And
and it's it is a popular as fuck, okay? You've never seen you've never seen a f anywhere in your in your life. But okay, that's what it means.
Although it actually stands for the guy's name, whatever it is, and, and this is going to be such a dumb story. And so the dad is sitting there just
telling me like, you know, they're bigger than Rogen. This is shit. You know, Rogan's nothing compared to these guys the biggest? Yeah, and I'm just
sitting there. And anyway, the long the long story is that Tina was busted me. So why didn't you tell him that you invented podcasts? Now I kind of
had too much fun just listening to people brag about how great their podcast is. And there's no end to the story. So I don't know why I ever said
please remember it.
John: It was a reasonably good story. Yeah. It'd be nice if you had you know, I was right. Of course it would have gone like this. I should mention
that. You know, I invented podcasting and then the guy crack me up. All right.
Adam: I have to fight him over it.
Unknown: Okay, well, that was totally no good.
John: Okay, well onward. What do we have on my list here?
Adam: Well, it congratulations to YouTube CEO, Susan what Jackie?
John: Who wanted?
Adam: No, no, she won the freedom of expression award.
Unknown: What
John: gives this out?
Adam: I was looking for video and I just thought the headline was funny enough the freedom of expression award, the Dahlan foundation
John: who gives this out?
Adam: Well, what's even funnier is that YouTube was co sponsor of the event. So it's very awards now.
Unknown: done that. Yeah, exactly.
Adam: Well, here we go. This is the Freedom Forum. And let's see who the sponsor are of the Freedom Forum. Salesforce Sotheby's YouTube is the
signature sponsored Wow, that's really how about that? We're gonna give ourselves an award as the signature sponsor, not just you know, some off on
the side. This is a big operation, Altria group, Goldman Sachs, the Knight Foundation, the kirschen Baum's Kleiner Perkins, well, this is big. How did
we miss How were we not mound nominated for this?
John: I'd like to know myself. Let's see, how did we not know about this? See, I would love to record her acceptance speech.
Adam: Well, there's that would be a gem. Well, there's a there was a whole festival April 12 to 15th the celebration of the free expression awards.
The Freedom Forum presents the first free expression festival sponsored by YouTube bastions, obviously bastions of freedom of expression.
John: Yeah, they tried to keep this to themselves, because they're going to ridicule to death. Hang on one second.
Adam: Oh, my goodness.
You can't catch me off guard, man. I'm ready. I'm ready for you. Geez. Okay, here we go. Oh, here's the winners. Oh, wait, no, there's more people
honorees. Oh, they were cool names. Okay. Julie K. Brown. Who is the investigative reporter for the Miami isn't that yes. Julie k Brown is the warm
John: town Julie Brown now
Adam: she was the one reporting on didn't kill himself.
Unknown: Epstein.
Adam: Yeah. She was kind of the the it girl insider down in Florida.
John: When he like she wanted the power shift. Oh, he's the one who got the whole ball rolling. Yes, yes. Yes. So she got to do with YouTube. She's a
reporter for a nice
Adam: Hello Freedom Forum. She won the powershift Award. Don't ask questions. I'm DeRay McKesson DeRay. McKesson was honored. He of course is the one
of the main activists for Black Lives Matter. Also. Now I believe the chairman of the board of the podcast Academy, the global freedom of expression
Leadership Award went to General Colin Powell. That's right. If you want the freedom to express Express complete bull crap about your little anthrax
tube, call with the yellow Okay, yellow. Powell is your man. What else do we have Lifetime Achievement Awards for Susan Stan Berg Nina Totenberg,
Linda Wertheimer and Cokie Roberts.
John: What if any of them do that work that warrants a lifetime achievement award?
Adam: No, Cokie Roberts. Did you know she's been achieved? These? No, I'm sorry. They are the founding mothers of NPR to say No, they're
John: not.
Adam: That's what it says right here founding mothers of NPR. Susan Stan Berg first woman to anchor a national nightly news program. Let's see. Who's
next. Nina Totenberg, NPR award winning legal affairs correspondent Linda Wertheimer is an NPR award winning national correspondent and Cokie Roberts
was a trailblazing reporter and commentator for ABC News and NPR. At a time when women's voices were rare on the politics beat. We missed a good one.
John: true. No, but
Adam: it sounds good. Oh, my goodness. We missed a good show.
John: Yeah, well as usual. Yeah.
Adam: We weren't invited. So
John: these two Stooges
Adam: Stooges. Let's talk about guns then because that seems to be the other thing that's that we're being
John: peddled before we do this is we're talking about NPR and winning all these awards I want to play this is the state of NPR. I want to play two
short clips that I consider some of the worst stories and it was again I don't I'm not here to be a misogynist, but I think maybe the worst host
you've ever heard leading into a story that is so boring I didn't even bother clipping much of it. Okay, this in the name of this clip is worst host
and worst story ever NPR.
Unknown: I'm Sally her ships in for Stacy Vanek Smith and I'm here today with NPR economics reporter Scott Horsley.
Adam: Good with you, Sally.
Unknown: Scott,
you stumbled on today's story in your own backyard,
Adam: or at least close to my backyard in my neighborhood. There's a bank that I walked past every night when I take my dogs out. where there used to
be a bag not long ago I was walking by and I noticed that the ATM was gone. The door was locked the sign had disappeared the bank had just suddenly
closed oh I'm riveting. What is what what would happened?
John: Oh apparently this bank that he used to walk his dog by never did business with and then can't even remember the name of the bank closed he does
he did a whole half hour on this. No.
Adam: How can do that? Well then what did you listen to you listen to what you find out what the whole story was. Was it sad neighborhood or what?
John: Okay, I'll wrap it out. Do the wrap. There was a small little banks that closed in certain sketchy neighborhoods usually results in the
neighborhood getting more rundown. And is like something like 3% of the banks have closed over the last night and it was a bullcrap story. Okay, so
now I'm listening away, and I find out here's another get in story they're gonna play, play it to the hilt. This is another bad report. And this one
is a report on people being tired. It's under another. Oh,
Unknown: gotcha. If you're struggling and feeling physically exhausted a year
into this pandemic, you are far from alone. Mental health care providers say a lot of people are right there with you. They also say it's a normal
reaction. Our bodies are having two very abnormal times. And prs. re two chatter g
Dr. Jesse gold says in recent weeks, she's often felt wiped
out and needing to catch up on sleep. For me that can feel like this overwhelming sense of like,
John: Can you imagine going to your doctor and having this view?
Unknown: I can't keep my eyes open for one more minute. If somebody asks me to do anything else I'm going to scream kind of feeling gold
was the psychiatrist at Washington University in St. Louis says exhaustion is the number one complaint she hears from her patients these
days. It's like this. I don't know what it is. But I can't function. I'm so tired.
Adam: Wow. Okay. Kudos clip for the day for that tart voice clip.
John: That's a doctor's Baghdad to say the least. But hold on for a half an hour by how people are tired. We'll
Adam: hold on because I have a related story just to read the headline here because I picked it up. This is from Evie magazine. This is not
unnecessary. This is not like a
John: electric vehicle.
Adam: eV IE over 50% of liberal white women under 30 have a mental health issue. Are we worried yet is the headline? A 2020 pew research study reveals
that over half of white liberal women have been diagnosed with a mental health condition at some point. Does this mean there's a correlation between
progressive ideas and mental health? But when I hear this and of course during the pandemic, it's only been exacerbated with mask mask calling etc.
and virtue signaling. Yes, of course you're tired because you're completely stressed all the time about not offending anybody and saying the right
thing yourself? Yes. I think liberal women are probably exhausted. Give it up. Give it a rest. Yell at someone in traffic.
John: When they yell at someone they're called a Karen and arrested. That was a liberal woman in Central Park that you know is Yeah, Drew pink jumped
by some poor black guy that was just jogging by now.
Adam: conditions like depression and anxiety thrive in silence. This also seems to be a lack of confidence in women when it comes to knowing our own
bodies. And instead our mental problems are written off as being too overly emotional. Oh my not I think this is a plague. I think it's a real plague
but to me, mainly because they bring in the liberal Yeah, that's that's this that's this study that takes a lot of nerve by the way to say that too
right that say liberal women. Well, it was a pew pew study
John: appears pretty good at Yeah, well, their stuffs all political so they can do it. Yeah, but no one you don't see any newspapers picking it up.
