Cover for No Agenda Show 1672: Sand Battery
June 27th • 3h 8m

1672: Sand Battery


Every new episode of No Agenda is accompanied by a comprehensive list of shownotes curated by Adam while preparing for the show. Clips played by the hosts during the show can also be found here.

Trump vs Biden
Missouri v Biden censorship analysis BOTG
Adam—I’ve read the things I sent you this morning. I attach lightly highlighted versions of both, with a few marginal notes for your edification. I figured it might be convenient to continue our previous thread. Here, I summarize the majority and dissenting opinions, and offer some thoughts about what may happen next.
The issues we discussed previously (see prior emails, below) form the guts of the majority opinion, albeit under the general rubric of **standing**. We also got the lineup right: As the oral argument suggested, the inhospitable Justices were Roberts, Sotomayor, Kagan, Barrett, and Jackson; we didn’t catch Kavanaugh, but as I recall he kept things close to the vest. The remaining three Justices—Thomas, Alito, and Gorsuch—dissented from today’s decision.
**The Majority.** Under the Constitution, courts lack jurisdiction to hear cases brought by people who lack standing. When it comes to injunctive relief, a person cannot establish standing unless he can show a danger of _future_ harm. This is because an injunction doesn’t remedy _past_ harm—its only purpose is to prohibit _future_ harm. So without the danger of future harm, a person lacks standing to seek an injunction.
But what about _past_ harm? A person has standing to recover _damages_ and a _declaratory judgment_ for harm that’s already occurred. But past harm doesn’t translate to an _injunction_. Past harm _can_ serve as _evidence_ that future harm will occur—but only if the person can show that the future harm is traceable to the defendant. This is where Plaintiffs fell short, at least according to the majority.
The majority found that Plaintiffs failed to establish a link between the government and the harm—both past harm and potential future harm. In other words, the socials were _already_ moderating content, and the Plaintiffs failed to show a single instance in which the socials took action _after_ the government pressured them. (Not everyone agrees, but the majority’s view is the only one that counts.) So without a causative link, there is no threat that the government will squelch speech in the future. Hence no standing to seek an injunction against the government.
**The Dissent.** Justice Alito, joined by Justices Thomas and Gorsuch, dissented. He recounts the facts in great detail and expresses incredulity that the majority couldn’t find a speck of evidence linking the socials’ decisions to the avalanche of government pressure to squelch free speech. He says that this case will provide a blueprint for future governmental censorship-laundering operations.
One passage in particular will resonate with you (§ 230 / antitrust / GDPR alert):
If a President dislikes a particular newspaper, he (fortunately) lacks the ability to put the paper out of business. But for Facebook and many other social media platforms, the situation is fundamentally different. They are critically dependent on the protection provided by §230 of the Communications Decency Act of 1996, 47 U. S. C. §230, which shields them from civil liability for content they spread. They are vulnerable to antitrust actions; indeed, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has described a potential antitrust lawsuit as an “existential” threat to his company. And because their substantial overseas operations may be subjected to tough regulation in the European Union and other foreign jurisdictions, they rely on the Federal Government’s diplomatic efforts to protect their interests.
**What’s next:** The case now goes back to the District Court for further proceedings. The Plaintiffs can still pursue an injunction, and they are also seeking declaratory relief. These are still on the table. I don’t know what Plaintiffs will do, but I have to assume that they’ll keep the pressure up through the election. If so, they’ll seek discovery in an effort to shore up the “traceability” shortcomings that the majority identified. They will also try like hell to build up their evidence that the government will try the same operation again. There are other things they may do as well, such as seeking certification as a class action or trying to get a summary declaratory judgment declaring that the government violated the First Amendment. Although the case has definitely lost steam, I think it still has _some_ utility. And the District Judge and Fifth Circuit are friendly to the case. Time will tell.
I don’t know whether a No Agenda amicus brief would have tipped the scales, but I’d like to think it would have!
SCOTUS - The Sacklers are back on the hook
know I’ve been pelting you this week—sorry for that! But this is when
all the SCOTUS shoes will be dropping. Attached is a SCOTUS opinion
holding that the Sackler family cannot escape liability through
Purdue Pharma’s Oxy-fueled bankruptcy. Opinion attached; take a look at
the one-page “syllabus” to get the full story in a nutshell. So the
Sacklers are officially back on the hook and can expect to face a
phalanx of plaintiff lawyers.
know the Sacklers have excellent lawyers themselves, so it’ll be
interesting to see their next move. I guarantee they already have a
detailed plan.
SCOTUS - Anticipating the End of Chevron Deference
Adam—Many law nerds anticipating Chevron Deference decision today. I’m watching the wires and will let you know if it drops.
should never count our chickens before they hatch, but I suppose a
little prep is always in order. Here’s a memo from the RNC intended to
prepare Congressional Republicans for an anticipated decision ending
Chevron Deference. (Highlighted memo attached.)
Court just ended its session without Chevron Deference being issued. More opinions to drop tomorrow. Stay tuned!
Bird Flu
CDC bird flu - dengue switcheroo BOTG
They downplayed H5N1 and said risks were low. Then, they focused on dengue (DENV) infections. And the emails coming in today are content heavy. It may only be a topic right now bc of the summer weather...but I noticed many "hot words" that were reflective of cv19 speak during the pandemic. So I screenshot them as a just in case. I'll see if they keep talking about it.
Big Tech AI and Socials
Researchers upend AI status quo by eliminating matrix multiplication in LLMs | Ars Technica
Researchers claim to have developed a new way to run AI language models more efficiently by eliminating matrix multiplication from the process. This fundamentally redesigns neural network operations that are currently accelerated by GPU chips. The findings, detailed in a recent preprint paper from researchers at the University of California Santa Cruz, UC Davis, LuxiTech, and Soochow University, could have deep implications for the environmental impact and operational costs of AI systems.
FURTHER READINGTaking a closer look at AI’s supposed energy apocalypse
Matrix multiplication (often abbreviated to "MatMul") is at the center of most neural network computational tasks today, and GPUs are particularly good at executing the math quickly because they can perform large numbers of multiplication operations in parallel. That ability momentarily made Nvidia the most valuable company in the world last week; the company currently holds an estimated 98 percent market share for data center GPUs, which are commonly used to power AI systems like ChatGPT and Google Gemini.
In the new paper, titled "Scalable MatMul-free Language Modeling," the researchers describe creating a custom 2.7 billion parameter model without using MatMul that features similar performance to conventional large language models (LLMs). They also demonstrate running a 1.3 billion parameter model at 23.8 tokens per second on a GPU that was accelerated by a custom-programmed FPGA chip that uses about 13 watts of power (not counting the GPU's power draw). The implication is that a more efficient FPGA "paves the way for the development of more efficient and hardware-friendly architectures," they write.
Data Center Power BOTG
An immediate family member is an executive at a large diversified electric and gas utility. Data center power demands has providers in a panic. The enormous power usage cannot be overstated. Even nuclear power generation has difficulty keeping up. I believe Amazon uses about a third of the power generated by the Susquehanna nuclear plant in Pennsylvania. It’s exponential and not scalable.
Data Center power costs to neighbors BOTG
Adam, I lived in Prineville Oregon right next to the Facebook and Apple data centers that they’ve been building for over a decade. The city of Prineville residence saw a 200% increase in their Pacific power utility bill once the data center was up and operating in part. You did not hear any noise audibly from that data center whatsoever boots on the ground no agenda knight all of this. DC knight of the high Desert.
Show Tip Re- Virginia Data Center Legislation BOTG
I was listening to episode 1672 and wanted to offer an educated guess as to why the data center legislation was a big deal in Virginia. I believe it has do with Amazon "HQ2" data center that is being built essentially across the street from the Pentagon.
The Video Game Crash of 1983 - Bullet Points
Hi John and Adam,
In the last show you spoke about the video game crash and how it happened. I’ve bullet pointed the main points because, as you can imagine, there are lots of contributing factors but I don’t want to drone on too much so that you can actually read it.
- 1977 - Atari made the VCS console, the biggest seller of the era.
- Game developers were not credited, all games show as made by Atari.
- Warren Robinet is credited with the first video game Easter Egg after hiding his name on a hidden screen in the game “Adventure” which nobody at Atari spotted before release.
- Developers of the time were making the whole product, game, boxart, manual etc.
- David Crane led something of a mutiny and asked for developers to be credited and rewarded based on their own games’ success.
- Ray Kassar told the mutineers that they were no more important to Atari than the guy on the production line who put the game in the box, they may as well be “….towel designers. Anybody can make a cartridge!”
- David Crane calculated his games alone brought Atari around $20m compared to his $20,000 salary.
- The four (David Crane, Larry Kaplan, Alan Miller and Bob Whitehead), left Atari and formed Activision in 1979 and made games for the Atari console.
- Atari sued Activision saying that only Atari can make games for the Atari.
- Activision won the case and third-party game developers were born and sprung up everywhere.
- Now that anybody could make games, lots did and the quality of games generally slipped.
- Notably, a highly anticipated version of Pac-Man was panned despite selling very well, over 8m copies, however Atari produced around 13m copies (more than the number of consoles sold).
