Barry Lyga (Author)
Chris Abouzeid (Co-owner, Belmont Books)
Alex Acks (Author)
Kaylan Adair (Executive Editor, Candlewick Press)
Vikas Adam (Audiobook Narrator (PRH, Macmillan, Audible, Simon & Schuster))
Alyssa Adamovich (Brilliance Publishing)
Mari Adkins (writer / editor)
Dahlia Adler (Author )
Wajahat Ali (Writer)
Jenny Allen (Author)
Adi Alsaid (Writer)
Suzie Althens (Audiobook narrator)
Elissa Alves (Literary and Operations Associate, Folio Literary Management)
Charlie Jane Anders (author, Victories Greater Than Death)
Sarah M. Anderson (Author)
Jill Anderson (Author Love Song Graphics)
Nicole Aronis (Author)
Holly Atkinson (Editor)
Tanya Avakian (Author)
Pauline avendano (Author)
J. Averre (Author)
Jessica Awad (Media Assistant Editor, W. W. Norton & Company)
Kim Baccellia-Rapier (Author)
Morgan Baden (Author)
Elizabeth Baldwin (ERB Publishing, w/a Elizabeth Essex)
Dr. Martha Baldwin (Scholar and Author)
Tracey Baptiste (Author)
Frank Bardessono (Author)
Kelly Barnhill (Author)
Rachel Kempster Barry (Author/Consultant)
Phoebe Barton (Writer)
Sophie Bartow (Author)
Hallie Bateman (Author)
Emi Battaglia (President Emi Battaglia Public Relations)
Jessica LeTourneur Bax (Freelance university press & trade copyeditor)
Melinda Beatty (Author, PRH)
Mark Richard Beaulieu (Author)
Rebecca Bednarz (Editor)
Hayley Behal (Production editor, The History Press)
Jolanta Benal (freelance copyeditor)
Karen E. Bender (Author)
Daphne Benedis-Grab (author, Scholastic)
Andrew Benge (Author)
Kat Bennett (Senior Cartographer, Hachette Book Group)
Kendall Berdinsky (Editorial Assistant)
Kathi Inman Berens (Associate Professor of Book Publishing, Portland State University)
Lauren Beukes (Author)
Bob Bianchini (Senior Designer - Penguin Random House, Author/Illustrator)
Diana Biller (Writer)
Jeanne Birdsall (Author)
Lauren Bittrich (Editorial Assistant, Flatiron Books)
Jason Black (Developmental Editor)
Holly Black (Author)
Stephen Blackmoore (Author)
Rachel Blaifeder (Editor, Cambridge University Press)
Alison Block (Marketing Coordinator, Oxford University Press)
Lesiie Bockol (Author and Editor)
Sheena Boekweg (Author)
Gwenda Bond (Author)
Karyn Bosnak (Author)
Joanna Bourne (Author)
Lisa Brackmann (Author)
Robin Brande (Author)
Gayle Brandeis (Author)
Loryn Brantz (Author)
Scott Brick (Audiobook narrator)
Daniel Brigman (Author)
Suzanne Brockmann (Author)
Megan Broderick (Assistant Editor, Harlequin)
Sam Brody (Editorial Assistant at Hachette Book Group)
Aimee Brown (Author)
Barron Brown (Author)
Joseph Bruchac (Professional writer and editor)
Polly Bruno (Author)
Geri Buckley (Writer)
Alafair Burke (Author)
Penelope Burns (Associate Literary Agent, Gelfman Schneider/ICM Partners)
Aimee Burpee (Associate Registrar, Special Projects)
Michelle Cacho-Negrete (Author)
Chelsea M. Cameron (Author)
Emma Mieko Candon (Editor, Seven Seas; Author)
Janet Cannon (Author)
Juliette Capra (Editorial Assistant, Chronicle Books)
Courtney Carbone (Author/Editor)
Dee Carney (Author)
Megan Carr (Senior Sales Support Associate, HarperCollins Publishers)
Natalie J Case (Author)
Sona Charaipotra (Author)
Maxine Charles (editorial assistant, Flatiron Books)
Mike Chen (Author)
Alison Cherry (Author, editor)
Amanda R Cherry (Author)
Preeti Chhibber (Author)
Danielle Chiotti (Agent, Upstart Crow Literary)
Henna Cho (Digital Sales Associate (SImon & Schuster))
Angelica Chong (Editorial Assistant, Macmillan)
Cassandra Clare (Writer)
William Clark (Wm Clark Associates)
Peter Clines (author)
Adriana Cloud (Editor)
Erin Clyburn (The Jennifer De Chiara Literary Agency)
Elizabeth Coale (Bookseller)
Matthew Cody (Author)
SueLynn Cole (Author)
Manda Collins (Author)
Andrea Colvin(Editorial Director, Hachette Book Group)
Melanie Conklin (author)
J Patrick Conlon (Oddity Prodigy Productions)
D. Robert Cooley (Associate Professor)
M Cooper (None)
David Cooper (Writer and book critic)
Melinda R. Cordell (Author, Rosefiend Publishing.)