They don't know what to do with this. Nobody knows what to do what you the only thing they know to do is the report we just listen to the opening of
this. Women are tired Oh, I'm so tired. I'm tired. And and on and on and on about Oh, I'm tired. I'm just so tired. You know, a bank closed as a bank.
It was there and now it's gone. It used to be there. What are we gonna do? I don't know. Let's talk about it. This is the kind of crap you get on NPR.
NPR is a real sick puppy.
Adam: But they're also dying on the mind me they've got the big billion dollar endowment, but that's it. You know, this year, right dying on the vine
is correct. And about eight years, they'll really have no more money left or stations or people to run anything local. You might as well just keep it
going on the internet because no one cares anymore. I can't keep the stations on the air anymore. They have no staff.
John: No staff and first class phone. What does that mean? I have a first class phone. I own an apple.
Adam: Yeah. All right. Any more NPR?
John: I'm looking for the other ones that there's another you
Adam: have I see here you have Chad.
John: Problem with Chad. Well, this is just a news report. And I think I would just play for interest. Just for informational purposes. Nothing NPR
ish about it.
Unknown: The State Department today ordered non essential employees and their families to leave the US Embassy in Chad because of possible violence.
Travel alerts said armed insurgents in the northern part of the country appear to be moving towards the Capitol. The State Department has long urged
Americans not to travel to Chad because of the unrest
Adam: jod a
Unknown: chat i thought was like we're just
John: gonna go to Chad searson NPR thing this was brought up. This would be my gonna go on beyond this. This was really looking forward to that
podcasting story. gun violence as a public health problem. another dead end discussion on NPR. They just, you know, I don't know why they can't come
up with something more interesting than these things. But this is gun. Those here's what happened. This is the basis for the story is that Biden, in a
drug induced stupor? said this gun violence has got to stop. It's a public health issue now. Yes. And so the NPR people Oh, what did Biden say? He
said his public health. Oh, we can do a story about that. Let's bring it let's talk about it and bring in a public health guy. Maybe he can give us
some insight. And so this is what you get
Unknown: plate Thursday, a gunman opened fire at an Indianapolis FedEx warehouse facility killing at least eight people and injuring several others.
Police believe the gunman also killed himself. Here's a fraction of what also happened in the last 72 hours. According to the gun violence archive. A
total of four people were killed and gun violence in California, West Virginia, Rhode Island and Texas. A total of 20 people were injured by gun
violence in many other states, including Kansas, Colorado, Michigan, and Minneapolis. So that's where we're going to start the program today. The
President has called this a public health crisis and an international embarrassment. If that's the case, then what would be a public health response.
To help us think about this. We've called Dr. Paul netstat. Once again, he's Assistant Professor of Psychiatry at Johns Hopkins University in
John: Okay, so they bring this guy on he does this all cow go on. But then this is dumb. And he has no answers for anything. But they because they
have these set lengths that this like 15 minutes of what you're going to hear for the next 3040 seconds play that second part. So before
Unknown: we jump into your sense of what solutions might be, I just wanted to ask what were your What was your reaction? as a scholar in this area to
the shooting in Indianapolis? Is there something that stood out to you?
John: Unfortunately, what stands out is just how frequently these things are happening and continue to happen. It's almost as if you know, we're
starting to just a little bit get back to normal after the pandemic, and it's reminding us that a big part of normal are these shootings.
Unknown: Yeah.
If we were to look at this as a public health issue, I mean, we obviously, you know, the politics starts immediately people start talking about gun
safety measures, gun control measures and so forth. But if we were, if we were to start talking about this as a public health crisis, what would that
conversation look like?
When we think of something as a public health issue,
we think about how to address it at a population level. And so that's why policy does become a big part of that response policy, government policy.
Whether State, local or federal ends up the best way we have to intervene in situations like this to affect people on a population level. So some of
the policies that can be passed that are starting to be looked at will ultimately be I think part of the solution. No, no, no, no, no.
John: What did he say?
Adam: Nothing. He said absolutely nothing. Nothing.
John: Did you notice that her pattern is very much like yummylicious? Yeah, a little bit.
Adam: familiar. Alright, so here. Here's there's interesting in this report by itself, yes. Now that we're back getting back to normal. You have to
remember that with normal comes gun. mass shooting guns. Yeah, no. By the way, no one ever talks about the Vegas shooting anymore. Now, do they?
Never, never. No, no long talk about that. No, no, it's all about this person. That person the most recent one. Well, there are a couple the FedEx
processing center. Interesting that the shooter was known to the FBI. His mom had called him a year before, you know, we don't know if they had any
ongoing contact, but it's another one of those FBI stories where nothing happened, even though they were called in or did it? Because you got a
question at this point. Then we have the Chicago 13 year old, which is a very disturbing story. Mainly because Well here I have a clip that really not
even discussing the freewill issue of what's going on here. This is a 13 year old kid who cop killed. Just here's the story, Jackie
Unknown: and this attorney told a judge last week that 13 year old Toledo had a gun in his hand when he was shot at the body camera video shows Toledo
dropping that gun less than a second before police fire. It all comes down to the proffer an outline of criminal charges that veteran assistant
State's Attorney James Murphy rent to a judge in an April 10th hearing. He said Toledo had a gun in his right hand. The officer fired one shot and
then the gun to later was holding landed against the fence a few feet away. But that's not exactly what the body camera footage shows. Instead, Toledo
appears to drop the gun in less than a second before he was shot exactly 842 milliseconds before as he was raising his hands Cook County State's
Attorney Kim Fox has now placed that attorney on paid leave. In a statement a spokesperson for the top prosecutor says quote an attorney in our office
failed to fully present the facts surrounding the death of a 13 year old boy, we have put that individual on administrative leave and are conducting
an internal investigation into the matter. The Office told the son times that attorney did not watch the body camera footage before the bond court
hearing. He was in court for the case against 21 year old Reuben Roman the man who is with to later that night and who's gone to lado allegedly had
Adam: to the whole story is about less than a second 800 milliseconds, was it? Was it appropriate or not? What is a 13 year old doing with a gun? I
know what's going on in Chicago. But that's not the story. Like oh, this is bad judgment by the cop Clearly, we can't have this cops killing people,
especially black people. And and I think this kid's nickname was little homicide. Hello, little yummy. Anybody if you remember the whole catalyst for
the 1990 was the 94 crime bill was the 13 year olds who are going shooting up our nation, except now they've turned it around a little bit and they're
going to use this young kid this dead young kid. Too bad to cause more division and strife and anger because if I here's what happens I get all the
time emails that come in for the Second Amendment. No, listen to me Stop your your your your Shark Bait for Twitter, you're being primed for the news
machine. This is this is the news who wants to get you into the spin cycle. First of all the neck coming for the second amendment the second the
second amendment like it's like the constitution like a blockchain. You don't remove the Second Amendment it stays there. You can add an amendment and
I think we know how that works don't we when you need two thirds of the states do you really think that that that's going to change? No. Of course
not. So this this all this just spinning around and getting mad at that turning us into China they come in for the second amendment? Go out and vote
the idiot Stop yelling to get a note from one of our top producers. About the unfortunate killing of Dante right is that his name? Where the cop said
she mistook her take her firearm her Service pistol.
John: Dante yes Dante.
Adam: Oh, that's right Dante say his name. Adam and Gianna was a cop for 13 years and was taser trained at two different departments in a high stress
situation, it is possible for someone with little training. This was a 26 year old, a 26 year veteran of the force who was a trainer. It is very
possible someone with little training to confuse the gun for a taser, because the basic functions are the same. Both have a grip and trigger in the
fight and for flight situation, you're not going to notice the weight, we were trained to keep our taser on the opposite side of our gun belt. So
there is an unnatural draw meaning the muscle memory is different for drawing a taser and a gun. My gun was on my right hip and my taser was on my
left side. So just to the left of my belly button, so I would have to cross my body to draw it. However, the officer was obviously untrained and or
has found herself away from the high stress situations in her career, just based on the way she freaked out. A trainer. Thank you again for pointing
that out. JOHN, from what I've read that department keeps their tasers on their off hand. So if you're right handed, you draw your taser from the left
side with your left hand. And that should eliminate the confusion which is why I think this officer hasn't trained in drawing her taser. At minimum
she should draw it at least once a day to complete a spark test, which is basically taking the cartridge off pulling the trigger for a second to
ensure it's working. One counter argument I've heard is that she was yelling taser, taser taser, as an order for someone to tase him. He says we were
trained to yell taser, taser, taser, because the taser when fired makes a pop like a small caliber gun. We yelled that to tell all the other officers
that we may have their guns out that the pop they're about to hear is a taser and not to shoot the person. So you know, bad training, bad training and
adds any producers in Minneapolis need to get out?
