May 20th, 2021 • 3h 14m
Executive Producers
K Brew LLC, Sir Onymous of Dogpatch and Lower Slobbovia, Sir Liptonite, Sir Anonymous, Baron of Arapahoe County and the ADFC, Matthew Schock, Sir Rock Taster, Daniel Anzaldua
Associate Executive Producers
Kurt Butler, Deborah Reese, Jackie Sysyn, Daniel Haggerty, Kamra Dopps, Forrest Martin, Sir RD Magillicutty, Knight of the Sooner State
Cover Artist
Episode "1348: Belching Freon" was recorded on May 20th, 2021.
Create chapters with Hypercatcher!
Vaccination equals a lot more freedom
Princess Di
The big black guy report
The black history report
Podcasting upfronts
“We’re back to AM radio and Hollywood has gotten to the point where they have to get their A-list stars to do read? Are they that hard up? That’s terrible!” — @THErealDVORAK
Back to AM radio advertising
“Celebrities died during Covid. I mean, not literally, but they might as well have. No one cares anymore. The influencers are the idiots on TikTok.” — @adamcurry
The big mask debate
“That was the exact phrase that was used on the 3-by-3 I did this morning: if you’re vaccinated, you have more freedom…We caught that really early, by the way, that phrase, but it’s a phrase!” — @THErealDVORAK
Trust the Science!
The right to unmask?
Vaccination status?
Putting people of color at risk?
Concerns for safety?
OSHA - Keeping you safe
Vaccine prizes
Risk reduction stats
Shooting up children
Rewinding the clock
Pharma advertising
“He said: Even the people at the drug company thought [advertising in the media] was a waste of money and then when the sales went up by a factor of 10x, they said: oh, we’re onto something here, that was the beginning.” — @THErealDVORAK
“He said: Even the people at the drug company thought [advertising in the media] was a waste of money and then when the sales went up by a factor of 10x, they said: oh, we’re onto something here, that was the beginning.” — @THErealDVORAK
“I laugh when people still use the old anti-Semitic trope that the Jews run the media. No they don’t, it’s the pharmaceutical companies and China run the media.” — @adamcurry
Trials in children
Vaccine Billionaires
Not magnetic
Mink update
@adamcurry: You know what that was? That was a setup question, that’s why she said thank you. @THErealDVORAK: You think?
Dr Drew mask update
Freedom Jab
Green sticker
“When I was at the meet up, couple of women there work at Cal Berkeley…they’re making them wear these green and yellow stickers as they roam around. I said: Why don’t you just make it a yellow star?” — @THErealDVORAK
Australia update
Yummy eggs
What do you do in a mice plague?
Back to the Covid
Adam hates dogs
Where do we go from here?
The variants are from vaccinating people?
Troll Count: 1713
Thank the Artist - 1347 - Art By: Mike Riley
CIA tube
Pandemics for dummies
Corona art
Skull mask
Zephyr Report
Austin update
“They’re insane, these people! How about: you’re not allowed to camp in the city of Austin? Buh bye…And guess where there’s no camps scheduled? Tarrytown, Clarksville, 78704, the shiekest zip code, nah, nothing planned there where the rich people live!” — @adamcurry
Austin Updates Continue
@adamcurry: My employer’s not fair, he tells us what to do, it’s all wrong. @THErealDVORAK: Yeah, this guy thinks he’s the boss because he owns the place.
Noodle boy
Decolonizing imperial measurements
Noodle gun cont
The new life ruiners
...with the big keychain
You did good
“You did well is the way it should be put if you’re an academician at a university at that level, but no, no, not at this school. You did good, you did good!” — @THErealDVORAK
New v8 juice
New surgeon general
Public health activism
...and belonging
Change maker level impact
Create a new normal
“Neither the [Surgeon General] under Trump or the [Surgeon General] under Biden, neither one have said: here’s what you can do for a healthy immune system. It’s a good idea to…drink some V8. Even that I would accept. They’ve done nothing of the sort.” — @adamcurry
First lockdown order
NA Morning Zoo
Is this a big deal?
Keeping Trump in the news
“I don’t know much about the real estate business, but I remember this accusation. We laughed about it the first time around, and now they’re back!” — @adamcurry
9-11 style commission
Marjorie Taylor Green
It's your Birthday, Birthday
Welcome to the roundtable
Ceiling Wax
What's going on in Israel
The Norman Leer clips
Pushing colorism
Mixin it up