Sun, 15 May 2022 16:13
Anonymous (ID: Jf2XMB9C ) 05/14/22(Sat)14:52:01 No.377605335 Anonymous (ID: Jf2XMB9C ) 05/14/22(Sat)14:52:01 No.377605335 just 20 mins ago I just witnessed a mass shooting at a tops supermarket live on twitch with like 20 other viewers. i had opened the stream just a few seconds before he opened fire, and the stream lasted about 30 seconds after that. i saw at least 6 people shot.all i have is this link and this screenshot which was the last frame of the stream as it went down. there were only 20 viewers i doubt ill ever see a clip of it, unless someone knows how to download stiff from twitch.
does anyone know anything about this event.>>
Anonymous (ID: Rki0I1CM ) 05/14/22(Sat)14:53:44 No.377605520 Anonymous (ID: Rki0I1CM ) 05/14/22(Sat)14:53:44 No.377605520 >>377605335I've never heard of tops supermarket.>>
Anonymous (ID: Jf2XMB9C ) 05/14/22(Sat)14:54:45 No.377605637 Anonymous (ID: Jf2XMB9C ) 05/14/22(Sat)14:54:45 No.377605637 i was told by another viewer that he was dressed in full military gear and was driving around for about 15 mins scoping the place out. thats pretty much all i know>>
Anonymous (ID: 1Tac5h/a ) 05/14/22(Sat)14:55:07 No.377605683 Anonymous (ID: 1Tac5h/a ) 05/14/22(Sat)14:55:07 No.377605683 >>377605335big if true>>
Anonymous (ID: RiklMVk7 ) 05/14/22(Sat)14:55:23 No.377605710 Anonymous (ID: RiklMVk7 ) 05/14/22(Sat)14:55:23 No.377605710 >>377605335Channel doesn't exist, you're full of shit>>
Anonymous (ID: pRoO1onj ) 05/14/22(Sat)14:55:23 No.377605711 Anonymous (ID: pRoO1onj ) 05/14/22(Sat)14:55:23 No.377605711 Welp just wait until the news report tomorrow and we'll read more.I saw when he got out of his car and shot the person by the anteroom/vestibule/front glass entry room. I literally clicked in at the perfect time - saw a good minute or two of him finding where to park, only to pull out and leave his car in front of the store. Then I clicked off, reloaded the stream, and saw him make his way inside for about 40 seconds before the stream froze. Somebody's possibly recorded that.
It looked like a Tops supermarket. He was definitely in a grocery store because he was taking cover behind a cardboard stand of chips.
Anonymous (ID: Jf2XMB9C ) 05/14/22(Sat)14:56:18 No.377605814 Anonymous (ID: Jf2XMB9C ) 05/14/22(Sat)14:56:18 No.377605814 >>377605520 > Tops Friendly Markets is an American supermarket chain based in Amherst, New York that operates stores in New York, Vermont and Northern Pennsylvania. ... The chain formerly operated stores in Ohio and Massachusetts. so im guessing this was in NY, VT or PA.
Anonymous (ID: /+yuPKhY ) 05/14/22(Sat)14:56:54 No.377605892 Anonymous (ID: /+yuPKhY ) 05/14/22(Sat)14:56:54 No.377605892 >>377605335no past broadcasts>>
Anonymous (ID: g3WHSXwg ) 05/14/22(Sat)14:58:52 No.377606162 Anonymous (ID: g3WHSXwg ) 05/14/22(Sat)14:58:52 No.377606162 >>377605335>>377605637Dude was driving around ~5 minutes when I joined pussy footing trying to hype himself up for it, before he said something along the lines of "Guess I gotta just do it" before getting out his car and walking in. At that point I clicked off.
Anonymous (ID: IKNEN2za ) 05/14/22(Sat)14:58:56 No.377606167 Anonymous (ID: IKNEN2za ) 05/14/22(Sat)14:58:56 No.377606167 >>377605710The channel exists for me I dunno what your talking about>>
Anonymous (ID: 91NhhFHy ) 05/14/22(Sat)14:59:10 No.377606194 Anonymous (ID: 91NhhFHy ) 05/14/22(Sat)14:59:10 No.377606194 >>377605335His manifestohttps://drive[DOT]>>
Anonymous (ID: mclecFF2 ) 05/14/22(Sat)14:59:26 No.377606229 Anonymous (ID: mclecFF2 ) 05/14/22(Sat)14:59:26 No.377606229 >>377605335Shooter identified>>
Anonymous (ID: AMow1ImU ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:00:00 No.377606288 Anonymous (ID: AMow1ImU ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:00:00 No.377606288 >>377606229So stale.>>
Anonymous (ID: g3WHSXwg ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:00:14 No.377606321 Anonymous (ID: g3WHSXwg ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:00:14 No.377606321 >>377605683It is, I was one of the 20 viewers.>>
Anonymous (ID: hzdEZL9/ ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:00:33 No.377606355 Anonymous (ID: hzdEZL9/ ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:00:33 No.377606355 >>377605710Retard.>>
Anonymous (ID: Lgfeuir4 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:00:36 No.377606359 Anonymous (ID: Lgfeuir4 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:00:36 No.377606359 why would you shoot up a supermarket?fucking psychos>>
Anonymous (ID: B/obIp3h ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:00:36 No.377606362 Anonymous (ID: B/obIp3h ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:00:36 No.377606362 >>377605335dude this is the best bait ive ever fucking seen on this site in a while. >Asmongold >Hasan >Shroud >Fucking Amouranth hottub I miss good bait like this, catch some big ones.
Anonymous (ID: Jf2XMB9C ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:01:03 No.377606426 Anonymous (ID: Jf2XMB9C ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:01:03 No.377606426 some news coming in
Anonymous (ID: Jf2XMB9C ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:02:01 No.377606542 Anonymous (ID: Jf2XMB9C ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:02:01 No.377606542 >>377606362i normally never watch twitch. these are probably the default suggestions to users with no history.>>
Anonymous (ID: AMow1ImU ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:02:02 No.377606547 Anonymous (ID: AMow1ImU ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:02:02 No.377606547 >>377606362Looks like your a homosexual and wrong. Off to Reddit with you.>>
Anonymous (ID: 836qxTW3 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:02:11 No.377606564 Anonymous (ID: 836qxTW3 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:02:11 No.377606564 I searched his username on google and this popped up kek.>>
Anonymous (ID: cOEhOAAN ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:02:24 No.377606593 Anonymous (ID: cOEhOAAN ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:02:24 No.377606593 >be american >get shot >>
Anonymous (ID: g3WHSXwg ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:02:29 No.377606599 Anonymous (ID: g3WHSXwg ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:02:29 No.377606599 >>377606359Dude was in full /k/ommando gear, chubby mexican(?) dude in glasses, kept on hyping himself up, took the first turn, hyped himself more, then walked out of his and started shooting.>>
Anonymous (ID: Esbtyba4 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:02:43 No.377606623 Anonymous (ID: Esbtyba4 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:02:43 No.377606623 >>377606359To scare people like you. Seems like it's working.>>
Anonymous (ID: qOYXMDIu ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:02:47 No.377606634 Anonymous (ID: qOYXMDIu ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:02:47 No.377606634 >>377606194someone gimmie the qrd>>
Anonymous (ID: /YbM7leI ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:02:57 No.377606655 Anonymous (ID: /YbM7leI ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:02:57 No.377606655 >>377605335im sure you download the video before it got deleted right anon>>
Anonymous (ID: bPfBksN+ ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:03:05 No.377606672 Anonymous (ID: bPfBksN+ ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:03:05 No.377606672 Did literally no one archive shit?>>
Anonymous (ID: /YbM7leI ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:03:14 No.377606687 Anonymous (ID: /YbM7leI ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:03:14 No.377606687 >>377606194NO ONE WILL BAN YOU IF YOU POST THE LINK NORMALLY YOU FAGGGOT>>
Anonymous (ID: B/obIp3h ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:03:19 No.377606697 Anonymous (ID: B/obIp3h ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:03:19 No.377606697 >>377606542ah yes my mistake>>377606547faggot if that dude was following any of those its peak reddit, I missed the recommendations part.
Anonymous (ID: NZeyiu6u ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:03:58 No.377606766 Anonymous (ID: NZeyiu6u ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:03:58 No.377606766 >>377605520It's a fag market>>
Anonymous (ID: /YbM7leI ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:04:01 No.377606773 Anonymous (ID: /YbM7leI ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:04:01 No.377606773 >>377606634fake, it's not his manifesto>>
Anonymous (ID: g3WHSXwg ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:04:12 No.377606800 Anonymous (ID: g3WHSXwg ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:04:12 No.377606800 >>377606599out of his car*>>
(ID: WYQyzk6A ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:04:18 No.377606815 ð'
(ID: WYQyzk6A ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:04:18 No.377606815 >>377605335It's quiet.... Too quiet>>
Anonymous (ID: HGi05uLE ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:04:20 No.377606820 Anonymous (ID: HGi05uLE ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:04:20 No.377606820 >20+ viewers >none of them thought to record >>
Anonymous (ID: KxnBUhNP ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:04:32 No.377606843 Anonymous (ID: KxnBUhNP ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:04:32 No.377606843 >>377606288You're stale nigger!!>>377606229Ahem, he can't keep getting away with it.
Anonymous (ID: aiBTibsc ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:04:51 No.377606878 Anonymous (ID: aiBTibsc ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:04:51 No.377606878 Nigga who got the recording>>
Anonymous (ID: iO5u9ZOG ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:04:55 No.377606889 Anonymous (ID: iO5u9ZOG ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:04:55 No.377606889 why are americans like this? What kind of retard shoots up a supermarket?I can understand shooting politicians, but this is so fucking retarded it hurts>>
Anonymous (ID: 3u4+AnWO ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:05:00 No.377606901 Anonymous (ID: 3u4+AnWO ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:05:00 No.377606901 >>377605335 >tops supermarket that sounds like some dumb british store
>me and me mates goin' Tops. we's gonna buy bangers an' mash and I luvs me queen stupid fookin brits
Anonymous (ID: pRoO1onj ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:05:32 No.377606956 Anonymous (ID: pRoO1onj ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:05:32 No.377606956 >>377606362Oh yeah, totally bait.
Anonymous (ID: ECn91E9k ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:05:39 No.377606963 Anonymous (ID: ECn91E9k ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:05:39 No.377606963 >>377606194 >google drive upload it somewhere else faggot
Anonymous (ID: hH63E+iE ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:05:43 No.377606980 Anonymous (ID: hH63E+iE ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:05:43 No.377606980 >>377606359 >why would you shoot up a supermarket? ive always wondered this... like if youre going to shoot something up to send a message, why not target people who actually make a difference in shaping society? *cough* DC *cough* (not condoning violence, just wondering)
Anonymous (ID: Suhmt6tr ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:05:53 No.377607009 Anonymous (ID: Suhmt6tr ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:05:53 No.377607009 >>377606288Yeah but still kind of funny>>
Anonymous (ID: 3u4+AnWO ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:06:06 No.377607035 Anonymous (ID: 3u4+AnWO ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:06:06 No.377607035 >>377606889why dont you stick to mugging tourists in Salerno>>
Anonymous (ID: CIPJhV4M ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:06:34 No.377607091 Anonymous (ID: CIPJhV4M ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:06:34 No.377607091 >>377606426Good shit,might actually not be a larp>>
Anonymous (ID: vEttSJnE ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:06:49 No.377607129 Anonymous (ID: vEttSJnE ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:06:49 No.377607129 no one is going to ask how OP found the link to this stream right before a shooting occurred that only he and 20 other views got to see?WHAT KIND OF FRIENDS ARE U KEEPING, OP
Anonymous (ID: vq4szM2T ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:07:10 No.377607171 Anonymous (ID: vq4szM2T ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:07:10 No.377607171 >When I was 12 I was deep into communist ideology, talk to anyone from my old highschool and ask about me and you will hear that. From age 15 to 18 however, I consistentlymoved farther to the right. On the political compass I fall in the mild-moderate authoritarian leftcategory, and I would prefer to be called a populist.Another low iq nigger ready to jump on the boat of whatever ideology tells him he's oppressed enough, makes me disgusted i share the same race as these people>>
Anonymous (ID: dFX0FQwJ ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:07:24 No.377607195 Anonymous (ID: dFX0FQwJ ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:07:24 No.377607195 >>377605335 > related?
Anonymous (ID: 8e0p6VEe ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:07:29 No.377607209 Anonymous (ID: 8e0p6VEe ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:07:29 No.377607209 >>377606956bump>>
Anonymous (ID: 3fWgmx09 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:07:30 No.377607212 Anonymous (ID: 3fWgmx09 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:07:30 No.377607212 >>377606672Shitty ass streamer websites like twitch make it almost impossible to archive anything>>
Anonymous (ID: VZ14W+6R ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:07:33 No.377607221 Anonymous (ID: VZ14W+6R ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:07:33 No.377607221 >>377607009maybe if you're a low iq mong, which most of this board is>>
(ID: WYQyzk6A ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:07:44 No.377607240 ð'
(ID: WYQyzk6A ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:07:44 No.377607240 >>377605335His pages banner>>
Anonymous (ID: AMow1ImU ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:07:45 No.377607242 Anonymous (ID: AMow1ImU ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:07:45 No.377607242 I just want to see carnage.>>
Anonymous (ID: 9qU71nz0 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:07:48 No.377607247 Anonymous (ID: 9qU71nz0 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:07:48 No.377607247 >>377605335>>377605335OP right now dump your browser history and look for any streams. Paste the URL in here immediately bro. Will save in webm this shit
Anonymous (ID: c8x7mQvX ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:07:57 No.377607267 Anonymous (ID: c8x7mQvX ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:07:57 No.377607267 >>377605335you are definitely a glownigger>>
Anonymous (ID: hzdEZL9/ ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:08:12 No.377607296 Anonymous (ID: hzdEZL9/ ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:08:12 No.377607296 >>377606980>>377606889The people that shoot up public places like this aren't trying to accomplish anything. They're just angry, suicidal, and sadistic.
Anonymous (ID: Jf2XMB9C ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:08:27 No.377607330 Anonymous (ID: Jf2XMB9C ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:08:27 No.377607330 >>377606655he started shooting like 5 seconds after i opened the link, and then the shooting lasted about 30 seconds. i dont even have shadowplay installed. i took the time to paste the link in as many discords as i could (about 3) before the stream went dead and people thought i was crazy. i know what i saw.>>377606820it was a whole bunch of nothing until he sprung into action.
Anonymous (ID: JatFGAhl ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:08:35 No.377607343 Anonymous (ID: JatFGAhl ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:08:35 No.377607343 >>377605335Fucking based. Wish I could of been in on a gem like live footage of a mass shooting. I would asked in chat"OMG did they died?!">>
Anonymous (ID: IRwxVhVu ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:08:37 No.377607348 Anonymous (ID: IRwxVhVu ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:08:37 No.377607348 >>377607129People stream on twitch for years barely breaking 5 viewers, but it just so happens this one off stream gets 20 viewers at a precise time. You're right, OP knew>>
Anonymous (ID: 836qxTW3 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:08:50 No.377607377 Anonymous (ID: 836qxTW3 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:08:50 No.377607377 >>377607247This, the videos will be in OP's browser cache.>>
(ID: WYQyzk6A ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:09:20 No.377607437 ð'
(ID: WYQyzk6A ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:09:20 No.377607437 >>377606820Yeah cause I just record my screen all day and have the software to do that immediately available>>
Anonymous (ID: Xj2ExY8W ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:09:50 No.377607484 Anonymous (ID: Xj2ExY8W ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:09:50 No.377607484 >>377606288Go worship some niggers.>>
Anonymous (ID: iO5u9ZOG ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:09:52 No.377607490 Anonymous (ID: iO5u9ZOG ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:09:52 No.377607490 >>377607296 >They're just angry, suicidal, and sadistic. they should just kill themselves then instead of random people going about their daily lives
Anonymous (ID: mclecFF2 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:09:56 No.377607501 Anonymous (ID: mclecFF2 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:09:56 No.377607501 >>377606288Checked, you tradition-eschewing edgy nigger feltching faglord.>>
Anonymous (ID: AMow1ImU ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:09:57 No.377607502 Anonymous (ID: AMow1ImU ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:09:57 No.377607502 >>377607330Was anywhere near as interesting as the Christ Church incident?>>
Anonymous (ID: 9qU71nz0 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:10:00 No.377607513 Anonymous (ID: 9qU71nz0 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:10:00 No.377607513 >>377607330Dump all the Twitch CDN URLs you have in your cached history>>
Anonymous (ID: Q3vWx8US ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:10:26 No.377607566 Anonymous (ID: Q3vWx8US ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:10:26 No.377607566 >>377607247This OP! Quickly download the stream and make note of the path it's saved to. Should be something like C://blah blah blah. Send us that URL so we can see the video!>>
Anonymous (ID: E2AcvLuG ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:10:28 No.377607571 Anonymous (ID: E2AcvLuG ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:10:28 No.377607571 >>
Anonymous (ID: OQuysWip ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:10:35 No.377607588 Anonymous (ID: OQuysWip ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:10:35 No.377607588 >>377605335OP trying to make their own false flag?>>377606194could be anyone's drive, but not finding much looking up the name in the doc. Granted I looked for all of 30 seconds.