John: I'd say yeah, plus is a mess.
Adam: Here's some color from Amdo and Cooper, who is as you know, his job is to lay it on thick work the emotions fails miserably, but he does a
valiant effort.
Unknown: There is no way in good conscience to use the word Good evening tonight, though there are many words to choose from mournful, tearful, and
yes, as a country shameful, good is simply not one of them. Not after what happened overnight. When we began this program last night we noted that
between the police killing of Dante right the trial of Derek Chauvin and the police shooting of a seventh grader, it was in so many words a lot. Then,
late last night, a gunman opened fire at a FedEx facility in Indianapolis. Eight people were killed by a 19 year old former employee, several others
were wounded or hurt. countless more tonight are living the nightmare of losing someone close and the toll extends beyond the victims and their next
of kin. This we know from experience the shockwaves they ripple out over over time and distance. 14 years ago tonight, the country was reeling from
the loss of 32 lives on the campus of Virginia Tech University. Do you remember that shooting? A month ago we were watching the horrible images come
in? Isn't that
Adam: interesting? He doesn't mention that that was an Asian who killed all those kids. It would have been fun to just add that you know, since you
always have black cop, black kid, white cop, you
Unknown: could have added that Ando 14 years ago tonight The country was reeling from the loss of 32 lives on the campus of Virginia Tech University.
Adam: Shooting Yes,
Unknown: a month ago, we were watching the horrible images come in from two mass shootings in and around Atlanta. Seems a long time ago doesn't know
the sad fact is, though, that mass shootings have become so common, it may soon be hard for one not to fall on the anniversary of another.
Adam: Thank you. And oh,
John: is Does anybody bring up the stats that show that the shooting situation in this country has gone down, down and down from the 1980s to today?
Does anyone bring this up ever?
Adam: No, quite the opposite. Since a mass shooting event is I think it's three people.
John: They're changing the rules of the discussion. They're not bringing up the fact that gun violence is lessened in this country. And it has, and
it's documented. Anderson Cooper Works for CNN, which is the fake news outlet that Trump said it was
Adam: Yes. Yes. No, I
John: don't know. I find these things disturbing.
Adam: Well, here's so here's the Texas is being funny. And on one hand, it's a great troll on the other hand, there's a very good point. Now, what,
when when we had the COVID and we had the Black Lives Matter, riots. The number one group of people who were buying guns for themselves to protect
their family is black Americans.
John: Yeah, with good reason. In fact, if you remember we did a we had some clips when Tavis Smiley was still on the air pulled. they canceled him he
was with Big Mike I think and that too. When we're talking to each other, we're discussing how great it is that the Second Amendment exists. And black
people are foolish not to embrace it, because they're the ones that need the protection more than anyone. So and
Adam: So, so here's what the text is saying, you know, he's
John: kicked off,
Adam: here's what the Texas State Legislature is doing. Because, of course, we need our black and brown brothers and sisters to be able to go get
guns, but as you know, as you know, the hurdle just to vote is already so high, because our black and brown American brothers and sisters can't get
ID, you know, because they don't know where to go. They don't understand it. And you know, so we have to do away with ID laws. In order for everyone
to have a fair shake and voting, otherwise, you're racist, please see the freedom list.io of companies who back this, because of that, Texas said,
Well, you know, we really need to help our black and brown brothers and sisters, because, you know, to get a concealed carry license in Texas, you
have to take a course you have to take a test, there's paperwork, you need an ID, you need. I mean, you need all kinds of stuff. So Well, we've got an
idea. Let's Let's be anti racist,
Unknown: that 21 year old pal.
Adam: I just launched into that. There's a bill House Bill 1927, which says if you're 21 years of age, you can carry a gun open or concealed carry,
no, nothing needed. No paperwork, no test, no nothing. Because, you know, otherwise, it's a racist policy. And this is now being fought by the Texas
democrats with stuff like this,
Unknown: that 21 year old pal that's 21 year old pal, that 21 year old trafficker who is not yet a convicted felon, roll on into any place you want by
gun and its provision, walk around in whatever way you want. No training, no understanding wild west camp style. That's what this bill does. And then
that Pam can roll into whatever small businesses in your community with their stable of girls, and they can flaunt it. Wild West camp style,
Adam: I hope she realizes that using the term pimp is completely racist.
John: tool. She's a racist. The irony of her complaining is is not lost on us. No, it's beautiful. So okay, you know if you for everything else gonna
let them vote vote vote vote whoever you are. But yeah, now I agree in principle that to get these I think your gun safety is important I think people
need to take some training I've never found that to be objectionable I don't see any reason for it. They used to teach that sort of thing in high
school in the United States people forget that Yeah. And we have for our listeners don't know this. used to have gun clubs in high schools you
Adam: bring your rifle to school.
John: And yes, he put
Adam: it in the locker imagine it was safe and you had gun safety and you learned how to use everything and it was known how to shoot
John: and you learn how to target shoot and all the rest but no, that's all been pushed out and and to the point where you know we have some loose
situations now like this,
Adam: but I thought it was a cute
John: idea. It's a Greg I'm going to give you a clip of the day
Adam: Oh, thank you. I don't know if I really deserve it. I'll take it but I thought it was a very cute idea for them to say you know, we really can't
be racist here in Texas so we have to unfortunately take away the regulations no more tests let's see. Oh, I do have some other fun stuff getting
John: ISOs In the meantime,
Adam: I think I'm low on ISOs Let me see I had yes I have two ISOs well actually I have it's I think it's too long but I have one from that lady you
just heard
Unknown: wild west camp style which is too long I
Adam: think I do have this one what they've got here is a double whammy it's not okay do you have anything any ISO
John: yes I went to the well and found my girl and I thought district or the end of show I think this was a good would be a good idea for an ISIS it's
just like because this the podcast is life changing.
Unknown: life changing.
Adam: Oh you have a little Blippi there that I don't like life changing i can i can kill it. I
Unknown: can kill it. life changing.
Adam: And let's see what this compared to this. What they've got here is a double whammy. Oh, hard call man.
John: I think about the Kumbaya combined a double.
Adam: That's such a cop out.
Unknown: life changing what
Adam: they've got here is a double whammy. It doesn't fit together you choose it's I'm fine. Either way Do you want life changing or double whammy?
John: I might go with double and double whammy.
Adam: Okay, appreciate that
John: was two of us and so it makes sense. Alright and get more from bully me she's a gold mine.
Adam: So the something we've been following on the show for a long long time is the serious situation with the white helmets, which this show called
out is bullcrap. From day one, not just because we have eyes and we can see video and we understand what makes sense and what doesn't make sense. But
there was a lot of reporting.
John: And we By the way, we also noticed that the people that were the dead kids and all the actors, and that was obvious ensemble operation.
Adam: Yes. And we have same people, and we have video of them, pretending to be dead and rubble and then getting up and having a good good laugh that
remember they were selfies, the old crew took selfies with the dead people. And then the OPC W and this is the because it fell under the chemical
weapons, international laws, which turned out to also be not true. This was the barrel bombs. They're throwing chlorine on to the poor citizens of
Syria. It was all bullcrap. And this came out and there were and I think there was even acknowledgement Am I mistaken in in my in my memory here that
there was acknowledgement that this there was a white
John: hats were full of crap.
Adam: Yeah. Isn't that yes,
John: there was it came out a couple of times, but then it got repressed and went right back into play.
