August 26th, 2021 • 3h 24m
Sir Earthbound Astronaut of the Agarthic Realm, Sir Walk-Man, Duke of the Buckeye!, Sir Boseman of Cape Fear, Sir Dirt Farmer, Sir Goodbook of the Escarpment, Nina Jurewicz, Katie Olson, Sir Kit Bored, Bored Stupid, Andrew, Sir Render, Kamra Dopps, patrick watson, Borislav Marinov, Mike Keeler, Christin Tsutsui
Sir Patrick Coble, The Duke of The South and Dame Sarah, Larusso, Colin Preston's Wife's Hood to Coast Running Team, Charles VandeSande, Sir Davey of the Sooner State, Darius Gandhi, Dan Scalese
Episode "1376: Dead Puppies" was recorded on August 26th, 2021.