- To coincide with the launch of the movie E.T., Atari made a game based on the movie but had only six weeks to do it.
- The game was terrible and was thought to be broken because E.T. would keep falling into pits in the forest.
- Most E.T. games were returned and buyers’ confidence had waned. Other competitors were now doing better than Atari.
- Atari took the returned and unsold E.T. cartridges, consoles and other items to a landfill in New Mexico and crushed and buried them.
- This was a mythical tale for years until 2014 when they were dug up again as part of a documentary.
- Some had survived the crushing and became collectors’ items (along with many eBay fakes sold in bags of soil).
- The documentary is called Atari: Game Over and is worth a watch.
- A band called Wintergreen also told the story of the burial in their music video “When I Wake Up” Great song! ([](
- Around 1983 the whole industry crashed and did not reappear until October 1985 when Nintendo test launched the NES in America before a full launch in 1986.
- Each NES game carried a badge called the “Nintendo Seal of Approval” as each game could only be published via Nintendo.
- Third party developers were licensed and given credit on their games.
- Interestingly, with me being in the UK, we never felt the crash as most of the UK used 8bit computers (C64, ZX Spectrum, Amstrad CPC, BBC Micro) rather than consoles, and the computer scene was booming all through that period.
- As a result, the NES did not do all that well in the UK but it definitely revived the US market.
- Incidentally, the BBC Micro story is also an interesting one and is told very well in a movie called “Micro Men” that you can easily find.
- Again, that story is told in a music video by a great band called “The British IBM” ([](
Long Live TBPITU
Mike James
Climate Change
The scariest thing about climate change? Global cooling. - The Washington Post
We need to hurry up even faster now!!
Boeing vs Airbus
Odiferous BOTG Pilot
As a Airline Captain I was familiar with the stated (legal reasons) I could use to toss a customer off the plane. "Odiferous" was the catch all. No qualifier. What is "odiferous" to me has no required validation other than my track record.
"Odiferous" a rationale for tossing anyone who gives you a ration of $%^#. Impossible to prove, impossible to invalidate.
Ukraine vs Russia
Replacement Migration
Homeland Security Scams Foreign Students BOTG
Adam—Dude. Are there no depths to which Homeland Security will not stoop?
HS created a fake university called The University of Farmington. Fake campus, fake ads, fake social media, fake website—the whole deal, all fake. It did this as part of “Operation Paper Chase,” an undercover sting operation designed to ferret out international students who’ve overstayed their visas.
Mr. Ravi, a student from India, signed up and paid $12,500 in tuition, in advance. Although he kept asking the “university” where his materials were, he never received a course schedule and never took any classes (because none existed). HS shut down the university less than a year later. Ravi eventually returned to India, without any action ever having been taken against him. He asked for his money back, and HS refused to pay. So he filed a class action, seeking to represent everyone else who was similarly ripped off.
The district court dismissed the case, finding that the government enjoyed sovereign immunity and that the courts lack jurisdiction to hear the case under the Tucker Act. (As we lawyers say, “It’s good to be king.”) This morning, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit reversed and sent the case back down to the district court to proceed with the case. (Lots of technicalities here that I won’t bore you with.)
I’ve attached this morning’s opinion; the highlighted passages on the first few pages really tell the story beautifully.
I have no problem sniffing out people who are here illegally—I say we should do more of it. But scamming innocent people? Un-American. Also, did we really need another data point that modern college educations are worthless? 😆
Cheers, brother.
Vape Wars
Supplemental Data for the Ongoing Tobacco vs Nicotine Discussion BOTG
Greetings, Adam!
Per the ongoing concern with the tobacco/nicotine products:
As an employee of the state of Indiana (please keep me anonymous for obvious reasons) I have the option of selecting from a pool of health insurance plans (Anthem/Blue Cross & Shield). There is a reduction in monthly premium if employees agree to a no tobacco use policy. However, the agreement includes submission to random testing for cotinine to ensure adherence to the policy. Cotinine is found in tobacco, so the agreement makes it look like they’re testing for tobacco use. Cotinine is also a metabolite of nicotine, so it will show up from vape use as well as tobacco products. The agreement also states plainly that vape products are not an approved alternative cessation method.
I choose to pay the higher premium in order to avoid being submitted to random swabs and testing at the whim of the state. I didn’t submit to that through Covid shenanigans and do not intend to begin now.
Occasionally I enjoy *flavored* pipe tobacco, which nobody considers marketed towards impressionable children, and it being an act of personal autonomy will only make the practice more enjoyable!
Included are links to the Indiana state employees policies, etc.
Indiana state employers non tobacco use incentive: [](
A sample of the “agreement”:
U.S.C. Title 10 - ARMED FORCES
§925. Art. 125. Sodomy
(a) Any person subject to this chapter who engages in unnatural carnal copulation with another person of the same or opposite sex or with an animal is guilty of sodomy. Penetration, however slight, is sufficient to complete the offense.
(b) Any person found guilty of sodomy shall be punished as a court-martial may direct.
(Aug. 10, 1956, ch. 1041, 70A Stat. 74.)
Season of Reveal
Cyber Pandemic
Big Pharma
VICTORY! Military Ban on Consensual Intimacy Ends | ACLU
Thu, 27 Jun 2024 15:42
In the late hours on Thursday evening, the U.S. Senate, by a vote of 84-15, passed the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), sending the measure to President Obama for his signature. Included within the sprawling annual defense authorization is a repeal of the military's stigmatizing and discriminatory ban on private, consensual intimate conduct '' defined in Article 125 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) as ''unnatural carnal copulation.''
Removing this prohibition from the books brings military criminal law in line with both Supreme Court and military court precedent recognizing constitutional guarantees of liberty and privacy.
While the move protects the intimate relationships of all servicemembers, it is especially significant for gay and lesbian servicemembers. The UCMJ labeled their intimate relationships, including to their same-sex spouse, as a violation of military criminal law. Given that gay men and lesbians now serve openly and with distinction throughout the Armed Forces, this offensive ban stood out like a sore thumb crying out for reform.
A special note of thanks is owed to Senators Mark Udall (D-Colo.) and Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.) for both spearheading this reform and ensuring that it was included in the NDAA.
While there is still more work to do to advance the promise of equal treatment for all military personnel, this was a nice legislative victory (in Congress of all places) to close out what has been a remarkable year of progress for the LGBT community.
Learn more about LGBT rights and other civil liberty issues: Sign up for breaking news alerts, follow us on Twitter, and like us on Facebook.
Nobel prize-winning economists warn Trump would 'reignite' inflation
Thu, 27 Jun 2024 15:08
Joseph Stiglitz
Cameron Costa | CNBC
Sixteen Nobel Prize-winning economists signed a joint letter Tuesday warning of what they see as economic risks if former President Donald Trump were to serve a second term, including reheated inflation.
"While each of us has different views on the particulars of various economic policies, we all agree that Joe Biden's economic agenda is vastly superior to Donald Trump's," the economists wrote. Axios was first to report the letter.
"There is rightly a worry that Donald Trump will reignite this inflation, with his fiscally irresponsible budgets," wrote the group of politically progressive academics.
Trump has so far proposed making his first-term tax cuts permanent, imposing universal tariffs on all imports, with a China-specific tariff rate between 60% and 100%, and pressuring the independent Federal Reserve Board to cut interest rates.
Economists and Wall Street analysts alike have predicted that any or all of those proposals could reinflate prices, which remain vulnerable despite cooling slightly in recent months.
Joseph Stiglitz, who won the Nobel Prize in 2001, led the effort to publish Tuesday's letter. His co-signers include George Akerlof, Sir Angus Deaton, Claudia Goldin, Sir Oliver Hart, Eric Maskin, Daniel McFadden, Paul Milgrom, Roger Myerson, Edmund Phelps, Paul Romer, Alvin Roth, William Sharpe, Robert Shiller, Christopher Sims and Robert Wilson.
"Nonpartisan researchers, including at Evercore, Allianz, Oxford Economics, and the Peterson Institute, predict that if Donald Trump successfully enacts his agenda, it will increase inflation," the economists wrote.
U.S. President Joe Biden speaks during an event at Germanna Community College February 10, 2022 in Culpeper. Virginia.
Win McNamee | Getty Images
Stiglitz said he felt compelled to initiate the letter based on a flurry of recent polling in which voters said they trusted Trump over Biden to manage the U.S. economy.
"A lot of people think Trump would be better for the economy than Biden," Stiglitz told CNBC in an interview. "I thought it would be important for Americans to know that at least a group of credible economists differs very strongly."
The timing of Tuesday's letter was notable, coming just days before Trump and Biden are scheduled to face off in the first presidential debate of the general election. The Atlanta debate hosted by CNN is expected to dedicate significant time to the economy and specifically, inflation.
The Trump campaign staunchly rejected the Nobel economists' position.
"The American people don't need worthless out of touch Nobel peace prize winners to tell them which president put more money in their pockets," Trump campaign spokesperson Karoline Leavitt said in a statement to CNBC.
Under Trump, the December year-over-year Consumer Price Index fell during three of his four years in office.