Adam: Yes. So in the European in the EU parliament. They had a subcommittee. It still happens in the in the big boomy Hall, and the subcommittee
included the director general of the OPC W, which is the chemical weapons watchdog, I guess we'll call it and here's Mick Wallace, who is a member of
European Parliament for Ireland. And Mick asks a very, very obvious question kind of half of a statement because remember, we had all kinds of
bullcrap stories mainly from one outlet which is belling cat belling cat The so called Open Source reporting group who who know exactly that Russia
shot the
John: doing a reset yourself here I forget all these things. I know
Adam: when it comes flowing back the great
John: reset
Adam: in belling cat You know, they're all they knew that the plane was shot with the Dutch flying from Amsterdam was shot down by Russians now It
couldn't be anything else was Russian bellingcat bellingcat bellingcat bellingcat Oh, no, no, this is they reported they reported on on how incredibly
horrible this was. What was going on in Syria was chemical bombs, chemical weapons. noon, oil drums dropped out of helicopters. Well, Mike Wallace was
having none of it but then listen to how he is shut down shut down by the speaker, the leader of this particular subcommittee director general
John: to the credibility of the LPC who is at stake, why we do not heed calls from renowned international figures including the organization's first
director general Jose powstanie. And several former team leaders from the OPC W. To meet with all the investigators including the dissenting
inspectors. General this problem is not going away. Are you going to investigate all aspects in a transparent manner.
Unknown: You might also look at the fight that was illegal or falsely commit the Berlin cache and the BBC,
which were set out to just overtly deliberately to undermine the credibility of those tiny, what have you to say about this? clicker. Nasim? What
are the SDGs?
begin by saying what I feel I have to say after what I have just heard, the credibility that I'm concerned about is that of the European Parliament.
Yes, there is no peace without truth. There is no peace with fake news. And I would like to apologize to the director general of the OB CW for what he
has just heard her standing rapporteur for Syria. I would like to apologize to a Syrian human rights activists that I have met to the NGOs who work in
Syria that I have met doctors in Syria who I have met for what they have just heard, I cannot accept that you can call into question the work of an
international organization and that you call into the question the word of the victims in the way you have just done. And I would ask you, Director
General, to please forgive what we just heard, which seems to me to be fake news.
I give you the floor. Why am I the only one that was interfered with here is no freedom of speech in allowed in the European Parliament anymore.
We're entitled to our opinion today. You
denying me my opinion.
As soon as you don't have the floor Mr. Wallace, you don't have the floor. Mr. Lee. I'm giving the floor to the director general of the OPC W. And I
think that the subcommittee should keep it on.
Adam: Oh, nice. Ooh, nice, Faraj when you got Mick Wallace, I'm liking this guy. troublemaker is definitely
John: a firebrand, it's hard to understand him though. It's not as quite as clear as frosh.
Adam: True. But can you believe that a woman just interjected and said, I have to apologize on behalf of Oh, this is horrible. What you just heard.
I'm so sorry. Director General. Oh, this is just this is not okay. It's fake news.
John: It really seems like it's, you know, this, this European Parliament, to me always seems like a bad science fiction movie. It's just really lame.
They go on they go. And now did
Adam: we not have an admission from the United States intelligence community that the Russian bounty came up for the Taliban to kill American soldiers
that turned out to be bogus, right. That
John: was it? Well, this is not the first time the intelligence community quote unquote, has said this. This is the more recent ones just just a few
days ago.
Adam: Yeah. So I think they're repeating their their initial guidance, which is, according to whatever the this is the Guardian here that I have in
front of me, the US intelligence agencies have only quote low to moderate confidence in reports late last year, that Russian spies were offering
Taliban militants in Afghanistan bounties for killing us soldiers.
John: Yeah, was used by Biden in his campaign.
Adam: Right. So that turns out so we can agree now is that out in the open that it was not true?
John: Well, I thought so. But I'm guessing you have a clip? No, the
Adam: only thing I have is a super clip, to remind us, just to remind us, because it's easy to forget how the media in the United States handled this
news, which was a lie, which had low to moderate confidence, which was only put in place to discredit orange man bad. And so I personally, I find a
supercut like this more interesting than Project Veritas where shocker, CNN was trying to actively work against President Trump. Oh, no kidding. But
let's look at the real travesty. What the American people were bummed but not not the no agenda producers but the American people were bombarded with
this crap. In our worldly today President Trump dismissing the Russian bounty intelligence story as a hoax.
Unknown: The White House also responding tonight to a bombshell report accusing Russia of offering bounties to the Taliban to kill American soldiers
in Afghanistan from this reporting in the New York Times, which has since been confirmed by the Wall Street Journal, that not only does the President
know that Russia was paying for American soldiers deaths,
The Washington Post is now reporting that the alleged Russian bounties to Taliban fighters in Afghanistan are believed to have resulted in the deaths
of US troops like this New York Times story about a stunning us Intel assessment, finding the Russia secretly ordered offered Afghan Milton's bounties
to kill us troops.
Adam: So comes on the fire over those bombshell reports that the White House was told Russia was paying bounties to kill us troops in Afghanistan.
Unknown: The most important application of that question is What did the President
know about Vladimir Putin offering a bounty for the killing of
Adam: American soldiers in Afghanistan and
Unknown: when did he know it?
as senior Afghan official confirmed to CBS News.
Not only true, but the Russian government achieved some success with their plan
John: that Americans found out this weekend
Unknown: that Vladimir Putin is paying to put bounties on the heads of American troops telling CNN that the White House was warned about Russia,
offering bounties, actual bounties to kill us troops in Afghanistan.
He's not even there yet. He's still suggesting that the reporting about the fact that there were these bounties offered is fake. Meanwhile, your
organization, The New York Times and others are getting some fairly detailed reporting about how it actually works.
Despite those denials over and over. Sources tell CNN that last week the US even share that intelligence with British officials as some of the British
troops would have been targeted as well. Yeah, that's to say nothing of putting bounties on American troops.
It's unbelievable joy.
John: There you go. Unbelievable.
Adam: Yeah, it's unbelievable joy.
Unknown: Just believable. So
Adam: this is a clip in New York. We always publish all of our clips. You can download this put it on your phone. And when someone you say hey, you
know mainstream media, they're full of crap. He said, Yeah, you can share this. And notice the common sources. New York Times Washington Post.
John: Wall Street Journal is snuck in there because Wall Street Journal confirmed in New York Times report. Favorite confirmed analysts what
Adam: you do is how it works is fantastic. Who cares? Hey, wants to more lies. Let me give you some more lies. Listen to this report. Please remind me
about the five dead people. On January 6. Were they all killed by white supremacists?
John: None of them will were killed by white supremacists at all. Not one. Okay.
Adam: Did we have anyone who was shot?
John: Yes, one woman was shot and she was on the on the she was a protester. Ashley Babbitt remember her name?
Adam: Yes, that's right. She got
John: shot and no charges were filed because they had no evidence despite the videotape of the whole episode.
Adam: Now was there a police officer who died during this event
John: police officer died at the scene and how not disappeared but shortly thereafter and
Adam: how did this police officer perish? I think
John: he had a heart attack or something wrong with him.
Adam: Well, first we heard he got hit with a first it was he was sprayed by a fire extinguisher then hit in the head by a fire extinguisher. Yeah,
that was that.
Unknown: Yeah. And by the way, what happened?
Adam: It's sad. I mean, anyone dying and I think there were times
John: you don't like it, but that their story about how he died is bullcrap.
Adam: Let's listen to NBC News. Lester Holt, as he talks a little bit more about the January 6 events. Acting Chief Pittman watched events unfold that
day from this command center.
Unknown: At some point you heard that officer sick Nick had been killed. Do
you recall that moment?
Yes, I do. And just as a mother of two sons, to have to make that call to some another mother to say your loved one, your child is never coming home.
It's just something you you're never prepared for.
Adam: So notice, he says a couple of things here. He says the day the officer was killed. Which is just a lie. It's not true. He was not killed. He
died. And then she was sitting at the video command center. And she doesn't say yeah, I saw it happening was the one of the worst things I've ever
seen. No, no, no, instead of that. It's boy, it was a shitty phone call I had to make because
I'm so tired. This is abusive what they're doing. Turn it off. People turn it off. Even even You're the best podcasting universe production crew has
to turn it off. Sometimes. It's bad. It's very, very, very unhealthy.
John: Various bad local on the local level. It's bad on the on the national level. Yep, just bad. And we have here we have the woman. This is another
one of these kinds of stories. This is Liz. And I've spelled her name wrong. And everyone is for three clips. Her name is actually Liz noise.
Adam: He didn't even come close.
