John: Put him through the poop.
Adam: Adam Curry, John Dvorak 2021 This is your award winning gitmo-nation Media assassination Episode 1362. This is no agenda incentivize and
broadcasting live from the heart of Texas Hill Country, FEMA Region number six in the morning, everybody, everybody. I'm Adam Curry
John: and from Northern Silicon Valley, where I await this effort because I've got nothing else to say. I'm John Dvorak, buzzkill.
Unknown: Oh,
Adam: you sound congested. I
John: woke up congested, I'm congested. I gotta be kidding. congested for a while. Have
Adam: you lost? Have you lost any sense of taste or smell? No. Okay. No rohner, then I was realizing, I don't know about you, but I'm not even asking
you. I always look forward to talking with you. Like, oh, I want to tell john that I have so much to say. And at first for today, I was I'm pissed a
little bit pissed about the rain stick. Because as you know, when we do a rain stick session, Austin, Texas or really Wherever I am, it seems just
gets the back end of the stick. And oh my god, we had to wrench Oh, flooding out here. Now we're in hill country. We had three inches in three hours.
And this is July.
John: Yeah, but you've never lived there before. It could be like this all the time.
Adam: Well, no, it's not because our septic tank blew up overflowed basically. So
John: you have a septic tank. Hey,
Adam: I so here's what happened.
John: By the way, can I say something? Yeah, I know. This is people gonna go What? What's this guy talking about? I think he's kind of cool. Cool.
Because you can be out in the middle of nowhere and you put the septic tank out. And you use it's just like regular plumbing. And then a septic tank
truck comes by and picks it all up and you're good to go.
Adam: It's even better because you got to put chemicals in it, don't think Let me tell you about because I learned a lot about septic tanks. And this
is a brand new septic tank. So there's an alarm going off outside there's a red light flashing. Because in essence, if something's wrong with the
septic tank, you do have a chance that shit is going to fly everywhere.
John: Oh, no. But if if you have nearby farmland, maybe Okay,
Adam: well so I called Paul the septic guy. And this was and now I'm really happy about the rain stick because Paul the septic guy, he rose up in his
truck and and he's saying well, I can't believe this rain.
John: But wait, stop just before Emily asking this before I forget the thought. Do you also have a propane guy?
Adam: Yep, sure do. haven't met him yet. haven't met him yet. And, and this is limited dream. He's probably a little bit older than I am. And we're
and within four minutes. We got this rain is crazy. And I look I say it's probably China. Boom, boom. He opened up man. He opened up Hell yeah. Hill
Country is full of patriots. And and it just went on and on and on. He says you're in a good place here. Fantastic. We got everything protected. I
said I got 2000 rounds for the AR he goes. What kind of moustaches that. And he goes on to tell me about what everybody has is fantastic. The
difference? Just 15 miles outside of Austin is so phenomenal. We have our own radio station, patriot Hill Country FM, I had no idea. I mean, I'm in
heaven here I'm in heaven. And then I learned about the septic tank. This is magic. It's three tanks. So the poop goes into tank number one and then
everything is greases is filtered back then it goes into tank number two. And this is where the only thing that is in there is chlorine and then it
goes through that into septic tank number three and then when that starts to fill up, it starts to spray fresh water with chlorine Of course all over
the front yard and it's no poop It's just water. I mean that's amazing. But the poop now it disintegrates you don't have to have the the septic tank
what happens to the poop ISO of the year
it's complete it's completely filtered out. So once every two depends on how often you use it or what you pour down and if you're throwing a lot of
greasy stuff down the drain is not a good idea. Because it's a whole chemical process. It just degrades on the way out don't
John: it doesn't attract come out and pump out there. This stuff that you can degrade
Adam: only he says probably once every two maybe sometimes for some people for years. What is new septic this is this is technology I was unaware of.
I mean I think
John: a dumb fuck city boy even discussing this to where we're doing it I
Adam: know he's probably listened to it right now going guys of course oh my god no agenda gotta listen to that podcast he's probably listening to me
shaking his head
John: for poor bastard
Adam: poor city boys yeah it was a wonderful experience really. We're in we're in
John: here here's my impression was a septic tank well this is just my impression because I work with guys who lived out in Sonoma County's places
where there are but they have a septic tank because they're, you know they're not connected to anything
Adam: right sewer right?
John: is it's big tank that chemicals go in and you do all the poop and everything goes into this tank and accumulates and then a guy comes out and
pumps it out in a big tanker truck. Maybe once a month again. This is like driving around in an RV which we did that has a poop tank in it.
Adam: It's not to say you got to dump the poop tag now it is not the same as an RV poop tank at all. Also known as the grey water tank no
John: no I'm fascinated by this each you should it's gonna cost a lot of money for one of those systems
Adam: you know I think the the guy who built the house he left the whole book I'll bet you I can find out how much it cost
John: of a book you're selling a record keeper guy?
Adam: Totally he has every electricity because we have to join we had to join Oh
John: yeah, no, you have to definitely
Adam: electric Yeah, we had to join electricity Co Op to get electricity out here. So except for electricity, we're completely self supporting.
John: Did he pave where you could also put generators and it'd be good to go.
Adam: That's, that's coming I'm saving.
John: But I had another question about this guy. But go ahead go ahead and I got confused by this electricity cop that he had or this this question.
Did he have to run the wires? Who for the the guy who built the house? If you're going to join electricity Co Op there's going to be wires coming to
the house? Did he have to do the wires himself? Did
Adam: he have to run the wires? No. This is technically a subdivision so it is an HOA that no one acknowledges so somehow that got built and it got
put underground so the wires are underground into the house. There's only 16 at 16 plate houses here I think or something so but I was just blown away
by the by the turd tank system like this is really cool. You know and and I always wondered how do you turn those sprinklers off? He says No, you
don't. That's when the pump is going and it's pumping out fresh water. It is chlorinated. But that's really more for your protection. Just spews it
out over the grass. And the grass is going yummy. Clean otter Yeah, that's cool.
John: We'll go lay take that. Will they say go next take
Adam: that Elon Musk. Man and I don't know if it had to do with me. But the New York Post ran an article the day after my Rogan appearance. Spotify
staff reportedly outraged by Joe Rogan show. We had a pretty good pretty good time, but I got a lot of a lot of interesting comments
John: Why? I didn't hear it because I don't have Spotify, but I expected to hear about it. But what would you say that was so that would even remotely
be outrageous that more outrageous. And you say on this show?
Adam: Well, it's in fact it's things I say on this show. And I By the way, I thought I had a great appearance.
John: Everybody says you had a great appearance.
Adam: Yeah, it was fun. I have
John: I have moles and they also told me Hey, do okay,
Adam: I was pretty relaxed. You know, the Tourette's wasn't too bad. It was there continuously, but I just kind of let it go. And it was okay. And I
had almost no no comments about that, which that's strangely enough. You know, that's like the thing that bothers me the most. So here, here are a
couple things that I got. Responses to first, the number one thing that people corrected me on I said at one point, money is the root of all evil. Oh
my god. Do you know what it actually should be that quote? Yeah, the love of money? Yes, I screwed it up. And everybody knows this. Well, not Mr.
Curry apparently. Then hit a major artery in the GameStop community. I did my whole thing on ESG environmental, social corporate governance, and then
kind of rolled right into how Wall Street is corrupt in there. The dtcc Yeah,
John: you have to back up. What game stop coming up talking about the jerk offs that are running the game stock stock up. That's a community.
Adam: That's a real community and they're not jerk offs. That's your opinion at all, no, it they are the same of the same ilk as the bitcoiners they
see the scam and they're they're busting the scam. It's not GameStop didn't end you know that it's still it's still ongoing.
John: Well, they do the GameStop have to give credit and games
Adam: all the good all the good credits I had created by saying that you just wiped off the board in one fell swoop. There was they're gonna come
they're gonna come
John: to your place.
Adam: They're gonna come tear you down?
John: I don't think so. I i've been shorting the game stock under th and Pletcher just consistently.
Adam: Oh, yeah. A game stoppers go over and comment on d h unplugged.com.
John: Yeah, go there. Please do stoppers?
Adam: Yeah, it's the apes actually. So you have the GameStop. Then you have the AMC. They call themselves the apes, I guess because they're hanging in
there. And I was even elevated. I was so quiet. I was elevated to silverback status, because of my comments on Rogen.
John: I don't even know what that means. I probably don't care.
Adam: You should probably somehow, you know, maybe I think it's free to sign up for Spotify. And you just want to see that bit. Actually, it's on
YouTube. It's everywhere. I mean, the video of it has a million views already.
John: A huge saying the GameStop. Guys are you're a silverback?
Adam: No, no of me talking about the dtcc about all the fake synthetic shares in the system.
John: Okay,
Adam: that's what I was talking about. And then I also laden with ESG. And people love the ESG stuff, because people understand this, that it's really
driving wokeness. However, the wokeness Yes, it is.
John: Yeah, I'm not saying it's not just go keep going.
Adam: Here's the one that I found most in and a lot of people well, there's two actually two interesting ones. One is I told Joe about rank choice
voting and how that you know, while at that point, they still hadn't determined the winner in the New York mayoral
John: election like maybe.
Adam: And Joe said, I never heard of this.
John: Oh, by the way before you go on with that. I just a quick comment. This is computer driven. Why does it take so long you just have your except
for the IP, the absentee ballots may have an effect. Nevermind.
Adam: Well, Joe had never heard of
John: it. He, you know, he lives in California. He lived in California where we've had it for years.
Adam: Well, he'd never heard of it. And, and so for me saying Well, I think I don't have Joe or I said Joe's like this is retarded. Well, boy, oh boy.
There's a lot of people on Twitter trying to show me that I'm wrong. Rank choice voting is the future. Here's how we fix politics. Okay, I'd really
like a mathematician to explain to me how this is a good thing.
John: Because I just don't need runoff.
Adam: That's I mean, that's all it's a it's a runoff built into the system. But isn't the what the mode the comment I got most was this way people
don't have to vote for the lesser of two evils. And I say, but that's what I want. I want I want everyone to be landlocked I don't want government
really doing anything. That's perfect. Land lock everything and then the lesser of two, this is who we are one person one vote not one person five
votes. Where am I completely off base? Am I off base on this
John: funny line? I'm gonna have
Adam: to use what is true and for during the past five years, one person one vote. And one person 567 votes. I don't know maybe maybe I'm just really
not understanding it. But it doesn't seem like a cool system to me. And you know that that's what they eventually want the presidential the general
elections to be.
John: Yeah, well. And then my favorite general election is one person no votes is done by the Electoral College.
Adam: This is true. This is true. My favorite criticism is about Credit Karma. So somehow that came up in the conversation.
John: You guys are doing a whole no agenda rap better than the last 14 years and pretty much you can get some more listeners if anybody gets a Spotify
Adam: compressed into compressed into Three hours. Yeah. So I'm talking about Credit Karma. And yeah, and I, my stance is clear Credit Karma is
Joseph. Well, what do you think of social? Social? What is it the the Chinese social score
John: as a social,
Adam: I say we have it, whatever we have it is Credit Karma. And they tell you to do things. And based upon that, you know, you get more credit, and
they offer you the credit right there and you can then buy more stuff with more credit. I mean, that's the system and it's not FICO scores. You
John: mentioned vaccines involved in that, too. No,
Adam: no, no. I forgot that. No. Yeah. So here's the comment. I get. This is the funniest. You're an idiot curry. You, you moron. Credit Karma is
helping minorities manage credit. I'm like, Whoa, wow. It's helping minorities manage credit. Yeah. Also known as digital slavery. Are you kidding me?
Holy crap.
John: When did that cut wood? That's just random random.
Adam: Mitch NAS from this morning. I saw a couple tweets about. So anyway, promoted the heck out of the show. Which I was very proud of I promoted the
heck out of podcasting. 2.0, which was, you know,
John: I thought it'd be what you got to do. You'd be doing that for the next two or three years, at least. Actually, maybe not. I mean, I think in
another year, it should be established.
Adam: And then it's just that we just go back to calling it podcasting.
John: Maybe we'll see maybe, maybe your die ease you created a it's admirable. I have to say,
Adam: Wow, thank you, john, coming from you. That's huge.
John: It is. And I admit, and but it it's creating the it's like the subways building a freeway, and somebody's got to stop the fruit from going
through the mid to Midtown and wrecking the place. Yes, I mean, we have all these. I mean, Boston was a good example of the Big Dig, they had to dig.
They had to dig that thing. Because of the the, it was a mess. I mean, it was a mess. It was a costly mess. Before the Big Dig, they had to spend more
money to fix it. And this is what was happening with podcasting. The way I see it, and you stopped it from ever happening and to begin with, so there
was no need for a Big Dig. There was no need for anything else you'd use. If it wasn't because you kind of feel very obliged to the medium. You felt
that it was necessary, and you just took immediate action. And it was like wow, this is good.
Adam: And double compliment. Oh, Martha,
John: you'll be beaming in.
Adam: three by three. Each day run by JC D. Comparing story from ABC. Once again, for the three by three john has viewed all of the crappy news this
morning on the big three networks and
John: has a report. I did I actually had to go What's it called? What's the gen psyches had to wrap around it was it called What you say?
Adam: Oh, circle back, circle
John: back circle back. I just circle back on NBC because I go to NBC and they get the American Century celebrity golf tournament rundown, which
they're going on and on about this tournaments been going on for 14 years is the biggest thing and celebrity dominant blah, blah, blah. I've never
heard of this golf tournament. But okay, I guess everyone which one was?
Adam: Which one was it? What was the name
John: of American celebrity golf term? That was the name of it.
Adam: Hmm. Okay,
John: but I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Let me take it back. The American Century celebrity tournament.
Adam: Nice. You ever heard of it? No, of course not.
John: A golf. So they're going on and on viac yak yak, so I sent a screw to start with ABC. So ABC was doing it had it never said fitty cent. It was
50 cent. And Pam Miller were on being interviewed by one of the black hosts was like all black today.
Adam: Wait, what was the kyron? 55 zero or F phi f t y?
John: If five zero okay, well,
Adam: that's permissible than 50. Because it's 50. Of course we know what it
John: is. You don't know what it is. It's pretty sad. But you know what it is? Okay. So let me but they never even mentioned his name. So I don't know
how to pronounce it. So it was a big plug for power. Book Three, the movie.
Adam: Power Book Three.
John: Yeah. What happened to power book one and two.
Adam: Was that is that an Apple product?
John: No, it's a movie. And it's debuting on stars. And they're going on and on congratulating the 50 cent and Pam Miller, the actress on and on about
how it's Successful this movie franchises and congratulations on the third edition of it. I think what Okay, so I just figured I know what the hell's
going on. So then I get go jump over to CBS and they're talking about five finding love after the lockdown finding love after the lockdown
Adam: wait a minute did they promote a black dating app by any chance?
John: They promoted hinge. Okay. I don't know what date is a dating app Ned some woman who is the the relationship science experts. Dr. Wish you
doctor by probably. But they had they had a skeleton crew on they didn't have the regular CBS people they had on some bald black guy. Ooh, they're
really thin, bald, black. I've seen him a million times on CBS. I can't know if they'd ever give you names anybody. And then they had to hit the ball
black guy and then they then they had a guy, some guy who looked Hispanic from a distance. But he was white but he looked to spank I don't know if he
is Hispanic or not ever saw him before. And then they had this pretty really pretty platinum blonde woman you couldn't keep her eyes offer. Who was
kind of a nice smile. But she was had a weird standoffish Pixie kiss. She had a pixie cut, standoffish type and the nice smile. And she was doing this
this piece on the dating and I couldn't get her name either. And I looked at I said I gotta find her name. And I couldn't find it on the CBS. They
didn't show it. But she was kind of what she was kind of an interesting character because the bald black guy asked her because it's all about dating
to see you. You view any points to her? you when you met your current boyfriend? You had a big argument over what was the best band The Rolling Stones
or the Beatles. And before I said Beatles, she says Rolling Stones be interesting. And then she says and I also asked him 62 questions on our first
phone date.
Adam: This by the way, this sounds like an ad like a counter ad and I'll tell you why. You might have seen this video juvenile read it as video
instead of the rap lyric back it up is now Vax it up and it's a bunch of you know, the it's the band and a bunch of girls and they're all twerk in and
pop in and oh, it's gonna you know, I won't date you unless you have the Vax. And that is brought to you by blk which is a black dating app owned by
match calm. So it's just interesting that you would have a competitor show up on CBS,
John: or whatever it was. And so then I gave up on that. And when I did my wrap around, or what do you call it to turn it back around? What did she
call that Jen psyche, she's gonna circle back, circle back. So I did my circle back to go to NBC. And so now they're going back to NBC and they're
doing a review of sunscreens. By some suppose a doctor who's really more that looks more like a UCLA cheerleader. And she's going on and she makes the
comment at the end before I turned off the whole thing and came up here. That blue screens from the teeth, you know, we got a lot of blue light. And
here's a blue light thing with all the LCDs you should be wearing sunscreen for the blue light from the TV blue light coming off your LCD
Adam: screens, the sunscreen that is now reported here and there to actually cause skin cancer.
John: And I'm thinking to myself, as I hear this, I think this is nuts. And so then I just saw that. And just before I got out of there, completely
done with the report, I cut a local news story about coal trains have some you know, they're running coal out of Richmond, California. And now they're
going to start doing it out of Oakland and there's all these protesters these idiot protos calls going to kill us all we can't have gold in Oakland.
It's just a train going through I mean what is wrong with people?
Adam: A lot a lot is wrong with
John: people love doing these reports is like depressing to
Adam: watch. It's cool though, because it shows that the mainstream all three networks has nothing to communicate except products they have interest
in selling to you. Especially the the blue blocker glasses. Hello 1980 What the hell? Oh yeah, baby. You'll never forget now.
Unknown: I can circle back if there's more I can share with you. I'll circle back with you. If there's more to come. I'll have to just circle back
with you. We can circle back. Now you'll always remember,
John: I hope. Yeah. Should not you mentioned everything was a product. Yeah, the movie The dating app. The blockers The first one was the golf
tournament is going to be televised. Speaking of golf,
Adam: I have a rare golf clip. This may be the first golf clip in no agendas history,
Unknown: the PGA a reminder this weekend that the fight is not over golfer john ROM a folding over with disappointment as
Adam: he was told that he attended. That's not the one I meant. I'm sorry. To hell.
John: By the way, that guy who was kicked out of that tournament, won the tournament the next week.
Adam: I know. Isn't that great? Now there was a there was a killing. On the there were a bunch of people were shot on the on a golf course on the golf
course. Yeah. Wow. Why can't I find this
John: dude looking up? I'm kind of
Adam: what did you say?
John: Nothing?
Adam: Well, this is very odd. Maybe it's maybe my system? Maybe you dreamed it? No, no, I know, I know, the clip custodian gave it to me, so maybe
I'll find it later. Uh, well, there is some COVID stuff because this guy has.
John: Unfortunately, I have a ton of COVID clips today.
Adam: Well, I have I have a ton of incentive clips. In San Diego, a lot of incentive clips. So why don't I play first? Two? Yeah, two ones that deal
with the main new narrative of the day. And that remains the variants. How
John: do the variants of COVID-19 differ from each other? Which variant is the worst one?