The Biden campaign seized the opportunity to tout the letter on Tuesday: "Top economists, Nobel Prize winners, and business leaders all know America can't afford Trump's dangerous economic agenda."
The Nobel laureates' letter contained a distinct political perspective, as well as an economic one.
Many of these economists signed a similar September 2021 letter expressing support for President Joe Biden's Build Back Better package. Critics at the time argued that the massive spending packages would drive up inflation.
At the time, Stiglitz observed that some people "invoked fears of inflation as a reason to not undertake" the Build Back Better investments. "This view is short-sighted,"he said in a press release.
This time around, Stiglitz and his co-signers took a more cautious approach to inflation, after the U.S. economy has spent that last year recovering from 2023's scorching inflation spike.
The higher prices were partly due to pandemic-era supply chain snarls, which left the global trade system unable to meet the pent up demand of American consumers.
But this demand was itself the result of a U.S. economy that weathered the pandemic better than many had anticipated it would '-- thanks to generous government subsidies like the expanded Child Tax Credit and the Paycheck Protection Program.
Since then, Stiglitz said, Biden has helmed a successful effort to cool those inflation peaks.
"Inflation has been brought down, actually, remarkably quickly," he said. "I would say it's because of Biden."
'-- CNBC's Kevin Breuninger contributed to this report.
Red Tape Is Making Hospital Ransomware Attacks Worse | WIRED
Thu, 27 Jun 2024 15:07
''I can tell you with complete confidence that ransomware attacks harm patients,'' says Hannah Neprash, an associate professor of health policy at the University of Minnesota, who has researched the impact of ransomware attacks on US hospitals and concluded they result in higher mortality rates. ''If you are a patient who has the misfortune to be admitted to a hospital when that hospital goes through a ransomware attack, the likelihood that you're going to walk out the doors goes down,'' Neprash says. ''The longer the disruption, the worse the health outcomes.''
In the hours and days immediately after ransomware attacks, it's common for companies who have software connected to the targeted organization to pull their services. This can include everything from disconnecting medical records to refusing to email a cyberattack victim. This is where so-called assurance letters come in.
''We've really seen the demand for these letters increase over the past few years as breaches have become much more litigious'--from class actions lawyers chasing settlements to lawsuits between businesses,'' says Chris Cwalina, the global head of cybersecurity and privacy at law firm Norton Rose Fulbright.
Cwalina says he is unsure where and when the practice of sending assurance letters started but says it is likely it began with lawyers or security professionals who misunderstood legal requirements or the risks they are trying to prevent. ''There is no legal requirement to request or obtain an attestation before systems can be reconnected,'' Cwalina says.
These assurance and attestation letters are often compiled with the support of specialist cybersecurity companies that are employed to respond to incidents. What can be reconnected and when will vary depending on the specific details of each attack.
But much of the decisionmaking comes down to risk'--or at least perceived risk. Charles Carmakal, the chief technology officer of Google-owned cybersecurity firm Mandiant, says companies will be worried that cybercriminals could move ''laterally'' between the victim and their systems. Companies want to know a system is clean and the attackers have been removed from the systems, Carmakal says.
''I understand the rationale behind the assurance process. What I would say is that people do need to really consider what is the risk associated with the level of connectivity between two parties, and sometimes people tend to default to the most restrictive path,'' Carmakal says. For instance, it is rare that Mandiant sees wormable ransomware moving from one victim to another, he says.
''Vendors were interested to know that independent, outside cybersecurity experts were engaged with Scripps technical teams and verification that malware was contained and remediated with reasonable best efforts,'' Thielman, the CIO of Scripps Heath, says. For Ascension, Fitzpatrick says, the company also held one-on-one calls with vendors and hosted eight webinars where it provided updates. It has also shared indicators of compromise'--the traces left by attackers in its systems'--with health organizations and the US Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA).
Third-Party DoctrineCybercriminals have become more brazen with attacks against hospitals and medical organizations in recent years; in one case, the Lockbit ransomware gang claimed it had rules against attacking hospitals but hit more than 100. Often these sort of attacks directly impact private sector companies that provide services to public infrastructure or medical organizations.
''If you look plausibly at the threat picture in the years ahead, disruption to public services and public activity caused by [cybercrime] activity that affects the private sector is probably something that's going to happen more and more,'' says Ciaran Martin, a professor at the University of Oxford and the former head of the UK's National Cyber Security Centre. In these instances, Martin suggests, there may be questions around whether governments have, or need, powers to direct private firms to respond in certain ways.
The climate case for mock meats is clear. But who can afford them? | Grist
Thu, 27 Jun 2024 15:03
Isobelle McClements was 13 when she came home from school and told her parents she was going vegan. Reading one book that delved into meat processing was all it took to convince her it was time for a lifestyle upheaval. The logistics of seamlessly feeding a family is a big reason her parents followed suit.
That was a decade ago. Nowadays, the freezer often stocks plant-based meatballs, sausages, or nuggets. When dining out, a faux burger sometimes makes the cut. Her father, David Julian McClements, is a food scientist at the University of Massachusetts Amherst who studies how to make such things healthier and tastier.
Still, everyone in the family prefers to prepare meat-free fare using fresh fruits and veggies, whole grains, and other ingredients. They can afford the more planet-friendly options now common in grocery stores, but have the time and means to make them from scratch. Most people, of course, can't do either of those things, which presents an impediment to broader adoption of beef, pork, and chicken alternatives that could help the nation hit its climate targets.
''Finding good quality ingredients [and] being able to bring them all together and combine them into something that tastes great but is also affordable, healthy, and sustainable is very, very challenging,'' McClements said.
Pound for pound, plant-based mock meats cost an average 77 percent more than their conventional counterparts. These proteins are typically heavily processed as they're manufactured from things like soy and pea protein. ''That's partly why it's so expensive.''
When thinking about who is buying these pricey proteins, an affluent, urban, Tesla-driving white woman who has sworn off all animal products might come to mind. The high tax bracket often rings true, but the rest of that mental picture is a trite misconception. Even the idea that it's only vegans or vegetarians buying these products isn't entirely the case.
Young and non-white consumers are the most likely to eat plant-based meats, according to a May 2024 survey commissioned by alt-meat advocacy nonprofit the Good Food Institute. Roughly 38 percent of Gen Z and 35 percent of Millennials report dining on such alternatives at least once a month, which is around twice the number of Gen Xers and Baby Boomers doing so. About one-third of Black and Latino consumers regularly eat meat substitutes, compared to one-fourth of white consumers. And just 2.79 percent of households toss only plant-based proteins into the shopping cart. Almost 95 percent of them buy the real deal as well.
Income is where the most striking disparities lie. U.S households with an income approaching $100,000 are most likely to purchase plant-based alternatives, but most of those making less than $45,000 rarely do. One reason is federal assistance like the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or SNAP, often provides too little financial help to make them affordable.
''It's just a question of cost, and if that is going to be feasible for them, to make sure they make it through the month,'' said Parker Gilkesson Davis, a senior analyst at the Center for Law and Social Policy who studies nutrition and poverty.
About 12.5 percent of Americans are enrolled in SNAP, which provides a monthly benefit based on income, family size and certain expenses. In April 2023, the average benefit was $181.72 for a single person or $343 for a household. Making that last is a challenge when food prices have climbed 25 percent in four years. Those who work to reduce hunger argue that safety nets like SNAP have failed to keep pace with inflation, dietary shifts, and all the ways climate change impacts the food supply chain. When low-income residents struggle to purchase meat with food stamps, it reinforces the fact that costlier plant-based alternatives are only for the affluent.
''SNAP has already fallen short in terms of supporting traditional diets, so adding other non-traditional items may be even more difficult,'' she said. ''There are a lot of lower-income people who do want to consider non-traditional protein products or meats, but these products are more expensive, and so we have to account for that.''
Of the plant-based meats, beef substitutes have the smallest premium at 20 percent more per pound than the real thing. That's because they have been around the longest, relatively speaking '-- hamburger analogues arrived about 15 years ago. Beef also tends to cost more than other meats (and has been getting pricier as climate change impacts herd sizes), which makes the financial jump to its plant-based versions smaller.
And yet even those who can afford the alternatives seem to be cooling on them amid concerns about their sustainability, nutritional value, and even their taste and texture. The $8.1 billion fake meat industry, which experienced soaring sales during the pandemic as the supply chain for conventional meats collapsed, struggled last year. The industry's sales volumes dropped 9 percent between 2022 and 2023, with a 2 percent decline in revenue.
Of all the plant-based proteins, beef substitutes have the smallest premium at 20 percent more per pound than the real thing. One reason is because they are the most established of the faux meats. ANGELA WEISS / Getty ImagesGlynn Tonsor, an agricultural economist at Kansas State University, manages the Meat Demand Monitor, a database that surveys the meat-buying habits of consumers monthly. The trend he's seeing suggests that changing eating habits might have something to do with the market decline. In May, plant-based patties held 2 percent of the retail market and 4 percent of the food service market, which is respectively half and a quarter of the market portion they controlled in May of 2021, Tonsor said.