John: I got the mic went back to fix it, then I forgot to fix it. So so but Liz Norman was the woman that worked at Department of Homeland Security
that quit around April of 20. I'm trying to think it was maybe April of 2020 for whatever reason, and she then became one of the chiefs of Republicans
against Trump. She was a never trumper she somehow she was, uh, okay, I'll give her your background cuz you're not going to give her background on
this on these clips. She's a bitch about white supremacy and how President Trump encouraged that. And her background is she was a bushy, bushy. And
then she got into the Trump White House as the assistant to one of the chief of staff's the harsh looking guy, Mackenzie Marsh and the harsh looking
guy. Well, the one chief of staff that he had, it was it wasn't mad dog Madison, who went to I guess he was in Department of Defense those. Kelly
Kelly a key she was a cow. She and Kelly hated Trump. We know that. Somehow he got the job because he was forced into it. Trump is pushed into these
hirings. And she goes working for him. And then she quit. And it's a big deal because she's, you know, they're trying to make her look like well, she
was another one
Adam: like Trump sister. Like Trump's sister. They get to milk her she'll have a book.
John: Yeah, well, she Bobby does this is Liz and white supremacy. One I listened to her saying nothing.
Unknown: Has this rallying effects for a while. supremacist students to this ideology that eventually there's going to be this massive war and the US
government's going to be overthrown. And they're going to be able to establish this white nation. So it's not like they destroyed the capital. It's
not like they disrupted the transition of power. But it was seen as kind of almost the starting point perhaps of the civil war that they have believed
in their mythology was going to come at some point, a race war. And so you you see on online chat rooms, that you have groups using this as a
recruitment tactic, that it's finally happening, if you know, there's going to be this race war that we're finally going to be able to achieve our aim
of ridding the country of all of these people we don't think should be here establishing our own country. And anytime you have for an extremist group
or a terrorist group, something that's symbolic, it affects and helps them with their recruitment with their morale. So these certainly on the white
supremacist side, we see an emboldening effect for those groups.
Adam: Wow. I'd
Unknown: really like January 6, I'd really
Adam: like to see this group that are going to turn this into a white nation. Yeah,
John: I'm waiting to
Adam: pretty power pretty powerful group.
John: Boy. Got it nailed to and you get a little more details,
Unknown: which are the groups want to
see a race war and want to see you.
John: This is, by the way, this is Terry Gross on fresh air. Oh,
Adam: my goodness, Terry Gross wants to race war. Is that her?
John: Yeah, you'll hear her voice at the beginning. Oh, my
Adam: goodness, shame on you,
Unknown: which are the groups want to see a race war and want to see like a civil war that leads to a white nation,
Adam: Democrats,
John: okay, so she can stop right there. She's gonna name names, actual groups. She's the big expert. She came out of the White House, she was
studying this. She's now doing a book. She's part of some foundation as stopping this. So let's hear name some groups for us lady.
Unknown: So that particular strain is going to be in your white supremacist group. So neo nazis and other groups that borrow their mythology largely
from Germany and Nordic countries. What you also see those there's this other movement called the Boogaloo boys, you may have heard of them as well.
They also believe in a coming Civil War. They also subscribe to the ideology of accelerationism, which are white supremacist might also ascribe to
that concept is that we are going to commit certain acts to accelerate societal collapse, to encourage the oncoming of a civil war. So it's not just a
belief that someday there will be a civil war. As if you're you're being prophetic. And you have awareness of something happening in the future. The
acceleration ism is it is my job to help bring it about. So Boogaloo boy believes in Civil War, and it may also have a white supremacist viewpoint
might believe it's a race for, but not necessarily, there are a lot of Boogaloo boys who just believe that there's a and it has nothing to do at least
at a winning level with race. So the one of the hard things in studying extremism especially today, is that increasingly we have these groups kind of
morphing, and the individual may have multiple ideologies that they have cobbled together to form almost their own version of an ideology.
Adam: So I'm sure that Terry Gross fresh air then immediately went and said, so why don't we go and arrest all the Boogaloo boys, since they seem to
be the core problem? The only group you named was Boogaloo. Boys Boogaloo boys a boo boo boo is That's what she
John: said. Right? And do that, of course, as we know, but, but I'm going to ask you a question. Now we study current advanced probably as much as
anybody is and we do it professionally. Have you ever heard of acceleration ism?
Adam: No, no, this is new to me. I agree.
John: Acceleration doesn't she? She or her little foundation or whatever she's part of dreamed up. I've never heard of it. I mean, I'll look it up.
And maybe it's in the literature someplace, but it's nothing that's to the floor. It's not like in the is not fun of mine. I've never heard of this,
but Okay, let's finish her off with the third clip
Unknown: in so you might easily have a white supremacist who is also a Boogaloo Boy, you also see the melding between the white supremacist groups and
the anti government extremist groups. There tends to be a lot of overlap there. But you could find somebody easily you could find a militia or a
member of a militia who hates racism, who hates white supremacy. They're just about the right to bear arms and be able to exercise protection for
their neighborhood through a militia. So it's really hard to categorize with broad brushstrokes that perhaps we haven't been able to take domestic
terrorism as seriously as we should have is because of that decentralized, lack of organization, too many of these groups, you often see infighting
between supposedly leaders of these groups. And it can give this false sense that they don't have their act together. They're not actually that
dangerous, because they're always fighting with one another. And they can't even agree on the issues that they stand for.
John: Okay, got nothing,
Adam: no, but I do have accelerationism. And this is quite interesting. There's a Wikipedia entry which is quite extensive on accelerationism. And
there and there is one small footnote, white nationals have been known to refer to acceleration of racial conflict through terrorism, societal
collapse, and the building of a white ethno state. But the political and social theory, acceleration ism is a real thing. It is the idea that
capitalism and the technological change can or should be accelerated and drastically exaggerated. It's in fact, acceleration ism is an anti leftist
social theory. The goal of acceleration ism is to trigger unprecedented revolt and establishment of new unique political and economic systems. It
takes its lead from French critical theorists Gilles Deleuze, and Felix guattari, his idea of deteriorate, deteriorate zation, as developed in the two
volumes of the word capitalism and schizophrenia, as well as aspects of theoretical systems and processes developed by English philosopher Nick land,
and it's, it's really about accelerating capitalism. And this, this is a gross misuse of this word, as which is purely a footnote, just a footnote in
the whole term. And this woman is full of crap. What a dork.
John: You want she was the head of Republicans against Trump, which is like, modeled after the Lincoln project is
Adam: what shows is Trump now he had no handle on hiring. I know that he didn't hire her directly, but she's, you can smell a rat like this 100 miles
away? I'd think if you're just near her? No, no, we think
John: you want to agree 100%. You can tell by that guy. I don't want to say sometimes by the looks of them. But
Adam: now there is a person who absolutely is driving a racial war 100%. And I have proof this person is driving and asking and requesting for race
riots and racial war. And this person is boots on the ground in, in Brooklyn, New York. No, no, it's Maxine Waters, because you know, she's got to be
out there to get ready for any kind of trial that may go the wrong way.
Unknown: I'm reformed. And so yes, I would like to see the bill in Congress pass on police reform. But I know that the right wing, the racist are
opposed to it. And I don't know what's gonna happen to it. But I know this. We've got to stay in the streets stay in the streets
to demand justice.
we are looking for a guilty verdict. And we're looking to see if all of this
took place and has been taken place.
What happens?
If nothing does not happen, then we'll know.
We've got to not only stay, but we've got to fight for justice.
That we're going to get
guilty, guilty, guilty. And if we don't, we definitely cannot go away. And not just manslaughter. Right. I mean, oh, no, not manslaughter, no.
for murder,
I don't know whether it's an offense degree. But as far as I'm concerned, what happens if we don't?
John: charge?
Unknown: I didn't hear you.
John: What happens. What should protesters do? Well,
Unknown: we got to stay on the street. And we've got to get more. We've got to get more confrontation. We've got to make sure that they know that we
Adam: so the answer there is clear. We've got to stay in the street become more confrontational, become more active, please. This is not how you calm
people down. This is how you make a mess out of things.
John: Oh, this is what Trump did. In got him to impeach Why isn't this woman get thrown out and get censored.