Unknown: Okay, first part of that question, think of genetic fingerprints. So they do the genetic sequencing on these variants. Because remember, as
we've said, viruses mutate for a living. So they're always evolving, usually to what's called a survival advantage for the virus. Remember, it needs
us to keep living so they can evolve. And these variants can be different in terms of their transmissibility, their severity of clinical disease, a
lot of the attention is on the spike protein, since that's how this virus attaches to our cells and then gains entry into our cells. And the second
part of that question is, which is the worst one? I don't think we've seen it yet. TJ, the worst variant will be one that escapes the protection
offered by either previous past natural infection and or the vaccines. And of course, there's only one thing we're all interested in, what do
Adam: we name the new variant and we talked about delta and now we need to talk about lambda we
John: have another very
Unknown: easy to get attention. I want to encourage people not to be concerned or afraid or surprised when they hear about this because we mutate for
a living. So lambda Varian, now considered
John: a mutate for a living. Yes, I'm
Adam: glad you caught that I was about to stop. But it's just my favorite part of the clip. Listen, again, is mutate for a living. So let me go back a
little further
Unknown: or afraid or surprised when they hear about this? Because as we've said, these viruses mutate for a living, living, who's paying them to
lambda Varian, now considered by the World Health Organization,
Adam: why would you even say that? And let me just say, this is not her ad lib, this isn't everything is scripted, this is copy. Someone wrote that.
John: Yeah, someone wrote mutate for a living
Unknown: now considered by the World Health Organization, a variant of interest, not yet a variant of concern, it is thought to have originated
through circulating already a study that is just out showing that the vaccines still offering protection variant and this is important, there is no
evidence at this time that this one is more transmissible or produces more severe illness. But again, research is ongoing. We are going to follow this
as any other variant very closely. That variant of interest is an official
designation by the World Health Organization. If it starts to create more disease, more serious, more transmissible, it gets bumped up to a variant of
Adam: Oh, we have we have a level of scale variant of interest, and soon variant of concern, and then
John: you're all gonna die.
Adam: All right, what clips you got, then we'll do my my incentives after
John: Well, I have a bunch of clips about the vaccine mostly. Oh, good. I do have some of this stuff that came out in the it's a lot of different
things. But there's this woman that did a she's MIT research and all she does is look at papers and papers.
Adam: Oh, how boring She sounds like
John: their name is Steph sentifi Stephanie. And so I'm gonna go with a series of these clips that bring up every topic that we've talked about, oh
boy, except this one which is kind of new and that is that is possible to spike protein is the form of a prion. We have talked about that. Oh, have we
Okay, then we've talked about that too. So she discusses that and let's play this clip first, as these are all fairly short. So it's not going to bore
people too stiff until we get to the exosomes. Okay, exosomes, exosomes, so
Adam: which trial was this prime
John: SS one prion? Ah,
Adam: I see what you're saying.
Unknown: Yeah. And we had heard about this idea that spike protein might be a prion. We've been seeing some stuff, you know, on the web about this
possibility. And we talked about whether we would should put that in to the paper and we thought, well, maybe it's too speculative. Maybe we'll leave
that out. And so but then what third round of review one of the reviewers a new reviewer said, you know, Spike protein prior on, you know, why don't
you talk about that. And so that inspired us to go ahead and deep dive into that and I'm so glad we did because Wow, I mean, it really connected dots
in it. We learned a lot about I mean, I already knew quite a bit about prion disease but I learned more because of this.
Adam: No Wait, where did this air this didn't air on any actual news? Go to rumble There you go. I just wanted to make sure that the news wasn't doing
this because that would be horrible. Wow.
John: And it's really a bad it's like some sort of podcast and the guy's got a hum in his line. So when he flips his mic on it's the worst you'll hear
in a couple of these clips. So let's go on is that talking about this another little thing this is says that this thing can actually aren't the mRNA
thing goes into the make these spike proteins but it may create permanent DNA changes. Oh, that's
Adam: that's hoax. That's a conspiracy theory.
John: s s changes in DNA. This was this clip
Unknown: is I can show you the study that shows that sperm take out foreign messenger RNA, converted into DNA, put it into plasmid, shipped those
plastic to release those plasmids around the fertilized egg. The fertilized egg actually takes those plasmids up and can carry them throughout the
lifespan of that person and passing it down to the
Adam: I'm shooting prions is that what she's saying?
John: is you get the shot, the mRNA shot, how
Adam: she said sperm? She said sperm has prions.
John: Yeah, if you had the this is she's saying the result of this mRNA shot Oh,
Adam: that oh my goodness,
John: it accumulates in various sexual organs. This must be some
Adam: kind of this must be a crack. This can't be a real doctor.
John: She's a researcher.
Adam: Oh, there you go. What MIT? Please write
Unknown: those plasmids up and can carry them throughout the lifespan of that person and passing it down to the next generation. There's a paper that
talks about all of that not mentioning spike protein, not mentioning these, these vaccines. They didn't even exist at the time. But the whole floor
was there already in that paper. I mean, it's really, really amazing what is possible with these with these things. And people think, Oh, you know,
how bad could it be? Right? I think a lot of people say, Well, I really don't want to get this vaccine, but Geez, I can't fly or I can't work and my
my job requires it. So I guess I better just, you know, grin and bear it right? Go ahead, get the vaccine. Well, how bad could it be? I mean, it could
be very, very bad. In my opinion, it could kill you. In fact, people are dying, right? Even children are dying. You know, there's a lot of teams,
there's several cases now of teams that are dying from heart failure,
or consequences, or experiencing such heart damage from my account is that their lives are are permanently altered and their potential is permanently
Adam: Okay, that's not a hum. That is a disaster. Yeah, it
John: is. I kept I kept him to a minimum,
Adam: by the by the way. Can I just say something about that particular clip? The 2013. uk tv show or series utopia now also done in the US? I think
it's on Netflix is exactly this, an evil vaccine created to sterilize people so that they can have children. And then we bring the world back to the
500 million that we always intended, according to the Georgia guidestones. Just saying just some predictive programming for you.
John: Now, let's hear a little SS brain damage clip. Okay,
Unknown: Greg Knight just uncovered this study, which we did not reference in our paper. Maybe it's actually too new. But it's a fascinating paper
that I've read pretty carefully Now, last couple of days. And it is on I think it's by people in India, actually. And it's in vitro study where they
showed that if you expose these human cells and culture to this, the spike protein to the RNA for the spike protein, they make spike protein, they
ship it out in exosomes, and then if you expose other immune immune cells in the brain, in another in vitro study to those exosomes, they become
neurodegenerative, they basically cut those exosomes that are made by the immune cells, exactly the model of the vaccine, the cells make the spike
proteins put them into these exosomes, and then when those exosomes make their way to the brain, the immune cells in the brain called microglia. Take
them up and cause brain info Brain Damage neurodegenerative diseases. I mean, basically, they hurt the brain very badly. So I feel like the vaccines
are inviting a direct hit on the brain.
Adam: Oh my god.
John: Say these relate
Adam: No. Good because we get all this and then we'll show how the government is incentivizing you to get this
John: was actually funnier.
Adam: That's a good sequence.
John: Now before I go to the to exosome, part one exosome, part two, which is the most fascinating stuff that she's got. And by the way, she's making
the assertion that was in between two and 10 years, people who get this, the mRNA vaccine will have Parkinson's, if you're interested, but before we
go to that, let's listen to she does, she also covers she goes all the base. So this is the little thing on magnetism. Okay, now this one, I have to
Sorry, I put this aside for you specifically, knowing that, you know, you're come all into it. I'm all
Adam: into the mag Magneto faction.
John: She says, she doesn't. In this case, there's no documentation or there's no research to prove any of this. And it's she's skeptical, but let's
play it think I
Adam: just have to dip into this magnet thing just for a minute. Because any guy with a hum like down on his mic can't ask questions. It's just not
Unknown: You know, I it's it bothers me i i don't i have trouble believing that it's trauma, the injection site, because there's just not enough iron
in the blood to to hold a magnet to somebody's arm who's standing upright, like there has to be. And you know, I've seen an awful lot of papers that
indicate there's been research that go back a long time. Yeah,
I've seen that. Right. And this is from PubMed. This is even from Pfizer, I think is own its own work. Yes. So it does appear that they're using like
magnetic nanoparticles to
try our lives that ferritin is some kind of special form of ferritin I've been sort of scanning through that literature is quite shocking is sort of
like, you know, you it's just been many, many, the last year has been amazing, because there's so many things that come your way, you know, you hear
about something Oh, that's so crazy, that can't possibly be true. And then, well, here's some more evidence you watch these videos, oh, my God, you
know, they just started well, could it be true? And then how could it be true? You know, you go through all these thought thought processes, where
you're, you're challenged, and then and then when you start seeing this actually literature about doing that in order to enhance you know, the effect
of these things. You just can't believe they would have done it without saying so though this is what really, really surprises me. I mean, would they
have thought that they could get by with it without saying so? Yeah.
John: I'm on this. I'm undecided. No. All right. So So now we're going to talk about exosomes. And this is the most interesting part of her hours of
Adam: in which she watched all of it. It's highly appreciated. That's a lot especially this kind of makes me appreciate our show. You know, we don't
have home Why no air conditioner. Why? Because we said it hot. We see it in hot rooms. It's
John: like to get distracted by this guy in his horrible hums
Adam: not distracting at all.
John: Okay, so now I want people that when they after they listen to this show, go to Wikipedia and look up exosome EXOS o m e in the wiki and read
about it. It's fascinating. It's a fairly new discovery. And I think in the 80s, late 80s they these things were discovered. And this is what accounts
for a lot of these screwball effects. She mentioned we've talked about these under show kind of in in jest but not completely because there's too many
stories you had one from from the keeper she talked about one of her friends were hanging out with somebody got it in the vaccine and then she had
Adam: the shedding is that what the shedding
John: Yeah, there's kind of the shedding bits not shedding as these exosomes is not shedding at all. It's something different. Listen, yes,
Adam: that was gonna play it.
John: Yeah. Oh, yeah. Just play it. And we'll we'll talk afterwards.
Unknown: There's two other reasons I'd like to go into you mentioned shedding a number of times. I think that that's a very important topic. And I
think it deserves a little bit of scrutiny. So I was speaking with Dr. Roger hodkinson, a few days ago. And he was saying that a certain percentage,
you could bell curve it out. But from the middle of the bell curve to the right side, would be people who would produce more of the spike proteins,
then their own systems, I forget which system He said it was, would actually be able to mop up. So those people would likely shut it out in their
breath and sweat. And that that could present a risk to people who's in close proximity for a long period of time. How would you How would you express
that? Would you say that's accurate or
completely accurate? And in fact, it seems to me extremely plausible. And we actually we wrote something about that again, after that third round
review in that last reviewer who suggested that to talk about prions and that was when we realized these exosomes are really crucial exosomes are
really something that's been big topic recently, it wasn't something people without aware of, you know, researchers in biology weren't that aware of
exosomes in the past. But right now they're very excited about them, or even actually, designing now vaccines that are COVID-19 vaccines based on
exosomes, they're actually proposing to use exosomes as a form of vaccination, which is pretty amazing. So that's the last stage of what's happening
with these immune cells when they're in that spleen. And they're furiously making the spike protein is very toxic to that cell, and it's trying to
survive. So just as I got to get rid of this stuff, you know, so it just pushes all these little pellets out into the circulation. And they go
throughout the body, they go along the biggest nerve up to the brain and cause all kinds of trouble there. But then they just exit right straight
through the I think they're ending up in breast milk. And there was actually an infant who died of thrombosis but from from breastfeeding, or from his
mother who had been vaccinated. I was really surprised to see that, that it makes sense, because those exosomes editor thing probably pushed out into
the into the breast milk, it makes sense to me, they would go there. Oh, my God,
Adam: I forgot to tell you something really important about breast milk. So Rogan had me tested again.
John: This What? for college tested? Yes. For COVID.
Adam: And I actually said, Is this an insurance policies is no, I just don't want any bullshit. I don't want anyone to say anything. Oh, I said an
insurance policy. Yeah. So I'm talking to the nurse. And I am they also had the antibodies test. I said, Do you mind? Can I have the antibody test? So
I've negative for COVID and negative for antibodies? And she told me, she said there's actually evidence and she's she's a nurse in hospitals as well,
that babies that drank breast milk from mothers who had antibodies, pad antibodies. And I'm thinking exit strategy product. Seriously, I mean, it's
made by nature.
John: It's well, what you just heard, cuz that was now again, what you just heard was somebody got the vaccination, right. And it was the spike
protein that got into the milk. And there's no
Adam: I know, I'm just saying that was interesting side note, but this is this. So what she's taught what she discussed earlier was the so called self
spreading vaccines, we've we've talked about that, at least we've seen it, I think we talked about it briefly. And that would be through the use of
these exosomes nice,
John: this is the part two,
Unknown: they would go out into the lungs, they would go out into the skin through the sweat, I mean, they're going to just cry, their body's trying
to get rid of this toxic thing that it's coping with. And the way to get rid of it is to shed it. And so you know, if somebody is nearby, they're
going to pick it up, they can breathe it in and they can get skin contact, I think that they could easily get it. So I was you know, I was surprised
when I started hearing people say that, oh my god, I hung out with my grandmother who got vaccinated, I got sick, my periods got screwed up my all of
a sudden, I got a really heavy period, I've always been very regular. I was getting stories like that. And at first, of course, it's like, you know,
that's just crazy, really crazy, but perfectly fine explanation based on these exosomes.
So you're saying this is not a subtle or small effect. But that if you were to spend, I mean, what kind of contact? Let's let's just let's cut to the
chase here. What kind of contact and amount of contact would you say is safe or not safe with vaccinated people?
I mean, how do you know? I can't really say I just was really quite surprised. And it's not just one or two people I'm seeing, of course, I'm watching
for it. But I'm seeing a lot of stories on the web. I have, Greg Nye has actually talked to two or three people, women who experienced menstrual
irregularities by hanging out with people who had been vaccinated. So he said it first, you know, his people, he knows I have experienced it. I think
it's real. And it makes sense. I mean, it's a completely plausible mechanism. And it's based on these exosomes, which is the thing I'm most scared of
at this point. Wow.
Adam: So just being around vaccinated people is in fact dangerous.
John: That's what the implications are. Yes. From
Adam: this MIT research. I don't like that at all.
John: No, in fact, but this is again, she says nothing new that we haven't discussed on the show in one way or another. Yeah.
Adam: But despite that, we call it viral shedding. But it's not as exosomes. did was there any indication you watch the whole thing? Is that any
indication that these are like right after the vaccination, and then they go away
John: or didn't have a time element in blaster? No. Wow. That makes you wonder like if you're dating someone who got the mRNA shot and you know, you
didn't you know, what's the effect on you? That kind of thing? Yeah, pretty
Adam: well. We had we had a note from producers and one of our producers he said he was dating a woman and he he couldn't make obtain an erection and
she was vaccinated he wasn't and then when they broke up no problem. Now it could be other things but he says it was pretty sure it could be
John: Yes.
Adam: Could have been a couple of things, but Wow, man.
John: Yeah, I got it. Before I wrap this let me go in with a couple other things here but before just as a quick aside, she did mention something
about round up. cuz she's a round up expert. Oh, you
Adam: read the the weed killer roundup? Yeah, yeah, she's what glycerine, glycerine fate.
John: Is that what it's called a, you got it? you're nailing it.
Adam: Isn't there? I
John: did just got a little got a little gotcha in here. I want to play this just as and we'll get back to this COVID stuff right after this this f
Senate on Roundup,
Unknown: just for the record glyphosate, or that Cal affectionately known as Roundup. Is that right? That's
right. That's right. Yes, it's all over the food supply. It's all over the air. It's in the air, the water supply. It's considered perfectly safe by
the government's and they don't even US government doesn't even manage thought bother to test actually Canada had a big initiative. And they tested
for lots of different foods, both Canadian and imports. And they and a friend of mine, Tony vitro produced a book out of that he was the one who got
them to do it. they've tested over 1000 different foods, I was really impressed the Canadian government. And Tony meter wrote a book called poison
foods of north of North America. And he has it's a dry book, it has a lot of data in there about all these different foods, but they found very high
levels Canada did in garbanzo beans and chickpeas like hummus, you know, these sort of legumes. And also, of course, in wheat and oats, cookies, you
know, goldfish crackers, and very high levels in foods from Canada and the United States. Compared to even Mexico, Mexico came out much more like
Europe, Europe had generally much lower levels than America did. And Mexico, but was much better than Mexico is actually decided to ban glyphosate,
they're going to wipe it up at 2020 for the US government and Monsanto have been harassing them to get back down so far, they have not. I'm very proud
of Mexico. If Mexico bans glyphosate, it's going to be a real problem for the United States to be next door to Mexico, I think and madly producing
glyphosate and poisoning its populations.
Adam: Wow, she's not polarizing at all. Is she? Just the best? You know, I see. Commercials all the time at night. You know, it's the it's the local
inserts on cable. Yeah, if you got cancer and you were using Roundup, then we have a lawsuit for you.
John: Yeah, you make 50 bucks.
Adam: that much. Seriously, I got to join your class action.
John: Yeah, you're right. It's more like five bucks. Yeah, that's really disturbing. Before we get to the clips on the incentives, I've got three more
clips that have to do with the lab leak. Just go for it.
Adam: Let's do it. And
John: one of them starts off with this woman who is in Ghana Sky News. This is Shari MAGA. I can't remember her last name. But she just goes by Shari.
And she was right. She just wrote a book on on the lab leak theory. And I took this from her and then I have a hearing that judge Jim Jordan was part
of in Congress and all the democrats said, No, we're not going to do this. And so the republicans did the hearing without the democrats in this kind
of fascination.
Adam: That's my favorite kind.
John: Yeah, there's a little gotcha in there. So let's start with Shari on the lab leak,
Unknown: China and its cronies have repeatedly insisted over the past year and a half, that the possibility of a laboratory leak and Wu Han is a
conspiracy theory. This is a lie. As part of investigating this topic for my book, what really happened in were Han, we found official documents that
show the Chinese government took concerns about a potential nap like extremely seriously. So seriously, they said a lab leak involving virus research
could place the whole of mankind in great danger, mankind. This was the warning they included in their formal submission to the United Nations
biological weapons convention in 2011. There has only been one convention since then there every five years, and China's submission in 2016 had
virtually no details at all. This document from 2011 states, accidental mistakes in biotech laboratories can place mankind in great danger. Synthetic
biology in some civilian biotechnology, research and applications may unintentionally give rise to new highly hazardous manmade pathogens with
unforeseeable consequences. This is so far from a conspiracy theory that China then suggests that laboratory controls should be improved. Right across
the world. This is what they say. State parties should constantly tighten by biosafety management, especially virulent pathogens in their
laboratories, and eliminate bio safety risks. China's declaration to this United Nation convention begins by noting that modern biological sciences
play an important role in helping mankind combat disease and improve health. But they then say, at the same time, the use of new kinds of
biotechnology for hostile purposes poses a latent threat to human society. And they say this is growing.