Dwindling volumes don't help prices, either. Conventional meats are commodities that have been sold at a vast scale for more than a century through a well-established and robust supply chain, with the benefit of government subsidies. All of that keeps costs down.
''Right now, plant-based meat products are not commodities, so that means that plant-based brands tend to sell lower volumes,'' said Daniel Gertner, a business analyst at Good Food Institute. ''They might, with those lower volumes, in certain cases make higher net profits, but then much of that profit is reinvested into things like overhead, research and development, [and] marketing. With any nascent category, there's this need to just build the infrastructure from the ground up.''
The Bezos Earth Fund wants to give the industry a boost by finding ways of reducing the cost of plant-based alternatives to animal proteins.
''The food we're eating is one-third of global emissions. And if you look at where that comes from, half of it is coming from animal-sourced foods, from livestock. So it's a huge piece of the emissions puzzle,'' said Andy Jarvis, director at the fund.
In an effort to solve that puzzle, the fund has earmarked $100 million toward the creation of three research centers '-- the first of which opened last month at North Carolina State University '-- focused on sustainable protein alternatives like plant-based products, precision fermentation, and cultivated meat.
But the largest hurdle to making plant-based proteins a more viable alternative for everyone is the U.S. government's deep investment in the status quo. Washington spends up to $38 billion subsidizing the meat and dairy industries each year, a move that keeps prices artificially low. Meanwhile, nations around the world have invested a grand total of little more than $1 billion in the alternative protein industry.
''There's no surprise that it's not at price parity, when you certainly don't have a level playing field on the government support,'' said Jarvis.
Barring a major federal intervention, one akin to the financial support that catalyzed explosive growth in renewable energy, getting plant-based meats to a point where they can compete with conventional counterparts will take quite some time. Until that happens, it won't matter if plant-based chicken tastes just like the real thing. Only when it's more affordable will more people be able to make a major lifestyle change, much like the McClements household once did.
As jobs disappear, Hollywood is seeing an exodus out of L.A. - Los Angeles Times
Thu, 27 Jun 2024 13:51
Los Angeles has long been a magnet for those chasing their big break in film and TV, drawn by the allure of creative fulfillment and fame. But conversations about a growing exodus are getting louder, as escalating housing costs and dwindling career opportunities push many to pursue their dreams elsewhere.
The city's entertainment industry workforce has been rocked by a series of unprecedented shocks, from a global pandemic to last summer's double labor strikes by writers and actors. As the streaming boom has faded, entertainment companies have hemorrhaged jobs, and networks, studios and streamers have pared back their programming slates. With the industry in the grips of a slowdown and the cost of living in L.A. still high, the motto for those struggling to remain in the city has become ''Survive till '25,'' in hopes of a rebound next year.
But many have simply been unable, or unwilling, to continue to tough it out in a city where rents have risen and home prices linger at an all-time high, up 6% over last year alone. With a potential strike of 60,000 people in the crew members' union keeping the industry on edge, not to mention the existential threat of artificial intelligence to creative jobs, the uncertainty has driven a growing number of film and TV workers to seek stability elsewhere.
Some have left for work in places like Atlanta and New Mexico, which have lured productions out of L.A. with generous tax incentives. Others have given up on the entertainment business altogether and are trying to forge new careers. Whether they moved out of choice or desperation, uprooted Hollywood workers have inevitably coped with unexpected challenges, both financially and emotionally.
Here are three of their stories:
Robby Piantanida, 36
Robby Piantanida packs up his home in Alhambra days before his move to Tyler, Texas.
(Zoe Cranfill / Los Angeles Times)
When it comes to film and TV production, Robby Piantanida can do pretty much everything, from cinematography to editing to directing to visual effects to scoring. ''I'm a jack-of-all-trades kind of guy,'' he says. These days, though, it seems like doing everything is still not enough to stay afloat.
In the nine years since he moved to L.A., Piantanida has earned an array of credits on documentaries, music videos and film and TV projects. He edited a PBS documentary on L.A. art dealer Jeffrey Deitch and a short doc called ''Fertile Ground,'' about food insecurity in Mississippi, that won a regional Emmy in 2021. Recently he served as director of photography on the series ''How Music Got Free,'' executive produced by Eminem and LeBron James and now streaming on Paramount+, and as the cinematographer on the indie film ''Dogleg,'' the debut release from L.A.'s Brain Dead Studios, which is now on Mubi.
But recently, like so many in Hollywood, Piantanida has found himself caught in the industry's downdrafts. This month, faced with shrinking work opportunities and the soaring cost of living in L.A., Piantanida, his wife and their 2-year-old daughter packed up and moved back to his parents' place in his native Tyler, Texas, to regroup and save money while they figure out their next move. ''If we didn't have this kind of family support, I have no idea what we would have done,'' he says.
Since early 2021, Piantanida and his family had been renting a three-bedroom house in Alhambra for $2,626 a month. But during the pandemic, his wife, who has a background in production and art design, was laid off from her job at a talent agency and lost her six-figure salary. Opportunities grew more scarce for Piantanida, and his annual income dropped from around $150,000 at its peak to closer to $80,000.
When their landlord decided to sell their house, they knew something had to give. ''We've been surviving for several years on one income,'' Piantanida says. ''We've drained a lot of savings just trying to keep this dream alive. ... If we were able to find something for the same price, that would be great, but everything like this house would be close to four grand. Work is so slow right now that I couldn't justify spending four grand a month that I don't have on rent. We'd be taking money out of my wife's retirement in order to stay in L.A.''
When Piantanida first arrived in the city nearly a decade ago, the streaming business was in full swing and opportunities for an aspiring filmmaker appeared relatively plentiful. He had spent the previous seven years honing his filmmaking skills in Jackson, Miss., where he'd studied fine art in college, starting a full-service boutique production company for documentaries, shorts, music videos and branded content. Although he had plenty of experience behind the camera, Piantanida had no real connections to draw on in L.A., and his pay initially took a hit.
''I moved from Mississippi, where I made $2,500 a day shooting commercials, to L.A., where I was lucky to get $500 or $800,'' Piantanida says. ''It was very challenging to get plugged in. I'm chronically bad at selling myself and there's so much gatekeeping. Everything I've ever done has been through word of mouth.''
Gradually one job led to another, and Piantanida found his footing. But good-paying, creatively-fulfilling work has become increasingly hard to find. In the last three years, Piantanida has created about 20 to 30 sizzles '-- short, promotional videos used to pitch TV shows '-- but only a few have been sold in a market that favors cheaper, trendier content like TikTok-style reality series and game shows over high-end documentaries. Making matters more difficult, companies are producing content internally, reducing freelance opportunities for someone like Piantanida, who has no representation and has never quite managed to amass the requisite hours for union membership.
Piantanida has poured much of what he has made into equipment, at an annual cost of $20,000 to $50,000, which he is able to count as a business deduction on his taxes. ''There's so much expense in staying up with the latest stuff,'' he says. ''All this stuff would change if I went union. I would make as much money as I could, and I wouldn't spend it on gear '-- I would spend it on savings. But when you own your own business and you're an S-corporation, I was raised and told by tax guys, 'Just buy equipment while you can. That's stuff that you can use and make money with.' So I've always put money back into the business.''
To raise cash, Piantanida has been selling some of that equipment lately; he is trying to offload $30,000 worth of lenses. ''That would greatly improve our situation,'' he says. ''But it's not really a buying market right now.''
In Texas, Piantanida and his family will be paying $350 per month to live in a cottage on his parents' 12-acre property and taking advantage of free childcare from his parents and sister. In addition to getting back into more lucrative corporate work (a recent job for a mental health start-up paid him $30,000), Piantanida is hoping that Texas' generous tax incentives for film production, which the state raised last year to $200 million from $45 million, will help bring local work his way.
''California is ruining the industry, and now Texas is making its move, kind of like Louisiana and Atlanta did 15 years ago,'' says Piantanida, who is developing a project for PBS Austin featuring atmospheric visuals paired with his own original ambient music. ''There's a good amount of work in Texas, and it looks like a good move for us.''
Still, going from Southern California to East Texas is a major adjustment. ''I love the climate in L.A. and the access to the mountains and the beach,'' Piantanida says. ''We're going to miss it a whole lot. ... I need to change my plates, too, because we're in Trump country now, and if we drive around with a California tag, we're going to get harassed.''
In a year or so, if the film and TV businesses pick up again and his wife lands a new job, the plan is to try to move back to the West Coast and buy a house, possibly in Lake Arrowhead or in the Bay Area or Seattle.
''I left Tyler when I was 17 and never wanted to go back,'' Piantanida says. ''But my family's land is amazing '-- they've got a beautiful spread in the woods, and you can be out there and be totally isolated. This is just a unique time in our lives to take a break and reassess. This slowdown is affecting everyone. We'll see where we land.''
Jennifer Brody, 44
Author and screenwriter Jennifer Brody enjoys her backyard hammock amongst the desert landscape in Joshua Tree.
