Adam: Oh wow. Adam Curry Jhansi devora Thursday August 26 2021. This is your award winning gitmo-nation Media assassination Episode 1376. This is no
agenda back in the old country again and broadcasting live from the heart of the crime ridden state, Mo lowlands, Amsterdam, the Netherlands in the
morning, everybody. I'm Adam Curry,
John: and from Northern Silicon Valley where I didn't know the crime ridden when people poop in the streets. I'm Jhansi Dvorak
Adam: skills. It's a different kind of crime. It's of course it's crime is screaming now.
John: You know, when you go onto the freeway in Berkeley, yeah, off a University Avenue, there's all these homeless in the round the loop you around,
you know, it's like a cloverleaf is all the whole cloverleaf the whole area is filled with with tansen garbage and just debris is never really I don't
see anybody there but there's just a lot of stuff. Yeah, and it always starts to in cringe and go further and further toward the actual entrance to
the entrance dry you know, you drive onto the freeway down almost onto the freeway itself. It's it just keeps wanting to encroach and be on the
freeway. It seems idiotic that you want to be right as cars you're just hitting it in other going 5560 and yes, and
Adam: that's where they're hanging out. Yeah, I was gonna play a song for you and then there's nothing here around the streets Yeah, baby that goes
back. From our greatest hits volume to pooping in the streets.
John: A curse effort just went by holy crap.
Adam: Ladies and gentlemen, please alert CNBC. We've got an eight cars Zephyr that means the economy is kind of stable. We've got a kaboom and cabal
Bitcoin 47,892. Oh my god. Good news, but cabul man, you've been following this
John: nightmare. Oh, my last I heard was that they told everyone to get out of the air. No, no,
Adam: there was a there was a suicide bomber this morning.
John: Oh, finally. Okay.
Adam: Well, I was looking at the news. 39 minutes ISIS was the ISIS k Yes, of course this ISIS K. Hello. We've rebranded and what's interesting is you
get you don't they? Don't they talk about ISIS k here on
John: Wait, wait, how come there was never any ISIS anything during the Trump administration or any of this stuff. But now Biden's back and now we
have ISIS, Kay.
Adam: Interesting in it for years of nothing. And so there's nothing quite luxurious to have eight channels of news, which is all from different
countries, which makes it kind of fun to flip around in the hotel room.
John: So I'm getting messages by changing channels. You do that to
Adam: me. I know. I just flipped around. I don't change the channels. I also don't try to catch myself on bullshit word things when I'm alone. And
what? Nothing. But I got a text message. I said there's been an explosion in the airport, and probably about 10 minutes later it hit the news. And
they just hit the hotel as well. So there's a second one now.
John: Airport hotel? Yes,
yes, no.
Adam: And well, that includes American GI as I think, because that's where the Taliban said they would be safe. I'm just repeating what I'm hearing
from boots on the ground there. And a little bit of what I'm seeing, but this bad news bad. And I will be talking about some of that in my EU report
so that you know what's happening. But before we do anything, ladies and gentlemen, before sorting through one of these days, I'll get the right one
off the bat.
John: Yeah, that was Tara. Jc comparing story from ABC, CBS and NBC.
Adam: Ladies, Gentlemen, John Dvorak checks out all of the different news cast morning shows on television, ABC, CBS, NBC, actually it's not ever new,
just the morning shoes shows and he tells us exactly what he is learning. JOHN, what are you learning? Well, well, Welp, well,
John: CBS it was just a boring report today. I had to I want to apologize in advance. CBS, they were just sitting around lamenting about Anthony
Mason's new position. He's, he's kind of going to be a correspondent now. He's not going to be at the table. Women so this was this was their own guy
Adam: they were talking about their own guy was
John: sitting there. This is why I'm glaces. I've been working and he says I've been working for CBS for 40 years anthem they give you it's always
been a guy they put him into the evening news when they got nobody else he's like a spot guys like how
Adam: many years? How many years? How many years? 40
John: holy crap CBS
Adam: don't you get like a golden something
John: as you get nothing. And so I think you're bumping him from the morning show because the guys getting old and they want to put young people in
even though they don't quite realize that the generation see the Zoomers kind of like an old perspective at least being there. Is this what we call
this what we call putting out to pasture
so he's being put out to pasture to do special reports mostly on music and concerts to submit you know,
Adam: to go to the Met Okay, cool. That's nice. CBS does a good job.
John: It's gonna be better for him because he doesn't have to get up at five in the morning. But before and Okay, so let's take a take a yak yak yak a
good there was nothing else voice I moved on. ABC holy crap.
Adam: That was Morning America nine GMA.
John: All they were doing was they had a bunch of gay hairstylist mostly black Incidentally, that were going on and on and on and on about the modern
styles and especially curtain bangs.
Adam: Oh yes, curtain bangs are back. That's true curtain bangs. This
John: is the thing. So that was boring.
Adam: Now we're talking about all hair or also specifically about black hair, which is the third
John: third right here. It was just a bunch of bunches multi culti hair
Adam: well that by itself is a problem they should have addressed specifically the elephant in the room.
John: I don't understand how they got well black person would get curtain bangs but Okay, so let's go on to the illustrious NBC NBC. Now this is the
one that has used the you know shopping or something. Oh no, they usually what do they usually don't know they're doing a lot of celebrity stuff. So
they had a celebrity chef on and they were cooking a stupid yellow tomato pasta sauce and and does a funny thing they were just going on I got a quote
here somebody says there's no there's no dairy in there. woman says pasta sauce. There's no dairy in there and in the background one of the women goes
Adam: oh wow this is some scientific breakthrough. Yeah. Wow,
John: there's no dairy in the pasta sauce. Wow, they're morons on NBC. Oh, man. There's a big black guy who's like the main host now is kind of like
this guy whose is this guy? He's just he's not he's not even all there. But he is so tall. I think they booked me already put him in this spot because
boy you know Michael stray hand over there's a big guy. Let's get it you know who's I think strand six five or so is huge. But he's big big football
player. And so we I think they do and they got something they got they figured something out. We didn't figure out so let's get this tall guy does he
Adam: have does he have a big head?
John: He's DB is a pretty big hit is bigger than brokers. But broker comes up to his nipples. Where did they find this big dude? So he's there and he
doesn't know anything. Hilarious to show is down the tubes. These networks are dumb.
Adam: Now do they have any talk about vaccines about man? Oh, nothing? No.
John: This random walk so you never know what I'm gonna run into? There was nothing nothing about the bomb. Nothing about nothing. Ah, just all Wow,
there's no dairy and pasta sauce. Wow.
Adam: Ah, you know, and we wonder why we're stupid. I hope not too many people watch that. What are the ratings of those shows that what
John: are they pulling out as bad as you'd like to hope?
Adam: And I really did like 5 million, maybe 6 million not more than this in that neighborhood. That's pretty bad. It's pretty bad. This 5 million
people being indoctrinated by that. But you know what I learned?
John: All this five times three is yes.
Adam: You know what I learned? There's an atom. There's no dairy and pasta sauce, john. Yeah. Oh, wow. All right, let me quickly do this. This is the
gaff of the week. I have to get it out of the way because everybody's been sending it to me and know that all just waiting. It's the weirdest thing.
Like I'm gonna send this to Adam. I've seen it a million times myself, but I can't wait to hear it on the show. I just sent it. Jen Psaki. She said
it. She dealt it.
Unknown: I will say that the President's looking forward. To welcoming the prime minister who is already in town, as you know, having a variety of
meetings today, I would expect we expect their conversation to be wide ranging to cover a range of topics of mutual interest, everything from COVID-19
and our efforts to address the global pandemic to regional security issues, which could include a range of topics.
Adam: Now I played this back several times. She really did say it.
John: planned me She sure did.
Adam: She sure did. Listen again.
Unknown: mutual interest everything from COVID-19 and our efforts to address the global pandemic to regional she says,
John: a clan demmick but I
Adam: think it's because the word global was before pandemic and she just got tied up in it. The global pandemic with global sampling the clam demmick
maybe it's the club maybe she wants a clam demmick I don't know. Could have been that. But anyway, people that's
John: the gaffer though he gave the gaff OF THE WEEK probably coming up. If you want I mean, is the questions, q&a. The fact that let me just get out.
Adam: do it. Let's do it.
John: This is how you find it. Oh, what was the age? Oh, here it is. This is I have a bunch of Biden clips today. And I will mention I don't have as
many clips as I'd like, because my machine blew up. Yeah. Yeah. I do have this. And this is an ask Adam. Oh, that was that you don't need a jingle,
jingle if you want. But this is Biden. What did he say? I want you to tell me and you can say that planned me think was good. This is a little better?
A lot better. But I want you to tell me what he said.
Unknown: The most significant recession we've had since the depression, or at least is Johnson. Okay.
Adam: I gotta hear it again, just to make sure I did not see this yet.
Unknown: The most significant recession we've had since the depression, or at least is Johnson.
Adam: So I think he was talking about 2008 2009 because I did see some of this. So in 2008, we had the most significant recession since the
depression, but certainly since Jackson, which is the one that throws me for a loop. Was it something around Johnson's time that I don't know what
happened? That did I
John: know. Yeah. And what who's ever mentioned Johnson? is the most significant something since Johnson. Maybe he's thinking about Kennedy. I think
in camela is Johnson. I am telling you, I have no idea what he's talking about. He never explained it. He went
Adam: wasn't that wasn't the better gaff. It was. Right? Just Joe doesn't count. Do you want to want a little trip report?
John: In fact, yes, you have just you've jumped on the plane. You got a bunch of vaccines. You're all freaked out after the last show. You had to get
out of there. Oh, I'm gonna die. And you got on the plane. You got to have darlin. And now we need a complete report because you're the one doing
international traveling with all these restrictions and you haven't gotten the vaccine? That's correct.
Adam: That is correct. So as I told you on Sunday, I was somewhat concerned because I found out actually, I don't think you know, after the show,
Alright, let me back up. You need to have a test that is no older than 72 hours when you arrive in the Netherlands. So I in order to make sure I had a
test because according to the website, it takes one to two days. I went Saturday and and had a test on Drive Thru. We talked about that the test where
they say, here's your kid go over there and in the in the parking lot, and yeah, I wish I could have swallowed my armpit your dog doesn't Well, the
dog probably has. I could have done any of that. So that was pretty stupid. First off, and I booked one for Sunday after the show. Knowing that by the
time I got to the Netherlands on Tuesday, the Saturday test would probably be too old. I might be able to dance around it, but I didn't want to take
any risk. So I go there Sunday, right after the show. I mean, I got the show done almost in record time. I think it was what 40 seconds short of the
all time record a
John: second show. Yeah. 40 seconds short
Adam: of the all time record. It was dynamite. Dynamite. We were so slick. So I Buzz off, you know, it's a half hour drive to the to the town where
they've got a CVS drive thru. And I say, so this was one to two days. She says, Oh, no, the website's wrong. It's really more like three days.
John: I must have made your heart sing.
Adam: I'm traveling tomorrow. Well, I'll put priority on this one. What does that mean? Oh, maybe less than three days. I'm flipping out. Like, oh my
god. You're not going to tell me get an ulcer. Oh, So I'm, and I'm tired, you know, because we did the show and I'm driving home. I'm talking to Tina
and I tell her the story. She's like, oh, man, maybe you can move your flight one day. Anyway, I get home. I'm looking at all this, see if I can move
my flight. Yeah, for $4,000. You know, everything's messed up with the airline. So I left that for what it was. I don't know what to do. Maybe I'll
just just hope just get on the plane. Hope that it arrives by the time I arrive. And then Tina found at Dallas Fort Worth. There's actually a rapid
one hour test you can take at gate D nine at the International Terminal. So not far from where I would be because I was going from San Antonio to
Dallas from Dallas to Amsterdam. And so we booked that $250 like, Okay, alright, feel it. Oh, yeah. Oh, this story gets better. Because, you know, at
least I had something. So go to San Antonio, which is my new favorite airport. It's closer to us than than Austin was. And it's smaller. It's great,
great little airport. And at the check in, right away. She says, you go into the Netherlands? Yep. Do you have your health declaration and your
negative COVID test? Well, luckily, I did. Because Monday morning, the Saturday tests came through. So I was so happy at this point on our way to the
airport that I get this test, but she asked me for it and she put something in the computer. So at that point, I knew while I'm kind of lucky because
it can imagine the dance I'd have to do say oh well, I'm going to get the test to Dallas and you know, I had the appointment and everything so I was
feeling much better about it. Arrive at Dallas Fort Worth, you know, go to board and I actually walked by said hey, can I get a refund? No. Okay,
thanks. There was no one there. No one at the testing center. Now, getting ready to board
John: on a Wait, wait, wait, wait. You paid in advance for that? Yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. So you got gouged for 250 bucks and there was nobody there
just the beginning of the fun stuff.
Adam: And and this was American Airlines. And so I bored and I have my passport. I've got my health certificate. I've got my my COVID negative COVID
tests I've gotten my boarding pass and they say oh no, you just have to look in this box. I look in this box and it takes a picture of me and it says
Welcome aboard Mr. Curry your seat number is so the they don't even look at this I have not witnessed yet this kind of check in
John: I know about this I've heard about it I haven't
Adam: and I'm just curious where what picture did they get because the one on my on my driver's license has hair from 12 years ago. Is it my passport
picture I don't know where they got this
John: using they're using your eyeball distance knows they don't care about your hair and it
Adam: went fast and didn't you didn't have to take my mask down? How about that?
John: Yes. I realized suppose they're testing this this is the reason is there. This was doing there's a system we talked about on the show assistant
is supposed to do a facial recognition without with masks and it's basically just eyeballs ear you know, facial shapes. I
Adam: think I even had my hands. I think
John: you're being Yeah, you were part of a test. This
Adam: is all crap beta. beta beta test. Yeah. guinea pig in the beta test.
John: Well
Adam: okay, so on the plane flying Actually, I take I pop a 50 milligram edible oh man I slept for about three hours perfect. woken up All right
everybody. Make sure you have your health declaration your negative COVID 730 something like that. We arrived go down stand in line. The only thing
they want to see from anybody is the passport. That's it. There's no one asked for any of this crap that I went through all of this to get there not
asking for it. There's no exit the airport there's no masks anywhere. Everyone's completely chill. In this whole being scammed, yes, of course. I'm
being scammed. This is horrible.
John: And you got you know, you get being scammed. But you got suckered for a $250 test you never got to take But wait, there's more.
Adam: being received some good advice from sir from Sir-onimous of dogpatch and lower slobbovia. The minute I check into the hotel, I immediately say
can you please schedule a test for me for my return? Absolutely have a one hour test right here in the hotel, PCR or a 10 minute antigen test. Now,
knowing the travel rules, the antigen test is not as far as I understand it, not the correct one to re enter the United States. You don't care about
the truth. That's why that one costs 54 euros, but the one hour PCR test so I can do that Sunday. 250 euros it's like price fixing
John: no no it's gouging
Adam: Yeah. What but it's the same price that's what's interesting. More or less $250 250 euros
John: well it's a nice round number but I
Adam: think the only reason these papers are being requested or demanded is for the airline I think it's them they just want to make sure that they
have you doing all that they need to do to cover their ass and they can't be sued because the government didn't care there was no they don't need to
look me up in the in the in the machine it's like okay how long you're staying where you're doing it Welcome Welcome to Holland Yeah, so it's it's
truly has nothing to do with the health of the people of the crime ridden country of the Netherlands or the European Union because they didn't check
me and they don't think they have any way of knowing if I was legit
John: Yes, not real the airlines covered covered the basis they must know that's going on and maybe not
Adam: I don't know. I don't know. It just seems like an incredible scam. And here's what's even more interesting to me being here for so I got it in
you I went straight to Rotterdam 50
John: bucks. I mean, give me a break
Adam: for a piece of plastic and a swab and a little bit of goop. So I go to see Christina straight down to Rotterdam great time everything school.
And what I noticed rain, no taxi. Erica, he hadn't seen her. You know, Eric had a horrible accident. January a year ago. Yes. gusta.
John: Yeah, yeah, he
Adam: broke both his ankles. his elbow is back. He's driving again. This is a medical miracle. And what I noticed is because I was in the hotel a
little bit, there's nothing about Coronavirus on television. There's nothing they don't called COVID. They called Coronavirus here. There's nothing
John: about the Delta variant enough to be talking about the Delta variant and they'll know everything crazy. Everyone's getting the Delta variant.
Adam: Nothing about the Delta variant. Nothing about lockdowns, nothing about mask is also as far as I can tell. There's no mass mandate, except in
the airport and the airport hotel itself. I kind of understand that but and I'm missing this. It's like, I feel almost disoriented as I land in a
whole nother country. Because when I left wall to wall, big firearms, you know, this meant million people vaccinated. This many unvaccinated. Here's
your cases. It's a pandemic. It's the Florida it's Texas. It's the republicans is Trump all day long on every single channel non stop nothing here.
And so yesterday, I was having lunch with my old radio, buddy, you don't funding cool. And I said, Hey, man, what? What's going on? How come? No one's
talking about this? Oh, and he works for it. Right. And that and currently he works for government, licensed broadcast organization that broadcasts on
NPR radio to so he's in the government vibe, you know, either in the government buildings. And he knows, he knows everybody who'd like me. It's been
around for a long time. I said what is going nice as well, all the producers and program makers and everyone who was involved in television and radio
all decided like a week or so ago that we just were so tired of it. the audience's are tired of it. We're not just we're just not going to talk about
it for a little bit. And I said, So you're telling me that the government controlled airwaves just all of a sudden said you know what, we're tired,
not going to talk about I said, Yeah, that's really it. But it wasn't the government. He said it was the people that don't believe that. I do not
believe that. But there's nothing. It's the most bizarre thing. Now there's some other stuff. Because of course, the crime ridden country of the
Netherlands has not had a government for six months. They had the election six months ago and they still haven't figured out that you know that
they're no coalition, they haven't figured out what to do. So they have a decommissioned government, as they call it, who is still making decisions.