Adam: Clearly this woman is q anon. So how do they let her on the air?
John: Well, Australia, they have a little more leeway than around here.
Adam: Well, only on Sky News the rest of Australia is pretty locked down. Yeah, Sky News. Xander.
John: What they get some on some Well,
Adam: it's it's a Murdoch thing. We're Tucker Carlson gets to do whatever he wants to do. And Sky News in Australia, guests do whatever they want to
do, as far as it goes, because they don't care about the advertising loss for somebody. So
John: yeah. So she goes on is part two coming up. So she, I and I had to cut this was long. And so I had to wrap up some stuff that happened in the
middle, which is that this paper that where she's just quoted all those headlines from which was submitted in 2011, by the Chinese, who was part of a
bigger document, which was turned out to be kind of disappeared, and she dug it up. And then the second part, she dug it up and found the paper, and
then he read now she's gonna go on to what the rest of the thing said, Now, in 2011, the Chinese Communist Party of China with Tadic slightly
different attitude about everything it does now. And so that's why in 2016, they didn't submit anything. And now there's their mom about everything,
and I think a lot of it has to do is she is because after 2011, that he decided is going to be the permanent Emperor. So this is the part two of this,
Unknown: we were able to locate. Finally, this quite extraordinary document. And what it discusses, is more terrifying than anything I have ever read.
It discusses weaponizing specific viruses to target races. It is a shocking and grotesque area of bio research. This is Chinese official Chinese
government's submission to the United Nations. It states that the Human Genome Project has helped to reveal population specific genetic variations
across the genome. It then says it can also create the potential for biological weapons based on genetic differences between races. It says once
hostile elements grasp that different ethnic groups have an intrinsically different genetic susceptibilities to particular pathogens, they can put
that knowledge into practice, and create genetic weapons targeted at a racial group with a particular susceptibility.
Adam: You know, there was a story, I'm looking for it now it being
John: I know, what you're looking for that I will mention that in the beginning of this whole thing, if you recall, back in March of 2020, over a year
ago, it was this aspect of it was discussed, we thought that it was targeting the Han Chinese if you remember, and
Adam: I learned I can't find the article quick enough. But I think it's ancestry.com. They send that you know, they also do DNA tests now. And they,
they send their their DNA tests, and eventually it's processed by a lab in China who copy make a copy of your DNA. And hold on to that to I don't
know, target you maybe later on down the road,
John: we'll let's go to the hearings that the republicans did, because the democrats would have none of it. And this is how it kind of wraps up. This
is the hearing on the origins of the of the of the virus. And and this is a retired biological chemical guy who was involved was in the government for
a long time and telling us the real horror of it all,
Unknown: Dr. Asher talked about export controls for biotechnology, and and I know he knows this as well or better than I do. But it's not just
technology, but it's information and our genetic information is actually critical. And I do assess that the Chinese have set up circumstances that
they're doing a lot of our gene sequencing of Americans that are through normal labs or even through studies at the NIH, and they're doing that for a
reason and that genetic sequences are are powerful. They know our vulnerabilities. It is the first step in devising a potentially ethnic weapon, as
was discussed by Dr. Asher. And similarly, I don't know if it's still the case, but I believe it is. You're not going to see any genetic sequences of
Chinese export it out of the country. That was a law, there's a reason for that. And when we talk about export of technology, export of our genetic
information may be the most important key that we need to stop.
John: Well, I want to make sure I understand this. So So American genetic information is going to China, the same China that Dr. Asher talked about is
doing bio weapon research with this stuff. And you're saying that combination is a particular concern?
Unknown: Oh, it is a it is a huge, it is an absolutely huge concern from where I sit. And again,
I've been out of the formal bioweapons defense, you know, part of the government for a period of time, but genetic information is very powerful,
right? it decides who we are and tells about our vulnerabilities. Not only disease states, but potential for genetic weapons. And what I mean by that
is their variations and receptors and other things that vary by populations. And those can potentially be exploited so that a new pathogen would
differentially target, a race, a European ancestry versus someone else. And we are just giving all that information to China in the context of what I
do believe is unprecedented. And what are now for giving that to China.
John: I mean, the fundamental question, we get asked all this, why are we given all this information?
Unknown: Because most people in the community are either naive to the threat, they deny the threat, they're oblivious to the threat or just don't want
to think about it.
Adam: Chinese genetics company BG AI.
John: Yep. In fact, the next guy who came up on this on this panel was bitching about the fact that all these companies are using big AI to do all
the, you know, 23andme, all these things. We're all going through big AI and big eyes. A Chinese company is just collecting all this stuff. Yeah,
they're giving you results and they're keeping a copy.
Adam: A new story from this morning. bg is accused of misusing fetal DNA harvested from prenatal testing around the world. First part Vgi claims its
its collaborations improve population health outcomes around the world now, but to do so. There's also a possibility now that I think about it, that
the USG that would be the US government knows this is going on. They've rushed to to get a some kind of countermeasure in a DNA mRNA vaccine
treatment, and they're really trying to save us. That's possible. And we're sitting here laughing, like ha ha ha, I don't want that stupid vaccine.
John: Let's see if you think it's possible. Anything I mean, looking at the looking looking at the players, Fauci Pfizer now your possible examine the
players? What am I thinking? Biden?
Adam: Alright, let's look at some incentives, shall we? But first, well, this is actually the best incentive that's got a lot of play. I think it
needs just a tad bit of discussion. Jen Psaki, she is the spokes hole for the White House
Unknown: President outlined five areas his team is focused on to get more Americans vaccinated. One targeted community by community door to door
outreach to get remaining Americans vaccinated by ensuring they have the information they need on how both safe and accessible the vaccine is.
Adam: Now this, this caused a lot of ruckus people saying they come into force vaccine, which is not being said. But as we know, the scariest words in
the English language are supposed to be. I'm from the government. I'm here to help. And I have two questions. One, how do they know what door to knock
on? Do they already have a list? Are they just going to knock on every door and see if they get lucky? And if you don't want a vaccine or send them
away? Do you get put on a list? We don't like lists in America. So I'm not sure I'm not sure which which is yes. Well, I
John: don't know that they're even doing this. I mean, they keep hearing about it. So if they come to your door and they go, you know. Yes. Did you
were here to promote the vaccine. Here's some stuff I said give me some literature. I say I already got the shot though. Okay, I mean, you're not
gonna do it. Definitely don't have a computer with them. They're not gonna be checking.
Adam: How do you know you
John: don't know any of this? No, I told but I know how the government works.
Unknown: Now.
John: Well, the government works
Adam: well.
John: For one thing the guys who go door to door the like the lowest end of every one and they're just trying to get through the day. Well, listen to
Unknown: tonight federal officials are deploying a COVID sir Team dealt Missouri medical workers deal with a growing COVID crisis surge to last month
the hospitalizations are up more than 50%. And cases have tripled at Mercy Hospital in Springfield.
Adam: The disease process is faster than before, and they are getting sicker sooner than before.
Unknown: Dr. Mayo Flores is a pulmonary critical care physician at Mercy where the ventilator supply at one point last week was critically low. It
feels like a lot of people have let their guards down. It's very
Adam: saddening to talk to a patient and all of them in barely said I wish I would have taken the vaccine so they're sending out search teams to go
and talk to people about getting the vaccine I think they're doing that absolutely. They can just go hire the same people did the census they got a
tablet. They come by your house they knock on your door I'm just asking how do they know which doors to knock on? Or is it just knock on
John: everyone's door? That's the way the census guy well No, you're right the census guys only not gonna start indoors. Now the census guy came by
here he came by our place to and here's it was just a classic did where it always goes. The Census guy comes by right? I was just looking at the mail
this is Eric's dizzy and get the checks you did not know. I know. Well, J sent them.
Adam: Let's move on.
John: Okay, um, they come by and a guy says, Oh, you didn't feel it. Your senses? Oh, yeah, I'm gonna send it in next week. He left.
Adam: That was it. Again, if you say I'm not interested in what you have to say, you're on a list. The government should not be coming by your house
for any reason.
John: I agree. This is
Adam: dumb. Now present to what Jim Saki was explaining is what the five points were that the President would be communicating in his is basically
setting everybody up. Look, I know the guy is going to Bumble and fumble through it. So let me tell you exactly what is meant here and then you can
just take a sound bite from him. And boy, I'm glad she did because he bumbled it up. Now we need to go to community by community, neighborhood by
neighborhood, and oftentimes door to door literally knocking on doors to get help for the remaining people protected from the virus. Now, how does
that make any sense? We've got to get to the remaining people protected by the virus. I mean, come on. Is that in the copy or is the guy that he can't
read or the ad
John: libbing read, it's another one put it in the collection.
Adam: Of course it's in the collection again held for the remaining people protected from the virus to get now if you could say to get help to the
remaining people to be protected from the fires protect they didn't say any of that he didn't say any of that. The guy can't. Alright, Fauci since you
mentioned him, he's still out, doing as many appearances as he can to incentivize people incentivize
Unknown: here we have a vaccine that's highly, highly effective in preventing disease, and certainly, in preventing severe disease and
hospitalization. It's easy to get, it's free. And it's readily available. So you know, you've got to ask, What is the problem? Get over it. Get over
this political statement, just get over it, and try and save the lives of yourself and your family.
Adam: Oh, my God, I should go right now. Did you hear that save your family's Save the Children. In New Zealand, they don't mess around, you will take
the vaccine. I think nearly next year we'll be in the phase of chasing up people who haven't come forward to get their vaccination or bookings and so
on. So everyone will be able to get a vaccine between now and the end of the year. But of course, you know, and I want every New Zealander to come
forward. But human behavior suggests that there will be some people that we have to actually really go out and look for. And then some of that may
spill into next year, but their commitment is everyone we have the opportunity to get the vaccine by the end of the year. Everyone will I can't say
that you know that we're not going to have some hesitant people or some people who just haven't come forward that we don't have to go out and find
next year. I'll be chasing them down like dogs. Don't worry, we'll
John: fuck Who is that guy, fast talker.
Adam: We'll find your next year. Guys, this is incredible. Incredible. Up to the northwest just a little bit the New South Wales health minister in
Unknown: Prime Minister has this morning confirmed the COVID strain now spreading in New South Wales has come from Victoria. Let's go to Robert avod.
Here in the hotspot of campbelltown. in Sydney Southwest Ross rose
went there and two subsequent cases have contacted who didn't go to the Crossroads but got it from Planet Fitness
Adam: to the world pandemic. It's a one on 100 year event. So you can expect that we will have transmission from time to time and that's just the way
it is we've got to accept that this
John: is the New World Order.
Adam: I love it when people say that just being honest. Just takes Wow, this is the New World Order baby. Just except it's all good. It's all good. I
know. Yeah, this is this is a great time to be a podcaster. I mean, it is just shooting fish kid definitely
John: can't do just reporting that we're doing on any other means of getting it out. And sometimes not allowable.
Adam: But it this is on TV.
John: I mean, the guy's actually saying it. It's just no I know, but it's not. Yeah, it's on what's one shots when it's not being highlighted? Well,
no, no, we're highlighting it.
Adam: Let's highlight your backyard vaccine incentives. And these are real incentives in California. Go Cali. Hey, California. Did you hear about the
big vaccine Incentives Program? Did you john, did you hear about the big cap vaccines incentive program? You should get on get on that shit, man. It's
great. Hey, California.
Unknown: Did you hear about the big vaccine Incentives Program you call the shot California gifts $50 incentive cards,
things like groceries or shows your favorite small business to the next 2 million Californians who begin and complete their vaccination against
COVID-19 vaccine appointment today at my turn.ca.gov or calling 3422 4255 get Vax for the win people. It's a win win for you and California
vaccinated.gov to learn.
Adam: Well, this is a this is an ad man. That's how we talk in advertising. Come on. Don't you want to be one of the first get into the next 2 million
right now while stocks last? Here's another one.
Unknown: We've spent a lot of time playing solo the past year COVID-19 vaccines are helping us jump back into the things we love
with the people we love. They're safe and effective for everyone. 12 and above.
Which means we're one step closer to getting the whole band back together. Alright guys, let's rock to make an appointment at my turn.ca.gov today.
Adam: Wow, baby. You guys are on fire in California.
John: Yeah, we are on fire. But you're
Adam: not quite as good as as Michigan. I think Michigan has a better promotion. The prizes certainly seemed better. Governor Gretchen Whitmer says
Unknown: a new sweepstakes giving away millions of dollars is intended to entice more people to get the COVID-19 vaccine. And she says she's so
confident in this program, that it'll be a bigger success than the state of Ohio's if you've not gotten the vaccine yet.
The virus is still a very real threat to you. At a press conference announcing a brand new lifestyle sweepstakes and website to promote COVID-19
vaccinations, we find no shortage of excitement. Our goal is also to bless them young folks to help, let's say incentivize them to further their
education. And just to help along the way, the multimillion dollar sweepstakes that include
lots of money for college scholarships, we've learned will be funded with federal dollars.
But some of you must be thinking, didn't Ohio do this first? Well, yes, they did. But in typical Michigan fashion, we wanted to do it bigger and
better. You can register
once it's a website my shot to win.com for the drawings that includes a $1 million drawing a $2 million drawing multiple $50,000 drawings and
950 $5,000 college scholarship dropped. weeks ago, the
governor said a lottery will not happen under state rules. But she's since partnered with the United Way and Meyer to run this campaign independent of
the Michigan lottery.
Adam: I mean, this is great these payouts Of course you don't get a lump sum so there's no risk. You get the Vax you win the 2 million probably only
collect a couple 1000.
John: Probably.
Adam: And let's see how America is doing we need to see what people are thinking who are vaccinated. unvaccinated ABC gave us a little rundown a new
poll found 74% of unvaccinated people say they definitely or probably will not get the shot.
Unknown: A lot of people are getting information from the internet. And a lot of it is false. What I'm trying to now talk to some of my patients who
are believing that the vaccine causes infertility somehow been a myth that's been circulating on the internet since April. And it's very important to
understand that we need to follow the science and not just things you read off the internet.
Adam: So MIT researcher that is not following the science because she said literally that in your clips. This this could cause infertility and that's
just dumb shit on the internet. dumb shit on which we arguably we are. Let's check in with Australia again. And let's see how they handle dumb shit on
the internet when people call into the radio shows. This is radio three. This is Melbourne's Sunday morning show from the Fourth of July go ahead
Unknown: second thing to rise is just recently the the reduction in infection Using cases in India where vaccines have only been administered to 4.32%
of the population, which can be found on the john hopkins university website, the belief there now is reasonably clear that a combination of
and hydroxychloroquine are effective. And I don't know if that's true at all.
John: medical profession, but yeah,
Adam: so we feel there's a lot of medical experts that disagree with you. I don't know whether you've got a medical degree or what your background is.
But I think we should leave that to the medical experts. It seems like there's been a very concerted campaign that's a second person today,
Unknown: the two cases in the New South Wales area were infectious in the community, actually, Professor Peter Doherty, who's kind of the guru with
all this is going after him and a Nobel Prize. So I think he knows.
There's just not enough evidence that ivermectin makes makes a difference in order to give it out clinically, there has been anecdotal evidence, small
trials, there used to be trading rare these days. They say we just can't You can't give a cap launch because
we don't know if it actually is that effective. And is there a side effects that
Adam: could be more done? And he is the expert, but type of expert we should be talking to the sorts of issues with if that changes. That's good,
yeah. And we can adopt it. But at the moment, it's not like that. So how do you like that? Oh, no, shut up. You're the second person. Yeah, there must
be a campaign. It must be the damn ivermectin company that's trying to get the
John: dollar uphill.
Adam: I mean, people are.
John: They've gotten government edicts to tell them not you know, you get this. No, you can't talk about who's controlling this?
Adam: Well,
John: I mean, this somebody is controlling it, you can't, you don't have this kind of firewall. Unless somebody is telling you to put it up.
Adam: I'd love for it to be Klaus Schwab because he's just the perfect villain, but I don't think he's powerful enough.
John: Now. This is now he's got nothing to do with it.
Adam: You know, pharma companies,
John: drug companies that are
Adam: sponsoring these shows. Over the coming months, millions of Australians will roll up a sleeve to get the Pfizer bio and tech jab just as
millions of done for the AstraZeneca shot already. But if you take a look at the vial before the syringe goes in, you may notice something curious,
the lack of the actual Pfizer name on the label. That's right. They're going to rebrand it will become comark common artique and culminate it co MIR
na TY How the hell do you pronounce that? But a community community and moderna will change? Oh man, so I'm gonna read moderna is great. Guess what
the the new rebranded a brand name of moderna vaccine will be, you're never gonna guess this can never guess spike Vax. What just spike vac
John: like that like spike in the ball,
Adam: or like spike protein
John: spike protein. And that's from like Vax, that's a terrible name.
Adam: That's from news.com.au. Spike vac,
John: and this is only in Australia, they're not changing it here
Adam: that's like this. Like, it's like putting a you know, change the name from coke to sugar will kill you. Drink, Max. I just can't see that as
being a great idea. But okay. Now, the UK has changed their strategy, this, this is almost as odd as xotic.
John: By the way, you just report here, I thought mine was bad. This is how to control your wealth. And it has a lot to do with manipulating the
media. It's very disturbing. And that's why we exist.
Adam: That's why people support us. That's why I had to move to Texas Hill Country to be safe. So yeah, so the UK has changed their strategy. And this
is, in my mind, very similar to what happened in the United States where the masks changed overnight, no more mask and then, you know, Jon Stewart
came out and talked about the lab theory and everything's like everything's like, Okay, so let's dim it all down a little bit. And things aren't quite
that bad. But people were very surprised. It came without warning. So now Boris Johnson and the health officials have said, Alright, July 19th.
Everybody out we're done. And the way I understand it, it's better just have young people, they might get it, but nothing's going to happen. I mean,
it's a very progressive stance they're taking. And I wonder why this change all of a sudden, and I don't think the medical slash bio security state is
on board. Seeing as we're already seeing reports of code Black Code black and some of the hospitals, okay. I'm not quite sure what that means. But the
trying to do something yet to NHS hospitals declare code black alert as COVID cases so far. So they made this change. And I guess there's not a
sufficient answer a reporter from the BBC called into the weekly World Health Organization call. That's the one where they're sitting at the big
Starfleet Command Roundtable. You got the Dutch girl get there, and you got the, you know, you got Ted dross. And this question came in. And I mean,
it's not going to answer. The strat the reason for the strategy. But she did ask and the answer was just baffling. Thank you very much.
Unknown: We have 10 minutes left. So let's try to take a few more questions. We have Nomi grimly from BBC. Naomi, please unmute yourself.
Ask Dr. Ryan. Another question about the UK change of policy because I think it's been watched around the world. Part of the government's reasoning
they say is that if they have an exit wave now, in August, it's better than having one later in September. So they're gambling on cases going up
sharply and then falling back down pretty sharply. Could you just explain to me a bit more about whether you think that's too hopeful, or whether you
know that there is some good grounds to believe that that will work?