(Gina Ferazzi / Los Angeles Times)
In 2001, Hollywood was on a seemingly unstoppable upward trajectory. Annual box office was climbing each year, with new blockbuster franchises being minted left and right, from ''Harry Potter'' to ''Fast and the Furious'' to ''Ocean's 11,'' while Netflix was still sending DVDs through the mail. Moving to L.A. that year fresh out of college, Jennifer Brody felt like she was poised to catch the wave.
Looking back now, given all that's happened to the industry since, she feels like she just about missed it.
By the time she arrived in L.A., Brody had studied film as an undergraduate at Harvard University and done two invaluable summer internships: one working for a producer on the Walt Disney Studios lot and the other on the set of an offbeat $5-million indie starring a then-unknown Jake Gyllenhaal called ''Donnie Darko'' '-- ''a little movie that became a very big movie,'' Brody says.
Brody hit the ground running in Hollywood, landing a job at blockbuster director Michael Bay's newly formed production company Platinum Dunes as an assistant to producers Brad Fuller and Andrew Form. From there, she moved over to New Line, where she had an inside view as projects as varied as ''The Lord of the Rings'' trilogy and Terrence Malick's period drama ''The New World'' came together. In 2008, she produced the dance film ''Make It Happen,'' which starred Mary Elizabeth Winstead and Tessa Thompson, for the Weinstein Company.
Inspired at an early age by John Singleton's ''Boyz N the Hood,'' Brody had initially planned to become a director. But, once inside the system, she soon discovered how narrow the path was at the time for female filmmakers.
''I'm obsessed with Kathryn Bigelow, and when I first got to New Line, I was trying to put her on all of our director lists [for projects],'' Brody says. ''I was essentially told that she was un-hireable and that we weren't even allowed to meet with her. I remember being like, why? Because I had just worked for Michael Bay '-- you want to talk about difficult?''
Growing up as a pop culture obsessive in Roanoke, Va., Brody had never considered writing as a potential career. ''All the writers we read were old white dudes,'' she says. ''I just didn't see myself represented, especially as I identify as queer and I'm neurodivergent.'' But when the entertainment economy soured following the 2008 financial crisis, Brody decided she wanted to take greater control of her fate through an entirely different medium. ''I had already been doing uncredited rewrites on movies that were getting made as an executive but I wanted to do more big world-building stuff and wanted to learn how to write prose and fiction,'' she says.
In 2016, Brody published her first science-fiction novel, ''The 13th Continuum,'' which she eventually turned into a trilogy that was in development at Sony Pictures until the post-strike slowdown. Since embarking on her writing career, along with screenplays, pilots and graphic novels, she has penned seven middle-grade books under the pseudonym Vera Strange for the Disney Chills series, which reimagines Disney villains in contemporary stories, and contributed a Darth Vader tale to a book of original stories set in the Star Wars universe from Lucasfilm Press.
Even with income from writing that, in a good year, could reach into the six figures, Brody found it increasingly difficult to make ends meet in Los Angeles. ''What really caught me off guard was the incredible rent spikes that came after COVID,'' says Brody, who over the years had rented places in Laurel Canyon, Malibu and downtown. ''I was prepared for increases, but not 40%.''
In late 2021, in search of cheaper housing, Brody moved to Dana Point, where she rented a one-bedroom apartment for $2,500 a month. A year later, when the landlord raised the rent to almost $3,000, she decided to move out to Joshua Tree, where she found a three-bedroom house for $1,900 a month in a welcoming creative community with stunning desert vistas.
''I have a national park in my backyard,'' says Brody, who has a new sci-fi romance series launching this fall called ''A Sacrifice of Blood and Stars'' and supplements her income by teaching writing both one-on-one and in workshops. ''I couldn't have the quality of life that I have here in Los Angeles. But I still miss L.A.. I miss my friends. I miss restaurants. I used to go to a ton of concerts.''
Looking back, Brody thinks she landed in Hollywood just as the worm was about to turn.
''I arrived when everything was about to start to decline,'' she says. ''Everything around us was becoming more corporate-minded. Essentially, my read is that they took a very profitable business model and destroyed it themselves with the tech bros and the quarterly thinking.''
Occasionally Brody feels the tug to move back to the city. But for the foreseeable future, with the cost of buying a house in L.A. still out of reach and the industry increasingly averse to creative risks, she is content out in the desert. ''Sometimes I think, oh, maybe I'll go back some time,'' she says. ''But the L.A. that I miss isn't the same city. It doesn't exist.''
Talia Brahms, 30
Since leaving Los Angeles for Colorado, former script supervisor Talia Brahms has found a new calling in beekeeping.
(Shlomit Ovadia)
In her former life as a script supervisor in L.A., Talia Brahms was responsible for ensuring that every detail on whatever film or TV project she was working on was perfectly aligned with what was on the page.
''I was the one on set making sure that the person holding the cup in their left hand is always holding the cup in their left hand,'' she says. ''Any continuity mistakes that you see '-- that's the script supervisor's job to prevent that from happening.''
But after six years in the industry, having worked her way up from student films to independent features, Brahms began to feel that the script of her own life needed a total rewrite. ''I felt like I was doing a good job and I enjoyed the people that I worked with,'' she says. ''Each production was like a new family '-- I enjoyed that aspect of it. But I wanted to do something more with my life. Something was missing.''
That something, surprisingly, would turn out to be bees.
Brahms, who grew up in Los Feliz, had initially become a script supervisor almost by accident while studying technical theater and film at Cal State Long Beach. ''Friends doing various film projects knew I did stage management for theater and asked if I could be their script supervisor,'' she says. ''I didn't even know what that was at the time.''
With her skills for organization and communication, Brahms found she had a knack for it and, after graduating in 2015, she took a 10-week script supervising course. From there she began trying to build a career in the film industry, going from one job to the next through word-of-mouth referrals.
While working on sets could be exhilarating, the relatively low pay meant Brahms had to take every job she could find. ''When I was first starting out, there was no way I made more than like $22,000,'' she says. ''It was gig to gig at different rates, with gaps in between each production.''
Eventually Brahms was earning around $60,000 a year but that was still not enough to afford a decent place of her own in Los Angeles. ''My friends in the industry were living in a house full of, like, 10 people,'' she says. So to save money, she commuted to shoots more than an hour each way from Long Beach, where rents were slightly more affordable.
Eventually the grind started to take a toll. ''It became soul-sucking, in a way,'' she says. ''I felt like everything for me was dedicated to the film industry. I opted out of going to family funerals because I had a film gig the next day in a different town. There was a whole mindset that me and all my friends in the industry had that you had to say yes to work at the drop of a hat. Because you never knew where the next gig would come from.''
In the spring of 2020, with the industry suddenly shut down by the pandemic, Brahms '-- who had always been environmentally conscious and felt bothered by the waste she saw on film sets '-- decided to explore her interest in nature by taking a beekeeping course outside of Los Angeles. Rather absurdly given the subject matter, the course soon shifted to Zoom. So, to get the hands-on experience she wanted, Brahms found an opportunity through the Worldwide Opportunities on Organic Farms program, where she could work with a beekeeper in the mountains of Colorado.
Brahms initially planned to stay for just a month, but when she was offered a job she decided to take a leap of faith: ''I was like, 'Screw it, I have family in L.A. and I can always fall back on filmmaking,' '' she says. ''So I started working for the beekeeper.''
More than three years later, Brahms lives outside of Boulder and works as a farm assistant and manages beehives at multiple locations, deepening her newfound passion for sustainable farming. ''Even before I moved to Colorado, I really liked the idea of having a homestead,'' she says. ''I feel like I'm just an apprentice and I'm wide open to take in all of the information about all these practices I'm really excited to learn about.''
The work is hardly lucrative but Brahms keeps her overhead low, splitting the $1,200-a month rent for a two-bedroom condo with her partner, Erik Folkerts, who works as a financial analyst in the renewable energy business. ''I'm getting paid minimum wage, so it's really not that much,'' says Brahms, who supplemented her income for a while by bartending. ''But it's enough.''
Now instead of poring over a script for hours a day, Brahms trains her attention on the five beehives that are under her care. ''There really is nothing like holding a frame of 100,000 bees in your hands and hearing the humming of it,'' she says. ''It's very labor-intensive; a hive of bees that's filled with honey can be 100 pounds. It can be intense. You have to really be present, and I think that's what I really enjoy about it.''
In addition to helping the planet, Brahms feels her new calling has helped her spirit. ''When I moved out here, it was really a struggle at first and I had this epiphany,'' she says. ''I had been having all these problems in L.A., and I thought moving to a different state would fix all of that. I had a moment of clarity, like, ''Oh, I think it's just me '-- I think I need to grow.' And Colorado and beekeeping really allowed me to do that.''
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Paramount Purges Internet Of All-Time Classic Shows In Apparent Cost-Cutting Move | The Daily Caller
Thu, 27 Jun 2024 13:46
Paramount cut nearly all the content previously found on Comedy Central, TV Land CMT and MTV websites, in a sweeping cost-slashing move, Wednesday.
The sites that formerly housed an abundance of clips and related materials now redirect users to other sites, according to The Hollywood Reporter. This move comes just days after the MTV News website was shuttered. Paramount Network also directed users to their streaming platform, Paramount +. ''As part of broader website changes across Paramount, we have introduced more streamlined versions of our sites, driving fans to Paramount+ to watch their favorite shows,'' Paramount said in a statement, according to The Hollywood Reporter.