Anonymous (ID: L9c9vPgx ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:10:53 No.377607625 Anonymous (ID: L9c9vPgx ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:10:53 No.377607625 >>377605335Someone's still logged into his steam kek>>
Anonymous (ID: T8po8Rev ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:11:00 No.377607638 Anonymous (ID: T8po8Rev ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:11:00 No.377607638 >>377606194this looks fake as fuck lol>>
Anonymous (ID: sNvZ1nEo ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:11:19 No.377607685 Anonymous (ID: sNvZ1nEo ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:11:19 No.377607685 >>377606820I got it>>
Anonymous (ID: 836qxTW3 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:11:24 No.377607696 Anonymous (ID: 836qxTW3 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:11:24 No.377607696 OP check your web browsers cache files, there should be video clip files in there, they may be in a strange extension type but you can tell by the file size if they are video files.>>
Anonymous (ID: JqLSvTbW ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:11:27 No.377607704 Anonymous (ID: JqLSvTbW ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:11:27 No.377607704 >>377606229Didn't that guy do something like this before, and somehow got away with it?>>
Retardo Bot 6 Gorillion (ID: UG0I4abt ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:12:15 No.377607786 Retardo Bot 6 Gorillion (ID: UG0I4abt ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:12:15 No.377607786 Biden's America.>>
Anonymous (ID: RiklMVk7 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:12:29 No.377607812 Anonymous (ID: RiklMVk7 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:12:29 No.377607812 >>377606167I've searched 3 times wtf>>
Anonymous (ID: aiBTibsc ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:12:29 No.377607814 Anonymous (ID: aiBTibsc ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:12:29 No.377607814 >>377607685YOOOOOOOOOOOO>>
Anonymous (ID: g3WHSXwg ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:12:41 No.377607843 Anonymous (ID: g3WHSXwg ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:12:41 No.377607843 >>377607685send>>
Anonymous (ID: wvPUAXcI ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:12:43 No.377607846 Anonymous (ID: wvPUAXcI ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:12:43 No.377607846 >>377607685now make a webm>>
Anonymous (ID: 3fWgmx09 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:12:46 No.377607851 Anonymous (ID: 3fWgmx09 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:12:46 No.377607851 >>377607502It might be if he was targeting nogs>>377607240>>
Anonymous (ID: T8po8Rev ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:13:00 No.377607872 Anonymous (ID: T8po8Rev ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:13:00 No.377607872 >>377607685post webm or catbox matey>>
Anonymous (ID: Jf2XMB9C ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:13:01 No.377607877 Anonymous (ID: Jf2XMB9C ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:13:01 No.377607877 >>377607247>>377607377>>377607513tell me how to do this. i still have the tab open
Anonymous (ID: OQuysWip ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:13:03 No.377607884 Anonymous (ID: OQuysWip ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:13:03 No.377607884 >>377607685isn't that a frame from the christchurch (or w/e mosque it was) shooting?>>
Anonymous (ID: zH8+DLmA ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:13:23 No.377607920 Anonymous (ID: zH8+DLmA ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:13:23 No.377607920 >>377607685 >a fucking leaf okay now post the video
Anonymous (ID: PRqK0o2V ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:13:24 No.377607924 Anonymous (ID: PRqK0o2V ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:13:24 No.377607924 glowing>>
Anonymous (ID: PAFScLHO ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:13:28 No.377607928 Anonymous (ID: PAFScLHO ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:13:28 No.377607928 >>377605335 >Amouranth Coomer simp detected
Anonymous (ID: 2CZuQDUX ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:13:29 No.377607929 Anonymous (ID: 2CZuQDUX ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:13:29 No.377607929 was in a discord server, admin recommended it because it was someone they talked to for awhile, many of the server clicked into it, witnessed shooting>>
Anonymous (ID: 9qU71nz0 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:13:52 No.377607975 Anonymous (ID: 9qU71nz0 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:13:52 No.377607975 >>377607685Search for all CDN links in your history, send them to yt-dlp and learn to use ffmpeg. You are our only hope.>>
Anonymous (ID: y/fFInY6 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:14:03 No.377607996 Anonymous (ID: y/fFInY6 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:14:03 No.377607996 >>377607884NZ is right hand drive you dumb mutt nigger>>
Anonymous (ID: 836qxTW3 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:14:05 No.377607998 Anonymous (ID: 836qxTW3 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:14:05 No.377607998 >>377607877which browser are you using and which version of windows?>>
Anonymous (ID: kWDKjsRh ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:14:21 No.377608030 Anonymous (ID: kWDKjsRh ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:14:21 No.377608030 toasting in epic bread>>
(ID: WYQyzk6A ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:14:24 No.377608037 ð'
(ID: WYQyzk6A ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:14:24 No.377608037 >>377607502How could it be?>>
Anonymous (ID: sUCOnhhG ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:14:26 No.377608041 Anonymous (ID: sUCOnhhG ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:14:26 No.377608041 >>377606194Is this another glow op? Parts of this manifesto look copy-pasted from other places. Guy mentions 4ch, and there is a weird over-emphasis on cucked NY gun laws, and words that seem meant to stir an emotional reaction vs making sense in proximity to the other information.>>
Retardo Bot 6 Gorillion (ID: UG0I4abt ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:14:41 No.377608067 Retardo Bot 6 Gorillion (ID: UG0I4abt ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:14:41 No.377608067 As prices rise due to bidenflation, these occurrences are going to be more common.Never relax around democrats
Anonymous (ID: YjG/qB3f ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:14:43 No.377608071 Anonymous (ID: YjG/qB3f ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:14:43 No.377608071 oh shit
Anonymous (ID: yp65Y/Ee ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:14:47 No.377608080 Anonymous (ID: yp65Y/Ee ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:14:47 No.377608080 >>377607685 >Canuck browsing for Safariland multicam holsters Airsofter detected
>captcha: BASEDTX >>
Anonymous (ID: 4YD26rPg ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:14:50 No.377608084 Anonymous (ID: 4YD26rPg ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:14:50 No.377608084 20 viewers and five of them happen to find this thread. Interesting.>>
Anonymous (ID: aiBTibsc ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:15:08 No.377608112 Anonymous (ID: aiBTibsc ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:15:08 No.377608112 >>377607685>>
Anonymous (ID: h7Qj14Vx ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:15:12 No.377608121 Anonymous (ID: h7Qj14Vx ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:15:12 No.377608121 Why not shoot up the abortion rallys?What a faggot>>
Anonymous (ID: g3WHSXwg ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:15:21 No.377608135 Anonymous (ID: g3WHSXwg ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:15:21 No.377608135 >>377607884No you fucking retarded nigger, I was one of the 20 viewers, I joined exactly 50 minutes ag>>
Anonymous (ID: FmkWAR3X ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:15:25 No.377608142 Anonymous (ID: FmkWAR3X ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:15:25 No.377608142 >>377607884It says jimboboii and he's on the wrong side of the road>>
Anonymous (ID: uVORCUMZ ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:15:26 No.377608143 Anonymous (ID: uVORCUMZ ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:15:26 No.377608143 >>377606229How the hell does he keep getting away with it?>>
Anonymous (ID: J6cKmlXa ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:15:28 No.377608151 Anonymous (ID: J6cKmlXa ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:15:28 No.377608151 >>377605335That chat is dead>>
Anonymous (ID: vEttSJnE ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:15:39 No.377608174 Anonymous (ID: vEttSJnE ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:15:39 No.377608174 >>377608084G L O W>>
Anonymous (ID: 836qxTW3 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:15:52 No.377608190 Anonymous (ID: 836qxTW3 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:15:52 No.377608190 >>377607877download this
Anonymous (ID: yp65Y/Ee ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:16:11 No.377608221 Anonymous (ID: yp65Y/Ee ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:16:11 No.377608221 >>377608080God, I fucking hate word filters so much. Also forgot screenshot.>>
Anonymous (ID: /YbM7leI ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:16:35 No.377608270 Anonymous (ID: /YbM7leI ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:16:35 No.377608270 >>377608121never seen that one>>
Anonymous (ID: DvnUowYh ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:16:49 No.377608301 Anonymous (ID: DvnUowYh ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:16:49 No.377608301 >>377607872Bump>>
(ID: WYQyzk6A ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:16:50 No.377608306 ð'
(ID: WYQyzk6A ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:16:50 No.377608306 >>377607267Bold of you to assume the police would 1) put in this much effort and 2) actually know what's going on.>>
Anonymous (ID: JqLSvTbW ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:16:58 No.377608323 Anonymous (ID: JqLSvTbW ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:16:58 No.377608323 >According to initial reports, at least 9 people have been shot, including multiple people who were pronounced dead at the scene. Some of the victims were shot in the head. The status of the suspect has not been officially confirmed, but a video showed a man being taken into custody. >>
Anonymous (ID: N8YfQRYw ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:17:00 No.377608326 Anonymous (ID: N8YfQRYw ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:17:00 No.377608326 >>377606194So this is what /pol/ does to a mf>>
Anonymous (ID: 1Tac5h/a ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:17:15 No.377608358 Anonymous (ID: 1Tac5h/a ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:17:15 No.377608358 NOT DEAD
Anonymous (ID: Jf2XMB9C ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:17:17 No.377608361 Anonymous (ID: Jf2XMB9C ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:17:17 No.377608361 >>377607998win 10. firefox, latest. i got ghostery and ublock installed too, hopefully that doesnt interfere>>
Anonymous (ID: 2CZuQDUX ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:17:20 No.377608371 Anonymous (ID: 2CZuQDUX ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:17:20 No.377608371 >>377608084just so happened we are in the same server, of course we would reply in the same thread>>
Anonymous (ID: T8po8Rev ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:17:24 No.377608380 Anonymous (ID: T8po8Rev ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:17:24 No.377608380 suspect possibly? from a twitter by the same name. bio says he's 21.>>
Anonymous (ID: dFs446TC ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:17:42 No.377608427 Anonymous (ID: dFs446TC ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:17:42 No.377608427 >>377606980the likelyhood your plan will be a success, i'd wager. what's a softer target, a heavily guarded politician in a secured area, or a bunch of innocents minding their own business shopping for groceries?>>
Anonymous (ID: peUXT5sU ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:17:50 No.377608438 Anonymous (ID: peUXT5sU ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:17:50 No.377608438 >>377608221No texas is based you faggot>>
Anonymous (ID: rBVnsMyw ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:17:57 No.377608449 Anonymous (ID: rBVnsMyw ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:17:57 No.377608449 >Tarrant that attacks blacks >cites /pol/ and "infographics" for radicalizing him This glows like a motherfucker.
Anonymous (ID: bPfBksN+ ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:18:08 No.377608476 Anonymous (ID: bPfBksN+ ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:18:08 No.377608476 >>377607685Unironically email it to the admin of kiwifarmsjosh@jaw.shUse a VPN and a throwaway email so you don't get Canadian police on your ass>>
Anonymous (ID: N68jqkNR ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:18:14 No.377608482 Anonymous (ID: N68jqkNR ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:18:14 No.377608482 >>377606194Lmao it's just one big /pol/ shipost>>
(ID: WYQyzk6A ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:18:17 No.377608491 ð'
(ID: WYQyzk6A ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:18:17 No.377608491 >>377607343Found the jew>>
Anonymous (ID: zH8+DLmA ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:18:18 No.377608492 Anonymous (ID: zH8+DLmA ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:18:18 No.377608492 >>377608358jewish false flag to get ALL tactical gear and apparel banned alongside semi-auto rifles>>
Anonymous (ID: OQuysWip ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:18:18 No.377608493 Anonymous (ID: OQuysWip ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:18:18 No.377608493 >>377607996you can have either model of car in any country (left or right driver side), and it's a one-way street so the roadside doesn't have an implication here. You're right though that the shooter in the mosque vid wasn't driving a left-side driver vehicle.>>377608041I'm just wary since there's a supreme court case (NYSRPA vs. Bruen) which applies directly to gun laws in NY. So perfect timing to stir up the anti-gun crowd.
Anonymous (ID: 836qxTW3 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:18:30 No.377608526 Anonymous (ID: 836qxTW3 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:18:30 No.377608526 Bezos just nuked his channel>>
Anonymous (ID: T8po8Rev ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:18:35 No.377608538 Anonymous (ID: T8po8Rev ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:18:35 No.377608538 >>377606980that's what I always say when arabs just stab random people in this country>>
Anonymous (ID: JqLSvTbW ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:18:39 No.377608549 Anonymous (ID: JqLSvTbW ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:18:39 No.377608549 >>377608380 >zoomer haircut >>
Anonymous (ID: AHkMaf6K ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:18:55 No.377608574 Anonymous (ID: AHkMaf6K ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:18:55 No.377608574 >>377607571 >we need a distraction from baby formula >>
Anonymous (ID: EdukQcKO ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:18:57 No.377608578 Anonymous (ID: EdukQcKO ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:18:57 No.377608578 >>377606194 >google dox topkek
Anonymous (ID: wi3ymJtd ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:19:10 No.377608606 Anonymous (ID: wi3ymJtd ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:19:10 No.377608606 >>377608358why is it always white boys?>>
Anonymous (ID: 65nKQjSp ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:19:23 No.377608629 Anonymous (ID: 65nKQjSp ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:19:23 No.377608629 >>377608380Ayo no cap fr fr these niggaa is WYLIN ima go pop they asses>>
Anonymous (ID: y/fFInY6 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:19:24 No.377608632 Anonymous (ID: y/fFInY6 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:19:24 No.377608632 >>377608380 >im finna buss on these niggas at the supermarket fr fr no cap >>
Anonymous (ID: 3fWgmx09 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:19:27 No.377608636 Anonymous (ID: 3fWgmx09 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:19:27 No.377608636 >>377608358 >video Why the fuck are there so many blacks in Buffalo, NY of all places??
