Sat, 19 Sep 2015 15:17
by Scott Creighton (H/T Jack)
UPDATE: What's the Story with Ahmed Mohamed and his Ridiculous Briefcase ''Clock''? (my YouTube video)
UPDATE: Ahmed Mohamed's Hoax Bomb Updates (No. He didn't ''invent'' it)
UPDATE (H/T Jason Smith): See update at end of article
What's the lesson we are supposed to learn? Not all Muslim looking people are terrorists. A great lesson as we enter into the refugee ''crisis'', right?[This is a ''teachable moment'' said White House press secretary Josh Earnest]
What a coincidence. ಠ_ಠTo start off with, the story goes something like this:
A cute 14-year-old Muslim kid, Ahmed Mohamed, goes to school with no other intention than to impress his teacher with his homemade ''clock'' and for that he is persecuted by all the Islamaphobic teachers and racial profiling cops. He is then hailed as a hero when the story (for some reason) goes national and now everyone from Barack Obama to CIA asset Mark Zuckerberg are praising this kid as if he were the next Steve Jobs.
Great story, right? Muslim kid gets abused after innocently trying to show off his homemade devise.
Unfortunately, that story is neither complete, nor an accurate representation of what happened. More on that later.
Now Facebook wants him (CIA) and MIT wants him (also CIA) and of course he's been invited to the White House (front office of Capitalism's Invisible Army) and told to bring his ''clock''
Twitter has a huge support campaign going for this kid of course (#BringBackOurGirls ring any bells?) and I'm sure Stephen Colbert will fit Ahmed into his show later this week somewhere between a Ayn Randian billionaire captain of industry and a neocon war-monger trying to rebrand himself before he is arrested for war crimes.
Finally a Muslim gets some love here in 'Merica! Don't it make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside?
Well, sorry to rain on your parade, but there is something fishy about Ahmed's briefcase ''clock'' story and it starts with the ''clock'' itself, moves to purely coincidental timing of the refugee ''crisis'' and ends with his desperate for attention daddy.
Oh wait, before we go any further, here's the 'clock''
Let's start off by explaining that the story they are telling us is not accurate.
This kid was not doing an assignment. He did this on his own and brought the ''clock'' in to show a teacher, who, by the way, did not immediately call the cops, as the story is being presented. That's the first major problem with the narrative.
In fact, the engineering teacher Ahmed was supposedly trying to impress, actually told him it was good work'... but'... he shouldn't shouldn't carry it from class to class showing other teachers. The inference is that the engineering teacher figured, rightly, the devise looked more than a little suspect.
(That teacher never called the cops. In fact, no teacher ever called the cops until Ahmed's little briefcase ''clock'' drew some attention to itself in a room full of 9th grade kids.)
What does Ahmed do? He takes it to English class and sits there with his busted up briefcase ''clock'' with little wires sticking off the top (yes, look at the wires deliberately tied to the clasp) until'....
Yeah, that's right.
The thing in question was the product of Ahmed's love of invention. He made the clock out of a metal briefcase-style box, a digital display, wires and a circuit board. It was bigger and bulkier than a typical bedside clock, with cords, screws and electrical components.
He said he took it to school on Monday to show an engineering teacher, who said it was nice but then told him he should not show the invention to other teachers. Later, Ahmed's clock beeped during an English class, and after he revealed the device to the teacher, school officials notified the police, and Ahmed was interrogated by officers. New York Times
In an interview later, Ahmed actually LIED when he recounted what happened:
''I built the clock to impress my teacher, but when I showed it to her, she thought it was a threat to her. It was really sad that she took the wrong impression from it,'' Ahmed said in an interview this week. Huffington Post
Ahmed claims to be a budding engineering student. When he showed the engineering teacher, he was praised for his work. It wasn't until the highly suspect looking briefcase ''clock'' started going off in the middle of English class that the teacher took notice of it and of course she was right to be a little concerned when the beat-up looking metal briefcase with WIRES STICKING OFF IT starts beeping in a classroom surrounded by other people's 14-year-old children.
