April 18th, 2021 • 3h 22m
Executive Producers
Sir Onymous of Dogpatch and Lower Slobbovia, Derrick Narlock, Anonymous, Alexander Harrington, mfDx of Anjou
Associate Executive Producers
Sir JD Baron of Silicon Valley, Alexander Van Abel, John Kioussis
Cover Artist
Episode "1339: Accelerationism" was recorded on April 18th, 2021.
Scared Straight Approach
Twitter Blockage
@adamcurry: There’s your mass hysteria. It’s all so obvious, even quacks like us can figure it out. @THErealDVORAK: I never thought there was much to figure out…
Flashback 109
Two doses
“What if this is the situation: the mRNA screws with you so much…that now, for the rest of your life, you have to have these boosters to keep it from going out of control? It’s right out of a good science fiction story!” — @THErealDVORAK
Shedding spike protein
Does it make you worse?
CDC Wario agreement
More vaccine news
Out-vaccinating the virus?
@THErealDVORAK: Pushing vaccination like crazy, because we’re number one, could derail progress. What progress? @adamcurry: Economic recovery, or Great Reset?
Social responsibility
“[The difference between Americans and Canadians] begins with the American Revolution where we do what we do: we pull out a bunch of guns and rousted the British. The Canadians never did this…but they got their way by complaining a lot.” — @THErealDVORAK
Asylum seekers
Approach variation
“I like this because you’re not lying. You’re a Covid Survivor because you survived the onslaught of propaganda and bullcrap. It’s not a lie!” — @adamcurry
Troll count: 2006
Thanks the artist: 1335 - Kenny Ben
Artist: 1338 - Parker Paulie
Stick it to the chimp
Bananas - Parker Paulie
Microphone bell - Darren O'Neill
Sad puppy
Happy Earth Day
Tell me a story
Freedom of expression award
PBR Break
The state of NPR
People are tired
“Yes, of course you’re tired because you’re completely stressed all the time about not offending anybody and saying the right thing yourself. Yes, I think liberal women are probably exhausted!” — @adamcurry
The problem with Chad
A public health problem
@adamcurry: I hope she realizes that using the term pimp is completely racist. @THErealDVORAK: The irony of her complaining is not lost on us!
End of show ISOs
The white helmets
“This European Parliament to me always seems like a bad science fiction movie, it’s just really lame.” — @THErealDVORAK
Bogus Bounty
@adamcurry: Notice the common sources: New York Times, Washington Post. @THErealDVORAK: Well the Wall Street Journal was snuck in there because the Wall Street Journal confirmed the New York Times report…@adamcurry: Notice the common sources: New York Times, Washington Post. @THErealDVORAK: Well the Wall Street Journal was snuck in there because the Wall Street Journal confirmed the New York Times report…
The 5 dead people on January 6th
Auntie Maxine driving the racial war
New US Ambassador to the UN: The Constitution is racist
“This woman, our US Ambassador, is supposed to be promoting the United States…she’s supposed to be pro-American, but no, no, she hates the country. She’s just as soon work for the Chinese, which is what she’s doing.” — @THErealDVORAK
Make Good
It's your Birthday, Birthday
Welcome to the roundtable
Ceiling Wax
No pockets?
@adamcurry: Things you didn’t expect to hear from the No Agenda show, but yes, it’s totally bullcrap! @THErealDVORAK: This is exactly what you’d expect to hear from the No Agenda show!
Mixin' it up