Adam: She gets to tell other senators or congressmen to shut up She can do anything she wants. Shut your mouth, just like our now we have a new
ambassador to the United Nations, Linda Thomas Greenfeld Greenfield. And she made some very controversial statements. And she said at a statement or
in a statement that the United States as is encoded into our founding documents, we are just, we are the epitome of white supremacy and systemic
racism is right there in our founding documents. Now this is a controversial thing for her to say. So this came up in a q&a session with Jen Psaki,
who speaks on behalf of the President in the White House. And let's just have a listen as to how she addresses this issue of race and the Constitution
and the ambassador who said this, which just seems like a not a good thing to say, if you're representing the United States. Is this policy for us to
go around say, oh, we're sorry, we're racist. Is this the new policy is that build back better a US
Unknown: ambassador to the UN Linda
Thomas breedveld. talking to her group on Wednesday, said that white essentially said that white supremacy is woven into our founding document and
principles. So this statement is getting widely criticized as essentially parroting Chinese Communist Party talking points. So is the President going
to remove her from her position as
the representative before that body
to promote the United States
Is the President going to remove an African American woman with decades of experience in the Foreign Service?
Adam: It's very important to point out what color she is thanks,
Unknown: Jen is widely respected around the world from her position, as ambassador to the UN. He is not he will,
he is proud to have her in that position.
She She is not only qualified, he believes she is exhausted, she
Adam: said he she she do a double pronoun there.
John: She began to be guilty of misgendering.
Unknown: Not he will,
he is proud to have her in that position. She is not only qualified,
he believes she's exactly the right person who said in
that role, maybe that
Adam: is a pronoun, and maybe that's their pronoun, maybe your pronoun shishi. We should look at her bio,
Unknown: she is exactly the right person in that role at this moment in time.
I have not seen her comments,
I will say that there's no question that there has been a history of institutional racism in this country, require the UN ambassador to confirm that.
It's actually
the same lecture, though, that the Chinese delegation gave Secretary blink in Alaska
last month. So does the President think our founding documents are racist?
I would say that I will.
I will leave my comments to speak for themselves. And certainly I think most people recognize the history of systemic racism in our country. And she
was speaking to that
Adam: the history you see how it's just slipped in now, the history of our systemic racism we had Yes, we had slavery but that has not become systemic
racism which means it's still here and it's in our encode in our founding documents by the way because
John: the doctors we got to get rid of these documents that's the real goal here.
Adam: By the way, Republicans slash conservatives don't get don't get pulled into this. If a woman is unimportant who gives a crap about the United
Nations don't go all freaking out on Twitter. Like the journalists, you must have been from Fox, bro, it's like the CCP Okay. Hello. Get a clue.
John: Well, I don't think it's as unimportant as you think. Mainly because that's where Susan Rice came from. Yeah, a lot of people think Susan Rice
as of today is running the White House.
Adam: Oh yeah. That's what I mean. It's like this is not surprising that these people talk like this it doesn't doesn't surprise me at all.
John: No, that hate the country. They do. face reality they simply hate the country this woman they are us ambassadors supposed to be promoting the
United States and all this you know, its tentacles wherever they may be. What was me pro American But no, no, she hates the country. She's just as
soon work for the Chinese which is what she's doing.
Adam: What is the job description of a UN Ambassador?
John: I don't know he got to go to China to find it back as Chinese
Unknown: I'm gonna show
John: people who could do that. Oh yeah, that'd
Unknown: be fun.
John: Yeah
Yes And we do have a few people
Adam: we have a make good we got to do a quick make good first. Once you read that Well, yeah, this is Kevin locks l au x he's no he's no got lost for
the last episode. Is that donated for sure. 1337 was a double 133 dot seven or 267 dot 40 donation. Yes. We remember a my note I wanted to I mainly
want some karma. But instead I was just jinxed my scalding hot fiance and I Oh, here's another story have been house hunting and the market is crazy.
I bragged to her that we would be getting house buying karma and our worries would be over on show day we found out the construction house we have a
reservation on will be at least $70,000 more than we expected due to supply issues. By the way, I think this is China as well. I think there's wood,
certain types of pressed wood. There's all kinds of supply issues. I think they're not just messing with our chips, but also with the with our lumber
and other supplies. He goes on, we have been hedging our bets and looking at resales as well as a house we were very interested in and went under
contract before they were pictures before there were showings. Yes, because it's banks buying it as we just explained. We didn't even have a chance.
After everything on Thursday. She said well, so much for the karma. I was confused by our misfortune and not able to listen to the show yet when I was
finally able to listen on Friday night. it all made sense. I found out you didn't get my note and my gloating jinxed me. Last time I donated, I
received jobs, karma and it paid off for me with two promotions, please give me an emergency triple shot of karma house relationship jobs. I think
I'll need them all to survive these
Unknown: crazy times jobs, jobs, jobs and jobs, for jobs
Adam: through in the house go to help
John: you out, people should probably start looking for private sales that bypass the banks. And they're all over the place. There's a bunch of new
systems out there too that allow for this. I'm gonna read a note now you read that one, which came in from one of our anonymous woman, but she says
I'm a health care attorney over in. I'll leave that out. I can't tell you how much I appreciate your weekly COVID backscene reports. When when what I
see here and experienced everyday conflicts so wildly with the M five m Hmm. No, that was what she's saying because she's a healthcare attorney. And
what she hears on the M five m it doesn't make any sense until she listens to our show right? At least now I have somewhere to turn. Most of what I
know is privileged but some of it is not I messaged you both on LinkedIn please put this but my dame had she also mixes one other thing which is I
only have one request. Now jingles is a associate executive producer donation. Can you please provide now this? You can listen to this? I can't come
up with this. Can you please provide a citation slash statute or the federal law you brought up on the show that says something to the effect of the
federal government? government cannot fund vaccines if there's an experimental use? arborization? Yeah, that's what i what i said she misheard us.
Adam: no, the UK you cannot issue an emergency use authorization for vaccines. If there is an approved treatment available. There are many treatments,
you can buy them at the airport in Mexico, some of them treat you for other things moying. But you can get ivermectin hydroxychloroquine and z packs
anything you want. Those are treatments and they from all the studies and surveys and everything we know they work but they can never be admitted
because the minute they admit that then the emergency use authorization is illegal. Now which statute that is I don't know. Exactly. But look for
that. That's that's what you want to be looking for.
John: Anyway, now let's go back to our list of of well wishers and producers for show 1339 starting with Steve ban straw in Nashville $184.40 he's
kind of a PBR donation Dame Dane in Fredericksburg, Virginia, or no I'm sorry, Fredericksburg Denmark. Oh, a real friend.
Adam: The real framerate Oh gee, the Oh gee Fred fredricksburg No, no kidding this good.
John: Denmark 133 33 Aaron, feral and wodsworth Illinois 111 11. Sheila Ryan in Paris, France.
Adam: Hello, by the way, I'm sorry Dame Dane. I didn't need to mention this. I'm not quite sure how that happened. But if at all possible, and I'll do
it at the end she'd like a jobs comma for her beautiful husband, who was a mainframe dude. mainframe dude. Who was bullied into getting an ulcer then
fired from his last job he has a jobs interview Monday morning. I'd really love for him to get a jobs confidence boost. Thank you for all you do. No
agenda is the best podcast universe. Yes, we're going to give him a big jobs card a TPP jobs calm and boost at the end here.
John: Was he bullied? The mainframe guys used to do the bullying. Aaron ferroan was worth he got him as Sheila. Parisien $100 from Paris. Oh Brianna
would thank the French listening. Brianna frager in Richmond Hill, Georgia 100 Kurt ku by Kupol in wayzata. Minnesota 9999. Yes, hold on,
Unknown: hold on.
Adam: Hold on Kurt something happening with Kurt here besides the annual birthday donation This also makes him a knight. Sir Kubo pedia is a civil
variable he wants to know Yes, I'm sure. He says that way people have to use my horrific want to use my honorific name when I expand my random
knowledge on them Sir kooba qubole PDF pedia much these days from your show I learned much these days from your show would like to request peaches and
rye pa at the roundtable. It has been ordered and thank you for your courage.
