Executive Producers
Sir Andy of the Hickory Flat Protector of Small Horses, Sir Spro Sir Bean Brewer of the South, Dame Vox of the Gateway, Tony Cabrera - No Agenda Shop, Sir Sander Hoksbergen, Earl Mittens of A World Distant, Dame Mariella of the Anterior Communicating Artery, Sander Liemberg, Baron Stephen of the Fox River Valley, Matthew Rosen, Mike Salmon, Casey Van Heel, Shamanic Ape, Princess JJ Lu
Associate Executive Producers
Anonymous, Baronette Sir Rogue of the Taverns, Joachim Englund, Sir Peet, Sir Donald of the Firebottles, Count of Eastern Washington State, Sir Niels den Oliesjeik of the Great Burgundic State of Brabant, Ba van Kerkoerle, Sir Jeff of PA Route 33, Sebastian Kooijman, Sir Kunkleberry of Brookhaven, Georgia, Dame Orchid Thief
Cover Artist
Episode "1362: Shot to Win" was recorded on July 8th, 2021.