Adam: Thanks for the question. I'm not aware
Unknown: that that's the logic driving our colleagues in the United Kingdom. I suspect it's enough. I would like to verify that that's the logic, but
the logic of more people being infected is better, is I think logic that has proven its its moral emptiness. It's epidemiologic stupidity. Previously,
Adam: what he said his moral emptiness and epidemiological stupidity. So there's a problem there. Why did they do this? And if the World Health
Organization says they're stupid, then what's going on? They're not following science or something.
John: is weird, isn't it? It's just the weirdest thing I've ever heard.
Adam: He said, He's going against the narrative of the UK, and he was angry about it when you see the video. Now, Matt, Hank, Matt Hancock was the
health minister in the UK, and he had to quit. And we didn't cover this story. But he was caught. I think he was making out with a woman in an
elevator, which means he was
John: so shy on camera. Yeah, he
Adam: got caught on camera. Now it turns out the woman who was who was with works for a company that got a lot of NHS contracts, that may be part of
the reason why they kicked him out. But maybe this clip that just popped up, maybe that's a bigger problem. This is from a couple years ago, Matt
Hancock at the World Economic Forum summit meeting. And this is what he had to say,
Unknown: can you tell us who you are, what you do, and actually where you live, as well. I'm Matt Hancock. I'm the UK Secretary of State for health
and social care. And I'm also the proud shareholder of genomics England, which is one of the most cutting edge organizations for genome sequencing in
the world. And we in December, hit the target of 100,000 whole genome sequence. And we have reiterated a new goal of reaching a million
over the next five years and the critical next phase will be to deliver that within clinical settings in a way that improves people's lives. So he's a
Adam: in a genetic sequencing company, and this is before the pandemic before a lot of genetic sequencing testing vaccines. What kind of what kind of
conflict of interest must that be?
John: is also some element that this tape of him being kissing in the elevator wherever it was, was leaked by the Chinese. Oh, really
Adam: cameras, the cameras in
John: them. And the cameras are recording for security purposes, but at the same time sending these these to the to China. And now there's a big stink
in the House of Lords moaning and groaning about these cameras that shouldn't have been put in in the first place because there was some cautionary
tales about using this this company that that does these cameras, these these security systems.
Adam: How about everything from China? Yeah. So something's up there. Up. Yeah. Last two. This is now going to mandatory vaccinations always a fun
topic. CBS Evening News major Garrett talks to Vic Mercury, the government's vaccine persuasion campaign. That by itself is just beautiful. The
government's vaccine persuasion campaign The government's vaccine persuasion campaigns such as it is seems to have hit a wall. Will the government at
the federal level start encouraging schools and businesses to mandate vaccines. This is not just something government's going to solve for the private
Unknown: We've all got to work together. But going forward, you know, we're getting to the hard part of this vaccination campaign. And it's going to
take leaner individuals having conversations with their family and friends, it's going to take doctors and nurses talking to their patients and
communities. And it's going to take employers and schools by doing everything that they can to help encourage and support people fighting, getting
Adam: You know, the best prison is the ones that inmate build themselves. feels a little bit like that's what's going on, get everybody on board,
okay, won't be fine. What is going to be necessary to change the minds that haven't yet been changed on the vaccination question?
Unknown: Well, I think something that more broadly as a country that we have struggled with over the last year and change is that this pandemic has
unfortunately, been very politicized in some ways, I think people have also
John: been subject to a great deal of misinformation.
Adam: Of course, of course. But that's true. I've also been susceptible to misinformation, I have a couple corrections to make. First of all, the
Portugal COVID death count, which I had reported, as was sent to me that it had gone from 17,000, down 100 to 152,000. And that was verified by the by
the court in Portugal. Luckily, we have producers all over the world who also live in Portugal. And the original court documents says in the
physicians working for the Ministry of Justice, not the Ministry of Justice itself, which is only a small fraction of the doctors in Portugal, the
court verified 152 COVID deaths are only those certified by doctors of the Ministry of Justice, who perform autopsies in cases of death without a
violent or uncertain cause. So it still could be a small fraction. But it was not the way I reported it. Same goes for the CEO, the Pfizer CEO not
having received the COVID-19 vaccine. That was an old clip. That was from December 2020. Very, very poor. on my part, I could have checked that I was
in a rush, I didn't
John: get it.
Adam: It was sent to me, of course, and you always say block the person, I'm not going to do the lock
John: the person who sent it to you
Adam: not gonna do that. And the final one, it was a great clip. And it was funny, but it wasn't even a Tesla that struck the lightning that wasn't a
Tesla that was struck by lightning. We had the gamer kid. That was a whole montage. It was funny, and I thought it was great. And we It was a jeep. It
wasn't even a Tesla. I really got pumped on that one. I was funny. Got a roll. Good job, guys. Thanks. Okay, a couple other things. One is one of our
producers, keeps emailing me links of weird accidents. And he calls them accidents. And he says, I think we're going to see a lot of these. So there's
a story of Let me see what is this? Just some car strikes mailbox tree before smashing into vehicles in residential neighborhood. There's a lot of
people losing control over their vehicles. There's some questions about a plane crash. And then when you look at the latest reporting, which who did
this come from? Avoid swimming, jogging, etc. First week after COVID jabs, housework is safe. You have to wonder I mean, should you be operating heavy
machinery like a car?
John: Should you wait that's a good point. Should
Adam: you wait a week? I mean, why would all that be oh
John: just stay home for a week perhaps. So there's all kinds of that's an interesting glue whoever this guy is this producer that he is on it. He
might be onto something Yes.
Adam: Someone else may
John: coined that word Vax vaccine and or is it something that's in the ether and he picked it up and
Adam: he spells it VA x XISH and I just think no vaccine to spell it the way you made it
John: you made up that
Adam: No, no, he came back she vac shit dent and I said why don't you just call us accident does much better. And then there's another weird report
that this has cropped up many times but it seems orto hantavirus is cropping up here and there the last time it was a big news story was in 2013 of
all places camp curry in Yosemite.
John: Yeah hat that would be a place like camp curry
Adam: and its mouth is from from mice, right? It's a
John: yes mouse crap.
Adam: But if you read if you read about it, hantavirus single stranded envelope negative sense RNA virus. So that already caught my RNA might have
something to do with if you look at the symptoms, man is very, very similar to COVID. Very and it's good it's in your airways as well. Yeah. So I
don't know if that could be mistaken for it or God knows,
John: has never had huge numbers and No, that would account much. All right. Hey, I
Adam: found the golf club
Unknown: this morning an urgent manhunt for a suspect believed to have murdered three people including killing a golf pro at this country club outside
Atlanta Saturday. Police say they were dispatched to the pine tree Country Club just before 2:30pm following reports of a shooting a white pickup
truck drove under dependent green shots were fired and now there's a man laying on the ground. Investigators finding that truck trapped on the green
of the 10 pole and golf pro Eugene, Sylar dead from an apparent gunshot wound to the head. The suspect fled the scene and remains at large he believes
as a shooter at a white shirt on possibly a dark skinned Hispanic male. Police also discovering two other victims in the bed of the pickup truck. The
trucks registered owner Paul Pearson, and another Unidentified Male both with gunshot wounds.
The country club president telling abc news Sylar who was a pine tree employee for almost two years was out working on the course the day of the
shooting, and that the cars owner had no connection to the country club. How about that? Huh? That's an odd stores like gambling gets to me.
Adam: Oh, there you go. I never thought of that one.
John: Yeah, golfers are gamblers.
Adam: Note from a producer who's a doctor. I just got off the phone with a patient who's being admitted for COVID Plus, I think that's a joke. She is
very, she's a very intelligent nurse practitioner, which is nurse practitioners, you know, they're the real deal. And more capable of making her own
well informed treat and well capable of making her own treatment decisions. However, most of our phone call was spent with regard to the fact that her
physician would probably not be favorable to ivermectin. And if not, what would happen next, the two of us agreed based on our education and
experience that it might work but aren't sure of it. Because of all the censorship. We both get the basic logic that a possible solution to a deadly
disease, even if unlikely to work is warranted when it carries an extremely low risk. So what we have is someone who completely understands their
situation is scared and stuck in an isolation room worrying whether or not you'll be able to get a safe drug that I have sitting right here on the
shelf because of money in politics. A doctor and a nurse practitioner, Can you believe that? That's what it's come to believe it that's that's really
sad when it comes down to that. Messed up
John: to the I was ready to stop the flow of information, thanks to censorship, which is what this all amounts to.
Adam: And then since I have no clips, I didn't see you had any I just want to briefly talk about Haiti. We know a lot about Haiti from the earthquake.
We tracked all of the corruption from the Clinton Foundation to billions of dollars the President's they installed. The ones they got rid of sweet
baby Doc, we remember billions of dollars, three houses built. I'm exaggerating, but not by very much. And so the president of Haiti jovenel Moise was
killed, he was assassinated. And I knew exactly, I knew exactly where to go. I went to Haiti Libra, because that's what I remembers. That's where we
get good information from it's boots on the ground in Haiti. They're independent, they publish on the web, and oh, my god. So first of all, this this
President, I think he had seven Prime Ministers that he'd gone through in the past couple of years just kept firing people. And you know, Haiti is a
shit show. There's 95 gangs roaming through Porter Prince. And you know, people are, when they can they leave the country, the whole, the whole place
has gone to hell in a handbasket, which, in my mind kind of plays right into the globalists handbook. You know, they they really, they really love the
Caribbean. They want all the islands down there. So this guy gets killed the day before he's assassinated. B appoints a new prime minister. So then
he's killed. But then the old Prime Minister who he kicked out, says I'm now the president. So that's kind of stinky. And wouldn't you know it and
this is, this is where this is the path I'm going down this path assassinated president. Here it is strong opponent of China. China tried to give them
$30 billion. He said, Nah, don't want it. They want to do Belton road. And now he's dead. And now the guy who was trying to get out to replace with
the new prime minister is now claiming the presidency. What are the odds China just took it? The Haiti Libra says that the the official say the
assassins were a commando group that were foreigners. So they were not from Haiti.
John: Well, that would be kind of an upgrade to the way the Chinese have been operating.
Adam: They're sick. They're sick of waiting the sick of the of trying to convince people to do something fun. All right, we'll just kill you. I don't
know. But you know, Haiti is is not an unimportant strategic spot to be
John: a good spot for the Belton road.
Adam: Yeah. Now, as with Afghanistan, looks like China's already moving in with a $63 billion offer. For the poppies.
John: Yeah. Well, that's me, I get a little just a short To this day, Fox as his general who keeps coming on and yakking about stuff, I can't remember
his name. But he's, you've seen him a million times, he's the next. I don't know if he was ever a spook or not. But he was an army. And there's a
little I have this clip, where I think is like a, he makes a mistake here, when he discusses they're talking about that pull out and all the rest of
it. And that's gonna cause a civil war, and everyone's on board with that idea. But see if you can read between the lines in this very short 29 second
clip where I call it I think there's a gap in here that tell me if you can hear it
Unknown: add to that General, a commander in Afghanistan, Scott Miller, saying that the security situation is deteriorating, and we could be headed
for civil war. Your thoughts?
Adam: Yeah, we're pretty much on that on that path. I mean, what what's really happening here, when we pull out over our intelligence, and that's the
system of intelligence, as well as the platforms, particularly drones and others, to be able to know where the enemy is and what the enemy is doing. A
lot of that for the Afghan security forces is now gone. Wait a minute, wait a minute, I want to hear that. Just spit again. Hold on. Yeah, we're
pretty much on that on that path. I mean, what what's really happening here, when we pull out over our intelligence, and that's the system of
intelligence, as well as the platforms, particularly drones and others, to be able to know where the enemy is and what the enemy is doing. A lot of
that for the Afghan security forces is now gone. When we pull out our intelligence, is that what you're referring to?
John: Yeah, yeah. It's smooth dough.
Adam: Yeah,
John: he did. We do like not pulling out troops. Yeah, we fill out our intelligence. I mean, the system of intelligence. Good try, bro. No, it was no,
it was better than a good try. I thought it was really silly. Well done. Well done.
Adam: Well, they need an airstrip. That's for sure. Unless China comes in. I mean, it's at 62 billion unless China comes in. But man, maybe it?
Shouldn't the conversation right now for just a little bit be, Hmm, let's take stock of these past 21 or 20 years, shall we? Let's just see, was that
worth it? What did we achieve? I mean, that would be a good topic for a news cable news channel or even I know a national like the three by three, it
could be a conversation instead of blue light and sunscreen. But no, you got to come to a podcast for it. Congratulations. And then I just wanted to
mention that a guy i know i know his wife to a crime reporter pay to air to freeze was shot in the face in broad daylight and Amsterdam after he left
the the television studio. Yikes. And so I'll just give a little background on the guy. He's been around for a long time I met with met him have
worked at done shows with him before. And so that he was shot in the face that you have to understand the Netherlands is a crime country. It's always
been a seafaring nation, and we just push goods around. You want some slaves, we give you slaves. He wants some spices. We'll take care of the spices.
Do you want some MDMA? Can we make them here? Do you want to traffic some coke throughout your bring it on into the harbor, Rotterdam, everyone knows
this. the justice system is completely ineffective. And this guy was in fact, advising a state's witness against a guy who's currently incarcerated
for murder and drug trafficking. And wouldn't you know it just a week or two ago, the guy somehow was interviewed the one incarcerated was interviewed
on television he said hey, but you know what, I'm never going to threaten Peter are to freeze. I'll never do that. And then two weeks later, he gets
shot in the face. This is the crime country that is go to Amsterdam have Good time. We're open for tourism is really good tours. Yeah. Now, just on a
personal note, I like the guy. He's great. He actually he won an International Emmy for the, for the Holloway case in Aruba, the author named the girl
who disappeared. Justine Holloway, that's not her name. Not Natalie Holloway, Natalie Holloway.
John: Who is it? Gonna be? Yeah, no, he
Adam: won an Emmy for that he's in. He was an early on. He did a lot of invested
John: they kill him when they shot him in the head. He's still alive apparently.
Adam: But he's not doing well. He also helped uncover the kidnappers from the 1983 Freddy Heineken kidnapping. Some of that also didn't end well for
other members of the family. So the guy's been around. He's made a lot of enemies. So it's just you know, it's just that you can get someone killed in
Holland now. I think most would say 5000 euros I think 500 you can get someone killed. That's what the country's become. But but they wouldn't. Then
no one acknowledges that it's just one big crime country. I hate to say it. But with that happy news. I'd like to thank you for your courage and say
in the morning to you the man who put the C in the COVID exomes gently Mr. JOHN C.
John: Well in the morning to you Mr. Adam Curry also in the morning all the boots on the ground feeding yourselves awardees every day and the dames
and knights out there
Adam: and in the morning to all our trolls in the troll room. We like to count them every single time we do a show. Come on hands up hands up
everybody. We have 1725 trolls in the troll room that is a little low. But only by 25 I think for Thursday correct? Thursday's are 18 1800 day that's
worse that was we're striving for
John: yeah 1800 sorry target.
Adam: Well the trolls are all standing at attention and under their bridge there's the troll room you can reach it at troll room.io at the same time
keep two speakers down just a tad at the same time. You can also listen to the live streams before every single no agenda show Deron O'Neill does the
rock and roll pre show which is dynamite really gets everybody in the mood but Nick the rack goes live I think it doesn't th unplugged also go live on
the stream we have your own I think it's on the same stream
John: I think we have our own stream
Adam: I thought it was simulcast look at us we got multiple strikes
John: you know we like it
Adam: we're big man we are real professional outfit here. Troll room.io is where you can go hang out. You can troll along you can talk to other trolls
comment on on the programming it's a good place to be that thing has been around almost as long as the show has been around we thank Boyd zero for
that. And thanks to everyone who was following me on no agenda social comm I did a I talked about mastodon with Joe and they brought it up on screen
and we're scrolling around like Wow, I didn't know this existed. So yeah, it's it's a federated
John: like you like to the news corresponded to help keep people up.
Adam: I should come in with it with a with a helmet and with hand grenades on my belt and like Yo, I'm just in from the front man. They've got a new
thing it's like Twitter but no one owns it. So I got a lot of cuz I said you know, follow up, follow me and no agenda social comm Adam at nogen, the
social calm or John Dvorak had no agenda, social calm and a lot of people are following. So that's good. And now I see it and only on this. There's a
little it's a little less of an echo chamber all of a sudden, it's quite fun to see that and we would like to thank the artists who brought us the
artwork for Episode 1361. We titled that one sear appropriately the variant factories and this was networks who came in with just a dynamite piece,
you know, we're a sucker for for putting up artwork that is relevant to the day so this was Fourth of July. We were working into Independence Day. And
it was the What do you call her? Is that Rosie, Rosie the Rosie the Riveter Rosie the Riveter with a john and Adam heart tattoo. And I noticed we
broke a cardinal rule on this artwork cardinal rule. The artwork has the episode number on it.
John: Well, yeah, but it was the episode numbers. I know. It's not a cardinal rule, because we must have done it at least a dozen times.
Adam: All of our rules are breakable, but I'm just trying to spice up the combo baby. Oh, yeah. There were some other good ones. In fact,
John: there are a lot of good ones. No, no, there was at least 10 pieces we could have used at least 10.
Adam: There was the 5000 days of podcasting, which is pretty good and the economist and style of the economist, a lot of spreading ivermectin on a
cracker here, very cute. was anything else that we wanted to talk dripping lip Yeah, I thought those were good. I use that as the pre stream. That's
from Kenny Ben. What else was there?
John: It was something else.
Adam: pocket. A lot of Canada
John: like the hoochie coochie girl, that was also the vaccine.
Adam: That would have been the vaccine, hoochie girl would have been the artwork. If it weren't Independence Day,
John: I think. Yeah, I agree. But it was done by the same artist. So yeah, he's got a clue about and something that I've always waited for. Who's or
Reagan who was does the pre stream I just for some deran I've always waited for Darren to kind of hit the home run with it with the cheese cake.
Right. And he's never managed to do it. But this guy just kind of does it casually. And
Adam: that's ness works now is networks new for us.
John: He's done a lot of work. He's got two pages of art if you go to his his page. Alright. I use him for the newsletter, probably six, seven times
in a row recently. But I think it's according to Darren, this is his first win.
Adam: Wow, I thought we had picked him before.
John: Well, I thought so too. But I can't say that we have
Adam: well Darren would know he does they keep track of
John: Darren because he's he's competitive. He's a guy gotta be again. Congratulations, you're not like that.
Adam: He's always congratulating the artist. He's the most he's really a good guy that way. He may go outside and kick the dog but now that we just
don't know. We don't know. We thank all of our artists and again this artwork is is not squandered, it shows up in this very show. In the chapter
cloud chapters the artwork is just rotates through when the topics change. That only works with a modern podcast app so you can find a lot of those
that new podcast apps calm and you should try one out today there's no downside to trying one out and now let's thank some of the executive and
associate executive producers who have come through to support to the show with one of the three T's we got your time your talent, your treasure, and
who do we have to start it off?
John: Well first of all I'm going to read in the three notes that were sent in and we're not put into a spreadsheet because of some misunderstanding
sounds like
Adam: sounds like the back office had
John: this seems to be you know, I don't want even get into the details and why this is not worked like it should but first of all we got $1,000 from
sir Andy Whoa. of the hickory flat protector of small horses
Adam: Yeah, that was not on my list.