And just to add two more non COVID talk. Someone did a while we're all doing ransomware and Bitcoin theft and crypto theft. Not a big one, but crypto
theft. Someone hit one of those security trucks with 67 million euros of gold and diamonds cash. And they actually got off with quite a bit of it. But
some of these guys in the cops wound up chasing there was a shootout for this is truly a crime ridden country. This is unbelievable. How When is the
last time you saw one of these like guys going after a cache truck?
John: or school match? It was old school. Yes old school and then yesterday
Adam: Um, so Okay, um, I'm hoping I'm gonna see this got to be something on TV. about what's happening put Charlie Watts died. Oh my god wall to wall
run at Rolling Stones BBC, which was nice to see. In fact, they had all of the old Top of the Pops, recordings, some crazy stuff from the 60s where
they can attend to at the end of the song, it fills up with foam and just, you know, the weirdest psychedelic type of video direction. So everyone's
you know, talking about Charlie Watts. And then and then Afghanistan, and that is really the topic of every single country since I have, you know,
eight or nine channels. Interestingly, no cnn in the hotel, I don't know what they did. They did something bad
John: to somebody. Somebody.
Adam: I'm sorry.
John: It's a good for somebody in New York to cut that feed off.
Adam: Yeah. So you know, I've got the typical Deutsche Avella friends 24, I've got TRT from Turkey. I've got Al Jazeera, BBC. So there's all of that,
and it's all Afghanistan. And man, are they pissed? A Joe Biden pist pist? pissed off?
John: Who Who's they? In networks,
Adam: everything on the networks. So the BBC is the best. The BBC has just, you know, person after person showing up saying job. This is blood on joe
biden's hands and he screwed it up. And because they all have troops there, the Dutch are all day what they went, Oh, wait
John: a minute. All right. Like what are we doing scramble to get him out? Yeah.
Adam: So when you have and the Netherlands is small. So you know, everyone knows someone who's connected to this to the military in some way?
Probably. Or it's always a topic about our boys and Afghanistan. Imagine that the Dutch What are they doing there? Well, it's part of the the NATO
agreement, so you got to do it. But to everyone's very confused, and not happy about this. Well, how come my kids are there and Joe Biden pulls all
the Americans out. And then I'll just give you a quick exam. I should think we should do the FDA approval first. But I just want to give you a quick
example of what came over this morning. This is the former UK f Gani come commander in Afghanistan, we crank this up a little bit more and more power.
And he was very clear. But what do you think should happen with Joe Biden because of this action,
Unknown: so the whole world just became vastly more dangerous. The US government, the US government prep, President Biden humiliated the United
States, he humiliated the United States Army, in my opinion. And I don't say this lightly. And I've never said it about anybody else. Any other leader
in this position. People have been talking about impeaching President Biden, I don't believe President Biden should be impeached. He's the commander
in chief of the US Armed Forces, who's just essentially surrendered to the Taliban. He shouldn't be impeached. He should be court martialed for
betraying the United States of America and the United States Armed Forces.
John: Now, my understanding this guy is not in NATO at the moment he know.
Adam: He's retired. Yeah, but he's not a really old guy. You find these guys complaining? It's the BBC. JOHN. That's the point. It's not about these
John: Yeah. Why am I six pissed off at this is the question you're really asking. Why is the intelligence Oh,
Adam: no, no, I'm not saying that. In fact, I'm not so sure. The EMI six doesn't know what's going on.
John: I'm still but why are they having BBC do this signaling? I'd like to know. Is this non traditional?
Adam: Correct. That's the whole point. But this is the same everywhere. They're pulling all kinds of people out. So yes, it's it's an anti Joe Biden
or anti America or something that they're doing. And maybe they're just all helping to get Joe out. I don't know if this seems counterintuitive, but
John: here's my latest. Joe Biden is going to resign.
Adam: Yeah. Well, if you if you go back to 1989. When did President Ford in in office?
John: It was the end of the Nixon administration probably. Was it 70 something or 7374 75? I Carter got into 76. So it's probably 74.
Adam: Well, he, he said something 20 years after that, and 24 years after that, which turns out to be kind of a futuristic statement. I can tell you
how I think it will happen. He's talking about having a female president because
Unknown: it won't happen in the normal course of events, either the republican or democrat political party. will nominate a man for president and a
woman for vice press and the woman and man will win. So you'll end up with a president, a male and a vice president a female. And in that term of
office of the President, the President will die.
Adam: He predicted a little differently.
John: I'm going with resign but die is possible.
Adam: And you gotta you gotta wonder, you know, with with the vice president back on the scene, all of a sudden she's showing up, she's doing stuff.
She's getting ready. She's gonna go fly to Vietnam. And then oh,
Unknown: we're back now with a surprising hours long delay of vice president Kamala Harris's flight to Vietnam, as the US Embassy dealt with two new
cases of that mystery illness known as Havana syndrome. Andrea Mitchell joins us now, Andrew.
That's right, Lester. It was a last minute delay on the Vice President's high profile trip to Vietnam. After embassy staffers reported acoustic
symptoms similar to the so called Havana syndrome over the weekend, at least one is to be medivac for treatment, security officials decided there was
no threat to the Vice President, since the embassy staff had been working from home because of COVID. NBC is reported as many as 200 reported cases at
posts all over the world of this still mysterious element. Three hours late vice president Harris arrived in Hanoi, where we are told she will be
carrying out her full schedule.
Adam: Now, what's the bullshit part of this story? But but they say there was another one of those Havana attacks at the embassy in Vietnam. But
that's okay. Because the embassy staff was working from home. Well, then what? How did that how did they get attacked at home?
John: Well, that destroys very incomplete if what you what you analyze is accurate.
Adam: So the question is, is there something else going on with the vice president? Could this be a who gets taken out first thing, it's very possible
that the team camela is not in sync with Team Joe and they may be battling internally? Regardless, they set her up for another. I don't know if that
made the news or not. But she got up the ante did a whole you know we're gonna give you a million shots, a million COVID vaccines, except one hour
before that the Chinese donated 2 million vaccines to
John: Yeah, but everybody in the world would rather take our shots. Sure,
Adam: if given a choice, you're but it just kind of shows
John: even the Chinese themselves. I mean,
Adam: I just got a wonder I don't think it's a good look. delay in her
John: is still cackling. Somebody asked her something, some little minor little sub clips somebody picked up and they asked her about Afghanistan or
something. And she started cackling right away. It's just she's, this is going to be the work. This is going to be the most interesting part of
American history or she becomes president. Well, one thing No, nobody, especially Hillary, no woman politician likes the idea of this interloper
coming in and getting this job. They all wanted to be the first.
Adam: Yeah, that's the problem. You're absolutely right. That is the problem. So I'm sure there's all kinds of forces at work. We're just seeing the
tip. And the tip, you gotta admit that it's funny because the people I spoke to here, they don't actually know Joe Biden is, is about his mental
John: Oh, they've done a great job. media has done a great job. Yeah, I mean, we play all these crazy clips of him. But the media doesn't play those
clips. The general public doesn't know half this stuff.
Adam: It's really interest. So happy I
John: came. It's only Republicans.
Adam: But But here, people don't even know this at all. Like I say, no president has has dementia or something to say, really? To see. Have you ever
looked at him Really? Well, you know, yeah, people don't care is obvious. I mean, why would they care about that guy? They're over here. They care
about soccer and their festivals and their ecstasy, soccer, soccer. Soccer number one? Yes, exactly. And the crappy team who did so poorly? Alright,
so the big, big thing that everyone's confused about which appears to be maybe somewhat too purposeful is the so called FDA approval of the so called
Pfizer vaccine. Yeah,
John: I have a number of clips on this. And the one clip I didn't get because my machine crap failed. I had a bark machine so I didn't get a bunch of
clips and one of them was the There was the I was saving to catch at the end. It was the clip that triggered a lot of this, which was that idiot
Bannon. I have. I have the clip. Oh, good. I'm glad you got to clip because this is the formative clip. This is the clip.
Adam: But who do you think this guy is? Who do you think? Who's talking
John: to Dr. Yeah. The guy who looks like Sean Connery. And I'm talking about Sean Connery today. Dead. Doc, that guy,
Adam: Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of mRNA.
John: Oh, is that Malone the inventor of mRNA? Well, Malone is okay. Malone goes off the deep end he I'm
Adam: not so sure he does. But do you want to? I,
John: I would like if you let if you play that clip, let me play my clips. Because Absolutely, I have been in contact with the PR people that the FDA.
Adam: And if you missed them, doesn't go like this. Hello, Pfizer. What?
John: Yeah, does. And, okay, play this guy. And we'll go from there.
Unknown: So the little trick that they've done here is they have issued two separate letters for two separate vaccines. The Pfizer vaccine, which is
what is currently available, is still under emergency use authorization. And it still has the liability shield. That the the once again, the
mainstream media has lied to you. I'm sorry to say that I know it's a shock to this. But the the product that's licensed is the bio in tech product,
which is substantially similar but not necessarily identical. It's called cold modernity. I think that's how it's pronounced. And it's not yet
available, they haven't started manufacturing it or labeling it. And that's the one that the liability waiver will no longer apply to. So the one
that's actually licensed is not yet available. And when it does become available, it will no longer have the liability shield in the interim. The one
that does have the liability shield is the Pfizer product. And that's what's currently available and it's still under emergency use authorization. So
that's no change.
Adam: That's the one you met. Right that clip.
John: Yep, yep. Okay. All right. Well, this is all nonsense.
Adam: Can I just give you one one piece of incorrect information that may affect your analysis? In Italy, in Germany, in the Netherlands, everyone who
got what they thought is the Pfizer moderna, in fact, got common commonality. I've seen the I've seen the stickers. I've seen it. That is what they
were giving here.
John: I agree.
Adam: Okay. Because he said that, he said it hasn't been manufactured. That's just
John: Yes, this is the problem. Yeah, that's that's not the guy's full of crap that Solomon
Adam: doesn't correct. Yeah, go
John: ahead. That's totally incorrect. That commodity was already in production. And it's been distributed. We I got a note from a guy in Germany
because of my what I mentioned in my newsletter, which was wrong. And I believe the FDA is partly responsible for some of these mistakes. But if you
read the documents from the FDA, and if you read the q&a, and if you read the fac, which I was sent, it clearly says that the Pfizer, the Pfizer by
untag blah, blah, blah vaccine is identical does to the commodity. And the FDA makes that very clear. I think that confused so and the other thing is
we've talked about this on the show is that there's a new fund for the vaccines that was set up specifically for these EU a vaccines that had even
more money in it, but the vaccines are still good, old fashioned vaccines are still covered by an indemnity, pot of money. And the way I understand
Adam: it, the indemnification remains for if you still get a third shot, that is Pfizer moderna and is branded as such. It that is still under the EU
a so no liability. There's a small window between being approved, which commodity which to me is just a different label on the same stuff that they
got an approval to market. And that's the way it is it reads in Europe as well. I looked at their approval documentation. There's a small window Intel
it is put on the schedule by the I think it's something you know, it's like some vaccine advisory panel who by the way, was not consulted for this
decision. When they say okay, it goes on the schedule. That's when the the regular vaccination biologic immunity indemnification kicks in so there's a
little time lag there. Between when it's on the schedule as the rebranded stuff. And so I think they won't do that at all. They'll continue to use the
the UA branded. So they it's all about the liability until it's put on the schedule. That's the next next thing that has to happen, then they'll flip
over. I
John: don't think they'll do anything with keeping thing. It's no big deal. Here's the FDA approval announcement that started it all off. And this is
a, you know, the media course doesn't ask the questions you think they'd asked, which is was it any peer review? Was there any public discussion is
that never comes up in the conversation. But here's the FDA approval announcement.
Unknown: Today is really an important day as the FDA has approved the first COVID-19 vaccine. And as you heard, the vaccine has been known as the
Pfizer bio and tech COVID-19 vaccine, and will now be marketed as community for the prevention of COVID-19 disease an individual 16 years of age and
older. This is a pivotal moment for our country in the fight against the pandemic. While this and other vaccines have met, the FDA has rigorous
scientific standards for emergency use authorization. As the first FDA approved COVID-19 vaccine, the public can be confident that this vaccine meets
the FDA gold standards for safety, effectiveness and manufacturing quality that we require for an approved product. As we continue to battle the covid
19 pandemic, we're acutely aware that vaccines are one of our greatest weapons against the virus. And we know the vaccine approval holds the promise
of altering the course of the pandemic in the United States. And that for some an FDA approved COVID vaccine may instill in them the confidence to go
and get vaccinated.
Adam: I have a question for you. When you spoke with the FDA PR agency, did you suggest to them that the curry devora Consulting Group could do a
better job of this announcement? On a blue mic on a snowball microphone, and what the hell was that snowball? I did, by the way from the announcement,
I did pick up this line. FDA did not refer this application to the vaccines and related biological products committee, because our review of the
information submitted to this biologic License Agreement did not raise concerns or controversial controversial issues that would have benefited from
an advisory committee discussion. I mean, I think if it was the most rigorous ever, you probably should have taken that step. Otherwise, it's not the
most rigorous.
John: So here we go with I think, I think the confusion Yes, I'm not going to nobody's going to argue with any of this. The this Woodcock woman, she's
a substitute teacher. Let's start with that premise. who's running the FDA?
Adam: Yeah, she and she's also a temporary person in that role. Correct.
John: substitute teacher.
Adam: Okay, I thought she was an actual substitute teacher and didn't bat an eye thinking. Yeah, that makes sense. Yes, she's the substitute.
John: I was just being facetious.
Adam: I know, but it fits so perfectly with
John: it seems like a real substitute teacher. Okay. So here's where I think that confusion began because as her This is the her again, FDA had
confusing comment. And if you parse this like any normal person would do. In fact, this is I think, you know, even the guy that was on banyans show.
If you parse this carefully, and you listen carefully, you could see where people go, what, here we go.
Unknown: The FDA approved vaccine and the EU a authorize vaccine have the same formulation and can be used interchangeably to provide the COVID-19
vaccine series.
Adam: Okay, so I know what she's what she's saying is you can use either brand in for your first and said she didn't
John: say that. She said she made it. She says the EU a vaccine and the approved vaccine, as though there are
Adam: two separate things, but she's just reading so she's she's not the idiot. It's the whole
John: these PR people, they have like 20 of them by the
Adam: Korean devora Consulting Group get on the government.
John: Government one Harris, the FDA had they're just confusing comment number two.
Adam: I'm sorry. No, that was actually confusing. Comment number two. I'm sorry, this is
Unknown: I didn't need to do it. Now. Today's approval includes people ages 16 and older. The vaccine continues to be available under emergency use
authorization for individuals 12 through 15 years of age, and to provide a third dose for certain immunocompromised individuals. healthcare providers
can continue to use the vaccine on their shelves. It was provided under UAE. While production of the approved vaccine is under product is underway,
Adam: the whole rollout was a total botch. I agree with you 100%. Instead of two, I
John: think they confuse people. But then, and then we had this guy, the this guy was head of virology, I can't remember his name wall or something.
He was with her. And he said the following thing, which just was, are these people. This is like, I thought this was agreed just this is the FDA
saying that nobody has died.
Unknown: I'd like to take this opportunity to comment on one of the biggest challenges that we still face in getting the public vaccinated. And that's
the overwhelming amount of information that's been circulating about COVID 19 vaccines, we've heard false claims that COVID-19 vaccines cause
infertility contained microchips and caused COVID-19. And worse, we've heard false claims that 1000s of people have died from the vaccine. Let me be
clear, these claims are simply not true.
Adam: Okay, talking point talking point, who said this very same thing. On I want to say, I think I remember what show he was on. Listen to this
osterholm. Our guy, Dr. Death himself, the devil comes in. But let me just remind you of this. 185 million people in this country have received one of
the mRNA vaccines, either the Pfizer, or the maternal vaccines. And if you look at the only side effects that those vaccines have had has been a type
of inflammation around the heart called myocarditis. It's very, very rare, and is typically very mild. Now one person, this is an important number,
not one person in this country has died as a result of the 180 5 million people have received the vaccine. I wish aspirin had a safety profile that
good. If he he adds a little bit on top. He is he is freewheeling though. So this is a talk. Why it's a talking point. It's a talking lie.
John: Talking Points a lie. Yeah. divaris database indicates that people just take the shot and drop dead on the spot. Notice this not being not dead?
Adam: Oh, because that was Johnson and Johnson.
John: No. No. That's like, listen to this at least 4000 depending on how you look at these numbers that have died from the shot.
Adam: Yeah, I know, depending on what the point is.
John: Yeah. But you're gonna get this from any vaccine, people die from vaccine shots. That's why they have the liability thing. That's where they go,
but not at that
Adam: level. Not at that level.
John: Well, no, but there's very few vaccines have gone out to 180 million people either. So let's just say this, the level that I'm gonna just say
the levels fairly normal. Okay, maybe it's higher than usual. But I'm because if it is, even normal, people die from vaccine shots, they have
reactions, they have, like I get shot,
Adam: I get your point saying that no one died from it is just a lie.
John: It has to be alive, by definition. Because there's no vaccine in the world that hasn't killed somebody. So what is the point of the lie? That's
the question I have to ask.
Adam: Well, I would say to simply said, These people are dumb. Hey, you know what? People are still hesitant. Let's tell them no one died. Man. That's
that sounds like this PR agency is
John: shitting the public like this, and they're gonna give you more he has a What are they hiding?
Adam: Well, it's a talking point, because osterholm as we know, is an agent of some sorts for someone. And he wouldn't be and he was very clear, like,
Oh, yes. Let me be clear. Let me remind everybody, like, like it was a thing before. Yeah.
John: Well, within his lie was another lie, which he says the only side effect has been a little micro carditis or whether it is hard to illness.