Now, let me ask you a question. What good is a ''clock'' in a closed briefcase? What good is a ''clock'' in a closed metal briefcase with a countdown timer or an alarm on it? What purpose can that serve?
Anyone wish to answer that? No?
Moving on.
It was only after the briefcase ''clock'' started going off in the middle of class that the English teacher took notice of the Muslim looking kid and his ''invention'' and it was only after that and inspecting the very suspect looking ''clock'' that the teacher, doing what she is compelled by law to do, contacted the school administration and they contacted law enforcement.
Ahmed was then detained by law enforcement for making a hoax bomb. Which is exactly what he did.
Now, the question is, why did he do that?
Not hard to figure out.
We are currently in a situation where everyone is on edge over the manufactured refugee ''crisis'' and the general consensus in the Islamaphobic world of the Pam Gellers and the Paul Joseph Watsons of the interwebs is that every single Muslim looking individual who comes into this country will be an ''ISIS'' terrorist sleeper cell.
Now, all of a sudden, we have a Muslim kid walking into school with a busted-up briefcase with wires sticking off the top of it and a ''clock'' in it which goes off in the middle of English class'... and everyone ''overreacts''
Lesson learned, right?
White House press secretary Josh Earnest called the episode involving Ahmed Mohamed a ''teachable moment.'' US News and World Report
It's clear the ''clock'' was purposefully made to look like every cliched improvised explosive devise you've seen on every bad TV drama of the ''24'' variety.
It's also clear Ahmed was told not to be taking it around to other classes because it looked like every cliched improvised explosive devise you've seen on every bad TV drama of the ''24'' variety.
The first teacher did not freak out when he showed it to him. He praised the kid for his effort and the work. But Ahmad did carry it around with him until it ''went off'' didn't he? In fact the English teacher in question certainly saw the thing in his possession when he sat down in class. Did she/he do anything at that point? No.
Why would Ahmed make something like this? He had to have known what it looked like especially after he tied those stupid little wires to the clasp. And why would he set the alarm to go off in the middle of class? Why would he continue to carry it around after he had ALREADY shown it to the teacher he wished to impress and that teacher told him he had better keep it under wraps?
He did these things because his father told him to. That's why.
Malala anyone?
Ahmed's father is an attention loving man named Mohamed ElHassan Mohamed with political ambitions and what appears to be CIA connections.
He's an immigrant, of course, who came from Sudan 3 decades ago and has since run for the office of the presidency of the country twice. He never ended up being put on any ballot, but he collect campaign contributions.
In 2010, he ran for president in Sudan for the National Reform Party and created a campaign website,'...
Neither he nor his party actually appeared on the ballot. But Mohamed ran again in 2015, promising to negotiate lifting the sanctions on Sudan, ratify human rights treaties, and repeal laws against converting from Islam. (The Sudan Tribune, based in Paris, ran a story on his platform.) Vox
On his campaign website, Mohamed promised ''CHANGE'' to his fellow countrymen and even had a brand new constitution ready to impose on them.
What does that sound like?
Maybe this will make it a little clearer:
Mohamed Elhassen has even tried exporting his peaceful, pro-Western philosophy overseas: He's run for president of Sudan twice. ''[I] hope for my country to become great, and to reestablish good connections with America,'' he said in February. Gawker
Sudan is universally hated by the Business Party here in the states. They need to be neoliberalized and that is the ONLY way to get those sanctions lifted.
And suddenly we have a businessman from Texas of all places, ready to go lead the Sudanese people down the crimson path of free market austerity, huh? I suppose it's no wonder he never ended up on the ballot over there.
But I wonder if Mohamed ElHassan Mohamed isn't being groomed for a leadership role when President Peace Prize brings a regime change to Sudan.
A little while ago, Mohamed got himself involved in yet another high profile ''Muslim interests'' story. What a coincidence it's his son that ''innocently'' brought a time-bomb looking ''clock'' to school.