John: I did not see that one on my list. Because I've got I'm holding in my hand I'm just saying that this is one of the didn't get through because of
the mismatch because because we're using Dropbox.
Adam: Yeah, could you say that again? Could you say Dropbox for me please just so I can hear the disdain and the disgust of the product?
John: Dear john and Adam, please accept a small token of my bottomless appreciation for what you do it makes a difference and improves lives. I
believe this brings me to my humble balance in 2033 if that means anything I only asked for a few small favors in return as follows please add me to
the birthday list for July 7.
Adam: Oh, hold on. Well, this I need to add
John: Yes. This is one of the reasons that was irked about this that manually
Adam: okay birthday I'm sorry name again.
John: Sure. Andy of the hickory flat protector of small horses.
Adam: Yeah. And he is on this July 7 seventh gotcha.
John: Okay. A little health and healing karma from my wife she faces yet another round of surgery follow up on her second total ankle replacement
request the corner the titanium market
Adam: she's probably doing a good job.
John: Let's see how she deals with the metal detector total ankle replacement wow yeah, that's that's gotta be massive that's massive. I can't imagine
finally karma for continued prosperity as we seem to be single handedly supporting the American Health Care juggernaut getting old isn't easy boys
much love and lit sir Andy you got it man health karma all
Adam: in the leaf got karma. Wow.
John: Wow. Yeah, yeah.
Adam: Okay, let me see we go to have more or do I go to Virginia watts now
John: go to No, no, the other ones are coming.
Adam: Virginia What's 785 98? From Ketchikan, Arkansas to Arkansas? Yes. No, Alaska, aka what's aka the Alaska Alaska. I knew I was wrong. If you
would throw ISOs AR Yes you're right if you're throwing a penny Yeah, I got that. This will be my damn donation. I've been listening since early 2016
so a dude de-douche thing would be you spent de deuced the value for value model is very brave and honest and I sincerely thank you both for your
courage. I got to re explain that on Rogen. By the way, I shall be dubbed Dame Vox of the gateway catch Akan is considered the gateway to Southeast
Alaska as we are often the first or last port of call on Alaska cruises. Man I would love to go there one of the that's the only cruise
John: I think that we would do i'm i'm in agreement with you that cruise through the mountains or through that or whatever it goes is supposed to be
unbelievable. Yeah, it looks like a lot of fun.
Adam: Jingle me this please heavenly farts Don't eat me bow Jaiden we must and we much that's I think resist and wrap it up with amen fist bump. I'd
like grilled cheese with pickles at the roundtable to honor my smokin hot husband who sponsored my dame hood. Even though he technically remains a
douchebag you can over glorify You can't over glorify a love like that. Now I heard Adam say oh here we go. He would like to attend a meet up here and
catch you can if you really mean it Adam use the contact info below we will set a date and there'll be a ticket for you at the airport and in a
suitcase to carry the fish will be hidden hard until about September if you'd like a world class sportsman adventure let's make some dreams come true.
Pa that says they must have a whole thing going on at their love is lit and so am i virginia Lee watts aka troll Vox soon to be Dame Vox holy crap.
Well john maybe we should both to go may should just do a couple shows from up there.
John: That'd be fun.
Adam: I think it would be worth it. All right, let me see I've got got a couple of jingles here for you was the last one you wanted. Amen fist bump
Okay, here we go and karma coming up.
John: Before we get in Let's pray. Let's pray.
We must we must and we will much about that. Be committed Amen. You've got karma. Tony Cabrera's next 590 48 ITM john and Adam nogen The shop is back
with our latest donation. No agenda shop donation more is on the way in weeks to come as always nice. I'm keeping it short. and sweet. Cuz it's almost
midnight. no time left to think so I'll settle for no jingles no karma this time? That's nice. All right, sir. sander. Hold hawks Barragan in Zaandam.
Very good. Netherlands. $500 crime center. World crime center.
Adam: Crime crime country.
John: Crime country. Happy 5000 Day. No agenda. Your Sir sonder from Zaandam. Thank
Adam: you very much, sir. So I'm the Hawks bear.
John: Sir Michael Minton. 549 471 title change? Yes. Dylan version. Please. If you can remember that. Yeah, I'll try to remember that. Yeah. Yes.
Remember it to URL to URL mittens of a world distant view accounting, you say? Pentagon that audit. First, depending on audit, then trust that the
appropriate, darker than grey projects were funded in old school, fact. And jingle to affirm that you all are the best podcast in the universe. And
that does sound like code to me.
Adam: Here's that jingle I've forgotten about it's a good one. Oh, we don't use that anymore often.
John: I don't remember. Yeah. Tomorrow remember it? You can take
Adam: Mariela nofo from prineville, Oregon 382 45 for the past several years I've donated on this day to commemorate my likely survival of brain
aneurysm on July 18 2017. still with us, this year's contribution of three to 245 is particularly special to me for two reasons. One, I have finally
reached Dame hood and can join my brilliant sweet loyal husband column, the deaf dumb blind night at the roundtable. And to this past May I had my
four year follow up CAT scan showing my brain surgeries were successful in treating my injury, and I'll no longer need medical interventions of any
kind for my aneurism moving forward. based on observation alone, I'd say this is far more than our President Biden can probably say about himself
since his brain aneurysm. Okay, so take that corn pop she says. In past years I've described how this show helped me stay sharp and recovered from
brain injury during a two month long hospital stay. Yes, I remember the notes. It helped me stave off the stress of an amygdala hijack world and this
year was no exception. I can't fathom what life might have been like over the past 16 or so months had I not had access to the genuine analysis of
current events that you john and the rest of this community offer week after week. I feel particularly proud today to be a part of a community that is
actively lifts its people up and out of the darkness brought on by the lies in the media and the M n empowers them with truth, or at least not the
lies. I don't think any amount of money could ever repay the show for that a measurable benefit but I hope my dame hood today is a start. Finally,
it's imperative I call out two of my best friends, Eric Brahman and my favorite aunt Lisa as douchebags. I know for a fact these two have been
listening to the show consistently for several months on end but have not donated dusum so done. I'd like to be titled de Mariela of the anterior
communicating artery artery in honor of the heal blood vessel that exploded my aneurysm and it'd be great to have watermelon watermelon bubbly at the
roundtable. And I just noticed that all of my round table orders somehow didn't go through so I have to copy those each time I come across one please
play jingles in this order. I'd like the bomb hit sound effect followed by a Fauci wheeze followed by Wow, I'm really high. Do we have that one? yet?
We have that one. Followed by the screaming French Bulldog karma with the gong in the background. Sincerely de Mariela.
John: Hi, I'm really high.
Onward, with zonder limbourg in Potter's void.
Adam: Okay, let's do that again. sounder limb Thunder limb bear, limb bear in patters Boulder.
John: Poulter's Boulder.
Adam: Yeah, nailed it.
John: When I didn't get the boulder I got the world but not the volta French influence I guess 333 33 you know he's in the crime state of the
Netherlands. First of all, thank you for keeping me sane these insane times inspired by no agenda meetup last Sunday in breach reasoned.
Adam: Yeah, this was the big meetup. They had 43 people stay the weekend at this hotel away.
John: Yes. And they had game on nation low lands. It was over 40 people's attending I realized again how much value we get from your awesome show and
decided to advance to my knighthood before the autumn of this year to keep it short as john would like it's common to all listeners and especially to
all the mighty fine producers names and knights I met during the meetup. Best regards zonder
Adam: Yeah, we got a you've got karma we got a full on report. The we do the meetups.
John: Baron Stephen of the fox river valleys next room Oswego, Illinois. 33333 and eight Well, let me get the middle one here first.
Adam: Oh, you got one in the middle one that slipped through the cracks
John: was 303 I'm gonna read it anyway. There's 303 33 and this is from Sir spro and sir being Brewer of the South we would love your honest review of
the new hit in the mouth dark roast on the show. Oh, not Oh, yes. It came in. Yes, it did get this gene you got the new beans.
Adam: Is it a new is a new beans. Oh God, I haven't gotten them yet.
John: These are quite good.
Adam: Are they a little stronger? And because I think I need stronger than the other stuff.
John: And these are stronger. Yes. These are dark roses to hit in the
Adam: mouth beans. I
John: love it. Yeah, hitting them out. So
Adam: you've tried it
John: and it's approved. Yeah, it's nice. It's a good it's a very good blend. Your crack button busca and it's not too harsh. It's visceral. It's dark
roast with all the flavor without the any bitterness. Yummy. No agenda coffee calm is booming. This donation is your cut of the recent sales. Lot of
coffee 30333. This is what our customers are saying Donald Trump writes Frankly, I can talk and complete I can talk in complete sense and no one knows
sentences like me. Joe Biden says, here's the deal. I'm beginning to remember where I was yesterday not a joke. Bill Gates writes, I've cut ties with
George Soros and I'm canceling my plans for global population control. I've also fixed automatic updates on Windows 10 Thanks no agenda coffee. You're
welcome bill. Our latest coffee is the new hit in the mouth dark roast was delicious. The dark nutty chocolate II flavors get our coffee subscriptions
to save 15% As always, 20% of every sale goes to the best podcast in the universe. No agenda coffee.com ships fresh every week with a full money back
guarantee. It's the perfect daily dose of caffeine to pair with your daily dose for sanity. That's it. No agenda coffee. Okay, masa do a read here.
Yeah, please give our two D two karma to all the fine producers. And thank you for your courage to spro and serve being Brewer. Your karma
Adam: Baron Stephen or Stephen of the fox River Valley 333 33 Oswego, Illinois. It seems combining jobs and relationship karma cancel each other out.
Well, there's that risk. You're asking you. You ask for a lot of karma at one time. He continues as a dude named Ben and manager of dude's jobs will
come without too much trouble. However, in the days of apps and not being a bar guy dating is few and far between, besides a good woman at my side is
better than money in the bank. I'm at the point where my kids are nagging me because I don't have anyone and their teens so it's particularly annoying
kidney with the best relationship karma you can give me a keeper of my own has been so hard to find. Well, I think that calls for the goat. You've got
karma. Gotta have to go ponder this one too. Matthew Rosen from North gates, and that's in Queensland, Australia in the morning from Brisbane, where
Klaus has yet to shut off the grid, referring to Klaus Schwab. After hearing Adam on Rogan last year, I have not missed an episode of no agenda. You
guys helped me and my flaming hot fiance stay courageous in the face of the hysterical society and fake pandemic that we find ourselves in. It has
been shocking to see the success of the Mockingbird mind control that Unfortunately, most of our peers have outsourced their critical thinking to too
good that does essay worthy. I have recognized for many years now that society's addiction to pop culture narrative is a problem with the mainstream
news should be viewed only as propaganda or as advertising. It was the no agenda show however, that opened our eyes to the solution. It is the value
for value model that is the only way to ensure free and earnest speech. decentralization is freedom. Alas, my first donation was long overdue, so
please de-douche me. Ben de duced. Adam Curry that requires your therapy. Yes, I am a conspiracy therapist. My favorite supporting character of the
show is Sir-onimous of dogpatch. His name always his name alone always gives me a chuckle and his notes good content is mysteriousness and consistent
large donations have made me question whether he is just that a character created by the show to set the tone and spice up the donation segment.
Apologies to Shauna Miss if you are real, you are just too good to be true. Wow. Yeah, that sounds like something we do in our in our most recent
after show meeting.
John: Now he's very odd, think anonymous should say next day,
Adam: let's do some crazy code.
John: No other reason you can tell we do a little analysis that please please do reason you can tell that that's something we wouldn't do is because
it's actually outside of what we do. First of all, we don't write the we don't we're not going to start writing notes, which is just for what purpose.
When when people do write notes by themselves. I have this thing as a writer and I am a writer. I like to write stuff that is like, you know, my
byline on it. I'm not a ghost writer. So that that leads me out of the patient Adam is just not going to do it is extra work we just simply wouldn't
do because we spent so much time doing these listening to crap and then taking clips and doing the rest. We do this. That's not you should know that
we are adverse to just wording work. putting extra well we do work, but putting just extra meaningless work. Yeah, leave me exactly. And you can also
also tell that that doesn't have this. It has voice on autonomous has some voice you can hear it. Yeah, he's got and he's a Muslim and we can't talk
about EAD and these celebree don't know and
Adam: that would be pretty good. If if we if that was the character we had Dennis
John: one of us was a Muslim and Neither one of you I can assure you that I'm a lapsed Catholic and Adam is an atheist and so there's no way that
there's a
Adam: I'm not an I am not an atheist. That's bullshit. I just drew it in okay on that case anything for the show I guess.
John: But you know it's a no no no so yes that's an interesting idea All right. Lynette data we're not dad good
Adam: sir autonomous will write in countering you I'm sure
John: on another No Yes, he might have actually lectured
Adam: Yes, another note Matthew continues a guilty pleasure of mine is anticipating the moment the show title phrase pops up. If that exciting moment
has not yet occurred this show Rest assured I'm currently jacked up with anticipation nice. Anyways, you guys are the best Keep up the good work Can I
please have a good helping of birth and birthing person karma for Linz and our firstborn due September? Yes, make sure you name him or her Adam or
John: You've got karma middle name is Maya. This way you can read because it's too long for my spread.
Adam: Yes, this is from Mike salmon
John: from like salmon who's also as a as a novelist.
Adam: I don't know Is he from holding
John: up because look at this.
Adam: Oh, he is. Well, there's something else Mike has done which we need to discuss but $333 in the morning. Thank you for keeping my amygdala small.
I'm writing today to shamelessly plug our newly remodeled Bed and Breakfast in New Hampshire. My smokin hot wife and I bought the in On Golden Pond.
pot and he does he write it three times because you know that's how advertising works. You say it three times.
John: Yeah, he said nine golden Pauline and golden pie and Kobe. Yeah,
Adam: yeah. Back in December and spent the last six months completely remodeling the inside, giving it a modern touch and feel but kept it quaint and
homey. Enjoy King. Enjoy King beds, private bass 45. Today, yeah, it's advertising day. Under the beds vibrate Apple TV in your room or explore the
seven plus acre property by hiking our numerous trails in the woods. You are shameless, to join us by the campfire each night for s'mores and non
triggering conversation. Okay, That actually sounds fun. Which is worse? Yeah. And now the non triggering conversation. We are just five minutes walk
to a private beach. Oops was bad guy x and stand up paddleboards waiting for sky x and standard. Hey,
John: I gotta tell you. Two Jews walked into a bar.
Adam: Wow, Rogen told the same joke. Did you know that? No, that's crazy. Rogen said to Jews walked into the bar. And the punchline is they bought it.
I had never heard that joke. It was like wow, that's that's kind of racist. Because not it's anti semitic. It's
John: none of these jokes. No, there's no such thing as a Jewish joke. That's anti semitic. Got it.
Adam: Breakfast is made fresh to order everyday choose from our menu. Oh, come on. I'm not going to read the whole menu. So here's the thing.
John: He's got a whole menu here. I've got some jingles though.
Adam: Be able to problem the jingles is just as annoying. He says please don't read my jingle first going for shock value. But the problem is is
123456789 and then a lot of them are doubled.
John: And oh no, you can't do this many jingles.
Adam: Now. We got to put a stop to this but I'm going to read it to you and then you get an idea of what this what this bed and breakfast is about.
jingles Trump aroused comma don't come Trump I'm gonna come comma don't come Biden whole load comma don't come Fauci Wiese Fauci Wiese again Obama
you're gonna die is this like a sex bed and breakfast?
John: I don't know. It sounds like Yeah, what it sounds to get it aroused and it is hard to get it aroused but we got to do not come I'm gonna come
I'm gonna give you the whole load Did
Adam: you my god you've got karma. Okay. In On Golden Pond everybody. Make sure you sign the guestbook. Geez, I do not encourage this kind of donation
to be honest. That's basically an ad I don't like that. That's
John: Yeah, we're gonna
Adam: stop stopped that it's not cool.
John: Now if you give us a piece of the action then you're talking exactly don't eat the coffee guys.
Adam: Didn't you hear the No What did you hear no agenda shop.
John: Exactly. case even keel 333 sent note to jay@dvorak.org Why don't you read the next couple and I will go look for the there's a note I would
assume That if it came in with the subject line donation It was reported to Eric Yes.
Adam: Sure, manic ape 333 from Kingsford, Michigan Love you guys. We are on tour across the US and we're promoting our new comic book, please check
out carny verse.com with a why carny? verse.com Thanks chimeric ape. Alright, Princess JJ Lou in Lakewood, Colorado 333 in the morning it's been over
a year since my last Rogen donation would Adam first appeared on January. I've been listening to you guys ever since. So please de-douche de duced
Hey, Adam, good job on your most recent Rogan appearances. Well, I'm glad you guys didn't get wasted this time. boots on the ground report from the
Denver Metro area. I have a friend who develop COVID symptoms tested positive got a prescription for ivermectin, his local King soopers. pharmacy
owned by Kroger would not fill it saying it wasn't approved for this use. Wow. How about that?
John: Yeah. Farmers off. Here's off label uses for everything.
Adam: That's the control baby that is the control. This is bull crap. If Kroger hands out the ivermectin they won't get the additional left fentanyl
pills to sell or the oxy. You see that's kind of a given take. If you want to be in the drug business. You got to play with the dealers. You've got
John: Well, I looked for Casey and I looked for he'll I did a search but then I'm looking at his thing he says note sent to J et de vorack.org, which
is not my name. You know, so if people can also send
Adam: it to notes at no agenda show dotnet. I mean, that's another idea.
John: You can do that. Or you can do put the note in the donation hole there as gets it when you do pay pal does PayPal. Alright, Princess? No, I just
did her. No, I'm sorry, anonymous in Boston, Massachusetts. Before we do that, I got one last note to read a real one. You'll get a kick out of this.
And I was hoping that these got get through because you would have liked to read this one. This is from our buddy Donald Barofsky. Zero Am I Oh, am I
as sir Donald the fire bottles quarter of Eastern Washington state by enclosed a double 12345 contribution to for 690 please direct my donation to the
john C. Dvorak amateur Raider radio license renewal fund? No jingles? no comma.
Adam: Are you going to use it for such?