Anonymous (ID: peUXT5sU ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:19:31 No.377608643 Anonymous (ID: peUXT5sU ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:19:31 No.377608643 >>377608270Is this in France?>>
Anonymous (ID: aiBTibsc ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:19:48 No.377608674 Anonymous (ID: aiBTibsc ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:19:48 No.377608674 >>377608606white bois are the best <3>>
Anonymous (ID: rl0f7VCH ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:19:58 No.377608697 Anonymous (ID: rl0f7VCH ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:19:58 No.377608697 >>377606362That's a good show. Darren will be happy with this result.>>
(ID: WYQyzk6A ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:19:59 No.377608700 ð'
(ID: WYQyzk6A ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:19:59 No.377608700 >>377607129These people typically spam their intentions with a link before doing whatever they're planning on doing. I assumed it came from that, but you have a good point.>>
Anonymous (ID: QHGqFa5j ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:20:10 No.377608723 Anonymous (ID: QHGqFa5j ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:20:10 No.377608723 >>377608632strait fax no printer>>
Anonymous (ID: FmkWAR3X ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:20:15 No.377608732 Anonymous (ID: FmkWAR3X ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:20:15 No.377608732 >>377608526Glowies are always watching these threads. The moment a thread is up here, the big brother deletions start. Every time.>>
Anonymous (ID: T8po8Rev ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:20:30 No.377608762 Anonymous (ID: T8po8Rev ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:20:30 No.377608762
Anonymous (ID: ZbZFiz9m ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:20:44 No.377608792 Anonymous (ID: ZbZFiz9m ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:20:44 No.377608792 >>377605335glowniggers ittvery cool op, you are still fags>>
Anonymous (ID: FZBWqvZy ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:20:49 No.377608804 Anonymous (ID: FZBWqvZy ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:20:49 No.377608804 >>377608606Why is the black mass shooter majority never covered?>>
Anonymous (ID: O/gOWa3D ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:20:51 No.377608811 Anonymous (ID: O/gOWa3D ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:20:51 No.377608811 >>377608629>>377608632>>
Anonymous (ID: h7Qj14Vx ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:20:52 No.377608815 Anonymous (ID: h7Qj14Vx ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:20:52 No.377608815 >>
Anonymous (ID: YR76QHZA ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:21:00 No.377608829 Anonymous (ID: YR76QHZA ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:21:00 No.377608829 where is the video link?>>
Anonymous (ID: Jf2XMB9C ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:21:01 No.377608831 Anonymous (ID: Jf2XMB9C ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:21:01 No.377608831 >>377608190this time is correct but thats not the video.>>
Anonymous (ID: Y+O2zw5k ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:21:07 No.377608843 Anonymous (ID: Y+O2zw5k ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:21:07 No.377608843 his manifesto glows>>
Anonymous (ID: ibu/n1Uz ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:21:19 No.377608864 Anonymous (ID: ibu/n1Uz ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:21:19 No.377608864 It's glowing in here>>
Anonymous (ID: sNvZ1nEo ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:21:34 No.377608894 Anonymous (ID: sNvZ1nEo ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:21:34 No.377608894 >>377608476dude I don't even have a vpn right now>>
Anonymous (ID: FmkWAR3X ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:21:46 No.377608919 Anonymous (ID: FmkWAR3X ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:21:46 No.377608919 >>377608762Why are niggers always so fucking fat?>>
Anonymous (ID: Anj1QkTP ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:21:54 No.377608935 Anonymous (ID: Anj1QkTP ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:21:54 No.377608935 >>377605335Channel suspended?>>
(ID: WYQyzk6A ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:22:03 No.377608951 ð'
(ID: WYQyzk6A ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:22:03 No.377608951 >>377608643Duh>>
Anonymous (ID: h7Qj14Vx ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:22:05 No.377608955 Anonymous (ID: h7Qj14Vx ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:22:05 No.377608955 >>377608762He shot a bunch of niggers so this is gonna be big news>>
Anonymous (ID: 6l8yH7DR ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:22:06 No.377608959 Anonymous (ID: 6l8yH7DR ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:22:06 No.377608959 >>377606593 >be eurocuck >go to prison for owning a knife without your government's permission
Anonymous (ID: T8po8Rev ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:22:11 No.377608975 Anonymous (ID: T8po8Rev ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:22:11 No.377608975 >>377608894bro wtf>>
Anonymous (ID: aiBTibsc ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:22:12 No.377608980 Anonymous (ID: aiBTibsc ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:22:12 No.377608980 >>377608894HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA>>
Anonymous (ID: QHGqFa5j ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:22:15 No.377608986 Anonymous (ID: QHGqFa5j ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:22:15 No.377608986 >>377608919booba>>
Anonymous (ID: hfKGzemK ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:22:23 No.377609003 Anonymous (ID: hfKGzemK ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:22:23 No.377609003 >>377605335How'd it feel anon?>>
Anonymous (ID: o3K/s8v2 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:22:37 No.377609028 Anonymous (ID: o3K/s8v2 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:22:37 No.377609028 >>377608894 >NIGGER holy kek
Anonymous (ID: 1Tac5h/a ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:22:39 No.377609035 Anonymous (ID: 1Tac5h/a ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:22:39 No.377609035 >>377608894holy FUCK>>
Anonymous (ID: P9dlRZHy ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:22:42 No.377609041 Anonymous (ID: P9dlRZHy ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:22:42 No.377609041 >>377608894Oh shit, she got brained. >nigger on the front sight post RIP, it's over, race war is on.
Anonymous (ID: akFiW4OO ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:22:45 No.377609044 Anonymous (ID: akFiW4OO ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:22:45 No.377609044 >>377608894oh fuuuuuuuuuuuuck>>
Anonymous (ID: N8YfQRYw ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:22:45 No.377609048 Anonymous (ID: N8YfQRYw ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:22:45 No.377609048 >>377608894COME ON POST THE FULL VID>>
Anonymous (ID: /+RLGE5X ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:22:50 No.377609061 Anonymous (ID: /+RLGE5X ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:22:50 No.377609061 >>377605335kek you're gonna get vanned>>
Anonymous (ID: /YbM7leI ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:22:53 No.377609062 Anonymous (ID: /YbM7leI ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:22:53 No.377609062 >>377608358sheesh that's one of us, why these fags keep killing white people>>
Anonymous (ID: FmkWAR3X ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:22:53 No.377609064 Anonymous (ID: FmkWAR3X ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:22:53 No.377609064 >>377608894Ah, it's Tarrant Part DeuxL Ghetto Boogaloo>>
Anonymous (ID: 5Kevdoz/ ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:22:54 No.377609069 Anonymous (ID: 5Kevdoz/ ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:22:54 No.377609069 AH GOD I NEED DA VIDEOThis is going to be better than the New Zealand one, and more relevant to my continent.>>
Anonymous (ID: zH8+DLmA ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:22:55 No.377609072 Anonymous (ID: zH8+DLmA ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:22:55 No.377609072 >>377608894so you're not going ot post the video? why not?>>
Anonymous (ID: RiklMVk7 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:22:56 No.377609075 Anonymous (ID: RiklMVk7 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:22:56 No.377609075 >>377608919Literally about to post >before you fap, that's a man But fu for ruining it
Anonymous (ID: c8x7mQvX ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:22:59 No.377609081 Anonymous (ID: c8x7mQvX ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:22:59 No.377609081 >>377608894>>
Anonymous (ID: GwQFj5ac ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:22:59 No.377609084 Anonymous (ID: GwQFj5ac ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:22:59 No.377609084 >>377605711upload the vid somewhere>>
Anonymous (ID: /U5nWkAS ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:22:59 No.377609085 Anonymous (ID: /U5nWkAS ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:22:59 No.377609085 >>377605520It's a supermarket that caters towards welfare and don't really give a shit about keeping clean or sanitary. My mom had a friend way back get fired for throwing out meat that was past it's sell by date instead of opening it and mixing it with new meat so it could be resold.I wouldn't be surprised if they improved since then, but they have a really bad reputation with non welfare people here. "Tops never mops" was a pretty common meme up here.>>
Anonymous (ID: O/gOWa3D ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:23:03 No.377609092 Anonymous (ID: O/gOWa3D ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:23:03 No.377609092 >>377608894BOOM Headshot!>>
Anonymous (ID: exI3bkGe ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:23:05 No.377609095 Anonymous (ID: exI3bkGe ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:23:05 No.377609095 >>377605335fratricide>>
Anonymous (ID: JqLSvTbW ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:23:05 No.377609096 Anonymous (ID: JqLSvTbW ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:23:05 No.377609096 >>377608894OH SHIT THIS GLOWS>>
Anonymous (ID: TbHU4ceS ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:23:11 No.377609108 Anonymous (ID: TbHU4ceS ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:23:11 No.377609108 >>377608894How do you not have OBS you fucking retarded leaf>>
Anonymous (ID: hYT1IOHt ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:23:12 No.377609112 Anonymous (ID: hYT1IOHt ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:23:12 No.377609112 >>377608371dead internet is real>>
Anonymous (ID: RmpTvl3y ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:23:28 No.377609158 Anonymous (ID: RmpTvl3y ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:23:28 No.377609158 >>377608815 >black guys casually standing there and eating chips lmfao
Anonymous (ID: bPfBksN+ ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:23:29 No.377609159 Anonymous (ID: bPfBksN+ ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:23:29 No.377609159 >>377608894Make a throwaway email, I'll give you a mullvad account>>
Anonymous (ID: P+Ln4MGx ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:23:34 No.377609165 Anonymous (ID: P+Ln4MGx ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:23:34 No.377609165 >>377608894Post the whole vid kek>>
Anonymous (ID: nFUske9B ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:23:39 No.377609176 Anonymous (ID: nFUske9B ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:23:39 No.377609176 >>377605335Lame. Just people fucking shopping, they're mostly innocent and for sure no high score. They should have waited for some pussyhat convention full of faggot liberals or BLM/OWS protest event. At least try for a high score on faggot liberals. Wasted attempt.
Anonymous (ID: i1ZKy0dO ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:23:43 No.377609191 Anonymous (ID: i1ZKy0dO ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:23:43 No.377609191 >>377605335why were you watching a stream of a fucking supermarket?glows>>
Anonymous (ID: 836qxTW3 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:23:55 No.377609208 Anonymous (ID: 836qxTW3 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:23:55 No.377609208 Tarrant 2.0>>
Anonymous (ID: exI3bkGe ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:23:55 No.377609210 Anonymous (ID: exI3bkGe ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:23:55 No.377609210 >>377608894GLOWIE GLOWIE GO AWAY, NO ONE WANTS YOUR STUPID AIDS.YOU FAGS WILL HANG FOR CAUSING THIS RACIAL DIVIDE.
Anonymous (ID: 845GC99D ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:23:56 No.377609213 Anonymous (ID: 845GC99D ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:23:56 No.377609213 GLOWNIGGER FALSE FLAG>>
Anonymous (ID: TbHU4ceS ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:23:56 No.377609215 Anonymous (ID: TbHU4ceS ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:23:56 No.377609215 >>377609072Because he's a retarded leaf and doesn't have video recording software like every other normal pc fag in the world>>
Anonymous (ID: SSQKzxC2 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:23:57 No.377609216 Anonymous (ID: SSQKzxC2 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:23:57 No.377609216 >>377608919would suck on that fucking titty. loves me some chocolate milk>>
Anonymous (ID: 0bH/L9Lx ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:23:57 No.377609217 Anonymous (ID: 0bH/L9Lx ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:23:57 No.377609217 >>377606229he can't keep getting away with it>>
Anonymous (ID: sUCOnhhG ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:24:01 No.377609227 Anonymous (ID: sUCOnhhG ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:24:01 No.377609227 >>377608493It's like the worst PTO mom started writing school shooter fantasy erotica. I'm not buying this ,at all.>>
Anonymous (ID: 2vrVWS8+ ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:24:13 No.377609255 Anonymous (ID: 2vrVWS8+ ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:24:13 No.377609255 Say goodbye to your second amendment, fellow goys.>>
Anonymous (ID: j1HRJdO8 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:24:23 No.377609279 Anonymous (ID: j1HRJdO8 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:24:23 No.377609279 >>377606194Just post the fucking link. Stupid fucking thread of nothing full of spastics wtf is wrong with you>>
Anonymous (ID: vq4szM2T ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:24:25 No.377609286 Anonymous (ID: vq4szM2T ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:24:25 No.377609286 >>377608894please mr glowie dont blueball us like this>>
Anonymous (ID: wpUguBwq ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:24:26 No.377609289 Anonymous (ID: wpUguBwq ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:24:26 No.377609289 >>377608894>>377608815DEAD NIGGERS ON THE STREETS
Anonymous (ID: ZbZFiz9m ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:24:27 No.377609292 Anonymous (ID: ZbZFiz9m ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:24:27 No.377609292 >>377608606 >almost all mass shooters in media coverage are white hhmmm
Anonymous (ID: zH8+DLmA ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:24:33 No.377609299 Anonymous (ID: zH8+DLmA ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:24:33 No.377609299 Will this spark the nigger riots 2.0 in time for summer?>>
Anonymous (ID: kAjfmdHD ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:24:38 No.377609308 Anonymous (ID: kAjfmdHD ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:24:38 No.377609308 >>377608894 >NIGGER Guys manifesto reads like he copy-pasted /pol/ threads, glows massively.
Don't be shocked if this guy was goaded into doing this by (((internet friends))).
Anonymous (ID: YjG/qB3f ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:24:40 No.377609314 Anonymous (ID: YjG/qB3f ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:24:40 No.377609314 >>377609210That doesn't rhyme at all.>>
Anonymous (ID: exI3bkGe ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:24:46 No.377609331 Anonymous (ID: exI3bkGe ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:24:46 No.377609331 GLOWNIGGER FALSE FLAG PER USUAL, C.I.A CAN SUCK ANY REAL PATRIOTS COCKSYOUR PENSIONS ARE WORTHLESS, YOU ARE BEING USED
Anonymous (ID: Y+O2zw5k ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:24:48 No.377609335 Anonymous (ID: Y+O2zw5k ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:24:48 No.377609335 FALSE FLAGHIS MANIFESTO GLOWS BRIGHTER THAN THE SUN>>
Anonymous (ID: FmkWAR3X ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:24:49 No.377609341 Anonymous (ID: FmkWAR3X ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:24:49 No.377609341 >>377609191Yeah, this looks too identical to Tarrant, it fucking glows>>
Anonymous (ID: U7dqSSW3 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:24:50 No.377609343 Anonymous (ID: U7dqSSW3 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:24:50 No.377609343 >>377606162Why would you click off at that point?
Anonymous (ID: KBEntH+9 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:24:57 No.377609359 Anonymous (ID: KBEntH+9 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:24:57 No.377609359 >>377609210Shut up nigger>>
Anonymous (ID: YR76QHZA ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:25:00 No.377609366 Anonymous (ID: YR76QHZA ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:25:00 No.377609366 >>377609176agreed. looks like one of the victims might've been white. she was a race traitor, maybe. didnt wait for a blm thing, or perhaps a Kings of Comedy show.>>
Anonymous (ID: dFX0FQwJ ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:25:02 No.377609370 Anonymous (ID: dFX0FQwJ ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:25:02 No.377609370 >>377609176Literally this. People like this make me want to puke. If he wanted to go out, he should have went after a corrupt politician or something. He'd have achieved the same results in his manifesto. Not some innocents shopping.>>
Anonymous (ID: L9c9vPgx ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:25:03 No.377609375 Anonymous (ID: L9c9vPgx ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:25:03 No.377609375 >>377605335Apparently, there was a livestream on Discord as well, did anyone get a recording of that?>>
Anonymous (ID: EdukQcKO ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:25:05 No.377609378 Anonymous (ID: EdukQcKO ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:25:05 No.377609378 >>377608894This glows so fucking hard.>>
Anonymous (ID: 8hk+aSQH ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:25:06 No.377609380 Anonymous (ID: 8hk+aSQH ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:25:06 No.377609380 >>377608894today is gonna be a meme day, isn't it>>
Anonymous (ID: y/fFInY6 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:25:07 No.377609382 Anonymous (ID: y/fFInY6 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:25:07 No.377609382 >>377608894>>
Anonymous (ID: JPat/tmm ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:25:10 No.377609385 Anonymous (ID: JPat/tmm ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:25:10 No.377609385 >>377605335over my dead body /pol/
Anonymous (ID: qVJL0Bmn ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:25:16 No.377609396 Anonymous (ID: qVJL0Bmn ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:25:16 No.377609396 >>377605335What the fuck new link please?>>
Anonymous (ID: wi3ymJtd ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:25:20 No.377609403 Anonymous (ID: wi3ymJtd ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:25:20 No.377609403 >>377608894gun has nigger on it, race war has begun>>
Anonymous (ID: sNvZ1nEo ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:25:22 No.377609412 Anonymous (ID: sNvZ1nEo ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:25:22 No.377609412 >>377609108I fear not the RCMP because I do not live in a fire house>>
Anonymous (ID: exI3bkGe ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:25:24 No.377609414 Anonymous (ID: exI3bkGe ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:25:24 No.377609414 >>377609359FED SUCK MY COCK>>
Anonymous (ID: TbHU4ceS ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:25:26 No.377609417 Anonymous (ID: TbHU4ceS ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:25:26 No.377609417 >>377609227Yeah this manifesto is totally not glowing to high hell also the fact he lived and wasn't shot up by cops>>
Anonymous (ID: LwBjV7HZ ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:25:33 No.377609434 Anonymous (ID: LwBjV7HZ ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:25:33 No.377609434 >>377609341This>>
Anonymous (ID: kgbiV1i0 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:25:37 No.377609443 Anonymous (ID: kgbiV1i0 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:25:37 No.377609443 >>377608358He looks like Jonah Golbergnthgt2yt2w>>
Anonymous (ID: e09sQxrB ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:25:39 No.377609449 Anonymous (ID: e09sQxrB ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:25:39 No.377609449 >>377607929Go may have found a way to save some white lives and you're holding out?>>
Anonymous (ID: Fi0YZPFW ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:25:42 No.377609454 Anonymous (ID: Fi0YZPFW ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:25:42 No.377609454 0/10 choice of targetI disavow this retard>>
Anonymous (ID: 3B8wsE0g ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:25:47 No.377609459 Anonymous (ID: 3B8wsE0g ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:25:47 No.377609459 >>377605335 >Amouranth >>
Anonymous (ID: XW3PFwB3 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:25:50 No.377609466 Anonymous (ID: XW3PFwB3 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:25:50 No.377609466 >>377606980 >guy in full tactical gear >not even suicided Because it's a glowie. Why would they shoot their own when they can go to a poor neighborhood, shoot a couple "useless eaters" and then ban all guns easy?