Tom Corson-Knowles (CEO of TCK Publishing)
Tricia Crawford Coscia (Author)
David Hyde Costello (Author/illustrator )
Mia Council (Assistant editor, Penguin Random House)
Jessica Craig (Founder, Craig Literary LLC)
Sylvan Creekmore (Associate Editor, St. Martin's Publishing Group)
David Crews Ph.D. (Author)
Lily Cronig (Editorial Assistant, St. Martin's Press)
Jesse Vilinsky Crowley (CEO - Jesse Vilinsky VO)
Alison A Curtin (Baker & Taylor)
Melissa Cynova (Author)
Sara Danver (Associate National Account Manager, PRH)
Kelly Danver (HarperCollins )
Erica Davis Secor (Editor)
Anna Daviscourt (Illustrator)
Stephen Dedman (Author)
Anya Johanna DeNiro (Writer)
Shira Dentz (Author)
Navdeep Singh Dhillon (author)
Lucienne Diver (Agent, The Knight Agency)
Trish Doller (author)
Michella Domenici (Springer Nature)
K.A. Doore (Author)
Lauren S Dopkin (Sales mgr)
Wendy Dopkin (Copy editor )
Jen J. Danna/Sara Driscoll (Author)
Ann Vanderlaan writing as Sara Driscoll (Author)
Imogene Drummond (Artist and Filmmaker)
Denise J. Dubé (Journalist/writer/Member of ASJA, SPJ.)
Kaylee Duff (Writer, grad student, aspiring editor)
Turney Duff (Author)
Rachel Dugan (Publicity Assistant, Penguin Random House)
C.J. Dugas (Writer)
Claudia Dunn (DunnDeal VO)
Doranna Durgin (Author)
Geoffrey Dutton (author)
Peter Echevers (Author)
Jen Edwards (Author)
Kimberly Ehart (Editor, Hachette Book Group)
Daniel Ehrenhaft (Author, editor )
Patricia Eimer (Author)
Michael Elias (Author)
Robin Eller (Audiobook Narrator)
Courtney Ellis (Marketing Assistant)
Zabé Ellor (Associate Literary Agent, JDLA)
Patricia Elzie-Tuttle (Book Riot)
M. K. England (Author (HarperTeen & PRH))
Carl Engle-Laird (Editor, Macmillan)
Karina Evans (Author)
Micaiah Evans (Author and Editor)
Kimberly Farr (Audiobook narrator)
Mary Cronk Farrell (Author)
Brian Farrey-Latz (Editor)
Rachel Feinberg (Content Writer)
Kait Feldmann (Editor)
Jenny Ferguson (Writer)
Clay S. Fernald (VP content - LeaguePodcast)
Joan Fernandez (Writer)
Nettie Finn (Assistant Editor)
Tessa Fisher (Writer)
David Fitzgerald (Author)
AJ Fitzwater (Author)
Rose Fox (former senior reviews editor, Publishers Weekly)
Hester Fox (Author (Harlequin))
Graylin Fox (Author / Self Published)
Dana Fredsti (Author with Titan Books)
Deborah Freedman (Author & Illustrator)
Rebecca Friedman (Rebecca Friedman Literary)
Esther Friesner (Author)
Adriana Funke (Rights Manager, Scholastic Inc.)