John: It's split. Do funny. Anonymous to ad in Boston, Massachusetts. I recently supported us back spec white paper 250 List of specs from 2018 to
2021. For my firm, I believe things are developing with the SEC intervention slash adaption to allow specs to become more typical, a more typical
vehicle for public listing any input from john Well, I I think you're probably right. Can you please send me the list? Yeah. I want to invite me you
got Yeah, I mean, I wanted to get you send me a no John Dvorak DVR DVOR ak.org. And I wanted because I think there's some SPAC opportunities,
opportunities that are because when these things take off, I mean, it's you're talking about one week 10 bagger is like ludicrous investment. So yes,
Adam: like $10,000.10 bagger means 10x Wow. exit strategy. Bring on the facts. Yeah, Baronet sir rogue of the taverns 257 21 from Victoria in British
Columbia, and he's got a jingles here Shut up already as science How can they just lie like that? Shut up slave goat karma for everyone. Please put me
on the birthday list for July 7 for completing my 57th trip around the sun. Hello, john and Adam, from Baronet sir rogue of the taverns greeting from
Victoria, British Columbia at this moment rate of exchange. This is a donation of 257 21 Canadian dollar rates or 205 dot 59 and greenbacks so yes
associate executive producer. It has been one hell of a year but they're but up here in BC we pass the magic day of July one Canada Day. And very
quietly they the government removed all masked mandates and canceled our state of emergency. Holy shit john, something is happening. So we have it in
the US we have it in the UK. And now very quietly, it happens in British Columbia. Something's up almost nothing in the M five m about It seems to
change I have thoroughly enjoyed going into stores and other places with no mask on although it seems anywhere from 5% to 95% of the people are still
wearing them depending on the store and if they are inside or outside. I do get some strange looks but no one is screaming at me to wear a mask
anymore. We're such good slaves here in Canada navia I have a stall at the honeymoon Bay farmers market it was great last weekend to see 98% of the
people without masks. And for all the producers on Vancouver Island come visit me at the Rogues Tavern stall at the honeymoon Bay market Saturdays
10am to 1pm just a short drive past Lake cowichan couch on couch and maybe Kawan Kawan the market has lots of great crafts fresh produce and more.
Thanks for everything you two have done this past 18 months to shrink amigos and keep sanity in the world. Can I get some health karma for a friend of
mine? Who's having some challenging times? Thank you. Baronet sir rogue of the taverns and yes, I've got your jingle shot up already. Science How can
they lie like that? You've got karma
John: it has to be cold, john. I think why would seem England in Bora Lang Sweden. 250 my first donation on my way to knighthood please de-douche. me
since I have been an avid listener for over two years. You've been de deuced my amygdala is pretty much non existent. Thanks to you. jingles anything
with Al Sharpton? He always cracks me up. He sprc t shirt paid $234.56 as he's from the crime ridden country of Holland.
Unknown: I love it.
Adam: I'm all in it. Keep it going. Keep
John: it going. ITM genser paid here. Here's some encouragement on the topics of late. I've enjoyed myself furiously. He's enjoying himself furious.
The you know what that bring the image to that? I don't know. Guys, he enjoys himself furiously on your talks about the social self radicalization of
young people. No agenda 1360 around a two to 10 mark. It's not just kids. Thank you for your courage. No jingles no karma.
Adam: We need more reports from our millennial producers. More reports we love hearing from you love love love it. Sir Neil's done Ollie shake of the
great burgundy state of Brabant, a Breda the Netherlands to 2424. That must be significant is this is on behalf I think of the the lowlands meetup we
have a meetup report which I'm going to play it the meetup segment is a two minute meetup report is good but that doesn't belong in the donation
segment. Buddy says this note needs to be combined with a donation from certain Nielsen only shag for 224 24 that was gifted by the no agenda,
lowlands family for feminists hard work organizing the amazeballs weekend we had with 43 producers in freeze line. A fantastic time was had by all
great food on the barbecue after a patriotic boat ride. And sir Neil's even set up a shooting range. Wow.
John: Oh fun.
Adam: Future meetups were immediately planned and there was even talk of founding the church have no agenda and the COVID Ian's I am no longer an
atheist. But that could also just be the alcohol and substances induced midnight poetry that came out of the liberated douchebags after a top
traumatizing year of lockdowns with this amount famco will have reached Dame hood and her title should be Dame bam bam the special number one
recruiter of the lowlands at the roundtable tempco would like to see swag rock that is the no agenda favorite with raisin bread and lamb chops with
rosemary. jingles TTP Job's karma little girl yay our two D two lourve and loop stay slave sir stink finger we thank you very much for your career.
John: jobs, jobs, jobs, jobs, jobs jobs. You've got Joe's so how do you pronounce this as ba? pronounced like in boss or Boston da.
Adam: So it's Ba ba ba from care. Kula Kula was a tough one.
John: Exactly. To 1710 and he's in Canada. Now he said 217 10 I don't think that takes him to $300 No, no, no, no, he said two Okay, Deborah, he was
down in some mouse. Some low number and it came up to 270 Yes, exactly. After listening for years I secretly gained even more value from no agenda
through that and as no agenda social I'm loving all the memes and the real people there with my first meetup coming up I don't want to be that
douchebag so please de-douche me we got everyone deuced to come celebrate and 714 21 in Victoria BC right is it open? I need some homebuilding karma
Adam: Didn't you didn't you just hear that Yeah, I
John: heard it immediately. But is it oh Can we come across the border? No, we
Adam: got a parachute in
John: Yeah, forget it. I need some home building karma so could you please play these jingles for me one build a wall logo yay go karma thank you both
for all you do. Bob bad on NAS Bob bad oops sorry that Bob bad
Adam: Yep. Let me do that one again for you know the wall you've got karma. Then we have Jeff Alicia 233 cents. Hey, hi guy. Hey guys. It's my
birthday July 9 so I figured I'd make a donation to celebrate Can I get a birthday shout out oh and this donation brings me to knighthoods the
accounting below please Knight me sir Jeff of the PA route 33. That's the highway in these parts for the roundtable like the local delicacy of Shoo
fly pie. And birch beer. Are you familiar with the with this particular pie?
John: I yes. I've heard about it. I can't remember what's in it though. Yeah, it's a famous pie. And birch beer of course is very common in the
Pacific Northwest
Adam: that has been ordered and he also wants the 33 is the magic number and rebels. Well rebels remains with an R to D to karma of course.
John: That's the magic. The magic number
Adam: in the house Hangout.
John: Standby.
Adam: 333 33 normalizer out. You've got karma
John: another Dutchman Sebastian kujan Cushman in Amsterdam. $200.21. It is like coin mom coin quarryman coin and he is in the slave state of the
Adam: No, no, not the slave state. Oh,
John: that's right. Crime ridden.
Adam: In Holland. Yes. There.
John: You got Brian written better. When I heard that, Adam is going to do another your Adam.
Adam: Okay. So this is one of the reasons I hated my name growing up. I moved to Holland when I was seven. And already at the time, everyone was john
or Mike, or David. No, I got Adam. So and of course, I was a gawky, awkward kid. And it's like, and as a seven year old kid, it's traumatizing. Then I
moved to the Netherlands. And so what's your name? Adam Curry, odd Dom odd Dom I said Nana is Adam. Adam, Adam. And that has been my life.
John: You name is Adam. Adam. Adam, cutie Adam, Katie. Okay, now that I heard that Adam was going to do another JRE I knew that I had to make it my
first and long overdue donation quickly before the second generation of roga Knights started making their donations in donation. This would be
actually the
Adam: third generation you know, it's funny, I told jokes at some point in the in the show. I said, the people who come over from the Joe Rogan show
are so high quality. I said, we call them Rogan, it says Really? Do we even have a jingle for them when they donate? And in hindsight, I think he I
think he might have gone like these fuckers making money off of me. I had that.
John: We talked about this long before you did this. Yes. Yeah. It was advised not to do what you did.
Adam: Yeah. Okay. It was dumb.
John: Now, we'll see how many more times you get on.
Adam: He doesn't care. Really. He doesn't care. doesn't care about my town.
John: Yeah, he's, he's got millions, millions. But again, a lot of people don't know I should have all the mice like China. He's doing these reports.
These people would like Hollywood. I talked about this on DSM plug, too. We talked about on this show. Yeah, the Hollywood people they do a deal with
China think they're gonna make out they get
Adam: nothing right. China takes their lunch.
John: Yet China takes it all.
Adam: So in this case, we're China.
John: No, Rogen is He's got he's got all the money okay? I remember during Adams first appearance on Rogen they this guy takes all the budget back
boxes of someone who's into bitcoin. Oh, that's why so he's a Bitcoin guy. How, how, and lo and behold a few moments later my hunch was confirmed it
triggered my curiosity and decided to give the podcast a shot. I got hooked by the media deconstruction of the show is a great source of relief during
the COVID insanity. However, since life was on a work, eat, sleep and repeat cycle because of the lockdown I felt that I had the need for social
interaction grew by the day. Now luckily, I had something to look forward to something to look forward to. And that's something was the no agenda gn
lowlands business meeting that we had last weekend another one. It was way too is too long ago since I had such a good time with too many awesome
people. It wasn't just like a party. It was a party nice karma to the organizers and all those great people that were there side note, when I drove to
the meetup, I heard an item on the radio about a guy that was planning a surgery to remove his amygdala for the purpose of not being controlled by
irrational fear anymore anymore.
Adam: Mc dilek to me, is that possible?
John: That would be the term. Wow.
Adam: But you could also just
John: need one if you listen to this show. There you go. You've got karma to get this when you get the last one Huckleberry circle berry of Brookhaven
ga Atlanta $200.01 iitm men jk NJNK Thank you for your courage gents. After picking to duplicate night names over the past year I've switched to
something more bespoke Sir conkel Berry of Brookhaven Georgia. Okay, nice.
Unknown: You got it.
Adam: Any no jingles? No karma, right. Mr. pilgrim rounds us out final associate Executive Producer $200 in the morning from Pittsburgh Pittsburgh on
the wireless everybody. After two years of chipping in I finally made it to Dame hood nice. Please crown me Dame orchard thief. Orkin thief and put me
in for an order of bacon wrap filet ma minion Takis and Diet Coke at the roundtable pay the heart wants what it wants. She says words truly can't
John: get little emojis of the things
Adam: yeah of the you know the things word sees you know no joke. Words truly can't express how much no agenda means to me I grew up in in America can
do no wrong household foam finger number one baby. And we're still holding on to that bit too tight a bit too tightly. years into marriage to my
sizzling hot main squeeze Sir Andrew of the unapologetic pale males. He hit me in the mouth five years ago right around the time our second kid was
due I first listened to the show while hopped up on an epidural. Oh yeah, baby. That's the way to go. Whatever works though, I was hooked. Thanks,
babe. The show has helped me round out my viewpoints. I still love the USA but I'm learning to be honest about your faults and think more critically
about politics and current events all around. Over the past two years have organized several meetups in our area that has brought friends who are true
truly like family into our lives. You know who you are, and we really do love you so much heart emoji. I'd appreciate some goat karma for a second
year of homeschooling are for Human Resources Good for you. As well as nothing like a game the jingle and a dealer's choice of reverence now if you're
feeling generous love and loot Dame orchid thief, there is nothing like like to use karma.
John: That that isn't that aren't those are our executive and associate executive producers for show 1362 Yes, thank each and every one of them.
Adam: I thank you all so much for
John: producing but the notes to
Adam: Yes, the notes were good. I mean, except for the the abernant
John: were too long. Well, and one note that was too promotional.
Adam: And we don't do 18 jingles and we're not in the business of editing and mixing them together. Think of your other producers dammit. That's what
you got to think about. But you all thought about the show, and we really appreciate what you've done once again, pulling us through and we look
forward to thank you Maura and our final segment as well as the meetups again, a great meetup report from the lowlands this is the value for value
show. So we don't get any corporate money there are no ads that are scheduled and come in it's only from people who have things that they're doing
themselves which is okay by us. And really people who are just thankful for the entire producer community which includes the troll room and includes
no agenda social, it includes being at.io there's so many things that are surrounding this program that are the no agenda art generate, I could go on
forever, but I won't. You should try it for yourself. Yes, make the donation amount meaningful to you. That's what it's all about. Go to the vo
rack.org. Slash and a thank you again for your time your talents and your treasure for producing Episode 1362 formula is this. We go out for hit
people in the mouth.
John: Yo, yo, you know, I have a few things. I got a couple more COVID things that are from Canada. Seriously, just in Canada. It's gotta
Adam: be good, man. We still doing COVID
John: it's about the booster in Canada, the boost,
Adam: okay.
John: And they are they have no reason to want the booster. Nobody wants the booster. The booster is just some of the scam but they keep talking about
it. I'd like to know what they're up to. I think this again, guided Canadians are worse than us when it comes to the media being guided the Nationals
where I got these from, and I will mention the national has become it's like when they lost this guy Peter Mansfield, I think who was the guy used to
be the anchor there. And I'm now convinced that the national has gone the way of PBS NewsHour once they lost the Gwen.
Adam: Oh, right. That's bad. That's bad.
John: They lost some sort of some sort of a writer. And the national has turned into just a lousy newscast. And I all these clips are mostly they
point out what is mostly clips. This is less cubs about COVID and more clips about media. What are they leaving out of these of these of these
stories, the plague, play this one. And then I'll go back to it and tell you what, what's wrong with it.
Unknown: COVID 26 million Canadians have now been vaccinated against COVID-19. That's nearly 80% of eligible Canadians with one dose and more than 40%
fully vaccinated with two doses. But now we're starting to hear about a third dose a booster shot. Health reporter Vic adobea tells us who might need
it and why
Canada is getting COVID-19 under control. new cases have fallen dramatically, as most Canadians have now been vaccinated with at least one dose
Adam: in the light of the fact that we're probably going to get in Canada. More and more of this delta variant.
Unknown: I think it's reasonable to start thinking that we're going to need also a booster or a third dose. So do health officials in the UK where
they're starting in September with the most vulnerable seniors and immunocompromised people. Still one vaccine maker says it's too soon to know if
everyone will need a third shot. That is
John: a question of
Unknown: not just how long does the or the durability of the vaccine offer protection. But we look for things like breakthrough infections. And
Adam: when does the vaccine start to fail
Unknown: and when it failed? What happens? Indeed, fully vaccinated people are still getting infected at least 2700 of them. According to the latest
national figures for most of Canada, and 66 died. That's less than 1% of the fully vaccinated population. I'm feeling quite fragile.
Janet Lange has a rare form of cancer and worries she could be in that less than 1%. If policymakers wait too long for real world data on the need for
boosters, let's give it a shot and then come up with a possible timetable come up with some safety measures. But rushing ahead with a third round of
shots here has global consequences.
Adam: Do you think people are starting to see worldwide that we've gone insane? Like this?
John: Look at damage go over these disguise.
Adam: I report.
John: First the voices we're starting to hear. Right. That's where I started. So we're starting to hear it indeed. We need a booster. We're starting
to hear from who right. Does he say no new cases have fallen fall into what He never says the Navy has fallen. So that's like weak. Yeah. Then he says
one vaccine maker says which one makers? It's only four or five of them which Yeah, which one tell us which one he doesn't say. Then he goes on with
you know 20 766 last and then he said Is the dirt when did these vaccines fail? What's the durability and it's just all vague. And then at the end of
this part of the clip he says what Canada does is going to have global consequences but the booster Why do you tell me they're not telling me the
reporting on the national is this it's incredibly hollow. They don't tell you anything sounds like vagaries at you
Adam: doesn't even sound like reporting. It just sounds like propaganda from the government.
John: It doesn't. It is lousy propaganda even.
Adam: It's not even good propaganda.
John: Let's go to clip the second half of this clip put rushing ahead with a third round of shots here has global consequences.
Unknown: If you give those third doses here, it means that you're not giving there elsewhere, you know, worldwide, and in time, what is absolutely
needed is for the entire planet to be vaccinated, even though there is no plan
yet for booster shots in Canada. The federal government says it's already secured vaccines for the next three years.
Adam: vaccine equity baby everyone needs to have is
John: it's just a head shaker. I'm going to continue with this kind of complaining for two more quick clips. All right, it continues. This is by all
the same report, by the way, what goes on with the where they get into Argentina. And there's a big hole in this report. Listen to COVID Canada,
Unknown: as we just heard, and health experts have long been warning the pandemic will continue to be a threat to everyone until people around the
world are vaccinated and as optimistic as people in this country are starting to feel right now. 75% of the world's population is still waiting for
that first dose. Tonight, we want to revisit a story that first aired last month about the desperate situation in some poorer countries, where even a
first vaccine dose is out of reach for so many. Begging for vaccines and crackers with
no idea of who is listening.
Family members collecting the dead themselves with no idea of who's actually counting those last.
infectious diseases specialist Dr. Julio Castro says his fellow Venezuelans feel alone
now unable to trust either the numbers or the client.
Adam: So we are doing a kind of own official surveillance system, which taking count to any 40 of the bigger hospitals in Venezuela. And the numbers
are quite different from the from the official numbers. Oh, okay.
John: They leave that
Adam: but there's nothing now. It's just it's different. Okay. And thanks for that report, Bob.
John: So they say the numbers are different than the official numbers. They don't say, are they higher? Are they lower?
Adam: Different?
John: Are they lower? Are they higher? Would you think that would make a difference? I mean, to your analysis, if you're gonna say where the numbers
are different than the official numbers, are they higher, a lot higher, a little higher? Are they one off? It's like Trump or Trump said 33 was 32.
Guys a liar. But and Trump says 21 years you're gonna keep saying that. By the way. There's something up with that, because he keeps doing it. Stop
Adam: your What have I noticed that?
John: Yeah, I'm starting to notice it now, too. There's something up with one years. Yeah. He's doing it for a reason. There's some code in there. So
anyway, so that's how this report goes. And then listen to the next part and find more holes
Unknown: is not coming fast. Venezuela rejected offers of AstraZeneca vaccines from Kovacs, it may get some mRNA vaccines from the group in July. The
United States has excluded Venezuela from its vaccination donations for now, citing a lack of transparency about how the country has handled COVID.
Adam: Oh, wow. That's your vaccine equity.
John: To here's another thing. It starts off by telling us that that they rejected, I guess, free vaccines. Why did they just the national have any
reason to give us an explanation for this refusal? It's never explained in the report. You're bitching and moaning? Did they go to Argentina for some
unknown reason, first of all, and then they're bitching and moaning about Argentinians, wanting more vaccines and doing protests and nobody knows if
they're listening or not in Baghdad, blah, blah, blah. And then they throw in this little bomb. They refused, I guess a shit ton of AstraZeneca
vaccine. And now they're complaining. But what's the reason for the refusal in the first place? I mean, I'm telling you, the National has fallen on
bad times. It is. I when we first started doing this show, I would go refer to it everyone's gonna remember cuz it was good reporting. They had some
good stuff there. They had good news. Now it's garbage. It's just it's, it's, I hate them that guy that's saying this lightly. It's worse than
democracy now. Oh.
Adam: But now now you're just being rude. I blame Trump. It's all Trump's fault.
John: Anyway, they go on and on, they do have a little tidbit in there that that was interesting. Did you know that Canada has more doses of vaccine
in the world per person than any country in the world per person?
Adam: Yes, I forget the basis they've purchased for the next three years and
John: a brand they got enough for the next three years. So they got nuts up there.
Adam: And I'll make your prediction, a very easy one. This winter, Canada is going to lock down, they're going to try and probably the EU, Europe will
lock down. Everything except the pockets of concern in the United States will lock down people going back to the houses going back to mass, there will
be a booster, this is not over, they have not finished up their dirty business. And that will all be perfect. Because we're going to lose everything
in the cyber pandemic. And let let me explain. Again, you, you laugh at me. And that's okay. That's why there's two of us. I take the World Economic
Forum and Klaus Schwab at their word, and improve our preparedness for potential
John: cyber pandemic.