CANNES, FRANCE '' MAY 17: (U.K. NEWSPAPERS OUT) MTV logo is seen at the MTV/T3 party at Pierre Cardin's Villa during 56th International Cannes Film Festival 2003 on May 17, 2003 in Cannes, France. (Photo by Steve Finn/Getty Images)
Instead of being able to readily access the Comedy Central site, fans are seeing a pop-up window that says, ''While episodes of most Comedy Central series are no longer available on this website, you can watch Comedy Central through your TV provider. You can also sign up for Paramount+ to watch many seasons of Comedy Central shows.''
Similar instructions are also popping up on the CMT, Paramount Network and TV Land sites, as well as MTV, according to The Hollywood Reporter.
Fans may be disappointed to discover that 25+ years worth of the Daily Show Clips have completely disappeared and no content from The Colbert Report that can be accessed from Paramount +, according to LateNighter.
AUSTIN, TEXAS '' APRIL 07: Jelly Roll accepts the CMT Performance of the Year Award for ''Need A Favor'' onstage during the 2024 CMT Music Awards at Moody Center on April 07, 2024 in Austin, Texas. (Photo by Rick Kern/Getty Images for CMT)
The dramatic slashing of content appears to be part of the cost-saving mission at Paramount, which is reportedly currently facing more than $14 billion in debts.
Paramount's co-CEOs '-- George Cheeks, Chris McCarthy and Brian Robbins recently held a town hall meeting and announced they were embarking on cost-cutting measures that would result in layoffs for some employees. They're currently attempting to reduce costs by more than $500 million, according to The Hollywood Reporter. (RELATED: MTV Abruptly Nukes Site, Erases More Than 20 Years Worth Of Content)
''We're looking at selling certain Paramount-owned assets '-- in fact, we've already hired bankers to assist us in this process '-- and we'll use the proceeds to help pay down debt and strengthen our balance sheet,'' they said.
49 States Including Maine Are Handing Voter Registration Forms to Illegal Immigrants Applying for Welfare - The Maine Wire
Thu, 27 Jun 2024 13:39
A new report from the New York Post has revealed that welfare seekers '-- including non-citizens who are ineligible to vote '-- are receiving voter registration forms in 49 states, including Maine, when they sign up for taxpayer-funded benefits.
''Another 'conspiracy theory' turns out to be true,'' said Elon Musk on X in response to the information.
Another ''conspiracy theory'' turns out to be true.Strange that Arizona requires proof of citizenship for state, but not federal elections ðŸ¤--
'-- Elon Musk (@elonmusk) June 23, 2024The immigrants applying for welfare, many of whom are in the country illegally and are remaining here on parole awaiting asylum hearings set for years in the future, are not asked to provide proof of citizenship before they are given the registration forms.
In the majority of states, anyone applying for welfare or seeking a driver's license is also issued voter registration forms, according to the NY Post investigation.
Many welfare benefits are available to non-citizens, who are often supported entirely by U.S. taxpayers after they enter the country, and, in some states like Massachusetts and New York, drivers licenses are issued to all individuals regardless of immigration status.
Arizona is the only state that does not hand out voter registration forms to welfare applicants regardless of citizenship.
Federal voter registration forms do not require any proof of U.S. citizenship, meaning that any illegal immigrant who has already demonstrated a disregard for American laws by entering the country illegally can simply lie about their citizenship status and register to vote with very little difficulty or risk of detection.
Earlier this year, a Maine official outlined how easily a non-citizen can vote in the state since voter registrars are not required to check the immigration status of potential voters.
The clerk, which has hosted large populations of non-citizen asylum seekers in recent years, told the Maine Wire that the only thing preventing non-citizens from registering to vote is the individuals awareness that it would be illegal for them to do so.
[RELATED: South Portland City Clerk Reveals How Easily Non-Citizens Can Vote in Maine Elections'...]
Maine also makes things easier for non-citizens attempting to vote because it does not require any kind of photo ID as proof of identity before someone votes.
Democrats across the state have consistently opposed proposed bills to implement increased election security measures.
Denmark introduces fart tax on livestock to cut down on gassy emissions
Thu, 27 Jun 2024 03:50
COPENHAGEN, Denmark (AP) '-- Denmark will tax livestock farmers for the greenhouse gases emitted by their cows, sheep and pigs from 2030, the first country in the world to do so as it targets a major source of methane emissions, one of the most potent gases contributing to global warming.
The aim is to reduce Danish greenhouse gas emissions by 70% from 1990 levels by 2030, said Taxation Minister Jeppe Bruus.
As of 2030, Danish livestock farmers will be taxed 300 kroner ($43) per ton of carbon dioxide equivalent in 2030. The tax will increase to 750 kroner ($108) by 2035. However, because of an income tax deduction of 60%, the actual cost per ton will start at 120 kroner ($17.3) and increase to 300 kroner by 2035.
Although carbon dioxide typically gets more attention for its role in climate change, methane traps about 87 times more heat on a 20-year timescale, according to the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
Levels of methane, which is emitted from sources including landfills, oil and natural gas systems and livestock, have increased particularly quickly since 2020. Livestock account for about 32% of human-caused methane emissions, says the U.N. Environment Program.
We will take a big step closer in becoming climate neutral in 2045," Bruus said, adding Denmark "will be the first country in the world to introduce a real CO2 tax on agriculture" and hoped other countries would follow suit.
New Zealand had passed a similar law due to take effect in 2025. However, the legislation was removed from the statute book on Wednesday after hefty criticism from farmers and a change of government at the 2023 election from a center-left ruling bloc to a center-right one. New Zealand said it would exclude agriculture from its emissions trading scheme in favor of exploring other ways to reduce methane.
In Denmark, the deal was reached late Monday between the center-right government and representatives of farmers, the industry, unions, among others, and presented Tuesday.
Denmark's move comes after months of protests by farmers across Europe against climate change mitigation measures and regulations that they say are driving them to bankruptcy.
The Danish Society for Nature Conservation, the largest nature conservation and environmental organization in Denmark, described the tax agreement as "a historic compromise."
"We have succeeded in landing a compromise on a CO2 tax, which lays the groundwork for a restructured food industry -'' also on the other side of 2030," its head Maria Reumert Gjerding said after the talks in which they took part.
A typical Danish cow produces 6 metric tons (6.6 tons) of CO2 equivalent per year. Denmark, which is a large dairy and pork exporter, also will tax pigs although cows produce far higher emissions than pigs.
The tax is to be approved in the 179-seat Folketing, or parliament, but the bill is expected to pass after the broad-based consensus.
According to Statistic Denmark, there were as of June 30, 2022, 1,484,377 cows in the Scandinavian country, a slight drop compared to the previous year.
US expanding bioweapons research in Africa '' Russia '-- RT Africa
Thu, 27 Jun 2024 03:34
The US is expanding its biological military presence across Africa, Russian Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov claimed on Tuesday. According to the head of Russia's Nuclear, Chemical and Biological Protection Forces, the move comes after Russia halted the implementation of similar programs in former Ukrainian territories.
''Because Russia has managed to halt the implementation of biological warfare programs in Ukraine's liberated territories, the Pentagon is forced to transfer incomplete research under Ukrainian projects to other regions,'' Kirillov alleged.
He highlighted Africa as a new zone of interest for the US Defense Department and related agencies. The general mentioned the presence of Pentagon contractors in several African countries, including the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Sierra Leone, Cameroon, Uganda, and South Africa.
''Washington uses outside actors to hide the objectives of research. These are contracting and intermediary organizations (Metabiota, Quicksilver, EkoHealth Alliance, more than 20 companies) and businesses of the so-called Big Pharma,'' Kirillov claimed. Russia has documents confirming the rapid expansion of the US biological warfare presence in Africa continent, he added.
Kirillov cited several examples of alleged US activities, stating that ''in October 2023, staff of the US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases conducted a large-scale survey of hantavirus samples from bats in Kenya's natural hotspots. A year ago, US military biologists studied the effects of anti-malarial drugs on local populations.
''In January 2024, US officials from the Defense Department, the State Department, and the US Department of Health and Human Services met with the heads of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Africa to discuss the continent's prospects for developing laboratory capabilities,'' the general said.
At the end of last year, Kirillov said Russia had obtained documents proving that the US had conducted research on bioweapon components and highly dangerous pathogens in Ukraine.
de kogel is door de kerk (herkomst en betekenis) | Genootschap Onze Taal
Wed, 26 Jun 2024 19:56
De kogel is door de kerk wordt gezegd als er (meestal na lang overleg) ergens een beslissing is genomen; de knoop is (eindelijk) doorgehakt.
Sommige spreekwoordenboeken vermelden dat deze uitdrukking voortkwam uit de ongeschreven regel om bij gevechten uit respect kerkgebouwen te ontzien. Als een vijand deze regel overtrad en ook om en in de kerk ging vechten (en daar dus zijn kogels ook afvuurde), werd dat als zeer onbeschoft gezien. De kanonskogel die de Spanjaarden in 1573 tijdens het beleg van Haarlem dwars door de Sint-Bavokerk schoten, is daar nog steeds te bekijken.