Arthur G Insana (
Ed Gaffney (Author)
Jason T. Gaffney (Author)
Sarah Gailey (Author)
Tanya Gandolfo (Author / Ingram Spark)
Mary Ganster (Content developer and editor (freelance))
Zack Geoffroy (Author)
Allyn Gibson (Head Writer, Diamond Comic Distributors)
Erin Gibson (Book reviewer)
Tara Gilbert (The Jennifer De Chiara Literary Agency)
Lamar Giles (Author)
Thomas Gilmore (Sales Manager, Macmillan)
Amy Giuffrida (Associate Literary Agent at The Jennifer De Chiara Literary Agency)
Joy Givens (Author)
Sue Godbee (Book buyer)
Bryant Golden (Editor-in-Chief, The Cavern Press)
Emily Goldman (editorial assistant, Macmillan)
Nikki Goldstein (Author)
Leah Gordon (Senior editor, Avalon Travel, an imprint of Hachette Book Group)
Benjamin Gorman (Co-Publisher, Not a Pipe Publishing)
Rob Gorski (Author)
Jasmine Gower (Author)
Jimmy Gownley (Cartoonist )
James Graham (Author)
Gavin Grant (Publisher, Small Beer Press)
Libbie Grant (Author)
Scott Fitzgerald Gray (Insane Angel Studios)
John Patrick Green (Writer/Illustrator)
Bryn Greenwood (Writer)
Kayla Griffin (Production Edition, Brill Academic Publishing)
Sarah Grill (Associate Editor, Macmillan)
Michael A. Grimm (Retired Educator)
Andrew Grondin (Owner, S-15 Studios)
Stephanie Guerdan (Assistant Editor, HarperCollins)
Cassie Gutman (Production Editor)
Cassie Gutman (Production Editor)
Jane G Haigh (Searching for Fannie Quigley, author)
Shannon Hale (writer)
Michelle Halket (Central Avenue Publishing)
Karen Hall (Author)
Karen Lee Hallam (Author)
Sadie Haller (Author)
Alwyn Hamilton (Author)
Jordan Hanley (Marketing Manager, Tor Nightfire)
Jonette D. Hardy (Engineer)
Leigh Harlen (Author)
Leigh Harlen (Author)
Jess Harold (Assistant Editor (Scholastic))
Mark Harrison (Publisher, Argyll Productions)
Hilary Harwell (KT Literary, LLC)
Morgan Hawk (Editor)
Libbie Hawker (Author)
Patrick Nielsen Hayden (VP, Editor in Chief, Tor Books)
Tyler Hayes (Author)
Tyler Hayes (Author)
Lindsey Heale (Media Editorial Assistant, W.W. Norton & Co.)