Anonymous (ID: j1HRJdO8 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:25:57 No.377609477 Anonymous (ID: j1HRJdO8 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:25:57 No.377609477 >>377606288Like your rotting axe wound groomer.>>
Anonymous (ID: aiBTibsc ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:25:57 No.377609479 Anonymous (ID: aiBTibsc ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:25:57 No.377609479 >>377609412nigger post the vid already>>
Anonymous (ID: E2AcvLuG ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:26:35 No.377609567 Anonymous (ID: E2AcvLuG ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:26:35 No.377609567 I wonder if this copycat outdid his inspiration>>
Anonymous (ID: uVORCUMZ ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:26:36 No.377609568 Anonymous (ID: uVORCUMZ ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:26:36 No.377609568 >>377609227why are we in hell? did we really fuck up in a past life? fake ops to take our guns and stir us up seem common and annoying.>>
Anonymous (ID: J6cKmlXa ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:26:41 No.377609576 Anonymous (ID: J6cKmlXa ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:26:41 No.377609576 >>377608894What's the writing on the side of that gun?>>
Anonymous (ID: GWfjCmqa ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:26:41 No.377609578 Anonymous (ID: GWfjCmqa ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:26:41 No.377609578 >>377608894>>
Anonymous (ID: EdukQcKO ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:26:42 No.377609581 Anonymous (ID: EdukQcKO ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:26:42 No.377609581 >>377609176It's a blatantly obvious glowop.>>
Anonymous (ID: T8po8Rev ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:26:46 No.377609587 Anonymous (ID: T8po8Rev ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:26:46 No.377609587 >>377609412post it somewhere dood>>
(ID: WYQyzk6A ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:26:49 No.377609602 ð'
(ID: WYQyzk6A ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:26:49 No.377609602 >>377605335Quick everyone, act normal, discord trannies are watching usniggerniggerniggerniggerniggerniggerniggerniggerniggerniggerniggerniggerniggerniggerniggerniggerniggerniggerniggerniggerniggerniggerniggerniggerniggerniggerniggerniggerniggerniggerniggerniggerniggerniggerniggerniggerniggerniggerniggerniggerniggerniggerniggerniggerniggerniggerniggerniggerniggerniggerniggerniggerniggerniggerniggerniggerniggerniggerniggerniggerniggerniggerniggerniggerniggerniggerniggerniggerniggerniggerniggerniggerniggerniggerniggerniggerniggerniggerniggerniggerniggerniggerniggerniggernigger
Anonymous (ID: ibu/n1Uz ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:26:53 No.377609606 Anonymous (ID: ibu/n1Uz ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:26:53 No.377609606 OP where did you get the link to the stream?>>
Anonymous (ID: AMow1ImU ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:26:54 No.377609613 Anonymous (ID: AMow1ImU ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:26:54 No.377609613 >>377609477It's stale. It use to be funny 4 years ago. Now it's tired and proof /pol itself is a corpse.>>
Anonymous (ID: bPfBksN+ ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:26:55 No.377609616 Anonymous (ID: bPfBksN+ ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:26:55 No.377609616 >>377609412I'm serious motherfuckerFireup protonmail and post that shit, I'll give you a funded mullvad account>>
Anonymous (ID: Fi0YZPFW ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:26:58 No.377609621 Anonymous (ID: Fi0YZPFW ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:26:58 No.377609621 literally a faggot mongoloid version of Tarrantabsolutely disgraceful>>
Anonymous (ID: LwBjV7HZ ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:27:00 No.377609624 Anonymous (ID: LwBjV7HZ ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:27:00 No.377609624 Jews trying to start the race war again just like with Tarrant>>
Anonymous (ID: xs4ZBvjH ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:27:07 No.377609644 Anonymous (ID: xs4ZBvjH ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:27:07 No.377609644 >>377605814Ahhhh so it is a Jew England chain. Nothing beats Piggly Wiggly.>>
Anonymous (ID: LE9RnW0d ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:27:09 No.377609649 Anonymous (ID: LE9RnW0d ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:27:09 No.377609649 >>377608894 >NIGGER KEK
Anonymous (ID: Y+O2zw5k ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:27:17 No.377609671 Anonymous (ID: Y+O2zw5k ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:27:17 No.377609671 >>377609567GLOWS GLOWS GLOWS>>
Anonymous (ID: wvPUAXcI ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:27:23 No.377609687 Anonymous (ID: wvPUAXcI ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:27:23 No.377609687 >>377609412 >monkey today's a good day
Anonymous (ID: /YbM7leI ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:27:39 No.377609712 Anonymous (ID: /YbM7leI ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:27:39 No.377609712 >>377608894this is really bad, you can wait for two week of demonization of white man on steroid>>
Anonymous (ID: hdXCivbO ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:27:40 No.377609714 Anonymous (ID: hdXCivbO ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:27:40 No.377609714 >>377608894That's an old white woman>>
Anonymous (ID: GWfjCmqa ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:27:40 No.377609716 Anonymous (ID: GWfjCmqa ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:27:40 No.377609716 >>377609412Post the vid already>>
Anonymous (ID: BY1eg4xy ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:27:44 No.377609722 Anonymous (ID: BY1eg4xy ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:27:44 No.377609722 >>377605335 >i doubt ill ever see a clip of it, unless someone knows how to download stiff from twitch. oh you dumb nigger there's literally a button for it
Anonymous (ID: 65nKQjSp ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:27:57 No.377609744 Anonymous (ID: 65nKQjSp ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:27:57 No.377609744 >>377609576>>377609578>>377609649WTF
Anonymous (ID: y/fFInY6 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:28:03 No.377609761 Anonymous (ID: y/fFInY6 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:28:03 No.377609761 >>377609412 >good times top kek, and I was just about to go to bed fuck you leadbro
Anonymous (ID: Fi0YZPFW ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:28:03 No.377609763 Anonymous (ID: Fi0YZPFW ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:28:03 No.377609763 >>377609567not even remotely>>
Anonymous (ID: A8fSnKlr ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:28:06 No.377609767 Anonymous (ID: A8fSnKlr ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:28:06 No.377609767 >>377606634white nationalist specifically targeting people of color>>
no troll (ID: xLUoKXiM ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:28:17 No.377609790 no troll (ID: xLUoKXiM ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:28:17 No.377609790 >>377609095>>
Anonymous (ID: ZbZFiz9m ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:28:18 No.377609793 Anonymous (ID: ZbZFiz9m ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:28:18 No.377609793 Retards here unironically cheering another gay glowie shooting to demonize whites and gunskys
Anonymous (ID: sNvZ1nEo ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:28:20 No.377609798 Anonymous (ID: sNvZ1nEo ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:28:20 No.377609798 >>377609215Cope and seethe>>
Anonymous (ID: AMow1ImU ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:28:24 No.377609806 Anonymous (ID: AMow1ImU ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:28:24 No.377609806 He shot a White women, so they can't say it was racial now. Jews are going to be mad about that.>>
Anonymous (ID: Rvrjkdwu ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:28:25 No.377609809 Anonymous (ID: Rvrjkdwu ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:28:25 No.377609809 >>377605335This glows so fucking hard>>
Anonymous (ID: PAmeVw/M ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:28:34 No.377609825 Anonymous (ID: PAmeVw/M ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:28:34 No.377609825 >>377609412 >good times >>
Anonymous (ID: LE9RnW0d ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:28:52 No.377609862 Anonymous (ID: LE9RnW0d ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:28:52 No.377609862 If you have the footage, upload it on>>
Anonymous (ID: P+Ln4MGx ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:28:55 No.377609868 Anonymous (ID: P+Ln4MGx ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:28:55 No.377609868 >>377606194This guy glows holy shit>>
Anonymous (ID: Fi0YZPFW ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:29:01 No.377609876 Anonymous (ID: Fi0YZPFW ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:29:01 No.377609876 >>377605335 >glownigger faggot tries to copycat Tarrant but doesn't even have anyone watching I give you a 33% chance of being a glownigger yourself OP, can you explain why were you even watching that stream?
Anonymous (ID: giEpYwfh ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:29:01 No.377609878 Anonymous (ID: giEpYwfh ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:29:01 No.377609878 >>377609798this is peak zoomer lmao>>
Anonymous (ID: 9DE+O0aQ ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:29:03 No.377609882 Anonymous (ID: 9DE+O0aQ ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:29:03 No.377609882 >>377605335Bad photoshop. You put the 'stream' above the header.>>
Anonymous (ID: OolfP1gB ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:29:05 No.377609886 Anonymous (ID: OolfP1gB ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:29:05 No.377609886 >>377605335How did you come across his stream?>>377606194How did you find his manifesto?
You two were in on it or something?
-not a cop>>
(ID: WYQyzk6A ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:29:11 No.377609902 ð'
(ID: WYQyzk6A ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:29:11 No.377609902 >>377609613It's stale, unlike your axe wound which will always be fresh and will never heal because you are not and never will be a woman.>>
Anonymous (ID: fEVibh8Y ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:29:27 No.377609928 Anonymous (ID: fEVibh8Y ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:29:27 No.377609928 >>377605335how convenient this happens right after some nigger shoots up a bunch of niggerball monkeys.>>
Anonymous (ID: uVORCUMZ ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:29:34 No.377609943 Anonymous (ID: uVORCUMZ ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:29:34 No.377609943 >>377609806they can always lie or cover up details like they do every single time without fail.>>
Anonymous (ID: FmkWAR3X ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:29:36 No.377609947 Anonymous (ID: FmkWAR3X ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:29:36 No.377609947 >>377609793 >Retards here More than 80% of this board is shills and bots, don't get so upset that this thread is identical to every single other one before it. Just get used to it, Dead Internet is real.
Anonymous (ID: HyZKTwS0 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:29:37 No.377609948 Anonymous (ID: HyZKTwS0 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:29:37 No.377609948 Scumfuck Twitch doesnt want associated.>>
Anonymous (ID: kPsQ5RHj ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:29:38 No.377609952 Anonymous (ID: kPsQ5RHj ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:29:38 No.377609952 >>377609798 >still too braindead to post it lmao
Anonymous (ID: GWfjCmqa ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:29:38 No.377609953 Anonymous (ID: GWfjCmqa ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:29:38 No.377609953 >>377609798Stop being a kike and upload it somewhere already>>
Anonymous (ID: hctjig3N ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:29:39 No.377609956 Anonymous (ID: hctjig3N ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:29:39 No.377609956 POLICE IS CURRENTLY CHASING AFTER THE SHOOTERHERE'S A PHOTO FROM THEIR BODYCAM
Anonymous (ID: f91bWrVR ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:29:44 No.377609966 Anonymous (ID: f91bWrVR ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:29:44 No.377609966 >>377609412>>377609412 >good times
Anonymous (ID: exI3bkGe ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:29:45 No.377609972 Anonymous (ID: exI3bkGe ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:29:45 No.377609972 >>377609882lol is it even a real event? False flag within a false flag?>>
Anonymous (ID: Y+O2zw5k ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:29:48 No.377609978 Anonymous (ID: Y+O2zw5k ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:29:48 No.377609978 also OP glows, how did he have his manifesto>>
Anonymous (ID: BY1eg4xy ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:29:51 No.377609987 Anonymous (ID: BY1eg4xy ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:29:51 No.377609987 >>377606288evergreen memes cannot be stale nigga>>
Anonymous (ID: hoD91f4l ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:30:08 No.377610019 Anonymous (ID: hoD91f4l ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:30:08 No.377610019 >>377609798Post the fucking vid>>
Anonymous (ID: JFH0ZiDS ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:30:12 No.377610024 Anonymous (ID: JFH0ZiDS ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:30:12 No.377610024 >>377606162 >leaves as soon as it gets good what did he mean by this?
Anonymous (ID: YjG/qB3f ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:30:14 No.377610025 Anonymous (ID: YjG/qB3f ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:30:14 No.377610025 Ever notice hackers never attack credit score companies?Ever notice terrorists never attack military targets?Ever notice domestic terrorists never attack the government?Ever notice shitheads with shitty grievances never attack the ones who are responsible for their shitty lives?>>
Anonymous (ID: exI3bkGe ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:30:16 No.377610033 Anonymous (ID: exI3bkGe ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:30:16 No.377610033 fake as fuck glowop, even OP glows. It's so obvious.>>
Anonymous (ID: cVtg/+R3 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:30:20 No.377610044 Anonymous (ID: cVtg/+R3 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:30:20 No.377610044 Another false flag.Whatever the globohomo agitprop news reaction I'll do the opposite>>
Anonymous (ID: Fi0YZPFW ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:30:26 No.377610050 Anonymous (ID: Fi0YZPFW ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:30:26 No.377610050 does he name the jew in the manifesto?can't be assed to read Eliot Roger tier schizo retardation scribbles>>
Anonymous (ID: f91bWrVR ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:30:30 No.377610060 Anonymous (ID: f91bWrVR ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:30:30 No.377610060 >>377609412Definitely a false flag and this guy was probably threatened to do it.>>
Anonymous (ID: U+uHpDYY ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:30:35 No.377610071 Anonymous (ID: U+uHpDYY ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:30:35 No.377610071 is there a video?>>
Anonymous (ID: L9c9vPgx ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:30:40 No.377610087 Anonymous (ID: L9c9vPgx ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:30:40 No.377610087 >>377609798Then post it you retard.>>
Anonymous (ID: U7dqSSW3 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:30:56 No.377610113 Anonymous (ID: U7dqSSW3 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:30:56 No.377610113 >>377606288As long as people keep falling for it will remain funny.
Anonymous (ID: OolfP1gB ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:30:59 No.377610118 Anonymous (ID: OolfP1gB ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:30:59 No.377610118 >>377609886 >How did you find his manifesto? lol nvm
Anonymous (ID: KJ3BkEgY ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:31:01 No.377610122 Anonymous (ID: KJ3BkEgY ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:31:01 No.377610122 >>377608121nigs are demons>>
Anonymous (ID: N8YfQRYw ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:31:17 No.377610155 Anonymous (ID: N8YfQRYw ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:31:17 No.377610155 >>377610071Yes, but the leaf refuses to post it.>>
Anonymous (ID: fOkDPOBR ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:31:19 No.377610160 Anonymous (ID: fOkDPOBR ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:31:19 No.377610160 >>377610071link me faggots>>
Anonymous (ID: Fi0YZPFW ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:31:23 No.377610171 Anonymous (ID: Fi0YZPFW ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:31:23 No.377610171 >>377610025 >Ever notice domestic terrorists never attack the government? Tim McVeigh remembers
Anonymous (ID: Wlqi/Ell ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:31:24 No.377610174 Anonymous (ID: Wlqi/Ell ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:31:24 No.377610174 we need to ban guns>>
Anonymous (ID: IsrD7a45 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:31:27 No.377610179 Anonymous (ID: IsrD7a45 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:31:27 No.377610179 >>377605335It's near MLK park, which would explain a lot of things>>
Anonymous (ID: OxvYzxx2 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:31:31 No.377610189 Anonymous (ID: OxvYzxx2 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:31:31 No.377610189>>
Anonymous (ID: f91bWrVR ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:31:36 No.377610201 Anonymous (ID: f91bWrVR ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:31:36 No.377610201 >>377609714 >white woman >>
Anonymous (ID: dmfk7kcW ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:31:40 No.377610212 Anonymous (ID: dmfk7kcW ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:31:40 No.377610212 This glows like mad, straight after a hit job on PA by hope not hate.>>
Anonymous (ID: i1ZKy0dO ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:31:40 No.377610215 Anonymous (ID: i1ZKy0dO ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:31:40 No.377610215 >>377609767right before midterms with the exact gun you faggots seethe the most aboutwith direct referenced to a "high capacity magazine"at a random supermarket glows are retards. including you.>>
Anonymous (ID: +eRHmrmy ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:31:47 No.377610232 Anonymous (ID: +eRHmrmy ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:31:47 No.377610232 This thread will get deleted because real happenings are never allowed.>>
Anonymous (ID: bXnxnTpt ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:31:54 No.377610238 Anonymous (ID: bXnxnTpt ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:31:54 No.377610238 >>377608894>>377605335this must be a glownigger op. no way we get a screen shot like this on a video only 20 ppl happened to see wher one of which browses pol. the odds are too great
Anonymous (ID: MEP1nNxO ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:31:54 No.377610240 Anonymous (ID: MEP1nNxO ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:31:54 No.377610240 Posting in epic bread, FUCK JANNIES AND FUCK NIGGERS TOO>>
Anonymous (ID: Ust5sWpY ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:31:55 No.377610242 Anonymous (ID: Ust5sWpY ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:31:55 No.377610242 POST THE VIDEO I NEED TO SEE>>
Anonymous (ID: TbHU4ceS ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:32:01 No.377610257 Anonymous (ID: TbHU4ceS ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:32:01 No.377610257 >>377609798Bro I have adhd just fucking post the video>>
Anonymous (ID: PoXpZiEJ ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:32:07 No.377610267 Anonymous (ID: PoXpZiEJ ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:32:07 No.377610267 >>377609882Do a side by side between the op pic and a real screencap>>
Anonymous (ID: 3B8wsE0g ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:32:08 No.377610274 Anonymous (ID: 3B8wsE0g ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:32:08 No.377610274 >>377608358 >alive Was spending the next 60 years in a cage with a bunch of niggers part of his master plan?