That's not true. People have had headaches for days. That's not a side effect. People have had arms, they couldn't move. We got a letter today from
someone who you know, they couldn't move their arm for a month. That's not a side effect. You can't move your arm for a month. Are you kidding me?
Know that or somebody has a baseball sized lump on their arm. That's not a side effect. Is that normal?
Adam: Yeah. Didn't you listen to Dr. Bill?
John: Is hurts a lot?
Adam: Yeah. That's a sign of severe pain. I think he said severe
John: pain is a side effect. He said there's no side effects.
Adam: Okay, so I'm looking at the Europe This is a European kumaran come are coming rt carminati What a stupid name by By the way, the same people who
did that this is who does this who comes up with these dumb names.
John: Notice that within the name is our I mean, mRNA
Adam: Yeah, well, that's they actually have given the etymology themselves. It's COVID mRNA. And the t and y is for something else. It's like It's
like a stupid tiny, again, curry Dvorak Consulting Group. We want to become a better job Horace, we come up with our freedom shot,
John: freedom shot six, Pentium six
Adam: is Pfizer. Now with Intel Inside, we could have done a lot of things to people, people really trust that sound that Intel saw from the European
authorization, the most common side effects with community community just gonna call Pfizer we usually mild or moderate and got better within a few
days after vaccination. These included pain and swelling at the injection site tiredness, headache, muscle and joint pain, chills. Diarrhea the effect
more than one in 10 people redness at the
John: end I said there's no side effect. Nausea and
Adam: vomiting occurred in less than one in 10 people still 10% a lot. Itching at the injection site pain in the arm with a vaccine was injected in
large lymph nodes difficulty sleeping feeling unwell allergic reactions such as rash HGH rash, rapid swelling under the skin were uncommon side
effects less than one in 100 people, weakness and muscles on one side of face. Acute peripheral facial paralysis or palsy occurred rarely in less than
one in 1000 people
John: that your likelihood of getting COVID is that number. Thank you. A very
Adam: small number of cases of myocardial carditis inflammation of the heart muscle and pericarditis inflammation of the membrane around the heart
have occurred in with combinatie communality. allergic reactions have also recurred with community community, including a very small number of cases
of severe allergic reactions anaphylaxis. As for all vaccines, community should be given under close supervision with appropriate medical treatment
John: Okay, hold on. So they had that idiot friend of yours poster home,
Adam: would you stop calling him my friend?
John: Your friend?
Adam: Yeah, he's the same friend level as yo.
John: So the this guy, this also home guy says all this bullcrap, what you just read is what the reporters should have read to him, I would have read
that exact same list to him and said, so you're saying there's no side effects? But yet I'm reading this? How do you explain that, sir?
Adam: But are you vying for a mainstream news gig? Because there's no way you're going to get to ask these questions? Of course not. I have a better
idea. Let's talk to the CEO of Pfizer. Let's ask him what's going on? And the guy to do it, john C. Dvorak. Oh, no. They went for the equity hire.
Lester Holt.
Unknown: You recall the speed was one of the things that worried some people who were cautious and hesitant. They thought this process is moving way
too fast. What do you say to those folks? Now, I think that for those people that that they were a little bit reluctant because they wanted to see a
full approval. Now they have the full confirmation of one of the most respected agencies in the world the FDA, the product that the vaccine is
effective and safe talk if you can for a moment about the safety What have you
Adam: learned about oh, by the way, listen to how this is chopped together. I mean, it's not that apparent on video but an audio you can just hear
every question jacked right into the conversation by the
John: way this CEO of Pfizer sounds just like the nut ball translator that was on the movie Woody Allen movie bananas, who greeted woody when he came
down to it way people who seen that movie remember this and the guy was chased off by a couple of guys in white coats and and a butterfly net? Exactly
what he sounds like
Adam: it's made could be the same guy. I mean, this could be an actor for all we know. I've never seen the CEO of Pfizer
Unknown: to the vaccine is effective and safe talk if you can for a moment about the safety. What have you learned about side effects in this vaccine.
There are very rare side effects and some of them serious, but that are very, very rare. And working in this
John: one in 100 is not that rare one in 1000 and there's all these other ones are cumulative. It has to be a pretty high number and everybody gets a
sore arm except one person I've known who I think may have gotten a say lean shot has gotten you know, immovable arm for a while was a side effect,
Adam: at least he said some are serious. At least he was a little more honest than osterholm the spokes hole and the FDA spokes hole. So at least he's
saying something honest semi
Unknown: packets and some of them serious, but that are very, very low and working at tell us about the effectiveness of the drug. We know it was 95%
against guarding against infection back in those initial trials. Now down to 91%. Is this a one way trip downward for this vaccine? Well, we realize
that through the real world data, that after several months, there is a need for a booster, because the VOD will continue to provide the efficacy that
you observe after immediately after the second dose. As you know, we're seeing a lot of companies and institutions right now moving toward mandating
that their employees or their students get the vaccine does Pfizer expect to require and mandates employees become fully vaccinated?
John: Hold on. You back that up again. I want to just because the way he phrased that he says a lot of companies have mandated their employees or
their students. Nothing What does he think? Are they considering nowadays the universities and educational systems to be companies?
Adam: Are you considering Lester hold to be an intelligent individual
Unknown: need for a booster because the Bible isn't going to provide you the high level of efficacy that you observe after immediately after the
second dose. As you know, we're seeing a lot of companies and institutions right now moving towards mandating that their employees or their students
get the vaccine, just Pfizer expect to require and mandate its employees become fully vaccinated. Now, we have asked our employees that they should be
fully vaccinated for taking twice a week that test. But you know, we have approximately 90% of our people already vaccinated fully vaccinated. Do you
anticipate or maybe stay up at night thinking about the possibility you're gonna have to go back in the lab at some point and come up with something
Oh, yes. We are making right now. Specialized vaccine for delta, I'm almost certain that we will not exceed is very, very, very effective against
them. But we cannot take that chance. Alright,
Adam: so Yeah, I know. That's what this is about. But we've had this issue between Is it a third dose? Is it a booster, they've not figured out this
marketing, because this guy calls it a booster. It was supposed to be a third dose. We went back to booster. And here's osterholm. Again,
Unknown: and Dr. Oklahoma. On the heels of this news we're getting today about the j&j shot and possibly an extra shot, you actually take issue with
the word booster. Explain why we're getting that language wrong in your opinion. Well, because
Adam: well, a booster infers that I want at one time had full protection from the virus and kind here with the vaccine. But when you think about
childhood vaccines, for example, some of them we actually get three or four doses before we actually get to the basic level of protection. And so we
have to distinguish here I you know, I heard this I'm like really a witch. I think there's a booster for one shot that I can think of, although a lot
has changed since
John: I was reading three or four getting three or four shots before you get to anything. What's he talking about? This
Adam: guy is insane. And yeah, he's on ABC GMA, our three sample some of them, we actually give three or four doses before we actually get to the
basic level of protection. And so what we have to distinguish here, I think I know what it is now. Okay, we'll let him talk for the immune
compromised, for example, where they never did accomplish getting to that level of protection with their first two doses. So giving them a third dose
is not really a booster is what I call part of the prime series. Now for those that did get adequate immune protection at one point in a wanes, that
then becomes a booster kind of idea, meaning that okay, you you did get protection, but starting to not look so good. Let's boost it up. And I think
distinguish those are important because we don't want to use boosters if we don't have to. To prevent serious illness and hospitalizations. We need
the vaccines around the world. But if we need them for a prime series to say, you got to have three doses before you're protected, then I think that's
a very different situation. Okay, so, um, this thing that we're starting to talk about the j&j vaccine, because turns out, you need two shots of that
now that's going to be recommended. And I think what he was saying is, well, you know, Pfizer, yeah, that's a booster. But j&j that was just
inadequate to start with. You really need to listen to this short clip,
Unknown: Johnson and Johnson said a booster shot if it's COVID-19 vaccine provided a rapid and strong increase in antibody supporting use of a second
shot among people who previously received its single dose immunization. The number of antibodies jumped nine After a second dose of j&j, which has
been linked to an extremely rare number of blood clot issues.
Adam: So when you do a report about a booster and then say, oh, by the way, it has some issues. That's Pfizer marketing.
John: Yeah, there's a couple of things. But there's also Johnson and Johnson is flat footed. There's a thing that you have to imagine Johnson and
Johnson, originally, and their original marketing as this is this begins and they say, I've got it. We've got a cheaper solution, which was cheaper.
It's like half the price of Johnson and Johnson at third the price of Madonna. And we only have one shot one and done baby who will flock they'll
flock to our shot, because it's cheaper, and it's only one shot. Meanwhile, these other guys are putting in two three shots are adding and is taking
maybe as a fourth coming down the road to Johnson and Johnson people must be saying to themselves, what did we do wrong? We're one shot, it's cheaper.
But everyone's going they want the extra shots. They're nuts. And so they came up with a, maybe we should ask him to undo a second shot. I mean, it's
got it. They've got to be beside themselves in the marketing department.
Adam: This is all either politics or marketing. I don't think it has much to do with medicine or science anymore.
John: Oh, no, it's no, no, no, no. That's in depth loss that's been ditched in the in the years ago. Now. This is all marketing,
Adam: everyone who I talked to because they're already talking about and I think Somewhere I read that the Israeli vaccine freedom passport is what
they call it, the freedom passport is being updated so that you don't have full freedom until you have your third shot. Yeah, I
John: can't believe that Israelis are this weenie ish, that they've bought into this whole thing. This is for all practical purposes. The shots are
mandated by the government in Israel.
Adam: Well, there's some real problems in Israel, and it's not being talked about. They have people in hospitals and 84% of them are vaccinated, some
are very, very sick. That's why you know, a lot of these people, they want to give them a third dose. And then the CDC director Wollensky had this egg
she dropped.
Unknown: Additionally, reports from our international colleagues, including Israel suggests increased risk of severe disease amongst those vaccinated
Adam: So those who were vaccinated early, they now have increase of severe disease from COVID.
John: Yeah, nice, nice move will insky I mean, that's,
Adam: that's really, that's really an issue.
John: Well, if somebody had to be the test market, and the Israelis are so stupid, that they're going to go along with this to begin with the flying
and they can be the test market and we can just see what happens there.
Adam: But no one's saying hey, this is a problem. This is failing. You're not hearing that.
John: I am. Let's fly here
Adam: while on the news. Do you have clips
John: because I'm not I hear it when I hear Lynskey I hear Oh yeah, exactly. See the analysis of the what's going on in Israel. I hear it when they
talk about the third dose. I hear it when Johnson and Johnson panics for when because they're not making enough money. Nobody's flocking to their one
shot cheap vaccine solution which is as good as anything to any
Adam: anybody I asked. I said, you know, this is coming down. You're going to take a third you're going to accept the third vaccination into your life
most people like none and I did my thing now. I did my thing in fact, that bill maher on HBO made himself even less popular with with his audience.
And I think this this is a representative from his rows is his last name. Is that from a California representative? I don't know bro. He's a douche.
But here's here's Bill Maher on the boosters. Because like now they want us to do all boost these boosters we were talking about with Andrew. I mean,
I don't want to booster it. Look, I never wanted the vaccine. I took one for the team. And that's and by the way, you know, doesn't get a lot of
vaccines. The millennials I know a lot of millennials, especially the 2020 old they don't want it they don't want it. They don't think they need it.
They're probably right. But I tell them I didn't want it either. I took one for the team. But a boost every eight months. You're gonna put the shit
in. I don't know about that. Maybe I don't need one. I don't want a one size fits all. My body may be different than your body.
Unknown: Yeah, I lost you man. That's, that's crazy. I look my body isn't different. Everybody's body is somewhat different. I just read the
statistics but who dies. You're trying to be cute and you're rolling stone I know I'm in your house. I don't want to I don't want to step over the
line here. But But genuinely, genuinely people's lives are on the line. And just as significantly, just as significantly, our very way of life is on
the line here. It's important that people get vaccinated. It's very important that we express the genes right. But if there if there's a need for
boosters particularly particularly absolutely as the as the evidence is showing, amongst those who have underlying conditions amongst the the elderly,
so on and so forth, it's important that they, for those who are urging them to do
Adam: it, okay, but you just said underlying conditions in the elderly I don't count myself either. So is my body different? What can I make? Can I
have some medical autonomy?
John: No, no, no.
Adam: The you hear the hypnosis that guys he's even said now you lost me there, man. You lost me. You're totally crazy. But you're thinking man, the
team needs you to take more
John: Yeah, yeah, guys, that's a sick I wouldn't have that guy represent me in a million years. I will. I have to just as an aside, so I'm watching
one of the channels on the otaa system is the forever channel or something got all these different different networks now, they have old Carson shows
on bill Maher's first stand up ever on TV on the Carson show. Was it good? I had other things to do. But I said, Oh, I'm gonna watch this. Well, he's,
you know, he's pretty much the same way he presents himself now, except for one thing. He talks about his background. He says, Well, my parents were
immigrants. And I, you know, Father, I think is this father's Jewish, his mom's a Catholic. And he says, I'm raised. I was raised a Catholic and I
still go to church a lot when I have, you know, certain kinds of needs, and he just some Catholic jokes. He still goes to church. Okay, Alex,
Adam: what happened bill, Alex Berenson tweeted, he says new Israeli preprint. He has a little image of it shows Nacho from Israel. preprint means
study that has not been published yet. Let's preprint Alright, FDA uses that to whenever it suits them, shows natural immunity to SARS. cov. Two is
far superior to the he says the artificial kind, vaccinated people were 13 times as likely to be infected and 27 times to have symptomatic infections
as a matched cohort that was previously infected. And this is and this is with Delta dominant. So these numbers show that this is probably antibody
dependence and
John: the President has to prove that blah, blah, blah, I have lost it. Why don't know I forgot what it's called.
Adam: It's antibody dependent enhancement. I think, well, there's a new term. There's a new term. It's called original antigenic sin. And it's a real
thing, original antigenic sin. And this means that whatever you infected with first, so let's say your first infection was Delta, your antibodies will
always win no matter what version of what strain they see of Coronavirus. They will produce that response, not probably what you need for the next
variant. And that's what the original ageia antigenic sin is. Yes. And as a part of that we've antigenic drift. I mean, this is just great. I think
you're going to be hearing more about this. The antigenic drift
John: and had to be hearing about this is this is getting on my nerves to smart money in Holland did the right thing. pull the plug on the narrative?
Adam: It may be coming back though I'm not sure that I'm not
John: back because there's too much money in the form of pharma money's got to be they
Adam: got to form a government first. And then I think that's what they got to do. Now there was this one doctor, we've had a lot of doctors on. And
she was in she testified in I want to say Illinois, Michigan, I'm sorry. Against mandates. Her name is Dr. Christina parks. I pulled a minute and a
half from her testimony.
Unknown: What about the flu vaccine? Well, they have shown that basically it there's no difference. There's no statistical difference if you're
vaccinated are unvaccinated whether you get the flu or not. But it's even worse because although that first year, it is somewhat effective. It's about
65% effective at preventing symptoms in you after that it actually has negative efficacy. And I want to address this because it's very important.
Vaccines are made to a specific variant. And when that variant mutates the vaccine no longer recognizes it. And so it's like you're seeing a
completely new virus and because that So you actually get more severe symptoms when you're vaccinated against one variant. And then it mutates and
then your body sees the other variants. So there's the potential. And the science shows that in fact, with the flu, if you get vaccinated in multiple
years, you are more likely to get severe disease, you are more likely have more viral replication, and you are more likely to be hospitalized both in
adults. And in children, we are seeing the same thing and COVID with the Delta variant. And so we are mandating that people get a vaccine that could
actually make them more sick when they're exposed to the virus. In fact, this week, a paper came out. And what it showed is that with this delta
variant, when you're vaccinated, your body makes antibodies. They're supposed to neutralize the virus, but they were supposed to neutralize the old
variant. When they see this new variant, what they're doing is they're actually the antibodies are taking the virus and helping it infect the cells.
Alright, that science was just published this week, we need to be looking at the science and we need our policy to reflect the science and we also
need it to refract our right.
Adam: You heard it here first, you'll never hear it again. Dr.
John: Christina Archer, but but there's this missing element to this. And there's been a missing element to all of our clips in the last probably
month, which is and it's an element of what she doesn't bring up which is the two words spike protein. Now, the way it works, supposedly is that the
Coronavirus is no matter what variant they all have these spike proteins. And the point is is that the Pfizer, Madonna, Madonna by intag, commonalty,
whatever you want to call it, it's when you say that it really doesn't sound right. is supposedly creates the spike proteins and that's what the body
reacts to when it sees the spike protein, and all Coronavirus does have the spike protein. And so when the variant doesn't matter, the spike proteins
are going to be the same is there this that's the on them is mais Coronavirus, what it is. So that kind of flies in the face of that, that idea
Adam: of what idea,
John: the idea that you get a shot and then your body goes oh, this is only for this certain variant. It's not as for the spike protein. And all the
variants have spike proteins. So this is just like she's mixing the ideas behind flu, which is true because every flu, you know, they try to figure
out what the three strains or four strains are going to be and they put it in the shot. And then supposedly you get lucky. And you say
Adam: this with such authority. I'm just going to
John: think I'm saying with what we know already. And what we've been talking about, which is spike protein spike protein spike protein. And for some
reason to hold the two those two words have been dropped from all these clips in the last month. I haven't heard the word spike protein in any clip.
Adam: Maybe we're not we're gonna
John: spike protein and the whole theory, putting what's theory, the theory that the mRNA vaccine creates spike proteins and your body reacts to the
spike protein, and Coronavirus has all have spike proteins. So it shouldn't make any difference what the variant is. Well, at this point, since we've
never seen said spike proteins it may all be bullcrap it may be but no, it's always possible. It's all bull crap. But I'm just saying what they're
what the litany? I gotcha spike proteins. I
Adam: heard it. Now, well, of course, because whatever that idea was, it's not working. So how about this, the spike proteins aren't working? Well,
the 10 second clip. Now what this led to immediately was mandates. And I have just a couple of examples of some crazy people. And so mandates around
the world enough to stick too long with each one. But first, let us listen to the president united states who I feel just put it out there like Okay,
everybody I want to come he should mandate he should enslave your people forced them to take the shot. And This to me is really horrible to hear any
president say this in any country.