John: Your Gary's up next 7777 from Wayne Pennsylvania and I will mention he liked the climate change special. And as you surely the Michael Creighton
clip that was in john and Kim Watson in Aurora, Colorado 77 sir Rick, in Arlington, Washington, 6969 sir Timothy brashears 6969 surveil the Baron of
FEMA Region. Oh, I'm sorry, sir Rick is 6996. That's 6969. I think it may be said that. I don't know. travailed Berna the FEMA Region for in Palmetto,
Florida 69 over the Palmetto beetle, Thomas Hurtado, 6528 Dame sparkle in West Linn, Oregon 63 and happy birthday coming up for her. To serve
Barrington Baronet louder pipes in Charlotte, North Carolina 6140. Lisa Barney a in Clarkston, Michigan 60 Daniel Mariano and pflugerville Texas 5510
Browns moving to Dean Roker from East Grinstead, West Sussex 55 10am. I still on Yeah, Seth Dunbar in spring issues Ray gets cut off. Set Dunbar in
Spring Hill, Kansas.
Adam: He has a request for a de-douche a de-douche and a call out for douchebag and his brother Ben and cousin Isaiah. Get on the stick kids.
John: Richard Futter in London UK. Did the 510 lot of 5510s Allen a soft in fluke way varina North Carolina 5510. Michael shanbao in Topeka, Kansas
Team 3510 then we go to 5005. from James Frederick's in McFarlane, Wisconsin 55. Also from tr Andrew Benz in Imperial Missouri the following people
now our $50 donors name and location and that will wrap it up for us. Jessica young from Yuba City, Baron net. Amen fist bump from Montgomery, Texas,
or Adams moving Matthew wells in Austin. That's where Adams moving from Mary labrooy air in Kennett square, Pennsylvania. JOHN Campion at urs
Oklahoma, David chaloner in Madisonville, Louisiana, Kevin O'Brien in Chicago, Illinois, surgery wing and Roth in Saugus, California and last but not
least, sir spud the mighty in Marietta, Georgia want to thank these folks for making this show possible.
Adam: We of course thank everyone who came in under $50 for anonymity reasons mainly but also we have some great programs you can take a look at.
These are sustaining donations very important to the show. Even if you donate as an executive producer, just producer. It's great if you can get on
one of those because it really gives us some base when times are low like today is a very slow day. I personally want to thank the fukase odos for the
chocolates they sent the keeper and I for our anniversary. Very nice chocolates, chocolates. And sir Keith Jacobs came through the ether wave theramin
has arrived and I cannot wait to play it for you on Thursday. Very excited.
John: Yeah, we're gonna look forward to that. Yeah, it's fun to song.
Adam: So far, it sounds like a lot of sine wave. I've got to work on it. But it's very interesting. It does work it's funny I'd never played one Dan
it still doesn't sound like I'm playing one but we're gonna work on it.
John: This never played when may continue forever.
Adam: Yes. Well, we'll see how it goes. Thank you all very much. And here is the the promised jobs karma for our for a mainframe dude who needs a
little job booster. jobs, jobs, jobs
Unknown: and jobs. You've got
Adam: support in the shoe for Our next episode on Thursday full rack.org slash n A.
And as promised his annual donation occurred kuvo April 15. There it is. And Happy birthday to you Kurt Joe Cox turns 43 on the 16th name smart girl
Happy Birthday to serve JT Barrington. His birthday is today as his Derek Gnar locks. Alexander harriton Happy Birthday to Lady get over it her
birthday on April 20. And Brianne frager says Happy Birthday to her dad Sebastian in Lake Stevens Washington his birthday also on the 20th and
finally, not just from your home I but from everybody here at the best podcast in the universe and all across gitmo-nation Happy birthday, Darrin
O'Neill from all your buddies here at the no agenda show. All right. 123 nice things on deck. That means we've got maximum blade ready to go.
John: Let me pull this one out.
Adam: On the body of Derek narla, Kurt Cobain and mF dx. All of you are now at night to the nogen the round table that means we've got some
accoutrements here for you and I am very proud to have the honor to pronounce the KC as you Sir Charles the gnarly nor lock, sir Kubo pedia and mF x
of Zhu that's right for you. We've got cookers and blow rent boys and Chardonnay by request we have Pepsi and 14 walleye pulled from the rainy river
and Gerber multi tools, teachers and ride ta we got some extra jeans, Raven turbos and rosae
Unknown: breast milk and
Adam: pablum and of course, mutton and mead right there for you right there at the roundtable. Thank you all for supporting the no agenda show and you
can go to no agenda nation calm slash rings and Eric The show will take care of you we'll make sure that you get your ring your ceiling wax and your
official certification please post that on a nogen social so we can welcome you all to the roundtable and everyone can see your your accoutrements
your ring it always looks beautiful.
Unknown: No one
Adam: like a party they are kicking ass no agenda meetups calm where people get together who a lot of them have been getting together throughout the
entire so called lockdown the pandemic. People just hanging out but it went to the 512 meetup yesterday. It's great to see everybody. It's a good
group. You know, it's always fun to see how diverse everybody is. But yet, everyone has a good time talking. No triggering. It's lots of fun, as is
witnessed by this report from the Memphis meetup. Hi, I was in the knights and dames and no agenda slaves. It's time, man. And while I couldn't be
there, my friends were
Unknown: over at the nogen a bad beer protest here in Memphis, Tennessee. Check it out.
So we're at the hammer and ale meetup in Memphis on April 17. This is Todd when in the morning.
Damn shell once again,
right here.
This is Ted O'Brian. My preferred pronouns are nobody and anybody. And I'm triggered by cowboy hats and the word anyways.
in the morning.
Adam: All right, Atlanta. 404 Come on in.
Unknown: Hey, this is Mark Hansen's clever name on no agenda social. We're here reporting from Atlanta, local 404 COVID cookout voice filter here
john. It's Joe Cuellar not dacula Joseph here loving it having a great time coffee rula here and being adjacent to white people being white they Jason
feeling great in the morning everyone and especially a special message to john stay safe please Hey,
John: john It's Mike rock doctor sir.
Unknown: In the morning guys are one of your a MP here at sabse on any social Princess Peach in
person. Square Swan here stay dangerous Adam hi Maggie Mae here.
Thank god promote agenda
Adam: eglo on any social eg
Unknown: new no agenda supporter, Mrs. Darling to me soon. Dame Jennifer ouida the Gypsy nation thank you for your courage
Adam: nice to hear a couple of our amps in there Asian Millennium Asian American millennial producers Good to have you guys at the meetup very cool
white adjacent they are but still they can hang out with all these white supremacists who are right wing listening to the no agenda show. How
Unknown: is it possible in the morning is Dave the douchebag thanks for your courage fellas. Son, Edwin.
Adam: The comic podcasts dude named Ben named Ben in the morning everyone. Thank
Unknown: you. So sneaky from Australia here.
I'm sorry.
Adam: I would donate more but I had Oh More money in pandemic bonds.
Unknown: Thanks for the heads up. Horowitz
Adam: Phil from our Mo.
Unknown: I hate doing these things in the morning john Adam, this is Cabo ganja beach down under ganja.
Not good. Yeah.
Thank you for your courage. And can I give you one little one little factoid, which
John: is,
Unknown: do you know how many people have died in Australia this
John: year from COVID?
Unknown: The answer is one.
Do you know how many people have died from the COVID vaccine in Australia?
The answer is
it's fuxi. In the morning,
I remember sending all the women that
listen to no agenda. I'm the only one at the meetup.
Good I john and Adam it's the Jinja hipster from Amsterdam here, Australia, love and light all this My name is Chris sir Chris, the drunken minstrel,
and I am an alcoholic. And I've been sober for
344 minutes. And I know this is a no agenda meetup. It
isn't a 12 step program. It's just that I've never been to a 12 step program where somebody has come up to me afterwards and said, Hey, Chris,
Adam: that was really brave of you to open up to us like that.
Unknown: Let me buy you a beer.
Thank you for your courage. So
Chris, have a paps blue ribbon on the blue ribbon on my mind.
John: And Australia
Adam: they may be locked down like bugs in the cage but they're having a good time. final reports from and we had a lot this is all from the 17th
Kansas City hey no agenda nation is
Unknown: there Spencer with your KC meetup report.
Damn DeLorean here enjoying some face friendly sweet.
Hey, john anatomist student clim from Wichita up in great St. Joseph, Missouri. I've got my double shot of courage and I feel extra special tonight.