In 2012, Florida pastor Terry Jones said he was putting the Quran on trial. Jones had threatened to burn the Quran before, around the 10th anniversary of the September 11 attacks, before eventually being talked out of it by Defense Secretary Robert Gates.
This time, he wanted to stage a trial at his Florida church, and he needed a defense attorney. Mohamed volunteered: ''[The church] put an ad on their channel: 'Whoever feels in himself he has the power to defend Quran is welcome,''' he told the Dallas Observer.
The trial ended with Jones declaring the Quran guilty of ''crimes against humanity'' and setting it on fire. Protests and riots in Afghanistan in response to the burning leftseven people dead. Vox
Mohamed found the time to take leave from his several business in order to go take part in the ridiculous psyop staged by Terry Jones in which he ended up finding the Quran ''guilty'' and then set it on fire. More fake Muslim outrage ensued and riots were staged.
At the heart of it was Ahmed's father.
Having now taken part in two very public psyops, Mohamed ElHassan Mohamed is clearly being groomed for something. From his kid wearing a NASA shirt when he was busted (he wore the NASA shirt costume for his MSNBC interview as well), to his ''rags to riches'' ''moderate Muslim'' story, this guy has ''the company's'' fingerprints all over him.
You think I'm reaching here? Take notice that Mohamed ElHassan Mohamed is a Sufi Muslim. A rather moderate, liberal sect of the Muslim faith which is supposedly a potential bulwark against the more radical, far-right Salafists and Wahhabists of Saudi Arabia. But all that aside, the man certainly intends to saddle up with the colonialist Western factions as soon as he comes to power. But note this:
Some analysts think that historical legacy can still be exploited. A 2007 report by the Rand Corp., a U.S. think tank, advised Western governments to ''harness'' Sufism, saying its adherents were ''natural allies of the West.'' Along similar lines, the Algerian government announced in July that it would promote the nation's Sufi heritage on radio and television in a bid to check the powerful influence of Salafism, a more extreme strain of Islam that is followed by al-Qaeda-backed militants waging a war against the country's autocratic state. Ishaan Tharoor wrote for Time in 2009.
The Rand Corp suggested we ''harness'' Sufi Muslims because they were ''natural allies'' of the West. The article was written in 2009 and, of course, Mohamed ElHassan ran for office in Sudan in 2010.
Starting to make sense?
Let me leave you with this from Gawker;
If a Hollywood producer was tasked with creating a Muslim family designed to ease the anxieties of parochial Americans, that family would probably look a lot like Mohameds, from the father's boot-strap immigrant striving to the son's inspired desire to create and tinker. Gawker
UPDATE: According to Ahmed in an interview he gave, he put the wire on the clasp so it would look LESS suspicious.
Less suspicious? Wires sticking off the side of his beeping briefcase ''clock'' would make it look less suspicious? Is that like saying you threw water on something because you wanted more fire?
Jason linked us to an article that brings up another fine point and that is, what is the point of having the display inside the case. I mentioned that myself, but when you think about it, as the article explains, if the thing is open and you are using it for an alarm clock, you have the power conductor sitting right there exposed when you reach over to hit the snooze bar. It will electrocute you. Also, seems like Ahmed simply busted up a Walmart clock radio and screwed it's insides to the box. Clearly this was all about causing panic. So yes, Ahmed did make a hoax bomb on purpose and set it to go off in class.
Thanks Jason
I refer back again to this YouTube video interview with Ahmed. He explains that he closed up the box with a piece of cord because he didn't want it to look suspicious. I'm curious, why would ''looking suspicious'' have even crossed his mind before this whole event unfolded, if he was truly showing off a hobby project, something so innocuous as an alarm clock. Why did he choose a pencil box, one that looks like a miniature briefcase no less, as an enclosure for a clock? It's awful hard to see the clock with the case closed. On the other hand, with the case open, it's awful dangerous to have an exposed power transformer sitting near the snooze button (unless, perhaps his invention was to stop serial-snooze-button pressers by giving them a dangerous electrical shock!) Art Voice
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Filed under: Ahmed Mohamed, Refugee "crisis", Scott Creighton