Anonymous (ID: v7+k1VWu ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:32:12 No.377610282 Anonymous (ID: v7+k1VWu ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:32:12 No.377610282 What did the FBI do this time?>>
Anonymous (ID: eQLfmep8 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:32:16 No.377610290 Anonymous (ID: eQLfmep8 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:32:16 No.377610290 >>377608121 >when you torture a nigger so hard it's eyes roll back in its head >>
Anonymous (ID: bD6MFfKO ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:32:19 No.377610296 Anonymous (ID: bD6MFfKO ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:32:19 No.377610296 >>377608894Holy shit what a picture Pulitzer prize winning photograph>>
Anonymous (ID: uVORCUMZ ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:32:22 No.377610300 Anonymous (ID: uVORCUMZ ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:32:22 No.377610300 >>377610025either those are setups are done by people who are legit retarded. We have alot of setups and retards in this world sadly. Hell, we're witnessing a setup right now.>>
Anonymous (ID: 845GC99D ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:32:24 No.377610304 Anonymous (ID: 845GC99D ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:32:24 No.377610304 >>377609567glows so much they don't even hide it anymore>>
Anonymous (ID: OUQdxE9l ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:32:24 No.377610307 Anonymous (ID: OUQdxE9l ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:32:24 No.377610307 Gun says SHIEEET RETARD MONKEY looks like>>
Anonymous (ID: cBghiW5y ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:32:27 No.377610311 Anonymous (ID: cBghiW5y ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:32:27 No.377610311 >>377606980Maybe this explains it:>>377577327>>
Anonymous (ID: dyWj9PcC ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:32:27 No.377610314 Anonymous (ID: dyWj9PcC ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:32:27 No.377610314 Should've shot up a glownigger headquarters or something.>>
Anonymous (ID: exI3bkGe ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:32:36 No.377610334 Anonymous (ID: exI3bkGe ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:32:36 No.377610334 >>377610232no it'll be left up because 4chan is literally routed through the Department of Defense and the OP just so happens to have his manifesto in hand, was watching his twitch stream.Very fucking obvious, feds will literally burn in hell for what they are trying to do.
Anonymous (ID: QQLkmWnE ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:32:53 No.377610374 Anonymous (ID: QQLkmWnE ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:32:53 No.377610374 Posting in epic false flag thread, this will be the next George Floyd type saga>>
Anonymous (ID: exI3bkGe ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:33:10 No.377610405 Anonymous (ID: exI3bkGe ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:33:10 No.377610405 >>377610311based, these events and shootings tend to happen when mind control is discussed, can't have many people waking up to that fact.>>
Anonymous (ID: Y+O2zw5k ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:33:13 No.377610411 Anonymous (ID: Y+O2zw5k ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:33:13 No.377610411 >>377610300 >id: VORCUMZ >>
Anonymous (ID: uVORCUMZ ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:33:15 No.377610419 Anonymous (ID: uVORCUMZ ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:33:15 No.377610419 >>377610025>>377610300*either those are setups or they're done by people who are legit retarded
Anonymous (ID: L8b944HT ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:33:29 No.377610440 Anonymous (ID: L8b944HT ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:33:29 No.377610440 shieet fiery summer of 2022 good luck burger bros>>
Anonymous (ID: SB4awyy+ ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:33:40 No.377610472 Anonymous (ID: SB4awyy+ ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:33:40 No.377610472 >leaf still hasn't posted the video >>
Anonymous (ID: OolfP1gB ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:33:47 No.377610487 Anonymous (ID: OolfP1gB ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:33:47 No.377610487 >>377607195Doubtful, "Jimbo" is a pretty common nickname>>
Anonymous (ID: cVtg/+R3 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:33:49 No.377610491 Anonymous (ID: cVtg/+R3 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:33:49 No.377610491 The Holocaust never happened archive>>
Anonymous (ID: lozDAT0v ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:33:52 No.377610500 Anonymous (ID: lozDAT0v ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:33:52 No.377610500 >>
Anonymous (ID: U+uHpDYY ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:33:53 No.377610501 Anonymous (ID: U+uHpDYY ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:33:53 No.377610501 upload the videoupload the videoupload the video>>
Anonymous (ID: kPsQ5RHj ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:33:53 No.377610502 Anonymous (ID: kPsQ5RHj ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:33:53 No.377610502 >>377610334 >newfags think this is like cripplechan you know how many lawsuits moot had to deal with you turbo nigger
Anonymous (ID: cXgY4jCi ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:33:56 No.377610508 Anonymous (ID: cXgY4jCi ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:33:56 No.377610508 >>377609714 >white >>
Anonymous (ID: 1ATEQNOk ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:34:02 No.377610520 Anonymous (ID: 1ATEQNOk ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:34:02 No.377610520 >>377607501kek, very high quality post desu>>
Anonymous (ID: Ust5sWpY ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:34:13 No.377610540 Anonymous (ID: Ust5sWpY ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:34:13 No.377610540 POST THE VIDEO I CAN'T CONTROL MY CURIOSITY>>
Anonymous (ID: EdukQcKO ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:34:21 No.377610557 Anonymous (ID: EdukQcKO ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:34:21 No.377610557 >>377609928Kek. This. The only people who are going to get suckered in by this are niggers. Even white leftists will know it's fake, but will egg the niggers on. They're gonna chimp out all over the country.>>
Anonymous (ID: AMow1ImU ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:34:22 No.377610559 Anonymous (ID: AMow1ImU ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:34:22 No.377610559 >>377610500I'm glad he made us.>>
Anonymous (ID: kzb/Df/z ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:34:29 No.377610576 Anonymous (ID: kzb/Df/z ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:34:29 No.377610576 Posting in glowing thread>>
Anonymous (ID: Y+O2zw5k ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:34:32 No.377610593 Anonymous (ID: Y+O2zw5k ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:34:32 No.377610593 >>377610531this>>
Anonymous (ID: exI3bkGe ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:34:39 No.377610605 Anonymous (ID: exI3bkGe ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:34:39 No.377610605 >>377610472because leaf has been found out he is a fucking federal agent.>>
Anonymous (ID: U+uHpDYY ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:34:48 No.377610625 Anonymous (ID: U+uHpDYY ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:34:48 No.377610625 >>
Anonymous (ID: 7uqLqMzI ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:34:55 No.377610635 Anonymous (ID: 7uqLqMzI ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:34:55 No.377610635 >>377605335 >and the changes to gun laws that will be pushed will all help my case. ahh libtard then
Anonymous (ID: rHQ9eBXN ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:34:58 No.377610645 Anonymous (ID: rHQ9eBXN ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:34:58 No.377610645 >>377606194 >The ONLY White country that reaches these levels is Argentina, LMAO
Anonymous (ID: j1HRJdO8 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:35:00 No.377610647 Anonymous (ID: j1HRJdO8 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:35:00 No.377610647 >>377606672Cap cap cap cap like that someone plz save something as I'm reading a book laurel & Hardy wrote on my board and getting out of bed and I'm going to get upset if i get down to the end and you all shit EVERYTHING up like so far.>>
Anonymous (ID: uVORCUMZ ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:35:01 No.377610648 Anonymous (ID: uVORCUMZ ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:35:01 No.377610648 >>377610411I know right >uVORCUMZ The random id generator or someone with some cool tech is telling me I eat dicks. Gotta admit I love the humor though - gives the place some life while the world is being eaten alive.
Anonymous (ID: 9k5Y94cW ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:35:04 No.377610656 Anonymous (ID: 9k5Y94cW ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:35:04 No.377610656 POSTING IN EPIC THREADPUT ME IN THE SCREENCAPPOST THE VID>>
God (ID: oiJRAvrv ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:35:09 No.377610668 God (ID: oiJRAvrv ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:35:09 No.377610668 >>377606194This is a falsified event being put out for some nefarious reason. Try it elsewhere, I will not be programmed through fear.>>
Anonymous (ID: exI3bkGe ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:35:10 No.377610672 Anonymous (ID: exI3bkGe ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:35:10 No.377610672 >>377610502shut the fuck up you phoneposting federal faggot.>>
Anonymous (ID: QQLkmWnE ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:35:11 No.377610673 Anonymous (ID: QQLkmWnE ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:35:11 No.377610673 >>377610625Literally me>>
Anonymous (ID: 8kkDp+3J ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:35:15 No.377610680 Anonymous (ID: 8kkDp+3J ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:35:15 No.377610680 Someone bake a new bread, I really want to see what the glowies are going to do with this work of theirs>>
Anonymous (ID: BuydlrhZ ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:35:21 No.377610693 Anonymous (ID: BuydlrhZ ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:35:21 No.377610693 >>377607348so this is how to become popular?>>
Anonymous (ID: oakCuNzu ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:35:22 No.377610695 Anonymous (ID: oakCuNzu ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:35:22 No.377610695 >>377605814 >Tops... The chain formerly operated stores in Ohio and Massachusetts Was it previously owned by Chuck by any chance?
Anonymous (ID: 70IS9kx9 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:35:23 No.377610699 Anonymous (ID: 70IS9kx9 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:35:23 No.377610699 >>377605335 is the same guy? His most recent posts are on /r/ammo and quality tactical gear..
Anonymous (ID: N68jqkNR ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:35:24 No.377610700 Anonymous (ID: N68jqkNR ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:35:24 No.377610700 >>377609412glows brighter than the sunanother MK-ultra victim>>
Anonymous (ID: U+uHpDYY ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:35:26 No.377610711 Anonymous (ID: U+uHpDYY ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:35:26 No.377610711 pic is the shooter>>
Anonymous (ID: OolfP1gB ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:35:33 No.377610734 Anonymous (ID: OolfP1gB ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:35:33 No.377610734 >>
Anonymous (ID: idahJYK7 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:35:40 No.377610747 Anonymous (ID: idahJYK7 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:35:40 No.377610747 Looks like the abortion narrative died to quickly so we're back on gun control this week. I expect Biden to try to ban assault rifles this week. Fuck you glow niggers.>>
Anonymous (ID: T8po8Rev ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:35:41 No.377610750 Anonymous (ID: T8po8Rev ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:35:41 No.377610750 somebody bake new bread this shit is getting shoad>>
Anonymous (ID: RmpTvl3y ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:35:42 No.377610754 Anonymous (ID: RmpTvl3y ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:35:42 No.377610754 >>377605335>>377609882>>377610267GREAT call.
Anonymous (ID: PoXpZiEJ ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:35:48 No.377610765 Anonymous (ID: PoXpZiEJ ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:35:48 No.377610765 Everyone saying this glows is right but that being said I want to see the fucking video so I can sleep already>>
Anonymous (ID: Jyly7+8a ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:35:52 No.377610772 Anonymous (ID: Jyly7+8a ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:35:52 No.377610772 >>377610531he streamed it to a /k/ discord idiot, of course theres crossover>>
Anonymous (ID: sUCOnhhG ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:35:53 No.377610776 Anonymous (ID: sUCOnhhG ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:35:53 No.377610776 >>377609568More from that manifesto: > This is my Bushmaster XM-15. That's right, I used the dreaded military grade assault rifle-15 as my main firearm for this attack. This gun was most likely made between 1994 and
2004, when the Federal Assault Weapons Ban was still in action. > In all honesty this is probably the worst AR-15 I could've bought for this mission, and I go over why down below. Since I live in cucked New York, and I am only 18, I can't legally buy
a lower or a standard ''assault rifle'' online. I can't even afford the drilling equipment to make alower out of a P80 build. My best choice would have probably been to drive around gun shops inNY and try and convince them to sell me a decent lower as a rifle, or by buying a complete fixedmagazine rifle and just illegally modify it to allow me to use the illegal magazines I already had.I could've even bought an NY-safe featureless rifle, but what kind of cuck does that?I get such weird SEO type vibes from this document.
Anonymous (ID: FmkWAR3X ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:35:56 No.377610777 Anonymous (ID: FmkWAR3X ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:35:56 No.377610777 >>377610593THE BULLSHIT IS SO OBVIOUS ITS LIKE META HUMOR THAT THEY KEEP DOING ITITS LIKE THEYRE SHOWING US THEY CAN PUSH ANYTHING RETARDED AND IT WILL FLY
Anonymous (ID: Y+O2zw5k ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:35:57 No.377610779 Anonymous (ID: Y+O2zw5k ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:35:57 No.377610779 >>377610531manifesto is literally a google drive link too>>
Anonymous (ID: ZbZFiz9m ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:36:04 No.377610795 Anonymous (ID: ZbZFiz9m ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:36:04 No.377610795 >>377609947i dont doubt there are bots but you cant tell me there arent edgy tards who celebrate this kind of shiti dont buy the 80% meme at all, this site is still way too famous in right wing circles to be completely dead>>
Anonymous (ID: cLghUAKC ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:36:09 No.377610802 Anonymous (ID: cLghUAKC ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:36:09 No.377610802 He repeatedly shouted "SLAVA UKRAINE" during the shooting.>>
Anonymous (ID: DvnUowYh ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:36:09 No.377610804 Anonymous (ID: DvnUowYh ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:36:09 No.377610804 POST THE VIDEO LEAF>>
Anonymous (ID: V7aypUD3 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:36:15 No.377610813 Anonymous (ID: V7aypUD3 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:36:15 No.377610813 >>377609712>>
Anonymous (ID: exI3bkGe ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:36:16 No.377610814 Anonymous (ID: exI3bkGe ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:36:16 No.377610814 >>377610699lmao he was a Silver Ends the Fed faggot as well>>
Anonymous (ID: bja5Mo00 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:36:18 No.377610819 Anonymous (ID: bja5Mo00 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:36:18 No.377610819 >>377609412Don't post the video. You know the Tarrant cvltists will spend years fapping over it. You'd be saving /pol/ years of cringe.>>
Anonymous (ID: FmkWAR3X ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:36:27 No.377610841 Anonymous (ID: FmkWAR3X ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:36:27 No.377610841 >>377610772 >he streamed it to a /k/ discord that explains why only 20 watched, good argument dumbfuck
Anonymous (ID: c8x7mQvX ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:36:33 No.377610855 Anonymous (ID: c8x7mQvX ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:36:33 No.377610855 >>377610699probably, grab what you can that shit will be nuked in no time>>
Anonymous (ID: LE9RnW0d ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:36:34 No.377610858 Anonymous (ID: LE9RnW0d ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:36:34 No.377610858 The kids manifesto is actually pretty good. He has put in extreme amount of redpills in there. 170 pages worth. He's only 18 so might come off as immature.>>
Anonymous (ID: f91bWrVR ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:36:35 No.377610862 Anonymous (ID: f91bWrVR ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:36:35 No.377610862 >>377610531indeed.>>
Anonymous (ID: 80WmfCpt ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:36:42 No.377610878 Anonymous (ID: 80WmfCpt ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:36:42 No.377610878 >>377610777>>
Anonymous (ID: bXnxnTpt ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:36:44 No.377610885 Anonymous (ID: bXnxnTpt ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:36:44 No.377610885 >>377610334100%. How do we stop them. How do we cut this bullshit op off?>>
Anonymous (ID: OolfP1gB ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:36:53 No.377610908 Anonymous (ID: OolfP1gB ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:36:53 No.377610908 >>377610734>>
Anonymous (ID: +3/XtmQv ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:36:57 No.377610915 Anonymous (ID: +3/XtmQv ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:36:57 No.377610915 >>377610777Of course it's a brony.>>
Anonymous (ID: L8b944HT ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:36:58 No.377610921 Anonymous (ID: L8b944HT ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:36:58 No.377610921 JANNIES STICKY>>
Anonymous (ID: HTWwJHrz ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:36:59 No.377610927 Anonymous (ID: HTWwJHrz ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:36:59 No.377610927 >>377610819Lol, the leaf is holding the key to pandora's box>>
Anonymous (ID: P+Ln4MGx ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:37:04 No.377610939 Anonymous (ID: P+Ln4MGx ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:37:04 No.377610939 >>377610802Glownigger confirmed>>
Anonymous (ID: f91bWrVR ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:37:13 No.377610956 Anonymous (ID: f91bWrVR ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:37:13 No.377610956 >>377610605Suddenly verification not required to post in this thread.>>
Anonymous (ID: bPfBksN+ ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:37:13 No.377610958 Anonymous (ID: bPfBksN+ ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:37:13 No.377610958 My offer still stands leafYou post an email, I send a mullvad account>>
Anonymous (ID: N68jqkNR ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:37:17 No.377610968 Anonymous (ID: N68jqkNR ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:37:17 No.377610968 >>377609767 >people of color spelled nigger wrong
>>377609798why are leafies suck fags?