Darrin from Kansas City in the morning. Hey Mr. pasty checking in from the St. Joe meetup Newland it
is Jordan from Bellevue, Nebraska. Allah manyana this is flop deck from Amazonia Missouri here with my keeper This is douchebag JP thank you for your
courage and in the morning is full for St. Joe Remember to be as healthy as you feel not as sick as your fear. We'll be back next month when sir below
is back in town. Stay safe.
Adam: I shouldn't be screening those. Hey, excellent. Good work everybody. You can tell that the vibe is in every single one of these meetups and if
you want to enjoy that for yourself and you are in the Denver area on the 22nd that's this coming Thursday there's the Denver area creatively titled
meetup which is the title at 630 water's edge winery and Bistro. On Friday, Oregon local 33 spring meet up at 530 at the Willamette park in West Linn,
Oregon. Also on Friday smiles welcome jacksonville florida at the bottlenose brewery. Here's what's coming up in April left to go the 24th in Houston
Melbourne, Australia, Chicago, Illinois, the Smokies Bozeman, Montana and in Myrtle Beach and Santa Fe on the 25th for May Boston on the first Nisra
Minnesota on the first to seventh Charleston, South Carolina may 8, Oakland County Michigan, the 15th of may San Francisco, California 16th Durham,
North Carolina may 29, Rhode Island and June 4 even we have on the calendar Peterborough, Ontario. This is no agenda meetups no triggering allowed
everyone has a good time. All races, religions, creeds, sex, gender, it doesn't matter because it's like a pot a no agenda. meetups.com you will not
regret it.
John: Yay, yay, yay, yay. Okay, I've got a couple of clips. That might be interesting. All right. But not for the obvious reasons. This is kind of a
human interest story that was done on NPR. And it's a cute little girl talking about how she wants to be pants for herself. She's seven, and she wants
pockets in the front. I didn't realize this. But girls pants generally don't have pockets in the front. They have what looks like pockets, but just
showed up.
Unknown: And now we're going to hear from a little girl who recently got a big lesson in the power of persuasion
and late to put my hands in my body at the very hopeful.
That is seven year old Cameron Gardner of Bentonville, Arkansas. She was learning how to write persuasive letters in her first grade class. When she
decided to put that lesson to work and address a problem that a lot of girls and women have complained about over the years. How come many pants for
women and girls don't have real pockets. Her mom Kim Gardner says this has always bothered her
had probably been going on for I would probably say a year or so. Just there was something that was always on her mind. And she'd always tell us, I
don't like these jeans because they don't have pockets. I don't want to wear these because they don't have pockets. And so after all of that, I just
kind of encouraged her and said, Well, what can we do?
What do we need to do about this?
And that's when she wanted to go to Old Navy and tell them
Adam: I happen to know something about this. Is this there's a there's a second part, so I don't want to step on anything.
John: Okay, once you play the second part. I have thoughts on this. Okay. But they of course, they really like to milk the little girls.
Adam: Obviously, Yes, she's gonna hit it.
Unknown: Cameron decided she would write to her favorite clothing brand Old Navy. And she politely suggested that they start getting rid of what she
calls fake pockets, you know, the kind that looked like pockets, but they're actually sewn shut.
here only. I do not like some fun pockets.
Girls jeans, or
I want friend pockets because I want to put my hands in. I also would like to put things in. What do you consider to make girls tinged with phone
Thank you for reading my request. Sincerely, Cameron Garner paid seven
per letter caught the attention of old Navy's product team who wrote Cameron back saying they do make some pants with real pockets for girls. But they
appreciated her feedback and would consider her suggestion.
We did not know if we would get a response. That was something we had talked with her about before that we were just going to send a letter
and hopefully they would receive it. And so we were really excited and thankful that
they responded.
And they sent along a few other goodies for Cameron to
four pairs of jeans with pockets. They got it right after we got from our vacation, and I even
thought it was a birthday. She's got her favorite pair picked out already.
That his toy. And they have white flowers on them
and fringes and now that she's had so much success with Old Navy, who does Cameron think will be the target of her next letter writing campaign.
According to her mom, the first grader is also very passionate about putting a stop to littering. So President Biden keep an eye on that mailbox. Wow.
Adam: blatant child abuse for commercial means. Then I mean, really,
John: all you had to say I put this together and I thought to myself, this is NPR is NPR or somebody who's really good at promoting something like
this. Now taking on Native Ads because this is an Old Navy commercial.
Adam: Yes, it is. And I will tell you why. I know it's a it's a native ad. There is a movement underway in women's fashion women's clothing so off the
rack, not old couture. For pockets. This has been an issue I grew up with women women around me all my life, particularly dresses, they have no
pockets or as the little girl said fake pockets. And I know for a fact that we peep this the we people and j crew have an incredible push they are now
it's like it's some big revelation. They've decided that they need pockets and all of their garments were women previously did not have them. Old Navy
is jumping on this and abusing a child to get out ahead of the competition.
John: Well, I think you're right things things. Things You Didn't expect to
Adam: hear from the no agenda show. But yes, it's totally it's totally full. Chris is
John: exactly what you expect to hear from the no agenda show. Well, I
Adam: mean, who knows about women's fashion i didn't i didn't know I'm
John: relevant. Talking about the fact that native advertising which is a plague on journalism is creeping in everywhere. And when I found this I
liked this story anywhere because I thought it was cute, especially the way she says, say she has this hard K or this very interesting. But the the
whole thing being a note is all about how great she have her favorite store. They mentioned that in there. Her favorite store is Old Navy, and and I
know that the gap which owns Old Navy is a huge subscriber to massive advertising effort.
Adam: Oh yeah,
John: totally. This is when I say Think of NPR. That's the last place and I'm guessing now this is not the first example. I'm guessing now that
there's a lot of this native advertising going into the nation's treasure NPR it has these kind of human interest stories as well and I believe if you
timed it out it would be probably two to three
Adam: would be a full full on commercial commercially time segment. Sure. And we should be on the lookout for more of this particularly for the
pockets it's it's it's a real thing. It's the hottest move in fashion Believe it or not. I'm so happy I got pockets. I had a second half of show
segment. A true UFO segment. I'm going to move it to Thursday. But remind me to do it. No to make up can make up for my podcast story.
John: Never happening.
Adam: It's a doozy. Yes, so second half a show on UFOs also, I hope to have some theramin chops down for you. I got some time.
John: All right perfect for this segment. Yes,
Adam: I'll play I will accompany by staring out and play
John: the theremin as your dues I will
Adam: accompany myself. It's something new in conspiracy theory world. No one's doing it.
John: All right. Okay. I'm still not reminding
Adam: coming to you from opportunity zone 33 here in the capital the drone Star State Austin, Texas. It is in FEMA Region number six. If you're
looking forward on the governmental maps, remember us@dvorak.org slash na until Thursday, I say in the morning, everybody. I'm Adam Curry,
John: and from Northern Silicon Valley where everyone's saying the show's too long. I'm Jhansi devore St.
Adam: Croix Nelson coming up along with Doug longenecker enter show. We'll see you on Thursday everybody till then adios mofos
Unknown: such there's a new Olympic sport it's breaking barriers will soon be on the global stage like never before.
Performing solo sex acts on the desk of a female lawmaker.
The moves keep your body twisting
and turning. I'm shocked
Adam: and I'm disgusted. It is shameful.
Unknown: It is a dance is a cultural dance has its own terms its own meetings
performing solo sex acts on the desk of a female lawmaker. lewd acts, lewd acts.
It is just absolutely shocking.
For physical state to be able to maneuver around the heavier parts of the dance, there's a new Olympic sport, it's breaking barriers will soon be on
the global stage like never before.
And so Jenny, so Jenny, performing solo sex acts on the desk of a female lawmaker.
Adam: Those parts are very explosive. Normally the best of the best take part in these athletic games.
Unknown: Performing solo sex acts on the desk of a female lawmaker,
and it has nothing to do with speed or strength. pulling on a rope is only exciting for the first three seconds. If you're by yourself who are you
synchronizing with a ball and a wall, a ball and a wall is
going on under
John: everybody being so mean? You can read that exact same sentence without the word bag in the sense does not change. news today.
Unknown: A little girl
was stolen.
That's where we got our lizard people members
just 28%
believe that a secret
government New World Order
down What's
the crack
believe that a secret government Jesus
Adam: mopho.org slash n A. What they've got here is a double whammy.