Unknown: Today I'm calling on more country, more companies, I should say in the private sector to step up with vaccine requirements that will reach
millions more people. If you're a business leader, a nonprofit leader, the state of local labor, who has been waiting for full FDA approval to require
vaccinations, I call on you now to do that require it. Do what I did last month require your employees to get vaccinated or face strict requirements.
Adam: So he did let's do what Joe did was his employees. I think he means the US military. For one who will be coerced, what is the
John: policy? Stop, stop, stop that clip. And go back to the Biden Clip, because I didn't notice this before, but play the very end of it. He says
face strict requirements.
Adam: They say requirements or restrictions.
John: Play the end of it again,
Unknown: bring it up. Today I'm calling on more. Do what I did last month require your employees to get vaccinated or face strict requirements
Adam: and requirements.
John: What does that mean?
Adam: Again, you're asking me if the president united states can get a coherent sentence out of his face.
John: Now, by the way, I agree with you 100%. It's frightening that a president would tell companies what to do. So Kirby, the spokes hole for defense
was asked this question like, oh, okay, so
Adam: how's this gonna work?
Unknown: What is the the Secretary's policy or decision on any troops who refuse to get the vaccine?
Great question. communicated to the military departments is to execute this mandatory vaccination program with obviously skill and professionalism,
which we always do, but also with a measure of compassion. And so for a member who still objects Now, obviously, there's you can, you can ask for an
exemption on religious grounds. And you certainly can be exempt if you have a pre existing condition that your doctor advises you not to get it,
obviously. But if it's an objection outside those two frameworks, the individual will be offered a chance to sit down with a physician, and have that
physician communicate to them, the risks that they're taking by continuing to not want to take the vaccine, they will also be offered a chance to sit
down with their chain of command and their leadership to talk about the risks that their objection will impose on the unit and on the force and on
their teammates. And the point is court that the commanders have a wide range of tools available to them, to help their teammates make the right
decision for themselves for their families, and for their units. And we expect and Secretary expects that the commander's will use those tools short
of having to use the ucmj Okay,
Adam: so first of all, I just team business stop. Okay, we have battalions platoons, we have all kinds of words, but
John: his team, that's everything team know. Agree.
Adam: Second, what tools do we have nipple clamps, finger drills? I mean, what kind of tools do we have? I didn't get an answer that of course. But
this is how a lot of these people think I will just course everybody. And the answer and the people who are really running the show, which I'm still
convinced to some of the old Obama people, Valerie Jarrett is way too involved. I see Clinton Eustace popping up on the news. And this is Susan Rice
is one. This is the Obama's Assistant Secretary for Homeland Security. Kagan, I forget her name. Here's what she thinks about mandates.
Unknown: There is a large group that says I am an American with a valid ID, I have a credit card. I can afford a flight to Los Angeles to go see my
family for the holidays. The government telling me what I have to do with my body before I can get on a flight that
Adam: by my choice, listen, but you have to listen to this woman who's already laughing when this person is is getting the question ready,
Unknown: telling me what I have to do with my body. Before I can get on a flight that I can pay for is big government at its worst.
Yeah. Yeah. Well, welcome to Reality. Yeah, the other times that you went on an airplane, I mean, come on. I mean, you given up your name, your
number, I mean, you're giving up your your birth date, you're having x rays go through your system, you can drink your water, you can smoke if you if
you're still doing that. The government sets all sorts of regulations for safety and security. We already live in that world. And this is just an
additional requirement. Think of what the government can do is simply setting the floor for appropriate conduct. You can do whatever you want, you
cannot get the vaccine, you can choose to go over the speed limit. But there will be consequences for that. And putting a requirement for vaccination
for the privilege because that's what it is. Flying or getting from point A to point B is consistent with all sorts of other safety floors that the
federal government has done across almost every aspect of your life.
Adam: I have no words for this. It's a privilege By the way, it's a privilege. And you already give up all your information. So yeah, well you know,
what can I put my finger up your butt blades just for security. I mean, why not? We can should make that legal. shed a little bit more to say when it
comes to vaccine passports
Unknown: and I gather you'd make that same argument to someone He says, I don't want to have to carry a vaccine passport, for example. It's my
personal medical history.
I think there's this notion of freedom that is animated the unvaccinated or at least the defense of the unvaccinated. So I want to be clear, people
are still free to say no, this is not someone grabbing you on the corner and sticking a needle in your arm, you can still have those freedoms that
people are talking about. But the unvaccinated now must know there is a cost a cost that can't just be borne by the vaccinated and maybe it's good
that I'm not a doctor, right? I mean, in the sense that, you know, we've been hearing for for months and months, you'll follow the science follow the
science and I get that and I follow the science but, you know, at some stage we just have to look at and go look, we're sort of done with pretty
pleased and people's feelings and how they feel about freedom and how they feel about liberties and, you know, the vaccinated have feelings to this
woman should be run
Adam: out of the country actually, now that he is
John: vaccinated have
Adam: feelings to where we got to stop talking about everyone's feelings. Yeah. The vaccinated have feelings too. Well, I can tell you where this is
going. And it's within the airline industry
John: was the whole line is second Who was that?
Adam: This assistant, horrible person, Assistant Secretary for Homeland Security under Obama. kaiji m k something JKHJ? I am
John: terrible person. But she should her passport. Should
Adam: her American passport to be taken away?
John: Oh, yeah. No, she should be kicked out of the country.
Adam: So Delta Airlines is leading the way and what I think will be the first of many ways to nudge the unvaccinated. And Delta Airlines is going to
charge an additional $200 a month to unvaccinated employees to cover higher and higher medical costs.
John: Is there any documentation for the higher medical costs? Or any proof that they have higher medical
Adam: costs? It doesn't matter. They've already done they'll they're just gonna do it. Oh, yeah. And I'm sure that my crappy ass Oscar health, which
has an eight, 8 million deductible, I'm sure there'll be saying, oh, if you haven't been vaccinated, your rates are going up. You can just wait for it
John: is wait for it. But Oscar health I know. This is imagine again, a garbage can.
Adam: It's the URL is actually high Oscar calm. I know. It's really bad. It's really bad. Even worse, in Australia. You think we have it bad on the
horizon? They're building more facilities in Queensland. I think they call it the Queensland community choir quarantine facility.
Unknown: This is a commitment by the Wagner family working with the Queensland Government to say to the people of Queensland, we want to keep you
safe. And the best way to keep you safe and to keep Delta out of Queensland is to build as quickly as possible. Our regional quarantine facility I
have listened to Queenslanders I know how much they support a regional quarantine facility to be in Queensland. They want their community kept safe.
That's what they're saying to me. And we are delivering it. This is highly infectious Delta variant that sweeping the world. We don't know what we
need to get these facilities up and running. And everybody has seen how successful Howard Springs is.
Adam: Yeah, baby boo. It's successful. So you'll have your freedom in the facility. But then the New South Wales premier promised everybody some ex
premier premier promised all of her subjects. Every Ward if they got to 6 million vaccinated. This was an
Unknown: exciting happening. Gladys berejiklian was on the 730 report last night when she was asked about what is the freedom that is coming? Well, I
Adam: I'm sorry. She announced some freedom is coming. There's a freedom on the way for you people reach
Unknown: 6 million he gets in free died when she was asked about what is the freedom that is coming?
Well, I always promised our citizens that during September that'd be one extra thing that I can do. So long as we hit the 6 million jobs by the end of
August. There'll be at least one extra thing our citizens can do next month in September and what is the thing
Adam: what john Do you have an idea of what this freedom maybe
John: up in the street? Almost no.
Adam: Any other Any other
John: ideas? So that you can you can sing? Well, I help experts are working on that. Now there's
Unknown: speculation that that one thing fully vaccinated two people will be able to do next month once we reach that 6 million jab target is going to
be going and getting a haircut at the hairdresser as long as the both parties fully vaccinated, but again, we won't know details until the end of the
Adam: The rumored freedom will be you can go to the barber shop
John: and get a haircut get a haircut. Did you notice that? Did you see that letter this guy sent us a guy accused us of being full of crap about
Australia even though all we do is play their clips we don't talk we've never were we're not in Australia. What
Adam: did he say? When
John: he says that this bullcrap he says, all your information is wrong. We are fine down here. And no kids were kidnapped from the streets and then
forced vaccination. I
Adam: never said that either. So
John: I never said it. Oh.
Adam: Who cares? Amazing care.
John: Producer producers think
Adam: the French are boycotting the passport or signing to air there. You can't eat anywhere drink anywhere hang out anywhere without having a
vaccination proof. So they're boycotting vaccinated and are not passport or not by eating their lunches, picnic style in front of cafes all over
Paris. It's very cool to see.
John: I'm glad the French front of you get fed up.
Adam: Yeah. So there's a lot of these mandate issues a lot of people emailing about certainly within health care. In fact, in Illinois now that Pfizer
is FDA approved any patients who are admitted to the hospital for any medical reason, even just overnight for monitoring, and if you're undiagnosed
will be given the first Pfizer shot and an appointment will be made right away for your second so you know, this is like no health care unless you do
that. So a lot of these mandates are putting many of the producers of of gitmo-nation into trouble. And you recall we had our producers who own or run
meat meat processing plant and the FSA s that's the Food Safety Inspection Service that said look, if you don't have a mass mandate, then we can't we
can't safely perform our inspections so you will not get a USDA seal of approval on your product. And I guess they held firm because I got a note from
them as of 3:30pm. Today, we can no longer apply the mark of inspection to our product. We're putting the USDA and Fs is on blast for this coersion
and could use some help. We've got some studies questioning the efficacy of mass but would like to add to the stack of info we can throw at them. Can
you throw me any links to stuff you found? headed to no agenda social later to blast it out. So they put him on blast? I actually did find something
by coincidence. That's why I thought of them. And it started with this clip. This is a woman think she was at a frontline doctors event and she got
up. And she talked about her job her profession, which is industrial hygienist which I had not heard of before. And she was kind of difficult to hear
because you know, she's yelling into a mic and auditorium. She's got 30 seconds. But she did give me a pointer to find out more about this. But just
to hear a little bit of how fired up she was about industrial hygienists, really knowing what's going on with masks
Unknown: is not about the health and safety. That's not my opinion. That's fact, because the fact is, every single mask that someone has on this group
has 0% efficacy. The reason I know that because I am a court credential expert. I have been on countless court cases over the past year and I've won
every single one in favor of doctors. I've defended military people, you name it, teachers, suing their employers, I've protected them and we've won
every case because the science is on my side. So please write this down. Everybody write this down. Go on YouTube, look up petty, Petty. Petty is a
mentor of mine, the highest potential industrial hygienist in my field. Alright,
Adam: so when she said, hey, I've won court cases against mass mandates. I thought immediately of our producers, and this note came in right after I'd
heard her. And so I went to see Dr. Petty's channel, Dr. Petit is the most dynamic gentleman in the world is really really, really slow but I cut out
all of the pauses, and I just have my see I have three clips here. I tried to keep them as short as possible. This first one, he'll explain what an
industrial hygienist is and what industrial hygienists
Unknown: does, well. Industrial hygienist is technically under the American industrial hygiene Association. It's a little bit of a long winded
definition, but it's worth reading. And industrial hygienist is someone who's involved in the science and art devoted to the anticipation, keyword
recognition, evaluation and control of those environmental factors or stressors arising in or from the workplace, which may cause sickness, impaired
health and well being or significant discomfort among workers and amongst citizens in the community. Of course, really impaired health would be if it
kills you. So we're interested in things that can make you uncomfortable all the way to things that can make us so sick that you may pass So, the
field of industrial hygiene is obviously associated with exposure, personal protective equipment and warnings. In other words, control of these
hazards that you may encounter. The difficulty we face, particularly today in the COVID world, is that most of the people talking about exposure and
control of exposure are medical doctors. And while they may be perfectly, very intelligent individuals, they really are not industrial hygienists,
whose goal again, is the control of exposures and determination of what people eat or where and when. And as a consequence, we're getting a lot of
misinformation from people, particularly physicians in the media, talking about industrial hygiene. Again, industrial hygienists are not so as I say,
on the bottom are not associated with dentistry. We're not industrial hygiene folks, or industrial hygienists. And our goal primarily is to control
ultimately, the recognition, evaluation and control of things that can hurt you.
Adam: And actually, remember, I am in New York with thinking ideas, I remember we had to bring in I brought in and I didn't, I don't remember the term
industrial hygienists, but we had people who weren't feeling well in a certain part of the building. And I had someone come and check the air. To
these are the people who actually know how to protect you from something that's swirling around. And he puts up this upside down pyramid. And he shows
all the things in order of importance that can be done to protect anyone from in this case from breathing in the COVID virus. And down at the bottom
below the point below the most worthless piece is masks. And above that is respirators. And of course, there's a huge difference between the two. And
what this shows is that masks not a well, he'll tell you that they do nothing, but they're not even a part of what you need to look at to stop spread.
And these are the people get paid to do it professionally. Within You know, business life, school life everywhere.
Unknown: Want to talk briefly about one of the core concepts of industrial hygiene and that is this term called hierarchy of controls. And hierarchy
of controls was developed by the National Safety Council in about 1950, although elements of it are recognized back into the 1920s. And what this
shows is what an industrial hygienist or what in general, one who is trying to control a hazard should do from the most effective to the least
effective. So the most effective items are towards the top, and the least the least effective items are towards the bottom. Now with respect to COVID.
substitution and elimination if if the COVID virus are around is is really not an option. The next best thing we can do is what we call engineering
controls. And that means we can either try to dilute through ventilation, destroy or contain the COVID virus. Obviously containment is probably not
realistic, but certainly dilution and destruction our personal protective equipment or PP, which for inhalation means respirators is the way that one
protect someone. Generally, in the short term, you don't want to long term. You don't want people in the long term in respirators or PP, because they,
it's well recognized for decades that people don't wear PP properly. Now, before
Adam: I played the difference between a mask and a respirator, I am fortunate to be in the presence of a former air pollution inspector and I would
like to know if any of this rings true. And if this is of any value. Well,
John: I don't know about ringing true air pollution is a little different situation, which is area wide. And has to do with the contaminants. I
suppose if you put a Scott air pack on it would prevent you from getting a lot of these things on your head. strap it on and hold. No, it's a whole
thing. You had to flip it always have giant pack of tanks on your back. Oh, well.
Adam: Yeah. So what he shows is he shows all these all these different things. And then he shows what a respirator is
John: an arrest. What is? Well,
Unknown: there's two things but he explains it. It's important to recognize in this whole COVID issue that masks are not peepee. And they're not
respirators, and so they don't even fit within the hierarchy of controls. They're below the hierarchy of controls. So it's key to remember that the
most effective thing would be engineering controls the least effective thing would be personal protective equipment or respirators. And it masks are
not respirators. Just to illustrate what respirators really are on the left we have an N 95 picture of an N 95. And on the right we have a picture of
a half face respirator.
Adam: That's the one that has the two filters each on each side. It's a whole face mask. That's what that is a like a gas mask. Yeah,
Unknown: again, damn it. Five respirators are technically respirators, but they're sort of the bottom of the barrel. The least effective respirator
one can wear. Again, the point to be made is masks don't look like these things and are not respirators. And oftentimes you see people in the public
domain, whether it be media, governmental officials, they conflate masks with respirators, they're not the same.
Adam: And then he goes on to say that the COVID is like 40,000 times smaller than the human hair. So if you don't have your n 95, technically a
respirator completely tight around your face, it's going to be just as useless as a cloth mask. I think there's a real case to be made that this is
that these mask mandates are just null and void.
John: Well, here's the problem I had this never addressed. With the mask thing. I don't know if you ever been in a room like you're in to say that
front room or something it is a there's a beam of light coming in from the outside and is shooting through the room and is for you know is hitting
something and you sneeze and all the particulate comes out and in the beam of light. You can see Holy mackerel, look at all that stuff. That's
terrible. And are you are you at some restaurant somebody sneezes on today? I mean, they have a guard at the salad bar. The mask will prevent that
from happening. And that's not good.
Adam: I would say if you have to sneeze they're more effective ways of stopping spread than relying on a piece of cotton in front of your face. Yeah.
John: So so the two that won't stop anything by your from your perspective that this these people. I mean, you get these little kids sneezing, and
they have the mask on they sneeze into the mask. I think that prevents a bunch of sneeze droplets from flying all over the place. I don't think that's
a bad thing necessarily.
Adam: Do you think it outweighs the downside of having max on kids?
John: I'm just saying.
Adam: Well, because you kind of sound like Scott Adams with your argument. Which is early. I don't mean to I mean, it's irksome to me. It's like what
is he selling like Scott Adams. But it's not an effective method of stopping Coronavirus spread, it's just not and it probably does more harm than
good. Anyway, so that that that other doctors you over the industrial
John: respirator mandate, then respirator masks, big gas mask, everybody walking around like that. That would be creepy.
Adam: I'm all for now let's just go straight to it. Let's get the mask with the Big Bird beak. That's the one we all really want. And we'll be right
in. Right in right in time with with everything else. Like with 1918.
John: Yes, exactly.
Adam: Now you're so right about when this is all going to be over.
John: Did you hear that? Then that's a clip I didn't get which I'll mention is Fauci comes on at first.
Adam: I have it for it. I have
John: it. You have the you have both of them. Do you have the NPR clip where he actually said it?
Adam: Well listen to this. Dr. Anthony Gowdy
Unknown: says the country could get quote, good control of the virus by spring of next year.