De eerste vermelding van de kogel is door de kerk is te vinden in het spreekwoordenboek van Carolus Tuinman (De oorsprong en uitlegging van dagelijks gebruikte Nederduitsche spreekwoorden uit 1726-1727). De uitdrukking gaat dus ten minste terug tot de achttiende eeuw. Tuinman schrijft: ''Hierom plegen de kerken in belegeringen en verwoestingen verschoont te worden. Is dan de kerk zelf aangetast en doorschoten, 't is een blyk, dat men door geen ontzag wordt afgeschrikt, en nu alles durft ondernemen. Die het heilige niet spaart, en de vreeze daar voor afgelegt heeft, zal dan het ongewyde nog minder verschoonen.'' Volgens Tuinman betekent de uitdrukking 'nu blijkt dat niets en niemand meer wordt ontzien; nu is alle fatsoen verdwenen'. Later is hieruit de betekenis 'de beslissing is gevallen, we hebben de knoop doorgehakt' ontstaan.
Volgens F.A. Stoett, schrijver van h(C)t standaardwerk over Nederlandse spreekwoorden, is deze verklaring van Tuinman zonder nader bewijs echter niet aan te nemen. Volgens hem staat de kerk er alleen voor de alliteratie (op grond van de beginletter k). De verklaring die hierboven staat, is dus wel mooi, maar misschien niet (helemaal) waar.
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stront aan de knikker (herkomst en betekenis) | Genootschap Onze Taal
Wed, 26 Jun 2024 19:54
'Er is stront aan de knikker' betekent dat er iets mis is: iets dreigt fout te gaan, er zijn problemen of er is ruzie. Bijvoorbeeld: 'Toen de fietser die door rood was gereden ook nog begon uit te varen tegen de automobilist, was er pas (C)cht stront aan de knikker.'
Deze uitdrukking is voortgekomen uit het buiten spelen met knikkers. Het Groot Uitdrukkingenwoordenboek van Van Dale (2006) vermeldt dat ''zeker al in de 18e eeuw de knikkerende jeugd geconfronteerd werd met verontreinigde knikkers'' - knikkers met poep eraan dus. Dat was natuurlijk vervelend, en zo kon stront aan de knikker de figuurlijke betekenissen 'onraad', 'problemen' en 'ruzie' krijgen. Men sprak ook wel van kak aan de knikker. De Schoolmeester (het pseudoniem van de dichter Gerrit van de Linde) zinspeelde op kak/stront in deze dichtregels:
De wolken worden in 't Westen hoe langer hoe dikker,Daar is zeker iets, dat ik niet noemen zal, aan den knikker.
Later ontstonden er nettere varianten als 'Er is klei aan de knikker' en 'Er is vuil aan de knikker'. F.A. Stoett vermeldt 'Er is iets (of: een vuiltje) aan de knikker.'
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Shocking New Video Shows ATACMS Bomblets Raining Down On Russian Beachgoers | ZeroHedge
Wed, 26 Jun 2024 19:21
Unbelievable new footage has emerged of the Sunday Ukrainian missile strike on a busy Sevastopol, Crimea beach as tourists were lounging in the sun.
Russian authorities said that a missile launched from a US-supplied MGM-140 ATACMS system by Ukrainian forces exploded overhead and released bomblets across the area - in the water and on land - killing five and injuring 124 people, including children. The CCTV footage captures the moment when the missile's submunitions rain down over the crowded beach, appearing to confirm Russia's allegation that a cluster bomb warhead was used. Watch:
CCTV footage capturing the moment when M74 submunitions from the MIM-140 ATACMS missile with cluster warhead struck the water and beach in Sevastopol, Crimea, on June 23.It is believed that the ATACMS missile was intercepted by Russian air defenses, which caused it to explode'...
'-- Status-6 (Military & Conflict News) (@Archer83Able) June 25, 2024Hundreds of people can be seen fleeing for their lives, and some are still in the water, when the bomblets start to impact both the water and the beach. One bomblet is seen almost scoring a direct hit on the lifeguard stand.
''According to latest reports, as a result of the shelling attack on Sevastopol by Ukrainian nationalists, 124 people, including 27 children, received wounds or injuries,'' Russian health minister Alexey Kuznetsov had announced.
Newsweek summarizes of Crimean official statements of the deadly attack:
The event was caused by Russian air defenses shooting down a series of cluster warhead missiles, one of which altered course as a result. The Russian ministry of defense said that four out of the five missiles launched were shot down, adding: "Another missile, as a result of the impact of air defense systems at the final stage, deviated from the flight path with the warhead exploding in the air over the city."
"The detonation of the fragmentation warhead of the fifth American missile in the air led to numerous casualties among civilians in Sevastopol."
A Kremlin spokesman subsequently laid blame squarely on Washington: "The involvement of the United States, the direct involvement, as a result of which Russian civilians are killed, cannot be without consequences."
Stillframe: Daily MailMikhail Podoliak, a Ukrainian presidential spokesman downplayed the mass casualty event, saying that "civilian occupiers" should know better than to vacation on the Crimean peninsula, which Ukraine claims as its own.
Commenting on the incident, Ron Paul has pointed out of Moscow, "They can't not respond" at this moment of ultra-dangerous escalation.
"What's Russia going to do about this?" Paul asked in his latest Liberty Report. "Are they going to twiddle their thumbs and walk away? They might '' for a day or two '' ponder it, but there will be something that they're going to do."
US-supplied cluster bombs were used on beachgoers in Crimea yesterday, killing at least six and injuring more than 100.Moscow has warned that "such actions will not go unanswered."
Is this a NATO attempt to provoke a Russian reaction to justify further involvement? Next'...
'-- Ron Paul (@RonPaul) June 24, 2024Loading...
Australian war crimes whistleblower David McBride jailed for six years | Human Rights News | Al Jazeera
Wed, 26 Jun 2024 19:03
Former Australian Army lawyer David McBride has been sentenced to five years and eight months for revealing information about alleged Australian war crimes in Afghanistan.
Supporters of McBride have long expressed his concern that the Australian government was more interested in punishing him for revealing information about war crimes rather than the alleged perpetrators.
''It is a travesty that the first person imprisoned in relation to Australia's war crimes in Afghanistan is not a war criminal but a whistleblower,'' said Rawan Arraf, the executive director of the Australian Centre for International Justice, in a statement released after the sentencing.
''This is a dark day for Australian democracy,'' Kieran Pender, the acting legal director of the Melbourne-based Human Rights Law Centre, said in the same statement, noting McBride's imprisonment would have ''a grave chilling effect on potential truth-tellers''.
McBride, who arrived at the Supreme Court in Canberra, Australia this morning with his pet dog and surrounded by supporters, will remain behind bars until at least August 13, 2026, before he is eligible for parole.
In an interview with Al Jazeera before his trial began last year, McBride said he had never made a secret of sharing the files.
''What I want to be discussed is whether or not I was justified in doing so,'' McBride stressed.
The former Australian Army lawyer's sentencing comes almost seven years after Australian public broadcaster, the ABC, published a series of seven articles known as the Afghan Files based on information McBride provided.
McBride has attracted support from Australian human rights advocates, journalists and politicians who fear his sentencing has consequences for freedom of speech [Mick Tsikas/EPA-EFE/]The series led to an unprecedented Australian Federal Police raid on ABC headquarters in June 2019 but details published in the series were also later confirmed in an Australian government inquiry, which found there was credible evidence to support allegations war crimes had been committed.
A Spokesperson for the Office of the Special Investigator (OSI) told Al Jazeera that a former Australian Special Forces soldier who was charged with one count of the war crime of murder on March 20, 2023, is on bail with a mention scheduled for July 2, 2024.
''This is the first war crime arrest resulting from [joint investigations between the Office of the Special Investigator (OSI) and the Australian Federal Police]'', the spokesperson said.
The spokesperson also said the investigations were ''very complex'' and ''expected to take a significant amount of time'' but that they were conducting them as ''thoroughly and expeditiously as possible''.
In a separate case last year, an Australian judge found Australia's most decorated soldier Ben Roberts-Smith was ''complicit in and responsible for the murder'' of three Afghan men while on deployment. The finding was made in defamation proceedings brought by Roberts-Smith against three Australian newspapers who had reported on the allegations against him.
Roberts-Smith has appealed against the defamation ruling.
'Greyer, murkier, messier'
McBride's sentencing comes four months after Dan Oakes, one of two ABC journalists who wrote the Afghan Files, was awarded an Order of Australia Medal, with the citation simply saying he was recognised ''for service to journalism''.
Oakes was quoted by the ABC at the time as saying, ''I'm very proud of the work we did with the Afghan Files and I know that it did have a positive effect in that it helps bring some of this conduct to light.
''If [this medal] is at least partly due to that reporting then I do feel some sense of satisfaction.''
But Oakes, who has reportedly not spoken to McBride in six years, later told the ABC's Four Corners programme that the story was ''much greyer and murkier and messier than people appreciate''.