Erica Heller (Author)
Joe Hempel (Narrator)
Chelsea Hensley (Associate Agent)
Ashley Herring Blake (Agent with Rees Literary Agency; author with Little Brown BYFR and Berkley Romance)
Mickey Hess (author)
Danuta Hinc (Author)
Sarah Hollowell (Author)
Tim Holm (Poet / Dialoguiste)
Kathryn Holmes (Author)
Sarah Homer (Assistant Editor, HarperCollins Publishers)
Amanda Hosch (Author)
Lauren Hough (Author)
Madeline Houpt (Editorial Assistant, Macmillan)
Katey Howes (Author (Sterling, Lerner, Chronicle, The Innovation Press))
Lisa Huang (Trade Sales Assistant, Macmillan Publishers)
Crystal M. Huff (Author/Editor)
Hope Hughes (Ethereal Visions Publishing, LLC)
S. A. Hunt (Author)
Daniele Hunter (Children's Department Assistant, McIntosh & Otis Literary Agency)
Jennifer Iacopelli (Author)
Eric Jacobsen (creator,
Zareen Jaffery (Executive Editor, Penguin Random House)
Angélique Jamail (author)
Zakiya Jamal (Scholastic)
Tania James (Writer and Professor, George Mason University)
Bettye Jensen (Individual)
Sydney Jeon (Editorial Assistant (Flatiron Books))
Maureen Johnson (author)
Lynn B. Johnson (Author)
Varian Johnson (Author)
Stephanie Jones (Marketing Assistant)
Judy Jones (Author)
Katina Z. Jones (Author)
Tanara L Jones (Author (Bantam, Samhain, micro and indi presses))
Siva Jonnada (Author)
James Journalist (Novelist)
Chet JSmith (Writer)
Richard Kadrey (writer)
Rachel Kambury (Assistant Editor, Twelve Books)
Rachel Kapelke-Dale (Writer)
Jonathan Karmel (Author)
Keffy Kehrli (Writer & Editor (GlitterShip magazine))
Kenneth D. Keith (Author)
Mikki Kendall (Writer)
Fiona Kenshole (Transatlantic Agency)
Erum Khan (Editor (Callisto Media, Inc.))
Cassandra Khaw (Senior Scriptwriter)
Megan Kiddoo (associate managing editor, Macmillan)
Andrew King (Tom Doherty Associates)
Tyler King (Author)
Robert Kingett (Author)
Benjamin Kissell (Author)
Cheryl Klein (Editorial director, Lee & Low Books)
Deidre Knight (President, The Knight Agency)
Katriena Knights (Writer/Freelance Editor)
Zoe Kopp-Weber (MIT Press)
Sarah Kozloff (author)
Jamie Krakover (Author)
Daniel Kraus (writer)
Maris Kreizman (Author)
Jordan Kurella (Author)
Karol Lagodzki (Author)
Vicki Lame (Senior Editor, St. Martin's Press)
Jen Lancaster (Author)
Kara LaReau (Author)
Keith Law (Author)
Tricia Lawrence (Senior Agent, Erin Murphy Literary)
Whitney Leader-Picone (Art Director, HMH Books and Media)
Alexander Lee (Associate Media Editor)
Victoria Lee (Author)
Stina Leicht (Author)
Melissa Lenhardt (Writer)
Matthias Leue (Author)
Paul Levitz (Former President & Publisher, DC Comics)
Dan Levy (President, Levity Media, Inc.)
Mark Stephen Levy (Author)
Tonya Liburd (Author)
Aida Lilly (Associate Literary Agent at KT Literary)
Su-Yee Lin (Scholastic)
Amy Lin (freelance editor)
Nancy Linari (Audiobook Narrator)
Kim Lindman (Associate Agent, Stonesong)
Colleen Lindsay (Publicity & Marketing Freelancer)
Alvina Ling (VP, Editor-in-Chief)
Jaime Livingood (Photographer & Photo Editor)
Malinda Lo (Author)
Sarah E Loch (Author)
Katherine Locke (author)
Kimberly Lombardini (Agent, Philip G. Spitzer Literary Agency)
Priscilla Long (Author)
Heidi Love (Author; Ethos Marketing; VontWeb)
Alice Lowe (Author)
Stephanie V.W. Lucianovic (Author)
Christopher John Luna (Printed Matter Vancouver)
Jonathan Maberry (President, Jonathan Maberry Productions, Inc)