John: If vaccination rates improve if we can get through this winter and get really the majority overwhelming majority of the 90 million people who
have not been vaccinated, vaccinated, I hope we could start to get some good control in the spring of 2022. If we keep lingering without getting those
people vaccinated, that should be vaccinated. This thing could linger on leading to the development of another variant, the FDA Monday gave full
approval to the Pfizer vaccine for people 16 and older finding the vaccine is 91% effective in preventing COVID. Now, the clip is he went on NPR and
said fall of 2022 Oh, no, I
Adam: didn't hear that. I did not
John: Yes. And then he had to come on CNBC. He was no damage all of a sudden say, Well, I made a mistake. It's actually spring of 2020. Of course,
exactly what I said because that's the overlay. And he had to he had to correct himself. But now they're they're gonna end this thing in April of
2022. So we have to go through another round.
Adam: Yeah, we got to make a variant. Omega. People do say we should look at omega man and apparently that movie makes a lot of sense in context.
Yeah, well, so then. This is sad news or local government in the state of New South Wales. Australia ordered 15 dogs killed to prevent the spread of
covid 19 amongst the shelter workers, which I didn't know was the thing. What? of the 50 and the Aussies
John: are just killing dogs randomly
Adam: of the 15 No, no, no, no dogs. No no. of the 15 dogs 10 were puppies, and one had just given birth to a litter.
John: Oh, this is this guy stealing dogs. Bunch of ghouls Down, Down Under the government. Shut the blood
Adam: out of them. Who knows? Maybe canine adrenochrome is a new thing we'll have to find out. But with that, I'd like to thank you for your courage
and say in the morning to you the man who put the sea in the complex attack Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. JOHN c. devorah.
John: Well, in the morning to you Mr. Adam Curry. Oh, so in the morning those ships at sea in boots on the ground feet in the air subs in the water
and all the dames and knights out there. And in the
Adam: morning to all the trolls in the troll room who have been all hanging out. Good to see you here. I wouldn't mind seeing how many we have of you.
So hands up for 2131 we're above the 1800s or above the 2000s this is good, too. Good number.
John: It's not bad number for Thursday.
Adam: I like it. The trolls can be joined by you. Yes, YouTube can be a lucky troll, all you have to do is go to the bridge, you and underneath the
bridge, you'll see a little door to troll room.io. And there you can join in. You can join anonymously or register your handle or whatever else you'd
like to do. It's a it's a real time chat, but it's synchronized with no agenda stream.com so you're here in this show live the other live shows on the
orang gitmo-nation including podcast which run and then y'all can troll each other troll the host of his live or just hang out and ask questions and
do stupid stuff. Troll room.io completely free to go be crazy yet. Now what isn't so crazy is no agenda social calm because the algos are not present.
It's 10,000 accounts of pure Gitmo. And we're federated through the mastodon Federation system. So if you follow adam at no agenda, social calm or
Jhansi, Dvorak had no agenda
John: so you won't hear from me.
Adam: You still don't have your password reset.
John: No, I, I've sent in the notice and my password. Did you ever send me anything is the automation doesn't work. Have you seen going on? Have you
looked at your weeks
Adam: you looked in your Gmail?
John: I've looked all over the place. Is it in my Gmail all of a sudden? Well,
Adam: I answered when you send who was the admin?
John: I asked. Well as I still haven't gotten anything No, I've got not. I have not posted I have been stuck on Twitter. I'm sorry, I'll post because,
because if I post on Twitter, I lose 50 followers,
Adam: right? But if you look in your Gmail, your password reset is there.
John: Oh, look, I'll go look now you okay. So right after we talked about the art,
Adam: I was a big in the morning to the artists for Episode 1375 titled at this hour. And it was by nice Fox who I think is new. Nice Fox and it was
nice Fox's interpretation of hurling babies over the barbed wire, just the cutest little baby like a Gerber but in fact, it is the Gerber baby. A
little Gerber baby in a like Trojan horse days. catapult catapult Yeah. Which is, you know, put a huge set a book firing ball bearings or a baby. And
it has really cool like the no
John: agenda logo or something of a modern lace. Look. It was modern and it looks professional. End, but it's funny. It's also funny because the
baby's got this furtive look on its face. And it's in this old wooden crazy looking thing, which is just a just a contrast between new and old. It was
just a tremendous piece of work. It was no nothing to compare it to. It was it was a clear winner.
Adam: There are other good pieces. Well, we did kind of expect to have a lot of people with hurling baby stuff and boy were we right? There was a lot
of hurling babies. When else were there playing with baby. There was another catapult of a baby who did that one that was Sean's link. This link shot.
I kind of liked the FDA approved it was it wasn't good as art. We talked about it. And it has it's like a flat earth. And then really kind of cool
green vines for the font by capitalist agenda. Yes,
John: this piece Yes, this piece. We actually discussed that this by cap. Yes capitalist agenda does good work. This is a much of a match. Well a
Parrish looking thing without the without the dimensionality. And it was it had, you know, it was a hippie dippie looking piece that Adam was really
liked. And now I didn't get it at all. I thought it was I thought it was usable. We could have used it but I found it to be I don't know it just was
something about it was was bothersome I can't I can't tell you exactly why I didn't like I just one of those things. I just didn't like
Adam: the artists objective. We both totally liked but knew we could never do the booster baby.
John: Yes, the booster Bay, right. I mean, booster Bay that's
Adam: works again.
John: We both liked it. I agree. It was not quite what we would do. Let's say exactly why we didn't like it. by me. We both liked I know why. But I'm
gonna tell you what Adam said.
Adam: This is like, this is the segment like Adam can promote podcasting. 2.0 but I'm gonna make him bleed for it.
John: Adam says, Look, he says this look. Huh, I am not going to put up with these guys sending me copies of the original art of the baby. And having
to make excuses for using because, you know, we know networks didn't just crank this drawing out because he didn't have time to do it. In five
minutes. It's a piece of clipart and and Adam says I'm not going to put up with these guys bitching and moaning and groaning about using clipart in
his you know, he just says he wasn't gonna put up with any more because he had to do that. Like a couple of shows ago when we had a piece of nice
piece of clipart that was used in the art, which is fine. I don't have an objection to it. We neither does Adam. He just didn't feel like he had a
trip to make. He had to go to Amsterdam, he had to catch a plane. He had to get a test. He didn't want to deal with it. And he made it very clear to
Adam: Not only am I once again just dumbfounded by your uncanny ability to recall events and timelines but also your voices today in particular, not
just me. But all of those voices you do are spot on all different nice and crisp. So for you a hearty you take that. Take your stay safe.
John: Tell me where I was wrong. Or
Adam: Yes, so again, congratulations to I've completely forgotten again. Nice nice,
John: was it nice nice Fox Foxy foxy lady.
Adam: Nice Fox. Yes. Nice Fox. And thank you to all the artists for participating. We always love it when you play along. It is. Even though I had I
did have to run and we were fast. That was pretty much the conversation we do still go in depth no matter what's happening. And we just came up with
with this. And we're very, very happy for
John: the great but again is a fabulous piece really is.
Adam: Now if you're sitting there wondering, Well, where do I find this? You can find it no agenda art generator calm. Or if you give a new podcast
app a try. is no cost to try. It is very easy. Many You don't even have to download, go to new podcast apps calm. All of the chapter enabled apps do
this. You can see it. Dred Scott puts that together for us. So there's sometimes 3040 different chapters with art is really beautiful to see. And also
great news that thing Omni studio were a big podcast producing production house are now supporting podcasting 2.0 and doing that with transcripts. So
we're gaining some momentum as the rest of the universe. transcripts are great. The best part of the tracks love
John: the idea. Well, you
Adam: know what's great about the transcript? Yes, transcripts are great, because you can search them. So in most of the apps, new podcast apps calm,
you know, when when whenever we have a disagreement about something, I often will go back and listen to that episode or someone says, Hey, you talked
about this and that. I actually know some guy emailed me this morning and said, You're saying literally a lot. And I'm very careful about the use of
that term. I use it when something is literal. And so I went right to Episode 1375. I searched search for it literally the only time it popped up was
in a clip and So I was able to save this guy. Oh yeah. So that's the value is your mom. Your mom wears army boots POW. Now let's thank some of the
producers who have come in to support the third leg of the stool, the time the talent in your treasure in producing Episode 1376. And we do like to
give out the official credits to our executive producers and associate executive producers and and see what they're up to and say what they have to
say is we close the loop on value for value
John: in what you started off.
Adam: Yes, this is from Seth Klum from Madras, Oregon, comes in with wait for it 1033 and 17 cents. Holy crap in the morning slaves greetings from the
People's Republic of Oregon. And now this is a little longer note but okay.
John: I think now I'm not sure double spaced. I sent him a he sent a long note in and I sent him a letter saying I went this shorter notice is too
long. It was really long. And I think this is a shortened version. So there you have it.
Adam: Yeah. And probably I'm
John: not sure because I sent a shortened version to Eric I said put this in instead of the blind thing.
Adam: I think it probably is. Well here we go. I've been a listener for exactly one year now. This is my first time donation of 103 317. So please
de-douche me oops. This is one of the problems I had with my system here. Sorry I'm on the road people. You've been de douche. Activate the rebel Iser
an instant night sound bites and night nice sir Earthbound astronaut of the agaric a gothic realm, sir Earthbound astronaut of the Gothic realm. Okay.
In the last episode, Adam played an Australian news case that cut to a clip of a satanic ritual. Here's my hot take. We've all been involved in a dark
ritual initiation in the guise of a global pandemic. initiation is a process by which a candidate is put into a hypnotic fear state through isolation
blindfolding and trauma repeating mantras such as stay safe. We're all in this together. And it's science. ritual cleansing and hand washing prepares
the candidate to receive the hidden knowledge that only the sacrament of vaccination can save them from such a terrifying and dirty world. All right.
Also, from a branding perspective, the term delta is beautifully sinister, it means change over time. And the Greek alphabet symbol for it is a
triangle. Yes, the all seeing eye that sits atop the Great Pyramid and our American currency. It's almost like they enjoy rubbing our noses in it. And
when I say they, I'm not talking about the Chinese. But most of us believe that COVID bio weapon originated in China they are much too sloppy to carry
out something so occultic people the mask is a talisman, a magic artifact that signifies our obedience. The only way to break the spell is to destroy
it. Think Lord of the Rings. Well, and Hell yeah. Now I just saw does he want webalizer? Is that what he wants? No,
John: no, you want to stay safe. We're all in this together and trust the science.
Adam: Oh, that's interesting, because those are an actual asset. He
John: just says okay, what No, he maybe doesn't want that. He just had his list of things that we have to do to become satanic.
Adam: And I think you wanted rubble. Iser, I think that's what he want. He won. Where's my realizer Here we go rubber lizer. And then he also wanted
he said something else. In the Hangout, my dad by 3333 33 Robert lizer. You've got karma.
John: Sir Walkman Duke of Buckeye is next on the list with $1,000. Now there was a plea I put in the newsletter asking for a little more support than
usual because we was coming in very low. And so I had to do this through and I think a lot of these people responded that 1033 was there already. And
it was still low. So so we have a lot of people just stepped up very, very nice. ITM Jansa cue, Jill Abramson stopped to hammering and two shots to
the head, which is an interesting combo. In preparation for my keepers birthday 27th of August, Laura who probably can think of a better way to spend
$1,000 over a worthless over a worthless in preparation for my keepers. Okay, in over a worthless stone. I get it. I bequeath the donation in her name
hood cough I do so in stone Dame tune says this SQL Data queen. She is my RR to my ex Oh are this woman had been coding too much? This woman has put
up with me for 29 years and produce three DS three, count them. crumb count crunchers to extend our DNA. Please join us this Saturday for the North
East Ohio meetup to celebrate toon says and Dame Ashley Lady of the lakes birthday to beautiful women women who have produced many human resources.
Adam: Sir Walkman Duke of the Buckeye you know, obviously,
Unknown: I read I read the New York Times like all day long, mainly on my iPad. Stop the hammering.
Adam: That's interesting combo. I like it. Yeah, thank you, sir Walkman Duke of the Buckeye David Bozeman. Also $1,000 Wilmington, North Carolina.
JOHN. I missing you on cranky geeks, especially when one of your guest panelists would answer a question and you would respond with silence and a look
on your face that clearly said, Oh my god, what an idiot who booked who booked this buffoon? JOHN don't ever play poker. Adam, you were part of a TV
network. That was my only exposure to new music in the dark 1980s. Before the internet, our local cable network did not first at first carry MTV
videos but you could pay $5 a month extra to listen to the audio only. I didn't know that. That's interesting. Wilmington is out of range for any
decent radio stations in Charlotte Raleigh and was the only way I could hear new music your 80s v J's have a very special place in my heart especially
Martha Quinn. Yes, Martha Quinn, who I found out is I went to school with and is still good friends with Max Keiser talk about small world weird. I
have been donating for many years but have been too slack to keep track of the donations. I just sold my condo after a crazy bubble appreciation and
decided it's time to make it official with you guys encloses my check for $1,000 for my official knighthood I would like to be known as sir Bozeman of
Cape Fear because that's where I live in. It sounds cool. By the way, please tell all of your friends and listeners that it really sucks here in
Wilmington not to move here. The beaches are terrible. The river is boring. The underdeveloped barrier island is unseparable the air quality is the
worst in the world, and the housing costs are sky high. That part is actually true. We are written with all forms of COVID and Ebola stay away. For
decades, we locals complained about not having a four lane highway to Wilmington from any direction and finally after much bitching we got I 40 it was
like shoving a fire hose up a rat's ass and we need to put it delicately we couldn't take it. We had no freeways no interchanges, only one overpass in
the entire county. So now it takes 30 minutes to drive 10 miles please please do not move here. Yeah, I think you made your point. Oh yeah, the
Hurricanes were the second most frequently hit part of the country by hurricanes after Florida which is true. And don't get me started on the
shipwrecks hence the name Cape Fear plus downtown across the river, the battleship USS North Carolina. His birth and his big guns are pointing at the
city. It's frightening it will traumatize your kids for life please don't move here. I know your round table is full but here is there room for a can
of Diet Coke. It would be great thanks again for all you guys do and keeping me sane. Sadly, we do not have Diet Coke. In the Netherlands we do have
Coke Zero as it's known here Coke Zero
John: cook zeros here.
Adam: Oh yeah, well they don't have coke light here it's all Coke Zero
John: dude there's no coke light here it's his diet coke. Coke light is Europe only
Adam: they don't have coke light or Diet Coke is just Coke Zero that I couldn't
John: find you I said I said here we've got coffee yeah okay i cola and Coke Zero but we don't have coke like Coke lights in England I think and
France and get cold like
Adam: no there's nothing here except for the zero what's the point of all this
John: Miss labeling this index sugar water or aspartame water Alright, is that it? Yeah. Well then we go into certain dirt farmer who comes up with
$350.10 This is a no agenda donation from sir dirt farmer ITM thank you for your courage and media deconstruction in these troubling times to request
smokin hot wife milk, little girl Yay. And he says Yo, girl, yeah. And goat karma. I make this donation celebration of my wedding anniversary this
coming weekend. My keeper is the best thing that ever happened to me. She's an amazing woman, wife, mother and small business owner. She enjoys the
show. And we listen together on road trips. Although I will mention she has said wow they say douchebag a lot. Come on everyone chip in loving lit
Adam: is that the only company line and Adam says literally a lot. Dr. Mills, that's one mother I'd like. You've got karma. Okay, you got it. ITM says
Jason Bible from Austin, Texas. My final donation brings me to knighthood and shall exceed my advanced child tax credit of $333 to all chip in the
extra 33. to round out the magic number love is lit please Knight me sir Good Book of the escapement. And he requests karma accounting. Oh, karma
accounting via email. Yes, of course. We got karma for you see the roundtable? Jason. You've got karma.
John: Let's read this. Thanks for looking at Katie Olson. Nina. Well,
Adam: this is actually Yes. Okay. You go look, but you have to do something in a minute. Nina jitterbit. I'm just saying you're a bitch 333 33 the
perfect no executive producer donation from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania in the morning. I'm grateful to my friend for hitting me in the mouth over a year
ago resulting in an ongoing shrinking of my amygdala. So thanks to the reporting on no agenda. And I'd like to hear john pronounce his name correctly
in Czech pronunciation.
John: Well, this is a subject of controversy and people should somebody from Czechoslovakia better get in on this. The thinking is Dvorak is the way
it's pronounced in English without all his little markings over the top of the word and that's pronounced somewhat differently in Czechoslovakia, but
the term devorah Jacques, which isn't the what he's talking about, is a Russian pronunciation. And it's used in classical music and the Russians use
that way of pronouncing it and I don't know that the Czechs pronounce it exactly that way. And so I can't do that. So you notice that he's not a this
so the divorce Jacques pronunciation nobody uses it. This country's always divorced. There's a famous actress in the 30, called an Dvorak. And she's
the one to popularize the American pronunciation has always been pronounced that way. I have to recall a story. I was in college once and my
girlfriend and I went out to some fancy restaurant, and I because of these professors, and everyone does, oh, you should pronounce the divorce
Jacques. So I, I'm at this restaurant and I made the reservation. So who's who is this? Who was the reservation? I said, I said at John Dvorak,
Jacques, I said this, and my girlfriend at the time, looked at me and says, Who the fuck are you kidding? And that was the last time I ever used that
pronunciation. Ah, she thought I was a pretentious douchebag. And women are four
Adam: pence. Why did you guys break up?
John: I was in college as a college, college.
Adam: Well, what we'll find out is if the AI because for our transcript, we use otter.ai. to transcribe. It never gets your name right. It always
starts off john c. j. h en si devore. That means that's about it doesn't get further than that.
John: I pronounced the K. Dvorak
Adam: know that the AI just the AI can't get it. But when you just sucks, but when you just pronounce it the way you did? I can't wait to see in the
transcript if it doesn't. Jacques. Yeah, joke. Like we could work. I don't know. It could work
John: on word with the Joshua. Joshua Schmidt. And he's in what about Katie Olsen?