While Oakes and McBride have not stayed in touch, the whistleblower has attracted the support of a wide range of Australians, including human rights lawyers, senators and journalists.
Ben Roberts-Smith was 'complicit in and responsible for the murder' of three Afghan men, an Australian judge found in 2023 [Dan Himbrechts/EPA]On Tuesday, supporters gathered outside the court, with speakers on McBride's behalf including Australian Greens Senator David Shoebridge.
It would be ''an indelible stain on the Albanese Labor government'' if McBride ''walks into the Supreme Court this morning'' and is then ''taken out the back to jail'', Shoebridge said before the sentencing hearing.
In a joint statement from several Australians issued after the hearing, Peter Greste, the executive director of the Alliance for Journalists' Freedom, said that ''press freedom relies on protections for journalists and their sources''. He also noted that Australia had recently dropped to 39th in the global press freedom rankings.
Greste is a former Al Jazeera reporter who was jailed with two colleagues in Egypt from 2013 to 2015 on national security charges brought by the Egyptian government.
''As someone who was wrongly imprisoned for my journalism in Egypt, I am outraged about David McBride's sentence on this sad day for Australia,'' said Greste.
McBride is one of several Australians facing punishment for revealing information, while high-profile Australian Julian Assange will face hearings on his potential extradition from the United Kingdom to the United States later this month.
Researchers upend AI status quo by eliminating matrix multiplication in LLMs | Ars Technica
Wed, 26 Jun 2024 18:59
Researchers claim to have developed a new way to run AI language models more efficiently by eliminating matrix multiplication from the process. This fundamentally redesigns neural network operations that are currently accelerated by GPU chips. The findings, detailed in a recent preprint paper from researchers at the University of California Santa Cruz, UC Davis, LuxiTech, and Soochow University, could have deep implications for the environmental impact and operational costs of AI systems.
Matrix multiplication (often abbreviated to "MatMul") is at the center of most neural network computational tasks today, and GPUs are particularly good at executing the math quickly because they can perform large numbers of multiplication operations in parallel. That ability momentarily made Nvidia the most valuable company in the world last week; the company currently holds an estimated 98 percent market share for data center GPUs, which are commonly used to power AI systems like ChatGPT and Google Gemini.
In the new paper, titled "Scalable MatMul-free Language Modeling," the researchers describe creating a custom 2.7 billion parameter model without using MatMul that features similar performance to conventional large language models (LLMs). They also demonstrate running a 1.3 billion parameter model at 23.8 tokens per second on a GPU that was accelerated by a custom-programmed FPGA chip that uses about 13 watts of power (not counting the GPU's power draw). The implication is that a more efficient FPGA "paves the way for the development of more efficient and hardware-friendly architectures," they write.
Advertisement The technique has not yet been peer-reviewed, but the researchers'--Rui-Jie Zhu, Yu Zhang, Ethan Sifferman, Tyler Sheaves, Yiqiao Wang, Dustin Richmond, Peng Zhou, and Jason Eshraghian'--claim that their work challenges the prevailing paradigm that matrix multiplication operations are indispensable for building high-performing language models. They argue that their approach could make large language models more accessible, efficient, and sustainable, particularly for deployment on resource-constrained hardware like smartphones.
Doing away with matrix mathIn the paper, the researchers mention BitNet (the so-called "1-bit" transformer technique that made the rounds as a preprint in October) as an important precursor to their work. According to the authors, BitNet demonstrated the viability of using binary and ternary weights in language models, successfully scaling up to 3 billion parameters while maintaining competitive performance.
However, they note that BitNet still relied on matrix multiplications in its self-attention mechanism. Limitations of BitNet served as a motivation for the current study, pushing them to develop a completely "MatMul-free" architecture that could maintain performance while eliminating matrix multiplications even in the attention mechanism.
Paramount Erases Archives of MTV Website, Wipes Music, Culture History After 30 Plus Years - Showbiz411
Wed, 26 Jun 2024 18:54 is gone. Kaput. Wiped off the face of the Earth.
Parent company Paramount, formerly Viacom, has tossed twenty plus years of news archives. All that's left is a placeholder site for reality shows. The M in MTV '' music '-- is gone, and so is all the reporting and all the journalism performed by music and political writers ever written. It's as if MTV never existed. (It's the same for, all gone.)
There's no precedent for this, and no valid reason. Just cheapness and stupidity.
This follows the shut down of MTV News on the channel last year. MTV is now just a graveyard for reality show crap. All of its substance has been desiccated over time.
MTV News became a force in music, entertainment, and politics in the early 90s. As the channel's popularity soared, the News division '-- including the faces of Kurt Loder, Alison Stewart, Serena Altschul, Sway, and John Norris '-- became incredibly important especially to political campaigns. Now all those interviews '-- hundreds of thousands of hours with rock stars and what we now call influencers of generations '-- have been replaced by a link to ''Help! I'm in a Secret Relationship.''
Writer Kathy Iandoli posted: '' deleting all of our articles and replacing them with schedules for TV shows that can also no longer be streamed on their site is proof that no one has any idea of what the hell they are doing right now.''
She's not alone. There is fury among writers past and present who now see their histories erased, along with all the music and political reporting.
Patrick Hosken posted: ''So, no longer exists. Eight years of my life are gone without a trace. All because it didn't fit some executives' bottom lines. Infuriating is too small a word''
Michell Clark wrote: ''I don't even have the words. I was just a freelancer but I put so much blood, sweat, and tears into telling stories that I cared about, the right way, on that platform. What a gut punch.''
The end of the archives is not unprecedented. When the former New York Observer was bought by Jared Kushner years ago, hundreds of articles disappeared.
As Paramount destroyed the library of articles, some writers managed to save a few for the, which was just profiled for trying to hold onto evaporating information on the internet. But mostly the articles about pop culture will vanish now.
Paramount owner Shari Redstone has allowed something to happen here much worse than any of her recent fears about selling the company.
The greed of the company is obvious, as well as its lack of respect for journalism. But this is also a wake up call for anyone though the internet was forever. Not having print copies of a writer's work is a big mistake. A big lesson is learned here.
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Wed, 26 Jun 2024 22:28
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Wed, 26 Jun 2024 19:17
VIDEO - Boeing Starliner astronauts stuck at International Space Station as engineers on Earth race against time to fix multiple problems
Wed, 26 Jun 2024 18:10
Boeing, we have a problem.
The return trip to Earth for two NASA astronauts who rode to orbit on the trouble-plagued company's Starliner has been delayed for a third time as of Saturday '-- with Butch Wilmore and Suni Williams cooling their heels at the International Space Station (ISS) while engineers on the ground race against time to fix numerous issues with the spacecraft.
They have a reported 45-day window to bring them back, according to officials.
The return trip to Earth for two NASA astronauts who rode to orbit on the trouble-plagued company's Starliner has been delayed for a third time as of Saturday. APThe return module of the Starliner spacecraft is docked to the ISS's Harmony module, but Harmony has limited fuel leaving the window for a safe return flight increasingly narrow, officials said.
Wilmore and Williams were supposed to come home June 13 after a week on the ISS.
But because of problems that include five helium leaks on the Starliner, they're still up there.
The issues with the Starliner included five thrusters that abruptly stopped working during flight and a series of helium leaks, CNN reported.
Posters on X went to town on Boeing, calling on Elon Musk to rescue the astronauts with one of his Space X Dragon spacecraft.
''How terribly dangerous is Boeing's Starliner? May need Space X to rescue its astronauts from ISS,'' wrote someone with the X handle @NONbiasedly.
''Boeing Starliner literally falling apart in space right now,'' wrote Captain Coronado.
They have a reported 45-day window to bring them back, according to officials. AFP via Getty Images''Deathtrap nearly killed the two astronauts during takeoff and trip to the ISS. Mismanagement at Boeing proving extremely dangerous!!''
Others felt the situation was not as serious as it seemed.
Space expert Jonathan McDowell told The Post the situation may not seem as perilous as some believe.
''You can lose a few thrusters and still be OK because there are many of them but still this is the propulsion system and you want to understand everything that's going on,'' he said.
''They want to be sure these smaller issues aren't masking bigger ones.''
The issues with the Starliner included five thrusters that abruptly stopped working during flight and a series of helium leaks, CNN reported. Satellite image (C)2024 Maxar Technologies/AFP via Getty ImagesMcDowell said in a worst case scenario, the astronauts will have to wait until Musk's Dragon spacecraft makes its scheduled trip up to ISS in August.
After years of delays and being halted once at the last minute, Boeing's Starliner capsule finally blasted off its first manned flight from Florida's Cape Canaveral Space Force Station on June 5.
During the 25-hour flight, however, engineers found hardware issues including five separate helium leaks involving the crafts' thrusters that are part of the Starliner's propulsion system and five thruster failures in its reaction-control system.
''We've learned that our helium system is not performing as designed,'' Mark Nappi, Boeing's Starliner program manager, said Tuesday.
''Albeit manageable, it's still not working like we designed it. So we've got to go figure that out.''
Engineers are not sure what caused the problems.

Clips & Documents

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