Adam: I just like to review as we have a lot of dudes named Ben that work for that mainly do a lot security penetration testing, administration, and
this cocea, we have a couple of boots on the ground reports. I just wanted to explain exactly what happened because we didn't have all the
information. And we thought that this is this coming from the cloud? No, this particular piece of software, because a sbsa is something that you can
also just install in your own small company. As we've heard a lot of doctors offices use it. Individual stores, that is one of the Swedish Co Op, I
think it is the grocery store. So each one use one individually. And they are not cloud based. What they are, however, is on an automatic update
schedule. And that's what happened. So the automatic update included a I guess, a zero day vulnerability. And with that, they then grabbed a hold of
the habit here, hold on a second, grabbed a hold of here, the the API, so they could essentially do anything they wanted. And what you probably
haven't heard reported in the news is that this thing created a whole bunch of Windows registry modifications, which is, of course what you're doing
if you're, if you're about to lock down someone's computer with ransomware. And it to put in new entries that included Black Lives Matter. Trump
sucks. I mean, why is that? Why all of a sudden, do the ransomware guys need to put in black lives matter into their hack as some kind of tip of the
hat? Where are the are they? Are they from Black Lives Matter? Do they support black lives matter? I like where does this come from? It's everywhere.
It's not on the news. But you can see the screenshots and I have put several in the show notes. The registry has changed, it changes. It adds registry
entries, and the entry itself which of course has a key pair to it, you know, whatever the value is, but that but three or four of them are black
lives matter. It could could be just the throw us off the track. I don't know. It's very strange. And it's not reported and i think i think the
Russians would do know exactly, exactly. But tonight President Biden hints that he will be sending a message to Vladimir Putin after a ransomware
attack believed to be of Russian origin. up to 1500 companies worldwide were hit including hundreds in the US by a group that's demanding $70 million
dollars in Bitcoin. The President gave no details on how he will respond. That number I think, is probably the insurance amount. But what's
interesting is each individual office can pay a ransom of anywhere from 5000 to $45,000 in Bitcoin and have their their individual setup unlocked, or
the company itself gets one master key to unlock all of them for 70 million in Bitcoin, which they probably have that an insurance so that'll likely
happen and it's also tax deductible. As we've learned, the government has said that's okay. You can just call the business expense, go ahead and pay
John: Well, it's a loss. It's a loss, you can take it off your taxes.
Adam: So that's the scary thing is This is coming through automated updates. And if you look at how many pieces of software an individual may be
running, which by the way, the Windows Update also does peer to peer, can you imagine? We've talked about this several times in the past 14 years. Can
you imagine if something gets into the Microsoft Windows Update, and some bunch of jamones is able to lock it all down in one go. And then lievable
and then they gave Microsoft while we have the master key for $10 trillion in Bitcoin. This is, sadly exactly the scenario that was described for the
World Economic Forum's cyber polygon, which is a unique cybersecurity event it takes place. I think next week, I had it in my calendar to check out
the webcast. It combines the world's largest technical training exercise for corporate teams and an online conference featuring senior officials from
international organizations and leading corporations. The 2021 conference discusses the key risks of digitalization and best practice for the secured
the development of digital ecosystems. The 2021 technical exercise exercise event 201, the 2021 exercise builds and test the skills needed to protect
our industries centering on a targeted supply chain attack. That is what this is, this is classified as a supply chain attack on the software, and
they have a promo video drinkie 20. That has really changed. It is thanks to technology that we are able to join cyber polygon entirely remotely. This
training is another step in creating a trusted digital environment and fostering open dialogue to discuss even the most challenging cybersecurity
issues. Nobody can fight these phenomena which are only going to increase in the next couple of years, this dynamic technological environment. As this
world grows in force, and this happens throughout the world, it's just the statement of the obvious you need to protect people properly. Yeah, make
finish. Ladies and gentlemen, this cyber polygon with Klaus and all of your favorites. Just always interesting when the exercise and the event is
scheduled for the exact time something like that happens. I think we should be very worried also those of you who are saying, oh, time to get new
Linux, a boon to you know, it's these are also a lot of automatic systems update automatically. You can you can be taken down with Linux as well. I
would actually say Apple probably has the least chance of that happening. But of course, you trade off your security for freedom over there and you
just can't do that much that you want to do. to accentuate that I believe this to be at least known about or perhaps planned in the elite circles. I
returned to the CNBC interview with Warren Buffett and Charlie wrangle. Now these guys are corpses and they're sitting down. They're like,
well, you wait, who
John: Jabba the Hutt?
Adam: That's exactly what they look like. Yeah. Now listen to what he says about pandemics. One thing that maybe surprised you most is something you
learned the last year, I learned that people don't know as much as they think they know. But the biggest thing you learn is that
Unknown: pandemic was bound to occur and this isn't the worst. One that imaginable all society has a troubled time preparing for things that are
remote that are possible and will occur sooner or later. There'll be another pandemic, we know that we know there's a nuclear, chemical, biological
and now cyber threat. And when
John: each one of those has terrible possibilities, and we do some things about it, but it's just not something that society seems
Unknown: particularly
Adam: capable one fully coming to grips with the cyber threat that we just started
John: and look at the damage that's already been done. Charlie and I've been ungodly lucky in many ways, but the luckiest thing was actually bigger
problem this time. And
Adam: so why does he say what does he say we've only just begun. I will replay that bit capable one fully coming to grips with the cyber threat. We
just started. We've just started. What are you talking about Warren? What did he just start? Just started realizing that's a real threat or he
John: started coming to grips. Okay. So he said, starting to grips were just started. He said, we're coming to grips we just started, they just
started coming to grips. Alright. And what he meant, from what I would surmise is what he meant is we're starting to come to grips with what this
means for the investment portfolio.
Adam: course with me, he doesn't give a shit about people or anything like that No.
John: Brain he had his hit the point in his life, his brain is so cute. And I'm actually admire people who get to this because it's almost like the
guys, I always like to talk about how engineers can see things you can't see, or artists or artists at the same way. They can visualize things that we
couldn't visualize in a million years, and they put it together better we could ever do. Because we didn't do that we do. We can do a podcast as well
as anyone you know, but so Buffett is thinking and probably we should all be thinking these terms. What does it mean? That's just assumed you should
do it by scenario you should we should do it. What happens when all the Windows machines go out at once? The whole world that made this you're talking
about ships at sea boots on the ground, we're talking about all these stores, we're talking about airlines as he gave me Windows is running the world,
Adam: Windows NT runs Eurocopter helicopters, let me fallen out of the sky
John: will actually that would probably those won't be affected.
Adam: They you have no idea I have seen flight to engineering crews do updates on software completely insecure ways on all kinds of things. Well, I,
John: I would have to assume that the the way they would do this, first of all, it has to go through Windows Update, it's not going to go to an T or
they don't even I mean they have their own contracts and they're not going to go as machines in place they work I find windows seven will probably
still work my little nuk will still work your machine or go down but what they'll do is they have to do an update that's got the embedded code that it
for one thing the updates go out and people start testing it right away. But if it's the way they're doing these wishes the scary part is they using
the technique manages the virus it sits there for six months and they just wait it has no ship is asymptomatic. Yes.
Adam: Now you're talking Johnny boy.
John: So they put asymptomatic software out there that is actually coded to be able to be triggered through some IRC chatroom who knows what then you
know and it could be six months it could be a month it could be whatever and then boom they all go out at once. And except for the the outliers which
is this small number outliers I mean windows who are still on Windows seven people on empty my little nuk there's a few that won't get effective main
machine will
Adam: I have updates completely turned off and I have the piehole blocking every single windows and Microsoft address this will not update by itself.
John: I have my updates turned off and it still updates by itself after a period of time where it gets sick of trying to update it just turns it
machine I'm telling you my updates are off. It turns off the machine and I wake up in the morning The machine has been rebooted and updated would I
like it or not. Wow, I'd like to know what that's all about. Is my little knuck
Adam: Is that like a My Little Pony?
John: Yeah, now there is the there is the one there's one of our producers sent out or not the unscented but he talked about there's a version of
Windows that is a meant to be left alone is in other words it was it's an industrial version that goes into traffic lights never gets updated. Right.
It's just a it's a
Adam: there's it also doesn't run office I'm sure sure. No, I'm
John: sure I bet you does. Embedded probably like an embedded version. That would be nice to get a hold of that.
Adam: But this is a real possum This is
John: what's going to happen what I said is going to happen I agree with this part. And I've always thought this once windows got the hair up their
ass. Dude, do these automatic updates to video update Tuesday. What was it called Patch Tuesday or something?
Adam: Ah yeah, I can't remember patch me maybe that's what's called Yeah.
John: Once they got that idea it was it was,
Adam: it was writing was also known as reboot Tuesday.
John: Tuesday.
Adam: Not during the show, dammit. circle back Tuesday. That's another one. Okay, troll room. You're all good. Well, it does not bode well. And, you
know, just taking into consideration what we've learned about this Bluetooth protocol where all the little whether you're turning chips can turn on
remotely into transceivers and create a mesh network, which apparently integrates with Amazon's sidewalk who knows what's going on? None of this is
good. I so in that regard, I agree. We really need to cut back on our dependency. Like for real, then it's already so I mean, if if that really
happened with Windows, I think millions would die. Millions Don't you think
John: Windows is the target for if you're gonna do what they're talking about? Somebody's got to know something. Windows is vulnerable to this. Yeah.
I think a lot of people would die. A lot of I mean, who knows? even maybe some cars won't work? I don't know what what's going on? Yeah, but keep
buying older cars. Yeah, yeah, that's good. Now two things happened is actually an essay as you write it up.
Adam: That's a good one. Two things happened in one in the Netherlands also known as the crime country. Drug state.
John: I want to see a lawyer Yes. Before we get some complaints from the government.
Adam: Hey, I've tried to reach out to them so many times. This is my final way so while the news was completely covering Peter are the free shot in
the face hopefully still alive and he'll make it they quietly classified COVID as a schedule a virus on par with Ebola. I thought that was very good.
And people are a little upset about that. Why? Because it's not like Ebola
John: was no two diseases are like each other. But should it be Johnson vaccine is the the is based on the Ebola vaccine that the mechanism
Adam: now this is None of this makes me feel good. Now I'm not sure also all wait
John: is another thing you're overlooking. It's also created in the lab just like a bolo was.
Adam: Alright,
John: and are you
Adam: Who are you? Just gonna be like a career great, but I want to vorak He's much better than you are. I want him on the show. I'm unsure exactly
what happened. Because it's very difficult to wade through the entire EU, European Union governmental site to get your like actual information with
dates and understand but I believe that the European Union e privacy directive was at least temporarily approved for the purpose of fighting online
child sex abuse. And I think there's a hashtag for this even which is was it chat something rather? Anyway the idea is that until December 20/31 of
September 2025 every single provider of email chat etc, must through use of artificial intelligence scan through all of their customers looking for
certain keywords that could possibly involve child sexual abuse material or trafficking. So that means that everyone's shit is being read in the
European Union if completely true the way I understand it.
John: Oh, that's an interesting analysis. Yeah.
Adam: No, got to be that is the analysis.
John: Yeah. Well would think that is going on then.
Adam: Possibly, possibly.
John: They have all these privacy laws and is this it seems to be contradict all these is hottie there also, blog at all, you know, our privacy laws
are great. And America sucks. Well,
Adam: they've got Yes, yes. Yeah, you're right. There was another big announcement in the European Union, and this included an old buddy of ours. Now,
we still are bickering here in the United States over the green New Deal. And this is you know, I've been trying to reach out to France timmermans who
is the green the EU Green Deal czar? I know him I've interviewed him i've i've met him a couple times the airport and chatter And I keep tweeting him
dming Him He will not answer he's afraid, pussy pussy boy. He's the czar of the green new deal in Europe and he's just afraid to talk to me about it.
But that doesn't matter because the green new deal is honest way and one of our buddies as part of it, the European Green Deal is I should say this is
the President of the European Union. This is the start command. My name is Tanya Lyon.
Unknown: The European Green Deal is our blueprint for Europe to become the first Climate Neutral continent by 2050.
Adam: And notice how 2030 is gone now. Remember, everything was 2030 2030
John: We even had club 2013 you you were thematically under 2030 thing Yeah, it's just dropped off the radar.
Adam: Oh, it's now become 2050
John: they moved it up 20 years?
Adam: Yes, of course. Because then they have this they can never be held to account this all bagging gonna be in politics.
Unknown: It strives for systemic change and modernization across our economy, our societies and industry. Of course, energy transition is at its
heart. And this is why a warmly welcome the opportunity to join forces with breakthrough energy.
Adam: I am excited to announce a new partnership between breakthrough energy and the European Commission. There is less new and Dr. Bill Gates no
taking care of your energy and your greenness in Europe, on par with the president of the EU,
Unknown: I've created breakthrough energy catalyst, first of its kind, innovative finance vehicle designed to rapidly commercialize critical climate
smart technologies.
Adam: Notice he's not inventing anything, he's not giving you any kind of technology. He is financing it, financing it. I'm pissed about this.
Unknown: To succeed in preventing the climate crisis, the world will need a new approach to building global industries. This is the greatest
opportunity for innovation the world has ever seen.
And for my pocketbook, the catalyst program is targeting the technologies we need for Europe to become carbon neutral. We want to deploy invest EU
with the European Investment Bank, and I hope National Financial partners can on top invest you allows member states to mobilize funds, for example,
from EU programs like next generation EU. In Europe, we're lucky to have a wealth of scientists and innovators leading the way to decarbonisation. We
just need to help them to bring their ideas to the market.
Adam: Europe will be a strong partner because of its early and consistent commitment to climate,
Unknown: we have to act bold and fast. And together, we can achieve our green goals to the benefit of people and businesses. I mean, this is what is
it called when government and commercial business completely collude like this
John: corporatism or fascism. Thank you.
Adam: That's the word I was looking for. And they just hacked Bill Gates in there. And I checked the checked against is this someone else edit this?
No, it's on the European Union website. And Bill Gates is sitting there reading the prompter about his finance. So we need Bill Gates to finance
finance the saving of the world is that what I'm understanding that's what it's going to take he did such a great job with GAVI and the vaccines
John: Melinda French gates you need to speak up you need to know that you say that I want to point this out they just started recently and all the
news stories everybody's using they're starting to drop is not melinda gates and Melinda French Gates Yes. And I have run into an article and what you
a P or somebody who starts off Melinda French gates and then it says Melinda French,
Adam: CA yes well of course that's what she wants and here's the here's the article Melinda French gates will resign from the Mellon Melinda Gates
Foundation if they can't work together at their foundation. Well that means she's resigning she's out
John: and she's another story that they're up against all the new money coming into the bill and French whatever laundry all the new money coming in
there. Yeah is gonna go to her new one the new thing she starts she's starting off to Melinda French No, whatever it is
Adam: that she's so qualified.
John: So here I don't want us to wish touched on like Bill Burr. No, we're not bill burdock. gonna do I'm not going there or not Dober Hill bar.
Adam: There. I do have a few climate change clips. This one I thought was really, really interesting. It's from ABC. Yeah, this morning this
Unknown: morning a mysterious illness is killing birds and experts are now asking humans to help the birds socially distance. I
Adam: mean, do you want to hear the rest?
John: I don't want to shoot this person.
Adam: I won't even play the rest of it. You don't need to know I
John: don't need any more than that. That's terrible. Alright, let's
Adam: look at the other supply chain the real supply chain we have issues I was at hcb the other day looking for a shallot
John: giving up on them because they they took and they took to my pillow guy and threw him out.
Adam: Well, currently, that's the only game near town. We don't have the luxury of a whole but we have it we're still learning at what who sells what
and there's a there's a farmers market but you know, I just went into HGTV to get a shallot no shallots, we have not had shallots for two to three
weeks. No shallots, no shallots. I say what is that the day I do my Chinese thing again? I bet it's the Chinese the guy says no, it's lazy ass is who
don't want don't want to go to work and don't want to pack stuff. If they don't pack it. We can't put it in the shelves. How about that? This
John: is a problem everywhere.
Adam: This end but shallots. I mean now it's time to panic. Well, no shallots. Here's a CBS Evening News with an interesting report. By the way, it's
John: a little hoity toity Don't you think shallots is an onion. We demand.
Adam: Wow, okay, I'll remember he's an onion. I'll use an onion. I'll remove that. Sony's new PlayStation five is in such short supply. David Rogers
John: had to pay almost double the retail price to get one
Adam: you think since last Christmas that they start to catch up with supply and it just never happened. That's because
Unknown: Sony can't get enough computer chips to build all the PlayStations consumers want. Nearly all electronics and home appliances now require
chips from laptops to GMO smart
refrigerators it
Adam: knows as cameras
John: COVID changes like remote school and work had been driving demand.
Unknown: I have never seen this kind of demand on my life. Video and Audio center Chief Technologist Tom Campbell is anticipating limited supplies
which TVs is it going to impact first of the entry level what
we call the lowest price TVs without enough computer chips he says manufacturers will have to make choices.
Adam: Are you going to put it in a set that sells for $300? Are you going to set the sales for $2,000 and don't expect the deal on a new car
Unknown: the average price now tops $40,000. Cars use hundreds of computer chips and sell automakers are even pausing production because of the
I struggled to see things going back to where they were you know for another I would say six to nine months
tech industry analysts Karolina Melanie's, he says many automakers cancelled chip orders when they shut down production last year some chip
manufacturers shifted over to making smaller chips for consumer electronics and once you adapt your supply chain to something else, it takes a while
to go back.
Adam: So it's not just the supply chain itself, they cancelled orders they've changed stuff around made priorities it's not just the supply chain
people have made some interesting choices and I think they too were caught off guard by the sudden turnaround reopening perhaps
John: this whole thing is very suspect as far as I'm concerned. I'm reminded of I don't know why I don't have any proof of this. But I had the same
ill feeling that I had during the bogus gray out when we had the governor of California was Gray Davis and we had the rolling blackouts and all this
and that it just seems fake it seems like there's something phony baloney about this. This is a scam at some base level.
Adam: Yeah, but something is something aboard it's just a whole bunch of scams everyone's jumping in on the opportunity to make more money or jack up
the price. We
John: had some reports from different people that you know they're involved in shipping and the guys saying I don't worry about they leave the ship
out there for a while we got that this stupid ship that was stuck in the Suez Canal still embargoed
Adam: no it just set sail it just all they did finally Yeah, and that one just set sail and this morning this happens.
Unknown: On top story this hour of fire broke out on a container ship and Dubai's main port following an explosion authorities the the fire has been
doused This is the port of Dubai this
Adam: is you know, this is where we where we park our aircraft carriers is a big port
Unknown: to level to a level where it's under control now and no casualties have been reported yet. Now the cause of the blast remains unknown
residents reported seeing their doors and windows trembling from the shockwave. The container that caught fire was born on board a ship that Jubilee
airport on the vessel was preparing to dock with 14 crew onboard. Firefighters tackled the place on the large vessel can start with containers is
three of the 130 containers on the ship held flammable materials. The port is capable of handling aircraft carriers and was the US Navy's busiest port
of call outside of the United States in 2017.