M Evan MacGriogair (Author)
Carolyn Mackler (author)
P. Rebecca Maines (Copy editor)
Lexi Malakhoff (Assistant Media Editor, W.W. Norton)
Lisa Manifold (Author)
Kate Manning (Author,)
Lisa Mantchev (Author, S&S)
Vanessa Estrada Marin (Author)
Maya Marlette (Associate Editor, Scholastic)
Melissa Marr (Writer of novels & picturebooks )
Linda E. Marshall (Author)
Domingo Martinez (Author)
Shari Maurer (The Stringer Literary Agency)
Marty Mayberry (Author)
Kathe Mazur (Publisher)
Tash McAdam (YA author)
Jennifer McClelland-Smith (Marketing Manager, Macmillan)
Shelia McClendon (Author (The UnUnited State of America - Creating Equality at the Financial Wealth Table))
Matt McConnell (Freelance writer)
David B. McCoy (Spare Change Press®)
Jeanne McCulloch (Author)
Caitlin McDonald (Donald Maass Literary Agency)
Bryn A. McDonald (Managing Editor, Hachette Book Group )
Jon McGoran (Author)
Catherine McGuire (Author)
Amy McKenna (Author)
Lisa McMann (author)
Margaret McMullan (Author)
Lily Meade (Author)
Amanda Meadows (Senior Editor, Oni-Lion Forge Publishing Group)
Sara Megibow (KT Literary, literary agent)
Christie Megill (Writer )
Ishta Mercurio (Author)
Laura Merz (Author)
Gail Messmer (Author)
Michelle Milner (W. W. Norton )
Ashley Marie Mireles (Director of Sales & Marketing; Familius )
Saundra Mitchell (Author)
Michael Moccio (Editor, NBC Universal)
Tim Mohr (Author)
Rachel Molland (Associate Publicist, Penguin Random House)
Sarah Mollo-Christensen (Audiobook Narrator (freelance))
Andrea Monagle (Copy Editor)
Andrea Monagle (Copy Editor)
Devon Monk (Odd House Press)
Clayton Moore (Reviewer)
Fernando Morales (Simon & Schuster, Josh Hawley book)
Dan Moren (Author)
Rhea Morgan (Editor)
Christyne Morrell (Author)
Laurie Morrison (Author)
Elizabeth Morrow (Thornrose Publishing)
Norma M Mousseau (Educator)
Erin Murphy (President, Erin Murphy Literary Agency)
Nneka Myers (Illustrator)
Rebecca Naimon (Publishing Operations Assistant (Macmillan))
Celeste Ng (Author)
Lena Nowak-Laird (Assistant Editor)
Carrie O'Brien (Accounts Payable Coordinator, Hachette)
George W O'Connor (author, illustaror)
Hannah O'Grady (Associate Editor, St. Martin's Press)
Susan Kramer O'Neill (Don't Mean Nothing: Short stories of Viet Nam (current: Serving House Books))
Ellen Oh (Writer)
Shannon Okey (Publisher, Cooperative Press)
Dawn-Marie Oliver (Author)
Michael M. Jones (Author/ Reviewer (Publishers Weekly))
Cary G. Osborne (Author)
Margaret Owen (Author)
Kimi Owens (Consumer Marketing Director (Avalon Travel, Hachette Book Group))
Tom Paine ("Scar Vegas", Harcourt, author)
Kirsten Palladino (Equally Wed)
Veronica Park (Agent, Fuse Literary )
Elana Roth Parker (Literary Agent, Laura Dail Literary Agency)
Madison M Parrotta (Senior Volunteer Editor, Includas Publishing)
Catherine Paul (Author)
Rebecca Pausley (Librarian in charge of purchasing)
John Pavlovitz (Author)
Amy Phillips Penn (Elaine’s. Skyhorse)
Dr. Gary Percesepe (Author)
Marlene Perez (Author)
Joseph Perry (President, Perry Literary, Inc. )
Jas Perry (Associate Agent, KT Literary, LLC.)
Vicki Pettersson (author)
Kiel Phegley (Author, Penguin Random House & Scholastic)
beth phelan (literary agent at gallt & zacker)
James Phelan (Author)
Matthew Phillion (Author)
Katelyn Phillips (Associate Marketing Manager, OUP)
Stuart Phillips (Editor in Chief, Causeway Lit.)