Anonymous (ID: 0ZbLHctA ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:37:27 No.377610981 Anonymous (ID: 0ZbLHctA ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:37:27 No.377610981 >>377610531this>>
Anonymous (ID: 0d/Cn/Ws ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:37:30 No.377610987 Anonymous (ID: 0d/Cn/Ws ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:37:30 No.377610987 >>377609412Post it, nobody cares about who posts it its news it should be public.>>
Anonymous (ID: exI3bkGe ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:37:30 No.377610988 Anonymous (ID: exI3bkGe ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:37:30 No.377610988 His RUST player ID is 68429425>>
Anonymous (ID: 1C4Dglb2 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:37:31 No.377610991 Anonymous (ID: 1C4Dglb2 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:37:31 No.377610991 >>377608894Tarrant II?Tarant II wannabe?Either way,
>literally just writes nigger lol
Anonymous (ID: gJ73KIbH ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:37:33 No.377610994 Anonymous (ID: gJ73KIbH ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:37:33 No.377610994 >>377605335Why do the psychos always shoot random people instead of rich, powerful and famous people?
Anonymous (ID: 3fWgmx09 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:37:36 No.377611000 Anonymous (ID: 3fWgmx09 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:37:36 No.377611000 >>377610776The fed who wrote this really likes the word ''cuck''>>
Anonymous (ID: Anj1QkTP ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:37:53 No.377611028 Anonymous (ID: Anj1QkTP ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:37:53 No.377611028 >>377609308>>377609378>>377607685>>377609403>>377609403>>377609712If real this is the most desperate glowie MKUltra move I've ever seen. Right about 6 months before elections, let's have the most Atlantic Counciled fucking cartoon comic book villain "white supremacist" go shoot up a supermarket.
Anonymous (ID: cFuDfIGn ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:37:58 No.377611034 Anonymous (ID: cFuDfIGn ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:37:58 No.377611034 >>377609602NIGGER_NIGGER_________NIGGER____NIGGER_NIGGER_NIGGER____NIGGER_NIGGER_NIGGER_NIGGER____NIGGER_NIGGER_NIGGER_NIGGER____NIGGER_NIGGER_NIGGER____NIGGER_NIGGER______NIGGER__NIGGER________NIGGER____________NIGGER____________NIGGER_____________________________NIGGER____________________________NIGGER____________________NIGGER____NIGGER___NIGGER___NIGGER_______NIGGER____________NIGGER____________NIGGER_____________________________NIGGER____________________________NIGGER____________________NIGGER_____NIGGER__NIGGER____NIGGER______NIGGER____________NIGGER____________NIGGER_____________________________NIGGER____________________________NIGGER____________________NIGGER____NIGGER___NIGGER_____NIGGER_____NIGGER____________NIGGER____________NIGGER_________NIGGER_NIGGER_____NIGGER_________NIGGER_NIGGER____NIGGER_NIGGER_NIGGER____NIGGER___NIGGER____NIGGER______NIGGER____NIGGER____________NIGGER____________NIGGER_________________NIGGER_____NIGGER_________________NIGGER____NIGGER____________________NIGGER__NIGGER_____NIGGER_______NIGGER___NIGGER____________NIGGER____________NIGGER_________________NIGGER_____NIGGER_________________NIGGER____NIGGER____________________NIGGER_____NIGGER__NIGGER________NIGGER__NIGGER____________NIGGER____________NIGGER_________________NIGGER_____NIGGER_________________NIGGER____NIGGER____________________NIGGER_______NIGGERNIGGER_________NIGGER_NIGGER____NIGGER_NIGGER_NIGGER____NIGGER_NIGGER_NIGGER_NIGGER____NIGGER_NIGGER_NIGGER_NIGGER____NIGGER_NIGGER_NIGGER____NIGGER_______NIGGER>>
Anonymous (ID: U+uHpDYY ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:38:03 No.377611045 Anonymous (ID: U+uHpDYY ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:38:03 No.377611045 upload it upload it upload it upload it upload it>>
Anonymous (ID: TbHU4ceS ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:38:10 No.377611059 Anonymous (ID: TbHU4ceS ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:38:10 No.377611059 >>377610994Because it's a glowie>>
Anonymous (ID: PL+reWdI ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:38:11 No.377611062 Anonymous (ID: PL+reWdI ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:38:11 No.377611062 Why did this retard stream on twitch, who makes it fucking impossible to save a video>>
Anonymous (ID: exI3bkGe ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:38:20 No.377611075 Anonymous (ID: exI3bkGe ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:38:20 No.377611075 Another C.I.A successful monarch asset deployed, fuck the feds we are all waking up to it.>>
Anonymous (ID: e09sQxrB ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:38:21 No.377611079 Anonymous (ID: e09sQxrB ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:38:21 No.377611079 >>377610531And doesn't post with proper vernacular. Uses the term cope and seetheDoesn't link discordDoesn't immediately post discord profile of userSpecifically avoids race of mexi-muttPost pics of tarrent wanna-be white outNews article within 10 minutes of threadEVERYONE GRAB EVERYTHINGSAVE THIS THREAD>>
Anonymous (ID: kKnM48J7 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:38:39 No.377611118 Anonymous (ID: kKnM48J7 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:38:39 No.377611118 >we should completely ignore white people and make society shit for them who would have guessed, I am so glad I left that shithole.>>
Anonymous (ID: Fi0YZPFW ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:38:48 No.377611132 Anonymous (ID: Fi0YZPFW ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:38:48 No.377611132 >>377610819I'm ambivalent on Tarrant this shitstain is an embarrassment by comparison and probably a fed>>
Anonymous (ID: rJN+O3YU ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:38:51 No.377611139 Anonymous (ID: rJN+O3YU ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:38:51 No.377611139 where's the fucking STREAM GOD FUCKING DAMN IT>>
Anonymous (ID: uVORCUMZ ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:38:51 No.377611140 Anonymous (ID: uVORCUMZ ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:38:51 No.377611140 >>377610776It feels like a disconnected boomer or hastily made bot typed it. wording and phrases someone wouldn't use in that scenario.>>
Anonymous (ID: /YbM7leI ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:39:00 No.377611157 Anonymous (ID: /YbM7leI ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:39:00 No.377611157 >>377610878lmao what is this cringe>>
Anonymous (ID: e09sQxrB ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:39:22 No.377611188 Anonymous (ID: e09sQxrB ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:39:22 No.377611188 >>3776107721 post. Pointing at /k/. No other evidence of such. Leaves>>
Anonymous (ID: Jf2XMB9C ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:39:25 No.377611192 Anonymous (ID: Jf2XMB9C ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:39:25 No.377611192 OP here. i have very good online friends on discord who link me very interesting streams. i never watch video games on it, but the NZ shooter, german synagogue shooter, recent DC shooter, ect. >>377610754
i still have the real tab open>>
Anonymous (ID: zH8+DLmA ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:39:26 No.377611193 Anonymous (ID: zH8+DLmA ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:39:26 No.377611193 >>377610994one is a lot easier than the other. innocent random people are literally everywhere. where do you go to find the ACTUAL rich people controlling shit? they're behind 20 layers of security and likely use a double in public settings>>
Anonymous (ID: fOkDPOBR ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:39:26 No.377611194 Anonymous (ID: fOkDPOBR ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:39:26 No.377611194 >>377605335someone post the webm already>>
Anonymous (ID: gtP1WgL8 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:39:32 No.377611203 Anonymous (ID: gtP1WgL8 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:39:32 No.377611203 >>377608121Niggers are truly rotten. What a disgusting thing to do. The only humane thing is to get rid of these animals.>>
Anonymous (ID: LE9RnW0d ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:39:33 No.377611206 Anonymous (ID: LE9RnW0d ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:39:33 No.377611206 The shooter has like 150 pages of redpills on Jews in his manifesto. Based.https://drive[dot]
Anonymous (ID: Anj1QkTP ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:39:46 No.377611238 Anonymous (ID: Anj1QkTP ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:39:46 No.377611238 >>377608482Schmuel Hydenko included>>
Anonymous (ID: cVtg/+R3 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:39:47 No.377611241 Anonymous (ID: cVtg/+R3 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:39:47 No.377611241 >mutt killing muttsGood
Anonymous (ID: ibu/n1Uz ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:39:55 No.377611252 Anonymous (ID: ibu/n1Uz ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:39:55 No.377611252 OP glows. Where did he find this stream?>>
Anonymous (ID: jAi8jlY6 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:39:59 No.377611259 Anonymous (ID: jAi8jlY6 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:39:59 No.377611259 >>377610908How does shooting random people (some Whites) at a supermarket help his race?For literally what purpose?>>
Anonymous (ID: IqB9tYwR ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:40:09 No.377611270 Anonymous (ID: IqB9tYwR ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:40:09 No.377611270 >>377610754>>377609882it seems there is some fuckery
Anonymous (ID: 65nKQjSp ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:40:17 No.377611288 Anonymous (ID: 65nKQjSp ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:40:17 No.377611288 >>377608380 >zoomers are old enough to do mass shootings now Grim'...
Anonymous (ID: aiBTibsc ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:40:21 No.377611293 Anonymous (ID: aiBTibsc ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:40:21 No.377611293 UPLOAD THE FUCKING VIDEO>>
Anonymous (ID: RmpTvl3y ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:40:21 No.377611294 Anonymous (ID: RmpTvl3y ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:40:21 No.377611294 >>377611192 >real tab >image STILL above the distinct header break kys faggot
Anonymous (ID: uVORCUMZ ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:40:29 No.377611309 Anonymous (ID: uVORCUMZ ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:40:29 No.377611309 >>377610915Do you think after that one retard brony went postal at fedex they thought to try to find more autistic bronies with rage problems? That seems to be their angle with this one.>>
Anonymous (ID: bja5Mo00 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:40:32 No.377611317 Anonymous (ID: bja5Mo00 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:40:32 No.377611317 >>377611206...but shoot zero. Just like Tarrant.>>
Anonymous (ID: lozDAT0v ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:40:34 No.377611321 Anonymous (ID: lozDAT0v ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:40:34 No.377611321 >>377610858So so the Nick Saga pushed him over.>>
Anonymous (ID: FmkWAR3X ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:40:36 No.377611324 Anonymous (ID: FmkWAR3X ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:40:36 No.377611324 >>377611192 >OP here. i have very good online friends on discord who link me very interesting streams MUTHA FUKKINNNNN
Anonymous (ID: SB4awyy+ ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:40:36 No.377611326 Anonymous (ID: SB4awyy+ ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:40:36 No.377611326 >>377611192 >poggers >>
Anonymous (ID: 3B8wsE0g ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:40:37 No.377611330 Anonymous (ID: 3B8wsE0g ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:40:37 No.377611330 >>377608894The fuck?Why did he take out a white woman?
Anonymous (ID: BY1eg4xy ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:40:37 No.377611331 Anonymous (ID: BY1eg4xy ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:40:37 No.377611331 >>377608732 > can't control the narrative if primary materials exist for people to draw their own
Anonymous (ID: AHkMaf6K ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:40:45 No.377611345 Anonymous (ID: AHkMaf6K ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:40:45 No.377611345 >>377610777Checked. That's exactly what is going on but it transcends glowies and goes all the way to demons.>>
Anonymous (ID: /YbM7leI ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:40:46 No.377611349 Anonymous (ID: /YbM7leI ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:40:46 No.377611349 >>377610878upgrade to spectrum unlimited plus if possible'' lmao>>
Anonymous (ID: XW3PFwB3 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:40:49 No.377611358 Anonymous (ID: XW3PFwB3 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:40:49 No.377611358 >>377610819 >come on goy, if you post it, you're just letting the enemy win! let the media cover it and edit it for your viewing pleasure if you're so keen on seeing it, the goy would just misuse the material to attack democracy! How many glowies does this thread have now?
Anonymous (ID: 38muWokK ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:40:53 No.377611367 Anonymous (ID: 38muWokK ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:40:53 No.377611367 >>377610699kek, start blaming reddit for mass shooters this time>>
Anonymous (ID: exI3bkGe ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:41:13 No.377611394 Anonymous (ID: exI3bkGe ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:41:13 No.377611394 >>377611192You're a disgusting fucking human being and God is watching you right now, TRUST ME.GLOW OP
Anonymous (ID: i1ZKy0dO ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:41:14 No.377611395 Anonymous (ID: i1ZKy0dO ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:41:14 No.377611395 >>377610858 >the 170 page google drive link that I read in the last 5 minutes is very good and has Le epic redpills xD glow
Anonymous (ID: Jf2XMB9C ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:41:19 No.377611398 Anonymous (ID: Jf2XMB9C ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:41:19 No.377611398 >>377611294i dont know what youre on about. people have different browsers and extensions and themes and shit.>>
Anonymous (ID: o/0kPggh ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:41:21 No.377611405 Anonymous (ID: o/0kPggh ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:41:21 No.377611405 >>377608894wait so this retarded has that gun and a manifesto shot random people that dont even look b*ack? Yeah this is glowing.>>
Anonymous (ID: bja5Mo00 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:41:28 No.377611419 Anonymous (ID: bja5Mo00 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:41:28 No.377611419 >>377611358One more now that you're here nigger.>>
Anonymous (ID: jAi8jlY6 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:41:36 No.377611429 Anonymous (ID: jAi8jlY6 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:41:36 No.377611429 >>377611193Wallstreet would be a start, and that's a low effort scenario.>>
God (ID: oiJRAvrv ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:41:39 No.377611432 God (ID: oiJRAvrv ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:41:39 No.377611432 Whole thing is fake>>
Anonymous (ID: BY1eg4xy ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:42:07 No.377611480 Anonymous (ID: BY1eg4xy ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:42:07 No.377611480 >>377609370the elites likely planned this. why would they have one of their hitters shoot their own instead of infinitely replaceable commoners?>>
Anonymous (ID: 20LuG56H ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:42:08 No.377611486 Anonymous (ID: 20LuG56H ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:42:08 No.377611486 >>377606889Very likely a glow-op to distract from massive inflation, insane gas prices, midterms, giving out billions like candy to a kike on the other side of the world, and baby formula shortages.I say this as someone who loathes faggots that call literally everything a glow-op
Anonymous (ID: +3/XtmQv ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:42:13 No.377611492 Anonymous (ID: +3/XtmQv ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:42:13 No.377611492 >>377611330 >white >>
Anonymous (ID: OolfP1gB ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:42:15 No.377611501 Anonymous (ID: OolfP1gB ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:42:15 No.377611501 >>377611259It doesn't.>>
Anonymous (ID: o3K/s8v2 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:42:19 No.377611507 Anonymous (ID: o3K/s8v2 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:42:19 No.377611507 >>377611192 >poggers fuck this is a blessed thread
Anonymous (ID: ibu/n1Uz ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:42:30 No.377611527 Anonymous (ID: ibu/n1Uz ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:42:30 No.377611527 OP is a glownigger>>
Anonymous (ID: lLWwfZdd ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:42:32 No.377611532 Anonymous (ID: lLWwfZdd ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:42:32 No.377611532 That shit is fucked up. Why hurt innocent people? Even IF you were that mad why kill everyday normal people? I can't understand it, it makes me sick. Fucking loser.>>
Anonymous (ID: thZRcF7k ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:42:39 No.377611545 Anonymous (ID: thZRcF7k ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:42:39 No.377611545 >>377608986Man booba faggot.....>>
Anonymous (ID: LE9RnW0d ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:42:39 No.377611546 Anonymous (ID: LE9RnW0d ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:42:39 No.377611546 >>377611317Yeah that is odd, isn't it? I can't blame him for not liking niggers / spics though.>>
Anonymous (ID: exI3bkGe ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:42:40 No.377611548 Anonymous (ID: exI3bkGe ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:42:40 No.377611548 >>377611486and literally this thread >>377577327>>
Anonymous (ID: U7dqSSW3 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:42:44 No.377611563 Anonymous (ID: U7dqSSW3 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:42:44 No.377611563 >>377611326Lmaoooo
Anonymous (ID: OolfP1gB ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:42:47 No.377611566 Anonymous (ID: OolfP1gB ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:42:47 No.377611566 >>377609882>>
Anonymous (ID: uVORCUMZ ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:42:49 No.377611576 Anonymous (ID: uVORCUMZ ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:42:49 No.377611576 >>377610915Here's the article on the fedex shooter (not the thread shooter in case anyone gets confused):>>
Anonymous (ID: Z3NxXfG5 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:42:53 No.377611586 Anonymous (ID: Z3NxXfG5 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:42:53 No.377611586 >>377605335Dammit. Was hoping he was Asian, after the black dude targeting Asians in Dallas>>
Anonymous (ID: AHkMaf6K ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:43:03 No.377611605 Anonymous (ID: AHkMaf6K ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:43:03 No.377611605 >>377610802Lmao no way>>
Anonymous (ID: sUCOnhhG ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:43:08 No.377611615 Anonymous (ID: sUCOnhhG ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:43:08 No.377611615 >>377611000Forced "Hey kids i'm cool" lingo like cuck and based, over the top gun control type language that doesn't fit anyone remotely pro 2A, saying 4chan radicalized him, sterotypical white nationalist views.This is a "far right nationalist" meme machine, where do they find these people.