Adam: So we don't know much, clearly always Yeah, again. Now
John: I'm gonna go back to my feelings about these things. And I want to tell people to go, especially the newer listeners who didn't catch up this
first time around a decade ago, and track down the 13 episode series Rubicon. And it's slow. It's a slow moving, but very deep and intense story and
you should watch it because it talks about this sort of thing as being just a scam to show somebody can inside can be make the right investment. I
mean, there's investment opportunities and it goes right back to the what Buffett was saying. I mean, everything seems to be an investment
opportunity. Yes, all investment or short opportunity. Ford said they're gonna take a huge beating this year, they're gonna shut down some assembly
lines because it is this computer chip or chip, whatever chip it is, they're using the cars. This is this is really stinks, this stinks.
Adam: I'm with you. I'm with you. But it seems like we are one of the few people who even care about analyzing in this manner. You're being disturbed
by your your news organizations. It's so obvious to connect these dots and say, huh, now here's a dot that would be my last one. We should take a
break. lazy people not wanting to go back to work here. I've been talking about the millennials, not the older millennials, but the millennials who
are just staying home they don't they don't want to go anywhere they feel we've had many of these reports. You know, we're we're we're in our early
20s. Now we're mind control by the phone. We really just want to live our best life we're not you know, we don't have we're not planning. What are you
doing? I'm sorry. We're not planning a family. I'm only going to take care of myself. Maybe I'll live with someone out till just completely apathetic
nihilistic, as you would
John: communistic, categorized categorizing, which has happened in the past in the 50s there was a Neil ism issue.
Adam: Well, there's something going on in China producers sent me this now it's it's just a minute. And it's a read on a YouTube video, the full the
full video link in the show notes it's about much more what's going on in China. But the the the premise is very small percentage of China is really
super rich is which compared to the rest, which is incredibly poor, but the kids,
Unknown: they're checking out limited job opportunities and social resources to make the competition for young people in modern China increasingly
fears. But there's a group of young people who think differently, they do not compete one they'll get married, will not have a child and will not buy
a house. This is now popular among young people in China,
the lying flat dog train. lying flat means resisting the various socio cultural demands with a passive attitude, actively lowering their desire to
maintain the minimum standard of living, not buying a house not talking about love not getting married, not having children not pursuing a promotion.
However, the term was immediately blocked by Chinese officials and disappeared from all social media platforms.
The reason is that it reveals the serious demographic crisis Beijing is trying to solve the term originated from an article titled lying flat is
controversial in which the author Laura Hua giome shared his lying flat life on the internet, and resonated with 10s of millions of Chinese youths.
According to the article, the author law has not been a steady job for more than two years. law said I have spent most of the time enjoying myself and
I find nothing wrong with it. expectations and stress typically came from the traditional ideas of elder family members, lying flat life.
John: spelled
Adam: lying flat, l y i l y i n g flat not just two words lying flat, the lying flat doctrine and then in these massage chairs, you know, like I'm 50
of them, just laying back not doing much. You know, this shit could spread here or through tik tok.
John: Interesting.
Adam: I'm glad you liked it.
John: I'm going to show my school by donating to no agenda. Imagine all the people who could do
Adam: Oh Yeah, that'd be fun.
John: We do. We do have a few people to thank starting with Charles Bennett, who came in with $133 and 33 cent. Scott Smith is next $100 and he is in
Noblesville, Indiana. Tommy Barnes in Midland, Midland, Midland, Texas. 100. Ashlyn Davis 85 Jennifer, Jennifer Maori, Maori Maori in Toledo, Ohio,
and it used to be Maori drive I think in Fremont might still be there. 7889 Robert Taylor 7421 now these are July 4 donations. Eric, Eric erikki What
is this? This is in Finland is finished finished name. anarchy. I just I can't I don't know how to pronounce it.
Adam: You yours yours.
John: Thank happy ID to you and all the merican producers from Mark pugna. Ricky Eric, he said guys, a guy, a Arie Adler in Punta Gorda. 7421 William
vair har fer
Adam: Han
John: van Hodder horror in new word gigging the gang again in the crime capital of Netherlands New York time
Adam: you will find behind me
John: he's in the crime. Netherlands a
Adam: crime ridden
John: Michael gays 50 to 80 degree ball in western New York to the D 129. Daim
Adam: pulled on combined birthday hold on hold on combined birthday and anniversary for my smokin hot wife JJ married 29 years and we never had a
John: Dame generous as in debt. Dangerous Dame generous no
Adam: jmd dangerous dangerous game
John: dangerous I'm sorry dangerous 5033 and this is going to be a gift towards a dame hood of femke
Adam: yeah
John: emka this smokin hot wife has her stink finger.
Adam: If you're new to the show, don't worry if you just look at the ground
John: up now. So Dr. Shark he's in with $50.05 from Jackson, Tennessee. Now the following people are our $50 donors name and location if applicable.
And the first one is very applicable because it comes from Bart beak via here from the Vegas, New Orleans Brabant, which is also in the crime ridden
country of the Netherlands
Adam: Bart's bake builder from federal North Brabant.
John: Yes. She's in cook in Bolivar, Texas. You know what this will do this will encourage the way that hollanders are. They think all this this sort
of especially with me reading these names, butchering things left and right, donating like crazy next show so he can keep QRP gun or I can keep
harping on crime ridden Netherlands. Yeah, you're the Hesse by the way.
Adam: This is a good plan. JOHN exit strategy. I
John: feel it. Chisholm cook in bovard, Texas, Raymond berry $50 Nathan gray in Sebring, Florida, one with a race. Ryan, Li, Mary pui. Joel, Sergio, I
believe to ruin and Bakersfield that he was someplace else I guess he moved. Jonathan Meyer in Xenia, Ohio, Edwin Edward mazurek. And Memphis,
Tennessee. Greg Jurek in Chicago. Am Michelle Gallup galleon galley own 50 bucks and she says, Hey guys, my smokin hot husband Matt on his birthday
July 7. He needs a D douchey. You've been d deuced. Christopher Rivera in Austin, Texas. Matt tyus mill chesky. In Stevenson Ranch California.
wilczynski. Maybe, Troy Watson. g man the security guy in Litchfield hills, Connecticut. And last but not least, and last on the list and lots of the
producers today is Villareal Villareal
Adam: always love to hear Villareal Villareal. So want to thank all these folks who are producing show 1362 and we thank everyone who came in under
$50. That is for anonymity, typically the 4999 but we do have sustaining donations. If you'd like to make an ongoing contribution, we have a number of
the cool numbers 3330 threes 1111 1212 all kinds of things you can make one up yourself actually go to the VA rec.org slash and a big jobs calm for
jobs, jobs and jobs for jobs. Karma
we have quite a list today of birthdays and of knights and dames even a title change. We congratulate her and the of the hickory protector of the
hickories hickory Bay I think protector of small horses on July 7. Lindsey Carson says Happy Birthday to her sister Lauren turned 33 on the sixth
Michelle galley own her smokin hot husband Matt celebrate his birthday on the seventh Baronet sir Rogen, the taverns 57 yesterday, Jennifer Mowery
turns 32 today Jeff Alisha celebrates tomorrow July 9 ba from the character cooler July 10 Tommy Barnes we 57 on the 10th dc girl says Happy Birthday
to high hand artists Roger roundy his birthday the 10th surprise congratulations gorgeous wife and Ed griebel also says Happy Birthday to his smokin
hot wife JJ we say happy birthday to everybody hear from the best podcast in the universe. Gather around douchebag is we are brothers and sisters all
the time. I did not forget. I remembered by request. Title change Yes Sir Michael Minton supported the show with yet another donation totaling $1,000
and he becomes Earl mittens of a world distant oh actually Earl, he's been around this guy. Very nice. Um then we have a very nice selection 123 of
three dames and two nights on decks.
John: Here you go. There it is.
Adam: Alright, he went on the podium. Virginia Lee watts fabrika Mariela nofo Emma pilgrim and Jeff Alicia for the no agenda show on the monitor
$1,000 more therefore you are very entitled to sit here at the roundtable of the no agenda knights and dames with all of its benefits and I'm very
proud to pronounce the Kate v. As Dame Fox of the gateway. Dame Ben Ben de Mariela of the anterior communicating artery Dame orchid thief and Jeff of
pa route 33. For you we've got hookers and blow red boys and Chardonnay. fogra was raised in red and lamb chops with rosemary Shoo fly pie with birch
beer bacon wrapped flaming young turkeys a diet coke and mutton and Mead. It's always here and that's still the favorite. All of you have seen me all
of you are invited to go to no agenda nation.com slash rings. This is the reward that you get for this kind of producer ship. This is not just for the
elites in England. No, this is for for real knights and dames of the no agenda roundtable there's a signet ring you can use to sign the little seal
there on your on your correspondence, you get sealing a wax with that, and the official certificate. And thank you all very much for supporting the no
agenda show. You're not your supporters, you are producers. And you can be very, very proud of that. And now you're royalty. So we'd love it.
You know, we may have to start putting together a show that is just the no agenda meetup podcast. I mean, have you seen the list? It's, it's it's
really this thing has taken off to such a degree. We could actually go to. We could go to Live Nation and we could do a world tour. JOHN, you will me.
We'll be selling some merch, but doing all these meetups hanging out with everybody.
John: Okay, let's do it.
Adam: Okay. thank thank you for your enthusiasm. But before we do any of that, let us listen to some of the meetups from around the world. We have two
reports today, the first from Dubrovnik in the morning sir Kevin of the irrigated rice fields here checking in from the Dubrovnik meetup. Oh, hello in
the morning. Good. Vedran from Dubrovnik. Hello from the Brony Mary. Hello in the morning. It's Andre from Dubrovnik. Chicken fucking nuggets. Whoa,
okay. Hello, morning. This
John: is Laura from Germany. All right. Wow, I'd go to that meetup. I love Dubrovnik is a fantastic little town.
Adam: Yeah, Croatia. I have not been I'm not In Now, the second report is professionally produced please take into account that there were 43 people
at this meetup. This was at a hotel who went all in this was scheduled when lockdown was still in place and they had figured out they could make it an
official business meeting and that would kind of let them through now I understand from the owner the proprietor who I know have said hotel that there
were you know, the cops did call her up and say, Hey, you know, keep everybody in check, but I don't think that happened. I think they had a really
good time and they did a very nice meetup report. This is the race for Islam. No agenda lowlands meetup report
Unknown: in the morning, in the morning, semi whispered human in the morning. Future de la vida know every year
John: Good night Oh even your cats cats cats. Hey, this is Daniela with boustead in the morning Alina from lights and this is also from lotion gum and
both of us are Romanian producers in the morning
Adam: grilling them this is all in from all of my gym can you say? Right? Okay, also the freezing eggs in the morning is even better. In the morning
who's gonna stay safe? In the morning john
John: Adam this question, Adam and john Thank you very good. Bitcoin maximalism in one of the Lithuanian douchebags he's some of the
Adam: ITM here's Niels in the morning. It's like the body. Alemao. This is something new and john it's the same orange dude named Ben named Ben. And
I've spotted this book. Don't forget to beat Well, Mr. J. De Luca Bray. angriness he used to say zipkin is general but he aka for years you tante Neel
o. o. de mo produce ad nyers
John: Don't show your fucking
Unknown: in the morning it's dangerous coming to you live from freeze lined. Testing Testing Testing Can you in the morning this is a Ruthie here with
some very fine people in free smelling having a ball. Thanks guys. Good morning and I'm enjoying this taco shirt. Lucky for me until now. JOHN and
Adam This is Lucas 90 year old douchebag john by a Bitcoin man it's like
hey, this is the displace texted loving spinning Fourth of July with my ducks friends over here. And nogen meetup in the morning Hill. Not ready for
Adam: I mean, I need a cigarette after that.
John: I hear tante Neel was there.
Adam: Yeah. And the lady of the Lithuanian butt plug. Did we Dame her? I can't remember. Remember? Remember? I think I would have remembered. Yeah,
you think wow man. And that in that goodness in the crime ridden state known as the country of the Netherlands in a safe spot. The one you're only
safe with these people clearly. Here's what's on the list for your meetups. You can find it all at no agenda meetups.com for this coming Saturday,
July 10, a Montreal Quebec, Quebec slave levy spirits and freedom and that'll be it kept saying jack Nature Park. Look at no agenda meetup.com for
details. Also a satellite the Bothell Washington in the morning meetup at three o'clock at Alexis cafe, Rocky Mountain oyster shuckers that'll be
Glenwood Springs Colorado five o'clock at Casey's wing house in sports bar. pittsburgh pa the NA not block meet up 5:30pm casual meetup at the home of
an organizer again no agenda meetups calm for details. Post Independence Day Review. This is a mandatory meeting in Anchorage, Alaska at bear paw Bar
and Grill. And this coming Sunday Fort Myers, Florida. The s SW FL inaugural brunch 1pm at a gu setra Cafe, the low country summer sweat meet
charleston south carolina at the Royal American Dame Jennifer's is hosting that goes to Dame Jennifer we'd love Dame Jennifer, the local 919 Durham,
North North Carolina 4pm. That'll now be at the Carolina ale house. And then finally for Sunday the customs and meetup that's in Romania five o'clock
Eastern European summer time and you want to contact your Kevin of the irrigated rice fields for that. These are just a sampling of the meetups that
you can find no agenda meetups calm they're happening all over the world to get great place to hang out the proof is in the in the reports and if you
can't find near you Why don't you just start one it's easy no agenda meetups.com just like the times you want to go hang out with all day you'd be
triggered the same. You want to be the same
may alert the affiliates What the hell happened? We're way over today. Yeah. And I got to go to Austin. It's the max Kaiser f Ilan Bitcoin party. Oh,
good. Oh, good.
John: Yeah, what?
Adam: I was just a long silence.
John: Well, what time you have to leave. After we're done. Oh, I knew what time we had to be
Adam: there. Well, it starts at five. I'm not going to make that but don't be there around 630. Probably.
John: No
Adam: party. Okay. Yeah, well, yeah, it's kind of a maximum. I like Max and Stacy that a friend so I want to go say hi. And we'll party and they're on
their world tour. And of show ISOs
John: I have nothing quiet.
Adam: Well, I guess I'm in the catbird seat. You are I have Dede I have this one. Yeah. Cute. Well, it's kind of more fun and context. Let me see if I
have the context. This was you know, I keep telling everybody that you can just needle drop msnbc any time of the day and you can record and make a
clip it's real it's not even fair as why I don't do it. But this one was sent to me says joy read. Let's talk about your book itself. What is the
prompts or I need the intro one. Right. This one here we go. Listen to this.
Unknown: Anyone know what's happening in Texas State republicans led by Republican luminaries like governor Greg Abbott, who can't even manage the
state's electrical grid forced the abrupt cancellation of a book event at a state history museum because they didn't like what the book says. Forgive
the Alamo examines the role slavery played leading up to the Battle of the Alamo. Now Abbott didn't have the courage to publicly condemn free speech
but his deputy lieutenant governor Dan Patrick carry the bag. In a tweet Patrick said I told staff to cancel this event as soon as I found out about
it and called it a fat free rewriting of Texas history. He
Adam: said that's how they report the news over there. Like a bunch of dumb bumpkins there in taxes Yeah. wrong with you, woman. I think this is the
one you like. It's a super light, frothy fun show. I thought it was really, really a
John: frothy show. Those are our two choices. Oh
Adam: my god. No, that's all we got. Now
John: go into frog. I hate the joy read so much. I
Adam: hate to but the frothy is cool, right? frothiest cute.
John: I have a bunch of clips I can get you we got a rap song. I got
Adam: one. Take us out with something good something,
John: I get something good. This is good news. I don't know what your your income is. You got all these podcasts, you know, you probably make a lot of
money. But I'm sure you're not making as much as these people that are on this msnbc. But I guess that thanks to Biden, and I really appreciate this,
that we're probably not going to pay any taxes. The reason I'm bothered to do this is I keep hearing on the press Biden's gonna raise your taxes.
Anybody making less than $400,000
Unknown: a year will not pay a single penny in taxes. And we will not increase the deficit either. Yeah, yeah.
Adam: So can we actually take that to the IRS and say, Hey, the President said so Will that work? Do you think that'll work?
John: I'm just telling you, according to Biden, he says if you make less than 400,000 a year, yeah, we're there. Were there. You don't have to pay a
penny in taxes. Right. So
Adam: can we not pay a penny and then hold the president to it?
John: But I would guess so. Yeah, sure, for sure. Come on.
Adam: You know the IRS has only processed 3% of its backlog is like 35 million. Different tax returns have not even been processed before. Cuz they
had to shut down during COVID. Yeah, great. It's a mess over there. And they're talking about giving them $85 billion to track people down who are
John: Well, they get to know.
Adam: Oh, they'll just come by and check with your little COVID
John: coming behind the COVID guy
Adam: carrying a gun. The IRS does have guns. Yeah. That's a fun show. And the show mixes we've got a yes, we have our very own Neal Jones. The clip
custodian comes in with a enter show mix. He got sound guys, Steve and Rolando Gonzalez returns his 36 mix for end of show so far moving appreciate
that. Coming to you from the heart of hill country in Texas, we still are in FEMA Region number six POM of patriot Hill Country FM in the morning,
everybody, my Adam Curry,
John: and I'm in northern Silicon Valley and I'm Jhansi devorah.
Adam: We returned on Sunday right here with another episode of The deconstruction you almost cannot wait for please join us for that until then.
Adios. And such
Unknown: I started to get really bad hives all over my body. I woke up with headaches every day. The simplest things would just make me very very
tired. My symptoms would get so bad that I would throw up a sound like I've never heard before. Wake up with nosebleeds.
Adam: She says even her dogs were throwing up blog.
John: symptoms were the same but American officials in Havana has suffered since 2016. The US Embassy rare, all but close as a result. It was a
Adam: weapon. An energy weapon designed to Bay the targets living quarters in microwaves.
Unknown: This wasn't directed standoff attack against my apartment. Picture holding a marble.
John: Then picture if you had like a six foot in diameter, funnel, metal funnel,
Unknown: the sound that marble would make as it goes around and it progressively gets faster as it gets close down towards the end.
John: It was a weapon energy may have the ability to weaken,
Adam: intimidate or kill an enemy over time without leaving evidence.
Unknown: groovy get more guys and gals. Tonight we have a special guest hot off his first European tour. Please give a warm Gitmo Welcome to the
freestyle ramblings of Bongo.
Ada years ago,
we affirmed It was a statement of first principle promise.
Adam: That's who we are. We seek to help as best we can. That's who we are
Unknown: driving ambitious global action to address the climate crisis. bonehead, cybersecurity, emerging technology,
crazy global health, climate change. It's incredibly bravely serving side
by side anywhere in the world.
Adam: Let me be clear, we know the tragedy. We also know the path to recovery. But here's the deal. I see the full potential in times of trouble. We
value the dignity of all people. That's it. Clear day by day. Business businesses reopening that won't happen. We said it
John: again. That won't happen. I want to make clear around the clock drive forward
Adam: the momentum toward critical growth. I'm making this historic announcement. We're not perfect. Our brother has called us to do everything that
we can. And in this moment, getting the calves as long as the virus raises elsewhere. The time step by step how can they lie like that? Realize that
literally the only people dying
literally the only people dying
literally the only people dying are the unvaccinated. How can they lie like how can they lie like that? People are needlessly dogs like that
Unknown: mopho burek.org slash and a it's a super light, frothy, fun show.