Sandra Phillips (Author)
Deesha Philyaw (Author)
Leslie Pietrzyk (Author)
Sarah Pinsker (Author)
James Piper (Author)
Jonas J. Ploeger (owner of Zagava Books)
Jessica Plummer (Penguin Random House)
William Plunkett (Sales Coordinator, Simon & Schuster)
Daniela Plunkett (Edelweiss Manager, Macmillan)
Chelsea Polk (Novelist)
Karen Polyak (Author)
Lorenzo Porricelli (President, Southern California Writers Association; Director, Orange County Screenwriters Association; Publisher, Gun Hill Road Productions)
Daniel Price (Author, Penguin Random House)
Margi Prideaux (Publisher, Stormbird Press)
Donna Prinzmetal (Author)
Nathan Pyritz (Senior Designer, Typesetting Manager, Candlewick Press)
Sabrina Pyun (Editorial Assistant, Simon and Schuster)
Mariam Quraishi (Designer, illustrator)
Molly Rabbitt (Translator (Seven Seas, Denpa, Kodansha))
Cat Rambo (Author)
Catherine Ramos (Author)
Abby Ranger (Abby Ranger Editorial, LLC)
Deanna Raybourn (Author)
Thomas C Raymond (Author)
Amy Rechner (Author)
S.G. Redling (Author)
MK Reed (writer)
Ruthanne Reid (Author)
Alex Richards (author )
Julie A. Richman (Author)
Jace Ridley (Writer)
Ronnie Riley (Writer, Creator of #LGBTNPit)
Julia Rios (Editor, Mermaids Monthly)
Olivia Ritchie (Managing Editorial Assistant - Simon & Schuster)
Susan H Robbins (Author- Poet)
Andrea Robertson (Author)
Janet R. Robinson (Receiving Inventory Specialist)
Paula Robinson (Author)
Marsheila Rockwell (author)
Matt Roeser (Associate Art Director, Candlewick Press)
Stephanie Rojas (Publicist, Georgetown University Press)
Nathalie M.L. Römer (Emerentsia Publications)
Shelly Romero (Assistant Editor)
R.M. Romero (Writer)
April Rondeau (Owner, Ipsum Editorial)
Christina Rooney (Audiobook Director)
Lev Rosen (author)
Bev Katz Rosenbaum (Author)
Charlotte Roth (Sales Associate, Candlewick Press)
Pratiti Roy (Writer)
Lauren M. Roy (author and former Hachette Book Group sales rep)
Elizabeth Rubio (writer and editor)
Adi Rule (Author)
Ravina S (Production Designer, Hachette Book Group)
Stephen Salhany (Serials and Cataloging Librarian)
Victoria M. Sanchez (Writer )
Melanie Sanders (Production Editor, Macmillan)
Shawn Aveningo Sanders (Publisher, The Poetry Box)
Karen R. Sanderson (Author, “No Boundaries,” Shark Bite Publishing)
Kathy Sandler (Senior Manager, Penguin Random House)
Jason Sanford (Author)
Jerry Sawyer (Author)
Derek Sayer (Author for Princeton University Press)
Katie Schenkel (Author)
Melissa Schirmer (Production Editor)
Mary Schlesinger (Principal/Owner, Schlesinger Design)
Tiffany Schmidt (Author)
Ella Schwartz (Author)
Richard Schweitzer (Author, tindog music & stuff)
Allison Winn Scotch (Author)
Brian Scott (Publisher, ExtraCurricular Press)
Lila Selle (Graphic Designer at Hachette)
Edward Sellner (Author and university professor)
Stephanie Sendaula (Library Journal)
Anna Sequoia (Author)
Andrea Shane (President-Books on Call NYC)
Jenny Shank (writer, editor, book critic, Mile High MFA faculty)
Rob Shapiro (President, Chez Piro Productions; Narrator)
Katrina Shawver (Author)
Viveca Shearin (Not a Pipe Publishing )
Jackie Shepherd (Candlewick Press)
Michael Sherer (Author)
Fiona Sherlock (Author)
Amy Sherman (Managing Editor, University of Pittsburgh Press)
Monica Shields (Author)
Marshall Scott Shields (Author)
Anna Sikorska (Senior Designer, HarperCollins)
Mick Silva (Sr. Acquisitions Editor, Zondervan/HarperCollins)
Annie Silvestro (Author)
Sasha Simic (Central Books Ltd - London UK)
Mira Singer (Senior Editor of Miniver Press)
Amy Siskind (Author)
Jon Skovron (Author)
Katie Slivensky (Children's Author)
Jane Sloven (Author)
Carly Smith (Freelance Editor)
Patricia A Smith (THE YEAR OF NEEDY GIRLS (Kaylie Jones Books))
David Solomon (Ph.D.)