Adam: What happened to Katie Olson?
John: I'm sorry, Katie. Osen 333 33. There's no note from Katie. Sorry. Okay. I looked and looked. Joshua Schmidt 3333 by the way if you don't if your
email doesn't include your name at all, it's not i'm not going to ever find it. I mean, give me a break. 333 33 Norwood young America Minnesota. This
is a town that sounds like donation to 333 33 it was surge me past night status see a company accounting attached? I would like to be named sir. Sir
Kitt board. circuit board, get it? Mm B or a D. Circuit Board. And not only that, but as is Yeah, this email has a domain name of circuit board. Thank
you both very much for keeping me sane over the last 18 months. Yeah, jingle requests are. I love bugs, and goat karma. Thanks again and keep up the
great work Josh. You thought karma is like blue
Adam: born stupid board stupid requested not to use board stupids real name in the morning john Adam, thank you for your tremendous value you provide
I could use a shot of Job's karma all the best and here's $333.33 from Pueblo, Colorado all the best board stupid thank you very
Unknown: much jobs, jobs, jobs and jobs. Jobs.
John: Andrews up on the list 333 33 another executive producer, please de douche me.
Adam: Sorry. It failed. You've been de deuced
John: Thank you for all that info over the last year. I wanted to note back in January a man named Andrew Brooks died he created the COVID-19 saliva
test. My kids school is now offering said test is this PCR 20 and he asked a question, I think it means PCR 2.0 or piece I don't know PCR 20 it says I
don't know. I don't know. We don't know the answer to your question is we don't
Adam: know but we appreciate your support. Miko see known as sir render 333 33 parts are known but in the United States I recently met with my
executive producer friend Jean at a Chicago White Sox game where we discussed future business opportunities and thanked him for hitting me in the
mouth over 10 years ago. Later in the game when pitch pitcher crisp
John: sorry is terrible.
Adam: Later in the game when pitcher Chris Bassett was literally hit in the mouth by a lion drive I took it as a very violent sign from the universe.
There was time for me to donate to its best podcast I didn't see this was
John: Chris Bassett errors are number one pitcher for the Oakland A's yeah and there's a line drive that hit him right in the face ended
Adam: bashes Scotland broke
John: his it broke his cheekbone and did some other damage but he's going to be okay he's not like blind or anything so he's he may recover from this
before the season's over.
Adam: Wow. That's a day wrecker.
John: Da stay record team record
Adam: in lieu of a deducing I humbly request to double up on jobs karma for both Gina nice that we can work together again on some very important
projects. Besides I don't even remember what life was like before becoming a douchebag Keep up the good work and trust trust trust the science. Okay.
Finding a douchebag call out to incredibly smart friend who's an avid listener that frequently References This find material Mr. Ron, would you please
send a boat bus token or an unused bar of hotel soap? These dudes need your help you're a douchebag was signed surrender returned to surrender Thank
John: Camera dopps in maze Kansas m ay ay ay z they are basically they grow corn there are once did my 333 33 thanks again guy. What?
Adam: No, go ahead. Go ahead.
John: Thanks again, guys. Please wish my super hot husband in dopps happy birthdays on the list. And I
Adam: forgot to do the jobs karma requested by surrender for himself and his productive
Unknown: jobs, jobs, jobs and jobs for jobs. Karma.
John: Can you read that Watson? Yeah. Patrick Watson and chestermere Alberta where the money used to be 333 even ICM hope this note finds you? Well. I
made my first 33333 Business Marketing payment through PayPal. Who did this conversion from conduct dollars. It works out to around $10 million. US
dollars. No
Adam: way.
John: Yeah, so it's been really depressed. I've been listening since to Rogen appearance and Nita de douchey.
Adam: You've been d deuced. donation broken donate
John: your show has inspired me in several ways. It keeps me sane and more balanced to the ongoing nonsense hovering around as daily. So just quickly,
I'm 56 and unvaccinated my wife got her second jab three weeks ago after lengthy discussions and info sharing. She only just came clean with me on the
range of motion.
Adam: Oh man. Oh man,
John: all right on the range of motion. Lost in her jabbed arm. Thankfully, it's almost back to normal. There's no side effects.
Adam: No one's die.
John: My nephew wasn't as lucky he was three weeks without any use of his whole right arm is no side effects and now requires physio physiotherapy
visit the young, my dad Well, he lost use of his hand when it began to swell and turn purple after his second shot. I'm a bit terrified about what the
actual side effects from these shots might look like if everyone submitted their reactions.
Adam: Yeah, my ex is none
John: my there are no side effects. My kids are also divided on jabs so it makes for some interesting dinner conversations. my two daughters are
pregnant, both with their third child, please give me a bit of business karma. Although since pivoting, pivoting my renovation company to focus on
bathrooms and rebranding to build bath better Nice. Good one man we've never been we've never been so busy next donation I'll share my cochlear
implants story. Oh, oh, okay. Oh nice. Looking forward to that. You've got karma was a shorty here from Boris last sir Boris love mer enough and yeah,
trabuco Canyon 333 33 he needs a surgery and if you see k karma
Adam: you've got cargado sorry about that chorus lobmeyr enough longtime supporter of the show. Oh, yeah. Long, long time supporter.
John: might look for the email and you can continue.
Adam: Okay. Christian tsutsu Christian tsutsu 321 from Pittsburg, California. My husband and I live in the East Bay waving to you from Martinez john.
Hello. Oh god that was also a good I've so many markers for show opener. This time around. You're on the ball man. This is like the divorce voices
episode. We split our time between California and our glorious exit plan property in Oregon. 200 acres of peace, beauty and isolation. We love
listening to no agenda on our five hour drive to andorre from boy did I share drop the ball on my husband's birthday? His birthday was 820 and instead
of donating to no agenda, I got him a case of siracha sauce. Wha wha wha to even wrote that. I'm not sure how this donating things work but hoping
this note and donation make it to you in time for our next drive. My husband Geary like the Street in San Francisco is the man he's a smokin hot man,
the man and it's so unfair that he even gets better looking with age. Yes, I hear this complaint often. Please accept this donation and wish gear and
wish Gary a very happy birthday and start him on his way to knighthood. Also if you could please play Don't eat me bow Jaiden thanks for all you both
do. Your show has brought us information enlightenment and entertainment on these long drives. Cheers Kristen tutu. And not Do we have a switch your
roof here
John: is the I don't know.
Adam: Because she says no, it's just No no, she No. She donated for what she's got her husband on the birthday list and this was her note. Okay, here
you go. I'm gonna give you the whole load today. I'm sure that some code both of you understand. Thank you very much. Did you find Mike Keillor's
John: Yes, I did. I find Mike Keeler $333 and he sent in an email. Sir Mike from Las Vegas. Get your pen out. Sure. Mike from Las Vegas here. No
jingles, no karma, but a special shout out to my TiVo friends. This contribution brings me up to Baron Neto. He needs to be put on the Baron netlist
and the 26th is my birthday so he needs to be put on the birthday list. So he's Baronet and birthday. So please add me to the birthday list a show on
my birthday. Could life get any better? Stay safe my friend sir Mike.
Adam: So Mars Mike's last name again. Keeler. Keeler and did you give an age four today?
John: Yeah. Okay. But no, no.
Adam: And so it's Mikey that would be what do we have his night name?
John: Yes, sir. Mike, sir Mike. Key. baronet's or Mike. Okay,
Adam: good. Got it locked in.
John: Locked and Loaded.
Adam: You're just a jingle machine today, man. Crazy. Crazy. Crazy. kill you. It's crazy. Sir. Patrick Coble, do The south and Dame Sarah filet and
sweet tea. Happy 11th birthday to my son James who turns 11 this year this is the Patrick Coble by the way the
John: the Patrick is the only one
Adam: happy 11th birthday to my son James who turns 11 this year, dude, I didn't say that but I'll say Dude, you're an amazing young man and mommy and
I are so proud of you a birthday on a show Day is a big deal. It's happened three times so far with it in 2019 on show 1166 2013 show 541 and on his
actual birthday in 2010 shows 220 8/4 show Birthday Happy Birthday James you're a night of the no agenda roundtable and may you be able to hang out
with sir Felix and Maverick someday. I'm so proud of the little man you are becoming love you from the Duke of the south and Dame Sarah fillet and
sweet tea. Oh, man. How nice is that? How nice is as good so now but look so does he become a knight today? Or was he already a little confused by
this note?
John: I am too I don't know. Be honest about it. We will you know what we put it in a bands and next show. We'll have it cleared up. Yeah,
Adam: we should do that. Yes. Okay. It's a little unclear to me. It's not in the not on the accounting but we kind of suck up his birthday. It was his
birthday present.
John: I didn't get his birthday prejudices Happy birthday. Okay. All right. Well, let's see. Let's take another look at this note. Hold on a second.
Adam: I'm going to give them a karma though while we're doing this. I'm sure we're good.
John: Let's add him to the knighting list. I
Adam: think so too. We just add him he may already be a knight for all I know.
John: But he gets double knighted and that's fine. That's the best nobody's ever complained about that. This is true. All right, the next thing I
don't have the pay I don't have the notes. So you're gonna have to and I don't have the PDF of me if you have it. Which is the law Russ lorusso and
Nikki Mae Baton Rouge Louisiana 250 on 33 cent donation I
Adam: think I may have this sure we're almost done here. So I know I had this one up here.
John: We Okay,
Adam: this is the 250 33 Yeah, yeah. thank you john and Adam overdue first donation no jingles no karma. Thanks, Lou Russo and Nicky may credit the
hubby please. Okay, so we have to credit lorusso may not intentional the check number 33 333. Wow, Mind blown. Great.
John: Can you see amusement of the group? Yes. Collin Preston, Oregon City Oregon 23456 which we have seen a lot of recently. switcheroo another one
please credit this donation to my wife my wife's hood to coast running team but oh they COVID Hood Canal I think or Hood, Hood River or hood Valley I
don't know what it is something Mount Hood. That's what we're talking about. Mount Hood to coast running team. Practical crews in good karma for
everyone participating in this year's hood to coast relay here in Oregon this weekend. And travel karma that Adam for his safe return. Thanks.
Adam: Thank you. And the only thing I don't know is exactly what to credit so do we say Collin Preston's wife's years and years hood to coast relay
John: or just credit this donation to my wife's who had to coach running team Yeah.
Adam: But to coach running team john Preston's wife's hood to coast running team Okay, I'm sure they have a name
John: Yeah, well, probably hood to coast running team knowing it the way they operate and in Oregon. Get too complicated. All right. Thank
Adam: you very much. Calling Charles from the sounder banders amda 23432 Thank you for your courage lessem jobs karma Jeff life left my woke cannabis
job. And now that sounds like a contradiction in terms. And I'm back to being independent. I'd also love a Biden whole load and get some goats as well
from behind the redwood curtain love and lit say hey, I'm salmon spawn. Oh, I'm salmon spawn on no agenda social. I'll be at salmon spa days we got to
load and what else did he want here? He wanted jobs karma. I'm gonna give you the a whole load of
Unknown: jobs, jobs, jobs and jobs. That's their job. Karma
John: Darrius Gandhi's Next on the list with 200 bucks. Oh, I'm sorry sir Davey. Davey of the sooner status. Am I right? Yep,
Adam: that's the one
John: yeah. No jingles at 233 33 no jingles no traffic just a donation for the net 73 sir Davey of the Sooners state you're
Adam: really losing your ham creds, bro. Justin donation for the net 70 threes debt sir Davey up Sooner State. Typically his words his calls called
sign well it was for both of you because he's also done a poor job of identifying himself in fact an FCC violation. So keto five alpha Charlie charter
you've been reported, sir. Thank you, sir. David, the Sooner State derrius Gandhi 200, Associate executive producer ship. Do you have a note from
Darrius Gandhi?
John: I looked in luxrender I looked under Darrius, I looked under Gandhi. I found nothing. So I'll continue with that, but thank you anyway. Doris.
Yes. Danske Elise in Riverton Connecticut's, our last donor In this segment, and he writes a note. I make this donation in honor of my smokin hot wife
Courtney's birthday on 826. Yeah, and I'll I'll stop here and mentioned that I bitched about this before but there's got to be some creative ways of
saying smokin hot she's on the birthday 2016 is on the list. While this puts me over this threshold for knighthood. I shall Hill hereby gift this
honor to my wife who has listened to every show but has never donated, but she'll now be known as Dame Courtney of the douchebag. Courtney the
douchebag Dame Dame Courtney the douchebag name I think Courtney should do something about this. And I don't know what she's gonna do about it. She's
now going to be named Courtney the douchebag Dame I know what she could do she get upgraded and change her name. She would appreciate some nachos and
kaiso nachos and cheese at the roundtable and a jingle combo as follows. Shut up slave we're all gonna die. That's true and goat karma. May all your
exit strategies be foiled. Dance Gleason Vernon, Connecticut,
Adam: a lot of love in the room. You've got karma.
John: Less than less than Ross sarek he didn't want to go.
Adam: Extra extra goat added extra goat
John: Oh go dead. That's our Executive Associate executive producers show show for show 1376 as we march towards show 1400 an unbelievable Feat. Want
to thank these folks for helping make this show a possibility.
Adam: And these credits are completely legit real you can use them anywhere credits are understood and recognized Hollywood one place if you really
want to go there, you could use it on IMDB lots of lots of big time producers have credits for the no agenda show the best podcast the universe, you
are now a part of that. And if anyone ever requested it, we will gladly gladly vouch for you. And if you want to participate in becoming an executive
producer or associate executive producer of the no agenda show go to vo red.org. Slash and a Many thanks for your time, your talent and your treasure
for producing Episode 13 to 76
John: our formula is this. We go out. We hit people in the mouth. Some biting clips. Want to get Why? Because I like them. I like them. I think people
enjoy listening to Joe. Okay. And by the way, the one clip that was weird. I'm gonna play this one. This is the Biden one clip. This is and if you
listen to his setup, he says there's a reason for us getting out one and he says one he likes to do this.
Adam: He's always doing second and then fifth and fourth. He's going back and forth a lot in his
John: in this case I didn't clip the whole thing but I can assure you he says there's a reason to get out. One and then he says something He never
says to reason to get there's he makes it clear there's a reason and then he does. You don't need to say one And there's some one thing I want to tell
you, one, your got you got nice hair? I mean, you don't need to. Oh,
Adam: gotcha. I think your point is clear. I think it's, it's very poor diction.
John: Here we go.
Unknown: We went to Afghanistan, with our allies, and 2001, for clear reasons. One, to get the people who attacked us a 911 and to get Osama bin
Laden, and to make sure that Afghanistan was not used, again, as a base from which to attack the United States or our allies. We achieve that
objectives. We deliver justice to men lon, more than a decade ago.
John: Hey, goes on and on. He never says to any leaves that come by the way walk away. Joe is his new nickname. By the way.
Adam: I'm getting confirmation of 10 Marines killed
John: Oh, in the bombing. Oh, that's gonna Well, there you go. And maybe my original thesis of doing it we're not leaving is not going to make sense.
Taliban supposed to take care of these clowns. They're not supposed to be friends the ISIS K.
Adam: It's and here this ISO go back to that. Instead of ISIS. ISIL ISIL.
John: Weird. Well, here's Biden with a just an off the wall anti Trump note.
Unknown: This PG organization is to rebuild a system that was purposely destroyed by my predecessor. Oh,
Adam: I wish I had it in context to what what system?
Unknown: It did this system to bring you the refugees to this country, 3g organizations to rebuild a system that was purposely destroyed by my
John: Really now. What's he talking about?
Adam: totally not true. I mean, by the way to refugees, because they're already arriving here in Amsterdam. Oh, oh, yeah. Hundreds and hundreds of
refugees. Texas, even Austin has 100 I think we're seeing earlier 90, the US alone have flown 90,000 people out of Afghanistan, which about 5000 are
Americans. So about 85,000 Afghan nationals in the Netherlands, you know, what they do is they bring them in, and oh, it's just temporary, don't
worry. And they take them to the smallest town with 800 people where they have refugee center, which hasn't been used in a while because, you know,
everyone's already integrated in and making the Netherlands much nicer. So now they drop 800 was I think they dropped 800 refugees, Afghan refugees in
a town of maybe 1300 people. And you know, so what happens is they're pissed off and they start lighting fires and getting mad because they went
through refugees before and it totally disrupts your entire village. there so now it's all it's the same thing all the women Oh, it's so sad. And you
get story after story of people gathering toys and clothing for the poor refugees ending that's the majority story and then you get a news report just
because some kids with some barricades on fire. But it's a problem and 90,000 coming to America 90,000 that's
John: a lot now well they get the fights with the Mexicans. Here we go Biden on a on the pullout and this is kind of a ramble. ramble number 99 a call
Unknown: says these stations in third countries, in short, flying them directly to their country or flying to these processing stations. We're working
with more than two dozen countries across four continents. I've secured agreements we've secured agreements with Gulf across the Gulf, in Central
Asia, and in Europe, including processing centers in Qatar, Germany, Kuwait, Spain and elsewhere, allows us to sort and process these evacuees are
maintaining constant vigilance to mop we're maintaining the cost of visitors to monitor and disrupt threats of from any source, including the likely
source being ISIS, ISIS K, and the act referred to as ISIS K. We continue to see not only a normal, the enormous scope and scale the effort, we will
see the individual lives that are affected the families that are desperate to get home to their loved ones in America. What we're doing is
extraordinary. Yeah, you have to think of the wall they're doing thanks to the people who from all over the world who are helping this effort.
Adam: Oh man, you got 10 dead Marines. This is going to be bad.
John: Yep, I'd say and here's Biden on this storm and the storm or the we're talking about the storm there wasn't going to do anything it flooded. Oh,
Adam: thought you meant I thought you in Trump and debate That's the story
John: that's coming Okay.