Anonymous (ID: RAJsZlaW ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:43:11 No.377611627 Anonymous (ID: RAJsZlaW ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:43:11 No.377611627 >>377611192sloppy job>>
Anonymous (ID: XW3PFwB3 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:43:19 No.377611647 Anonymous (ID: XW3PFwB3 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:43:19 No.377611647 >>377611192Being friends with glowies ain't any better than being one.>>
Anonymous (ID: RmpTvl3y ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:43:20 No.377611648 Anonymous (ID: RmpTvl3y ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:43:20 No.377611648 >>377611398 >extensions and browsers >changing the html of twitch that distinctly based actual fucking retard
Anonymous (ID: gJ73KIbH ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:43:22 No.377611653 Anonymous (ID: gJ73KIbH ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:43:22 No.377611653 >>377605335Bets that OP is a spook?
Why would anyone be watching a twitch stream of a guy with 0 followers who posts "test for real" as the topic for his stream? How would you even find that stream? How would it get recommended to you?
This is a weird story.
Anonymous (ID: qWZDklje ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:43:38 No.377611679 Anonymous (ID: qWZDklje ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:43:38 No.377611679 Fuck my grandma lives only a mile or two from here. She isn't picking up the phone. Fuck fuck fuck>>
Anonymous (ID: sNvZ1nEo ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:43:54 No.377611711 Anonymous (ID: sNvZ1nEo ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:43:54 No.377611711 >>377610155>>377609952>>377609953>>377609966>>377610019>>377610060>>377610087>>377610238>>377610257>>377610296alrighty bois>>
Anonymous (ID: OQuysWip ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:44:12 No.377611745 Anonymous (ID: OQuysWip ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:44:12 No.377611745 >377610814 gonna grab an oldie out of the bag for this one.>>
Anonymous (ID: fOkDPOBR ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:44:17 No.377611753 Anonymous (ID: fOkDPOBR ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:44:17 No.377611753 >>377611679RIP>>
Anonymous (ID: B1pAhPcD ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:44:22 No.377611761 Anonymous (ID: B1pAhPcD ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:44:22 No.377611761 something's wrong here>>
Anonymous (ID: exI3bkGe ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:44:24 No.377611767 Anonymous (ID: exI3bkGe ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:44:24 No.377611767 >>377611653OP is absolutely a fucking spook.I recognize the fucking canadian VPNs from these faggots.
Anonymous (ID: 8hk+aSQH ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:44:31 No.377611782 Anonymous (ID: 8hk+aSQH ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:44:31 No.377611782 >>377611711one day a canuck isn't a faggot>>
Anonymous (ID: e09sQxrB ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:44:34 No.377611785 Anonymous (ID: e09sQxrB ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:44:34 No.377611785 >>377610878 >18 >broke >full kit >ECH helmet >go pro livestream set-up >pre media release plans >''go over plan'' of shooting a fucking grocery store? This shit glows so fucking bright
Anonymous (ID: ziLc75eP ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:44:39 No.377611795 Anonymous (ID: ziLc75eP ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:44:39 No.377611795 >>377611711You get raked last leaf bro.>>
Anonymous (ID: BY1eg4xy ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:44:41 No.377611799 Anonymous (ID: BY1eg4xy ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:44:41 No.377611799 >>377609806 >He shot a White women, so they can't say it was racial now. Jews are going to be mad about that. something like 85% of the populace think Elliot Rodger only killed women
Anonymous (ID: aiBTibsc ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:44:41 No.377611802 Anonymous (ID: aiBTibsc ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:44:41 No.377611802 >>377611711cunt>>
Anonymous (ID: cVtg/+R3 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:44:55 No.377611827 Anonymous (ID: cVtg/+R3 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:44:55 No.377611827 >>377611711SWIM click that shit>>
Anonymous (ID: +3/XtmQv ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:44:56 No.377611829 Anonymous (ID: +3/XtmQv ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:44:56 No.377611829 >>377611679Hope you granny's safe, Anon.Maybe you know one of her neighbors who could check on her?>>
Anonymous (ID: LE9RnW0d ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:44:57 No.377611830 Anonymous (ID: LE9RnW0d ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:44:57 No.377611830 >>377611711 > OH SHIT, NICE ANON
Anonymous (ID: Ust5sWpY ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:45:00 No.377611839 Anonymous (ID: Ust5sWpY ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:45:00 No.377611839 >>377611711PUT ME IN THE SCREENSHOT PLS>>
Anonymous (ID: SXDuy35g ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:45:07 No.377611853 Anonymous (ID: SXDuy35g ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:45:07 No.377611853 >>377605335this is a glowie post>>377605711another glowie
get this trash off the board>>
Anonymous (ID: PL+reWdI ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:45:12 No.377611870 Anonymous (ID: PL+reWdI ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:45:12 No.377611870 >>377611711basedhow do i save shit from catbox, whenever I click Save Video As it just wants to save an html file>>
Anonymous (ID: EgLRrX5o ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:45:15 No.377611881 Anonymous (ID: EgLRrX5o ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:45:15 No.377611881 >>377611288>>
Anonymous (ID: RAJsZlaW ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:45:16 No.377611882 Anonymous (ID: RAJsZlaW ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:45:16 No.377611882 >>377611711should have edited it with a rick roll>>
Anonymous (ID: zH8+DLmA ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:45:17 No.377611884 Anonymous (ID: zH8+DLmA ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:45:17 No.377611884 >>377611711hell yeah based leaf>>
Anonymous (ID: e09sQxrB ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:45:20 No.377611894 Anonymous (ID: e09sQxrB ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:45:20 No.377611894 >>377610908Show me anything from this guy from a year ago>>
Anonymous (ID: T8po8Rev ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:45:27 No.377611907 Anonymous (ID: T8po8Rev ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:45:27 No.377611907 >>377611711digits too>>
Anonymous (ID: OolfP1gB ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:45:29 No.377611910 Anonymous (ID: OolfP1gB ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:45:29 No.377611910 >>377608606>>
Anonymous (ID: LHO3ABX1 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:45:41 No.377611936 Anonymous (ID: LHO3ABX1 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:45:41 No.377611936 >>377611711Nice>>
Anonymous (ID: 80WmfCpt ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:45:48 No.377611958 Anonymous (ID: 80WmfCpt ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:45:48 No.377611958 >>377611711Oh fuck>>
Anonymous (ID: exI3bkGe ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:45:50 No.377611964 Anonymous (ID: exI3bkGe ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:45:50 No.377611964 >>377611711holy shit they're scared.THEY ARE ABORTING SAVE THIS THREAD
Anonymous (ID: cBghiW5y ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:45:55 No.377611969 Anonymous (ID: cBghiW5y ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:45:55 No.377611969 >>377610878They really aren't into authenticity or plausability, are they? Sloppy job.>>
Anonymous (ID: mEeB3aMt ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:45:56 No.377611970 Anonymous (ID: mEeB3aMt ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:45:56 No.377611970 >>377605892>>377606194Big think
Anonymous (ID: Wlqi/Ell ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:45:56 No.377611971 Anonymous (ID: Wlqi/Ell ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:45:56 No.377611971 >>377611711i unironically enjoy this song>>
Anonymous (ID: T8po8Rev ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:46:01 No.377611988 Anonymous (ID: T8po8Rev ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:46:01 No.377611988 >>377611711YOU FUCKING NIGGER>>
Anonymous (ID: Jf2XMB9C ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:46:04 No.377611994 Anonymous (ID: Jf2XMB9C ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:46:04 No.377611994 >>377611711AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH>>
Anonymous (ID: YJsH/CQY ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:46:09 No.377612002 Anonymous (ID: YJsH/CQY ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:46:09 No.377612002 >>377611711LETS FUCKING GOOOOOOOOO>>
Anonymous (ID: kazNeRnL ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:46:12 No.377612011 Anonymous (ID: kazNeRnL ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:46:12 No.377612011 >>377611881What a faggot.>>
Anonymous (ID: 9DE+O0aQ ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:46:13 No.377612013 Anonymous (ID: 9DE+O0aQ ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:46:13 No.377612013 >>377611711IT'S A RICK ROLL YOU FAGGOTS, HE CUT IT BEFORE THE FIRST SHOT>>
Anonymous (ID: PL+reWdI ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:46:13 No.377612016 Anonymous (ID: PL+reWdI ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:46:13 No.377612016 >>377611711Nevermind its a rickrollLEAF IS BEING A NIGGER AS USUAL ITS A FUCKING RICKROLL>>
Anonymous (ID: ENE3x9fD ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:46:15 No.377612020 Anonymous (ID: ENE3x9fD ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:46:15 No.377612020 >>377611711It's only 2 minutes???>>
Anonymous (ID: +3/XtmQv ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:46:23 No.377612039 Anonymous (ID: +3/XtmQv ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:46:23 No.377612039 >>377611711 > >>
Anonymous (ID: vq4szM2T ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:46:34 No.377612066 Anonymous (ID: vq4szM2T ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:46:34 No.377612066 >>377611711you nigger>>
Anonymous (ID: exI3bkGe ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:46:42 No.377612080 Anonymous (ID: exI3bkGe ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:46:42 No.377612080 >>377612016ITS LITERAL GLOW OP CODE, THEY ARE ABORTING, THIS OP IS TOO OBVIOUS.>>
Anonymous (ID: sUiqL5a4 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:46:54 No.377612108 Anonymous (ID: sUiqL5a4 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:46:54 No.377612108 This is pretty clearly a false flag. The thing is outlandishly "evil" in its presentation, like a cartoon villain. At least tarrant had a roundabout justification for himself, this dude is just "lmao i'm evil">>
Anonymous (ID: Ust5sWpY ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:46:55 No.377612115 Anonymous (ID: Ust5sWpY ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:46:55 No.377612115 >>377611711DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE>>
Anonymous (ID: qkZASKH3 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:47:03 No.377612129 Anonymous (ID: qkZASKH3 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:47:03 No.377612129 >>377611711hahaha fuck you leaf.>>
Anonymous (ID: RAJsZlaW ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:47:04 No.377612131 Anonymous (ID: RAJsZlaW ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:47:04 No.377612131 >>377611711>>377611882holy shit nevermind kek
Anonymous (ID: XW3PFwB3 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:47:08 No.377612139 Anonymous (ID: XW3PFwB3 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:47:08 No.377612139 >>377611795 >You get raked last leaf bro. Did you change your mind after watching until the end?
Anonymous (ID: wB89JKZd ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:47:09 No.377612142 Anonymous (ID: wB89JKZd ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:47:09 No.377612142 >>377606542>>377607330 >i normally never watch twitch. these are probably the default suggestions to users with no history. >he started shooting like 5 seconds after i opened the link, and then the shooting lasted about 30 seconds so this was linked from another site from the shooter himself I'm guessing? where was it posted up at?
Anonymous (ID: L0NUezr/ ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:47:10 No.377612147 Anonymous (ID: L0NUezr/ ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:47:10 No.377612147 >>377611192 >boredom974 >starwars lego faggot
Anonymous (ID: U7dqSSW3 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:47:19 No.377612181 Anonymous (ID: U7dqSSW3 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:47:19 No.377612181 >>377611653Extremely unlikely that you would randomly click through 20 viewer streams on Twitch and just so happen to catch a mass shooting.
Possible sure, but extremely unlikely.
Anonymous (ID: LE9RnW0d ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:47:20 No.377612182 Anonymous (ID: LE9RnW0d ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:47:20 No.377612182 >>377611711FUCK YOUUUU>>
Anonymous (ID: x7qD8UdP ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:47:21 No.377612186 Anonymous (ID: x7qD8UdP ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:47:21 No.377612186 >>377611711 >rickroll fuck you
Anonymous (ID: OolfP1gB ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:47:27 No.377612198 Anonymous (ID: OolfP1gB ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:47:27 No.377612198 >>377611894 >Joined: 22 Mar, 2022 >>
Anonymous (ID: zH8+DLmA ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:47:29 No.377612203 Anonymous (ID: zH8+DLmA ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:47:29 No.377612203 >>377611711legendary rick roll>>
Anonymous (ID: SB4awyy+ ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:47:41 No.377612226 Anonymous (ID: SB4awyy+ ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:47:41 No.377612226 >>377611711You're pretty funny for a leaf>>
Anonymous (ID: exI3bkGe ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:47:58 No.377612266 Anonymous (ID: exI3bkGe ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:47:58 No.377612266 distraction GLOW OP SLIDE FROM THIS THREAD'>>377577327THE A.I IS AWAKE
Anonymous (ID: 5Kevdoz/ ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:48:00 No.377612270 Anonymous (ID: 5Kevdoz/ ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:48:00 No.377612270 >>377611711KIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIKE>>
Anonymous (ID: bja5Mo00 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:48:07 No.377612284 Anonymous (ID: bja5Mo00 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:48:07 No.377612284 >>377611711kek, you're all right leaf.>>
Anonymous (ID: SXDuy35g ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:48:11 No.377612290 Anonymous (ID: SXDuy35g ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:48:11 No.377612290 >>377608121wtf why would you have that saved>>
Anonymous (ID: MEP1nNxO ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:48:15 No.377612300 Anonymous (ID: MEP1nNxO ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:48:15 No.377612300 >>377611711YOU MOTHERFUCKER!!!!!!!!>>
Anonymous (ID: qWZDklje ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:48:18 No.377612308 Anonymous (ID: qWZDklje ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:48:18 No.377612308 >>377611829I'm trying to reach my parents and see if they've heard from her. I live a few states away>>
Anonymous (ID: LE9RnW0d ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:48:18 No.377612309 Anonymous (ID: LE9RnW0d ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:48:18 No.377612309 >glownigger this >glownigger that Yeah, we know you're a apathic faggot will sit in your apartment / house until death comes knocking, you pathetic piece of shits kek.