Mary Sprouse (Author)
Lindsey Stangl (Marketing Assistant at Oxford University Press)
Brina Starler (Author)
Michael Stearns (Founder, Upstart Crow Literary)
Mato J. Steger (Author)
Anna Stein (literary agent)
Josephine Stewart (Freelancer, 15 years)
Angela Stockman (Creating Inclusive Writing Cultures in the K-12 Classroom)
Rene Stofflett (Author and editor)
Laura Stolk (Author)
Julie M. Stone (Author)
Cassie Stossel (Publicity Manager )
Jared Stossel (Publicist)
Lisa Stringfellow (Author and Educator)
Linda Sue Park (Author )
Rachel Sussman (agent and co-founder, Chalberg & Sussman)
James Sutter (Author)
Karah Sutton (Author, Penguin Random House)
Claudia Suzanne (Founder, Wambtac Ghostwriters)
Bryan Tann (Random Evolved Media)
August Tarrier (Director)
Kate Schafer Testerman (Literary Agent and Founder, KT Literary, LLC)
R J Theodore (Author)
Andrea Todd (Author)
Mark Turetsky (Audiobook narrator (S&S, PRH, Harper, Scholastic))
Jill Twiss (Author)
John Underwood (Author)
Diana Urban (Author)
Nicole Valentine (Author )
Michele van allen (Michele Van Allen assemblies)
Greg van Eekhout (Author)
Heather Van Syckle (Author)
K.B. Wagers (Author)
Robert Wakefield (Author The Year Zero Bellissima Publishing)
Suzanne Walker (Writer/Editor)
Jonathan Walker (Author)
Judy Walters (Author)
Jane Ward (Author)
Janine G. Webb (Director, Specialty & Gift Sales at Highlights for Children)
Elizabeth Crowley Webber (Editorial, Design, and Production Manager)
Christy Webster (Children's Book Writer and Editor)
Catherine Weening (Production Editor, Scholastic)
Amy Weingartner (AMDA College of Performing Arts)
Sarah Weinman (writer)
Samantha Wekstein (Literary Agent)
Martha Wells (Author)
Rebecca Kim Wells (Author)
Katherine Welsh (Royalties Data Manager, KT Literary, LLC.)
Chuck Wendig (Author with PRH, S&S, etc)
Chloe Wertz (University of Pittsburgh Press)
Jacqueline West (Author)
Casey Whalen (Director of Sales & Marketing, Anthology Editions)
Alana Whitman (Author Marketing Manager, Book Highlight)
Flannery Wiest (Freelance Editor)
Kimberly Willardson (Vincent Brothers Publishing)
Lily Williams (Author, Illustrator, books with Macmillan and Bloomsbury)
Kerigan Williams (writer)
Daniel Williamson
Cat Winters (Author)
John Wiswell (Author)
Lori Witt (Author)
Merc Fenn Wolfmoor (Author)
Jack Womack (Writer)
Leah Wood (Marketing)
Katie Wurtzel (Publishing Assistant)
Stan Yan (Graphic Novelist )
Lisa Yee (Author)
Andi Zeisler (Cofounder, Bitch Media)
Michael Zierler (Editor and Owner, RedOx Scientific Editing)
Eva Zimmerman ((Publicist, Chronicle Books))
Samantha Zukergood (Assistant Marketing Manager, Flatiron Books)
Mary Kay Zuravleff (Author)