Unknown: Let's just get right on this powered radios in case of extended Power Hour, battery powered radios in case of extended power our job power
outages and don't forget that you may need to seek shelter while you're battling the Delta vary and COVID-19 so wear a mask and try to observe social
distancing and to everyone across the country don't get caught by the next dorm get vaccinated
Adam: ah yes how to prepare for a storm make sure you've got batteries for your radio and get your Vax
John: just beyond me that clip
Adam: we had we have the storm center or the watch. We had we had someone else on a earlier hurricane or something. How to prepare.
John: Yeah, get backs. Yeah. Be prepared. Get evacs Okay, so this is my little Biden thing. I do have a I do have a different kind of is different but
it's a medley I picked up as another one of these super clips, but it's super cut. Yeah. Super cut super clip. It's it's not one of the it's it's
long, but it's a it's about build back better. And it's a different one. It's a different one than I think we've played you can tell me if we played
this from before. But this is mostly international people.
Adam: This is the Which one is it? Oh billion I
John: back better. douchebag mitt medley. But this global pandemic has also created an opportunity to build back better, building back better.
Unknown: This pandemic has provided an opportunity for a reset. This is our chance to accelerate our pre pandemic efforts.
Now we have to accelerate because we are living the first consequences of basically climate disorders. It's time to rush but and President Biden is
100% right to do.
So. Last week, I shared the outlines and my plan to build back better, better. It's about building this country back better.
As Europeans, we increased our targets for 2030 and 2015. A few months ago, we need India and China to be with us with Chancellor Merkel we had a
discussion with President Xi the great reset. And I think we we felt the commitments of President Xi on climate to work with the US and with Europe.
For us to accelerate his target of 2030. Our strongest beliefs are challenged by the rise of forget unknown New World Order
and new world order that China has to be part of the process of creating it, and they have to buy in, they have to own it really need to bring China
into the creation of a new world order. partnership and cooperation
among nations is not a choice. It is the only way. Now is the time to join together through constant cooperation and strong institutions and shared
sacrifice and a global commitment to progress to meet the challenges of the 21st century. You must be better filled feck fish FISA to build back
better to build back better, build back better
build better, a unique opportunity to reset our global agenda an unprecedented opportunity to rethink and reset the ways in which we live for
constraint removed plus COVID. Could you sue it?
Adam: Well, this could very well be another part of the failed build back better policy, which as we know, the President himself said was part of the
B three w p the build back Better World project which is meant to counter China's Belt and Road. And in fact, with the US gone and it looks now like
13 US soldiers killed 20 wounded 10 in critical critical condition. Wait until there's a couple of Europeans in their Afghanistan will be great for
the rail part of China's project because they could push that right through Afghanistan. But still I am I hear these super clips and I hear all the
world leaders and I think is there not a single person in any PR shop as they call it in a PR shop who could come up with something like your no
agenda show for a better life beyond your freedom.
No agenda jingle package even has the contemporary jazz sounds, life beyond your freedom back for someone that's got our signature logo, people, but
now I love Jeff Smith when he does that stuff is so good.
John: He's unbelievable. He's really good. They got a couple of cn called a c span Collins if you want to hear him
Adam: well before he enlisted? Well, let's do some other new stuff. In fact, I wanted to ask you a question. I'd like to stick with this side of the
ocean. Now, there was a shooting in the UK a few weeks back now, and there was you know, there's all kinds of is actually very American, the way this
happened, you know, like kid goes and shoots a bunch of people. Now it's coming out that this particular child was an incel. And now Europe is
learning about, or at least the UK is learning about in cells. I've had a couple people approached me about it say, hey, do you know what these
insults are? is also in America in cells? Which is really? Yes. Oh, yes. And I think a lot of it is because of this UK reporting of here in a minute.
Now, my understanding of an insell is someone who's mainly in their room, or, of course, mom's basement would be the derogatory way of saying it.
Never had sex never had any kind of physical romantic relations, is very introverted is probably online, a lot is probably in free to girls, whatever.
But it doesn't seem like those are the people who you know, do we have in fact, I know they tried it for a little bit, but I don't think we have any
confirmed insell mass shootings in the United States that I can recall.
John: When the guy was shot up, Sandy Hook and insell.
Adam: Yes, yes, that would be that would be the one I think, what's his name? Was that two guys was brother's name or whatever.
John: Whatever his name was, he doesn't even look like an alien. The two guys who shot up Columbine, weren't they in cells?
Adam: No, no, no, they were more like, goth that was different than insell. In cells, it's very specific to this time the insult. Well listen to the
UK reporting
Unknown: and pirates lookout for maybe language that they use young, very young sons might be behavior that they might have.
Yes, they can. So there are lots of bits of language that might be red flags referring to people as normies or as triggered. normies is the word
insoles used for people outside their community. triggered based cuts describing being red pilled or black pilled, which are words they used to
describe being infiltrated into the ideology. And it's worth saying as well that they see this as a kind of conduit to other forms of extremism. It
isn't completely separate from for white, white nationalist white supremacist movements. They actually really see it as a slipways. Their parents
might see a combination of perhaps also racism creeping in as well. The Insel community is a very racist community. This is a racist ideology, and of
course, white supremacist, deeply misogynistic ideology. Exactly. Black pills
Adam: is red pill black pill talking about caulk. I use all of these words all the time. Black
John: pills, what's a black pill?
Adam: I don't know. A black pilling is I know, red pilling is that's what we do. Oh, black pilling,
John: but you know, all criticisms, making it an insult they're talking about
Adam: Yeah, but they're doing it and they're telling the poor poor people of the United Kingdom that if your son uses the term based or normies that
they're probably an insell and a racist and about to go on a shooting rampage. This is not morning show materials.
John: Everybody uses normies is funny. You heard her say
Adam: it. You heard her say it.
John: She's a moron. This woman? Yeah.
Adam: Well, these types of insoles would probably be fans of the only fans website. Yeah, the only way they get anywhere now this was an interesting
case that only fans was saying, Oh, we got to stop we got to stop showing nudity because you know, our, our payment processor won't process your
credit card anymore. So
John: what happened? This was a publicity stunt.
Adam: But let me give you the new story.
Unknown: Let's check in on a story that we have been following this week only fans doing a total 180 scrapping plans to ban sexually explicit material
after coming to a resolution with its bank partners. The decision coming less than a week after its original announcement that the platform would be
banning explicit content and it received plenty of pushback from content creators and advocates who argued that the band would only drive such work
underground, thus making it more Dangerous the tweeting this morning that it had secured the assurances necessary to support the quote diverse crater
community and that suspended the planned October 1. policy change.
Adam: So you think it's all publicity stunt?
John: I don't believe a word of it now is it publicity stunt? I was a good one. It worked got us talking about it. They got to get a whole bunch of
attention to a lot of people never heard of only fans. Yeah, good. publicity. stunt banks don't pull that stuff that they make up their minds. You're
screwed. You're screwed.
Adam: I wonder what happened there. I mean, that. I wonder, I wonder.
John: They don't say Do they?
Adam: Well, there was, well, there was all kinds of other stories that they were having trouble raising money, they want to do a funding round, which
makes no sense to me. Isn't that like a cash machine? Does just throw off cash all the time? I mean, how, how labor intensive can it be? Why I mean,
you need infrastructure. Some servers, maybe they were trying to do an Oculus Rift deal virtual. I mean, this is trying to get Zuckerberg attention.
John: He needed money. They needed money for something different than what they're doing. Yes, you're right. This is a cash machine. It's out it's
just making money on a daily basis but to make it but to go go into Oculus you know, whatever it is the 3d stuff. It would take that would take a
little little boost. A little boost. As far as I'm concerned. This just to me, is fishy.
Adam: I was getting all excited. I'm like I know how to turn podcasting. 2.0 to work for only fans. We can do that. We can hook you up. Here's some
Bitcoin get y'all set. Scammers scammers story local to you in California more
Unknown: than 300 ballots for next month recall election were found inside a man's car. Police say this is likely a case of stolen mail and not an
attempt to influence the election, which will decide whether governor Gavin Newsom will be recalled.
Adam: So how's that going? the right call what's there What's up with that?
John: looks as though elder Larry elder the talk show host the black guy. This Sharpie smart is going to get to get to be elected as governor that
he's leading and all the polls and he's got Equus he's, you know, he's got the outlets and he's and they're now calling him a white supremacist.
Adam: Tell me you have a clip of this.
John: No, I don't because again, it's one of those scripts, but it's they're calling him a white supremacist the LA Times it wasn't really clippable
it was the article in the la times they call him a white supremacist. The black face of white supremacy I believe is the exact quote wow just
Adam: so good. If they should call him an innocent that he's an incel know
John: what they know what they can come with anything they want but it's this is becoming a laughable and and Newsome is Whining like a stuck pig over
Adam: you know someone says someone sent me a note. Now he had did have a very serious alcohol problem years ago. Who the Newsome
John: Of course I didn't know it was a winery
Adam: nobody didn't know that he had actually publicly said he had he had issues and I guess he he
John: went to some part owner of a bar and a wineries. He's got and he's got a voice because he's just having you have a lot of drink. You're gonna
end up with a voice like this like Newsome sounds he sounds like this is sound like I'm a douchebag Hello.
Adam: That's Newsome who also smoked meth I think this is a different this was a this was an airport or I can't remember where this is one of those
announcement gags now
John: like I guess this is a by the way this is a great bit you can do in most airports and a lot of people use it to promote
Adam: promote stuff Yeah, I mean I could totally see someone doing I don't want to give anyone any ideas because of course you know public address
systems are for free important announcements you know you could promote the no agenda show in a clever way but first let's hear this
my sure you might His name is recall recall news if that's his name. Yes. That's his name.
John: Last name is recall Newsome who's Newsome Yeah, recall Noosa I mean, I think these kind of you have to wonder about the announcers who let that
stuff go over the air but it is funny and you heard the woman laughing the
Adam: first Yes. What can we do for no agenda will be creative. No, you have to kill Noah genda good Noah. Noah. No agenda.
John: And oh, ah no. genda
Adam: good. No. Agenda please call
John: Noah. Noah genda please call your party it
Adam: could no agenda please call Deez Nuts in the morning. Just a thought. Just a thought
John: getting no agenda is gonna be hard enough Deez Nuts.
Adam: Hey, we do have some supply chain issues we need to discuss since we've been on it. For states No. Actually there's two stories here. The first
one is ABC they have kind of the light hearted version. America this morning about what you what horrible problems these as the supply chain will be
to your life
Unknown: this morning. A warning for shoppers. The logistics nightmare that began during the pandemic may be getting worse. Supply Chain delays and
labor shortages are hitting everything from shipping companies to grocery stores and the problems could extend from this back to school shopping
season all the way to the holiday shopping season. The real challenge comes from how the products are getting to the stores. There aren't enough truck
drivers to drive that product to the stores. There's not enough cargo trains that are going to be able to get that cargo to the stores. at grocery
stores. The supply chain disruptions come as demand hits an all time high, with people dining in more and eating out less. Just as kids go back to
school. Kraft Heinz says it's popular Lunchables is seen double digit growth for the first time in five years. The company's saying it's working fast
and furiously to get more product into the hands of consumers as soon as possible. One grocery chain is getting so desperate, it had to create its own
version of lunchable snacks because shipments were behind so many behaviors changed during the pandemic. And that's kind of what we're experiencing.
There's a lot more confidence in the kitchen, the Delta variant of the Coronavirus, has forced some ports overseas to work less than capacity,
creating a log jam meaning shoppers will pay more for a wide range of products and have fewer options.
John: less money is reporting
Adam: Lunchables as far as I know when I hear Lunchables. I hear a that's a brand name. That is a brand of a a box of snack chemical chemical things
that you give your child to take to school. It includes rich crackers with cheddar cheese, nacho cheese dip and salsa. This was this may be just to
some kind of native ad Yeah, that had the feeling is kind
John: of a convoluted native ad and it wasn't the right length.
Adam: No, but it was weird, because Lunchables is not a category is it's a brand. But the real problem. And I read this in the FT The Financial Times,
which you get, you know, throw it at you almost here at the airport, I'm at the airport hotel. The problem we're seeing now with shipping containers
is yes, there's issues with with the containers, of course the price has skyrocketed, but they have shipped out of commission wouldn't you know that
many shipping companies had taken their ships out of service, because global rules on energy efficiency that kick in in 2023, which requires liquefied
natural gas powered ships had a whole bunch of these people throwing stuff in around 2019. So we actually don't have enough ships are certainly not
the supply we should have. You can't just you know, close them up and send them out. I mean, that's a real double whammy triple whammy.
John: not heard this.
Adam: Yeah, well f t is not a you know, it's only for smart people. They don't they don't distribute. distribute that in Berkeley. Can you get the FT
John: sure to get it online.
Adam: Now online is horrible because it has a really harsh paywall very hard to get past the FT paywall.
John: Yeah, well, usually the old trick of cut cutting and pasting the headline into Google will give you the alternative sources for the exact same
Adam: Now that doesn't really work that well with ft.
John: works with the New York Times and The Wall Street.
Adam: They're easy to circumvent, I have no problem with that.
John: Without the F t is kind of like the economist has kind of gone global.
Adam: I'll stick with climate change for two clips. This is a problem for people who thought, Oh, you know what I'll really buy into that solar thing.
Yeah, put solar panels on my roof and by get to sell it back to the grid, I pay nothing for my electricity.
Unknown: More Australians than ever are harnessing the sun
solar PV started out at 0.2% on households in 2007. And now it's up to 20% of households. And we predict it's going to go to over double that in the
next 10 years.
But the infrastructure is struggling to keep up with the two way flow of electricity,
we now have the largest generator in the state sitting on rooftops, and at times that's causing congestion in localized parts of the network.
Now the Australian energy market commission wants to start charging solar panel owners to reduce these traffic jams in the brain.
John: Yeah, this is happening in the West Coast has happened a number of times they squash most of the stories but they get sick of certain areas they
don't load up with solar solar panels. Is this hurting the grid? It's hurting the grid was not Yeah, well, it may or may not be hurting the grid. But
if the power companies are not putting up with it, they were in business to make money not to take your power and put it in the grid for free. Okay,
so I see what you're saying
Adam: they're they're making up a problem of unbalanced or imbalanced or whatever it is, because the problem is they're not making money. Gotcha. That
makes sense. Yeah, it makes total sense.
John: I also think there's been some areas in the I think in the Diablo Valley or some places they just said they just refuse them now you want to
hook it up to us now forget it. You got the Omega solar power, save it in a battery, keep it to yourself. We don't want it and the batteries
Adam: that go in after the batteries. I think there may be a concerted effort to show how dangerous batteries are I saw a story about a test.
Originally battery. They have any anything with a battery. Now they're going to make a story about it.
Unknown: Breaking overnight passengers were forced to evacuate a plane in Seattle when a cell phone burst into flames. Officials say the phone caught
fire inside the cargo hold of the Alaska Airlines Flight after the plane had landed from New Orleans images on social media show the cabin filled with
smoke 128 passengers were on board several of them suffered injuries but all the injuries are described as minor.
Adam: No, no, that may not be planted but the Chevy Chevy Bolt recalling three years worth of cars. And I've looked into the Tesla power wall.
Honestly, I'm even though I'm not going to go with a battery setup because I don't think you can't cost too much and you can't really make it work
long enough. I'm afraid those things you know what happens if I don't know anything? blows up? Yeah.
John: Yeah. I don't know what to say. But there definitely there's pushback finally
Adam: did get a note.
John: I guess some news that wasn't covered. I'm sure you didn't hear about it in Europe. Okay. In fact, it's a story that's just I don't know why it
hasn't been covered. But I had to go to like some some bitch shoot guy.
Adam: True. Bid shoot. Hello. That's where we get our journalism from.
John: Yeah, dark outpost one of the great podcasts ever. is a great, great story from dark outpost up about Biden. Okay. It's under great story.
Adam: Oh, I see it. Yes.
Unknown: Hey, this is it folks. Dark outpost has learned something exclusively. No other news outlet is reporting this and they are not going to but
we are and this is? Well, it's just it's huge. About Joe Biden. Joe Biden's wife. Check this out. She has been arrested. She was arrested on Friday.
We have the story for you right here. Jill Biden arrested. The Office of the First Lady the usurper to the office of the First Lady Jill Biden was
arrested Friday evening at the residence of Tyler Perry, which is a three quarter replica of the White House in Atlanta, Georgia. This is Biden was
taken into custody at 5:50pm Eastern Time a quarter according to an exclusive source speaking on condition of anonymity and transported to a local
Atlanta police precinct where she was stripped, searched and fingerprinted for being fitted with an electronic tether covered by a medical boot. Ah
she's scheduled to be arraigned on charges of elder abuse. Physically attacking her husband Joe Biden who suffers from dementia with Biden has been
visibly upset over recent reports that vice president Kamala Harris as we call her count Phil shopping for support from the Biden staff to invoke the
25th Amendment to the United States Constitution and remove Joe Biden over several deep blunders during his short tenure in office, including the
disastrous botched withdrawal from Afghanistan. Joe Biden has been released on bond pending arraignment, according to sources speaking on condition of
anonymity is a developing story. Now. There have been several reports indicating that Jill Biden has been abusive to Joe in the past.
Adam: You really should be ashamed of yourself. That is a news report, although I did see the boot on her foot and I thought, huh, check the ceiling
of an ankle bracelet as you always got to think that it's a good bit. But
John: now the thing is, it's it's weird about this story is there a claim is made by these guys that Biden is not staying in the White House White
House, he's staying at the three quarters size replica, Tyler Perry's White House in Georgia. This is what what, what, where they get this stuff. By
the way, this is a reminder to people out there that listen to these fringe podcasts. That you know the no agenda show is a real podcast, that really
deconstructs real news, and we would do stuff like you get the that's all there is on bitch shoot. And remember,
Adam: if you're looking for it, the no agenda show will bring you your 1000s of sealed indictments, real news all the time, any minute now.