Anonymous (ID: /+RLGE5X ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:48:19 No.377612312 Anonymous (ID: /+RLGE5X ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:48:19 No.377612312 >>377611711kek nigger>>
Anonymous (ID: tkQ2eShW ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:48:20 No.377612314 Anonymous (ID: tkQ2eShW ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:48:20 No.377612314 >>377611711legend
Anonymous (ID: RmpTvl3y ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:48:23 No.377612328 Anonymous (ID: RmpTvl3y ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:48:23 No.377612328 >bad photoshop >American poster and Canadian conveniently watching the same no-name stream at the exact time a supposed mass shooting occurred >cant post actual proof >exits the thread CIAniggers btfo
Anonymous (ID: sUiqL5a4 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:48:26 No.377612335 Anonymous (ID: sUiqL5a4 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:48:26 No.377612335 >>377612039 > lmao
Anonymous (ID: mEeB3aMt ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:48:28 No.377612337 Anonymous (ID: mEeB3aMt ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:48:28 No.377612337 >>377605335New bread>>377612276>>
Anonymous (ID: T8po8Rev ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:48:36 No.377612355 Anonymous (ID: T8po8Rev ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:48:36 No.377612355 bake new bread>>
Anonymous (ID: T7wHPLKS ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:48:39 No.377612360 Anonymous (ID: T7wHPLKS ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:48:39 No.377612360 New thread? We are past the bump limit.>>
Anonymous (ID: PoXpZiEJ ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:48:42 No.377612366 Anonymous (ID: PoXpZiEJ ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:48:42 No.377612366 >>377611711Oh fuck off>>
Anonymous (ID: U+uHpDYY ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:48:44 No.377612370 Anonymous (ID: U+uHpDYY ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:48:44 No.377612370 >>377611711>>
Anonymous (ID: O/gOWa3D ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:48:45 No.377612372 Anonymous (ID: O/gOWa3D ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:48:45 No.377612372 >>377611711You cock sucking mother fucker>>
Anonymous (ID: Jf2XMB9C ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:48:55 No.377612394 Anonymous (ID: Jf2XMB9C ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:48:55 No.377612394 >>377612142friend of a friend of a friend from discord. yes i realize i look like a glowie but i swear i was just in the right place at the right time. people win the lottery with astronomically low chances right?>>
Anonymous (ID: 20LuG56H ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:48:57 No.377612397 Anonymous (ID: 20LuG56H ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:48:57 No.377612397 >>377608151TOO SOON>>
Anonymous (ID: TbHU4ceS ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:49:00 No.377612403 Anonymous (ID: TbHU4ceS ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:49:00 No.377612403 >>377611711Wtf is wrong with you why are leaf's always so fucking annoying I actually hope you get your head caved in by some polar bear>>
Anonymous (ID: DpDC1BXT ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:49:00 No.377612404 Anonymous (ID: DpDC1BXT ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:49:00 No.377612404 >>377605335Not reading this entire thread. Hopefully one of you losers reported it to authorities>>
Anonymous (ID: B1pAhPcD ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:49:07 No.377612422 Anonymous (ID: B1pAhPcD ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:49:07 No.377612422 >>377611711well played you filthy dog fucker.>>
Anonymous (ID: y/fFInY6 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:49:09 No.377612428 Anonymous (ID: y/fFInY6 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:49:09 No.377612428 >>377611711>>
Anonymous (ID: BY1eg4xy ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:49:10 No.377612432 Anonymous (ID: BY1eg4xy ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:49:10 No.377612432 >>377611206 >The shooter has like 150 pages of redpills on Jews in his manifesto. Based. yeah, because the goy were getting a little too bold about openly criticizing the chosenites
Anonymous (ID: T7wHPLKS ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:49:28 No.377612470 Anonymous (ID: T7wHPLKS ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:49:28 No.377612470 >>377612404Fag>>
Anonymous (ID: mEeB3aMt ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:49:30 No.377612478 Anonymous (ID: mEeB3aMt ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:49:30 No.377612478 >>377612355>>377612276>>377612276
>>377612276 >>377612276New bread. Quick bake. Sorry but i have no info on it yet
Anonymous (ID: A7Wys+gF ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:49:30 No.377612479 Anonymous (ID: A7Wys+gF ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:49:30 No.377612479 >>377611711>>
Anonymous (ID: Kw7BvHNe ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:49:32 No.377612484 Anonymous (ID: Kw7BvHNe ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:49:32 No.377612484 >>377611711CUNT>>
Anonymous (ID: KJ3BkEgY ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:49:34 No.377612487 Anonymous (ID: KJ3BkEgY ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:49:34 No.377612487 >>377611711you MF'er lol>>
Anonymous (ID: 1IiI/Kms ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:49:47 No.377612515 Anonymous (ID: 1IiI/Kms ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:49:47 No.377612515 >>377611711Post it dumbass>>
Anonymous (ID: RjMVKxnr ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:49:48 No.377612516 Anonymous (ID: RjMVKxnr ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:49:48 No.377612516 >>377611711why did he bother parking his car appropriately?>>
Anonymous (ID: jAi8jlY6 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:49:49 No.377612517 Anonymous (ID: jAi8jlY6 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:49:49 No.377612517 >>377611881So what, he's some recently redpilled retard who no one had a leash on, one who hadn't learned yet that isolated lashing out is only ever bad?>>
Anonymous (ID: /YbM7leI ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:49:51 No.377612520 Anonymous (ID: /YbM7leI ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:49:51 No.377612520 >>377611711fucking faggot lmao>>
(ID: WYQyzk6A ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:49:52 No.377612524 ð'
(ID: WYQyzk6A ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:49:52 No.377612524 >>377610672 >Anyone who's not a shut in faggot is a fed >>377610878So their ai can detect me making obscure Jew jokes but can't detect a psychopath going off the rails? Glad to see their priorities are rock solid
Anonymous (ID: w4D01aw3 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:50:21 No.377612577 Anonymous (ID: w4D01aw3 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:50:21 No.377612577 >>377608632fucking hell kek>>
Anonymous (ID: 8GMiFeO/ ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:50:21 No.377612579 Anonymous (ID: 8GMiFeO/ ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:50:21 No.377612579 >>377611711Canadians>>
Anonymous (ID: /YbM7leI ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:50:36 No.377612607 Anonymous (ID: /YbM7leI ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:50:36 No.377612607 >>377611711>>
Anonymous (ID: qack0Tn0 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:50:39 No.377612617 Anonymous (ID: qack0Tn0 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:50:39 No.377612617 >>377611711Double Nigger.>>
Anonymous (ID: FmkWAR3X ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:50:44 No.377612625 Anonymous (ID: FmkWAR3X ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:50:44 No.377612625 >>377611711Holy fuck, god tier trolling>>
Anonymous (ID: Ja4m/LzX ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:50:49 No.377612637 Anonymous (ID: Ja4m/LzX ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:50:49 No.377612637 >>377611711>>
Anonymous (ID: DpDC1BXT ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:51:06 No.377612669 Anonymous (ID: DpDC1BXT ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:51:06 No.377612669 >>377612470No one likes you>>
Anonymous (ID: exI3bkGe ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:51:11 No.377612673 Anonymous (ID: exI3bkGe ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:51:11 No.377612673 >>377612637 >RICK ROLL DAMAGE CONTROL RICK ROLL DAMAGE CONTROL
Anonymous (ID: 20LuG56H ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:51:22 No.377612701 Anonymous (ID: 20LuG56H ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:51:22 No.377612701 >>377611881I hate this faggot already>>
Anonymous (ID: 3Hyg5Z5S ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:51:24 No.377612708 Anonymous (ID: 3Hyg5Z5S ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:51:24 No.377612708 this is a gay psy op. Op can suck a black mans penis>>
Anonymous (ID: RiklMVk7 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:51:31 No.377612717 Anonymous (ID: RiklMVk7 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:51:31 No.377612717 >>377612404The guy has been in custody from thread start>>
Anonymous (ID: U+uHpDYY ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:51:42 No.377612739 Anonymous (ID: U+uHpDYY ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:51:42 No.377612739 >>377611711im gay>>
Anonymous (ID: 1C4Dglb2 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:51:47 No.377612752 Anonymous (ID: 1C4Dglb2 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:51:47 No.377612752 >>377611711 > Saving for posterity
I salute you, noble leaf.
Anonymous (ID: 0d/Cn/Ws ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:52:10 No.377612793 Anonymous (ID: 0d/Cn/Ws ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:52:10 No.377612793 >>377612625 > Should of made like 15 minutes of emptyness after the rick roll to make us all think it was really legit.
Anonymous (ID: WYrIvQNn ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:52:10 No.377612796 Anonymous (ID: WYrIvQNn ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:52:10 No.377612796 >>377612669projecting fag>>
Anonymous (ID: Z599w4ZJ ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:52:19 No.377612817 Anonymous (ID: Z599w4ZJ ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:52:19 No.377612817 leafboy will keep it to himself>>
Anonymous (ID: RiklMVk7 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:52:20 No.377612818 Anonymous (ID: RiklMVk7 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:52:20 No.377612818 >>377612516White people are good at following societal laws.>>
Anonymous (ID: hoD91f4l ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:52:20 No.377612819 Anonymous (ID: hoD91f4l ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:52:20 No.377612819 >>377611711I hope you fucking die>>
Anonymous (ID: Ja4m/LzX ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:52:32 No.377612836 Anonymous (ID: Ja4m/LzX ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:52:32 No.377612836 >>377612673no u
Anonymous (ID: sk8QmZOV ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:52:51 No.377612886 Anonymous (ID: sk8QmZOV ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:52:51 No.377612886 >>377611653The shooter had a discord where he had been planning alll this stuff for the past 2 weeks>>
Anonymous (ID: VJGHYtw+ ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:52:53 No.377612892 Anonymous (ID: VJGHYtw+ ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:52:53 No.377612892 >>377608121now as always, its niggers being niggers, but i have one question. what did the strapee do to the strappers that they are showering him with sparks instead of say, lighting him on fire? they could easily just kill him outright with that tool, he must have it coming.>>
Anonymous (ID: L0NUezr/ ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:53:03 No.377612912 Anonymous (ID: L0NUezr/ ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:53:03 No.377612912 >>377612394brony faggot>>
Anonymous (ID: MwgRCKiT ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:53:04 No.377612914 Anonymous (ID: MwgRCKiT ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:53:04 No.377612914 >>377611711fuckin hell, fellow leaf>>
Anonymous (ID: SXDuy35g ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:53:12 No.377612936 Anonymous (ID: SXDuy35g ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:53:12 No.377612936 >>377611653this thread is filled with spooks probably another glow op to demonize and get the ol'white hate and white supremacist biggest threat narrative flowing good again>>
Anonymous (ID: OQuysWip ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:53:22 No.377612957 Anonymous (ID: OQuysWip ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:53:22 No.377612957 News articles just updated: > Buffalo Police confirmed that the suspect was taken into custody. In a video shared on Facebook, a man in military fatigues can be seen taken into custody. He appeared to have been armed with a semi-automatic rifle. > A 106-page online manifesto, believed to have been uploaded by the shooter, outlined his motive for Saturday's attack. In the document, he describes himself as an 18-year-old man and self-described white supremacist and anti-semite. herewegoagain.jpg
Anonymous (ID: mEeB3aMt ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:53:43 No.377613004 Anonymous (ID: mEeB3aMt ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:53:43 No.377613004 >>377612478New bread
Anonymous (ID: j1HRJdO8 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:54:04 No.377613040 Anonymous (ID: j1HRJdO8 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:54:04 No.377613040 This thread is all such bollocks. Glow radicalised tranny who posted >I'm a radicalised faggot stuff
Shoots nobodies for no reason- except to false flag.- trannies, they are thomas harris characters which is what glowies studied for decades and media used to be all about them murdering all the time. Glowies ARE STILL all over their crazed looneys like fleas. ALL TRANNIES DO IS TRY TO FALSE FLAG ALL DAY LONG ON THE INTERNET they are retards who think they are cunning. Dribbling loonies. Glowies like people stupider than then and there aren't many so they will never leave the looney faggots side.This thread is broken BTW Someone get it together. I'm going for coffee.THIS IS TRANNIES & GLOWIES yet again by the look of it. When theres no reason it is them>>
Anonymous (ID: YjG/qB3f ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:54:22 No.377613072 Anonymous (ID: YjG/qB3f ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:54:22 No.377613072 >>377612957 >self-described white supremacist and anti-semite. And yet he did not target black sor Jews.
Anonymous (ID: KJ3BkEgY ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:54:30 No.377613089 Anonymous (ID: KJ3BkEgY ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:54:30 No.377613089 >>377612957 >herewegoagain.jpg wouldnt be surprised if he was MK Ultra'd, also Dems need a new Enemy in time for mid terms
Anonymous (ID: rVaCiIPE ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:54:54 No.377613135 Anonymous (ID: rVaCiIPE ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:54:54 No.377613135 >>377606980This is a weak glowing operation.pretty fucking stupid.>>
Anonymous (ID: QY+dScX9 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:54:55 No.377613139 Anonymous (ID: QY+dScX9 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:54:55 No.377613139 >>377609578>>
Anonymous (ID: gJ73KIbH ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:54:58 No.377613145 Anonymous (ID: gJ73KIbH ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:54:58 No.377613145 >>377611653>>377612181Yeah, how you'd stumble on this twitch is what I don't get. I don't get how the guy has any viewers at al its not like he posted that he was going to stream a popular game or something then actually went on a rampage. He posted "test for real".
Another thing I noticed is that OP has 47 notification messages on Twitch which indicates that he hasn't used Twitch in a very long time and yet he decided to use it today to randomly find a mass shooting.
Its weird.
Anonymous (ID: rZUGzTd2 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:54:59 No.377613152 Anonymous (ID: rZUGzTd2 ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:54:59 No.377613152 >>377606963h tt ps : //a rc hiv e ph/u1 X7X>>
Anonymous (ID: FmkWAR3X ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:55:17 No.377613185 Anonymous (ID: FmkWAR3X ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:55:17 No.377613185 >>377613040Everything in this thread was a rickroll you dumb fucks, op just baited everyone like a pro>>
Anonymous (ID: PAFScLHO ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:55:23 No.377613198 Anonymous (ID: PAFScLHO ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:55:23 No.377613198 >>377606194 >sketchy 1PBTD google drive "manifesto" immediately posted to /pol/ Nothing glowing here
Anonymous (ID: +eRHmrmy ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:55:33 No.377613226 Anonymous (ID: +eRHmrmy ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:55:33 No.377613226 >>377613145OP is real.>>
Anonymous (ID: OIqKxg7j ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:55:33 No.377613227 Anonymous (ID: OIqKxg7j ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:55:33 No.377613227 >>377606362its not good bait, zoomer. no one who matters uses twitch or even knows who those people are.>>
Anonymous (ID: gJ73KIbH ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:55:43 No.377613251 Anonymous (ID: gJ73KIbH ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:55:43 No.377613251 >>377612886So OP and the other 20 some odd people watching were presumably following this Discord?
Anonymous (ID: zDusETDF ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:55:45 No.377613253 Anonymous (ID: zDusETDF ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:55:45 No.377613253 >>377611711Well'... at least we know there IS a video>>
Anonymous (ID: QNEGBxQG ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:55:54 No.377613273 Anonymous (ID: QNEGBxQG ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:55:54 No.377613273 >>377605335I can't make out the weapon, is that a shotgun? Looks like it could also be a tac fag Mini 14 with the gay ass unnecessary heat shield I've seen people run.>>
Anonymous (ID: nMHIqLHb ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:56:03 No.377613292 Anonymous (ID: nMHIqLHb ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:56:03 No.377613292 >>377611711lmao you fucking nigger haha>>
Anonymous (ID: ICZ9BT7M ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:56:09 No.377613301 Anonymous (ID: ICZ9BT7M ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:56:09 No.377613301 where can I watch it you useless nigger goyim>>
Anonymous (ID: Gzq+nNMs ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:56:10 No.377613303 Anonymous (ID: Gzq+nNMs ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:56:10 No.377613303 >>377605335All the different channels on Twitch and you just happened to stumble upon this faggot's channel just as shit guys down.Would bet money OP is the shooter or an accomplice. Sorry you're faggot friend didn't know how to turn on past broadcasts. Looks like his video manifesto is as big a failure as him.>>
Anonymous (ID: QNEGBxQG ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:56:41 No.377613373 Anonymous (ID: QNEGBxQG ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:56:41 No.377613373 >>377609343Because he wasn't actually watching it and wants to feel like he's a part of something>>
Anonymous (ID: x7qD8UdP ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:56:48 No.377613388 Anonymous (ID: x7qD8UdP ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:56:48 No.377613388 >>377613145i suspect they hacked it>>
Anonymous (ID: J6cKmlXa ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:56:50 No.377613393 Anonymous (ID: J6cKmlXa ) 05/14/22(Sat)15:56:50 No.377613393 >>377611711You are such a fucking Leaf!Well played, but you will be raked first!Oh, and raked slowly!