August 15th, 2021 • 3h 5m
Executive Producers
Anonymous, John Craig, marshall scarpulla, Sir Martin of the Western Downs, William Hrynko Jr, Sir Crushalot, Black Knight of the Leelanau Grapefields
Associate Executive Producers
Sir Wonderhelm, Anne Dunev, Mike Robinson, Rachel Epperson, Asta Astrauskaite
Cover Artist
Episode "1373: Mass Formation" was recorded on August 15th, 2021.
“We’ve been doing this show for 14 years. It’s just restarting!” — @adamcurry
The well
The glitch has restarted the matrix
“You forget about what we were bullcraping about 10 years ago, but is it any different, really? Except for now we’ve gone into this mass mysteries mode and we didn’t lock down back then.” — @adamcurry
Mass hysteria
Natural immunity
“The business of America is business. If you start segregating people, saying: no, you can’t do this, you can’t spend money…on my product because of this or that. No, no, no, American business is not putting up with that!” — @THErealDVORAK
Proof of vaccination
Booster creep
Totalitarian trip around the world
Mass hysteria
Exposure science
Healthcare collapse
“In aviation, the pilot and co-pilot never have the same meal [because] if one of them is bad, the other one probably won’t get sick…How does that work if everyone’s vaccinated in the hospital and something’s wrong?” — @adamcurry
Book: Bullshit Jobs
Jobs brainwashing
The self esteem movement
Thank the Artist - Art By: Comic Strip Blogger
"Cuomo Was Here!" by nessworks
"Not Clip Art" by John Fletcher
"Vigilance, Sacrifice" by SeanRegalado
"Trust The Protocol" by Darren O'Neill
Pfizer cat by Tante_Neel
"Anti Fart" by nessworks
"buttman" by Comic Strip Blogger
“The spook community is welcome here at No Agenda! As long as the amygdalae are correctly sized, everybody can participate.” — @adamcurry
Afghanistan fiasco
“Maybe that’s what the war is. We’ve got the CIA going: hey, hey, hey, this is our pipeline, we’re still the OG poppy heroin guys, and meanwhile back in Washington, everyone’s like: yo, bro, Fent is where it’s at!” — @adamcurry
New terrorism advisory
"This is another re-run of the script. They brought out the old Adobe Quark publishing template. They got Inspire Magazine, they’re gonna be publishing PDFs again!” — @adamcurry
Conspiracy theories
Haiti earthquake
New Canadian elections
Turkey Flood
Climate change?
“Remember how weird it was when people had to take their masks the next day? I think that was part of some kind of psychological operation. Watch this! Now tell them to do this! Now tell them to go back!” — @adamcurry
Time bomb zombies?
Let them eat cake
@THErealDVORAK: Newsom keeps calling it the Republican Recall. The problem is there’s plenty of Democrats that don’t like him either. @adamcurry: All I know is 2 impeachment’s, 4 years of Trump, and these 2 guys resign.
Value 4 Value
It's your Birthday, Birthday
Welcome to the roundtable
Ceiling Wax
George Bernard Shaw
The Orville
“Don’t let it happen to you, keep listening to the No Agenda show, turn OFF your television, it’s kryptonite for you, we can handle this, we’re professionals, don’t try this at home!” — @adamcurry
Sad Puppy