Unknown: I'm going to show my mood by donating to Noah. Imagine all the people who could do that. Oh, yeah, that'd be fun.
Adam: I must I must tell you for a second because Tina brought me news from the hill country. she bumped into some of the hill country patriots. Who
were all around where we live. And the word is that there is something big coming out of Afghanistan. This was yesterday. That would be really bad for
Joe. I don't think it was these bombs and other one just went off a vi Ed apparently. But I do know that she said, You know, I want to believe Yeah,
but I'm still waiting for the sealed indictments. So she really said that. Anyway, hey, let's thank the rest of our producers $50 a
John: few people thanks touring with Chris Bolton from Newcastle UK when 3717 now we don't read these notes, but I have to read this. He says keep up
the adequate work. That is the quality of the British understatement can never be emphasized enough. Appreciate it. Thank you, Casey Williams $100
Greg Hart, lob $100 Regina crank in Stone Mountain Georgia. $100 a Kendra limit at 27 there's a birthday for somebody for her. Shannon brame I believe
808 in Houston, Texas, Sir Richard Hufford. 808 to Christine Campbell 808 best serve her Blam a Duke of the deep south. That's right, one of our Dukes
down there. So her blends been with us forever. He says Pay Pal is cutting me off. I don't know why I had to read that note. We'll read it later and
see what's going on. 808 Jennifer Christiansen in spicewood, Texas 74th. She
Adam: says she neglected to request her deducing with the previous donation please Lay it on me. You've been de duced
John: Anthony Thomas you ski in Montebello, New York 6969 anonymous 65 David Forbes 606 or Luke divide count of London in the southeast we got a
couple of UK years today that's great. 5888 yon tan towel schlechter in Berlin Deutschland Schecter
Adam: heard me on Greg Carl was podcast been listening ever since not quite a year ago. Definitely need to be deduced. Hopefully this is in time for
my 33rd birthday on August 26. Yes, you bet.
John: You've been de duced de de-douche. Then a birthday. That's the way to do it. Hat dad love you.
Adam: That's right kids. D do Shana birthday. That's how you do it. Step right.
John: Yeah, hey, yeah. Hey, yeah. $57 is in Saudi Arabia. Vander Vaart in Delft, Netherlands. 56. His
Adam: birthday is the 29th love is lit You bet.
John: Leandro Brady another birthday in Bolinas, California. 5555. Bryan Bryan, Missouri in 5533. Robert Tyler lo 5510. TJ of the side. I certainly,
I'm sorry 5510 for surely. TJ PJ that's really TJ sir Lee mopho is next 5510 Eric howleen 5510 graying geek $55 there's a birthday there.
Adam: His own 55th birthday.
John: soap is soap is that the 446? Maybe that one guy that was heading if I looked him up what's his name? It was the same first and last name
there's running Afghanistan is co running Afghanistan. Abdul Abdul
Adam: Jabbar, Jabbar Jojo Jabbar,
John: john gainer 50 to 80 David Steinmeier 5033 john Collins in Atascadero, 5031. And then the following people are $50 donors name and location
birthday boy, Christopher Blanco. Dave Swift, sir Knight of the east side. Rebecca zyme. Its is no locations or anybody CAG kailyn Beasley Gregory
Parsons and she has
Adam: a hold on hold on kailyn Beasley says I've been staining donation of 3333 every month but after reading John's newsletter, I saw donations. This
week were a little scant. I'd like to call out Brianne Beasley as a douchebag. To him in the mouth last year pay up soccer. Soccer.
John: Gregory Parsons 50. garage or real in Bellevue, Ohio. These are all $50 donors name if locations possible. I don't have many. No, this No. And
what do you think? No. Ah, no way nowhere else.
Adam: Hard to tell.
John: Alexa Delgado in aptos. California carry a gust of sun. Robert Cardinal in Hinesville, Georgia. Why
Adam: don't these come in? But then he says three year douchebag please de-douche addicted to the show. Thanks. Ben de duced
John: Brittany morf Madison Maclaurin, Shane Morris and peopIe. Nisman in Amsterdam. Hey mom, baby. I'm a mom. Now I'm on in Amsterdam. Sure you are
go say hi. Are Tabak in mepple another Hollander two in a row. Steven Gan in Parts Unknown Todd group grab in Capek, Michigan. Shane Sproul in our Hey
Soos Ellen Ellen. Hey Soos Hello in Austin, Texas. Used to be where you used to live. Brian Belen. El Cajon includes Mr. Greg Gandolfo. And last but
not least, our buddy and longtime supporter are is is almost the beginning of the showing. So yeah, very long Santa's check in back in the day, sir
Alan being he's exia. Baron said, I'm gonna keep sending you a check as long as the show is good. And he has continued to send us checks. Ever see
Adam: That's right. Pretty moved and moved. He's moody was in Oakland, he's famous for being an opening to triggered and now he's in Beaverton. Well,
we appreciate not only psoralen being but also everyone who supported the show. And those who came in under 50, typically for reasons of anonymity,
but did catch one more deducing I believe, which was he not we had that one. I guess we got it all. Anyone under $50, which is typically for anonymity
but also a lot of people on the subscriptions. We really appreciate that though. The sustaining donations they do keep the show going. And I think
there was one or two jobs karma requests will run around that with that, and thank you for supporting Episode 1376
Unknown: jobs, jobs, jobs and jobs. That's the job. Karma
joining the fun for Sunday John dvorak.org, slash n A.
Adam: Lots of fun names to get through today. So buckle in. We've got on the birthday list, Kristen. Sue Sue, Sue Sue. tsutsui who says Happy Birthday
to her husband Gary. He's right on the 20th Chris Hewitt, his wife celebrating the 23rd through Patrick Coburn named Sarah. Happy birthday to the son
James 11 years old today and on the knighting list. Danske Lisa says Happy birthday was smokin hot wife Courtney also celebrating today grain geek 55
today through Walkmans wife Laura will be celebrating tomorrow. Kendra Lamacq will be celebrating tomorrow August 27 and Christina curry, the pod
daughter turns 31 tomorrow Happy Birthday babes. Then we have a yawns Intel Schecter 38 in the 29th karma Doc's, her super hot husband Ian dopps is
celebrating Christopher blancos, his Happy Birthday to his beautiful and amazing wife Damon Ashley Lady of the Lake and that's it our birthdays we say
happy birthday to all of you for the best podcast the universe and everybody in Stafford management the no agenda show on change don't want to be a
douchebag we've got to change here Sir, my killer. He said he wanted to change and he can do whatever you want these on the period's ladder. Now
please address them as sir Mike Keeler Baronet of the no agenda roundtable and thank you very much for yours for your support, sir Mike. Now we do
have quite a list here. We've got 1234 if I think we have five nights, two days, it's gonna take a real blade. Yeah, you ready to go the double hander
nice. Laura Courtney Scalia Seth climb David Bozeman, Jason Bible, Joshua Schmidt, Mike Keeler and James Carville. Stefan, Mamma mia you're about to
become knights and dames with the no agenda Roundtable. I'm very proud to pronounce the Katy as deemed to insist the SQL Data Queen Dame Courtney that
douchebag Dame Steph klong sir Earthbound astronaut of the Gothic Gothic realm, sir Bozeman of Cape Fear sir Good Book of the escarpment circuit
board. Sir Mike Keeler and Sir James. For you. We've got hookers and blow we got rent boys and we got Chardonnay. We have some special requests for
ribeye rye whiskey and a little rebellion can of diet coke it'll become zero nachos in case oh and well luckily the Netherlands knows how to make
their mutton and mead so I have that here. Thank you. And congratulations all of you you've got rings coming your way the official Knight or Dame ring
of the no agenda show the no no agenda, round table along with wax that you can seal up your your envelopes and other important correspondence with
and you use your ring for that and of course the certificate that proves its authenticity and we all thank you and welcome you to the peerage knights
and dames of the no agenda roundtable
many many offers to join in no agenda mediums while I was here, but it's such a short trip and I'm really here for the for Christina for a birthday
tomorrow. So I had to decline but lots of meetups taking place all over Gitmo Nation. Here's a report from Punta Gorda, Florida
Unknown: in the morning. This is the monthly magdala meetup installation number two. We're next the ice machine and Punta Gorda. Lastly, crab house. I
am a Benadryl baby.
This is sir Jacob, guardian of the Limburg coast. And I am a public health professional, and also a COVID survivor. And I have one message for you.
Stay safe. This is Mike from row number two from rotonda West and Renee from rotonda West. Hi, this
is Liz. I'm a new listener of the no agenda podcast and this is my first meetup and it's everything I hoped it would be more. Hi, this is Maddie, I
just want to thank you for keeping my amygdala so small.
This is Sir Edward Jacobs Knight of the Appalachian Piedmont. I just wanted to say Adam you are wrong about Tori says give her another try. This is a
couple of douchebags here Jake and Teresa from returned to West with our two months old human resource and this is Mike number one for mutanda West
here to Punta Gorda meetup. It's really nice meetup closer than a Tampa Bay when I went to last time, just finishing off my last dose of Of course
ivermectin. This is Christy here is my husband and my two human resources just seemed to them to build back better for someone else.
Adam: Okay, I love that report. So many people, very different kinds of people. They got kids there, they got alcohol, great combo. All kinds of fun
things happen at the no agenda meetups and you need to be there. I seriously need to try at least one of these and we have a whole system and no one
meetup.com where you can join in it's completely producer driven. And today in Denver at six o'clock the Denver city park at the Museum of Nature and
sciences, the Denver area sunshine appreciators meet up simultaneously at 630 the Denver city park meetup sit down and slave out with Colin and I
guess I don't know, I guess I don't know if it's one or two or both, but they should be able to find each other. On Saturday the second attempt at the
first ever p AI Prince Edward Island Kansa navia no agenda meetup one o'clock Atlantic time at the travel at Dr. Beach. Matt is organizing. I hope
someone shows up the first Prince Edward Island in Canada meetup in graveyard number of producers their flight has no agenda meter number 19 on the
eve of the fall 3:33pm on Saturday at Steel Craft in the city of Long Beach, the S A TX and Antonio meetup in Texas four o'clock at freetail brew pub
Saturday. Also on Saturday, the tiny amygdalae of Anchorage 4pm anchorage time to bear pot and Bar and Grill. No passports required. Oregon local
three unset 33 on Saturday, Dog Days union meeting, one at 5pm and this will be their first one at the Labrador lucky Labrador brew pub On se
Hawthorne. And Nelson British Columbia can nadian meet up five o'clock at torchlight brewing on Saturday Northeast Ohio Dame Ashley's birthday bash
five o'clock at town traveling in Union town. That should be fun. And then Sunday another show day for us the NA lowlands picnic in the park Delft.
See I would have loved to have gone to that but I'm working. That is one o'clock at the today. molins just got paid three Delft Nate allones Erma is
organizing for you Sunday as well. Buffalo Western New York meetup three o'clock at the Raymond kill mech veterans park in North tonawanda New York.
That's just a few of the meetups is coming up until the next show. There's a lot on the calendar. Go check them out. You will not regret it. If you
can't find anything near you. Then just start one yourself. No agenda meetups.com beeyotch the liquor party times you want to go hang out with all the
nice things. You won't be triggered. You wouldn't be where everybody? Whoo, the meetups are out of control.
John: Real people need to get out.
Adam: Yeah, it's good for the magri it's very good for them. I'll play my ISIS.
John: Me I certainly have one.
Adam: Oh, well. Let's play yours first. Then when you got
John: it's not good as Biden go. Finally.
Adam: Simultaneous growth and that was great. Finally. Shut your mouth peasant. That was very no agenda and our efforts to address the global
pandemic. It's too long. It's good but it's too long.
John: stuck by this show. Khloe? No problem with these. I mean, finally is kind of supposed to be a show closer. And with
Adam: this one. They really are sending you love and there's no agenda. Tony Robbins use that. Tony Robbins everybody
John: needs to be turned up a bit. Yeah, let
Adam: me get let me let me take it to the washer here. So let us boost that up a little bit. Get a little extra Doug business. I'm up at it by 14
john. Here we go.
Unknown: They really are sending you love and there's no agenda. Okay, I'll tighten it up at the beginning. Right perfect. That is not 14 decibels.
Now. That's dog biscuits bra.
John: Oh, dog business bra. bra is dog biscuits bra. So I've got a couple left over here. I got the they're both seaspan Collins. Okay. One of them's
funny one of us. That's let's just play one. Because it's like to give this guy the bum's rush, when he called in. And that that I think is I think
we're good with just this one play with a c span calling about the puppies. Oh, yay.
Unknown: Good morning. You know, I want to speak to a bigger issue. speak directly to Joe Biden's handling of this. He inherited a soup sandwich from
many administrations. I've studied history. I understand what's going on here. Getting the people out isn't necessarily issue. It's why we were in
Afghanistan in the first place. It took Russia down. It's taken every country down has ever tried to do anything. The Taliban, Al Qaeda. They're all
there to protect the poppy fields, the heroin. since World War One has been about the heroin and the poppy fields that come on Afghanistan. It's the
Four weeks in, the only commerce they have, for God's sake is desert and mountains. Okay. But
specifically, we're talking about these evacuation efforts that have been going on specifically to that. What do you think about those efforts?
What do I think about those efforts? I think we're the ones protecting the airspace in the airports and the French paratroopers and all these other
people who go in and get their nation, people from their nations out. If we weren't there, in some forest hadn't gone back down by to send them back.
None of those people would be parachuting in and getting their people out and doing all this. We don't hear about that. So.
So things should be done differently. Nothing should be done differently when it comes to these evacuation efforts. What do you think? repeat yourself
when it comes to the evacuation efforts? Do you think something should be done differently or nothing should be done differently? What do you think?
Well, I think this is I said he inherited a soup sandwich sandwich from Donald Trump. They don't say what they want. They're not in power. And they
did really did nothing but made a deal with the drug dealers to deal with a drug dealer.
Adam: Okay, that's Tennessee. This was the democrat line. I presume? It was. Wow, I love the repeat yourself. That's kind of a cool way to say it. I
gotta try using that. repeat yourself. It's like you're so taken aback. The guy went, Oh, you can even search for word. All right. I think we got to
go man. Shows running long. This is where you can disagree.
John: Shows running long. I'm not disagreeing with anything.
Adam: I just want to make sure. Sometimes we'll play that music. You're like Wait,
John: is late for you. Yours is like midnight or something? No, no, no, it's
Adam: 930 1030 I got a sandwich in the in the fridge. Because nothing up sandwich. Yes, exactly. It's a walkaway Joe we call it here in the deli
coming up after show after this. On no agenda stream.com we've got Canary Cry news talk. I haven't heard this new show to the stream. Excellent.
Excellent. End of show mixes recto is back. Good to see him Gucci dragon sound guy Steve Tidewater architect. It's a cornucopia of beautiness coming
to you from the crime ridden country of the Netherlands in the capital of Amsterdam in the morning everybody I'm Adam Curry
John: in from Northern Silicon Valley the crime written capital of California. No wait a minute homeless written What am I thinking? i'm john c
devore. I
Adam: returned on Sunday remember us at the dvorak.org slash na until Sunday adios mofos such think this mile drugs you will have a nice sleep without
any night.
Unknown: What some notion and then a couple minutes Sorry, I've been inundated with this delta variant COVID I mean Delta eight and some of these
gummies from Alabama gas stations got me flying past spaceships. I don't know how it's legal and all this gone saying because one parrot flapping her
arms screeching like an illegal to make this so much illegal so get some way you can keep it on the DL or not it's not important I got Scott is in for
it opens up the top and for is on the rise absorbing it makes everything to storage check liver light is on but my does enjoy it. And without and
there's just no way for me to make it through the days in between the show days. I mean, there's JRE and it's okay, but it's no no watching this
remembrance domain. Tom Salomon treasure devalues beyond measure. info same and GMI balance never been better is the end of the world as we know it.
No Winston, this was soundtrack to weather the weather. No umbrella just some nice ar 15 itchy finger on the trigger. We aren't there yet. But it's on
the horizon and the closer that we get it seems that monster risky and bigger. So let's pray for the peaceful divorce his relationships been over for
a while. So while we pretend then that we're not just beating this dead horse Civil War doesn't have to be deset course. Or does it? I don't know. I'm
just a rapper with my eyes on this ever growing government wondering when it's gone things and make them give the power effects. Even though I noticed
something like the fresh
not one and done or two and number three and done, at least for a while and I think all of those points need to be a little bit better communicated
with various determinations recommendation, seeking emergency use authorization, I know you had this conversation because it's simply based on that
study. It was based on a couple of things the main thing three, three, you know, to me like the money making operation, the money in a billion dollar
loudly and clearly even waiting for time for you to go get your vaccinations and get it today. It's free. It's easy, is safe as effective. Go get your
shot. Please get your shot today. There is no time to waste. The pandemic and the unvaccinated is a tragedy that is preventable. So please, please, if
you haven't gotten your vaccinations, if you haven't gotten vaccinated, please, you can save your life and the lives of those who have the good news
is across the country in some states to get $100 to get vaccinated, according to the experts from the Yale School of Public Health are fully
vaccinated, the sooner we protect today's FDA Philippines, there's another good reason to get vaccinated. vaccinated. Please remember, we just have to
finish the job. facts and come together together as the United States. Please get vaccinated today. Please. Well, we've gotten that done. It's not as
reassuring as anyone would like it to be she covered no I'm not being facetious. Non job covering session is good to see session and turn it into a
cover. Sheet covering. Not a joke. Sheet session. She goes she goes she says she says I've made a wise guy now. Exactly. Not much. Don't talk about
that. and turn it into she comes. She says this she says she said you had up to 20 republicans sign a letter Exactly. To conservatives. Don't talk
about that in there and turn it into recovery. mopho John dvorak.org slash and a they really are sending you love and there's no agenda