December 26th, 2021 • 3h 19m
Kevin Fisher, Scott Bagwell, Doug Salmon, Anonymous, Anonymous, David Arell, Becky CHINNI, Dreb Scott, Duke of the Southern California MegaRegion, Nicole McCarter, Sir Zonz AKA Rolando Gonzalez, Dame Sara, Maya & Alice, Charity Jennings - Dame Charity the Wise Wizard, Oztunan, Erinn Shaw, Joshua Blakeman, Caitlin Greene
Jake Stowe - SIR JAKE THE SNAKE OF BITTER LAKE, Tony & Metta, Don Myers, Jennifer Gardner, Katie Chopper, Sir Phil of the Bluegrass, Erin Patterson, Sir Ever of the What, Raymond Samori, James Dozier
Dame Kenny-Ben
Episode "1411: Norgay" was recorded on December 26th, 2021.